#i just jumped right into ut
sysig · 8 months
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Permission to headbutt: Granted (Patreon)
#My art#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Ft. something smol and I do on a regular basis ♪#This could be Handplates or it could be classic Undertale I leave that up to you lol#I definitely picked up a lot of the style quirks lol - but there are some of the ones that I like myself! Like Papyrus' darkmode clothes lol#And Sans' shorts having the stripe in the front haha - little details ♫#Realistically it probably is Handplates tho just based on where my head's at lol - I love the Handplates dynamic :D#Handplates#I talked myself into it! Pfft ♪#I found myself relating a lot to Sans especially while rereading - I want nothing more in the world than for my siblings to be happy! <3#So I gathered up a bunch of ideas of things especially me and smol do together and this was the most obviously cute one haha#Easiest to do! Tho I did still go a little extra on this lol#I'm trying to do more digital stuff ♪ It wasn't the best art day and I'm still a little nervous to jump right in :')#Not doing any sketches on paper beforehand feels weird but I guess it is thematic in a way lol#And I'm still pleased with how they turned out hehe#It really does feel nice to be drawing them again <3#And doing silly sibling things! Hehe#I dunno how clear it is since it's so ingrained into how smol and I talk to each other lol family language!#One of us will literally just announce ''bonk'' and the other will prepare for/lean in for a headbutt haha#She is a tiny bit taller than me - it's not quite /this/ extreme but she does lean down for me! S'cute <3#I like to think Papyrus would do the same hehe ♪ Let your lazy brother headbutt you! He can only reach so far!#On minimal effort anyhow hehe#It's just a fun way to be silly together ♫♪#Also yes I did show this to her and she cosigned lol - ''Cute'' -smol
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tianshiisdead · 2 years
My hairdresser didn't spend the entire hour telling me about how she would purposefully mess up the names of her Asian coworkers and make racist comments to their face as if looking for me to validate her actions, in between comments about how I looked like a little doll (baby talk voice), all while I sat there and couldn't move, for ppl to say depictions of racism in books are 'too blatant' or 'too preachy' 🙄🙄🙄
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dantakeyoman · 2 years
omg.. i need a pt 2 to the seeing you for the first time :") it was so well written!! maybe something where he keeps staring at her and not doing well to adapt until his parents scold him?? if ur too busy then no need obv, but yeah i like ut writing alot !! 🫶🫶
Neteyam Is Struggling In Learning The Metkayina Ways, So You Give Him Some Encouragement (SFW)
Part 2 of "Head Over Heels"
CW: simp Neteyam, touchy reader, Lo'ak and Kiri duo, annoyed Ao’nung, reader is lowkey kinda crazy lol ( but in a good way i swear ), i headcannon that the Sully kids use beads as a barter system of some sort, and the person with the most beads has the most bragging rights, which is why Lo’ak and Neteyam have so many in their hair ( they bet a lot), Kiri has a few, and Tuk has next to none ( she doesn’t really understand it, but still attempts to )
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“Neteyam, how many times have I told you? You must breathe from here, not here,” you playfully scolded, placing your hand on his chest and stomach to show how he was doing it wrong.
Neteyam’s breath hitched, already feeling his heart rate pick up.
You moved you hand from on top of his lungs, to on top of his heart, and sighed.
It was practically going a mile a minute, like every other time you had checked these past two weeks.
“And your heartbeat. You must calm down, Neteyam. Allow your mind to go blank, and your heart rate to slow.”
It had been the same shtick since the boy got here.
All of the other Sullys had taken to their lessons swimmingly, now able to keep up with Ao’nung and Tsireya.
But Neteyam was the only one that couldn’t quite get the breathing right.
When Ao’nung taught him how to ride an ilu, he got it almost immediately. It only took him two tries.
When Rotxo taught him some basic sign language, he got each gesture the moment it was shown to him.
So why was he having so much trouble when you showed him some simple breathing techniques?
Little did you know, the boy could to do the breathing perfectly fine.
Practicing in his free time, he had managed to get it on his own.
But in order to graduate from his lessons, he had to keep up the technique for 5 minutes, with you checking to make sure he maintained the proper form.
And that was the root of the problem.
In order to check, you had to touch him, feel up on his chest.
And that always sent his heart into a frenzy, making all memory of the technique go out the window.
You were just so...you.
Every time you got anywhere near him, everything about you would flood his senses.
Your smell, your voice, hell, just your aura in general. 
It would all cloud his mind, and leave him unable to think about anything else.
It was overwhelming, and made it so he couldn’t be anywhere near you unless he wanted to become a stuttering idiot.
Which was, obviously, impossible to avoid during your lessons.
How does Dad do this everyday?
Who knew having an angel could be so frustrating.
“Here,” you started, snapping him out of his thoughts. “I think I have one more way to help you get it.”
He watched you, intently, as you tied a large rock to a really long stalk of kelp, then tied it to your ankle.
Once it was secure, you gave him a warm smile, which practically turned him to putty.
“See you later,” you winked, pushing the rock in the water and jumping in after it.
Neteyam stared, confused, as he watched you sink.
What is she doing?
2 minutes go by.
Is this normal?
4 minutes go by.
Okay, something’s up.
5 minutes go by.
That’s it.
Neteyam quickly dove into the water, frantically looking around to find any sign of you.
When he couldn’t see anything, he swam deeper, turning at a large coral reef.
There was no way you could’ve disappeared. So why couldn’t he find you?
It was scaring him.
What if you drowned? What if you were attacked by a predator? What if you had been swept away by the current?
These thoughts only fueled him more. And when he made it past this giant school of fish, he saw you.
The fish had been obstructing his vision at first, but he could now see that you were floating in the water, limply, as the rock from before kept you tethered to the ground.
Without hesitation, he swam towards you, whipping out his knife and cutting off the kelp stalk, before taking you in his arms, dragging you up.
He could feel himself slowly running out of air, but he had to stay strong. He couldn’t let you drown, not like this.
Not when he could’ve saved you sooner.
“Sure, men can have angels. But only real men can protect them,” his father’s words repeated in his head, keeping him going.
He was a real man.
And he was going to be his angel’s protector.
When the two of you broke the surface, he let out a loud gasp, flopping the both of you back onto the rock, panting.
When he turned to you, you were unconscious, laying still on the stone.
“(y/n)! (y/n), are you alright?!” Neteyam frantically asked, trying to shake you awake, pressing on your chest a few times.
That seemed to do the trick because you gasped, coughing up a little bit of water as your eyes snapped open.
“For Eywa’s sake! You surely took your time,” you breathlessly laughed, looking up at the boy with a smile.
“I-...wait....YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE?!” he exclaimed, shocked.
He was absolutely befuddled. You scared him half to death, and you did it on purpose?
“I’m sorry I tricked you. But that was the only way I could see the breathing get through your thick skull,” you apologized, giving him a little flick in his temple, making his nose twitch.
It made your smile grow.
He looked cute when he was shocked.
Without warning, he pulled you into a bone crushing hug, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“Please don’t scare me like that ever again,” he asked, his voice quiet and slightly broken.
It made you blush, and your heart wrench, at the same time.
You hadn’t thought he cared for you that much. Not to the point where he sounded like he was on the verge of tears at your death.
It made you guilty for pulling such a cruel stunt.
But it also made you feel loved, loved in a way you had never felt love before.
“I am really sorry, Neteyam,” you apologized once more, your joking tone gone.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he backed out the hug, keeping him close.
He expression turned confused, and you gave him a chaste kiss as an answer, making his eyes blow wide.
This was really happening. You were really holding him. You were really kissing him.
Eywa, please don’t let this be a dream.
You kept it short and sweet, long enough to let him feel your emotion, but short enough to make him want more.
When you pulled away, his lips chased you a little bit, mindlessly, and you giggled.
“Let’s take it slow, forest boy,” you smiled, placing a hand on his lips.
He nodded frantically, like a child being promised candy, and it made you burst into full laughter.
This boy made you feel happier than you had in a long time.
“C’mon, let’s go for a swim,” you suggested, moving your hand from his mouth and nodding towards the water.
“I’m in,” he smiled, staring at you with an enamored glint in his eye.
That’s when you remembered.
“Hey, if it makes you feel any better,” you started with a smirk, turning to him and resting your hands on his chest.
His breath hitched, and his heart picked up speed yet again.
You leaned into his ear, dropping your voice to a whisper.
“You passed.”
The way you said the words made a shiver go down his spine, and a warmth spread through his body, it’s origins being your hands.
You pulled back, flashing him an innocent smile as if what you did was the most natural thing in the world.
But he knew better.
You knew exactly what you were doing to him, hiding it behind that beautiful smile and those gorgeous eyes.
Little did you know that that was making you all the more enticing.
Who knew his angel could be such a little troublemaker?
bonus !!
Lo’ak, Kiri, Tuk, and Ao’nung watched you kiss Neteyam in the distance, their ilu lessons being put on hold for the spectacle.
“Look at my bro. It’s only two weeks and he’s getting some tail in,” Lo’ak smirked, setting a reminder in his head to congratulate his brother the next time he saw him. 
“You better tell him to keep his hands to himself,” Ao’nung grumbled, turning to Kiri.
He did not find the situation as amusing as Lo’ak.
“Tell her that,” Kiri playfully scoffed, watching you move your hands down to his chest.
“Are Neteyam and (y/n) mates now?” Tuk asked, tugging on Lo’ak’s arm.
“No. But it’s only a matter of time,” he shrugged, ruffling her hair.
“Hey!” Ao’nung exclaimed, shooting the boy a sharp glare.
“I’m betting a week,” Kiri smirked, crossing her arms as she turned to her brother, holding up a satchel of beads.
“I’ll take action,” he smirked back, holding up his own.
“I hate you all,” Ao’nung groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.
But in all honesty, knowing his sister, he gave it a few days.
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moonsgemini · 1 year
dress - rafe cameron
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summary: she’ll always wish she could enjoy the midsummer’s celebrations instead of working at it, but her secret moments with the kook prince make the bad tips worth it
warnings: rafe x pogue!reader, typical classist stuff but not from rafe, fluff, angst, mutual pining, alcohol, kissing
wc: 3.5k
an: this is based off of dress by taylor swift but my own interpretation of it I guess. If you guys want a pt. 2 with smut let me knoooow, I’m such a s!ut for rafe cameron pleaaaase
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our secret moments in a crowded room, they got no idea about me and you
Midsummer was probably her least favorite day of summer. You’d think that being a bartender on the day that the whole figure eight came to the country club would bring in lots of tips right? Well wrong. During midsummer’s the drinks were complimentary and there was just a tip jar for cash tips. Kooks don’t usually carry around cash, or really tip for that matter. Also seeing all the kooks dressed in their pretty dresses and cute flower crowns made y/n go green with jealousy. She desperately wished she could attend as a guest and get to dress up and enjoy the food. Y/n would be dreading this shift if she didn’t have something to look forward to.
She had looked over herself in the mirror a million times, making sure her dress still looked as good on her as it did in the dressing room mirror yesterday. The tag was securely tucked into her side because she may have run up her credit card to be able to afford it so she had to return it after. Bartenders didn’t have as strict as a uniform as the waiters did. Her manager allowing them to wear black dresses for the night, and of course she was going to jump at the opportunity to wear something nicer than her boxy polo uniform and tennis skirt.
Her makeup and hair had been done to the best of her ability, without it seeming like she was trying too hard. Y/n would never admit to any of her friends or family that she was dressed up in order to impress a certain kook prince. The same kook prince she had spent months crushing on, and he never helped make the crush go away because he would shamelessly flirt with her every time he was at the country club. It was more like banter, she had a feeling he never really meant anything he said. But it felt so good to feel wanted.
