#i just have so many thoughts buzzing in my head today. i just wanna talk abt things.
dawnedon · 2 years
maybe when i write my sinjoh hc ill write a bit about the sinjoh ruins too bc that shit was criminally underrated and i desperately wish they expanded upon it a bit more
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ienjoywritingfilth · 3 months
Love me More
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Wow you guys really liked the M.A. story and it made me feel so good that I finished this filthy little tale in record time. thanks for reblogging and commenting i'm still trying to get the hang of everything here. - IEWF
pairing: dbf!Joel x fem!reader
trope: Mom's Boyfriend! Javier Pena
summary: After some great news you're in the best mood when your Mom's boyfriend Javier comes over. What's the harm in a little fun with him while she's not there?
warnings: age gap (not specified), sexual tension, forbidden rel, absolutely filthy talk, daddy mentioned, other shit but I've probs forgotten.
word count: 2.5k
rating 18+
wanna see my other stuff?
The email comes through while you’re in the living room, watching television. A bleep on your phone as you swipe up, opening gmail.
Congratulations, we’d like to offer you the position of-
You don’t read further, you just jump off the couch and pump your fist in the air.
The promotion came through on your job which means starting next month you'll officially have enough to move out of your alcoholic mom's shitty apartment. She's one of those talented ones that still has a job, is still likeable, but can't get through her evening without a tallboy or seven. 
A knock sounds at the door while you compose the text to your friends quickly, nearly vibrating with excitement. You’re so close to what you’ve always wanted. A knock sounds at the door as
you rack your mind trying to think of all the people that could be stopping by.
You creep towards the door, peering into the peephole to see a tired looking Javier Peña smoking and standing there. 
Javier is your mom's new boyfriend and drinking buddy. He just moved into the apartment next door and your mother wasted no time getting to know him. She's always had a thing for inscrutable men. 
You're perfectly cordial to the parade of men that come through the front door of you home, and have since your father left for Punta Cana with his secretary five years ago. 
Javier is perfectly nice; he's just one of many in a long line of your mother's bed partners. You don't get too attached. 
"Hi Javier," you offer, opening the door a little wider. "What's up?" 
"Came by to see your mama," Javier says glancing at his watch. "She said she'd be home by now."
Normally you'd tell him he was mistaken so he'll fuck off. But after the great day you had you're in an impossibly good mood. You step back to open the door with a polite smile. 
"Sometimes she works overtime," you explain. "She should be home soon though. You wanna come in and wait?"
Javier debates this and then finally nods, flicking his cigarette off into the night before moving inside. He follows after you. You swan through the room, picking up your pizza plate and glancing at him over your shoulder. 
"Want a beer?"
You're giddy with everything that happened today. Excited with the thought of moving somewhere new, somewhere bright and fresh. This puts you in high spirits as you grab you both a bottle of Corona and head back. 
Javier takes a place on the couch, watching what you'd been enjoying in the background. 
"You watch black and white movies?"
"Sometimes," you shrug when you come back with two sweating beer bottles. You hand him his and take a seat next to him on the couch. 
The couch isn't huge so your thighs are touching his as you take a sip from your beer bottle. He doesn't move away, doesn't move closer, just sits there politely staring ahead. 
"Never seen this movie," Javier comments, clearing his throat. "S'that Joan Crawford?"
"Yep. It's called Mildred Pierce. It's an old classic film noir," you offer, fingers itching to grab the remote.
You watch Javier's lean throat bobs as he drinks his beer. You take a slow sip of yours, never crazy about the taste, only the buzz it brings. Unlike your mom you’re done after two beers.
"I think I saw the Kate Winslet one," he offers. "Remake I guess."
You see his dark gaze flicks to you out the corner of his eyes, sliding over your bare legs before jerking back to the television. When you shift and he does it a second time you realize he's checking you out. 
You should be repulsed or even horrified. But instead you're amused, even tingly at the prospect that this man finds you attractive. He's certainly easy on the eyes in his short sleeve button down and pouty mouth. Is he mewing? A quick glance tells you his jeans are tight and that even flaccid his cock is big. 
You have no desire to seduce your mother's boyfriend. The thought is reprehensible, but the flattery of being found desirable by an older, attractive man is a heady drug. 
You stretch yourself out, raising your arms above your head and giving a dramatic groan. A sliver of your belly shows and you see through your hair as Javier takes another peek at your body before shuffling slightly. 
"You, uh, like old movies?" 
"I've always had a love of older things," you purr. 
Javier is silent at that, his fingers tightening around his beer bottle. You can sense that he's uncomfortable and it amuses you greatly. 
Are he and your mom an established couple? Is this serious? You have noticed him around lately but that's your mother's way of things. Burn through them fast. Besides you're not going to be here in a month. 
What's the harm in a little fun? 
You hide a smirk and rise up. With a measured agility you lean towards the coffee table, gripping his knee to help propel you forward. You reach with your other hand to grab the remote. You feel when your shorts ride up, exposing most of your ass. You sense Javier's eyes on you and you make sure to arch, letting him get a good long view, squeezing his knee when you lean back against the cushion. You notice his cheeks are pink. 
This is too fun. 
"I always thought it was so sexy," you explain patiently, raising the remote to turn up the volume. 
"If I recall it doesn't end very sexy for them," Javier swallows. He's refusing to look in your direction. 
"Yeah but the buildup is the best part," you murmur. "All that sexual tension, knowing you wanna fuck but knowing it's so wrong?"
You see the moment the words hit him because Javier goes as still as a statue. He's barely breathing, not moving a fraction and you wonder if he's trying to focus on not getting hard. 
You hold back a giggle at the thought and lean towards him, your mouth drawing near to his ear. 
"You ever wanted to fuck someone knowing its wrong, Javi?"
Javier says nothing, but you don't miss the dart of his eyes to your chest and then back to the television. Your hand goes to his thigh, fingertips inching upwards. Javier's eyes immediately fly to your fingers and their lazy ascent up his thigh. You bite your lower lip to keep the grin from bleeding over your face. You're not going any further than this; you've had your fun. 
You pull your hand from his leg, placing it in your lap. Javier lifts his eyes up the length of your body before locking his gaze with yours. He raises a hand to the back of the couch, nostrils flaring.
Can he smell your arousal? Can he hear the sudden tick of your pulse? Can he sense the shift that just occurred?
He licks his lower lip slowly, his large eyes glued to your mouth. Your lips part as your breathing deepens.
Fuck has he always been this sexy?
Javier’s eyes are black with arousal, shining with lust and you feel your core tighten at how he’s staring at you; like he’s an animal waiting to devour prey. You shouldn’t be turned on by that. You shouldn’t want him to close the distance between your bodies.
Tension crackles in the air and the scent of his aftershave wafts in the air around you. It’s spicy and sweet and mingles with the scent of cigarette smoke. You can physically feel your arousal soaking your panties.
He doesn’t look like he heard you; he’s too intent on staring at your mouth, deaf to everything else. If he’s anything like you, the blood is rushing in his ears.  You squirm. Javier begins to slide towards you on the couch, his body moving with a feline grace.
The both of you hear the key hit the apartment lock at the same time. Javier jerks back from you just in time for the door to swing open and your mother to come blowing in. 
"I'm home!" 
Your mother's voice breaks into the room and you see Javier's face break into a guilty looking smile. 
"Hey gorgeous." 
"I'm so sorry I'm late Javi!" Your mother pouts, coming to throw herself into his lap. She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him into a kiss as you hold in a gag. 
"I hope my daughter was hospitable to you while I was gone." 
She gives a wink in your direction that you return with a polite smile. Javier grips your mom around the middle, holding her there in his lap and refusing to look in your direction. 
"Yep," he nods. "Very. Got me a beer and everything." 
"That's my girl," your mom says with a proud smile. 
You're about to reply when you think of the text you haven't sent. Of your promotion. Your game with Javier is done. You press a kiss to your mom's temple and bid them both a goodnight before heading to your bedroom with your Corona.
You pull on your pyjamas, tired from the day. It's warm tonight, so a light tank and sleep shorts will have to do. You pull out your phone, sending off a few texts to your friends to tell them about the good news.
We gotta go out to celebrate sluuuuutttt
You smile at the message from your oldest friend Harper. The one who loves to party more than anyone you know.
There's a knock on your bedroom door an hour or so later and you open it, surprised to see Javier standing there looking nervous. He scans your body clocking the short shorts and the way your nipples peek through your shirt. 
"Your mom's just in the shower," Javier tells you quietly, taking a step back. "Then we're going out to dinner." 
You can hear the shower running down at the end of the hall.
"Mhm," you nod, distracted by your phone on the bed that just beeped. 
"You eat yet?"
"Nah, didn't feel hungry," you offer. "Where you guys going?"
"Dunno. Maybe that Mexican place down the street." 
The two of you lapse into uncomfortable silence, you balancing on one foot as you watch him avoid your eyes. You bite back amusement when his dark eyes dart to your chest and then back to the floor.  
"You want us to bring you anything back?"
There's a sweetness in him asking if you want anything. Something that almost feels paternal. But the way he keeps sneaking looks at your tits is anything but. 
The shower is still going and emboldened by the buzz from your beer you take a step towards Javier in the hallway. He stands watching you, chest rising shallowly as you press your front to his, standing on your tiptoes. 
"You don't have to take care of me," you purr at his ear. "'I don't need you to be my daddy." 
You feel rather than hear the shudder that goes through him at the term and you hold in a laugh. You hand finds his bicep, squeezing there and you ensure your voice is a seductive whisper when you speak next. 
"Unless, you wanna be my daddy, Javi. Is that it? Or do you just want me to call you daddy?" 
He swallows and you step back, biting your lower lip. Javier looks like he's run a marathon. Pupils blown wide, lips slightly parted, neck growing damp with sweat. The shower squeaks off and like a whistle he seems to come back to himself.  Javier steps back as you move backwards into your bedroom. 
"Have a good dinner," you tell him with a wink. 
And before he can say anything you've stepped back, closing the door gently in his face. 
You muffle your laughter with your pillow, listening to hear Javier standing outside your room a moment longer before his footsteps recede into the other bedroom.
You hear he and your mother chatting, mumbles through the thin walls and you bring up your phone to see what the alert was.
There’s this guy here at the club u neeed to fuck. He’s so criminally fine.
Attached is a photo of the most aggressively mid man you’ve ever seen. Just Harper being Harper.
It’s Tuesday Harper.
So what? Fucking doesn’t happen during the week?
Not for me. My job just got harder remember!?
You can almost see your friend rolling her eyes.
Have fun being a boring ass nun. c u on the weekend. Imma get you shitfaced n help you celebrate your promotion properly.
You write back something sarcastic before you give a yawn and crawl under your covers. You set the alarm on your phone before you start the classic evening tradition of wasting good sleeping time on tiktok. You scroll on your feed for a bit, feeling your eyelids grow heavy when a noise draws your attention. 
It takes you a moment before you realize it's the clack of your mother's metal bed frame hitting the wall across the hall.  
"Fuck yes, Javi!"
Classic Mom shit. Whenever she drinks she's loud and hyper sexual. But you thought they were going for dinner? You hear your mother cooing his name again, her begging in a pathetic whine that grates your nerves. You reach for your headphones when something stops you. 
"Fucking tease." 
You think you've misheard because instead of your mother's theatrical moans you hear his rasping baritone. Punched out groans at first, slowly building with every thrust. 
"Fucking tease acting like that."
You think you're imagining it at first. He's never been vocal before - only grunting and moaning. He's never spoken like this in the bedroom and that alone has you fascinated. 
"Take it, yeah, take it you fucking slut."
And in between these rasped epithets you hear your mother's groans, her encouragement and then her gentle begs for him to go harder.
"You're messing with the wrong man you little whore," he huffs, his hips slapping against her ass. "Think you can fuck with me and get away with it?"
Your mother's moans are muffled, likely because her face is smooshed in her pillow. He's undoubtedly fucking her from behind, facing the wall, facing your bedroom. 
"You're gonna pay for it."
And then as the groan of the mattress and the creak of the bed frame hit a fever pitch you hear Javier, his voice a tight hiss. 
"Daddy's gonna wreck that tight little cunt. Gonna fuck you so full of my cum you cry for me to stop. Gonna show you w-"
The thought remains forever unfinished because you hear the telltale groan of completion, your mother's high pitched whinnies, the noisy concert of smacks and wet plunging and then finally silence. 
You know that wasn't for your mother's benefit. He wasn't saying it about her. He was saying it about you. 
The thought has your pussy pounding. You thrust your hand down you panties only to find you're so wet you can barely believe it. 
It's only seconds before you bring yourself off to the filth Javier just spewed before trembling violently under the covers. Images of his mouth on your cunt and his cock fucking into you have you shuddering as another orgasm overtakes the first, leaving you wrung out and panting as you realize: you are so fucked.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 months
what’s it like to be around science experiment!reverse reader when something really sweet surprises them? please a tiny fluff for our hearts?
Jason wound his way through the woods, following one of the interminable trails he knows that you take to get to your clearing. Why you're back there today, Jason isn't sure.
He only knows that you are.
He woke up in your bed by himself and you left him a note telling him that that's where you'd gone. Which was progress he supposed. It meant that you weren't just disappearing.
How did you do this? Were you like a homing pigeon? Did you have landmarks you followed? Or had you just cut your way through in a haze so many times that you just did it the way dancers went on pointe? Muscle memory.
When he got there, thankfully, you weren't in mid-explosion. He didn't think he could handle that. But there was a definite... Buzz in the air. It reminded him of white noise. It felt like a miasma of... neutrality. Like walking through a mall on a Saturday. Things-feelings that just... were.
Odd but not unpleasant. Taking up all the empty space in the air but not suffocating him.
And he stopped in the gap you used as a door and waited for a second, waiting for you to finish what looked like replacing a hammock that a storm had ruined and slipped in. "Hey, baby girl," he said, "you good?"
"Yeah," you yawn, "Just needed to move." You take a deep breath and go to pull yourself back into line. Into control and wince. It's nice to let it out and just stop holding on to it all.
Jason moved closer to you and wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tenderly. "You don't have to do that, you know?" He kissed the side of your head, "I wanna bounce my head off the nearest wall when Bruce talks too long. I can only imagine what it feels like when it's like that from EVERYONE all around you all the time."
"I don't read minds," you remind him.
"Still," he snorted. "It's the closest I can get." He kissed the side of your head again and rubbed your arms. "I don't want you to feel like you have to hide how you're feeling from me. Not like you do everyone else."
"It's just... a lot sometimes."
"I know," he admitted. "But- We- I especially get worried that it's getting to be too much for you to handle alone."
"I get really lonely," you murmur.
Jason nodded. He could understand that too and it made him kiss your temple. "I brought a picnic," he tried, face heating. "It's mostly brownies. And some green apples and nutella. And I brought a book to read I thought if you wanted we could-"
And when soft lips collide with his as you wrap your arms around his neck, it feels like taking a bite of a hot chocolate chip cookie on a cold winter day and the first like of a snow cone on the hottest day of summer. A quiet, simple joy. Laid over the feelings he knew you felt for him. The ones that popped like firecrackers in his chest. And he smiled against your lips. It was a good thing you replaced the hammock- a snack and a nap in the sunshine would be nice.
