#i imagine the whole crossover event is gonna be amazing!!
fangirlforlife97 · 6 months
What are the chances of someone from the 118 or Buck and Eddie getting a rose during the crossover at the Bachelor mansion and then someone ending up jealous???!!!
P.S. - Who do people think would be given a rose? I kind of hope it's Buck that's given the rose so that we can get a pinch of a jealous Eddie in an episode revolving around a jealous Buck!
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carminite-wyrm · 3 years
Its an Empires SMP + Wynncraft crossover AU I guess
So, I’ve been playing a lot of Wynncraft recently, and man, the Wynncraft lore sure is wild. Halfway through doing a quest I suddenly remembered that hey, nether corruption sure is a thing over here, and isn’t there Also an invading corruption storyline going on over in Empires?
Anyways so here I am with yet another niche AU idea lmao (though also with the latest videos from Pix and Gem I...kind of already am thinking of a variant on this one lmao)
- Some indeterminable point in time in the future, the Empires gang are having the final fight against Xornoth, ready to take out the demon and cleanse their world of the corruption that had been taking hold of their kingdoms.
- Its down to the final few blows, with the Kings and Queens coming together, despite their grievances with one another, despite all the differences that had once been between them, to finally strike down the demon.
- Naturally, of course, it goes a little sideways.
- The final blow lands, and the hellish arena disappears in a flash of unholy light.
- When the heroes awaken, they find themselves in a spider-infested patch of woodland.
- Upon fighting/running their way out, they quickly realise that yeah, this sure isn’t the Empires SMP anymore.
- There are some shenanigans, probably, upon that realisation, but eventually, the group makes their way to the nearby city of Detlas, severely disconcerted by the clear presence of corruption in the land around them.
- They’re fairly certain that they saved their own land, only to land right in another world also beset by corruption.
- Their various communicators also seem to be displaying a different HUD from what they’re used to, including an actual mana bar along with their health, and more equipment slots and most baffling of all: the option to level up and increase a variety of skills.
- Also, there’s magic, though a different magic than what they’re used to
Added to that, the monsters are far more different to what they’ve encountered in their home world. Zombies, fairly standard, even if the ones in this strange land seem somehow more powerful than theirs. Spiders, easy. And then Joey stumbles across a flaming horse rocketing straight at him at roughly 40kmph, screeching demonically all the while. It narrowly misses pummelling him in the face with its hooves and oh, looks like this isn’t a standard world after all.
Character classes and more thoughts under the cut!
Character classes! (Wynncraft currently has 5 classes people can choose from!)
Warriors (uses polearms/hammers, generally the dps/tank build)
Scott – He has a pink battleaxe, yes of course he’s the heavy-weapon-using class. Also, bc I think it’d be really amusing to see this elf dude w/ an antler crown charging straight at someone with a massive axe/hammer/polearm.
Fwhip – King of the Grimlands, projecting an image of strength even as the corruption ran rampant and clashed with the inherent darkness of his own kingdom.
Lizzie – Ocean Queen w/ a Trident, enough said. Sure, there might not be any axolotls in this world for some reason, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the powers that made her one of the most powerful Empires back home. Probably mains thunder elemental magic, bc sending chain lightning at enemies is very cool.
Mages (Magic staff goes brr. Also they can heal)
Gem! – I imagine she’d be highly adept at hitting enemies with the regular attack spell, and then suddenly casting a meteor and crystalline ice to obliterate her foes as the rest of the party watches on.
Katherine – Teleporting + fast attacks = magic menace. Also bc I think it’d look cool for her, and honestly that’s the majority of my decision-making here w/ the class selections
Pixl – Idk, something about the vigil and the whole candle thing makes me think he’d make a pretty damn good healer. Calm, collected, and the most unshakeable amongst the chaos of the Empires gang. (This AU idea was written like, a week before the latest video lmao so we're just gonna...gloss over the most recent plot developments for a bit until I can figure out how to make it make sense in the AU)
Assassins (Stabby stabby DPS)
Joel – Look I just think the imagery of Joel + Lizzie absolutely wrecking shit together on a battlefield is too good to pass up on.
Sausage – Man literally ran an assassin guild back in their home world, of course he’s an assassin here in this one. Probably has several sets of daggers hidden up his sleeves, and probably ends up with a life steal build.
Pearl – Pearl with knives would be terrifying and amazing to behold. On the other hand, I was considering either Mage or Shaman but we already have like three Mages, and I don't really have any ideas for how Pearl would utilise the Shaman abilities atm.
Archers (Ranged DPS or support)
Jimmy! – Swamp boi deserves to pop off and what better way than to be able to cause arrows to rain from the sky. And also to backflip out of danger. I imagine navigating a swamp has given him an actual dexterity or agility score.
Shaman (Buffs + support)
Shubble – Honestly I think she’d really vibe with the nature-y vibes this class kind of gives me, what with her mushroom kingdom vibes and the magic. Also, one of the most complex classes, but considering Shubble and her whole researching the corruption thing, I think it’d fit.
Joey – I’m gonna be honest, I don’t know much about his POV beyond ‘wants to court the demon’ at the moment, so contributions welcome here.
- Gem and Shubble’s initial investigations (because they absolutely hit the first library or archive they could find) whilst the others explored/adventured around the area eventually lead them to determining that in order to return to their own world, they’ll have to make their way to the most dangerous region of the Wynn region: The Silent Expanse.
Defeating whatever entity is chilling deep in that eldritch hellzone that’s pinging off Gem and Shubble’s (w/ machinery assistance from Pixl) cobbled-together ‘machine for detecting their world’s own magic’ should be enough to trigger the same event that sent them to this world. They think. Its enough for them all to hope, at any rate.
- Its an odd feeling, being at the height of their powers only to be thrust into a world where a tap from an armoured skeleton can take them down to a third of their health in one hit, at their current ability level.
- The party starts off at roughly level 5-7 btw, because I’ve had to do the tutorial quest and Enzan’s Brother quest like six times and I want to skip that here thanks.
- Eventually, the group does have to split into smaller parties for efficiency, though they’re understandably hesitant to be separate from everyone else in an unfamiliar world.
- Obviously, the parties do shuffle around a bit depending on what quests they end up undertaking, to play for each of their strengths and to cover for their weaknesses.
- Because they’re the Kings and Queens of the Empires SMP, they climb up the levels fairly rapidly, racing through quests in Ragni, Detlas, Nemract, Almuj, before finally venturing across the ocean to the province of Gavel.
- They’re well aware that something rather bad is going on in this world, something that looks and feels so similar to the corruption back home, but yet not.
- Their first encounter with the Parasites in the Dark Forest has those more in tune with the currents of magic, or the natural world, recoiling from the feeling of ‘wrong wrong that should not be in this world-‘
After that harrowing encounter, they are very, very glad, that in their world, the source of the corruption was clearly from a pesky demon, and not the result of warring planar powers.
One would think that, as the resident swamp dweller of their motley group, Jimmy would have been a tad more relaxed in the Olux Swamp. And yet, the magic from his Empire has him on edge throughout their travels in that area, the lingering sense of foreign magic, of what the locals refer to as the Decay, worrying away at the familiar scent of the swamp.
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shoichee · 4 years
Phantom Thieves of Hearts in KNB
This is part 3 for Murasakibara only! Part 2 and part 1 for other KNB characters are right here and here, respectively!
Persona 5 x Kuroko no Basket crossover
[Murasakibara x s/o reader]
Headcanons on how KNB characters find out you were a member of the Phantom Thieves + what they do afterwards
@akichan-th i remember how you wanted a murasakibara h/c and i spent a while thinking LOL
Warning: spoilers regarding the palace’s deadline after 10/11 and the subsequent events shortly after
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Murasakibara Atsushi
in this headcanon, the PT is located in either Yosen high or any nearby schools in Akita, since it’s a 7 hour drive minimum from Akita to Tokyo (the main location of the PT, Shujin Academy)
you and Murasakibara have been dating for a few months
very casual, easygoing relationship between the two of you where you two give each other space if needed and cuddle (while snacking, of course) other times
so your Phantom Thief life remained secretive and very manageable to keep under wraps, especially since he just never saw the need to poke and prod through your business if you never bring it up yourself first
as long as you gave him cuddles and snacks, he didn’t have a problem; he knew you were a good person too, so he had no reason to doubt you
“(y/n)-chin,” he childishly demanded. “I wanna cuddle.”
“Ah..! I’m so sorry, Atsu!” you gave him an enveloping hug as an apology. “But not today, I have lots of work to do for school…”
you gave him a regretful look, and while he was pouting and whining for snacks, he eventually let you go out of his ginormous arms
he might be a childish person and have lots of clingy tendencies/demands, but he’s still reasonable in letting you carry out your own life
. . . 
“Ready to explore the palace?” Futaba waves you over, with the other hand grasping her phone that already had the metaverse app opened and ready to be activated 
“Yup,” you heaved, after jogging briskly for several minutes to the hideout
Ryuji: “Alright! All set!”
Haru: “I’m still a little nervous…”
Ann: “Don’t worry, Haru! We’ll make sure to change his heart!”
. . .
“Humpf,” Murasakibara huffed, blowing his hair strand off his face for the umpteenth time as his chin was propped on the table, his biscuits left mostly forgotten a few feet away 
“You’ve been sighing a lot, Atsushi.” Himuro peered over from his book to see him moping. “What’s wrong?”
“(y/n)-chin isn’t here,” he grumbled
“That can’t be helped sometimes, you know.”
“I knooow,” he drawled before sighing again
“What are all these snacks lying around for? Aren’t you going to eat them?”
“They’re for (y/n)-chin, obviously.”
“Staring holes into the Hi-Chew packages isn’t going to summon them over. Come here, we can use the kitchen and maybe fix you up a quick appetizer to take your mind off of this.”
the next subsequent day, Murasakibara was clingier than normal, even went as so far as to initiate PDA by holding your hand when walking in the hallways and draping himself all over you during breaks
and yes, he fed you those snacks he saved for you from yesterday
Murasakibara honestly thought this was going to be a one time thing where you were busy, but since you were working on Okumura’s palace before the deadline, you had to always leave every day, or at least every other day, to finish the palace exploration
you initially went to the palace with the PT every day, but after seeing Murasakibara’s sour moods during school and being really grumpy over you not spending time with him, you opted to tell Joker that you would settle on coming every other day instead
Murasakibara still had some reservations about the changes in your “after school” activities that didn’t involve him by your side, but at least he knew you made the effort to try to be with him as much as you could, even though he could see how important these “activities” were to you
so for now, he was content enough with the way things are
until several days later, when he was about to approach you after school, after finding you in a secluded corner of the campus outside (it wasn’t hard to spot you with his height), he tried to approach you when he overheard your hushed conversation on the phone:
“Yeah… got it… mhm… I’ll be there at Leblanc… yeah, it wouldn’t be a problem, I hope. I should be free this evening, Akira. Wait for me, okay?”
Akira? Who was that?
