#i just dont know............woe is me.................(silly)
spacizia · 3 months
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he’s just a swinging space age bachelor man!!!!
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shrimp1y · 11 months
they don't know im about to drop the wriolette fanfic of the century
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kellystar321 · 1 year
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bare1ythere · 2 years
Break starts and I IMMEDIATELY fall into art block
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sleepyblr-heart · 5 months
at some point im gonna have to start tagging my coding posts with something and i dont think im ready for that.
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kisses4emil · 6 months
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Johnny Joestar x Reader
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tags : slowburn, first love headcanons, lots of fluff, teeth rotting fluff, g/n reader, friends to lovers
a/n : having MAJORR johnny brainrot so i made this !! this is my first fic ever so pls be patient with me, i hope to become a better writer!!
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johnny is a guy who is veryy negative with thoughts and a past that haunts him. he’s sarcastic, distant, and definitely overthinks A LOT. i feel like he will need someone who’s positive and will help guide him towards the light and knock down the walls he’s trapped himself behind. im feeling a slowburn friends to lovers type dynamic
at first, johnny probably did not like you.. ofc this is nothing personal, but the poor boy has some trust issues. i mean he had literally no one in his life before he met you or gyro. it’s definitely going to take a lot of time before he trusts you.
i also believe you’d come along after he meets gyro and the two would already have a somewhat established bond with johnny wanting to know about the steel ball
so when you join the duo, johnny would feel like you’re holding them back if you have no ability or anything he wants to or hopes to gain from you, but gyro is wanting to give you a chance and tells johnny that too
if you’re the type of person who feels sympathy and compassion for others and decides to help diego during the scary monsters arc, he is definitely going to find you a bit annoying for going against his wishes, especially when he already doesn’t like you.
he will begin to have a growing curiosity for your motives on joining him on finding the corpse parts, then his thoughts will begin to wander further.. why were you so kind to him and strangers alike? why did you join this race at all?
i feel as though you’d pick up on johnny’s disinterest in you which could cause you to overthink things like if you did something wrong or not. expressing your woes to gyro, he tells you not to worry and that’s just how he is and promises to form a plan to help you two get along and flashes that cheeky smile of his.
following up on the two of you guys’ conversation, while setting up for the night, gyro will wonder off somewhere in hopes of leaving the two of you alone for a while to talk. the atmosphere was definitely awkward at first and you’d probably be the one to initiate conversation, but the conversation would then soon turn into a deeper one and finally things would get comfortable.
after that night, johnny will begin seeing you differently. soon enough, his curiosity for you will grow even bigger than it originally was and alongside that his liking for you too.
he will end up developing a soft spot for you without noticing and will often display acts of jealously when your attention is directed toward someone else or something else. he’ll even unknowingly treat you differently. he’ll show he cares about you and always check in on you to make sure you aren’t hurt when you’re attacked, even if he has a giant gaping wound himself, you will be his first thought
johnny does begin to enjoy your company, but still keeps you at a distance due to his past. overall, he can’t help himself and enjoys the feelings he gets when you gives him attention. appreciates how you dont view him differently and how kind you are. you’ll definitely grow closer as time passes and you’ll have more deep conversations. he’ll even begin to make some moves on you without knowing. if it’s with you, to him, everything is so simple and easy. you’re bright and easy to be around which makes it easy to enjoy your presence
gyro will notice his silly acts of affection and begin to tease him about his obliviousness and always tells him to just confess his feelings for you, but johnny always denies having any sort of romantic attraction for you.
gyro’s teasing will definitely make him start overthinking every interaction you’ve ever had with the boy and he’ll begin seeing you differently.
this is 100% keeping him awake at night
when the two of you are hanging out as usual, if you get too close he’ll definitely get distant a bit, but he doesn’t mean to. he just doesn’t want to screw up whatever the good thing you guys have going on. he honestly doesn’t quite understand it either.. especially when he’s been with countless women in his prime, this was different.
