#i just have a lot of feelings about pride this year
skrrts · 2 days
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Home Is ✧ yunho version (oneshot)
✧ gn!reader x jeong yunho ✧ genre: non-idol, slice of life, fluff, romance ✧ word count: 1,2k
You have found the love of your life, and now the two of you are ready for the next step in your relationship: moving together. Neither of you can wait to finally be able to spend every day together but it's out of the question ... the whole progress looks a lot more casual and aesthetical on social media than it actually is. Chaos. You can't wait to finally be done with unboxing the last pieces of clothing and get comfortable in your new bedroom but then there is Pudeongie, who had been banished to now spend his days in the armchair in the corner of the room. Why do you feel so judged and how come Yunho is so cute about this?
a/n: #3 of the little mini series and can't believe we already wrap it up next week, September really passed by so quickly. it just made sense to give this plushie some screentime, he's very loyal with his life on yunho's bed
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Did you always own that many sleeping shirts? You sighed as you looked at the box, still trying to somehow shove them all into the corner of the wardrobe. Yunho had been humble, just as always and he owned so few clothes that you wondered how he always looked so fashionable while you had so many and still failed to ever put your mind on outfits. Maybe you should have bought a larger wardrobe after all.
You loved your new home and after weeks of hard work, there really only had been a few details left until the two of you finally settled. The apartment belonged to one of Yunho's relatives and thanks to that, instead of being forced to rush and get all done in a weekend, the two of you took the time, setting all up and making tonight the first one where you would sleep here.
The stunning new large bed was the highlight of the bedroom and your amazing boyfriend had given in to your wish for one of those bed canopy decorated with fairy lights.
Everything was perfect, if not for the judging glances of a plushie that was now sitting in the small armchair in the corner of the room.
The plush dog had been the very first thing you noticed when you stayed at Yunho's place for the first time. Your boyfriend had been more of a minimalist and allergic to colors, so the brown plushie had been a hard contrast to all the greys and black of his room. Yunho said that it was a gift from a good friend, handmade and based on a silly design he came up with.
The plushie had been there from the beginning of your relationship, it napped in bed with you but after moving, it felt natural that it received a new place. Now, why did you feel so watched and judged? He shared years with Yunho, it was time to grow up!
You blushed, clearing your throat for your silly thoughts when the door opened and Yunho, came in, balancing a tray with cups. The smell of pumpkin spice latte and fresh brownies from your favorite bakery immediately made you smile as you only moved a little. Your boyfriend sat down by your side, smiling.
"You stored in clothes all afternoon. I thought it was a good time for a break. I made sure to take a photo of those cat cups so Wooyoung would stop texting us if we finally tried out his gift," Yunho laughed as he offered one to you. Ah yes, your friends had the most interesting presents to celebrate how two of their closest friends finally moved together after more than five years of dating.
You carefully sipped on it: "Thank you, this is so nice... I never really had carpet before but I can see the benefit now."
You chuckled and Yunho smiled, moving closer so he could hug you from behind, eyes wandering over your bedroom.
"Mhm, not that cold flooring will ever stop me from kissing you just at every corner and spot in our little home."
His words were full of pride, you loved how domestic Yunho was. He really embraced building all of that furniture together with your dad and starting to cook for you, making little snacks, and taking over chores you didn't like.
"Our home is almost perfect," you mumbled placing the cup down. Yunho blinked, tilting his head: "Almost? What's missing, love?"
You pouted a little: "Not missing, it's just him. He makes me feel so guilty."
You pointed toward the plushie and Yunho's gaze followed, blinking before laughing.
"Pudeongie? What has he done?" that cute little smile already hinted he knew it was just a silly moment.
"He judges me, look at him! He has been kicked out of bed and I am not sure if he will ever forgive me," you pouted again and Yunho couldn't stop himself from smiling.
Your boyfriend stood up, picking up the plushie to move over, sitting by your side again.
"I believe, this is just his resting face, like Woo. Look at him! He's all soft and loving!"
Yunho pouted cutely as he hugged it tightly and you couldn't stop yourself from rolling your eyes playfully, giggling.
"Of course, it hasn't to do with you being biased at all."
He loved that plushie and so did you. Of course, it had been part of many fond memories of your relationship.
"I am sure, it will be a change but he will get used to it. In fact, maybe all he needs is company!" Yunho winked and tilted his head slowly. You sipped on your cup again, before placing it aside.
"He is very handsome. So fluffy and tall, maybe I should take him to bed with me tonight, for the best cuddles!"
