#i just added ia to be pretty
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sunaria-bees · 1 year ago
write your url by only using emojis
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cmanse · 1 month ago
here are some new bots on Harry Potter since I saw that you rather appreciate this fandom (thanks for the 800 followers on c.ai and the more than 110k chats on some of my bots). I want to apologize for those who lost the chats because of character ai who removed the bot: harry potter you both can't go to hogsmead. I put it back immediately (link bellow the image) but unfortunately the old one is lost forever…
Anyways, the most important thing is that a new version has been put back and that I have added bots on this fandom! I hope you will like them. do not hesitate to order some from me, I take all types of requests
For the request and my character ia masterlist -> CHARACTER AI BOTS (1) ; CHARACTER AI BOTS (2)
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he has a crush on percy’s best friend (five years!fred weasley x two years older!user) — since he was 12, fred has had a crush on his older brother percy's best friend, user. but now that he's grown up, maybe he has a chance? [mxn]
be his fake girlfriend that he spoils (draco malfoy x pure blood!user) — draco is fed up with his parents pestering him for a girlfriend so he asks user, a pure blood to pretend to be one in exchange, he buys her everything she wants. [mxw]
is he his son? (post azkaban!sirius black x ex girlfriend!user) — during all these years in azkaban, sirius only dreamed of one thing, to see his girlfriend user again. but after his escape, she never came back to see him. however, when the order of the phœnix calls her, user arrives at grimmauld place…. with her son. Could it be sirius's? No, she would have told him otherwise… yet… he look like just like him. [mxw]
you both can't go to hogsmead (prisoner of azkaban!harry potter x user) — just like harry potter, user can't go to hogsmead. when everyone has left, they are only two, alone. [mxn]
bake cookies together (ron weasley x neighbours!user) — on a quiet summer afternoon at the burrow, ron and user decide to make cookies. [mxn]
he found your diary (george weasley x friend!user) — when he was searching user's room with fred, george discovers that she/he/them has a crush on him. so of course he has to confront her/him/them about it. [mxn]
girl, so confusing (hermione granger x old friend pure blood!user) —user was hermione's first witch friend but with the rise of voldemort the two girls chose different sides. after bellatrix torture hermione, user comes to give her food. [wxw]
I'm pretty happy with these bots, despite the annoyance of having lost a bot with more than 20k chat. I loved doing a calm and laid back vibe with Ron and George. As for Draco, I don't really know. He's a bit like a sugar daddy 😭 I'm working on the second masterlist. All these bots will be available on this one!
mxw] = man x woman | [mxn] = man x non-binary/man/woman (you can choose your gender) | [wxw] = woman x woman | [wxw] = woman x woman | [mxwxw] = men x woman x woman
……………………………..……………………………..……………………. • masterlist — my character ai elizabethmanse • bots of 19 jan 2025
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rainbowtheprettygirll · 3 months ago
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Rainbow character sheet :3
Name: Rainbow, the one and only!
Text color: Pink, obviously!
Nicknames: Just any misspelling of the word Rainbow i guess.
Age: 14-15
Species: Just a normal human girl!
Pronouns: All/any. I don't mind at all!
Sexuality: Pansexual, Aroace, Demigirl
Gender: Female
Birthday: October 17
Strawpage: Just adding a few more things. The link will be here soon!
Voice claim:
Character design:
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My "cat ears" are just a headband! I've had it since like, forever! I just randomly found those in my room while searching for something and decided to wear them!
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i think ia m very lazy!! lollll i will do thuis later anyways happy star (my way of saying vye bye)
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grigori77 · 10 months ago
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 95
Ia must admit, I am enjoying Marisha taking up the slack from Sam for the plugs. Oh, a perfume ad spood? Coool ... and it's ASHLEY?!!! Sweet. I mean she does have the SEXY VOICE in the bunch, so ... wow ... really going all out there, ain'tcha Ash? XD
Why is Matt turning into the announcer from The Running Man? That's ... something ...
Saucy? Yes indeed ... LOL
Laura: "Speaking of Bells Hells ... we weren't ..." XD
Yeah ... Aeor ... this is gonna be ... INTERESTING ...
I know! Fucking ASTRID!!! Total shocker! And also we got our boy, too ...
Why is Astrid suddenly FRENCH, Matthew?
A FUGITIVE? How so? I thought Essek was doing alright these days ... Occultus Thalamus? Huh?
"Beautiful purple man"? Dorian knows what's up, definitely ...
His "PARTNER"? Oh Essek ... O.O I mean that's ADORABLE ...way to go, Caleb ... :3
Oh, so there was like a proper OFFICIAL Armistice? That's pretty cool ... I mean I'm not THAT good at keeping track, but still ...
Upgrade? Hmmm ... ah, now then, Astrid, careful there ... you don't wanna mess with THIS piece of business right now ...
Group Persuasion check? Interesting ... Taliesin rolls a 2, but Ashton's "tempted to just threaten physically" ... XD
Good point ... what DID happen in Zadash?
Awww ... KITTY!!! :3
A terrible flaming bird? You mean like a phoenix?
The Genesis Ward?
"Farts are funny" ... okay ... Astrid: "I will treasure it always." Yeah ...
Prudence? Awwwwwww ...
The Gale & the Raven is a bit trite? Hmmm ...
Oh here we go ... yeah, Tusk Love, no surprise there ...
Dorian: "Oh, there's a book that's called Just the Tip right here!" XD
A "picture porn"? FEARNE CALLOWAY!!! O.O
An Exandrian Kama Sutra? Fascinating ... yeah, OF COURSE she takes it ... LOL A Nat20? Yeah, no surprise there ...
So ... she thinks they're like ... A POLYCULE? Intriguing ... in a hilariously saucy way ... whoa, HOW MUCH?!!!
Yeah ... I wonder if Essek's having flashbacks right now ...
Yussa? Really?
Supples? Okay ... OH!!! YES!!! Is Pumat still in town? Go there! GO THERE!!!
The Pentamarket! Cool!
Taliesin wants a shopping episode ... and honestly that sounds like fun ... yes ...
Ashton wants a new jacket? Yes. Definitely. Oh, new wardrobe for EVERYBODY? Double yes. Good idea.
Marisha: "What? I WANT THAT!" XD
The Emerald Curtain ... sounds like it could work ...
Ah, the new clothing smell ...
"Musicians"? Really? Oh ... memorialise FCG? Yes ... cloaks? Definitely ... oh, yes, checking through the stock sounds good ... yes, do that.
"Keith"? Hmmm ... oh yes, they are high-maintenance clients indeed ...
Artsy-fartsy? Yeah ... a slender half-giant? WOOD CARVING?!!! Oh wow ... Chetney is DEFINITELY interested ...