Murasakibara stood there, frowning as he was processing your words and the possible implications from them, and for the first time, he felt doubt 
while he was lost in his thoughts, you hung off the call, and went to look for Murasakibara, and in immediately spotting the tower of your boyfriend, you ran to him
“Atsu!” you cheerily called, and it immediately snapped Murasakibara out of his thoughts to face you (more like looking down)
“Atsu,” you said, squeezing his torso in a hug and nuzzling him. “I gotta go again… But I’ll make it up to you, I promise!”
and as you backed up from Murasakibara to start jogging to your destination, you yelled out, “I’ll bring lots of food tomorrow for lunch!”
a small hiss in the back of his mind concluded that you were possibly seeing someone else; the fact that you constantly canceled a lot of plans with him just for these “activities” already gnawed at him
in his laziness dread, he opted not to follow you at all and immediately went to look for Himuro
“Muro-chin, what does it mean when someone is always busy?”
“Is this about (y/n)-chan again?” Himuro chuckled, not missing the way how Mursakibara was even more sullen than usual
“Maybe you need to talk to them yourself, Atsushi,” he hummed, walking slightly ahead of the giant. “You can’t constantly rely on me for all your decisions.”
“Maybe they’re just sick of eating snacks with you 24/7,” Fukui popped up between them. “Have you ever even been on a proper date with (l/n) before??”
“(y/n)-chin isn’t like that…” he grumbled vehemently, but it was totally obvious that he was hesitant
the next day, you came to school like nothing ever happened, your face bright as you held a cloth loaded with bento boxes, and Murasakibara decided to try Himuro’s advice to “talk to you”
“(y/n)-chin, you like me, right?” he propped his chin on your head
“Huh? Of course I do, silly,” you beamed up at him, and Murasakibara, right there and then, lost the will to question you any further, and he felt the doubt washed away
he figured this whole ordeal must’ve been just his imagination and he chided himself for doubting you like that when you always gave him amazing food and told him when you were free and whatnot
scratch that, when school finished for the day, you were ready to bounce out again with another excuse
his doubt came back and just multiplied tenfold
you felt really guilty, leaving your boyfriend in the dust constantly
you hadn’t anticipate this would happen, no; Okumura’s palace unexpectedly became a lot harder to deal with in the deepest areas, especially with the constant puzzles in the maze to sort through
and you knew he wasn’t a stupid person to overlook your behavior despite his oblivious surface, but even though you knew you couldn’t tell him your secret life, you tried to make him feel better in the only way you knew how: give him food
but there’s only so much food could do to appease Murasakibara before enough was enough for him
so while you ran out from campus again for the umpteenth time, Murasakibara decided to put his laziness to the side and follow you for once
okay but to outsiders, it totally looked like this grown ass man child giant was stalking a little, unsuspecting you
you made a sharp turn before slipping into a quaint coffee shop, and Murasakibara made the connection to the phone call after seeing the shop sign “Leblanc”
he was already jittering inside from nerves, but now he’s agitated
If he walked in, was he going to see you with another person? 
he gave a slow sigh before stopping before the door and opening it as he ducked in the doorway
a soft jingle from the door’s bell announced his entrance and everyone in the shop (including you) stopped their conversations midway and turned their attention to the newcomer (whose shadow from standing at the door blanketed the entire shop interior)
Ryuji: “Huh? Can’t you read? Shop’s closed.”
Makoto: “Ryuji! Can’t you just be nice?—I’m sorry, please don’t mind his manners, but he is right that we’re not open as of now…”
“(y/n)-chin came in here.”
Ann: “A-ah! Well, yes they did! But uh, they’re a sweeper and is training to be a waitress—”
you jabbed Ann’s side with your elbow with a “shhh” before you got up from your seat to walk to Murasakibara
“Atsu, what are you doing here?”
“I came here to ask you the same thing, chibi-chin.”
“(y/n) is working here as an apprentice to be a coffee barista under the owner’s tutelage along with the rest of us,” Joker said, getting up from his seat to walk towards Mura as well
“Akira…” you turned to Joker
not only was this man on a first name basis with you, but he was the Akira from the phone call
Joker could suddenly sense a huge spike in a hostile aura emitted by the purple-haired titan
Murasakibara suddenly pulled your arm into his chest and wrapped your waist from behind, all while glaring at the ravenette
“(y/n)-chin is mine.”
there was a collective silence before everyone started shouting in disbelief
“I didn’t know you dated anyone, (y/n)!!” “That’s sooo cute!!” “How long were you with him?” “What a wonderful thing to experience, (y/n)-chan!” “Mwehe, got any dirt on (y/n)?”
Joker just gives a smirk to the two of you, which you knew he meant that he was gonna make some comments and jokes on your relationship from this point on
No wonder you couldn’t come everyday to do a palace run.
“Ugh, seriously?? How the hell did (y/n) find someone before all of us? I mean, I thought being a Phantom Thief would’ve made me more noticeable to girls—”
“Oh… uh—”
everyone in the PT gang turned to Murasakibara to gauge his reaction:
he just had figurative question marks and clouds floating over his head as he continued to embrace you from behind
“Fan… tom… Thief?” (you inwardly sighed in relief and amusement at his reaction)
“It’s a group activity we have to do often,” you hurriedly explained. “Like… D&D role-playing gaming, and plus we all do it together after we finish doing barista work… together, but it’s kind of… embarrassing, so that’s why we’re all doing this rather secretively. So… could you keep this to yourself too?”
“Yeah, so sorry again, Atsu, but could you leave me to my own devices for the evening again?...”
“No, I don’t want to,” he replied, squeezing you even harder with his arms as if daring you to try to escape from him, and you shot glances at your team members to help you out (they looked at you as if this was all yours to deal with)
“Atsuuu,” you turned to face him while still being in his arms. “Other than this group activity, you’re still my number one priority, you know?” and you tippy-toed up to his face to give him a sweet peck on his lips 
choruses of fangirling and groaning ring out again
“I guess I’ll leave you be, (y/n)-chin,” Murasakibara said indifferently, but you spied a small smile on his lips
being relieved that you weren’t going behind his back to see someone was an understatement; in fact, he was giddy that you were so forward with him in front of a large group of your friends
true to his word, Murasakibara never mentions a peep of the “Phantom Thieves” again to anyone (other than with you sometimes when you two are alone)
although he merely thought it was just a type of extracurricular/club activity of some sorts, he did ask Himuro (and a nearby nosy Fukui) if they knew what the “Phantom Thieves” were
“I’m surprised you only heard about them now,” Himuro replied. “There’s tons of popular merch of them and everyone is so hyped up that they’re pretending to be the Phantom Thieves themselves and trying to hand out ‘calling cards’ to other students.”
Fukui popped up in hearing the “Phantom Thieves” with a collection of calling cards of his own and bragging about how he had to go through extensive means to obtain the “limited edition” card
so you were just fans of these famed superheroes and role playing it with your other friends? he guess it could be embarrassing for you enough to try to hide this from him
Mura always walks you to Leblanc and then leaves home for the day, but sometimes, Sojiro invites him in (when nobody is doing PT business) for good plate of curry and soba 
Murasakibara loves the old man and his cooking
he’s grown somewhat close to your PT friends, particularly Ann, Makoto, and Haru; Ann has a massive sweet tooth like Mura, so she would often give him extra sweets she bought from a dessert shop, meanwhile Makoto and Haru are like mother-figures (strict and doting, respectively) to him (sort of like Akashi and Himuro)
if you didn’t give into his whining for a particular something, he’d turn to Makoto or Haru to try to persuade you in giving in (may or may not work)
he’d probably will not think much of the “PT” business for the longest time, even when the Okumura news break out, because he doesn’t think they’re real to begin with (oh, he would believe the murder is real, but the perpetrator being the “PT” he thinks would be the media over-exagerrating and just giving any anonymous killer at large the term, “PT”)
as long as he wasn’t directly affected, he’s not someone to worry about the needless things
when things were getting dire for the PT, you actually isolated yourself from Murasakibara as well as the Yosen basketball team, not because you hate them, but because you didn’t want to drag them into legal matters with the police by association with you
you cursed yourself for being careless and letting your boyfriend hang out with the PT because someone’s bound to see a giant kid lurking in and around Leblanc at least once
Murasakibara thought he did something wrong and would tried to get your attention, but every time he did, you would expertly avoid him
he even left so many snacks at your desk hoping for you to accept them :((
one day, you finally went up to Murasakibara when you were absolutely sure you were alone with him, and before he could say your name and be elated that you were in front of him again, you coldly said:
“I want to break up.”
the usually apathetic guy would widen his eyes in complete shock and fear; the first thing you said after not talking to him in weeks were… that?
“(y/n)-chin… why? (y/n)-chin! Talk to me...” 
It was for the best… you never wanted to ruin his future and his basketball career just by being near you
you feigned indifference and tried turning around to walk away from him, struggling to keep your face from being tear-stricken
“(y/n)-chin!” Murasakibara released a bellow you never heard unless he was playing aggressively on the courts, before he forcefully tug your arm to spin you around
there you were, failing to keep your true feelings hidden as you started sniffling and then full blown sobbing the longer your boyfriend stared at your face in full worry 
“Here…” he pressed your face into his shirt as he hoisted you up from your knees, and he walked home with your legs around his waist, crying your eyes out from the stress and fears you’ve felt haunted by lately (“Stop crying, (y/n)-chin, it’s annoying” he would say as he rubbed your back)
as soon as he puts you down on a couch in his living room, you knew he meant business when he had a serious look on his face that meant “Talk now.”
you bit your lip in apprehension and in seeing that, Mura grabbed a few snacks from the cabinets for you before settling next to you again
and you confessed the entire truth to him, sniffling and hiccuping as you struggled to enunciate your words while stuffing your face with cream biscuits
“Is that all?...” Mura tilted his head. “You obviously didn’t kill him, so why are you worried?” he munched on his next package
“Atsu, it’s not that simple, you—”
“I know, I know.” he ruffled your hair before pulling you close
“Just stop crying,” he mumbled into your head
and you felt safe for the first time in a couple of weeks
the Phantom Thieves will overcome this, definitely.
“Don’t break up with me, (y/n)-chin,” he said out of nowhere, pouting and sulking at your figure
you busted a huge laugh, the very sound he missed hearing from you for so long
“I wouldn’t dare, Atsu.”
bonus: sometime in the future, you brought over an overly-curious Murasakibara to mementos with everyone, and there, he finally hears Morgana speaking for the first time. Afterwards, he’s best friends with the cat, taking him everywhere he went whenever he did errands or snack-shopping and ignoring the questioning gazes from strangers as he talked to the said cat like it was a normal thing. Both love to eat sashimi together.
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fillingthescrapbook · 3 years
On Series Finales, Shenanigans, and Sabotage
In this post, I talk about the end of Superstore and WandaVision, the finale of Call Me Kat, the shenanigans of RuPaul's Drag Race, and what feels like sabotage to Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist.
Let's start with the good;
WandaVision delivered a great opening for Marvel's "Phase 4." While it was an amazing exploration of what it means to grieve, the series was also a great essay on what the medium of television means for so many of us who watch: an escape, and a way to process our real-life problems through characters who can have happy endings.
Of course, the show wasn't perfect. While the first half of the series took its time to set the milieu, the characters and their goals, and the tension of things not being what they seem--an impressive juggling act up until the fifth episode--the second half felt a little rushed with no room to let the supporting characters react and breathe. Which, sure, I get that the show called WandaVision would focus on characters named Wanda and Vision, but I felt like they could've given the others more to do?
