#i just love it when my 'one day before period' brain goes
rafebaby · 4 months
Frat!Rafe has his target locked in and it's shy!reader (pt. 2)
part one / part three
Writer's note: And then here it is: part two. Can you believe it? Obviously it's not the last. I would really like to hear your thoughts and ideas on this. I have some of my own, already typed out a little bit too but still struggling to choose exactly what way I really think works best. Love y'all and thank you for your support xxx rafebaby
After your "moment" with Rafe, you decided to lock yourself in your room all weekend. Hoping it would all pass by as a bad dream. But it didn’t pass by. No matter how hard you wanted to forget about it all, memories of him and you and what happened, repeated itself in your head over and over and over again. You felt ridiculous.
This was Rafe Cameron, for heaven's sake – a guy who had every girl swooning over him. You had nothing against him, but this was literally stupid. It's as if he planted a parasite in your brain, and the parasite is him and now you're kind of doomed to have these feelings that you don't really want yourself having.
So as Monday comes around, you have a hard time convincing yourself to get out of the house to go to the first class of the week. It also happens to be the only day of the week none of your friends are in your class. But Rafe is.
Normally that wouldn’t mean a whole lot to you, but today it has your anxiety peaking. You're afraid to see him, afraid of him seeing you, afraid of embarrassment and probable rumors already being spread around campus. Maybe someone took pictures, maybe they recorded it. Not that you deem yourself so incredibly interesting but stories including campus royalty like Rafe spread like wildfire. Yet missing education for a boy and as a result of a game of ‘spin the bottle’ is something you can not justify to yourself. 
You walk into the lecture hall a few minutes before the start of the class, head facing downwards, avoiding any kind of interaction. You're greeted by the professor who is already setting up her presentation. You look up at her briefly and smile before you turn to the room to find yourself a seat, but are shocked to see Rafe Cameron sitting in the back staring straight at you.
You immediately break eye contact and nervously sit yourself down in the first seat closest to you Front row. With nervous hands, you manage to get your laptop out of your bag and start it up. Automatic pilot takes over and helps you find the document from the previous lecture, but you can hear the beat of your heart in between your ears, knowing he's behind you. 
Maybe you should just apologize to him after class, you think. It was kind of rude to have done what you did, was it not? After all, he never did anything wrong. Only, you have no clue what is going through his head. You've heard about him getting into fights, him dealing, him threatening other people.... But you actually didn't know him at all, so, you know, maybe he would just be happy if you just cleared the air. You're sure he could be nice, you felt it in his touch, in his pace…
Your face flushes red as the memory pops into your head again. Quickly but subtly you take a careful look over your shoulder, wary of Rafe being able to read your mind. As soon as you lay your eyes on him, his head turns into your direction, his eyes following just a bit slower. 
The teacher starts her class. “Welcome class!” You snap your head to her. “Today, we’ll follow up on the chapter we started on last week, chapter 9. We left of at page 67 in the textbook…” She goes on. 
You are definitely not going to talk to him. After class, you are just gonna leave this room as fast as possible. He's too intimidating. Too scary. 
Too handsome.
No, fuck, stop. 
During the rest of the period, you find yourself dipping in and out of attention for the lecture, struggling to take notes as time drags on slowly. 
When the professor finally concludes the lecture and wishes the class a good rest of the week, everyone hastily starts packing their belongings, eager to escape the confinement of the dusty room. Yet, nobody is as eager as you. The people passing by make it difficult to leave your spot. To them you are more or less invisible. Not to Rafe though. He follows your every move as Topper walks beside him, going on and on about the troubles of his latest relationship troubles. It was always the same with him.
“I don’t know what she wants, man. Whatever I do, I always seem to do the wrong thing. One minute we’re being all lovey dovey, the next, she says she needs space.”
Rafe’s completely unbothered. Unlike himself, Topper is a total doormat. The wait-and-see type of guy. Rafe however likes to go after what he wants. And so, without any announcements, he leaves Topper behind, following you at a covert distance. “Hey dude! Where are you going?” Topper tries to catch up with him again, but Rafe strides on. “See you later, Top!” He exclaims unentertained with his head acing his target. You’re too jittery to notice, so busy to get out fast. He can tell, but he won’t have it. This time he won’t let you get away that easily. 
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*original Image from a CW still photo
Summary: Dean shows you what it means to be in a relationship with a self-proclaimed Red-winged Bloodhound, and to be loved.
Characters: Dean Winchester x You
Tags/warnings: 18+ ONLY, period sex, shower sex, brief oral, super horny bc hormones and Dean Winchester, ILY exchange, intimacy
Words: 2K
Author’s notes: Sanctioned will be a series of low-stakes explorations of sexual taboos and boundary nudging with one or both of the Winchester brothers and You. It will all be written in 2nd person, further fostering a sense of closeness and leaning into the level of intimacy achieved with each act. It will not necessarily be considered part of the same universe but can absolutely be read that way.
As always, all my love goes to my long-time beta and friend @brrose-apothecary and many thanks to @bigmouthlass for the read-through and green light.
Sanctioned: The Red-Wing Rodeo
Being on your period sucks.
You radiate heat, but you're freezing. You can’t even think about wearing anything other than sweatpants. Most days, you bleed through an ultra tampon and the thickest pads you can buy in less than an hour, and you’re hungry all the time.
For nasty, greasy junk food and for Dean.
Dean’s gorgeous and effortlessly sexy. Even when you aren’t on your period, all he has to do is say your name and you’re putty in his hands. When you are on your period, bloated as a bridge troll and craving melty cheese, the things your brain conjures up for him to do to you threaten to set feminism back faster and farther than an old, white conservative on the Supreme Court.
It’s all you can think about—Dean’s hands on your skin, his lips on your throat, and his cock hammering you senseless.
But you smell bad, right? Your eyes are puffy and your feet look like sausages. No one thinks that’s attractive.
He’s tried to tell you that he likes it. Loves it, is what he’s said. He’s the one who told you there’s a name for guys like him—Bloodhounds. He’s even gone down on women having their period.
You don’t consider yourself a prude, but he can’t be serious, can he?
Right now, you’re in the shower in an attempt to feel less ick and maybe work out some frustration where you can easily clean up afterward. You’ve washed and conditioned your hair, exfoliated, shaved everything, and now you’re standing under just-the-right-temperature water as it blessedly sluices your neck and shoulders to your toes. You’re starting to feel something approaching relaxed when you hear Dean’s voice.
“Care if I join ya?” he asks, peeking around the large shower stall with a grin that no one in their right mind could resist. He’s naked, his hair’s spiking in nine different directions, and his face is smudged with grease from the Impala.
You shake your head and shrug, afraid to firmly commit to any answer since every cell in your body is stretched tight between tenterhooks; you could snap at any second.
“You sure?” He arches a brow and dips his chin to his chest as he eases his way into the shower.
“M’sure,” you mutter, curling in on yourself.
He settles in behind you, tall and strong, skimming his big hands over your hips before gently palming your belly. You rest one hand on his forearm and reach up behind you with the other to slide your fingers through his dampening hair. Dean begins to hum and sway before moving to multitask—dragging one hand up to expertly cup and caress one hot, tender breast, and lazily drawing a random but intricate pattern around your navel and lower.
“I know it’s your time of the month or whatever you call it, and I know it’s gettin’ harder lately,” he murmurs, touching you with reverence and heat, kissing your temple, around the shell of your ear. “I wanna make it better.”
You sigh. “I know… I just-”
When his thumb brushes your nipple, you gasp and bite back a desperate moan.
“Just what, honey? Tell me.”
He shifts behind you and his thick, hard cock grazes the curve of your back. It’s too much. He’s told you so many times how good he could make it for you.
“Please?” He continues to kiss and suck the thin skin of your throat and thumb your nipple.
You bite your lip and twist his hair with your fingers. Maybe you can let go a little. The shower will help with the mess, right?
Dean sucks an earlobe between his lips and brings his other hand up to work your other breast, forcing a pitiful whimper from your chest. You grip his wrists, encouraging his touch and buck back against him.
“Fuck me,” you whisper.
Dean groans and you can practically feel him vibrate with excitement. “I promise I’m gonna make this so good for you,” he whispers back.
You sigh, brace your hands against the tile in front of you, and widen your stance before glancing over your shoulder. His eyes flick to yours as he lathers up his hands. When he takes a step closer to touch you again, you drop your head to hang between your arms and exhale. He works you up, kneading your breasts, pulling and teasing your taut, sensitive nipples.
“You look so beautiful when you trust me like this. I want you to know it and believe it.”
