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gettingrichfromhome · 3 years ago
What is SEO and Why Does It Important?
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What is SEO? Why does it important and people want to pay a lot of money for it?
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Here is the explanation
Before we dive deep about SEO, we must understand what search engine  Algorithm is.
Each search engine has something called an algorithm which is the formula that each search engine uses to evaluate web pages and determine their relevance and value when crawling them for possible inclusion in their search engine. A crawler is the robot that browses all of these pages for the search engine.
and Talking about search engine, what come in your mind is the best search engine?
Correct, its Google and  GOOGLE Algorithm Is The Key.
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Page Rank Based On Popularity
The web search technology offered by Google is often the technology of choice of the world’s leading portals and websites. It has also benefited the advertisers with its unique advertising program that does not hamper the web surfing experience of its users but still brings revenues to the advertisers.
When you search for a particular keyword or a phrase, most of the search engines return a list of page in order of the number of times the keyword or phrase appears on the website. Google web search technology involves the use of its indigenously designed Page Rank Technology and hypertext-matching analysis which makes several instantaneous calculations undertaken without any human intervention. Google’s structural design also expands simultaneously as the internet expands.
Unlike its conventional counterparts, Google is a search engine which is hypertext-based. This means that it analyzes all the content on each web page and factors in fonts, subdivisions, and the exact positions of all terms on the page. Not only that, Google also evaluates the content of its nearest web pages. This policy of not disregarding any subject matter pays off in the end and enables Google to return results that are closest to user queries.
Google has a very simple 3-step procedure in handling a query submitted in its search box:
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1. When the query is submitted and the enter key is pressed, the web server sends the query to the index servers. Index server is exactly what 10 its name suggests. It consists of an index much like the index of a book which displays where is the particular page containing the queried term is located in the entire book. 
2. After this, the query proceeds to the doc servers, and these servers actually retrieve the stored documents. Page descriptions or “snippets” are then generated to suitably describe each search result. 
3. These results are then returned to the user in less than a one second! (Normally.)
This is where SEO come in handy!
Knowing that a popularity of a keyword that being access by everyone is important on google is the key. This case, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the tools that used to help big company make their brand is the top search every time people type and looking for a particular keyword that fit with company profile, in other word, Search engine optimization is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines to make sure people can find you instead of your competitor. In simpler words, a research to increase your traffic.
Than, what is SEO contain of? What does SEO do?
1. Keyword research, knowing what people really looking for on the internet and apply those keywords on your profile
2. Keep track of changes in search engine algorithms and processes and accordingly modify your web pages so your search engine ranking remains high. Use online tools and utilities to keep track of how your website is doing.
3. Monitor your competitors and the top ranked websites to see what they are doing right in the way of design, navigation, content, keywords, etc.
4.  Use reports and logs from your web hosting company to see where your traffic is coming from. Analyze your visitor location and their incoming sources whether search engines or links from other sites and the keywords they used to find you.
5. Keep up with the digital Era. Social media is one of the most important things to keep up the phase. Besides those 4 points above, this is one of the most important things to do. You can even apply those 4 point on each social media to get better result.
What is the example of SEO tools?
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You can check out this tools and take an example on how big brands and companies use them to boost their “popularity”.
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gettingrichfromhome · 4 years ago
How to Sell Your Product Through Email (Free E-book on How to Make Money Online)
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There are a ton strategies to expose your product, to do the marketing, but most of the people that starting to do online business, such as affiliate, print on demand (comment if you need more information regarding Print on Demand), or freelancing are neglecting this particular strategy, which is email marketing.
The reason is various, from the unfamiliar with copy writing to lack of time to keep updating and sending their audience email periodically, or simply just don’t have the email list. Well we are going to cover everything step by step here. What you need is a will to follow me, remember, this is a blog, you can always comeback to the each steps, take your time. On this tutorial I will teach you the one that 100% free but need a little bit more effort and the easier one but with a little cost.
Having a Content on a Landing Page To Get Email List
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If you already follow my tutorial and already have a website (you can check how to make a website here well, once your link has been click, that is your landing page, a page where people will redirect after clicking a link. If you don’t have one simply make a landing page.
How to make the landing page? Well there are a lot of way to make this, one of it called Google site. Google site is easy to learn and 100% free. They also come with premade template for beginners to begin with.
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Let’s assume you already have your niche, your product ready to sell to the customer. All you have to do is make a content base on it. I will make an example on diet product.
So once you open Google site, you will notice immediately on the right side there are a tools to help you decorating your landing page. It is really easy to understand what each button do, just play with it.
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Simply add your content and remember to give value to it. Don’t just put a bunch on product on the page, instead give real information than put some product on it. How to put it?
Use Image and Keywords. What I mean on Image and Keywords is every image and words that you insert to the page, you can insert a link to it too, here is how to do it, block the word and click add links to it. Same goes to image.
