#i hope 2 billion i love to talk about my ocs
stinkrascal · 5 months
oh wait yeahhh that was also the 10th post in standstill yeahhh!! happy 1 page to my baby
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l-amplights · 8 months
Tell us about all the patapon oc's you have :3
uhhh i already talked about a few of them here but i havent talked about the new ones there. i did in a different post but. i have new ideas and more specific things about them sooo
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tsunomen (or you can call her noodle if you want)
shes the daughter of ormen karmen and uhhhh ok i need to put a ton of hc stuff here to explain this i think after pata 2 theres like, at least 2 groups of karmen, some have a truce with the patapons/zigotons but also theres another group who still continued to follow ormen/the generals .(kimen/hukmen/nomen) tsunomen is relatively young so she was taken with the latter group since her family ties with ormen, i also think ormen was like, a mostly absent parent and thanks to this along with my hcs on other karmen things (ranking/class things ig) she is quite lonely.
i think she probably ended up sneaking to talk with slinky a lot while she(slinky) was in the world egg during 2.
heres momuru
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zigopon, so, a zigoton and patapon, at the same time.
i changed them to a tateton after i realised i dont want to draw 7 billion horses and come up with another name
shes been around since before the truce at the end of patapon 1 so his parents at the time were like, forbidden love (no idea how many parents she had though, just at least 2, since, zigopon...) anyway yeah so thanks to that parents kinda just. left it, with the zigoton tribe to grow up in. no one in either tribe knows who its parents are so its kinda been a community effort to raise them :]
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baby btw, if you care
anyway uhh theyre not like. a pacifist but its not one for battle/hunting either, just kinda enjoys doing its own thing. i believe a lot of the time zigo/patas will carry their weapons only when hunting or in battle/on the way to, but because momuru doesnt really do that they usually just wander around carrying their weapon(s) on its back, just incase.
momuru and tsunomen also at some point meet and become friends :> (tsunomen just wants friends she doesnt care who they are ) like a forbidden friendship purely because the group of karmen tsunomen is with REALLY hates the patapons/zigotons after what they did to ormen/hukmen/kimen/nomen, so they have to be careful not to be caught.
THEY ARE PURELY PLATONIC BTW no shipping. im aroace i dont get romance so i always have to say this just incase it lines up with how some people think romance is
uhmm idk what else to say rn i hope you enjoy, ty for reading this far :>>
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sugarywishes · 9 months
My stupid thoughts on Help Wanted 2 (obvious spoilers below lmao)
ffffFFFFINEEE I like the game, and I don't mind GGY being POSSIBLY canon now. I love the fact that my boy GLITCHTRAP IS BACK!! (Still uncertain if he is Mimic, speaking of which...)
I still REALLY HATE THAT BITCHASS STUPID ASS ROBOT, but...I've reluctantly accepted as canon as well. I don't like it, I think it's still lame as an antagonistic force, and I'd much prefer it'd stay as Burntrap ONLY. If it ends up actually being Glitchtrap GODDD 💔💔 the AUs I'd have to rewrite...my personal canon ruined...Anyways, let's talk about GGY!
Uh! I guess I'm not disappointed! I have the many wonderful fnaf artists I follow (YALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE 🔥🔥) to thank for my newfound like in GGY (the concept, and surprisingly the story/other characters! I know I usually shit talk the books, but Tony and Ellis are super cool characters from what I know, maybe this'll mean I'll actually read the book eventually...maybe...👀) I'm still kind of sad that it is probably canon, now it gives people an excuse to hate on my boy more, which will totally suck (and I still think it makes him overly, well, overpowered. But hey what can I do huh??) (And I'm a little annoyed that he might canonical be patient 46) (or 47 I'm forgetting fnaf canon what is wrong w me)
ALSO VANESSA AND VANNY !! okay. I'm happy they're being used in something at least! Let's hope they appear more in stuff soon)
And also, Cassie's new model! Uh, it's nice. I think it just kind of resembles a generic 3d animated character from some b-side studio tryna knock off Disney and be used as a babysitting film. (Specific I know) and it kind of matches Gregory's a little bit more now (BUT I'M HOPING THEY CHANGE THE OTHER HUMAN MODELS, not by a lot but enough to not look uncanny like their usual designs do)
Anyways gameplay wise, frightening (as is per usual from the fnaf vr games 😭😭) love helpy's and roxy's level. And also El Chip's, the Papa Louie energy of it definitely brings me back to my undying rage against my least favorite customers...fuck you X Twins (speaking of Flipline IM GONNA SEE IF I CAN GET PAPA'S PALETERIA I HAVE TO GET IT TO SUPPORT MY QUEEN LIEZEL and Zak too ofc)
Did we play as Mapbot?? Is this a thing now??? What???? (Time to watch the billions upon billions of theory videos that explain that it's actually some obscure loser from the books) (or Cassie's dad, speaking of which I'M ALMOST DONE WITH THE FNAF 2 KCI KIDS including Charlie, which will then leave the male fnaf characters, the afton kids, and other miscellaneous characters/ocs which includes my design of her dad)
Anyways, that's it for now, I'll add more in the reblogs around the new few days if I remember lol)
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void-and-virtue · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ó ꒳ ò✿)
Okay this is super duper adorable so here goes, from the top of my head
1) Music. When I say 90% of my will to live comes from listening to my silly little songs I’m not kidding. Personal favorite is making carefully curated character playlists and cackling when it feels like it’s all coming together, or being sent songs by a friend bc they thought of me/one of my OCs while listening to it. Makes my heart grow five times in size fr
2) Listening to my friends talk about their OCs, stories, projects, whatever have you. I’m in four-person fandoms for ships that give me shrimp emotions and wouldn’t have it any other way.
