#i hope we see more of louis' experience with it as well now he's got his new thing of honouring claudia (and paul's) deaths
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kindaorangey · 4 months ago
sorry to say but the maker-fledgling/parent-child relationship dynamics make DM so much juicier. and i don't mean that in a kinky way in the slightest i mean it's insane to be adamant about never having a child for 500 years, break that vow on a whim and then be a deadbeat dad for a bit. and also on the more lighthearted and sappy side of things it's really interesting for a dying man in his 70s to be given another shot at life, with eternity ahead of him and the power of an ancient in his veins to inherit over the course of that eternity. idk idk! it's just neat.
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 month ago
Hi nalyra, I saw the MW Felix comment and I have to say it's sadly very much in character for the Lestat they have built. We've seen lestat make comments about seeing people as "inferiors" and "cattle", we've seen him not only enjoying the hunt but also mocking his victims (Mardi Gras, the tenor). He believes the earth to be a savage garden. As per Sam's comments lestat has fully embraced being a monster and his future arc will supposedly be to "crawl his way back to his humanity" (in contrast to louis whose arc is the opposite). His motivation according to sam is shame. Shame for things we've seen (I dread what they will do with claudias death and lestats involvement)
With season 3 coming I think it's safe to say we can take rolin and Sam and everything we have seen so far as face value. This is not the humanity loving, his light ever persevering, forgiving to the point of naive book lestat.
It's rolins interpretation of lestat which is...lacking if I say so. If he sees him as a sad clown or someone who would hurt his most beloved companion (which is directly against what Anne wrote bc she has lestat saying he'd never hurt louis and he never has) well then this is what we're getting.
I have been personally gutted by coming to this conclusion, that this is what the show is actually serving us. Messy vampires who are monsters and do monstrous things and petty relationship drama with some brilliant moments on the side, where I was hoping it would be the other way around. I really don't think they have a bigger plan in mind where all will be explained and made right, season two revisions and the latest autumn brown interview and long face reveals killed that hope.
We can certainly engage for the show for what it is and keep the good parts to enjoy it but I would be lying if I said its easy to do that. The show really has the potential to be impeccable and for some reason the creators chose to limit it and mischaracterize the lead of the series.
I know this isn't a fun topic to discuss (it certainly has not been fun for me to think about) but since it's a conversation that's been happening I'd love to hear your and everyone's thoughts !
It's funny, isn't it, that the version of Lestat we're getting is this jaded, hardened person, thanks to the shift they did, and the Louis we're getting is the version ... who got some of Lestat's good characteristics / world views.
I mean, I remember Rolin saying that, that they gave the evildoer-thing to Louis on purpose. Which, granted, at the time I didn't mind it much - but now it becomes ever clearer that they've pumped Louis up to be a better character by using (some of) Lestat's characteristics, which is... a choice.
And I agree, this is the show Lestat, and, in the context of the shift in character and time, it does make sense(!)
I have talked about it in the turning post, and others - this Lestat is a lot more jaded, he's been alone, he's been hurt, he's experienced heavy loss. He has experience with vampires, pitch forks and torches, and... Armand.
He clings to what he has quite differently. And can lash out a lot harder, too.
I've said it before, this is what we'll get. I waited 30 years for this show. There won't be another anytime soon, not that I'd necessarily want one(!), and I'm also anxious about certain real life developments which could have impact sooner or later.
I WILL enjoy this.
Like hope, with bloody knuckles. :)
But it is clear and has been stated that this is not Anne's Lestat, and that is actually quite the statement.
They are adapting the Vampire Chronicles - and fundamentally changed the main character(s). That will have repercussions for the upcoming arcs. And I do think the hinted at Amel plot is only the tip of the iceberg there, and when it hits it won't be pretty.
I have seen a development like this before, this "adaption of the books but freeing themselves of the books"... we all have I guess. The Witcher, for example, which was an incredible let down with season 2 for me. I hope this show will not follow that example. But when Rolin said something to that effect in one interview (I think it was a video) the alarm bells did ring in my mind.
Anyways. No, it isn't fun to talk about this.
But I'd rather be surprised positively by s3 than otherwise :)
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themultifandomgal · 1 year ago
From 2010- The End Of The X-Factor Journey
Part 6
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We stand side by side, Simon stood behind his with his hands on Liam and Zayns shoulders
“Ok here it goes. The public have voted and I’m about to reveal the 2 acts that have received the most votes and will go head to head. Good luck to everyone. In no particular order the first act through the next stage of the final, is…. Matt” Harry takes my hand in his and gives it a squeeze “the next act still in the final is…. Rebecca” and with that we come 3rd. We head over to Matt and Rebecca to hug them both and congratulate them when Dermot asks for us to come back “guys I can see by your faces that your gutted, but how’s this experience been for you? What are the highlights”
“It’s been absolutely incredible. The highlight for me was when we first sang together with YN and you know what we’ve worked hard and done our absolute best” Louis says into the mic
“Zayn, what’s going to happen with One Direction?”
“Errr we’re definitely going to stay together, this isn’t the last of One Direction”
And Zayn was right, because that night Simon offended us a record deal with Syco even though we didn’t win. Obviously we said yes, excited to work on an album together.
The following day I arrive back home in Shrewsbury. Shutting the taxi door behind me my front door opens and out runs Emma. I run over to her and hug her tightly
“I missed you”
“Missed you too” we stay like that for a few more seconds before she helps me with my bags and we walk into the house together
“Dad!” I run over to him and hug him
“Well done. You did do well”
“Thank you” I pull away and look around the room “where’s James?” I ask frowning
“He said he’ll be here later” Emma says “so tell us are you going to make music with the boys?”
“I don’t know how much I can say, but yes. We are going to be making music. Just hope it does well”
“I’m sure it will. Now let’s get some food into you, you’ve gotta be hungry”
“Starving!” I yell laughing.
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“Hi guys” I smile waving at the screen in front of me with my dog sat on my lap
“When are you coming?” Liam asks sat in a hotel room with the others. Simon asked us to start writing in America and so they all got a flight 2 days ago, but mine got cancelled
“Me and dad are getting a flight in 2 days”
“Simon wants us to start writing as soon as we can” Zayn says
“I know. Why don’t we throw around some ideas now?” my bedroom door opens and my dad brings me over a cup of tea “thank you”
“We may as well” Niall shrugs
“I have a few notes in my book hang on. Cookie down” I tell my dog, but as soon as she’s on the floor she starts whining
“Cookie is so needy” Harry laughs
“Like you?” Liam chuckles. I roll my eyes and open my suit case and rummage around for my note book
“Hey I’m not needy”
“I beg to differ” I say “YN can you play with my hair? I want a hug” I laugh walking back to my bed and sitting down. Cookie jumps back into my lap
“Hey havin’ someone play with ya hair is very relaxing”
“I’m not saying it isn’t, but I seem to be doing it every time we’re together. Any way let’s get to writing some lyrics”
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frauleinandry · 3 months ago
guess who finished metaphor refantazio last night!! was the game perfect? no, i've definitely got my fair share of minor nitpicks. did it engross me more than any game has in years? yes!
very much a solid 8.5/10 experience, and worth playing for the art direction alone.
my full review is under the cut, and it is NOT spoiler-free, so don't click if you haven't finished the game!
gonna break this up into several segments, as it's Long!
the plot was a bit predictable at times, especially if you're familiar with other atlus games, but still enjoyable nonetheless! the sudden, if inevitable swerve from being a typical fantasy story into suddenly being a story about a medieval fantasy culture being magically forced into holding a democratic election was. extremely funny in all the best ways given how jarring it was in-universe.
i loved how atlus explored the unrest a huge, unexpected political system change like that would cause as opposed to making everyone just chill with it. the subtle criticism of modern democracy in general - specifically, the fact that in reality, elected leaders are almost always going to be people that are rich and powerful already because they're the ones that can market themselves the most - was also, uh, very poignant.
thematically, well, the game is very heavy-handed about its message. it wants to say something, and dear god it says it! at the same time, i enjoyed that, because, well, metaphor's message is really something that needs to be said. the world can be cruel, and there's no magical solution to all its problems waiting in place, but you can't give up hope. you have to keep on believing in a better future, while also doing what you can to ensure that happens, even if you can't do much. it's very much an anti-doomerism story at its heart, and in this day and age, that's extremely relevant.
at the same time, the story is definitely where most of my nitpicks are. specifically, the pacing of the altabury arc. it's is so, so rushed. there are back-to-back plot twists that each radically change the story, with levels of foreshadowing ranging some some to none, and absolutely no breathing space between them. louis is dead! oh wait, he wasn't the bad guy and forden was! oh wait, louis isn't dead after all and now forden is! rella is helping us! oh wait, she's evil and brainwashing people! except no, she's actually performing a thanatos gambit to help us!
