#i hope you love it :)))
oddlittlestories · 9 months
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House M.D. Gift Exchange Event || @housemdgiftexchange
Number Nine. 4x02 “The Right Stuff.” Gifset gift for @spikes-jonze (1/2)
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Home For The Holidays
Summary: Eddie's band is on tour and can't make it home for the holidays.
Characters: Eddie Munson x Reader (can be read as gender neutral)
Word Count: 2.3k
Trigger Warning: Eddie and Dustin are conniving, per my usual works.
Author’s Note: Happy birthday, Sam (@felteppsters). This is the first part of your birthday/Christmas gift.
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He said, "I'm not going to be able to make it."
When Eddie left for his first headlining tour, he made a promise to you that he would be home for just five days out of the six months that he would be on the road; a short break the week of Christmas so that the bands and crew were able to spend time with their families.
"They added more dates to the tour," he continued after a few moments of silence. He was calling from a payphone somewhere near Kansas City, and he could sense your disappointment even though he was over five hundred miles away.
You knew that it wasn't his fault. Corroded Coffin gained significant popularity after their last tour opening up for Metallica and the demand to see them was overwhelming. There were four new dates; Kansas City, Minneapolis, Denver, and Salt Lake, before the band got a one-day break for Christmas Day and were to be in Seattle on December 26th.
"Y/N," he sighed. "Say something."
"I know how much this means to you, Eddie." You told him, your voice doing nothing to hide the fact that your heart was in your stomach. "I'm so proud of you."
The line went quiet and you could hear the faint sound of static and Eddie's breathing in your ear. Your burning eyes fluttered shut at the sound, forcing a tear to drop to your cheek. You were proud of him. You at least hoped that he believed that. In the ten years that you had known Eddie and the four years that you had been dating, he had never once disappointed you- and the one time that he had, today, was out of his control.
"When I get ho-" You could hear Gareth's voice in the background yelling for Eddie to hurry up. "Shit, I have to go." He said, there was more yelling. "Shut the hell up! I'm coming! Gareth and Jeff need to call their folks."
"It's okay." You frowned.
"I love you," he said sincerely. "And Y/N? Nothing means more to me than you." The corners of your lips pulled up into a small smile.
"I love you, too!"
The phone line disconnected and you felt empty. All you could do was stare at the little Christmas tree that you had put up and decorated yourself and the presents underneath, all with his name on them. You had argued about whether or not you would put up the tree without him, as it had been a little tradition of yours since you had moved into this house with him three years ago. He wanted you to wait, you wanted him to come home to presents under the tree. You remember him laughing to himself over the phone, could practically picture him shaking his head, knowing that it was pointless to argue about it- you were going to do what you want.
A sigh escaped your lips as you wiped your dampened cheeks. It was a little past noon, and you were still in your pajamas. You had cleaned the house spotless for Eddie's arrival, leaving you nothing to keep your mind busy now that he wasn't going to be here.
You picked up the phone and dialed Robin, but her line immediately went busy. So you dialed Steve, but it should have been obvious to you that his line would also be busy. You dialed Nancy and Jonathan answered only to tell you that she was at work. Your head fell back with a frustrated groan.
"I think everyone forgot that it is my birthday." You muttered to yourself. "Even my own boyfriend."
The moment that you had conceded to spending the day on the couch, wallowing in your misery, in the same pajamas you had been wearing for two days while watching VHS Christmas movies, there was a knock on the front door. You hurried to the door and peered through the glass to see a very familiar head of curly hair standing on your front porch with his hands in his pockets.
"Dustin?" You asked as you hurriedly opened the door. "What are you doing here, wait- how did you get here?"
The younger boy looked at you quizzically before holding up a set of car keys. "I'm eighteen and I can drive."
"Shit," you laughed rubbing your eyes. "I sometimes forget that you're not fourteen anymore."
"So does my mom," he replied and shoved past you, making himself at home in your kitchen before you could even say 'come in'.
"Well, what's up?" You asked. "You know Eddie isn't going to make it home this week, right?"
"I heard", Dustin replied from inside your refrigerator. Your eyes narrowed. "I figured you were going to be super depressed since it's your birthday and all, so here I am!" He said turning to you and holding out his arms. "Damnit, all you have to eat is leftovers?" He moved over to your cabinets. "And cereal?"
"Sorry to disappoint you?"
That was when Dustin turned back to you and really took in your appearance. "You really are depressed, aren't you?"
"No, no." You huffed. "I'm not depressed. It's just early."
"It's almost one!" He objected. "Go change out of your PJ's and we can go get a pizza. My treat." You narrowed your eyes once more, wondering when this boy became an adult who felt like he could tell you what to do. "Well, go!"
Not wanting to argue with him, you made a beeline to your bedroom and threw together an outfit. You emerged a few moments later and the younger boy was staring at your Christmas tree and shoving a handful of Froot Loops in his mouth.
"There's something missing." He said with his mouth full.
"I was waiting for Eddie to get home to put the star on top since I couldn't reach." You replied with a frown. "Maybe later I can get the step-stool out and you can put it on, Short-Stack."
"Screw you," he sneered. "I don't see anyone else offering to take you out to lunch on your birthday."
"You're absolutely right, kiddo." You laughed. "Let's go."
Dustin was able to keep your mind off Eddie for most of the day. He had taken you to the brand new Surfer Boy Pizza that had just opened up near the new mall in Hawkins before you both met up with Mike and El for a movie. Once Nancy had gotten off from work, she and Jonathan joined the four of you for dinner at Antonio's. She had asked about Steve and Robin, but Dustin made an excuse for the two of them. Truth be told, you had no clue where they were other than what Dustin told you, "they were otherwise engaged, but wished they were able to make it." The whole thing was odd, but you were just happy to not be alone on your birthday.
Jonathan had the idea to check out Christmas lights in Loch Nora as the sun began to set. You stopped at a gas station for some cheap hot chocolate which probably wasn't the best idea after the fact. Once you had driven through the entire neighborhood and the one over, you mentioned making your way home, but Dustin and Mike had other ideas.
"Why don't we all come over and play a game or something?" Dustin mentioned, inviting the entire party over to your house.
"Dustin, it's getting late, I don't think we have time for a D&D campaign tonight." You replied with a yawn.
"Come on, Y/N." Mike urged. "We're having such a great time, don't you want to end it on a high note?"
At this point you realized that something was up, you could not accept the fact that your jerky friends really just didn't want you to spend any part of your birthday alone, despite what they said.
"What the hell, sure!" You replied, throwing your hands up in defeat.
Dustin decided to take the long way home through another neighborhood because El mentioned that she would like to see more Christmas lights. Jonathan and Nancy followed closely behind in their own car as Dustin made his way through not one, not two, but three additional neighborhoods to see the lights.
When he finally pulled up to the curb outside of your house, you were exhausted. Keeping up with a bunch of teenagers took the life right out of you.
"I don't know how much fun I'm going to be," you mentioned as you unlocked the deadbolt. "But you're all welcome to stay for as long as you-"
The lights flickered on to reveal Robin, Steve, Lucas, Max, Erica, and Will with balloons and party hats and a cake that had way, too many candles on it.
"Before anything else happens," Robin stated. "Please blow out these candles so that they are no longer a fire hazard!"