He nuzzles and nips under your jaw as he hooks one hand under your right knee and gathers both your wrists with the other. You gasp when he lifts and shifts you like you weigh nothing, spreading you up and open, pressing you up against the cool tile.
“Makes me crazy knowin’ how bad you want somethin’ but won’t ask for it.”
And then he slowly sinks inside you.
You sob his name and quake between his solid weight and the soothing ceramic. You feel so hot and light, spread wide and fucked tight.
“So good, Dean,” you whimper, and he kisses you everywhere he can, sucking small bruises into your skin.
“You too.” He pushes your knee up higher, opening you wider. “So hot and greedy. Fuck, your pussy’s squeezin’ me so tight.”
His thrusts are slow, shallow, and precise. Each pass sends ripples of brilliant pleasure from the ends of your hair to the tips of your toes—liquid, rolling, boiling.
“Wanted you like this for so long,” he huffs in your ear. “Give you what you need when you feel so empty.”
He’s repeatedly, steadily driving over your g-spot, slip-sliding along the path he’s traveled time and time again—but this time, every single nerve ending inside you is engorged and hypersensitive. You can feel every ridge of his cock, stroking your insides.
“Yes, Dean. I can- can feel you everywhere. Fuck.” You gasp for air and arch your neck as he plants his forehead against the shower wall.
“C’mon,” he whispers, quickening his grinding pace and eliciting a shout from you.
“Fuck… fuck… fuck…” you’re chanting, your skin is singing, and your vision blurs.
Time warps and whirls, Dean tells you you’re so perfect, so beautiful, and then- your body seizes rigid and shocking before blowing up into the most powerful, white-hot orgasm you’ve ever had.
Dean gently nudges you awake with soft, warm touches and the aroma of chicken soup. Your eyelids flutter open and he’s lying on his side above the covers facing you, lightly brushing the wide tips of his fingers across your forehead.
“How ya feelin’?”
“Mmmph.” You wriggle into him, clutching his soft t-shirt in your fists, and nuzzle his chest.
Dean chuckles. “That good, huh?”
You feel brand new, wrapped in crystal-spun gossamer—delicate and feral. Your consciousness scrambles to catch up to your body’s instinct to climb on top of Dean and never let him out of bed ever again.
He runs a hand down and up your back, soothing and warm, and kisses your temple. “Should eat somethin’, babe. Made ya some chicken soup and those cheese crisps you like so much.”
“You’re so good to me,” you mutter as you roll and squirm toward your nightstand. You push yourself to sit up, holding the sheet to your chest, and reach for the steaming mug.
Dean traces your spine, back and forth, up and down, sending chill bumps all over your body. You are pretty hungry, so you take a few healthy sips from the mug and pop a cheese crisp into your mouth before turning back to face Dean.
“Thank you. I do love those crisps. But I like you even better.” You scoot closer to him and slide your hands up under his t-shirt. “You should get naked and get under the covers with me.”
“I should?” He smirks in that way that makes your heart skip and your guts twirl. “One single period sex shower session and you’re hooked. I like it.”
He helps you get his shirt off before shimmying out of his pajama pants and sliding under the covers with you so you’re skin to skin.
“God, you’re already hard.” You immediately push a hand down and wrap your fingers around his thick length, kissing him hungrily. “So smooth, want you in my mouth.”
“Uh-uh,” Dean stops you from diving down, rolling you to your back and kneeing your legs open to slot his hips and grind his cock right there. “I want you in my mouth, smell so fucking good, so ripe and hot.”
You groan. Two hours ago, you’d have been horrified by the mere suggestion, but now you want, want, want.
“Dean, you can’t-”
He answers your groan, rolling his hips and nestling his face against your neck. “I won’t if you don’t want it, but,” he pauses, pushing up to look you in the eye. “You want it, don’t you?”
His eyes sparkle, and your pussy throbs. He’s right; you’re hooked and there’s no going back. You’re so turned on that he likes the way you smell—that he wants to devour you. Dean’s always eager to eat your pussy, but right now he looks ravenous.
Your heart rate kicks up a notch, and you nod.
Dean swears under his breath before kissing you, hot and firm. He kisses you so well, every day. He’s thorough with his kisses and touches. This is no exception.
When he finally, slowly begins his descent, you’re breathless, writhing in the twisted bedding and fisting your hair. He gives every square inch of your body the same treatment as your mouth, all the way to your ankles and the arches of your feet. Everywhere he touches, licks, and kisses is a hot zone. As he makes his way back upward, you think you might come before he even lays a finger on your clit.
“Dean, I’m-” You break into a sob and squeeze your eyes shut.
“No, no- don’t hold back, honey. Make some noise, make a mess, I gotchu. C’mon.”
You open your eyes and he’s watching you closely as he hunkers back down, nodding. You mirror his nod and take a deep breath, reaching for him to sink your fingers into his hair.
He smiles as he continues kissing his way from your knee up the inside of your thigh, then splays his fingers against the backs of your thighs. You watch him gently part your seam with his thumbs and dip in to press a kiss to your swollen clit.
“Fuck,” you breathe, dropping your head back to the mattress and twisting his hair in your fists.
He huffs a quiet laugh, blowing a stream of cool air over your slick, open pussy, and you lose it.
You’re higher than you’ve ever been on any substance, raw, and on fire. You feel like you might rocket through the roof of the bunker into the stratosphere; then Dean slides up over you and inside you, filling you up and anchoring you. He braces his forearms on either side of your head and you wrap your arms around his back.
“I love you so much,” you whisper, accepting his kiss and reveling in his long, steady strokes inside you.
He rests his forehead against yours and breathes, dragging out and pushing back in.
“Me too,” he whispers back, brushing noses with you. “So much, honey. Thank you for lettin’ me take care of you.”
You giggle and lift your legs to hug him tight. “Thank you.”
“Next time, I’m goin’ down on you ‘til you forget your own name, but,” he pauses to rotate his hips and kiss you again. “I just had to be inside you.”
“Not complaining.”
Dean keeps that connection, pulls the thread, loops it back again, and reminds you why you’re there. He reminds you of why you love him.
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stqrgirlie0 · 3 months
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now we’ve all hear of theo in a healthy and loving relationship, however in a toxic one? Probably the worst. Things would start off good, you guys would be all over each other, all the time. Everything would be great, unit it wouldn’t. After a few weeks, theo would grow bored and tired of you. He’d talk to other girls right in front of you, on purpose. And then when you’d confront him about it he’d get all defensive, make you think that you’re the one who’s wrong. He’d accuse you of being controlling and that he’s allowed to have ‘friends’ who are female. Despite being emotionally done with you, he wouldn’t break up, because he lovees getting you all riled up to the point where you are so mentally exhausted with his mind games, that you just give up. You give up, and you let him win, again and again and again. You guys would argue every single day, and it would always be in his dorm- because there’d always be something to go confront him about, no where other than his dorm. Leaving a toxic relationship isn’t easy, and when it’s with theo-it’s even harder. All your friends say to get out of it before it’s too late, but you’ve already ran out time. Confrontation doesn’t affect him, all the more reason for you to not leave him just to accept the challenge of making him care- just once. You would be screaming your lungs out and he’d just stand there, with a stupid smirk on his face as watches you pace around the room while shouting, and wonders what your thighs would look like locked around his head, your hands brushing out his fluffy curls and your mouth chanting out his name instead of whatever you were saying right now. Eventually the previous becomes a reality. It was almost like an indirect apology, yet theo had no intention of apologising, he just wanted to keep you hooked on for the next few days until he would do it again. suddenly everything’s fine. Well it’s not, but that’s how he’ll be pretending it is for the next few days. It’s this and his love bombing that made it so hard for you to leave, you hate it but you don’t. It’s a tricky one, but the cycle goes on, and on, and on. And oh my god this man is so stubborn, he cannot and will not change himself for you. During the honeymoon period of your relationship, his smoking didn’t really bother you, he wouldn’t be smoking all the time, maybe once every two or three days (sounds very unlikely I know). But after things got a bit more strained, he’d smoke multiple everyday- maybe even finishing the whole pack in a day. It was horrible. You hated the smell, and the worst thing was that it was everywhere. on nights when you and theo would supposedly ‘make up’, every corner of you would be infested with the scent, lingering on your clothes for the next few days. on the other nights when you’d go back to your dorm, alone and crying, you’d toss and turn in your bed. The scent would arise, from your pillows, duvet, hair, clothes, and it’d remind you of him. Shamefully you’d admit that sometimes the smell mixed with his signature cologne, would automatically drop you to your knees (don’t worry girl, me too), not that he minded. Honestly he loves seeing you from above, it just engraves the power dynamic between you two into his psychotic little brain, inflating his ego more than it already is. god he hated you, but oh how he was in love with you even more, infatuated and obsessed- feeding his desire of seeing you crying your pretty eyes out because of him, shouting with your pretty voice at him, pulling at your pretty hair because of him. Yeah, he’s (very much more than) borderline insane, but girl, as soon as you learn the rules of his games, he’ll wish he never started it.