When Rafe would see her around the outer banks he would smirk at her or give her a nod as to say hi. At parties sometimes he’d go up to her and make some small conversation. Teasing her about what drink she had or making sure that she didn’t give her number to that guy that was flirting with her. They’d be making conversation and she would take a step towards him wanting nothing more than to be wrapped in his arms and his scent. But then her friends would come and think they were saving her from the kook prince and pull her away, sending a glare Rafe’s way. She’s look back at him apologetically and he’d just give her a tight lipped smile and walk to the other side of the party.
Rafe really liked her, he liked making her laugh and smile. He wished he could make her quit her job and just come live with him, he’d take care of her. She’d never have to worry about bills or rent ever again. His friends always made fun of him for flirting with a pogue but he didn’t care. They’d say he was scraping the bottom of the barrel, that he had already gone through all the girls from figure eight so now he was entertaining a pogue. Rafe never let them get away with their jokes. He’d glare at them and punch them in the arm or kick them in the shin. He’d defend her honor saying she’s different and she’s a better friend than they’ll ever be.
All Rafe could do was think about her while he was getting ready. He knew she’d be there and he wanted to look extra nice. Tonight felt like the night he would actually ask her out. Y/n was a good listener, she was always there for him. At first he thought it was just because she was stuck behind the bar so she had to listen to him, but then he’d see her at parties and she still had that look in her eyes. That look that she was listening to him, actually listening to him. He felt like he was on a cloud with the way she looked at him like he was the most important thing in the world.
When she arrived to the country club she started getting all her things ready, the guests would start arriving in a few minutes. Stocking up on scotch and the best wines, she knew those would be the popular drinks tonight. As she worked diligently her mind wandered to Rafe, like it always did.
She wondered if he’d be the same as always despite his family being here. She wanted nothing more than to spend the night with him, but not while she served him drinks. She wanted to dance with him and drink with him, and then go home together at the end of the night.
Guests had started arriving, her eyes looking out for the dirty blonde. She was so excited and a bit anxious to see him all dressed up, knowing he’d look extra handsome. An hour had passed and she still hadn’t seen him. The country club was now filled with kooks and her tip jar only filled with about $20 when she’s certain she’s made twenty martinis and poured just as many scotch’s.
As she was handing Mrs.Weatherby her glass of merlot smiling at the older woman her eyes caught her favorite blue ones. Rafe stood across the room with Kelce and Topper. He wasn’t paying any attention to what Topper was saying as he watching y/n from across the room. When their eyes met a lopsided smile formed on his lips. Her cheeks felt hot as he looked her up and down, as much as he could despite the bar being in the way.
Y/n begged with her eyes for him to come over, to save her from the boring night. He knew her better than she thought as he started walking over, saying something to the guys that he’d be back. But as he was crossing the room his dad stepped in front of him.
Ward put a hand on his son’s shoulder, “Rafe please, don’t start drinking yet. This is supposed to be a nice night okay? Lets take it slow.” He turned him around to walk out toward the patio.
“Yeah sure dad.” He muttered not wanting to make a scene. He followed him out but looked behind him to catch the eyes of the girl he was infatuated with.
His heart sank a little as he saw her bright eyes dull a little with sadness. She tried her best to put on a smile and not show her disappointment but he knew her better than she thought. Ward had no idea of Rafe’s crush and even if he did he probably wouldn’t care. He’d probably be disappointed in his son for liking someone like her, then he’d tell him that she probably only wants him for his trust.
all of this silence & patience, pining & anticipating, my hands are shaking from holding back from you
The first few hours of the night their eyes just met, hers pleading him to come over and talk to her. Give her something to think about tonight before she went to bed. His eyes begged her to forgive him for not giving her the attention she deserved, especially in that dress. He hoped that she wore it just for him, it made her look ethereal. Rafe’s legs ached from trying to stop himself from walking over and kissing her with everything he had.
As the night went on she was always on his mind. He hated this stupid midsummer’s stuff, mostly because he couldn’t share it with the one person he wanted. It was filled with snobby people and teenager’s getting drunk on booze they had snuck in.
Rafe kept getting stuck in conversations with his dad’s colleagues, Ward wanting him to be more involved in the business. Or he’d be with Topper, Kelce, and some other guys having a meaningless conversation about lacrosse or surfing. Whenever he got the chance he’d look over at her and she’d have a smile on her face handing some old dude a drink. He knew it wasn’t her real smile, then her eyes would look over at him and that’s when her real smile would come out.
“Uh I’m gonna get a drink,” Rafe said trying to excuse himself from his friends. His dad would be fine with him having a drink now, it’s been three hours since the night started. Three hours of his fingers tingling with the want of tucking that hair that kept falling in her face behind her ear.
“I’ll go with you dude. I need a refill,” Topper said holding up his empty glass. Rafe held in the urge to roll his eyes, he wanted to go alone.
y/n was wiping down the bar when they approached. She looked up meeting eyes with her favorite boy, but then she looked over to his left and their Topper was
“What can I get you guys?” She asked looking between them, smiling at Rafe.
“Long island,” Topper said placing his empty glass down.
“Can I get a rum and coke please?” Rafe asked, resting his hands on the bar.
“Of course,” she nodded with a grin.
Rafe watched her as she prepared the drinks. Topper was trying to talk to him about who knows what, he couldn’t care less. He couldn’t pay attention even if he wanted to with that dress she had on. It fit her so perfectly, he wondered what it’d feel like under his hands. What it’d feel like to push it up as he touched the expanse of her thighs. Wondered what it’d feel like to hold her waist as he kissed her. If her skin was as soft as it looked.
“Bro you’re not even listening,” Topped said as he hit Rafe’s shoulder.
“Long island,” Y/n places the drink in front of him.
“You’re right I’m not.” Rafe rolled his eyes.
Topper took his drink without even thanking her, “Whatever dude I’m gonna find Sarah.” Finally Rafe was alone with his girl.
She placed his glass in front of him, “So where have you been all night?”
“Uh my dad didn’t want me to drink earlier,” He shrugged. He knew it was a half assed excuse.
“You don’t need to order a drink to come see me.”
He ran a hand through his hair, “I-I know but my dad thought that I was just coming over for a drink.”
She laughed bitterly not at Rafe but at the whole situation, “When I’m with you I forget I’m a uh pogue.”
“That doesn’t mean anything to me,” He reached out to touch her lightly. She leaned into his touch slightly, yearning to feel anything from him.
Her manager walked in, “Y/n, take your fifteen.” Taking over he place behind the bar, Rafe pulled his hand away from her.
“Uh yeah,” She gave him a tight lipped smile before walking to the back room. Rafe sighed and walked back out to where his friends were.
if I get burned at least we were electrified, I’m spilling wine in the bath tub you kiss my face & we’re both drunk
Y/n stood in the back leaning against the wall. She hated this town. She hated the labels everyone put on each other, it made her life so much harder. It was so easy when she was around Rafe even if it was a few minutes at a time. But then there was always something that reminded her of who she was and where she came from. It was either Ward, her friends, Rafe’s friends, her bosses. Someone always had to remind her where she was and who she was.
She rolled her eyes at herself. She walked into the back, in search of a bottle of wine. She found one she thought she’d like, popping it open and pouring herself a glass. Y/n felt like she deserved it, especially after tonight. The night wasn’t going exactly as planned, so she might as well drink.
After three full glasses of red wine her break was over. It probably wasn’t the smartest idea to drink while on the clock because now everything looked a little fuzzy.
“I’m back,” She slurred to her manager.
Lisa eyed her suspiciously, “Are you drunk?”
“No never,” She gave her a toothy grin trying to hide her tipsiness. The alcohol affecting her more and more as the seconds passed.
Lisa sighed, “Y/n you can’t be like this here right now. You know how bad this would look. If you get one of these jerk offs orders wrong and they smell that merlot on your breath they’ll have you banned.” Lisa tried her best to look out for the girl because she knew she didn’t have anyone that was looking out for her.
Her eyes watered at the thought of losing the only job she had been able to get on this whole island, “I-I can’t lose this job. I need this.”
Lisa sighed, “Go home. I’ll cover for you, and you can still keep the tips okay? Only because I care about you.”
Y/n sniffled bringing the older woman into a hug, “Thank you Lisa, I owe you.”
“Get home safe okay, call someone.” Lisa said rubbing her back. She walked (stumbled a bit) to the back to grab her bag.
even in my worst times you could see the best of me
Y/n didn’t know who to call, her friends were all at parties probably drinking as well. Her parents weren’t in her life. The one person who could help her had been watching her from across the room. Concern written all over his face. She looked at him with teary eyes and he was already taking long strides towards her. She met him halfway, the tag from her dress itching her side.
“Rafe,” Her voice was shaky as she hugged herself looking for some comfort. She knew this was all her fault, she shouldn’t have had that wine. She felt like she was always making mistakes like this.
Rafe’s hands held her face, “What happened? Did someone do something?” He asked with worry and a bit of anger. If one of these kooks made his girl cry they’d have him to deal with.
“No no I did something. I-I drank some wine on my break. I’m drunk Rafe and Lisa told me to go home. She um she said she’ll let me keep the tips today but uh can you take me h-home?” She asked barely taking a breath.
He brushed her hair back, “Hey breathe, I’ll take you home okay baby.”
“I’m sorry Rafe, I-I shouldn’t take you away. I feel so stupid.”
“You’re not stupid. I’m glad I get to get away from this shit, especially if it’s with you.”
Ward had been watching the interaction from outside. He eyed as his son held the bar tender who he felt was trying to hard to look like she fit in with them, her dirty sneakers gave her away. In her defense you can’t really bartend in heels.
He walked over to them before they could leave, “Uh Rafe, what are you doing?” He didn’t spare a glance at the disheveled girl.
Rafe stood up straight, “I’m taking her home dad.”
“Who is this? The bartender? You can’t leave now. There’s still some guys I need to introduce you to.” He treated her like she was nothing.
“No dad I’m taking her home, this is more important.” Rafe wrapped his arm around her shoulders to lead her towards the exit.
Ward grabbed his arm as he tried to walk past him, “Don’t disappoint me son.”
He shrugged his shoulder to get him off, “You’ve made it clear plenty of times that it’s too late for that.”
They didn’t make a big scene but some people had been watching. They watched as the oldest Cameron led the girl outside, a pogue. Tomorrow word would spread all across the island just how cozy they were. Ward would berate Rafe about it but right now he didn’t care, he just wanted to get his girl away from everyone.
Y/n couldn’t believe Rafe had done that for her. He dropped everything for her, she really did feel like he was a prince.
only bought this dress so you could take it off
Rafe kept glancing over at her as he drove to her house. He was worried about her, she looked so sad and he hated seeing her sad. Her head was leaning agains the passenger window just looking out into the darkness.
“Sweetheart what’s wrong?” He finally asked breaking the silence.
She sighed looking over at him, “I feel like an idiot.”
“I put on this stupid dress that I can’t even afford and I got too drunk while I was working. I took you away from the party.” She shook her head at herself.
Rafe pulled into the driveway of her small house, her grandma had left it for her after she passed a few years ago. It was the perfect house for her but now she had to work overtime to keep up with bills.
“Lets talk once we get inside,” Rafe turned the car off and ran over to open her door.
They walked into her house, Rafe had never been there. This is the most time they’ve ever been able to spend alone, without anyone being able to interrupt them or pull them away from each other. He liked her house, it was very her. Warm lighting and pictures everywhere. She sat on the couch setting her bag onto the ground.
“You look amazing, this dress looks amazing on you.” He said as he sat next to her. She leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder.
“I wore this for you. I wanted to impress you, instead I embarrassed myself.” She closed her eyes thinking about the events of the night.
Rafe turned to her, “I would drop everything for you. I have been dying inside to spend this night with you.”
“Really?” She asked looking at him with stars in her eyes.
