#i just have weird problems with that stuff and don’t know how to put it into words
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you’re overthinking it and im sure that she, like most people, would just be grateful that for a brief glint of a moment the paths of your lives crossed again <3
anon, stop before you make me cry 😭😭 this is too sweet thank you
#i always forget people can see what i post haha#normally i do it when i get so far in my head its like tunnel vision#this is so fucking sweet though i nearly cried before the event start#started*#i did end up waving and saying hi to her quick#and she asked if i was writing and I said a bit and she was super kind about it#i was very awkward but that’s fine at least i said hello#I just have very complicated feelings about seeing people I’ve known in the past and being the same#or nearly the same as i was when they knew me#like having no control of my image and not showing something of myself?? if that makes sense??#like i feel like i live in the same place and work in the same place and haven’t gotten anywhere#but i have done cool things!! and like once in a lifetime type things!!#i just have weird problems with that stuff and don’t know how to put it into words#anyway thanks for reading my little rambles and being so kind 💕💕#asks
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3 times Phantom's Guardian was Mentioned + 1 Time He Showed Up
Phantom’s introduction to Young Justice wasn’t as dramatic as Empress’ or Slobo’s, or even Arrowette’s first introduction to the cave. No, it wasn’t during the Olympics, or on a battlefield, and he didn’t come in injured and looking for help.
Impulse just brought Phantom in one day and insisted that he should join because he’s their age, interested in justice, and now that Greta’s human again they need another ghost member. So Phantom stayed, popping in and out for missions but never really sticking around all that long.
Today is one of the days that Phantom’s with them on a mission, that being looking around a lab of the Brain’s that had an energy surge recently, despite it being presumably abandoned.
Kon got paired up with Phantom to check the rest out first, since they both have better hearing than Anita and Tim, who were both still in the main room working on checking the computers for previous activity.
The room is dark except for the light green ball glowing slightly above Phantom’s hand. He waves it around enough for it to reflect off of glass, then throws it up to the ceiling. The light expands enough to illuminate the room.
Phantom mumbles about not knowing he could do that. Kon ignores him and moves closer to inspect the glass tubes to the side of several monitors set up.
“Looks like cloning equipment,” Phantom says, casually. He drags a finger through the dust gathering on one of the monitors. “Don’t think they’ve been activated recently, though, so that’s good.”
“What? You got a problem with clones or something?” It’s a quick and defensive answer, and Phantom puts his hands up in surrender.
“Not in concept.” He shrugs and joins Kon near the tubes. “But not a lot of people ask before making clones.”
“So I don’t need to sic Superman on you?” Obviously Kon could chew Phantom out himself, but few can do a “not mad, just disappointed” face better than Clark.
Phantom scrunches his face. “Why would you need to?”
Kon stops pretending to inspect the tube and stares at Phantom. “You do know I’m a clone, right?” The blank look on Phantom’s face tells him that no, he did not. “Well I am. Clone of Superman, though we’re pretty much brothers now.”
“Cool,” Phantom says, not a bit less friendly. He hesitates for a second before continuing, “Could I maybe ask you how you got there? Me and my clone have landed on cousins, but that was also, like, given to us by her evil dad. So.”
Phantom trails off. Huh, that makes three members of the team that have been cloned. Not a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened three times.
“You’re making sure she feels accepted, right?”
“Yeah! Well, whenever she’s around. She,” Phantom waves his hand around, looking for the right word, “She’s a wanderer. Exploring the world and stuff. But Richard has a room for her at home, and I remind her of that whenever she does stop by.”
“Well, first of all, don’t push it so hard,” Kon says. Phantom nods enthusiastically. “And second, who’s Richard?”
Kon doesn’t know a lot of Richards, and he doesn’t think that Phantom ever mentioned one before. Or even if he remembers his living life.
“Oh, he’s my, uh, guardian? I guess that’s the best term. The guy I’m living with who forces me to go to school sometimes.” Phantom looks away and back to the tubes.
Before Kon can ask for more details, Robin and Empress come in with a report of dead computers and wanting to know where they’re at with the cloning room.
They’re unimpressed with their lack of progress.
Wally doesn’t really need to come by the Hamilton Lodge that often, not when that’s Young Justice’s territory and he doesn’t want to get involved in all of That.
But Red Tornado said that the team has a file on a planet that’s very quickly becoming a league problem, and he figured it might be a good time to try to check in with Bart, anyway. Make sure he hasn’t run any cars off cliffs again and all that.
So he stops by Manchester to ask Bart about the file, then they both head East to actually find it.
When they arrive at the hotel minutes later, Wally’s surprised to actually find it… clean? There’s no visible trash or overturned furniture or anything else he’d expect from an abandoned hotel filled with teenagers. Well, maybe not filled, lately. He doesn’t think anyone’s living here currently, with Greta at Elias’ for the school year and Slobo gone.
Still, the room smells slightly of artificial pine scent, and Bart perks up before disappearing and reappearing rapidly, holding a teammate up by his armpits. Said teammate just accepts this, his legs folding into a wispy tail, and head rolling against his shoulders.
“This is Phantom!” Bart holds him up higher. Phantom waves. Wally’s only heard of him through Max’s updates, the same way he would hear about Preston or Carol, but with more wariness about the supposed ghost.
Actually looking at the pale face and glowing green eyes contrasting against the darker than dark jumpsuit, Wally’s a little more ready to accept his claim at being undead.
“He stress cleans,” Bart explains, moving to carry Phantom under his arm. Wally bites down the urge to tell him to put him down, but only because Phantom doesn’t resist the hold, only moving to get into a more comfortable position. His hands are touching the floor. “So what happened?”
Bart directs the question downwards, and Phantom heaves a very dramatic sigh. Definitely a teenager. It does raise the question of who exactly this kid’s mentor is. Hopefully he does have one. Maybe he’s the Spectre’s kid?
Phantom phases through the arm holding him only to lay on top of Bart’s hair. “I accidentally called Richard dad. And then fled.”
Bart nods sagely. “Classic. One time I accidentally called Max dad, so I had to start a fire to distract him.”
Phantom sighs again, almost dreamily. “Genius.”
Wally doesn’t have time to unpack all of that. Well he does, but he’s not going to, because there’s really only one Richard that comes to mind that might have the heart to take in a dead kid, even if he doesn’t go by his full name.
But surely Dick would have told him, or any other Titan, if he had adopted a kid. Right?
But there’s still a little shadow of doubt. Maybe Dick wanted it to be a secret, or it was really new or had a rocky start. Phantom doesn’t seem to hold himself like a Bat, but it’s not a guarantee Dick would have trained him.
“The lodge looks nice,” Wally offers out loud, which Phantom shrugs at and wraps his tail around Bart’s head to keep secure. “Anyway, Impulse. The file on Myrg?”
“Oh yeah!” Again, Bart disappears then reappears a few seconds later with a paper file. They really need to start digitizing more of these things. “That’s the planet where we played baseball so that they wouldn’t destroy Earth!”
“You what.”
The prospect of Dick following in his dad’s footsteps is forgotten in the face of what the hell Young Justice got up to on Myrg.
Tim may be in a…Predicament.
It’s not his fault. Really. He knew what he was doing. He couldn’t let a civilian fall for the trap. But they were already so close, so he just, kinda, pushed himself into the rope instead.
So there Robin is, tied upside down in a warehouse, with the Joker below next to an overly complicated control panel. The clown’s rambling about bombs hidden all over the city that Tim knows Batman is already tracking down with Batgirl.
Tim’s not really paying attention to the rant because of that, more focused on wiggling enough to get the spare mini-birdarang out of his glove to cut the rope without notifying the Joker.
“Yikes, bad time?” Asks Phantom’s voice beside him. Based on the source and accounting for the slight echo, he’s floating with his head near Tim’s, likely upside down. “Want some help?”
Tim gets the birdarang out and starts sawing at the thick rope. They should be fine anyway, but stalling the Joker for extra time would be helpful. “Can you possess the Joker? Just hold him still.”
“The correct term is overshadow, but sure.” The voice disappears, and a few seconds later the Joker freezes.
His body jerks forward, then backward, and a laugh chokes out of his throat. His hand claws over his mouth at the noise and he hunches over. All movement halts before he rights himself, shaking out his hands and rolling his shoulders. Phantom looks up at Tim and his eyes are glowing.
Tim cuts through the rope, kicking and using the momentum to right himself and land on his feet. He brushes past Phantom in Joker’s body to handle the control panel. He turns off the radio broadcast and dismantles the bomb strapped to the panel.
Threat handled, he turns to Phantom and holds up some handcuffs. “Let me arrest you?”
Phantom obliges, turning the Joker’s body around and putting his hands behind his back. Tim lets him walk by himself out of the warehouse and moves the handcuffs around a lamppost. The Joker’s body jerks again, then slumps forward, just as Phantom reappears next to him, scowling down at the unconscious body.
“That felt really slimy. Zero out of ten, would not do again,” Phantom grouches.
“Why’re you in Gotham?” Tim asks. It’s not like Phantom makes a habit of visiting. The last time he came into the city, he complained about feeling the dead under the streets. Fortunately, that let Tim uncover a few tunnels that Talons travel through. Phantom, however, was unnerved by the Talons and left quickly.
“Oh, Solomon Grundy’s back in our sewers. Richard said I should probably tell one of you Gotham heroes, since you keep track of those guys.” He shakes out his hands like they were cramped in the Joker.
They hadn’t seen Grundy in a while. Tim assumed he was currently in a less violent personality. “What’s he doing?”
Phantom shrugs. “Just chilling. Mostly underground. I tried to talk to him but he only grunted back at me. He also tried to pick me up, dunno what that was about.”
“Maybe because you’re both dead?” Tim guessed. That would be a surface level connection. Ivy and Woodrue have had more luck working with Grundy than anyone, and Phantom definitely doesn’t have the connection to the Green that’d help with that.
Police lights turn around the corner, and Tim shoots a grapple to get to the roof above them. Phantom follows, but disappears as soon as they’re on the roof. Going back home, probably.
Cass drops down from the roof she was listening on. “Richard?”
“Not the same one.”
They both stick around long enough to watch the Joker get put into the cop car.
Plus one
A spaceship landed in the forests of New York, and Cassie’s team was the first to respond to it. Technically not respond, but check it out, since there wasn’t any alert or anything.
Still, Wonder Girl has Empress, Robin, and Superboy on the other side of the ship, watching what looks like the back door, while she, Impulse, and Phantom watch the other door and main window. She has binoculars, but the windows are so tinted she can’t quite make anything out.
No aliens have come out yet, and she hesitates to have anyone go in, in case whoever inside does turn hostile.
Impulse has offered to run through a total of five times already, and it’s a testament to his restraint that he hasn’t, and a testament to Cassie’s that she hasn’t yelled at him yet. Phantom at least isn’t being annoying, but he’s not necessarily helpful, either. He’s not even watching the spaceship anymore. Now he’s trying to make a flower crown out of dandelions.
“Door’s opening on our side,” Robin says from the comms. “But no one’s coming out.”
“Alright, good enough to try to get in,” Cassie decides. She turns to Phantom, who’s closing off the circle of flowers. Beside him, Impulse has since pulled out a gameboy. “Phantom, go in invisibly through the open door and report back. Try to see what their plans are.”
“Oh, sure. One second.” Phantom finishes the crown and tries to put it on Bart’s head. It doesn’t quite fit over his mane of hair, but Phantom shrugs and leaves it sitting there anyway before going invisible.
“Maybe I should shave my head again,” Bart says as his game character dies.
He gets a resounding no in response.
Half an hour later they have a very annoyed Green Lantern lecturing them about league jurisdiction and knowing when to call someone else.
Apparently, the alien ship was just stopping to complete some maintenance, and did not appreciate any spying on them, and especially did not appreciate who did it. Green Lantern was more than happy to explain that Wonder Girl’s team is not really a part of the Justice League and he can help with their maintenance. They denied his help and left to find a place with less people in it.
“-and you!” Green Lantern rounds on Phantom next, but Cassie knows none of them are really listening. Sure, they messed up by freaking out the visiting aliens, and yeah maybe they should have contacted the league about it, but they’ve dealt with stuff worse than this! It’s not Cassie’s fault she thought that this would have stuck to the formula.
“Who even are you?” Green Lantern runs a hand through his black hair, stupid green gauntlets shining in the sunlight. “Do I need to call your mentor?” He frowns. “Or do they know you mess up alien technology by just being around it?”
Phantom scoffs and rolls his eyes. “How was I supposed to know their tech would go all fuzzy when I came in?”
“You wouldn’t have to know if you just stayed out of the spaceship!”
“Hey!” Cassie cuts in. “Technically that was my call. It’s not all on Phantom.”
“I still could've been more careful,” Phantom says to her, ignoring Green Lantern as they argue about blame.
“Cut it out for a second, okay?” Green Lantern puts a hand between them and they stop to glare at him. He pulls the hand back. “Look, can I just talk to one of your adults about this?”
Robin glares. “We don’t need an adult. We have this under control.”
“Only because I’m here now.”
“I’ll call my mentor,” Phantom says. Kon opens his mouth, most likely to offer to call Superman instead in hopes of a lighter sentence, but Bart covers his mouth, smiling like he knows something Cassie doesn’t. Tim and Anita share a look, and don’t intervene as Phantom pulls out a phone from his chest.
It rings once before it’s picked up. Cassie can’t hear the other side of the conversation, but Kon’s eyebrows scrunch in confusion. “Hey, do you think you can pick me up? Green Lantern wants to talk to you.” Phantom looks Green Lantern up and down then says, “No, this one doesn’t have a cape.”
Phantom says goodbye after rattling off their coordinates, hangs up, and stares at Green Lantern in silence for a few seconds.
And then a swirling mass of black seeps into the space next to Phantom. The end of a cane steps out of it, followed by a leg, then the rest of the immaculately dressed man holding the handle of the cane that’s shaped like a bird’s head.
“Phantom,” The man says. His voice drips with condescension in only a way a british accent can, yet Phantom smiles up at him. The shadowy portal behind him disappears. “What, exactly, happened?”
“That’s the fucking Shade,” Anita hisses to Robin, who shrugs noncommittedly at her. Green Lantern seems to recognise him too, taking a step back and clenching his hand that holds his ring.
“Well, the team and I were staking out this spaceship–super cool, by the way–and I went inside to check it out, but my presence messed with their tech–which was an accident–and they freaked out, so I freaked out, and then we kinda got into a little fight until Green Lantern came to mediate.”
“Hm. Is that right?” The Shade asks Green Lantern, who nods slowly, still anticipating an attack. “It seems like the problem’s fixed, then.”
“Well, yes, but–”
“And it does seem about time for these kids to get home, doesn't it?” The Shade pulls out an actual pocket watch, chain and all, from his suit pocket and takes his time in checking it. “I’ll see them home.”
Shadows grow from behind the team, swirling until they become a giant, gaping maw that swallows them up and spits them out in a different forest, or maybe just a different part of the same forest.
Either way, Cassie has to take a moment to make sure she doesn’t throw up from the sudden vertigo the shadow portal caused.
The Shade looks at Phantom, and raises an eyebrow. “You can’t expect me to always bail you out.”
Phantom shrugs, looking guilty. “I know. Thanks, Richard.”
Oh, so that’s who Richard is. Annoyingly, neither Tim or Bart look surprised by this revelation.
#dp x dc#dc x dp#dp x dc crossover#this post was brought to you by me recently finishing starman 1994#which i totally recommend it was rlly good and im happy i was able to read the physical version because there are some double page spreads#that were beautiful and i just know the online ver would've butchered#this is also part of my put danny in opal agenda!!#come on guys!! partially if not all powered by cosmic energy#missing heroes other than like benetti and the shade as far as i know#and used to have a ghostly curse on it!!! perfect place#also it's no-pulse coded because im still rotating them in my head like a microwave#the gl is supposed to b Kyle but sry if he's off i only know him from his appearances in yj and hitman#and i tried to do a read more thingy because it got long i hope it works
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i’m drooling at ur older bf price (not much else to say except when/if u ever have more thots abt him please share 🙏)
You curl in on yourself after sex, sometimes. It’s a pattern Price has noticed—you’ll finish, then he will, and in the humid moments after, the shutters in your eyes will close. You won’t meet his gaze.
He’s only asked once about it, and it had been so clear that the question disturbed you that he hadn’t pressed. You’d tell him, he reasoned, when you were ready—
(And he could nudge you in that direction in the meanwhile.)
The sink is put back together, cabinet door closed. Your sundress is wrapped and twisted around your midsection, naked breasts wet with his saliva and compressed against his chest as you lay panting on top of him. His shirt is in some far-off corner, thrown aside, and his jeans are around his knees.
“That was nice,” he murmurs in your ear, kissing your hair. He makes a home for his fingertips between your shoulder blades, walking the trail of your spine, up and down, slow as a tide.
“Mm-hm,” you say, out at sea. Far away.
He can’t deny that it disappoints him. But it isn’t about him, and he shouldn’t make it so. Even if it is about him, it isn’t actually about him—it’s about something else that has attached itself to him. Things are like that more often than not—deeper, older problems with hooks, the barbed kind that sink in and cling and won’t come out of their own accord.
So he keeps kissing your hair, and he keeps stroking your back. His softened cock hasn’t slipped from you yet, and he makes no move to dislodge it. You nestle closer to him; shift your body over his, a little, just for the feeling of it. He waits for the sigh—the long, steady breath you take after the act, after you’ve found yourself again in wherever it is you go after moments like this.
“This is probably weird to talk about after sex,” you say, and Price’s ears perk up.
“Nothing weird between us, dove,” he encourages. “What’s on your mind?”
You play with his chest hair a little, twirling it around with the manicured ends of your nails. (A manicure he happily paid for.)
“You’re the first man who’s ever given a damn about me,” you mumble into his neck.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he says honestly. He kisses you again, because he wants to, and because he wants it to comfort you.
“You don’t make me feel stupid for not being able to do stuff on my own,” you continue. “My step—my mom’s husband. He used to make fun of me for, for getting confused about changing my car’s oil. Or he’d get annoyed at me. Or I’d need him to change my tires because I can’t do it on my own, and I’d call him for help, and he wouldn’t pick up the phone.”
“He sounds like a piece of work,” Price comments.
A younger version of himself would have offered to beat the shit out of the asshole. That self’s anger on your behalf sits radioactive in his chest even now—corrosive, roiling, righteous fury, ready to carve your name on whatever offal is left over after Price gets through with him.
But that would be for his own ego, not for you. That has no place here.
“Do you know—” and your voice breaks a little, “do you know how bad it feels when a man who’s supposed to look out for you treats you like you’re an idiot? Like you’re not smart enough to be worth helping?”
“Some,” he says. “It’s an awful feeling. I wish you didn’t know how it felt, dove. I’m sorry.”
He feels something warm and wet drip onto his chest, and your shoulders begin to shake.
It’s not the full-body, wracking cry of catharsis. Just an episode of something longer, something tired. A problem dealt with, over and over again—a wound that reopens sometimes, if it’s pulled the wrong way.
Price gathers you closer, wraps his arms around you tighter. He cups the back of your neck with one hand and murmurs “shhh” into your hair, soothing and quiet, squeezing you against him.
“I’m okay,” you say, a little watery. “Really, I am.”
“I know you are,” he says.
He tilts your face toward his, and kisses the center of your forehead. You meet his eyes with your own, wide and glistening with your tears.
“I’m always gonna help you, dove,” he promises, catching one that falls with the edge of his thumb. “And you can always ask.”
No I don’t have daddy issues why do you ask
#answered#price x reader#price x you#price x y/n#captain john price#john price#price smut#john price x reader#john price x you#mwritesprice#madi writes#one more of these and I’ll have to make a master list
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🦑 hwang jun-ho; headcanons 〇△□
content warning: gn!reader. fluff. mentions of death, coma and jealousy. pet names. no season 2 spoilers. let me know if i missed anything.
word count: 941
author’s note: well, my man is back, and i had to write some headcanons for him. the OBSESSION that i had back in 2021 needs to be studied, omg. anyway, as always, constructive criticism is welcomed, english is my third language, so i apologize for any mistakes. in case i don’t post anything else this year, happy 2025 everybody!! enjoy! 🩷
divider by @k1ssyoursister
〇 pre-games
best. boyfriend. ever.
that’s it, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
his love languages are:
1) quality time
he may be a police detective, but he ALWAYS tries to make time for you
and see you every day, and if he can’t, he’ll save some minutes to call you
loves to hear about your day
big on communication, that’s key on your relationship
type of boyfriend that picks you up after work, or anything really
he just wants to see your cute face :3
takes you out on cool dates
to the park, to eat, to cute animal cafés
he’s okay with staying in too, just cuddling, talking, watching something….
and 2) acts of service
will drive you anywhere you need
you get ‘good morning/night’ texts every single day you’re not together
makes you breakfast
and has no problem with cooking for you
opens doors for you
pulls out the chair at the restaurant ☝🏻
he’ll simply do anything you need
loves coming home to you, it doesn't matter how shitty or overwhelming his day was, you just put a smile on his face
his favorite thing to do with you is eating
it may sound boring, but he loves to see you taking care of yourself, well-fed and happy
takes you to meet his family
his mom loves you
even his brother likes you
he’s a tease and enjoys seeing you all flustered
i feel like he’d be the type to have many pics of you on his phone that he goes back to whenever he misses you
you’re probably his wallpaper, perhaps even on his wallet too 🤭
some pet names like: “honey”, “love”, “beautiful”, “cutie”
would never cheat
a guard dog
not super jealous -a bit tho- but won't hesitate to step up if someone acts stupid
(picture that one scene in season 2 when that man mocked him and didn’t believe he was an actual police detective hehe)
shows you off 🤩
checks you out :p
his hand is on you in some way when you’re out
has good emotional intelligence
big spoon
reminds you to take your make up off before bed if you wear any -he may even do it himself if you're too tired
or to take meds
he is just really caring and supportive
doesn't like seeing you worried or anxious because of his job
absolutely hates to see you suffer
doesn’t mind that you may be struggling financially, it won’t change what he feels
will help you with whatever it is
just don’t hide it, he hates secrets and lies
i hate doing it, but there always has to be some 🚩
he’s the first one that would do it (lying and hiding stuff) to ensure you’re okay and don’t get worried
on a particularly overwhelming day, he will raise his voice at you
can get really overprotective
some days you may not hear from him, or at least not much
will sometimes struggle to open up about his issues or what’s upsetting him
△ during the games
after your sudden disappearance, worry and fear ate him up
while checking your house he found a weird card
and once he discovered the exact same one at his brother’s, he knew something was going on
heard gi-hun at the police station rambling about some weird symbols and immediately recognized the design
interrogated him about you, desperate to know about your whereabouts
as soon as he successfully infiltrated the games, he began your search
almost had a heart attack when he spotted you
had to make the effort of his life to stay calm and not run to you
would somehow manage to get you two alone so he can get you out of there (i wrote about this)
almost gets caught
feels betrayed you didn’t tell him and quite angry you’d risk your own life like this
but mostly relieved you’re okay (and still alive)
watches you like a hawk from the distance, ensuring your safety
constantly around, you continuously sense his presence close by
□ post-games (you died)
had to see your death and practically went numb
blurry vision, ringing in his ears, shortness of breath, sting in his throat
the worst thing tho, was finding out his brother had been behind everything
how could he have done this to you? you trusted him!
feels completely disgusted
after his coma, he blames himself for everything
your name was his first word after waking up
dreams about you
gets you a cenotaph given that your body will forever remain strayed
nevertheless, he still talks to you like you’re there
tells you about his recovery and his progress finding the island
you are his strongest motivation
he’s doing this for you, to provide the love of his life a much deserving peaceful rest
gets you new flowers every few days
he’ll never stop feeling guilty
〇 post-games (you survived)
has nightmares he failed and left you to meet your demise on those cursed games
always there when you have them, and so is his shoulder if you need to cry
reassurance king
hides the identity of his attacker from you
becomes even more overprotective
shared location on at all times
gets paranoid if you don’t text him all day
he swore to never miss a single detail of your possible struggles. not again
you can still tell he holds himself responsible for your time on that island
stays awake at night just watching you sleep safe and sound (will never say it tho)
babies you
bigger spoon
doesn’t let you go out on your own if it’s late, afraid that something may happen and those psychopaths will reach you again
#squid game#squid game 2#squid game season 2#wi ha joon#wi ha jun#hwang jun ho#hwang junho#squid game headcanons#squid game x reader#squid game x you#wi ha joon x reader#wi ha joon x you#hwang jun ho x reader#hwang jun ho x you#hwang jun ho headcanons#Spotify
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Can you do tutor!reader and dealer!Ellie where r is tutoring Ellie and Ellie falls head over heels, walking r to class, driving her home, and even helping her release some stress after a hard exam
?: You’ve been chosen to tutor someone for a quick cash-grab, but do they have to be this dumb? Maybe you’ll have to change your teaching style a bit.. / E.W / 18+
!: back to mfin BACK!!
“That's like, not correct."
Ellie lifts her head up with the hundredth tired look, meeting your strict one with oddity— how were you still so into this after lecturing her for a good..2 hours? She was sure you’d give up on her like the rest did.
Sighing, you lean over her and hold the pencil steady for her in her own grip as you show her where and when to mark the numbers down..or round them, whatever you were saying.
To be fair, Ellie did want to pass this class bad, but her eyes were beginning to strain from how many steps it came to solving this equation and mainly how you had good tits— what? Your eyes widen and you step back a bit, covering your neckline now.
Fuck, did she say that out-loud?
Scrambling from where she had her head laid on the table, knocking down her chair in the process and slipping onto the floor— she panic strickenly apologizes, informing you she wasn’t thinking straight Literally, and that she didn’t mean it in a weird way!
Modestly, you nod, trying to conceal the faint hue your facial undertones bring out, like the girl you were tutoring didn’t just say you had the nicest rack she’d ever seen. Coughing slightly, you two sit back down at the roundtable.
“Okay, maybe we should take a small break here and meet sometime this week then? You can’t exactly do math with a uh, clouded mind.”
Ellie nods at this, bringing her hand down to rub at her nape nervously, “Yeah, good point.”
Nodding, you begin to gather your stuff, and while Ellie should take that as an initiative to get the hell up and leave, she stays back a bit, awkwardly lingering as she crouches down and hands you the broken protractor she’d cracked earlier. You give a curt smile as you take it from her, not exactly seeing the use of the broken equipment but also not having the heart to tell her “just throw it away,” so you put the cracked pieces in your bookbag.
“Again, man, i’m so fuckin’ sorry. I swear i’m not like, a pervert or stuff, I don’t even say that shi—
You interrupt her with a slight hand gesture, telling her all was well and that you actually weren’t offended, taking the bold statement as somewhat of a compliment. Ellie stares at you, tilting her head. Really?
You wave to her once more before leaving, insisting you needed to catch the city-bus but the girl shakes her head with wide eyes. No way she was letting someone like you on public transport at 9pm. No offense, but she’d had her fair share of naïvely taking it during late hours most would avoid the transportation.
With not much convincing, both of you knowing exactly who’s reasonings outweigh the other, she leads you to her car. It’s not as bad of a vehicle you’d envisioned for her, afterall, some scratches and dents were expected of someone who dabbled in street-racing and delinquency as Ellie, but her car was surprisingly clean and pristine, a newer edition of a make-model you weren’t too knowledgeable about, but then again, a car was a car.