Now it was Yunho who was pouting: "Hey! The first night in a new home is important... I am very fluffy as well."
You couldn't hold back a laugh, placing a kiss on his cheek and then on Pudeongie's. "I think, you might be right and it's a draw. So what do we do about it?"
Yunho smiled at you, before slowly standing up and placing the plushie carefully back on the armchair. Then, he walked over to one of your wardrobes and pulled out a big body pillow, taking a marker and drawing an adorable face on its cover before placing it next to his plushie.
"There, all he needed was the perfect one by his side. I am very knowledgeable of just how that is what one needs," he insisted. You joined his side and he hugged you without hesitation.
"Very true. Maybe we can get it some fluffy ears too, so they match better," you looked up to Yunho who looked fondly at you.
"I am very blessed that I am loved by a person who accepts my fond former roommate," he whispered and kissed you. This was silly but you'd not want to have it any other way.
You sat down again, this time on his lap, offering him a few bites from the cookie he brought.
"Mh, the bakery at the corner of the street is really nice. We should invite Seonghwa next time, they sell really delicious-looking slices of strawberry cake."
Yunho was comfortable, he rambled on, and shared his explorations with you and what he liked about the new neighborhood. It warmed your heart to see him getting used to living here with you as quickly now.
"If we do that, he might come over often to visit," you chuckled.
Yeosang and Yunho had been living together since starting college and just remained that way long after picking up their jobs. When their contract had come to an end, it made sense for them to move on and it must be quite a change for them.
You intended to give Yunho just as many special memories in this place.
"Now then," you whispered, grinning.
"Shall we go on and give them some privacy? I feel, there is quite a long list of things I always wanted to do in our first home together," you teased and Yunho looked at you, winking.
"Well, since the list is so long, we better get started."
He took your hand and pulled you along, the bedroom door falling shut behind you.
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cloudcountry · 1 day
SUMMARY: married life with eiland
COMMENTS: i've been thinking so hard about marrying this man i have two lawn chairs next to my mail box and a desk for him and a chest full of sweets for when we get married im planning ahead ahead i need him so bad
reader is compared to lady luck but they're not fem aligned.
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It’s not uncommon for you to wake up in the morning to see Eiland curled up in bed, his reading glasses askew and a book opened over his face. You always remove the book gently, marking his page with a bookmark you keep handy on your nightstand and he thanks you profusely for it later. It’s not even that he stays up outrageously late, you just so happen to have a husband who is so dedicated to his research he can hardly put it down!
Although he would love nothing more than to have chocolate chip waffles with whipped cream and a hearty amount of syrup for breakfast, he is unfortunately bound by the knowledge that food like that has little nutrients and will not keep his precious spouse up and running throughout the day. Soft hands cut up fruits into hearts and stars, depositing them into one of your bowls with a proud smile as seasonal fruit pancakes sizzle on your stove. He takes pride in taking care of your needs. That is, after all, what a husband does! (Ignore the copious amount of times he messed up a dish...he's trying his best.)
Whenever he comes home after a meeting with his sister, he makes sure to ask your opinion on things. If it's something the two of you don’t agree on (much to his chagrin...yes, he pouts about it later) he will still report your honest opinion to Adeline. His sister can tell immediately if you agreed or disagreed with him based on his facial expression alone.
Eiland has a tendency to say things that can be taken in a flirtatious way, but are usually innocent. He still has not learned to watch his words with you even after years of marriage, calling you over to Louis’s stall to look at the beautiful wedding outfits and yapping about how lovely you would look in them. Oh Eiland, he has no idea what he’s implying!
Due to his hobbies, he is more of a help on the farm than some may think! You’re certainly going to have to walk him through ranching if he decides he wants to feed the animals, but he’ll pick up on how to plant seeds a lot faster. He’s quick work with a shovel and can figure out a hoe in no time flat! (He thinks you’re so cool and just wants to help out his lovely spouse, please let him.)
Without a doubt, you will get wrapped up in his Dungeons and Drama campaigns. He’ll be delighted if you make food based on the campaign and will brag for weeks about it. Be prepared to be referred to as the lovebirds when you come to the Inn on Friday’s! That’s simply how Mistria works I’m afraid.
Elsie is going to have the time of her life when the two of you get married. She’ll be on cloud nine, orbiting the two of you with well wishes and the most random gifts she insists you two need for your new life. It’s very sweet of her, even if you’re not entirely sure what you’d use a fondue pot for other than satisfying your husband’s raging appetite.
