#i just like to bully him for things i made up about him
starry-fame · 3 days
Caleb Loves to Bully You in Bed [18+ Caleb x Gender Neutral!reader/MC]
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Everyone sees utter perfection from Caleb. The kind of guy you could bring home to your parents, loved and adored by all. The charmer that gets along with everyone — flawless in every sense of the word.
Only you know just how mean he can be.
Tags: overstimulation, begging, crying, ambiguous genitalia!reader/mc, penetration, mean teasing, aftercare Word count: 906 Ao3 Author’s Notes: I wrote this in like an hour I really need Caleb for some reason lol
You remember introducing Caleb to your work friends, the way Tara lit up and asked a billion questions about your relationship — your past — about how you were a picky child, and Caleb made it his goal to find the things you liked best and make them better than anyone else could. Even strangers could see the way he doted on you. Small gifts, his subtle gestures of affection, the way he lights up anytime he talks about you as though you’re his entire world.
People even chastise you sometimes — wonder how you got the most perfect boyfriend when you reject half of his affections and scoff when he does a sweet gesture. Yeah, you’re demanding and picky if he gets the wrong snack item. And yeah, you tell him to get you the best or to get you nothing at all. And you glare and swat his hand half the time when he pats you.
No one knows Caleb like you do — they see the Caleb he shows off to the world. The dependable doting boyfriend. The man that spoils you rotten and practically worships you, the man who knows every little thing about your likes and interests and will never slack on getting you the best of the best.
What they don’t know is that Caleb is the biggest bully in bed.
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It’s almost infuriating, how everyone thinks he’s this perfect sweet saint and probably the kindest in bed too. No, Caleb is mean. For all the sweet things he did growing up and now — behind that is an insatiable man who revels in your tears.
He loves to pleasure you senseless — he’s got a thing for kissing every part of you, for lavishing your entire body. He could spend an entire night neglecting himself just to spread your thighs and make you come apart from his mouth and hands. He’ll spend an eternity sucking at your chest until your nipples are puffy and swollen, stroking your trembling thighs and lavishing you with his mouth until you’re trembling and begging for reprieve. He’ll make you come over and over and over until you’re an oversensitive mess — and the only thing that stops him is a genuine plea for mercy or you on the cusp of blacking out.
Fucking you is even worse. He’s the sort to spread your legs and hold you in positions that make you take every thick inch or kiss away your tears in missionary as you babble from his cock. He’ll watch you tremble, quiver, tear up from the overwhelming pleasure and call you adorable as you’re squirming, begging. He’ll hold you close and sing the softest praises on how well you take him, how cute you look squirming from his cock, how every little thing about you is perfect and you’re a bonafide fucked out mess. He’ll hold you on his lap and make you ride him, laugh as you quiver and chew your lip from the utter embarrassment. He likes embarrassing you — the asshole, watching you almost tear up from frustration as you try to ride him but you’re so sensitive you can barely lift yourself. And he’ll help you, hold your hips as he fucks up into you over and over, kissing at your collar bone, telling you how perfect you are as you groan and cling to him for dear life.
He loves tears too — is another thing you learned. You can’t remember the last time he didn’t fuck you to the point of sobbing, him kissing away salty streaks and whispering sweet praises as he makes you take his cock again and again until you physically can’t. If you were crying because of pain or emotional hurt? He’d turn the world over to find the cause, hunting down whoever or whatever hurt you. He’d comfort you and hold you as long as you needed. But when the tears are because of him and how overwhelmed he makes you feel? He makes it his goal to fuck them out of you.
It’s not one or two times either — it’s almost every night he’ll leave you spent, sobbing, and sleep-deprived with cum leaking from you. And the next morning he’ll look perfectly unbothered, busy in the kitchen and flashing you the sweetest smile as you stumble with shaky legs over to the counter. You glare and curse at him, but he just laughs and gives you your favorite breakfast, kisses your cheek before plating his own food.
You learned quickly Caleb was both your biggest lover and biggest bully. He adored every thing about you, from seeing you happy and making you feel adored and loved to seeing you a mess from his fingers, mouth, cock, using toys on you. He never made you feel unloved, he spoiled you rotten in the day and cuddled and cleaned you sweetly after wrecking you at night.
He desires every aspect of you an unhealthy amount, from your love to your feigned hatred at his constant bullying. And when he makes a small joke — a little innuendo only you understand in front of strangers and you smack him — he merely laughs, unknowing audience none the wiser.
Everyone sees utter perfection from him. The kind of man you could bring home to your parents, loved and adored by all. The charmer that gets along with everyone — flawless in every sense of the word.
Only you know just how mean he can be.
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btw check out Linkon Lounge, an 18+ Lads Themed Otome Discord Server! We stream otome/anime/movies, have lads boys rp/text bots (+Caleb ofc), and chill! Super inclusive and lgbtq+ friendly!
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mochatsin · 3 days
When MC has a Cast
A small sequel to the prompt “When MC gets pushed off the stairs”. After that fiasco with those bullies, this now focuses on the short shenanigans that come with the brothers trying to take care of you after you sprained your ankle. However, not all of them are very knowledgeable when it comes to human health care. 
if you haven't read the first part, please do! As there are some parts that is a reference from it (though it doesn’t dwell too heavy on it so it can be read on its own)
If he was already overbearing towards his brothers, then it’s so much more towards you now that you’re hurt. He asked for less work for the time being so he can take care of you after school, a request that Diavolo is happy to grant. Lucifer knows he wouldn’t mind, especially when he says it’s part of his duties to care for the exchange student, an excuse that the royals could see through. Though everyone knows how much he truly cared about you.
He has the power to transform the house into something more handicap friendly for you. Ramps on elevated areas around the house, adhesive stickers in the bathroom so you don’t slip, handles by the walls in case you need it while walking. He was this close to buying you an expensive wheelchair from the human realm that he found online, you had to stop him from doing so since you wouldn’t need it when you’re better.
Lucifer has an hourly alarm on his phone that reminds him to check up on you. No matter what he was doing during the day, he’ll stop and take out his D.D.D. to call you. He asks if you’re feeling any better and if you’re taking any pain medication or prescription pills as needed. He hates how he has to rely on Solomon when it comes to your medicine since they’re only obtained in the human realm, so Lucifer decided to take better care of you instead to make up for the lack of human knowledge.
If you ever said you needed something, whether it would be a snack that can only be bought outside or extra pillows to cushion your leg, Lucifer will definitely make it happen. If not him, then he’s asking Mammon or any brother available to attend to your needs regardless if it’s something for your recovery or not.
“They miss that favorite drink they usually have after school so I need you to go get it before coming home.” Lucifer’s tone is commanding, and if it weren’t for the fact that it was for you then the brothers would’ve made a fuss about his attitude. “I know it’s four blocks away, but that’s what they want. See to it that you come home with it.” He leaves no room for negotiation when he abruptly ends the call, expecting his brothers to come home with your drink.
When you’re finally out of that cast, Lucifer still refuses to let you go up and down the stairs alone. As if you were no longer capable of doing so without supervision. He makes sure you’re always holding onto the rails and that the stairways are always clear so that you don’t trip. You don’t see it, but he’s been more vigilant around you just in case there are more students he needs to keep an eye out for.
Knowing that leaving you for just a few minutes already got you in this mess, Mammon decided to be glued to you this time. It’s almost difficult to pry him away from you, and he’s miserable every time he’s separated that he’ll do whatever it takes to run back to your room. To him, he thinks that something bad might just happen to you again if he lays his eyes off you for a second. Sometimes you wake up to a three-eyed crow stationed by your window like a little guard.
Chores and assignments are done in haste, the quality is questionable but it’s honest work. Once he tried to just rush his household chores but due to how poorly done it was, he was separated from you again in order to finish it properly. Now he tries being quick about it but still somewhat passable to standards. The only thing in his mind is how he gets to hang out in your room after this was all done. 
Dishes and cutlery placed on the table where others had more spoons than the rest, the trash bags looked like they were just chucked into the garbage can outside, some clothes wasn’t sorted that Asmo got frustrated when he found his new shirt in Beel’s room where it was mistaken for a rag… Lucifer decided to assign chores that Mammon can take to your room, like laundry folding, to ease his brother’s nerves and lessen the stress he experiences on the daily. 
Mammon often steals stuff from the other brothers if he thinks it’s something that could bring you comfort. Asmo’s scent diffuser, Belphie’s blanket, even Lucifer’s mini record player to help you sleep. They would initially get mad, though they soon see a pile of all their stuff in your room, with you resting so soundly in the middle of it like it’s a nest. As annoying as it was to have their belongings stolen, the brothers let it slide for now.
“Can’t help it aight?! My hands are feelin’ extra grabby these days.” He says as he fluffs one of Beel’s burger-shaped pillows before placing it by your back for more support. Mammon then plops down by your side with a huff, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer. “That’s why ya gotta get better soon, ya hear me?”
He’s the one that refuses to let you walk around the house. Even if his brothers are there to supervise you, he claims that he’s your first demon so they should listen to him instead! Though it takes a little pout and maybe some puppy eyes from you to make Mammon yield.
At first Levi was a little agitated since taking care of you meant less time in his room. He always invited you there to hang out, but now with your cast it meant that he needs to adjust and relocate. It’s a small sacrifice if it means he gets to be with you. He’ll just switch base of operations.
Since he spends more time at home in the first place, he’s the one in charge of watching over you while everyone else is at RAD. Being a shut-in has its perks because it means he gets to hang out with you more, though it does a number on his nerves whenever he has to take care of you because he’s afraid he might make your condition worse somehow just by being next to you.
Lucifer already told him what he needs to do. Give you some medication at certain hours, assist if you need to walk or use the bathroom, and make sure you’re comfortable. It’s quite simple. They can’t risk stressing your injuries more, though that stress seems to be transmitting to Levi instead. “Hgnn… getting medication is like a fetch quest a-and assisting is like an escort mission… j-just like in the game.” Is what Levi mumbles to try and hype himself up by associating his tasks with something he loves.
Levi gets jumpy whenever you would walk, acting like you’d get hurt if you took a step with your bad leg. He’s good at keeping an eye out for you whenever you walk around the house because of his anxieties, and giving him bits of praise for taking care of you would usually do the trick of alleviating that. Eventually, he’s calmer when attending to your needs over the next few days. 
He stayed in your room more often and he started gradually moving his stuff there so he wouldn’t go upstairs too often to get something in his room. His consoles, mangas, and games are sitting idly by in the corner of your bedroom so that there’s at least something you both could do instead of laying around. Even when you sleep, Levi is still playing games by your side but with a headset or a lower volume so you wouldn’t wake up.
The brothers eventually noticed how more and more of Levi’s things are appearing in your room. The Akuzon boxes are waiting outside your door instead of his, the latest figurine he bought is displayed in your shelf than on his collection, and they find Levi putting some of his clothes in your closet instead of his. If this went on, they might find Henry 2.0 in your room. Everyone requested a week off from RAD to do some damage control like moving some of Levi’s stuff out. 
Satan stayed by your side, letting you lie down on the soft bed while he read your favorite passages. He even includes stories about the protagonist recovering from a battle, as if trying to tell you that healing from what happened is nothing to be ashamed of. You shouldn’t feel bad for resting because you need it, and Satan will see to it that you’re fully recovered with no problems.
If you were up for it, he would teach you any of the lessons you’ve missed once he’s home from RAD. He doesn’t mind giving you some of his notes and even writes it in a simpler way just for you to understand easier, even highlighting some key points so you know where to focus or what’s important. Satan wouldn’t want you to lag behind in class when you finally get back to school, but he’s only going to teach you at a pace you’re comfortable with. Your usual tutoring sessions are shorter because he wants you to focus on recovering first.
He’s got his nose glued to the human anatomy books that tackles sprains and muscles, something that Solomon provided after a lot of pestering from the demon’s end. He reads about how to treat it and the duration it would take until you’re fully better. It’s also his way of relieving his anxieties when it comes to your ankle so he can convince himself that you’re no longer suffering.
If you ever let out a grunt for whatever reason, expect Satan to suddenly be by your side asking you if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms he’s somehow memorized in his head. He’s being cautious if you might’ve accidentally aggravated your wounds and require any necessary medical attention, so he would sit you down and bombard you with questions about your condition. A brother would often have to rescue you before Satan gets halfway with his queries. 
“If I don’t know any of these, then how would I tell if you need some help? There’s power in knowledge, you know.” Satan says as he flips through the pages of the thick medical book on his lap. There’s this determined look on his face where he wants to make sure to cross out all the symptoms of any possible ailments. “Now, are you experiencing ‘explosive diarrhea’ by any chance?”
Satan is the one that makes sure that all his other brothers would be useful when it’s their turn to take care of you. He takes note of when you need your next medication, reminds them to refill your water bottles, and how they’d have to check on you for each minute if they had to. If any of them caused you problems, no matter how big or small, Satan would be ready to chase them down for doing a poor job as soon as they left your room. 
Asmo is treating you like an absolute damsel sometimes whenever he sees you limping around the house with your crutches. He also hates that you need to stay home for bedrest since, as he notes, you get to see him less during school days. He loves spending time with you as much as he loves staring at his reflection in the mirror.
