#i just get like “something big is coming” vibes
sxorpiomooon · 1 day
paid readings(tarot and astrology)
pile 1 pile 2
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pile 3 pile 4
helloooo, all you have to do is pick one of the shells teapot(oml I just realised shells is my name too) the one that you feel the most called towards and read what's written for that pac. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't, hope you have a great day<333
pile 1-
hello pile 1, this is an ambitious pile now isn't it. You are someone who when wants something believes that there is only option and that is getting is. You only care about winning and you only participate to win. Your friends might find it surprising and appreciable how you never give up. I think you've been through some hardships and yet you've managed to not back down. When you want something, you give it your all. You do not back down or look for alternatives you do it the way it's supposed to be, even better if you might ask me. Your friends see you as someone who's resilient you might love titles and competition? Your friends might feel as if you always feel a need to prove or establish yourself? I heard "to make yourself known" however I also see your friends feeling bad for you I heard "not everything has to be a competition and so stressful " they understand why you might feel the need to always prove yourself but your friends might want you to sometimes take a break from it they think that you make situations, people and yourself extremely stressful because of this. Your friends might want you to take a break from always wanting to win and to also back down when necessary I heard "catch a break". They might feel as if in wanting to always be better and prove yourself you constantly compare yourself to others and never feel like enough. My pile 1, i see your friends being very worried for you I keep picturing one girl in particular I wonder if this pile has friends that are silent instead of nagging but still make it known when they don't angry with something, I'm also getting childhood friends and curly hair.
pile 2-
hello to my pile 2!! Some of you either talk too much/interrupt others excitedly while talking or your friends urgently want to keep saying or telling you something but stop. I think your friends feel as if you burdened by something they have no idea about? They don't know what to do. Your friends see you as someone who's come a long way I heard "heavy is the head that wears the crown" someone who's achieved so much with their hardwork and passion but at the same time now have too much on their shoulders. Pile 2, do you have a habit of taking on other people's responsibilities? The intentions in this pile feel a bit weird for some reason. This might not be related to this but I'm getting that you should only take on responsibilities that are yours? Don't take on other people's burden. There is also some financial situation here your friends might see you as someone who's stingy about their money and possession but rightfully so even tho it might piss them off sometimes I think they understand. Haha, has this pile recently achieved something big? Your friends and family feel extremely proud of everything that you've accomplished and if you guys need to hear this, they do want to help you out so if you have been hesitating go for it. I see your friends and family celebrating you I keep seeing a party very happy vibe a girl in orange something crochet or knit sweater?
pile 3-
do y'all forget stuff while talking about it or zone out? Bc I stopped in the middle of the question while shuffling my cards OUT OF NOWHERE 😭😭 my dear pile 3 I hope y'all are doing ok? I immediately got drink some water? Has something happened between you and your friends or you in general? The cards don't look very positive this looks like a chaos to me. I shuffled for more cards and did get positive so perhaps that message was just for the few of you. To the people that actually are going through something with their friends, it will pass it is a time of bad luck that was meant to happen I am so sorry and please keep holding on and drink alot of water it'll pass soon. For the ones who are not lmao your friends see you as someone who brings joy wherever they go I see this pile and their friends being very spontaneous and crazy this is like the squad that's always laughing had a vision of someone in the mall in front of the mirror? Trying sunglasses. A few in this pile are extremely friendlike with their partner too. So much laughter this feels like y'all are living your lives I heard soulmate lmao. Have fun and for those who are not it'll pass<3
pile 4-
HELLLO this is the shell that I liked the most too so lets see AhHahahaha we got good cards pile 4 LETS GOOOO you might be the mother of the group or as I call myself the single divorced mother of the group bc of the stress and everything that you have to control. Your friends see you as someone who's extremely kind and giving I heard generous also someone who's like a mother figure. Someone who's nurturing in her ways and gentle. Someone who's always constantly leaving things that no longer serve them before to look for more. Your friends might believe that you have and serve a bigger purpose that where you are right now. This pile has friends that silently care and think about them alot but might not say or advice alot because there's this sort of "they already know way better than me" sort of thing. There is also something that your friends want you to let go off. Very good makes me feel very good.
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fairyhaos · 2 days
seventeen as teachers
requested by @weird-bookworm ! it's a little to the left of what you asked but i hope it's alright anyway ><
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architecture professor. kind of thanks to physics!cheol anon for this idea but he really encourages hands-on learning especially for his subject, and he draws big diagrams on the board and gestures wildly with his hands as he's explaining why the models work and what do the students think of it? also he definitely gives vibes of someone who high fives the students when their models withstand his shaking tests, but also laughs and claps when they fall apart. because it's all about learning, isn't it? and he's with you to help you learn every step of the way. 
kindergarten teacher. cannot for the life of him handle kids older than that because then they get too tricksy and talkative for him and he gets tired too easily to deal with that. actually really good at handling the toddlers. he's also very pretty so all the kids unironically hang onto his every word, basically making him the god at keeping children in line. when he gets too tired of running around after them he just goes “kids :((( jeonghan is tired :(((“ and they immediately settle down to do something else
music teacher (1). he's a total department crush (and even school-wide crush) amongst the other teachers because he's so pretty and so kind, always and accidentally keeps making teachers fall for him bc he talks to them so nicely w that pretty smile of his. renowned for his ability to compose melodies on the piano on the spot, and always has students wanting him to help (cough compose for them) parts of their composition work. no one knows what he does outside of work, though. it's like he disappears into thin air after school finishes. 
gives me eccentric uni professor vibes. sits on his desk with his feet dangling and asks all sorts of strange and irrelevant questions to the students that are, actually, not strange and entirely relevant. has everyone walking out of his lectures feeling like a changed person because he either a) managed to get horribly off track or b) made them rethink their entire life choices. loved by all, and maybe a bit too much. poor guy definitely had an obsessed student try to follow him home before he got lost himself and so they both ended up in the middle of nowhere
chemistry teacher. no other reason other than i think he'd look great with a pair of goggles on his forehead pushing his fringe back at funny angles whilst he grins maniacally and goes, “hey, kids, today we're gonna set things on fire!!!!”. so passionate about teaching these things to the students, and rambles on like he only has 5 minutes left on earth and he's gonna use every second to cram in as much chemistry knowledge into the students’ brains as he can in that time. it works, too. his passion inspires so many of them to take chemistry further up in the school. 
history teacher. all the students want him for their teacher when they take history because he's actually, like, competent and knows stuff. known for taking no shit when it comes to doing assignments on time because he sets reasonable deadlines and if you can't make them, then that's on you, not him. students love him. also super duper helpful if you have any questions and is always free at lunch to help bc he'll do anything to escape the hyperactive claws of mr. kwon and mr. wen who are always up to shenanigans
music teacher (2). mans life literally revolves around music and i can't imagine him doing anything else. department ace. conductor of both the symphony and concert orchestra, and rearranges all of the parts himself when the students find it a little too difficult. also do Not engage this man in a conversation about anything to do with music theory because he will rant for ages and any quick question turns into half of your lunch break being missed. he means well, though, and always gets ridiculous amount of thank-you presents at the end of the year. 
