#i hope their designs are like. clear enough. i plan to draw more of them anyways esp klarion but
thatonebipotato · 7 months
hmshfms dc villains(mostly batman),,
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i dont like scarecrow. not as a character, but how i drew him. i wanted to draw him but wasnt very inspired when he came up and i dont like how i designed him in the slightest. will touch up on him again later.
anyway, close-ups under cut
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louloulemons-posts · 1 year
Hi! I love how much fluff is in your fics 💜 So comforting
Can I request Eddie and reader having Halloween date at home?
A lot of cuddles, pizza, classic horror movies and themed food? 🥺
Have a nice day!
Hi! Thank you so much for the request, I hope this fulfils what you were hoping for 🤍
Spooky Date Night
Eddie Munson X Reader
Summary : Eddie plans a date for him and his girlfriend.
Word Count : 1.5k
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Warnings : Pure fluff, mentions of horror movies, swearing, knives (pumpkin carving), use of Y/N, pet names, not proofread.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You couldn’t wait, Eddie had invited you over to the trailer for a date. One that he had not let you know anything about whatsoever. All he said was dress comfy, pack an overnight bag and come over at 6:30.
All of those things were done, dressed in some sweatpants and a long sleeve tee with a jumper and jacket over top, you tried to hide from the chilly October air.
Pulling up to the trailer and parking next to Eddies van. Grabbing your bag from the seat beside you you climbed out and knocked on his door.
You heard his voice, “Coming!” Soon enough the door was pulled open and there stood Eddie Munson, a grin on his face. “Hey Angel! Come on in.”
You did so, sliding off your beat up shoes and leaving them next to Eddies favourites. Looking up the trailer looked a lot different to how it normally did.
There were fake cobwebs everywhere, candles lit, the room was dark but cosy. There were pumpkins on the counter, pizza and Halloween candy on the table. A high pile of videos to watch.
“What do you think?” He asked, stepping from one foot to the other nervously. “It looks great! You did all this?” You asked him. He nodded, “Yeah thought we could have a spooky night, as we’re going to that party on Halloween night.”
“You’re something else Munson, just the sweetest guy,” you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him. “I’m glad you like it. Why don’t you go put your stuff in our room I’ll get us some drinks and plates for food.”
You nodded and went to drop your bag off in his room, you did have spare clothes at Eddies, even then you borrowed his. It was very likely that by the end of the night you’d end up in the worn Black Sabbath shirt he was wearing currently.
You went back to join him on his couch, as he put a couple slices of pizza on your plate.
“It’s so cozy in here, should convince Wayne to keep it like this.”
“It was hard enough to convince him to let me do this,” you both laughed at that.
“So what movies have we got?”
“I got a selection, classics, Halloween, Jaws, Nightmare on Elmstreet and The Shining. Some less scary ones cause I want you to get some sleep, so Rocky Horror.”
You hummed, there were a couple more in the pile too, you assumed that’s why he asked you over so early. “Got us some pumpkins to carve too, cause you know, best part of Halloween.”
You could only smile at him, he thought of all of this. You both loved Halloween, that was one of the things you bonded over when you first met. People freaking out over Christmas when you were already waiting for the Spooky Season to roll back around.
So the pair of you tucked into your pizza, chatting away and giggling ready to start your spooky evening.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
After you’d cleared up your plates and Pizza boxes, Eddie and you grabbed some knives, pens and a big bowl for your pumpkin carving. Rolling up your sleeves, you pulled the orange veggie towards you.
“Damn getting serious babe,” Eddie laughed. “You know it, want me to tie your hair back?” You asked him, he nodded, and held out his wrist. A hair tie sat there, it was for either you or him, depending on the situation.
Pulling his curls out of his face, you tied them in a low pony that sat at the base of his neck. Kissing the top of his head you sat back next to him. “Thanks Angel.”
Picking up a pen you began to draw your design on your pumpkin. Planning on doing a some what traditional one, triangle eyes and nose and a toothy grin.
You could tell Eddie was going the opposite route, assuming something with a fearsome face, that could potentially scare trick or treaters away.
Once you were both happy with your designs, you picked up your knives and began to cut off the top. Making lid for the little guys, pulling it off you smiled, proud of how even it was.
“Nice work babe,” Eddie smiled, soon pulling his own off. “Thanks, you too.” Placing it down you stood up. “Where you off too?” He asked. “To get spoons, we forgot them.”
“We don’t need spoons!” Eddie said before shoving his hand in the pumpkin. It came out covered in seeds and stringy insides. “Gross pumpkin guts!” You exclaimed.
“Dare you to try some.”
“No way!”
“Why not? It’s just pumpkin.”
“It’s grim Eds, look at it!” He grinned at you. “Don’t you dare.” You took a step back and Eddie stood up.
“Stay away!” He lunged for you and you squealed, running through the kitchen, the boy cackling as he chased you. “Edward Munson go away!”
You could feel him behind you, grabbing your waist and pulling you to him, you screamed. He rubbed his sticky hand on your face slightly.
“Get off!” You shouted. He laughed again, dropping his head to your shoulder, his body shaking with laughter. “You’re a terrible boyfriend, did you know that?” You asked,turning to face him.
He couldn’t help out laugh, that was until you got your hand and wiped some of the pumpkin off your face and onto his lips. He spluttered, “Ew gross!” He exclaimed, wiping his mouth.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Your jack o lanterns now sat on the side with candles in. “Can’t believe I knocked his tooth out, he’s all gappy now!” You whined, dropping your head on to Eddie.
“I think he’s cute Angel. We got a cute one and a scary one, it’s like me and you.”
“You calling me gappy Edward Munson?”
“Who said you’re the cute one?” He cocked a brow.
You went to retaliate but he pecked your lips, “Pick a movie, I’m going to the bathroom.” He stood from the couch and walked away.
Looking through them, you decided that Halloween was the best one to start with.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
It was almost 12pm and you were now watching Nightmare on Elmstreet, pushing yourself closer to Eddie. “You okay?” He asked.
“Mhm, he’s just creepy,” you said. The boy wrapped his arms around you, letting you rest your head on his chest and his own on top of yours. He pressed a kiss to you and smiled.
Freddie Kruger popped up on screen making you jump and hide your face in Eddies chest, squealing as you did so. “Oh sweet girl it’s okay,” he spoke softly, rubbing your arm.
“Want me to turn it off?” You shook you head, no. “Okay but after this, Rocky Horror okay?”
“‘Mkay.” Pecking the top of your head once more, you moved your eyes to the screen once more.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You were about half way through Rocky Horror when your eyes grew heavy. It was nearing 1am, and you hadn’t moved from your position, snuggled in Eddies chest.
Relaxing fully, you let your eyes fall close, comfy and calm. No fear of Freddie Kruger or Michael Myers or even a giant Shark coming to get you.
Soon enough you were asleep in Eddies arms. Huffing a laugh, he gave you a light squeeze, allowing himself to relax too.
He was nervous this date wouldn’t be something you liked, he just wanted to make you happy. He knew he’d done that, from your laughter, to the play fighting to now, you snoozing in his arms softly.
Eddies became drowsy himself, he’d been up early to clean and decorate the trailer to make everything perfect for you. He didn’t mind, he’d do anything for you.
The boy soon followed your actions and drifted off himself, the sound of Tim Curry’s voice lulling you both.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
A firm hand shook Eddies shoulder, making him jump awake. He met the eyes of his uncle Wayne. “Oh hey,” he said voice thick with sleep.
“Hey, sorry to wake you, but you’re in my bed,” he motioned to the couch.
“Shit sorry Wayne.” Eddie slowly slid you off him, resting you softly on the cushions.
Back cracking lightly as he stretched, he reached down for you, pulling your sleeping figure into his arms. “We’ll get out of your way, and I’ll clean up in the morning.”
“It’s 5am it’s morning. Just keep it down okay, it’s been a long shift.”
“Sure, do you need anything?” The boy asked his uncle.
“Just some sleep, you get yourself and Y/N to bed Son. So get outta my room.”
“Night Wayne.” He grunted back at Eddie, turning off the TV, that had a static screen, and grabbed his blanket from the back.
Eddie held you close to his chest as he wandered to the bedroom, keeping you as comfy as he could. Laying you down gently, you whined lightly.
“It’s okay Sweet Girl go back to sleep, ,” he hushed, stroking your hair. Laying down next to you, he pulled the blanket over both of your figures.
Soon enough the room was full of your snores, reaching for one another even in your sleepy state. It had been a great night.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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moodymisty · 9 months
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's Note: @commodoreprocrastinator this is your fault, now deal with the repercussions of your actions. Part 1 of 2. I hope it's romantic enough even though it's the cardboard cutout primarch and only my second time writing him. ¯\_( ❛︠ ⍙ ︡❛)_/¯
Summary: Your knight returns after what has felt like ages apart, and decides to take part in a secret moment alone.
Relationship: Lion'el Jonson/Gn!Reader (no pronouns are used in this, but it does have a very princess/knight vibe so fair warning)
Warnings: None that I can think of
Word Count: 1305
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Lion El'Jonson strides down the halls of the Invincible Reason with purpose.
The ceramite boots of his armor hit the ground louder than that of an astartes, and any one he passes by stops their task and gives a respectful bow of their head. He doesn’t demand them to bow and kiss the floor, but he expects a level of decorum from his legion. They are expected to as sons of The First; As Dark Angels.
As he walks, rain pattering down against any surface exposed to it, Lion'el sighs.
Belath had proven more than timely with his updates as to the legion’s current effectiveness, which the Primarch appreciated. He will always find one of the astarte's finer qualities to be his lack of verbose speech- his ability to get to the point. But even in it's simplicity, it had still proven irritating when he had something else on the mind.
Travel to the Fortress Monastery had proven both as unexciting and lackluster as his drawing and discussion of strategic plans had been.
He arrived during the night, the moonlight spilling through the massive glass windows and mullions forming patterns along the stone floors. The Lion breaks their design as he walks through them, a hand resting on the pommel of his shortsword. His greatsword rests on his back, overtop of the dark emerald green cape that flows behind him just brushing against the floor.
He goes higher, traveling up flights of stairs made of solid stone. Some have runners of ornate, hand woven cloth, the design in a dark emerald green embellished with golden thread. All of it- every tapestry and mural, bears the symbol or at least the color scheme of his Legion.
Higher again, until he’s far beyond where most astartes and serfs typically tread. The rug that runs down the hall is much more worn, having taken an unknown number of years worth the footfall without being replaced. There aren’t many souls who come up here, for there isn't much reason for them to. The Lion's personal quarters reside in these halls, and unless he calls them they have no need to ever step foot here.
He turns one corner, and at the end of the hall lies his destination. 
He can see two Astartes guarding the door, as he had placed them. He had placed trust in the elder of them to choose another marine to serve as his parallel in guard along with two others to rotate with. A young astartes is beside him, clear by the different regalia and symbolism he wears that gives it away to only one familiar to their legion.
Lion stands between them, his hand adjusting once more on the pommel of his sword.
“Take your leave.”
He speaks plainly to both, and they nod their ceramite helms before walking past. Once the Lion can no longer hear their heavy power armor trudging down stairs that even made of full stone complain as men so heavy walk on them, he places a hand on the door’s handle.
He pulls it open; Winged helm in his opposite hand. Not moments later does he hear a voice call his name sounding both surprised and excited.