like, good grief. there should have been at least a week between louis' death and his resurrection (and a LOT more foreshadowing about zorba's survival). the fact that you don't even fight forden also just sucks. space those events out, give us a small battle against forden before louis shanks him, and then have a mage academy dungeon (where you can possibly see the ruins of the real-life academia). there - that would have been much better.
i also thought while the worldbuilding in general was good, the sanctism religion was very weak, especially given the huge effect religious zealotry has on the plot. like, who is their god? what does he do? like, we get answers to the hatred towards elda and their pushing of igniters, but both of those things pre-reveal feel extremely disconnected from the idea of a faith.
yeah i love these guys. the cast is fun, and i liked all of the followers/found them compelling, which is more than what i can say about persona social links at times. the OG team of will, strohl, gallica and hulkenburg is great, and i thought the vast majority of party members were also written really well.
basilio and eupha specifically feel like atlus saw all of the criticism about haru's introduction to persona 5, and addressed them when it came to the late-game party members. basilio is introduced in arc three and has a huge presence in arc four before he joins in altabury. eupha is introduced fairly late, however she's also integral to the story and feels like she's contributing.
in fact, the game was fairly good at balancing the party's screen time. strohl remains relevant due to being will's mouthpiece, hulkenburg isn't super important during brilehaven/eht ria, but returns to the spotlight once the game focuses on the prince, and junah's connections to rella and basilio keep her important.
... you might have noticed an absence from that list, namely, heismay. yeah - while atlus went out of their way to avoid a haru, they still added a yusuke to the plot. namely, an early-game character who has no personal connection to the lore or other major characters whatsoever. he's completely irrelevant post-martira, and his personal struggles lack cohesion with the story's overall plot. he could have been a follower and nothing would have changed.
i also think will is a really poor protagonist for this sort of game. while he's got a bit more character than most persona protags, he's still a borderline silent protagonist, and that doesn't work in a game where he's meant to be using his charisma and getting people onto his side via speeches. like, i just remember being astounded during the brilehaven arc once they present johanna as their bounty - will does nothing while strohl is the one to do all the talking, with occasional interjections from hulkenburg! if i was in the audience there, i'd want strohl as the king, not the dude who said like one line!
anyway, end rant, and back to the set of characters i haven't talked about yet, namely the antagonists. they're predominately good! forden and louis were both really fun takes on the SMT law/chaos alignments, especially louis. while forden could have done with more screentime, i have zero complaints about louis. he was sympathetic in a wretched way that excused none of his evil, and i liked that he genuinely believed he was doing what was right for the world, even though it clearly wasn't.
in terms of more borderline antagonists, i enjoyed fidelio and rella in particular a lot. rella was easily the character whose motives i had the most trouble placing, which made picking apart her actions extremely facinating, and fidelio's character growth was great. joanna (like the martira arc in general) was a bit weaker, and i thought the game cut her waaaaaay too much slack, but eh. it wasn't a big deal.
in the end, i think my favs were hulkenburg, rella, and strohl!
first of all, the art direction is sublime. if it doesn't win that category at TGA, i'm gonna be disappointed. there was so much thought put into the game's construction in general, from the use of texture to enhance the storybook aesthetic to the use of esperanto in the visuals/music... like, there are so many references to culture and art history throughout the game, which make it that much richer.
the dungeon crawling is solid, even if it suffers a bit from the calendar system essentially forcing you to one-day the dungeons if you want to make the best use of your time. i'd say not quite as good as persona 5, but better than persona 3 reload. generally, i found the overworld combat a bit clunky - the lack of animation cancelling makes dodging feel laggy, which definitely annoyed me a handful of times. the squad battles are much better though, and really felt like fun puzzles to solve.
i generally enjoyed the archetype system, even if i found the class requirements a bit much at times. the customizability of the party members is refreshing compared to personas, and i like the fact that will isn't significantly more OP than everyone else to the point of making them redundant. what i enjoyed less though was the fact that you don't get a dedicated magic user until the final battle of arc three, essentially forcing will into becoming a mage... which bites you in the ass when his royal archetype turns out to be a mixed attacker which favours physical. oops.
like with persona games, i'm so/so on the calendar system. i like the resource management it introduces, but as mentioned above, i don't like how it forces you into charging through dungeons instead of exploring them at your own pace.
on the flip side, the follower system is far better than the social link one. having fewer ranks meant there weren't really any filler episodes, and the lack of hold-out visits was so refreshing. i also liked everyone's schedule not being constrained to days, but instead adjusting so you can't rank up someone back-to-back.
i think that's all i have to say, really! despite my criticisms, i really hope atlus takes certain things from this game into consideration for persona 6, and i think all the years they spent on this game paid off.
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sunflowervoltwentyeight · 2 years ago
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Hello! Happy 28th! Very excited to share my March 2023 fic rec! All of the fics below are so amazing. In no particular order, enjoy!!! 
Golden by shaylea (128k)
Harry is fully dressed when Louis returns to the room. He’s slumped on the edge of the bed, fingers twining awkwardly around the edge of his pink flounces. “Can I come?” he blurts when Louis opens the bathroom door. Louis freezes. “What?” “North. With you,” Harry clarifies. “If you’re going north, could I come too?”
On a rainy night in Auckland in the middle of his world tour, popstar Harry Styles loses his ability to carry on. Instead of continuing to Sydney and the rest of his tour, he seeks sanctuary with Louis Tomlinson, a man with a macadamia nut farm and a mysterious past.
I’ll Fly Away by @juliusschmidt (122k)
Harry and Louis grew up together in Lake County, Harry with his mom and stepdad in a tiny cottage on Edward’s Lake and Louis in his family’s farmhouse a few minutes down the road. But after high school, Louis stuck around and Harry did not; Harry went to Chicago where he found a boyfriend and couple of college degrees. Six years later, Harry ends up back in Edwardsville for the summer and he and Louis fall into old patterns and discover new ones.
ft. One Direction, the local boyband; Horan’s Bar and Grill; families, most especially children and babies; Officer Liam Payne; many local festivals and fireworks displays; and Anne Cox, PFLAG President.
Mine Would Be You by @crinkle-eyed-boo (114k)
Louis blinks his eyes open, his eyelids fluttering as the room swims around him. He takes several gulps of beer once he confirms that he’s definitely not hallucinating, that the very first portrait Harry Styles ever painted of him is hanging on that wall.
Louis stares at the wall, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest as he realizes that there’s not just one painting of him, there’s five, the portraits lined up like they’re some sort of storyboard depicting the rise and fall of his deepest love. His greatest heartache. A pain that cut him so deep that he left the fucking country, severing all ties with his life in New York, now suddenly surrounding him as if he’d never left.
Fucking shit motherfucker fuck.
Louis returns to New York City five years after he left it – and the love of his life – behind. He didn't intend to see Harry again, but fate has a funny way of pulling them together, whether they like it or not. After making a begrudging truce, they both start to wonder: Would it be so bad if history repeated itself?
You’ve Got My Devotion (Hate You Sometimes) by lucythegoosey / @harryrainbows (95k)
Harry was in the biggest boy band in the world. He was also one half of the best (or worst, depends on who you ask) kept secret relationship in the music industry.
Now, almost five years on, after One Direction has broken up, and Harry and Louis' relationship has as well, a video threatens to put everything at risk.
One determined Irishman, a massive publicity stunt and two begrudging exes are all it takes to bring One Direction back to life and maybe, just maybe, Harry and Louis' mangled love life too.
Or: Harry and Louis are forced to fake-date after an old video from when they were dating emerges.
Wild Love by purpledaisy / @harrydaisy (130k)
“Good,” Julia says, clearly pleased to have them both uncomfortable and unable to look at each other. “Now, I only have one more question before you can go. What are you planning to do when this experiment ruins your friendship?”
“We said we’d stay friends no matter what,” Harry says smoothly, his chin lifting in defense.
“That was our one thing going into it,” Louis agrees. “Stay friends no matter what.”
Julia raises a perfectly manicured brow, “That’s all fine and good. But I hope you realize your emotions aren’t going to realize this is an experiment in the end. If one of you falls for the other and finds out those feelings are not reciprocated, you’re not going to be able to laugh it off as a social experiment. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do this, I’m just hoping you’ve considered all of the possible outcomes.”
- AU: Two best friends try to date each other for forty days. It's supposed to be fun until emotions make it complicated.
Part one of Wild Love
Never Slows Down by purpledaisy / @harrydaisy (28k)
“Maybe we should just have one place instead,” he says. “Just move in together.” It’s heavier out loud, the first time either one of them has made an outright mention of it.
Harry keeps his back turned, the running water of the sink the only sound. Louis wants to say something stupid, something like, “Just kidding,” or, “Wait, no, that’s not what I meant,” but he doesn’t. Now, out loud, lingering, he doesn’t want to change the words he’s just said or the implication.
