#i hope it is as pretty as densi's
liar-or-lawyer · 1 year
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ejzah · 2 years
Can you writing something about the other teams finding out Densi are married?
A/N: I’m not super familiar with the current cast of NCIS, aside from Jimmy, Tim, and Vance, and have only seen Hawaii during the crossover. So I hope this is alright. I’ve also approached this in a slightly different way than requested. It is highly implausible.
Crazy and We Know It
Sam and Callen lead the trek back into the mission, closely followed by Parker and Jane, with Kensi and Deeks trailing a few feet behind. Deeks felt the first waves of stress induced exhaustion creeping in, making him drag a little as they walked into the bullpen.
“You guys did good work today,” Parker told them, glancing around at the agents gathered throughout the room. Sam shared a vaguely annoyed look with Callen, who gave the briefest roll of his eyes.
“Thanks, Parker,” Sam said, the words underlaid with sarcasm. “
“You’re all a little eccentric,” Jane added. “It works surprisingly well for your team.”
“And you guys didn’t totally suck either,” Deeks joked.
Jane had the good grace to look apologetic. “I just meant we didn’t know a whole lot about you guys. You have to admit you’re pretty secretive.”
“Well, it comes in handy for our undercover work,” Kensi explained, tapping Deeks’ chest with the back of her hand. “You should see some of Deeks’ aliases. He’s one of the best.”
“You mean like Artie?” Callen asked with a smirk.
“Yeah, I don’t think they need to hear about Artie just now.” Deeks shot Callen a brief glare. Artie was the not the kind of guy you rolled out for a first impression.
“We’ve heard a lot about your covert operations and aliases,” Parker said. “I’m impressed your dedication in particular. It takes a lot of effort and skill to maintain a detailed cover for so long.” He gestured to Kensi and Deeks.
“What cover are your talking about? We haven’t had any long term operations for a while,” Kensi said slowly, brows knitted in confusion.
“Your marriage, of course. I’ve seen some of the wedding photos. It’s very believable.”
Deeks’ eyes widened as he suddenly realized what was going on. “You think we’ve been faking our relationship for the job.”
“Oh, if only it was fake,” Sam muttered, sharing a commiserating look with Callen.
“Wait, you two are really together?” Jane checked in apparent disbelief.
“Yep.” Deeks put an arm around Kensi’s waist, as she leaned up to kiss his cheek. Parker gaped at them.
“We’ll celebrate our fourth anniversary this March,” Kensi added with a slightly defiant smile.
“Unbelievable.” Parker shook his head. “Don’t you think that causes a conflict of interest and puts your team at risk?”
“Eh, they’d be more distracted apart,” Sam said. “Believe me.”
“Plus you don’t know what a relief it was when they stopped moping over each other.”
“Ok, we did not mope,” Deeks objected.
“Or the flirting disguised as banter,” Callen continued gleefully. “They spent a lot of time talking about raccoons, knives, and water.”
“It was a frozen lake,” Kensi corrected testily. “And you are totally misrepresent things. They were metaphors.” She turned to address a bemused Jane and Parker. “We’re a lot calmer now.”
“Tell that to someone who attended your wedding. One word: Russians.”
“Hey, that one’s all one Deeks.” Holding up here hands, Kensi absolved herself of any responsibility.
“Wait, what happened with Russians?” Jane asked with mild apprehension.
Deeks spoke up before Callen could interceded. “It was a beautiful day that I will remember for the rest of my life.”
“And almost didn’t happen when a Russian tried to kidnap you.”
“It was a case of misplaced affection. And definitely not creepy at all.”
“You know what, I don’t think I need to know any more,” Jane decided.
“Probably for the best,” Deeks agreed. “So, you want to stop over for a drink and meet our daughter?”
A/N: I acknowledge that the comment about the team being secretive is fairly inaccurate at this point since every body and their cat has visited the boat shed. I’m also not sure if other teams would already know about Kensi and Deeks.
Thanks for the prompt!
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stanathanxoox · 2 years
I'm So Happy
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gif is mine
Thank you to @creativepromptsforwriting for these prompts; Twenty-Fourth Day of Gift-Giving: Twenty-Four Touches. There will be more of these fics to come as they are a work in progress but I hope you like what I have so far
A hand in the other’s hair, not quite grabbing it – Ellie Bishop x reader
As you knelt over the basin, losing the contents of your stomach your big sister loosely holding your hair out of your face, you groan.
“I hate being sick” you whisper and your sister shoots you a sympathetic look, before a strange look crosses over her face and she drops your hair before she begins to riffle through her handbag before she pulls out a pregnancy test and holds it out in front of you. You raise an eyebrow at her and she says
“You’ve been throwing up for the last three days Y/N, your in a committed relationship with Darren I think its safe to say that this is probably the cause for your vomiting”. You think it through before you nod your head, of course your big sister was right, she usually was. You take the pregnancy test from her and walk into one of the stalls in the public bathroom before you make your way back out into the bathroom.
“What am I going to do if I am?” you whisper looking down at the pregnancy test before looking up at your sister with big pleading eyes
“You will raise an amazing little human, with mum and dad, and me by your side Y/N and I’m pretty sure that Darren will be with you the whole way through too” she says and you nod your head slowly. You could just imagine your partner as a father to a little girl or boy, he would be an amazing father, and as you look back down at the pregnancy test you realise that your going to get to see that coming true in the not to distant future.
