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steddiehyperfixation · 3 days ago
@steddiebingo prompts: lecture + skull rock | 1.2k words | G/T |
Eddie closes his locker to find Nancy suddenly standing right beside him. “Jesus!” he startles, hand pressed to his chest. He hadn't even heard her approach.
“Sorry.” She has the decency to look apologetic. “I didn't mean to sneak up on you, I just wanted to talk to you for a sec. I hear you and Steve are...together?” She says it carefully, with the inflection of a question, and Eddie has a vague feeling like she's testing him but he has no idea what for.
“Um.” He doesn't know what the right answer is. “Well, I don't know exactly- I mean, kind of? It's not really anything, we've just...made out a couple times.”
Nancy raises her eyebrows. “You just...made out a couple times,” she repeats.
Eddie shrugs, getting a little nervous that he's failing her test. He really cannot get a read on her right now. “Yeah, um, I mean, it was probably just like a one time, two time thing…”
A tiny scrunch flickers across her face and she mutters to herself, “God, is that what I sounded like?”
“Nothing, sorry, I just got major deja vu.” She shakes her head and then looks back up at him with those big, serious eyes. “Anyways. Look, you might not think it's anything, but I know Steve and I guarantee you he already thinks you guys are something. So if you only wanted it to be just a one time, two time thing, then you better tell him quick before he gets too deeply attached. He falls fast and he falls hard, don't let him get too serious if you're not.”
She reminds him vaguely of a teacher lecturing some clueless kid, but Eddie feels less chastised and more like he's just been punched in the chest. “Wait, you really think-?”
“He wants something real, he always has,” Nancy continues, “and if you guys haven't talked about it, he's just going to assume that's what you are. He's a hopelessly hopeful romantic, Eddie, he can't help it. He's all in already, I'm sure, so if that's not what you wanted out of whatever you two have got going on, then don't waste his time - don't waste your time. Don't play along and break his heart if you already know you don't feel the same.”
“No, I wouldn't-” Eddie finds himself at an uncharacteristic loss for words, can't do much more than give her a sort of deer-in-headlights stare.
“I'm not judging you,” she reassures him in a slightly softer tone now, clearly misinterpreting something in his expression. “I'm not upset with you. I'm just trying to give a little advice, from my own experience. Just make sure you two are on the same page, alright? That's all I'm saying. For both of your sakes.”
“Right- yeah, thanks,” he stammers. He points his thumb awkwardly over his shoulder. “I, uh, I gotta go…”
He doesn't wait for a response before he turns and hurries down the hall to get outside. A deep breath of fresh air to shake off the weird suffocating feeling Nancy's lecture had given him, and then Eddie's heading straight for the nearest phone. He has to talk to Steve, has to see him.
“Hey, Stevie,” he says the second the other line picks up. “I'm ditching class right now, wanna hang out?”
“Yeah, of course,” Steve agrees immediately, a smile in his voice. “I can meet you at our usual spot in, like, 20 minutes?”
'Our usual spot', aka Skull Rock, the make-out spot--their spot now apparently since that's where it started, since that's where they've met the last three times they've hung out alone, the last three times they've kissed and kissed and not talked. But Eddie can't think of anywhere else to suggest, so he says, “Yeah, sounds good. See you soon.”
He hangs up the phone and heads for Skull Rock.
A short drive and a longer hike and he's leaning against the side of that infamous skull-shaped boulder, watching the surrounding foliage for signs of Steve. He doesn't have to wait long before Steve steps out from the brush in all his gorgeous glory, face lit up in a beautiful smile just at the sight of Eddie.
Steve walks up to him and draws him straight into a kiss, because that's what they do here, at Skull Rock, the make-out spot, their spot. His lips are soft and warm and Eddie melts right into it, draping his arms over Steve's shoulders and kissing back before he remembers that he'd meant to use his mouth for talking instead.
“Wait, Steve.” It takes all Eddie’s willpower to break the kiss and pull back enough to speak. “Is this real to you?���
“Hmm, feels pretty real, but I don’t know, I could be dreaming. I never can tell around you,” Steve flirts easily, voice a smooth murmur as he brushes some of Eddie’s hair out of his face, caressing his cheek. “Might need to pinch me just to be sure.”
“No, I mean-” Eddie ducks out from between Steve and the rock, putting a little more space between them before he can give in to the ever-growing urge to give up on talking and go back to kissing. “Um, Nancy kind of ambushed me in the hall earlier, gave me this whole lecture about how you get attached really quick and how if I only wanted this to be something casual I should tell you fast before you get too serious, because she thinks you're probably already serious and that you want something real,” he provides context in an awkward, nervous rush, not even pausing for a breath, “and I just- I need to know, is that true?”
“Oh.” The previous playful flirtatiousness drains from Steve’s expression and his face falls. “Um.” He shakes his head, more like he's trying to clear his thoughts than anything. “Shit- I’m sorry if she freaked you out. She had absolutely no right to try to speak for me like that. I mean, I really am fine if you just want this to be casual...”
“I don't, I just thought that's what you wanted,” Eddie says. He hasn't been explaining this right. “Because that's all we've been doing - we come here and we make out and that’s it, casual, so this whole time I just assumed that's all it was to you. But then Nancy said all that stuff about you and it gave me this hope I hadn't let myself have before, so can you please just tell me if she was right?” He looks at Steve, eyes big and earnest. “Because I really, really want her to be right.”
Steve just stares at him for a moment, then softens with a sigh. “Yeah,” he admits, a tentative smile tugging at his lips, “she was right. I definitely don't just feel casual about you - it's real; I want real.”
Eddie’s face bursts into a grin. He throws his arms around Steve and pulls him into another kiss. “Then let’s get out of this casual fucking place.” He takes Steve by the hand and starts dragging him away from Skull Rock. “Come on, let me buy you some lunch.”
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keferon · 1 day ago
Two Peas in a Pod: part 2/?
*slips another piece into your mailbox*
Jazz was still feeling a little woozy from his donation in the dark hours of the morning. Blaster had breakfast changed from the usual to something that felt more like a treat, probably a reward for his good behaviour, and to help his body recover. Fish heavy in proteins, fat, all that healthy stuff. Something that normally he would have tried to savour, but he wolfed it down from excitement. Too many questions ran through his head, and most he couldn't bring himself to voice.
The mer, the mer would pull through. Blaster told him about how he had saved their life with his blood. Praised him high and low. Because Blaster knew how Jazz felt about seeing blood, about how hard blood tests were for him, and that was only a tiny vial. Not three big bags of it. Jazz hadn't seen how much they had taken – because he had kept his eye closed until they left in a hurry –, and hearing about it made him dizzy for other reasons, but he honestly felt real proud of himself.
It was a new feeling, different from other moments of pride – like when he figured out the lock codes. Yeah, this gave him butterflies and the drive to help more.
Blaster laughed when Jazz offered that the vets could take more if the other mer needed it. His handler didn't think it would be, but he would pass it on to the vet team.
Jazz's morning checks were a little off, expected with having a little less fluids and feeling off-balance, but it was kept short and quick. Blaster told him that if he learned anything more, he'd tell him next time he came by and then hurried back down to the staff area. Blaster was needed elsewhere, understandably as there weren't many mer experts here, though he did leave Jazz his waterproof stereo if he wanted to play some of his favourites.
But, the orca mer was far too busy causing a whirlpool from the laps he was swimming. He was too excited to sit still, and embarrassment be damned he started practising old vocals. He didn't remember much of his mother tongue, and he was pretty sure that his pronunciation was off, that or had one hell of an accent. Echo-speech was even more rusty. And once he had gone over and over what he could recall, Jazz began to really worry. A few sentences and handful or so of words was all he had? Gods, I hope I can at least make a decent first impression. Blaster said they were just like me, so hopefully, that will give me some starting points.
More than he cared to count, Jazz would swim into the shallow waters of the medical bay and hope to see something through that window. But no one ever came close enough for him to hear any news of the mer. He couldn't even see anything on his radar, wherever they had done treatment, it wasn't in the hospital ward. It almost felt like he was being purposely kept in the dark.
And just when Jazz was starting to worry that things had taken a bad turn, a group of staff turned up around four pm. He wasn't able to ask any questions, or rather they refused to answer. Shooing him away as they got to work. Starting with closing the gate to the bay to 'keep him out'. Jazz could easily climb those walls, but that wasn't the point. Even if the gate window was closed, he could pick up that they were setting up the water hammock. But it wasn't until he heard the cautionary beeping of the hoist lift approaching that it dawned on him – the mer was coming. Now.
"Jazz," Blaster called, "… Jazz," he blew the training whistle and finally got his mer's attention. "Stop pacing and get over here."
"But–" Jazz looked back longingly up the wall.
"Jazz," his tone dropped to a firm one, and Jazz begrudgingly swam over to the pier. The human crouched and made sure that they held eye contact before he spoke. "I need you to promise me that you will stay in your enclosure."
He sunk a little, trying to play into his cuteness, but being far too anxious to really pull it off. "What do you mean?"
"Jazz," now warning him. Blaster knew full well that he was more than capable of getting into or out of places he shouldn't, bloody Houdini mermaid, "this is serious. Things are going well, we want to keep it that way. Which means keeping things calm and feeling safe. You're excited, I get it, we all are. But in about an hour, they'll be waking up and – from past experience seen with wild Mers – they will likely freak out. And the last thing we need is you hauling your tail over that wall and making things worse. Understand?"
The beeping was louder how and the hiss of hydraulics caused Jazz to look up. The arm of the lift was visible over the wall. They're here!
"Jazz," Blaster hopelessly called for his attention once more.
Within moments, a massive bundle was carefully raised, the staff calling out and coordinating. Jazz's gaze was fixed on the black and white fluke poking out, it was the only part of them he could see, and his heart began to race. Once they became hidden by the wall again, Jazz moved back to pacing by the gate without even thinking. Listening to people hopping into the water to unstrap the mer and call back n' forth. "Careful, careful! – Watch the head! – Someone give me a hand over here! – We're clear on this side! – Keep the head up!"
Really starting to sound like a broken record, Blaster chirped the whistle and called out to him again. The expression he wore must have been pretty pitiful because the look on Blaster's face dropped. "If I open the view port… will you promise me that you will wait, that you will stay in your enclosure?"
"I promise," he answered hastily, placing his hands on the gate, over the panel that would slide open.
"And that you will wait until everything is in the clear, till the staff come to oversee the integration. There will be no rushing things and no asking staff when we will open the gate."
"I promise," he repeated, trying not to beg.
Satisfied, Blaster pulled out his radio, "Blaster to Control; when the team is out of the Mer enclosure's medical bay, open the view port. Jazz's stress is mounting without a visual."
"Can do," came a quick reply.
Though, opening the panel was not. Several minutes went by, the hoist had cleared out, and much of the staff had returned to their other duties. Only two remained double-checking the mer's breathing and pulse. The moment that the last of them left, Jazz heard the lock disengage, and he retracted his hands as the panel shifted and began to slide open. The window was too small to get more than his hand – maybe up to his elbow if he wanted to push it – through, and sat just at water level– any movement sending water hopping to either side. But it gave him a clear view of the surface area inside.
Oh. Jazz stopped breathing. While the mer's body was mostly supported by the fabric of the hammock, cradling them on their side, effectively hiding most of them from Jazz's angle. Propped up on a soft floating platform was the mer's head, face towards the gate. Sharp features and elegantly shaped finials, with flattering lines of their markings complimenting the peaceful expression as they slept. The butterflies from earlier came back stronger than ever, his heart thundering as words fumbled from Jazz's lips, "he's beautiful…"
Orca Prowl really is just-- too fucking pretty, omg, I'm living through Jazz in this moment like when I first saw your designs of him.
I'm more than happy to continue writing for you, you bring me so much joy. I screamed when I saw how much you liked it. If you have any requests you would like me to add to the story, leave it in the tags or comments ♡ I now plan to continue until the tsunami and a bit afterwards, maybe more, we'll see~
Upd: There is a next part!
The way it all starts at night and then you (as a reader) have all this additional time to boil in your anticipation?? So fucking great. Like you can really feel how little power Jazz has over the wholse situation. The plot is moving but he doesn't have any saying in it. Well. Yet heheh
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Anyway haha. Im normal and I made some art>:D
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#apocalyptic ponyo#jazzprowl#jazz#prowl#blaster#ponyo jp writing#GLC#merformers#maccadam#transformers#damn imagine living your whole life with stupid dolphins and pretty much equally stupid captive merfolks#and then meeting a guy with an Engineering degree#must be wild~~~~#Wait I just realized. Those workers never had any experience with sapient merfolks besides Jazz#they all are like “he will freak out” but their understanding is based mostly on animals and captive mers#and those tend to become VERY stressed if they suddenly wake up in some new strange environment and discover they have a company#while with Prowl it would be the exact opposite I imagine??? omg. After all the time he was kept in those tiny ass temporary pools???#having no company besides humans who are constantly poking him and staring at him and making him take their weird medication an-#-d sometimes drugs if he acts aggressively?#like after all this shit???#I have a feeling he would see/hear other orca nearby and his first initial reaction would be OH THANK FUCK there's a company#orcas are very VERY social after all~#I got carried away haha. I LOVE THE FIC SO MUCH#MUAH#this is freaking amazing#.....damn okAY one more thought I just had#there's only a small window for them to look at each other#Prowl wouldn't properly see Jazz ehehehjfkfnfmfj. He would sorta kinda see him right. But then he would ACTUALLY look at him. like.#for the first time see his entire body? and Jazz looks SO wrong#Okay I'm done spamming haha
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pythonmoth · 2 days ago
cw: anxiety. post-traumatic stress disorder (torture). reader is traumatized. reader is a bit unreliable. military inaccuracies. hurt/comfort (I guess?).
simon riley x f!reader. implied simon riley x soap. implied simon riley x f!reader x soap.
First | Last | Next
Being home is incredibly boring, especially if you can't move much.
Your brother's been taking care of you, making sure you're eating, that you let your injuries breathe, and soon enough, the cuts on your feet allow you to move around on your own. It takes a whole month for your brother to leave you alone for longer than a few hours. It's a good thing, really, because if you want to spend hours just laying in your bed and crying in silence as you stare at the ceiling, you can. He would only come whenever you needed a ride, anyway.
Despite being able to move around and now even managing to use your sensitive fingers, you dread the idea of going outside. You have to wear sandals and loose pants, because your toes cannot, by any means, be touched by any kind of fabric yet, or else you're grimacing in pain. Feeling defenseless hasn't been a thing ever since you became part of the team. Not even your skills could take down Simon, but you could put up a fight with them all, easily; never won, but you were confident with anyone else on the street.
No doubt you could still beat them up, your skills are still there, but the idea of someone somehow restricting your movements felt like torture all over again. The idea of anyone getting a hold of you makes you want to throw up. Your mind and body betray you, making you remember those awful moments, and you don't realize you're pulling a face.
"You're spacing out".
You look up at the therapist, giving her a little nod as an apology, getting comfortable on the seat. Restless, you can't help but look around for a moment again. The office is incredibly white, clean, filled with mirrors for whatever fucked up reason, and the only thing that isn't grey or white is one of the cushions on the couch on the other side of the room. It's deep purple. It looks awful.
Seemingly realizing you won't be of much help with the question she just asked you, she gives you a smile. "How are your nails? I can see you're using your hands a lot more".
"They're healing" you reply, looking down at your fingers instead of focusing on the cushion. "I can use my hands pretty normally now, but I can't use the stove for long".
"Because of the heat". An affirmation. You've already mention it before, and you're not surprised she remembers that. Probably read it on her notes.
"It hurts, yeah".
"And how are your feet?" she asks, looking down at the way you absentmindedly drag your hands on your pants from your thighs to your calves in slow movements. You only realize what you're doing because you can hear the way her pen drags across the paper, distracting you.
"Well... I can only wear sandals. Doctor said I should be okay to move around with real shoes in three months".
"And what do you think?"
"He's the doctor. I want to believe he knows what he's doing, so I can't really question it. I do hope it heals sooner, though".
The therapist writes down on her notebook. With an uncomfortable feeling, you desperately want to know what she's writing, your eyes drifting to the movement of the pen, but you can't make out a single letter.
"So you trust the doctor, right?" she questions, moving one of her erasers to the other side of her desk. Your eyes are fixed entirely on it, on the little thud the eraser makes when she sets it down.
"He knows best, that's for sure. If he's there, must be a reason" you answer, tilting your head as she keeps moving her things around, making them fit somewhere else on her desk. The pencil goes to the left, then to the right, the eraser from top to bottom of the notebook, as if she's as antsy as you are.
"Do you apply that thought somewhere else? Like... at work? Or if you need help at a store and find an employee, maybe?"
The therapist's eyes are on you all the time, your hands, your anxious feet; your little habits coming to light with a single look. The way you bite the inside of your lower lip, the little double blink you make when she moves something in her desk yet again, even if you don't say anything.
"Of course. If they know their way around, it's only right that I ask for help, and trust that" you answer, frowning. You don't think that question is relevant at all, but she keeps writing, and writing.
"I see. Thank you. Now, you mentioned you've been texting G- Simon. Can you tell me how it makes you feel?"
You go silent for a moment, your fingertips dragging across your arm, so softly you can barely feel it. "It's better now".
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During the first three months of being home, Simon would text you nearly every single day. He didn't expect a text back and you knew that, because you told him you wouldn't promise to be responsive. Simon would send you pictures of their plain meals, of Gaz sleeping on your bed, Johnny posing next to Price with their thumbs up, or terrible selfies of himself. Always without a mask.
"Price scolded Johnny because he had crumbs on his uniform. It was hilarious"
"Just got back. Everyone ok"
Even Johnny would text you from time to time. It was mostly memes, awful stickers or ridiculous, random photos of Gaz mid talking, his face weird, or Price smacking Simon's head, or the entire team posing for a picture, Gaz' arm hovering to the side as if to hug your shoulders. You didn't even need to wonder why Gaz hadn't texted you; that man hated technology with a passion.
Still, you never texted back.
You didn't really pay attention to the texts, or the little voice notes, or the selfies. You didn't feel like reading them properly, always leaving them on seen or just grunting to yourself whenever you heard their distinctive tone. Why you didn't change it in the past few months, you don't know. Maybe that's a question for your therapist.
But then, the texts stop.
"Tough job"
"We leave at midnight"
"Text you when we're back"
Only, Simon doesn't text back. For days. For weeks.
You can't pretend you're not worried. It's impossible, really. You're half-tempted to call him, but you can't, you don't know how it will feel to hear his voice again. He said he'd text you and he hasn't, so he isn't back yet, and you don't want to feel vulnerable by opening up. Yet.
You go through Simon's chat, actually paying attention to whatever he sent you. You realize he sometimes sent you long texts, apologizing, accepting what he did, and even a few voice notes that you didn't notice before. They made your heart race as you listened.
"I hurt you, and I'm sorry. I love you, and you don't have to forgive me"
"Garrick told me to tell you that if you aren't eating he'll go and— shut the hell up, Johnny, I'm talking!"
"Tell her we'll go visit her by the end of the month".
That's Price's voice, you realize.
Feeling incredibly choked up, you check Johnny's chat next. You're expecting to find nothing but memes, as you've seen in passing, but when you see he sent you long, long texts, you finally let yourself cry properly.
He's been apologizing since the day you left, too afraid to face you but his texts are so poorly written you know he was in a rush, or crying, or both. His voice notes, however... they just make you break.
"I'm so sorry. I can't undo what we did. You don't owe me anything, I just... really hope you can at least tolerate me. If not, please know I'll always care for you. I love you. Goodnight".
Something inside of your chest eases, maybe moved to the point of forgiveness, even if just a moment. Your therapist has been helping you unveil whatever you missed during that day— during the torture. It's been a tough process, and she insisted you visited twice a week instead of once, but it helped. You could now understand.
Still, understanding the situation only makes your worry grow.
"Text you when we're back"
For two long weeks, there's nothing, from nobody. Only silence and fear. For the first time since you left, you're scared for them. Scared you'll have to open the door one day and it'll be Price, or maybe not even him, telling you the team is dead.
On the second week, your therapist says you can give them a call, or text them if it's more comfortable. When you say you can't, she advices you to write them letters.
"Tell them whatever you wish to say. If you're angry, write it. If you're worried, write it. There's no good or bad feelings, and it's only right to feel them. Write them for yourself, and then you can choose to give them to your team, or not".
And you did.
A whole notebook of messy writing, some tears staining the paper, and your hate slowly turned to understanding. Real understanding. Not forgiveness, not yet, but it's progress.
By the third week with no news, you just can't handle it anymore. You press call without a second thought and your heart squeezes painfully in your chest when it rings, and rings, and rings.
Hopeless, you lay in your bed, your mind working overtime as you stare at the ceiling.
A muffled dinging sound startles you awake, shifting on the bed to find your phone because that's Simon's tone. Adjusting your vision, you realize it fell from your hands to the ground when you fell asleep. You dive for it, grimacing when your sensitive fingertips brush against the carpet, but to see his name there is enough for you to endure it.
"Safe. Couldn't text you earlier"
"You called me. Are you hurt?"
"Safe. Call me"
His name pops up not even a moment later, his ringtone filling your ears. When you pick up, he's barely breathing, and you wonder if you're about to be told bad news.
Simon explains they were on a very tough mission, and that that was why he couldn't text you, or communicate with you at all. You could hear him shift, move around. Restless.
They got caught in enemy territory, surviving the best they could for two weeks, Simon tells you. Johnny was shot in the leg and Gaz was the one who helped him out, since Simon was too busy dragging Price, who was bleeding out because someone decided it would be fun to put a bullet through his left shoulder.
"I wasn't any better. Dr. Wilson called me a dick, and then made me lay down because I was shaking. Ridiculous" he grunts, his voice hushed on the other side of the line. "Got shot on my side, I just didn't feel it, but I was better than the other two".
He doesn't seem to expect you to speak, huffing and shuffling. You can tell he's in the clinic room, the echo incredibly familiar by now.
Of course, he doesn't tell you that the reason why he didn't text you the whole past week, is because he's been asleep, drugged out of his mind because of the pain.
"Everyone's okay. No risk. Garrick's the only one who didn't get hurt. I think—"
"I was worried, Simon. I'm glad everyone is okay".
There's silence for a long moment. Simon takes a deep breath from the other side of the phone, sighing deeply. You could hear the smile in his tone. "I wouldn't let myself get killed, luv. I'm sorry I couldn't text you before. We're safe now".
You two spend the rest of the night on the call, with you mostly staying in silence and listening. You can't believe how scared you've been for all of them, for Simon. You know it's gonna be hard to fully forgive them, if at all, but you can't help the way your body relaxes as you hear him breathing against your ear. You can't help the way your arms curl around the pillow, seeking his warmth. As before.
The call goes on for long hours. When your soft hums as he speaks stop coming to his end, Simon goes quiet, realizing you've fallen asleep. He sighs and shifts to look at the ceiling, holding the phone against his ear. Focusing on your soft breathing, he let's himself fall asleep, the gunshot wound completely unimportant if he gets to listen to you sleeping again.
He just wishes you were there.
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im so sick y'all, my head hurts, but I obviously couldn't resist! also, you guys like Marina? her new song is so good! mowgli's road's vibes.
the therapist's room I'm describing in the story is actually my therapist's old room. I hated it so BAD. the mirrors were a terrible decision. also, if you can't relate to this type of therapy, that's fine. it's just my experience.
again, styling is fully intentional. can y'all tell how our reader is feeling?~
taglist: @euphoricn @lilg101010 @enfppuff @carolchaotic @silas-fanfic-favs @nina-from-317 @an-ever-angry-bi @kittygonap @dorothy-rainbird-deactivated202 @adventurerabby @defronix @sheepispink @iambuttwodaysold @blackhawkfanatic @malevolentghoul @thriving-n-jiving @literallegendicon @echo9821 @angel-bugz @ssc7514 @clickbait-official @hades--baby @blackhawkfanatic @sirbonesly @saki---chan @skeletonsucker @nnsissys @kukavittu @tessakate @honestlymassivetrash @s-a-v-a-n-a-34
(we're so many now, wow! thank you all ♡)
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chleem · 2 days ago
Love Deception III
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Series : ceo!drew starkey x assistant!reader
Summary: In order to secure a business deal, you pose as Drew’s girlfriend at an engagement party.
Genre: fake dating, slowburn, age gap (31 & 26), (read at own caution
⋆.˚ don't copy or translate my work!
⋆.˚ inspired by this tweet!
♡⸝⸝ two | index | four
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Wow, this looks amazing, Mrs Harrington,”
You immediately compliment the food scattered across the dining table, eyes lightening up at the sight of it. You hadn’t even realized you were hungry until you saw how beautifully cooked this dinner was. 
“Call me Lily,” she gives you a wink, her smile warm and inviting. Her eyes flicker between you and Drew as her husband instinctively pulls out her chair, “sit- sit, make yourselves comfortable.”
Your hand reaches to pull out your chair, instead, crashing with Drew’s, whose… surprisingly, doing it for you. 
You quickly retreat, glancing at Drew, hoping to catch a flicker of anything—anything—that might give away what he's thinking, but his expression remains neutral, as always. 
“Thanks,” you murmur, sitting down in your seat. 
“I haven’t cooked this much since Thanksgiving,” Lily jokes, starting to pick up food onto her own plate. “But I just had to for-“
Your eyes begin to scan the table, her voice fading into the background as your focus sharpens. 
Cacio e Pepe. You spot it, one of your favorite dishes—there, across the table. 
On Drew’s side of the table. 
You watch as he serves some onto his own plate, and you contemplate about speaking up. 
“-do you cook at home, y/n?”
The sudden and first question of the evening tears your attention away from the plate of pasta. 
“Oh, uh… sometimes, but just really quick, simple stuff,” you answer, and your eyes land on the seafood risotto in front of you. You’re suddenly torn—your favorite dish is across the table, but this risotto... it's right in front of you. 
Okay. Risotto’s not bad either, right? 
You grab the the communal spoon, and serve yourself a portion of the seafood risotto.
There’s also steak on the table, perfectly seared, and you can’t resist adding a slice of that as well. 
“Simple’s often the best,” James winks over at you, earning a chuckle from his wife. 
You politely smile, preparing to dig into the food on your plate, when it’s suddenly snatched away. 
Your fork hovers mid-air as you blink in surprise. 
Drew’s hand has swapped your plate with his, and now your eyes land on the contents:, the Cacio e Pepe, a side salad, and a slice of that steak. 
You glance up at Drew, but he doesn't look at you, focusing on his own plate. 
But you can see- that little, briefly there, curve of his lip. 
“So, are there anything you two like to do? Like, outside of work?”
You slowly start eating the food Drew swapped with yours, the flavors of the Cacio e Pepe hitting you in unexpected waves of comfort.
“Y/n likes art,” he says, without looking at you. “She goes- visits a new gallery every week.”
You blink, slightly surprised. How does he know that?
You manage a tight smile, turning your attention to the Harringtons across the table as you chew, James laughing softly before chiming in with another question.
“No, no, I meant together,” he corrects, his gaze shifting between you and Drew, clearly intrigued. “What do you two do together?”
Your eyes flicker to Drew once again, seeing the way he pauses. 
You clear your throat, stepping in. Because, that’s your job, right? As his assistant, help him fill in some gaps. 
Including now, as you lie, “Well, we... go on trips.”
“Really? Where do you go?” Lily eagerly asks, before taking another bite of her own food, “Drew certainly doesn’t seem like the type.”
An exchange of soft laughs echo through the table, yourself included. 
“No- no, but we go somewhere- somewhere out of the city,” Drew says, his tone casual, but there's a slight pause as if he's carefully choosing his words. He takes a slow sip of his wine, glancing up briefly at you, "just quiet spots. Y’know, a change of scenery.”
“So…nature? Into hiking?” Lily coos, her voice filled with curiosity.
You look down at your plate, eyes widening slightly. Hiking? 
You’re not exactly an outdoor enthusiast. 
The thought of long trails and bugs isn’t exactly your idea of a getaway, but before you can even formulate a response, Drew answers smoothly.
“Yeah—yeah, but more, uh, calming,” he says, “we like peaceful walks and, uh, places to just… relax.”
His answer is vague enough to keep things believable without making either of you look too out-of-character.
The Harringtons however, seem to buy it, their smiles widening. 
“That sounds perfect,” she says, her tone bright.
You quietly chew on your plate, savoring the rich cuisine that you don’t often get to indulge in. The warmth of the food is comforting, giving you a moment of peace amidst the conversation.
Then, out of nowhere, you hear James’s voice cut through the air, “actually, there’s something we wanna… ask you two about.”
You glance up, sensing a shift in the tone of the conversation. James leans forward slightly, a glint of excitement in his eyes, as Lily’s gaze flits between you and Drew, her expression curious.
You swallow the bite in your mouth, suddenly aware of the tension that seems to hang in the air.
Drew remains composed, but you can tell by the way his jaw tightens slightly that he’s listening carefully.
Oh shit- what are they gonna ask?
It’s not even ten minutes into this dinner, and already, it seems like they’re dropping a huge bomb. 
“We just wanna get this out the way-“
“Before we talk about anything else-“
“Or we get too full-"
“We’ve been thinking for a long time-“
“Always talking-“
“Wondering if you two might be up for it-“
“You wanna say it?”
“You say it-“
“Okay, okay- I’ll say it-“
The back-and-forth between them feels almost scripted, like a scene out of a cheesy rom-com. You half-expect the camera to zoom in on their animated faces, as if this moment is building to some huge revelation.
Your tight smile and slightly widened eyes might just give away how uncomfortable you felt right now. 
“So, every year, we have an annual hunting party,” James starts, and you gulp down the food in your mouth. 
Hunting party? You blink, processing the words. People still do that? People can still do that?…But then again, they were ridiculously rich. Of course they did extravagant things like that.
“Wow- that sounds, amazing,” you hear Drew comment beside you. As sarcastic as it sounds, he somehow makes it come across as genuinely interested.
James nods, continuing, “It’s a tradition we’ve had for years, and we always invite our closest friends.”
“- and we thought it’d be a great fit for you two. A chance to get to know everyone better—and of course, enjoy the outdoors!” Lily practically cheers, clapping her hands in excitement. 
The couple’s smiles felt like as if you were staring directly at the sun.
Oh my fucking god. 
You’re still processing the idea of an actual hunting event. The image in your head involves fancy rifles, a private estate, and people dressed in expensive outdoor gear. 
It’s hard to picture yourself in the midst of all that, but you nod along, trying to mask your surprise. 
You advert to the food, chewing on it intently. 
You really don’t know what to think. A whole day with rich strangers, all while pretending to be Drew’s girlfriend? Definitely not your idea of fun.
It…it sounded like a nightmare. 
Willingly spend time with a bunch of rich people? Yeah- no. 
“Oh, and it’s the whole weekend!” Lily adds, as if it would make the decision better, “so, a little getaway!”
“An island that’s been passed down from each generation,” James chimes in, his tone dripping with pride. “It’s private, of course. No interruptions, just us and nature.”
You nod absently, trying to force the smile back on your face. An island? Great.
Basically no room for escaping. 
You swallow hard, forcing yourself to stay calm, to play along.
The food seems tasteless now, and you can’t focus on anything else but the suffocating pressure to deliver. 
Say yes? Say no?
But then, you feel the gentle warmth of a hand placed on your thigh.
It’s Drew’s hand, his ring cold against your skin— yet steady, and strangely comforting. 
Almost as if his touch is a reminder that you’re not in this alone…or a subtle cue that you need to hold it together, his fingers gently gripping your flesh.
You look at him, seeing that he’s already staring at you. You see that smile on his face- the one you know can’t be faked. 
“We’ll think about it,” Drew says, his tone polite, turning away from you. "I mean, we’ve got other schedules, and so on.”
His hand remains there, and you feel a sense of reassurance in a moment where everything seems all too wrong. 
The moment you feel that pressure start to lift, Lily and James exchange an almost imperceptible glance. It’s clear they’re a little disappointed, but they don’t push. They simply nod, their smiles tightening just slightly.
“Well, of course,” James says with a gracious wave of his hand. “Take your time. We’ll send over the details. No rush.”
“Thank you, we’ll definitely—definitely try and fit it into our schedule,” Drew smiles, his voice smooth, the professional manner of his never slipping. 
Yet, just like that, his hand slips off your thigh.
The absence of his touch is oddly jarring. For a second, you almost feel a sense of loss, as if the warmth and quiet reassurance he provided had evaporated with his hand.
You shift, feeling self-conscious as you force another bite into your mouth. 
“But, uh, what made you consider us?” Drew asks, his tone light, more jokingly now. He leans back slightly in his chair, his usual confidence returning now that he doesn’t have to answer any more questions about your relationship.
His eyes twinkle with that familiar mischievous and easygoing gleam, but yours twinkle down at his hands, suddenly aware of how his hands look. Or more, the one that was just gently caressing your thigh. 
James chuckles, “want us to be completely honest?”
“Please- of course,” Drew takes a sip of his wine.
You lean back into your chair, letting out a small breath as the energy of the dinner shifts, the spotlight turning back to Drew as the Harringtons continue, clearly amused by the change in tone.
As you take another bite of your food, it suddenly tastes different—like you can finally savor it again.
“We’re getting married. We like to hang out in twos.”
So the rumors are true.
The Harringtons, a newly engaged couple, has become one of those pairs who only seem to socialize with other couples.
“And at the engagement party- we talked about that deal, right?” James continues, a knowing look passing between him and Lily.
The deal! He’s mentioning it!
“Yeah, the deal,” Drew murmurs, more to himself. 
“And we thought, since our main business partner is now a couple, it could be a great chance to make some new connections,” James adds with a smile, his tone light but purposeful, “make some new friends.”
You smile at his words, and you suddenly realize that these people— seem genuinely kind. There’s a warmth in their offer, a subtle understanding that this isn’t just about business.
“So you must excuse the questions we’ve asked about you two—it’s just so sudden,” Lily adds, her tone softening, trying to ease any lingering discomfort.
You could only smile, because it seems like… they also suspect this relationship is fake. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
“We also, um, just got together, so we’re still pretty nervous,” Drew lies.
You could feel his glance on the side of your face, and you nod, both of you playing the part, “yeah, we’re still figuring some stuff out.”
The Harringtons nod, almost understandingly at your comment. 
“Well, for us, at home, we also like to keep it ‘no business’ talks,” Lily adds, her tone soft and playful. She gives James a knowing smile, clearly at ease now. “Just a little rule we’ve adopted.”
You’re happy about the subtle shift in topics, moving back to the couple across from you.
“Really? Then what would you guys talk about, or …do?” You ask. 
Lily's smile widens, clearly enjoying the question, and James chuckles softly, shaking his head.
“Well, anything but business,” James says, leaning back in his chair. “A tv show, her new nails-“
Lily holds out her hand with a playful twirl, showing off her freshly done nails. They’re painted in baby pink, along with crazily cute and 3D stickers on each finger. 
“These?” She laughs, wiggling her fingers. 
“Oh- they’re beautiful,” you compliment, instinctively reaching your hand out to hers, admiring the detail.
Lily beams, her eyes lighting up at the praise, letting you hold her hand for a few seconds. “I’m obsessed with them right now. James thinks they’re a little too much, but that’s just him.”
Her husband chuckles, shaking his head lightly, as if this is an ongoing debate between them. “They’re... definitely a lot, but hey, whatever makes her happy.”
“What- I think James is a boring old man,” Drew teases, and you turn around, raising an eyebrow at him unexpectedly.
You didn’t see this side of Drew— so at ease around clients. He was always polished, professional, but this playful teasing? It was a side you rarely got to see. 
It threw you off for a second, and you can’t help but glance over at him, wondering how comfortable he really is in this situation.
His grin widens as he catches your look, clearly enjoying the back-and-forth.
James raises an eyebrow, a bit taken aback, but he laughs it off. “Well, someone’s gotta keep things balanced around here.”
“He’s a boring old man!” Lily loudly whispers to you and Drew, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
You can’t help but chuckle, glancing over at James, who’s still trying to process the teasing.
You lower your voice, leaning closer to Lily. “I think you’re right.”
“I knew you’d get it,” she says with a wink, before turning back to James, who’s now pretending to be offended.
Your grin widens, playing along, but deep down, something feels off. You’re grinning, but inside, your heart is cringing. This feels way too casual, you think. Too... friend-like with clients.
It’s a strange feeling—being so relaxed in a setting where you’re supposed to be professional. You're used to keeping things composed, especially with Drew, your boss. But here you are, being pulled into this lighthearted banter that doesn’t sit right.
And you feel as if you’re the only one that doesn’t fit in, because well, all three of them have huge, staggering amount of wealth upon them. 
You? You only have staggering amounts of debt, unease, and responsibilities. 
“But seriously though- we also play board games,” James says, bringing the conversation back. 
“..maybe we’re so boring that we need to torture others to eat dinner with us on a Friday,”Lily teases her husband.
You and Drew exchange a polite laugh, and he’s quick to assure them, “no, no, we couldn’t have spent tonight, in any other way.”
