#i hope she is not actually at the verge of dying
araraito · 3 days
I can't do anxiety exercises because they make me feel more anxious - does anyone have any advice?
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one-vivid-judgment · 7 months
You know what I love about the Ichigang? That they were all alone and at rock bottom at some point, with no one to rely on for support:
- Nanba wanted to be like Nightingale, but then got fired because he took the fall for someone else, who ended up having lied to him for her own benefits. His brother was being watched by the Geomijul and then disappeared; Nanba spent a long ass time homeless and not knowing if his brother was alive or not. 
- Adachi lived with the Kusumi incident in his conscience for years, hating Horinouchi's guts and hoping to find something to take the guy down. First he's demoted to the license center, then he's straight up fired. No job, no retirement, man never got married or had a family. The Barkeep even says he's "not usually a happy drunk" and that "it's the first time in a long time I see him smile like that".
- Saeko's family life is a DISASTER. Her mom died, her sister wants nothing to do with her (to the point where they were both working for the same guy and Nanoha EXPLICITLY told Nonomiya not to tell her sister about it, even when things were tough and she could've used Saeko's help), her dad is old and dying. She is on her own and basically only has her girls and Nonomiya—until Nonomoya dies, and she's conflicted cause sure, he wasn't the best guy around, but he was still there for her when she needed, and now he's gone. 
- Yeonsu's life, man. Yeonsu's fucking life. His dad was a drunkard who abused his son and cared about him so little that he had no qualms basically giving Yeonsu up as tribute to the Jingweon mafia to turn him into their leader's double—mind you, this means he could've been killed at any point. He basically lived as the shadow of someone else for years, never being seen for himself but for Joongi Han. 
- Zhao's Liumang leader status was passed down from his dad. He was doing a good job although he's clearly more passionate about cooking and having his restaurant—that he doesn't mind a simpler life and even EMBRACES it and gets angry when anyone suggests he's "just some chef". He still lead the Liumang though. And then his men and right hand turn on him and try to get him killed and what do you know, suddenly there is nothing anymore. 
- Seonhee was a kid when the whole Jingweon mafia shit show happened and then it all came crashing down. Her people who managed to escape alive were left on their own and abandoned until the Geomijul was created. 
- Even Eri, the optional party member, was in a similar situation. She was tricked by Hosho and her company was at the verge of shutting down, and when she thought she had a chance to get back on her feet thanks to Nonomiya's help, she finds out he died, and basically, as far as she knows, all hope is lost. 
And then, Chitose and Tomizawa. I feel they are the perfect example of how easy it is to stray and go down the wrong path when you are in that type of situation, and how even the tiniest kind gesture can do wonders to you:
- Chitose was a sheltered rich girl whose whole life was dictated by her parents. She craved the independence and the freedom and she wanted CONNECTION—which is how she ended up falling in Eiji's trap and being blackmailed for years and manipulated into using people who actually cared about her and with whom she was finally developing that connection she always yearned for. As far as she knows, said people will push her to the side as soon as they find out about her betrayal, and then she'll be alone again. 
- Tomizawa was living the live with his girlfriend, a nice job and a kid on the way—until Dwight and the Barracuda pinned their crimes on him. He went to jail, Marie lost the baby and then disappeared, he's blacklisted from every bank and had to go to Yamai for help with his debts, and after that, he basically became a puppet who did everythint Yamai asked him to out of fear. He hates himself for being a coward who's not able to pull the trigger even when it's necessary, and he blames himself for everything that happened. He is a horrible person in his own eyes, and as far as he knows, there is no getting out of this situation. 
And then there is Ichi, who has seen nothing but rock bottom for so fucking long but still manages to see the bright side of things. He is a good person, sometimes borderline stupid and his choices end up making his superiors (aka Sawashiro) mad. But it doesn't matter how much life beats him down, he always gets back up because he has that "once you hit rock bottom, the only way is up" philosophy. And, although some of his friends have used him for their benefit or straight up assaulted him, Ichi never turns his back on them. Because he KNOWS how it feels to be alone and to not have anyone there for you, anyone that you can rely on, and if he can be that someone, then he WILL be. If he can change a single person's life, he WILL. 
Anyway, I love the Ichigang so much and these are the kind of thoughts I have about them at 1 a.m
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chrissdollie · 1 year
I have a request if you are interested? :)
A teen!dad jess. He has a best friend from New York (she can have a name or it can be Y/N, you can choose) (they are endgame, jess never had feelings for Rory but she has feelings for Jess, it won't go anywhere) Jess and his best friend have a kid, they co-parent (whether they are dating already or in the future is up to you) Jess gets sent to Stars Hallow, she ends up moving to stars Hallow to, to be close to Jess and so their kid can be with him too (she is emancipated, plus Jess knows she's coming because they keep in contact) if anyone reading this would like to turn this into an actual story, I'm totally down for reading it :) if you choose this request, I look forward to reading it. Thank you!!
hi noonie!! this is my first requests omg wowowow i think this is a great idea! im sorry if its kinda sloppy and not how u wanted! but i hope u enjoyy ! wc: 1.7k also i saw how you said that jess knew she was coming, but whats more fun than a suprise? ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As your best friend grabbed his bag and walked towards you and your one-year-old son, you forced yourself to keep your composure. You didn't know how you were going to okay without him. You'll still see him when he comes back to visit for holidays and such, but it won't be the same. You didn't want Jess to leave and neither did he, but he had no choice. He walked over to you and S/N. Reaching out for his father, S/N cooed and Jess took him from you. Jess held him preciously like it would be the last time. "Be good for your mom kid." He kissed his head.
He put down S/N into his crib before walking over to you and grabbed both of your hands. "I'm going to call you twice a day. Morning and night, okay? If there's anything you need, I'm there for you." He explained clearly. You nodded your head as you chewed on your lip, unable to form words. You wrapped your arms around his neck in a tight hug. Jess Mariano was your best friend. Having S/N was an accident, but you and Jess both believed that everything happens for a reason, so you kept him. And neither of you regret it. Your relationship is a little odd, but you love him nonetheless. You pulled away and kissed his cheek. "You'll be okay." You whispered, wiping a tear from your cheek. "And so will you, Y/N. You're the strongest person I know." You smiled softly at his words and gave him a picture of the three of you. He grinned and held it tightly. "Don't miss your bus, buddy." You joked. He ruffled your hair and waved goodbye.
A year later, you still feel the same as you did before. You know, the same day the two of you created a child, the same day you gave birth, and the same day he left. And you were panicking. "Oh, S/N, I'm so excited!" You jumped around making S/N giggle. He bounced along with you. "But I'm nervous too. What if he found someone else?" Then you gasped. "What if he cut all of his hair off?" You exaggerated just to see S/N's goofy smile. "This isn't about me though. This is all for you!" You tickled him (ugh, he's so darn cute). You grabbed your luggage, held S/N on your hip, and left the apartment. Stars Hollow was a cute name, you had to admit. You were thrilled to live in a small town! When you arrived, you stepped off the bus and looked around. Just as you imagined, it looked great! But maybe you should’ve told Jess you decided to be spontaneous and move to Connecticut. On the other hand, Jess could be on the verge of dying from boredom, so a surprise is the perfect thing to cheer him up.
“Thoughts, S/N?” You asked, clenching your hand into a fist as a pretend mic to his mouth. Your adorable son stared at you with his gorgeous eyes. Damn he looks just like his mother. Kidding, he’s an exact replica of Jess. Anywho, you accepted his answer and began to explore.
45 minutes later, you realized that you didn’t plan this out well enough like you thought. Even after talking to Jess everyday on the phone for an entire year, you didn’t know where exactly he was located. Fortunately, you took notice that people often went into a cute little diner called “William’s Hardware Store”, so you followed the crowd into the diner a little bit confused because this didn’t look like a hardware store. You walked in and almost immediately, people started turning to look at you. But atleast S/N enjoyed the attention.
You cleared your throat awkwardly and walked over to the stools at the counter and sat next to a girl around your age. You placed S/N in your lap and took in your surroundings. The girl you were sat next to turned around and gave you a bright grin. “Hi! You’re the new girl, aren’t you?” Her voice was sweet like candy (in the best way possible). “That I am! I’m Y/N. And this dude here is S/N.” You grabbed his hand making him give a little wave. She giggled. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Y/N. And you too, S/N.” She tickled his belly quickly and perked up to you. “I’m Rory!”
You looked to where a boy was coming out of a hidden room and THERE HE WAS IRJAHDJWHS
Thank goodness he didn’t cut all of his hair off. You suddenly felt butterflies in your stomach, which you hated. Rory turned to face where you were looking and scoffed. But he was right out the door as quickly as he came. “Not the best of friends?” You asked, jokingly. “Jess? It's.. kind of weird right now. But yeah, no.” She informed you. You nodded. Weird? Like romantic weird?
“Hey, what can I get you?”
You turned away from Rory and looked in front of you. This looks EXACTLY like who Jess explained to be his uncle, Luke. You remember seeing a sign saying “Luke’s” bellow the hardware store sign. Backwards baseball cap, plaid shirt, scruffy facial hair, this must be him. “This is Luke, Y/N. Luke, Y/N just moved here from.. where?” Rory introduced and then turned to you. “New York.” You replied. “Oh, welcome. What part? My nephew Jess is from New York also.” Luke smiled. “Same as him.” You responded. Rory and Luke looked confused and you felt awkward again. Not the right choice of words.
That was until Luke’s face changed from “what is she talking about?” to “ohhh THAT Y/N!” You're glad you didn't have to explain.
“Y/N! It’s great to meet you! How are you? Is this S/N?” Luke looked below to see S/N’s cute lil chubby face. “Yup, this is him!” You held S/N up higher so Luke could see him better. “Wait you know Jess?” Rory asked. “Father of my kid. It wasn’t planned, but things happen, you know? Anyway, he’s my best friend. We’ve know each other since childhood, actually.” You explained. “Wow, this is amazing! So- so you live here now?” Before you could answer Luke, he rushed up and walked to a phone, dialing a number. “I'm gonna get him to come back right now, don't worry."
“Oh, uh. Well sure, I suppose.” You muttered. “Um, well I have to go home to my mom, but it was great meeting you! See you around!” Rory waved goodbye and left. You mentally smacked yourself on the forehead. You were never good at first impressions, EVER. Just a few seconds after Rory left, the door opened again to reveal a sweaty Jess with a panicked expression. “Where’s the fire? Why’s everyone so calm?” He ran over to Luke. “Here, lemme show you.” Luke placed his hand on Jess’ shoulder and guided him to your seat. You fixed your hair as quickly as possible.
