#i just know he couldn’t bring himself to tell frodo to not bring merry and pippin around
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ineffible-chaos · 7 months ago
thorin this, thorin that,
what about how Bilbo probably couldn’t meet pippin and merry’s eyes for the longest time because every time he saw them, all he could see was fili and kili ☹️
how many times did bilbo almost slip up and call the hobbits by names that were not their own but all bilbo could see was that same mischievous twinkle he saw in those two young dwarves eyes?
how many years would it be before the hobbits realized why gandalf was so hard on them? why bilbo had stopped looking at them with such devastation on his face but could not hide the anguish in his eyes?
bilbo never told any of the young hobbits his full journey, always making everything seem more heroic and thrilling than the profound loss everyone suffered in The Company. It probably wasn’t until Frodo left with his uncle that merry and pippin realized why the old hobbit could never truly meet their eyes when sam let them read the book containing both of their journeys ☹️
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wordbunch · 2 years ago
Hobbits and cuddles AND kisses!
a/n: some sweet anon requested Frodo & cuddles, then @queenmeriadoc​ wanted the other three as well, and THEN someone asked for headcanons abt kisses... 🥰 BEHOLD I am here to give you all of that!!! y’all eat this up and my soul heals when I write it. enjoy. i love u. MAJOR fluff incoming!!! 💕💕💕 lmk how you liked it, reblogs greatly appreciated and encouraged 😍
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♡ cuddling ♡
nobody would really get him to admit it, but he’s a huge fan of cuddling
if you’re sitting down and reading, or lying in bed, he will drop whatever else he thought of doing and just plop down
loves to just wrap around you as much as possible
he will very rarely ask to be the little spoon but you know he sometimes needs it
deep down he’s actually a bit insecure, but when you hold him it all just melts away
he doesn’t need to be smart, funny, brave, anything, he can just be
surprisingly, he’s okay just being quiet while you cuddle
and he can just listen to you talk or even read to him and he’ll drift off to another plane of existence
many times you caught him looking at you like you’re the very creator of love, beauty and everything good there is in the world
♡  kisses ♡
 he is particularly inclined to making out with you, without a care in the world
someone is nearby? literally who cares
couldn’t be him
and he will have your face in his hands while kissing you
afterwards he will playfully squish your cheeks just because
bonus points if that gets you slightly annoyed
this is my personal headcanon 100% based on nothing BUT
he is absolutely the type to interrupt your rant with a kiss, like that is a guilty pleasure
he might sometimes be annoying on purpose so that you would do that to him in return, and his face all but burns for like ten minutes afterwards
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
♡ cuddling ♡ 
on the one hand cuddling is sometimes too slow of an activity for his energetic self
on the other hand he would glue himself to you if that was possible
he likes cuddling with you but every now and then he will sit up because he remembered something or he will retell a story so animatedly that you’ll accidentally get hit in the face
of course he will apologize a trillion times, paired with just as many kisses
he loooves when you two lie down facing each other, noses almost touching, who needs personal space anyway
not him
you figured out how to magically make him calm - brushing your fingers through his curls works like magic
and it’s even better if he can lay half on top of you
♡  kisses ♡ 
he basically has no idea what he’s doing but that has absolutely never stopped him before
and it is not about to, especially when it comes to being affectionate to his favorite person
he will attack your cute face with kisses until you laugh breathlessly
long and tender kisses are saved for more private and special settings
short and sweet kisses are the more common kind 
100% the type to give you a quick little kiss on the lips, move away, and then come back for a longer one
sometimes your noses or foreheads would bump due to too much enthusiasm and then you giggle and he’s FLOORED like how are you real
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 
♡ cuddling ♡ 
 in his opinion there’s almost nothing better than cuddling with you while reading
the two of you would even make some snacks and tea to bring with you so you don’t have to move anywhere for a while
settle comfortably in his lap with your back against his chest and all will be well in the world
the feeling of your weight against him calms him down immensely - it’s so reassuring to know that you’re there and so close and that he can just hug you and kiss you whenever he wants
 you’ll tease him for distracting you, but the soft blush of your cheeks tell him otherwise
at this point he basically cannot fall asleep without cuddling with you
of course he doesn’t immediately tell you that, and he thinks he’s being oh so subtle, but you can read him better than that, and sometimes you lovingly tease him for it
♡  kisses ♡ 
he will literally kiss you wherever he can reach, depending on your position
forehead, lips, cheeks, temple, anything
it’s basically second nature to him when you’re alone
kisses to your fingertips when you’re holding hands
he 100% takes his sweet time kissing you
if you kiss him in public, he will need a few moments to stop blushing and regain composure
one thing that GETS him more than anything else is if you gently pin him down during a cuddling session and you’re hovering over him, some strands of your hair tickling his face
and when he’s looking up at you with those unbelievably blue eyes, you can’t help but kiss him with all you’ve got
his heart is guaranteed to skip a beat
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 
♡ cuddling ♡ 
asking him for a cuddle session is a guaranteed way to get him to stop working and fussing
you surprise him with a picnic and a relaxing day for just the two of you and his heart almost explodes
so there you are, on an emerald green grassy hill, his curly head is on your lap and he’s tracing his fingers up and down your leg while you make a flower crown out of some of his favorite wildflowers
he will blush when you place it on his head
and then immediately pull you down to lay down beside him
your head on his chest and his arm wrapped securely around you as you look up into the sky and look for clouds in funny or interesting shapes
whenever you raise your hand to point at one, he will intertwine his fingers with yours and brush a quick kiss against the back of your hand
♡  kisses ♡ 
this sweet lil thing is a very big fan of kisses, actually
his go-to, when you’re somewhere, is a soft kiss to the back of your hand (a.k.a. how to subtly show off his beloved)
in private, though, he will kiss you anywhere and everywhere and he just can’t get enough of you
but ESPECIALLY neck kisses omg
thank-you kisses
if he’s in a particular lovey-dovey mood, he will pick you up and kiss you deeply, making you feel like the main character of a love story (I mean… you are)
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
if u got this far congrats ���
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​​​ @starlady66​​​​​​ @queenmeriadoc​​ @entishramblings​​​​​​ @thesolarangel​​​​​​ @silversword7000​​​​​​ @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog​​​​​​ @averys-place​​​​​​ @valkyriepirate​​​​​​ @emmaarenstarr​​​​​​ @noldorinpainter​​​​​​ @asianbutnotjapanese​​​​​​ @adamgetawaydriver​​​​​​ @fenharel-enaste​​​​​​ @ironmandeficiency​​​​​​      @starryeyedrogue​​ @dinofromspac3​​  @wisheduponastar​ @lady-of-imladris​ @frodo-cinnamonroll​
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middleearthpixie · 1 year ago
Living Proof ~ Chapter Twenty-Three
Summary: When he puts himself between the Uruk-hai and Merry and Pippin, Boromir knows it means sacrificing himself. But it also means redemption for his near betrayal of Frodo and the Fellowship, and so it is a price he is more than willing to pay.
Kaia has been on her own for as long as she can remember, having escaped a terrible life in a village not far from Mordor. When she hears the sounds of battle, she knows what it means and when she ventured forth and finds a gravely wounded man lying amongst the leaves and debris, she takes him in, not knowing he is actually the son of the steward of Gondor.
Angry at himself and faced with a long road to recovery, Boromir does not make things easy on Kaia and it is only through her own sheer will that she does not give into the urge to hit him over the head with something on a daily basis. That refusal to give up brings about changes neither one of them could have foreseen.  She just wanted to save him. She never thought he would save her in return…
Fandom: The Lord of the Rings (AU, Boromir lives)
Pairing: Boromir x ofc Kaia 
Warnings: None
Rating: T 
Word Count: 3k
Tag List: @sotwk @heilith @fizzyxcustard @evenstaredits @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @emmyspov @finnofamerica @lathalea @ass-deep-in-demons @quiall321 @mistofstars @justfollowtheroad @guardianofrivendell @glassgulls @doctorwhump @kmc1989 @estethell @emrfangirl @emmanuellececchi
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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Boromir let his fingers trail lightly along Kaia’s hair. “Where are you?”
“Right here,” she murmured, peering up at him. “Wishing the morning would never come.”
“You are not the only one.” 
She rose onto one elbow. “I won’t sleep soundly until you return, you know.”
“It would be better if you tried,” he told her, trying to smile as he reached up to brush a loose curl behind her ear. “You need your rest and before you yell at me, just know, I am only concerned with your well being.”
To his relief, she smiled. “I know,” she told him, bobbing her head. “And I know it’s silly to worry, since that won’t change a blasted thing, but I’ll worry just the same.”
“I wish you wouldn’t.”
“I know.” Her eyes softened. “But, I will. I will worry every moment you’re gone and I will not sleep peacefully until you are back here, safe and sound.”
“Worrying about me will do nothing to help you rest at all.”
“I know, but I also have no control over it. Haven’t you realized that by now?”
He tried to smile, but couldn’t quite make his face obey. “If something should happen to me, you will remain here at least until the baby is born, won’t you? Faramir will be here to look after you both, if need be.”
She nodded. “Of course.”
“Good. At least then I know you’re safe. Ioreth will also look after you both for as long as you wish to remain here.”
She sighed softly, sinking back against him. Her hand came to rest against his chest, her head in the curve of his shoulder. “But, you will be careful, won’t you?”
“Love, I am never not careful.”
“You threw yourself between halflings and orcs.”
“I had to. You know that.”
She didn't reply at first, but then, with a soft sigh, she whispered, “ I do know that. You protect those you care about and I’ve not met your hobbits, but I’ve the feeling you most definitely cared about them.”
“I’d never seen halflings until that morning at Rivendell,” he told her, staring up at the rough ceiling, his fingers moving along her silky hair once more. “And I know they are grown men, all of them, but they are so small, it was difficult to remember that. I looked after them to the best of my ability, tried to teach them how to defend themselves. And they did, you know. At Amon Hen. Galadriel had given them daggers and they did not hesitate to use them.”
“They saw you were in trouble and something tells me that you meant to them what they meant to you.”
“They did not know what I’d done.”
“Boromir,” Kaia lifted her head once more, “they knew you were willing to sacrifice yourself for their safety. And I’ll wager that if Frodo knew that as well, he would forgive you in the blink of an eye.”
He gazed at her, his fingers moving lightly along her cheek now. She had no idea just how powerful her pull over him was, had no idea that all she need to was ask, and he would give her whatever her heart desires. He’d never felt about a woman the way he felt about her, none had ever touched him the way this one did. 
The light glinted off the delicate ring on her left hand. He’d fought the notion of marriage for so long, convinced that Gondor and his duty to her came before anything else. And honestly, there had been no woman for whom he’d give up everything for.
Until Kaia.
If she asked, he would resign his commission, would find some other way of supporting her and the baby. But he knew that she would never ask, nor would she accept that from him. She loved him for who and what he was—warts and all—and he was a better man for it.
“You look a thousand leagues away,” she murmured, her hand curving against his cheek. 
He managed a smile. “I am where I always will wish to be, here with you.”
“Oh, that is smooth.” A soft laugh bubbled to her lips. “But you know what I mean.”
“I do. And I…” He paused, then cleared his throat, “when I was lying in that clearing, all I could think was how I betrayed Frodo, betrayed all of them, although no oath bound us. I felt death was what I deserved and when I heard you, if I’d had the strength, I’d have told you to let me die.”
 “You told me to leave you.”
“I did?” He had no memory of this.
She nodded. “You did. It pained you so terribly to move and I felt horrible about forcing you to do so, but the orcs were on their way back and if they’d found us, I’ve no doubt they’d have cut us both down, so I forced you to your feet and forced you to move.”
“I only remember bits and pieces of it.”
“That’s all right. I remember all of it and will lord it over you whenever I feel it would be to my advantage.”
A mischievous smile accompanied her words and the glint in her eye sent a zing through him, one that had him carefully rolling to pin her beneath him. “Is that so?” he murmured, his lips brushing hers.
“It is.”
He dipped to her, their lips meeting softly, her arms tightening about his neck. His blood warmed as her legs parted to accommodate his hips, as her heat beckoned him, drew him to her once more. There would never be a time when he’d have enough of her, a time when the feel of her beneath him wouldn’t stir his blood and fire his desire, and as his arousal grew, she whispered, “I love you,” and the words were as much a caress as her touch was.
He drew back to gaze down at her, murmuring, “I love you, too, Kaia. Always,” before dipping back to her once more. 
Kaia woke before dawn, with Boromir softly snoring alongside her. She lay there, warm and cozy beneath the blankets, then carefully eased onto her side toward him. He slept peacefully now, but during the night, he’d woken her twice with his own restlessness. He talked in his sleep, but made no sense, and she wondered if he dreamed of what happened at Amon Hen, for he jerked away from her, as if being struck by arrows in his mind. 
But now he was serene and calm, his breathing deep and even. If he dreamed, they were peaceful, for a hint of a smile played at his lips. 
Now all she could do was hope he returned to Minas Tirith safe and sound and in one piece. The thought of losing him was more than she could bear, although she would keep those thoughts to herself. The last thing he needed was to be distracted by her worrying for him. He had a momentous enough task ahead of him. She would not add to his burden if she could possibly avoid it. 
With that, she slipped from their bed, reaching for the warm midnight blue velvet dressing gown he’d draped across the foot of the bed last evening. She smiled as it settled about her shoulders, for it seemed so odd to her that a man like Boromir—a seasoned, hardened warrior—should own something that was almost delicate, as this finely sewn garment seemed. She’d said as much to him, only to have him offer up a boyish grin and a playful, “There are but many sides to me, you know. You simply have not seen them all yet.”
A hint of pine and snow rose from the fine fabric to tease her nose. Boromir’s scent. She would know it anywhere. 
She padded from the bedchamber toward the great room, pausing only to ease her feet into her warm slippers, then continued on her way. The flat was cold, the hearth in the great room dark and quiet, so she gathered the heavy velvet about her legs to keep it from igniting, and set to work getting a fire started.
“What are you doing?”
She peered over her shoulder at Boromir in the doorway, clad in only the small clothes that brought such wicked thoughts to her mind, scratching absently at his chest. “It was freezing in here.”
“You should’ve woken me.”
“You’ve a long journey ahead of you, and probably won’t have much time for sleep, much less comfortable sleep,” she told him, turning back to strike flint against steel. “And I am perfectly capable of getting a fire started, you know.”
“No still.” The sparks caught and she smiled as a fire slowly crackled to life. Rising, she turned toward him. “Who do you think will do this whilst you’re gone?”
“I’ll make certain to have someone come up and tend to it.”
“You will do no such thing, Boromir. I am not helpless, you know.”
“I know.” He skirted the narrow sofa, pausing to sink onto the arm. “But, I’d rather you not wake up each morning to a freezing cold flat.”
“I’ll be fine.” She closed the space between them, draping her arms over his shoulders. “You were restless last eve.”
“Did I wake you?”
“Once,” she nodded, meeting his gaze. “A nightmare?”
He said nothing at first, but then slowly nodded. “It happens from time to time. I’m back in that clearing, and I know I am about to die and instead of being afraid for the hobbits, I’m afraid for you.”
“Me? But I was in no danger that day. No orcs saw me.”
“No, but sometimes it the one who happened upon you in your garden. Other times, you’re in the clearing right alongside me. It changes.”
“Perhaps once this is all over, the dreams will stop.”
“I certainly hope so. It’s exhausting at times, you know, trying to push through on almost no sleep.”
“I do know. In the weeks following the destruction of my village, I rarely slept a whole night through. I jumped at every sound, at every stick breaking and leaf crunching. Not even when I happened upon the cabin, did I sleep well at first. I was convinced they’d find me, but looking back, I highly doubt they searched for me. Once they’d moved on, they’d moved on.” She reached to curve her hand against his cheek. “And the nightmares will hopefully soon cease for you, as well.”
“I do hope so.” He pressed a kiss into the top of her head. “Are you certain you don't wish me to make certain someone comes up to tend the fires?”
She shook her head. “I’m positive. Besides,” she offered up a grin, “this gown is far warmer than I would never need.”
A smile tugged at his lips. “Is that so?”
“It is, indeed. It’s cozy and soft and it smells of you. I could just happily live in it.”
“Very well,” he pursed his lips as if thinking very hard about the subject. “I suppose I could leave it behind.”
“Leave it behind? Boromir, you know you had no intention of packing this. When I found you, you had but a single other pair of trousers and tunic and two pairs of socks and two pair of small clothes. You did not carry anything more and you know it.”
“Very well, you have me there. Velvet never suited me, to be honest.”
“So why do you have this?”
“It was a gift. From a…” he hesitated slightly, “friend.”
“It was someone who did not know you well then, for I would never give you anything sewn of velvet. Leather, wool, steel, perhaps,” she grinned at him, “but never velvet.”
“That is because you know me, Kaia. She did not.”
She leaned in to brush his lips with hers. His fingers tensed on her hips and when she drew back, he asked, “If my keeping the dressing gown troubles you, I have no qualms of tossing.”
“Why would it trouble me? It’s cozy and warm and it smells of you.” She straightened up, shaking her head. “It bothers me not how you came into it, if that’s what you think.”
“It—it doesn’t?”
“No. Why would it? It would be rather naive of me to believe you’ve known no other women before me, don't you think?”
“I have no idea what you mean.”
“Of course you don’t.”
“I mean it,” he grinned up at her, “for there have been no women before you.”
She threaded her fingers through his hair, drawing it away from his face. “There is no way you haven’t known any other before me, for you are far too skilled for me to believe otherwise.”
“I thank you for the compliment,” he replied, tugging her close once more.
She wound her arms about his neck before settling against him. “I will miss you, you know. It will be odd, sleeping alone once again.”
“I’ve no doubt you will adjust and when I return, will not want to give up all that space.”
“Or I’ll be huge by then and there simply won’t be room for you.”
“How long do you think this will take me?” He smiled, letting one hand slide down along her lower stomach. “You haven’t even begun to show yet and already you need all of the room in our bed?”