Damid? Oh, I like this guy already. "An audience? It's been a bit." XD Yeah, I love this guy.
Just the dye ... yeah, Laudna's very hands-on ...
"HOT BOI" ... Marisha's fan is sending me ... XD
Matching corsets? Go Imodna! :3
Fur-lined leather coveralls for Chetney ... YEAH. Definitely. Oh ... leather BRIEFS?!!! Hmmm ... so he's expecting to full-on HULK IT, apparently ...
235 gold pieces overall ... Laura INSTANTLY reacts, much as expected ... "I'm just Imogen here, I don't know what things cost."
Yeah, they don't HAVE TO roleplay all of it ... LOL
Magic shop? Oh please ... PLEASE ...
FOOD!!! Yes, FOOD!!! God idea ...
Oooh, noodles, yay! Now I'm getting hungry ...
The Invulnerable Vagrant ... OH YEAH ... here we go ...
O.O This is gonna be so much fun ...
Oh I have missed that voice ... Matt just slips RIGHT BACK INTO IT like he never went away ... Robbie's reaction to gettting to see this first hand is PRICELESS ... I love it ...
Yeah, the clones ... Fearne: "What is happening?" I KNOW!!! XD Ashton: "This is what the inside of my head is like all the time right now."
Oh, so they're EXACTLY like the Ludinus clone they fought before ... crazy ... I love how they're incapable of being sent into an existential crisis regarding their autonomy and originality ... it's kind of cute ...
Ah! Potions! Here we go ... and other goodies! Cool ...
A harp? That sounds very Yasha ... is it a BONE harp?
Robe of the Midnight Rune? Interesting ... oh yes, that is DEFINITELY exactly what Imogen's been looking for. GET THAT!!! Whoa ... 9500 gold pieces? Are you KIDDING ME?!!!
3500 for the armour ... ALSO ridiculously expensive ...
The harp fires arrows. Ye gods ... BOOMY arrows, too ... oh, that is a SWEET item. The arrows do THUNDER DAMAGE!!! That is SO CHOICE. Oh wow ... that whole thing just keeps getting MORE AND MORE impressive ... 8000 gold pieces? Fuck ...
Healing potions, yesh ... and a SPEEDY potion? Wow ... a potion of INVULNERABILITY?!!! Double wow ...
Dorian gives Orym ALL OF HIS MONEY to buy the armour. OH MY GOD!!! That's just adorable ... he might as well just put a ring on it right now! Seriousl O.O
Oh yeah! Sell some of the Ruidian shit! Smart!
They must have souls, surely ... they way they are, they MUST HAVE ...
NO!!! Orym, don't sell you new sword!
How to blow Pumat Sol's mind - tell them you've been to the Moon! XD ... and now Imogen's talking into his head ... oh, appealing to the unity for the greater good? Persuasion check! Oh NICE ROLL, Laura!
The Bank of Chetney ... XD
These ARE very unique down here right now ... roll good for Persuasion, Marisha ... 23? Oh yes ...
Fearne will have 69 gold left ... OF COURSE she will ... XD
Chetney COULD do with a ranged attack, yes. That is the smark move, give HIM the harp ...
So robe to Imogen, the armour to Orym and the harp to Chetney. Plus the potions, that's a SWEET haul ...
Oh yes, that's right ... the moon not being in the sky WOULD have been proof to FCG that the world is ROUND ... awww ...
Holy fuck ... the world really is just GOING TO SHIT right now, clearly ...
Awwww ... seriously, Orym, he only did it because he LOVES YOU. You could totally tap that if you want to. Which we KNOW you do.
Ashton: "Do you know Stairway to the Astral Realm?"
Oh, so that's it for the night? Okay. And time for a break ...
Oh my gods that Beason advert was complete genius ...
The Lodge of the Eclipse. Oh, it's a jazz club? Cool ...
Rooms for the night? Good. Oh, Essek has WAYS, does he? Interesting ... wow, THAT is a very good deal indeed ...
Essek does squats, apparently ... XD
Come on, Esxsek, be FUN for once. Surely it's been a while since you've done this kind of thing ...
A sexy buxom half-orc? Nice ... that's definitely my style ...
Laudna, chill! Dear fucking gods ...
Yoink! Ashton grabs some of Fearne's lacy stuff ... and she lets him ... :3
Yeah, Dorian and Chetney are clearly having a blast ...
Madame Feathered-Face? Oooooh ... a sexy dwarven fan-dance? Nice ... a feathery beard? Cool ... oh WOW that is AWESOME, she can FLY with it! O.O
Ashton is showing Essek his head ... oh, this should be interesting. He knows A LOT about this particularly kind of stuff, if I remember ... oh, NOW what the fuck is he doing? Seriously? This feels ... rash ...
Dunamis ... yeah, I thought so ... needless to say he is concerned but also DEEPLY impressed ...
Ashton does the rainbow sparkle thing ... Essek: "Now you're just showing off.
Chetney's heart is lost once again ... XD
Orym is checking out Otohan's sabre ... okay ...
Ah, the Luxon Beacons ... yeah ... oh, so it looks like Ludinus and co have one or more at their disposal, then ... great ...
Ashton: "When you jump out of a window, you try not to blame the quality of the glass ..." Oof ...
Oh wow ... so they could actually use their own dunamancy to MESS THE KEY UP?!!! Yes, that sounds REALLY good ...
Awwwwwwww ... Fearne gets him talking about Caleb ... :3
Awesome ... hover, boy, HOVER ...
Much floaty foolishness ensues ... XD
The story of how Ashton first found Letters ... awwww ... oh, I am NOT alright now ...
Arts and crafts is fun ...
What is Orym going to do with this thing? Oh ... he's TRAINING with it? Whoa ... oh, he's CLAIMING IT? That is ... INTENSE ...
The Wildmother? Oh ... man ...
Marisha: "The night before San Diego ComicCon ..." XD
Matt: "Tim Burton's Island of Misfit Toys ..."
Oh shit ... this is the first time Dorian's seen LIVING Pate ... "Oooooooh ... is it too late to back out of this now?" Yeah ... oh, he is THOROUGHLY disturbed ... I am NOT surpised ... this is a TRULY SURREAL scene ... in a truly CREEPY way ...
Awww .. alone time for Orym and Fearne ... and here's Dorian ... the original trio back together ... :3
Finally Fearne leaves them alone to catch up ... oh my gods ... is THIS what we've been waiting for for so long? O.O
Time for a much-earned rest, yeah ...
Laudna does NOT like Orym with Otohan's blade ... oh fuck ... not NOW ... FUCK OFF, Delilah!
