#i just eat it lol all im saying is that if i ate it blind i would not be able to figure out the inspiration
danothan · 2 years
🔥about UM sandwiches?
banh mi being 1 of the only 3 vietnamese dishes most ppl know feels like a scam. like it’s good but it’s just a sandwich, can we give up the spot for banh xeo
pho and spring rolls deserve their places tho
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Jon Snow*Blind Date
Pairing: Modern!Jon Snow x f!Reader
Platonic: Sam, Gilly, Cregan, Robb, Sansa, Theon, and Tormund
Summary: Jon's friends bully him into going on a blind date he's sure he will regret but by the end he is head over heels for her
TW: Swearing and inuendo but nothing major
Word count: 3459 (I got carried away lol)
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“Dude, I said no,” Jon said rejecting Sam’s offer yet again.
Sam and Gilly sat across from the stubborn Snow as they ate lunch and Sam questioned why he even tried. “Why not though?” Sam asked.
“Because I don’t need you to set me up with someone. I can find my own dates,”
“Really?” Sam said staring at Jon in disbelief. Gilly let out a giggle as her boyfriend began to berate the boy, “Last week all you did was write poetry about how alone and sad and moody you were. You’ve went full emo,”
“First of all, that was for class,” Jon glared at Sam only receiving a smirk in return, “Secondly I thought that was private,”
“And if you had a girlfriend then you would know-nothings private,”
“He’s right you know,” Gilly pipped up. Jon liked Gilly. He liked Sam. He liked them together. But right now, he wanted to slap the pair's heads together and storm off. But Jon chose to rise above and be mature.
“Yeah, well fuck you both,” he grumbled as he began to almost stab the food on his tray with his fork. “I’m happy being single,”
“Since when were you happy?” Cregan asked as he sat to join them for lunch.
“Im trying to set Jon up with my mate but he’s being stubborn. As always,”
“Ooo which girl?” Cregan asked before quickly adding “Or guy or whatever it is you’re into. You are into people, aren’t you?”
The three laughed as Jon’s attack on his food increased, “People that aren’t assholes yeah. I don’t get why you’re so insistent on this,”
“Because one day Jon,” Sam folded his arms, leaning on the table, and began his tale, “I’m going to realise I haven’t heard from you in a while and decide hey I should check on him. So, me and Gilly are gonna come over to your sad little apartment and break in. And what will I find? You dead on the couch and Ghost circling your body like a vulture. And I don’t wanna Gilly to see that,”
“Ghost isn’t gonna fucking eat me when I die,” Jon snapped, “Do you really think im gonna die alone? Do you think I can’t get a date that badly?” Gilly, Sam, and Cregan all shared a look “Okay fuck all of you,”
“I just think it’d be good for you to get out the house,” Gilly pipped up and the other two nodded in agreement before she added, “Besides you’ll be less tense if you get laid,” making everyone’s jaws drop, “Im serious. I used to be even more stressed than you Jon and then I met Sam and ever since I’ve just been- “
“I don’t think we need to talk about that darling,” Sam cut her off.
“Seconded,” Cregan said, “but she’s right. You need to get laid,”
Jon sighed and Sam looked between his friends and questioned his life decisions, “While I’d prefer you didn’t just ‘use’ them for sex, I genuinely think you would like them,”
“We didn’t say to use them for sex,” Gilly said but Jon ignored her.
Jon sighed and pushed his tray away since his food was now closer to mush than anything else from his stabbings, “Fine. One date,” Jon said, and the group let out a cheer, “but I swear to god Sam they better not be crazy or something,”
“By something he means ugly,” Cregan said, and Jon slapped the back of his head. “Ow dude wtf?”
Sam grinned, “Don’t worry. I know your type. You’ll like them,”
Jon Snow’s mystery date was all the talk of their friend group. Robb had found out, Tormund found out, and Theon had found out. He even got a text from Sansa about it. all of them bombarded him with tips and tricks and lines to use. Sansa demanded he Facetime her to pick his outfit out.
As Jon was getting ready to leave his room was filled with all said annoying friends bar Sansa but she was texting him so much it felt like she was practically there. “And when you get to the restaurant- “Cregan started, and Jon let out an agonising groan.
“Shut up,” he whined, “I know what to do on a date,”
“We know mate but,” Tormund began, “you haven’t been the same since Ygritte. We just don’t want you giving up if it doesn’t go to plan,”
“I’m not gonna give up,” Jon said as he looked at himself in the mirror. The outfit Sansa bullied him into was a white button-up and weird checked trousers that were ‘trendy’ right now. Jon sighed as he began to unbutton it, “Besides Ygritte was a long time ago,”
She had been his first-ever girlfriend he got the week of university. It was good at first, but they were always fighting and bickering. They were constantly breaking up and getting back together. The whole ordeal lasted a year and messed Jon up. Especially since he didn’t realise, they weren’t getting back together until he found out she was seeing Orell.
“You’re not cancelling,” Sam warned Jon who in return through his shirt at him.
“Im just changing shirts calm down,” he said as he pulled out a black shirt and black jeans. “Do I at least get to know anything about this person before im trapped at a table for an hour with them?”
“They’re in my history of medicine and herbology class, from Kingslanding, same age as us, funny, and extremely sarcastic,” Sam listed.
“Is that it?”
“You’ll have to find the rest out yourself,”
“Do I at least get a name?” Jon asked as he began to tie his doc boot laces.
“Oh, I like them!” Robb pipped up, “Yeah, they tutored me in Dornish lit last year. Only reason I didn’t flunk out,”
“Oh, yay maybe I can study tonight,” Jon deadpanned before turning to look in the mirror, “How do I look?”
“Perfect,” Sam said.
 “Very emo,” Cregan chimed in with a smirk causing Jon to roll his eyes.
“Hot bro,” Theon blew Jon a kiss and received a slap on the head from Cregan. “Can’t a bro appreciate another hot bro?”
Theon was ignored and Robb spoke up, “Sansa’s gonna kill you but you look good dude. Don’t worry. It’s just a date,”
“Im not worried,” Jon lied as he continued to try straightening out his already straight shirt.
Robb grabbed Jon's leather jacket and helped him shrug it on, “Of course not,” he said as he held Jon's shoulders, “You’ve got this,”
Jon was standing outside the restaurant with his gaggle of hens following him, “You’re not coming on this date with me you know?”
Sam rolled his eyes, “I was just gonna point them out then we were gonna head to the The Wall bar encase you need us,”
“I won’t need you,” Jon said causing Sam and Robb to share a look “Shut up,” Jon grumbled as he looked into the restaurant, “So who is it?”
Sam pointed them out and the nerves instantly flooded Jon's system. They had got there early and were already sitting down looking absolutely gorgeous. They weren’t even trying. They were just sitting there playing with a fork and staring out a window and yet Jon was already feeling his mouth go dry, “Dude they’re well out of my league,”
“I said the same thing about Gilly and look at us now. Now go get em tiger,”
“I hate you,” Jon said before walking up to the restaurant door, “Here I go,” Jon took a deep breath and forced himself into the building, throwing a quick glance back to where Robb and Sam were giving him a thumbs up like some kind of child.
“Table for one?” The hostess asked.
Jon cleared his throat, not even sure what name the reservation was under, “I’m meeting someone here. For a date,” he began to stutter and cursed himself mentally, “I think they’re- “
“Jon?” she asked, and he nodded as a blush began to flush his cheeks, “They were sat a few minutes ago. Come with me,” she said and led Jon to his table who was desperately trying to walk normally and not fall into a deep hole and die. “Your dates here,” the hostess grinned as Jon sat down across from his mystery date who even the hostess knew before him. “Here are your menus. Have fun you two,” she said before leaving.
“Hi- “
“I’m- “
“Sorry you go- “
“You go first- “
The pair let out an awkward laugh before she quickly jumped in, “Hey,” she said with a smile stuck to her lips that were perfect just like her smile.
Jon found his face flushing yet again, “Hey. A friend of yours im guessing?” he asked nodding to the hostess who kept glancing at them.
“Yeah,” she laughed despite him not making a joke, “That’s Baela. Sorry if she keeps spying on us. She traded a shift just to watch me crash and burn,” Jon laughed and smiled as a blush filled her face instead of his for once, “Not that I think im gonna crash and burn im sorry let me start again. I’m (Y/N),” she said as she stuck her hand out to shake his and Jon saw her cringe at her own actions.
But he just grinned and shook her hand in return, “I’m Jon,” she took her hand back and his hand had never felt colder.
“Sorry about the handshake,”
“No, it’s good. Handshakes are good,” Jon reassured her, glad that it was not only him sweating buckets over this date. “I’ve never had a date shake my hand before,”
“I’ve never had a blind date before,”
“Me neither. Sam practically bullied me into this. He wouldn’t even tell me your name,”
“Me too,” she grinned. “Well, he let me know your name, but he forbade me to look up your social media,”
“You wouldn’t find much im afraid,”
“Not an Instagram guy?” she asked, and Jon shook his head, “Hmm I suppose I can forgive you,”
“Oh, so kind of you,” Jon said, and she laughed, “I guess we should probably look at the menu. That waiter looks like he’s ready to pounce,”
(Y/N) smiled, opening her menu, but it dropped once she looked up to the waiter, “Oh fuck,”
“What?” Jon asked, dropping his menu and looking to see what she had been staring at. It had been their waiter who had skulked off as soon as she had looked up. “Do you know him?”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” she said as she tried to shake it off, but Jon kept looking at her causing her to sigh, “That’s my ex. Baela swore he was off tonight or I would’ve said somewhere else,”
“Is it okay? Do we need to leave?” Jon asked, fully ready to walk half the earth for this girl he had only had half a conversation with.
She sighed and took a second to think “Nah it’ll be fine. Yeah, no it’ll be fine. He broke up with me anyway plus it was like a year ago so like yeah, its fine. Plus, they do a really good cheesecake I wanna get for dessert so its fine,” Jon couldn’t help but find her rambling adorable, but his silence caused her to look at him, “As long as you’re okay with it?”
“As long as the cheesecake as is good as you say,” he joked.
She laughed and picked up her menu, “Oh I promise its more than just good,”
After the pair had looked at the menu their chat was interrupted “(Y/N),” their waiter greeted not even glancing at Jon.
“Ramsay,” she said giving a tight-lipped smile, “How are you?”
“I'm fine. What can I get yous?” he asked and Jon's face contorted at how he didn’t even pretend to be courteous. (Y/N) also appeared shocked as she began to stutter her order and he wrote it down. “What about you?” he asked not even looking at Jon. Jon was so baffled that he didn’t even respond causing Ramsey to ask again “Well?”
“I’ll have the gourmet burger and a coke,”
“You’ll have the Pepsi,” Ramsey said as he turned and walked away from the table.
Jon and (Y/N) looked at each other with a look of half horror half confusion, “Was he always such an asshole?”
“I mean yeah but I assumed he’d at least pretend at work. Im so sorry,”
“Don’t apologise for him,” Jon assured her “Why did you even date him?”
She laughed but her face was anything but happy, “Can we save toxic ex stories for date two?”
“I understand. I mean like. I get it,” Jon said, and relief flooded her face, “We’ve all got some shitty stories I guess?”
“Yeah, but let’s focus on the good ones for now. Baela will kill me if I scare you off before dessert,”
“Good thing I don’t scare easily,”
From there the conversation flowed so easily that even Ramsey's bluntness couldn’t ruin the night. They had so much in common and Sam was right. She was funny and kept up with his quick tongue.
“You’re an idiot if your serious think Aegon the conquering was- “
“Dessert?” Ramsey interrupted their debate as he began to take their plates away.
The pair shared a look before (Y/N) spoke up, “Could we get the cheesecake and- “but she was cut off by his scoff, “What?”
“Do you really need the cheesecake?”
Jon felt a hot rage go up his spine as he glared daggers into Ramsey. (Y/N) went instantly red and was stumbling to even get a word out so Jon spoke up. “Give us one of each dessert,”
“You want four desserts?” Ramsey finally actually looked at Jon whose gaze could cut metal right now.
“Yup. Problem?”
“Whatevs. Coming right up,” Ramsey said as he sauntered off to the kitchen.
“Don’t listen to a word that guy says. He’s an asshole. I don’t understand why you ever dated him. And you said the dessert was good so we’re trying each one no arguments,”
(Y/N) smiled and Jon almost forgot the anger at the sight of it, “He was nice once. I think. Im honestly not so sure now,” she laughed but her voice was fragile.
Jon grabbed her hand without even thinking, “You deserve someone way better than him. You’re so,” Jon shook his head trying to think of the right word, “I don’t think I’ve ever met someone so perfect,”
“You barely even know me,”
Jon sighed as he debated if he should go against everything his friends had told him and lay himself out on the table, “I had my own Ramsey. And well, there’s a lot to that story but long story short she just. She was just not good for me. Now I don’t even know why we ever dated but she messed with my head, and I haven’t gone on a date since until now. And I can honestly say I’ve had more fun tonight than I did in the whole year I knew her,”
He expected her to run, to excuse herself to the bathroom and climb out a window, but she squeezed his hand instead, “I get that. I really do. I was thinking the same thing about Ramsey this whole time. How could I date someone as pig headed as him- “she said causing Jon to chuckle, “when I could’ve been with someone like you,”
“Maybe blind dates aren’t so bad after all,” Jon said, and she smiled. They stayed looking into each other’s eyes till Ramsey ruined it yet again by ungraciously dumping four plates and 2 spoons on the table.