Daily trips to the Western Ruins and The Narrows are a must. Eiland likes to check in on the Museum, having been contributing to its upkeep for a long time now. If you find him starting a special set of armor tucked away in the back of the main area, don’t mind him. He’s just reminiscing on old times with you.
Eiland takes very good care of his skin and hair, and if you let him he’ll pamper you every morning and night. He tends to lose his sense of personal space when he does this though...his face will be very close to you. If you lean in to steal a kiss, he’ll jump and laugh, cheeks growing warm as you smile at him.
When he spaces out, he’ll reach out for your hand and start fiddling with your wedding ring. You’d think he’d fiddle with his own, but he likes feeling your knuckles under the pads of his fingers. Eiland will slowly come back down to Mistria at some point, his eyes focusing on his fingers against your skin and your soft smile shining upon him like Lady Luck herself. Truly, he got so lucky.
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ihopesocomic · 24 hours
My Pride is weird bc the gore for shock value is really the only thing "adult" about it. As far as plot and characters and themes it fits right in with YA xenofiction - yes, even "mature themes" like abuse and oppression are often covered in children's media like Wings of Fire and AtLA, that's not exclusive to adults. I feel like MP was actually intended for the same type of audience, but they added the unserious bobblehead disclaimers at the last minute bc they realized angry parents might come after them if their kids watched a Lion King-style YouTube video that turned out to be super violent and bloody.
Its really hard to tell who the audience for MP was outside of "people who were already fans of Tribble's warrior cat/cotw content". Can't be for children, cuz there's warnings (well "warnings" in the form of cute widdle bobbleheads with little fun quips from the characters)
Like is this for teens? I mean I know teens like a lot of crappy stuff (not me tho, I've always had impeccable taste /sarcasm)
Is this for adults? Cuz the messaging and writing is almost unfathomably immature. The messaging was so bad, people still don't understand what's so "problematic" about it. They think RJ and I are just mad because ableism and homophobia is in it. Like why do we have to keep explaining things to people. If people used their brains, or consumed literally anything else, they'd arrive to the conclusion themselves. After all a ton of the opinions we expressed in our video were already expressed by lots of other people beforehand and they didn't need us to tell them what to think lol
Even the violence was immature, which I can say because I love me some creative violence in my movies/shows. There's science behind violence, so you'd think a show that prides itself as being a "more mature Lion King" and believing itself to have a more realistic portrayal of lions, it would have realistic violence, but nope.
The violence in this show is sometimes hilariously censored, like for some reason Barkmane's body was completely blurred out when they had no qualms about showing Starmane and Quickmane's body, their injuries were not even indicative to anything based in reality
Karabi's throat was slashed open and her voice actor was just groaning (not the voice actor's fault, this is the fault of the director) and I dunno, I feel like I've seen enough slasher films to know a convincing dying noise when I hear one, but I don't expect people working for me to know what that sounds like so as a director it would be my responsibility to... you know... direct.
And Sharptongue's death, like I still don't know what was supposed to even be wrong with her. She just started having a coughing fit and died off-screen.
AND YET MP somehow manages to be really fucked up in its mediocrity?? Because it just shrugs off child death like the characters do.
It's not like resources aren't out there, people have been posting videos of lions killing each other on youtube for years lol
"Adult shows" that are easily outshined by kids shows in maturity are fascinating to me, and they're more commonplace and I don't know why. At least two other "adult shows" have so little respect for the intelligence of their audience that they put in a shit ton of information that adults get mad when they have to think about things. And/or they are so embarrassingly safe it's almost like they're made specifically to cater to kids.
I mean the fuckin Lion King straight-to-video sequel had an effective abusive family dynamic, so what's the excuse here exactly. (I mean I know the answer, it's because Tribble pulled heavily from Warrior Cats and didn't improve upon it.) - Cat
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Something I feel like we don’t talk enough about is that Ford still thinks Stan ruined the perpetual motion machine on purpose. That of course doesn’t justify everything Ford does in return, his ego and pride gets in the way a lot, his last attempt at contacting Stan was to use him, and even if Stan did it on purpose he didn’t deserve to get kicked out and Ford definitely should have done something. but like. At 60+ years old he still thinks his only childhood friend, the only person he could trust for nearly 20 years of his life, intentionally hurt him, ruined something he’d worked so hard for, something related to what he perceives as his only positive trait, for his own gain. We know that’s not true, and Stan knows that’s not true, but he never tells Ford. He just tries to play it off as “hey, that just means we can go treasure hunting now, yeah?” which just makes him sound more guilty.
Sure, most of Ford’s issues with trust are caused by that triangular fuck, but not all of them.
