#i just know that I Will Draw For Discord Subscription
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toobluebirdie · 1 year ago
The Apparition Creature Runes
This post is to organize the thought process the Eden’s Rest discord server went through trying to figure out what the runes in the Apparition drawing really mean.
I hope my explanation is clear enough to follow!
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We went from casually wondering what the runes meant to realizing they spelled nothing, to trying to flip them upside down and realizing they still spelled nothing, to finding a tik tok that led down a new rabbit hole entirely.
The person in this tik tok talks about an article they found about medieval language. SMCEN was written as smœn (which is also written as smoen). 
Here’s the link to the article they were talking about in the tik tok: https://www.jstor.org/stable/43628078 You can only access the article if you have a subscription to jstor, whether through your school or otherwise, but the sample page here has the passage the tik tok is talking about. Trying to figure out the literary jargon hurt my head. It talks about “mamorian” and “mamra” (which come from the same root word) meaning “to be deep in thought about something” or “sleep.” Trying to clear up what the article was saying about “smoen” after that and connect it all together was hard but here’s what i got:
It seems to say that smœn is linked to the word smean, which is a variation of the Old English word smeagan.
From the Wikipedia entry for smeagan ( https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/smeagan#Old_English ):
consider, think about 
examine, scrutinize, question 
These definitions line up with the definition assigned to mamorian. I hope you can follow how my brain made this leap, but this made me feel confident enough to say the jstor article is saying both mamra and smoen mean sleep or at least something similar to it. 
So we have our translation of SMCEN:
The rest is far less confusing. I think.
Now that I knew I should use Smoen as a search term and that it was a medieval word, google helped me a lot more.
I found this book about the Magical Treatise of Solomon:
You can search the book for the word “smoen” and that’s how I found a lot more I could use to find answers.
I found some alternate versions of smoen that helped with searching: Skonin and Skoen
I found that Smoen was a demon linked to the angel Patiel (or Pathiel)
This book also has a whole page of runes, some of which are similar to the Sundowning runes. It’s page 323 of the book if you want to see.
This book has a lot to it, but for the purposes of this rune translation attempt, I moved on.
The book mentioned lots of Greek words and names so I applied that to my search for the meanings of the other runes.
In Greek and Latin the letter j did not exist. “I” was used in place of “J.” So I switched the j in the remaining runes to an i. (AJR -> AIR)
I searched for info on ESIO maybe being a medieval latin word and I found this source: 
(which is from the Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources)
It said this: 
estio --> esio
esto (adv.)
esto (adv.)
so i searched for Esto and found this: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/esto 
And that said…
Etymology 1
Form of the verb edō (“I eat”).
(Classical) IPA: /ˈeːs.toː/, [ˈeːs̠t̪oː]
(modern Italianate Ecclesiastical) IPA: /ˈes.to/, [ˈɛst̪o]
second/third-person singular future active imperative of edō
So I think ESIO could mean EAT.
At this point my brain was leaking out of my ears so I gave up thinking. I decided AIR just meant AIR.
Air = Breathe???
And that’s the story of how the discord chat decided it said...
The end?
Eden's Rest friends involved in the making of this monster: @ccsven and @r-e-dax-t-e-d
Here’s @ccsven's drawing where we started trying to figure out wtf that said. And oh man, did we. Did we? I still don’t know.
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rockybloo · 1 year ago
A LONG while ago I had made a post considering making a Patreon or something of that sort for my stuff and how I was pondering things about it.
And I had gotten an inbox response (that I didn't post for very obvious reasons y'all will read later on under the cut) requesting I only post NSFW artwork on it as said person said they didn't care about 18+ artwork and went on to explain how everyone's money is tight right now and that they really didn't want to miss out on story and OC stuff.
And I feel like enough time has passed that I can form a proper response. Because I do understand money being tight but...there's just levels to this that made me feel some very offput by this response to me simply thinking about making a Patreon.
The first thing I want to state is that, if I did make some subscriber content, I definitely wouldn't hide lore heavy stuff behing paywalls. It would have been bonus extra content people could def live without or at the very least something they could see weeks or months earlier than people not subscribed to it (which is something many artists I follow do).
The second thing, is that I understand many do not like NSFW work. I totally get it. HOWEVER, I love drawing intimate things, so much so that I already have alt accounts where I post my more adult content for other adults to see for free because I treat it the same as my sfw art. It's just stuff I wanna draw for fun. And it wouldn't be fair suddenly cutting off those people over on my alt and telling them to pay to see my OC's tiddies from now on.
I also very much am not a fan of having people tell me to my face that they don't care about NSFW content in relation to my OCs and stories. Please keep that to yourself or at least in your friend group Discord servers. Telling me to my face is just a major vibe killer.👎🏾
Third, and by far the most important thing I want to say, is that "YES" money is very tight for everyone right now. Believe me, I know.
However, it's super important that people understand creators are also part of the group when y'all say "money is tight". Like I said, society is hella unstable and everyone is struggling. Artists, especially the ones brave enough to be doing freelancing for a living, are also tight on money.
It's why so many have subscription services for their work. Nearly every creator with a story or characters I follow have a subscription of some sort that people can pick as an option to support them.
When I was considering making a Patreon, I definitely was not expecting everyone following me to hop on board. In the past, I have had people ask if I had one. So me potentially making one would have been meant for those people who were interested in it. It would have been a more "out of the way" option of showing support.
That being said, many artists are share their work for free. Many do so because they love sharing their creations with others. While I don't believe the person who sent in the inbox ask had meant to come off as entitled, I do think people have to check themselves when it comes to their responses to artists in general wanting to make a little money off their own creations.
I have seen so many times where an artist starts to do something to earn money, whether it be merch, adopts, or commissions, and people will complain because there's a price tag for something they got used to getting for free.
Just like someone who enjoys looking at art has the freedom to decide if they want to give said artist money or not, an artist definitely has the right to decide "I want to make some money from my art".
"Art is a luxury" is very much a two way street. You don't have to pay, but an artist doesn't have to make all their work free.
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talesfrommedinastation · 1 year ago
How the Bad Batch got white-washed: a script
(Don't know if this is how it actually happened, but it's my personal theory that came out after some wiiiild discussions on Discord. I don't believe this actually happened, but I do think liberties were taken to secure audience members and ratings. Enjoy, my little crumpets!)
CW: Everything. Just...at this point, in between fics and art filled with violence and Naughty Times and Doug's irrational ramblings about Toaster Strudel and SEC football, you should probably leave if you're under 18.
(Be Star Wars animation studio, probably Florida, who knows)
Studio Executive: Yo, animator, we got a problem here.
Animator: Yes?