art teacher (1). dresses like one, too, and has been voted as ‘best dressed teacher’ for the past 3 years in a row. all the art students are kind of afraid of him because if you ask for feedback, there is a 50/50 chance that he'll rip you a new one whilst explaining what you did wrong. there's never any true cruelty to his words, though, cuz hes always actually giving genuine advice and he's always right in what he advises, so students either love him or hate him for his criticisms, though mostly it's the former. he's pretty, too, and his works are pretty, so that's a plus
teaches business studies to the older students, purely cz i think he gives maths-adjacent vibes. he teaches a “special” subject that's not available to the younger kids and he's ridiculously handsome so he's kind of like a legendary figure in the school. even if he's a bit silly and adorable at times, he's also super good at holding intellectual debates with his students about current economic and political affairs. can be found bickering with mr. yoon bc the kindergarten teacher wants him to help with his taxes.
art teacher (2). smiles brighter than the sun at all hours of the day, and when the senior students are drowning in coursework and artist research deadlines, he's like the one and only guiding light that helps them get through it because of how endlessly optimistic he is. half the seniors take art solely because of him, actually. also a firm believer that all art is good art and there's no such thing as a “non-artist”. scolds minghao after work when he feels like the other teacher was being too harsh to the students
part of the senior leadership team. takes his position veryyy seriously, strides briskly around the school with a jingle of w set of keys he managed to procure from…somewhere. is always on top of uniform inspections which is always annoying for the kids, but he's also melodramatic and smiley so they love him anyway. the students are always try to recruit him for teacher quizzes and events bc he makes everything way more fun. 
classics teacher. this might seem odd but hear me out!!! dude loves ancient history and Will do deep dives on old artefacts and cultures that interest him, and i think that passion can definitely be transferred to him teaching kids about latin, ancient greek, old civilizations. known for sharing nothing about his personal life but also being able to talk for ages about something that happened over 1000 years ago. the students all find him super cool and also super endearing. 
the guy who's hired externally from some sports club to act as the teacher to students during after school clubs. teaches martial arts, mainly, but he supervised an impromptu dance club one semester and the students loved it so much that they managed to bring the dance club onto the permanent schedule. everyone loves him. his sports club is 10000% sure that half the children who come to them were recruited through chan's lovely personality alone. 
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reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @kikohao @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @starshuas @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @sea-moon-star @nonononranghaee @isabellah29 @mcu-incorrect @hrts4hanniehae @melodicrabbit
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kakiastro · 2 days
Astrology Observations and notes of all things Cancer related
This how cancers act when they’re home alone😅, just vibes and music😅
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In honor of Cancer season, If you have Cancer, 4h, dominate Moon aspects placements, this post is for you !
-besides Crabs, other animals such as Elephants, Wolves and Bears are also ruled by the moon
-cancers are known as the nurturing sign and they most definitely can be, however, they struggle with being feeling vulnerable. Due to their sweet aura, they attract all kinds of people but it takes a lot for them to come out their shell.
-Cancer energy can also be very cold when they get angry. I know they are known as being “cry babies” but from what I’ve researched and seen, they can turn cold like sub zero, they turn into their sister sign capricorns(dark side of cap) 😭🤚🏽 they have the memory of an elephant, they’ll remember what you did to them forever in this lifetime and the next 50😭
- people who have Mars Cancer do NOT play when it comes to protecting their family members. Their anger is down right terrifying because how sweet and naive they appear. Oh no, they turn full on gangsta if you hurt anyone they love. 🤺
- I noticed you all are named after someone in your family or you get told that you act like a certain family member. You may be named after a women in your family or get told you act like her in someway
-motherhood may be a big theme in your life. This can include your own mother, friends who are mothers, working with mothers. Even if you don’t want or have kids, motherhood is still apart of your life somehow. Maybe being a mother to your own mother, the mom friend, the cool auntie that gives off mom vibes, mom to your siblings.
-Moon/Neptune aspects may struggle with fog memory. They can remember the big things in their life but have trouble with the small events. Taking pictures or journaling can help with this. I also notice they have these random moments where they remember the most random things at random times😅
-Moon/Sun aspects have such a powerful energy about them. You really light the room
-Cancer rising either have a face shaped like 🌝 or like🌛
- speaking of Cancer risings, them dimples! They deep like the moon craters
- acne problems, it’s even worse during adolescence but it does get better as you get older but you may occasionally break out. I also notice you guys have oily skin.
- Venus Cancer loves them a home cooked meal. They’re the type to go home to their mom or grandma for dinner. They may have a family recipe that’s passed down to them or they create one and pass it down to there kids
-they have a hard time with letting material things go especially if it’s sentimental to them. To the outside world it’s junk but to them it’s treasure. I get it tall I do lol
- Moon 11h attract a lot women as friend groups. Strangers may feel too comfortable with telling their personal business unprovoked
- leader of the family, it doesn’t matter what your role is, you are the one that holds the family together, people may be heavily dependent on you especially emotionally. You may be the first person in your family to accomplish something big.
-Cancer Suns may be the firstborn or firstborn daughter or son(not always). They are born during a time when their parents were especially father was ready to settle down and start a family. They could be born during a time where the family was going through some sort of emotional event and you were the fresh start. Will either feel more emotionally connected or feel disconnected due to trying to live up to his efforts and family ideals.
-Cancer moon feel a deep connection to their mothers theses are the type of children that will live with their mom into adulthood. Even if they move out, they calling they momma lol. Maybe very dependent emotionally on mom. If they don’t have a good relationship with mom, they will get will partners who can feel that void. It’s a lot harder for men with this placement.
-Moon/Jupiter comes from families with such strong belief systems and ideals. They carry these ideals into adulthood, it may be hard to break away from them. They may have a belief that they family viewpoint is everyone’s. They have to leave there nest and see the world for themselves and realize their family viewpoint may be short sighted. This can be triggering because you wonder what else were you not accurately taught.
-if you have 28°, that’s matriarch energy
-have you noticed Cancer starts in June which is the 6th month. 6 in astrology is ruled by Virgo. Summer months are chaotic because your starting a new routine for the season lol
-it’s also interesting that Cancer is the start of Summer season. All the kids is out of school and at home. This is one of the rare times of the year where families are vacationing and spending time together. Visiting other cities and countries. Cancer literally rules home countries and cities y’all lol
I’ll stop here but happy Cancer season and birthday Cancers
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This is me btw, I have a lot of tea to spill so I'm gonna answer common topics on this blog. If there's any I missed, I'll answer later.
For context I mentioned this before, but I knew the boys before I dated my ex, but I wasn't close until 4 years ago when we started dating.
Is Sammy going to Vegas?
No, she has work that week so she'll be in NYC. Unless something changes, she won't be going.
Is Jack going to the NHL Awards?
Maybe? If you asked me a month ago, I would've said no, because they want to keep Jack out of the spotlight for his recovery. But no one seems that upset over his recent outings so there's a chance. I'm pretty sure he is going to Vegas, but the awards is up in the air.
Do the Hughes like Sammy?
Jim and Ellen tolerate her for Jack's sake, but I know they don't like her. They're trying to make their family "America's Hockey Family" and Sammy truly doesn't fit the image they have in mind for their sons' spouses. They want a Lauren Kyle type: pretty, fashionable, promotes the hell out of the team. Just someone who has a good image overall. Besides the fact that Sammy is a sloppy drunk and big partier, which was already a "no" in the book, the zionist stuff doesn't help.
Quinn tolerates her as well, but he's still a little upset over his breakup with Olivia, so he wants to be away from the couple. He, like Luke, doesn't like drama so he's over the constant fighting between the two. He's not a fan, but he's not actively ignoring her.
Luke can't stand her and doesn't make it a secret. I already posted about the Luke/Sammy tea earlier, but she makes him uncomfortable.
What is Sammy and Jack's relationship like?