(I just realized Stan might have explained it being an accident when retelling the story but we know he lies for some parts of it so idk. Maybe he omitted some things, maybe Ford thinks he’s trying to save face in front of the kids, but I don’t think Ford fully knows it was an accident.)
Can you imagine how different everything would have been if Stan had said something like “wait it broke? I was upset but I didn’t mean to break it”. Filbrick might still have kicked him out but the resentment wouldn’t’ve been there. Or even better, can you imagine Stan telling Ford post-canon that it was an accident? Imagine the guilt Ford would feel know he’s wasted the last 40+ years of his life hating Stan because of a mistake.
I’m losing my mind. Alex Hirsch how dare you write sad old men this well.
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cakerybakery · 3 days
22,000+ words for From the Dust Anew (Adam’s designed is based on @inubaki ‘s prideful AU) and I’m real sick of writing Lilith. I need a bit of a palate cleanser so I’ll write a scene of succubus/incubus Adam.
Not sure how it would fit into the story, time line wise. It’s based on a currently deleted scene but I’m thinking about working it back in.
Warning for intersexed Adam
Leaning against the wall in the line, Adam didn’t feel like he stood out too much. He was kinda of average size for an incubus it seemed. Maybe even a little on the tall side.
He grinned and stood a little straighter.
Yeah. He was actually a little taller than most of the succubi, both he chicks and dudes. It wasn’t much but he was used to sinners towering over him. It was nice to be one of the tall ones for a change.
‘Ugh. Speaking of sinners.’ Adam thought watching from the corner of his eye as two lizard sinners catcalled and propositioned all the succubi in the line.
“Come on ladies. You don’t need to buy your lust, daddy has some for you right here.” He thrusted his hips at a particularly small succubus in the line.
The two sinners boxed her in and ignored the protests from the succubi around her.
“Come on, baby. It’s what you’re for, right?” Said the ugly red bastard on the left.
Adam stepped out of the line for the new succubi restaurant and, taking as long of strides as he could at his size, he confronted the two.
“Fuck off. Leave her alone, assholes.” Adam knew exactly what these creeps were doing. Targeting her because she was small and weak.
She barely looked old enough to have switched to feeding on lust instead of love.
He knew this was hell, but he was ashamed of the kinds of people that had come from his nuts.
A few members of the line up backed him up and joined in telling the sinners off, but most just seemed like they didn’t want to be the next target. Adam couldn’t blame them. These freaks looked like they were almost as tall as he had been when he was an angel. Their teeth were sharp, their claws looked sharper.
Most of the succubi looked like him. Small and weak. They were used to being near the bottom rung. Lucky ones worked in the mortal realm to gather lust. The rest had to make do here. Without Lu, he’d be like them. Getting a meal from anyone he could.
“Ohh, you want to take her place, baby? What do you think, man?” Ugly and red asked ugly and blue.
Adam stood straight, put his hand on his hip and told them, “how about you fucking leave before I kick your fucking ass.”
Ugly and blue grabbed his arm firmly, “don’t be like that, cutie. Why don’t you lift your pretty skirt and give us a good time.”
He tried to stay calm but he could feel his anger starting to reach the boiling point.
Adam let himself drop suddenly to his haunches, yanking the guy forward, then shot back up and head butted the asshole in the jaw.
He let go of Adam and stumbled back, holding onto his chin as he screamed. Blood dripped from his mouth as his sharp teeth had bit into his long tongue.
The new him might be small, but he had been a fighter for thousands of years. There was one thing that would help keep the creep down. Adam kicked high and got the guy square in the nuts. He was real happy he was wearing Lu’s boots that day. The ones with the pointed toes.
They looked good with his skirt, and he made that skirt look real good. His legs and ass were hot, he was man enough to admit it and flaunt it these days.
Ugly and blue screamed and Adam was pretty sure he felt something pop. Served the freak right.
Ugly and red grabbed him by the elbow and lifted him up. “You little cunt!”
Adam was small. He was weaker than he had been on Earth or in heaven. Unlike sinners or even a lot of the hell-born kind, succubi as a species didn’t have a lot of non-sexual ways to save themselves from danger. His claws were little, his horns couldn’t do much, and succubi wings were more for looks than function.
As he dangled, Adam knew he couldn’t kick the guy. So he did the only thing he could. He dug the tiny claws of his free hand into the guy’s arm and unfurled his golden wings.
They tore through the back of his shirt, turning it into tatters. He never could get them through the slits without Lu’s help.
At least it was just the back and his tits were still covered. Adam didn’t want to give the guy a free show.