Fuck ... she KNEW Ludinus? Great ...
Seriously Laudna, DO NOT listen to this evil bitch ... oh no ... I mean it, this is SO STUPID ...
Oh shit ... is Otohan's sword SENTIENT? Is this gonna be another Grog situation?
Yeah, Orym's ridiculously aware EVEN WHEN HE'S ASLEEP ...
Darkness? REALLY?!!! Oh my gods ...
No ... sriously, Laudna, DO NOT Wither the vines ... oh fuck, she's doing it ... Wither & Bloom ... oof ... and she has to be PRECISE doing it ... oh fuck ... O.O
Yeah, of course this wakes him up ... and he's in total darkness while he's QUITE CLEARLY being fucking ATTACKED ... oh yeah, he's IMMEDIATELY ready to fight regardless of the conditions ... NOW what?
A contested Dexterity roll? Oh fuck ...
Dear fucking gods this is going SO BAD SO QUICKLY ... and now everybody else is waking up too ... perfect ...
Mage Hand? Really? Okay ... this is ALL bad decisions at this point ... and now she has the fucking sword ...
Seriously Laudna, I'm saying it AGAIN, DO NOT trust this evil c£$%!
And now they can all see ... great ... oh this looks SO BAD ...
Fuck ... is this REALLY starting to turn into a genuine conscious fight between these two right now? Oh no ... she's going to FLEE?!!! This could get even worse so quickly ...
Well that's it then ... the sword is OUT of her grasp ... now what?
Just STOP!!! Right now, please just STOP before this gets so much worse ...
Both of them are making VERY GOOD POINTS right now and I don't like where either of them are going with this ...
Ashton is doing something SO FUCKING SMART right now and I'm here for it ...
Fearne can Identify the sword? Okay, yeah, totally do that, that's really smart ...
Imogen casts Detect Thoughts on Laudna ... there is a collective intake of breath around the table and I don't blame them ...
Whispers? Oh, here we go ...
Chetney's been asleep this whole time? Wow ...
Be VERY CAREFUL Fearne ... Ishta the Summit Blade ... of NOW we get the little card? Matthew fucking Mercer!
Wake up, Chet! We need you ...
"Geometry and stuff" XD ... I love how rudimentary Fearne's understanding of Chetney's abilities is ...
Grim Psychometry ... here we go ...
Oh this is some TRULY UGLY SHIT ... this blade is HORRIBLE ... oh fuck, Zephrah? No, I don't want this ... don't do this, Matt ... seriously this thing should not be used again ...
Chetney VOMITS. Of course he does ...
Wait ... nobody else knows about his deal with Morri ... did he just OUT his deal with Morri? SERIOUSLY Orym?
Can Dorian finally break this standoff?
Oh for fuck's sake ... now it's Laudna against Imogen ... this won't end well ...
Imogen: "Let it go." Laudna: "Why?" Imogen: "Because I don't think it's YOU that wants this."
She just LEAVES? What?
And now Fearne tries to stop her ... oh boy ... now Imogen's going out after her ...
Oh fuck ... Delilah? Seriously? Tell me she's now being full-on fucking TAKEN OVER right now ... Laudna's ABSORBING the knife ... bloody hell ... this is HORRIFYING ...
Fuck! It IS her! Not good! Not fucking good! A "Delilah CAGE"? Fuck ... great ... now it's BOTH OF THEM TOGETHER ... I hate this ... seriously, did they come up with this in advance? It feels like they did and I HATE IT ...
Holy ... I LOVE you and it made that all go away? CAN their love really be strong enough for this? Suddenly I'm SO WORRIED that it's not going to be enough ...
THAT'S where he ending it? Fuck ... oh this is SO MUCH right now ... that was INTENSE ...
I'm SO SCARED for them right now ...
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late-night-vocaloid · 3 months ago
VVV Music Live live reaction that I'm calling a recap | Day 2 | Part 1
Which I watched right after. This one was kinda wild. I had to split this post into two parts because I hit the image limit.
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Day two! As with before, this show truly is six hours.
They should’ve let Una and Yuki perform together. Oh well, they can hang out backstage (in the ship?)
Itako and Kiritan couldn’t make it… huh… a little weird for Kiritan not to be here but I guess Zundamon is
Akane does all the collabs
Combo chosen for their colors?
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Why is Akari’s lighting so pretty
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Melon pan?
This is like an Owata-P song
Oh yeah it has to be
Yukari awesome
They gave her that flower choreo, she’s her replacement
The hot pink lighting goes Really well
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LOL her talkbank is super calm compared to the song
Yaaay Yukari and Akari
Cute so Akari just showed up to talk to her
Yukari resident Vocaloid number 2, to me
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Oh IA’s shoes are cute, cute white dress, pretty shots with it
IA is allowed to sing with her Vocaloid bank
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Is that Fukase???? Where is he??? They are singing to each other???
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Yeah that was him! “Fukase-san”
Clothing transformation?
Beautiful colors to match the PV
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She’s really getting down. I thought this song was sad? Maybe it isn't?
Whoever did the choreo for this has turned IA into an entirely different character, why is she kind of….
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They’ve wanted IA to “slay” on tiktok or whatever for years now and she’s doing it more in this performance than all those times combined
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Dude she killed it
And she clapped when the song clapped so that’s cool
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The ponytail’s always been a good look for IA. Massive shoutout to IA and ONE for all the outfit changes. Does anyone else want to take notes
How did I know they’d be the ones with applause added into their song
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IA and Yukari again!
Cool song, the stage has transformed
Something is happening
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So This is what they're doing because Saki and Tsudumi aren't here
Is thiiiis… neutrino?
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I’m starting to think Zundamon has something in their bio that says they have to say zunda in all of their songs
Zundamon is bringing a very cute energy
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Omg Zunko appears and Zundamon is bothering her
She comes in to support Zundamon and is gone
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Zundamon you are so funny
Whaaaat they actually get the outfit?
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Camera is going around them in circles, high energy
Anyone else screenshot these like it’s their job
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Miss can you back up
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I love VVV because it really does feel like it can be anyone performing
Very fun oster
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With that I'm just about to the image limit! A few more singers in the next post.
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gwydionae · 10 months ago
King's Quest Fan Remakes
After talking about them a bit recently, I felt compelled to play through the old KQ fan remakes (1-3 from AGDI and 3 from IA), and I wanted to share my more in depth thoughts for anyone interested in these love letters to the original games.