Super healthy and positive!! Totally not full of fighting and hooking up lol. The one time I interacted with them as a couple, they were fine, but I've seen the over the phone arguments and they're not pretty. It's not healthy at all, they constantly do things to piss the other one off. She'll ignore his calls/texts and go party with guys (she's a known cheater) and he'll like Instagram posts and follow girls on Instagram. When he was in New Jersey, he tried to make plans with her beforehand and she blew him off. When he was there he totally ignored her and it pissed her off. They had a huge argument then hooked up after so its all good.
Are they serious?
No, I cannot see Jack wanting to be serious with anyone any time soon, especially with Sammy. I think Jack currently likes the attention he gets from Sammy so he keeps her around. He can't do any of his favorite activities bc of his recovery (no golfing, tennis, wake boarding, training with his bros), so she keeps him occupied. When hockey season starts, he'll want to be fully focused so he can have a great season (he's getting FOMO from his brothers' seasons) and dump her. Plus his parents and brothers (more specifically Luke) aren't fans, so I can't see him being serious with someone his fam isn't fond of . But I could be wrong, I thought he was gonna be serious with Sienna and they broke up so.
What are the Hughes like?
They're actually really nice and a lot of fun to be around. They have a really good energy and vibe around them.
Jim and Ellen - I don't know them well, but they've always been nice to me. My ex told me that they're super nice and chill, but are hard on the boys to play well and maintain a certain image. They're very controlling when it comes to PR.
Quinn- probably the nicest brother, super accommodating and thoughtful. He's a little bit shy, but not super like Luke. He's a lot of fun, but has had some moments of losing his temper a bit, but does apologize.
Luke- super shy, but really funny. I feel like he has the most personality out of the boys, but he's so shy so he hides it. He's terrified of women (lol) but I feel like if he were to get a gf he'd be a really good bf.
Jack- he's really flirty and charming. He can be a bit of a dick sometimes but is wayyyy better than when he was younger. He really doesn't think before he speaks and has to quickly clarify what he means. He's a lot nicer than this blog gives him credit for. He was a really good bf to Chelsea and Sienna.
What's Sammy like?
I already answered this, but she's a spoiled rich sorority girl who drinks and parties too much.
No, they aren't PR. Jim and Ellen don't do PR relationships, but if they did they wouldn't chose Sammy. The whole NHL hard launch happened bc they wanted more positive press for Jack who was injured twice and the star player of a sinking Devils team. It had nothing to do with his "people watch me play comment" bc it was planned beforehand, but that didn't help anything.
Did Quinn and Olivia break up?
Yes, unfortunately. Quinn wanted to be more serious and Olivia wasn't ready. They ended on good terms, although both of them were really sad about it.
Is there tension between the boys?
No, they're fine. Jim and Ellen don't want Jack all over social media, so that's probably why Luke and Quinn didn't post him. Quinn and Jack are perfectly fine. Quinn never sees Luke and he's felt a little left out with Luke and Jack being on the same team, so he's really trying to spend time with him especially with him being newly single. As for Luke and Jack there's tension, but it's nothing significant. They spend a lot of time together, and they need a little breather from each other. Also as mentioned before Luke is uncomfortable around Sammy, so of course he doesn't want to be around her at a concert. The boys are still close and I doubt Jack loves anything enough to allow it to ruin his and Luke's relationship.
Favorite Child?
*ranking based on what I've heard/seen*
Jim- Jack, Luke, Quinn
Ellen- Quinn, Luke, Jack
The Zionist scandal
I want to be a fly on the wall when this happened. Jim and Ellen were not happy bc it made Jack look bad. The only reason they didn't force Jack to break up with her was because they knew it would piss him off and he didn't need that at the time (still in recovery). They're keeping him and Sammy out of the public eye until it dies down. As for their own personal views, I don't exactly know Jim and Ellen's but they've always been pretty liberal so idk. The boys- and this will sound bad- truly aren't fully paying attention to the conflict. They kind of see headlines on Apple News think it's sad and move on. I doubt they really have any real opinion on the matter. The boys aren't political at all, so I highly doubt they've ever talked about it. Sammy and her friends always bragged about being Jewish so I'm not surprised she is zionist. The boys really don't really brag about being Jewish, but I think its because they were raised Catholic as well (i know Judaism doesn't equal religion).
Has Sammy visited Jack earlier in the summer?
Not from what I can tell, my ex is over there more than I was so he would've told me, because he always compares her to an owl.
Anon on Jack, Sammy and the family
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who-datgirl · 3 days
Okay y’all so I have been thinking about the finale since Friday and the more I puzzle on it, the less I believe Ruby’s fairy tale ending was genuine. I of course was a big proponent of the “Ruby is River’s daughter theory”, but I am starting to be one of those people who think she is an unknown member of the pantheon. More specifically, I think she may be the daughter of The Trickster, I’ll go into why.
Let’s start with Ruby’s “mom” in the flashback, her hooded face with humanoid lips visible gives me serious Trickster vibes from SJA. A constant lament was “WHY CAN’T I SEE HER FACE?” Well, The Trickster really doesn’t have much of a face aside from ruby-red lips and sharp teeth. Honestly, why would a 15 year old have such an ominous cloak and where did she get it between the maternity ward and abandoning Ruby at the church? Granted a 15 year old still high on painkillers from giving birth could definitely do some zany shit, but it seems like a stretch to me. If my hunch is somehow correct, I would go so far to say that in the time window they did not see Ruby’s parent crying under the hood, but rather laughing maniacally. In fact, I honestly thought she was laughing when I first watched that scene. If the “mom” is actually The Trickster, then he would definitely have been laughing as he takes great pleasure in messing around with The Doctor and their companions.
The Trickster is the god of traps, which typically involves some narrative that a person falls prey to in order to be ensnared by the trap set for them. Ruby as the child of that entity could totally be able to create narratives that people would happily believe and become a part of, or to put it succinctly: a story. It isn’t any further of a stretch than the god of games having a child that is the god of music.
I think as the season went on, Ruby subconsciously created her own happy ending and bio parents piece by piece. Finding her parents seemed to be a process of creation as it unfolded. The DNA scan in 2046 only showed Ruby’s DNA twice. After defeating Sutekh though, 2024 UNIT was able to seamlessly find some ordinary and flawed woman eager to reconnect with and apologize to her abandoned child. Her bio mom is even willing to reach out to a presumable one night stand from 20 years ago, catch up with him, and see if he wants to become a father figure after two decades. Also the origin of Ruby’s name through a street sign that seemed to not exist in the footage, until it suddenly did, felt like an actual change to the timeline. I have nothing against this ending per se, it just all felt deliberately too perfect as if reality was bending entirely to Ruby’s deepest desires. To top it off Ruby somehow pulled the exact narrative of 10 and Rose’s goodbye for 15 and herself, almost as if unconsciously she tuned into one of The Doctor’s deepest heartbreaks to reflect how horribly she felt about leaving them.
I don’t think Ruby’s real story is close to done. I think her perfect ending will start to show cracks, and the reality of it will seem more created than true. Eventually we may even see her wake up to the truth of her power in time for The Trickster to come in and truly fuck around with things for her and 15. It would be interesting to see her owning her power to send her own bio parent into a narrative that The Trickster could never escape.