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So what links should we put? before you do that, just finish your main landing page first. Than make a second landing page where only subscription is offered. Than insert the second landing page link to a word or image.
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This is called Funneling. In simple words means, you filter your audience, who interest, who don’t.
Or if it too complicated, just simply make the subscription form on the bottom of your page by giving Google form link on the subscription words or images. What inside the google form link? Simply ask for their name and email. Once you got their email, save this email as your email list and categorize it based on what they like. Well if you only have 1 landing page, they should be on the same interest, but if you have more that one, don’t forget to categorize them.
But WHY do I need to categorize them?
It simply because every person have their own preference, so send and email based on their preferences. People are highly will give a response to what they like.
So after we get our email list, what should we do?
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How to make the template? Well, you can make it yourself, but I don’t really like it since I don’t have copy writing skills. So what I usually do is, Subscribe to other people website and wait to get their email send to us and modify and insert your product link on the email. After that, simply write it on the Microsoft word or Notepad so you can use more than once.
And that’s it. That’s all you need to do.
Make a landing page
Do the funneling
Have a template
Send the email.
But, there is some note for the free method, you will probably use generic email to send your email marketing. So you just need more effort by sending more email since the conversion rate using generic email is lower than business email address.
Generic email is the email you made using google or yahoo. ([email protected])
There are more ways if you willing to spend some money, like pay people on fiverr, or may be just simply make a website and sing adsense. But what I am going to share with you today is a website to help you with this, called GetResponse.
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You can sign in, 100% for free for the first 30 days and if you don’t like it, just simply don’t subscribe anymore.
With the same method with like the free one, this website will help your 10 hours work making your landing page on google site, to 1 hour. I will show you here step by step.
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This will be your dashboard once you sign in. Just simply create your landing page.
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You will be redirect to template creating page with a bunch of pre-made template that they prepare for you. So, just choose 1.
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After you click the next step, you will arrive on the page decoration site. Since it already a good template that you like, just change the information inside.
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You can even sell your product directly without email if you want. You can add social media account and your paypal here. Furthermore, they already help you made the subscription button here.
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So after you finish make the page, simply preview it, if you like it, than click the next step and you will get to the next page to add your title and some description. This is really important since the title will be your keyword where people look into on search engine. If you want to have optimal result, have a research on your product or simply visit Semrush. This website sell a service regarding SEO (search engine Optimization).
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Than click on publish, the other setting, just ignore it first since we don’t have our list yet.
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Or if you have your own website but just need to subscription button, click on the create form on your dashboard.
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They will help you with a bunch of template
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Lastly, make the template for your email.
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On this page, you will make your auto pilot email sender. You can choose what will people have on the time they subscribe or when will they get the next email.
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Create The email subject and choose a template of the email.
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Here is the page when you click “design message”
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I will choose the watermelon one to check how good it is.
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This is how it looks like on the email. So instead of plain text, now we have more engaging email.
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Lastly, publish it after you done with it.
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And that’s it. With GetResponse, you will auto-pilot everything, just make it one time and it will work for you.
I also make an e-book on how to make money online, Check it out.
If you want to Download it
Thank you
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gettingrichfromhome · 4 years ago
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For this post I prepare an e-book for you guys on how to make money only from your bed. This e-book is 100% free to download. Just click the link below. Cheers!
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gettingrichfromhome · 4 years ago
What kind of Content is The Best For Affiliate Marketing?
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So, As I Say before, we need to make a good content with a great value with our audience. Actually it is depend on the niche, what kind of product are you offering to your audience. But, on the other hand, actually we can generalize what can you make for your audience, here is the best content for affiliate marketing.
Product Review
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Product Review is one of the most classic types of content when it comes to affiliate marketing and is the most commonly used method of increasing sales. This type of content is mostly a written format with a basic description given of the product, its pros and cons, and the writer's personal opinion. What makes this the most read is how honest it is, which shows that it is authentic and not paid. Copyright Page 20 of 34 Talking about both its advantages and disadvantages makes it more believable, so the decision to buy is solely upon the readers.
Video Review
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Due to the continued decrement of attention spans of users on the internet worldwide, written text is often not received as warmly by all buyers looking to review a product, such as product reviews stated previously. Thus, videos are preferred as they are more engaging and also easier to understand the product. In the video, you can show the product and explain on-hand how it works and what works better than the other. Videos are thus received more openly by users.
List Of Topics
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Other contents easier on the eye than just paragraphs are lists, and that too lists that contain 'top' options, such as Top 10 lists and Top 20 lists related to any products or services. Lists let you review a wide array of things at once, and also give your opinion on all of them and how well you rate each comparatively to the other. It is a good way to promote.
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Another way to promote anything on the internet is to provide a detailed tutorial with it, so if there is any confusion related to the product, readers can know that they can easily understand it through your tutorial. In one tutorial article, you can also provide more affiliate links and promote applications and tools linked to what the tutorial is on. 