3) Sunrises. Idk what it is about them but I am absolutely delighted when I wake up and get to watch them through my window. Not to say that I do that often or always (god knows my insomnia-riddled sleep schedule can be eclectic at best) but yeah I just really love starting the day with pretty colors and all that
4) Kinda specific to this time of year, but spring. It’s my absolute favorite season of the year and my mood has improved by about 700% since it got warmer and I get to spot flowers around, so I rlly encourage people to go have a look outside as well (unless you have allergies. Then I wish you godspeed and I hope your misery eases up soon)
5) Thinking about/rambling about/writing(hA) for my five billion started and incredibly unfinished WIPs and dearly beloved original character concepts. Maybe I should just call this “daydreaming about all the stories and AUs I’ll probably never write in full but inflicting my brainrot about them on the same handful of friends anyway” but I like to think that I’ll finish at least some of it one day. It’s just really fun to bounce headcanons and memes around together about stuff you enjoy and there’s something special to having someone willing to hear you out even tho you probably sound like a broken record while obsessively smashing the same severely traumatized fictional characters together like barbies.
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djarinsbeskar · 4 years
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A/N: Part 2 is here! First and foremost, can I just say thank you so much for the reception Part 1 received and to those who (gasps!) actually want me to tag them for updates??? I don’t know how to react??? I’m so touched??????? It’s so motivating and has reminded me why I love sharing my scribbles!
There’s a greater focus on world/character building in this chapter so if it feels a bit rambling or description heavy, I do apologise! Like I said, I’m trying to build some context to the reader-insert before we get to the smut, and I hope that I’ve kept her general enough that she doesn’t cross the line too much into OC territory and becomes unrelatable. As always, constructive criticism is welcome! My style of writing leaves much to be desired so I would love to know if something doesn’t make sense so I can improve and fix it. But enough of that, on with the show!
Pairing: Din Djarin/Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5.2k
Rating: 18+ (NO Minors)
Warnings: Language and slight injury detail.
Plot: You encounter Mando suffering one misfortune after another.
AO3 | Stitches Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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8 ABY, Mynock, Dandoran.
The second time you met him, he had dislocated his shoulder after a nasty clash with a Houk.
Your dealing with the Mandalorian on Klatooine had moved to the back of your mind and you rarely, if ever, thought about it. It was merely another encounter with a rough character that needed some medical attention. You wouldn’t have been able to hazard a guess at how many similar characters you saw in a week while you worked at the clinic. Even more so when you’d left Klatooine after becoming disillusioned that the New Republic were actually trying to make a difference.
You had heard stories from the Core and Mid Rim planets. Stories of the investment and progress being made to rebuild after the tyranny of the Empire, of the billions of credits being poured into the development of new ship building centers on Corellia and large, extravagant residencies for government members on Coruscant. Things, you were sure, that were not actually urgent necessities as they were desires. Especially given that the funds you received from that same government to sustain the clinic thinned before drying up completely a few months after your encounter with the Mandalorian.
…Hemorrhaging more credits than is justified for the benefits we’re seeing in return.