“I’m pregnant” you whisper as you turn the test around to show your sister who squeals in delight as she throws her arms around you and holds you close.
“I am so damn happy” she says and you smile
“I am too, thank you for being with me Emily” you say and she smiles
“Of course Y/N” she says before she gives your hand a gentle squeeze and the two of you look back down at the pregnancy test again.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-just-like-z1ggy, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
Tag List for NCIS/NCIS NOLA: @powerpuffbubbles​, @diaryofafan17​, @thebeckyjolene​
Tag List for NCIS: @manicmarsupial​
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densi-mber · 3 years
Christmas Miracles
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A/N: I decided to start off the celebration on a high note for Densi so interpreted this prompt creatively.
“Hey, we’ve gotten a lot better at this,” Kensi observed as she threaded a new strand of multicolored lights Deeks. He wound them around the middle section of the Christmas tree, moving aside a branch of two.
“I told you it helps when the lights aren’t in a tangled ball,” he teased.
“One time.” Kensi held up a finger for a second, shaking her head. “I didn’t follow the “Marty Deeks Protocol for Storing Christmas Lights” one time and now I will never hear the end of it.”
“I never did get those undone. I wonder what Callen did with them.” Deeks frowned for a second, presumably contemplating the thought of Callen decorating a nonexistent tree.
“I’m pretty sure he threw them away the minute he got home.”
“That’s rude,” Deeks said lightly, surveying his work with a critical eye. “Hm, that’s a little unbalanced.”
Stepping back, Kensi waited while he rearranged some of the lights just so. Based on previous years, Kensi knew that he would fiddle with them until he thought they looked perfectly scattered without leaving any large gaps.
While he finished with that, Kensi started digging through the ornament boxes. Last year, between trying to move, Deeks being at FLETC, and her own faltering mental health, Kensi hadn’t felt much like decorating. At one point, just the thought of putting up a tree and pretending to be cheery made her feel nauseous.
Thankfully, while all their worries weren’t magically gone, she felt in a much better frame of mind to celebrate this year. Deeks seemed in better spirits too without FLETC hanging over his head.
She pulled out a couple of large, bulbous green, red, and purple ornaments that had been a present from Deeks’ mom. They were almost pretty, in a garish kind of way. Kensi wasn’t totally convinced that Roberta hadn’t given them as a gag gift.
“Hey, where do you want to put your mom’s ornaments?” she asked, turning with one dangling in each hand. Deeks sucked in a deep breath as he scrunched up his face in consideration. They came across the same question every single year.
“Near the bottom so they don’t break any branches, but not so low that my mom thinks we’re dissing her gift. And definitely not towards the back since last year she accused us of hiding them,” he decided. “But not so obvious that if Nell and Eric happen to visit, it makes them wonder where their ornament is.”
“Oh yeah, definitely not.” Kensi shuddered as the image of a white horse with a black and neon pink details, green hair, and a psychotic grin came to mind. “That thing gives me nightmares.”
“I swear Nell bought it just for our reactions. She always gets this slightly evil expression when she mentions it.”
“Definitely wouldn’t put it past her.” Sighing, she grabbed a couple more ornaments and passed them up to Deeks. “We’ll just stick the crazy horse behind the vintage elves from my mom and if anyone else tries to give us decorations, they’re going straight into the goodwill pile.”
“Sounds perfectly reasonable,” Deeks said and though she couldn’t see his face from this angle, she was sure he was smiling. “Somehow I don’t think we have to worry about Callen buying us any kind of decoration.”
They were just about done hanging ornaments, when Kensi’s phone buzzed with an incoming call.
“Oh, it’s Sandra, our adoption coordinator,” she told Deeks, brows furrowing. As far as she knew, they’d completed all the paperwork, interviews, and other requirements to be considered for adoption, but maybe they’d missed something. She caught Deeks’ eye as she accepted the call, hoping that there weren’t any issues.
“Hi, this is Kensi. Yes, we did. Really? No, thank you for calling.” Deeks gave her a searching look as she listened to the women on the other end of the line.
“Kens,” he hissed, but she held up her hand, concentrating on everything Sandra said. “Right. Yes, we can come down tomorrow. Thank you so much.”
“Kensi, what the hell is going on?” Deeks demanded the second she hung up. A plain blue bulb hung loosely between his thumb and forefinger, apparently forgotten. “Did we accidentally check “divorced”or something on the paperwork?”
“Um, no.” Kensi shook her head and chuckled incredulously. “Sandra said they have a placement for us. She wants us to go to the adoption center to meet him tomorrow.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Holy crap,” Deeks breathed, sounding dazed. He looked just as shocked as she felt. He reached for her and Kensi fell against his chest, gripping his shoulders. “Is this really happening?”
“I think so. It seems impossible,” Kensi said, starting to feel a little giddy. “It’s been so long and Sandra had said we should expect to wait at least a couple months before we heard anything.”
“This is crazy.” Deeks shook his head again, eyes moving around the room, focusing on the mantle above their electric fireplace. “Crap, we’re going to need to buy another Christmas stocking,” he muttered giddily. “And presents.”