“Yes, baby. And this dress does look amazing on you. You look perfect. I’ve wanted you since the first day we met at the club.” He tucked her hair behind her ear.
Her face flushed at the compliments, “But why? I’m just me. I don’t have anything, I can’t even afford this dress. I’m just a bartender.”
He shook his head, “None of that shit matters to me. You actually listen to me and you care about me more than my shithead friends ever have. I only go to those stupid parties to see you.”
“Rafe, I care about you so much.”
He couldn’t take it anymore, he leaned forward and captured her lips with his. They were slightly swollen from the few tears she had shed earlier in the night. Her lips tasted like merlot she had downed. They moved in sync as if they had been doing this forever. He smelt like expensive cologne and she wanted to drown in it, she wanted to drown in him. His lips felt so good against hers, she had been dreaming about this moment for ages.
Her hands slid up his chest and into his hair. Pulling at the dirty blonde locks to encourage him. Rafe’s hands slid up and down her waist. Finally feeling the dress he had thought about all night. As the kiss grew more passionate he grabbed her hips and tugged her towards him. He pulled her to sit on his lap, her legs on either side of him. His fingers slowly slid up her thighs pushing her dress farther up, almost fully around her hips. Y/n’s thighs were just as soft as he imagined. His mind was racing with thoughts of everything he wanted to do to her.
The small whines that left her lips encouraged him to keep going. One hand moving behind her to give her ass a squeeze. He pulled away to press kisses against her neck making goosebumps rise on her skin. Her hands moving back and forth from tugging his hair to pulling at his blazer to get him impossibly closer.
“Baby,” He mumbled against her neck. She just hummed in return, too lost in the feeling of his lips on her. Tasting her like she’s always wanted him to.
“I want to keep going, but I know you’ve drank tonight. I want you to be be a hundred percent sober when I do everything I’ve always dreamed about doing to you,” He said looking up at her. He almost regretted his words and took her right then and there when he saw her swollen lips and hazy lust filled eyes.
She took a deep breath to get herself to focus. Her senses were overloaded on Rafe, “Okay, can you stay? Please?”
He leaned forward giving her another kiss, “Of course, I’ll always stay.”
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centipedelightning · 1 year
Hey, I was wondering if you could do a skeleboys x reader whose gut reaction when the get spooked is to sort of pull their boy back to them not caus they don't trust him their just used to being a protector.
(I request undertale and underfell plus dealers choice :D)
Thanks love your stuff by the way
Waaaa how cute! Ugh I love dealers choice it just means I can write my pookies (today that means the swapfell bros). Yk I always feel bad bc I feel like I write too little. I am used to writing research papers where I just get to the point so creative writing is so painful.
| Ut/Uf/Sf Skelebros x protective reader || super vaguely romantic for a few || fluffy |
Cw/Tw: None
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He’s blushing
I imagine this would be the kind of situation where you two were near some people that got in a physical altercation and you pulled him back. That kind of unconscious instinct both surprises and Greatly flatters him.
He’ll go all wide-socketed and just look at you like you’ve grown extra eyes.
Once the y’all are away from whatever situation spooked you, he’ll start making little jokes non-stop. It’s terrible.
“what was that?” “Wdym what was that?” “were you trying to protect me??” “Tf are you talking about??” “you need a new nickname. i didn’t realize you’re such a guard dog.” “Sans what are you talking about”
Sans tries to keep the energy equal in a relationship. Not one-to-one type of stuff where if you do one chore one day he’ll do it the next, as much as if you put in a lot of work he’ll try to treat you or do something that shows that he knows you did it and appreciates it. So now that he knows you’ll jump to his defense at the drop of a hat, he makes it his mission to Not let you do that. He is flattered of course but he just doesn’t want you to get hurt.
In smaller situations where you just got spooked by something he’ll try to calm you down with jokes and puns.
He’s so flattered he’s just a mess.
Papyrus is the type of person that will jump to anyone’s defense immediately, so you reciprocating the energy means everything to him.
He doesn’t spook very easy, so you’ll probably be the jumpier person. No matter what gets you, big or small, you just randomly pulling him behind you has him blushing hard enough to glow.
Emotional bioluminescence never works in a skeleton’s favor.
I fear that you don’t realize what you brought onto yourself though.
If you weren’t already, Papyrus is staying up planning you an incredibly detailed workout plan to make sure you are capable in combat.
The finalized workout regimen is planned exactly to your physical limitations. Almost to a concerning degree… did he do a secret medical exam or something??
No for the record, but he wouldn’t say no matter what the answer.
Red is pretty jumpy himself so his hackles are already raised as he is trying to drag you behind him, but You dragged him back first??? You want to protect Him???
He’s swooning
He still wins this nonexistent battle for the right to protect the other, so he manages to get you close to him. Sorry not sorry but Red’s protective instincts are hard to match, let alone beat.
If the situation was severe enough that you two would need to leave, once y’all do he’s all over you. Laughing and joking about how you’re trying to play guard dog.
He does try to check in a make sure you know you can depend on him yada yada. Please reassure him that you know and whatnot.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you or feels insecure of course—hell one of his many types is strong and forthcoming—he is just also used to being the protector and wants to make sure you don’t burden yourself.
Utterly flabbergasted.
That’s all.
Confused even
Situationally you have two options: either you startled at something he also recognizes as a “threat” or you jump at something that just happened to scare you. Both of these options end with him looking at you like you are some combination of a deity and an oddly shaped cat. Confusion, wonder, adoration, a touch of horror—you get the picture.
More specifically, for the smaller option he will just straight up ask you wtf, but for the “big threat” option he gloats. Loudly.
He is about to get very loud.
Imagine something along the lines of “NYAHAHA YES FEAR ME AND MY HUMAN HAHAHA”
Edge is a skeleton that loves his theatrics what can I say.
You will also be put through a training regimen btw. It’s about the same as Papyrus’ just with more sparring. You did this to yourself.
I’m so sorry but Indi picks fights.
He does
He’s shameless
Maybe you can try to physically pull him away from needling randos? Then again you jumping to his defense might just make him more confident and Worse.
You won’t get a workout regimen out of this guy though! Little victories.
for literally any other time where something just makes you jump and you grab him instinctually, he’ll play into it. You should tell him as soon as you can if that’s something you don’t want.
But he will dramatically jump into a fighting stance the second you start to tug him towards you.
He is always ready to defend his human’s honor.
He let’s you drag him back with very little resistance.
In all honesty he finds you jumping to his safety quite amusing, especially if it was from something small that just happened to make you jump and grab him with you.
If there’s ever a situation where you aren’t in immediate danger but near some (like some strangers getting into an altercation) Cash will absolutely allow you to do whatever you want.
He’s never gonna let either of y’all get into real danger, so as long as that doesn’t happen you are free to your instincts to try and protect him.
Hell, you might not even need to grab him with how much he loves to touch or hang off you. No sense of personal space truly.
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dreamauri · 1 year
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┇𝗗𝗘𝗗𝗜𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗗 𝗧𝗢 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗢𝗡𝗘 𝗜 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 - prologue ┇ ─ ୨୧ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ :🪴: ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ୨୧ ─ ┇you're the best, an unbeatable driver fighting for a place on the grid ┇︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦˚₊   ┇ . 🌿 :: pairing — ( max verstappen x fem! driver! reader ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠genre — ( angst )  ┇ . 🌿 :: ⁠word count — ( 858 ) ╰ 🫧  :: ⁠ content warning — ( X )
☆★ yayy!! thank you @lorarri for the title <3 i did a little character introduction at the end cause this series is going to have a lot of ocs (not y/n), anyways, enjoyyy ━━
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( fic master list | general master list ) ( requests )
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2015 — Baku, Azerbaijan
The F1 grid watched intensely. You didn't need to over take, already in P1 with your trophy secured. But you did anyways, passing drivers one by one till you once more made it to the top of the grid. "Phenomenal performance by Seventeen, securing her Win once more."
Daniel Riccardo, Max Verstappen and and Carlos Sainz had stayed over to watch the F2 race, Crossing Paths once more with the all too famous masked driver. Jumping out of your car, you're greeted with your team shouting your number over and over as they hugged and kissed your famous black helmet. "Seventeen? Who names their child a number?" Carlos asked leaning on the edge watching.
"I don't think that's her real name, mate." Daniel commented taking a sip of the redbull can. "It's not, she doesn't use her real name. You can say it's like a . . . What do you call it? For superheroes?"
"Code name?" "Yeah, codename." Max nodded, his eyes trained on you as you did your post race duties and podium celebration. "She's scary." Carlos shivered standing straight ready to leave.
"She's nice." Max mumbled watching as you passed by. He gave you a small wave, you returning it hesitantly. An unconscious smile crept on his face, a little blush dusting his cheeks.
"You like her?" Daniel whispered teasingly, making the teenage boy frown in denial. "She's just a good driver. I- I don't really care." He folded his arms glaring at the older man.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
2016 — Qubec, Canada
"And that is ferrari's reserve driver, and apparent F2 champion, seventeen, defending Vettel from Riccardo." Making the Canadian grand Prix so early into the season was a mistake. It was raining heavily in Montreal, and heavy slush was expected sometime during the race.
You could barely see, relying on instinct only as you took the turns and the curves. Your heartbeat was in your ears and you could feel it in your mouth as you continued to defend your temporary teammate from the red bull driver.
You were forcing the wheel in erratic directions to keep on the racing line, understanding the algorithm of the rain. "Seb i— o—t, se— —s —ut. Floo— it." You heard the choppy voice over the radio, passing by the crashed out Ferrari.
"Fucking hell." You cursed, accelerating as you maneuverer through the rain like a pro. It felt amazing to be in such a fast car, a big step up from the F2 motor. You pushed the DRS button once you got the chance, overtaking the current reigning champion.
"P—, p—. Ke—p g—ing." You continued to push every corner. "P what?" You asked not hearing the message. "P—." "Oh for fucks sake. Radio is shitty." You shouted overtaking the apparent Manor.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"It's not always so easy to be high up in the standings as a rookie. How do you feel?" "My eyes hurt." You replied blandly to the interviewer, rubbing your eyes tiredly. Your face was covered from the nose down with your hair up in your famous claw clip bun, still wearing the '1st Place' cap for some reason. You were doing your best to keep the photographers from catching major features of your face, needless to say, you were doing a good job.
With Hamilton to your left and Riccardo on your right, you sat in the press conference room bored out of your mind as the interviewers asked you dumb questions. "You guys should go back to school. Maybe you can learn how to ask good questions for best results in writing essays."
"How old are you? Aren't you still in school." Lewis asked, chuckling as he turned to face you. "Graduated early." You shrugged, going back to facing the sea of journalists. "Is there a driver you would like to battle with the most?" "Um . . . Not really. They're either retiered or dead. Maybe . . . maybe Verstappen, Max not Jos. I've raced against him in the karting championships, I'm sure he improved and could put up a better fight now." "Do you think you'll get a full seat next season?"
"That's a difficult question. Not all uh . . . teams have enough trust in female drivers. Hopefully I demonstrated how worthy of a seat I am. I am after all the first and only female to finish on a podium and win a race so . . . we'll see where it goes."
It didn't go. It never was going to.
You were stuck in the factory, working on the car for someone else. And when a seat was finally free in 2018, you watched as they gave it to someone who was not you. You were furious, no other team would take you, a girl. Not even Ferrari wanted you on the track and you were an exeptional driver.
the only thing that kept you grounded was going back home to your family. Your uncle and cousin were your pride and joy, the ones that kept you going. But the question was, what were you going to do now?
