#i initally said it was just going to be a simple sketch but when i got to the background i realized i couldnt leave it at “simple” anymore
prachelley · 2 months
Based on yugioh, can you draw Joey and Seto in a roleswap au please? I imagine Seto as a poor boy while Joey became wealthy and powerful. Like a teen idol or yakuza. What do you think?
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Teen idol Jounouchi, the star of the family, versus the somewhat familiar guy who hungers for victory
This was super fun to do! thank you!
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popofventi · 6 years
The 20 :: Your Daily Cup of Culture (#189)
"Ideas are like rabbits. They breed like crazy."  -- Neko Case
Your Daily Cup of Culture...
Welcome back, my pretties. Hope your weekend was Cinco En Fuego. Here's The 20 things I found on the internet worth sharing today. Your Daily Cup of Culture can be fun, serious, thoughtful or just some great new song or something to buy. If not, you can get your money back.
1. Feel - “She was a secretary in an era when they ran their boss’ lives, including their personal investments. So when the boss would buy a stock, she would make the purchase for him, and then buy the same stock for herself, but in a smaller amount because she was on a secretary’s salary.” - Sylvia Bloom, a Brooklyn secretary, leaves $8 million for students.
2. Literary Gaming - "A week ago, the highly anticipated Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery mobile game launched, offering a new story set in the 11-year period after The Boy Who Lived defeated Lord Voldemort, and before Harry Potter’s Hogwarts arrival. I’ve spent the past seven days diligently attending classes, learning to duel, exploring the castle, and waiting for my energy to reload — and of course I documented all of it."
3. The Rectangle As Experience - Rectangles. Stories. Vestigial. The Future of Social Media is genre storytelling.
4. Killer Sex - Study claims Netflix is killing couples' sex lives.
5. That's Private! - Are you getting a lot of email about privacy policy updates? Here's why and what it means to you.
6. Food - McDonald's New Fresh Beef Burgers Leave Diners Speechless
7. In The Round - From The Bolshoi to The Colosseum to The Sydney Opera House...11 Dramatic Virtual Tours of Stages Around The World
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8. Trailer of the Day - This is how a trailer should be. Entice viewers to see it without giving away the entire plot and get Anna Kendrick to agree to be in your movie. A Simple Favor:
9. Word of the Day - Lotologist: A person who collects lottery tickets. The world's most passionate lotologist? That would be Arthur Rein who has amassed a collection of over 57,000 scratch off lottery tickets.
10. Skinned Alive - Handheld skin printer could help heal burn victims
11. Science & Innovation - Norwegian scientist Kristian Morten Olesen has patented a process to mix nano-particles of clay with water and bind them to sand particles which could turn desert sand into farmland.
12. Pun-ishable Offense - Pun competitions prove that it's possible to elevate these groan-worthy jokes into an art form. If You Think You Hate Puns, You're Wrong:
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13. Ventipop Pet Peeve of the Day - As a person who spends a lot of time online each day, I need the internet to stop saying "this is everything" and "I can't stop crying". As in, "These blueberry scones are everything" or "I just found out what Groot's last words in Infinity War are and I can't stop crying". If those two things are true, please visit this site immediately.
14. Favorite SNL Sketch This Week - A Kanye Place:
15. Random Acts of Kindness - "A few years ago, I was circling the block to find a parking space so I could get a cup of coffee. A woman walking by flagged me down and said she would go in and get me the coffee if I gave her my order. While she was inside, a spot opened up and I was waiting by my car when she exited. I thanked her when she came out and went to hand her money. She said the coffee was on her. She went on to explain that she had metastatic cancer and with the time she had left, she wanted to do as many good deeds as possible. I shared with her that I was a cancer survivor and the two of us ― complete strangers ― shared a hug and some tears. She asked me to pay it forward as often as possible, and ever since that day I make sure to do random acts of kindness for others as often as I can." ―Sara Marsi, Providence, Rhode Island - 7 More Feel-Good Stories of Strangers Helping Others They Didn't Know
16. A REAL Superhero - "I saved them because I’m a superhero!’ - 4-year-old donates bone marrow to his baby brothers
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17. Interview of the Day - Neko Case on How Female Solidarity, Farm Animals and Beyoncé Inspired Her New Album. Love Neko.
18. Obligatory Coffee Link of the Day - Starbucks and Nestle have come to an agreement.
19. Artists on Display - "Art doesn’t look at its best at a fair." Art Net News asks art fair goers, "Do you like art fairs?"
20. New Song of the Day - "This Is America" by Childish Gambino
Over the weekend, Childish Gambino (aka Donald Glover) proved to be a natural hosting Saturday Night Live and also released a video for his new song, This is America. If you watch it, you should know there are some NSFW and upsetting scenes (which is the whole point), but definitely thought provoking and at times unsettling:
Listen to all "new songs you should hear playlist - 2018":
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Grind #189...fini.
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