#i juat hate this.
sea-owl · 6 months
You know, I think there's some conversations to be had with Ogerpon's decision to go with the main character and the reactions to it.
Looking at the backstory for Ogerpon, she has been living very isolated on Kitikami ever since her original trainer died and the battle with loyal/mischevious three. Her story has been mistold to where she's the villain and the people born to Kitikami dislike her basically on principle. She hasn't felt safe to reveal herself to others outside of the masks festival where everyone is wearing a mask. Though based on some of the dialogue, it makes me think this is a one-off thing, and I think she finally felt brave enough because she saw the MC beforehand.
Ogerpon is shown to be very intelligent pokemon, she knows who is from the village and who isn't. She's also a curious pokemon because instead of fleeing when she sees MC and Kieran battling in front of her cave, she stays and watches. MC is probably the first outsider, like herself, that Ogerpon has come across. Kitikami kinda gives off the vibe that while they are currently trying to become more open to outsiders its a work in progress. But seeing someone different may have made Ogerpon curious enough or brave enough to go to the festival. At the festival she has a positive experience with the MC, the first positive experience she's had with a human since her original trainer. Now her past experience did make her nervous enough to flee when Carmine, one of the villagers, showed up, but I don't hold that against her.
After that, Ogerpon has positive after positive experience with the MC. They bond, MC shows a gentleness and care that Ogerpon hasn't received from humans in generations. The MC runs around Kitikami looking to take back the masks Ogerpon cherishes with Ogerpon. Looking into all of that I'm not surprised by Ogerpon's choice of traveling with the MC to put her hurt behind and make new memories.
Now, looking into Kieran. Before I go further, let me say I love Kieran. I love the arc his character goes through, but he kinda gives off nice guy energy who got rejected by his crush when it comes to Ogerpon. We learn early on that Kieran idolized Ogerpon's or the Oger's, strength. While talking with Carmine at the festival after seeing Ogerpon, she hints at, as much as can be hinted for a kids game, that his idolization may be a bit more of an obsession. Which, I am inclined to believe because we actively see him doing the same thing to MC and their strength.
Off the bat, Ogerpon isn't going to trust Kieran because he's from Kitikami. That isn't against him. That more just has to do with Ogerpon's experiences. Kieran also actively goes into Ogerpon's territory, sometimes at night, we're told, which is dangerous. That can't be a good feeling of someone rocking up to your home in the night, possibly waking you up. Especially when you don't trust the villagers as is and try to avoid them. Now we don't know if Kieran ever said anything while at Ogerpon's den, hoping she would hear or what he does when he gets to the den. But we do know she never felt safe or comfortable enough to reveal herself. Kieran mentioned to the MC that he would have Ogerpon live in his house in the village, a place Ogerpon actively avoids. So I wonder if he made that offer to her too by speaking it aloud or she overheard that at an earlier point, and it came off as a threat to her.
Back into the story Ogerpon doesn't bond with Kieran at all. He has the chance to, MC and Carmine both actively say hey let's go help Ogerpon get the masks back but he declines. Now he does go and spread the true story of Ogerpon to the other villagers but Ogerpon never asked for that, she didn't even want to step foot into that village. What she wanted was her masks back. That honestly should have been our first hint that Kieran didn't respect Ogerpon's choice.
Then came the battle for Ogerpon. At this point Ogerpon has actively chosen MC to be her new trainer and we see the negative affects of Kieran's obsession. He claims we "stole the Oger" from him, who he liked first. Carmine even jumps into this argument, saying that hey Ogerpon made her decision and they should respect that, but Kieran still wants to battle MC for her. He runs off after MC catches Ogerpon and the end scene to the Teal Mask DLC we see his obsession full on switch from Ogerpon to MC.
Indigo Disk also brings up some intresting things as well when it comes to Kieran's unhealthy obsession to Ogerpon. During your battle, he still calls her the Oger instead of her actual name, and if you bring her into battle, all his attacks focus on her. He's not over her rejection.
I also think there might be a conversation to be had about real world commentary on women's choices via Ogerpon as well. Whether the Pokemon company meant to do it or not they set it out there when they decided to make Ogerpon a girl. They reinforced it too by making players respect her decision and making her untradeable when Kieran trades with you after Indigo Disk.
