#i just kinda sat there today and it hit me that i was 22
minnieposting · 2 months
everything's been so bleak lately . i feel like im rotting
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klausinamarink · 9 months
The New Highs and Lows of a Ball Boy
rating: G | cw: ankle injury | tags: volleyball, pre-relationship, Jeff is Eddie’s best friend, sweetheart Steve, secret Shakespeare fan Steve, post S1 | wc: 1000
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles | Dec 22: Sports AU
This is humiliating. Eddie thought miserably as he stood next to the wheeled box of volleyballs. He wasn’t even allowed to sit down on the bench. The coach couldn’t let him help with the net’s setup 
He glanced again at the gym’s clock. 3:27. God, he should be doing the Hellfire campaign right now.
But nope. Jeff had forced him to postpone the next campaign to Tuesday because the boy’s volleyball team had some extra practice today for some upcoming state tournament Eddie gave little fucks about. Then Jeff had (albeit apologetically) dropped the bomb that he wanted to drag Eddie to the gym as their replacement ball boy.
Eddie did not like that and refused to budge.
Until Jeff had looked Eddie in the eye and said, “Postpone and do this favor for me or I will tell the club about the trash can incident.”
The unwavering confidence Eddie had at the time immediately froze into dread. “You wouldn’t-”
“What’s the trash can incident?” Frankie had asked.
Jeff had opened his mouth to answer but Eddie frantically shut him. “Fine! I’ll postpone Hellfire and be your stupid ball boy!”
He hasn’t stopped regretting this decision.
Across the gym, the jocks were doing some stretches. Of course, one of them was Steve Harrington because god forbid a single sport team be untouched by the King of Hawkins.
He caught Jeff’s eye and gave him the most pissed off stare, conveying the you did this to me message. Jeff just smiled and waved at him cheerfully like a child getting his dad’s attention. A couple jocks noticed and laughed, though Jeff immediately turned around and said something that backed them off.
Well, Eddie couldn’t hate him forever.
Few minutes later, the net was up and the coach whistled for everyone’s attention. He said some things that Eddie zoned out on. Another whistle and the players scrambled to their teams. Some of them took positions on opposite sides of the net and others sat on the bleachers. Eddie tried not to scowl at Jeff and Steve being on the same team.
See, as much as he decries it, Eddie does enjoy watching sports. Preferably baseball on the TV networks Wayne would tune in sometimes after work. Not because he was a fan but because it was much easier to cheer on a team in your room instead of dozens of other students who saw the jocks as untouchable stars instead of assholes.
So while he had not idea how the fuck volleyball works, he kept his eyes on Jeff whenever he had the ball and slammed it over the net. He was much better than Steve, who seemed to be doing nothing at his corner of the gym. 
And then Steve finally made a move. Eddie watched in real time as Steve ran right behind Jeff and another kid, jumped up to hit the ball over the net, and landed back down only his left foot to roll right underneath.
Steve collapsed completely, immediately clutching his ankle. Even Eddie cringed at the sight. For a few minutes, everyone gathered around Steve and watched as the boy tried to put weight on his now-bare foot, only to shut his eyes and vigorously shake his head.
“Sit on the bench next to Munson, Harrington.” The coach ordered. Eddie just stood as Steve hobbled himself over to the bench and sat down. He gasped for breath as he ran for a marathon.
“You were shit anyways.” Eddie blurted out. He almost regretted it when Steve turned his head towards him. Instead of snarling at him to fuck off, Steve laughed, his eyes crinkling.
“Gonna be honest, I’m kinda new to volleyball.” Steve wheezed, rubbing his ankle tenderly. The skin was terribly red and swelling a bit. Jeff appeared and gave him an ice pack, which Steve thanked him for. 
Jeff looked at Eddie and mouthed, “Don’t start anything.”
Eddie just grinned and flipped him off. Jeff rolled his eyes, lightly punched his shoulder, and returned to the court as practice continued.
“Why would the King even try volleyball this late within the spring court?” Eddie asked flourishly. 
Steve squinted at him for a moment before shaking his head, “Hey man, don’t call me the King, ‘kay? I actually hate the name.”
“But it’s your crown, so heavy is it to wear!” Eddie held both hands against his own hands, feigning a scandal. 
Steve snorted, his lips turning up with a smirk, “My crown’s in my heart, not on my head. Not decked with diamonds or stones nor to be seen. It’s just content.”
Eddie felt his jaw drop to the floor. He stared at Steve, taken aback by the words and the slightly mournful tone he’d spoken in. Steve looked back at him, his smirk falling into a small, insecure frown. Wait, since when had Steve Harrington looked insecure? Why did he also look close to crying?
No time to unpack all of that, Eddie shook himself back to reality and cleared his throat. “D-Did- did you just quote Shakespeare?”
The vulnerability was gone and Steve sent him a charming smile that did dangerous things to Eddie’s gut. “It’s paraphrased, but yeah.”
Eddie felt a grin breaking through his face and leaned over Steve. “Never knew you were such a theater kid. What a charmer.”
He saw the way Steve's cheeks turned a shade darker, how his Adam’s apple bobbed with a small swallow, and how his eyes briefly flicked to Eddie’s lips. 
If they weren’t alone, Eddie was certain they would be honest to god grabbing each other’s faces and-
A sharp blow of the whistle jerked Eddie back. The coach was pointing wordlessly at the extra volleyballs. Eddie quickly picked a random ball and threw it to the court. When he looked back at Steve, he was too attentively pressing the ice pack on his ankle.
On the court, Eddie saw Jeff staring back at him with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.
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p1stay · 1 year
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genres fluff, comfort
"You are a lonely girl who lives alone with your stuffed squirrel that your grandma gifted you when you were young but she passed away when you were 12.But you always feel like that stuffed squirrel can have feelings like humans. One day you meet him the one who makes that stuffed squirrel and he tells you about it and he changes your life..."
Magic Au, friend to lover
Sorry if the story no good. My English is bad too :( hope you guys like it.
you always have a stuffed squirrel by your side even though you are old.....ummm I mean 22 years old, because you need it, you hug it when you are sad, cry, or when you are happy... let's just say you need it all the time. That stuffed squirrel was a lovely gift from your gramma when you were still a kid...but your grandma passed away when you were 12. you always talk and share your school day, and your feelings with your grandma, but she is gone and you feel alone all the time, no one to talk with, no friends, and your parents never understand you, but you are too scared to make friends. So you talk with that stuffed squirrel every night. But sometimes you feel like the stuffed squirrel can listen and understand what you say, sometimes you hug it you feel like have warm arms wrapped around you and hug, comfort you.
One day, you went to school like normal...but when you arrived at school you realized that you had forgotten your homework at home. You frantically checked your bad, but it was no use. You start to panic, you sit down and try to calm down but you can't, you want to hug your stuffed squirrel but you didn't bring it to school. The teacher came in and told everyone to submit homework, and you panicked more. The teacher didn't see your homework so she called you and yelled at you
" miss Y/N, how many times you have forgotten your homework..."
"i-i'm sorry miss, it won't happen again-" she cut you off
" won't happen again?! THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME! do you have brain? why do you always forget just a little thing?! how old are you now, such a useless girl, you don't have to study in my class today...GET OUT!”
you want to explain but it's useless so you decide to keep quiet take your bag and leave...you leave the classroom feeling angry at yourself. You couldn't believe that you had just made such a stupid mistake.
You want to go to the park nearby and get some fresh air but...well, things never went like what you wanted. As soon as you sit down at the park...it starts to rain and you don't have an umbrella with you. You run to the bus stop near there to get shelter from the rain, your clothes all wet and your bag. after some moment, you check the time, and is time to go to work ( you work at the coffee shop) but the rain hasn't stopped yet. But you have to work and the rain is getting worse. You came jogging into the coffee shop, soaked to the bone. Your hair was dripping and soaked as the rest of you... You were late, with your wet clothes you went inside and changed your clothes. As you expected, your boss yelled at you and made you do more work.
you have finally done your work and you are the last one still in the coffee shop. When you are about to leave, a guy with brown undercut hair with glasses, wearing a long coat and a black shirt inside. He reminds you of your stuffed squirrel. He opens the door, holding an umbrella:
"Sorry, I know it's late but can I stay here for a bit... it's kinda cold outside” he said with a soft smile and he hit you hard with that smile. your heart is pounding like crazy.
”o-oh sure, come and sit I can make something for you to drink" Your cheek is turning red
" Do you mind if I ask what's your name?" he gave you a warm smile and nod, making you feel butterfly
"I'm Jisung, Han Jisung but my friends used to call me Han." you put a cup of hot tea and a cheesecake on the table and sat opposite him.
"That's a very cute name. Oh, what are you doing at this time? it's like 10:30 p.m. now." you tilt your head and somehow Han finds it cute and chuckles.
he took a sip of his drink "I was just about to head home after work but it was cold outside so I wanted to have some warm tea but I can't find any coffee shop here...so I came here, thank you for letting me stay here and sorry if you have to go home this time, I waste your time." he smiles embarrassedly and uses his hand to rub the back of his neck. You can't help but chuckle too.
" it's ok, you don't have to apologize. I wanted to help you anyway." He smiles and nods at you.
" Can I ask what's your job?"
” oh I sell stuffed animals, my store is near here, the name is "Stay Kids"
"Stray kids? Why do you name your store like that?"
" cause I feel like all the stuffed animals, they are like stray kids. I made them by hand, they don't have a home or owner and I'm the one who finds an owner for them and brings happiness to people" he smiles again ...and yep your heart skipped a beat. He can make you forget all the bad things and make you feel warm inside just by his smile
"ummm....hello?" he waved his hand in front of your face. You didn't even notice you were zoned out.
"o-oh um hum....sorry just thinking about something." he nodded
" oh Han, I think I have one stuffed animal from your store that my grandma bought for me"
" oh really, I'm so happy to hear that, do you like that." he looked at you curiously with his big brown eyes... So cute. You don't know why but you blush a bit " o-of course I love that -” he cut you off because he was too excited when you said you love that stuffed animal "What animal is it?!!"
"It's a brown squirrel..."
"It has a long tail, right? With a pink nose and big black eyes right?" you nodded at him and he smiled "Oh you are lucky because I only make one squirrel and you are the one who has that"
" woah really? maybe I have to love it more than I used to" I joke and he laughs alone with you>
You and Han have been talk for an hour and you both didn't even notice until Han check his phone.
" oh it's very late right now i think i should go home and you you too."
" yea you right. i should go home."
" Do you want me to walk you home" you shake your head and smile at him" no thanks" he nodded understand " then becareful, i will go first bye Y/N" he wave at you while walk out of the store. wait....he know your name but haven't tell him yet how he know??
You closed the door and walk home.You keep thinking about him while walking home...you don't know how he know your name.
when you arrived home, you saw your squirrel sitting on the couch...but that weird cause you remember you put it on your bed, not the couch... But then you don't think bout it too much cause maybe you remember wrong. You took a quick bath and headed to bed. You hug your little squirrel and lay on the bed. As soon as you closed your eyes, Han smile immediately appeared in your mind. Your eyes are wide and your face turns red. You can't stop thinking about him, and then you rub your face into your squirrel and smile like a love-sick girl...well I mean yeah you are
~~~the next day~~~
You walk to school like normal, but you meet Han on the way." Oh good morning Y/N, going to school?" he waves at you and smiles. Oh, that smile again so bright. You wave back at him
" hi Han, I'm going to school. Where are you going?" you completely forgot how Han knows your name, all you can think about is how he looks today. Wearing a black oversized shirt with black and black and white trousers, silver necklace, black boots, and a black cap with glasses on the cap. His outfit looks very simple but somehow you find it attractive.
"I'm going to my store. wanna visit my store after school?"
"Okay sure but I don't know where is it-" he cut you off by putting his hand on your shoulder which made your heart skip a beat." I can come and pick you up, just tell me what time" he leaned close to you and smile.
" Y-you don't have to...but if you ok with that then thank you first. My class will end at 10.“ you got a little nervous cause he was so close to you.
He takes his hand back and chuckles softly ” Ok, see you then, have a nice school sweetheart." he says as he pats your head. at that moment you feel like you are about to explode Your cheeks turn red your heart is pounding, your hand slightly shakes, and you keep looking down at the ground cause you know if you look up at him right now you will faint immediately. A lot of questions pop up in your head "Sweetheart?! why is he calling me that?! why is he patting my head?! what does he mean and what is he planning?!"
He finally took his hand back "Ok bye be careful" You just nodded and watched him walk away. You are too flustered right now and you can't even think straight.
You walk into your class with a flustered mind. You sit down and take your book out trying to stay focused and study but you can't, you keep thinking about him, his smile, the way he put his hand on your shoulder, the way he patted your head.
You take a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves as you stare at the book in front of you. But the more you try to focus, the more your thoughts drift back to that moment with the stranger and his soft, warm touch. You try to push the memories aside, but they keep intruding, making it impossible for you to concentrate on your studies.
you sigh and close the book. You look outside at the window, you look at the coffee shop that you work at and also the first day you meet Han. You keep thinking about him and then realize you have fallen in love with him since the first time you met him. You immediately rushed to the restroom and washed your face.
"Y/n are you crazy, you just met him yesterday...oh fuck!" you think to yourself. You can't deny the fact that you love him just two days just by how he looks and how he acts soft and cares around you...
Well, the time has come, you walk in the hallway with your shaking hands. You feel very nervous right now, you are about to meet him, he gonna take you to his store. Now you at the school gate and you see Han is standing there leaning his back on the wall and looking around but he didn't notice you yet. You feel more nervous, you slowly walk to him and tap his arm. ” Sorry for letting you wait too long." He looks over at you and smiles while shaking his head “ No, it's ok, I came sooner anyway, is not your fault" You nodded
“Hm? Are you ok? why do you look so nervous?" he asks you and looks at you concern
"Yeah, I got a little nervous 'cause...um, I never had someone who would pick me up like you. you here to pick me up and also take me to your store to visit so yeah...but I'm ok, it's just a little nervous."
"Oh okay, I understand that. Ok let's relax from now, I will take you to my store, Ready?" you nodded and he smiled. Then he takes your hand and walks with you to his store. His hand feels so warm, you like it so you hold his hand tighter. On the way, you and he talked a lot and you told him everything without telling him anything.
know...Of course, you didn't tell him that you liked him and had been thinking about him during class
As you and Han walk hand-in-hand to his store, you can't help but feel a rush of emotions. The warmth from his hand, the sound of his voice, and the thought of spending more time with him all combine to create a feeling of excitement and joy.
As you walk, you find yourself eager to learn more about him. You ask him about his hobbies, his passions, and his life. He answers your questions honestly and excitedly. But then you find out he has one person that he is in love with but he is not sure if that girl loves him back, and you feel jealous...you know you shouldn't but you just can't control it.
He then leads you to a small, cozy store, filled with a variety of plushies. As you browse through the store, you can feel your anxiety slowly begin to fade away. The cute and cozy atmosphere of the store, combined with his presence, makes you feel at ease. You spend what feels like hours in the store, just browsing and chatting with him. You feel comfortable enough to share some personal stories with him, and he listens attentively, asking thoughtful questions and offering comforting words.
"So you have a crush on a girl, how do you feel about her?" he thinks for a moment and suddenly chuckle
"well she is a cute girl, pretty, but her life isn't beautiful like hers. She always has a bad day but I'm happy that she can talk to me about that all the time." you just nodded and didn't know what to say, you feel like you don't have a chance to love him and be with him forever but you hope he can be with that lucky girl.
”Then why don't you tell her how you feel? Maybe she will like you back..." he sighs and shakes his head
"How do I say... she just doesn't know I exist. I know it sound weird cause I have told you that always talks to me but she doesn't know about my existence.." His answer make you so confused and you wanted to ask him more about it but you were also scared so you just nodded your understanding and said nothing more.
"Anyway, I have a small gift for you, wait me a bit" He went inside and took something while you sat there looking around. The store makes you want to spend your whole life here. He put down a small box "Y/n! Here open it!!" he said excitedly and grinned like a kid, you just burned into laugh
"Hey why are you laughing" he pouts and frowns at you
"Sorry sorry- you're just too cute," you said between your laugh. He blushes at your words and looks away immediately "Just open it"
You open the small box and reveal one small set of clothes. Your eyes wide and you turn to look at him ”Are these for my squirrel?!"
”Yep of course ! do you like it, o think it will fit him well"
" THANK YOU !!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH" you are soo happy right now and you keep stare at the cloths "You this by hands?" Han nodded with a proud smile.
"Yes, I made it myself," Han replied with a sense of pride in his tone. He could see just how much his gesture meant to you, and it filled him with joy to see you so happy.
"I'm so glad you like it," he said, looking into your eyes. "I put a lot of care and attention into making this."
You couldn't contain your happiness and gratitude any longer. You leaned in and gave Han a big hug all of a sudden and didn't even realize it. He immediately froze in place, and his face slowly turned red. "o-oh n-nothing... it's just a small gift.." his voice cracked from the nervousness.
"Sorry!" you let go of him when you realize it "Sorry, did I make you feel uncomfortable?" you laugh nervously. He shook his head and finally relaxed "No I'm okay it's just a little surprised."
"I will be careful next time" he gave you a nod and he looked away trying to cover his red face.
You can't help but smile at his reaction, feeling a little bit guilty but also happy that you were able to express your happiness to him in that way
A moment later, you both stand there in silence for a few moments, with the tension in the air slowly fading away. You suddenly feel very self-conscious and awkward, realizing that your spontaneous display of affection might have been too much.
"Well, anyway," you say, breaking the silence, "I should probably get going now." You take a step back, suddenly feeling uneasy in your skin. You take your bag and the gift starts to walk towards the door, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief. As you step outside and start to leave, Han suddenly calls out to you. "Wait, wait!" You turn back to face him. "You forgot your scarf..." he took your scarf and walked toward you "Oh thank-" you got cut off because he suddenly put the scarf on for you without asking. You the butterflies in your stomach growing, and you feel restless, your heart is beating fast like it is about to pop out of your chest. You slowly look up at him and you immediately feel flustered as soon your see how close he is.
"Okay done, maybe we can meet tomorrow." he pat your shoulder and smiles at you. "Do you need me to take you home?"
"uh...n-no, i-i can go h-home by myself...you d-don't have t-to take me h-home...but thank you anyway" you gave him a quick bow and leave the store.
Han just stand and sigh, he want to say something to you but you just left.
You are on your way back home, you hold the box very tight, and with another hand, you grab your scarf and smile passionately and you keep thinking about what happened earlier with Han. You never felt this happy in your life, you want to go back but you are too shy to do that.
After you head home, you go to your room and take the clothes that Han made for your squirrel and wear them to your stuffed squirrel.
"So cute!!" you look at your squirrel with those clothes on and you smile happily then you hug it and hop on your bed. You started to talk with him again. " Squirrel you know how happy I am right now? Han made this for you, do you like it?” you pause and roll over " I think I've been in love with him since we first met...I hope I can tell him that I love him so much and want to spend my whole life with him. I want to hang out with him, want to go to eat Japanese food with him, take the bus together to the park and walk and talk with a cup of coffee in hand, want to go to the mall with him, want to ride the cable with him...uh even though I'm sacred of heights but WHO CARE?!, I just want it all! what should I do now squirrel!?" your heart is beating fast and you can feel love in side you it's growing.
You went to shower and left your stuffed squirrel on your desk. When you come out from the bathroom and you see...he is moving?! What?! the stuffed squirrel is sitting there and...take your pen and draw?! what the heck?! How the fuck?! you were sock and you dropped your towel, the water drip from your hair to the floor.
When the towel dropped, the stuffed squirrel immediately turned around and looked at you, his eyes wide, and he dropped the pen. You two stay frozen in place for a few minutes...
"S-so..you are alive this whole time?..." you ask him calmly but you are still sock as fuck, you stare at him and wait for his answer. He just nodded his head and didn't say anything. You find it cute but you also find it weird, how does a stuffed squirrel move? how can he be alive? And you lived with him your whole life and now you just find out..." you can't talk?" you slowly walk toward your desk and sit down on the chair while he is sitting on the desk staring at you. He nodded again, so now you know he can't talk. You are still very confused but you don't feel scared, instead, you feel more happy cause you know he is listening to you all the time and he can understand you. He also isn't afraid of you. You reach out your hand and pat his head, he nuzzles his head into your hand and you can tell him very like it.
"so Han created you?" you ask him and he nods. "okay then must know my grandma right?" he nods again. You were thinking and He just climbed on your hand on sat on it, and you chuckle. "oh right do you have a name? I didn't name you" he nodded and took a pen then struggled to write his name on the paper Hannie " oh that's a very cute name it's you. So from now on I will call you Hannie." you smile at him and he nods happily.
You are doing homework and Hannie just sits there and looks at you. A few moments later you suddenly groan and Hannie gets scared, " oh sorry Hannie." you sigh and he tilts his head at you "You want to know what I'm thinking?" he nods and sits close to you." ok ok I will tell you" you took a deep breath " I just can't stop thinking about Han...you know I love him right" Hanie nod quickly and his tail is wiggle around. " Ok, now you excited" you roll your eyes playfully. "do you think I should hang out with him tomorrow...cause I don't have to school or work tomorrow." Hannie took a pen and tried to write something. ( you should go out with him because I think he loves you too y/n, you don't have to bring me with you because I will stay home, I will be OK so don't worry) His handwriting is very hard to read but you try to read it. "oh...ok ok" you pause and ..." WHAT?! YOU THINK HE LOVE ME TOO?!" Hannie giggles quietly and nods "No way, you're joking.." Hannie shakes his head. " nah... Han won't love me, I'm not that pretty or special so nah nah..." Hannie just got mad you can tell by how he shake his head and crosses his tiny hand. "OK ok...don't be mad... I will try tomorrow ok?"
Well, the day has come, you wear a skirt and a white shirt with a tie-dye blue white and pink sweater outside, a white boots (you hope that they won't get dirty). You tie up your hair and put some light makeup on, you bring your white small bag with you.
”How do you think about my outfit Hannie?" the squirrel just nods and wiggel his tail which means he likes it. You smile at him then pat his head before you leave the house.
you arrived at his story but the nervousness stopped you from getting inside the store. You took a deep breath about to open the door but Han did it first.
" oh Y/n hi!" your breath hitched when he opened the door. Han is wearing a tie-dye sweater that matches yours and a long, loose pair of jeans with a headphone on his neck. "H-hi Han..." his outfit math makes you feel butterfly.
Han's face and ears slowly turn red when he sees you in this outfit and it matches him. " so what brings you here sweetheart?" oh god...that nickname again, it makes you nervous and your heart is pounding.
"uh...um, I just want to ask..do you have time to go out with me today?" you ask nervously and wait for his answer. Han grins " Oh y/n I was about to leave the store to ask you the same thing" You both laugh because of this situation. " What are you waiting for, let go" He looks at his store takes your hand without warning, and drags you away.
First, he brought you to the Japanese food store, and you both made the eating the Okonomiyaki. Han tries to flip it but he fails and you can't stop laughing about it.
"oh come on, why~~~" he pouts and looks at the food then looks at you when you still laughing. "hey hey stop laughing!!" you try to hold your laugh and nod " ok ok sorry "
Then he takes a piece and is about to feed you, at that moment your heart is pounding and you lean closer and want to eat it and he takes it back and eats it and laughs at you
"Haha, I tricked you!!" When he eats, the food is too hot that burns his mouth "Oh- shit! That- hot" You laugh again, he is too cute when he likes that.