Since you’re not around in school, Asmo is always ready to fill you in on the cheesiest gossip like he always does during lunch time or your after school walks. Now he goes straight to your room, placing his bag to the side before dramatically plopping down on your bed with more news. Weirdly enough, some of that news was about those girls that pushed you and about how they’re both fighting more recently. You even notice how big his smile is as the story progressively gets gruesome.
“Just because my darling is stuck here doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be updated to the latest scoop, right?” He says with a grin, showing you the latest tweets about the topic. “Don’t worry, you can always rely on me to give you the juiciest gossip.” This is his way of hanging out with you like how you both would at school. Whenever he wants to talk about something with you and remembers you’re not around yet, he gets a little lonely and he makes up for that feeling when he comes home.
Asmo would want to put his name on your cast once he learns that it’s something humans tend to do. It’s written all over with a pink glittery pen accompanied by little hearts on the side, maybe a little sheep doodle next to it too. The brothers were not happy to learn that he was the first one to write his name on your cast and then insisted on putting theirs next.
He insists on playing the role of ‘Nurse Asmo!’ whenever he’s trying to take care of you, complete with a play-pretend stethoscope for the role (Solomon gave it to him). Normally he wouldn’t come near someone who’s sick because he doesn’t want to catch whatever they have, that wouldn’t look so good on him. Luckily, yours isn’t contagious at all. Asmo would insist on feeding you and there’s the occasional teasing, but it’s all in good faith. 
Asmo also makes a great alert system. You once almost tripped but managed to hold onto the desk, and that was enough to make Asmo let out a high-pitched scream as he was worried your ankle must’ve gotten worse, maybe it’s not healing at all if you almost fell. It alerted every brother in the house and you not only have to deal with a worried Asmo, but now six more anxious demons as well. 
Beel feeds you foods high in nutrients. He’d even run to the stores to get you those sorts of foods if it meant you’ll heal in no time. Of course, he’s mindful of getting nutritious foods you actually like eating. He wants you to be both healthy and happy. 
“Here, Solomon said milk helps with healthy bones.” Beel says while carrying an entire box filled with jugs of milk. Clearly he means well, but you have to explain to Beel how drinking and eating things high in calcium doesn’t magically heal your ankle (it’s also worse if you were lactose intolerant). He’s a little disappointed, but he’ll understand. Beel could either drink them or give them to Luke as ingredients for his baking. 
Whenever Lucifer asks the brothers to run errands for you, whether it's something for your ankle or for your comfort, Beel is usually the first one to respond and he’s already out the door before any of the brothers could intervene. He likes hearing your gratitude when he does something for you, even if it meant he had to fly across Devildom to get you that ice cream dessert or just walk to purgatory hall to fetch something Luke made for you.
The brothers had to convince him that you wouldn’t shatter if he gave you a hug, but he wasn’t sure if he could. If the stairs already hurt you, what more for a demon like Beel who could bend metal like paper if he wanted to? He was too afraid at first to touch you, but you could see just how much he wanted to hold you. It takes only a few words and a pout from you to make the demon fold. 
If Beel would have to bulldoze everything to clear a path for you then he would. In case there was a bunch of furniture or other things all across the floor, Beel would chuck them aside to make sure you won’t have a hard time walking or risk bumping your leg onto something. Though Lucifer reprimanded him for literally shoving every couch aside just to make room for you and then forgetting to put them back properly. The house wasn’t a pleasant sight to come home to at that time.
Beel’s next solution was to help you with that ankle was to carry you around so you could get to places. You’d be in his arms bridal style while he takes you to the dining room to eat with them. He would even stop eating from the mountain of food from his plate if you needed to stand up, Beel would attend to you right away and take you wherever you needed to go. 
Belphie is not the most reliable brother when it comes to taking care of you, not when his excessive drowsiness gets in the way of actually remembering what to do. He wouldn’t be able to wake up in time to give you your medication, or have enough energy to assist you whenever you needed to use the bathroom or just get up to walk. When you needed his help with something, at some point he forgot about your cast and told you that you can do it on your own. His older brothers definitely scolded him for that and the tasks were assigned to someone else instead.
The only role that was given to Belphie was something he can easily do, which is to make sure you’re comfortable and well-rested. None of them wants to see you walking around too much, even with your crutches, as they worry that something could happen while they’re away. They fear you might fall over and won’t be able to get back up, so Belphie is in charge of keeping you in bed and making sure you don’t move more than you need to. 
Whenever you sleep next to Belphie, you always feel so refreshed and rested afterwards no matter how long or short you slept. It’s the demon’s doing, where he makes sure you have the sweetest dreams and get enough sleep so that you’re energized. Belphie thinks that getting more energized meant that your ankle would heal faster, so he’s always trying to drag you in for naps.
For the moments that he’s actually awake, he would be ‘fixing’ your bed so that it would be more comfortable to sleep in. There are three times more than the usual number of pillows on your bed, with extra comforters and better quality blankets. Each time he comes home, he’s fixing your bed and sometimes he adds pillows on it or replaces your old ones. 
“I only have these because I was preparing a little fort for us back at school…” Belphie is a little quiet when he speaks, trying to pass it off as being too busy fluffing your pillows but in reality he just doesn’t like remembering what happened that day. “But since you’re stuck at home, it only makes sense I bring the fort over here right?” 
The only thing that upsets Belphie at this situation for now is the fact he can’t lie down on your lap like he could every time he wants to use you as a pillow. Beel had to remind him that it might hurt your ankle if he laid his head on your thighs. Even though you tried to explain that it’s not necessarily true, the twins insist on making sure nothing would hinder your healing. 
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hoejosatoru · 3 days
it's nice to have a friend
Pairing: Fem!reader x Bachira, readers hair color/texture and skin color not specified. Characters are aged up 21+
Summary: You have been keeping a secret from your best friend for years: you're in love with him. Throughout the years it gets harder and harder to be close with him, but not in the way you really want. You reach a crossroads: tell him how you feel and risk your friendship, or accept it was never meant to be.
a/n: This took me way longer to write than I expected, but I'm happy to finally have it out. Title based on the Taylor swift, which is what inspired aspects of this fic.
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: Slowish burn friends to lovers, light bullying in childhood sections from unnamed character to reader, mutual pining, fingering, pet names, unprotected sex, cream pie. Not proof read. If aging up characters make you uncomfortable, don't read. MDNI
When you were 8 years old...
You met Bachira for the first time. You were at the park, collecting little flowers to put in your hair. You were about to pick a rather pretty pink one when a soccer ball rolled over it, crushing the delicate flower.
"Hey!" you grumbled at the young boy chasing after the ball, "You ruined my flower!"
The boy, who looked your age, looked down at the damage his ball caused. "Oh, I'm sorry," he said apologetically. He twisted around, scanning the grassy field. "Hold on!" You watched as the boy dashed away, picked a flower, then return to you. It looked just like the one you had been about to pick.
"Thank you," you beamed.
"Do you wanna play soccer with me?" he asked. He was passing the ball back and forth between his feet.
"I don't know how," you replied.
"I'll teach you! It's fun." He was balancing the ball on his foot now, which you found impressive. You'd always been a more solitary child, opting to play things on your own, however something about this boy made you interested in trying something new.
"Yeah, okay. Just a second." You quickly tucked the pink flower into your hair.
"Pretty," he smiled. "I'm Bachira, by the way. C'mon let's go!"
And so began your chasing after Bachira.
When you were 10 years old...
You and Bachira were each other's best friends. He never was able to get you into soccer, but you still humored him by kicking the ball around. Mostly, you just stood as an obstacle for him to practice his dribbling around, but you didn't mind. It was cool to see your best friend be so good at something.
Plus, Bachira was a fair sport. You loved drawing, which he'd always do with you. You thought Bachira's mom was so cool because she was an artist. You loved going over to his house and painting with her and Bachira.
Today, though, was a soccer day. You were passing the ball back and forth when it got away from you, as it often did. You ran after it, but it came to a stop in front of a boy’s feet. You gulped as you looked up, finding the class bully staring down at you.
"Watch where you're kicking that, loser," he sneered at you.
"'M n-not a loser," you replied, attempting to sound brave. The bully only laughed at you.
"Y-yes you are," he mimicked the catch in your voice meanly.
"Leave her alone!" Bachira shouted as he ran to your side.
"Aw look, it's your weirdo boyfriend!" he mocked.
Your cheeks flushed, embarrassed by this for a reason you couldn't quite place. "He's not my boyfriend!"
"He should be, no one else likes you," he replied.
"Shut up!" you snapped, trying to get the ball away from him. You lacked the skills Bachira had, so he was able to keep it away. Your efforts made you stumble closer, allowing the bully to yank a lock of your hair. The force caused you to topple to the ground.
"Ow!" you cried as your knees hit the hard ground.
Bachira's eyes flared with anger. "Don't touch her!" Bachira lunged at the bully, who tried to evade him, but failed. Bachira managed to steal the ball back and then shoved the bully to the ground. He hit the ground with a resounding thud. An embarrassed flush reddened his cheeks.
"Whatever, you guys are freaks!" he yelled, before scrambling away.
Bachira turned to you, anger replaced by concern on his face. "Are you okay y/n?”
"Yeah, I'm fine," you nodded. Your cheeks were flushed, but for a completely different reason that your bully's were. Seeing Bachira stand up for you like that made you feel a way you never felt before.
"C'mon let's go back to my house. My mom will take us for ice cream." Bachira held his hand out to you to help you up. When you took it, your stomach flipped. A soft sort of warmth filled you, like hot chocolate after a day in the snow. Bachira held your hand the whole walk back to his house, chattering on as he often did when he knew you were upset. You, however, had practically forgotten about the bully, your attention completely taken over by this new feeling brought on by your best friend.
When you were 14...
You had long since come to terms with what those feelings meant. You had a crush on your best friend. It was your biggest secret, the only secret you kept from him. The two of you were as close as ever, despite gaining some more friends in middle school. Bachira had joined the soccer team and, unsurprisingly, was one of the top players. He made some friends on the team and you made some in art club. Though none of those relationships came close to what you had with Bachira. You refused to ruin that by blurting out how you really felt about him.
On this day, you both sat up on Bachira's roof, as you did more frequently now. The sun was setting on the last day of summer and tomorrow you'd be starting high school. You were nervous about the transition. You felt the levity of childhood waning behind you, as if all the choices you made from now on would hold more weight.
"What do you think high school will be like?" Bachira asked you. He had his hands behind his head, watching the sunset in a relaxed manner.
"Dunno," you replied, "Everyone makes it seem like a big deal. What do you think?"
Bachira shrugged. "I don't think it will be so bad." That was Bachira for you, always unbothered.
"I'm so jealous you never get nervous about anything," you sighed.
"I get nervous about somethings, like what if I don't get on the soccer team," he countered.
You rolled your eyes, laughing. "You're absolutely going to make the team, Meguru. I bet you'll even get on varsity."
"Don't jinx me now," he replied, grinning. He wasn't superstitious at all, but hearing your unwavering faith in him delighted him.
"Just don't let it get to your head and ditch me for cooler friends," you replied, covering your real fears in a jovial tone.
Bachira snorted. "I don't think you have to worry about that." Bachira rolled over to face you, jabbing his finger into your ribs. "Besides, no one is cooler than you."
"Yeah, whatever," you laughed nudging his shoulder back. "Just don't want things to change. People start dating and stuff and shit gets messy." You never had a boyfriend, though a few of friend dabbled in dating in middle school. You simply weren't interested in anyone. Bachira did not seem interested in romance, either, but you knew that day would come and you were dreading it.
"You stress too much, y/n," Bachira replied.
"Ugh I know I do," you sighed, "I'll probably end up like Isagi." You referenced Bachira's teammate who after weeks of stressing about how he would go in for his first kiss ended up biting the girl on accident.
Bachira laughed. "Is that what you're worried about? No way your first kiss could be worse than that."
"God I hope not," you replied, "Just that all my friends have kissed people. Sometimes I feel like I'm falling behind."
"I haven't kissed anyone either," he pointed out.
"That cause we're both losers."
"True," Bachira chuckled. He was quiet for a moment before adding, "Hey I've got an idea. Why don't we just kiss each other?"
Your head whipped around. "Huh?"
"You know just to get it out of the way, so you're not as stressed about when you have to kiss someone," he replied.
"Are you messing with me?" You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Bachira liked to pull little pranks and if he was just joking around, you didn't wanna agree and look like an idiot.
"Why not?" Bachira shrugged. "We're just friends, it doesn't have to mean anything." While it stung a little to hear Bachira say kissing you wouldn't mean anything, you couldn't pass up an opportunity to kiss him.
"Okay, yeah," you nodded. "Why not." There was a beat of silence before you both started to move closer to each other. You both let out awkward little laughs before your eyes fluttered shut. The next thing you knew, Bachira's mouth was pressed against yours.
You weren't sure how long it was, it really couldn't have been that long, but you swore time froze. Your entire body felt alive, buzzing with warmth. You leaned into him, letting yourself soak up every second of his soft lips against yours.
When you pulled away you were breathless and flushed. You quickly turned away, afraid that he might catch how much you enjoyed that. "Thanks," you mumbled, laying back down.
"That's what friends are for." Bachira laid beside you once again. The two of you stayed up on the roof until the sun dipped below the trees surrounded by a charged silence. You never spoke of the kiss again.
When you were 16...