“How flattering,” James smiles, clearly pleased with the response. “Then would you two stay later to play a round of Monopoly?”
You laugh, glancing over at Drew, awaiting his call. 
After all, he was the boss, and he decided when the job was done. And in the Harringtons' case, it might be undone for a veryyyy long time.
Drew slides an arm around the back of your chair, and you can feel the warmth radiating off of him, his fingers brushing lightly against your arm.
“Of course,” Drew says, “we’ll definitely, definitely stay for the afterparty.”
The Harringtons smile, as if it’s the best news they’ve ever received. 
The rest of the dinner breezes by smoothly. The conversation flows effortlessly, the awkwardness from earlier fading into the background. The atmosphere feels lighter now, with laughter and casual chatter filling the air. As much as you can’t fully relax, the Harringtons’ warmth and easy-going nature make it a bit easier to play the part, just like Drew so effortlessly does.
By the time dessert is served, you're almost starting to forget that this whole evening was part of a bigger plan. Almost.
The car ride home is heavy with silence. 
It’s the kind of quiet that settles in when you realize how far you’ve pushed the boundaries, how much you’ve flirted— pretended to love your boss, all for the business deal.
At least during the engagement party, you’ve drank enough to nap in the car. 
Okay, maybe napping in the car with your boss right next to you was weird too. 
Now? Just a few sips of wine, but still really awake. 
You look out the window, the scenery slowly shifting—luxury to more worn streets, as it leads to your neighborhood. Your home.
This, the scenery outside the exact reason why you always ask to be dropped off at the subway station. 
You didn’t know why, but it was suddenly awkward to be alone with Drew. Maybe it was the pretending, or the touches. But it was a bit suffocating, to be sweet with your boss. 
And just as the station comes into view, you lean forward, telling the driver, “Oh, drop me off here, thanks.” 
It was a phrase that you have stopped saying three months into working with Drew, but now, it has resurfaced again. 
You start to unbuckle your seatbelt, the flickering car lights casting shadows on your hand, when Drew’s hand covers yours, brushing it off gently.
“Just drive to her place,” Drew says, his voice steady.
The driver nods, pulling away from the curb.
“What? No, just pull over-“
“Just sit back,” Drew interrupts.  
You glance over at him, confused, and he’s leaning back in his seat, legs spread out like he’s settled in for a long ride. He’s not looking at you; looking straight ahead and biting gently on his lower lip. 
You hesitate, your hand still half on the seatbelt, but you drop it, sinking back into the leather seat.
You rest one of your hands on the middle seat, and your eyes drift over to Drew’s hand, resting there, palm spread, the ring glistening in the dim light of the car. 
You can’t help but stare, the size of his hand almost too much to ignore. It reminds you of how his fingers felt earlier—strong, sure, and just…Drew. 
Your breath catches, and for a second, you’re suddenly so aware of being in the backseat with Drew. And also this whole…arrangement with him. 
No- no, don’t overthink it. It’s just a job. Nothing more. 
You turn away, focusing your gaze on the streets that become more familiar with each passing block.
Just as the hum of the air conditioning fills the car again, Drew’s deep voice cuts through. 
“That…trip,” he starts. 
You don’t want to look at him. You keep your back leaned against the seat, eyes glued to the window.
When you don’t reply, he adds, “The hunting party?”
Oh shit. 
You totally forgot. You’d gotten so lost in the whole dinner, the board games afterwards, that it slipped through your mind. 
Not looking at him doesn’t last long, though, as you quickly turn around. 
You’re met with those blue eyes of his, the only thing that shines through the dark car.
“Right," you say, voice a little too tight, "The hunting party.”
“..you don’t wanna go.”
“No—no, I do,” you lie, looking ahead, trying to steady your breath. You nod, but it feels stiff, too obvious. You weren’t a bad liar, but somehow, you can’t fake it around Drew. Not entirely. 
“It sounds amazing,” you whisper, trying to sound excited. 
You can feel the weight of his stare burning the side of your face, making your skin feel too tight. The silence stretches for a few seconds, though, felt like eternity. 
You weren’t sure why it was so awkward with Drew now. But it is. 
“…you don’t wanna go,” he repeats again, and this time, you hear the smile in his voice, the slight tease and knowing. “Why?”
Your lips press together, and you instinctively pout, the expression betraying you before you can stop it. You want to say something, anything, to brush off his words, but they hang there, heavy and expectant.
“I want to go,” you mutter, but even you don’t believe it. The pout lingers on your lips, despite your best effort to hide it. 
“Come on, just admit it,” Drew presses, his voice low, almost coaxing, “you promised.”
There it was again. Yesterday, he’d just remind you of the promise you made with him, one of the first conversations you two had. To be fully transparent with each other, for this assistant/boss dynamic to work. 
He didn’t need to remind you for the past year, since, well, it had become a habit, where you spoke your mind without hesitation. 
But, maybe because of your new role, that this might be getting a bit personal. 
Too personal. 
“Fine,” you mutter, crossing your arms, still keeping your eyes fixed ahead, afraid  to meet his gaze. 
How does one rephrase thoughts? To sound more…professional?
“I… I don’t want to be around rich people,” you blur out. 
Somehow, it sounded much better in your brain. 
You could feel your cheeks going red, your lips forming a wider pout, mainly out of embarrassment. 
But before you can retreat into silence, you push forward, desperate to make sense of it.
“It’s an island…and three whole days! That would be…” you glance up to make the calculations in your head, “72 hours! We would have to fake for 72 hours. We couldn’t even get through that dinner- or the one last week!”
“I think…the problem might be me, though. I- I don’t think I’m cut out to play your girlfriend. I’m just an assistant-“
“And you’re this- CEO, with your perfect suit, life-“
“Y/n,” Drew interrupts, his voice cutting through your ramble, calm but firm.
You freeze, suddenly aware of how far you’ve gone. You didn’t even realize you’d said that much.
In a rush of embarrassment, you bury your face into your palms, your heart pounding in your chest. God, why did I just say all of that?
The silence stretches, and all you can hear is the pounding of your own thoughts.
“Sorry,” you mumble through your hands, wishing you could take it all back.
You cringe at how unprofessional that was. 
But then again, Drew did invite you to say everything you were thinking of. 
Then Drew laughs.
It’s that signature deep-throated laugh, the one that rolls out of him effortlessly when he’s genuinely amused, or when he finds something unexpectedly funny.
You don’t know why, but you wanna see it. 
You turn your head over, and sure enough, he is smiling. You could see it; his mouth parted slightly in a smile, and his eyes, even softer in the shadows, crinkling at the corners.
“Sorry- sorry, but, that was cute.”
Your eyes widen at his compliment; it was the second one of the night. 
“Are you saying- saying that you’re not good enough to be my girlfriend?”
You blink at his word choice, eyes widening more, if that’s even possible. 
“To play your girlfriend.”
“Oh,” Drew shifts in his spot, and you can see him spreading his legs further. He leans an arm against the car door, fingertips rubbing the side of his face, as if deep in thought.
“Yeah- I mean, I’m not an actor. I can’t lie.”
“But only you would make sense.”
“That’s a stretch-“
“No, seriously,” he starts, and you could hear the exact moment when his work mode switches on- the voice he uses when he’s persuading investments, all smooth and calculated. 
“You…you’ve worked with me for more than two years. I know you. And I know that- that you know how to read the situation, think on your feet. That’s exactly what- what I need.”
“…besides, didn’t I say this to you the other day?” Drew adds, his gaze softening, a small smile appearing on his lips. 
The memory of a few days ago, when you were in Drew’s office, him asking you to be his fake girlfriend, flashed through your mind. 
“You did—but you saw how we did just then. We were a mess.”
“I- I wouldn’t call it a mess.”
You give him a look, one that mixes exasperation with disbelief. “They said it themselves. They don’t believe we’re together.”
Drew’s answer comes with a pause, his gaze narrowing slightly, “then… then what should we do?”
You know that once Drew asks those words, it’s almost like a test to your role as his assistant. To come up with the best solution, deliver it perfectly, like you always do. 
But, the stakes are higher now, more real than you’d anticipated. The Harringtons, the deal, everything—it’s all hinged on the belief that you and Drew are a couple, and you know that if you’re going to pull this off, things are about to get a lot more complicated. 
Your mind begins to race. You need to convince the world, but convincing the Harringtons is just the start.
The next step—how you make them believe—is suddenly so clear, yet so daunting.
You swallow, trying to steady your breath. “We need…need to practice.”
The car comes to a stop, and when you glance outside, you realize it’s your apartment complex. 
But you don’t make a move to get out. Instead, you’re focused on Drew’s expression. The streetlight outside bathes his face in a soft glow, casting shadows that make his features look even sharper. 
You catch the corner of his lips tugging up into a slight smile.
Why is he smiling? You don’t know. 
“Practice?” He repeats, his voice low, almost as if amused. 
You move uncomfortably in your seat, trying to maintain your usual professional tone, but it's harder now. "Yeah," you say, your voice steadier than you feel, "practice. If we want this to be convincing, we need to be… real.”
"And...practice can help?"
Drew tilts his head slightly, “how?”
"Small things," you start slowly, "things that couples do. Holding hands, nicknames... I don’t know. Just enough to make it feel natural.”
He’s taking a long time to answer again, and you wonder if this was the wrong thing to say. Was this too much? Too forward? Too unprofessional?
You fidget with your fingers, looking down at your lap again. 
Finally, Drew speaks, and you could hear him moving in his seat again. 
"You sure?"
High risk high reward.
Fuck it.
“Okay. I’ll- I’ll practice with you.”
You blink, your breath catching for a split second. 
His tone is different— it’s almost too calm, too easy. He’s agreeing to this, just like that. And somehow, that makes the situation feel even more intense.
You look back up, your smile briefly there. “Okay.”
“Um- so, yes to the hunting party?”
“Uh- yeah, yeah.”
“Okay. I’ll tell the Harringtons tomorrow.”
Drew nods, biting down on his lower lip. 
“Then, um, I should get out now,” you say, clicking your seatbelt off. 
He doesn’t immediately answer. Instead, there’s a brief pause where he seems to reconsider something, but then, as if snapping back to the present, he nods, “yeah. Yeah, I guess so.”
You give him a smile, one tinged with nerves, before opening the car door. The cool night air hits you as you step out. 
And you don’t know why, but you do it again; giving a quick wave to the blacked-out windows, even though you can’t see anything inside. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
Your feet move before you could even process it, and once you step into your apartment building, the realization hits you at once; 
You’re gonna practice being Drew’s girlfriend. 
Which, is as simple as it sounds, right?
word count: 4.6k
ִ ࣪𖤐 a/n: i was smiling like mad crazy when writing this. also, the pics of anya and drew??? so cute tf
and yes, a part of me died at the sag awards when he's no longer blond... but buzzcut ?- classic.
official taglist for this series: @ecstqzy @wheeniemyloove @melvigaristaa @hugheswife @maybankslover @iwannagetdickeddown @lilithblackkk @mattiwe01 @rafeslvttygirl @jessiskindacoolig @suzuki-18
elevator | other | two | index | four
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sailoryuns · 2 days ago
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genre. idol!sunghoon x model!f!reader | established relationship
warnings. angst, fluff (moreso towards the end), smut, accusations of cheating, hoon being lowkey toxic, cunnilingus, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, some mentions of crying, not proofread wc -> 1.5k
ps. the position i’m referring to is this (nsfw link), i usually hate vids but this was rly good imo.
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“i think we should take a break...” you admit, voice growing shakier as you spoke. this was never something you wish to say in a million years, you wanted this relationship to work more than anything. but you were at your wits end with everything, talking to sunghoon was like conversing with the wall, never fully grasping any of your concerns.
you noticed the cracks beginning to seep in the midst of six months of being with him. he would often be dishonest of his whereabouts, saying he was out late due to “work” but was actually out drinking at some bar with jake or something. it made no sense for him to lie about such trivial things but he does it without even thinking. this was supposed to be a lovely vacation in paris together but lately you’ve grown tired of feeling like you’re unappreciated. a break from each other might be the best solution in getting his act together once and for all.
sunghoon felt his whole body turn limp as you uttered those words. not only was he blindsided by your decision, but you never indicated before to him that you were ready to propose such a drastic idea. “but why though? don’t you think this is a bit random? i mean this came out of nowhere y/n, i thought everything was good between us, why are you suddenly saying this now?” his thick, bushy brows furrowed in confusion, he wasn’t letting you off this easy and you know it.
“i just think it’s for the better right now hoon, we’re both so busy. we have a lot on our plate, especially you… and this relationship is just— it’s only putting more strain on everythi-”
“are you serious y/n? do you hear yourself? i knew what i was getting myself into the day i asked you to be my girlfriend. i’m well aware that i can’t be with you 24/7, and neither can you—however, i don’t expect that anyway. all i ever wanted was to have you by my side, i want to work through the hardships with you but if you’re so willing to give up like this then… i don’t know. i don’t even know what to say to this honestly..” sunghoon couldn’t help but cut you off, once his emotions take over, all sense of logic and reasoning is thrown out the window.
he was never one to question his worth in the eyes of his partner, but you were his longest relationship, he saw you as his first and only true love. it never occurred to him that he could lose you, the possibility of this break lasting long enough to make your love fade away was a scary revelation. there had to be a way he could fix this, he couldn’t bear to be without you.
“are you seeing someone else? maybe that’s why you’ve been so distant towards me lately…” he wanted to scream for saying that out loud but at least he got it off his chest. he knows how petty it sounds but he didn’t care, he wanted you to give him answers.
“no! i’m not seeing other people, i don’t have an interest in anyone but you sunghoon. i want to do this for the sake of us, we’re clearly not where we need to be and this break could help with getting us back on track and spending time apart could be beneficial.” you try your best to articulate your words properly but he remained unconvinced, he wasn’t on board with any bit of this.
how could you even be okay with something like this? spending time away from you drove him absolutely insane, he couldn’t fathom taking a break—not from someone as important as you in his life. he just needed to remind you that the love was still there, though it may be but a dull flame, he could ignite the spark again, with the little bit of hope he had left.
the foundation of your relationship was built from shared interests, since you both are part of professions that rely heavily on looks, you refused to see each other based solely off those superficial aspects. instead you got to know each other’s minds, your core values and beliefs, what mattered to you the most. you cherished every one of those deep conversations you shared together, it was a beautiful experience, an indescribable memory that shaped your bond forever.
so why is it now that you feel this way? was he really that oblivious to everything? he should’ve done more to prevent this but now he fears it’s too late. he’s faced with the conundrum of losing you and there wasn’t much time for him to stall or ask for a chance of redemption, he couldn’t waste another second.
“fuck that,” sunghoon angrily spat, his face contorting into a look of pure disgust. “you’re not going anywhere.” he reaches out to grab your waist before you could walk away, aggressively pulling you into his chest.
no matter how much you attempt to escape his hold, he’s not letting you go in the slightest. he’s much stronger than you, could easily lift you up without breaking a sweat. there was no use in fighting, you had no choice but to give in and let this conversation go. once his lips crashed into yours, everything faded to black. as if a simple kiss was the cure-all of mending this decrepit relationship.
sunghoon’s forehead pressed against yours as he pulled away, “shhh, lye down baby,” he hushes your quiet mewls, instructing you to do as he says. “gonna make you feel so good,” his hands slid under your skirt, gently rubbing over your clothed core “you’ll forget everything.”
* :.・゚゚・ ✿
“oh my- fuckk, sunghoon!” you cry out, almost on the verge of tears just from how skilled he is, rutting your hips upwards into his mouth as he devours you whole.
the pace of his tongue is relentless, roughly lapping up all your juices like he’s the most starved man alive. you’ve lost count at the amount of times he’s already made you come undone just from his mouth alone. your body’s buzzing with titillation, all you can do is scream and clench your pussy around nothing while he fiercely sucks on your clit.
you couldn’t stop twitching, feeling yet another orgasm approaching. your legs anchored over his shoulders, unable to think or speak coherent sentences as his face was fully buried into your sloppy cunt. he relaxes his jaw a bit more, going all the way from the bottom inching further up as he comes back in contact with your puffy clit. at any given moment it feels as if your heart’s about to stop.
“hoon-” your heads thrown back into the pillow, digging your nails into his shoulder blades from how overly sensitive you are. “n-need to cum.. can feel it. m’so close.” it surprises you when you’re able to even express such words.
a low grunt can be heard underneath, sunghoon loves hearing you— it’s arguably the best part about going down on you. the hand that wasn’t occupied went straight to gripping a fistful of his ebony hair, continuously moaning his name so loud that you genuinely feel bad for whomever the unlucky people that got to hear this.
just when you thought it couldn’t get anymore intense, he slips 2 of his slender fingers inside, making you gasp from the overwhelming sensation. flashes of white invade your vision, violently shaking as your lips form an “o” in the throes of ecstasy. sunghoon knows your body so well that this is nothing for him, he’s got it all down to a simple science. no one knows your body like he does, and especially no one can make you cum as hard as he can.
“go ahead, make a mess for me baby,” he strongly encourages, picking up his pace as his digits fuck into you faster. “just gonna clean it up with my tongue all over again.”
your eyes roll back to the depths of oblivion, feeling an out of body experience when reaching your climax. a string of curses leaves your shaky breath, limbs trembling and faint tears stain your flushed cheeks. sunghoon slows his movements, rubbing his thumb over your clit gently to make you even more sensitive. you love the way he calls you “good girl” and how proud the look on his face becomes while you ride out your orgasm on his fingers. he doesn’t stop showering you with compliments, only ramping up his affection as he plants fleeting kisses to your thighs, hips, and stomach.
once he’s finally come back up for air you grab his face to pull him into your lips again. moaning in his mouth while getting a taste of yourself was probably the hottest thing sunghoon’s ever witnessed.
“can’t believe this is all mine.” sunghoon whispers against you, gently massaging your aching thighs. “i love you so much, baby.”
“love you too hoon.” you instantly say back, feeling more at ease now that things are somewhat back to normal.
maybe a break isn’t necessary after all, how else would you be able to have such earth shattering orgasms?
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- 完 ♡︎
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harunayuuka2060 · 20 hours ago
*Vil, Kalim, Idia, and Azul, along with MC, Crowley, the other teachers, and the vice dorm leaders, were waiting in front of the Dark Mirror, hoping for Riddle, Malleus, and Leona's safe return.*
Lilia: What's taking them so long?
Crowley: *has a serious expression*
Professor Trein: The Dark Mirror has located them, and they are indeed on the other side, but something is preventing them from passing through.
Crowley: ...
MC: Can't Malleus and the others handle that?
Vil: Potato, we are powerless in that world; that's why we needed your doppelganger's help to get us out.
Azul: Unfortunately, they were caught the last time they assisted Vil and me. They’re probably in a really difficult position at the moment.
Kalim: E-Even so! I'm sure MC(?) has plans!
Idia: You could say that. We’ve been trying for the past few days, and finally, the Dark Mirror has located them.
MC: *approaches the Dark Mirror and turns around to face them*
MC: Isn’t there any way for us to find out what’s happening on the other side?
*The eyes of the people in front of them widened as they saw pairs of arms sneaking behind the Prefect, attempting to grab them.*
Azul: *is just in time to yank them out of the arms' reach*
MC: ...
MC: What are those...?
Crowley: *uses his whip to lash at the arms, forcing them to retreat*
Crowley: Everyone! Keep your distance from the Dark Mirror!
Riddle: Professor Trein, how much longer do we have to wait?
Professor Trein(?): ...
Riddle: Professor Trein?
Leona: He's gone.
Riddle: ...
Malleus: ...
Leona: Oi, lizard, have you heard anything useful?
Malleus: *listens intently for any sounds coming from outside the door, now that the noises and cries have finally stopped*
Malleus: ...
Malleus: I can't hear them anymore, but I can sense a presence outside.
Riddle: Is it the Prefect's?
Malleus: ...
*Then a soft knock was heard.*
MC(?): I apologize for the wait… You can come out now…
Riddle, Leona, and Malleus: ...
Leona: How can we trust your words?
Malleus(?): You should—while my precious one can still talk.
*The door opened on its own, and on the other side stood Malleus(?) with MC(?) wrapped in his arms.*
Malleus(?): *smiles* Thank you. It's been a while since I've seen any emotion from them.
MC(?): *their eyes look lifeless*
Malleus: ...
Malleus: What did you do?
Malleus(?): Hmm... It would have been more fun if we had managed to get the other one from the other side of the mirror *not answering the question*. Unfortunately, my friends were too slow.
Malleus(?): *chuckles* Anyway, it doesn't matter. Your journey ends here. I'm allowing you to leave.
Riddle and Leona: *glance at MC(?)*
MC(?): ...
MC(?): *smiles softly*
Malleus(?): A new world awaits us, my precious. *then disappears with them*
Malleus, Riddle, and Leona: ...
*Back in the Mirror Room, everyone let out a sigh of relief when the attacks stopped. However, some were still unnerved—especially by the fact that the attackers all seemed intent on capturing the Prefect.*
Kalim: MC, are you alright?
MC: Yes. Thanks for protecting me.
*The Dark Mirror glowed, and Leona, Malleus, and Riddle finally appeared, all looking visibly distraught.*
Lilia: Malleus-!
Trey: Riddle!
Ruggie: Leona!
Riddle: *couldn't help but break down into tears*
Trey: *has approached him* It's okay now, Riddle...
Lilia: Malleus! How are you feeling?!
Malleus: ...
Malleus: The child of man... Where are they?
MC: Hornton! I'm here! *rushes to him*
Malleus: *gently embraced them* I'm sorry... Please forgive me...
Leona: ...
Leona: Hey, we still have the keys.
Crowley: I'm afraid you can't keep them. You must return them to the mirror to sever any remaining connection.
Malleus, Riddle, and Leona: ...
Leona: *sigh* I want to go back to my dorm and sleep. *throws his*
Riddle: *hands his to Trey to do it for him*
Malleus: ...
MC: Hornton?
Malleus: ...
MC: ...
MC: I don’t know what happened, but… if my other self saved all of you, then… I’m sure they feel no regrets.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: *nods and finally lets go of his key*
Malleus(?): My precious, you feel warm... just like you used to.
MC(?): *their lifeless body cradled in his arms*
Malleus(?): *smiles, looks lovingly at them*
Malleus(?): At last, we've created a world where it's just the two of us.
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shanastoryteller · 3 days ago
Tracking down a prince of hell is surprisingly easy. The other demons can’t avoid them if they don’t know where they are, after all.
Castiel gives up arguing against it, but instead he’s taken to brooding in the corner, arms crossed, and glaring at him. As his main source of human bodily expression, Sam wishes he wasn’t so good at it. He doesn’t look like that, does he? Jesus.
Sam knocks on Ramiel’s door. There’s no reason to be impolite.
“Huh,” Ramiel answers, wearing the face of a weathered old fisherman. Which, from all accounts, is exactly how he’s been spending his infinite life. Sam learned how to fish like he learned all of his father’s lessons, grudgingly, but compared to how he’s living now, he has to admit it sounds peaceful. “You’re the kid that killed my brother.”
“What,” he says, raising an eyebrow, “were you close?”
Castiel makes some sort of choking sound that Sam knows he didn’t learn from him. Maybe he should be monitoring his television usage.
Ramiel cracks a grin. “You here to kill me, boy?”
“Do you want to be killed?” he asks.
“Not especially,” he says. “But if you killed Azazel, then you can kill me. We going to fight about it?”
“You’re not hurting anyone,” Sam says. He’d checked. “I don’t think you’re especially loyal to Lucifer.” If he was, he would have made an appearance during the apocalypse, would have been helping Azazel find Lucifer’s vessel, not hiding out in the middle of nowhere fishing and drinking. “If he comes back, that’ll be a problem for you, I think. So helping me is in your best interest.”
“Well, if it’s in my best interest.” He steps back, nudging the door open a little wider. “Come on in.”
Ramiel is surprisingly open giving Sam his blood. He looks fascinated and doesn’t question what Sam wants it for, apparently already well aware that Sam and Castiel are in the process of destroying the remaining seals.
“He wants to destroy Lilith,” Castiel says, the first thing he’s said since Ramiel opened the door. Sam wishes he was close enough to hit, which is probably one of the reasons Castiel is staying propped against the wall rather than sitting down with them. His vessel doesn’t feel tiredness, so Sam’s impressed he’s leaning at all.
“You don’t think he can?” Ramiel asks. “Sure, not now, but at all?”
“You think I can?” Sam interrupts, hope causing his stomach to flip over. This whole thing is his idea, he remembers killing Lilith before, but Castiel has been so sure it wouldn’t work.
Ramiel looks him over, something in his eyes that he can’t quite place. “You remind me of him.”
Sam tenses.
“You must see it more clearly than I do,” Ramiel says to Castiel. “You knew him before the fall. I only met him after, obviously.”
“Lucifer and I were not well acquainted,” Castiel says stiffly.
“I’m nothing like him,” Sam snaps. He can’t be. He won’t be. Even in the memories from the future, when he’s drinking demon blood, he’s not the damn devil.
“That’s a shame,” Ramiel says. Sam stares. “He was the strongest angel in heaven, a general among kings, God’s most beloved son.”
Sam swallows. “Propaganda.”
Ramiel raises an eyebrow and looks over at the angel in the corner.
Castiel holds out for several long moments before saying, “No. Lucifer was that. Once.”
“God asked of Abraham to do to Isaac what he could not do to Lucifer,” Ramiel says. “He had no deity of his own to appease and so Lucifer was cast out rather than eliminated. He was brilliant, in the beginning, of course we followed him. He shone so brightly, so righteous in his certainty, so compelling in his grief.” His hand falls heavily on Sam’s shoulder. “I see him in you so clearly. It’s not a damnation. Until the moment he fell, Lucifer was the brightest star in the sky.”
He's silent for probably too long, trying to find some way to respond to that. Finally he says, “I won’t fall then.”
He can’t.
He won’t.
He’s going to ensure Lucifer stays in the cage forever and whatever it costs him will be worth it. But he won’t fall.
Sam is startled out of a dead sleep by his name.
SAM! Echoes through his head and he’s rolling out of bed, rolling upright and still half asleep when he shifts from one place to the other. The urgency in the call has him standing there still half asleep, barefoot in sweatpants and a grey t shirt just tight enough in the shoulders that he thinks it’s his brother’s.
He runs a hair through his hair, smoothing it back from standing every which way, and blinks at the crowd of people in front of him. “Uh. Hi?”
He’s in the Roadhouse in the middle of standoff, a couple dozen people blocking off the door while pretty much everyone else in the bar has their guns drawn and pointed. He notices his father among them and refuses to react, not daring to look at his dad’s face for long enough to read anything there besides shock.
Ellen has her rifle aimed, but Jo’s slumped against the bar, her arm around – “Dean!”
He’s out of it, eyes squeezed shut and curled half over. It’s only Jo that’s keeping him partially upright. He sees the blood dripping on the ground and is already moving towards them, grabbing Dean’s shoulders and pushing him upright enough to see the blood soaked across his torso, his stomach split open just like Jessica’s had been, just like their mother.
Sam sees red.
“Sam,” Jo says in relief.
“Sammy,” says someone else, and this time when he looks over, those people in front of the door all have black eyes. “Samuel. You killed Azazel.”
“Loyalists?” he snarks, shifting to stand in front of Dean and Jo. He’s going to fix his brother, but he has to take care of this first. Dean’s not dead, and he’s stronger than he was when he brought Jo back, but he doesn’t know what kind of shape healing him is going to leave him in. Better not to risk it.
“Yes,” says the man, eyes still black. “You have earned the throne, Samuel, but it remains not empty. You’re meant to lead us, Samuel, but you’ve been missing. We’ve been forced to go to extreme measure to get your attention.”
“I’m not mean to do shit,” he snarls. He’s so tired of this crap. His future self had that part right – taking the destiny Lucifer had wanted for him and making him choke on it, using that infinite power to send his memories to his younger self so Lucifer wouldn’t ever get a chance to taste fresh air this time around – good. He didn’t like it when it was his dad trying to dictate how he lived his life, and he has even less tolerance for it from Lucifer. These ass clowns? It should be a joke, would be, even, if he didn’t have his brother’s blood on him.
He raises a hand and all the demons choke on air, eyes going wide and feet glued in place. He doesn’t pay any attention to the hunters at his back, hoping that they won’t be stupid enough to try and kill him while he’s saving their asses. Even if they succeed, Castiel will bring him back.
He walks forward, eyes narrowed, wondering if they’re flashing gold and not caring. “Well, good job, hurting my brother does get my attention.” He leans in close to the man who had spoken, voice whisper soft and yet carrying easily in the near silent bar. “You don’t want my attention.”
Pulling the demons from their hosts is easy. Smothering them into nothing, turning black smoke into black dust as he kills them permanently isn’t much harder than that. The people start coughing and groaning, others limp and likely in need of a hospital if they’re still alive, but Sam ignores them to focus on one woman who’s still trembling and terrified, the one demon he’d left behind.
He moves her hair away from her face, hoping the woman inside of her isn’t aware of what’s happened to her. The demon looks at him in terror. “You tell everyone. You tell them what happens when they spill my brother’s blood.”
“Yes,” she whispers. “Yes, I will, please. Please. I’ll tell everyone. I will.”
Her fear isn’t satisfying. He has to remind himself that it’s not this girl looking at him like this, but the demon inside of her. It doesn’t help much. He’d never wanted to be anyone’s nightmare. “Go.” Her head snaps back and he adds, “Gently.”
She hesitates then her head drops forward, black smoke oozing out her mouth, nothing quick or violent about it as the demon does it’s best to leave without doing any damage. As soon as it’s out, it disappears, running form him as quickly as it can.
The woman sways in front of him and he grabs her elbow to steady her. She blinks at him, dazed. “What happened?”
“You’re okay,” he says, patting her shoulder and letting go. She stays on her feet, although she still looks confused, but Sam turns away from them.
The hunters are still all silent, all still watching him. Most haven’t lowered their weapons, although some have. Ellen’s gun is still raised, but it’s not towards him, which is both comforting and not. He wonders who she thinks is most likely to try and kill him.
Dean’s passed out, out cold on the ground with Jo holding him up and pressing a hand towel from the bar against his stomach. “Sam,” she says again, eyes huge, but she doesn’t look afraid of him. That’s good.
“Thanks for calling me, Jo,” he says. “I’ve got him.”
He pulls Dean back against him, his brother’s chest rising and falling too quickly. He’s gone cold with blood loss and this wound might have even been the thing that killed him if Sam wasn’t here.
That’s never going to happen. Dean isn’t going to die. Dean isn’t going to go to hell. Sam is doing all this for his brother and just because he won’t be able to keep him doesn’t mean he’s willing to lose him.
He hooks his chin over Dean’s shoulder and presses is hands against the wound on his stomach, feeling fresh hot blood spill over his fingers. He tilts his head just enough to graze his lips against Dean’s cheek, holding him steady as his body seizes under him.
Castiel heals with a touch, all if it happening too quickly for it to hurt. Sam’s not that good at it yet.
“Sorry,” he whispers, feeling Dean’s skin knit back together and his body go warm with new blood. Dean groans and coughs, body rebelling against being healed but not having much choice.
“John,” Ellen barks. “Don’t do anything stupid now.”
Sam looks over his shoulder to see that his father has stepped forward, the Colt directed at him. Dean got hurt by demons and Dad had the Colt and didn’t use it. Only two bullets left and more than two demons, sure, he gets it. But still.
“Don’t waste a bullet, Dad,” he says. He's still refusing to look at his father's face. He doesn't need to know.
Any gun will do. Although he wonders if being killed by the Colt would prevent Castiel from bringing him back. He’s not much interested in testing it.
He tips Dean back towards Jo, who braces him with an arm around his waist. “Take care of him for me.”
“I’m trying,” she says, honesty and dry and exasperated, which is how he knows she means it. He smiles, might have even laughed if things were different. He likes Jo. He’d thought he did, from his memories, but he hadn’t felt it. He feels it now.
“Sammy,” Dean says, eyes glassy and movements still weak as he reaches out to him. “Sam.”
He grabs Dean’s reaching hand, gives it a quick squeeze, and is gone as soon as he hears the sound of a gun being cocked.
Apocalypse Never
They help Dad into the cabin, more coherent than he was when they first broke him out, and Sam heads back to the car for their bags, for the Colt, and tries not to think about how everything has gone so quickly to shit. Mom and Jessica’s killer got away, again, but they’re all alive. That’s not nothing, that’s –
The pain hits him so completely and suddenly that he has no chance to brace himself for it. Usually it builds, first prickling pain then greater, but this is something else. It feels like nails are being shoved into his skull, images coming almost too fast for him to follow. He doesn’t realize he’s screaming until it stops, until he comes to with his head in his brother’s lap, Dean’s arms pinning him down and his face white and terrified above him. “Sammy? Sammy, you’re bleeding. What’s wrong?”
His throat is too raw and tight to speak even if he wanted to. He does want to, but he can’t, he can’t say a goddamn thing.
I saved the world for you, he thinks wildly, and I didn’t even get to keep you. How fucked up is that?
He doesn’t know if his future self couldn’t send it all back any further, or if he thought that this would give Sam less time to fuck things up.
For a couple terrifying minutes, Sam had taken control of Lucifer. For a couple exhilarating minutes, Sam had the power of an archangel.
That sending the knowledge of the future back four years in the past was the best thing he could think to do with it leaves Sam with a poor opinion of the man he became. Then again, he had saved the world, so. There’s that.
He doesn’t want to think of the him that had fallen into the pit with Lucifer and Michael. He hopes he can save him by making different choices, but maybe he can’t. Alternate universes, or parallel ones, or whatever. Maybe that Sam is damned for good and the best he could do was save a different version of himself, a different version of his brother.
There’s not much point in wondering about it. He’ll never know either way.
It’s memories with no emotions, thank fuck, because just the knowledge of it all is enough to drive him to his knees, to edge him to weeping and whimpering and slitting his wrists if he lets it.
He’s not going to. He has work to do. There will be time to fall apart after, when the world is safe. When Dean is safe.
Dean after Dad had died and given him that ultimatum had been bad enough. Dean after forty years in hell had been nearly unrecognizable.
He wipes the blood from his face, ushers Dean back inside, and tries not to think too hard about what he’s about to do.
Dean figures out it’s Azazel in Dad’s body and they’re pinned to the wall and Sam waits until Azazel is hovering over him, hand next to his head as he tilts his head back and breathes over Sam’s lips. It’s a torture and a powerplay, to let the want in his eyes come out in his father’s face, to make it John’s body that’s pressed so nauseatingly close to his own.
Sam isn’t the same person he was four years ago, ten minutes ago.
Breaking out of Azazel’s hold is easy. He’s using the equivalent of a single finger to keep them down, like pinning down a butterfly, and it's only enough until it isn’t.
He grabs Azazel’s face and pulls him close, hears the beginning of his laughter before Sam seals their mouths together. He’s making a deal here, selling his soul sure as anything, just not with Azazel.
Azazel leans into it, just like Sam knew he would, shoving his tongue in Sam’s mouth and getting off at his instinctive flinch of disgust, of the way Dean’s screaming bloody murder behind him. Azazel hasn’t hurt Dean yet. Sam’s going to make sure he never will.
He bites down hard. Blood fills his mouth and he sucks on his tongue, drinking as much as he can. It doesn't tase like iron, not like it should, instead it's sweet and thick like honey. He thought Azazel would pull back now, but he’s still laughing into Sam’s mouth, even bites the inside of his cheek to add to the blood from his tongue, and he just lets Sam drink his fill. Of course, he doesn’t know what Sam knows. If Sam had done this the first time, the only thing the blood would have done would be to get him high and useless.
It means he gets more than a mouthful, that it’s long minutes of keeping his eyes closed and swallowing and trying not to think too hard about how it’s Dad’s hands on him and Dad’s hard on at his thigh and Dad’s tongue he’s sucking on. He’s already got four years’ worth of nightmares in his head. No need to add more than necessary.
His skin is buzzing, feeling stretched out over him like his body is too big for it suddenly, almost like the aches of growing pains but more electric. Azazel pulls back and licks up the side of his face, leaving blood and spit behind, and breathes into his ear, “If you missed me feeding you, boy, all you had to do was ask.”
Yeah, that’s enough of that.
He shoves Azazel back without moving his hands, hard enough that he stumbles, and he has to move fast, before he gets a smart idea like snapping Dad’s neck or bursting his heart. He raises his hand and he’d settle for an exorcism, but power is lying heavy and thick in his veins. Destroying Lilith nearly killed him and Azazel is more powerful than Lilith and the blood he drank shouldn’t be nearly enough.
But fear sparks in Azazel’s yellow eyes and he starts choking, black smoke leaking from his ears and out his mouth. “How-”
Sam doesn’t let him finish. He remembers killing Samhain, killing Alastair, killing Lilith. He knows what to do.
Azazel dies screaming. Mom and Jessica are avenged. It’s not as satisfying as he thought it’d be.
Dad is on his hands and knees, taking in deep lungfuls of air. Sam knows from experience that being possessed isn’t pleasant.