 They didn’t let it ruin the mood and spent another hour sitting and chatting as Jon experienced the best cheesecake of his life. They must’ve been too happy for Ramsey's liking who decided to dump the bill on their table without even asking but made sure to add, “Remember it's rude not to leave a tip,”
“Its official. I have better taste than you,” Jon joked as he pulled out his wallet.
“Hey, I need to stalk this Ygritte girl before you get to judge,”
“Fine fine,” Jon said as he began to take cash out, “It was 38.50 but I only have $20s and I don’t wanna leave him $1.50,”
“Here I have change,” (Y/N) said as she pulled out $18.50 in cash, “You can pay me back by getting me a drink at The Wall on our next date,”
“Oh, can I? your so kind,” Jon said though internally he was bouncing off the walls at the idea of another date with this perfect specimen.
“I know,” she said as she scrunched her nose up and Jon thought he may die from her cuteness, “Do you have a pen though? I wanna leave him a ‘tip’,”
Jon passed her a pen and tried to watch what she was writing but she hid it and closed the bill holder with a grin, “We should go. Now,”
The pair rushed to the host stand for (Y/N) to say a quick goodbye to Baela. As she was telling Baela she’d text her they heard a “Hey!” from across the restaurant and the pair turned to see Ramsey pushing through tables to get to them.
“Go, go, go,” (Y/N) laughed as she grabbed Jon's arm and hauled him out of the restaurant, and ran across the road, narrowly dodging a car.
Ramsey flipped them off, unable to leave the restaurant but as soon as he walked back in the pair broke out into a laughing fit, “What did you write?”
(Y/N) laughed harder, “I told him how to find the clit,” she said, and Jon laughed even harder.
“Oh, my gods I love that,” He was almost crying at this point, “This is the best thing Sam has ever forced me to do,”
“Im glad,” she laughed as she looked up at Jon, “It’s getting late. My roommate said if I didn’t get back by 11, she was calling the cops,”
“Well, I don’t need to get arrested again,”
“Again?” she asked, and Jon laughed, “Am I dating a gang leader or something?”
“I’ll tell you as I walk you to your dorm?” Jon offered.
(Y/N) grinned and nodded as the pair began to walk back to campus, “At least you’re a gentleman gang man,”
Jon was disappointed as they reached the door to her dorm knowing he would have to wait to see her again, “So if you don’t do insta do you at least have a phone number?” (Y/N) asked as she leaned back against her front door.
“Gimme your phone I’ll put it in,” he said, and she complied.
“This better not be a fake number Jon Snow,” she teased as he handed the cell back to her.
Despite his anxiety at the beginning Jon felt his confidence grow with every joke and come back. He didn’t even think as he stepped closer, leaving only an inch between them, “Don’t worry its very real. I promise,”
“Good,” she grinned as she brought her hands to rest on his shoulders, “I had fun tonight,”
“Me too,” Jon said as he leaned in closer, placing his hand on her waist. “I really wanna kiss you right now,” he confessed as his lips ghosted hers.
She leaned in ever so slightly so that her lips brushed against his as she said, “Then do it,”
His lips fell onto hers and her arms pulled him in closer, so they were pressed against each other as their lips moulded together perfectly. Jon wanted it to last forever but as he grazed his teeth against her bottom lip she pulled back slightly, “If we don’t stop, I won’t be going into my room alone,”
“You’re lucky im a gentleman,” Jon said as he forced himself to pull back, letting her turn to unlock her door, “Another time?”
“I’m free tomorrow?” she offered.
Jon laughed but nodded, “Tomorrows great. Text me,”
“As soon as im through this door.” She said, “Goodnight Jon,”
“Goodnight,” he said as he stepped away and let her return to her dorm.
Jon was barely out the dorm's front door when he checked to see if she had indeed texted him. She had. A text from an unknown number saying, ‘Guess who?’. Jon laughed to himself as he texts her back before looking at the bombardment of texts his friends had sent him. But they could wait. He wasn’t gonna let Sam find out he was right ruining his night. Turns out blind dates aren’t always a bad idea.
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marcusbrutus · 2 months
I feel like I have a tumblr anon in my brain…. Like a tiny cop. But it’s an chronically online anonymous weirdo. And every thought I have, I get “anons” telling me how it’s problematic and I should kill my self LOL The other morning I saw an RFK sign and I thought doesn’t he have brain worms, someone running for president shouldn't have brain worms. maybe apply for literally any other job. and the anon was like ummm ableist much? Like WHAT. I turned off anon on tumblr a while ago, so even if I post something “risky”, someone will have to tell me what they think to my face. They can’t hide. Even posts I think are innocuous can be wildly misinterpreted, and someone will probably call me problematic. But even if no one says anything, I still hear it. In my brain. Sometimes I delete things because the thought is so strong. I’m probably not gonna make it to any heaven or enlightenment because I can’t forgive yourfaveisproblematic. In my mind, Tumblr was great before then, or at least it felt that way, and that blog sewed the seeds for cancel culture in the future. That stuff sticks to my brain, even if I don’t want it too. When you put sins like "said disabled people shouldn't be alive" on the same level as "has a tattoo in a language they don't natively speak," it is very confusing to a people-pleasing undiagnosed autistic 14 year old. I felt/feel like I can’t like anyone or anything because it’s ~problematic~ I worry it will never go away, because it affected me in my developing years, 14-19 I want to get better, but it’s hard. I wish I could run from the internet, but I can’t. It’s a part of life now. It’s how we stay connected. But it’s also like…. Idk. The internet used to be my safe space, right? Deviantart. Early tumblr. Seeing weird people like me made me feel less alone. I was a weeb surrounded by “preps” for lack of a better word, not that I didn’t have friends but NONE of them were into what I was into, you know? And no one became as obsessive about things like books and anime like I did, except online. But now it’s like, idk, corruption of the garden of Eden. But instead of me eating the fruit, the garden/internet ate the fruit. The world is too different now… I can’t keep up. And it’s not just because I’m getting older. Things happen faster now. Trends will last half a year when in the past they would have lasted a decade. I hate knowing everything all of the time. I hate that my garden is now a cesspool.
I’m just angry that people on tumblr and lefty spaces online are so blind to their own propaganda, and calling it out is “hate.” Like idk, I guess I expected better from people who are supposed to be ~intellectuals~. Well, if YouTube video essays have taught me anything, style over substance goes a LONG way. And they’re like “oh we’re so compassionate and we want a better future” but they tell everyone to kill themselves and laugh when red states get devastated by natural disasters it's not just that but it's like…. if you're not constantly aware of everything, you're ~part ofthe problem~ #wakeupamerica. silence is violence, blah blah blah. it's just hard because i grew up with a strict dad so learned to be a people pleaser. i'm extremely sensitive to guilt and shame. and all most of the internet has done since 2014 is shame everyone for everything. you're either with Us (good, pure, morally righteous) or you're with Them (problematic, evil). you don't want to be gasp problematic, do you? you don't want to have a callout post made about you and lose all your friends, right? well, keep you nose clean and reblog all the right posts so we know which side you're on an maybe, maybe we'll leave you alone. i have the stress of someone in debt to a mob boss. nah it's more like… i have the stress of everyone in the scarlet letter and im hoping everyone will keep their eyes on the Villain of the Week and leave me alone there's a decent video called "how to radicalize a normie." i say decent because it treats radicalization like a right-wing only issue and the "answer" to right wing radicalization is, of course left wing radicalization. "Even though they're on the bad, evil side, there's still hope because we can get them to our good, morally righteous side!" That kinda bs, and I say bs not in a left vs right way. According to my dad I'm a full blown communist! I'm saying it in the sense that the answer to radicalization isn't "just radicalize them to the other side." That's not at all helpful. You might as well tell an alcoholic who likes jameson to just switch to jack daniels. It's all poison, it's all harmful. ANYWAY, he talks about how most people don't set out to be radicalized, the politics comes to them. That happened to me - but on the left. And I'm sure if I left a comment on his video saying as much, he'd say it didn't happen or say it was a good thing. On tumblr, I came for anime. And for the first year, I got anime. But then I got really intense political stuff. "silence is violence." "i see you not reblogging this." "if you're not angry, you're not paying attention." I was 14-15, sheltered as fuck, I don't know anything about the world but now tumblr is convincing me that I know more about political issues than anyone. And it changed me. And it fucked me up. and I want to get unfucked. But I don't know how. I feel like an internet alcoholic. Like, even if I do stop using it, it will still be there, haunting me, forever, you know? because all my friends use it, not just you guys but irl friends. and the internet is effecting the real world. I miss the days when there was the internet, then there was reality. but now the internet is the reality. That's why I also fell so hard for the [REDACTED] stuff. Tumblr made me think everyone was [REDACTED] because like 99% of tumblr is [REDACTED], and I was worried about it because god help you if you question anything or show the slightest bit of concern. God help you if you're not full steam ahead on everything. I want to escape the matrix. I hate the hypocrisy…. And I hate even more that I’m also a hypocrite. I fall for group think and propaganda but act like I’m above it all. I hate social media but use it every day. YouTube too. I guess that’s why I get so mad when I see them act like that. It reminds me of me. People think the consequences of social media on a teenage girl are like "omg I was feeling good about myself….. but then I saw a model on Instagram… alas. I will never be her. I weep."
But it's more like: Oh my gosh, I just saw a post asking for mutual aid (aka MONEY, BABY) and I scrolled past. What if they died because they couldn’t afford food because I didn’t reblog their post? But what if I DID reblog their post, but it was a scam, and I led my followers to give money to someone who didn’t need it instead of someone who did?
I was hoping to share more examples, but I'm worried someone will misinterpret, and even though anon is off, the anon in my brain is on. always. on. i keep going back to the internet because i keep expecting it to get good again… like how it was. for some reason, i can't accept that it will no longer be my safe space. i wish i had a massive angel to keep me out, or something. like the actual garden of eden. I have to accept that it will never get better. I have not only an addiction to the internet, but to the obsessive thoughts it brings. By wishing it will get better, and continuing to use it, I am chasing a dragon. That is to say, I'm hoping for the same feelings I got from initially using the internet. No one ever catches the dragon. anyway, if you read all that... thank you so much! i'm taking a break from the internet, until mid november at least. maybe by then, it will be better. or not. we'll see.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. busy bee lefty eyebag 😴
Are you one of those who don't fold the laundry right away?
I forgot about Kate Bishop. And Carol or Maria. They just don't scream relationship lol but they're all great as best friends
I have to read it again, but I know one part when Wanda made dinner and R won't eat it because she was pretending to be vegan?? Or was it vegetarian. Oh also the part where Wanda was offended because R didn't think she was all that great lol
So I just read the fic, are you talking about the part where R gets drunk and half naked? Or the parrot part calling R intruder bandit hahahaha I love that one.
Thanks for those kind words. Yeah, sometimes I feel that doing my best wasn't enough, but you're right, the past is past. I gotta work on that lol
Do I talk about Italian food a lot?? Or was that just a lucky guess? Because you got half of it right and that's creepy. Stalker 👀
They're not scary, they're more cutesy with dark themes? Like one of them is three ghosts doing the see no evil, hear no evil speak no evil thing.
Yeah, when I was in highschool, I took photography as an elective, and it was fun. It made me want to develop and play around with the films. I think there are still photographers who do it but not a lot since now it's more digital.
Oh I like that idea for your place. I want a big kitchen too, something with an island. Walk in pantry, hidden fridge, coffee bar, alcohol bar, nugget ice maker. I have so many plans for my future kitchen lol
Yah, I'm actually doing a job interview with you to see if you are a perfect fit to fill in for a girlfriend. Hahahaha just kidding 😂 I am slightly falling asleep so please excuse me.
I guess when I say weakness, yeah what makes you weak.. what makes you fall to your knees? What makes your heart flutter and giddy?
Have you ever walked in on something you weren't supposed to?
- CuriousGeorge
Hi hi you!
Sorry i fell asleep last night..n my morning been hectic. How r u today? Hows ur day n whT u been doing?
Haha yeah, i am one of those people who dont fold it right away.😅
Because when i fold my clothes, i need time. I always try to fold it nice n organize it. N when i do laundry, it's just not my clothes. N if i do my husband's clothes, it takes longer to fold it because i end up reorganized his closet because his stack of clothes always end up messy after a while from the way he picks his clothes. It always bothers me, so when i fold his clothes, i always take more time to fix all the mess put.them back in nicely again.
Ah yeah me too, i meant i think maria is hot. But i dont see it the way i see wanda n nat. N carol, i actually dont like her nor the actress. So i never read fic about her at all.
Haha i love that part in Ten Days. When R cries because pretending to be vegan a day after she ate big steak with Wanda 😅🤣 i actually laugh when i wrote it n the other part where R screams histerical "so u think i'm fat? My girlfriend thinks i'm fat" to wanda in the restaurant. 🤣
Haha yeeess that fic. The half naked hang over R n wanda points a kitchen knife at her. I am.lowkey proud of that scene n conversation between them. I love the idea of it.
Oh another funny comment that im lowkey proud is on Too Blind To See. I dont know if u have read it. It's my doctors AU. 😅
U r veru welcomed! I was just saying the truth n what my opinion about it. It's okay to take time to work on it..u need to heal to move on n it's totally understandable.
Hahaa i dont know if u talked a lot about italian food of not. But i think i remembered. It's either pasta or pizza. Haha maybe yeah i stalk ur profile that i dont know which one because u r talking with me anonymously. 🤣🤣🤣
Ah i see. Still sounds scary to me.haha. i dont like anything scary in my house. 😅 i believe things can bring or create any energy. So i dont want bad energy in my house.haha.
Ah i see. That sounds cute.. i love ur plan..ouh like nugget ice! I love them too! Another plan if i build my own house. I wanna have a game room.. it willl have any game console n arcades that i love.