Studio Executive: These clones, the new guys in this new show, 'The Bad Batch'…they all look alike. All bronzed, good looking guys with dark hair and thick shoulders. 
Animator: Yes, that’s, um, kind of what clones are, sir? They are genetic duplicates of an indigenous actor from New Zealand. 
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Studio Executive: That’s the problem.
Animator: Say what?
Studio Executive: Who is watching this damn show? Who is paying for Disney + subscriptions? Who is our main money-making audience here?
Animator: Um, I guess…families? And, uh, lonely single adults?
Studio Executive: EXACTLY. And you know what is declining, besides civility in an ever-crumbling society? 
Animator: What?
Studio Executive: THE BIRTH RATE.
Animator: Uh, actually--
Animator: Well, that seems aggressively eugenics-oriented, with a tinge of classism.
Studio Executive: WHATEVER I MAKE THE BIG BUCKS SHUT YOUR ART SCHOOL MOUTH. Now, redesign those new clones!
Animator: To…what?
Studio Executive: First of all, the tech guy! What’s his name?
Animator: ….Tech. 
Studio Executive: WELL THAT SHIT’S EASY TO MARKET. Anywho, get rid of the tan and the muscles and the thick dark hair. No nerd looks like that, come on. Make him a skinny white guy with receding hair, slap some hipster glasses on him too. Actually, you know what? Meander your ass over to the accounting department on the second floor and draw a few of the weirdos conducting audits in there. Base the tech guy off of them, not a buff, golden, Maori man.
Animator: But the guys in accounting look NOTHING like Temuera Morrison! This is just wrong!
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(pictured above: Not the average CPA in the USA. That rhymed)
Studio Executive: Bro, get real. Are these lonely single ladies and the exhausted moms watching this show with their kids going to run into Mr. Morrison while working their office job? You think Boba Fett’s tanned self sits at the corner cubicle and tries to hit on them when they go to the copier? What are you smoking?! And on that note, make that tech character sassy, smart, and nurturing! Make him the perfect guy!
Animator: Why? I am so confused.
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("Wanna come look at some Excel spreadsheets with me, baby?")
Studio Executive: Because we want all the 30-something ladies watching this show to get so hot and bothered over Tech that they decide they need to have this clown’s babies, like, now! And they’ll run over to the accounting office, drunkenly hook up with one of the auditors in a broom closet after Thirsty Thursday, and boom! Another consumer born, 9 months later!
Animator: This is sounding astonishingly like eugenics.
Studio Executive: WHATEVER. Same goes for the other clones! Make that tall bald one look like the aggressively outgoing construction worker that’s laying cement outside of the accounting office! The one that always wolf-whistles and screams ‘Jesteś piękna! Beautiful like model!’ at every woman! The one that all the ladies in the office watch and go ‘Oh, yes, take that shirt off, it’s a hot day today, daddy’. Watching that fun guy on this show means those ladies with THROW THEMSELVES at guys like this! And bam! MORE CONSUMERS FOR DISNEY BORN. 
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(Wrecker has raw contractor energy. ::lays pipe::)
Animator: I am not enjoying this conversation’s direction.
Studio Executive: CAN IT AND TAKE IT UP WITH HR. Now the leader, I know we’re going with Rambo, and I’m okay with it, but give him a little extra smolder and snatch that waist a bit. I want to go for a ‘hot waiter at Cooper’s Hawk that slips you his number after you tip him 40%’, vibe. 30-something ladies love Cooper’s Hawk, there’s been market research, do it. 
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(He'll judge your love of pinot grigio, but not how you pay him, wink wink)
Animator: No.
Studio Executive: SHUT UP AND DO YOUR JOB. Now, the last two…bald, calm guy that always seems tired but is still constantly there for you? Basically, every exhausted Millennial man right now? Make him extra pale because he hasn’t left his condo since 2020 and his only social outlet is playing STEAM games with his other lonely friends. Perfect. Job well done. 
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(He uses his scomp to play 'Dave the Diver'. You know he does)
Animator: Yeah, his name is Echo and he– 
Studio Executive: Good, make him like I said, and trust me, ladies will see men like him and want to fix them, and then promptly ride said men like it’s Derby Day. More consumers born, we will have a bumper crop of tickets purchased at Disneyworld and Galaxy's Edge within the next couple of years. Excellent. 
Animator: Sir, you are a sick, sick man. 
Studio Executive: Speaking of which, the last guy. Just make him Clint Eastwood. 
Animator:…Clint Eastwood. Isn’t he old as hell?
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(Oh, Daddy Warcrimes, you and your toothpick are the Internet's Everything)
Studio Executive: Yeah, but, daddy issues abound amongst many of our consumer audience. And this is a show about daddy issues. And hopefully, by watching this, we will turn more people in daddies and KEEP OUR CONSUMER NUMBERS UP ON DISNEY +! 
Wait, where are you going?!
Animator: I’m resigning and joining the Peace Corps, I can’t do this anymore.
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genericpuff · 2 years ago
Wait wait when and where did RS say Hermes and Persephone used to make out behind Demeter's back??
I believe it was her Patreon specifically. She has a very bad habit of dropping "canon" information on social media/other platforms/anything that isn't the actual webcomic. It's also how she "retconned" Minthe's BPD, through a mod post on Discord; and she had first revealed Hestia and Athena as a couple through shipping art on Patreon.
Unfortunately a LOT of this kind of information has been lost because her Patreon no longer exists, and because all that information was kept behind a tier subscription (which users can no longer access) all we have left are screenshots of old Patreon drawings that got backed up and statements from people who were there to witness it themselves as Patreon backers. It's honestly pretty smart, if you're looking to cover your tracks and retcon your own canon information you gave out, but that's of course dependent on backers not saving screenshots or image files which they always do (and did because you can find lost Patreon content out there all the time). I doubt that was Rachel's intention either, to try and "cover it up" that way, it was just something that sorta worked in her favor due to the nature of Patreon. She already retcons things plenty as it is without needing to "bury" what she originally said so I doubt she would care about using Patreon in that way LMAO
That said, the fact that she dumps this information outside of the comic does mean she can easily go back on it at any time. So... that's definitely a thing that I feel like she does on purpose to some degree, even if it's just so she doesn't have to 'commit' to any one solid idea. Again, she doesn't have to be doing that intentionally, but people do end up doing these sorts of things subconsciously all the time. Considering how flip-floppy LO's decisions and plotlines are, I wouldn't be surprised if RS just had commitment issues with her own ideas. But I don't know, this is getting into more speculation that I can't back up with actual fact, just my own experiences reading her work. So take it with grains of salt.
Another fun fact from her sharing things on social media outside of the comic: that panel of Hades working tirelessly on his computer isn't his arms moving really fast, apparently he actually can grow multiple arms.