Her eyes stung unexpectedly as she brought her hand to rest over his. “I’m trying to keep my spirits up, but I have to tell you, I’m not going to sleep soundly until you return. Not a wink.”
“You will,” he told her. “You lying awake, night after night, staring up at the ceiling and putting both you and the baby at risk does nothing to keep me safe, you know.”
“I know, but—”
“No but,” he interrupted gently, shaking his head. “You have something far more important to be concerned with, Kaia. And I know you neither want nor need me to tell you this, but it’s true.”
“I know that, but I’m also going to be worrying for you as well and you cannot change that.”
His thumb swept lightly in an arc along her lower stomach. “Take care of yourself first and foremost, love. Promise me you will.”
“Boromir, I—”
“Promise me, love. And mean it. Otherwise I will have Ioreth assign someone to come up here and watch over you.”
“You do, and I will never forgive you.”
“I will take my chances if it means you give us a healthy child.”
“You are being dramatic now, you know.”
“Just say yes, Kaia… please?”
A soft sigh bubbled to her lips. “Very well. I won’t worry about you at all. In fact, I’ll think of you so rarely that when you return, I wont have any idea who you are at all.”
He smiled and a low chuckle bubbled to his lips. “Good. Then I can win you all over again.”
“I love you, Boromir.”
He slid his hand back around to the small of her back and drew her up against him. Just before his lips met hers, he whispered, “I love you, too, Kaia.”
Kaia tried to ignore the way her throat tightened as she drew her cloak tighter about her shoulders and tucked her arm through Boromir’s to see him down to the stables on the lower level.
Four other men were already there and while she she did not recognize them, she had the feeling which one was who. Aragorn, the rightful king, Legolas the elf, Gimli the dwarf, and Éomer of Rohan, who so strongly resembled his sister she would have had to be blind or stupid to not know who he might be. All but Legolas looked scruffy and bedraggled, but the elf appeared not to have a bit of wear on him. His shimmering, almost white-blond hair was sleek in its ponytail, his face smooth and unlined and a total opposite to Aragorn, whose dark hair hung in strings about his shoulders and who was in dire need of shaving.
Gimli was the first dwarf she had ever seen and at first, she couldn't help but stare. He was half her height, his rust colored beard hanging almost to his knees and his equally red hair tumbled about his shoulders and partway down his wide back. 
Her heart beat faster as Boromir turned to her. Swallowing hard, she met his gaze. “You will be careful, won’t you?”
“You know I will.” His eyes softened and his hands came to rest upon her hips. “And I will be back before you’ve even realized I’ve gone.”
“You’d better be.”
“I will.”
With that, Gandalf, and the two halflings, Merry and Pippin although she did not know which was which, arrived as well and the grooms move about to ready their horses. Time seemed to speed up as she caught Boromir’s face between her hands and said, “Be careful. We want you back here safe and sound and in one piece.”
“I will and I will.”
Her eyes stung, so she let them close as he brushed her lips with his and then whispered, “I love you.”
Her voice cracked as she tried to reply, so she cleared her throat and tried again. “I love you, too.”
He kissed her once more, then she stepped back to allow him room to pass by her to get to his own horse. Swallowing hard, she didn't move as they filed from the stables, the soft clop of the horses’ hooves fading into the distance and the silence that settled over her was heavier than any she had ever felt before. 
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frodo-with-glasses · 3 years ago
Stupid Domestic Headcanons for the Bag End Household
(Yes I know this is AU just shut up and let me have this)
The Gamgee kids call Frodo “Uncle”
Sam initially tried teaching them to say “Mr. Frodo” all proper-like, because it’s the respectful way for folks like them to address a gentlehobbit
But the grown-ups—especially Merry and Pippin—would occasionally say “Uncle Frodo” as a joke, and the kids caught on to that started saying it non-ironically
To Sam’s mortification, Frodo encouraged this
By the fifth child Sam just gave up and let the “Uncle Frodo” thing stick
Frodo plays favorites
He will vehemently deny this. How DARE you insinuate he has a favorite Gamgee child, that’s preposterous, he couldn’t possibly choose just one, he loves them all equally and favoring one over the others would be like choosing a favorite from his own children and it’s Elanor
The first time he held her, she was one and a half hours old and extremely tiny—not tiny for a newborn, but tiny for anyone without much experience with newborns—and his brain did a speed-run of recontextualizing his entire life and realizing that the sacrifices that he made to destroy the Ring were exactly what made the world safe for this tiny, wrinkled, fragile little Hobbit baby to grow up happy and free and whole and he absolutely broke down crying
She’s been his favorite ever since
She hangs out in his study in her free time and talks about whatever is on her mind while he’s busy translating Elvish texts or whatever
She’ll tell him about her day—about the runaway sheep that she helped chase back into the neighbor’s pen or the embroidery sample she did that day or the neighbor boy down the lane whom she thinks is cute—and he’ll nod and hum in acknowledgment and ask small clarifying questions until she gets bored of talking and then she’ll ask “what are you doing?” and he’ll launch into a detailed academic lecture about history or geography or linguistics
She actually understands pretty well. Partly because she’s a bright student, and partly because he’s a good teacher and skilled at simplifying things so she understands them.
Elanor will randomly whip out a random factoid about ye olden Gondorian king while she’s potting flowers in the garden and Sam will immediately shoot a look at Frodo that’s both impressed and exasperated
On that note, Frodo takes it upon himself to see that any Gamgee child who is interested will know how to read
Rosie listens in on the lessons and learns along with her kids
She actually learned her letters towards the end of her first pregnancy; as soon as she got so big and tired that she spent more time moping around the house than helping Sam in the garden, Frodo took the opportunity to distract her with the alphabet
One of the first texts he used as a primer for Rosie was Bilbo’s “cow jumped over the moon” poem
Sam thought this was Very Funny
Frodo Jr. has an oliphaunt plushie that he carries around like a security blanket
He’s had it since he was a baby, when Rosie sewed the thing herself based on Sam’s descriptions
It’s been patched so many times it’s barely recognizable, but it’s still his “olly-fant”
He’s very nearly as obsessed with oliphaunts as his dad is
There is an entire wall in the front hallway that is used for tracking the kids’ heights
It was originally just a doorway, but then there started to be too many kids, and the notches in the doorframe got muddled and it was hard to tell whose mark was whose and now it is a wall
Sam’s sisters basically adopted Rosie as one of their own and get along like a house on fire
It’s a rare day that one of them doesn’t come over for tea and a bit of gossip and brings the cousins along for a play-date
Bag End is constantly full of the happy screams of hobbit children
Frodo has leaned to either deal with this or kick them all outside when he needs to concentrate
Frodo and Rosie were initially pretty awkward around one another
Frodo didn’t want to intrude on Sam’s new marriage, and Rosie didn’t know exactly how to address her husband’s tortured, melancholy soul-friend who happens to be a member of the gentry
But then Rosie managed to help calm Frodo down from one of his panic attacks (which Sam calls “fits”) while Sam was unavailable, which immediately broke the ice and cemented their friendship
Rosie has learned that whenever either one of her boys (read: Frodo and Sam) is being stubborn and unreasonable, the best course of action is to get the other one of her boys and have him come whip his best friend into shape
Frodo will give a long, calm, in-depth lecture about why Rosie is right and you really ought to listen closer to your wife, Samwise; Sam will just make sad eyes at Frodo until he agrees to eat or bathe or sleep or whatever he’s neglecting to do this time
The fact that the boys know she’s pitting them against each other doesn’t make it any less effective
Especially if she’s with child again; never has Frodo folded quicker and agreed to eat something sooner than when he’s getting sad puppy eyes from Sam and a very pregnant Rosie at the same time
Frodo sees Rosie as an extension of the life-debt he has to Sam and considers it his duty to ensure her safety and well-being, and this causes him to get very protective over her sometimes
Sam knows that Rosie can hold her own if someone says something untoward about her (likelier than not some gossip about her living with two male hobbits), but Frodo hasn’t yet got it into his head that Rosie can defend herself just fine and he will GO OFF if anyone so much as looks at her wrong
He also frets over her when she’s pregnant even more than Sam does
Again, this is not for lack of Sam’s attention, but because Frodo is an anxious worry-wort
Rosie sees Frodo as something between “distant older brother” or “weird uncle”
She thinks he’s very strange and eccentric, and—like having a funky-looking cat—that just makes her more fond of him
She’s heard enough of Sam and Frodo’s journey to piece together what happened, and because of it she is both in awe of Frodo and deeply saddened by the sacrifices he had to make; she considers it her own little service to Middle Earth to help make life comfortable and joyful and good for the two hobbits who saved her world
Because of his trauma, Frodo is prone to what Sam calls “fits” (aka panic attacks) and “moods” (aka depressive slumps), and Rosie has learned how to deal with both, and she teaches the older children how to help as soon as they’re old enough to understand
Elanor is her greatest helper; Frodo always seems to be able to muster a little smile for her, no matter how bad he’s feeling, even if he has to fake it
When Frodo is not in one of his “moods” (which tend to be worse around September through March), he is constantly working on recording his history of the War of the Ring and translating Elvish texts and corresponding back and forth with Aragorn in long letters to Gondor and secretly trying to write poems and songs to express his gratitude to Sam; he’s got reams and reams of the lattermost category, but never feels like he can get it quite right
But he’ll share his work with Sam if he’s at least 75% happy with it, and it always makes Sam cry
Journeyman is one of the first of those songs, and it was Sam’s favorite
Sam used to sing it to his kids at bedtime, and Frodo would hear his voice from the hall and get a little misty-eyed
Frodo’s favorite phrase, when he runs out of ways to say “thank you” to Sam, is “Rosie dear, come kiss your husband for me” because then he can just sit back and chuckle into his tea while Sam flushes up red like a tomato
Sometimes Legolas and Gimli drop in for a visit and all madness breaks loose
More infrequently, sometimes Aragorn comes to visit and quickly becomes a living jungle-gym for all the little Gamgees
But their favorite guest, of course, is Gandalf, who always shows up unexpected with sweets to distract all the little Hobbits from swarming him and hiding under his robes and wearing his hat
Frodo never marries and remains single as a pringle, and as happy as his health will allow, for the rest of his natural life
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celeste-clearwater-06 · 4 years ago
Hello! I was wondering if you could please write something about how the Fellowship (+ Thorin?) Would help a s/o who's Disabled and Chronically ill. Like she has a lot of symptoms like chronic pain, chronic fatigue, difficulty sleeping, difficulty breathing at times, difficulty walking at times, higher sensitivity to the cold, difficulty talking at times, and anxiety, depression and executive dysfunction?
I've been really struggling with my chronic illnesses lately, namely my Autism, Anxiety, Sleep Apnea, a really bad Overbite, Raynaud's Syndrome, Asthma, etc, so I'd really appreciate an Imagine like this. I have a really weird disorder where one of my legs is longer than the other, and it's been causing me a lot of pain and difficulty walking lately, and people have been bullying me for it a lot too, so I could really use a Comfort Imagine right now. Thanks so much hun!!
It's no problem! I'm glad I can provide some comfort!! For each character, I'll use a specific struggling area, to make it a bit easier!! I hope I got these accurate enough, and of there are any mistakes, feel free to point them out!! You are strong, beautiful and so, so amazing!! Keep being you!! ❤❤
Help (The Fellowship// Thorin x Fem!Reader)
Aragorn (Autism)
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Aragorn has known you for a long time, so helping with your autism is not new for him
He's particularly experienced in reading your emotions and meeting your needs, whether it's helping you out of stressful situations or calming you down, he's there 🥺
If there are large and boisterous gatherings in Rivendell, its almost guaranteed that you can become over-stimulated quickly, and Aragorn immediately senses this (spidey senses õoõ)
He's fast to find your hand and give it a gentle squeeze of reassurance
If that doesn't seem to help, he'll instantly stop what he's doing and take you out of the room
If you're someone who prefers lots of space and little physical contact, he is 100% respectful of this and asks if you'll let him touch or hug you (very much gentleman 😌)
If ever you're confronted by someone of importance, Aragorn is right by your side to ease some of the tension
Sometimes there are things you find difficult to say or get out of your system
The king seems to know exactly what it is and will help you out by saying it or asking you simple questions that you can easily answer
And he always reminds you, no matter WHAT
You may struggle with some parts of your life, but every day, he's constantly telling you that you're very intelligent and kind
His patience is unending and he'll never let you think down on yourself
Overall, Aragorn is always someone and reminding you that it's all going to be okay ❤❤
Legolas (Anxiety)
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Most nights, Legolas keeps watch (since elves don't require much sleep) and notices that you jolt awake out of the random
Now, most of the Fellowship notices that you're usually awake and ready to go before anyone else
But Legolas is really the one to address you first
You were a bit nervous to explain, since you didn't want to worry him or the great of the fellowship, amount the other disadvantages you have
He gently encouraged you, and finally, you explained to him your sleep apnea
Yeah, he was very concerned
I mean, his blue eyes widened with terror when you told him that you could basically die in your sleep if you weren't attentive enough 🙃
Legolas, from now on, sleeps directly next to you, or keeps extra careful watch over you at night
Because he could NEVER see his precious mortal friend become injured... Or worse 🥺🥺❤
The other members had noticed a change in his behaviors towards you as well...
Gimli teased him whenever he caught Legolas giving you some extra lembas bread or offered to carry you 👉👈
You really tried to assure Legolas that it wasn't a big deal when you were awake, since you're aware of your breathing situation
But still 😤
Legolas will always bring you comfort and take great care of you, and that will NEVER CHANGE
Because he loves you very much ❤🦋
Frodo (Anxiety)
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Frodo is familiar with the feeling of great anxiety, seeing he had a stress-free life while living in the Shire and suddenly was forced to carry a piece of jewelry all the way to giant ass volcano
It's easy for you two to comfort each other and seek refuge in thoughts and feelings ❤
He's not super comfortable with the thought of you having a panic attack though...
Only because he's never had one
It starts to give him a panic attack whenever you have one around him the first time 😳-
Any time you begin to breathe heavy or hyperventilate, halfling boy is hot at your heels, rubbing your back and reminding you to breathe gently
(So many hugs, if you're up for it)
After you calm down, he's constantly checking on you, asking if you need anything etc.
Really, he just wants to know if he can help 🥺
And even with the weight and stress of carrying the ring, Frodo manages to cheer you up somehow
Samwise (Asthma)
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Sam has never had to deal with asthma once in his life
He's very nervous when the subject is brought, afraid it might trigger something inside of you 🥺👉👈
But you just chuckle, assure him that it's alright, and you have ways of keeping it under control
And now, he wants to know everything about it, just to have the awareness in case something happens
Sam just wants to protect you forever, and this was a great way for him to start
He constantly reminds Aragorn that you'll need breathing breaks and will convince Gandalf to let you ride on his horse
He'll scold Pip and Merry if they are trying to drag you around and be silly, because as he says
"You'll rouse him/her/them up! We can't have Y/N gettin injured!" 🤨😠
Sam is MOM
As always, he's very kind and always makes sure your needs are met ❤🥺
Pippin and Merry (Raynaud's Syndrome)
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Very confused halfings 🤔
Also extremely concerned!
You were eating one of the lesser pleasurable nights
It was cold and rainy, and a fire couldn't be started, not to mention the quiet arguments of Aragorn and Gandalf in the nearby woods
And Pip's eyes widened when he saw the tips of your petite fingers begin to pale upon hearing Aragorn mention Orcs
"What's wrong with your hands?!" He squeaked, pointing towards your now white-colored fingertips
You hadn't even noticed, nor felt, considering they were numb anyways
Merry looked over his cousin's shoulder and his eyes also widened, not with fright, but wonder
They were both fascinated with your condition, convinced that you were casting some spell Gandalf showed you
Although you reassured them it was just an extremely frustrating inconvenience that you had, among other things
So from then on, the disastrobus duo did their best to keep you out of the cold (and stressful situations!!)
As a distraction, the pair will tell you great stories of the shire, doing little dances and skits that always cheer you up 🥴
Sometimes, they can be a little rambunctious though...
Merry will pick up on this fact quickly, and nudge Pippin to get him to calm down
Even though it may not feel the best
They find your syndrome absolutely fascinating!! 🤔🤔
All in all, these two are always up for keeping your beautiful smile on your face and your spirits high!! ❤🌺
Boromir (Depression)
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Throughout the journey, Boromir has always found an easy way to make you smile
After all, he himself has a fascinating way of brightening anyone's spirits
Yours included ❤
Boromir may not have great stories from The Shire, like Pip and Merry, but he sure has a lot of positive things to say
He'll often suggest sparring with the two troublemaking halflings, just so you can see him goof up and get knocked over 🥺
If the nights become cold and weary, he'll give you a warm hug or a nudge on the shoulder
And a few words of helpful encouragement along the lines of;
"Don't fret Y/N. You have more strength than you'll ever know."
"Let our spirits never dampen! We've come this far!" 😊
He's also an incredible listener
Boromir wants to hear what you have to say if you ever need to rant or get something off of your chest
And don't think for a second that he would ever judge you 😤
Son of Gondor sees past all of your insecurities and knows you for your beautiful, amazing self ❤❤
Gimli (Walking disadvantages)
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As you travel across great plains and mountains, your limp doesn't go unnoticed by Gimli
It may take him a while to open up about it, since he's afraid he might offend you in some way
And once he asks you, you inform him that it's a difficulty that unfortunately cannot be changed any time soon
And where you come from, lots of people tease and bully you about it
He did NOT handle it well 😳
Although this Dwarf is short and a bit slow at times
He's fascinatingly strong 😳
And so, he makes it his duty to be your designated carrier 🥺
At first, your a tad skeptical...
I mean, he's only around 4 feet tall...
Gimli will happily carry you great distances when you need a break, and even longer
(Sometimes it's just to show off around the others-)
"Gimli, are you sure you don't want a break?"
"Aye lass! The strength of Dwarves is unending!" 😌
*struggling to breathe*
11/10, fantastic dwarf, will never let you down!!