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spitinsideme · 5 months
what awakened your passion for big women ?
ever since i was a little girl i saw women older than me ajd id try to impress them by doing things like doing good in school (i was very dumb lots of teachers hated me but that made them give me more attention and that made me go yay !!! uf i suck they yell at me more and oay attention to me yippeee !!! ) and giving them drawings of things ... that attraction to okder women then developed into atttractoon to older AND bigger women because god i jsut mena .. fuck .. have you sen them ... i love my womej big .. tall .. wide .. like just BIG .. maybe it debeloped because i enjky weighted blankets and so the thoight of a big womab sitting on my face is hot ... or maybe because i want to hold them and grip their body and alsl .. show then love .. theres more skin fo4 me to kiss and bite and be all roamntic on .. aldo because im a lady who loves wpmen .. i mean really at this poinr ... who DOESNR love big women like actually .. i fucking love big women ..
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actual-corpse · 21 days
きみとそらをとぶ / feat. 初音ミク & 巡音ルカ
Y'all... why does this give me intense nostalgia for a time I know I can never get back to?
Like... That's THE Pokémon song! The one you hear at the end of your journey. The one that makes you wanna go back to your mom and show her your Pokémon badges.
I really do love Pokémon lol. I love the games even though I hate battling. I'm actually in the process of trying to complete my Pokedex in Let's Go! Eevee, before I build my dream team for the Elite Four. I love my Eevee, I named her after my cat (as you do).
Idk... I'm tired, and in pain, and in my feelings about this song.
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ellennieel · 2 years
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He xuan as eris reference 'cause they're sexy and i'm bisexual
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sympyl · 5 months
Every time I look at Custodes models, I can't tell if I dislike the models themselves or if I just hate the colour gold.
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thedevilsoftruth · 2 months
The collection is growing....
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All I need is Year Zero, Not The Actual Events, Add Violence, ( which are my favorite nin records. Yeah, I said it, fight me. Hesitation marks is also my second favorite. ) and The Slip and then my collection is complete ( kinda )
I also want Year Zeros remixed album, Things Falling Apart, and the Ghost albums. But those are later investments.
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sabziesart · 4 months
Bangs? Bangs.
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im-not-a-l0ser · 5 months
You know Angela Giarratana is a good actress when you realise you love her so much, but oh boy do you really hate Grace Chasity.
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fangirltothefullest · 2 years
The American work system is so fucked that my 70 year old dad who is in a wheelchair because he has a herniated disk has to come to work because he has no sick or personal leave days left. He has to work for a whole month to accrue a single paid sick day.
And he would accrue personal leave at a rate of 8.5 hours for every month worked but the administration made it clear that even if he does, he's only allowed to use 16 hours worth which means 2 personal leave days only and he's used those up, you know, having terrible back and leg pain.
And he's already losing money having to leave early for doctors appointments.
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deaddovegirly · 1 year
Fucking love how Rhea is the only one who is actively achieving something for "the judgement day"
Finn and Dom get beaten up at every good occasion
Priest is occupied having homoerotic hate matches with Bad Bunny
Everything while my girl is the woman smackdown champion
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companionwolf · 3 months
mirrorshipping/'going onceler with it' could be . Really Really Interesting tho. if I went ahead and tried on that fictotype and kept that one selfship.
the idea is very. ... 'fuck you my city now' and just fun but has a possibility for really cool and deep introspection?
being nice to yourself from the perceptive of an outside person ('treat you how you want to treated'); is that person still you when everything that you feel makes you isn't there or is different? what does it even mean to be you when you're both claiming that? what makes you you, where and when does the divergence happen if at all?
this as a metaphor for healing with DID, with trauma, from a poor self image... a metaphor for learning to love yourself.
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thedeafprophet · 3 months
Fuckin. Sports ES today. Amazing
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old-square-wheels · 2 years
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Biggest prick in the entire franchise no I will not be taking questions at this time
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toymoder · 1 year
Orgasm denial just doesn't do anything for me but if he ever took his cock out of my mouth and made me watch while he jerked off I'd cry
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rebelwithoutabroom · 8 months
Maybe a dnf stream would fix me
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stepfordgoth · 5 months
Shout out to the neighbors who are notorious in the neighborhood for having the only dog that barks loudly and constantly, who thought it would be fun today to let their stupid loud ass dog out at 5 am for some reason. You'll never imagine what happened next!
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