Hence, like any other form of marketing, what you choose to market, and how you market it plays a vital role in how successful it is going to be. Being able to grab the reader's attention is key when it comes to creating content.
But other than that just try to look what the market wants, what is our audience demand. There are a lot of way to know it, one of it is by using SEO tools. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. There are a lot of it on google, for example SEMRUSH.
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Want more info? Click here
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gettingrichfromhome · 4 years ago
How to Reselling Services on Fiverr, Step by Step (auto pilot)
With no Skills required, for Everyone!
What is Selling A Service Means?
Short Version: Sell what you capable of doing to someone else that need it.
On simple word, people will request you to do something from your home for them and they pay you money. Easy right?
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Most of you will say, “well it is contradicted with what you said earlier, you said no skills!”
Before you say that, let me answer it with step by step on how to do it below, the thing that you need for this is only “Adobe photoshop and an e-mail Account”
Well, let’s go to the topic now, step by step.
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Everything can be auto piloted, let me show you how to do it.
So, first step we need to know which website will be selling our service? Well, there is a lot of platform to do that, we have,,, etc.
For this tutorial, we will use Fiverr
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On the top right corner click on join and made an account.
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Easy Right?
Next step will be finding a cheap service to be re-sell.
Again, it is as easy as searching on the website itself, just type on the search box “Instagram Infographic”.
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This one looks good. Let’s check it out.
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On Fiverr, we can sell 3 types of service, Basic, Standard, and Premium and each type can be set for different prices
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For this one, with only $25, We will get 1000 infographic with 2000 business quotes as a bonus!
Even more, we can get our brand and logo to be customize! We will do the same thing as them, but we will make it auto pilot!
So the next step will be Buying it.
We already cover 2 part, we Almost DONE!
Last Step is Re-sell it.
How to do it? Well, I will show you how easy will it be.
Here is the example of image that you will get from them will be like this.
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It professional and eye catching like most of the post on professional Instagram! So basically, we will sell this picture again to other people.
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“BUT, how? There are 1000 picture like that, and I can’t even operate Adobe Photoshop.”
Do not worry. Follow my step!
Next on the Fiverr click on switch to selling.
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Then click on create a new gig on gigs landing page.
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And made your own gig with your custom price.
Note on creating gigs, Put the right FAQ and requirement while making it.
On the requirement type this:
“Please Attach your logo image (preferably as a .PNG file with transparent Background) and/or what text, username, or website you want to be added to the bottom of your custom post.”
And this on FAQ
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And DONE! Well DONE! You have your own gigs on Fiverr ready to be order.
Next is how to prepare your service.
You can add your own FAQ there for something that you think need to be explain, for example “can it be on other language?”
“Is it possible for you to make my logo?”
Open Your Photoshop and put the image inside.
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Next Step is click action (it is different for each people where it is, for me I put it on the right side).
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Click on the new action and record it.
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Next step is Open the client logo. Put on the bottom page of image and click stop the recording.
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Final step is to the same thing for the rest of the file that you bought before by clicking File -> Automate -> Batch
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Choose the action that you record and choose the folder to be edited, give the photoshop some moment and you will have the new folder inside the bought image folder with the image that already have the client logo and done! 1000 image ready to deliver!
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Congratulation! You did it. That’s it. So, every time someone order your gig, just do this auto pilot tutorial and you will generate a ton of money only with 4 clicks on Photoshop!
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I also put how to make the right gig on my blog, visit my blog at :
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gettingrichfromhome · 4 years ago
How To Make Your Own Website and Monetize it?
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By following up with me in less than twenty-four hours, you will be ready to launch a Website that will undoubtedly earn you thousands of dollars every month! How to generate the money? Well, the website that we make will be offering SAAS service.
What is a SAAS service?
A SAAS (Software As A Service) service is essentially an online software or service that you pay to use.
For example,, which is a SAAS service, provides email marketing services that you pay for.
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A SAAS service is anything you pay for to get an online service.
Now you can be the owner of a SAAS service, you will have your own Website, and people will subscribe to your service and pay you monthly recurring payments.
Let’s say you have 100 customers who use your SAAS service, and your service costs about $10 a month; you’d make $1000 per month!
All you have to do is sit at home and watch your passive income develop on your computer screen. It’s a fantastic and easy way to earn money.
How to get a SAAS service?
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“How can I get my own SAAS service or software?” you might be wondering. The good news is that you don’t have to create one, learn to program, or even employ a programmer to do so.
You can simply buy it Online for $40–$60. You can buy software from a website called codecanyon
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You can simply visit the website, click on the php scripts and search for SAAS and choose what kind of SAAS service that you preferred.
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There are several types of SAAS applications available for purchase. Discount networks, accounting and billing software, email marketing systems, and employee management software are only a few examples. Take your time browsing the services and choose the one you like best, the one that fits you and you feel that you can be successful with.