The busybody politician with a colorful title and even more colorful robes waxed poetically, hiding the sentiment of disinterest in ways only a politician could. Half-heartedly trying to distract you by his explanations with empty praise and gratitude for your service during the Rebellion and your humanitarian work now, a true embodiment of what the New Republic stands for. He crowed like the colorful bird he looked like, dressed as he was with fine feathers lining the lapels of his robes.
You bristle at the memory of the hologram’s eyes flickering to look at anything besides you, running down the time you had spent weeks trying to get.
That was when the memory of the Mandalorian surfaced, surprisingly. How the day after you treated him you arrived at the medical center and saw  a familiar pouch of credits sitting innocently behind the check-in desk. When you enquired with the receptionist, she told you it was sitting there once she opened up earlier that morning. The only note left being on one of the datapads behind the desk, the scrawling font reading; to help with your work. You had let out a chuckle to yourself as you checked your schedule, wondering if the brutish male you had treated last night really was as cold as he portrayed himself to be.
The memory had incited a righteous anger that a bounty hunter was more willing to support a voluntary clinic than the government that set it up in the first place was.
I thought the Empire were the ones who put a credit limit on what a life is worth. You had hissed in return, interrupting what you were sure was a well-rehearsed and well used speech, before hanging up. You pressed the heel of your hands into your eyes, taking a shuddering breath as you tried not to be nihilistic in thinking that you had spent nearly half your life thinking you could make a difference, when, you were just serving the Empire in different clothing.
It wasn’t a fair comparison; you knew the New Republic was neither as cruel nor as tyrannical and oppressive as it’s predecessor, but you had been made so dreadfully aware that in places like the Outer Rim, people would always be overlooked by those in power because they simply didn’t offer enough to be worth looking at.
The realization was a raw wound to your soul. You had lost brothers and friends to the fight for liberation, but it didn’t seem as though the grass was much greener on the other side. Maybe elsewhere in the galaxy it was, but where you were needed most, the grass was dehydrated and dying under the relentless sun.
With the clinic penniless, your meagre pension from the Rebellion was not nearly enough to keep it functioning. Add to that the reluctance of the other medics to run the clinic alongside you out of their own pocket and the intergalactic beacon for medical aid that alerted anyone in the parsec of where to go being disengaged, traffic stopped. The native Klatooinians preferred their own healers and very rarely, if ever, sought out medics from the New Republic.
For the first time in your life, your path wasn’t clear. If you even had a path anymore.
That was how you found yourself on Dandoran, flying off a week after the last of the medics left Derelkann to the first planet that was habitable to humans. But by the Maker, it was even rougher than Klatooine. The temperate climate and lush greenery were more comfortable for you, but the city you found yourself in, Mynock, was to say the least, undesirable. Having once been Hutt Space, there were still several illegal operations active that kept the city going and you learned early on what areas to avoid and to always carry a blaster with you. But at least where there was activity, there was work for you.
You met Biran Sonter the very day you arrived, asking directions to the nearest medical facility, hoping they could use another medic. He was an elderly Mirialan male with a wealth of history behind him, his facial tattoos creased with deep wrinkles and a kindly smile that reminded you of your grandfather.
You were flabbergasted to learn that during the time of the Galactic Republic, he acted as the royal physician to the palace on Naboo.
As you choked on the tea he had kindly made for you at that revelation, you couldn’t ask him quickly enough how he ended up here? On an Outer Rim backwater skughole of a planet and his tale had been sobering. When the Republic first fell, anyone who did not immediately surrender to the rising Empire was terminated. Biran had, at the time, only heard word of the death of the beloved former Queen Amidala and blamed the Empire vehemently. Escaping on one of the last shuttles from the Mid Rim planet before legions of clones descended, he arrived on Dandoran where no one, not even the Hutts cared enough to notice him. All they knew, was that he was an excellent doctor who charged little for his services and kept to himself. That was good enough for them. While he treated a vast number of criminals ranging from thieves to bounty hunters, he was not wholly merciful. He somehow managed to avoid or talk his way out of treating anyone in the organized crime syndicates or known traffickers and killers. It may have gone against a physician’s code to do ones best to save every life, but he like many, made their own code in the Outer Rim.
You fell into a fast and easy friendship with the Mirialan after that, your similar histories of working in the medical field despite being decades apart giving you plenty to talk about. The practice Biran ran in Mynock was always busy and he was only too grateful when you offered to take the weight off his old shoulders and gradually, his clients began to expect to see you most of the day and Biran for a few hours in the early morning. You were never short on work between cantina brawls, accidents and the downright attacks that took place in Mynock and the next eighteen standard months seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, Klatooine a distant memory, as was the Mandalorian you met there.