You were heartbroken for the first time. Bachira had a girlfriend.
As you had predicted, Bachira made varsity in his freshman year and quickly became a star player. You went to every single game, happy to cheer on your best friend's success. With the success, came more people wanting to befriend him and, eventually, girls who were interested in dating him.
It wasn't until now, in junior year, that he ever accepted anyone's advances. You didn't know the girl very well, but you tried to be friendly. As much as it hurt to see Bachira with someone, you did want him to be happy. His girlfriend, however, had no interest in you. She was cold at best, often trying to keep Bachira from spending time with you.
Bachira still made efforts to hang out with you, but it was different. To fill the void, you tried dating yourself. A nice boy from one of your math classes. He asked you out and you figured you might as well give it a shot. Maybe, you thought, this would help you get over your unrequited love Bachira.
The relationship did not last long. He was a great guy, truly, but your heart wasn't in it. Nothing made you feel like Bachira did. You were grateful to part amicably with him.
Luckily, just a few months later Bachira ended his relationship as well. "She was a total bitch," he said as you walked home together after his game.
"I coulda told you that," you replied.
Bachira was bouncing the ball between his feet as he walked. "Next time please do. I didn't like how she treated you, I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner."
You shrugged. "It's whatever. Just try to find someone cooler next time."
Bachira grinned. "Gonna be hard to find someone cooler than you, but I'll try."
When you were 17...
Bachira asked you to go to prom as friends. Neither of you had any other relationships after your respective first time failures. You were ecstatic to be going with Bachira, even if it was just as friends. Your parents fawned over both of you, making to take about a million photos before you left. You both acted annoyed, but loved it. It was an excuse to touch, to be close. You were happy with Bachira's arms around you, even if it was just for a photo.
You put upcoming graduation out of your mind, determined to just have fun. College was looming, the inevitable separation of the two fo you. You just wanted to enjoy every minute with Bachira tonight.
Unbeknownst to you, Bachira was harboring similar feelings. He's had a crush on you for as long as he could remember, but never felt brave enough to tell you. He told himself it would be tonight, prom being the perfect time to make it special. But all the nerve he had worked up dissolved when he found you dancing with your ex after he stepped away for the bathroom. He suddenly felt foolish and locked his feelings deeper inside.
When you were 18...
You and Bachira were apart for the first time in your decade long friendship. Bachira went to one of the top collegiate soccer programs and you found yourself at a college known for the arts. While you were excited for this, it was difficult to be without your best friend.
"We'll be in touch," Bachira promised, "You'll get so sick of hearing from me so much." While you doubted that, you were reassured that he valued your friendship so much.
But it was easier said than done. In the beginning, you facetimed each other nearly every day, but as his soccer training picked up and your coursework increased it became difficult. The daily calls devolved into texts every few days, with the occasional FaceTime. There was a small part of you that was okay with the communication dwindling. It was hard to see Bachira without you, knowing his life was growing in a way you wouldn't be a part of. That people would enter it that he may come to care for more than you. It was almost easier to just ignore it.
When you were 22...
You were graduating from college and Bachira was set to play for a pro league overseas. As you progressed through college and Bachira pick dup training to be a pro athlete, your presence in each other's day-to-day lives dwindled. You kept contact with each other as best as you could and even visited each other at your respective schools a few times.
The best part of being with Bachira was that it was like nothing had ever changed. As sad as it was at times that you didn't get to see each other much, it felt good that it never impacted the core of your friendship.
Both of you had a string of relationships in college, none of them lasting that long. There was always something missing in the other person, a spark that they couldn't quite ignite.
As you hugged Bachira goodbye at the airport, you couldn't stop tears from flowing down your face. Not just for your best friend moving half a world away, but for all things you never said. For how you wished things could be different between the two of you. It all felt too late now.
"Oh come on y/n, you're not gonna miss me that much," Bachira teased lightly.
"Don't worry these are tears of joy," You replied, wiping them away. "I'm glad I'm finally getting rid of you.
Bachira grinned. "You'll never get rid of me."
"Is that a threat?"
"Nah, a promise."
When you were 25...
You got a call from Bachira. He was moving back home. Bachira had been offered a spot on the national team after his years of success overseas. His time away was not that much unlike when you were both away for college, checking in with each other whenever time allowed. The best part of him being away was being able to visit him. The fondest memories you had of the last year few years were when you traveled to his games and you got to explore different countries with him. Leaving was always difficult, so you were elated to hear that he would be just an hour from you.
But as you drove to his new place to see him for the first time in months, a choice weighed heavily on you. You've spent the last few years trying to find a relationship that would shake your want of Bachira. All your attempts, however, failed, leaving you feeling hopeless. So, you made the decision it was time to tell Bachira how you felt. You didn't expect him to reciprocate your feelings at all, but your hope was that getting it out of your system would allow you to finally move on.
You were scared, of course, that it could make your friendship awkward. But at this point, you felt there was no other choice.
The anxiety in your stomach to a backseat to the beautiful house you pulled up to. "Jeez, Meguru what are they paying you?"
"Too much, probably," Bachira replied with a grin. "C'mon, lemme give you the tour." It was a spacious, modern home with big windows the let in a lot of natural light. The artist in you would kill to have a space like this to paint in. One room, not furnished yet, had large windows overlooking the spacious backyard. The perfect place for Bachira to get his own practices in.
"A lot of house for one man," you said as you settled into his couch.
"I'm a big guy."
You snorted, "You're like 5'9."
Bachira huffed in faux offense. "I'll have you know, I measured in at 5'9 and a half."
"Wow, at that height you might have to switch over to basketball," you retorted. You and Bachira fell into you normal banter, which filled you with the comfortable warmth it always did. You chatted for awhile, catching up on all you've missed while away from each other.
Time slipped away from the two of you easily, the light fading from golden to an inky black of night. A silence settled over the two of you and nerves fluttered through your system. Now was your opportunity.
Just as you were steeling yourself to tell Bachira, he broke the silence. "Do you remember that night on my roof? The day before high school started?"
"Of course," you replied. Though it was over a decade ago at this point, it was a memory you replayed often.
"I had such a big crush on you," Bachira dropped this tidbit of information with a soft, nervous laugh.
Your head whipped around, certain you didn't hear him right. "What?"
"I liked you," Bachira repeated, "I was actually gonna ask you out, but then you said something about dating making things weird. I thought you were trying to subtly hint you weren't into me like that."
Your brain could barely process the information just presented to you. Bachira liked you. He had been that close to telling you and you fucked it up. You covered your face with your hands groaned. "I'm such a fucking idiot."
"What do you mean?"
"I liked you, Bachira. I only said that because I was convinced you didn't like me and I was scared you were gonna start dating other people and forget about me," you explained. You were seriously kicking yourself at the moment. "If only I had kept my stupid mouth shut... all this time."
"Wait are you, serious? You liked me?" Bachira, replied, seeming genuinely surprised.
You nodded. "I... I still do," you answered. Might as well put all your cards on the table now. "I was actually planning to tell you tonight. I wasn't expecting to do it like this, but I couldn't hide it anymore."
"Wow," Bachira breathed.
"Yeah," you replied, "It's okay if you don't feel the same anymore."
Bachira laughed. "Now you are being a bit of an idiot." You shot him a look. "Oh come on, y/n, you really don't think I don't have feelings for you? For as well as you know me I can't believe you didn't see it."
"You didn't see that I liked you either," you countered.
"Well, I admittedly am an idiot," Bachira replied, making you both laugh. "I have something else to admit."
"What's that?" You couldn't imagine any more information, your head was already spinning.
"Well, I sorta bought this place with you in mind," he replied. "I also was planning on telling you how I felt when I returned home. If you felt the same, I was hoping you'd move in with me. That little room in the back looked like the perfect place to paint."
"You're fucking with me." You were too shocked to think of anything else to say. Meguru liked you. All this time, all these years he'd longed for you the same way you had. So much so that he was willing to shape his life around yours, to make space for the things he knew you loved. You felt tears prick at the back of your eyes.
"As much as I love fucking with you," he replied with a hint of a teasing grin, "This is not one of those times. And the offer stands. There is a place for you here with me, if you want it."
Your body moved on it's own accord, flinging yourself on to him. Your lips connected to his and suddenly you were 14 again. In that second where everything felt right in the world. Only this time it was not a fleeting moment, it was something real, something you could hold on to.
"I'll take the at as a yes?" Bachira asked when you pulled away, both breathless.
"Absolutely yes." Bachira was pulling you back into him as the words left your mouth. You were giddy as you kissed each other, hands exploring the other's bodies. Neither of you wanted to hold back after years of wanting this moment. You straddled his lap, pressing yourself even closer to him.
Bachira gripped under your thighs and held you as he stood up. "I have not waited this long to be with to have our first time be on a couch." He carried you with ease to the bedroom.
"When did you get this strong?"
"It's like you forget I'm a pro athlete." Honestly, sometimes you did.
"Yeah, but soccer players have strong legs not arms," you countered as he laid you down on his bed. Well, it was your bed too now. Bachira chuckled and kissed up your neck.
"All of me is strong. You'll see." He pulled off his shirt, revealing toned muscle and paving his point.
Bachira slid your shirt off, letting his hands explore your bare skin. He rolled your nipples in his fingers as his teeth tugged at your lower lip. A soft whine escaped you as you bucked your hips up for friction.
"Mmm, should I take these off you?" Bachira mused, hooking his finger into your pants. You nodded eagerly, wanting nothing more for Bachira to strip you, touch you. He did as you bid, leaving you bare for him.
"Fuck you're so beautiful," Bachira murmured. His hand traced down the length of your body. "Better than I ever imagined. Because to be honest I imagined you naked. A lot." You giggled, not bothered by this at all.
"It's okay I have pictured you naked plenty of times." Bachira grinned at that. It struck you how natural this all felt. The nature of your relationship had changed drastically in the last few minutes, and yet it didn't feel different at all. You were afraid that the admitting your feelings would take away the friendship you had, but it had done the opposite. It felt stronger, heightened, like this was always how it was meant to be.
"Guess I shouldn't keep you waiting, then." You pulled your lip between your teeth as Bachira took off the remainder of his clothes. Your body churned at the sight of him. His cock was long and flushed a pretty shade of pink. He looked painfully hard, leaking at the tip. "How's it compare to your imagination?"
"So much better."
Bachira leaned back over you, settling his hand between your legs. "Gonna prep you for me, okay angel?" His middle finger stroked up your slit. "Fuck you're soaked." Bachira breathed against your neck as he rubbed little circles over your clit. Your pussy clenched in response, desperate to be filled. He connected his lips back to yours as his slid a finger inside you.
Bachira kissed you deep and a little messy as he played with your pussy. His middle and ring finger were deep inside you, pressing your g spot with each curl. "Megu- ngh- feels so good." You were already breathless from his touch. It was if he already had you memorized, knowing exactly how to make you come undone.
"Gonna cum for me pretty? Wanna feel it on my fingers." He moved faster now, the sound of your wetness was damn near pornographic. With anyone else you may have been embarrassed, but you didn't care. Your mind could only focus on the pleasure that built, then finally snapped inside you.
"Meguru!" His name was honey on your lips. Your pussy clamped down around him, coating his fingers with your release. He pumped his fingers as you came, getting your pussy nice and slick for his cock.
"That was so hot," Bachira marveled. "Need to be inside you." You urged him, wanting to finally be full of him, not just his fingers. "Oh god," he groaned as he pressed inside you. Your wet, warm walls welcomed him, pulling him deeper inside you. You let out sweet little gasps as your body stretched around him.
"Feels amazing y/n," Bachira groaned, sliding his cock slowly through your walls. "So fucking perfect... can't believe I've wasted so much time... could've been fucking you like this for years." His hips snapped harder and faster as spoke. He was getting lost in the feel of you. Every time he thought he couldn't get better, your cunt fluttered around him and he reached a new lever of pleasure.
"You have me, Meguru," you replied, wrapping your arms around his neck. "All of me. Forever." Your back arched, making his cock his a deeper angle inside you. You both moaned into each other mouths as you kissed.
"Gonna cum y/n," Bachira babbled, "Gonna fill you up... cum with me angel... wanna feel you." He slid his hand down to toy with your sensitive clit as he thrust into you. Your body responded with a sweeping surge of pleasure throughout your whole body. You shook and slurred out his name as your second orgasm lit up your body.
Bachira's forehead fell to the pillow, beside your head as you clamped down on him impossibly tighter. A low groan escaped him as his hips halted deep inside you, filling you with his release. You felt his cock throb inside you as his warmth spread inside you.
"Fuck." Bachira was breathless and still buried inside you, even though you were both finished. "Promise I'm not just saying that because that was amazing. But I'm in love with you. I can't believe I waited so long to tell you that, but it's true."
You smiled, pushing the hair out of his eyes. "I love you too, Meguru."
When you were 26...
You and Bachira took a trip back to your hometown. You visited the park you first met in, reminiscing on old memories.
The next thing you knew, Bachira was down on one knee.
You said yes.
When you were 27...
You were dancing in a wedding dress with Bachira. You had a small ceremony in your backyard with your close friends and family. It was magical, better than anything you dreamed up when you envisioned this day as a child.
As the two of you swayed slowly together to the tune of your wedding song, Bachira pressed his forehead to yours. Instantly, it was like you were the only two there. Bachira said I love you in your favorite way.
