#goodguy nexus au
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months ago
[GOODGUY Nexus au] Meet Sun - The Depressed Asshole [1]
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"What happened to my smile and my will to live? Gone."
"Remember kids, whenever you find yourself feeling trapped, feeling suffocated, that's okay!! Fish get eaten in the ocean and they choke on their own waste in undersized tanks everyday. If you are not dead, that means society has done its job." :))
They started out like the other Suns and Moons. Getting sentient, sharing the same body, and fighting for control until they nearly killed each other.
The only difference was that even when they were separated, Moon was still an asshole. They taunted and bullied Sun, and often used the threat of shutting him down to get Sun to obey.
They were like the king, and Sun was the sad clown who danced to the stick they would hit him with whenever he stopped.
Sun has tried to stay positive, but the more days go by, the idea of Moon love and care about him seems like a lie he is trying to deceive himself.
But things would get worse, Moon could kill him or he could tear himself in half until one day…
Anyways... Like a butterfly flapping its wings in the northern can cause a tornado in the southern.
Sun has changed, and the universe has changed with him...
It was a late afternoon, when the kids had all gone home and Sun was left alone to clean. The smell of cleaning filled the air, and with each ball he cleaned, he hummed a different tune.
"Hmm… Almost done, only 232 balls left. Haha… I hate my life."
His chuckle echoed in the empty space. The loneliness was like a cold pressing down on Sun's ribs and spine, making him unconsciously hug himself because of the sudden feeling of restlessness.
Moon wasn't here.
Who was he kidding, Moon never wanted to be here, unless his brother needed something, or wanted to push Sun into some dimension craps to turn him into a test subject again.
And it's not like he can say no...
Suddenly, his internal organs rattled as he slowly stood up, the pain tearing like a torch melting the circuit board inside his stomach before pouring more mercury in.
Moon had shoot him with some stupid machine they had built, and the aftershocks had blown a huge hole in his stomach.
It hurt like hell and Sun thought he was going to die, but then Moon had smacked him in the head to shut him up before fixing Sun as good as new.
Though… Why does it still hurt now? Sun winced, trying to get up and falling again.
His hands were shaking, his body was convulsing. His internal systems were flooded with bright yellow error warning symbols, the fans were running at full capacity, but his core was still hot enough to make his head steam.
He wanted to call someone but for some reason his voice box wouldn't respond, only emitting a staticky sound like a broken radio.
"Moon… Moon…" Sun still managed to scream weakly. He struggled to crawl out of the ballpit and crawl to wherever the camera could see him.
"Computer… Help." It is exhausting, and Sun has struggled to scream, even though it felt like he had a knife stuffed in his mouth.
"[Warning: Someone is injured, contact nearest support.]"
The dinging response made Sun's heart swell with hope, only for the computer's voice to knock that hope down and throw it into the mud.
"Oh wait, it's just Sun. I was wrong." The computer's AI looked extremely disappointed as it recognized Sun. Its voice was filled with contempt, as if Sun had soiled its eyes.
"No need to contact Moon. He always say to avoid calling them unless it's important."
The second AI was no better, just continuing to agree with AI one, completely ignoring him as he groaned in pain. A wave of nausea hit him like a wire was being ripped out behind his head and his stomach was popping.
Everything was spinning and before the feeling of breathlessness began to overwhelm him, everything went black.
That was how Sun passed out, realizing, oh, he was worthless to anyone.
- This Sun is more meaner. He is not afraid to open his mouth, and usually just loves to throw hands with whoever messes with him.
- He loves to beat the crap out of Monty whenever he has the chance.
-His relationship with Moon became much frayer, but they still love each other. (Kinda)
- He likes to crippled his enemies, because it is easy to live and feel the pain more than just die and get peace. His sadistic side gets shown a lot.
- He killed his Moon, not accidentally but intentionally. (Of course he still feels guilty about it, but things have already happened and Moon has forgiven him when he comes back so they are cool.)
- He and Nexus at first have the : "Who is that sassy child?" Vs "And you are an ugly bitch!" But then they slowly warm up to each other and care and treat the other more healthier than Moon and Sun ever do.
- After turning Nexus into a goose, Sun keeps Nexus in his room and reads them stories for goose Nexus to sleep.
- Sun is still silly, he just hides his side very deeply.
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months ago
In the world when everything is just slightly opposite. Sun and Moon are assholes. Nexus is just New Moon turned good after the tragic accident (Ruin happens) making Solar has to go to get milk.