He forces himself to look over, sees his brother approaching him with hands outstretched. The fear hasn’t gone anywhere even with Azazel dead, even with Dad alive, even though he doesn’t have any of the devastating injuries he sustained last time.
He doesn’t have the emotions to go along with the memory of the first time Dean saw him drinking demon blood, but he imagines it was something like this. “I’m sorry.”
“Sammy,” Dean says again, but Dad’s getting to his feet, Dad’s looking at the Colt, and Sam can’t die yet. He still has work to do.
It’s not a conscious thought, not something he actively tries to do, it’s just one minute he’s there in a cabin with his father and brother and the next he’s in the middle of a field, the night air crisp and clear and a million stars shining above him.
He couldn’t do that before.
There’s something wrong, he thinks, because he doesn’t remember what drinking demon blood felt like, but he remembers describing it, and this isn’t right. He should be drained after that, should feel almost normal again, but instead it’s like there are bees pinging around inside him, like there’s molten lava in his veins, like he’s dying.
He’s dying, he realizes suddenly, the power threatening to eat him alive. He looks down at his arms, like he’s expecting to see them crisping up beneath moonlight, but they look normal, like skin. Of course it’s not killing him, no matter what it feels like. He’s Lucifer’s perfect vessel. There’s no power his body can’t contain, none except God’s, maybe, and it looks like he’s long past making house calls.
It won’t kill him, but it hurts like hell, and he can’t think, he needs to burn it off somehow. He’s never had this problem before, not even when he drank all that blood for Lucifer.
He’s standing in Bobby’s living room and he doesn’t understand why until he sees the body on his kitchen table wrapped in a white sheet. He doesn’t know how Bobby got rid of the paramedics, if he’s maybe holding the body for her family, but Sam thinks he knows how to get rid of some of the itching along his skin.
Sam died a lot, in those weeks he and Dean were apart. Lucifer was true to his word. Sam came back every time.
He pulls down the sheet, sees the ways Meg’s face has settled into death in the past day, how decay has started to take hold and left her blue and cold and her skin slack. He leans down, presses a kiss to her cheek, and thinks that this is the least he owes her, for what she endured because of him, for trying to help him even at the bitter end.
She gasps to life beneath him, warmth flooding her skin and air stuttering into her lungs. “Sam?” she asks, fear and confusion and a pain that’s not physical.
Maybe she won’t want to live, considering everything she’s been through, but at least now the choice is hers and not a demon’s. There are footsteps and he turns to see Bobby standing in the doorway, gun pointed to the ground and mouth open in shock. Sam doesn’t have time to worry about it, instead he’s gone, the same burning still clawing its way out of his bones.
Caleb lies slumped in the chair Meg had tied him to, throat slit and eyes empty. Sam puts his hands on his shoulders, presses his lips to his bald head, and feels the moment his heart starts beating again. He sends the ropes falling with barely a thought and he’s gone the moment he hears his first confused groan.
Pastor Jim is laid out in his home, church workers Sam vaguely recognize huddled around him in prayer, his final send off. He’s just glad he got here before they burned him. They start screaming when they see him but he leans down, internally wincing at how Jim’s going to explain his way out of this one, and kisses his forehead, a reversal of the paternal tenderness Jim had shown him as a child.
His chest rises and his eyes open and his eyebrows push together. “Sam, what-“
He doesn’t stick around to hear the end of that question, figures it’s not anything he can answer anyway.
It takes him a long moment of staring out at the snow covered peaks and too close sky and the brilliant sun hitting his face even though it was just the middle of the night for him to place himself, even though it shouldn’t be enough, but he knows where he is even though he shouldn’t.
The air’s too thin and he’s going to give himself altitude sickness if he lingers and he should probably be freezing to death but his blood is still running too hot. Not burning, not like it was before he brought three people back from the dead, but still far from comfortable.
Still. He can’t say he ever thought he’d ever get to see the view from Mt. Everest.
“Castiel,” he says. “It’s Sam Winchester. We need to talk.”
Nothing. Typical.
“I know about God’s plan, about Lucifer and Michael, about my role as his vessel. I know about you, Cas. You’re going to want to hear me out.”
There’s the rustle of wings behind him and he turns to see Cas, younger than he looked before. Jimmy Novak younger than he’d been before. He wonders about that for a moment. He’d half expected Cas to show up as a sherpa rather than nip to America for a vessel, but Cas had kept the shape of Jimmy Novak even after his physical body perished, so maybe there’s a deeper preference there than just convenience.
His face is as cold as their surroundings. “You have strayed from God’s light.”
“Yeah, well, what good has he ever done me?” he asks tiredly. He used to believe. He believed yesterday. He prayed this morning. Even when he met Cas the first time, he believed. “I can’t explain. Can you just read my mind? We don’t have time.”
His eyebrows push together, but Cas has to be curious, otherwise he wouldn’t have said anything. He steps forward and presses two fingers against Sam’s forehead. He doesn’t feel any different, but when Cas lowers his hand, he’s lost his stoicism. Shock, despair, and anger chase themselves across his feature and Sam can���t blame him.
He’s not the only who lost his faith in the future.
“You said there were thousands of seals,” he says. “How many exactly?”
His eyes snap to Sam’s. “What?”
“God loved Lucifer,” he says. “It’s why he imprisoned him rather than destroying him. It’s why he left him a way out. Maybe it’s why he set up the apocalypse in the first place. I don’t know, I don’t care. All I know is that I’m not letting him out, ever. So we’re going to destroy every seal we can.”
Some can’t be undone, like the first one, a righteous man torturing an innocent soul in hell. But there are plenty that can, hopefully enough, hopefully most. If there are less than sixty six seals available, then Lucifer is never getting out of his cage.
“There were originally ten thousand seals,” Cas answers and Sam gets lightheaded for reasons that have nothing to do with thin air. “Only two thousand and thirty four seals are still viable.”
Okay, that’s better. Not great, but better. “Let’s get that number down to sixty five.”
“You are different,” Cas says.
Of course he’s different. His father’s alive. His brother never went to hell. Sam has never known the utter desolation of being completely alone, of grief and guilt so heavy he’s surprised it didn’t break his spine as surely as Jake’s knife in his back. He doesn’t actually remember feeling it, which is no small mercy, but he saw the effects of living with it, which is almost as bed. He'd thought what he’s feeling because of Jessica is as low as he could get. It’s not even close.
He wants to dig up her bones and breathe life into them, but at almost a year dead he thinks that’s beyond even this strange new power. Even like this, he’s failing Jessica one more time.
“Got any ideas?” he asks. “It wasn’t like this before. With the blood.”
He’d drank Ruby nearly dry more than once. It had been a high and then a crash and never did it give him access to this type of power.
“Azazel is – was a prince of hell,” Cas answers.
Sam frowns. “I thought he was king?”
“He was regent,” he corrects, “but to be a prince is separate from being ruler of hell. Lucifer created Lilith from bone, as Adam and Eve were made. The princes were created from his blood. Azazel’s blood is, in a way, Lucifer’s.”
Lucifer’s blood. Sam, his vessel, drinking down Lucifer’s blood, as a baby and now. Except as a baby he’d only had a few drops. He’d consumed a lot more than that back at the cabin.
Demon blood always wore off. The few drops of Azazel’s blood he’d gotten as a baby never had. He probably should have taken that into consideration, but there hadn’t been any time.
“Lucifer is evil but he is not a demon,” Cas continues.
Sam realizes suddenly that he did have power like this once. When he locked away Lucifer inside of him and took his power for his own. It’s not the same, not even close, but it’s similar. “This is what angel blood does?”
“No,” he says. “This is what Archangel Lucifer’s blood does to his perfect vessel. I believe. This has never happened before, so I cannot be certain. You are, as always, one of kind, Sam Winchester.”
It’s not quite a compliment, but it’s not as combative as he remembers Castiel being in the beginning. He’ll take it. “Guess we’ll figure it out together, then. If you’re sticking around to help prevent the apocalypse.”
If he’s not, this is going to be more than difficult. Tracking down all the seals without an angel on his side isn’t going to be impossible, but pretty damn close. And he doesn’t know how much time he has. Hell is going to be pissed about him killing Azazel. Heaven is probably going to take notice once he starts destroying seals so they can never be opened. Not to mention, he’s definitely going to be on hunters’ radar. Even if Dad can keep his mouth shut about him drinking demon blood, which he knows better than to rely on, him bringing back people from the dead is going to spread quickly. He’s going to be hunted at all sides, just like last time.
At least last time he had Dean, even broken, even when he was broken himself. He still had his brother.
But this is the price for saving him. For making sure that Dean is never in the position to kick off the apocalypse in the first place, to make it so Lucifer never again walks the earth even if heaven and hell reincarnate him and Dean and try and start this all over again.
He’s going to be killed for it, he knows, by demons or angels or hunters. But that doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things.
“Yes,” Cas says. “It is better for us all if the future you saw never comes to pass. I will help you.”
He grins, clapping Cas on the shoulder, and only laughs at the glare he receives in return. They have to get out of here before the altitude makes him loopy. Maybe it already has.
He’s going to save the world for his brother and he’s not even going to get to keep him.
How fucked up is that?
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jjsloverre · 2 days ago
blurb of babydaddy!jj and pouge!reader taking a mental day together
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in which… babydaddy!jj takes pouge!reader for a mental walk to talk about the pregnancy
contains… pure fluff, a little cliffhangerrrrrr, foreshadowing (not proofread)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“cmon mama to be! we don’t got all day!” jj yelled for you.
you were getting ready for something. you didn’t even know since jj wouldn’t spill anything about. “coming!” you screamed back. you walked down the stairs and straight into his arms. “hey pretty mama, ready for this walk?” your eyes shot up at him. “walk? why are we going on a walk?”
“for your mental health and just to talk you know? and then i got some pizza in the lil square ways you like em. now cmon and let’s go, we’re walking for an hour!” he exclaimed. “okay baby.” you smile.
as you and jj are walking, your minds go to the topic of your pregnancy. “what do you want our little baby to be?” jj asked you, thinking hard about the question, you find your answer. “i want a girl, what do you want?”
“i want twins honestly, one boy one girl. can’t i just nut inside you and we have twins?” jj asked while he intertwined your fingers together.
“no smart guy that isn’t how that works.” you smile up at his pretty blue eyes. “well how does it work? how can i get you to have twins?”
“um? genetics?”
“real funny ma.”
“i really hope our baby has your eyes, they’re the prettiest color ever.” he smiles hard, his beautiful smile coming out. “i hope our baby has your beauty and brains. cause i don’t have brains for shit.”
“what else do you wanna talk about baby?” you brought your hands up to your lips and kissed his knuckles, (and also biting him per usual.)
“ready for the ultrasound?” jj asked. “really really ready!” you exclaimed. after just 30 minutes, you begged jj to take you guys back to the house, so you could eat the pizza he talked about.
“like the pizza?” jj asked. “course i do! it’s really really good, oh and jayj?” you look up at his pretty blue eyes. “what’s up?”
“do you regret this? like getting me pregnant? what if you have other baby mamas?” jj looked at you pretty confused. he didn’t understand where this concern was coming from. but then again, he realized you were pregnant, and probably had millions of questions about his past hookups. “i don’t fuck girls raw, i use protection. and i only didn’t do it with you cause you were my close friend and i trusted you to… i guess fuck raw? i honestly didn’t mean to get you pregnant, but to answer your question… no i don’t regret it. i’ve always wanted kids! didn’t think it would be this early but if it’s with you? wouldn’t want it with anyone else.”
“really?” you whispered.
“can we… go to the mall for some stuff? and then a spa?” you cuddled into his arms while he rubbed your growing belly. “hell yeah we can! we can do whatever you want.”
“yay thank you!”
“no problem baby. hey… why don’t you get some rest? got a big day tomorrow don’t we?”
“yeah we do… thank you for this mental day and the walk, i didn’t realize how much it would help me, but it helped so much.” you whispered to jj, falling asleep in his arms.
as you went to sleep, jj had a plan that would change everything. he got on the phone with kiara.
“look… we don’t talk but i need a favor, don’t flirt with me either. and i mean it, i need to go ring shopping for y/n, i’m asking you for help since you’re her best friend, differences aside, do this for her and leave my drama out of it.”
“fine…” kie whispered back through the phone. “what time asshole.” jj rolled his eyes. “lose the attitude, the fuck you mad for? just because i rejected you to be with the mother of MY child? that doesn’t matter no more, but anyway… friday at noon while she’s at lunch with her parents. thanks kie.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taglist: @sturniologirlzz @sturns-mermaid @bee-43 @anacamofficial @superlegend216 @eddxemxnson @sophand4n4 @ethanthequeefqueen @aaliyahsturniolo @always-reading @maybankslover @slut4rafecameronn @leaseyes @sttaejoon-blog @glitterybombshell @idontknowwhyimhere33 @moonywhisp3rs @imsiriuslyreal @sturnioloenthousiast @coalicionees
a/n- a little short but ty for 500 followers! and my bday in 20 days? we bouta t up👅👅 anyway! enjoy this foreshadowing 😉
more babydaddy!jj x pouge!reader here
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enchantresss97 · 3 days ago
Dark Gravity -Part Two
Characters: Au!Eric Draven (Bill Skarsgård) x reader
Description: This is a Au!Eric Draven, no Shelly involved(although is another girl, no, is not the girl from this chapter, it's more darker than this), no Roeg and no powers, other than that is still the Eric we know. He is powerful, dangerous, and infamous for his violent reputation, he’s someone people know to stay away from. A man whose name strikes fear in the hearts of many. His presence is commanding, intimidating. He’s not the type to open up, but when he locks eyes with you, there’s an undeniable tension that pulses in the air between you two. It’s hard to ignore the way he looks at you, the subtle flirting, and the dangerous charm that seems to surround him. You never imagined to meet him, but here you are, caught in a web of questions. Where will this lead? Can there be something more between you two? Will you end up friends, or is there something darker, more complicated in store? You can’t deny the tension, the attraction, it’s palpable. Could something truly happen between you and him? Only time will tell, but you can’t help but wonder: where will this take you?
Warning: (the warnings are for the whole story, not just this chapter) language, angst, drugs, alcohol, blood, guns, sex (at this point you know me), cheating.
Word count: 5428 (it's a lot, I know, but I still hope you'll like it)
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Dark Gravity - Part Two
Before you could even think about putting the phone down, a call came through.
Lily’s name flashed across the screen. You hesitated for a moment, then swiped to answer.
“Where are you? Why did you leave so early?” Lily’s voice sounded a little breathless, maybe from laughing, or maybe from… something else.
The background noise was distant, but there was a familiar voice, low and rough, laughing in the distance.
“I just—whatever. You were in the room with Mark, and it was late. I didn’t want to bother anyone, so I left.” You spoke casually, brushing it off like it hadn’t been a big deal.
“Okay, okay…” Lily paused for a second, and the laughter in the background grew louder. “So, can you come over now? We moved the action to my place.”
The sound of someone yelling something funny drifted through the phone, and you caught a quick, indistinct shout, maybe from Eric. “Are you serious?” you asked, your brow furrowing. “I thought you were done for the night.”
“Yeah, well, I guess we’re not,” Lily said, barely containing a laugh herself. “Come he...” The unmistakable voice of Eric cut in then, loud and clear, snatching the phone away from Lily.
“You’re coming, right? I waited for you after you just ran off. You said you'll be back soon” he said, his voice warm, teasing, and energetic.
He sounded… different, more relaxed than the last time you had seen him. Like he was actually enjoying himself. You could practically hear his grin on the other side of the line. “Don’t leave me hanging, huh?”
The playful tone caught you off guard. He was in a good mood, too good. It made you smile, but you didn’t let it show. “Fine,” you said, feigning annoyance. “I’ll come. Just stop yelling at me through the phone.”
“Good. I’ll be waiting,” he replied, the laughter in his voice cutting through the air. Then, without waiting for another word, the call ended.
You stared at the phone for a moment, the screen fading to black as your thumb hovered over the end call button. You glanced at the clock on the wall. It was late, you thought the party was over by now.
Lily’s place was only two streets away.
You stepped inside, the familiar creak of the door closing behind you. The hallway stretched ahead, spacious and open, with a few steps leading up to another part of the apartment. Against the wall sat a couch, where the girl from last night was lazily sprawled out, her head resting against the back, half-watching the scene in front of her.
And in the middle of it all was Eric.
He’s standing in the hallway, shirtless from the night before, his movements loose and carefree as he sways to the music.
He’s dancing, lost in his own world, and as he turns, you catch sight of his back. You’ve never seen his back before, last night he was sitting on the couch facing you. This is the first time you’ve seen it, and it’s striking.
The tattoos on his skin are vast, dark, and intricate, spreading across his back like a canvas.
You’re drawn to them instantly. There’s a large tattoo with bold lines running across his back, resembling barbed wire.
The design stretches from one shoulder to the other, its sharp, jagged edges curving around his muscles, giving it a menacing yet strangely captivating look.
You’re taken by surprise, wondering what the significance is behind that.
Between the barbed wire and the top of his shoulder, another series of tattoos catches your eye, five, six lines? Maybe seven of intricate script.
The lines vary in length, each one wrapping slightly around his body in a way that makes it hard to focus on just one. The words are too hard to read from this angle, but you can tell it’s a message of some kind.
You can’t help but wonder what it says, but you don’t have the chance to study it for long before Eric spins around and looks up, his eyes locking with yours for a brief, electric moment.
At the top of his shoulder, near the neck, you see the faint outline of another tattoo—a name, but you can’t quite make it out. It’s too blurred, hidden under his muscles, but it’s definitely there.
A name that seems to hold some kind of weight, something meaningful.
You’re struck by how much his tattoos seem to tell a story, but you’re left with more questions than answers.
He keep dancing, the bottle of vodka in one hand, a shot glass in the other. The music blasted from the living room, but he didn’t seem to care that he was the only one really moving to it. His head tilted back slightly as he laughed at something, his body loose with drunken energy. The smirk on his face was effortless, sharp, and when his gaze landed on you, it widened.
“Hey, look who finally made it,” Eric said, his voice rough, raspier than you’d remembered from the phone call. His eyes were slightly unfocused but sharp all the same, pinning you where you stood. “You good?”
You didn’t answer, just started toward the living room where Lily had called for you. But before you could get past him, Eric moved, stepping right in front of you, blocking your way.
“Whoa, whoa, hold up,” he grinned, holding up the shot glass. “Drink with me.”
You shook your head. “I’m not drinking.”
“Come on,” he pressed, his voice smooth, teasing. “Just one. It won’t kill you.”
You shifted to the left, he moved with you. You tried right, he did the same. It was deliberate, playful, and his smirk only deepened as he kept you trapped in front of him.
“Eric,” you muttered, tilting your head up to look at him.
“Hmm?” His eyes flicked down to yours, then lower, to your lips.
Up close, he smelled like vodka and cigarettes, his skin warm from the alcohol. His pupils were slightly blown, his green eyes rimmed with red, and when you noticed, the words slipped from your mouth before you could stop them. “Why are your eyes so red?”
Eric’s smirk twitched wider. He leaned in slightly, mimicking your voice in a mocking lilt, “‘Why are your eyes so red?’”
Your lips parted, taken aback by the teasing, but he only grinned. “Because I haven’t slept in a few days,” he answered smoothly, voice lower, rougher.
You stared at him, something unreadable passing between you both.
Then his smirk shifted into something slower, more deliberate. “And what about you?” His voice dropped an octave, his head tilting just slightly. “You look like you haven’t been getting much rest either.”
The implication in his tone was clear. The way he looked at you, his gaze flicking to your lips again, then back to your eyes made your pulse pick up.
You scoffed, a small smirk tugging at your lips. “You sound worse than you look,” you shot back.
Eric let out a low, amused chuckle. “Oh yeah?” His voice was gravelly, almost like it hurt to speak, but it only made him sound even more enticing. “And what do I sound like?”
You tilted your head, holding his gaze, playing along. “Like you screamed all night.”
Eric laughed, slow and full of meaning. He licked his lips, his voice deepening as he leaned in just a little more. “Maybe I did.”
The space between you felt charged, every inch of the air crackling with tension. He still hadn’t moved out of your way.
Instead, Eric lifted the shot glass, offering it to you again, his eyes dark with challenge. “Last chance.”
You didn’t take it.
So he took the shot himself, tilting his head back, throat working as he swallowed. Then, when he lowered the glass, he ran his tongue over his lips, smirking as he wiped a thumb across them.
“Alright,” he murmured, stepping aside at last but not before leaning in one last time. His lips brushed your ear as he whispered, “You’ll drink with me eventually.”
And just like that, he was gone, moving back toward the music, leaving you standing there.
Lily didn’t waste time. The moment you stepped into the living room, she grabbed your wrist.
“Come with me for a sec,” she murmured, her voice light but curious.
She led you to her bedroom, her energy still playful, but you could tell she had something on her mind. When she turned to face you, her expression softened, not accusatory, just… observant.
“So,” she started, tilting her head, a slow smile forming. “What’s going on with you and Eric?”
You let out a small laugh. “Nothing’s going on.”
Lily raised a brow. “Really? Because I saw you two in the hallway.”
You shook your head, leaning against the wall. “It’s not like that. He was just messing around. You know how he is.”
Lily hummed, considering your words. She glanced back toward the living room before looking at you again, this time with a little more seriousness behind her tipsy gaze.
“I know he’s Mike’s friend,” she said. “And yeah, we hang out, we laugh, we talk. He’s nice to me, I’m nice to him. But that’s it. We don’t get too close.” She paused. “You know what I mean, right?”
You nodded. “Of course.”
“I just…” Lily sighed, running a hand through her hair. “I just want to make sure you’re not, like… getting pulled in, or something.”
You smiled at her concern, bumping your shoulder lightly against hers. “I know who he is, Lily. I’m not crossing any lines.”
She studied you for a second longer, then exhaled, nodding. “Okay.” Her usual playful smirk returned. “I mean, hey, he’s hot, but he’s still Eric.”
You laughed, and just like that, the tension melted. Lily wasn’t there to lecture you, she just wanted to check in. And you appreciated that.
“By the way,” you said, tilting your head. “His voice is so raspy tonight. And his eyes…”
Lily let out a knowing chuckle. “Yeah, because he’s been drinking since last night. And after you left?” She gave you a pointed look. “He did some coke.”
That explained a lot.
When you returned to the living room, the energy was still wild. Music blasted from the speakers, the air heavier with smoke and alcohol.
Eric was still in that same carefree, intoxicated state, laughing, drinking, riding the high that hadn’t worn off yet.
You stood near the couch, talking with Lily and Mark, your body angled slightly away from the center of the room. You weren’t avoiding him, but you weren’t seeking him out either. Still, you felt it before it happened, the shift in attention, the way the air changed as he moved toward you.
And then he was there.
His body brushed against yours as he slid in beside you, closer than necessary, his scent a mix of vodka, weed, and something distinctly him.
“You’re just standing here?” he teased, voice low, raspy. His lips were close to your ear, his breath warm. “Not even trying to have fun?”
You turned your head slightly, catching the smirk on his face. His eyes were still red, his pupils dark, his energy loose, fluid, free.
“I am having fun,” you said, tilting your head. “Just in my own way.”
He scoffed, taking a slow sip from his drink. “Yeah? And what’s that way?”
You smiled, but before you could answer, he stepped in front of you, invading your space in that effortless way of his. His hands, still holding his drink, gestured toward the music.
“Come dance.” You shook your head, amused. “I don’t dance.”
He grinned, taking a step closer, so close you could feel the heat of his body. “Liar.”
You rolled your eyes, still not moving, but you weren’t pushing him away either.
His smirk deepened. “You danced with me in the hallway.”
“That wasn’t dancing,” you corrected.
He raised a brow. “It wasn’t?” His voice dropped lower. “Then what was it?”
You felt the way his eyes dropped to your lips briefly, but still. The weight of it, the unspoken challenge, sent something sharp through you.
Before you could answer, a movement caught your eye, the girl from earlier. She was still on the couch, pretending not to watch, her posture relaxed but her expression tense.
You looked back at him. “Shouldn’t you be dancing with your girlfriend?”
Eric let out a quiet laugh, shaking his head. “She’s not my girlfriend.”
“No?” You raised a brow.
He leaned in slightly. “We just fucked.”
Your lips parted slightly, heat creeping up your neck, but you refused to let him have the upper hand.
“Well,” you said, voice smooth, teasing. “Then why don’t you go fuck her again?”
His smirk widened, his tongue running over his teeth as he took another sip of his drink. “Because right now…” He tilted his head, eyes dark, heavy-lidded. “I’m having more fun here.”
And that...that lingering look, that undeniable energy between you—was what made the girl finally get up and come toward you.
You noticed her the moment she moved, her strides controlled, her expression neutral but her presence unmistakable. She stopped just beside Eric, close enough to make a statement, her eyes flickering between the two of you before settling on him.
“Eric,” she said smoothly, her voice soft but pointed. “Come sit with me.”
Eric didn’t turn to her right away. He was still looking at you, the smirk on his lips not fading, his body still angled toward yours. Only after a beat did he glance at her, his expression unreadable, his energy lazy, unbothered.
“You’ve been sitting all night,” he said, his voice casual, slow.
“You dance?” she asked, her voice smooth.
Eric smirked, tipping his head slightly. “You do?”
She smiled, slow and confident. “Yeah.”
“Alright, then.” He stepped back, extending a hand lazily. She took it, and they started moving, if you could even call it dancing. Eric was too loose, too lazy with his movements, more amused than serious.
The girl, on the other hand, tried to make something of it, her hands on his shoulders, her body pressing closer, but he didn’t fully match her energy.
He was grinning, laughing under his breath, not taking any of it seriously. But it didn’t matter. Because despite the lack of rhythm, despite how unserious it was, there was something else there.
The way her hands trailed down his chest, the way she leaned in when she whispered something against his ear. The way he let her...
And just like that, the shift became obvious. Her hands tightened slightly on him.
Eric, still grinning, leaned down a little as she murmured something to him. You couldn’t hear what it was, but you didn’t need to. The way she said it, the way she looked at him was clear enough.
His response was just as telling. The smirk that grew, the way his fingers ghosted over her waist.
And then, just like that, she took his hand and started leading him out of the room.
Eric glanced at you for a brief second before following her.
He didn’t say a word. Didn’t need to, it was obvious where they were going.
And only later, when someone muttered her name in passing, did you finally put a name to the girl.
After what felt like an eternity, Eric and Cassie returned to the living room, looking as carefree as they had when they left, though something about their energy was unmistakable.
The room was buzzing with laughter and conversation, but the moment they entered, Mark raised an eyebrow. “Quick work, man.”
Eric smirked, brushing it off like it was nothing. “C’mon, Mark. A guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do.”
Lily chuckled nervously beside you, a small, embarrassed smile on her lips. “Guess you were busy.”
You didn’t know how to feel, but you tried to act normal, forcing a casual smile. You didn’t want to pay too much attention, but Mark kept teasing, “So, what was it like, huh? Quick and dirty?”
Eric didn’t flinch. He merely shrugged and cracked his neck. “Yeah, quick.”
With that, he gave Mark a quick, dismissive glance and moved toward you.
Ignoring the chatter around you, Eric sat down beside you on the couch, the air between you thick with an undeniable tension.
He didn’t waste time leaning in a little, his voice low.
“So… what do you think?” he asked, his voice was raspy, not from the drink but from something else, something heavier. The question lingering in the air, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.
You glanced at him, trying to keep your composure. “What do you mean?”
He didn’t pull back, his presence even more imposing now, waiting for your answer.
“You just fucked her, right?”
Eric chuckled softly, the sound almost condescending.
“That’s one way to put it. But it’s more than just that.” His hand brushed against yours casually, but the contact felt intentional.
“When you’re high, it’s not about just the moment. It’s about… getting it all out, you have to much energy”
You could feel his gaze on you, so intense it was almost suffocating.
He leaned in closer, his lips almost brushing your ear. “Cocaine makes everything better,” he continued, his voice low, almost a whisper.
“Makes everything feel… different. You wouldn’t get it, but you could. If you wanted to.”
You felt a rush of heat, and though you tried to maintain control, there was something magnetic about him, the way he spoke, the confidence he oozed.
“So, you fuck to get rid of the high?” you asked, trying to keep it casual, but your voice betrayed you, shaking just slightly.
Eric smiled, his lips curving into that signature smirk. “Exactly. It’s not shameful, it’s just what I do to stay on top. You want to know the truth? It’s not just about her. It’s the high, the thrill, the release. And right now, it’s all I need.”
He leaned in even closer, his breath hot against your skin, the tension between you growing by the second.
There was no mistaking what was in the air between you. “You know what else cocaine does to me?” he whispered, his voice thick with lust.
“Makes me hard, keeps me going. I fuck until I can’t anymore.”
His words sank into you, heavy, intoxicating. The rawness of his words hit you harder than you expected, leaving you with a mixture of shock, intrigue, and undeniable attraction.
You weren’t sure if it was the way he said it, the low rasp of his voice, or the lazy confidence in his expression, but something in you tightened. You could feel the heat of him beside you, the space between you shrinking, even though neither of you moved.
Eric didn’t care about boundaries or filters, and it was this unapologetic, dangerous energy that made you want to stay close—too close.
You fought to keep yourself steady, but the pull between you was undeniable.
He tilted his head slightly, watching you, a smirk playing at his lips. “You’re quiet.”
Your throat was dry. “I don’t know what to say to that.”
Eric chuckled, leaning in just enough that you could feel his breath against your cheek. “Maybe you don’t have to say anything.”
The weight of his stare pressed against your skin, and for a split second, you wondered what would happen if you didn’t move, if you let this tension pull you in deeper.
But before either of you could go further, Mark’s voice cut through the moment like a blade. “Yo, Eric, quit whispering sweet nothings over there. We’re all still here, man.”
Laughter erupted from the group. Eric didn’t move right away. His eyes lingered on you for just a second longer before he leaned back, stretching his arms over the couch like nothing had happened.
“Relax, Mark,” he drawled, flashing a lazy grin. “Just making conversation.”
You let out a slow breath, your pulse still unsteady. And just like that, the moment was gone.
Now, he’s with Mark and Lucas, laughing, drinking, like nothing happened. Like he hadn’t just fed you something you could still taste. You exhale, shifting slightly, trying to push it aside. But it lingers, settling under your skin, refusing to leave.
You stay on the couch, still, but your mind won’t settle.
Cocaine makes everything better. Makes everything feel… different. Makes me hard, keeps me going. I fuck until I can’t anymore.
The words linger, heavy in the air, thick with something you don’t want to name. It wasn’t just what he said, it was how he said it.
That lazy confidence, the way his voice dipped lower, like he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
Eric’s phone buzzes in his pocket. He pulls it out, glances at the screen, and without a word, steps away into another room.
You watch him disappear behind the door, catching only a glimpse of him through the narrow gap.
He stands with his back to the wall, one hand gripping his phone, the other running over his face as he listens. His voice is low, sharp, controlled.
You can’t make out the words, but there’s something in the way he speaks. Firm, decisive, like he’s already planning his next move.
When he returns, it’s like nothing happened.
He slides his phone back into his pocket, stepping right back into the group.
A smirk, a casual comment, laughter, perfectly smooth. But there’s an edge to him now, something restless beneath the surface.
He shifts closer to Mark and Lucas, speaking just under his breath.
The conversation is quick, coded. Mark nods slightly. Lucas mutters something back. Whatever Eric says next makes them both straighten just a little. Then, as if nothing happened, they break apart, acting like everything is the same.
But you know it’s not. Something just changed.
The casual smile returned to his face, but something was off.
It was subtle, a tension still hanging in the air, like a storm waiting to break.
Lily, sensing the shift, turned to Mark, her voice pleading. “But don’t go, Mark. Please, stay a little longer. Just a bit more.”
Mark hesitated, glancing at Eric and the others before nodding.
But Lily wasn’t finished. She moved toward Eric, her voice soft. “Come on, Eric. Please, stay a bit longer.”
Eric hesitated for a moment, his eyes flicking between her and the rest of the group. He seemed to weigh the options before finally offering a smirk. “You know what? You can come with us. We’ve got some things to do around town. We’ll stop somewhere, like a restaurant or something, and you can hang out while we take care of business. We’ll come back to you later.”
His offer felt casual enough, but there was something about the way he said it, something that made it clear it wasn’t just an ordinary night out.
Mark and Lucas exchanged a quick, almost imperceptible look, their faces unreadable as if they already knew the real plan.
The group gathered their jackets getting ready to leave. But not Eric, he remains shirtless.
By the time they stepped out into the cool evening air, the night had fully settled in. It was one of those summer nights, where the heat of the day lingered in the breeze, carrying with it a kind of humid warmth that made the skin feel alive.
The stars above twinkled softly, peeking out from behind the veil of the city’s distant lights, and the night felt vast and endless, a kind of beauty that whispered of something unspoken.
They walked casually down the street, the rhythmic steps of Mark and Lily ahead, hand in hand, a quiet, content energy between them. Behind them were Eric, Cassie, Lucas, and you, all of you moving in sync, the air filled with the sound of laughter, teasing jokes, and lighthearted conversation. For a while, everything felt easy, the kind of atmosphere that comes with familiarity.
Without a word, Eric moved up beside you, his hand settling over your shoulder in a gesture that felt unexpectedly possessive. He didn’t pull you in too close, but his touch was enough to send a thrill down your spine, his fingers lightly resting on your skin as the group kept walking.
You could feel the heat of his body beside yours, his presence radiating through you as he grinned down at you.
The laughter from the others faded into the background as Eric’s gaze caught yours.
He was smiling, but there was something different in his eyes—something that made you tense up and relax all at once.
“How’s it feel?” he asked, his voice low, playful, yet with an edge of something deeper.
The words hung in the air between you two, and for a moment, it felt like the rest of the world had faded away, leaving just the two of you in that space.
His grip on your shoulder tightened slightly as he watched you, waiting for your response.
You glanced up at him, feeling the warmth of his hand against your skin, the weight of his gaze lingering on you. His question was vague, teasing, laced with something unspoken.
“How’s what feel?” you asked, matching his tone, though your voice came out softer than you intended.
Eric’s lips twitched, amusement flickering in his green eyes.
“Careful,” he said after a moment, voice low enough that only you could hear. You glanced back at him, brow arching.
“Of what?” Eric smiled, slow and knowing.
“Of how much you like this.” Before you could respond, before you could even process the way your stomach twisted at his words, his phone buzzed in his pocket. His expression didn’t change, but his hand was already reaching for it.
He barely glanced at the screen before his features hardened, amusement fading.
For a moment, you saw it, the shift. That effortless coolness cracking just slightly, just enough for you to know that whatever was on the other end of that phone call wasn’t something lighthearted.
He answered without hesitation, slowing his pace, his voice dropping into something unreadable. “Yeah?”
You kept walking, but you couldn’t stop yourself from glancing back. His face was unreadable, his posture still relaxed, but there was a sharpness in his eyes now, a tension that hadn’t been there a second ago.
He veered slightly away from the group, just enough to put space between himself and everyone else as he continued the conversation.
You couldn’t hear much, just a few low words, too quiet to make out but the way he carried himself told you everything.
Something was happening. And whatever it was, it wasn’t good.
The moment before the call ended, something shifted. It was in Eric’s eyes, the kind of change you don’t need words to understand.
A flicker of something cold, sharp, cutting through the ease of the night. His jaw tensed, fingers gripping the phone just a little too hard. Whatever was said on the other end of the line, it wasn’t good.
The roar of an engine.
A car sped toward them, fast, reckless. Headlights flooded their faces, slicing through the night like a blade. Tires screamed against the pavement as the vehicle braked hard, stopping just meters away.
Eric didn’t flinch.
He only said two names. “Mark. Lukas.”
A quiet warning, but the weight of it settled over everyone. Their bodies stiffened, shoulders squaring, like a silent agreement had been made.
No one spoke, but something passed between them, a readiness, a shift in the air.
And then, without looking away from the car, Eric spoke again. “Girls, I am afraid that the party is over.” Flat, detached.
A dismissal.
A separation.
His gaze never left the vehicle, body still, unreadable.
But then, slowly he started moving forward. Not away from the danger, but toward you.
Each step was deliberate, unhurried, like he had all the time in the world.
And then he was close. Close enough that you could feel the heat of him. Close enough that when he tilted his head slightly, looking down at you, it sent something warm and sharp crawling under your skin.
He smiled. Soft. Subtle.
A stark contrast to everything else unfolding around you. “Talk to you later,” he murmured.
Then, just as effortlessly, he turned away again, stepping toward the car, his focus snapping back like you’d never been there at all.
“Mark!” He yelled, his voice edged with frustration, seeing that Lily is not moving away from Mark. He whispers something into her ear making her to walk toward you.
“See you later, ladies.”
Eric said stepping forward as you did the opposite, walking away, each step pulling you further from whatever this was, whatever was about to happen.
But the unease sat heavy in your chest, thick in your throat. And something made you glance back.
That’s when you saw it.