The average succubus wings barely did jack shit. His on the other hand, when he made them full sized, lifted him and the sinner high in the air above the street.
“You know, I was calling you Ugly and Red in my head but I just thought of a new name for you.” Adam let go of the sinner’s arm and the guy screamed. He begged and apologized as he held on to Adam.
Adam raked the sinners arms with his claws and the sinner let go. “Bye-bye, Street Pizza.”
He landed to some nervous faces.
A parade in his honour would have been overboard but they could at least look like he wasn’t about to taken to the gallows for killing a sinner and popping another guy’s nuts.
Speaking of, where the fuck was popped nut?
No way the guy got up and ran so quickly. All Adam could see was the busted body of street pizza and a smear where he had left popped nut.
A familiar hat caught his eyes as it rose up. Lu was a few inches taller than the group of succubi and incubi. His hat was even more distinctive.
Lu saw him and smiled, then frowned. “Adam.” The hell-born parted for their king as Lu moved towards him. “Are you okay? Feeling faint?”
Adam’s could see the girl from where Lu had been. Looking starstruck and blushing.
“I’m hungry, but fine. Where’s popped nut?”
“Who?” Lu looked over at the bloody smear on the ground when Adam gestured that way. “The blue sinner? Don’t worry about him. He won’t be reforming anytime soon.”
Lu insisted on looking Adam over as they joined the line up again and no one seemed to quite know what to do upon seeing the king fussing over a low level demon. “I just want to make sure you’re okay, Ducky. You have to stop loosing your temper.”
It was lucky that Adam thought Lu was cute. “What was I supposed to do, Lu?” He lowered his voice to maintain the illusion of privacy at least. “They were creeps at best, and trying to coerce her into sex. She barely looks old enough for her first heat and she looked scared. I had to do something.”
Sighing, Lu cupped Adam’s cheeks, thumbs on Adam’s black heart cheek marks, and kissed his nose. “What am I going to do with you, Ducky?”
“I can think of a few things we can do after dinner.” Adam teased.
Lu’s hands wrapped around Adam’s waist and pulled him close. “Hmm, we could skip dinner and I can feed you.”
“Fuck no.” Adam let himself be held. “I’ve been dying to try this place. It’s almost impossible to find synthetic lust in the pride ring, now there’s a whole restaurant? This is amazing.”
He wasn’t the only one that thought so, given the slow moving line up.
Sex was great. Ten out of ten, no complaints. But he liked to have a meal on occasion that didn’t involve Lu being balls deep in him. That being said. Sometimes it was nice just to have sex to have sex. No feeding involved.
Adam hated creeps like those sinners. He and other succubi weren’t walking flesh lights just because they needed to fed on people’s lust to live.
He just wished there was something more he could do to help.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 3 days
I need to start screenshotting posts i like but anyways
There was one where color tried to get nightmare to learn what mortals need, that at first they didnt have a kitchen so they had to eat while they were out terrorising people.
Just stuff like that, n just generally being bad. Ripping the heart out of a childs chest infront of their mother, forcing someone to eat their pet etc.
Like nightmare is horrible yk
And yk how some people say he does that because of trauma, he doesn't know better and allat.
Okay so take ALL THAT, and let them learn nightmare can love, he has loved, he had a spouse and a friend group, he knows what mortals need, he knows what to do when they are sick he has taken care of his sick spouse before etc.
Basically im just thinking about their reaction when learning nightmare knows their needs, has felt love before etc. But he does it because he can, and it makes him happy (dude is def a sadist after them 999 apples ykyk)
Like obviously its also a fear of being vulnerable and stuff and needing to be the one in power because not being that scares him because villagers decided to hate on a 6 year old, but also he can just be cruel and sadistic 🤷‍♀️
I also feel it’s important to realize that there are those who don’t feel love, or describe themselves as loveless, and has never or would never do half of anything that nightmare has done.
but ultimately, i feel the ones who’d have an issue with it morally off the top of my head are swap, dream, color, delta, cross, epic. possibly many more but that’s my first thoughts.
killer definitely wouldn’t care about it. It’s the least of his concerns. hes too busy surviving nightmare to care about if the man is capable of love or not. he’d only care about it in Stage 2 if it means he could manipulate those emotions in his favor.
i have no doubt that the fawn response is something deeply ingrained in killer—whatever hes had to do to either survive, avoid inconvenience (stage 2) and pain (stage 1), or just whatever will get it over quicker or will make nightmare/chara leave him alone faster.
