#i just draw him how i feel yk
spaciebabie · 6 months
You know, after seeing it happen so often, I'm starting to wonder. Are people in love with Springtrap, or are they in love with your drawings of Springtrap and the rizz you imbue him with...
What are your thoughts on the matter?
they're in love w/him obviously we're all obsessed with him
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lotus-pear · 11 months
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never forgiving bones for fucking up this scene
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there is something so so so Appealing about angry/irritated Barnaby. it scratches an itch in my brain. somethin somethin comic relief characters getting to break their mold and be outwardly unhappy
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larkspurglove · 1 month
There’s something so interesting about the Stonehearts taking on new names. The stripping of individualism and forcing them to conform under the gemstone, hierarchy based system of the IPC makes me want to write an essay but unfortunately we only have two stonehearts’ lore available to us, one of which seems pretty happy with the IPC’s conformity.
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raiiny-bay · 2 months
monster boyz thoughts...
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disposal-blueeee · 9 days
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from this thing lolz
ty to @cherry-207 for the idea !! XPP
vargas by zarla-s
#sunny's art#vargas#edgar vargas#vargas zarla#scriabin#zarla s#scriabin vargas#would add shitpost tag too but i made so much effort on these to call it shitpost#this took me like 4 days . it could've taken two but i had to go out most of these days#this is just another “ i forced myself to color this thing just to practice coloring ” piece#went crazy with this one X3#changed pretty much all of my brushes#bye square-shaped brush . i'm gonna miss you#i feel like edgar would actually find this cute tbh#it's perfect for them and they both know it#i know that the actual meme doesn't really look like my artstyle#but this is the first time i draw a face from that angle okay#that's all bye#nevermind i want to rant about something .#okay it's like . everytime i draw edgar i struggle a lot thinking of the clothes i want to draw on him#so i literally took a screenshot of every thing zarla has drawn on him so i can yk . pick something out of there#well on this one drawing she made he had this pretty beige cardigan and i was like okay sure let's get that one#then . was just coloring and when i tried to shade the beige it just looked dirty and ugly#why when other people do it it looks good and when i try to do it it just looks ugly ??!!1!1?!#funny enough this is the third time this happens to me#it also used to happen with gray . i just changed the color of the shading to dark blue and boom fixed#so i had to change it to green . looks better like that anyways#so i'm thinking . does beige look bad on edgar or it's just that i don't know how to shade beige in the first place#( probably second one#i think this is actually all
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cyberkiss2uu · 7 months
this is so self indulgent but i watched abd illustrates new video and i loved the fashion designer character soo much T_T Beau made me think of my own fontaine chara, Théo, who's like a .... performer lol? idk he does a lot of stuff... singing, dancing, theatre shows, events etc.. but i thought they would be fun together because Théo would probably seek out a fashion designer .. a lot ... if not for his productions then for his own personal wardrobe LOL
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this is super rough omfg my apple pencil has been glitching like crazy lately.. can hardly draw for more than a few mins wout getting annoyed i have no idea whats causing it.. its not even old T_T maybe i dropped it too many times lol
OH MY GOD HIS LEG JUST CUTS OFF i forgot i was going to crop it um. i dont care thats too much work
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qualityrain · 6 months
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hi i am very normal about this. very normal.