There is just too much that went unaddressed. How did Ruby conjure snow? Why was Maestro so disturbed by her hidden song that they said there was something seriously WRONG with her (Maestro literally refers to her as a CREATURE)? How did she fold her own timeline back in 73 yards? Why were people so terrified of or infuriated by the apparition that we now know was Ruby? Did the Ruby in the distance tell people about her ties to the Pantheon of Discord? Did the apparition know the truth of Ruby that is hidden even from herself? Why would Sutekh care about the hooded parent more than anything else he creeped on during his centuries attached to the TARDIS? Is he a Jerry Springer fan, obsessed with “you ARE/ARE NOT the parent” reveals?
One final thing that makes me think they may pull a child of The Trickster into the story. In SJA before Elisabeth Sladen passed, they were planning on revealing that her adopted daughter Sky was really The Trickster’s child all along. The episode never aired as SJA could not go on without Elisabeth. I could see RTD honoring her show by making that story canon through Ruby. After all, Ruby too is an adopted daughter.
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sl-ut · 1 day
even more streamer!ellie hcs
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part one | part two
ellie is not at all embarrassed to admit that a large portion of her own fame was largely due to her connection to y/n
like ofc she was already fairly popular on twitch but its not like the average person who didn't watch streams would recognize her
she ends up making a new priv instagram bc she gains like 50k new followers in a month
she only has like maybe 100 followers on the new one and basically just posts random photo dumps, family photos, and especially the literal cutest and/or horrendous photos of her gf
posts a LOT on her ig stories on both accounts
her main pfp is deffffff some screenshot that she took of their happy little sim family or like their little minecraft guys standing side by side lol
ik i said before that she loves playing like the sims w her gf on stream, but she also LOVES playing roblox together
starting drama in dress to impress, causing havoc in bloxburg, making friends and enemies galore in tdi
her avatar is definitely so dumb like its probably the hamster or squirrel or like the most basic ass starter avatar with a shirt that has her gfs face on it
and her username is def like "y/nstan420" or something
when she's streaming alone she's more focused and serious (but still her silly little self) but when she's with others, esppppp if her gf is on with her, she defffff gives weston koury vibes like im actually giggling at this so hard
they both make tiktoks of each other
y/n once did the "watch my gf for me" trend and she came back to find ellie holding the phone and ranting about something so random like she was probably explaining her favourite theory about how the dinosaurs went extinct or something about planets and space idek
ellie doesn't really follow trends as often, instead just posting videos of her scaring her gf or pranking her or maybe even like mukbangs or something
loves to post fit checks before they go out to do literally anything
also likes to lipsync to dirty audios
the video always ends as she's about to get smacked upside the head
idk if i ever actually gave much backstory???? but here we go anyways lol
i think we've established that y/n is an up-and-coming actress
they met through a friend of dina's, who was a costume designer on the set of y/n's first big film
dina visited her friend on set on the last day of filming and she ended up getting an invite to the cast/crew party that night
jesse was tooooo busy to hang out with his bombshell gf ig???? so ellie got to go with her
she already knew who y/n was since she was starting to gain popularity and was immediately adopted by lesbian twitter
she was so nervous when she clocked her on the other side of the room
spent the whole night shuffling around the room to gain the courage to go talk to her
also spent all of that time trying to come off like the coolest chillest most confident masc ever like she wasn't constantly wiping the sweat from her palms lmaoooo
she finally was forced to lay on the moves when y/n came over to join in on the convo with her castmates
ellie made her laugh and vice versa
she shocked herself when she offered to grab another drink from the kitchen "for the pretty lady"
she immediately considered throwing herself off of the impossibly high deck
was even more shocked when the girl only laughed and hopped up to join her, fingers curling into her bicep
she totally wasn't flexing the whole time
dina was wandering around looking for her, way too drunk to be there much later considering that it was almost 2 am and had to work a ten hour shift tmr :(((
she didn't have much luck bc she never thought to check the upstairs guest bathroom
ellie constantly be fighting them uhaul lesbian rumours
but she actually was ready to upheave her entire life to follow y/n around the world
reposts any and all posts of her gf on her story
adds little hearts and stars and little taglines that earn her a scolding
like that one time she wore a tight-fitting corset on the red carpet that had the girls lifted to the heavens
she captioned it "i <3 my gf('s boobs)"
fights with haters in her gf's comment section
wears her gf's merch
omg the way she SCRUMPT when she saw the paparazzi pic of her girl wearing ellie's merch out on a random thursday
they hadn't even made it official yet
flirts with her gf in random comment sections lol
like y/n comments on dina's selfie and ellie is instantly replying to her
"u come here often?"
they have def been caught in compromising positions soooo many times
like by their friends, cast and crew members on set, y/n's manager, even the paps
ellie felt so boss when tmz posted a pic of her pressing her gf against the wall outside of the club they'd gone to on ellie's bday
els had her tongue down her gfs throat and both of her hands jammed up the front of her top, very clearly grasping and squeezing her breasts
they got a stern talking to from y/n's pr team but ellie actually didn't care
she def has phantom dick disorder in literally all aspects of her life
lets not forget that this version of ellie does not have experience in fighting and has not lived through an apocalypse so she's contextually less tough than normal ellie
but that doesn't stop her from mouthing off to assholes three times her size
don't get me wrong, she can hold her own and still works out on occasion, but she fr looks like a chihuahua barking at pitbulls when she gets yapping
speaking of, stoned!ellie absolutely loves when her gf be yapping
i love the dynamic of ellie doing a chat stream w her gf where ellie's got her in her lap, leaning back with droopy eyes and a dopey smile, still giving her gf all of her attention while her gf ends up being more of a "alert and yappy" stoned and is rambling about strangely philosophical topics and answering questions in chat
ellie is just sitting there just giggling and when her gf turns to her she just goes "ur so smart baby" and "u look so pretty rn"
omg omg omg i luv this pairing im never gonna stop writing them like
bonus: this is the vibe of the ck campaign i mentioned in the last part
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drdemonprince · 2 days
It wasn't the main topic of your most recent post on substack, so I'm sending this here. In passing you talk about left-leaning neurodivergent people on social media, and the guilt and fatigue that comes from the constant avalanche of causes and events being shared.
One thing that stands out to me is how much of what I see is people borrowing grief from the future. This is probably partially due to people wanting to show that they care about it. However I feel it's more than that, because underneath that there's something else. It feels very similar to the catastrophizing autistic people in particular can be prone to. You know, where you get so lost obsessing over a hypothetical possible outcome that you complete lose sight of all the things that have to happen for it to come to pass. Things that are often unlikely to begin with on their own, but combined even more so. And then this gets shared and fractally further catastrophized upon. All pulling grief from the future for things that may not even happen.
Seeing all that is so exhausting, as there's often little to no distinction between what's actually urgent in the here and now, and what's an emotional resonance cascade about what *might* happen (and any actual information to be able to judge it has been lost due to the game of Internet telephone, or was never there (ie. a twitter screengrab.) Sometimes disentangling that mess is possible, but it takes a lot of stress and energy, on top of the stress and energy seeing people upset about it in the first place.
My question is two-fold:
How do you (gently) tell people that what they're doing is counterproductive when just sharing anything without checking whether it's actually urgent, not misleading, not just spreading panic and needlessly borrowing grief from the future? Because with the exception of people you know *well* and even then, that feels like a fool's errand, even if you can avoid the toxic positivity vibes that people might get from you if you try.
Decide if social media is at all worth it. I personally don't follow "big" accounts, but even outside that it's all just so... the enjoyable and interesting parts where people talk about their stuff or share what they do or made feel like they're being snowed over by all the rest. I could quit it all, but that doesn't feel right. It's a tricky question because I feel the specter of the toxic positivity crowd sweeping anything difficult under the rug or disengaging to ~protect their mental~ looming over me. (Not to mention that all the IRL social events around me go through a dizzying array of social media sites, so complete disengagement isn't possible anyway.)