Eric, standing there, a gun in his hand.
For a moment, just a breath of time, your eyes locked. And in that instant, everything else faded, the streetlights, the murmurs of the city, the pounding in your chest.
There was only him.
Only this.
Then you turned away. Heart pounding as you quickening your pace.
The others mirrored you, their footsteps a staccato rhythm against the pavement. This time, you walked faster.
And then— just as you rounded the corner, a deafening explosion shattered the stillness, the ground trembling beneath you.
The explosion. A violent eruption, splitting through the night. A blast that sent a shockwave down the street, rattling windows, making the ground beneath your feet tremble.
Instinctively, you ducked, ears ringing, a cold dread settling in your stomach but didn’t look back again. You just kept walking.
The night, once filled with potential and unspoken promises, now reeked of smoke and danger.
As the explosion echoed in the distance, all of you quickened your pace, the shock of the moment still heavy in the air.
Every instinct screamed at you to keep moving, to put as much distance as possible between you and the chaos unfolding behind.
Yet, the image of Eric, standing resolute amidst the turmoil, burned brightly in your mind, a haunting reminder of the night’s unforeseen turn.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look back, couldn’t bear to see what might be unfolding behind you.
Your thoughts were a whirlwind.
But then, Lily screamed. “Mark!” Her voice was sharp with fear, and her steps faltered, eyes scanning the street, searching for any sign of him.
Without thinking, you reached out, pulling her into a quick, comforting embrace. Cassie did the same.
“It’s okay, Lily,” you said, your voice soft but firm, trying to steady her.
“Everything’s going to be okay.” Cassie adds.
Lily clung to you for a moment, her body tense. “I just… I need to know he’s okay,” she muttered, but she was barely coherent, her worry evident.
You gave her a gentle squeeze, offering a soft reassurance. “I know,” you said quietly, keeping her close, letting the silence speak. “I’m sure he’s fine.”
Lily nodded, her breath shaky but she stepped back slightly, wiping her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. It’ll be fine,” she said, her voice a little steadier now, though her eyes still scanned the street, heart racing, but not moving toward them. She knew that she shouldn't, she knew what important is to listen what Eric said.
Arriving home, you barely registered the familiar surroundings.
What had just happened? What was going on? Questions without answers gnawed at you, each one more urgent than the last.
Your mind replayed the events over and over, each cycle adding weight to your already burdened heart.
You couldn’t shake the image of Eric, standing there amidst the chaos, his expression unreadable.
What was he involved in? What had you stumbled into?
Sleep eluded you that night, the events replaying in an endless loop.
You couldn’t escape the feeling that things were changing, that you were on the cusp of something you couldn’t understand.
And in the midst of it all, Eric’s face lingered in your mind, a puzzle you couldn’t solve.
The weight of the night pressed down on you, and before you knew it, time had slipped away.
You didn’t realize how late it had gotten until you were facing towards the window, catching sight of the first light of dawn creeping through the blinds.
The sunrise.
That’s when you realized how much time had passed.
Your phone buzzed, breaking your train of thought. You reached over, a frown creasing your forehead as you picked it up. One new message.
You unlocked your phone, and there it was.
Eric’s name lighting up the screen.
Part one Part two Part Three
I know I said that it will be three parts, but probably it will be four or five. I really Hope you will like and keep reading.
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777rare · 3 days ago
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I'll get straight to the point, I love all things occult, otherworldly, spiritual, deep, poetic and funny. I am an INFP 4w5 type.
I LOVE all things forbidden...sorry not sorry😂jk, I love forbidden knowledge. But wait..isn't that what a bad guy would say...uhh, maybe but I just want to know WHY?...When it comes to anything.
I have been through my spiritual journey for around seven years now and the reason I share my astrological studies here is because there are many people like me who are deeply interested in the art of astrology. I'm grateful for the support I receive everyday and I hope everybody enjoys my posts to the fullest!
❤️‍🔥Now to the completely incomplete masterlist 👍:
Astrology Observations:
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Specific House Observations:
What goes on in the minds of a couple with 8th house synastry...
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Solar Return Chart Observations:
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Synastry Chart Observations:
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Composite Chart Observations:
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Astrology and our Human Body:
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Astrology Analysis:
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Vedic Knowledge and Astrology:
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When a planet falls in the houses...
When you've got problems with ______ look at _____ house.
Empty houses show what is not a priority in your life.
Persona Charts:-
(Still in progress)
Asteroid Persona Charts:-
(Still in progress)
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Court Cards:
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Angel was the first to ask me a question here
Um, well..she asked about may without giving her details pt.1
Well, she came back with her details to get info about may pt.2
A doubt about the reading offer
Confused with this question...
My favourite ask, still so interesting tbh.
The future spouse meeting question.
An answered, unanswered question.
Free readings doubt.
what does this person bring to the table?
Am I up for tarot exchange?
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Other Spiritual Knowledge:
AFFIRMATION for when you feel unloved.
OUR AURA (Kinds of forms)
COLOUR ENERGY (significance of colours)
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All Things Buddhism:
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All The Reviews:
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Everything Deep And Beautiful:
Why don't you understand...
The note I wrote to myself a day before I turned 18 years of age...
The deepest questions in my head that are still not answered.
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Poems For The Drunk...
Those Born Drunk...like Me 😂:
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Another 'I'm back' (how many times will I make this I wonder🥲)
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cjsmalley · 1 day ago
Anne Summers:
“What?” Buffy said disbelievingly, sure she had misheard.
Giles polished his glasses harder, “Travers was quite clear; if you don’t take the child, the Council will have no choice but to dispose of her permanently.”
Buffy looked out into her backyard, watching Hope and Spike play a rousing game of chase; with Dawn in the college dorms and Willow and Tara moved into their own apartment, they had the room.
With Danny paying the bills, they had the finances as well.
But another kid? A legit Potential? A half-demon Potential? Hope was only six and just showing her mutant ability consistently, copying everyone around her when allowed.
“What’s this girl’s demon half?” she asked, crossing her arms as she watched her Mate and their daughter play.
“It’s—” Giles made a phlegmy sound before shaking his head, “translates as ‘The-Ones-Who-Feed-On-Emotions’. She’s like a vampire but instead of bloods she eats—”
“Feelings,” Buffy finished shortly, “what feelings, Giles? Happiness? Sadness? Is she part Dementor?”
“Any feelings,” Giles replied, “but, from our research, positive ones directed at her are best for her development. Positive emotions in general are better than negative ones. But she also requires formula and does soil herself.”
Buffy nodded curtly before whistling; Spike left Hope to play by herself and came jogging into the house, “What’s goin’ on?”
Giles explained the situation again.
Spike raised a scarred eyebrow, “Well, Buffy, ‘m game.”
“You really think we can handle another kid?”
“Honestly, Slayer? Didn’t think we could handle one; but we’ve done alright by her, what’s another one. Hope’s in school most of the day anyway.”
“But remember those first few months?” Buffy reminded gently, “if not for our friends we would’ve fallen apart. And Anya and Xander are trying for their own.”
Spike snorted, “Not like I could forget that; demon girl’s too honest sometimes. But we still have the witches and ol’ Rupert. And the whelp needs the practice still if they’re tryin’ fer a sprog. We did alright. An’ ‘sides, could you really live with yourself if they kill a kid an’ you coulda stopped it?”
Buffy sighed; he was right. There really was no choice to be made.
“We need time, to explain this to Hope, to have a Scoobie meeting, to get the gear we need, but we’ll take her,” Buffy told Giles, “tell Travers a week. And if she comes to us injured or anything like that, there’ll be Hell to pay, several of them.”
“Of course, Buffy,” Giles agreed.
Later that night, the Scoobies all gathered around a meal. Buffy stood up, gaining their attentions,
“So, Travers contacted Giles,” Buffy began, to groans, “I know, I know. But he had a…good reason.”
“Are they paying you yet,” Anya questioned.
“No, sadly.”
And then Buffy told them what was happening.
“I thought Mommy and Daddy couldn’t have babies,” Hope spoke up, ‘cause Daddy’s penis doesn’t work right.”
Buffy had decided to be very blunt with her daughter when she asked questions about the human body; blunt but age appropriate. So Hope knew most girls had vaginas and most boys had penises and together they made babies using a special dance with the penis inside the vagina. She also knew that Spike couldn’t help make babies like most boys even though he and Buffy could do the special dance.
“We’re adoptin’, Mite,” Spike replied to her question, “do you ‘member what that means?”
Hope nodded, “It’s when a Mommy and a Daddy make a baby but can’t take care of it so they give it a new Mommy and Daddy. Like me! My original Mommy and Daddy are dead so Uncle Danny brought me to you and Mommy!”
“Very good, Hope,” Giles praised, “now, this little one your parents are adopting is extra special. She’s half demon and could be like Buffy when she grows up.”
“A Slayer?” Hope cocked her head; she knew all about her Mommy and Daddy’s night job, that they fought monsters, “how can she be half-demon and like Mommy?”
“We do not know yet,” Giles answered, “but the Council, you met them when you were younger, they needed to give this girl a new, special Mummy and Daddy so they asked Buffy and Spike. Because of you, really.”
“Well, yes,” Giles said, “they have proven able and willing to handle your abilities so it is hoped that they can handle the girl’s more…unique qualities.”
“Yeah, her vampire powers,” Xander snorted, “doesn’t anyone else find it suspicious that they just happen to have a half-vampire kid for Buffy and Spike?”
“She’s not half-vampire, not really,” Willow shook her head, “she’s an emotion eater. Not a blood-drinker.”
“Still, G-man explained her as an emotional vamp,” Xander argued lightly, “the Powers-that-Be must love these two or something. But, yeah, Buffy, of course we’ll help.”
“So will we.” Tara added for her and Willow.
“I’m in,” Dawn nodded.
And so, plans were made, and necessities were bought and soon a Council flunky dressed as a Social Services Worker was handing over custody of the nearly newborn girl who didn’t have a name.
She was blonde and blue eyed and could easily pass as a Summers child, lack of green eyes notwithstanding.
Spike seemed pensive as he took in the baby without a name before looking up to Buffy, “Slayer, Buffy…could we…perhaps…name her after my mum?”
“Of course,” Buffy agreed before questioning, “what was her name, Spike?”
“Anne…her name was Anne.”
Buffy smiled softly at her Mate and said, “Anne Summers…Annie…yeah, that sounds perfect. Guys,” she turned to their friends, allowing Spike a moment to compose himself, and older daughter, in Willow’s arms, “meet Anne Summers.”
The positive energy that resulted kept Anne fed for days.
Wished Away 9
Tylers meet Phantoms:
“Christ, Mum,” Rose said as she took in how Jackie, Pete, and Tony were dressed, “we’re just meetin’—”
“Royalty!” Jackie squeaked. They were all done up like they were meeting the Queen at Buckingham Palace itself!
“Honestly, Mum, they don’t care,” Rose rolled her eyes, grabbing her mother’s wrist and tugging her through the console room and to the wardrobe room, “I told ya ta dress casually. Let’s just hope the Ol’ Girl has clothes fer ya.”
It took about an hour to get everyone redressed, in things much more casual but still nice, before Rose led them back to the console room.
Jackie was clearly anxious, “Are ya—”
“’m sure, Mum. Danny an’ Sam don’t do formal unless they have ta. Unless you’re an annoying subject or someone threatenin’ war, ya don’t even have ta call ‘em by their titles. They’re just Danny an’ Sam ta family.”
“Lookie what I found,” Jenny bounded from the innards of the TARDIS, holding a tiny bike helmet.
She went to her toddler uncle and put it on him, making sure it fit right, “Landings in the Realms are worse than normal ones. The TARDIS does Her best but the Realms give her…nausea? A headache? She just doesn’t do good.”
“Oh, goody,” Jackie said lowly, hugging a strut for dear life already.
“Let me protect Anthony,” Bad Wolf came out, holding out her arms; without hesitation, Pete handed his son over.
Bad Wolf settled Tony in her arms, against her chest and shoulder, and then spread her feet and crouched slightly, clearly bracing for impact; she stayed steady even as the TARDIS began Her flight.
Everyone else was thrown about the console room, the Doctor and Jenny barely holding on to work the console, but Bad Wolf and Tony did not move an inch.
The landing was rough, just as Jenny said it would be, throwing even the Time Lords to the grated floor before the TARDIS stopped quaking.
Jenny recovered first and stood up, rubbing her shoulder, to peek out the doors, “We’re in the Palace. Uncle Danny and Aunt Sam are waiting…”
Slowly, everyone picked themselves up and Rose reemerged, straightening with some popping from her knees.
Jenny led the procession out, racing to hug a man and a woman, “Uncle Danny, Aunt Sam! How’re you?”
Danny and Sam chuckled and hugged her as one, “Good, doing good. You?”
She let go of them to drag Jackie, who was hesitant, forward, “This’s my Gran, Jackie. Mum’s side, duh. Completely human. He’s my step-granddad, Pete, and Mum’s holding my uncle, Tony.”
“Yer Majesties,” Jackie tried to curtsy even though she was in trousers, “an honor ta—”
“Oh, enough,” Sam chuckled, “didn’t they tell you? We don’t do formalities with family.”
“Family?” Jackie’s eyes were wide, “I know Rose said—but—”
“We count Clockwork as family,” Danny explained, “and he’s claimed the Doctor as family. The Doctor and Jenny. Rose’s basically married in by this point. Common-law, you understand. That makes her family our family. Welcome to the Palace, your home in the Infinite Realms.”
“My god,” Pete muttered, somewhat disbelieving.
“Not a god, not yet anyways,” Danny winked.
“Where’s Dani?” Jenny burst out, “Is she still in school?”
Sam grinned, “With Anakin, in the nursery. We let her stay home today.”
“Oh, Gran! Can I introduce Tony to Anakin? Please!” Jenny nearly begged.
“Anakin’s our youngest,” Danny explained kindly, “around Tony’s age, actually. We also have a nanny looking after them, Nanny Clara. He’d be perfectly safe.”
“Well…” Jackie looked to her husband, who nodded, “if you’re sure.”
Jenny cheered and took Tony from Rose, dashing off with him deeper into the Palace.
“Jenny knows the Palace as well as anyone,” Sam assured, “and if she gets lost, she can flag down a servant for help. She’s heading directly for the nursery. It’s the most defensible part of the Palace.
Danny stood up, helping Sam, “C’mon, we can talk over food; stay close, Tylers. Doctor?”
“Rose and I can bring up the rear,” the Doctor agreed, taking Rose’s hand as they began walking.
The Palace was a gothic masterpiece, in a very literal sense, though even Sam had wearied of all the gloom and had sought artists and artwork to fill the halls, soft, plush carpets and tapestries to keep the warmth, glassworks to fill the once barred windows. Statues and busts dotted the hallways, some classical, some avant garde
Masters had given their masterpieces, their magnum opuses; they were paid handsomely of course, in either coin or material.
Oils, watercolors, acrylics, textiles, glass, all created for Her Majesty the Ghost Queen. For His Majesty the Ghost King.
It wasn’t yet a riot of color, nor would it ever be, but it was more alive.
Jackie gasped and the group stopped, turning as one to see what had captured her attention.
“When they said the family was huge…”
Ah, it was the most recent family portrait; all the children were gathered around Danny and Sam, all in formal wear.
“We…sometimes people sell the souls of children to me,” Danny started, causing her and Pete to whip around to him in horror, “I know, it’s horrible, isn’t it? But anyways, we adopt the kids. Only Dani—Danielle—isn’t adopted.”
He pointed out each child and gave their backstory.
“Good Lord, you were young!” Pete said at Damian’s story.
“Old enough to be king,” Danny shrugged helplessly, “it…it wasn’t easy, we had help, so much help, and we made mistakes…”
“All parents do,” Jackie told him softly.
“So we’ve been told,” Sam smiled just as softly, “and we’ve learned and made new ones with each kid.”
Danny coughed and continued to point out kids and tell stories, until all had been covered and then they moved on.
As they neared the dining room, Danielle and Jenny joined them with each holding a toddler.
“Oh my,” Jackie said, taking in the Anakin Skywalker; she knew who he grew up to be, or would have if he had not been adopted.
“We’re hungry, Dad,” Danielle said.
Danny waved them into the dining room where the smaller table was already set for a meal; there were two chairs with booster seats and Jenny and Danielle put Tony and Anakin in them before sitting beside them and helping them get food.
The group chatted over the meal, Jackie and Pete slowly relaxing at how easy going the Royals were, and generally had good cheer.
After the meal was done, Jenny asked, “Do we put their photo up on the family wall now? I know you’ve got me, Dad, and Mum…”
Danny chuckled, “We can, if they’re okay with it.”
“Family wall?” Pete questioned.
“We keep walls of pictures of the extended family,” Sam explained easily, “you know, like Rose, the Doctor, and Jenny. Harry’s and Neville’s parents. Damian’s paternal birth-family. The Royal Portrait is just the immediate royal family. The walls are for everyone and everything else.”
Danny and Sam led the group out of the dining room and down another hallway; the walls were plastered with photographs. Some were professional, most were candid and amateur.
A common camera sat on a small round table; a high-end camera but nothing too expensive or professional.
Danny picked it up, saying, “If Jackie, Pete, and Tony don’t mind—”
Jackie decided it would be a family photograph and dragged the Doctor in; Rose and Jenny came without complaint.
Danny took a set of pictures.
After that was done, it was decided it was time for the Tylers to leave, taking pity on the still disgruntled TARDIS.
They were, however, invited to the next family gathering.
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just-dreaming-marvel · 2 days ago
Birthdays ~ Love That Burns
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Word Count: 1,950ish
Summary: You know that Logan struggles with dates, so you take on the birthdays. Even if that means ignoring yours.
Warning(s): birthdays, negative self talk
Notes: Please share your thoughts! This fic goes with my series, Love That Burns! Please give it a read!
Reminder: I DO NOT do taglists. Please don’t ask. Please follow and interact! I appreciate any reblogs, likes, comments, and asks! 
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It didn’t shock you to find out that Logan couldn’t remember his birthday. You didn’t make a big deal of it when the two of you were at the mansion. But now that you two were alone at the cabin, you decided that his birthday was worth celebrating. Though, you couldn’t let Logan know that just yet.
One morning, you and Logan were in the kitchen. He was eating breakfast while you were finishing up packing his lunch.
“Logan?” You questioned.
“Mhm?” He hummed, looking at you as he chewed his food.
“What time do you think you’ll be home tonight?”
“Around 4. I’m gonna try to be home earlier though, to help you with dinner.”
Your heart swelled at Logan’s thoughtfulness. “No rush.”
Logan’s brow quirked up. You were usually more excited to him home and helping you. He studied you as zipped up his lunchbox. It didn’t seem like anything was wrong. In fact, you seemed happy, lighter.
“Is something up, sweetheart?” Logan questioned.
“What?” You replied, confused. “Why would you think that?”
“Because you told be ‘no rush’ in coming home. Do you not want me to come home early?”
“You know I always want you home, Logan.”
“Then maybe I call in sick.”
“Too bad I just packed you a lunch.” You walked over and set it down next to him at the table. You leaned down and kissed his head before taking his plate and mug. “Don’t worry about me, Logan, I’m fine. I promise.”
“You’ve said that before.” He pulled out his phone. “I’m just—“
“No!” You lunged over and knocked the phone from his grip. He looked at you with surprise. “Go to work, please?”
Logan took you by the hips and pulled you into his lap. “What is goin’ on, sweetheart?”
You shook your head. “Just go to work and you’ll see when you come home, okay? I promise it’s nothing bad.” You leaned forward and kissed him softly. “Just let me do something nice for you.”
Logan hummed before stealing another kiss. “Okay. You know that I don’t like surprises, right?”
“But you like my surprises, right?”
“Sweetheart, one of your surprises was that you turn to ash when you die.”
“I came back.”
“Logan chuckled. “Damn right you did.” He gave you another kiss. “Okay. I’ll go to work. But don’t think that I won’t be checking on you frequently today.”
You smiled at him. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
Logan continued to check on you throughout the day as promised. You answered him quickly and didn’t let it distract you from your work. You cleaned the house thoroughly before decorating it. You had bought a variety of fake candles and placed them all around the house, turning them on so they flickered. You hung up two happy birthday signs: one in the living room and one above your bed. You readied the snacks, desserts, and drinks you had hidden for his birthday; displaying them neatly on the table. You knew that Logan didn’t care for decorations or anything looking fancy, but it still felt good to do something like this for Logan. 
Once Logan told you he was on his way home, you changed into the new lingerie that you had bought for tonight and covered it up with one of Logan’s flannels. You turned off all the nights, allowing the candles to be the only source of light in the house. You bit your lip nervously as you listened for the truck to pull up. You knew that you went a bit over the top, but you were hoping that Logan could still enjoy it. Flames flickered at your fingertips as you heard the truck pull up and Logan exit it.
“Y/N? Honey?” Logan called as he entered the house, curious as to why the lights weren’t on. He took off his boots and hung up his jacket before entering the house further. Logan froze at the entrance to the living room, seeing the sign, candles everywhere, and you standing there in one of his flannels. “Sweetheart? What—? How did you—“
“Happy birthday, James,” you told him with a smile. “I figured that you didn’t remember when it was, so I thought that I would remind you.”
“This is all… for me?”
You giggled. “Well, obviously. Do you… do you like it?”
Logan didn’t answer, instead he rushed towards you and pulled you in for a kiss. You melted into him as he tried to pour all the words he couldn’t say into the kiss. When he broke the kiss, Logan kept you close and rested his forehead against yours.
“This is… the kindness thing anyone has ever done for me, sweetheart,” he whispered. “I don’t know what to say… or how to thank you.”
“No, need.” You gave his lips a peck. “I love you, James. Happy birthday.”
Logan smirked as his eyes roamed down your form. He hummed in approval. “Is that my flannel, sweetheart?”
You nodded. “Do you like it?”
“I always like seeing you in my clothes.”
“Well, I’m sure that you’ll enjoy what’s under it even more.”
Logan growled as his grip on your hips tightened. “Yeah, honey? And what do you have under there?”
“Why don’t you open your present and find out?”
Logan didn’t waste a second in ripping the flannel off of you and letting it be tossed to the floor. You laughed as he took you in.
“Is this set new?” Logan breathed out, taking in how amazing you looked. “Just for my birthday?”
“Mhm,” you nodded. “You like it?”
He picked you up and tossed you over his shoulder. You squealed as you laughed. “Let me show you jus how much I like it.”
Logan was never good with dates. That’s why it didn’t phase him they he didn’t know your birthday until the two of you had been back at the cabin for two years. One of his coworkers had been talking about what he was doing over the weekend for his wife’s birthday and it hit him that he didn’t know when your birthday was. He was angry with himself on his way home as well as confused as to why you hadn’t said anything.
During dinner, you could tell that something was weighing on Logan. 
“Is everything alright, Logan?” You finally asked.
“Yeah, just fine,” he mumbled, focusing on moving his food around the plate.
You nodded, unconvinced. 
Dinner passed awkwardly and before you knew it, the two of you were getting ready for bed. Logan was still tense and clearly in his head. You laid down and turned to face him as he continued to get ready for the night.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” You asked again. “It seems like something’s on your mind.”
Logan sighed as he sat on the bed. “I have a question to ask and it’s going to seem stupid.”
You sat up and moved over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your chin on his shoulder. “I’m sure it’s not as stupid as you think it is.”
“Some guy was talking at work today about how he was celebrating his wife’s birthday over the weekend… And I realized… Fuck, I’m a horrible partner.”
“I realized that I don’t even remember when your birthday is.”
You tensed. You hadn’t ever wanted to make it a big deal that he didn’t know when your birthday was. You knew that he would feel incredibly guilty about it. Pressing a kiss to his shoulder, you sighed.
“It’s fine,” you mumbled against his shoulder. 
“No, it’s not,” he shrugged you off and stood up. Logan turned to face you and you could see that his shoulders were slumped. His hand ran through his hair. “I should know your birthday! We’ve been together for years now and years before everything happened. I should know your damn birthday!”
“Logan, it’s okay that you don’t.”
He shook his head. “No, it’s not.” You could tell that he was serious about this and very much angry at himself. He huffed. “I’m going to go sleep on the couch.”
“No!” You reached out for his wrist but he pulled away. “Logan—“
“I just need a night.”
Then Logan left the room, shutting the door behind him. You sighed, tears pricking your eyes. You knew that it would only make things worse now if you chased after him, so you didn’t. But you also knew that it was hard to sleep without him. You slipped on one of his t-shirts and curled up on his side of the bed, trying to find comfort in the lingering smell on his pillow. A few tears slipped down your cheeks as you struggled to fall asleep without Logan.
Logan didn’t get much sleep. He hated that he didn’t remember the important things, like your birthday, and that he walked out of the room tonight. He couldn’t sleep without you and he knew that you struggled to do the same. By the time dawn was breaking, Logan couldn’t handle being away from you anymore. He slipped into the bedroom, his heart breaking a little to see you curled up with his pillow and one of his shirts on. Logan crawled over to you and pulled you into him.
“Logan?” You mumbled, barely waking.
He kissed your cheek. “Go back to sleep, sweetheart… I’m right here… I’m sorry for not sleeping in the bed.”
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not.”
You sighed, pushing yourself further into him. “It’s not all on you… I could’ve told you when my birthday was. I just didn’t think it was a big deal.”
“Anything involving you is a big deal to me, honey.”
You smiled. “So, you won’t freak out when I say my birthday was last week.” Logan tightened his grip on you. “I’m sorry. I should have told you but I was fine just having a regular day with you.”
“You shoulda told me,” he muttered.
“I’m sorry.” You turned your head to try to look at him. “Forgive me?”
He pecked your lips. “Always.”
The day went on like normal, with you and Logan having breakfast and doing chores around the cabin. When the afternoon came around, you stayed home while Logan went into town for a few errands. Logan came back a few hours later with your need groceries, a bouquet of flowers and a small wrapped gift.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he set the groceries on the counter and handed you the flowers.
“They’re beautiful, Logan,” you commented. “What are they for?”
“Happy late birthday.”
“Logan, you didn’t have—“
“I did because I love you and I’m never going to let another one of your birthdays pass without me doin’ something for you. Here.” He handed you the small wrapped gift. “It’s nothing much but…”
You set down the flowers and carefully unwrapped the gift. You bit your lip at the photo inside. It was a rare photo of you and Logan together at the mansion, that you had never seen before. The two of you were standing on the balcony, arms wrapped around each other, with Logan pressing a kiss to your forehead. You don’t know who caught this moment on camera, but you would be forever grateful for it.
Logan stuffed his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heels. “Do you like it?”
“Logan,” you breathed out, growing emotional, “I love it.” You set the gift down and wrapped your arms around his neck. “This is the best birthday present I’ve ever received. Thank you.”
“I wish I could do more. Next year—“
You shook your head. “I don’t need anything more. I just need you.”
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keferon · 4 hours ago
Two Peas in a Pod: part 3/?
Jazz was vaguely aware that Blaster was studying his reaction – or waiting to see if he would give into impulse. But Jazz's excitement had crashed to a puddle of nerves, a bunch of unidentifiable nerves, and he felt anchored to the spot. "Did you find out anything new about – him?" He asked, unsure of… far too much. "Like is there anything I should know?"
"The whole team still has a lot to discuss about," Blaster hesitated, his tone twisting into distaste just before the pause. Yet, relented to whatever it was that was bothering him and continued calmly, "about… him. There isn't anything I have to share, sorry."
He knew the apology was insincere, a show, just another part of the performance. They were friendly, but not friends.
Blaster had always been the one that told him more about what was going on around them than most ever had his whole life. He actively tries to get closer to him more than any past caretaker has and listens to Jazz. A flaw rather than a improvement for their first few years together as Jazz was prone to lying. Still was, but he do so less often and was more withholding the truth with Blaster. But Jazz couldn't quite bring himself to honestly trust him. He did, but not really. Because Blaster was still staff.
And the staff were currently hiding something, something they either didn't want Jazz to know or something they thought he wouldn't understand, so it was pointless. Jazz looked up at him with a – fake and flawless from practice – understanding smile, with the next line in the script. "It's okay."
Blaster smiled back, one that was genuine, than asked, "you calmed down enough for a check up? I got to keep an eye on your blood pressure."
Rather than answer with words, Jazz turned away from the gate and headed for the slope on the pier.
He spent the next two hours before dinner between quickly checking the clock and floating in front of the gate. The other orca hadn't even moved, and if not for the clear sound of steady breaths, Jazz would have probably started to freaking-out – okay, he was already freaking-out, but it was back on how he was going to talk with the wild mer. Or, heck, where to start on what to say.
The last thing Blaster said; before finally going home after a busy fourteen hour day, was that there was no need to worry if the wild mer slept until tomorrow. His wounds would recover faster if he didn't move, if anything it was a good thing. For now, went unsaid.
Thus, dinner came and went. Still asleep.
Day staff signed off and night staff came by to sneak a peek. He could pickup on them with his sonar coming by the bay window, but each time voiced disappointed that they couldn't see anything due to the hammock's position. Still asleep.
Dusk came and Jazz struggled to stay awake, exhaustion was finally catching up to him. Still asleep.
A wobbling keen caused Jazz to flinch and peek one eye open. It was probably the middle of the night with how dark it still was. As he blinked awake and stretched, his tired brain suddenly realized it understood that sound, that word – {where?}
Jazz quickly rolled over and looked towards the wounded mer. Not quite able to see, but was getting enough of an image of movement with his sonar. Combined with the sounds of shifting fabric and soft rattle of metal supports, Jazz could tell he was awake.
A weak questioning call followed along with a faint splash.
Ah, right, uh–! Jazz panicked for a moment, he didn't want him to become frightened and reopen his wounds, or think they were somewhere all alone. Diving down to an old memory and remembering the warmth, Jazz hoped he could convey his words with comfort, {it's okay… you're safe.}
He didn't get a vocal response, but they became still and within a few minutes, Jazz heard the soft steady breaths once more. He had fallen back to sleep and Jazz couldn't help but smile a little. It wasn't long before he also drifted back off as well.
Prowl groaned as he moved, he ached all over, but was given some pretty nasty tugs of sharp pain to remind him of just how bad it was. As he opened his eyes, though still groggy, he took a quick note of the situation as he looked about.
The space. Dim lighting, white walls, an air pocket room with a shallow pool, two doors; one in the water, one on an above-surface area – unusual. Sonar was giving almost unreadable imaging and with a limited range due to other sources of interference – there was a lot of noise to sort out. But he was getting what looked like corridors on one side, large open space on the other. Overall, a simple structure.
His position. A hammock – a bit too snug, unable to rollover, but acceptable comfort.
Injuries. Multiple points of laceration on his arms, flank and tail; claws from other merfolk. Deep punctures along his left side; teeth of a leviathan. Of both arms, the left has more damage and is pinned in a solid net-like cast; potential fracture. Cuts are held shut by a bright coloured, mesh-like covering that clings tightly to his skin by an adhesive, rough to the touch, but not uncomfortable or irritating – likely breathable to reduce infection during the healing process.
Additionally, he noticed in his inspection that his claws had been filed down to his fingers. Irritating, but not unexpected given the extreme caution most give to someone like himself. But in all, this was not first-aid, the treatment is professional.
Conclusion: local clinic.
Prowl gave a breath of relief and relaxed. Someone must have found him adrift after the skirmish and rushed him to a near by town or village. As everything was far to modest to be a big city hospital.
Suddenly, he sensed movement that went over him swiftly and looked up. But whatever it was was gone. Prowl was only picking up empty space above the light-blue ceiling. Then another zipped by. A bird?
Prowl felt everything slow to a stop as cold dread sunk into his bones. That wasn't a ceiling.
That was the morning sky.
I hope I have the right understanding of how advanced the merfolks civilization is... otherwise this is really awkward. >_>; I also wanted to give Jazz at least one human that is trying to make things better for him and be on his side (he's secretly providing inside information to mer activists and trustworthy researchers). Blaster worked hard to gain the position he has to be Jazz's lead caretaker, but fighting the system and working with in it (or risk being replaced by a yes-man) is a frustrating balancing game.
Sorry this one is so short. The next part is going to be really long as Prowl and Jazz get finally meet! I hope it is worth the wait. QuQ
Thank you for the hug, I return the hug!♡♡♡
Oohoh my god oh my
The waitinggggggggggggg. Jazz is slowly going insane and so am I *dies*
Upd: I linked all the parts written by GLC together>:D
Link to the previous part
Also the fact that Blaster is actually gives the information away to those activists??? MUAH. SO GREAT. This would also be a pretty solid reason for why Jazz and Prowl wouldn't get separated after the uh. Haha. The violent incident. Imagine if Blaster immediately got the security tapes and uploaded them somewhere? Kinda like it was with Black fish documentary uncovering the murders done by captive orcas?
Point is. People would see that "oh no those two poor mers defend each other so much they turn violent when separated" and pressure the Aquarium to keep them together. Maybe I sound stupid here but it does make sense in my head. It's really nice for Jazz to have someone on his side is what I'm saying. I love that:>
Separately. The tiny interaction they have is so soft and gentle I'm gonna melt. The little {you're safe}?? AUGH
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Prowl: That's a weird looking underwater facility....
A bird: flies
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imjustarandogirl · 2 days ago
Hi, I don't know if it's your kind of thing, but would you write a Lottie Matthews x reader, in s3 with all the mushrooms and everything... I don't have a fully formed idea...anyway thanks
The wind spreads the spores
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Pairing: Lottie Matthews x Reader A/n: I hope I didn't make you wait too long for this. I also hope you enjoy what I have written! I also don't know how to write a person who is high lol Word count: 3.9k CW: getting high, but that is implied
Was silence a good thing? You couldn't answer that question for yourself anymore. There was always some noise that invaded your senses in the wilderness. It could have been the chatter of the other girls or the noises of animals. Whatever it was, the noises always seemed to be there. You could be having dinner or trying to fall asleep. It didn't matter what you were; the words persisted. The sounds were wisps against your ears, soft mummers of unrecognizable words. When you attempted to tune yourself into the words, the words became more distorted. These words weren't one of your thoughts. It was like having another voice in the back of your mind. The voice was low and taunting, which you had never heard before. It had come to the point where you would do anything to stop it. You had thought about talking with someone else about it, but you worried you sounded like a lunatic. Who wouldn't think you were crazy if you mentioned hearing voices in the back of your mind? Amid your desperation, there came an idea. Everyone knew Lottie seemed to have some connection to whatever was out here. She held small spiritual connections, trying to help others tune themselves into the world around them. You had seen but never participated in the rituals she held in the winter. It was too crazy for your liking, something that seemed unreal. However, there was a part that was curious about what Lottie knew. Could she talk with the wilderness like she had said? The night she randomly started speaking French, though it was a while ago, it seemed like a sign. 
When Javi died, Lottie made it out to be a sign, and now Nat was the “leader”. Though it was far-fetched, you needed some way to get these sounds out of your head. You couldn’t stand the unrecognizable whispers or the feeling of being watched. Now prepared with your reasoning, you decided to take the chance that Lottie knew some way to help you. You stood up and got yourself out of the miniature hut. The hut was a safety netting for you, a place away from the other girls. You scanned your eyes around the clearing of the self-built camp. A few girls were basking in the sun, enjoying their victory of Capture the Bone. Lottie, meanwhile, was staring off into space, a distant look in her eyes. She was sitting on a log in the clearing of the camp. Her hands were neatly folded in her lap, her dark brown hair slightly drifting with the breeze. You slowly approached Lottie, your steps soft and timid. Dangerous wasn’t the word to describe Lottie; she was more influential. That influence made her someone to be wary of. You sat beside Lottie, your hands planted on the bark. You looked up at Lottie, staring into her eyes. As if she snapped out of a trance, Lottie looked over toward you. A small smile wrapped across her features as Lottie looked over to you.
She seemed to enjoy being in the company of another person. “Hey, Lottie,” you greeted, your hand slightly messing with a piece of loose bark. You hadn’t spoken to her alone in a while. You had avoided all the nonsense she had been spouting about the wilderness. “Hello,” Lottie shifted slightly towards your body, “need something?” Your hands continued to fiddle with the edges of the bark before you spoke. The high-pitched whispers and chills that ran along your skin were growing. “I need to ask for a favor from you,” you started, a slight edge to your voice, “I have been hearing things, not the typical animal sounds. I think it might be hunger talking, but I wanted your advice.” When you finished speaking you moved your eyes away from Lottie. You didn't want to admit that, feeling embarrassed at admitting such a thing. There had been worse things to admit, but telling someone you were hearing things was a reason for concern. You knew whatever Lottie would judge you for, if she judged you at all, would be hypocritical. You suddenly felt a warmth against your body. A warmth that had been missing for a long time. You glanced upwards, finding Lottie’s hand against your own. Her hand was coarser than you had thought it would have been like. You accompanied that attribute to how the wilderness had shaped her.