Hahaha wow, that was bold on what u say. 😆 so u r secretly interviewing me to see if im perfect fit to fill in for a girlfriend? Lol. Well just becareful.. it might back fired n u might end up like me. Lol 🤣🤣🤣 just kidding. It was the right joke at the right time. Pardon me.
So u r flirty when u r slightly falling asleep? 🤣🤣🤣 another JK.
Hmm what makes me fall to my knees, feels all giddy and fluttered?
When someone pay attention to little details that i like, when someone remember that too. When someone vaguely shows that they can take control or decide for me (not too much though) but makes me feel comfortable and I'm their main priority. For example, like planning a surprise for me or planning a date for me, or give me some of their time to be with me.
I kinda like when someone shows a little jealousy but not too much. I think it's kinda cute when someone shows me a tiny biiiiit of their obsession of me. (But in normal level) because it makes me feel that i'm theirs.
I love soft touches n soft kisses. I looove praises n compliments even though sometimes im not used to them n i would probably deny them shyly. Lol.
I love it when someone would do something for me or being patience for me.
All of these things i mentioned, i would do the same to them. 😁
What about u? I hope.my answers didnt sound weird.
Hmm i dont think i have walked in on something im not supposed to. How about u?
Next question?
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caleiiiii · 4 years
mcytbers as subway workers because i work at subway and i said so
i wrote this all at like 1 am im sorry
subway terminology (at least where i work)
waste out -means an item cant, or isnt, being sold, like overbaked cookies or expired milk. gets written down on a list for tax returns or smth
freezer pulls -pulling items from the freezer to the walk in fridge so they can thaw for the upcoming days
POS system -the software used for ringing up food, has a bunch of options per type of sandwich
generally 2 shift rotations , each one has a shift lead which is ur main opener or closer
makes sandwiches so fast. 
how ??? 
he wraps the sandwiches immaculately as well
definitely a main closer
just. disappears during a rush 
only to be found two hours later STILL doing dishes
dream and sapnap are not pleased.
convinces dream to waste out bread for him so he can eat it
gives ppl he likes free cookies 
terrible at wrapping sandwiches
always works with wilbur and tubbo. always. 
he HATES freezer pulls but if he has to he can be seen SPRINTING between the freezer and the fridge
also bad at wrapping sandwiches
does all the online orders for tubbo because he cant read them well
loves to bake the bread and cookies
got a complaint once because he read an online order wrong so tommy always does them
hates ringing people up but loves to make the sandwhiches
only works like 1 shift a week but its the most goddamn productive shift of anyone.
always makes sure they are selling potato soup when hes working
another main closer
always controls the radio in the store
always works with tubbo and tommy, drives them to work
bribes others so he doesnt have to do the dishes
main opener
the manager
super chill about scheduling
turns a blind eye to people “accidently” dropping cookies and wasting them out
a goddess at baking the bread and cookies
never burns anything ever
everybody wants to work with her shes so nice
is really good at ringing those ppl up with 28372 coupons
horrible at making sandwiches tho
the only one that knows how to fix the soda machine when it breaks
always gets asked to translate the writing on the boxes since its in spanish 95% of the time
loves stocking the milk cooler so he can take home the expired sodas n shit
always forgets to remind customers when stuff costs extra
that one transfer from another store that does everything
slightly wrong.
its been long enough now that he should know better but nobody wants to correct him.
has tons of pins on his hat, 10/10
really good at making the wraps
always says hello when customers enter
the new hire
immediately taken under sapnaps wing, much to the chagrin of dream
much more bread is now wasted out.
bbh and skeppy
regulars that are just. always there
they know all the employee gossip and get discounts on food
phil is .5 seconds away from asking them if they want a job
normal shift schedules
wilbur, tommy, tubbo (day shift)
dream, george, sapnap (night shift)
eret, niki, fundy (day shift)
technoblade, quackity, schlatt (night shift)
karl mainly works with the dteam, but jumps around
random things
the cookie incident
once tubbo accidently overbaked like 2 dozen cookies
so he and tommy ate all of them during their shift
they did not come into work the next day.
dream and techno rivalry
dream and technoblade have a rivaly about who can close and leave the store the quickest
eventually they decide to time themselves and race eachother on their respective shifts
techno wins with a time of 3 minutes before theyre officially allowed to close.
they both get yelled at by phil
technoblade’s only mistake
the only mistake technoblade has made ever was accidently leaving the bread cabinet open overnight
wilbur, tubbo, and tommy find it in the morning and have to throw all the bread out
tommy and tubbo split the bread and each leave with a garbage bag full of subway bread
wilbur still wont let techno live it down.
hacker things
once fundy hacked the POS system to give him a 100% discount
used it for about a month before someone (quackity) accidently pressed the option and snitched to phil
luckily, he just sighed and reset the system
cookie dough
wilbur comes up with the idea to pop raw cookie dough in the microwave and eat it half baked
phil comes in one day only to make -direct eye contact- with tommy as he and tubbo lick cookie dough off of some deli paper
allows it to happen as long as they pay for the dough
subway garlic bread
on a really slow day niki and eret are goofing off and create
~subway garlic bread~
it instantly becomes a secret menu favourite among employees and regulars
the bet
once skeppy bet quackity and schlatt that they wouldnt start a fake argument during rush hour
skeppy recorded the whole thing
technoblade can be seen in the backround silently making sandwiches as quackity and schlatt scream at eachother about if quackity has a “flatty patty”
phil tries to be mad but sees all the tips they made and lets is slide
george is the one always sacrificed to deal with the crabby middle aged moms
its his punishment for not helping during the rush.
sometimes for fun wilbur takes his meal break right before the dinner rush
tommy stares at him in fury the whole time.
betting pool
none of the employees can tell if bbh and skeppy are dating
its to the point that they keep a betting chart on a white board next to the “top failure of the week” spot
subway ghost
after a few freak instances wilbur is positive that the subway is haunted and convinces phil to let him do a séance after hours
he manages to convince half the staff that the store is haunted
(the ghost is drista or smth idk aksjdhajk)
top failure of the week
a tally on the white board in the back room of who dropped/wasted out thw most items
sapnap has the record top failure of the week, dropping a total of 42 loaves of bread in a week
schlatt got put on the board once. never again.
enamel pins
tubbo finds a enamel pin of a bee that he puts on his visor
its not technically allowed but phil lets him do it anyway :)
tommy and tubbo take subway bandanas from the back room and initial them before trading with eachother
nobody comments that theyre not technically allowed to have a hat and a bandana
the war
at some point a rivalry breaks out between the day staff
wilbur, tommy, tubbo, niki, eret, and fundy
and the night staff
dream, sapnap, george (techno, karl, schlatt, and quackity stay out of it)
what starts out tame eventually leads to workers purposely messing up stuff for the next shift to deal with, like not stocking the fridge or mopping the floor 
at some point eret switches to the night shift
the day shift does not take it well.
 after about 2 weeks phil is forced to step in as the store quality starts to go downhill
he closes the store for a day and makes everyone clean it u
 techno watches from outside the windows with a bag of popcorn
tommy starts placing the stickers they use to wrap sandwiches everywhere with the words “pogway” on them
everyone can tell its his handwriting but no one can catch him placing the stickers
phil even checked the cameras, still no trace of him
subway gun
sometimes tommy goes around spraying others with a spray bottle full of water used on the bread
he calls it the “subway gun”
wilbur gets fed up hides it in the freezer overnight
thats all for now! if i come up with anything else i might add it lol
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ivyuns · 4 years
landing in my heart: closer
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genre: angst, slight fluff
word count: 2.3k
warnings: location is in north korea, jealousy, guns, car crashes, kinda rushed lol
part three of landing in my heart
landing in my heart information
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“what did you just say?”
“i would appreciate if you put the gun away from my fiancee”
“she belongs to division 11. and for those who doesnt know, shes unable to release her personal information. now if you mind, my fiancee is exhausted from her recent mission she came back from” jisung told everybody. on point, your body falls onto jisung’s shoulders, acting as if you were actually exhausted.
jisung takes you to his property till you two are out of sight until jisung clears his throat. “you can let go now” without hesitation, you let go and immediately asks whats division 11 is all about. telling you everything, you enter the house with jisung trailing behind you.
jisung takes you to his property till you two are out of sight until jisung clears his throat. “you can let go now” without hesitation, you let go and immediately asks whats division 11 is all about. telling you everything, you enter the house with jisung trailing behind you.
jisung offers you a cup of water and telling you to drink it to calm down. you gladly accept it as he takes a deep breath. “house inspections happens randomly, but i didnt expect it to happen today. im sorry”
“well, im sure you were equally surprised by it too, so no worries. and you showed up on perfect timing too” you smiled at him, drinking the water then looking around. “by the way, are you hurt? are you okay?” jisung asks while hes checking up on you for any hurt wounds. looking up and making eye contact, you see how his eyes were full of worry. shaking you head a no, you smile at him and was distrubed by knocks on jisungs gates.
“captain han! are you there?!”
jisung goes to open the door and sees the village women, who had heard about the news about you and offers him food. feeling like he couldnt hold any plates, they offer him to help him and take it into the house until you appear behind him.
“o-oh! nice to meet you, captain han’s fiancee” one of the women says. greeting them back, you grab one of the plate full of food from jisung. before you two could go, they ask you where your last mission was, what was it about and how was it. expecting to answer all their questions, you replied as “im sorry, i cant have my information out there”. the women gasp, shocked at they way you talked to them.
jisung tells them to go home and have a good night. doing what theyre told, they walked away and you close the gate. “is captain han really in love with her?” “is this a one-sided love?” “look at her hair, it looks so messy!” hearing all the comments they made about you made you stop your tracks, as long as jisung. gritting you teeth in annoyance, you two continued to go inside the house and ate the food they made for you two.
as you two got ready for bed, jisung made you sleep in the living room as he slept in his room. talking though the closed door, you asked him if he ever went to switzerland. “sorry if im being nosy. but i saw piano sheets and an application form from switzerland. did you have a girlfriend that you would play the piano to?” with no response from him, you drifted to sleep.
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after the years go by, yiseo is back in pyongyang. passing the gates, yiseo bumps into minseok, who smiles at her and lets her go first. yiseo smiles back and proceeds until she sees her uncle, myeongseok. “ah, look at my yiseo. you lost a lot of weight during your studies in russia.”
“damn, its always the north korean women who have the best taste” minseok tells himself, but as his bodyguard hears him, he tells them to be careful of what he says. minseok then tells him he will pay him an extra 10,000 won if hed stop nagging him, but hell pay minseok 10,000 won if he nags to him again.
as yiseo and myeongseok stops at their car outside the airport, she realized what happened to the other car. “uncle, wheres the other car?” she asks. “oh, i had to lend it to jisung” “are you going to pick it up or is he bringing it back here” “im sure i can go there and pick it up after my recital tomorrow” “huh?! are you sure? i didnt even mention you were coming back to him because he never asks about you” “what kind of woman doesnt remember her fiance?”
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the coal mine.
cheolgang enters the coal mine and enters the wire-trapper room after greeting his soldiers. the soldiers gets up from their seats and salutes cheolgang. “ive seen you all work hard, thank you”. manbok hears cheolgang and immediately salutes him. cheolgang tells manbok to follow him into the back exit.
“sir, what brings you all the way here?” manbok asks. “ri muyeok’s brother is now in the outpost. so i need you to wire his house. theres a women in there and im using it to ruin his family” as cheolgang finishes. manbok gets flashbacks about jisung’s brother.
7 years ago.
“you see, my little brother is studying in switzerland right now” muyeok says in the car with another soldier. “mmhm, hes a piano genius with a full scholarship. but everytime i call him, hes always sorry. maybe its because one of us had to follow our dads path” muyeok replies. “did you wanted to be on the piano path?” “nah, i wasnt into it as jisung was so i took this path” the soldier nods his head. “but he told me when he gets back, he’ll play a song for me, so im excited for that. i bet itll put me in a happy mood”
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manbok, who listens to their conversation, helping cheolgang with his favor; killing muhyeok. telling where the driver to go, they collied with muyeoks vehicle. hearing the crashing noises made manbok go numb.
everyones outside the village, looking though jisung’s car, full of excitement. eavesdropping from the gate, jisung comes behind you and tells you hes leaving. “wait let me walk you out. so those women can see what i actually look like since it was dark outside” “no, theres no time for that. also, here. tie it up” jisung gives you a handkerchief. “tie what up?” jisung turns you around and ties your hair up, securing it with a double knot.
heading out of the gate together, you pretended to play the good wife and walked jisung out of the house. before he could leave your sight, you grabbed his wrist and told him to pat you hair, as if you two were being real about your engagement. he then pats your house as everyone is disgusted at your actions. you then tell him to wave at you in which he did. waving at him back, he turns around and heads to the base, bowing at people.
the village women from last night shows up to jisungs house after bad talking about you, inviting for a kimchi battle, you refuse.
back at the base, all soldiers are in an array. “hwang hyunjin, lee felix, kim seungmin, and yang jeongin. all of you but the four of you, head to the shooting range”
with everyone gone but the five of them, they meeting in jisung’s office. “so what did you tell them” hyunjin asks. “i told them shes my fiancee” everyone gasp loudly. “guys just be quiet right now. we just need a plan for her to get back on the boat”
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as the four men walk to jisungs house as jisung himself goes to where the accident happened. as he talks to the soldier that was the guard for the place couldnt see what exactly happened since it was dark but he took note on how empty the cargo was and how the front the truck had armor. a very sharp armor.
in south korea, sehyeong calls the people who are helping him track down minseok, telling them to go to the places where he think hes hiding at. at the family meeting, both sehyeong and sejun continue to fight over who would be the next heir. sanga recommends the la vie en rose should be over if your disappearance is longer than expected.
in the village, you can see how hard life is as a north korean. telling the boys that youre off into the house to get potatoes, you noticed a little boy stealing one of the jackets. as the boys saw, they quickly ran towards the little boy and manages to stop him, as a bag of rice falls off of his pocket. “let me go! i need to feed my sister who hasnt eaten in 3 days and because of that, she cant open her eyes!”
making everyone come back to the house, you grabbed food from the cupboards as hyunjin is speaking nonsense. “you really act like this is your own house. youre giving away food thats not even yours to some boy whos lying” after putting the food into a tote bag, as well as a small blanket, youre stopped as you see jisung. “captain han! hes faking it!” hyunjin yells out. “no im not!”