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Only shown once (and it was assumed to just be comic book motion) and confirmed as canon by RS outside of the comic. It's actually insane the amount of weird or otherwise random shit RS has tried to depict in the comic without explanation or context with just the assumption that people would "get" whatever was going on in her head when she drew it. There's definitely a weird disconnect between RS' own internal ideas/how she views her writing vs. how it actually comes out on paper. Comics are both narrative and visual communication, there are loads of "rules" you can follow to help achieve that communication in the clearest and most appealing way possible - what she's basically doing is the writing equivalent of jaywalking.
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magicalgirlmindcrank · 3 months ago
Your new miku this week has reminded me I've been wanting to get into digital illustration, so I wanted to ask.
What drawing tablet and software do you use? And do you have any recommendations?
Sorry, we didn't see this just now! We currently have two tablets technically, though we don't use the old much outside of edits on PC. One is an Artist 12 pro, which plugs into the computer, and the one we use now is an S7 FE. We use Clip Studio Paint on both, though we own 1 on the PC and have a CSP 2 subscription for the tablet. They are largely compatible.
There are some issues with the S7 FE - it often claims it's running out of memory while drawing, and cites that it may crash. It never does, and auto saves like every two minutes, but the pop up is obnoxious. I can't seem to transfer any files directly off it to my PC, and Patreon doesn't let me upload from it either. If I try to upload an image to discord, discord crashes. Maybe these things have fixes we didn't find, maybe it's just that I bought an older tablet to save a bit of money. Who can say. It's probably our fault for drawing 300dpi on big canvases. I would suggest maybe trying the S9 FE or something else.
CSP is really good though, and we love it a lot. It has a ton of cool features we don't really know how to use cuz we're too lazy to learn them, and a bunch that we do understand! It also can use Photoshop brushes and has a pretty extensive online market of its own brush and asset wise. It's a really powerful program that can do whatever you want it to.
We've also heard great things about iPads for drawing, which also support CSP. We've never used Procreate but that's also really good we hear, and on both Android and Apple systems.
As for what we recommend, uhhh, a standalone tablet is expensive, but the ability to whip it out and doodle is hard to match. They are pretty expensive compared to something like the Artist 12 pro however. I think we paid 325 for the S7 FE and another 50$ for the s pen pro, vs like 100$ for the 12 pro, but one let's me draw at work or in bed or cuddled up, and the other needs me to be at my computer.
It really comes down to what you can afford and the screen size you want though - you can definitely get an older or refurbished iPad for cheaper and it will probably run just fine. The S7 FE we have is only 4gb memory and does great despite its whining. Of course, it's the only thing we use it for, especially when drawing, so ymmv.
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shiveringgroovy · 11 months ago
WHAT KIND OF COMPUTER DOES EVERYONE USE ipads/tablets are allowed im extending this to like phones and stuff i've just decided
errrm HEHEHE !! gonna do my favs for this :3
not a big computer guy. probably has a fuckass nokia phone and has hit computers with golf clubs before.
haskill gives him a tablet to watch shitty youtube videos on
i know he fucks with really bad yt shorts
probably invented them tbh
has a phone and that's about it
uses agency computers for work and kinda hates operating them (they also kinda suck so yk)
Sotha Sil
like 500 monitors and LEDs and a see-through tower and a fucking gaming chair
blender king
probably built it all himself
he's insane
the electric bill is through the roof.
Fyodor (i actually despise him but it's funny)
so he canonically has the worst most diabolical evil fucked up setup known to MAN please get him to touch some grass i'm begging you
freaky ass medieval peasant that introduced HIMSELF to goreshit
discord is running somewhere there. trust me
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Relmyna Verenim (did you guys know i like her)
also has multiple monitors, not as many as sil but yk
probably runs like super slow and she has to resist the urge to snap her monitors in half every time she tries to open up any program
minecraft girlie (i also hc her as trans she's very loser scientist transfem coded)
she spends most of her time in the field but she likes her computers to write down her stuff
has a tablet and a phone
uses them sparingly, but talks to ranpo a lot over texts
has the newest phone models. always buys them instantly.
they're a prick
probably has a fucking typewriter rather than a computer because he's pretentious
has a tablet and a phone, uses them much more often than yosano
he seems like he prefers to read on screens than books imo
it also makes more sense, he doesn't like carrying a bunch of stuff around so having a tablet would be convenient
will text people while sitting directly across from them
Dagoth Ur/Voryn Dagoth
has a flip phone and that's it
bc he's blind, he's not a fan of technology all that much, but uses screen readers and speaks to type.
more of a phone guy!!
has cut a laptop in half before
doesn't believe in computers
also doesn't believe in computers
Lucien Lachance
owns a laptop but never uses it
written mail type of guy
would go apeshit on a tablet.
probably a really big art fan, so really uses them for drawing and games and stuff
someone introduce this kid to a pc with a drawing pad
also loves music, would be the only normal technology user on this list istg
owns something for every situation
nothing too fancy tbh
has a home pc, a laptop, a phone, and a tablet
uses them all for his job and has them all labelled and everything
has games on his phone for sheogorath
Ivan Goncharov
it's cause you're always on that damn rock
hates typing with every fiber of his being
smashes shit. has absolutely crushed pushkin's phone before and pushkin almost shot him
uses laptops and pcs out of necessity, uses walkie-talkies for communications because he just likes them
biggest spreadsheet fan of all time
has a laptop that flips into a tablet
she loves organizing things and presenting them to the rest of the dark brotherhood
they don't listen to the immense power of a girl with a spreadsheet. like fools.
mp3 player or a phone just for music purposes
pays for every music subscription known to man
last.fm ass bitch
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astrummorte-m · 11 months ago
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short version right at the top here: my family has been getting really bad about asking me for money, even though they all have jobs of their own. i've been openly planning to move out, and i think that's why they're doing it. if you can spare some money to donate/tip/commission, i would be most grateful.
link to donate: https://ko-fi.com/faepr1nce
longer version is as such.
i've been openly planning to move out for about half a year now. for half of that half a year, i've held a really steady job, going in every day for the past almost four months now with only two true sick day exceptions. for a person with the disabilities i have, this is actually exhausting, but i need to get the hell out of dodge as soon as possible.
this came onto my shoulders in a rush, and while, yes, the people i'm moving in with being unable to help for a little while with saving up is part of my stress, it's not the major point of it, nor a moderate part of it. (so, don't you dare blame yourselves, you both, because i know you can read this.) the point of the matter is, i'm being drained dry of all my resources, and even my scarce moments of buying something i truly need sometimes puts me in the red. (i only have two dnd related subscriptions and one basic discord sub, that doesn't bother me and i plan for it every month.)