You were utterly speechless as Steve ushered you over to the cake. "Make a wish!" He said softly as he put his arm around you.
You closed your eyes and made your wish.
And even though you knew that it was impossible, you still wished that Eddie could have been there.
"Happy Birthday!" Max yelled when you opened your eyes.
"How did you guys even get in here?" You said as you wrapped her up in a hug.
"I picked the lock, obviously." She shrugged as you moved to hug Lucas and Erica.
"She did not pick the lock," Steve added. "Because that would be breaking and entering and that's illegal, even if it would have been for a good cause." Max rolled her eyes and went to refill her cup.
"Where have you two been?" You asked Steve and Robin.
"We had to go pick up your gift!" Robin replied, hopping up on your counter and sticking her finger in the cake frosting.
"My gift?" You asked. "You didn't have to get me anything, your company is enough."
"Oh, we know." She replied with a sly smile. "This gift kind of forced our hand."
You looked at Steve for answers but he was looking over your shoulder. Your heart was hammering against your chest as you turned slowly to see Eddie standing in the middle of your living room with a silver bow sitting atop his head.
"How?" You gasped and before he could say anything, you leaped for him, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his middle.
"Hi," was all that he was able to say in between the hundred kisses that you placed upon his lips. "I missed you, too."
"You said that you weren't going to be able to make it!" You exclaimed. "You had a show tonight!"
"We were able to postpone it," he replied. "Another band took our place and we're going to honor the tickets on another date." He took your chin in between his index finger and thumb and made you look at him. "I made a promise to you, and even though I have to be at the airport at 6:00 AM tomorrow, I couldn't miss your birthday."
"I love you so much." You told him.
"I love you, too." He replied as he sealed a kiss to your lips.
One by one, your friends filtered out of your home. You thanked each and every one of them for the best birthday that you could have ever asked for and made plans for them to come over on Christmas Eve for dinner and presents.
"You planned this didn't you?" You asked Dustin as you stood at the front door with him. "You knew the whole time." He only shrugged before winking terribly. You pulled him in for a hug and raked your knuckles over his scalp before letting him go. "See ya later, Shorty."
He stepped out onto the front porch and turned back to give you the middle finger. "Happy birthday, Asshole."
You closed the door behind him and locked the deadbolt, turning to see Eddie standing at the Christmas tree. You came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his middle, your head resting on his back. If you could just stay in this moment forever, and live in this happiness that you felt, you would. You would never let him go if you didn't have to.
"Babe, where's the star?" He asked curiously, his eyebrows furrowed.
"I couldn't reach it," you replied. "And it didn't feel right to finish without you."
He turned around to face you with your arms still wrapped around him. "You are so cute, you know?" He asked as he removed your arms from him and placed a kiss on the top of your head.
Eddie bent down to the box of Christmas decorations still sitting next to the tree and pulled out the star. He stuck it on top of the tree and plugged it into the outlet and suddenly the living room was filled with a beautiful yellow glow.
"Wait a minute," Eddie said, bending back down to the box of decorations. "You didn't want to put this ornament on the tree? But it's my favorite one!"
"Hm?" You turned to him to see Eddie on one knee with a dainty, diamond ring in his hands. "Oh," the breath was taken right out of your lungs. "Eddie-"
"Y/N," He began. "I wasn't planning on doing this until I got home from the tour, but I couldn't wait. When I said that there is nothing more important to me than you, I meant it. Will you spend the rest of your life with me?"
"I was already planning on it." You replied excitedly, meeting his lips with yours.
Eddie slipped the ring over your finger and laced his fingers with yours. "Happy birthday, Y/N. I love you."
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puyopuyomemes · 11 months
do something to amitie
you got it
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45 notes · View notes
abbysforearms · 20 days
posting my first finished smut piece later today…
it’s currently standing at 6.3k words…
oh abby the woman you are
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toastlyeggs · 2 years
Can you do a Hollow for me, love? With a cane or being a mimimir please ♡♡♡
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for some reason i just couldn't draw them sleepin but i made up for it with siblings!! hopefully
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Fanfic roulette game!
thirteenth fanfic roulette of the day(s):
A Deathly Visit by purplewitch156
There once was a wizard who feared Death more than anything.
words - 6622 | chapters - 1 | complete
have i read it? yes. did i love it? absolutely.
send me an ask if you want to get a fanfic roulette too
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
Through The Heart Is The Only Way. Chapter Six. "Come Together."
Oh my God, OH MY GOD YOU GUYS!!! SO! I know, it’s been so fucking long, I wanted to get this out a while ago but then we got the apartment, I got a new job, left my old one, moved to a whole new city and did a lot more, it’s been a nuts month for me. So I am sorry this took as long as it did but this is a great fucking update in my opinion, an important point in the story that deserved the proper attention! So I hope you all enjoy it, that it was worth the wait, and any and all feedback is highly encouraged here! Thank you so much for reading!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 6.5K. Charles Lee Ray X Tiffany Ray Valentine X FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Reader. Warnings: Making Out. Grinding. Thigh Riding. Vaginal Fingering. Cunnlingus. Hand Job. Cum Eating. Pseudo-Threesome. Biting. Dirty Talk. Praise. Denial. Voyurism. Banter. Taunting. Teasing. Begging. Serious Conversation. Emotions. 
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You responded to Chucky’s question quickly and simply with, “What are we still doing here?”
“Good fuckin’ question.” Came his response and both of your hands were taken, one by each of them and you were tugged and pulled along out of the store, the book you were initially considering buying dropped on a shelf on the way. 
The walk back was more of a half-jog, you were unreasonably excited, could feel the underwear you wore, black lace by the way, a good call on your part, getting significantly damp. The idea they presented, the contest, was unfairly hot, they really wanted you, craved you, wanted to make you feel so good they BET on it for fucks sake. They bet on the privilege of it. You can honestly say you had never had someone, let alone two someone’s, so invested in you and your physical enjoyment, not just so early on but period. 
Your skates, laced together and slung over your shoulder bounced as you nearly skipped along with them, avoiding snow banks and icy patches, you had never seen their place before and you were curious to see how they lived.  
Soon enough you were in front of a modest looking apartment building, keys procured from his pocket and the door unlocked, you were ushered in, her gloved hand on your lower back, “This way sweet thing.”
You could get used to her calling you that. 
There was no elevator, just a few floors and up the staircases you tread till you were led to their apartment, another door unlocked and you went in with them both. The door was closed and then two sets of hands and two mouths were on you. Heated kisses and wandering hands helped and boots were kicked off, scarves untangled and thrown aside, gloves shoved into pockets and coats unzipped and hastily thrown in the direction of the coat rack. All the outer wear was left near the door, skates dropped without a care too and you were far too wrapped up in them to pay much attention to the apartment. 
First she is kissing you before she is breaking away then he is and her hands are on your waist, she’s behind you, leading you, pulling you somewhere as he is kissing your neck and you soon realise you are in a different room. 
Shit, not just any room, their bedroom. You only get time for a quick glance around, you get only a brief sense of the colour palette and style before you are being kissed once again. 
She is on you once more and you are all too aware of how hot and bothered you are, the thin fabric you wore between your legs felt incredibly wet, his leg is between yours and your hips buck on instinct seeking more friction. The seam of your jeans was well placed and provided some very good friction that made your breath catch. 