It's just a normal day at daycare. You know, kids to babysit, enemies to torment. Sun sat on the couch, calculating how much detergent he would need to clean up the dirt and oil that bastard Eclipse left behind.
Nexus shows up with the angel costume maybe they make for the Halloween with little wings and sparkling.
Sun: Nexus , What are you wearing?
New Moon: Sun, I decide to become OME now.
Sun: Ome?
Nexus: It's the opposite of emo and cringe. I have adopted a life of joy and positivity.
Sun takes a deep breath. He throws his cat out of the window and looks at Nexus very seriously. He stutters.
Sun: What?! Just why? Nexus. There is always something happening with you, isn't it?
Nexus: I have elevated my consciousness and hope to be a source of life in this world.
Sun: Where did I go wrong? Did I not give you enough attention? Have back then, I compared you with Old Moon too much?
Nexus: No Sun. You never did that. In fact, You have and always been a wonderful brother. I hold on zero resentment towards you. I love you.
Sun looks as much hurt as he surprised: Hold no resentment?! Stop this young man! I didn't raise you like that!!
Nexus looks innocent as ever, his red eyes sparkling with stars: I know it might be different to difficult to understand but I feel a deep sense of purpose to make the world a better place.
Sun pressed his forehead, he tried to be gentle as ever.
Look brother, I remember when I was your age, I used to dress in a pretty princess dress and go around asking people to change to be a better person. You are just going through a little phase right now.
Nexus is just not freaking listen: I'm enlightened and I'm here to spread the message of love and positivity to the whole world.
Sun (*trying to fix the damage he has no idea how it happened in the first place*): I will ask Puppet to yeet your butt out of space. You need a couple of negative influences in your life to get a taste of the real world. So you can be back and be a dick like the rest of us.
Nexus: This is a misstep for which I already forgive you.
Sun: Now march upstairs and put something normal!!
Ah great. My brother just ascended to a higher state of consciousness and became God in order to save these humanity. Where the hell did I go wrong?
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months ago
The difference in GOODGUY Nexus au and the canon timeline is that while in the canon event, Sun kills Nexus, in this AU, he turns Nexus into a goose.
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months ago
*Earth spun in and looked at Goodguy Nexus (New Favorite AU bro)*
"Hi" she said happily, patting him on the head. Meanwhile, the Eclipse from her dimension what death staring Sun and Old Moon, not letting them touch Nexus or Earth.
@tsbs-therapist (or @off-brand-dorito)
Nexus: Hello other sister from a different universe!! You look very happy. My Earth would never smile like that. (* He stops for a second*)
Do you want some cookies? I make cookies!!(*He gave her a very bright smile.*)
From afar, Sun pressed his hand on Moon's shoulder and squinted at Eclipse.
Sun: Why does that twink keeps giving me the dirty look like that?
Moon: I dunno. Maybe because you are an asshole and you keep harassing everyone you just met on daily basic?
Sun: It's not my fault you guys couldn't take a damn joke. And I would never do something that really hurt people.
Moon: You stole Monty's suit yesterday, painted it pink and sold it for Miku! All of the people you could choose!!
Sun: And you help! You sociopath manipulated prick! I'm not the one who said to Monty at their father's funeral that they can buy another dad at the store!!
Moon: I'm not good at dealing with problems under stress, you know that!!! I just want to cheer them up!!
Sun: By saying you will buy their father's corpse for research matter?! Really???! You're so freaking stupid for a genius, Moon!!
Moon: Oh great, name calling again. (*He rolls his eyes*) Sure Mr grumpy pants all the time over there knows how to be nice and kind when all the things he does, all the things he is good for is bringing people down to his level.
Sun smirks contemptuously: Still better than you, you disappointed monster:)
(*There was silence. They look like they want to slice each other's throat off. And then for a brightest moment, they laugh maniacally, with hands clasped and heads leaning against each other*)
Sun: Omg... Imagine we actually feel guilty for all the things we do and want to be a better person.
Moon: Yeah, imagine we become Nexus.
Sun: Haizz... Don't tell me... I just hope he gets over his phase soon. It starts to be uncanny.... Hah... Good person, don't make me laugh...
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months ago
[GOOD GUY NEXUS AU] This happens before Nexus goes to the good side.
It is their usual Monday.
Nexus looks very contemplating at the table: Would you guys be there for me if I went through something?
The room sinks in silence before....
Solar: And wasting my time? No.