Then you both take a bus, but the bus is very crowded and only has one seat left.
"There is only one seat left...I think we have to stand" You look up at him and want for him to say something but instead, Han shakes his head "No you can have that seat and I will stand next to you" Oh woah his words just melt you "it that ok for me to sit?" he just smiles and force you to sit down and he stands next to you.
You kept looking at him " Han do you need to sit we can swit-" he patted your head " Y/n I'm okay don't worry ok?" you gave you a warm smile then he took his hand back. You look down at the ground and feel very flustered and your face then your ears turn red.
when you arrived park, you and He went to the coffee shop nearby and bought two cups of coffee.
You and Han walk in the park, drinking coffee, and talking. Then you both decided to sit down at the big stairs in the park.
"I like the view right now, it's so peaceful and beautiful do you feel that?" you turn to look at him and you realize...that he was looking at you the whole time. "O-oh t-the view...yeah right it's beautiful" he looks away and laughs nervously while your face turns red again and your heart is beating fast you look down at your cup and you chuckle. Did he just look at you?! He feels the view is beautiful or me?! you take a sip of your coffee while still smiling
" Y/n you have coffee in your corner mouth.." he used his hand and whipped the coffee away. Your eyes are wide and you are frozen in place. "oh sorry.." His face turned red and he looked away
"D-do you want to go to eat something sweet?" he asks shyly and you just nod
You two went to a small cake shop ordered 2 cheesecakes, and chatted very happily.
"Y/n mine cake is very good you wanna try some?"
"Sure!' you were about to take the cake by yourself but Han already brought the fork with a piece of cake 0on it in front of you.
"Here try it, I won't trick you this time trust me!" he smiles warmly at you and you slowly take a bite and you feel the butterfly in your stomach again.
You bring him to the mall and take him to the shopping center.
"Han I come here I think this shop has some clothes that fit your style!" you drag Han into the shop.
"uhh I don't think I need any more clothes_"
" NO! I want to buy for you ..just once, please?" you pout and look at him with big doe eyes. He groans because of your cuteness "OK ok fine fine" you grin and go to choose a clothes for him.
it's been 15minuts but Han feel like it's have been 1 hour
" Don't yet..." he sighs and at the same time you pick a black jean jacket for him " I think this will suit you go and try it!" you throw the jacket on him and push him into a changing room.
About a few moments..." Y/n... what do you think?" he slowly opened the door, when you saw him in that jacket you immediately blushed "Wow...you...look very handsome...in that" you don't even know what you just said to him but he happy to hear that " oh really thank you!"
You and he decided to end the "date" by riding the cable car. He bought a ticket for you ” Here, your ticket" When you both get on the cable, you get nervous and scared because you have a fear of heights. You kept looking around while the cable slowly rose. Han notices "Y/n are you okay?" you look at him with concerned eyes, you don't know how to tell him so you just shake your head but he quickly finds out that you are afraid of heights. " Y/n stop looking around...look at me “ He holds your hands tight and makes you look at him... "Y/n I'm here you will be ok...why don't you tell me that you are scared of heights?" he asks you while stoking your hands to comfort you. You took a deep breath " I-I just want to enjoy this with you so I didn't want to tell you...sorry" he patted your head making you flutter "It's ok, don't be sorry." he smiled at you, and that makes you feel better.
He suddenly smirks and looks at you. "Y/n, I can make you feel better but you need to return me something" you nod "So what do you want" You hold on your bad tight because you are shaking.
Han giggled " It is very simple..." he paused and that made you more curious and nervous " Just give me a kiss here," He said as he pointed at his cheek. You blush immediately and are speechless. He chuckles "You don't want to sit here and be scared until wearrived right?... come! just a peck" he pouts and looks at you with his puppy eyes "Please ~~" You sigh shyly and just give a quick pec on his cheek and pull away. Even though it's just a peck he likes it and now he is grinning like a kid.
"Y/n look at me..." He made a funny face and you can't help but laugh. He looks out the view and points anywhere he finds it beautiful and talks to you all the trip. He makes you feel better and you completely forget that you are scared of heights.
After a long "date" Han and you walk back to your home, but he says he has to go back to his store to check on something when you ask him to let you come with him, he refuses.
Now you are walking home feeling happy but also sad because you can't be with him at his store.
You finally arrive at your home, you open the door and you see Hannie sitting on the table writing something. You walk toward him and sit on the couch "What are you writing Hannie?" You tilt your head. He reaches his tiny hand out to tell you to wait so you take your phone out and watch while waiting for him.
A moment later Hannie tapped your hand and you put down your phone. He struggles to hold the paper and leans the paper against the plant pot. "You want me to read this?" Hannie nodded and he carefully walked off the table, you want to ask him where is he going but he can't talk anyway so how could he answer you?
You noticed that Hannie's handwriting became very good all of a sudden, read it out loud Y/n, I have been with you since you were still a young little girl, I know you very well but you don't know anything about me but it's okay. Every time you cry, you are upset or you happy...I know but I can't do anything, I can't comfort you when you need it...I can't laugh with you when you are happy, I can't celebrate with you when you have a high point... You stop your track and your eyes begin to water You know...I have fallen for you...I feel very stupid, how can I fall in love with my owner, I keep telling myself to not fall for you but...I still love you very much. Y/n...what I'm gonna tell you right now might shock you but...I hope you will be OK with that...when your grandma came to the store and told you to buy me a gift, she said "Can you be my little Y/n friend? I want you to be friends with her, not your magic... I don't want you to turn a stuffed animal into her friend. I want you, I trust you" Your grandma trusts Han very much so he can't refuse it... You pause and think for a moment, you start to realize something but you are not sure about it. Y/n... I'm not just a stuffed squirrel called Hannie...I have a big heart and that big heart has already been given to you, I love you, do you love me?... If you do... please turn around _Han Jisung_ as soon as you realize you immediately turn around and Han's arms already wrap around you and give you a warm hug. His eyes are tearing, he hugs you tight and leans his head on your shoulder "Y/n...I'm sorry for keeping this secret from you...I want to tell you when we were going out...but I'm scared...I'm scared that I will lose you" You tear up when you hear his words "S-so...what Hannie said this morning is was you...Hannie said that you will love me back and that was you" Han thought that he fuck up, and he pull away from the hug "yea... I planned it all. I'm sor-" you cut him off by kissing his lips. Han's eyes are wide and his face is red. You pull away from this kiss and hug him again
“ Han...i love you" He let out a sigh and a smile then h stoke your hair
"Y/n i love you so much...i won't leave you"
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stficblog · 1 year
Mama, I’m Coming Home - Part 2
Part 1
Description: Making it out of the upside down and reuniting with you was not the end of Eddie’s problems. New mysteries unfold as you and Eddie discover that he isn’t alive by pure luck.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: I might be getting overambitious with this story now but I’ve got some fun things planned for later on.
“Do you know if Y/N’s ok? Have you seen her?” Eddie sat in his uncle’s car as the three of them drove to Dustin’s house. He was still clutching the ukulele in his hands.
“She’s been worried sick about you,” Wayne said, “we both have been, but Dustin only just told me everything today and I haven’t had a chance to tell her yet.”
“Is she safe?”
“As safe as anyone else in Hawkins is right now.”
“That… doesn’t sound good.”
“Eddie,” Dustin said carefully, “a lot has happened since we went into the upside down.”
A pit of anxiety started to form in Eddie’s stomach. “Like what?”
“There was- well they’re calling it an earthquake,” Dustin explained, “but it’s more than that.”
“More?” Eddie held the ukulele tightly, trying to stop his hands from trembling.
“You know how there were gates that opened between our world and the upside down? And they were relatively small? Well… they got bigger. Much bigger.”
“How big?”
“They- they swallowed houses… and people.”
“Oh. Fuck.”
“So far we know of 22 deaths but there are a lot of missing people.”
“You’re one of them,” said Wayne, “and we think it’s best if people continue to think you’re missing.”
Eddie jolted awake on the couch in Dustin’s basement. He had been dreaming about a hand with long, claw-like fingers, and a horrible voice that growled his name. He looked around wearily. Where were Dustin and Wayne?
The door that led to the main floor opened, causing Eddie to jump. He started scrambling to hide but froze when he heard a familiar voice. Turning towards the stairs, his heart skipped a beat as you came into view.
“What do you me-” you stopped midsentence, staring at Eddie.
“Eddie.” You took the last few steps into the basement slowly, as if you weren’t fully aware of what you were doing. Your eyes traveled to his shoulder, which was still exposed by the burnt clothing that he hadn’t changed out of. “What happened to you?” Your voice was barely a whisper. You weren’t quite sure if this was really happening.
“Oh, y’know,” Eddie said with a cheeky grin, “just a bit of lightning.” He twisted his arm around to give you a better view of the burns. “Kinda been through hell the past couple of days.” He looked down at his shoulder, examining the glowing red markings. “Quite liter-”
You rushed forward, pulling him into a tight embrace. Eddie shut his mouth and wrapped his arms around you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
The whole story took over an hour to explain, between Dustin and Eddie. Wayne already knew some of it from Dustin, but you were completely out of the loop. Each new piece of information was more outlandish than the last. You sat in silence, trying to comprehend what was being said to you.
“Oh!” Eddie held up the ukulele. “I got this for you. From the upside down.”
You accepted it, still looking bewildered. “What, you just decided to pop down to the music store on your way out of the underworld?”
Eddie shrugged. “It was right there.”
“Now that I think about it,” Dustin frowned, “it is kind of weird how calm you are about all of this.”
Wayne, who had been silent for the past several minutes, finally spoke up. “You said those demobats were carrying you above the woods when the lightning hit you. That’s a long way to fall without breaking anything.”
Eddie shrugged again. “It felt like I did have some broken bones when I first woke up, but-”
“Think fast,” Dustin blurted out, “when’s my birthday?”
“Uhhhh August 14?” Eddie guessed.
In a flash, Dustin was on him. “Run!” He shouted at you and Wayne. “He’s not the real Eddie!”
There was a moment of chaos as the two boys grappled with each other while you and Wayne tried to decide whether to run or pull them apart. In the end, Eddie got Dustin in a surprisingly skilled wrestling hold and looked up to find you and Wayne standing over him with improvised weapons in your hands.
“Is everything alright down there, Dusty?” Mrs. Henderson’s voice called from upstairs. The four of you froze, looking at each other frantically. “Dusty?” A set of footsteps started getting closer.
“Yes, everything’s fine!” Dustin shouted from his place on the floor. Everyone let out a collective sigh as the footsteps receded.
“Eddie,” you said, raising the baseball bat that was in your hands, “what did we do on our first date?”
“A picnic in the woods,” Eddie replied without hesitation.
You lowered the bat. “It’s him.”
With the entire town of Hawkins in shambles and its population after Eddie’s head, the only logical option now was to flee. Eddie had protested at first when you said you were going as well, not because he ever wanted to part with you, but because he knew how much you would miss your family.
“They’re dead.”
There was an edge to your voice that told him not to press the subject.
You, Eddie, and Wayne left Hawkins in the dead of night. No one said a word as you passed the city limits, leaving behind everything you had ever known. Despite the numerous times you had expressed your hatred for it, Hawkins had been your home. Maybe you would miss it after all.
Eddie rubbed his shoulder. It ached as if he had slept on it wrong. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he let out a deep breath. He coughed. Rubbed his shoulder again. Shifting in his seat, Eddie grimaced with discomfort.
You reached over the back of his seat to put a hand on his shoulder as he rubbed it. “Woah, you’re really warm.”
“Am I?” Eddie’s voice came out raspy and dry.
Wayne glanced over from the driver’s seat, frowning concernedly. “You alright? You don’t sound too good.”
Eddie opened his mouth to respond, but a sudden wave of pain washed over him, causing him to gasp and double over.
Eddie’s breathing had become ragged now, and his vision was starting to darken. “Stop,” he rasped, “please… stop the car.”
Wayne barely had time to hit the brakes when Eddie started to unbuckle himself. The car jerked to a halt in the middle of the road. Weakly, desperately, Eddie fumbled with the door and tumbled out of the car. You and Wayne were at his side in an instant.
“Breathe, Eddie, slow down.”
He took a shuddering breath, squeezing his eyes shut. His ribs were on fire. Something smelled like blood and burnt flesh.
“Shit,” he breathed.
“What is it, Eddie? What’s wrong?” Wayne knelt beside the gasping heap that was his nephew.
“My ribs are broken.”
“What? How-”
“They were broken when I fell,” Eddie groaned as he dragged himself into a sitting position, “but they healed.”
You and Wayne looked at each other. “If they healed,” you said carefully, “how can they be broken now?”
“I think it has something to do with the upside down.” Eddie knew it sounded crazy, but something in his gut told him this was the truth. “If I leave Hawkins, I’ll die.”
Driving back into Hawkins not only improved Eddie’s condition but completely turned it around. His ribs mended themselves and his shoulder stopped burning.
“I should’ve died in the upside down.”
“Don’t say that!”
“No, I mean my injuries should’ve killed me. I got struck by lightning and then dropped a hundred feet. By all rights, I should be dead.”
“You can heal,” you said, “but… only in Hawkins.”
“Something here is keeping me alive.”
It was decided that the three of you would stay in Hopper’s cabin. Jim and El wouldn’t be needing it, after all, as they and the Byers family had taken up residence in one of the many homes that had been abandoned after the earthquake.
“Don’t hesitate to call if you need anything,” Dustin said, “and do NOT go into town.”
“Trust me,” Eddie said with a wry smile, “I am very content to hide.”
According to Steve, who had taken up the noble hobby of eavesdropping while he worked in the disaster relief center that used to be the school gym, everyone believed that Wayne had given up on finding his nephew and left town. Jason’s father, however, was still convinced that Eddie had killed his son and was hiding somewhere in Hawkins.
“That’s two for two, Eddie,” you patted him on the shoulder, “give it another week and Mrs. Carver will be telling everyone you killed their dog.”
“Haha very funny.” Eddie rolled his eyes jokingly.
A giant, spiderlike figure loomed over the city of Hawkins, lit from above by blood-red lightning and lit from below by the flames that were slowly consuming the town. The streets were full of chaos and the air was full of death. The townsfolk were no match for the monsters that now hunted them with ease.
“Soon…” Said a deep, echoing voice. “Humanity… will… fall…”
El and Eddie jolted awake in their respective beds, covered in sweat. This was the third night in a row that they’d had that dream. Everyone agreed that this couldn’t be a coincidence. Something big was coming. Vecna wasn’t dead.
“Why warn us?” Said Robin. “Why give us any hint of what he’s planning?”
“He’s gloating,” said Nancy, “he likes scaring us like this.”
“Why Eddie too?” Said Mike.
“We think,” you said uncertainly, “whatever’s keeping Eddie alive is also connecting him to the upside down.”
“A power line of some sort.” Dustin quipped. “He’s plugged in.”
“Like a toaster.” Eddie high fived him.
While the rest of the gang was out dealing with the aftermath of the earthquake, you, Eddie, and Wayne had no obligations other than to stay hidden. You and Eddie wandered through the woods hand in hand, feeling at peace for the first time in weeks. The woods were thick with trees and silence.
Eddie thought he heard, or perhaps saw out of the corner of his eye, something moving in the distance. He stopped, bringing you to a halt as well. He looked around, searching for that thing that he knew was right there.
“Eddie?” You sounded concerned. “What is it?”
He didn’t respond. Something was there, just a few yards straight ahead. It was coming closer. Oddly enough, he wasn’t afraid. There was a tingling sensation behind his eyes and a sense that whatever was making its way towards them was not a threat.
“Ed-” Your words died in your throat when you saw it.
The demodog walked out from behind a bush at a leisurely pace. You stood frozen in fear, seeing for the first time one of the monsters you had only heard of from the others.
“It’s ok,” Eddie said calmly, “it won’t hurt us.”
Too afraid to speak or move, you could only watch with wide eyes as Eddie knelt and held his hand out to the approaching beast. To your amazement, it stopped in front of him and nuzzled his hand with the front of its faceless head.
“See? Nothing to be afraid of.” Eddie looked up at you with a little smile.
Slowly, you knelt beside him and held your hand out too. The demodog ignored you. Eddie gently nudged its head towards your hand, but it continued to ignore you.
“Rude,” you giggled, your fear now replaced with wonder.
“Hey,” Eddie lifted the creatures head to be level with his face, “be nice to my girlfriend.”
The demodog immediately turned to you and started nuzzling your hand. The two of you looked at each other. Eddie looked back down at the demodog.
It sat.
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darkwinchesters · 2 years
Faded Love
dean x reader
Authors Note; just a little bit of Dean being a dad cause it’s adorable and some angst cause who doesn’t love some angst?
Warning: angst, kinda bits of smut? Not sure it would be considered smut. deanxreader. daddeanxmomreader
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“Y/N, you are going to be hella drunk!” Sam exclaimed, as you threw back another shot of whiskey. You watched as the elder Winchester sauntered over, a paper in his hand. He smacked it onto the table, uncovering an 10 digit number. With a name signed below.
“I guess I got plans” He announced. Undoubtedly, proud of winning yet another girl’s number. The countless amount of women who fell intoxicated by the older Winchester’s allure was ridiculous, you looked up to see Dean still going on about his lustful encounter.
You hastily averted your gazes as he caught you staring at him for a bit longer than you should've been.
“Well, I reckon I should get going. Don’t wait up for me.” He flashed a massive grin, before patting you on your shoulder as he prowled towards the blonde girl who had lent her number to him. “You like him.” That was when you became conscious of the other Winchester, who was sitting back and interpreting your body language. “Uh, no, Sam…You do know Dean is 15 years older than me, he is basically like an older brother to me.” You defensively reply, causing a scoff from the younger brother.
“Y/N, you're 22. There's nothing wrong with that, and I can see the way you look at him.”
Dean was flirting his ass off with the young woman, you cross your arms in front of your chest.
“You feel uncomfortable when Dean flirts with women right?” Sam questions, well it was more of a rhetorical question. You both knew the answer. You did. It made your skin crawl, you ignored the feeling, hoping it would disappear.
This was the first time you thought about it, did you develop romantic feelings for Dean Winchester? You instantly shook your head, not wanting to acknowledge what Sam and your mind knew.
Stepping into the motel, Sam wobbled against the wall trying to balance himself as his slender, figure searched for his bed.
“Ironic how it was you who ended up becoming more drunker than me?”
“Y/N, very funny-“ before he could finish the sentence, his face hit the pillow as he soon started snoring.
“How can one sleep so quick?” You grumbled as you trudged into the bathroom to change into your PJs.
The fluorescent moonlight shone through the curtains as you made out a thud of boots on the motel floor. Your hand instantly searches for the knife under the bed. “Y/N? You awake?” His voice had the familiar deep tone but with a whiff of uncertainty.
“Thought you were with your latest fling” You sat up to lay against the headboard, as you could hear Dean shuffle closer to your bed. Your eyes slammed shut as you recalled your conversation with Sam. It wasn’t true. You knew you couldn’t let it effect your relationship with Dean.
“Uh, no. I needed to just...clear my head.” He confided, ever so quietly.
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“What’s wrong?” You couldn’t see his expression as the room was pitch dark, besides the faint glimmer of moonlight on the corners of the curtain, outlining his silhouette.
“I am tired of this. I see kids with their parents then I see our lives, me and Sam’s. Why did we not deserve a childhood?“ He sighed. You could feel one side of your bed go downward, as you presumed he sat down.
“Our child hood shapes us into becoming the person we are today and maybe Sam is doing alright, but what have I done? I am the same person who ruined Sam’s chance of a normal life.”
Your vision adjusted to the dreary darkness, as you were able to snag a glimpse of his facial details. “Hell No, Sam is the amazing person he is today because of you. Not because of your parents. You had to be both your Mom and Dad for Sam. I think that shows how well you did in your life. You took care of your baby brother.”
He exhales. “I’ve been doing the exact same thing since years ago. I haven’t changed, huh?”
“Well, besides the whole stopping the apocalypse, the darkness and saving peoples lives on daily basis? No, you haven’t but why would you want to? You’re a hero in many peoples eyes, Dean. Sam, Cas, me…I could go on.” While rambling on you had overlooked the way his eyes bore into you.
“What?” Your head tilted to the side, as you paused for a response.
“Shit, sorry for rambling on…” You cover your face in embarrassment.
“No-“ He removed your hands from your face, as he stroked your cheeks as lust-filled you both to the brim.
His Eden green eyes were now inches away, the small specks of various shades of green was more visible, you could also spot the tiny freckles scattered over his nose like a constellation in the sky, as if on cue you bit your lower lip as his jade eyes drop to your lips as he raised an eyebrow.
Before you could come to terms with everything, his lips crashed onto yours as the scorching heat between your legs evolved into an inferno. You parted your lips, deeming him entrance.
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“I can’t-“ He stands up, trying to create distance between you and him. You both notice Sam stir in his sleep, Dean gestures you to follow him out of the Motel.
He shut the Motel door as he walked to the impala.
“I can’t, Y/n.” He was holding a beer bottle, he had probably got it from in the motel just now.
He took a sip letting it roll down his throat. You could see the conflict across his face, the way his jaw tightened. His eyes shut, avoiding looking at you.
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“I don’t get you. You kissed me. I-“ You were confused, your mind was saying no yet your body told you otherwise. This feeling residing in you was always there. It just got awaken. You had the urge to taste him, let him touch you everywhere. Yet, you couldn’t. You didn’t know what was happening.
“Y/n, the 15 year age gap says other wise.” He takes another sip of beer, now his eyes focused on you. The desperation visible.
“Whatever, you know- screw you!” You snap as you walk back to the motel, the tears streaming down your cheeks.
The next few days went by, you and Dean pretended as if everything was normal. It was like that night never occurred.
It didn’t last though. One night, you were looking into the police database. Sam was visiting the family of the victim, while Dean was at the bar yet again.
“This is going to be the death of me.” You say to yourself as you hear a sound of keys clattering, the room door swung open.
“Hey.” The older Winchester nods, as he walks towards you.
“How’s the research going?” He asks.
“You know, usual…” You state bluntly.
“I saw Sam, the waitress seemed like she was going to take him home.”
“Oh, okay.” You release a sharp breath. ‘It’ll be fine, it’s not like you haven’t been in a room alone with Dean before.’ Yet, your mind was running with thoughts which could take place. Which you craved to take place.
“You know, a break will not kill you, kiddo” You snap out of your thoughts. ‘Kiddo’ the nickname Dean used when he wanted to remind himself and you, that you were a kid to him.
“Whatever you say…old man.” You bestow a forced smile to the older Winchester, causing a eyeroll from him.
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“You know what? I think I’m going to go out.” You stand up, closing your laptop. Dean’s eyes perched up.
“I’ll come with you.” He provides a plastered smile.
“Sure.” You grab your bag as you take it to the bathroom.
A few hours later…
Your hands were against his chest as You felt his heart racing. “You sure you want this?” He murmured, his forehead resting on yours. “Yes” was all you could make out, as your knees buckled. That was enough for him to pick you up, in response your legs soon wrapped around his torso, not breaking from your kiss. He carried you over to his bed, yours was a bit too close to Sam’s. He lay you onto his bed as he proceeded to touch you in places you hadn’t let anyone feel in a while.