Hosting Your Service
After you’ve created your SAAS service, the next move is to host it and make it public. To host it online, you’ll need a domain name and a server.
Now it is sounds hard since you don’t have any technical background in this term. Don’t worry, it is actually a simple and easy steps.
First you need a VPS server, you can visit and buy a cheap one from Bluehost. its only $3,95 permonth with and they give you free domain for 1 year! Check the price below. Buy the “LAMP” administration.
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So What is VPS server? We do what we call “online hosting” when we want to publish a PHP page, script, or some other web application. This basically means uploading the files and database to a public server so that it can be accessed over the internet. On simple word, the place where you put the file is from VPS server.
In this tutorial we will used the shared server from Bluehost. Shared server only means that your server will be host with others website.
Now everything is ready, the only things that matter is how to install it. Let get to it.
Getting Started
After having your own server and domain on Bluehost, you need to connect them. Your VPS Server can be accessed now your Bluehost profile, but of course, we don’t want to access our website though an IP! we want to use our domain name. So simply, we are going to map the domain name to our VPS IP, so then we access the VPS and the WordPress website through both the domain and the IP.
Configure your DNS Records
Simply open DNS management zone in your Domain Provider and edit the main A record.
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Than we need to create MySQL database for the application. So Let’s Create one. Connect to your VPS server using any SSH client like putty. and Let’s start!
Just open Putty and enter the Server IP or Name, and Press Open. It will ask you to login, just enter “root” as the user, then enter your password which is sent to you by email.
Note: while typing the password, putty will now show it for security reasons, but It’s there, just type it!
What’s nice, is that we have MySQL installed already as part of the LAMP Stack, but we need to create a database and a user for out application.
Note: Every MySQL statement must end in a semi-colon (;)
To get started, log into the MySQL root (administrative) account by issuing this command:
mysql -u root -p
You will be prompted for the root password, just write or paste it and press Enter.
First, create a separate database that your PHP application will use. You can call this whatever you want, but we will be using TestDb in this guide to keep it simple. Create the database by running this command:
Next, we are going to create a separate MySQL user account that we will use exclusively to operate on our new database. Creating one-function databases and accounts is a good idea from a management and security standpoint. We will use the name DbUser in this guide. Feel free to change this if you’d like.
We are going to create this account, set a password, and grant access to the database we created. We can do this by typing the following command. Remember to choose a strong password here for your database user:
CREATE USER 'DbUser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'enter_a_custom_password_here';GRANT ALL ON TestDb.* TO 'DbUser'@'localhost';
You now have a database and user account, each made specifically for Your PHP application. We need to flush the privileges so that the current instance of MySQL knows about the recent changes we’ve made:
Exit from it by typing :
Upload The Script Files To The Server.
To upload the files, you need an application called WinSCP.
It is a free tool and you can download it from here.
Connect to Your VPS Server using WinSCP, and Update the PHP Files to the server to this path: “/var/www/html”
In most cases, the files would be zipped, so we need to extract them.
Again to Putty SSH CLient and Let’s install the unzip utility using the following command:
sudo apt-get install unzip
Clear putty screen to make in clean using the following command:
Change directory to /var/www/html using the following command:
cd /var/www/html
Unzip the “.zip” file using the following command:
*Note: the file name may be different in your case, so replace YOURFILENAME with your file name.
Now, Move the latest folder content to the upper directory so it can be accessed directly -> use WinSCP Just copy all the files inside “YOURFILENAME” folder and paste them directly in html folder.
Configure Apache to Publish PHP Website
Well Done, Now your files are uploaded and placed in the html folder, we just need to configure apache so we can our Publish PHP Website and access our script using our domain name. To do so, open WinSCP again and navigate to this directory: /etc/apache2/sites-available/
Now, create a new empty file and name it “yourdomain.conf” . You can replace “Scriptname” with any name you want
Open yourdomain.conf Then copy and paste the content below into the file and save.
<VirtualHost *:80>     ServerAdmin admin@YOUDOMAINNAME     DocumentRoot /var/www/html     ServerName YOUDOMAINNAME     ServerAlias YOUDOMAINNAME     <Directory /var/www/html/>        Options +FollowSymlinks        AllowOverride All        Require all granted     </Directory>     ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log     CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined </VirtualHost>
Replace with your own domain, in my case its “YOURDOMAINNAME”
Enable your script configuration in apache and restart the service.
Now simply, run the following commands to finish the setup:
sudo a2ensite yourdomain.conf sudo a2enmod rewrite sudo systemctl restart apache2.service
Connect to MySQL Database.
Open your web browser now and navigate to your server name.
Continue the setup by entering the database info and your admin login information. In our example, the database name is TestDb and the user is DBUser with the password set.
That simple!
