#i just found this really funny LMAO
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taee · 2 years ago
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yoongi says stream ‘face’ by jimin
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aardvaark · 3 months ago
i don’t mind suspending my disbelief for leverage’s person-sized ventilation shafts bc that’s pretty standard for the genre, but that doesn’t mean i won’t laugh a bit at some of the egregiously large vents. particularly in the crowning acheivement job (lev: red s2 finale) because - well just look at this lol! harry and parker, two adults, can kneel side by side in those vents. parker can sit upright.
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that museum was made for vent crawling purposes. that’s just an extra room in the museum they forgot to decorate. the leverageverse has a thief union that successfully lobbied for a better working environment. these vents double as a playground for museum-goers’ children. i was crying with laughter thinking about this and harry’s vent crisis was NOT helping me remember that there was a serious heist thing going on lol, i love this show.
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puppppppppy · 11 months ago
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i like him
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thebluewritingbench · 11 days ago
you & me in the wreckage
a supercorp ficlet
written for @ekingston's flash fiction challenge! :)
this was fun!! the prompts i got were: thriller, only survivors of a zombie apocalypse, celebrity/just some guy (gender neutral), and blood. thematically consistent, at least. tw for (a fairly small amount of) blood and gore, unsurprisingly. enjoy!
Someone is breathing on the other side of the vehicle.
No, Kara reminds herself yet again. Something.
It’s hard to say when the simple sound of another creature breathing became an instant trigger to send adrenaline coursing through her veins. Every tiny hair on her body rises. Her heart rate accelerates until she can feel it behind her teeth, a war drum. She moves with utmost caution; she cannot make a sound.
There’s a creak of metal. A low groan.
Kara recognizes the sound. The pleading moan of perverse hunger.
She can’t see it, as she creeps around the passenger side of the dark vehicle. The thing must be inside the car. The sound came from low down, though. Maybe it’s on the ground. Unsurprising—they always seem to end up there in the end. After having exhausted the limits of human muscle, with no prey left to chase down, they collapse like expended cargo.
The car is a solid black Rolls-Royce. A rare sight in the city, let alone out here. This one has seen better days, though. Shiny paint marred by dust, pock-marked with dents, half the bumper hanging off. How it ended up swerved into the ditch of this rural, two-lane road is a mystery.
Probably someone trying to escape.
Kara’s mind constructs the story even as she rounds the front of the car, reaching for her weapons. It must have contained someone wealthy or important, someone with the resources to get this far. But they must have been infected before they could escape. Though shaken, they would have attempted to brush it off. Nothing but a scrape. The teeth had barely punctured their skin. They would have sped away, gotten off the interstate at the first chance, taken turn after turn until they found a safe, isolated road. This is how far they got before the alien pathogens hijacked their brain.
But that would mean—Kara’s pulse spikes again—that would mean the creature on the other side of this vehicle is the most dangerous kind. Starved for the taste of human flesh. Not spent, but with the full power of the human body. When used without regard for muscles tearing, flesh rending, bones breaking, it could do remarkable things.
Kara knows. She has witnessed it.
The way Alex moved, when the disease took hold…
She shudders. Pushes the image from her mind. That thing hadn’t been Alex anymore.
Kara considers her weapons. A large kitchen knife. A small handgun—the better bet. Not much ammunition left, though. She’ll have to move quickly. She’ll have to make it count.
She lifts the gun, then lunges around the front of the car and fires.
The shot echoes across the scrubby hills. A shriek rings out, black hair flying as the creature shields itself. It begins to turn to her. She missed. Kara’s finger is pushing down on the trigger again when a voice cries, “Wait! Wait!”
She wrenches the gun aside. Her shot flies wide.
There is nothing but heaving breathing in the wake. Human breathing.
The woman crouched on the ground, staring up at Kara in terrified shock, is alive. Truly alive. What’s more, Kara knows her.
 “How are you here?” Kara says. The cognitive dissonance of seeing that face here, now, is so intense that she wonders if she’s hallucinating.
“What?” says Lena Luthor. “Why are you trying to kill me? Do I know you?”
We’ve met before.
“No.” Kara feels herself flush. How absurd that she’s even capable of such a reaction anymore. “I’m nobody.”
Lena Luthor stands on unsteady legs. “No, you’re that reporter. From… BuzzFeed, was it? You came to my office with Clark Kent.”
“CatCo Magazine,” Kara corrects automatically. It feels like a lifetime since she was Cat Grant’s assistant, barely daring to aspire to journalism. Struck nearly speechless by the presence of this woman—her inarguable celebrity crush.
Lena looks uneasily at the gun. Kara realizes it’s still pointing in her direction. She drops her arm. “Shoot. Sorry.”