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“D-dean...” You softly whimpered as you leaned back against the pillow, feeling him go deeper as his hands gripped onto the headboard. He gazed as you covered your mouth to muffle your moans as you both climaxed.
A week passed, as you and Dean did not bring up what transpired that evening. The day after, he had brought you to your bed. You were hurt that you were merely a one night stand to him, you often get attached to men you shared your body with so quickly. Perks of having an oddly normal childhood for a hunter.
You and the boys had just finished a hunt when you arrived at the motel. The boys decided to buy some takeout, you were too exhausted from the hunt, and agreed to wait at the Motel.
As you walked into the dingy motel, you quickly scampered to the bathroom. Grabbing two small boxes from your coat pocket.
“Ok, it’s time” you gulped as you glanced at the pregnancy tests laying on the bathroom sink.
Positive. Your body froze as you struggled to take a deep breath only resulting in your breath stutter as tears trickled down your cheeks. “No, no-“
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The sound of the motel door open, caused you to flinch. You listened to the boy's footsteps as they were conversing with one another.
“Y/N! We got food!” Dean shouted.
“I am just going to clean up and get changed and I’ll be out!” You retorted, the bathroom door was the only object between you and the father of your unborn child.
“If Garth can have a normal life, don’t you think we could” You could hear the subtle inkling of hope in Sam’s voice as he implored, idly anticipating for his brother’s response.
“We are different. Normal will never be in our picture and strangely enough, I am okay with it now.”
“But, Dean. Don’t you ever wonder, what if we have kids…”
Before Sam could finish his sentence, Dean stopped him.
“No. Frankly, I don’t want kids. It’s better with no kids.”
The tears you’ve been holding back, streamed down your face as you couldn’t hear what they were saying. By impulse, your hand went to reach for your stomach.
After a while rendering an effort to fix your puffy eyes. You unlocked the bathroom door. The Winchesters were waiting for you as the take out bags were on the far table.
“God, I am starving.” You blurted, making an effort to suppress your distress.
Luckily, you managed to fix your puffy eyes. So, they did not notice.
A few days later, you were at the Motel researching a case, while the boys were talking to a witness. ‘This was it’ you told yourself as you shoved all your clothes into a small bag. You scribbled down a note for the brothers as you scrambled outside with your bus ticket in your pocket.
Hell, you felt guilty for not confessing it to Dean but he was determined about not wanting kids, you couldn’t ruin that for him.
“Alright, Y/N. Got anything on this-“ His sights landed on the note on your bed. “SAM!”
The younger Winchester came sprinting in as he saw what his brother was gawking at.
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“Where is Y/N?” There was a hint of apprehension in Dean’s voice. He did not anticipate her to take off. Why? Was it something he did?
Before he could come to terms with what’s going on, Sam snatched the note and began reading it.
“Sam, Dean. I cannot thank you both enough for showing me a life besides the one I saw in my rose coloured lenses. You both made me who I am and I would be eternally grateful for everything but, the truth is, I have been homesick for a while. I craved to live that everyday life, we hunters constantly envied. Yes, the apple pie one, Dean…”
All Dean could do was smile, urging the tears not to subside.
“…I love you both and I wish you all the best. You’re the greatest hunters in this damn world and don’t ever fucking forget that.”
Clenching onto the note as tight as he could, he felt like it would fly away as you did. Sam, watched as his brother yanked his coat, keys and stormed out. The tears fell down his cheeks, he knew how much Y/N meant to them both. It wasn’t going to be easy to move on, but this was what she wished for.
The only thing Dean did was drive. He drove as far as he could. Attempting to elude the twinge residing in his heart. The deprivation of air he felt when he saw the note on your bed. Yet another person abandoned him. He clutched his phone as he dialled your number, doing a silent prayer that you would pick up.
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He didn’t hear your voice on the voicemail, it was apparent you broke your phone. You didn’t want to be found, you chose something new and Sam and he was not enough.
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The rain spattered, as you arrived at your childhood home. You stood at the door as it swung open, your father stood there as he tried to comprehend what was occurring. Your mother was behind him, astounded but she oversaw to run over and wrap her arms around you. Your father broke out of his thoughts, as he enveloped his arms around you. You yearned for your baby’s father to be here however the voice in your head said that he was doing better. You couldn’t tell him. It would be another weight on his shoulders.
5 months later…
“Y/N? Why did you call for me?”
The Angel in his trench coat stood at your bedroom door as he squinted his eyes beginning to place together what’s going on until you unlocked the bathroom door.
“Cas!” You ran over to him, wrapped your arms around him. It took a minute but he awkwardly wrapped his arms around you.
“You’re pregnant.” His eyes instantly saw the bump.
“It’s Dean’s- I must tell him-“ His eyes grew as realisation hit him. You tugged his arm before he could go.
“Cas, you cannot. Please”
“Why?! He deserves to know, Y/N.” Cas took a step back trying to understand why on earth you did not tell the father of the baby.
“Because he told Sam he did not want a child.”
Your gaze fell to the floor when you eventually listened to the thought which was running through your mind. ‘How could I hide this from him?’ you thought to yourself.
“You have to tell him…” the Angel reached for your shoulder, you felt the tears plunging.
“I will but for now, please don’t tell him.”
Cas reluctantly nodded. He knew this was going to be tough but detecting the state you were in he had to.
“Cas, I want you to be my baby’s Godfather.”
“Godfather?” He offered you a puzzled look resulting in a slight smile flashing across your face.
“Like a Guardian Angel.”
“Well, I am an Angel so this shouldn’t be hard.” You giggled softly as the Angel came to terms with his role but you felt a ping in your chest when you realised someone was missing, someone who would despise you after he discovers the truth or perhaps he would be glad to know he was not entangled in this.
4 years later….
“Dean?” The younger Winchester snorted as his brother shrugged.
“Look, it’s your loss.” He parked the impala in the school car park as he got out.
“The woman has a child.” Sam flung his hands up.
“You don’t like Moms? They’re hot-“ Dean sneered. Sam waved at the chestnut-haired, woman standing in the front of the school. She was one of the latest witnesses of their current case, her ex-husband was the victim.
“Sam! Dean! Thank you for coming” the woman’s voice became slight quieter when she spoke the elder Winchester’s name impacting a slight coy, smirk to form against his lips.
Sam jabbed him as he proceeded to ask questions to Laura Thompson. “Chase!” he spotted on the corner of his eyes a little boy running past him, playing with Laura’s son, Chase. He turned to look properly as he got a decent glance at the toddler. Dean was asking questions to Laura as he turned to glance at Dean and the boy who ran past him.
It was like a carbon copy of his brother. ‘No’ he dismissed to think of such. His mind was playing with him.
Laura’s eyes diverted to a woman behind both the brothers, as she waved the woman to come towards them.
That’s the moment Dean heard the name the woman uttered inflicting a flashback of every moment he could reminisce.
“Y/N?” Dean’s eyes were fused onto the person who walked out of his life. He noticed how mature she had become, her hair was twisted up in a high ponytail. His eyes travelled along the path of her body outline. Her curves were enough to melt the wavy dress she was wearing. His mind becomes slightly hazed by the sight of her, he quickly shifts his gaze to the side, attempting to control his feelings.
“I got to go and drop Chase off at my mother’s I’ll call when I am done!” Laura bestowed a dumbfounded Dean a peck on his cheek as she scurried away, carrying Chase with her.
“I-“ you initiated but catching a glimpse of the gorgeous verdant eyes peering right back at you, was plenty to shatter your soul. While you saw Sam tears crumpling his face. “Why-“ Sam began before his sights lay on the little boy walking towards you. Dean eventually broke from his daze, as he saw the toddler, standing near your leg. “He-“
The toddler squealed “I know you!”
“You're my dad” He focused on Dean as your eyes slammed shut as you realised what was arising.
“Mama has loads of pictures of you, she told me you were a superhero saving peoples lives that’s why I never met you.” Dean’s eyes softened to the toddler looking up at him, he was an indistinguishable copy of Dean. It was like glimpsing into a Mirror. The soft freckles sprinkled on his nose, to the green eyes staring back at him. Then there was the dirty blond hair.
You snapped from your thoughts and crouched down to speak to the toddler, who was still in awe.
“Baby, why don’t you get your ball and we can go home?“
“Will Daddy come?” He whispered in your ears but a little too loud as Dean and Sam heard. “We’ll see” you sought to guide the boy away.
“How could you?” Standing up, you saw the agony in Dean’s eyes as his stare followed the toddler walk towards the ball.
“I am sorry. I know. I should’ve told you and I have no excuse-“ he raised a hand to stop you “No! You took away my son! Why?! Why lie?! Why-“ His eyes shut tight, compelling the tears, not to drop.
“Dean, I overheard you speaking to Sam, describing how you did not want a child and you preferred the hunting life and I couldn’t tell you, I didn’t want me and him to be a burden to you”
“It was my choice, Y/N. It was my fucking choice.” He hissed as the tears were slipping your cheeks.
“He is right, Y/N” Sam spoke as his sights were fixed onto his nephew playing with his ball.
“I want to spend time with my son.” Dean took a breath, avoiding your eyes.
“Of course. Dean- I am so”
“No. I don’t want to hear what you have to say”
He turned to walk towards the impala.
You turned to face Sam. His eyes were puffy and you could discern the suffering, he felt betrayed. Sam was your closest friend, especially during hunts.
“We- we just did not expect this from you.” He sighed as he walked to his brother. You stood as you felt the misery you were holding for 4 years had erupted and it was your fault.
The brothers stepped back as your son wandered towards you.
Sam and Dean entirely ignoring you, kneeled to speak to the toddler.
“What’s your name?” Dean asked, his question was full of heartache.
“John Bobby Winchester” he gleamed proudly.
“But my friends call me Jo!” He noted as Dean chuckled.
“I know Grandpa’s name is John.” Dean gaped at the green-eyed boy who was now his entire world.
His little green orbs looked up to Sam as he smiled. “You’re uncle Sammy!” Sam inhaled as the little boy lent him the biggest smile he could.
“Yeah.” He looked at you, as your arms were wrapped around yourself. You stood a few feet away from both of them avoiding hurting them yet again.
“You taking care of your Mama?” Dean whispered to prevent you from hearing him.
“Yes, but Mama misses you,” Jo whispers back.
Dean nods as he glances at the woman standing away from him, her eyes now puffy. He knew she did mention everything to their son but the despair he felt on the reality that she hid their son and did not utter a word to both him and Sam was why he could not let her in.
You had agreed to Sam and Dean spending time with Jo at your home. You were down in the kitchen preparing dinner when you were startled by the sound of a voice.
“Y/N, Jo is-” It was Sam. He paused, smiling.
Sam laughed softly, the distress in his eyes still there as he drifted towards you.
“I am sorry, Sam. I know, I should’ve told him. I had no right. I messed up.”
You stared into his soft eyes as he nodded.
“I am fine but Dean-“ he looked towards the stairs.
“He is-“ He sighed.
“He has every right.” You murmured.
You heard the sounds of creaking as Dean came down the stairs.
“Can we stay?” He inquired bluntly.
“Of course. I have a spare room.” You replied.
He glimpsed at Sam, clearly lending him a look to go to the other room.
“I am going to check on Jo.” He indicated to the stairs as he walked off, leaving you and Dean to pick up the pieces of your tainted relationship.
“Why-“ That was all he could mutter.
“You told Sam that-“
“Yes, but that does not give you a fucking excuse, Y/N.”
He barked as he seized a step towards you. You felt goosebumps form on your skin.
Regaining your voice, you snapped. “Tell me, if I told you back then you wouldn’t have suggested abortion, Dean. TELL ME THAT.”
“I-“ He sighed.
“We can’t have a child due to our life. Do you think our child wouldn’t have a cross on his head?”
“I don’t want to give up on my child.”
“Look, I don’t want to speak to you regarding shit besides Jo.”
“I don’t want anything to do with you.” You felt your heart decline to the ground. He despised you. ‘What did I do?’ You swallowed as you muttered a sentence you soon regretted. “As if you ever wanted anything to do with me before. I was just a one night stand, which you threw to the side.” He halted in his tracks.
He spun around as you could make out his eyes which were crammed with bitterness, the anguish from before had perished into complete animosity.
“No. I pushed you away because I didn’t want my fucking feelings to blow up our relationship. I don’t know about you but I fucking cared about you until- until I found out you hid my son from me.”
He stalked up the stairs as you slumped to the ground. Everything around you was muffled as you felt the tears splattered onto the floor. You lost the one person who you craved for the past few years and it was your fault.
“Mama…” A soft voice snapped you back to reality.
You turned to see Jo standing with his lips quivering as he saw you cry, clasping onto a tissue extended to you. “Jo, what are you-“ Dean caught sight of the scene. Dismissing Dean, Jo sat next to you as he wiped your tears.
“Mama, don’t cry.” He whimpered as he kissed you on the cheek.
“Sorry, sweetheart. Mama’s just tired.” You wrapped your arms around him as you felt his silent tears fall onto your blouse.
Your sights lay on Dean. He took a breath as he picked his coat and walked out.
You were settling in your bed when you heard someone stumble up the stairs. ‘Is it Dean?’ You wondered as you put on a hoodie and opened the bedroom door slightly, you noticed the cut on his lower lip and the swollen jaw.
“Dean..” you whispered, your voice prompted him to turn around, gripping onto the stair bannister.
You sighed. “Come here.”
Too drunk to oblige he tumbled into your room. You helped him sit down on your bed as you quickly went down to fetch an ice pack. You cautiously held the ice pack and touched his jaw. His eyes instantly shut, in comfort. With your other hand, you took care of his lower lip. His eyes opened as he watched you.
“I am sorry, Dean.” You trembled as his eyes concentrated on your face. He saw the fatigue in your eyes as you concentrated on his face.
“I can do it.” He took the ice pack from your hand, soon noticing the Superman cartoon on this pack. He smiled thinking back to how Jo adored Superheroes because he always imagined his dad to be one.
You wrapped your arms around yourself as you took a few steps back. “Y/n…” He started but trailed off as he caught sight of your shorts and tank top, you had a hoodie on draping your body. It took him everything not to hold you right then and there but a reminder of what happened, caused him to snap back to reality, “Y/N, I can’t-“
“I get it, don’t worry.” You compelled a smile. He smiled back as he stood up to leave the room.
You worked as a financial advisor, in a business firm in the city. After you abandoned the hunting life, you eventually graduated while you were pregnant. You knew you couldn’t depend on your parents. Jo deserved the best and that’s what you were going to provide him.
Work finished pretty quickly as you briskly got into your car. It had gotten dark by the time you reached your house.
“Hello? Anyone awake?”
You tiptoe in as you instantly notice Dean laying on the Sofa as Jo is wrapped around on his chest while Sam was sleeping on the chair.
You chuckle, as your 4-year old’s head pops up.
“Mommy!” His green eyes twinkle in the low accents of the moonlight.
He rises from Dean’s chest as he runs to you causing Dean to wake up.
“Hey, baby. Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“I wanted to stay with Daddy.”
You smile as he points at Dean who is now fully awake.
“Don’t look at me, it was all you. You wanted to stay awake.”
Jo’s mouth opened like a goldfish as he shook his head furiously causing you to laugh. Dean smiled watching the encounter.
“Alright, I have to take a shower. I’ll be down in a sec. Okay?” Jo nodded tiredly, as you kissed him on the forehead.
“Jo?” Dean’s eyes widened as he looked around for the 4-year-old. He was nowhere to be seen. He lunged up from the sofa. Rousing Sam up in the process, “Sam! Where is Jo?!”
“He is standing in front of Y/n’s bedroom door.” Sam smiled exhausted.
“What?!” Dean looked up at the stairs discovering his son sitting on the floor in front of Y/N’s room playing with his trucks.
He laughed in relief. ‘Phew,’ he thought.
“What are you doing, Jo?”
“I am standing outside so I can protect Mama if monsters come.” He stood up attempting to act tough, inducing a laugh from Sam.
“I think she can handle herself, bud.”
At that moment, there was a loud thud at the door. Dean glanced at Sam.
“Jo, get into the room and stay with your Mom.”
“I can’t explain but please go inside.” Reluctantly, Jo nodded as he took off into the room.
Dean nodded to Sam to unlock the door, keeping a hand on the gun on the table.
“Ah, the Winchesters.” A demonic voice spoke.
Barging into the room, posed a demon.
“Oh, fuck no,” Dean growled.
He pulled the salt gun and shot it at the demon provoking a demonic howl to cut loose.
“Mama!!” You heard a squeak as you opened the bathroom door to see Jo nestled in the corner of the room.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” You wrapped your arm around him.
“Daddy told me to come here and lock the door.” You swivelled as you heard a sinister scream from outside.
You opened your closet, uncovering a packet of salt you had kept for emergencies.
You spewed a circle as you settled Jo in the middle.
“Baby, you got to stay in the circle.”
“O-ok-“ too afraid to impose he sat in the circle as you gave him instructions to follow. You hoped your baby would have a life without demons but these motherfuckers don’t get it. You kissed Jo’s forehead as you clasped your salt gun and unlocked the door before sprinkling some salt on the bedroom door.
You instantly saw Dean and Sam laying on the floor. ‘What the fuck was this demon?!’
You thought to yourself as you aimed your gun at the entity before firing straight at the bastard.
You watched him shriek, Dean’s eyes widened as he saw you standing.
You aimed for the demon once more as you noticed it moving toward you. Flaring once more, delaying it as you attempted to get the upper hand.
“Hey, you son of a bitch. Don’t you want me?” Dean spat as the demon twisted its head to laugh at him.
“I would preferably want to take your baby mama and your precious son. A Winchester baby is what we need.” Dean coughed as you saw the blood-splattered as he coughed, drawing away from the demon dragging you down the stairs then Reaching for the lampshade. “Don’t you fucking dare touch her.” You heard Dean’s voice closer as you were beginning to lose consciousness.
Jo sat in the inner salt circle waiting for his parents. When he remembered something.
“If you ever need me, John. Pray for Castiel and I will be there.”
“You are an Angel!” As Castiel’s wings appeared.
“Yes. I’ll protect you at all costs.”
So, he shut his eyes attempting to contact his Guardian Angel.
The demon fastened its hand around your neck as he compelled Dean to watch you wither in front of him.
“Kill her and I’ll not stop until I do everything in my fucking power to send your ass back to hell. I will not stop, you son of a bitch!!”
Before the demon could do anything, a flutter of wings carried a force. Cas.
Your eyes began to close gradually as you couldn’t see what transpired next.
“She’s awake.” You saw Dean immediately, his face coated in blood as you saw his bloodstained teeth.
You hastily attempted to rise to look for Jo.
“He is fine. Uh-“
“Cas is checking on him.” Dean stared as the Angel and his Son hugged.
“Also, why is that?” Dean still had his eyes affixed to Cas and Jo.
“Cas is his Godfather.”
“Cas?” Dean Scoffs as he eventually looked at you, he took a breath realising the situation going on.
You caressed his hand, “You’re still his, Dad.” You offered him a vulnerable smile as he stroked your cheeks.
Cas walked over to heal you as Jo ran over to Dean, Dean was stunned as he sat on his lap and whispered something to him earning a smile from Dean as his eyes lay on you.
“We cannot take a risk.” Dean sighed as his attention was on you as you closed Jo’s bedroom door as you walked down the stairs.
“What’s going on?” You inquired, noticing Dean’s wounded expression.
“Y/n, we are going to leave,” Sam conversed as Dean stood staring at you unable to construct any words.
“What?! You cannot leave…” You were talking about both of them but your eyes lay on Dean the entire time.
“It’s safer for you and Jo. We are just going to bring in the Supernatural beings.” Dean walked over to you, as his fingers stroked your chin.
“Why don’t we leave tomorrow morning?” Sam proposed. Dean not taking his eyes off you he nodded, “Okay.”
“Why are you even here for?” Sam rolled his eyes as Dean lay on the bed.
“Nice to know you still care, Sammy.” Dean set the beer he was drinking back on the corner table.
“No, as in, you both want to spend time with each other…” He tried to gesture for Dean to go speak to you.
“Ah, Sammy...” Dean laughed as he arose and walked to your bedroom door.
You lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Your mind just went straight to that one person. You weren’t sure where you stood but the fact your heart craved for him was enough.
You stood up and opened your door, not being able to stay apart from him any longer, you were surprised to discover the very person on your mind, standing in front of you. You didn’t even need to say anything as you felt being lifted as he shut the door behind him, as he took your taste and scent in. It was refreshing. It was something that felt right. The pieces connected. He saw his future as he entered you. Your
moans and cries for his name echoed through the room but there were three words you both heard from one another clearly as you fell onto the bed.
“I love you.”
You got up to the sound of a soft knock on your door.
Your arm reached to feel the deserted side of the bed. As it dawned on you about the events which had occurred the prior night. You smiled as you felt fresh tears slip. You already missed his touch.
The door opened as your 4-year-old stood in his Spider-Man onesie, clenching onto a small toy. It’s only when he came closer you instantly discovered what it was. It was a toy impala. Exactly like Dean’s. “Daddy left me this but-“ his lip started to tremble as he draped his small arms around you. “We’ll be okay, baby. Daddy will come back. He-“ you took a breath, “He needs to save the world remember.”
“I ask for one fucking thing from you, Crowley. That’s it. I will owe you anything.”
That caused a smirk to appear on the Demon’s face.
“Now we’re talking.”
“Keep your demons away from both of them. If I find out one of them got hurt by your monsters, I will bring Hell to the motherfucking ground.”
Crowley watched impressed by the nerve his demons had hit on the elder Winchester.
“Am I fucking clear?”
“Okay, squirrel.” He smiled.
1 month later…
“Great. Just Great!” You looked away as you flushed the lunch remains.
Rowena, Crowley and Castiel watched as you shook your head.
“What?!” You snapped at them, they quickly averted their eyes.
“I’m sorry, I need a fucking pregnancy test or Cas, check-“ You stood up as you walked over to the three who were stunned.
“Another baby squirrel to protect?!” Crowley rolled his eyes as Castiel glared at him.
Castiel walked over to you as his eyes widened.
“What?!” You asked.
“Yes, a baby.”
“It’s Dean Winchester’s right?” Crowley questioned, clearly praying it wasn’t so he did not have to protect the child.
“No. It’s the motherfucking devil’s. What do you think Crowley?!”
He threw his hands up, “I don’t know which gentleman you spend your nights with.” You grabbed the hairbrush on the table about to throw it at him.
“Ok, Y/n. Calm down.” Rowena gestured to you, to take a seat. As the situation took over your emotions.
“I can’t- I can’t do it alone.-“ You looked at Cas with pleading eyes “Is there no way I can see him, just for a second. Please. I need to see him.” The tears began to fall non stop as everyone stood unsure of how to react. Cas walked over and helped you sit down as you began trembling. “I need him, Cas. I know it’s a month and but- it hurts.” Cas awkwardly wrapped his arms around you. “I am sorry, Y/n. I don’t know where he is…I tried but I think they have been blocking me somehow.” Cas looked at Crowley seeing if he has away.
“Ok, darling. Let’s try searching for your baby daddy.” Sympathetically Rowena awaited as you brought one of Dean’s flannels.