You heard him laugh, he pressed his thigh harder, his hands gripping your arms to pull you down as he worked you over again, making you grind once more and your mouth broke away from Tiffany’s with a soft moan. He spoke up, “God, she’s real sensitive, huh? Just like someone else I know.”
“Yeah, she’s already been so fun to play with, can’t wait to taste her all over again.” Tiffany responded as he nipped at your ear making your hips rock again. He asked, sounding like he was smiling, “Right?” 
So much focus all on you was almost hard to take, you weren’t sure what to zero in on, his mouth on your neck or his thigh between yours or Tiffany’s hands sliding under your top and feeling her chest press into your back. Her hands aren’t stopping, moving up and feeling the soft skin of your sides until they are high enough to catch the edge of your bra and you aren’t sure who to arch closer into as Tiffany touches you and Chucky’s mouth is on yours once more. 
You lose yourself to this for a moment, to kissing him back, feeling the ache that had been steadily building since the bookstore and you had the briefest thought wondering what you were waiting for? They made it crystal fucking clear they want to get you off again and that was the whole idea of them inviting you to their apartment and into their bed.
God, you were in their bed, how many times had they done this here? How many times had they fucked sprawled in these sheets? And now here you were, both of their attention on you. It was still freezing winter outside but you were melting inside and between them. Hands trembled slightly as you started to take off your clothing, giving a silent signal that you wanted to progress and they were more than welcome to help you strip, something they both took you up on happily. You broke the kiss to start removing clothing and he let out a breathy laugh, “Eager, eh?”
You nodded as she tugged you off of his thigh as you were taking off your shirt, throwing it aside, the pretty bra you had picked out in hopes of something like this happening on display. She was looking over your shoulder as her hands snaked around your front to start opening your jeans, “Fuck, I have been dreaming about this view.” 
She probably had one of the best bodies you had ever seen and to be fair you hadn’t even seen it yet, not really, through all this she has remained fully dressed, although you hoped that would change this afternoon.
Tiffany practically purred it in your ear, nails lightly scratched as they ran up your sides and she said, “C’mon Chucky doesn’t she look amazing?”
You glanced at him to see him rubbing his thumb on his pants as if he was trying to remove a stain, brows furrowed as you wondered what he was doing until you saw the dark spot. You realized you had gotten so fucking excited it had seeped through your jeans, and onto him. His gaze caught yours, cocky and shit eating grin, you watched as he brought his thumb up and sucked the small amount of you that was there, his eyes slowly starting to move down, taking in the view of you in your bra and being peeled out of your jeans by his girlfriend. You had to say this was a pretty successful second date and you weren’t even out of your pants yet. 
He dropped his hand away from his face, leaning closer to help remove the offending clothing the rest of the way off, “She looks better than any dream I’ve had Tiff.”
Awful flirts and teases and flatterers the pair of them. You needed to turn this back on them. 
“I think you both are a little too dressed still.” You asserted and they pair laughed, “Awe honey that’s cute but this is about you gettin’ off still.” 
Chucky agreed with what Tiffany said, throwing your pants aside, with a wide grin as he said, “Yeah, we still have a bet to settle, then we can talk about us getting naked.” 
“Yeah, worry about us later.” She assured you. Both of them couldn’t stop looking at you in the matching black lace that framed you so beautifully. 
A slight pout and were going to try again when Chucky made a move to start touching you, a hand on your hip and the other sliding easily between your legs when Tiffany stopped him, reaching out, her manicured hand gripping his wrist. “What are you doin’?”
“Starting?” He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and she laughed, “And why do you get to go first?”
“Why shouldn’t I?” He asked and you were stuck in the middle, pressed between the couple, currently arguing over who gets to make you cum first. When did your life become this unbelievable?
You were soaked and honestly wanting them to stop talking and fighting over you and just start doing it. They were stuck in a loop of back and forth and you get an idea, thumbs hook in the sides of your panties and you take them off, holding them up as you spread your legs, playfully spinning the damp garment on your finger, “You gonna keep me waiting all afternoon here?”
A look shared over your shoulder and they realised that no they would not. The fight was dropped, they negotiated much easier after that, since Chucky went first last time, Tiffany got to go first this time. 
You were laying back on the bed and she was making a move to get on her knees but Chucky stopped her, “Uh no way, I don’t think so.”
“What?” She asked with a huff and he said, “You already had your shot at eating out, I say we swap, to make it really fair so she’s had both from both of us. Fingers only for you this time babe.” 
She reluctantly agreed that that made sense with a roll of her eyes. She is fine with this because she is damn good with her fingers and she knows it. He settled in beside you to watch, almost pressed to you, Tiffany is undeterred and if anything emboldened by the prospect of showing off for him. She is on the bed, climbing on top of you, a hand to your cheek and capturing your lips in another intense kiss that shocks you so much it takes a moment to begin to return it. You didn’t have a single care at that moment, fuck your makeup getting ruined, fuck being quiet, you could really let go here in this space, totally safe and not a thing to hide. 
She was very in control, leading the make out easily and you let her, followed along, found a good rhythm of give and take. As her tongue breached your mouth you felt your breathing falter, especially when her hands started to wander again. Fingertips brush over your shoulder, a palm cups your chest, thumb circling your nipple through the thin fabric causing your back to bend, seeking to be closer to the stimulation she provided. 
Just when you felt it might be getting to be too much, just when you wanted to start begging for some serious attention, it’s like she read your mind, her hand now between your legs. Once her hand was there she didn’t waste much time, skillfull fingers tracing up your bare slit, he let out a quiet moan into your mouth. You can hear the smile on her face, pulling away enough to say, “She’s practically dripping over here Chucky.”
“You’re welcome.” He said with that same overly confident grin and she bit back, two fingers working up, starting at your hole and running up and passing over your clit, “Yeah like this is all for you.” 
“Isn’t it?” He asked as he leaned in closer and she leaned over and pecked him on the cheek, “Yeah sure big guy, now shut up. You’ll get your turn to disappoint her.” 
“Ouch Tiff.”  He pretended to sound hurt, a hand to his chest and a giggle escaped you before Tiffany kissed you again, ignoring him in favour of you. She really began then, fingers dipped inside briefly, collecting some of your more than ample wetness and using it to make her touch glide along you easier. 
Every move carried a distinct purpose, there was care there but not in a way that showed she didn’t think you could handle some rougher treatment, the pressure she employed was pretty damn great considering this was her what, second time touching you like this? She seemed to be taking in every hint you gave, reading your body language and the pitch of your moans amazingly well, even the broken and weak words you spoke giving her an even better idea. 
The quiet asks, “Harder?” and “Fa-faster-” and “-a little to the left-oh God!” were taken to heart. 
Something else that was also making this so much better was him. Right here, watching intently, in between breaks of Tiffany kissing you, when her mouth would wander lower, her hand never slowing you would see him. His own gaze going from your face, to watching how your body moved and how easily Tiffany manipulated you with two fingers. 
Her tongue traced over your collarbone and you moaned her name, you could see Chucky grinning out of the corner of your eye, “She’s good, eh?” 
You let out something between a half laugh and a half moan, “Soooo good.” 
“Hear that sweetface? I’m sooooo good.” Tiffany teased with a glance over to him and he was the one to roll his eyes this time, “Stop acting like you got this all sewn up, anythin’ could happen.” 