“Oh my god, you’re ridiculous,” Kensi gasped, kissing him with tears of joy leaking down her cheeks. “And I’ve never been happier.”
A/N: So, as you might have concluded, we have a crazy horse ornament that my mom got in Mexico when she was a girl. We put it on the tree every year. Mom insists.
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blris96 · 2 years
Are you an NCIS Los Angles fan? I haven't watched it in years but somebody wrote a crossover with D&K and Chenford fanfic. Didn't Deeks and Kelsie start out as partners who didn't trust each other, slowly become friends and denied there was anything more for quite some time? Could that be where the show is going with Tim and Lucy? Season 5 is the start of the transition to something more?
Hi lovely anon!
Yes! I’m a massive Densi fan as well as Callanna fan. NCIS LA is also one of my favorite shows!
I loved that crossover fic.
You’re correct! Densi took a REALLY long journey to get there. They got there though! But, they also had pretty consistent emotional progress along the way even though they were denying their feelings until the cows came home.
That very well could be where the show is going with Chenford in Season 5. I wouldn’t mind that path at all to be honest! It can be VERY good when done well. I just hope the writers can do it well if that’s what is in store.
I think the first episode of Season 5 will tell us a LOT about what the season will be like. Whatever happens in 5x01 will give us a guide to what parallels we’ll get in the finale too.
If we get that path, I hope we get some semi consistent progress along with it and less of the one step forward ten steps back, brushing everything under the rug stuff. But that’s just me 😅.
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Christmas party
Office Christmas Party
‘I love seeing this place all festive and cheery.’ Deeks said, sipping eggnog.
‘I do too. Hetty did a great job this year.’ Kensi replied.
‘Say, where is she and Granger anyways?’
‘I don’t know. Kind of weird though, right?’
They were having fun listening to an interesting conversation of how Eric spent 1 of his Christmases overseas, when Deeks said he needed to go to the bathroom. Kensi decided to come with him.
‘Can’t take listening to him either, eh?’ He asked.
‘He’s nice, but pretty boring!’ Kensi replied.
On their way to the bathroom, they noticed the light was on in the burn room. They naturally got curious and decided to peak in.
And what they saw, they can’t unsee!
Later, in their car in the garage
‘Well, THAT was the most awkward party I’ve ever been to!’ Kensi remarked, weirded out.
‘I, I can’t believe this, I can’t believe this!! Like, this is so unnatural!!’ Deeks replied, still very shocked.
‘Deeks, they were hugging. It’s not like we caught them kissing or naked. And now I think I just grossed myself out.’
‘Oh god that’s even worse!! Like, since when is Granger much of a hugger??! And every time we see him with Hetty, it always looks like they’re fighting over something!’
‘Maybe they’re more friendly with each other then they look, either way. I think we should just be grateful that they looked too stunned to really yell at us.’ Kensi said.
‘Oh man, the thought of them possibly being, intimate, (shudders), that’s like picturing your mom with some hot surfer dude.’ Deeks replied.
‘Yours or mine?’
‘Mine, obviously.’
‘Let’s just go home, okay? And let’s just hope Hetty doesn’t remember to talk to us about what we saw tonight.’
Unfortunately for them, after New Year’s Day when they went back to work, she didn’t forget. And what came next was the most awkward looking talk Deeks and Kensi had ever gotten from either of their bosses.
For day 8 of @densi-mber
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aprylynn · 3 years
Happy Birthday, @lauraperfectinsanity !!!
I’m about to get a little mushy just so you know :)))))))
Laura and I have been mutuals for a long time, starting because of our shared love of Densi :)
The past several months have been really hard for me and Laura introduced me to something new that I can get excited about and that can distract me when real life is too much. Everyday she chats with me and shares posts with me and warns me what part of the fandom to avoid (because every fandom has it!).
Thank you so much, Laura. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you better recently. It’s meant more to me than I could ever say. And with pretty much every Tumblr friendship, I wish you didn’t live so far away!
I hope you enjoy this playlist. If I was more talented I’d make you gifs or a graphic or something that featured Jikook jikooking because it’s what you deserve!!! Anyway, happy birthday and I hope you have a great day 💜
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csmeaner · 2 years
Oh, dude, I guarantee you Densy doesn't think Soyu-k did anything wrong and I'm pretty sure the two go way back. Even on the Densetsugin account, Densy was a crybully who used her friends as a shield. After she moved to the MrGremble account, I kind of stayed away and hoped she'd mature a bit, but she never has. She's the same lazy, entitled, crybully she's always been and probably always will be. In her eyes, she never does wrong, everyone's out to get her, etc.
lmao she’s right we are out to get her but it’s because she fucking deserves it she’s a walking cunt monster and im going to offbrand grems and they’ll have way better traits and actually look decent/j
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draganasimpsforjeff · 4 years
Hunting Dogs (proxies x reader) Chapter One
This is based on the story of mine on Quotev but due to it being labeled and now taking off index no one can see it unless searching my username so I figured I’d also post it on here cuz why not? Plus I like tumblr better anyways*shrug*
"Did you check the perimeter?" A dark haired man with a feminine mask questioned to his younger colleague who nodded in response. "A-all clear." That was what he expected out of the younger man. A simple straight answer. No one had time to have an explanation during a high stress leveled mission. A man's hair was clenched in the dark haired man's hand. A rag was shoved into his mouth, only letting him breathe through his nose while his eyes budged out in fear.