a/n: guys if your s/o reflects any behaviour below- LEAVE. this is not meant to be normal!! This piece is not in any way condoning toxic behaviour- just a little writing task seeing what I can come up with
#something I started ages ago and decided to finish #YALL IM SORRY BUT IM GON HAVE TO HOLD OFF PART 4 FOR A BIT LONGER #work is killing me and I have easter break to catch up😭😞 #pls take this as a peace offering🙌🏼🙂
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shellxrls · 3 months
okay to complete the trilogy
here’s how jj fucks
okay so we all know jj is an energetic person, and this only escalates in bed.
he has ridiculous stamina and an even more ridiculous refractory period. he will dump three loads and still be up for more.
he also does not gaf if it gets messy.
he loves to feel in control, I mentioned this with rafe but for him it’s slightly different. he’s much less mean about it. Rafe sees it as a power trip whereas jj sees it as like “helping” in a way.
for me specifically sometimes I just need to turn my brain off and that’s exactly where sex with jj comes in best.
he’s not soothing like John b is, he just does not stop. and that fucking works.
he also very much knows what he likes, and will always make sure he gets that, but he’s also realllyyy good at making sure the pleasure is mutual.
he never had an off day when it comes to giving pleasure, he may but a dumb fuck, but he does know how a girls (and a guys I can’t even lie to you) body works.
he loves giving backshots! if he could choose one sex position for the rest of his life it would be having me face down ass up.
he goes fast and hard, and he’s a grunter. Always with the little punched out “uh, uh, uh”’s and it’s so so hottttt.
skin slapping and bedpost banging are the primary sounds heard other than disgustingly shameless moaning.
jj is a shameless moaner and he made me one too the little cunt.
if I’m not loud enough for his liking or if I’m tryna quiet myself down he will dirty talk the noises out of me.
he genuinely said “lemme hear those pretty noises mama, yeahhhh that’s it.” And I’m never. ever recovering.
he’s not into any kinks that involve deliberate injury for pleasure. like slapping or choking, stuff like that he hates in bed. simply because his at home life is quite unstable and he just can’t imagine ever doing that to someone he loves cause he knows how it feels. even if it’s consensual on the receiving side he just absolutely cannot bring himself to do it. As a very open and experimenting person in bed, choking, slapping anything of that type of action he absolutely refuses and honestly I get that. He also refuses any type of noncon.
however he can spank. though only EVER does it when he’s really mad or riled up, and even then he is so so so attentive. always checking in after every hit just to make sure it’s not becoming too much.
he is also very adamant about safe words. always having a safe word and action and always checking through them and agreeing on them before we do anything that involves deliberate injury or just anything particularly rough in general.
also makes sure to give very good aftercare after spanking or a particularly rough night. LOTS of kisses and praise cause he would absolutely eat away at himself if he thought I was feeling neglected or bad about myself cause of something he’d done. especially in a setting as vulnerable as that.
and he’s also very good and communication which surprised me. again he’s very adamant about never hurting the people he loves, especially with the way he grew up. if I’ve suggested something he doesn’t want to do for that reason he’s very good at voicing it and honestly I’m glad bc I would never want to make him uncomfortable.
he’s also v open about sex, and is always totally there to talk about it or hear new suggestions or anything that I need to talk about he will.
he is very into butt stuff!!! I am his anal princess I cannot even begin to lie to u. he definitely has not bought me as many butt plugs but you bet I’m gettin a nice one he saved up for every Valentine’s Day cause he’s jst a lover boy to his core <33 and butt stuff <333
he’s mostly into giving praise but sometimes if he’s particularly wound up a little bit of degradation is sprinkled in. again is very thorough with aftercare after the fact of these situations.
he’s also such a munch. like the munchiest munch in munchland. he owns a t-shirt that says “I ❤️ eating pussy” and wears it on a regular.
he knows just how to work a pussy with his mouth and its IMMACULATE!!! he can also eat ass too omg.
he lovesss using toys. most guys see toys as a competition, but not jj. this man knows what’s up. he has a whole ass collection of random ass toys laying around and somehow at some point they all get used.
his fav combination when I’m tired is being four fingers knuckles deep in me with a vibrator to my clit and ohmygollygoshgoodness. deceased.
he’s really into tired / sleepy sex too. though he’d never do anything sexual while I was asleep because as previously stated, this man does not do any type of noncon.
but like I say if one of us wakes up in the middle of the night then it’s sleepy, sloppy, tired messy sex and ughh <333
he also loves cockwarming mmh. well put a movie on and I’ll jst sit on his cock and it’s sooo..
loves being sucked off <3 and he has such a pretty dick too. uncut but he actually likes to shave around there. such a perfect pink tip like I can’t even it’s the prettiest thing. can taste putrid though if I’m not careful.
he likes to have his balls played with / sucked on.
and PISS KINK!!! omg he’s jst gross ab it it’s so hot. makes me grind on his thing when I need to piss just to make me lose control and :(((
also on another note he does not gaf if I’m on my period. a true soldier is not afraid to get his sword bloody (I saw someone else on their blog say this and have honestly just adopted the phrase cause it makes me giggle)
I think this is everything but I’m literally so tired right now, if there’s anything I’ve forgotten I’ll js put it in a different ask <3
- rafe shifter
i’m posting this rn cuz everyone wants it !! i don’t have time to individually respond but trust i WILL add onto this post later with my own thoughts. ty anon for sending this in and taking time to explain every detail <3 !!
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torialefay · 24 days
I love the way you write about Channie so here i come with a request!
Could you maybe write something, like a one shot idk, about how chan would propose to you?
I feel like it would be so perfect and im on my period so i really need a good romantic thing to cry on (maybe a bit smutty on the end cause…yk…👀👀👀)
Chris hid his hands behind his back as he realized they were a shaking mess. He was hoping you hadn't noticed... As if his voice hadn't been pitchy the entire night and he hadn't been acting totally bizzare for the past two weeks. To be honest, you weren't sure what was up with him, and you were slightly worried that it was because he'd regretted bringing you back home to Australia with him.
Considering the amazing (and very expensive) restaurant he'd just taken you to, you tried pushing those thoughts aside to just enjoy the relaxing evening with your boyfriend.
On the drive home, Chan had suggested taking a detour to have a walk on the beach.
"You're really pulling out all the stops tonight, aren't you baby?" you had teased, leaning in to peck him on the cheek as he kept his eyes on the road.
He'd let out a strained laugh followed up by suggesting a short drive to the first beach he'd taken you to when you'd come for your first visit. It was a place that had a lot of sentimental meaning to him as he used to come a lot with his family and friends.
You'd happily said yes, which led you to your current situation- trying to make small talk with your boyfriend who was a trembling, slightly sweaty mess.
"Babe, is everything okay?" you finally asked as your feet muddled through the water, one step at a time. The tides gently washed away each mark as you went.
"Of course... why?" he tried to cover up nonchalantly, but sounded more grand than he'd meant to.
"You just don't seem yourself... The past couple of weeks, you've seemed a bit... off," you looked away from him and out towards the sea, calming yourself a bit. "It's not because of me, is it? You're not regretting bringing me?"
"Oh god no, y/n, no," Chris said, scatter-brained now as he moved his body to stand right in front of you, forcing your eyes back on him. The crashing waves washed up against his legs, leaving the bottoms of his pants sopping wet.
"It's not that at all," he continued, reaching his hands for yours to hold you steady. "I just- jeez, I wanted to do this a different way," he nervously laughed at himself, looking off for a split second in his usual Channie embarrassment.
Your heart began to speed up at the sudden realization. Was he about to do what you thought he was about to do?
"But umm, here goes nothing," he bashfully smiled before clearing his throat and fixating his eyes back on you. "Y/n, every day I spend with you, I fall more and more in love." His ears turned the brightest shade of pink. "And I've known from the very moment I met you that you would be special, but I never realized-" his voice broke. You thought you could make out the tiniest glimmer of water in his eyes, which became more evident as his eyes and nose were slowly overcome with a slight red hue.
He shook his head slightly as if to shake it off while you felt tears start to well up in your own eyes. Your heart felt like it was swelling until it would bust.