(Yes, I appreciate the irony of asking this on social media.) I'd appreciate any thoughts you might have on this.
Thanks for this all-too-relatable question, Anon! My thoughts:
How do you (gently) tell people that what they're doing is counterproductive when just sharing anything without checking whether it's actually urgent, not misleading, not just spreading panic and needlessly borrowing grief from the future? Because with the exception of people you know *well* and even then, that feels like a fool's errand, even if you can avoid the toxic positivity vibes that people might get from you if you try.
My answer is that you really don't. You can't convince someone to see the world your way or alter their behavior with your words. What you can do is take care of yourself and set an example with your behavior. By spending less time online digesting this bullshit, not involving yourself in petty,dissolve-on-your-tongue internet fights, not reacting when people send some dumb fuckshit to you, and surrounding yourself with more enriching sources of information and ways to connect, other people's online bullshit will bother you less, you'll see it less, and by virtue of contributing to it all less, you may slowly serve as a model for others who are looking to detach from it, too.
You can tell your close friends that you are spending less time online and trying to avoid alarmist bullshit, but not much good usually comes from engaging about it with anyone else. In fact, even posting a bad infographic in order to argue with it/disprove it only gives it more exposure, and some research on attitude change and persuasion finds that setting out to disprove a myth only leads to more people believing in it anyway. I did some laboratory studies on that back in the day. So I'd say it's usually better to just ignore/block/not read the BS.
2. (How do you) Decide if social media is at all worth it. I personally don't follow "big" accounts, but even outside that it's all just so… the enjoyable and interesting parts where people talk about their stuff or share what they do or made feel like they're being snowed over by all the rest. I could quit it all, but that doesn't feel right. It's a tricky question because I feel the specter of the toxic positivity crowd sweeping anything difficult under the rug or disengaging to ~protect their mental~ looming over me. (Not to mention that all the IRL social events around me go through a dizzying array of social media sites, so complete disengagement isn't possible anyway.)
I think my previous answer kind of alludes to the answer to this one. I find that I use social media less and less these days, because it does not help me professionally, socially, or emotionally very much at all. On the professional level, more social media usage does not translate to more readers or more interesting creative/collaborative opportunities. What does seem to pay off is speaking from true sincerity and passion, however often I am so moved, and then not engaging with bullshit in the aftermath of sharing it. So I post and ghost whenever I feel that I have something to say, never checking notifications/reactions/comments/etc for the most part.
Socially, social media use lately has been dismal for me. Seeing everyone's hot takes, bids for attention, trauma spirals, and petty fights makes me actively like humanity far less. And that's something I have already struggled with generally. I do not need to absorb every random person I've ever met's every random fleeting thought. It makes me socially anxious, far too worried about how people perceive me, and viciously judgement and hopeless myself. What social media IS useful for, socially, is finding events, as you've alluded to. So I do hop onto Instagram to check out my favorite party organizers, drag performers, mutual aid groups, trans beach day organizers, bars, etc to see what is going on. I don't do much beyond that these days.
Emotionally/psychologically, social media is stressful, alarmist, distracting, and occasionally informative and fun for me. Again your mileage may vary. My way of coping right now is to spend as little time on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook etc as possible, because very little of intellectual consequence happens there, and to selectively visit the specific tumblrs who put out posts that I like. I don't even scroll the feed. I have also replaced scrolling social media with reading Substacks and Medium articles and that has helped me a TON. I still get exposure to a wide array of humanity, including a lot of takes that I disagree with or find silly, but everything's a bit more measured and intentional and there's less fighting.
I do not know what will work for you, Anon, and I think for many of us this is an ongoing negotiation between competing needs. I consider saying fuck it and deleting everything pretty often. well, everything other than tumblr. I'm here to stay.
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luztoyeweek · 2 days
Can you rec your top five luztoye fics to get us in the vibe?
Beloved, can I! With this, I went with fics that I don't see recced a lot for Luztoye, so if there's anything anyone wants added on to the list, feel free to do so!
Since this gave me a bit of freedom, I went with non-canon era fics, mainly to shake it up a bit. If someone would like a canon list, feel free to let me know, and I'd be delighted to :). With that, let's get into it below the cut. (Fics in no particular order).
- each and every day (of the year) by bruce_the_shark
Joe grins, lifts his hand from George’s hip to grip him by the chin, twists his face around to catch his lips in a bruising kiss. George relishes in it, likes how the taste of Joe’s preferred brand of liquor mixes with the taste of his own on his tongue. He grins against Joe’s lips, knows it’s going to be a good year.
rated m | 21.6k | modern au | granted, i haven't read this one in a while, but it's very sweet and has a very nice montage-esq vibe to it. very lovely read, especially if you're not in the mood for heavy angst :).
- the road is long, we carry on by rebelsquad (wolveheart)
“There is no good ending for people like us, George.” George says what he always says and what always feels like a half-truth, like there could be more to it but it won’t come out of his mouth. “If the ending sucks, we should make the story before as good as we can.”
unrated | 4k | mob au | this fic changed something in my mind, i'm not even kidding. very well done luz pov, very sweet, with an open ending and that good ol' yearning. not very big on mob aus, but this one was so well done that i enjoyed it very much <3.
- You Got The Best of Me by roaroftheninth/@almost-a-class-act
People assume that when Joe thinks about his life, it’s in terms of before the accident and after. Instead, he thinks about it in terms of before and after meeting George.
rated m | 61.3k | modern au | it wouldn't be a luztoye rec list without something by sam, but this fic is also just genuinely so wonderfully done and thought out. you can tell how i feel about it by seeing the completely normal and hinged comments i left on it, if you need more persuasion.
- Punch-Up by Disastrous_Canasta/@disastrouscanasta
It was in no way picture-perfect, or even anything like what George had imagined he’d love doing, but it was them. It was something they’d figured out through trial and error, learning what worked for them and what didn’t. They’d meant to share relief, ages ago. But had somehow stumbled down this path of showers and mornings and late nights, but he wasn’t sure what he’d do without it. OR A surprisingly uncomplicated “It’s complicated” dynamic.
rated e | 13.3k | film industry au | genuinely one of my favorite characterization fics for luztoye, as well as some top-notch worldbuilding and wonderful prose. <3
- meet me on the dancefloor by brokenarrows5
“Hey there stranger!” George yells, eyes crinkling. “Thought there’d be no chance of you out here!” “Changed my mind,” Joe responds.
rated t | 1k | modern au | very very short and sweet, but with wonderful voices and humor throughout. a very nice read :)
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timkontheunsure · 2 days
Sorry to bug you with questions, but I was wondering if you feel fan reactions have been especially negative towards blitz and now he is seen as more to blame for their relationship bombing than Stolas. Even though full moon placed blame on both, apology tour focused solely on blitz’s issues. Which is fine if they’re gonna do the same for Stolas but the fact that we won’t know till October/november, just leaves with blitz seeming as the only one who needs to change and Stolas is just another victim of his like his ex’s. Also sucks 5 minutes after blitz confides in Stolas that he doesn’t see why he would like him or feels he’s not good enough, he sees stolas kissing someone else seeming happier, kinda confirming his worst fear, he’s not good enough. And that’s the fan takeaway I’ve seen. That stolitz is dead. Sorry it’s a loaded question, what do you think?
Nar your not bugging me hun.