Thorin (Executive Dysfunction)
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Another Dwarf??
Thorin himself has trouble keeping composure with his time management (and sense of direction 🙄)
This means that he'll have an undying amount of patience for you and you only
There's just something about you that he fond of, and it fills in that little sassy, brooding place in his heart
Can also relate to you whenever you grow frustrated at the setback of your journey or lack of sleep
Is 100% willing to help you find your lost belongings (and once again, ONLY YOU)
Thorin will literally make the whole traveling party stop so that you can put something in your bag and make sure that you put it somewhere you'll remember
Always happy to give you extra gentle reminders of keeping your pack closed
The company is utterly SHOCKED with how he treats you
I mean, this man has always been extremely stubborn and hard headed
But when you show up, it's another person he can easily relate and share frustrations with
Also a master at organization?!? 🤔
The one thing he could do successfully was organizing the damn journey and traveling company, so ofc he's gonna be good at that 😂
Yeah, Thorin definitely has a soft spot for you
King under the mountain will never run out of patience and kindness for you 😌💙
Sorry these took so long!! I hope you like them!! ❤❤
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lilyofthesword-writes · 4 years ago
Anomaly (Haldir Oneshot)
Summary: Haldir meets you, a member of the Fellowship seeking passage through Lothlorien. Though not a fan of humans, he is curious about you.
Pairing: Haldir x F!Reader
Word Count: 5,111
Warnings/Disclaimers: A curse word. Some violence due to the Battle of Hornburg/Helm’s Deep and Minas Tirith. Injury, mentions of blood.
A/N: This is told more from Haldir’s perspective. Based off another weird dream I had. Threw in a bit of the book as well. Really wanted to get this out cuz my boi needs more love.
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Haldir gazed at you from afar while he was on watch that evening. You were... peculiar to him. When he came across the Fellowship trying to pass through the Golden Wood, he never expected to find a human woman in their midst. The world of man was an anomaly to him despite his numerous interactions over hundreds of years. Human women were not granted the same rights and privileges as the men, a foreign to him. This was not the way of Elven culture. Meeting you there was refreshing in a way.
In conversing with Aragorn, he learned you were a soldier of Gondor who had traveled alongside Boromir and joined the Fellowship. You were a fierce warrior but kept a calm air about you. The few human female fighters he had come across, be it on purpose or part of their nature, generally overcompensated, feeling the need to prove themselves constantly. You did not. When the Marchwarden and his company initially surrounded the Fellowship, everyone drew their weapons, ready for the next challenge. You opted to place your hands on Frodo’s and Sam’s shoulders to calm them while Merry and Pippin stood at either side. Instead of fear or anger, Haldir saw an analytical curiosity gleaming in your eyes.
Even now as he kept you in his peripheral, your eyes held a certain light, a light not caused by reflecting the bright moon. It was a kind of serenity most humans rarely portrayed. It didn’t break even as pounding of ambitious orc feet hit the forest floor below. All you did was gently shift your arms that held two sleep-ridden hobbits.
Since the platforms amongst the trees were not large enough to contain both the Fellowship and Haldir’s party together, you had to be split apart. Aragorn kept you, Legolas, Frodo and Sam while Boromir, Gimli, Merry and Pippin rested on a neighboring platform. You had taken to the Hobbits just as much Boromir had, your arms wrapped around them with their heads resting on either shoulder. How you bonded with the curious creatures so well, Haldir would never know. You managed to bring a semblance of peace to their aching hearts, enough so they could rest. He could not imagine it was an easy feat considering all the Fellowship had been through. It made him wonder what Lady Galadriel would make of you.
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Upon reaching Caras Galadhon, you practically vibrated with childish delight. Although you had been to Rivendell, you had never seen anything quite like the capital city, that much Haldir was certain. The corners of his mouth tugged into the faintest of smiles when he saw your elated face. He turned away to restore his stoic facade, but unknowingly caught the attention of another. Aragorn shot him a knowing smirk as their eyes met momentarily. Haldir said nothing and continued to lead the way up the stairs spiraling the ancient trees.
Up the stairs, across some bridges and the Fellowship was in the presence of Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn. Haldir bared witness to the interactions from the sidelines. He knew when Lady Galadriel entered each of their minds through their minute expressions. While most struggled to remain slightly neutral to her ministrations, others had a difficult time hiding their horror. You, on the other hand, parted your lips with an acute tilt of your head, not bothering to mask your wonder or amusement.
The meeting came to a close shortly after. Lady Galadriel’s gaze swept over the group, ultimately landing on you. Haldir knew she would call upon you later that evening. Until then, he was tasked with guiding the Fellowship to where they would be resting.
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It was long after the others had gone to bed, after Frodo returned from the mirror, when Haldir learned he was correct. He spied you and Lady Galadriel wandering the halls, speaking softly amongst yourselves. What about, he could not say. He swiftly took the next pathway so as not to intrude on your private moment.
Marchwarden. Please come.
Always the obedient one, he turned himself around to join you both.
He greeted the pair of you with a bow.
“Marchwarden,” Lady Galadriel responded with a smile. “Would you be so kind as to escort our guest back to her company? The hour is late, and she deserves just as much rest as her friends.”
“Of course, my lady.”
Haldir held out his arm for you to take which you did after properly bidding Lady Galadriel a good night with a bow. He led you along the walkways, taking his time in doing so. This would more than likely be one of the few times he would be able to speak with you alone. The Fellowship would continue on their quest as soon as possible.
“These woods are truly a wonder. I have never experienced anything quite like it,” you started, breaking the quiet between you, voice so delicate it was hard to believe you were the warrior Aragorn made you out to be.
An agreeing hum quietly rumbled in his throat. “It is a gem of Middle Earth.”
“I must agree. I think I can understand your fierce desire to protect this place, your home.”
“I am sure you wish to protect Gondor just as much. Your dedication to the Fellowship is proof of that.”
“Despite the hardships,” you tried to hide the way you sucked in a breath, “I am glad to be a part of this. They have all become like family to me.”
Hearing the grief lightly laced in your voice, Haldir stopped and pulled his arm away just enough to take your hand, turning to stand in front of you. With his free hand he cupped your cheek to catch the stray tear that had escaped your lashes. He was at a loss for words. Comforting others was not a skill commonly taught to Marchwardens. You caught his hand before he had a chance to think about retracting it, leaning into his touch. He closed the last bit of distance between you two and stroked the swell of your cheek with his thumb, your eyes shutting to bask in the moment.
An eternity or mere moments passed. Neither of you could tell by the time you finally spoke. “Thank you.”
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The day your company was set to leave, Haldir felt a small pang in his heart. Why was he so bothered by your departure? He had only had the one major interaction with you. The rest of his time was spent either training or on patrol, and on patrol really meant him keeping an eye on the Fellowship. You just happened to be around when he took watch, or so he tried to convince himself.
He stood aside as Lady Galadriel offered her gifts to the travelers, giving them each something they would need or want. She bestowed on you a small Elven dagger, tiny enough to conceal in a boot with little discomfort. The Marchwarden, though content you had some extra to defend yourself with, hoped you would never need to use it.
Haldir then brought the Fellowship to the boats where everyone’s belongings were already packed and settled. He couldn’t bring himself to look at you while everyone said their proper farewells, but nothing stopped him from following down river to the borders. He and his troupe had orders to make sure you all reached them safely anyways.
Despite being hidden amongst the trees, it was like you knew he was there. Your head turned towards him as you passed the borders, not making eye contact but still unnervingly close to it. A tiny smile graced your lips before returning to the task at hand.
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Helm’s Deep was not where the Marchwarden wanted to be, but he still had his orders. He was charged with leading an Elven army to help defend the kingdom of Rohan. Entering the gates, he was speaking with a perplexed King Théoden when what was left of your party rounded the corner. Your grin shone brightly in the dark when Aragorn surprised him with an embrace.
Haldir found himself both pleased and upset by your presence. While you looked to be in good health, he did not know your full battle prowess and as such was unsure how you would handle the soon-to-be battlefield. However, he never had the chance to voice his concerns as he needed to position his soldiers.
The rain poured when the standoff with the Orcs and Uruk-hai began, pinging off of helmets loudly. Haldir stood among his fellow Elves. Aragorn spread the rest of you out, sending you to the opposite end of Helm’s Deep where Haldir’s view was partially obscured. He could at least see you standing proudly alongside the other men. He could only imagine the fire in your eyes.
When the battle began, it raged with seemingly no good end in sight. A section of the wall had exploded with Aragorn near enough to be caught in the blast. Haldir could hear you bark your clear and concise orders to the men as you rushed to help Aragorn. Upon reaching his feet, Aragorn yelled out the order to retreat further in to better protect the caves the women and children were hiding in. Haldir belayed the orders in his native tongue to his soldiers.
He made sure the soldiers retreated but was unable to do so himself. Surrounded by the enemy on a high ledge, he slashed through them in an attempt to make a path for himself. His weariness had caught up with him as he was hit in the side with a jagged weapon.
He spun around as someone called him, ready to slice through his assailant. It fell to the ground as he faced it, revealing you with a now broken sword which you cast away. You stepped over the dead enemy to get a better look at him. Haldir clutched his side when you tried to check on his wound.
“How bad is it?”
“You should be retreating,” he tried to dodge the question.
“As should you,” you answered sternly, locking eyes with him. “Are you still able to keep moving?”
“Good. We must go quickly.”
You reached out to help him when your breath hitched. You lurched towards him, grabbing his free arm to pull him forward, the motion catapulting you behind him. You ripped the dagger from your boot as you continued towards the Orc that had snuck up behind Haldir, and shoved it between the layers of its armor. In the creature’s last breath, it brought down its sword on your shoulder, forcing you to your knees.
Haldir rushed to your side, stabbing the Orc once more for good measure before shoving it off the ledge. He kneeled in front of you, clenching his jaw to ignore the pain in his side, and held you steady by your upper arms. Your eyes were glassing over while you desperately tried to keep your head up to look at him.
He called out your name. “We need to follow the others. Are you able to stand?”
You blinked a few times before hoarsely whispering, “I... I don’t... know.”
Your shoulder bled profusely as Haldir tried to help you stand. He took on most of your weight with your arm over his shoulder. You wouldn’t last much longer without a healer’s attention. Biting back his own pain, he practically carried you down the stairs to solid ground where Aragorn met you. He and what little was left of the soldiers who had not yet retreated formed around the two of you, furiously slicing at the Orcs and Uruk-hai that would stop you from reaching the main halls.
Soldiers who were protecting the doors ushered you inside immediately where Haldir brought you into the caves for the healers to watch over. One tried to make him sit momentarily to tend to his own injury, but he brushed them away. He could still continue. His ribs were probably bruised, if not broken, but his armor kept the damage from being life threatening. He promptly left to speak with Aragorn about the next plan of attack. He would be damned if he allowed any of those foul beings to pass into the caves to finish the job.
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The battle was won, Gandalf having arrived with reinforcements right when they needed him most. When victory was assured, the Marchwarden wasted no time in returning to the caves where you lay unconscious. The healers bandaged you to the best of their abilities given the circumstances, and you were at least breathing steadily.
Much to the surprise of his fellow elves and your company, Haldir rarely left your side, even during the trek back to Edoras. He was still there when you woke safely in the Golden Halls of Meduseld.
Your eyes struggled to open as you stirred awake. “Wh-what happened?” Your voice was hoarse from sleep and lack of water.
“You were struck down, Mellon nin.” Haldir brushed a rogue strand of hair from your forehead and placed his hand on yours. “We were able to retreat to the caves.”
“And the battle?” Your arms shook as you tried to sit up and lean your weight on your good side. “The outcome?”
The Marchwarden tried to settle you back down, but you would not relent. “We were victorious. Gandalf arrived with reinforcements at dawn and drove the enemy out.”
You began to relax at that before another question flooded your mind. “What about-”
“Your friends are well,” he chuckled at your persistence. “They are preparing to leave for Isengard soon. Word has returned that it has fallen.”
Before you had a chance to ask another question, he helped you sit up the rest of the way so as not to aggravate your wound further with your stubbornness and handed you a glass of water. You drank it slowly despite your need to relinquish your thirst.
“Thank you.” You passed the glass back to him, your voice clearer now. “When do they leave?”
“Tomorrow morning, I believe,” Haldir answered and coaxed you to lay back down.
You nodded with a hum. “I suppose I should rest more, then. If there is a chance that Merry and Pippin are there and well, I would like to be there.”
“Mellon nin, your injury is not yet healed.”
“A mere shoulder wound will not prevent me from riding to Isengard,” you huffed.
“It is nothing to scoff at. Mellon nin, you almost died,” he pleaded with you, taking one of your hands in both of his.
“Haldir, I still have my duty to the Fellowship. I cannot abandon them.”
“Tending to your health is not abandoning anyone,” he spoke softly as he ran a thumb across your knuckles. “You will still be able to continue your quest when you have healed.”
You sighed deeply, looking to the ceiling as though collecting your thoughts. “I just... This is something I feel like I need to do.”
A deafening silence showered the room. Haldir studied you for a moment, your unencumbered hand fiddling with the sheets. Your mind was made up, and there was nothing he could do.
“Mellon nin,” he breathed, reaching for your face so you would look at him. “You will not let this go, will you?”
You shook your head with determined yet pleading eyes.
He squeezed your hand gently. “Then, I suppose all I can ask of you is to get your rest tonight.”
“Thank you.” With a smile, your thumb glided over his.
He made to stand so you could sleep in peace without him hovering. As he pulled his hand away, you gripped it tighter.
“Haldir? Will you stay? At least until I fall asleep? I am not sure I wish to be alone right now.”
Taken aback, he stood there dumbly before retaking his seat. “Of course, Mellon nin.”
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The next morning, the remaining members of the Fellowship gathered at the stables. Aragorn was in the middle of trying to convince you to stay behind. Gandalf stood out of the way with Gimli, biting back a laugh at Aragorn’s futile efforts, while Haldir and Legolas prepared the horses.
“You will only worsen your injury,” Aragorn chided.
You folded your arms defiantly across your chest. “One trip on horseback is not so arduous.”
“She has already made up her mind, Aragorn. I doubt you will be able to change it,” Gandalf chimed in.
Haldir was tightening the saddle on the horse that would carry you so it was more secure when Legolas silently sidled up to him. “You have already said your peace, have you not?”
“What makes you say that?” Haldir twisted the saddle to test it.
“You have barely left her side since our victory. You must have spoken with her before now,” Legolas quipped.
“Indeed, I have.”
“Then, surely in your fondness of her you would have tried to convince her to stay behind.”
“Fondness?” Haldir stilled a moment before adjusting the straps again. “We are friends, Legolas. Nothing more.”
“Then why is it you have been meticulously preparing this one horse whilst I have already saddled three?” Legolas shot him a pointed smirk.
The Marchwarden felt himself flush all the way to the tips of his ears. “She is still injured. I- We cannot risk her hurting herself further.”
Legolas held his chuckle in his throat as a hum. “The sooner you stop attempting to fool yourself, Mellon-”
“Alright, you may join us!” Aragorn growled with a huff, stealing the attention of the bickering elves. “However, the moment a battle should arise, you are to return here.”
“Of course,” you complied, a stubborn edge to your voice.
Aragorn’s heavy sigh was littered with grit. “Are the horses ready?”
Haldir and Legolas nodded swiftly.
“Good. Let us be on our way.”
You made your way to the Marchwarden who was beckoning you over.
“Are you sure there is nothing I can do to change your mind, Mellon nin?” he asked softly.
“I am, yes.”
You flashed a smile at him before placing a foot in the stirrup. Haldir remained hovering near you. Your shoulder strained as you willed your arms to reach the saddle, steadying yourself as you pushed down on the stirrup to lift yourself up. Midway up, you lost your grip as your shoulder suddenly gave out. Haldir was quick to press a hand to your back to stop your fall. He noticed how your jaw tensed to grind out what was obviously the pain of your wound, but you were still determined to mount the horse.
“Here.” He gripped your waist. “I apologize if this seems forward.”
He raised you enough so you could swing your leg over the saddle, letting you go the moment you had your balance.
“N-not at all. Thank you.”
You held the reins tightly as you settled down, knuckles turning white like it could make everything better. Haldir felt his chest tighten and covered one of your hands with his own, eyes filled with concern. Your head snapped down to meet his gaze. With a reassuring yet forced smile, you attempted to relax your muscles to conceal just how much your injury hurt, but he saw right through it.
With a heavy sigh and shake of his head, he took hold of the saddle and hoisted himself up behind you.
“What are you-”
“If your pain is that severe, you shall not ride alone,” Haldir interrupted, finality in his tone.
“Haldir, this is not necessary,” you argued as he pulled the reins from your hands.
Legolas slinked by with Gimli on their horse, sending you two a knowing smile. The Marchwarden’s blush bled to his ears again. He didn’t notice your own flushed face.
Haldir cleared his throat. “Let us go before we fall behind.”
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The journey to Isengard was quiet and uneventful. Partway through the trip, you finally allowed yourself to relax, not realizing you were leaning back into Haldir. Though bemused, he was not about to protest.
Collecting Merry and Pippin was as simple as it was amusing. They were most excited about reuniting with their companions. It was on the ride back that you and Haldir overheard their teasing about you sharing a horse. Aragorn and the others bit back grins and commentary of their own.
The festivities that followed upon returning to Edoras were no better, the ale at least partly to blame. The Marchwarden and what remained of his soldiers were settled near Legolas who was currently in the middle of a drinking match with Gimli. You had yet to arrive. Eowyn was the only reason Haldir was not at your side forcing you to rest. She tended to your shoulder, promising to return you for the celebration. He would have preferred you did not come for the sake of your health, but as long as you were not overexerting yourself again, he would not complain.
He swirled the ale in his mug after taking a swig, mulling over recent events. Usually he was not one to allow his emotions control his actions, and yet he was doing that much more often now. He felt like he couldn’t help himself. There was this overwhelming desire to keep you safe, keep you close, regardless of the fact that you were perfectly capable of handling yourself. Haldir had caught a glimpse of your abilities at Helm’s Deep. There was a reason you had gone to Rivendell with Boromir and joined the Fellowship.