Jess stood and stared. “Wh-What are you doing here?” He brightly smiled. He looked down at S/N, who stared into his eyes. He took him from you and rocked him slowly. “Hey, kid.” Jess kissed S/N’s head. “Hi, Jess.” You spoke shyly.
He then turned his attention back to you. “Hey,” He gazed. You stood up quickly and wrapped your arms around him. Luke took S/N from Jess so he could hug you back fully. “I can’t believe you’re here.” He whispered in your neck. “I missed you.” You told him, pulling away. Although Jess always had trouble expressing his feelings into words, it was a little tense when he didn’t respond back to you.
Luke awkwardly turned to you. “Sorry, Y/N, I gotta get back to work.” He apologized, giving S/N back to you. “It was nice meeting you.” You smiled. He winked and walked back to the kitchen.
"Sooo, how have you been?" You asked, trying to start a conversation while bouncing S/N in your lap. "I've been alright." He put his hands in his pockets and began to speak when a blond chick wrapped her arms around him. "Hey. Where were you? I thought we were gonna go to my place." She prodded. She then turned to face you. "Aw, cute baby."
Of course he had a girlfriend. He was always cool and popular in school, so why wouldn't he be here? You were terribly mistaken to think otherwise. But now you felt a weird pit in your stomach. This was a bad move. You shouldn't have come here. But no, your son needs his father. So, you decide to be brave for S/N.
"Can we do this later?" He mumbled to her. "So you expect me to be okay with this? Ugh, what's the matter with you?" She stormed out of the diner before Jess could respond (not that he wanted to). "Trouble in paradise?" You questioned wholeheartedly. Although you were disappointed, you weren't going let this get in the way of your friendship. He scoffed. "Shane is definitely not my paradise. Look," He got serious for a moment and sat down on a stool next to you. "I'm happy you're here. Really, I am! But you came at a bad time." He told you. "Love triangle?" You joked, thinking back to how Rory said things were weird between them two. "How'd you know?" Jess' eyebrows furrowed. Oh. "Lucky guess." You shrugged. Well, this can't get any better can it? "It was nice seeing you. I should go start unpacking though." You stood up and switched S/N to your other hip. "Listen, let me get things sorted out and I promise I will be with you." He grabbed your hand. "Sorted out? Jess, you shouldn't feel forced to be with me. It's okay, I promise." You tried to reason with him. Why did he make it seem like he had no other option but you? Clearly he has choices.
"No, no. I need to be with you. Remember a few weeks ago when I told you I was gonna go back home?" He asked. You nodded. "That's because I wanted to be with you and my son. But you stopped me and I listened. So, now you're here and I'm gonna be the best damn father I can, alright?" He let go of your hand and ran behind the curtain. All of a sudden, S/N began to cry.
a/n: i'm gonna do a part two dont worryy! im just tired rn but i will try and draft something later tonight and maybe post it tmr xx this was a little hard for me to write since jess would be more mature as a father (atleast i think so) and he wasnt alone like in the show yk? but i had fun nonetheless :)
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ctrlsht · 1 year
I want to request a ff. can you make yandere CEO sugar daddy jungkook ff? if you are accepting my request then please don't make yn the typical humble sweet innocent girl who gots herself into that situation just because her dear mom or grandma is on verge of dying and she doesn't have any money so she took that path to save them. no please make her character different. Like a spoiled brat and arrogant girl who wanna have lavish life and power forever and takes advantage of the fact of having powerful handsome most sought after man on her side. kinda gold digger type but not really since she doesn't want to leave him and she actually enjoys his obsession/yandereness until it gets too much. I want to actually see kinda negative female lead than typical positive character? Doesn't really have to be negative just bitchy kinda toxic demanding clingy character etc.
Btw i loved your ffs who is in control and seat of power. I hope you keep making more yandere Jungkook ffs in future. I hope to see more of your ffs in future. You have already become one of my fav author in Tumblr 🩷
Don’t Blame Me | sugar daddy!jungkook one-shot au teaser
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pairing: sd!jungkook x reader genre: one-shot & yandere au
summary: You can have everything you want and need as long as you have Jeon Jungkook by your side. You were enjoying everything that Jungkook gives you and as long as you obey him. You’re sure to yourself that you will never fail him but he was the one who failed you. Everything is fine until he gets too much. 
content  & warnings: sugar daddy & ceo jk, college reader, manipulative behavior, unhealthy behavior, possessive & obsessive jk, yandere, bitchy reader, jk sabotaging reader’s career
date of release: June 12, 2023 | evening (KST)
“Baby.” Is the first thing he said after a long silence between the two of you.
“A-are you… Mad?” He asked in his low and soft voice like he really sounded guilty from what he just did. 
“What was that, Jungkook?” You finally spoke and annoyance is evident in your voice. 
“Baby, I’m sorry. I just want us to have our dinner because we haven’t done it for weeks already.” His voice was still low and soft just like a child that was scrolled by his mom. 
He doesn’t like it when you’re mad. It rarely happens but when you did, he felt like he did really something terrible for you to get this angry. 
“It was our due date this week, Jungkook and we’re not yet done with our paper. We still have a lot of things to do and I don’t understand why you can’t understand it.” 
He’s getting anxious with how your voice sounds. You’re so pissed and he immediately regrets the actions he just did. 
You sound like you hate him now and that you regret being with him. It’s like any minute, you would open your door and leave him alone. 
By just thinking about it makes him crazy. 
He held your hands and placed them on his lips and you can feel his hands shaking.
“Y/N baby I’m sorry! I’ll promise that I’ll be the one to finish all your works I swear. You already knew that those things are only a piece of cake for me and I can finish that in no time I promise!” He speaks so fast and you feel his anxiousness within his shaking voice and hands. 
“I acted without thinking. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He added as he intertwined his fingers with yours and his lips touched the back of your hand.
He’s too scared that he has to feel you right now in order to calm his nerves because when he doesn't, you might drift away from him. 
“But seriously, Jungkook. What was that?” You asked after a long silence. 
The more that you call him by his name, the more anxious he gets because you don’t call him only by his name. 
“When I read your message—
“I thought you didn’t read them?” He looked at you in your eyes and he bites his lips. 
“I lied. I’m sorry.” He admits and you become more confused with his actions. You don’t understand what’s with him. 
“Baby, I'm uneasy and I felt that something is not right and I saw your location and I saw the guy and I don’t know, I feel like my heart will explode! Babe, I can’t sit well because you’ve been declining my invites multiple times and I don’t know what’s happening and I’m overthinking things.”
Even though he talks too fast, you understand where he’s coming from. You’ve seen this before and you know the reason why this is happening.
“So you thought that I ditched you for Yuan?” You asked, trying to hide your smile. 
“Who’s Yuan?” When he asked that, you immediately cracked up.
“Baby, who’s Yuan?” He asked once again.
“The guy I’m with. Jungkook, what the heck!” You can’t take it as you laugh so hard. 
“Babe, why are you—
“You’re getting jealous of someone you forgot! Who’s not going to laugh at that?” You speak in between your laughs. 
Your laughs continued until you realized that he doesn’t find the situation funny. Your laugh slowly fades when you see how serious he is. 
“I was just kidding! Why so serious, Ggukie?” You spoke and you clung to his arm. You still find the situation funny and you tried your best not to laugh since he’s being serious.
After  a few moments, he spoke. 
“Did you really… Ditch me?” He asked in his low and soft voice and you instantly looked at him in horror while you shook your head.
“Of course not! Why would I do that?” You respond in defense. He looked at your eyes trying to see the sincerity of your words but he’s having a hard time finding it. He looked away as he looked down and you took a deep breath.
“Babe, look at me.” You caressed his face as you moved his head to look at you. His eyes glow in the dark and you love how pleading his eyes look. 
“I understand where you’re coming from but believe me when I say that whenever I decline your invites is because I really do have to finish something. Babe, you know how I value my academics and I am aiming for a latin honor. You know that right?” You brushed your thumb off his cheek and he closed his eyes to feel your touch. 
“And Yuan? He’s just a research partner and nothing else. And please, don’t be insecure because of him. He’s nothing compared to you. And I don’t like him either.” You lean forward to kiss his forehead. 
“Don’t you ever think that I would ever like him because it’s a fucking insult. I have a standard, babe and he didn’t even meet the 1% of my standard.” You spoke in a demeaning tone before you pushed your back at the backrest. 
a/n: This is the first time that I received a ff request and tbh, I was kinda nervous because I might not meet the expectation of the person who requested it. I write everything based on what the ff requester wants and hopefully, I did it right! It was hard for me to go out of my comfort zone when it comes to writing (what I mean is writing a ff that wasn’t me who plotted it) but I realized, why not try it? To the one who requested this, I hope you’ll like it! 
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scarletwritesshit · 4 months
✿ Jiyan x F!Rover ✿ Forget-Me-Never
“You asked to meet me here, love?” Jiyan said, looking down at Rover sitting in a patch of the field free of Emortia flowers.
“Come sit down,” Rover said, patting the clear space on the ground directly next to her.
Jiyan sat down beside her, careful as to not accidentally step on any of the Emortia flowers. They were growing in a fair abundance, but Jiyan saw no excuse for carelessness. Harming one would be akin to damaging the memory of his fallen comrades, and every fallen petal shatters a part of his soft heart.
“Was there something that you needed to see me for?” he asked.
“Actually, yes, there is. I briefly mentioned us watching the sunset together beside the flower we planted, and I was hoping that you’d join me after all,” Rover said.
“I appreciate the thought, but you need not make time for me, personally.”
“I insist, Jiyan.”
Jiyan smiled softly in understanding, accepting her offer of a brief moment of solitude together. He had arrived just in time to watch as the sun slowly crept behind the mountains, a lingering orange glow illuminating the two of them and the field of flowers in which they resided. Rover ran her hand softly over the grass on her side opposite of Jiyan, feeling for the stem of the seed that they had planted together. When she felt it brush against her fingers, she lightly cupped its tiny leaves, feeling how strong it had grown in such a short amount of time.
“Our flower has been growing quite well,” Rover said.
“You’ve been watching over it this entire time?” Jiyan asked, somewhat surprised.
“Of course. Raising one of your favorite flowers is like taking care a part of your soul, and I couldn’t possibly disregard something of that importance.”
 “I…I see,” Jiyan said, blushing, “you must be rather knowledgeable of flowers to be caring for it so well.”
“I know you are, especially. I can’t let you down, so I must see that it grows properly.”
Jiyan did not refute Rover’s words, as he did indeed harbor a great love for herbs and flowers. He gently held one of the Emortia flowers in his hand, handling it delicately as to not accidentally snap it out of the ground or damage even a singular petal.
