densiislove · 3 years
Hey guys!! So I just want to say to all of you today.... Happy new year's day!!! 🎊 🎉 🎊 🎉I'm thankful for everything that 2021 brought. While some of you had a rough year, others had an "Okay" year, some had a great year, or had both a good and bad year. However, in 2022, I hope that this may be your year. I hope that everything you wish for may come true. I hope that you all have an amazing new year filled with many great things, accomplishments, and memories to not forget, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors 💗 💗
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densiislove · 3 years
\\\\\A/N: hey guys!! So, in spirit of the holidays, I wanted to give you all a fanfic as a Christmas present from my part. This is my first fanfic that I post on Tumblr, but I hope you all like it :) ////// Kensi and deeks were now happily married for a few years and they shared a home, one which was slightly bigger than the one they previously shared when they were dating. It was nighttime, and they were sleeping peacefully. It was until kensi woke up spontaneously. On her left, she heard the soft snores of her husband, who was clearly enjoying his slumber. Faint yellow lights from the street posts was the only source of light in their room. Kensi wondered what time it was and lazily stretched out her arm to grab her phone. After a few attempts, she managed to pick up her device from the small wooden night table. She pressed the power button and squinted her eyes. She was blinded for a moment as the light from it flooded her sight. A picture of them on their wedding day appeared. On it, there was the time which read 5:32 am. It's still too early, she thought and sank back into the light blue, cool satin sheets.
     Her moment of coziness and comfort was shortly lived as she felt a deep craving for brownies. I just ate those yesterday in the office, she thought to herself. I can't eat them now, besides, it's too early... it can wait until later on today. Tossing to her side, she tried to ignore her strong urges and go to sleep instead. After all, they've had a tough week at work, she deserved a good night's rest. Though, she reconsidered, one brownie wouldn't hurt.... after all she has had a tough week, so maybe she should eat something sweet to make up for it. Succumbing to her own pleas, she sat up and left the bed, careful enough to not wake up deeks, who was clearly tired from their tedious week at work. She turned her head and admired how he managed to look so cute in his sleep. Kensi was so glad to be married to him. He's a dork and all, but he is her dork. She smiled and stood up, heading to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, she saw a container on the second shelf. She lifted the plastic lid to reveal one of the most beautiful brownies she had ever seen.
     Taking a sniff, she reveled in its delightful smell. She took a bite and enjoyed its wonderful texture and taste. Suddenly, she felt her stomach twist, as an overwhelming sense of nausea took over. Holding a hand over her mouth, she ran as fast as she could to the bathroom. Having no time to close the door properly, she pushed the door to the best of her abilities, dropped to her knees and threw up in the toilet.
     Deeks placed his arm to the other side of the bed. Surprisingly, he had nothing to hold onto.  He turned the lamp on, looked to his right side and noticed that kensi wasn't there. He payed close ears to the the gut-wretching in their house and realized that it was coming from his wife inside the bathroom. He pushed the sheets to a side and stood up, bare feet meeting the light brown carpet. He stood in front of the bathroom door and lightly knocked on the door even though it was cracked a few inches open. No response. Concerned, he decided to barge in "hey kens, are you okay?" "Deeks" kensi shrieked as she did not have enough time to warn him not to come in. She quickly flushed the toilet and closed the lid. She fixed her position and pretended that she wasn't just emptying her guts out three seconds ago. She looked at him, pale- faced. " y-yeah, I'm fine"
     "You say you're fine, but you're not. Baby, what's going on?" Deeks slowly knelt in front of her. "Nothing, I-I just don't feel well" she managed to say, feebly. Deeks hated seeing her like that, "Okay, does anything hurt?" "My stomach" he wanted to do something. "Okay, what do you need? Do you need water? Do I give you an aspirin? Do I call the urgent care office? Oh but it's too early, should I wait until the morning, should I call your doctor? Or text, or- " deeks stammered. Kensi interrupted him. " I just need some water" deeks stood up "Okay. One glass of water coming up" Deeks offered his hand and helped kensi stand. She sat on top of the toilet. He left, but quickly came back with the water she requested.