When you found her eyes there was a sharp and twisting feeling that hooked into your stomach. There was more excitement and joy than sympathy in her eyes. She seemed more than happy to hear what was going on with you. “Can you hear it?” Lottie asked, though she didn't say it like a question. It was more like she had made a connection than she had an observation. She interlocked your hands together, her brown eyes still locked on you. “It’s a gift. You need to embrace this, embrace it,” Lottie stood up, dragging you up with her. As much as you enjoyed the warmth of the small connection, you pulled your hand away from Lottie’s grasp. “I don't want to embrace it. I need a way to minimize it, or at least stop hearing things,” your voice slightly restricted when you spoke. You didn't like what you had out here; no one did. Lottie had made it out to be the wilderness wants and desires that it was meant to happen. You didn't want to press the guilt on what you had done on an imaginary entity. Your actions were yours to live with. “Just try it; you wanted my help. I can help you with whatever is going on. Just give it a chance,” Lottie’s smile faltered. She seemed genuine with her words. Your breath hitched, thinking over what could be the harm in trying. The best case was that whatever was going on with you would stop. The worst case was that the whispers and chills didn't stop, and you would keep living with it. Your expression shifted to one of nervousness and hesitation. You let out a small sigh, deciding to go along with whatever Lottie had in mind. You weren't sure she knew how to help, but you asked. You sought her advice, so it only made sense to take what was offered. “Yeah, let's do it,” you returned your gaze to Lottie. You watched as her expression lit up at your words. She took your hand in hers, quickly walking off towards the forest. You two walked further away from the camp and into the woods. 
The whispering of the wind was still present, becoming more of a buzzing sound in your ears. Your face slightly scrunched up at the noise as it became more present. The words were still unclear, but you could hear it all. The voice you hadn’t heard before. At this point, you assumed that you were going crazy. Lottie’s wilderness nonsense was not a good enough reason for all this. When she finally let your hand go, you looked at your surroundings. You haven't paid attention to where Lottie had led you, wrapped up in your thoughts to notice. Lottie beamed towards you as she took a seat on the ground. She held a small cup filled with water, a mushroom, and a rock. “So, how is this supposed to help me?” You asked, skepticism laced in your tone. You sat beside her, watching as she placed the mushroom against a rock. “You will be letting in and accepting the wilderness,” Lottie beamed when she spoke. Her smile made you think that it could work. She seemed so confident that whatever she was going to do would help you. “If you are hearing things, you need to embrace it. Let it speak to you; understand what it will tell you,” Lottie continued. Her voice was soothing and melodic. She spoke in a way that made you think she had done this before. She placed the mushroom against a flat rock close by. She then picked up another rock, scrutinizing it. After nodding in approval, Lottie started to crush the mushroom up. You watched as the once intact mushroom crumpled and flattened against the rock. You didn’t know what Lottie intended with the mushroom, but you held some trust in her. Lottie was your friend, a teammate you had known for years. Even with all the nonsense she had been rambling off, you trusted Lottie. After the mushroom was properly smushed up, Lottie took a small scoop and sprinkled it into the water. The bits of the mushroom swirled around, mingling with the water. Lotto seemed proud of her hand's concoction, eagerly handing it over to you. “Lottie,” you muttered, hesitantly taking the drink from her hands, “are you sure this is safe?” Lottie nodded her head, bringing the cup up towards your lips. “It is perfectly fine, trust me. You wanted help; this is what I think is best,” Lottie’s big brown eyes stared into yours. She was waiting, hoping you would take her advice. 
You glanced down towards the water, hands slightly shaking. The last time anything happened with mushrooms, it ended in destruction. You weren’t even sure these mushrooms were like that, but you had a feeling they were. You took in a deep inhale, thinking over your options once more. It was either to deal with the nagging voices or start drinking. Even if it was only a temporary solution, it was a fix to your problem. You held the cup up to your mouth, drinking in the water. The feeling of the water left a slight tingle on your tongue. It didn't have much of a flavor to it, but the feeling remained on your tongue.
You looked over to Lottie, watching her soft smile. Her hands were neatly folded in your lap, her eyes never leaving you. She was waiting for the effects, and you were as well. “It is going to be a minute; just relax,” Lottie hummed, taking your hand. You held onto Lottie’s hand tightly, taking in a sharp inhale. The air was cold in your lungs despite the warmer weather. You sat there for a moment, waiting and listening. You felt a tingling sensation run along your body. The feeling wasn't cold, it felt relaxing. Your gaze shifted from Lottie down to your limbs. Goosebumps ran along your arms and legs. You snapped your hand away from Lottie, your eyes growing wider. The world looked more vibrant than it had before. The trees looked greener, and the sky seemed more bright. Your mouth was slightly gapped as you pushed yourself upwards. You stumbled forward, pushing yourself against a tree. Your gaze moved up towards the leaves, watching them away. Your hands are firmly planted against the tree to stabilize yourself. You heard the crunch of the leaves as Lottie stood up behind you. “I feel nothing, yet everything,” you muttered in amazement.
You ran your hand along the trees, feeling the rough exterior. There were no noises, no words, nothing to worry about. All you could hear was Lottie and the sounds of the wind. You turned around, leaning your back up against the tree. A small laugh emitted from your lips as your head tilted. You didn't know where the laugh had come from, but it felt right. You looked at Lottie, a dopey expression spreading across your face. Lottie looked at you, a slight smile turning up her lips. She remained in front of you, watching your reactions. The way she stared at you with such gentleness made your heart flutter. Her dark brown eyes that bore into yours were stunning. You stared helplessly at Lottie, a small laugh emitting from you. Lottie’s smile slightly grew as she moved back towards another tree. She sat down against the ground, back leaning up against a tree. She kept her eyes on you, patting the spot beside her. “Why don't you sit with me?” Lottie asked, her tone soft and smooth. You complied with her request, stumbling towards her. You flopped against the ground, another laugh leaving your lips. “You’re so high,” Lottie smiled towards you, eyes soft and loving. You slightly rolled over towards Lottie, another laugh leaving your lips, “I am so high.” There was a moment of silence when you two stared into each other’s eyes. She looked so pretty in the shade. Her hair looked so soft; you wanted to run a hand through it. “It’s okay to be scared,” Lottie’s voice broke through the silence. Her hand inched slightly towards you. Upon hearing Lottie’s words, your expression dropped somewhat.
You didn't want to be told how to feel. “Not push it all down, y’know?” Lottie continued. You shifted yourself to sit upwards. You let out a small huff at the comment, finding it a little hypocritical. You knew your method of shoving things down wasn't the best, but Lottie had no room to talk. She spoke to the forest like it was a living thing.   Your back pressed against the tree's bark, feeling it protrude against your skin. Your fingers guided themselves to the edge of your shorts, clutching the fabric. There were lots of people who had it worse. 
All that was happening with you was some weird voices in your ears. "What about Shauna; she has it worse than anyone?" You grumbled, an edge to your voice. Lottie's method of help was a temporary escape from what was going on with you. You didn't want her to go on about what you were feeling. Everyone already had so much to worry about already. Lottie also had her issues, so you didn't see why she was keen on helping others. She spoke about trying to help others, but she didn't want to get herself any help. You assumed her way of dealing with what was going on was the wilderness. To you, that was what made the most logical sense. Lottie wasn't excellent at the primary skills of cooking, hunting, or anything medical-related, but she knew how to influence people. The power of influence had shifted to many people during your time in the wilderness. Lottie's influence wasn't as inherent as it had been, yet it still lingered. 
"Pain is not a competition," Lottie spoke out. She paused for a moment as if trying to reclaim her thoughts. Her eyes turned away from you, looking out into the woods. "I did try to talk with her, but we," Lottie stopped herself from speaking again. She seemed to be trying to calculate each other and how it would affect you. It annoyed you how Lottie acted as if her words had some drastic effect on you. You tried to brush off the feeling she was only trying to help you. She was taking her time to make sure you were okay; you wanted to be grateful for that. Lottie was also trying to find some way to keep herself sane, so it wasn't fair to be annoyed at her. "She kind of shut me out. 'Needing a shrink doesn't make you a shrink,' quote unquote," Lottie finished, finally turning her gaze back onto you. Surprise took over you as you listened to Lottie's words. You had never thought a girl like her would need a shrink. Before the crash, Lottie seemed like a normal person. She had a very well-off family and acted like a normal, popular girl. The idea of a girl like her needing a shrink was out of the question. She never showed any signs or was good at hiding it. The way she spoke about it almost without a care concerned you. You moved closer towards Lottie, your body turned towards her. You wanted to reach out and comfort her in some way. The expression on her face held hints of despair. You took a short breath, debating whether to ask her about it. "You had a shrink?" Your voice came out a little curious but held hints of worry. 
Lottie turned her head back to face you, her brown eyes staring directly at you. All evidence of sadness seemed to wash away from her expression. The change of emotions on Lottie's face was quick like she had never wanted you to see her like that. "Shrinks. Plural," Lottie corrected. She briefly turned her head down, her arms loosely wrapped around her legs. Her hands slightly fiddled together as silence fell over the both of you. The sounds of the wind filled your ears once more as silence took over. You were now fully sat up, arms resting on your knees. You had never gotten this personal with anyone before the crash or after. It felt weird to be hearing this about Lottie. Yes, you felt terrible for her, but it felt strange. You moved towards Lottie, awkwardly leaning yourself against her. You didn't know how to comfort her in the moment. 
Lottie's expression changed again, a solemn frown turning into a grin. "Anyways, this is my therapy session, is it?" Lottie joked. Her attempt at a smile was visible. Feeling awkward, you moved off Lottie, leaning back against the tree. You didn't know what she had been through, so you didn't want to question it. Lottie was helping you with your problem, so it didn't feel right anyway. The confession made you think. Lottie had taken pills before the crash, preventing her from seeing things. Now that she didn't have the pills, the visions started coming back. Even in your current state, the pieces started to come together. 
"Then it started happening again without the pills," your comment came out as more of a question. Your eyes flicked between Lottie and the ground. It was beginning to become more awkward as the conversation ran its course. What was supposed to be about the hushed whispers you heard had turned into Lottie's confession about shrinks and pills. "Till it stopped," Lottie sighed. The quiet weight is heavy on both you and Lottie. The voices drove you mad, but at least it filled the silence. Now that it was gone, you had to bear with the uncomfortable stillness. Your body froze, a buzz filling up the empty sound. You looked around, trying to figure out where it was coming from. Your fingers, which sat on your legs, started to dig into your skin. Your confused expression turned into worry as your head continued to look around. The quiet buzz slowly morphed into a soft, shrill bellow. "Lottie," you whispered, your tone shaky, "can you hear that?" You stumbled up to your feet, your body turning around. Your mind was spinning all around, new invasive sounds filling your senses. The noise was nothing like the gentle whispers you heard before. The howl was more invasive, and it was only growing in volume. Your eyes were wide, and your breathing started to grow heavier. 
"No, do you hear something?" Lottie shook her head when she spoke. She leaned against her legs, her brown eyes studying your figure. You stumbled forward, the voices only growing louder. What once was a small soft squeal was turning into a sharp cry. Your gaze locked onto a tree, its shape twisting and flickering in your stare. "The trees," You muttered. You had never seen or heard anything like this before. Reality seemed to shift and bend; sounds and visions were a prime example. You stared at the tree, listening to it. The screams were completely screams; it was more like desperate cries. The tree flickered in your vision, wrapping in ways you never thought could happen. My breathing started to grow even more labored at the sound. "The trees are crying," your voice broke. The loud cry swelled in your ears the closer you went to the tree. You wanted the sounds to stop, but you wanted to get closer to the tree. You wanted to feel the pain, understand it. Your body starts to shake and your limbs feel weak. You didn't even register the fact that Lottie had stood up. She was making her way slowly behind you, watching. The sounds of her footsteps were muted by the growing wails of the trees.
You couldn't tell when the cries turned into screams, but it was a quick switch. The screams were pitiful, like that of a small child. "No, no, the trees are screaming," your voice cracked again. You made contact with the bark, feeling the rough exterior against your fingertips. Something you couldn't name that flashes before your eyes. The brief glimpse you caught looks at a towering and ominous figure. The cries then turned to screams that were shrill and deafening. You could feel your heart racing and your mind throbbing. The whispers were long gone, replaced by something you never wanted. The voices were so familiar but too distorted to tell who they were. Your body began to shake further, goosebumps running along your skin. The sound became too much for you, the screams becoming overwhelming. You let out an ear-splitting scream, your breath becoming ragged. Your hands went up to your head, pressing your body against the tree. The rise and fall of your chest was more rapid, and your screams grew louder. The voices and the distorted figures danced in your memory.
You felt Lottie's arms wrapped around your body. Her touch felt suffocating like she would squeeze you until you would pop. "Stop! Stop! It is not real!" Lottie shouted, her voice narrowly reaching your ears. You squirmed under Lottie's grasp, shuttered breaths escaping your lips. You pushed Lottie away, a look of terror in your eyes. Lottie's hands hold on tightly to your arms, trying to ground you to reality. The screams then dimmed in your ears, fading into nothingness. You took in strangled breaths, trying to regain control of yourself. When you managed to look up at Lottie, there was deep concern in her eyes. "You couldn't hear it?" Your hands went to grip Lottie's shoulders. You couldn't understand how Lottie couldn't hear such a thing. She had to have heard it; the sound was horrifying. You heard their screams, the screams of those you knew. Lottie noticed the look of terror in your eye, leading you to the ground. She wrapped her arms around you,  her warmth entrapping you. "No, no, I didn't," Lottie muttered, keeping her arms against your back. Her comfort was lost to you, too concerned with what had happened. You have heard the voices that the screams belonged to before. Your stare was blank, fear overtaking your whole body. "You're going to hear it; everyone is going to hear them."
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sanccharine · 2 days ago
02 | first sight
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single parent au, neighbours au 
pairing: single parent!san x reader   genre:  word count: 2.3k
warnings: swearing, parents could be pushy, also mentions of the cheating
status: ongoing  a/n: really wanted to get this out so here it is. that being said, to any new people to this account, i suck at schedules so please do not expect timely posts on this series, love and peace on planet earth <3
masterlist | chapter 1 | chapter 3
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“Hey, hey—oh, sweetheart, we can’t see your face?” 
Well, yeah. You had your phone facing the ground. 
Biting down the groan, you looked around to locate the switch to turn on the living room lights. “Just give me a second, I’m doing something, I’ll just—” 
Fingers barely scraping the edge of the light switch, you turned on your knees, almost standing up at full height when you turned on the switch. The perks of earning money and designing the home you wanted was the fact that you installed dimmer lights. A warm welcoming amber slowly washed over the room, lighting up everything you hoped you wouldn’t see until tomorrow’s sunlight reminded you.
Moving boxes. Lone boxcutter. Discarded clothes. 
With a sigh, you took your place back on the floor and reached for your phone. 
“There you are!” your dad basically screamed, forcing you to push your phone far away from you and spam the volume button to lower the noise. 
“Here I am,” you groaned as you brought the phone back to show your face. 
You look like shit. 
“You look like shit,” your dad said, only to receive a smack from your mother. “What, it's true! Are you not eating? You look like you’ve lost weight. Is that husband of yours not feeding you—!”
His face blurred as the phone was yanked away from him and instead replaced by your mother’s face. 
“Not husband,” you joked as usual, though now more sardonic than ever before. 
“Yet,” your father added as he shoved himself back into the screen. 
For a man who could barely tell the difference between granulated sugar and powdered salt, you’re not surprised his poor observational skills extended to being unable to read the room. Or just identify emotions, for that matter. 
“That’s enough,” your mother said, standing up and moving away to another room but not before throwing your father a pointed glare. Your father protested, but he was far too lazy to actually follow your mother, so his voice died out when the door closed. With a similar sigh to you, your mother seated herself on your childhood bed. “Why are you on the floor, sweetheart?” 
If your father was as perceptive as a distracted toddler, then your mother was the exact opposite. 
Attempting to steer away from her question would be futile. 
With another sigh, you admitted. “I’m just tired I guess.” 
She pursed her lips. You could guess what she would say, but was stopping herself as you had asked her to do. At least one of your parents attempted to understand your boundaries and requests. 
Why don’t you buy a car?
“Why don’t you lie down on your bed?” 
That’s not a better question but you couldn’t fault her, she didn’t know your situation. Mentally shaking away your desire to whine, you answered truthfully. Or at least as truthfully as you could without revealing what just happened. 
“I don’t know, I just find the floor comforting I guess,” you attempted a small chuckle. It felt forced even to your ears. 
“You still haven’t set up the bed, have you,” she angled her question as a statement, if only to attempt to join in on your poor excuse. 
“No, I haven’t,” your words trailed off at the end, you couldn’t carry the light tone. Should you have said ‘we’?
“Did your fiancé not help?” 
You couldn’t look your mother in the eye. Instead, you stared past your phone and at the gray slacks on the floor. 
Your mother hummed a note of question before moving on. “Please set it up over the weekend, sweetheart.”
“I will.” You will. 
“I’ll let you go now. Eat dinner please before you go to sleep, order something if you have to,” she said, reading you as easily as a children’s tale. “Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you.”
Mumbling your ‘I love you’ back, you cut the call and dropped your phone to the floor. 
Dinner. Sleep. Work. Then the weekend. 
One more day before you could let yourself shatter into a million unidentifiable pieces that could never be put back together. One more day. 
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You barely slept. The couch wasn’t exactly made for sleeping. And breakfast was a cereal bar you found at the back of your cupboard. It will have to do. 
Making sure you were somewhat presentable for a nine-hour shift, you exited your apartment. 
Just as you stepped out, you caught a glimpse of the person living opposite you. The briefest of images since he was turned away from you. The most striking feature being his broad back nearly covering the width of the door. His hair was a black tousled mess and matchingly he was dressed head to toe in black. Though, what startled you was his greeting. 
“Good morning,” his voice was low, soft, still groggy from sleep. And with that, he was in his apartment and locking his door. 
You stood at your door for a second, a hand on your door handle, the door waiting to be closed so it can automatically lock your apartment. Darting your gaze up and down the corridor, you come to the conclusion he was talking to you. So you did what anyone would do.
“Uh, morning,” although your greeting was to an empty door. 
Well, at least now you couldn’t say you never interacted with your neighbour. 
Shaking away your confusion, you made your way to the elevator and walked to the bus stop near your block. It was a short walk so the interaction was fresh in your mind. Though not for long. 
“Good morning!” a cheery tone greeted you, as you came to a stop by the bus station. You knew that voice.
In an instant, you were looking to your left. It was the young girl from last night!
“Nice to see you again,” she smiled at you, all wide and chipper. 
This time around her hair was in two braids on the other side of her face, tied up with carefully crafted purple ribbons. You doubted the bows would last the school day, though they did look adorable. Her school bag was almost more than half her size and you noticed the patterns of dinosaurs. They were hand-drawn, cartoon-like, so the dinosaurs looked a bit goofy, you supposed, but identifiable nonetheless. And the colours… were colourful, for sure, but the only thing that matters was that she likes it. So purple and dinosaurs are a favourite. Cute. 
The young girl was also holding a carry bag with containers of… cupcakes.  
“Uh, yeah, morning, kid,” you stammered much like you did with your neighbour. “Nice to see you too.”
“Did you sleep well?” she asked without missing a beat and you couldn't help but look around to check if she was still talking to you. 
No, not at all.
“Yeah, decent. You?” you asked out of politeness, still facing the road. 
“Could’ve been better, to be honest,” she chuckled to herself. “I think my father is more exhausted though.” 
“Oh, is that so?” What were you doing?
“Yeah, we were up all night making cupcakes! He stayed up much later though,” She shook the bag in her hands. Alright, they were cupcakes. 
“Oh,” you repeated as you stalled for a way to converse with a child. “Nice.” 
“Would you like to try one?” She was already reaching into her bag and opening the container. 
“Oh, no! No, it’s okay, you don’t have to—”
“Here you go, I designed this one!” 
Extending her hand, you saw the beautiful cupcake she picked out. The icing was a harmony of delicate purples, pinks, and blues. They were piped to a precision that only a steady hand could bring, the design formed a flower… the name of which slipped your mind. 
“They’re hydrangea cupcakes, because, you know,” the girl said, wiggling the cupcake in front of you like some bait. “Do they look like them?” 
You stared at the cupcake, then at her and nodded. Hydrangeas, yeah, those. 
“That’s good, I worked really hard to learn how to pipe them,” she giggled before pushing the cupcake closer to you. 
Now, would you be an asshole to reject her? 
Thinking of how to navigate this social situation, you were reminded of last night. That same smile of hers and her near-perfect manners. 
“Listen, kid, about last night,” you started, still only looking at the treat. “I hope I didn’t freak you out or—”
“No worries, I know you were only concerned for me,” she nodded, urging you to take the cupcake. “Please take it, as a thank you. My father also appreciated it.”
“Alright,” you shifted your laptop bag in your hand before taking the cupcake with an awkward smile. 
The girl just stared at you, waiting… right.
With another brief smile, you peeled the cupcake sheet to take a bite. 
Maybe it was the fact that you craved sugar from all your stress. Or perhaps the fact that you had a questionable breakfast. But the cupcake was absolutely divine. It took all of your strength not to shove the cupcake into your mouth and gulp it down. The icing was a bit too sweet for your taste, but the sponge cake balanced it out.
Gulping down a bite, you nodded. “So good.” 
Her smile widened, that sparkle in her eyes returning again and you couldn’t help but share that smile with her. Something about her carefreeness alleviated the burning in your chest. A brief reprieve from the shitshow that is your life, but a reprieve nonetheless. 
“What are you making cupcakes for?” you asked, a genuine curiosity laced in your small voice before taking another bite.
“We have a bake sale today, so,” she shuffled her bag in her hand, though only slightly so as to not mess up the treats. 
You frowned, reaching into your pocket as you asked, “hold on, should I be paying you?”
“Oh, no! No, like I said, this is a gift,” she shook her head when she saw you pull out your wallet. 
“You sure? I don’t mind,” you said, rooting to pull out some notes. “How much?”
“Seriously, it’s alright,” she grinned, pink tinting her round cheeks. She was so adorable that you felt bad for getting a free cupcake, but you doubted she’d take your money. 
Nodding, you put away your wallet before turning back to the road, both of you patiently waiting by the bus stop for your respective buses. It was so early in the morning, that the sky had barely lightened. You travelled early to beat the rush of the trains. The last thing you needed was being smushed next to other people and tolerating their presence first thing in the morning. 
Pausing your internal grumbling, you turned to the little girl and frowned. “Kid.”
She craned her neck to look up at you, a hum as her response. 
“Why are you up this early?” you asked, it was a fair question considering there were only two other students at the bus stop. A young boy and a girl, though they wore different uniforms. Surely, these buses can’t be arriving so early for these kids. 
“My school is quite far,” she said, her demeanour dimming just slightly. “So I’m the first to be picked up and last to be dropped.” 
Well, that was some terrible luck. 
“When does school start?”
“We have to be in the homeroom by seven forty-five.”
It was just about six-thirty.
“That is…” Fucked is the word you’d like to use, but you doubt that's appropriate language to use with a child. “That—That sounds awful.”
“It really is,” she agreed but then shrugged, easily shaking off her fleeting somberness. “But it gives me time to catch up on my sleep!” 
Well, that’s a positive spin. And it works considering she didn’t need to be concerned about missing her stop. 
“Fair enough,” you nodded and turned back to the road. Your bus should be here soon. 
Another silence banketed the pair of you, before your bus pulled into a stop. 
“Good luck with your sale, kid,” you mumble, before adding, “and thanks for the cupcake.” 
Her grin widened, pushing up her rosy cheeks further. It was almost cherub-like. Were kids always this adorable? That can’t be. 
“Thanks, have a good day!” she waved as you climbed in and took a seat. 
She was still waving when the bus pulled away from the stop. 
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Of course, you were aware that this would happen but unfortunately, you did not see the young girl later that day. Probably because she returned home way earlier than you did. You hoped her sale went well, and considering her delicious goodies, you were sure she had no problems raking in the cash. 
Somewhat motivated about the weekend, you took a ten-minute break on your couch to ease the pain in your back before starting to clean. The first chore to tackle was the many many bags of take-out that should’ve been discarded a long time ago. Grabbing two bags in each hand to make this a one-time trip, you waddled your way out of your apartment. The garbage chute was only to the right around the corner. 
Just as you were struggling to bring your tired fingers to grab the door handle, the door opened towards you. Stepping back, you shifted your bags to a more comfortable position, waiting for the person to step out. But instead of simply leaving, the person stayed, holding the door for you. 
“Good evening,” they said. Low and delicate. You knew that voice. No longer slow from grogginess anymore. 
And much like in the morning, you fumbled your words. What is with the residents of this building?
“Uh, thanks—and yeah, good evening to you too,” you couldn’t have sounded more reluctant. You stepped into the garbage room as you spoke, pointedly avoiding looking at your neighbour. 
“No problem,” is all he said, before letting the door close after him. You turned in time just to catch his profile, his eyes scrunched shut with a small upward curve at the corner of his lips. 
Was he laughing at you?
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any feedback is much appreciated.
a/n: hey chat realistically how long does it take to get over a breakup HFKJSDF
masterlist | chapter 1 | chapter 3
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taglist: @eternallyghosting
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aggieharkness · 3 days ago
Have I earned it, mother? Chp. 7
Pairing: Avis Amberg x reader
Summary: she had never realised how cold blood could feel, how raw her own hands could leave her skin, how your presence lingered in every corner of her house and in every inch of her body, but you weren't in the room with and yet your arms wrapped around her waist as if nothing had changed.
Warnings: blood, mention of torture/abuse, injuries/wounds, mention of guns, mention of character death, panic attack, nudity, medical equipment and mentions of surgeries. I promise that there's hints of fluff and pretty things as well.
Authors note: Like a zombie, slithering through the ground, I come to you all bearing gifts. Here you have the newest chapter, that has taken me far more time than I had anticipated. This is the last bit of big drama that I will write, so fluff, romance, and smut will be coming your way soon. No one worry because I will fuck Avis's brains out soon, I promise. I understand that this chapter might not be to everyone's liking but I still hope that you like it and as always, be gentle but tell me If I need to be more graphic, if I'm lacking in something. I am here for you, my dear people, I listen. I also accept ideas and suggestions that you might have. Also available on Ao3. Finally, let's thank Patti Lupone for giving us Avis Amberg.
Shoutout to @bravewithacapitalb for being my beta reader and for being there to help me when I got stuck and give me wonderful ideas. I love you and I will give you a barrel of olive oil some day. Also shoutout to @p2pecleanerwitheyes and @renyfisher for being wonderful human beings ❤️
Chp. 1 Chp. 2 Chp. 3 Chp.4 Chp.5 Chp.6
Word count: 30K (As an apology for taking so long)
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Take a breath and open your eyes, my darling
Every sound was muffled, as if a pair of hands were covering her ears, her eyes moving from side to side in a sedated state when everyone around her seemed to be rushing around, up and down the hallway, doctors and nurses barking orders that echoed against the white walls. All the people around her were barely shapes, only clouds of colours that her eyes refused to focus on as the stretcher you laid on vanished through two heavy doors at the end of the foyer, leaving her standing over cold tiles. She couldn’t remember how or where her jacket was, a thin white blouse clinging to her body, the once pristine fabric now covered in splatters of blood and dirt, the imprint of your hand resting on her abdomen, the material having picked up every wrinkle of your skin, the shape of your fingers, every line that crossed your palm. She could even make out your fingerprints, the sight burning the skin beneath as much as the bitter tears that had formed in her eyes begged to fall and yet she refused. No one in that entire hospital mattered to Avis more than you, and when her trembling voice had asked the doctor if you would make it the gravely look on the older man’s face had been enough of a response, words never answering her question. That might be the last time she saw you, battered and bruised, hanging on to life by a ripping thread that she could not fix as they whisked you away. She hadn’t even got to say that she loved you.
Her entire body shook, adrenaline and fear holding her upright as grief and agony enfolded her completely, her chest rising and falling arrhythmically as she fought the sob that threatened to escape from her throat. She was perfectly aware that she was leaving dirty imprints on the clean floors, dust, sand and mud stuck to the soles of her heels as your blood dripped from her fingertips one drop at a time. She was mesmerized by the way it ran along her palm, slightly reddened by the butt pad of her shotgun, in slender rivers that followed the path of each crevasse on her hands, lingering in between her fingers before they branched out, coating her soft flesh and sinking deep on the imperfections of her skin. Only a few minutes ago the crimson liquid had burnt her skin as much as the muzzle of the weapon had caused blisters to form on the pads of her fingers, but they had been completely different sensations. She would have preferred to take a knife to the heart over and over again than to have your blood on her hands, the emotional, mental and physical pain almost too much for Avis. Standing in the hospital now it was as if instead of the molten lava that had scorched her, she was feeling the sharp edges of an icy river. Her eyes just could not steer away from the way the droplets formed around her scarlet nails and fell in slow motion, almost as if gravity both pulled them to the ground and repelled them until they crashed onto the tiles beneath her feet.
The sound was barely there, so quiet that no one should have been able to hear it, but it blasted inside Avis’s head like an explosion, a thousand bombs going off at the same time, rumbling inside the building like an earthquake that was making her tumble on her feet. She had taken a step forward, unsure of what to do with herself, and if it hadn’t been for a pair of slender and gentle hands that wrapped themselves around her arms she would have fallen down onto the hard ground, the skin of her bare knees scratched and bruised where it would have collided with the freezing tiles. Her own body was protesting against the weight that her legs had to support and the hands that aided her in standing upright, but she could not fight either of them, and as the heat of the person that was keeping her on her feet seeped through her blouse onto her skin she felt the freezing touch of your hands on her. It was as if Death had greeted her, it’s bony fingers clinging to your body as your lungs fought to draw breath, Avis’s hands never letting go of yours thinking that having her close could bring you comfort, her soft words, laced with anguish and the hint of tears that she refused to cry in front of you, begging you to not leave her. She still had the sound of your raggedy breaths engraved in her brain, carved in blood and fire so deeply that it left her lightheaded.
Guilt sliced through her like a dagger, a constant train of what-ifs running on a loop in her mind. If she hadn’t let you leave the night before none of this would have happened, if she had listened to what her heart was telling her instead of being so terrified of what her daughter or everyone else would think if they saw you enter her house and not leave until the early morning she would not be standing in a hospital praying and begging to any and every God that wanted to hear her to please save your life. If she had held onto you instead of watching you slip through her fingers like smoke no one would have got hurt and she wouldn’t have had to kill a man, something that she both regretted and knew was the only way out. She would not be crying venomous tears that clawed at her skin and ripped her cheeks to shreds for the only person who had loved her for her and who she had learned to love back, no fake smiles and expensive presents given to her to hide all those things she already knew were happening behind her back. Ace was barely a few floors away from her and the thought of seeing him hadn’t even crossed her mind, all her attention on you and the memory of your broken body, cold under her touch. How was she meant to give the image of the worried wife when the person she truly loved, the other half of her beating heart, was fighting for her life?
None of this should have ever happened, not for a film, not for the studio, they were only material things that could be replaced, restarted from scratch but the loss of a human life could never be fixed. She was well aware of such a fact, the sight of Lon gurgling and choking in his own blood flashing before her eyes for an instant, a shiver running down her spine in disgust, and as much as she regretted having been forced to reach such a point it was impossible for Avis to feel full remorse for her actions. They had taken you in the night, like the criminals they were, and had let Lon do whatever he pleased, Ace partially to be blamed for having granted him far too much freedom all these years, and for what? Among all the anguish that poisoned her blood, she felt rage, a fury that she had never felt before that rotted inside her and made her feel like the worst human being on the planet though there was no real reason for her to feel such a thing. But the guilt crawled through every pore and chanted in her mind that she was to be blamed because she had green-lighted Meg and she had accepted the position of head of the Studio when she could have easily handed it to Dick, maybe even to the board, and it was her, and only her choices, that had ended up with you barely alive in her arms. There was a hole in her chest so deep, so vast that she feared she might never recover, withering like a rose as winter drew in. If she lost you, your sparkling eyes closed forever, your angelic face still for all eternity with no smile to lift her spirits and make Avis’s heart leap in her chest, bruises and wounds she would never forget hidden under layers of makeup that showed only a glimpse of who you had been, she would lay beside your coffin and force Death to claim her because a life with you would be like a universe with no stars, forests without trees, her body without a heart and soul.
Her entire being felt as if it was caught in a hurricane, emotions drowning and confusing her in a whirlwind that swept her off her feet and left her floating in between rough winds that cut through her skin like sharp shards of glass, words written in your blood carved onto the weapons as they dug onto her body. Each word lingered like the last embers of a fire, and it felt as if they had been tattooed on her skin, blistering her flesh and consuming her in a constant wave of pain that she couldn’t escape. A rogue curl had fallen from her perfect updo, the ginger tones masking the specks of blood her hands had inadvertently left on her soft hair as it brushed her cheek, flyways twisting in frizzy ringlets on the back of her neck, where the warm breath of a person touched her skin. Hints of a floral perfume mixed with the metallic stench her body was immersed in, her brain slowly comprehending that Ellen was the one holding her up even if she was risking staining her blue suit with your blood. Nausea began to build as the smell became unbearable, Avis lulling her head back as her face turned pale, fighting with all her might to not vomit in front of everybody; she would never be able to face them. Not that she could find it in herself to turn around, afraid of what half a dozen pairs of eyes would see on her face and shaky frame, dishevelled and utterly miserable and broken, but worse of all was what she might see on theirs.
Would they pity her or be afraid of her? She could not blame them for choosing either of those options, after all, she was asking herself that same question, but if she were to turn around and face the answer when she was so down, when her heart had been ripped out of her chest and sliced until it laid in shreds on the cold tiles of the hospital hallway, she would not be able to recover. Ellen took a step to her left, dragging Avis along with her but the woman’s body sagged heavily on the other one’s slender arms, black heels scraping the tiles as the ginger tried to get her legs to work, weak and trembling as the adrenaline she had been running on began to fade leaving an amorphous mass of aching muscles and stinging scrapes behind, the small wounds she hadn’t even noticed before adorning her hands in a gruesome spectacle. She hadn’t even seen the skin that had been peeled on her index finger from where her flesh had gotten caught on the trigger of the shotgun. She was no longer paying attention to her surroundings, voices barely making their way to her ears as Ellen carried on pulling her towards the side, her oak eyes glued to her hands once more as if she was only now noticing what your nails and hers had done to her skin, hidden underneath the blood that was beginning to dry, coagulating and thickening around her wrists and on her palms, leaving a horribly disgusting sensation behind. 
With clumsy steps, Ellen managed to get Avis to the closest seats, black wooden chairs that were clearly too uncomfortable to sit on for long periods of time, but whether her friend noticed or not was of very little importance to her. As soon as the back of the redhead’s knees hit the cold seat her body crumpled down, legs completely unable to support her any longer. How could she feel everything so raw, so vividly and at the same time be so numb? It made no sense. There could never be enough words to describe the turmoil inside her, the pain, the shame, the regret, the anger… it was a mix of it all that ravaged her mind and slammed against her skin, destroying everything in its path and leaving nothing but rubble and dust behind. Every moment of her life had been the same, controlled, measured, even when she went down to the gas station, did she do it knowing how and where, but you had changed all that. For the first time in her life there was excitement, there was the thrill of sharing experiences with someone, not out of duty, but because you cared, there was a reason for her to wake up in the morning and get through the day, your smile shining around every corner, your eyes a constant in her mind, their life and eternal light getting her through the worst. You had given Avis her life back, her reason for existing, and now all she had was your blood clinging to her, suffocating her as the splatters turned into thin, sharp tendrils of crimson poison that wrapped around her neck, trapping her, slicing through her flesh.
She was falling apart, breaking piece by piece with each passing second, feeling how her own blood was seeping from in between the cracks like a waterfall, leaving her dry, barely alive even if in truth her body still drew breath and the droplets that stained her skirt and slid down her legs were not her own. Never before had Avis felt as if nothing but glass was coursing through her veins, the pain never-ending, escalating by the minute like a constant reminder that it was her fault, and she could not escape, chained forever by her actions to the freezing ground as water rose all around her, threatening to drown her. Ellen’s face was maybe a foot from hers, but her features were blurry, incoherent shapes that her eyes could not focus on, her mind too distraught and busy to pay attention to her, or perhaps she was frozen in time, stuck still in the car with your broken body in her arms, pushing clammy strands of hair from your face as if that would make the wheezing your lungs produced less gravely, as if your eyes would open and look at her once more as if nothing had happened. But it had, and her perfectly planned and controlled life had been smashed to the ground, dust clouding her mind, voices in her head screaming at the top of their lungs making her deaf, unable to hear anything but her own guilt. She wanted to run away from it all, to make it stop.