It must only be a few seconds but it feels like a lifetime before Harry turns off the water and turns to face him again. He swallows and shrugs, “Uh, yeah, maybe.” He meets Louis’s eyes only briefly before checking his watch. “We should go soon,” he says turning to leave the kitchen. “I’ll grab you a jacket.”
Part two of Wild Love
Being of the Jealous Kind by zita17 / @louisandtheaquarian (24k)
A-list actor Louis Tomlinson and his partner fashion photographer Harry Styles weather the storm that is Louis’ fake relationship with his costar in the lead up to this year’s Academy Awards.
Featuring a fluffy teenage meet-cute, an angsty wine drunk Harry melting down over pap pics, Louis habitually overusing the word “baby,” and cameos by a vintage Umbro sweatshirt, the peace ring, and one hell of a Larry hug.
Or the justice for To Be So Lonely fic. Based on the lyrics to TBSL and a prompt where “Louis has to fake date some celebrity, while his boyfriend Harry sits at home.”
Starry Haze, Crystal Ball by you_explode (10k)
Freedom. Harry’s not sure what exactly it means anymore. For him, for Louis. Personally. Professionally. Musically. There are so many layers to it, and it feels like as he gets older, the thicker those layers become.
Non-AU. A brief look at 2020 and the journey Harry and Louis are on with their careers and closet. Inspired by the Devil card.
Drifting, Weightless by dinosaursmate (45k)
“We’ve been asked to do a gig,” Niall said slowly. “Harry and Liam are completely up for it, I am too.” “Alright. What’s the catch?” Louis asked with suspicion. “It’s, um…” Niall cleared his throat. “So, Juliana was contacted by this themed cruise company, and they want us to do a four-day One Direction cruise.” The words hung in the air as Louis’ right eyebrow slowly crept up and he fixed Niall with a stare. “Absolutely not.” Louis rolled his eyes. “You’re essentially asking me to go on a working holiday with my ex. Stranded on a boat in the ocean for four days.” “Cruise ships are huge! You don’t have to see him in your down time.” --- Harry and Louis are exes with benefits until they're not, and the Mediterranean Sea might just be the perfect place to work through some unresolved issues.
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moriartyluver · 2 years ago
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"THANK YOU SO MUCH, Lord Moriarty. I have no more regrets. I give this life, to you.." 
It had been nearly two years since William and (name) had been married and officially become husband and wife. After their honeymoon in (home country), which wasn't much of a honeymoon due to (name) constantly working to help her parents even though they didn't need her help, they had returned to England and (name) had moved in with William and his brothers, taking Josephine with her. 
Currently though, (name) was in (home country). She had been for the past five months now. Alone. Well not entirely alone considering she had her closest aide with her, who was now 18 years of age, (oh how time flies. (Name) felt like a proud mother, and certainly related to her father when he had seen her for the first time in a while when she got engaged) and was there to keep her company. She was quite vague when she described what she would be doing before she left but William had deduced it would have something to do with the diplomatic relations of (home country). 
The household had recently felt a lot quieter and silent following (name)'s departure. The sound of (name) and William childishly bickering over ridiculous things  — although it was a lot more (name) than william — and Josephine giggling at her lady's behaviour. The nights were also lonely. Although William and (name) had agreed upon separate rooms being used, the two stayed up together frequently until they fell asleep on desks covered in papers and plans beneath the comforting warm candle light. 
It wasn't just William who missed their presence though. Albert had missed going to parties full of nobles with (name), which were usually almost obligatory for the nobles with titles or their heirs, as they silently judged everyone. Louis had missed cooking and doing housework with Josephine as they both worried over their brother and mistress respectively and teaching (name), who had no experience in housework, to cook or clean. 
"I'm glad I've given you hope. Would you like to try living a little longer?" William asked Michelle who looked slightly confused at his question. "Well to tell you the truth, I received a similar request from Mr baton, saying that if it was to save you, he would gladly lay down his life." He confessed. 
The dark haired woman looked at her husband, warmth and comfort enveloping her as she finally realised how much her husband truly cared for her. 
 "Please remember you have someone dear to you."
Albert and Louis glanced at each other with a knowing look, they had both been thinking the same thing. 
"Don't you want some sort of reward..?" Mrs Baton asked, feeling guilty about not having anything to give William in return if she did keep living. 
"The country is full of rotten people. I want to create an ideal world for everyone. As per the contract, you may keep your lives." William smiled "Until that day I create that world, you must hold onto your lives dearly. That's an order." 
The tears Michelle had been holding back had finally started spill as she gave William a melancholic smile."You stole my reason to die, and gave me a reason to live. For that I am forever grateful. I'll stay with you until my life runs out." 
The couple smiled at each other, the slowly fading embers of their marriage suddenly catching flame once more. 
"I see you've both made up..." the elderly woman from the market said "young professor, I would like to ask you for your advice..." William nodded for the woman to continue
"Mr baton's grapefruits dont sell well. They're too sour. What should I do?" 
William gave the woman a polite smile as he granted her some advice "Let them rest for a while. The sourness should calm down." 
As the three brothers left to return to their manor while the sun began to set, Albert spoke up. 
"I believe that couple cherish each other dearly..it's certainly a wonder in such a disgusting world that we currently reside in." He said, although his words seemed to be implying a double meaning
A few weeks later, a letter had come in the mail addressed to William from none other than his currently absent wife. He had been receiving letters from her multiple times a week, usually consisting of (name) giving William advice on his crime consultant work or William giving (name) advice on how to deal with certain difficulties she had faced in (home country). 
Each morning since she had left, the first thing William would do would be to read his wife's letters and reply almost immediately. It had become routine to him. 
William took the letter from Louis with a 'thank you', rather eagerly, but Louis had grown used to his brother's newfound habit now. He opened it quickly and read through it carefully, admiring the little quirks he would see in (name)'s handwriting.
Dear William, 
How did the dinner with the Baron go? I'm glad I was able to be of use to you in researching Dublin's heart medication. My father had been on a similar one recently, ( a useful coincidence) which brings me to my next point. 
Before you begin writing, I must let you know that you need not reply to another one of my letters. Once this letter arrives, I shall likely be boarding the train to Durham or perhaps I'm already home with you now. Hopefully the ship arrives as soon as possible. Josephine and I are due back in England for, I believe, the 23rd of may, so expect me by Tuesday afternoon. 
I apologise once again for missing your birthday, even if you do not feel particularly attached to it. I'm glad the postal services were competent enough to send you my gifts. The cane I had crafted by a sword-smith from (home country) should hopefully be a better alternative to your previous one and a lot more discreet at that. I hope that, along with the rest of the gifts and the money I had sent, are to your taste. 
I look forward to seeing you once more, 
Yours faithfully, 
P.s I hope when you say I plague your dreams, you aren't having nightmares of me. I'm not that scary...I think..
William hadn't known the exact date (name) would return from (home country), in fact he feared she wouldn't return at all. Coincidentally, this day in particular was the Tuesday that (name) would return to England. Thankfully he had cancelled his lecture for the day so he would be able to  greet his wife at the train station in the afternoon. (Name)'s room was already set out for her, beside William's and above Josephine's room downstairs, so the preparations for her to return were already complete despite her visit to her place of birth being indefinite. If he were to use the excuse that he hadn't had his lunch yet, he could probably convince (name) to dine with him after settling into Durham. 
"Brother? Are you alright? You've been staring at the letter for the past five minutes..did something happen to Lady (name)?" Louis asked with concern. He had grown to like his sister-in-law ,despite her multiple attempted murders against William, and would hate for anything negative to happen to her. 
William turned to Louis and smiled "(name)'s perfectly fine. She's returned to England and is currently taking the train to London along with Miss Evans." 
Louis returned the smile and nodded "I'm glad."
(Name) waved and ran towards her husband at the train station, with Josephine following behind, repeatedly telling her to calm down. Of course, she didn't listen and continued until she tripped over her own undone shoelace. 
William caught her in his arms and helped her regain her composure, allowing her to stand up straight whilst a breathless Josephine caught up. 
"I..Hah..told you..my lady..you shouldn't ru..run.." she put her hands on her knees as she tried to steady her breath. 
"My apologies, you're alright, aren't you, William?" (Name) asked her smiling husband who chuckled. 
"I'm fine, dear. How was your journey?" He asked before noticing her undone shoelace. He sat (name) down nearby on a bench and kneeled down to tie his wife's shoelace, despite her protests before standing up and holding out his arm for her to take while they walked home. 
As the couple walked back, William had filled (name) in on the case in the paper he had read of and what he had planned to do regarding it, along with informing her of the return of Moran and Fred. He had also thanked her for the birthday gifts (which were a large variety of things. William had to turn down having (name) buy him a brand new estate along with many other extravagant gifts.) she had sent him in her absence. 
