#i just like given certain things if you guys wanna still be mutuals and interact just shoot me a message
sweetlyticklish · 1 year
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petri808 · 3 years
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Fanfic Bingo I4+Nalu Rivals w/pining, enemies to lovers req for @natsudragneelswh0re Yakuza-themed
Ch. 1 of ___
“Don’t touch me! Do you know who I am??!! Just open the fucking door so I can rip your boss a new asshole!” The female voice screamed out at the underling who’d dared to guide her in a certain direction. She knew exactly where she wanted to go, and no one would tell her otherwise. It was easy to hear through the walls her angry entrance. So, the moment the door swung open, and Lucy sauntered her way inside like she owned the place, everyone but the main man were standing at attention. This wasn’t the first time Lucy had fearlessly barged into the man’s office without protection.
The feisty blonde was on a mission and the target was Yakuza boss Natsu Dragneel. She narrowed her eyes at the man with one hand on a hip and the other jutting a finger directly at him. “I’ve got a bone to pick with you!”
The man rolled his eyes at her histrionics. “Geez, Luce. Now what’s the matter?” Natsu relaxed back in his chair, casually leaning on one elbow with a grin plastered on his face. It was clear the man relished in these interactions. So as the woman walked straight over and around his desk, he waved off the lieutenants that had stepped forward in concern. “You can’t just barge in here like a banshee.”
Lucy sat poised on the desk with her legs crossed, leaning forward and bracing herself up with one arm. Her face mere inches from Natsu’s face, with a determined and unflinching resolve flowing out. He may be a Yakuza boss, but in the underworld, she’d done what most woman never accomplished— built her own empire. “When one of your thugs interrupts my business, you better expect to see my face.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Natsu jested. “But seeing your beautiful face always makes my day.”
A few hours earlier, one of Lucy’s high-end escorts had returned from a job shaken with abrasions on her knees and a bruise on her arm, not to mention highly upset over the encounter. The young woman had been out with a client when a street thug robbed them. Her employees weren’t mere street hookers, and the clients were all high level individuals that needed eye-candy for an event, some attention and affection, or just a good time out on the town. Such individuals were often prime targets for robberies, but in their area, such criminal activities were almost non-existent. One of Natsu’s rules expressly forbade any type of activities that could bring law enforcements attention, so clearly someone out there didn’t think the rules applied to them. Oh, Lucy had seen red when she’d found out. Someone dared to rob her employee! The poor woman had required medical attention for the cuts and abrasions after being pushed down onto the asphalt, and the client had a gun stuck in his face along with any money he’d been carrying stolen before the robber disappeared into a dark alleyway. Pissed was an understatement. If Lucy got her hands on the robber, they wouldn’t see the next sunrise.
“Tch.” She was in no mood to jest right now. “We’ll let me enlighten you,” Lucy sneered back and launched into a retelling of events of her night while Natsu listened without saying a word. The man kept his laissez faire pose casual but based on his demeanor she could tell the longer she spoke, Natsu was holding back any outward physical reactions. The pulsing vein in his forehead and bobbing Adam’s apple told her volumes. He was just as furious as she was. Neither would openly admit how well they could read the other, but it wasn’t lost on their closest associates who knew of their history. They both had to maintain an air of power lest they start to lose the hold they had on their respective organizations. His based on physical strength and hers on status and connections.
The energy of the room heightened steadily with Natsu’s associates already paying close attention to what Lucy had to say. They knew their bosses will and whoever the thug had been, had brazenly broken the rules. Regardless of who the victims were or whether or not it had been one of his men, Natsu would not take kindly to the behavior. Most probably assumed correctly, once the woman left, instructions would be given out to find and detain this so-called thug for punishment. So, as Lucy gave a description of the assailant, she could see in her peripheral one lieutenant named Gray Fullbuster, Natsu’s right hand man, jotting down notes on his phone. She knew whoever the thug was would pay dearly but didn’t let up on her pressure.
“You need to have better control of your underlings Dragneel,” Lucy spat. “They best stay the hell away from my girls and my clients!”
“How are we supposed to know who’s one of yours?!”
“That’s not the point! You know damn well this kind of shit brings attention, and neither of us needs the authorities crawling up our ass!”
Natsu leaned in. “Don’t you tell me how to run things! You know damn well I don’t allow such behaviors in my territory.”
“Pfft. Just stay out of my area!”
“Your area?! This is my territory woman!”
“Don’t you call me woman Natsu Dragneel! I’m not one of your sluts!”
“Oh, really? Shall I bring up our history?…”
In a flash, Lucy’s foot planted itself between his thighs. “You do, and my stiletto will meet your groin.”
You could have heard a pin drop in the room amongst the collective of held breaths. It was only broken by a snicker coming from Gray Fullbuster. Of the six people in the room, two had no idea how far back Lucy Heartfilia and Natsu Dragneel’s history went. Gray was one of the four who did. So, the slip wasn’t surprising to Lucy who knew their bicker-banter resembled an old married couple, making such engagements all the more amusing for onlookers. But she ignored them, keeping all her attention on Natsu. It wouldn’t look good to flinch now.
“You shut it Gray!” Natsu snapped, though there was no real bite to his tone. He then turned back to the woman. “Look, Heartfilia just tell me what you want so you can leave me alone.”
“Compensation.” Lucy demanded he pay her money for the loss of revenue while the escort has to heal because she can’t do her job with injuries along with the medical costs. “And lastly, reimbursement of the cash that was stolen from my client of ¥109,000.”
“What?! How the fuck do I know that’s even true! You could be making it up!”
“You calling me a liar?!”
“No, but how dare you come into my office and make demands of me like this! We don’t know if it’s even one of my guys!”
“Dare?” Lucy stands up tall with her arms crossed, within reach of him. “Oh, I dare, Dragneel.” Sarcasm dripping from full ruby red lips. “These are your streets remember? Mister, nobody does anything without your approval in this area. Well, right now your credibility is waning, so yeah, I dare! You wanna be involved in low-level bullshit, then you,” she jabbed a finger into his chest, “need to handle it and deal with the consequences or next time I’ll just blackmail you by planting drugs and anonymously make a call to my buddy at police headquarters.”
“Bullshit,” Natsu scoffed. “You wouldn’t.”
“Oh,” she grinned running her hand along his cheek with a sultry tone. “Don’t tempt me. I’d love to fuck with you Dragneel.”
Natsu smirked, unwilling to give in so easily to her wiles. “Are you sure you don’t mean, you’d love to fuck me Heartfilia? I’d be happy to help you work out some frustrations.”
“Still dreaming of me I see.” Lucy rolled her eyes but with a grin, feigning compassion. “Still haunted by raptured nights in long ago dreams. You poor soul.”
“Tch. Just give in. You know damn well we could rule this territory together.”
“I see… what? As King and Queen of Tokyo? Tch. After all this time, you really think I’d give up my own sovereignty to you? I don’t think so. Just pay me my money and handle your business.”
Natsu finally sighed, tired of the back and forth that was going nowhere. “You’re such a witch sometimes Luce. Fine, I’ll give you you’re damn money.” He then turned to a second lieutenant Gajeel Redfox with directions. “Pay her the cash and escort Ms. Heartfilia out.”
“You’re a doll,” Lucy patted Natsu’s cheek. “Nice doing business with ya,” she winked and proceeded to follow Gajeel out, swaying her hips as if to turn the screws a little tighter and prolong the tease.
Lucy knew Natsu’s eyes would follow every movement she made because only a blind man couldn’t see he still desired her. Maybe the feelings were mutual… But for now, this tit-for-tat game had to go on. They’d both built extraordinary regimes in the heart of Tokyo, and it would be poor business to rock the boat now. He in the lower underworld of seedier devices and she in the classier underworld of corporate Japan. In their ancient history, Natsu believed in the old code that a woman had no place at the head of a Yakuza family, so it was a bit ironic for him to try and suggest a power share role after all these years. Perhaps he was starting to regret his younger self’s decision to push her away when they’d could’ve ruled together all along.
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pernicious-pastas · 4 years
Villain, Chapter Two
Pairings - Masky/Tim x You
Word count - 1260 words
Chapter Summary - Tim, Brian, and Y/n walk through the forest to get back to their shared cabin used after missions. Y/n and Brian chit-chat before a more serious conversation after a few rounds of adult juice. (Alternate Title: Was Tim listening to the convo in the woods?)
Warnings for chapter - Language, drinking, mutual conflict between Tim and y/n.
Notes - Pastas mentioned are Toby, Sally, clockwork (Natalie), and Jaime! Jaime is an oc of mine which you can look at here: XXX. Please note the y/n is over 21 and can legally drink. Also i’m working on starting an AO3, so look out for that linked in the next chapter :D
Previous Chapter: XXX
Calling the walk back through the woods a “terrible fucking idea” would be an understatement. Never understanding why those two hard-asses didn’t just steal a car or two will always be in the forefront of your mind when finishing a mission. But hey, at least you had Brian to keep you occupied during your walks.
“Can’t we just make a portal to the cabin and call it a day?” You groaned, shuddering against the freezing wind that danced around you. Brian’s footsteps walked next to yours in the almost frozen ground around you. “Unfortunately for us, we lost the ability to make portals when Jeffery started making portals from his bedroom to the communal kitchen,” he said, his voice was gruff and clear when not muffed by his voice changer. You chuckled a bit before your expression soured, remembering what Jeff’s actions cost your tiring legs. Brian noticed your slight change in demeanor and decided to change the topic to distract your mind. “Hey, I’m sure we’re close. And I've been meaning to talk to you about something, Well two things.”