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bokutosmochi · 11 months
kinktober day 3: body worship!
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gojo satoru x fem!reader
ingredients? no plot. just gojo sucking tits.
what's it? smut
allergen warnings? established relationship, needy!gojo, gojo being obsessed with your tits, body worship
sugar level? 1.1k
regulars? @ventdavi154 @eussstasss @deobiforever @sugusshi @angelshub (send an ask if you wanna be a part/removed from the taglist)
parlor's note? the gojo brainrot is unbelievably strong.
bon appetit!
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gojo is obsessed with your boobs.
satoru doesn't care whether you're not in the mood to fuck, so long as you give him the green light to suck your tits.
you're in your shared bed, watching your favorite movie when he walked into the room, shoulders uncharacteristically slumped and lips characteristically pouty.
he's had such a rough day -- getting chastised by yaga for being six minutes late to a meeting, ignored by nanami, and getting sassed by kugisaki and fushiguro. all he wants is some quality alone time with you to make it better.
you didn't notice it at first though, not when the movie's in its climax. instead, you're buzzing with excitement and leaning from side to side whenever satoru's figure blocks your view of the tv.
but it seems to be impossible to ignore him.
with the loud huff he always breathes out at times when your attention isn't on him, he plops right on top of you.
the warmth travels up as he scoots so his head would be on your chest where he buries his face. he can feel the heat you radiate through the thin, worn-out fabric of his your old shirt and it melts the stress off his shoulders. not entirely, though. he needs some more help from you for that.
thoughtlessly, you run a hand through his soft white hair. it's instinctual, just like the hum of acknowledgment you give him.
it doesn't seem to be enough for an ever insatiable satoru though.
"babyy," he whines, wrapping his arms around you and cuddling further.
much to his dismay, you only disinterestedly hum at him again.
if it was any other time, he probably would have kicked up a fuss about it. actually, he thinks, there wouldn't be a probably about it. he would have kicked up a fuss about it, after all, in his opinion, your attention and love should always be on your devoted, thoughtful, handsome boyfriend. that day of kicking up a fuss is not today though.
he's feeling way too needy for that, knowing it'd take way too long for you to pry your focus from the stupid movie and onto him.
so he just asks you for something instead.
"can i play with your tits, baby?" as dirty as the sentence is, he says it sweetly, reminiscent of a boy asking out a girl he's liked since forever to go on a date with him.
and your voice is just as soft when you answer in the affirmative, hand still in his hair, running your fingers through he snowy strands.
he starts off with grabbing them through he shirt, massaging them in his big hands. there's something he finds oddly relaxing in the action. he's able to turn his brain off for a while and simply let the part of him he always suppresses rise.
the part of him that always hungers for pleasure.
he gifts both of your already stiff nipples a chaste kiss through the shirt before pulling the fabric up and over your tits.
his eyes shine like diamonds when he gazes at your bare chest. no matter how many times he's already seen you naked, it's a sight he can never get sick of. he's moved his head a bit to the side now, longing to see your whole abdomen, to see and hear how your voice hitches at his ministrations or how you shakily inhale or exhale.
"pretty," he comments as he pinches a nipple and rolls it between his fingers. it's not for you though, he's thinking out loud, talking to himself.
when he's content with how hard it is, he moves on to your other tit. this time he gropes and squeezes at it. with all of his fingers except his index, he holds the bottom of your tit, keeping it in place as he rubs the nub with his pointer finger in circular motions.
you let out a content exhale as he does so, moving on to scratch at his scalp.
he shivers at the feeling, electricity running up and down his spine until it sparks in his brain.
it's almost too much to bear for him.
and so he does something about it.
he starts off by trailing wet kisses from your shoulder, to your collarbone, to the sides of your chest, all the while his hands caress your waist and tummy with a feather-like touch.
his movements are perfect. they make you squirm and slowly rub your thighs together, trying to satiate the slowly building ache between your legs. it's not enough to make you look away from the television though, just enough to make you moan his name softly, back arched off the mattress slightly.
you gasp when he puts his wet mouth on your tits.
the contrast of the coolness of the room and the warmth of his mouth is pleasurable. it makes everything he does feel so much better.
your brain short circuits when he sucks on your sensitive nipples, running his tongue up and down the tip until your eyes are rolling to the back of your head, before sucking on it harshly again. it makes you moan louder now. his name leaves your lips like a prayer and he swears to never forget how you sound, to keep it ingrained in his brain for safe keeping, only to be used during long missions.
the sight of him moving from one breast to the other, the sight of the string of saliva that follows his mouth is unbelievably lewd. you can't bring yourself to look away from satoru now. the only thing that your mind processes is him. all of your senses are solely focused on him.
the way he smells, clean with a hint of after-shave, fresh out of the shower. the way the skin of his back feels under your fingertips, smooth, excluding the rough lines from past scars he's collected over time. the way he looks, utterly engrossed in the moment with his one track mind. the way he sounds as his mouth works over you, the tiniest moans slipping out of his glossy, spit covered lips. whether that's from the satisfaction he gets from pleasuring you or from the way his hips thrust against your legs, you are not sure, although knowing satoru, you think it's both. and you swear, you can taste him on your tongue.
satoru doesn't care whether you're not in the mood to fuck, so long as you give him the green light to suck your tits. both of the time though, if you do give him the green light, it ends with you giving in either way.
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i get: reblog
you get: gojo satoru noodle stopper
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sageworld · 1 year
The Christmas Kids • Rafe Cameron. (part II)
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“the christmas kids were nothing but a gift,
and love is a tower where all of us can live.”
he was really sweet in the beginning but then something changed
WARNINGS • Cheating, mentions of sex work, reader catches an STD, overall just a upsetting chapter
christmas kids masterlist; here
it had been hours and you couldn’t stop the tears. you laid yours’ & rafe’s half full bed in your pajamas sobbing your eyes out.
your bed side clock read, rafe still wasn’t home he had texted you saying he was going out with top & kelce to watch the football game at the local bar around 7:30 & that was the last you heard from him.
you ponder back onto the events that had happened before that. you had walked into your local planned parenthood, complaints of vaginal pain, slime like discharge & a overall smell that you’d been insecure about for about two days now.
“hi mrs. cameron, im maddy & i’ll be your nurse today. i see on file that you want to get STD tested today.” your nurse greets you while closing the door behind her.
“yes, i’ve been having some issues and i just wanna make sure.” the small talk continues on for some time before she gives you the small green lidded cup & you head to the bathroom.
as you finish your business you leave it in the small metal box in the bathroom, going back to wait in the nurses office like directed. the nerves running through you.
your phone buzzed.
rafey💍🧿: hey babe, just checked your location. wyd?
y/n: just been having some cramp issues is all.
you put your phone down when the nurse comes back in, your phone binging as you do so but you choose to ignore it.
“hi again, so we got your results back & unfortunately you’ve tested positive for chlamydia.” you don’t hear much past that. trying to swallow down the lump in your throat, focusing on trying not to cry in her office.
“mrs.cameron?” she tries to gain your attention to which you look up to her from your chair, teary eyed. “you will have to alert all partners you’ve been with-.” “i’ve only been with my fiancé, they’re must be some mistake.” the tears start to fall.
“i know this is hard, you should recommend your fiancé come in for some testing as well.” she rubs your back. “i want to be tested again, there must’ve been a mistake.” you sob, feeling the headache coming.
“mrs. cameron, we can test again but i can assure you that you’re positive for it, im gonna prescribe you some antibiotic that you can pick up at any local pharmacy.”
fast forward back to now, over pondering on the events of the day. your heart aches, you knew rafe. you knew of his infidelities but the thought never crossed your mind that he wasn’t using protection.
a nervous rumble fills your belly as you hear the roar of his trucks engine pulling up in your drive way.
your clock now reads, football game my ass.
you knew he was never really watching football, rafe had more than a few addictions. somewhere in between the cocaine and money, strippers had fell into it. there was a club about 30 minutes away on the mainland that you’d seen rafe’s location at a few times. and after a few text searches you knew top & kelce had always gone with him.
at first you didn’t think it was bad, you’d looked at other guys before while in the relationship, hell for your eighteenth girls sleepover your friends got you a male stripper as a joke. that was until you woke up and saw nearly 2900 had been withdrawn from your & rafe’s account. it didn’t say what on but you could only assume he had taken out cash.
as time went on & it got worse, you could only wonder. why them?
he was engaged to you but he always found his way back to them. why couldn’t you be good enough? it felt like no matter how many hours you spent in the gym, no matter how clean and lean you ate it wasn’t enough. you always wondered if he was bored of your body, seeing the same things over and over again. but, that’s not much of a topic you should be thinking about.
you try and contain your sobs as he opens your bed room door, stumbling over to you. it’s clear he thinks your asleep. “mm sweet kitty.” he slurs, liquor taken over him as he bends over the bed to plant a kiss on your forehead.
you don’t move or dare open your eyes even after you hear the door to your master bathroom shut & the shower water turn on.
you shove your face into the pillow and quietly sob, the pillow nearly soaked from the hours you’d spent crying, salivating & snot running onto it.
3:26 am
you quickly open your eyes to see the time as the bathroom door opens again, he turns off the light before hopping into his side of the bed, cuddling you under the covers. even though your backs faced to him you can now smell rafe and not some cheap whoreish perfume.
you debating for a bit, should i tell him or wait till tomorrow
but as soon as you get ready to turn you hear his soft snores.
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6:24 am
despite the lack of sleep you’re up early & cannot stand the idea of staying cuddled up with rafe. you quietly get up and sneak away, grabbing a cute gym two piece set.
after doing a few hygiene things and grabbing the essentials, gym bag, pre work out, stanley, airpods & a small protein bar for the road you’re off.
working out was always a good way to clear your mind, just put your airpods in and focus on you.
your body drips in sweat as you’re 30 flights into your stair master. you’d done a few other things and had been here for god knows how long.
buzz buzz buzz
your airpods ring in your ears.
FaceTime call: Rafey🧿💍
you hesitate to answer but decide to anyways.
“mm kitty, why’d you run off so early?” rafe answers, sleepy voice and still in bed.
“just wanted to get out the house.” you simply answers,looking down to focus on the stairs. “should’ve woken me up i would’ve come.” rafe frowns. you shrug on the camera, “what’s wrong?” rafe asks, your attitude upsetting him.
“nothing just have somethings i need to talk to you about when i get home.” you can tell what you said make rafe anxious as his eyes open a bit.
“really kitty? about what?” his voice holds excitement. ok so maybe not nervous.
“im finishing up here and i’ll tell you when i get home.” the conversation goes on for a bit longer with rafe just wanting you to tell him but untimely he agrees for you to tell him at home, after saying your goodbyes and love yous, you make your descend off the machine.
you don’t wanna go but decide it’s for the best, packing your stuff into your gym bag & making your way out the door.
it feels all too soon as you walk into the front door of your house, the tv playing loudly. it’s a saturday so rafe’s off today, the sound off last nights football games highlights playing.
“hi kitty.” rafe smiles, man spread on the couch still in his pajama pants and no shirt. “hey rafe.” you say blandly, the sight of him disgusting you. “c’mere kitty, what’d you wanna talk to me about.” he pats his lap for you to sit. “i-i think i’m gonna shower first.” the definitely wasn’t a conversation you wanted to have with rafe.
you were sure, rafe knew you knew he was cheating. yet the one or two times you had even slightly brought it up he shut it down saying he didn’t know what you were talking about. you knew he saw your face when you once saw a hickey left on his neck that wasn’t from you. when you can smell another woman on him, when he comes home at the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning.
“no, no. i have to shower too but let’s talk first.” rafe’s voice is soft, inviting it usually is when rafe thinks he gonna get home kind of good news from you. what does he think i wanna talk about?
“rafe, have you been using protection like when you’re having sex?” the lump in your throat forms as rafe sits his body up completely, nervous look on his face. “well uh-kitty we don’t use condoms but you’re on your birth control.” he runs his hand through his hair, a tall tale sign he’s nervous or feels like he’s been caught.
“not with me rafe and, i swear to god if you’re not honest with me i will walk right back out that door and i will not come back.” you’re frustration only grows.
“i-i usually do but just sometimes i don’t but i promise when i don’t i pull out or-or-or i make them take a plan b in front of me i swear.” rafe stands fidgeting with his hands as he steps closer to you. “whyre you asking me this?” rafe stops in front of you, voice shaking.
“i went to planned parenthood yesterday & turns out i have chlamydia. we both know you’re the only one i’ve ever been with so, yeah.” you nod your head, a tear falling as you bite your lip.
“so you’re not pregnant?” rafe’s head hangs low as he reaches for you, making you step back. “why the actual fuck would i be pregnant?” is that what he thought?
“well i saw you went there yesterday and you said cramps but i knew you weren’t on your period because we’ve been having sex like everyday, so i just thought.” rafe explains, grabbing his hair in both hands before letting out a breath of air & before you know it he’s hyperventilating.
“r-rafe, calm down.” you wanna tell him it’s okay just to get him out of this state but it’s not okay, it’s not fair to you. you walk up to him and he begins to slowly place himself on the ground, one hand on his chest and one still in his hair and he tries to find his rhythm to breath. “rafe you need to calm down, now.” your tone more stern as you get down next to him.
“i’m so sorry my kitty, im so fucking sorry.” he sobs into your stomach. “rafe, stop fucking cry please and let’s talk.” you’re over it at this point. you’ve been cheated on, embarrassed & given an std by the man who’s supposed to love you the most & he’s here crying.
he looks up to you, shocked by your tone. “o-okay.” he sniffles, sitting his back up against the side of the couch.
“i’m just going to keep it simple rafe. i want you to go to planned parenthood for antibiotics, i want you to stop fucking these bitches, i expect you home by no later than 10:00pm and if you can’t do that then the weddings off.” you shrug and let out a sigh at the last part. “o-okay, i-i promise.” he stutters out when suddenly it hits him, “please don’t take away the weddding.” his sobs almost remind you of a child who’s favorite toy has been taken as he goes back to crying into your stomach.
“rafe, we’re still getting married as long as you get your shit together.” you sigh, scratching his scalp with your acrylic nails which you know he loves.
“i swear baby, im gonna ma-make this right.”
god i hope so.
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theunfriendlyghost · 1 month
The World Belonged to Them
Timeskip!Kozume Kenma x GN! Reader
TW- alcohol use, cigarette smoking, Minors DNI!!!! This is not smut but contains adult themes
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A/N - this story just randomly came to me after my clubbing experiences recently and I wanted to share. I did not proof read this in the slightest so I apologize for any errors. There is room for a Pt. 2 so if you’d like to be added to the tag list, let me know 😃
Kenma’s ears rang as he stumbled onto the back patio of the club, shutting the door behind him, between the shots he had taken with the rest of his friends and the loud music pounding in his head, he was disoriented to say the least. He sat on a bench close to the street, listening to the buzz of cars go by, his thoughts quickly interrupted when someone plopped down next to him, leaning up against the back of the bench.
“Got a light?”
They asked, putting a cigarette into their mouth lazily, clearly just as intoxicated as he was.
“I’m sorry. I don’t.”
He said, flashing them a soft frown. He was never a smoker. He rarely ever even drank. But with Shoyo and Bokuto back in town for a home game, he felt almost pressured to keep up with them. This was supposed to be fun.