“shut up hyunjin” you shut him up. jisung tells the little boy to wash his face and hands before eating so that he can prevent getting sick. after he washes he face and hands, he runs towards his little sister, who is sleeping alone under cardboard and a small sheet covering it. finally happy to feed his sister.
after that is finished, everyone gathers around and spends time with you before you leave tonight. “okay everyone! today i will give you awards to claim once we meet again” “awards!? are you a general or something?-” “and the first award goes to yang jeongin !” you say as you cut off hyunjin. “now you have two choices. you can use your prize as we see each other again or get it now. when we meet, youll get 100 million won, or get 8 corn now” “ill get the corn!”
“second prize goes to lee felix! your prize when we meet again is have lunch with jiwoo or get the tv right there” you pointed to jisungs tv. “look-” “dont worry, hell pick the first one” you whisper back to jisung. “ill pick the first one” felix gets up and claims his award.
“third one goes to the most handsome is ... kim seungmin!” jisung looks at you with disbelief. “you can have a blind date with miss korea or any award youd like” “ill choose none” nodding you head, you agreed seungmin is like the boys in south korea.
“okay thats all-” “wait what about me” hyunjin asks. “seriously? fine here, have this shampoo, conditioner, and bodywash” as you threw him the bag full of the products jisung got you earlier. “what the- captain han you really bought her this?!” “she said it was essentials”
after announcing the awards and coming to the end, jisung gets up as jealousy is on him, and goes out of the house. following him behind, you take him to your thank you gift for him; tomatoes after giving the seller half of jisungs potato sack since you didnt have any money. however, jisungs not impressed since he doesnt like tomatoes and doesnt properly treat it well. “whatever, just water it and say 10 nice things to it”
the night comes and everything leads to the end. the 4 men are back, eating corn on the mountain near the base with the moon shinning on them. “i feel sad now” jeongin speaks, stopping the silence. “after all the complications, its now the end”
you and jisung go inside the car jisung borrowed from myeonseok. heading to the dock where youre finally going home. taking off the handkerchief jisung gave you for you hair and folding it, you put it in the middle. “thank you for everything. i mean it” you told him. “we wont see each other again, right?” “probably” jisung answers. “its such a shame that you live here.” “its a shame that you live there” you chuckled at his joke, creating silence in the car once again.
parking the car near the deck, felix’s dad comes out of his boat as you two walk out. giving him the ticket, he asks if its just you. “no, the two of us. ill return after she is on the other boat” jisung says as you widen your eyes at him.
going onto the boat and sailing into the middle of the ocean. “since we probably wont see each other again, my name is yoon y/n” jisung looks at you with sincere eyes. “my name is han jisung” jisung smiles.
“ah, im a member of the haeju yoon clan. haeju is in north korea right?” “im a member of hanju han clan” “the irony!” both of you laugh, making jisung feeling happy after a while.
suddenly, a flash a light flashed the boat. “stop the boat!” yelled the other boat who was trailing behind felix’s dads boat. you and jisung hid under the boat as the boat was stopped. the police were investigating the boat. “were here to see your honesty and see if youre trading goods or smuggling humans to other countries” “why would i do that?” the police stomps on the blue hallow board, which was where you and jisung were hiding.
“open up!” was what you both heard underneath. “jisung! what do we do?! youre a soldier you should know what to do. geez” you silently yelled out. “in south korean dramas-” “what?! this is no time to talk about this” you freaked out. “im going to do something. now look at me and dont be startled. look at me and nothing else”
with that, jisung slams his lips into yours as the door opened.
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additional ending:
after you leave jisung alone with the tomato plant, jisung bends down and tells 10 nice words.
“sunshine, happiness, rose, friends, breeze, cheekies, family, flowers, love, and piano”
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borkingbarnes · 4 years
50 questions!
Thank you for the tag @buckyland! You are literally the softest angel and I have mega amounts of love for you. 💗💗
Putting a Keep Reading bar bc its a lil long aha 
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush?  Black and red. Though I can't really brush my hair bc brushed out wavy/curly hair = hella frizz :/ 
2. Name a food you never ever eat.  Olives, bell peppers, Brussel sprouts. 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold. Always too cold, considering I live in a barren wasteland. 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?  jamming out in the shower lol 
5. What is your favourite candy bar?  Hershey’s cookies and cream 😍
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game?  I think a professional hockey game when I was in elementary?? 
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “what the fuck is this shit?” (directed at my final exam review) 
8. What is your favourite ice cream?  Vanilla or oreo! 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?  Cofy. 💜
10. Do you like your wallet?  Yes!! It was a gift from Christmas! 
11. What was the last thing you ate?  a singular sunflower seed that was on my desk lol
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?  No, I’m not a huge fan of buying clothes if I can't try it on first. However... this hoodie from UO is speaking to me but its so. frickin. expensive.  
13. The last sporting event you watched?  I think a men’s semi-finals volleyball match against UBC that hosted at my uni years ago? I had a huge crush on our setter at the time LOL 
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?  butter or caramel.
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?  A text to my bf ranting about how the government will only allow me to get 1 month of BC at a time (before you could get 3-6 months worth at a time), which is fucked bc it just means more trips out?? 
16. Ever go camping?  Yes!! Hoping to go this summer if everything clears up by then.
17. Do you take vitamins?  Occasionally, if I open the cupboard and see it. But only the fruity chewable ones bc they're yummy lol 
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?  No. But my one of my friends does and he was supposed to send in a video of him playing some song for his church’s Easter service bc he’s got a degree in music and just overall v good at his instrument. His brother streaked through in the background of said video. He still sent it in. The church played it for the service. akljsldkj 
19. Do you have a tan?  No, she long faded :(
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza?  yes. 100% yes. gimme some of that good good sweet and sour pork ANY day. 
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?  I don't drink soda lol 
22. What color socks do you usually wear?  Those multicoloured Puma ones which everyone has that you can get in a bundle from Costco are all I wear 😂
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?  I usually go like 5 km/h above?
24. What terrifies you?  Failure, not getting anywhere in life, being trapped, losing my mom and grandparents, got reaching my goals. 
25. Look to your left, what do you see?  The disarray that is my unmade bed 
26. What chore do you hate most?  Dishes. 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?  lol its terrible but they could literally be saying anything but my brain will immediately go “DEOWN UNDAHH” 
28. What’s your favorite soda?  I don't like soda, but will on a rare occasion take a sip of coke or sprite if my bf is drinking it. 
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive?  Drive-thru 100%. I will avoid humans as much as possible lol that and im too lazy to get out of the car most of the time 😅
30. What is your favourite number?  8, 38! 
31. Who’s the last person you talked to?  Like face to face? I guess me mum? 
32. Favourite cut of beef?  T-bone 😍
33. Last song you listened to?  Atlas - Luke Christopher (very fitting for the current times if you ask me, and just overall one of my all time favs.) 
34. Last book you read?  The mind-numbing bullshit that is my textbook. 
35. Favourite day of the week?  Saturdaze
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards?  No. I have 1 braincell, and she is not able to complete such an extensive task. 
37. How do you like your coffee?  A good old double double if hot, but I quite enjoy a vanilla iced cofy.
38. Favourite pair of shoes?  My black Nike running shoes in general, my black Timberlands in winter, and my black suede Chelsea boots for a more dressy look! (I enjoy wearing the colour black if you couldn't tell😂)
39. The time you normally get up?  If I don't have any obligations: 10:30-11:30 😅
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Give me ALL the sunsets. 
41. How many blankets on your bed?  3. I am a cold, cold child. 
42. Describe your kitchen plates.  White, square ones? 
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment?  Littered with papers and writing utensils because my brother does his homework at the dinner table
44. Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink?  Caesars with Walter’s caesar mix 😍😍 Daiquiris are also yum! AND PINA COLADAS. 
45. Do you play cards? I play uno almost everyday on my phone LOL (hit me up if you wanna play together!!)
46. What colour is your car?  Gray 
47. Can you change a tire?  I don’t think so? Though I know the basics? 
48. Your favourite state? Tranquil. At peace. Basically how I feel when I’m floating on my back in water with the sun on my face.  If its US states then I haven't been too too many, but I absolutely adored Florida because of DisneyWorld. I also have some really good memories in Illinois 
49. Favourite job you’ve had?  I still have this job but a vet assistant! 
50. How did you get your biggest scar?  lol. ha im embarrassed. buckle up and prepare for story time. it’s kinda gory(?) so don't read if you don't like that stuff!! 
Box jumps in high school (we had a proper actual gym with weights and machines and stuff). I took my glasses off (idk why I decided to workout in glasses instead of contacts?) bc they kept sliding down every time I jumped. Mind you my prescription is like -5.50 and I have astigmatism so my depth perception is like non-existent without some sort of corrective lenses. But my half blind, non depth perceiving ass was like eh how bad can it be? Well it was VERY bad!! I completely misjudged how high I needed to jump (the box was on the highest side) and basically slammed my shin against the edge of the box (its wooden and very solid!!) and the weight of the rest of my body plus gravity caused my shin to dig and scrape against the edge of the box v deep on the way down. Idk if it was bone or what but there was definitely something flat and whitish in the deepest part?? Nothing broken luckily, but it hurt like a bitch. Found a first aid kit and bandaged myself up and limped around the whole day. Years later, there's still a longish scar and it’s indented along it. 
I also have a fading but quite large scar from road burn when my friend decided it would be funny to push me super fast just out of the blue while I was sitting on a skateboard and not stop me when I started teetering. I was wearing shorts and basically scraped my thigh and part of my butt against concrete. It was painful as fuck and didnt heal for a long time bc it was such a large surface area. I was P I S S E D. 
lol thanks for reading if you’ve gotten this far! Tagging some beautiful peeps if y'all want: @evanstar @fightmewiatch @jalapenobarnes @buckthegrump @tropicalcap @sgtjbuccky 
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All for Ash and Nik for the 7 sins
🦚 Pride: Arrogance and hubris. Egocentricity. These are all the things that represent pride.
What is an action an OC of yours once took based on pride that caused more trouble than it’s worth?
Ash: OK SEE, IN ONE OF MY STORIES, ASH MAKES A COMPLETE ASS OUT OF HIMSELF BEC OF PRIDE. He finds out Things and Nate straight up decks him- and Bay lets him
Nik: hmm,,, Niks probably gotten his ass handed to him bec he wouldn’t stay down in a fight until they forced him down
Whom is the most prideful out of all your OCs?
Between Nik and Ash,,, I gotta say that Ash is more prideful, but not by much
How do your OCs react to prideful people? Do they tolerate them? Can’t stand them? Believe all their self compliments and hail them as a hero?
Lmao prideful people piss both ash and nik off. Probably hits too close to home ahahaha
Does the idea or theme of pride shape your WIP in any shape or form, or is its pretense minor or non existent?
Pride absolutely takes shape in my wip. I don’t think its a Big Part, but pride is a p big character flaw in both Nik and Ash, and will probably affect their decision making skills
🍕Gluttony: Overindulgence and selfishness mark the face of a true glutton
What food would your OCs absolutely kill for? What’s their favorite, and who would they fight for stealing their food?
Nik: Can i say cock or pussyMe: NO YOU MAY NOT
Ash really really likes mango smoothies and fruit. Nik i think would really like sour gummy worms. mmmm im not sure that eitehr would fight anyone for taking their food. Ash might snap his teeth at Nate for trying to take an apple tbh
Has your OCs ever been in a situation where anyone has purposely withheld food from them? How did they deal with this?
I don’t think anyone’s withheld food from Ash, but I think Nik’s parents have withheld dinner from Nik when Nik failed in training
Which OCs don’t like food and only eat because it’s a necessary function?
What’s the worst thing any OC has done for food?
I don’t think either has done anything really terrible for food
Is the theme or idea of gluttony a part of your WIP in any way?
oh,,, i think there could absolutely be a theme or idea of gluttony in the wip, but in not sure that it has to do with either of them
💎Greed: There’s never enough, why stop here when you can get more? Greed, the insatiable hunger for power and materials.
What makes your OCs keep wanting for more, what do they keep taking and taking even though the have a lot of if?
You know, Ash isnt really all that greedy of a person, he doesn’t want much at all. But Nik, he wants more Life. He just,,, wants. Everything
How far would your OCs go to gain power? Which one is the most likely to climb the social ladder with ease?
I don’t think either would go far to gain power. Neither really want it, per se. They both could climb social latters easily, i think, depends on the social latter. Ash would do well with higher society while Nik would be able to climb the social latter of the underworld easily
Who is ashamed of their greed? Who thinks they don’t deserve anything and shun away their wants and needs convincing themselves that they’re just being selfish and greedy?
neither of them
How does the idea of greed shape your WIP? Does Greed come up as an major or minor theme?
im,,, not all too sure that there really is an idea of greed in the story
💄Lust: The extreme longing for something whether it sex, power, or revenge, marks the pricinples of lust.