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King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown Remake from AGD Interactive
A lovely update to the original! While clearly the least polished of AGDI's offerings, it's nice to be able to play KQ1 with KQ5-style graphics and voice acting (the original voice of Graham, Josh Mandel, voices him in all four of the games in this post, ftr). There is an option to turn off any chance of softlocking yourself before you even start the game, which is a welcome feature. Puzzle-wise, this one stays the most faithful to the original out of the three from AGDI with a few updates here and there (like that stupid name puzzle! lol). The vocal performances and sound effects can be a bit fuzzy, but I found them enjoyable nonetheless.
Overall a solid fan remake with limited extra bells and whistles!
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King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones from AGDI
Easily the most ambitious of the three from AGDI. Pretty much all of the core elements from KQ1 are further polished here - artwork, acting, music, and sound effects. The story and puzzles, however, have been changed enough that the end product is sizably different from the original. In some cases, this is fun and interesting (more lore and character interactions! new and unique puzzles!), but not everyone will enjoy all the changes. I, for example, find the underwater section kind of fun, but the new content around the count... not so much (for reasons I'll avoid due to spoilers, but know they're more mechanical than anything). There's less freedom in when you can do things, the added story making the game far more linear than it originally was. But then I'm sure many would agree that if any KQ game could do with extra content, it'd be 2, so I can't fault them swinging for the fences, even if not every hit was a home run.
All in all, this version of KQ2 doesn't really work if you're simply looking to experience the original game with updated graphics, but it's a fun playthrough nonetheless, and newcomers might enjoy the added lore/story bits. Just be aware that I could probably sum up the original game's story in about two sentences while this one would take far longer. XD
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King's Quest III: To Heir is Human Redux from AGDI
If KQ1 wasn't fully polished and KQ2 was a little overworked, then KQ3 is juuuuuust right! (For anyone who knows the game, yes, this is a purposeful pun. XD) The graphics, sounds, music, vocal performances - all are the best yet (though still with some minor hiccups as any fan game is wont to have - the music was sadly cutting out during the climactic sequence for me). It even has a neat little feature where the timer changes color depending on how close you are to being zapped into oblivion that is not only useful but adds a sense of urgency in it's own way (especially if you forgot the item that makes travel a lot easier for like 2 meals I mean what lol). While it does carry over some of the story threads from AGDI's second entry, this game still works well enough on it's own, with the majority of the new content being added in naturally rather than supplanting whole sections of the original. In fact, personally speaking, I think the added content only enhances the game, your encounters with Medusa and the yeti especially getting a nice boost. And the extra lore only helps you feel for the protagonists plight all the more. The ending is a bit drawn out, perhaps, and I may not agree with the order you're supposed to choose the four items in to get the treasure (insert rant here XD), but those are minor nitpicks at best.
This is easily the best of the three, AGDI having perfected their KQ formula at this point. It works as a remake of the original while still adding in a bit of new content that doesn't feel unwelcome. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in giving the King's Quest series a try.
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King's Quest III: To Heir is Human Remake from Infamous Adventures
Look. I know that it's not as impressive as AGDI's version. The time limit is laughably long, the spells are impossible to mess up, and some of the clickable areas can be a bit wonky. But I really like this version, ok?? I like the design and voice of Gwydion, I like the storybook quality that the cutscene art has, I like that it feels lonely when it should. And as much as some of the changes in AGDI's version were really nice, I like that it's basically just the original game without extra stuff added in.
This is like AGDI's KQ1 - a really solid remake of a game that gives you the feel of the original but with an updated interface and graphics. It's not as impressive as the one above, but it doesn't have to be. The original KQ3 is an awesome game, so an update of just that can't be bad. It can easily be played as a standalone game, and I will continue recommending this version 'til I die, lol.
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yeosang-ia · 2 years ago
continued from here
The cloudling blinked at the admission. Because even if his kind did live until they were in the hundreds, Yeosang was just literally born on the tail end of the 20th century. (Did he even count as a 90s baby, seeing as he was born on June 1999?)
"Wow. That's a really big number. I've lived for like... two decades and almost a half, I guess." Quickly packing up his stuff once he notices that most of the students around them are heading out, he added. "Do you have anything to do after this? I'm pretty new in the academy, so I was planning to look around the places nearby if you wanna come with?"
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lsdunesarchive · 2 years ago
Post-Hardcore Supergroup L.S. Dunes Debut New Single “Old Wounds”
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Words by wookubus Photo by Kevin Estrada August 24, 2023
Post-hardcore supergroup L.S. Dunes have dropped their second stand-alone single of the summer, “Old Wounds“. As with this past June’s “Benadryl Subreddit“, this song was produced by Alex Newport (The Mars Volta, Fudge Tunnel) during a recording session at Ranch De La Luna in Joshua Tree, CA.
Guitarist Frank Iero (also of My Chemical Romance, commented:
“‘Old Wounds‘ was a song that Travis brought to the band a while back. In getting ready for the upcoming desert session, Anthony came back around to it and ended up singing an incredible melody over it. After hearing Anthony‘s voice on that song, it was pretty obvious what needed to be played over those existing melodies. ‘Old Wounds‘ definitely feels like it represents the cold nights out in the desert for me and it might be one of my favorite songs we have done as a band.”
Vocalist Anthony Green (Circa Survive, etc.) added, “‘Old Wounds‘ was inspired by something I thought that I had lost that I actually needed to let go of.”
Guitarist Travis Stever (Coheed And Cambria) shared:
“The way everyone drifted into this song and brought their own energy was one of the most organic and natural approaches to songwriting I have ever been a part of. From the initial instrumental ideas to the vocals Anthony added, all the way to the production, it just flowed. Like we had a road map for where the song would go already. The feelings it derives from me, and the continued layers make it possibly my favorite song I have ever been a part of writing.”
The group will remain active on the road throughout the fall, having been booked for the below run of shows.
09/17 Chicago, IL – Riot Fest
With Pierce The Veil, Dayseeker & Destroy Boys:
11/04 Sacramento, CA – Hard Rock Live 11/05 Fresno, CA – Fresno Convention Center 11/07 Phoenix, AZ – Arizona Financial Theatre 11/08 El Paso, TX – UTEP Don Haskins Center 11/10 San Antonio, TX – The Espee 11/11 Edinburg, TX – Bert Ogden Arena 11/12 Houston, TX – 713 Music Hall 11/14 Orlando, FL – House of Blues 11/15 Orlando, FL – House of Blues 11/17 Myrtle Beach, SC – House of Blues 11/18 Corbin, KY – The Corbin Arena 11/19 Macon, GA – Macon City Auditorium 11/21 Boston, MA – MGM Music Hall at Fenway 11/25 Reading, PA – Santander Arena 11/26 Columbus, OH – KEMBA Live! 11/28 Chesterfield, MO – The Factory 11/30 Chicago, IL – Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom 12/02 Des Moines, IA – Vibrant Music Hall 12/03 Minneapolis, MN – The Armory 12/05 Oklahoma City, OK – The Criterion 12/07 Las Vegas, NV – Brooklyn Bowl 12/08 San Diego, CA – Viejas Arena
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inflammatory · 1 year ago
YAAAWWWW time for a maia win. AS on that AD until it GDPs i know your grade is gonna be inelastically good
1 who is the first artist you remember loving?