something real, you’re someone who doesn’t use him or will leave him when he’s not at his best and won’t belittle him when he’s at his lowest because you’ve already seen him at his lowest
yepp the boy is IN LOVEEE with you, dare i say smitten? he’s star struck in love but now that he’s aware of this he is terrified of what you’ll think
of course you feel the same way, but johnny doesn’t know that, so the only way this will go anywhere is if you make the first move. soo you pop the question and ask how he feels about you
this boy is blushing up a storm and asks where that came from and you just explain you have feelings for the blonde. johnny is over the moon about how you feel the same as him. the two of you don’t officially start dating til after the race when all of this is over!! but overall you guys are the sweetest couple ever <3
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ohwormwood · 2 months
random thoughts i have while playing isat pt. 7
[woe, spoilers be upon ye!]
opened the game and immediately went "im gonna make odile question my sanity!!!" but of course when i enter the house Siffrin decides to turn the scripted tutorial enemy into bean paste and ruins the run--
anyways. this panel will haunt me
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i. i dont even know how but. I beat the king without him ever getting a chance to make his first attack. i just kept spamming slow and two jackpots later he was dead. i didn't even knoiw that was possible.
after a bit of fucking around i decided that i was gonna move on to act 5 and promptly burst into tears
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update: i accidentally posted this too early dont look at me
sat and cried through the entirety of the party's interactions in act 5
screaming crying throwing up
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even the king took one look at this dude and was like "are you good man like, you can take a rest before we do this you're literally about to topple over"
that post where odile says the oven copypasta during the mal du pays scene has permanently altered my brain and i literally laughed out loud when this line appeared
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i haven't talked about it before but. a while ago i made a concept for a game based off the backrooms and omori, and odile talking about someone who is forgotten may not exist is the basis for the entire game's plot, it makes me want to go back and flesh it out a bit more!!!
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i am deadset on the idea of making an edit with mirabelle's reflection craft but it's an uno reverse card
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simultaneously in my brain: an edit where the sound mirabelle's reflection craft makes is the metal pipe meme
i am. such a fucking sucker for sickfics. i cannot get enough of them. act 5 has enough sickfic tropes to make a million spinoff fics on its own, it brings me life and i love it dearly
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this line sends me into orbit every time i see it
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odile attacking siffrin. hurts so, so so badly on an emotional level for me. Because like??? i get it. i get it and it sucks and she obviously doesn't want to, but she's scared. But siffrin is even more scared in that moment, and the immediate association of that pain with being hated by odile hurts me so much.
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they're so soft and squishy and cute in this image i c a n t
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incoherent WAILING. this. this image. this image just about broke me. THEYRE SO HAPPY and RELIEVED, IT HURTS,,,
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the tone shift to talking to the party afterwords is still so funny to me HJBDFBSBFH like lookit him. hes so smol. so silly.
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we're kidnapping bonnie guys it's official
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my honest reaction to this line: LESBIANS??????
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and then she hits me with:
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more silly guy siffrin,,,,, my favorite
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bonnie and odile clapping for isabeau confessing will never not be funny but ALSO it implies the bonnie knew about Isa's crush. and i for one personally believe that they picked up on it from Odile's relentless teasing of Isabeau as the #1 Isafrin shipper
mirabelle: wait you had a crush on sif?????? and i didn't know????
my roommate, who is ace: this is the aroace experience for real,,,
literally all of the second interactions with Isabeau had me and my roommate SCREAMING
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siffrin: i kissed you once,,,,
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the words "im being perfectly normal about this" is something i say on a daily basis so i relate to this wholeheartedly
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LIKE???? HOLY FUCK SIF JESUSSSSSSSSSSS CHRIST???? how did isabeau not implode on the spot from that look bro howwwwwwwwwww
annnnd scene!