At the call of his name he looks forward, seeing you leaning away from the window. Your hands had been leaning against the sill, watching whatever had been of interest below. More than likely the sea of Dark Angels all returning, a sea of dark green. You've always had this odd sort of of fascination with it all. He steps closer, and you turn to fully watch him come to stand right in front of you. 
After a moment’s waiting, the massive Primarch slowly lowers to a knee. He sighs as he does so, as if irritated by a request you hadn’t even made. You take the invitation to come closer, as you gently press a chaste kiss against his lips. You feel his beard brush against your skin, the top half of his blonde hair pulled back. He doesn't sigh in discontent that time.
“I missed you. Are you ok?” 
The Lion finds your overt concern pointless, but somewhat endearing. He’s never had someone so overt in caring about his wellbeing. Though even if it’s pointless, he can’t expect you to shed the emotions you’ve shown for so long. He can and has as a Primarch, to a mortal they are interwoven into your very being.
He glances over to a massive table filled with stacks of books. They’re scattered about, some open and some stacked in piles of an unknown organizational system. He’s not surprised you took interest in the massive collection. 
Your hands have stayed hovering in front of your chest most of this time, though now they move forward and hesitantly reach for him. He allows you to touch his jawline as you come closer. The rough scruff of his beard tickles your palms, and you'd laugh if you didn't think he'd be almost childishly insulted by it.
“How long are you going to stay this time?” 
Lion knows that you aren’t expecting any actual answer; He cannot give you one, nor will he. The moment an uncontacted world is discovered, he will leave. It is his duty and his purpose. No matter even if he has other thoughts on his mind, thoughts of you, they cannot impede his goal. 
“Long enough for the legion to rest.” He pauses. “What do you want?” 
He always asks this, only able to show how he feels about you in these silent gestures. You don’t say anything nor blame him, as despite him being far older than yourself, you can clearly tell this sort of thing is entirely uncharted.
It's been a bit odd; He's many years your senior, but it often feels like you're the one showing him things.
You can't avoid smiling this time, though it's abit more guilty that perhaps Lion was expecting.
“I would love to watch your men spar again, but they've only just stepped foot on Caliban." Lion gives you an unimpressed look.
"You would ask something of my Legion instead of myself?" Your hands are still on his chest armor, and your fingers brush across the giant aquilla in a slightly flustered gesture.
"But, you’ve said your men aren't strong enough for you to duel them.”
He remains one of if not the best duelist that the Imperium has ever seen, and despite how diligently and strictly he has trained his Dark Angels, none of them have the natural prowess he has to be a true fight. It's simply in his nature as a Primarch.
Lion, in an extremely rare moment, softens his face with a hint of amusement. He raises and armored hand to gently hold your jaw, and brush a small bit of a hair away from your face. His massive hand overtakes much of you, but he's surprising gentle despite it. He uses a small bit of his strength however to pull you just close enough to give you a gentle kiss to the forehead.
“When we arrive to Terra, perhaps I can proposition one of my brothers for a duel then. I am sure at least one of them will be eager to accept.” 
A fight between Primarchs? You had never considered yourself bloodthirsty or violent, but something about it makes your heart race- eager to watch. Perhaps it’s what his men feel shortly before a battle, or when they begin their training each and every day.
You smile at him, and grasp at his gauntlet. It's the closest you can get to any sort of intimate gesture, with his armor still on. He looks at you with the most relaxed face you've seen on him in awhile, as you speak.
"I would love to see that."
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coreene · 7 months
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A Moment of Opportunity
Pairing: Astarion x Fem!Tav
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 2.6k
Summary: Lorelei finds an old ruin to have a little fun on her own. Astarion finds her and decides he wants to be a part of it. Happens after Astarion’s confession and before Cazador fight.
Tags: voyeurism, masturbation, mutual masturbation, dirty talk
Read 👇
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We were camping in an old ruin this time around. There were remnants of stone walls all around us. Another clue that we were getting closer to the city. I wanted to explore the area little bit after dinner. There was a small ruin nearby that seemed intact for the most part.
I made my way to it. It was big enough to hold maybe ten people inside. A simple design with a rectangular floor plan; all four of its walls were still standing. It had small arched windows with stained glass, although only one of the windows was still standing. It looked like the others were cracked and disappeared long ago.
I walked inside through the door opening. The door was missing and the surrounding stone bricks of the entry way were the only part of the structure that was broken down. Inside there were stone furniture. A small table by the wall, which looked like an altar. A library next to it with a few benches scattered around. There was also a lavish looking chair with armrests right across it. As intricate the stonework was, the furniture did not look comfortable. It was possibly a shrine; for which deity I could not tell.
I looked around the small room hoping for scrolls. There was nothing but that was a slim chance anyway. I sat down on the altar, looking outside through the only window with the intact glass; trying to figure out the scene. The place was not old enough to be dedicated to one of the forgotten gods but my religion knowledge was embarrassing. Maybe I could bring Shadowheart over here to figure out what it was.
The other windows allowed the full moonlight to enter the room. It was a bright and clear sky tonight. A rather beautiful sight. I listened in the silence a little bit. I could faintly hear the chatter and the laughter coming from the camp fire. Everyone was in high spirits, leaving the cursed lands and being so close to the city was giving us a hopeful outlook on our future.
I told them I was going to look around a little and I should've probably went back now. But then a thought creeped up to the front of my mind. I hadn’t caught a moment alone in a long time and it has been even longer since the last time I had a wet dream. While I was happy with how the things were between Astarion and I, I could use a little release now.
I still had some hesitation but I could already feel the throb in my clit. When was I going to catch a moment to do this again? I only needed a few minutes, and I would be back in no time.
I got comfortable on the altar, leaning back against the wall. I unlaced my trousers with one hand and slipped my fingers under my panties. I sighed when I felt the touch of my own fingers on my now fully swollen clit. It felt like it had been so long since I was touched.
"Fuck," I gasped at the sensation as I started to draw circles with my fingers.
My breathing was picking up now. I could feel my juices poling between my legs. I closed my eyes, leaning behind completely as I alternated between circling my clit and dipping my hands lower to gather my arousal. I needed to be a little more wet before I could slip my fingers inside.
"My my, what do we have here?"
I opened my eyes and pulled my hands out of my pants with a gasp. There Astarion was, leaning against the half-collapsed wall looking at me with hungry eyes, wearing a smirk.
"Astarion!" I breathed, relieved that it was him and not somebody else. Still the shock had left my heart pounding in my ears.
"Please, don't stop on my account, my love," he spoke in a deep sultry tone.
I blinked a few times, trying to understand what he was saying. "Oh? Does that mean you would like to watch?" I asked with a flirtatious smile, tilting my head.
"Mm-hm," he hummed walking in between my legs. “As long as that’s something you’d want.”
“Yes,” I breathed, feeling the wetness between my legs grow.
“Good.” He grabbed my chin and tilted my face upwards as he leaned down. He gave me an open-mouthed kiss; darting his tongue in and out, sucking my lower lip into his mouth, grazing my lip with his teeth.
I was left breathless when he pulled back. All I could do as I took deep breaths was watch him settle on the chair. He placed his hands on the arm rests, opening his legs slightly. I bit my lip as my eyes trailed from what was between his legs to his crimson eyes.
“Comfortable?” I asked with a slight smirk, still breathing heavily.
“Very… now, go on,” he purred as he leaned back, licking his lips.
My hands went back to my pants timidly. I was suddenly very aware of his burning gaze and it was sending blood up to my face. I was feeling a lot warmer than before.
I gasped again when I felt the touch of my fingers on my swollen clit. I looked back at him when I found a comfortable rhythm. My breath got caught in my throat as I saw his soft expression filled with want.
"You are so beautiful," he whispered deeply.
It was too godsdamned hot in here now. I pulled my hand out of my pants and pushed the hem of my shirt up and out, throwing it to the ground - not taking my eyes off of him. He was smiling now.
"Would you like to tell me what you're thinking?" I asked him with a breathy voice as I unhooked my bra and threw it down.
He watched the piece of clothing touch the floor and then his eyes trailed back up to my face.
"I'd be happy to," his gaze fell down to my chest and then back up to my face. "I was just thinking how much I wanted to suck on your nipples and watch them grow hard."
I groaned as his words sent a wave of arousal to my clit.
"Then I would like to push those pants off of you as I teased your skin."
"Mm, you mean like this?" I said getting up before sliding my hands down my stomach and under the waist band of my pants. I pushed the trousers down along with my panties, slowly, giving him a full show.
"Yes," he swallowed "just like that."
I stepped out of the last piece of clothing on my body as I stood bare in front of him. Watching him intently, as his eyes travelled up; lingering on my thighs and chest before settling back on my face.
"Would you like to know what I'm thinking?" I asked with a mischievous smile, noticing him straining in his pants now.
"Gods, yes," he breathed with half lidded eyes.
"I was thinking how much I would like to just kneel right here, in front of you now," I leaned back on the altar, looking into his eyes. "Stroke your aching dick through your pants, pushing up your shirt and giving kisses to your stomach."
"Fuck," he groaned "keep going."
"And then I would free your magnificent cock, lick it from base to tip before I wrapped my lips around it. Do you want to know what I would do after?" I said opening my legs as my fingers found their way back to my clit. I was so wet now.
"Yes, Lore, please," he whispered, eyes focused on what my hand was doing.
"I would bring your hand to my hair because I want you to have all the control, push and pull my head just the way you like it."
"Gods, you're gonna make me come untouched," he let out a soft laugh.
"Now, that's a thought… I'd love to see happen," I gave him a smirk.
"You tease," he said with a chuckle but I could hear the strain in his voice.
I leaned back to the wall completely. I opened my legs more as my hand started to move faster. I dipped down feeling my slick; I was wet enough for my fingers now. He got up from the chair and walked right next to me. I was holding my breath; wondering what he was going to do next.
"Keep going," he whispered and I did as he said.
He placed his hands around my waist, the difference in temperature making me jump slightly as he let out a slight chuckle. He brought his lips to my ears before he spoke. "Would you like to know what I'm thinking now?"
"Gods, yes," I breathed, feeling his fingers teasing my skin. Every little movement he made sent another jolt of arousal through my body.
"There are no gods here, say my name," he said in a deeper voice.
"Astarion," I moaned and started to draw bigger, lazier circles so I wouldn't come so soon.
"Good girl," he placed his other hand to my face.
"Ah, fuck," his words were sending wave after wave of pleasure through my body. "I'm going to come."
"Not before you push those fingers in," he said brushing back a strand of my hair.
"But I can't come with just them alone," I whined as the tips of my fingers stroke my entrance up and down, gathering slick.
"It's alright. That just means we have more time for this." He said as he looked down, leaning his head onto mine.
The fact that he was watching me so intently was doing things to me. Maybe I would be able to come with my fingers alone, who knows?
My fingers teased my entrance a few more times before one of them slid inside. I was so tight; I could feel it move inside my walls.
"How does that feel?" He whispered as he left a kiss to my sweat covered cheek.
"Good," I said as I started to pump my finger in and out.
"Can you push another finger inside?" He asked with his hand on my waist, stroking my skin lovingly.
"Yes," I breathed and pushed my second finger in with the other. Once I was comfortable with the stretch, I slowly started to move my fingers in and out again.
"You've been so good, you deserve a little reward," he said tilting my head to him with his fingers as he leaned down and captured my lips.