i would have liked to get my license (60$ max) and at least a car before moving out, so i wouldn't rely on my parents anymore, but it cannot be helped, and it will be addressed when i can address it.
currently! i need help to save up just to get one of my roommates out of a potentially life threatening locale before summer gets into swing (the latest this can possibly be done is the second to MAYBE third week of june. absolutely no later than june 21st, and that's pushing it.) she needs to be out by june 21st, and a week before getting her up here, i need to have the new place to stay before that happens.
at minimum, i need to have 1200$ USD to safely get my first roommate in a place where she can stay safely and avoid the lethality of staying in texas (in her current situation). i currently have around 250$ out of that 1200$ so i'm not starting from scratch and i put away 100$ - 150$ every pay. i just won't have it for when i need it, nor in the timeframe that i'd need it to be collected. if i had more time (and texas didn't FUCKING SUCK), then i wouldn't be fretting so much.
but i truly do need the assistance, and i can even draw or make graphics or psds or anything you need for at minimum of 5$ donations. if... if you could spare anything, i would severely appreciate it. i'm not going to beg, but i will ask very very nicely if you can give anything i'd appreciate it.
link to donate at the bottom again: https://ko-fi.com/faepr1nce
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pastellanding-art · 10 months ago
Hiya, friends!! Welcome to my Art Blog! There are a few things about me I want to cover, those being a general introduction, My current fixations/interests, as well as a brief DNI. I'd suggest you take a look at the rest of this post before following, just in case ^^ Anyway, Let's get on to the fun stuff!
Like I said before, My name is Jay!! I'm a 22 Y/O Digital Artist who has a terrible sleep schedule. If I'm not at work, I'm usually on Discord with my friends doing who-knows-what!
I have a few socials I don't post on as often, those being Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. I also have commissions open if you enjoy my work and wish to support me! You can find those right here! I know some folks want to know what equipment I use to draw with, so I figured I'd share that here as well: I use an XP-Pen Artist 12(not Pro) Screen Tablet for all of my work. My main Art Program is Magma Studio, and I have the basic Blaze subscription. Other Programs I use but not often are Medibang Paint PC, and Pencil2D(for animation).
FIXATIONS/INTERESTS (in no particular order)
[TOP FIXATION] None atm! in that weird transition phase :/
Object shows
Clone High
Pizza Tower
Moral Orel
Bob's Burgers
Final Space
Animal Crossing
Code Lyoko
No Straight Roads
Anime(OPM, MP100, CSM, BNA, Beastars)
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Thank you so much for reading this far!! Enjoy my blog!!
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mirandamckenni1 · 11 months ago
It's time to revisit Dissociative Identity Disorder Get Nebula using my link for 40% off an annual subscription: https://ift.tt/FTy6AVB Watch my exclusive video where I react to therapy TikToks: https://ift.tt/zoXGsUS Is TikTok fueling a rise in incorrectly self-diagnosed Dissociative Identity Disorder? Is Dissociative Identity Disorder even a legit diagnosis in the first place? DID has been mired in controversy since its inception. But why? And what does that mean about what we’re seeing today? Well, I’ll be diving into the fascinating debate surrounding this phenomenon and explore the blurred lines between genuine experiences, misleading misdiagnoses, and social media trends. I think you’ll be pretty surprised by the history of DID, from its pre-psychology roots to Sybil to today’s media landscape. This is not just a critique, but rather an examination of how we look at DID as a whole. While I will be drawing from my own professional experiences and existing data, I can only hope that this video acts as the start of a conversation, rather than as some definitive “answer”. If you’ve got an opinion on DID, please share it in the comments below. I’d love to hear your thoughts, especially from those who might be living with DID. Sources (& DID lived experience videos): https://bit.ly/DIDvideosources 0:00 - Intro: DID is back in the spotlight 1:46 - The diagnosis of DID 4:07 - A more detailed description of DID 11:43 - Controversy surrounding the causes of DID 15:15 - DID before modern psychology 18:50 - Its rise in public consciousness 21:58 - Then came Sybil… 25:16 - DID as a social reaction 29:04 - Movies and TV get it wrong 31:29 - Let’s talk about DID on TikTok 36:50 - The problem with inaccurate self-diagnosis 40:59 - Is DID even a valid diagnosis? 46:22 - I could be totally wrong 47:14 - My proposal for redefining DID We published a book called Brains Explained. You can buy it! https://amzn.to/3hkmCdo Join our mess of a Discord server (please let me know if you'd like to help moderate it): https://ift.tt/KaxUHqV If you like what we do, support our work by becoming a Patron: https://ift.tt/f8IYa1Q Alternatively, if you wanna support the channel and get some fun emojis to use in comments and a badge next to your name in the process, consider becoming a "member" of our channel right here on YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYLrBefhyp8YyI9VGPbghvw/join We couldn’t do all of this without our awesome Patreon Producers, Ryan M. Shaver, Danny Van Hecke, Carrie McKenzie, and Jareth Arnold. You four are like warm sunshine on a cool day! And thanks to our other high-level Patrons, including: Marcelo Kenji 12tone Linda L Schubert Susan Jones Ilsa Jerome k b Marcel Ward City Beautiful #dissociativeidentitydisorder #did #dissociation #psychology via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fORX1jYs8w4
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longing-for-rain · 2 years ago
Your art is so great! What program do you use? Curious because I would love to know how to replicate that water color vibe. Unless it's traditional art, in which case- wow!
Hi! Thank you very much! It isn’t traditional art (I’d be amazed too lol) and I want to be up front about that. This is going to be a long answer but I hope the explanation helps!
I played around with a variety of programs, but the combination I found worked best was these two:
Sketchbook: Free iPad app that allows you to upload reference images and freehand anything in a variety of styles. The layering feature also makes line art and colors a lot more convenient.
MidJourney: This is a discord plug-in that does a wide variety of things ranging from fully AI generated images to image editing. I use it for editing, because as I’ll explain in more detail below, 100% text prompt based image generation does not work if you’re trying to create a specific character. It costs a subscription fee, but I was already using it for a side job of mine so I thought I’d try applying it to this.
To basically summarize the process I use, I first create line art with flat color in Sketchbook, then upload these images to MidJourney and play around with settings until I’ve created something I like. I’ll explain in more detail below because it’s a little complicated.
The Sketchbook part is pretty basic, but for this purpose the most important thing is to make basic art (flat color works best) that emphasizes specific features you want. This can be the character’s hairstyle, clothing, pose, or distinct facial features. Flat color and basic background elements will also help establish the vibe.
And once you start playing with MidJourney, the need for this part becomes apparent. For example, if you just open up MidJourney and type “Katara sketch” you get something like this:
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Which really doesn’t look like her at all, and looks pretty whitewashed. So, reference images are very necessary if you actually want something resembling the exact characters and scene you’re trying to draw.