“It still has yet to blossom, but you still wanted to see me out here so soon,” he said, admiring the blooming flower in his hand.
“Well, Jiyan, sometimes, you talk about yourself dying a little too much,” Rover said. “It worries me. A lot.”
“The possibility cannot be eradicated. I lead the troops from the front, therefore making me a highly prioritized target. Should the worst case scenario come to fruition, I want to leave no ends left untied.
“This is exactly what I’m talking about, Jiyan. I don’t want you to die. Just hearing you talk about it hurts me greatly.”
“I apologize,” Jiyan said, looking away, “but I would rather not leave you unguided in the event that we part ways without another word shared.”
Jiyan’s words stung Rover’s heard, bringing her on the verge of tears. She understood where he was coming from, and making such preparations was ultimately wise, but she did not want to consider that outcome regardless. She couldn’t imagine no longer having Jiyan by her side. He was perhaps the first person that she truly felt comfortable entrusting her life to, at least ever since she regained consciousness. Losing him would mean losing a part of herself as well.
Does that man ever not think about his plausible death? she wondered.
“I suppose you are right, but that doesn’t make it any easier. I still want to think about it regardless.”
“I hardly want consider it myself, love.”
The silence between the two of them became deafening as the sun was sinking further behind the mountains and below the horizon. He wasn’t sure what to say, as Rover looked as if she would burst into tears should he say a single word. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that what was left of the was sunlight illuminating Rover’s hand resting on the grass beside him. He laid his hand on top of hers, gently sliding his fingers under it and holding her hand as gently as his strength would allow him to.
Rover looked up at him, the setting sun reflecting in her inquisitive, citrine-tinted eyes. Embarrassed, Jiyan looked away, his hand tense and frozen in place. Rover attempted to hook her thumb around his and gently rub it to signal that he was fine, but Jiyan still refused eye contact. He was proceeding cautiously, despite his most forceful moves being gentler than a flower petal drifting along the river.
“Is this why you invited me out tonight? Because you were afraid that you would never see the setting sun with me?” Jiyan asked.
Rover nodded her head. “…also had something that I wanted to give to you.”
Jiyan finally turned to look at her and watched as she used her free hand to shift through her pocket. He was ready to accept being shaken off at any moment, but Rover kept his fingers firmly planted to the ground, as if she were afraid that he would suddenly slip away. After a few moments of digging, she pulled out a stem consisting of many tiny blue flowers, just barely visibly in the last of the daylight that lingered.
She held them out to Jiyan, and he accepted her gift of tiny flowers. He held them in his palm out of fear of accidentally damaging them, as they looked even smaller and more delicate in his large hands. Jiyan held the small stem between his fingers and held them up to his face, leaning his head in and closing his eyes. They had no aroma, yet he breathed deeply as he held them close.
“Please,” Rover said, “let these serve as a reminder that there’s people who depend on you to stay alive. Never forget that there are people out there praying for you to not succumb to death’s loveless embrace.”
“These are most lovely, Rover,” he said.
He wasn’t admiring the flowers, though. In fact, Jiyan’s eyes were shut tightly.
“Never forget that I love you, I’ll be waiting for you, and I want you to live to see countless more flowers like the Emortia bloom before us.”
Jiyan still wasn’t saying anything, or even sparing Rover a glance. She noticed that his red eyeshadow trailed down the side of his face. Was he attempting to hold back tears this entire time? Jiyan was clenching his jaw and holding the flowers rather close to himself, seemingly in agony trying to repress his feelings.
“Jiyan,” she said, tearing up herself, “…I don’t mind it if you cry.”
Jiyan practically collapsed into Rover’s lap, his feelings breaking the instant she stopped speaking. He was trying to hold himself up in order to avoid toppling her on accident, but that was proving to be rather difficult with tears streaming from his eyes making him weak. Rover guided his head down into her lap comfortably, assuring that he did not accidentally crush any of the flowers.
Rover took the back of her hand and wiped off the smeared red eyeliner along the side of his face. She wished that she had comforting words to offer him, but perhaps, this is something that he had been needing for a long time.
“General,” she said, trying to not tear up herself, “I hope that tears of blood shall never have to be shed for either of us.”
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s-4pphics · 11 months
forever dying. (e.w.)
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FEAR. noun. an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that is happening or might happen.
emotions writing challenge :3
wc;cw: 7 hunnid, angst, ellie needs a hug :(, gore
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Ellie’s boots bury deep into the snow with every weighted footstep, her pack and bow hitting her back as she walks. She wanted to run, but she didn’t want to cause a scene; Freaking out in public makes her freak out more. 
She needs to get home. She misses you and she’s on the verge of panicking because you’re not next to her. She should’ve never volunteered to do patrol. 
You’re tired, you’d whispered in the early morning as she dressed, just lay here with me? 
He’s old, Ellie whispered back: about Joel. If she doesn’t go, then he’ll have to, and he’s old, although he denies it; He shouldn’t be working as hard anymore, at least, that’s what Ellie convinced herself when she saw him reorganizing the horse shed. Boxes were being stacked, but he was tired; It was evident in the tremor in his arms. Ellie’s exhaustion will never be able to match his, no matter what she does. Plus, I wanna go. It won’t be long, promise. 
And just like that, she kissed your head, your nose, your lips, before snagging her coat and leaving. 
She’s gotten used to killing clickers; There was a dark point — two years ago — where she actually enjoyed it: the grittiness, the power she had over the source that destroyed the world. But moments like today remind her how gruesome and horrific life is. 
It was only mile three into patrol when she saw the scene from a distance: the outline of a boy, no older than ten, dead and bloody, being preyed on by at least five clickers. At least. 
Millions of thoughts rushed through her mind: why was he alone? Why is he so small? Why didn’t she come sooner and save him? 
Horror slammed into her and she froze, nausea overtaking her at the sight. Shimmer was already snorting and shifting, preparing to turn around, but Ellie couldn’t move. She only gripped the lasso tighter, her thick gloves pinching her skin. 
Apparently, she breathed too loudly; All the clickers turned towards her direction in milliseconds. She wasn’t prepared for all of them to rush towards her and Shimmer. She wasn’t... fucking prepared. 
Ellie’s still not sure how she made it out, but she did, and she needs you close. Vulnerability is extremely difficult for her, but she melts with you. She should’ve never left this morning. 
“Ellie!” Jesse. “Wait up!”
She’s already shaking her head, moving quicker.  
“I’m fine!” She’s not. She swiftly peers over her shoulder, dismissively waving her hand. “I just… I needa get home. We’ll talk later.” Has her safe haven always been this fucking far?  
It seems like hours pass before her walk ends, and she’s on your shared porch; She shoves through the door and is hit with immediate warmth and the smell of cinnamon, and her heart calms. Only slightly. 
She kicks her shoes off and tosses her supplies on the floor before padding down the hallway and into your shared bedroom. 
You’re sitting on the floor, reorganizing the bookshelf, murmuring song lyrics to yourself. You meet her eyes in a mirror propped up against the wall and smile. 
But it drops at the sound of her voice. 
She only whispered hey, but her tone is enough to get you up and moving towards her, concern on your face. Her expression is telling: fear. Grief. No wonder she’s back so early. 
Your hands are cautious as they hover over her shoulders, but she nods gently. It’s okay, she hopes her eyes read, please hold me.  
She’s instantly pulled close, right up against you, and she falls apart. Ellie doesn’t feel any tears coming, just feels them seep into your sweater. You’re asking if she’s hurt, but she’s not sure how to answer, so she stays quiet. 
Your touch is so soothing. But she’s scared… and heartbroken. And guilty: she, somehow, feels at fault. That poor kid. She's sobbing now, loud and painful.
Hope, in this time, is lethal. The graphic scene is proof enough that the world is forever dying. 
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carakook · 6 months
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The Astronaut ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
"He feels like he’s an Astronaut who discovered a new moon colored in shades of your love, beautiful little stars surrounding it with Saebyeol’s precious little face in every single one. He has no idea how he got so lucky."
✧Pairings: dad!Kim Seokjin x mom!reader
✧Synopsis: Being new parents is hard, most of the time it’s much harder on the mom than the dad… Kim Seokjin would silently argue that isn’t always the case. Today your baby had her first round of shots, and Jin is a mess after seeing her cry. Dramatic and blubbering, you have to comfort the poor man before he turns into a baby himself.
✧Genre: Romance/Comedy/Fluff
✧Word count: 2k+
✧Warnings: Lots of talk about babies!!! Mother and fatherhood, crying, Jin being dramatic and sappy, no smut so this one is fairly tame! Talks of labor and delivery, immunization/vaccination talk (it isn’t that serious I promise), fluffy fluff fluff, lemme know if I missed anything!
✧Disclaimer: This story in no way reflects the characters of those who are mentioned. It is pure fiction and for entertainment purposes only. Please don’t take it seriously. Nothing is real in this story.
✧A/N: Here is my second request! This was a request for Jin being a dad with major fluff. It is exactly that lol. I hope you guys enjoy this lil Drabble/one shot, poor Jin. By the way…. I fucking miss Jin??? Daddy Jin better get his ass home soon I stg 😭 love you guys!
“Jin, Jesus, please come out of the damn bathroom.”
You wait with your forehead pressed against the bathroom door, have half a mind to fucking bang your head against it at this point honestly. Because Jin, in Jin fashion, is being so goddamn dramatic.
It hasn’t been long since you’ve both became parents, and although it wasn’t exactly planned, you’re both so fucking happy. Never have been happier.
But with becoming a parent, also comes a lot of mixed emotions. For you, of course your hormones are at an all time high after giving birth, so you’re extra sensitive. The mood swings are volatile; one moment you’re crying because your daughter hiccuped and it was too cute, the next moment you’re on the verge of committing murder because Jin looked at you the wrong way.
But even then, you’re overwhelmed with joy. Sure, the emotions give you whiplash, but it’s worth it.
Jin, however, sometimes you swear he’s more dramatic than you are. Like today, he’s a fucking mess. Today marks two weeks of you giving birth, which means you had to take your daughter, Saebyeol, to get her checkup… which also means she had to get some of her immunization shots.
Jin did not handle this well at all.
Of course the baby cried, every baby does, even adults do when getting shots; who likes getting poked with a sharp needle? But you were easily able to calm her down after the shots were done by feeding her and holding her.
It’s now been three hours since the appointment, and Jin is still in the fucking bathroom, crying like a little baby himself.
You swear that he has become more sensitive than you most days. The moment Saebyeol cries, so does Jin. If she seems upset, so is Jin. If she’s hungry, Jin is on your ass saying ‘feed my baby, you’re starving her!’