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sea-jello · 1 year
wouldn’t it be fun if the squip not only optic blocked michael but also made jeremy completely forget about him
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science-lings · 17 days
I have decided that no matter who I pander to I won't get the validation I want so I'm pandering to myself and drawing my fem!Phoenix in her milf phase for pride month. My WLW ass deserves to create her in her full futch glory
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termagax · 10 months
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i cant post the full of these until tommorow but bweeeeeee isnt he so cuteness
#did this comic relatively fast for me and i like about 50% of it#which. its getting posted tommorow morning so yknow itll have to do#experiencing one of those 'idk how to draw this without it looking bad' 'guess itll just have to look bad :sunglasses:' moments#BUT i think these expressions are cute and theyre more in line with what i want to be doing in general anyways? pushing it in a#direction i feel like ive struggled with before. i like cartoon overbites though i think theyre so adorable. maybe this is just what growin#up on the simpsons does to a motherfucker. anyways#my boyfie. baby style#trying to decide in my head how old i actually want him to be in some of theseeeee#because iirc. again im not going to check. the new official timeline puts him at being 20#but the way I had the timeline before in my MIND. he wouldve been a little older. not so much but like. 26-28 yk.#and fish wouldve been closer to 20-22#which idk i think its a little bit different of a dynamic to have 28-20 instead of two 20 year olds. so it would change things#but also i just idk i dont think him being that young works with how they talk about him pre-wasteland in. any of the official stuff#its just because he has terminal old man disease i think but like. idk i feel like even 28 is too young but thats like as far as i feel goo#squishing the junkertown timeline down to#and even then i think. that it breaks ? something else?#ive never done the maths but i think it breaks junkrat. because hes supposed to have been born in like. a more or less fully formed#junkertown? and with jq in charge for like. half of his life.#this part of the timeline doesnt work anyways#it barely works with the official read#theres not really a good way to have my cake (older boyfriend) and it eat too (everything else makes sense in my mind)#🐟
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punkcherries · 1 year
watched elemental . pixar treads water ‼
#cherryz txt#i watched one a them camrips with the slots ads plastered on them which was funny#disney aint gettin a penny outta me .#anyhow its like funny as fuck how elemental is just zootopia if zootopia wished it could be turning red.#does this make sense. JNGFKJSNGDF#when they aint doin sequels theyre just ripping themselves off#its not like a Bad Film that u should Never Watch its just like . whatever#ohhh its a kids movie...... sure but like idk . kids deserve more variety i think#also that bit near the end where waterguy calls firegirl a coward is like . wat lol .#absolutely dissonant with everything about waterguy up to that point . itd make more sense for him to be like#'ive been trying to do everything i can to show u how u can be free and honest to urself but u have to take that initiative too'#or something to that affect instead of like . some boring generic schlock dialogue u know??#but then again i feel like most of the movie was generic schlock dialogue JHFKJDSNGDSLG#also the character designs were whatever . yadda yadda i hate u hyperrealism being expected of 3d animation etc etc#BUT i feel like even outside of that aspect the designs of the main 2 are just like. so first draft yk ?#i think a lot of secondary and incedental designs were more interesting but even then its like#again . treading water . someone said hey draw some fire people and water people and stuff#took the first color drafts and ran with em yk ?#i think a unique visual style wouldve helped to a degree but like . really coulda used moer time in the oven overall#ALSO. disneys first nonbinary character? on screen for 1 scene . and i swear to g-d i heard them get called her????#(obvs ppl can use any pronouns they want forever irl but like . make a big show of nonbinary character and then????)#(couldve just been camrip quality take this w a grain of salt)#(either way disney vaguely gesturing at queerness to sell rainbow pins for 20 dollars grrrrrrrrr)#capitalism kills creativity <3
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vvenuspng · 1 year
something in my soul needs to see loona and stolas interact
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rumisgf · 2 months
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summary: jjk characters i think can eat pussy the best and who i think would not. that’s really it, i’m telling yall who the munches are. enjoy some pussy eating headcanons :D !
warnings: explicit obviously, black!reader, discussing f!receiving oral, use of the title daddy (once), cursing, slight crack, slander but i’m kidding kinda
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✧ he’s sick in the head.
✧ i hate him truly. he gives good head and he knows it.
✧ he loves making it messy, he wants your arousal all over his face
✧ he wants it on the sheets by the time he’s finished
✧ he also likes making you cum multiple times, so don’t expect mercy
✧ he gets a kick out of watching you squirm and writhe under his touch
✧ and not only is his tongue magical, but he knows all the methods to make you scream for him
✧ he uses fingers and all that
✧ he’s definitely made you squirt from head
✧ the type of head he gives will have you soaked before he even fucks you
✧ yk the song that’s like ‘i’m the type of guy that’s gon eat it ‘fore i put it in?”
✧ yeah, that’s gojo
“one more, princess? hm?”
“yesss- please ‘toru!”
“good girl.. want you to make a mess all over my tongue”
✧ he’s a good contender for sure
✧ he’ll act like he doesn’t want to at first but it’s all a facade
✧ he can’t let you know he’s a fiend too early of course
✧ but when he finally does, boy are you surprised
✧ toe curling. jaw dropping.
✧ he’ll have you creaming on his fingers while he sucks on your clit like a madman
✧ it hurts so good and you never want him to stop
✧ and he licks your clit so attentively, he looks at each facial expression you make
✧ he draws perfect circles with his tongue
✧ it’s definitely not his strong suit (but shit that’s saying something)
✧ i’ll give him his flowers though for sure
✧ he gives the type of head that has you aching for him to put his dick inside you already
“taste so fuckin’ good. love this pussy, baby- ‘s all mine.”
✧ he’s one of those guys who swears up and down he doesn’t eat pussy
✧ he does.