You can somewhat narrow in on features with text, but the more text inputs you give MidJourney, the more confused it gets and you get some wacky stuff. Especially if the picture includes more than one character. For example, I tried using pure text for some Yue x Mai art, and got things like this:
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Even though I was specifying a dark haired woman with pale skin and a white haired woman with dark skin, it switched around the traits and got them confused. Plus, no iconic Mai hair (unacceptable). So again, it really needs image input for specific characters.
It definitely takes some playing around with too, but here are more tips:
Use a combination of text and image prompts. Reiterate key features of your image inputs in text. You can also use text inputs to specify the style you want.
Use variation tools. MidJourney will give you 4 different variations with each prompt, and will allow you to choose one of these variations to either slightly or majorly vary for even more options to help narrow in on the right design. There is even an option to select a certain region of the image you want to vary while leaving everything else the same.
Play around with other settings (still figuring all these out). Probably the most useful one for fan art is reducing the amount of “stylization” MidJourney does to the image. --style raw gives you an output that draws most literally from your inputs, but there was an update recently that I believe allows even more fine tuning.
I hope that helps! I also want to reiterate that I never claimed to be a great artist and that this is a hobby I’m not profiting from, so I don’t want any more speeches about how I’m cheating or whatever. I’m an engineer, not an artist, and I’m applying my skills to something I love, to create things I enjoy. And I’ll be completely open about how I do it too, because if someone else wants to use the same method to make art of their favorite characters, please do! I would love to see what you create.
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sunraise · 5 years ago
not an urgent thing but if u commissioned me at the price of u gifting me one month of classic discord nitro who would be interested
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mr-dirtlord · 3 years ago
hello! do you have any tips for painting? :D
hello! I'm not sure that I'm qualified to give advice (and painting is a huge topic!) but I can point you in the direction of resources that have helped me improve!
back when I was first trying to figure out how to even go about learning how to paint, an artist I admire (salamispots) recommended marco bucci's 10 minutes to better painting series and it feels cheesy to say but it was kind of life-changing? I hadn't really ever thought about things like edge control, and shape, and the way that light works! it was an instant boost to the way I thought about painting
I also joined the warrior painters discord about a year ago when I first did the plein airpril challenge, and I'm not sure where I'd be without them. it's such a friendly community focused on general art improvement, though there is a focus on background painting since many of the professional artists there are bg designers and painters, but it's been so helpful to have a place to go to for critique and other artistic resources. it also helps with motivation - easier to keep going when it feels like there are other people on the journey with you!
for gouache, I'd highly recommend checking out james gurney's youtube if you don't already know him - I think he's probably most famous for his book Dinotopia, but he's also a prolific gouache plein air painter. and he posts his process regularly on youtube! nathan fowkes too is one of my inspirations, he's worked on films like prince of egypt and shrek, but also does watercolor/gouache plein air. he doesn't have as many free resources available as james gurney (that I know of) but has fantastic self-paced classes on schoolism if you're willing to drop the money on the subscription
tonko house's painting with color and light course on schoolism also. I haven't finished it yet (it's all painting from life and was a lot of work for me to keep up with at the time) but even doing half of the class taught me so much!
I think if I were to sum this all up, the biggest tip I've received and would want to reiterate is to paint from life! I found it hard to believe when I kept hearing it over and over until I started doing it myself. even if you want to paint from imagination, painting from life helps you build an understanding of how light interacts with color, and you can then take that knowledge and apply it to whatever you want. I used to think still lifes were stuffy and that if I wanted to draw characters, why should i have to paint fruit? and honestly I thought people who posted random studies were just flexing........but no! it does actually help so much (crazy). color eventually became a relative thing that I could play with, instead of something overwhelming that I felt like I was constantly floundering through
so yeah! phew. I hope that there's something in here that helps you, and sorry this took so long to answer! I had to think about it a while and then I didn't have reliable internet for a couple weeks. if more free resources come to mind I'll share them, but this is what I thought of first!
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shinelikethunder · 5 years ago
Listen, if the conversation happening around third-party AO3 apps were any of the following, we’d be cool:
“this app doesn’t even offer useful features in exchange for ads/subscriptions, it just looks like a skeevy cash grab”
“this app may be misleading users into thinking they need an ad-ridden app to access something they can already get for free”
“authors are bound by the ToS to keep their work strictly noncommercial, so it’s pretty fucked-up that third-party app developers can monetize all they want”
“monetizing this shit could draw the ire of corporate legal departments, and creators and/or AO3 could end up in the crossfire”
“does this app respect edits and deletions? does it bypass access controls on NSFW and archive-locked works?”
“wait, this random app is collecting login credentials?”
“whose ire will be drawn towards AO3 if Apple decides this app isn’t bowdlerized enough for their tastes?”
But that’s not the conversation you’re having, is it? That’s all secondary. Y’all are talking as though any third-party viewer app whatsoever is somehow “stealing” your work by existing. You know, the way an RSS reader is “stealing” your blog when it requests the full text of a post. Or the way you “didn’t consent to have your work taken out of context” when someone views your Tumblr posts in the Washboard app. Or the way Discord’s auto-embed previews are “stealing” fanart. Any online RSS reader is probably running ads to cover its server costs, btw. What are the ethics of that?
And once it’s been framed as “stopping content thieves,” apparently that end justifies absolutely any means of takedown, regardless of the actual nature of specific apps. Brigading, finding the dev’s personal accounts and harassing them there, doxxing, review flooding, sending spurious DMCA notices about apps that aren’t even hosting content, tugging Mama Apple’s skirts and pointing at the exact content AO3 exists to protect as reason to nuke it for Purity Crimes... what the fuck, guys. What moral high ground could you possibly hope to occupy by tattling about all the icky, nasty porn on AO3, all to force an arbitrary takedown of an access point you find dodgy for unrelated reasons? I sure as fuck didn’t consent to having my fic used for that.
Do you have any idea what kind of chilling effect this all has on fans who might want to create third-party apps with actual, useful additional features? Because y’all aren’t exactly drawing distinctions between the sinners and the saints, here--you’re at “see AO3 app, burn it to the motherfucking ground.” Right now, one of my Discord servers has multiple members completely reassessing whether/how to share fandom-related coding projects and how to keep their identity firewalled, so they don’t get fucking doxxed if some underinformed moral panic lumps them in with whatever witches are getting hunted next week. Is that likely to happen to fans trying to contribute helpful extra functionality, noncommercially, out of their own pockets if necessary? I don’t fucking know! I realize the vehemence of this incident is mostly driven by the monetization, but the way y’all are talking sure isn’t giving me faith in your willingness to even consider that distinction.