Your face puzzled before you gave him a reassuring look, letting him go on. He turned back to look at Tim to gauge if he'd be able to hear the conversation in question, after a few seconds Brian turned to you again, lowering his voice. “Do you ever wish you never accepted Slender’s offer? Like, do you ever wonder what would’ve happened if you said no, or if you never got wrapped up in this in the first place?” You paused and thought for a second before giving him your answer, you never really thought about that before.
“Honestly? I’d probably still be stuck in my hometown. I think I’m glad I took this job in a way. Although the cons definitely outweigh the pros most of the time.” You chuckled, thinking back on your home life before stopping yourself, knowing the pain it would bring you.  Your life before becoming a proxy wasn’t all that glamorous, but thinking about the people you left behind and what you could've been always left an indecent taste in your mouth.
 “Cons?” Brian quizzed, hoping for an elaboration. You sighed and watched the breath turn into fog in front of you. “Well y’know, if I knew I would have interacted with some unsavory people I don’t think I’d take the job.” You joked. Hopefully, Tim didn’t hear that. You sunk into your jacket, hoping to bring a little more warmth to you. “Speaking about a certain unsavory coworker of ours,” You turned to peak at Tim for a final time before continuing. It looks like he wasn’t paying attention and was too far behind to even hear anyway, so you let yourself go on. “Has Tim always been this mean to previous co-workers? Like, that Toby guy that’s been on that year’s long mission, was Tim a dick to him?” You sighed, you didn’t know why this bothered you, But the tension continues to fuck with you nonetheless. 
Brian stops for a quick rest, and you follow suit. “I guess he's always been kinda brash to people he doesn’t know, but never this bad and for this long.” He said. Your thoughts filled up the silence that had settled between you two. You’ve been here for, what? Almost three years and Tim still couldn’t get a grasp on the fact that he had to work with you. You huffed in annoyance. Brian watched you and decided to speak up again. “Why does it even bother you if you hate him the exact same?” You spit on the forest ground and glared at Tim, even though he probably couldn’t hear a damn thing you said. “It doesn’t.”
*time skip to the later in the cabin*
“Brian… We’re friends, right?” You asked, a drunken tint flushed your cheeks as you spoke. The scenery was nice, two pals sharing drinks around a lit fire. The sun was long gone by now, the fire contrasted the harsh night air as it enveloped you in warmth- Something you could get behind in your hazy state.
He thought for a moment before taking a swig from his bottle and turning to face you. “I’d think so, We’d practically have to be if we’re working in this type of occupation. The more people to keep you sane, the better.” You nodded your head while he continued. “This kinda loops back to what I wanted to talk to you about a couple of hours ago. Well, before we started talking about Tim.” He said, you thought back about your previous conversations and eventually pinpointed it to the walk in the woods. “About our pasts and junk?” You asked. He kicked off the dirt from his boot into the blasting fire. “Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it a lot actually, I’ve been so focused on being the Always-in-Line, harsh, perfect proxy that I’ve almost forgotten myself.” You slowly nodded your head. Hey, you kind of felt the same in a sense. You cringed thinking back to your previous memories.
“I don’t know Brian, the Boss always enforces that we push away the past and focus on our new responsibility at hand,” You paused. “Still, I get it. The tapes bothering you again?” He nodded before you heard a loud whack of a door slamming into the cabin’s exterior walls. You slowly shifted your eyes to the cause of the noise, and they settled on Tim. You shifted in your chair in fake-annoyance. Too drunk to care if he was with you two or not. “The past is the past, Hoodie. Get over it.” Tim scowled at the two of you before lighting a cigarette.  Tim walked over to the burning fire and crouched, He sucked in while he studied the flames, His eyes almost matched the fires bellowing rage before he closes them, blowing out his smoke into the already roaring fire. What a fucking weirdo, you thought. 
“Evening, Masky.” Brian said. his boot still on the fireplace’s edge, almost directly across Tim’s face. Tim got up and took another drag and turned to you. “Now I’ve been wondering Y/n, how far you would go with a little booze in you.” Tim condescended, a smirk on his face and he eyed you. You rolled your eyes and got up, “Enough of the bullshit, Tim. You wanna be an asshole? Fine by me. I’m done with whatever game you’ve been trying to make me play.” You stormed into the house, your outburst leaving both the men in silence. 
As you less-than-gracefully wobbled to your dark room. You undressed and changed into comfy clothing before retreating under your covers. Memories hung up on the walls around you. Pictures of you and your killer friends smiled down at you, the handmade bracelets Sally had gifted you sat on your nightstand. Dirty band tees Natalie and Jaime had once fondly given you on your previous birthday laid on the floor, ready to be washed and worn again. Small trinkets of your favorite interests decorated the room. Traces of you and your life swirled around your cold room, you thought about the previous conversation you had with Brian. Maybe it was the booze, or maybe Tim decided to finally crank up the heat, but you felt warm inside when thought about the people you met through this hellish job. Forgetting about all the anger you have for certain coworkers of yours, you sunk further into bed.
You grinned to yourself in the dark and shut your eyes, ready for bed. “I’d never regret accepting Slender’s offer.” You whispered slowly, letting yourself succumb to the night’s rest that eagerly awaited you.
likes, comments, and reblogs appreciated !! feedback through the ask box welcomed (won’t give out future chapter info though hehe)
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kariachi · 4 years
Been looking forward ot this one y’all- The Greatest Lake, which supposedly contains not just Hex (easily one of the funnest of the reboot’s villains) but also Kevin (who is, of course, the perfect being)! It’s bound to be wonderful, with a combo like that, and we’ll finally get an answer to the age-old question-
Does Hex go in the fucking pit
Another Kelly Turnbull episode! Which, again, means this is gonna be a good episode for story and visuals! I swear this woman is a fucking goddess.
You should’ve known better to cannonball around Ben, Gwen, we had a whole episode about this
Max has rented a speedboat for the sake of aquatic athletics
Attack of the killer lake. And here I thought you only had to worry about that if you were a Saturday
Erie’s gotten more handsy since I was last out there
Ben: Some bad guy must be trying to make me look bad at kneeboarding! Gwen: Yeah, that’s why you suck
Hi Hex
He’s not even paying attention, he’s busy reading
Hex: Stop bothering the beachgoers, we’ve got work to do Water Spirits: Sure boss
The Sword of MacGuffin. Of course. Of course that’s what he’s looking for. I love this show so much you guys.
Hex: *sees Ben* I see not even the sanctity of the Canadian border can stop your incessant pestering!
Just jumping straight to annihilation today
Welp, Hex having to choose between having an elemental army or blasting the Tennysons into the stratosphere
Hex: Fuck it, I got work to do and elemental armies to lead, my apprentice can handle this
Ben: “What kind of loser would actually wanna work with Hex?“ Kevin: “Hey!”
My son, y’all
Look at him
He’s got a matching hood and everything
And floaties
Floaties my son can’t even float
Dear gods save me this is too adorable
I mean he has a hood to match Hex’s that’s so fucking cute!
Even the Forever Dipshit didn’t even fucking bother to get him into the aesthetic! Of course I suppose Hex and Kevin’s aesthetics are easier to make work together
I swear Hex if you fuck this up I will have your head on a pike as a warning to any other adults that might run into Kevin, even if we’re mostly out of them
My booooyyyyy
Have I mentioned one of the floaties is a fucking giraffe one I mean my god
When you have to mute the show otherwise you will be overwhelmed because your son is on the screen and you are dying
Oh my fuck Kevin accusing Ben of being jealous that Hex took him under his wing lords preserve me
The thing is it’s not even like there’s nothing for Hex to build off with him I mean we all saw what Charmcaster was able to do with his poetry, if he can learn to make that shit work for himself he’ll be a true fucking terror.
Hex: “Not ��intern’, apprentice. We’re sorcerers, not cubicle dwellers.”
How did these two even meet? How did this happen? How long has it been happening? Inquiring minds need to know
Oh look, a vaguely greek temple in Lake Erie.
Hex: “I haven’t had a plan work this seamlessly all summer. I’d be moved to tears if this eyeliner were waterproof.”
“Mr. Goth Wizard, sir?” my fucking god this child is too precious. Don’t fuck this up, Hex, for all our sakes!
Hex, leaving Kevin, quote, ‘in charge of destroying the Tennyson whelps’ while he heads for the temple so he can get this sword
Kevin is actually listening to what he’s told without the need for putdowns or belittling or any mouthiness on his part so far. This either a bad sign for how he’s taking the way these adults have been treating him so far or a good sign of how his time with Hex has been going
Hex: Have them destroyed by the time I get back Kevin: Don’t you wanna test the sword out in them? Hex: No, I want you to do as you’re told
And there we go, I’ve been here long enough it’s all a spiral from this point.
Kevin: *grumbles about how he better be learning some damn good magic to be putting up with this shit*
1) Ben picking Rath to fight in a lake. Because this child. 2) My son has spells. This is either going to be awesome or sad
Oh thanks show, cut to Hex why don’t you
The spell on the door takes so much mana to take out that the damn thing tried to eat Hex
And Max and Gwen have taken advantage of Kevin being distracted with Ben to take out Hex’s elementals
Hex is, how you say, not pleased
I really don’t know what he expected, given he can’t handle the Tennysons, but sure, your apprentice is gonna do better
Kevin is just having too much fun messing with Ben
I cannot help but feel, Hex, that you could’ve handled this whole mess smarter. Step one: I’m fairly certain apprentices aren’t supposed to be thrown out as a distraction while you go around doing magic without them
Kevin pls do not call your teacher a loser while he is in the area, given your track record...