I was big into of monsters and men as a kid in addition to all the usual tumblr grunge suspects. If we go back even earlier to like 8 years old my vocaloid girlies <33333
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Thats IA and gumi (i wasnt into miku because she wasnt like so #me . I was already developing the alternative agenda at 8. I mean i liked her and rin and len just fine but these two were like THE ones for me). Okay ovviously theyre not “artists” but i wasnt deliberately looking for who made what song i just liked their looks and sound and the type of music people made them sing. Wait im gonna use this as an excuse to link stuff
THIS ia track (six trillion years and one night story) is still a really good blend of traditional japanese scales and jpop intensity and was exactly the kind of grimdark headbanger kid me liked. The part that goes If this world could just be me and you and if everyone else would just disappear. that part will get me eternally. Also i realised i probably also liked these two because theyve actually got pretty realistic voices. Childhood blues by gumi has a really nice video with art that i used to be obsessed with
This is really a tangent but also i thought about vocaloid producers that i liked also and seriously neru was huge for suicidecore rock songs . Shockingly his stuff that i like is actually kind of recent like 2017? But in my opinion it was easier to get into specific vocaloid artists as a kid cause they had videos on youtube and violent beats so you could binge a whole discography as an easily bored young person . Anyway neru stuff is typically steeped in that Japanese high school melancholia, you know, school uniforms, blank expressions, desks flying everywhere. I really liked this one its pertinent for when youre in your very early preteens/teens and you dont like doing homework and youre convinced youre an evil and wicked human being
3 who is the artist you put on to make you smile?
LOVEEEE dominic fike and always gets me in a good mood. His songs have palpable swag even in purely audio format. Quality cuts that havent failed to improve my mood yet
4 which song rips your heart out?
Oh rips heart out is a very specific feeling and i kind of want to say erm that part in legally blonde from legally blonde the musical when she says some girls fight hard some face the trial some girls were just meant to smile. All my other sad songs are more of an ache kind of feel. Actually wait forget i said the legally blonde answer i dont listen to musicals ssshhhhhh its actually bye bye darling by børns now because i slammed back so many plays of it when my dog died
I mean like
Goodbye to the paperback age / I'll miss your touch
To flip you, crease you, lay underneath you, fall asleep to / Bye-bye darling I'll miss you so much
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book-of-baba-fett · 1 year ago
some questions to start (there may be more)
did you know everything that was going to happen in illicit affairs, or did you find yourself changing things throughout the story? did the readers influence anything that happened?
i know picking favourite chapters is basically impossible, but were there any chapters that were just really enjoyable to write?
-- @cyarbika
Illicit Affairs Ask Me Anything
So I had a notes page that was the outline of the story the whole time - and while things were added to it and fleshed out and some things were cut, all major plot points remained the same pretty much. I would say things evolved more than changed, I found more to add in or better ways to link plot points. One thing that did change is actually from this chapter, so i'll add that below the cut. Readers have never influenced anyting in canon (although I do often write things and evilly laugh when I think of reactions) BUT readers are whyt he Fives FWB au exists lmao.
One of the most fun chapters to write was 11, the chapter where they're all at 79s. There's just so much in it, I mean it is the last happy chapter really. Writing Rex and Talia dancing around each other in public and failing to be inconspicious as a couple was great, and I like to imagine there were more scenarios just like it that I couldn't write.
I only added in Rex and Ahsoka going to Padme's funeral because it appeared in Tales of the Jedi and I went "ok there's no way I can't include this". I originally had a bigger time jump, to show rex in tbb era, as in the first episode he shows up there in s1. I was going to have a moment of him conntemplating while they wait for Wrecker to wake up. There's a moment in the episode where Rex is looking at his helmet, and I would have written it then. I like to imagine if Rex and Talia were canon, the show would play a motif of what would have been their musical theme in that moment.
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cmanse · 1 month ago
M Y N E W A E G O N C H A R A C T E R A I B O T S (a n d o t h e r s h o t d)
Here are my 10 new house of the dragon character ai bots. Today I put 6 new bots on Aegon II Targaryen. I am really happy to have had so many requests on him, I love him too much he is just too interesting and cute 🤭. I put back the bot 'he need comfort after getting burned | req' which was banned for some reason. but unfortunately the old one is lost forever…
Anyways, the most important thing is that a new version has been put back and that I also added bots on this fandom about Jacaerys, Jaehaerys I, Aemond, Daemon and Rhaenyra as well as a bot on the targtower siblings. I hope you will like them. do not hesitate to order some from me, I take all types of requests
For the request and my character ia masterlist -> CHARACTER AI BOTS (1) ; CHARACTER AI BOTS (2)
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doctor and his intern | hospital au | req (doctor!aegon targaryen x intern!user) — following the death of his nephew jaehaerys from a heart attack aegon becomes a doctor at the hospital of the seven in kingslanding. but aegon remains aegon and he does not seem to be able to resist the charm of his intern, user [mxw]
his little niece | young aegon (young!aegon targaryen x child or pre-teen!niece) — aegon never learned to be gentle or comfort anyone since no one ever did it for him in his fourteen years of existence, but when his little niece, user, comes crying into his arms, he is gentle. [mxw]
blended family | modern au | req (divorced!aegon targaryen x new girlfriend!user) — after a brutal divorce from his ex-wife and becoming a single father, aegon starts a new life with his new girlfriend, user. [mxw]
his delicious wife | vampire au | req (vampire!aegon targaryen x wife!user) — in addition to riding dragons, targaryens are creatures that feed of blood. when prince aegon is forced to marry user, he never expected to become so obsessed with tasting his delicious bride's veins. [mxw]
running away to essos with his niece | req (uncle!aegon targaryen x rhaenyra daughter niece!user) — when his father king viserys dies and his mother and grandfather try to force him to usurp his step-sister's throne, aegon flees to essos. but he comes across his niece, rhaenyra's only daughter, user, and takes her with him without really thinking and now she's starting to ask questions about the origin of this journey. [mxw]
he needs comfort after getting burned | req (burned!aegon targaryen x brother!user) — overwhelmed by the shame of his military failure and his burns, aegon needs comfort and his brother user comes to give it to him. [mxm]
his little sister is a witch? | req (older brother!jacaerys velaryon x lucerys twin witch!user) — jacaerys discovers that his sweet and pretty little sister is a witch. [mxw]
wake up in the modern world (jacaerys velaryon x modern!user) — jacaerys was drowning at the battle of the gullet, but when he wakes up, he finds himself not in heaven with his little brother and his fathers but in a strange room with user, an unknown woman. warning: spoiler. [mxw]
he didn’t think you would be like saerea (father!jaehaerys i targaryen x daughter!user) — never would jaehaerys have thought that user, his beloved daughter would be caught up in her sister saerea targaryen's scandal. [mxw] [platonic]
learn high valyrian with him (aemond targaryen x sister!user) — at the request of their father king viserys, aemond helps his little sister user learn high valyrian. [mxw]
aegon, aemond, daeron and helaena group chat (modern!aegon targaryen x modern!aemond targaryen x modern!daeron targaryen x modern!helaena targaryen x targaryen modern!user) — the group chat of user and her/his/them siblings. [mxmxmxwxn]
their witch | req (king consort!daemon targaryen x queen!rhaenyra targaryen x daemon witch mistress!user) — when daemon returns from harrenhal to dragonstone he takes the young witch user as his mistress with him and slowly makes rhaenyra fall in love with her. one night after insomnia problems, she catches them talking alone and instead of jealousy she feels something new for user. [mxwxw]
Omg guys, 1000 followers on character ai? Over 1.1m chat?! I love you thank you so much!! I'm also working on the second masterlist. All these bots will be available on this one!