That phrase and the implication with which he said it made you shiver as if you were standing stark naked in the cold winter afternoon outside. There was so much time left in the day, so many possibilities. In the moment though, your head was fairly empty, only concerned with one thing, how good Tiffany was making you feel. Panting breaths slipping out between parted lips and heated kisses, those kisses were getting fewer as her mouth was moving down lower, it causes you to squirm. 
Especially when her tongue passes over your nipple through the thin lace, the sound you make causes her to clench involuntarily and it presses her to do it to you again and again. It leads her other hand, the one that was still below your waist and currently wrecking you, to hook in and pull down, exposing the last bit of you to her.
The other cup is pulled down until the straps have slipped past your shoulders, still hooked around your arms, the rest of the garment sitting underneath your bust and she breathes out as if totally intoxicated and enamoured by the mere sight and feel of your body, “You really are something special.” 
“Fuck yes she is.” And he reached over, made a move to cup your now exposed chest and you were ready, you wanted to feel them, both of them at once but Tiffany lifted up, her mouth twisting into a small frown as she smacked his hand away. “Ow, the fuck Tiff?-”
He cursed and she said firmly with a point, “It’s my turn. No touching.”
“Spoilsport. If anythin’ I’d be helping you-” He started and she laughed, her fingers picked up the pace and you whimpered from the spike in sensation. “No you wouldn’t, we are competing, we gotta do this solo or it taints the whole integrity of the competition.” 
“It’ll taint the whole integrity of the competition-” He started in a mocking tone and she rolled her eyes again and chose that moment for her lips to close around one of your nipples, she sucked, tongue lathed and your eyes fell closed with a loud and indulgent moan. She has a very particular want at that moment and she doesn’t stop herself, slender fingers abandon your clit momentarily, slipping down and then inside causing a sharp inhale from you at the sudden penetration. 
“Oh my God-” She sounded near awed as she experimentally thrust her fingers in and out of you, extremely careful and mindful of her nails which were not obscenely long at the moment, did she opt for a shorter style for this exact purpose? You can’t linger on that as she curls her fingers and says, “-you feel…Fuck, I don’t even know how to describe how you feel inside.”
The praise washes over you and makes you arch closer to her, desperate for more of whatever she has to offer you. 
“You felt this yet?” She asked, eyes looking over to her partner and he said, “I did but I was wearing gloves at the time.” 
“Gloves? The leather ones he likes?” She questioned and you realised it was meant for you and you nodded with a whimper. “So I got to feel you raw first, lucky me.” She hummed, fingers not slowing as her thumb circled your clit, continuing to thrust in and out of you. 
“Stop soundin’ so confident.” He said in an annoyed tone and she laughed, “Never.” 
The longer it went on, the better it got, the better you felt and you were less and less able to be quiet. And during this, through the haze of pleasure you did recognize one thing, that Chucky was having a hard time keeping still and to himself. You knew he wanted to be a part of this, to touch. Did he regret setting up this contest?
You had no time or space to think as she continued to touch and talk. “You sound so pretty.” 
Her teeth graze as she praises you, every single part of you and you feel it build, getting so close so quickly, it snuck up on you, the feeling was good, terribly good but it was starting to peak so suddenly and you can’t breathe properly. 
“Oh you gettin’ close?” She teased and you nodded, a small whine as the climb continued and she laughed, it didn't feel mean spirited, it was light and warm, encouraging, “C’mon then sweetheart. Let go.”
What she says is more than enough to push you over the edge and you fall, blissfully and you cum on her fingers with a shudder, it started low and then worked its way up, running through your whole body. Not like you were aware of what you were doing, not really, all you knew is how fucking incredible it felt, not how your body was responding to what she was doing, you think you were moaning something, praise, or yes or her name, hard to tell with how breathless she made you.
Naive. Totally naive is what you are, for thinking for even a moment that the first time you shared with her was as good as it could get, she outdid herself, easily. It was nearly maddening, the fact that she did it with seemingly so little effort. 
When pleasure finally gave way to slight pain and overstimulation, you swallowed hard, your throat felt dry and tongue thick as you reach out blindly and weakly push on her arm, “Ah, stop, stop, fuck-”
She relented, pulled her fingers out and her hand away as she said around a chuckle, “Alright, alright.” 
She brought her hand up and sucked on her fingers, tasting you as she watched you recover, eyes drawing over your body on the bed below as you panted and tried to regain some strength and come back to yourself post orgasm. 
Again almost sensing what you needed you feel her hands on you, warm and comforting, her touch self assured as she started below your knees and dragged her hands up, touched and felt. It did wonders for you. Made you feel much more comfortable, made your breathing slow, deeper, more natural and full. She helped you come down, once she pressed a soft kiss to your lips with a question of, “You good?”
You responded with a nod and a hum, she rewarded you with another press of her lips to yours before she started to get off of you, sitting at your opposite side, and as soon as she is doing that, ass to bed sheets, he is on you. 
The kissing is frantic, needy, in between him pressing kisses to your mouth he was grinding against you, clearly hard as fuck through his pants and pressing himself into your hip. “That was so fuck-ing hot, Christ.”
You let out a moan that was louder than you meant to into his mouth, his tongue passed over yours before he pulled back, “I knew getting to watch would be good but-”
He couldn’t even finish the thought, as if consumed with the need to he kissed you again and your hips bucked up, heat flaring inside you again so quickly. It was as if that fire never went out, it was simply dimmed but him instigating this make out so forcefully fanned the flames and brought it all back, so fast, caused it to burn bright and strong. 
He pulled back again, finally continuing that thought, “-I had no idea it would be like that.”
You can feel Tiffany’s eyes on you now, her watching and the sheer tension of it, the clear want she was feeling, even though it was less than two minutes since she last touched you. Just as he struggled earlier, she seemed to be, and he hadn’t really done anything as of yet. 
In another two minutes he had pawed and groped and worked his way down to where he is now kneeling on the floor and tossing your bra aside and his hands are on your hips, tugging you to the edge of the bed. He doesn’t waste time, he knows how ready you are, see’s the evidence of it clearly on display, on your inner thighs and the sheets themselves and right there. You are soaked and swollen, leaking, literally throbbing, he takes the smallest pause to look at you, really taking you in for the first time at eye level. 
You can’t help but look at him looking at you, see the arousal wash over him, how he is affected by the sight and smell of you so close to his face. And then, he buries his face between your legs, his tongue makes contact first, at your drooling hole before licking a firm stripe straight up over your straining clit making you arch with your finger tangled in the sheets and a call of his name. After that first lick he takes a deep breath, a quiet, “Fuck, you taste good.” 
Was uttered, a lick of his lips before he was diving back in greedily. 
He eats you out differently than she does, almost like he was doing it for his pleasure more than yours, but by doing that? It made it better, so much fucking better, knowing how much he was getting off it only serves to increase the feeling you experienced. He left no part unexplored, you felt incredibly wet, from him or you you didn’t know as he switched between broad strokes of his tongue over your lips and hole and more small and precise licks against your clit.