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The night you saw him again, was no different to any other you spent enjoying a quiet drink before heading back to turn in for the night.
You had been in the process of leaving the cantina, recognizing that the later it grew, the rowdier and aggressive the clientele became. You could handle yourself as well as anyone who made their home in Hutt Space, but you knew better than to be blatantly reckless when you were on your own. It wasn’t like you had the squadron you stayed with throughout the Rebellion for backup as you once did, and your closest ally would probably break in half if you pushed him too hard. So no, you were not staying late with Mynocks newest resident of a Houk warlord and the company he seemed to attract.
The Houk in question was a cruel and belligerent brute, a former local warlord by the name of Gappo Teff. His reputation for inflicting punishment disproportionate to any slight committed against him or the Empire was one of the many echoes of the former imperial rule that was still being felt in the galaxy nearly three years after its collapse.
The stories of the chokehold he held over Sullust would make even a hardened soldier’s stomach churn. How he managed to escape the liberation of the planet without being dragged to the noxious surface of Sullust to suffer for the pain he had caused so many, was a mystery. But there he was, sitting like a king in the cantina you found yourself in, bellowing laughter ricocheting obnoxiously throughout the space, not a care in the world that he was a wanted felon.  
It might have been to do with the fact that he was at least seven and a half foot tall, with a mass that could easily fit three of you side by side across him and still not be seen. It might have been to do with the cold, milky blue of his small eyes, sunk into a skull so large it could probably shatter ribs and rupture organs if one were to be headbutted with it. The last thing anyone wanted was those eyes focusing on them. It could have been the heavy artillery modified blaster he kept laying on his lap; the weapon more of a cannon for those of a more regular stature. Whatever the reason, very few bounty hunters and even fewer New Republic guards came to collect him. He was probably one of the most easily found quarries on all Guild registers and New Republic wanted lists and yet, he languished in Mynock as if the Empire had never fallen and his reign was still assured.
Making your way to the entrance, you came up short as someone walked in, your nose coming abruptly close to a reddish-brown durasteel chest-plate. Taking a step back, your eyes did a double take at the familiar unpainted beskar helmet. Subconsciously, you had stepped to the side, the Mandalorian continuing to walk without a word as if you hadn’t nearly walked into him. Mandalorians were a rare sight these days, so you could be forgiven for staring. Though, you were most likely staring for entirely different reasons compared to everyone else in the cantina.
The armor was the same, if not a bit more worn, as was the dark boiled woolen cape and pulse rifle strapped to his back. But it was the gait; how could someone walk both gracefully and arrogantly, almost cocky in his self-assurance that he was in control wherever he went. It explained why he was so determined not to let his injury be known by his walk the last time you saw him. Because you had seen him before, there was no doubt in your mind that this was the same irritable reek of a Mandalorian you met in Derelkann years ago.
He stood in the middle of the cantina, assessing the place as his helmet scanned the area. If you didn’t know any better, you say he was…
“Oh, you gotta be kidding me.” You muttered to yourself when the helmet stopped on Teff. When you said bounty hunters didn’t bother to come after him, you should have been more specific. Smart bounty hunters didn’t bother hunting Gappo Teff, which explained why the one you knew of was right there looking for him.
A choice lay before you. Leave now and lock your doors until morning… or wait. For what, you couldn’t be sure. But if the Mandalorian wasn’t killed tonight by Teff, he was going to wish he was with the injuries he would probably sustain.
You let your head fall back on your shoulders as you exhaled. Why were you so soft for lost causes and wayward souls?
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The Houks bodyguards left much to be desired, crumbling to the ground before they had even drawn their blasters, smoke rising from the blaster wounds inflicted effortlessly by Din.
The bodyguards weren’t what worried Din. Their boss hardly needed protecting, and he wasn’t going to go down without a fight.
The groan and screech of the metal table being shoved away by Teff as he stood to his full height made Din grit his teeth, arms open as he boomed, “Ah Mando, I was wondering when you’d try your luck at me. Your reputation is becoming rather infamous throughout the parsec.”
A guttural, wet laugh left the purple skinned quarry as Din remained silent and kept his blaster aimed. Damn, but the piece of bantha crap was big. He quickly scanned his peripheral, but it seemed the residents of Mynock had more self-interest than to trade blaster fire over one warlord, the barkeep casually making his was into the backroom of the bar to keep out of harms way.