"Masky, you know what needs to be done. " A voice changer broke Masky out of his stare at the old man and back to his original partner, Hoodie. "I just want to take my time, after all..Boss never mentioned a deadline." He chuckles darkly, bending to the height of the old man.
"We don't need to bring attention to ourselves. This city is highly populated and we can't risk being caught. Get on with it." Hoodie forces his tone down, but trying to remain his point clear about how this was not a   game. They were not in the Slender forest or their usual hunting grounds.
This was an unfamiliar city with not that many hiding places. The dark alleys being their own source of protection.
"Syringe. " Masky held out his palm, waiting for the messy haired man to hand him what he requested. Toby reached into his pocket, careful not to accidentally drop it or prick himself with it. He hands it over and Masky grinned behind his mask. Hoodie looked around, scanning the area high and low with his eyes squinting every now and then to make sure no one was hiding in the dark before crossing his arms tightly and watched Masky.
"Okay, pops. I'm going to ask you some questions, but I'll need to take the cloth out of your mouth. No screaming, got it? If you did, I will not hesitate to use this." He held up the syringe, the dim light post, providing enough of it's source to give the liquid a shine. His grin grew wider, flicking it and turns his attention back to the man at his feet.
He nodded and Masky considered him for a moment, reaching down and takes it out. "Now. Tell me, Paul Densie. Why did you think it was smart to go looking for our kind?" he asks as his eyes never left the man's face. He swallowed, breathing shakily before choosing his words carefully. "It was not my choice. They were strict orders. I wasn't suppose to be taking up that case, you have the wrong man."
"We never have the wrong man." Masky snickered and grabbed the man's face. "And why was it so important for you assholes to go searching? Huh!? What was the fucking point?!"
"Masky be quiet you're go-"
"Shut the fuck up Hoodie, before I plunge this syringe into you instead of him. " Masky spat with venom, turning his attention back to the old man, taking a quick breath, looking back up at the man. "Now...answer the question. " He was glad that it was dark out so the hostage couldn't see the insanity that was brewing behind his eyes. He wanted nothing man then to wrap his large hands onto the bastards neck and squeeze till his head popped off.
"A f-few of our men have been filed as missing. We had some of our coworkers do some tracking and along with the timeline, it led us to the ones we suspect now. And once we find those bastards, you pricks will be done for!" A hard slap echoed from his face and Masky grabbed the guy's collar, bringing him close to his face. "You must be the dumbest person I ever met if you think your team can even come close to us. You will never find us. And we will make sure of that. We do whatever we need to to protect ourselves even if that means killing every. single. fucker. that. gets. in. the . way. We have our own strict orders to follow and we go through them. After all, we are just a bunch of hunting dogs." He grinned, stabbing the man in the chest with the syringe.
The man froze with his eyes bulging out, looking up at the dim light before falling down to the concrete beside Masky's leg.
A loud gasp caught their attention and they snapped their heads in the direction to see a girl with a work uniform on, most likely one of the local restaurants on the strip. One command made her break into a run, following her trace and leaving the alley.
"Here you go, Mr. Saka. Your usual." Y/N smiles at the middle aged man who came in here at least three times a week.  He was the regular's that you have gotten to known pretty well. You were still a newbie when it came to this job, but you made it one of your concerns to get to know people pretty well. You had a fresh start and you didn't want it to be like how your life was before moving. You saved enough money from your last job when you lived in a smaller town with your mom, but things were getting too bad at home that you went to school full time and a job. You were in senior year of high school and now you just worked full time at one of the well known restaurants in town.
It was actually the first place you applied to. The hourly pay wasn't great, but it was enough and plus you made tips. One of the upsides to getting to know people in a city like this, especially with regulars was that they paid you decently. And it was mostly always busy during the day with people rushing in for their break at work or tourists, but at night it was mostly drunks or regulars or some Yelp reviewer...you had a lot of those, they never got off the company's back that you worked for.
But you hadn't messed up once so you didn't worry about it.
"Thank you, sweetheart. My, I gotta say it's like you practically live here. Do you work full time?" Mr. Saka asks, cutting into his pancakes. He was one of those people that liked breakfast food at night and you thought it was funny when everyone else was having dinner and he was the only one ordering a breakfast platter.
"Yes, well, I'm trying to have enough money to where I don't have to worry so much about bills or if I want to get enough food for the month. It's hard, yes, but that's the adult life I guess." You sighed, running the damp rag across the counter, cleaning up from the last customer.
"Just try to take care of yourself. I would hate to see you get burnt out from all the hard work, besides, you're my favorite. " he sends a playful wink before drowning his pancakes in syrup. You chuckled, breaking into a small smile. "You're my favorite too, Mr. Saka. "
"Y/N, you may clock out if you like. We have a newbie coming in tomorrow and we might need you to come in early for an extra pair of hands." Your boss says, looking over the time sheet. You nodded, sighing a little as you hated coming in early especially when you thought you were going to have a short shift tomorrow. "Alright, I will. Goodnight everyone!" You said, sliding your time card in and clocking out. "Have a goodnight, Mr. Saka. Stay out of trouble." You give him a small pat on the shorter, sending him into a fit of laughter.