"I never realized just how amazing life would be once you came into it. You truly make me a better man," his voice carried up, batting away tears. "And I, I just wanted you to know that I would move the heavens and earth for you. I am 100% certain that you are the love of my life," he sniffled, his eyes sparkling.
"Which is why-" he strained out, removing his hands from yours to reach into his pocket. He swiftly removed a small black box. "I have to ask you," he continued, slowly kneeling himself down onto one knee in front of you. The waves crashed behind him as they ran up along the shore, washing through his legs. His expression softened, admiring the way you looked in this moment with a single tear falling down your face.
"Y/full/name, will you make me the happiest man in the world and do me the honor of marrying me?"
edited to add: i'm so sorry anon for the lack of smut (and missing your period 😭), but maybe a pt 2? if you'd like?
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gayhoediaz · 3 months
to new people in the 9-1-1 fandom:
[brewrosemilk on ao3]
🚨 this blog is 18+ if you are a child you are not welcome here.
🚨 i have had 100% faith in these writers from day one, as have a lot of other people. inbox messages anywhere in realm of “how can you be so confident? i’m not.” or “these writers suck” are annoying and will likely be deleted.
🚨 in the same vein, i love this show. period. i love every single main character, and if you try to shift focus to buddie when i am talking about something that doesn’t have anything to do with them at all, i will also be annoyed. (and you might get blocked or called out if i’m in a bad mood.)
🚨 i am unapologetically pro sex and sexuality, in fiction and irl, and any prudish, sex-shamey takes stemming from purity culture will also be deleted and likely get you blocked. (and no, this does not mean that i don’t respect ace people what the FUCK.)
🚨 i am an eddiegirlie before i am ever a buddiegirlie or a buckgirlie. any eddie hate (which historically tends to stem from racism) will get you blocked and mocked. however: this does not mean that i do not love buck, and the excitement i have for him exploring his sexuality takes nothing away from my love for eddie or buddie. i am an adult, i can multitask.
🚨 please curate your dash. especially in a large fandom such as this one. block/filter, and move on. if i unfollow you, that does not mean that i hate you, and the same goes for people who unfollow me. it’s not an attack.
🚨 assuming you have a brain, i am always happy to talk to people in inbox and dms, but if i don’t get back to you, that is also not an attack. it depends on how many messages i am receiving at the time, and how i’m doing mental health-wise! also sometimes i just forget.
happy weewoo season 🚒🚨✨
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isa-ghost · 23 days
Oouuu h h .. u wanna talk about your hcs for early years Phil… ooh …(expanding from The Beginning if you want ! What you think the continuation could be, anything before, etc :) )
Oh god oh fuck I have so many thoughts and not enough braincells to put them into words, uhhh
Phil headcanons masterlist
His start, as we know it, is just a humble tinkerer and explorer with big dreams and even bigger ambitions.
I mean we been knew but HE IS A FUCKING GENIUS AND JUST DOWNPLAYS HIMSELF TO HELL AND BACK. He is SO SMART, sketching and studying and calculating things. He's SO PERCEPTIVE and GREAT at adapting, much like the birds he admires so deeply!! He NEEDS his brain busy. He can CRAFT, and a lot goes into that!!
Actually, his downplaying, lack of self-confidence, and inability to see his true skills and worth might come from all his failures trying to fly. He fucked up so many times, nearly killing himself a few and falling harder and harder each new time he failed. Every one of those failures just reinforced the thinking. And he had no one there to beat the doubt out of him and keep him going. Loneliness is a good way to get too deep into your own head.
His skills were and perhaps still are mostly (subjectively) smaller scale things such as the wings. It's once he found the builds of the deities that things kicked up a few notches. The structures were already built to the scale he thinks he can't pull off himself, all he had to do was restore, repair, and improve them. This is what eventually got him on Rose's radar. Even so, even doing little things on those monumental builds helped boost the size of which he can create things. His love slowly changed from tinkering to architecture.
A part of him fears (or perhaps knows deep down) that he is doomed to always eventually lose his wings.
But luckily, Kristin made them very resilient when she gave them to him. Based off what we know from observation, (and biology of birds maybe?) they heal and repair themselves over time.
And when they're severely damaged, he has Rose. After all, she chooses to be a sort of guardian for him similarly to Kristin. When he needs it, she can restore them each time he returns to Hardcore, the same way he restored her creations. It's how she shows her gratitude. All he needs to do is be in the right world. She can't do it across realms.
If there's anything to remember from the animatic, it's that Phil never quits. It takes A LOT to make him do so, and even then there's a chance that some period of time from the moment he decides to throw in the towel, he'll get back to it with fresh eyes and renewed determination. He's stubborn in more ways than one.
To this day, he wonders why crows seemed so heavily present around him in the first place. Of course he loves them, they fascinate him with their looks and symbolism and intelligence and adaptability. But... why did they one day just become so present? He's ""too fuckin dumb"" to think of why, so he doesn't bother. He just enjoys them.
Which brings me to another point. Oh my god is this man allergic to willingly sitting down and confronting huge potentially life-changing shit, especially stressful and negative big shit. Look what he did with the possession. He pretends he does not see it until it's too late, which backfires often.
His interest, if you can call it that, in [not super high stakes] combat developed once he met Techno. As he honed those skills, he applied his agility and the knowledge he had of movement from all his flying to it. He is a Very flexible, graceful fighter.
In general, he's very attuned to his body, both because of what he's had to learn in order to fly, as well as being careful in Hardcore. His self-control is fantastic.
In one of the first few headcanon sets I made, I said Phil fears lacking control of himself. That not only goes for autonomy, but physical control of himself too. It originates from all his falling and being grounded against his will. It's another reason that Ender King not only possessing him, but taking away his wings in the end is such a brutal blow to him.
Kind of a given, but between being an explorer, and once he picked up that interest in crows and desperation to fly and stay airborne, he spent way more time outside than in. We crows see it present day, he really only goes in to sleep and to store things.
Kristin gave him boons, so to speak, such as his wings, when they initially met. She's also the reason he can understand the crows and actually speak to them. He built Brian because Brian makes it even easier for us to communicate with him, but generally speaking, he can still understand us even without Brian's aid.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Hannigram with a s/o who has high functioning depression
I'm going to do this with other slashers too I just wanted to start of with one for now. But I've been dealing with high functioning depression also known as persistive depressive disorder since like 2017 but I didn't know it until January. I was never told what it was really like when I was diagnosed so I only recently after searching about persistive depressive disorder did I find out how much it really was impacting my life. Not to get into too much detail but I feel like people don't often talk about people who have depression who can still function and appear normal but still are dealing with issues like this. Anyway I'm self indulging, as a treat, with this one.
Warnings: Mentions of self harm and suicide, mental health struggles, mostly just hurt/comfort
At the beginning of the relationship with them everything seemed fine. You seemed like a happy healthy person, Will and Hannibal were happy with that too.
But as the relationship goes on and you open up more and more about what's been going on in your day to day life they start to worry.
Of course Hannibal will know it's persistive depressive disorder and will have to explain that to Will too. Will is going to be a bit confused about how you have this but he's going to trust Hannibal on this one.
Hannibal knows that pdd isn't easy to see unless your really know a person. He knows that on the outside you look and function fine. You keep up with work and hygine and you don't seem like you'd be depressed. But he knows better.
But it's those reasons Will doesn't see how you have depression. But he'll soon see that it's a daily struggle for you and he's going to take this seriously.
Hannibal is going to encourage that you go to him to talk about your mental struggles and whatever else you need to talk about. Will is going to try and help you too.
Hannibal will set easy tasks for you to do throughout the day that aren't going to be too draining on you. He understands how you can do things like go to work, keep up proper hygine and do other things most people can but it's incrediably draining on you.
If you aren't currently living with the two of them then there will be daily check ups if you don't see them on that day. Hannibal will insist that he cooks meals for you. One because he does that for people he loves and two he knows how you might not feel encouraged to eat because of your disorder.
But if you are living with them the check ups will be whenever they can be. If Will or Hannibal notices that you've been up in your room for a long time or you've been alone for an extended period of time Will is going to go check on you and make sure that you're doing ok.
If they find you crying Will is going to be the comforter, holding you close and rubbing your back while whispering sweet words to you while Hannibal is going to ask why you're crying and what caused this to happen.
It's like that with most things. Will is the one who does the comforting and Hannibal does the more psychological aspect of it. Of course Hannibal will wait until you've calmed down enough before he starts picking your brain.
Hannibal will also keep you in contact with someone who can perscribe medications for you to take. If you are on medications they'll make sure you never miss your doses.