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i will continue playing to get some of the different loop endings and i totally plan on doing two hats in the future!!! so im not quite done with this game yet i just got impatient in act 4 and i needed the Emotional Catharsis of Act 5
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ombrathefurry · 5 months
canon vs fanon main characters
I’ve had to answer this ask six times because Tumblr on my phone keeps deleting my response
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Canon: Severely traumatized, not very loud about his feelings, not very loud in general, good intentions but DEFINITELY not innocent, avoids attention and confrontation as much as possible, a cat, child that needs protecting, actually kind of smart sometimes, “everything that happens to me isn’t my choice anymore” but in a bitterness to the world way 
Fanon: Neurotically anxious, main character syndrome, loud, “PLEASE DONT HURT ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE,” panics a lot (but not in the way he actually does this one is more like a meltdown than a panic attack,) innocent bean, literally almost every other animal other than a cat (usually mouse or sheep,) kind of dumb child that needs protecting, shouldn’t be left on his own, warms up to people too fast, “everything that happens to me isn’t my choice” but in a woe is me kind of way (main character syndrome)
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Canon: Literally a horrible person, woman, boxy and strong, scariest and most dangerous out of the main cast, a literal sadist, horribly unwell both physically and mentally, actually just a monster she’s just become the epitome of a monster, TORTURES people and never intentionally KILLS them, absolutely terrifying especially in a fight, very unstable mentality (which leads to her being not so evil sometimes,) she cannot be fixed 
Fanon: Man (???) less scary than loading (??????) kind of edgy but not super scary, the cool lady baddie character that everyone avoids because she’s kind of scary, kills people, isn’t very cruel she’s just insane, “ehehehheee” evil instead of just actual pure evil
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Canon: Mentally unstable, gayest man alive, very severe mood swings (can be the nicest man alive or the most viscerally psychotic creature chasing you like a rabid dog,) a stupid idiot, no capability of manipulation (he also would have no interest,) manic killer, loves Draven with a deep passion, people think he’s evil because it’s just the way he is, silly 
Fanon: Big evil mastermind, calculating psycho, always evil, kind of a jerk, smart, a simp for Draven, people think he’s evil because he tries to be, sfs worst nightmare (occasionally #1 tormentor???????) scariest of the gang 
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Canon: Apathetic scary man, he’s scary because he’s unpredictable, occasionally sadistic and when he is he’s actually really bad, doesn’t look for much trouble but when he does his craziness shows through, but he’s also actually traumatized and is struggling with it, love loading with the same deep passion, okay yeah now that I think about it he’s actually very mentally unwell too 
Fanon: Emotionless man who doesn’t care about anything (he does he just doesn’t show it) not scary, kind of uninterested in loading, dad vibes sometimes I don’t know how 
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Canon: Bubbly, kind of a jerk actually, annoying, nice to her friends though, can’t do much about anything that’s happening to sf despite really wanting to, watches over sf rather than protects him 
Fanon: Protects sf, innocent, elegant, kind peaceful ghost type thing idk there’s not much else she doesn’t get a lot of attention 
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correctproseka · 5 months
Ok but- and I am saying this with respect for your point of view bc I think you are correct on a wider societal level- I keep seeing this argument of 'There is more m/m fanfic therefore this fandom is lesbiphobic and misogynistic' and it has bothered me for a long time. As a queer girl myself, asexual and somwehere on the aro spectrum, who has many wlw ships and enjoys looking at art for them... I don't enjoy reading wlw or straight fics bc I subconsciously project myself into the relationships too much (this is also why i generally avoid reading straight romance books lol). When I read mlm fic, there's a degree of separation from me that means I can enjoy it without getting anxious about imagining myself in that position.
I'm not trying to be like 'oh woe is me i cant read yuri', im just explaining my own reasons, and trying to get across that other people have their own reasons for what they enjoy- ranging from long winded explanations like mine to 'idk I'm attracted to guys and I like writing about them'. People have preferences, and that comes across in most fandoms, even in heavily female casts like prsk. Like I mentioned, lack of wlw content IS an issue.... when it comes to mainstream media. But when it comes to fanfic... the majority of writers are queer, many are women, hell, some of the most prolific writers of mlm fic I know are lesbians. People have their own reasons for writing what they like, and they do it for FREE. I think it's silly to say a fandom is misogynistic when most of these fandoms are full of queer female writers writing what they want to write.
And again I say this with respect because I do see where you're coming from- instead of saying 'write less mlm', because absolutely one will listen to that.... say 'write more wlw'. Write what you want to see in the world! More fics are always a good thing!! And if you don't want to read about guys, that's what the ao3 filters are for lol.