As if to break him of his spiraling thoughts before they grew out of control, one of his neighboring elves nudged his arm, winking and motioning him to look up. He lifted his gaze, about to make a remark for the elf’s teasing, when he saw Eowyn stepping into the room with you close at her side.
The music, shouts, laughter - they all faded away from his ears. You practically radiated light despite your nervous self on display. Eowyn had lent you one of her dresses, the fabric draping differently on your frame from hers yet no less perfect. She caught Haldir’s gawking and whispered something in your ear with a smirk. You glanced up to see him but dipped your head back down to where your hair curtained your tiny, bashful smile. Eowyn was quick to tuck the offending hair behind your ear. She giggled and murmured to you again, resulting in your flustered rush to join your companions.
Haldir focused on his ale once again. The elf who had coaxed him into looking up bumped his arm. Without saying a word, he was fully encouraging his captain to go to you. The elves in his company had never seen their normally reserved, stoic Marchwarden act like this before, and they thought it a fantastic development. They all joined in pestering him to at least ask you for a dance. It took a while, but his stubbornness crumbled, and he brought himself to his feet only to notice you were missing from your company. He scanned the crowds, hoping to spot you. Maybe someone else had already asked you to dance. That theory was thankfully doused when he spied the swish of your dress through a door leading outside.
Following and stepping out into the cool night air, he found you leaning forward on the wooden railing, gazing up at the stars. Your hair sparkled under the dim light. He realized tonight was the first time he had seen you without it tied or braided back out of the way.
“Mellon nin,” Haldir called to you softly so as not to startle you. “Are you alright?”
You turned to see him just outside of the door and nodded with a tired smile. “Yes. I just felt I needed some fresh air and a moment away from the crowd.”
“I apologize for disturbing you. I will-”
“No!” You cut him off quickly. “I mean... You did not disturb anything. You can stay if you would like.”
The corners of Haldir’s lips tugged upwards ever so slightly as he approached you, joining you in your previous stargazing. The peaceful quiet of the night muffled the festivities in the building. He felt you cover his hand with your own accompanied by a gentle squeeze.
“Thank you, Haldir, for everything,” your voice was just above a whisper.
“I should be thanking you, Mellon nin,” he shook his head, his other hand coming to grasp yours. “If you had not come for me, I would not be at your side now.”
A breathy chuckle passed your lips. “I suppose we are even then.”
Haldir hummed questioningly.
“Had you not brought me with you whilst retreating, then I would not be at your side now.” You parroted the last words with a grin.
The Marchwarden’s shoulders shook with a quiet laughter. “I cannot argue against that.”
You set your free hand on top of your conjoined ones as you leaned against his shoulder. A comforting silence befell you both. That is until you heard chittering giggles from behind. The pair of you turned to see Merry and Pippin poking their heads from the doorway, followed by Aragorn who proceeded to drag them back inside and shot you a wink as he did so.
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Gondor had called for aid. Rohan answered. The army’s camp was set up, and Aragorn had a plan. Haldir received orders for his company to continue helping Rohan and meet with Elrond to receive more explicit directions.
The morning for departure arrived, and Aragorn was set to travel to the Paths of the Dead. Legolas, Gimli, Haldir and you were to join him. Haldir’s soldiers were to follow King Théoden into battle. You all stood wearily at the start of the trail, feeling the ominous air seeping down to the bone.
Haldir brushed his hand against your elbow for your attention. “May I speak with you privately?”
You looked up at him with worried eyes and nodded, probably guessing what this was about. He pulled you to the side just out of earshot of the others.
He steeled himself with a deep breath. “I must insist you do not join us, Mellon nin.”
“But Haldir, I-”
“Please, Meleth nin,” he desperately pleaded, not meaning to let the new term of endearment slip. Tenderly cupping your face with both hands, he continued, “None of us know how this will end. We... We may not come back. I beg of you to please stay with Eowyn.”
His voice was hushed, afraid it would break if he attempted to speak any louder. He knew his emotions were on full display, but he could not bring himself to care. What mattered was keeping you safe.
“Haldir...” you trailed off, grasping at his wrists with the utmost care to keep them in place. You gave a quick nod and tried to conceal your worried frown. “Alright. However. You had better- You all had better return.”
He pressed his forehead to yours. “I will do everything in my power to do just that.”
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The Marchwarden was among the Fellowship in Minas Tirith when he saw a barely conscious Eowyn being carried into the Houses of Healing. Panic coursed through his veins. You were nowhere to be found. He rushed over to her as she was laid on a bed.
“Lady Eowyn, what happened?”
She nearly didn’t recognize him. All of her effort was put into focusing on his words.
“Lady Eowyn, please. Where is she?” He held his breath like it would help him hear better.
With a tiny shake of her head, she croaked quietly, “I am sorry... We... We were separated... in battle... I know not... her fate...”
Haldir stepped aside to allow the healers in. His heart was at a standstill. Had he known Eowyn was going to sneak her way into the army, he would have pleaded with you to return to Rohan. Your injury did not have the time to fully heal. Fighting in such a strenuous battle would do you no good. He needed to find you. He needed to know that you were well.
Bursting through the doors, he raced down the stairs for the lower levels, Aragorn shouting something after him. He did not hear a word. Canopies were set up and homes were open near the gate for the soldiers who were unable to reach the Houses of Healing. Haldir weaved through the injured in a desperate attempt to find you. He’d rather discover you here as long as you were among the living.
After a fruitless search under the canopies, he began entering the opened homes. He asked anyone able for a person matching your description. Nothing. Nothing until he reached the last home. There you were towards the back of the room. An older woman had just stepped away from helping you. The armor you had borrowed like Eowyn was in a pile to the side. He could see the bandage on your thigh through the tear in your trousers, but other than that you came away from the battle fairly unharmed. How you managed that with a preexisting injury was a mystery to him.
“Meleth nin,” Haldir breathed, making his way to you. This time he meant to use the term.
Somehow, you heard him over the throng of people, your gaze meeting his. “Haldir!”
You rose to your feet a little too quickly and swayed unintentionally to put your weight onto your good leg. Haldir darted to you just in time, bringing you into his embrace.
“You’re alright...” He rested his forehead on yours just like before you departed, completely forgetting those around you. “I was beginning to think my search was for naught.”
Wrapping your arms around him, you buried your face in his chest. “Haldir, I... I’m so sorry. I know you meant to keep me from harm-”
“Shhh,” he cooed, settling his chin on the crown of your head. “I know. There is no need to apologize. All that matters is that you are here and well.”
Your light chuckle vibrated through him. “You are much too patient with me.”
“I assume you are not familiar with that.”
“You would be right.” He could feel your cheeks lift as you smiled. “Most tend to leave when I grow stubborn.”
Haldir shifted his face so it rested in your hair, murmuring into your scalp, “I am not going anywhere, Meleth nin.”
The world of man was still an anomaly to him. You were an anomaly within that world, and he wouldn’t have you any other way.
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lesbiansforboromir · 5 years ago
once again you made me deeply emotional over boromir. i don't have the fellowship (much less the english edition) at hand, so i can't even re-read my fav parts with him. any particular boromir-related stuff you may share?
FUCK ok I’ve got a migraine and a passion and I do not know how to use either of them but I’m gonna use this ask to talk about something I’ve been thinking about for months, not kidding on that one. 
Galadriel... was the direct cause of Boromir trying to take the ring- HEAR ME OUT. 
There are some very important things to remember about Boromir when you’re considering his actions and motives.
- He explicitly came on the quest assuming it would lead them all to Minas Tirith, because that’s where he needed to get back too. It’s very clear, he and Aragorn are literally going because Minas Tirith is on the way to Mordor. And every detour and every delay of the Company amps up his frustration and worry. 
- He left Gondor with the certainty that his city would be besieged VERY soon and that they would not be able to break it. His trip to Rivendell is desperation based in it’s entirety, he’s looking for anything that might help. 
- He knows absolutely none of these people from adam and whilst he very much wants to trust them, they have yet to win his loyalty or faith in ANY capacity. I’m sorry! I know everyone wants the Fellowship to be that good good found family foundation but it simply isn’t that for Boromir and never has been.
Okay so when they finally leave Moria and Gandalf’s dead, everyone’s grieving and miserable. They are also worried, Gandalf was their guide and as much as Aragorn’s a tracker he doesn’t have Gandalf’s expertise. Then again, Moria had been entirely Gandalf’s decision in the first place, claiming there wouldn’t be many orcs in there at all in an argument he has with Boromir about how dangerous the mines would be in comparison to the Gap of Rohan. Indeed, if Bilbo hadn’t given Frodo the mithril shirt then Frodo would be straight up dead and it would have been Gandalf’s decisions that caused it. 
So at this point Boromir’s faith in Aragorn’s ability is pretty low. And no one else in the Fellowship has any interest in leading. Boromir deferred to Aragorn’s judgement because Aragorn’s more knowledgeable of Eriador and also just... a dude who needs to be in control, it’s easy to tell. But now Boromir’s not so sure Aragorn’s up to it, since he seemed to rely on Gandalf so much. 
And then Aragorn tells them all they’re going to go through the Golden Wood. Now Boromir knows from the Rohirrim and Gondorian legend that the Golden Wood is Strange And Scary And Dangerous And Men Who Walk in Never Walk Out Again. And he says this, politely. Aragorn tells him he’s foolish for fearing it and essentially that if people got hurt in the Golden Wood then they deserved it. Again, despite the general discourtesy of these comments, Boromir chooses to believe Aragorn’s judgement. 
The next thing that happens is they are accosted by Haldir, treated like possible enemies or spies (despite Haldir admitting that Elrond had already told them they were coming) and a day and a lot of dwarfphobia later Haldir is threatening Gimli with death. No I’m not joking, Haldir says there’s a law dwarves can’t come into Lothlorien without a blindfold. And when Gimli gets justifiably angry about this and wants to go back if he’s being treated this way, Haldir says he WILL be killed if he tries to leave. Weapons are drawn! The only reason this de-escalates is because Aragorn suggests they all go blindfold because ‘it is hard on the dwarf to be so singled out’. I cannot express to you how soon this happens after Aragorn assures everyone that Lothlorien is safe. I also cannot emphasise enough how Gimli does absolutely nothing to deserve this, he’s polite and kind as ever until Haldir instigates it. 
So again!! Another mark against Aragorn’s reliability! And then we come to the CRUX of the matter, the meeting with Galadriel and Celeborn. 
A lot happens here, some of it very funny in terms of Galadriel’s treatment of Celeborn, but the important part is at the end where Galadriel mind-interrogates all the fellowship but Aragorn and Legolas. Again, this isn’t subtext, in-text it says interrogate. And the fellowship discusses it afterwards. Gimli, Sam, Merry and Frodo all agree that ‘Galadriel offered them a choice, to go back home where they would be safe, or to continue on with the quest though there may be far greater perils ahead’. 
But that couldn’t have been the choice she gave Boromir. Because he can’t go home to be safe and sound away from the evil!! He lives there!! This has been Boromir’s fight his whole life, it has never BEEN a choice for him. And from this moment on Boromir’s manner changes dramatically. He questions Frodo about what Galadriel asked him, he expresses concern about Galadriel’s motives, he says he believes she was TEMPTING HIM (remember that for later), concerns which are, once again, sharply and cruelly dismissed by Aragorn. 
There is then a MONTH of a time skip, we get descriptions of the how the other fellowship spend their time in Lothlorien. Gimli and Legolas become friends. Everyone else grieves Gandalf and has a lovely time in Lothlorien... apparently. 
But Boromir has never had any real positive feelings toward Gandalf and did not show any real grief at his loss initially. And whereas the rest of the fellowship seems respectful and awed by Galadriel and Celeborn, Boromir replies to their questions at the end of the fellowship’s stay in Lothlorien with what I would call veiled anger. `As for me,' said Boromir, `my way home lies onward and not back.' Which is a callback to the interrogation, the stark difference between the motivations and priorities of the rest of the Fellowship in comparison to Boromir. Which became VERY obvious to him in that moment. So I would posit that! Boromir did not have a good time at all! Boromir was stuck somewhere he felt unsafe and unwelcome and every extra second they spent in Lothlorien was yet another moment he was away from his currently-at-war home!!! 
Anyway just before they leave the fellowship is privately discussing what road they should take when Boromir makes a slip of the tongue, where he’d always been articulate and clear before. 
‘But if you wish to destroy the armed might of the Dark Lord, then it is folly to go without force into his domain; and folly to throw away-’ He paused suddenly, as if he had become aware that he was speaking his thoughts aloud. `It would be folly to throw lives away, I mean.'
It is very obvious to Frodo what he actually meant here, and this is where essentially Frodo’s inner monologue lays it all out!
Frodo caught something new and strange in Boromir's glance, and he looked hard at him. Plainly Boromir's thought was different from his final words. It would be folly to throw away: what? The Ring of Power? He had said something like this at the Council, but then he had accepted the correction of Elrond.
The important points in this section are that 1: Boromir has started thinking about the Ring of Power as something usable. 2: He did not think this before now, he had accepted Elrond’s words. This is ‘new and strange’. Something changed here. 
And of course it did! Boromir doesn’t trust any of these clowns anymore. 
Boromir’s advice, priorities and concerns have been almost entirely ignored and derided throughout the fellowship, even from the very moment he arrived in Rivendell! And after nearly freezing on a mountain, being chased by wargs, dragged through a mine of Orcs, a Balrog, threatened by supposed allies and then mind invaded by some elf he’s told to be in awe of, whatever will he had to trust and stay faithful to Aragorn’s decisions is barely hanging on. 
And Galadriel didn’t just invade Boromir’s mind, she was tempting him! He says so himself! And considering the circumstances and how he speaks about it, the only logical conclusion is that she is tempting him with the ring, because Boromir’s shown no sign of conflict or interest in the ring before now. So Galadriel was the one who put that concept into his mind in the first place. It’s Galadriel who initiates Boromir thinking again on whether this was in Gondor’s best interests. And Boromir recognises she’s trying to manipulate him!! Which is fucking heartbreaking!! 
'To me it seemed exceedingly strange,' said Boromir. `Maybe it was only a test, and she thought to read our thoughts for her own good purpose; but almost I should have said that she was tempting us, and offering what she pretended to have the power to give.’ (--)  `Well, have a care! ' said Boromir. `I do not feel too sure of this Elvish Lady and her purposes.'  `Speak no evil of the Lady Galadriel! ' said Aragorn sternly. 'You know not what you say. There is in her and in this land no evil, unless a man bring it hither himself. Then let him beware!’
Do you see?? Do you all see?? Am I making any sense at all?? Well I make sense to ME so lets continue- Here, you see how Aragorn puts all the blame on Boromir again? The twisted knot Boromir is in at this point is unfathomable and EVEN STILL! Boromir resists! For a very long time! This is what I mean when I say any characterisations of Boromir being overemotional or somehow out of control get at me so much, NEVER has a man had so much self discipline in his wholeass life. Boromir’s entire civilisation could be being bulldozed by Minas Morgul at this very moment and yet he takes everything that’s thrown at him without malice and internally continues to desperately hold onto his integrity. 
But that’s what’s at stake! His integrity! Because now he’s grappling with what seems like a choice to either keep faith with the fellowship, stay with them and go where they go despite how much his country needs him, or potentially do something drastic in order to bring a the powerful weapon Gondor seems to have ALWAYS been looking for home to finally actually save his people. Because that’s what Galadriel offered him! And whilst he doesn’t trust her, it’s also in his head now as a logical thing to want! He doesn’t trust Elrond either at this point, so why should he believe what he said about the ring! It’s obvious everyone has boundless ulterior motives!!
Oh! Here’s a good place to try and explain my theory of how the ring’s temptation actually works. The Ring can control people one of two ways. The first we see with Frodo and with Boromir, it takes FULL control of their actions for a split second when they are vulnerable. For Frodo it made him put it on on Weathertop. For Boromir it made him attack Frodo. However this effect is exceedingly temporary and the person effected immediately comes back into themselves and recognises that what they did was outside of their control. 
The other way is often thought of as this like pervasive constant pull to the ring that effects you even just by being around it, wearing you down etc. But I don’t think that’s what happens. I think, in order for the ring to start exerting real dangerous persistant power over you, you have to know it’s power and logically want it. You have to come to that conception yourself, you have to think about it. 
And I have a lot of reasons for this but where it pertains here-!! Boromir is a fine, reliable and solid member of the fellowship RIGHT up until Galadriel’s mind meld. It’s not gradual, he goes from making jokes, carrying Hobbits and fighting Balrogs to BARELY being able to control his speech and biting his nails and staring at Frodo creepily. There is barely any easing into it and it starts with Galadriel!!
And you know what! There’s an even more sinister layer to this because like... WHY was Galadriel doing this mind stuff in the first place? An immediate obvious answer would be to test the fellowship, to make sure everyone was solid enough to carry on, to ensure the folk who continued were focused. But... If that’s the case... and Boromir’s test was the Ring... like... he obviously failed that test right? She was reading his mind! And she does it again before they leave! If we’re to assume that Galadriel’s mind powers are greater than Boromir’s ability to deflect them then... surely she would have known! That this turmoil was in him! And if she KNEW then why didn’t she say anything to anyone? To Aragorn?? But I don’t think yall are ready for that discussion yet tbh and I have to stop typing or I’ll go blind.
TL;DR Boromir didn’t want the Ring until Galadriel tempted him with it and made the idea of it saving Gondor a possibility to him. 
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elvish-sky · 4 years ago
Happy {Merry x Reader}
A.N: I did not get way into writing Merry’s speech. How dare you? ...so yes, I may have pulled up all my romantic proposal speech ideas and memories from books and combined them into this monstrosity. I’m actually very much not ashamed, it’s fricken adorable and I really don’t care if you don’t like it because it makes my heart flutter every time I read it. Anyways, I looooved this request and I really hope you like it!