     He handed her the glass of water and grabbed a few disposable napkins and got them a bit moist. After she took a few sips, she paused. "Are you feeling better?" "Kind of, yeah" she shrugged. "Okay... that is good, that is great. Now, let's get you cleaned up" Deeks knelt before her and wiped her chin and the corners of her mouth. Once he was done, he stood and  discarded them in the small trash bin to the left of the toilet. "How do you feel now? " Deeks asked again, rubbing her back "better, I want to go back to bed" Deeks helped her up and swept her off her feet gently and carried her to the bed, bridal style.
     Kensi chuckled "Deeks, you don't need to do this" "I don't, but I want to. I want to treat my sugarbear." Kensi rolled her eyes. Once the couple arrived to to bedroom,  Deeks placed her gently into the welcoming bed and climbed onto his side. He then sat against the headboard and had kensi rest on his lap. He stroked her brown hair rhythmically. Looking into his baby blue eyes, kensi could see that he was still worried about her. "Kens" "hmm?" " are you sure you're okay? Because last time I checked, you never get sick". "Yeah, I'll be okay, it's probably just a stomach bug from something that I ate" Kensi tried to shrug off the situation. She placed a hand on his warm cheek.
     "I promise, it's probably nothing" "you're sure?" Deeks asked as he rubbed her shoulders "yeah" kensi yawned. " why don't we go back to sleep?" Deeks nodded as he accepted her proposal. "Okay" he stretched his arm at the lamp that sat on his wooden night table. The room was eclipsed by the darkness once again. Kensi rolled off of deeks's lap and he tucked her underneath the sheets. "Goodnight princess" he said as he kissed her forehead. Soon enough, she fell asleep. However, deeks still stayed awake, looking at the ceiling wondering what is happening to his wife. He has never seen her so sick, ever since they met, she's always such a healthy person. Nevertheless, he fell asleep eventually.
     The room was then filled with bright rays of sunshine, announcing the arrival of the morning. Deeks woke up and did a long stretch. Kensi slowly opened her eyes. "Good morning, deeks" "Good morning kensilina, how was your sleep" "it was pretty good" "that's great" he said, looking at her lips and then into her eyes. They shared a quick morning kiss, before they were interrupted by a ringing noise. They both grabbed their phones. "We're being called to OPS, there's a case." Deeks sighed. No response. "Kensi?" He asked. He looked to his side to see kensi covering her mouth with her hand. "Kens, are you oka-" he was cut off by her running to the bathroom, again. She tried to throw up, but she didn't really have anything in her stomach. Instead, she had a very horrible case of nausea. Deeks followed her. "Kensi, baby, what's going on?" "I-it's nothing" " babe, that's what you said earlier, I need to know what's going on, I have never seen you this sick". "It's okay, I probably need more rest from the stress of work, or maybe it was something I ate the other day" "Okay, well, in that case, I'll go to work, and you stay here and rest, okay?" "No deeks, it's fine, I'll go to work." Deeks continued to insist that she stay home, despite her saying that she can manage a day a work. He needs her to feel better.
      "But who will back you up in the field?" Kensi pouted. " I'll put in a request for someone, but don't worry, I'll be just fine" Deeks reassured. Kensi gave in "Fine, but don't be out for long" " of course not, I'll be back fern". Deeks changed his clothes into his pair of jeans, a grey hoodie, and a pair of running shoes. Swiftly, he grabbed the keys to his truck and gave kensi a quick peck before leaving. "I love you" he said, walking out the door "I love you too, be safe!" Then, kensi was alone.