I moaned into his mouth, prompting a chuckle from him. Suddenly it didn't feel all that impossible to come on my fingers. I found the perfect angle to stimulate my clit with each stroke. I arched my back into his body as his hand on my head moved to my back, pulling me flush with him. I could feel how hard he was in his pants. Gods, I wanted him inside me. I missed his dick so much.
"Astarion," I moaned the movement of my hands growing erratic "I'm going to come." We were both breathing heavily now. He removed his hand from my waist as I faintly heard the shuffle of his pants.
I closed my eyes at the sensation of my fingers and the feeling of his lips, lavishing me with kisses. His lips moved on from my open mouth to my jaw and to my neck. I was moaning louder and louder with each touch. I faintly registered him pulling his cock free. He pulled his body back, only a little, to give himself room to stroke himself. I wanted to touch him so badly.
"Come for me, my love," he whispered, lips right next to my ear. He gave a sloppy kiss to my ear as he breathed out.
It was enough. Everything; his breath, his proximity, my fingers working in and out – it was more than enough for me to reach my climax. He held me tight as my body convulsed uncontrollably in pleasure. I could feel the clenching of my own walls around my fingers. They were begging to milk his cock.
I was still dizzy with my high but I wanted to see him. He was stroking himself faster now.
"Do you want to come on my body?" I whispered.
"Yes," he spoke with desperation, eyes closed shut.
"Come on my tits, paint them white with your seed. I want to taste you so badly." I spoke as I pulled my fingers out. They were slick with my arousal.
He opened his eyes, looking down on me. I brought my hand to my nipples, pinching and rubbing. They were glistening with my wetness now. He groaned, his strokes getting erratic. He was close. He captured my lips again as a moan escaped his mouth and I felt him spurt his come on my nipples.
"Lorelei," he moaned between our kisses as he continued to shoot his seed, covering my breasts in creamy cum.
He leaned his forehead onto mine when he finished, pulling me into a deep kiss.
"I love you so much," he said when he pulled back, breathing heavily.
"I love you too," I whispered as I felt my eyes burning. I was so happy. I looked up at him, looking down on me. Realising what he was doing, I leaned back on my hands, raising my chest so he could admire his work.
"Gods you look beautiful," he said with twinkles in his eyes. He was loving this.
I moved a finger to my breasts, gathering some of his spend and bringing it down to my wet pussy lips, mixing them. I lifted my finger, now covered in both his cum and mine, back to my lips. I looked into his eyes as I sucked my fingers like it was the most delicious thing in the world.
"You are a temptress," he said with a chuckle.
"I know," I laughed with him.
I was sweaty and covered in cum. While I loved the way I looked at the moment I was acutely aware of the cold night air, now that I wasn't running so hot anymore. I felt my nipples harden painfully as a shiver past me.
"We need to get you cleaned up." He tucked himself in and went back to the entryway.
"Hmm, there are still some people around the fire." He said looking out. He came back to my side, picking up a handkerchief from his pocket. “This’ll have to do for now.”
I watched him as he gently cleaned up the last of his spend. He then looked at me with a smirk. “Or maybe we can ask Gale for a little prestidigitation spell?”
I shook my head side to side with a smile. “You offered to let them watch this morning. Now you want me to go over there with your cum on my chest for a spell… is there something you want to tell me?”
He let out a loud laugh as he pulled back. “I just enjoy showing you off, my dear.”
I chuckled and jumped down from the table, finding my underpants and trousers. I pulled them up with one motion and moved onto hooking my bra. “We should probably get back. Before one of them decides to look for us.” I said as I put on my tunic.
“Let’s go,” he held my hand, interlocking our fingers and we walked out of the entry way. I hugged his arm and leaned onto him as we made our way back to the fire.
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from chapter 39 of Lorelei's Journal
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bosskie · 2 months
Draw Abe and Molluck kissing.
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'You know, Abe, I always somehow liked you. I didn't name you the employee of the year for nothing. I designed Mudokon Pops look like you for a reason. I would still have enjoyed killing you, I wasn't even supposed to like you, so killing you including my own feelings toward you would have been the right choice. You, blue bastard, ruined my life but also saved it... I have dreamed of crushing you but now, instead of that, I feel another kind of desire of a crush. Kiss me, you schmuck!' Molluck told Abe after they had done their parts of the deal of helping each other.
I'm actually glad that you suggested me to draw that since I have been joking about Molluck and Abe turning from enemies into lovers but never said a word about it. So, thank you for giving me a reason to draw it! (Y) Yeah, what an odd couple they would be but hey, it's Oddworld! The best 'from enemies to lovers' thing I could still imagine (I know nothing about this stuff though, only the concept).
Frankly, I'm kinda surprised at how little Abe x Molluck stuff I have seen, just one 'spicy' drawing... (I don't know about fan fiction, I don't read it.) So yeah, I personally like this ship. It's not easy to explain why but it just has depth, is odd but 'makes sense'... It's just would be quite interesting in general.
I basically had two ideas for this but I chose this one since I got this 'from enemies to lovers' idea, and well, now I 'came out' with it. I wasn't sure about where to draw them but they are somewhere at Nolybab where the sun doesn't shine, underground I mean. Molluck's name has been cleared and Abe could meet his mother, and it was all thanks to their collaboration. They were reluctant to work together at first but their relationship developed during that, and Molluck let his softer side come out more. This is idea is basically behind this Molluck x Abe thing. I know, it can sound so odd but it's not the first time if I'm odd for something I like; I have heard it for so many times already. Oh, and yeah, maybe you also noticed that Abe has no longer his stitches; it makes the kissing easier too. (Y)
And yeah, this came out more 'proper' than I planned but it's still 'quick-ish' since it's not fully rendered and looks kinda sketchy. This was also challenging to draw and I wasn't' sure of how to draw them kissing, like I didn't want it to be 'too intimate', so something simple enough. I hope that this looks okay at least. I just felt really bad about my drawing skills last night out of nowhere, so I just wish that my art doesn't look like Slog shit. I just kinda don't like how this came out but that 'better image' I have inside my head feels 'too intimate'... Just didn't feel like going 'too far' with this. Also yeah, I used a bit different style here since I'm still trying to figure out my way to do digital art, even I have done it for so many years... It's just that it feels like I'm never pleased with my art style; it makes difficult for me to feel like I had any artistic talent... I'm still always just trying my best.
Let's just say that posting stuff like this in public is difficult for me, even I still would like to post stuff like this... I don't even draw proper self-ship stuff and I rarely even draw it, even I think about myself with Molluck every single day. I guess it's mainly due to my self-hatred, like why I would spend so much time on drawing something only I'll see. I just have never drawn anything as proper as this about me and Molluck. Maybe I should but I cannot help myself but think that it's waste... I'm sorry but I just feel so awful about myself... Last night was just another night when I asked Molluck to eat me... I'm so sorry for this vent but I'm just so tired of this and cannot be silent, pretend that I was okay when I feel like crying...
I still hope that my stuff is enjoyable, even when I feel like I should just delete everything here... It's just because I can see my stuff looking so awful sometimes. I just don't feel like I draw Molluck well enough; he is still challenging to draw... I think that I should end writing for now; I just feel so bad about my stuff right now...
This doesn't really relate to the drawing, anon. This is just the usual stuff my condition makes me feel... But hopefully you like it and don't regret suggesting me to draw that kiss. I really liked drawing this still and that's probably why I painted this more than I planned; the idea of this drawing amuses me. (I tend to enjoy creating stuff in general but I rarely like what I created, the outcome I mean... Oh, and I don't really mind Molluck being with someone else than me. They are just different stories and I'm just glad that Molluck gets love!)
I just have difficulties with expressing love in public (even if it didn't relate to me, being about a ship like this), even I do have done it many times here, told you how much I love Molluck but, it still feels challenging... Like posting my 'Molluck love sculpt' was kinda scary actually but I still posted it, especially because I put so much effort on him. I don't even know what I was afraid of, I'm already used to people seeing me as a weirdo. Maybe I'm just afraid of love because this self-hatred just makes me even wish that no one loved me. But my heart still tells me that it's not true that I'm not someone to love.
Even I love Molluck with my whole heart, wish to hug and kiss him, enjoy his body every single day, it kinda scares me to be loved back... I know, it can sound odd but it's just that I don't see myself worth loving and just wish good for the others when I try to prevent them from loving me since I feel like I'm only waste of everything. My condition really makes me act and think like this. Even I realize how this is unhealthy and I imagine Molluck being confused about this behavior, it's still so difficult to feel like I'm someone to love... But the important thing is at least that I always imagine Molluck loving me, even it's difficult for me to receive that love. Even I do enjoy imagining that Molluck enjoys and loves me too, I still can feel like it's better for Molluck if he didn't... It makes me feel bad/sad but it just feels 'right' since I'm not someone to love...
These awful thoughts just don't wanna leave me alone... And if I sometimes do not vent to my posts, it doesn't always mean that I felt better. It can also mean that I feel like I should be just silent, I'm only ruining everything with my vent... It's just making me feel a bit less alone with this shit when I write this stuff here, and hopefully I can give some peer support. Also, if one day my stuff is gone or if this blog seems abandoned, you know why. I don't wish to bring more negative energy to here but I just cannot hide my condition; I'm just trying to save my life.
~ I really appreciate your tolerance and support!
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doe-writes-stuff · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could request:
Daryl Dixon x Younger! Brother or Sister (depending on what you write)
Maybe after the fire on the farm , Daryl and his sibling reunite!
Also, just wanted to quickly say that I love your blog!! Thank you 🤎☺️🤎
Ahh, thank you! I've written so little so far, but I'm happy you're enjoying what content I do have already <3 Please enjoy, and I hope this is to your liking!
WARNINGS: Canon-typical violence, reader is a bit of a hothead (as all Dixons are), strong language
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The farm is a total loss, and it didn't take a genius to realize it.
If the flaming barn lighting up the night with an amber glow didn't make that abundantly clear, then the few hundred walkers closing in from the surrounding forest certainly did. Too many to possibly fight off with your ragtag group of survivors. You hadn't heard so many growls in unison since the very beginning of the world falling apart. It set your teeth and nerves on edge. And a familiar paranoia set in.
What the hell had happened? It was one thing after another; first the barn, then Randall, then suddenly a massive horde shows up and everything is in chaos. Where the hell were Rick and Shane? Fuck, where was Carl? You hoped the kid wasn't by himself in this mess.
On top of that, you couldn't find Daryl anywhere. Last you knew the hunter had gone out with Glenn to track, but you'd not seen him return. He was capable and you really weren't worried about him. It didn't matter how many of the dead cropped up, your older brother was a survivor. He'd be fine. Definitely.
You for sure were not worried.
...ok, maybe you were. But Dixons didn't let that shit show, as Merle had taught.
Stray shotgun shots echoed nearby and drew in the horde with more vigor. Herschel, the stubborn bastard, unwilling to give up his home without a fight. You could respect the sentiment, but you didn't plan on dying tonight. Couldn't he see there was no saving it from this many dead?
Your knife finds its way into the head of the closest handful of walkers that approach, felling them one after the one with smooth stabs. But there's always another behind it waiting to get its decaying hands on you. Ugh.
You're making your way towards the house, unsure why but picking a direction and sticking with it. Maybe, if you could find any of the other survivors, you could get the hell out of here in the limited number of vehicles left.