It can be sooo fucking irritating… but also, it’s the cutest fucking thing, especially since Jin is usually so calm and collected in situations like these; he’s always been the level headed one.
Your entire pregnancy, he was the level headed one. When you were worried about something being wrong with the baby, or you started nesting and fretting over every little thing around your home, Jin was there to reassure you and calm your worries. Even during delivery, he was there to soothe you; you have no idea how the man managed to stay completely calm when you sounded as if you were actually dying before getting the epidural; but he did. And he was calm the entire time…
Until he saw Saebyeol.
The moment Jin laid his eyes on her, it’s like that calm demeanor never even existed. He was a fucking mess. He started bawling his eyes out, repeating over and over again, ‘Oh my god, my baby, my star, she’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen,‘
After that, it didn’t stop. Two weeks later and he’s still as sensitive and protective as ever. He’s so in tuned with both you and Saebyeol’s moods and emotions, it’s as if he takes them on himself. Whatever you’re both feeling, he feels too, but ten times the amount.
More so Saebyeol’s than yours.
Which is why he is having a fit in the bathroom right now. Of course he was a wreck at the appointment, the man looked as if he wanted to punch the nurse in the face. And yes, he cried, immediately snatched Saebyeol up after the shots which caused you to have to pry her out of his arms so you could feed her. ‘But they hurt my poor baby! It’s so cruel, she’s in pain…’
God, so dramatic. But oh so sweet.
On the ride home he was crying on and off. Has been even since you both got home and Saebyeol went down for a nap. You couldn’t quite understand why, and he was being so stubborn about it. Kept saying it’s stupid and he doesn’t want to talk about it.
It is kind of stupid… but also, seeing Jin cry is almost as bad as seeing Saebyeol cry, because Jin doesn’t cry often at all. It’s heartbreaking to see this calm man breakdown over something so small.
“Jin, please, you’re starting to worry me. Can you tell me why you’re so torn up at least? Just come out of the bathroom, I’m gonna go insane…”
You try to coax him out. He did end up calming down after you both got home, but it didn’t last long because he walked in to check on Saebyeol after she fell asleep (he has a habit of compulsively checking on her, has woken her up more than once at this point doing it.) and he broke down again. But this time, the tears didn’t stop, and he ended up locking himself in the damn bathroom like a child.
What really happened, was he saw the little bandaid on Saebyeol’s arm and he lost it again. He remembered the little pout she made before she started wailing from the prick of the needle, and then he remembered the wailing, and then the sniffling, and ugh he couldn’t take it.
So yes, he is indeed in the bathroom crying. Because how dare they hurt his precious little girl? It was necessary, of course, but still, how dare they? The only reason he’s in the bathroom is because even he knows damn well how dramatic he’s being. Jin has always been a bit dramatic, it’s just part of who he is, but this time he can’t help it. And he doesn’t want to bug you with his blubbering, he knows you’re going through enough postpartum as it is, he doesn’t want to add to your stress.
But his poor baby, his poor little star got pricked with a mean needle, and he just can’t get her sad little face out of his head.
“Just give me a minute, I need to cry.”
You groan, because he’s said this four times now. You get it, he needs to cry, everyone does sometimes. Being a new parent is hard and it’s normal to be sensitive and a bit over worried about your baby. But can’t he at least explain?
“Ok, but what exactly are you crying about? She’s fine now, sound asleep as if it didn’t even happen…”
You try once more to coax him out as you speak through the door. He knows you’re right, she’s fine now, but can’t a man cry over his little girl getting hurt?
“She looked so sad… I could die, I swear, I don’t ever wanna see her cry like that again.”
You want to snort at this, because you know damn well Saebyeol will cry much worse than she did today at some point. As babies grow into toddlers, it’s inevitable that they get hurt sometimes. You can’t even imagine how he’s gonna react when she has her first fall or first knee scrape.
“Jin, baby, she’s a baby too… she’s gonna cry. She’s gonna get hurt. And she’s also gonna be ok.”
“I am not a baby. I am a father who is in distress about his baby being hurt!”
Dramatic mother fucker… literally.
“Ok, ok, I know, I know. Just come out of the bathroom, let me love on you and make you feel better.”
He sniffles at this, is starting to feel his tears dry up as he swipes at his eyes. He feels selfish for his reaction, and also a little childish at how he’s locked himself in the bathroom. But god, he’s just worried. Worried about Saebyeol, worried about you too. He doesn’t want you to think he doesn’t care about your feelings, he knows you’re going through it far worse than him.
But he could use a hug.
So reluctantly, he gets off of the toilet seat, pads over to the bathroom mirror above the sink and tries to readjust his pitiful tear stained expression, and then opens the bathroom door.
Seeing you just makes him start to cry again.
You immediately get on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his shoulders, put your fingers in his hair, and bring him in for a close embrace. “Oh baby, such a mess…” you coo at him.
He buries his face in the crook of your neck and sniffles again so pitifully, taking in your comforting scent. He’s starting to think that somehow your pregnancy hormones have worn off on him, because now he isn’t crying because of Saebyeol, but because of you and how fucking pretty motherhood looks on you.
“Fuck, I’m sorry Y/N. I have no idea what the hell is wrong with me…”
You kiss the top of his head and tsk at him, “Don’t apologize, you’re just a dramatic baby is all. S’fine. Just hate seeing you cry.”
He grunts into the crook of your neck, “I am NOT. I’m just a father. A father with a precious baby and beautiful wife. Can’t handle it. Don’t know what I did to deserve you two…”
Your heart both warms and breaks at the same time, because Jin deserves everything. Seriously, he has been so good to you, has given you everything you could ever wish for in life and in a relationship. He works hard for you, for Saebyeol, and for himself too. He deserves all the good things, and you wished he wasn’t so humble about it.
He doesn’t agree. Jin has always been an incredibly cocky man, loves himself so much. Has always loved himself more than anyone else… until you came along and stole his heart. He lived selfishly before you, served himself and was proud of his accomplishments. But as time went on, he learned to live selflessly, and everything he did was for you.
He never imagined he could love anything more than you, but then you got pregnant, and you had his child. He is so full of love that he can’t handle it sometimes. He feels like he’s an Astronaut who discovered a new moon colored in shades of your love, beautiful little stars surrounded it with Saebyeol’s precious little face in every single one; its why he wanted to name her Saebyeol. He has no idea how he got so lucky.
“You deserve it more than anyone Jin. So stop crying. Me and Saebyeol are happy and healthy, you should be too.”
“I am— that’s the issue, I am so happy and I have no idea how to handle it. Makes me a goddamn mess.”
You pull back a bit, flat on your feet again as you bring your hands to his forehead and brush his hair out of his face. Smile at him sweetly. God, you got lucky with him too.
“That’s ok. But maybe don’t cry over every little thing, yeah? You’re stressing me out.”
You’re only joking, of course. You’re thankful he cries, even if it breaks your heart; it shows he’s comfortable with his emotions. You just wanna make him laugh a bit, scold him playfully.
He huffs at you and pulls away, flicks his hair even as he sniffles, “Yeah, yeah, whatever. At least I didn’t cry when they forgot the ranch at McDonalds.”
You feign offense, pinch his arm as you huff at him, “Hey! I was pregnant and needed that ranch!”
You both start giggling at each other, which doesn’t last long because Jin’s crying seems to have woken up Saebyeol, judging by the little noises you hear coming from her nursery.
Thank fucking god she isn’t crying.
He gives you a sheepish look, “Oops.”
He isn’t sorry though, not really. He’ll never admit it, but sometimes he will consider waking Saebyeol up on purpose just so he can see her pretty little smile… but he never does, knows his precious little star needs her sleep, and his beautiful moon needs a damn break.
Doesn’t stop him from getting giddy when she finally does wake up, though.
You both walk into Saebyeol’s nursery, and there she is, cooing at nothing while she sucks on her fingers.
“Ugh! She’s starving, do you ever feed her?!”
He immediately rushes over to her as if the kid hasn’t ever been fed properly. Sometimes you wanna smack him, because you feed her literally so many times a day. There’s no way the little thing is actually staving.
But again, he’s dramatic. One of the things you’ve learned to just deal with, especially when it comes to his star.
You roll your eyes as you watch him pick her up and coddle her. But your eyes warm quickly when you see the adoration in his eyes as he holds her. He really does love her so much, loves you too, you’re both his entire universe.
She lets out the tiniest giggle at his pouty face, a smile following as she reaches up to touch his cheek curiously.
“She’s so pretty. Just like me.”
Yeah, ok, you roll your eyes again. Because of course Jin would say some shit like that while looking so serious about it.
“Yah, what about me?” You pout at him as you cross your arms, lean over a bit to look at Saebyeol as he holds her.
He waves his free hand at you, “Yeah, sure, you’re pretty.”
You’d definitely smack him on the head if he wasn’t holding Saebyeol right now.
But of course he’s kidding. He thinks next to Saebyeol, you’re the prettiest girl in the world. Could stare at you for hours, wishes he could imprint your face on his brain so everything looks like you.
He smirks at you, bumps his shoulder into yours, “Seriously babe, you’re pretty. Prettiest ever. But I guess that’s expected, I’m world-wide handsome, you know? Of course I’d have the prettiest wife and daughter.”
You cackle at this, because it is so sweet, but such a Jin thing to say. Of course he’d make you feel like the prettiest girl in the world, while also reminding you he is the prettiest man in the world.
Your cackle doesn’t last long though, because Saebyeol starts whining. She’s hungry, not starving like Jin swears she is, but she is hungry.
“Oh, poor baby, such a hungry baby, daddy will feed you, don’t you worry… won’t let mommy starve you.”
You glare at him as you walk away to prepare the bottle for Saebyeol, mutter a few unsavory words under your breathe.
Time to feed the baby before the other baby has another fit.
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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I wish I could
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!curvy!human reader
CW: angst, risky pregnancy issues, fluff, fingering, masturbating (female receiving), breeding kink, pregnancy kink, size kink, exophilia (extraterrestrial kink), monsterfucker
GUYS I'M SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE THIS FIC some of you already know why but to the ones who dont: my life became so chaotic, all of a sudden, that I could barely log in here. I literally spent days without logging on tumblr. I had zero time and was always exhausted. But now my life is back at the tracks (thank you God 😭) - even though it's still pretty hectic - so I was able to find time and energy to write this chapter. Hope u like it 😘👀
Not fully proofread 🤡
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Chapter 7
You woke up in pure bliss. Many moons had passed now, your belly had gotten even bigger, your baby had grown. You're living two dreams at once. You were a mother and mated with the one person you've always loved. The owner of your every thought and your every girl-in-love-kind-of-sigh ever since you remember. You were carrying his child inside of you, you would often feel the little baby you both created together kicking your ribs. It brought tears to your eyes. You still don't know how it came to be, how a fully hybrid baby could actually be conceived. You know very well how Neteyam and you *created* the baby, but you have no idea how you actually were able to get pregnant. If it makes any sense. You laugh to yourself.