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— 𝐌𝐀𝐗 (𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐍) | 1 🇳🇱 :: ↳ 1997.09.30 (25) ↳ red bull's golden boy ↳ three time world champion
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— ??? (???) | 17 :: ↳ 2000.07.22 (22) ↳ f4 world champion, f3 world champion, f2 world champion ↳ 2016 rookie of the year ↳ youngest f1 race winner
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— 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐍 (𝐊𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐒) | 7 🇩🇪 :: ↳ 1996.06.06 (25) ↳ mercedes second driver ↳ 2016 world champion ↳ youngest world champion
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— 𝐌𝐄𝐈𝐊𝐄 (𝐊𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐒) | 25 🇩🇪 :: ↳ 2000.07.22 (22) ↳ mclaren second driver ↳ 2022 rookie of the year
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— 𝐋𝐄𝐈𝐋𝐀 (𝐄𝐋 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐙𝐈) | 🇪🇬 :: ↳ 2014.05.06 (8) ↳ best cousin in the world
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— 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐍 (𝐄𝐋 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐙𝐈) 🇪🇬 :: ↳ 1985.05.05 (38) ↳ #1 uncle
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— 𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐍 (𝐊𝐑𝐀𝐔𝐒) | 25 🇩🇪 :: ↳ 1971.01.17 (54) ↳ grumpy old retired driver ↳ 5 time world champion
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mickandmusings · 3 months
iv. so high school
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part of the 'hangman & honey' series!
summary: With Honey and Jake's senior year coming to a quick end, Honey is more than thrilled to dream about her upcoming days in the Austin sun as a future UT student. Blindly, and perhaps naively, she assumes Jake will be at her side for another four years. Jake has a secret he's refused to tell her, and the weight of it threatens to collapse his chest. He knows it's the right decision, but he can't help but think of the hurt it will cause the girl he loves.
word count: 4.4k
warnings: fluffy->angsty, building up to some major angst, folks, buckle up, also two posts in one week is crazy, just let me be mentally ill thanks <3
'And there he goes! #86, Senior Jake Seresin catches the ball from #19, Senior Ethan Williams, and runs towards the end zone for the touchdown and...it is good! That's a win for the Haven High Bobcats! The Blue and Gold Nation is officially in the playoffs!'
The crowd roars in Honey's ears as she jumps up and claps in elation at Jake's score-saving play. Haven had been behind by just a handful of points, and he'd won the game just before the buzzer sounded for the end of the fourth quarter. She smiled as she watched his teammates pummel over him, lifting him above their heads as he slings off his helmet, sweaty blonde hair shining under stadium lights. His Hollywood smile is blinding, and although she can't hear it, she can see him laugh.
Honey turns to Janet and Jacob Sr. moving next to her, both of them picking up their stadium seats and filing out of their row in the bleachers. Honey picks up Jake's football sweatshirt and slings it over her shoulders. She sported a solid navy long-sleeve under Jake's spare gold jersey she wore, but Jake had insisted she bring another layer. He had been right, of course, she had shivered through the first half of the game, but after halftime, she had broken into a sweat cheering Jake on. She trailed behind Janet, making their way back to the parking lot to meet up with her small-town football star boyfriend. Honey chatted pleasantly with Janet and Jacob Sr. as she stood next to their truck, telling them about she and Jake's after-game plans. They had decided on their usual post-game dinner at The Basket, then they'd slip off into one of the empty pastures far from the farmhouse and simply enjoy some alone time, not that the grandparents needed to know that detail. She waved them goodbye when they parted to their truck, and Honey walked across the parking lot to Jake’s truck. She leaned against the side of it, waiting for him to arrive. She didn’t bother to pay attention to the stares in her direction or the whispers filling the air, Jake was the senior football star hanging out with her, so she’d expected the push back.
She heard him before she saw him, his hearty laugh filling the air. He’s fist-bumping and bro-hugging his teammates before he makes his way over to her. His smile widens, throwing down his duffel at her feet and lifting her up off the ground, kissing her lips. Honey's own smile appears, lightly chastising him to put her down. When he does, he notes her appearance, fondly looking at his own numbers across her torso, but concerned she’d be freezing.
"I told you to wear that sweatshirt, not tie it 'round your waist. You're gonna end up with a head cold and you're gonna be all mopey and miserable."
Honey gave him a pointed look.
"Okay, Dad, cool your jets. I'll put it on when we get to the truck."
He opens her door and she slides in, and he opens the back door to throw his duffel bag on the floorboard. Honey waits for him to slide around to his spot at the front, but a voice calls out his name.
"Hey, Seresin! You comin' out tonight, man? Everyone's coming down to my place, gonna have a bonfire."
Ethan Williams' voice calls after him. Honey listens in as they speak, her eyes cutting awkwardly to her hands, fiddling with the hem of the jersey she's wearing. Truthfully, all Honey wanted to do was grab their dinner, go back home and plop into Jake's bed, and sleep until noon the next day. She understood why Jake would want to go, Ethan was captain of the football team, quarterback, and Jake's friend. It was their senior year, the last chance to soak up any childish memories before their impending adulthood. Jake was funny, the life of any party, but Honey was still learning to adapt to that sort of environment. Jake cut his green eyes to look at Honey, raising an eyebrow as if to ask what she wanted to do. Honey nodded slowly, a forced smile plastered across her face. Honey hated parties, especially ones like these, where almost everyone in attendance was friends with one another, while she was just there by association. She took a deep breath and calmed herself, it’d be fine, she’d go along with Jake for a few hours, let him laugh and mingle, and then they’d go back home. There she would have him to herself.
“Yeah, follow you there?” Jake replied back quickly. Ethan nods and walks toward his own truck. Jake quickly slings into the driver’s side of the truck, cranking it, and waiting for Ethan to roll out.
“Honey, you say the word and I’m blowing this party, I know-“
“No, no,” her voice is confident, at least to her. “These are your friends, and you just took us to the playoffs, Jake. You should celebrate, you deserve it.”
He gives her a wide grin, one that makes her heart swell with ridiculous adoration for the boy across from her.
A few hours later, Honey finds herself sitting on a bale of hay a few yards away from the bonfire, nursing a beer she hadn’t taken more than two sips of. She didn’t care for the taste of beer to begin with, often starting one and letting Jake finish it, but this one tasted particularly sour. It likely had nothing to do with the beer at all, her attitude had been sour for the past hour or so, and she was more than ready to go home. She had sat and listened to the other player's girlfriends gossip amongst themselves-who was sleeping with who, who cheated on who-typical high school gossip. She had tuned them out mostly, her eyes following Jake as he laughed with his friends. His eyes would meet hers occasionally, checking on her without having to say a word. She wasn't sour at him for having fun, she had wanted him to have this, childish teenage memories to look back on ten years from now. It wasn't his fault she wasn't having fun, it was hers, she should've tried to talk to other people in school these past four years. She remained relatively uninterested in their blabber, but when she heard something that perked her ears, she simply couldn't stop listening in.
“I know you all saw those scouts tonight, they were hard to miss in that bright orange.”
“Of course I did, they’re always at Haven games when the season is good. The question is, who are they scoutin'? Ethan has already announced he’s going to A&M, they’re not there for him.”
“They’re at the games for Jake Seresin, duh! He hasn’t accepted a scholarship anywhere, it’s got to be him. None of the other guys are good enough, my own boyfriend included.”
“Well there’s only one person who would know his plans, you just have to ask her,” Brett’s girlfriend Haley spoke. She was turning to Honey, her pale blue eyes kind. “Hey, Honey, why don’t you come sit over here with us?”
Honey stilled, the condensation on her beer can making her hands cold. Haley had always been kind to her, their boyfriends were close friends, Brett was one of Jake's few friends that spoke to her, and it made for easy camaraderie. Before she could overthink it, her feet carried her over to the group of girls, sinking onto a hay bale next to Haley.
“So, Honey,” Sarah Grace, Ethan’s girlfriend, started. “Where does Jake plan on signing to?”
Honey’s mouth felt as if she’d been eating cotton, her eyes wide. She, truthfully, had no idea. It wasn’t something Jake had ever talked to her about. She’d assumed he would go to UT Austin, it was his preferred team, and it wasn’t too far from Haven. It was Honey’s future school, hopefully, because she’d follow him anywhere.
“Um,” she started. “I don’t really know, but if I had to guess, probably UT Austin. I mean, he’s been a Longhorns fan since before I knew him, and that’s where I’ve sent my early decision application, so..." She ends her statement with a shrug. She feels like everyone’s eyes are on her, feeling a blush forming at the unusual attention.
“No matter where he goes, he’ll be a star, so it’s a win-win for you either way.” Haley smiles encouragingly, now turning her full attention to Honey. “On a more important topic, have you picked out your color for prom? Because Brett and I are doing pink, which he hates, but I’ve had my heart on this dress since freshman year so-“
Honey listens to Haley, but her mind is far from prom and dress colors. How was it this far into their senior year and she had yet to talk about college plans with Jake? She had just assumed they’d go to UT Austin together, but maybe she’d read it all wrong. What if he didn’t want her to follow him?
“-so you should come with us, we’re all going together, it would be fun, having another girl around.”
Honey’s eyes widened, realizing Haley was inviting her to come prom dress shopping. Her eyes widened, she’d never been invited anywhere, not sincerely at least.
“Um, yeah, that sounds great. I-I’ll be there.”
Haley lets out a squeal of excitement as she smiles, making Honey smile too. She’d spent the rest of her night engaged in conversation with the other football girlfriends, finding herself laughing as the girls welcomed her warmly. Jake watched from afar, smiling to himself as he watched Honey's body language begin to settle in the small group of girls. He gave her space to socialize amongst them, proud of her for stepping even a foot out of her comfort zone. He finds her a few hours later, bidding the other girls a swift farewell before sweetly grabbing her hand and whisking her away back to the truck, back home. As the pair walked away into the distance, the girls began a new discussion.
“So, who wants to bet on how long those two have been more than friends?” Sarah Grace starts, her eyes still on the couple fading into the distance.
“Jake Seresin and her? Listen, she’s a sweet girl but they’re polar opposites. No way they've got somethin' going on. They’re nothing but friends.”
“Bullshit, she’s worn his jersey every single game, and he’s always got his arm around her. And those eyes he gives her? No way they’re not at least fooling around.” Ethan's girlfriend pipes up.
“Rumor has it she lives with the Seresin’s cause her mom’s a deadbeat. I mean they share a bed and everything, I bet they fuck like rabbits. We all know how well-off the Seresin's are, not to mention the influence that comes along with it, what if she's like, baby trapping him or something? I'm calling it now, she'll be pregnant before prom."
“You’re all wrong,” Haley finally piped up, shaking her head at the ignorant girl's statement. “Those two have been dating since sophomore year, are you truly that blind? For God's sake, have you ever seen Jake let anyone else borrow his clothes like that? Fuck no. Not to mention his obsession with touching her every time she's in his vicinity-they hold hands, she'll intertwine her arm around his, sleep on his shoulder-they're not hiding it. You just didn't notice it because you don't think someone shy like Honey could pull a ladies man like Jake Seresin. You should’ve seen them at Brett’s New Year’s Eve party last year, I swear Jake wasn’t going to let her breathe he kissed her so hard. Those two are in love, crazy about each other, but Jake is…not like other guys. He'd never let something like that happen to Honey. He isn't the idea you have in your head, at least not with her."
Jake cranks the truck and swings his arm around the headrest, his head peering out the back glass to back out. His hand lands on Honey’s thigh when he finally gets on the road. It's routine, his hand always rests against her when they ride together. She made no move to scoot closer, and when Jake looked at her, he expected to see her eyes shutting with sleep, but he instead found them wide awake, eyebrows pinched in thought. He sighs, he should’ve known from her being abnormally quiet when it was just the two of them.
“I can feel you thinking all the way over here. Talk to me. What's the matter, baby?” Jake’s voice is calm, soothing, as his thumb rubs lazy circles on her leg. Honey looks over at him, catches a glimpse of his concerned eyes, and looks back out her window before responding:
“There were scouts there tonight, from UT Austin. Word around the party says they were there to watch you.”