Setup cronjobs.What are cronjobs?
cron is a Linux utility which schedules a command or script on your server to run automatically at a specified time and date. A cron job is the scheduled task itself. Cron jobs can be very useful to automate repetitive tasks.
For example, you can set a cron job to delete temporary files every week to conserve your disk space. Some PHP web applicaitons, may require you to set up a cron job to perform certain functions.
Setup cronjobs.
To setup cronjobs, you need to add all required jobs to the server. This depends on your script, so if you bought a script from code canyon, the script owner should provide the cronjobs.
To do this, open WinSCP and got to /etc Open crontab file using the editor And paste all the jobs from your script to this folder. (cronjobs are listed in the app documentation)
Make sure each job is on a line and an empty line in the end.
Secure with a Free SSL.
SSL certificates are used within web servers to encrypt the traffic between the server and client, providing extra security for users accessing your application. Let’s Encrypt provides an easy way to obtain and install trusted certificates for free.
Connect to your Server using Putty SSH client. and Let’s Start!
Install the Let’s Encrypt Client
Let’s Encrypt certificates are fetched via client software running on your server. The official client is called Certbot.
First, add the repository to install Certbot:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
You’ll need to press ENTER to accept.
Then, Update the package list to pick up the new repository’s package information:
sudo apt-get update
Install Certbot’s Apache package:
sudo apt install python-certbot-apache
Certbot is now ready to be used.
Set Up the SSL Certificate
Generating the SSL certificate for Apache using Certbot is quite straightforward. The client will automatically obtain and install a new SSL certificate that is valid for the domains provided as parameters.
Simply run the following command: (change the domain)
sudo certbot --apache -d YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME
You will be asked to provide an email address for lost key recovery and notices, and you will be able to choose between enabling both http and https access or forcing all requests to redirect to https. It is usually safest to require https, unless you have a specific need for unencrypted http traffic.
That’s it!
Test your website now and it should be SSL encrypted.
This tutorial I used are originated and made by Hasan By H-educate, you can check his link Here : or check his youtube on H-educate.
Other tips to make money online, check here :
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gettingrichfromhome · 4 years ago
Top 10 Affiliate Provider You Should Check Out!
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Many great Affiliate Marketing programs are working as the channeling link between the marketers selling their products or services and the suppliers providing them. The affiliate program assists these marketers in making sure their services and products reach their customers.
What are the Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Provider?
Affiliate Window (AWIN)
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Affiliate Window, also commonly known as AWIN, is one of the most popular and highest paying affiliate marketing programs on the internet. It has over 13,000 advertisers and 100,000 publishers, all of which are active. It has over 1,600 brands on it. It is recommended because of its simplicity and how user-friendly its dashboard is. It has a number of useful tools that will assist you in your affiliate marketing operations.
 Builderall Affiliate
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Builderall Affiliate Program is another highly rated affiliate program on the internet, which is recommended by most marketers. It has a two-tiered system, which lets you make residual income from direct sales and also 30% of the sales on both tiers. It has been proven to be one of the best at selling products on the market and has great customer retention rates and a stable monthly recurring income. It has over 40,000 clients on the market..
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Shareasale is again one of the largest affiliate marketing programs on the internet. It has over 4,000 listed dealers on it, over which a 1,000 are exclusive. They offer a wide range of services, including earnings per clicks, reversal rates, average sale amount and commission. Amongst the various offers they provide, you can make comparisons and choose one which works best for you. They also have a considerably quick payment cycle.
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RakutenLinkshare is one of the oldest and again, a high paying affiliate marketing program. It is very user-friendly and can be used to counter competition. It has quite several features which are unique and stand-out. Some of these features allow you to use different banner ads for different products you’re selling. Due to this dynamic ad rotation, you can optimize your ads. It also has a simple sign up and deep linking options.
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Bluehost offering a high rate in term of paying for the affiliate marketing. It is a unique hosting provider and user friendly with a lot of partner, one of them is wordpress. Due to its uniqueness, you can optimize your sales by simply reviewing how good the website is.
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Flexoffers is another popular affiliate marketing program with even better-paying services. Some would say that it is not unique or doesn’t stand out, but it gives a solid base with tools and features that make affiliate marketing easy for you. It has a fast payout time and has over a thousand affiliate programs to choose from, with them divided into categories and sub-categories, so navigation and choosing become easier.
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Click is a popular affiliate marketing program that usually takes care of digital media such as eBooks and such. It lets people around the world sign up with for free via an account and users can easily have access to thousands of eBooks others are selling on it. It is pretty high paying compared to other programs and gives you enough freedom to sell whatever kind of product you like. It has quick payment and has a commission rate of 10–75%.