As Ellie starts the car and begins driving, you put in the address on her GPS. “Oh! Actually, could you put it in my phone instead? My car one is faulty.” Nodding, you grab her phone, opening it with the passcode she reads out to you, once you’ve got your address in, Ellie cashes more in, “And your number.”
Your eyebrow raises at this, side balling her, was this her lame attempt at getting your number? She had no problem just..meeting you at the library prior to this at the designated spot and tine, how come she need your digits now?
“Ah..just for if I don’t show or something comes up?” You smile, typing your phone in while Ellie spares you a short glance but then back to the road, “You got it.”
From there on, it became a routine between you two. You would text often, meet up for your sessions then she’d drop you off— it was ideal for the both of you, only you found yourself wanting more.
Ellie was book-dumb. A ditz in cargo shorts. There was no doubt about that, but, she had other assets to make up for that. For one, you didn’t find yourself falling for her until she’d tell you all about her loser endeavors, like how she found a ‘make your own sillybands’ set on Amazon and she spent an entire school night making elastic bracelets or maybe, that time she added a drop of NyQuil Cough Syrup to her drink and swore down she made lean. She was a character to say the least.
Right now, she was laying on your couch as you read her flashcards. Surprisingly, she was rapidly answering.
“That’s all.” You smile, noticing her blatant improvement, “You finished them all. You’re good for the test.”
While Ellie would smile at that, she looks down at her palms, tracing the lines before taking a small shrug. You look at her confused, wasn’t she happy?
The girl stares at you some more before sitting up fully, her knees pressing yours, “We’ll..still hang after this, right?” You don’t answer right away, looking at her with a slightly dropped jaw. Ellie takes that as an answer, scooting in closer, “Right?” Her breath fans over your face a bit, proving how overwhelmingly close in proximity she was to you.
That’s one thing you’ve noticed about Ellie, and probably the only place you two collide in, the constant need for reassurance. Finding your footing, you nod, “ ‘course.” To that, she smiles.
“Well, we’re done so you’re free from my shankles for today.” You snort, laying back on the couch and reaching for your phone. Ellie hums, reaching behind her and taking out a small encasing baggie. You weren’t dumb, you could recognize weed at first glance. “You don’t mind, do you?” She coughs, leaning back too into the sofa. What else could you have said? “No, I don’t.”
Her eyes get glossy in a few passes is what you see, already so relaxed than the previous state she was in prior to this. You sit there, tracing her forearm with your nails lightly, a habit you’ve had since childhood, though no-one really complains about it.
Ellie hums, turning her head to face where you sit next to her, you’re so fucking pretty that it almost hurts her. With a slight shiver once she hits the blunt again, she leans in to nuzzle her face into your neck, laying on you softly in a slight spooning position. You were also, very warm.
You smile, raking through her hair with said fingertips, massaging her scalp. “Does it feel good?” Ellie nods, seemingly dazed by how skilled your hands were. Reaching a hand up into her hair, she grabs ahold of yours, bringing it down to her lips— pressing a chaste kiss to your soft knuckles. Your breath hitches at this, and she just looks up at you, “I wanna make you feel good too.”
“Ellie..” Your eyes widen, mouth growing drier with each passing moment her eyes are transfixed on you. Geez, she really was adamant. “You don’t need to make me feel good, dude..” You nervously chuckle, not wanting to believe her words had deeper implications.
Ellie mouth opens, but shuts again, like a fish in water when you say that to her. You don’t want her to return the favor? How come? Is there something wrong with her palms? Do you think she’s dirty? Or do you just want her to get the hell up out of your house?
Her eyes alternate from your own ones to your lips, scooting closer to your face, “But I wanna.”
Now, you were a moaning mess on your slouchy couch, legs pried open with some rando you tutor giving you the best head you’ve had in a while, “Fuckkk..use more tongue.” You sigh, hand buried in her hair as you steer her, desperately lapping at your folds while you smoke her blunt.
Ellie nods repeatedly, burying her face even further into your cunt messily, spitting on it and licking it back up. Greedy..
“You’re so good f’me, hm? That why you purposely act stupid whenever i’m teaching you math? U-ungh..you’re so dumb, caving into whatever bitch gives you a smidge of attention.”
She’s genuinely about to cry from how mean you’re being, but she’s never been so aroused from such humiliation. She tries lifting her head up to give a rebuttal but you shove her back down.
“Y’know, actually, trace the equation earlier on me right now.” You snicker, “Maybe that’ll be our new method to get that empty head of yours to work.”
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Who…are you?
LE SSERAFIM’s Chaewon x Reader
Note: dw…it gets weird at the end lol. It's a long ride as well so get comfortable.
And this will be my final fic of 2024! Thank you everyone for liking my stuff and happy holidays! Will be back for more in mid January!

(this is too lethal-)
The sound of the door slamming shut reverberates through the apartment, rattling the picture frames on the walls. You stare at it for a long moment, your jaw tight and your hands clenching into fists at your sides. Another fight. Another evening ruined.
The quiet that follows is suffocating, a stark contrast to the venomous words Chaewon had thrown at you just minutes ago. You drag yourself to the kitchen, barely registering the cold plates of food still waiting on the counter. The dinner you had spent hours making feels like a cruel joke now. You don’t have the appetite to eat it, let alone the energy to put it away.
This is how it’s been lately. Chaewon’s words, once playful and teasing, have turned into weapons. The sharp remarks and biting sarcasm that used to make you laugh now cut you to the core. She gets angry over the smallest things, and somehow, you always end up being the target.
It wasn’t always this way—or at least, it didn’t feel like it.
You think back to a week ago, when Chaewon had been in one of her moods. You had been trying to fix the kitchen faucet, fumbling with the wrench and getting water sprayed in your face. Chaewon had walked in, leaning casually against the doorframe with that signature smirk on her face.
“Wow,” she had said, crossing her arms. “Didn’t know I was dating a plumber-in-training. Or are you auditioning for a clown role with that water trick?”
You’d forced a laugh, wiping your face with your sleeve. “Very funny, Chae. Want to help?”
She had scoffed, walking over and peering down at the mess you’d made. “Help? Why would I do that when watching you flounder is so much more entertaining?”
You had shot her a look, and she had just grinned, flicking water at you before sauntering off.
Then there was the time she’d decided to pick on your cooking.
You’d spent hours trying to make her favourite spicy rice cakes from scratch, wanting to surprise her after a long day. She had walked into the kitchen, sniffing the air dramatically.
“What’s that smell?” she had asked, wrinkling her nose. “Did something die in here?”
You’d frowned, gesturing to the pot. “It’s tteokbokki. I thought you’d like it.”
She’d leaned over the pot, taking a cautious sniff before pulling back like it had personally offended her. “Are you sure? Because it looks like a science experiment gone wrong.”
You’d tried to laugh it off, but the sting of her words had lingered long after she’d gone back to scrolling on her phone.
The teasing wasn’t just verbal, either. Chaewon had a knack for finding your weak spots and exploiting them with surgical precision. Like the time you’d tripped over the rug in the living room and spilled coffee all over your work papers.
“Nice one, Y/N,” she had said from the couch, barely looking up. “Maybe next time, try walking like a normal human instead of whatever that was.”
“I could use some help cleaning this up,” you’d said, your voice strained as you crouched to pick up the soggy papers.
She had glanced at you over the rim of her coffee mug, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Or you could just not trip next time. Problem solved.”
Despite all of it, you stayed. You told yourself it was just her personality—that she didn’t mean to hurt you. You convinced yourself that the moments of warmth, rare as they were, made up for the constant jabs. Like when she’d fallen asleep on your shoulder during a movie, her hand unconsciously clutching yours. Or the one time she’d hugged you after you’d had a particularly bad day, whispering, “I’m here,” so softly it almost didn’t feel real.
But those moments were becoming fewer and farther between, buried under the weight of her sharp words and cold demeanour.
The hours tick by as you sit at the dining table, staring at nothing. You don’t even hear the buzz of your phone at first. When it vibrates again, more insistent this time, you snap out of your daze and pick it up. The caller ID shows Kazuha’s name.
“Hello?” Your voice cracks, still hoarse from the argument.
“Y/N,” Kazuha’s voice is urgent, tinged with panic. “You need to come to the hospital. It’s Chaewon.”
Your heart stops. “What happened?”
“She got into an accident. Just… get here as fast as you can.”
The hospital is a blur of sterile white walls and harsh fluorescent lights. The antiseptic smell fills your nostrils as you rush through the corridors, searching for the right room. Your chest feels tight, your breaths shallow. Kazuha meets you outside, her face pale and her hands trembling slightly.
“She’s stable,” Kazuha says quickly, trying to reassure you. “But she hit her head pretty hard. The doctors are saying she might have some memory loss.”
“Memory…loss?” The words barely register as you push past her and into the room.
Chaewon lies on the bed, her face pale and peaceful in a way that feels wrong. A bandage is wrapped around her head, a stark white contrast against her dark hair. You approach her slowly, your steps hesitant.
“Chae?” you whisper, sitting down beside her. Her lashes flutter, and she stirs slightly before her eyes open. Relief floods through you as you lean closer.
“You’re awake,” you say, your voice trembling. “Thank god. You’re okay.”
Her eyes blink slowly, focusing on you. For a moment, it feels like everything will be fine. But then her brow furrows, and she tilts her head slightly.
“Who… are you?” she asks, her voice soft but filled with confusion.
You blink, frozen in place. Her words echo in your mind: Who… are you?
Kazuha places a hand on your shoulder, squeezing gently. “Y/N, let’s step outside for a moment. The doctor wants to talk to you.”
Your gaze lingers on Chaewon’s confused expression, and you force a shaky smile. “I’ll be right back,” you whisper, your voice barely audible.
She nods faintly, though you can tell she’s unsure why you’re even here. Her eyes flicker to Kazuha for a brief moment before she leans back against the pillows, exhaustion taking over.
Once you’re out in the hallway, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. The doctor approaches, a clipboard in hand and a calm but professional demeanour.
“You must be Y/N,” he says. “I’m Dr. Park. I’ve been handling Ms. Kim's case.”
"Ah yea, evening Doc." You nod, gripping the hem of your shirt nervously. “What’s… what’s wrong with her? Is she going to be okay?”
“She’s stable,” he reassures you, glancing at his notes. “But as you might have guessed, the head trauma has caused some memory loss. From our initial tests, it appears she’s unable to recall the past two years.”
“T-two years?” You repeat, your voice trembling. You glance through the small window into her room, watching as Chaewon lies there, her face serene and unaware.
Dr. Park nods. “This type of retrograde amnesia isn’t uncommon in cases like hers. The memories she’s lost may come back over time, or they might not. For now, it’s best not to push her to remember. Stress could make her condition worse.”
“Does she know… does she know anything about me?” you ask hesitantly.
The doctor hesitates. “She remembers people and events prior to the memory gap clearly. But anyone she’s met in the last two years, including you… I’m afraid you’ll be a stranger to her.”
His words hit you harder than you expect, but you nod, trying to keep your expression neutral. “So, what should I do? How do I… help her?”
“Take things slow,” he advises. “Reintroduce yourself as someone here to support her. Let her regain her sense of normalcy first. The rest will come with time, if it’s meant to.”
You thank him quietly, your mind racing. A strange mix of relief and uncertainty bubbles within you. She doesn’t remember the fights, the sharp words, the constant tension—but she also doesn’t remember the good moments, the times when you thought there was still hope.
A part of you feels like this is a reset button, a rare chance to start over. But another part can’t shake the hollow ache of being erased from her life so completely.
You take a steadying breath before walking back into the room. Chaewon’s eyes flit to you as you enter, her expression unreadable.
“Hey,” you say softly, pulling a chair closer to her bedside.
She tilts her head, studying you carefully. “You… You’re Kazuha’s friend, right?”
You glance at Kazuha, who gives you a subtle nod of encouragement from the doorway. Turning back to Chaewon, you force a small smile. “Yeah. I’m just… here to help however I can.”
Chaewon seems to accept this, though the skepticism in her eyes remains. “Thanks, I guess,” she mutters, her voice laced with tiredness.
As she closes her eyes to rest, you lean back in the chair, letting out a slow breath. A small part of you feels lighter than you have in months. No arguments, no cutting remarks—just quiet. Peaceful, even.
But as you watch her, the weight of her blank stare still lingers in your chest. The person you love doesn’t know who you are. And yet, you can’t help but think: maybe this is a chance to show her a version of yourself she could love all over again.
For now, you let the hope settle, hidden behind the mask of quiet sadness you wear for her sake.
The week passes in a blur. Chaewon’s recovery is faster than anyone expected. Physically, she’s almost back to normal, but the gap in her memory remains. You watch her adjust to this new reality, navigating her day-to-day life with a mix of determination and frustration.
True to the doctor’s advice, you’ve been patient, reintroducing yourself as a supportive figure in her life without overwhelming her. She accepts your presence without question—polite, a little guarded, but far removed from the sharp-tongued firecracker you’ve known for so long.
Her management team decided it would be best for Chaewon to ease back into her idol activities gradually. You accompany her, not as her partner, but as someone who can help with her day-to-day needs. Kazuha and Sakura are visibly relieved to have you there, knowing how well you understand Chaewon’s habits.
On set, Chaewon is a model of professionalism. She’s diligent, respectful, and surprisingly soft-spoken. When she doesn’t understand something—a choreography move, a filming cue—she asks politely instead of figuring it out on her own like she used to.
“It’s weird,” she admits to you one evening, fiddling with the hem of her sweatshirt. “I don’t remember the last two years, but I still know all the lyrics and choreography. It’s like muscle memory, I guess.”
You smile faintly from where you’re sitting across the room. “That’s a good thing, right? At least it’s one less thing to stress about.”
She nods, her brows furrowing. “I guess. But it feels like I’m walking into someone else’s life. Like, who was I? Was I…” She pauses, searching for the right words. “Was I any good at it?”
You hesitate, a pang of guilt twisting in your chest. She was more than good—she was extraordinary. But her fiery ambition often bled into her personal life, creating the tension that had defined your relationship. Now, all you see is a softer, more vulnerable Chaewon.
“You were great,” you say finally. “Still are.”
Her lips twitch into a small smile, and for once, there’s no sharp remark to follow it.
You’re there in the background, watching as she joined with her members, laughs softly at their jokes, and engages with fans with genuine warmth. It’s such a far cry from the Chaewon who used to tease you mercilessly or snap when she was stressed.
At first, it’s disorienting.
One afternoon, as you help her organize a stack of photo cards at a fan sign event, she flashes you a small, almost shy smile.
“Thanks,” she says quietly, her tone devoid of the usual edge you once expected.
You nearly drop the cards. “No problem,” you manage, your voice awkward.
She doesn’t seem to notice, already turning back to greet the next fan with her signature smile.
Another day at their practice room, you accompany her under the pretence of helping her settle back in. The truth is, you just want to see this new side of her in action.
Chaewon seems… different. Lighter. She laughs with her members more, her usual sharp edge replaced by something softer. You watch from the corner of the practice room as she playfully ruffles Eunchae’s hair, earning a squeal of protest from the younger girl.
“Unnie, stop!” Eunchae whines, swatting Chaewon’s hand away.
Chaewon grins, her eyes crinkling in that familiar way that always made your heart skip a beat. “What? I’m just making sure our maknae looks her best.”
The rest of the group chuckles, and you find yourself smiling too. It’s a scene you’d rarely witnessed before, where Chaewon seems completely at ease with herself and those around her.
During their lunch break, Kazuha sits beside you, nudging your shoulder. “You’ve been staring at her a lot.”
You blink, caught off guard. “Have I…?”
Kazuha smirks. “Yeah. You look like you’re seeing a whole new Chaewon.”
You glance at Chaewon, who’s currently chatting animatedly with Sakura and Yunjin. “Maybe I am,” you admit quietly.
Kazuha’s expression softens. “It’s good, right? This version of her?”
You nod. “Yeah. It’s… it’s really good.”
By the end of the week, you’re starting to notice the cracks in your own resolve.
You don’t miss the fights—not the arguments or the hurtful words or the way she could turn a perfectly fine evening into a battlefield. What you do miss is the spark.
Chaewon’s teasing, for all its rough edges, had always carried a certain energy. There was a wit to her remarks, a confidence that made everything she said hit just the right spot between infuriating and endearing. You used to catch her smirking at you when she thought you weren’t looking, as if she enjoyed seeing how far she could push your buttons.
Now, she’s… gentle. Easy to be around. And yet, you find yourself yearning for the banter, the fire that kept you on your toes.
It’s a strange contradiction. You enjoy this new version of her, free from the biting remarks and the heavy tension that used to hang between you. But in quiet moments, when she’s busy scrolling through her phone or practicing her vocals, you find yourself wondering if she’d ever smirk at you again.
One evening, after a particularly long day of rehearsals, you’re both sitting in her apartment. Chaewon is sprawled out on the couch, her hair still damp from a quick shower. You’re at the kitchen counter, making tea.
“Y/N,” she calls out suddenly, her voice soft but clear.
You glance over. “Yeah?”
“Why do you always help me?” she asks, her tone genuinely curious.
You pause, gripping the handle of the kettle. “What do you mean?”
She shrugs, sitting up. “You don’t owe me anything. But you’re always here, even when I forget things or need help with stupid stuff. It’s… nice, but I don’t get it.”
Her words catch you off guard. For a moment, you don’t know how to respond.
“I just… care,” you say finally, avoiding her gaze. “I’m here because I want to be, not because I have to be.”
She doesn’t say anything right away. When you glance at her, she’s watching you with an expression you can’t quite place—curiosity mixed with something softer, almost vulnerable.
“Thanks,” she says again, quieter this time.
You nod, busying yourself with the tea to hide the lump forming in your throat.
Later that night, as you lie awake on the couch, you can’t help but reflect on how far things have come—and how much has changed.
This new Chaewon is someone you could fall for all over again. She’s kinder, gentler, more open in ways you never expected. But there’s a part of you that aches for the old Chaewon too—the one who used to challenge you, frustrate you, and make you laugh in ways no one else could.
It’s a bittersweet thought, knowing you may never get her back the way she was. But as you close your eyes, you remind yourself that this is a new beginning, a chance to love her for who she is now, not who she used to be.
And as you began to fall asleep, you can’t help but wonder how long this fragile peace will last.
The days slip by in a strange rhythm, where you’re never quite sure who you’ll see when you look at Chaewon.
At times, it’s like she’s still the same—sweet, easy-going, even a little shy around you. But other times, the fire you remember from before flares up unexpectedly, like a switch flipping.
You’ve gotten used to the gentle, more compliant Chaewon, the one who asks you for help with every little thing. But when her old personality slips through—when she’s sharp, playful, and downright teasing—it’s like the rug gets pulled out from under you.
One morning, you’re getting ready to leave the apartment. Chaewon is sitting on the couch, fiddling with her phone. You make your way toward the door, your keys in hand.
“Hey,” she says, her voice low and almost playful.
You stop and turn, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
Her eyes glint mischievously as she leans back on the couch, crossing her arms. “You know, you’re kinda cute when you’re all flustered.”
Your stomach does a nervous flip. “What are you talking about?” You laugh awkwardly, glancing away.
She smirks, the old Chaewon you’ve missed suddenly making an appearance. “The way you get all nervous around me when I say things like that. It’s cute. I think I might start teasing you more.”
Your heart races, half amused and half unsettled. “Chae…” You try to act annoyed, but your tone betrays you. “You don’t even remember me. What do you mean by that?”
She tilts her head, eyes narrowing with something you can’t quite read. “Maybe I don’t remember all the details, but I remember you. The guy who’s always around, always hovering, always trying to help. How could I forget you?”
Your breath catches, a flutter of hope igniting in your chest. But before you can respond, she bursts out laughing. “Just kidding, Y/N. But seriously, don’t you get it? You’re like an open book. So easy to tease.”
It feels like an old routine—one you know well. You grin despite yourself, but the warmth in your chest quickly fades into the familiar uncertainty. Was this just a moment of her old self slipping through, or was it something more?
She gets up, not waiting for an answer, her usual carefree confidence taking over once again. “You should get going. I don’t want you to be late.”
And just like that, the teasing fades, and she’s back to the softer version of herself. You stand there, still feeling the aftershock of the teasing and the warmth from that brief return to the Chaewon you used to know.
Later that week, you’re both at a recording studio for LE SSERAFIM’s comeback preparations.
Chaewon is focused on the choreography, her movements deliberate but careful. You’re sitting in the corner of the room, watching her with a quiet sense of pride, when she suddenly stumbles over a step, losing her balance for a moment.
You instinctively stand up, ready to rush over, but she waves you off with a dismissive hand. “I’m fine,” she mutters, brushing her hair out of her face. “Don’t act like you’re my manager or something.”
Your jaw tightens, the familiar spark of annoyance bubbling up inside you. “Chae, I’m just trying to help.”
She glances up at you, her expression sharp, almost a little… cruel. “Stop acting like I need you to. I’m perfectly capable of doing things on my own.”
You freeze. This is the Chaewon you remember—the one who never asked for help, the one who got irritated when anyone tried to make things easier for her.
For a moment, you forget that she doesn’t remember everything, and your heart sinks. You had hoped this version of her was gone, that the softer, gentler Chaewon would be the one to stay. But here she is, slipping back into her old self, the one who pushed you away when you tried to get close.
“Okay,” you say quietly, masking the hurt in your voice. “I’ll stay out of your way then.”
You sit back down, your hands resting in your lap as the silence stretches between you. Chaewon doesn’t say anything more, but there’s a tension in the air that wasn’t there before.
Over the next few days, these shifts continue. Sometimes, she’s the easy-going Chaewon you’ve gotten used to—polite, soft-spoken, even a little shy in her interactions with you. Other times, she snaps, teasing you with a bite in her words that leaves you reeling, or she’ll shut down, acting distant and cold.
You can’t predict when the old Chaewon will emerge, and it’s disorienting. It’s like she’s two people, and you’re not sure which one you’re going to face each day.
But then, one evening, she surprises you again.
You’re sitting on the couch together, both too tired to say much after a long day of practice. The quiet isn’t uncomfortable, but it’s heavy.
Chaewon’s smile widens, but it’s different this time—not as teasing or sharp. It’s softer, almost tender, like she’s rediscovering something she once knew. She leans back against the couch, her gaze drifting to the ceiling, her thoughts seemingly miles away.
“I think I’m starting to remember more,” she says, her voice almost inaudible.
You freeze, a flutter of hope stirring in your chest. “Remember more?”
She looks at you, a faint smile still tugging at her lips. “Yeah. The old me. The one who used to—” Her words trail off, as if she’s still piecing things together in her mind. “Maybe I was a little too much sometimes… difficult. But I think I’m figuring out who I really am now.”
The words hit you harder than you expect. There’s something almost melancholic in the way she speaks, a quiet acknowledgment of her past, yet also a sense of self-awareness in the present.
You stay silent, watching her closely. There’s no sharp retort, no teasing grin to follow. For a moment, you just exist in this space, caught between who Chaewon was and who she’s becoming.
For a while, neither of you speaks. But you know—no matter which version of her you get, the part of her that’s still here, right now, is still the Chaewon you care about. Maybe it’s not the same, and maybe it never will be, but that doesn’t make it any less real. And for now, that’s enough.
It starts innocently enough—a rare free day where you and Chaewon decide to hang out in your apartment. She’s lounging on the couch, scrolling through her phone, while you’re in the kitchen attempting to make lunch. Everything is blissfully normal until you hear her gasp dramatically.
“YAAAA!” she shouts, the intensity of her voice startling you so much that you nearly drop the spatula.
“What? What happened?” you ask, rushing into the living room, half-expecting to see something catastrophic.
Chaewon’s eyes narrow as she points accusingly at you with her phone. “How could you?”
You blink, utterly confused. “How could I… what?”
Her face twists in mock devastation as she waves her phone like it’s evidence in a court case. “I was looking through old photos, and you were smiling way too much in the pictures we took during my memory loss phase.”
You stare at her, waiting for the punchline, but she looks genuinely offended. “What does that even mean?”
“It means,” she says, sitting up and glaring at you, “that you clearly liked her more than me. Admit it!”
You pinch the bridge of your nose, trying to process the absurdity of the situation. “Chae, you are her. It’s literally still you.”
“But it’s not me!” she insists, crossing her arms and pouting. “That version of me was sweet and soft and totally not me. You liked her better because she wasn’t mean to you, didn’t she?”
“I—what?” you stammer, completely thrown off. “No! I mean, she was nice, sure, but I didn’t like her better! It’s the same person, Chae!”
“Liar!” she exclaims, standing up and stomping over to you. “You probably enjoyed having her dote on you, didn’t you? Bet you didn’t even miss the real me at all!”
You take a cautious step back, holding your hands up defensively. “I did miss you! And I didn’t cheat on you with... you! That doesn’t even make sense!”
Chaewon huffs, her jealousy reaching peak absurdity. “Oh, it makes perfect sense. I leave for a few weeks mentally, and you’re out here having the time of your life with some soft, clingy version of me. Unbelievable!”
She pokes your chest, her expression a mix of irritation and… something else. “Admit it! You liked how she was all shy and asked for help, didn’t you? Bet you enjoyed being the big, helpful boyfriend for once instead of dealing with me!”
You can’t help it—you burst out laughing. The whole situation is so ridiculous you can’t take it seriously anymore.
“Chaewon, do you hear yourself right now? You’re jealous of yourself.”
Her cheeks flush, and she smacks your arm. “Don’t laugh! This is serious! I’m trying to have a heartfelt moment here.”
“Heartfelt?” you repeat between laughs. “You’re accusing me of emotionally cheating on you with another version of you. That’s not heartfelt—that’s a sitcom plot!”
Chaewon’s pout deepens, but there’s a hint of a smile threatening to break through her faux anger. “Well… maybe I’m a little jealous, okay? You didn’t seem to miss me as much as I thought you would.”
You sigh, shaking your head in exasperation. “Chaewon, I missed you every single day. The real you.”
Her glare falters, but she doesn’t back down. Instead, she crosses her arms and looks away, pouting. “You’re just saying that to get out of trouble.”
You take a cautious step closer, tilting your head to catch her eye. “Trouble for what? Loving my girlfriend, no matter which version of her I get?”
She glances at you, her pout softening slightly. “You’re lucky you’re cute,” she mutters under her breath.
Just as you’re about to breathe a sigh of relief, she surprises you by grabbing your shirt and pulling you down to her level. Her lips crash against yours in a kiss so sudden and intense that your brain short-circuits.
When she finally pulls away, she’s still glaring, but there’s a faint blush on her cheeks. “That’s so you don’t forget who you really belong to.”
Before you can respond, she kisses you again, her hands tangling in your hair as if staking her claim. “Chae—”
“Shut up,” she murmurs against your lips. “I’m still mad.”
You can’t help but laugh, your hands settling on her waist. “You don’t seem that mad to me.”
“Don’t push your luck,” she warns, but there’s no real heat in her voice.
By the time she lets you go, you’re both out of breath, and the tension has melted away entirely. She steps back, her arms still crossed, but there’s a sheepish smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
“So,” you say, trying to catch your breath, “are we good now? Or should I prepare for another interrogation about cheating on you with… you?”
She rolls her eyes but leans into your chest, her head resting against you. “We’re good. But if I ever catch you looking at ‘soft Chaewon’ like that again, we’re going to have words.”
You chuckle, wrapping your arms around her. “Noted. But for the record, I love you—sharp edges and all.”
She looks up at you, her smile softening. “Good. Because you’re stuck with me, no matter which version of me shows up.”