He has also clearly gotten tips and instruction from her over their time together but he puts his own spin on it. Hard to define, especially when you are caught up in such strong pleasure, but the way he wraps his lips around your clitoris, the way he flicks his tongue and strong fingers dig into your thighs, it feels unmistakably him. Even if it was at one point partially coached or instructed by her before you stumbled into their lives, as if he took what she said seriously, trusted her, but also wanted to do it HIS way. 
His hands move, slide down under your thighs and come to rest near your ass, his thumbs spread you open, he pulls back, looking up close once more as if in disbelief he was here and doing this with you right now. He leaned in, a hard lick over your whole slit and your clit, a choked moan leaving you before he looked again, seeing how you respond, the clench of your hole and the throb of your sensitive bud he is achingly hard.
“You gonna stare at it all afternoon or are you gonna eat it?” Tiffany taunted and he says, “Shut it.” Before he leans in and latches on and sucking deeply.
“Oh God-Chucky yes!” It tumbled from your mouth so fast, eyes squeezing shut and you heard him hum in acknowledgement and satisfaction, the vibration you felt making you rock into his face. 
Not only did it feel amazing, it also felt hot just from that perspective alone, that this is how he wanted to do it. Tongue flicking up and from side to side, through your folds, and down. He kept any deviation up top and as he went along he felt out your reactions, what made you breathe deeper and make your body tense, he focused on a particular rhythm right where you needed it. 
Another curse broke out and Tiffany, who had of course been watching all of this with great interest, said teasingly, “He can’t be that good.” 
He pulled away briefly with a scoff, his mouth wet with you as he asserted, “Fuck you, yes I am.”
“I dunno about that.” She sighed and he threw her a look from between your legs, “Yes you do, you’ve had it yourself!” 
And as if to illustrate his point that he was done with this conversation his mouth locked back onto your cunt and your cry drowned out Tiffany’s retort. 
Considering how quickly you came before it didn’t take much for you to start getting close. You are so sensitive right now that almost anything fleets like it would be enough to get you there, his careful and specialised attention, with that undercurrent of need was more than needed to make you break apart. 
“Ye-yeah, just like that.” You begged, a small plea for him to not stop, to please just keep going, what you wanted was clear and nothing would make him stop. You rocked your hips, ground your throbbing clit on his tongue, unable to hold back, chasing your own end. The view right now was frankly stellar, his eyes were closed as he focused on you, brows furrowed in concentration, strong hands back on your thighs as he sucked on your clit like his life depended on it. 
He was still far too dressed, as was she, it was infuriating, you were naked, totally bare and you hadn’t even seen him without a shirt on. 
You can feel her next to you,  still watching, can hear her heavy breathing over the blood rushing in your ears, she was just as affected as he was earlier, stuck watching but not partaking. Then, the climb reached its peak, you weren’t on the edge anymore, you were over it. You cum so hard, you don’t think a single coherent word makes it through just a mess of weak moaning as you tremble on the end of his tongue, lost in bliss as he doesn’t relent through your orgasm. You aren’t capable of thought at the moment but if you were it would probably be related to a complete inability to choose between them and be the deciding factor in this contest. How could you ever choose? 
Both were so good but for entirely different reasons, both had completely different approaches that felt thoroughly them. It was like comparing your favourite dinner and your favourite dessert, they are both fantastic but both in totally different categories. How can you seriously compare one orgasm between another? The whole idea of this contest is ludacris but really, the competition is nothing more than an excuse and can you really complain when the centre of it is about you getting off hard and often.
Back to the moment you are currently locked in, unable to stay still, his head still buried between your thighs. 
He softens as you reach the end of it, no longer sucking fiercely instead taking it slower, making sure you aren’t too overstimulated until you make a sound that is clearly discomfort and then Tiffany is kissing you before Chucky has even broken contact. 
You rush to kiss her back and she moans into your mouth, you are reaching out, starting to touch her, hands on her shoulders as Chucky finally breaks away, you feel the bed shifting, him moving to be closer. In between kissing her you start to tell her, “I wanna make you feel good, both of you, want it so much-”
Cutting yourself off as your other hand locks onto Chucky’s collar and pulling him to you, stealing a kiss from him that he leans into for only a minute, until Tiffany is asking, “Wait, wait, wait, who won?”
He hummed and broke the kiss with you to ask, “Yeah, who won?”
You aren’t having it, you attempt to force another kiss but he pulls back, “Uh-uh, tell us-” when he denied you his mouth you leaned down and worked at his neck instead and that made his sentence break off. You kiss and touch, your hand slides down Tiffany’s shoulder and ghost over her chest and you don’t let up. Tiffany tried to ask again and you muttered, “You told me to worry about you and him later. And now? It’s later.”
That is enough and makes their shared resolve break. It escalates quickly after that. Mid make out with Tiffany you started to pull at her clothes and he helped, her jeans are taken off and it is more skin than has ever been exposed to you so far. She favoured skirts and dresses with short hemlines, you had seen plenty of her legs so far, but now they were bare, no tights or stockings, and also those deep purple panties and her gorgeous hips totally on display. You reach out and touch, hands on her thighs and you inhale deeply, her skin is insanely soft and warm, she leaned up closer to you with a sigh, wanting more. 
You provide. 
You rush leaning forward, a hungry kiss, deep and needy, her tongue makes the first move to your mouth, another shared moan from the rush it brings to you both. Your hand is between her legs, feeling her up for the first time and your head is swimming as if she was touching you again. 
Chucky isn’t going to be left out like this, he throws her jeans aside and his hands are on you both next, “You forgettin’ about me already?”
You broke the kiss with Tiffany and you affirmed with an indulgent smile, copying her from earlier as you said, “Never.” 
He grabs a hold of one of your hands and brings it down, he opened his belt and pants, you palm him and really feel him as he teases, “You sayin’ I’m unforgettable?”
You close your hand around him, squeeze through his underwear after you had slid your hand into his open pants and you feel his breath stutter slightly and fuck if that isn’t a powerful feeling. “More like insufferable.” Tiffany quips as she touches you, reaching out, vying for more of your affection and attention as he starts to protest, you flex your hand once more and put a stop to another petty argument starting. A fond, “Shut up.” 
He listens. 
A good position for all of you is found. It isn’t spoken about, not seriously, a few brief words and pulls in between making out and you all settle in. Tiffany is perched on your thigh, rocking her hips back and forth, grinding her slick and silk covered slit on you, he had his underwear pulled down and your hand wrapped around his bare shaft as a strange and new rhythm is found for the first time. It’s a little clumsy, definitely rushed, frantic, a bit thoughtless, much more about feeling because fuck, this has been coming a long time. 
It’s all a blur, of hands and mouths and desperate pleas and moans, panting breaths. It isn’t just you working, both of them know the other so well, hands still gravitate to each other as well as you, mouths still meet and before you can really think at all she is telling you she’s close. It shouldn’t be so shocking but it is, sending another rush of heat through you, Tiffany, totally stunning, usually so composed, with well timed and appropriately biting remakes and jokes, with smudged make-up, about to cum on your thigh. 
You feel an intense urge to kiss her, to have her moan her release into your mouth and but the want to hear her is much, much stronger. Your hand slows slightly as you are touching him and he doesn’t complain, in fact he was so close he whispered right in your ear, just for you to hear, “Watch.”