;would be interesting to explore how killers trauma responses would play out in the context of his dissociative disorder/stages. Especially in the context of one sided killermare where killer has to play his new role as nightmares lover. at most he’ll find small, easily deniable ways to inconvenience, annoy, anger, or upset nightmare. just because he can.
Murder and Horror, i find a little harder to say mostly because neither are exactly free from “sin” themselves so to speak, but they also arent killer; who has lived in this type of environment for years. killer does not have things like shame, anger, embarrassment, guilt, pride, morals, things like that—hindering him, he will do whatever he thinks he must. any emotions like that are greatly suppressed and dissociated—even in stages such as stage 1 where they’re very intense.
i can see this actually being something killer struggles to actually unpack and allow himself to feel in therapy—any anger or hatred towards nightmare or chara. i can see a lot of emotional outbursts from stages 1 and 3.
this is because killer has learned that emotions are dangerous, and wouldn’t get him anywhere. murder’s entire thing is fighting back in an endless loop against his human, and horror refused to be sacrificed to help his AU, fought back, and then went even further by destroying the core, lobotomzing alphys, and then leading Snowdin into eating humans seemingly just to spite Undyne.
I doubt they’d care at all if nightmare is capable of love or care or not, they’d probably not like him regardless. and whereas killer is unable to even really hate nightmare due to the danger surrounding such emotions (especially in stage 2, although im sure he’s very capable of despising nightmare in stage 3), horror and murder definitely could hate nightmare. which would mean their negative emotions are directly making nightmare stronger lmao.
{ @brokenramunebottle }
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torchickentacos · 3 months
i will always shout praises of bi4bi but given recent discourse I feel the need to say that I love bi4het too! I just love bisexuality in general in its many forms, and anyone who only likes it when it's 'queer enough' for them is biphobic. Bisexuals should be able to bring their LaMe CiShEt BoYfRiEnD to pride without being made to feel like spectators and outsiders to their own event.
#3 am queer discourse take <3#anyways hot take number two. cishets do belong at pride. everyone who wants to celebrate queerness should be welcomed at pride#if a completely cishet business major fratboy wants to come to pride and vibe with us then he should be welcomed!#not even like. oh he has a queer sibling. no. if he's just a cishet dude who wants to spend his saturday at a parade then hell yeah#like completely ignoring that you have no way to tell he's definitively those things. it shouldn't matter regardless imo#pride is not a secretive club you need to be let into. it's a feeling and a celebration and a statement and a state of being#and whatever you want it to be#burying my other related hot take under the tags readmore ksdjksdjksdj#idk. i'm just tired of a lot of the things people seem to think about bisexuality's validity relating to bi women specifically#this is frustration with the gatekeepy and straight-passing discourse of it all#I'm tired of people being expected to act and to preform and to BE queer enough for others' opinions.#am I still welcome if I haven't been with a woman in a few years? if I dress boring? if I like m/f? if I don't listen to chappell roan?#joking on that last one but like. idk. never straight enough for the straights but never gay enough for the gays#constantly some mercurial in-between that offers no comfortable easy group to put us in.#what do i have to do to not be judged as a filthy hettie? are my doc martens enough for you yet?#like oh sorry let me cuff my jeans and have a bob and wear a button up over a cami and wear etsy earrings. am I visually bi enough yet?#let me apologize for the cardinal sin of liking men too. let me wash my hands of any time a cishet man has held them.#if it was a bisexual man then just hand sanitizer is fine right? where do you draw the line on my queerness?#let me preform for you in a way that makes me queer enough.#anyways. sarcasm aside. I think I've made my distaste for this whole affair evident#if you don't want cishets at pride then what happens to those you incorrectly deem as cishet? do I need to prove myself to you?#am I passing as straight? am I passing as gay? am I enough for onlookers?#is it not enough to just show up at pride and celebrate? anyone and everyone who wants to?
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rexcaliburechoes · 6 months
gale is ambition, so he has both crippling self doubt and debilitating pride in his work.
gale is ambition, so if a character tries to undermine him by one-upping him, he'll think he's not nothing left. more else can the orb destroy that it hasn't already?
gale is ambition, so if a character tries to undermine him by one-upping him, he'll vehemently deny that. he's the wizard of waterdeep. he was mystra's chosen. he was her lover. who could be any better than that?
gale is ambition. it's his greatest flaw and his greatest asset.