“Don’t shoot, preferably,” Lena says dryly. It takes a second for Kara to realize it’s a joke.
“I wasn’t trying to— I thought you were… one of them. You’re not infected, are you?”
“None of them have touched me. This thing is bullet-proof. I did plow through a few of them…” Lena looks queasy. Kara follows her gaze to the front of the car. There’s blood congealed on the grill.
A flash of memory. She sees the creature that was once Winn charging at her. Her panicked swipe of the kitchen knife across its throat. The spray of his blood, copious, vibrant, across her shirt, across the pavement. For hours, she was terrified the blood had found its way into some scrape, some opening. Infecting her.
She grimaces, presses her thumb hard into the space between her eyes. Stop.
“Where did you even come from?” Lena says. “There’s nothing around here.”
“I walked from the city. I’ve been trying to find anywhere with supplies. There was a group of us. I’m the only one left.” That awful, leaden truth. Kara pushes past it. “How did you get out? I haven’t seen anyone else in weeks.”
“I hid in my office. I had it outfitted as a kind of bunker years ago. I thought I was being insane at the time, and yet…” She trails off, ashamed. “I did nothing to help. Nothing. I stayed there until it quieted down. Then I took the car, and I ran.”
“You couldn’t have done much. No one could have.”
“And now my stupid tire blew, and I am somehow incapable of changing it, so I’m pretty much fucked.” Lena kicks the deflated tire. “Fuck!”
“Your tire?” Belatedly, Kara notices the spare lying on the ground, alongside a toolbox and a badly misplaced jack. She feels a wild urge to laugh. That’s it? “I can fix your tire.”
“Of course.” She swallows. Remembers that somehow, Lena Luthor is standing in front of her. A woman who Kara has followed extensively in tabloids for years. A world leader for tech. Generous. Brilliant. Beautiful. “On one condition.”  
“What’s that?”
“Take me with you.”
Lena Luthor leans against her car and, miraculously, grins. She gives Kara a lingering once-over. “Where are you going?”
“Anywhere. Away from here. I need to find out what happened to my cousin. And my mom.”
“Well, I could use the company,” Lena says. “It’s a deal.”
She holds out her hand. Kara shakes it. At the feel of Lena’s hand in hers, warm, chapped, alive, Kara feels a spark of something she hasn’t felt for ages, since before her life turned into a nightmare.
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beigetiger · 25 days ago
On one hand, Season of War is fucking brutal.
On the other hand, it’s really funny that Skulduggery and the rest of the crew were struggling and dying to do anything in Dimension X while Valkyrie, separated from everybody, absolutely solo’d the mission and was personally beefing with half the people in Mevolent’s castle (Mev included). Queen behaviour, she doesn’t get enough credit for that.
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shepscapades · 9 months ago
Extremely slightly obsessed with the implications of TIES not being in 3rd Life-
Like literally ALL of them were in Dogwarts at one point or another, and I feel like the fact that there were so many of them was kinda what elevated Dogwarts to be as powerful as it was. So either people who weren't part of Dogwarts initially were a part of it in dbhc or they weren't NEARLY as much of a threat to the other factions as they were in canon.
The Crastle Alliance as well involved Impulse and Tango, so they're also cut in half in dbhc (which kinda makes me ponder a world in which Dogwarts and the Crastle fused into a single faction 👀)
Jimmy wouldn't have lost his life in Dare to Flare but honestly he'd've prolly lost it anyways to something else so that's not too much of a difference XD
There's probably also more butterfly effect stuff that I've missed by not watching TIES' povs but I am very interested in seeing what you have in mind (if you ever choose to expand on it in the future). I'm very curious how the clock plays into it...
(Also as an added ponderance, I can't help but wonder if Etho Hopper Clocks have another name in this universe since Etho wasn't alive to make them (or, for the funny route, if Etho was named after the clock instead of the other way around XD)
HM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s crazy that you would say all of those things in that order (i’m making really big eyes at you and nodding furiously. You’re following the exact train of thought that started this immensely deep rabbit hole)
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sevenswansinatrenchcoat · 7 months ago
Death to the Mechanisms is so funny cos they're like "we thought we'd tell you one of our grander tales" like babes the plot of the band over this story is that you're in prison for 60 years....