“Why don’t you hang up that Guild work and let me make you a better offer.” Teff boomed, taking a swing of his drink, streams of the yellow fluid running down the sides of him mouth as those frosty eyes stayed trained on the bounty hunter.
Din rolled his eyes behind his helmet; negotiations by the quarry were his least favorite reaction to being caught but he knew better than to think he had captured the colossal male yet. Until Teff was either dead or frozen in carbonite, he was a danger. Luckily, the orders were to bring him in dead or alive. Seems the New Republic were fed up with him still breathing. He couldn’t say he blamed them.
“No?” the Houk pushed when Din didn’t respond, “Too bad, you’d have made an excellent addition to my collection.” And with more speed than Din had anticipated from the large male, he charged.
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You had the good sense to leave the cantina as soon as the first blaster shot was fired, pulling the hood of your dusty grey jacket over your head while you made your way back to the practice to gather a few things. Things that would be completely obsolete if he died but you wouldn’t think that far. You were a realist, not a pessimist. The Houk might have had the advantage of height and sheer strength, but the Mandalorian was quicker, possibly smarter, and decked with enough firepower to make a starfighter pilot drool.
So, you put the odds about sixty forty in favor of the Mandalorian. Not that you would ever tell him that.
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Teff roared in anger as Din rolled out of the way again, shooting his grappling hook to latch onto the Houks shoulder and yanked hard enough to throw the male off balance. Despite his large size however, Teff was able to slide his foot back to catch himself, putting him in direct line with Din.
He was on his feet in no time as the Houk charged at him, lowering his head so that on contact, Din’s left shoulder was thrown back into the wall of the cantina. His breath left him as the impact winded him, a dull but growing pain throbbing from his shoulder before Teff’s vile breath permeated even his helmet and a large hand wrapped around Din’s throat. He could feel his feet leave the floor and the weight of his body pulling downward made the pressure on his windpipe all the heavier.
“Oh well, at least you tried.” Teff gloated, his head leaning closer as if to peer into the visor and that distraction was all Din needed to lift his hand and engage his flamethrower, engulfing the Houk in flames. Din gasped in a breath when he was dropped, the squeals of pain coming from Teff disconcerting as he staggered around the cantina, desperately looking for something to extinguish the inferno his clothing and more vulnerable tissue had become.
Din waited a few more measured breaths before lifting the blaster and shooting the quarry in the vulnerable side of the neck, satisfied with the resounding bang the body made as it fell to the ground, flames still burning bright until he picked up the half-drunk tankard on Teffs table to douse the fire lest he be completely unrecognizable upon delivery.
Din looked around, the cantina was empty; the silence suddenly deafening as he looked back down at the body.
Now, how to get him back to the Razor Crest.
Din sighed.
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“We have to stop meeting like this.”
You held up your hands unsurprised when the Mandalorian spun on the ramp of his ship, blaster raised and aimed right at you. He tilted his head slightly, taking you in and you tried not to fidget under the gaze you could feel raking over you despite not being able to see his eyes. What you could see though, was how limp his left arm was hanging to his side.
“The demon medic from Klatooine.” He muttered, finally placing your face and lowering his blaster slowly while you lowered your arms.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” You snorted before nodding to his arm, “And you’ll probably be calling me a lot worse when I tell you that that arm needs tending to.”
He shifted slightly, turning his body so you wouldn’t be able to see. You just crossed your arms across your chest and stared at him pointedly. He held your gaze and was still as a statue. You could play the silence game too if that was how he wanted to do this. It was only a matter of time before one of you broke and you weren’t the one with a dislocated shoulder, so you’d say that the odds were in your favor.
It seemed like time dragged on before, without saying anything, the Mandalorian sighed and turned towards the ship.
You bit down on a smile, but you could still feel it creeping upon your lips as you congratulated yourself on winning. Two nil, you tallied in your head, not bad girl.
The ship… well the ship was a fossil and that was being generous. But it was clean and obviously well taken of, if the tidy hull was anything to go by.
Apart from the charred corpse lying in the middle of course, but those were just details. Easily overlooked. The smell however… that was a different story, but you held back any comments. You still couldn’t fathom how he’d managed to drag a fully grown Houk through the town one-handed, but then you knew that the strength and discipline of the Mandalorians was unrivalled. He could have done it through sheer determination and honestly, you were lucky to have found him at all. But people in Mynock liked to talk, so following the rumors' had let you there relatively easy.