They know how tiring it can be to do tasks all day long but there will be lots of praise when you do tasks. They want you to know that they know it's hard on you but that they're so proud of you for doing it anyway.
But on days that it gets really bad, like you can barely do anything days Will is going to sneak you some comfort food and Hannibal is going to insist you be near them in case you start getting bad thoughts.
On these worse days they won't force you out of bed but they'll suggest you at least join them in Hannibal's study. You don't even have to do anything you can just sit with them in there and they'll give you praise for it.
If you have a past with self harm and suicidal thoughts and actions they will take this into account. Depending on how long you've been self harm clean you won't be allowed around sharp objects alone. But if you've been clean for awhile you can be alone with them unless it's a rough day mentally.
Now no matter what once you talk about having had or currently having suicidal thoughts they're going to lock up medication and whatever else they need to keep you safe. They love you so much and they don't want to lose you.
In the moments that you are happy and in a good mood they'll take note of what's making you happy and suggest it as a coping skill for you. They love seeing you happy and hearing you laugh.
Whatever activities you find fun and enjoyable they'll encourage and support them. Hannibal is rich and he can spend money on whatever it is that you like. If you're into the arts Hannibal will indulge you in whatever art speaks to you. He's more than happy to pose for a drawing or a painting for you.
If you're more into nature and being outside Will has got you covered. He'll join you on hikes, fishing, camping, whatever else you enjoy doing outside.
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reorientation · 4 months
Offer to help me with my T shots, then while I'm not looking, replace the syringe with one full of something that will make me absent-minded, forgetful, fertile, and horny. Reassure me that I already took my birth control, every day when I remember that I forgot to take it. Just how long do you think you could convince me that the early symptoms of pregnancy are actually just the testosterone working? -sleepy anon
Pleased to see you on this side of the fence, sleepy anon.
I think I wouldn't even try to convince you that you'd taken your birth control: too high of a chance of you realizing it wasn't true. Instead, I'd just point out the days when you really did miss it, and gently suggest to you that since you weren't taking it very regularly, we should try something different.
T is practically good enough as birth control all by itself, after all - if you just keep track of your cycle, I can pull out during the riskier times, and you'll be safe. Well, I'll keep track of your cycle, actually, since my memory is so much better.
And of course you're experiencing bodily changes, as your body goes from one hormone mix to another - especially with you coming off of the pill. Hormonal birth control affects your breasts, so it's no shock that they're a little sore during the transition period. Men and women smell things differently, so if the smell of eggs suddenly makes you nauseous, it must be your brain getting temporarily mixed up. And obviously the T is going to affect fat distribution - I love your belly, babe, it's nothing to worry about.
If you got too concerned, I'd "do some research" and procure some new gel pills full of something that would help with those worries. And it really would - insofar as you'd forget there was even anything to worry about. Not that you'd have much opportunity to worry, what with all the time you're spending on your back.
It wouldn't be long before I reduced the dosage, though. Not because I don't want to keep you absent-minded and horny, but because baby-brain would do the rest for me.
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sessakag · 1 month
Hi! I'm really curious about your writing process because you're writing so many stories simultaneously which i think is really impressive. 💖 Do you already know what's gonna happen in the story such as the ending? Do you outline the plot before starting a story or is the plot decided as the story goes? Do you also forget what happened in the previous chapters so as that you have to reread them before writing the next chapter?
My writing process can be summed up in one word: chaos.
Absolute chaos, no joke. I am always all over the place, bouncing from one fic to another, files everywhere, folders everywhere, docs everywhere, like omg, its so disorganized on my side of the fic but its like a disorganization I can navigate quite easily most of the time😅and yes, I write a lot of stories simultaneously, but its on a bigger scale than folks see, lol. I've been working on 8 unpublished stories at once alongside Prey and Butterfly for the last month or so🤔my brain is just always going, and it switches from one thing to other, sometimes within minutes, sometimes days, sometimes hours, and then I get super fixated on whatever has my attention at the moment and the words just come pouring out of my brain😅I do take breaks when my hands and wrist start to ache, though that only makes me think of more stuff to write about.
I usually have a very clear vision for my fics, they're like movies or tv shows that I live through and experience inside my head, but the majority of the decisions on how to get to point A to B are made on the fly and I do not constrain myself if the story takes me somewhere other than the "clear vision" lol. I'm allergic to following guidelines. I just can't write like that, I have to like, feel the story as I write and if I can't experience the feeling of it then I go a different route, planned or not. it's hard to explain it without sounding like a crazy lady😅but yeah, I'm all feels and instinct with my stories, not much deliberate structure, though I have tried that before, and I was bored to tears and started dreading writing. Prey is a prime example of this. I planned on writing it one way, Prey!Naruto told me no🤭
I know how just about every single one of my fics are going to end already. I may not know how I'll get there, or what will happen in between, but I do know for a fact how they will conclude(unless the story demands a different end, but it's not likely to happen I don't think). I've already written the end for Butterfly, Monster, A Cure For Love, Prey, Dirty Little Secret, most of my unpublished fics and partially finished Secrets but I'm iffy on that one since I'm torn in two directions on how to conclude it. Once I get to the sequel I should have a better feel for it. But yeah, the end of these stories are already ready, they're just waiting for me to get there😂probably one of the reasons why I linger so much on fics so much🤔I already know they end and wanna have fun until the party's over🤭
I do forget things sometimes and need to re-read my stories, though for the most part, my fics are like movies I've seen a million times and I remember them just fine. I mostly re-read to pick up the momentum I had before I left, or to "get back in character" with the characters in the fic. Like if I've been writing Prey for an extended period of time, and then want to go to a fic where Naruto is more in line with his canon self, I'll have to re-read the story to put that hat back on, or listen to music that's less idgaf trap rap and more Naruto OST🤭but forgetting what happened in the previous chapters nah, not really. Not unless I'm having an episode or something, lol. Then Idk wtf is going on🤭
Anywho, hope this answered all your questions, but feel free to ask more!
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toomuchracket · 6 months
oh my god. ross with a baby strapped to his chest om sobbing at the thoughts rn
my brain immediately went to ross taking keir to a football game when he's one - maybe tour has taken everyone to madrid, and the boys are gifted a few tickets to a game and decide to have a lads' day out. but a responsible one, because keir and baby hann are going too; ross was lowkey surprised that his son was invited, but the general consensus is "he's one of the boys. why wouldn't he be there?", which both him and you found really sweet. and they're in their own little section of the stadium, so it's a bit safer. keir has a fucking great day lmao - he manages to stay awake and alert the whole time, flitting between each of his uncles' arms before ross puts him in the chest harness thing, so he's secure but he can still see. and that's imperative, because keir is FASCINATED by the game - he wriggles around excitedly when the players near the goal, and giggles like a wee maniac whenever someone scores. everyone finds this adorable, but no one more than his dad, who's ECSTATIC that the football-loving gene has passed to both kids (even if eilidh only goes to games to shout three year old insults at the opposition lmfao); ross just periodically leans down to kiss his son's little fluffy head, just so happy to be here with him (and then tries to explain the offside rule to him lol. he's too excited, bless him). the aftermath of the game is also really adorable, i think - the uncles treat keir and baby hann to a little football kit each to remember the day by, before heading back to the hotel to have dinner with the girls (who've enjoyed some retail therapy and peace and quiet lol). all in all, a lovely day <3
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assassin-artist · 29 days
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ok lore dump time for Valerie now :3c
Real name Valerie Hart, mutant code-name name "Mercy".
My saddest and my most OP character... Originally I made her to be super powerful cuz I just wanted to have fun exploring what it'd be like to have basically a god-on-earth kind of character running around doing whatever she pleased, but then I decided I wanted to explore how her powers could actually damage her in the long run, and how tragic it could be.
So, my idea is that her mutant ability was basically to "wish something into reality" aka to believe something into existence. Do you know how hypnotism works? It's both real and not real - a hypnotist simply makes a "suggestion" for your brain to follow, and if you genuinely believe it's real, then it works! Sort of similar to the placebo affect. This is basically what I wanted her powers to be like - if she genuinely believed something to be true, then it would become reality. Crazy OP, right?
But then I thought, well, everyone goes through periods of self doubt and losing confidence, you know? Teenagers who are unsure about themselves, adults who lost at something and begin doubting their abilities, etc.
When Valerie's powers first manifested at around 10 years old, her father, a scientist, became afraid of his own daughter. He loved her dearly, but thought that no human being should ever wield a power like hers. There, he first planted the seeds of self-doubt in her mind... the idea that there was something wrong with her. Her father was the one who made the call to Xavier's to come collect his daughter, where she was tearfully taken away to her new home.