Jake shrugs, confused at where the conversation was heading. “That's a bad thing?”
Honey shakes her head. “No, it’s just, Haley and the other girls were asking if you were hoping to go to UT, and I realized I couldn’t even tell them, because I didn’t know. I-I even put my early decision application there, because I just thought that was where you’d go. It occurred to me I didn't even ask, I just thought we'd go together.”
As Jake processes her statement, he swallows thickly. He knew Honey's college plans, and as much as he'd wanted to follow her, he knew in the depth of his heart he wouldn't be following her to Austin. He had no aspirations for a traditional college route, and had already sent in his application to the Naval Academy. He hadn't told her, he hadn't told anyone, with the exception of their guidance counselor.
“I, um, I’m sendin' my application to UT too, just trying to scope out some other options, ya know? If I get hurt during a game or somethin', I’m over, I’ll lose my scholarship. I-I mean, my grades are there, but they’re not perfect, not like yours. Grandpa Seresin, he went straight to the Naval Academy after high school, paid for everything until he retired to the farm. Danny did too, played football there and everything. I just, need somethin' with some padding like that, just in case, so I’ve been holding out on a definite answer.”
His answer hadn’t been a complete lie, just, not the truth either. Honey nods in understanding, satisfied with his answer for now. Finally, she scoots over in the seat and leans her head on his shoulder, burying her head into the crook of his neck. She’s comfortable, content.
“That's good, just know I’ll follow you anywhere. I couldn’t imagine not having you around for four years, no way I'd survive without you."
Jake gulps, his heart breaking in half in his chest. His mind raced, if he told her the truth, it would kill her. There was no guarantee he'd be accepted into the Academy, but he hadn't even told her that he'd tried for it. He knew he had to tell her, but he kept it to himself for now, trying to enjoy their moments of being seniors together. He leans down and kisses her head, his mind swimming with thoughts of how he would tell her if he got accepted into the Naval Academy. He could already picture her big eyes swimming with tears, the fake smile she’d plaster across her face for his sake, telling him how proud she was, and how she would be hurting on the inside the entire time. He didn’t want that, he couldn’t face that, so, as fall turned to winter and then winter into spring, he’d neglected telling her completely.
When her early acceptance to UT Austin came in December, Honey had been all smiles and excited rambles, and that night, as they ate the celebratory dinner Janet made Honey, his stomach turned with guilt. Come the spring, when everyone else was announcing acceptances, he would no longer be able to lie to her, to defer the truth. But he pushed it to the side, letting both himself and Honey focus on all the exciting things that came with the last few months of high school, but they passed quicker than he wanted them to. They’d made it into the playoffs, won a few rounds before their luck run out and the football season was over. Christmas was done and over before he blinked, and his heart all but shattered at Honey’s blinding smile when she opened her very first orange Longhorns sweatshirt of her own-a gift from his grandparents. Honey had let her shoulders fall in happiness, tossing off Jake's Cowboys sweatshirt she was wearing to throw it over her head. She’d cried and squeezed both Janet and Jacob Sr. so tightly, but Jake could not smile, his entire chest was tight with words he couldn’t say. So when he opened an identical box with the same sweatshirt in a bigger size, he had to wipe on a smile and swallow the lump in his throat, because everyone still believed he’d be tagging along with Honey come August, his grandmother included. He had spilled his secret months before to his grandfather, who listened earnestly, but gave him a raised eyebrow look.
"This got anythin' to do with Danny?"
Jake had sighed, choosing not to say anything. Nothing got past his grandfather. His Uncle Danny had served in the Navy his entire life, as long as Jake had been alive. When Uncle Danny hadn't come back from his last post with the Navy, it had sent the entire family into shambles. It wasn't until months later that they'd found out the truth-he'd been shot down and lost his life.
Jacob Sr. had only nodded his head, sort of shocked by Jake's sudden announcement, but not surprised. His grandson had always had a flair for the unexpected.
"He'd be proud of you, kid. Just, the truth is better out than in. I know you haven't told Honey, that sweet girl deserves the truth, Jake. And you better tell ya Granny too, if she finds out from someone other than you, she'll kill you before you even get to Maryland. Believe me, women always find out the truth."
Jake suddenly wished he would've taken that advice sooner.
For the entirety of the next few months, he burned as he listened to Honey talk about them at UT: the apartments they'd move into together, joining him for football games, being his tag-along at parties, and him joining her in the library to help her study. She was so excited, happier than Jake had seen her in, well, ever-she was getting away from everything: her mother who she despised, this small town that felt suffocating at times, the people who talked shit about her, but she’d still have him, the one person she truly loved. She'd make him stop and let her check the mail each day as they came in from school, waiting for an acceptance letter for him that would never come. Honey would give him a sweet smile and assure him it would come sooner or later. He wouldn’t burst that bubble for-he couldn't-at least not yet.
As the colder days turned into a particularly hot April, Jake had five weeks before graduation, meaning he had T-minus thirty-five days to tell her. He had prolonged it this far, because after he told her the news, it was likely he’d never see her again. He'd received his Naval Academy acceptance letter two weeks ago, and as proud of himself as he was, he knew the disaster that would lay ahead of him, all at his own hand. He had broken down on the couch the night that Honey was out with Haley and Sarah Grace prom dress shopping, and his grandmother had gotten the truth from him. Janet had wrapped the boy in her arms, the boy who now towered over her, as if he was a toddler again and let him cry, knowing his decision had been made, but it didn't mean it would be easy.
Instead of focusing on the imminent pain, he spent his free time working on the old farm house on the south side of the farm. The house was nice, built years ago for a group of farm hands hired for the summer, but was in desperate need of a deep clean and some minor fixes. He had thought it’d be a great place for Honey and her new friends (Haley and Sarah Grace) to get ready for prom together, and a place he and Honey could decompress afterwards without any prying eyes, or worrying about waking up Janet or Jacob Sr. His grandparents had thought it was a good idea, happy to see Honey bring around more friends than just their grandson. As he scrubbed the floors and moved furniture into the house that week, his mind raced with ideas of how he would tell her, and, more importantly, when. After an internal pep-talk, he decided on telling her after prom, after the last fun before graduation was over. He wanted her to have one good night after her hell of a high school experience, but he needed to get the truth off his chest, and fast.
For now, he's wrapping his fist against the wooden door of her bedroom across the hall from his. He stares back at the Dawson's Creek poster plastered across it as he speaks.
“Honey, can I come in?”
“Hold on!” Her voice pipes up, and a shuffling noise is evident behind the door. “Okay! Now you can.”
Jake pushes open the creaky door and notices nothing out of place, which makes him raise a brow.
“What was all that racket about?”
“I had to hide my prom dress, I don’t want you to see it before prom night, it’s supposed to be a surprise! Haley said it was a ‘crime’ to look that good, so I should keep it a surprise from you.”
Jake shakes his head, kissing the top of her head as he pulls her into his arms.
“Well that poses a bit of a problem, darlin’. Don’t know what color tie I need, or what flowers to put on your corsage.”
Honey blushes, forgetting about that.
“For the flowers, do whatever you want, just something pretty, and the tie, black.” She attempts to mask her sly smile.
“Black?” Jake’s green eyes widened, his arms pulling her closer as he looked down at her. The sight of Honey in a black dress would probably kill him on the spot. "Don't think I've ever seen you in a black dress, baby."
Honey smiled as he spoke the nickname that still gave her goosebumps nearly three years later. She shrugs nonchalantly, as if the sudden change was nothing.
"Wanted to switch it up, leave our whole class with the whole 'wallflower is hotter than you think' dramatic exit, like a movie."
Jake chuckles, "You've got to stop watching so many of those cheesy romances. C'mon I got to show you somethin'."
He pulls her forward by the hand as she quickly slides on her sandals at the door. He brings her out the door and pops open the passenger side of his vehicle, helping her in. He slides into his driver's side and backs out, leading to her incoming question.
"Jake, where are we going?"
"That field with the house in the middle."
"Care to tell me why?"
"You'll see, darlin', patience, please."
Honey rolls her eyes at him as she looks out the window at the fields full of animals passing them by, slowly morphing into empty ones. Jake pulls into the driveway of the house, and Honey notes the lights on in the house.
"Did they hire some hands for the summer? You should've told me, I'm not really dressed to meet strangers, Jake."
Jake opens her door, and helps her out.
"Nobody's here but us, Hon. Just c'mon," He leads her through the front door and into the house, and she's immediately in awe of how nice it looks. There's no more layers of dust, or the sort of weird, tangy smell a shut-up house has. She turns to her boyfriend again.
"You did all this? You cleaned this place up?"
He nods, pulling her into him, her back to his chest.
"Thought it would be nice for you and the girls to get ready in, since me, and Brett and Willie and Ethan are getting ready at the house, no way we could share a bathroom with all of us."
"You fixed the bathroom in this place?" Honey's eyes widened, launching from his arms and into the hallway. She opens the door and audibly gasps-he added lighting around the mirrors, something the bathroom was once lacking, giving the perfect spot for them to get ready. "You are somethin' else, Jake Seresin."
She approaches him as he's standing in the door frame, kissing his lips sweetly. When they break apart she catches sight of the open bedroom door, immediately moving to look at it. She pushes the door completely open, finding the once broken headboard fixed, clean sheets, and the curtains are no longer filled with dust. The boy who she had to force to pick up his laundry had vacuumed this house from top to bottom.
"It looks amazing here, J, seriously." Her eyes are round as she looks around.
"I, um, I thought it'd be nice for us to have this place for just us, ya know? For prom obviously, but also if you wanted to come home during school or the summer? Wouldn't have to be cramped up in the house with the old folks."
He didn't have the heart to say he had done it so she would have some space away from the memories of him if she decided to come home. He didn't like imagining her working her ass off for some overpriced apartment during the summers when she could live here. The place wasn't anything fancy, and it's interior was definitely aging, but that was something she could fix, if she wanted. It gave Jake peace of mind to know that even if he wasn't around for her, that she would have somewhere to go, that she would be taken care of. She leans back into his embrace, taking in the house's appearance.
"Hey, J?" Her voice is quiet, but not somber.
"Yeah, baby?" He replies, his chin falling to her shoulder, planting a chaste kiss on her temple before he rests there.
"Do you think, someday-, maybe-, maybe s-someday we'd fix this place up together? It could be ours? I mean, it's perfect, a decent size house on a big patch of land. We could make it our own."
Jake's heart sinks to his feet, feeling like he might hurl with the amount of guilt swirling in his stomach. Her eyes are so wide, full of hope, and she gives him that smile, the one that's so rare it's practically reserved for him alone. He swallows down the round of tears threatening to choke him, and gives her a smile of his own.
"Someday, I'll give you the house of your dreams, baby. I'll give you whatever you want, if you'll let me."
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elcpsstuff · 11 months
S!ut! // Conrad Fisher
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“I might as well be drunk in love”
a/n: I’m so obsessed with 1989 TV it’s not even funny and this song is my anthem. Please use * when saying the name because I don’t want my content to get banned ‼️ also when the text turns bold it switches to yns pov!!
warnings: toxic complex conrad, swearing, drinking, yn is a mess + delusional, small smut? if u squint :0
i’m sorry in advance..
You didn’t plan for this to happen.
You and your family have lived with the Fishers every single summer. Steven was the oldest and Belly was the youngest. Meaning, you fell right in the middle.
For years, you had wanted Conrad. Steven and Jeremiah always made fun of you but Belly never did because she had a thing for the youngest fisher, Jeremiah.
How could you not? He was so young, and a true peice of art. You had always been the hopeless romantic of the family, Belly falling not to far behind. It was safe to say you got love sick way to quick.
And with Conrad, well, that was dangerous.
It was one of the first nights of summer, and you had decided to take a solo swim. You gathered all your things and then made your way outside and over to the pool.