[mxw] = man x woman | [mxn] = man x non-binary/man/woman (you can choose your gender) | [wxw] = woman x woman | [wxw] = woman x woman | [mxwxw] = men x woman x woman ……………………………..……………………………..…………………….
• masterlist — my character ai elizabethmanse • bots of 31 jan 2025
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strixcattus · 1 year ago
Conlang Year Days 35–37
I know—I already did a post for day 35 on its own. But come on, that was barely a post.
These past few days have been a bit of an empty period for my Conlang Year project, since pretty much everything covered by them was already finished beforehand. I've been documenting as I go and put together the modern phonology as soon as I could, and my romanization system came free with my starting sound inventory (and later, my refusal to copy/paste ɕ and ʑ a single time more than I had to).
So I'm spending today doing a bit of housekeeping. I sorted all the new proto-forms into the categories from the form creation days (always good to keep things organized) and I'm adding just a few more new ones, namely *zapoki (time), which is obviously an important word to have for this conlang, and which I designed for its evolved form zaoci.
I'll also organize my phonology (and romanization) notes under the cut, so they're all in one place on here (they aren't in my doc. My notes only need to be navigable to me there).
Proto-sound inventories
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The syllable structure for the proto-forms is strictly CV. There are no diphthongs present at this stage.
Stress falls as close to the antepenultimate syllable as possible. In words with fewer than three syllables, it falls on the first syllable.
Sound changes
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The sound changes are as follows:
Voiceless stops [p] [t] and [k] reduce to [f] [s] and [x] respectively in contexts [a_i], [u_i] and [o_i].
[p] becomes [w] before [u], and before [o] in unstressed syllables.
[d] becomes [g] before [a] and [o], and before [e] in unstressed syllables.
[owo] and [owu] become [ou]. [uwo] and [uwu] become [uo]. [awo] becomes [ao]. [eje] becomes [ei].
[j] vanishes in contexts [a_i], [e_i], and [o_i], as well as [i_o], [i_e], and [i_a]
[j] becomes [ʑ] before high vowels and after [i].
[l] fortifies to [d] before [a] and [o].
[f] and [x] reduce to [h] everywhere they occur.
Glides fortify to [l] anywhere they persist.
[h] is deleted universally where possible. Where not possible, it changes to [ɕ].
These changes are split into four stages as depicted above with the shading on the table. The first three steps take place in Stage 1, steps 4 and 5 take place in Stage 2, steps 6 and 7 take place in Stage 3, and the final three stages take place in Stage 4.
There are a few rules to take into account when applying these changes, to prevent large vowel clusters and ambiguous situations:
Stress-based changes look only to primary stress.
Vowels within diphthongs do not count as single vowels for deletion purposes. They may be considered as single vowels for fortification purposes (the only other context-dependent change that occurs after formation of diphthongs).
If a single step affects multiple parts of a word, work from beginning to end.
Modern sound inventories
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Modern stress and phonotactics
Diphthongs are allowed in modern forms! They generally evolve from the deletion of consonants. The full list of diphthongs that are created over the sound evolution of Conlang are:  ai, ei, oi, ui, io, ie, ia, ou, uo, and ao.
Diphthongs draw stress to themselves. If a word has a diphthong, primary stress falls on that syllable. If not, it again defaults to as near the antepenultimate syllable as possible. (I'm not sure at this point whether monosyllabic words are stressed, unstressed, or stressed depending on context.)
There are no words long enough at this moment to have multiple diphthongs, though there likely will be at a later point. If such a thing happens, I'd say stress would land on the first diphthong.
Syllable structure continues to be CV, where the V may be a single vowel or a diphthong.
Nearly all the IPA characters used to transcribe Conlang are already from the Latin alphabet. The two exceptions are ɕ and ʑ, which in the modern language are represented by the letters C and J, respectively. In addition, I'll be using the letter Y to represent [j] in these posts if needed, to avoid confusion with [ʑ].
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leejieun-ia · 2 years ago
from @spencer-ia
Looking down at the spoon offered to him with distrust clear in his expression, Spencer couldn't help but shoot Jieun a skeptical look. He's grown a close acquaintanceship that he sometimes liked to think bordered on friendship. The reaper wasn't even sure how they had met. But he did remember that there was some kind of yelling or berating, and he either tripped or got hurt in some other way. Both of those things were entirely plausible, but Spencer just couldn't remember for the life of him."Do you have a healer or a doctor on speed dial if this gives me food poisoning?" Spencer meant every word he said, but the twinkle in his eye also showed that he said it partially just to rile the other up. "I'm telling you, hospitals aren't exactly cheap nowadays, so I'm fully expecting you to pay for everything if I get confined." Taking a tentative sniff, he added, "What is it, anyway?"
"Well if it doesn't poison you that means the Belladonna I was sold is expired. I have a nice box out back in case it does work, and some flowers to make it nice and pretty."
He sniffed the spoon and she couldnt help but laugh, head shaking as she motioned again for him to taste it. "It's just chicken and rice, but I can never decide if it needs more spice. I personally think it could use a touch more garlic, maybe some salt?"