CJ Affiliate
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CJ Affiliate is one of the longest existing affiliate marketing programs and also very common amongst other affiliate members. It has a wide variety of advertisers, with most providing multiple sized ads for affiliates. There are many pros of CJ Affiliate, such as it has a large partner network and has a reliable payment method. It has a lot of great reporting options as well and comes in handy to a lot of marketers who spend time optimizing sales performances.
Amazon Affiliates
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Amazon Affiliates is also a prominent affiliate marketing program that is equally useful for affiliates as well as sellers. It has over one and a half million sellers on it with a rather user-friendly database. It is equally easy to use for both beginners and advanced marketers and is preferred by beginners as it is good for learning. It is very popular and has a large loyal following. It is equally flexible with a large partner network.
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JVZoo is not as old on the market as many others but has quickly made its way to the top since then. It is unique in the sense that there is no initial cost for publishers and advertisers; rather, the income earned is from charging fees after a sale has already been made. It also has an instant paying time, unlike other affiliate programs that pay on a 2-week or one-month rotation. It is a good option for new product launches.
There are multiple other affiliates marketing programs and choosing well, in the beginning, can help you in the long run. A wise and well-informed decision will help you go a long way in your career as an affiliate marketer.
Check out for more information :
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gettingrichfromhome · 4 years ago
How To Make The Best Content For Affiliate Marketing?
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To make your affiliate marketing the success you want it to be, you need to master the art of writing content that will get you where you want to be. Like any marketing, content for affiliate marketing should also be engaging, entertaining and informative in an eye-catching way. Learn how to write the best content for your affiliate marketing and make the process fun as well! Now, before you get started on thinking about what type of content you should be creating, you need to know a few basic tips that will get your content to where it should be:
Personalize your Content
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Many reviews about products on the internet are often not very truth-based and are largely just stated facts about different pros and cons related to the product. It is likely that marketers are generally afraid of the feedback they may receive if they tell the truth. However, in today’s age, sincerity is more welcoming to most people, so being transparent about a product will probably be met well by your readers.
Centralize Content around Readers
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Your content should always be reader-centric, and the reader should be kept in mind before any content is written. Paying some attention to what your readers would want to the reader and how much they would like to invest in it would be a good way to give the readers what they want. This will largely increase the value of your content and will make your readers relate more to it.
Pay Attention to what’s in Demand
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Promoting products that don’t have any demand will probably get your affiliate marketing nowhere. Your content would not be read often, even if you like the product you’re promoting. Sharing sentiments with your users and giving them what they want is essential. Thus, researching products in demand beforehand is probably a good idea to know what is popular and what is not. More positive remarks about the said product will add weight to your review.
Mask your Content
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You should naturally be able to incorporate your content with stories or something similar not to make affiliate marketing feel like affiliate marketing. Even if you are promoting a product, readers can usually tell that your prime objective is just selling it immediately as soon as they start reading. Using a technique to mask it can make readers ease into the review and can also make it seem more sincere and help build trust.
Specialize in One Category
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Sticking to one category when it comes to your promotion and reviews may be a good marketing strategy. If you stay with one niche in all your content, you can become the go-to reviewer for them in the long run, and everyone will know who to consult when that specific category of items or services is in concern. This will help you earn trust even faster.
For more in depth regarding affiliate marketing, visit :
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gettingrichfromhome · 4 years ago
How to Promote Your Website and Get Traffic?
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If you follow my methods for affiliate marketing, the most effective way will be by using your own website. Furthermore, how to get the best traffic to your website?
There is no sure-shot way of ensuring that you will get the traffic you desire; however, there are a few tricks you can use to have the best shot at it. Here are a few ways in which you can generate more traffic for your affiliate marketing:
High-value Content should be offered
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There is no doubt that content plays the most vital role when it comes to affiliate marketing. What you create and how well you promote your product and service is something that can make or break your success at affiliate marketing. There are a large number of ways to create content that most audiences will be attracted to.
Content should not be just text as that is considered boring, creating visually appealing content and content that engages an audience can be challenging, but one that will pay back in the long run. The higher the value of your content, and the more effectively you explain what product you’re trying to sell, the more traffic you can generate.
Social Media Activity plays a Huge Role
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There is no denying that the internet is the most commonly used accessory for any living person out there who has any touch of technology in their life. With the use of the internet, social media is now at the forefront of the most commonly used programs or applications that are making it big in the world. To make use of social media for affiliate marketers is essential now. You can easily choose a platform that works well with the target audience you are more focused on, and even optimize according to location or age-group, and use social media as a platform to provide links to, advertisements to and promote your site to get the traffic on it.
Make use of Bonuses or Discount Offers
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Everybody likes to buy things for as cheap an offer they can get, and more than that, if something is free, it is likely to grab the most attention! This can be put into play when it comes to affiliate marketing. Offering your audience with bonuses, discount offers, or even free giveaways is likely to get the most traffic on your website, as people will flock in with the numbers to get what you have to offer, even if they don’t necessarily want it.