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panncakes · 9 months
the tragedy in night and day doesn't lie in the accident because day doesn't blame night for the accident (not really, not in the way night blames himself). the tragedy in night and day lies in day having wanted night to be his big brother but feeling like he had to take on that roll for night instead and night having wanted day to be his little brother who is as proud of him as he is of day but being unable to figure out how to get there before the accident. the tragedy lies in day not understanding why night couldn't step up until after day went blind ('im just so damn lucky to be blind') and their mother and the world started treating him like a tragedy; leaving him feeling like night has always been jealous of him and is only stepping up to take the place of the golden son of the family now that it's up for grabs. the tragedy lies in night not being able to communicate to day that he was always proud of him and that him showing up to his sporting events only after day went blind isn't because day is blind now but because he has always loved him and supported him ('this is my little brother. he's a junior athlete on the national team') but now it's impossible to convince day of his sincerity and night can't forgive himself. the tragedy of night and day lies in these brother not having been given the time to naturally grow out of this crooked brotherly dynamic that was put upon them and now they're stuck under all this weight both unable to leave the night of the accident when they're around each other. the tragedy in night and day is that tomorrow isn't guaranteed and they are too stuck in the past to look at today.
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spacecrows · 1 year
The thing that really sucks about ADHD and ADHD meds for me is that it’s so difficult to tell if I am medicated properly or not? Like I know I am very lucky that the only other meds I ever really need are the occasional ibuprofen for a headache or something to help with nausea a few times a year (and like contraception and vitamins lol) - but when I am in pain I notice the pain I think “I should take an ibuprofen” and once I do the pain gets better and if it gets worse again I notice and take another. Same with nausea. It’s easy. But with ADHD, most of my “symptoms” when I am unmedicated just feel like character flaws? So for 20-something years before I knew I had ADHD I just thought I was just a procrastinator and stupid for not being able to read long texts and that I was really lazy and that I just got exhausted way too quickly and had to try harder and harder and harder and if I couldn’t, that was on me.  ANYWAY, when I finally did get my diagnosis it was already such a relief and such a help and therapy has also been really really good. But. The meds! I started taking meds and at first I didn’t notice much of a difference, because for me ADHD means that I have very high highs and very low lows, both in terms of mood and in terms of focus, productivity, etc. So when I started taking them, I thought I just had a few rather productive high functioning days. And since even on meds, things can still be difficult and the highs and lows are not gone completely, things were sort of blurry. But after a few weeks I forgot to get my prescription and went a couple days without them, and I realized this huge difference. I have not found my perfect meds yet, so I still struggle. But it is such an enourmous difference. Things are so much less difficult for me. Functioning is so much easier. It’s not like I am suddenly great at everything, I still forget 50% of the things I need to do and still procrastinate and still struggle with motivation, but things are doable. And I feel better about myself. Well, a month ago I changed my meds (mainly because I want to find something that gives me some inner peace and quiet once in a while? if anyone has any recommendations please let me know! magic mushrooms worked like a charm but ideally i’d like something. you know. legal. a girl can dream I guess). And I started with the lowest dosage. And that was evidently not enough for me. But I didn’t realize that I was not medicated properly, because there wasn’t some sort of distinct “symptom” to alert me. Instead, my sleep pattern slipped. Food was a struggle. Chores and urgent paperwork started to pile up. I felt days slipping by where I couldn’t get myself to do anything, really, not even hobbies I enjoy. And because it was gradual, and these are all things I struggle with (to some degree) even on meds, I didn’t realize what was happening. Instead, I got frustrated with myself. I thought “Wow, I am so lazy, I can’t get anything done. How do all my friends have their shit together and I just can’t cope? Why am I so stupid? Why am I such a procrastinator? Why don’t I have any energy? I am so undisciplined! I just really need to try harder!”. Needless to say, getting angry at myself didn’t really change much - except making me miserable. Until I realized that when I forgot to take my meds, I didn’t notice any difference. So I tried a higher dosage and suddenly, magically, I had the energy to do one or two small chores a day and answer one email and get out of bed and read a book I like and hang out with friends a few times a week.  But even after all that! I forgot to take my meds this morning, and I had the worst day. I was completely exhausted, felt weird, didn’t manage to reply to urgent messages from friends, took a depression nap and felt worse. Read the same page in my book over and over and over and over again and couldn’t make sense of it. Hated every single person on public transit that even breathed too loudly. Wanted to break out into tears on the tram (and nearly did). Only to realize around 5 pm that I hadn’t taken my meds. Took them, and pretty instantly felt better. I think I’ll tidy up my room a little now. And maybe even read a few chapters before bed. Things are fine. But I really really want some sort of inner alert that tells me if I have taken my meds and if the dosage works for me. Something like that. Please!!!