     Kensi heated two pancakes and sat in the living room. She turned on their flat screen and put on her favorite TV show, hoping to at least eat half of what she made. She picked up her fork and took a bite, it was very fluffy and warm. Unlike what she had hoped for, she couldn't keep anything down. One of her most favorite breakfasts (next to deeks's fritattas and cheesy breakfast burritos) is now something she hates. She headed to the bathroom to pee. It's been like the third time since deeks left. Once she finished, she went back to their bedroom to lay down for a little while. It was a little cold,, so she went to to closet to get her favorite cornflower blue plush blanket. Next to it, there was a box with the label "feminine products". She noticed that they were all unused. The packages were still intact. She got carried away in her thoughts, until it came to her. Morning sickness, cravings, hating other foods she normally loves. Wait, could it be? Is this what i think it is? She asked herself. She grabbed her phone and logged into her period tracker app. A grey circle appeared, with white letters in it that said " four weeks late".
     That explained everything, and yet she didn't want to get her hopes up. She took a few breaths and decided that there is only one way to see if what she is imagining is true. Grabbing her keys, she and took the audi to the store which was a few minutes away from their home. She went in the store and quietly walked to the back and picked up a small, pink box. She she paid for it and rushed back home. Her thoughts started to cloud her mind, but she didn't want to give too much thought to it while she was on the road. She grabbed her house keys and opened the front door. Once closing herself in, she made her way to the bathroom. She stood in front of the door and hesitated for a moment, until she reminded herself that she really needs to know what is going on. 
     Kensi entered the bathroom and took the long, thin and white piece of plastic out of the pink box and peed on its tip as instructed. According to its instructions, it said to wait five minutes. Placing the test on the counter, she took a deep breath. A million questions raced through her mind all at once. Could she finally be expecting? Is she really going to to be a mother? Is deeks really going to be a father? They talked about this so much, but now it could be real. This can change their lives forever. She could call deeks right now, but she didn't want to give him a potential false alarm. Instead, she chose to wait.
     Kensi rubbed her stomach gently. "Hey little one, if you're really there, it's mommy". She was filled with euphoria as she said that word for the first time... mommy. After the five minutes were over, she reached towards the test, turning her head away to not see the results beforehand. Nervously, she took the test into her shaky hands. With ther eyes closed, she thought that this is a moment which will either be the best news in her life, or it will be the most devastating news that will shatter her hopes and dreams for her and deeks to be parents once again. Her heart beated so fast. She has never felt this way over a test before. She is scared, but too determined to back down now. "Okay, here goes nothing" She thought as she opened her eyes. A slow smile emerged from the corners of her lips and her eyes sprung into tears as she read the result.
It was positive...
She's pregnant.
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densiislove · 3 years
On another note (this isn't related to ncis la, but I wanna say it anyways) today it's my 19th birthday!! I feel like 19th birthdays are underated bc the 18th and 21st birthdays overshadow it, but imo 19th birthdays are special too bc it's your last year being a teenager. #AnywayssssThat'sMyOpinion #ThanksForReadingMyRantGuys
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densiislove · 3 years
Hi! I'm another fellow NCIS LA fan. I ship both Densi and Neric (really liked their happy ending!). Hetty is my 'baby'. Her and Callen's relationship is my favorite out of all her relationships with the team. I write a lot of NCIS LA fanfic on FF. Net and A03 under OPS Manager.
Hi! Yes, I agree. Callen and Hetty's relationship is very special and I love it. I'm also a big densi/neric shipper. I liked neric's happy ending. I hope that we can have like small follow-up scenes to see how they're doing (that would be pretty cool!).
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densiislove · 3 years
Okay, so I just finished catching up with ncis la and holy crap, this whole neric situation has me in my feels. Like, they were part of the reason why I joined the ncis la fandom in the first place. I remember being in 9th grade and being eager to go back home and re-watch a whole playlist of neric videos. Now, they're just... gone. I'm happy that they got their happy ending, but still tho... *walks away and cries in a corner*#neric #why did the writers have to do me like this #I'm gonna miss my meerkats so bad #Wolfram and Ununoctium has spread their wings # I'm not okay # I hope we see them again someday...
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