This is a good way of ensuring traffic in the long run as even long after the offer is gone, people will still have heard about your site due to it and will continue to visit or shop on it.
Start Blogging Effectively
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Blogging is perhaps one of the most basic ways to promote a website or generate traffic to it. Blogging gives you the freehand for talking about a website you’re trying to promote as much as you like and however you want to. You can include any content to it, such as images or infographics. Since tutorials are also an efficient form of content for affiliate marketing, you can also include a tutorial in your blog. As long as you give your honest opinion about it, it can be a great way to promote your affiliate marketing endeavors. Include links, banners and ads in the blog to ensure more people can reach to your site.
Search Engine Optimization
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Search Engine Optimization is a commonly opted for and a very efficient tool when it comes to promoting anything online, which can include sites and pages for affiliate marketing to generate traffic to it. Search engine optimization will allow your website to show up on search engine result pages through natural or organic searches. This may not be the quickest method for generating traffic to your site, but it is one that has a future payback and will help you out in the long run.
Search engine optimization will continue driving in traffic to your sites and pages for a prolonged period. As previously mentioned, there is no completely effective method of ensuring traffic to your site. You will try to act on a few options before you figure out what works best for you and your offers. Keeping yourself practice will surely ensure success in the future
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gettingrichfromhome · 4 years ago
Why You Should Start Affiliate Marketing
You don’t need a lot of money to start it Well on my previous story, I told you how to start it. The next question is, why should we choose affiliate marketing among the other money source?
We will break it down here
Minimal Expertise Required
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While almost any other career choice in the world would require you to have some prior knowledge or education in it, affiliate marketing is one of those where you need not be a know-it-all on the subject matter. You can learn along the way, but its one of those fields that puts the term ‘practice makes perfect’ into use.
There are multiple available methodologies and strategies to follow on the internet on how to make affiliate marketing success for you. You can choose the one you resonate with most, or which works best for you and try to go with it. It is merely a trial-and-error based line of work. If you’re already an existing blogger or content creator on the world wide web, you can benefit even more by partnering with a business to be an affiliate marketer!
You don’t need a lot of money to start it
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While many people shy away from venturing out into new waters when it comes to changing career paths or finding a new one due to financial constraints or money problems, affiliate marketing is not the same. It is a fairly low-cost business opportunity, and nothing is stopping you from joining it. You don’t need a lot of resources to get started on affiliate marketing compared to other business ventures.
All you need is to have access to the internet and some electricity to assist it for you! If you’re tech-savvy, that might give you an upperhand at the game, but it is not essentially a requirement. Similarly, if you’re an existing blogger or content creator on the internet, you might have a head-start, but a lot of people have still made it reasonably well without either of these two skills.
It is a Wide Industry
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Affiliate marketing as an industry is one with a lot of depth and width to it. It is pretty far-reaching and profitable, and one which may have over a billion-dollar’ worth in it. Since it is a vast field, searching for products or services you understand well and see yourself working with is fairly easy to do and one that will allow you to understand the whole ordeal better.
Due to the fact that you can make your own choices, you can maintain your honesty and sincerity, which comes with it, which would probably help earn the trust of your customers faster. Commission wise, it has been proven that those people who show the most belief and interest in their products are the ones that tend to be more successful than their counterparts.
Flexibility and Freedom come with it
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No matter whether your approach at affiliate marketing is for a secondary means of income or primary means of income, it comes with a considerable amount of freedom, independence and flexibility. Unlike any other ordinary job, affiliate marketing lets you make a few decisions on your own, such as choosing your schedule and when you want to work.
Similarly, you can take your off days and even decide who you want to partner or work with. The environment and timetable you choose can be by your comfort so you can maximize and optimize your productivity.
You can choose it as a Secondary Source of Income
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Affiliate Marketing doesn’t have to be the only way for you to earn an income. In fact, if you already have a job and don’t want to quit it, but still need some extra cash on the side. Affiliate Marketing may be the best option for you! You can use it to make money on the side without any pressure of making it big right at the start since you already have an income supporting you. This means you can be much more relaxed with your venture and can take time to figure out the method and strategy that works best for you. However, if you do choose to make it your primary source of income, it could very well be one and can make you money faster than looking for a job.
These are just a few benefits of affiliate marketing. Of course, since the market is so wide, the benefits that come with it can be just as vast. Even if there may be risks involved, the advantages could work to outweigh them.
More information, visit my medium at :
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gettingrichfromhome · 4 years ago
I will post daily tips and trick how to make money online, check it out!
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gettingrichfromhome · 4 years ago
How To Start an Affiliate and Make Your First $100 Online
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One of the easiest ways to get started in internet marketing is to promote affiliate products. This means you get a commission for each sale of a particular product that comes from your link or referral. It’s definitely the easiest route into making money online.