You didn’t notice him at first. In fact, you dove in and let the cool water heal your body. When you rose to the surface, that’s when you saw him. A joint in his hand, and a small smirk on his face.
Your heartbeat accelerated, “Stalking me?”
He chuckled, “I’ve been out here longer if I’m correct.” His voice was teasing, and he was testing the waters. Maybe you could too.
“So, seriously? Smoking?”
Conrad rolled his eyes, “Don’t scold me like everybody else is. I don’t need a second mom.”
“Just quit, Conrad.”
He looked you in the eyes and then smirked, “What will you give me if I do?”
Your face went red. You felt your cheeks burn.
Slowly, you said, “What do you want?”
It was funny. In this aquamarine swimming pool that was filled with lights, all you ever really needed was him.
It had been a week since you and Conrad kissed. After responding to him oh so temptingly, he couldn’t help it. He kissed you right then and there. (He jumped in the pool, first.)
Conrad didn’t know what to feel. Deep down he always knew he had some sort of feelings for you. He was shit at showing it though, but now you were in for the long run.
You were love sick. All over his bed.
Sex with Conrad Fisher was one of the best things to ever happen to you. He made you feel like a different person completely. He could be so sweet yet so, different in bed? It was indescribable.
You groaned against the pillow, digging your nails into his back, leaving tiny little scratch marks. In response he groaned and moaned into your neck. You cracked a smile.
“You alright, Fisher?” You teased.
“I’ll be asking you that soon.” He looked up at you, lips red and plump and eyes wild. He began to nip and leave marks all over your neck, and you had never felt more alive.
Sex with him showed a whole new vulnerability. He would kiss you and worship every inch of your body. How could anybody be so perfect?
It was getting harder to hide. Each time you two went at it, he left marks that were as obvious as handprints on wet cement. One time, Jeremiah even caught wind of it.
“What’s that on your neck?” He had asked one morning.
You mentally cursed yourself. You thought you had concealed most of these marks with makeup, but it seems Conrad’s love for you was harder to hide each time.
“I— um… chin burn?” You lie.
Jeremiah didn’t believe it, but he laughed anyways. “Alright, sure.”
It just became worse from there. You became lovelorn and sex with him felt like thorns. Instead of cuddling you after, he would leave you wobbling walking back to your room. It was like you were a toy, and he was getting bored of you.
Most nights you cried after. You felt used and sad. You truly thought Conrad had felt what you felt for him all these years, but maybe he was just bored. And wanted an easy grab.
Still, you found yourself in his bedroom almost every night. He would make you promises in the bed to ensure you kept coming, but nothing ever amounted to the lies he fed you.
Blindly, you were still in love with him. So you kept this a secret from everybody you loved. You didn’t want anybody, especially Belly to worry.
You’d pay the price, so he won’t.
You had dressed up nice for this party. Just in case Conrad wanted to slip away from the crowds and have a good time with you.
Belly and Jeremiah had become very suspicious at this point. Those two were open about their new relationship all summer, and a little part of you felt jealous. You wished Conrad wouldn’t keep you like a secret.
“Are you okay?” Belly asks, handing you a beer to which you accept.
You nod, “Yeah, yeah. I’m good.” It was a lie. You were far from good at all. You wanted to cry and break down into your sisters arms. She was your younger sister and yet she was more stable than you at the moment.
Belly said some other things, but you were too distracted by Conrad signaling you to come up the stairs. Finally, the moment you were waiting for. You shouldn’t have been, but you simply couldn’t resist him.
As soon as you walked into the room Conrad was ripping your clothes off. You knew it was wrong, and that if anybody knew they’d probably call you that word. A sl*t.
But you know, in this moment. It might be worth it for once?
You were drunk off your ass, but nothing felt better than the art Conrad was perfecting on you. In moments like these, you almost believed it was all real. He traced your curves so calmly, and you swore you saw the light.
Conrad kissed your cheeks, and then your lips. He worked his way down to the area you so desperately wanted. He looked up at you with a smirk.
“You’re beautiful like this.”
His eyes told a story, one you were so foolish to believe.
Yes, you were drunk. But you were drunk in love.
It’s was the day of the deb ball.
Somehow, you had convinced Conrad to come with you. Apart of you was giddy, hopeful, but things still remained the same. Conrad kept you his little secret and it pained you when he sent you to your room crying at night. You still took all this pain for him.
When they called your name, Conrad was there to escort you. He smiled at you, that beautiful smile only Conrad fisher had. Laurel and Susannah were both in tears from you and Belly.
When you curtsied for them, Conrad linked his arm with yours, and whispered, “Beautiful, as always.”
You couldn’t help but smile. No matter what, out of all the boys, he remained a gentleman.
When it came time for the escort dance, Conrad danced with you, and it all seemed so real, so genuine. Summer was ending, but maybe this didn’t have to. Maybe this could be the start of something.
When the danced ended, something changed in his face. It was like the color drained from his face.
“Con, are you—”
“Outside. We need to talk.” Before you could object he was grabbing you and pulling you away from the center of the room. Belly mouthed something to you that you couldn’t decipher.
Once you got outside Conrad paced around and then looked you in the eyes. Oh fuck.
You began to shake your head, “Don’t say it.”
Tears brimmed at your eyes. You couldn’t believe this.
“Is this a joke to you? My feelings? I fucking gave myself to you and now your just gonna make me forget?”
He paused, “I needed to forget about my shit and you—”
“Screw you!” You pointed your hands at him and tears streamed down your face. He looked broken, for you. He probably didn’t give a shit. Maybe he cared somewhere in his cold heart, but not enough.
Conrad inched closer to you, “I— I’m sorry.. It’s all so so complicated okay? You were there. I care about you, you know that. That night in the pool was just the wrong place but the right time.”
Those words stung, because they were true. Did you mean nothing? If it was anybody else, would he have done the same?
the wrong place but the right time.
I started to break down, falling to the bench next to me. I was sobbing, because I felt disgusting. Like an idiot.
I would never do this. This wasn’t who I was. I wouldn’t continue to give myself to someone who truly didn’t want me. I would have walked away. I knew what I was, and I was raised better than this.
Still, looking at him was hard. Because I still loved him. It was supposed to be me and him from day one. The two oldest kids, everyone saw it.
I felt his arms wrap around me and I hated it. He’s pulling me in like the nice gentleman he was.
I pushed him off me and he stumbled back a little.
“Just get away from me!” He went to speak, but I put my hand out to stop him. With a big sigh, he slowly walked away from me and back into the ballroom. His eyes were red, I saw them.
Within minutes Belly was running out to find me. When she saw me, she ran up to me and sat down next to me on the bench. The look she gave me, it was too hard. She knew it in her heart, me and Conrad.
“Yn? What’s going on?”
I didn’t say anything, and then I was sobbing in her arms. She held me like there was no tomorrow, and even though I was soaking her dress, it didn’t matter. Not to her. She knew what I was going through and I didn’t have to say it.
To say what I was, that was harsh. I wasn’t like this always, I was just twisted by the sick and harsh lies the man I claimed I had felt true love with gave me.
I thought if I was called it, it would be worth it for once. If i was drunk, I was drunk in love.
But was it? Was it worth it?
Like i said.. i’m sorry in advance :0
let me know if you guys have any more requests!! :)
Listen to the song that inspired this fanfic here ->
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tiajk · 11 months
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Zoro & Luffy (OPLA) reacting to you having severe daddy issues
A/n: Sorry guys i Felt a little angsty today and i put a little too much of my daddy issues into this lmao
Headcannons version (Not ready yet)
Plot: Basically reader is stressing about going back home because of her father because he's a shit head
Warnings; Terrible father, Anxiety attacks, Cursing,
LUFY; He knows a little bit more about your past than the rest; he's your captain; he takes that as his responsibility. So when he saw your entire expression change when nami said the next place they would dock was your home island he was worried . He wanted to talk to you about it but Usopp needed his attention.Later’ he told himself that he'd go into your room. Later he actually arrived when you heard a sudden knock at your door it caught you by surprise. When you opened it you expected to see nami or sanji but not Luffy he had a plate in his hand ‘Damn I missed dinner’. You looked at luffy in the eye and he had his serious expression “{Name} Could we talk?”. your heart drops to your stomach, you had prayed that no one would ask you that 4 letter question, you created your throat “Mhm- yea come in” He takes slow footsteps as he looks around your room looking for a place to set down the food he settled for the nightstand. He takes a seat on your bed while patting the space next to him. You go but reluctantly “What’s the problem captain” Luffy not one for beating around the bush and he wouldn’t do it right now “Is there something in your hometown that you fear {Name}?” You feel tears try to escape your eyes when you blink rapidly. You think about lying but it's Luffy he would find out anyways “Yes their is' '. He perks up at this “Well whatever it is i'm all ears.” so you spill everything along with you crying in the process. When you finished everything there were two things on Luffy's mind: How he was gonna kill this bastard and you didn't deserve any of that. you except luffy to say something but he doesn’t he use uts his straw hat onto you and hugs you and you basically jump into his arms and cry some more and he doesn’t complain he knows you need this and who is he to take this away from you “Shit i got my tears all over your shirt” After you separate from the hug “It’s ok i have more” You smile at him and he returns the favor. He gets off your bed and walks to the door “wait where are you going?” “Telling nami that we need to change where we’re docking”
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ZORO; He never really knew about your past no one on the crew did. So when he found you crying in your room trying to stay silent it broke his heart. He didn't say anything as you tried to wipe your tears away from your red eyes. He just closed the door behind him and sat besides you in the corner of your room. He saw that you were shaking uncontrollably. He doesn't do emotions well but he would learn for you. He noticed you tried to speak but your voice but nothing went out “You don’t have to say anything {name}”. you looked at him in the eyes for the first time since he saw you “Thank you” Your voice was lower than a whisper only letting his ears hear it. You try to stand but you do it too quickly causing you to fast it causes you to fall back but zoro catches you “Let’s get you sat down ok” He carried you bridal style onto your bed laying you down gently. He goes to leave but you grab his wrist “Dont go please” He sees you silently pleading in your eyes so he stays he crawls into the bed with you he has you lay your head on his chest “Ro can I tell you what happened” “You don't have to” “I just need someone to talk to about it” He puts his full attention on you nothing else has his attention. So when you tell him everything His heart is hurting but angry No human deserves any of that “Do you feel better?” You nod at him “But tired” He gently grabs your face making you look at him “Sleep I’ll be here when you wake up” In zoro’s mind he was gonna kill that asshole
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thegettingbyp2 · 1 year
Sorry this is probs a weird request but maybe elvis taking you onstage and showing everyone what a s!ut you are for him? omg ty!
All Mine
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Elvis liked for you to stand in the wings while he performed at the International Hotel; there was something about the way he knew you were standing there just for him, because that’s where he wanted you. It was also handy for when he finished performing and he could just scoop you up into his arms and rush straight back up to your room in the hotel.
There was something about the way you were dressed tonight that had Elvis’ gaze finding you constantly whilst you were on stage. You were wearing a strapless baby pink dress, the skirt flowing gently to stop just above your knee, giving Elvis a teasing view of your thigh every time you moved your hips to the music. You had decided to wear your hair down in loose waves around your shoulders to hide the multitude of hickey’s that he had left on your skin earlier that day.
You were watching Elvis dance around the stage, always in awe of the way he was able to capture the attention of his audience. You were so focused on the way he was moving, his movements sending a wave of heat down between your legs, that you didn’t realise when the song finished and Elvis had begun speaking again.