If you actually read all this, thank you, I really appreciate it. Sorry for yapping in your ask box LOL I just wanted to express my opinion on this topic bc it's something that I care about a lot. Also, like I said, while I don't read fic for it I still love wlw ships so..... ANHANE YURI FOREVER 🌈🌈🌈🌈
See, the thing is, i agree with you, but is that really the only reason for A LOT of people?
What im advocating is not for people to write less mlm, is for they to look at themselves and wonder why they like it more, i know a lot of people who claim to like the boys more for this reason or that, then turn around and act completely misogynistic 5 seconds later, some of them in this fandom, even.
Im just saying that in a fandom with way more girls than boys, it makes not much sense how much more content of the boys there is.
The ao3 filters exist, yes, but they dont stop me from having barely any content even on bigger wlw shipps, from rereading the same fics over and over again because that's all I have for days/weeks, months even on the leoni/mmj side of fandom.
Sincerely, I have myself over 50 prsk fics, only one includes mlm and that one is a multi, focused mainly on platonic ships, and is still somehow my most famous fic.
I see your point, really, and I agree with it, but it only comes so far in a fandom like prsk where there's way more girls, or Alien Stage, that my friend got me into and the girls have been canon for so long but the boys have nearly always been more famous, even before they became "canon". As a wlw enjoyer its tiring to see this over and over again in every fandom im in, you know?
Plus, its not just not writing girls, its how the fandom ACTS with them. Saki as just a fodder for Tsukasa angst, Honami might as well not even exist, Mizuki themselves exist only to be a friend to Rui to a lot of people, An and Kohane? They're only backgrounds on Akitouya, that is when An doesn't get in between the ship, of course. Emu can't even be shipped with one of the boys, because she's a child obviously, but she can be shipped with Nene, just leave her to the side its alright.
Its a lot of double standards, and not only "not writing fics", the fics are just a quick way of showing what I mean.
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definitelynotshouting · 9 months
It's 2am in the airport and im bored how's ur day been? :D
Omg hello sun anon!!! I hope the airport is tolerable for you, gods thats early 😭😭😭😭 dont look at my hypocritical sleep schedule when i say this tho lol
Its about 9am for me rn and im about to wake up ye residents evil™ for presents, also last night i managed to write a 1.5k scarian fluff fic so if all goes well i'll be posting that tomorrow for yall >:]
A crumb of dialogue for your boredom woes, my friend:
Grian sighs; it's Scar's point, now, and they both know it. "Can we at least move closer to the fire?" he complains. "Well, I don't know, we'll have to ask Queen Jellie over there for her opinion." Scar politely directs his next question to her, projecting his voice so it curls around the chair like smoke. "Miss Jellie, can we come sit by the fire?" Jellie's tail flicks, an idle, irritated motion. After a moment, she yawns again, then tucks her head under her paws. "I think that's rather conclusive, don't you?" Scar asks Grian. "I think you're being ridiculous," Grian replies dryly, "and I'm shocked you aren't taking this opportunity to pet your cat." The gasp Scar sucks in is one of sheer, mock horror. "I do believe you're right, Grian! I can't believe that slipped my mind. I can't let my sweet baby Jellie go unpet— let's move, come on, up you go."
Other than that tho i have nothing going on, just a chill day :] my household is very relaxed abt holidays generally; our tradition is that we have a charcuterie board every xmas, so we've got a good spread of cheeses for that this year, including a bellavitano espresso that im VERY fond of. No red dragon tho, which is my favorite 😔😔😔😔 (can u tell i love cheese skdbskdnns) but we preserve<3 /silly
But yeah!! Relaxed day, chill vibes, and i hope i can send some of that your way to the airport!!! May your flight go smoothly and your travels remain easy, i hope u have a good day today and that the boredom abates!!!
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 5: 𝓘’𝓶 𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓱
anyways- holy fuck this is 4 days late. I’m gonna try to keep pumping em out.
This one is pure comfort for lil bby bc sometimes I just get a think and cannot veer off course of that think.
Pushing my found family headcanon on y’all once again. Yawn.
—CW: There are not much tickles under the cut ngl, established Leopika, Angst :(—
Tags: @giggly-squiggily @chrimsss
At the end of the day, Killua knew that he was loved by Leorio the same as Gon was. But sometimes… No- that’s stupid, he’s not- He’s not jealous or anything.