“I’ll try.” She sighed as she cast a spell trying to connect to the elder Winchester, yet something prevented her from trying to communicate. She fell to the ground as you stood in shock.
“I don’t think he is alive, darlin’” Rowena mumbled as she lay on the ground.
In that split second you felt your world crumble. Every moment you had with him flashed between your eyes. His touch, his taste the way he felt. You ached for it.
“No. He isn’t.” Cas wrapped his arms around you as you screamed.
A year flew by, you ended up giving birth to a healthy girl. Mary Charlie Winchester. If Jo was Dean’s Mirror copy, Mary was even more so like Dean. From her smile to the way she stared at anyone.
You adored her, yet the worse part was the months you spent refusing to believe Dean was gone. He was a Winchester. He wouldn’t. Yet everyone around you acted as if he was gone.
You attempted to contact him but there was no sound of him. It’s like they vanished. You were grieving for someone who was missing.
It took a while to move on. Your friends attempted to help you move on. It was hard, especially when you got home and saw your gorgeous children. Their striking resemblance to their father constantly made your heartache. It wasn’t their fault but you couldn’t move on from Dean.
Until Mary’s first birthday when you saw someone at your doorstep. Sam.
“Sam?!” We’re in complete shock as your arms wrap around the youngest Winchester.
He smiled as he held you, “You’re beautiful. Dean would be-“ He sighed as he took a step back when noticing a man walk out from the far bedroom.
“Nate, uh this is Sam. He is a family friend.” You smiled at Sam.
“Hey, nice to meet you. I’m Nate. Y/n’s fiance.” Sam looked taken back as a shocked expression crossed his face as he nodded.
“If it’s okay, I was wondering if you would like to come to have Christmas with my family as they’re dying to meet you.-“
“She is like a sister to me” Sam laughed, pointing at you.
“Uh-“ you paused as Nate nodded.
“Of course. I-“
“I guess another day?” Nate hesitated as he kissed you on the forehead as he went to the room to gather his things.
“I need to take you somewhere.” Sam looked at you, pleadingly.
You had no idea where you were going as the ride took hours. Jo and Mary were asleep the whole time, not awake when you brought them into the impala. The memories flashed through as you sat in the front seat.
“Is he really-“ you finally managed to ask.
“Dead?” Sam took a breath as he stopped at a secret bunker.
“Come on.”
“Hey, baby. Wake up” Jo yawned as his eyes opened. He immediately recognised Sam standing behind you. “Uncle Sammy!”
He jumped out of the car seat as he wrapped his small arms around his uncle as sam began to cry. Sam pulled him up as he hugged him as if Jo was going to disappear.
You smiled as you took Mary out. Sam’s eyes grew as he saw the little girl in your arms.
“Meet Mary Charlie Winchester.” You smiled.
“Mary…Charlie…” You saw the tears pour down his cheeks.
“Come on, let’s go inside.” He attempted to regain his composure but failed in the process, he usher you into the huge building.
He still hadn’t answered your question about Dean. You sighed. Maybe he just wants to drop the news gently?
You could hear some commotion from the main room. As Sam asked you to stay with the kids as he went into the room.
The green-eyed Winchester turned to face his brother. “I am probably just going to call it a night.” Sam noticed the tiredness and pain in his eyes.
“That’s pretty early, son.” John crossed his arms, trying to figure out what was going on.
Thanks to Amara, Mary had been brought back and as they also brought John back and the other people from the other world, including Bobby. The only people missing in his brother’s life was the love of his life and their kids. Dean still hadn’t known about Mary. He knew it was safer so he avoided all contact from You. It was killing Dean but Sam knew this surprise would bring him back.
“Wait-“ Dean paused as he shrugged awaiting what Sam wanted.
He quickly ran up the stairs to bring out you, and the kids. Dean’s eyes grew as you walked towards him. Jo immediately recognising him ran to him as Dean pulled him up but what caught his eye was the little Angel you were carrying, her green eyes glued onto Dean. It was as if she knew exactly who he was. You were in complete shock as he wrapped his arms around you. Sam took Mary as Dean cupped your cheeks as he kissed you as if it was his last breath.
Inbetween the kiss you whispered, “I thought you were gone…”
“As if I could leave you alone.” He smiled as he continued kissing you.
You stepped back as you noticed the audience watching you. You caught sight of Winchester’s parents, Mary and John watching from afar smiling. You thought you were seeing them but Sam gave you a nod, to assure you it’s real.
Taking a breath, you took Mary from Sam.
“Meet, Mary Charlie Winchester.” You heard a gasp from the audience. You caught sight of Mary, covering her mouth attempting to not cry. “She looks just like Dean.”
“Hey, baby girl” Dean smiled as Mary extended her arms for him to carry her.
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. “I already love you, baby girl.”
“What about me?” Dean turned to see Jo standing with his arms crossed.
“He gets that sass from moose.” You all looked up to see Crowley on top of the stairs.
“Cute, family reunion but we have bigger fish to catch.”
“Uncle Crowley…” Jo waved, causing a stunned expression to form on Sam and Dean.
“Don’t look surprised, I grew quite fond of the baby squirrels.” He rolled his eyes as he walked down the stairs.
“Alright, is there anyone else who has access to both my kids lives? Don’t tell me Lucifer is called Uncle Luci” Dean turned to look at you, as you chuckled before kissing him on the cheeks.
“Crowley only spent time with them cause you asked him to keep them safe”
“Wait before Crowley ruin the moment, I need to introduce my kids to some special people” Dean smiled at you as took Jo’s hand as you walked to Mary and John.
Jo immediately recognised both people as he squealed “Grandma! Grandpa!” Mary was now crying nonstop as she kneeled to wrap her arms around her grandson as John stroked baby Mary’s cheek.
“They look just like you, Dean.”
“Y/n! I felt your energy here. Where are you?” The celestial being appeared as he looked around panicking. Until his eyes lay on the kids, finally easing.
“Uncle Cas! Look-“ he points at Dean, with a huge grin.
“Hello Dean” Dean nodded as Cas wore a puzzled expression. “We’re you hiding from us?”
“It was best for Y/n and the kids.” He sighed as he kept his eyes on you.
“Alright, moving on from the family reunion. It’s time to explain some quite bad news.”
“Why can’t we have a split second of peace?”
“Uh, 'cause you’re a Winchester?” Crowley responded condescendingly.
“What is it then?!”
“You know how you’re Michael’s true Vessel. As Moose was born to be Lucifer’s Vessel?”
“And?” Sam asked impatiently.
“Your story was written for you boys. Just as the legacy has to be passed on to one’s kids.” You, Dean and Sam, watched as you realised what was going to happen.
“No.” Dean began before noticing the kids were watching.
Honestly that’s all I have, I had created this a year ago and it has been lying in my notes for a whole year so tadah…
40 notes · View notes
kaigarax · 2 years
A Blue Hand Towel
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Komori Motoya x Reader
Quote: “Fall in love with the kind words of another.”
Komori falls in love like the blossoming of a flower. It peaks its little head out from the side, curious and unprepared. Unsure of the outside world but something that can only thrive if given the right conditions.
“What do you think about this shirt?”
“Eh, are you sure that’s the one you wanna get?”
“What’s wrong with it!”
“Well, don’t you think the saying is kinda weird?”
Komori let out a sigh as he listened to his teammates ramble on. This was definitely not how he had planned on spending his morning today. He had been hoping to get a few extra ball touches before the game he played today which was looking to become nothin at the rate his teammates moved at.
Itachiyama’s game had been set later in the day and instead of waiting to come to the gym like Komori’s cousin, Sakusa, Komori had agreed to head there early with a few of his teammates for some extra practice.
Of course, an errand here and an errand there had turned into Komori following around his teammates blindly as the hours quickly ran down.
Practice gyms were shoved away in the corners of the massive stadium and were particularly hard to find, especially as more and more teams made their way into the stadium. Komori, being the ever polite and nice teammate, only sat back in agony as he awaited his teammates to finally finish up with whatever strange mishap they currently happened to be endeavoring on.
At least he got to explore the stadium.
The sound of the volleyball against the floor was always enough to get Komori’s blood pumping. There was always a sort of excitement that bubbled up in him at the thought of playing volleyball. His fingers would twitch ever so slightly and his senses were heightened to the max.
“Are the two of you ready to head to an open gym?” Komori asked as his teammates came back with a freshly bagged shirt.
The teammate on the left smiled sheepishly, “well, I was hoping to go and see my cousin play. Her team is pretty good and she’s been bothering me to come and watch her.”
Komori sighed.
“I promise it’ll only take a moment! Her team started the second set about,” the teammate looked down to his phone, “about twenty minutes ago.”
“Alright!” Komori’s teammate cheered, “her team should be playing-”
Itachiyama’s libero could only feign a smile as he followed after his excited teammate. It looked like he wasn’t going to get any extra ball touches before the game would begin. Next time he would have to listen to Sakusa, regardless of how introverted it sounded.
The stadium was crowded and there was barely enough space for someone to squeeze through.
Komori and his teammates had walked singlefile into the stands and to an empty space where they could see the ongoing game.
Komori and his teammates watched from the upper seats. The familiar smell of icy hot and blowing of ref whistles filled Komori’s senses. The bright lights shining onto the court called the attention of any and every onlooker. The crowd of the teams seemed so much more deafening in the stands than they did on court.
The score between the two teams read 18 to 22.
“Oh! There’s my cousin!” Exclaimed Komori’s teammate, pointing to a small girl with pigtail as she stepped up to serve.
“Do you think she’ll be able to get four serves in a row?”
“Hopefully? Don’t you have any belief in your cousin?”
“I mean I do… it’s just that-”
The blowing of the ref’s whistle cut off the conversation between Komori’s two teammates. The pigtailed girl seemed startled, tossing the ball up suddenly and just barely hitting the ball. It soared through the air and just barely over the net.
Komori thought it was such a shame that the ball just barely went out.
But it was a normal part of the game. Even professionals missed serves in crucial moments. Everyone messed up when they were nervous, it was a normal part of life. But to that girl, it likely felt like the end of the world. It always felt like the end of the world when you let your teammates down.
“Hey, don’t worry about it, Haruka!” A loud voice rang clear through the crowd, catching Komori’s attention immediately, “if you keep focusing on the serve then you’ll mess up the upcoming pass.”
It, embarrassingly, took Komori a moment (or two) to finally recognize you. Your features weren’t the most memorable and you hadn’t had much interaction with Komori during the training camp either. It was the calm determination that Komori hadn’t seen in anyone else that helped him finally figure out who you were.
(L/n) (Y/n), a girl who had come out of nowhere and quickly rose in the rankings of the top five aces in the high school division. You had gone from a bencher in your first year to an Ace getting scouted by Youth Japan. Quite impressive if you asked Komori.
“(Y/n)-” the pigtailed girl began.
You gave her a smile, “get the next serve, okay?”
“All- alright.”
When the whistle blew again you were quick to get into position. You took a step up, receiving the ball with your hands.
You made sure to cushion the ball and release it into the air gently. You gave it a nice and high arch and put it in just the right place for your setter.
You smiled to yourself as you got ready to approach.
“She’s pretty good,” said one of Komori’s teammates.
“Yeah, that’s (L/n)-san. Haruka said she’s really nice. She’s around Komori’s age.”
“Did you get to meet her during the Youth Japan thing, Komori?”
“We all introduced ourselves at the training camp but I didn’t exactly have a full on conversation with her. So unless you count limited introductions then I guess you could say I haven’t actually met her.” answered Komori.
“That’s a shame.”
Komori’s other teammate dusted his jacket off and made a face, “do you think she’d go for a guy like me?”
“As if!”
“What do you mean as if! I’m nice and-”
Your teammates were quick to scramble as the opponent sent the ball flying over the net. Whoever had received the ball hadn’t been all too successful and sent it flying towards the wall. You were quick to react though, just barely managing to get the ball in the middle of the court.
“I didn’t know she put so much effort into passing.” said Komori. His teammates turned to look at him, ceasing their conversation. Komori continued, “most players that specialize in hitting don’t care too much about passing. I mean, they pass sufficiently but I don’t think I’ve ever seen one put so much concentration and effort into such a simple pass.”
Loud cheers ended up muffling most of what Komori had said to his teammates as your team scored another point.
“What?” asked one of his teammates.
You thanked the line’s keeper as they handed you the ball with a smile before walking towards the endline. Komori could’ve sworn, for just the briefest of moments that your eyes met with his own right before the whistle blew.
“What was that you were saying, Komori?”
Komori flushed, hoping his teammates didn’t notice, “nothing important.”
Komori’s teammates shared a look of confusion before shrugging, “alright.”
Komori had gotten exactly twenty two minutes of practice before it was time for him and his teammates to head to the court and warm up.
At least he had gotten to warm up a little bit. And to think, he could have stayed home and gotten an extra half hour of sleep. Well, in the midst of a game wasn’t exactly the right time to be thinking about extra sleep.
Soon enough he would be back on court. Now wasn’t the time to be getting distracted.
He wondered if you had ended up winning the third set. Komori had been so caught up in the game that he might have stayed the entire time if it hadn’t been for his teammates dragging him out of the gym for those few extra minutes of warm up. Komori had supposed it was for the better.
You were a good player. Much more of a smarter hitter than a powerful one. You hit the ball from different angles which would send it in different directions at the last moment surprising the defense. Komori thought you were particularly good at squaring up to the hitter. Lining yourself in between blocks and directly into the path of the hitters.
What caught Komori’s attention the most was how you seemed to notice all the little things. You always seemed to keep the conditions of your teammates in mind as well as that of your opponents. You aimed for the more tired and frustrated players and signaled to your teammates where they should be serving next.
He wasn’t sure if he was relieved or disappointed that he would never get to play against you in an official match.
“Hey, are you gonna go and shake hands with the other team, Komori?” Asked the coach.
Komori flushed. He hadn’t even noticed that the game had already finished. There were only three points needed to win the set but Komori hadn’t realised how quickly the time had passed. The libero was quick to follow his teammates and towards the crowd.
Itachiyama’s managers were quick to gather the water bottles but left the other personal belongings to the athletes to clean up. Sakusa was quick to gather his own belongings while Komori took his time. His things had been scattered and he was currently having trouble finding his towel. He supposed he could always just get another one but it was his favourite towel.
There was really nothing all too special about it. And maybe having favourite things was too childish anyways.
Sakusa scoffed, as the next team ran in already taking up the bench space, muttering some incoherent words to Komori before taking off. Komori sighed. Hopefully he wouldn’t wander off too far.
“It’s Komori, right?” Asked a soft voice.
Komori’s face, which was already flushed, seemed to redden more as his eyes met your own. “Yeah.”
You held out a blue hand towel, “I’m (L/n)-”
“(Y/n).” finished Komori.
“Yeah.” you smiled sheepishly, “I didn’t think you knew my name.”
“You're, Miss. ‘I won’t miss’.” Komori teased, “I’d be surprised if anyone that attended Youth Japan didn’t know your name.”
“Ah, you heard that too!”
“I think everyone in the gym heard that bold declaration of yours.”
“That’s the last time I’ll ever get super serious in practice.”
Komori chuckled, “I thought it was endearing.”
“That’s what everyone says, until they’re the ones making a bold claim in the middle of practice right before contradicting their own claim and getting teased relentlessly.”
“Honestly, I’m surprised you know my name.” laughed Komori.
“Why wouldn’t I know your name? I thought you were really good during the training camp so I made the effort to learn your name.”
You smiled, “so, I suppose this is yours.”
Komori took the towel, staring at it for a moment before bringing it towards his face. He hoped you couldn’t see the flush that had been building on his own.
You were really different from how he thought you would have been. Of course, first impressions were always hard to base people off of but Komori would have never thought you would have been so… normal.
Obviously you were human but you had just always seemed so out of reach to Komori. You were the kind of person that soared into the attention of others while Komori stayed rooted to the ground and in the background.
The journal articles about you, that Komori definitely didn’t read, had depicted you as this cold and intelligent player. Someone willing to do anything to get the win. Here, you were a girl who seemed to stumble over her own words. Someone who tripped over their own feet and got embarrassed over stupid things you said.
You were so much warmer than Komori would have thought.
Eventually, the libero asked, “where’d you find it?”
“Oh,” you flushed, “I hope I don’t sound like a stalker or anything but I saw it fall out of your bag when you and your teammates left. So I thought I would return it to you.”
Komori eyed you curiously before smiling, “what would you have done if it wasn’t mine?”
“I suppose I would have been embarrassed. Maybe a little annoyed that I wasted my time but I was pretty certain that it was yours.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, apart from the fact that it has your initials on it, I remembered it being the same one you used during the training camp.”
“You notice the towels people use?”
“Sorry! Is it weird? I know my teammates sometimes tease me about it but I can’t help it. It’s always weird little things that other people do that I notice.” you rambled on, “I mean I try my best not to be creepy about it but-”
“It’s cute.”
Komori flushed once again, “I mean, it’s cute that you notice little things like that. Most people tend to overlook the little things. It’s definitely not weird! Or at least I don’t think it’s weird or anything.”
“Oh, thanks!”
“So, um,” Komori rubbed the back of his neck, “we should probably start heading back. The next game is starting soon.”
“Do you need help carrying anything?” You asked, tilting your head to the side in a cute manner.
“Don’t worry about it! It’s just a bag with a few other odds and ends.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’m strong enough to carry this load.”
“True,” your eyes lit up, “most second years tend to be a little lankier than their third year counterparts, but you’re definitely in shape.”
“So basically you’re saying that you think I’m attractive?”
Komori wasn’t quite sure how the words began but he knew that there was no taking back what he said now. Girls weren’t usually interested in the libero and tended to overlook him for his cousin. Speaking to you was almost akin to exploring uncharted territory. One wrong move and he would end up somewhere horrible.
He hoped he hadn’t said anything to offend you.
To his surprise you seemed rather unbothered as you replied, “you have symmetrical features and broad shoulders. Your smile is warm and you have nice eyes. I think you’re very attractive.” it was as if a realization suddenly hit you before you finally flushed, “oh? Am I being too forward? Am I making you uncomfortable?”
Komori smiled, following you out of the gym, “if anything, you might be pumping my tire a smidge too much.”
Fall in love with the kind words of another.
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hadourhandstied · 2 years
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I posted 1,851 times in 2022
That's 753 more posts than 2021!
43 posts created (2%)
1,808 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 372 of my posts in 2022
#disney - 17 posts
#taylor swift - 12 posts
#tangled - 12 posts
#haikyuu - 9 posts
#encanto - 9 posts
#personal - 8 posts
#i love this - 7 posts
#actually phobic - 5 posts
#new dream - 5 posts
#this is cool - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and i think maybe a good measurement of it is how often i think something along the lines of kinda want to be thrown off a cliff oh wait no
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello all! The animal today is a black cat in accordance with Halloween and (more importantly) Midnight's release in less than a week! I think we have an exciting week ahead of us, eh? So I want to know, what is your favorite thing about release week? Mine personally is being surprised by all the little fun things Taylor does during the week! And of course getting new music (duh?) So what is yours?
Let's share what we're most excited for this week and remember to tag animalanon (if so desire) so we can all share our excitement for this new album and show Taylor (and each other) some love! And remember, each of you are wonderful and deserving human beings who are very much loved 🥰. Now let's have a party!l (squirrels are not invited) 🥳 🥳🥳.
-animal anon
I think just the experience of adding to all the memories and connections I have of/with Taylor, her songs, and the fandom is my favorite! I have very specific memories of listening to each album throughout the years and I'm excited to see where Midnights will fall in my life story. What moments will it soundtrack? Which songs will mean one thing on Friday, and something else entirely to me next year? Which one will be my best friend's favorite? What will the rest of this era look like? Every new thing is exciting. (Also, super cool that it's coming out just 2 days after my birthday!)
3 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Sometimes I read fiction with a protagonist who has a phobia of germs (or OCD that presents similarly) and everytime I'm struck by how relatable they are. I don't have those conditions, but I do have my own phobia. Sonething about it just hits. These characters withstand their own battering thoughts, cope with the same actions over and over, and feel the tide of anxiety that rises and falls without notable cause. It just makes me feel less alone, I guess? Like it isn't just me who's haunted by my own brain and tires myself out seeking safety.
5 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
Every time Taylor mentions being an outcast as a child being the root of her current actions, I am over the moon. There's something so close to my heart about her acknowledging it. This shared experience is what drew me to her in the first place, the way we both sat at that lunch table and nobody wanted us there! The way we looked at girls with shiny, perfect hair and felt some mix of jealousy or fear. The way every kid like us grew up, and now we're all adults. Adults who carry those responses and fears and coping mechanisms everywhere we go.
6 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
My Lover anniversary hot take is that people who criticized the album's focus on romantic love while saying Soon You'll Get Better doesn't belong on the album should shut the fuck up
6 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Obsessed with Taylor having friends who will defend her. We all know we'll be here, doing that, til the end of time. But it's nice to see the celebs and artists around her join in too
30 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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These are things that happened a while ago, but I'm trying to find all the scattered bits I've written in my journals/memos/notes etc. and put them in this blog so they're all in one place.
I keep fainting.
It only really started within the past few years when I [ate very little], so of course I figured that was the reason why. But now that I'm [eating more], and am mostly sedentary, (aside from light weightlifting twice a week) it's still happening and I don't know why.
It only happens when I stand up and stretch after sitting for a while, it's not like I'm walking somewhere and pass out suddenly. Getting dizzy after standing is pretty common I think, so im sure this isn't like, an emergency level health situation.
Sometimes I'll just get dizzy for a second and that's it. Other times I get really dizzy and my vision fades out and I just kinda, end up on the floor. That typically happens less often, but recently I've had alot more occurances than usual. It's already happened twice today.
I'm especially confused because the past 2 months I've been eating more than I have in a long while. Like what the heck lol?
I habve fucking anemia 😭😭
i passed out before i even *got out of bed* today. what the fuck?? I didnt even know that was possible i thought it only happend when i stood up.
i sat up, sitting on my knees, did a big stretch, and then felt it coming on. I fell back literally thinking "💀 No way this just happened lmao".
But I can say now, i dont want to pass out anywhere BUT my bed ever. Head to pillow is so much nicer than head to floor lol. Though I'm on the top bunk so if I'm at a wrong angle I guess that could be bad :/
i dont wanna give the impression though that i stand up and my head goes smashing to the floor. For me its like a slow collapse. I can usually avoid hitting my head before im on the floor.
But sometimes if im in a position where i could possibly get hurt, Im actually able to like, grasp onto my conciousness enough to do something about it lol. Maybe its adrenaline? Like once i ended up on my bum about to lean/fall backwards into the corner of my desk, but somehow i was able to put my hand between my head and the desk edge, and keep it there until i was able to regain full control of my body again.
so weird how this works i dont understand it :/
0 notes
ersouthside · 2 years
Short Story On A Love
These are my note entries on a girl. A girl that changed my life.
Hey Taylor Ik what we talked about last night but I don’t feel like I can turn the feelings I have around. It hurts. Hurts my heart so much and when I even think about just dropping all of those feelings I just wanna break down and cry. You give me feelings no one’s ever given to me before. I know you have a boyfriend and you want that to work out and it’d be good if it workout out or it may not. Something deep down inside me doesn’t want y’all to be together though. I know it’s horrible horrible horrible. But I wanna see us together one day.