‘There’s someone I want you guys to meet tonight, she’s stood in the wings of every performance I’ve done in this hotel and she is looking like an absolute angel tonight. Come on out here, baby.’ Your eyes widened as he gestured to you and you stepped back slightly shaking your head. Elvis let out a chuckle and made his way over to you. The moment he was offstage, one of his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you against him as his other hand slowly crept along the inside of your thigh, making you lean into him slightly. ‘Come on, baby,’ he whispered in your ear, ‘come out there with me and let me show everyone how your all mine, how you’re my good girl, hmm?’
Knowing that it would be pointless to argue with him, you let yourself be dragged out of the shadow of the wings and underneath the warm glare of the spotlight. The sound of the applause was a distant hum in your ear as the only thing you could focus on was Elvis’ body pressed up against yours, sometime in the time he pulled up on stage, his hand had slipped out from under your dress and had attached to your hip in a bruising grip.
‘Here she is, ladies and gentlemen,’ Elvis said, quickly turning you around until your back was flush to the front of his body. ‘Ain’t she pretty, all dolled up for the show tonight.’ You cheeks flushed and you turned your head, a small smile working its way onto your lips as you tried to bury your head in Elvis’ neck, only to be stopped by his hand coming up to grip your chin and turn your face back towards the audience.
‘Keep looking forward, baby,’ he murmured into your ear, a shiver running down your spine, ‘be good for me and I’ll give you a treat when we get upstairs.’
‘Now, you see folks, I like to make sure people know what’s mine,’ he began, gathering your hair gently in his hands and brushing it over one shoulder, revealing the marks littering your neck and you jumped slightly, a small moan creeping from your lips as he pressed a kiss to one of the hickey’s. ‘And she’s so good for me, I needed to really show people who she belongs to,’ he said, running a finger along your collarbone, lightly fingering the gold necklace that sat prettily on your neck, Elvis’ name spelt in a pretty font on the chain; you hadn’t taken the necklace off since the day he’d given it to you, loving how it almost felt like a collar, letting everyone know that you were Elvis’. ‘In fact, she’s so good for me, I think she’d even let me take her right here on this piano in front of all you lovely people,’ he said, quickly lifting you until you were sat on top of the piano, stepping between your legs.
You nodded quickly in agreement, his name falling from your lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck, toying with the hair at the back of his head as he pulled you in for a bruising his, his tongue licking against your lips and groaning when he felt you grip onto him tighter. Forgetting where you were, your legs wrapped around his waist as you tried to press yourself closer to him, causing Elvis to laugh against your lips. ‘So good for me, pretty girl,’ he spoke against your lips, causing more whimpers to fall from your lips as you nodded.
‘Just for you,’ you whimpered, agreeing instantly.
‘I’ll wrap this up and then I’ll be upstairs, I want you ready on the bed for when I get there,’ he whispered in your ear, only for you to hear as he helped you down from the piano and pointed you back in the direction you’d came, slapping your ass lightly as you went.
As soon as you got back into the wings, before heading up to your room, you looked over your shoulder to see Elvis watching you, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. He winked at you before turning his attention back to the audience, planning to wrap the show up as quick as he could just to join you in your hotel room.
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sillygoofyboii · 28 days
Idea for a UT AU: (Please tell me if this is already an au I will read/watch the SHIT out of it)
Basically, the premise is that Frisk jumps into Mt. Ebott and instead of encountering the regular stuff that is the entirety of undertale, they go into a fucking coma from the fall. The ‘underground’ in this is basically a place similar to purgatory. If you die there, you die in real life and are stuck there and if you survive and escape the underground, you end up waking up, alive and in a hospital from falling into a fucking hole on a mountain. The underground’s nature changes with each person in it, changing with their imaginations, wants, fears, etc. One example being that Chara basically shaped the underground into a whole fantasy world of monsters (the implication of fantasy stuff being an escape from the world for them when they were alive), giving them an actually loving family for once, but it gets botched when everything gets affected by a growing fear of ruining everything and a hate for humanity driven by both the fantasy setting of monsters and shit and the in real life experience of being with abusive people, which manifests into (in this au at least) Chara eating buttercups to poison themself, putting the same buttercups in Asgore’s tea so that Toriel would be busy while Chara made Asriel absorb their soul (Chara poisoning themself so that Asriel could absorb their soul counted as ‘dying’, which made them stuck there as a ghost because of beliefs they had where you become a ghost after death if you still have business to do) and cross the barrier. Of course, the plan was to get 7 human souls to break the barrier, but Asriel didn’t want to, leading to his death and Chara becoming a ghost. Of course, Chara’s desire to leave a legacy made their story popular in the underground. Everything also affects real life too, Chara falls, is unconscious from the fall, someone on the mountain (prolly their brother) finds them and carries them out of the underground (representative of Asriel carrying their body out from the underground as well) to get them to a hospital, of course, they die in the hospital/when Asriel returns. The underground gets more and more fleshed out with each human, even if unintentionally (patience making the ruins a safe place to remind him of his home, bravery making outside the ruins more dangerous because of assumptions and regressed fear, integrity’s logic of ‘actions have consequences’ not only fueling their genocide and certain monsters’ attitude toward the surface but also causing their downfall, perseverance applying logic and science to everything and possibly finally making the concept of the ‘core’, kindness fleshing out the perspectives of people because of how often they put themself in other people’s shoes, and justice also altering monsterkind’s view on humanit and the surface, and also possibly creating the Dunes). I might flesh out Frisk’s journey later but just know that everyone they meet is representative of someone they knew pre-Ebott (this applies to other humans too).
Idk if this is good idea or not
might call this warpedtale or something idk what the title should be
I hope I worded everything right (autocorrect prolly screwed me over on some parts)
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sanscat0414 · 9 months
I’ll be Here with You, Always.
Hawks x Reader
Scenario: The first time you opened up to hawks about your feelings of unhappiness. Hawks being there to comfort you.
Warning: one mention of thoughts of unliving oneself.
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There are times your are down but hawks will always be their at your fall. He will always be there for you. Loving and comforting you in your time of need just as you done for him.
Today was one of those days that you weren’t feeling the best. You’re always insecure, constantly worrying, constantly trying so hard to be a people pleaser. You want validation and you want to be needed. You were always known as the happiest person, you were who they came for when they need to cheer up. You had everything you wanted and needed. But why? Why do you feel so empty? As if you were not deserving of what you have? You always thought “no I should be happy. I have a good life and a good standing I shouldn’t complain. I shouldn’t be like this. I shouldn’t be ungrateful. So why am I sad? Why am I like this.”
When you met Hawks, he saw right through you. You were at the roof top of your apartment building staring at the lovely night sky contemplating. You would never do it, never jump but it’s not like you haven’t thought about it. Ut was one of those days. Hawks saw you looking so empty he naturally as a hero kept and eye for people like you in case you ever do jump. He flew towards you and landed behind you.
You startled and immediately turned to see the #2 infront of you.
“Hi, uhh Mr. Hawks how can I help you?” You said with a smile.
“It’s just a bit windy your standarding a little to close to the edge~ you might wanna step back less you fall. But even if you do I’ll catch you.” Something about your smile has him worried for you.
You chuckled and said “thank you for the warning Mr. Hawks. But I am fine truly.”
“Something on your mind? If you like you can talk to me.”
“Don’t you have better things to do than have idol chitchat with me Mr. Big hero.”
“Even Hero’s need a little break form the chaos, beside its a great view here. So talk to me a little~” he said winking at you and walked next to you.
“Well I guess I was having a mediocre day. It just feels a bit… I don’t know meh. It nice to take a breath and just take in the view sometimes to organize your thoughts.” You said as with every word became quieter.
“I get it, the view is one of those things that just makes you happy, it’s beautiful and I’m lucky to have a great view always, in the sky.”
Oh how they were great memories, Hawks gave you his number after saying it be nice to have a buddy to hangout with without all the obligations of being a hero and who enjoys the peaceful skyline. Then about a year in to your unlikely friendship he asked you out. Of course you said yes. Eventually bit by bit he opened up to you, his childhood, everything and got to know him as Keigo Takami not just Hawks . But you, you hide your feelings, ‘happy’ as ever. Being trained to detect discrepancies in people Hawks picked up your not as much as a ‘happy go lucky’ type that most people saw you as but he never pushed you to tell him why. Hawks was patient, he wanted you to open up to him just as you had done with him.
Today it finally happened. You broke, your bottles up feeling started to get the better of you. Hawks was at work and you hid yourself under the blanket holding on to one of hawks spare jackets crying to yourself. You didn’t want to bother Hawks, after all the world needs him and it be selfish to take him away.
Meanwhile, Hawks was at meetings and he suddenly hears crying. He thought it was strange until he remembered some of his feathers was at home with you. He’d always kept a few lying around the house when he knows you’re there to keep you safe. He started to get restless as the meeting continued and his only thought was going back home to you. He used his feathers that was with you to scoop out the house just in case of a break it. Thankfully there wasn’t, but this meeting was with the commission so he had to be present. He wanted so desperately to just run to you at the moment. As soon as he was done he rushed out the door to your shared home.
“Babybird? You okay?” You heard.
You quickly whipped your tears and stayed in the blanket. You tried your best to act normal “yeah I’m fine, how come your home so early?”
“I was worried about you, I heard your crying wit. My feathers. Babybird you know you can talk to me okay? No matter what it is.” He said as he sat down on the bed with you facing away from him.
You were silent, you didn’t want him to know, you didn’t need him to know.
“Baby~” he said in the sweetest tone full of worry.
“… I’m fine, you should go back to work, people need you.” You said not daring to turn and look at him.
“You need me right now, love. Talke to me, I know something is bothering you. You know I’m literally trained to pick these things up right? It’s hard turning it off besides I like observing you and be dumbfounded by your cuteness and beauty.”
“It’s nothing. I don’t have any thing that bothers me. Life it great especially when I get to be with you.”
You stayed silent as Hawks forcefully but gently make you turn to look at him. It broke his heart seeing you with fury puffy eyes and tear dripping down your face. You didn’t dare to stared back into his golden eyes. Golden eyes that always stared at you with nothing but love, shrinking and glistening like the stars. You alway loved looking at time.
“Y/n, whatever it is you don’t need to tell me. Just know when you need it I will always be there to hear you to listen. It don’t matter what it is, if it’s your day or just something small that made you upset. I’ll be here with you, always.”
‘I’ll be here with you, always.’ That last thing he said repeated in your mind. Keigo always had a way with words. You sat up had laid you head on to his chest as he gently wrapped his armes around you.
“Sometimes it’s just too much you know? I’m supposed to be happy, I’m supposed to be the one that had everything together, I’m suppose to be the care free one. I had great parents and friends to cherish me. I have you to love me. I have so much. People have it so much worse than me. Sometime I just feel I don’t deserve this, I don’t deserve to be happy… I don’t deserve to live. Everything just seem to bleek. So empty, so alone when I’m not. I know I’m loved so why don’t I feel it? Why am I like this. Why do I feel like I have everything but nothing. Why are you with me…. When I shown you nothing…. What do you love me…. Why!.”
“Sometimes it’s just like that, you think you done nothing but you do so much. So so much, sometimes you just don’t see it. As for why I love you, it’s because your loving, caring, you like dorky things that don’t make sense, you out up with my bird instincts and you always saw me as me, not some hero. You saw me as Keigo. Most of all you are you and nothing, NOTHING is more special than that. It’s perfectly fine to be sad, you don’t need to be what you think you’re supposed to be, you just need to be you. It’s okay, to not be okay. And when you are sad I’ll be here to help you through it, to be there with no matter how big or small. “
You cried holding him for along time. He held you close whispered sweet nothings to let you work through your feelings. He knows sometimes it better to just let it out, you taught him that. It’s something you never saw for yourself, so Keigo will be there to show you your own lesson. After a while you let go.
“I’m okay now thank you. You should probably go back to work. We can cuddle when you get home. Sorry for ruining your uniform with met tears. You said with a small smile.
A smile Keigo will never forget, as for the first time there was no sadness no emptiness in that smile just pure love.