William had learnt, in his year of knowing (name), that she expressed her affection mainly through gift giving, so he would find it difficult to reject any extravagant gifts she would send, but the had advised her not to do instead, her main gift this year had been a little cane with a sword hidden inside. It was specially crafted and designed which he had appreciated very much and it was possibly his favourite birthday gift he had ever received. (Name)'s gifts usually held that title. 
Once they had returned home and been guided to their designated rooms, William had asked (name) out to eat. 
(Name) normally would have refused anything remotely romantic, but she was tired and hungry and she had promised William she would go to eat at a café or restaurant with him in exchange for missing his birthday, and besides, he was tired and he hadn't had his lunch yet. She couldn't turn him down after being gone for five months. 
"I've only been here for a couple of hours but I already like Durham.." (name) said as the waiter brought them their meal "Considering we're the only noble family, it means we have more opportunities to interact with the commoners, who are a lot more down to earth than even the kindest nobles." 
William nodded with a smile as he cut his fried egg "We've made some good allies in this town.." he said "All the more reason to continue making this world a better place." 
"Indeed..Colonel Moran and Fred are to arrive by the evening, correct?" She asked before she sipped on her tea 
"The plan has already been set in motion..everything should go according to plan.." William said "How staying with your parents, pleasant, I assume?" 
"It was..father was ill for a while, although I already wrote about that in my letters," (name) said as she moved the food around on her plate "I suppose it was rather stressful though..my father works as an advisor for the royals of (home country) and so does my mother, but because he wasn't able to attend any meetings, I had to go in his stead.." 
"I'm sure you did wonderfully," her husband glanced at her player and then back at his. Hers was still full of the meal she had ordered whereas his was nearly empty. "Are you feeling alright, love? You haven't eaten much.." 
(Name) sighed and nodded "I'm fine..just don't have much of an appetite right now..I ate a lot on the train anyways and the journey was rather tiring" 
Of course, William easily saw through this lie, but didn't directly address it and instead took her fork, picked up some of her food and flew it to her mouth, as if he were feeding a child. 
"What the.." (name) muttered, leaning away. "I'm not an infant, I can feed myself." 
William gave a teasing smirk "Oh, but my darling (name), you seem so tired, I, as your ever so loving husband, should help you." 
The fork was still hovering against (name)'s mouth. She rolled her eyes "Not even half a day back with you and you still find a way to irritate me beyond measure" she opened her mouth, allowing William to feed her. 
While she was chewing, she watched as an old lady approached them while they sat outside with a smile. 
"Ah, young professor, who's this lovely lady?" She asked. It seemed she already knew him, although not enough to recognise (name) as his wife. 
William held (name)'s hand in his own and smiled politely "This is my wife, I've already mentioned her previously." 
The old woman's eyes widened as she looked over to the grumpy woman, who had instantly put on a facade of an elegant and loving wife and smiled. "So this is her? The famous Lady (name) Moriarty?" 
(Name) smiled and looked confused "Huh- I mean, pardon?" 
Ms Suzanne looked at the woman and bowed with a mischievous smile "Your husband has mentioned you a few times, he seems to very fond of you.." 
(Eye colour) eyes widened then quickly returned to their previous state, flickering over to William who was avoiding eye contact. "Is that so?" She hummed with smile, masking her true intentions which were to tease William all the way home as revenge for feeding her. 
Once their little date was over (with (name) pestering William regarding what he had been saying about her to the villager, yet he refused to answer, clearly flustered. Now she understood why William would tease her often, (name) realised, it was incredibly entertaining to see the reaction of the other party. 
After having killed Dudley Bale, the Durham University treasurer and landowner for the sake of avenging Frida, William returned home late that night, along with Moran and Fred who had now both been taken in under the guise of being servants. 
Thankfully, he had thought, there wasn't any blood on his clothes, so returning didn't cause any issues in terms of being discreet. The door to William's office was open, a slim crack between the door and the door flame, allowing the candlelight to shine through. A pale hand reached over to push the door open slowly, only to see a sleeping (name) at his desk. There was a copy of Twelfth Night that had fallen onto the floor, clearly dropped by his wife when she drifted off to sleep. He kneeled down beside her and nudged her slightly, hoping to wake her up so he could take her to bed and ask why she was there. 
(Name)'s eyelashes fluttered open to reveal her (eye colour) eyes. She looked over at William and yawned tiredly "You're finally back.." she muttered 
"Were you waiting for me?" He asked as (name) stretched and took her book that William was handing to her. 
(Name) glared at him and returned his smile with an irritated frown "of course not..I was just reading and looking at some of the stuff you have planned for the next few weeks.." 
"Ah you were just sitting in my office for no particular reason?" William chuckled and helped her up "we can discuss plans another time. You must be tired from travelling so much recently.." 
" 'm not tired.." (name) was saying before being interrupted by another yawn. 
"Do you want me to carry you to bed?" The blond teased "Or would you rather have me hold you in my arms whilst you sleep?"
"Hey remember what Ms Suzanne said earlier today?" The noble lady retorted, referring to the incident earlier that day "What is it you were saying, dear professor? You seem to be quite fond of your wife, sir." 
"Enough of that..." Came William's stern reply, his grin now turning into a straight and annoyed face, as if their dynamic had completely swapped. 
"Oh but professor, how could you say such a thing to your darling wife!" 
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The amount of servants in the Moriarty manor was slowly increasing... but..
"Hey Louis! The booze's already empty here!" Called a gruff voice. Louis turned to moran, trying to hold back his annoyance 
"Mr Moran, are you feeling like a guest here..?" Louis asked the man who was lounging around on the sofa, drinking beer. 
Moran smirked "What? Isn't it obvious" 
Louis looked down at him "in this house, those who don't work aren't regarded as human by us." He said bluntly. A snort could be heard from a certain brunette who was cleaning a glass cabinet with a duster. 
The blond sighed "Brother Albert is working in the military , Brother William's teaching at the university, Josephine is already good at housework and sister..I mean Lady (name) does her fair share of chores despite not being used to it while she waits for a job from Durham." Louis said "and even Fred is tending to the garden." 
Moran looked out of the door to see Fred crouched besides a rose bush. 
"He even picked up bullets at the bridge last night.." 
"Wait I didn't come here to work as a servant!! Moran looked surprised and went to the patio where (name) and William sat together with a cup of tea. "(Name)! You're the mistress of the house! Say something...!" 
"I could care less." She said, not even batting an eye  as she elegantly rose her teacup to her lips. Another (louder)  snort was heard. 
Moran turned to her husband "William! We swore it in front of the tomb, right?!"
William smiled "Of course Moran, I'm going to hire you." 
"Huuuuuh?!" Cue an even louder laugh. 
"We'll take everything step by step, right?" William reasoned "so please help Louis until the next job comes" 
"In the end that's still the same!!" 
Louis guided the semi-drunk man away "Now come on, Mr Moran." 
A/N: finally moving onto the main plot hehe. Fl seems to have warmed up to liam over the nearly two years they’ve been married aww. Of course nothing is ever easy when I’m the author so I wonder what fate may befall fl in the next few chapters 👀 😈
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alarrytale · 1 year ago
Hi! I just wanted to comment on some things you say thay i kinda disagree (and why you should care abt my opinion you'd say? well, just to have a nice dialogue :)). The first one is abt the laddy image louis wants to portray, which you think is fake. But what if it's not fake? Yes, louis is really different from the flamboyant boy we knew (i too admit that when i compare him now with the Louis i see in older videos i feel like im seeing two different people more or less) but people change, right? As louis says "nobody stays the same" and it's not THAT much of a change because we always knew louis liked football, and drinking and these "laddy" things, so maybe this part of him surfaced more through the years? Also, speaking of drinking, i dont see why is it that bad? Talking from personal experience, some people are insecure and can't let loose to sing or dance (personally, when i go to a club sober i can't do neither, im just too shy and just standing there). Maybe drinking helps louis be more chill, cheer a little bit up and be more loose to move on stage. Being a little tipsy always helps imo and it's not something bad. I agree it stems from insecurity but some people are born this way and it can't change easily.
Hi, anon!
I do care about your opinion! Even though we might disagree. We are just showing each other our different points of views.
I don't think louis' laddy image is completely fake. I just think it's grossly exaggerated. He has changed since he was in 1d, and the image he had in 1d wasn't him either. I think the answer is something in between. I don't think his smoking and drinking is an image thing, it fits his image, but i think it's a coping mechanism. He is not hiding any of it, nor his use of weed, and that i think it's a part of his image. I do think he's into guitar music, but i don't believe he was into indie music before 1d. It was more nickelback, the fray and the script. I do think he likes athleisure wear, but i also think he likes more classic fitted looks. I think he still does pedicures.
I don't think he's changed out of his flamboyance. Not at all. He's just repressing it and self policing himself. It does come out more when he's relaxed, happy and around fans. I imagine he's a different person around close friends, harry and family and much more flamboyant.