The dead were everywhere. You put down one just to have another 2 closing in from another direction. It was pissing you off, frankly, but there was nothing else to do but keep moving. By coincidence--or maybe by design, you couldn't guess--your uncoordinated path through the walking corpses leads you to Herschel himself, who was practically backed up against his home, shotgun still in hand dealing lead death to any reanimated corpse close enough.
And it's then that you see Carl and Rick beside him, trying to convince him to leave. The sight of others lights a fire under your feet, and you run the last distance towards them.
"Hey!" Your shout draws their attention. "Are we gettin' the hell out of here, or what?!"
"She's right." Rick turned to the old farmer again, laying a hand on his shoulder and shaking his head emphatically. "The farm is gone, we can't stay here!"
"This is my land! I'll sooner die on it than give it up." He stubbornly replies, face set in determined lines. The flaming barn down aways gives a frighteningly loud and groaning creak as the timbers within burn. The structural integrity was weakening, and none of you were sure how long it would hold out.
You're forced to turn and take care of the several walkers that had taken the opportunity to sneak up behind your back. All this standing around...it irritated you beyond belief.
"Old man, stayin' here is suicide!" You yell. "Think of Maggie n' Beth! What the hell do you want us to tell them, huh?"
He hesitates, the reminder of his family somewhere out there starting to shake his resolve--he even gives a glance down at the wide-eyed and frightened Carl who hadn't said a word thus far--but Rick steps in with the finishing argument. The former sheriff shakes Herschel's shoulder roughly.
"Don't leave your daughters without their father! They need you, and you need them."
You look around, realizing that the dead were coming in denser and more numerous waves. You didn't have long before escape would be impossible. And damn it all if you died because of some old man's stubbornness and stupidity. Not on your watch.
Not waiting around to find out if he was in agreement, you grab Herschel's arm.
"We're out of time!" You begin dragging him in the direction you think is most clear of the dead, offering all of you the best chance of escape. He allows it with little resistance, thankfully. Rick and Carl are barely a step behind, eager to be away from the remains of what had once been home, shelter, and safety.
You're several hundred yards away when the sound of the barn collapsing within itself echoes across the clearing, sparks sent high into the dark sky.
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Where was Daryl? You'd practically chewed your thumb nail down to nothing, worry presenting itself as a nervous tick. Where the fuck was he? You'd been waiting on this highway for several hours and there was no sign of anyone other than you, Herschel, and Rick.
Well, and more of those dead fuckers who'd caused all this mess in the first place. Only now, with the threat of the horde turning in your direction again, you were forced to hide and stay quiet, hoping for the others to show.
It was testing your patience beyond its limits. Sitting around on your hands, waiting, wondering...it was the worst.
On top of all of that, Herschel was getting on your last goddamn nerve, talking about leaving while you still could.
That was the last straw.
"We are not leaving this fuckin' highway until the others get here." You spit with a scowl, voice low so as not to draw more attention to yourselves.
Whether it's your words or your tone that makes him give you a withering stare, you're not sure. He tightens his grip on his shotgun. "Young lady, we have to think of Rick's boy now. There's no guarantee the others made it off the farm, and waiting around here is only going to put him in more danger-"
"Oh, don't even start with that." You scoff, ignoring the way Rick placed himself between you to try to placate the fighting. The old man's attitude coupled with the last vestiges of adrenaline wearing off had put you in a foul mood. To the point where you didn't even care if Carl was there to witness it. "You wanna know something?"
"Y/N, that's enough." The former sheriff emphasized, but you were too riled up at this point, pushing past him and pointing an accusatory finger at the old man.
"You put us all in danger refusin' to leave the farm last night."
Rick tried again. "Hey, hey, let's all just calm down-"
"We did you a favor draggin' your sorry ass out here to live another day, so until everyone gets here, and I mean everyone, I don't wanna hear a damn word from-"
The rumble of an engine draws all of your attentions, abating your anger momentarily as your gaze swung to the other end of the highway. Hope bubbled from underneath the boiling fury, settling your nerves. Was it...?
It was!
Thank fuck.
The moment Daryl's--well, Merle's--bike came into view a weight lifted from your soul. You'd already lost one brother in Atlanta. You don't know what you'd do with yourself if you'd lost the other. In the lead of the small band of vehicles approaching, Daryl came to a stop several feet away from where you, Rick, Carl, and Herschel were standing behind a stalled-out car.
The reunions commenced, loved ones and friends reuniting, but you only had eyes for your older brother. Walking up to him, an equal amount of relief is in his own eyes, masked to all except you. His eyes swept over you, probably checking for wounds. It was a familiar gesture, from years of hard childhood.
You'd hug him, but you were both Dixons.
Sour mood quickly dissipating, you punched his arm hard with a smirk. "Could've waited up on me, bastard. Bet you didn't even look for me, did you? Some brother you are."
The words were callous and snarky, but you knew he could read between the lines.
I was fucking worried about you.
"Crazy bitch, always hittin' me." Daryl complained, rubbing at his arm to ease the punch. "Almost wish I'd saved myself the trouble lookin' for ya."
I'm glad you're ok.
You give a huffed laugh. "As if you'd get anywhere without me. Still remember which side of those bolts are the pointy end?"
I love you.
"Fuck off, Y/N."
Love you, too.
You caught a glance of a few confused or concerned looks from the other survivors--mostly Lori and Carol--but you didn't give a shit what they thought. It wasn't as if they'd been all that welcoming to the Dixon clan when you'd first settling into the Atlanta camp. They didn't know shit about your family.
Whatever happened after that point, you vowed to stick close to Daryl from that point, never leaving his side, never risking being separated again.
And if his steady gaze was anything to go by, you think he felt the same.
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candyvenombites · 1 year
Mickey and Friends X Madoka Magica
Soul Gems
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted any of my work and since I finally have a break from school, I decided to do a little something.
It’s no secret for those that have seen my page that I’m a Disney and Madoka Magica fan, so I combined the two.
I drew eight soul gems for Mickey and Friends and I might draw more in the future but for now I’ll show the eight I have.
Before I do show you I will make it clear that yes I did use a templates for something of the drawings. All these templates were free to use templates online. With that out of the way, here ya go!
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This soul gem belongs to the mouse man himself! If this gets turned into an actual comic or fanfic then Mickey is the Madoka of the story. He has a lot of love for his friends and wants to help anyway he can, thus giving him the heart shape.
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This soul gem belongs to my favorite duck (besides Scrooge). Donald’s soul gem can be looked at in two ways. One is that it’s a rain drop and the other is that it’s a tear drop. Either way, it related to him being a sailor and his water manipulation abilities.
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This soul gem belongs to everyone’s favorite clumsy dog dad! Goofy was a hard character to make. Mainly because I didn’t know what theme to give his outfit and gem. I eventually settled on a cross for his soul gem shape, mainly because crosses are used as a symbol of protection.
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This dazzling soul gem belongs to our sassy, but kind Daisy. Daisys soul gem does look a lot like Homuras, but she is not the Homura of the story funnily enough. I decided on giving her the Diamond shape, because after all, diamonds are a girls best friend.
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This one belongs to our gentle and sweet Minnie. Minnie was another hard character to make, since a lot of her story was made from head-cannons. This design is one I’m really proud of and it makes me happy whenever I see it.
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This beautiful orange soul gem belongs to our hyper musical rooster. Despite Panchito not having much in terms of canon backstory, he was one of the more easy characters to make. The reason he was easy is because I knew right away what his abilities would be and what he’d wish for. His personality was also very fun to play with.
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It’s time for my favorite green parrot! Josè is probably one of my favorite Disney characters ever, so I had a lot of fun creating his character. I knew exactly what his powers were gonna be, I just had to find a wish and make a backstory that corresponded to it. I hope I was able to do this magical bird justice!
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And now we finally got to the Homura of the story! Mister Oswald the Lucky Rabbit! Deciding who was gonna be the Homura of the story was difficult. I went from character to character to decided who would be best, before I settled on Mickeys brother. I’m still working on Oswald’s story, since his relationship with Mickey is way different from Madoka and Homura. However, it’ll be cool once I’m done.
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Now this is a rough drawing of what all their soul gems look like when they transform into their magical forms. I plan on updating them soon to look more like accessories like in the anime once I have more time. Here is what I plan to have them look like (These are subject to change)
Mickey: A broach
Donald: An arm band
Goofy: A necklace
Daisy: A gem on a hair accessory
Minnie: A garter
Panchito: A belt buckle
Josè: A bow tie
Oswald: An earring
If you’ve read down this far I want to say thank you. It’s nice to find people who actually take interest in what you’re creating. I hope you all have a wonderful day
💕🍬Stay Sweet🍬💕
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so.. non-c//a criticism about spop. because, you know, c//a wasn't the only thing that spop messed up. I'll just get straight to the point.
Horde Prime was a bad villain.
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he had such a cool character design, i had high hopes for him. but like everything else in s5, horde prime's potential was wasted.
to put it shortly, he was boring. he was the typical pure-evil villain archetype with none of the charm. his motives weren't very interesting, we know nothing about him except that he's hordak's brother and an egotistic fascist with a god complex. his VA did a good job but his character was so badly written, even they couldn't salvage it.
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even hordak was more intimidating than him until he got defeated by the inexperienced teenager who was never shown to be improving her skills but that's a whole another post
i thought the whole religious trauma aspect of it was going to be explored more, but it just turned out to be cartoonishly stupid, with the typical brainwashing trope.
not to mention, they even added shipping fodder in scenes with horde prime, because of course they had to. how else would people know that catra loves adora? she hasn't ever shown it so the only way the crew can convince everyone that she cares about adora is by having the main villain point it out (not to mention the scrapped off script where he says "you always wanted more but all she ever wanted was you" because we love a villain who exists solely to provide the viewers with ship angst)
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the first one pisses me off so much because they didn't even bother to draw catra's eyes dilated yet had horde prime mention it?? all while glimmer was sobbing and pleading him to not hurt adora, but she's not the one in love apparently. i feel like this show was trying to gaslight us
anyway, shipping aside. one common trope in media you may have heard about is the third-act breakdown. this is something that usually happens to villains where their once intimidating and confident façade starts to break apart as they are close to being defeated by our hero.
the keyword here is third-act. if you want a villain to be genuinely scary or an actual threat, you cannot make them lose their cool as soon as something goes wrong. because it just makes them look insecure and weak, and you're left wondering why they're even the main villain in the first place.
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and the problem with horde prime is exactly that. as soon as adora swoops in and saves catra, horde prime is immediately angered and upset that his plans failed. and from there, we see him get irritated and lose his cool easily multiple times.
this lessens the anticipation because you're not wondering how the protagonists will defeat him, you're wondering when they'll do it. because if he loses his cool so easily, it's clear that he's not cunning or calculating, he doesn't have a backup plan. and a good villain always has a backup plan, they are always one step ahead of the heroes, because that's how you raise the stakes.
it's no wonder horde prime isn't even a memorable villain and people only talk about how he brainwashed catra or how he "ships catradora". there's nothing else notable about him and it's honestly so evident that he was only introduced so that the previous villains could be redeemed for the sake of making certain ships canon.