Maybe you’ve been accused of cheating, maybe it’s all completely ridiculous, but in that moment, you can’t help but love her even more—especially when she’s acting like her old, impossible self.
You could probably get used to this Chaewon too.
#le sserafim#kim chaewon#chaewon#chaewon x reader#lesserafim x reader#chaewon fluff#kim chaewon x reader#izone chaewon#kpop#x reader#le sserafim fluff#le sserafim x you
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Your requests are opennn and I just saw the tsukishima fic and i luv ittt! May i request a prompt wherein kei and managerf!reader have been dating in the middle of the school year for a while and the team finds out? Thankss
𝐊𝐄𝐈 𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀 what is going on word count ; (1,225) content warning ; (sorry it took me so long to answer - i want to say i was perfecting it but really i was procrastinating, secret relationship unveiled, talkative mom, second year! tsukishima)
The gym is hot. It’s usually hot, what with all the players running up and down the court, breaking a sweat, breathing heavily, but today feels different. Maybe the twenty year old AC system has finally kicked the bucket.
The bleachers on either side of the gym are packed with people from both Karasuno and Ichibayashi. You’re not sure why so many people showed up, but you don’t really care. You sit next to Yachi on the bench where the team sits during time-outs, fanning yourself with your clipboard.
“This sucks,” you say to nobody in particular. Yachi is on one side, but there is a first year on the other side. You turn to the blonde girl, who’s staring intently at the court, and exhale dramatically. “Yachi, I said this sucks.”
“No, I heard you the first time,” she says nonchalantly, though you can see her trying to fight the smile threatening to break out on her face. She turns to look at you, letting her head lull to the side. “How can this suck, Y/n? We’re winning!”
You blink at her a couple times. “We haven’t lost a single set to Ichibayashi since before Suga-san’s first year. If we lose, I’m quitting as a manager.”
She huffs, rolling her eyes and turning her attention back to the game. You scrunch up your face, but do the same, eyes dead set on finding Kei.
He always looks so handsome on the court. You often tell him that he goes into The Zone when he plays volleyball, but he just rolls his eyes and calls you weird. It would make you sad if you didn’t realize pretty early that his love language is shit-talking.
You watch him leap off the ground, effectively blocking Ichibayashi’s ball and scoring a point for Karasuno. You don’t realize until the crowd behind you erupts in cheers that the point he scored was the winning point.
Your body reacts before your mind can catch up, and you stand quickly, clapping your hands together in excitement. Yachi does the same beside you, and so do the rest of the benched players.
You watch Karasuno shake hands with the other team, thanking them for a good game, and then it’s done. You’re packing up your stuff, the team, including Kei, is headed to the locker room, but the call of his name startles you both.
“Oh, Kei!” You could hear that voice even if you were deaf. You turn slowly, watching your mother flag the tall boy down, calling his name like it means stop. “Kei! You played so well! I was wondering if you’d like to come over for dinner after this? You’re always welcome, but I’d like to invite you myself. Heaven knows Y/n will forget. How does that sound? I can call your mother if—”
“Mom!” Your voice echoes off the gym first, your sneakers against the waxy floor is next. You skid to a stop in between the two of them, eyes wide. “What are you doing?” You exclaim incredulously at her.
She raises her brows, obviously offended. “Excuse me, little girl. I’m inviting Kei to dinner tonight.” She clicks her tongue, putting her hand on her hip. You hate to say it, but this is where your attitude comes from and there’s no denying it. “I didn’t think you would have a problem with that.”
“I don’t, I just—” you cut yourself off, glancing around as you realize the whole team is staring at you. “I, um, was going to do that. I remembered, so you didn’t have to.”
She purses her lips, lifting her eyes to where Kei’s eyes presumably are. “Can you believe this? Angry with her mother because I invited someone she was already going to invite.”
“That’s not why I’m—”
“I know,” Kei cuts you off, patting you on the head a couple times. “Terrible, isn’t she?”
Your mother laughs, placing a hand on her chest like Kei is the funniest person she’s ever met. Spoiler alert; he’s not. She does have you in her life, after all.
“Okay.” You place your hands on her shoulders, turning her around towards the exit. “Time for you to go home and start working on dinner, yeah? We’ll be there in, like, thirty minutes.”
“Okay, sweetie,” she calls back with a wave of her hand. She glances back once more, giving Kei a tiny wave and big smile. Unbeknownst to you, he waves back.
When you turn around, you find the whole team still staring at you.
“What was that?” Ennoshita asks, narrowing his eyes.
You furrow your brows, tilting your head. “What was what? My mom’s crazy, don’t mind her.”
He hums, but Narita is nudging him into the locker room, mumbling something about post-game dinner ritual. Nishinoya and Tanaka are narrowing their eyes at you too.
“Why is your mom inviting Tsukishima to dinner at your house?”
“Yeah, why him, of all people. Why not me? I’m funnier and way handsome-r.”
You roll your eyes, but turn your attention to Kei and glare at him. “‘She’s terrible, isn’t she?’” You repeat in a mocking tone, scrunching your face up. “Do you hate me?”
”Wait, I’m confused.”
You look at Hinata and press your lips together. “When are you not?”
He. gives you a faux laugh and narrows his eyes— too many people have done that already, you’re starting to get a little annoyed. “Why is your mom inviting Tsukishima over to dinner and not one of us? Why does your mom like the meanest person in our year.”
Now, you hesitate. At the beginning of the year, you realized just how good Kei was at keeping secrets. You realized he didn't want all the drama that came with a public relationship, and neither did you, so you kept it a more private thing. That’s what was most comfortable for the two of you. However, it quickly became a nuisance. There were rumors of you two dating anyway, when Kei started being just the smallest bit nicer to you. It was harder to be around him and keep your feelings in check because, if you didn't, other people would find out and that would be a tragedy for the both of you.
”She’s my girlfriend, idiot.” The words coming from Kei shock you. Your head whips around to look at him so fast, you fear there might be a touch of whiplash involved. Your eyes are wide, eyebrows raised to your hairline.
”What are you doing?” You ask through gritted teeth, tone walking the line of sing-songy and mad.
He turns to you now, smiling softly. “It’s getting tiresome having to hide our relationship, isn’t it? Plus, people already thought we were dating.” He shrugs. “Give the people what they want, right?”
You smile back at him. You think Kei has changed a lot since first year— in a good way, of course. He’s kinder, softer, stronger. All of the hinges that have changed about him, also changed with you. You don’t know it yet, but you two have made each other better people in the time frame of your relationship at this moment.
”What?” Hinata exclaims, putting his hands on his head. “What do you mean you’re dating? How could you date him? He’s so— and you’re so— what is going on!”
#haikyuu#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu!!#haikyuu!! x reader#kawoala#tsukishima kei x reader#haikyuu!! tsukishima#tsukishima x reader#haikyuu tsukishima#tsukishima kei#tsukishima fluff#tsukishima kei haikyuu#haikyuu tsukki#haikyuu!! tsukishima kei
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-ˋˏ| summary: Late at night, Aemond thinks of you to keep himself awake. And he doesn't doubt to ask for your help to do so.
✧ | Pairing: Modern!Aemond Targaryen x reader
✧ | word count: 1.5k
✧ | Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Masturbation, Submissive Aemond..., Sending nudes and stuff.
✧ | notes: i wanted to try something new and short as i was busy, and this came up. very obviously inspired on expresso by sabrina carpenter!
miss you
It was no surprise to get messages of this kind from him, especially when he was so busy with the last bit of college. Aemond has told you how many essays he has to do, and how many exams are left.
It was almost the start of summer, and he liked to torture himself by studying two careers at once.
miss u too ;)
There was something peculiar with your relationship with Aemond, you loved to be a tease around him. But it was partially his fault, since he entertained your whims.
His brother Aegon was the only one aware of this situation between you two, since he catched you both in the act. Not even having sex… yet it did not look good for Aemond.
Aemond always texted you in the nights, where he was up until late, studying. You also worked late, but you did it for different reasons.
“Mhm… Alys never wanted to do those things with me…” he confided in you once, to which you responded.
“Mhm. Too bad your ex didn’t do it for you”
He often tells you how you were like a dream girl, something you took pride in. Aemond wasn't just some love sick puppy. He was truly a good catch, and yet he was all wrapped on your finger.
It was due to both of you being quite nonchalant about the whole matter. If it worked, nice. If not, whatever. Yet you both found this weird teasing game interesting.
I can’t sleep.
You checked the time. It was 2:37 AM. It was no secret he couldn’t sleep, and you were awake too.
It’s late. Go to sleep.
His answers always came quickly.
I can’t. I am finishing one essay and then the other. I don’t think I’ll be sleeping.
Aemond wasn’t the type to do small talk, or whine about his problems just because. He didn’t do things just because.
You had a small smirk as you rolled to your stomach in bed as you saw his message. You type yours quickly.
Boo ;(
You turn your nightstand light on, as you get up to go and fetch a glass of water as you wait for his answer. He probably already replied by the second, but you truly didn’t care. You liked to tease him on this. Sweet and slow.
As you come back on your bed, your cat goes away to the movement, as you take your phone sipping your water.
Can I get a picture? Please.
He was always like this. Wanting a small encouragement as if that would make his performance at his studies better.
And you indulge him. Aemond knows that even if he was the one taking all the initiative, you don’t ignore him for a reason. And he loves when you play hard to get.
Sometimes, when he made something to displease you, he had to apologize as he kissed you. Or sometimes you’ll tease him, stroke his cock over the clothes and then abandon him to his luck. It drove him insane, and it made him want you further.
He was sitting on his desk, the light tried to make him focus on the papers in front of him, yet Aemond could only wait anxiously for your message. Every two seconds he checked his phone. He yawns as he looks at the hour.
It is probably ten minutes later when the notification of a video pops up, and he stands up to watch it from his bed. He knows he needs it like this; he was almost painfully hard, since he had been trying to do it on his own, but he needed you.
Your video is all he needs. The lightness of the video comes as too bright, but he manages to get over it. You were wearing that lingerie that he loved and gifted you, which you sometimes put it with a babydoll that matches.
Yet this time you weren’t wearing it, and he could see your shiny skin, probably you oiled it up a bit to his delight. It takes him a while to separate his eyes from your clothed cunt, to see that you weren’t wearing the bra that comes with the lingerie.
You were a tease, not allowing him to see your cunt as he would love to. He gets totally distracted by you, imagining anything but his studies, and all of his thoughts were filled with you. He often allowed himself to try any new idea you have, no matter how weird it might sound, he gives it a shot for you.
You twirl around to allow him to check you out in that outfit. Oh you looked so pretty, and so tempting like that. It drove him insane, as his hand moved down almost by pure instinct.
Your next message kills him.
Was it what you wanted?
He never plays hard when he is hard and needy.
Yes. I’m horny as hell. I can’t concentrate anymore.
You smirk, as you ponder for a moment before texting him.
Want my help? I think you should give it long and slow strokes, baby. Up and down.
You don’t hear from him for the next 5 minutes, honestly. He was dead silent, he left you on read and nothing more.
And then the video he sends starts loading on the chat, and you lean back on your bed as you bite your lip, seeing the blurry preview while you wait.
You didn’t want to play hard to get and see it later; you opened it immediately when you saw the frame of Aemond’s naked chest, as he propped his phone up on his nightstand beside his bed. Even if it was clumsy, you could see his chest flexing as he tried to accommodate it so it wouldn't fall. He wasn’t as experienced as you with video angles for these kinds of things, but it made it all hotter.
As he lies back in the pillows, you can see how he bites his lip, his hand drifting down from his chest to under his pants. You accompanied him when he bought that pair; green and black squares. He didn’t like the shirt that came with it, and you were so thankful for it because you could see his toned chest that you so much liked.
“Fuck…” He groans, moving his waistband lower, just enough to let his cock slip out and he doesn’t waste a moment more, his hand strokes it slowly, as the pleasure starts building up in his lower belly.
As his cock slid through his fingers, you heard his heavy breathing, murmuring curses as his back was against the headboard of his bed. His cock was throbbing, as he looked at his cock with a half-lidded expression. You could see it all, and the angle made it all better. Aemond was usually very restrictive when it came to sending nudes; he never added his face or even allowed his long platinum hair to get in frame. But this was a full on feast after what now seems as crumbs.
Even if he started with slow, long and teasing strokes, he quickly became more and more eager, as his cock twitched and leaked. Soon enough, his hips bucking into his own hand as he groaned loudly, as his head leaned back from how good it felt fucking his own hand.
“Fuck, this feel so good…” He groans, as you could hear the wet sounds and the bed moving under his movements. Aemond was never too vocal or too quiet, but tonight he seems rather eager, and with good reason, since his stress is probably the source from his high drive tonight.
You always loved how thick he was, and you could see how red his tip was as he thrusted his own hand, whimpering in the microphone.
“Gods… Oh, fuck” he mutters as you could see how his thighs trembled and his groans where louder. His balls tighten up, and you could see how he was close to cumming, increasing his pace by minute.
Even if he tried to prolong his pleasure, it seems he was rather more prone to show you the effect you had on him.
As he came undone, muttering a line of curses and pleads, you could see how he came, cum spilling over his fingers in hot and thick roped that you’ll love to lick it. He made sure to milk every last drop, as he gasped and turned to the camera for a moment, biting his lower lip as he was flustered, his cheeks rosy and his chest moving with each breath.
As he was spent he leaned over to the camera with a half lazy half sheepish smirk and he ends the video, not saying anything else after it.
It is after you end the video, you get another message from him.
I’ll be thinking about you all night.
And you sure hoped he did.
#aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen smut#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen fanfic#aemond smut#aemond x reader#aemond fanfic#house of the dragon#hotd#house of the dragon smut#house of the dragon fanfic#hotd smut#hotd fanfic#aemond targaryen fanfiction#aemond targaryen x reader smut#aemond modern au#aemond targaryen x you#aemondtargaryen#ewan nation#aemond the kinslayer#prince aemond#modern aemond targaryen#modern aemond targaryen x reader#modern aemond#Spotify
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okokok first up thinking about: ethan keeping you away from act 3 by less than morally sound means… drugging, kidnapping, convincing you to run away with him, (etc.) dealers choice!!!
*sorry if this is really broad, i wanted to leave room for creativity + i’m also on a bus home rn so i’m a little delirious lol but i’ll think of some more stuff to send your way when i’m home bc it’s time for ethan to come home for halloween the kids miss him😖*
a/n: faeeee you always be giving me the best requestsss, and also yes omggg Jack come home, there’s a kid waiting for you!!!
Ethan not-so-subtly “putting you to sleep” to protect you.

“I’ll take care of her, promise, just don’t touch her!” Was what he said to Quinn when they had a massive argument about you.
She called him soft, that he was falling for you.
Soft? Him? No, he was just fooling you, mocking you, you were the stupid one here, not him, you were the one who fell for him, he certainly doesn’t love you. He just… enjoys spending some time with you, enjoys kissing you maybe, sometimes he may even find pleasure in fucking you.
But he’s not growing soft and he is not falling in love… yet he finds it weird why he wants to protect you so much.
It’s getting even harder because you won’t fall for his bullshit excuses, you won’t fall for “Oh, they all cancelled, why don’t we stay in tonight?” or “I just wanna hang out with you instead.” so he has to get creative, lately he’s been putting sedatives in your drinks, that green smoothie of yours, — not morally correct, yeah, but so isn’t shoving a knife in your best friend’s guts, whoops, he’ll apologise later — the problem is that you’ve began to notice.
“Dunno, I just have been feeling a lot sleepier lately.” You mention, he sits beside you on the couch, watching you take clueless sips of your juice. “Do you think I’ve gotten the wrong powder? Maybe it has some random side-effects I don’t know about.”
His hand drives itself to your thigh, slightly flexes on top of your skin. “Have you read the full ingredients?”
“Top to bottom.” You huff, lean your shoulder into him.
“What about the side-effects? Does it mention anything about it?” He portrays himself as the perfect boyfriend, just trying to help you and your sudden tiredness, luckily, you fall for it.
“No, not really.” You sink even more into his shoulder, your vision already looking hazy.
“Huh… that’s weird…” he glances sideways at you, watching the way you make yourself comfortable, his arm leaves your thigh to wrap around you waist.
“Mhm..” you yawn, he bites down a smirk.
It’s like you don’t even notice, like you’re so clueless, but he likes you this way, maybe he’ll even succeed in his plan if he just keeps doing it.
He sees the how you allow your eyes to fall shut, how you trust him so much that you don’t mind getting this vulnerable next to him — it’s cute.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be here when you wake up.” He mutters, his hand slightly caressed your exposed skin.
He will in fact be here when you wake up.
But before that, he’ll make sure you’re comfortable in bed and go out to try and shoot Tara’s brains out.
#ethan landry x you#ethan landry smut#ethan landry scream#ethan landry imagine#ethan landry x reader#ethan landry fanfiction#ethan landry x y/n#ethan landry fic#ethan landry x fem!reader#ethan landry fluff#ethan landry#jack champion#jack champion x y/n#jack champion fluff#jack champion scream#jack champion imagine#jack champion x reader#jack champion smut#ghostface x y/n#scream smut#ghostface x you#scream 6#ghostface smut#scream 6 smut#ghostface imagine#ghostface x reader#ghostface#𝜗𝜚: ethan landry#. requests#webbluvrsugar
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love song (bang chan x gn!reader)



angst with a fluffy ending, both chan and reader are producers/songwriters, chan is kinda an asshole for a while but he quickly apologises, not proofread; 1,3k words
author's note: a little fic requested by a lovely anon !! i kinda wrote it in one go and didnt have time to properly correct the mistakes so i apologise for typos and any other stuff >< please remember that feedback and reblogs are highly appreciated🫶🏽
“time for a break,” you announced with a smile as you entered your little homemade studio holding two bags. “i got us some food and coffee.”
chan looked up at you from his laptop and mirrored your smile, taking both bags from you with a soft thank you. you sat down on the couch with a loud huff and chan handed you your food.
“you wanna listen to the song? i made a few touch ups to that part we were struggling with,” he asked, sipping on his americano and you nodded, mouth full of the pasta.
as soon as chan played the song you closed your eyes, letting yourself be completely engulfed by the music.
it was a rather upbeat melody, but when you were writing the lyrics a while ago you tried to make it really emotional and, what’s most important, true. some might think it’s cliché to constantly write songs about your lover, but it comes naturally to you. the emotions you pour into the lyrics, the memories and wishes, everything is about you and chan. and even as you sell your songs to various artists, you always know exactly who it’s about when they sing it.
you snapped your eyes open around the middle of the song as one fragment of a few seconds did not sound as it should.
“wait, let me listen to it again” you said with a frown and he wordlessly rewinded the song for a few seconds. “why does it sound so weird?” you mumbled to yourself as that one part was just not right. you took a sip of coffee from your cup, trying to understand what changed about the song. you two were talking about that part a few days before and…
“channie, did you change the melody?” you asked in disbelief. he turned around to look at you, but your irritated expression didn’t make any impression on him.
“yeah, it sounds better now, right?” you huffed loudly, getting up from your place on the couch to walk your anger away.
“i told you i want this part to sound specifically as it did before! why would you change it? we talked about it,” you let out, your voice getting louder with each word spoken.
“relax, baby, it’s not a big deal,” he explained calmly, trying to reach for your hand, but you were quicker, taking it away and putting it in the pocket of his hoodie that you were wearing.
“no, it’s the fact that it’s the first time we finally work together and you already don’t listen to my advice.”
it was chan’s turn to huff, he was visibly getting annoyed by your words. “this wouldn’t be a problem if you wouldn’t make one of it.”
“this wouldn’t be a problem if you wouldn’t ignore my opinion.”
“alright, yn, let’s just stop this. i’m getting tired of this conversation,” he said, turning around and putting his headphones on, pretending to work on some other track just so you wouldn’t bother him anymore.
you stood in the room for a while longer, staring at chan in pure shock. he may have pretended to be busy, but as you finally decided to leave the studio he noticed how you wiped your face and he sure heard the loud thud the door made as you slammed them. you went straight to your bedroom, wrapping yourself in the blanket and trying to stifle your sobs.
hours passed as you finally sat up, grabbing your notebook to write some ideas for new songs. your eyes were still puffy as you scribbled down random words and rhymes, desperately trying to take off your mind from the argument, but no matter how hard you tried the situation came back to you like a boomerang. you weren’t sure if chan did it purposely or if he simply forgot about your conversation - you knew he was busy, so it might’ve slipped out of his mind. but it didn’t change the fact that it hurt you.
both of you dreamed of working together for a long time - someone might think that you two could easily just write some songs for each other in your home studio. isn’t that enough? people say, but you always say that it’s different to play around on a saturday evening with a glass of wine and to write and produce tracks for other artists. it is a big deal to you - the fact that the song you both worked on will be featured on another artist’s album, heard by thousands, if not millions of people, and they all will hear about your love for chan and only you will know who it’s about.
a soft knock on the door pulled you out of your thoughts. you put down the notebook, keeping a firm look on chan as he quietly closed the door behind him. he was already in his pyjamas, ready to sleep, and you fought the urge to send him to sleep on the couch.
“you still mad?” he asked with hesitation dripping down his voice. you didn’t say anything, waiting for him to say something other than the obvious. “listen, i feel really bad.”
“as you should.”
he sighed, scratching the back of his head. “i know. but i don’t wanna go to sleep without talking.” he said desperately, taking a few steps onward and carefully sitting on the other side of the bed.
you exhaled loudly. you also didn’t want to leave it like this. “it really hurt me, y’know?” you started, feeling as the tears started to well up in your eyes. “we literally talked about the song a few days ago and i told you how i want that particular fragment to sound like and you agreed. then why-” your voice broke a little as a few tears ran down your cheeks. chan was quick to wipe them off and this time you didn’t stray from his touch. “-why would you change it now? i just don’t understand.”
chan took a moment to think before he spoke again. “i have nothing to say in my defence,” he started quietly. “i was just bored yesterday when i couldn’t sleep and decided to change a few things about the song and i just forgot to leave that part be. i’m so sorry, baby, i know i shouldn’t have behaved like that earlier, i don’t know what had gotten into myself,” he confessed, his cheeks now cherry red as shame filled his body. he didn’t look at you, he couldn’t, because he knew he fucked up.
“let that be your first warning,” you said firmly after what felt like eternity to chan. “i’m not that experienced as you when it comes to producing songs, but i would really appreciate you actually listening to my ideas. just talk to me whenever you want to make changes like that, okay?” chan nodded quickly.
“i will. i’m really sorry, my baby.”
“i know you are.”
“are we okay now?” he asked hesitantly.
“yeah, we are.” you smiled softly as chan’s body visibly relaxed at your words. “but i’m still hurt though.”
“will a kiss make it better?” he proposed, a bit bolder now as the atmosphere around you wasn’t so tense anymore. you didn’t respond, leaning over to place a peck on his lips with a smile.
“maybe a little bit,” you giggled. chan captured your face in his hands, looking you deeply in the eyes.
“by the way i changed that part,” he confessed. “it sounds exactly how you wanted it to.”
you grinned, whispering a soft thank you, and chan finally kissed you, making the world around you disappear. you didn’t know how long it was before you finally broke the kiss, panting heavily.
that night you held him in your arms, letting him rest his head on your chest so he could hear your heartbeat and to his surprise it was his favourite love song that you ever created.
taglist ! @astraystayyh @laylasbunbunny @l3visbby @like-a-diamondinthesky @hanjsquokka @xichien @xocandyy @minhosbitterriver
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words: 3.5k
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, stepbro!rafe, stepcest, drugging, noncon/dubcon, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, female receiving oral, fingering, multiple orgasms, unprotected p in v sex, pregnancy, somnophilia, male masturbation, bit of voyeurism?, mention of plan b, reader is 19 (rafe is like 20/21 but its not explicitly said)
“hey, sis.” rafe calls from the bottom of the stairs. you peak your head out of your room, curls swaying as you look at him. “i made you dinner.” “oh, you did!” you squeal, bounding down the stairs to fall into rafe arms, giving him a big hug as he spins you. “you’re the best step brother ever!”
rafe loves your reaction. something as simple as him preparing some food for you has you hugging and thanking him incessantly, a big smile on your face, so appreciated of the little act.
“no problem, sis. you’ll eat with me right?” rafe asks, having already placed the meal in the dining room, his plate at the head of the table, yours right next to him. he didn’t want to mix up whose was whose, for reasons you didn’t know yet.
“of course.” you nod, letting rafe interlace your fingers together as he leads you towards the dining room. you look at your place already set, another grin coming to your face. rafe made you soup and already got a big glass of water for you.
“thank you so much.” you hug rafe before sitting down, not realizing how much having your body pressed against his is affecting him.
“of course, bunny.” rafe says, leaning over the side of the table to push a strand of your hair behind your ear, not missing the way a blush comes to your cheeks.
you stir the soup before bringing the spoon to your mouth, blowing on it before taking a sip. “oh my gosh, rafey!” you smile at your brother. “this is so good!”
“im glad, honey.” rafe says, patting your thigh under the table before he works on his meal as well, letting out a breath of relief when you couldn’t taste what he had slipped in. “so, tell me about your day.”
“ugh, well i got into a fight with tiffy…” you begin to recount the details as you eat, not noticing that one of rafes hands stays underneath the table, just out of view as he grinds his hand down against his crotch, not able to control his cock when he’s around you, even your sweet little voice just explaining the drama of your day has him rock hard.
you don’t notice as rafes hand starts to jack up and down, his shoulder barely moving, his cock now free from his pants, praying he cums before you finish your soup, glad that you’re guzzling it all down. he wasn’t sure how much to put in, the secret ingredient he added just to yours. he wanted to make sure it took effect, but at the same time didn’t want to make you pass out.
“and then i took a shower.” you shrug. “boring, i didn’t do anything special. just shaved my legs and stuff. i did do a hair mask actually.” you touch over your curls, hoping they look a little shinier than normal.
“looks good.” rafe says, his voice hoarse, like he’s straining, and you make a weird face for a split second, trying to decipher if something is wrong before you shrug it off, immediately returning to recounting your day. “but i did use this new moisturizer all over, and it smells sooo good. like strawberries mixed with vanilla. just delicious.” you let out a small moan when describing the scent, not even realizing that rafe jolts in his seat, cumming into his hand as he bites his lip hard, barely holding back his noises.
“not as good as this soup though, rafey. thank you sooo much.” you reach over, rubbing your hand over his bicep. rafe quickly tucks himself back into his shorts, letting out an awkward cough.
“its no problem, really.” he shrugs. he feels a little guilty. you're so appreciative, and everything he’s doing has ulterior motives, but then you smile at him, and rafes cock pulses in his pants, and the bit of guilt goes out the window.
you sway towards the bed, wondering if you are coming down with something, your body warm, skin sweaty. you have already put on a pair of short pajamas, opting to skip the long set you usually like due to how hot you are.
you flop down on top of the covers, fanning yourself. you close your eyes, trying to sleep, but there's so much heat coming from you, especially between your legs.