The night you came to her house for the first time with your old coat around your frame and a never-ending line of documents in your hands, she had thought you another of her husband’s conquests. A pretty young thing who wanted nothing but to become a star, after all, that was the only reason she had heard for more than twenty years why people move to Hollywood, but when you had told her that that was not your case, she had taken an instant interest in you. You were… unusual, to say the least, and you most certainly were worthy of her attention after what you had done with her, matching or even surpassing Jack and Ernie, but you had not left her after that. You had showered her with affection, your eagerness to please her endearing to her flirty nature, and as you shared more of your time with her, she became drunk in the way your eyes lingered on her body as if she was a diamond, completely enthralled and bewitched by the way you were making her fall in love without realising it. You had shifted her entire life into something worth fighting for, had made her trust her own decisions and stand firmly on both her feet, only to be caught in the crossfire in the end. You would be safe if she had stayed in her lane, if she had not taken charge like Ace had wanted her to, but as much as she wanted to blame him, he had not given the order to produce Meg, she had. To her she seemed as if she had been the one who had killed you with her own bare hands.
And it stung. Her skin, her muscles, her very own blood choked her with disgust and anger at herself, crawling through every inch of her flesh like a thousand cockroaches and spiders that wanted to eat her alive until nothing, but bones remained, but even then, she would not escape the guilt and the absolute grief that knocked her to the ground. She had shared things with you that she had never been able to tell Ellen, her best friend for more than a decade, your tender touch drying her tears, your rosy lips letting words of love and kindness drip onto Avis’s skin like a balm, healing her, picking up the pieces that life had left for you and building her again, gold and roses sealing each piece with each kiss. She could not bear the thought of never hearing your voice again, of not having you there to console her and tell her that everything would be alright, her secrets and her love laying beside you under soil and dirt as her tears soaked the ground under her, infertile lands that would never grow a single daisy, a single rose, vast plains of sand and rocks where not a drop of rain would ever fall. Void of life, matching the black hole inside her chest that fed on her despair, taking her light and her breath, with it, leaving her freezing on her chair, feeling the rivulets of your blood sliding down her flesh like snakes.
Would this be her life if you didn’t survive? A walking corpse, living half a life with the remorse that she could have prevented it all by keeping you in her arms, by leaving with you that night, by having pressed you more into staying. A thousand what-ifs ran rampant in her head, each making her feel worse than the one before, fuelling the fury and rage that hadn’t left her since she had seen the cross, only now anguish seemed to her guide and agony her path as a rain of daggers made pain a constant. The grip on the edge of the chair made her knuckles turn white under the dry and cracking layer of blood, following and seeping into every single crevasse and pore on both the palm and back of her hands, her vision unfocused. Ellen was fighting a lost battle, trying her best to gain her attention when Avis was in fact miles away from the hospital, lost in a hurricane that no one could save her from, slender fingers rubbing soothing circles on the ginger’s arms to no avail. The touch never registered inside Avis’s mind, lost in the ocean that separated her from reality, her body sitting on that dammed chair when her mind was still in that house, in the car, in every room of her house, and every room of yours, following the traces of your perfume as if she could find you and take you in her arms, clam her raging heart and tell herself that everything had been a nightmare. She had never wanted anything more in her life than to hear that you would come home with her, terror bubbling inside her as the thought of planning your funeral hit her like a building collapsing on top of her.
How on Earth would she do it if you didn’t make it? How would she choose your coffin, the flowers, the music… when all she would think about was the fact that her bed would forever remain empty, cold even if Ace woke up and returned home? You touch would linger on her skin, your ghost haunting her and the halls of her house with whispers and freezing clouds of future that had been take form you, Avis chasing you and your memory for all eternity as she lost herself to a madness that she never wanted to get over, because in that state of mind, losing all sense of reality, you would still be there. The tears that had gathered in her big, sorrowful eyes, broke through her will and fell in quick succession, burning her skin raw, leaving a bitter taste that mixed with the metallic stench that clung to her like a second skin. She had dreamt of a church filled with flowers, every corner breathing in lilacs and whites as she made you her wife, the love of her life walking down the aisle dressed in silks and lace of the purest pearly white, a dream that now could turn into the worst nightmare she had ever lived, the baby breaths and roses turning into lilies as her clothes bled into the deepest black the universe had ever seen, matching her rotting soul. She could not lose you and yet she could not stop thinking that no matter what happened today she would always remain your partner, your friend, and your wife until her heart stopped beating and her lungs expelled her last breath, and if life had deemed it right to claim your life, a fact she would forever resent, she would be your widow.
There were no clocks on the wall all throughout the hallway, but she still heard the incessant ticking of time that spoke of all the seconds lost into a past that could not be changed. Avis was finding it so hard to cling onto what little hope she had left inside her, the baby lights shining so dimly that the darkness that had built in her mind kept hiding them from her, its warmth at the tip of her fingertips, almost there for her to grasp only to be pushed away to the edges of the firmament. Why couldn’t she trade her life for yours? She would rather lay on a stretcher battered and bruised beyond recognition if you remained untouched, not a scratch on your beautiful body, your locks pristine and soft, your cheeks rosy and full of life, your perfect eyes glowing still as if they were not fighting to hold on to a ripping thread. Avis was freefalling down an abyss where there was no bottom, just an endless sight of darkness that took her away from you, or perhaps it was you who was being taken from her, but why would it matter, there was a rift building between you two that she couldn’t cross. She had never truly noticed until now how incredibly cold hospitals were, freezing in truth, tiles everywhere slamming shards of ice onto her skin, Ellen still trying desperately to get her attention. The blond could not remember a single day in her life when her friend had looked as lost and broken as today; the great Avis Amberg was crumbling in front of everyone and neither Avis herself nor Ellen knew what to do to prevent it, or if they should.
Sounds became bombs, and every breath, every footstep echoed inside her head as if she had an orchestra playing, every single instrument off-key and untuned playing a hellish aria that could make her head explode any moment. Everything irritated her, everyone unimportant to her right now, and suddenly all that she had been numb to only a few moments ago raked at her flesh, driving her insane, angering her exhausted frame to the point that without thought she pushed herself to a standing position. Ellen tumbled back, Dick quick to grab her so she wouldn’t end up on the floor, both pairs of eyes watching dumbfounded as Avis walked down the hall before pausing and retracing her steps. She was not herself, that was clear in the way her body sagged with each step, heels clashing and crushing against the tiles as her hands pulled on her clothes, nails piercing through her skin as the physical pain spread like wildfires all over, but it did nothing to quiet down her screaming mind. All she wanted to do was to make it stop, to sit in silence as she let sorrow consume her, but the world was too loud, too fast, too careless and cruel and its weight was killing her the same way it had done to you. Was this how love was supposed to feel when things were wrong? As if her heart was dying with you, like there was no tomorrow unless it was with you? If it was so, she had no desire to keep it, because she could not escape the pain, the memories that she held onto as if she was the one barely alive turning bitter with each breath she took, constricting her chest. If this was love, she would rather die than to be told you were gone. She could not bear a single second in this world if she could not go home with you.
Her entire body shook, trembling as if the entire planet was succumbing to an earthquake, tiles, chairs, and people fading in and out of Avis’s line of vision as she struggled to push air into her lungs. Everything around her was so bright, forcing her to close her eyes in an attempt to dim it somewhat, black spots dancing under her eyelids as she tumbled on her feet, hands flying in the air looking for something or someone to hold onto. They landed harshly over the freezing walls, contrasting with her almost feverish body, sagging and melting as her legs lost all strength, giving up under her. She was collapsing, exactly the same way her world was falling apart, every cell unable to breathe, lungs begging for an oxygen that Avis could not provide, the tears mixing with your blood as they fell over her ruined clothes scorching every inch of skin they touched as if they could leave blisters behind. Her knees bent, hitting the harsh material the walls were made out of as her ankles threatened to twist, her heels feeling like a thousand needles, her clothes like plaster that trapped her, unable to move. For an instant her eyes opened and focused on her hands, fingers leaving macabre paintings over the white tiles as her palms slid down, following her exhausted frame, traces of blood imprinted forever in between invisible cracks, Avis’s fingerprints fading before her eyes as the crimson streaks carried on forever. Her palms smeared your blood as if her flesh was completely covered on it, dripping thickly over her eyelids, falling off the tip of her nose, staining her lips and drowning her as if the only thing she could fill her lungs with was the hot metallic liquid that burnt her insides like lava.
She was on the verge of passing out, falling like rags on the ground, when two strong hands wrapped around her torso and pulled her up, pushing her off the wall as her eyes observed the work left behind, grotesque shapes of monstruous trails and partially imprinted palms staring back at her as the deep red liquid dripped towards the ground. Her feet never made contact with the floor. She was swept into someone’s warm arms, a whiff of pine and whiskey hitting her nostrils, but the smell did not make her nauseous as it mixed with the metallic stench, it was, in fact, a comforting aroma that she tried to hold onto with both hands, fingers curling around the fabric of a white shirt, colours that she could make out through the tears. This was exactly what she had been trying to avoid, to be seen as weak by the people who were supposed to rely on her, to see a leader, someone they could trust, but she was now only a shell of her flamboyant persona, a broken item that people would run away from. She was supposed to be Avis fucking Amberg, not whatever she had turned into, whatever this was! How could anyone look at her and expect her to lead them ever again when all they could see was a weak, crushed woman? They would never respect her again, she thought, they would never look at her the same, and that brought a sense of defeat that she hated with every fibre of her being. Gently Jack walked over to the seats, placing her back on the chair she had just vacated with Ellen hovering over his shoulder, pale as snow, slender fingers aching to comfort her friend, but Avis did not want to let go of the man’s shirt, or perhaps she couldn’t, locked in place. Every joint and muscle felt stiff, the adrenaline in her bloodstream vanishing like smoke, fading and leaving behind an utterly depleted and trembling body that fought with all its might to sustain Avis.
-Mrs. Amber, please, calm yourself down.
-Listen to the man, Avis. Breath.
Had Ellen always sounded so sharp, so high pitched that it grated her nerves while at the same time, it made her blood freeze in her veins? She wasn’t a cruel or rude woman by nature; Avis could not think of a single moment in the woman’s life when she had been nothing but gentle and caring, and yet her words were commanding, though in the ginger’s current state of mind, she had not picked up on the worrisome tone that had laced the blond’s words. Oxygen, she needed oxygen, no matter how much, just enough so that the ever-growing black spots would vanish, so the weight on her chest would stop crushing her lungs and ribs, but she could not seem to get her brain to respond. Her heart was pounding a thousand miles per minute, her ears ringing as blood pumped through her veins at such a speed that she was beginning to fear her entire body would explode, which made her shallow breaths ever more rapid and arrhythmic. Ellen kept trying to get through to Avis, but half of the words got lost in the rattling of noises and screams that echoed inside her head, and as her skin turned paler, a gruesome contrast with the splatters of blood, Jack took matters into his own hands.
-Ms. Kincaid, bring me ice, as much as you can.
-Ice? Why?
-Yes, just trust me, please. Hurry or she’s going to pass out. – she had not a single inkling why he would ask for such a thing, but she gave him the benefit of the doubt and rushed down the hallway and out through the white swinging doors, the sound of rubber scratching on the ground along with the screeching of the hinges floating in the air like invisible dust that gathered around the congregation, adorning and accompanying the whispers that fell from thin cracked lips.
-At least we are in a hospital if push comes to shove.
-Henry! What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Through the corner of her eye, Dick’s form moved as the blurry shape of a dark suit that stood a few inches shorter than the brown one next to him, and even though her puffy brown eyes could not see it, he was fulminating the younger man with a look that clearly meant for him to shut his mouth. He really did not know how to read a room Dick thought angrily, and so in an attempt to calm things down, Henry raised his hands in surrender and turned away, returning to his seat. Had Avis been her usual self she would have given him a run for his money, but alas she was still holding onto Jack’s shirt as if he was the only thing that was keeping her grounded, fighting to breathe as his hands ran up and down her arms. What must he think of me, she thought? A woman who had commanded him, who had stood on top as he pleased her and did everything she desired, a woman he owed his career to, to a certain extent, turned into what? She didn’t even know who she was, what she felt, what was left of her. But if only for a moment, just an instant, she could read his mind, see what he did, she would find that he didn’t see any of those flaws, the cracks she was so terrified of. She was so much more than just that façade she went around flaunting, she was a layered, complicated woman that not many had the pleasure to see in predicaments like this, and although what they had shared had been strictly business and had ended months ago, he did care for her. She had been through enough in her life, why did she keep getting knocked off her feet like this, the harsh cement scraping her hands and knees, making her bleed until she had the strength to get back up again only to end up back over the dirt, bruised? 
She didn’t deserve this. Jack had listened to her during that first encounter, the pain and the sadness that had laced every word in a way that she thought no one would pick up, breaking his heart little by little. How could he not when her eyes had been screaming for love, for anything, to anyone who would listen? Every moment spent with her had been filled with an aura of expensiveness and power he had not minded, a sense of respect, and to be honest, fear, running down his spine every single time, but beneath that tough exterior, an insecure, emotionally starved woman rested, a side of her he had only gotten a glimpse of on rare occasions and that now sat bare and open before them all. He had never thought anyone, or anything could crack Avis Amberg like this, but then again you were not an accessory in the woman’s life, you were everything to her, an extension of her being that anyone with eyes could see, two hearts beating in unison. Hearing Mr. Samuels speak hurriedly about what had happened to you had been a shock for the entire cast, and as Jack, Archie and Rock gathered their things to aid Avis he had stopped for an instant and wondered how she must have felt, how she was handling everything. Ace had never been particularly loving towards her, forcing a cold, tough layer of rejection to be cast over the hurt interior that had shaped Avis into the woman she was now, but you had shattered all that slowly with each kiss, every whisper and glimpse of affection you had thrown her way, melting the wax that had encapsulated her, freeing her at last like a butterfly that set flight for the very first time. Knowing that she could lose you at any moment had been just as rough back then as it was now, though kneeling before her trembling frame trying to prevent her from hyperventilating herself into a fainting spell, he began to think this aftermath was worse. He had not been ready for the sight that had welcomed him when Avis had returned from the half-demolished house, he had most certainly not been ready for what had been left behind in the hospital hallway.
Ringlets of ginger hair had swayed in the midday warm breeze, caressing the nape of her neck and her pale cheeks, all colour had drained from her face as the image of Lon gurgling and coking in his own blood played on a loop in her mind, as fresh as the splatters of the crimson liquid that had landed on her skin, like macabre freckles that painted her flesh, shards of bone having flown towards her legs shredding her stockings, small bleeding scrapes on her shins that his eyes picked up on briefly. The shotgun rested in a grip so hard her knuckles had turned white, Ellen running behind her completely out of breath but Jack’s gaze was not on the blond, blue eyes taking in the dishevelled and panicked look that shadowed Avis’s features as if the sun had vanished from the sky, the world eternally forced to live in perpetual darkness, no moonlight to show the way, no stars sprinkled in the navy canvas that spread above their heads. Jack was used to fear and terror, after all, he had fought in a war, but for some reason all that could not compare to the way fury mixed with horror in a way that made his skin crawl, Avis’s deep brown eyes reflecting every emotion as if her very soul was an open book. His hands had travelled down to her hips as his thoughts swirled deep in his mind, coming to rest gently over her knees after a moment, the touch of her cold skin and ruined stockings under his palms pulling him from his memories to stare at that same face that  shone with bitter tears, the crystal liquid turning pink as they picked up the red beads that had dried over her flesh. Neither of them could say if it was yours or Lons.
On his wrist a small golden watch ticked, the tiny black clock hands showing to everyone each second passed, the way a single second turned into a minute, then another, and as they accumulated in the air there was still no sign of Ellen, no footsteps to break the deafening silence that enfolded Avis’s rapid breaths. There was a constant rain of questions in her head that flooded the floor with no answers in sight to vanish them, making her feel as if she had lost complete control of her life, begging silently for a doctor or a nurse to come out and tell her what was going on, if you needed anything because she would give it to you, be it a better hospital, better staff, her own organs, her own blood, anything you required, but the hallway remained impassive to her suffering. She had been defeated, she thought, by her own hand to be exact, actions and consequences meeting in the same place at the same time at last. Jack’s hands remained on her, never ceasing the reassuring movements, not that they worked at this point, sobs fighting her physically to escape her throat as it gasped for air, the sounds making everyone around her watch in horror as she turned paler by the minute, veins visible under her translucent skin, but the boy would not give up so easily. With gentle hands his fingers travelled down her claves to her feet, and although the gesture might not look like much to others, he removed Avis’s shoes as tenderly as he could, placing her feet firmly against the freezing tiles.
The gasp that parted from her blueish lips was the first proper time her lungs had drawn breath in several minutes, the crisp, antiseptic air filling her chest in shock, but Jack knew more needed to be done. The ground would match her temperature soon enough and the shock would fade back to her panicking persona, but he could not leave her, not when her hands were still holding onto his shirt. He had to wait, much to his dismay, until Ellen returned. He would have to throw the garment away he thought, the fibres of the fabric ruined, soaking up your blood like a sponge, but he could afford to lose a shirt, there were millions of them on the planet, but no one in that entire hallway could afford to lose you. Next to him Dick and Henry talked in hushed words, the topic redundant to the task at hand, and yet Jack could not help wondering what was so important that had to be discussed right then and there when there were definitely more important things to take care of, but he was in no real position to interrupt them. The sound of a heel on the floor reached the young boy’s ears after a few instants, his head perking up to make sure he was not hallucinating, and just as he did that another one filled the space until the blond appeared through the swinging doors with a glass bowl in her hands, rushing back towards them. Her slender hands and bony fingers cradled the ice as if it was the most important object in the universe, as if those same hands had not touched Oscars, sculptures and paintings, not to mention pieces of jewellery that cost more than Jack’s own life. Nearly slipping on the ground as water dripped from the edges, Ellen kneeled on the floor next to him.
-What do I do with this?
-Help me pry her hands off my shirt and put them in the ice.
-But won’t it shock her… Oh! I get it now. You work on the left one, I’ll handle the right one.
 It wasn’t an easy task as Avis’s grip was iron like, hard and nearly unbreakable, but with enough determination the both of them worked on prying each finger off, the boy not caring much about ending up covered in blood, matching the stains on Ellen’s once pristine blue suit and Dick’s dark one, although you could not see them unless the sun hit him directly on the front. Avis fought against them at first, terror dripping from her eyes in between the sharp tears that seemed to never end, but her body was growing weak, and soon enough the warmth of the fabric changed to the heat of each their bodies as they finally worked her hands of his shirt, revealing imprints of scarlet red that would soon dry and remain there forever. Without a moment to lose Jack grabbed the ice and dunked Avis’s hand inside it, Ellen following suit, feeling the slicing cold on her skin, but her pain did not matter, blue eyes watching intently as her friend yelped and gasped once again, but this new shock to her system lasted longer, bringing with the sudden drop of temperature a physical pain that knocked her of her feet. It felt like a complete reset, as if her body had shut down for less than a second and then restarted again. Her tumultuous mind quiet for the first time in what seemed to be hours, breaking the cycle of self-deprecation and guilt she had fallen into, tears ceasing to fall at the unexpected touch of the ice on her sensitive skin, brushing painfully over her blisters and cuts, but neither Jack nor Ellen let her lift her hands. It somehow forced her brain to focus on only single thing instead of the millions of thoughts that had taken her mind hostage, registering one sense at a time, in this case, touch.
-Come on Mrs. Amberg, in in four and out in four. You can do it. – her gaze fell on his kind face, seeing him through the dark spots that had began to slowly fade in her eyes, hearing his deep calming voice as he counted. One, two, three, four. She took a deep breath and held it until the countdown began again. One, two, three, four. It was slow but sure work, and at last oxygen began to enter her system regularly, steadily filling her lung and every cell in her bloodstream, the dizziness she hadn’t even noticed before vanishing like smoke as a tender breeze swept through the hallway, taking with it every ailment she could possibly have and leaving behind only an exhausted body. With each inhale pine overwhelmed the bloody stench, whiffs of vanilla accompanying the fresh aroma as Ellen got closer to her. She had never thought of how sweet her friend’s perfume was, nor how manly but formal Jack smelled. Her mind could almost imagine your gentle berries lotion caressing her skin. – That’s the way to do it Mrs. Amberg. We can stay here as long as you need. In. One, two, three, four.
What sweet sound silence was, no screams, no madness that pulled her into a hurricane of insanities and grief, no voices grating at her nerves and playing with her emotions, kicking her while she was down, when she could not defend herself. It was heavenly to only have Jack in her head, not even herself as it was still stuck on the feeling of the terrible ice. It really was true what they said that one’s worst enemy was their own mind. Her panic melted of her body bit by bit like the wax of a candle, flames consuming them until nothing, but cold hard white rivers were left over metal candlesticks, specks landing on top of wooden tables that would never be removed. Parts of it still lingered under her skin, and would probably do so for the rest of her life, but with each silent tick of Jack’s watch her heartrate slowed down to a pace somewhat normal, the wheezing and sharp sounds of her lungs begging for help no longer in existence as they drew breath with relative ease, the boy’s voice fading into nothing as the attack passed. Chocolate irises could not bear to hold gaze with either pair of blue eyes, watching instead in disgusted fascination the way the ice melted under her palms, turning what once had been a most perfectly crystal clear water into a sea of pinks and deep shade reds that froze over the first thin layers of the mismatched cubes as blood clots fell to the bottom of the bowl, thin, translucent trails left behind, but this could never even begin to wash it off her skin. She feared it was all part of her now, forever stamped on her body. 
-Avis? – Ellen’s hand rested gently on the woman’s forearm, making her stare at the wet but warm fingers of her friend. She had never noticed the many wrinkles that decorated the pale skin, how short her nails were nor the way not a single spot blemished the back of her hand. They were small details that made Ellen so inherently herself but that for some reason the ginger had never seen before. – Avis, look at me. Please. – as much as she wished to run away from the surely pitiful glares she was going to encounter, she lifted her head, not ready to see the disappointment in everyone’s faces but at the same time unable to deny her friend her request when she voiced it with such a pained tone. As brown locked with blue she did not find a single trace of all those feelings that had been clawing at her, only worry. – Are you alright?
-I… Yes.
-You had us all so worried there for a moment. I was sure we would have to call for a doctor or a nurse. Are you certain you are fine?
-I am, Ellen. As fine as I can be under these circumstances.
-It’s not the answer I wanted but it will have to do. Take your hands out of the ice before you lose a finger. – Jack remained silent as Avis removed her hands, drying them on a handkerchief Dick was gallant enough to hand her, the soft touch of white linen on her wounds gentle and tender, even if the ice had numbed the pain a little bit. From the corner of her eye she observed the young boy, his hands inches from her bare feet, his countenance reserved, almost as if he feared she would yell at him at any given moment. Was he still terrified of her after what he had witnessed? Her hands trembled slightly as she grabbed his chin and forced their eyes to meet, but the gesture wasn’t harsh, her body could not manage harsh right now, and in those deep blue irises of his she found distress.
-Jack… Thank you.
-I… Of course, Mrs. Amberg.
-What is it?
-I don’t think I understand the question.
-Why are you looking at me as if you had just been through Hell? Did I say something or do something to you?
-No, not at all. It’s just… Well, I have come to think of you as some sort of friend and…
-And what? – How did she do it? Moved from nearly collapsing in his arms to looking at him with anything but kindness as if he was the one who had just been through the most traumatic thing in the universe and not her. Her hand caressed his cheek before it fell back on her lap, Ellen having removed the bowl from her friend’s thighs and leaving it on the floor to the side.
-You scared me. I had never seen something like this, not since the war and it was horrible to be face to face with the fear and the panic all over again, only that it was a thousand times worse because it was happening to you. You don’t deserve this Mrs. Amberg, no one does, but you, out of everyone I’ve ever known, are the one who deserves it the least. You should have never been forced to feel such horrors.
-Oh, Jack. 
-I mean it. You are my friend, at least I think of you as one, and someone as wonderful as you should never have to live through things like this.
-Life is not fair, my boy. The worst of people could live forever not facing a single consequence for their actions, while kind people, like you, have to face hardship after hardship. I’m hardly a saint, Jack.
-But you are no monster either. It is of no concern to me what you might have done in your life, but I am sure that it is not as bad as what has been done to you. You are finally happy; life can’t be so cruel as to rob you of that.
If only things worked like that, she thought. If only life could wait and let the world fix their mistakes before they sentenced them to pay for their crimes, but alas it kept on turning, waiting for no one, pausing for nothing, time running away from everyone’s hands as the hourglass turned only once, swirls of sand falling until the very last drop flew through the air. He was still so young with so many things to learn, and Avis felt so old, the decades she had lived falling heavily on her shoulders. There were so many things she wanted to say to him but all of them felt discouraging, heartless at most, and she did not wish to dim that beautiful light the boy possessed, a light that only yours could outshine. He had lit her up in every encounter they had shared but it could simply not be compared to the way you had uplifted her, put her in a pedestal and worshipped her as if she was the most precious work of art, dressing her in gold and placing roses at her feet, your essence, your light, forever casting a most perfect halo over her skin and underneath it. A shine that comforted and gave her the strength to carry on every day of her life since the moment she met you. You were younger than Jack and somehow you carried the wisdom of a thousand lifetimes that lingered in the way you walked, on the taps of your fingertips over wood, in each look and every word that fell from your lips, sweet as candy and soothing as honey.  
What wouldn’t she give to be staring at you right now and not at him, your baby blue dress draping around your bent knees like waterfalls, the gentle touch of your fingers barely making contact with her ankles instead of Jack’s calloused hands? Silence filled the foyer like an invisible gas that had rendered everyone mute. Suddenly heavy doors screeched, hinges screaming as they were pushed open making heads turn as fast as muscles would allow, a sharp pain running down Ellen’s neck at the motion, but she did not complain. A man in a white coat stepped into the hallway, years of medical practice engraved on his mature face as the heaviness of loss and work weighted him down, curving his spine as he made his way to the congregation. This was it, Avis thought, the moment everyone had been desperately waiting for. Her entire life was about to change, either for good or bad, and in both cases it made anxiety rise in her chest once more, completely unready for the grief that might slip from his thin lips, a nervousness that she could not control. But there was no need for her to do so, not when Jack, Ellen, Dick and the rest of them were there for her, would be there for her no matter what, and as the man’s steps got closer, the two of them held onto her injured hands with a caring and comforting touch. Her breath caught on her throat as soon as the man’s polished black shoes paused a couple of feet from them.
-Mrs. Amberg.
-Doctor Friedman. How… how’s Y/N?
-She’s stable for now. She did come in an awful state, I won’t lie, and she will need time to recover from the extensive injuries, but for now the surgery we performed to handle the internal bleeding was successful.
-So, she will recover? She’ll survive?
-You brought her in with several bruised and even broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder that we were able to handle before he took her to theatre, a punctured lung and bleeding spleen, along with many other minor injuries that the nurses are handling now. She was very very lucky, Mrs, Amberg. I can’t say that she will have the same life she did before, but she should get better, yes. -never before had she heard sweeter words. Angels were singing in her head as she released the breath she had been holding, the weight that had been crushing her for hours finally freeing her from its destructive grip. Relief was coursing through her veins as the doctor’s statement sank deeply inside her brain. You would be alright. Everything would be fine. And yet the man’s voice spoke in a gravely tone, his features darkened by the seriousness of the situation, putting a damper on Avis’s happiness for a moment. – I must warn you that her recovery will be slow. She is to be confined to a bed for at least a month, until I’m sure that her ribs have healed enough for her to stand without pain and once her legs are able to support her.
-What’s wrong with her legs?
-Her right ankle is broken, and she has a crack on her left femur, probably caused by a blunt object hitting her. I don’t know what happened to her and I don’t want to know, but it’s a miracle I’m not treating her for dozens of broken bones. She really is a fighter.
-For how long will she have to stay in the hospital?
-I cannot give you a specific amount of time, I’m afraid. It all depends on whether her lab work comes back within acceptable ranges and if there is no risk of her suffering any more harm once her body has begun to recover. We shall cross that bridge when we to it, if that’s acceptable to you Mrs. Amberg?
-Of course. Anything to make sure Y/N heals without issue. Could I… could I see her?
-I would usually say no as she is still in a very precarious situation, but I can give you a minute or two with her. She’s still under the effects of the anaesthetic and we did have to put her on a ventilator to reduce the stress on her respiratory system, so I’m giving you a heads up that the sight might be quite distressing, but it is only temporary. Can you handle that?
It crossed her mind to mention Ace’s state, just for an instant, how she had grown used to the sight of him surrounded by tubes that breathed for him, but her better judgment prevented those words from ever slipping out of her mouth. Without a second thought though she nodded her head, extracting her hands from Jack and Ellen’s tender grip, lifting herself off the chair and taking one single step towards the doctor. Jack’s hand on her knee stopped her just as her still trembling body had been about to take a second one, turning her head towards the kneeling boy to see him holding her shoes in his other hand. A sigh escaped from her red lips, the carmine slightly smudged on the corners of her mouth as she let him put them on. When Avis had been little, her mouther used to tell her stories before she had gone to sleep, tales from the old continent that she still remembered to this day, stories that she had read to Claire when she had been a child, before everything had turned to shit in her life. This very moment reminded her of one of those charming fairytales, but reality could never be as beautiful as the scenes in that worn-out book. Jack was not her prince charming putting on a glass slipper on her dainty foot, she was hardly a princess or even one of those ladies that wore tiaras and danced in room decorated with brocades and gold, and there would be no castle at the other side of the heavy doors. Avis’s princess charming was currently somewhere in this hospital asleep, waiting for her love to come and see her even though there would be no kiss that could heal you from the horrors that had transpired that day.
Her heels echoed against the tiles as she followed the doctor silently down the hall, feeling everyone’s eyes glued to the back of her head, but she never turned. She needed to see you, she needed to make sure that the words spoken to her were real and not just flimsy things that could easily be forgotten, taken by freezing drafts of cruel wind, and if she turned, even if it was for a single moment, and locked eyes with Ellen or Dick, her resolve would crumble. They would question her with one glance, and then she would begin to doubt herself, wondering if she really wanted to expose herself to whatever was awaiting her in your room, if she really had the stomach to see you in the same state her husband was in. They wouldn’t understand the visceral need to know that she had not lost you, that she wouldn’t have to fear a phone call in the middle of the night from some nurse or other telling her in rehearsed sadness you were gone. She was beyond grateful and happy that you were alive, of course, and she highly doubted anything could ever show and express the depth of her feelings of relief and utter delight, borderline delirious, that Lon had not taken you from her, that despite every hardship, you had fought and won, but there was still that tiny little voice telling her, asking her if it was real or just a panic induced hallucinations. She would have believed the later if Dick’s handkerchief hadn’t remained in between her fingers, the once perfectly manicured nails tracing the embroidery on the edges of the linen as the doctor held the door open for her.
In the course of barely twelve hours, she had gone through every emotion known to humankind, from lust and love to terror and anger, but this new fear that was taking hold of her felt completely different from anything she had ever felt before. Your body would heal, with time, but would your mind ever truly recover from something as horrible as this? Every time she blinked Avis could see the shape of your battered body on the filthy ground of that house, blood everywhere, your once perfectly alabaster skin now black and blue, not an inch of you safe from Lon’s wrath. But that had been but an instant, even during the ride to the hospital her eyes had remained on your face, never glancing down your body otherwise she would have broken down in front of you and she could not afford for such a thing to happen; you had needed her. But now you were somewhere safe, and she could not help but wonder what you would think of her when you woke up and told she told you about everything. She had killed a man for you, would you think her a monster? Was she truly ready for this? Her steps halted in the middle of the floor, the doctor not noticing her absence until he was around six feet from her, turning on the heels on his feet to look at her, eyebrows raised in a questioning manner.
-Mrs. Amberg? – those deep raspy tones that Dr. Friedman carried in his voice floated up to her ears, but they sounded to her like nails raking on a board, the undertone of his question lost before it could even be processed by Avis’s brain. Why couldn’t she just stop feeling so intensely? Why couldn’t her body just turn it all down for once and let her get on with the task ahead instead of making her feel like a scared child all over again?! For the first time in decades, she wished she could hold onto her mother’s hand.
-Come on, Avis. We’ll go in together.
In the back of her mind, she could trick her brain into believing that the perfume her nostrils picked up on wasn’t Ellen’s vanilla one but the floral she had missed for over twenty years now. No matter how old she got, how many years she cradled in the wrinkles that adorned her skin, she would always wish for her mother to be there with her, guiding her, telling her that everything would be alright, that she was strong enough to go and see you, to carry what you could not the same way you had been doing for her since the cold December night. Ellen’s touch on her forearms almost felt the same as hers, kind, loving, never rushed and never harsh, simply a statement that she was there for her. Turning her head towards the blond she saw a tender smile on her thin, rosy lips, and as if time had stopped to let Avis catch her breath, it began to tick once more as both women stepped forward in unison. Perhaps she had not given her friends enough credit, she thought, far too used to all those fake people that didn’t give a single fuck about her and her feelings, always believing that no one understood her, that she was everyone’s last resort when it came to things that didn’t involve money or connections. She was never even flirted with unless she started it, which always left her devasted by the time she got home. But Ellen was always there, listening to her, walking beside her down a hospital hallway just because she knew she would need a bit of push instead of telling her what a bad idea this whole thing was.
She made a mental note that she would make more of an effort from now on to show her just how important she was and how much she loved her. After all the poor woman had seen and helped her when she was at her lowest, when she had drunk herself to sleep after arguments with Ace, when she had had difficulties with Claire… The list was endless, and she could hardly recall a single time when she had said thank you to the woman for being there; she most certainly would fix that. In a small gesture of appreciation Avis moved her left hand until it came to rest on top of Ellen’s, the warmth of the blond’s skin mixing with her own bringing a sense of comfort that was very much needed, resumed their walk after a moment. The doctor guided them all the way to the end of the hallway and through a narrow corridor on the left, stopping in front of a dark wooden door that was marked with the number 217 in metal, each symbol hammered by thick nails onto the heavy planks. Her free hand shook as she pushed it open, the sound of several machines reaching her ears as both ladies stepped into the dimly lit room. It was exactly like Ace’s she noticed, with the same boring white walls and fluorescent light bulbs that flickered every once in a while, a single small window opposite the door covered in what only could be described as the grimmest grey curtains in existence, the smell of antiseptic and blood heavy in the air.
The sight was indeed anything but grotesque, crude, simply utterly heartbreaking. Your gentle frame lay underneath white bedsheets and a grey thick blanket; your skeletal body dressed in a gown that did nothing to hide the thousands of bruises that painted your skin. Dried blood remained stuck to your golden locks, turning them dark over the pillow, a mosaic of gruesome shades that made nausea rise in Avis’s throat for a moment, the acidic taste of vomit gracing the back of her tongue. You look so small, so tiny and broken in that big bed, wires and tubes circling your body in every angle and direction possible, dark glass bottles of blood and medication handing from drips, injected into your veins through yellowish tubes and wrapped around your arms and hands to prevent them from slipping, though you showed no signs of being on the verge of waking up any time soon. There were still red tinges on the parts of your skin that were not covered in bandages or plaster, the hues of death that refused to leave you just yet, on your temple, on the tips of your fingertips, around your cracked lips that were parted by a big white tube. She was quite familiar with that machine, watching with unshed tears the way the spring moved up and down with each monitored breath, the mechanical sound in no way a stranger in her life by now. And yet it somehow echoed differently in her mind, like a million screams that all matched your voice.
She had barely noticed how she had wayed on the spot, Ellen’s grip slightly stronger on her arms as to support her, Avis’s hands now dangling from her sides like rope, her entire body like a rag doll that remained on its feet because someone else was propping her upright. Your chest rose and fell artificially, and even though the doctor had been quite clear that it was to avoid any more stress on your weak state, she could not help but wonder if it had been a lie to hide the fact that it might be keeping you alive. Would you remain forever asleep, deep in a world so far away from Avis’s that all she would ever see of you again would be this, your deteriorating body as the days passed? Every minute spent with you had been like a blessed rainfall, washing her body of all pains and miseries, granting her fresh water to drink from your hands, an angel with no wings. She desired to see you barefoot over the grass, the sun bathing your alabaster skin with a perfect golden glow, locks of hair flowing freely in the wind as dandelions floated lazily around you, perhaps a butterfly or two landing on your fingers as bees buzzed in between flowers at your feet. Every waking moment was spent imagining you without a worry in the world, in the Garden of Eden dressed in nothing but your innocence and your golden virtue, waiting for Avis to fall into your arms in nothing but her wild locks of fire, laying down next to you in a bed of white poppies that cushioned you both from the hard ground.
She wanted you in ways that she could not understand, needed you so deeply that it made her entire body ache when she was away from you, her treacherous heart begging for you to be returned to her arms. Every instant without you made her soul yearn for you in ways that could make new sins appear on black ink on parchments at the Vatican, your name written in perfect golden calligraphy as hers followed suit in a deep red, like your humble apostle. She would set the world on fire for you, to see you open your eyes and find even a glimpse of love and recognition behind them, to feel your hands squeezing hers under all that medical equipment, to hear your raspy voice saying her name, and as she took one step towards you, Ellen never letting go just in case, she felt her chest constrict in a painful wave of grief. Yes, you were alive, but you were at the same time so far away from her, within her reach and yet her fingertips never seemed to be able to touch you, an invisible sea between you. Her brown eyes raked over your frame, but they always returned to your face, cuts and bruises decorating your pale skin in a macabre painting done by a madman, strokes deliberate, calculated over your once rosy cheekbones, splitting your lips and eyebrows as if he had been breaking a brand-new canvas, slicing your flesh so he could paint the walls of your enclosure with your blood, a hellish forest of splashes and puddles of burgundy and scarlet red dripping down the concrete, deaf to your pleas and screams. Stitches closed them up now shining under the flickering lights preventing your veins and capillaries from letting a single drop of your essence fall down your skin onto the bedsheets.