Like when Wanda was fighting [redacted] and Vision tried to help out, [redacted] was just standing there. Watching. Like, [redacted] had powers too. And they didn't even attempt to do something? Really?
And that's not to mention set-ups for plots that were eventually dropped.
Although, according to interviews, the blame for some of this this falls on the pandemic. In their original timeline, the show would've finished filming and would have been editing the finale before the show premiered. In reality, by the time they started cutting the finale episode, they had already aired four episodes. Which meant they've already planted and aired a few scenes for a certain character to pay off in later episodes. Pay-off that they then decided to cut out because it ultimately felt like filler. Had the pandemic not happened, they might have had time to cut out the foreshadowing from the earlier episodes too.
But even with the faults, and the lack of accountability for certain actions done, WandaVision was ultimately a good show. One that was clearly made with love.
And speaking of shows made with love, let's talk about Superstore and its final act.
I've seen a lot of online feedback that Superstore wasn't as good with Amy gone. I don't agree. Amy (and actress America Ferrera) was the cherry on top of an ice cream sundae--or the sprinkles. She's a great part of a whole, but the product was still great without her. But I have to say: seeing her back in the last two episodes? It made the ending all the more bittersweet.
I will miss this show. I will miss its laughs, its hi-jinx, its resilience...and most of all, its heart. I've said before that if a show could survive without a proper wrap-up it would be Superstore; because it's such a perfect snapshot of real life for many of us. But I'm glad that the people behind the camera, the current show runners Jonathan Green and Gabe Miller, show creator Justin Spitzer, and returning director Ruben Fleischer, came together and gave the shows' fans a bow-tied finale that was full of hope and happiness.
I loved every single thing about the finale except the part that it was the last episode. Because even though I was satisfied with what they gave us? I still wanted more time with the staff of Cloud 9.
Now, let's move on to Call Me Kat.
I was a little iffy about the show when it started. It had some good bits, but it was also peppered with so many not-so-great ones. The pros: Mayim Bialik really made the character her own even in scenes lifted from the show it was based on; Kyla Pratt became a more and more engaging presence as the show went on; episodes that were original to Call Me Kat were both very fun and heartwarming; and it was a show that was unapologetically camp.
As the season went on, I started forgiving the show for things I didn't like (the closing goodbyes, and the imagined Brigitte) and even looked forward to new episodes. But then the season finale happened. And the show brought back one of the things I really didn't like in the first few episodes: the Kat-Max romance.
I do not have a problem with Cheyenne Jackson's acting nor his character. I think Max is great. But only as a friend. Because I just do not see any romantic chemistry between him and Mayim Bialik's Kat. I was happy that the show introduced a new love interest for Kat because I really didn't want her pining for Max the whole series. Sadly, the show switched gears and made Max pine for Kat instead.
It's still not working for me. And I really hate how it came back. Because the first time Max started to see Kat in a different way was when she started dating the new love interest, Oscar. It came off like he was threatened that his back-up plan is now desirable to someone else. And then he doubled down on his "love" for ex-girlfriend Brigitte. Which was initially played earnestly and then became a cover for Max fighting his feelings for Kat. And then the obvious deus-ex-machina in the finale where Kat had no choice but to entertain her crush on Max again.
If Call Me Kat gets a second season--which I hope it does--I hope the show runners realize that Kat and Max don't have to end up together. That they can remain friends and still have that fun dynamic with each other. Because not every friendship need to evolve into romance. (That goes for Kyla Pratt's Randi and Julian Gant's Carter too.)
Now, since we're already on the topic of plot lines being forced into being, let's talk about RuPaul's Drag Race. I started watching this show in its 8th season. It was a reality competition that was fun, funny, colorful, entertaining, and revolves around art. I got hooked. I then watched the two seasons that came after, lost interest in Season 11, and then came back for the twelfth season because of the pandemic and found it a little fun again. And then Season 13 happened. And I can't believe the show I started watching because I enjoyed the laughs became a show I now hate-watch.
I don't know what happened behind the scenes after Season 9, but there is something terribly off with how RuPaul's Drag Race has been produced since then. There's more emphasis on drama that isn't really dealt with properly, there's obvious favoritism, and there's a great disconnect between what the judges are seeing and what is being presented to television viewers. And yet I continue to watch.
Let's just say: I'm hoping either Symone or Rosé wins. But let's be honest: the producers of RuPaul's Drag Race is setting Gottmik up for the win as the first transman to compete. Which I feel is unfair. Because while Gottmik is great, Rosé has more nerve and talent while Symone has the charisma and uniqueness.
And finally: Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist and the sabotage, self-inflicted and otherwise, that's ringing the death knell for the show.
The first season was lightning in a bottle. While it was by no means perfect, it had so much heart that it didn't matter. We wanted to root for Zoey even when we knew that she couldn't realistically have it all. The core of the show was that Zoey cared. Too much as some characters would say. But because she cared, we cared. In comparison, Season two Zoey feels like a completely different person when her plot line has nothing to do with her father.
I can't help but feel that the show sabotaged itself by splitting the show into two: the one that's about Zoey, and the other one that's about Mo and Max's business venture. Zoey's plot lines, while not all stellar, still felt like it had the DNA of the first season. Mo and Max's feels like a completely different show that's airing simultaneously with Zoey's--with the occasional crossover when Zoey needs to talk with either one of them.
It didn't feel that way when it started though. But episode by episode, the business venture just started to separate more and more. And instead of drawing Mo and Max back to Zoey's show, the writers just kept pushing Zoey to visit their world instead.
The recent episode, where Zoey wanted to recapture the feeling she had when watching a celestial event with her dad, was the first time the show felt anything remotely like the one I watched last year. We see Zoey caring about other people, we see her struggling to balance her own needs with others--and we see her actually trying to process her emotions again. And it just had to happen in the first episode on a new time slot that's barely been promoted.
So after Zoey’s self-sabotaged, now it's their network's turn to sabotage the show by putting it in a time slot with stronger competition--while not bothering to promote the heck out of the move. This feels like the network has already made a decision not to renew the show for a third season, and the episodes left to air are the last ones we're getting. And that Zoey's not gonna get a second chance to go back to the show that it once was.
I can't even feel sad though. Because I feel like I already saw the show I loved last year slowly die right in front of my eyes.
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thorne93 · 5 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 9)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count: 1171
Warnings: Language
Note: This is a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story. 
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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My dear, Shannon,
Haha I am sorry he scared Lucky, I will try to tell him to be more careful. That's great Tony let you two have a place at the tower! I bet that makes everything a ton easier! And hahah, I always knew Tony was a softey for dogs. 
Oh my god, Shannon that is amazing news! Congratulations. I know you'll have so much fun! You need to wear the yellow dress, that short number, with the red pumps. Get your hair styled, and go for a natural look. Tony will die for that. Oh, I wish I was there to see your face when he asked…. 
Yes, please do tell me about Jane. I will tell Thor of her success, I’m sure he would be happy to hear about her.
No, Odin never smiles. Unless Queen Frigga is talking to him, haha. Other than that he is very stern, and I try to avoid him. 
But the good news is that Loki is finally talking to me. He found me in the palace library… well I should say he scared me in the library. I was reading and he suddenly appeared and had asked, “So you're adopted as well?” He seemed shy, or hesitant at the time. But he made me jump, nonetheless. But now… Shannon, we spend nearly every minute together. Unless I’m training with Thor and his friends, I'm with Loki. He is quite the character once you get him to open up. He still hasn't divulged all of his feelings, but we touched the surface of the issues with his family. After that, he seemed interested in my work on earth and when he found out I studied their culture he offered to show me everything. Their history, their laws, their societal rules. He is a great teacher. Now that I have the phone back, he promised me some selfies with him, so I’m very excited for that.
Speaking of teaching, I am doing much better with my swordsmanship. I didn't defeat Fandral in our practice, but came close. Loki asked if he could teach me how to use his daggers and throw them, and I, of course, said yes. He seems to like having a companion that hangs on his every word. 
And don't be mad, but yes, both the queen and prince are trying to teach me magic. I’m sorry! I couldn't resist. I am doing well so far! But I swear I won't go into battle. My weapon is my mind, I'm not made for the battlefield.  I’m sure your powers would be of great use here. In fact when I get back I'll show you everything they taught me. 
However, there is news of my parentage - they found record if a baby girl with my hair and eye color born the same week as my birthday. They're gathering what they can on the parents. So here's to hoping. 
Yes, please send Thor pop tarts. He has asked about them five times, it’s driving me mad.  Do not worry about sending the books. I have notebooks here that I am taking generous notes on. Thank you though. 
I start work with the Asgardians tomorrow. I am very nervous.
Tell me all about the date! I can't wait to hear every detail! 
Your sister from an (possible) Asgardian mister, 
Y/N, my dear sister
Living at the tower is a whole new thing and even more different now that Tony and I are going out. It does make things easier when it comes to work because sometimes I’ll figure something out and can quickly head to the lab and continue my work. With everything that I’ve done already I was able to pay off the last of what we needed for the apartment so now it’s officially ours. Y/N, we own an apartment now! Who would have thought that the great Tony Stark would be a total softie for a dog?
It’s still a shock to me that Tony and I are going to be dating it feels like a dream, Y/N/N, a really wonderful dream. Thanks for the suggestion. I do believe that I’ll wear that dress and the heels even though I’m pretty sure he has a heel kink but he won’t admit it. I wish you’d been here to record it so that I could look back on him asking me out!
You would not believe how shocked she was when she found out she would be funded for the next 8 years for whatever research she does. I think Darcy had to get her to sit down and drink some water and she was completely okay with the conditions of what she would do with her results also I gave her access to whatever tech she might need I recorded a video her face looks hilarious! Bet he would be very impressed with her accomplishment.
He’s serious but is he a good ruler? I haven’t read much about him but there is a lot about his wife. You have to get a picture of them two maybe him smiling? Maybe Loki can help you.
 I’m so glad to hear that you two are finally talking! Aww, Y/N, you always were an easy scare when you’re reading, sounds like you two are getting really cozy (wink wink), guess I’m going to get to tease you too. I always knew you’d get a man hooked to you because of your genius brain, hehe. I bet you’ve become the teacher’s pet 😉.
Maybe when you come back we can have a good little practice fight between my abilities and your swordsmanship. Mmm, Y/N, my girl getting a private practice session with Loki? Well how could he not like a companion like you? You’re the whole package and if he doesn’t see that then I’m gonna have to get there and knock it into him.
Y/N, My GOSH! You know I’m gonna be worried about you a lot more now that I have no way of being there to make sure I can keep you safe, what if something happens? Maybe we can have a one on one in the new training floor Tony is having built for some reason.
Here is to hope that you’re at the final step to unveiling the truth as to where you come from but that doesn’t change the fact that I love you and you’re always family no matter what.
I don’t think the raven will be able to carry the pop tarts. See if you can find Thor and find a way to open the Bifrost to receive the package?
I’ll keep the book with me in hopes to find anything that you might be able to take photos of. I hope to hear all about working with the Asgardians soon enough.
And I’ll definitely let you know all the details about the date we’re both just as nervous about big events.