Things had been a little hard given that your pregnancy was a risky one (interspecies relationship things...) but if you don't count the fact you were feeling so fatigued, heavy and having a bit of trouble breathing from time to time, you had been great. Nothing too much, nothing that made your life quality decrease.
You stretched yourself and got up from your mat, walking towards the space inside your home where you and Neteyam kept the food, water, cooking utensils and such, as you were dying to eat breakfast. This pregnancy was making you so hungry most of the time. It's no surprise. You're carrying a half na'vi child in your human womb. Your fragile body needed way more nutrients than the usual.
You stopped for a second and look through the entrance of your house. You smiled at the view of the Pandoran nature out there, the birds singing, the green grass, the heavy tree branches. It filled your heart with a comforting, wholesome feeling you can't even put to words.
Everything seemed so perfect. Too perfect, actually...
You were eating a piece of the meat Neteyam had hunt for the both of you at dawn, just before he went to train with Jake. You had cooked it with some herbs and a little salt, that you would always ask some human acquaintances to bring to you from the lab, when you felt a horrible, almost unbearable feeling in your belly. "Ma Eywa, what is this?" You asked yourself, heartache and anxiety covering you. "Please Great Mother, don't let anything happen to my baby. Please." You were in the verge of tears when you started to feel weak and dizzy. Everything around you looked weird and distant. Finally, you were unconscious on the floor. Thank Eywa you were sitting, not standing. The fall would have been way worse.
You opened your eyes and sunlight was scorching your eyeballs. It came from the door. You were still at your home with Neytiri and Dr Evelyn looking at you, one at each side of your aching body, while you were laying down in your mat. Neytiri was the Tsahìk and Dr Evelyn was taking care of you as a medical professional since you first found out you were pregnant.
"What happened?" You ask, head aching and confused
"Oh, thank you, Great Mother!" Neytiri exclaimed "You passed out, my dear. Kiri found you laying on the floor unconscious when she went to visit you to bring you some fruits and herbs she had collected this morning."
"I was so worried, (y/n). I was afraid something very bad would happen to you or the baby. Or both of you." Kiri had tears in her big eyes and her pretty face was still recovering from the shock. Seeing that made you feel a stab in your chest. She really, really cared about you and your baby. And of course, it was her brother's baby too. She was now not only your best friend but also your sister-in-law.
"Is everything okay with my baby?" You asked, fear taking over you
"We've checked how she's doing through an ultrasound and yes, she's okay." Dr Evelyn says in a calming voice
"...She?" You ask
"Yes, it's a girl." Neytiri says, smiling at you. "You and Neteyam will give us a babygirl as a grandchild." She was smiling, referring to herself and Jake, such an honest feeling of pure happiness could be seen in the na'vi woman's yellow eyes
You smiled, your eyes gleaming with tears. You were gonna have a babygirl. You were gonna give Neteyam a little daughter.
"And there's something that we wanna tell you. Your baby looks really different as she is a hybrid. She has mixed features in her face, na'vi and human. Her nose is like Neteyam's nose and so are her eyes, but the rest of her face is more human like. She also has long slender legs, like her father. But she's still a little smaller than common na'vi babies. She has four fingers and no stripes. And she has a queue. She will be able to make tsaheylu." Dr Evelyn said, smiling
"That's... incredible. My babygirl... She will be so beautiful... She seems to be more na'vi than human, though." You laugh a bit, imagining your daughter's cute little braid and her small tendrils. "But you guys did not tell me what happened. I mean, why did I pass out? I remember feeling a terrible pain in my belly. But the baby is okay, I didn't lose her, thank Eywa. But what was happening to my body?"
Neytiri started to say: "My son is na'vi, even though he has human blood in his veins too. As he impregnated you, his na'vi DNA helped form your placenta." You felt your face burn as your mother-in-law was saying that. She was just nonchalantly saying that her son impregnated you. You didn't know if you were just too shy, if the na'vi had a way more chill perspective about these things, even more than you already were aware of, or if it was because you were the one in the spotlight right now, but you were blushing a lot, your cheeks so rosy. "Your body did not know how to react to that, as you're human. Your placenta is being seen by your body as an invasive substance, to sum it up, because of Neteyam's DNA being so different from yours. So, your belly started to hurt. But Dr Evelyn and I have already taken care of this. You don't have to worry, darling. I prayed to Eywa. I performed a healing ritual on you. You'll be fine, Ma (y/n)."
"I gave you an injection that eased your pain until it went away and eventually you woke up. You're gonna take one of these shots everytime you start feeling pain in your belly, okay? We think it will happen a few more times. Take it as soon as the pain starts. The sooner, the less risky for you and the baby. It contains chemicals and Pandoran herbs that will help your body slowly understand that it's okay for your baby's placenta to be inside you and it will also help you feel less pain." Dr Evelyn advised, holding a small glass tube in her hand filled with a greenish liquid.
Suddenly, you heard heavy hard footsteps approaching. You breathed in relief when you saw it was Neteyam. His dark braids dancing in the air as he approached the entrance of the house he built for the both of you and your child.
"Neteyam!" You exclaimed
"Yawne..." he said, looking at you with loving eyes "Are you alright? Is our baby alright?" He sounded so worried "Lo'ak reached me and told me about what happened. I came as fast as I could but, you know, the forest is very big."
He walked towards you and when he got to where you were laying, he sat on his heels.
"Yes, our baby is alright. I'm okay too. And we're expecting a girl, by the way." You looked at him smiling wide, chest filled with a genuine feeling of joy and almost euphoria
"I give you my gratitude, Great Mother." Neteyam said a prayer to Eywa, smiling in relief "I can't believe it! We're gonna have a little girl." Tears of happiness were streaming down his beautiful face, running through his dark blue stripes
Everyone in the room looked at you and Neteyam smiling. Neytiri looked in a motherly way to the both of you, her fangs showing as she smiled. Kiri was smiling widely, her brows furrowed. Dr Evelyn was smiling but showing no teeth. Every person there looked happy for you two, na'vi, human or mixed.
But nobody was happier than Neteyam and you. He kissed your forehead while putting his big hand on your pregnant bump. You felt your girl kick, a pain coming through your ribcage. Neteyam felt it too. "She kicked. Our babygirl just kicked, my yawnetu. I felt her little kick." Neteyam smiled in awe, looking at you as you smiled back at him, your heart beating fast
Neteyam looked at his mother. They smiled at each other and she put her hand on his shoulder, then, looked at your belly, in an affectionate way
"Oh, my Eywa. I'm starting to really love the idea of becoming an aunt." Kiri said, still sitting a little further from everybody "Damn, so many tears in only one place." The Omatikaya young girl said, chuckling, as she sniffed because she never stopped crying since she found you needing her help. Thank Eywa her tears were now tears of delight
A big wholesome laugh could be heard in the room after Kiri said that, coming from everyone's throat.
After everyone had left, it was only you and Neteyam at your home. Jake had freed him from his Olo'eyktan training for some hours so he could stay with you after what had happened. He would only go back later in the afternoon.
"Oh, yawntutsyìp... I thought I had lost you and our baby." Neteyam said, holding your face with both his huge hands
You put your hand over his, rubbed your face on his palm and then kissed it. "You always act so tenderly towards me, my love. You're my everything. And I love the way you care so deeply for our child. I can feel your love for her pouring out of you. You're so amazing." He smiled and leaned in for a kiss, which you were already planning on giving him
Your lips touched and he held your waist tightly. Both big hands on each side of your body. You felt a shiver coming down your spine. He kept kissing you, slowly but passionately. His velvety lips so warm, wetting your lips with his saliva, setting your whole body on fire as he gave you many pecks but then slid his tongue inside your mouth, breathing deep through his nose, making you moan for him. "I wanted to die just thinking about losing my mate and my child. I'm thankful you're here. I'm so thankful our baby is still safe inside your womb." His hands moved from your waist to the sides of your belly. Neteyam kept kissing you, but, in a softer way now. "Your baby bump feels so good in my hands." He kissed your lower lip, suckling ever so slightly on it, your lip between his upper and his bottom lip.
"Teyam. Sit me down on your lap, please." You said, a knot forming in your belly
Neteyam gave you a small dirty smile and sat on the mat. He grabbed your hand and led you to sit on his lap.
"Like this, yawntutsyìp?" He asked, looking deeply into your eyes. His big amber eyes were so enchanting, so ethereal...
"Yes, my mate."
Neteyam opened your legs slowly, his hand traveling up your thigh while he kissed you. When his hand reached your pussy, moving your panties to the side, underneath your skirt, you whimpered at his lips. "What? You like this, my love? You like the way I caress your small body? Specially when my hand touches your little pussy?" He was looking at you, eyes so hungry for your body
"You get wet so easily now that you're pregnant. And your pussy feels even tighter." Neteyam says while two of his long four fingers explored your folds slowly. You moaned, biting your bottom lip. "So tight for me." He cooed. Neteyam's thumb reached your clitoris and he started to stimulate it, rubbing circles.
"Ahnnhh... feels so good, Teyam."
"Yeah, my yawntutsyìp?" You hum in confirmation "I love your little cunt. Love this swollen belly so much. Ahhh, baby... It makes me so hard. Do you wanna touch me and feel how hard I am for you?" Neteyam asks, breathing heavily
"Yes, Teyam. Please."
Sorry for leaving you guys hot and bothered and cutting the smut in half like this 😂 please, don't hate me 🤡😇
Your feedback is always much appreciated 🤍🤍🤍
If I'm forgetting anyone now or have forgotten to tag anyone in the past chapters, please, comment below asking to be tagged. Also, anyone can ask to be tagged too 💙 ily bye
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
Hey, idk if you've written this yet but how do you think the Cullen's would feel about turning their SO into a vampire?
The Cullens turning their S/O
I haven't done this yet so don't worry. I did something similar for my first post but that was the Cullens with a Newborn
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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Absolutely fucking not
You saw how much convincing it took for him to turn Bella
And that was after she almost died like 20 times
So if you're perfectly healthy, not in any immediate danger, and doing well in your life then he is not touching a single hair on your head
He won't do it
Of course, we have also seen that he can be convinced
I think with enough pushing and maybe one or two near death experiences you could negotiate something
Now if you're about to die?