There is no pithy response to that, all you wanted to do was what he told you to and you got to see her fall apart for the first time before your eyes, and what a sight it was. Partially clinging onto him and onto you, pretty manicured nails biting into your forearm as her hips bucked, wonderfully broken moans spilling out from between her lips, slick with sweat and trembling. Christ, you could watch her forever, you wanted to, you wanted to do this over and over and be even more of a direct cause, rather than her just using your thigh to get off. 
One thing pulls you out of your reverie and that is Chucky’s hips moving, fucking into your slick fist, you break your attention from her, sliding off of your thigh slowly as she attempts to catch her breath, you focus on him. It doesn’t take long with all the build up so far, in two minutes he is breathing out a warning of his own end and Tiffany's fingers graze over his thigh as she prompts gently, "Do it sweetface." 
It must have been all he needed to tumble over the edge with a curse, cum pumping out over your fingers. The pleasure is painted clear on his features, brows pulled together, eyes closed, you don’t resist and lean in, kiss him and swallow the groan he let out, hand not slowing until he winced and pulled away and you let him. 
You sat back on your heels and brought your hand up and started to clean up your fingers, sucking the mess up greedily, he tasted surprisingly good and you caught him watching you, a coy smile crossed your face after pulling your cleaned fingers out. 
“Fuck.” He spoke and you had to agree, the tone and cadence with which he said it, that word said it all. 
You took those clean fingers and made them dirty again, scooping up the mess Tiffany left on your thigh and if he tasted good she tasted great. 
You would call this a fairly successful first hook up, there was some closeness shared in their bed after that, everyone not explicitly cuddling but all touching, comfortable silences too. You felt unreasonably happy, still high on how well it has all gone and it wasn’t over, you could feel some lingering energy that there might be more in store for the afternoon but there was no rush. 
One of those comfortable silences broken, a sweet and sincere compliment as Tiffany asked Chucky, “Can you get over how hot-” and then she said your name.
Your blood ran cold. 
In any other circumstance hearing her post hook up sighing your name like that would be a total fucking joy, a revelation. If only it was your name and not just what she thought your name was. 
He was agreeing and said it too and you bit your bottom lip as you cursed internally. You felt so fucking stupid, you totally forgot about the fake name that was given to them back at your job, you haven’t corrected them yet. Man, nothing makes a person crash back to Earth from their post orgasmic high quite like having to grapple with this complex issue wondering if you should just go by this name and essentially lie, or, ruin the mood and admit you have known them for this long going by this false name. 
You seriously thought about it, barely listening but the sinking feeling in your stomach, you knew you had to fess up and come clean before this dragged on any longer. You knew the hook up could continue but coming clean was more important than getting fucked and so you spoke up. It was now or never as you said too loudly as you sat up, “That’s not my name!”
They both paused, looked over at you and she asked, “What?” and he followed up with, “Yeah, what?” 
“I…That name you have been calling me, it isn’t my real name. It’s a um fake name I go by at work, the bartender? Logan? I tell him that if anyone ever asks my name to tell them that instead, all my coworkers do that.” You said it all in a single rushed exhale, metaphorical guts now on the space on the sheets between you and them. 
“And why do you do that exactly?” He asked, his tone sounded genuinely confused and you sighed, “There was a  co-worker of mine, they had a not so great experience with someone at an old club of mine who got too friendly and I had a few not so awesome times myself and it just became a thing I did…A protection thing or a uhm, preventive measure kinda thing.” 
You took a deep breath and said, “I wasn’t expecting all of this when you first asked for my name but I like you both a lot. I’m sorry I didn’t say something sooner, I legitimately forgot until you both said my name and I figured now was better than never.” 
You felt better after saying it all but you waited for their response, they looked shocked and to be perfectly honest they were. They were hiding secrets, plenty of them, they thought they had you all figured out, that you were obvious, but no, you were hiding stuff too. You were more like them than they thought and that was a lot to contend with. It was quiet, the air in the room felt different. 
“What is your name then?” Tiffany asks and you give it as easily as you breathe, softly you tell them your real name. 
They shared a look that once again communicated something you couldn’t pick up on, she gave a half shrug and he nodded and she said, “I think I like that name better anyway.” 
“Yeah agreed, suits you much more.” He affirmed. 
That was a small comfort but their body language and the rest told you that this was still not right, you figured they just needed time. You glanced at the clock and the encroaching darkness outside the window and offered, “It’s getting late, I think I might get going.” 
They didn’t fight you on leaving, simply stating, “If you want to.”
You got redressed, they got partially dressed themselves and walked you to the door, a light kiss from him and one from her on your cheek and you departed, tied skates on your shoulder and coat pulled tight around you. 
You felt off but good that you were honest, the ball was in their court, whatever they chose to do with this new information, all you could do was respect their choice. You stepped out onto the street and it felt much, much colder than it did earlier. 
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elementaldoughnut12 · 6 months
"Diamonds and Doughnuts"
*this fic is a gift for one of my awesome internet big sisters @afterdarkprincess ! It involves her and yours truly! (I'm mentioned) I just wanna say thank you for being so supportive of my stuff and being the big sister I needed... I love you*
“Oh my gosh I'm so excited!” Tay says happily as she tries to not drop the tray. She sets the tray of doughnuts on the counter and turns off the oven. She grabs the can of pink frosting and a butter knife so she can decorate. As she slathers on the frosting, she doesn't notice a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. “Watcha making diamond?” Jey says causing Tay to yelp.
“Jey! Don't scare me! You almost made me mess up!” Tay says with a pout causing Jey to laugh. “I'm sorry, babygirl! I'm just wondering what you making” Jey says as he kisses Tay's cheek. “Well, I'm making doughnuts cause my sister is coming over!” Tay says happily. “Lil doughnut is coming over?” Jey asks curiously. “Yeah! We haven't hung out in a bit and I know she loves it when I make her doughnuts” Tay says with a smile.
“Is that why you asked me to invite Sami over?” Jey says with a smirk causing Tay to blush. “N-No that's not the reason at all!” Tay stutters while looking away at Jey. Jey grabs her chin and makes Tay look into his eyes. “You tryna play cupid diamond?” Jey says, causing Tay to blush immensely. “M-Maybe…” Tay says nervously. Jey kisses Tay deeply and pulls back and smiles. “You cute when you blush” Jey says sweetly. 
“T-Thank you! Now enough sweet talk! I gotta finish these doughnuts and if you ain't gonna help get your ass out the kitchen!” Tay says seriously as she goes back to decorating. “Yes ma'am!” Jey says as he grabs a butter knife and helps decorate. Tay just laughs as she watches her husband try some of the frosting. “Damn! Lil doughnut got some taste!” Jey says happily. 
“Only the best for Mackenzie! Anytime I went to 7-Eleven I'd get these doughnuts for her and she'd just light up! Seeing her smile means I did something good enough to make her day special” Tay says with a gentle smile, thinking happily about the memory. Jey smiles at hearing his wife talk about her sister, remembering the good times he had with his brothers and Roman as well. They were almost done frosting the doughnuts when Jey thought of something…
“Diamond… do you think setting your sister up with Sami is a good idea?” Jey asks nervously. “Yeah why? You don't think so?” Tay asks curiously. “I do! Believe me! I nearly decked Sami sometimes cause he wouldn't stop gushing about her when he sees you take her to some shows and gets to talk to her but are you sure she isn't too crazy for him? Not to mention the age gap…” Jey never finishes his explanation when he sees a butter knife pointed to his chest…
“Jey…” Tay says, seriously causing shivers to go down Jey's spine. “My baby sister isn't crazy! She has adhd which means that she has a lot of energy and maybe being with Sami will help! He always calms her down when she gets hyper or about to attack someone so he already knows how she works! Also she's into older men so the age gap doesn't matter! Don't you forget that there's an almost ten year gap between us?” Tay continues. 