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they literally had to make it so that adora might die because of the failsafe thing, because having horde prime as a villain wasn't enough stakes.
they tried to make a connection between adora and horde prime with mara being his previous nemesis, but it was really hamfisted and didn't provide enough tension or exposition. it certainly didn't feel as tense as any of the fights between catra and adora.
horde prime could have been a really cool and threatening villain, but spop decided to focus more on handing out free redemption arcs for all the antagonists and butchering everyone's character arcs instead. bravo.
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the-hinky-panda · 10 months
The Preacher's Wife: Escape (Part II)
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TW: Spousal abuse: physical, metal, emotional, and sexual
Maggie pushes her food around on her plate, making designs in the teriyaki sauce from the grilled salmon. She lines up her asparagus in a tic-tac-toe grid and uses the small red potatoes to fill in the spaces. She glances up at the clock. Eight fifteen. It’s Thursday night, and Hank is probably washing the dishes from dinner with his mom. Consuela is probably sitting in front of the TV, watching whatever sitcom is on, crocheting. 
God, how she wishes she was with them at the moment. 
Her eyes snap up to her husband, Simon Peters. Named for the occupation he has pursued, pastor of a megachurch, the shepherd of souls who love God.. Dressed impeccably in a dress shirt and designer jeans, his hair perfectly groomed in the latest style, seated at the head of the table. The master of his house. “Yes?” 
His cold blue eyes narrow slightly. “Are you alright? You’re very quiet.” 
She hears the veiled threat under his polite, concerned tone. Pay attention. Make me look good. Don’t embarrass me. She forces a smile and straightens her back. “I’m sorry. I’m just a little tired.” She looks over at the young, newlywed couple that are their dinner guests this evening. “Lydia and Asher wanted me to play in the pool with them today. I guess it took more out of me than I thought.” 
The young woman, Heather, takes her husband’s hand. “I can’t wait to have my own children.” 
Maggie glances over at Simon and gives a forced smile herself. “Children can be a blessing. I do wish I had spent more time learning how to be a wife before becoming a mother though.” Instead, she had married at nineteen and had Lydia ten months later. She had been so naive, believing that she was fulfilling her life plan. Growing up, she had been told that fulfillment was found in family: husband and children. And while she loved both Lydia and Asher, she had also come to realize that joy is found in a variety of things. To keep it constrained to a spouse and children was stifling. 
“God’s timing is perfect though. Lydia arrived exactly when she should have.” Simon picks up his wine glass. “And people who have been married for fifty years or more are still learning how to be the best spouses they can.” 
“And what’s the secret?” the husband, Carter, asks. “You and Mrs. Peters make it look so easy.” 
Maggie feels like she’s going to throw up. She wants to tell this young couple to run as far and as fast as they can from this house. It’s all fake. There’s no love here, no warmth. Her chest physically aches from the longing of wanting that home, that love. That hope. 
“Well, the secret is simple,” Simon says. “Draw closer to God, draw closer to each other. That’s it.” 
Maggie takes a healthy sip of her own wine and swallows down a follow up question of her own concerning the leather restraints and gag that are sitting in the bedside drawer right now. The restraints that she said she did not want to use only to find them wrapped around her wrists when she woke up in the middle of the night. Was that drawing closer to each other? She certainly didn’t think so. 
“And speaking of drawing closer to God,” Simon slips into his preacher’s voice, “this brings me to the reason why Carter and Heather are joining us here this evening.” 
That phrase, the reason why, makes Maggie’s hair stand on end. She becomes hypervigilant, taking in everything in the room. The tightening of the couple’s hands, the embarrassed blush staining Heather’s cheeks. The subtle slide of her eyes over to Simon, who gives her a small nod. How does Carter not see that, see that secretive look? Maybe he doesn’t know, doesn’t have enough experience with infidelity to recognize it. But then Carter looks over at Maggie, his eyes intent as they focus on her face, her lips…her breasts. Maggie pushes her chair back, her desire to flee prompting the motion, when Simon clears his throat. 
“Heather, sadly, is unable to conceive a child on her own.” Simon stands and slowly makes his way over to Maggie. “She and Carter came to me last week asking for prayers and guidance on what the next step should be. So I took the weekend and went into the wilderness and asked God for an answer. This is what He told me.” 
Maggie sways in her chair, feeling sick and lightheaded. Simon steadies her by digging his fingers into her shoulders. 
“God told me that the answer lies in the Old Testament story of the trials of Abraham and Sarah. When Sarah couldn’t conceive, she gave her maid to Abraham and Abraham was able to have a son. So, I give my wife to you so that you may achieve this blessed, and wonderful experience of parenthood.”
He gives her to them, like she’s a possession. Something to be borrowed and returned. She knows better from his phrasing and example, that a clinic for in vitro fertilization was not going to be considered. And if that wasn’t enough, then the leering look that Carter is giving her from across the table is enough to solidify her worst fears. Her stomach roils and she twists her way out of Simon’s grip. 
“Excuse me,” she mutters, running towards the bathroom. 
She locks the door because she can hear Simon’s footsteps behind her. She vomits what little dinner she managed to eat and then sits on the bathroom floor, her back against the wall. She wipes the tears from her eyes with shaking hands. 
“Margaret? Are you okay?” 
The fake sincerity drips from his words. Maggie pulls out her phone from her back pocket and opens her text messages. She needs help. She needs to get out. The door knob moves as Simon tries to open the door. She selects Morgan’s name and manages to type okay, it’s time and sends it off. 
Simon’s patience has run out so she pushes herself up the wall. She turns the water on, more to drown out anything they will say to each other, and she unlocks the door. He’s through it immediately, slamming the door behind him. Maggie prays for deliverance. 
“Pull yourself together,” he demands. “This is happening tonight.” 
“And every Saturday night until they get what they want.” 
Anger is replacing the shock. “Why are you doing this? Why can’t you just fuck her during one of your ‘counseling’ sessions and leave me out of it?” 
“Do you know who they are? They are Silicon Valley royalty, the both of them. That’s about 4 billion dollars worth of income sitting at our dining room table and all they want is a kid. Do you know what that kind of money could do for us?” 
“Oh, draining them of their money makes a wife swap so much more tolerable.” Maggie crossed her arms. “I’m not doing this.” 
Simon gives her a wicked smile. “Oh, I think you will. Holly Singer.” 
Maggie feels her blood run cold. “What?” 
“Oh yeah, I know about your books, Holly. So this is how it’s going to go. You’re going to go back out there, do whatever that man tells you to do. And if you’re finding it hard to get in the mood, just pretend you’re one of the sluts you love to write about in your filthy little novels.” 
Well, if God isn’t going to deliver her, then she’ll have to deliver herself. She starts looking for anything to fight back against Simon so she can get out of the bathroom, but all the decorations are too flimsy to inflict any damage. But then, from the other side of the door, comes a tiny little voice. 
Asher, her little three-year-old savior. “Yes, baby?” 
“I don’t feel good.” 
Bless him and whatever it is that roused him from his sleep. Simon’s jaw is tensed, his back teeth practically cracking as he grinds them together. He can’t force anything on her now if one of the kids needs her. Maggie steps around him and opens the door. Asher is standing there, his blonde hair sticking up in every direction, as he holds a small hand over his right ear. 
“What’s the matter, honey?” she asks, picking him up. 
“My ear hurts and I can’t sleep.”
Maggie gives a pointed look at Simon. “Please tell Heather and Carter that I’m sorry I won’t be back out there tonight as my son needs me.” 
She knows he’s going to make her pay for that later but she’ll cross that bridge when she comes to it. She puts ear drops in Asher’s ear, gently massaging the side of his little neck to help alleviate the discomfort. She hums “Annie’s Song” twice through and soon, he’s back to sleep in his own bed. She checks her phone before leaving the safety of his room and sees that Morgan has responded already. 
Tomorrow? Is that even possible?
I will make it happen. And I’ll be bringing back-up. I’ll let you know when we’re in the area.
Thank you. She doesn’t need to ask who the back-up is going to be. Morgan had told her she’s put the entire MC on alert so that as many as can come will make the ride up to La Jolla to move her and the kids to safety. Maggie erases the messages from her phone so Simon won’t find them. She already has bags packed for the kids and herself. Clothes, documents, jewelry, cash, all packed up in suitcases and backpacks, stored away in the crawlspace in Asher’s closet. All she needs to do is grab them and the kids and run. She slips the phone back into her pants pocket as she closes Asher’s door quietly behind her. When she turns around, something strikes her across her face, knocking her against the wall.. 
She smooths her hair back from her face and covers her stinging cheek with her hand. He’s standing just a couple feet away from her, a scowl on his classically handsome features. 
“Don’t you ever embarrass me like that again.” He rolls up his shirt sleeves. “They’ll be back tomorrow evening and you will have that child for them.” 
Knowing the calvary is coming tomorrow has made her brave. “And what if she’s not the problem? What if it’s him? Guess you’ll have to be the one to knock her up. What a shame.” 
She moves away from him but he grabs her arm, pushing her back against the wall again. This time, it’s not a slap. Stars erupt behind her eyes when his fist connects with her face and the back of her head hits the wall. His hand rests at the base of her throat, just enough pressure to hold her upright.“Or I just knock you up again. We both know how easy that is.” 
Maggie’s stomach drops at the memories of waking up, drowsy and disoriented, finding Simon on top of her. Too weak to fight him off, too out of it to properly register what was going on. It started happening when she was sleeping in one of the guestrooms, after waking up with her hands restrained in the leather cuffs that one time. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she started waking up with bruises on her wrists and thighs, the sheets and her skin smelling like Simon. She tried to deny it was happening, spending hours scrubbing herself clean in the shower, but then she became pregnant with Asher. She couldn’t deny the abuse at that point. 
That was when she started planning her escape, stashing money, moving assets around, letting Morgan in on what her life was like, albeit a more PG-13 version than the full blown truth. She survived six years in this gilded prison and tomorrow was going to be her day to break free. She knows if she gets too cocky, too confident, then Simon is going to know something is up. So she ducks her head and meekly nods her head. She shows him that she is the epitome of defeat of submission.
“Alright, Simon. Tomorrow night.” She nods in resolution to her fate. “I will follow God’s path for my life.” 
“That’s my sweet, obedient wife,” he presses a kiss against her cheek. “Now, let’s get some sleep so you’re well rested for tomorrow evening.” 
She glances at her watch. It’s almost midnight. Just a few more hours until Morgan and the Mayans MC show up to rescue her.  
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Forever Hand-in-Hand
Ship: Scaramouche/Keito x April | Word Count: 752 | Warnings/Tags: Sappy, wedding fic, hehehe <3
A/N: This is it - we're married now <3 Was planning to just write out vows or something but this little fic came to mind this morning so <3 I hope you enjoy it~ <3
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As soon as they take the last step across the aisle, Keito gently tugs on April's hand, making her giggle as she lets him lead her to a tree overlooking their venue. Their friends had practically insisted on being the ones to set up the reception party, and both of them are aware that the others will come looking for them when they're needed.
But for now, they deserve a little moment to themselves.
It is their special day after all.
"Hi," April says with a soft giggle as he corners her against the tree, close enough that one more step would have her putting the pretty lace of her wedding dress up against the bark.
"Hi," Keito echoes, a soft smile stretched across his face, for once not shy about how ardently he adores the woman in his arms. "I'm sure you know this but you look beautiful…"
Her eyes widen, a pleased smile spreading across her face along with that blush he's always so fond of. Still, he doesn't let her respond as he leans in close to her ear. "Regardless of whether I need air to survive or not, you took my breath away, ember," He whispers in her ear, chuckling softly as he hears her heart racing faster and the subtle way her breath catches.