What do your OCs lust for the most? What is that one thing they just want and can’t stop thinking about?
I think that Ash def has a lust for revenge, for the ones that killed his family, and its really interesting to see a vengeful Ash bec hes usally so easy going
Nik is lusting after,,, well,, anything that makes him feel good tbh. He doesnt lust after power or revenge, just after feeling something
Who gets distracted from the situation at hand due to their lust for something or someone?
I think Nik’s feelings about wanting to feel something and lusting after life in general, is one of the reasons for Nik’s whole arc in the story. I,,, think that Ash has a hard time seeing things clearly at all when he’s in the headspace to get Revenge
How far would your OCs go to get what they most long far? Who ignores their desires?
Nik would go through a lot of people to get what he wanted. Ash, i mean, to get what he wants, he pretneds to be human, he befriends Bay, he gives his family’s army and gold to continue on the war bec he thinks that it was demons that killed his family
Does Lust shape the theme of your WIP? How does it let you explore your characters and plot if so?
oh, there is Absoluty a shaping of the wip with lust, on both of their parts. Between Ash working to avenge his family, and then Nik being 95% lust ridden, i meAN
😴Sloth: Sloth is marked by laziness and lack of motivation, and is probably the reason so many things go wrong.
Which OC is the laziest? Who procrastinates the most, and who just really needs to stop taking so many naps??
oooof between the two of them, Nik’s probably the most lazy. He is the King of procrastination, but also would love naps
Who’s the one that is labeled unfairly as lazy when really they work harder than anyone else? Maybe they have health issues or other more important things, maybe they help in the little way? Doesn’t matter because people keep judging them.
hm,, i think this could also apply to Nik. He has anxiety so doing things the way he does could probably be construed as laziness. Could also explain his procrastination
Who decided to half ass something and royally fucked everything up for everyone else?
How does sloth play into your WIP? Is it more character focused or does it play a bigger part in the plot?
💣Wrath: Explosive anger and refusal for forgiveness makes wrath a rather powerful problem
Which of your OCs is the most vengeful? The most angry and unforgiving? Who will hunt you down to the ends of the earth just because you ate the last pudding cup.
oh, they’re both vengeful. They both are angry people, its just more noticeable in Nik bec Ash turns it on himself. Neither of them are really the forgiving type, but with Ash, there are a few people that he has a blind spot too (alhglsdgh no pun intended) like Bay
Which Of your OCs is on a quest for revenge? Is that their main goal or are there other more important things
Ash!! WELL,,, not like,,, actively. He’s participating via Maikel’s plans. But its not his Main Goal
How well do your OCs handle forgiveness? Who is able to let go of their anger, smile politely and walk away?
Ash?? NIk??? letting go of anger?? Forviving peopel??? They don’t know her. Unrealistic
How does the Sin of Wrath play into your WIP? Is it important to your theme?
Oh, i think its a p big theme, but it revolves more around Bay than it does either Ash or Nik
🐍Envy: Jealousy is what makes the world go round, everyone wants what the other has after all.
Any conflicts between characters that drives a wedge into their relationship whether it be platonic or romantic due to jealousy?
I think that Nate and Ash’s relationship gets a bit strained when Nate gets ivolved with Bay, but im not sure what kind of jealousy that is??? The Arwaine Brothers relationship with each other is often strained bec of their parents pitting them against each other
Which OCs envy make them feel guilty and wrecks them? Makes them feel like they’re a selfish person for being jealous?
Ash, I think
Which OCs try to to communicate their Jealousy and solve it in an healthy manner and who just lets it fester and grow?
oooof. I think that Ash would handle it best. Nik doesn’t know how to do anything healthily LOL
Any major plot points sparked by jealousy?
i dont,,, think so?
How does jelousy fit into your wip and affect the themes and plot?
im not sure tbh
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asexualzoro · 7 years
list of reasons I find zoro ridiculous
after my similarly titled mihawk post took off I decided to make a zoro post, since he’s my second favorite character and also arguably the most ridiculous character in all of One Piece. here we go
- I know what you’re all thinking. i’m gonna open this list with how he wields three swords, right? no. no, Zoro has done so much ridiculous bullshit, this doesn’t even seem weird anymore. i don’t even bat my eye at this. this is nothing. now that i’ve got that out of the way, let’s begin
- this dude has like, an obsession with cutting off his own limbs? and MAYBE i can understand trying to cut his feet off when they were stuck in wax—you’re trying to save your friends, i get it—but what about when he was sword shopping in loguetown? who’s first response when buying a cursed sword and testing if it’s really cursed is “i’ll toss it in the air n see if I get amputated lol.” plus there’s that old filler where luffy gets his finger stuck in a bottle and, when he asks zoro for help getting it out, zoro tries to CUT IT OFF. im convinced he lost that left eye of his bc he got dust or something in it and then tried to stab it out
- there’s like, several occasions where Zoro has been directed to head up a staircase and gone some other direction. it happened in enies lobby and in dressrosa? like, what’s the dude got against stai—... oh, wait
- his reintroduction post timeskip. get on the wrong boat? just cut it in half! who even cares! how’d you even end up on the wrong boat? you had to walk towards that boat, which means looking at the boat. that boat looked nothing like the sunny, wouldn’t zoro have noticed that? he also has to make an effort to climb on, which means, you guessed it, looking at the boat! he probably sees the crew members, maybe even gets helped up by one or a few. how did he not at any point in time notice that wasn’t his boat?
- also when they landed on sabaody the first time and zoro was like “i’m gonna go take a walk!” and both Sanji and Usopp tried to stop him, talking to him like concerned parents of a troublemaking toddler, like “Zoro you can’t go out there you’ll get lost!” to which Zoro replies “yeah but the grottos are numbered, I can find my way back if I just remember the number!” and Sanji and Usopp are like “okay, solid logic, even YOURE not dumb enough to mess that up” and what does Zoro do? what does he fucking do?
- I want to emphasize he messes it up because a bubble covers the 4 in “Grotto 41” so he thinks it’s grotto 1. BUBBLES. ARE. TRANSPARENT
- “sorry, I don’t pray to god” fuckin edgelord
- Zoro’s epithet is “Pirate Hunter” and it’s super lame. he could’ve been “Demon of the East Blue” but they went with pirate hunter, even though he became a pirate. even Chopper’s is better than his lbr
- in film gold he wears that black jacket under the white one. mind you he had no way of knowing he would be trapped in gold by tesoro or that they’d all have a dramatic coordinated outfit change once he was free so what the fuck was he doing? why did he wear that? who wears two jackets for no reason?
- “if i’m gonna be a statue I want it to be in this pose” “i’m glad I struck a pose”
- remember when zoro fought mr. 1 in alabasta and mr. 1 dropped a stone building on him and he was just like “this is a rocky day” or smth equally awful? i hate him
- the tarzan yell in skypiea
- actually, the goggles too.
- didn’t he try to convince someone he was fighting they were sunglasses bc they had some blinding light-based attack? I feel like he did but I don’t remember skypiea well enough to be sure
- Zoro vs the bird in skypiea. spent a fair amount of the damn arc running around skypiea getting messed w by a bird (which, according to Luffy, was more evolved than Zoro bc it had developed a sense of direction. burned by ur own captain)
- when asked why Zoro was able to speak with a sword in his mouth, oda said “IT’S HIS HEART SPEAKING”
- that colorspread Zoro where he reads a book about weightlifting while balancing a weight on top
- when Zoro fights that masochist guy in film gold (I think his name was dice?) and said some cocky ass one liner after the guy fell unconscious that went something like “What's wrong? Didn't it feel good? Aren't you gonna scream in pleasure?" awful
- Zoro almost gets murdered by Mihawk and then, later that day, tries to take on fishmen underwater. others r like “you cannot handle this, you will literally die” and Zoro doesn’t even care bc Luffy is in trouble
- he was sailing bc he left home to find mihawk and then couldn’t figure out how to get back
- remember that filler where Zoro taught Luffy how to skate but then forgot to teach him how to turn. I love both that this happened and the implication that Zoro is a person who knows how to roller skate and therefore has spent time roller skating. Zoro roller skating backstory when?
- when Zoro was fighting oz, a 500 year old corpse, he licked his sword. now, on top of licking his sword being ridiculous as hell because, listen, there’s NOTHING cool about licking your sword. you just look like a loser. but a sword that just came out of a 500 year old corpse? really? i know it was preserved by the cold and all but there’s no way it didn’t rot at all. that’s a rotted, frozen corpse. Zoro what in the HELL were you thinking. I hope you get sick
- i’m sure it probably wasn’t even the first time he licked his sword in a fight but I will say with absolute confidence he looked like a loser every single time
- I feel like he licked his sword while facing mr 1 but I can’t remember. if he did, that’s honestly iconic. stare down a dude that’s made of swords while licking yours? power move. only decent time to kick your sword
- Zoro, joining Luffy: “if you stand in the way of my dream i’ll kill you!” Zoro, a day later: “of course i’ll carry my captain in this heavy cage on my back to safety. oh this gaping wound in my side? nothing. who cares about bleeding to death, my captain needs me!”
- all those big weights he’s got. all of them.
- especially that time he was lifting weights post thriller bark after barely surviving kuma, still heavily injuries, complaining about how weak he is. buddy...
- that time in drum island where he decided to train by going swimming in the freezing ice-country water, then when he got out he got lost in the snowy mountains until he wandered into a random battle and took out some guy just to steal his coat
- this isn’t the only time he steals some random dude’s coat
- the chimney.
- that filler in smiles lobby where he gets, like, abducted by a bunch of children for a day and integrated into their family?
- Roronoa Zoro went fursuiting in dressrosa and that’s a canon fact you all must acknowledge
- speaking of being a furry anyone remember mugiwara theater?
- THE FUCKING MUGIWARA THEATER NAMES. mugiwara theater is a gift, alright? here’s some: nakamura hanzorou. zobear. ZOROMILK
- also the fact that his logic was “it’ll be fine cuz chopper can just sew it back on”
- can we also talk abt how later that fight he uses Usopp as a sword because holy shit Zoro
- this isn’t technically zoro’s fault but the guy who sold him his sword to him in loguetown has a giant version of bounty image up above his bath, which........
- barto asked for zoro’s autograph and Zoro just wrote “sword”
- the grave of the rumbar pirates was finished right around when Zoro woke up from his coma post thriller bark and Zoro decided to walk over while Brook is sitting there mourning almost everyone he ever loved and just. plops his sword—an inanimate object—in the dirt by the grave of BROOKS ENTIRE CREW like “hey i’m gonna bury this here u don’t mind tho right? cool”
- he’s lucky Brook is such a cool dude cuz if I was mourning the death of MY crew and some fuck decided to plant a rusty sword there i’d just fuckin kill em
- in Zou they were talking abt whatever and Luffy mentioned how Sanji was as strong as one thousand men and Zoro, clearly jealous that Sanji got praised by Luffy, butt in with a stuttery objection on how HE was stronger than Sanji and worth TWO THOUSAND men, which luffy ignored, and Nami had to reassure him that yes, Zoro, we know you’re strong. toddler
- this is also not technically zoro’s fault but one time someone asked oda in an sbs which strawhats would eat ice in their drink and oda answered who would n wouldn’t (Luffy, Chopper, Brook, Usopp, and Robin would, if ur wondering). Zoro was on the wouldn’t list, and some fan sent oda a letter informing him of a panel where Zoro was shown eating ice to disprove this. someone pulled zoro ice eating receipts on oda and that’s a fact we all have to live with
- the first time Zoro meets mihawk—the strongest man in the world, the man he wants to defeat someday, and incredibly powerful and impressive dude—he cries like a baby
- zoro’s been crucified like 4 times now. once in his introduction than in three movies (6, gold, nebulandia). idk why this keeps happening but honestly? keep it up
- when Brook joined the crew, Zoro said he was sorry for Brooks bad luck as if one of the first things Brook ever saw Zoro do wasn’t to try and die for the crew via Giant Paw Ball of Pain
- speaking of, i’m pretty sure half the reason zoro DIDNT die in thriller bark is because if he died via smth as silly as a giant paw ball his injured pride would kill him again
- I was going to make fun of Zoro for wearing only a suit and a fake mustache in dressrosa as a disguise but then I realized, like, given how absolutely shredded Zoro was in Punk Hazard and how that suit somehow managed to squish it all down without zoro ripping the sleeves off? solid disguise
- when merry was burning and everyone’s bawling and remembering great memories on the ship and Zoro was standing there, 100% stoic, remembering a nap
- Zoro saw marines (Garp) coming to Water 7 while Luffy was still unconscious and ran off to warn the others but couldn’t find his way back to the hotel
- that G8 filler where he falls off a cliff in pursuit of his swords
- speaking of fillers, remember that amnesia one? (ha). highlights include Zoro trying to physically fight a small sea horse (plus Usopp doing a bad lip-syncing) and Zoro swimming through the Grand Line with his swords tied to his head by his bandana
- meets a dragon, eats the dragon
- it got mentioned once that Sanji and Nami canonly help Zoro and the other guys get dressed. so every time Zoro wears something absolutely ridiculous (which is often), it’s probably Sanjis doing
- “I can’t believe I cut a freaking booger!!”
- speaking of, remember that time Luffy flicked a booger into Zoro’s drink at the Baratie and Zoro tried to force him to drink it?? remember that?? I hate them both
- that time Zoro was trying to find the Right Eye in Skypiea, said that (though the path to get there was STRAIGHT AHEAD) all he had to do to find the right eye was just keep going right (even though that would just lead him in circles!). and then after that do you know what direction he went?? do you know?? he fucking went left
- the time Zoro got lost walking on a straight path in a filler.