You don’t have to spend time and effort creating and marketing a product of your own, you don’t have to deal with customer service and recruiting people to sell for you…all that you have to do is find a product to promote and create a website or link “pre-selling” the product. Many affiliates choose to start out with, for a number of reasons.
To sign up as an affiliate at clickbank, all you have to do is go to their home page at
It’s a good idea to pick a product that is in an area that you have some familiarity with. There are so many high quality, profitable products on Clickbank that it doesn’t make sense to pick a product in an area that you don’t enjoy.
For instance, if you hate tattoos, it doesn’t make sense to promote the Clickbank Tattoo designs product. If you are blessed with a super high metabolism and have never dieted, a weight loss product might not be the best choice for you.
The other main question is, how to promote it?
One of the most popular ways to market an affiliate product is by creating a website, and writing a sales page that pitches the virtues of the product. To do this, you are going to want your own domain, which you can get from any number of domain name services like or
You are going to be reviewing the product, so the website name should reflect that. The reason for this is simply that reviews generate more sales than in your face sales pages. A website name like “fatlossproducts” or “weightlossproductreview” would be good.
Then you are going to pick a hosting company, like Bluehost, so that you can host your website. If you know how to design your own website, that is great — you can save a lot of money that way.
How Will People Find Your Site?
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Creating a website with your affiliate review page on it is all well and good, but how will people find your site? There are several different ways to drive traffic to your site. One common method is by using Google adwords. Now, the proper use of Google Adwords would fill another ebook entirely, so we are just going to touch on it briefly here. It’s not extremely difficult to learn, but it does take some practice and trial and error before you get it right.
When you use Google Adwords, you create an adwords campaign and are charged every time someone clicks on one of your ads.
The best way to learn about Google Adwords is from the source; go to and visit their learning center. It is worth spending a day or two going through their many adwords lessons, to learn how to set your campaign up correctly.
Here is one tip that will be useful to you as an affiliate: when you create a review page, do not just make it a one page website. Google will charge you more for each keyword phrase that you bid on if they perceive that your website is low quality. And they perceive one page websites as low quality. So what you want to do is create maybe five or six other pages and link to them. Just put the links in an unobtrusive place where they will not distract your visitors from your sales page message.
Many people have quit their jobs to become full time internet marketers as affiliates.
If you follow the methods in this Blog you’ll make your first $100 online. The techniques and processes I’ve just explained will feel weird and alien the first time you do things. You’ll get some things wrong and have to start again and all in all it’ll be a steep learning curve.
Check my blog on :
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gettingrichfromhome · 4 years ago
The Most Common Mistake Made in Affiliate Marketing
Picking a Low Converter It’s important to mention that affiliate marketing is no walk in the park. It’s certainly easier than pulling off a Jeff Walker-style massive product launch, but, like anything else, there are plenty of pitfalls just waiting to consume you and your money. Do yourself a favor: heed what I say and avoid those pitfalls.
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Choosing a Bad Product to Promote
Picking a Low Converter
Failing to Collect Leads
Ignore Important Numbers
For more in depth information, visit my blog on :
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gettingrichfromhome · 4 years ago
Affiliate Marketing — The Best Place to Start
Everyone has to start somewhere and, for neophyte Internet marketers, the best place to start may be with affiliate products. Rather than going through the laborious and expensive process of creating your own product (of dubious quality) and then trying to market it to the masses, why not start by finding a product that is well put-together and comes from someone who already has a high degree of credibility? You could save a lot of time, money, frustration, and will power; and you could make money in the process, too — in fact, really, really good money. Many top Internet marketers today still sell affiliate products, even though they make a killing off of their own. Why? Because it’s still fantastic money and little effort is required. To Sum up, What is affiliate marketing? In simple words, affiliate marketing means selling other company products and get commission for every sold product.
Than how does it works? How can we sell someone products and get profit from it? Isn’t it called “Dropshipping?”
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Lets answer those question.
How Does Affiliate marketing works?
We can say that the only things that important for a product to get recognition and being sold is traffic. All the potential customer won’t know a product exist if the product itself never being mention anywhere. Lets have an example, Bluehost . Some of you maybe have heard what a Bluehost is. It is basically a website that provide a service for business or maybe individual that planning to make website a “HOST”. In simple word, like a server.
Than, why does most people are more familiar with “Go-Daddy” or “WordPress”? Simply because those website have better exposure in term of marketing. More people get reach by those marketing.
So why don’t Bluehost use the same strategy?
To answer that question is simply budgeting. WordPress and Go-Daddy use more than digital ads, they also reach their customer with TV commercial. The people that doesn’t really understand a single thing about website also heard their name. But Bluehost want their marketing to reach a specific customer, niche customer. Their strategy make people with the same interest do the marketing for them which instead of using TV commercial that reach all type of people, they prefer affiliate marketing that mostly being found on Forum, YouTube, or Blog that talking on the same field.
For more information, visit my Blog :
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