“It’s okay. I probly have one somewhere.”
The mystery person slurred, emptying the entire contents of their purse onto the bench next to him, sorting through all of their many items, mostly just old receipts, to find the lighter they were looking for. They shoved all of their stuff back into their purse before lighting the cigarette in their mouth.
“You want one?”
They asked, grinning at him.
“I’m okay. I don’t really smoke.”
He said, trying to sound as sober as possible. He couldn’t tell if it was because he was intoxicated or because he was happy to be in a quieter area, but something about this situation made him smile. It felt so fun and exciting.
“That’s okay. I usually don’t smoke either but I might be more drunk than I intended.”
They said, taking a long drag of the cigarette in their mouth and exhaling it away from Kenma, as to not get it in his face.
“My friend turned 21 today. I wanted them to have a good day. We had so much fun so far.”
They said with a drunken grin, staring into Kenma’s dazed eyes.
“I can see that.”
He said with a smirk. He was drunk, but probably not on the same level as them. The way they relaxed themselves on the bench was comical to say the least.
“I don’t go out a whole lot anymore because I work so often. I’m just happy to get out of the house for a bit, yknow? I like to be free”
The mysterious person said with a happy sigh, resting their hand holding the cigarette on their knee. Normally small talk like this would send Kenma into a spiral but between the smell of smoke, the stars twinkling in the sky, and the very faint sound of music coming from the building next to him, the situation felt fun. He was having fun. Something about the way the person next to him looked so free and happy made him want to feel the same. In his drunken haze, he grinned at them.
“I get that. Sometimes it’s fun to be free, I guess.”
He said, with an uncharacteristic twinkle in his eyes.
“You wanna see something fun?”
The person asked, lightly touching his arm and staring him dead in the eyes.
He said, against everything he stood for. They grabbed his hand, dragging him to the street corner where there was not a single car in sight, dragging him into the middle of the street where he tugged back, glancing frantically from side to side.
“I don’t think this is safe. What if a car comes?”
He said, trying to drag them back to safety.
“It’s okay! It’s so late nobody is out.”
They said with a giggle, grabbing both of his hands and spinning them both around.
“Don’t you feel so free! The world is so quiet! It belongs to us!”
They said, continuing to spin them both around in the middle of the completely empty street, the cool night breeze blowing both of their hair in all different directions. He grinned, feeling exactly what they were feeling. Their happiness and care free attitude was contagious.
“Yeah. I guess I do.”
He said, grinning back at them. At the sound of a car buzzing closer, they grabbed Kenma’s hands, dragging him back to the safety of the sidewalk and giggling, watching the car drive past. They both giggled until their stomachs hurt, leaning themselves against the fence closest to the sidewalk.
They both whipped around, glancing at the tall dark haired male calling his name and storming towards the both of them.
“The fuck are you doing? We’ve been looking for you. Who’s this?”
He asked, glancing down at the person grinning at Kenma, holding his hand. Suddenly, the realization hit and he shot Kenma a knowing smirk, which made Kenma’s cheeks heat up.
“Sorry Kuroo.”
He said, letting go of the persons hand, making them frown. Kuroo stepped in, knowing both of them were too drunk to properly make a move.
“I’m Kenma’s designated driver so unfortunately I’ve gotta take him home. What was your name?”
Kuroo asked, grinning down at them.
“(L/N) (F/N). You can call me (F/N) though. I like it better.”
They said with a grin.
“Kenma, huh?”
They asked, remembering they hadn’t even gotten the poor boy’s name. He nodded in response, smiling at them with his glassy eyes, swaying from side to side from a mixture of the spinning and the alcohol.
“You got a ride home, (F/N)?”
Kuroo asked, looking down at them with a mixture of amusement and pity.
“I’ll be okay! My friends are all inside they’ll make sure I get back okay. I just needed some air. Sorry for borrowing your friend”
They said with an apologetic smile. Kuroo smiled back, playfully hitting Kenma’s arm.
“Kenma. Get your phone out. Go ahead and exchange numbers”
He said, knowing the two were not focused enough to initiate such a move. Kenma pulled his phone out, handing it to them with a grin. They grabbed the phone eagerly, typing in their number and their name in all caps with several emojis next to it before handing it back.
“Text me.”
They said, leaning against the fence. He texted them a barely coherent text, making their phone buzz in their pocket. They stared at the text, their eyes sparkling at the message.
‘I think ur prety 😃’
They gave him a thumbs up, showing they got the message.
“Thanks for hanging out with me, Kenma. Let’s hang out for real sometime!”
They said as Kuroo escorted them back to the door of the club so that they could safely find their friends, wanting to ensure that his best friend’s new beauty made it back home in one piece.
“Yeah. Let’s.”
He said with a soft smile, lazily waving goodbye as he got dragged back to the car by his best friend. There were no promises that either of them would remember this interaction but tonight, the world was quiet, and it belonged to them.
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hoonichi · 2 years
rule nr. 4 | enhypen jay
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pairing: fwb!jay x fem!reader
genre: smut, angst
words: 3.6k
warnings: mdni, friends with benefits, explicit smut, heeseung is mentioned, blowjob, eating out, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it lads), riding, a few time skips, lmk if i missed anything else !
summary: once you get into a complicated relationship with jay, you decide on becoming friends with benefits instead. and with such a predicament, comes a list of rules. rules which you both decide on, that don’t seem too hard to break yet for a night of envy and lust, rule number four is exactly what ends it all.
a/n: i might write a part two for this if people are interested? also ik ive been kind of dead,, but i just have so many stupid shit to do at uni that it makes me want to jump out the window lol, but for now! here! a spicy jay one shot bc I’m in the mood
likes, comments & reblogs are always really appreciated !! <3
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“okay, so three rules?” you glance up at jay who’s sitting in front of you, flipping through his economy book. maybe it’s not the best thing to do this in the university’s library but you can’t find the perfect timing to talk about your questionable sex life anytime soon.
you look down at your notebook, where three rules you’ve just decided upon are written in a blank ink. rule number one - sleeping with other people is allowed. rule number two - only call each other when you want to hook up. rule number three - no lovey dovey shit. you still chuckle at how jay decided to phrase the last one.
jay lightly taps his pen against the side of his head, he looks deep in thought, “i have one more,” he finally says and your eyes meet.
“rule number four - no kissing. if we kiss, it’s over”
your head rests against the cold glass of the bus window. you mindlessly gaze out of the window, eyes tracking the quickly passing environment as you immerse yourself into your own world which is accompanied by the rhythm coming from your earphones. you look down when a buzz alerts your hands, a notification coming from your phone.
there’s a message from a group chat with the name of ‘y/n & friends’ that is the first thing you see on the screen. the name of the group chat was born purely out of sarcastic jokes and it still makes you laugh every time you see it.
party at my house in a few hours, don’t miss out! - heeseung says. you unlock your phone and type in a quick reply that you will be there. you had no plans for today anyways. well apart from contacting jay, but this was even better. if heeseung was the host, your fuck buddy will also definitely be there.
you grab your belongings and step out from your seat. the timing of heeseung’s invitation was great. he lives a few streets away from your house and since the bus was already heading towards that direction, you figured you would just go there right now. nothing would hurt for you to hang out with heeseung just before his party started.
heeseung stands shirtless in the door way with a toothbrush hanging from the side of his mouth and wet hair, indicating that he must have just left the shower, “early as always,” he mutters and turns around, leaving the door open for you to go inside. he doesn’t question your sudden appearance at his house. he never does.
you take off your shoes and plop down on the couch first thing. you spark a light conversation with heeseung, which is just both of you screaming answers from different sides of the house.
when heeseung is all dressed up, he joins you in the living room, “starter?” he asks, tilting a can of beer in his hand towards your direction. you nod and take it with a smile, “people should be piling in in about an hour, wanna watch something?”
“sure,” you nod and heeseung turns on the tv. he settles on some random movie and you sit in silence, occasionally pointing out the weird plot and making jokes about it.
you’re already done with your drink when the doorbell rings and heeseung turns off the tv and puts on a speaker instead. loud music erupts in the room and that’s when you know peace was never an option (lmao). just as heeseung said, random people, yet most of whom you have seen at university, are entering the house and in no time you’re surrounded by countless of bodies. what once was just you sitting alone in the living room, is now filled with people. it doesn’t even help that heeseung’s house is massive too.
once heeseung opens up the door to his kitchen, it doesn’t take long for everyone to get drunk. you went there too and were up mostly surprised by how many different kinds of liquor heeseung has bought. but then again, it’s heeseung, the biggest party animal you’ve ever met.
few hours into the party and you have seen jay, your main target, just once before he got lost into the crowd. the second time you see him, he’s got some girl on his lap, quite literally sucking each other’s faces off. it makes you feel weird but you have to remind yourself of the rules because they’re there for a reason, right?
choosing to ignore the evident envy flowing in your system, you go and hatch yourself another drink. even so you’re certain you will end up with jay by the end of the night anyways.
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your certainty never fails you. once you and jay lock eyes from across the room, you are abruptly pulled into one of heeseung’s awfully small bathrooms with only a sink and a toilet.
jay doesn’t even have to say anything before you’re pushing him down to sit on the lid and fall down on your knees in need, hands immediately going to fumble with the zipper of his jeans.
“fuck, i missed your pretty little mouth,” jay seethes through his teeth, head falling to gaze down at your frame. the way you kneel down before him, makes you look small and cute, more reasons that make jay want to ruin you faster.
your hands work quickly on releasing his already semi hard cock and you bask in satisfaction from making him this hard without even doing much apart from some hurried groping on the way to the bathroom, “don’t make me wait too long, baby,” jay sighs, hand resting on your head, brushing away the hair that falls down on your face.
as if i’d make you wait, you think before leaning in to lick a strand of wetness from the base of his cock right to the very tip. jay sucks in a harsh breath, gaze burning holes in your body. you slowly wrap your lips around his tip, instinctively wrapping your hand around the base since you already know you won’t be able to reach that deep with your mouth. that’s, of course, if jay doesn’t decide on fucking your mouth, which happens.. quite frequently if you had to say so.
you let yourself go deeper until his dick hits the back of your throat, making you gag. you eagerly bop your head to what you can take, your hand working on what you can’t in return. deep groans coming from jay encourage you to fasten your pace and you almost choke on a mix of your own saliva and jay’s pre-cum.
jay puts in the work too, his fingers harshly tug on your hair from time to time, guiding his cock against the warm and slippery walls of your mouth. you hollow your cheeks around his cock, slurping it like a lollipop which makes jay throws his head back in pleasure. the position you’re in and jay’s low moans are already making you pool your panties. you’re so wet and it’s so uncomfortable not having any friction against your pussy. nevertheless you focus all of your attention on getting jay off especially when his hips buck rather harshly and you know he’s close. you can’t wait to gulp down everything that jay gives you.
that’s exactly when jay becomes aggressive, he grabs a fistful of your hair, pushing you down until his cock fully disappears in your wet cavern. tears appear in your eyes but you let jay do what he wants. you always do.
jay continues to fuck your mouth with no mercy, hitting the back of your throat with each thrust until he reaches his climax. you can feel spurts of cum paint the back of your throat and you have to gulp everything in the midst of still having his cock in your mouth, in fear of choking too hard. this sends jay into ecstasy and he rolls his hips, letting you milk out every last drop.
“fuck,” he swears, breath hasty and out of tune. you back away after some time, jay’s cock slipping out with ease, “open your mouth” he demands, wrapping a hand around his cock. you open your mouth obediently, loving the way jay uses you for his own pleasure. you roll out your tongue for jay to give himself a few more pumps and release a few more drops of cum on your tongue. you savor the taste but not for long before you place your hands on his knees for support to lift yourself up from the ground. just when you’re about to let jay taste you himself, the door of the bathroom is shoved to the side, hitting the wall with a loud bump. a very drunk heeseung appears in your sight.
“no fucking way y’all fucked in my bathroom,” he slurs, watching you quickly pull down your skirt and climb off jay, whereas jay goes to zip up his jeans.
“we didn’t.. yet,” jay shrugs but then smirks at you. you’re red to the face, reality setting in when heeseung still doesn’t leave.
“get the fuck out, i need to piss,” heeseung shuffles his way into the bathroom, pushing both of you out and slamming the door with the same loud bang as before.
that’s when you’re reminded by the uncomfortable feeling in between your thighs, some of your wetness running down the sides of your legs. it’s horrible.
but for obvious reasons, you refuse to fuck jay in heeseung’s house.
“jay m-my house,” you grab the side of his jacket and pull him closer to whisper in his ear, “let’s go to my house.. please” your voice is laced with neediness. you’ve never felt so horny in your life and jay can tell when he’s pulling you out of heeseung’s property and into the darkness of the streets, only to realize he actually doesn’t know the way. so you take initiative by pulling him across various alleyways and short-cuts towards your apartment. however, jay just has to push you against the cold wall of one the alleyways to buck his hips into yours instead.
“can you feel how hard you got me again?,” he would whisper in your ear, the outline of his cock rubbing against the side of your naked thigh which got you whining and writhing against his hold, “you’re so hot y/n, i would fuck you here but it’s probably unsanitary,” he laughs before you’re pushing him off yourself and continue to drag this horny motherfucker towards your house. you’re almost there.
it’s short lived though because jay can’t seem to keep his hands away from you. this time he slips his hand under your skirt, palming your ass and brushing his fingers against your heat. you would fuck him right here on the streets but just like jay said, it’s not safe. like at all.
“jay,” with a frown you have to slap his hands away and struggle free, quickening your pace in hopes of jay falling behind. he doesn’t, jay catches up to you just as fast, hands attaching to your body like glue once again. this time you let him, already walking towards the front porch of your house.
you struggle with the keys, especially when jay stands right behind you, his very obviously painful bulge straining right in between your ass cheeks. you move your hips against him just to stir him up even more, revenging him for what he did to you on your way here. jay groans, pushing you against the door while you reach to unlock it.
as soon as the door opens, jay is quick to push you inside. unlike not knowing the directions from heeseung’s place to yours, jay knows the inside of your house like the back of his hand. even while being remotely tipsy he drags you upstairs and into your bedroom before you’re being thrown down on your bed.
jay crawls on top of you, disregarding his jacket on his way. it gets thrown somewhere on the floor. his mouth latches down on your neck, teeth bruising up your skin, leaving numerous of hickeys which will only become memory fragments of this night once jay is done with you. you moan out, fingers interlocking with the soft strands of his hair, pulling and tugging when jay’s teeth come across quite ticklish parts of your neck.
“jay, please,” you whimper once jay moves down your chest, fingers hooking under your shirt and pulling the fragment over your head. your bra shortly comes off too.
you’re annoyed by how slow he’s going through this after almost taking you in the streets. your chest heaves with rushed breaths, still not over by how fast you have gotten home nor by how needy you feel either, “i know you want me just as much as i want you right now so-“
jay hums into your chest but doesn’t look like he’s taking your words into consideration when he harshly bites down on one of your breasts. with a squeal you immediately shut up, drawing your lower lip in between your teeth, harshly biting down.