You don’t see why drinking is bad? Apart from it being unhealthy, it's addictive and it impairs your performance. I don't think you can compare yourself drinking while out once and awhile to have confidence in social situations to louis drinking on the job. Louis is drinking as a coping mechanisms too, but he's working and it seems like he has to drink to be able to do his job. If he were working any other job, where he had to drink to be able to do what your're hired to do and it got in the way of his work performance, his employer would have done something about it a long time ago. Louis also got alchohol addiction in his family and should maybe be extra careful about it. If you are driven to drink because of nerves or anxiety at work, to help you perform, i don't think that's work you should do often. I'd hope his dependency on these crutches would go away as he gained confidence, but it seems like it's all gotten worse. He both smokes and drinks more. I think bigger breaks and more time between shows would help him cope better.
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apoptoses · 1 year ago
A whole week later but I finally got the chance to finish Climb to the Sun and I have so many fucking thoughts!
"Pain blooms beneath his skin. Memories bubble up from the depths of his mind, of cold little arms around his waist, his face buried in a dead neck. A jolt of pain that suddenly narrows his world into nothing but the sensation of two fangs, like little ceramic knives pricking at his throat. He’d thought maybe he was dying this time too. But this time he hadn’t cared. This time he’d felt something tugging at his heart, from his pulmonary veins to his femoral artery. Down into his cock, where his blood stirs even now." God you're SO back. How did we manage to survive this long without you? The way you perfectly encapsule Daniel's jumbled, messy thoughts, how you can feel his fear slowly fading away and paving the way for something else entirely... can't get enough of it. You truly captured the feeling of having just experienced a life changing encounter, an awakening of sorts. The night he met Louis changed the course of his life and the night he met Armand sealed it, but Pompeii was his moment of divine revelation. From the way he started seeing everything around him so differently (so clearly) because of the blood, to how he finally allowed himself to tap into the power of his desires. Armand had him wrapped around his little finger, but the opposite was true as well.
And I LOVED you how kept bringing up his night with Louis and how he kept telling himself "no, this was something different" in regards to what he and Armand did in Pompeii. "Why Louis’ bite had made him sick, why Armand’s has had entirely the opposite effect. If it’s some special magic only Armand contains, like the influence Louis had described him using in their interview", INSANE. Daniel Molloy woke up every single day right before the sun set for over a decade and bravely asked himself "what if being terrified and horny were the same thing?" and it will never not be my favorite thing in the world, I swear.
"The praise tingles at the back of his brain. His blood pounds in the fine veins that spiderweb his cheeks. He feels stupidly, embarrassingly mortal over the way clutching the back of Armand’s sweater has him hard beneath the comforter puddled at his waist." GOING INSANE OVER THIS!! Relationship of all time right here, who tf is doing it, has EVER done it like them? Obssesed with this and them and you, it's such a delight to have you back! xoxo DA ❤️
I just really liked thinking about the contrast between those two experiences because like yeah, he's been bitten before, but with Louis there was no foreplay LOL It was meant to frighten him and then he was so stressed and desperate to find more vampires after.
And also I think about Louis and Armand's first bite experiences and how they actually replayed them on Daniel- like Louis got taken by surprise and left feeling feverish and confused until Lestat returned. But Armand's first time being bitten was a sensual experience, his first taste of the blood was sensual. Daniel has no idea he's actually been used twice as a vector for vampires to replay their 'first time' upon and that's really interesting to me. And via that he becomes a blend of the two of them, walking this line of horny scared.
Also like, I don't think I've done enough fic that really digs into what experiencing the blood is like for Daniel too. The books describe it as so psychedelic!! And Daniel being caught up in that really sets up what he's like as a young vampire so- idk I gotta mine that more.
And look I LOVE having Daniel be the bigger one but feeling small because Armand is so powerful!!! It's so hot!!! I couldn't not go there.
But THANK YOU I AM SO HAPPY YOU LOVED IT!!! I hope to have more soon ♥
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1d1195 · 11 months ago
Ding part 2.... SAMANTHA I AM IN SHAMBLES!!!!!!!😭 i don't know where to start!!!!
Knowing a bit on how Harry got into boxing broke my heart! Imagining little Harry feeling so misunderstood by his peers was so 💔and that mention of him not having a father figure 💔
But of course I LOVED how you described how he felt when first meeting/seeing cupcake! You know I love when your Harry's are just so far gone for the MC! Thought it was so cute that little interaction with him and Louis in the ring like 😭
But their little moment in the bakery😭 Him being so sleepy yet still wanting the comfort of her presence is just so adorable! Realistically yeah he's a stranger but who cares I think this is just so cute! and the cupcakes! She's so sweet( like all of your MCs) of course she would bake him cupcakes! and that call back to the first part was so perfect!
Was i a bit gagged that 2 MOTHS had passed? YEAH but im not mad about it lol Now my heart froze for a bit when she had a date! Now i knew this was like a distraction bc my girl is so gone for him too so I was not worried lol
Now the aftermath of the date... my heart BROKE for her! It genuinely made me feel so sad bc men are the absolute worse :( The way you depicted her showering and her feelings felt so real to me and hit close to home :( But i did not feel uncomfortable reading it so im okay! I just felt so much for Cupcake like I wanted to just hug her and comfort her so bad! And her blaming herself :( Those feelings are so hard to avoid and ugh I wish that anyone who has ever experienced this that it is not their fault at all! No matter how much our brain tries to convince us!
But the change to her interacting with harry after months was just so sweet! I was for sure smiling like an idiot from just how well their banter is! It didn't feel like so much time had passed between them at all and I love that for them!
NOW THAT CLIFHANGER BESTIE!!! I SCREAMED INTO MY PILLOW! I AM ITCHING TO FIND OUT HIS REACTION!! will she tell him the truth? SO MANY QUESTIONS! I ATE this up! I felt so immersed in their world while reading this! You did such an AMAZING job, but you always do that! I loved reading this! And the new layout is cute and so are your little notes at the beginning!
sorry for the late reply! This week has been so busy! But I hope you are enjoying your break so far!!!! Love you lots!-💜
I plan on adding on a little more about how Harry is a bit grumpy and frustrated. Always underestimated kind of thing. I don't usually describe Harry all that much because he's pretty much already described--or everyone just knows who I'm talking about. But I think he's mainly face claim, right? I feel like that's what most people do nowadays anyway.
I love to add a bit of 1D back into the mix when I can. I also LOVE to have him be so far gone for the MC. I do love my callbacks. I'm glad you feel that way about him being a stranger, I was getting kind of nervous he was being creepy--another reason I cooled Harry's heels and put a span of 2 months between them. I know that was a lot 😂
MEN ARE THE WORST. I'm so sorry it felt close to home; I'm glad you were able to read it without feeling uncomfortable. I don't want you to go into detail if you don't want to but I'm sorry you related to that. Nothing about that kind of situation is okay. I'm really sorry :( I always get so nervous when posting delicate storylines like that. I want the plot to move but not at the cost of making people uncomfortable. I think you'll REALLY like the next part in regards to blaming herself. I completely agree with your feelings. It's hard to ignore the way we feel and experience situations and it's easy for our brains to trick us.
Even though I put two months between them, I'm--as always--trying to sell that they just click; time and social norms be damned hehehehe I'm glad you liked their banter 💕
I know i said it just a second ago, but I really think you'll like the next part 😉 i think it will cover a lot of the questions you have.
AS ALWAYS please don't apologize. I'm sorry your week is already off to a tough start that on Tuesday it's already been so busy. I HATE weeks like that. I'm enjoying my break and love you lots too! 💕
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harrylights · 1 year ago
Happy Louis’ birthday day! What does Louis mean to you?
thank u love!! 🫶
being that i don’t know him personally all i can speak to is the impact as an artist that he’s had on me, and getting to sort of watch him grow up while i grew up as well. so w that in mind i think i’ll just share some memories/what comes to mind when i think of him
• him being my fave from day one and getting so excited whenever we’d get some more louis solos as the 1d albums were released
• also on that note, when i was teenager i had a bestie who was also into 1d and she got us a 1d puzzle as a silly little thing to do while we were basically living together (lmao) and let me tell u his face was the first to get put together like my life depended on it and i just remember that so fondly and vividly
• the overwhelming feeling of pride when he first released just hold on, and that feeling only growing as he released solo albums and started touring. having seen him go from a lil 19yr old boy to a fully grown ass man who’s doing his own thing and doing it so well has been such a source of inspiration for me and i’m so so so proud of him
• similarly, having also lost a parent recently and trying to keep finding my own creative path, it amazes me that louis has been able to do everything he’s done in the last few years. like it seriously leaves me speechless thinking about it. and honestly i really needed someone to look up to that i know has been through their own version of the same thing, it’s helped keep me going these last few months and only makes me want to keep growing even tho it’s harder than it’s ever been before. again, words can’t fully describe how i fully feel about this tbh
• i’ve said this before a million times but seeing him live is an experience that will always be so dear to my heart. he brought such a sense of safety and community into that venue and even in the lineup waiting to get in. he seems to have this energy to him that allows others to feel safe to be themselves completely and also be kind and take care of one another, and that is exactly what i want to do w my life in my own way. i admire that about him so fucking much.