…Is he?
No, that’s silly. He’s never been one to care about affection, given his background and all.
And yet… why did he feel so pouty after seeing the two interacts?
Of course, he never let it show. He wouldn’t anyone to catch on or anyth-
“You alright, kiddo?” Kurapika inquired, squatting down to the younger’s level.
“I- what?” The boy blinked. “O-oh, yeah. I’m fine.”
The blonde grinned patiently. “Killua…”
“I said I’m good!” Killua crossed his arms with a slight pout, turning away from his friend.
Kurapika sighed as he stood upright once again. “Alright, don’t tell me then. If you need me, you know where I’ll be.”
The white-haired boy slowly turned back around toward the older male. “W-Wait.”
A smile crept into Kurapika’s features. “Hmm?”
“Promise you won’t… you know, tell?”
“I promise I won’t… you know, tell.”
And so the young boy began to spill his woes and worries with great hesitation, fearing that Kurapika would spill the beans to Leorio.
The Kurta would’ve been lying if he said he wasn’t worried. It took all of his power to not reach out and squeeze the boy in the tightest hug he’s ever given. The blonde listened to every word with great focus, heart breaking at every line. Had he really felt so neglected by Leorio?
When Killua had finished pouring his heart out, his face flushed as he looked away. A squeak left him as Kurapika gently pulled him into a hug.
“Would it be okay if I spoke with Leorio?” The Kurta whispered in inquiry.
“N-No it’s not important…”
“Killua, please. Just let me-“
“I said no!” The white-haired boy roared as he turn and ran to his room, slamming his door shut. Kurapika closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
Two hands gently graced the blonde’s shoulders, thumbs rubbing gently. The chain user sighed.
“I’ll talk to him,” Leorio’s voice whispered, giving a small squeeze. He was met by his lover’s head falling backwards into his chest.
The blonde sighed once again, muttering. “Just be kind to him… it took a miracle to get him to open up.”
“Alright. Go check on Gon; I’ll take care of this.”
The two carefully stepped through the dark hallway , eventually turning in separate directions at the split. Leorio gently tapped on Killua’s door, a muffled “go away” came in response.
“Killua…” the brunette rested his forehead against the wooden door. “I just want to talk with you.”
“Don’t you want to talk to your f-favorite son, G-Gon?”
The medic’s heart broke in two, breath hitching. “Kil-“
A choked gasp left the boy. “I TOLD YOU ALREADY TO NOT CALL ME THAT!”
“God- right, right. I’m sorry. I just-“ Leorio’s mouth stuttered in movement, failing to find the right words. “I w-want to f-fix this. Please, let me in.”
After a good amount of silent seconds, the door opened very slightly to reveal a puffy-eyed Killua with his chest heaving. Leorio dropped to his knees and instantly pulled the boy into his embrace.
Kicking the door shut with his heel, Leorio cradled the little guy’s head against his shoulder, shushing the boy’s blossoming hysterics.
“I’m so sorry that I made you feel this way… I never wanted you to feel anything else but fully loved. When Kurapika and I took you two in, we didn’t-“ a hitch of the older male’s breath indicated a valiant effort to fight tears himself. “I didn’t- I still don’t- I don’t have all of the answers, and I want more than anything to have them.”
He was met with silent, albeit the sound of the ex- assassin’s heaving sobs.
“You know I love you so much, Killua. Taking you in was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I stand by that statement. I’m so sorry that I made you feel neglected… or-or feel like I don’t like you enough, or that I don’t love you anymore.“
“BUT YOU DID! You d-did! And y-you know how l-l-long it took me t-to trust everyone. I-I wasn’t loved by m-my family a-as a kid, Leorio. Do y-you know how it f-feels to think I lost the o-only person who really loves you?”
“I don’t, I really don’t kiddo. I can’t tell you I relate, or that I understand, because I don’t. But I’m here in this moment, and you are my family now. And I will love you until my dying breath…” the older man wiped his eyes, “Even if you do waste all of the soap in the bathroom.”
The white-haired boy let out a watery chuckle. “You don’t understand the art of potion making.”