“fuck you jay,” you manage out, a frown evident on your face.
he chuckles, “soon.”
jay abandons your chest just like that, his mouth now leaving wet traces down your tummy, “i will fuck you so good.. so good that you will scream my name,” he mouths against your skin, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine.
you lift your hips up, helping jay with removing your skirt. he slips it off with ease. you whine again. you want him. no, you need him.
“please jay.. please please,” you beg for the man to do something.
the man has the nerve to chuckle, “patience, baby. i will make you feel so good,” jay moves down your body slowly, hands grazing down the sides of your hips until he stops in front of your heat. he’s so close you can almost feel his breath on your panties which makes you shiver in anticipation.
another kind of shivers run down your spine when jay suddenly is pushing your panties to the side, your hot cunt now meeting with a cold whiff of air. and another one when jay dives down, without giving you any alerts, hot tongue of his meeting with your wetness. he licks at your lower lips and softly bites down on your clit, all while maintaining eye contact. you squirm and gasp. your hands find their way into his hair, rather harshly tugging at his soft strands of hair. a sign of how much you yearn for him.
jay proceeds to fuck you with his tongue until he’s replacing it with his fingers. one. two. now the letter being replaced with three and you’re choking on your own spit.
“you’re so wet, y/n. my fingers go in with ease,” jay mumbles, mouth still busy working on your clit. it’s bruising and it hurts but the pleasure of his fingers pumping in and out of you is overruling the pain, “fuck, i can’t take it anymore,” jay announces and just as soon he’s pulling away. both his mouth and fingers now leaving an empty feeling.
jay pulls his body away from you, quickly fumbling with his jeans but not before taking out a condom from the back pocket. you lick your lips as jay pulls down his underwear, his cock springing out, hard and sturdy, and slapping against his stomach.
in the midst of a cloudy mind, a stupid thought is born. there’s no man in the whole world you would spread your legs so quickly for if it wasn’t jay.
unlike him.
that one thought does something to you, jealousy overtakes and hits you like a truck. a slap of reality that jay isn’t yours to begin with. you bite down on your bottom lip and while jay is focused on putting on the condom, you catch him by surprise.
reaching for his shoulders, you push him down on the bed, flipping both of you. the man hits his back on the bed frame rather harshly, the condom flying off somewhere in the room. jay’s eyes grow wide as you straddle him, hands automatically grabbing at your hips.
“wha-“ jay starts but you’re already sinking down on him, “y/n- the condom-“ he stops you before you can go down fully. you roll your eyes.
“i am on birth control, don’t worry,” you quickly say, swaying jay’s hands away and finishing off the act. you sigh in content, finally feeling full, stuffed raw and it’s something you’ve never experienced before. jay is still taken aback by your sudden change of positions but he loves it either way. as long as he can have you, it doesn’t matter.
you move up slowly before flopping back down. jay sucks in a harsh breath, head dipping down in the crook of your neck. his lips lightly graze over your naked skin before he’s sinking his teeth into your flesh, marking as if you were his. it keeps you going and that same stupid feeling is coming back. if only you were his. heart begins to ache but you brush it away by moving your hips faster, harder, until you’re both out of breath.
“that girl you kissed,” you say, placing your hands on jay’s chest and pushing him away from your neck, “at the party..,” jay stares at you, the new expression on his face giving you doubts, “…i am better than her, right?” you grit through your teeth, “i can make you feel way better, right jay?”
you ask but you don’t expect an answer and you tear up. you’re not sure if it’s from the pleasure you’re feeling or something else and you would rather not overanalyze it anymore. jay sinks his nails into your ass as he thrusts his hips into you harshly.
“say it jay- say i am b-better,” you cry out when jay thrusts in deeper. his eyes are fixated on yours but he has that unfazed look on his face and you wish to brush it away. his cock hits the deepest parts of your insides and you moan out loud when he hits the spot. now it gets repetitious, jay repeatedly thrusting into that one spot which gets your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
the silence from jay, apart from his deep grunts and groans, begins to suffocate you. you need him in a way you’ve never needed anything, anyone before.
before you know it, you are kissing jay. there’s evident hesitance before jay is pulling you closer by wrapping his hand around your waist. his lips are soft and plump against your own, just like you’ve spent countless of nights imagining what it would be like to kiss him. the kiss is short lived though as you’re pulling away, out of breath and in ecstasy.
“jay i’ll.. i will-“ you struggle with your words when the familiar feeling begins to build up in the pit of your stomach. jay seems to understand. nevertheless, he’s had you in this position so many times already.
jay hums, gripping your waist and pulling you off of him, only for his dick to slip out before he’s slamming his hips back into you again, “cum. cum for me,” he says, burying his head back into your neck. you can feel he’s close too by how his dick keeps ramming into you.
his words or rather him allowing you to do so, send you over the edge. you scream out his name, throwing your head back, body shaking non stop, pussy clenching so hard that jay cums soon after you and you get startled by the new feeling of his cum spilling inside you. you’ve forgotten he’s been fucking you raw.
both of you sit in silence, rushed breaths gradually getting calmer. when jay pulls out, you can feel his cum dripping out of you and down the sides of your legs. holy shit.
jay doesn’t leave immediately but the atmosphere is different. as always, he gives you proper after care, cleaning you up with a warm towel and you’re glad that you won’t have to wake up with his cum all dried up on your skin.
jay lays you down on the bed and tucks you in. you can barely hold your eyes open as you look at him. there’s something in his gaze that you can’t exactly put your finger on what he’s thinking. for some reason you know something’s wrong. nevertheless, he lays down beside you, caressing your hair and soothing you to sleep.
in the midst of the night, jay places a soft kiss on your forehead and leaves.
you don’t hear from jay the next day nor a week after he left your house. and as much as you tried to believe that he was busy, it was constantly eating at you that it must have been because you kissed him.
you didn’t mean to. you were so in the moment, you lost yourself. but now you kind of understand why jay was so adamant about this fourth rule. it changed things.
on a thursday night, two weeks after hooking up with jay, you are cuddled up on your bed, a blanket thrown on your head, completely submerging you whole into the soft material, when your phone dings. your heart jumps when you see jay’s name light up the screen but it drops just as fast as it got excited once you read the following words,
“you broke the fourth rule. it’s over”
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
What’s All The Buzz About? Pt. 7
Hello! 👋 welcome to my next part of my Beemas fic!
Unfortunately I haven’t been feeling well lately, so I apologize if this chapter feels a little off. Regardless, I still hope you all enjoy 💚
Summary: You decide to confront the Kings over what you learned, and things go a lot better than you had expected.
CW: Mentions of egg stuff, very small mention of the king’s ‘equipment’, slight sexual tension, mentions of toxic family and workplace, mostly fluff
Word count: 3914 Words!
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First: Here
Next: ?
Staying with Jackie turned out to be a fun affair, after both of you calmed down. He was eager to feed you, play with you, and talk with you about anything and everything.
Even to answer any questions you may have still had.
What you really enjoyed, however, was snuggling him close. You already enjoyed the few bits of physical contact you had here at the hive, sexually charged or otherwise. This though? It felt a bit different. Intimate in a way you could not describe.
Sure you had been close to some of the bees, and had been carried by many of them. But holding Jackie close to your side, and letting him cuddle with you in bed? It was so sweet.
Especially with how he happily laid his head on your chest, and his wings buzzed every so often. Or how he had one set if arms just happily wrapped around you in a way a partner would.
It made you realize just how touch starved you had been, both before and after arriving here in the hive.
Of course, it was only a matter of time before you had to confront the Kings. You weren’t even sure if you would call it that. They weren’t planning on forcing you to do anything, and from what you understood, planned on telling you everything anyway.
Still, you had to tell them you knew. Had to sort everything out.
You were at least thankful that you got some time to think about it as well. Having a few hours to dwell on the pros and cons, and mentally prepare yourself had been a blessing. Had the Kings sprung this on you, even with the intent to let you think about it, you would have been even more overwhelmed than you had been earlier today.
If you were being honest with yourself…
You couldn’t help but find the offer appealing.
What did your life in Nimbasa really have anyway that made you want to stay? Not a whole lot, if you were being honest with yourself. Sure, you had your possessions, but that was an easily solved problem. No doubt the twins would help you move everything to the hive as needed.
There was your family to consider as well, but if you were being honest? You would rather stay with the bees. Your family always cared more about your younger sibling, and you were considered the black sheep. When was the last time they had called to check up on you, and ask about your day?
Months. That’s how long it’s been.
The last time your mother had called, it had been two weeks ago, just to moan and whine about how they needed you to babysit your siblings. Siblings who were more or less grown adults mooching off your parents.
Yeah, safe to say, you could care less about what they thought. If you wanted to become a Queen of a hybrid hive, that was your business, and they could deal with it.
Plus… the idea of just up and moving without saying anything brought you some sick satisfaction. It made you wonder just how long it would take for them to even notice or care.
There was another thing to consider, and that was your job. No doubt the moment you made a return to Nimbasa, regardless if you accept the Kings’ proposal or not, will cause some sort of uproar.
With the stunt your boss and coworkers pulled, they will be lucky if they survive after you are through with them. No way were you letting them get away with leaving you for dead.
Especially after Ingo and Emmet confirmed no one had come near that entrance to the tunnels since your first night here. They had a few drones in place to make sure no one else got hurt if anyone came looking.
No one came.
It made your blood boil, but you weren’t entirely surprised, given how shitty your coworkers were to begin with. Sure, the job paid the bills, but leaving you for dead was insane. You were going to tear them apart the moment you went back home, so your job wouldn’t be an issue if you took the role of Queen.
Little did you know, it would have been very easy for your Kings to take matters into their own hands had anyone returned. They were just as furious the more they got to know you.
Not that you were aware of that fact.
All in all, things that would majorly effect your decision all seemed to point towards agreeing to join the hive.
Though you would admit, the idea of carrying their eggs both made you nervous, and excited you in ways you could only dream of.
Jackie had been kind in helping explain it. How the Kings had two(two!!!) cocks, one like the drones, and one for depositing eggs.
Oh, how that little tidbit of info made you really warm, the more you thought about it. Something that no doubt would make the average person squeamish was something that was turning you on as you gave it more thought.
You were very happy Jackie had fallen asleep. He had also admitted it was incredibly easy to smell your arousal. Something that you were still horribly embarrassed about.
The last thing you needed right now was making poor Jackie hot and bothered as well.
Still, you could not deny how… appealing this was all turning out.
Even the idea of carrying eggs wasn’t so bad, especially when Jackie had explained that there would be nurses ready at your beck and call in case anything happened. You would be receiving top care your entire stay.
…You just really started to like the idea of Ingo and Emmet filling you to the brim with their eggs.
Stars, you were a bit of a pervert.
But you had a feeling you weren’t the only one, if what Jackie had confessed to you was anything to go by.
The whole hive seemed taken with you, not just the Kings, if what Jackie said was anything to go by. Now that you knew this, you were inclined to believe him, all based on how you remember both the drones and twins acting around you. Especially when the room had felt so sexually tense the past week or so.
It made you wonder of the idea of being with the whole hive, or taking the Kings eggs was as much of a turn on for them as it was becoming for you.
You couldn’t help but lick your lips. This offer of theirs was definitely becoming appealing.
There was also the idea of becoming the whole hive’s mate. Everyone had been so sweet to you, it made you wonder how sweet and caring they’d all be if the relationship was official. You’d potentially never have to have a moment without hugs or hand holding ever again.
Even if that was on the sweeter side, you liked the idea of never having to deal with becoming touch starved. Sure, this could easily turn into something more… lewd… but the idea of always being able to hug and cuddle someone who would want it? It had your heart thudding in your chest.
You didn’t even really care about being ‘royalty’ or not. You’ll take the role seriously, of course, but even if you weren’t going to possibly become a Queen, the whole deal was beginning to seem too good to pass up.
That’s why when the King’s eventually went down to see you, you had made up your mind.
If their offer was still on the table, you’d take it.
But first, you had to protect Jackie. You refused to let the bee take the heat for just telling you what you wanted to know. You didn’t think he would be punished harshly, but you weren’t going to take any chances.
So when there was a familiar knock at your door, you tensed, ready for whatever may happen next.
“Come in.” You called out. At your words, Jackie startled awake, though quickly relaxed when you gently rubbed his shoulder.
Not a moment later, Emmet pushed the door open with a smile. This time though, you noticed a slight pause in his step when he saw Jackie. It was brief, and if you hadn’t been looking at him closely, you probably would not have noticed it.
As Emmet entered the room, he clapped his hands together, and Ingo stepped into the room as he did so.
“Good evening, darling! Are doing alright?” He asked. You noticed his smile seemed a little strained when his eyes flickered to Jackie.
Even Ingo behind him seemed to be tense. You were surprised he hadn’t spoken up yet, being the more talkative of the two. He was probably just as surprised seeing Jackie in bed with you as Emmet was, if how tense his posture seemed was any indication.
Patting Jackie’s head, you gave them both a nod and a smile.
“I am doing okay, thank you. I hope you both are doing well yourselves.” You said, genuinely meaning it, and hoping for it.
You didn’t exactly want to have this conversation if they were in a tense mood, after all.
Emmet gave you a big smile, and Ingo let out a cough, looking away for a moment. You swore, he looked a little flustered just from you asking.
“We are doing well, my dear.” Ingo said after a moment, trying to straighten out his posture a little more. His voice sounded firm, and was still a little quiet, but he seemed genuinely happy to see you.
He cleared his throat, and walked over next to Emmet.
“Jackie, have you been here this whole time? You’ve been missing-“
You cut Ingo off.
“I requested Jackie stay with me. I hope that is not an issue?” You asked. Ingo’s jaw snapped shut, and Emmet’s antennae twitched.
“That is fine! He was one of the drones assigned to help you, should you need it!” Ingo eventually spoke up, as if sensing Emmet’s irritation.
Jackie shrank a bit under their gaze, clutching onto you a little tighter.
You rubbed his back soothingly. Even if they didn’t plan on doing anything to him, you could only imagine the fear from the last Queen must still stick with a lot of the bees.
There was an odd tension in the air. You could almost taste it. You wondered if they could sense your nervousness and were worried or confused.
Emmet opened his mouth to speak after a few moments, but you beat him to it.
“So you two were planning on making an offer to me about becoming a possible Queen?” You suddenly spoke, just throwing it out there. You were unsure how to breach the subject. As blunt as it was to do this, you figured getting the conversation over with would be optimal compared to stressing about it until they decided to ask you themselves.
Almost immediately at your question, both twins froze. It was almost comical, how their bodies stiffened, and wings and antennae ceased all movement. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say they both had gone pale.
Emmet’s wings twitched once. Then twice. His smile tightened, and you could see the underlaying panic on his face.
“Ah… Did Jackie tell you about that?” Ingo piped up, his voice sounding strained. Jackie flinched, more or less confirming that he indeed had told you.
“Yes, he did. He told me quite a bit.” You spoke, pulling Jackie closer. The poor drone was beginning to shake, and you could hear his breathing picking up.
If it was possible, the tense air got thicker, becoming a bit hard to breathe. It was quiet, and you could probably hear a pin drop.
It was obvious the twins were not expecting this when they came into your room like they did every evening.
They also weren’t prepared for what you said next.
“If the offer is real and on the table, I would be inclined to accept.” You spoke, nearly causing both twins, and even Jackie to jump.