Just... take a step back. Be willing to make distinctions and articulate the boundaries of your wrath. Consider what you’re actually objecting to. Consider analogous cases. Ask yourself if whatever you’re saying goes for them, too, and if not why not. Fan, as the old saying goes, is a tool-using animal--consider which tools your condemnation applies to before you put it on full blast. Also, you know, put the fucking pitchforks down and take a step back from whatever the mob mentality is telling you would be totally proportionate and justifiable as a response. It doesn’t have a great track record of holding up the next morning.
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It’s a Fallout76/Bethesda rant
Bethesda just released Fallout 1st, a horseshit pay-to-win subscription system for their absolute cum-bubble of a game, and while it’s getting the flack it deserves there are people already putting on their kneepads so they can gobble down Todd Howards entire turgid cock, and as someone who likes rpg’s way too much this irked me, so have a massive and barely coherent rant i took off the discord because why not.
I want to start off with this:  Every good thing about current fallout comes from the fanbase. The stories people tell, the headcanons, the fanfics, the art, everything fans do for it is made with more love, and more thought, than anything Bethesda’s writing and games design team has done in the last 10 years
Now first of all, I haven’t bought or played 76. People are gonna stop me right there and go ”well you haven’t bought it how would you know its bad!!” yeah, I’ve never eaten dog shit either but I can pretty well guess that I ain’t gonna fucking like it.
I knew the second he said "there are no npcs" with actual enthusiasm that this game was gonna be shit. And if you give me 2 seconds to gloat, I never bought the game and I knew this was gonna happen and I was RIGHT so suck my fat hairy nuts all those fanboys who pre-order things mindlessly just because there's a brand name attached to it. If there is anything you take from this its DO NOT PREORDER. BRAND LOYALTY IS FOR BOOMERS AND BOOTLICKERS. FOR FUCKS SAKE BE SMART WITH YOUR MONEY.
Games like this are fucking 80-90 dollars or more in Australia so I actually have to think about whether this momentary distraction is worth almost an entire days paycheck, and I’m still looking for employment which means I actually haven’t bought shit in a while (side note, anyone wants to commission me for 10 dollars I’ll draw damn near anything. God I need to make rent)
Every executive at Bethesda seems to be playing catch-up to EA's monetisation scheme. Beth has abandoned their model of single-player rpg's in favour of a "games as a service" model. Fallout 76 seems to me like its a weird experiment for just how far they can stretch this and still make money. It actually makes me wonder if they are 
 a) just completely unaware of fanbase response [no idea HOW]
b) are running into financial problems and are doing this out of desperation
 c) todd howard is still mad that obsidian made a better fallout than he ever could and he's doing this out of spite 
  Games as a whole has become much like the movie industry where publishers will throw big buckets of cash around to development teams, and those teams have CEO's and higher ups that throw lavish meet n greets and have nice fancy suits and cars and then treat their development teams like shit, overworking them to the point of exhaustion, because the product has to be on time for release dates that are scheduled to be the most profitable (christmas is a notable one). 
And those products are consistently bland, shitty, shallow experiences. Narrative cum-dumpsters that are purposefully made to toe the line as safely as possible, to be open to as wide as an audience as possible so they can make the most money, and Bethesda is a huge offender. Skyrim was fun, sure, but it was watered down to fuck, it had shitty dialogue, it had bland one-note characters, it had a simplified skill system. It was impossible to lose. Seriously, try and fail a fucking quest in skyrim, other than one or two, it's a hand-holder of an rpg, but it has a huge community of fans that put in monumental effort, for free, because they like the Elder Scrolls, and they like the world bethesda made. 
  Then Bethesda goes "hey, that watered down thing we made got huge! lets release it about 12 more fucking times, with some of the SAME bugs, with the SAME content, with the SAME limitations and Yes, we absolutely expect you to pay for it, again. Then they release the remastered edition which, to their credit, is free to anyone who already bought the legendary edition (on PC), and does actually have updated 64bit capability and some graphical enhancements (that aren't anywhere near what some goober in his basement cooked up in his spare time, but whatever). Then, seeing that Skyrim was so popular, with kids especially, and made money, they turn their sights to fallout 4, a game that was so anticipated that someone made a fake countdown and caused a small meltdown on tumblr/social media when it was revealed to be fake (i was part of that fiasco, i remember the hype, i was there goddamnit)
So Fallout, a franchise that literally has its theme as its FUCKING TAGLINE, an ADULT game that is equal parts crude, gory and humorous. A game that satirises the cold war era of american my-country-tis-of-thee blind loyalty and openly mocks the way war was idealised, and shows that not even the literal end of the world could either stop humanity's lust for blood or its desire for conquest. Games that showed you the growth of the world - from shady sands to the NCR, from the vault dweller to arroyo, shit actually happened in the games, the world didn't just stop turning when the bombs dropped. A game where you you become a porn star for fucks sake, and it's funny. 
So Bethesda sees that, makes something like it (fallout 3) which is good, but a little rough around the edges when you look at it too hard. But the way they suck you into the vault, the way they build a relationship with your dad and your way of life is immersive as fuck, so when you leave the place you actually feel like you're leaving something important, not just finishing the tutorial
then they outsource a Fallout game to obsidian, because hey, we saved your franchise by buying it off you, but if you can make an entire game in one year and get a metacritic score of 85 we'll even throw in a bonus. And fuck me sideways and in the ear, if the obsidian devs didn't work themselves harder than a 4-armed hooker. And they made a game that on release was a clusterfuck of bugs, because they were given an unrealistic time limit and missed the metacritic score by ONE POINT so bethesda goes "nhey heh sucks to suck" and fucks them off the franchise forever. EXCEPT (and I admit I'm biased here) the game is good. The game is actually really good when you remove those bugs, and people start forming attachments to it, and mentioning how bad fallout 3's writing is by extension. 
  So Todd and Co. in his infinite wisdom, decide that the only thing a fallout rpg needs is 50s aesthetic and fuck all else, and he releases a game so watered down it can't even be called an rpg. And its not. There are no skills. There are barely any dialogue checks. Instead of dialogue, Nate/Nora is a flat, samrish individual that is either "yes sir right away sir may i have another", "yes but i'm gonna make an unfunny quip about it" "this option pretends to say no but its gonna give you the quest marker anyway". 
The game drops any pretence of difficulty by giving you a deathclaw, a minigun and some power armour in the first 10 minutes, allowing you to effectively reach late-game power levels with some minor scavenging for ammo or cores. Then the game ropes you into some inter-faction war that realistically you wouldn't give a shit about, because some spud in a cowboy hat fucking deputizes you into a military general because you shot like 4 raiders from a rooftop (with a minigun. in power armour. making you nigh-invulnerable to bullets). You're sad about your son about 3 times the whole game and then you're on your merry way to mowing down humans left right and center without a care in the world. God fallout 4's writing is so stupid it gives me an aneurysm.