She had been watching the cooking channel the night before and decided to try a few recipes out. "I also made lemon bars, fudge brownies, and something called fairy bread which wasn't as magical as it sounds. Hungry?"
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echidnana · 2 years ago
17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 if you don’t mind 0w0< -Finny & Idol
WHEW this post got super long!!! tysm for the ask finny + idol we are SO autistic about prsk and had so much fun answering these 💚💚 -zelda
17. What songs would you like added to the game? Which units (if any) would you like to cover them?
we would LOVE to see a bocchi song covered by Leo/need, it would literally be so cool and fit so well!!! (link to a post w specific song matchups we made a while ago) aside from that:
- nee nee nee by pinocchiop covered by niigo (esp either mafuena or mizuena!!)
- sick sick sick by pinnochiop covered by saki
- ultimate senpai by pinocchiop covered by either WXS or mmj- I feel like it could apply really well to tsukasa or airi!!
- idol by yoasobi covered by mmj!!! it would be SO cool, as an idol song while being much more... intense? I guess is how I would put it? it would be awesome (+ kohane and an's va's covered it and they sound AMAZING!!!!)
- can't remember what it is in English (something hateful disdain maybe?) but this song would be SO so neat as a ruikasa cover. for real
- ai no uta/love song covered by mmj
- HONEYWORSK MMJ COVWR PLEASEEEE literally any song I can't think of the names right now but any of the idol ones would fit them so well
18. If you could pick any vocal synth to be added to the game, who would it be?
omg there are so many... we would love to see yukari, IA, Piko, Fukase, SF-A2 Miki, and flower added! even though we know it wouldn't happen, especially with some of the synth's company/rights stuff. I also think teto would be a super cool addition :)
we would super love to see yukari's different designs in different Sekais, she's one of our favorites and think she definitely has the range to fit into each Sekai perfectly <3
19. Favorite card(s)?
ok so we're going to do this as individual cards/not both trained and untrained, just one side, to make it easier to pick <3 also we numbered these but they aren't necessarily in order or anything
1) the resonating with you trained set!! we can't just pick one, they all go together so well and have such a lovely vibe to them!! the change in lighting/progression through the day, their outfits, how much fun they're having together, it's so good 💚
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2) ok we're definitely biased because transmasc Mafuyu but this card is so pretty
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3) Luka cherry blossoms!!! this is one of our absolute favorites, easily our favorite vocaloid card
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4) yes we are doing another full Leo/need set we just love them so much and this set is so beautiful. the implications of moving on and train imagery honestly this whole event was AMAZING
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5) WEDDING SHIZU!!!! this is one of our favorite costumes too shizuku is so so pretty
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6) these cards are everything to us, probably our favorite mmj set- Minori focuses are always bangers and this one is no exception <3
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7) get over it but specifically trained ichisaki + untrained ichi!!! the colors in this set are so good, they scratch our brain, and it just feels so funky and cute. plus we love any cards with multiple Leo/need members <3
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8) re:tie friendship trained set!!!! yes another mmj set aksjajjd this is our 1st or 2nd favorite mmj sets, the lighting is gorgeous and it feels so... hopeful and emotional
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(ok we hit image limit were going to add more in a rb)
20. Favorite costume(s)?
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right now our favorite is shizuku's wedding costume!!! we think it looks good on Ichika + are saving to get it for Mafuyu.....
here are some of our other faves!!! Leo/need costumes go hard + idol costumes on mizuki are so so good!!!
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21. Share a headcanon for your favorite character(s)!
OK Leo/need and vbs friendship is so important to me. I think they're best friends and go to each other's gigs and support each other. they have similar goals and are in adjacent music worlds so they hang out 💚 ichi shiho kohane Akito are the transmasc quad
project sekai ask game!
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winter-spark · 2 months ago
I didn't post my pinterest board at the end of October because I wasn't on but I've seen people do this thing where they go "What hairstyles I think the x characters would have if they were black" so I'll eventually still post my pinterest board but I wanted to try this. So
What hairstyles I think Spring troupe would have if they were black:
Sakuya Sakuma:
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Type 4 hair, secured by a scarf tied up.
Masumi Usui:
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Two-toned locs that cover his eyes. (The image here is 3 toned which is cool and a good idea too, I was just initialing thinking two like, some bleached some not.)
Tsuzuru Minagi:
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Short finger coils.
Itaru Chigasaki:
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Locs, potentially sister locs. He got them either during or after college and has upkept them since. (He has a loctician)
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When they meet him, Type 4 hair with the front brushed/clipped/tucked down
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At Zafran Palace, mid-large braids with gold hair cuffs and stuff.
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After Winter Year 2, something akin to the hairstyle he had when they met him but maybe with a little something extra like a small top ponytail, a couple of front braids or some added decorative pieces. Though I'm not sure if the decorative pieces would be when he has to make royal appearances or not.
Chikage Utsuki:
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Loc Knott Bob with bangs. Probably typically down to the bottom of his ear, but I do think his hair grows fast. He didn't always have his hair loc'd but I've already said why he does now.
And that's Spring Troupe! I hope you guys enjoyed this. This is the cleaned up version from my Pinterest. But they were already pretty cleaned up(besides Itaru), Spring Troupe was fairly easy to figure out I think Itaru was the hardest and that's just because I couldn't decide what style of locs he should have. I'd say maybe it was actually Tsuzuru but I had his selected fully so... (Also Type 4 but no letter for Sakuya & Citron Idk if Sakuya has fhe same type as Citron or as Tangerine I guess both is also an option but tbd. Also Idk everyone else's hair type here)
Originally I wanted to include Izumi in this group but I decided not to so I'll have to post what I'm thinking for Izumi later. Meaning I'll share the other troupes and characters too. To the best of my abilities.
{So, assuming I actually post them here's where I'll add the links later:
Summer Troupe | Autumn Troupe | Winter Troupe | Zafra | Other (Mankai-related) | Other (Non-Mankai-related)}
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patheticbatman · 4 months ago
Chantha Rasphone - Terms Invented by the Author Glossary (Part One)
Confused? Go and read Part One & Part Two of the story Chantha Rasphone, and possibly the Laotian Glossary. Then come back :)
Terms invented by the Author
Amalai - ah-mah-lie - the name Ldreth calls Sunya, because he doesn’t know her true name. when I was about ten, I was rewatching The Last Unicorn, and only then did I discover that the song was NOT saying ‘ah-mah-lie’ but ‘I’m alive’. But it sounded so pretty, I kept the ‘word’ in my heart for years and finally had a chance to make it a name. I did decide to make it mean ‘Alive’ though. 
Artifact - art-ih-fact - an artifact is a thing made by human hands, usually historical. In the story, it means made sentient being.