He doesn't even hesitate
Well actually he does
But only for a little bit
You're dying, he needs to help you
He is so apologetic though
He feels like a monster for weeks
Or maybe even years
For as long as you're going through the newborn process he is tearing himself up on the inside
He legitimately wants to die he feels so bad
But he does get over himself lol
He has pretty good self control overall so as far as the actual process of turning you it would be pretty smooth
In general, though, he wouldn't want to do it
He's scared of killing you, of losing control, of you hating him, of everything that could go wrong
He's gonna need a while to be okay after you get turned
But he'll come around :)
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She doesn't remember her human life
As a result she doesn't feel too connected to humanity
So there's a pretty good chance that she would turn you if you asked her
Of course not before some arguing
While she doesn't feel connected to humanity, that doesn't mean that she wants to strip you of yours
But she is just a twinge selfish
It wouldn't take too much convincing for her to change you
She loves you and wants to spend eternity with you
She explains her challenges and gets Carlisle to weigh in with the pros and cons
But she would turn you
And if it was a life-or-death scenario?
Absolutely no hesitation
Maybe she saw that it was about to happen and couldn't stop it or for some reason she didn't see it
All she knows is that you are on the ground dying and she NEEDS to save you
She feels bad afterwards when she sees all of the pain that you're in
But she can also see that you'll be fine in a couple months
She just encourages you to be strong and wait it out
Is there for you every step of the way though
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There's actually zero chance
He hates newborns
And he doesn't trust them
And he knows the pain
He remembers seeing other newborns writhing in pain, he remembers his own transformation, and he would never inflict that upon you
He cannot be convinced
Similarly to Edward, if you are happy, healthy, and content, he will not turn you
But there's no negotiation
Like end of story
He won't do it
Now if you're in danger and about to die, he'll do it
Actually he won't
He'll get Carlisle or Edward or literally anyone else to do it
He doesn't trust himself
He is convinced that he will kill you if he tries
And in his defense he probably would
But he is beside you every step of the way afterwards
He's very wary of you, though
Does his best to keep you calm and make sure you don't hurt anyone
Also feels very guilty
Even if he's not the one who made you
He feels like it's his fault
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Again, she wouldn't change you
We all know how she feels about humans being turned
She's probably the one who would be the least likely to do it
So again, if you're healthy and not on the verge of death, she will not change you
And it's sort of the same story when you're about to die
In a lot of ways, she wishes she had died instead of being turned
Now instead of being able to move on, she has to live with her regrets and with the fact that she will never be human
But she's a little too selfish for that
If somehow she managed to fall in love with you even though you were a human, that means she must REALLY love you
She spends so much time deliberating with herself that she has to turn you herself
Breaking her "never tasted human blood" streak
She gets a bit upset at that but she gets over it
She keeps debating with herself even after you've been turned
She's convinced that you must hate her now and that surely you want to be dead right now
And she feels terrible for having been the one to do it
But it's okay you have eternity to convince her that she made the right choice
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He's another one who would just do it
The whole reason he was turned in the first place was because Rosalie fell in love with him
And so he figures that you being in love with him and him being in love with you is a good enough reason
You don't really have to beg him
He will insist that you know all of the risks first
He'll ask Carlisle for some tips on how to change you safely
And boom all done
But if you were about to die?
Same thing I guess
Literally no hesitation
Well actually let me back up
If someone or something attacked you he is killing their ass first
Doesn't matter who or what it was
Now if it was an accident or something he just goes to you straight up
No detours
I feel like he would struggle a bit with turning you
Right after he was turned the Cullens had to move multiple times in the span of a couple years because he kept getting out of control
So if he didn't have the time to properly prepare I feel like it might not end well
Hopefully for your sake Carlisle's there...
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She's another one whose life has only been improved by being turned
She was always captivated by vampires
And she didn't really have a happy life leading up to her death
So for her, one of the best things that's ever happened to her was being turned
Now, that does not translate directly to her turning you, no questions asked
Even though she loves her new life, she knows Rosalie's and Jasper's stories
And she wants you to think about it
You would have to ask her pretty consistently for at least a couple of years before she would say yes
She needs to know that you are absolutely sure
And that you know what you're agreeing to
So after a while you could get her to agree to it
Now in a life or death of course she would turn you
That is the exact scenario that Carlisle found her in
And she sees it as okay to turn someone then
She honestly might ask Carlisle to do it
When you're already in such a fragile state she doesn't want to jeopardize you even more
She doesn't really feel bad either way after you've been turned
As in like with herself
Obviously she feels bad seeing you in pain
But she doesn't feel like a monster or anything
You asked for this
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The man, the myth, the legend
He is responsible for turning at least four vampires
So he totally could
But if you're perfectly healthy then he's not going to
His moral compass is too high
I mean, his pattern is only turning people that are about to die
So good luck trying to convince this guy
Now if you ARE about to die...
Well then you have the perfect guy
Does not hesitate at all
He knows what to do, how to do it, and the best way to go about it
And who knows maybe he might get the morphine right this time (sorry Bella)
Very attentive after you've been turned
He knows everything that you need and is very patient
Another one who doesn't really carry the mental burden of turning you
You were about to die, he saved you
He does of course feel bad if you struggle more than normal with being turned
Or if you express hatred with some new aspects of yourself
But he does his best to be there for you and reassure you
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Vampire! Bella:
She's got a bit of a complex
Before she got turned, she heard all of these horror stories about newborns
And then she got turned
And she didn't feel any of it
Logically, she knows it's because of her shield
But it doesn't stop her from thinking that surely it can't be that bad
That coupled with the fact that she LOVES her new vampire life
And that she hated being human
She doesn't hesitate
If you were to literally even mention it in passing that you wanted to be turned you are bitten that very night
#1 Enabler
And it's the same scenario if you were about to die
She loves you
Of course she's not gonna let you die
She does feel really bad though once she sees you struggling
Like if you're not adapting well or if you show obvious longing for your old life
She feels really bad
And she tells you that
Just give her a couple kisses and tell her that you love her
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
After watching Jaiden's reaction to Bobby dying, I kind of see the whole thing as an accidental metaphor for terminal illness.
Bobby died and an appeal was sent, but until the verdict was made Roier and Jaiden were made to wait in this limbo state of not knowing whether or not Bobby was actually dead. Jaiden already started grieving, saying everything reminded her of Bobby and she didn't even know if he was dead or not.
Its very similar to being a parent of a terminally ill child isn't it? Your kid is on the verge of death, and you have no idea if things will get better. Especially if doctors and medical staff tell you that your kid doesn't have much time left. You're left to grieve and mourn them in the event that they are to die soon, while also having that spare bit of hope because they're not actually gone yet. Its all very confusing and painful, because you're not able to properly let go.
Then there's the after. The true death. Bobby was given those final ten minutes with his parents after the Federation confirmed that he was dead for real. Everyone who was on the server at that time came to say goodbye. They gave final words, reminisced, but most importantly, they celebrated. They celebrated Bobby. Because they knew he was dead for a while, even if it wasn't confirmed. They had prepared for the worst, and when the news finally hit they were ready to make one last event to finally send him off.
Something I learned about when I was looking into terminal illness was this area in the grieving process that I'm calling The Relief. Because again, as a parent in this situation, you've already prepared for the worst, you've already grieved, and the longer your sick child is alive and in pain the longer the grieving process goes on. When they die, there is much sadness, but many parents also feel this sort of relief because its finally over. The pain, the sadness, the being in the mindset of a parent whose child died without fully being able to let go because they're not actually dead yet. It all sort of washes away. There's a sense of peace that comes with the end to it all. And I think that's what we saw for Bobby.
Bobby was a celebration, because he lived a life to the fullest he could, and died as a sign of closure. He brought life everywhere he went, and died giving peace. And when its said and done, we live, and we remember him.
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sleeplesssmoll · 8 months
Hiya! I just recently saw and followed your blog and I'm honestly intrigued about what you write, specifically analyzing Vertin and stuff. It made me realize what those "head to torso" voicelines actually means! It also inspires me to do a leisure analysis on the voicelines and I thought of something interesting that I'd like to share. BEWARE English isn't my main language so I hope this doesn't sound a little confusing :'D What if Insight II garments are when the characters are closer to Vertin, so that they changed their clothing after a certain amount of time being with her. What I mean is that they trusted her enough to show their true colors/acts more casual with Vertin? I'm using characters I have so: - Horropedia: He changes to a more casual clothing. Like what you would wear when you're at home. And I think the sweetest detail is him using hairclips like Blonney's, implying he's imitating her (can't forget how he also talks about Blonney/a blondie trope in one of his voicelines). It's as if he hung out with Vertin, Blonney, and the others for a long time that he felt a sense of belonging, hence he felt that it's ok for him to be a little more casual... - Eternity: THIS LADY IS WEARING A SLEEPING DRESS. Does that mean she's going around in Vertin's suitcase wearing that IDK BUT IT'S FUNNY TO THINK ABOUT. It kinda make senses because she likes watching Night Shows before bed so there's that- - A more depressing example, Cristallo: She's actually the reason why I got made this analysis. In her usual design, she's sitting with a book. Her insight II garment however, it was replaced by flowers, she has a lot of patches, more blood bags hanging, and the sad kicker is her expression is more weak specifically her eyes are more droopy. I have a theory that Vertin had hopes that Cristallo would heal under her care, but fate was cruel as Cristallo is on the verge of dying or is actually dead as time goes on. Man this sucks. /lh I wish I could analyze more but my brain juice is drying. As I'm typing this, my analysis may be flawed and more than just "changing clothes cuz we homies now" typa stuff. What do you think? :D
This is a wonderful idea! I'd HC this for sure because the idea of the crew getting more comfortable and settling into their new home gives me life. Idc if it's Canon or not, this perspective makes me happy 😤
That being said, I do think you're onto something! Even if it's not every character, we can see this in quite a few of them. Like Bkornblume showing her face ☺️
Good luck with your analysis! I can't wait to read more of others people's ideas since I'm too busy to write much these days (but I'll find a way 🧐)
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shinysamurott9 · 1 day
I've had Ciel on my mind today and whenever I think of her, I can't help but think just how fucked her story and life is.
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Seriously, she's born as a test tube baby, genetically engineered to be more intelligent with the express purpose of making better weapons and reploids for the dictatorship that created her, likely meaning she didn't have proper parents and no real childhood.
She created Copy X, who then went on to commit straight up genocide, so you know that definitely took a toll on her. Oh yeah she was 9 when she did this. So yeah can't imagine that helped with coping.