Ellen’s right hand held onto hers, and with curious brown eyes Avis watched as her friend lifted them and brought them to the edge of the bed. She made no attempt to touch you, leaving that part for the ginger to do when she was ready, but she remained a constant by her side, a supporting member of a team that played one of the most important roles; to simply be there. Avis hadn’t noticed how harsh the bedsheets seemed to be under her palm, rough, too starchy for her liking, and perhaps even a little worn-out, a feeling that she was incredibly displeased with and that she would make sure the nurses changed as soon as possible. You needed to be comfortable, and this was most certainly not up to standards. She was going to pay good money to this hospital once you were released, she expected you to be dressed in linens and cottons soft enough that they could never leave a rash on a baby’s skin, clean enough that Avis herself could eat on them and not worry about a single speck of dirt tainting her coffee, every single thing used on you of such quality that it could be used on the Royal Family without a doubt. It was understandable that since everything had been so rushed they had had to use the first thing their hands had grabbed, but that didn’t mean your entire stay would be like this, not while she was alive and next to you. The doctor cleared his throat behind them, making Ellen’s head turn to look at him to see him pointing at his wristwatch, a sign that the few minutes he had granted them were coming to an end.
-Avis, we’ll need to leave soon.
-Just one more minute. Just one. Please.
Dr. Friedman was not a cruel or heartless man, and as much as he knew he should follow every protocol in the book, he understood that whatever had transpired that morning must have been a most traumatic event and therefore the women in front of him needed the reassurance that his words were real. One more minute wouldn’t be the end of the world. He nodded his head silently, retreating back to the shadows by the door and letting Ellen whisper the good news to her friend who visibly relaxed her shoulders as she took a step closer to you, her ruined skirt barely a few inches from the mattress. With skin pale as milk, she could almost trace the outlines of your blueish veins up your arms through the many bandages that protected them, down your neck towards your hidden chest and over your eyelids. Everywhere she looked there they were, like spiderwebs of a tone between indigo and periwinkle that spread underneath your skin in different lengths and sizes, and if she narrowed her eyes just enough, she could almost make out what little blood you had left on your system coursing through them, your weak heart pumping in a steady rhythm. She only had a few more seconds left with you, this brief moment in which no words were exchanged, not even a glance except for Avis’s eyes roaming over your body, coming to an end far too soon and far too quickly for her liking, her hand inching closer and closer to yours as quickly as the speed of light and slowly as if she was traveling back in time.
Like lighting striking down her body Avis’s fingers finally made contact with your skin, a quiet gasp nearly falling from her lips as heat seeped from your body to hers. One single tear rolled down her cheek, eyes closing as she let the sensation wash over her, relief blooming fully in her chest like a garden in Spring, white roses climbing up the walls of her heart, daisies growing in her veins as her feet walked on the fluffiest of clouds or the softest of grass. She highly doubted she would ever forget the feeling of your freezing skin under her fingertips, like sharp shards of ice that had cut her flesh so deep scars would forever be imprinted on her skin, marks that no one but herself would ever feel, but as your still smooth flesh seeped a gentle warm glow onto her body, raining life back into a heart that grieved your absence and your memories, she was sure she could find it in herself to push every horror as deep into the back of her mind as it was possible. For the first time since you had kissed her tenderly last night, she could feel you again, alive against all odds. Euphoria could be a better way to describe what she was feeling, an unbridled joy even if she could make out all the tiny cuts and stitches that held your skin together, her fingers leaving reddish translucent trails of your own blood behind that the bowl of ice and water had not been able to remove, as she caressed the back of your hand, eyes watching the way your eyelids twitched almost as if you could wake up any moment, but she knew better.
-I’m sorry, Mrs. Amberg, but I can’t let you stay any longer. I suggest you go home and rest, perhaps have a bite to eat and come back this evening. The anaesthetic will have worn off by then, and it will only be a matter of time until she wakes.
-She will wake up, won’t she? – she refused to meet his eyes, afraid that the truth might be reflected in his greyish irises even if his mouth delivered what he might think were harmless lies.
-Yes. It might be later today or in a couple of days, whenever her body has recovered enough from the trauma and the surgery to regain consciousness. – so soon? What if she wasn’t there when you woke up and you thought you were all alone? She couldn’t possibly leave you now. Noticing how Avis hadn’t moved, not even attempted to step back from you, the man approached both ladies, and in a slow gesture he placed a bony hand on her shoulder in a way that could only be described as comforting. His voice carried a tone of patience and understanding that she wasn’t used to, each word delivered with such certainty it made her feel like there could be no other truth than his. - Mrs. Amberg, trust me when I say that she will be alright. I will keep an eye on her personally until you return, but that has to be in a few hours, alright? You need to rest as much as her.
Trust didn’t come easy for Avis, so used to being used by people as if she didn’t have feelings, just a means to gain something, but this man made it irrefutable for her to not do so. He didn’t gain anything by lying to her, she thought, looking at his older face over her shoulder, observing the veil of age and wisdom displayed in his eyes, a partially hidden smile gently gracing his lips behind a peppery moustache. He wanted you to live and go home as much as she did. A sigh made its way out of her throat, her fingers lingering on your hand for one more instant before they released you, leaving an empty spot that even in your unconscious state you somehow felt, knowing deep inside your mind that she was there, almost smelling her perfect perfume through the antiseptic and the blood. Not wishing to part ways like this, making it all seem so cold and distant Avis approached your head, pushing stained locks from your forehead before bending over the bed, balancing herself on the tips of her toes as her lips touched the soft skin she had just exposed.
 Her heart leaped in her chest the moment your warmth met her mouth, almost making her cry in relief as if she was coming to terms with how alive you were all over again,  but she could not prolong her stay any more than she already had and let her brain get lost in those wonderful thoughts, so as she placed her bodyweight back on her heels she observed through a wet chuckle the imprint of her red carmine on your smooth flesh. No one said anything about wiping it as Avis stepped back, her fingertips brushing the fabric of your gown before her arms came to rest at her sides, not that they were thinking about doing it in the first place, simply followed her silently towards the doors, Avis fighting to not look back just like Orpheus had done with Eurydice, afraid that whatever agreement she had signed with her silent prayers would be broken the instant her eyes landed back on your bed and she had to watch frozen on her spot as you were taken from her. Standing once again in the hallway the doctor was quick to excuse himself as he had other patients to check on. Ellen took the lead and pulled Avis away from your room and back to where everyone was still waiting, nurses smiling sweetly at them even though their eyes were blown wide at the state of both ladies. It made Avis hug herself, conscious that she looked nothing like she usually did with her curls bouncing out of the hairdo, frizzy and sticking out in some places, not to mention her ruined clothes; she felt nothing like her usual self. Ellen pushed the doors, holding them until her friend had walked through, letting them screech as they closed. Dick was the first to reach them, meeting in the middle of the foyer.
-Is she okay? How did she look?
-She’s… fine. Still sedated but the doctor says that she might wake up soon. He told Avis that it was best for her to return this afternoon.
-That’s good. Great news. Do you want me to drive you home Avis? – he placed a hand on her shoulder, a tactic she was beginning to hate. She wished for everyone to simply stop touching her, to let her handle all this however she saw if and at her own pace, but she partially understood that they didn’t have any other way of making her feel and see that they were on her side. The specks of anger that had built in her chest popped like tiny bubbles just as quickly, the angry words she was about to deliver to poor Dick getting lost among her aching muscles.
-No. I think I’d rather have Ellen do it. Besides, you have other matters to attend to.
-The film can wait for one day, Avis. We’ll pick it up tomorrow, don’t worry, I will personally cover the loses.
-I’m not talking about the film. Something must be done about Lon’s body. – the elephant in the room had the spotlight at last. None of the men had had the courage to bring it up even though they knew perfectly well what had transpired in that house, after all, shots could only mean one thing. Henry had flatly refused to even bring it up, saying, as both ladies left to see you, that he already had done his job and wasn’t going to get his hands dirtier than they already were, a cowardly move, Dick thought. The other three boys were simply too terrified of how Avis would react if they did that, that they had mumbled words under their breaths that sounded like excuses to the man, leaving only him to face the hangman at the end of the day. He couldn’t have been more grateful to Avis for bringing it up herself. - We can’t leave him there or it might draw some unwanted attention to us. Could you handle that, Dick? I don’t think I can, not right now.
-Of course, don’t worry. I’m sure that Mr. Psychosis over there knows of someone who can help. We’ll figure something out.
-Thank you. Just a heads up: it’s not a pretty sight what I left behind.
-I suspected as much. I’ll warn the boys. You head on home.
-Phone me if there are any problems, okay?
-I most certainly won’t. Go on, I’ll take it from here. – the first hints of a genuine smile broke through her serious semblance, picking at the corners of her mouth even if it was for a moment. She took the chance to squeeze his hand affectionately as a thank you before both ladies began their journey down the hall and to the parking lot. - Drive safely Ellen!
What had she done to deserve such wonderful friends? He was going out of his way to do something for her that she was extremely aware was dangerous, a criminal act that he was willing to cover up to protect her, and to a certain extent, you. No one would have ever even thought of doing that except for Ellen, maybe even Jack if you pushed him enough, but Dick would jump into action if he knew Avis could not. The boys waved them goodbye as they passed them by, Ellen mouthing a silent thank you to Jack for the ice trick from before, holding onto the ginger’s arm as they pushed the door open. Slowly, inch by inch, everything was sinking into her mind, every moment she had lived, every word she had heard replaying like a scratched record, the world around her not as blurry or as muffled as it has been when she had entered the hospital but still not quite as real as what was in front of her face, as if everything three feet from her didn’t exist. Every memory mixed as if they weren’t sure where they were supposed to go, like a puzzle that she could not finish even though she had all the pieces because the table kept on being moved, spilling them onto the ground over and over, her body aching even more each time she had to bend to pick them up. The sight of your body under all that equipment overlapped the image of Lon on the hard ground, you alive and him spewing the last few breaths the bullet she had embedded in his chest would allow.
She had barely registered the journey to the car, not noticing the hot rays of sunlight that hit her skin as if she was walking under a desert, nor the sound of her heels or Ellen’s on the asphalt as they approached the black Cadillac. Her purse was gone, she realised, looking from side to side in a panicked state as if it could magically appear out of thin air, not knowing where it was or if she had lost it in the turmoil of activities that had led them to this place, eyes flickering before she saw the blond pulling the car keys from a pocket in her jacket, unlocking the vehicle. It was right there, on the passenger seat along with the revolver she had handed to her friend. It was dangerous to leave both items for everyone to see, but at the same time she highly doubted anyone would have tried to steal them, bloody handprints almost engraved on the back of her front leather seats, perhaps from different hands, or where they hers? She seemed to recall a moment in which she had turned to beg Dick to drive faster, but she could not fully remember if she had rested both of her hands over the leather, maybe her friends had accidentally left them when they had manoeuvred you onto the back seats. Her eyes glanced then to where you had laid what seemed to be seconds ago, dirt and blood everywhere she looked, not inch unstained, the cabin filled with a horrible metallic stench that only seemed to get worse as sunlight broke through the windows, heating the air inside. 
Nausea hit her like a train going at full speed, forcing her to step away from the car as the vile taste of vomit returned, stinging and burning the back of her mouth as tears gathered on the corners of her eyes. Under other circumstances she would have considered walking back home, safely cooked up in her mansion in under twenty minutes, but people were already eyeing her a mix of worry and fear that she didn’t want to face out in the streets, rot to have the police stop her and start asking questions about a business they did not have to know about. She would have to endure the smell, she thought, turning back to the car to see Ellen fighting the foul stench herself, turning windows down so that the breeze would help dissipate it as much as possible. Through the open door that Ellen was working on, cranking the window lever, Avis saw the dark outline of your body marked on the seats, puddles of still wet blood dripping down onto the car mats one by one, perfectly formed tear-shaped beads travelling through the curves on the leather, imprinting the maroon shades onto the stitches. They were ruined, completely and utterly unsalvageable, she thought, not even an inch safe from some sort of splatter or smear of the crimson liquid, but it would be no issue to get someone to replace them, not leaving behind a single trace of the horrible experience. Hell, she could get herself an entire new car if she desired it, but her brain was exhausted and could not make decisions of that sort at this moment in time, the only thing clear enough for her to acknowledge being her wish for Ellen to take her home, away from everyone and everything.
A couple of minutes later the blond turned the engine on as Avis settled herself on the passenger seat and exited the hospital’s parking lot. The smell was still there, forever clinging to every surface, but the wind that had picked up around the car as Ellen pressed the accelerator, snatched most of it and pushed it out of the cabin with brute force. An eery feeling crept up her spine, eyes moving almost of their own accord to the back only for Avis to be forced to look through the windshield, a battle between her better judgment and that side of her that could not move on from what had happened. It almost felt as if invisible hands were hovering over her throat ready to strangle her with a mix of guilt and regret, pushing the happiness that you would survive to the side as if it meant nothing, demons that she had not faced in what seemed an entire lifetime taunting her. The woman behind the wheel was a completely different story. Shock prevented her from feeling anything but worry, as if nothing else existed in the entire universe, her perfectly normal life shattered into an amorphous shape that she had no idea how to understand and handle, feeling as if she could not fully comprehend just how deep you and Avis were connected, and therefore how bad this entire situation truly was. It left her bewildered to say the least, but she would never have to live with the thought that she had killed a man, unlike the woman next to her. Both ladies were lost in their own little crumbling worlds by the time the doors of the Amberg residence became visible.
No old man was there to greet them as they drove past the wide-open metallic gates, just as they had left them when they had come to pick up the weapons. When had that been? Avis wasn’t wearing a watch, and she could not recall what time Jack’s had shown while they were at the hospital. Over the leather, the revolver slid from side to side in between them as Ellen parked the car on the side, the gun hitting her thigh as everything came to a halt, eyes glued to it as if it had been the first time she saw it, the shotgun she had cradled not that long ago lost in the ginger’s mind, just as much as her jacket. They could be lying on top of twigs and grass in the forest, or maybe they were somewhere in that sterile place you were trapped in, her brain didn’t seem to even be trying to remember. They were, in fact, on the mats right behind her, soaking up blood by the minute, hidden under a dark mist of death that followed her everywhere she went, a reminder, a constant danger that made the hairs on the back of her head rise. Pullin on the hand break, Ellen turned off the engine, leaving them both simply sitting there, eyes staring into the distance unsure of what to say or if they should do something at all. Nothing could ever change what had happened; the burning crosses, the threats, the blackmailing and your kidnapping, all resulting in you being in a hospital and a man dead over the rubble of his parents’ house. Not a single word they said would erase a single second, turn back time to that moment late the night before in which Avis had been in this exact position, sitting on the passenger’s seat of your Packard instead of her very own Cadillac.
-Avis. - her hands were still trembling as her eyes broke their gaze from the revolver, lifting her head slowly to look at the blond. Sympathy swam in her blue eyes, concern crashing into her irises in waves of cold water that didn’t quite reached the ginger. Slender fingers intertwined with her own. – Everything will be fine. Y/N is strong, she’s already survived the worst of it. I’m sure she’ll wake up soon.
-I know, it’s just… so hard to believe that it will actually happen. Am I becoming paranoid Ellen? I have this feeling that at any moment I could get a call and she’ll be gone.
-You are not paranoid, you are worried. We all are. This… all this has been bigger than what we anticipated. Far more horrible that we could have ever thought, it’s normal for you to feel that way. She was almost taken from you.
-She was so cold, Ellen. It was as if I was touching pure ice, as if my skin was burning every time I put my hands on her. I was so sure she would be gone before…
-Hey, don’t think that. She’s fine, she will recover, and everything will go back to how it was.
-Will it? I don’t think there could ever be a normal again. We can’t go back to acting as if none of this ever happened, because it did, and I know it has scarred you as much as me, don’t deny it, Ellen. Please.
-I won’t. – would it even matter if they went back in time? Actions would still be engraved in blood and fire in their brains, haunting them in every waking moment, chasing them in nightmares that they could never escape from, shredding their skin with their sharp claws, making their ears bleed with their cruel laughs. What difference would it make if at the end of the day everything would still be fresh in their heads? Avis’s eyes noticed the layer of grief that ghosted over her friend’s eyes, and instead of waiting to be comforted she did the comforting instead, squeezing the woman’s bony hand hoping she would understand. The unshed tears were all the answer she needed. - We are all still in shock, let’s just try to get through the day to the best extent we can. Do you want me to stay with you?
-No, it’s okay. Do you need me to stay with you?
-I’ll be okay on my own, don’t worry.
-Then I’ll get the driver to take you to the studio so you can pick up your car. Promise me you’ll phone me if you need me, okay?
-I should be the one saying that, since you often forget to ask for help.
-Maybe things will change from now on.
Ellen raised her eyebrows in surprise, a small cheeky smile on her thin lips that matched the hints of lifted corners on Avis’s own mouth, a comfortable silence falling in between them as they exited the car. She felt the sun on her skin this time, the warmth that caressed her body gently through the white fluffy clouds that floated in the bright blue sky above. It was a continuous back and forth; one minute she could not feel anything but sorrow, and the next, joy filled her so completely that it almost made her think she would explode. It was as if she was caught up in between two worlds and she had no clue which way to go, which door to choose from the thousands that were presented to her. An absolutely insane hurricane that toyed with her emotions constantly. It made her doubt whether you could actually recover when you had looked so small, so vulnerable and pale, but at the same time she knew she had to believe that with people like Dr. Friedman around you nothing bad would happen to you, and that soon enough she would have you in her arms, cuddling in bed, kissing every inch of your body until dawn came. A soft breeze pushed rogue curls off her face, the floral aroma of her garden overwhelming her senses, making the metallic perfume she wore vanish as if it didn’t exist.  She rummaged through her purse to get her keys, steps slow, exhausted as she made her way to the doors, Ellen following her to protect her sensitive skin from the sun under the covered porch, eyes blinking lazily.
-You be careful Ellen, okay? I wouldn’t survive if something happened to you as well.
-I’ll be extremely cautious and alert at all times, I promise.
-Even so, I’ll get security for you house tomorrow morning. Don’t fight it, just humour me, please.
-I wasn’t going to. I’ll feel much better if I have someone there to watch over me at night.
-If you got with Ernie, you would have extra protection. – the heavy oak doors creaked in its hinges as Avis pushed them open, keys dangling and rattling from their spot inside the keyhole, feeling the cool breeze that wayed through the entrance. The words had left her mouth even before she had been able to filter them, but by the surprised look on her friend’s face and the soft chuckle that escaped her lips they had been exactly what was needed, lifting part of the gloomy atmosphere off the air around them.
-Oh, Avis! I can’t believe you; you are still trying to push me into his arms? Honestly. – she accommodated herself on a chair next to the door, crossing her legs under her blue pencil skirt as if it was just another conversation over a glass of wine, but in that case her suit would not be ruined by stains that not even a dry cleaners would be able to remove. - For what is worth I have already had lunch with him a few times.
-But you weren’t the dessert he was hoping for, I’m sure.
-Oh, you! Things will happen if they are meant to, and that its all I’ll say on the matter.
The following silence was comfortable, happy even, just like it had been all those times they had chatted in the afternoons when neither of them wanted to go home to an empty house, when they had wished to gossip and laugh and simply feel young and foolish. The grey clouds still threatened to rain in the corners of their minds, but they didn’t feel as imminent as before, as if the harsh truths of reality could be put on hold for a while. It was a breath of fresh air for everyone if they were being honest. Before stepping inside her house Avis turned to Ellen, and as a goodbye she kissed her cheek in a quick peck, leaving a translucent mark of her red carmine on the blond’s skin, promising her that the driver would right there. Gertie was waiting by the kitchen’s hallway as her employer stepped into the house, letting the wood creak as the door closed behind her, but the woman didn’t say a word, unable to at the sight of her. She had been perfectly composed when she had left the house that morning, even when she had rushed to gather the guns not that long ago, the woman in front of her looked as if she had just come back from a battlefield. If Avis had noticed the look the maid was giving her, she didn’t bother to mention it, simply asked Gertie to tell the driver that Ellen was waiting outside and made her way to the staircase as the other woman scurried away, a million questions floating in her head. Alone at last she let the armour fall of her body completely, mentally echoing as they dropped onto the ground, the last traces of adrenaline sliding of her arms onto the carpeted floor under her feet.
Each step felt as if she was climbing up a steep mountain, lungs begging for rest as her legs burned from the exercise, but she could not stop, she needed to reach her bedroom as close the door, isolating her from the rest of the world. Her left hand followed the polished wood of the banister, dried scales of blood parting from her skin, stuck to the railing without her noticing, like sprinkles of a punishment you had not deserved.  She had never counted each stair, but it seemed to her as if she would never reach the landing of the first floor, as if with each step she took she was walking backwards and not forward, like a never-ending walk down a hall where there were no doors. It was simply extraordinary in every sense of the words how much every bone and muscle in her body fought against her mind, aching and screaming at her to stop, to sit down and let the world pass by her, but in under a minute she stood over the carpet of the desired floor, barely three feet from her bedroom door. She could hear people moving about downstairs, voices floating as words she could not make out, nor that she wished to, her mind was already rushing as it was, she was not going to add more noise to the growing orchestra. Her heels made no sound as she walked towards her sanctuary, the white door keeping her away from everyone and everything, completely alone and secluded, curtains drawn so only the minimum and necessary sunlight could get in.
As soon as the door clicked shut everything went quiet. There were no cars on the road, no birds chirping joyfully on the other side of her window, no neighbours lounging by their pools with music or guests, just a deep silence that drilled itself into her head. Even before she had let go of her purse her shoes were already off, dropping her height by about five inches, soles pressed against the floor releasing hours’ worth of pain into the air, a sigh of relief falling from her lips. In a vase by the window a bouquet of white roses rested, filling up the space with a gentle floral aroma that could hardly make it past the stench that clung to her body, every single piece she was wearing material for a campfire as they were ruined beyond repair. Throwing the purse on top of the pristine covers she made her way to the bathroom, locking the door behind her, and with precise and practice movements she turned the faucets on top of her pearly white bathtub on. Water poured in angry rivulets, crashing against the porcelain and spreading like a transparent wave until the drain claimed it all, swallowing without mercy. She watched mesmerised for a minute or two, feeling the cold splatters land on her hands from where they rested over the curved rim, the sound loud but somehow soothing. It made her think of the waterfall you had shown her yesterday, with its crystal-clear waters sliding over smooth rocks as if they were nothing, not even an obstacle, free in its movement, choosing its own path without anyone to tell it that it could not. It had been perfect, simply beautiful; just like you.
Steam began to gather as the liquid warmed up, and after wetting two of her fingers to test the temperature Avis pushed the plug over the drain, letting the tub fill up. Normally she would pour oils, foams and other beauty products in that would leave her skin perfectly smooth and smelling like a sublime blend of flowers and sweet oils, but today she had no strength to do so, simply watched as the water spread over the porcelain before turning and heading towards the bathroom mirror. She looked horrendous, she thought. Her hairdo, for the most part, had not survived the day, waves of red and curls the shade of fire matted on top of her head, curls bouncing and cascading over her shoulder and on the back of her neck, a few messy strands framing her face. Even under the artificial light that came from the bulbs placed around the mirror she could make out perfectly every single speck of blood that had landed on her hair, some barely visible to her tired eyesight while others stood out in amorphous shapes that both contrasted and yet blended with her ginger shade. Her once immaculate make up was smeared, mascara gathered in black clumps under her eyes, innocent trails staining her cheeks from all the tears she had cried and yet could only remember vaguely, her rouge patchy over her pale skin, leaving areas with a fake pink tone as others remained as white as marble. Even her carmine was cracked on her lips, streaks cutting through the red shade like a knife that exposed the rosy mouth underneath. But as much as she hated looking all dishevelled like that it was the hundreds of tiny little burgundy splatters all over her face that drove her insane. She felt as if she had been marked by Death; everywhere she looked, every inch of skin her eyes landed on blood would meet her, drops of rubies that had cost more than she could afford to lose.
Her fingertips touched and traced a few of them, smearing the ones that had not yet dried, her own flesh feeling like it belonged to somebody else. As much as she tried to rub them off, they remained imprinted on her, refusing to part from her, and it drove her insane, forcing her fingers to practically scratch the skin off with her fingers until she felt a stinging sensation and realised, she was close to actually drawing her own blood with her nails. Both hands fell over the marble counter, gripping the edge as her body collapsed onto a stool, the vision she had of herself on the bathroom mirror now only reaching up to her bust, though she didn’t need to see the reflecting to know where your bloodied hands had landed on her body. Meeting her own eyes in the reflection she felt every single year she had lived, all the decades of hate, abandonment and humiliation mixing in an explosive cocktail that poisoned her body. Not a single day passed without her wondering why things had turned out the way they did. Why had her once perfect life crumble into a spiral of betrayals, sex and money that she had never asked for? Her plans had been burnt to ashes by an industry in which she now had all the power she desired and still she felt like that Jew that was rejected before she even opened her mouth all those years ago. When had she lost herself? Each question went unanswered, a tired sigh escaping from her parted lips as she lifted her hands and began to pull each pin from her hair, placing them gently on top of the counter, releasing the pressure of the hairdo as each curl fell in perfect waves over her shoulders creating a red mane of frizzy and angry strands.
Her pearl earrings followed. It was amazing how they remained unpolluted, not a single speck of dirt on them maintaining that pristine white look on them as her hands placed to rest on the side, as far away from the sink should they accidentally get hit and fall down a pipe. It was obvious that the next step was to undress but she felt as if she could not stand, as if her legs could give out at any moment and she would end up crumpled on the floor like used tissues, and so she remained seated for a minute or two longer than she should, looking at the falling water that was filling up the huge tub with each passing second, tiny little bubbles coating the surface before popping. She had asked for this bathtub to be made to very specific measurements, hoping that one day she and Ace would share it, soak in it as they talked about absolute nonsense but that moment had never arrived, the size of it making her feel so small each time she stepped inside it, as if she was floating in the middle of an ocean with no boats around to save her should she give up on swimming. She had clung to the idea of using it with him and just with him that she had refused to take any of the gas station boys into her bathroom, not even Ernie, but after she met you the idea of sharing a glass of wine and a conversation only with her husband began to shift, and the image of you instead, filled her mind. And yet she had not had the courage to bathe with you as she dreamed of every night. There could have been so many opportunities lost, so many feelings left unsaid, kisses never received, promises broken, if the doctors had not been able to save you, and that clawed at her heart.
She had been so close to losing you that she was having the worst of times comprehending how you had survived, how you were alive in the hospital when you had been so cold under her touch, her words barely reaching your ears as with each breath you lost a little more of that spark that kept you going. Death was a cruel player of this game, throwing the dice and taking its prize without caring who it was and who they would be abandoning in an empty house, but then again, how could someone without a heart feel any remorse at leaving sorrow and grief wherever it went? Its skeletal hands had had such a strong grip on you that Avis would have never been able to release you, not if she had tried with every fibre of her being, letting her very own soul rot in an attempt to rip you from its sharp claws, but thankfully she had not had to. Her thoughts were scattered in her mind as fog began to build on the edges of the mirror and knowing that the longer she postponed stepping into the water the bigger the chance was of the tub overflowing and her body completely collapsing on her, she pushed herself into a standing position. Her fingers worked slowly on the buttons of her blouse, feeling the sating sliding down her arms until it rested on her hips, caught under the waistline of her skirt until she pulled it out and let it fall on the ground around her feet. The blood had seeped through the thin material and had felt big red splodges on the skin of her arms, like stamps that marked were your body had touched hers.
Her hands traced the shape of her white corselette, ruined just as much as any other of the clothes she was wearing, the crimson liquid having dyed the delicate lace around the boning, the shape of your hand perfectly embedded on the garment, almost down to the creases on your palm, fingers around her waist that she had not seen before. You had been holding onto her, but you had not been afraid of dying, you had made your peace with that, but afraid of leaving her without being able to say one last I love you. Tears welled up in her eyes and this time she made no attempt to stop them; no one could see her here, alone just like she had wanted, staring at all the cracks she had so desperately tried to cover every year of her life. She felt like a porcelain doll that was one single hit away from shattering. With trembling hands and a slightly blurry vision she unzipped the skirt, joining the blouse on the floor. She had not noticed how heavy the garment had got since she had put it on this morning, the fabric having acted as a sponge that had soaked up every gallon of blood your body had released without permission, the black colour hiding the gruesome truth it carried in between each thread and stitch. There was no pressure on her hips pushing her down anymore, only her underwear and her ripped stockings. She placed one foot on the stool and proceeded to unclasp the garter, rolling the once nude silk down her thigh, but something small and sharp that dangled from a hole around her knee caught her attention, and with her thumb and her index finger she picked it up and brought close to her face.
The next instant her hand released the item in horror as her body stepped back, hitting a glass cabinet and making several bottles topple and fall on the shelves. Her body shook, as more tears rolled down her cheeks, smearing the mascara further, her hands shooting out to hold onto the cabinet to keep herself upright even though her back was sliding over the smooth glass towards the ground. It had been so small that she could have easily kept on undressing without seeing it, that pointy and porous piece of what looked like a deep red piece of plaster, but she knew better, she knew what it truly was. She had been carrying a piece of Lon’s body with her all this time, from that hellish house all the way to her very own home, a bone fragment that even in the distance that separated them over the bathroom floor still held beads of dried blood in between its pores. God, she had truly killed a man. There was part of a human being in her home, of a person that she had not hesitated to murder; she hadn’t even blinked when she had done it, in cold blood. In her head she had repeated on a loop until even her mental voice had turned hoarse that it had to bed done, that if she hadn’t pulled the trigger, he would have killed you and would have probably ended up doing the same to her, but she could not process it. It was a if her brain had suddenly turned into a fortress that wouldn’t allow that information to pass, and it brought a distressed cry out of her throat that she tried to cover up with her mouth.
It wasn’t a matter of what people might think of her; it was a matter of she thought of herself. It was something irreversible, something that she had extremely clear in her mind about you, how if you died there was no coming back, no replacement in a drawer unlike with scripts, but there had only been one Lon as well. Was she a monster now? A criminal? A murderer? Both her hands flew to her face, covering it as she cried and sobbed, everything falling on top of her at the same time like a building collapsing, and this time there was no adrenaline to mask it and no Jack to save her from facing it all, just her and the wind whirl of emotions that she could not control. Every breath was sharp, loud and with a certain wheezing sound to it, mixing with her sobs like a sonata being played in the wrong key but she could not stop. This wasn’t her, the woman she had created after all those decades of hatred and loss, she was a completely different Avis who had no idea how to face the world anymore, who didn’t know her own strengths and weaknesses. She was a stranger in her own skin. A bitter, metallic taste reached her tongue from between her parted lips, and in utter horror she removed her hands from her face to see that the once dry blood was dripping down her arms, thin crimson rivers that branched out over her pale skin as if you had been in her arms only a few seconds ago. This was your very own life coating her skin, not his, you were the innocent one who hadn’t deserved to be beaten to the edge, hanging onto to life by a single thread that he had been far too close to cutting.
Why couldn’t she understand her own actions?! She needed her brain to accept it all before she went insane. Even though the crimson liquid held no heat except for the one that seeped from her body to the atmosphere around her, it felt to her as if it was burning her flesh down to the bone, and in a rushed and clumsy manner she crawled towards the sink and stood up. The faucet ran cold water for a moment, but she did not care, she scrubbed desperately every single inch of flesh she could, watching how the crystal-clear liquid drained in a deep red shade, the stream never lightening, never stopping, her hands still as dark as before. Her eyes met themselves in the mirror, puffy, oak irises dim of every spark they had possessed merely hours ago, following the burgundy outline her own fingers had left over her cheeks, as if she had slapped herself with her blood covered hands. The sink could not do it, she thought; it wasn’t enough. She practically ripped the stockings of her body and unhooked the corselette with as much speed as her trembling hands would allow, hurried breaths matching the silents tears that were still falling. Naked over the tiled floors she caught a glimpse of her body reflecting on the cabinet behind her and the mirror on her side, picking up on every spot of her body that had remained pristine as if they hadn’t been there with her when everything had unfolded, untouched. If she was still Avis, if the eyes that looked back at her still belonged to her why did she feel so broken? Maybe she had been that way all along and had only been able to see it now, when there was no armour to protect her, no walls to keep her true self hidden away.
Your blood ran over her body like snakes, dripping from her fingertips just as it had done back in the hospital, drops that one by one crashed onto the ground, as if hours hadn’t already passed, and as she looked away from her reflection she didn’t hesitate to step into the hot water that swirled inside the tub, letting the warmth soothe her aching muscles as she sat over the porcelain, the faucet still running. It was as if she was covered in a strange emulsion that, as soon as her body submerged itself, seemed to peel of her skin like strings. They had a life of their own, curving in strange forms and creating tight ringlets and beads that did not melt into the water until several seconds after they had been floating around, turning the white around her into a light pink that slowly darkened as the seconds clicked. All those odd shapes diluted like they were nothing, like they hadn’t belonged to anyone, as if they hadn’t had a purpose, and Avis could only watch this morbid display as if she wasn’t the one involved, the producer and yet the product of this horror film she had not agreed to be part of. The parallels were there, the hypocrisy embedded in her mind, but no matter how hard she tried to not compare your situations to Lon’s her treacherous and vindictive mind was working against her, forcing her to see two different images one right next to the other as if she was standing in the room, bloodied water dripping onto the dirty ground as it slid of her body.
On the left was you, lying over exposed cement with black and blue bruises painted on your body, broken limbs showing sharp edges of bone, bleeding through your ears, the corners of your eyes, every scratch and injury separating you from her as your delicate frame turned nearly into a corpse before her eyes. Everything around you was dark, windows taped up, not even the candle she had seen in your cage lighting up the room, just cold and shadows. On the right was Lon, with a shattered leg that glistened gruesomely under fading rays of sunshine, gurgling and choking as his chest fought against the open wound that could never be repaired, heart shredded by a bullet, lungs collapsing in a pool of his own blood, a murderer that had met his match. The only difference she could see was that you had been almost killed by him while he had been killed by her, the ghost of the shotgun heavy in her hands as they floated under the hot water. What was the distinction between her and him that wouldn’t label Avis as a murderer like him? From a shelf next to the tub she picked up a dark blue sponge and dipped it in the bath before proceeding to rub the skin of her arms with it, the strength she was using far harsher than what she would usually do but there was something in the back of her mind telling her that she needed to remove every speck of blood that covered her body. She scrubbed, scratched and turned her skin from pink to red in an attempt to vanish it all, moving onto her chest and torso in a panic state as she saw that some of it seemed to be stuck on her, that no amount of pressure and hard work could remove it. She was brutal, leaving her flesh raw, a very thin line separating her skin from being intact to a bleeding mess, and yet she carried on, frantic in her need to free herself from everything, but to no avail.
Invisible hands pressed themselves onto her flesh, bruising her shoulders, the soft skin of her neck, her collarbones and sternum, leaving the imprint of wine-coloured palms on the sides of her breasts that matched the fading outline of yours that had seeped from her blouse down to her taunt abdomen, nails scratching without noticing. They were everywhere, like a thousand demons that wished to rip her skin off until only bones were left floating in the bath, and with sponge in hand she seemed to be aiding them. Soap soon followed, that special blend she had had made so she would always smell of cashmere and champagne, but the aroma was the least of her concerns, the white bubbles forming on the sponge soon tainted pink with each stroke over her thighs and shins, hissing painfully as her cuts got cleaned. They wouldn’t leave a mark of course, but as soon as the thought crossed her mind every movement halted. Would yours? She had traced the stitches and bandages, and she had seen with her very own eyes every wound on your precious skin, but she had never even thought of whether they would remain forever embedded on you, a constant reminder for both her and you. Would she hate them whenever she saw them? Would your eyes close every time you stepped into the shower and refuse to look at yourself in the mirror? From her spot kneeling inside the tub, she could see her translucent reflection on the glass cabinet, in between fallen bottles of oils and foams, seeing for the first time her true self meeting her back. Her face was free of makeup, pale and pristine, her neck smooth without a single speck left, the ends of her hair and the strands that framed her face wet, sticking to her skin.