Today tye was showing Taylor one of her books and she was over there admiring it so much, I wanted to see it. When I went to read it I was so disgusted by the things that the book said. It made me want to leave. Go home. But Taylor was there to ask me if I was okay when I wasn’t in that good mood. I told her I wasn’t and why I wasn’t. She was very understanding and talking to me and she made me in such a better mood In the matter of minutes. When we got into the commons area I still wasn’t in a good mood, but when we sat down and talked I feel like it magically got better. Everything sad goes away when I’m with her. She went to write in her notes, but I had reminded her that she said she wasn’t gonna write in em again. Which was a mistake for me because I honestly like her writing about me. But she had told me she had deleted the pictures she took of the book. I have a feeling she did that because I hated them so much. But why would she delete them for me? I don’t really know.
Tye asked us in class today if we ever get tired of flirting. I told her “I just have really good social skills” but besides that, Taylor was looking sad after that and I told her to walk with me after class. I walked with her and asked her if she was okay, because I really do care so so so much about her. She told me that she didn’t know she made it so obvious that we showed affection for each other and she said she needs to change her ways. And that put a big chip in my heart. I don’t want her to change her ways. I love what we have between us. I love it. I don’t want to lose it.
I say all of this but she still has a boyfriend. She still loves him. Which I don’t want her to not love him. It just makes me feel so bad having all these feelings for her.
Oh and the butterflies. I’ve never experienced butterflies until yesterday. It was something definitely different. But definitely amazing. It’s something I cant describe. It may have been a mix of so many feelings. I just knew what it was when it happened. I feel like that kinda means something. Maybe not.
Taylor you were the first girl to give me butterflies. Not just the nervous ones. The ones that make me think I’m falling in love. The ones that make me forget my surroundings. The ones that make me so nervous I can’t even process what you may be saying to me.
Well I think that’s enough for tonight, I hope the happiest for Taylor in life.
I had a dream about Taylor last night. We had a kid and had gotten married. I don’t remember too much about it but I know we were so so happy. We rode motorcycles. She was riding her motorcycle onto the interstate and someone merged into her and she swerved and hit the guardrail. It sent her flying into the air. She was laying on the ground. I threw my bike down and started running to her. I eventually got to her and she was laying there, lifeless. It was so sad. I was crying and screaming in the dream. It woke me up and I was crying.
I don’t know if dreams are supposed to mean anything but I feel like that may have been one of the most meaningful dream I’ve ever had. I think it’s supposed to mean that I couldn’t live without Taylor. Which I don’t know if I really couldn’t live without her. She makes me so happy.
I woke up to three deleted messages from her. I asked what’d she delete but she’s not awake to respond to them. I looked at her story and it was a video of her and her boyfriend. I feel like she’s starting to cut off those feelings she had for me. Which makes me so sad. But happy her and Aidan might work out.
Taylor, you showed me what you had written in your notes about me. It adds on to my feelings about you so much. The way you can picture all of those things of us together in that way is amazing. And I paid attention on how you felt you are a bad person on the note. I know it’s an awful thing to have those feelings in the situation you are in. No I don’t think that you can just leave someone for the next like it’s easy. I think there’s an opportunity for love there and you don’t want to take it because you already love somebody. No I don’t think it’s right to love two people at once, but there is a point where you have to come and make a decision on how good it’s going to be for you in your life. It makes me like you even more that you feel the ways you do. The way that most everything I do, you like. You also do so much for me that I like so much. Sure it’s easy for me to say these things because I’m not in a relationship. Everything you do is so nice to me. The way we can tell each other everything, the way we can talk for hours everyday, the way we can make eachother laugh. And it’s crazy. I can picture us doing everything in your notes that you saw us doing. I don’t know what else to write about. I have a lot more I could do but I can’t really put it into words.
And a lot of the things that scare me is that all these things could probably never happen. Which makes me so sad. It hurts my heart and I don’t want my heart to hurt. It makes me want to cry thinking that these things will never happen. They probably won’t ever happen. And I guess I’m just gonna have to except that. It’s gonna be one of the hardest things ever for me to ever get over. But I think I’m just going to have to for the better health of me.
Taylor I think this is the last note I’m going to write to you. Not because I don’t want to, I just feel like there isn’t the need to. Seeing how happy you and Aidan looked today was so great. Great for you. And it makes me happy to see you happy. But that deep down feeling is just completely heartbroken. I guess my heart now knows it can’t have something it wanted, and it’s just so hard to accept. Taylor you put a smile on my heart. But some things that may have made that smile even bigger probably won’t happen. I’m laying here crying right now. You’re the only girl I’ve ever really cried over. And it’s crazy cause we’ve never even dated. But I feel like my heart felt like there was love from me at least. I don’t know. There’s so much going on. I just don’t feel good anymore. Taylor I love you.
I said that that was going to be my last entry. Turns out it’s not.
Taylor sometimes I just wish I was Aidan. Without this whole situation going on. I want to be your boyfriend Taylor. I know, Aidan is and it’s wrong for me to want that. Everything about you is just so perfect in my eyes. You are truly amazing. I want to give the world to you. I want to see the world with you Taylor. Not just the actual planet, but the world. I want everything with you. I can see us growing old being best friends and being together forever. I know forevers a long time, but it’s really not when you’re spending it with someone you truly love, someone that’s your best friend.
When I read your notes and you said those things you wanted with me. I want them so bad. I want to do all the fun things with you. I wanna laugh with you, I wanna cry with you. I want to go through everything our lives may have to offer. Together. And what makes me sad is that there’s the strong chance that it may not be able to happen. That’s heartbreaking for me.
Taylor, you have me heart. My heart belongs to you. Even with everything going on. My heart still is yours.
It’s all hard for me and it’s hard for you. But we’ll get through it together. Together. That word. Together with you is such an amazing thing.
Yes I’m jealous of Aidan and honestly kind of mad at him. Mad that he doesn’t do all the things that I want to do with you, Talk to you the way I do. And I’m jealous because he has you. I want you. I know I sound stingy and cocky, but I really only want you Taylor.
You’re so beautiful inside and out, you’re like an angel sent from god. For me to have the happiest and best life with.
Here’s some more
When you post the things on your story like the one you just did saying it’s about time for fall dates, I want to do all of those things with you so bad. You posted a girl duck hunting with her boyfriend. I would trade anything to do all of these things. Why do the situations have to be this way? I wish. I don’t know specifically what I wish. I wish everything with you Taylor.
You’re happy with Aidan now. I’m glad you are. I’m gonna assume I’m not really in the picture anymore. I think I’m just gonna have to settle with being best friends. And that’s okay. Not what I wanted it to end up as, but at least you’re happy.
I still love you Taylor. That’s not gonna die. I’ve just got to accept that it won’t go any further than friends. It hurts my heart but it looks like it went the way that I didn’t want it to go. That’s alright. Fuck it we ball right?
I feel like I’ve just gotten back into this pit of sad and not good feelings. Maybe I’ll find happiness or joy in something that makes me not think of the things we could’ve had.
I’m not planning on going for anybody. You were the one I wanted. The one I still want. You told me some things and got my hopes up a little bit, but I guess I get my hopes up too much.
Who knows we all may be better off just staying friends. I guess it’s just one of those high school things. Not sure what to really do anymore. I’m not okay deep down. I told you it wasn’t gonna make me upset if you didn’t end up taking the path, but it really does. Sometimes you just gotta accept things you don’t want to.
Taylor you were the first girl I cried over. The first girl I pictured being my best friend and possibly spending the rest of my life with. I’m crying writing these notes. My heart doesn’t like it. I’ve gotta move on. It’s so hard. You were the first person to give me butterflies. You were the first person to treat me the way you do.
This is the final entry to this note. I tried my best.
“Right person wrong time” -Taylor
Here I am again. After I said that I wouldn’t write in here anymore. More to talk about some things you probably don’t care about anymore. You’ve moved on, you chose your path. I haven’t moved on though. Don’t think I will. You’ve done things for me that no one else has ever even came close to. And now we’ve kinda separated after you made your decision. I understand you’re doing what you need to do to stay happy with Aidan. And I respect that. I just wish some things didn’t turn out the way they did. I like to remember the day I brought you a peach. The way I was able to bring so much light to your day that wasn’t going good at all. I miss being able to do that. Now I understand you don’t really want things like that from me anymore and it just really hurts. I’m hooked on you Taylor. I fell in love with a girl I couldn’t have. And it’s really hard for me. I don’t know what you think about me anymore or if you write in your notes about me anymore. I miss what we used to have for eachother. But you and Aidan need to work out so I’m not going to bring it up to you. I’ve been crying writing these. You do something to me that is so amazing and special. We’re never gonna get to be together but I’m gonna have to live with it. I sound obsessed but I’m really not. I fell in love with you Taylor. I fell in love with who you are. Everything you do. All reasons for a man to fall in love. The thing that hurts me is there’s no one else out there like you. I’m happy about it but it’s bad for me. No one’s ever made me feel the way you do. It’s crazy what kind of effect you have on me. I miss you Taylor. The old you. The one that made me so happy everyday, the one that I could make happy everyday. I’m just sad now. There’s no other way to put it. I try to do things to cope but it always catches up to me somehow. I can’t take any more of the crying tonight.
Why are you still on my mind. Why are you there. I try to block you out of my life but somehow you still pop up. I don’t want anything to do with you at all. I was hurt. Hurt really badly. And it has changed me as a person. The way I act towards and about women. And the way I act towards you. You tore my legs out from under me. I wish there was a way I could leave from your existence. Just forget you as a whole. I don’t want you in my life. But here I am asking that question again. Why are you still in my mind? Why is that deep void of pain and suffering still there? How could one person have such an effect on me? I have no idea. But as you don’t see me the same anymore, I don’t see you the same either. It’s been 3 months since everything went down. But I keep it to myself. No one has known about what happened. When jayden asks me about you, which he was the only one I could really talk to about you, I just tell him nothing happened and I just didn’t wanna be with you. But the thought of you is still there. I want it gone. I want it gone completely. Sadly there really is no way to do that. You ruined my life, changed the way I see women, and I really can’t say the things I said to you to another woman. You ruined it. But we’re still “friends.” Why? Why do I keep putting myself back in that hole when I was just reaching the top. I don’t know. I don’t know why I keep these notes. I guess to kind of give me an idea of what not to ever get myself into again. Now we try to live our lives like nothing ever happened. I don’t know if you ever still think about it. But I was in love. But now I look back at it and I was a fool. A fool for falling for something that wouldn’t happen. It’s a lesson learned. I can’t get away from you, because we have school together. But after school is done, every bit of existence that I know of you will be gone. All social media with you will be forgotten or blocked. I cannot live a life in mental pain and suffering. Oh how a woman can change or ruin a man’s whole life. I want you gone from my mind. Gone forever. This is the end of this writing today, hopefully this note won’t be wrote in again.
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mylittlesyn · 3 years
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Premise: You are a single mother to Megumi and erotic fiction writer. You had asked his father, Toji, to pick up Megumi for you so you could continue writing and meet your deadline. Except when you answer the door, you find yourself with Megumi's teacher, Yuuji, instead.
CW: dubcon kinda, degredation, more or less hate sex, squirting, cervix fucking, i think that's it?
Also I'd like to thank @lightningstrikes-art , their adorable comics were my inspiration for child Megumi.
𝟙𝟠+ 𝕆𝕟𝕝𝕪, 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕠𝕣𝕤 𝔻ℕ𝕀
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The sound of knocking at the door came from downstairs, and made you pull your hand from between your folds after getting distracted when writing a particularly steamy scene for your new book. You licked your fingers clean while rushing down the stairs, your breasts bouncing and jiggling with each step within the black lace bra that held them. The person behind the door knocked again, which started to make you annoyed. You couldn’t believe he lost his key… Again. “Toji, seriously it’s called a keychain-” You stopped dead in your tracks after opening the door to find your son being held by his kindergarten teacher. His honey brown eyes traversed your body while Megumi smiled slightly holding out his grabby hands. It wasn’t until you noticed how flushed the pinked haired man was that you realized your robe was open and your underwear, stomach, thighs, and chest was exposed.
“Sorry…” You mumbled while quickly moving to shut your robe, tying the sash on your side. “I-I thought you were-... Megumi’s father…” You took Megumi and placed him onto your cocked hip. “He-he was supposed to pick up Megumi for me today.” You could feel your cheeks growing immensely hot with his eyes boring into yours.
“It’s fine… Really… I tried calling you…” He finally looked away while scratching the back of his head. He looked so young… Couldn’t be much older than 22, perhaps straight out of college. You had seen him plenty of times, including this morning when you dropped off Megumi. Here you were, turning 30 soon.
“Sorry…” You sighed. “I have a deadline and I turned my phone off to focus…” You explained before realizing you were still out on the front steps when the cool spring breeze hit. “Why don’t you come in for some tea to warm up before you leave?” You offered with a warm smile while taking a step inside as Megumi clung tighter to you.
“No, it’s fine, don’t-”
“Please! I insist.” You interrupted while holding the door open with your foot. He fiddled with his fingers for a moment while looking at his red sneakers.
“Alright… I do actually have to talk to you about something.” He nodded to himself before walking up the steps and past you inside. As you shut the door, he took off his shoes and left them next to where you stood. Placing Megumi onto the floor, you watched him rush up the stairs.
“Hey! Don’t run so fast you’ll trip!” You called out while watching him climb up the steep steps. “I hope it’s nothing serious…” You mentioned off handedly before dissapearing into the kitchen.
“It is a little serious… But more of a warning…” He spoke loud enough for you to hear over the sound of the water running through the faucet. Though he couldn’t see your frown, you began to worry as you turned on the electric kettle. Is he not doing well? You knew Megumi didn’t speak much, which always worried you, but you knew he was reading… That he could read. So it was only a matter of time before he would speak. You also knew he could speak, and that his vocabulary was actually quite eloquent for a five year old. He just… Didn’t like to speak. And why would he…? The sound of the click after the boiling stopped brought you out of your thoughts.
“What tea would you like? I have lavender rose, green tea, chamomile-”
“Chamomile is fine.” He called out as you placed the peach green tea bag into the mug with red flowers on it. After placing the bag with chamomile into the plain black mug, you brought both out to the living room where he sat. “Not to be a bother, but…” He took his sweatshirt off, the white shirt underneath riding off enough to expose his v-line that you couldn’t help but stare at. His bicep flexed as he held out the mug you just gave him. “It’s a bit hot and stuffy in here, could you get me some ice cubes…?” After you blinked a few times, you took the mug without saying a word, heading back into the kitchen.
“Sorry about that! Toji was also supposed to check the air conditioning after dropping off Megumi… Now you understand why I’m in a robe.” You chuckled nervously while tucking your hair behind your ear before reaching into the freezer for some ice. The cool air hit the slit from your robe that left a little of your chest exposed. It exposed a sharp contrast to the heat on your cheeks.
“Is Toji Megumi’s uncle?” He wondered out loud as you heard a small thump where the steps sounded to be. Then another. And another. Something that usually meant Megumi was sliding down the steps one by one because he was carrying something in his hands.
“No, he’s Megumi’s father… We’re separated.” You explained while dropping the ice into the mug, closing the source of cool air.
“I’m sorry to hear that…” His voice was solemn and when you looked into the living room from the kitchen you could see his frown.
“It’s fine. As you can see he isn’t the most reliable person…” You smiled at him as he took the mug, his fingertips grazing over yours. The sound of pitter patter grew closer with your beloved son rushing in with his newest stuffed sobble toy.
“Still, it can’t be easy being a single mother.” He contemplated as Megumi ran around the table and pushed the stuffed toy into his leg.
“You gonna show him your new pokemon, Gumi?” You cooed while watching him look up at you with wide eyes, stopping all of his movements. “It’s not that bad. I work from home so I get to spend time with him without needing a sitter.” You smiled while watching Gumi try to get his attention. “I’m sorry, what was your name again?” You watched him sit back with Gumi placing his plush on the couch to then crawl and sit next to him.
“Yuuji Itadori. You can call me Yuuji.” His smile was warm, bright and welcoming like the sun peeking out of the clouds. “That’s a cool Sobble Megumi.” Yuuji commented while smoothing over his wiry hair. “What I wanted to talk to you about today was…” He looked back to you, his smile faded. “Megumi has gotten into a habit of using curse words around his other classmates. Saying things like ‘fuck face’ or ‘bitch’.” He explained with your stomach sinking. You weren’t exactly sure what to say, so you took a sip of the tea from your mug.
“I am truly sorry about that.” The comforting warmth of the tea gave you the courage to explain. “Toji and I tend to fight in front of him, which is likely where he’s hearing those words…” You avoided the gaze you felt from him. “He doesn’t speak much here at home, honestly I thought that’s what you were going to talk about… This is why I wasn’t aware of what he’s been saying.” When he placed a comforting hand on your knee, you stole a quick glance to see him sharing a sympathetic smile.
“I understand how difficult this all must be for you. I want you to know that if there’s anyway I can help, please let me know.” You cheeks warmed at his kindness. After pursing your lips for a moment, you smiled at him with your hand over his.
“Thank you.” You whispered. Both of you stared into each other’s eyes for a moment before he pulled his hand away and scratched the back of his head.
“It’s not a problem! Megumi is truly a really good kid.” He chimed. “If your worried about him not talking enough though, it might be best to get him with some play dates.” He suggested, but you chuckled nervously.
“I would but, none of the other mothers are fond enough of me.” You explained before hiding behind your mug and taking a sip of the tea.
“What makes you say that?” He questioned with Megumi playing with his plush on Yuuji’s lap.
“My occupation…” You bit the corner of your lip while leaning forward after crossing your legs. Letting your elbow rest on your thigh, you held your face up with your hand. “I write erotic novels.” You confessed, watching his cheeks grow red. “The other mothers read them, I know, some of them have asked me to sign their book… But them being seen with me in public, knowing what I do…? Not really something they want.” You explained while watching Megumi try to get Yuuji’s attention.
“I see… That could be-”
“Play with me, asshole!” Megumi demanded while holding up his plush.
“Megumi!” You snapped, rushing up and around to sit next to Yuuji while placing Megumi on your lap. “Gumi, stop, look at me!” You scolded while he squirmed to finally stop and sit still. You held his chin between your fingers, “Gumi baby, you can’t use words like that. Those words… The ones you hear Mommy and Daddy use…” You waited for him to nod his head in understanding while you thumbed his cheek. “You can’t use them… They can hurt people’s feelings. You don’t want to hurt Yuuji’s feelings, do you?” You cooed while watching his brows furrowed. He looked down as plush in silence, hiding his face behind it while he contemplated. He looked back up at you with those bright blue eyes and pink cheeks, to then shake his head. “I didn’t think so… You’re a good sweet boy Gumi, so act like it… Ok?” You spoke with a stern tone, nodding to yourself to watch him nod in agreement. “Now why don’t you go up to your room for a bit and think about this ok?” After a moment Megumi nodded and crawled off of the couch before climbing up the steep steps with his plush. You turned back to Yuuji to see him watching you with a twinkle in his eyes.
“You’re a really good mother.” He spoke in awe.
“You think so?” You wondered, leaning in a bit. It was stuffy in the room, and sitting next to him was making things hotter. There were heads of sweat traveling down his forehead, and you could feel some moving into your cleavage. His eyes were moved along your face, down as he moved a bit closer to you. You weren’t sure whether he noticed he was moving closer to you.
“Yeah… And he’s truly great, I’ll let you know if there’s ever any other issue. Also…” He hesitated for a moment before scratching the back of his head. “I hope I’m not crossing any lines, but…” His eyes wandered down to your chest for a moment where you noticed your sash had loosened. “I’m happy to bring Megumi home for you when you need… It’s actually on my way home.” He mentioned with his face flushed. Your heart fluttered. He was so kind, and sweet… Cute, and handsome… Strong and… Ripped. Placing you hands on one of his biceps, you gripped onto it while leaning in.
“I hope I’m not crossing any lines here…” You whispered before placing a kiss on his cheek. “That’s very kind of you.” You murmured, your lips lingering in his space. When you pulled away you could see a look in his eyes, so you placed your hand on his cheek. You pressed your lips to his. They were soft, and warm. Welcoming even as he placed a hand onto your knee. Your eyes fluttered shut and you felt his lips move against yours. Just when you licked his bottom lip with your tongue, he pulled away slightly.
“We shouldn’t…” He spoke with a slight crack in his voice, his hot breath still tickling your lips.
“But do you want to…?” You questioned with your lips still hovering over his. You watched his eyes lingering over your lips before noticing his nod. Without wasting another moment you straddled his hips while cupping his face in your hands. You started into his wide bright eyes for a moment while his hands found themselves on your behind. His lips were parted, while he watched you in almost a sense of awe. Once you pressed your lips to his, you felt him grab the plush of your rear, making you rut your hips into his clothed ones. An adorable whimper escaped him as your tongue slipped in, rubbing against his. Heat was pooling quickly between your legs, with his hips pushing up on you. His eagerness was cute and you couldn’t help the smile against his lips. It wasn’t until the sound of a door slamming made you quickly jump off of him, falling back to the couch before quickly standing up to see Toji standing there in living room. “About time you show up…” You grumbled while tightening the sash on your robe after readjusting it shut.
“Is he here? The school was empty.” Toji muttered, his tall hulking form towering over you.
“Because you were two hours late.” You pointed out while clenching your jaw.
“Is he here?”
“Yes. His teacher had to bring him over because you couldn’t be bothered.” You argued while folding your arms under your puffed out chest.
“Oh, so you’re making out with his teacher?” He stepped closer to look down on you. “Fucking slut.” He scoffed before smirking, but you didn’t shy away.
“You’re one to talk.” You countered. “Besides…” You looked him up and down. “What I do is none of your business.”
“Did she tell you she’s married… To me…?” He raised an eyebrow while looking past you to stare at Yuuji.
“Separated.” You corrected while looking behind you to see Yuuji trying to sink into the couch and disappear. Taking a few steps back to Yuuji, you shared a small smile. “Why don’t I show you out?” You offered to watch him nod after a large gulp. He stood up and you waited for him to follow you to the front door, which you held open for him. “Thank you so much again for dropping him…” You rubbed his bicep while placing a kiss onto his cheek. “Feel free to drop by anytime…” You suggested with him looking behind you with brows knitted upwards. “Hey…” You let your fingertips graze under his. “Ignore him… I’m really sorry.” His eyes returned to yours with pink dusting his cheeks.
“It was really nice to meet you…” He smiled while you nodded. “Bye.” He gave a smile wave which you returned.
“Bye.” You watched his smile brighten while you closed the door. Toji’s hands found themselves on your waist while you twirled around. “You are out of line.” You spat, watching a sly smile form on his face.
“So what, thought you could make out with him, make me jealous?” He scoffed while undoing your sash.
“Toji stop!” You shouted while his hands played with your underwear. You tried to push his arm away, but he crept on you with his thick fingers sliding between your folds. “Toji!” You squealed when he sank two fingers into you.
“Are you ok?” You could hear Yuuji behind you on the other side of the door.
“So wet, God, you’re such a fucking slut.” He whispered in your ear while Yuuji cried out your name.
“I’m fine!” You called out before moaning when Toji hit your sweet spot. “Toji…” You murmured, you hand stopping from pushing him away, pulling him closer by his belt.