Leorio smiled widely, “There’s my happy guy.”
“Happy is a stretch… you got one smile outta me.”
“Oh yeah?” The medic pulled Killua out of the hug and held him by his shoulders, “You want me to get more smiles outta ya’?”
“You could try, not much you can do.” He grinned.
One hand moved from Killua’s shoulder and wiggled its fingers in front of the boy. His eyes widened. “I’m not ticklish.”
“I beg to differ.” The brunette teased.
With a battle cry, Leorio pulled Killua into his lap and attacked his tummy and sides, prodding and squeezing at the boy’s torso.
Killua squeezed his eyes shut to keep his giggles at bay.
“Ohhh, now none of that! If there’s anything we do in this house, it’s laugh!”
A quick pinch to the rib led the boy to yelp and break out into laughter. The medic smiled evilly at him.
“Ohhhh! I thought someone wasn’t ticklish!”
“Ihihihim nahahahat! Thihihihis ihihihis juhuhust- hyeahahaha!”
Leorio looked at Killua with fondness, continuing to help the little guy get his giggles out. From now on, he should tickle the boys every day, he thinks. After all…
Killua is his son now, and he’s never letting go.
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actualbird · 1 year
so true about Luke being the one to fall harder bc hes the sort of person who doesn’t realise it’s a date until WAY later. like marius could even be asking him about his valentines plans and luke would just not get the hint and then would realise WAY later and scream into his pillow (THIS IS BASED ON MY OWN EXPERIENCE AND EVEN NOW I FEEL LIKE A FOOL 3 YEARS LATER!!)
irt these mariluke tags i left on a post yesterday about "A fell first, B fell harder"
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ANON, YOU GET ME!!! SHAKES UR HAND both on the front of agreeing with this dynamic and also ur personal experiences. like yeah same there were many experiences i did not notice i was being courted. oblivious idiots unite!!!
but EXACTLY LITERALLY KJHVJASHFA i feel like....even if marius hides his true feelings and largely suppresses his pining, he does do some Glaringly Obvious Things Like That to like test the waters
and itd be easy for him to deny it by playing it off as teasing or a joke
but he doesnt need to cuz luke just
Does Not Get It
marius, putting out his feelers to see if luke is maybe interested: hey, are you free on valentine's day?
luke, hasnt yet realized his feelings but theyre There but he doesnt Know What They Are Yet and only has one singular braincell when not working on a case: i think so, why?
marius, saddened by the immensely casual response and concludes that luke is not interested so now it is time for Operation Backpedal Via Over-The-Top Teasing Or Jokes: hehe, wanna make your single bachelor woes go away and hang out with me then? ;D
luke, just way too easy to fluster: w-what! dont mess with me, man, maybe i do have plans now actually >:/
luke will realize that was marius asking him out on a date like way wayyyyyyy later. probably once theyre already together actually, and luke stands there with an expression of horror while marius laughs his ass off
marius: hey dont blame me, that hint was the size of a brick and you didnt notice it! it was very straight-passing of you
luke: //head in hands
in conclusion: mariluke in their pining stage goes a lil smthng like this in my head
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silly guys
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eggsandghost · 4 months
pincer post 🦀🦂
heya, im eggi!
i am an artist, writer, monster maker, and aspiring world builder! my tumblr is where i post my digital scribbles when im not busy with rotting. or festering perhaps most of my art is oc nonsense, but i'll also post some fan content for my roulette wheel of interests from time to time. [ just so you know, my art tag is #eggis scribbles !]
have a few links you may be interested in (if its about me because this is a pinned post if you didnt realize)
my toyhou.se, which works as an art/character storage! i might eventually post adopts if i ever feel confident enough hah
my twitter where i dont post art but i am silly within its confines
and remember, the first rule of the eggsandghost blog is to have fun and be yourself 💜💛
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kichikichiko · 2 years
Self indulgent post. Its kinda based off of how I grew up
Wanderer x fem!reader, comfort, fluff, can be read as platonic or romantic, not proofread
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If you were to describe your life from the day you could walk and talk to now, the one word would be "lonely"
Dont get me wrong, you had friends growing up. Maybe a lot, maybe only a few, and even then, it still feels like you againts the world.