"As if!"
You chuckled once more at his comment, opening the door and walking out. The air was a bit chilly and you were glad to have brought your hoodie. It wasn't the thickest, but it covered you up. So, it did it's job.
As cliche and dumb as it was, you usually took shortcuts home. The city was too alive at times like this, making it nearly impossible to not be trampled by other people or take nearly an hour to get home. With a short cut, you cut the time in half. It was still exhausting after a long shift at work, but it was something.
You heard shouting and stopped dead in your tracks. You heard an old man speaking and furrowed your eyebrows. Should I see what is happening? Call the cops? Turn around and leave? What?
But before you could register what your body was doing, you moved away from the shadows and gasped at the sight of an man, sending a needle into the old man's chest and watching him fall to the ground.
Three heads snapped at you and you cursed silently, before turning your heel in the opposite direction, waiting for the signal to break into a run.
So here's the first chapter. I hoped you liked it and there might be chapters with cliffhangers, so expect that. This is going to be a dark creepypasta x reader, so if don't like that then don't read any further as topics will get triggering, just a warning also gonna use tags so maybe you guys can find it easier cuz i don’t know how to do masterlist
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densiislove · 3 years
Hi! I'm another fellow NCIS LA fan. I ship both Densi and Neric (really liked their happy ending!). Hetty is my 'baby'. Her and Callen's relationship is my favorite out of all her relationships with the team. I write a lot of NCIS LA fanfic on FF. Net and A03 under OPS Manager.
Hi! Yes, I agree. Callen and Hetty's relationship is very special and I love it. I'm also a big densi/neric shipper. I liked neric's happy ending. I hope that we can have like small follow-up scenes to see how they're doing (that would be pretty cool!).
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dominicvail · 5 years
that episode gave me a lot to think about, tbh, i need more material to get a firm neric opinion? 
I mean, on one hand, Eric accidentally ghosting Nell a little is, probably in my controversial opinion, in character for him. Yeah, i know, but he’s been known to get excited about something shiny and new, in this case, his new undercover op that he’s actually been trusted with by Hetty, and he kind of let everything else slide. 
He’s followed that pattern of behavior on more than one occasion before. 
I also think, from Eric’s behaviour in that episode we can Absolutely gather he’s still head over heels for her. He has Polaroids of her on the fridge. He resorted to message boards on what looked like a skeevy cosplay site to still talk with her even tho he was in danger on an op. He Still wants to tell everybody about Nell, it’s all Nell!!! He went off on Nell to his Captors. The second he saw a security cam even tho he was still kind of high and out of it his response was ‘yes! Nell can save me!’... He Knew she was watching as surely as he knew the earth is round. 
Nell’s minor breakdown over how much she loves him was very much apparent in the text, i won’t bother analyzing because she said most of it straight up. And from watching Eric in that episode, i don’t believe she has anything to worry about, but the thing is. 
Nell did not see that. 
The cute reunion was without a doubt adorable, she actually took the trouble to get him alone to Hug him. It tugged on my heart strings, they were happy there. 
But also, it solved none of Nell’s problems.  
So while I personally, a viewer, am not really that worried about them (i am kinda, they stress me out), Nell’s fears haven’t been assuaged at all. And these two are Clingy. It was a legit plot point that Hetty left them a hidden message that only worked if they were all over each other’s business because they like... Get upset when they don’t know each other entirely. This Shook Nell and a cute reunion will have done nothing for her inner termoil. 
They need to talk!!! 
Talking, historically, has never actually been an issue for these two, that’s more densi’s fatal flaw, so i am Hoping we will see them talk this out and not just drop it as a job done because they’re reunited, because Neric have their issues but they always come together and discuss their problems and sort out a solution, they have a very healthy relationship in that way even Before they were together romantically. 
So i’m Not actually entirely satisfied by that, if they go on to address it i’ll be happy about it as a reunion but i feel like we’ve only seen Act 1 so far, if they drop it like that is case closed i will be pretty irritated, tbh, because that resolution only fixed Eric’s problems, not Nell’s. 
And Nell is very much at breakdown level right now. 
We need the rest of the story, i mostly just feel like i’ve been given a cliffhanger at this point. 
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ejzah · 2 years
Can you do a fanfic where Densi are working with two other NCIS agents who learn about their relationship and are judgmental. Not everyone in the agency approves of their relationship and I'd like to see more of that. It's also set after they are married.
A/N: I hope this wasn’t too on the nose. I tried to keep it believable.
“Now that was fun,” Special Agent Jacob Verella declared as he walked into the bullpen along with Kensi, Deeks, and his partner, Angela Kneller. They’d just closed a high tech fraud case involving a group of third class Petty Officers.
Kilbride had called Kneller and Verella to sub while Callen and Sam took the week for personal business. Both agents were a few years younger than either Kensi or Deeks, but they’d been working together long enough to fit into the team easily. More importantly, they didn’t have the ego that seemed common among many agents, which made the days much, much easier.