"I'm so glad you're my best friend."
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thefirstlioveyou · 3 days
"i didn't want to tell you because the last time i was sick, you made me go to school anyway."
this is a subtle indicator that mike's emotional and physical needs can go ignored. although yes he's lying about being sick in this scene, the fact he saw that as an excuse his mom would buy shows you this may be insight on how he actually feels. he doesn't say things because he knows what will be said, and it's never helpful. it explains why he bottles up his emotions and hides them throughout the rest of the show. and the times he does open up, he's reminded of why he didn't want to in the first place. (and actually, the only person he can tell things without being rejected has been will)
let's explore more instances like this.
"i've been bullied my entire life, i understand."
"no you don't."
i get it. i don't hold this against el by any means. but it DOES still carry the theme of mike's issues being ignored. although it's not the POINT of the scene, it's still there. you can put down your pitchforks now.
this boy has been threatened to jump off a cliff and ultimately kill himself, physically bullied, verbally bullied, socially rejected. that had to have stung to hear her say that.
mike hasn't had a proper scene of how he feels about the bullying he's experienced all his life. the moment he does bring it up, it's denied.
"these [toys] have emotional value to me."
"don't care. throw it away. also why are you suddenly so rebellious recently? why are your grades lacking? actually, i don't care why. i won't actually bother to ask. just stop doing that."
"i know your dnd club is tonight -"
"why don't you just call it the club for high school dropouts?"
karen not remembering the name to the club is an indication that mike probably doesn't bring the club up or his interests with his parents much. makes sense. they've made it explicitly clear they don't care about the emotional value his interests have to him. and ted's comment directly after yet again reminds him why he never brings it up in the first place.
"i want you feel like you can talk to me. i'm here for you."
"no more secrets. from now on we tell each other everything."
such sweet support right? now.. where are they? karen has made no effort to understand mike the way she has for nancy. and although what nancy said is technically something that goes two ways, she's the one that initiated that promise.
i still understand why she and karen are this way to him, and i don't hold it against them! mike is just as emotionally distant to nancy. the wheelers are a very complex family and i can't wait for them to be dissected like bugs in s5.
and as i'm typing this, i realize all this makes the subtext in the junkyard make even more sense.
"sometimes it's hard to say what you really feel, especially to the people you care about the most, because what if they don't like the truth?"
anytime mike tells someone what he really feels or thinks, it's been denied, rejected or undermined. it scares him even more that this truth has to do with his sexuality. it puts him at more risk. he's seen how people treat gay people, how brutal they can be. he's internalized all of it despite it not being targeted towards him. it pushes him further into the closet and denial.
if his parents can't even see him more than a rebellious kid with failing grades that is in a "club for high school dropouts," what makes him believe they would accept him for being gay?
if his sister and mom truly are there for him, they truly care, then why didn't they mean what they said? where are they?
obviously, they do. but in mike's perspective, what else is he meant to think from this? what conclusion should he draw? my mom and sister just told me they'll be here for me and we'll be closer, just for them to act otherwise, just for us to be even farther apart. what the hell?
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ghouldtime · 2 days
I feel like König can absolutely melt your heart like this in the kitchen while a big pot of stew is simmering. Feel like it would be mid winter, a cozy fire going in the living room, probably a smudge of paint on his face from having just completed the miniature diorama he made of your wedding day or something. I JUST FEEL LIKE HES SECRETLY A HOPELESS ROMANTIC
(If you don't want to click the link, it's cool. It's like a really slow beautiful old timey princess kind of dance. Lots of twirling and the holding hands behind your back kind of thing?)
I'm sorry I'm bursting yet another bubble here 😭 while that's a sweet thought and he has plenty of romantic actions to boot, he's not a hopeless romantic or even close to it.
A hopeless romantic is someone who believes in love conquering all and they have an idealistic view of it. They're someone who believes in love, no matter what they've seen or their past. They're someone who holds onto love above all and usually centers their life around it.
He doesn't even come close. Truth be told, he's extremely pessimistic and is near the polar opposite of that 😭
He's seen a lot, experienced a lot, and has never been one to feel that way. After being ruthlessly bullied as a kid for simply existing as himself and seeing his comrades torn into meat confetti for stepping one foot too far, he's doesn't exactly have a pearly world view. He doesn't think about love first, or second, or even third, fourth, or fifth. Love wasn't a focus for him or an interest - it wasn't a necessity in that department, he's been without romantic love most of his life, why would he need it then or now?
Love didn't stop bullets from spiraling towards you on the field, love can't conquer all when things like hate, retribution, and vengeance are sung much stronger in his world. Love could motivate but it destroyed many from the inside out. He wasn't going to start believing in love or wanting it just cause.
Sure, he had familial love. He loves his parents and that did wonders in a world that was usually otherwise cruel towards him. But romantic? He wasn't ever particularly interested. To him, it's usually yet another complication in the line of things. And anyone who is nice to him, he's usually suspicious of. He doesn't let people close for a reason.
Quite frankly, he usually thinks others have ulterior motives, especially if they're trying to cozy up to him. All his life, he's pretty much been an outcast. People tended to only be nice when they wanted something. He can count on one hand the few people who have genuinely been nice to him without WANTING something from him, whether that be his perks with his rank or just to have him as a human shield as they charge into battle.
He was the awkward kid, the loner, the one no one talked to in school. He never had a romantic life there. And he went straight to the military which left him no time or room for one - not that he cared for it. It's just not something he cared for or went after because he hadn't really experienced it and it wouldn't do him any good. He's seen how many marriages end and heard of all the troubles.
He was never actively looking for it or thinking of love. He wasn't seeking it because he's seen how miserable people are in and out of it. He's very much "if it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, I'm happy with being me." König is a very independent man, he's fine on his own and is content with himself and where he stands.
I actually wouldn't describe him as any kind of romantic aside from unintentional because it's not a conscious thought! He's not doing it to woo or impress or to be a big gesture, he's just doing it because he likes you and wants to see you happy. What he does isn't born out of romance or desire or the want for either - it's just from the heart. It's an instinct.
He's not thinking of how romantic it would be as he plants your favorite flowers in his garden. He's growing them because he wants to see you happy and wants to put more of what you like in the world. He stocks your favorite drinks and snacks in his house because he wants you over - he wants you happy, comfortable, and enjoying his company. His actions are how he shows how he feels, but he's also not actively doing it because he's enamored with love itself or loving and how it feels. He doesn't care about the idea of love in particular, but he cares about you and what he feels for you.
He isn't making a diorama of the wedding because it's a romantic gesture, he's doing it because it captured how you both felt that day - and how truly beautiful you were in that moment, outshining the stars that danced above that night. He's memorializing his love in every brushstroke and clay flower, making sure to take extra care on the model he built of you. If he could relive any day over and over, it would be that. Sadly, he doesn't have that power, so he'll stick for the photos that captured it and the replicas he could make to truly memorialize it in the physical realm for years to come.
König's love isn't flashy, it isn't showy, it isn't meant to be something grand or fairytale levels of romance. It's simply his. Will he make you a ballgown if you wanted? Absolutely, but he's no prince, nor a king despite his name. Will he dance with you like that if you wanted? Absolutely. But that's not his first thought or a fantasy he really thinks of unless you implement it in his head. He's just him, living in the smaller moments of life. He doesn't need to show off to the world, he doesn't need it to be extravagant or formal, he doesn't need it to be by the books romantic - all of what he does is heartfelt, that's what he knows matters. And it has to be with and for you 💚 that's what matters the most
He's more one for holding you close and slow dancing in the kitchen as the water in the kettle boils, with no rush to be anywhere else. He's not hopelessly romantic, he's not even intentionally romantic, the only thing he's hopelessly in is love 💚
Besides, he's gotta save some moves for the wedding to make it that much more special 👀(he's signing you both up for ballroom dancing the second you express wanting anything like that. He's already picking out the fabric for the dress too)
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heretherebedork · 11 hours
Hi Francis,
I, for one, am getting a bit tired of hearing so much about green flags lately. 😂 So, can you share your top 5 red flags that you can't help but to love? I love falling for a fictional red flag. ☺️
Thanks! Love you. ❤️
lol, hey, why not? Let's see if I've got five... probably no gifs for this one, though! But also I am so picky about, like, red flags versus just 'flawed characters with yellow flags' so expect this list to be a bit... odd.
Day from Love Syndrome III tops this list for me. He is everything wrong in this world and with romance and the show knew it and the show said 'yeah, fine, but Itt likes it and you can't argue with that' and I love it.
Ziao Chin Teng from HIStory: Obsessed is an obsessive bully who lies about having amnesia and does not stop at anything in the new timeline let alone the original timeline where his lying and lack of communication drove his partner to run into traffic. This man is the worst and I do still love him.
Yi from Cutie Pie and Naughty Babe and I just have a soft spot for this poor little rich boy asshole with trauma and bad communication and just... oh, he is red but he's still fine and he's doing his best his best just happens to suck.
Kang YoHan from The Devil Judge because he is, in fact, nothing but a red flag and that's why we love him. He might be doing it for the right reason but he's also pushing every limit of morality to do it and he won't stop until he wins.
Keito from Happy of the End is the definition of a red flag characters in a show made to show you that he is a red flag and I adore him on all levels, absolutely every last one, he is deeply fucked up and traumatized and he is screaming internally at all times and he is awful but he is also exactly the person Chihiro needed to bring out his light and they saved each other, in the end.
Bonus mention:
Minato from Minato Coin Laundry. Look me in the eye and tell me he's not a red flag. This man can barely accept his own sexuality, struggles to face any form of affection, cannot actively let himself want things and will always push people away.
Honestly, I was writing this and realized that despite all of this I still can't come up with a single Jittirain characters to put on this list because they're all red flags and I hate most of them by the end (at the least the semes) and the only real red flag MAME character I could put on this list would be Tin and I might like him but he's not, like, one of my super loved characters.
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crownedinmarigolds · 2 days
This isnt apart of the game,(which is so fun and im loving learning about ppls vamps) but im feeling bold and not socially afraid- what IS/Was the deal with noa and her brother? What are her thoughts/feelings after all this time?
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Ohhh thank you for being interested! I'm sorry if this comes out super rambling and incoherent! I guess it'd just be best to tell their story! It's really not as black and white as it appears, and feelings are extremely nuanced and messy when it comes to family and abuse. It seems easy as an outsider looking it to make commentary and theorize about what you would've done, but you just never know!
Joaquin Hidalgo is the eldest son to Vincento Hidalgo-Giovanni and his wife Ingrid Giovanni. The Hidalgo bloodline had only been a part of the Giovanni clan for a few generations, and young Vincento was a necromancer prodigy who married a main clan daughter who would bear his children and continue the family line. They were blessed with three sons - Joaquin, Eduardo, Ferdinand - and a little daughter, Noa. By all means they were very normal for a incredibly rich family with dealings in the local cartels of Mexico and the secret vampire clans that trace back to Italy. The parents seemed to get along, the children were growing up fine and developing their own ways and personalities. Joaquin certainly felt pressured as the eldest, but it was still "normal."
One evening the family was going out in a chauffeured vehicle, probably to dinner or maybe even a movie, when they were suddenly gunned down by unknown assailants. Joaquin at the time was thirteen and tackled little Noa, freshly seven, to the car floor where they dodged the hail, but the rest of the family were not so lucky. Mother and their other two brothers were killed instantly, while their father had seconds after to try and say something but ultimately couldn't, and the fresh orphans watched him die beside the rest of their already gone family. Joaquin promised Noa next to their bodies that he would never let her be hurt like this, and she believed him, and they vowed to be together for eternity. Not long thankfully after they were pulled from the car by people who called themselves their "family," where they were taken home and a bunch of strangers busied themselves with getting funerals set up and other various grown up things. A few days later, their father comes walking through the front door. Paler, walking with a cane from his injuries, strangely colder in personality, but THERE. Joaquin immediately felt like something was wrong, but Noa interpreted this as a miracle.
Over the years, Father ruled the house as a father would, but he ran it a bit crueler, a bit more seriously. Joaquin, having been old enough to really get that things were off, bit back and fought, and was often put back in his place through physical violence. Noa watched him go through this and learned to keep quiet if she wanted to not be struck. When she got old enough, Father finally revealed the vampiric nature of their bloodline to the both of them. Noa was then ghouled as soon as she could, her body still young, practically stunting her - but it gave her access to incredible magics. Joaquin was ghouled and practically made a mad dog bully for the human side of the clan, which pissed him off further. There was a weird mixture of feelings between the two of them - the jealousy of seeing his baby sister succeed where he always failed, the relief the pressure wasn't on him to be a necromancer, the fury of seeing her adoration and love of family being used to manipulate her. He loved Noa, she loved him, and things grew more and more confusing. He was allowed to go out but nothing satisfied him, especially when he took more and more vitae. She was locked inside the house for her protection, and also to study. In our personal headcanon (though this may be canon for Gio Ghouls??) the vitae makes one fiercely loyal to the Giovanni, and it twists one up to chase after family. Things did get a little "far" between them during this time, but they never fully culminated anything. Things got worse for Joaquin when a Tremere ghoul contact joined his little posse - Nythanel Loken - who became his sister's best friend and biggest advocate. Everything was coming up Noa and it bothered him, and there was a million confusing reasons why.