Earth: I'm sorry brother but nope :)
Lunar: LoL. Hell no man. Absolutely not :3
Sun: Don't ask stupid questions.
Nexus looks so broken heart, these celestial assholes family burst out a laugh.
And from silent, Lunar speaks first:
Lunar: I hope it sucks, whatever you are going through.
Nexus (*shocked*) : I hope it sucks?
Earth tags along, smiling pretily: I hope it is emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
Nexus: Wtf, Earth?!
Solar sipping the water, not skipping a beat: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you..
Nexus looks almost crying: You are my best friend, how dare you... Sun? (*Looks at Sun with these eyes full of hope only to be shattered with his smirk*)
And Sun looks at him with some empathy before it gets replaced by his sadistic humour.
Sun: I can't wait to go to your funeral knowing that I could have changed that outcome. And I don't do anything.
Nexus's dramatic run to his room in anime girl styles: I'm just asking if you guys will be there for me!!!
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ikamigami · 3 months ago
It's sad QwQ
But also this Sun is a lovely fella zbbzbzbbzbx
[GOODGUY Nexus au] Meet Sun - The Depressed Asshole [1]
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"What happened to my smile and my will to live? Gone."
"Remember kids, whenever you find yourself feeling trapped, feeling suffocated, that's okay!! Fish get eaten in the ocean and they choke on their own waste in undersized tanks everyday. If you are not dead, that means society has done its job." :))
They started out like the other Suns and Moons. Getting sentient, sharing the same body, and fighting for control until they nearly killed each other.
The only difference was that even when they were separated, Moon was still an asshole. They taunted and bullied Sun, and often used the threat of shutting him down to get Sun to obey.
They were like the king, and Sun was the sad clown who danced to the stick they would hit him with whenever he stopped.
Sun has tried to stay positive, but the more days go by, the idea of Moon love and care about him seems like a lie he is trying to deceive himself.
But things would get worse, Moon could kill him or he could tear himself in half until one day…
Anyways... Like a butterfly flapping its wings in the northern can cause a tornado in the southern.
Sun has changed, and the universe has changed with him...
It was a late afternoon, when the kids had all gone home and Sun was left alone to clean. The smell of cleaning filled the air, and with each ball he cleaned, he hummed a different tune.
"Hmm… Almost done, only 232 balls left. Haha… I hate my life."
His chuckle echoed in the empty space. The loneliness was like a cold pressing down on Sun's ribs and spine, making him unconsciously hug himself because of the sudden feeling of restlessness.
Moon wasn't here.
Who was he kidding, Moon never wanted to be here, unless his brother needed something, or wanted to push Sun into some dimension craps to turn him into a test subject again.
And it's not like he can say no...
Suddenly, his internal organs rattled as he slowly stood up, the pain tearing like a torch melting the circuit board inside his stomach before pouring more mercury in.
Moon had shoot him with some stupid machine they had built, and the aftershocks had blown a huge hole in his stomach.
It hurt like hell and Sun thought he was going to die, but then Moon had smacked him in the head to shut him up before fixing Sun as good as new.
Though… Why does it still hurt now? Sun winced, trying to get up and falling again.
His hands were shaking, his body was convulsing. His internal systems were flooded with bright yellow error warning symbols, the fans were running at full capacity, but his core was still hot enough to make his head steam.
He wanted to call someone but for some reason his voice box wouldn't respond, only emitting a staticky sound like a broken radio.
"Moon… Moon…" Sun still managed to scream weakly. He struggled to crawl out of the ballpit and crawl to wherever the camera could see him.
"Computer… Help." It is exhausting, and Sun has struggled to scream, even though it felt like he had a knife stuffed in his mouth.
"[Warning: Someone is injured, contact nearest support.]"
The dinging response made Sun's heart swell with hope, only for the computer's voice to knock that hope down and throw it into the mud.
"Oh wait, it's just Sun. I was wrong." The computer's AI looked extremely disappointed as it recognized Sun. Its voice was filled with contempt, as if Sun had soiled its eyes.
"No need to contact Moon. He always say to avoid calling them unless it's important."
The second AI was no better, just continuing to agree with AI one, completely ignoring him as he groaned in pain. A wave of nausea hit him like a wire was being ripped out behind his head and his stomach was popping.
Everything was spinning and before the feeling of breathlessness began to overwhelm him, everything went black.
That was how Sun passed out, realizing, oh, he was worthless to anyone.
- This Sun is more meaner. He is not afraid to open his mouth, and usually just loves to throw hands with whoever messes with him.