No matter who you hang out with, the connection between you and your friend was never strong.
You knew, but brushed it off. Because at least having someone to talk to about something, anything is better than being alone.
But you were still "lonely", no matter how many people you surround yourself with.
You get attached easily, to anyone no matter who.
Toxic, boring, stupid, it doesnt matter
As long as they give you just a bit of attention, you'll suddenly cling onto them like theyre youre everything.
And yet
You were still "lonely"
Its frustrating. Why does the world want you to be lonely? Why should you feel this way in the first place? What could you have possibly done to anger the gods? Or was this their way of entertainment?
You'd blame all the hurt you've been through to anyone who isnt you. Especially celestia itself. Because if you blamed it on yourself, the more you'd feel worse.
"Lonely" was once your enemy, your foe. But the more you grew older, the more you've become tired with trying to get rid of it whether it be through masking yourself with different made up personalities for every single person you talk to, trying to talk to different people to find the one who matchrs your energy, or blaming the gods of teyvat and all its mortals for making you feel the way you feel, the more you've surrendered and accepted the "lonely" into your life.
Youve given up.
Because what was the point of trying at this point?
You can no longer blame people for your misery and woes.
At the end of the day, you are the problem.
Detaching yourself from the world, half of your life became a blur. You didnt remember if you still took up on the act of imitating everyone elses personalites, or if you completely stopped talking to people in general.
You didnt remember,
But what you did remember was meeting him.
Buying fruits from the bustling stalls of Sumeru, you finally met him.
From the corner of your eye, you saw an interesting figure.
Turning your head to get a better look you studied thr man from afar.
He seemed to be from inazuma judging by his attire. His whole outfit was coloured blue and white, his huge hat sitting on his head in a way which made him look intimidating and mysterious rather than silly, his eyes uninterested and annoyed, as his chesr glowed because of his anemo vision.
You stared at him for a while longer before he dissappeared in a blink of an eye.
You didnt know what you felt. But it was something weird, in a good way of course.
"I wanna see him again" you mumbled.
Months have passed, and from time to time, the strange man from inazuma would pop into your head as you daydream in silence when you were goung out with your friends.
Sometimes you think youre creepy, stupid and yhat you were "doing it again". Mainly insinuating that you'd get attached to someone you barely know and make scenarios of you both being together as a coping mechanism.
One day your friend has decided to invite you to try a cooking class with her. You dont really get invited out that much, so you werent about to pass up on this opportunity.
Both you and your friend arrived and was lead to your perspective stations. The instructor wanted everyone to find someone random around the room to be partners, so everyone can get to know each other and make the place more lively.
Going out of your comfort zone was hard, but thinking youre being a nuisance was harder. So you sighed in defeat.
Everyone finally got a partner but you,
You were standing there awkwardly, getting ready to tell the instructor that you're perfectly fine with being alone. Youve been alone for half of your life, being alone as you were in cooking class with no different.
Before you got the chance to talk, someone barged through the door, making everyone shift their focus on the door.
Your eyes widen when you saw who it was. It was the mysterious Inazuma guy. You were shocked, stunned and frozen in place.
Never once believe that you'd see him again
"Ah youre just in time! This young lady here doesnt have a partner for todays class so you can go right ahead and stand next to her station"
The mysterious men scoffed and walk towards your station standing right beside you without a word.
You were starting to feel nervous as there was no conversation coming up between the both of you. You thought that maybe you were the only one overthinking this because anytime you glance at him he would look unbothered and uninterested just like he did when you first saw him in that market few months back
"You can stop looking at me miss" crossing his arms and looking at you with one eyebrow up.
God he was intimidating and handsome
No no. Just intimidating you correxted yourself
Flinching you quickly apologised and whipped your head back and looked down at the table.
Wanderer knew you saw him on that day in the market, he's very observant what can he say?
"Call me wanderer" he broke the silence, looking down at the ingredients on the table, not listening to the instructor
You looked at him again, blinking
You wanted to question why on earth his name is "wanderer" but got a hunch that he'll be offended and stop talking.