See you soon,
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koo1creations · 4 years
Fandom: Scooby-Doo Ship: Percabeth Character: Luka Couffaine : )
This is gonna be short, because I’m not as deep into the Scooby-doo fandom.
Favorite character: Scooby.
Least Favorite character: Daphne.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): None. 
Character I find most attractive: Fred.
Character I would marry: None. 
Character I would be best friends with: Scooby.
a random thought: Velma’s Scooby’s second favorite, right?
An unpopular opinion: Scooby-doo Mystery Incorporated is a fantastic show. I love it. It’s not a completely unpopular opinion though.
My Canon OTP: None. 
My Non-canon OTP: None. 
Most Badass Character: Velma. 
Most Epic Villain: Uh…none. 
Pairing I am not a fan of: VelmaxShaggy.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Fred. Daphne.
Favourite Friendship: Velma and Scoob. It’s just cute and not always there, which makes me want more of their friendship.
Character I most identify with: Velma. 
Character I wish I could be: None.
When I started shipping them: Back in 2013 when I was just a kid. I just adored those characters and their relationship helped me become who I am today.
My thoughts: Percy and Annabeth are one of the strongest couples in all of fiction. These are two people that would do anything to help one another. They’ve been through a living hell together, both literally and figuratively. Annabeth is a strong, intelligent young woman who still gets hung up on Percy time and time again. Not because she needs him to make herself feel whole, but because he has always been her best friend and shown her more care in the way she needed it than any one else had before. Yes, Percy is described as very handsome, but it’s clear Annabeth doesn’t really care about how handsome Percy really is, she’s not superficial. Annabeth also is the first to say that she doesn’t really care where Percy comes from, who his father is, or whether her mother hates him or not, Percy is her friend and no one can take that away from them. Annabeth has felt the pain of losing Percy twice in her life and when the second time came around she remained faithful to him and never gave up looking for him, even when her own hope was failing, because she knew Percy would do the same. Losing Percy for good is unimaginable to her, it’s not hard to imagine that she’d fall apart, because he was always there to hold her together, especially more and more as time went on. And let’s be honest, it was awesome that she basically derailed his emotional confession of his feelings for her by being a smug Wisegirl, like: “Oh yeah, I’ve got you now.” and she totally relished making Percy flustered. But I mean, after so long with that Seaweed Brain being so oblivious to her blatantly obvious crush on him she probably felt it was rightful vengeance. Annabeth feels honored to be Percy’s girlfriend in absolutely every way. She feels honored to be so loved by him that he would chose to face literal hell, if staying on the surface meant that he wouldn’t be by her side once again. And I think the most admirable thing is how much Annabeth respects Percy as both a person and her boyfriend. Undeniably Annabeth is in love with her Seaweed Brain and she knows he’s worth everything. Percy is a brave, caring, loyal young man who never pursued Annabeth, despite thinking she was a beautiful princess. Annabeth was first and foremost one of Percy’s best friends. He had every ounce of respect for her. To him she was intelligent and strong and he relied on her with the upmost trust in her, because he knew that she would follow through no matter what. Before he knew himself, never, ever, would he have believed you if you told him that someone as amazing as Annabeth liked him. Percy has always been a little bit self-deprecating. His loyalty would never allow him to abandon anyone however, no matter how stupidly bad he thinks he’ll be at something. Loving truly and wholly his mother as his most precious treasure for a while is what encouraged Percy to push Annabeth to keep and strengthen that relationship with her father. He didn’t want Annabeth to live life thinking she wasn’t loved nor that she’d only ever be good enough if she made a name for herself. It was important to him that she understand there was more than one person (being herself) backing her plays. And he had more faith than anyone, not in who she’d become, but in who she already was. I don’t think Percy realized that he was already in love with her back in The Titan’s Curse, and that’s probably a good thing, because if he had, he would have been crushed all the more by her kidnapping and what became of her. Percy has both literally and figuratively helped Annabeth bare the weight of the world. They both shared that indescribable experience of holding up the sky. Percy could look into Annabeth’s eyes and know she understood him more than anyone else. He knew she could read him like a book, he knew she was a faithful friend, and he knew that losing her would have meant he lost a lot more than a person…try a friendship, a relationship, and mutual understanding unlike anything he had with anyone else. When Percy realized he was in love with her, telling her was the most important thing to do on his birthday, and kissing her underwater was the best gift he would ever receive. But Percy has always felt like a guilty person. He felt guilt in forgetting about her, despite it not being his fault at all. It was such a rush to have her back after all that, he wanted to keep her close to him forever. She was his rock in a lot of ways. His beautiful Wisegirl who charmed the ever-living hell out of him by never giving up on him. Together he knew they were a force to be reckoned with. he let her go one more time because she asked him to let her do something that she needed to do on her own, so he did, he trusted her. But he couldn’t ever let her go it alone again. And all of that led up to why he would never let go of her hand even in the face of ultimate torment, Tartarus, the living hell, where instead…he fell with her. And even after everything was over, he still was trying to get past high-school so he could move into college with her. It is unquestionable that he loves his Wisegirl.  
What makes me happy about them: Percy and Annabeth are loyal to each other. They have the whole world against their relationship and they say “You know what? To hell with them.” To them, loving each other despite their flaws and the baggage they both carry is the important thing, everything else against them was not nearly as incredible a challenge as that. And what’s incredible about them is that they will always rely on each other and they will always be faithful to each other. They know each other inside and out. Somehow Annabeth knew something terrible would happen to Percy in The Last Olympian if someone penetrated the small of his back, so Annabeth took the blow for him. When Annabeth played the dumb blonde, her plan hinged on Percy catching her signal and coming to rescue them. She trusted him to be there. And you know what? He was. In the Kane Chronicles crossover, Percy trusted Annabeth enough, despite Carter and his agreement to keep their meeting silent, to tell her and her alone. And Annabeth knows Percy isn’t stupid like a lot of people seem to think he is because of the way he is. She knew he was intelligent in his own way and although sometimes reckless, he was there for you when it counted. He remembered Annabeth’s name solely when he’d forgotten everything else, which was basically the biggest “Screw you!” to Hera/Juno he could have said. He held onto that above anything else. They know they’re stronger together. They would never betray each other. They rely on each other, they are loyal to each other, they respect each other. And they are best friends as wall as lovers. If there was only one fictional couple in all the world that you couldn’t keep apart, no matter what you said, no matter what you did, it would be Percabeth. They have seen the darkest sides of each other, their worst fears, their worst mistakes, and their worst pains and they still love each other. I could go on, but basically, that is what I love about them. 
What makes me sad about them: I guess the only thing that really makes me sad about them is leaving them behind. They were one of the precious pieces of my childhood and are still some of my favorite characters in all the world. But, I am not a fan of Rick’s writing as it is anymore and I have moved on to other things. I still admire those characters and Rick for creating them and making them some of my favorite characters in all the world. But, they’re not the center of his world anymore and I respect that, he can move on if he wants, it’s his world. It’s just hard for me. 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: The most annoying thing in fanfics that I freaking despise and loathe with every fiber of my being is any fanfic where Percy or Annabeth betrays the other and pushes them into a life with someone else or to become someone else. Those are the most ridiculous, disrespectful fabrications of their characters and they’re relationship. So I hate Chaos AUs.Let’s make one thing clear: I don’t care if you do this in an AU that isn’t based in the canon in the slightest. If it’s a completely separate universe where maybe things didn’t happen the same way from the beginning or the story is completely different (for example a human high-school AU or something,) characters are allowed be out of character if you so wish, and anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong. They don’t have to like it, they don’t have to read it, but they can’t tell you that characters out of character are the problem, because that is literally the point. Now, I care when it takes place after the same events in the canon or when it’s based off the canon representation of Percy and Annabeth. They would never just simply betray each other, there would have to be more reason than that, things would have to have changed. And no matter how much you freaking want it, there is no way in hell that Percy and Annabeth would just flip their own character around on a dime because of that heartache. Annabeth cheating on Percy or suddenly out of nowhere telling Percy he’s worthless after everything they’ve been through is a complete disrespect to Annabeth’s character. Annabeth would never do that unwarranted. You’d disrespect her intelligence and faithfulness, by making that so. If you want to do that, let Annabeth cheat on Percy because she was tricked or because she was under a spell or better yet, give her and an actual freaking reason to do something so heinous to someone she loves above all else. Or better still, don’t do it at all. Percy would never do that either, for much the same reasons. You completely ignore his loyalty by doing that. You dis-value his character by giving him an “it’s all about me” complex. Just don’t. Percy also wouldn’t just become someone else because Annabeth betrayed him…no that’s dumb. It would take a lot more time than instantly if it even did happen. You forget what Percy has been through if you think that’s what would destroy his character for good.  Now, Annabeth might change, but again it would have to be gradual, not instant. It would take time. And she wouldn’t become a completely different person either. Please have more respect for their characters and relationship than that, even if you hate Percabeth. Thank you. And I would like to say I admire anyone who went through the effort to try and make it work. Thank you so much for trying to respect their characters. And if you are a kid, take this as constructive criticism. I realize it can be hard to understand what it means to stay true to a character. I was kid once too and I was also bad at that too, trust me. I have the fanfiction history to prove it. It’s part of the reason I often feel so much more comfortable writing AUs and if that’s the case with you, I’d recommend it. 
Things I look for in fanfic: Well basically anything that stays true to their relationship as well as makes an incredible story. I really admire fun, interesting takes on stories. Generally, I look for AUs though, because I don’t usually like stories based in the canon anymore.When I look for AUs, I don’t mind reading stories that change Annabeth and Percy’s characters a little for the story or twist them around. It makes sense in an AU and it’s fun to see. 
My wishlist: I wish for them to remain the incredible characters and couple they are and to not be forced to change by society. Percabeth is a good example of a loyal, respectful, and loving relationship…how their story goes may not be the most realistic thing in the world, but their relationship is and I really wish it to remain the way it is forever. 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Honestly I wouldn’t have minded it too much if Percy ended up with Rachel. And I don’t have anyone in particular in mind for Annabeth. But for the most part, I can’t really imagine them with anyone else and I don’t want to. 
My happily ever after for them: Percy passes his senior year and joins Annabeth in college where they live long fruitful lives and teach their children what it means to truly love someone. Just for them to be like awesome parents, basically. 