This is what you saw, the real her she hadn’t met since she had been a child, a side of her she had been scared of for decades but that you had adored with every fibre of your being, kissing it, cherishing it. It was as if she was seeing herself through your eyes, admiring things that were not only physical but emotional, and she wasn’t hating it. If you had seen all her flaws and cracks and still loved her, why would she hate your scars? They would be silent stories of survival embroidered onto your flesh, like rose golden threads that told a tale only a few privileged people could read, and every moment you spent in her arms she would whisper in your ear that they could never hold you back, that they could only push you further into the life you deserved. Slowly the puzzle was rearranging itself on a steady table at last.  Her hands let go of the sponge, watching in the reflection the way the moving water made it float around the surface, fingers wrapped around the rim as splatters of both reddish and crystal-clear liquid fell drop by drop around the tub. Her breaths were hurried, and her muscles ached like never before, but all panic and fight had vanished from her; she just felt so tired, so exhausted, leaving her to soak in filthy water for a minute or two as she looked at herself in the glass. There was a bruise on her right collarbone that she traced gently with her left had fingers, feeling the tenderness on her skin the butt of the shotgun had caused. This injury would fade along with the others, but yours would stay for all eternity. Unplugging the drain, she watched in silence the small swirl that formed as the water travelled down the pipe, exposing her naked form to the foggy bathroom air, the warmth of her body contrasting with the cold atmosphere even if in truth the room was filled with steam and heat.
White bubbled clung to the sides of the tub as the water level decreased, sliding down her body from underneath her breasts to her waist and beyond until the only thing left was foam stuck to her skin and to the porcelain bottom. She didn’t want to think anymore, she just wanted to push everything to the back of her mind and reach the end of the day. If she thought about everything one more time, she would be stuck in the same loops she had been all day and she just couldn’t handle it. She needed her mind to shut up and leave her be. She had turned the faucet off at some point, though she could not recall when, and to a certain extent it felt kind of dumb to turn it on again, the sponge underneath the stream of brand-new clean water, washing the left-over residue on the blue strands. Her movements were lazy, slow as with a sigh she pushed the plug back over the drain and let it fill up again, but this time she rested against the back and rim of it, feeling the warmth coated her body as the level rose, foam forming on the edges from the soap she had not gotten rid of, but it didn’t matter to her, it would soon fade as well. A bottle of bath salts caught her attention through her half-closed eyelids, the purple shade of lavender rocks making the corners of her mouth twitch in what could have been a smile. They had been a gift from you for Valentine’s Day, along with some lotions, flowers and chocolates, everything in a basket she had put away in her closet among her purses. They had hardly been expensive, and Avis knew she could have traded them for better things or even regifted them to Ellen or Miss Stinton, but they had come from you, and that bright smile you had just for her had prevented her from even entertaining the thought. These things were yours, she could never part with them, she could never sell them or give them away, no matter how much they cost or if they didn’t fit with her lavish lifestyle, they were simply yours. It was hardly an excuse, but it was the truth. She had kept every single gift you had ever given her, from flowers that laid pressed in between pages of books Ace would never read, to a metallic box of chocolates she used now to store pictures of you, bows you had forgot at her place, even a lock of you golden hair that you had cut in front of her so you would always be with her.
She had in her possession dozens of little things that had belonged to you, or still did, like the nightgown she kept under her pillow just in case you stayed with her at night, and every moment she didn’t spend with you she spent it with your things, knowing that come the morning your face would greet her again with a smile, and your lips would kiss hers as if it was the most normal things in the universe. With perfectionated practice Avis turned the faucet off with her foot once the water reached her neck, the rest of her body submerged under a thin layer of foam randomly spaced over the crystal surface. Steam swirled around her like white smoke, but it didn’t choke her, it simply floated about the room, lulling her slowly to a world in which you were there with her. She had plans for the two of you, trips, dinners, picnics, dances… She wanted to show you off like you deserved, to dress you in the most beautiful gowns and twirl you around the dance floor without a care in the world, breathing in your perfume, caressing your skin with her hands and her lips. She wanted to make love to you. She wanted Ace to be you, to call you her wife and take you with her to every luncheon and every meeting, hand in hand, have midnight conversations and laughing fits that left her breathless under the moonlight with you in her arms. She had almost lost all that the dreams that could be and the ones that society would never allow but now that she knew you would be alright, as hard as it still was to process it, there was no reason for her not to do them.
She was a grown woman who had defeated all the odds, who had fought with herself to get to where she was now. She was not going to step back and let life pass her by again, even if it meant living with the consequences of her actions. At the end of the day his death had brought on your survival. Avis took a big gulp of air and submerged herself completely under the foamy waters, red locks floating around her face as every sound in the universe dimmed, eyes closed, letting herself fall as if she was floating in a never-ending ocean. She could feel the currents brushing her naked body, legs and arms moving from side to side to keep herself upright in the bottomless waters, silence in her mind, deep in her throat and ears, no waves crashing above her head, just her body and her. It was so peaceful like this, where nothing could get to her, nothing could disturb her very needed break from reality, blue all around her form, her fiery curls swaying in a rhythm that caressed her cheeks and the back of her neck like tender kisses. She could feel the gentle flow of blood in her veins, her heart pumping steadily, her lungs holding onto the oxygen provided like a mother holds her child, close to her chest whispering promises of a wonderful future filled with love and happiness. She could give that to you, she could be beside you until her very last day returning all the love you had given her, all the passion and joy you had brough to her life. It felt like an eternity as she floated in that vast ocean, free, but her lungs soon began to constrict and the need for air overtook everything else, but her body did not disturb the gentleness of the moment and broke the surface with the utmost care, water sliding over her eyelids and nose, kissing her rosy lips as they dripped off of her from her eyelashes, oak irises opening to meet the same scenery.
She was in the same place but everything around her had changed. The atmosphere felt different, lighter perhaps, as if a pair of hands had been covering her eyes and had at last been removed, allowing her to see everything clearly again. Her life had shifted from that safe spot where she had resided for decades into a place where she was in charge, not having to ask anyone about what she was allowed to do or not, what things were appropriate or worth taking risks for. Meg was a risk she was glad she took; you were a risk she had been waiting to take for her entire existence, everything she stood for now was a risk, and she very much wanted to continue like this, no steps back. She had suffered terribly, but she was no true innocent, she had caused pain as well, and as she sat on the bathtub hugging her legs close to her chest, hair cascading down her back like molten lava, she realised that things had to change with Ace if she wanted to move forward form this point. They had been so locked up on throwing dirt and pushing each other to the ground that they had forgotten why they had got together in the first place, what was truly important. Claire had been caught in the crossfire, and no one had been there to take care of her. True that Avis had been putting on the effort to fix things with her, to create a bond, and understanding, but Ace had to as well; it wasn’t in the hopes that they would become the happy family she had dreamt of, but because the three of them deserved to at least become friends even if love could never truly happen. Ace had made it very clear that he was not interested in her like that, and she had you, the most perfect angel sent to the land of sinners to show her that love was real and not a legend or a prize for the lucky ones.
It had to happen like this because she was Avis Amberg and yet she was not, not until she was ready to become who she was meant to be. Time would tell when that moment would arrive, but for the time being she could simply bask in the joy of knowing that you were alive and would recover. The sponge floated up to her, colliding gently with her knees and breaking her concentration on her reflection on the glass cabinet. Every movement as she washed was mechanical, methodical and usual as she opened her shampoo and lathered her hair in the tender smell of orange blossoms, foam all over her scalp as she scratched the skin hoping to remove what little blood might be left, feeling it running down her back as she picked up the showerhead to remove it. There was no need for her to stand and wash her body yet again, but she did it anyway, although this time her hands were kind to her skin and refused to use more pressure than what was necessary to cover her flesh in cashmere bubbles. She had been cruel to herself far too many times today, she could afford to be kind for a change. Hot water fell over her face and body, rivers of diamonds sliding over her skin, taking with them every bit of soap they could find and releasing the image of smooth and almost perfect frame, travelling over her freckled shoulder, in between her breasts that rose and fell with each slow breath, beads of water falling off her pink nipples and crashing in quiet plops around her knees, each stream molded to her body down to every wrinkle and stretch mark.
Her hands pushed the wet hair off her face before squeezing the excess off, head lulled back as her eyes closed briefly, the sound of water returning to water filling up the bathroom as steam gathered around her, before bending to unplug the tub and let it drain for the last time. Her slightly wrinkled fingers grabbed her salmon-coloured bathrobe as her legs stepped out onto the tiled floor, cool under her hot skin, leaving small puddles with each step she took towards the sink, arms going through each sleeve, the soft fabric clinging to her curves as she loosely tied it around her waist. It left the valley between her breasts exposed along with part of her upper abdomen, but she did not mind, using her right hand to wipe the fog from the mirror before sitting back on the stool. It was a completely different sight to the one that had welcomed her the moment she had stepped into the bathroom, but it was a better one as well, no more blood in sight, no smeared makeup, just her, completely bare, meeting her reflection. Dark spots appeared on the back of her robe and around her legs from the water that was gliding down her body and dripping from the wavy ends of her ginger hair. From a hanger on the left side of the room she picked up a small white towel and gently tapped her face dry before scrunching and shaking her locks into a light dampness, proceeding with a short version of her skincare as she threw it onto the hamper to her right. Lotions, oils, serums, almost a dozen bottles rested around the sink, but she didn’t feel like doing every single step, too tired to even entertain the thought, so she simply grabbed the daytime lotion and tapped a few beads onto her skin, massaging it as the white cream got spread and absorbed.
It made her glow under the artificial lights. Coming to stand she towered over the ruined clothes, observing them in disgust, lip curling slightly before she headed towards the door and unlocked it, steaming colliding with the chilly breeze inside her bedroom in spirals that faded into nothing. She would burn those clothes that same night. She would throw them in a paper bag and watch as the flames consumed them until there was not a single thread of fabric left. After all it wasn’t as if she didn’t have clothes to wear and underwear to spare, she was not even going to try to save them. She was not going to face the memories of today over and over again every time she opened her closet or when the idea of wearing them crossed her mind, but most of all she was not going to subject you or anyone around her to the sight of them ever again. Her steps were sure but fatigued as she crossed the room towards her vanity, curtains perfectly still as they fought against the sunlight that was begging to be let in, palms swaying to the warm breeze outside as Avis sat herself on her ivory-coloured padded chair. There were small items scattered all over the white wood, from a box of hairpins to small bottles of perfume, but her hand did not reach for any of them, it picked up her silver brush, her initials engraved in the back surrounded by tulips, and began to run it over her damp hair, watching in the reflection the way her fiery locks gently draped over her shoulders, lazily beginning to curl. It was a soothing motion, like tender fingers that caressed and massaged her scalp with each stroke, and as her movements began to slow down, she felt the headache that had been threatening to form and possibly render her useless for the rest of the day was being pushed away, dissolving around her temples and behind her eyes.
Under normal circumstances she would start applying makeup as soon as she rolled up her hair; layers of foundation, rouge and mascara that shaped the stern and superior persona she had always been. But for some reason she did not wish to hide away behind all that right now. It wasn’t that she did not enjoy dolling herself up, she was the first to spend hours trying new sets and products and adored to see the beauty they accentuated on her red lips and deep outlined eyes, but it felt right now like an excuse to build those retched walls around herself again, a fortress that her tired hands could not erect. Satisfied with how her hair looked after a few minutes she left the brush on top of the wood, next to the box where her pearl earrings belonged, sighing deeply at the stiffness on her shoulders. The doctor had told her to wait until evening arrived to go back to the hospital, but she didn’t think she could find it in herself to simply sit around for hours, much less try to get some rest when she knew for a fact your unconscious face with all those horrendous tubes around you would appreciate behind her closed eyelids. It felt as if you were in the room with her, like an intangible presence that her eyes frantically looked for and never found, and yet her brain was telling her that it was real. Like a ghost that whispered words in her ear that she could not understand. She could feel you in every corner of the room, in every stitch of her clothes, under the covers of her bed, floating around the curtains that kept her world hidden from reality. You were in the very foundations of her home and in every drop of water that she had been submerged in, filling in the peaceful silence, but it was all an illusion.
A shiver ran down her spine, beads of water still clinging to her skin making her shake slightly, so in an effort to make time pass quicker she stood up and returned to the bathroom to moisturise. Her Elizabeth Arden body lotion rested right next to her Helena Rubenstein face cream, the pristine white and golden bottle clashing with the deep green jar, a harmonious battle that blended like the Heavens on her body. The door was left ajar this time as Avis untied the robe and let it fall over her blood-stained clothes, the soft fabric sliding over her flesh like melted butter until she stood naked over the tiles once more. Her hands were perfectly rehearsed as she picked up decent amounts of the cream and began to gently massage it over her arms and shoulders, following the pattern of collarbones, sternum and breasts. She was extra careful around her bruised skin, deep blues and purples beginning to form under a dark layer of what could only be considered black, the chipped nail varnish following the fading edges until she could not tell when the redness of the injury ended and the pale tones of her skin began. The thoughts began to unravel on the edges of her mind, memories sliding to the front like venomous snakes that wished to poison her and make her crumble back to the ground but she did not allow it, pushed them back to the darkness and depths of her brain with all her might and continued applying the lotion on her abdomen and as far as she could reach on her back. With one leg perched on the stool, toes pressed against the hard glass, her hands run up and down her shin and calf, fingers carefully observing the scratches as they rubbed the flesh, inching over her knee towards her thigh, smooth skin molding to the motions provided to help absorb the cream.
If you had been in the room with her your hands would have done it for her, the pads of your fingers massaging every inch of her, touching her tenderly until her body melted against yours, kisses following ever trail your palms had travelled originally to make sure she was perfectly tended to, completely and utterly loved. There would be time for that, she thought as she perched her other leg, enough time for her to show you just how much you meant to her and how much she loved you. She would take you to secluded spots so you could look up at the stars together, sharing kisses hidden by the veil of night, she would take walks with you down parks and boulevards, your arm interlaced with hers as the two of you laughed and talked not sparing anyone a glance as your eyes would be completely glued to each other. She had so many plans, so many things she wanted to do with you that she had been doubtful and worried would be frowned upon, but not anymore. She had been playing a game with rules given by someone else, it was about dammed time she made the calls instead. Her hands finished applying the lotion over her thigh, body glowing gently as her skin absorbed the cream. She stepped down from the stool after a moment to wipe her hands clean on a towel and grab her ocean blue satin robe from where it hung behind the bathroom door. It felt incredibly soft on her smooth body as she put it on, lace on the cuffs of her sleeves and the entire hemline of the garment that dressed her body in gentle blue tones. Her body was as much on display as before, her breasts practically spilling out of it as the slit showed of her legs with each step she took as she made her way back into the bedroom. Her hands itched to do something, but her brain was at a complete loss as to what. As she began to pace over the carpeted floor she saw her purse from the corner of her eye, an idea striking her as she bent over the mattress, her nipples barely covered by the blue satin, and picked up her silver cigarette case and golden lighter. With practice easy she placed one in between her rosy lips and made her way towards the window, pushing ethe curtains to the sides and opening the glass enough so that the soft warmth of the day could slide inside the room and snatch both the coolness that seeped form the walls as well as the tobacco infused fumes. 
The first puff tasted marvellous to her, the rich and bitter aroma hitting her tongue and nose, working wonders on calming whatever nerves were still a bit frayed, smoke travelling down her throat and into her lungs in an intoxicating blend of nicotine and a hint of mint that she was unsure where it came from. It got released out of her mouth and nostrils in lazy grey swirls that slipped into the air outside ethe room, diluting amongst oxygen until there was nothing left. Only the leftover state in her mouth. The world had indeed kept spinning without any of them following. Palm trees moved from side to side at angles that only made the leaves dance under the bright golden sun beams, the sky as blue as ever, not a cloud in sight, not a bird slicing through it, simply unblemished above everyone’s heads. There was the muffled sound of cars driving around, of birds chirping and bees buzzing around the flowers of her garden, blooming in a variety of colours that hours ago would have seemed black and grey. Everything was still as beautiful as ever, but Avis knew better, Ellen knew better. No amount of petals falling over her emerald grass could make you wake up any faster or heal in the course of barely a night, and as she took another drag of her cigarette her eyes drifted to the clock on her nightstand, a unique piece made in gold and sapphires that matched the perfection of Swiss watches. It read four in the afternoon. Had it really been so long? She could have sworn that the last time she had glanced at the clock, back in her office, it had read eleven. How had so many hours passed when it felt to Avis as if it had barely been five minutes? The entire day seemed to have passed in a blur around her, everyone and everything rushing, leaving her memories of the events looking like a film that was being played at a much higher rate of frames per minute than usual. Right on cue her stomach growled, reminding her that she had been going around with just a cup of coffee and some scotch in her system, not a single bite of food ingested in all those hours, just nicotine, caffeine and alcohol; the golden trio, she thought with tired and bitter amusement.
-Ma’am? – she had not heard the gentle knock on the door it seemed, as Gertie’s voice floated up to her while the woman remained in the hallway, only her head poking through the crack she had opened. Ginger girls bounced as Avis turned her head, a puff of smoke escaping from her parted lips. – Is everything alright? – the poor woman must have been scared out of her wits, she thought, watching her enter the house in such a state, but as much as she wanted to explain everything to her, she did not want to subject her to such horrors. At least she could spare one innocent person from suffering.
-Yes. Everything’s fine now. I apologize if I seemed… erratic or if I frightened you when I came in.
-No need, ma’am. I simply wished to know if you were alright or if I need to call the doctor.
-I am perfectly fine, as you can see, but I do appreciate you checking on me. You are good woman, Gertie.
-I’m simply doing my job, but thank you, Mrs. Amberg. – a soft blush crept up her cheeks, something Avis was not used to seeing and she wondered if she had been as kind to her as she had been to Avis. She was well aware that there had been many times she had to clean up after a fight between her and Ace, glasses and vases shattered on the floor, pictures knocked to the ground in fury, but had she ever told her just how thankful she was for not leaving? The woman had become a pilar of stability in Avis’s life, and she hardly thought she could do without her at this point in her existence. Perhaps she could send her on a long and very well-deserved holiday to some exotic place as a way of repaying her. - Is there anything I can do for you?
-Actually, there is. Could you phone Oscar Russel, down at the Packard dealership, and ask him if he knows of anyone who can change the seats in my Cadillac for brand-new ones? Someone who won’t ask questions.
-Of course, ma’am. Same colour and material?
-Yes, Gertie. And could you fix me something to eat? You don’t have to go overboard with the meal, just something quick and simple that won’t dirty the kitchen too much. I don’t want you to have to tidy it up again.
-Do not worry about that Mrs. Amberg. Do slices of turkey with some gravy and grilled asparagus sound appetizing, ma’am?
-Very much.
-Then I will have them ready for you in a moment and will call Mr. Russell later this afternoon. Anything else ma’am? A drink perhaps?
-No, thank you, Gertie. That will be all.
The door clicked close, leaving Avis alone once again, the cigarette dropping ashes onto the ground even if part of them were carried outside by sudden gusts of wind. Some day she would explain everything to Gertie and put the woman out of her misery, but it would not be today. She watched the sun for a brief moment, already moving west as dusk approached, the once bright white light that bathed the world turning slowly into soft golden rays with hints of orange, but not quite yet. There were still a few hours left of sunlight, the world not ready to meet the night and all the shadows that came along with it. Another drag left the cigarette between her fingers practically burnt to the very edge of the butt, and with no desire to light another she exhaled the smoke through her mouth before tapping it out on the stray that was on her nightstand. The slight tinges of tobacco clung to her robe as she made her way to her drawers to pick out a set of underwear, satins, silks and lace meeting her as she pulled the one on the top right open. There were purple brassieres, white corselettes, black bodices… in truth, anything and everything money could by at a store, but she made no attempt to find something sexy the way she had been doing since she met you, she searched for comfort and practicality, and in the end, she found her trusty dark corselette. It was a bit worn out around the straps, and some of the lace could do with a few extra stitches, but she had had it for years and it suited her body, and her currents needs better than anything else.
It came as a set, of course, so it had a matching pair of panties that she grabbed as she returned to the bathroom, though this time she didn’t even bother to close the door. She wasn’t as careless with her blue robe as she had been with her salmon one, still resting on the floor, and hung it behind the door just as it had been before, making quick work of putting on her undergarments, adjusting the hooks and her breasts so everything would sit exactly as it was supposed to, the top of her bosom spilling from under cups of simple but exquisite embroidery. Barefooted she walked to her closet and threw the doors wide open, suits, dresses and mink coats meeting her eyes but alas there was desire for such extravagance today. No rich colours and expensive fabrics would dress her body, and she was adamant about following that rule. Her fingers brushed over silk blouses and tweed skirts, some of the garments not having been worn in years, but for some reason she hadn’t parted with them, and they now laid inside her wardrobe gathering dust and as possible victims to moths should they ever get inside her closet. Chanel and Dior were most definitely out of the question, not to mention Versace, all dresses that she could wear to a dinner or a party, but not to spend a night in hospital with you, but then her eyes picked up on a bag hidden in the back. She had forgotten about it. Grabbing the hanger, she took the bag out of the wardrobe and laid it flat on top of the covers before carefully unzipping it. Inside was a simple dark forest green gown with short mutton sleeves that didn’t carry too much of a puff around the shoulder, a skirt that reached her knees, maybe an inch underneath them, and a decorative cinched waist with elastics hidden in the back. It was practical, a garment she had never worn because she hadn’t been sure what sort of event would require for a gown as simple and classic as this, a dress that spoke of privacy and propriety to a level that had never felt right to Avis but that right now she considered the correct call.
It was of no concern to her if it was made out of the softest velvet, it would probably keep her warm once the temperature outside the hospital dropped and a cool breeze began to seep into your room, so without giving her brain a chance to back down she searched for the zipper, which had conveniently been placed on the side instead of the back,  and stepped right into it. It was outstanding how designers could take one single look at her and get her measurements perfect down to the last decimal. It clung to her in all the right spots, showing of her waist while at the same time leaving certain parts of her body to the imagination, only the slightest hint of a cleavage peeking from behind the soft neckline. You would have loved it, she thought as her hands travelled over the fabric, imagining for a second that they were yours, arms wrapping around her waist as your head rested on her shoulder telling her how beautiful she looked. It made her lips break out in a genuine smile that only her eyes saw reflected on the mirror as she hugged herself as if her palms could feel the skin of your arms around her body. Standing barefooted over the carpet she looked over to the other side of her bed, the one Ace would usually occupy but that had been empty for a while now, counting the days you had spent on it and gathering in her mind the numbers, wondering if your shampoo or your perfume could still be lingering on what used to be her husband’s pillow. Like a magnet she headed towards it, needing to know and at the same time afraid that only his aftershave would hit her nostrils, shaky hands picking it up and placing it close to her chest. A tear threated to fall as she caught a gentle but lingering whiff of your berry perfume under Ace’s sandalwood aroma, and for once it did not feel as if it didn’t belong there with yours.
Perhaps many more things had changed inside of her than she had anticipated. Walking to her side of the bed she sat carefully on top of the covers still cradling the pillow in her arms, wishing to keep as much of you with her as she could until you healed enough to come home. Had she just thought of her house as yours as well, as the only place she ever wanted you to live in? It felt selfish but how could she not wish to keep you with her when she had been so close to losing you? Minutes passed without warning as she remained seated, unmoving, lost in thoughts that she would forget as soon as she woke up from her dissociative episode but that for the time being she could immerse herself in. You had mentioned once how you would have loved to live in a house with a big garden, flowers everywhere for your tender hands to care for as spring came, picking up oranges and peaches in the heat of August that you would place carefully in the skirt of your dress or in a basket, the unforgiving heat gliding over your skin as if you were unaffected by it, smiling up to her form her spot by the pool, or maybe she would get her hands dirty and pick them with you. There was an entire world of possibilities before her that she had never seen before, and each idea and plan was better than the one that had come before it, but all of them shared one common factor. Your happiness. Gertie’s voice floated up to the room and although it did not pass the closed bedroom door Avis understood that her meal was waiting for her, snapping her out of her moment and forcing her to let go of the pillow and finish up getting dressed. Her black heels were sprawled out on the floor, abandoned, probably as stained and ruined as everything else, and as with everything else, she was not even going to try to fix them. Opening another set of doors, dozens of pairs of shoes greeted her in every colour possible, in lines and cuts that not many people had the privilege of even seeing in magazines, but she already knew which ones she was going to wear.
Her hands reached for a beautiful pair of green heels, pumps, if her mind did not betray her, that matched her gown. But there was still something missing, a touch to make it all come together, a detail that would wrap it up and make look like one of the outfits Avis would usually wear but without all the unnecessary splendour. Rummaging through her jewellery box nothing seemed to stand out to her, her stomach rumbling reminding her that her food was getting cold downstairs, and she had to hurry, but there just wasn’t a thing in it that wasn’t either too expensive or simply too much. The thought of forgetting all about it crossed her mind for a moment, but she discarded it the same instant it came up in her mind and headed to her nightstand where she knew for a fact, she had a few pieces she knew she had to put away but never remembered. Underneath handkerchiefs and several pairs of gloves she found a golden locket. It wasn’t anything Ace had gifted her, much less something producers or actors had placed on the table for a good part or a good price for a movie, this was a token you had given her just because. There had been no fancy dinners or flowers awaiting her, just you with the locket after a hard day at the studio. This was it, the cherry on top of the ice cream that she had been looking for, the dried petals of a daisy inside it, the first flowers Avis had given to you back in January, almost right after New Year’s. You had meticulously pressed them and aired them so they would never rot, eternal inside their golden case that Avis was now fastening around her neck, the jewel sitting perfectly over her collarbones and stopping right at the top of her cleavage.
The sight that welcomed her in the mirror was far from what she was used to, but she could not say that she did not like this homely, comfortable look, not when all that mattered was getting herself back to the hospital as soon as possible. There was no chance in Hell she was going to leave you to wake up alone. With one last brush of her hands over the green velvet she picked up her purse and the cigarette case and headed out of the bedroom, but just as she was about to step through the threshold she stopped. Was this what she truly wanted? Could she handle all the things she had changed? In an hour Avis had turned her entire world upside down, had transformed herself into something she had never been before, but she hadn’t sat down to consider if it was what she needed. Maybe she was not as ready as she thought to push away the Avis Amberg she had grown accustomed to. That woman wasn’t bad, she was simply cold, distant. She had been hurt far too many times. She had known where her place was and what role she played, and she had been bloody brilliant every time it had been her turn, but there had been things she had hated about herself that she never wanted to live again. So, maybe instead of becoming someone completely different she could consider other options, like… adapting? Evolving to fit with the woman she was now without giving up all the good things that she had been back then. The best of both worlds with flaws and faults that you would see and help her modify to become the woman everyone deserved, including herself. Something had been missing, and she knew exactly what it was. Walking inside the room again she approached her vanity and from the first drawer on the left she picked up her signature Victory red lipstick and with meticulous fingers applied it, looking up to see those same chocolate eyes she was used to but with a sparkle of something new shining behind her irises. Now she was ready.
Her steps were confident, strong, as she walked out into the landing and down the stairs, meeting Gertie by the dining room as the woman told her that her lunch was waiting for her inside. It did not go unnoticed the gentle smile that graced the maid’s lips as she walked back to the kitchen, and it sure made Avis feel good. But she forced the sensation to subside, as if she had no right to feel that much joy when you were not there with her to share it. The meal was excellent, of course, and to her starving system it tasted as if angels had cooked it, each bite a wonderful mix of herbs and saltiness that covered the bitter taste the cigarette had left behind. Just as her hand lifted the glass in front of her to take a sip of water the doors opened, signalling that the driver had returned and Ellen was probably on her way home by now, so without missing a beat Avis called for him. His semblance had not changed from this morning, serious, competent in everything that he did, but as she turned to him with her head held high, she saw something in his eyes that told her he had put the pieces together, and was pretty sure he knew what had happened, or almost everything. It hit her like a bucket of cold water, and it made her realise just how easy it was for someone to find out about what had happened and begin to talk, half a dozen people’s lives destroyed with one quick blow. She knew he would not talk, he had been with the Ambergs almost as much as Gertie and he had never shared a single thing about what went on with her family in or out of their home, so she knew she could trust him, but that didn’t mean that strangers could not get wind of something, just one small detail and cause for everything to be exposed. Suddenly all the confidence that had filled her up popped like a balloon and the gravity of the situation weighted her down once again, making the almost fading aches return. With a quiet voice she asked him to get the car ready again as she required to be driven to the hospital and she could not use her own vehicle, to which he nodded in understanding and left. No questions were asked, no looks of disappointment or disgust were thrown her way, but she felt so small all of a sudden, as if she had been in a self-centred bubble and it had been popped by all the thorns she was walking on top of now.
Why did every happy moment have to be destroyed? Her feelings were not directed against you, they weren’t even against herself, but they were there, and they were pulling her back to square one, all the way to the very beginning as if she had made no progress at all, and she was just too dammed tired to walk that same road all over again. The food that was left on the plate didn’t look appetizing anymore, and she was not about to sit there and rot until a reasonable time for her to leave arrived. She would rip her hair off in anxiety, her head would explode. With a quick gulp she downed the rest of the water and left the glass on the table before standing up and making her way towards the entrance to grab her coat and tell Gertie that she wasn’t sure if she’d be home tonight and to not touch the clothes that were in her room, that she would handle that herself when she returned. The woman nodded even if Avis was already walking out the door, watching with worry how the confident aura had vanished in barely a few minutes. The sun was shining as bright as ever, but to Avis the blue sky was covered in thick grey clouds that threatened her with a storm, matching the uncertainty she felt regarding what she would do when she set foot in the hospital and people began to pry into affairs that did not concern them. She did not have Dick nor Henry to help her out. The driver opened the back seat door for her and let her accommodate herself before sitting behind the wheel and turning the engine on, Avis feeling the vibrations of the motor under her feet. With her eyes glued to the window and her elbow resting on the door as her hand propped up her head, every thought and question she had successfully pushed away returned, and not having the answers to any of them unnerved her more than words could express.
She trusted Dick, of course she did, but people could be cruel, and she was well aware that Henry would sell his own mother if it benefited him in some way, but would he really spread rumours or even tell the press about everything if he could earn some sort of profit? She wanted to say that she trusted him blindingly and she was sure he would never even consider it, but the truth was that she couldn’t. He had been willing to let you die all for a film, for an object that could be done again in a few months, and she was not going to forget about that fact easily or soon. She could cover up her traces as best she could, and protect Ellen, Dick and the boys so their lives would not be ruined, but she would keep an eye on Henry for as long as she saw fit, until she could say with all the conviction in the world that he would not betray them. At the end of the day everything came down to money and power and Avis currently possessed both to such levels that she knew she could run the world if she wanted to, but that it also came with far too many enemies to count. The ride to the hospital was done in complete silence, not even her breaths could be heard, but her thoughts were screaming inside the cabin. The car came to a full stop inside the hospital’s parking lot, under the blazing sun and the dark clouds.
-Mrs. Amberg.
-Please, don’t… don’t say it. I know you want to ask but…
-I ain’t going to ask and I ain’t going tell, ma’am.
-Really? – she met his eyes through the rearview mirror, honesty and loyalty shining on them as if they were the banners he carried with him every day of his life.
-Yes. You have been through enough; I won’t add more miseries to your plate. I’ve seen what they can do and I’m not the sort of person that hurts others just because they can, and I can prove it. I took Ms. Kincaid to the studio and drove behind her to make sure she got home alright, so I will wait here for you until you are ready for me to drive you back to your house.
-You… you didn’t have to do that, but I’m thankful you looked out for her. Though I couldn’t ask you to stay and wait for me. It might be hours before I’m ready to leave.
-You ain’t asking ma’am, I’m offering. You go and see your young miss and I’ll be waiting here to take you home. 
She was surrounded by wonderful people and had never seen it until now. A nod would have to suffice as she wasn’t sure her voice wouldn’t crack as she thanked him, a lump forming in her throat, and quickly stepped out with her purse in one hand and her coat in the other. It was as if she hadn’t set foot inside the building in weeks and yet she hadn’t left at all, pushing the doors open until the coolness of the white walls and antiseptic breezes embraced her once again. That was probably one of the smells she would never forget, your blood on her body being the first. Each hallway looked exactly the same, but she knew perfectly well where she was going, finding that the floors had been cleaned after they had left but witnessing the palms of her hands still marking the wall as if she had been clawing at the tiles to escape and perhaps, she had been. Everything she had felt in this room had been raw and out of control, like a dam that had let centuries worth of water flow down the valley, ripping and killing everything the furious stream found in its path, only Death left behind, and she had not wished to face it. But in the end, there had been no other choice but to do so, or at least the part that her mind and body could handle at the moment. She ripped her eyes from the macabre painting and carried on walking, nodding her head politely at the nurses and doctors that greeted her but never stopping to talk with them, your room barely a few feet away from her.
Her hand hovered over the doorknob unsure if she should go in or wait a bit longer, but with each second that she let pass she felt her need to see you grow exponentially and with quiet movements she stepped inside. Everything was still the same, your body on the bed, the ventilator breathing for you, even the horrible blankets that covered your battered frame, but when she got closer, she saw that your cheeks had regained some colour, and your skin didn’t look as pale as before. For some reason she wasn’t going to try to understand, it made her heart leap in her chest. You were even still carrying the mark her lipstick had left on your forehead, making her smile as she picked up the black armchair that rested in the corner and placed it beside your bed. She didn’t know and it was a secret you might carry to your grave, but the instant she had stepped into the room your frazzled and still partially unconscious mind had felt her, from that unmistakable aura that she carried with her and she was completely unaware of to the aromas that floated from her skin to your nostrils, perfumes that comforted and calmed your nerves. Even if your body did not respond to what your mind was trying to say to it you could feel her, hear her, and smell her, wishing and praying that somehow she would touch you and make it all real so that you would believe that this was not just a cruel hallucination you was living. She did not disappoint, and with a tender and caring touch she took your hand in hers and interlaced her fingers with yours as she whispered sweet nothings against your skin, her lips ghosting over it.
If she knew just how much this meant to you, if you could tell her, words would never stop falling from your lips, enfolding her for all eternity, because she had the chance to leave you, to let you die, and she had gone through the Heavens and every single circle of Hell to find you. She had come in like your knight in shining armour and had defeated the dragon that had almost claimed your life and there could never be a gesture as loving and as a powerful as searching for her love all the way to the middle of nowhere knowing that her life would be at risk, but she had not cared. Nothing could ever compare to this, to the scattered memories of her angelic face telling you through tears and pained words that everything would be alright, that you would be fine. Avis’s eyes were glued to your hand, feeling the heat that seeped from your body to hers along with the touch of your palm with all its lines and wrinkles matching hers. Unaware of the effect she had on you, she let her mind drift, her eyelids becoming heavy in exhaustion but with the safety of knowing that you were really there with her, and no one would ever take you away. She had dreamt so many times of taking you back to your home, to that land of crashing waves and orange blossoms that you so loved and carried with you deep in your heart, desiring to see those endless fields of yellow that blended into green in Spring, and to explore every corner of the place that had raised you into the woman you were now. She could almost see it now, the gentle rivers with reeds swaying to the lazy currents as butterflies flew, decorating the skies like swinging petals that played lazy games of catch and chase with the flowers that surrounded them. And there so many. Roses, poppies, lavenders and morning glories, all scattered through deep green and olive trees that provided shade for the small gentle bird, and in between all that beauty and magic, you, standing on the riverbend with your hands stretched out for her to hold onto.
And she would take them. Everywhere you went, she would follow, every mountain you climbed she would do so as well, and she would do it all because she loved you. God, she loved you more than she loved herself, more than actions could ever show and more than words could ever tell. Every night you would appear in her dreams, sweet and caring and always with a smile on your face, saving her from problems that would soon fade into the ether as your hands held onto hers and your lips brushed over hers, washing all her worries away. No storm could ever roar in the sky when she was with you because you were a rain of cherry blossom petals in Springtime, the sound of waves and the cooling waters of a soothing sea in Summer, every brown leaf that fell to the ground in Autumn and each unique snowflake in Winter. The essence of the universe and the first element to ever exist, and she would never believe just how she had been the lucky gal to make you fall in love with her as she fell for you. She could almost feel the way your fingers squeezed her own as you pulled her closer. No, wait, that hadn’t been a product of her imagination, she was sure of it.
Her eyes shot open, woken up from her slumber with a start that had her heart hammering against her ribs, her gaze watching your intertwined hands. Your tips moved as the pressure suddenly increased. Yes! Your fingers were indeed squeezing hers! The chair scraped the floor slightly as Avis stood on slightly shaky legs, joy and panic flowing through her veins, but even in that frazzled state of mind she never let go of your hand. You were fighting against the odds, walking through the darkness to get to her because she was there, real and you needed to see for yourself if she was fine. Just as her head turned to look at your face, searching for any other sign that you were coming back to her, your eyelids fluttered for an instant. You were right there, on the edge of the abyss waiting for something that you weren’t sure what it was to take that leap of faith and jump, to gather her in your arms and whisper to the tear-stained face you had last seen that she had been right, and you were alright. Avis was quiet for a moment until your eyelids fluttered again, and without even realising it that raspy, velvety voice of hers dropped the push you needed to jump as she pleaded you to wake up. Her angelic face had been the last thing your eyes had seen; it would be the first as well. Like a miracle your eyes opened.
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