"Nice to meet you wanderer, Im (name)" you responded
"Well (name) let's show everyone here who's the boss at cooking" he smirked a bit, determined to win
You were stunned. This wasnt even a cooking competition you wanted to tell him, but that might ruin the fun
So you smiled a little and nodded. "Right on it!"
Days after days passed, and if youre lucky enough you'd see him on the bustling streets of Sumeru, if you both make eye contact, you'd smile and wave as he nodded then go about your day
Soon that change, from simple hand waves, to small talks, to full blow on conversations to hanging out outside of sumeru city.
His company was nice, it felt warm and comfortable. You didnt have to imitate his energy, and you never tried to. Something about copying his personality just to talk to him felt off.
As much as he didnt wanna admit it, he also felt comfortable with you, not 100% no but if he were to be able to choose to go on walks alone or be with you he wouldnt hesitate to pick one with you.
You finally felt comfortable in your own skin
And suddenly, you didnt feel so "lonely" anymore.
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smokbeast · 1 year
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im so bad at posting art uhm dklfgj i dunno if i should post ocs again?? but this one is funf or me i been working on him again. This is Lewey, he's a skeletonoc? kinda? FUNNY enough i am not into undertale, i used to draw it before without knowing context (you dont wanna know). but now im actually trying to get into the actual game but i forget stuff and its so much now that i just "UHHH WHat do" ANyway, he's not a sans oc or an undertale one. just a mock of it for fun, i love heem he's goofy and has a pet cat named cobblestone heehee,, im silly. anyway woe, skeleton be upon ye
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pawbeanies · 7 months
this is a formal request to tell us all about your isopods they r black _ yellow spotted!!!??? what's their enclosure like?? how long have you had them? do any have names? the masses must know...
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fool you hath opened the isopod lore gates. woe be upon you.
JFJSJDKS NO BUT HI HI HI grabbing you hi hihi hihi hi hi hi fhank you for asking ... the Bug Lore isn't really that interesting but !!
(i realized i was rambling abt bugs. readmore be upon ye
they r little black and yellow spotted fuckers (scientific name) and they live in a little terrarium made out of a coffee pot!! like if you can imagine those coffee pots that come with drip coffee machines but full of dirt and moss and bugs. i haven't had them for too long like?? maybe a week but they are already so important to me and i love them and check in on them every day
since i've only had them for a little bit though they're still shy and i haven't had the chance to name them all fksjfkd but there are roughly like. ten of them... once they get used to me and i can see them all i will give them silly names. as of right now theres like one big one i am calling bok choy bc it likes it i guess but also i have only fed them bok choy (i like to regrow it from cuttings but w/ bok choy it will like Bolt (start growing flowers) so you have to pinch off the flowers and ive been feeding those+little leaves to them) so i think that's like. a moot point like we dont name all babies milk because thats the first thing they eat and they like it? i will revisit names later but they're probably going to all be veggie themed
but also i got them at likw. like ok so i wasn't expecting to be a Bug Father i went to an antique/vintage fest for my state But they also had artists and stuff there and there was a guy who made terrariums and like. i love plants (i have 3 plants living in the office i work at alone but i have More at home) and ive always wanted to build terrariums but i never got into it bc they seem so much more like Labor Intensive BUT this guy had like. cool terrariums and i was like "hey can i get that coffee pot one" because i 1. love coffee so much and 2. love plants and he was like "oh btw theres isopods in there. heres a care sheet and just like drop a piece of carrot in there once a week" and like. i was not sure if i was ready for fatherhood but like he was a local artist guy (support local artist guys!!!) and also i was w/ my friends and didnt want to hold us up bc i would've agonized over it for a while so i was like Yeah Thats Ok :) (but like in a way that would make anyone be like "r u sure?") so i ended up going home w a coffee pot full of dirt and bugs on like. a funny impulse purchase type thing. i barely even got any fun vintage things aside from like tje worlds scratchiest sweater but i Did get bugs and also we went out for pho afterwards which is like. best weekend ever really (i am lame)
ne way here is a video of one of my guys and a big fickass thing of bok choy bc i went on abt bugs and vegetables and vintage things without actually answering ur questions i think. woe bugs be upon ye
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