Luka Couffaine:
How I feel about this character: You’re gonna see a common theme throughout these questions of me describing the characters and their relationships the way I want them to be instead of how they are. That is because I’m frankly disappointed in what Astruc and his associates have done to them and that’s not the way I prefer to see any of them. I strictly see them as how I saw them based on their first appearances and also the season 1 way, I like to call it. Luka is one of my favorite MLB characters, which may seem a little strange. I just like how he’s down to earth and relaxed, but also deeply caring. I also see him as very patient. I think it’s a missed opportunity that he doesn’t write more of his own music. It’s also upsetting that show refuses to give him some spotlight as a character. I like to think of Luka as a patient, caring, and passionate musician. Someone who strives to make people feel better and doesn’t let his feelings get in the way of other important things. A big brother above all else, but not just to precious sister, Juleka. To anyone younger than him. He pushes himself forward as a good example, standing up in the face of adversity, being a strong shoulder to cry on. He’s deeply intelligent, but he isn’t boastful nor is he a talker. He’s a silent type and would prefer to communicate his deepest feelings through music. His flaw is that he can get irritable when he feels people are being treated unfairly and sometimes take things a little too far. Also, his lack of emotional expression in any non-musical way means it’s a struggle to communicate with him or truly understand how he’s feeling. But he is the kindest most upfront, modest person you will ever meet. He likes to laugh with friends. Despite his undeniable talent and capability he doesn’t want to go into a solo music career because he truly believes music is something to be shared and appreciated with those closest to you, not just an audience. You can tell Luka something in confidence because he would never tell anyone else, nor would he have reason to, and he’s so unassuming no one has reason to assume he keeps secrets for other people. He’s a reliable, loyal, strong person. And as Viperion, an impeccable, intelligent hero. Chat Noir and him would most assuredly get along. 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Him and Kagami. They have just enough to offer each other in way of insight and relationship. Luka could teach Kagami to slow down and accept that failure is a result of learning as well as to laugh and stop and smell the roses every once in a while. Kagami could teach Luka the importance of focus and self-management as well as how to channel irritation/anger into energy for later (at least the Kagami the show didn’t destroy.) Also him and Marinette, although not nearly as much. If Marinette had been the person I like to see her as they would have been a decent couple. They’re both passionate and hopeless romantics in a way, who care very deeply about people and like to see the best in them. Luka could teach Marinette perseverance and respect. Marinette could teach Luka how to communicate. And it’s cute to imagine Luka and Marinette switching talents for a day to understand each other better, because I can totally see them doing that. Imaging Luka trying to design an outfit with Marinette over his shoulder trying to coach him a little or Marinette trying to learn guitar chords while Luka takes her hands to show her how to. 
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Honestly I like both his friendships with Marinette and Adrien equally as my favorite non romantic relationships. He’s so supportive and loving to them both. And most importantly he is patient with them, which is definitely what each of them need. He’s so understanding and graceful with them, giving them every reason to feel comforted by his friendship, like they always have somewhere to go to.Now if the relationship with his sister was more explored, I think that would be on this list too. Although I can see his silent, but supportive nature really being a help to Juleka in her anxiety. Luka doesn’t have to say anything to comfort her, just rub her back and smile at her to let her know he’s there for her. Juleka is probably the reason Luka is silent and patient, because she needs a person like that in her life. He’s never forceful or pushy with her, but he’s always looking to include her. Juleka loves her brother whole-heartedly for that and probably often feels like he is the person that most understands her and is undoubtedly her mentor in a lot of ways. He’s more than likely the reason she still pursues a music career despite her anxiety. Her big brother taught her how to be brave and she admires him for that and so much more. Luka admires his little sister for her perseverance and big goals. Luka is probably a bit of a help to Rose when Rose is impatient with Juleka, which Rose probably is once in a while. Luka’s a big help in teaching Rose what Juleka is going through, helping her understand. And if their relationship was shown to be like that in the show then his relationship with his sister would be one of my favorites as well.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Marinette as she is in the show does not deserve him. She doesn’t. Here he is, this completely wonderful, patient, talented guy and she completely ignores his feelings in favor of her own time and time again. Yes, it’s cute and all that she’s flattered by his advances and whatever, but her being flattered does not mean she is in tune with his feelings and she’s certainly not. It’s adorable Luka crushes on her and in a better world where Marinette isn’t a creep who obsesses over Adrien and “knows better than everyone else” and is “perfect in every way”, I think she would deserve Luka. Also Luka needs to stand up for himself once in a while, he’s just a little too chill with how people treat him. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: They actually freaking explored his character and gave him a purpose that wasn’t literally just to be a wedge between Marinette and Adrien. Character development would be nice! And that goes for way more characters than just him in that show. 
Favorite friendship for this character: Once again it’s a tie between Marinette and Adrien/Chat Noir. Although I think Adrien/Chat Noir and Luka would get along the best. Adrien can offer so much to Luka in way of encouragement and engaging coversation. Laughter too. Adrien is totally Luka’s ideal best friend. 
My crossover ship: I actually don’t have one. Although now that I have this question, I’ll probably be thinking about it more and maybe I’ll have one later.
There you go! Thanks so much for the ask @twin-books! I hope to get more, this if fun. :3
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ssnakey-b · 5 years
Square-Enix announces FFVIII remaster. I wish I could be excited about it.
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Me desperately trying to convince myself that I'm happy we got some acknowledgement of the 20th anniversary.
So Square-Enix just announced that Final Fantasy VIII is getting a remaster and first things first, in case you haven’t seen it yet, here it is:
Many of us FF8 fans are of course very excited about this announcement and even though I made sure not to set my expectations too high when I first heard the rumours, I too was happy to learn that Square-Enix was acknowledging the 20th anniversary of our favourite game, and that it was finally getting some recognition outside of crossovers and the occasional cameo or reference.
But then, I watched the trailer again and as the euphoria of the original announcement faded, I started noticing some things I was less than impressed by, and within an hour, I came to the realization that... I just plain don’t like the direction where this thing is going.
Let’s look at the characters one by one and let’s immediately address the elephant in the room:
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Squall’s stupid Dissidia face. This was an immediate disappointment. At least they stuck to his original outfit, I suppose, but man, I cannot comprehend this decision. Why? Why can’t they leave the original design alone? Everyone loves that design, even the people who hate Squall. And why mess with the character’s design in a product that’s made solely as fanservice for long time fans?! Why must Dissidia replace every. Goddamn. Thing whether the fans like it or not?!
That’s actually a joke I made to myself. “Man, can you imagine if at E3 they announced that they’d just replace Squall’s model with the Dissidia one! HA HA HA!” and I actually didn’t even bring it up in the Discord because I didn’t want to be obnoxious with yet more bashing of Squall’s Dissidia redesign. And yet, here we are, they actually fucking did it. They actually just took the original FF8 and fucked it up by putting Dissidia Squall in it. Guess I am justified in my bashing (and I do like the Dissidia games a lot, make no mistake, I just can’t stand that stupid and pointless redesign of Squall).
And it’s not just that it’s different, and it’s not just because it’s blatantly a recycled asset that’s been retooled slightly, it really does look terrible to me. I really don’t like his overly thin face, his overly soft features, and the fact that he generally looks like he’s 14. Yes, I know he’s a teenager, but he’ still not THIS young, and his original design really gave you the impression that it was someone who trained to be a professional fighter, as opposed to a shoujo manga character.
The hair also looks off. It looks less like hair and more like a plastic helmet or something.
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And I know people made jokes about how spiky it was in the original game due to the technical limitations of the time, but it still looked good in my opinion, and it was designed in such a way that it actually looked like his biggest bangs rested naturally on his ears. Here his hair just makes weird solid spikes because... I don’t know, he’s related to Phoenix Wright, now? I used to joke that Squall must be the type of guy who spends hours making it look like he spends no time on his looks, but here it really looks like the dude is just slathering his hair in gel to create these spikes and make them fashionable.
And speaking of the bangs, I have no idea why they thought making the ones on the sides of his head all curvy was a good idea. To me, it just looks like armpit hair, or really unkempt sideburns. I’m just amazed by how not a single strand of hair on that model wants to obey the laws of physics.
These changes are especially jarring to me considering they apparently haven’t touched the CGI cutscenes, making it blatant that it’s not what he’s supposed to look like. So at least it’s creating inconsistencies that didn’t exist in the original game, so that’s a bonus.
Also, looking at the folds on his jacket, they... really don’t look good. Looking back at the original model, they really knew how to work with the limitations of the time, so the folds are more understated, yet at the same time, there was more of a contrast with the rest of the jacket, making it again look more real in spite of the lower resolution.
Oh and it looks like they gave him skinny legs like in Dissidia because Heaven forbid that a professional mercenary looks like received para-military training.
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Next on the list is Quistis and she does look a lot better than Squall. I especially like how serious she looks. All business all the time. But again, the hair is where it falters. It looks weirdly... poofy, for lack of a better word, compared to her original self and much like Squall’s jacket, the texture of it feels far less sharp than originally, especially when you look at where the bangs meet the pulled back part of her hair. It really feels like there should be a bigger contrast in the shading to highlight the shape of it and give it more volume.
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Again, compare with the original, which had a much sharper contrast between the shadows and the highlights, and so made it look a lot more voluminous and lively. Also notice that there was more shading on the original model, giving it a more defined shape. And much like with Squall, the hair gives me that weird impression of just being clipped on and not actually connected to the head, which wasn’t a problem with the older models. This will continue to be a trend, but more on that later.
The same goes for the clothes. Again, in spite of being lower resolution, you can see folds and you can easily imagine the texture of it, but in this trailer, everything is completely smooth and flat. It really takes away from the personality this outfit shows.
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Then, there’s Linoa, and she too I’m pretty sure is based off her Dissidia design, though there’s a bigger chance they actually made a new model seeing how Dissidia NT models have a much higher polycount than the PSP games. Now, I actually liked her Dissidia redesign. It wasn’t quite the same as in the original game, but I liked how they made her look more mature and even a bit curvier, which makes sense since it’s set after the events of each character’s game.
So even though the rounder face seems a bit odd in the original game, I can could have been happy with it and besides, there seemed to be quite a few differences between her CGI model and her battle model in FF8 anyway, so I’m not gonna complain about it looking a bit different. But then, once again, there’s the hair...
So... what happened to her caramel strands? You know, the signature part of her looks? If you look veeeeery closely during the video, there’s what might be a couple very faded strands, but the fact that I’m not sure should tell you everything you need to know, as they’re pretty much gone. And overall, the modeling just isn’t very good and much like with Squall, her bangs just look weird, overly stiff and spiky. Unlike with the original model, it feels like it was cut out that way like cardboard or something rather than naturally following the shape of her head.
One positive I’ll give it is that we can clearly see the two rings on her necklace, and I’ll give them bonus points if there’s only one before Squall hands her his ring.
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On to Selphie.
She actually looks fine and is definitely the one who comes out the best from this whole thing. No complaints there, even though we don’t get to see much of her. Even her wristband/bracelet thing is more detailed, which will come in very handy for fan art.
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Next is Zell. Now, I’ve seen people mention/complain that they gave him a babyface, but I actually don’t mind that. Zell’s whole deal is that he’s trying to act tough and dangerous even though he’s clearly a loving mama’s boy, so it fits in that he’d look more youthful and innocent. Hell, one could even argue it explains why he wanted to get a face tattoo. No, I have far more of an issue with everyone else having baby faces as well.
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And last but not least, we have Irvine. Now face-ise, I don’t have much of a problem with it, looks pretty good. The bangs are a little weird and again give me that cardboard/wood cutout feel, but still, doesn’t look bad.
What does look bad is Irvine’s shotgun:
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The barrels look weird, right? Well that’s because as you may have noticed, the texture for the holes isn’t aligned with the 3D model. That’s also why you can see a bit of wood texture on one of the cannons. And you can’t see it very well on this screenshot, but the chamber also has mismatching textures.
That’s right, in the trailer announcing a remaster that's supposed to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the game, a product whose only purpose is to make the game look better, they felt comfortable showing us graphical issues that weren’t present in the original game.