You weren’t expecting Emmet to rush up to you, and grab your hand in his own, his smile bright and dazzling.
“Oh, you mean it? You’d give it a try?” He asked, his wings buzzing behind him in a frenzy of excitement. Ingo was at his side in a flash, his face flushed. His own wings twitched in excitement at your words.
“Are you sure? You would be attempting to take the mantle of a Queen. We will handle business for the most part, but it could be difficult. Especially with, well…” Ingo spoke, his face growing with color as he avoided looking into your eyes.
“You’d be attempting to carry our eggs. A verrry important task, yup!” Emmet finished for him, seeming to have no shame about the how excited he was about you trying to do so.
Ingo sheepishly tubbed the back of his neck.
“Yes, what Emmet said.” He spoke, his voice a little more quiet, though the blush on his face seemed to grow a shade darker.
“Jackie informed me as such. I’ve gone over it all in my head, and, well…” you spoke, looking away. You really were agreeing to this, weren’t you?
You found you did not mind.
“I like it here. I’ve had more fun here the past two weeks or so, compared to the past few years in Nimbasa city,” you began, and fiddled with the sheets with your free hand before continuing, “You all are very kind, and I will admit, I find you all very… attractive.” You said, fighting back the blush crawling up your neck.
Emmet let out an excited giggle at your words, and seemed to shake in excitement. You swore you heard Ingo’s breathe catch. Jackie hugged you closer with one of his sets of arms, nuzzling into your chest.
“I’d like to at least try, and see if I can help. This will be a test of trial and error, I imagine. But… I’d still like to try.” You spoke, and squeezed one of Emmet’s hands that still held onto one of your own.
You ended up making a noise of surprise when you felt a weight press against you. Emmet had forgone holding your hand, and jumped forward, hugging you tightly. Jackie let out a small squawk as he was bumped a bit to your side, but still held onto you.
Ingo took Emmet’s place as you were nearly smothered from the hugs. His cool hands met your own, and gently held them while entwining a set of fingers with your own.
The older King gave you a soft look, and you swear your heart skipped a beat.
“Alright then. If this is the track you wish to depart on, we will gladly accompany you forward on it.” He spoke, and just from that sentence alone, you could tell he was excited. Even he seemed to be vibrating in place.
It was really sweet, and you couldn’t fight the blush growing on your face.
When was the last time you had felt so wanted? It was a bit sad that you couldn’t even remember…
After a few moments, you cleared your throat.
“Sorry but… would it be alright to move my stuff from my old home down here to the hive? I have some stuff that is sentimental-“ you began, and Emmet broke the hug, his face still beaming.
“Of course! We will help you move as soon as possible.” He assured you. You relaxed a bit, and gave him a soft smile. That was your main concern, getting your stuff.
“Also, I’ll need to tie up loose ends with everything in Nimbasa before I move here. Such as my job, and settling some things. I should be able to do that living here, but I’ll need to go up to the surface a few times until then.” You then explained. You didn’t want people thinking you were missing, and you had to cut ties with your job. Maybe settle some lawyer work, because you weren’t letting what they did go.
Especially since you wouldn’t need as much money now, living in the hive. Given how self sustaining it was, you doubted you would have to venture out to the city unless you were craving something specific.
Thankfully, both twins didn’t seem to mind.
“Of course! We will help make accommodations immediately! Whatever you need, we shall do our best to assist you!” Ingo spoke, his voice growing with that familiar loudness you had griwn fond of.
Emmet finally flew a ways away to give you some space, and Jackie quickly was back at your side, holding onto you tightly.
“One more thing…” you spoke, your voice having a twinge of uncertainty in it. Emmet perked up.
“Name it! Anything!”
You looked down at Jackie, and back at the twins.
“Are you sure this is fine with the hive? I… I don’t wish to upset any of the drones by becoming a Queen…”
Sure, most the drones you has met have been sweet, and have been excited to talk to you. However, you had no idea if they all felt that way. You didn’t want to start a riot or create unease by taking this position.
Ingo and Emmet shared a look, though it was one that didn’t set off alarm bells. They both gave you a pleased look.
“We can promise you, most of the hive adores you. Anyone that doesn’t will not say a word unless they feel it is absolutely necessary for the hive’s health.” Ingo told you.
You weren’t sure that made you feel entirely better, but if most the hive liked you, that put you at ease. You could at least agree to a drone putting in a complaint if they felt it was necessary. Last thing you wanted was for the bees to feel like they couldn’t talk about any problems they were having.
With a sigh, you nodded.
“That works for me.”
Emmet raised his hands with a cheer, cutely flying in a circle. Even Ingo seemed pleased, his wings buzzing ever so slightly.
Patiently, you waited for Emmet to calm down a bit, before speaking.
“So, what do I have to do?” You asked. Emmet’s grin grew widen, and you swore Ingo’s eyes sparkled.
Ingo walked up, and took your hand in his own. Bringing your knuckles to his lips, he gave them a brief kiss.
“Let us take care of you, My Queen.”
Emmet flew to your side, right next to Ingo. He lifted your chin up with a finger, having you look in his eyes.
“We will handle all the main work. While you…”
He leaned in close, and you felt like your heart was going to explode. His eyes were lidded, and his face morphed into a smirk.
“Relax and sit tight. We’ll feed you royal jelly. Make you our Queen. A perrrfect Queen to be our mate.”
His voice lowered as he spoke, and you swore it sounded like a purr. You couldn’t help but swallow thickly, and Emmet’s smirk only grew as his antennae twitched.
That’s also right. You’d become the hive’s mate, along with being their Queen. If what Jackie said was true, that would include all the things flowing through your mind.
It made you a little warm under the collar, and Emmet was clearly enjoying it. Especially now that he didn’t have to hide any interest if you were willing to be a Queen.
“Okay…” you spoke, your voice a bit small with how flustered you were becoming. If it was possible, Emmet’s grin only seemed to grow. His face leaned close to your own, but before his lips could meet yours, he was yanked away by Ingo.
“Behave.” Ingo told him, holding his twin by his collar.
Ingo tsk’d.
“They just agreed to be our Queen. Give them space and time to adjust!” He scolded, and Emmet pouted at the treatment. All it took was Ingo’s glare deepening, for Emmet to let out a sigh, smiling begrudgingly.
He crossed his arms, and looked away. The moment Ingo let him go though, he quickly flew up to you before Ingo could catch him.
Faster than the blink of an eye, Emmet leaned in, kissing your cheek with a laugh. He didn’t stay, quickly jumping out of the way of a fumbling Ingo, who was desperately trying to catch him.
The younger twin flew out of your room with a playful laugh, and left Ingo in his dust. The King sighed, rubbing his temples. Glancing at you, he gave you a warm look.
“Don’t worry, my dear. We’ll take care of everything.” He says softly, and moves over to you.
“May I…” he begins, seeming unsure. His face grows flushed as you look at him curiously.
“May you…?” You ask, wondering what he wants. He looks rather cute like this, you note.
Ingo straightens up, a more determined look on his face.
“May I… kiss you?” He asked, and you felt your face warm up. After a moment, you smiled.
“You may.”
Ingo gently grabbed your chin, tilting your face up so he had better access. Leaning down, his lips gently met your own, and you both easily melted into the kiss. Despite how rough his ‘skin’ was, his lips were incredibly soft against your own.
He didn’t stay like that for long, but even as he pulled away, you were left breathless all the same. Ingo looked incredibly pleased with himself, and gave you a smug, yet loving look.
“Just wait until Emmet learns I kissed you first.”
His words made you giggle, imagining the offended look Emmet no doubt will have when he learns of this.
Ingo then adjusted his uniform, and gave you a brisk nod.
“I need to go find him and discuss how much royal jelly to make. Worry not, we will be back in a while after coming up with a plan for you.” He explained, and began heading towards your door, a noticeable spring in his step. Before he closed the door behind him, he turned and looked back at you.
“I mean it when I say we will take care of you, my dear. Anything you need, we will take care of it for you.” He spoke, his voice soft. With another nod, he closed the door behind him.
Letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, you brought a hand to your chest. Your heart was still beating wildly, even though everything had turned out fine.
Perhaps it was from excitement?
You were brought out of your thoughts when Jackie sat up, wings twitching as he looked over at you. He gave you a large smile, reminiscent of Emmet’s.
“Can I kiss you too?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, before leaning into to kiss him as well.
As your lips met Jackie’s, you were quite certain of a few things.
One, Jackie is a really good kisser.
And two, you were incredibly lucky.
Who knew that getting caved in the underground subway would be the best thing to happen to you?
It made you excited for the future going forward, and what you had to look forward to.
…You just hoped it would be a smooth transition, going forward.
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messrsbyler · 2 years
Mike clenched his fingers around the phone and let himself slide down the wall to a sitting position on the floor. The sound of a busy line ringed in his ear, a sound he’d grown familiar to over the past few weeks.
He wasn’t surprised, but that didn’t take any of the disappointment away. Hope was a rare thing for kids like Mike in towns like Hawkins, and his was wearing thin and weak with each call that didn’t reach Will.
Mike had thought something like this could happen. The distance was imposing, after all, and not just in the physical sense. He and Will… they’d been drawing apart since before the Byers packed their lives and moved to the other side of the country. There was a fracture between them, burned bridges Mike now so desperately wanted to build back up, even when he’d started the fire in the first place.
It was just hard to accept that Will was… gone. And this time, there was no looking for him in the woods and no staying next to him in a hospital bed. This time, Will wasn’t in danger, he was just… away, out of Mike’s reach. And he had done that.
The line remained busy, but Mike didn’t hang up. Instead, he spoke.
“Hey, Will. Uhm… it’s Mike. I–" Mike paused to nibble on his lip. He felt so stupid talking into an empty phone, his own voice crackling back to his ear. But Mike had always been a person of words, the Dungeon Master and the writer. They lived inside of him, burning and tickling, filling him up. The problem had always been, he was never good at letting them out. But here, in his basement when no one else was awake and when the line kept buzzing busy in his ear… it seemed like a good place to start.
“I tried to catch you on the phone again today, but… you didn’t pick up. The line was busy. Again. I’m guessing it’s because of Joyce’s new job. El told me about it in her last letter. That’s great! That… that she got a job there, I mean. Sounds like you are building a good life in Lenora. I’m… I’m glad, really.”
Mike breathed in through his mouth and closed his eyes. His fingers twisted on the cord and he pulled a little. There was an uncomfortable tug in his stomach, small but painful. There was a lot more Mike wanted to say, a lot more he needed to say. But where to even start? The words were there, pooling in his throat, but there were so many of them that they tangled together, so when Mike try to pull on one a bunch of them appeared and there was no making sense of them.
Opening his eyes, Mike started again.
“There’s… there’s a lot of things I wanna ask you, Will. I wanna know if you like Lenora, how school is going, if you have any new friends. I…” His eyes pricked and Mike blinked away the tears. God, he was so stupid. “I wanna ask you why you don’t want to talk to me anymore,” Mike huffed in a broken gasp. “I mean, you are my best friend, Will. But right now… right now it feels like I lost you, or something. And maybe… I did? I don’t know. But I miss you. I miss having you here with me and it sucks, okay? Everything sucks. I suck and the fucking Upside Down sucks and this stupid town sucks and you suck too for not picking up the phone.” Mike was out of breath. He wasn’t sure when the tears began to fall, but they were there and now Mike didn’t think he could stop. Mike let his head hang, tears dropping to the carpet with muffled sounds.
“I… I fucked it up, didn’t I, Will?” Mike asked to the empty line. A sob climbed up his throat and got trapped in Mike’s lips. Mike gritted his teeth and pushed a hand to his mouth.
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
“I don’t know why I do that. I… I don’t want to but I keep breaking things and breaking people and it sucks. I’m sorry I broke us, Will.” The phone kept quiet and Mike inhale deeply, filling his lungs until he felt dizzy. “I’m sorry for calling. I… Yeah. I’m just sorry.”
Mike didn’t hang up. He didn’t trust his body to climb up and put the phone in its place. Instead, he let it hang by the cord, bumping on his shoulder.
He didn’t try calling Will again after that night.
157 notes · View notes
zukosasukelovebot · 1 year
if you want to read it on here the fic is under the more button.
The music pumped loud in Zuko's ears. He didn't know why he allowed Ty Lee to drag him to a seedy club in Ba Sing Se. But here he was in a casual red t-shirt and black pants as they weaved through the many people in the club. Zuko couldn't even remember the name. TEROTA or something like that. Zuko didn't care to remember; he was NEVER coming back here anyways.
"Let's get something to drink!" Ty Lee shouts over the music, Zuko barely hearing her. He hummed something in response, letting the energetic girl lead him to the bar.
To the bar's credit, the bartenders were ridiculously good looking. And in particular there was a dark skinned man that was expertly shaking up a cocktail for a pretty girl that was obviously flirting with him. By the time the man was done they had made their way to the bar.
Up close, Zuko could tell the man's eyes were blue. But blue felt like such an inadequate word to use for them. His eyes told stories without even him ever needing to say anything. Underneath the blinking lights Zuko could tell they were a brilliant piercing blue, one that could pin you down to the floor the moment he looked at you.
Zuko breathed in deeply. He seriously wasn't immediately crushing on a bartender he probably would never see again was he?
"Ty Lee!" The bartender said happily. Of course she knows him. She frequents here when she has down time.
"Sokka! I managed to drag my best friend in with me today!" She yelled over the bar, jabbing a thumb over at Zuko with a mischievous smirk.
The fire nation man froze in his space once he saw that smirk. Oh no. Nonononononono.
Sokka's eyes slid over to Zuko and Zuko wanted nothing more than to melt into the floor.
"He's cute but I'm almost certain your friend is straight by the way he looks like he'd be anywhere but here," he said with a laugh.
Ty Lee rolled her eyes. "He just needs a few drinks in him. And trust me. He's flexible," she said with a wink, ordering drinks for both of them.
A couple of hours passed and there was a pleasant buzz of alcohol in his system. He danced with plenty of pretty boys and girls in the club but there was something about the sun kissed man at the bar. They didn't have the same allure as him, especially when he turned his head to see what he was doing. He would sometimes catch the other man watching him and catching eyes with each other. Zuko wasn't ignorant to the sparks that he was feeling whenever he looked or even thought about the other man, but he did NOT come here for a hookup , much less a staring match with a random bartender.
So he shook his head to rid the thoughts.
"Wanna come back to my place?" The man he was dancing with asked, his lips almost touching Zuki's ear with how close he was.
"Uhm.. no thanks. I don't sleep with people when I'm drunk," Zuko said, pushing against the man, who was stronger than him.
"Come on. I can make you forget about the last guy you slept with," he rasped in his ear.
Zuko cringed at the shiver that went down his spine at the feel of the man's breath on his neck.
"I said no!" He said louder, pushing again.
"I dont know who the fuck you are-"
The man was cut off with a rough push . Zuko stumbled a little before catching his balance.
"He said no," the voice said, loud and commanding. The grip on the man's arm was tight and purposeful.
"Hey man, I was just talking."
Sokka glanced at Zuko and he shook his head.
"Out of my club," Sokka said, pushing him and keeping his grip on his arm.
"What the fuck? I wasn't doing anything!"