- He loves to beat the crap out of Monty whenever he has the chance.
-His relationship with Moon became much frayer, but they still love each other. (Kinda)
- He likes to crippled his enemies, because it is easy to live and feel the pain more than just die and get peace. His sadistic side gets shown a lot.
- He killed his Moon, not accidentally but intentionally. (Of course he still feels guilty about it, but things have already happened and Moon has forgiven him when he comes back so they are cool.)
- He and Nexus at first have the : "Who is that sassy child?" Vs "And you are an ugly bitch!" But then they slowly warm up to each other and care and treat the other more healthier than Moon and Sun ever do.
- After turning Nexus into a goose, Sun keeps Nexus in his room and reads them stories for goose Nexus to sleep.
- Sun is still silly, he just hides his side very deeply.
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ikamigami · 3 months ago
They're assholes but they're lovely assholes your honor (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
[GOOD GUY NEXUS AU] This happens before Nexus goes to the good side.
It is their usual Monday.
Nexus looks very contemplating at the table: Would you guys be there for me if I went through something?
The room sinks in silence before....
Solar: And wasting my time? No.
Earth: I'm sorry brother but nope :)
Lunar: LoL. Hell no man. Absolutely not :3
Sun: Don't ask stupid questions.
Nexus looks so broken heart, these celestial assholes family burst out a laugh.
And from silent, Lunar speaks first:
Lunar: I hope it sucks, whatever you are going through.
Nexus (*shocked*) : I hope it sucks?
Earth tags along, smiling pretily: I hope it is emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
Nexus: Wtf, Earth?!
Solar sipping the water, not skipping a beat: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you..
Nexus looks almost crying: You are my best friend, how dare you... Sun? (*Looks at Sun with these eyes full of hope only to be shattered with his smirk*)
And Sun looks at him with some empathy before it gets replaced by his sadistic humour.
Sun: I can't wait to go to your funeral knowing that I could have changed that outcome. And I don't do anything.
Nexus's dramatic run to his room in anime girl styles: I'm just asking if you guys will be there for me!!!
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ikamigami · 3 months ago
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This is hilarious xD
The difference in GOODGUY Nexus au and the canon timeline is that while in the canon event, Sun kills Nexus, in this AU, he turns Nexus into a goose.
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off-brand-dorito · 3 months ago
Eclipse death stared Sun and Moon, not letting the stare go.
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"Don't. You. DARE. Touch these innocent beans." he said menacingly.
*Earth spun in and looked at Goodguy Nexus (New Favorite AU bro)*
"Hi" she said happily, patting him on the head. Meanwhile, the Eclipse from her dimension what death staring Sun and Old Moon, not letting them touch Nexus or Earth.
@tsbs-therapist (or @off-brand-dorito)
Nexus: Hello other sister from a different universe!! You look very happy. My Earth would never smile like that. (* He stops for a second*)
Do you want some cookies? I make cookies!!(*He gave her a very bright smile.*)
From afar, Sun pressed his hand on Moon's shoulder and squinted at Eclipse.
Sun: Why does that twink keeps giving me the dirty look like that?
Moon: I dunno. Maybe because you are an asshole and you keep harassing everyone you just met on daily basic?
Sun: It's not my fault you guys couldn't take a damn joke. And I would never do something that really hurt people.
Moon: You stole Monty's suit yesterday, painted it pink and sold it for Miku! All of the people you could choose!!
Sun: And you help! You sociopath manipulated prick! I'm not the one who said to Monty at their father's funeral that they can buy another dad at the store!!
Moon: I'm not good at dealing with problems under stress, you know that!!! I just want to cheer them up!!
Sun: By saying you will buy their father's corpse for research matter?! Really???! You're so freaking stupid for a genius, Moon!!
Moon: Oh great, name calling again. (*He rolls his eyes*) Sure Mr grumpy pants all the time over there knows how to be nice and kind when all the things he does, all the things he is good for is bringing people down to his level.
Sun smirks contemptuously: Still better than you, you disappointed monster:)
(*There was silence. They look like they want to slice each other's throat off. And then for a brightest moment, they laugh maniacally, with hands clasped and heads leaning against each other*)
Sun: Omg... Imagine we actually feel guilty for all the things we do and want to be a better person.
Moon: Yeah, imagine we become Nexus.
Sun: Haizz... Don't tell me... I just hope he gets over his phase soon. It starts to be uncanny.... Hah... Good person, don't make me laugh...
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