Requested by Anon on Tumblr: Hi Maia! This is the anon who thought she pressed submit two days ago 😅. May I please request a fluffy fic between Merry and hobbit reader where they’re already courting? Maybe post scouring of the shire where he sees her playing with the children and makes plans to and proposes? Hope you are well and thank you for putting in all the time and effort to write these fics! ~abeautifuldayfortea
Word Count: 925
Pairing: Merry x Reader
Warnings: Pure fluff
“Pippin!” Merry burst into his friend’s home, an excited grin on his face as he grabbed his friend’s arm. 
“Today’s the day!” Merry was practically bouncing with excitement, causing Pippin to lead him to a chair and sit down.
“I know, Merry, but calm down. We don’t want her to find out too early, now, do we?”
Merry shook his head. “I know, Pip. I’m just so excited! I’m going to ask Y/N to marry me!” 
Pippin was laughing at his friend. “Is everything ready?”
Merry nodded. 
“I’m going to bring her up to the hill at dusk, where you’ll be waiting. You better head up soon to double-check everything!”
Nodding at his friend, Merry rose and left, hugging his friend in thanks.
Later that day, Merry was making his way through Hobbiton to the hill he had planned to propose on when he saw you, sitting in a circle with a group of hobbit children. They were rapt with attention as you spoke, and Merry could tell that you were telling a story from how your face was alight with excitement. He watched as you mimed a knife being brandished.
“...and then the brave Meriadoc stabbed the Witch-King in the leg, felling him before the Lady Eowyn, who with one blow slew the evil creature!”
The children erupted in cheers as you pretended to die, and Merry smiled at your retelling. After that fight, you and Pippin had pulled him back from the brink of death. Now, gazing at your face lit up with delight as you moved on to your next tale, he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with you. Smiling to himself, he turned and continued his walk.
You stood, brushing off your skirts and waving at the children as they departed. You loved telling stories, particularly those of your journey with the Fellowship, and the reactions you got were always delightful. 
“Y/N! Hi!” Pippin skidded to a halt in front of you, beaming, before grabbing your hand.
“Let’s go for a walk.” He then proceeded to start dragging you along, and, laughing, you let him. 
When you reached the top of a hill, you let out a gasp of surprise. Someone had strung small lanterns in the bushes, so the whole clearing glowed. Flowers were artfully arranged in the grass, and in the center of it all stood Merry.
You looked back at Pippin, wondering if this was what you thought. He winked at you, and turned and disappeared back down the slope.
You made your way into the clearing, marvelling at the small details, the flowers strewn in patterns that you were now noticing. 
“Merry… what is this?”
He grasped one of your hands in his, and you noticed the small rose tucked into his lapel. Your favorite flower.
“Y/N. I’m sure you can guess where this is going, because you always know what I’m up to, sometimes even before I do. But let me speak, because I have been waiting so long for this.”
His eyes were overflowing with love for you, the soft grin on his face melting your heart even more as he continued.
“I love you, Y/N. I’ve loved you, well, not since the first time I saw you, because you smacked me on the head for messing with the papers you carried, but sometime after that, after pranking you and trying my very hardest to get you to notice me, I realized I had fallen, and fallen hard. It was the greatest joy of my life when you agreed to court me, and it was the greatest honor of my life when you joined me on that quest and saved me a thousand times. I owe you my life a million times over, but you already own my heart. You are my greatest joy, the one person that I know I would not be here without. And it would give me the greatest pleasure if you would consent to become my wife.”
He bent down on one knee.
“Y/N, will you marry me?” 
You smiled at him as you nodded.
After you spoke, he swept you into what you considered the greatest kiss of all time. It was a kiss that promised love, a future, trust, everything you didn’t know you needed until you had found it in this slightly ridiculous, absolutely wonderful hobbit.
You broke apart to the cheers of hobbits, who had made their way into the clearing while you were distracted.
“Congratulations!” Sam burst from the crowd, gathering you up into a hug before moving on to Merry. You gently hugged Frodo, laughing as he whispered in your ear, before moving to hug your new fiancee again. 
You gasped as a firework exploded above.
“Gandalf!” Hobbitlings immediately mobbed the grinning wizard, but not before you glimpsed a nod from him, with a smile of congratulations accompanying the twinkle in his eye. 
Merry wrapped an arm around your shoulders as the noise died down, everyone focused on the wonderful firework show above. You couldn’t believe that you were engaged, and were so happy to have found your wonderful hobbit.
But the peaceful silence was broken by a honking noise, and you spun to see Pippin, eyes swollen from crying, blowing his nose into a handkerchief. 
Sobbing, he spoke. “I just am so happy for you two!”
You burst out laughing, giving him a big hug before letting him embrace your future husband. You did agree with him though. You were so very happy, and couldn’t foresee yourself ever being anything else as you gazed at your future husband.
Everything tag 💞: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @boyruins @anjhope1
Fic tag <3: @abeautifuldayfortea
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dragon-kazansky · 5 years ago
An elf and his human - Legolas
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You were sat by the fire, poking it gently with a stick out of boredom, trying your best to keep warm. The journey had been a long one today and you had been looking forward the the evening, though dangerous in the wild lands, it allowed you to rest.
The hobbits were gathered on the opposite side f the fire chatting away excitedly, laughing every so often, usually at the mercy of Merry or Poppin. The smiles on their faces brought you great comfort from the dangers you had all crossed over the past few days.
Aragorn and Gimli were sat together, the latter munching on the last of his dinner while Aragorn looked rather lost in thought.
Legolas, someone you thought of very highly, was keeping watch just a little further away. You could see his back, his long light hair cascading down it perfectly straight, from where you sat.
You hadn’t known Legolas before this journey, meeting him in Rivendell brought great excitement. You had heard tales of him and grown curious of this nightly skilled archer from the kingdom of Mirkwood, as it was now known.
You felt the pair of you had grown rather close since this adventure began, and although you held the main goal in high regard, you couldn’t help but think yourself lucky to befriend the elf.
The hour was late. You lay down on your makeshift bed by the fire and watched the crackling flames until sleep took you.
Aragorn had seen that you had fallen asleep and made quick work to put out the fire. It was too dangerous to keep it lit, but he seemed it safe to start one earlier to help keep you and the hobbits warm for a short while.
Legolas hears the fire go out and turned to gaze at the group.
With the fire out, the hobbits had decided this a good time for them to sleep too, not wanting to wake you. Even they could see that today had taken a toll on you, and as your new found friends, wanted to make sure you slept soundly.
Legolas’ gaze landed on your sleeping form and he made his way over to you, grabbing extra layers to throw over you. He worried you wouldn’t be warm enough now that the fire had been put out.
Aragorn smiled softly as Legolas draped the extra cover over you delicately.
“Perhaps telling Y/N how you feel would take some of the weight from your shoulders. You will have more of a reason to fuss over them then.”
Legolas looked at his friend.
“I don’t know what you mean.” He said casually.
Aragorn only chuckled.
Legolas sat down near where you lay, his knees up to his chest as he pretended to still be on guard, listening in the dark. He could pretend all he wanted about what he was doing, but Aragorn knew the truth. He could see it as light as day.
The elf had grown very attached to you from the day you both met. At first he just admired your attitude towards the mission which lay ahead, your optimism, despite the facts of danger. Then he began talking to you and that was where he really grew to know you. He admired you for everything you were and everything you stood for.
His heart belonged to you whether he came to tell you or not.
“If you do not tell Y/N soon, then promise me that once everything is over our mission has been met, you will confess everything then.”
Legolas glanced up at the human.
“Is it really that obvious?”
Aragorn nodded with a kind smile. As his friend he hoped to push him to the point of letting his feelings be known. Legolas would feel all the better for it and, with no doubt to Aragorn’s mind, he would have you beside him feeling the exact same way.
The elf turned his gaze to you. You looked so peaceful sleeping there beside him, as if you had no worries to haunt you.
Even if something did come in the dead of the night, the elf would never let it bring you harm. He swore, to himself and no other, that part of his mission was seeing you made it safely. He would never forgive himself if something happened to you on this journey.
“You might be surprised by their answer.” Aragorn said nothing more as he lay down to rest.
Gimli chuckled from where he sat, having listened to all of that.
Legolas chose to ignore the dwarf as he tucked some hair out of your face. You almost appeared to lean into his touch. It made the blond elf smile with such softness.
You truly were special to him.
The elf chose to sleep right there beside you, swearing to himself it was for protective purposes and not because his heart yearned to be close to you. He wouldn’t fool anyone with that lie, however.
The next morning Legolas was sat with Sam who was making breakfast, however, the elf's gaze was focused on your sleeping form.
Aragorn said it was OK to let you sleep a little longer as they weren't going to make a move right away. He went to make sure the coast was clear for when the group did get back on the road.
Sam filled up a bowl for everyone and handed two to Legolas. One for himself, the other for you. The elf looked away from you and took the bowls, making his way to your sleeping figure. He put both breakfasts down as he knelt beside you and rocked you gently.
You moved a little.
"Time to wake up."
Legolas was speaking so softly, it was a welcome wake up. You reached up lazily to rub your eyes as he said your name once more. You blinked your eyes open and smiled at the sight of Legolas kneeling beside you. Your eyes then shifted to the food beside him."Breakfast?"
Legolas couldn't help but smile slightly as he picked up one of the dishes and handed it to you. He sat beside you with his own food as you ate.
You were sat so close to him. He liked this feeling.
Aragorn smiled as he returned to the group and saw Legolas sitting with you. He knew the elf saw him looking at him, but Legolas chose to ignore him.
You thanked Legolas as he took your empty bowl and gave it Sam who cleaned up and started putting things away, Frodo offering some help.
“We should get moving soon.”
Everyone pitched in to  clean up the little camp and get on their horses. You rode your horse close to Legolas, this is how it had been since the Fellowship had formed. You were always beside the elf.
Aragorn led the way.
The pair of you trailed behind the rest of the group. The Hobbits being right in the middle of the Fellowship. You were quietly keeping an eye out for trouble, but Legolas was finding it difficult not to look at you after what Aragorn had said that morning.
You could feel his gaze on you. You turned around slowly and met his gaze, giving him a smile.
“Everything OK, Legolas?”
As if he hadn’t realised his staring, he blinked a couple of times and turned his gaze away slowly. He looked ahead, but he could see Aragorn looking over his shoulder at him. He was grinning at the elf.
“I’m fine. Really.” He turned to meet your gaze again, giving you a quick smile and trying to act normal.
You gazed at him softly with a curious gaze.
“OK, but you can talk to me if something is on your mind.”
Legolas was sure his heart skipped a beat. He found himself looking at you again and sighing silently.
“Actually, there is something...”
“Oh? I’m listening.” You smiled. 
Your smile made his heart race all the more, but he figured if he was going to do it, now was as good as a time as any. He tuned out the rest of the group, who had taken to chatting amongst themselves, and focused solely on you.
You blinked slowly, trying to decipher what that meant, but nothing came to mind.
“You have been on my mind.” His face was so stoic that you couldn’t quite read him. You heart was beating so loudly, you were sure he could hear it with his excellent hearing. In the next moment you were smiling at him.
“Is that so?” You chuckled. “Funny. You’ve been on my mind a lot too.”
It was Legolas’ turn to find himself smiling at you. He was at a loss of what to say, so you carried on speaking for him. 
“I’ve come to like you a lot Legolas, but I didn’t want to say anything considering I’m not an elf.” You gazed down, looking a little sad. “I thought I could settle for just being your friend, which I suppose I would be OK with. It’s an honour to even know you, but if you have been thinking of me the same way I have of you, then I’m very happy indeed.”
Legolas was smiling so brightly, you felt better about the situation already.
The elf reached out for you hand, delighted when you accepted his hand.
“Perhaps, when this is all over and we have done what we came to do, we can take this seriously.” You ran your thumb along the back of his hand.
“I will look forward to that.” He lifted your hand and gave it a kiss.
Aragorn smiled at the pair of you from the front of the group. He would make sure the pair of you came out of this safe. He wanted you two to be together after so long of quietly pining after one another.
Legolas continued to ride close to you, a whole new determination taking over him with you beside him.
@awyr @fandombeehive @charmed-asylum  @sigynbandraoi-blog​
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avery-foxglove · 5 years ago
FrodoSam Moments in The Lord of the Rings (Books): The Return of the King
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 Sam shuddered and tried to force himself to move. There was plainly some devilry going on. Perhaps in spite of all orders the cruelty of the orcs had mastered them, and they were tormenting Frodo, or even savagely hacking him to pieces. He listened; and as he did a gleam of hope came to him. There could not be much doubt: there was fighting in the tower, the orcs must be at war among themselves, Shagrat and Gorbag had come to blows. Faint as was the hope that his guess brought him, it was enough to rouse him. There might be just a chance. His love for Frodo rose above all other thoughts, and forgetting his peril he cried aloud: ‘I’m coming, Mr. Frodo!’
He ran up again, and sweat began to trickle down his face. He felt that even minutes were precious, but one by one they escaped; and he could do nothing. He cared no longer for Shagrat or Snaga or any other orc that was ever spawned. He longed only for his master, for one sight of his face or one touch of his hand.
With a cry Sam leapt across the floor, Sting in hand. The orc wheeled round, but before it could make a move Sam slashed its whip-hand from its arm. Howling with pain and fear but desperate the orc charged head-down at him. Sam’s next blow went wide, and thrown off his balance he fell backwards, clutching at the orc as it stumbled over him. Before he could scramble up he heard a cry and a thud. The orc in its wild haste had tripped on the ladder-head and fallen through the open trap-door. Sam gave no more thought to it. He ran to the figure huddled on the floor. It was Frodo.
 He was naked, lying as if in a swoon on a heap of filthy rags: his arm was flung up, shielding his head, and across his side there ran an ugly whip-weal.
 `Frodo! Mr. Frodo, my dear!’ cried Sam, tears almost blinding him. `It’s Sam, I’ve come!’ He half lifted his master and hugged him to his breast. Frodo opened his eyes.
 `Am I still dreaming?’ he muttered. `But the other dreams were horrible.’
 `You’re not dreaming at all, Master,’ said Sam. `It’s real. It’s me. I’ve come.’
 `I can hardly believe it,’ said Frodo, clutching him. `There was an orc with a whip, and then it turns into Sam! Then I wasn’t dreaming after all when I heard that singing down below, and I tried to answer? Was it you?’
 ‘It was indeed, Mr. Frodo. I’d given up hope, almost. I couldn’t find you.
 ‘Well, you have now, Sam, dear Sam,’ said Frodo, and he lay back in Sam’s gentle arms, closing his eyes, like a child at rest when night-fears are driven away by some loved voice or hand.
 Sam felt that he could sit like that in endless happiness; but it was not allowed. It was not enough for him to find his master, he had still to try and save him. He kissed Frodo’s forehead. `Come! Wake up Mr. Frodo!’ he said, trying to sound as cheerful as he had when he drew back the curtains at Bag End on a summer’s morning.
He crawled back into the brambles and laid himself by Frodo’s side, and putting away all fear he cast himself into a deep untroubled sleep.
They woke together, hand in hand.
Sam began to wonder if a second darkness had begun and no day would ever reappear. At last he groped for Frodo’s hand. It was cold and trembling. His master was shivering.
 ‘I didn’t ought to have left my blanket behind,’ muttered Sam; and lying down he tried to comfort Frodo with his arms and body. Then sleep took him, and the dim light of the last day of their quest found them side by side. The wind had fallen the day before as it shifted from the West, and now it came from the North and began to rise; and slowly the light of the unseen Sun filtered down into the shadows where the hobbits lay.
 ‘Now for it! Now for the last gasp!’ said Sam as he struggled to his feet. He bent over Frodo, rousing him gently. Frodo groaned; but with a great effort of will he staggered up; and then he fell upon his knees again. He raised his eyes with difficulty to the dark slopes of Mount Doom towering above him, and then pitifully he began to crawl forward on his hands.
 Sam looked at him and wept in his heart, but no tears came to his dry and stinging eyes. ‘I said I’d carry him, if it broke my back,’ he muttered, ‘and I will!’
 ‘Come, Mr. Frodo!’ he cried. ‘I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you and it as well. So up you get! Come on, Mr. Frodo dear! Sam will give you a ride. Just tell him where to go, and he’ll go.’
Sam knelt by him. Faint, almost inaudibly, he heard Frodo whispering: ‘Help me, Sam! Help me, Sam! Hold my hand! I can’t stop it.’ Sam took his master’s hands and laid them together, palm to palm, and kissed them; and then he held them gently between his own. The thought came suddenly to him: ‘He’s spotted us! It’s all up, or it soon will be. Now, Sam Gamgee, this is the end of ends.’
‘Well, this is the end, Sam Gamgee,’ said a voice by his side. And there was Frodo, pale and worn, and yet himself again; and in his eyes there was peace now, neither strain of will, nor madness, nor any fear. His burden was taken away. There was the dear master of the sweet days in the Shire.
‘Master!’ cried Sam. and fell upon his knees. In all that ruin of the world for the moment he felt only joy, great joy. The burden was gone. His master had been saved; he was himself again, he was free. And then Sam caught sight of the maimed and bleeding hand.
‘Your poor hand!’ he said. ‘And I have nothing to bind it with, or comfort it. I would have spared him a whole hand of mine rather. But he’s gone now beyond recall, gone forever.’
‘I am glad that you are here with me,’ said Frodo. ‘Here at the end of all things, Sam.’
‘Yes, I am with you, Master,’ said Sam, laying Frodo’s wounded hand gently to his breast. ‘And you’re with me. And the journey’s finished. But after coming all that way I don’t want to give up yet. It’s not like me, somehow, if you understand.’
‘Maybe not, Sam,’ said Frodo; ‘but it’s like things are in the world. Hopes fail. An end comes. We have only a little time to wait now. We are lost in ruin and downfall, and there is no escape.’