“ugh!” you let out a groan, tugging your pajama shirt off to leave you in a sports bra, your shorts the next to go. you toss them off the bed and lay back, feeling like you can see your heartbeat through your skin.
you try turning to the side, hoping switching positions would make you fall asleep, but as your eyes close, so do your thighs, clenching them together as you grind back and forth, a delicious amount of pressure on your privates.
you quickly realize what you are doing and flip onto your back, panting heavily. you reach slowly between your legs. you've never masturbated before, but you've heard from your friends and movies what it is, so you cautiously rub a singular finger over top of your underwear when you suddenly press over a part of you that makes your entire body jolt, a moan forcing its way out of your mouth.
you try rubbing harder, focusing on the spot. you aren't even aware of the noises falling from your lips as your hand quickens, gasping out when you realize that your underwear is wet.
you've never felt the weird slickness between your legs before, but it helps your underwear rub easier over your skin, so you ignore it and continue.
before you realize what is happening, a damn breaks and a high spreads throughout your body. you scream out, limbs shaking as you rub yourself, realizing halfway through that this must be an orgasm.
you physically jolt off the bed when you realize that you just screamed out loud. it was only you and rafe in the house, everyone else gone for a weekend trip, but he must have heard you, his room right across the hall from yours, but you have more pressing issues as the orgasm did nothing to calm you down, immediately beginning to rub between your legs again.
you slide your shaky legs off the bed, knowing this isn't normal, the way your body is working. you must be sick, ill. you stumble out of your room and slam your body into rafes door, not caring that you fell into the wood, not when it's so cool and decreasing your temperature.
“sis?” rafe opens the door, and you quite literally fall into his arms.
“some… somethings wrong, rafe.” you pant, hands gripping at his shoulders as he holds you up.
“come in, come in.” rafe says, pulling you further into the room, kicking his door behind you. rafe maneuvers you to the bed, and the second you're sat down on the edge, your thighs are clenched together.
“i-i feel really weird. somethings wrong with my body i don't know, help me please.” you sob, chest rising and falling quickly.
“okay, okay.” rafe says, somehow not seeming surprised about the state you're in.
rafe places a hand on your shoulder, and you cry out from the touch, feeling like your body is on fire.
“i must have ate something bad or-” you pause mid sentence, realization sinking in. you look to rafe with wide eyes. “what did you do?”
“come on sissy, let me help you out.” rafes thumb sweeps over your skin, forcing a shiver through your body.
“rafe.” you say cautiously, but it turns into a whine when he tugs on the strap of your sports bra.
“it's okay.” rafe says so softly. “im just taking care of you.” rafe brings his other hand to your torso, grabbing the bottom of your bra and pulling it over your head, your arms too weak to do anything but rise up and let him take it off.
you know you should cover your chest, but it feels so good to have your nipples exposed to the cold air as you let out a low moan. rafe pushes your shoulders back, and you fall against the bed without even trying to hold yourself up.
“such gorgeous tits, sis.” rafe leans over your body, hands coming to grip your chest, palms rubbing against your nipples.
“p-please.” you beg. “you're my brother.”
“just your step brother.” rafe bites back. “and i know you'd want me if your mom hadn't married my dad. i just needed to slip a little something into your soup to help you along.”
rafe isn't wrong, of course you find him attractive, but you did everything in your power to set that aside and truly see him as a brother, even if you didn't meet until well into your teens.
“you drugged me?” you squeal, pushing your chest into his hands as he massages his fingers into your plump chest, putting enough pressure to keep you down, not that you’re truly resisting.
“just a little aphrodisiac.” rafe glances down between your legs, your underwear completely soaked. “clearly it worked.” “just… just make me stop feeling like this.” you say quietly, ashamed of what you are asking for.
“yeah?” rafe smirks, immediately starting to move, pulling his shirt off and tossing it away. “gonna fuck you so good, sis.”
“you can’t tell anyone.” you remind rafe, even as your eyes gloss over at seeing his muscles. you sit up suddenly, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you kiss him. you moan against his mouth, pulling him onto the bed before flipping so you’re on top. you make out with rafe, truly not sure if you’re even doing a good job, you’ve never taken anything this far with a guy before.
you grind your hips down over rafes crotch, feeling how hard he is beneath his sweatpants. whatever rafe put in your soup makes it for too easy for you to cum as you already feel your high building again, especially when rafe raises his hands to play with your nipples, pinching and flicking at them while you buck your hips into his.
you pull away from rafes kiss with a squeal as you cum, your knees pressing together around rafes hips.
“holy shit, that was hot.” rafe smiles up at you, a toothy grin that has butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
“just help me, please.” you beg. rafe nods, flipping you over onto the bed. you shuck your underwear off as he takes off his sweats, frowning when he's still covered by his underwear.
“ive wanted to taste you for so long-” rafe says, shoving your legs open as he lays in between them, his eyes on your soaked cunt.
“rafe, what are you gonna do-ooooh!” you shout as rafe lurches forward, burying his head between your legs. his tongue licks long stripes through your folds, lapping up all of your juices.
“never got head before?” rafe smirks, bringing a finger to your hole, teasing it by simply circling around.
“no, never done anything with a guy before.” you admit shyly.
“aww, baby.” rafe pouts up at you. “i didn’t know you were a virgin. that almost makes me feel bad about this.” rafes feeling doesn’t last long as his tongue is quickly back on your cunt, this time flicking directly over your clit.
you bring your hands to his hair, holding his face into your pussy as you grind your hips. rafe sucks your bud into his mouth the same time his finger plunges into you, forcing out yet another orgasm that has you screaming so loud you’re concerned the neighbors would hear.
“so, so good.” you whine, your clit feeling oversensitive but still filled with need as rafe continues licking and sucking, his finger now thrusting in and out of you.
“can make you feel like this all the time, sis. gonna let me fuck you after tonight right?” rafe asks, barely pulling away from you to speak, feeling the vibrations from his mouth on your pussy.
you don’t answer right away. you feel like you can’t truly give an answer, not when you are so turned on that you feel like you could explode, not as his finger keeps pumping inside of you.
“baby sis?” rafe looks up at you, waiting for an answer. you pull your lip between your teeth, trying to formulate thoughts. “or i can stop right now. if you don’t want to keep fucking me then you don’t need me tonight.”
“no, no, no!” you cry out as rafes finger stops moving. “i’ll keep sleeping with you just-just fucking move! make me cum again!”
rafe sucks your clit into his mouth as he forces another finger in, your walls tight around him but so slick he can move easily. rafe has to press his hips into the mattress as you cum again, giving some relief to his cock.
“fuck, how long until it wears off?” you cry out as your clit pulses.
rafe sits back, wiping his mouth against your thigh to clean his chin. “probably will feel better once i fuck you.” rafe says, in truth he’s not sure.
“fuck me then.” you beg, body squirming against the mattress, sweat leaking from your skin.
rafe nods, pulling his fingers out and kneeling between your legs. he pauses briefly before pulling his underwear off and tossing them away. “i can put a condom on but it probably won’t feel as good.” “just… just buy me a plan b tomorrow, okay? need you to cum in me, i think it’ll help.” you swallow nervously, knowing it’s a mistake, not just letting a guy fuck you raw, but your step brother.
rafe nods, draping his body over yours, knowing you are far too weak for any other position, your limbs jelly from the drugs and the orgasms. rafe reaches down, lining his cock up with your entrance. he pushes in slowly, watching your face contort in pleasure.
once he’s all the way seated inside of you, rafe feels your cunt squeeze around him rapidly, another orgasm being drawn out. you pant heavily, worried this will never end as rafe swings his hips out and then back in.
“is it-is it always this easy to cum?” you ask. they’ve all felt so good so far, but you are beyond overwhelmed.
“you’ve never cum before?” rafe asks, grunting as you raise your hips slightly, letting him sink in even deeper.
“not before tonight.” you admit, glancing down your body to see rafes cock entering you repeatedly, making another orgasm rise to the surface as you reach between your legs, fingers pressing to your clit as you cum hard.
“not always, baby. but i promise i’ll make you feel real good, even when you don’t have any aphrodisiacs.” rafe presses his lips against yours, but it’s not really a kiss, not when you can’t stop panting, your jaw slack and unable to close.
“did you take anything?” you question, realizing how hard rafes cock is, how easily he’s pounding into you.
“no, you are just that sexy, sis. i’ve wanted to get inside you for so long.” rafe grunts, making sure he thrusts as deep as possible every time.
“i-i think i’m gonna cum again!” you warn rafe, rubbing yourself to another orgasm, letting out a squeal as rafe struggles not to cum with you tightening around him, needing to get at least one more out of you before he bursts himself.
“fuck, you’re so tight.” rafe groans.
“cum in me rafe, please. i need your cum.” you whine, back sliding up and down the mattress as he fucks into you.
“yeah?” rafe smirks. “need your brothers cum, huh?” you know his dirty words are meant to tease you, but you can’t help agreeing. “yes, brother, please, please.”
rafe shifts his weight to one elbow, reaching down with his free hand to swat your fingers away from your clit, rubbing himself harshly, trying to get you to cum at the same time, hoping that will satisfy you.
“close.” rafe warns.
you let out a scream, back arching off the mattress as you cum, triggering rafes orgasm as he shoots his load inside of you, filling you up completely, rubbing you gently throughout your high before pulling away. rafes cock softens as he pulls out, flopping on his back onto the bed next to you.
you don’t even give him a second to breath, straddling rafes hips and trying to get his cock back inside of you, but rafe winces as his cum drips out of your cunt. “sis, stop. too sensitive.” he warns.
“i-i still need you though!” you argue. “you drugged me rafe, you have to help!” “here, come sit on my face.” rafe tugs at your hips until you are hovering over his mouth. rafe makes sure to only work his tongue against your clit, not wanting to taste his own cum, even as he feels it falling onto his chin and sliding down his neck.
rafe eats you out through five more orgasms until you can’t kneel above him any longer, flopping to the side.
“fuck me again, please.” you beg as rafe takes the blanket at wipes away his chin and chest.
“i can’t, i’m so fucking tired.” rafe wishes he could get it up, but its late, his body is exhausted, and he can barely keep his eyes open.
“you can’t fall asleep and leave me like this!” you scream at rafe, tears falling down your cheeks.
“shh, here.” rafe reaches his hand out, sticking two fingers inside of your pussy, squelching in your wetness. he fingers you until he can’t move any longer, passing out. you continue to hump yourself on his fingers and rub your clit until the need lessens, the drugs begin to wear off, and you manage to pass out next to rafe just before sunset.
you wake up with a groan, muscles sore as you blink your eyes open, bed still covered in wetness.
“hey sis.” rafe says, sitting on the edge of the bed, phone in hand, now dressed in his underwear.
“rafe.” you growl out. “you drugged me, you piece of shit!”
“hey, you certainly enjoyed yourself.” rafe argues back, locking his phone screen and tossing it away.
“fuck you!” you shout, launching yourself at your brother. rafe expects you to slap him, or scratch him, but not your lips as you press them against his.
“fuck me.” you ask. “i-i want to feel you when not drugged. you owe it to me. please, rafe.”
“oh baby.” rafe coos, not realizing what he just woke up inside of you. “you don’t have to beg me.”
“who did this to you?” your mother screams, ward looking just as concerned. “you’re still a teenager!” “i’m an adult!” you argue back.
“you’re nineteen! you still live at home, you have no job, no money! and now you’re pregnant?”
“when i find who did this to you.” ward pipes up, an angry expression on your face, completing the rest of the sentence without even having to use words.
“just… go to your room while your stepdad and i talk. i don’t want to see your face right now.” your mother shoos you away.
any other time you would cry at her harsh words, and at disappointing your mom and step dad, but you know what is waiting for you in your room.
“they're pissed.” you pout, falling into rafes arms once your door is closed and locked behind you.
“a little bit longer, sissy. and then i’m getting us out of here. i know it sucks, but i need a couple more weeks to get the money, and then we are gone. anywhere in the world you want.” “tell me again.” you sigh, leaning your head against rafes chest, placing a hand on your stomach, your bump haven gotten to big to hide it anymore.
“just you. me. our baby. no one who knows we are step siblings. i steal the money to get us away, and then we make it legit. find jobs. get married. have more babies.”
you smile up at rafe, pressing a kiss to his neck.
“i…” you whisper, knowing how dangerous of a time this is for you two getting caught. “i want you again.” rafe smiles. “that baby inside of you has you acting like you’re on that aphrodisiac again.”
“shut up.” you groan, rolling your eyes as you fall back into the bed, lifting your dress up to reveal you aren’t wearing any underwear. “we wouldn’t be going through this if you would have just bought me a plan b that next day like you were supposed to.”
“baby-” rafe shucks off his pants and underwear. “you spent all day riding my cock or begging for my mouth, even when the drugs wore off. i didn’t have any time!” “yeah, yeah, yeah.” you roll your eyes. “just get inside of me.”
rafe smiles at you as he lines up with your entrance, sinking in with a quiet groan before leaning forward, feeling your baby bump press against his abs. “i love you, sis.”
“i love you too, brother.”
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @emma77645 @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk
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Tags!: Cuddling, comfort, fluff
My sense of humor
These are just headcanons
Heartslabyul; Savanaclaw; Octavinelle; Scarabia; , Pomefiore; Ignihyde; Diasomnia (you're here :3)

he actually doesn’t mind, so long as you just rest on him and you don’t try to drag him around in bed
He sleeps on his back, it’s just something he’s grown accustomed to for the sake of his beauty, so just keep that rule in place
He’ll wrap an arm around you
He actually likes it, it helps him sleep better, and he knows that it does, knows it will help sleep for the both of you
Also, skincare you must follow before getting in bed with him, learn the protocol
Rook 🏹:
He loves it. Love loves it. Just how he is cause it’s so cute having you cling to him, obviously! Ironically enough, it’s like his prey has willing fell into his trap! He’s weird, so…
He also sleeps on his back and doesn’t move around too much, and he’s also a light sleeper, so just be careful
He’ll hold you back, and he prefers to be the one doing that, anyhow, just feels more natural to him in a sense
If you ever catch him watching you sleep at all, no you didn’t :)
He’s just admiring your beauty <3
Epel 🍎:
Things cuddles are kinda dumb, shows “weakness,” and they’re too lovey dovey
But oh, here yall are, Epel quite literally glued to you in bed without a care in the world, happily snoozing away
Yea, he pretends he doesn’t like them, but he does, he’s a sucker for them, but he ain’t gonna show that…
Prefers to hold you at first, feeds his ego, but then just from moving around, you’ll end up being the one holding him
He does move quite a bit…but he always ends up with you again

Idia 🎮:
Remember how I said like half these characters are gonna be stiff, Idia is another. Sure he’s hugged pillows but this is totally new
He does like them though, he prefer them, only problem, bro like never sleeps…surviving off energy drinks (that’s real, though…)
He likes to be the one held, so, just squeeze him nice when yall even get the chance to cuddle if he ain’t gaming away the night
He’s a heavy sleeper, and he drools, I’d also think he’d move around a lot from restlessness, but you being there kinda gets rid of that factor
Expect to wake up with hair in your mouth. Thanks Idia 👍

Malleus 🐉:
Smug about it because he loves it. He’ll also do like whatever you want. You wanna hold him? Sure. You want him to hold you and keep you safe? He prefers that latter
He’s cuddly, but he’s also very polite about it in a way, never going too overboard with anything
Heavy sleeper, and he also goes to sleep at a later time, but he won’t force you to stay up, he’ll get in bed with you but probably lie awake for a bit
Also another type to gaze at you if you fall asleep, he can’t help it, you look peaceful and he’s just happy about it
Lilia 🧚♀️:
He likes them, that’s not surprise there in my opinion. I feel like he’s also another one to find it funny how you hold on to him, but he also finds it sweet
He also stays up late, probably gaming along with Idia but, whatever…he’ll hop into bed soon after he’s done
He likes to cuddle and to be cuddled, he’s versatile in whatever you’d like to do, and he’ll follow along
He drools, probably kicks in his sleep, and he moves around a lot. He’ll blame that ok being old
Do I even need to say anything? Answer is no, but I will anyways
He loves to, like it’s his favorite thing, but he does fall asleep even more quickly thanks to your presence
He prefers to hold you so he can keep you safe, even while in dreamland. He just wants to make sure you won’t get hurt while he’s blissfully knocked out
He’s a heavy sleeper, and he doesn’t move around a lot, so you’ll be trapped for a bit until he wakes up…
Sebek ⚡️:
Another one who’s stuff, although he’s painfully stiff, like he doesn’t even know what to do and where to put his arms
He does like to cuddle, but it’s complicated for him because he believes it distracts him from his duties a little
He prefers to hold you as well, the same reasons as Silver, to protect you while you’re with him. It’s instinct for him
He’ll awkwardly hug you back, like I said, he doesn’t know how to go about the situation but he’ll make it work. Trust
He snores. Loud
He’s also really still and will barely move during the night
Comments and likes are appreciated <3
Master List
Please don’t steal or copy any of my work! You may, however, reblog if you’d want to!
Pictures belong to Disney Twisted Wonderland but are edited by me :)
#twisted wonderland#disney twst#disney twisted wonderland#pomefiore x reader#vil schoenheit#rook hunt#epel felmier#ignihyde x reader#idia shroud#!no ortho!#diasomnia x reader#malleus draconia#lilia vanrouge#silver vanrouge#sebek zigvolt#cuddles#cuddling & snuggling#comfort#fluff#headcanon#<3
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Double Trouble (Floyd x Reader)

Summary: A certain pair of twins are found roaming around NRC campus. No, not those ones. (AKA, Floyd and your kids come visit from the future.)
AN: This was supposed to be a cute short fic. Now it's 20 pages and three weeks later.
Warnings: Maybe a little ooc near the end. Kids and mentions of how they're made. AFAB Reader with she/her pronouns.
It was a pretty quiet day at NRC, which meant (Y/N) was waiting with bated breath for something to go terribly wrong.
“You worry too much!” Grim complained, hanging off her shoulder as they walked along the main thoroughfare past the Great Seven statues. “We finally have a day off! No work from Crowley, no problems with the dorms, no weird stuff popping out. And! Sam had that sale on canned tuna!” Grim pawed at the can he was holding, trying to rip open the pull tab on top. With a frustrated huff, he reluctantly handed it over.
(Y/N) quickly popped open the can and handed it back to him. Grim gave a small cry of delight as he buried his face in the shredded tuna. “I know, I know,” She said, absentmindedly scratching him behind the ears. “I think I’m just not used to it anymore. It feels like something should happen, you know? Like, they say right before lightning strikes you can feel the static in the air. And be honest, when was the last time we had a real day off?”
Grim looked up, licking his lips. “Well, last month we - no, wait, that’s when the fairies stole that magestone and had that fashion show. Oh, what about the weekend when we - no, that was Camp Vargas, huh? Uhh, Port Fest was really fun!”
“We were working at the food stalls the whole time.” (Y/N) grinned at her feline-type companion. “Or at least I was.”
Grim frowned. “Hey! Taste testing is an important part of selling food! You have to make sure your product is up to snuff!”
(Y/N) giggled and took the empty can from Grim, putting it in the plastic bag that held the other odds and ends they had picked up from the Mystery Shop. “Of course, we couldn't have done it without you.” She shielded her eyes from the sun, squinting to look up at the sky as if to double check it wasn’t about to start falling. “I just think that-”
Both (Y/N) and Grim jumped, the latter falling off the former’s shoulder with a yelp to float in the air. (Y/N) blinked the white sunspots out of her vision looking around for where the exclamation had come from. No sooner had she started her search than a tiny force threw itself against her legs nearly knocking her over. (Y/N) looked down, seeing a wailing child bury his head into her hip, arms clasped around her in an iron-clad grip.
“Whoa, hey, hey!” (Y/N) said, trying to get her bearings. She pried the child’s grip away just enough for her to kneel down so they could be closer to eye level. The boy had a cherubic face, big eyes and big cheeks, with big tears rolling down them. He had teal-colored (your hair texture) hair. One of his teary eyes was a stormy gray while the other was (your eye color). A set of sharp almost shark-like teeth bit at his quivering bottom lip.
‘Do Jade and Floyd have a younger brother or something?’ (Y/N) thought.
She patted the boy's hair down and whipped the tears off his cheeks. He was taking big gulping breaths, trying to calm himself down. “Hey, it’s okay,” She said in what she hoped was a calming voice. “You’re okay. Did you get lost? This can be a big scary place, huh?”
The boy took another shuddering breath and flung himself in (Y/N)’s arms. She fell back, sitting roughly, as the boy buried his face in her shoulder.
“Geez, who the heck is this crybaby?” Grim muttered, floating nearby with his paws on his hips.
“Grim, don’t be rude!”
“He’s the one who ran into you! That’s rude!” Grim floated a little closer, cocking his head to look at the boy. “You know, he kinda looks like-”
“Ah!” (Y/N) yelped, pain suddenly rushing through her hand. She had been patting the boy’s hair, trying to help him calm down, when he suddenly turned his head and bit down hard. Jerking her hand back, (Y/N) could see a fresh set of indents forming a perfect semi-circle around the joint of her thumb, two of the points already beading with blood.
Grim immediately jumped to the defense. “Hey! What’s the big idea?”
The boy let out another wail, picking himself up and dashing away before (Y/N) could take another breath. “Hey, wait!” She called after him. “It’s okay! Come back!”
“Okay?!” Grim said as incredulously as he could manage. “He bit you! Look, you’re bleeding!”
(Y/N) whipped away the blood from her hand on her skirt. “He’s clearly just scared, Grim. It was probably just an instinct. Come on, we better find him before he gets into any trouble.”
Ignoring Grim’s grumblings, (Y/N) jogged off in the direction the boy had gone. She wondered why a kid so young would be alone in a place like this. He was, what, maybe seven or eight? Not to mention obviously terrified. And… Wait, had he called her mama? (Y/N) faltered a little when she remembered that. Maybe it was like when a kid called someone they were close to auntie or big sister? But why mama?
“Say that again and I’ll bite your fingers off!”
(Y/N) was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of a child’s voice yelling some… pretty violent threats. She couldn’t imagine the small crying boy from before saying something like that. Was there another kid wandering campus? Was it a family visit day or something?
(Y/N) turned the corner to see the boy facing off against a group of students. Or, no, it wasn’t the same boy. Sure, he had the same round face, teal hair, and mismatched eyes, but he held himself in a completely different way. Instead of curling in on himself with fear, his shoulders were back, chin up in defiance, his sharp teeth pulled into a scowl, tiny fists balled with rage instead of anxiety.
(Y/N) didn’t want to believe it, but the students looked like they were getting ready to square up with a kid. Channeling into her de facto role of campus peacekeeper, she put herself between the kid and the students, saying, “Hey! What’s going on here?”
One of them jabbed his finger at the boy. “This kid came out of nowhere and started insulting us! Saying our magic was weak!”
“It is!” The boy said, peering around (Y/N)’s legs. “My papa’s the strongest guy at Night Raven College ever! He could take you all on at once! Tell ‘em, Mama!”
“Mama?” Another one of the students said. “Prefect, you know this kid?”
“Uh, not exactly, it’s kind of complicated. Look, he’s just a kid, he didn’t mean any harm. Let’s just all cool down for a second okay?”
Another student stepped forward, punching his fist into his open hand. “I think he needs to learn some manners. And if his ‘mama’ isn’t going to teach them to him, we will.”
Instinct kicked in and (Y/N) scooped the boy up in her arms. “Now, just hang on a second, you’re not really going to fight a kid, are you?”
“Yeah, I can take all you sea cucumbers on!” The boy shouted from her arms. “You look like a sea cucumber too, and their face is their butt!”
“That’s it!”
As the student advanced (Y/N) took a step back. Her arms full, her body reacted without thinking about it. Her leg flew up in a high kick, landing squarely in the approaching student’s face. His face bore a perfect shoe print as the young boy in her arms started cackling. (Y/N) took advantage of the momentary stunning and booked it out of there.
“Grim! Cover!” She yelled. Grim blew a spray of blue flames at the pursuing students, giving the new trio an opportunity to escape relatively unscathed.
(Y/N) sprinted through the halls, the boy clutched in her arms, Grim flying close behind them. Dodging into an empty classroom, (Y/N) took deep breaths as she tried to calm her rapidly beating heart. The boy leapt out of her arms, clapping his hands.
“That was so cool!” He exclaimed. “Uncle Grim was all like ‘Foosh!’ And Mama kicked like ‘bam!’ He had a footprint on his face! Did you see that, Mama? Did you see?”
(Y/N) held her hand up, trying to order her thoughts for a second before speaking to the overly excited boy. “I saw, I saw. Did you really just go up and start insulting those guys? They have to be twice your age, you could have gotten hurt!”
The boy pouted, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking away. “I know. I’m not supposed to start arguing with people. I’m sorry.” He recited the apology as if he had done it plenty of times before.
(Y/N) knelt down in front of him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Look, I just don’t want you getting hurt, okay? I know you’re probably really tough but you can’t blame me for worrying, you know?”
The boy grinned, showing off his sharp teeth. He threw himself into (Y/N)’s arms in a big hug. “I know. That’s why I have Papa and Mama! Nothing bad happens when you’re around! Oh!” He gasped as if suddenly remembering something. “Mama, have you seen Cas anywhere? We got split up! I need to be there to fight anyone who tries to mess with him!”
(Y/N) rubbed his hair. “What did we just say about fighting?”
Meanwhile, at the Monstro Lounge, Floyd was having one of his rough days. First, he had to break up a fight between a bunch of customers in the Lounge, which might have been fine normally, except they all cowered and begged forgiveness as soon as he got there, so we didn’t even get a chance to squeeze anyone. Then, Azul had started bothering him for his grades in his history of magic class. Like, yeah, it was easy and he could finish the homework no problem, but it was so boring! Why should he have to put effort into something like that, anyway? He was a great mage. Practical exams were a breeze. Why did the paper assignments even matter? Third, Jade kept talking his ear off about some rare new mushroom someone had sent him. Something about how it could let you see into the future, or bring stuff back from the past, or something. Floyd sort of zoned out in the middle of his brother’s explanation.
And, worst of all, he hadn’t seen his dear Shrimpy all day! Usually, on days off, he’d go track her down, making himself home at Ramshackle dorm, looming over her while she tried to study in the library until she finally paid attention to him and they could go do something fun, or dragging her to his basketball practice so he could show off. But he’d been stuck inside all day. He was starting to get stir crazy.
All he could think about was wrapping his arms around her soft, plush form and squeezing as hard as he could, until she gasped and made those cute sounds he liked.
Floyd giggled, kicking his feet. Maybe he could sneak out? Yeah, he could be sneaky when he wanted to! It couldn’t be that hard, right? He was already out of the Monstro Lounge, past the main entrance of the dorm. All he needed to do was go down the tunnel to the mirror chamber and-
“Well, hello there, Floyd.” Busted. Floyd grimaced, turning around to see Jade smiling at him, holding a huge stack of paperwork. “I was looking for you. Professor Trien gave me the assignments you’ve missed. He asked me to make sure you got these done before your next class. You don’t have anything else to do today, right?”
Floyd groaned, rolling his eyes. “Come on, Jade, I don’t want to do that! What’s even the point, huh? What’s some paper going to prove about casting spells?”
Jade gave a faux sympathetic look that Floyd could spot from 10 miles away. “Oh? So you did have plans today? Such a shame that you’ll have to cancel them, then.”
Floyd grit his teeth as Jade shoved the stack of papers into his arms. He briefly considered dropping them all and throwing a punch, if he didn’t know for a fact that Jade was one of the only people who could actually match him blow for blow. Floyd could count on one hand the amount of times they had physically fought with each other, but man, did no one ever suspect that the more calm and collected twin could be just as brutal.
Jade took Floyd by the elbow, not so gently leading him back into the main dorm, when Floyd froze, ears perking up at a sound.