Though she became an X-Man member at around 20 years old, an unfortunate string of mistakes led to her losing more and more confidence in herself. Eventually, all of it piled up onto her beginning to believe what her own father had told her all those years ago: there is something wrong with her. And as her power works, if she believes it to be true, then... it becomes reality.
Valerie's mental health began rapidly deteriorating afterwards. At around 26 years old, the other X-Men showed concern for her health and wellbeing, citing that she was losing control over herself and her powers. She lashed out in fear and anger, and was forcefully put on an indefinite medical leave.
"Just until you get better," they'd say with a sad smile. She knows she won't.
Though they made this decision trying to help her, it only added fuel to the fire burning inside her. If everyone else believed she was losing herself, then she would believe it too. She believes she's getting worse, her powers manifest so she really does get worse, she sees that she's getting worse, and she continues to believe it. An unfortunate downward spiral that she can't see an end to. She was bitter about it in the beginning, but eventually just accepted it.
Every day, she's worse than before. Sometimes the days bleed together and she confuses her memories for current conversations, and seems unable to tell the difference between dream and reality. Now she's afraid to use her powers for fear of doing something she hadn't meant to do, or of hurting people she doesn't want to hurt.
The others, her old team members and new students alike, try their best to cheer her up with companionship, hoping that making new, happy memories will help her get out of this spiral. It doesn't seem to be working, but she appreciates it all the same. She hangs around Xavier's school, sad and afraid, slowly slipping away out of reality altogether.
Her personality is very mellow, largely keeping to herself. She works as a healer now in Xavier's school, still wanting to help people however she can. She doesn't talk much, but she doesn't like being alone either, so she always seeks out someone's company at all times. She spends a lot of time around Hank McCoy - in the beginning, it was because he was trying to cure her 'affliction', but these days it's largely just because she enjoys his company (neither of them will mention that he seems to have stopped trying to fix her - they both know how this will end). When the X-Club is formed after M-Day, I like to imagine she spends most of her time in the lab with the scientists. She's not a genius like them, but sometimes she can still use her powers to help in small ways. She's one of the few people with the patience to deal with Dr. Nemesis's arrogant personality, so they grew close. He won't say it aloud because he's too prideful to admit he cares about anyone, but he's desperate to find a way to fix her as well.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hey love, I hope your well. Can I maybe ask for a hurt/ comfort larissa × reader fic? I was thinking maybe reader could have BPD/bipolar disorder and when, Larissa is in her office for extended periods of time she sometimes gets insecure and thinks Larissa is purposefully ignoring her and feels on the verge of splitting and pushing Larissa away, but she's been working on it and so one afternoon when she feels like sending a maybe not-so-nice message to larissa because she's a little hurt, instead she goes to Larissa and breaks down in tears and asks for a hug? And maybe larissa sort of knows what's going on and just embraces R tightly and reassures her it's simply work, and she'd much rather be spending time with her girlfriend than on a laptop all day, and maybe is just very mommy and calls R a good bunny for coming to her???
Split incoming| h&c
*Authors note~ as someone who has bpd and splits I feel these are important to write for and I hope some one out there finds this comforting or informative. This is largely based on myself and quite indulgent, wrote in a split so I can't say it's my best*
Trigger warnings~ mommy Ris bunny r (non sexual dom/sub dynamic (24/7 kink?) bpd r splitting
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
You love your girlfriend, truly you do more than anything else in the world, so why would you feel this way? Your own brain confused you most days so how could you expect someone else to understand. Your borderline personality disorder has been something you've struggled with for years, people had came and gone in your life because of it. Because you become too much, a problem. You gotten use to that same pattern and routines, convinced yourself that you were simply unworthy of love. It's the only thing that made sense, how could all those people be wrong?
Until you met Larissa. You'd split on her many times yet she still stayed. You couldn't do anything or say anything that would make her leave you. But that didn't mean it was okay. You hated who you became in those moments, you never really remember them clearly but you knew you had said and done some terrible things. Living with the regret of hurting your favourite person because they don't seem to match the pedestal you put them on. It wasn't on them. You knew you needed to work on responding better. It was hard but you needed it.
Larissa is safe, you knew that. So after a few splits, you both sat down and made lists of triggers and things you could do or she could do to help you in these moments. She knew splits were an inevitable part of your relationship together. However, Larissa wanted to be there to support, love and help you anyway she possibly could. No matter what you need, Larissa will always do her best to provide it.
A big trigger for you is when Larissa ends up in her office for hours on end. It made your irrational brain convince you she was ignoring you, cheating, or worse, leaving you completely. You could feel a split coming on, the rational sides of your brain leaving as you felt clouded with all these confusing thoughts and conflicting emotions. You typed up a message, the rage overwhelming you as you informed her if she was going to leave then hurry up because you I'm fact did not need her. She was just like everyone else who came and left.
Before hitting send you remembered your promise to the blonde, so you threw your phone else where as if it burned you and hurried to her office. You didn't bother with knocking but as soon as you laid eyes on her you couldn't help but burst into tears which caught her attention. "Mommy, hug" you'd sobbed. Without questioning it Larissa came to gather you in her arms, putting her laptop away, you had her soul attention. She knew what this was, you'd came to her and used your signal, she couldn't be more proud of you. "It's okay bunny. You're so good darling. Thank you for coming here love. I'd much rather be all snuggled up with my cuddly bunny than doing boring work" she murmured to you showering your wet cheeks with sweet kisses. "I'm so proud of you bunny for finding mommy. You split didn't you?" Causing you to nod in response. "Okay bunny good job shall we go lay down? Cuddle and maybe nap love does that sound good?" Truly there was no one as perfect as Larissa Weems, she seemed to always know what to do even if she felt like a failure she'd always help bc she was her.
Word count~ 807
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
i saw an anon ask about a second part to ‘sorry’ and i’m dying cause that sound so good,, like i can imagine steve kind of tearing up,, especially if it’s a little girl- like imagine stevie realizing what an ass he was sometime back,, but you had left maybe?? then one fine day he sees you and yours and his baby and his mind goes like skkrt,, because there you are the love of his life, the one person he loved more than anything in this entire world and the one person he hurt so much?? and his beautiful kid and gaaahh it kills me to think of this angst being angsty and fluffy- maybe he starts crying just a little and the baby’s name is something that signifies reader and his relationship like constellations they used to watch or flowers he used to get her,, my brain turned to mush i’m so sorry <3
also can i please be this anon 🪐 || if it’s not already taken? <3
Yes you can absolutely be that anon! 🥰
Also I’m imagining it like roughly 16 months later (so adding up if reader was 2 months by the time she told Steve and then the jump of almost a year and a half, baby girl Harrington is going to be 9 months old) I just want baby cuteness and angst and all with Steve 🥺
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Steve Harrington x Reader
Part 2 to Sorry
Part 3: Growth
Part 4: Love
“Holy. Shit.”
Steve couldn’t have said it better himself.
When Robin had uttered the two words, he’d turned from where he was leaning against the counter, talking to her during a particular slow period at Family Video.
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Or to put it better, who he was seeing.
You were like a mirage. A fantasy come to life.
A ghost of his past, if you will.
He hadn’t seen you since that day in the diner. The day he made the biggest mistake of his life.
Begrudgingly, he had to admit it took him longer than it should’ve to realize he made a horrific mistake. He’d ignored the pit in his stomach that day he left you at the diner, that feeling of wrongness settling in his chest. After all, he was doing it for you. He was trying to be the bigger person.
The only thing that accomplished was making him the biggest asshole of the year.
Probably of the century.
It had taken weeks of his friends knocking some sense into him before he finally accepted that he needed to make things right. During that time, he finally opened up to his friends, revealing all his insecurities, his doubts and his fears—all stemming from shitty parents and one relationship gone horribly wrong before he’d even met you. He’d realized he’d projected all this on you, fearing that you weren’t in it for the long haul, afraid that you’d leave him if things got too tough.
He should’ve known that wasn’t true with how hard you’d fought for your relationship after that final break up.
But he had learned by opening up to his friends that that was something he needed to become comfortable doing with you. You deserved to be let into his mind, see all the not so attractive parts of him. It had terrified him before, but knowing you wanted to hear to help him, to be there for him made it a lot less scary.
When he’d gone to find you though, to beg you for forgiveness, you’d already been gone. Your roommate—who you didn’t particularly care for, which is why you’d basically lived at his place during your relationship—had told him you’d moved home with your parents, who lived an entire state away.
From that day on, he never stopped beating himself up internally. The guilt actually ate him alive.
What kind of man was he?
He’d left you, pregnant and alone.