Oh gods, he’s claiming Hex promised him the sword if this all works out and just, it ain’t
“You know he doesn’t care about you right?” Ben, honeybunch, I hate to have to actually say it, but so far with Kevin? Nobody fucking does. Like, that’s not even an armor-piercing question, that’s like stepping out and going “you know the sky’s still blue, right?” The closest we came to a non-Tennyson giving a rats ass about Kevin was Vin, and then he turned out to give more of a damn about having the approval of other adults than the did any child. Fucking Max is the most stable adult figure in his life by far and it’s not exactly a high bar to reach. Every other adult didn’t care about him, every single one, and if you’re gonna be trying to get through to Kevin with revelations then you may wanna figure that out!
*deep breath* I’m calm. I’m chill. I’m calm.
Kevin throws Ben into Hex on accident, not gonna end well
Oh lords Kevin’s not even using spells he was taught, he’s testing new material on Ben because of course he is
Although can we discuss the fact that he was doing well with it? Which means either he’s been practicing it on his own time or he’s got a natural talent for this shit, and given what his poetry did it could go either way
Oh lords ‘The Ancient Magi Code’ and talk of how he’s supposed to fucking follow it includes being expected to follow Hex’s instructions to the letter. Because we’ve all seen how well Kevin takes orders. I mean lords he was already getting aggravated about it earlier, even as he did it. He’s been positively behaving by his own standards.
And lo, arguing breaks out between the teacher who’s really not that good at it and who is very tradition focused, and the student who is very much an independent soul who doesn’t take orders well and needs a more... positive approach.
Can we just discuss the growth, the difference between Kevin here and Kevin when he was working with the Forever Dipshit? There’s actual concern about having fucked up here, for one, which he never showed with regards to FD despite the fact that one tried to kill him at one point for not following orders exactly. Just, if nothing else it’s a good indicator of the difference between his relationships with the two, where one is a teacher and semi-reasonable at least while the other was just, a complete piece of shit. I mean Hex taught Kevin magic and practiced it with him, promised him a fucking sword, while FD just gave him a tv dinner and a bad attitude
“-unabashed, unrepentant incompetence!” Goddamn, Hex, breathe! Also the boy ain’t incompetent he’s just fucking 11. That’s at the low end for apprenticing, even historically, and you’ve also got the fact that he’s an independent little sod and that you’ve been treating him more like a minion than an apprentice today (it’s a big difference). This is a fuck-up, and the arguing back is annoying, but still the situation with him is manageable.
My poor son did not expect major consequences, such as being dropped as an apprentice and losing the fucking shit that was helping him use magic period
Hex, fucking done, is getting that fucking sword if it kills him so he can have one fucking success this summer
Kevin, as always, does not take such insults lightly. Cue ‘out for blood’ face
Ben: “I can’t stand you, and even I thought Hex was being a real jerk back there” Kevin: “Yeah, I was doing a pretty good job kicking your butt before he distracted me”
All said while the Tennysons are picking up a Kevin out of the lake. I swear this is just the only way this boy knows to interact with people
Okay I paused after Hex fucking unveiled the temple again sent the whole groups crashing to the bottom of the lake as an offhand consequence and y’all the look on my boy’s face when he hears Hex growling about needing that damn sword. The fucking sad puppy eyes!
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Look at that face!! My poor baby! He is so sad and so hurt!
Ben and Kevin, working together to kick Hex’s giant water elemental’s butt
Oh my fuck mutual transformation sequence. wtf is this Sailor Moon?
Kevin, noticing Ben has armored aliens now: Bitch!
The problem, is that much as I try I can’t mention everything. There’s so much good
Kevin, as Bootleg: Get out the boat, I’m hijacking it Gwen: No Kevin: Okay *hijacks it with them inside*
Gwen: *incredible excited to now have a boat with a canon because Kevin is awesome like that* Max: *concerned about whether Boatleg meets safety standards*
“Useless child. I can retrieve the Sword of MacGuffin without his assistance.” I don’t believe anyone was claiming otherwise, Hex. Although I think you’re going to find it difficult to do with him actively working against you. I’m afraid they’re his only settings
Max, on the giant water elemental: Maybe it just needs a friend and a big hug Kevin: Unlikely
Gwen, coming in with the plan to save the day
Even as a boat Kevin is a very agile little thing
Here lies Hex, dead of lake
Oh my gods dark magic is against the rules of the lake
Kevin: That was probably my only chance to use a cool cursed sword. Thanks a lot, Tennyson. Ben: Bitch!
Ben making the valid point that Kevin was at real risk of having to suck up to Hex for the next several millennia
The fucking cop telling Hex to get with the century and invest in some waterproof eyeliner
This just in, both boys are equally shit at kneeboarding.
10/11, Hex doesn’t go in the pit, but he may wanna be careful the next time he shares an episode with Kevin
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spinblue · 4 years
—How I Run My Blog!
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if it wasn’t obvious already, I literally cannot shut the fuck up ever. I also never heard of condensing. That is a foreign concept to me.
Speed Basically I’m as slow as Sonic is fast — 
I wish I could do replies faster, but I just can’t? I have literally sat at my computer for hours trying to reply and it just doesn’t happen. I guess I gotta be in a certain mindset to do replies, but heck if I know what kind. awoienaoweawenawe 
I just don’t want to give out shitty replies, and in order for my replies to not be downright awful I gotta work on them a lot aowienaowie it doesn’t come naturally to me at all. 
I'm all for rping any lengths and mostly I just try to match my rp partner’s lengths, and try to keep in mind what it seems like they are comfortable with. 
Which includes not going over, and I gotta tell you, there have been threads were I have deleted multiple paragraphs of my reply because I realize that not everyone is up for multiparagraphed (borderline novella at times) threads. I just physically do not know how to NOT ramble.
That being said, if I ever do go off in one of our threads — you don’t gotta match lengths. Just give me your best shot and it’ll be fine, I promise. I’m never counting paragraphs here. 
Formatting is very minimal, with usually just one icon per reply. I try to reply more or less in order ( so I try to reply to the threads where I was given the reply first ) but, unfortunately my muse doesn’t work that way all the time, so I do skip around here and there. I apologize if you’ve been waiting for a reply for a long while, I promise it’s not because I don’t want to rp with you, but as I said, I am horrendously slow at all things. 
I don’t usually post starter calls. I lack the creativity honestly aoweianwe But also I am usually super behind on replies as is so ( though then again, that doesn’t stop me from liking other people’s starter calls and inbox calls bc I am a fool )
I do inbox calls occasionally, though! Usually when I’m lacking muse for anything in my drafts but wanna do something small. These can absolutely turn into threads and can sort of be seeing as a super mini starter? Though they also do not have to turn into anything more than a one-off interaction. Usually I ask if it’s okay to reply to an ask answer before I reply to it. 
My inbox is always open! I am horrendously slow at answering asks too though. Gosh I’m a mess. But if you ever do have something you wanna send me, please do! I’ll get to it eventually I promise aowienaowe
I’m forever accepting any and all memes that I reblog! If you wanna interact with me but lack ideas/kinda shy, sending in a sentence prompt meme is probably the best way to start, tbh. 
Though I’m also perfectly okay with unprompted asks being sent! Just send me anything and everything tbh 
I’ll always be open to turning an ask that I answer into a full thread if you want to! 
I’m semi-selective and completely mutuals only. I do wish I could rp with everyone, but as I have said for each of these sections bc it affects literally everything I do — I am horrendously slow. 
I also like to keep my dash clean, so I may not follow back if there are a lot of non-rp related things reblogged. I also usually don’t follow back blogs that have no rules, though sometimes I make exceptions if I know the mun is someone chill. 
If you break my rules, that’s an automatic I’m never going to interact, sorry. It just says to me that either you didn’t bother to read them in the first place, or you did read them but then decided to ignore it. Neither is great honestly. 
Please respect people’s rules. They are there for a reason.
Wishlist ( some of these I have threads for already, but I always want more okay aoweinwe )
I want to do a thread with Sonic signing for most of it, for whatever reason.
Someone calling Sonic out on his bullshit and how he has royally fucked up in IDW. I want someone to actually blame him, resent him, because those were actual, real, people that were all affected just because Sonic wanted to play the ‘good guy’ and believe in the ‘good’ in people despite having every reason to not. 
Sonic actually talking with someone and telling them how much he cares for them. I don’t see him as the mushy-talky kind of guy. He usually likes to speak with actions rather than words — but at the same time words can be powerful. And one day he’ll just have to let his friends know how much they mean to him. 
Basically give me anything with soft. 
I live for supportive Sonic who’s life advice is basically just to go for it. To smile, to run, because you do have the freedom to, you just gotta make use of it. 
I’d like a thread where Sonic can just joke around too?? Like he’d poke fun at someone, be poked fun at back, and just be general little shits together. Just a small silly thread for the fun of it 
A lot more but I have zero memory when I need it
Honest Note
Okay real talk for a sec, but I sit on replies for weeks, and yet I want to always create more threads?? 
There are times where I want to invade people’s dms and talk about ideas and such that I have and that I want to thread. But then I look at my drafts and see that I still owe a reply, and feel too guilty to ask for more aoweinawe 
Also I’m awful at one-on-one conversation. I just??? Don’t have the capability of keeping conversations going aoiwenaewoaieniaw I have no idea how to. So if we have talked and the conversation just fades out on my end, I am so very sorry and i promise it’s not a sign that I don’t want to talk with you. I just fail at human interaction aoweianwewe 
But I do want to get to know everyone that I follow. You all are awesome as heck alright. 