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
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#hello to anyone who happens to b interested in the saga of my life... also maybe the irl person i gave my url to... hopefully my blog#didnt freak her out too much lol. anyway so its been a busy week? 2 weeks? month? year? life? its been a lot. my parents helped me move#across the country from the desert to somewhere that's beautiful and green. my dad is so jealous of me lol its so so so pretty and theres s#so much to do. will i do any of it? that remains to be seen but im gonna try to be better about that sort of thing. try to get some help#with the thoughts in my head that keep me from doing and enjoying most things. its weird like im decorating my new room which i love. the#location and living situation seem ideal and i really hope i can stay here all 5 years of my program but i was picking a lot of bright#colors and now it feel uncomfortable. like if i wear things that r too bright or my room is too bright without dark contrast it feel weird#like if im wearing it it kinda makes me feel sick. idk what thats abt. anyway. ill try to heal my brain and im just so happy to b out of the#southwest. i was so so so excited when we were leaving thr city and even more so when we left the state. i cant believe im here. in December#it felt like a million years away and i really truely could not fathom how i was gonna survive that long. my thoughts were so distorted. but#i did and here i am. and in like a month i should b starting my phd program and my parents were telling me how excited ppl r for me and#jealous of where im living and im glad. im glad they're excited. i think i am too but its under a layer of: if i get excited it wont happen#im not allowed to b excited or it wont happen. which is irrational but ya kno. anyway so that's yeah. im so happy to have a fresh start and#the town seems super cool. a liberal blip in a sea of... not that so theyre very visibly pride forward haha and i think itll b way easier#for me to get around without driving. and im gonna try to make friends. i need someone to tell me where to get tattoos haha. so yea im happy#but exhausted and i dont wanna go back to work and so so greatful to my parents for being wonderful ppl idk how bc both of them had fucked#up childhoods. like my mum will say the saddest shit and im like bro this is y i don't wanna talk to my grandma fuck her and my dads parents#r so fucked. like my nana is the reason im so fucking control freaked out but i kno i have issues and she has no insight and thinks shes#better than everyone. anyway hopefully i can get back to drawing a posting more now. ive been drawing it its been in a sketch book#like an actual sketch book for sketching big ideas thst r gonna take fucking forever to draw 😭#so that's all. just uprooted my whole life. thats all. but in a good way :-]#unrelated
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howtobeamagicalgirl · 3 months
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gothamcityneedsme · 1 year
ok tbh.  as i continue to have more Positive Pride Thoughts, as was my resolution for pride this year, i think i want to emphasize my birom status more, because personally...thats what really matters most to me?  i come out as bi to normies so i dont have to explain things, but being a birom ace is really just.  vital to my being, idk.  i usually say ‘im ace’ when talking about myself but thats just really not accurate. i am BIROM ACE.  that is what MATTERS to me.
#shitpost#again. i never talk about this stuff so posting is weird#but i PROMISED myself id start writing and trying to articulate some of this#and my tumblr diary really is the best place to do so lol#i love being in love and the first time i fell in love i was four years old and i remember it clearly lol#and of course ive fallen so many times since then too.  its easy! its beautiful!  i love being in love!#and thats important to me!  its so important and i feel like i let it get washed away in the assumptions people usually make about aces#(and those are exhausting but i Promised i wouldnt talk about that stuff. i will  NOT get negative this year!)#just.  i am biromantic!!!!! being biromantic is important to me!! the MOST important even!#i knew i was birom when i was in elementary school!  i have always spoken of my future partner in bi terms.#(tho as anyone around normies its easy to accidentally speak in a comphet kinda way so often it would be like.  'future husband...OR WIFE')#like i just would add it hastily in afterwards#because i really did! always know!!! even from a very young age i talked like that!#(i was fortunate to know a gay couple before i even knew what gay or queerness really meant.  so it always felt normal to me.)#(i know that is not a lot of people's experiences)#but yeah.  ok. im done.  just trying to make a post about this stuff that has been swimming in my head#before pride month is up#im not against posting more in general but.  i sortof really wanted tot ry to talk during pride#and afterwards ill go back to my usual self haha
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perilegs · 1 year
i think i'm the perfect family gathering babysitter bc i LOVE hearing people just go off about whatever topic and children LOVE doing that
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audreythevaliant · 1 year
I’ve come to the hard realization the last few months that the ways I struggle with self-confidence/perfectionism/pride actually have a bigger impact on how I’m able to love others than I thought they did.
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fabdante · 2 months
It's funny to me how everyone who has hermit crabs when asked will admit to a favorite, and it's always the biggest crab in the tank. doubly so if the crab is a jumbo.
the jumbos are always the favorites
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