Now, here you stood, nearly a year and a half later, near the entrance of Family Video.
Right in front of him was the woman he loved with every fiber of his being. You owned every part of him, but most importantly, his heart.
And in your arms, nestled on your hip was a baby girl.
A baby girl that bore a striking resemblance to him.
“Hi, Steve,” you whispered.
He honestly couldn’t find the words as he gaped at you. His braid had short-circuited at seeing you. His heart pounding with nerves and just because of you. It probably wasn’t the most manly thing to admit, but you made his heart flip like it was doing summersaults, gave him butterflies in his stomach.
Rendered him speechless too, apparently.
You looked even more beautiful than he remembered. He halfway wondered just what you’d looked like pregnant, if you glowed from within like everyone claimed pregnant women do.
Even from the distance of half a room, he could see you looked tired, but it didn’t take away from your beauty. There may have been circles under your eyes, but your eyes were still as pretty, always a hint of mischief in them. Even if now they looked a little wary, he saw the strength in them too.
Your teeth was sunk into your lower lip—something you tended to do unwittingly when you were nervous. He remembered well how they felt pressed against his and suddenly there was an ache in his chest, a deep need to to kiss you.
You were in casual lounge clothes, loose pants and a t-shirt, but it might as well been the fanciest dress because you looked amazing in his eyes.
It was when his eyes landed on the baby girl, that he truly felt the breath leave his lungs. She was as beautiful as her mother, with rosy cheeks and a carefree demeanor.
But she looked just like him.
She had his dark hair, his eyes, he didn’t even know how to explain other than she practically had his whole face.
A hard elbow to the ribs had him snapping out of his trance and grimacing at the same time. Who knew Robin’s elbow hurt so much?
“Hi,” he breathed, reverent, almost as if he spoke too loud you’d just drift away like dust on the wind, nothing but a pure figment of his imagination.
“I’m going to take my break,” Robin announced, officially breaking his spell.
“Just holler if you need me,” she said to him, before heading towards the back.
You walked closer to the counter, the baby in your arms babbling, chewing on the toy in her hands. She was taken in by the bright colors and lights everywhere and her eyes looked everywhere, her tiny mind taking it all in.
“I thought you moved back in with your parents,” Steve said, fidgeting with a pen that was laying nearby.
He forced himself to put it down and still his hands.
“I did. But I decided it was time to come back to Hawkins,” you said, shoulders straight, sure of yourself.
“After all,” you continued, “I thought you might want to meet your daughter.”
His daughter.
The words about brought him to his knees. Not from fear like they’d had that day so long ago, but just from pure enchantment. A part of him was in this little girl. This little girl who he’d help create.
She was perfect.
“She’s beautiful,” he smiled, watching her.
“Yeah, I think so too,” you smiled, trying to get her to turn to look at him.
“She looks so much like me.”
The awe in his voice was apparent, but he couldn’t help it.
“Yeah, I carried her for nine months only for her to come out looking just like you,” she teased lightly.
He chuckled, the lighthearted remark easing some of the tension and awkwardness between you two.
“Well there’s definitely no question that she’s mine, that’s for sure,” he said with a wry grin.
He was afraid you’d be insulted by his retort as he had asked when you’d told him you were pregnant, if the baby was his. But you just smiled at him and his heart soared, getting way ahead of all logical thought.
“Um,” he swallowed nervously, “How old is she?”
“Just turned nine months.”
You tapped on her tummy, tickling slightly, trying to get her to look at him.
“Can you say hi, Scarlett?”
“Her name is Scarlett?” he asked, smiling at her when she finally looked at him.
“Scarlett Rose.”
Again, his breath left him entirely as his gaze shot to yours. He found the confirmation there in your gaze, but he still had to ask.
“Scarlett Rose as in…”
He didn’t finish his thought, but you finished it for him.
“The red roses you’d send me for every anniversary, birthday and Christmas? Yeah, just like that.”
It was a small gesture he’d done early on in your relationship that had continued throughout it. That had been just a small physical thing, although proof of his love for you. But now, named after those romantic gestures was an actual product of yours and his love.
“I love it,” he smiled, “It’s perfect.”
You noticed him watching her and you couldn’t help but smile at how amazed he was by her.
“Would you like to hold her?”
He nodded emphatically.
“I’d love to.”
You handed Scarlett to him and he took her, a little awkwardly at first, but soon she settled into his arms, tiny hands busy playing with the name badge on his employee vest.
“Hi Scarlett,” his voice sounded hoarse, his throat clogged with emotion that he was trying to keep at bay, “I’m your daddy.”
She was still focused on the name tag, babbling away and his eyes actually teared up as he rubbed a hand over her back, kissing her head. He looked up at you and saw you watching them, a slight smile on her face.
“Y/N, I—”
You held up a hand.
“You don’t have to say anything. I know you didn’t want to be part of her life. But I didn’t want to keep her from you. I just thought you should meet her.”
There was so much he needed to say, that he wanted to say. Of course, the most random, most idiotic thing was what chose to fly out of his mouth.
“Is there another daddy in her life?”
He wanted to hit himself. Of all things, he had to say that?
Your brows creased and he rushed ahead to explain himself before he could piss you off.
“I just mean I told you that day to find another father for her and I know I gave you permission to but I really regret that now because I don’t want any other guy being a father to her and you have every right if you wanted to da-”
Your simple response cut off his incoherent babbling.
“Believe it or not Steve, but I wasn’t interested in dating. I just wanted to focus on my-” you paused, realizing your mistake, “Our little girl.”
Scarlett was trying to pull the fabric of his Family Video vest into her mouth and he stopped her.
“No, no, honey. That’s not to chew on.”
“Here, give her this.”
You reached in your bag, pulling out a teething ring toy, handing it to Steve. His fingers brushed yours when he took it and you felt the metaphorical spark as his touch, your eyes flying up to his. He watched you with such intensity, you could feel your heart flipping like a dolphin in your chest.
“She’s teething pretty badly right now,” you said, trying to pull yourself together.
“Here you go, sweetheart,” he murmured softly to Scarlett, placing it in her hands and watching as she brought it to her mouth to chew on.
You watched, father and daughter finally having met, the hole in your heart that he’d left behind slowly, millimeter by millimeter, begin to heal.
“Y/N,” he looked back towards you, “I’m so sorry for what I did.”
You nodded.
“Apology accepted.”
“I’m not even through apologizing,” he laughed, although you could hear the pain behind it, “I never should’ve left you or Scarlett. I was scared. I was a jackass and a coward. Call me whatever you want, I deserve it.”
“I’m not going to call you anything, Steve.”
“Still, I deserve to be called everything in the book,” he sighed, looking as worn and broken as you felt, “I actually went to find you. A month after that night.”
“A little late by then, don’t you think?”
He winced at your comment.
“That’s fair. But yeah, I found out you’d moved home. So I want to tell you now what I wanted to tell you then.”
You stopped him.
“I appreciate it, Steve. But you don’t have to. I didn’t come here for us, I can here so you could meet your daughter,” you said, “I wanted to let you know that you can see her, spend time with her, whatever, anytime you want. As far as I’m concerned, we’re just co-parents.”
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel a stab of pain at that last statement.
“But, I wanted to make it right, Y/N and apologize.”
“Like I said, the apology is accepted. But you’re not forgiven. You broke my heart, Steve. We’re broken. If you think I came to fall back into your arms after you left me in a pile of shattered pieces, then you’re sorely mistaken.”
He sighed, the weight of the world feeling like it was crushing his chest at your words. But really, could he blame you? He wouldn’t trust him either.
Scarlett babbled to him and he smiled at her, albeit he felt like doing anything but smiling. Crying, screaming, begging, punching a wall, maybe.
But he had no one to blame but himself.
“Do you mind watching her real quick? I really have to hit the bathroom,” you said.
“No, we’re fine. Go ahead. It’s down the hall to the right.”
Scarlett saw her mommy leaving the room and started to fuss.
“It’s okay baby, mommy will be right back,” she promised.
“Ma ma,” Scarlett whined, pathetically.
He knew exactly how she felt.
“Hey, want to see some really cool lights?” he asked her, jostling her gently in his arms, walking to the big Family Video sign.
It was a neon red orange that glowed brightly and he thought it would distract her long enough to keep her from crying. She babbled, reaching out towards it, her tiny face illuminated by the neon light.
“I could tell you lots of stories about mommy,” he spoke softly to her.
Scarlett looked up at him as if intrigued by the sound of his voice.
“Most importantly though, I can tell you that I made the biggest mistake ever when I let her go.”