Other than that, know that I adore you all a lot. It’s a lot of fun seeing everyone on dash! Whether you are doing ic stuff, or ooc things. Keep doing what you are doing, because you’re doing great just as you are! 
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ominousgreeting · 5 years
1. Themes will vary with this blog. Bob is a morbid guy, so I wouldn’t advise following if you’re not used to his character. There will likely be violence, themes of murder and crime, as well as that messed up obsession with wanting to kill Bart Simpson. If you’re not comfortable with that, steer clear!
I will try my best to tag everything. These will be under the format of swearing tw. If you’d like me to tag anything specific, don’t hesitate to ask through anon / inbox / im!
I don’t have any triggers but I do ask you tag all of your NSFW (sexual) content.
I’m of age, and thus I won’t be writing anything to that end with minors. Not that I’d be writing much of it anyway.
2. I’m private, which means I only write with mutuals (this is for my own sanity / comfort; everyone’s cool!). I’ll write with canon, oc, and crossover characters.
Although I’m private, when it comes to following people, I’m selective. We don’t have to have known each other prior to write!
As for following back, I usually take a week tops to do so - but if you’ve hit up my promo, I go through that eventually.
If it’s a crossover, I have to know the fandom and be at least a little bit confident with it. This is so I’m able to work with you, our thread and have muse for it.
I follow the tag #ominousgreeting. If there’s anything you want me to see, like dash commentary, just tag that and x-kit will alert me of your post! I may respond to ic stuff ic stuff if I’m feeling it. 
In that sense, I’m chill with dash shenanigans with most folk, not just mutuals!
Absolutely no godmodding. It ain’t fun, fam. If you’re not sure what this term means, do look it up. This includes powerplaying, metagaming, and other things of that nature. This applies especially in fights if they happen (I’m chance-based and hope that you are too).
I can be picky with OCs. But rest assured, if you’ve followed me/interacted with my promo, I’ll always give your pages a read.
Please don’t be offended if I don’t want to interact with you (and please don’t try to guilt me into doing so!). 
I DON’T CARE ABOUT AESTHETICS. I just think they’re pretty. If you don’t use formatting or anything like that, or heck - even wanna’ just do iconless rp - I have no problem with it whatsoever! It’s you, your writing and your muse I care about!
3. Please don’t rush me for starters or responses.
PLEASE understand that I have blogs galore and my muse tends to fluctuate; this can mean I’m everywhere at once and can end up neglecting a blog or two. It’s nothing personal; you know how muses are!
I have a full-time job (and I’m trying to get into screenwriting in my off-time) so sometimes I’m scrapped for time or exhausted. I'm also an introvert who deals with anxiety and depression, thus that may affect how much / how often I roleplay. If I don’t get chance to respond to anything ic or ooc, it’s nothing personal! Promise!
Chances are, I’ve probably has seen that bit of interactivity and just haven’t gotten around to responding yet.
My roleplaying style being para/multi-para, I may take a while to respond. I hoard drafts like a dragon - it’s really just the motivation to write and ship those out.
I hoard asks, but sometimes can’t find muse or interest for all of them. If it’s been a month or two, generally assume I’m not interested / can’t find muse for it. You’re free to send another though!
I answer asks from anyone - personals, rp blogs and anons. I’ll answer non-mutual asks occaisonally but I won’t be making threads out of them
4. Shippings? If they’re of similar age, sure! With Bob, it’s a little timey whimey since he’s married, but we could figure something out.
If I don’t happen to be interested, don’t force anything on my character.
I do not ship incestuous ships. Do NOT follow/interact if you do.
Also the same rule applies to this next thing. It would go without saying, but given the nature of this fandom... for the love of God, no shipping any of the kids with Bob.
The ship has to have chemistry; I’m generally shipping trash, but if they don’t click, they don’t click, sorry.
This is a multi-ship blog, meaning there will be more than one ship without them conflicting with eachother.
If you want to ship and I already have a ship of your choosing going with a duplicate, please don’t hesitate to hmu! My ships aren’t exclusive and each character/relationship portrayal is unique to me!
Relationships are eternal until you deem otherwise. If you’re not interested in a ship anymore, just let me know!
5. Whilst I am of age, I’m not aiming for sexual content on this blog (and will not be dealing with fetishes). The occasional joke is fine, but anything beyond that makes me uncomfortable, and I typically don’t recommend pulling it with my character if you’re interacting with me. Nonetheless, should it arise, I will tag it appropriately as nsfw //.
6. About reblogs…
I am not a meme source, and reblogs clog up my activity. Please reblog any memes you find on this blog from their SOURCE. The exception to this rule is if there is no source; go ahead.
I don’t feel comfortable with Personals reblogging my IC or OOC posts, so please don’t do that. If I put something in the fandom tags for whatever reason (bar promos), you’re free to, though.
This goes for my art too unless it has the tag ok to rb, but otherwise only the person I drew it for can reblog it. If you wanna’ reblog something, I DO put it on my art blog eventually!
A few times is fine, as it happens, but repeatedly breaking these rules will result in me soft blocking you.
I try to participate in reblog karma as much as I can, but always reblog from the source/a meme source.
If a post or ask is for you, you’re free to reblog it to save it though - but only if you’re an rp blog!
7. I’m a para / multi-para blog, novella if I’m adventurous and have time. Whilst I may roleplay crack threads with shorter responses, this does not apply to all threads I write. This means:
I write my replies as detailed as I can muster, and length can range from 1 paragraph to 6.
Short responses (such as one-liners) in more serious threads where I’ve written a decent deal can instantly kill my muse for that thread.
Whilst I’d prefer for partners to at least somewhat match my length, it’s entirely up to you - just try your best and make sure you give me enough to work with. ♡
If my muse happen to go nuts out of nowhere - like, overboard - don’t stress too much about matching him.
8. Threads! You can yeet asks, memes, and even starters at me if I’ve liked a call! I’ll obviously have my own you can like.
You’re free to like starter calls even if we’re not mutuals; I can check out your blog that way. I still only write starters for mutuals though.
I know pretty much most Bob media, bar the comics because I’ve only read a few of them.
Starter memes are the BEST way to interact me because they just yeet a prompt at my face and really help me write starters. If you see me reblog one, send one!
If you want a certain verse, lemme’ know! Otherwise, I’ll probably default to a post-canon verse.
If you want to turn an ask into a thread, go ahead!
In that sense, I don’t recommend writing starters for me unless we’ve discussed something. I don’t like to leave anyone hanging.
Please don’t assume things about my muse. If you’re uncertain about things, ASK.
IMs are open to mutuals, if you want to do any in-depth plotting. I also have Discord if that’s more convenient for you!
9. Guidelines on mains and relationships:
If we’re mutuals and we interact a lot, you’re welcome to ask me if I’d like to be your main!
Please don’t be offended if I deny, though; I typically want to pick those I trust to be my mains as well as people I can comfortably write with.
Not limited to them! I roleplay with duplicates galore so don’t be afraid to hit me up if you want to interact!
Pre-established relationships are a-okay in my book; if you have an idea for a relationship between our muses we can work towards, hit me up! I reblog those pre-established relationship memes every so often too. Romantic relationships link back to the shipping guidelines.
Also, friendship/family/rivalry relationships are EXTREMELY valid to me - so don’t feel scared about asking for them!
10. If you have any issues, please let me know and hopefully we can resolve it!
Mun is actually super nice, so don’t be afraid to hit her up!
I am absolutely terrible with IMs and Discord. I either respond quickly or days later, depends on my mood. Social anxiety tends to interfere with this (and more recently exhaustion from work) - but honestly, if you’ve sent something, I’ve likely read it and just haven’t gotten around to it yet! It’s nothing personal; trust me!
Please leave me out of drama; I’m here to have a good time, as is everyone else, and it pains me to see people arguing.
This is a little different with callouts - if I see anything on dash pertaining to any problematic users, I will take it into consideration and rb it if I believe them to be harmful.
11. To retierate, I tend to follow those that:
Write para and whom I feel my muse would click with.
Seem chill? Tone can really intimidate me honestly.
Have rules and about pages! Knowing the boudaries of my rp partners is super important as well as their lovely muses! Sometimes rules are enough, though, if you’re going to write the about eventually.
Tag their nsfw.
Don’t have massive icons - ie, have rp icons that take up an entire text post like 500x500 or something. I don’t want to clog the dash and it’s tiring to resize them.
…also, if I follow your hub blog (provided it doesn’t double as a personal), it generally means I’m cool with any blogs that are attached to it.
12. On threads…
If you’re not interested in a thread anymore, and would like to drop it, please let me know! I’d feel terrible if we’re both not having fun with it or if partners feel overwhelmed with the amount of threads we have.
Honestly, unless I let you know, our threads have no expiry date - so no need to worry about me dropping them without telling you. I can just be quite slow sometimes.
13. Mun does not equal muse! Anything my muse might say does not reflect on how I think unless I explicitly say so.
14. Know that if I follow you, I WANT to interact with you.
I literally couldn’t care less about follower counts. I care about YOU guys and our interactions.
15. Rules may be subject to change.
Please like this post if you’ve read the rules! You don’t have to, but it’s of personal reassurance to me if you have.
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fourteenacross · 6 years
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So, if you don’t follow me on other social media, I had..........kind of a crazy weekend!
If you are unaware, @twentyghosts and I have been friends for twenty years this year. We met after I joined a mailing list she ran because a mutual friend told me it was full of other people who loved Rent. Online fandom was just finding its feet and most fannish stuff happened on bulletin boards, mailing lists, or people’s personal fansites. It was 1999 and we were fourteen and now it’s twenty years later and we’re still friends and we have literal decades of inside jokes and weird shit we’ve made up together (including a successful podcast), but it all started because of Rent.