Hum this needs a wee teasing out.
I've mostly people pointing out it's not all on Blitz (could be the bubble I'm in through). And that Stolas' song shows him staring to try and reflect on it; but being told by Verosika to blame it on Blitz. (Probably fits the vibe of her party better to do so).
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Humm 'blame for their relationship bombing'. That kind of it really. Stolas has asked for a really relationships, and Blitz's reply through the whole episode is that's the last thing he wants.
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Blitz likes their comfortable friends with benefits situationship they had; and Stolas has turn that down. Blitz in turn has turned down a romantic relationship.
So definitely on both of them for not dating right now.
I feel like Apology Tour despite the name, was wasn't really about Blitz apologising.
It more focused on looking at the issues that are stopping him from going for a romantic relationship, always wanting to focus on the sexy stuff instead.
It definitely looks like Stolas understand what he did wrong plot is being set up to be November time. Starting in Mastermind, seeming like the start of it's going to be linked into his daughter.
But it'll probably little bits over along time. Unlearning bigotry is going take more than 1 episode, it a ongoing thing of trying to do better.
Hum 'Stolas as just another victim like his other exs'... I don't know it seems the show when out of it way to show that Stolas isn't like the other people at the party.
He doesn't want to hurt Blitz with the cake, darts, piñatas, bonfire. And he says that he still wants him.
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Also while Blitz apologise is sincere, it's just about not taking his feelings seriously.
'5 minutes after blitz confides in Stolas that he doesn’t see why he would like him or feels he’s not good enough, he sees stolas kissing someone else seeming happier, kinda confirming his worst fear, he’s not good enough'
Yer this will definitely come back up big time in Ghostfuckers, with the Millie ghost saying he "leaves people more broken than he found them".
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Think it comes down to them not having the same conversation again.
They're doing better. They managed to stay on page for most of the conversation this time. Like when Blitz asks why anyone would care for Blitz; and Stolas point out how special he is that some many people turned up.
But Blitz asks why he's want a romantic relationship with him, and Stolas answers why he'd want a romantic relationship. Not quite the same thing but Stolas Is very drunk.
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Stolas getting his first ever dance with a boy shows Blitz that Stolas doesn't need big romance gestures.
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Blitz starts off thinking that it's has too be movie level, something completely unrealistic and unattainable; but get shown Stolas just wants the simple stuff. A dance and a kiss. (Blitz again thinking it must be grand for the Prince).
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*Sigh* 'Stolitz is dead', we didn't get the same Smeg when Blitz had a one night stand with Chaz did we.
Or when a broken hearted Blitz got drunk at a party and snogged a ton of people... (They're really similar people).
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But yer it's only the night after their break up, and Stolas asked for space. Blitz is now giving him that.
Blitz has to think about what he wants. He knows he wants Stolas, but is he willing to be take the leap?
They both obviously love eachother, just got to give it time. 🙂
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mrrcury · 1 day
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written by mercury ٩(ˊᗜˋ)و✰
childe x gender neutral reader, they/them pronouns used like, once, otherwise no pronouns used
cw : anxiety, (obvi) blood, genshin spoilers, violence, drowning
authors note : wrote this based off a brainrot i posted a long time ago. this gives major undertale vibes btw have fun reading
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You heard it.
A large splash, it echoed throughout the great walls and cliffs of the Abyss. It ringed in you ears, and caught your attention immediately. Who wouldn't wanna check out something as mysterious as that, right? So like the little child you were, you left.
Footsteps crunched under the hard ground, as you observed your dark surroundings. You never exactly went to this part of the Abyss, as your mother told you it would not be worth it. But, curiosity killed the cat.
When you approached the lake that was inside the vastly cavern that you live in, you saw the water glimmering and rippling, as if freshly touched. All you had to do was look a teensy bit closer. Was that,
A human?
You were surprised, to say the least. Humans haven't dared to come down here for a while, at least quite rarely. You could see the boy falling deeper into the water, his bright ginger hair flowing in the water.
So you jumped in, grabbed his hand, and dragged him out with your abyssal claws that were the tiniest bigger then his.
He was a little bit lighter then you expected, and you could see all his features while pulling him up. You could see the star-like freckles that adorned his face, similar to the ones in the sky. When you got him back onto the land, he didn't seem to be breathing. Oh no. Did you have to do that one technique where you put your mouth on-
cough cough
Oh, nevermind, good!
You stared at him with big eyes as the boy hacked up water from his lungs. He looked up at you, eyes with a deep blue likened to that of Enkanomiya. They were intriguing, beautiful even.
"Wh-who are you? Where am I!" The young boy shrieked with terror. He didn't seem the happiest to be here. I mean, you wouldn't either. Maybe.
"Oh, I'm [Name.]"
"Also, you're in the Abyss." You muttered, with a hushed voice. He got up from the ground to where you were crouching. "The abyss?" He said quietly. You nodded.
"I don't really know how you ended up here, but good luck, you're not getting out."
"Wait, what?"
He looked at you again, you could see the fear in his eyes, his pupils just slightly shrinking.
"Yeah, this place don't let people out freely. You have to make it out. Prove yourself, basically."
You could see his body to slightly shake, tearing his eyes off of you to observe where he was at. You looked with him, taking another glance at the dark cliffs you've grown to be so familiar with. It was home to you, but a soon to be nightmare for the boy.
"How would I, y'know, prove myself?"
"Eh, you gotta fight for it. Ever fought a hilichurl before?" You looked at him again.
He shook his head with slight hesitance.
"Okay, let me show you how to do it."
It's been about a week since you found the boy. You decided to introduce him to your mother, Skirk, as he couldn't exactly be left alone with no shelter in a place like this.
You figured out his name was Ajax a little after you met him. He told you with a smile on his face, and how he was named after a great hero.
Skirk was a lot harder on him then you were. To you, he was just a boy. You treated him like a friend, someone equal to you. After a bit, you genuinely started to care for him.
Skirk however, was stricter. She treated him a only a little meaner then you, however it was mostly when he was getting trained to fight by her. He did kind of have little to no experience in this field.
You taught him the basics to fight, how to wield a sword correctly, proper stances, basically enough to be able to fend yourself from a couple slimes or a hilichurl. Skirk taught the more advanced stuff.
When he was down here, he felt like a best friend to you. He told you stories about him and his father ice fishing, and his siblings too. He had a new one on the way at the time he came down here.
He talked about his family and Snezhnaya with stars in his eyes, it made you admire him.
"Oh, I've been meaning to ask. What exactly are you? You don't look human, or really sound like it either" He said curiously.
"Im an Abyss Herald. In training, at least. I'm not fully grown yet."
"That sounds cool! Do you guys have magical powers or anything!"
"Ah, does abyssal magic count?"
"Yeah, yeah! Show me some!" He looked at you, about to burst with excitement.
You giggled, a toothy smile spreading across your face. "Okay, but i'm not showing you much."
"Awwh, why not?"
"You'll find out why later!" A smug look appeared on your face. He snickered in response.
Its been a month, and you guys fucked up.
You ran around with Ajax a little too far around in the Abyss, and you ended up just entering a teensy bit too far into a beast's cavern. Both of you knew how to fight, but were no match for the beast you just had to have encountered:
This was a foreign feeling to you but, you were afraid. Afraid of what might happen to the both of you.
The two of you have opposing opinions on what you should do about this. You wanted to run, to just not get hurt and to get away, as you were smart enough to know you wouldn't be able to beat this monster.