“I guess you're right and Sami is my best friend so he deserves to be happy and so does Lil doughnut” Jey says with a smile. “I'd known you would come around to it! But if you call my sister crazy again…I'll rip out your insides and eat them while you're still alive… got it?” Tay says menacingly and receives a rapid nod from her husband. “Good! Now can you get me the rainbow sprinkles?” Tay says with a smile. 
“You are wicked hot when you threaten me…” Jey says with a blush. “You are extremely weird! Now where are the sprinkles?” Tay says with a laugh. “Oh you mean these sprinkles?” Jey says with a smirk as he shows his wife the sprinkles. “Yes! Those! Now gimme!” Tay exclaims as she tries to grab the sprinkles. Jey laughs as he holds the can out of Tay's reach. “Jey, if you don't give me those sprinkles you're sleeping on the couch for a week!” Tay says with a pout. 
“Ok ok diamond! You're just so cute when you pout!” Jey says as he kisses Tay's cheek. Tay grabs the sprinkles and finishes decorating the doughnuts. “Yay! They're done!” Tay says happily. Jey walks over and looks at his wife's handiwork. “Damn they look good! Makes me wanna eat them all!” Jey says which causes Tay to give him a look. “Don't even think about it mister! These are for Mackenzie and your future brother-in-law!” Tay says happily. 
“You right… I'd rather have something sweeter!” Jey says as he gives kisses all over Tay's face. “J-Jey stop!!!” Tay says while laughing. Jey stops and kisses Tay deeply. “I love you so much diamond” Jey says sweetly. “I love you too Mr. Main Event” Tay says back. Jey was about to say something back until they heard rapid knocking on the door. “Looks like Lil doughnut is here” Jey says with a laugh. “It's showtime!” Tay says as they set their matchmaking plan into action.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Whohooo, my timer rang, it’s the 7th!🥳🤣 (At least in my country, so I hope, sending my request now is okay?👀)
First off: I wish you so so much fun with your first event. Like I already said, the idea is amazing and I’m looking forward to every single post.🥰 So, here is my soul striptease:
I’m a cisgender woman and therefore I use the pronouns she/her. I‘m bisexual but on a spectrum I tend a little bit more towards men, at least at the moment.
My favourite fandom is Hunter X Hunter and I would be more than happy about something romantic.
For characters I don‘t want to be paired with, I would say Leorio (I could only teach him some medical stuff but that’s how romantic as it would get) and the more than obvious Tonpa?!😂 And no minors oc because I‘m old.
My personality… I can find humour in everything and like to laugh a lot but at times I can be somewhat melancholic and dark-minded… which I kind of like. I‘m very adventurous and open minded and never actually judge people… each to their own, I like to say. When it comes to friendship I‘m loyal as fuck (honestly I would cover up murder for my friends) buuuut in relationships I tend to get easily bored. My s/o should have high intellect (I hate smalltalk) and somehow needs to excite me… even some drama can be quite entertaining for me from time to time. When it comes to love I’m multilingual: Physical touch, quality time and gifts are my love languages but it’s very rare that I’m verbal about my feelings. Other than that, I‘m hopelessly romantic and - when good entertained - I’m passionate and head over heels. I enjoy art in every shape or form… doesn’t matter if it’s music, visual arts or literature. Generally I just like to look at pretty things (or people) and admire their beauty (sounds kind of creepy, but I’m not a creep, just an aesthete, promise!😐) My hobby’s are singing, writing and painting, even on people’s faces, cause I‘m pretty good when it comes to make up and hair (idk why), which I enjoy doing for others. How I present myself… I have pretty long wavy black hair, light green eyes and I always always always wear black. I’m more short than tall and quite petite. My style is simple but chic, I would say. Sometimes I enjoy wearing heavy make up and statement jewellery - but that depends on my mood. Oh, and I’m the biggest Parfumjunky I know of, so I’m always smelling of at least something. When it comes to how I behave in front of others, I‘m talkative and quite extroverted. When going out or just spending time with others, I’m always the last to call it a night, cause I enjoy deep conversations so much (also, you can sleep when your dead so why taking the risk of missing something exciting?). But there are times where I need to be by myself and I need space. By others I sometimes tend to get received as cold or even arrogant at first sight (resting bitch face going strong) but when they get to know me they’re surprised how chill I actually am (or that’s what they have told me at least 😂). My quirks are definitely that I can be very impulsive (even when it comes to big decisions) and that I’m so so SO impatient. VERY IMPATIENT.🥸 When it comes to music, there’s less that I don’t like: I love metal and rock, dark classical music, sometimes even minimal and house but never ever would I listen to girlpop! (Don’t come at me Taylor 👀) And yeah, that’s that. Thank you so so much for your work und making my evenings more entertaining.♥️🖤
notes💌: hello love! happy valentine's day <333 I am SO HAPPY that you asked for hunter x hunter because it is one of my top animes! Like literally my most nostalgic and literally at the top (dont tell jjba i said that) (and a lot of people dont know that about me lol) but yes! I love this anime and had so much fun reading your matchup and thank you for participating in this event <33333
The character Cupid chooses for you this Valentine's day is...
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i have had a really bad brainrot for this man so thank you for the excuse to geek about him <3
you and him both have a humor that can turn dark and everyone will kinda look at you funny, but neither of you care because that's how you two get along
that's probably how you met
you told some dark joke and the entire room went silent until you saw hisoka chuckling in the corner and from there, you two were inseparable
you're both not very judgemental people and it's perfect that you arent because hisoka is A LOT and that is something that you love about him because he is willing to be a whole lot in a lil package and bring so much pizazz to the relationship
you were both really loyal friends who would do anything for each other (you have hidden bodies for him lmfao and he for you ofc) and because of that, it made your relationship so easy to start
also, i figured i'd put you with hisoka instead of someone like illumi because you will NEVER get board in a relationship with him. NEVER
you two always have something to talk about or do as a couple and you are just never complaining
he doesnt mind that you arent as verbal though because you give him enough of what he needs
but do expect A LOT from him
words, cuddles, flowers, acts of service, ALL OF IT <3
you two are both very romantic people who are head over heels for each other tbh lmaooo
he is definitely a piece of art to admire, that's for sure, so you get to stare at him a lot and he actually loves it. boosts his ego lmao
and he'll do the same, he'll just admire you and tell you how beautiful you are
he will love you even more, which is surprising tbh
you two match all the time, even when being casual
not wearing the same clothes, but having the same aesthetic for the day
sometimes yall even clash cuz it looks awesome
you're just iconic powerhouses
he loves you so so much because you match his energy
you and him are both very much people people, so you get to enjoy A LOT of nights out together partying and just having too much fun
he will definitely give you the space you need, but honestly, he cant be away from you for too long, so he'll just stay with you in silence if you need it
cuddles are a great recharge for the two of you
*cough cough* he thinks its hot that other people think that you are kinda mean. it just means you can protect yourself. your rbf is hot to him
he knows how sweet you are thought and will never ever make you out to be a rude person
he hypes you up always
he can definitely help with the impulses and try to get you to not, but lets be real, he's just as impulsive and sometimes encourages it lmfaooo
he plays girly pop in the house to annoy you lmaoooo
but nonetheless, he loves you with all of his heart and soul and is proud to call you his partner for life <3
💌 How would he ask you to be his valentine??