Now sure, this will probably be fixed by the time the remaster gets released (at least I hope it will) but I cannot stress this enough, the one thing this remaster is supposed to do is make the game look better and the big announcement trailer cannot even promise us decent texturing.
It also says a lot about the different treatment of fandoms that on the same day, FF7 fans get more insight on an awesome remake of a game that’s already been ported to pretty much every current system in existence, has had multiple sequels, spin-offs and adaptations and constantly gets referenced in other games, with all the love and care that one should expect from a major AAA project but for FF8 fans, proper texture mapping is too much to ask.
It just boggles my mind that a major publisher would create a trailer blatantly showing broken graphics, but to do so for a remaster is just incomprehensible to me.
And speaking of the textures, this leads me to my main issue with these models, which is that they just plain don’t look good. Final Fantasy VIII had a really strong visual identity and compared to the rest of the games, it looked extremely realistic, to the point that even the more recent games that do go for a more realistic feel, like XIII or XV, still have a more overtly fantasy feel. And FFVIII pulled off that realistic style amazingly well. Even though it was made using technology that wasn’t anywhere near as advanced as what we have to day, they still felt like flesh and bone people, and that made them that much more relatable.
But here, that strong identity has been completely neutered. Everything looks way too soft and clean. The textures have no definition to them and are overly smooth; they look airbrushed. And look, I’m not gonna pretend that the characters in the original looked gritty or anything, they were still pretty boys and girls, but they were believable pretty boys and girls. There was still something about them that made it feels like they could be people you’d meet in the streets. Here, their uncannily smooth and featureless skin looks like plastic. They look like action figures.
These models not only look bland and boring IMO, but they just do not fit with the style of FF8, which is going to be especially jarring considering they apparently don’t intend to upgrade the backgrounds. Hell, these models don’t even fit with one-another, as Squall and Linoa really don’t look like they belong with the rest of the team, IMO.
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To really ram home how badly this remaster fails to understand FFVIII’s aesthetic, just look at this comparison, which just made me go “Urgh!” when I saw it. Just look Squall and Quistis don’t fit in with this environment. See how especially out of place Squall looks. Behold how stiff and awkward his hair is. Marvel at his collar made of crumbled up tissue paper! Admire how his once intense expression now looks bland and boring! Behold how what few folds left on Quistis’ overly smooth outfits no longer follow the shape of her body! Gaze in wonder at how lifeless these soulless mannequins look.
It’s just so sad and what makes it worse is that just a few months ago, we had the FF8 Mobius event which gave us an HD version of Squall and Ultimecia and that looked amazing! Now obviously a full game with that look wasn’t gonna happen, but I really would have hoped that they’d at least use it as a guideline for the direction to take the art in. Instead, all we get for the 20th anniversary is a remaster that can’t even promise to look as good as the original.
It’s just so sad, and some people are already defending it by saying that we should be happy we got anything at all, or that we shouldn’t be “ungrateful” about it. No! We shouldn’t be content with mediocrity just because it’s better than nothing, especially when I’m not convinced it is. It’s a terribly apathetic to have, and I’m pretty sure it’s the exact sort of attitude AAA companies want to cultivate: be happy with what you get because you ain’t getting anything else.
As for being ungrateful, that’s just laughable. They’re not giving us a present, people, it’s a re-release of a 20 year-old game and as far as I can tell, all they’re doing is change the 3D models, and we’re still gonna have to pay for it. It’s a glorified mod and yet it barely competes with fan-made ones.
Add to this how quickly slapped together the trailer blatantly was, using what is hopefully an early build of the remaster and being half made of CGI footage despite the fact that they don’t appear to have done anything new to it, and it really doesn’t give me the vibe of something made with love.
Honestly, I used to think I was gonna buy it either way, partly because I still wanted to see how it was, partly because I wanted to support Square-Enix but honestly, seeing how this is shaping up, I don’t want to support this any more. I already bought the game on PS1 and PC, why should I buy it a third time in a worse-looking version?
Look, I really wanted to get excited for this. I really wanted to celebrate some new official FF8 content with everyone, but I can only judge it from what I’m seeing, and what I’m seeing is an unfitting art direction, recycled assets and mismatched textures. I just cannot bring myself to cheer on something that really doesn’t seem
So unless they really show us stuff that blows me away before release, I think I’ll stick with the PC version (or maybe the PS1 version on emulators if I’m feeling REALLY nostalgic), even if there is no good reason why it should still be doing such a better job of improving the game’s graphics than an official remaster. Oh and by the way, let us not forget that this is something that console players don’t get the luxury to do since FF8 was infamously not ported to modern consoles, unlike all the other ones. So if you play on consoles and want to play the original without the remastered graphics, fuck you, I guess.
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Yep, still the best looking guy here.
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matronrainbowbrite · 6 years
To Bare His Child
Chapter three
Rainbow here again!!
I won’t talk to much this time but to people who have liked the story so far a HUGE thank you!! It makes me so happy and inspires me to keep going!!
And to SorrowoftheHeart, Lemnline7 and the guest or left reviews. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!! I do wish I had thought of using Claire as a crossover, but she was based off my mother’s neighbor. But that’s not gonna stop me from doing it more now!!! We will also have to wait and see how Aerith handles this whole ordeal, maybe she can help Sephy, maybe not. Gonna have to keep reading to find out!!!
This chapter is going to mainly focus on Sephiroth, at least as much as I am able to. So hopefully it’s not to boring. And sorry if it’s not as long, been a very stressful few weeks and it was hard to write this.
Sephiroth was quick to move from his position near the door and stride across the lab room and in front of the doctor, a cold and calculating stare fixed on the smaller woman. “That’s impossible. You must be mistaken.” He turned his gaze towards the young girl, taking note of how she had one hand rested on her stomach and the other covering her mouth. Her head was bowed and hair fell into her face, but the trail of tears did not go unnoticed by him before he looked back to Claire for an explanation.
Just as Claire was about to speak, the door opened behind them and Hojo walked through once more, cleaned up finally, but still an odd and revolting sight to see. “She is not mistaken, Sephiroth, what she says is true.” Hojo spoke as he moved to his desk, then turned towards the couple and Claire. “Through a series of tests and experiments, I have found a way to...My, how to phrase this so even the girl can understand...” He contemplated as he rubbed his chin, “Hmm...I guess the most simple way would be that I have figured out how to impregnate a woman without the need for intercourse.” He shrugged, leaning against the desk.
“What Professor Hojo has done can help people who are unable to have children, but before we can truly start, we have to test it.” Claire happily agreed, a smile on her face “President Shinra and Professor Hojo brought me along because I specialize in obstetrics and gynecology. And I’m so excited to be a part of this journey and help however I can.”
Hojo grumbled softly, only stopping when President Shinra cleared his throat and glared towards him. “The whole thing will be closely monitored and detailed. You are being included simply because the doctor insisted so...” He took a deep breath, “It’s something that has never been done before, much less with a SOLDIER who has mako running throughout their body.”
President Shinra placed his hands behind him. “And on the insistence of Miss Claire, you two will be living together from now on. We have cleared an entire floor of the building to make it into a home of sorts for you two to stay in.” He looked towards said woman briefly. “So during this time, your main mission, Sephiroth, will be to take care of Miss Aerith. You will only go on small or extreme emergency type of field work during this time. Much to my dismay of course, but if it will help us better in the long run then so be it.”
Sephiroth nodded in agreement. “Understood, sir.” He looked once more to the young girl, who now stared up at him in disbelief, her cheeks and eyes red from crying and a truly defeated look about her. It was a look he had seen before, during missions and even training, but he had long ago learned to not let such things affect him in any way. He looked away and once more went to stand beside the door, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest.
Claire moved up to Aerith, squatting down and placing a hand on Aerith’s knee. “I know it can be scary, but you will be fine. You’re not alone in this. I will be visiting every week to check up on you, and if you have any questions all you have to do is call. And, here, I’ve got something for you both to see!” She reached into her a pocket and pulled out a small picture. “It’s your very first ultrasound, a picture of what the baby looks like at this point. It’s not much, but it’s proof that there is a living being inside you.” Claire gave the photo to Aerith, motioning for Sephiroth to come and have a look as well. “Because this is such a special case, you will be getting one of those every month. So you will get to see how it changes and grows over time as well.”
Sephiroth moved up behind the chair Aerith was in, placing a hand on it and leaning forward to look at it as well. It was nothing but a blurry blob to him, but he was aware that most women loved this kind of thing for some odd reason. He nodded his head as Claire listed off information and then once more moved back to his post of sorts by the door.
Aerith held the small picture tightly in her hands, unaware that Sephiroth had even moved behind her and then away. She was horrified and amazed all at once, unable to truly take it in that she was indeed carrying a human inside of her. The young flower girl looked up to Claire, fresh tears once again threatening to fall. “So, I’m going to be a mother? I don’t know if I’m ready for something like that.” Her hands were shaking at this point. The swirling mixture of emotions going through her were hard to sort through and figure out. Excitement. Fear. Joy. Anger. And so, so many more mashing together, and for someone who was a normally happy person and tried to always stay calm, she was unsure of how to handle those feelings. While it explained a lot of what she had gone through recently, it felt like her body was being used without her permission once more.
Claire took a deep breath and reached out to Aerith, gently clasping her hands in her own. “If I’m honest, no one is ever truly ready. But you can do this, you will have someone with you whenever you need. It might seem overwhelming now, but in another few weeks you won’t be able to imagine not being pregnant.” She spoke calmly and patted Aerith’s hands. “You’ve got this, don’t worry!” She stood to her feet and sighed softly “But I really do have to get going for now. I have several patients waiting for me back at my own office. President Shinra, Professor Hojo, I will see you in next week’s meeting. Miss Aerith, I will see you next week for our next appointment, and hopefully you as well, General Sephiroth. You should try to be there with her as much as you can. Oh! I also sent some books for you both to read. Information and ideas, what foods to eat and all that boring stuff. Have a good day!” Claire patted Aerith’s shoulder, then walked over to Sephiroth and shook his hand before leaving.
The room stayed silent, Hojo raising his head up to look the ceiling, an odd thing Sephiroth noticed he did often when thinking. “Well, that’s all for today. Sephiroth, you should go on to training. The other two people we spoke of last time will be there waiting on you. You are currently in charge of making sure they don’t kill themselves or something. Your things will be moved into your new living space by someone else. And you, girl, go pack your things so they can show you to your new... Home...” He motioned for them both to leave, sitting down at his desk and starting to write.
Sephiroth looked once more to Aerith, watching as she stood to her feet and returned his gaze, then silently left the room. He didn’t want to waste anymore time in that awful space than he had to. Of everywhere he had been around this world, that lab was one of the few places he truly hated. It took little time for him to make it to the training room. The light on the door indicating that someone was already inside was noticed but also ignored as he went on in. The hologram inside was of a forest, monsters screaming off in the distance and heard stomping through the woods. It had been a while since he had seen this program; he mastered it himself what felt like a lifetime ago now.