However, Ajax had a different opinion. You noticed how the longer he's been here with you and Skirk, the more his, personality, has changed.
Just a month ago he was a timid boy, barely knew how to fight and only had a shortsword and a loaf of bread with him. Almost like a defenseless puppy.
But, now that he's gotten a point in training, he's become.. Violent, to say the least. Battle-hungry was a more accurate word for it.
He changed, and you knew it.
Back to the point, when you ran into this beast, Ajax acted recklessly. He pulled out his sword and charged head first into the beast while you tried to stop him. Clearly, his plan didn't work. He did get a couple of hits onto the beast, but in trade he was injured.
"Ajax!" You called out, arm stretched in failed attempt to stop him from killing the wretched beast. You knew this was a bad idea, yet you couldn't prevent it.
You heard that terrible scream, the one you dreaded ever since he became close to you. And you knew what you had to do.
"What the hell were you thinking?"
Skirk scolded Ajax for the incident. For him just running straight in without any proper strategy or skill for the battle. She didn't let you off the hook either, as she was also angry at you for not stopping it.
Both of you were clearly ashamed of what happened back in the fight.
"Did you seriously think that was a good idea? You are only human, and [Name,] you know damn well better." Skirk hissed and seethed as she bandaged Ajax's wounds. Ajax looked at her, tight lipped.
Suprise to you, Ajax showed little to almost no remorse for charging into the fight. You could guess he didn't regret it, despite the gaping wound on his body. All you could tell was his deep, dark blue eyes, which no longer held so much light to them.
They used to sparkle, like that of the moon, shining above the rest. It was what you took note of the most.
But as of now, they lost their shine, slowly and carefully.
You wondered if they would ever shine again.
It has been 3 months ever since you found the boy in the lake by the cliffs.
Ajax made significant progress in becoming a fighter, if you compared him now to the boy you first met, it was almost unbelievable, and impressive. However, you win some and ya lose some. With that fighting ability he gained, he also lost a part of him. A part that gave him humanity, you could say.
You wouldn't quite call it insanity, but that part of him changed and shifted, into something that wasn't really normal anymore. Something that almost scared you.
But, the time was coming. Ajax had to leave.
The long awaited day arrived, and as it seems, the Abyss has seen Ajax worthy of returning to the surface levels. He had a family to go back to, and even though you two made a great bond, you were filled with dread knowing this day would come. It made you upset.
This has, really, never happened before.
You had never so much as been phased when friends of yours cane and went. Things worked differently in the Abyss, life was different. You couldn't expect people to stick around for too long.
So why were you affected by him?
Why were you affected by Ajax leaving?
He held a place in your heart, the memories you made together, how you and Skirk taught him his ability and even taught him a special tool, you called it Foul Legacy. A trick, which was used by you and your mother, you also gave to him.
But the only true thing you could do was wonder, on why a human teenage boy made you feel so much as even saddened by his leaving.
When the day came, you told him to follow the Northern Star, or Polaris. The star would lead him to the exit of the Abyss, should that it would let him leave.
But, you wont forget that looks in his eyes.
Ones that seemed to have lost their innocence, look at you with almost a sense of longing.
Or words that would ring in your head for the rest of your life.
"Ill see you again, [Name.] I love you."
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venomousocean · 2 days
Tf2 Mediscout headcanons pt 1
This was requested! If you have any little tf2 desires, my asks are open, as are fanfic commissions! Feel free to dm
Personally this ship awakens a beast within if you catch my drift
It started off just like the others. No jarring attraction, no electricity, no 😩🫦💦. Just two dudes who are now very weird coworkers
Medic def has a type and Scouts fit the bill. Skinny lanky boy toy! During various experiments and totally inconspicuous injections (he told Scout it was penicillin) he notes the slender frame and the lean muscles but he is a professional after all
Scout, however, is not
He’s initially unnerved by Medic and attributes it to the threatening, could-vivisect-you aura, but the tightness in his chest when Medic comes too close or Scout catches a hint of his french cologne isn’tfear
They work fairly separately for a while. Yes, they live together, but they also live in a chaotic team of nine with very different jobs. Their conversations aren’t close like Medic and Heavy or Scout and Sniper
Different peers groups yk? And with the age gap, Scout isn’t exactly knowledgeable in whatever the fuck old people talk about
Scout isn’t a little bitch. He got his ass beat as a kid, so he could handle a bloody nose or split lip, and going to the med bay means close contact with a man who makes him feel funny (like, more than any chick ever had), so Scout keeps out
Medic doesn’t like that. Medic usually corrals someone onto the operating table, and Scout becomes his main target. The others don’t mind since they aren’t being sliced up but there are a few comments between Engineer and Heavy about it
They aren’t uncomfortable, but they notice. No one had made it weird so Engie wasn’t about to do so and neither was Heavy. They just notice an uptick of scout/medic conversations, the two bumping into each other a bit more, and the brutality of experiments on Scout decreasing
They’re highkey jealous LMAO who knew the doctor wouldn’t hurt you if he thought you were hot
Medic starts insisting Scout come in the med bay more. That doesn’t last long, because Scout quickly starts going on his own will
“I uh, need a bandaid” absolutely bitchless and unsure of himself it is pitiful! Medic finds it endearing
By this point Scout is aware he finds Medic attractive but is repressing the shit out of it. Internalized homophobia, tragically.
The way Medic towers over him, with his broad stature completely enveloping Scout haunts the runner and Scout starts having some silly little thoughts he just can’t control
During fights with BLU, he watches Medic haul the medigun and really starts spamming E ifykyk
What if Medic was rough with him? What if Medic held him down, or pinned him against the wall? Scout can’t help the images that pop into his head despite his best efforts, and he really can’t help the flush his skin takes when Medic touched him or speaks in a low tone
Scout is folded like a five dollar lawn chair and foolishly thinks he’s hiding it well
Medic knows and is toying with Scout like a cat. Bats at the mouse, holds his leg a little too long after looking at Scout’s ankle. He backs off and acts like there’s nothing tense about leaning over Scout for something on the counter
Medic is surprisingly chill if he’s in his element. Find him in the med bay, cleaning or tinkering with something fleshy, and he is really just vibing. If you’re Scout sitting on the counter watching, then Medics dropping knowledge of the human body
Medic exercising his intelligence sends Scout into heat highkey. Boy has no idea what the fuck he’s talking about but damn those hands that accent the big words!! He is desperate!!
Apologies for the set up rather than active relationship head canons. I’ll post some getting together, fluffy, and maybe nsfw headcanons for this pair!! Didn’t want a too long post and am tbh exhausted 😜
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pinazee · 3 days
Black and Tan: A Crime of Fashion
The MELANIE LYNSKY episode! (Or at least thats what i call it. upon seeing her on screen for 0.2 seconds i knew she was going to get pretty big. She’s such a phenomenal actress.) I honestly lowkey shipped her with shawn. She was so sweet and i feel like it brought out some of the sweet in shawn too. Shes also a character i wish would come back one day, like they do a murder mystery movie and they’re on her yacht or something idk shes really good friends with them all still, they could make it happen :)
Lassie has given up. He has resigned himself to his fate that Shawn will always be up in his shit for the rest of eternity.
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why am i surprised he knows the name of the model in downtown Santa Barbara and is a huge fan? Im starting to see why Gus is single. He gets way too obsessed, but also, Shawn wasn’t kidding when he told that one chick he was willing to change everything about himself. This also adds a nice layer to Gus’s character because we see part of him wants that exclusivity and prestige. He wants to feel like someone others admire, which is brilliantly contrasted with Shawns more down to earth not really caring what others think vibes.