Her cheeks are an even brighter shade of pink when he pulls back, his expression softening further as he realizes from this close that her eyeshadow (while a pretty shade of dark blue) has been done to resemble how he usually wears his.
"You look pretty beautiful yourself," She murmurs, her eyes tracing the folds of his kimono -- a pretty blue and purple design that suits him incredibly well in her opinion.
"Mm." It's clear that he's pleased by her words, that smile still making her heart flutter no matter how many times she sees it. The dusting of pink along his cheeks has her wanting to lean in and kiss him, but a small part of her knows that if she starts that, she won't want to stop.
That's better suited for when he inevitably pulls her away from the reception later. There's still pictures to be taken, and it won't be long until she'll switch into the dress chosen for their reception.
His hands gently settle on her waist, drawing her out of her thoughts, a knowing smile resting on his face. "Later," He murmurs, seemingly reading her mind as he always does.
There's plenty of words he wants to tell her, some of which he managed to convey in his vows, while others seem impossible to put into words. He wants to tell her that he felt like crying the second he saw her coming up the aisle, that he nearly did as she expressed her vows to him.
Somehow, he's certain she already knows, and if not, he'll have plenty of time to tell her tonight. For now, his hand slides down her arm and he gently presses two fingertips to the place her pulse flutters under her skin, his smile softening further as he feels what he's been hearing this whole time.
"I love you, ember," Keito murmurs, feeling a trace of shyness at those words which have become so easy for him to say. "Or should I be calling you 'my wife' now?" He asks teasingly, not expecting the way it makes him smile to say those words.
She's really his. In a way that everyone would recognize, his ring sitting pretty on her finger for all to see.
It feels far too good to be true.
April giggles beautifully at his words, her cheeks returning to that pretty shade of pink from earlier. "I love you too, Keito," She murmurs, the name that she'd chosen for him making this all-the-more special in her eyes. "My husband…"
It seems to delight her just as much, and he wants to tug her close and never let go of her. Later. He already plans on falling asleep with her wrapped up in his arms (or maybe with him in hers - he's not picky).
The two newlyweds stay curled up together, enjoying the moment of peace while their friends finish setting up the reception. And yet, neither of them seems to notice a pyro crystalfly fluttering over the tree they're under, the same one that had spun around April as she walked down the aisle.
Both are ready to celebrate day one of their forever with each other.
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theirsbird · 1 month
I have no idea how I should format this but have a word salad + some picrews neither of them have names I haven't had the time to look some up. designs may vary once i get the chance to draw then
prison of plastic spoilers ahead
SO FIRST the main oc! 21 (he/they, might change)
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Ocean country I imagine has a much higher inscribed to mundie ratio compared to the rest of the ee world, this is partially related. This fella has a large family all of which happen to be inscribed, except for him. this put a large strain on him and his parents, with clear favoritism towards his siblings (not being helped by being a middle child).
he had varying relationships with his siblings, two younger (twins) and one older. the oldest sibling he had the best relationship with. the earrings he wears we the lat birthday gift he got from them. due to his parents believing he was weak he began learning to fight physically, training with his older sibling and eventually on his own as he got older. even skipping school just to train, to get even the tiniest shred of appreciation from his parents. eventually he was deemed worthy of harvesting, which is how he eventually met Rick at the coliseum (id say around like 16ish). Rick was the first person he ended up meeting. not much in between for rn, just haven't had the time to brainstorm or whatever word fits here its like 12. He ended up escaping with Rick, while Rick had the ability from a friend to breath underwater (till he got out of range) this fella wasn't so lucky. My thoughts is he just kinda tanked the drowning damage by having a really high stamina, yeah kinda dark but theres no other way i can think of. he had held onto Rick for as long as he could, but once Rick got out of range of his other friends they had gotten seperated and washed up seperately. i do not know how they reunite please forgive me im also realizing i have forgotten to describe him as a character but im already tired and still need to write about the other guy ill flesh him out more later. SO THE OTHER DUDE! 19(tbd, any pronouns is fine for now) so this dude is just a random idea, made him for the sole purpose of "yeah thats cool write it down" his epithet is mermaid, though i may change it to something similar enough to keep its look. i LOVE the idea of epithets entirely changing a person the stronger they are. this, ill admit is a bit overkill BUT ocean country is weird maybe it has to do with their dark magic or whatever but this guy got stuck in his transformation from his epithet and heres he
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this one is going to change a lot, hes not actually this close to a lion fish but i plan to go creepy fish from the deep sea. there werent many colors i liked on this picrew. not much on him rn, just that he managed to slip out at the same time as Rick, idk if ill have him be particularly close with rick but i kinda imagine this guy showing up on beaches and shit and becoming some cryptid to the people around. hes also a huge klepto. often stealing jewelry from his opponents, he has like twice the jewelry than he does in the picrew PICREW okay thats all for tonight hope you enjoyed this word vomit time to go pass out
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avirael · 11 months
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Rain of Fire
As Rael looked up to the sky they strongly hoped that they hadn’t made a grave mistake. The red moon above had grown closer so fast and whatever the Garleans plan was, it was going to happen soon.
The first time Rael had noticed that something was wrong with Dalamud, they had been at the Thavnairian coast near the village of Yedlihmad. Suddenly the wind had freshened up and carried ominous whispers with it. Rael had looked up to the clear night sky filled with glistening stars and observed the twin moons. They tilted their head and wondered if the lesser moon shone redder than usual.
The next morning Rael had decided to return to Radz-at-Han as fast as possible because the feeling that something was wrong hadn’t left them the whole night and had followed them into their sleep with visions of fire-red Dalamud closer than seemed possible by it’s very nature.
The trip back to the city took longer than Rael had hoped and by the time they arrived the smaller moon had undeniably grown bigger or rather closer than it had been a few days ago. Immediately the Viera tried to gather as many information as possible and asked around for news they might have missed while they were out in the wilderness.
After another few days a terrible rumour reached Rael in hushed voices. It was said that the Garlean empire somehow found a way to use their Magitek technology to manipulate Dalamud and now planned to use it as a weapon of mass destruction by making it crash into Aldenard like a giant meteor. It sounded almost to crazy to believe but the way it made the Viera‘s skin crawl let them suspect that there at least was some truth to it.
Rael wondered what they should do next. Knowing things and drawing the right conclusions wasn’t the same thing, a lesson they had learned rather quickly after first being trained to harness their powers. What would happen if the Garleans succeeded with their mad plan? How far would the destruction of such an impact reach? Possibly not as far as Thavnair or Dalmasca, because that would mean that it would hit Garlemald too, and Rael doubted that they were crazy enough to destroy their own territory. But even if the destruction would be limited to Aldenard it would still have catastrophic consequences not only for the people there but also for the aetherial balance of the whole world.
Rael didn’t doubt for a second that they needed to do something about this but the question was how? The Thavnairians seemed reluctant to do anything about the situation. After all they were not only a comparably small nation but also had a non-interference treaty with the Garlean Empire.
But what was Rael supposed to do on their own? Where should they go? For days they tried to find the right answer or at least a hint at it, listening to the voices of the wind, the sound of the waves and rustling of the leaves but to their frustration their gift rarely showed itself when they needed it the most.
Think, think!, they told themself over and over again and went through as many scenarios as they could imagine. Going to Garlemald seemed senseless. Not only would it be far too dangerous but Rael was only one person. There was no way they could sabotage the Empire‘s plans all on their own. But who would have an interest in helping them other than the designated victims of the Garleans plan? Would there still be enough time to go to Aldenard? And would Rael be able to help them at all? Rael didn’t know any of that but at least they had to try. They had already wasted enough time and with every minute they hesitated the catastrophe got more and more inevitable…
Luckily Thavnair had lots of trade relations to all corners of Eorzea, including Aldenard, so it didn’t take Rael very long to find a merchant who was willing to risk a journey there and would allow the Viera to travel with them in exchange for their help. So Rael spent the rest of that day carrying boxes and bags with all kinds of local goods onto the merchants ship before it set sails early the next morning.
As they left Thavnair towards the west Rael stood at the stern of the ship and watched the land grow smaller and smaller for a while, listening to any kind of sign to prove their decision right. When Thavnair had vanished at the horizon Rael turned around looking forward instead. So they were really going to Aldenard. Further from their home than Rael had ever been.
After leaving the Golmore Jungle Rael had first turned to the north, traveling through Nagxia up towards the Azim Steppe. Then they had turned to Yanxia always careful not to catch the attention of the Empire. From there a merchant had taken Rael to Kugane. They had hoped to travel the various islands of Hingashi but were denied to leave the city, so after only a short time they instead decided to take yet another ship to Thavnair, where they had spent the last few months. And now they were headed towards Aldenard, Vylbrand to be more precise.
Rael had never imagined that their journey would lead them this far to the west, since they had always suspected the threat they saw in their vision was one closer to their homeland. But a meteor crashing down to earth probably proved that hypothesis wrong.
The way from Thavnair to Aldenard wasn’t a short one, even on sea. Only Rael’s journey from Kugane around the southern coastline of Othard to Thavnair had been longer. And all this time the red moon in the sky had grown closer and more threatening. Proportionally to the size of Dalamud the nervousness of the crew and it’s captain also grew.
The man had probably estimated a slower descent of the moon or a faster travel and by now he considered altering the course of the ship so they would make it to land in time, no matter where. Some suggested that it was best to head back to towards Cape Mete which they had passed a few days ago but the captain explained that they wouldn’t make it back there in time. There was no way to tell what would happen if the consequences of Dalamud’s fall would catch them on the open sea. So they kept heading west hoping to make it to one of the islands on the eastern shore of Aldenard and praying that there would be enough distance between them and Carteneau, the estimated area of impact on the western shore of Aldenard.
Rael cursed themself for being stuck on this ship, for not being fast enough, for not having known better than to try this hopeless journey in the first place. But what should they have done instead? Why was it so difficult to hear the voice of the forest recently? Had they strayed to far from home? But didn’t the Oracle intend for Rael to go out into the world? Didn’t they say that it would be the only way to save their home? Then why would the forest haunt Rael with visions of doom and then leave them clueless to fend for themself out here? Where did they go wrong?
No!, Rael desperately tried to silence the turmoil in their thoughts. There had to be something they still could do, there had to be a reason for all of this. The signs had been there and Rael had not entirely misread them for sure. They breathed in and out, slowly and deeply, sat down, closed their eyes and listened, carefully and concentrated for hours. But to their terror they found that there was nothing but the sound of the waves crashing against the hull of the ship and a storm growing closer in the dark clouds above.
"Land!", a man suddenly yelled down from the crow’s nest. "Land in sight!"
Quickly Rael jumped up and ran to the bow of the ship observing the horizon and indeed after a moment a landmass started to appear, dark against the evening sky filled with thunder clouds dimly illuminated by Dalamud’s ominous red and orange glow. A few of the sailors cheered with relief and for a second Rael almost regained hope. Almost.