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sergle · 1 year ago
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perhaps it doesn't need to be that Deep, but some of y'all's relationship with age and youth truly stresses me out. you're doing this thing
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like nevermind that using reaction pics/gifs in place of a text response is not something that Olds Do, if it's becoming less common on tumblr, i think that's been in the past like. 2 - 4 years. nevermind that... you truly stress me out using Thirty Five as the old and out of touch age to make a joke about. oh my god girl... 35.... please!!! you don't need to be so scared of aging!!! 35 is young! the imaginary 35 year old mom being used for this joke is a Young Woman! my first instinct is to make jokes abt how I am, in fact, geriatric (which I like to do) but I gotta break character and be like. hey you guys don't Actually think that 30 is elderly, right. we're joking when we say we're old, right?? you aren't actually internalizing that. right??????
also I spent like 5 years curating my Fotos Folder and I've got so many good ones... so I am actually probably gonna keep using them when I AM old. I love these images
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fascinationstreetmp3 · 5 months ago
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i am almost certain in the 70s when daniel found out armand could fly he went "LIKE SUPERMAN?!" and armand clasped his hands together so fucking serious and went "yes. like superman."
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3liza · 10 months ago
every time I see the big black "songs about fucking" cover i remember jakey bought a "funny" t shirt with the cover photoshopped so the lady was holding a bad poker hand. and I asked him what the joke was and he said "she looks mad because her cards are bad" and he wasn't being wry or ironical, that's just what he thought "jokes" were about half the time. a joke is when a familiar thing is slightly different. this got him enough false positives on his guesses about what a joke was that it just reinforced his lack of comprehension about the concept of humor. he kept buying t shirts like this, about half of them were actual jokes and the rest were either so lame they weren't actually even funny in a shitty tshirt way, but merely confusing, or were not jokes at all and instead were just "hey remember thing you've seen before?" but not even in a novel context or anything. but he thought they were jokes, and would laugh at them
I'm never going to be able to move past this because it's impossible to receive any sort of explanation for something the person holding the misapprehension believes to be self evident and thus inexplicable
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a-lonely-dunedain · 5 months ago
ok question! related to this post by @gwynbleiddyn that I see resonated with the folks here on lotro tumblr:
the devs have given you permission to add 1 (one) quest of your design into the game, specifically doing something fun/low-stakes with one or more Rangers post-war. What are you doing and with which Ranger(s)?
I'll go first: (under the cut bc it got longer than intended)
Corunir has been enlisted to help do repairs in the lower circles of Minas Tirith. And by "enlisted" I mean "Corunir Does Not Know How to Take A Break and needs to be constantly helping people, so he showed up wouldn't leave until the foreman gave him something to do"
Now, as this quest would have to be located in Minas Tirith Midsummer, the foreman is not particularly comfortable saddling this war-hero with busywork when he should be celebrating the end of the war he helped bring about! nevermind that that's what literally every other quest in midsummer is making the PC do shh don't worry about it
ANYWAY, he's got a plan, but he needs your help with it. Around dusk, he wants you to tell Corunir that there's some repairs that need done on the top of the wall at east side of the 2rd circle, which coincidentally just so happens to be where the best view of the fireworks they're setting off at the gates is. Also be sure to bring along this plate of snacks and some comfy pillows to sit on.
so when Corunir gets up there he's like "that's weird, I don't see any damage up here-" and then he sees the fireworks starting to go off, that you brought snacks, and puts two and two together and is like "oh darn, it looks like I've been tricked into watching a fireworks show, you devious trickster you (affectionate)"
so you guys get to hang out and watch the fireworks for a bit, and afterwards Corunir laughs at the fact that you literally had to trick him into relaxing and having a good time. Perhaps you have a point, he should allow himself some time to actually enjoy the peace they fought so hard for. He recalls Radanir had proposed the Rangers should do a pub-crawl later, and now thinks he should take him up on the offer. (and, of course, the PC should be allowed to join in, but alas I'm only allowed to add One quest as per my own rules lol)
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bidokja · 4 months ago
I thought you kin kdj?
anon i hope this is a joke cause if this is a genuine question it is the singlemost scathing read i have ever recieved in my life 👏 bravo
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thereweredragonshere · 4 months ago
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Hiya! While unsure of what to do with my life, I had AI rate the usernames of those I follow on Tumblr. Here’s your rating! Me personally? I think AI was a little faulty in its judging with the comment on the “the’s” and I’d give you a higher rating but still good!
I hope you enjoyed my little randomness. Have a nice day!
This was so random to open my inbox and I love it. Although I did spend a solid 3 minutes reading my username over and over again because I cannot for the life of me figure out where there are two ‘the’s next to each other. So either the ai wrong or I’m dumb as shit
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mail-me-a-snail · 3 days ago
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the character hiraya from viewfinder is filipino so here's some cool details i noticed around her hub area ^_^ pictured are the filipino dishes bibingka, kare kare, and a GIANT version of a very popular cookie here called dewberry
coincidentally viewfinder is on sale as we speak
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year ago
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atom diagram and radiation symbol as mediaeval knotwork
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joshuamj · 2 months ago
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