"Yeah yeah tell that to the wall you'll find yourself passed out next to in the next hour."
Zuko breathed out in relief as he saw the man retreat to the exit.
Zuko needed another fucking drink. So he made his way to the bar and waited for Sokka to come back.
It took five minutes for the other man to come back.
"Sorry about that. What about a drink on the house? I nearly finish my shift so I can give you a dance too?
Any other time Zuko would NOT have accepted his offer but he was still riled up from the man and the alcohol already in his system.
"Sure. I don't see how it can get worse than this," he said with a snort.
"Great. I'll come find you."
Zuko watched him slink off to the bar, ignoring the way his heart beat a little faster when the other man winked at him once he was at his post.
Maybe 20 minutes passed and Zuko was absolutely fucked. Hands were on his hips and he was swaying unabashedly to the music playing in the background. The other body behind him was so warm and it fit him perfectly. He had an arm snaked around the man's neck and his fingers were splayed out on his neck, keeping himself steady as he danced.
Zuko moaned loudly when he felt hot lips press against his neck.
His eyes fluttered shut. "Fuck, Sokka."
He felt the other man smirk against his neck, the action making his stomach flutter.
"My apartment is a couple blocks away if you want to…" Sokkka said, trailing off, hoping Zuko would get the hint.
"I don't fuck when I'm drunk," Zuko mumbled, regretting this one rule he set out for himself. He wished he could fuck drunk like Ty Lee. Forget the person's name in the morning. But he didn't think he could do that. Not with Sokka.
Sokka chuckled. "Yeah I know that. You practically yelled it at that man earlier. You can stay at mine tonight because ain't no way you're going home. Ty Lee has gone and fucked off somewhere."
Zuko's breath hitched. Alone. With Sokka. Spirits help him.
"Sure. Let's go."
After lots of making out Zuko managed to fall asleep. He had taken the couch, not knowing what he'd do if he shared a bed with the handsome man next to him.
He woke up with a jolt and looked around for a clock. He found a digital one on the TV stand and it read 5am. He groaned and reached for his face with his hands. He dug the heel of his hands into his eyes and groaned again. His head was fucking ringing. It was dark but it was still too light for him.
He reached for his phone which was in his back pocket and opened it; almost regretting it, the light making him momentarily blind.
He quickly lowered the brightness and checked his phone. No messages from Ty Lee which meant she was staying at some random house and would call him later. He rolled his eyes and shut it off. He turned to lay on his back and stared at the ceiling.
He could get up, grab his things and leave and never see Sokka again. Or see where this thing went.
It seemed though he didn't have much choice considering Sokka came out of his room, moving sluggishly. He was rubbing one eye and yawning loudly. His hair that was braided neatly on top of his head was out and down to his shoulders, giving him a childish look.
"Mornin," he said, his voice deep with sleep.
Zuko felt desire fill his stomach.
Sokka walked into the room, his sleepy movements almost hypnotising as he watched the other man's silhouette move about, doing what Zuko assumed was his daily movements. He hissed when Sokka opened up the curtains, the morning fog blinding him once again.
"Sorry. I'll go get you some water for your head," Sokka said, walking out of the room for a couple moments.
Zuko had hit a new low, he was sure of it. Hung over at a man's house, who by the way, he had met just the day before.
He wasn't usually this brave but something about Sokka told him he couldn't risk it.
Suddenly a glass of water was thrusted into his hands. "Drink."
And he did , the cold water going down his throat and soothing his sore throat. It felt like heaven. It must have been a tall glass because it took a couple of seconds to fully drink it. He put it back in Sokka's hand which was waiting for the cup again.
He panted slightly once done. "Thanks man."
Sokka chuckled. "Anytime, buddy," he said, putting it on the table in the room.
Sokka then sat on the couch next to Zuko who was now sitting up and legs pulled up to his chest.
Sokka's hand easily found purchase on hos knee, as if they did this every morning.
'I wouldn't mind this every morning,' Zoka hears himself say.
"Your hair is super pretty when it's down," Sokka said, pulling him out of his thoughts.
He blushed a little. "Thanks. I usually have it down but Ty Lee insisted on braiding it."
Sokka reached with his other hand to touch it but Zoko slapped his hand away in reflex.
"S-sorry. I'm just… I don't usually let people touch my hair. It's.. custom."
Sokka looked confused. "Oh. Okay. Sorry."
Zuko wanted to kiss the look off his face.
So he did.
He heard the sound of surprise Sokka made but he quickly got over his shock and kissed back. It was different from last night, not induced by alcohol but by emotions. And it felt amazing, being able to feel the plump pressure of Sokka's lips on his.
Sokka parted, panting heavily.
"Uhm… do you like…. Want to maybe go out for lunch today? "
Zuko's heart fluttered. "Yeah. I'd like that."
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sunny6677 · 1 year
Spooky Month: The Dating Sim
Part 31
(I'm mainly just doing this because it's fun to watch, but this is basically a spooky month interactive thing/poll which is kinda like a dating sim. Of course, only the adult characters can be your love interests. So do take that in mind.)
You looked at Skid, and decided to let him speak.
Skid looked up at you. Through his mask, you could see his gaze shifting into that of alm understanding, as if you two understood eachother without a single verb. Skid then twisted his head back in Radfords direction, and chimed, "Yeah! We liked it!". Pump cut in, saying cheerfully, "Yeah! It was-a spooky!".
Radford arched a brow, not seeming to know what they meant by it being spooky. Yet either way, he simply shrugged. "Well, that's good—did you enjoy it?" He looked back at you.
You were being completely honest with yourself, the movie was a little boring for a horror one. Not wanting to dissapoint the kids though, you simply shrugged and said that you did enjoy it. You could feel their smiles grow bigger even as you only looked in Radfords direction.
Radford smiled. "Thats good, dude!". He then paused, and then widened his eyes as if realizing something. You were about to swiftly turn around to usher the kids to go ahead and leave with you, but Radford quickly spoke up, "Oh! Wait, dude! Give me a second." Radford turned around, and began to rummage for something. It was only a few seconds until he found a short piece of paper and a pen.
He began to scribble what you guessed to be a set of numbers on it. You blinked in realization at what doing. He then held out his hand, offering the paper to you. "Here, dude! I wanna talk to you some more, so maybe later today we can chat when I don't have work to do."
You took the paper slowly, and looked down at it. Radfords phone number, eh? You were surprised at how many numbers you had gained even despite only being in this town for like a few days. Yet even so, you shrugged, and your lips curled into a smile. You uttered a word of thanks, and promised that if you had enough time today, you'd call him.
He only smiled back at you. It was then with the kids bouncing and trailing behind you that you began to walk out of the theater. And as you went out of the theater, you began to walk in the direction of Skid's home. You didn't exactly question why Pump seemed to be following you both even if he didn't even live there, considering he probably just wanted to spend some more time with Skid.
Yet as you left, your thoughts were of Radford and his friendly smile.
Eventually, the air became only a little cooler. And as of now, the sky was a baby blue. Lila had finally arrived back the moment you set foot onto the driveway, and as of now, she was currently standing in front of you. With her irrestible and charming smile from that of feminine grace, she clasped her hands together. And simply, she had said as Skid and Pump stood by her sides, "Thank you so much for caring for my son! I really needed this." Skid and Pump eagerly bounced around, giggling to themselves about something.
You uttered that it was no problem, feeling your skin go soightly numb from the airs warmth. You could smell the scent of warm tarmac, and vehicle exhaust. You could hear the faint buzzing of bugs from random places, and the occasional whirring of vehicles that drove by. You could feel the sensation of the sun beating down upon you, and the sweat that graced your skin.
You then asked how her day went, not exactly wanting to leave on an abrupt note or to a bad impression of yourself. Lila, widening her eyes a little, only went, "Oh—it went—"
"Hey, girl!"
You heard a strangely familiar but high-pitched voice speak from nearby. You and Lila's head turned in the direction. There were a few trees in the distance, yet there also appeared to be.. a figure. A figure with dark yellowish hair that was tied back into a ponytail with a mustard yellow scrunchie, and.. wait. You knew that figure.
It was that.. woman you had bumped into, and that woman you had seen with that man.
Before you could speak, the woman only began to approach further. But Lila quickly spoke up, sounding a little puzzled. "Jaune? What are you doing here?".
...Jaune? So the woman's name was Jaune? Huh, that was a nice name.
Jaune spoke up with a somewhat cheeky grin on her face, "Well, you remember how you told me you didn't—". She paused. It was then that you noticed that her very eyes that you stared into so deeply were now staring right back at you. You gulped. She had noticed you now.
Jaune paused, before saying while lifting up her hand, pointing as if to gesture to you. "Hey.. I know you. You're that person I bumped into on the sidewalk!"
Ah, so she did remember you. A part of you felt a little bad that she only remembered you as some person that bumped into her on the sidewalk though. You scratched the back of your head, affirming that you were.
"...wait. You know them, Jaune?" Lila asked, arching a brow.
"Kinda. We bumped into eachother on the sidewalk when I didn't look where I was going. Sorry about that, by the way.." Jaune apologized sheepishly, having a nervous smile on your face.
You only said that it was fine, gesturing with your hands.
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eadanga · 1 year
The Press Secretary Part 5
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Chris huffed as he walked back to Emily she looked at him with concern
“Chris what’s wrong?”
“Becca didn’t like the press conference”
“Why? This is help so many people not to mention boost your image”
Chris rolled his eyes “She wants me to be some snobby rich guy that’s why”
Emily placed a hand on his shoulder “Oh Chris you’re good as you are”
Chris smiles “Thanks Em” He sighs as his phone buzzes in his pocket he pulls it out and sees all the spam texts from Becca “Unfortunately I need to go home and deal with her”
“Ok I’m here if you wanna talk”
Chris nods then heads to his car and drives home. When he opens the door he sees Becca waiting furiously on the couch
“Chris how dare you hang up on me?!”
Chris sighs “Becca calm down let’s talk like adults”
Becca stands jabbing a finger in his direction “Don’t tell me to calm down! You know if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be where you are today!”
Chris crosses his arms frowning “What are you talking about Becca”
“Oh did you forget who helped you with your career? If it wasn’t for my connections you think people would have listened to your campaign and your silly ideas!?”
“Are you saying I owe you something?! I built my career up from scratch Becca! Yeah sure you did help with your connections but everything I’ve achieved was all me”
Becca scoffs “Yeah right without me you’ll be nothing! Now you’re gonna fire that press secretary and find someone else”
“Last time I checked she works for me not you so I’m not firing no one”
“Please you’re only favoring her cause she’s one of your dumb friends whatever Chris just be ready for the investors that are coming in 2 weeks”
“Sorry not gonna be in town I’ve got a wedding to be apart of”
Becca clenches her fists “And when were you gonna tell me this?!”
“Telling you now aren’t I?” Chris pinches the bridge of his nose “You know what I don’t need to take this” He heads to the door
“And where do you think you’re going?!”
“For a drive go ahead and continue your screeching”
Becca huffs as Chris walks out the door and to his car
Emily sat in her apartment relaxing on the couch in her pjs eating popcorn. The TV really didn’t settle her mind as her thoughts shifted over to Chris I hope he ok
Emily sighed Chris had been one of her best friends she thought about the night they had together. She had her own growing feelings for him. She knew Chris didn’t want anything serious he said it from the start of freshman year. Emily was glad she at least had that one night with him after that she decided to push her own feelings away so that she didn’t lose him as a friend.
When she was in England she saw that he had gotten married she didn’t want to go to the wedding seeing someone she loved get married. After some in England she decided to come back and work for a newspaper. When she saw the ad for Chris looking for a press secretary she knew this was her chance to see him again and reconnect.
The minute she walked into his office and saw him all her old feelings came rushing back but she had to keep it professional since he was her boss now
A knock on her door took Emily out of her thoughts she got up and answered it “Chris what are you doing here?”
“May I come in?”
She nods and steps aside to let him in “What happened?”
“Well I think you can guess how it went with Becca again” He sighs and slumps on the couch
“Oh Chris” She sits down next to him “You should really be considering divorce if you two are fighting everyday”
“I want to but”
“Come on Chris is a mayoral election worth you being miserable?”
Chris sighs “It’s hard you know I mean I don’t want to let people down I wanna help people and I’ll miss Jackie and” He quickly covers his mouth
“Never mind”
Emily playfully shoves him “Come on Chris what were you about to say”
“Ok I’ll miss you too I mean we just got to catching up and”
Emily looks at him then cups his cheek and turns him to face her “You’ll never lose me Chris I’m always here” She pulls him for a hug
Chris felt his heart pounding as he inhaled her scent she quickly pulls away and stands
“Well Chris do want coffee or anything to”
Chris grabs her hand and stands he pulls her towards him and kisses her deeply
She quickly pulls back “Chris we shouldn’t you’re”
“Just kiss me Em” He kisses her again
Emily wraps her arms around him as she sinks into the kiss. Chris lifts her up as her legs wrap around her waist and carries her to the bedroom
Tags: @indiacater​​ @jared2612​​ @mfackenthal​​ @the-soot-sprite​​ @darley1101​​
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cymrucwtch-blog · 9 months
Age Appropriate: Chapter 4
“Call Torres. Abuelita’s in danger. I need a way to identify these guys if you have it, too.” Bucky says as they walk along and wait for your next message. Sam hasn’t seen Bucky this worried in ages, maybe ever. Sam calls Torres as requested.
“He’s not answering. What’s her schedule today? Where is she?”
“I don’t know. But we need to find her.”
“You’re like, head over heals for her. How do you not know her schedule?”
“Can we not talk about that right now?! Duck into that alley. Let’s see if we can lose him. Keep trying Torres. Can you call your bird thing to you?”
“Red wing? I left it at home. So, no. But I can call Torres again. Let’s split up at the end here. I’ll meet you at the next block. Check to see if that billboard has a street sign next to it in the pic in the meantime.”
They split up at the fork in the alley. Bucky to the left. Sam to the right. Both acting casually buy gradually increasing their pace and strides. Bucky turns again with the alley. This sets off a series of events that happen in seconds. His phone goes off. Buzzing away in his pocket. As he pulls it out, he hears a loud slapping and cracking sound over his shoulder. Before he can look a woman saunters right up to him. Her hair is dark and she’s far too made up to be in an alley. She looks like old money and he’s not sure if he should be worried about her. Before he can look over his shoulder and just as his phone makes it out of his pocket she speaks.
“She’s fine. You’re welcome. Also, you can identify this thug. You’re welcome for that too.”
“Who are….”
“Oh, my apologies, La Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine. Val is fine though.” As she hands him a business card. “And John here will have your stalker id.” She gestures over Bucky’s shoulder. She can’t mean….John?
“Bucky. Long time.” Yup, she does mean John Walker. He holds out a wallet to Bucky.
“James. Thanks John.” Bucky says and makes no move to take the wallet. When they all realize Bucky isn’t moving, Val takes the wallet into her gloved hands. She pulls out the driver’s license.
“Hmm. We can run it. He seems like a low-level thug. What have you been involved in, Sargent?”
“Nothing. I just need a name and I’ll be on my way.”