It didn’t take long to find the two men, battling against some kind of monsters. Sephiroth stood back and watched, taking note of how they moved and what weapons they wielded. One used a spear; his agility was surprisingly good as he jumped high into the air, avoiding the branches abound and flipping over the monster and piercing its back. The monster screamed out and fell to the ground, twitching a few times before staying still. The man grunted loudly and pulled his weapon free, turning to watch his comrade finish his fight. The other SOLDIER was much more interesting for Sephiroth, mainly the large weapon he held in his hands. It was a buster sword; although its design was slightly different than the one his old colleges Angeal and Zack used, it was unmistakable. He swung it with ease, making short work of his own beast and placing the large sword on his back. It was clear he had unusual strength. Sephiroth placed a hand on the hilt of his own blade, gripping it tightly and deciding on how he would train these two.
“Not too bad, you both show promise.” The General turned the hologram machine off, ready to begin and forget about the unusual events of today until a later time.
Both of the SOLDIERS quickly stood to attention and saluted. “Thank you, sir!” They spoke in unison, awaiting orders.
Sephiroth nodded his head towards them. “At ease. Now, tell me your names, men, I will be training you for the next month and need to know what to call you.”
The spear wielder stuck his weapon into the ground, and took off his helmet. “My name is Kain, sir. Kain Highwind.” His long blonde hair fell over one shoulder, and even without the mako glow his eyes were a pale blue, almost gray, and held a look of determination in them. “It’s been an honor to participate in Project J, and now train with you.”
The other one also removed his helmet, causing Sephiroth to raise a brow at the spiky blonde locks underneath. “My name is Cloud, sir. Cloud Strife. We’ve met once before.”
Make sure to tell me what you think! Even though this one took to long it was fun to write. But I did realize that Hojo and President Shinra have talked more than then our main characters so far. But that should stop after this chapter!
Thanks for reading and have a great day guys!!!
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midnightstarr8 · 7 years
RULES: 1. Answer 11 questions. 2. Write your own 11 questions to pass on. 3. Tag 11 people.
This will be my third go-round at this thanks to the lovely @bleuemelomane <3 Loved your answers girl, especially the music! This time I probably won’t tag people but I will answer all of your questions!
1. Do you write fiction/fanfiction? If not, would you like to? -I do write from time to time; you can find my fanfiction at fanfiction.net under this link! https://www.fanfiction.net/~midnightstarr . I used to write a lot more than I really do now; I think I’ve been slipping back out of the Beyblade fandom a bit and that’s keeping me from really having the inspiration I need, but it’s also hard to really want to write after you’ve been working for 12 hours already lol. Work kills me. PS; if you check out that link don’t go back any further than three years LOL the rest of my stuff is crap.
2. What inspired you to be the person that you are today? -I think for the longest time, I was the girl that cared what everybody thought. Like really really cared, hearing something bad about myself or that I’d done something wrong and I’d go nights with no sleep. So I decided that I had to change that because it’s not right to live your life in fear of what others think of you: you’re not gonna please everybody. So keep the people closest to you happy, keep yourself happy and don’t stretch yourself too thin for other people. We’re all only so deep until we run shallow, so take care of your self-esteem! I had a wonderful father but a not-so-great mom and both of my parents struggle with alcohol addiction and work away for weeks at a time, so I mostly raised myself. I’ve always been a really independent person, but not that confident: it’s really different. Aiming to be a nurse and possibly a doctor has really helped me with my self-confidence because there’s nothing like leaving the room of your patient and knowing you made a positive difference to them. Their health depends on your judgement and your medical assessment, knowledge and skill: it’s a great boost when you’ve done something that really makes a difference. I’m still not entirely sure what kind of person I am, because on certain days I feel like a wonderful person and on other days I feel like a bad one. I think we all cycle through that, so really if we all try to just be the best kinda person we can I’m hoping that makes up for it in the end.
3. Name a few mundane things about your daily life that put you in a good mood. -Omg, okay. A cold glass or can of Diet Pepsi. Yummmm, probably with ice. Especially after a long day at work. My laptop, always running down my playlists. Putting on lipstick and nailing the perfect application! My pups cuddling up to me in bed and putting her face on mine - lmfao it’s just an adorable way to wake up. On sunny days, when we’re lucky enough to have them, if the wind’s just right the sea turns this amazing bright blue and everything just looks and sounds better. Hearing my dad playing with the animals, when Brandon calls and he says he had an awesome day at school.... Coming online here and seeing someone agrees or wants to talk about one of my headcanons! All things that make me mundanely happy.
4. Name an event that had a deep impact on your life. -That’s really difficult... Like, I’d like to say my parents’ divorce but I was a child and mom’s alcohol abuse has just been one long road of battery and ignorance. So that doesn’t really count either. Maybe graduating from nursing school... That definitely changed my life in big ways. The things you learn and the responsibility you carry is so huge, it’s a bit like carrying around a bomb that could blow at any time and you’re the only one who knows how to defuse it so if you make a mistake everything goes BOOM
5. What would be the perfect crossover for you? (Could be from movies, animes, books.. Whatever you want.) -Holy shit, uh, Beyblade, Sailor Moon and Digimon. Can you imagine a world with so much magic...?
6. What was your very first OTP/ship? -Honestly Beyblade came first.... So that would make it RayxMariah! Hahaha god love their hearts <3 Then V-Force happened and it became MaxxMariam but I still have my ReixMariah feels. Nothing but real love for that pairing.
7. Are you more of an email person or a letter person? -I think I actually do prefer emails.. It’s just quicker. Plus letters can get messy and time-consuming when you’re trying to write a whole lot. Emails I can pop it down and be done!
8. Do you relate to a fictional character? -This is gonna be lame but I really think I relate to Tyson. I am Tyson. From the bottomless gut to the engorged head to the fact that I think my friends might ditch me from time to time but they keep comin’ crawling back and I still love them to bits. Can’t relate to the champion thing though. I am master of nothing.
9. What’s your skincare routine? Do you have any secret tips that have made you as awesome as you are now? -This is laughable, but I don’t really have a skincare routine. Like there’s nothing I do nightly. In the shower I use a body wash on my face and neck called Sea-Kissed Scrub. It’s got sea salt in it, like little granules so I rub it into my face and my dry skin just totally disappears plus I feel so fresh. But otherwise, when I get out of the shower in the mornings I moisturize with whatever moisturizer I have in front of me (I have about 30 - right now it’s tarte’s H20) and then I put on my makeup. I don’t wear foundation. Really. None. I might use a pressed powder in white and maybe a concealer, but no foundation. It’s too hard to match my skin tone; I’m pale as fuck with naturally blushed cheeks so there’s nothing full coverage enough to handle it. So I just do some on-point lips and eyes and that’s about it.
10. Talk about your OCs/fictional characters: how did you create them, what makes them special.... -I’m not nearly talented enough to have a good OC, but honestly my portrayal of Mariam in my fics and in my roleplaying online here and on skype is probably close enough to having an OC. We have so little info about her as a character that it’s like having a bit of a blank canvas: time to play! I think what drew me to Mariam is that she’s so stubborn and a bit cocky, but at the same time she can be taken down a notch; like she’s not so much of an idiot that she can’t learn something new? She makes mistakes, and she’s not the best beyblader on her team and she fights with her captain and he has to be strict with her but she didn’t let that stop her from believing Max belonged with Draciel. So like, she’s a really individual thinker and I like that. So while my Mariam isn’t afraid to live life, I generally have her make a lot of mistakes... Because when you leap into everything head over heels, some things just don’t work out. And she’s a passionate person: when she’s pissed she’s pissed, when she’s upset she’s really upset so like that can spiral out of control at times. She has a couple bad habits and she makes a lot of assumptions about people. I think Mariam is special because she’s not the feminine soft that she wishes she was so she wears pretty dresses to make up for that. I think she’s special because no one else can make as many fucked up bad decisions as her and still find room to make another bad decision. Haha I love her because she grows. She has good days and bad days: like a normal person, like all characters should. She’s special because she’s mine.
11. Finally, let’s talk about cute fluffy friends: Talk about your pets! -Okay. Shadow is my nearly two-year old pup!! She’s jet black with a white patch on her chest and two white feet! She’s a border collie and terrier mix so while she’s not a huge dog she’s fluffy as fuck and soft to the touch with a really pretty face! I got Shadow because my father was getting depressed, and he loves animals even more than I do so I figured it was time for a dog. I’ve never owned one, so she’s my first pup and honestly she was so hard to train at first that I doubted my ability hahaha. She talks to us! Shadow is THE most verbal dog I have ever come across and everyone else who gets to know her says the same thing. She has a full range of speech. Shadow’s our pretty puppy. Now, a few days after getting Shadow, we made the choice to go and adopt a kitty too... Because I’ve owned cats all my life and Dad said ‘if we’re gettin’ one might as welll get two.’ So we did! On the day we visited the rescue, a lady came in with a carrier with two tiny babies in it... They’d just been pulled out of a drain pipe. So I chose Ghost. He was a snow white little guy who was terrified of people. So he went to the vet, got his shots, some ointment for his sore little eyes and he came home. The first night home, he curled up in his litter box and wouldn’t come near us but Shadow crawled in it with him and they slept there that night. After that it got easier and easier!!! Ghost has had a hard road, and late last year we found out he’d developed necrosis of his hip.... So he had to have a leg amputated. My kitty is a proud amputee and doing great!!! In fact, now he’s not in pain anymore and he’s so damn happy and active because of it. He’s a sook now. More for dad than for me, but that’s okay because that’s how I intended it. God love their hearts, they are serving their purpose. <3
And that was 11 questions! Thanks for the tag @bleuemelomane, <3 you.
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g33ki5ch1cuniverse · 8 years
SLBP Questions!