Jade frowned. “Floyd, I said-”
“Shh!” He interrupted, putting a finger to his lips. Floyd cocked his head to the side, trying to hear that sound again. Suddenly, he shoved the papers back at Jade, bounding down the hall and taking the stairs two at a time down to the lobby.
The main lobby of the Octavinelle dorm took the same decor ques as the Monstro Lounge, or maybe it was the other way around. The lobby was seemingly empty, but Floyd was able to narrow in to the sound he had made out earlier, the hiccuping sound of a kid trying very hard not to cry.
Floyd stalked over to one of the couches, peering over. A small boy was huddled against the back of the couch, trying his hardest to make himself disappear.
“Hey, there, Guppy,” Floyd said, leaning over the back of the couch. “What’s with the sad eyes?”
Most children might have been frightened by the sight of a shark-toothed, manic eyed mer looming over them, the moody lighting on the lobby casting haunting shadows over his face. But the boy looked relieved, jumping on and over the couch to latch himself onto Floyd.
“Papa!” He wailed. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I got lost and I couldn’t find Argo, and then I found Mama, but I had big feelings and I bit her! I know I’m not supposed to bite when I have big feelings, but I forgot and it was an accident! And then I ran away from Mama, and I know I shouldn’t have, and I still can’t find Argo, and-and-and-!”
Before he could say anything else, and before he had the chance to start crying again, Floyd scooped him up under the arms and brought him high in the air. “Wow, you have strong looking teeth!” He praised. “I bet you can bite real hard! Show me, show me!” Floyd flashed his own sharp-toothed grin, exaggerating gnashing down. The boy sniffled weekly before giving a half-smile. “Hey, come on, you know what I mean. We want a full smile, right, Guppy?” Floyd tossed the boy into the air, catching him and swinging him around so his legs flew out behind him. Despite himself, the boy started giggling. Floyd smiled, booping him on the nose. “There’s those teeth. Look how strong you are!”
The boy covered his mouth with his hands, trying to stifle his giggling. He made claws with his hands, baring his teeth. “Grr!”
Floyd gasped dramatically. “Oh no! This isn’t a guppy at all! It’s a shark! Jade, help me!” Floyd theatrically collapsed to the floor, making sure to keep the boy at arms length above him so he didn’t get hurt. The boy’s mood had fully switched now, laughing and holding his arms out so he could pretend to fly.
Jade stood in the doorway, smiling softly at his brother’s antics. But, more pressingly, wondering how a small child had found his way into Octavinelle in the first place. And, possibly, why he happened to have a certain family resemblance?
“Pardon me,” Jade said, stepping forward. “I couldn’t help hear you say ‘Papa?’”
“And then, I swung on this rope over the river, and it was probably, like a hundred feet high! And I let go and did a huge cannonball and it made the biggest splash ever!” The boy, (Y/N) had found out was named Argonaut, was regaling her and Grim with some pretty fantastical exploits from the last camping trip he and his brother Caspian had taken with their Uncle Jade. The name drops were getting much too specific, and (Y/N) still needed to find out what happened to Argo’s twin, so she decided a visit to Octavinelle was the best next thing to do.
“Wow, you did all that?” She asked. Argo walked beside her, holding her hand and swinging it back and forth in a large arc. “A hundred feet is pretty high. You must be brave.”
“The bravest!” He said with a big sharp-toothed smile. “Papa said I have to look out for Cas because he gets scared real easy. But he knows tons of stuff and he’s really smart, so that’s okay.” He frowned a little. “I can’t read really good, so Cas helps me out. That’s why we’re a team!”
“You sound like a very good team. We’ll find him soon, okay?” (Y/N) could tell Argo was worried about his brother. Even if he kept putting on a brave face, being lost in a big, strange place like NRC would put any kid on edge, not to mention that Argo had no idea how he or Cas got there in the first place.
“My tummy felt bubbly like when I had too much soda that one time and there was a big light and then I was here,” He had said when she asked.
‘More magic nonsense,’ (Y/N) thought to herself. She decided she was never getting used to it.
Stepping through the mirror to Octavinelle, the air temperature noticeably dropped at least ten degrees. The light took on the cool blue hue of the water surrounding the glass tunnels around the dorm. Its own little pocket dimension, or however the dorms actually worked, was like living inside an intricate aquarium full of coral reefs, darting fish, and cool temperatures to remind the largely mer-based population of home.
Stepping into the Mostro Lounge’s lobby, (Y/N) turned to Grim and said, “Okay, you stay here with him. I’m going to try and find-”
Argo sprinted away, colliding with his double in the middle of the Lounge floor, almost knocking a poor waiter off his feet. The two boys hugged as if they hadn’t seen each other for years instead of the better part of an hour. (Y/N) felt a pull on her heartstrings at their reunion.
“Cute,” She muttered. She took a step forward. “I-”
Before she could get another word out, (Y/N) was tackled in a bear hug. Floyd pinned her arms to her sides, picking her up and swinging her around. Behind the daze of dizziness and the feeling of her ribs creaking under pressure, she couldn’t help but compare her normal greeting from Floyd to the smaller twin’s reuniting.
“Urk, hello, Floyd. Good to see you too.”
“Aww, that’s all you got to say? With our kids here and everything?”
“With our- what?!” (Y/N) squirmed out of Floyd’s hold and stumbled back.
Floyd pulled the two careening boys close, beaming like a proud father. “Come on, Shrimpy, you met our little leptocephalus, right? I’m Papa and you’re Mama, right, boys?”
“Yeah, Mama,” Argo said, “Don’t be silly!”
“Argo,” Cas muttered, tugging his brother’s sleeve. “Something kinda weird happened, you know? Mama and Papa look different. I think this is where they met.”
“Yeah, Night Raven College, the best school in the world!” Argo threw his arms up in celebration. He turned back to Floyd and (Y/N). “Cas and I are gonna come here too when we get big. We’re going to be great mages just like Papa and Uncle Jade and Uncle Azul and Uncle Ace and Uncle Deuce and Uncle Grim and everyone!”
“Everyone, huh?” (Y/N) said, starting to feel dizzy.
Cas pouted at his brother. “That’s not what I mean, Argo.”
“He’s right!” Grim cut in, paws on his hips with a smug look on his face. “Since I am going to be the world’s greatest mage!”
Floyd poked Grim’s exposed tummy. “You were last on that list, seal.”
“Mrow!” Grim started flailing his paws at Floyd, who easily kept him at bay with one long arm pushing his head back.
“Ah, here’s where you all went.” Jade came up to the group. He was gently cradling one of his terrariums that had a strange-looking purple and silver mushroom with a dripping cap nestled inside.
“Hi, Uncle Jade!” Argo waved.
“Hello, nephew.”
“Is that one of your fancy mushrooms, Uncle Jade?” Cas asked, standing on his tiptoes to try and get a better look. Jade held it down so the twins could see. Cas’s eyes sparkled in fascination while Argo screwed up his face in displeasure.
“It is,” He said. “And I believe this is why you two came to visit us.”
“What do you mean?” (Y/N) asked, picking Grim up to rescue him from Floyd’s teasing.
Jade turned to his brother. “Floyd, do you recognize this?”
Floyd stuck his tongue out. “Bleh, yeah. You made that nasty tea from that mushroom the other day and tricked me into drinking it.”
“Tea?” (Y/N) asked. “Oh, was that the tea in the thermos you had the other day?” She frowned. “You tricked me into drinking it too, Floyd. You said it was tasty and so excited to share it with me, then laughed when I started choking on it because it was so bitter.”
Floyd had picked the boys up, holding one in each arm. “That’s because it’s funny when it’s you, Shrimpy.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Mmhmm, sure.”
“I apologize that you were roped into my experiment, (Y/N),” Jade said, not looking or sounding apologetic at all. “But I believe it led to an even more fascinating result than I could have hoped for. This,” He held up the terrarium. “Is an oracleum mycoculous, the fortune-telling mushroom. A very rare specimen a fellow mycologist friend of mine sent me from the Shaftlands. He knew I attended NRC and he asked me to study the effects of magic on this particular species.”
“A fortune-telling mushroom?” (Y/N) asked. “Like, if you cut an apple in half the shape of the seeds can tell your future?”
“It’s a bit more extreme than that. It’s rumored that when prepared in a certain way, eating an oracleum mycoculous can give one insight into future challenges, typically giving a person a strong intuition into choices they should make in the near future. My colleague had heard rumors that making a tea with the mushroom infused with magic could give the person who drinks it clearer visions of the future. I only intended for Floyd to drink it and record any dreams or premonitions he had, but if you drank it as well, Prefect,” he booped Cas on the nose, who giggled while intently studying the mushroom. “It would seem we were able to bring your future children from your future to our present.”
(Y/N) gulped hard, finally starting to accept what she had been suspecting this whole time. “Our children?” She squeaked.
Floyd nuzzled the two boys. “Aww, Shrimpy and I had little guppies!” He smiled wickedly. “How many tries do you think it took before we ended up with these fry?”
(Y/N) felt her face explode with heat. “Floyd! That - I mean - We’re not even together!”
“If I may,” Jade said. “The visions associated with the oracleum mycoculous are said to only be possibilities. It shows you options for possible futures depending on certain choices made. So perhaps your boys were drawn from one of these possible futures.”
(Y/N) felt dizzy at ‘your boys.’ “Okay, wait, hang on-”
“Mama, are you okay?” Cas asked. He reached out to her. (Y/N) felt a thud in her chest and took him from Floyd.
“I’m okay, Cas,” She said, trying to hide her anxiety from showing on her face. “Just a little confused, is all. I bet your actual parents are really worried about you.” She turned to Jade. “So, how do we fix this?”
He smiled slyly. “I have no idea. But wouldn’t it be fascinating to find out?”
“Absolutely not.”
The Leech family, plus (Y/N) and Grim, although, if the current children were to be believed, (Y/N) would be part of the Leech family in the future, stood in front of an annoyed-looking Professor Crewel in the alchemy classroom.
“Sorry?” (Y/N) asked.
“I absolutely do not approve of any relationship of this sort. Any pup of mine could do much better.”
“Aww, Beakfish,” Floyd pouted. “That’s no way to talk to your future son-in-law, is it?”
Crewel frowned deeper, his grip tightening on his teaching pointer that often doubled as a whip. He obviously didn’t approve of Floyd commenting on his pseudo-adoption of (Y/N). Although he had been in somewhat of a custody battle with Headmage Crowley in that regard. (Y/N) anticipated a negative reaction from her one father figure, but at least there was a higher chance Professor Crewel would be able to get something done in a timely manner, rather than the crow-coded Headmage dramatically lamenting without much work actually being done.
(Y/N) frowned, feeling her face heat up again. “Sir, we’re not actually together or anything…”
Floyd draped himself over her shoulders, trapping her in a backward hug. “Aww, my wifey Shrimpy is so mean to me. Why’s your Mama so mean, guppies?”
“Mama’s not mean!” Argo defended, taking one of her hands. “Mama’s the nicest! She lets me stay up past bedtime and eat tons of ice cream and watch PG-13 stuff on TV!”
(Y/N) looked down skeptically. “Do I really do that?”
He smiled slyly. “If I say it’s in the future then would you?”
“Nice try.”
“Grandpa,” Cas said, looking up at Crewel with big puppy eyes. “You’re going to help us get back to Mama and Papa, right?”
Crewel faltered. Not even he was totally immune to the child’s charms. He crossed his arms, huffing in feigned annoyance. “Well, of course we’ll get them home. But after we’re having a serious conversation about your future prospects, pup.”
“Like I said, we’re not even together,” (Y/N) protested weakly.
“Jade,” Crewel said, holding out his hand. “The oracleum mycoculous.”
Jade clutched the terrarium close to his chest. “But it’s my only sample. I made the other one into the tea that Floyd and (Y/N) drank.”
Crewel raised an eyebrow. “And we are in this situation because of that. I’ll have to use the mushroom to reverse-engineer an antidote to send these two back.” Jade reluctantly handed the mushroom over. “I’ll start research right away. Hopefully, we’ll get some answers soon. In the meantime, I’ll have to entrust these two in your care.”
“Not a problem,” (Y/N) said. “You guys can stay at Ramshackle with me and Uncle Grim.” (Y/N) caught herself, wondering when it had become so easy to refer to her friends as ‘Uncle’ as her theoretical future children did.
“Papa’s gonna come to, right?” Argo said.
“Absolutely not!” Crewel said, griping the terrarium so tightly (Y/N) was afraid it might break.
Floyd sniffed. “You’re going to tell me I can’t be with my children? You’re going to separate us?”
“You’re already on thin ice, don’t push your luck.”
“I’ll take care of it, Professor,” (Y/N) said before tempers could rise any further. “Thanks for helping us with this.”
“Of course, dear,” Crewel said, his tone softening. He cast a suspicious eye at Floyd, who was getting a bit too close to the alchemy ingredients along the walls, lifting the boys up high so they could get a better look. “Just let me know if you need any help.”
In the end, Floyd did end up staying at Ramshackle for the night. (Y/N) could hear the three Leech boys loudly playing in the living room while she tried to make something quick for dinner. Macaroni and cheese would probably work. Kids liked mac and cheese, right? Even if they were mer kids from the future. Or, half mer? (Y/N) wondered how that worked, specifically biologically speaking. Did the boys have mer forms like Floyd and Jade did? Did they look more human in some parts and more eel-like in others? It occurred to her that there was still so much basic mer and beast-man biology she had no idea about. But how do you ask that sort of thing without it being awkward about it?
“Mama!” Cas called, poking his head in the kitchen. “Can Argo and I go pick out our rooms?”
“I call the big one!” Argo yelled, sprinting past his brother up the stairs.
“Hey, don’t run inside!” (Y/N) warned.
“Yeah, and you can’t have the big one,” Cas scolded. “That’s Mama and Papa’s room.”
(Y/N) gulped. A sly smile stretched over Floyd’s face. “Yeah, where is our room? I should go unpack right?”
(Y/N) shook her head, trying to get rid of certain thoughts while organizing others. She clapped her hands together. “I know. Why don’t we build a pillow fort in the living room? It’ll be like a big sleepover.” She weakly kicked at Floyd’s shin, more out of show than real malice. “Because that’s all this is.”
“Like when there was that big storm!” Argo said, racing back down the stairs. “And the lights all went out and we had to stay away from the windows so we made that big tent in the middle of the kitchen!”
(Y/N) smiled fondly at a memory she hadn’t made yet. “Sure, like that.”
“I know where the biggest pillows are!” Grim called, racing up the stairs. The boys eagerly followed, making plans for their blanket fort that would stretch all across NRC campus.
Floyd sighed dramatically, draping his full body weight over (Y/N)’s back as she tried to stir the macaroni and cheese. “How’d we get so lucky, huh?” (Y/N) purposefully ignored him, something that didn’t slip Floyd’s attention. “They’ve got my looks, of course, handsome devils. Hey, do you think we live on land or in the sea? Ooh, or we could do both! Like a summer house! I bet I make a ton of money, I got to take care of you and the guppies, right? Aww, you’d be a cute little house wife. I’ll come home after work and you’ll say ‘Welcome home!’, I can’t do your voice too good, it’s higher than mine, you know? But you’ll say ‘Welcome home!’ and I’ll give you a big hug and say ‘I’m home!’ And I’ll bring you and the kids gifts and we’ll play games after dinner, and when they’re all tuckered out and in bed I’ll pick you up and go to our room and I’ll squeeze you real tight and say-”
“Floyd!” Floyd jumped at (Y/N)’s sudden exclamation. He felt her body tense and then sag in exhaustion. “Just… You shouldn’t say that kind of stuff, you know?”
Floyd blinked. “Huh? Why not, Shrimpy?”
“You know why.” She didn’t say anything after that. Floyd let the remark sit. After a minute of silence between them, listening to the cheering and shouting from the boys upstairs, (Y/N) finally sighed and said, “You shouldn’t say stuff like that to a girl. Not when you don’t mean it.”
Floyd chuckled feebly, his heart not in it. He felt torn between squeezing tighter and getting as far away from here as possible. “How do you know if I mean it or not?”
“Because you’re always like this. You’ve been like this since we’ve met, you’re like this with everyone. And you know-” She cut herself off. She seemed to be deliberating something serious and finally continued. “And you know how I feel about you.”
Floyd felt his mouth go dry, his heart started thumping a million miles an hour, and his stomach turned into knots. He had to say something. This was one of those moments where you had to say something, right? Of course he knew how she felt, it was pretty obvious to everyone how she felt, Floyd included. And the garden, especially what had happened at the garden. Or, rather, what hadn’t happened.
Now, had he taken advantage of that little fact over the school year to wring out some more entertainment out of the magicless Prefect? Well, yes, of course he had. Had he meant to have his own feelings grow into something he couldn’t manage over that time? No, but it had happened anyway, sneaking up on him and socking him in the heart like a mantis shrimp when he least expected it.
He tried to say it without saying it. He tried to show it without saying it. But why couldn’t he just say it?
“(Y/N),” Floyd started. “I-”
There was a crash from the living room, accompanied by a shriek and laughter.
“Papa!” Cas called. “We need help!”
Whatever seriousness had come over Floyd’s countenance disappeared in the blink of an eye. His signature wide grin cut across his face. If anyone was paying attention, they would notice his smile didn’t reach his eyes. He quickly reached over (Y/N)’s shoulder and stole a spoon, scooping a chunk of the mac and cheese from the pot to shove into his mouth before dashing out into the living room.
(Y/N) stuck her tongue out at his retreating form before turning back to the stove. As she slid the dish of mac and cheese into the oven to finish cooking, she paused. Had Floyd used her real name?
“Argo!” Cas whispered in the darkness.
A large quilt hung over their heads, precariously draped between several chairs. Pillows were stacked on all sides making soft walls and they had layered several duvets and couch cushions below to create an improvised mattress. Mama was on the couch, which served as the left-most barrier of their fort, the quilt draping down close to her head with Uncle Grim curled up on her lap. Papa lay sprawled between Cas and Argo, arms and legs out like a starfish.
“Argo, are you awake?” Cas asked again.
He heard his brother mumble something before his head popped up from the other side of their dad, hair flattened against one side of his head and sticking out in every direction on the other. “Wassup?” Argo said sleepily.
“Did you hear what Mama said with Grandpa Crewel?” Argo rubbed his eyes and shook his head. “She said she wasn’t dating Papa!”
Argo squinted at his brother in the darkness. “But they are. Mama and Papa said they started dating at Night Raven College.”
“But they’re not yet. Remember what Uncle Jade said? We’re only from one future. What if Mama and Papa don’t start dating in this future?”
It took Argo a second to register what Cas was suggesting. His eyes went wide and he gasped loudly. Cas shushed him and Papa mumbled in his sleep, finally turning over on his stomach without waking up.
“You mean we won’t exist?” Argo whispered, panicked. Cas nodded. “What do we do?”
Cas smiled. “Don’t worry, I have a plan.”
The next day, amid a bright blue sky painted with thin wispy clouds, Floyd had insisted on visiting Heartslabyul to “Show off his guppies to his best friend, Goldfishy!” (Y/N) sarcastically predicted that this could only end well.
The group of five had, as anticipated, balked at the two visitors and their explanation for being there. But the boys had taken to seeing their pseudo-uncles like, well, like merboys to water. They were outside, near the rose garden maze. Argo was practicing some kind of gymnastics, holding Deuce’s hands tightly, walking up his stomach and chest to flip in a practice summersault. Cas munched happily on a cinnamon roll almost as big as his head while watching in fascination as Ace showed off some card tricks.
“Have you heard anything from Professor Crewel?” Trey asked, setting down a new plate of danishes on the table.
“Nothing yet,” (Y/N) said, taking a napkin and wiping off some smeared frosting from Cas’s face. “But I assume something like this will take some time to get right.”
“And you’re…” Trey waved his hand in a circle. “Doing alright?”
“I’m… Okay.” (Y/N) looked over at the boys now playing tag. “This isn’t the worst magic thing that’s happened since I’ve been here.”
“That doesn't mean it makes everything easy,” Riddle commented, gazing over the rim of his tea cup. “Especially given your… choice of partner.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “I’m well aware. Floyd’s not too bad, though. He’s pretty good with kids.”
Riddle huffed. “Considering he basically is one himself I’m not entirely surprised.”
“Hmm? Are you talking about me, Goldfish?” Floyd said, appearing out of nowhere. He grasped the back of Riddle’s chair, pulling back so Riddle was thrown off balance, throwing his arms out to try and reestablish equilibrium. Riddle scowled, face turning red. He looked like he was going to say something, but bit his tongue as Cas and Argo ran up and started digging into the pastries. “It’s not nice to gossip about people.”
“Yeah,” Argo said, a mouth full of cherry danish. “It’s impolite. You’re the one telling us about manners all the time.”
“All the time?” Riddle asked.
“When you come over for dinner!” Cas chimed in. “You come over with Papa cause you work together and we all eat and you help me and Argo study!” Argo stuck out his tongue at the last part.
Riddle went from red to white. “We work together?”
“Yeah! You and Papa are best friends!”
(Y/N) was momentarily worried that Riddle was going to faint.
“And Uncle Ace and Uncle Deuce come over all the time! Uncle Deuce is going to teach me how to ride a blast cycle!” Argo said.
“We’ll revisit that later,” (Y/N) said, ruffling his hair.
“Can Uncle Trey still teach me how to bake?” Cas asked. “Uncle Cater was going to help me make a Magicam account to show off the stuff we make! Before Argo eats all of it.”
“Don’t be so good at baking and I won’t be so good at eating,” Argo replied, stuffing another danish in his mouth before darting off, Cas close behind him.
“I feel dizzy,” Riddle mumbled.
“Sounds like you’re keeping busy,” Ace said, watching Floyd duck around the hedges with the twins.
“When am I not?” (Y/N) said. “But at least it sounds like we’re all still close in the future. I like that.”
“It sounds like you don’t go home, though,” Cater said, mostly to himself. “Back to your world, I mean.”
(Y/N) hummed. “Maybe home is what you make of it.”
“Hey, Goldfishy?”
Riddle growned, shrugging off Floyd’s arm for leaning on him. “What is it, Floyd?”
Floyd was quiet for a moment, such a rare occurrence that Riddle looked up at him to make sure he had been heard. Floyd was looking out at the rose garden, watching the two children darting around bushes, chasing and being chased by Ace, Deuce, and Grim. (Y/N) stood nearby, watching with a serine look on her face, chiming in every once and a while to make sure the younger boys (and the older ones, too, let’s be honest) were being careful of their surroundings.
“You know about all that formal romantic stuff right?” Floyd finally asked.
“I don’t know about ‘romantic.’ What are you getting at?”
Floyd has a lazy smile on his face. “Do you know how to write a love letter?”
Riddle felt himself blush. “I’m not getting in the middle of whatever exploits you’re up to, romantic or otherwise.”
“Aw, come on,” Floyd said, poking Riddle’s check, causing Riddle to swat at him like a fly. “(Y/N)’s real nice, you know? She deserves something fancy. And I want-” It was rare that Floyd was at a loss for words. Riddle looked up at him, seeing determination and focus scrunch his brow as Floyd tried to choose his next words. “I guess I want to prove it to her. That I like her. That I really like her. That I-” Floyd groaned, letting his body go limp and dragging Riddle with him to crash to the lawn. “See? I’m not good at this kind of stuff! Help your best friend out!”
Riddle yelled, “If you weren’t so cavalier all the time, you’d be able to focus when you had to be serious!”
Ace stalked through the high hedges of the rose maze, having been called It in the boys’ game of hide-and-seek. “Better watch out,” He called in a sing-song voice. “Uncle Ace is going to find you!”
“Psst!” Ace whipped around, seeing Cas peeking out from behind a hedge, waving him over. He went over, seeing Cas, Argo, Deuce, and Jade sitting together, huddled under the shade of the maze. Argo had smuggled a few more pastries from breakfast and was tearing them apart to share with the group.
“Jade?” Ace asked. “What are you doing here?”
“My dear nephews called me,” He said.
“Papa let me borrow his phone!” Argo said, holding up the cell, smears of frosting covering the screen. “He doesn't know he let me borrow it, but I’ll give it back before he misses it.”
Cas put his hands on his hips. Ace had never seen a more serious looking eight-year-old. “That’s still stealing, Argo!” He huffed. “Whatever. We have something super important to talk about!”
“Yeah!” Argo chimed in. “We need to make sure Mama and Papa kiss!”
Deuce choked on his cinnamon roll. Jade tilted his head and smiled.
“Oya?” Jade said. “That’s quite the goal.”
“We want to get Mama and Papa together!” Cas clarified. “Because they’re in love and stuff! And we want to exist in the future!”
“I don’t know how much we should be messing with (Y/N)’s love life,” Deuce said. “It feels kind of invasive, you know?”
“Anyway,” Ace said, crossing his arms. “It’s Floyd’s fault anyway.”
“Is it?” Jade asked.
Ace gulped and scooted away a little before continuing. “Well, yeah. Come on, we all know (Y/N) likes Floyd, for some reason, whatever, that’s on her. If Floyd can’t string together 2+2 then that’s on him.”
“Floyd isn’t exactly subtle with his emotions, either,” Jade said. “He might have issues directing them to a specific conclusion, however.”
“So, you think he likes (Y/N), too?” Deuce asked.
Ace rubbed the back of his neck. “You know, liking is one thing, but we are sort of talking about future marriage and kids here.” He nodded his head at the twins.
“But Mama and Papa are in love!” Cas insisted. “And the stories Mama tells us says true love conquers all!”
“That does sound like the sort of sappy thing (Y/N) would say,” Ace relented.
“I mean,” Deuce said. “We can’t really force anything, right? If they decide they want to get together that’s up to them. But,” He winked at Cas and Argo. “A little push couldn't hurt, right?”
“Great!” Cas said. “Phase one is complete! Now, we need recruits for phase two!”
It was Day 3 of having Argo and Cas at NRC. (Y/N) was fretting about what to do with the boys while she and Grimm went to class.
“I can skip class and stay here!” Grim volunteered.
“Absolutely not,” (Y/N). “Your grades need all the help they can get.” Floyd had offered to spend the day with the boys as well, when he had tried to worm his way into spending another night at Ramshackle. But (Y/N) had insisted he go sleep in his own bed at his own dorm. And it totally had nothing to do with the fact about how her heart had fluttered the morning after his first night there, when he’d woken up with a big yawn, hair a mess, and smiled lazily at her while wishing her a good morning. Nope. Absolutely not.
“We’ll be okay, Mama!” Cas promised. She had set him and Argo up at the kitchen table with a box of crayons and coloring books she had snagged from the Mystery Shop (Sam really did have everything in stock). “Argo and I will stay right here and not do anything sneaky!” Argo punched his brother’s shoulder. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, even more nervous about leaving the boys in the large dilapidated dorm for an entire school day.
“Don’t worry about it, Prefect!” Phineas, Ezra, and Gus, the Ramshackle ghosts, said, materializing in the kitchen. “We’ll take care of them.”
(Y/N) sighed in relief. “Thank you, guys. Boys, you be good for the ghosts while Uncle Grim and I are away, okay?”
“Yes, Mama,” They both said dutifully. They listened intently for the sound of the front door closing before jumping up and smiling at the ghosts.
“Okay!” Argo said, clapping his hands. “Phase three of Operation Angelfish is a go!”
For once, everything seemed to be going as normal. (Y/N) and Grim went to classes, got an update on the return potion from Professor Crewel (Just waiting for it to reduce to a concentrated form), had lunch, went to gym, nothing out of the ordinary. Which, as previously established, put (Y/N) on edge.