She then goes on to try and find redemption by forming the resistance to save reploids that her creation wants to exterminate, becoming the enemy of effectively all of what remains of society as a result, with people constantly dying around her for being part of her organisation. It's to the point where they are on the verge of collapse by Zero 1, this desperation being the whole reason she tries to find Zero in the first place.
During this whole time, Ciel is also working to try and create an entirely new, renewable and clean energy source on the faint hope that Neo Arcadia would cease their genocide of the reploids. An incredibly daunting task for a single person to say the least. Unfortunately it goes completely down the drain by Z3 where giving Neo Arcadia, or really at that point Weil, the Ciel System is completely out of the question. It was naive beforehand of course but it just sucks for her that all her time and effort spent working on the system in hopes of bringing a peaceful resolution basically meant nothing in terms of resolving the conflict with Neo Arcadia at least.
Oh and this was also after the guy who she handed command of the resistance to, massively escalated the conflict with Neo Arcadia, got a bunch of their soldiers killed only for him to eventually go crazy and have to be killed himself. So yeah I can't imagine that was great for her.
Honestly laying it all out like this Z4 is comparitively not nearly as bad for her, until right at the very end where the conflict that she is at least partially responsible for sparking is ended almost entirely by Kraft nuking Neo Arcadia. Fun fact according to the Drama Track, Vile's Incident, included in the Z4 Remastered Tracks CD, Kraft canonically killed approximately 20 Million people when he hit Neo Arcadia so yeah make of that what you will.
And of course after all that, Zero goes up and destroys Ragnarok and himself along with it. We see how grief stricken Ciel is in the game but honestly, listen to the Drama CD version of Zero's final monologue and hearing Ciel's scream shows just how crushing this is for her. Seriously her voice actress screams like part of her soul is being destroyed in that moment.
Honestly considering she goes through everything she does here, well before she even properly reaches adulthood no less, it's a genuine wonder Ciel isn't just completely broken by Zero 4. Worst part is it doesn't even stop after that, shit keeps happening and by the time the ZX era rolls around she's completely MIA, likely still alive through cybernetic enhancements so she's old as hell now and is forced to pretty much exile herself clinging onto the vague hope that the biometals she created will be found and used by an actually good person.
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champagneher · 2 years
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❝𝒘𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒔❞ —𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠
pairing: kim taehyung x reader
based on: reader is in paris and taehyung's an incredible supportive lover.
genre: drabble, fluff, idol au.
warnings: making out, little suggestive, cursing and tae just giving boyfriend material vibes.
a/n: so... i'm back with this little drabble. hope you enjoy it and you can always send your request! lots of love. :) please go easy on me, english is not my native language. so, i apologize for any mistakes and please let me know!
Paris never looked better in your opinion. The night was falling, the stars were beginning to shine in the sky while the young people went out to have fun with their friends on this summery Friday. You weren't far behind, you had your fresh nails, your long eyelashes, your hair recently dyed a light honey brown that contrasted the colour of your skin perfectly, and of course, it was combed in a perfect bun.
You hugged your light shirt closer to your body while you watched the big city from the balcony of your -temporary- home that offered a spectacular view of the greatest attraction the city could offer you, the Eiffel Tower.
You looked at the time on your phone when it lit up with the incoming message.
Tae: I hope Paris is treating you as you deserve.
You smiled.
Me: Of course it is. It always has.
Tae: I miss Paris Me: You should come visit Paris Me: And me, of course Tae: Obviously. Why else would I go to Paris for? Tae: Oh wait Tae: There may be another reason. A good reason Me: Oh yeah?
Tae: Yeah
Me: Care to tell me?
Tae: There is this ballet dancer, who dances beautifully Me: A ballerina who dances? Me: I'm a little surprised that you like ballet. Who would have thought Tae: You're annoying. Tae: But yes. Actually, I like everything about this girl. Hopefully, I can see her soon. I met her in a café when she spilled all her coffee on my white pants and Gucci shoes Me: That's tragic
Tae: No, not at all. I got to know her and since then we have been very close. Very
Tae: I love to fuck her Me: Okay I have to go now Tae: 😊 Tae: Rehearsals? Tae: What time do you go on stage?
Me: In about two hours, 9pm, so I have to run to the theatre and keep rehearsing Tae: Hope everything goes well. I know you'll dance amazing as always just don't be too surprised
Me: Why would I be surprised? Haha Me: Talk later?
Tae: Of course baby, see you soon xx
You shook your head slightly, smiling as you locked the screen of your phone and then turned to take one last look at the incredible view from the balcony.
You could get used to this, you thought. But you missed your life in Korea. Life there as a foreigner could be incredibly difficult in time to time, but you had also built relationships with incredible people and appreciated every beautiful moment lived. You also couldn't deny that you enjoyed it more because it's where one of your favourite people was.
How you met Taehyung was definitely embarrassing, but at the same time you were grateful because otherwise you wouldn't be on the verge of collapsing from everything you felt for him. He was annoying and charming at the same time. You had never been in love, and you didn't want to be either because of your career that demanded a lot of your time. Shit. Tae's was even more demanding, you never imagined that you could be head over heels for an idol who could make you laugh until you cry in a moment and then fuck you until oblivion in the other.
You didn't have a title. You weren't officially a couple, but it was no surprise to his and your circle that you both did almost everything together. Not only that, but you could be in each other's company all day and still yearn for more time together. It was reciprocal and pure. You had met someone with whom you couldn't say a word and still feel comfortable.
Tae loved every second shared with you, he had met the person who understood him and put herself in his place without the need to ask. You both had busy schedules, which worried him a lot when he realized that he couldn't spend much time away from you, but that stopped thanks to the fact that you worked to continue sharing moments without feeling forced.
He introduced you as his, and you introduced him as yours. Still, the little pinch in your stomach that said he would never make anything official was still there, bothering you day by day. And not to mention when the opportunity to dance in one of the most prestigious theatres in Europe presented itself to you, and you made the decision -which was very hard- to go to France for 5 months to be part of one of your biggest dreams. It was a unique opportunity and although Taehyung supported you in your decision and was every step of the way here, it was difficult. For almost eight months you had not spent more than two days away from each other, and now you were separated by hours and hours of distance.
4 and a half months passed, the end of your contract was approaching, and it was bittersweet. Bitter that your moments on this stage with your new friends would end, but sweet that you would be coming home to him. You also loved every second lived here. Although it was difficult, and it wasn't necessary, it must be emphasized, you were always faithful to Taehyung. Your heart belonged to him.
You were about to return to the stage for the finale when one of your new friends walked up to you with a full smile and sparkling eyes.
"I'm about to pass out," she whispered, half screaming. She took your arm in her hands and shook it slightly.
"What's happening?" You laughed, seeing her unable to stay still because of the small movements and tiny dances she made with her body.
"You little shit, someone came to see you and I think if you don't make him yours, I'm going to steal him." She raised one of her eyebrows. She watched you look at her confused and frowning, she dragged you towards one of the panels to sneak a bit and get the public view.
"What the fuck-"
"____! You're going in 60 seconds."
"Oh, go, go," your friend pushed you back into line to go on stage.
In all the time you were out there you hadn't seen him, you weren't one to watch the public either but shit if you hadn't stood still for a few seconds after seeing him there, sitting in the third row carefully observing the performance.
Butterflies burst in your stomach and your nerves went over the top. You took a deep breath to come back to yourself and keep giving your best out there, even more so because Taehyung was there. You were happy.
You were dragged into a more private part of the place by a bodyguard, and there was no doubt it was to see Tae. The audience had gone a little crazy when they realized that one of the BTS members was present in the among them, making the exit a bit difficult, but the happiness of the dancers and the entire crew was amazing. They were all talking to each other and congratulating each other on attracting one of the biggest celebrities of the world to see them.
"I can't believe this," you managed to let out a laugh before being wrapped in a pair of arms, causing you to crash into his chest and choke your words on her neck. "What are you doing here?" It was your turn to wrap your arms around his waist closing your eyes to better breathe his perfume.
"Missed you so much," he murmured with his eyes closed. It was no secret that Taehyung was really sentimental, and when he loved, he loved hard. "You were amazing," he smiled with a heart, showing his teeth, pulling away from you a bit to look into your eyes, taking your face in his hands, your arms still around his waist.
"You think?" You asked timidly with hope in your voice.
"I don't think," he kissed yours lips softly and quickly. "I know."
Your smile grew even larger and heat consumed your face. Still you looked around you to confirm no one saw you both share tha sweet kiss. You knew it could burn the whole world if people knew Taehyung came all the way to Paris to see you.
"You're crazy," you laughed out of breath, that man really took your breath away the moment your eyes met.
"For you," he mumbled, "what about we leave and go to dinner?"
"Dinner in Paris? Sounds fancy," you started to walk away from the crowd trying to get a glimpse of Tae, but thank god, they couldn't even see him and more importantly, you. Luckily you had already changed into your jeans moments before leaving in search of Tae. You didn't want to draw anyone's attention to what you got for throwing on a black hoodie and your flats. Although your makeup and hairstyle were still intact. The bodyguards followed you as you led them out to a more discreet place where no one could disturb you.
The stars were shining in the sky above you, the wind moving your hair in a light and not overwhelming way. The sound of the living city was heard slightly below you, away from the hotel balcony where you were.
Taehyung had taken off his suit vest as well as his tie, the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his elbows and a few loose buttons to his chest. His curls were messy from the strokes of his hand. You, on the other hand, had the opportunity to change into a light white dress of a light and shiny fabric, accompanied by small heels of the same colour as your dress, courtesy of Taehyung who had thought that you would not have enough time to change later of the show. It was lucky for you, he had taken you to a beautiful and elegant private restaurant, and you knew that without the change of clothes you would have been very out of place. You were grateful, you had a beautiful new Gucci dress, you had delicious food for dinner, and now you found yourself looking down on the city with the man your heart so dearly loved.
"Beautiful…" Taehyung mumbled resting his elbows on the concrete railings as he watched you not so discreetly, though you didn't notice. "Right? This city never ceases to amaze me," you smiled as it was your turn now to watch him. "Well, I wasn't exactly talking about the city, but yes… it's also beautiful." His left arm wrapped around your waist pulling you closer to him. Damn, if your heart didn't want to come out of your chest. With all the control you could have of your body you brought your right hand to his lower back and rested your chin on his shoulder. "Thank you for tonight, it really was perfect."
Taehyung gently cupped your face in his hands leaning back slightly to get a better look at you. It was a lot for you so you couldn't help lowering your eyes to avoid feeling that your soul wanted to leave your body for the moment you were living. "Please look at me," he requested in a low voice, almost a whisper. With your lips slightly parted you raised your gaze to connect with his again, this time feeling an extreme calm that you didn't know if you had known before. His eyes the purest and deepest brown you've ever seen, his flawless skin and his crimson lips. "Would you be mine?" His words left his lips as soft and slow as only he knew how. Your eyebrows rose in surprise, your smile appeared without your control. Was he really asking you to make it official to be a couple? Did he really want to be yours? "What?" you laughed under your breath.