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somethingblu3 · 5 months
Richard Headcannon's (Later)
I have a few headcannons now because I rewatched later, and now I'm obsessed with it, and I came up with some following @astarions-bride post.
I'm sure I have a bunch more, but these are all the ones my tired brain can think of. I'll add some more smutty ones at a later date, maybe for Febuwhump?
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You two always go shopping together. It's always a fun date night. Richard always knows what fits your body best and what suits your figure. Of course, he would be really into the color analysis. - He would also be involved in the actual 'dressing up' not just for going out but for work, especially because he wants you to make a good first impression. Helping apply make-up, choosing different heels/perfumes for you to wear for different occasions.
He loves taking videos/photos of you, especially when you aren't looking. He has entire folders saved of the same photos but in different poses. Maybe he enjoys scrapbooking. Of course, he loves dirty photos/videos as well. Lights up when you're bored at work and escape to the bathroom to send him a quick selfie, teasing him about what's to come later. He almost wants to share it and show you off, but he holds himself back.
When you get back from work, he always attacks you with kisses. Sometimes, you don't even make it to the bedroom and end up on the couch, which means you have to get creative with positions. He loves it when you arrive home all sweaty and tired because that means you can have showers and head straight to bed.
He loves showers and baths. There's so much closeness between your bodies. He loves cleaning your hair while you tell him about work woes and gossip. Trivial things. You debate on dinner but end up settling on takeout. Of course, make-out a sesh when waiting for delivery.
Then he feels jealous when the delivery guy comes to the door. He can feel them watching your body either in a towel or see-through pjs, usually a night dress one he picked for you. And then, when cuddling on the couch, he's really possessive and doesn't give you any room to breathe. He has to mark you - with anything he possibly can anywhere with bite marks and scratches. The neck is the most obvious place, but then the shoulders and your waist, anything that can show through clothes even though you mostly wear suits at work.
Of course, he takes your clothes from the day and saves them in a pile like he's nesting. It's a comfort thing - from his last relationship (we all know how that ended), he craves constant touch, so when you're away, your clothes are the closest thing to him. Sometimes, he likes to lie and spread your clothes on his chest, especially dresses, and feel them like you are there, sometimes not even in a sexual way.
He loves having photoshoots with you. Something you do in your rare down days. Outfits don't even have to be sexy, but often they're short. - And speaking of shorts, he loves those too. Just the expose of your leg/thigh drives him wild; he can't hold himself back. He always grabs your ass, especially when you pull him in for a kiss.
He always tells you that you should be a model, but you never take him seriously. He loves watching you while you sleep, especially post-orgasm. It always starts with innocence. At first, he traces your face - your cheeks and then, of course, he goes lower, and before you know it, he's fucking you mid-sleep, and he can't help himself. Sometimes, he slides a condom on, but of course, he's too tired and doesn't want to wake you. When you miss your period, he's a worried mess. He's never told you about what he does, although you always go into detail about your 'weird sex dreams' - you're both very open to each other about sexual stuff.
It doesn't take you long to realize he's a panty thief, so you end up giving Richard his favorite items, the ones you know he loves. You both love trying new things. At first, he was ashamed of using toys with you, but then it didn't really matter to him. All he cares about is your pleasure. He loves researching new positions and getting into kinky stuff; he's very nerdy about it. Aftercare is a hit or miss with him only when he's in the mood, but no matter what, there's always cuddling in the end because of how much he craves your touch.
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lipglossanon · 10 months
wild unhinged idea,,, sorry for so many long asks i really cherish your mental health and i feel bad filling your inbox so much with such long ideas but i hope you’re doing better <33333 (i can’t remember if you said this or not but i remember you said monster fucking is underrated and my brain conjured up this mess, i hope it doesn’t overstep boundaries,, love you <3)
las plagas dark!stepdad leon one shot,,,,,, like he goes on a work trip to Spain and comes back different but not like ~bad~ different 🤭, like equally as possessive and unhinged just something’s are more noticeable like his monster dick 👀 like black veins fading up his arms, an incessant need for biting you and tasting your blood slightly more than the usual or at the least he’s not leaving the marks in places just he can see, a longer tongue 🫣, more pronounced canines you get the vibes,,,,, eventually your mom goes out of town and it’s just you and leon and you wake up tied to the bed face down while he tentacles you everywhere (that is now a verb lol). down your throat- blocking your nose occasionally, prodding your back to see what makes you wet, spreading you open with his claws and grabbing your ass till your skin is bruised and bleeding. after days of him using you in the most obscene ways he finally lets you see him and the universe can’t save you now lmao, his cock is longer and thicker (how?!) than before making you cry before it even hits the back of your throat from the girth alone while he tells you you’re his good girl and strokes your hair followed by skull fucking you into oblivion 🥵 and like imagine calling plagas leon daddy, he’d malfunction 🤭 also like lactation plus plagas leon or like period sex plus plagas leon 🤔 not asking you to write it but like how would that go??? probably too well 🤭 and we know he loves eating you out- how far can that tongue go though? 👀,,,,, also canon divergence??? kinda?- i guess lol but barbed dick plagas leon? similar functionality to knotting but make it MonsterFucker??? (i also think i just discovered dark stepdaddy leon is just plagas leon minus the parasite writing this and trying to distinctly make it plagas leon but it’s just Unhinged Horny™️ leon, like dark stepdad would definitely get permanent vampire fangs just to bite you 🤭)
- 💀
(it’s so long already but my brain had a partial thought sorry if it’s overstepping any boundaries i just kinda bullshitted my way through this before i forgot lmao,,, you wake up head facing the bed realizing you’re- suspended? by what? trying to grasp your surroundings you look to the other side vaguely seeing tentacles out the corner of your eyes before seeing Leon for the first time since you woke up in here. he looks, more muscular with faded black veins everywhere, 👀 he watches you look at him studying the way your body responds almost- clicking? in response, you moan loudly feeling something wriggle it’s way into your pussy trying to tighten your walls around it you realize something- two something’s? are holding you open before searing pleasure washes over you at the feeling of that- tentacle? latch onto your g spot making you cum without a second thought so overcome with pleasure. you finally open your eyes to see Leon next to you stroking his cock, barely able to get his hand around the base, thumb more than an inch away from his fingers. eyes watering you realize he’s not even hit the back of your throat and your lips are already stretched to the point of bleeding, you must black out because when you wake up he’s holding your throat with his claws, digging them in slightly while fucking your face to the point of pain. the haze of everything makes it hard for your senses to tell if he’s close but he finally releases himself in the back of your throat screaming around his length you feel- barbs? he grabs your hair forcing all he has down your throat the pain quickly absolving into euphoria as his body violently shudders and the barbs retreat leaving you coughing up blood before a tentacle covered in black goo shoves it way down your throat. you feel electricity course through your body at the sudden intrusion before it’s replaced with shock and violent squirming when a tentacle makes it was onto your clit, making you succumb to the pleasure. you watch Leon stand between your legs pushing his foreskin back to expose his tip, leaking the same black goo as the tentacles inside you and to your horror and excitement you watch him roll his neck and the black veins become more prominent when he runs his fingers over his tip and his entire cock lengthens and the girth- no way that’s going to fit in you. he lines himself up with your held open cunt, screaming when you’re stretched even further so he can barely shove in the tip alone- once he’s bottomed out you see a prominent bulge lower in your belly from how deep he is moaning in ecstasy as the onslaught of sensations mingle with each other. he’s so deep in you at that point your own pleasure became background noise to you, only feeling the need to have your stepdad cum in you over and over again when finally his mandibles release your face and his tongue retreats from so far down your throat you’d think he was in your stomach. swallowing the goo you shuddered as you came quickly screaming the most blood curdling scream you could as the barbs on his penis protrude once again this time into your walls as you pulse around him milking him for all he has which if you had any sense of time you’d think it wasn’t that long until you watched the sunset out the window, realization set in your stepdad had been in you the entire day, barbs still pricking your walls as you feel another orgasm wrench it’s way through your body every few minutes? hours? you must’ve passed out, waking up in your mom and Leon’s bed thinking it was all a dream but quickly realizing your stepdad was on top of you- and still in you, barbs and all, the thought alone of all that happened hours? ago has another orgasm washing over you making you spasm, while- looking normal as before- your stepdad whisperers “it’s easier if you don’t move too much sweetie, keeps it from taking me over again”. before dropping his head back into the crook of your neck.)
💀 anon, I am dead
And this is what killed me: “it’s easier if you don’t move too much sweetie, keeps it from taking me over again”.
The whole thing has me wanting to gnaw on my walls like a rat 🐀
I have nothing to add but I will be thinking thoughts friend 🤭
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