“Hey, you guys want to grab something to eat? We’ll buy,” Jacob offered when they were finishing up for the night. Deeks checked his watch, glancing at Kensi.
“Oh, we’d love to, but we have to get home to our daughter,” he explained apologetically.
“Your daughter?” Angela repeated, letting out a chuckle of confusion.
“Yeah, we’re gone so much during, that we don’t like to miss out on the evenings,” Kensi added.
“Not that she isn’t completely capable of fending for herself.” Deeks smiled with a mixture of pride and wistfulness.
“So you two are together?” Jacob asked, sounding vaguely surprised as he gestured between them. His eyes drifted over Kensi and Deeks, searching. Kensi shared a quick smile with Deeks.
“Uh, yeah, we’ve been married for 2 years.” They linked hands.
“Wow, I didn’t realize,” Jacob said, his expression shifting from easygoing to guarded in a second, though Deeks couldn’t quite get a read on it. “Why didn’t you tell us before this?”
“I mean, it didn’t really come up,” Deeks answered slowly. “Besides, most people figure out we’re a couple pretty quickly after seeing us together.”
“And you’re allowed to work together on the same team.” Angela said. A statement, not a question, and suddenly Deeks thought he understood where this was headed. He hoped he was wrong, but wasn’t optimistic.
“Well, we’ve been partners for years so we know each other better than just about anyone. It just made sense. Besides, I don’t have the energy to break in another agent at this point,” Kensi explained. She clearly picked up on the change in mood too and was trying to lighten it.
“Don’t you think that’s a little arrogant and irresponsible? Putting everyone at risk just so you can be together?” Jacob asked, shaking his head in apparent disbelief.
“We would never let our relationship impact the safety of anyone or affect a case,” Kensi said, instantly matching their censure with defensiveness. Deeks discreetly squeezed her hand. Now was not the time to get too emotional.
“Let me ask you something. At any time during the last three days, have you felt like either I or Kensi put your lives at risk?” Deeks retorted, purposely keeping his voice even and non-confrontational.
“No,” Angela admitted. “But this wasn’t a particularly dangerous operation, and neither of you were in the type of danger that might strain your loyalty. You didn’t have to choose to protect another team member, or someone else.”
“A romantic relationship isn’t all that different from a work partnership.” Kensi eyed Angela pointedly, maybe hoping to play on her affection for Jacob. From Deeks’ view, Angela didn’t look at all moved. “There has to be times when you’ve felt the urge to protect each over everything and everyone else.”
“Never. We have never let our friendship override our responsibility to the job and the people we protect,” Jacob said firmly, making no room for further discussion. Angela nodded in agreement.
Beside Deeks, Kensi crossed her arms, hugging her elbows. There was a heavy, loaded silence in the air that no amount of joking could ever overcome.
“Well, it’s pretty late for us too.” Jacob gave his watch a cursory glance. “I think we’ll have to pass on that drink too.”
“Right. See you tomorrow,” Deeks said quietly as Jacob and Angela made a hasty retreat. They had their heads bowed close together, clearly continuing the discussion in whispers. Once they were gone, Kensi leaned into his side, resting her head on his shoulder.
“I really liked them,” she murmured sadly. “I never expected they would react that way to finding out we’re married.”
“Yeah, well, we knew going into this that there would be people who objected. This isn’t the first time.” He sighed heavily at that. No, they’d certainly run up against their fair share of agents and the like who thought their relationship invalidated their reliability as agents. It just sucked a lot more when you actually liked the person.
Kensi didn’t respond, and he nudged her with his shoulder.
“Hey, you know that they’re wrong, right?” Deeks checked. “Even when we’re worried about each other, we’ve never let it get in the way. We’d stop the moment it did.”
“Yeah.” She patted his chest, twisting her head to give him a weak smile. “Let’s go home.”
Thanks for the prompt!
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stanathanxoox · 5 years
Be Safe
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gif is not mine
Hogwarts Mystery – Charlie Weasley “I CAN’T GO BACK TO JAIL. IM TOO PRETTY FOR JAIL.”
You were standing on the side of the Forbidden Forest, your boyfriend of two years was doing everything he could to help you escape the castle and get out of dodge before the dementors found you and you were escorted back to Azkaban for something that you had been mistakenly accused of. You trip over one of the long limbs of the trunk, landing on all fours heavily you begin to sob. Charlie is immediately by your side, and pulling you into his arms, as you sob
“I CAN'T GO BACK TO JAIL. I'M TOO PRETTY FOR JAIL!”. A gentle kiss on the top of your forehead and his gentle hands smoothing your hair back away from your face, has you looking up into those deep brown eyes, the shade of almonds and you give him a sad smile
“That's not why you don't want to go back Y/N. You shouldn't be needing to go back to that hell hole anyway. You were wrongly accused of your crime. It's not fair” he says and you nod knowingly. It was something the two of you had discussed many a time throughout the last couple of months and you were positive that you would be able to find help here at Hogwarts but as soon as news of your escape from Azkaban had hit you hadn't been allowed entrance into the castle. You had managed to enter under your animagus form and had been doing some research to try and find the person who had framed you. You had managed to find enough information earlier that morning which was why you had met Charlie at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Scrambling to your feet, the two of you run further into the forest as you meet with Torvus, the centaur who had helped your friends with the chamber in the Forbidden Forest just before you had been arrested.