‘Well, Master, we could at least go further from this dangerous place here, from this Crack of Doom, if that’s its name. Now couldn’t we? Come, Mr. Frodo, let’s go down the path at any rate!’
‘Very well, Sam. If you wish to go, I’ll come,’ said Frodo; and they rose and went slowly down the winding road; and even as they passed towards the Mountain’s quaking feet, a great smoke and steam belched from the Sammath Naur, and the side of the cone was riven open, and a huge fiery vomit rolled in slow thunderous cascade down the eastern mountain-side.
Frodo and Sam could go no further. Their last strength of mind and body was swiftly ebbing. They had reached a low ashen hill piled at the Mountain’s foot; but from it there was no more escape. It was an island now, not long to endure, amid the torment of Orodruin. All about it the earth gaped, and from deep rifts and pits smoke and fumes leaped up. Behind them the Mountain was convulsed. Great rents opened in its side. Slow rivers of fire came down the long slopes towards them. Soon they would be engulfed. A rain of hot ash was falling.
They stood now; and Sam still holding his master’s hand caressed it. He sighed. ‘What a tale we have been in, Mr. Frodo, haven’t we?’ he said. ‘I wish I could hear it told! Do you think they’ll say: Now comes the story of Nine-fingered Frodo and the Ring of Doom? And then everyone will hush, like we did, when in Rivendell they told us the tale of Beren One-hand and the Great Jewel. I wish I could hear it! And I wonder how it will go on after our part.’
note: This is the second time that Tolkien calls into attention that he’s paralleling Frodo and Sam’s story with the tale of Beren and Lúthien (his favorite romatic power couple.)
Sam stayed at first at the Cottons’ with Frodo; but when the New Row was ready he went with the Gaffer. In addition to all his other labours he was busy directing the cleaning up and restoring of Bag End; but he was often away in the Shire on his forestry work. So he was not at home in early March and did not know that Frodo had been ill. On the thirteenth of that month Farmer Cotton found Frodo lying on his bed; he was clutching a white gem that hung on a chain about his neck and he seemed half in a dream.
 ‘It is gone forever,’ he said, ‘and now all is dark and empty.’
 But the fit passed, and when Sam got back on the twenty-fifth, Frodo had recovered, and he said nothing about himself. In the meanwhile Bag End had been set in order, and Merry and Pippin came over from Crickhollow bringing back all the old furniture and gear, so that the old hole soon looked very much as it always had done.
 When all was at last ready Frodo said: ‘When are you going to move in and join me, Sam?’
 Sam looked a bit awkward.
 ‘There is no need to come yet, if you don’t want to,’ said Frodo. ‘But you know the Gaffer is close at hand, and he will be very well looked after by Widow Rumble.’
 ‘It’s not that, Mr. Frodo,’ said Sam, and he went very red.
 ‘Well, what is it?’
 ‘It’s Rosie, Rose Cotton,’ said Sam. ‘It seems she didn’t like my going abroad at all, poor lass; but as I hadn’t spoken, she couldn’t say so. And I didn’t speak, because I had a job to do first. But now I have spoken, and she says: “Well, you’ve wasted a year, so why wait longer?” “Wasted?” I says. “I wouldn’t call it that.” Still I see what she means. I feel torn in two, as you might say.’
 ‘I see,’ said Frodo: ‘you want to get married, and yet you want to live with me in Bag End too? But my dear Sam, how easy! Get married as soon as you can, and then move in with Rosie. There’s room enough in Bag End for as big a family as you could wish for.’
‘Well, Sam,’ said Frodo. ‘I want you to see Rose and find out if she can spare you, so that you and I can go off together. You can’t go far or for a long time now, of course,’ he said a little wistfully.
 ‘Well, not very well, Mr. Frodo.’
 ‘Of course not. But never mind. You can see me on my way. Tell Rose that you won’t be away very long, not more than a fortnight; and you’ll come back quite safe.’
 ‘I wish I could go all the way with you to Rivendell, Mr. Frodo, and see Mr. Bilbo,’ said Sam. ‘And yet the only place I really want to be in is here. I am that torn in two.’
 ‘Poor Sam! It will feel like that, I am afraid,’ said Frodo. ‘But you will be healed. You were meant to be solid and whole, and you will be.’
 ‘Where are you going, Master?’ cried Sam, though at last he understood what was happening.
 ‘To the Havens, Sam,’ said Frodo.
 ‘And I can’t come.’
 ‘No, Sam. Not yet anyway, not further than the Havens. Though you too were a Ring-bearer, if only for a little while. Your time may come. Do not be too sad, Sam. You cannot be always torn in two. You will have to be one and whole, for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to be, and to do.
 Then Frodo kissed Merry and Pippin, and last of all Sam, and went aboard; and the sails were drawn up, and the wind blew, and slowly the ship slipped away down the long grey firth; and the light of the glass of Galadriel that Frodo bore glimmered and was lost. And the ship went out into the High Sea and passed on into the West, until at last on a night of rain Frodo smelled a sweet fragrance on the air and heard the sound of singing that came over the water. And then it seemed to him that as in his dream in the house of Bombadil, the grey rain-curtain turned all to silver glass and was rolled back, and he beheld white shores and beyond them a far green country under a swift sunrise.
 But to Sam the evening deepened to darkness as he stood at the Haven; and as he looked at the grey sea he saw only a shadow on the waters that was soon lost in the West. There still he stood far into the night, hearing only the sigh and murmur of the waves on the shores of Middle-earth, and the sound of them sank deep into his heart.
Bonus from Tolkien’s Unpublished Epilogue, found in Sauron Defeated: 
Elanor was silent for some time before she spoke again. 'I did not understand at first what Celeborn meant when he said goodbye to the King,' she said. 'But I think I do now. He knew that Lady Arwen would stay, but that Galadriel would leave him. * I think it was very sad for him. And for you, dear Sam-dad.' Her hand felt for his, and his brown hand clasped her slender fingers. 'For your treasure went too. I am glad Frodo of the Ring saw me, but I wish I could remember seeing him.'
'It was sad, Elanorelle,' said Sam, kissing her hair. 'It was, but It isn't now. For why? Well, for one thing, Mr. Frodo has gone where the elven-light isn't fading; and he deserved his reward. But I have had mine, too. I have had lots of treasures. I am a very rich hobbit. And there is one other reason, which I shall whisper to you, a secret I have never told before to no one, nor put in the Book yet. Before he went Mr. Frodo said that my time maybe would come. I can wait. I think maybe we haven't said farewell for good. But I can wait. I have learned that much from the Elves at any rate. They are not so troubled about time. And so I think Celeborn is still happy among his trees, in an Elvish way. His time hasn't come, and he isn't tired of his land yet. When he is tired he can go.'
'And when you're tired, you will go, Sam-dad. You will go to the Havens with the Elves.  Then I shall go with you. I shall not part with you, like Arwen did with Elrond.’
'Maybe, maybe,’ said Sam, kissing her gently. 'And maybe not. The choice of Luthien and Arwen comes to may, Elanorelle, or something like it; and it isn’t wise to choose before the time.’
 Note: This is referring to a segment in The Return of the King where Celeborn says this to Aragorn (in reference to Galadriel leaving without Celeborn): ‘Kinsman, farewell! May your doom be other than mine, and your treasure remain with you to the end!’
The Return of the King’s Appendices B: 
Death of Mistress Rose, wife of Master Samwise, on Mid-year's Day. On September 22 Master Sam-wise rides out from Bag End. He comes to the Tower Hills, and is last seen by Elanor, to whom he gives the Red Book afterwards kept by the Fairbairns. Among them the tradition is handed down from Elanor that Samwise passed the Towers, and went to the Grey Havens, and passed over Sea, last of the Ring-bearers.
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specialagentlokitty · 6 years ago
Legolas x reader - Not so bad
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A/N: I made this last night, I have never wrote for LOTR before so this is my first fic for the fandom. Thanks @astridstark13 for reading it :) I absolutely love my elf boi! The song used is 1000 liftetimes by Nathan Wagner
You’d been travelling with the fellowship since they had first been created. Though, you tried not to get any closer with them. A certain elf had caught you eye but you ignored it.
“We cannot travel this path any further.” Gandalf sighed.
“What do you do now?!” Sam cried out.
“There is nothing for miles around Gandalf.” Gimli whispered.
“Yes there is.” You pipped up.
Everyone fell silent and you pointed towards a dense woodland in front of you.
“Are you mad?!” Legolas yelled, “that’s the land of the shifters we’ll be dead before we get there!”
“We’ll be safe!” You argued.
“Shifters are wild beasts!”
You clenched your jaw and looked away, his words hurt but he didn’t know. Of course he didn’t.
“Enough!” Gandalf cut you both off, “(Y/N) is right. We’ll be safer passing through the shifters lands.”
“Who are the shifters?” Frodo asked.
“The shifter are humans, though the posses the ability to shifter into animals at will. Each family has an animal. The royal family are the lions, the next family down are the wolves then the bears.” Gandalf explained.
Everyone gave you a confused look as to why you wanted to go there so much, but you simply started to walk forward ignoring their questioning gazes.
It was almost half a day later before you arrived to the tree line. Birds chirped, but as soon as you stepped foot it all went silent.
“We can still go back.” Boromir hissed.
“Just follow me.” You sighed.
“Stay behind (Y/N) and do NOT wonder of. The shifters can be a bit funny at times.”
You shot Gandalf a secret half glare and carried on until you reached a cave entrance.
“Through here.”
You ushered everyone through and followed last, stepped in, a huge forest city came to life. Children ran about while adults talked or wondered around. At the top of a large tree was what seemed to be a castle.
“Come, we must be fast.”
You quickly led everyone through, dodging a couple of foxes and a cat. The entrance to the castle stood tall and you walked in with hesitation.
“My daughter returns!”
Laughing, you ran up to the man and jumped on him. Hugging him tightly.
“Father! It is good to see you, I bring friends. We need to stay a few days.”
“Of course, of course! Any friend of yours is a friend of mine! Quickly make some rooms!” The King boomed.
People ran out the room and you collapsed on the throne with a sigh.
“My lord, we thank you.” Gandalf bowed.
“Now, none of that. You may call me Leo. Tell me little creatures what are you? I’ve seen dwarfs, elves, wizards and humans before but none of your kind.”
“I am Frodo Baggins, these are my friends Sam, Pippin and Merry we’re hobbits.”
Your father hummed and your snorted, catching Legolas’ eyes before he quickly turned away. With a huff you you swiftly stood up headed to the window.
“I’ll be off father.”
“You will not stay for dinner my child?” He asked sadly.
“Not today, but I will find you before I sleep.”
With that you jumped down, landing on the floor as you quickly ran around the town. Finding your favourite shop, you grabbed a guitar from the front, chucked more than enough coins on the counter and ran off again, quickly climbing to the top of the tallest tree you watched watched the world around you before you sat down as you begun to softly strum the strings, unaware that a certain elf had followed.
I've loved a thousand loves
and I've kissed a thousand lips
From his hiding spot, Legolas’ eyes widened slightly, your voice was softer than he had ever heard it before.
I've tasted every sound
From a golden goblet sipped
Sometimes it's hard to face the day
Just close my eyes and drift away
In these lands I travel deep I see clearest when I fall asleep
Legolas held his breath as he listened, he could hear every words you sang clearly and he couldn’t take his eyes away from you.
Just 'cause you close your eyes
Doesn't mean you see things worse
Sometimes visions the Illuminative curse
This world isn't all it seems
See I've lived a thousand lifetimes in my dreams
A soft smile spread across your face as you closed your eyes to belt out the words with all the emotion you had. Only one thing was on your mind.
I've been a million places
and I've met a thousand friends
I've sailed the oceans peaceful
and I've seen the worlds end
Sometimes the roses fade to gray
Just close my eyes and drift away
To all the worlds I have made
I see clearest when I fall asleep
Legolas found himself gazing at you more, slowly creeping from his spot to see you better. Only one thing on his mind, only one thing mattered as he closed his eyes with a little smile.
Just 'cause you close your eyes
Doesn't mean you see things worse
Sometimes visions the Illuminative curse
This world isn't all it seems
See I've lived a thousand lifetimes in my dreams, woah
And I escape
When I leave this place
I’m not looking back
From this prison breakI've been crowned as kingand I've fallen on hard times
I’ve been noble in my deeds but committed heartless crimes
For all that it's worth
Imagination gave it birth
These words that I sing
Are a piece of hope that I will bring
Just 'cause you close your eyes
Doesn't mean you see things worse
Sometimes visions the Illuminative curse
This world isn't all it seems
See I've lived a thousand lifetimes in my dreamsand I've lived a thousand lifetimes in my dreams
You sang the last word and strummed the last chord as you sighed and placed the guitar on the ground. Keeping your eyes closed for a second before opening them and gasping.
Your eyes didn’t meet empty space. No. They met with the elf Prince’s eyes and neither of you spoke a word.
“That was beautiful...” he breathed.
“Thank you...” you whispered.
Again it went silent, you heard Legolas get up and walked a little closer as he took a seat next to you.
“I... am sorry for what I said about shifters.”
“It’s fine, you didn’t know.” You smiled. “Why would you not tell us?”
“Shifters aren’t exactly liked as you know.”
“They are very different to what we thought.”
“Elves aren’t so bad either.” You laughed.
You both went quiet again, so you laid down and gazed up at the blue sky. Legolas glanced down at you, he felt something in his chest as he looked at you.
“You’re very beautiful...”
“N...nothing.” He stuttered.
Smiling, you looked at the flustered elf and rolled your eyes. Sitting up, you leaned over and kissed his cheek.
“You know Legolas, you’re pretty adorable. Come on, let’s head back down.”
Taking his hand, you pulled him up and grabbed the guitar. Lacing your fingers with his, you couldn’t help but smile. His hand was a perfect fit, that’s how you knew Legolas was the one
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i-writing-is-hard-i · 6 years ago
Journey (Legolas) part three
Warnings:Spoilers?, (if you haven’t watched LOTR), death but I think thats is
[One]  [Two]  [Three]
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Following Gandalf you arrived at a set of stairs, without hesitation you all quickly descended stopping when the stairs did.  The gap was big but should be okay to jump, Legolas jumped first, making it look easy, Gandalf was next,
“Y/N!” legolas called to you, you weren’t looking forward to the jump you were far too clumsy, but you didn’t think about it, taking the leap with your eyes closed, and you didn’t open them until you felt Legolas catch you,.  In haste you moved away to allow Boromir to jump, holding the brothers.  Aragorn then threw Sam over.  Gimli took the leap himself, only to be caught by Legolas who had to grab his beard.  As Aragorn and Frodo went to take the plung, the stairs beneath  them began to crumble, they barely got out the way.  The orcs fired arrows at you all, only making the situation more difficult.  Eventually, Aragorn grabbed hold of Frodo and started leaning, using their weight to bring forward the crumbling stairs, allowing them to jump.  Now that everyone was safely on the other side, you all continued down the path and across a bridge.  The Balrog, was hot on your heals.  When you reached the otherside you turned around, checking on the others, freezing when you saw Gandalf face to face with the Balrog, was he really going to try and fight?. You watched as he called out to the Balrog but the beast didn’t care walking towards the wizard.  Your heartbeat hard in your chest.  Gandalf lifted his staff up and slammed it down on the bridge causing it to crumble under the creature. The Balrog fell into the pit, he did it.  Gandalf did it.  You felt a wave of relief, but it didn’t last long, the Balrog’s whip had wrapped around Gandalf’s leg, dragging him down too he was able to grab hold of the ledge, keeping himself there.  You tried to run to him, but Legolas stopped you.
“Please” you begged.
“Fly you fools!” Gandalf ordered before letting go and falling.  You looked up to Legolas, meeting his eyes, then back to the place were Gandalf was, there was nothing you could do, you allowed Legola to drag you onwards.  
It wasn’t until you had reached the fresh air did you stop.  Standing frozen tears traveled down your cheeks, the old wizard had practically raised you, he was your family and now he was gone.  It was like you were in a trance, until a hand on your shoulder brought you back.  You turned to see Legolas standing there looking sober.  
“We need to move” he said softly, You nodded not really taking in what he had said.  You looked around the others were back on their feet, ready to move on.  You followed them in a daze.
Finally reaching a forest.
“Stay close, young Hobbits, they say that a great sorceress lives in these woods, an elf-witch of terrible power.  All who look upon her fall under her spell and you are never seen again” Gimli whispered.  You knew of who he spoke.  Lady Galadriel, Gandalf and her were friends, though you had never actually met her, you had heard stories of her and they were pretty much all good.
You wanted to say something but didn’t really have the energy to.
“Well, here is one dwarf she won’t ensare so easily I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox” Gimli continued.  Suddenly there were arrows pointed at you.
“You were saying” you chuckled putting your hands up
A tall, golden-haired elf appeared from the back,
“The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark” he spoke.  This elf lead you all to platforms, where you could talk,
He greeted Legolas, knowing who he was, then turned to Aragorn, it seemed they knew each other.  His name was Haldir.
“So much for the legendary courtesy of the elves, speak words we can also understand” Gimli interupted.
“We have not had Dealings with the dwarves since the dark days” Haldir spoke.  
“And you know what this dwarf says to that?, ishkhaqwi ai durugnul” Gimli replied, you didn’t know exactly what was said, but you knew for certain it was an insult.  Haldir ignore it, and turned to Frodo.
“You bring great evil with you,” he said then turned to Aragorn
“You can go no further”
Just like that.  Aragorn pulled Haldir aside, pleading your case and eventually Haldir agrees.  Leading you to Cara’s Galadhon, the city was beautiful, more so than Riverdell.  For a moment your sadness washed away.  Haldir continued to lead you all up to meet Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn.  The two descended the stairs looked majestic.  Lord Celeborn started talking, telling you that the enemy knew you were there. ‘Not good’
“Nine there are here, yet ten there were, set out from Rivendell.  Tell, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him, I can no longer see him from afar” he asked,  you felt sick the sadness that had momentarily disappeared came back hard.