“Never apologize for something like that, I can always just wash it. It’s worth it to see that smile.” He said kissing your forehead.
After changed he was ready to head out again. He holds you in his arms and said “You are worthy of love. I love you more than you will ever know. Don’t forget that”
It was then after almost two years of being together, you know he was the one you love most. He saw through you and brought the best in you. Keigo Takami, the man who never gave up on you, the man who shined like no other. He was your light, you star in your empty space, the one who gave you the courage to believe in yourself that you, Y/n L/n are capable to love and be worth of everything you have.
a/n: this was a self indulgent post, there will be days when you don’t feel good even if you don’t have a reason to. And sometimes it’s okay to be sad but remember that there is always light. It’s a reminder to all and myself sometimes it’s okay to let it out.
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Can I get how UT, ink, US, error and UF sans would react to accidentally coming across their crush's dairy and sees their name in it. So curiosity gets the best of them, and they read it, only for their crush to walk in and catch them reading it. What would they do?
Undertale Sans - He slowly puts it down, finger gun at you and teleports out of here. If you're mad at him, he'll explain why he did it a little later. He's a bit embarrassed about this.
Undertale Papyrus - He blushes with embarrassment and immediately apologizes, promising he didn't read that much and that he's never going to do it again, please don't be mad at him, he was just curious.
Underswap Sans - He didn't notice before you poke his shoulder. He screams, looks at you in shock, throws the diary in the air, and jumps by the window. He's not sure if you're mad at him or not so he's scared to come back home lol.
Underswap Papyrus - He panics, tears off the page and eats it, before passing out from stress. Yeah, he's very brave boi. He doesn't want to wake up after this and will pretend he's sleeping so you don't notice he's conscious again.
Underfell Sans - No shame, he starts to read out loud, teasing you, as you're blushing both from embarrassment and anger. Red doesn't care at all, that's the funniest thing he found today and he intends to read all of it.
Underfell Papyrus - .... Is it hot in here or is it him? Edge puts the diary back down, coughs loudly and leaves the room like nothing happened, the face entirely red. He will pretend really hard he didn't see anything.
Horrortale Sans - Uh oh. Time to use the memory card to find a way out of this situation. Oh no, oh look at that, he forgot everything so suddenly. He simply leaves and pretends nothing happened and that he forgot everything. You're not buying his bullshit, but fine.
Swapfell Sans - He's annoyed you caught him but he's a good player so he puts it down. But this is just one battle you win, he's not done with that. You better hide your diary really well in the next few days because now he is very curious about what you wrote about him in there.
Swapfell Papyrus - He keeps reading, he doesn't care. He's looking you straight in the eyes while he's doing so, clearly taunting you to come and get your diary back. As soon as you take a step in the room, he waves at you and teleports away with your diary. Good luck to find him now.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He huffs, annoyed. "At least if you want to write about me use a dictionary and check your spelling." Thanks, asshole.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Aw :( He's sad you caught him, he wanted to see... Now, every time you want to write, Coffee is not so subtly trying to sneak on you to see what you're writing. He just lacks the ability to be sneaky so it's not very effective, unfortunately.
Ink - He looks at you. He can tell something is bothering you, but he can't see what. Oh well. He's not paid enough to pay attention to what's bothering you so he goes back to his reading. ... Oh. That's what bothers you. Uh... Maybe he will go to check Outertale or something now. He leaves and takes the diary with him, completely forgetting he was holding it. You facepalm so hard.
Error - He's not sure if he's flattered or offended you keep daily reports of what happened with him during the day. Don't you have a brain to remember these things? What's even the point? He's so cringing about your detailed explanation of what you two did the day before. That's when he looks up and sees you standing there, arms crossed. ... Ah, shit. Oh well, might as well talk about the elephant in the room. What's so interesting about him eating banana ice cream the day before?! Are you the banana ice cream police or something?
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b-s-123456 · 1 year
Mattheo Riddle♡︎Fluff♡︎Harry Potter
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Its currently 12:36am and im laying on our couch with my cat because i think theres a bat in my room trying to kill me so heres some Dating Mattheo Riddle headcanons🙌 also this is just what i think it would be like dont come at me
Dating Mattheo Riddle
Hes definetly overprotective as h3ll
lets say ur at a slytherin common room party and this little rat keeps bothering you and asking if he can get u a drink and just not leaving u alone
he will beat the shit out of them
you guys have had pillow fights on multiple occasions all of them ending with him letting you win
for all my size kink girlys (i can relate🫠) a solid height difference
like not like Tara and Jake difference but more like a 6’ to 5’
you practically live in his dorm
he has his own dorm room because daddy bought him one (but under a fake name and identity because nobody can know daddy voldemorts back)
all ur things r in there and he often complains (In a joking way) about how your clothes take up most of his closet space
his love language is touch so get ready for nightly cuddles
ypu guys do face masks together every friday and he lets u paint his nails and do his hair and its just the whole spa experience🙌
why can i see him after you like paint his nails him trying to imitate a girl voice and saying somt like “wheres my lipgloss”💀
and if somebody comments abt it he will OWN it
he’ll say stuff like “Yea Y/N did them arnt they so great” or if they insult them he’ll say “man im sorry your girlfri- oh right you dont have one do you”
im getting to into the nails but this needs to be said 😭💅
Daddy voldemort compliments them and hes jealous because his nails be looking crustier then the krusty krab dumpster
k going away from the nails you guys have ✨Trama bondssss✨ u can choose those urself tho
u guys stay up late talking abt the most random shit ever
i feel liek hed take u on the cutest lil dates ever
like you walk through the forbidden forest during sunrise or you go stargazing🥹
you’ve definitely been to his house over the summer and hes been to yours and daddy voldemort actaully really likes you because ur a pureblood
u guys slip notes to eachother during class and hes usually the one to start it
u guys arnt just dating u guys r like best friends
ur both in the iconic slytherin gang so youve always been friends but after you guys started spending more time together you escalated to ✨BeSt FrIeNdS✨
he also knows when your about to have an anxiety attack
Girl he can READ ur body signals and he knows what u start doing when ur anxious and when he notices ur abt to have and attack he might pur his hand on ut knee or move his leg a little closer to urs to get ur attention
hell try to distract u from whats making u anxious and tll u everythings gunna be ok
overall he is bf material so if u evr get the chance jump on it
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So i've been hyperfixating on ut aus again and reading @signanothername posts have been scratching that itch for the murder time trio and nightmare so
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I did a thing.
I've been working on Cally in different AUs so I decided, fuck it, imma put my shitty fc in with the edgiest boys in the ut multiverse.
Basic rundown is the gang attack a timeline with a Cally in it, Horror sees them and because horror came from a timeline with a Cally he tries to act all cool and like he's their Sans. When Cally starts to notice the red eye, the axe, the kinda more mean spirited humour and the crack in the skull Horror hears his coworkers and is like "welp". So he throws Cally over his shoulder and decides the safest place they are is with him, he takes Cally all the way back to the meet up spot and all the while Cally sees people they know running in the opposite direction not being able to see what they're running from but knowing they are heading towards it with someone who is now a stranger to them forcing them towards it. yada yada everyone meets up and is like "tf" when they see Cally and Horror is all "hey they cant do nothin so no problem right? I want a hampter" Nightmare gets briefly pissy but seeing that Dust and Horror clearly have an attachment to the anomaly he like "wow blackmail? sweet" so he says fuck it and allows them to be taken back. So they do and Cally is shitting themselves as they do because they didn't even know Aus exist let alone that there were sanses who could teleport and have tentacles and they're still kinda hung up on the big crack in the head like didn't he have 1 HP how the fuck is he? why the fuck is he? When the fuck is he? when the fuck are they? Are they in a castle? Why a castle? What Sans would be so self involved to even want to have a fucking castle?
But yeah shit happens and Horror tries to take care of Cally when he's there but he is Horror so that basically amounts to letting Cally lean their head on his shoulder and making sure they're fed, Dust tries to avoid Cally and never looks them in the eyes, Killer is intrigued with Cally's relationships with the other Sans' but he figures Cally out as a person pretty quickly and gets bored with them, And when all the others aren't around visiting their AUs Nightmare uses Cally as either a punching bag for fun or basically a pet cat depending on the point in the story, when it comes to the others being around Nightmare will withhold Cally as punishment keeping Cally locked in a room on their own and not letting Horror or Dust know if their dead or alive. When Nightmare is feeling particularly bitchy or upset he'll fuck with Cally by saying shit like they specifically targeted their au for them or that everyone in their timeline doesn't even care anymore that they're gone and are even much happier or even that they aren't the first Cally they've done this to and if they jump out of that window right now then they'll just go to another Cally au and do the exact same thing they did to their timeline again.
Of course they're still the first, Nightmare doesn't care enough about the leverage it gives him over Horror and Dust to go out of his way to get another one if they die, besides it's a lot easier to keep feeding them Oran berries when they get down to 1 hp. He just likes to watch the little spark of indignation in their face die at the thought of being responsible for copies of their loved ones being hurt or killed because of them and their disposition become lifeless as they realise they're never getting out of there, never getting away from him.
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under-lore · 1 year
Do you agree with Nochocolate post "cooperation, not corruption"?
That post is one that i find to be both very correct and very wrong depending on which part of it you're asking about.
Whilst Nochocolate can be a pretty good blog in terms of purely gathering information about a topic, their actual analysis of that information often tends to suffer a lot from confirmation bias compared to other UT blogs.
That is especially true for Chara in particular, Nochocolate team has a particular vision of Chara (which you can see in their AU : Caretaker of the Ruins) and often ends up twisting the facts to make it line up with their version of the character. To the point where the screenshots they show and the conclusions they make based on those images sometimes contradict each other. I would suggest keeping an open eye when reading their Chara related posts in particular. (their other posts are much better, though)
At its worse, this can result in posts like this one, which is quite blatantly wrong in nearly everything it tries to argue in its last section and was quite obviously only posted because Nochocolate made their Chara masculine.
That particular post's most recurrent issue though is jumping to conclusions far too quickly and bias in the wording.
Its also really long, so going through it bit by bit to detail all of that would be quite boring (especially since a lot of it would be nitpicking every couple paragraphs.)
Making a detailed post covering that same topic with evidence is something that i may do in the future, but for now here are a few key talking points :
LOVE does have some amount of impact on one's behavior, however, Nochocolate is right in saying that LOVE couldn't have been the sole reason for Chara's aggressive behavior in genocide (as shown by the more aggressive variants of the neutral routes). Chara's decision to cooperate with the player and go along with the route is and remains their own choice. Whilst they were influenced, they were not "corrupted" either and remain responsible for their own actions. The overall idea that gave its name to the post is mostly right, but it was exagerated quite significantly.
However, neither LOVE nor kills scales with Chara's ability to control Frisk ! Rather, Chara is present and is capable of exerting control on Frisk in any route (and does ! This is actually one of the things where Nochoco contradicts themselves). But they however do not decide to exert it so assertively in other paths than in genocide. (This particular assumption causes many minor issues throughout the post. Tying multiple things to Chara's presence/influence/etc... that just aren't.)
The genocide route is mechanically driven by kills and by unique encounters indeed. Although, those are not takeover requirements as much as they serve both as help and as requests to the player. For instance, Chara themself decides to abort the genocide route if Snowdrake isn't killed, even if the kill count is fulfilled. The helping/guiding goes both ways. That is why we are "partners" after all.
Frisk isn't ever "replaced" either, they're still openly present, stated as having conscious feelings and opinions on what is happening up until the very end of the route, however Chara's increased assertiveness makes their influence feel relatively weaker within the PFC. (The entire post tends to try and ignore Frisk as a factor in general for the sake of their narrative. Multiple things which are from Frisk get pushed into Chara instead without solid evidence.)
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