• also finding community through fandom surrounding him in particular has been both insane and amazing and i love my louie mutuals w all my heart <3
• i also can’t not talk about the amount of Gender he’s always been giving. lately he has been a really good person for me to look to fashion-wise as I’ve been carving out my own gender expression, and i may or may not use him as a reference when i get my hair cut now fhhdjsks
anyway. i’m endlessly grateful for him and his music and i hope that 32 is another great year for him 💙
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kindaorangey · 5 months ago
Saw your comment about DM and Daniel’s turning. I agree that it would be more interesting to have it be non-consensual and violent, rather than framing it as something Daniel was somewhat okay with in the moment. Because, as you implied Daniel obviously hates Armand at the end of s2 - he was tortured for six days and it’s implied he was mentally scarred by the experience. So having this be an additional aspect for them to deal with would be interesting!However, what worries me is the choice (and implications of) not showing it - and to state that the show will not revisit it at all. Because if the turning is the ”start” of DM, or step two depending if you count San Francisco, it feels like an essential moment of their story and their dynamic. Because there are no personal scenes between Daniel and Armand really in season two. All their scenes, even in San Francisco are essentially about other people. The one exception being ’rest’ arguably (and the sniping about forgiveness in s2e6). Which is why, showing Armand losing it on Daniel and turning him would be important - since it’s the start of them having a real and personal dynamic. Especially if they are not doing past DM, it feels to me that surely this event is a huge part of their story line?
I do understand not showing it as to not to overshadow Louis’ story and the s2 ending, but Rolin has said it won’t be revisited at all. And maybe that could be okay, but it makes me doubt that they will actually properly deal with the turning in any way. Honestly, I’ve lost a bit of faith after the outcome of s2e5 was so muted in regards to Daniel and Armand. Obviously Daniel became enraged and determined to ’defeat’ Armand (and he obviously can’t lose it on him due Armand being a super powerful vampire), but it’s more than a little weird that they are just going into the next session with only a slight bit of more antagonistic tension between them than before. We also only see the outcome of Daniel having to deal with the revelations of having been tortured for days when he talks about his screwed up relationships with his exes and daughters. I dunno…The whole thing was so anti-climatic to me, and didn’t feel psychologically believable. I’ve seen several reaction videos where people wonder if Daniel and Louis have even told Armand that they now properly remember San Francisco, which I feels is a bit telling.
I can’t help but feel that this is due to the writers focusing so much on the current book/story they are telling that they might be damaging the characterization and believability of their current ”side characters”. And, sure - obviously Daniel and Armand are not main characters so their roles will be smaller. That’s fine. But I still want them to act as people, rather than merely props, which I feel Daniel comes a bit close to after s2e5 (being both is not a problem, and Daniel obviously is the interviewer and a great way to tell the vampires’ stories - but he should also be a believable character inho). It all makes me worry about how they will write the DM relationship, when they get to it. As someone who has been onboard with a presentDM (no past DM) from day one and with them doing an interpretation rather than re-telling of the relationship - I will be nevertheless be disappointed if they make their relationship a cookie-cutter ’enemies-to-lovers’ thing, where they hate each other but have sexual tension/f*cks - a relationship and story which lacks depth. Which, don’t get me wrong - I don’t think you are implying that. It’s just the more I think about season two and hearing Rolin’s comments about Daniel’s character, I get unsure about what the plan actually is here. And I really hope that there is a plan for what to do with the DM relationship and Daniel and Armand, separately as well. I got a bit annoyed when Rolin said something about ’everything being DM’ thus far, because frankly they haven’t really done anything somewhat substantial with that dynamic yet.
I wouldn’t have any expectations at all to be worried or disappointed about, but Rolin has said that they are doing DM and that DM fans needn’t worry. So I don’t know, maybe I’m freaking out over nothing (hope so). Do you have any ideas or wishes about what they could/will do with the relationship? Would really love to hear it! Thank you and sorry for long ask!
this ask was how i found out rolin said the turning isn't going to be revisited!!!!!!!!!!! i'm devastated. and after assad was so insane about it in that one interview and eric admitted he's desperate to have his neck bitten too........
and i agree, showing it at the end of s2 would've overshadowed louis' arc, and i wouldn't want that. and that ep6 feels weird with how it doesn't seem to address the reveals of the previous episode! but honestly, i think it was a good writing decision to prioritise the momentum of the paris story over the present-day storyline.
(rest of this under the cut cuz i wrote a goddamn essay, lol)
the last of your worries that i completely relate to - i really, really don't want DM to be done in a hatefucking way. there's a whole lot of baggage between these two that would be really interesting to engage with, and think it'd cheapen the emotional value of it to have it devolve into sex right away. like, don't get me wrong, i read, like, loumand hatefucking, and i think that fits with their relationship. i don't think it fits with DM, and that if they were to take that direction, it'd feel very shallow. plus, like, they can have a psychosexual obsession with each other while they're working through their issues. cmon guys.
but the rest of what you said seems to arise from a concern that the writers aren't all that interested in doing the DM plotline, or doing it justice, and while i don't personally get that impression (seriously, there aren't a group of writers and producers i trust more than this show's. i was in the VLD fandom, i know what a good crew and a bad crew looks like) i think there isn't really a reason to worry for one very simple reason: the vampire armand. rolin is completely committed to adapting the books in a way that's faithful to anne rice's vision, in spirit if not in one-to-one technicality. like, they are changing stuff (and improving stuff) across the board, but it's one thing to age up molloy and have him do a second interview with louis, and another to entirely neglect the focus of the sixth book. they just won't do that.
and that's before you get into the significance of the DM chapter being the chapter that made anne rice realise armand wasn't evil, or the fact that her characterisation of the vampires evolved and changed as the books went on, so armand as louis tells him is a different creature to armand in the sixth book, and the writers of the IWTV show have the benefit of the whole book series to draw from....
i don't think we have to worry about them not doing DM justice. i think it'll be wildly different to the books, between the turning being an act of cruelty, not love, and small things like molloy's age, and the fact that armand already knows how to use a blender, lol - they're working from a very different starting point. but there's still a shit ton of potential between them, and i have no doubts that whatever they do with them, it'll take advantage of that potential
like, i think we should be prepared for their romance to not even really take off until the (theoretical) fourth season. or even s5, if they stretch out TVL the same way they did IWTV (which, i don't think they will, lol, but who knows). rolin keeps saying that they're focused on TVL, not QOTD, for s3, and that therefore talking about DM is jumping the gun. i think we should take that at face value, even though there'll inevitably be SOME armand/daniel interaction in s3.
also, finally, i think we should consider that rolin might just be lying about never showing the turning to avoid spoilers for s3. and that s3 is still in development, and so he might change his mind anyway.
anyway! i hope that eases your mind a little. i think we're all suffering a bit from the comedown of the high of s2, and the anticipation of s3, and so it's easy to panic about what's to come. and to answer your question, my only ideas for their relationship is that i'd like some version of the chase even if it's just roleplay and silly things like molloy's daughters being scandalised by how young armand looks. oh and i'd love for them to do something with the connection made in the tags of this post, that'd be real fuckin neat. but like i said before, i trust the writers, and the relationship between armand and daniel is already so different to how it is in the books, and so i don't really have any gauge for what's to come for them. and i'm content to stay along for the ride of whatever the writers come up with<3
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nalyra-dreaming · 7 months ago
Hi there. If you have already answered questions about this I apologize for the repeated question. The question is what is your opinion on the interviews for the cast? In jacob’s recent podcast interview released yesterday he mentions that AMC ‘butt clenches’ (essentially stresses out/panics) when he has to be interviewed because he sort of says anything (whatever he feels. He stays engaged and on topic but he is tired of being asked the same questions in interviews repeatedly). It was also mentioned that Naomi (who ran the old podcast and had him on the one yesterday) was told by AMC people to not bring up race but Jacob mentioned he didn’t mind bringing that up because its important and it’s not a repeated simple interview question he’s had so many times before and it is relevant to his character Louis in the realm on the show. She has been in contact with Sam and Eric for a interviews with them as well. My point is to bring up the podcast interview style is that it appears there is a rift between fans on what they prefer interview style. It is not our call but I have seen various opinions. I have seen many fans say that the fan style of YouTube interviews with the cast and fans is insulting (because why do these specific fans get ‘chosen’ to interview the cast and they don’t even ask substantial or interesting questions- their words not mine) and severely disliked meanwhile Naomi’s podcast from AMC was dropped and they believe that she actually asks substantial thought provoking questions. There are petitions to bring back the podcast from season one because in many interviews the cast get asked the same questions and many fans did not like the fan style YouTube interviews with the cast. Again the promotion isn’t our call/decision but I’m curious your take on the repeated interview questions and opinions on different interview styles? I always enjoy any new interviews of the cast because we get to see their interpretations of the characters. But I would enjoy more promotion from AMC in general as well as diverse interview styles
So would I!!! Gimme all the promotion and in all the different styles!! I love to listen to podcasts:)))
I said it before, I had hoped the podcast would continue for the second season. The criticism I had - and that still stands - is that Naomi did not seem to have the background of the books. Which led to a lot of expectations for certain developments which... well. Didn't help, fandom-wise, let's put it that way^^
Anyways. Jacob has never been shy to address things. He has also always addressed racial issues when he felt like it, he has addressed the reinvention of Louis, repeatedly. I have those videos bookmarked:). And he and Sam have addressed the racial commentary the show does, repeatedly, too, there’s lot of interviews?! I just listened to the podcast and... well. Jacob being Jacob, in the bestest of ways :) He's blunt. He's warm and funny. He's... open. Jacob has been very blunt about the Loumand relationship, while it was still ongoing, for example. I can see AMC cringe a bit at that moment (which, coincidentally is why Assad stayed so "current" in his commentary).