Everything seemed to be normal. Too normal, as far as (Y/N) was concerned. If she didn’t know better (and she did) it would seem like her friends were going out of their way to make it seem like nothing important was going on. There had been at least three times already where (Y/N) had walked up to a group, only for them to immediately stop talking, or very obviously switch topics, all while casting side-eyes at each other. She also couldn’t help but notice that she hadn’t seen Floyd all day. Well, maybe out of the corner of her eye, or hearing his voice, but it was always cut off, he was pulled away by his brother, or one of her friends suddenly desperately needed her over there right this second.
She tried not to take this as some kind of commentary on the possible future relationship the two out of place children suggested. It wasn’t really that bad, was it? Her having feelings for Floyd? She knew Ace, Deuce, and Grim were pretty shocked when she had first confided in them. (“I think I like Floyd. Thought?” “And prayers.”) And while no one had ever said anything explicitly negative, besides the occasional teasing or complaining about her crush, there wasn’t anything actually encouraging either. (Y/N) knew she let Floyd get away with way too much most of the time, and only after interacting realized how moon-eyed she’d been acting. Half the time she thought Floyd might return her feelings, and the other half felt like he was taking advantage of her swayed good graces. It made her head spin and chest ache.
And now, with Cas and Argo appearing out of nowhere? Saying that they were married in some possible future? Happily married with children? The picture the boys painted was idyllic. The kind of thing (Y/N) had only seen in magazines or at the end of some Jane Austen novel. (Y/N) felt herself blush every time she thought about it, whether it was out of embarrassment or longing, she wasn’t sure. Dinners together, people from NRC coming to visit all the time, (Y/N) bringing traditional holidays from her world to celebrate, a beautiful house by the Coral Sea where the boys would learn to swim in their human and mer forms.
Was there a lingering darkness in the back of her mind that told her this meant she would never go back to her own world again? Sure, of course. Was there a nagging that this was only a possibility, and her own future still had a chance of being completely different? Yes, definitely.
Did that stop her from planning how exactly she would formally confess to Floyd once she made sure Cas and Argo got home safely? Not a chance.
Finally, it was the end of the day. (Y/N) was already planning in her head what to make for dinner when she heard someone call her name. Well, sort of her name.
“Child of man,” Malleus called, raising a hand in greeting from the quad.
“Oh, Horton,” She said, jogging over to him. “Hi, I don’t usually see you around now. How are you?”
Malleus puffed up with pride, a self-satisfied smile on his face. “I’ve been recruited.”
“By my future nephews. I’m meant to distract you.”
“Future-? Ah, I see.” (Y/N) had an adorable image flash in her mind of the twins and their doting Uncle Horton. “Any particular reason I’m being distracted?”
“I’m not meant to say.”
If they had managed to wrap Malleus into whatever they were doing, (Y/N) thought it couldn’t do that much harm. Why not let the boys have fun while they were still in the past? But just to be sure…
“Grim, you’ll make sure the house doesn't burn down while I’m gone, right?”
Grim saluted, giving a conspiratorial nod at Malleus before flying away.
Malleus offered his arm which (Y/N) took while they strolled away. “Should I be worried about what you’re all planning?” She asked.
He hummed. “Not at all. Now, have I ever told you about the controversy surrounding bat-styled gargoyles versus griffin-styled gargoyles in 15th century cathedral architecture?”
Floyd was mad. Actually mad. Sure he got annoyed or frustrated every once and awhile, but actually angry? That was a rarity that no one wanted to witness.
Not only had Shrimpy not let him stay the night at her dorm again, which, fine, it was her house, but he’d been trying to see her all day to no avail. Either someone would pull her away, Jade would appear out of nowhere and stall him until she was gone, or they’d just keep missing each other. It would have been one thing if circumstances kept them apart, coincidences were coincidental after all, and it’s not like they had never gone a day without seeing each other. But this was intentional, pointed and deliberate. He was in a Shrimpy drought and the people around him were building a dam.
And he couldn’t find his phone anywhere.
Eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore. His skin felt too tight and all the lights were too bright and he wanted to scream. He cut his last few classes and returned to Octavinelle. He had already started tearing off his jacket and shirt as he walked through the mirror portal, leaving clothing in a scattered trail as he marched his way to the decompression chambers that let out into the surrounding water around the dorm. He jumped into the water, the icy chill shocking his human system. He felt his muscles stretch and a comforting pressure encase his body as he shifted back to his mer-eel form, legs melding together as one as he whipped through the water. He shot through the water, scattering fish as he went. He didn’t have the patience to play with any of them today. He was finding he didn’t have the patience for a lot of things.
She’d try to tell him, once, that she liked him. That maybe she loved him, or that could have been him projecting. (Oh, dear Seven, did he love her?) She’d asked him to meet him in the gardens after school. She said she’d been thinking a lot and there was something extremely important she needed to tell him. He’d poked her, saying she should just tell him now, in the passing period between classes surrounded by curious and eavesdropping classmates. She’d said no, that she still needed to get her thoughts in order. She’d written a letter, she said, that she was holding firmly in her hands, but she thought he would appreciate a more direct approach. So. Garden. After school. She’d be waiting. And then the bell had rung and she’d run off.
And he’d left her waiting.
He hadn’t shown up. He’d heard later that she’d been there so long the grounds keepers had to ask her to leave so they could lock up the bio-dome at night. He’d seen her the next morning, eyes red and puffy, huddled with her first year friends who were speaking in low, comforting tones, trying to be affectionate and reassuring in that awkward way teenage boys did. And he had waltzed right over, picking her up and spinning her around. And she hadn’t mentioned the garden. She hadn’t mentioned the letter. She never mentioned any of it again. They fell back into their old rhythm, the one Floyd knew, the one he was comfortable with, the one he could predict.
He should have gone to the garden.
Why the hell hadn’t he gone to the garden?
Floyd burrowed into a reef section of a shallow, tearing at floating kelp with his claws and snapping jaws. He was trashing and writhing, kicking up the loose sand so it created a hazy cloud around him. The sand started getting in his mouth and eyes but he didn’t care. He welcomed the sting of it.
Argo and Cas being here meant everything was okay, right? If they had kids in the future, it meant everything worked out, right?
Floyd was mad. He was angry.
And he didn’t understand why.
“Floyd!” Floyd looked up, seeing Jade swimming towards him.
He scowled, turning away to focus on wreaking havoc on the underwater flora. “Not now,” He said through gritted teeth.
“Floyd, this isn’t the time-” Jade tried to reach out and touch his brother. Before he could make contact, Floyd whipped around with a snarl, swiping at Jade with his sharp claws.Jade quickly jerked out of the way, his surprise quickly melting to aggravation. Jade surged forward, catching Floyd around the stomach and tackling him to the sea floor. Floyd gnashed his teeth, clawing at Jade’s back. “What exactly do you think you’re going to accomplish here?”
“Get off!” Floyd writhed, wrapping his tail around Jade and spinning to loosen his brother’s grip. Momentarily free, Floyd took the opportunity to lunge at Jade again.
A fight, good. This is exactly what he needed. He needed to do something physical, something violent, something to get his mind out of whatever stoop he was stuck in, something so he didn’t have to focus on how bad he felt, something where the outcome could be predictable and certain, even if the certainty was pain. That was better than not knowing. That was better than letting feelings he couldn’t control take over his mind.
He and Jade wrestled, throwing each other into the sand, striking with teeth and claws, whipping with their tails. They didn’t cast any spells, which is the only way each twin was able to understand the severity of their fight, even if it was a subconscious understanding. Fighting was one thing, using magic against each other was another.
Finally, the two faced off, gills heaving with underwater breaths, scratches and gouges bleeding, eyes locked. Jade pushed back a little, careful not to make any sudden movements.
“Do you really think this is the best use of your time right now?” He asked.
Floyd snapped his teeth. “Who asked you? What do you know about anything, anyway?”
“I know (Y/N) tried to confess to you.”
Floyd froze, then felt another surge of anger bubble under his skin. Why did Jade know? What right did he have to know (Y/N)’s inner thoughts when Floyd himself couldn’t even have them?
“She told me,” Jade continued. “Or, I gathered from context clues. She asked if you had ever dated anyone back home, what sort of person you liked. She wanted to know if you prefer meeting in person to discuss important things or if she should leave a letter. Not that she really needed to discuss much. I would say it’s been rather obvious to anyone paying attention for the last few months. The real issue, I find, is why you haven’t confessed yourself.”
Floyd yelled, grappling Jade and sinking his teeth into his shoulder. Jade bit his lip to keep from crying out. He took advantage of the grapple to twist and pull Floyd into a headlock.
“I went there,” Jade continued through gritted teeth. “I went to the garden. I was planning on spying, I thought it’d be fun. But you never showed up. I kept waiting, and so did she, and you never appeared. Why in all of the deep blue sea didn’t you come?”
“I don’t know!” Floyd confessed. He went limp in Jade’s grasp, all the fight going out of him. He let out a choked cry, something Jade hadn’t heard from his brother in who knows how long. “I don’t know, I don’t know!”
Floyd sank to the rocky coral outcropping, collapsing. Jade observed him for a moment. He swam down, curling up next to Floyd.
“She still has feelings for you, you know.”
Floyd groaned deep in his chest. “I can’t.”
“Can’t what?”
“Can’t tell her. I can’t hear her say it. What happens after that, huh? What happens after we both say it?”
“I don’t know.”
“That’s the problem! How do I know what to do? Do I change, does she? And what if neither of us do? I can’t risk it, I can’t lose her!”
“You’re losing her anyway.”
Floyd felt his anger flash again and lashed out with a claw which Jade easily dodged. The fight drained out of him again and he flopped back down.
Jade regarded Floyd. When he determined that Floyd wasn’t about to fly off the handle again, he came closer. “Don’t you think it’s selfish, keeping your feelings all to yourself?”
“Eels are cowards,” Floyd mumbled.
“But humans are brave.” Floyd peaked up at Jade. “They can’t survive long in water, they don’t have the heightened senses of beastmean, nor the longevity of fairies. They don’t have claws or teeth or endless magic supplies. But they’re brave and stubborn. That’s how they’ve lasted so long, become such a force in the world. And there’s a certain human we know that is exemplary in that regard.”
Floyd hummed. “She’s amazing. She’s pretty and smart and clever and strong and… What if I mess up, Jade?”
Jade patted Floyd’s back. “Then I’m sure she’ll let you know and you’ll figure it out together. Relationships require two people, after all.”
“You think she’ll forgive me? From before?”
“If you apologize, I’m sure she will. And, brother dear, I have the perfect setting for such an apology. Come on, we need to get you fitted with your suit. And maybe some stitches there above your eye.”
“Ow!” (Y/N) cried as she banged her shin for the third time.
“Sorry, Mama!” Argo said, pulling her hand to maneuver her around the low table.
“It’s fine. Are you sure I have to keep this blindfold on?” She reached up for it.
“No!” Cas gasped. “It’s a surprise!”
(Y/N) sighed and let herself be pulled along, gritting her teeth when she stubbed her toe on the side of a chair.
After Malleus had brought her back to Ramshackle after their walk and gargoyle lecture, she had immediately been set upon by the boys who kept insisting that she absolutely not look anywhere near the backyard. Almost immediately after walking in the door, Vil appeared seemingly out of nowhere and shoved a garment bag in her hands. The dress was beautiful, of course, and probably worth more than she could ever afford, in her old world or this one. It seemed like almost everyone she knew was bustling around the dorm, being extremely secretive. Finally, her boys had come to get her, giving her a blindfold to wear and gingerly escorting her down stairs.
‘Her boys.’ When exactly had she started thinking of them like that?
(Y/N) felt a cool breeze as she stepped outside. She could feel the boys walking her up the hill in the backyard, stopping suddenly.
“Okay, Mama,” Cas said, his voice bubbling with excitement. “You can look now!”
(Y/N) removed the blindfold and gasped at what she saw. The large oak tree in the back dripped with tiny string lights and paper lanterns. Fireflies gently bobbed around in the oncoming twilight. A small table, (Y/N) recognized it from the Heartslabyul rose garden, had been set up underneath the glowing bows, decorated with a candelabra.
“Oh, boys,” (Y/N) said, taking each of their hands. “This is beautiful. Is this what you’ve been up to all day?”
“Mostly!” Argo said.
“Yup, now it’s phase 4!” Cas said.
“Phase 4?” (Y/N) asked. The boys just dragged her over to the table and pulled out the chair for her. They made to rush away before Argo hastily corrected himself and pulled out a wireless speaker from behind the tree trunk. He took out what suspiciously looked like Floyd’s phone, sinking it up to the speaker. Soon, it began to play a string quartet. Argo smiled triumphantly, he and Cas taking hands and rushing back to the dorm.
(Y/N) smoothed her dress and sat down, watching the fireflies and sunset with the calming music in the background. There was a tea set on the table and she poured a cup. She paused for a moment before filling up the cup across from her as well. As she sipped the tea, she saw the silhouettes of Cas and Argo dragged someone around the side of the dorm. In the low light, she couldn’t exactly tell who it was, but based on the lanky form and fond body language, she guessed it was Floyd. She sighed inwardly, half excited to see him and half dreading it, especially in such a romantic location. So this way the boys’ real plan. She wasn’t sure exactly how to feel about that.
She stood up as Floyd came closer, stepping into the circle of light around the tree, ready to disperse whatever plot the boys had set up, before gasping. “Floyd! What happened?” Although Floyd was wearing a nice suit and tie, he had a black eye, a split lip, and a cut above one of his eyebrows that looked like it had been hastily patched with stitches. She rushed to him, her hands hovering around him. “Are you okay? Should we go to the infirmary? Who did those stitches - why do you have stitches!” She frowned. “Honestly, I keep telling you to stop getting into fights! One day you’re going to fight someone stronger than you and then where will we be? Look at you, you’re still bleeding!”
Floyd only grinned, leaning down so his forehead touched hers. “Shrimpy’s worried about me.”
She weakly pushed him off. “Of course I’m worried. Gosh, did the boys see you like this?”
Before she could take a step away, he wrapped his arms around her, crushing her in a tight hug. “I like when you’re worried about me.”
“Is that why you keep doing stupid stuff?”
Floyd hummed. “Maybe. If it makes you pay attention to me, then it’s worth it, right?”
(Y/N) didn’t know how to reply. She felt heat building up in her checks, a mixture of embarrassment and longing and something else she couldn’t quite place.
“Floyd, I-” “I like you, (Y/N).” She froze at his words. “I couldn’t say it before. I mean, I could, but I didn’t. And that’s my fault. It was bad, I was bad, I still am bad. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I just - You’re so much of everything. And I want that everything. I want us to share it, forever. I want to see you all the time because you make me so happy and I want to make you just as happy. I think we can be, together. I promise I’ll try, really hard. And I-” Floyd sniffed as (Y/N) pulled back. His face was flushed, tears dotting his lashes. He was trying to keep up his usual confidant grin, but it crumpled at the edges. “I’m sorry, Shrimpy. I’m so sorry I hurt you, that I acted like nothing was wrong, that nothing happened. I love you, you know that right? You know it now. I love you.”
“Oh, Floyd,” She muttered, brushing his hair away from his face. “If I kiss you now, is your lip going to start bleeding again?”
Floyd broke out into a real smile, letting out a choked laugh. He crushed (Y/N) to him, picking her up and spinning her around. He peppered kisses on her face while she giggled too. She took his face in her hands, gently lowering him closer and kissing him.
Back at the dorm, spying out the windows, Cas and Argo high fived.
The next morning was bright and sunny and (Y/N) couldn’t help but think it was all for her.
Cas and Argo were making their rounds in the quad, saying goodbye to their uncles, many of whom grew misty eyed and the imminent departure. Floyd was squeezing her hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb.
“Alright, pups, everyone settle down,” Professor Crewel called, waving everyone over. He took out a paper bag and shook out two dark purple oval candies, handing one to each boy. “Here, this will get you back to your time in the blink of an eye.” He patted each of their heads. “Be good, pups.”
The two took the candies and rushed over to Floyd and (Y/N). Floyd crouched down and picked each boy one at a time, throwing them in the air and catching them before repeating with the other. (Y/N) pulled them both into a tight hug, kissing the tops of their heads.
“I can’t wait to meet you boys for the first time,” She said.
“We’ll see you soon, Mama!” Argo said.
“Mama,” Cas said. “You’re going to take care of Papa, right?”
(Y/N) laughed as Floyd frowned. “Hey, shouldn't I be the one taking care of Mama?”
Cas frowned, a perfect mirror of his father. “Only kinda. Mama’s the one who does all the taking care of.”
“Well, when you get home, tell your Papa and he promised you ice cream.”
(Y/N) quickly whipped away the tears that were forming in her eyes. She cleared her throat to try and speak without faltering. “Speaking of, I’m sure your Mama and Papa are worried about you. I think it’s time to head off. But one more hug.” They crashed back into her open arms. Floyd threw his arms around all of them, squeezing tight.
Finally, the Cas and Argo each took the others hand, popping the candy in their mouth. Cas screwed up his face and Argo stuck out his tongue at the bitter taste of it. (Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh, comparing their reaction to hers when Floyd had first gotten her to drink the oracleum mycoculous tea. It seemed there was no good way to mask that taste.
Before their eyes, the twins started to fade out, as if they had been projections. They stared in fascination at their disappearing bodies. They looked up and waved and everyone waved back. Eventually, they slipped out of view. The group waited another moment, giving some sort of solemn respect to the family they would meet again in the future before dispersing.
“So,” Floyd, leaning down to speak quietly to (Y/N). “You never did answer me, Shrimpy.”
“Answer what?”
He grinned deviously and (Y/N) immediately regretted asking. “How many times you think it took before we got them.”
#fanfic#my work#twisted wonderland#twst x reader#twst#twisted wonderland x reader#floyd leech#floyd leech x reader#floyd x reader#magic plot points#this took me way to long#you have no idea#wafflefriesfic
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Sub Ala Angeli
part 2 - As Above, So Below
Summary: Ghoap x fallen angel!reader, mini fic. Sub ala angeli - Under the wing of an angel.
CW: Hurt/comfort, angst, descriptions of wound, mentions of blood, suicidal ideation, religious stuff, mentions of homophobia.
Previous - masterlist - next
Enjoy <3

Before you get to your feet properly Simon comes over with a blanket. You remember you’re naked, you feel another emotion; embarrassment. You feel your face getting warm as you let Johnny help you to your feet. You wobble, flexing your wing to balance yourself. Johnny’s hand wraps round your waist steadying you.
He takes the blanket in the other hand and holds it up for you. You take it bringing it up to your chest. You still feel exposed. Johnny helps you walk through the house into another room. The place is beautiful, old fashioned and spacious with a big dining table. The sun is flooding through the windows making the whole place look warm and inviting.
Simon pulls a chair out and you sit down gripping the blanket and pull it up over your chest. Johnny goes into the kitchen and you watch Simon as he sits down. Your heart is hammering in your chest, you don’t know what to say or what to do.
“Here.” Johnny says as he puts down a glass of water and a plate of something. It smells good, but you’re not sure what it is. You’ve never eaten human food before.
“Thank you.” You say Johnny smiles at you, he has a nice smile, he has such a warming presence about him.
“So, what happened to your wing?” He asks after a few seconds.
“Exile.” You say, you’re not sure how much detail you want to go into.
“From heaven?” He asks. You nod, your back hurts, you can feel it now the pain were your wing used to be. It’s a dull throbbing pain, you miss it, you miss heaven. You feel tears fall down your face, you reach up to touch them.
“Does it hurt?” Johnny asks you. You swallow, you don’t want to be a burden, you don’t want to be a problem. You nod anyway. He stands up and goes back into the kitchen behind you. You look back up at the other man Simon, he doesn’t say much, his eyes are always watching you though. He has brown eyes, dark eyes.
“It’s all we have but it might help.” He says putting 2 little white things down on the table, you look up at him confused. He smiles at you and moves the glass of water over.
“Paracetamol, pain relief, just swallow them with some water.” You pick them up looking at them in the palm of your hand.
“There’s no pain in heaven.” You say, you put them in your mouth and take a few sips of water. You’re not sure if you're doing it right but you feel them slide down your throat. You look at the plate of food, brown triangles with something on top of them. It smells nice and it makes your mouth water.
“Toast.” Johnny says, you look back up at him. “You don’t have to eat it.”
“I’ve never had food before.” You say.
“I guess there’s not really that much in heaven.” Simon says. It’s the first time you’ve really heard him speak, his voice is different from Johnnys.
“There shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Simon shifts as Johnny talks. You smile at him, the words are familiar, like a comfort to your ears.
“You don’t have to eat the toast.” Simon repeats. You nod, swallowing the lump that's formed in your throat. You don’t think you could eat anything anyway. The rumbling in your stomach feels weird, you’re not sure it’s hunger now.
“How about a shower and some more rest. You look like you could use it.” You grip the blanket, a shiver runs up your body. You look over at your wing, it’s dirty, blood and mud splattered all over it, you feel stiff.
“Okay,” you say looking back at them.
“C’mon, I’ll show you how to use the shower.” You get up following him out back towards the bedroom but he leads you into another room. He goes over pulling the blinds down, you look round the room, there’s a large mirror over the sink. He moves over to start the shower, you hear it run as you turn to look at your back in the mirror.
When you see the bandage your heart sinks, you can’t stop the feeling, more tears run down your cheek. The bandages are almost as white as your wings. It feels wrong, you’ve lost a limb, more than a limb, your wing. The thing that makes you an angel. You reach round to feel the bandage bracing yourself on the sink.
“Let me help.” Johnny says coming over to you, he looks sad, but his expression is soft, his hands stretched out. You nod and he moves over to start taking your bandages off. You don’t think you will be able to look at it, face the wound on your skin. As the layers of bandages get removed it makes you feel something new, worse than sadness, worse than anything you’ve ever felt before.
You don’t care about getting back into heaven, you don’t care about anything you don’t want to be here. As the wound is revealed you feel sick, a sob leaves your throat and you look away. It’s still bright red, nothing left but a stump where your wing used to be and the jagged mark of the Hellhounds teeth.
You look back again, more tears come and you drop the blanket. Johnny’s hand lands on your shoulder.
“I’m so sorry,” he says. Why is he saying that he doesn’t have to be sorry. It’s not his fault, it’s your fault. Maybe if he knew what you did he might never want to see you again. Your hand grips the sink, your knuckles turning white, you let out another sob, falling to your knees and putting your face in your hands.
You can’t stop the crying now, you feel arms come around you. Johnny bends on the floor next to you, you hear the door close behind and look up. A warm hand lands on the top of your back. You hear Simon kneel down behind you.
Johnny's thumb comes to brush tears away, you continue to cry, sniffling as your nose gets stuffy.
“H-how. How d-do I-I make it s-stop.” You stutter through the sobs.
“Breathe.” He says. “In through the nose, out through the mouth.” He takes a deep breath to show you. You try to follow, you have to do it a few times before you finally feel a little better. The sobbing turning into little sniffles.
“That's it, good girl.” He smiles his, the whole time Simon has been behind you rubbing your back. His touch is gentle, soft, he’s careful to avoid your wing.
“Let's turn this shower into a bath.” Johnny says, you reach out for him as he moves.
“Stay.” You say, he turns back and smiles at you.
“Not going anywhere.”
“Lean back,” Simon says gently, his hands moving, gripping your shoulders. You turn in his arms, one hand wraps round your lower back, the other reaching round to pull your shoulder against him. Your palms land flat on his chest, you try to pull your wing against you as tight as you can but it hurts.
A groan leaves your throat and you relent letting it go limp completely. It falls to the floor reaching all the way over to Johnny. You sob, you can't even control your good wing. You drop your head against his chest.
“Just relax.” He says rubbing the small of your back. The room starts to heat up as steam builds. It clears your nose and it makes you feel sleepy. You think you had the wrong impression of Simon. He's shy, not like his bubbly companion. His embrace is warm though, his touch is nice.
You hear the tap turn off, Johnny's hand lands on the top of your back. You’re too exhausted to move, everything hurts too much. They should just leave you here, or throw you back out into the forest.
You’re no use to anyone anymore.
They don't leave though. Instead Simon picks you up in his arms. Johnny helps move your wing and you’re lowered down into the warm water. You let out an audible moan leaning forward. Johnny puts your wing in the bath too. It's almost too big, you turn to look at them over your wing.
“Why did you help me?” You ask, your throat feels raw, the words leaving your mouth are quiet.
“What were we going to do?” Johnny says. “Leave you out in the woods to die?” You hang your head, your cheeks feel raw with tears.
“Can I?” Johnny asks, you turn to look at him holding a cloth in his hand. You nod. You didn’t expect them to help, you didn’t expect them to stay even though you asked. He squirts something onto the cloth, it smells nice, fresh and floral.
He starts with your arm, then kneels up to move down to your chest. He moves slowly, always looking at you, checking with you for permission. There are wounds on your chest, cuts, scrapes and bruises. People might look at you and think you were dragged through the forest not dropped from the sky.
When he reaches your shoulders he passes the cloth to Simon. He’s even more gentle, his other hand lays on your back guiding the cloth so you always know where he’s going to touch next. They avoid your good wing like it’s something fragile, like if they touch it they could break it. You reach over to the top picking out a speck of dirt from the feathers.
“It's not a clean sever.” Simon says, his hand stopped on your back. It makes you feel sick, bile rises in your throat and you swallow it down.
“No.” It's all you manage to say. His hand starts to move again. You pick your wing up out of the bath letting the water drip off it. Your wings always reminded you of swans, you remember seeing them once or twice, the way the water drips off your wing reminds you of them. You move it out of the bath, Johnny moves back to give you room as you let it fall to the floor.
“Can I?” He asks, reaching out slightly. You nod. He hesitates for a second then his hand brushes over the top.
“So soft.” He says, you flex the muscle for him so he can feel it. It sends shooting pains down your back. His hand moves to your feathers, lacing his fingers through the layers, as he follows them down to the largest ones.
“Beautiful.” He breathes, your eyes follow his hands, you watch his face light up in awe as he continues to feel round the layers. Simon’s hands pick up your hair, cleaning your shoulders and the back of your neck. You tip your head forward letting his hand brush over the sensitive spots.
A new feeling pools in your stomach, deep down. It’s something you’ve never experienced before. You don’t know how to describe it. Johnny’s hands come off your wing and he reaches for the cloth out of Simon’s hands.
“How did they do it?” Simon asks, letting your hair fall back round your neck.
“Hellhound.” You swallow, images of the creature flash into your mind. The dark black fur, the red eyes, the teeth. The teeth that sliced through your flesh and bones like butter.
“Hellhound?” Johnny asks. Panic pusles through you, your wound hurts, throbbing like it did when your wing was stolen from your body. You reach out gripping the side of the bath forcing out a breath.
Simon’s warm hand lands on your shoulder.
“We don’t have to talk about it.” He says. You don’t want to talk about it, it just makes things worse. You look over at Johnny who smiles at you washing the blood out of your feathers. He takes his time, his fingers brushing over the gaps where you’ve lost some. They’ll grow back eventually, the thought of your wing not growing back makes a lump form in your throat.
Eventually the bath gets cold and a shiver runs through your body. Simon says it’s time to get out, into a warm bed for some rest. They help you out of the bath handing you a towel, you use to dry yourself. Simon leaves to go find you some clothes while Johnny stays with you. He rebandages your wound with fresh ones, it hurts, even the most gentle touches send shooting pains through your back.