“Gandalf the grey did not pass the borders of his land.  He has fallen into shadow” Lady Galadriel said.  You couldn’t bring yourself to look up anymore,
“He was taken by both shadow and flame, A Balrog of Morgoth, for we went needlessly into the net of Moria” Legolas replied, he took a quick glance at you beside him.
“Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life, we do not yet know his whole purpose” Lady Galadriel continued.
“What now, becomes of this fellowship?, without Gandalf, hope is lost” Lord Celeborn
“The quest stands upon the edge of a knife, stray but a little and it will fail to ruin of all” Lady Galadriel clarified.  Your head shot up, ‘hope was not lost’  Lady Galadriel met your eyes
“Yet hope remains, while the company is true” she continued, smiling.  
“Do not let your hearts be troubled, go now and rest for you are weary with sorry and much toil.  Tonight you will sleep in peace”
With that, elves lead you all away, back down to a place that you could camp safely for the night.  You had just set up your sleeping bag when a song filled the air.  They were singing for Gandalf.  The song was too much, you decided to go for a walk, away from everyone. Further away from the singing. Once you felt it was safe enough away from everyone, you let yourself cry.  Things were playing in your mind, of course, you knew this quest would be dangerous, but it still came as a shock and now all you could think about was what if you were to lose someone else, you already thought you had lost Frodo more than once, what if you were to lose Merry, Pippin.  Legolas, when his name crossed your mind you felt a fear that you had never thought you could feel.  You couldn’t bear the thought of losing him.   More tears fell, you were sobbing into your hands.
“Y/N?” A voice called out to you.  It was Legolas, you dared not look at him, keeping your face in your hands.  Legolas placed his hand on your shoulder, squeezing slightly.  He wasn’t used to seeing someone cry not like this.  He didn’t know what to do to help, all he knew was he hated seeing you like this.
“Hush now my friend, don’t cry” he spoke softly in his native tongue.  When you didn’t reply, Legolas walked in front of you and gently pulled your hands away, you didn’t have the energy to fight he kept hold of your hands.  Keeping your eyes on the ground, you stood there sobbing.  Legolas thought a moment.  He tried to think back to watching humans in sad times, but he had no experience in it.  He did know what humans liked hugs, so he decided to try it.  He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tightly to his chest, this was a pretty new experience for him, he started doubting the idea, until you returned the hug.  Thanks to Legolas comforting you, the tears stopped.
“I am sorry you had to see me in this state” you chuckled half-heartedly.
“Ha's okaui mui mel” Legolas replied.  When he felt you freeze against him, he finally realised what he had said.  ‘Mui Mel’ if you weren’t mistaken it meant ‘My Love’ if that was so, he probably meant it as a friend.  Maybe it was elven custom to say it to a friend?.  You decided to question it though.
“Mui Mel?” you whispered.  Pulling away looking at him with confidence you had never felt before.  Legolas pulled away completely, taking a few steps back.  You didn’t think it was possible for an elf to blush and look so awkward.  You waited for him to speak, feeling less and less confidence.  Even if by chance he did actually love you in any way it wouldn’t happen, it couldn’t.  After a moment Legolas resolved himself.
“Yes, I said my love” he repeated, in English for you, “Because it is true” he stumbled over his words a little.
“You love me?” you asked, skeptically making sure.
“Yes,” Legolas replied, you stared at him for a moment,
“Im Mel cin” you whispered praying you had said it right.  Legolas expression brightened, then looked somber again.
“I did say that right, right?” you asked suddenly, this earned you a chuckle,
“Yes” he replied. He then looked like he was thinking.  He was, he was thinking about the fact that you are human and he is an elf, his father's thoughts, but then he looked up to you, your bright eyes.  Legolas cautiously walked towards you.  His hand grazed over your cheek, barely touching you, but when you didn’t move his confidence grew, he gently pressed his lips to yours, it was like a butterfly touching you, before pulling away.  He was still gaging your reactions, it wasn’t enough for you though, so you kissed him back.  The kiss quickly turned passionate, you had never experienced anything like it before.  When he pulled away all you felt was bliss for a moment.   
“My heart” Legolas whispered in his native tongue, it sounded so much better to you in elven, you could listen to it all day.
(there will be more to this)
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years ago
The final battle raged on at the Black Gate. Orcs by the thousands were fighting against the many people who wished to take them down not realizing that two hobbits had reached their destination.
Aragorn saved Gimli from a few orcs before spotting Legolas who looked like he needed a hand. He listened to his heart when it told him to go help the elf but then a sound echoed behind him.
He turned around and looked up to see a giant beast and prayed that Legolas could defend himself while he took out the big guy. What he didn't realize was that Legolas had already gotten rid of the pile up that had surrounded him and was calling out to Aragorn while said man was thrown to the ground.
Aragorn did his best to defend himself and got in a few slices here and there but the beast was still standing. His eyes widened as it leaned back getting ready to leave a devistating blow. He raised his hands and was about to close his eyes when he felt the ground shake.
He saw the orcs backing off slightly and it gave him enough time to stand and as he did so he watched the building that held the eye of Sauron crumble and fall. He looked around him as he watched the orcs scramble. He thought that they were safe now so he quickly turned to look for Legolas. His eyes had widened some more.
He watched as the confused elf turned to see what was behind him and then a blade stabbed into him. Aragorn ran with all his might ignoring the ground opening up and sending the orcs plummeting to their death. He made it to Legolas and took down the orc before dropping to the ground and holding the elf.
Everyone cheered for Frodo but Aragorn felt he couldn't. Not when he had his dying best friend in his arms. He couldn't celebrate when he knew his world was about to end. Suddenly everything went dark and his body laid right next to Legolas. He didn't see or hear anyone around them shouting and rushing to their side. All he heard before his eyes closed was Legolas saying "I love you Aragorn. Always have, always will."
For what felt like forever Aragorn finally woke. He sat up and groaned as he felt pain on the side of his head.
"woah easy there Stryder"
Aragorn looked up and saw Frodo hop out of his own bed and realized exactly where they were. They had made it and was taken back to Rivendell. They had won and it was all thanks to the Hobbit in front of him. Speaking of people who he really wanted to see.
"where's Legolas?"
Aragorn noticed Frodo looking down as water left the hobbits eyes and he pulled him in for a hug. He knew that the elf surviving was a long shot but deep down he had prayed that the elf would have made it. He felt his own tears drop as he hugged Frodo tighter.
After a few seconds Sam, Merry and Pippin rushed in and joined the hugging pair followed with Gimli and then Gandalf. Aragorn didn't notice a pair of elves standing by the door until the group dispersed. He looked up and nodded at the two.
Nods again.
Elrond was the first to speak. He looks at Aragorn and Frodo.
"how are the two of you? It was quite a battle"
Frodo holds his hand up and Aragorn notices a finger missing.
"well you know, missing fingers didn't stop me from doing what needed to be done. I just felt bad that there was nothing I could do to save Smeagol"
Elrond sat down on Frodos bed next to the Hobbit and patted his back.
"you can't save those who do not wish to be saved"
There was a moment of silence which was cut off by Pippin who walked up to the elf by the door.
"Never met you before. You remind me of Legolas. Hi I'm Pippin"
"Thranduil, king of the Woodland realm"
"ooh a king. There are so many Kings today. We've seen Gondor, it's a mess. Can we come see what your kingdom looks like? Did you bring some of that elf bread with you?"
Everyone groans at what Pippin says which causes the Hobbit to look around.
"what? What did I say?"
Aragorn watches as the amused Thranduil tries his hardest to not show any emotion as he raises a brow at the little Hobbit.
After awhile of everyone talking and catching up, Aragorn gets out of bed and heads out wanting to walk around the garden. He notices footsteps behind him and turns around. He bows as he notices it's Thranduil. He watches the elf stand next to him as they stare out into the garden watching all the little elf kids running around playing with the friendly creatures that roam the area.
"Legolas told me to give this to you"
Aragorn grabs the letter that the king held.
"he's really gone isn't he?"
"he used his last dying breath to sail to Valinor"
"your son was a good person my king. He died fighting and protecting what he believed in"
"I know. He did the elves proud. He did me proud"
"did you tell him that?"
"I told him that his mother wasn't the only one that loved him"
And with that Aragorn watched as Thranduil walked away.
It was 2 days later when the coronation took place and Aragorn was made king. Right after was his marriage to Arwen followed with a celebration.
Halfway during the celebration Aragorn left to his Chambers and sat on a seat next to the window. He took out his pipe and the letter he hadn't opened since receiving it.
"it's about time I open this letter"
He opened it and took a deep breath before reading it.
Dear Aragorn,
If you are reading this letter then that means I'm no longer on this plane of existence and have set sail to Valinor. As my time here has ended I wish to tell you something I could have never told you in person.
My father had given me a quest when I left Mirkwood. He told me to look for a Stryder. A man he knew would make a fine king one day. When I had set out to do it I didn't know what I would expect. It was a long adventure before I reached my destination.
When I first met this stubborn hard headed man I had begun to wonder if this really was the right type of person who would be king one day. Who knew you would prove me wrong. You became my friend, my comrade, a great leader and the best person I could ever think of that would do remarkable things as king.
It was when we were training in Rivendell that things took a different turn for me. I started developing strong emotions I hadn't felt since Tauriel. I couldn't figure these emotions out because they took a new turn. It wasn't until I lost you when I realized what it was that I truly felt. I had fallen in love. It was love that I felt all those years ago in Rivendell. It was love I felt when you came back to us after I thought all hope was lost. It took almost losing you for all the pieces to finally fit together. I put all my trust, faith and love in you hoping you would guide us to victory.
We are heading out for more fights because the war isn't over. Not by a long shot. I still need to find you and apologize for my moments of despair. Then again after what you said, there was a reason I was speaking elvish. I hope no harm is brought to us. Especially you my love.
Well I better finish this letter up. I still got letters to write for everyone else and an apology to a stubborn hard headed man I need to get out.
My father was right by the way. You will make an excellent king. Now go on and give your best. Do it for all those you have lost and all those that are still living.
P.s. if you receive this letter and I'm still alive, make sure the dwarf doesn't see this. I think he was one of the best friends, aside from yourself, an elf could ever have. I will never tell him that and he doesn't need to know. He will become a strong leader one day. Look after him for me will you.
- Legolas
"Oh Legolas Greenleaf you stupid elf. My stupid elf. I love you too. Always have, always will"
I rest my weary eyes as I rest back on the seat.
"I'll promise to keep fighting the good fight. For you and for everyone else my little elf."
My tears finally stop and I drop off to sleep as the celebration still rages on.
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middle-earth-imagines · 7 years ago
One Too Many (Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin and Reader Drabble)
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Written by Anonymous
Based off: “Imagine: Going out to celebrate with the hobbits, and you all get a bit drunk: Frodo can’t stop giggling and hugging everyone, Sam can’t stop talking about cooking and all the food he thinks you all should make, Pippin keeps trying to tell terrible jokes and come up with funny drinking games, and Merry tries to do silly tricks to impress everyone. The next day, Sam makes everyone his specialty hangover cure”
- Quite an adorably innocent fic! I had a good laugh and giggle at many moments XD -
You placed down your pint of mead with a sigh and a smile. “Another one, boys? I’m still a bit thirsty!” Although you weren’t aware of it, a drunken blush had begun to creep its way across your face, and your grin was becoming silly.
Pippin and Merry made eye contact with each other and quickly threw back what remained of their drinks, seeming to compete with each other.  Merry slammed his cup down and shouted “done!” loud enough for the entire pub to hear.  He was beaming, and placed an arm around Pippin, who was beginning to hiccup.  “Think you can beat me on the next round?” Merry said smugly.
Pippin scowled, mostly playfully, and got up to place another order.  Before he could get too far, he felt himself accosted at the wrist by another hobbit.  Frodo’s eyes were hooded, and he was smiling blissfully.  “Hey! I think I need another too!” he said, beginning to slur his words.  Sam quickly chimed in.  “Ask if they have elderflower mead!  I’ve been wanting to try it!  Did you know that elderflowers-“ Pippin left before he got sucked into another one of Sam’s long explanations of flowers and how to use them.
Pippin stumbled back with four overflowing pints held precariously in his hands.  He carefully placed them down, but still managed to splash you with a bit of alcohol.  You were too tipsy to care – after all, it’s just clothes!  Sam complained that everyone got the same mead, and Pippin suggested he ask the barkeep if he could make a drink fit to his liking.  Sam rolled his eyes and sipped quietly, while Frodo awkwardly hugged Pippin as thanks for bringing more booze.  As Pippin sat down, his eyes glimmered mischievously.  “How about we make the next game a bit more interesting?”
Merry’s ears seemed to twitch.  “Interesting how?”
“You four will all chug those pints, and I’ll act silly.  Whoever stops drinking because they start to laugh at me, loses.  Last one drinking wins!”
You and Merry looked knowingly at each other, ready to drink each other under the table.  “Let’s do it!” you exclaimed.  Frodo and Sam both seemed to be drunker than the rest, but couldn’t protest.  Frodo just gave another wide grin, followed by a giggle, while Sam said “You’re on!”
Pippin seemed amused with himself.  “Alright, then on my say… start drinking!”
You all began to sip your mead as quickly as you could.  Pippin started with Frodo first, asking him if he wanted to hear a secret.  He whispered something in Frodo’s ear, and while you couldn’t hear what it was, it was funny enough to make Frodo spit out his drink and laugh uproariously.  His shirt was covered in droplets of alcohol, and he was trying to wipe it off his mouth with his hands.  Admittedly, you wanted to laugh at Frodo’s quick loss (partly because it was funny, partly because it was quite cute) but a glance at Merry gave you the determination to continue.
Pippin turned to Sam next, beginning to tease him about his crush on Ms. Rosie Cotton.  Sam blushed furiously, but eventually lost it when Pippin said he had tried her cooking, and that she would often mix up ingredients – she made the only things he couldn’t force down!  Sam knew it wasn’t true, but he couldn’t help but snicker as he thought of the hobbit he loved making Pippin eat bad food.  
Just you and Merry remained, and you were beginning to tire of drinking.  Merry shut his eyes and tried to ignore Pippin as he began approaching dwarves visiting the pub.  You don’t know how he did it, but somehow, Pippin managed to get under the beard of a dwarf and pretend it was his hair.  He started talking in a gruff voice, and made a comment about their beards being smelly.  Just as he started to braid the hair to “make a pretty dwarf”, you felt a giggle push its way through your throat.  Quickly swallowing what you had already drank, you slammed your mug down and burst out laughing.  You laughed so loudly and hard that you began to cry, and Merry had to put his cup down upon seeing your reaction.  Your laughter was so infectious, everyone at the table burst out!  The dwarf had enough of Pippin’s antics and pushed him back towards your group, then quickly untangled his beard.
Pippin was beaming.  “Well, I think we must call it a draw between [Y/N] and Merry!”
Merry protested.  “I didn’t laugh until [Y/N] did!  I won and you know it!”
Frodo leaned over, draping himself across you.  “Noooo!  I saw you both start to laugh at the same time!  Besides, [Y/N] drank more, seeeee?”  He said, picking up your mug and waving it around.  Sam tried to put the mug down, but Frodo ended up bonking him in the head with it.  “Okay Mr. Frodo, you’ve had enough.” He said as he attempted to make Frodo sit up straight.  Frodo groaned.  “I can so drink more!  I’m not even done with this pint!” he exclaimed, reaching for his cup.
Merry laughed.  “Frodo, you’re such a lightweight!”
Pippin had turned his attention to the pint he got for himself, trying to catch up to everyone.  He finished and began to hiccup again, stumbling as he got up.  “M-hic-maybe Sam is right.  We don’t want to be si-hic- tomorrow!”
Merry protested, again.  “Says you!  [Y/N] and I can go for another four rounds, easy!”
“Merry I don’t th-“ Pippin cut you off.  You definitely felt drunk after the drinking game and weren’t sure you could go drink-for-drink with Merry any longer.
“Oh?  Then –hic- wait here.  Let me see –hic- you do it!” Pippin said as he marched off to the bar.
Pippin returned with a tray of small glasses.  You didn’t know what it was, but it smelled horrible, and you could already feel your stomach turn.  Pippin grinned.  “Let’s see you all keep drinking!”
Each of you picked up a glass.  “Bottoms up!” you said, trying to force the liquid down.  Your eyes watered, but you managed to survive Pippin’s surprise.  It tasted like something Orcs would make!
Frodo could only take a sip before coughing and gagging.  “Pippin, how dare you!?” he squeaked out.  He leaned over on your shoulder again, trying to keep himself from becoming sick.
Sam managed to drink it down, making a pained expression.  “Goodness Pippin, what are you trying to do to us?”   Pippin just laughed and forced the shot down.  “Aaaah, refresh-hic-ing!”
Merry smirked, and easily took the drink.  But when Pippin handed him another, he began to gag.  Pippin laughed.  “Too much for the great Merry, -hic-?”
Merry just stared down the glass.  “I…I can do it! Just need a bit!” he said, trying to work up the courage to take another shot.  Frodo looked up with wide eyes.  “Doooon’t Merry!  I think it’s poison!” he said before resting his head on your shoulder again.
Merry swallowed hard and brought the cup to his lips, tossing it back quickly.  “Blech! I told you I could do it!” he proudly declared.  Just then, however, he looked spooked and put a hand up to his lips.  “I…have to step out for a moment.”  Pippin and Sam started to laugh as Merry ran out of the pub.  “Even Merry can’t handle dwarven rotgut!” Pippin giggled.
“Told you it was poison!  What kind of a name is ‘rot gut’?!”  Frodo said with slurred speech.  Sam tried to pick him up off of you, and he tried to push back.  “What are you doing…?  [Y/N] is so soft and comfy!”
Sam grabbed him and sat him upright.  “Mr. Frodo, come on.  You’re too drunk!”
Frodo smiled and shook his head.  “Noooo… you’re too drunk!”  He poked the gardener’s nose, and he rolled his eyes.  Sam was indeed drunk, but he had a far better handle on his liquor than the other hobbit.  Just before Sam was about to pull Frodo off of you and drag him home, Merry stumbled back over to the group.  “Aw, are you okay?” you asked your friend.