"I said, ____, would you be mine? Please?" His eyes full of hope seemed to reflect the stars in the sky, his hands trembled slightly and he felt a tingling go up and down his spine. He was about to lose him if you didn't say you wanted what he wanted. He longed to be able to share those small moments full of intimacy that only a couple could share, he wanted to tell his friends that he couldn't make it because he already had plans with his girlfriend, he wanted to politely reject other people because he was already taken, he already had a girlfriend whom he madly loved. He wanted to apologize for being late because time got out of his hands for being with you, or arriving at his parents' house with your hand in his ready to introduce you as his girlfriend and partner. He wanted all of that and more.
"Do you really want to be mine, Tae?" You murmured still feeling on a cloud high in the sky but afraid that everything would be a joke.
"Am I not obvious enough, ____? You are the one I flew across the world for just so I could hold you in my arms. And what more romantic place to ask you to be my girlfriend than Paris. The city of love can now be ours… so what do you say?"
"I say you're crazy," you sighed, wrapping your arms around his neck, your fingers gently stroking the hairs on his head as you gazed at him lovingly, "and I'd love to be yours on the condition that you're mine too."
"I would want nothing more than to be yours, love." With those final words, he connected his lips in a soft and slow kiss that reflected all the emotions that were invading them both at that moment. It had really happened, you were already a couple and ypu could not be more in love.
"We will always have Paris, it will always be ours from now on. Just you and me."
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wine-dark-soup · 1 year
ok i am no scientist so apologies in advance if the following astrophysics bit is incorrect. but.
you know how light is the fastest known moving element in the universe (light-year and all that)? well, the distance it has to cover to travel the universe are still SO big that it takes time to reach us. for example, the sun's light actually takes 8 minutes to hit the earth - the ray that warms us was emitted 8 minutes ago, and if we look at the sun we actually see it as it was 8 minutes ago.
if we follow this logic and take greater distances, the stars we see at night are not what they are now - we see them as they were thousands and thousands years ago.
now back to ffxiv. for fantasy compliant reasons, let's say meteion travels fast enough to not be affected by the passing of time. hermes was a man full of doubt, but, looking at the night sky, he was full of hope. he created the meteia to hear people's stories from other stars that could actually chase his doubt.
so the meteia start traveling the universe far and wide... and meet decaying civilizations. this we know. but the meteia didn't just see them dying - because they were stars so distant, they were actually already dead. the meteia were, as much as the human mind can comprehend that, in the past. meteion observed the stars with hermes back in elpis, and shared his fascination and hopes for the great unknown. but, all this time, all that they observed was already dead, or on the verge of dying. so when the meteia reach the distant stars and see death - and horrible death - everywhere, their despair is double. it was dead to begin with. there was no way to prevent this outcome.
in the dead ends dungeon, the first two civilizations we meet - the grebuloffs and the karellians - are ABOUT to go extinct. when we end their segment, there is still at least a survivor (e.g the karellian soldier realizing he killed everyone else). which probably means (as suggested by their name - the sixth and eighth ends respectively) they were stars closer to elpis. then we take a big leap to the seventeenth end. meteion says "farther still existed a star without strife..."
the star of the nibiruns. farther in time as much as farther in terms of distance. so while their star might still be shining bright in elpis, they are actually dead-dead. when meteion arrives, ra-la the last mercy IS at work, granting them death. for gameplay reasons, we DO kill ra-la, but all the nibiruns present in the cutscene before the boss fight are dead.
so, for meteion, what does it mean to travel that far into the universe, and meet the creature - ra-la, once again a sphinx - that summarizes the human experience, only to realize said experience is one of suffering that the people chose to avoid by deciding death (at the hand of ra-la) was preferable?
this is why she became a new ra-la, ready to end all life in the universe, thinking this is a mercy, because after all, everyone suffers AND everyone is already dead to her, because she only saw pasts where the end was inevitable. when she comes back to elpis with all those bad news, the stars still shine; but the seventeenth end's memory is fresh and she brings this to hermes, introducing nihilism into amaurotine society.
the loop is complete; the ancient were ready to follow the same path as the nibiruns, if they hadn't been sundered.
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emeraldspiral · 4 months
More TATR propaganda for the rarepair poll:
Imagine after Tak fails to take Zim's mission she asks the Tallest for another chance, but they laugh in her face for being such a loser she couldn't even beat Zim. So Tak gets the idea that if she can take over a planet the Tallest actually wanted and assigned to a REAL Invader, she can redeem herself.
So she travels to Meekrob thinking Invader Tenn was just a loser who couldn't hack it and she's going to show the Tallest they were wrong for underestimating her. She meets Tenn, who thinks Tak has come to extract her from Meekrob after she lost her means of transport and communication and has been dodging the Meekrobians for months, barely managing to stay alive. At first Tak's plan is just to play along and pretend she wants to help Tenn salvage her mission, but she's really just pumping her for information so she can formulate her own plan. But when she learns that Tenn's mission failed because of a bunch of SIRs going nuts on her, (just like Mimi did when Tak was on the verge of defeating Zim) and sees how resourceful Tenn has been in the face of adversity (just as she had to be to escape Planet Dirt and make her way to Meekrob after getting her ass kicked by Zim) she decides she'll help out Tenn for real. That way, they can both get credit for conquering Meekrob and redeem themselves in the eyes of the Tallest.
The two of them manage to succeed, but then find out that just like Blortch, the Tallest didn't even have a plan for what to do with Meekrob after it was conquered. Not only did they forget what they wanted it for, they forgot they ever even wanted it at all after Tenn's mission was compromised and they wrote it off as "Oh well, you win some you lose some." To rub extra salt in the wound, they give Tak and Tenn both a pity reward to placate them, just like Zim's sandwich. They're both shocked and dismayed that after all the work they put into accomplishing their dreams their victory could feel so hollow and unsatisfying. They can barely process it.
The Tallest don't even know what to do with them now and suggest retiring them from active duty, but they both object to being put out to pasture. The Tallest then suggest some menial task and this causes Tak to snap at them that she wants to be assigned a real mission. But the Tallest have already assigned Invaders to every planet they care about and when they suggest places Tak and Tenn could conquer, it's obvious they're just picking names off the top of their heads like;
"Oh, what about Vort?"
"We've already conquered Vort."
"Okay, how about uh... I don't know, why don't you conquer Aksdjfoi?"
"Is that even a real place?"
"Oh! Oh! I know, how about Plookesia? Home of the universe's most... Uh? I forget, what is it they have?"
"Packing peanuts. The universe's most shock-absorbing packing peanuts. That's what they're known for. The very best for minimizing the risk of damage to fragile items."
"Yes! We must have those peanuts! They're a vital commodity, essential to the continuation of our Empire!"
Tak and Tenn both fake a smile and pretend to graciously accept the honor of being assigned to conquer Plookesia, but they're both dying inside. They head to their ship together and try to cope by deluding themselves into thinking that they'll get all the acclaim and personal satisfaction they were hoping for when they succeed in their mission THIS time around. But en route they both decide "Fuck this" and go AWOL together. If the Empire doesn't give a shit about them or anything that they do, then they're not going to give a shit about the Empire either.
They end up joining the Resisty to get revenge and give themselves a new purpose, but along the way they realize that becoming Resistance heroes isn't what really gives them purpose. They give each other purpose because they see each other's value regardless of any achievements and have learned to fight for each other, rather than their own glory.
So anyway, vote for Space Lesbians in the rarepair tournament!
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mata-aetara-if · 1 year
Classic question for our wonderful cast, how would the ROs react to an MC wearing their clothes and it's a tad bit very oversized on them
👀👀👀 a classic
Asahi: is caught off guard by how much this is effecting him lol is having so many thoughts "is this normal?" "do all friends share clothes?" "do NOT friends share clothes???" "we are just friends right?" "should i ask them why they're wearing my clothes?" 😂 meanwhile you're just just standing there while it seems likes he's going through the stages of grief just by seeing you wear his shirt lmao
Niko: would find it absolutely adorable!! they got big heart eyes right now!! loves how close this makes them feel with you. "you know, if you want, we could share clothes more often? only if you want to! you just look really nice in that!"
Shikako: she is SO red!!! on the verge of passing out tbh lol you just look so good in them! makes you ask her if she wants them back and she stutters out a "n-no! they look nice on you i promise!" silently hoping you keep them so she can see you wear them again.
Inoru: ohhhh he loves this. definitely has a smirk on his face. will playfully pull you closer by said clothes, "these looks good on you, i should leave my clothes around for you to wear more often." (actually dying on the inside because HELP YOU LOOK SO GOOD???)
Rona: she loves this!! giving you so many compliments!! doesn't matter if the clothes don't fit perfectly you look so good!!! ,, and she mayhaps like's that you have her scent on you now 🫣 let's you know that any time you want to borrow her clothes you're welcome to it!! kanemaru also loves it because you smell like rona now!
Jun: "where did you get that??" if you apologize and ask if he wants them back, he'll respond "no" just a little too quickly, "it's fine... just make sure to return them when you're done..." he has to make a fast escape so you don't see him angrily blushing 🤭
Chai: would insist you actually get your own outfit that looks just like hers but in your size!! it's perfect for any type of fighting and would look amazing on you! actually she already has one for you *hands you your own exact replica of her outfit* !!! (the implications of u in her outfit go right over her head i'm sorry you'll have to make a move yourself lol)
Mokoto: is surprised you'd want to try on their clothes considering there's a good chance there's a few beetles left on them. the surprise turns to affection that you're wearing their clothes despite this???? will walk up to you getting slightly too close and gently touches their shirt on you, "...this looks nice on you." for sure hiding their face a little so you can't see them turning red.
Ryoku: *ryoku.exe has stopped working* has no idea how to react to this lmao he's been staring at you for a full min and you have to ask him what's wrong, "are those my clothes?" you answer with a yes, he responds back with a nod and a gruff approval sound. cannot look you in the eye while you're wearing them but you catch him sneaking glances out of the corner of your eye
Kougetsu: they're gonna go feral someone hold them back. "ARE THOSE MY CLOTHES?" before you get a chance to respond they come up from behind, wrapping their arms around you. "they look much better on you than me. you can keep them." is so hoping you'll wear them again! feeling very soft thinking about how they never expected anyone to want to get close enough to them to wear their clothes, yet here you are 🥺
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