Then the rumbling of distant thunder grew louder and along with it something else reached Rael’s ears and send a shudder through the Viera’s body. A faint distorted voice, strangely different from any they had ever heard before whispering in the wind. The voice was almost unintelligible and sounded far far away but at the same time it felt so much more intense than anything Rael’s gift had shown them since a long time. They didn’t understand what the meaning of this strange voice was but it was unmistakably important. Rael pressed their eyes shut and tried to listen more precisely. They understood bits and pieces but the meaning behind the words still remained mysterious to them.
Suddenly a loud crash made Rael open their eyes again and turn their gaze to the sky where Dalamud had almost reached it’s destination. Something was happening. Glowing blue lines spread across the moon’s surface like cracks but the pattern was way too geometric to be a coincidence. Nonetheless the moon seemed to break, it’s shards ablaze flying in all directions and crashing to the ground with fiery tails.
Once again Rael shuddered and their skin started to crawl. The eery voice faded to the background as dizziness took over and made them stumble to the floorboards, their vision starting to blur. For a moment everything went silent and black, then the rumbling thunder seemed louder than before and Rael could feel the heat of fire on their skin.
In front of their eyes a city appeared, built on a rocky island with a myriad of piers and wooden walkways connecting the different buildings. Fire rained down on it, crushing bridges and buildings were it hit land and making the water boil and rise were it hit the ocean, causing waves to swallow the lowest areas of town.
Then Rael’s vision blurred again and turned this way and that before coming into focus again. This time Rael looked down like a bird onto a big round city with lots of towers and domes and an enormous palace in its centre. Here the burning shards of Dalamud also crashed down and made thick stone walls burst like glass. Rael also felt like they could hear the panicked screams of the townsfolk fearing for their lifes in the distance.
Then another shift and this time it made Rael’s stomach turn. Below them a dense green forest stretched out pulsing with life, giant trees as old as time with all kinds of animals searching for shelter below their foliage. Then fire started to rain down on it, ripping gaping dark holes into the green and setting the forest around ablaze.
Just like their vision back at the Sanctuary in the Golmore Jungle. Had they been too late to prevent it? Had they failed? Was everything going to be destroyed now?
Rael started to scream. But the terrified shriek they heard didn’t sound like their own voice at all.
Maybe it was that scream that brought Rael back to reality or maybe it was the swaying of the ship or the person shaking them and trying to pull them to their feet.
"No!", Rael yelled and struggled, stretching a hand out to… to what exactly?
"You should go inside unless you want to go overboard!", the friendly voice of the merchant yelled loudly beside them. "Like this we are never going to make it to any of the islands."
Finally Rael started to focus on their present situation again. The ship was being tossed around by tall waves caused by falling fragments of Dalamud that landed in the ocean before and beside them. It was a miracle none of them had hit the ship yet. That was not all however. The fiery shards were accompanied by burning bright beams of light. Confused Rael looked up to the sky and couldn’t believe what they were seeing.
"Is that a…?"
"A freaking dragon? Yes I think so!", the merchant offered. "It hatched from the goddamn moon!"
That sounded crazy. But then again it didn’t sound much more crazy than using a moon as a tool of mass destruction. The beast hurtled through the air with outstretched wings sending beams of light down to earth destroying everything in its way. It was difficult to estimate the dragons size but from this distance alone it looked enormous.
Panicked Rael turned around remembering their vision and trying to orient themself. Aldenard and the destruction lay to the west, so that meant Dalmasca had to be exactly in the the opposite direction. Relieved Rael realised that only a few of Dalamud‘s fragments reach much further east than their current position. That meant the Jungle, their home, was probably safe, at least for now.
However that wasn’t supposed to be the most urgent of Rael’s worries right now, as the sudden surge of terrified screams around them proved. Quickly the Viera followed the gaze of the men back towards the sky over Aldenard. A massive burning chunk was headed directly their way, coming closer and closer every second. With a rough jolt the ship started to groan and turn.
"Everyone! Hold on tight!", the captain yelled down from the quarter deck while pushing all of his weight onto the ship’s wheel.
The ship made a turn to the right just in time to evade the falling meteor fragment crashing into the ocean only about a dozen yalms away. The water hissed and splashed and a tall wave crashed against the side of the ship making it tilt dangerously. Hadn’t Rael clung to the railing as tightly as they had, they would have fallen and rolled across the deck like some of the others did. Luckily none of them seemed to have gone overboard as far as Rael could see.
Once they dared to loosen their grip again Rael and the merchant stumbled towards the quarter deck, where the captain tried to hold the ship steady.
"What should we do now?", the merchant asked.
"We‘re going to head north, towards Gyr Abania.", the captain answered. "We‘ll never reach the coast safely like this. We have to get away from this rain of fire."
"Gyr Abania?!", Rael protested. "But that‘s garlean territory!"
The merchant put a hand on Rael’s shoulder trying to reassure them. "I don’t like it any more than you do, but staying on our planned course would be as good as suicide. Gyr Abania is our best hope right now."
Reluctantly Rael nodded. They knew the man was right. There was no way to undo the damage of Dalamud anymore, they had been too late. But what should Rael do, now that they were in Aldenard? That was assuming they safely made it to land to begin with…
Should they just continue their journey like they had before? They could travel whatever would be left of Aldenard once the dust settled and learn what this land had to offer. The least they could do was to try and help the people recover from this catastrophe and help them to prevent whatever the Garlean Empire had planned next.
With uncertainty they looked back towards the catastrophe unraveling in the night sky. Something called them there, they could feel it, but it felt different than before. Rael couldn’t stop thinking about that strange voice that was familiar and unfamiliar at the same time and that scream that still echoed in their head and that felt like their own but at the same time sounded like a cry for help from far away.
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ayeon0307 · 1 year
Presentation Reflection
19th September (Tue)
Like the other blogs, I would also like to start my reflection with a description. From this blog, I still feel uncomfortable speaking for myself in the blog, but I hope this writing can form my own style of writing.
So, I started with the toolkit activity 'Four Square Story' from The Collective Action Toolkit by Frog. This activity is thinking about how my project would affect people by drawing a story. Since this presentation was not formal, there was no limitation to how to present my project and prototype. Therefore, this activity could help me to find out the way.
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-> Four Square Story from Frog’s The collective action toolkit. (David Sherwin, 2023) (1)
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-> Four Square Story activity
Coming up with a story wasn't easy - I didn't have a target market, and I didn't have a clear idea of the impact I wanted to have, so I had to go through a process of reflection on all of my previous works to come up with a story in four boxes.
Four Square Story: 4/5 - It really helped me to find a way to present my idea and a great chance to redefine my project's target audience.
The toolkit itself is very helpful, but my project is still greedy. My project wants to reach a wide range of people with a simple configuration now. Why don't I let go of my ambition and accept the limitations of my project? The ambition is following me for the whole project process. I still want new ideas to cover my weaknesses and hope to include more products in my finalised toolkit. I know that time constraints and the determination to accept your own limitations are also important parts of being a designer.
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-> Presentation instruction
I was planning to give a presentation without any supporting materials, but English is my second language, so I created a toolkit supplement for the presentation for, the situation that I forget everything about my toolkit. I wanted to improve the understanding of the paper prototype by instruction.
Prototype: 3/5 - The paper prototype didn't show enough promise. Especially inside the box, when I started my presentation, all the products were mixed up because I needed to organise them better. Also, I included the explanation of 'how to use' with only writing, which was a disadvantage since there was a short period and the audience had a short time to understand my toolkit and writing wasn't really helping them to understand.
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-> Presentation
To conclude, the presentation was disastrous: I read my hastily prepared script with a shaky voice and ended up with a very disappointing presentation. The reason for my nervousness was my lack of preparation. My head was scrambled, and I ended up skipping the Whare Tapa Whaa I had prepared.
Presentation: 1/5 - It's always a matter of being generous with myself. I'm disappointed in myself for not preparing enough for an informal presentation, especially considering the treaty partners and Whare Tapa Whaa.
Disappointed. In particular, watching other students present their projects was very inspiring. Knowing that I didn't put my best foot forward in the presentation made me feel useless, but it also gave me an alert about the final presentation.
My project is heading in the right direction on the prototype side, but I have to work on the details. The presentation made me realise that my project needs to have the responsibility of being a Treaty partner and the relevance of Whare Tapa Whaa, which is the first thing I should have considered as a student in the community stream.
Action Plan
The biggest issue remains the consideration of treaty partners and the analysis of the Whare Tapa Whaa model. I will further research the Treaty of Waitangi and the Whare Tapa Whaa model. I believe that I am still lacking as a designer in understanding New Zealand and that I need to become more aware of myself as a treaty partner.
(1) David Sherwin. (2023). frog’s Collective Action Toolkit. DAVID SHERWIN. https://www.davidsherwin.com/collective-action-toolkit
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regatoni1 · 2 years
~Chapter Thirteen~
Brushing off your thoughts, you waited patiently until your friends arrived. With the timer almost up, you became extremely worried as they had only entered with about a minute to spare. 
You rushed over to them. "Gon! Killua!" you yelled happily.
"Hey (y/n)!"
"Gosh don't make me worry like that! I thought I was gonna have to leave you all behind!" you teased, putting Killua in a headlock and ruffling his hair, laughing at his protests.
With you reunited with your friends, you found out why they spent so much time in the tower. Damn horny Leorio... you thought while walking out of the tower with them.
The examiner explained that for the fourth phase, you would all be travelling to Zevil Island, where you would hunt each other, for your tags of course, by using any means necessary. You drew lots, and your target's tag was worth three points, as was your own. You needed six points to pass the phase. Anyone else's tag was only worth one point.
Pretty soon, you were called up to draw your lot. You had to wait in anticipation as everyone drew one, waiting until the last person drew to pull the sticker off, revealing your targets.
Nerves pulsing through you, you pulled the sticker off, to see your target was applicant number 301.
You looked around. Who is that?  Most people had already taken off their own badge to hide it, but you really didn't see much point in doing so. Coincidentally, neither did Gittarackur, number 301.
Great. I just had to get pinhead huh? Fuck! This is going to be way more difficult than I thought...
Sighing, you started to think of a plan. Unfortunately, you were probably going to have to use your nen, which you were hoping to keep a secret just a little bit longer.
You were so immersed in forging a plan to get his badge, you didn't even notice the sly clown that was looking over your shoulder at your target number.
"I could help you if you'd like," he said over your shoulder.
"No thanks. Don't need it," you replied, ignoring  the way his proximity gave you butterflies, how his scent invaded your nose, clouding any hope for clear judgement. Ignoring that how he offered you help made a blush creep across your cheeks, and definitely ignoring how you had hoped he would continue pestering you.
You even ignored the letdown you had felt when he walked away.
Making your way onto the boat that would take you to the island, you chatted with Gon and Killua about your pasts. 
You learned that Killua was from the infamous Zoldyck's, the long time and all powerful family of assasins. You also discovered that Gon was determined to find his father, Ging Freecss, whose name you had heard been mentioned once or twice.
"Tell us about your past, (y/n)!" Gon said excitedly.
"Yeah we know almost nothing about you," Killua added.
"Heh, well you're not the only one."
The boys stared at you confused, waiting for you to continue. Standing up and leaning against the side of the boat, you took a deep breath, inhaling the calming smell of the saltwater below.
"You see, I'm from Meteor City."
"Meteor City?" Gon asked.
"Yes. The city where no one exists. I grew up there by myself. I had almost no friends, no allies, basically no one on my side. But, I did have one person who I could rely on. Someone I could trust," you took another breath and sat back down beside them, ready to dig into your past.