- Zoro lost to a guy in a fight and just fucking let the dude cut him in half. like, yes, the baratie scene was all cool as all hell and I love it but Zoro did in fact basically invite a dude to cut him in half
- when they were hit by negative hollows and everyone else said stuff that was kinda funny but Zoro went straight up “I don’t deserve to exist” please honey talk to someone
- he was fighting Kaku and kept engaging in Kaku’s devil fruit bs and then berating himself for being uncool as if he wasn’t already fighting a giant giraffe
- to end this list, I want to get to Zoro’s absolute worst offense. remember when Zoro fought Kaku and he did that asura form thing? where he straight up grew four extra arms and two extra heads, all wielding swords? what the FUCK was that? and don’t tell me “fighting spirit” alright. that’s bull. people don’t just GROW EXTRA SWORD-WIELDING BODY PARTS because they’re just REALLY INTO a FIGHT. like I know this is One Piece and shit’s ridiculous all this time but this? this is too much. even for One Piece this is too much. this is so ridiculous. there has to be a line, even in One Piece, with what these guys are allowed to get away with. I can accept haki so good you can see the future. I can accept spinning so fast you set your leg on fire. I can accept being made of springs. I can accept booger bombs. I can accept all that and more, but this? this is where i take my stand. Roronoa Zoro cannot keep getting away with this! fighting spirit is just not an explanation. and the worst part? the absolute worst part?
- Zoro makes four extra limbs and two extra heads, all armed with swords, MATERIALIZE out of THIN AIR with absolutely NO REAL EXPLANATION and then pretty much NEVER DOES IT AGAIN! he did it once in sabaody (and once in strong world) and then hasn’t done it since! everyone else uses the power ups they got in enies lobby all the time but Zoro, somewhere out there, knows how fuckin sick this attack is (bc yeah it’s ridiculous as hell but like I still enjoy it) and he just won’t do it again. not once post timeskip has he used it at all. Roronoa Zoro knows what he’s doing and he is out there, right now, laughing
- roronoa zoro is one of my top three favorite one piece characters and I make this list entirely out of love. (feel free to add on more moments I may have missed and i’ll add them)
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lokbobpop · 3 years
date is a particular day of the month, and to date is to go out with someone. ... Date can mean a day of each year, like May 1st, or one historical day, like May 1st, 1873. You make a date to meet someone for dinner. You date your letter. If you make many appointments with one special lady, you're dating her
The word for "the time of an event" comes to us from Latin, but the Latin word did not mean either "day" or "time." Date derives from the Latin phrase data Romae, meaning "given at Rome," an expression used just before the date on letters and documents.
Date da te d ate dat e
Writing the word date
The date the time Monday 21st of June 2021 the longest day of the year I believe.
Reading the word date
Trinity had a hard time learning dates and money im till not sure she can do it like say all the months in a row she gets confused.
Going out on a date i loved the excitement of first dates it just would make me feel all nervous id get bad breathe though being so nervous i felt embarrassed about this when he someone said after a guy took me out he wasn’t interested because i had bad breaths i felt gutted the nervousness always make this happen its on the to do list with Kim
Thoughts of dates ive been on with people how sex is pushed on the first date with some people and how i feel ive got to fight them off and how long can i fight them off until i feel they definitely like me and dont just want me for sex they want me as a person i see i saw most men only wanted the sex but i wanted the relationship I wanted to be loved and most men only wanted sex.
The sort of people i dated though were these sort of people who only wanted sex the ones that didn’t didn’t interest me because they were boring and i didnt want boring i wanted excitement fun and wanted mad love crazy love to feel loved alive wanted i see only now my problem with the sort of people i wanted to be loved by the wrong ones the ones i thought would be fun but were always just wanted sex from me as i advertised sex with clothing this is what they wanted from me it has to be said i was false advertising really i wanted men saw it was best to look sexy but this attracted the wrong men. And i never understood why oh her im sex but not really lol how are you going to meet a good man like that it just doesn’t happen you need to meet in out of costume lol
Saying date out loud
Blind date a program about meeting or choosing a couple on tv with cilla black
The date rape drug fever of it being used on me or my children years ago i think its called a roufy something like that how poor women are drugged and then rapped how awful thsi must have been for probably thousands of women.
Dates you eat i like dates think i will get a date plant the one mum likes madule dates
Date and walnut cake i use to love it
I dont know what it would be like to date now but i see i have had desires within it if i ever did date again it would be a made passionate affair because i see and ive believed thsi is what i want this is what im lacking in my life love passion and want it without realizing im just looking for myself out Sid elf me self within these thoughts and think someone from outside me will can fill this when all i have to do is to love myself deeply wholeheartedly
Dating i dated a guy for 5 years another 2 years and another on and off for a year or so I cheated many times my first boyfriend i feel bad about that even though i now he did to to.
Does this definition support me no i see many wrong dates of fighting off men without realizing that was what i was projecting about myself and not understanding that all the men i got were just after sex i was falsely advertising. Fear of never finding the right man being left with no one on the shelf i see i feared thsi and just wanted to be loved and not knowing what to do if only i new now what i new then lol.
Date mate
The day month year
To date a person
To date myself to see what i need and think is missing within me to see me first to date me to give me what I think i lack within me love me
I will live this word with dating me all the things i see i need outside of me like i need love affection right now which is hard to give yourself affection but i see i can wanting it from another is only to confirm that what you think is true or what you think might be wrong and your are lovable so i will love me wholeheartedly because ive aloud myself to believe i need it out side of me and not within i need to love me first. With self love self affection self awareness self perfection
0 notes
Yaaay!! Thank you Soraya's inbox, sorry i blamed you on eating the last ask😂😘. You did great. Nono, he wasnt a torero, he looked like a prince. (Which is not better bcs i dont like any of those  figures but... whatever). Ooh, talking about suits, did you see the ranking hsfashionarchive did of the suits he wore this tour? Bcn was winning, pink suit was second and Mdd was third!! (1)
[I hope this works 😜🙏🏻, bc this was TOO long, jajajaa.]
Ohhh. Your mom is the best. So supportive! Petition to give her that award. She is clearly the winner. (1D clinex? capitalism in its pure state 😂. Did they really made those? Glad i didnt find it on time bcs i would have definitely brought them as a joke to my sister or something). You are already playing Niall’s songs to her? Did she like them? Does she have anything similar to “pikachu get away” she had for SOTT?. (2)
JAJAJAJJA. Netflix always does that to me too. Dont know why. I started watching Black mirror backwards bcs of that. Did you understand anything of chapter 7 os ST? (Did you finish the show??). Yep. The 8th season is the last one, and i dont know hoe to feel about it. Dissapointed by the shows? As in with the ending?? Or how? (3)
You sound like a devoted cat lady, yes. Ooow, i have little cousins too, though they are reaching the age of “too cool to be seen with you, old girl” Of course they make me laugh. Honey is a menace and i appreciate it. JAJAJAJAJAJAJA. He ate the chorizo?? Honeeey!! 😂😂😂 that made me laugh at loud int the train and now my neighbour is looking at me weirdly. I see, you’ll never get bored with him. (4)
When i was younger and + close minded, i didnt like tattos. Considere also that the ones I had saw in real life were the tribal ones, so there’s tgat. But then i grew up and started liking them (you can partially blame larry for that). Nobody in my family (cousins and so) has one, and thats kind of a encouragement, I’d love to piss them, but my dad has threaten me to disinherit me (we dont heven have that, lol) and i dont have any tatto on mind, so i wont do it… maybe in the future, yes. (5)
I MISS LOUIS TOO! I hope he is fine. Resting and so. Im sure that creating the album that will destroy us all takes a lot of effort. (Seriously, where is heeeee?). Heeey!! I wont get bored. Or mad! I have such a great time talking to you. If i dont talk more its bcs of the character limit and bcs im always worried about pressuring or imposing. Dont be dumb. If i dont answer its bcs im busy with finals and so. Nothing more. Promise. (6)
THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING. i know i know. It makes sense and its a smart move, but… i cant stand raeggeton/latino, its not for me. Sad. I havent lost hope though. Maybe ill change my mind later Yeah, i have the same problem with my friends, they only listen to trap and raeggeton and i die everytime. We mostly agree to put something neutral like pop or the radio. (Disney songs never get old😂). (7)
Ay. I just saw that i wrote “heven” instead of “even” and now i want to delete myself. I was walking while writing the asks and i didnt proofread it. I feel so dumb. Anyway, sorry for sending so many asks (today i made a record xd) and, as always, good night!!————————————————————————-Hi!!!! Yes! I saw the ranking. But it isn’t exactly a ranking. It’s more to like chose wants your favorite suit. I did it and guess what? My first choice in the Madrid one, jajajaa. Second the kilt. And third the jumpsuit. Very accurate.
Oh, you’re telling me! My family bought me a bunch of 1D merch (unofficial all): the clinex, a hair brush, a bracelet, 2 books!, one perfume (this I love it, it smells so good), a make up box… I can’t even remember everything. Ah! A birthday card too!! Where they talk when you open it. I always use to wish happy birthday to people (the audio) 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I had to tell them to please stop wasting money on those things. I don’t even know where I have it. And if a can ask, I’d rather they give me the money so I can go to their concerts,jajajaja.EDIT: I can’t believe I forgot the poster!! I have it beside my head right now,jajaja, and I only realized it was there when I looked at the boys to ask for inspiration,😅😅)
Oh, my mom loves Niall’s album too. But I don’t think she “knows” any of the lyrics,jajaja. Though, she knows the hmmmm in This Town. But that’s all. She and my sister, both separately were like: “oh! who’s him??” When they heard Fire Away. And I was like: “ehhhhh, it’s Niall’s album, so guess who’s it?? What, you like it? See, Harry’s not the only one who can sing…” jajajajja. It’s because of comments like this, that they think I don’t like Harry. And I get so offended when they hint at it! Like, of course I like Harry. But I like all of them too!! God!! I love Niall’s album so much (I’m hearing it right now, bc I couldn’t remember what song was the one they liked it so much, and now I can’t stop 😅). Harry’s and Niall’s albums have been lining in my car since they were released. I had Harry’s playing in a loop till I got Niall’s one and I interchanged them. Then Harry’s came back a month or so before his concert. And now it’s time for Niall’s again. (You can’t imagine how hard it’s being writing this with honey laying on my arm!! Jajaja, I can’t barely move my fingers😅).
AND WHAT DID YOU DO WHEN YOU REALIZED YOU WERE WATCHING BLACK MIRROS BACKWARDS??? I’ve watched canter 1 and 2 of ST afterwards, but I hadn’t gotten to watch the whole thing yet. I can’t stand to be looking at a screen for 50minutes without doing anything. And don’t get me wrong, lol, I can be on tumblr for hours, jajaja, but a have to move my hand, and I can go from a blog to another… y'know, jajajajaja. And when I watched chapter 7 of ST i was like, okay… now they have to investigate what happened… or a guessed they would be doing flashbacks… jajajajajaja. Then I realized my mistake and thought I was stupid, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣“I see you from a different point of view🎶🎶” ( sorry, that’s me singing,jajajaja, Seeing Blind. I LOVE that song)And shows have disappointed me in the sense that they turn out to have an awful ending (seriously, I know you do it for the audience, but end a show how it deserves it, don’t turn it into shit just for a handful of money); or bc they just end it bc they don’t have enough audience. It’s always a matter of audience,jajaja.if they have a lot, they want to explode it. And if they don’t have enough they finish it ASAP. 😒
Honey is a menace, yeh, I couldn’t love him more,jajajaja. He can’t see me petting Liam, he gets jealous and comes to me and headbutt my hand so I pet him too. And Liam is so patient with him. They’re totally like liam and Louis, jajja. Hey! did I tell you the story about when I got Liam? no!! Well, someone gave my dad 4 kitties (they were sooooo small). So, guess their names (it was post March 25, 2015…) yes!! They were named (by me) Louis, Niall, Harry and Liam, jajajajajja. But Harry died a couple of days later, because he was really really young. He couldn’t survive without his mom ☹️. And the other three, my dad took them to a place we have were he has a little garden (?) with vegetables and chickens and proper farm-y, jejeje. I wasn’t too (any) into cats back then, so… Then he brought home one of them, to have our home free of mice. AND IT WAS LIAM!! And I adopted him. I took care of him. We started loving each other. And he became useless with mice, jajaja. He’s totally domesticated now 😝. And that’s his story. The rest? Louis became a big alpha male at their new home. But s car ran him over last summer, and he died 😔. And Niall is a female, jajajajaa. And I hate her. Because she hasn’t been able to keep her kitties alive once!! (She’s pregame again, and we’re praying this time she knows who to be a mom🙏🏻) Ah!! And Honey had siblings the other day!! The guy who gave it to my dad is my brother’s friend and he show him a pic. There are two white cats!! I WANT THEM!!! But they don’t let me have anymore cats! Jajajajaja.