So, when Renata got a chance to attend the dress rehearsal for Rent Live and asked me to go with her, it felt very narratively satisfying.
Rent was a HUGE part of my adolescence. I can’t overstate that fact. Between 1998ish and 2005, I saw the musical on Broadway (and a couple times on tour) dozens of times. I made many lasting friendships, people I’m still friends with today. I learned all sorts of skills, including HTML and CSS, but also things like how to socially interact with a “celebrity” in a way that’s not massively embarrassing, how to manage a group of people and delegate tasks, how to be an adult human person on your own in the world. I had a really bad break-up with Rent in the mid-aughts thanks to some friendship issues, but it’s been over ten years and I’ve moved on enough to appreciate what the show has given me. This show is a part of my DNA and always will be, for better or for worse.
(And yes, I’m aware that the show has issues and is “problematic,” as the kids like to say, but it’s also a product of its time and it wasn’t like there was a ton of stories about queer people in the mainstream media in the mid-nineties. We’ve come a long way, and that’s good, but it doesn’t negate the importance of the show Back In The Day.)
Renata and I went on this whirlwind three day trip to LA to attend the dress rehearsal. If you watched the show last night, you know that Brennin Hunt broke his ankle during the dress rehearsal and that the bulk of the final aired product was taken from that dress rehearsal. Life is weird!
We managed to squeeze in some touristy things and see a friend from that mailing list we met on twenty years ago, but the highlight of the weekend was, of course, Saturday night’s show. We had zero idea what to expect--Renata won the tickets in a contest and the contest people weren’t super forthcoming with the actual details of what was happening. The people from Fox were a little better, but we still showed up at the Fox Studio lot on Saturday largely unsure of what was going to happen.
We were given red wrist bands and led all the way to the side of the lot to stand on line with other red wristband holders. We ended up seated in the “back” of the stage, where “La Vie Boheme” and “I’ll Cover You” were staged, along with some other little bits of the show. We could sort of see other stuff happening on other parts of the stage, but there were monitors as well, that showed what the cameras were filming as it happened.
The dress rehearsal ran through exactly like a live taping would. An emcee told us what to expect and walked us through how the taping would occur. It started at 5pm on the dot and was expected to end at 8pm on the dot. They would run through the show and stop for commercial breaks, during which we could stretch and talk while they set up the next “act” of scenes. There was a countdown from each commercial break and the show started up again and ran straight through til the next. The emcee warned us that the footage would likely be used in commercials and behind the scenes footage and special features on the eventual DVD release, so if we were sitting next to someone we “shouldn’t be sitting next to,” that we should move. (Of course, it ended up being much more than that, but...that’s life!)
We had joked a lot during the run up to the show. We didn’t know anyone in the cast except for BVD, Vanessa Hudgens, and sort of Jordan Fisher. We didn’t know what to expect or if we’d even like it. We were still half-convinced the whole thing was an elaborate joke.
But, dang, what a night.
Straight up, I started crying when the song “Rent” started. It was just such a visceral moment--I always get amped up and emotional at that part anyway, but I just couldn’t believe where I was and what was happening and who I was with. It was profoundly emotional in a way I can’t quite describe. Like seeing an old friend after a decade apart, I guess.
Overall, I had a fantastic time. I loved the performance--it was super high energy and emotional. I loved most of the changes they made and the way they adapted the material for the medium. I loved how they made the Life Support group a bigger part of the narrative and how they wove “Seasons of Love” into it. The whole thing felt incredibly true to the spirit of the show. I saw people on Twitter complaining about changed costumes and slightly altered lyrics, which was confusing after a bunch of these live musicals where they added new parts and new songs and all that shit. Like, it’s 2019, a lot of kids watching WEREN’T EVEN BORN when Rent came out. I think it’s good that they added narrative context. Things might make sense to those of us who saw it fifty times in 2002, but less so for people who are so divorced from what the world was like when the show takes place.
Anyway, here are some more random thoughts I wanted to get down, including some stuff I said on Twitter:
Mark’s added narration really helped frame the story while simultaneously acting as another barrier that kept him apart from the rest of the group, which really worked for me.
It was super hard to divorce myself from Rent as a stage show when it came to certain aspects of the experience of watching it. For example, I didn’t start applauding after OSG even though it was a great performance because you don’t applaud after OSG! Mimi comes in too quickly and it slides right into “Light My Candle,” so I wasn’t even prepared to do it. Same with a couple other song breaks.
Also, the designated pee break, “I Should Tell You,” was unavailable as we were not allowed to leave the sound stage once filming started.
The audience was CRAZY for Jordan Fisher. Too crazy--there was a quick reshoot at the end because the screaming at the start of “Rent” was so loud it blew out the actors’ vocals. (more on that later)
There were a couple things that I missed, like “You have to get out of the house,” because sometimes when you accidentally create an entire mega ship you can’t ever shake how much you ship the characters, but I think that they did a good job of adding in enough of Mark’s caretaking in that scene that it would have been redundant.
Most of the line changes seemed to be about contextualizing the show for a 2019 audience or removing things that were inappropriate for television, but there were a couple small changes that didn’t seem rooted in either things, but were objectively MUCH BETTER LINES. “You wanna produce films and write songs? / You need somewhere to do it. / It’s what we used to dream about; / think twice before you pooh-pooh it” was switched to “You wanna produce films and write songs? / You need somewhere to perfect it. / It’s what we used to dream about; / think twice before you reject it” AND THAT IS JUST OBJECTIVELY A MUCH BETTER LYRIC. People were so mad at the change and like....chill, my friends! I have probably seen Rent more times than you, stop trying to seem superior by bashing what is an OBJECTIVELY BETTER LYRIC.
Maureen’s costume and props were AMAZING in OTM. Renata said something like, “I can’t believe that we ever thought Maureen WOULDN’T be super over the top for that number!” and she’s right--with all we know of Maureen, ridiculous props and costume felt right on target.
I liked how the use of cameras helped highlight some small details of the show people might have missed in the staged version. At the end of “Happy New Year B,” when Mimi is “comforted” by The Man, Mark lingers in the doorway to the building and witnesses the interaction. A bunch of people I follow on twitter hadn’t even noticed that when they saw it on stage, and I think it’s such an important moment.
Ditto with the staging of “Without You.” The guys behind us at the show were so confused that Roger was in the hospital bed because, despite having seen the staged show multiple times, the minimalist staging of that scene didn’t make it clear to them that Roger was sick for part of that song. (I, on the other hand, wrote at least three fics about it. It was my favorite stupid angsty thing to delve into for like, six months in 2003.)
I had never heard of Kiersey Clemons before this and she legit was one of my favorite parts. She’s amazing.
After ICY:R, which blew the doors off the place, predictably, BVD exited by our audience section and people started spontaneously sobbing and cheering again as he walked by. He was so fucking incredible.
Jordan Fisher’s real life tears during “Halloween” MURDERED ME.
Okay, so, like most dumb nerd kids who got into Rent in 1998, Mark was my favorite character. I loved him, I super over-related to him, I wrote a zillion words of fic about him, etc. And, honestly, I didn’t know what to expect from Jordan Fisher. But my god, if he wasn’t my favorite part of the show. He fucking nailed it. He was perfect. He was able to pull all of the things I love about Mark from all the different performances I’ve seen and completely encapsulate it in what he did. I walked in like, “eh, whatever” and walked out like, “I WOULD DIE FOR THIS ACTUAL TWELVE YEAR OLD CHILD WHO PLAYED MARK TONIGHT.” 
My favorite segment of the show is “Halloween” through “What You Own.” Predictably. And it was super on fire. Everyone totally nailed all of the emotional highs and lows of those songs. It was so intense and perfect.
The one thing they cut that I got legit mad about was the “For someone who’s always been let down...” Mark/Roger exchange. That exchange is important to me and important to that relationship (no matter how you read it) and I was so bummed that it was cut. Most of the changes/deletions didn’t bother me, but that one rankled.
(As my friend Jen reminded me on Twitter, they could have at least replaced it with the NYTW “Love you” exchange.)
“What You Own” was amazing, even though Renata was bummed they cut the “Compulsive Bowlers” line. (If you are unaware, the main Rent message board, which we were both a part of, Renata for much longer than me, was called “Compulsive Bowlers.”)
Okay, so it was after WYO, off stage, that Brennin Hunt hurt his foot. We had no idea anything was wrong at first; we stretched and sat at the end of the commercial break and there was no countdown. Nothing. A few people started running back and forth across the stage, including Jordan Fisher a couple times. No updates, no information. The lights came up. Still no updates. Finally, someone got on mic and explained that Brennin had hurt his foot and that he was determined to finish the show, so they needed a few minutes to reblock the last couple scenes. 
They also informed us at this point that the whole OBC was there (which we knew from social media) and that there was going to be surprise at the end.
I immediately guessed what the surprise was, and was slightly mad at myself for it, because I thought I would be less emotional knowing what was coming.
(Spoiler alert: I was not)
So they brought Brennin out, carried across the stage by two other people with his foot in an aircast. They set him up on the table, got all the lights and things set again, and finished out the show.
There was one terrible/hilarious/terrible moment, where they find out Mimi is sick, where Roger would normally run to the “window” in anguish. Instead, they just cut to Brennin screaming “NOOO!” while sitting perfectly still. We laughed. I feel bad about it, but...I couldn’t help it.