And speaking of contrasts, i love this bit; not only because its funny, but because it feels like a great metaphor for how shawn and gus approach life. Gus is trying so hard to win and Shawn doesn’t care and the outcome is the same.
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And i think its so funny whenever Gus gets so obsessed with whatever world their exploring hes pretty much useless and Shawn has to be the rational one.
Every once in a while psych will do this POV shot in shawns perspective thats not being used to point out a clue and i think its really cool. I wish they would have done some more like it because its such a great way to show how shawns constantly aware of his surroundings even when he’s not on a case.
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And this was brilliant! It has to be one of the best psych-outs in all of of Psych! Fucking legendary!
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And this was brilliant too!
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I felt so bad for shawn, playing middle man between henry and karen (which is the most unprofessional thing shes done haha), but it gave henry and shawn one of their best scenes at the end when henry is practically begging shawn to understand, like you can almost sense that he wants to confess right there that it was maddie who abandoned the family not him (or maybe im seeing that because i know its the truth. 🤷‍♀️) and shawn just doesn’t want to deal with it. Its interesting that henry was dragging shawn into it though, like he was using it as a way to see if shawn was okay with it now, cause otherwise he could have asked his friends right? It didn’t have to be shawn.
Honestly it shouldn’t have been. He knew it made him uncomfortable and he kept telling him to stop asking, but like always henry pushed it.
(Oh and also this kind of adds to the mystery of how well karen and henry know each other because she seems keenly invested in it, plus, when her friend told her he left a message she said that sounded like henry. So she must know him well enough that she can say this casually. Sidenote: that moment karen opens the door and Shawn looks horrified was priceless!)
Lastly, its interesting that shawn is proud to have never been in therapy when his mom is a psychologist. I feel like she would have instilled in him a better understanding of what therapy does and that its not something to be ashamed of. Likely the writers just hadn’t figured out maddies profession yet, but still.
P.S Everyone look at his jaw!
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phantoms-lair · 3 days
sweet 16
Detective Conan + BnHA
Usually solving a murder took observation, cleverness, and deductive prowess.
Usually It was not a matter of Conan and Heiji walking in on a woman bludgeoning the victim in the head with what looked like a rather large piece of bismuth with two officers of Tokyo Metropolitan in tow. (It couldn't be. Bismuth would shatter when hit against a skull, not deal the obviously lethal damage it had)
"Suda-san, why?" Takagi gasped.
The woman smiled, the expression all the more horrifying for her blood splattered face. "For this of course. That idiot Kawahara wouldn't give it to me. Not for money, not for me proving it was just 'fake' bismuth, though he had no idea the real value of what he had." She cradled the crystalline metal in her arms like it was an infant.
She was insane. Conan had met several people who were not mentally well, who killed for the dumbest of reasons, but he couldn't remember seeing insanity on this scale.
"Suda-san, put the stone down." Takagi said gently. Sato was uncharacteristically quiet, but Conan had figured out why a little bit ago.
"You're not taking it from me." Suda stood up and the crystal began to glow. "So now you'll all have to go far enough away so you can never come back."
'Sato' lifted her arm, the gun she was bringing to bare heavier and misshapen for a police firearm, but it didn't have the chance to go off. The four of them were swallowed by rainbow light.
The vertigo was overwhelming. There was no up or down, no motion or standing still. And it made the moment it stopped just seemd to make it all the more worse.
"I think I'm going to hurl" Heiji moaned.
"Sato-san? Are you okay? Sato-Kaitou Kid!?" Takagi exclaimed.
"Can't be surprised you got caught, you pulled out your cardgun." Conan snarked, not quite able to sit up yet."
Okay, never mind. That startled Conan up. Had he turned back? No, he was still Conan, but Takagi was looking at him in shock. Or rather, right above him, where his head would be if he were his proper size.
"Takagi-keiji, that's Conan-kun." Kid said slowly, but in his own voice. He seemed to accept the jig was up for him.
"No it's not, it's Kudo-kun! I'm not blind."
"Err, it's really not. Like yeah, Sato-san turned out to be Kaitou Kid in disguise, but that's still Conan."
For once Heiji got his name right.
"Not it's not, that Kudo. And Kid's not in disguise, he's wearing his usually white suit. Isn't...he?" It seemed to be dawning on Takagi that no one else in the room was seeing what he was seeing.
"What's going on here?" A man who looked like he belonged in a comic book convention marched in
"Tsukauchi I need your help"
Detective Tsukauchi looked at his phone in annoyance. "You know I'm working on a big case right now Vibes."
"Just for a minute? I saw something really weird with my quirk and found two adults, a teen, and a kid. One of the adults is either hallucinating or lost control of his quirk and all of them...claim superpowers don't exist and heroes are only in comic books. I need to know if their pulling my chain to hide something or if they've been attacked by a villain with a mental quirk." The sympathy in his voice made it clear Vibes was leaning towards the latter.
Which was terrifying in the long term. A villain who could make a small group of people forget a main cornerstone of society and modern life...those four may have been a trail run for something bigger.
"Go." Toshinori urged him. "We've been spinning our wheels for hours anyway."
"Is that All Might?" Vibes asked over the phone.
Tsukauchi sighed. "We'll be right there."
"We?" Toshinori sounded surprised.
"You get frustrated when you don't feel you're being useful." Tsukauchi pointed out. "As you've said, we're spinning our wheels, so let's be useful."
"Blond skeleton!" Takagi yelped as two more people entered the room.
Conan kept a sharp eye on their reaction and Heiji was doing the same. Yep, a momentary flash of fear on the face of the normal looking man and a guy who looked even more like he stepped out of a comic book. And while comic book guy was blond, he was the opposite of a skeleton.
And yet...whatever was going on with Takagi seemed to be revealing things people wouldn't want known. He saw through Kid's disguise, literally. He saw Conan as Shinichi. And he saw that big guy as a skeleton. What could it mean?
"My name is Tsukauchi Naomasa with the TMPD." Instant alertness from their group, who knew of no such man working there. "I am legally obligated to inform you that my quirk is Lie Detector. I'm going to start with something simple. Can you tell me your names?"
"Takagi Wataru." Takagi answered nervously.
"Hattori Heiji"
"Edogawa Conan."
"Lie." Tsukauchi simply stated.
Conan stiffened and Takagi yelped.
"What wrong?" Heiji asked. "I just saw Ku-Conan-kun look severely injured. But he didn't seem to be reacting to it, so it's probably not real?" Takagi sounded just this side of hysterical,"
"True except for the name."
"Will you give it a rest!" Conan snapped. "There's no such thing as superpowers. And no one's a human lie detector! Even the best detectives are subject to falling for misdirection and tricks."
Tsukauchi sighed. "True."
"Well F-"
"LANGUAGE, YOUNG VIBES," All Might boomed, (albeit pleasantly. The man didn't sound angry, just loud). "WE NEED TO GET THESE FOUR TO A HOSPI-WHERE DID SHE GO?"
She? Oh right, Kid had been disguised as Sato-san. And had managed to escape while they were distracted by Conan. Great.
"We need to find her." The first comic book guy sounded like he wanted to curse, but didn't want to be scolded again. "We don't know who did this to them or if they'll tie up loose ends."
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mjj-nostalgia · 11 months
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I love this photo set, dearly, but my asthma could never LOL
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Whooooo could have predicted this?
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static-scribblez · 7 months
“Man this edible weak asf I ain’t feeling shiiii……”
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