✧ first time he went between your thighs, you thought you saw god
✧ whenever your hips lift up and you start squirming from all the pleasure, he presses them back into the mattress
✧ and he edges you while giving you head
✧ he’ll have you screaming then stop just to hear you beg for him to let you cum
✧ he’s still a sadist at the end of the day, he can’t let you have too much fun
✧ either that, or he overstimulated you until there’s literal tears streaming down your cheeks
✧ he loves making you cry from head
✧ if he’s not having you gag on his dick as he throat fucks you, this is his other way to see tears stain your pretty face
✧ whenever you squirt from him giving you head, he feels very satisfied with himself
✧ he can never give head for too long tho because the sight of you dripping pussy right in front of his eyes makes him so hard it hurts
“stay fuckin’ still brat. let me taste this pussy.”
✧ he doesn’t eat pussy.
✧ yeah, sorry.
✧ he’s a literal demon idk what else was expected
✧ in all seriousness, he’s not too fond of giving head
✧ but, he does enjoy fingering you though
✧ his fingers are often plunged into your hole while make out sessions and it’s his go-to for foreplay
✧ he’ll have you on his lap and play with your cunt until you’re crying
✧ and if you have toys, he loves overstimulating you with him
✧ this is often how he punishes you (sometimes he just feels like it, though)
✧ but long story short, this man will NOT be your best eater
“ry- fuck! daddy please- can’t take it!”
“nuh uh, this is what you wanted doll. let me take care of ya.”
✧ if gojo’s not your best eater, nanami’s definitely your best eater
✧ he’s got every tongue and finger combo down packed
✧ he gets down. he do NOT play.
✧ he’s definitely a pleasure dom at heart so he believes you deserve good head from him
✧ and he also doesn’t talk at all while giving you head
✧ it’s almost amazing how focused he gets
✧ his form of communication is looking up at your fucked out face, filling his ego
✧ he likes eating you at after he fucks you
✧ that way he can fuck his cum back into you with his tongue and taste your arousal at the same time
✧ it’s also a way to overstimulate you that he can be slick with
✧ whenever you’re in missionary, he always has your legs bent to your ears so he can pull out and lap at your pussy whenever he wants to
✧ it’s a rush getting fucked into oblivion then getting your soul snatched as he slurps up all your juices
✧ he also enjoys how wet he makes you, so you taste so good when he does
✧ he spits on it. that’s all i have to say.
“k-kento.. so good..”
CHOSO KAMO - 11/10
✧ you thought i wouldn’t put him above gojo and nanami? you’re wrong.
✧ this man is a munch. he’s a fiend. it’s pathetic.
✧ he’ll eat pussy on his knees, matter of fact he loves it
✧ he loves when you trap your legs around like yes please don’t let him breathe he might nut right then and there
✧ he whimpers while eating you out.
✧ he won’t say it, but he likes spelling out words in your clit
✧ he mostly just spells his name
✧ and he loves how you taste, so he can eat you out forever
✧ you have to tap out for him to stop because he really has no self control when it comes to eating you out
✧ and please, sit on his face.
✧ and actually sit on it. this man doesn’t wanna be able to breathe
✧ he’ll leaves fingerprint marked bruises on your ass cheeks from gripping them as he works his tongue from under you
✧ him eating you out always has you squirting before he even fucked you yet
✧ he also enjoys tasting the mix of yours and his cum after he fucks you
✧ choso gives head so good you wanna have his kids
“babyyy- ‘m c-cumming!”
“f-fuck, taste so good baby. need you so bad.”