“Are you sure…?” He asked again from behind the door. You undid Toji’s belt and pulled down the zipper after unbuttoning his jeans. His hard girth strained against his briefs, which you were quick to free. Toji picked you up with his hands on your thighs, your legs quickly wrapping around him.
“Yes.” You mewled as Toji sunk you into his girth. The stretch, the feeling of being stuffed felt like ecstasy as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He nuzzled his face to yours while letting you adjust to his length.
“He’s still right there…” He whispered in your ear, your walls fluttering at the thought of Yuuji still just outside the door. “I’m going to let him know that you’re mine.” He growled while thrusting into you further, the tip of his girth hitting your womb.
“A-ha!” You moaned, before feeling him start up a rough pace. The way his hips were thrusting in and out of you had you quickly feeling dizzy, your hands clawing at the back of his shirt. His chest was pressing against yours, the coolness of the glass on the door seeping through the silk of your robe. His lips pushed against yours, his tongue darting into your mouth as he quickened his pace. Grunts escaped from the kiss with you finally pulling the back of his shirt all the way up, your fingertips finally touching his warm bare skin. He stopped the kiss and hissed at you scratching his back, but it was too much. Your juices flowed, liquid escaping and coating his pants.
“Fuck I forgot how much you squirt.” He smirked against your cheek while you whined as you recovered from your high. Your mind was foggy, but he didn’t stop or lessen his pace. Instead his thrusts became stronger, the door shaking a bit with his rough movements. “What if I make you pregnant again? God, you were so insatiable then.” He grunted while slowing for a moment, giving languid, deep thrusts.
“Shut up.” You hissed before bouncing on him.
“Gonna cum again?” He teased while you tried to ride him more. “Say it. Admit you still want me.” He instigated while holding you steady.
“I want your cock, I want to cum, please!” You begged, feeling frustrated while beating his back. He started up a dizzying pace, one much like before that made your head spin. He bit your neck, his girth so deep into you, pounding you hard enough to make the door rattle. Your nails sunk into his back, scratching the skin while squeezing your eyes shut. You could feel your walls squeezing him, holding your breath as you teetered on edge. Just as you reached your high, you bit into his neck. Though you were biting hard and tugging on his taut muscle, he didn’t stop his erratic pace as he chased his high. His grunts were muffled by your skin as you felt the hot ropes pour into you, his hips stuttering. Once you finally felt his length stop twitching within you, he put your feet back down on the ground. He gripped your chin and smirked while staring back at you with those piercing green eyes.
“Now why don’t you go write that in your book.” He taunted while you pouted with your lower lip jutting out.
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Taglist: @yuujispinkhair @ice-icebaby @maidgumi @shameless-stan @mal-adaptive-daydreamers @toshibaby
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472 notes · View notes
havin-a-wee · 3 years
Doctor's Orders
pairing: gynecologist!harry x reader/doctor!harry x reader
word count: 2.3k+
warnings: smut, fingering
this is so long overdue i apologize but this is a request! i kinda love this piece so i hope you guys do too!
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You sucked in a harsh breath as you heard your name being called from the front desk, the smiley old lady gesturing for you to follow her. You timidly walked behind her, your feet shuffling on the obnoxiously patterned carpet that lined the hallways.
You aren’t one to fear doctor’s appointments, in fact, you have never been apprehensive about going to one until right now. This appointment was something you’ve been avoiding for a while since you had moved to London, but there came a point where you couldn’t put it off for any longer. Back in the states, you were comfortable with your gynecologist, and you had no issue talking to her about problems you were having regarding your genitalia. But now that you were in a new city, you didn’t have the comfort that came with visiting a long-term doctor and faced new ones for the first time since you were a child. The rest of the doctor’s visits were pretty standard, but your private parts were something you struggled with understanding, Sure, you have seen porn and had sex, but it was never a fulfilling experience. In fact, you have never reached an orgasm. About a year ago you gave up on looking for men to help you and made it a mission to bring yourself to a climax. But alas, none of your efforts seemed to work. At this point, you were convinced that something was wrong with you, hence the gynecologist visit. Male gynecologist, that is.
Over the past month, you have spent a lot of time researching gynecologists in your area. The first one that came up was the one you are at now, but considering his gender you continued your hunt. But it kept leading you back to this one doctor, Dr. Styles, and that was why you are currently sitting in an exam room in his office.
You reassured yourself by looking up his name on your smartphone, scrolling through the 5-star reviews. The number of people who seemed to absolutely love this guy helped settle your nerves, so you read through them as you waited for a knock on the door.
That knock finally arrived a few minutes later, and you picked your head up and looked at the wooden door. “Come in!”
A head popped inside from behind the door as it was pushed open, and the doctor’s eyes found yours while he made his way into the small room. He’s tall, with a mop of chocolate brown curls on his head and bright green eyes accompanied by a friendly smile. He sat down, eyes never leaving yours until he placed his computer down and the screen lit up.
“‘Ello Darlin, m’Dr. Styles, but y’can call me Harry if you’d like.” He stuck out a hand, and your palm swiftly met his, the two of you looking at one another as you shook hands. His hands were enormous, and the rings placed on his fingers were cold to the touch. “Considering you’re a new patient, I took a peek at y’records and such, and I saw that y’ve always had a female gyno.”
You nodded your head slowly, opening your mouth to respond but getting cut off by Dr. Styles. “So I just wanted t’let y’know tha’ theres nothing t’be ashamed off, and I know what I’m doin’ so I promise you’re in expert hands.”
“Yeah, I was nervous, but I couldn’t ignore the amazing reviews people have given you, so I made an appointment.” You appreciated his reassurance a lot, and it really helped in the easing of your jitters. He turned back to his computer after nodding in response to you, clicking on a few keys before diverting his attention back to you.
“So what seems t’be the problem today Y/N?” An initial wave of shock hit you when he said your name, but it quickly dissolved when you remembered that he literally has access to all your medical information, so of course, he knows your name.
“This is a bit of an odd thing to come in for on my first appointment with you, but I think my vagina doesn’t work.” You let out a breathy chuckle at your own words. Dr. Styles seemed unphased by your forwardness, and you assumed he had heard a lot more abrasive things than that. “I’m a 22-year-old woman, but I’ve never had an orgasm. For the past year I’ve been focusing on doing it without a partner, but no matter how much time I spent or how many fancy toys I buy, I just end up feeling unsatisfied and disappointed.” He nodded along as you explained your issue, placing his chin in his hand while his elbow was placed on the desk.
“Have y’had any STD tests recently?”
“Yes, I had one last week, I’m clean and I’ve never had one in the past.”
“Is there any possibility tha’ you’re pregnant?”
“No, I haven’t slept with anyone in over a year.” You knew what questions he would ask, so to avoid wasting time you were giving him all the information he would need.
“When y’are sleeping with someone, do y’feel any sort of pleasure?”
“Yeah, but it’s just never enough, I guess.” His lips curled into an expression of concentration, and he pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek. The room was silent for all of around 30 seconds, but soon enough Dr. Styles spoke up.
“Based on yeh’ history and what y’telling me, it seems that y’just haven’t found the right bloke.” Your eyebrows lifted in surprise at his simple answer. It couldn’t be that simple, could it? “M’guessing y’can’t get y’self off cause’ y’tense and not fully relaxed. And the guys y’ve been with ave’all been doin’ a rubbish job.” He chuckled along with you, and you couldn’t help but agree with him. There was no one you could think of that had actually made you feel good the entire time and had actually focused on your pleasure and theirs. Most of the hookups you took part in were with frat boys who would stick their dick into anything with a hole. “But just in case, lemme’ check y’out just to make sure.”
He stood up from his chair and you swung your legs up on the cot, laying down on it. While you had waited for the doctor, you changed into the gown you were provided with, so there was only a thin piece of fabric between you and the curly-headed man that had taken a seat at the end of the seat.
It was now that you were faced with a dilemma that your anxious brain hadn’t even thought of prior to the appointment.
Dr. Styles was attractive. Like, really, really attractive.
Dr. Styles was attractive. Like, really, really attractive. And probably because of the nature of your discussion (and the fact that your body is severely desperate for sexual release), your core had been heating up since he first stepped into the room. So now, he would lift the skirt of the gown and see a pool of velvety wetness coating the inside of your thighs.
The back of the seat was propped up, allowing you to see him. This was a good thing for him because he could talk to you while he does his job, but it means you will have to look at him after he sees the mess you’ve made.
“May I?” His fingers gripped onto the edges of the gown, and you swallowed hoarsely before nodding your approval. While you know that he probably has witnessed much more embarrassing situations than the one you were in right now, it didn’t make the predicament any better. As you suspected, he kept a straight face when he lifted the flimsy material from your legs. Without taking a second glance, he turned to a bottle on his desk and pumped a dollop of lube onto his glove-clad fingertips. He used his other gloved hand to spread the lubricant, only turning back to you when his two fingers were both well coated in the substance. “Y’alright?” Once again, you nodded at his question. “Tell me with words darlin’, wanna make sure y’comfortable.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. What kind of exam are you doing exactly?” That question popped into your mind right before it rolled off your tongue because you noticed he had never specified exactly what he was looking for.
“M’just gonna use m’finger,” he held his lube-covered fingers, “and feel around, just t’make sure everythins’ fine.”
“Ok, sounds good.”
“M’gonna start now, s’gonna be cold at first.”
You hissed when his fingers met your sopping hole, and you had to resist the urge to kick your legs while he slowly pushed his fingers inside of you. The feeling was strange, but definitely not unwelcome. The contrast from his icy fingers to your warm center was sending a tingling sensation down your spine. You could feel his fingers push around inside of you, caressing your walls. And you know you shouldn’t. But his fingers were hitting all the right nerves, and you couldn’t help but find the experience immensely pleasurable.
Despite your best efforts, a small moan of satisfaction escaped your lips. Immediately, you went stiff, and you could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks. You just moaned while your doctor had his fingers inside you. For a moment you thought he would ignore the sexual noise that you had just made. But he suddenly looked up at you, his eyes previously locked on his fingers.
“Well, if y’moanin’ just from that, y’more sexually deprived than I thought.” He chuckled, and you cracked a small smile, but that was before his words actually hit you.
Was he, hitting on you?
Maybe not flirting, but that definitely wasn’t something that doctors say to their patients very often. His smirk was also giving you the idea that he had certain intentions.
“Everything seem good down’ere, so I think tha’ problem is with the guys y’gettin with, not you. What type of people do y’usually sleep with.”
“When I was sexually active, it was usually frat boys, so I guess I should’ve known I wasn’t the problem.” You let out a small laugh, Dr. Styles seems to have found it much more amusing, as his chuckle came from deep within his chest. A small movement came with the laugh, which also reminded you that his fingers were still very much inside of you.
“It seems y’need someone who knows his way around,” he cleared his throat, and you smiled as you realized what he was hinting at. “and y’my last paitent of the day, so m’more than happy t’help y’out.” He looked down at his feet shyly, and you found it adorable how he was nervous about what he was proposing. But you were on the verge of tears from how hard it was to hold back your physical response to his touches. Your body relaxed when the words came out of his mouth, and you let out the whine that had been building up in your throat.
“Yes-Harry, god yes.” It was the first time you were using his first name, but the smirk on his face showed his approval.
He quickly removed his fingers from your heat, and you whined again, this time in frustration. Losing contact left you feeling cold, but that feeling only lasted a fleeting moment, as soon as he was pushing his fingers into you again, this time bare.
“Y’already so wet love, what got y’this worked up hmm?”
“Y-you, Harry, I want you.” You tripped over your words, but they came out clear enough for him to understand because he began moving his fingers at the encouragement. His fingers began to pump in and out of you, and you knew he must have been right about not being with the right guys before, because the simple movements left you as putty in his hands. You barely got any pleasure from fingering in your other sexual encounters, but you were already a moaning mess underneath the man. He lifted his other hand, which had also had the glove on it removed, and placed the pad of his finger on your puffy clit. You mewled loudly and his smirk widened.
“Any o’those boys ever make y’feel this good darlin’?” You shook your head furiously, and he smiled, rubbing circles on your sensitive bundle of nerves. You were already seeing stars, and you could feel an unfamiliar knot forming in your stomach. “Y’so pretty, did y’know tha’?”
You couldn’t muster up enough strength to respond to his second question, but the loud moan that you let out was enough of an answer for him. His movements sped up, fingers pumping in and out of you and his other thumb pressing circles on your button.
“Think y’close darlin’? Ready t’come fo’ the first time?”
“Yes, yes..” Your voice trailed off when a guttural moan rumbled through your throat. Although you haven’t had one before, you were sure that he was about to bring you to an orgasm. There was a tight feeling in your stomach and you knew it was just about to burst.
The knot burst and your orgasm rolled through your body, reaching every nerve inside of you. The feeling was euphoric, and your senses were heightened as your body experienced this new feeling.
“Thas’ it, good girl,” he cooed, slowing his movements and removing his fingers from your now overly sensitive clit. He worked you through your orgasm until fully removing his fingers from you, and you let out a sigh as he did so. “Definitely not somethin’ wrong with ya’, I can tell y’that.”
He smiled up at you and you returned the gesture, your smile only faltering when he turned away to write something down. You took the opportunity to get up and change, quickly dressing while his back was turned.
He turned in his chair to face you once again, handing you a small piece of paper. You took it from between his fingers to see a phone number scribbled on it in black ink.
“Is Doctor Styles giving me his number?” You said it in a cheeky way, smirking back at him.
“Yes, and he’s telling you to text him when you get home. Doctor’s orders.”
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thedaredevilsgirl · 3 years
Can you do a smut fic about professor tom and y/n is his student and he takes a liking to her and yes smut lol
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Dear Teacher
Warnings: reader over 18 (between 19 and 22 years old) teacher-student relationship (please don't get involved with your teachers, this is wrong) Smut (Oral -Fem! Receiving- fingering, thumb sucking?? doggy style, hair pulling, breathing kink)There may be some grammatical errors, English is not my primary language
Word count:2283
N/A: I've been gone for a while, I was kinda sad these days and wasn't getting around to writing, so apologies for the delay in requests. I loved writing this one shot, it was for sure the filthiest thing I've ever done and I'm already planning a part two for it.
Part 2
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You look at the time one more time. 23:40. He should have been here two hours ago. You didn't know why you still ended up in these situations.
At the beginning of the week a boy had asked you out on a date, he had been kind of insisting on it for several days and then you finally gave in, to be honest you thought it would be a good idea, you were really trying to get over someone else. You had gotten all dressed up for the date, wearing your new red dress matching the color of the lipstick on your lips, but of course something had to go wrong, without even sending a message warning you that you would be late leaving you there alone at the bar for two hours.
Your cell phone beeps inside your purse and you quickly pick it up seeing a message notification.
"Sorry, I won't be able to make it" the message said.
"Asshole" you say to yourself taking the last sip of your third glass of wine that night already getting ready to leave. As soon as you get up from your chair you feel an arm hitting you, the person quickly turns around and if you thought the night couldn't get any worse you were completely wrong.
"Excuse me" He says still without looking at your face, but as soon as he does he gives you one of those "Miss Y/N" smiles.
"Mr Holland" you say a little nervously.
Tom was too young to be a college professor, he was barely out of one, but he was able to quickly show how effective he was at doing this. It had been over a year since he had started to be your literature professor, you still remember your first day when he walked into the auditorium and you could tell how nervous he was, it was so cute, the way he talked and nervously put his glasses on his face, but after a while he built up a certain confidence, and all that confidence caused not only you but all the female students in that class to sigh.
You had been avoiding him for two weeks or so since you realized you couldn't contain your feelings, you always sat in the back of the room hoping he wouldn't see you and now fate decided it would be a good idea to put him and you in the same bar.
"It seems like it's been so long since I've seen you" he says "I know you're going to my classes because I always get your assignments, but still..."
"I'm sorry, I've just been a little distant these last few weeks" you give a shy smile.
"Got it" His gaze goes down your body looking at your dress before looking back into your eyes "so, did you come to meet your boyfriend?"
He couldn't have been more discreet than that. Tom had been in love with you since the first day he met you, always paying attention in your class like it was the best thing in the world and answering your questions correctly and after you started helping him at the end of class he got even more caught up in your fingers, you were so smart and so beautiful, you were everything he wanted and could never have.
"I don't have a boyfriend" he almost lets out a sigh of relief at your answer "I'm alone today".
"Me too..." He watches her for a moment again "You could sit with me" he offers gently.
"I don't want to bother you".
"It won't be any bother, you know I enjoy your company" He lets slip.
"Perhaps I could stay here a little longer".
He sits down right next to he at the table and orders a drink for the two of them.
"Don't worry, I'll buy it for you." From another one of those charming smiles that sent shivers down your body.
You notice, the black pants that fit so well on his body and the white social shirt with the first few buttons open, he had probably just finished his last class of the day before going to the bar.
"I read your latest work on the Brontë sisters, it was impeccable, as always" he compliments making you smile.
"I think it was the easiest assignment of the year, I love their books".
"I'm sure you do" he speak with a smile.
"What do you mean?"
"I think I know you pretty well, I'm sure I can tell all your favorite books just by looking at your eyes."
"Really?" He asks laughing.
"Yes" He says smugly.
"Then Mr Holland" you say in a tone of challenge approaching him "Tell me by looking into my eyes what my favorite books are" He looks at you, watching you intently in silence for a few minutes.
"I'm sure you love classics, Pride and Prejudice or Emma must be your favorites, and your favorite Brontë is Emily, surely you've read The Hill of Howling Winds more than once" He answers with surprising certainty without breaking eye contact, you blush over his gaze, he seemed to be reading you "So did I get it right?"
"Almost, really my favorite book is Emma, I love classics, but I am also passionate about books like Twilight" you both laugh together " but you got one thing wrong, my favorite Brontë is Charlotte, nothing will ever compare to Jane Eyre"
"I was almost entirely right" he defends himself as a joke.
"You are almost always right Mr. Holland".
"We are not in college, you don't have to call me Sir, you can call me Tom".
"Sure, Tom" You look down at your cup taking another sip of your drink.
He watches you intently as you bring the drink to your lips, the dress fit so well on your body, as if it was made exactly for him, and those red lips were driving him crazy, he wanted so much to kiss you, to taste the flavor of that wine on your lips.
The hours pass quickly as they talk, soon it is already 02:00 in the morning and the two of them are still there together.
"Why are you here alone on a Friday night?" You ask curiously after a while.
"I was correcting the last assignments of this semester and needed a stiff drink after I finished" he says before taking a sip of the whiskey in his glass "And you, why are you alone here? Shouldn't you be at some frat party or something?"
"No" you laugh "I had a date" you say shyly.
"I thought you hadn't a boyfriend."
"I don't, it was just a date, but he kind of dumped me, so I ended up alone here."
"What an idiot, I would never let you get away" He says and your eyes meet for the thousandth time that night. You were already sitting very close together "I'm sure he'll be very sorry later" he tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear.
"Why?" Your breath starts to get a little shallow with the closeness, your lips were already so close, you bite your lower lip making his gaze go straight to your mouth.
"Because you're perfect, any guy who has you is going to be so lucky" he takes a deep breath for a moment "God, you're so beautiful."
You finally break the distance between the two of you and kiss him. You pull away soon after, thinking that you had misinterpreted the moment and that maybe he was just being nice to you, but then he kisses you again, but intensely this time. One of his hands goes up your thigh, slowly lifting your dress and leaving a firm grip on it.
"I've been waiting for this for so long," he whispers with his lips still close to yours.
"Me too..."
Tom closes the door of his apartment and puts her against it kissing her again, his hands going all over her body, now his hands find her hair pulling it lightly making her moan between the kiss.
Their hands finally reach the zipper of your dress opening it and letting it fall on your feet leaving her only in lingerie, he looks admiringly at her body biting his lip.
"More beautiful than I ever imagined."
"Do you imagine me much without clothes Mr.Holland?" He asks in a cheeky tone.
Tom was already used to you calling him that way, but not with that sexy tone of voice you used this time, he felt a sting in his cock when you ask him that, like he was getting harder just from your words.
"More than I should dear."
"What kinds of thoughts go through your head?"
"Don't worry honey, I'll show you" he says suggestively.
He begins to spread kisses down your neck, down to the top of her breasts, then down her belly, until he is on his knees in front of her, Tom runs one of his fingers down her still clothed slit.
"You are so wet, princess, is this all for me?" You just moan in response "I'll take that as a yes".
His hands pull your panties down removing them from your body, he places one of your legs over his shoulder leaving kisses along your thigh without looking away from your face. His kisses finally reach her center, he runs his tongue slowly from her entrance to her clit trapping it between his lips as soon as he finds it.
"Fuck, Tom" his hands grab her hair making him moan, the vibrations increasing your pleasure.
He would take her close to her apex and stop before you could cum and then repeat it all over again.
He holds your clit between his lips again, running his tongue over the little pink bud, but this time he decides to add his fingers to the tease, you were already so wet that the first finger goes in easily and then the second, in and out of you making you roll your eyes with pleasure.
"Please Tom."
"Please what princess?" He asks after taking his mouth off your intimacy without taking his fingers off you.
"Please Mr Holland" you say innocently "I need to cum".
"Good girl" he sucks you again until you finally reach your climax in his mouth and fingers.
He stands up quickly showing you the fingers that were inside you and placing them over your lips.
"Suck" He says authoritatively, you open your mouth quickly sucking your own furrows from his fingers, tongue curling around them as if you were sucking his cock. You moan in protest as he removes them from you, missing the weight on your tongue.
Finally they arrive in your room, placing you on his bed as he removes your clothes, and he makes you turn around, your belly and chest against the bed and your hips thrusting toward him. You hear the sound of the condom packet being opened before you feel him brush his cock against your pussy, from entrance to clit without penetrating making you moan slyly.
"Are you ready princess?" He asks.
"Yes please" you practically beg to have him.
His hands grab your hips, he finally enters you making you both moan loudly, Tom throws his head back feeling how pleasurable it was to have you.
"So tight, you feel so good around me" He says.
Moving in and out of you slowly, just to tease you, you roll your eyes and moan against the sheets, he finds your G-spot quickly increasing the pleasure.
"God, so so good"
His fingers curl into your hair pulling you in and the other hand finds your throat choking you slightly and pulling your body until your back is glued against his firm chest, the hand against your throat was the best part, the fingers squeezing on top of your pulse point and turning your face to him kissing you deeply.
"You like it when I fuck you like this, don't you princess?" He whispers in her ear.
"Yes" she replies almost voicelessly.
"You're a good girl for me, so wet..."
"Tom, please" she begs throwing her head back over his shoulder.
"Do you want to cum baby?" You ask penetrating her even faster "Cum for me."
Your body seems to obey his command and you are cumming seconds later, he comes soon after.
He pulls out of you and helps you to lie down on the bed, you fall tiredly against the pillow breathing quickly. Tom gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom attached to the bedroom. When he comes back already dressed in his pits and with a wet towel wiping you down, he then helps you put on your shirt before lying down beside you.
When you wake up, the first thing you see is Tom, his arm around your body keeping you close.
"Shit," you say softly so as not to wake him.
Remembering everything that happened last night you are desperate, you can't regret what happened, it was certainly the best sex of your life. But it was so wrong.