this man does it in the cheesiest way possible tbh. he would make candy hearts that say will you be my valentine and lay them out on the table with chocolates, a bouquet of roses and 2 teddy bears to look like the two of you! you would come downstairs to a total surprise and hisoka would surprise sneak attack you with a hug and ask you verbally if you want to be his valentine. of course you say yes, so the man attacks you with kisses
💌 Valentine's Day Date
You and Hisoka had spend time with friends all week long and now Valentine's day was your day to spend together. You didn't want to have to go out and about and around other people, you just wanted to spend time together and be in each other's presence. "Are you almost ready, dear?" Hisoka asked, clipping on his earrings. The two of you decided to grab some drinks and then go on a late night walk together. You thought the idea was amazing and very peaceful after a long week. "Yes, I'm ready!" You came out in a black dress that suit you perfectly and Hisoka couldn't help but smile. "Oh, love," he walked over to you and grabbed both of your hands. "You look amazing." "Thank you," you said, pressing a kiss onto Hisoka's cheek, leaving a little lipstick mark. "You look amazing too." "Oh, hush." He gave you a playful smack on the arm and you two walked out the door. --- After you two grabbed a quick drink, you decided to walk around a very empty trail. You two talked for hours, just enjoying each other's company and the fresh air you had been craving all week long. You walked until you couldn't feel your legs and all you were doing was laughing and holding Hisoka's hand. "I have an idea," Hisoka said slyly when he spotted a lone lake. "Do you wanna try something?" You gave Hisoka a skeptical look, but took his hand that he outstretched to you. "Sure, why not?" Hisoka ran over to the lake and stripped down, making you blush. "Hisoka, what are you-" You were immediately covered in water as he cannonballed into the lake. He brushed his wet hair out of his eyes and laughed. "Come on, y/n!" You laughed and followed suit, jumping in the water with him. The two of you splashed around for a while and then, when you got too cold, crawled out, wrapping up in your dry clothes. You laid on the cold dirt together with your hands interlocked and looked at the stars. "I love you, Hisoka." "I love you too. Happy Valentine's day." <3
mystery date rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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belindarimbi13 · 1 year
Rest in Comfort Fanbook
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I finally turned my doramitsu series on ao3 into a fanbook!
rest in comfort contains 30 stories revolving around domestic life of draken and mitsuya 🍯🐉
the fanbook is FREE to download, consider this as my birthday treat (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)♡
worry not, the series would still be available to read on ao3.
it would be my greatest honor if you can share this labor of love with your friends 🫶🏻
doramitsu agenda, let's go!
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theeternalfungus · 2 years
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I made another snail stimboard because everyone seemed to love the first one!! I hope I did good again :]
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rockstarlwt28 · 1 year
for the prompt thing: “you don’t realise how easy it is to love you.” please <3
'Babe, you've been staring at me for the last hour...' Louis comments, tearing himself away from his novel for a second long enough to make eye contact with his husband.
Harry arches a brow, challengingly. 'That's a slight exaggeration there, Lou. It's been at least twenty minutes.'
Louis hates seeing him in distress, especially when he's meant to be working on a project, due in a matter of days. He slips in the bookmark to mark the page then slams it shut.
'Not enjoying it?'
'That's irrelevant, love. You're more important to me right now than some novel.' Louis shuffles a little, raising his leg; ankle teetering over his opposing knee. 'You have a project due, Harry - in a matter of days, yet you've done nothing but stare at me.'
Harry chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief. He's grinning stupidly, pencil hovering above the page.
'What?' Louis asks with furrowed brows.
'Do you not know what my project is about this time around?' Harry asks and Louis slowly shakes his head. He sighs, still seemingly amused by his husband's cluelessness. 'It's about passions, love, admiration - sketching what your heart desires.'
'I see. Do you have something in mind you wish to portray on paper?' Louis asks.
Harry taps the pencil against the paper, deflatedly. 'I do. And I've been trying to accurately portray the subject for the past hour or two. But no amount of lines, definition and skill can portray the beauty.'
Louis motions for him to continue. He could listen to Harry talk for hours.
'I - I just can't seem to -' their eyes lock, 'capture it or help others understand my emotions in some way - you know, like give the audience a taste of what I see?' Louis nods in understanding. 'I guess it's true what they say, natural beauty is hard to place on paper - do it justice.'
'Nonsense. I know you can do it. You're an excellent artist, Harry. Always have been,' Louis compliments with a smile.
Harry smiles, eyes twinkling with contentment. 'You never did stop believing in me. It's one of the things I admire about you.'
Louis' heart flutters. 'Just like I admire you.'
'Oh Louis,' Harry mutters, light laughter supplementing his words.
'What about me?'
Harry chuckles. 'Are you truly that clueless?'
Louis' brow arches when he cocks his head in confusion.
'I'm sketching you.'
'Me?' He stutters. 'B - but why?'
Harry smiles. 'Because you're the person I adore with all my heart, Lou. Ever since the day we met.'
'You're the beauty I can't capture,' he whispers, eyes dancing over Louis' flushed face. 'You're the reason I feel a million and one things - feelings that are indescribable by words, yet I can't even portray them in an artistic form either. Louis, you're the light of my life, my soulmate and somehow, after all these years of marriage and courting you still don't realise how easy it is to love you.'
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pictures-over-words · 2 years
hi lauren! this is your chb hallowe'en edit request! trick or treat: piper mclean 🥀
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“Being a hero doesn’t mean you’re invincible. It just means that you’re brave enough to stand up and do what’s needed.”
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toastlyeggs · 1 year
worms who kidnap
a freeverse poem by eggs
grown garden, i admire your walls. it's been long since the days when the sticky star shaped nose has clambered through your ecosystem in search of your citizens. sweaty bowls of meat and skin concave and your people suffocated, embarrassed.
the gods have graduated now. upon our shiny medals it reads: i will no longer have more fun than needs be. i am filled with distaste of the ground i claim and conceived and will touch it with only blankets, tools. the colonizers celebrated that day their young told tales to tell their own kin someday i'll go
back and throw my shiny medal in the compost bin. you'll feast upon its carcass for as long as you live. maybe longer
take it as an omen. the worms who kidnap will take you all the way to their thin aired home. beware the pink and eager millipede gods roar above the surface in which they kneel to look you in the eyes. and we'll flash our decaying bones so you'll be welcomed home.
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indianasolo221 · 2 years
a late request for a bomba card
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It seems you have caught the eye of a certain red Queen...
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toomanyacorns · 2 years
Nightmare Goncharov Casting
Goncharov - Tommy Wiseau
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Andrey - Jared Padalecki
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Katya- Amy Schumer
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Sofia - Lea Michele
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Ice Pick Joe - Matthew Morrison
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