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@ rumisgf
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#snap chats#id shit and cry if aoki was the one that told him in a condescending/bitchy way yk what i mean#like as if to jab at jo like 'oh dont worry about dealing with dad- since you were too incompetent to do it i had someone else handle it'#not that word for word im SURE but yk what i mean. just GENERALLY thats the energy#the timing of this ask is soooo funny i was just talkin to my twit friend bout arasawa#and how youve been inspiring me to draw it more again as of late and this is NOT helping !!!! i am ADDING IT to my LIST#cause i want to be in pain i guess (;´༎ຶ▽༎ຶ`) I JUST SEE IT SO CLEARLY IN MY HEAD EGUUUGHH#im still gonna chew on the idea of How tho im still gonna chew on it cause i have other stuff lined up Obvi but..... OUGH PAIN...#verrrrry awkward when i post a thing in liek an hour cause that shit gon be a lil cute so then i just got this in the back of my dome ☠️☠️#thank you........#throwing up as i remember aoki being like 'you're acting strange lately' brb#OUUGHHGH dying.#LIKE IM JUST THINKIG OF ALL THE EMOTIONS JO WOULDVE BEEN FEELING- /ESP/ IF HE WAS IN FRONT OF AOKI#how would he even cope... i mean judging by the eye scene Not Well butu OUUGHvLKJVALKJ#ITS THE CONFLICTED FEELINGS AGAIN CAUSE LIKE he SHOUULDNT care as much as he does right...#arakawa was just his boss... but if THAT was the case why not take him out when jo was first asked too.....#aoki is his priority in life right...... arakawa wasn't supposed to be anyone important BUT THEN HE DID BECOME IMPORTANT#making myself throw up#anyway this is why jo shouldve been allowed to rip tendo to shreds. in my humble opinion. <- sobbing#NAWWW IT THE WAY I HAVE TO GO OUT WITH MY SIS RIGHT AFTER THIS WELKFJALFKJLKVJ#I CANT BE NORMALLLLL
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killakalx · 3 months
17+ content, blank blogs dnf
overstim (again. oops), begging (again! oops), light impact play, dumbification if you squint, mating press, dickie boy’s a lil mean
dick grayson is always pushing you to your limits. he says it’s his job, as your amazing and supportive boyfriend, yk? telling you how good you’re doing, how proud he is, how honored he is to call such a strong and determined woman his girlfriend. in his eyes, it’s only right that he keeps pushing you. even when you’re tired and overstimulated, feeling like you couldn’t possibly give him anything more, and he still pulls it out of you like it should be nothing.
“mm… dick,” you pout, legs trembling and barely able to remain wrapped around his torso. you keep him close, hands curled deep into his hair and whining into his ear with each agonizingly deep thrust. he pants into the shimmering skin of your neck with a hm, as if he doesn’t know he’s got you near tears. “dick- i can’t…”
“don’t be like that, baby,” he huffs, positioning a leg over his shoulder to get his cock deeper in your weeping cunt. the cry you let out has him writhing, moaning with you as another orgasm is forced out of you. his pace refuses to falter, though- and his mouth is on yours before you can beg for any mercy. “look at that, sweetheart- you can.” you’re both sticky with sweat and the sheets are disgustingly soaked, yet he’s convinced his stamina as an acrobatic vigilante should speak for your stamina as well. you’ve yet to distinguish this between a punishment or a reward, and he probably hasn’t either.
the begging, the way you cling to him- he feels needed. relied on. he can’t get enough of it. hence why he’d rather watch your sore and aching pussy continue to suck him in, all puffy and creamed out with his cum. dick grayson, fucking you into his mattress and folding you like a lawn chair. strong grip on a handful of your hair just to force your chin to your chest, making you watch as your cunt squelches around the girth of his cock; cooing at you, telling you how pretty you look, drawing out all those cute noises- and he wouldn't have you looking any other way, just for him.
and just to embarrass you, he's waiting on you to string together words other than your pathetic pleas of his name. "what is it, doll? just talk to me," he teases, "c’mon- look at me while i fuck you, baby." he knows damn well you're fucked beyond words and comprehension and he uses it like the evil motherfuker he is, leaning until his chest meets yours and pulling out another one of those pretty whines. fixing your gaze to look up at him is the last thing on your mind, and your cries for him hardly suffice. “you hear me, sweetheart?”
“dick- oh my god, dick, please…” you’re babbling now, bleary-eyes losing focus as you give up on clinging to him and you aren’t even sure what you’re begging for. his poor girl, so fucked out on his cock and he doesn’t even consider being nicer.
“don’t even know what you want,” dick grunts, little slaps against your cheek seemingly meant to bring you back. they’re gentle but firm, making your eyes shoot back open when his hand grabs your face before you drift back off. “d’you even know what i said? tell me.” and all you can give him is a slurred cry of his name.
if you weren’t stuck between operational and fucked into unconsciousness, you’d tell him you’re done, that you can’t take anymore. mascara running, legs sore and trembling, arms limp behind your head rather than holding onto him. it’s at this point that you figure he just wants a pretty little sex toy to use over and over- and the realization is evident when dick flips you over without pulling out, holding your ass up and letting your upper body rest against the mattress as a courtesy.
“I can go for one more,” he assures, as if his exhaustion was the issue. if only you could give him a piece of your mind and let him know he’s getting an earful when you wake up- since there’s no doubt in either of your minds that you’re near passing out. “my poor girl, fucked all dumb on my dick. let me know when you need a break, mkay?” ❧
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