You get out of bed slowly, pulling his arm away from your body, luckily he doesn't wake up and you manage to get up. You grab your clothes and quickly get dressed and get out of there. This couldn't happen again, it certainly couldn't.
You wouldn't fall into temptation again.
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lovelyyy-luna · 4 years
halloween night
pairing: (fezco x fem!reader)
fandom: euphoria
type: fluff
warning: mentions drug drop off’s and having a joint
word count: 1277
date: march 22, 2021
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Halloween was always such a fun time when you were younger, but since you weren’t a child you wanted to actually do things that normal people your age do around this time of year.
You got together with your friends and dressed up ready to party.
“Come on Y/N, you would look so hot in this,” Kat whined.
“I'm not sure Kat this doesn’t really feel like me.”
“Ugh, that’s the point of Halloween, Y/N. You aren’t supposed to be yourself, you’re supposed to be what you secretly want to be.”
“Um, I don't think I secretly want to be little red riding hood.”
“Hello you are going to be SEXY little red riding hood,” she laughs and then you start to relax and laugh along with her.
You finish getting ready and your group heads out to the party.
Walking down the sidewalk you felt a wave of nostalgia seeing all the little kids all giddy and probably high off sugar.
You reach the house and you go in. the music thumps throughout the house and you can feel the bass in your chest.
You get two drinks in you and you decide to go out for some fresh air. The cool air nipped at your face and sent chills down your arms. You lean against the house trying to keep warm.
Then a familiar face comes from the side of the house. Fez.
“Hey, Y/N. Why aren’t you in the party?”
“Got a little rowdy in there for me. Why aren’t you in the party?”
“Oh, I’m just here for business. Halloween is one of my busy days.”
“Oh, I bet. Why didn’t you dress up? It’s Halloween!” you chuckle.
“What are you talking about? I'm dressed as a drug dealer.” he laughed and had a half-lit joint and handed it to you. You inhaled and held it for a few and then exhaled while rolling your eyes.
“So uh, do you want to get out of here? I have a few more drops to do, but maybe we can go back to the shop and watch a scary movie?” he asked.
“Really? I mean yeah I’d love that. Let me just let the girls know.” you left to find your friends.
You only found Maddy, “Hey girl! Isn’t this party awesome so many cute guys right?”
You can tells she was drinking, “im leaving w-”
“What? No, you can't go! I met some guys and they think you’re really cute.” she says poking your chest.
“Thanks, Maddy but I'm going to hang out with Fez.”
“Ooh really? Well, have fun! Try not to get pregnant!.”
You playfully shove her and go back outside.
You find Fez on his phone and you stand in front of him, “ready to go?”
He shut his phone off and nodded his head and walked to his car while you followed.
You got in the car and he grabbed his bag full of product to double-check he had everything for the next drop.
The car ride was mostly quiet. The only sound was the radio on low and since you were driving in a residential area you were going slow and can hear the sound of the kids still out trick or treating.
He finished the last two drops and you headed to the shop. He unlocked the door and both of you headed inside. Ash was nowhere in sight. But you found him in the back of the shop passed out with candy wrappers surrounding him. Even though he was in the dealing business he was still a kid.
Fez put a blanket around him and then headed back to the front of the shop. “Do you want anything?” he asked.
“Um sure.” you look around and grab a bag of skittles. You and him sit behind the counter and he pulls out his laptop and pulls up Netflix and puts on a scary movie.
The shop was a little cold and you scoot a little closer to Fez resting your head on his shoulder but he didn’t mind.
The movie was getting kinda creepy and some scenes caused you to jump and Fez laughed at you. “Do you want me to put something else on?”
“No, I like this movie.”
Both of you finish the movie and he gets a call on this phone and he heads to the back to take the call.
You sit there waiting for him to come back. He comes back out and is very annoyed.
“Everything okay Fez?”
He sits back next to you. “No Mouse needs me to do six more drops next week but I don't have enough product.”
“Can you tell him that?”
“Only if I want to get beat up or some shit.”
You chuckle, “Fez you always figure it out in the end.”
His head dropped down and was cradled in one hand and you grab his other hand trying to soothe him.
“Sorry for bringing down the mood.”
“You didn’t Fez. um, how about we go for a walk so you can clear your head?”
He nods and you both walk to the door and he locks it behind him.
The air was still cool and it was nice out. There was still a chill and you got goosebumps. Fez noticed and took his jacket off and told you to put it on. You didn’t want to argue with him so you do what he said.
The walk was quiet and then interrupted by Fez stammering to ask you a question, “Uh, um Y/N, can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“What did you think of today?”
You looked at him confused. “Like what do you consider what we did today? Okay, let me start over. Us hanging out, do you consider it a date?”
Your face started to burn up, “um well let me see if it hit all my dating criteria. Was it just us most of the night? Yes. Did we have good food? Skittles are always a good call. Did I have fun tonight?”
You stop in your tracks and he does as well and he stood in front of you. You can see the fog of his breath.
“Yes, I had a lot of fun tonight.”
He smiles and goes in to kiss you. But just like any cheesy typical romantic moment, your phone starts to ring.
You both sigh and you answer it. It was Jules, she didn’t know how to handle all the girls completely plastered. You tell her that you’ll be right over.
“Im sorry. Do you think you can drop me off at Kats?”
He nods and you walk back to the car.
In the car you listen to whatever was on the radio, quietly singing along to it. You were lost in the song not noticing Fez looking at you every couple of seconds smiling.
You pulled up to Kat's house and just sat in the car. You didn’t want to leave, you wanted to finish what was almost started.
You get out of the car and walk by his side of the car. Through the window, he grabbed your hand. “Y/N?”
You bend down to the window, “yeah Fez?”
He pulled you in close and kissed you deeply. His hand slipped through your hair.
“Y/N! Hurry up! They are acting up!” Jules hissed at you.
You both laugh and part ways.
“Hey Y/N! When you are done babysitting your friends I’ll come pick you up for a second date.” he smiled from the car
You were flustered and nodded your head and went up to Kat's room.
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hxt1b · 4 years
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Jaemin x Reader 
Requested Prompts 22 & 29 Soulmate AU, “you’re allergic to cilantro!?” 
Genre: Fluff 
Warning: Smut (kinda Dom Jaemin)
Prompt List you can send any requests you have, I am currently taking them!
A/N Please excuse and grammatical errors I did read it over but I still may have missed some things. 
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“You’re allergic to cilantro?!” Jaemin asked looking over at you a shocked expression on his face. You frowned as you looked down at his bowl of noodles topped off by like a pound of cilantro. You nodded and took a bite of your food. 
Jaemin looked down at his wrist where he had a small mark mirroring your own, signifying you as his soulmate. 
“Babe I was scammed.” He said, “My soulmate cannot be allergic to cilantro.” 
You looked at him annoyed, his lips turned upwards in a smirk. You narrowed your eyes at him, glaring. 
“Then go find a new one.” You deadpanned. His smirk gave way to a smile as he began to coo at you. 
“Oh, baby I couldn’t do that to you.” He closed the space between you two on the couch. His arms wrapping around you and pulling you to him. 
You rolled your eyes as he cuddled into you, pulling you onto his lap the food forgotten. 
“I’ll just deal with the fact that the love of my life will puff up if she eats the best thing in the world.” You smacked his shoulder as you looked down at him. He was giggling, against you. 
“You can stop making fun of me. It’s normal to be allergic to things.” 
He nodded his lips pursing up at you. 
You shook your head. 
“Nope, no kisses for you. You were being mean to me.” You teased and started shifting to move off his lap. His hands tightened on your waist and he threw his head back. 
“Y/N.” He whined, “I didn’t mean it.”  
You stopped moving around on him, staying still as you stared at the muscles in his neck, the veins standing out as he whined loudly. 
He stopped whining when he realized that you’d also stopped moving, his eyes came back to yours and he swallowed as he took in your face. 
“So can I kiss you now?” He asked. His eyes darkening as you stared at him, your lust becoming evident to him as your mouth slightly parted open. 
You brought your lips closer to his, your fingers curling around his jaw. 
“Perhaps.” You muttered running your lips over his. Letting your other hand trail down his chest towards his cock. His eyes closed when you palmed him over his sweat pants.  
“Fuck,” he muttered leaning toward you to catch your lips against his, but you moved back letting him chase you before you pushed him back towards the couch, clicking your tongue. 
Jaemin whined again his fingers digging into your hips before he moved his hand up taking your shirt with him and tossing it aside when it was off of you. 
His eyes darkened as he saw your bare breasts, you weren't wearing a bra today having stayed at home all day. 
"Y/N." He said his voice deep, "You don't want to play this game." 
"Oh but don't I?" He growled softly, as the words came out of your mouth. Your hands returning to his slowly hardening member. 
You yelped when Jaemin's teeth closed around your nipple, his tongue rolling out of his mouth to soothe the sting as your free hand fluttered to the back of his hand, intertwining into his hair. 
Your other hand snaking into his pants as you grabbed into his erection. Jaemin pulled back from your chest his eyes looking up at you as you breathed unevenly. He clicked his tongue and grabbed your hand pulling it away from him. He held your wrist tightly as he moved you onto the couch coming over you. 
"No, no baby." He said his lips ghosting over yours as he straddled you. "You don't get to do that anymore." He moved away from your lips and pressed a kiss to your collar bone trailing more kisses down your stomach until he was at the band of your leggings you pulled at his hair as your hips moved up to him. 
Jaemin was still holding one of your wrists, he pulled his mouth away from your skin taking your other hand out of his hair. He sat up and pulled your leggings down. 
"No panties huh?" He looked down at you, your cheeks flushing as he licked his lips. He pulled your leggings all the way off before he reached out and grabbed both your wrists in his hand, bringing them to your stomach, he held you down as he settled in between your legs. 
"Jaemin please." You whined as he leaned over your core, his breath hitting your clit. 
"Look who's whining now." He said smirking up at you from between your legs. He blew on your clit making you shudder, another whine leaving you as you felt yourself grow wetter. You said his name again your hands struggling against his hold on you. 
"My baby." He cooed and finally licked up your slit, his tongue teasing your entrance as he went. You moaned at the contact. Your fingers curling into your palms. Your hips moved on their own as Jaemins licked at your clit before sucking it into his mouth. 
He held your hips in place to stop your movements as he sucked on you, moans left your mouth one after the other as your eyes closed shut. You moaned his name, begging for more. But he only slowed his current action, working your clit with his mouth. 
Your head twisted to the side as your mind went blank. Jaemin was driving you crazy, you were clenching around nothing, your hips trying to move under his hold. Your skin was hot. 
"Please." You begged again as he moved down towards your core, his tongue teasing your entrance again. 
"You're so wet," Jaemin said, but you were so beyond replying. He only chucked as you groaned in return. 
You let out a moan of relief as Jaemin pushed a long finger into you, moving it slowly as he returned his tongue to your clit, flicking it. 
"Look at me," Jaemin said forcing you to open your eyes and look at him. He added another finger earning another moan from you as you locked your eyes with his. 
His lips were wet and red, your breath hitched as he returned his mouth to your clit. You didn't close your eyes as he curled his fingers in you moved them in a 'come here' motion. He was hitting the spongy spot inside of you. 
You cried out as your mind hazed over, from the feeling. Your toes were curling as Jaemin fucked you with his hand. Your back arching off the couch as your eyes closed again and you came against his hand. Your body shivering as the orgasm washed over you. 
Jaemin pulled away from you. You slowly opened your eyes and looked up to him as he smirked down at you. 
"There's only one thing I like more than cilantro, baby girl, and that's the way you taste." 
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Chivalry is dead (JJK x Reader) 💜(☁️)🔞
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🖤 Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
🖤 Genre: CEO x Secretary AU, Fluff/Romance, Coworkers to lovers?, mild angst, Smut
🖤 Warnings: swearing, mentions of surgery, did I mention swearing, Kookster is whipped, it’s kinda cheesy, please someone get me a Jungkook like that, slow sex, gentle lovemaking, it’s nothing freaky this time, oral (f rec.) protected sex, sugary sweet live confession you might get diabetes
🖤 Summary: Jeon Jungkook was your boss. The roles were clear as day, so why did it seem so complicated?
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You had no idea who in the hell actually invented coffee- like who thought roasting some weird beans and spilling hot water over that stuff was a good idea? Well, whoever it was, that person could go fuck themselves royally; because first of all, that stuff tasted bitter as hell, and second of all, it made your early morning shift an absolute nightmare.
Maybe it wasn't the coffee, but the person who loved them- Jeon Jungkook. Self-proclaimed savior of his Dad's company after taking over at the mere age of 22. Now, at 25, he was a well known face in his business, with famous magazines naming him 'one to watch out for' when talking about deals and sudden decisions. He's headstrong, smart, and unbelievably good looking too.
And also an asshole.
Thats at least what your flatmate Jenny usually says whenever he's the main course of your conversations. You'd told her time and time again that he was merely this rough with you because he was stressed- yet she simply stated that you were just an angel too good for this world- and especially too good for him.
"2 Minutes late." Came his rough voice as he didn't even look up to greet you, simply tapping on the surface of his crisp white table where he expected you to put his coffee. (Black and bitter as his soul, as Jenny always said.) He nodded, hand raising to dismiss you as always, until his eyes turned downwards, spotting your scaped up knee; half-hazardly covered by a bandaid that already came off at one side due to the rush you'd been in. Sure, you could apologize now, tell him how you were late because that freaking dogwalker let a leash of one of his huskies slip, which basically ran you over like a truck considering your rather short height, but you'd found out early on that Jeon Jungkook didn't care about your stories. Yet with his still lingering stare, you felt like he'd glued you to the ground by the soles of your shoes, without his dismissal you were forced to stay right where you were. He took a sip of his black beverage before setting the cup down with a sigh, getting up to walk towards a small bathroom connected to his office. Emerging out of the room again with a couple of items in his hand, he sat down on his chair behind his laptop, turning it towards you.
He had to lean down a bit as he took off the bandaid, not even saying sorry as you hissed at the sting. You did notice however how he took it off more gently after that, as he threw it into his bin, opening the plastic bag of desinfectant wipes, before his large hand held the back of your knee, almost delicately. He began to clean the scrape, brows furrowing a bit at the view of the raw skin, thinking about how you probably ran with that all the way to his office just to not be even later. He wanted to apologize, at least give you some form of verbal reassurance that it was okay to put your own health before his goddamn coffee, but the words got stuck inside his throat as he gently placed a new, more properly sized bandaid over the wound, sighing as some red seeped through immediately. "Get that checked after work today." He simply said before getting up to put all of the items away into their proper place as you were left with still tingling skin from his touch. He turned around, looking at you with an almost bored, but soft look. "What're you standing there for? You're dismissed." He said, and you practically ran out of the office.
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"He wants to fuck you." Jenny simply said as she bit into her sandwich, while you were left almost spitting out your lunch. "What? That was electricity, I'm telling you! He so wants to screw you." She said, almost accusingly pointing a finger at you as she took a sip of her water, watching you.
"Stop. He only did that because he.." Oh well yeah, why did he do that? He could've simply told you to get it checked instead of taking care of it himself for that matter. But he was someone who wanted things done immediately- e rarely could wait for things to finish or to be done, so maybe he just wanted to have things more proper during your shift? Exactly. He just wanted to keep the image of his company intact- maybe even raise it by showing other employees that he cared for everyone deeply, even if he didn't. "He probably just wanted me not to look like I got scraped off the streets." You mumbled before taking a bite of your lunch, Jennies eyes rolling.
"Truth is;" She started, as she threw away her plastic waste before checking her watch, "That I still think he wants you bend over his desk." She finished, as you turned shades of pink, lowering your gaze at that. You always tried to keep those thoughts away from you, knowing how unprofessional it was. "Does he know you're leaving soon?" She asked, now a bit softer since she knew it was a touchy topic. You shook your head.
"I haven't put in my termination yet." You answered, your food suddenly looking stale. Jenny sighed, hugging your side.
"I'll buy some icecream on the way home, you're finishing later than I do I assume?" She asked, and you nodded again as a confirmation. "Alright. Let's binge on movies tonight, and have a nice weekend alright? Heads up." Came her reply as she left with a wave, to get back to her own desk in the company.
Jenny and you had met while you were waiting for your interview with Jeon to begin, and when you began to talk, you immediately hit off. You'd told her how much the driving back and forth from your old apartment to work would be, and eventually she'd decided to share her apartment with you close to the company. You were a bit hesitant at first, but eventually agreed; and it was one of your best decisions yet. The way to work was basically half an hour by foot- if it wasn't for your daily task of bringing your boss a coffee from this one specific shop downtown, almost an hour away by foot. It was okay however. Everyone had their preference.
At least you told yourself that to feel better about being Jeon Jungkooks personal slave.
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"You're in love with her." Jimin stated, as Jungkook almost choked on his instant ramen.
"What the fuck dude, I don't." He exclaimed in a scandalized manner, long dark hair successfully hiding the red tips of his ears. He simply furrowed his brows, chopsticks now digging in his cup as if to search for treasure, just so he didn't have to look up and meet the eyes of his very nosy friends who were sitting in his living room.
"So you only want to fuck her." Yoongi grumbled as he hit after Jimin, who'd tried to steal a peace of meat from his plate.
"Exactly- Wait no!" The young company leader corrected himself immediately. No, this wasn't just pleasure he was seeking with you- but he also denied every single clue that he was into you, romantically. After all, he'd had his fair share of romantic involvements in the past; all pathetically killing themselves royally simply because there was never true love involved. It was either for benefit, for public image, or most of the time- for his money. It was never truly just about him.
Jungkook was simply a number, nothing more. In a way, his success was mostly just a curse for his soul; he was convinced by now that everyone just wanted something from him at this point, as pathetic as it sounded. He was always just the punchline of a joke, elderly woman seeing him as a piece of meat on a richly designed table ready to be consumed- just to be spit out as soon as he'd loose flavor. It was sad really, how much he hated trusting at this point.
"Look." Namjoon started, putting down his empty cup as he sniffled from the spicy meal he'd just consumed. "As far as I know, she'd from a regular background, right?" He asked, and Jungkook nodded, slurping some noodles without paying much attention. "How long has she been working for you at this point, two years? Three years?" The younger in question nodded at three, remembering the moment you'd stepped into his office for your interview, back then with a different haircut and color, and a bit more shy than you were now. You'd found friends in coworkers, when it came to gatherings and dinners you were always missing, however. He'd never seen you at any afterparty or bithday gathering for that matter as well. "She also didn't eye you up at all during these years, right?" He asked, and Jungkook got a bit more serious as that, because his friend was right. You surely looked interested in him, but you kept it charmingly subtle- it was more like a shy glance every now and then, never to linger uncomfortably. Just like a mouse showing itself to the cat every now and then to keep the chase going without any intention to.
"Oh, did you ever pay her for buying you a new suit by the way? The one she spilled her strawberry milk on?" Jimin asked with a laugh as Jungkook shook his head.
"She didn't want it." He said, and suddenly everyone got quiet.
"She what?" Yoongi asked. "Is she stupid?" He got out before Jungkook threw him a serious glance.
"Shut up." He said through gritted teeth, as Jimin laughed and the oldest in the round threw his hands up in mocking defense. "No but.. I offered several times, but she said it was her fault. She even got mad at me when I simply put the money on her paycheck- she practically demanded me to take it back." He explained, and Namjoon nodded.
"Probably because she'd feel bad." He answered. He knew you longest and most personally out of everyone in the current gathering; he'd been in the same class back in school for a few years. And you'd always been like that- you hated being paid back favours, because you didn't want to seem like you did them just to gain something afterwards. You kept people at a safe distance, never to have them cross that line, so you could always push them away without getting seriously hurt in the process. You'd also never been in a romantic relationship for long as far as he knew- only having had one scandal back in school, where the guy you'd lost your virginity to had publicly shamed you for being 'bad in bed'. It was a mess really, and Namjoon had felt bad back then, but there was no way you'd let anyone close to you afterwards. "Look." Namjoon started, looking at the youngest. "I'd say go for it. From what I know, she's a genuine person. I'm more concerned about her in this situation than you, if I'm being honest." He said, and Jungkook looked at him scandalized.
Yoongi chimed in. "You're known to fuck around. Don't just use her as a place to throw your half-assed cumshots into, that's what he wants to say." He replied, making Jimin scrunch up his nose in distaste.
Jungkook only continued to eat in silence. You maybe had the role of the mouse in this chase- but he was a tiger waiting to be taimed.
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"What is this?" He asked, very unamused, and very much not pleased. It was understandable to a level- after three and a half years you'd just handed in your termination. What you did not understand however, was the amount of emotion you could spot swimming behind his eyes- he looked a bit like when he'd accidentally spilled tea over his workspace once, scared to death if that accident would mean the death of all his hard work of the day. You'd reassured him back then that everything had been saved on the main servers, so even if his laptop was to die, which it did not, everything would still be save. He could surely find a new secretary however- there was no use to make such a huge fuss over it.
"It's my termination sir. I'll be leaving at the end of this month." You answered, a bit unsure now on your spot in front of his desk, as he pushed the tip of his tongue against the inside of his cheek, a clear sign of irritation on his side.
"Thats in two weeks, Y/N." He stated, and you nodded. "As a reason you stated 'health issues'. Is there something I should be worried about?" He asked, and you swallowed, hard.
"Is it uhm.. do I need to answer-" You began, but he cut you off with a stern voice.
"You don't have to, but I'd have to decline the termination if I don't see the reasoning as fit to be taken seriously under such short notice." He began, putting down the papers as he suddenly looked at you more intensely. "We have clear rules here Y/N, I thought you knew them by now. Vacation requests three weeks prior, and terminations as well, except for important reasons." He said, and you looked down.
"I'll be having an operation that can't be pushed anymore soon sir, and I fear I won't be able to meet your standards afterwards. Which is why I'm terminating my contract." You stated, and you swore you could see a flash of concern in his gaze as he nodded.
"Is there anything I can help you with, in preparation for that?" He asked, now shifting his interest on his laptop screen again, typing something as you got confused.
"Pardon sir?" You asked, and he clicked a few times on his touchbad, seemingly searching for something before he turned his attention back onto you.
"Your severance pay will be quite high due to the quality and timespan you've worked here. I want to make sure however, that you're taken care of personally as well, if you'd let me." He said, in such a manner that you felt like he was actually growing a bit self-conscious.
"I uhm.. I will stay at the hospital for a while to recover, and afterwards I guess I'll be fine on my own. It's really fine sir, I don't uhm.. you don't need to do anything really." You said, before sending a smile his way, trying hard not to think of this chapter as finished. Your eyes already stung at the realization that you'd be leaving this comfortable environment soon. It may seemed childish for someone else, but you considered this place a second home- everything was familiar, every routine saved into the memory of your bones, it was your comfort to work here. "I uhm.. I really enjoyed working here." You finished, as Jungkook took a closer look at you.
He seemed to think about something, before he carefully stood up, slowly walking over towards you. For the first time he didn't look detached or as if he needed to do something; his gaze was soft and gentle, and it made it so much harder not to be a crybaby in this situation. You'd always thought that he merely saw you as a secretary, but this situation, as normal as it seemed, felt so intimate. "I'm glad." He simply said, slightly opening his arms to give you the option to take or not to take his invitation for a hug.
You would've been a fool not to. After all, Jungkook wasn't a physically affectionate person- he hated the act of merely shaking hands with a passion, he'd once told you.