But the thing about the questions and race was not about IWTV?! It was the instructions and “same questions“ and re race re Game of Thrones.
And Jacob said he is now older and it puts things into perspective. And it makes me feel as if his manager likely relayed this rule he used to have because of that experience on GoT. (That is a normal thing, just like “no personal questions“ rules some obviously have!)
He also says that AMC was a bit “butt clenched“ because he has run out of “self-censorship“ - and honestly, I love it, but I get why networks might not be too happy about it. Sam also has commented on gag orders they got re content?! (And as said, I bet some people would have preferred if Jacob hadn’t been as blunt about Loumand…)
The "same questions all the time" however is a usual thing every actor has to go through (as they say and comment on as well?!). It's a gauntlet run for promotion. It happens every season. And as much as I can understand it being exhausting... that's part of the job. There's some that manage different questions, and the cast has expressed their delight in those interviews.
Naomi asked questions that may have been more in-depth in some aspects, but as said before, some other questions were quite... well, canonically unfounded. She lacked - or intentionally seemed to lack (to represent the show-only audience?!) - the information background. She shared that with a lot of interviewers of other interviewers, who do not know the chronicles.
I think that is why people like Autumn Brown and Maven of the Eventide get interviews right now. And, to bring that back into people's minds - it was JACOB who recommended Autumn to Rolin... and so it was Jacob that started this development. It might be good to remember that when hating on these interviews.
I for one hope Naomi will continue to do interviews with them :) That would be lovely 🥰
For those who have not listened to the podcast yet!!!
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 1 year ago
Gifted Chapter 2
here is the latest chapter of my Armand/Daniel/Louis fic
Daniel sends Louis the tapes from the first interview.  With it, he sends a letter.  It’s the sort of old-fashioned thing Louis would like.  The letter isn’t long, but it hits the relevant points; that Daniel has Parkinson’s and his days are numbered, and that he wants to see Louis again before he dies.  He tells him that he wants to redo the old interview, and finally write the book before he loses the ability to do so.  
He sends the letter to Louisiana; Louis is back in his hometown in a brand new house.  Armand has been keeping an eye on him from afar since he left.  Formerly, he had been staying in Rue Royale with Lestat.  They had gotten back together not long after Louis left them.  They’ve broken up and reconciled a few more times since then.  Daniel is fairly sure they’re in their off-again phase, because he gets a letter back from Louis agreeing to come to Dubai.  Lestat would never allow that.
Daniel reads it aloud at the dinner table, where he eats and Armand watches him every night.  He’s explained before that he can experience some human sensation through Daniel’s mind, such as eating, though it’s only a pale imitation.  Daniel thinks he just gets off on it.  
“Dear Daniel,
I’ve been following your career with some interest since we parted ways.  Please allow me to congratulate you on all your successes, those professional and those personally redemptive.  The passage of time has granted me perspective, and I suspect the same might be for you as well.  I have no wish to open old wounds, and I hope you and I can meet as old friends.  I look forward to meeting with you soon.
All affinities,
Louis de Pointe du Lac
P.S: As I know yours aren’t the only eyes that will be reading this, know that I will maintain civility with Armand, as long as he does the same.”
Daniel glances over to Armand.  He’s got his ipad in front of him, but his full attention is on Daniel.  “Well, he still has your number.”
“No, I didn’t need to read your letter; you read it to me.”
Daniel gives him a look.  “Because I know you’d just read it anyway.” 
“And so you spared me the trouble,” Armand says, “This is why you and I work, Daniel.”
Daniel rolls his eyes.  “Whatever you say, babe.”
“You’ve grown old, Daniel.”
It’s the first thing Louis says upon seeing Daniel, though he’s smiling fondly when he says it.  It just serves to remind Daniel that Louis is a cunt at heart; he knows exactly what weakness to pinpoint and provoke.  “It’s a sore subject.”
Louis brings him into a brief hug.  It’s nice, if a little awkward.  
Louis looks good.  He’s wearing jeans and a black hoodie, but he’s effortlessly beautiful, like always.  His eyes are the exact shade of green that Daniel remembers.  A warm familiarity settles in Daniel’s chest.  
“Armand is a stubborn bastard,” Louis says, not unkindly.  
“That he is,” Daniel agrees, and puts his hands on his hips.  “You gonna play nice with him?”
Louis smiles.  “Of course, Danny.”
Louis is the only person in the world who calls him Danny.  He usually doesn’t like it, but it’s charming when Louis says it.  It’s like the name belongs in his mouth.  “Come on, let me show you around.”
One of the staff–Daniel can never remember all their names, especially now that he can only see half their face–takes Louis’ bags to the guest room.  He keeps a brown leather messenger bag slung over his arm and follows Daniel.  Daniel gives him the tour, showing him the reading room, the state of the art kitchen, the dining room, the spare room Daniel turned into his office.  
It’s the only messy room in the house.  Daniel refuses to let the housekeepers touch it.  They keep throwing away his notes.  Armand told him it was because he wrote his notes on things like receipts and napkins.  Daniel had explained that he had to jot the thought down while he had it, or he would forget, and so he had to use what was available.  
Armand had suggested that perhaps he should talk to the doctor about his memory problems.  Which had spiraled into a fight about Armand being overbearing regarding his health, which then spiraled into the fight all their fights eventually turn into.  That had in turn resulted in three days of icy silence from Armand, while Daniel failed to provoke him into a fight.
He’s like that lately, unusually careful of him.  Like Daniel is some delicate thing.  He used to be ferocious, he’d give Daniel back as good Daniel gave him.  Because he knew Daniel could handle it.  And he knew when to stop. Usually.  
Daniel’s office is also his own private space; Armand is supposed to knock before coming in.  It’s just like his creepy coffin he used to keep down in the cellar at Night Island.  Daniel had never understood why he wasn’t allowed to see it.  He’d had quite the obsession with the idea for a while in his youth.  What he really wanted was to crawl into it and sleep with Armand while he slept.  Armand would never allow it.  He had explained once that he didn’t want Daniel to see where it was, because then other vampires, enemies of his, could pluck it from his mind.  Daniel thought that was a pretty bullshit excuse.  
Eventually they end up in the living room, Daniel in the armchair and Louis on the couch.  Louis reaches into his bag and pulls out a copy of Daniel’s book.  “I didn’t know if I should be offended.  Your book makes no mention of our prior relationship.”
“Yeah, well, what we had going on isn’t easy for most people to digest.”
“Polyamory isn’t so uncommon anymore,” Louis replies. It figures that he’d use the proper word for it and everything.  
“I didn’t think you’d like it,” Daniel admits, “me making our private thing public.”
He licks his lips and continues, “I thought you’d like it better if it was just ours.”
Louis’ posture relaxes a little and he smiles.  “I do like it better.”
Daniel finds himself smiling back for no reason at all. It’s been decades, but he’s getting the butterflies just like he did when he was a dumb kid meeting Louis for the first time.  “Good,” he says, unable to think of a clever thing to say.  He clears his throat.  “Anyway, did you want to crash or get started?”
“Let’s get started.”
Daniel sets up his recording equipment.  He may actually write this book.  Not to publish it–Armand would give him hell–but to leave to Louis.  It might help him to reflect.  It had to be hard to remember things after so many years.  It could be a comfort in the decades to come.  And hell, maybe Daniel wanted him to have something to remember him by.
“So, Mr. du Lac, how long have you been dead?”
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The show is all about unreliable narration and the choices made to highlight that in season 2 really drive it home.