"Basically, my parents had me for the sole reason of becoming the best assassin in the world. They started training me the second I was born. I went through gruelling torture sessions, hours of intensive training, along with some emotional abuse when I didn't learn something fast enough, or when I made a mistake."
"I don't remember much about who my parents were in general, but I always remember sneaking out late at night to meet up with Kiri, my best friend. We had met the first time I ran away. She had been scavenging for food, and we quickly hit it off. We had a designated meeting spot, a secluded ruin of a building."
"Almost every night, we'd meet up there and stare at the stars, or just lay in silence and bask in the comfort of each other. That is until she was killed. After that, I was completely alone until I met you guys."
"One night, I had just been hurled a flurry of curses and swears thrown at me from my father. Stuff like, 'You'll never be good enough!' and 'Stop being so pathetic and take the pain!' It was after I couldn't take any more of the chains, the whips, the stabbing, electrocuting, and had passed out."
"When I had arrived at our spot, Kiri was on the ground, bloodied and barely alive, clothes ripped up. There was a group of mafia men standing over her, one of which was just doing his pants back up. That's all I really remember before I saw nothing but red."
"Before I knew it, all the men were dead, their heads torn off by yours truly. I had run over to her, to see if I could even say sorry for not being there to protect her, but she was already gone. I just hope she saw that I killed them, I killed them all!"
"I should have been there! I should have just left a little earlier, and she-"
You stopped as Killua threw his arms around you, and Gon wiped a tear off your face.
"It's not your fault, (y/n)," Killua said solemnly as Gon silently agreed.
"Yeah, I guess. I just, I need a minute," you said, brushing past them and finding a bathroom.
Finally getting the chance to be alone, you broke down in the small bathroom. You sobbed, sliding against the wall. 
I could have saved her. I should have saved her. It's- it's all my fault...
Letting yourself break a little more each tear, you slowly stood back up after you heard the bell ring signalling the ship's arrival.
Looking in the mirror, you despised what you saw. The puffy eyes. The red cheeks. You were not weak. You didn't cry. You looked down at your hands, squeezing the sides of the sink. No remorse. No remorse, you chanted in your head, almost like a mantra. Squeezing so hard, you broke the porcelain of the sink and looked up at yourself one last time, anger rearing it's head. You punched the mirror, shattering it, shards of glass embedding themselves inside of your knuckle.
You left the bathroom and went back to the main deck, ignoring the looks people gave you. Hisoka was already gone, and you were next to leave.
When the girl called your name, you walked towards the forest, knuckles dripping with blood, hoping to see at least one person. You needed to kill. 
Killing wasn't something you enjoyed doing, but it was something that you had been trained to do. Something comforting, almost, and whenever you did it, you felt it brought you closer to Kiri.
Not realizing how far you had walked, you hopped into a tree and waited for the poor victim who you would see first.
239? Your lucky day. 
You jumped out of the tree and onto his shoulders, ripping his head off like a feral animal.
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Testing Materials Week 2-3
This is a compilation of tests I did on the multiplane.
At first I started with charcoal, then some string animation, and clay and oil. As well as a pyrography test on a slab of wood. I am writing to describe my thoughts and processes of each and to hopefully decide on one medium.
I first started with the pyrography tool which essentially was a soldering rod. It was great fun, very hot, and Smokey so I will definitely include a mask and a heatproof glove if I choose this going forward. Its burn effect is exactly what I'm looking for, so I am eager to make this work for me. I will however need to source my own wood potentially going out and finding it rather than ordering this. I did a quick test of drawing charcoal next to the pyro test to see how they look next to each other. I feel as though I could combine them together, possibly closer to the design stage/production.
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On the multiplane I did three different charcoal tests, on different coloured paper. I had quickly drawn a rough plan for the first sapling animation. Since it was at the beginning of using the multiplane we had the lighting set up however the bulb went off one which is why it wasn't set so well. And wasn't until later this was replaced. I wasn't to worried about this since its only to see if I like the materials and If it's doable. We used dragon frame software to capture this, and made sure with a focus check it was picking up the details with the camera. Once this was sorted we added the keys for either two or single frame buttons. I was told that the lens would also have to be changed for the multiplane to a 50mm however I was just glad to even start. Once all setup and wires were in order My next issue was that I would have to animate upside down. I did this for the first two. As you can see they are off centre although I did try to mark out the corners this was still hard for me. Versus the last version which you can see I flipped this after in after effects. Certainly drawing the face is clearer, but it is to high up and not centred. I have to also be sure not to leave things on frame, I momentarily left a rubber on the first one within a shoot. Luckily I have managed to edit this out. I am really drawn to the express nature of charcoals in general and would hope to find a way I can Incorporate this.
When it comes to clay I did not have a lot to use. So I had to try to make the slab tile I rolled out thick enough for when I drew into this as you can see it wasn't to visible versus when I applied clay above. If I had ore clay I might have been able to do a larger slab and more able to do bigger, artwork for it's animations. At this time we managed to get a second light working so I had to rework the exposure and camera settings again. I think if I had spent a little more time working with this I might have got a better looking result. However, I personally got the feeling I would not be using clay since it did not give the same expressive freedom I had in charcoal. It was still a worthy try as I personally do love working in clay. It would just not meant to be.
When It comes to the oil which I barely touched and was only 0.5 of a second, it was an instant no. And I could not think of a way to get it to animate clearly. So what I did to save clean up was tape this clear film above the class. Now reflecting, since I used two planes instead of one the lower one was the back ground anyway. Instead of Making the top layer with too much white, I should have only done the black branch. My thinking was I need the white to add and take away. Upon this reflection I am learning from my mistakes and taking the time to reflect has certainly helped in this case.
Last but not least I just did some quick string-over-fabric animation. Initially, I was going to embryoid this. However, I could not see a way to do this unless I had something to stretch the fabric like a hoop or a frame I could secure and staple fabric to this. Unfortunately, I thought of this a little late as I do not have the funds for this. So instead I played with the string. and tried to see how much control I would have over this and how could I make it look like something. Well, I tried at first to see how tight I could hold the shape. Unfortunately, It could not do this very well. It could, however, look and move very fluidly like so the first one is meant to resemble water a bit, whereas the second one is meant to resemble a fish whose tail is reacting to the forces around this. Overall this is not bad and I may come back with a hoop or something to update and add later as a side project if I have time before Thursday so I can really get a feel.
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Can I request f!reader thigh riding the glader of your choice please?
Yes, a thousand times yes. You know I gotta go with my boy Gally, he has very nice thighs, that one. Hope you enjoy!
You and Gally entered your shared hut after a very long day of working on new building plans for the Safe Haven, Vince deciding that they should expand the camp by setting up in a small clearing he found in the woods.
Gally was the obvious choice for designing the plans, he was the best Builder in the Glade after all. You were decent at drawing and had good spatial reasoning that came in handy when it came to building that Gally always took advantage of in the Glade, even when you weren't a Builder.
Planning and mapping out future buildings sounds relatively easy in theory, but you and Gally had to spend all day out in that field taking measurements and testing if the ground would hold up the weight of said buildings. It took a lot of effort, but you managed to get a lot down in one day.
Coming back to your hut, which you could comfortably call home, was the best part of your day, especially now that Gally had moved in with you. And it was a good enough distance away from all the other huts that you didn't have to worry about the rest of the camp hearing your nightly activities with Gally that happened very often.
You sighed as you ungracefully slumped against your wall, stretching out your sore muscles. "Man, I am just not Builder material, and we haven't even started building yet."
"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it." Gally assured, his eyes slowly gazing up and down your form as you continued stretching. "Come here." He instructed softly, waving you over as he sat down in one of your chairs that accompanied the table in the main room of your hut.
You smiled tiredly, taking a seat on his lap and leaning your head on his shoulder. "Today was so exhausting."
Gally nodded, positioning you to straddle his lap. "Yeah, I know. Vince just wants these new buildings built soon." He moved a piece of hair hanging over your forehead, gently rubbing his thumb just above your eyebrow.
You breathed in Gally's scent, just his touch alone making your mind go hazy, your hips barely grinding against his clothed crotch. You weren't really planning the night to go this way, but being so close to him made you forget all about your aching muscles, another part of your body starting to ache just for him.
Gally raised his brow suggestively, his gaze quickly turning dark. "What do you think you're doing, kitten?" You only giggled in reply. "I thought you were tired?" Gally yawned subtly, making you pout slightly, but that only caused him to smirk, deciding to indulge your behavior.
You gasped as Gally forced you to straddle only his right thigh, a new forceful pressure against your core creating a pleasant sensation. You moaned softly as Gally grabbed your hips and pulled you down onto his thigh. "You think you can come like this, baby?" Gally whispered near your ear, his deep voice vibration causing a shiver down your spine.
"I don't know...maybe." You replied, a nervous excitement in your tone.
"Let's find out." Gally smirked, continuing to help you grind your clothed core on his muscular thigh. You quickly took your pants off with a desperate sigh, allowing for more pleasant friction to travel through.
You breathed heavily as Gally kissed and licked your neck, almost definitely creating marks that you'll have to hide later. You moaned sharply as Gally bounced his leg up and down, burying your face in his neck to try and stifle how loud you were already.
Gally let go of your hips, bringing his hands up to remove your shirt, your breasts at full display just for him. You squealed happily as Gally took one of your nipples in his mouth, biting and pulling at the soft peak while his other hand wrapped around your throat and squeezed tightly, just even to make you lightheaded.
Gally smirked as he looked down at his thigh, his pants having a dark, wet spot where you were grinding on him. "Look at what a mess you're making, kitten." You whimpered, his words only causing you to speed up your thrusting hips, your clit hitting his thigh at just that right angle that made tears come to your eyes. "You are gonna come, aren't you? Just by rubbing yourself on Daddy's leg, huh?"
Gally's flexing thigh meeting your pulsing clit with every fast thrust, you cried out as you felt yourself nearing your climax. "Gally, I'm so close." You stuttered, the consistent pressure on your core and Gally's hand squeezing just below your jaw numbing your brain, making you a moaning mess.
Gally's hand that was wrapped around your throat quickly travelled to the back of your head, grabbing your hair and forcing your head up. His green eyes were dark, pupils blown wide as he watched you intensely as your face contorted into utter bliss as he guided you to rut against him faster. "Look at me." He ordered, obeying as your eyes quickly found his, struggling to keep them from closing from your pleasure.
You let out a high pitched moan as you got closer and closer to the edge, a thin layer of sweat lining your forehead and your hands clutched tightly onto Gally's shirt. Your felt your face heat up quickly, his dark stare driving you wild. "Come for me, kitten."
Your body had no trouble obeying as soon as he spoke those words, burning heat flowing throughout your core, your clit throbbing intensely as your orgasm washed over you. Gally kept rolling your hips against his thigh, letting you ride out your high.
You smiled giddily as Gally planted a passionate kiss on your lips, your completely fucked out visage making him smirk smugly. "Such a good girl for me, aren't you, baby?" He continued to kiss and nip at your neck, making you whine.
"Now I'm really tired." You said weakly, letting your eyes flutter shut until you heard Gally chuckle darkly.
"Oh, you didn't think the night was over, did you, kitten?"
I wrote this in one day cause my friend has decided that he'll call me kitten just to rile me up, this is the product...fuckin' teasing bastard. So Anon, you can thank him for this🙃
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