He finally decided to put his foot down when she revealed that Father told her that she would be Embraced. She was so excited, and then he was told straight from Father later he was going to be shipped off to Italy to both learn things and marry into a bloodline to essentially be a baby pumping factory until he was found worthy of an Embrace or died. No Noa, no real future other than providing some genetics. He knew through his contacts where to find the Sabbat, and he led them right to the family compound to rid the world of one more vampiric smear. However the Sabbat being the Sabbat went harder than he wanted - capturing him and killing and enslaving the spirits of many who were there and not giving him his sister. He had no idea where she was, but she wasn't with him. Eventually he escaped their clutches and ran to America, completely alone. He then dedicated his existence to becoming a hunter, using his knowledge during his time as a ghoul against vampiric scum and even other supernaturals. He met his buddy Ray who joined him for a few good years of hunting, and then it all came crashing down when he found Nyth and Noa again in Reno Nevada in 1993. It's been over a decade since he knew of Noa's whereabouts, and now he was so close. Years and years of weird feelings were crashing back, because it was all real again. He was past forty now, getting desperate to cling to something beyond hate again.
Eventually - Ray was killed by Joaquin for nearly killing Noa, and they were finally together for good this time. No Ray, seemingly no Nyth, and the family out of their hair. He clumsily culminated their long awaited reunion in a motel they ran off to hide in while she still mourned, Nyth's body close by, Ray's left behind, and poor Julian the ghoul in the next room over. Noa afterwards insisted she make a plan with the family to get Nyth back to her, which pissed Joaquin off but he was in love and back with her again so what could he do.
She told him they could be together for good when he was Embraced by her or someone within the family, but he staunchly refused to be turned. He never wants the vitae again, he never wants to become a supernatural creature. He wants to be with her for Eternity, but he cannot become an immortal. This is the defining moment that leads to his demise at her hands. As she worked with the Family and eventually the Setites to bring Nyth back to full health, Joaquin grew more and more irritating and controlling. He hated her deeper descent into Necromancy and dealing with two-faced Kindred, he hated her pulling away from him when they were finally together. She was clearly furious with him, and it felt like it was falling apart.
One night she was sweet to him again, saying that it was all almost over. Nythanel's notes and her own studies mixing with Setite sorcery were going to bring her friend back. They just needed a body to house Nyth. Joaquin killed Julian the ghoul for Noa, and together they prepared the ritual to "resurrect" Nythanel. Joaquin also had the gut feeling this night wouldn't just end in Julian's death, but his own. Noa approached the ritual room dressed in something clingy, and when Nyth and Julian's body was prepped, she explained the rest of the ritual required more blood, more life. They were together for the last time, Noa drinking the vitae direct him him, and in his own terrible way he was happy. She was happy. He was finally satisfying to her. Joaquin died happy.
OKAY SO. It just feels so rambly! Feel free to ask for more specifics I TRIED to do bare minimum but uh….
Noa after this time loves Joaquin, and she still can't let him go even now in modern nights. She knows his spirit is out there, and he will make his way back to her somehow.
It's just very confusing because yes, he took advantage of her and abused her, but she loved him so much. They in a way were all the other had, they just coped very differently… ahhh. Sorry. I don't know if I'm really relaying everything properly! Thank you for asking!!!
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guardian-of-da-gay · 15 hours
Read on Ao3
For Whumptober 2024 Prompt 1: Panic Attack
tw for implied bullying, panic attacks, undiagnosed PTSD
“As far as I’m concerned, this is a good thing!”  Knuckles said petulantly from his place at the very back of the car.  “Now I won’t have to go back to that school!”
“You’re suspended, not expelled,” Tom said, his hands clenching and unclenching around the wheel.  “Means once your suspension is up, you’re going right back to school.”
Looking in the rearview mirror, Maddie could see Tails staring deeply at his shoes.  Sonic was wincing, eyes flicking between Knuckles and his parents in the front seat.  He was obviously debating joining in the fight, but keeping out was the better option here.  Maddie was in no mood for him to make light of the situation or try to cover for his brother.
Maddie felt overwhelmed.  Too much had happened that day and it all centered on her eldest.  She’d never regret adopting her kids, but out of all of them Knuckles made her feel like she was in over head.  She didn’t know what she was going to do with him!  She couldn’t believe he’d gotten himself suspended.
She was apocalyptically angry.  Even Tom was mad.  He was trying to stay calm though.  Trying to keep being the fun parent.  Maddie was usually all for that, but not today.
“When we get home, you are grounded!”  She said.  “That means no–” here’s where she would rattle off the fun things he was suspended from: TV?  He didn’t care about TV.  Video games?  He didn’t play any.  Going out with friends?  He didn’t have any except his brothers (and Wade).  Knuckles didn’t do fun things in his free time unless they made him.  They’d grounded him from grapes in the past, but he could totally get by without them.  Grounding him from training he’d just ignored .  But they couldn’t just not punish him.  He’d broken a kid's arm and blown up a bathroom for Christ’s sake.
“No going outside!”  She said.
“Yeah!”  She’d found a good one, she thought.  Judging by his angry gasp, she’d actually found a consequence he would actually feel.  “No training.  No runs.  No hiking.  Unless you’re with me or Tom–”
“Or the house is burning down!”  Tom cut in.
“--or there’s an emergency like the house is burning down!  You are housebound, young man!”
Several things happened very quickly after that.
Knuckles yanked on his seatbelt.  It locked.  He yanked again and broke it completely from its socket.
There was a chorus of ‘Hey!’ ‘What are you doing?’ ‘Dude, chill!’ ‘Knuckles, calm down–!’
Then the back of the car exploded.
The front end was blasted forward into the other lane.  Tom jerked the wheel, tires and passengers screaming.  The wild swerve had the car tipping violently to the side.  Just when Maddie was sure they would flip, it swung back the other way and the car landed, with a jerky bounce, right-side-up, stationary, and seemingly fine.  Except the back of the car was gone.  
And so was Knuckles.
There was a click as Sonic unbuckled and then he vanished as well.  Maddie could see a blue blur vanish off the side of the road, following a burst of red electricity.
She turned to the youngest first.  “Are you okay?”  She asked Tails in the back.
“I’m fine,” Tails was flinging off his own seatbelt and jumping out of the wreckage of the car, tails spinning.
Maddie turned to Tom just as Tom turned to her.  “Are you okay?”  They asked each other at once.
“I think so,” Maddie answered, rubbing her neck.  She definitely had some whiplash.  It hurt now, it would kill  tomorrow.
Sonic reappeared at her window. “Something’s wrong with Knuckles!”  He cried.
You don’t say?  Maddie thought, pressing at the tense muscles of her neck.
“I think he’s having a heart attack or something!”
“What?!”  Tom demanded.
Maddie forgot about her neck.  She unbuckled and jumped out of the car.  Sonic led the way and she ran after, her mind racing along with her feet.  Knuckles couldn’t really be having a heart attack, could he?  He was far too young and fit.  But he had also lived a rough life.  Could he have a hidden cardiovascular problem from some old illness or injury?  Her vet brain was taking over, mentally flipping through the possibilities.
Tails stood at the top of a short ridge, marking their way.  He turned, hands wringing as they approached.  “Something’s really wrong with him!”  He said.  “I don’t think he can hear me.”
Maddie crested the rise and saw Knuckles at the bottom, back pressed against a tree, crouched down with his fists up, blocking his head.  Even from where she stood she could tell he was shaking.  His quills were glowing slightly.  He didn’t look at them.
Maddie stumble-ran down the rise.  “Knuckles!”  She slowed as she approached.  He didn’t acknowledge her, but she could see his side heaving as he gasped for air.  “Knuckles?”  He still didn’t respond.  She wasted a second debating what to do.  But she couldn’t give him space.  Not when he was breathing like that.  “Knuckles, honey, it’s going to be okay–”  She touched his shoulder and his whole body jerked away, slamming into the tree.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!”  He roared.
For the second time that day, Maddie got whiplash.  Sonic yanked her away at speed just as an explosion of red lightning erupted from the echidna’s body.  She was lifted off her feet and crashed into Tom, who managed to keep his footing at the top of the rise.  At this rate, she was gonna be in traction tomorrow.  
“Sorry,” Sonic said hastily.  “Saw where that was going.”
“Knuckles!”  Tom yelled, tone caught between concerned and sharpness.  “What are you doing?!”
“What did you do–What–”  Knuckles wheezed and gasped for breath.  Maddie righted herself.  He was hyperventilating.  “ What did you do to me?! ”  He demanded.
“Woah, we didn’t do anything, Knuckles!”  Sonic said, zipping down closer to the echidna.  “You’ve got to calm down and let us help you.”
“Get away from m–me!”  Knuckles face scrunched, teeth grit as he continued to gasp for air like a drowning man.  Red electricity fizzled off of him warningly and Sonic took several steps back.  He looked up at Tom and Maddie, his helpless gaze matched by the one Tails was giving them.
“This doesn’t look like a heart attack,” Tom said so just Maddie could hear.
“I didn’t think so either,” she said.  “You guys just keep back a second, okay?”  She stepped out of Tom’s grip.  She didn’t see the look Tom shot to Sonic, but she saw Sonic nod, resolve in his eyes.  She had a feeling if Knuckles exploded again, she’d find herself yanked back at warp speed once more.
She approached the trembling echidna, cautious but not afraid.  She faced down bulls, pregnant beef cows, and feral cats on a near daily basis.  And this was her kid.
“Stay back!” Knuckles roared at her approach.  “I’ll hurt you!”   He said it like it was both threat and fear.  Electricity arced off his trembling body.
“Don’t call me that!”  Knuckles yelled, his voice strangled and breathless.  “ You gave yourself away!  I know your game–” he wheezed “--you use sweet words so I don’t no-notice you locking the cage door–”
“We’re not locking you up,” Maddie said.  “We’d never do that, no matter how much trouble you’re in.”  She kept advancing forward, stooping at the waist so she wouldn’t loom over him.  “But that doesn’t matter now.  I need you to calm down–”
“No!  No! ”  He growled, sucking air rapidly through his grit teeth.  “I need–I need to get away…”  He fumbled with his hands, movements made clumsy by his shaking fingers.
“Do you want to go home?”  Maddie asked.  Maybe he would feel better if they were in a familiar environme–
“I need off this planet!”  He ripped at the cuff of one glove and a golden ring flew out and disappeared into the grass.  Knuckles let out a sound that was half growl, half sob.  He pushed himself into the tree, looking anywhere but at her.  “ What did you do to me ?”
Maddie shook her head.  “Nothing, honey, you’re just… I think you’re just having a panic attack.”
“I’m being attacked?!”
“No.  You’re safe,” she said firmly.  “But your mind is tricking you into thinking you’re in danger.  But you’re not.  You’re safe .”
“Yo- you’re tricking me!  I can trust my–my mind!”  His words fumbled around his rapid breathing.  “I can trust myself!  I–”  His eyes flitted around, seeking escape.
He squeezed his eyes shut tight again.  He was beginning to list to one side.  Maddie feared he might actually faint if he couldn’t get his breathing under control.
There was nothing she wanted nothing more than to reach out and right him.  Then maybe grab him up into a hug.  But she couldn’t.  Helpless and overwhelmed, she didn’t know what to do.  Hugs and kind words were her go-to methods for Sonic and Tails.  Knuckles had spat at her kind words.  He’d screamed at her hug.  Her big tough boy was falling apart and there was nothing she could do.
“I can’t–I can’t–” Knuckles gasped for breath, clutching at his chest and swaying slightly.  “I can’t breathe .”
“I know,” she said miserably.  “I know, honey, but you have to.  You’re so strong, Knuckles, I know you can.  You have to take a deep breath like–” For her it would be yoga, but for Knuckles? “--when you meditate?  Try to meditate.  Focus on your breathing and nothing else.”
“I want it to stop,” Knuckles said.
“It will,” Maddie promised.  “It’ll be over soon.”
Maddie had had panic attacks before, in vet school.  She didn’t think they’d been this bad though.  Or maybe this was just what it felt like to be on the other side.  She’d need to ask Tom.
She resisted the urge to try and get him counting his breaths.  When Tom had done that she couldn’t do it and then she’d just felt more stressed for failing to be helped.  She doubted Knuckles would feel the same way, but he was so independent–like ‘decides to break the arm of a kid that’s bullying him instead of telling literally anyone’ levels of independence–that he would probably be stressed most that he couldn’t control himself.
No, they just had to ride this out.  Maddie remembered it always felt like her panic attacks took forever to go away.  It was the same when watching one.  
Knuckles’ face scrunched as he breathed forcefully through the nose and out the mouth.  It was still too fast.  She worried, was he getting enough oxygen?  One of his hands fell away from his head and to the ground, propping him up.  Maddie squashed the urge to rub his back.  She wanted so badly to be able to soothe him, but all she could do was crouch beside him and whisper that it would be okay.  It would be over soon and then they could go home.
“I’m sorry,” she said.  “I’m sorry I started this.”  She was sure she was the cause.  It made her feel even more awful.  “It’ll be over soon.  I promise.  We’ll go home and you’ll feel better.”
“Will I…”  Knuckles’ breathing was a tiny bit slower.  “Will I still be g-grounded to the house?”