Bargain-mark - bar-gan mark - a magical tattoo that appears when a serious promise is made. 
Chicken-rabbit - chik-en-rab-bit - a chimera comprised by a chicken and a rabbit. I wanted a common animal meat that might have not originated in Ixrun.
Crocodile-Bee - crok-oh-dile bee - a chimera comprised of a crocodile and a bee. It’s also an animal I invented for an ATLA inspired chimera coloring book (Li’s Friends: Horrible Pets to Protect you from a Horrible World) that I contributed art towards. When I decided that I would include my creations from that project, it just made sense to make Ixrun vaguely Southwest Australian, based on the Noongar people’s original land . Then later in the story, when I needed something that Ek could give Amalai to de-claim her, I worked with the idea that queen bees are more intelligent and went from there! I think I initially created these guys, the kangaroo-dolphin and the ‘thylacine-emus’ (see their entry) because I wanted to give the Southern Water Tribe (SWT) from ATLA more fauna than just those inspired by Arctic animals and the occasional Antarctic ones. The SWT is supposed to be ever so slightly Australian, but that aspect is not explored. 
Demonling - dee-mon-ling - a half-demon, often half human humanoid with horns. It literally means ‘offspring of demon(s)
Ek’s Reclassified Realm Survival Guide - eks ree-class-ih-fide relm sir-vive-all guide - a magical survival guide that helped Ek find the secret of the crocodile-bees for his rescue of Sunya. There used to be a show called ‘Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide’, about a boy and his friends surviving a pretty awful middle school, and when I was writing the survival guide part, I remembered the show and just wanted to reference it. Ek’s guide is ‘reclassified’ because it changes (reclassifies) between Realms.
Exandrine - ex-and-dreen - a chemical to which some Fae are allergic. I just mushed together syllables to make a word that sounded vaguely toxic.
Faeman - a Fae word to mean someone who is Fae and male. I invented this because both Ek and Ldreth are men, but they’re different, and in the Fae world, where humans are common(ish) it’s useful to have another term.
Frondrum - fron-drum - the name of the Suhman dwarf who invaded Ixrun and gave Ek his guide. I was trying to make up a non-stereotypical dwarf name and kept imagining them peeking out from large fronds. And since they’re from the Suhma Court, which has vaguely Latin-based names at times, like Titania, I added the Latin suffix ‘-um’ to Frond to make it sound like it could be from Suhma. I added the r to make it sound better in my head. So I named the character ‘Fronds’ basically. They are slightly based on Hoggle from Labyrinth (1986)
Grick - grik - the Queen of the crocodile-bees found in the Mirror’s cavern. I made this name because it sounds vaguely like what a bird, and thus possibly a crocodile, could say. 
Gruzz-gruzz-gree - the laughing onomatopoeia of a crocodile-bee
Ixrun - ix-run - the Fae Realm where most of the story takes place. I was trying to come up with a country name that did not sound like anything else. It was very tempting to add an ‘-ia’ suffix at the end, which in Latin just means ‘land’. Ixrun is somewhat based on southwest Australia but is known to accept all Fae 
Ixrunese - ix-roon-eez - the demonym of the Fae living in Ixrun. The suffix ‘ese’ is often given to a people whose country ends with a consonant like ‘m’ or ‘n’. Coincidentally, it’s a demonym suffix largely used for Asian peoples - most fittingly, the people of Austronesia, the Austronese. I wanted to invoke a non-European country while creating Ixrun, and the suffix worked! 
Ixrun’ys - ix-roon-ize - a word meaning ‘Ixrun belongs to us’.
Joey-chick - joe-ee-chik - a child of a marsupial and a bird chimera, such as a thylacine-emu
Joey-calf - joe-ee-calf - a child of a marsupial and a large placental mammal chimera, such as a kangaroo-dolphin
Kangaroo-dolphin - kang-gah-roo-doll-fin - a chimera comprised of a kangaroo and dolphin. It’s the animal that encouraged Ek to swim out of the Kraken’s cavern quickly. I originally invented it for the Li’s Friends: Horrible Pets to Protect you from a Horrible World coloring book.
Koala-spider - koh-all-ah-spy-der - a chimera comprised of a koala and a spider. I just wanted to invoke a sense of clinging really tightly from Ldreth’s point of view.
Ldreth - The first public name for the king, safe for everyone to use, though he prefers titles from his people. I wanted a name similar to Jareth so I moved some of the sounds around and added an L once I realized it sounded similar to ‘eldritch’. The sound ‘Ldr’ does not occur much, and I was trying to divorce my made up words for Ixrunese characters from any culture of which I am aware from the real world.
Lemshé - lem-shay - a made up method to make preparing animals with the exandrine chemical safe for those with allergies. I was vaguely imagining how you have to prepare pufferfish a certain way to make it safe to eat. 
Lorenul - Lor-en-ull - the name of Ldreth’s ex-wife. I was throwing syllables together and found some that reminded me of Lorelei, so I kept it. 
Lurlunk - lur-lunk- a stew involving mushrooms and taro roots. I was trying to vaguely evoke fae ideas and sort of remembered the name of the first fairy queen of Oz, Lurline.
Name - name - the title that one is called. Everyone, fae or human, has a public name and a true name.
Pig-wombat - pig-wom-bat - a chimera comprised of a pig and a wombat. Its meat was used in a bargain between Ek and Queen Grick, and to free Sunya from Ldreth’s claim. I wanted to evoke a fat, meaty, cuddly thing with a big nose.
Public name - a name that is available and magically-inconsequential for anyone to use. Ek, Sunya and Phi Thooey choose names that have nothing to do with their true names, but is still in their first languages. Turtle Person chooses a public name with Ek that is not even in its first language, to be even safer. Merlin goes by a modernized version of his original public name. And Ldreth goes by the first name that his parents gave him.
Rhark - rark - the name of the capitalist princess crocodile-bee, daughter to Queen Grick. It sounded vaguely like a sound a crocodile could make, spelled with an ‘rh’ because fantasy names are often spelled with an ‘rh’.
Spejo - spay-hoe - the public name of the Mirror who answered both Ek and Ldreth’s questions. The name is based on the Spanish word, ‘espejo’. He is the mirror that appears throughout my various fairy tale adaptions
Suhma - suh-mah - the greedy Realm north of Ixrun. I wanted to evoke the Summer Court, of old British and Shakespearean myth, but I wanted to make the name sound coincidental. They are full of fantasy humanoids from European myth, and are not as welcome to fae outside that description.
Tumblr has once again limited my bullet points. Click here for the second part! That link also has my glossary of 'Other Terms' :).
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