“Look. I’d like you to manage a team for me.” She gets to the point and again offers Bucky the business card, this time with the driver’s license stacked under it. “But I need to know you’re not involved in whatever this is. And it would be easier if you’d tell me the real name of that sweet little girlfriend of yours. It would save me time on a background check.”
“What team is that?” Bucky’s jaw ticks. He may grind off all his teeth if this conversation lasts much longer.
“Information for information, Sargent. Think about it.” Val tucks the cards into Bucky’s hand under his phone and she and John walk out of the alley. Bucky takes a moment to steady himself. How many people are following him? How many are following you? Who does Val work for? What do they want from him? There are so many unanswered questions. You. Where are you? His phone. His phone went off.
Abuelita: At the coffee shop with Torres. You?
So, you are ok.
Bucky: With Sam. We will be there soon. Caramel latte??
Abuelita: Gone.
Sam’s voice breaks into his reading. “She’s with Torres. He finally answered. He refused to hang up the phone with her until they were together. Her stalker’s gone. You look like you just saw a ghost. You, ok?”
“Not sure. We gotta go. I wanna check on Abuelita and we need to figure this out.” He spits out as he hands Sam Baldie’s driver’s license.
“Did you take that guy out? I thought you just wanted to lose him? …. Never mind. Torres can run this.” Sam says of the driver’s license. “Let’s go.”
--------------------------------------------- <3 ----------------------------------------------------------
“Stay on the phone with me, Abuelita. I’m almost to you.” Torres says. “Keep walking like you haven’t noticed you’re being followed. You remember what you learned in that self-defense class?”
“Yeah. We are meeting at the coffee shop, right? I’m close. I think he’s getting closer to me.” You’re voice cracks as you try not to look around too much. Nervous energy is building up inside you and it feels like your insides are a pot about to boil over on the stove. You need to run around the block or something when this is over. You hear it before you see it. And you barely see it. Whirling around after feeling a rush of wind and activity that all you see is a blur as someone takes out your stalker, kicking him right into the alley behind you like they came out of the sky. A wave of relief and even more panic washes over you and all you can do is whimper into the phone as you turn around bumping straight into Torres.
“I saw it, Abuelita. I’ve got you.” You both hang up and he wraps his arms around you in a hug. He kisses the top of your head. “Let’s go.” He turns to continue with you to the coffee shop. A dark-haired young woman bumps into you as she runs past. Torres hugs you closer and looks around for anyone else and answer’s Sam’s latest phone call.
                -------------------------------------------- <3 ------------------------------------------------------------
You’ve been sitting next to Torres, trying hard not to fidget. Neither of you is prepared to move just yet. You’ve only briefly texted Bucky to know his stalker left too.  Torres is drawing shapes and patterns on your free forearm. The other is always occupied. When you don’t have a death grip on the lid to your water bottle, its spinning in front of you. Occasional sips taken out of the now mostly empty bottle. Stress is pouring off you and Torres is doing his best, but he’s worried about you.
“Did you apply to that school?” Torres breaks the silence.
“Yeah.” The word barely comes out, light and breathy as you see him. He came for you. The light chat ends when Bucky storms into the coffee shop, attempting to show restraint. At least he didn’t pull the door off the hinges. Sam dodges the door behind him as though this is normal behavior, his expression doesn’t change. You stand. He’s here. Silently making his way to you faster than seems possible. There’s no greeting needed between you both. Torres opens his mouth to speak and before he even gets any sound out Bucky has you pressed against the wall in a passionate kiss. “Hi—oh!” is what comes out of Torres as he then turns to Sam, “So you guys are good.”
“Some better than others. I need a favor, lets head to your place.” Sam replies. “Before this gets more awkward.” Gesturing to you and Bucky.
Bucky follows the conversation, but they are just background noise to you. Bucky is everything. You fist his jacket with one hand the other going to his bicep. His hands started on either side of your face ensuring he had your attention, but he’s not going to be satisfied until he’s touched all of you. Which is how he ends up with a hand in your hair and the other trailing down to your back. He desperately wants to continue, but realizes you are still in public. “Your place is closer.” Is all he whispers as he breaks off the kiss.
It's an awkward elevator ride to your apartment. Torres practically runs to his door after a quick “See ya later.” You’re so nervous that you can’t get the door unlocked. You hope Bucky can’t feel your hands shaking. He’s pressed against you so close. He can feel it. And he’s seconds from breaking the knob with is left hand.  Instead, he kisses just below your ear and takes your keys. The next few seconds pass as hours in your memory as he moves you both around your apartment. You don’t make it far; he enjoyed the scene at the coffee shop and recreates it. Your back is against the wall again as he kisses down your neck. He grabs you to lift you up, to give himself a better angle when he feels something he didn’t expect. He pulls away. Confusion plastered on both your faces.
“Did you forget to put away your id or credit card?” He asks.
“No, they are in my wallet.” Well now you’re back to nervous. Fight or flight is kicking in again, but your body has chosen to freeze instead. Bucky reacts, moving slowly and reaching into the back pocket of your jeans. Freeing an identification card. You both recognize Blondie.
“How did you get this? Did he hurt you?” He asks, mind racing.
“No. No, something happened to him. It was a blur, it happened so fast……” Your mind is replaying the events of the day. Bucky hears your heart quicken, pounding harder.
“I’m going to take this to Torres. You want to come, or stay here? I’ll come right back if”
“Ok. Yeah. I think I….someone bumped into me. Could they have…?”
“Left you a gift? Looks like it. I’ll be right back. Lock the door, ok?”
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keephisname · 1 year
8/6/2023 @ 1:37 a.m.
It's been a few days. I honestly haven't been doing much better.
Clove has been, thankfully, keeping me in line. I've realized over the last few days that I'm kind of a bad person. I'm not really sure where it came from. But oh dear god, how bad I've wanted to be petty. I've wanted to message your younger sister type petty. I wanna text you again and tell you you're a bad friend for doing this type petty. I wanna go to your house type petty. I wanna leave a note on your car type petty, I wanna tell friends just outside your circle type petty. But I also learned I'm a coward. Cause everything I want to do is not directly at you.
I honestly didn't think you were working today when I went in to return those shoes. I thought you had taken weekends off this summer. Maybe you picked up a shift. Maybe it was just another thing you didn't tell me. But I couldn't face you when I saw you at the register. Clove said it would be fine, that you weren't even at the register, you were just at the desk, and it would be okay. But I couldn't do it. The sides of my vision got dark, and my chest got heavy. Again, just by seeing you. Clove was worried I would confront you in some way, when the reality was seeing you at that moment sent me into a near panic attack.
I pushed the shoes at him and got out of the building. The last thing I was going to do would be to make this public to strangers.
I did post about you in an off-handed way on Snap. Again, both petty and a coward. But, in my twisted defense, I had gotten no more than three hours of sleep in 3 days. I was up every single night thinking about losing you, how you were feeling, and just how awful you made me feel. I just wanted you to know how shitty I felt cause you cut me off in this way. It frustrates me not knowing how you're feeling, cause I'm awful and want you to hurt just as bad as I do. I just mentioned everything that happened in the month and concluded it with the last thing that happened in July -- you. I dint mention your name. just that I "damaged the relationship with my best friend of ten years." I followed it up with a post about the support structures that I have and did send genuine appreciation to those who have helped me. I didn't mean the second one to be pointed out against you. I honestly didn't think you'd see either of them. I was surprised you did check.
I did get messages from people I haven't talked to in a long, long time. Some I barely even know anymore. That felt nice, in a weird way.
Also, I told Buzz what happened. I miss her so much, she's always been an angel. I told her you cut us off (Myself, Clove, and Richie), and that it wasn't good. I told her to reach out to you and check on you. I hope you talk to her, and open up to her a little. Talking to her always makes me feel better, and I hope she makes you feel better too.
Richie did text me. I'm going to tell him to get in contact with you. I understand cutting off me and Clove, but Richie didn't do any of what you told us. It feels like he just ended up swept into this without any say or wrongdoing on his part.
I just can't bring myself to tell my family. They'll ask too many questions and it will just make me feel awful all over again. I'm just not ready for that yet. I know I have to, but goddamn it's so hard.
I'm debating texting you when I head up to school. I don't know if it'll be too soon, but I feel bad thinking that ill leave and not say goodbye. I don't know. I don't want to push you so hard that you end up blocking me.
Today was better. I have no idea how the rest of this week is going to go. Maybe ill get better at writing these.
Ms. U
P.S. I figured I'd get in the habit of using fake names. I know that's cliche, but I think one of the reasons writing these entries is making me feel better is because it feels like this is fiction or some weird reality story that'll "one day go viral and it'll become a movie" type beat. It's nice, nad it makes it a little fun in a weird way.
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4joonkookie · 3 years
27 Candles
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💜 Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
💜 Words: 3.5K
💜 Summary:
A 12 hour diary of Namjoon’s 27th birthday.
💜 Tags/Warnings:
Smut, angst, breakup, DaddyJoon, Dom/sub, Daddykink, collars, Daddy/Babygirl, birthday sex, breakup sex, makeup sex, blindfolded sex, butt play, rough sex, spanking, riding, grinding, dirty talk, back scratching, fluff, Happy Birthday to the only man I’d call Daddy, not beta read, wish I had more time.
2:30 PM
After spending hours agonizing over your approach, you call Namjoon to wish him a happy birthday. It’s been a while since you’ve heard his voice. The low rumble sends vibrations through your body.
“We should celebrate,” you insist, exposing your ulterior motive.
“What do you want to do?” he muses.
You're quiet for a while, then take a deep breath.
“It's your birthday. I want you to tell me.”
The request is bold, but subtle enough. He lets out a low laugh, a knowing one, and clears his throat.
“Yeah?” his voice lowers, probably in an area with others. “You wanna be my good girl? Be good to me?”
“Yes,” you reply, just as low though, no one is around you. “I want you to have what you want for your birthday.”
Arousal pools in your belly while you fidget with your nervous hands.
“I like that idea,” he hums. “So I'll come by the apartment when I'm done?”
“No,” you assert, disrupting your compliance. “Can I see your new place?”.
He’s had his own place for over a month now but the place you shared is still “the apartment”.
“Sure, there’s not much there. It’s basically empty,” he replies.
You assure him that's just fine. Adjusting to living in “the” apartment without him has been hard enough. A new, less familiar place might make it easier. A place not-so-lived-in.
A place he can’t leave you again.
He’s quiet for a long time again before speaking.
“Is this a good idea?” he asks, in the exhale of a heavy sigh. His tone has changed, reality settling in.
“No,” you confirm, shaking your head although you’re alone.
The line is hushed, again. The silence is heavy with all of the unspoken “I miss you”, “I need you”, “something is missing without you”.
You both know where this goes, neither having the strength to step away.
3:37 PM
When the elevators open to his apartment corridor, there is a young woman kneeling at the door. Heart pounding, you walk slowly, keeping your head down and avoid eye contact altogether when she stands and begins to walk toward you. You quickly turn your head and breathe a sigh of relief to see her disappear behind the elevator doors.
A decorative basket sits at the front doorstep. You snatch it up, enter the lock code quickly and shut the door behind you.
The basket holds a bottle of champagne on dry ice. Also, a pair of lace panties. Two fixture items, surrounded by decorative flowers, candies and a notecard.
The note is a handwritten message about missing Namjoon on his birthday and a promise of wearing the panties “next time”; a drawn heart and scribbled name.
You open the champagne, chug from the bottle and toss the rest to the trash, attempting to discard the jealousy panging in your gut.
The breakup was two months ago. You hadn’t exactly agreed to “be friends”, it just happened. Though, you haven’t seen each other in person since he moved his things out.
You take in the view of the place. It’s enormously empty. The refrigerator and cabinets are empty, a layer of dust covering the bottom of the inside. A laptop and recording equipment are the only things set up in the living room alongside a couch. The Bedroom has no walls and sits on a raised platform in the living room, a total bachelor pad. Condom wrappers lay on the bedside table near the unmade bed. The bathroom counter, cluttered with his products and potions. You pick up the bottles one by one, searching for what’s new about him. Finally, the closet. You choose a shirt and to put on and discard everything else.
Your phone buzzes, Namjoon saying he’ll be there in about an hour. It’s sooner than you thought but you order groceries anyway. It always takes longer for him to get home than he says.
“Home.” You think. This isn’t home.
4:58 PM
Surprisingly on time, he arrives carrying handfuls of delivered bags.
“You bought groceries?” He uses his foot to close the door behind him.
“Yes,” you reply, removing bags from his hands. “Why don’t you have groceries? Just hire someone to do it.”
“Why hire someone when you’re willing to do it for me?”
“I didn’t,” you banter. “I hired someone to do it.” You shrug.
You close the refrigerator behind you. His phone starts to ring, he silences it.
“Where did you get champagne?” He questions.
When you casually mention the name of the woman who signed the card, he stiffens. Checks his phone, frantic.
“You talked to her?” He remains calm, but you can tell he’s uneasy.
“Yeah, I ran into her dropping this off on my way in. She’s sweet,” you string him along, feeling a little bratty “She said she wishes she could’ve seen you on your birthday.”
He gives you a long look and you hold his gaze.
“Liar!” he laughs, approaching you. His demeanor is calming, his smile relieves something in that “something is missing” category.
“How do you know her name?” He asks curiously.
You stall, not wanting to admit your resentful gesture.
“Oh there was a note, I must’ve misplaced it,” you say, appearing (hopefully-to-be) absent-minded.
He reaches a hand to peek in the trash can. Before he can, his phone rings again. He silences it immediately.
“Is that her?” You ask, casual, distracting.
He shifts uncomfortably but is honest. “We were going to meet up today. I cancelled.”
You tilt your head. “You said you didn’t have plans.”
“I didn’t,” he says plainly.
You hide a shy smile, briefly ducking your head. “And if I hadn’t invited myself over?” you tease.
“I’d be wishing you had.” He gets closer and a familiar electricity buzzes through you. He rests his hands too comfortably on your back, pulling you in, hugging you too tight, smelling your hair.
“I missed you,” He nuzzles his cheek to yours, brushing against you. The moves are slow, requainting.
His lips press against yours and you feel yourself slipping back into him. You try to shake off the feeling, remembering what you discussed on the phone.
“So, what do you want?”
He follows along, seemingly eager to take the edge off of these heavy feelings for a while too. He guides you back to the wall.
You can feel the undertones changing. His gaze darkens, your body being enclosed in his arms.
A hand moves to your bare neck, strokes the soft skin. Your heartbeat quickens. After some back and forth, you ultimately decided not to wear the collar. Not his to claim anymore, anyway. He silently acknowledges the absence of it and moves to your waist.
“It was very rude of you to throw away my things just because you’re jealous.”
“Not jealous,” you pout, and his lips drag against your neck. He bites down at your words causing you to gasp. He pins your hands above your head, against the wall while continuing work on your neck.
“Say it,” he chides. “Tell me how jealous you are that someone else can be good for me.”
Your blood boils, thinking of the woman at the door, condoms on the nightstand.
“And how many good girls do you have?” You query, calmly.
He squeezes your wrists above you. “Say it. And I'll tell you.”
You sigh heavily and give in. “Ok, I’m jealous, you admit.
He giggles between kisses on your skin. “I know.”
“So? How many?” Not giving in to his touch yet, still wanting to know.
He shrinks the grip on your wrists to one hand and uses the other to brush a finger against your lip.