“No,” Maddie said quickly.  Her bright idea didn’t seem so bright now.  “I’ll– We, you, Tom, and I, will talk about what would be a fair consequence later.”
His voice pitched up and shook.  “Will you break my arm?”
“What?  No!”
“I broke that boy’s arm.”
“We will never punish you by hurting you,” Maddie said firmly.  “Don’t worry about that now, okay?  Just focus on breathing and feeling better.  That’s all you need to think about right now, okay?  Nothing else matters.”
Maddie didn’t know how much longer it was before Knuckles was breathing normally again.  Long enough that she saw a flash of red and blue on the other side of the rise.  Someone must have found their empty, destroyed car.  At the top of the rise, Tom had the other two boys in some kind of huddle.  He left to deal with whoever had just arrived.
Beside her, Knuckles straightened.  She glanced over at him.  He was sitting more normally, breathing more normally, and looking absolutely awful.  Maddie remembered that post-attack feeling.  Like a soggy, wrung out dishrag.  Even someone as strong as Knuckles wasn’t immune to tha.  But it was over.
“Whenever you’re ready,” Maddie said in her softest, ‘approaching a scared dog’ voice.  “We can go back up with the others.”
Knuckles didn’t look at her or answer.  He just stood up and started trudging up the little hill.  Maddie followed after, watching him.  His movements were a little unsteady, like his limbs had forgotten how they worked.  Knuckles always carried himself like he was eight feet tall.  Seeing him off balance and shaken felt wrong.
Knuckles didn’t acknowledge Sonic or Tails.  Sonic opened his mouth to say something as he stalked passed, but cut himself off.  Instead he and Tails fell in line, flanking their brother as they all headed back to what remained of their car.
Tom was talking to an officer.  Maddie couldn’t remember his name at the moment.  The man  was looking at their destroyed car and scratching the back of his head as Tom spoke to him.  He lifted his head so Maddie could see his confusion clearly.  His gaze swept over to them and when his eyes landed on Knuckles his expression cleared.  He nodded like Knuckles’ presence had just answered a question for him.  Maddie was almost offended before she remembered that this was Knuckles’ second act of destruction that day.  This was his m.o. Their insurance premiums showed the scars.
Tom turned away from the accident and came jogging over.  He watched Knuckles just a little too long as he approached.  Maddie could see the moment he realized he was staring.  Tom looked away and avoided looking at him again.
There was an awkward pause as the whole family seemed to be waiting to see if anyone would acknowledge what just happened.  Maddie was of the mind that they weren’t going to do anything that made Knuckles uncomfortable until he looked less visibly shaken.  And Knuckles looked like he wanted everyone to forget the whole thing.  So, for now, that’s what she was going to do.
“Uh…”  Tom broke the silence.  “Wade’s going to come pick us up.”
Oh, Maddie felt a genuine flash of relief.  “Oh, Wade?”  She looked at Knuckles.  “That’ll be nice, right?”
Knuckles wasn’t even looking at her.  He was staring at the car with a look of deep confusion.
“Knux?”  Sonic asked, his voice softer than usual.
When Knuckles finally spoke, his voice rasped:  “What happened to the car?”
All the Wachowskis looked at him with varying levels of confusion, concern, and dismay.  Maddie’s heart plummeted and for the first time in this whole incident she felt a flash of true fear.  She looked into Knuckles’ genuinely baffled face and knew she was truly, deeply , in over her head.
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sfwtoddfoxglove · 23 hours
I confronted the school today.
I dropped my kid off in person and walked in to talk to the principal. I think it's really weird that I asked to walk my son to class, I was told that parents are not allowed past the front office or conference room under any circumstances. I'm not sure if this is meant to be a security measure, but it makes me feel like they don't want me to see the actual classroom and what my son is doing.
I explained to the principal during the meeting that children and youth services had told me that they believed that it was a malicious false and exaggerated claim based on discrimination and that they had recommended that I get a lawyer and possibly sue the school district. I had gone to call earlier from the special education director claiming that there was no mention in their report of me being trans, however, I explained to the principal that CYS only had my legal name and had never met me before and had actually thought that I was my partner when they opened the door until I introduced myself, and that they actually told me that the first complaint on their list was that I was trans and that me confirming it was fine and not an issue that they cared about, but that it was evidence that they had made this report specifically because they have a problem with me being trans and a parent.
I explained to the principal that my mother is an attorney, I have been in contact with other attorneys, and I have reason to believe that my son has been being bullied by staff members besides the report to children and youth.
My son has been coming home and saying that teachers have been scratching him, hitting him, giving him spankings, and pushing him down. My son has a habit of blaming other people whenever he hurts himself (I have watched him hit himself or scratch himself and then blame someone who wasn't even in the building at the time), so each time this happened I just messaged the teacher and asked "hey, how did he hurt himself this way?" And I accepted her response that he had hurt himself.
Friday my son came home with his hair put up in a weird bun ponytail disheveled thing because the school had a problem with his hair being long in the front and side swept. Whatever I took my son's hair out of this ponytail holder thing, he informed me that the school had done this after threatening to cut his hair or shave his head at school.
One of my neighbors actually pulled her child out of the same school district because a principal threatened to cut her child's hair at school despite knowing that his hair was long for cultural and religious reasons. I didn't believe her at first that that was her reason until this happened, and I am very upset because I feel like this is ongoing discrimination against multiple children, albeit for different reasons, more than likely.
I informed the principal that the children and youth workers were annoyed, embarrassed, and extremely apologetic while they were there because they stated that they knew from the beginning that it was a malicious false claim that wasn't worth their time, and that as a result, the person who made the report may end up being charged with submitting a false report, discrimination, and possibly hate crime charges because they wasted a government institution's resources and time just to harass a trans person with kids.
The principal was actually very apologetic and was very taken aback by this happening at all. I'm not sure if he 100% knew what was in the report and what the situation was. But he is now very aware that I am very upset, my mom who's an attorney is very upset, my partner is very upset, my son is extremely upset, and we are planning on doing everything we can to make this publicly known and to fight to get my son sent to an autism specific school that is able to handle his needs without blaming his autism on my gender identity.
Part of me also just wants to sue so that it's publicly known that they've done this. There's no reason for my son to go through this shit, he's a literal child. Them bullying a disabled 6-year-old over the fact that that parent has a transgender child is fucking disgusting and I'm not doing it.
If they really want to fuck with my son because I'm a trans man, I am going to man the fuck up and protect my kid.
Once again Lakeland School district in NE Pennsylvania. Where they make great promises about your kids' education but then won't even let you see their classroom and will try to have your kid taken away from you if you're queer.
They just really fucked with the wrong kid. They should have pulled this shit on a kid who isn't being raised by a lawyer's son, who's also neurodivergent and fought for myself the same way all through school. My IEP always said that I advocated for myself but I was too bossy and too vocal. Well now my son's IEP is probably going to mention that I'm advocating for him whether they like it or not and I am very fucking vocal.
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little-teacupss · 2 days
You're my fairy godmother!
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Note: I came to the thought that Jane and Chad would make a good ship, especially with them being childhood friends, constantly around each other, and how Chad would definitely grow to be protective of her as they got older, so I hope you enjoy this rare pair! Remember, go show some love to my amazing friends such as @giveityourworst , @skellseerwriting , and @brokenmilkcrates, and credit goes to @frenchgirltalya for the photo!! :D
Warnings: entitled Chad, slightly bullying?, and somewhat looked down upon relationship.
Note 2: Remember, go show my friends love and support up above they write amazing stories, or in Zach's case amazing reblogs U-U, and remember you can give criticism without being a prick!
The sky looked beautiful as it began to set, and the orange bled into the pink and purply undertones, Chad's eyes were fixated on the window, and he stared out at it lost in concentration, the book in front of him completely forgotten, his thoughts had been completely drowned by Jane after she told him she'd been asked out by some Prince Edward, he hummed as the corners of his lips tightened in a deep frown, before a loud crash could he heard which made him jump from his seat in the mansions library as he looked to the entrance where a young girl held a glass vase just from hitting the ground.
"Chad!" .The girl squealed as she quickly put the priceless piece back onto the stand before dashing over to him, her curly hair bouncing wildly before coming to a dead stop in front of him, she panted wildly almost like she'd ran a marathon as she spoke with labored breaths. "Where's... Jane... she always comes on Tuesdays... for dinner?"
Chad let out a deep sigh as he approached his younger sister, carefully fixing her hair so she looked presentable as he always had done, so she didn't look like she had been out tending to the horses all day, as he softly began to explain. "Jane and I had a small disagreement today, but don't worry, I promise she won't stay made for long."
His words were more hopeful than anything, Jane had become more self-assured over the year, and he worried, what if she no longer needed him? What if he was no longer all she needed? The very idea shook him to his very core, a bit of grief washed over his system as he began to think his friend, his childhood friend, his very dear friend, his very first ever friend, she meant the world to him, Jane was so many things, Chad wasn't, she was friendly, smart, easy going, wasn't self-absorbed, in a way she made him feel like a normal person, because to Jane, Chad was just Chad, he was Prince Charming Jr., he was just him, and that's all he ever needed to be for her, so why now when she needed him for advice did he fumble so hard? Why had he blown up for no reason after hearing about her and Edward? How he had asked her to go out with him after they'd finished a project for an extracurricular; why did it bother Chad so much? He could have anything he wanted, and he rarely had to ask; his train of thought was cut off as a small voice filled his ears.
"Chad! Chad! Earth to Christopher Chad Charming Jr!" .A little voice practically screamed in his ears. He winced slightly as he cupped his hands over the side of his head and glanced at the girl who wore a peeved expression with her arms over her chest as she tapped her foot clearly annoyed with how odd her brother was been acting as of late.
"What is it, Chloe!" .He raised his more than he meant to, which earned him a pitiful looking Chloe who basically resembled a kicked puppy as she sniffled with crossed arms before running off screaming. "Mom, Chad yelled at me!"
The moment he heard the words leave her mouth as she dashed out of the Charming library, he brought his fingers up to the bridge of his nose as he began to sing underneath his breath.
"Sala-Gadoola-Menchika-Boo-La-Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, put 'em together, and what have you got bibbidi-bobbidi-boo."
He's often heard Jane sing this song when she was stressed out while she worked on random assignments, which she always aced of, but Chad always found it, so cute how she'd mumble to herself while staring at random books or a computer trying to find the right sources to use. Wait a minute cute? Since when did Chad ever think of Jane as cute? She wasn't cute, she- she was his friend. His cute friend, well she was cute, it's completely normal to find your friends... attractive at times, he let it go there as he quickly made his way out of the library and down the hall where he found his mother and Chloe who was in tears as she blubbered on and on about how terrible Chad was of an older brother.
"He yelled at me and said he wished he was an only child, and I ruined his life!" .The bluenette whined to her mom, who held her closely while rubbing her back, coddling her youngest before her eyes flickered to Chad who she gave a scrutinizing look, but she didn't look as angry as he had expected, clearly Ella had known Chloe was overdamatizing what had actually happened, she put her finger under Chloe's chin, giving her a warm smile before pushing her forward into the dining room as she told her. "Don't worry, baby, he's just a hormonal teenage boy."
Chloe giggled at what her mother said as she made her way further into the dining room. The queen watched her daughter, but after a while of waiting, she turned her head to her firstborn, who gulped the moment their eyes met, she carefully grabbed the front of her dress making her way over to her eyes filled with more worry then they did anger now, her soft voice traveled through the air. "What's wrong, my son, your not your usual happy self today?"
She combed her hand through his golden dyed locks ruffling them up so he didn't appear as closed off, Chad looked down at the ground, avoiding his mother's gaze, he felt her arms wrap around his shoulder in a loving embrace as she whispered to him. "You know you can tell me anything, Jr."
He smiled at his mother, but his smile slowly turned to pursed lips, which earned a concern look from his mother, who patted her sons back as she question him.
"What's wrong, my little prince?"
Chad folded his arms over his chest, still trying to evade his mother's eye contact before letting out a breathe of defeat as he broke. "I got into a fight with Jane alright?"
He felt pathetic. How could anyone respect Chad like this? He was supposed to be a daring prince who didn't let anything get in his way, but a small bump in the road, such as a certain godmother, seemed to make him crumble down to pieces, he heard an amused giggle, Chad gave his mother a shocked expression with his mouth wide open and his eyes staring at her in disblief, how could she be laughing at a matter like this?
Cinderella tried hard not to seem entertained by her son's problems, but she couldn't help but chuckle at his dramatics. He, his father, and his sister were so similar in all the right ways, she then said. "And why do you think that was?"
Chad scoffed. Why did he think Jane and him had disagreed, rolling his eyes. He stepped away before walking through the door of the dining room, leaving his mother with a goofy smile, shaking her head and following her ego monster of a son.
The family of four shared dinner, but there was one seat that remained empty at Chad's side that'd usually be occupied by Jane, but alas, she was nowhere to be found, after dinner, that night Chad lay awake in bed, staring at the ceiling above him, his mind was flooded with Jane, her smile, her bright blue eyes that matched his once blue hair, her hair that she hated, but he found to suit her so well, her bad jokes that always left Chad in tears from how hard he'd end up laughing, her- no what was he thinking, why was he thinking so much about her, he rolled over, shoving his face in the pillow at he let out a silent scream of frustration before finally laying back, and allowing his eyes to flutter shut.