 Remember the part about resources wars and america only having the veneer of a strong country while riots, inflation, and resource shortages tore it apart from within? Bethesda doesn't, have an eerily stepford pastel coloured glimpse at a world that was totally fine, nothing wrong here, shame it got nuked oh well moving on
Your spouse? yeah you love them, they're said 2 whole sentences to you then they died, be sad because you totally loved them and it is totally sad that they are dead. Your weird play-dough son shaun, you love him so much, you even tickled him on the chin once, okay he's gone off you go to chase him - woah now, don't chase him too hard we have all these side quests for you to do! What would be the narrative reasoning for a supposedly distraught parent to fuck around boston instead of finding their goddamn child? fuck knows! just go pick up some goddamn wood and get to base building sonny-jim! 
Companions? yeah, they're fun, we gave them a romance questline and it's thus: if you pick enough locks and pass a minor charisma check maccready will be ready and willing to tell you about his sick child, and then he'll ride you like a stallion. Talk to him like, 4 times, and he will be your bosom buddy for life in about 3-5 days if you just pick locks like a fucking madman, because character growth is hard and counting beans is easy.
 Also your son is a part of the faction we were talking about! something about synths, remember that one questline from rivet city that barely anyone actually remembers and was an interesting time waster at best? Well get ready to do that same quest but about! 15! more! times! because we could not think of anything else to write about synthetically produced humans that assume peoples identities other than having them as a hamfisted metaphor for slavery. Why do they take over people's identies? Well because the institute needs them to aasdkfjdh kshshshsh t9oe of course. 
Speaking of hamfisted metaphors, here's the underground railroad, named after the underground railroad that actually mattered, except this time its the same thing but synths. They are so top secret that the only way to find them is to follow the only bright red line in a street that is exclusively green-brown otherwise, and then enter their super secret password, which is "password"
They are then, like every other faction, absolutely willing to trust you, at face value, no questions asked, because have to actually do something or require a skill check might make this hard for people under the age of 12 to play. Then you go do whatever fuckin shit you do, I stopped playing at this point, and then you find out your son is actually 60, you guys have a tearful, 10 sentence reunion, then he diesthe whole reason you were out here in the first place dies, and you react appropriately, which is to say you say his name really sadly, and then go back to mowing down raiders with reckless abandon
And then 76 gets released, bethesda drops all pretense of fallout still being an rpg. You want a story? Fuck you, pay up. Its retro future and thats all that makes falloutSatirizing war mongering? You can nuke things in this game and its totally fine, its actually the goal, because fallout has nukes in it right? Pay us 10 dollars and you get army olive drab spraypaint because hurrgh war is fun and great, wasnt that the tagline from the first game?The more i rant the more angry i am because people put their heart and soul into writing this. The lore and dialogue is actual work that someone researched and loved and felt proud of and now  it's becoming a hilariously meta parody of itself. 
Honestly FUCK bethesda and and fuck todd howard for his pisspoor cash grab. Not even worth calling it a video game anymore
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itsclydebitches · 6 years ago
How do you feel about derivative art? I'm guessing you approve since you're big into fanfics. Is art that's derivative as good as original art? Could a well made video critique of a film be better then the film? Or a fanmade rewrite be better then the original book? And yes I know nothing "original" exist, but that's not the same thing as art that is obviously derivative. And the big question. Should artist be allowed to make money off derivative art?
For me it’s an all around “Yes.” I’ve read fics leagues better than published novels. I’ve seen fanvids far better than films. Granted, when you get into the subject of visual media you run into things like finances and access to technology. Anyone can craft a story with words, but only a few have the budget and tools required to re-create the sort of Blockbuster films we’ve grown used to. But why in the world would that very specific style be the only “good” art out there? Obviously it’s not. If anything, we value limitations in our art. Six second vines shot on cell phones are adored and can lead to lucrative careers. Films like the Blair Witch Project want to mimic an armature cinematography, like these people really were just shooting what they could while running for their lives. Amateur does not in any way equal lesser. To say nothing of the fact that fans have shown time and time again that a passion for the material and a huge amount of work ethic is more than enough. As the recent Loki logo abomination attests, all the money and resources in the world doesn’t guarantee taste---or success. Outsiders to fandom love to criticize the “horrible” fics they found when they dove into AO3 for all of ten minutes, but fail to acknowledge that you’re just as likely to find a terrible book when you pull one randomly off of B&N’s shelves. If derivative art is somehow lesser than we need to re-evaluate the comics industry. And every formulaic western, rom-com, police procedural. And every great author (there are a LOT) who wrote “classics” based off of other’s characters and worlds. Art is art. Mainstream art is in no way superior to fan art, no matter how much people still want to convince us of that. 
The money question is, admittedly, waaaaaay more complicated. For me though it’s still a “Yes” simply because of how fandom functions. That is, we need the canon. Even if it becomes outdated, or is considered offensive, or is absolutely terrible compared to what the fandom has now produced, people will STILL consume that material (and more importantly buy it) in order to get access to all the good fan stuff. I’ve simply never bought into the argument that derivative works are a threat to the livelihood of the original piece because they depend on that piece. All my friends are in a fun discord for TV Show X. They’re producing all these fics I want to read. I’ve heard that Show X is actually pretty bad, but I’m going to watch it anyway because that provides me with the context that produced all this other stuff. It’s the foundation, the blueprints, the golden ticket to get inside the fandom. Will every fan do this? No, some do bypass the canon and just dive right in, but the majority of them will. Meaning that rather than posing a threat to the original author’s livelihood as most people assume, fanworks help keep mainstream content alive. Adding a price to that doesn’t change anything. If someone offers me a fic for free I’m gonna tackle the canon book first. If someone offers me a fic for $10... I’m still gonna tackle the canon book first. Either way the author gets paid and are likely to get more if fans use their work as an entry point into the fandom. “I wouldn’t have read/watched your stuff at all, if it weren’t for the fact that I want to read the stories my friend is now producing.” Giving that friend some rent money is the least we can do. 
(There are obviously other arguments against making money off of derivative works, two of which boil down to “It’s against the law”---which funnily enough we create and control and can change if perspectives change---and “They’re my creations and I don’t want you messing with them, let alone making money off them.” I’ve got a lot of feelings regarding that one and in an effort to save a bit of space I’ll boil it down to a very unkind response: Too bad. Transformation is at the heart of human interaction with art. If you didn’t want that you shouldn’t have given it to the public in the first place. Authors don’t get to police how fans interact with their work: “I love it when you take the time to write me glowing reviews! .... oh, but not when you write another story. Please continue making awesome fan posters that promote my work! ... but not one with those two characters kissing ew.” Authors don’t get to dictate how fans interact with the art they’ve put out there; how much of it is active and in what ways.) 