“There are many girls who are good to me but I have only one good girl.”
He releases your wrists and your lips crash together, tongues passing sloppily. You drink each other in after months apart.
“Don’t move,” he instructs, and pulls away. You stand still, watching him disappear into the bedroom. He quickly reemerges with hands behind his back.
“Turn around,” he says, before he can make it all the way back to you.
Without hesitation, you turn and place both hands on the wall, bracing yourself. You feel his presence behind you and it all goes black. A silky fabric drapes over your eyes, a knot being tied just behind your head.
You reach behind yourself to grab at him. “What are you doing?!” The sudden darkness is startling, shocking.
He wraps arms tight around your body to still you.
“Shhh….,” he soothes. This is what I want.” A hand slides beneath the hem of your panties, circling fingers at your wet center, free arm holding you tight to his chest.
He raises his fingers to your lips, offering a taste of yourself.
When you release his fingers, he loosens his grasp on your body and grips a hand at the back of your neck. You straighten up on two feet.
“Walk,” he demands.
After walking a ways, your back hits the mattress.
You can’t see him but his hands are hot on your skin, traveling in unseen paths. You can hear your breath, loud. The quiet in the room is loud.
It’s dark, but the fear begins to fade. All other senses are heightened.
There is a sense of right with his hands on your skin again, lips on yours again, his scent filling your nostrils again, feeling his weight above you again.
He drags his tongue slowly down the center of your body, between your breasts, over your navel and fastens his mouth to your center making you squirm as he sucks below, arms hooked around your thighs.
He licks lovingly, skillfully, and pulls away too soon. He pulls you up by your arms and guides you to sit up.
“Show me what a good girl you are?” he whispers above you. The whisper is crystal clear, echoing in your ears.
You nod into the darkness and hear him removing clothes. Cock free, he pushes the tip to your lips and pushes in slow, to the back of your throat, holding himself there.
“No hands,” he warns. He slides out just as slowly and you do your best to control your gags.
He pushes in again, too quickly and deep. You pull away, coughing and trapping his shaft with your hand.
“No.” he pushes your hand away. He grabs your chin, prying your jaw open and pushes in again. Drool spills and tears moisten the fabric over your eyes. He grabs the back of your head and pushes it flush against his pelvis, no room for grabby hands.
You choke and back off of it, using both hands this time to remove it. You cough when he pulls out, a string of saliva still connecting you.
It’s been a while since you've done this but somehow, it’s more difficult because you can’t see.
“Bend Over,” he growls.
You turn over and feel the familiar caress over your cheek before he moves, muscle memory. He lays a hard smack and you moan, spine lighting up. You smile gleefully to yourself. A familiar warmth overtakes you.
“You’re out of practice,” he taunts, “Need to remember how to behave.”
Another hit, and you cry out again. Spanks, all the more exciting and titillating behind a blindfold.
“You want to give Daddy what he wants, you said?” you hear his voice from behind you.
You nod, zoned in on your lack of vision.
You don’t sense the next hit coming, it’s so much more intense. You’ve been punished for not using words. Without hesitation, they come spilling out.
“Yes, Daddy.”
This was definitely missing. Not so much that you need to be punished but that you want to be tamed.
And no one does it like him.
He slides two fingers into you from behind. You moan and buck back, bouncing on his fingers.
He leans down to lap you, licking up from your pussy and his fingers up to your ass, prodding his tongue inside the tight muscle.
He moves away and you hear the click of a bottle. Cold lube spills over your exposed skin.
Two fingers still in your pussy, He gruffly pushes a third to your bum, pouring more lube with a free hand. He pushes to the webbing of his hand and holds it, giving you time to adjust.
“Good girl loves being filled up, huh?”
You nod before catching yourself. “Yes, Daddy.”
He adds a second finger inside, two in each opening now, scissoring and stretching you open.
You sob, everything feeling that much more intense and full in the dark.
He pulls his fingers out of your body with a lewd pop.
“Are you ready to try again?.”
“Yes.” Something clicks in your mind and has your body assuming the previous position.
The shock of the sensory change and overwhelming emotion before had you too frantic, unable to focus.
Now, bridled in just the right way, he pushes into your throat with no objections from your body, only eager acceptance.
He begins thrusting at the back of your throat. You relax your jaw and control your gags. The darkness isn’t so startling anymore. It helps you focus on controlling your muscles, a meditation almost. You grip the sheets to keep your hands away.
He pulls out and you try to even your desperate breath, swallowing pooled saliva.
He tests your compliance, pushing to the back again, using two hands to hold your head down, letting your face slide off silently.
“There she is,” he strokes your hair as you wipe your mouth. “There’s my good girl.”
The praise fuels you, feeling pleased and settled.
He turns you over again and slides inside right away, slapping hips against you. You whimper and move your body with his.
You nearly ascend when he pushes his index finger into your stretched ass while still thrusting inside.
His cock thrusts against your g spot and presses against his finger behind your walls.The repeated pressure on both sides makes your knees shake. The sound you make is almost primal, body falling limp, spiraling through an orgasm.
He frees his hands and pushes your shoulders flat to the bed to slam inside. You lay, boneless as he grunts and growls through his own orgasm.
Falling beside you, he removes the blindfold and gestures for you to lay on his chest.
He pets and strokes the places he’s left marks. He slides his thumb along your worked jaw.
You didn’t realize how badly you’ve missed this feeling of safe, being claimed again.
8:09 PM
Limbs draped together laying on the bed, Namjoon carries on about his most recent lyric-writing.
Words, spilling out a mile a minute, eyes focused outward, trying to find a lyrical solution by talking aloud.
You study him, just as you always had. The same ,familiar motions and conversation but a different background.
It’s unmistakable.
It’s not any particular location that’s “lived-in”. This place echoes with empty and still smells of fresh paint.
It’s the relationship, the vibes. You and Namjoon are lived-in.
His voice, his touch. You know it’s everything you need but know it won’t last. You broke up for a reason, a dark cloud lingering over your temporary reconnection.
You try not to think of it, letting this temporary elation carry you both to the point where you must eventually take stock of what’s happening and acknowledge that you’re worse together, no matter how good it feels right now.
Despite your silent spiral, he continues talking, unbothered. You watch him, endeared, absorbing every morsel of himself he has to offer before you part again.
Eventually, he catches himself. “Sorry, should I stop?”
You climb on top of him and snag the nearby blindfold. You playfully spread it over his mouth and a giggle erupts from underneath. You slide it up to his eyes, mimicking your position from earlier. He inhales sharply and smiles.
You take his earlobe into your mouth and suck marks to his collarbone, not caring of the consequences. He doesn’t stop you, hissing and grabbing at your hair.
You relish In taking him like this, the breakup, giving you freedom to reciprocate this notion and him, the freedom to surrender to it.
You lean down and graze your teeth over his nipples, a secret sensitive spot.
He gasps and lets out a whimper. It was beautiful. You chase it again, sucking and blowing cold air over them.
Still naked, you grasp the shaft and wrap your pussy over him, eyes rolling back at the pleasing friction.
You slide up and down, chasing the high.
He’s moaning in a way you’ve never heard, the intensity of not having vision.
Still above him, you plant a foot on the ground and slide his length inside of yourself.
Your hips move above him, slowly at first. You watch him, every pant and bead of sweat dripping. You get to see him in a way you couldn’t if he could see you back.
Soon, it feels too good, dick rocking right on your spot, fast and deep. He moves his hips faster below you, a signal to speed up.
You rock back and forth, squirming and squelching on his cock, feeling a little freer that he can’t see you, but only feel you so intensely.
He sinks and drags fingernails down your back with a hiss and a moan. He keeps his nails buried in your skin and holds your hips down.
“Fuck,” he pants as you pull the blindfold loose to see him come.
His hands grab yours and you use your laced hands to brace yourself, squeezing fingers tight when you both come.
It feels like an official reuniting, coming together again. Having more even ground this time, just experiencing this together.
Now, all is right again. Doubt, drowned just a bit longer.
11:51 PM
You’re in a marathon of a conversation, catching up on the last few months.
You laugh and talk and joke, just like old times. He grabs you by the waist.
He kisses you. Long and full of expectation.
“Just remind me why.” He exhales and pushes his forehead to yours.
“No, Joonie, we can’t do this_” You feel thorns grow on your skin and try to push away.
He doesn’t remember yet. This is a beaten path. As much as you missed the four walls you shared, by the end of it all, it was suffocating. Walls, closing in.
“Please,” he pleads. “Because i’m looking at you and we’re here talking and kissing and fucking, perfect as it always was and I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why we’re not together.”
You shake your head as tears burn at your eyelids.
“No, Namjoon, we cannot have this fight again…” you try to free yourself again. There’s so much more to it all than sex and conversation.
“Who’s fighting?”
“You know why we’re not together,” you argue. It was bad for a long time. We fought and fought_…”
“Maybe we didn’t try hard enough,” he interrupts.
You look at him, shake your head.
“I did.” Tears falling freely now. “We can’t see each other anymore. It’s not fair. Not to either one of us.
You laugh to yourself. “We both knew it was a bad idea. We knew we’d end up right back here.”
“And where is that?” he asks, soft tears spilling from his sharp eyes.
You don’t answer. Just offer a weak smile as you quickly dress.
“Happy Birthday.”
And just like that, it’s all over, 2 strokes to midnight.
12:13 AM
You turn on the lights to “the” empty apartment and intentionally don’t look around. Any progress you had made at making the place feel like just yours are back at square one.
Your body is heavy with regret, can’t believe you let yourself drown in him again.
You crawl under the covers and wait for it to be just not so hard, back turned away from the side of the bed that feels so devastatingly empty.
2:30 AM
You stir awake from a noise at the door. The knock sounds again, waking you completely.
You sleepily drag yourself to the door.
There he stands, eyes swollen, looking lost and vulnerable.
You stare at each other in the doorway, unable to tell if there are a million unsaid things being spoken or just emotions spilling sloppily around with no rhyme or reason.
The same electricity fires inside. Even though you can’t remember what you said when you left.
The only thing you can remember right now is how right it is that he’s here. And how wrong it was when he was gone, and how empty his side of the bed is.
You extend your hand out, inviting him in. He looks for a long time and finally accepts. You shut the door behind him, locking you both back into those four walls.
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Okay I’m at work rn and I just got this weird ass call at the front desk. This dude called asking for a reservation and I was like aight lemme transfer you to our reservations department, and the dude was like “it’s my wife’s birthday.” I said “oh well tell her I said happy birthday,” AND THEN he was like “it’s actually our anniversary.” And I was like “…okay…tell her I said happy anniversary??” AND THEN WHEN I TRIED TELLING HIM THAT I WAS GONNA TRANSFER HIM AGAIN HE WAS ALL “wait before you do, I have to tell you something.” And I was like OKAY MAN JUST HURRY UP IDFC he said “my wife says you look beautiful today.” And then I hung up the muthafuckin phone cuz who the FUCK was I to deal w that bs💀💀 sooo, in honor of that I’m gonna write a lil’ shigaraki thing that was inspired by that phone call
Tw:stalking, creepy shiggy, noncon implication, cultish behavior?
You awake to your phone ringing at your bedside table. It’s in the AM, maybe 2 or 3. The night is quiet save for the dull buzzing next to you, and the whispers of the wind spiraling through the trees outside your window.
Bewilderingly, you grope around in the darkness to locate your phone before picking it up and cracking open a bleary eye to check the caller ID.
Extremity begrudgingly, you hit the green button.
“Hello?” Your voice comes out groggy and coarse from your slumber remnants.
“Beautiful girl”
Both eyes are open now.
“Who is this?”
“You don’t know me…but I know you.” The voice across the line is almost as raspy as yours yet slightly shaky. There’s a weird clicking noise in the background.
“Who the fuck is this, and why are you calling me at-“ you turn your head to check the analog next to you. “-three thirty four in the morning?”
“Because I wanted to formally introduce myself as your new owner.”
“My new-what?” You snap and lift yourself on one elbow. Just because of the chill that races down your spine, you squint around the darkness of your apartment. No one was there, so then why couldn’t you shake the feeling someone was watching you?
“You heard me, pretty cockslut. In a few days from now, I’ll be waiting for you, right at your door. I’ll have a collar and leash waiting for you so you can properly be my little bitch in heat.”
Your hands unconsciously fist the sheets underneath you, and you try not to let your voice wobble when you respond.
“I’m-is hanging up now you sick fuck. Don’t call this number again, or else I’ll track your number and call the police.” But you find that when you try to tap the red button, the call still continues. You hit the button again, but no difference. You start to frantically turn your phone off and fiddle with the volume buttons to wake your screen out of its frozen state but the call still continues, the person on the other line keeps rambling.
“What did you do to my phone?”
“Whatever I need to do to talk to you one on one. Tell me Y/N, would you prefer your dog bowl in pink or red?”
“I’m not choosing either, fucking bastard. Tell me who you are!”
“Aww, come on now, be an obedient pet. Use your big girl words and let your master know what you like. It’s the only time I’m being nice, I’d take the opportunity if I were you.” The clicking on the other side of the call multiples, as if we were typing away at dozens of keyboards.
“I’m calling the police.” You spring up from your bed and search the room for another landline phone or anything where you could contact someone. This was insane, you weren’t putting up with this bullshit.
“Sure, go right ahead. I can’t wait for them to see you naked, on your hands and knees, pussy drooling and mouth watering while you suck my cock in front of them.”
You yell in frustration and panic as the clicking noise grows louder, the volume swallowing up your thoughts and musings.
“Fuck, what the hell is that noise?” You raise your voice now, your remaining sleep swept away in the currents of adrenaline.
“We’re all waiting for you, Y/N. You’re such a pretty girl, don’t you wanna share some of that beauty with us? We wanna see you mouth opening, face down ass up for us, working your pussy on all of our cocks. We wanna see you getting fucked against all the surfaces of your new home, against the windows, on the basement floor, in the shower, on the bed. I wanna be on top though, above everyone else under and over you, would my little bitch in heat like that?”
Your mouth opens and closes, but no sound comes out. It’s silent outside, as if the world were holding its breath on the same moment as you. But on the other end of the phone, you could hear it.
Along with the clicking, there were moans. Different pitches and tempos, but the grunts and groans were definitely audible. He spoke above them, claiming his place above his subjects.
“Oh no, did I scare you off already? It’s okay, you’ll get used to us soon enough. Think of this as training. You’ll soon know your place well enough once initiation starts. All your holes will be open-“
The moans grow louder. They gasp so loud you’d think they were being murdered. The clicking grows evermore.
“-And you’ll be out on display for all of us to touch, and feel, and taste, and listen to while you just take it, take it, take it like the good little bitch I’ll force you to be”
“Leave me alone!” You half sob as you run over and pick up your phone, looking around wildly and unsure of what to do.
“I’ll plug you with so many drugs and chemicals that you’ve never even heard of just so that you’ll crawl to me on all fours and beg me to fill you up again, with anything I want.”
“You’ll kill yourself just to be anything to me”
You think you hear the groaning and sighing on the other end evolve into screams of satisfaction, but you can’t tell over the ringing in your own ears.
“So sleep well my precious babyslut. I’ll come for you soon enough.”
And the line goes dead
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