- The next day, Wednesday 5:35 pm. -
Chad used his jersey to wipe the sweat from his forehead as he panted. He and the guys had been practicing for the last three hours. They'd swapped positions and changed plays, but Coach was nowhere finished with them as he made them run seven laps around the entire field.
He felt someone clap their hand over his shoulder. Looking to his right, he was met with Charlie La Bouff and Ben Florian. They were just as worn out and sweaty as he was, Ben tilted his head toward the bleachers where the three tourney players would usually relax after practice, the boys made their way over, Charlie flopped himself onto the seat, while he used a towel sitting on the bleacher to wipe his face and dampened hair, while Ben leaned against the railing across from Chad.
"What's up with you, man?" .Ben questioned Chad, which made Charlie look at him, too, with both of his best friends staring at him expectantly. How could he find an escape here like he could at home? He let out a breathing chuckle as he pushed himself away from the railing and sat next to Charlie as he went on a small rant. "Ah, you know, parents, sister, school, the hot weather."
Chad wasn't convinced at all by the words that left his mouth, Ben let out a high-pitched noise while Charlie hummed. Clearly, they didn't believe the prince either. As he sat back watching other tourney players run around the field, he ran his tongue over his lips with a pensive look on his face, he felt as if something were missing, well something was missing, Jane was, she always made sure to come and see him practice, and then he'd walk her home, or wherever she was headed, or in some cases spend time with her, Chad wasn't the only one who noticed her presence gone, Charlie looked around the bleachers from top to bottom before turning to Chad.
"Where's Janie at she always comes to see you."
He shook his head as he tried to think of some kind of excuse to give the blonde who was giving him a confused look, his bright blue eyes bore into him, it made him think of Jane and how she'd stare up at him and laugh at his antics, the sound that left Chad could be compared to that of a growl, as he clenched his hand into a fist before hitting it against the seat, Ben and Charlie shared a look of astonishment, they'd never seen Chad so worked up or quick to anger, and never once had he ever hit something.
"Wow, man, what's wrong with you? This isn't you, Chad?" .Charlie piped in as he sat up straighter, taking the situation more seriously than he originally planned on, but this just made Chad feel more pathetic he was losing his cool and he couldn't even face Jane, he couldn't even bring himself to speak about her to his closest of friends, he felt a hand on his shoulder a soft squeeze, his hazel eyes traveled down to the steel board under his feet, his teeth dragged over his lower lip, before he finally boiled over. "It's Jane, alright!"
He stood up and walked over to where the railing of the bleachers was. His hands touched the bar, gripping it in a white-knuckling grip, and he tried to stop himself from getting out of control. He was confused about everything. Why can't he stand the thought of Jane doing all the things they'd do together with Edward? It puzzled him and left a sour taste in his mouth. He finally turned around when he felt as if he's gained some composure. His two friends were worried about him. It was plain as day, Ben finally took a brave step forward.
"Hey, look, whatever happened, I'm sure Jane won't stay mad for long, your Prince Charming and Fairy Godmother, you'll make things right." .Ben tried to sound reassuring, but it didn't help Chad's nerves at all, so he simply nodded before Charlie could add to what Ben had said, Coach called down for them, the three made their way down with Ben and Charlie patting and lightly clapping Chad's arms and back as form of affection and comfort.
- Wednesday, 6:15 pm. -
Chad carried his sports bag with him as he made his way from the field, passing by, different parts of the school till he stopped at Auradon prep's library where he saw a very alone Jane Godmother sat a window seat, her legs curled up into a ball, her hands firmly closed around a book that her eyes were focused on. Chad looked from the hallway before turning back to look at her. He took a hesitant step forward. Before he knew it his feet carried him until he was stood in front of Jane who was now staring up at him with confusion, her head slightly tilted allowing her hair to rest on her neck and shoulders and her round cheeks were red and rosy, her plump lips slightly parted, her sea blue eyes stared up at him hints of hurt laced in them.
"What do you want, Chad?" .Her usually light and welcoming voice felt like ice being stabbed into his chest, Chad's breath hitched in his throat before he swallowed his pride. "You will go with me to the ball. I will not have any complaints from you."
He practically demanded her before walking away, leaving a stunned Jane in his wake, her mouth now wide open in shock as she had no clue what to say in response to Chad's bold command.
Truth be told Chad only truly had confidence in himself because he was used to people complying with his every want and need, but felt a twinge of fear roll down his back as he walked away from his fairy godmother, he worried he worried would she actually go with him? So many questions ran through his mind, but most of them all ended badly, all he could do is wish upon a star tonight just as his mother once had.
- Wednesday, 10:30 pm. -
Jane looked in her closet before running her hair through her hair, clearly very frustrated by a certain charming fellow. It wasn't that she didn't want to go with him, but it was how he completely dodged what had happened the day before their argument, their first big argument, they'd always squabbled and bickered, but yesterday was the first time Chad had ever yelled at her before, she flopped onto her bed, turning her head to look at her nightstand where a picture of her and Chad stood tall and proud, they wore matching smiles, they'd been in middle school and it had been their first ever dance and who better to go with than her best friend?
Her brows knitted together as she reached her hand forward and ran a finger over the younger Chad's cheek in the photo. Her frown grew, and her eyes became glassy as she whispered. "I can give you your happily ever after, but I can't be your princess."
Meanwhile, a certain princess was throwing random, expensive outfits onto the floor of Chad's room; it was clear the girl was looking for the perfect suit before she finally pulled out a teal-colored suit with golden accents and squealed. "Chad, you need to look perfect for Janie!"
He let out a soft breath, which turned into a wide grin. He watched his determined little sister run all the way from the closet to his humongous bed, where she threw the suit at him along with some clip on metals.
"It's not like that, Janie and I are just friends." .He tried to convince himself, his hands ghosting over the high-quality fabric lying next to him. Chad examined the color, thread count, and other small details looking for any imperfections as Chloe went on. "Are you sure you don't like, Jane?"
She questioned with crossed arms, a pouted lip, and big brown eyes full of wonder before she got distracted by something in Chad's closest and ran away, but her words left Chad in shock, did he like Jane? His thoughts were cut off as Chloe let out a gasp. He looked over and saw a familiar box in her hands. She turned to him, tapping her foot. "Why do you have a box of pictures of Jane?"
The moment she said that Chad practically leaped off the bed, to which Chloe ran out of the room where Chad gave chase before they stopped in front of their parent's room, the box was truly important to him and he needed it back now, he kept different things in there, some things Jane had given him like a small locket that had a broken clasp, or the many photos they'd take together on summer break, it was Jane's box for Chad's eyes only, he began to sneer at the younger girl. "Haven't you ever heard of privacy, mom!"
The brother and sister shouted at each other for a while before an elegant woman appeared out of seemingly nowhere with a big smile she said. "I swear you two can't go five minutes without having a screaming match."
Her eyes then landed on the box before a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes, she gently took the box from Chloe while Chad could only watch in horror as she looked through the contents of the box, she was very careful with how she handled the locket that Jane had given him on his eleventh birthday, before setting it back in, she smiled at her son and gave him the box which he held tightly to him, before she gave Chloe a look that made the little girl recoil.
After a while of Ella yelling at the girl, Chloe went back to her room with a defeated look. Ella then guided Chad back to his room, but not without stopping on the way out. "I've known for a while, sweetie; good night, my prince."
Before closing the door on her way out leaving a red-faced Chad whose pride had taken a massive blow, he might as well melt into a puddle of goo onto the carpet and allow the cleaning ladies to wipe away his remains, but he pushed through like a brave knight, setting the box with much care back in it's sacred place in his closet before clapping his hands making the lights turn off.
The future King settled into his bed with thoughts of Jane carrying him off to sleep.
- The next day, Thursday 7:25 pm. -
Jane heard a knock at her door as she put on her final accessories, one of them being a headband. Her mother hadn't gotten for her for Christmas, she looked in the mirror her periwinkle dress wasn't fancy by any means she looked more like a server than a guest, but because she was going with someone invited she didn't need a invitation, she was a plus one in a sense, she grabbed her little messenger back and put it over her shoulder, before she headed out, she opened the front door where she was met with Chad, he looked like a true prince in this moment, the outside lights seemed to glow around him as she peered up I to his warm hazel eyes that had a flecks of gold and lime green in them.
"My lady?" .He asked with a devious smirk, holding out his arm for Jane to grab onto which she did, Chad guided Jane to a white carriage with eight white stallions instead of a footman opening the door for her, it was surprisingly Chad, he held it for her tilting his head to signal her to enter, before climbing in behind her, he knocked the roof of the carriage to tell the driver to start to the ball.
Jane was left speechless. Here he was, dressed in fine clothes, had a whole coach and carriage waiting for her, and she was underdressed compared to Chad and his lavish wardrobe. Her gaze traveled down to her lap it was as if their fight from days ago had vanished completely. Maybe it was because of the ball, or maybe it was how Chad looked at her in this very moment like she was the only girl in the world, she began to whisper. "You didn't have to do this for me."
The deep chuckle he let out made blush bloom all over her face, and her head lifted to meet his gaze as he spoke. "I wanted to for you, you know you look absolutely gorgeous tonight, my dear."
His words made her feel warm and tingly inside. A soft sound rang in her ears, almost as if she felt relaxed like she always did when she was with Chad. She turned her head away to avoid his sharp eyes, looking out the carriage window and watching the moon follow them almost as if it was immersed in their love story that was slowly unfolding before it. Eventually, the carriage came to a stop as they heard. "We've arrived, young master."
The coachman announced, which earned a Cheshire-like smile from Chad, who quickly grabbed Jane's hand to lead her from the carriage. She watched the coachman leave along with her last chance to escape this situation. She gulped as she looked around at the beautiful girls. She wasn't anything like them, rich, pretty, confident, they were everything she wasn't, she wished she could bury her head in the sand at this very moment as she gulped, but she felt a hand wrap around her waist and nring her forward-looking up, her eyes met Chad's who smiled down at her, and it occurred to her this was a side of Chad that was only meant for her eyes only.
They entered the ballroom, where they saw many royal families, couples, and rich people dance, gossip, and gloat, Jane stuck closely to Chad's side, she felt his hand gently run up and down her waist, in a comforting motion, she felt herself preen for his touch as she leaned into his big hand that engulfed her small waist, they walked around for a bit, silently judging some of the other people, but what got Jane most was when other royals would stare at them most were princesses who'd stare at Chad while giggling, but then their gazes would travel to Jane who was firmly planted at his side, and then those looks turned into scrutinizing and criticism, Chad seem to notice as he carefully leaned down and whispered in Jane's ear. "Ignore them they're just jealous. You have the best one in the room."
After he said those words to her, an all too familiar song began to play. "Mmm, mmm, so this is love? Mmm, mmm, so this is what makes life divine."
Jane's eyes widened fearfully as she felt Chad bring her over to the center of the room where he began to start a slow pace for them, as he twirled her he said. "What if I told you I'd whisk you away?"
As she was twirled back and pressed against his chest he continued. "And give you all your hearts desires?"
He let out a small laugh as the song went on, Chad himself began to sing his family song. "My heart has wings, mm, and I can fly."
Slowly, as the song went on, Jane and Chad felt as if they were in their world, so much so Chad carefully leaned down, and joined their lips together in a delicate kiss, it was almost a gentle peck before he leaned back, but before he could become completely outreach, Jane leaned forward to capture his lips in a loving kiss, it was only when the song came to an end that Chad pulled away and whispered. "I'll give you a happily ever after because you're my fairy godmother."
Jane smiled up at him as her arms wrapped around his neck. The two joined in one final kiss of love.
I hope you all enjoy this rare pair ship! And remember, go show love and support to all my friends, and if you want to be a part of the tag list, just put mail in the mailbox!!
Tagged list: @brokenmilkcrates, @giveityourworst, @skellseerwriting, @leoisbabygirl
Anyway till the next story! Ba bye!!
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mumbledramblings · 9 months
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Sort of a sequel to this
C'mon, man... It's- like, average...
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To a Stranger: Prologue & 1-5
This comic is based on a true story--about how a lonely waitress by day and artist by night crosses paths with the man who stood up for her when they were children.
This comic does not have a set update schedule. I will draw pages as time allows. Please enjoy!
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shannonsketches · 6 months
Why is the anime so weird, it's not even the same series dude?? It's like,
GOKU: I have a great idea to bring peace to the universe, and my leadership and compassion alone will unite us all. I have No Flaws and am A True Relatable Everyman :)
GOKU: Vegeta what's cornmeal made of? I know it's what the corn eats, but what's it made of? VEGETA: Hey Kakarot let's play the quiet game until one of us dies.