"Will you tell me what exactly it is?" He asked, voice so much richer and deeper now that the side of your face was leaning against his chest, head growing dizzy from his presence. You could smell his faint cologne and a fabric softener similar to the one you used- again showing you that he preferred to wash his clothes himself rather than letting others do it for him. "You don't have to, but you have me worried." He simply said, now detaching himself from you hesitantly as he saw some coworkers outside the office staring. He didn't want to make you the talk of town now, only weeks before leaving. Rumors could be aggressive, after all.
"I uhm.." You started, sniffling a bit as you sat down in front of his workdesk. "I'll have a surgery on my knee, since I take a lot of medication for the pain now, and I kinda don't want that anymore so.." You explained to him, as his brows furrowed.
"Why didn't you say anything? I wouldn't have let you work so hard if I'd known you were in pain." He said, almost with a whine, which made you smile a bit in return. You waved him off, however.
"No no, it's fine really. I keep stuff like that to myself anyways." You admitted, and he thought for a moment, before he decided, no.
He wouldn't keep you working just so he could benefit from seeing you. That would be selfish- and he didn't want to be like that. Not with you, at least. He screwed up his chance, and that was okay; he'd had all the time to ask you out, to get closer with you, after all. Maybe it was simply karma. "Take those two weeks off. Don't worry, it won't affect your payment in any form- you'll need to take your vacation time anyways, or I'll get a slap on my hands for not letting you have freetime." He simply said, as you nodded. "Dismissed." He said, in his usual tone.
This time, it made you smile, as you nodded, stood up and walked towards the door. "Y/N." He said from his desk, not looking up. "I really enjoyed having you here." He mumbled, and you grinned, nodding, before leaving the office- and the building alltogether.
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"Still can't believe you haven't hired anyone else yet." Jimin accused,as he drank his soju across from Jungkook, who'd simply shrugged. It's been two months by now, and he still refused to let any secretary work as closely with him as you did before. He rather got up a bit earlier and got his morning coffee himself instead of telling anyone to do so; it was as if that was reserved to you. It wasn't the act of having you bring him his coffee like a personal assistand; it was more the fact that he got to see you first thing in the morning. In a weird way, he didn't want to see anyone so early apart form you- he was simply too grumpy for that. "What about Hannah?" He asked, and Jungkook shook his head. Hannah was a promising candidate for the role of a future girlfriend- he really liked her. But there was no romantic spark between the two, and when she'd looked at him almost as if he'd ate her dog when he'd told the waiter to split the bill of their shared dinner, he knew that it wouldn't work out. She'd been so sure that he would simply pay for everything that he had to pay the entire thing- because she didn't even carry her purse with her. "Another piranha, I see."
Namjoon came into the room, several take out boxes in hand. "What're you talking about?" He asked, and Jimin chuckled.
"Jungkookies nonexistent sex-life." He said, before getting hit with a spoon from the younger one.
"Oh, interesting actually-" He began, putting down the food before sitting down himself. "Just saw Y/N-" He started, but Jungkook, almost chomically, cut him off.
"Did she look okay? Was she alright?" He asked, and Namjoon laughed for a second before taking some chopsticks for himself, breaking them apart and making Jimin laugh when they broke the wrong way.
"She seemed okay. Walked without help, but seemed a bit wobbly still." He explained, and Jungkook nodded. "My dad said she's gonna be alright, but it's gonna take a while since she waited so long to get it done-" Suddenly, Jungkook coughed.
"Your DAD did the surgery on her?!" He yelled out, making his dog bark as if alerted, as Namjoon became wide-eyed.
"Yeah, I mean, didn't I tell you.?" He began, but Jungkook shook his head, still heavily irritated.
"No, you did not!" He began, before letting himself fall into the couch defeatedly, whining. "I could've sent her flowers or some other shit, now I fucked it up!" He exclaimed to no one in particular, his dog jumping onto his lap.
"And they say chivalry is dead." Jimin said, playfully wiggling his eyebrows as Namjoon shot him a look to shut him up.
"You can still do that though?" He asked, and Jungkook furrowed his brows.
"No, that's just.. weird. Like, imagine getting flowers from your boss MONTHS after you quit." He said, before huffing like a child. "I screwed it up, its fine." He mumbled, before Namjoon continued.
"I mean, she asked about you though.." He hummed, taking a bite of his food.
"She did what?!" Both Jimin and Jungkook asked in disbelief.
"She asked about you. How you were doing, you know, that stuff." He explained, before continuing. "Told her you fuck around, she left after that." He said, shrugging his shoulders as Jungkook yelled furiously.
"You did what?! Namjoon, what the fuck-" He started, almost tearing up before the elder one laughed. "Not funny." Jungkook commented, clearly unamused by the humor in Namjoons face.
"Sorry." He said, putting down his chopsticks. "No, but for real, she actually told me to tell you she didn't change her number or anything so.."
Jungkook looked at him quesitoningly. "So?" He asked, and Jimin groaned.
"What the fuck, is she supposed to lay on your doorstep with her legs spread out while telling you 'Oh hey come inside and make yourself at home' for you to get the message?" A grumpy Yoongi groaned out as he walked into the living room, greeting the dog. "She basically told Namjoon to tell you she wants to sit on your dick." He said, stealing a dumpling from Jimin as he took off his jacket.
"She did not-" Namjoon started, before turning to the youngest again. "But she basically did say you should message her."
"To make up a date to fuck each other!" Yoongi yelled from the kitchen. Jungkook groaned.
"I mean I do have her number.." He mumbled, and suddenly a hand was on his shoulder as the eldest came back, a glass of water in his hands.
"Then go get pussy." He said, and everyone laughed.
Everyone but the young man in question.
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"You uh.. sorry its nothing special but you said you wanted something not fancy so.." He said, as he pulled out the chair as you sat down.
"No no, its fine. I like this." You answered, now a bit shy with him sitting in front of you- all casual and not at all in the regular environment you both met in. He wore a simple black button up, ripped jeans- clothes that were so.. regular, yet he made them look so expensive. Maybe it was how his body was proportioned, with long legs and a broad chest, or maybe it was simply the way he carried himself.
"You look really nice." He casually complimented, as you blushed a bit, unfamiliar with such compliments as he smiled at your reaction, licking his lips almost impishly.
He would've been a bit more shy if it wasn't for the several conversations over the phone you both have had in the past couple of days; your answers and innuendos making it clear that you were genuinely interested in him, on a higher level than just 'hit and run'. No, you'd asked about his dog when he'd sent you a picture of him, you'd wanted to know about his family, or what he did in his freetime- you both even played several rounds of overwatch together when you'd revealed to him that you play the game as well.
It made him feel confident.
Another reason he was so adamant on making sure his impression on you was the best was that you'd openly talked about your, admittedly shitty ex partners, giving him even more reason to treat you the best he could think of.
You felt a bit weird.
Not a bad weird, but a.. tingling weird. This kind of weird where you don't know where to put your hands because wherever you began to rest them your mind thought about if it looked weird. It made you feel like a kid waiting to finally be let loose on a playground. You felt so comfortable with him, that it was important for you to make a good impression on him. So when the waitress came back after you both ate a bite, you began to search for your wallet, as he smiled at you, his larger hand covering yours in a manner that told you he'd pay. "All on me." He simply said, as he payed, making you pout a bit.
Walking outside, he made sure that you were comfortable with him walking you home before walking side by side with you, never too close to not pressure you. After a moment, you began to speak. "I could've payed, you know-" You started, but he cut you off with a question.
"Why won't you call me by my name?" He asked, and you began to chew on your lip. There was no specific reason you could think of that would make sense to him. It just felt like you'd let him in if you were to say his name out loud. It was a taboo thing to call your superior by his first name, but that had been the past. Now it would mean that you were considering him your friend. Or maybe even.. more. "Do I make you uncomfortable?" He asked, and you shook your head immediately.
"No, its just.." You started, trying to think of something.
"Don't make something up now just for me. I promise I won't be offended; just be honest." He said, and you nodded.
"I'm not someone who, you know, lets people get close to me, normally." You explained, before you continued after he'd nodded, telling you wordlessly that he was following your words. "It just seems.. so intimate, if that makes sense?" Against what you'd expected however, he simply continued his gentle smile.
"That's okay. You don't have to love me right away." He offered, looking down at you with a smile. "Say it when you feel like it. We'll do whatever is comfortable with you." He offered, and you smiled.
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"So you both did not, in fact, fuck each other." Jenny said, as she ate another spoonful of icecream.
"No, we did not." You said, and smiled a bit at the memory. Jenny had just gotten back from her business trip; a week full of torture as she'd called it. "We simply talked and he brought me home every day." You explained, and your friend fake-gagged playfully at that.
"Oh god, someone get me a grater for all that cheese!" She laughed, as she suddenly smiled a bit more seriously. "No but really, I'm happy. He seems nice." She said, and you nodded.
"He does."
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"Do you treat everyone like me?" You'd asked one night as you shared takeout with Jungkook in his living room, having agreed to meet up at his place.
He shook his head. "Not to that extend, no. But I learned from my dad was common chivalry is- it's not that deep to be honest." He explained, as he continued eating. He looked so young like this; merely wearing a sweater and sweatpants combo, hair a bit unruled and piercings on full display. With all that business on his shoulders, one could easily forget that he was just a young man, even if he did turn 26 recently.
"Its not common, though." You commented, and he shrugged his shoulders, leaning back against the couch as he finished his meal.
"Do you want to take my bed or the couch?" He asked after a moment, after you'd finished your meal as well. You shrugged. "Then we'll sleep together." He playfully said, but got a bit shy after you'd simply nodded, not having noticed that he didn't truly mean his statement. No taking it back now though.
"Are you tired?" You asked, wondering if that was why he'd brought up the question. Jungkook was an honest guy, so he affirmed.
"A bit, honestly. Sorry." He said, but you shook your head, already picking up the empty containers and plastic bags to throw them away.
"It's fine." You simply said, as he nodded, his gaze following you for a moment before he opened the door to his backyard, ushering his dog to go out to finish his business before bedtime.
You knew you should feel at least a bit nervous, after all you'd be sharing a bed with him. But for some reason you weren't- even if something was to happen, you felt comfortable with him- enough to trust you at your most vulnerable state. At this point he'd already sneaked his way around your made up walls, way too close now to be let go off without pulling on your skin painfully at the same time. Hurting him would hurt you now- so you had simply accepted the fact that he was going to stay at your side for as long as he saw fit.
"Alright, bedtime mister." He said, leading the dog to its bed by the front door- a place his pet had chosen willingly, he once told you. "Goodnight." He mumbled, gently petting his companions head before he made his way inside his bedroom, where you followed. He closed the door quietly, turning on a small lamp on his bedside desk, before opening a window. "I like to sleep with the window open, hope you don't mind." He said, as you shook your head. You simply got into the bed after him, your way of trying to find out which side he preferred as you slipped under the covers, the smell of his by now familiar fabric softener, and distinctively his smell flooding your senses. His mattress was soft, way softer than yours at home- but it was probably worth several months worth of rent as well.
"I uh.." he suddenly said, low voice cutting through the silence after he'd turned off the lights, darkness swallowing the room fully. "I have a habit of, uhm.. undressing myself during the night so. Just to warn you." He said, before groaning a bit. "Oh god that came of kind of creepy, sorry-" But you simply laughed.
"It's okay. I hug things when I sleep, so I'll probably latch onto you during the night." You admitted, and he chuckled.
"Oh I don't mind that at all." He hummed, as you felt him turn over, probably to face you as your suspicions were confirmed when a finger almost shyly brushed over your bare arm. He was silently testing the waters, trying to find out if you were comfortable enough with him to let him go that far. To his surprise you reacted by scooting closer towards him, until your nose was close to his. He couldn't quite see you, only able to make out rough outlines as the moon wasn't shining at all outside his apartment. "Is that okay?" He asked, in a whisper, careful as if he didn't want to scare you away. He felt you nod as his hand went to lay down on your cheek, thumb finding your lower lip as he guided his onto yours, slow, as if he was only testing the waters yet.
Always so considerate.
You slowly deepened the kiss, a bit hesitant since it has been a while you'd ever kissed someone; but he took the lead after noticing you accepting his gesture, his tongue gently asking for entrance as you granted his wish, making him close his eyes as he lazily continued kissing you, his desire taking over.
Everything was slow, comfortable, and warm- the way he slowly moved to lean over you, the way his hands roamed over your body underneath your clothes. It was as if you both knew eachother already, as if you didn't need to hurry anything at all. And it was true.
He slowly undressed himself, before directing his attention towards you, helping you out of your clothes as well, careful to leave the covers over his body, as if to shield you from the chilly air coming inside from the opened window. He truly enjoyed every second, every inch of skin he laid bare of you, as his head dipped downwards, placing open mouthed kisses against your neck and collarbone as his hand gently ran over your chest, squeezing the soft flesh or a moment before his thumb grazed over the hardened nipple, making you squirm underneath him. You felt torn between a feeling of being worshipped almost, and the frustration of him going so slow. Every past sexual encounter had always been straight to the point- this was entirely new territory.
"We got time darling." He hummed suddenly amused as you began to squirm more underneath his touch. You felt his hard on against your inner thigh clear as day, yet he seemed to absolutely not notice it; his attention more so on you, as he suddenly moved underneath the covers, shaking his head a bit to get his long hair out of his eyes, piercings jingling brightly at his sudden movement before he dipped downwards, making you gasp as you felt his tongue on your center. He chuckled again as his hands held down your lower belly, keeping your hips down and legs open for him as he sucked and swallowed, making you whine at the feeling. This was the first time someone had ever gone down on you, and it made you feel absolutely incredible.
Jungkook moved again as you became close to your orgasm, hands fumbling around for a moment until he found in his drawer what he'd searched for; the crinkling sound of the foil package filling the room as you still breathed heavily. He rolled the condom over his length before he moved over you again, cooing at the cold feel of your damp skin, sweat making your body cool down rapidly. "Are you cold?" He asked, and you nodded, but held out your arms, desperate to have him close to you again. "Let me warm you up." He hummed lowly, pulling the covers over his back again before he led his cock into your core with the help of his hand, groaning at the feel of your warm walls welcoming him inside. He moved after a moment, kissing you again as if he needed to confirm that this was truly happening. "You feel like home darling." He whispered out of breath as he slowly moved a bit faster, your hands searching for his as he helped you find them, fingers intertwining as he felt his soul grow fond. He loved you, he truly did, and in that moment he realized it to the full extend. It was the same for you as he kissed your neck, hot breath against your skin making you feel protected and adored as he picked up his pace, thrusts becoming more erratic as he suddenly pushed himself inside you in one swift move, hand leaving yours to desperately move over your pearl, making your back arch off the mattress as you whined in pleasure, throwing him off the edge as well as he spilled inside the condom.
His forehead rested against your shoulder as he chuckled, slowly slipping out of you as you laughed along with him.
"I swear that was not my intention when I said we'd sleep together." He said, and you laughed a bit harder at that, kissing the side of his jaw affectionately as he kissed your neck. "I love you. I really do."
"That's okay." you said still a bit out of breath, and he wished you could've seen the bright smile he sported at your next words.
"I love you too, Jungkook."
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thenovelartist · 3 years
A Blanc Slate, Chapter 8
<Previous Next >
22. Cosplay
“I’m going to face Ladybug tomorrow.”
The atmosphere shifted in an instant, time stopping for a moment. “Oh?”
“I can’t put this off,” Chat said. “And… I think I’m ready to, anyway.”
While part of Marinette felt relieved, part of her was panicking. Because apparently, she had one day to think of what to say to her kitty cat to convince him to… well, to keep in touch in some way, she supposed. She couldn’t convince him to continue being Chat if that ring was killing him, but there was no way she was willing to let him go yet. Not when he still meant the world to her.
“I’m proud of you,” was what she ultimately said when all other words seemed to fail her. “You were fighting that for a bit, so it must have been a hard decision.”
Chat looked down at his ring. “I… it was,” he admitted. “But mostly, it has to be done. And my friend… she said some things that kinda hit me and made me realize I had to do this.”
“I’m really glad to hear it,” she said, keeping up her smile and pretending it actually wasn’t tearing her up inside. It hadn’t been her to help him, and a part of her hated that.
He shrugged. “So… I guess you can say today’s visit is a good-bye.”
Her expression fell. So this would be the last time Chat would come by before he gave up his ring. But she also realized Marinette wouldn’t know that. She quickly scrambled to respond appropriately. “Oh? You’re not going to stop by anymore?”
He shook his head. “I’m giving up being Chat Noir… er… Blanc.”
“Noir,” she countered. “You’ve always been Chat Noir, even if you’re white at the moment.”
He huffed, bitter smile picking up his lips. “You know… when I first turned white, felt like I was cosplaying, but now I don’t even know what it feels like to be Noir anymore.”
“I never really thought there was a difference,” she said. “You’re still the hero of Paris in my eyes.”
The smile he gave her this time was bittersweet and sorrowful. “Then remember me like that, Princess. Please.”
She nodded. “I promise.”
He relaxed at her answer, as though that weight on his shoulders eased a little. “Promise me one last thing, princess?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Will you stick by Adrien’s side?”
She blinked a few times, trying to wrap her head around his words. Because while she hadn’t known what to expect, that certainly wasn’t even in the ballpark of possibilities. “Wh… what do you mean? I mean, yeah, of course I’ll stay by his side, but—”
“That’s all I need to know,” he said. “He needs you.”
Her brow furrowed, her confusion rising by the second. “What made you say that, though? I didn’t know you knew him.”
“I do,” Chat said. “In a way.”
“That’s vague.”
He shrugged.
“You’re really not gonna tell me?”
For a moment, his expression turned soft. “Maybe in time, Princess, you’ll figure out why.”
“But you just said this was your good bye.”
“It is,” he confirmed. “But you’re not saying good bye to Adrien.”
Understanding slowly dawned on her. It seemed like Chat was hinting Adrien would tell her someday. Maybe that was one of those many secrets that sat on his shoulders that was weighing him down so much.
But she supposed Chat was right when he said ‘in time’ because she wouldn’t push Adrien for anything right now. She’d wait until he could stand on his own feet again, at least.
“Well,” she continued. “Tit for tat, right?”
Chat quirked a brow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that Ladybug seemed really distraught over the thought of loosing you,” she started, trying to chose her words carefully. “So, will you promise me that you’ll reassure her you’re not going anywhere?”
His lips tugged down int a grimace. “Princess…”
“Because maybe this is just my perspective, but a Ladybug without her Chat Noir seems… really weird and wrong.”
Chat bit his lip while a war of emotions played out behind his eyes. In the end, he sighed. “Okay. I promise.”
“I mean, you love her, right?”
“I do,” he murmured.
“Then wouldn’t it be harder to leave things strained between you?”
Chat seemed flustered by her challenge, his ears falling and lips curling into a confused frown. “I… yeah. It would.”
He grinned, able to relax a bit. Because she knew her kitty well enough to know he meant those words. There was hope yet.
23. Video games
Something told her she wasn’t supposed to catch him on her balcony. After all, he told her yesterday that he wouldn’t be coming by anymore, and he looked rather shocked and flustered by her sudden appearance on her balcony.
“Uhh, hey,” he said, giving her a weak smile.
“Fancy seeing you here,” she said, grinning as she hopped up onto her balcony, pretending as though she wasn’t just about to transform to go meet him. She begged her panicked heart to calm down all while being super thankful he hadn’t caught her. She didn’t know how he’d take that and the last thing she wanted was to make her cat run away during her last chance to convince him to stay.
“What brings you by again?” she finally asked before spotting the wrapped gift in his hand.
He seemed to realize he was holding said object, startling before extending the pink papered box out to her. “I owe you a sincere thank you,” he said. “So I just… wanted to leave you a little something.”
“You didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to,” he said. “I thought you deserve it. And more, but this is the least I can do.”
She took the extended gift. “Can I open it now?”
He shrugged. “I guess. If you want.”
Careful to not tear the paper to the best of her ability, she snapped the tape with a fingernail and opened the gift, only to see the newest video game she’d been saving up for. “How’d you know?”
“A guess,” he said with a shrug and a smile. “And I thought you’d appreciate some down time since you’ve basically been working on nothing but commissions while babysitting… er, well, two grown men.”
She chuckled, holding the gift close to her chest. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”
He nodded, but contrary to what Marinette thought would happen, he didn’t immediately turn to leave. “Hey, um… do me a favor?”
“Of course. What is it?”
“Maybe… take that over to Adrien sometime,” he said sheepishly. “Because I think the workaholic could use a break and might only take one if you force it on him.”
With a sigh, she smiled before giving him a nod. “Something tells me he wouldn’t be up for it right away. I’d settle for seeing him sleep more and eating properly, at the moment.”
“Something tells me you’ll see that in time.”
“I really hope so,” she softly spoke. “I hate watching him suffer like this.”
Something in Chat’s expression softened. “I think he really appreciates your concern. Just be sure to take care of yourself too, okay?”
“I’ll work on that,” she said with a wink.
24. Jealousy
“Hey,” Marinette asked right before Chat was about to leap away. “Do you want some cookies or anything sweet before you go? Or did your friend force feed you again?”
He paused, leaning back against the railing to steady himself. Marinette couldn’t miss the small smile that picked up the corners of his lips. “She force fed me again. And not to mention she’s a pretty good baker herself.”
Suddenly, the amount of jealousy she was feeling towards chat’s mystery friend spiked. It took her a moment to realize that it was because she felt… like she was being replaced. This girl seemed to hold a special place in his heart beyond either her as Marinette or her as Ladybug. She thought Ladybug was the love of his life, but whenever he mentioned this friend, he got a little twinkle in his eye. And that hurt more than she ever could have expected.
But she tried to cool her head. If this person was the only person to get through to Chat, then she’d take it, even if it broke her heart in the process. Because… just as he loved Ladybug, she loved him. Saying it was a strictly romantic love may have been a stretch, but this man…
No one would ever replace him. And she didn’t want anyone to.
“I’m glad to hear it. But, I’m a pretty good baker, too, you know,” she said with a wink, hoping to smother those intense feelings of hers.
“You are,” he admitted, with a teasing smile. “But I would have to say she’s on your level.”
“I’d gladly hold a bake-off with her and prove that wrong.”
Chat burst into a giggle fit that soon turned into a coughing fit. “Ahh, princess,” he eventually choked out, shooting her a strained smile. “So competitive.”
“You better believe it,” she said, trying not to calm her worry. He was trying to brush it off, slowly regaining his composure. Part of her wanted to get him to sit down while she got him some water, but he seemed to be steady again. However, it was a good reminder that now might be a good time to let him go. He had to go see the other her, after all, and she was anxiously looking forward to that. “Now, I’ll let you go to go see your lady.”
Any joy that had been on his face faded, his smile turning sad as his ears drooped. “Yeah. Wish me luck?”
You can have half of it, kitty. Because I’ll need the other half to get you to stay. “Good luck, Chat. And it’s been wonderful knowing you.”
Warmth returned to the smile he gave her. “Thanks, princess. It’s been wonderful knowing you, too. Never change.”
And with that, he leapt off into the night, a white blur on the horizon.
Marinette watched him disappear, then took an extra moment to put the game on her bed before hopping back out on her balcony to transform. She was ready to face her kitty. It was now or never.
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