Tagged by @a-night-on-polaris this is gonna be long XD and very good questions! 1- Name one (just one) thing that you can’t resist from each lord. Nobunaga - his smile idk why but that way he smiles to show his kindness even behind harsh words really gets me Mitsuhide - understanding nature (I too am a mother hen XD) Saizo - his sarcasm/dry wit Yukimura - his purity Masamune - his love idk if that makes sense like he is so absolutely precious and devoted and caring like it's so beautiful and amazing Kojuro - passion, he loves his country and his lord and he is 110% A++ husband material like you can be my baby daddy and I will call you daddy Hideyoshi - he is always trying to make others happy Inuchiyo - when he blushes I die it's so cute omfg save me I love puppies Ieyasu - I don't know him that well :/ Mitsunari - intellect Shingen - when he purrs *is ded* Kenshin - his prose (slay me with beautiful words pretty boy) 
2- Make your perfect ‘FrankenLord’ picking things from everywhere on slbp (if you like you can use npc things too) I am going to make some things up based on my personal hc's XD Nobunaga - abs (wrestlers abs ladies are a gift from above) Mitsuhide - laugh (based on his sprite it's definitely a dorky one) Saizo - skills *^* he wrote the book yall Yukimura - eyes Masamune - sweetness Kojuro - legs idk I just feel this way fite me irl Jk XD but seriously Hideyoshi - hands idk I just feel like he has hidden skills he's too smooth not too Inuchiyo - shoulders and arms he's got the biggest spear around and that takes some serious biceps and triceps to maneuver ;) I am a huge sucker for biceps irl like they are hug pillows and I just want to nom.....wut....DON'T JUDGE ME Ieyasu - his hair (from what I've read and heard it's magically fluffy) Mitsunari - Booty (he got dat manju butt) Shingen - his not-so-little lord (Yukimura even finds it something to aspire to and it's a big one) and his hips I will worship those abs and waist and I know he has a sexy voice his VA isn't exactly my type but he purrs yall I am shook in my head it's heaven Kenshin - grace just the way he carries himself and speaks makes me swoon Shigezane - smile lol this man's smile can clear any cloud formation Nagamasa - face omg cut me with those cheek bones gorgeous 
3- Tell me which is your sweetest memory from slbp *SPOILER* When Shingen and MC make love after they're reunited in the divine ending Oh my sweet baby jesus I cried my eyes out for like 3 hours after I marathoned his last chapter and epilogue dear God the feels 
4- Choose one (yes, just one) ‘fandom friend’ and match her to a lord who isn’t her favorite. Explain your decision I think this means like someone from tumblr? Sooooo I'm going to match Meowle with Kojuro! I know she loves Masa but they have that in common! XD I feel like he is debonair and mature and smart and full of sin just like Meowle is (have you read her fanfics yall...gold I tell you, gold) but as much as they can be naughty they are very smart and excellent writers ^^ I just like this pairing XD plus can you imagine Meowle putting Daddy Kojuro in some lace neglige and just perfection 
5- Did you take anything from Slbp in your daily life? (tattoos, nailart, pictures in your room, the name of your childrens/pets, whatever) I have stuffed tiger named Harunobu, I'm working on making plushies of the lords, I have a closed species OC that's taiyaki themed I named Shiki (Shigezane and Ichthys love taiyaki) ;) 
6- If the magistrate were the only man on earth but you could put on him ONE thing from your fav lord… Would you take him? (you cant say: ‘his whole body’ or ‘his entire personality’) This is just cruel :/ idk maybe Mitsuhide's practicality? Then at least he would be able to figure out wtf to do about the end of humanity? Kenshin's silver tongue? So he wouldn't sound so vile and I could blind myself to take care of the rest XD this would never really work for me bc of the prologue. One of my triggers is abuse and noncon like legit noncon (flirtation or confusion which then is mitigated does not apply) I'm talking the whole marry me or I'll send your brother to his death and burn down your family business and make you and your mother homeless thing I would not get over that....if that's all that's left of the human race we're doomed anyway....also (as a scientist) one male cannot repopulate a species....so I'd rather spend time with Oishi in a sexual way than that slime (low key high key gay for Oichi which is why I call her Oishi which means delicious in Japanese) *the more you knowww* 
7- In reverse now. If you wake up one morning and discover that your Lord suddenly has the face of the magistrate but everything else is the same (his body, his hair, his attitude, his personality, everything the same, less his face). What would you do? I would (in modern times) take him to a plastic surgeon to help him. If that's cheating I would still love him anyway, it would just take time to adjust XD 
8- Summarize your fav Lord in 5 words. Shingen - Passionate Loving Honorable Mature Strong 
9- If you could give your Lord a son/daughter, how would you name your baby? Well...in an event story Shingen names a baby Makoto so there's that, I haven't finished his noble ending so don't tell me! XD but if I had a child with Shingen if it was a boy I would pick either Takashi or Masaru. For a girl either Tsubaki or Hikari. ^^ I like names with powerful meanings. 
10- How do you imagine your MC for your Lord? 
 Soo I'm a self shipper XD Also, Shingen is my favorite BECAUSE of how well I feel I fit with him. Like in some cases I don't agree with any options for MC, but in Shingen's main story I was finding most of what I thought I would want to do was a choice, and that Shingen liked my choices too XD Also his story had just the right mix of emotions for my taste and just yes XD. So my MC for my lord Shingen is me! Salty, strong, understanding, independent, and self sacrificing 11- If you play another game (otome or not), which character would you include on Slbp? (ex. 'X’ from 'gameXX’ would be the lost brother of Shingen and blah blah blah) Ok so this is kinda weird but follow me...so there's a KBTBB substory in the Edo period, I would love to see the bidders from that substory in a crossover story with SLBP XD specifically Edo!Eisuke meeting the lords! Oh goodness he and Nobunaga would either be best friends or quite possibly best frenemies XD I have asked the 11 questions of others before so I have a different idea! One question with a lot of points XD My favorite hc to think about is what songs characters would strip to! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) So for all the lords and as many npc's you can think of: what song would they strip to? Bonus points for characters from other voltage apps XD You don't have to answer if you don't want to, and if you aren't tagged but want to answer please do!!! XD @bloody-geisha @viridian99 @guacameowle @lou-the-mudkip @thexgoddessxofxfate @singokumaiden @suzunesays @cottonballwithmustache @daeva-agas @chaedaye @danielleslauter @a-night-on-polaris
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winterscribe · 7 years
I think I’m going to have to write a decent length time travel fic that’s like an au of an au. (It’s not the first time but this one makes more sense than the Doctor Who Vampire Hunter D crossover version of Blood and Ash) I’ve sorta talked about it before, where a past version of D and Avaleara are brought to the future with a couple other people, but I think it needs to be more than a quick 5k oneshot like I was sorta planning. Hopefully it’ll just be a side project written when the main story inspiration fizzles out.
Like I keep coming back to this concept again and again, which ends up blocking me from actually writing the main story. I’d reign it in but it’s actually useful- its a way for me to explore the differences between who they were and who they become, and explaining how events happen/ things work often leads to filling in plot holes and strengthening weak world building.
Ok so “talking” it out really helped and I think I got a great core idea and now it’s time to start working on writing it. I’m putting a read more here because my thinky thoughts got as long and rambly as usual. It’s the base idea so a lot might change but feel free to take a look. 
The biggest issue I see with actually writing it down is that which characters and which time periods are brought forward switch a lot. I tend to use characters from whichever VHD book I’m reading at the time but that concept rarely lasts longer than a few days of playing around, not strong enough to sustain an actual project. I used to use Doris and Dan Lang, back a few years ago. I used to say she and D got married and then she died of old age, very tragedy much sad, wow. I got a looot of imagination mileage out of that concept. Then I saw some meta about how off that once scene is and realized ‘oh yeah that is kinda really fucked up never thought about it that way’ and cut that out of my mental D’s backstory.
I think I’m gonna have to bring it back- highly edited though- if I want to actually make this a project. I love love love the idea of D having had a human wife, who died of old age but now is brought to the future where D’s living this awesome life with a new wife and kids. Not because I’m an asshole that wants to torture them, but because I love the idea of exploring those conflicting feelings, like        -He’s happy at last and I want that to be enough but I wasn’t enough to make him this happy and I hate that I’m so selfish and angry- There’s a whole mess of complicated feelings that is very very interesting to me, especially when I pair it with the resolution of -4000 years after I died he still talks about me, he still misses me. His children never met me but they know my name and stories about the life we shared, He made a space for me in this new life even though I’ve been gone for so long, I can still hear the same love in his voice 4000 fucking years after I died-
Like I don’t care enough about it to create a whole OC, -actually that’s a lie I do but I am SHIT at creating OCs specifically for them to die (D’s youngest daughter was inspired by If I Die Young by the Band Perry. It no longer fits her. At. All.) Plus I LOVE D’s relationship with Dan Lang, I mean come on! “Why don’t you do your big brother a favor and get his horse ready,” Mother fucker D is awesome with other kids in other books but DAMN no other kid is called his Brother OK I love it I love that relationship it is the best part of any VHD book IMO. So. If I gotta rework Doris ‘I’ll violate my employee’s personal boundaries’ Lang until she’s so OOC she’s practically an OC I. WILL.  (And yeah Its VERY enticing to have a grown up Dan like....  I want to be grumpy and hate D’s new wife on principle cuz she’s not my Sister but dammit I’ve never seen my brother so happy Fuuuuuck)
So I think I’ve come to terms with having Doris as D’s dead wife. That particular scene never happened, I’ll figure out exactly how they got together later and I get Dan Lang as D’s little brother.
Now to decide whether or not I’m bringing in Avaleara’s past. I like toying around with bringing her forward because she was so so very different before Xahros tortured her. She was sweet and innocent and I love playing with the shock when she and her family realize how brutal and angry she becomes. The horrified realization that the sweet innocent Avaleara that is terrified of her family legacy and just wants to be a healer becomes a woman full of RAGE who is willing and able to brutally rip someone apart with her bare hands. I love playing with a Future Avaleara, who, when confronted with who she used to be, shows the worst of who she became because she’s always felt less after, like no matter how much she Heals and Becomes everyone who knew her Before would do anything to get back the sweet innocent child she used to be. I love imagining the comparisons between Xahros and D before they realize what Xahros did. I love having them look at D and hate him because he isn’t sweet or romantic and wonder how the hell Avaleara “settled” for him after Xahros’s great example. I love imagining the moment of horrific realization, when they find out that Xahros, sweet gentle romantic Xahros, took Avaleara apart piece by piece and Avaleara had to rebuild her entire sense of self around the cracks he left. I love imagining them looking at D after finding out and realizing that he’s more different than Xahros then they imagined, not just superficially but in every way that matters. I love imagining the moment they stop scoffing and start looking and seeing the little moments, and realizing how performative Xahros’ affection was and how genuine D’s is, even if its blink and you miss it (to a stranger’s eyes at least) 
I like bringing the humans forward a bit more, if only because it gives me a great chance to explore the world. D’s too jaded to have much of a reaction and even the more expressive Left Hand has seen the Vampire Civilization at it’s peak. La Shevare may be wondrous and alien but these two aren’t the best to explore that. Bring a bunch of humans forward, just jaded enough they won’t pass out in shock/fear but still able to be amazed and show it? They’d be spinning like a top trying to take it all in and I could have a world building field day!
Having both at the same time would be too much but if I staggered it... just as Doris and Dan are wrapping their heads around everything, Avaleara’s past is brought forward. Then, Avaleara would change- Doris and Dan were told she was dangerous, were told she was being careful not to be Too Much, and knew she had demons as loud and vicious as D’s. But it’s one thing to be told and another to see her, no longer charming but snappish and snarling, graphically describing how if felt to be skinned alive, throwing her weight and power around, getting into brawls left and right, angry and dangerous. They know her just enough now to tell that she’s still in control, still holding the worst at bay so she doesn’t frighten the humans that D loves, but that’s almost more terrifying, knowing that this isn’t the worst, isn’t even close to it and the only thing keeping her contained is her love of D.
I think it would be funny too, Doris and Dan, these tiny little fragile humans and they’re wary of Avaleara’s anger sure, but well, they love a Dhampir and they’re frontier survivors, they’ve seen worse and Know D would never let them get hurt even if they don’t yet trust Avaleara to keep control. Meanwhile this new handful of people are shaking in fear, blindsided and overwhelmed by a relatively tame display of anger and grief. Just the image of a couple human kids rolling their eyes while a pack of demons quake in fear is hilarious to me. I mean its tragic, and I’d love to explore that too, but its also funny as hell.
Yeah. Yeah I think I have the core of a good idea here and I think it’s time to start actually working with it. This stream of thought exercise helped a lot and now that I’ve figured out how to combine my favorite elements of this concept into one story I might be able to write it out and get it out of my head so I can work on the actual Blood and Ash “Cannon” 
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