The end was great (another great line replacement: “Time to see what we have, time to see” became “Now we measure how that year has passed,” which is SO MUCH BETTER), etc
And after the finale, when I was already sobbing, they lower this “Rent - 1996 - 2019″ banner and when they raise it, THE OBC IS THERE.
Which, of course I knew the OBC was going to come out and sing SOL. Of course they were. But that did not stop me from losing my shit and full on sobbing.
I still can’t believe that part happened.
Some other highlights: Jordan Fisher and Vanessa Hudgens were so incredibly gracious to their fans. They had very limited free time between “acts” and commercials, but they made a point of giving out as many waves and high fives and smiles as they could in their limited time.
At one point, during a commercial break, Jordan Fisher walked by where Anthony Rapp was sitting in the audience and stopped to shake his hand and talk to him and I got very emotional watching that.
Brandon Victor Dixon is just............so wonderful??? At everything???
We had detailed instructions on when to hold up our candles during “Will I?” and they told us many times that we couldn’t take them with us, but Renata and I were annoyed that we were unable to steal posters and screenplays, as is our right as annoying Rentheads.
(If you know a person who went to Rent like it was their job as a teenager, they probably have at least one “poster” or “screenplay” or “stash” that was stolen from the set.)
They had a lot of nice nods to the classic costumes in places, especially on the ensemble.
I loved how diverse the ensemble was wrt age. That’s not something you get a lot of in the stage show (which makes sense given the cast limitations and needing understudies, etc) that really added to the show.
And, listen, you can take the shipper out of the fandom, etc, but dang, I remember why I accidentally started a fandom revolution by creating Mark/Roger. Mark is SO in love with Roger, my friends.
(Also, my rarepair, Mark/Benny, which I will forever love as well.)
Everyone was so talented and gracious and really seemed to be putting their all into what was happening. The energy was intense and amazing and electric.
They needed to do one quick reshoot at the end because, like I said, the cheering at the start of “Rent” blew out the sound of the first few lyrics. They reshot just starting from “The power blows...” and asked the people in the SRO pits to not ACTUALLY scream this time, but for everyone else to scream and cheer like we did the first time. Jordan Fisher ran through Mark’s first verse and then started in on Roger’s first verse before they cut it and thanked us all for our help, and I stg I’d watch that child’s one man show version of Rent. He was super into it 😂
And I’m gonna finish with this, cut directly from Twitter:
Look, I know this show has issues and is, as the kids like to say, problematic, but it literally brought me almost every good thing I currently have in my life. I met Becca through Rent fandom a hundred million years ago, and that's why I moved to Boston with my amazing Boston friends. I met Renata through Rent fandom and that's why I have a podcast. I met SO MANY PEOPLE who are still dear to me because of this show.
Some of my longest fandom relationships - @isjustprogress, Jen, Priscilla, and a ton more I'm probably entirely forgetting because I'm so emotional right now. If we start breaking off tangentially, I know @leiascully through Renata, and @coffeesuperhero through Mary. I know all of my Boston friends because of Becca. I know so many of you because of Renata and the podcast.
Rent was a thing that happened to me at the exact right time in my life, first online and then in person. I feel like a huge amount of my independence as an adult started to bloom when my parents would let me go into the city alone to meet up with Rent friends. This show is a part of who I am, for better or for worse, and getting to see that performance last night, with one of my best friends in what will be the twentieth year of our friendship was just...enormously powerful and special to me.
So that is............pretty much all of it! I might try and jot down more notes as things come to me, but I am very hungry and want to write a few more words of fic today, so I’m leaving it here for now. Thanks for reading this nonsense, if you did, heh 😅
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grelleswife · 5 years
grell for the ask thingy!
My apologies for the delay, @spellcasterz ! Thank you for giving me a chance to prattle about my wife.
1. Sexuality headcanon: In strictly canon conditions, straight (trans woman exclusively attracted to men). However, for (ahem) certain reasons, I prefer to view her as bi. I think she’d still have a preference for guys, though.2. OTP: Sebagrelle for the win! These two complement eachother beautifully (if you check out my “sebagrelle” and “sebagrell” tags, you should be able to find posts in which I elaborate on this more), and, if  they joined forces, they would be the ultimate king and queen! Since I headcanon Sebastian as genderfluid, and because demons can presumably perceive qualities of the soul that are hidden from other beings’ sight, I think he would be able to accept Grelle as a woman regardless of her outward appearance. Their playfully deadly yet flirtatious dynamic is delicious.
I also ship Grelle with Madame Red in an extremely self-indulgent “what-might-have-been” secondary OTP (in a verse where they were both bi). Given their formidable personalities, passionate nature, bold, unconventional femininity, and love for all things red, I’d like to think that they could have been a delightful couple under different circumstances. Plus, the thought of Grelle being some woman’s wife makes my gay little heart flutter.3. BROTP: Othello! It’s immensely refreshing to see Grelle engage in platonic interactions with one of the male Kuro characters, and I love the way they bounce off eachother with their bickering and mutual sassiness. The little nerd and the queen of the soul collectors go well together, and I hope Yana blesses us with more scenes featuring this relationship!4. NOTP: Grelliam has never really worked for me. Part of this is highly subjective (at the risk of getting too personal, William reminds me a lot of my mother’s despicable ex), but I’m just not convinced that William is the right fit for Grelle. He’s borderline abusive towards her on occasion (let us not forget the way he dragged her off by her hair after her first battle with Sebastian), shows no indication that he’s willing to acknowledge her as a lady, looks down on her in scorn, and, to add a final turn of the screw, has a rather banal personality. Our Grelle deserves better! Perhaps I’m being overly harsh, but that’s my two cents.5. First headcanon that pops into my head: Grelle has a dusting of cute, golden little freckles across the bridge of her nose and along her shoulders. She’s extremely self-conscious about these and usually covers them up with makeup. However, Sebastian adores those freckles and loves kissing them (Couldn’t restrain myself from sneaking in some Sebagrell). :D6. Favorite line from this character:
“Red is the color of fiery passion, and I am flaming!”
“A good man’s past makes people curious! But if he’s a bad man, then it makes me wanna see even more.”
           7. One way in which I relate to this character: Having an attitude of general lasciviousness where the Kuro-gents are concerned.8. Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Some of her raunchier utterances make me blush.XD9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Problematic fave for sure! Regardless of her flaws, though, I adore the red reaper with my whole heart. I don’t call her my wife for nothing!
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tobespecial-a · 6 years
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HIYA  FOLKS  WELCOME  TO  MY  BLOG  HERE.  GONNA  KEEP  THESE  AS  SIMPLE  AS  POSSIBLE  SO  LETS  GET  TO  IT.  ---  this  blog  is  dash only  for  now  but  may  change  in  the  near  future. 
first  things  first.  i  am  a  student  in  school  monday -  friday  from  1-5pm  so  expect  some  slowness  on  my  end.  i  am  studying  to  be  a  mental  health  and  addictions  worker  &  am  really  passionate  about  the  field  i  am  in  so  i  will  be  obviously  prioritizing  school  &  also  irl  commitments  over  rp.  please  respect   this  &  we  shall  be  dandy
now  that  thats  outta  the  way.  HI  THERE  I  AM  ES  !!!! (  well  technically  its  ESTELLE,  but  you  can  call  me  either  or  i  do  not  mind  !!! )  YOUR  LOCAL  NON-BINARY  GAY (  they /  them  pls  )  who  is  in fact  straight  af for  a  certain  gay  icon  zachary  quinto  ---  i  hail from  the  pst  timezone  in  vancouver  canada.  fun  facts  about  me.  ANYWHO  ON  WITH  THE  RULES.
this  is  not  my  only  blog  folks,  it  will  be  one  of  my  more  active  ones,  but  it  is  not  the  only  one  i  run.  please  be  patient  in  terms  of  replies.   i  usually  try  to  stay  on  top  of  my  game  but  sometimes  i  miss  shiz.  pls  poke  me  after  2  weeks  if  you  are  wondering,  i  may  have  missed  it  !!  however  it  is  likely  in  my  drafts.  PRO  TIP  THOUGH,  i  like  each  reply  or  starter  posted  to  me,  if  i  didn’t  like  it  there  is a  95%  chance  i   did  not  see  it.  so  please  feel  free  to  remind  me  after  the  2  weeks.  
also  personals  do  not  reblog  my  threads,  ooc  posts  or  anything  thats  not  a reblogged  photoset ,  its  annoying,  just  don’t  do  it.   --  i  also  have  minor  case  of  dyslexia  so  please  be  patient  with  spelling  errors.  i  catch  most  of  them,  but  sometimes  i  don’t  get  them  all.  if  something  becomes  an  issue  please  tell  me. 
i  am  mutuals  only.  please  keep  this  in  mind.  i  will  only  take  ooc  asks  from  non  mutuals.  if  i  am  not  at  least  following  you  (  cos  i  know  some  people  who  i  write  with  /  have  written  with   don’t  follow  everyone  cos  they  want  a  clean  dash,  but  they  still  wanna  write )  then  please  don’t  attempt  ic  interactions.  this  is  your  first  &  final  warning.  i  will ignore  attempts  &  block  if  it  persists. 
do  not  follow  &  refollow  me  repeatedly  its  also  annoying  &  will  likely  get  you  blocked.  i  take  a  while  to  follow  back  sometimes,  please  be  patient. i  rarely  unfollow  so  if  you  see  it  happen,  please  poke  me.  however  i   have  the  right  to  ignore  it,  or  not  answer.  you  have  the  invitation,  i  just  don’t  have  to  invite  you  in  if  i  chose  to  revoke  it.  