Merry just glared at Pippin.  “Peregrin Took…you are the very worst.”
Pippin cocked his head and grinned his silly grin.  “As you say, Meriadoc!”
You tried to intervene and prevent another fight between the two.  “I think we’ve all had enough!  Maybe we try to go to my place for snacks…I have enough blankets for everyone too!” you chirped.
Frodo perked up instantly. “Yes! Yes! Let’s get snacks! Pleeeeease [Y/N]?”  Sam seemed more cheery too.  “Let’s do it…but only if you let me cook!”
You looked over at Pippin and Merry.  “What about you two? It’ll be fun, I promise!” you said with a wink.  Merry seemed to be feeling better, and agreed that food would help everyone.  Pippin, of course, jumped at the thought of getting to eat Sam’s cooking.  Helping Frodo up, you all began to stumble out and hobble to your home.
Drinking with those four was always an adventure, but you always left happy…and a bit hungover!  
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kittenwritesstuff · 8 years ago
The things we do for love
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Fandom: The Lord of The Rings Pairing: Aragorn x reader Genres: angst, mention of injury, fluff Words: 1.710 Summary: Reader gets hurt during a battle and Aragorn takes nursing her back to health upon himself - requested by Anonymous 
It was happening too fast. It was way too intense for you to fathom precisely and with every detail what had transpired.
You were hurt, that was for sure. The burning, sickening pain in your stomach was too vivid for it to not be real. The world around you was spinning fast, the noises coming as though through a thick blanket. Then, you felt as if you were drowning. The sense of reality, of being in a place had left you and you collapsed heavily on the ground, Legolas’ golden locks the last thing your eyes managed to catch before you gave in to the darkness.
There is a fire blazing in your guts but you can do nothing to stop it. Your hands are not yours because they do not move when you order them to. Your eyes are not yours for they do not open upon your demand.
You do not belong to yourself. How can you when everything you are built of is a scorching, head-spinning ache? It starts in your belly, yet by now it crept into every cell, every fiber of your body.
“Do not move, Y/N,” a voice sooths gently but do not recognize who is speaking. You cannot think of anything else than unparalleled, unimaginable agony that has taken over your body and mind.
“I will care for you, I will heal you. I promise you that,” the voice assures and somewhere in your mind, a tiny flicker of hope lights up.
Yet, you cannot hold onto it. Once again, you welcome the comforting unconsciousness.
“You need to prepare that she might not survive.”
“She will, I know it. I must hope. I must try. If the hands of a king are the hands of a healer, than we shall see what a king I truly am.”
“You are very stubborn, my friend.”
“Gandalf, I cannot give her up, not when she was by my side throughout that journey. Not when she risked her life for all of us.”
“Yet you said nothing-“
“And I won’t say a thing until Y/N’s well. How is Frodo?”
“Lord Elrond has been personally tending to him, and I do believe our hobbit will soon be in a good health again.”
“That’s a good news, a very good news…”
“If I may add-“
“I have already heard it, Gandalf. You don’t have to repeat yourself.”
“If you say so, dear friend. One would think, three simple words, when apart so very easy to say, when together – that’s a different story, isn’t it?”
“It’s not a time for that, not now. She has to be aware, has to hear…”
“Mister Strider, can she hear me?”
“I’m not sure, Sam, but you can speak. Maybe you can wake her up, who knows?”
“What should I say?”
“Whatever you wish to.”
“W-what are you doing?!”
“I must change the dressings. Speak to her, it’s calming her.”
“M-miss Y/N, it’s me, Samwise Gamgee. I know it is much to ask, but could you maybe consider returning to us sooner? We all miss you a lot, and Merry cannot wait to hug you!”
“Oh, can he now?”
“Don’t tell him I told that! He’s afraid you’d smack him if you found out.”
“Why would I ever do that, Sam?”
“Well, uhm… you don’t leave her bedside. It does show how much y-you care about her.”
“I do, yes.”
“Did you hear that, Y/N? Mister Strider, too, wants you to be with us!”
“My dear Sam, you cannot imagine how much I wish for her to be back.”
“I miss her, to be frank. The War is over and the Ring is destroyed, times are better. Yet without miss Y/N, I just can’t seem to be fully happy. Do you understand, mister Strider?”
“I do, Sam. And how many times should I tell you to call me by my name?”
“Yes, apologies. Is her wound healing?”
“Slowly, but it does. I do my best, but we need time.”
“I just hope she’ll wake up sooner than later.”
“I hope so, too, Sam.”
“You need rest.”
“I don’t. Not until she’s awake.”
“How long have you been staying by her side?”
“A week or so?”
“Have you eaten anything?”
“Yes, Sam brought me plenty.”
“She does look better. Less pale. Did the bleeding stop?”
“Yes, two days ago.”
“You’re healing her, Aragorn.”
“I hope it’s true, Legolas, I hope she’s healing because of me. That’s the least I can do to repay. On the battlefield, when she’s got hurt – she was saving me. I know that. I would have-“
“But you have not. And trust me on this – the sooner you tell her, the quicker she opens her eyes.”
“Why is everyone convincing me to speak of my feelings? My hands can heal, not my words.”
“Oh, my friend, have you not learnt by now that words can mend what hands cannot? That maybe it is what Y/N is waiting for?”
“I-I don’t-“
“Are you certain of what your heart wants?”
“Then what are you waiting for, you fool?”
It seems as if everything you feel, everything you hear and experience is only but a dream. It feels like you are dreaming, or your mind decided to flood you with imaginary events to somehow deal with inevitable end.
Yet, it also seems real. You are finally able to move your limbs. Only a bit, a tiny fidget of your finger but you do it.
And it makes Aragorn freeze in place. He is kneeling by the bed you’re lying on, his hands sunk in a bowl with water, his eyes never leaving you.
“Y/N?” he whispers, sure that what he saw was nothing but a fantasy, an imagine produced by his tired mind.
So, you do it again.
“Y/N, do you hear me?”
Unable to form any words, you only make a tiny noise – a breathy moan, barely audible. You hear a shuffling, and a voice comes from somewhere closer now. Aragorn strokes the top of your palm tenderly, a gesture that would surely ignite shivers if you could feel anything more than dull ache.
“You were hit by one of Uruk-hai. The wound was not big or deep, the blade was poisoned and that’s why you were suffering so much. I do hope you’re better now, I did my best…”
“Y/N, please, can you try and open your eyes for me?”
You summon all your strength and order heavy eyelids to lift. They do, slowly and you blink few times to adjust to the light. It is not bright – few candles are lit in otherwise dark room.
You slide your head to the side and your gaze focused on Aragorn – he looks as if he hasn’t slept in ages; his skin is pale, his eyes however shine brightly with relief and warmth.
“I thought I’d lost you…” he pants and carefully moves his hand to cup your face. You clear your throat but it doesn’t help much with harshness you feel in it.  
“How long was I asleep?” you mutter, your voice coarse.
“Ten days.”
“What did I miss?”
“Nothing. Only hobbits’ antics around Gondor, and an engagement between Éowyn and Faramir.”
“You have not-?”
“No, the coronation was delayed.”
“Why? Were you hurt?” you feel a wave of panic running through you and you make to rise in the bed but your body protests with a jolt of gut-wrenching pain.
You hiss and Aragorn lays a hand on your middle to keep you in place.
“Don’t move, it’s barely healed. Few more days and I’ll let you try to stand up.”
“You will let me?” you quirk an eyebrow and force your lips to smirk. Aragorn cackles airily and strokes your cheek with his thumb.
“I’m your healer, you should listen to me, Y/N.”
“Can I have some water? My throat feels as if it’s full of dirt.”
“Of course,” Aragorn takes his hands off of you and reaches to a stand, taking a glass of water from there and  carefully bringing it  to your lips. You sip a bit, deciding that it is, by far, the best drink you have ever had.
Aragorn keeps his eyes on you, ready to act by whatever you’d ask him to. Debating with yourself whether you should bring up a thing that, most likely, was your dream, you grimace.
“Are you in pain?” he asks, his voice hinted with fear and concern and you shake your head.
“No, I… was Sam here while I was not conscious?”
“Yes, he did visit you. Do you remember it?”
“It appears so. Gandalf was here, too?”
“He was, yes.”
“And Legolas?”
“Yes,” Aragorn nods his head, his brows knitting over his nose as a realization dawns on him.
“Why did he call you a fool?”
“Because I am one. Legolas was only honest with me. As well as Gandalf. I should’ve said it sooner, Y/N, maybe you wouldn’t be so stupidly brave.”
“Oh, now I’m a fool, too?” you tease, curling your lips into a smile and Aragorn grimaces, closing his eyes for a moment.
“That’s not what I meant to say.”
“Then say what you mean,” you encourage, reaching for his hand and taking it in yours, and Aragorn inhales deeply before he whispers,
“I love you, Y/N. I have loved you since I laid my eyes on you, a long time ago, yet I was a coward. I feared you’d reject me. I feared you’d be scared of my heritage. And yet, you promptly agreed to join the Fellowship and share that hardship with me.”
“I couldn’t let you go, Aragorn. I thought I’d build up courage to confess my feelings but I only learnt that I was not as bold as I believed.”
“Do you-?”
“I love you, you fool. You think that why I faced that monster before it could get to you?”
“Never do that again,” he breaths out, leaning in to rub his nose against yours and you close your eyes to savor every second of that moment.
“Promise me, Y/N, to never try and save my life again, do you hear me?”
“I promise, I promise. Now, kiss me before I pass out.”
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garden-ghoul · 8 years ago
return of the blog, part.... uhhhh
“that’s right, I can’t even reliably count to three. or maybe I can and it’s four I can’t reliably count to?”
That aside, something horrible is about to happen.
Gandalf wakes up Pippin at “the second hour,” which is either 2am or like 9am, depending on where they’re counting from. Pippin stares at his bread butter & milk breakfast miserably and says, “Why did you bring me here?” 
“You know quite well,” said Gandalf. “To keep you out of mischief; and if you do not like being here, you can remember that you brought it on yourself.”
Dude. He’s a teen and he was cursed. Give him a break.
He has to go see Denethor, who treats him rather rudely and then says he’ll be the lord’s esquire for today. Does he know any songs? Well, um, not many that are fitting here... Pippin does not want to sing comic songs or lewd songs to the Steward of Gondor. I just can’t get over this teen thing, he is like a college freshman who got out for the summer after a socially productive semester and now he works for the president. It’s fucking ridiculous. Well, he goes and gets some fancy livery so he’ll look regal enough for Denethor, and it only makes him gloomier. I love all the descriptions of Merry and Pippin being gloomy about being treated like ornaments.
Near sunset he’s finally released from his service (both boring and arduous, though I’ll wager he’s been doing a lot of good eavesdropping) and goes to hang out with Beregond and bemoan the fact that Faramir isn’t here. Oh! How convenient! There’s Faramir’s company right there (what’s left of it), being attacked by Nazgul! LUCKILY Gandalf, who vanished a while ago, seems to have foreseen this; he chases them away with light magic. Pippin runs to the gates to see Faramir coming home, and immediately gets a crush on him. He’s so noble! So tired! Yet so approachable!
Denethor does not really think so. He finds the smallest crack in Faramir’s demeanor as he’s making his report, and verbally eviscerates him in front of the guests. Y’know, for letting the Ring go into Mordor, and also for being alive even though Denethor is the one who told Boromir to go questing. Denethor and Gandalf yell at each other for a while, it’s rather frightening. As Pippin and Gandalf are leaving (Faramir has gone off to get some sleep, thank goodness!) Gandalf says he is filled with foreboding that Sam and Frodo are going via Cirith Ungol. How would YOU have gone, Gandalf? Through the front door? Secret tunnel?
The next morning everyone is gloomy again. They WERE excited about Faramir coming back--the text sort of implies that everyone in the city is a little in love with him--
But now Faramir was gone again. ‘They give him no rest,’ some murmured. ‘The Lord drives his son too hard, and now he must do the duty of two, for himself and for the one that will not return.’ And ever men looked northward, asking: ‘Where are the Riders of Rohan?’
Restless, restless, restless. Electric air. That Good Stuff. Faramir has been sent to Osgiliath to strengthen the garrison:
‘Then farewell!’ said Faramir. ‘But if I should return, think better of me!’
‘That depends on the manner of your return,’ said Denethor.
Ouch. Why do I get the feeling that Denethor will only think better of him if he returns in a coffin? As Faramir leaves, Gandalf tells him that his father loves him. Umm okay but how does that mitigate his awful treatment of Faramir. Doesn’t that make it worse? Right now I’m thinking about how Faramir is probably going to have to fight the Witch King since he’s leading the attack on Osgiliath, and thinking about how Eowyn is the one who kills him, and just being really excited for them to meet. Weary guy who hates to fight but must; frustrated enby who is chomping at the bit to murder some dudes. Honestly doesn’t that describe ALL the best Tolkien ships. Sometimes he does ladies right and it’s so #aesthetic. Wait I think the aesthetic I’m describing is just classic Jewish gender roles. Gentle studious men and women alight with the fire of direct action. I’m gay for both of these genders.
Anyway the next day the Black Host or whatever comes through the wall of the Pelennor Fields, despite the fact that Faramir is still doing his best to hold the rearguard off in Osgiliath. Including, yep, the Witch King. Actually they never refer to him as the Witch King in these books and I’m not sure where I heard it, but it’s an amazing title. Anyway mounted sorties start going out into Pelennor, with Gandalf at Prince Whoever of Amroth at their head. Denethor at least doesn’t let them overextend themselves; he calls them in very promptly so they won’t get trapped or too tired. I get the impression that for quick strikes they have the advantage because all of Sauron’s people are on foot. Oh, except a full third of them died anyway, because Sauron’s forces MASSIVELY outnumber them. Faramir has come back dead or wounded, and EVERYONE is crying. They bring him back to Denethor, who goes up into his tower and people see a strange flashing light and he comes down even more dead-looking than his dead son. I am beginning to suspect that the reason the text has alluded so many times to how far-sighted and well-informed Denethor is, is that he has a palantir. And this is some kind of secret, maybe?
The very last companies who can make it come back in through the gates, and they report that there is no way the Rohirrim can possibly make it in to help them now. The enemy is throwing fire over the walls. They’re throwing severed heads over the walls. Nazgul are circling. Denethor is weeping by Faramir’s body. Gandalf and the prince of Amroth have taken command of the city. There’s an aside here with Gondorians whispering about how elvish the people of Dol Amroth are--the people of Nimrodel. I’m glad there’s at least one version of the story where they found each other again and settled down, even if “the coast” probably wasn’t the land Nimrodel dreamed of that had never heard of war.
Hey, let’s check in on Denethor! Oh, uh, the palantir broke his will and he’s planning to set himself on fire in his despair. That’s cool I guess. Pippin goes to fetch Gandalf, as if he couldn’t possibly have anything more important to do than save one rude old man’s life. Or no, Pippin suspects he is going to kill Faramir as well. He passes Beregond and tells him to stop anything awful from happening.
No no jk I will keep reading. I’m extremely pleased though. I have “Grond! Grond! Grond!” echoing in my head nonstop some days. Um anyway the Witch King is there, casting an evil spell to help Grond along, and on the third go it BURSTS the gates open!
‘You cannot enter here,’ said Gandalf, and the huge shadow halted. ‘Go back to the abyss prepared for you! Go back! Fall into the nothingness that awaits you and your Master. Go!’
The Black Rider flung back his hood, and behold! he had a kingly crown; and yet upon no head visible was it set.
Fuck yes.
Somewhere in the city, a cock crows, because having half of Gondor on fire in no way disrupted this chicken’s daily routine. Dawn. And with it, the horns of Rohan.
The beginning of this chapter has a lot of fun sense description, since Merry is lying awake in complete darkness listening to the distant sounds of the Enemy’s hosts. Smelling the horses. All that. He thinks about how weird it is that everyone is just ignoring him because they know he’s not supposed to be here; Dernhelm seems to have some kind of “understanding” with Elfhelm, the marshal of their company. Sorry. Elfhelm? Elf? Helm? Is that a guy’s actual name? Elfhelm trips over Merry in the dark, and Merry asks What Is Up. As it turns out what is up is Woses, and what will soon be up is all the Rohirrim. I was gonna explain what Woses are but I think it’s way funnier if I don’t.
A Wose has come to offer help to Theoden, since he hates orcs as much as the next guy. Woses, he says, have “long ears and long eyes,” which isn’t especially relevant as far as I can tell but it’s delightful. The leader of the Woses, Ghan-buri-Ghan, knows a secret road! All he wants as a reward is... for the Rohirrim to stop hunting his people like beasts. What the fuck. I can’t believe Ghan-buri-Ghan actually prefers the Rohirrim to orcs. They go through the forest, and it takes all day, but the next morning before dawn they are ready to go do murders. Merry is upset again because he’s actually zero good at fighting and is just going to get himself and others killed.
The king sat upon Snowmane, motionless, gazing upon the agony of Minas Tirith, as if stricken suddenly by anguish, or by dread. He seemed to shrink down, cowed by age. Merry himself felt as if a great weight of horror and doubt had settled on him. His heart beat slowly. Time seemed poised in uncertainty. They were too late! Too late was worse than never! Perhaps Théoden would quail, bow his old head, turn, slink away to hide in the hills.
Then suddenly Merry felt it at last, beyond doubt: a change. Wind was in his face! Light was glimmering. Far, far away, in the South the clouds could be dimly seen as remote grey shapes, rolling up, drifting: morning lay beyond them.
Nice nice nice nice nice that’s some top notch metaphor. Tolkien is sooo good at environmental metaphors and foreshadowing. IDK there’s just something about the way the whole world seems to get in on the narrative, it’s really good. Spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered; a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Theoden grabs a horn from someone and blows on it so hard it EXPLODES. AND THEY’RE OFF!! Join us next time for
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