#dbtag#I do not understand this writing it's so bad aklsdlkasjd#Toei wants Goku to be Clark Kent SO bad and he SO isn't lmao#they're so good and dumb and rounded and complex in the manga what is the anime so afraid of#Toriyama said 'no no this man is a detached faux-immortal who has a dear pure heart but he's childlike and selfish even though he's kind'#and toei went 'got it goku's never done anything wrong ever in his life'#toriyama said 'Vegeta's gone through a lot and he's finally settling into his more mature leadership role with the confidence he's earned'#and toei said 'got it vegeta has the confidence of a high school bully except now he can interact with his family as a comedy bit'#girl hWHAT#Toei trying to group Goku and Vegeta as two people who would rather train than be with their families and Toriyama said NO Vegeta wants#to be HOME this is the first time in years that he's HAD ONE and it makes him HAPPY to be with his wife and children!!#Vegeta trains so that he can protect the things he doesn't want to lose again and Goku trains because it's the thing that makes him happies#They are NOT the same lmao And yeah Vegeta still wants to beat Goku but he also knows that Gohan could dogwalk both of them if he wanted#He also knows Trunks and Goten are going to surpass them it's not about being the best anymore he's past that he just wants to Not Need Gok#He just doesn't want to have to rely on Goku to save the day he wants to be Enough on his own he just wants to know he can be#because every time it's mattered he WASN'T and people he loved were lost to his inability to protect them and he carries that#Like Whis diagnosed him with anxiety and cptsd out in the open and Beerus said he was self-centered for feeling guilt#+ he lowkey enjoys the rivalry it keeps him goal-oriented so he can't get complacent and lazy which is what triggered his Buu Saga breakdow#realized how Fucked Up it was that having a home and loving family made him feel like he was failing and went 'wait no I won actually??'#now he's chill as fuck in the manga. cool confident leader.#and sometimes he is childish and dumb with Goku as a treat#you know what rocks about his rivalry with Goku in Super though is that it's Playful. Vegeta is learning how to Play.#You ever seen a shelter dog get introduced to a really playful dog and it takes a minute for the shelter dog to understand it's safe here#And then they're both running around the backyard playing hot potato with one braincell?? That's Goku and Vegeta's relationship#and the way the anime sleeps on that dynamic is so fucking criminal especially when it's literally canon it's in print it's out there#you had the playbook how'd you fumble it this bad#anyway that's my 25+ year blorbo thoughts I love Geets a lot okay#And I love Goku in the manga a lot I'd forgotten that he's actually a great character when Toei's not fucking up his whole vibe
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luck-of-the-drawings · 6 months
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[<==PREV PAGES] [NEXT PAGE==>(not out yet.wait a year.or maybe more.imagine.]
saw alot of comments on prev pages; saying 'i HATE that mean teacher! im gonna FIGHT HIM!!' & i LOVE the energy!! it WOULD be nice. to have that catharsis. but the story of young tidestrider is Not one of catharsis. it is a story of being so small and so special and sucking so bad.
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi riptide#gillion tidestrider#GONNA START FORMATTING MY COMICS BETTER. W THE PROPER 'PREV' 'NEXT' LINKS#REALLY DIDNT EXPECT TO CONTINUE THIS SERIES BUT AAAUUUHH MY BRRAAAIN MY BRAIN IS SO IDEASSS. I HAVE 3 OTHER PAGES SKETCHED OUT#NO PROMISES ILL FINISH EM ANY TIME SOON OR EVER. MY WHIMS ARE THEIR OWN BEAST AND I ONLY DRAW ON MY WHIMS#THAT BEING SAID IF U COMMISSIONED ME ILL GEEETT TO YOUUU IM SORRYYYY. ART IS AN EMOTIONAL RELEASE FOR ME N BABY I HAVE EMOTIONS.#ESPECIALLY ABOUT GILLION TIDESTRIDER CHAMPION OF THE UNDERSEA HERO OF THE DEEP.for the desc here i put smth that i typed up in the tags of#another thing i made. i gotta make a proper Baby Gillion tag or smth. eventually.. eventually...I LOVE DRAWIN THIS LIL BABY GUY..#i also LOVE depicting the teachers as just being so fuckin mean. ofc theres variation in that. just like in all things.like the teacher her#idk if itll be mentioned but the octo lady is named Ms Octburn.an octopus pun based off the name of an actual councilor i had#when i was in elementary school i got bullied alot but teachers never did anything. i hated adults and didnt trust them.#but this councilor o mine was so genuinely sweet. i remember spending alot of time w her. she doesnt work there anymore.#but that one school adult that actually earns ur trust and is there for you when they can be.its SO important for a child i think#i hope she knows how much she helped me.youll see in the next page that ms octburn isnt perfect either.but she tries. they all try.somehow.#ALL these comics are gonna be inspired by somesorta experience o mine in the school system. school is so fucked up u ever thing abt that#AND GILLIOOOOONNN IN THE MOST FUCKED UP LITTLE SCHOOL OF ALL. MAINTAINED BY A CULT. CENTERED AROUND HIM. OUR CHOSEN ONE#I IMAGINE ALOT BANKS ON HIS SUCCESS. THIS IS THE WORLD. THE WHOLE WORLD. THE PROPHECY IS GOING TO COME TRUE N UR TELLIN ME#THAT ITS THIS LITTLE IDIOT THATS GONNA BE SAVING US? WHAT IF HE FAILS. IF HE CANT GET THIS RIGHT THEN HE WILL FAIL AND WE WILL DIE#WE NEED TO TRAIN HIM. WE NEED HIM TO LEARN. AND TO SUCCEED. OR ELSE WE'RE DEAD. WE'RE ALL FUCKING DEAD. I IMAGINE THAT MUST BE STRESSFUL#in other news i hope ppl actually giggle when they read these. they ARE intended to be comical. dark humor or whatever. like its also sad#this is intended to be a sad comic series. but a funny one too. does that make sense? god i hope so.saw some1 say they had flashbacks-#-reading this. like YES!! THE INTENDED EFFECT!! YOU GET ME!! i love seeing ppl get upset on this lil baby boys behalf. i LOVE seeing ppl-#-wail n weep n cry in the comments. i LOOOVE seeing ppl RELATE to baby gillion. and i love letting u all know that this wont be a happycomi#gillion gets his happiness arc in the actual show. this series is one of unfortunate events. teehehehe. do u guys remember that show#i keep listening to the lil songs from A Series of Unfortunate Events for inspiration. GOOD STUFF!!#anyway uuhh uhh thats all i got in my brain. for now. feed me ur comments give me ur input i NNEEEEEDD THHEEEMMMM
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tswwwit · 1 year
What are some ideas you have floating around that you don't have any plans on writing but like to entertain as a thought?
Many of them, in fact! Though they sort of vanish from my memory if I don't make a record of them, here's a few ones I jotted down when they came to mind.
For a domestic one: Bill thought he'd hate a lot of being married! Even though he loves Dipper, he thought he'd rebel against the chains of domesticity - and in some ways he still does - but one major benefit he's found is not having to be 'on' all the time.
No need to be perfectly performing all the time! No shoving around for social influence, no intimidation, or clever tricks. No commanding attention or taking up the room. Hell, there's surprisingly little upkeep! Bill can undo his tie and pick his nose and bitch about his day to someone who isn't bending over backwards to agree with him on everything. Someone who doesn't give him a weird look and sneer if he, god forbid, actually wants to sit down, read a book, drop the grin for an hour or two.
The concept in question is Bill's very first moment of great surprise. That when he isn't being the most charming, terrifying, and exciting guy in the universe, and just chilling out for like, five minutes, Dipper comes over and snuggles up to him on the couch, or wraps his arms around his shoulders and kisses the top of his head. And when Bill asks 'what was that for?', Dipper shrugs and goes 'eh, just felt like it'. It's both baffling and extremely compelling.
A short where Reincarnated Dip is Definitely Sure he's Not Gay!!! Especially not for this Hot Demon Man who is getting so close and touchy with him with his big smile and horrible wiles. Yep. Just keeping an eye on him to make sure he's not up to something Nefarious ™.
A discussion between Dipper and Bill where Dipper insists that Bill should understand this, or not do that, because, like. Y'know, Bill's a guy! There are guy things! Making Bill stare at Dipper like he's an idiot. He proceeds to informs Dipper how that's stupid for multiple reasons! First, that Bill's Not Human to begin with, his gender can't be put into a little box! And frankly, he never filled out the paperwork for his original one, come to think of it. Sure, he/him's fine, but c'mon, sapling, thinking of the whole shebang like a binary is dumb as hell. Now Dipper has to do some mental readjustment re: his own issues with masculinity/gender.
#answers#None of this is very coherent I just saved this ask for a while and dumped some thoughts in#Though I do have like a whole scene in my head for the gender one#Probably it's Bill cajoling Dipper into wearing a dress for something. Which Dipper obviously rebels against.#Bill's very convincing but Dipper shoots back well. He's never seen *Bill* wear a dress. Thinking he's making a point#But Bill just gets the metaphorical equivalent of a lightbulb over his head. Hey! Good point kid it's been a while#Oh ho!!! I see! Pinching Dipper's cheek - you want us to *match!* Surprised to see any fashion sense outta you#Hold on a sec. Bill will whip up something in a jiffy. A real nice one#Now Dipper's spluttering. He thought it was a good counterargument but Bill didn't even *flinch* at the idea of wearing one himself#But like. C'mon Bill Guys Don't Wear Dresses!! You're a guy you shouldn't-#Bill stares at him like he's an idiot. DIpper shuts up. Dumb move actually now that he's thinking about it#Both because telling Bill he *shouldn't* do something absolutely means he's looking into doing it. If not already in the process#And second. Uh. Oh hell. Dipper remembers. That Bill's only wearing that body. Not human. Triangular so - Wait. Is he *not* a guy?? Uh.#Bill's perfectly fine with his human body and his pronouns. Even with the presumptions that his husband has made over the years#But Dipper having this idea that those mean Bill should STOP doing certain things annoys him a lot#Bill politely - for him anyway - reminds Dipper that he's very much *not* a guy. None of that crap applies!#As Dipper has seen! And hey the ideas Dipper's working with there are outdated even among *humans* what the hell#There's probably a mini-rant that's rather scathing but frankly that's Bill on easy mode for his husband#Dipper's well-intentioned and knows how things go but he struggles with masculinity especially regarding himself#Turns out being bullied and trying so hard to be Socially Acceptable means a lot of issues to unpack#Also re: the Domestic one#Dipper is present with Bill while he chills out for those five minutes. Just watching from across the room#Bill knows he's there. But he's not puffing up trying to be impressive. Not being dismissive. Just accepting. And now Dipper's *fascinated*#It's so rare to see Bill NOT 'on' that he couldn't help it. No big show. No big grin. Almost.... not 'vulnerable' he's terrifying always#But so so relatable. God does Dipper know the feeling of just wanting to find some peace and quiet after a hectic day. But for Bill. That's#Rare and strange and so - Dipper *knows* he's the Only Person who could ever ever see this. Being in Bill's presence for a full ten minutes#Without Bill flipping some internal switch to 'Impress or Intimidate'. This is Dipper's own little secret to watch and absorb and treasure#And. In a way. When Bill's not vibrating with potential energy for parties or violence he's even MORE handsome#He just HAS to kiss him. A little bit. On the cheek or on the top of the head. Maybe curl up next to him where it's warm and touch his ches#Bill spends hours afterward wondering where the hell that came from and WHY. And it'll take him *so much* time to figure it out
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liquidstar · 6 months
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a friend who'd wait :)
#im posting this very late because i was sort of weary of how it came out and ended up messing w it until it was like 4am oops.#and i have plans tmrw so... oh well! i did my best and ill put it out while i can!#and i tried to make the scene match barnard's colors lol#finn's ocs#finn's art#i know i said id do more sillay stuff with the simpler screentone only style but i had a couple more of these in me#and this is the first piece im making thats like an actual part of the story too rather than just setting stuff for fun#i wanna write something to go with it too but for now ill just sort of briefly explain the context in the tags here:#barnard has a pretty bad case of OCD and his compulsions have made it difficult to make friends in the past#he was never outright bullied or anything but people just didnt really have the patience to deal with it#he has compulsions that include stuff like walking through doors until it feels right and needing things to be perfectly aligned#which in group settings has lead to people having to wait for him to finish his rituals and join them#they might find it tolerable at first but eventually they grow impatient and hes just... not invited to stuff anymore#but juno is a newer member of the guild who ends up frequenting the same library. hes also kinda a little weird#and they dont become fast friends or anything but just sort of naturally spend time in the same place#though they never plan meetups they eventually fall into a routine. around the same time theyd just both be at the library#and read next to each other. and maybe talk a bit. and eventually they end up walking back to the guildhall together#since theyre going to the same place after all. and juno always waits for barnard outside the door#eventually barnard asks if this bothers him. juno kinda just tells him 'of course it does' without any malice or anything. just a statement#barnard is surprised and apologizes and juno says not to. but the next day juno doesnt show up at the usual time.#barnard assumes hes committed somekinda more by bringing it up. he ends up staying there late reading to get his mind off it & not ruminate#but when he leaves juno is in fact still waiting for him down the hall (see pic) having collected a bunch of books literally abt ocd#he fell asleep bc barnard stayed later than expected. and hes an eepy guy generally. and also one very bad at expressing himself#but now barnard gets that juno's 'of course it [bothers me]' had the implication of 'but its worth it' which no friend has previously done.#and from the interaction juno was also able to understand that this isn't something barnard just does for the hell of it so. he studies.#and checks a bunch of stuff out because he thinks it could help his friend too (theres ocd workbooks and such- i remember working w them)#and thats the point where they became more ''friends'' than ''pleasant library acquaintances''#from there on they also do get into juno's problems. whole other bag of worms. but this specific scene is more about bernard from his pov#sorry about when i said briefly explain. i lied </3#but compared to the whole sequence im picturing its brief so shhh
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