Hey, we might have in common the reason why we started liking tats, jajajjajaa. And, well, to piss off the family is as good a reason as any other,jajajaja. And why are dads like that?? When my sister and I got our lips pierced he went to pick up at the train station and as soon as he saw us he turned around and walked to the car without saying a word,jajajajja. I HAD TOLMY PARENTS WE WOULD BE DOING IT!! I asked my mom:hey mom, if a get a 10 in maths, can I get a piercing?? And she say okay. So I got a 10 (I might cheated or not on this, bc I already knew I had a 10, but wel…), and I got a piercing.my sister only got it, bc I was 16, she had to go with me as an adult, and giving she was already there, she got one too,jajajaja. (My granny almost kill us 😅)
Oh, louis has a BIG responsibility on his hands. He will be killing a lot of people when he puts out his album. He has to chose the proper songs to do it. It will be considered a massive destruction weapon, so he better be careful. But god, for real, when will Louis and Liam release their albums. At this pace, Harry and Niall will be releasing their second one before LiLo has finished their respective tours. And when they finish, Narry will have release their second one, and will be promoting them. So Lilo will start working in their seconds one. And… and… AND ONE DIRECTION WON’T COME BACK EVER BECAUSE THEY CAN FIX A DATE WHERE ALL OF THE BOYS HAVE NOTHING TO DO, AND WHAT WILL I DO??? 😭😭😭😭😭 (sorry, I panicked a bit there,oops).
Uggggg, I can’t stand raeggeton either. I can’t stand the music, argggg. Or the culture of it (the how it treats women, and glorifies sex). I can’t I can’t.and you can’t go out without hearing it. My friends and I went on road trip once. And it was my friend’s car. And she only listens to raeggeton. And after 10, 15, 40? minutes I had to ask her “will this song ever end???” And she told me it was already a different one. And I swear I almost jump out of the car,jajajajaja. We were crossing a bridge, and I wanted to jump out of the car!!!!! I couldn’t listen to that any more!!!!!  Ejkbvwirbfeuirnfrvoieefvnv The she caved and we switched to movie’s soundtracks,jajajaja.
Ha! Don’t worry about sending a lot of ask, I learn something, you’ll see,jajajajaa.Also, I forgot to ask early. Is your sister a 1d fan too, then? She goes to concerts and knows the song… how lucky! you have someone to talk about all the gossip!! (And they know what you’re talking about…) or is she a “casual” fan, and doesn’t get into fandom drama? She just likes the music and doesn’t care about their lives?are you both into drama?? God, I don’t discuss drama very much online, but if had someone face to face to talk about it… I would be the happiest person in the world,jajajajaa (what an exaggeration 🙊).
I think this is all. I LOVE ORPUR CONVERSATIONS!! Jajajaja( I hope I did it correctly and all this is under read more, jajaja)Byeeeeee!!!! 😚😚😚😚
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beefstew252 · 7 years
i was tagged by @davidbowie69​ to do this time- consuming tageroony
(answer 92 questions and tag 20 ppl)
the last
1. drink: water cuz im basic
2. phone call: mi amiga ella
3. text message: “ehehhehehehehehhe with like a million laughy face emojis cuz im too awkward to live”
4. song you listened to: telephone line by ELO
5. time you cried: probs last night when i cried myself to sleep or yesterday when i watched life and was too scared so i leaked from my seeing crevices
have you
6. dated someone twice: never even been on a date whoops im a loooser
7. kissed someone and regretted it: lhehehehehe my mommy
8. been cheated on: friend wise- yes but not like in relationships lol im not kewl
9. lost someone special: mhmhmhmhm i move everyday and am unlovable soo not a good combo
10. been depressed: lol yup yup yup everyday but i cover it with smiley face stickers and sprinkles
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: mayyybbeeee when i accidently drank a bunk of mikes hard lemonade hehehhhhehehe
list 3 favorite colors
12. yellow
13. mintish green
14. sky blue
in the last year you have…
15. made new friends: @davidbowie69​ i love my mommm 
16. fallen out of love: nope im always in love with everyone ever
17. laughed until you cried: EVERYDAY im a giggly person tbh
18. found out someone was talking about you: not really but i constantly feel like my friends talk about how horrible i am sooooo same difference 
19. met someone who changed you: everyone i meet tbh <3333333
20. found out who your friends are: i think maybe if they actually love me as much as i love themmmmm <333
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: what even is face book tbh
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: girl i dont understand this booking faceeeee
23. do you have any pets: my dear pet rock mildred and her associate mr pebbleton (but i wanna doggo so badddd)
24. do you want to change your name: nah m8 sofia is fineeee af i think
25. what did you do for your last birthday: 4 days agooo hmmm i slept in and had avocado toast like a true millennial and went to the grocery store with my mom lol and then went to my fav place in the world an art store then had cake and watched life which was horrifying twas pretty fun
26. what time did you wake up: 10ish but usually like afternoonish whoops
27. what were you doing last night at midnight: i was watching the OA which was actually amazin tbh
28. name something you can’t wait for: WINNING THE PRESIDENCY WITH MY VICE PRES KANYE IN 2020 HONESTLYYYY
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: just now when she told me to do the laundry
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i had stayed in one place and had real, true friendships
31. what are you listening to right now: build me up buttercup- the foundations
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no not really???
33. something that is getting on your nerves: constantly thinkin im not good enough and some “people” i know heh
34. most visited website: tumblr, netflix and gmail tbh
lost questions. i just put in random info about me
wow op was a little bitch--- keepin this in thx ellie
35. moles: yes but theyre outside and probably have rabies and are blind af and no longer are in my backyard---- jkjk yea i do tho
36. marks: everywhere on my ugly af self
37. childhood dream: i wanted to be a squirrel when i grew up sooo
38. hair color: dark brown
39. long or short hair: short shoulder lengthish??
40. do you have a crush on someone: yeah everyone i meet ever 
41. what do you like about yourself: my curly af hair and strangely large energy reserves (gracias mitochondria)
42. piercings: ear piercins
43. blood type: idk man but i hope its the kind from that episode of doctor who with the aliens and they controlled u with blood or somethin and david tennant lost an arm it was wild
44. nickname: sofie, sofie dofie, didi, olaf, mr. f@#*ing compassion, slink, softpants once again, sof fresh, coneybear? leaf?, ronnie, macaronnie, charlie kelly tbh
45. relationship status: hahahahahahahahahahaha
46. zodiac: cancer, (yes i know im a crabb dont make funna me)
47. pronouns: she/her also ultimate supreme ruler of 7M tbh
48. favorite tv show: stranger things, its always sunny in philadelphia, parks and rec, the office, tbh the new show i just binged yesterday called the OA, friends, etcetcetc
49. tattoos: nope i have a very low pain tolerance
50. right or left hand: right im bland af
51. surgery: yea my poor eye lol ive had like 3 on that one alone whwhwhw
52. hair dyed different color: no id look like a uglier potato
53. sport: competitive cloud watching
54. *GASP* there is no spoon…there is no question 54…………………….  ………………………..hey remember those wayside school books because i sure do------ also keepin this im unoriginal and still dont understand tags lol
55. vacation: the moon
56. pair of trainers: white superstar adidas or grossly dirty “white” converse cuz im basic once again
plus generales
57. eating: i just ate strawberries and a grilled cheese sandwich sooo
58. drinking: w a t e r ---stay hydrated mis amigos
59. i’m about to: host the most lit party in the world tbh (mario kart and pizza binches)
60. *bo burnham voice in my head, for some reason* it’s not real. time is an illusion.------ im lazy do u see a trend????!?
61. waiting for: my next trip to the northeast cuz i miss it
62. want: a real friend tbh.        also *dr evil voice* 1 MILLion DOllaRs
63. get married: yup and i agree with the bae on “why couldn’t this have been question 64 because when i’m sixty four by the beatles is also the best song ever sooooo”
64. career: eww the future i h8 probs an astronaut so i can fly into the void
which is better
65. hugs or kisses: AWW ILL TAKE ANYTHIN
66. lips or eyes: eyes who even looks at lips eww theyre like chapped and stuff
67. shorter or taller: short lil bean or tall beans everyone is valid
68. older or younger: all the ages?
69. yOU hAVe GOt To bE KiDdINg ME wHY is 69 SKipPeD--- gracias por las cosas
70. nice arms or nice stomach: eww nice personality honestly
71. sensitive or loud: sensitive like me hehehehhee
72. hook up or relationship: relationshippppp<3 if any soul could stand me for longer than a day
73. troublemaker or hesitant: ??????? i like robbie rotton
have you ever…
don’t we need tequila  apple juice for this part
74. kissed a stranger: no but today i made a snarky comment quietly about a kid who was smoothie drinkin and bikin and we made solid eye contact for like 30 secs sooo same difference
75. drank hard liquor: i licked vodka once it was gross and i almost threw up
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: jason sat on and broke my glasses once so same thing
77. turned someone down: yeah the monster livin in my drawer tried to take me to the movies once and i was like BOI UR A MONSTER LIVIN IN MY ROOM COME ON
78. sex on the first date:   eWWWWWEWWewewewewwwwew
79. broken someone’s heart: hah no one has ever liked me in the history of the human race sooo
80. had your heart broken: everyday
81. been arrested: im what the police call “an angel”
82. cried when someone died: every time my fav character died or any other time im an emotional lil bean honestly
83. fallen for a friend: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehehehhehe
do you believe in…
84. yourself: eww no i suck
85. miracles: one time someone said i was pretty 
86. love at first sight: yes i’m certain that it happens all the time STEALIN IT ELLIE SOZ NOT SOZ
87. santa claus: yes yes yes 
88. kiss on the first date: mmmmmmmmmidkman
89. angels: me
man, op really ran outta ideas here
90. current best friend’s name: none of my “best friends” think im their best friend too soooo no im a lonely person but if i had to say somethin itd be russell crow(e?) as javert tbh
91. eye color: poop brown
92: favorite movie: all of them but also good will hunting, cinema paridiso, life is beautiful, dead poets society, breakfast club, 16 candles the list goes ONNNNN man
well, it’s been real
i tag vlad putin and jeff
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internalstars · 7 years
LIT Retreat
Oh my, this is gonna be long but it was so fun!!
Friday (4/28)
so i didn’t go to coffee or micro and just came for work due to me needing as much sleep as i can get before the retreat, and i had to hand out some things to D and J and didn’t want to hold onto them for long. Went to work, J got the duffle, D bought and brought me some chick-fil-a :) E swung by and so did D but lets not get into that.... S passed by and asked if i’m excited about the retreat, moved to back booth, E came by and so did J, twas fun
got my stuff and had 30 min to chill, i forgot to charge my phone all the way tho :( started walking to car, i was riding w C!!! and J and J. got there first, we had small talk, J showed up, and talked to him for awhile, we were left in the car alone, wasn’t too awk, C came back and finally J came. 
we went to walmart, right when we got out of the car a woman approached C, and asked if we can buy her some diapers for her baby, C said sure and asked her to come w us, C was asking her about her life, and we walked around trying to find her some diapers and wipes, C went quickly to get something, so J just paid for S’s stuff, she wanted some food for her family so J and J went to Jack in the Box while J told me to find C and stay with him to get his things, he was like right there but they already left, so i went with him to find water bottles, J needed some as well, anyways, there was only a small section and then i was like wait theres more over there, we looked for quite a while until he was like yeah im gonna go back to the cheap ones lolol we also had to pick one for J and he was like pick one between red and neon yellow so i said red obv, we paid and then we saw some cardboard cutouts of a lady with a big dancing skirt and man with a sombrero and guitar, so C was like lets take a pic with those jokingly and i was like that is a good way to start off the retreat, and he was like yeahhh so we took pics, i was w the man and had to tiptoe and he took one w the lady staring off in the distance lol we went to go find J and J and lowkey was worried so i asked C if they were ok and he was like yeah yeah, went there and C got his snacks, apples and cookie butter and i was like omg i love cookie butter and he was like theyre amazing but nobody rlly knows about it, so when we were at the table he gave me a slice of apple and cookie butter on it and i ate it, it was v good, he gave some to J  too, and even handed me the snacks for me to get some more, but i was like nah im good, J was in the middle of talking to S about the gospel and we were just listening in and then she prayed for us and we all gave S hugs then went on our way
we just talked, getting to know each other, but J fell asleep and so it was quiet for most of the cafr ride, we arrived!
they were just sitting around the campfire (no fire yet) with their chairs, saw D and G and c so talked to them, grabbed my chair to sit w them, C asked for some of my hand sanitizer and i was like it smells rlly girly and he was like it has sparkles too haha you caught me irene lololol anyways, we just chilled, mostly talking about their piercings, finally introduced myself to J and she was hugged me, the campfire got started, and we started sterilizing the hangers on which we had to eat the hotdogs from, i stuck a hotdog in mine but forgot to wipe it off first so it was black on some parts, had a hard time cooking it lol, kinda got the tip burnt but that was it, just chilled, had a worship sesh led by A and W, then C talked for a lil bit, then we played werewolf! it was soooo fun! the first round i was the little girl so i knew who the werewolves are, and when it was time to accuse, i accused C lololol i forgot my first reason but the second was that all the dead ppl was pointing to him, so then he came to defend himself and was like if i was a werewolf i would kill the ppl next to me and i shouted yeah like toby! (who was right next to him) and everyone was like omgggg hahahhah so he got ousted, then i accused A bc he tried to nominate someone to divert attention from J, so he was out, then J was a team effort and so was M and T by me, M and W it was so great!! we won and W was like i knew yall knew what was going on and we were all just so happy omg it was just so great
 then the next round i was part of the couple which means if one dies the other dies w them, and lol so A called the couple out to know who they are and it was jsut me so everyone was like are they single lolol and C even volunteered to be the other one but it was handed to C, then somebody killed C so we both died p early but it was great to actually know everything that was going on, C was a werewolf (!!) 