“Thank you.” You say, you turn to him holding the towel up against your chest. He smiles at you and it warms your heart. Simon comes back with some clothes.
“I think they might be too big.” He says, you smile at him anyway, taking them out his hand. They leave the room for you to change. You’re not sure why, they’ve seen you naked more than covered at this point.
He was right, the clothes are too big, but you don’t mind, they're clean and warm. By the looks of things he’s ripped a hole in the back of the top, you’re not sure how to put it on. You open the door with it in your hand. They’re both standing there waiting.
Johnny smiles, taking the shirt out of your hand and helps you get it on. You squeeze your wing through the hole in the back, the shirt is massive on you falling all the way down to your knees.
“What do you wear in heaven?” Johnny asks.
“Nothing. Sometimes robes.” You say as they lead you to the bedroom you woke in.
“I guess there's no embarrassment in heaven.” Johnny chuckles. You sigh, as soon as you see the bed you feel tired, like your limbs are suddenly made of lead. You walk round to the side of the bed to see the glass you broke has already been cleaned up.
“If there’s anything you need, you just have to ask.” Simon says from the end of the bed.
“Stay.” You say looking up at him, then back to Johnny standing in front of you. You don’t know what you want but you know you don’t want to be alone. Suddenly you feel guilt, you’re not sure why, you look down at your feet.
Johnny’s hand comes up to your chin pulling your head up to look at him.
“We’ll stay, let Simon lock up the house and we’ll stay.” He says, smiling at you, it makes the guilt wash away, you don’t know how he does it. He encourages you to get into bed. You have to lie on your good side or your stomach. Both options are not great.
You somehow manage to settle for somewhere in between. Johnny gets under the covers with you, but he keeps his distance. You look over at the end of the bed to see Simon is already gone.
“Get some rest. You’ll feel better in the morning.” He says. You turn to him and smile, relaxing your head down on the pillow. You yawn, that's a new feeling, it makes your body feel all sleepy. Johnny reaches down pulling the duvet up to your armpits. You let your wing rest outside of the covers.
“Thank you Johnny. You don’t have to be so kind.” You say, your eyes feeling heavy.
“Shh, just sleep.” He says, lowering his voice as your eyes close.
He hears Simon come into the room and swings out of the bed going to meet him in the doorway. You fell asleep quickly, your body relaxing into the pillows, your mouth tipped open and you started to drool.
“What did you tell Price?” He asks, trying to keep his voice low.
“Family emergency.” Simon replies.
“And he bought that?” Johnny says, raising an eyebrow.
“No Johnny, then I told him an angel had landed in our back yard and he said ‘hey, take as much time off as you need.’” Simon says his voice laced with sarcasm. Johnny tuts wrapping his arm round Simon’s waist.
“What do you think we should do?” Johnny asks, looking over at you.
“I don’t know.” Simon replies. “Isn’t there anything in that book of yours?”
“Oh yeah, the bible has a whole section on what to do when a fallen angel lands in your yard. There’s a Q and A page and everything.” He says matching Simon’s sarcasm. Simon sighs, shaking his head but wraps his arm round Johnny’s back.
“Maybe we could find a way to send her back?” Simon asks.
“She said she was exiled. I don’t think they want her back.” Johnny says, sighing. They both stand there watching you, your wing rising and falling with each breath.
“What if she finds out about us?” Simon asks eventually.
“What do you mean?” Johnny asks, frowning and looking up at him.
“You know.” He sighs like he’s trying to avoid saying it. “Last I heard the bible wasn’t big on being gay.”
Johnny tuts sighing again. “It’s not like that. I’ve tried telling you.”
“Yeah well up until 48 hours ago I didn’t believe anything even existed.” Simon shrugs. Johnny sighs, reaching up to pull his face to look at him. He smiles seeing Simon’s golden eyes twinkle in the evening sun pouring through the windows.
“I love you, Simon Riley. No angel or god is going to change that.” Johnny says. Simon raises an eyebrow. Johnny reaches up to kiss him, turning in his arm and running his hands to the back of his neck.
Simon moans in his mouth and they both hear you move in bed. They break from the kiss, looking over at you, you’re still sleeping.
“Go get some sleep, I can stay with her.” Johnny says. Simon sighs, his thumb coming up to brush Johnny’s cheek.
“No falling in love with the fallen angel.” He says kissing his forehead.
“Right back at you sweetheart.” Johnny says, squeezing his ass. Simon tuts shaking his head and turns back down the hall. Johnny moves back over to the bed. The old bed creaks as he moves to lay down. He watches you for a moment, you don’t stair, he turns on his side so he’s face to face with you.
You are very beautiful, which hasn’t been helped by you being naked most of the time. He knows Simon’s been looking too, he’s not as subtle as he likes to think. He has so many questions, he doesn’t even know where to start. Right now they just need to help you recover. Hope you can recover.
Maybe he should pray, or maybe not, maybe you did something horrible and they’ve just taken a murderer under their roof. You don’t look like a murderer. He reaches out to touch your wing, it’s so soft, the feathers feel so light, he can’t imagine how you could fly with something that looks so delicate.
It twitches, he sees the muscles on the top of the wing tense and it stretches out landing over him like a blanket. It’s warm, there’s heat radiating off it, he looks back over at you still sleeping. He smiles and reaches over to brush the hair fallen on your face.
‘No falling in love with the fallen angel.’ Simon’s voice rings in his head. Too late.

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Lately I've been dying with stress induced migraines and was wondering if I could request the 141 or any character of your choosing to take care of the reader suffering from them??



MIGRAINES (Ghost x GN!Reader)
ghost masterlist
[WARNINGS; medicine/drugs, inaccuracy of medicine stuff, inaccuracy of military, fluff, physical hurt/comfort, mention of overdosing, it’s implied you do not have regular sleeping problems.]

You know a migraine is about to come on when you’re looking down at the paper in front of you—something about a past mission—and you can’t see the lower right corner of the paper. You blink harshly and rub your eyes, the blotch not leaving which leads you to believe it’s a migraine aura. A heavy feeling forms in the bottom of your stomach, a weird sensation blooming in the nape of your neck. You put the paper down for a moment and rub your eyes—it’s only Tuesday and this will be your second migraine.
You feel frustration ebb at your nerves as tears threaten to spill, causing you to let out a shuddery breath. You stand up from the office chair you’re sitting in, near your desk in your barracks. You decided that you should warn the Captain about your aura and that you would need some rest for the incoming day and maybe even tomorrow.
You can already feel the light sensitivity setting in. It doesn’t hurt just yet as you open your door and you’re forced to be under fluorescent lights, but you can tell your tolerance is lower than usual. You offer quiet greetings to those who you pass in the hall, making your way across base to the offices. You squint a bit more, the muscles surrounding your eyes tensing. You can’t help but wonder why they use such shitty lighting in an office space.
You stop in front of a door with a name plate labeled “CPT. JOHN PRICE”, and you knock on the door a couple of times. You hear his gruff voice, saying something along the lines of come in. You open the door and close it behind yourself, looking at Price who is looking up from his paperwork; probably surrounding the last mission like yours is, too. “I feel another migraine coming on, Captain. I came to ask for the day off.”
Price’s eyes narrow for just a moment in concern. He knows your history with migraines, and how they’re usually induced by stress. “Alright, but you make sure to go see medical if it persists, yeah?” Price says with a lifting tone, but it’s not a question, it’s an order. You go to open your mouth, but Price beats you to it. “I know they can’t do much for you, but those painkiller cocktails are very much worth it.”
You close your eyes as a wave of nausea passes over you, causing you to freeze for a moment. The man in front of you utters your name which prompts your eyes to open back up. His eyes are scanning your face. eyebrows lifting ever so slightly to prompt an answer. You press your lips together and give him a nod; those cocktails are lifesavers, but they don’t last as long as you need them to. You’re thankful for his suggestion anyway. Price gives you a firm nod. “Hope to see you tomorrow feeling better, sergeant.”
“Thank you, Captain.” You reply before leaving his office, pinching the bridge of your nose, trying to stave off that beginning twinge of pain beginning in the base of your skull.

Something was off—Ghost could feel it in his bones. When you don’t show up for morning PT, he knows something is off, especially when for the second time in a few days, Price hands him a signed off medical emergency paper from you. It contained no details, nothing other than “1 day medical absence” signed by Price himself. It left Ghost feeling uneasy; you are not the type to do this type of thing, even when you had the seasonal flu, it was like the entire 141 had to lecture you to slow down, or maybe even rest a bit.
Ghost half expects you to show up anyway, but just like a few days ago, you are nowhere to be found. Ghost finds some free time a bit after 1500, so he makes his way towards medical. Perhaps you were physically injured? He steps into the infirmary and is met with a few pairs of eyes, a couple of them shocked to see him. “Lieutenant! How can we help you?” A medic at a cart parked against the wall asks, quickly packing up something he was doing. Ghost utters your name, glancing around. “Are they here?” He grunts.
“No, sir,” The medic replies. “They did stop by for some treatment, though.” Ghost’s eyebrows furrow for a moment; treatment? Treatment for what? Ghost doesn’t bother to ask, knowing the medics wouldn’t likely tell him anyway, so he murmurs a shirt thank you before leaving the infirmary. He racked his brain—what possibly could keep you out of commission willingly when not even a GSW would? Ghost then decides right then that he will head for your barracks.
He makes his way across base, going from the infirmary unit all the way across to the on-base barracks. Gears are turning in his head as he tries to not jump to conclusions—is there a physical injury he’s not being told about?—and Ghost is failing. You’re one of the couple of folks who don’t have a roommate, so he knocks with a purpose as there isn’t anyone else to worry about bothering. He waits for a few moments and is greeted with silence, so he knocks again with a loud and deep, “Sergeant?”
Ghost is met with silence again, which doesn’t soothe his nerves. He tries the doorknob and to his surprise—and concern—it works. Ghost slowly opens the door to find your room in complete darkness, the only light being the one from the hall which is illuminating your bed. He sees you hunched over in your bed, wrapped in your blankets with your face half buried into your pillow. Near your bed is a TV tray stand with two plastic bowls with separate washcloths hanging off of the side of the bowls. There’s an orange medicine bottle and a small white medicine bottle next to a half empty water bottle and another full unopened bottle.
Ghost closes the door behind himself as he walks over to you, narrowly avoiding the TV tray stand. He peels back the velcro of one of his gloves before removing it, pressing the back of his hand to the part of your forehead that is exposed. Your temperature feels fine at first so he turns his hand over and presses his wrist to the small part of your forehead and he receives the same result. Ghost blinks for a moment, noting that you have no fever. Immense relief floods over him; he’s not exactly sure why.
He calls your name and puts a hand on your arm, shaking you ever so slightly. You don’t move a muscle, but you’re breathing just fine. Ghost looks over at the bottles of medicine and leans over, grabbing both of them. He reads “Zaleplon” and “Rizatriptan”. With a quick google search on his phone, he finds out they are both prescribed medications, which makes his eyebrows furrow in confusion. You have prescribed medications? For sleeping and migraines? You’ve never mentioned this before.
Ghost puts them back down on the TV tray stand and he shakes your shoulder a bit more forcefully as it seems you’re really asleep. He feels bad, knowing he should just let you rest, but he doesn’t know if you’ve eaten. He has no idea if you have only drunk that one bottle of water all day, if you have left to go to the bathroom—nothing. He calls your name louder which still does not harbor a response from you, making his gut tighten once again.
He knows it’s the anxiety talking, that you would be careful with medicine, careful enough to not take too much—but he can’t help but still worry. Ghost doesn’t know that maybe you forgot you took a sleeping pill before popping another, putting you in a deeper sleep. Your breathing seems fine, so you’re definitely not struggling in that department. Maybe you’re just sleeping heavier than usual?
But what if you did take more than needed? What if this is you in the middle of an overdose? You are indeed turned over, your face halfway smushed into the pillow. That’s enough to strike anxiety into Ghost’s soul so he grabs your shoulder and forcefully rolls you onto your back, a heavy relieved sigh leaving him when he doesn’t see any vomit or excess saliva on your pillow or hoodie. Your skin is its usual color, as well as your lips. Ghost’s fingers grab your wrist to feel your pulse, counting the beats. Your heart rate is fine.
So why are you not waking up? And why is he so anxious about it?
Ghost calls your name even louder and his shoulders relax when he hears a quiet groan leave your lips. Your closed eyelids squeeze together for a moment before an expression of pain floods your face, causing Ghost to press his lips together underneath his balaclava. “There ya are,” Ghost murmurs, putting a hand on your shoulder. Your eyes flutter open and they land on Ghost after a moment. “Ghost,” You breathe out, pain lacing your tone.
The room is dark so you’re both struggling to see each other, but Ghost doesn’t mind. If it helps your head, he will gladly squint. “Have ya eaten?” He grunts out, his voice rumbling and low in his chest. You let out a tired breath and rub your eyes, taking a moment to answer. “What time is it?” You croak, your hands moving from your eyes to your temples. Ghost pulls out his phone, it being too dark to look at his watch. “1321.” He replies, making you inhale sharply and let out a groan. “Shit, didn’t mean to sleep that long.” You slur ever so slightly.
“Did’ja miss a dose?” Ghost questions, and you let out a quiet “mhm”. You hear Ghost reach over to the TV tray stand, but you can’t tell what he’s doing. You hear one of the medicine bottles pop open. His hand finds yours and gives you a pill, and then you hear the water bottle crinkle. “Up.” He orders, and you comply, sitting up just enough to take the medicine. You wince at the change in angle so easily irritates your pounding skull, but you appreciate the soothing water running down your throat. Ghost caps the water bottle and puts it back. You hear water sloshing around and one of the washcloths being wrung out, and you flinch ever so slightly when you feel a cold washcloth being tucked underneath your head and against the nape of your neck.
“When did you start ‘aving migraines?” Ghost asks. His tone isn’t accusatory, but it’s clear he’s confused on why he was never let known. He’s also your superior next to Price, looked over the necessary files. You let your eyes shut, focusing on the cold feeling seeping underneath your skin. You appreciate the man keeping his voice down. “Always had ‘em, but they’re stress induced. They aren't constant.” You reply, your voice also remaining low, barely disturbing the silence of your room. “Had one a day or two ago, guess that shit never left.” You joke, earning a huff from Ghost. “Y’didn’t answer my question. When’s the last time you have eaten?” Ghost inquires, making you let out a sigh. “Mm, maybe 4 or 5 hours ago,” You hum. “I should go grab something soon, helps the medicine kick in faster.”
Ghost shakes his head even though you can barely tell. “No need, I’ll grab it. Are you experiencing nausea?” Ghost stands up from the bed, the mattress leveling out. “A bit, yeah. Could you grab something light on the stomach?” You request, your fingers grabbing your blanket as a warm fuzzy feeling in your gut begins to distract you from the pounding in your temples. “‘Course.” And with that, Ghost leaves you with your thoughts for the time being. You don’t understand why he’s being so nice and generous—it’s not like Ghost is not nice, but he’s usually more teasing and serious about getting shit done.
To be fair, the last time you got injured, he also took care of you. You had earned a nasty brush with death after being too close to a large explosion. You had been thrown back into a wall, crashing through the other side, earning you a broken shoulder and a piece of wood through the major artery in your thigh—as well as the classic severe concussion, of course. This happened about a year ago and when your shoulder aches, Ghost somehow knows and offers to rub cream into it. It’s similar to Soap’s knee pain, so he knows what to do. Countless nights over a year of rubbing cream into the part of your shoulder that you can’t reach, the words left unspoken between you two?
Ghost returns with a light meal for you as well as a cup of ice water, knowing it’ll help you more than your room temperature water bottles. Something about Ghost being so domestic over this past year up to now, taking care of you and bringing you food, rubbing cream into your shoulder when needed, when he took you to those temporary physical therapy appointments for your shoulder? Something snapped inside of you and you could never look at him in the same friendly way and by the way he looks and speaks to you, it seems to be the same for him.
#ghost x reader#simon ghost riley x reader#simon riley x reader#ghost x gn!reader#simon ghost riley x gn!reader#simon riley x gn!reader#call of duty#call of duty mwii#cod mw2#cod#mw2022#modern warfare ii#mw2 2022#cod ghost#ghost call of duty#simon ghost riley#ghost#modern warfare fanfiction#modern warfare 2 x reader#cod modern warfare
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open goals
lena oberdorf x bayern!reader
part one here - part two - part three here
summary: love wins at bayern munich
warnings: angst, one mention of childhood neglect, this part is very long too, enemies to lovers.
after some time, in february 2024, everything changed.
you get home after training one evening, still feeling the unease that you can’t quite place. you try to shake it off as you walk through the front door, tossing your bag to the side, and head straight for the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
your mind is still spinning with all the weird little moments from today, but you can’t quite put your finger on what’s bothering you.
everyone being so nice, so... attentive. well, your european teammates have always been the sweetest– sometimes clingy– but today feels different. your intuition tells you so.
your fingers drum against the counter as you stare off at nothing, you try to brush it off as paranoia. it was probably nothing, they’re being the best teammates that they are.
the pink iphone of yours buzzes just as you take a sip of water, and you glance down to see your national teammate’s name flashing on the screen.
relief floods you; it’s been a minute since you last talked to her, and you need some normalcy right now, something that feels comfortable and familiar. you quickly swipe to answer.
“heyyyy!” you greet, trying to sound casual as you lean back against the counter.
“hey girl,” she laughs, her voice bright and cheerful.
“god, it’s been forever since we last talked. i got bored and saw your contact so i figured i’d call you. i hope i am not interrupting?”
“you aren’t. i just got home.” you smile.
“okay cool! how are things? how’s training?”
“oh, you know, same old,” you say, forcing a smile even though she can’t see you.
“just finished up for the day like i said. bayern’s... good. how’s everything with you? i know you just transferred from lyon to chelsea last month. how is everything? you’ve been at lyon since forever.”
“forever as in a few years? ha i am doing good. the girls here are sweet.” your teammate says, you can hear the comfort in her voice.
“thats great! jess mentioned that you were getting comfortable.”
“yeah, yeah. honestly, the problem is getting used to a new routine,” she groans dramatically, and you laugh, feeling yourself relax a little.
“can’t wait to catch up with you when we’re back together at the national camp. what about you? how’s georgia doing? and the others?” your national teammate continues.
you feel a little warmth spread through your chest at the mention of your bayern teammates.
“oh, they’re great. georgia’s, well, being georgia as always. sydney’s loud and chaotic. nothing’s really changed, y’know? just the usual chaos.”
“sounds about right,” she says, chuckling.
“but hey, speaking of georgia... she told me that you were getting a new tattoo soon by her? something about matching with some of the bayern crew?”
“yeah, actually, later tonight,” you reply, glancing at the clock.
“heading over to georgia’s shop in a bit. i’m not getting one today, though—sam is. but... yeah, we’ll all be there.”
“oh, nice,” she says, and you can hear her moving around on the other end, probably putting dishes away or something.
“what’s sam getting?”
“not sure,” you admit with a shrug, even though she can’t see it.
“i think it’s a symbol or something. you know sam—always something meaningful.”
“classic sam,” she says with a fond chuckle, and for a moment, everything feels light and easy. just a normal catch-up between friends.
but then her tone shifts a bit, a hesitant edge creeping in.
“hey, uh... you’ve been good, right? like, with... everything going on?”
you blink, confused by the sudden change in topic.
“yeah, i mean... yeah, everything’s fine. why?”
she hesitates, and you can hear the hesitation in her voice.
“i just... i don’t know. i thought you might be, um, worried. about... well, about the rumors and stuff.”
“rumors?” you repeat, furrowing your brow. “what rumors?”
“about lena,” she says softly, like she’s not sure how you’re going to take it.
the smile on your face drops from the sound of her name.
“you know... her possibly transferring to bayern.”
you freeze, the air catching in your throat. “what?” you say, your voice coming out sharper than you intended.
“what do you mean… transferring? lena’s at wolfsburg. she’s been there forever and i remember lea mentioning something about her signing a renewal with them.”
there’s a pause, and you hear her take a deep breath.
“yeah, i know, but... haven’t you seen the news on social media? like, there’s a bunch of talk that she might be coming to bayern. i mean, it’s all just rumors right now, but... i figured someone would’ve mentioned it to you. i thought... i thought you knew.”
you shake your head even though she can’t see you, trying to process what she’s saying, but it feels like she’s speaking another language.
“no, no, i didn’t know. why would... why would lena come to bayern? that... that doesn’t make sense.”
“i mean, she’s one of the best players in germany,” your teammate points out, her voice still soft and cautious.
“it kinda makes sense for her to move to a big club like bayern... i’m sorry– i know you hate me for saying that–but i didn’t think you’d be finding out like this. shit shit shit, i’m sorry, y/n. i honestly thought you knew.”
“no,” you say quickly, trying to keep your voice steady even as your mind is racing. “no, i... i had no idea. i mean... lena and bayern, that’s... that’s not possible. it can’t be real.”
“it’s all just talk right now,” she reassures you, but you can hear the uncertainty in her voice.
“look, maybe it’s just rumors, you know how these things go. people are always saying players are going here and there. remember when the news said that you were leaving munich to go to new york?? that never happened! but... i dunno, i’ve been seeing it all over my timeline.”
you feel your heart pounding in your chest, and there’s a dull ringing in your ears as you try to make sense of everything.
“you’re... you’re joking, right?” you force out a laugh, but it sounds shaky.
“please tell me you’re joking.”
“i wish i was,” she says, and your stomach drops. “i can send you the links if you want to see for yourself.”
“fine,” you say, feeling like you’re on autopilot now, the panic starting to build in your chest.
“send them over.”
the moment the call ends, the links start coming through—one after the other, headlines that make your eyes blur with disbelief.
“wolfsburg star rumored to be signing with bayern…”
“lena oberdorf could be on the move…”
“bayern munich set to sign germany’s young talent…”
it’s like the words swim in front of your eyes, and your breath catches in your throat.
you stare at your phone, feeling the world shift beneath your feet. it feels like everything is closing in, like the room is getting smaller and smaller, and all you can do is sit there, trying to remember how to breathe.
lena. at bayern. in the same locker room as you. wearing the same crest as you. doing the same cheers and learning the handshakes. it feels like a nightmare, but you’re wide awake.
she’d never come here. she’d never... never follow you to bayern. not after everything. you told yourself.
but then again, lena was always one step ahead, always getting to you when you least expected it.
what if it’s true? what if she really is coming here?
you shakily text your teammate back—hey, i’ll call you later,—but you know you won’t. not now. not while your head is spinning like this.
you make it to georgia’s tattoo place, just about two minutes late but munich traffic during rush hour was busy. the bell above the door chimes as you step in, and the familiar smell of ink and antiseptic fills the air.
georgia’s setting up her tattoo gun for sam, who’s chatting animatedly with ana, lea, and sydney on the side. usually, you’d be joking around with them, too, but today you’re barely holding it together.
georgia looks up, smiling as you walk in. “hey, you made it! ready to watch the magic happen while sam panics the whole time?”
“shut up!” sam protests.
you force a smile, but it feels fake, plastered on. you can’t focus on anything but the whirlwind of thoughts spinning in your head.
“yeah... yeah, sure,” you mumble, feeling like your voice is coming from someone else’s mouth.
sydney notices the look on your face and frowns.
“y/n? what’s up? you have the same face you made when we got knocked out of the champions league last month.”
you swallow hard, your voice wavering as you ask the question that’s been clawing at your mind the entire way over.
“did... did you guys know about lena? that she’s... coming to bayern?”
the room goes quiet, and you see the way georgia’s shoulders tense, the way sydney exchanges a look with ana.
no one speaks for a moment, and the silence feels like it’s crushing you.
lea is the one to break it, stepping forward and reaching out to touch your arm gently.
“y/n, we didn’t want to tell you until we knew for sure. it’s all rumors right now—lena hasn’t told me anything about that yet. nothing is confirmed, okay?”
“yeah,” sydney adds quickly, crossing her arms, her voice firm.
“look, lena’s a good player. if she’s coming to bayern, it’s not to make your life harder. she probably wants to be close to her friends, her family... you should know that this isn’t about you.”
“but it feels like it’s about me,” you admit, hating the tremor in your voice. “it’s like she’s... she’s invading my space, and i... i don’t know what to do about it. what if she comes here and makes everything... worse?”
you tell yourself you’re a professional, and lena is too. you tell yourself that maybe things will be okay. but the past still grips your chest tightly, reminding you of every moment of anger, every tackle, every taunt. and deep down, you know you’re not ready to let that go. not yet.
when lena confirms to the public that she will join bayern after this season ends, with the bayern pages itself posting pictures of lena signing the contract beside bianca-- you feel dread.
“what if she takes my spot? what if she bullies me in the locker room when you guys aren’t around?” you found yourself blurting out to pernille, magda, and tuva in the lounge room the following morning.
“what if she… i don’t know, what if she ruins everything and i’d have to move clubs?”
“süße erbse,” tuva said gently, placing a hand on your shoulder. “you really think we’d let that happen? lena’s good, but you’re y/n l/n. we love you here.”
“yeah,” pernille added with a grin, “you think lena can come in here and take away our süße erbse? not a chance.”
you wanted to believe them, but there was still a knot in your stomach. it wasn’t just about your spot on the team.
it was everything—years of being belittled by her, the way she made you feel like you were always playing catch-up. and now she was going to be…here. in your everyday life.
when july rolled around, the first day lena officially joins bayern, you’re tense before you even get to the training ground.
everyone– aka the girls from the german national team–have been buzzing about her arrival for weeks, and the news has followed you around like a shadow—reminding you every day that your former rival, the person who pushed you to your lowest, was now going to be your teammate.
it doesn't sit right, and as you step into the locker room that morning, you can’t shake the discomfort in your chest.
there she is, standing by her locker, looking...different. softer than the lena you’re used to seeing in the green and white of wolfsburg.
now, she’s wearing the same red bayern training kit as you, and it makes something twist inside your stomach. wrong. that’s what it feels like—just wrong.
you want to turn around and leave, just pretend you forgot something in the parking lot and stall for time, but she spots you before you can move.
her eyes light up, that familiar spark dancing in them—but it’s not taunting like before. it’s... welcoming. she gives you this big smile, the kind that makes her eyes crinkle at the edges, and suddenly it feels like the room is too hot, too small, like the walls are closing in on you.
“y/n, hey,” lena says, and her voice sounds...kind. friendly. nothing like the voice you remember yelling at you on the pitch, taunting you with every mistake.
she walks toward you, like she’s genuinely excited to see you, and you want to flinch away.
“i’m really glad to be here. i know we’ve had a past, but i hope we can leave all that behind and be teammates. put the rivalry aside, yeah?”
you force a smile, but it feels more like a grimace. “hi,” you manage to say, your voice cracking slightly.
you can barely meet her eyes, your gaze dropping to the floor because looking at her feels like staring straight into the past—the tackles, the taunts, the years of feeling like you were always playing catch-up.
“it’s nice to finally be on the same side, don’t you think?” she continues, still smiling, as if she’s trying to ease the tension.
“i’m looking forward to working with you. i’ve... always admired how you play.”
the words are so dissonant, so out of place coming from her, that you can’t help but scoff quietly.
admired you? this is the same woman who spent years making you feel like you were never enough, who relished in getting under your skin every chance she got. and now she was just going to act like that history never existed? like she never made you a joke, like you’re supposed to be grateful for her kindness now?