We also have to consider that we’re already in a world where those lines are irrevocably blurred. Why does E.L. James or Anna Todd get to make a fortune off of their barely changed fics? Why do artists get to sell their fanart but fic writers are still largely terrified of lawsuits? Fans are already making money off their work---always have, really---and I doubt that’s something we can reverse. Whether or not it continues to grow is the real question. 
Personally, I wouldn’t want to see derivative works commercialized, not because fans don’t deserve to earn money for their labor (we do), but just because that would irrevocably change fandom dynamics. We’re a gift economy and we’re built on that. Fandom has always been about progressive acts: be it writing about queer identities, providing accessibility accommodations decades before mainstream art did, or (and this is the kicker) helping to level out class differences. Meaning, mainstream art is often for the rich and the elite. Broadway shows are insanely expensive and impossible for most to get to. Movies prices have skyrocketed. Every company is creating their own streaming service, requiring that you pay three or four $20+ monthly subscriptions instead of just the one. It’s all about money and fandom is one of the few places where we still exchange art for praise and more art, rather than a paycheck. Fic is free. Fanvids are free. You guys want a cute drawing of this couple? All you have to do is send in a prompt ask and I’ll draw it! Sure, I’d also love it if you paid for a commission, but I’m going to keep creating free drawings on the side. When was the last time we saw a mainstream author go, “Please continue to buy my last story, but in the meantime here’s a free novel I’m putting up on my website. Hope you enjoy!” I mean yes, we do get things for free (especially when it comes to many games, apps, and some short stories), but not like in fandom. There’s a culture of giving that I never want to lose. Are we already doing commissions and con sales? Yes. Do we often ask for donations and payment? Yes. Should we be able to continue doing so without fear of legal action? I think so. But I don’t want a general sense of “I should be allowed to earn money off of this” get turned into “Well if I can earn money off of this why wouldn’t I?” I never want our work to exist fully behind a wall where the key in is your credit card number. Fandom is unique in its, “I made this thing because I wanted to and I shared it with you because I wanted to do that too, no strings attached” and that, I think, is worth protecting. 
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csrolereversal · 6 years ago
Rules and guidelines!
Boom yeah, I’m finally writing the rules down. First and foremost, let’s set some dates!
Captain Swan Role Reversal Halloweek will begin on Friday the 25th and end, of course, on Thursday the 31st of October (duh).
The first one to sign up will be Artists so I know how many will partecipate and with how many works.
When do Artists sign up?
From September 1st to September 15th. After I open the sign ups (I know, it’s logical and as obvious as you want, but it’s better to be safe than sorry).
How do Artists sign up?
You just have to send me an ask or a message saying you’re in and with how many pieces. This is very important, guys.
What can you present for the Role Reversal?
You can do digital or traditional pieces, aesthetics/moodboards, gifsets and even edits but they need to “tell” a story, or at least prompt one. The setting, the pose, the action they are up to, the atmosphere, the surrounding, everything can influence a writer’s mind. I’m not going to tell you how or what to draw, I’d cut my fingers off first, but I ask you to create something you’d love to read about.
To clarify: if you sign up with two pieces, you’ll be paired with two Writers.
And now, on to the Writers.
When do Writers sign up?
From September 16th to September 22nd. (Again, after the post).
How do Writers sign up?
Same as for Artists: send an ask or a message my way, and you can even sign up to write more than one piece if you feel up to.
What can you present for the Role Reversal?
Any kind of story you like! It’s up to you whether it’ll be a multichapter, a one-shot, or just a drabble.
In case of multichapters:
1. The first chapter drops on the dropping date during Halloweek.
2. I’ll make sure to reblog every update, so please tag the blog whenever you update.
There’s a minimum of words you have to use: 1k words. I put this limit because, when Artists take their time to bring your words alive, they create something beautiful, so please use them the same courtesy and don’t give a simple “descrition” of the scene. We aim for fics, not for captions.
How many Writers can participate?
Now, this is the tricky bit. Until the 15th, I won’t know how many Artists will participate and with how many works. The moment I know, I’ll put the number on the post opening the sign ups for Writers, hence why it’ll be first arrived, first served. I’d love for it to be open to everyone interested, and I apologize in advance if I’ll have to refuse someone subscription - hopefully I won’t, but still.
When will you know whom you are paired with?
On September 23rd I’ll do the matches which will be totally random and I’ll proceed to inform you straight away.
This will give Writers roughly a month to write something, while a little bit longer to the Artists to work on their pieces. I’d hate to see any dropouts, so please consider signing up very carefully.
For this event, I don’t think I’ll put up a Discord chat - unless you ask for it, that is - but I’ll encourage dialogue between Artists and Writers - who knows, maybe you’ll find yourselves new friends - because there might be things the Artists love but the Writers would never write.
Be careful, though, the Artists are the one to decide what to draw, much like in other events Writers are the one who write and the Artists follow along, maybe giving intel, but not changing the plot.
If there’s any problem, please contact me here or at @darkcolinodonorgasm.
When will you know the dropping dates?
Same day as the pairing, September 23rd.
Since the event lasts only for a week, I won’t ask for which day you’d rather drop the art and fic. What I ask you, though, is to promptly tell me if you have issues that will prevent you from posting on that date and we’ll try to figure something out.
Can Artists do more than one piece for fic?
Artists can sign up for one or more pieces - respectively one or more Writers will be assigned for each piece, and it’ll be up to the Artist to choose which Writer to entrust their art with once I’ll pair you up, but that doesn’t stop the Artists to create more pieces for the same fic if the muse is willing (for example, in case of multichapters if you want to illustrate a passage you particularly love or even just for one-shots if your Writer writes something you want to draw).
What about NSFW art?
If you want your work to be NSFW but you don’t know how to post it because duh, Tumblr, you can create a thumbnail with a link to the full NSFW art which Writers will post on ao3 given the lack of restrictions over there.
How will you post?
Much like for every other event I’ve seen and participated in, both Artists and Writers will post their works, Writers uploading the art in the same post as their fic while Artists will just upload the art, each one tagging the other.
In case of gifsets, instead, a link from the Writer to the Artist’s post will suffice.
Will a collection on ao3 be created?
Yes it will! And if you post on ffnet, too, I’ll try to find a way to have a collection over there, too!
Whew, I think this is all.
In case you have more doubts or you think I’ve forgotten something important, please do contact me and I’ll answer your questions and/or try to figure something out.
Thank you!
See ya on September 1st for the signups!
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