that ended and then T and D and I were just talking, mostly them two, C cmame by to say gnight bc he was going to sleep, he said good game to me, then i just went over to the game going on, was so confused, and later C announced to clean up, D and I went to the bathroom, then to the tent, we changed and cleaned up, also no running water, so no washing hands or place to brush our teeth, we did it outside the tent and spat in the grass, was v uncomfortable sleeping that night, first bc i was just unsettled by the fact that i didn’t rlly feel like i belonged there w others, and i kept praying to God but i dont think i ever finished that prayer, it was cold and hot alternatingly, was afraid to hit M, kept rolling around, no pillow, and the wind was super loud, 
woke up at 8 for breakfast, D woke me up, we got cleaned up, then i ate a banana, and one poptart from J, C was right across from me, D and I went to the bathroom, then just got ready for the day, we had down time, so I was talking to J and she was just trying to get to know me esp bc i said i was from the philippines, i got hit by a frisbee tho, J tried to warn me, but it was too late and it hit me in my ear and my cheek ish, dude it hurt bci t was hard, but it went away, i started tearing up and J was gonna get me a bag of ice, L was the one who threw it -.-, C came to joined our little group but turned around to watch the frisbee game so that he can protect us from getting hit lol, then we had worship led by K, and it was great, J talked and then we had 30 min to just have QT, so we each grabbed a chair and i prayed mostly and looked at some scripture and then prayed some more, after that, we had lunch, PB&J, dont rlly like it, was not in the mood, so i just ate some of my hot cheetos, J ate some too and J who hated spicy stuff actually tried a few, we were in a circle once again, i was w J and C and J then J joined as well as T and J and D and J, they just told some stories, and C came later with a sandwich and cheetos within it, he talked to me about my hot cheetos (sad he doesn’t like it) and said do you know what ive been craving? that filipino food truck, and i was like omg yeah theyre great but they dont come around often, and J was like you can track them on social media yeah lil thing but it was great, then we played games, so first we did the rope thing where we had to hold onto the rope and be fully supported bby tghe rope, i was next to J and C, we almost fell at one point, then we split up into 3 groups and did the human knot, we were the first ones out and it was super quick too, Z asked some team building qs, then our group tried it again but it didn’t work lol so we just played bang and that was super fun, never won but had fun nonetheless, then once the other teams gave up, we played this suepr fun game where we pretend that we were in an airplane crash and some got paralyzed, broken legs and arms, blind, mute, and healthy ppl, and basically the point of the game is to get everyone across the finish line within a certain time limit, i was picked to be paralyzed both times, so ppl had to carry me, L carried me the first time w M and D and i was the first one to make it there safely, it was sooo funny bc T was paralyzed and it took like 10 ppl to carry him it was so funny to watch, but we all made it in 3 min!! when we were given 10 min, so the next time, there were more paralyzed and unconscious ppl and more injuries and a lot more guys were picked and we were given 4 min, so we started complaining, but we made it in 3 min and 15 sec!!! A was the one who carried me this time, w J’s help, was one of the first to cross again, and when we finished they asked what was a struggle and successes and i said that there were always ppl ready to help me without me even having to ask, then we had chill time i think, or maybe this was before lunch idk tbh, but afterwards, J was just talking to me and asked me if my parents were believers, i told her my conflict about church and she said she wanted to talk about this more so she offered to have lunch w me, then lit team and lead team got separated and C talked to us and split us into groups of 3, i was w L who i met for the very first time, and C, we were supposed to be vulnerable and what to pray about, what you struggle w, and i told them about my feelings of doubt and fear, we prayed for each other, and after i prayed, C was apparently there, and talked lol idk how long he was there and if he heard my prayer, but he wanted to talk to C, anyways, we were just conversing afterwards, then got the whole group together and we discussed what have you learned from God this semester in which j was like to pace yourself and not take up everything even if they are all good works, G was like you are placed where you are for a reason, and some other ppl talked, then we all prayed one at a time and just waited for further instructions, the lead team was taking a really long time, so first the girls and i were just taking then i went to the pond and skipped some rock unsuccessfully w others, then just kept moving around, the girls finally found a table and just chilled there, B came by ad said that there has been some conflict and theyre just trying to talk it out now, so we were super hungry and thankfully C’s car was unlocked, so i went and grabbed my hot cheetos and gummy bears and baby wipes, we demolished all those and then we were finally called for what to do next, in which C was talking about how this is a serious time now, and the level of vulnerability from you is up to us, then we were told to get in a single line and my heart was beating rlly fast, i was not scared but anxious as to what it is, the lead team were all in a circle holding up cardboard signs, lit each had to take turns to read what was on it, and then write our own, if we want, then go back to the line, honestly i was tearing up before i read their signs and when i was in line again, i just kept crying, then we worshipped and then Z talked and it was in Luke when Jesus washed his disciples feet so the lead team washed our feet, E was the one who washed mine, and then C and B talked and we chilled til dinnertime, i hugged D and she was like we need to have monthly meetings next sem to just chekc up on each other adn we all agreed,we had chili, and then we packed up and headed home, the ride home was more enjoyable bc we were all just conversing and C asked what we wanted to do again in the lead team, and i was like coffee and C was like i just think that yall would make good small group leaders, and i told him why i didnt put that down (im not strong enough in my faith to handle all of them and schedule ofc), and C was like I accept the second reason but the first reason isn’t a reason (or somewhere along those lines), and honestly that struck me in the heart, i was like well that was what i thought... and he was like all the small group leaders though that way and probably still think that way, which was comforting to me, C asked about our music tastes me:none
then all BSM met at whataburger!!!!! omg it was so fun, we were the first ones to get there, all sons and daughters song played and C was like ive never heard of this song before and i was like really? even i have heard of this song and he laughed, then he was like im sorry guys my car stinks and i was like it was more of a group effort, and he was like thats comforting, anyways i sat w M and J and S at whataburger, got bbq chicken tender sandwich, D was supposed to sit w us but sat w J instead, we talked about majors and what we thought about this weekend, we extensively discussed the cardboard moment which everyone thought was heart provoking, then i was around G and L and C and A, L wants a piercing and T showed up but i was like nooo, D came to just rest on me, showed T my cartilage, then went to hbu, kinda dozed off on the way, hugged J and exchanged numbers, then hugged C, said bye to C, D, Z, and L as well. went home, showered and crashed.
0 notes
tsekooh · 8 years
bet yall want yet ANOTHER post with 150 things about yours truly!!! buckle up!!!!!!!
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
shy!!! but i can be really outgoing i think? if i have One thing i want to work towards i will do it (college doesnt count shhshhshs)
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
4. Are you easy to get along with?
i.. hope so!! i dont hate anyone 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
she’d do her best for being in australia
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
do i.......have a type?
all my friends are gay 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
i only have like 2 o/g friends so i thought abt jace right away
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
only if serious/about real ppl or me
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
meg LOL
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“SARCASM IS KEY i would know im the sarcasm queen”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
-shelter / porter robinson
-honey / magic man
-find a way  / safetysuit
-collect call / metric
-wildfire / marianas trench
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
i saw rina!!!! i love them ;; 
and i met meg after that!!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
LMAO NO i thought i was straight 
but if we’re talking abt an actual crush then ... rarely?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
dont know them
21. What are you bad habits?
nail biting
22. Where would you like to travel?
japan w meg ccoUGH
23. Do you have trust issues?
EHHHHHHHH only w ppl i have a reason not to trust?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
saying good morning to meg
playing games!! drawing!! talking 2 people
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
26. What do you do when you wake up?
-turn alarm off and brightness down bc its 11pm and fucking blinds me
-skim notifications to make a mental note of who i need 2 reply 2
-unlock phone and say good morning to meg
-shower / eat
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
my skin tone is so awkward....its hard 2 say cause anything doesnt match my hair
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
i dont have like...........any real exes LOL
30. Do you ever want to get married?
LMAO I CANT IMAGINE IT only bc if i introduced my wife 2 someone i would literally say “this is my girlfriend- i mean wife”
idc abt marriage like id be down but its not like........Essential 2 a rs
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
33. Spell your name with your chin.
im too lazy to move my head
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
im exercise my stress level in splatoon
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
shes cute and plays video games with me and she loves me and never lets me forget that also her name is meg
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
i love. target. 
40. What do you want to do after high school?
LMAO so ive been out of school for a year so... i did want to go to college bt my mom wont let me so im just gonna move countries
Bye Bich
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
yes..........at least if the harm was done to me.....
unless ur my mom/step dad/dad
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
im dissociating/have nothing 2 say
43. Do you smile at strangers?
i try not to look at ppl 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
barely secondhand
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
i have no secrets
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
sometimes but then i think i might be straight and im happy w who i am
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
my disgusting social skills
53. Favourite makeup brand?
eyeliner idc abt brand
54. Favourite store?
amiami .. or target
55. Favourite blog?
softsuke is like my fave mutual theyre p chill 
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
SPAGHETTI or chicken
58. Last thing you ate?
59. First thing you ate this morning?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
i never win
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
nope tho im surprised
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
yeah... (looks @ meg) (coughs)
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
idr i think it was spin the bottle and i kissed 2 people and i was like 16?
anyway that was my first and last HGJKSGHDUIFJAL
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
all my friends r my real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
meg / jace / laura / ren / toby / rina 
71. Craving something? What?
2 be w meg gggghhj
72. What colour are your towels?
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
2/3 maybe 4
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
dont say anything
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
green jacket
80. What colour pants?
pink plaid pj pants (so rn i look like a fucking disaster)
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
mmmm... the road to eldorado!
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
mean girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
never watched 21js
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
i lov the goth girl and the gay guy i forget names
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
90. Name a person you love?
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
idk LOL
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
UHH.. digimon movie i think?
96. Favourite actress?
emma watson is sooooooooooooooooooooo pretty
97. Favourite actor?
idk (spins a wheel) chris pratt
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
my gma has a bunch of cats
100. How are you feeling?
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
103. Can you spell well?
most of the time
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
i burned a wacom tablet once
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
i hope not
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
uhhh... nothing that i know of
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
grandma/sister one of the two
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
116. Are you listening to music right now?
im listening to shiny rn.......from moana......(quiet cough)
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
my name is riley, im 19, and i dont know how to fucking read
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
not if i know where i am
121. Are you mean?
i hope not
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
lil bit
127. What makes you happy?
meg and all my friends i love u all
and games
128. Would you change your name?
legally, yes,
im working on that
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
not rly but sometimes i crave it for some stupid reason
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
my brain cannot process this question right now
134. Can you count to one million?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
fk if i know
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
the only meat i eat is poultry
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
so far!! yea
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
dont look back youre not going that way
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
lil bit
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
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immortal-husbands · 8 years
@demolitionroses tagged me Rules:Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you’re done tag others. Enjoy! 1)Are you named after someone? Nope. Named after an island though 2)When is the last time you cried? Like a few hours ago 3)Do you like your handwriting? Eh. It depends honestly. When I write super clearly it’s super cool but if it’s sloppy then I hate it. It’s cool in detailed pens 4)What’s your favorite lunch meat? Nope I hate lunch meat 5)Do you have kids? Nope lol I’m wayyyy too young 6)If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I mean probably. I’m friends with almost everyone I know and we’d like the same things so. I’d probably be intimidated by myself lol 7)Do you use sarcasm? All. The. Fucking. Time. 8)Do you still have your tonsils? Nope. Got them out when I was a baby. Couldn’t breathe when I had them in 9)Would you bungee jump? Umm..idk I’m scared of heights but I also take a lot of risks so probably 10)What’s your favorite kind of cereal? Shit umm.. probably Raison Bran cause that shit good 11)Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Nope lol 12)Do you think you’re a strong person? I mean kinda. I would say yeah. Sometimes my emotions get the best of me but I would say I am strong. Emotions make you stronger 13)What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Birthday Cake 14)What’s the first thing you notice about people? Um idk probably hair or clothes 15)Red or Pink? Um well I really love deep and dark reds so probably red 16)What’s your least favorite physical trait about yourself? My stomach 17)What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? I’m wearing blue pillsbury dough boy pants on and no shoes 18)What’s the last thing you ate? I am currently eating McDonalds cause I’m classy like that 19)What are you listening to right now?Silence/the sound of me chewing 20)If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Like a sea-foam green so I can be used on beautiful oceans 21)Favorite smell? Freshly baked cookies, roses, a fire, an ocean breeze 22)Who’s the last person I called and spoke to? My brother to ask if he wanted anything from McDonalds 23)Favorite sport to watch? Soccer or Hockey 24)Hair color? Blonde 25)Eye color? Green 26)Do you wear contacts? Yes because I’m blind as a bat and glasses are a hassle 27)Favorite food to eat? Punch Pizza: Greek salad and margarita pizza with onions 28)Scary movies or comedy? Comedy because I can’t do scary movies 29)Last movie you watched? The Godfather 30)What color shirt are you wearing?Im wearing a dark grey shirt with a light grey sweatshirt on top with the cast of Shadowhunters on it 31)Summer or Winter? Winter because Christmas and school break and family and snow 32)Hugs or Kisses? I currently have ever been kissed and I’ve been told I give good hugs so I guess hugs 33)What book are you currently reading? City of Glass my Cassandra Clare but I have to read a bunch of other ones too. Also The Giver 34)Who do you miss right now? My best friend and my sister mostly 35)What is on your mouse pad? I don’t have one 36)What’s the last tv program you watched? Shadowhunters 37)What’s the best sound? My friends’ laughter, hearing the base over the rest of the track over the song, really good drums, rain on a roof 38)Rolling Stones or Beatles? Beatles all the way 39)What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Rome,Italy 40)Do you have a special talent? I guess I can sing pretty well 41)Where were you born? Minneapolis, Minnesota I tag: @just-dolphin-things @alienfiftydun and anyone else who cares lol
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