“right,” you say flatly, unable to keep the sarcasm from your voice. “well... welcome, then.”
you turn to walk away, unable to deal with the tightness in your chest, but the moment you take a step, lena calls after you, her voice softening.
“y/n, wait—I really mean it. i don’t want there to be... any bad blood between us. i want to start fresh.”
you pause, but don’t turn back to look at her. every muscle in your body feels tense, like you’re coiled to spring away, and your mind is racing with every bitter memory.
“yeah, well... some things aren’t that easy to forget,” you mutter before walking off, feeling like you’re practically running away towards the training grounds.
your heart hammers in your chest as you make your way to the pitch, trying to shake the feeling of discomfort that lingers.
you hate how your voice sounded, how nervous you were—like a little kid facing down a bully.
get it together, you're a twenty-one year old adult. you tell yourself, trying to block out the way she looked at you, like you were someone she actually cared about.
you don’t know this lena, and you’re not sure you want to.
as you head out to the pitch, you see sydney standing by the goalpost, and you practically breathe a sigh of relief.
your best friend on the team, your fiercest defender when it comes to lena, sydney notices immediately that something’s up when she sees your face.
“she talked to you, didn’t she?” sydney asks, her voice sharp. she’s always had your back when it comes to lena, never liked the way she treated you.
all of the other girls at bayern hated how lena treated you, but sydney was more vocal about it.
“what’d she say?”
“just... some bullshit about wanting to start over,” you say, shaking your head, your voice dripping with disbelief.
“like she thinks we’re just going to be best friends now or something. like all of the shit she put me through doesn’t matter.”
sydney’s expression hardens, and she glares over at lena, who’s standing off to the side of the pitch, looking a little lost and unsure as lea talks to tuva.
“what did she expect? that she’d walk in and everything would be fine and dandy?” she scoffs, rolling her eyes.
“she’s got a nerve, acting like you’re just supposed to forgive her instantly.”
“yeah, well, i’m not,” you say, your jaw tightening. “not yet. maybe not ever.”
training starts, and as the drills go on, you feel lena’s eyes on you a few times—quick glances, like she’s gauging whether to approach you again.
but every time she makes a move, sydney is there, blocking her path or shooting her a look that says, not now. eventually, lena seems to get the hint, and she keeps her distance, sticking close to lea.
after training, as you’re cooling down, you see lena approach sydney, her expression uncertain but determined.
“hey, um... is y/n okay?” you hear her ask, her voice low. “i didn’t mean to... i don’t know, make her uncomfortable.”
sydney, to her credit, doesn’t sugarcoat anything. “look, lena,” she says firmly, crossing her arms.
“you know what happened between you two. you know what you did. don’t expect her to like you immediately just because you’re being nice now. give her space. she’s not... ready for this.”
lena nods slowly, looking over at you from across the pitch, her face falling slightly. “yeah... yeah, i get it. thanks.”
you don’t know how much she means it—you don’t know if she really understands how much damage she did, how much she’s hurt you over the years. and you’re not ready to find out, either. all you know is that seeing her in the same kit, wearing your club’s crest, feels like a betrayal. and it’s going to take a lot more than nice words and pretty smiles to change that.
throughout the preseason she tried to engage with you more, but every time, you shied away. it wasn’t that you couldn’t talk to her—it was that you didn’t want to.
not after how she made you feel.
lena, for her part, noticed. she wasn’t stupid. she saw how you avoided her, how you never quite met her eyes. so one day, after a particularly awkward training session, she turned to her best friend lea for advice.
“why does y/n hate me so much?” lena asked, frowning as they sat together after practice.
lea glanced at her, “obi, are you serious?”
lena sighed,
then lea sighed. “well, it’s pretty obvious, lena. you’ve been pushing her around and treating her like shit for years.”
lena blinked, clearly taken aback. “what do you mean?”
“i mean, you’ve made her life miserable on the pitch,” lea explained patiently, even though lena pretends like the last three years didn’t exist.
“people have been making jokes about her because of you, and you…you’ve entertained it. you’ve never let up, even when it wasn’t necessary. of course she’s going to resent you. you made her feel small.”
lena was quiet for a long moment, her brow furrowing. she hadn’t thought about it that way before.
she’d just always seen it as competition, as banter. but now… now it made sense. “i didn’t mean to,” she murmured.
“yeah, well,” lea said, “that doesn’t change how she feels.”
then, as if things couldn’t get more complicated, lena tore her acl before the olympics in the summer. it was brutal, seeing her go down like that. and even though you resented her, a part of you—deep down—felt sorry for her.
you knew what it was like to be sidelined for months due to the same injury, to watch everything you’ve worked for slip away.
so, you did something you didn’t think you’d ever do: you texted her through instagram.
*hey. i’m sorry to hear about your injury. i hope you have a smooth recovery.*
you stared at your phone for a long time after hitting send, unsure if you’d regret it. lena responded quickly, thanking you, and trying to start a conversation. but you didn’t give her much, keeping your replies short, not really engaging.
you weren’t ready to let your guard down yet, even if she is on the same team with your teammates protecting you.
over the next two months, lena tried again and again to reach out, but you kept her at arm’s length.
it wasn’t until one day, after a particularly long rehab session, that she finally cornered you, her eyes soft but determined.
“can we talk?” she asked, her voice gentler than you’d ever heard it.
you sighed but nodded, deciding it was time to hear her out. the two of you found a quiet spot in the training center, and she looked at you with something almost like regret in her eyes.
“i didn’t realize…how much i hurt you,” lena began.
“i thought it was just part of the game, you know? but lea explained it to me. and i finally get it now. i’m so sorry.”
you crossed your arms, looking down at your shoes.
“you made me a joke, lena. you acted like it was nothing, but i had to hear it from everyone. people comparing us, praising you, and making me feel like…like i wasn’t good enough. and you encouraged it. you made me feel small.”
lena’s face softened, and she stepped closer.
“that was never my intention. i never meant to make you feel like that. i admired you. you’re…goodness, y/n, you’re incredible on the pitch. you’re so fast, and the way you move with the ball—it’s like art. and off the pitch, you’re…you’re kind. you’re good to people. i didn’t realize how much that meant until lea pointed it out.”
you blinked, taken aback by her words. “what?”
lena sighed, running a hand through her hair.
“i’m saying i like you. i’ve liked you for a while now. i just didn’t know how to show it, so i acted like an idiot. i get it if you hate me. i probably deserve that.”
you stared at her, completely caught off guard.
“you’re joking, right? are you serious? you can’t just say something like that after everything. how can you feel that way after everything you’ve said and done to me?”
“i’m not joking,” lena said softly, her eyes meeting yours. “i like you, y/n. and i’m sorry. i really am. i know i hurt you, but if you give me a chance, i’d like to make it up to you.”
you swallowed hard, trying to process everything. part of you wanted to stay angry, to hold onto the grudge you’d built up over the years. but another part of you—one that you didn’t want to admit existed—was intrigued.
was it possible that lena oberdorf, the girl who had made your life hell on the pitch, actually had feelings for you?
“i don’t know,” you said slowly, your voice tight. “you hurt me, lena. you pushed me around for years. you made me feel like i was less. i’m not just going to forget that because you have a crush.”
lena nodded, her expression serious. “i understand. i’m not asking you to forget. i’m just asking for a chance to prove that i’m not that person anymore.”
you hesitated, your walls still firmly in place. “if i even consider this,” you said carefully, “you need to apologize. really apologize, not just say it because you think it’s what i want to hear.”
lena met your eyes, her voice steady. “i’m sorry, y/n. i’m sorry for the way i treated you, for making you feel like you weren’t enough. you’re more than enough. you’ve always been.”
you felt something shift in your chest, a soft crack in the armor you’d built up over the years. maybe, just maybe, lena meant it.
“okay,” you said quietly, your voice barely above a whisper. “we’ll see.”
after months of unease, things start to shift. lena is at bayern now, and even though you’re not thrilled about it, you’ve accepted that she’s not going anywhere.
she’s on the sidelines for every training session, every game, with that same determined look in her eyes, even though her acl injury keeps her off the pitch.
despite the resentment that still lingers, you can’t help but feel like you’re softening toward her, little by little.
you've been bayern’s top scorer so far this season. after every game, lena comes onto the pitch to congratulate everyone. she goes around, hugging your teammates, and when she gets to you, her arms open, but you freeze.
“um– can we do a handshake?” you suggest awkwardly, offering your hand instead of leaning in for the hug. lena hesitates but nods with a small smile, shaking your hand.
“good game,” she says quietly, eyes lingering on you for a moment longer than necessary.
“thanks,” you mumble, trying not to meet her gaze for too long.
it goes on like that for a while. lena is kind, trying to talk to you, but you keep your distance. until one night in the champions league group stage against brann.
you’re in form, dominating the game. after the final whistle, you feel unstoppable, and for once, when lena comes up to you, the usual wall you’ve put up doesn’t feel as necessary.
“that was an incredible performance,” lena says, her voice softer than you expected. “that goal of yours was fucking amazing!.”
something in her tone feels different, more genuine. you swallow, feeling a strange warmth in your chest.
“thank youu!” you say, and before you realize it, you’re leaning into her for a hug. it’s quick, but enough to catch lena off guard. when you pull back, you notice her slight smile, surprised but pleased.
lea sees it, of course. she catches your eye from across the pitch and raises an eyebrow, smirking as if to say, finally. you roll your eyes at her but can’t help the small smile tugging at your lips.
the next game, however, things take a turn. you go down with a minor ankle injury—nothing serious, but enough to keep you out for a week. you’re frustrated, but during that time off, lena reaches out again.
"hey, do you wanna grab lunch?" she asks one afternoon after recovery workouts, catching you as you’re leaving the facility.
you hesitate, unsure.
“maybe... georgia can come too?” you suggest, hoping for a buffer.
lena raises an eyebrow, but she nods.
“sure, if that makes you more comfortable.”
later, georgia tells you, “sorry, luv, i can’t make it. i have some appointments at the tattoo shop today. you’ll be fine without me though.”
you groan, realizing you’re stuck going alone.
the lunch ends up going better than expected, despite your initial reluctance.
lena is... different. she talks about her recovery, how tough it’s been not being able to play, and how strange it’s been being around you in this new context.
“i just want to say i’m sorry again,” lena says halfway through the meal, catching you off guard. she’s picking at her food, avoiding your gaze. “i know i’ve apologized before, but... i was really awful to you for a long time.”
you blink, surprised at the sincerity in her voice. “yeah, you were,” you admit quietly, not really looking at her either. “but... i guess it’s not as bad now. you’re trying, at least.”
lena smiles at that, small but genuine. “i am. i mean it, y/n. i really... i really do like you.”
you stare at her, the words hanging in the air. “you’re serious about that? you’re not joking? you actually... like me?”
lena’s eyes flick up to meet yours, and she nods. “i do. i know i haven’t given you many reasons to believe me, but... it’s not a joke. not anymore.”
you don’t say anything for a moment, processing her words. later, you find yourself going to lea about it.
“is she serious?” you ask her, sitting on the edge of your bed one night after training. “like, does lena really have a crush on me or is she just... messing with me again?”
lea tilts her head, looking at you carefully. “she’s serious, y/n. i’ve known lena for years, and she’s not the same person you faced on the pitch. she’s not as bad as you think.”
“really?” you furrow your brow. “because all i’ve seen is her making my life hell.”
lea sighs, shaking her head. “yes, she’s my bestfriend y/n. you only saw her bad side because you were rivals. but back when we were at essen, or even with the national team, she’s... she’s kind. she was always the first one to help out, the one who looked out for the younger players. she just got competitive with you.”
“you’re saying she’s always been kind? because i’ve literally never seen it.”
lea nods, crossing her arms. “i’ve seen it. she’s not just this tough girl who wants to win everything. she’s actually really thoughtful. she’d always bring coffee to the team early in the morning. she once helped a teammate get to the airport when she missed her train... little things like that.”
you’re quiet for a moment, trying to imagine this version of lena. “huh. i never knew that.”
“you weren’t supposed to,” lea shrugs. “you guys were always butting heads, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t care. i think... i think she just didn’t know how to show it. especially around you.”
you chew on that for a while.
in november– it hits you suddenly one evening after training before the uwcl match against arsenal.
as you’re sitting on the edge of your bed, wearing comfy pajamas, your heart is pounding for no reason that you can explain.
it’s like a creeping realization that crawls up your spine and won’t let go: you’re developing feelings for lena.
you bury your face in your hands, groaning softly.
“god, i’m so stupid,” you mutter to yourself. you can't believe it—lena, the girl who made you feel like absolute shit for years, the one who seemed to thrive on making you look bad on the pitch, the one who’d taunted and tackled you like you were nothing.
how could you possibly like her? how could you feel anything for someone who made you feel so stupid and worthless?
but now, things are different. ever since lena joined bayern, she’s been... well, kind. showing you this softer, gentler side that you never saw before. helping you during training, throwing out compliments here and there, catching you off guard with that stupid smile that makes you blush. and the more you see of this side of her, the more it eats away at you.
lena is genuinely sweet. she’s... attractive. and that scares you.
you need to talk to someone—someone who understands, someone who won’t judge you. so, you go to madga and pernille, the two adult players you trust most on the team.
they're like your mentors, the big sisters you never had, and when you knock on their door late that night, you’re practically shaking with nerves.
“y/n?” madga’s voice is gentle as she opens the door, concern immediately clouding her features.
“what’s wrong?”
“can... can i come in?” you ask, your voice wavering.
“of course,” pernille says, stepping aside to let you into their shared apartment. the space is cozy, a few blankets draped over the sofa, the faint smell of tea lingering in the air.
you sit down heavily on the couch, madga and pernille sitting on either side of you, giving you their full attention. “it’s about... lena,” you begin, hesitating, feeling your hands tremble in your lap.
madga and pernille exchange a look—one that you can’t read, but they don’t interrupt. they just nod, encouraging you to continue.
“i—i think i might... like her,” you finally confess, your voice cracking on the last words. “and i can’t believe it, because for so long i hated her. she made my life miserable on the pitch, and now she’s being all... nice, and i’m... i’m starting to see how... god, how attractive she is, and it’s terrifying.”
pernille reaches out, placing a hand on your shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “it’s okay, y/n. it’s okay to feel conflicted.”
“i’m just... i’m so angry at myself,” you admit, tears threatening to spill over. “she used to be so awful to me, you know? every time we played each other, she’d do whatever she could to make me feel like i was nothing, just... trash-talking, tackling me, all of it. and now... now i’m supposed to believe she’s this sweet, thoughtful person, like she’s always been? and the worst part is... i do believe it. and it’s like i’m losing control of how i feel.”
madga lets out a small sigh, nodding as she processes your words. “people are complicated, y/n. we all have different sides to us. it sounds like... maybe lena was just showing you one side back then—the competitor, the rival, someone who was tasked to throw you off of the game. but maybe that’s not all she is. you’re getting to see the real lena now.”
you shake your head, staring down at your hands. “but why now? why show me this side now? why couldn’t she have done it before? when i—when i actually hated her?”
“because it’s hard to show your softer side when you’re up against someone who you see as your biggest challenge,” pernille says softly.
“maybe she didn’t know how to show you who she really was. but that doesn’t mean it’s not real now.”
“i just don’t know what to do,” you whisper, feeling so lost.
“i don’t know how to feel about her. some days i want to push her away, pretend like she’s still that girl who used to treat me like crap. and then other days... i can’t stop thinking about her. about the way she smiles, how she looks at me. i stare at her arms too sometimes– gosh why am i saying that UGHH i don’t know if i can trust it. trust... her.”
madga wraps her arm around you, pulling you close in a gentle side hug. “it’s okay to be scared. it’s okay to feel all of this. but you don’t have to figure it out all at once. let it happen, y/n. let yourself feel what you feel.”
“but what if she hurts me again?” you say, your voice light.
“what if this is all just... a game to her? what if i’m just going to be a joke again?”
“noo way. if so, we will stop that,” pernille says, smiling softly. “whatever happens, we’ve got your back. but you have to let yourself feel it, even if it’s scary. if you’re really seeing a different side to lena, maybe that’s worth seeing. or... maybe not. but you won’t know unless you let yourself try.”
you nod slowly, letting their words wash over you. maybe they’re right—maybe you’re overthinking it. but the fear is still there, lingering, because falling for someone like lena means trusting her, and you’re not sure you’re ready for that.
but as you sit there, sandwiched between madga and pernille, you take a deep breath and let yourself relax. maybe, just maybe, it’ll be okay. maybe this could be something real. and if it’s not... at least you know you won’t be alone.
by now it’s december, and it’s nearing christmas. the bayern locker room is filled with excitement. everyone’s talking about their plans for the holidays—family gatherings, trips abroad, dinners with loved ones.
you sit in the corner, pulling off your ivory colored cleats slowly, hoping no one will ask you. you’ve always been good at hiding it, but this time it feels harder.
there’s no family waiting for you, no friends flying in from home. just you.
sam kerr is the first to bring it up, naturally. she’s sitting across from you, leaning back with her phone in hand, already talking about her plans.
“so, y/n,” she starts, her tone casual, but there’s a glint of curiosity in her eyes.
“what are you doing for christmas? heading home, or what?”
you freeze for a second, then plaster on your usual smile. “uh, yeah. i’ve got a friend visiting,” you lie, trying to keep your voice light, like it’s no big deal.
the entire locker room listens.
"oh?" georgia raises an eyebrow. “which friend? anyone we know?”
you laugh awkwardly, shaking your head. "nah, just an old friend from back home. you wouldn’t know her."
"that’s nice," ana chimes in from the other side of the room, clearly not sensing the tension behind your smile.
“i’m jealous. all my friends are still stuck at their parents’ houses in colombia. it's family overload." ana continues.
you nod along, trying to seem as normal as possible. “yeah, well, it’ll be nice to catch up.”
but then, tuva joins in, her usual sharp instincts picking up something. she looks at you, her eyes narrowing slightly. "you’ve never mentioned this friend before. how come?"
you feel your stomach tighten. "we... we don’t talk much. they’re in university. we are just, you know, catching up for the holidays."
tuva tilts her head, still studying you, but thankfully, she doesn’t push further. instead, the conversation shifts as the others talk about their own plans again. but you can feel the tightness in your chest, the weight of the lie sitting uncomfortably on your shoulders.
you can’t help but wonder if any of them can tell.
as you finish changing and start heading out, georgia catches up to you.
“hey, y/n,” she says softly, her voice just a bit quieter, as if sensing something’s off. “you good? you seemed... i don’t know, distracted earlier.”
you force a smile again. “yeah, just tired. it’s been a long week.”
georgia doesn’t look convinced, but she lets it go, offering you a soft smile. “well, if you need anything over christmas, let me know, alright? we can always meet up if your plans fall through.”
“thank you,” you mumble, appreciating her kindness but knowing you’ll never take her up on that offer.
you’ve gotten used to spending the holidays alone, and this year will be no different.
christmas day arrives, and true to your word, you’re alone.
you walk to your favorite café, the one where the baristas know your order without you even having to ask.
the streets are quiet, the festive buzz from days prior now fading into a peaceful stillness. you’ve got your true crime book tucked under your arm, planning to spend the afternoon reading, just like every year.
as you step inside the café, you smile at the baristas, leaving a generous tip in their jar.
"merry christmas," you say, offering them a small nod before settling into your usual spot by the window.
outside of the team, outside of football, you consider yourself to be a loner. due to childhood trauma involving neglect, you don’t talk to your family. in fact, football was your escape from them.
you never made an effort to have friends outside of the clubs you played for. the hobbies you have never involved meeting other people. you’re aware that you shouldn’t have your life surrounded by football, but it was the thing that saved you.
even “she” couldn’t break you from playing football for those three years.
you’re halfway through the first chapter of your book when the door swings open. at first, you don’t pay much attention, too focused on the pages in front of you. but then you hear familiar footsteps, and out of habit, you glance up. your heart drops when you see who it is.
you immediately duck your head, trying to hide behind your book, but it’s too late. lena stops mid-step, her eyes widening in surprise as she spots you.
she pauses for a moment, clearly taken aback, before heading straight toward your table.
“y/n?” she asks, her voice carrying a mix of confusion and curiosity.
“what are you doing here?”
you swallow hard, forcing yourself to look up. “uh... just grabbing a coffee,” you reply, your voice stiff.
lena’s eyes flicker with suspicion as she pulls out the chair across from you and sits down backwards on the chair, her arms resting on top of the wood..
“where’s your friend? the one who was supposed to visit?”
your pulse quickens, and for a split second, you consider keeping up the lie.
but something about the way she’s looking at you, her brow furrowed with genuine concern, makes you crumble.
“they... they couldn’t make it,” you admit, your voice quieter now. “something came up.”
lena studies you for a moment, her gaze softening. “you’re lying,” she says gently, but there’s no malice in her voice.
“there was never a friend. you’re spending christmas alone, aren’t you?”
you sigh, dropping your gaze to the table. “yeah,” you finally admit, feeling the weight of the truth settle around you.
“i’ve always spent it alone. it’s... just how it is.”
lena’s expression softens even more, and she leans forward slightly, her voice quiet but firm.
“you don’t have to spend it alone, y/n. come with me. i’m not doing anything either, my parents are visiting my brother.”
you blink, surprised by the offer. “lena, you don’t have to—”
“i’m not letting you spend christmas in a cold café by yourself,” she interrupts, her tone leaving no room for argument.
“come on. i’ve got rookie at home, we’ll cook something, and i can put on some disney christmas movies. it’ll be fun.”
you hesitate, glancing around the empty café before looking back at her. “i don’t know, lena...”
“please,” she insists, her eyes searching yours. “it’s christmas. no one should be alone.”
after a long pause, you finally nod. “okay. but only because you said disney movies.”
lena grins, standing up and grabbing her coat. “deal.”
“also, what’s a rookie? you said you’ve got a rookie at home.” you question as lena holds the door open for you.
“you’ll see.” lena smirks.
in her apartment, the atmosphere is warm and cozy. rookie, her dog, greets you excitedly at the door, his tail wagging as he sniffs at your legs.
“awe who’s this?” you smile, going on your knees as you scratch the dog’s ears.
“this is rookie!” lena says, admiring you and rookie interacting.
“this is the rookie!!!” you squeak.
“he likes you,” lena says, smiling as she watches rookie lay in front of me.
“i’m a dog person, and a cat person too but rookie is so cute!!” you bend down to give rookie a scratch behind the ears.
as the afternoon goes on, you and lena fall into an easy rhythm.
you help her prepare dinner, chopping vegetables while she stirs the sauce on the stove.
it’s quiet, but not awkward—just peaceful. every now and then, she glances at you, and you catch her staring, but you pretend not to notice.
later, you’re both curled up on the couch, a disney movie playing in the background while rookie lies at your feet. you’re comfortable, your shoulder brushing against hers, and for the first time in a while, you feel... content.
“thanks for today,” you mumble, your head resting on the back of the couch as you glance over at her.
lena looks at you, her expression soft. “i’m just glad you didn’t have to be alone,” she says quietly.
“you don’t deserve that.”
you swallow, feeling a lump form in your throat. “i’ve been alone for so long, i guess i just got used to it.”
the taller german woman starts to feel an ache in her stomach. everyday she wishes that she could go back and treat you normally on the pitch instead of being a bully. if she knew that you went through this outside of football, she would’ve left you alone.
lena’s gaze lingers on you as she thinks, something unspoken passing between you.
“you don’t have to be,” she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper.
and in that moment, you realize it. the feelings you’ve been trying to push away for months, the ones you tried to convince yourself weren’t real—they’re there.
but you still have to ask her something, to find closure to the past.
still curled up on her couch with a blanket over your legs, rookie still sprawled out happily at your feet. you never thought you’d be spending christmas with the one person who used to make you burn with anger every time you saw her.
lena is relaxed, and you’re getting there, too, bit by bit. you’re comfortable now—actually comfortable—and you can feel her warmth beside you, feel the weight of how things have changed between you two. the silence is easy, broken only by the soft sound of the movie playing and rookie’s gentle snores.
“can i ask you something?” you say softly, turning to look at her. your voice is careful, not wanting to ruin the moment but needing to know.
lena glances at you, her eyes curious, a small smile playing on her lips. “of course.”
you take a breath, trying to find the right words.
“why... why did you hate me so much before? back when we were... rivals, i guess. you were so... aggressive, and it always felt like you had something against me. but now you’re... different. so what changed?”
lena looks away, biting her lip like she’s trying to decide how much to say. the tension of the moment makes your chest tighten, but you wait, giving her time.
after a long pause, she finally speaks.
“i never hated you like i said,” she admits quietly, her eyes focused on the christmas lights twinkling across the room.
“i know it felt like that, but... it wasn’t hate. it was... god, it was the opposite, really. i talked to lea and jill a lot back then, when i was at wolfsburg, and... i didn’t know how to deal with how i felt about you.”
you tilt your head, furrowing your brow in confusion. “what do you mean?”
lena sighs, running a hand through her hair. “i... asked lea and jill for help. i didn’t know how to get your attention. it sounds stupid now, but... the only way i knew how was... being that way on the pitch. the aggression, the pushing—it was the only way i felt like i could have a piece of you.”
you blink, trying to process her words, the way they seem to pull back the curtain on everything you thought you knew.
“so, what... you acted like that just to get me to pay attention to you?”
“yeah,” lena says, her voice softening as she looks back at you, meeting your eyes.
“i was so focused on... being seen by you, even if it was just you being mad at me. it was selfish, and i’m sorry for all of it. it’s not fair that i treated you like that. i feel terrible about it actually”
you’re silent for a moment, and then you let out a soft laugh, shaking your head. “you know... we could’ve been friends from the start. we had so many mutual friends, lena. it’s not like you couldn’t have just... talked to me.”
lena’s smile turns sad, almost regretful. “but i never wanted to be just friends with you,” she says quietly, the words hanging in the air between you.
“i always wanted more. that’s why... i couldn’t just be nice and friendly like everyone else. it didn’t feel like enough.”
you nod slowly, her words settling into you like the last piece of a puzzle finally clicking into place.
it’s like understanding something you’ve been grappling with for so long. “i get that,” you whisper. “it was... a lot, though. for a long time, i didn’t know what to make of it. of you.”
“i know,” lena says, and she reaches out, her fingers brushing against your cheek as she tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “but... i’m not that person anymore. i’ve changed. and i want to be better for you.”
you take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the past start to lift from your shoulders, piece by piece. you realize, in this quiet, cozy moment, that you’re ready to let it go.
“i finally feel like... like i’ve gotten over the past,” you say softly, your voice steady as you look into her eyes. “and... i forgive you, lena.”
the words are like a release, freeing both of you from everything that came before. lena’s eyes soften, and without thinking, you lean in, pressing your lips to hers in a gentle, tentative kiss.
it’s soft and sweet, like the world has slowed down around you. she holds your waist and lets you lay down on hers after you pull away. now you’re cuddling as rookie adjusted himself to sit on the other side of lena.
“i think...” you whisper, smiling as you finally let yourself say it out loud. “i think i’m catching feelings for you, too.”
lena’s eyes light up, and she pulls you closer, her lips finding yours again, this time deeper, more certain.
"merry christmas," lena whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple after you pulled away again.
"merry christmas," you reply, snuggling into her warmth, knowing that things have totally changed for the better.
part three
#lena oberdorf#lena oberdorf x reader#woso fanfics#woso community#woso x reader#gerwnt#bayern frauen#pernille harder#magdalena eriksson#lea schüller#sydney lohmann#georgia stanway
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