“Y/N, Charlie, what can I do for you? Why are you here?” Torvus asks, he looks between the two of you before he notices your appearance
“Torvus, I need your help to escape the Forbidden Forest and get away from Hogwarts. I need to get to Professor Dumbledore whilst he's in London before he returns to the castle. It's the only way to clear my name” you say and he nods
“Alright, I can help, after what you have all done I don't mind helping out a friend in need” he says and you smile. You turn back to Charlie and place a gentle kiss on his lips, cupping his cheeks as you whispered
“Hopefully, I will be with you again soon Charlie” you whisper and he nods, giving your hands a gentle squeeze before he takes a step back
“Be safe, my dear” he says and you nod
“You too Charlie” you whisper, before you turn and follow Torvus out of the forest, hoping beyond all hope that you could be back in his arms sooner rather than later.  
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi, @jimmybpride, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej-deactivated20191209​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @captainxmikaelson​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​
Tag List for Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them/Hogwarts Mystery: @harryxhermioneisharmony​, @myslytherinboiis​, @xneville4lunax​, @melissagoodwill​, @marauderswhisperer​
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densi-mber · 4 years
When You Least Expect It
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A/N: This story is for today’s prompt, Densi finally get pregnant, which was submitted via Twitter. This specific idea came with the help of @mashmaiden. What would I do without her?
Be prepared for a heavy dose of fluff, some muscles, and just a touch of Densi getting up to shenanigans. Takes place during this current season.
Deeks grabbed a half sandwich from the mini-fridge in his apartment suite (really it was just a glorified hotel room) and laid down on the full-sized bed. He’d finished his workout and showered, which meant he now had a few uninterrupted hours with nothing to do.
Grabbing the tv remote, he flipped through the 20 channels offered with the room’s “premium” cable package and found a Big Bang marathon, a special on wild mushrooms, and an hour long bowflex infomercial. He’d watched the mushroom documentary on his first night at FLETC three weeks ago and he wasn’t really in the mood for comedy.
He checked his watch again; it was only 5:30 which meant Kensi was probably still at work. Sighing, he glanced around the room. During the day, the classes and seminars kept him busy, but the nights were rough. He missed Kensi and the team. Hell, he missed working at the bar and interacting with more than the same 20 guys every day.
Maybe he’d just go back to the gym. He was just pulling his long-sleeve shirt off when someone knocked on his door and he opened it, completely surprised to find Kensi on the other side.
“Kensi, baby, what are you doing here?” he asked. She hesitated in the doorway, thumbs tucked into the pockets of her jeans. It looked like all she’d brought with her was a small shoulder bag.
“I, uh, took the day off and decided to drive up to see you,” she explained with a shrug. “Can I come in?”
“Of course! Get in here.” He tugged her into the room and into his arms, lifting her up in the air. Her arms curled around his shoulders as she pressed her face in the curve of his neck.
“I missed you so much,” she whispered.
“Me too.” He lifted her higher and she wrapped her legs around his hips, moving to cup his jaw as she kissed him with three weeks worth of longing. He ran his hands from her calves to the top of her shoulders. Kensi made a song in the back of her throat and she pulled back with a sigh, laying her head on his chest.
“I missed that too.” Her hand crept down to his pec, squeezing lightly. “And these.”
“Mm, my muscles are at your service,” he teased, walking over to the bed with her still in his arms. He set her down gently and Kensi leaned into his side. It didn’t escape his notice that she was more clingy than normal-not that he minded at all. “So, what made you decide to drop everything and come visit in the middle of a Tuesday?”
“I needed to see you,” she told him.
“When we talked to you the other day you didn’t mention anything about coming to visit.” She sighed again, reaching for his hand.
“I wasn’t planning to, but there’s something that I need to tell you.”
“Kens, you’re really starting to worry me, what’s going on?” he asked. Kensi cleared her throat, sitting up straight, and reached for both of his hands.
“The last couple weeks I’ve felt kind of off,” she started slowly. His stomach clenched with renewed worry. She hadn’t said anything about not
“I thought maybe I was getting sick, but it didn’t stop. I was to go to the doctor, just to be sure, but um, then I remembered how we celebrated the day your application was accepted.”
“Ok, but what does us having sex-wait a second, Kensi, are you saying-?” He broke off, pushing Kensi away from him slightly so he could see her face better. She pressed her lips together and nodded, tears welling up in her eyes.
“I took a test. We’re pregnant,” she confirmed, pressing her fingers over her mouth. Deeks stayed frozen for another second and then crushed her against him.
“Oh my god,” he murmured in disbelief. “Are you sure?”
“I took three because I didn’t believe it myself.” Kensi grabbed her purse, reaching into the side pocket, and pulling out a clear bag with a collection of familiar small strips. She took one out and he noticed her hand was trembling as she pointed to two thin pink lines.
“We’re pregnant.” Kensi nodded again, making a sound somewhere between a sob and a laugh. “Oh my god, we’re pregnant,” he repeated. “Well, you’re pregnant.”