But i worry that sometimes we use the "Louis is an unreliable narrator" to discredit events or deny they ever happened when its not warranted.
By the end of season 2 Louis has come a long way. Season 2 Louis is not Book Louis (that was 1973 san fran Louis). And season 2 Louis by the finale is also not season 1 Louis.
Proof being that he admitted the story about Claudia happened the way Lestat told it at the trial and asked Daniel to use it.
Louis wanted to do the interview because deep down he needed to revisit his past and heal something in himself. And by the finale he has accepted a lot of truths that he had been avoiding or suppressing.
I think what we forget when we think of Louis as an unreliable narrator is that we are all unreliable narrators for various reasons.
In Louis' case, i think he is unreliable for a lot more reasons than that he lied a few times or embellished or ommitted or because Armand went rummaging in his head.
Louis is unreliable because just like us, he doesn't have all the facts. He can only tell the story the way he experienced it.
1973 Louis tried to paint Lestat as a pathetic thing because he still had a lot to work through.
2022 Louis wanted to be fair. He wanted to be honest. But he's still constrained by his trauma, his ignorance of certain events, his shoddy memory, his long depressive episodes (as someone who has experienced them : kinda hard to be observant or anything but numb in that state).
Louis is also unreliable by virtue of his VERY limited perspective and knowledge.
The way Lestat appears in season 1 is the way Louis sees him. Dreamstat is an extension of that.
I guess what i'm trying to say is. Louis knows Lestat loves him to an extent. And he also knows Lestat was kinda crazy. But he doesnt KNOW Lestat. Because Lestat never TOLD him.
He doesnt know about his past or his traumas or his triggers. He doesnt know how his experiences shaped him because Lestat never shares ANYTHING.
So what i'm hoping from season 3 is not that we get completely different versions of events that we already saw but that we get to see the blanks Louis couldnt fill (which im sure well be getting ).
In a way it makes me sad that two characters who love each other so much understand each other so little.
The book in the universe of the show might be to Lestat perfunctory and incomplete. But it is also a window into Louis's psyche, his thoughts and feelings about their relationship. Its a chance for Lestat to hear how Louis really felt in those years beyond his own assumptions and to finally understand how his own inability to open up, understand Louis or accept his attachment to humanity shaped and ultimately ruined their relationship.
I don't want to come out of season 3 thinking of Lestat's version as the TRUTH. Lestat is just as imperfect and unstable and biased as Louis. He does however hold answers Louis simply doesnt have. We're hungry for his version because its the one we havent heard. But like you said his version is there to complete a picture. Not to oveehaul the entire narrative.
This is a chance to see how they each viewed each other and how their actions drove them apart. It is also a chance for them both to learn what they need about the other in order to finally love each other the way they need to be loved.
Beyond the writing i'm excited to see how Sam's performance will change now that he is not playing Lestat through other people's idea of him. We got a glimpse in 2x08 and i cannot wait to see more.
One thing I've thought about is the fact that some people are quick to attack Louis after hearing Lestat's version of some things, especially after 2x07 and I believe that it's perfectly NORMAL for Louis to be an unreliable narrator, just like Lestat is, and Armand too. However, I think the reason more people seem to be defending Lestat these days is if you imagine your ex and their current partner, whom you also have a history with, suddenly publishing a book about your life without your consent and portraying you in a way that suits them. I'd be going nuts. Don't get me wrong, Lestat is just as unreliable a narrator as anyone else. It's just that I feel we might get a more balanced and nuanced version of events when we hear his side of the story. After all, the show is called the INTERVIEW for a reason; we can never expect an entirely unbiased version of events unless the showrunners decide to alter things.
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purrrrrrna · 2 years ago
On this eve of the FITFWT, let us take a minute and reminisce the beauty, the transcendent, the majestic tour that was LTWT like COME ON !!! After years of speculating, being discouraged, waiting for the right moment, we got to experience such a wonder be it live or through livestreams. Either way it was a pivotal time. We got to see things we had almost lost the hope of and I couldn't be more proud of Louis, of us as a fandom and I'm eternally grateful.
I can't wait for tomorrow, well the 27th morning for me but ok. Also I hope that he'll tour Asia and LATAM soon and also Africa I should add, Louis drop those dates now will you !
And and and I really hope he plays the guitar, is it too much to ask for something great ???
Ok I'm done now. Byeee
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siriustaylorsversion · 2 years ago
lavender haze - louis partridge x reader
summary- reader being known as a psycho serial dater, like taylor and people asking louis about that but him not caring. the reader is a new charecter in enola holmes 2 and they made their relationship public recently. it's basically all of rep combined with the few lyrics of lavender haze that highlight a few moments that you share privately.
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staring at the ceiling with you oh, you don't ever say too much and you don't really read into my melancholia
the light was blinding as i look a seat with my friends and the cast of one of the most popular movies on netflix... enola holmes 2! i remember being completely shocked when i got the call for my role, how i was so terrified to meet the cast, but now, i found my best friends and my love among them.
after finding out how paranoid i was one afternoon louis just blurted out his feelings for me. i had a hard time believing him but, they were true. his stuttering was the cutest thing ever. "have you seen yourself?!" he said. "they see you on the screen, they see the way you carry yourself, how you can make anyone cry by just acting that way and it only takes you three seconds to get in your role. they love you just like i do! well- i mean, damn that is not how i planned this would go."
I've been under scrutiny (yeah, oh yeah) You handle it beautifully (yeah, oh yeah) All this shit is new to me (yeah, oh yeah)
just his instagram post for my birthday makes my heart flutter every time.
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louispartridge_ happy birthday to the happiest soul in the universe. you make every morning worth waking up to and every day worth living. being with you has been like a roller coaster but one that only goes up and just gets more thrilling as time passes. i hope to wake up next to you every single day of my life and wish to spend every single second of my day with you. i love you so so much and i hope you'll let these wishes come true.
I feel a lavender haze creeping up on me So real, I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say No deal, the 1950s shit they want from me I just wanna stay in that lavender haze
my love language has always been physical touch and even though i've never discussed this... he just seemed to know it. be it three squeezes on my wrist before an interview or resting his hand on my thigh below the dinner table, he always knew. he used to share our playlists that we made for each other to his friends with pride and always got me lavenders after a successful...or stressful shoot because of the first movie we ever watched together... it said that lavender haze is a term for love, and flowers are my favorite things.
All they keep asking me (all they keep asking me) Is if I'm gonna be your bride The only kind of girl they see (the only kind of girl they see) Is a one night or a wife
i was never prepared for all the fans' recognition and they treated me with love for a newbie... they asked polite questions and about my experience. it was going well until a fan asked louis about my...well, past. "as everyone knows, y/n has been acquainted with many men in the past so, how did you as a friend since you guys were friends before you got into a relationship, fall in love with her? was it that this was only for publicity, maybe a one night stand... or is it getting serious, i mean, can we hear wedding bells ringing?"
I find it dizzying (yeah, oh yeah) They're bringing up my history (yeah, oh yeah) But you aren't even listening (yeah, oh yeah)
i can sense his muscles tensing. below the table, he squeezes my hand three times to make sure i don't panic, and with a deep breath and a smile, answers their question. "well first of all, i don't know how how many men a women has dated in the past impacts your feelings towards her. like you said... we were friends first and i always found her attractive but just her little attention to details you say like when she once made a playlist for one of our friends which consisted of a song that reminded him of his mother... on his mother's death anniversary she promptly skipped that song when asked to play the playlist. or how she would give her 100% to everything she does, like once she learnt how to perfectly play a song on the guitar in 32 hours just because it was my dream to form my own band with my friends and sing something for my sisters wedding."
he looks at me for a second and notices tears in my eyes, " she's so caring towards everyone even if they may have hurt her and cannot stand animal cruelty at all. one of my favorite things about her... her sarcasm, of course. it's, as per her, one of her main qualities. she'll make you laugh in any situation and bring your mood up." i squeeze his hand tightly. "she's telling me to shut up now and so i will, it's things like this that made me fall in love with her and not her reputation. even for you, it never should be."
Talk your talk and go viral I just need this love spiral Get it off your chest Get it off my desk (get it off my desk) Talk your talk and go viral I just need this love spiral Get it off your chest Get it off my desk
the next day his beautiful speech was trending all over social media. we went back home from there and had a dinner in our apartment muttering sweet nothings in each other's ears and not caring about what anyone may or may not think about us.
I feel (I feel) a lavender haze creeping up on me So real, I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say No deal (no deal), the 1950s shit they want from me I just wanna stay in that lavender haze
it is reasons like this i am so completely and utterly smitten for this guy. i mean, who wouldn't be?! the lavender haze has taken over my whole body and i cannot wait for a future with him by my side. that's all i need forever and always.
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talk to loved ones or youself... do something to make the day memorable &lt;3
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