disclaimer  i  probably  will  not  follow  blogs  that  romantically  ship  peter/claire.  incest  normally  doesn’t  bother  me  enough  to  mention  it, but  this one  just  really  is  a big  nope  for  me.  sorry  in  advance.  
gabriel  is  based  off  nbc  heroes  &  my  own  personal  headcanons.  at  the  point  of  writing  this  i  have  seen  the  first  &  second season,  i  am  making  my  way  through  the  rest  of  the  show  at  present.   don’t  worry  about  spoilers  though  as  i  pretty  much  know  most  of  the  major  plot  points  for  gabriel  during  the  series,  just  not  all  the  specifics.  ---  threads  will  generally  take  place  in  aus  &  content  i  have  seen  however,  until  i  have  caught  up.  though  idk  how  big  the  fandom  is  so  i  sense  a  lot  of  aus  my  way  any  ways  lol
i  have  no  plans  to  watch  it.  sylar  isn’t  even  in   the  show  so  its  really  just  not  required  of  me  to  view  it.  any  plot  lines  transpired  in  that  canon  will  never  be  seen  in  any way  on  my  blog.   sylar  reforms  himself  post  series  &  just  goes  on  from  there.  when  i  officially  make  it  through  the  whole  show  i  will  write  proper  headcanons  on  that.  
because  of  school  &  other  blogs  i  won’t  always  be  around.  however  i  can  always   be  reached  by  mobile  if  you  need  anything,  just  hmu.  thank  you  for  your  patience  in  this  regard.  also  fair  warning  i  do  have ADD  a  low grade  form  of  ADHD  so  i  get  a  lot  of  the  fun  extras  that  come  with  it.  please  respect  there  are  times  i  may  need  to  step  back  or  times  when  i  become  disassociated ,  its  been  happening  a lot  lately  so  i  wanted  to  inform  people  so    they  don’t think  i  am  ignoring  them.  i  promise  its  not  you,  its  me,  i  just  need  space.  FOR  THE  MOST  PART,  i  am  usually  always  around  to  answer  ims  &  messages  so  do  not  be  afraid  to  message  me  or  anything.  
ah  yes  everyones  fave  category.  if  anyone  has  questions  you  can  always  im  me  or  hu  my  ask  box  for  more  deets.   GABRIEL  IS  PANSEXUAL   BORDERLINE  GRAY  ROMANTIC  (  hes  between  demi  &  gray  )     
imma  start  off  by  saying  that   i  ship  syelle  as  well  as  petlar.  a  note      about  the  later, from  what  i  have read  &  seen  i  will  only  really  ship  them ( petlar )  during / post  the  wall,  which  at  the  time  of  writing  this  i  still  need  to  view.  i  would  be  open  to  pre  show  aus  to  start  at  this  point. 
anything  else  is  fair  game  at  this  point, just  be aware  sylar  isn’t  looking  for  anything  serious  really  during  heroes  canon.  plus  hes  not  exactly  a  nice  guy  so  like  be  warned  there.    ----  honest  to  god  if  your  interested  in  shipping  with  sylar  or  gabriel  (  yes  there  is  a  difference  )  pls  come  @  me.  the worst  i  can  do  is  say  no.  
i  will  also state   i  don’t  ship  sylaire  because  well…. shes  underage  ???? &  before  you  leap  down  my  throat  about  heroes  reborn,  most  of  the content i  have  seen  is  her  being  underage. but  i’m  not  gonna  accuse  anyone  of aging  anyone  up  for  a  ship,  cos  there  is  canon  where  she  is older.   i  am just  not  interested.  don’t  see  the  appeal,  i’ve  read  way  too much meta  &   just  don’t  see  it.  
it  is  also  worth  noting  that  post  3x01 the  second  coming,  sylar  can  no  longer  die.  he  is  immortal.  save  for  one  weak  spot  which  he  aint  about  to  tell  anyone  where  it  is. 
finally ummmm  i’m  22  guys  so  no  lying  about  your  age  to  smut  with  me.  i  will  block  your  ass  if  you  do.  don’t  make  me  be  the  bad  guy. 
pls  do  not  god  mod  my  muse.  you  wanna  write  him  ??  make  a  blog  of  your  own,  or  go  write  some  fic.  i  play  three  strikes.  first  time  is  a  reminder,  second  time  is  a thread  drop  third  time  is  a  partner  all  together  drop.  THESE  CAN  BE  EXERCISED  AT  MY  DISCRETION  HOWEVER 
also  i  think  its  worth  mentioning  cos  some  might  see  this  as  potential  godmodding.  sylar  is  not  a  nice  guy,  hes  a  type  of  serial  killer.  he  will  kill  you  if  it  benefits  him,  or  if  you  piss  him  off  enough.  hes not  above doing  it  just  to  prove  a  point.  he  will  hurt  you  if  you  make angry,  might  not  kill  you  but  he  can  hurt  you  if  you  anger  him.  so  if  your  muse  riles  him  up  enough ??  just  be  prepared  for  potential  violence,  that  might  follow.  ---  i  will  not  exercise  my  muses  strength  cos  you  think  its  funny  to have  yours  poke  the  hive.  --  if  you  don’t  like  this,  please  don’t  attempt  to  write  with  me.  my  muse  is  a  villian  for  most  of  the  show  &  i  won’t  be  watering  him  down  for  you.  
at  the  point  i  am  in  the  show,  the  only  people  who  know  what  sylar  looks  like  are  the  people  that  have  seen  him,  furthermore  only  those  who  have  heard  the  name  know  he  is  even  a  thing.  so  its  safe  to  say  a  lot  of  normal   savillians  don’t  know  him.  HELL  a  lot  of  the  heroes  don’t  know  him  either.  ---  keep  this  in  mind  when  interacting.  if  your  character  has  special  abilities  to  know  who  he  is,  thats  different,  but  don’t  just  assume  you  know  who  he  is  or  what  he  does.  
FURTHERMORE  TO  GO  OFF  A  TANGENT  i  am  not  gonna  be  too  keen  to  see  a  bunch  of  starters  of  people  begging  for  their  lives.  gabriel  is  a  hell  of  a  lot  more  then  just  a  random  serial  killer.  he  is  a  complex  character  who  has  feelings  &  issues  of  his  own.  hes  not  going  to  kill  just  anyone  for  the  sake  of  it.  please  bare  this  in  mind.  i  will  likely  not  reply  to  those  kind  of  random  interactions.  ---  by  all  means  if  you  wanna  plot  something  like  that  i  am  game  for  it,  but  please  give  me  the  heads  up.  i  will  not  reduce  my  muse  to  a  stereotype  killer,  cause  hes  not  & thats  the  tea.  he  only  kills  when  it  benefits  him,  its  not  a  sport  for  the  hell  of  it.  
given  the  nature  of  my  muse  there  will  be  some  triggering  themes  on  this  blog.  such  as  murder,  gore,  suicide, manipulation.  if  anyone  is  bothered  by  this,  please  blacklist  accordingly.  i tag  “  insert  trigger “ tw.  i  will  not  be  posting  heavy  gore  on  this  blog  in  visuals  at  least  &  i  ask  you  tag   it  if  you  post  it.  i’m  fine  with  a  bit  of  blood,  but  too  much  makes  me  a   little  ill.  writing  is  fine,  anything  like  a  photoset  with  heavy  gore  needs  to  be  tagged  for  me,  &  i  myself  will  not  be  posting  such  content.
i  will  only  be  doing  exclusives  for  ships  &  crossover  fandoms  at  this  time.  if  you  are  interested  in  being  mains  lemme  know.  i  do  however  require  previous  interaction  ic  or  occ,  preferably  both.  if  you  wanna  be  exclusive  i  ask  you  return  the  favour  otherwise  i  drop  the  exclusivity.  
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murderasscience · 6 years
SPEED: First question, right off the bat, and I feel like I’m going to fell this test. When I’m not having an absolutely shit few months (ie -- holidays in retail, family members passing away, getting laid off from said retail job) then I am... moderate? Certain threads I will rp back and forth with my partner several times a day until one of us has to go to bed. Most threads end up in my tracker and I try to work from oldest to newest. I’m still catching up from my hiatus. But usually I try to keep my replies to within a couple weeks. Month tops. 
REPLIES: I prefer to deliver my drafts at once if I can. Because there will always be those partners who turn around and reply instantly, and so... even for the briefest of moments, I get to look at my empty draft folder. My replies are usually, if not exclusively, para to multi-para to novella. I’m a little intense on the details, I suppose. But I try to keep it relevant to what’s happening.
STARTERS: I don’t post starter calls because so many times when I’ve received starters from other blogs that stem off of one, they usually end up dying out pretty quick. That being said. I am all about plotting. And if it works for what we’ve discussed, I am happy to write you a starter for our characters. 
INBOX: I try to reply to my inbox. I try to get back to people as quickly as possible, but the truth is is that things get lost in there. Not necessarily by tumblr, but by me. If I’m sent a meme, tho, if I can’t answer it right away for whatever reason, I will 100% always add it to my drafts and will get around to it. Always.
SELECTIVITY: I have nine muses over five-ish fandoms and all but one of them are on side blogs. What this translates to is me having upwards of sixty drafts at any given time (which for some seems like a lot, but i know of people to have in the hundreds, so I’m not complaining.) Usually all of which are going to be multi-para to novella. So. On all of my side blogs, I’m pretty damn selective. On a couple I’m mutuals only.