“I don’t know, I remember you being pretty involved in the creation of this baby,” Kensi teased, swiping at her cheeks. He just shook his head and kissed her again, feeling tears pricking against the back of his eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me as soon as you suspected?” he asked, thinking of her worrying all by herself while he was hundreds of miles away.
“I didn’t want to distract you and if it turned out be nothing, then you wouldn’t get your hopes up.” She fiddled with his wedding ring, which he has taken to wearing in his off-time and looked up a little shyly. “Are you happy?”
“This is one of the best moments of my life,” Deeks said, meaning every word. “Right up there with the day you gave me this.” He nodded to his ring.
“I love you, Marty Deeks,” she murmured, leaning in to kiss him. “And I can’t wait to have this baby with you.”
I don’t really know what campus housing would look like, but based on the website for FLETC, it seems like it could include on-campus or off-campus provisions. For this story, we won’t be giving Deeks a roommate.
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romancemedia · 5 years
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NCIS: Los Angeles S10E22 - No More Secrets
In the 22nd episode of the tenth season of NCIS: Los Angeles, this episode featured sweet reunions, shocking secrets revealed and some sad goodbyes all in the hunt to locate Anna Kolcheck and Callen’s missing father.
This episode was the conclusion of the previous storyline where former ATF Agent, Anna Kolcheck escaped prison and was secretly on a mission to find and locate Callen’s missing father. While the storyline focusing on the hunt to locate Callen’s dad hasn’t been the main focus of the season, it still showed on occasion how much Callen missed his father and strongly desired to find him, but began to lose hope until the last episode. With everything that happened involving Anna’s escape, Callen and pretty much everyone realized that someone was obviously pulling the strings behind the scenes and I think we all had a pretty good idea who was involved... Hetty. However, turns out she wasn’t the true mastermind behind this whole this, she only played a small part and as it turns out it’s just like I suspected all along, the CIA were the true masterminds. All I got to say is this... I KNEW IT I KNEW the CIA were involved and the reason why Joelle appeared makes all the more sense. Joelle is back and is spearheading the operation and has been secretly working with Anna the WHOLE time (also THANK GOD her red hair is back, Black wasn’t doing her any justice). Now the team are going to Cuba because that is where Anna and Callen’s dad are!!!
I couldn’t look away from the screen as every second was thrilling to watch. Plus my eyes were glued when I saw my favourite NCIS couple wearing their WEDDING RINGS. Although it was a minor and pretty much the ONLY Densi moment we got on this episode, it was still SO SWEET to see beloved Densi wearing their rings for the first time since their wedding all those months ago. Hope we get to see them wear their rings again soon. I can’t believe how much drama and surprises were in store, especially after watching Anna and Joelle "die". However, the most shocking moment of all wasDEFINITELY the discovery that Callen’s father dad actually raised a child who was a member of the Comescu family who KILLED Callen’s mother. I Did Not See That Coming and I never thought we would Ever hear about Comescu EVER AGAIN. Seriously I still cannot believe it. In the end, the mission was a success as thanks to both the efforts of John Rogers who has proven himself as reliable once again as well as our beloved, Hetty Lange, the team managed to escape. However, it was sad to see Anna deciding to stay and it was SO WEIRD seeing her with Joelle. Seriously Both of Callen’s Former Girlfriend TOGETHER!!! Plus Sweet Arkady mention. However, while the mission may have been a success, Callen’s father was sick and he wouldn’t last much longer. In his final moments with his son in tow, they went to visit the grave of Callen’s sister and soon after... Callen’s dad passed away and his grave is right next to his deceased daughter.
Overall, this was a surprising episode with a sad ending, but I hope that Callen can finally begin to make amends with Alex, especially since she and Jake are the only family Callen has left. Alex better appreciate all the effort Callen made to find and bring their dad back even if it was for a short time. Also, I am very excited to say that we are now down to the final episodes of the season and next week will be Part 1 of an epic two part conclusion to the season featuring characters, Harmon "Harm" Rabb Jr. and Sarah "Mac" MacKenzie from the very series that started the NCIS franchise all those years ago. It’s a finale NOT TO BE MISSED.
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Thoughts on Angry Karen:
Definitely had an easier time with this one. Gemmill writes a lot of good episodes.
Episode thoughts:
Densi was really cute. (and yeah, Deeks has definitely rubbed off on Kensi in a lot of ways!).
I’ll admit, the improvised ways of take downs impressed me this week.
Roundtree and Fatima are adorable!
Nell is really just doing the best she can. And she’s right. She’s not Hetty. Being in charge is a lot more then just making phone calls. And when this ‘temporally situation’ is done, she’ll be back in OPS, Hetty will be back at her desk, and that’ll be it. (and I really hope she dosn’t clean out Hetty’s stash of booze completely, cuz well..... Hetty finding out would NOT be a pretty sight!!)
I don’t typically get annoyed with Sam, but his conversations with Nell just rubbed me the wrong way in a lot of ways!
Things that were done right:
Hetty doing the ‘previously’s.
All the Hetty mentions. (a lot more then 3 seconds is a good thing!)
Knowing that Hetty knows what’s going on case wise. (makes it a bit easier with writing my fic!)
All in all: A pretty good 3rd episode. (definitely a lot better then last year’s 3rd episode!!). 2 week break until the big double episode.
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