Ultimately, I follow blogs from Sebastian’s blog if I can see any of my muses working with yours. If you have a vampire muse, I probably followed for my TVD/TO characters. If you have a superhero muse, I might have followed for Seth. And I know that can be confusing for some people who look at Sebastian Moran and wonder how in the hell their character could work with an assassin. I don’t expect to be followed back by everyone and I don’t unfollow if you don’t. 
But I’m always open to new threads and new interactions. If it’s on a mutuals only blog and I don’t follow you back, come and talk to me. Make it clear that you recognize my selectivity (because if you just come to me and say hey i wanna write with you it makes me think you didn’t read my rules and that kinda turns me off of the idea?) and i’ll try to look over your blog, your writing, and see if we can work something out. But I’m pretty damn open to being approached on any of my blogs.
WISH LIST: If you come to me with something from my wishlists (all of which have links on their respective blogs) or from your wishlist for our characters first thing. Like “hi i would like to write with you here is something I thought could work.” I will 100%, even if maybe that idea doesn’t work and we need to find something else, end up saying yes.
HONEST NOTE: I disappear and I get quiet. And I always end up looking at other blogs and wishing I could be closer to the muns who run them. But social interaction is exhausting and sometimes I honestly just fail. The most important thing to know tho is that A: I love you guys. B: even if I sometimes take a while? I will always reply to our threads. I try to never drop things. (I have a storyline still going from like back in 2013 I think?) But if I take too long and it makes you lose muse for our thing, that’s totally okay. I just want to love you guys.
TAGGED BY / STOLEN FROM: @meredithcheats TAGGING: whoever wants to do the thing.
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kaotikreviews · 4 years
Since I’ve found the platform, I’ve been nothing but OBSESSED. I’ve read a lot of different webtoons by now, and caught up with several. The highlight of each day has become 9pm when the newest batch of webtoons come out. 👌🏼
Today, I read the new episodes for my subscribed comics. Here are my thoughts (WARNING - may contain spoilers):
At Arms Length, by Zushi - Chapter 9.2, Trapped: I recently found this series and binged all the previous episodes, so the story still feels fresh in my memory. This comic is unique because it tells you up front the two characters that end up together and let’s you know they are healthy and happy later on. The author uses a pretty slow story progression towards that end and focuses on emotions and mental health in each episode. Since the comic is more about processing thoughts and feelings, the pace of real world events is much slower. Even so, the epis feel a bit too short (but the art is amazing, so I get it). Full disclosure, it looks like this series can get a bit raunchy at times. 👀 I was a bit torn about this comic because of my own morals and world views (I really want to say the main characters need Jesus AND all the healthy things they are doing👌🏼), but a lot of the episodes about depression really resonated with me since that’s something I’ve struggled with for literally my whole life. Long story short, I’m hooked, so 💁🏻‍♀️. Today’s epi is more of the female lead’s back story and her previous relationship. I guess it was good. I’ve literally never been in a romantic relationship, so can’t relate to the situation directly, but it’s just one of the many reasons why I wanna be forever alone. 😳 I think I always refresh like a lunatic hoping for one more episode at the end, but today’s episode did feel pretty short. Then again, every time I catch up on a webtoon, the episodes that come out after that always feel short anyway. 😂
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WEBTOON GREENLiGHT - Escape from Oz: tbh, I’m not the biggest fan of the art style and the surreal take on the storyline threw me for a loop at first, but also, super hooked ngl. 😏 I love a good sci-fi. I mean, we are in the world of fantasy and fiction and break real world rules CONSTANTLY, so why not just lean in and go crazy with it? 😌 I bet you guessed, but 3rd epi definitely got a fancy 🤍 from me and now I’m hoping for it to get green lit so I can find out what happens next! 👀
My Magical Maid - Ep 9: another recent find, it only took me a couple minutes to catch up and be wanting more. 🤩 As mentioned before, fiction/sci-fi is my jam. I can get weird about witchy story lines if they wanna be really like creepy and demonic and offensive to my beliefs and world views, but if it’s balanced enough, its nbd to me. I like the series because I like stories with people with powers. How fun would it be to have super powers? It’s fun to imagine, so I love seeing other people’s takes on a day in the life of a super. Our super (a witch in this particular story world), is a maid/personal secretary type person/doctor/friend of the ruler of the land. The relationships and interactions feel very modern, but the setting is like, fairy tale times. Like, our girl is supposed to be a maid, but she’s on peer terms with the king and can speak her mind openly. It’s different, so I like it. Very interesting dynamics, I can’t wait to find out more about their back stories. Today, they closed up a story arch that threatened our otp but now.. does that make our main dude an even badder guy? lol 🧐 I mean, second lead just made main dude look kinda awful in comparison. And I never get second lead syndrome, so this is a bit of a strange perspective for me. (I don’t get second lead syndrome because the otp has a pull to it. Good relationships take time, but also chemistry.) I’m not opposed to a bad boy redemption story, so super excited to see this all play out and glad the triangle is going away. 😅 I have no idea what this gif is from, but it looks cool so ~
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Lost in Translation - Ep 18: I mean, is every comic coming out this year gonna be bout stalkers?! 👀 Today’s epi was wyld (haha, pun). After reading the beginning of #killstagram and starting up It’s Mine, this plot twist is starting to feel super familiar. There’s been a stalker story arch in several other comics in my deck as well. Can’t say I’m a big fan, tbh. I hate the fact that things like that really happen, and the fact that it could happen to me or someone I care about. I’m terrible for this, but I prefer not to think about the grittier and scarier side of humanity too much. Of course, I said “too much”. A little here and there isn’t so bad, and so overall, I’m still pretty hooked on this comic. Hopefully things start to improve for our MC soon, and I’m so glad he’s getting some support from his friend.
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I Love Yoo - Ep 127: bout time we got back to the sister arch! 😂 I binged this to catch up a while ago now, and so the story is starting to fade a bit. It still blows my mind how far we’ve come in the story and yet how little progress we’ve made. I mean, the family dynamic hasn’t been sorted yet, and I’m missing the friend dude, the one with red hair (I think?) yeah, it’s been so long I am forgetting his name already! 😅 I normally am super against any form of “stealing” people in relationships, but when the relationships are super toxic and bad, I sometimes find myself shipping the better relationship. (Jim and Pam from the office for example.) Truth be told, the main girl and the red head are my favorite ship, and I hope it’s the otp. All the other dudes in her life just don’t compare to the tension, chemistry, and mutual respect those two have. They bring out the best in each other and redhead really needs some help just like our MC did in the beginning. I hope she reaches out to him more (and that he ends that shell of a ship he is currently in.)
Choco Latte - Ep 38: another recent find. It’s a silent comic, which is kinda brilliant. Sometimes I read ahead on my favorite comics on Naver in the original language, but since I only really know English, it’s a very similar experience to this comic. You rely more on the expressions and context to understand the situations and how the story is progressing. I like it. I also liked how wholesome all the characters are. There isn’t a lot of nastiness between people so far and I hope that continues. It’s refreshing given the world we live in and most of the comic I read, tbh. Recent epis (including today’s) have me a bit worried tho. I hope they ain’t breaking main ship 😬 or creating a rift that would destroy the innocence and optimistic world view of our MCs. I’m a pretty gritty, glass half empty type of person a lot of times, and I call it being a realist. Fact is, life is often cruel. But in story world, it doesn’t have to be. I hope the author preserves the sweetness of this comic, but even if not, I’m down for the ride. (Unless they break up the otp, then I may quit for real.)
Not Even Bones - so I haven’t been reading this on webtoons for a while. I found out there was a book, and when it hit a cliffhanger, I scoured the internet until I found it online for free. I finished the book in a very short period of time and then the sequel. There’s still another one out that I want to read, but I needed a break. Not sure where the webtoons version is at, but I mean, this story gets DARK. Wondering how I reconcile this with all my aforementioned morals? I don’t. I believe all humans are kinda terrible, which is why I believe we need saving from ourselves and each other. I don’t believe all the stories with hopeful endings and super hero’s and saviors are just from our wishful thinking, I believe that a part of our souls is wired to respond and reach for our creator, who is actively speaking and reaching for us. Since we’ve been effectively “kidnapped” and trapped in a broken world system, it’s like we are birds that were born in cages. It’s in our nature to do certain things that just don’t make sense for our current environment but makes total sense for the environment we were created for. I believe it’s in our nature to search for something that’s missing and to fill that void with whatever and whoever we can find - many people think it’s just the way things are and don’t think about why, or they become contented with the void inside. No matter what we try to use to fill that emptiness inside, it’s never enough. Well, not until we connect to our creator and escape from “captivity”. I’ve been a Christ follower my whole life and even so, it ain’t easy. I have mad depression and I’m not necessarily a “good” person. But I’d probably be dead if I didn’t have Jesus in my life, and that’s after doing all the self help I could. No matter what I did, it wasn’t enough until I experienced hope and love for the first time in a spiritual experience. 👌🏼 I mean, if humans are terrible, and we all are constantly trying to self destruct, who can truly help us but God? People can’t be the cure for other people, and as much as self help stuff, well, helps - it isn’t a cure either. Self help can be like relying on a flaky and unstable individual to save your life - eek! 😂
For the record, my goal isn’t to stuff my beliefs down people’s throats, just sharing my thoughts. If you find it offensive, then please skip on by or think of it as a nice story (but for me, it’s as real as breathing, so I can’t help but talk about it. 👌🏼)
Anyone else reading these comics? What are your thoughts? Are there other comics that you recommend? Are there any that you fast passed on? I was super tempted to fast pass a few, but I hate having to wait longer for a new update. 😂
Today’s top song (thanks for sending it to me, sis! 💯):
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