A sigh broke your train of thought, “Let’s get this over with.”
The warrior seemed resigned to his fate as he stepped over the corpse and you followed suit, mind instantly running through the correct procedure and treatment.
“We have to get the bone in the upper arm into the correct position before it slips back into joint, otherwise the force will just break your arm.” You explained as you moved to stand in front of the large warrior when he sat back on one of the many crates pushed against the wall of the ship. You could barely hear the short exhales coming from the modulator and you could only guess that he was holding back speaking, whether in pain or frustration that you had strong-armed him into accepting treatment again.
“But hey, look on the bright side.”
His visor tilted slightly to look at you.
“No droids needed.” You shrugged a shoulder and sent him a grin when he said nothing. When he looked away, you focused your attention back on the problem shoulder; it wasn’t immediately clear that it had been dislocated, the pauldron he wore hiding the jutting ball of the joint that was no doubt pressed uncomfortably against his flesh. What you could see was that his left side was hanging just a bit lower than his right, and the inability to move the arm was a dead giveaway.
“Are you just going to stare at it or actually do what you said you would when you barged onto my ship?” The rasp was closer to you as he turned his head, the rumble of his voice decidedly deeper than you remembered last time. Or perhaps it always had been, and you just hadn’t been paying enough attention, more focused on the very real threat of having a dead body on your hands as the poison spread. You rolled your eyes; or it was all the short and biting commands he only seemed to know how to give as opposed to actually speaking that made you forget the voice. The man could be attractive, if he wasn’t so frustrating.
“I can’t see it properly.” You replied, agitated with him again. He got under your skin too easily, and ruined your cool demeanor.
“You dealt with the problem just fine before.” He snapped back, pain making him cranky.
“You didn’t have a bone out of place last time!” You stopped yourself, sucking in a breath before releasing it to prevent yourself from snapping again.
“At least,” you bartered, “let me remove the pauldron. I can feel around the duraweave to get an idea. I won’t see any more of you than I did last time.”
He didn’t say anything again for a time and honestly, he was the slowest person you’d ever met at receiving emergency medical care. Half the men you treated during the Rebellion would yell until you’d taken care of the worst of their injuries before they even considered if it was what they wanted or not.
“Fine.” Was all he responded, making no move to remove the offending piece so you took that as your cue to feel around the curved metal cautiously, feeling where it attached to his duraweave and releasing it into your hands before placing it down on a separate crate.
“There, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” A warning growl echoed in the hull, turning you back to your task with a hum.
It seemed the joint had popped forward, no doubt from caving in as Teff collided with Mando’s shoulder. You leaned forward, your fingers feeling around the area as gently as you could while his breathing came out a little shorter. You sent him an apologetic smile.
“I’m going to have to ask you to stay still, okay? Usually I’d have someone to hold—”
“I can keep myself still, just do it.” He snapped finally, turning to look at you before he looked away again. You said nothing more as you took his gloved hand in yours, turning the forearm over and feeling the hand clench in yours when he hissed.
“Shh, nearly there.” You soothed, moving your hand under his elbow to lift it so it was aligned with Mando’s shoulder. You stood, keeping the arm in place and twisting yourself to stand facing his side.
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You were definitely out to get him. There was no other explanation for why he only seemed to be seriously injured in your presence. Din tried to tell himself he was being over-dramatic and irrational, that you hadn’t even been on the same planet when he was injured the first time, but then you opened your mouth and he felt justified in his petulant thoughts.
“On three.” He heard you warn and all he could offer was a single nod; the sooner he got this over with the better.
“One…” You jerked the arm forward and slipped the joint back into place quickly with a sickening crack and searing pain took his breath away before it began to ebb immediately.
“DANK…. FERRICK!” Din yelled as his good arm reached across to grip his left, bending forward as he breathed through the flash of pain. You moved out of his way, waiting for him to look back up at you through the helmet, deep pants making his chest heave. You cocked your head to the side when his eyes found yours, a clear question there.
He groaned as he sat back, leaning his head against the hull, “It… doesn’t hurt as much anymore.” He admitted, thinking that the smile you gave him was somewhat worth the knock to his ego at having to admit such a thing in the first place. And like last time, before he could even worry about the concerning direction that thought had led to, you were fluttering about opening crates and bins as if you owned the place.
“What the hell—” he made to stand indignantly.
“Do you have any spare cloth?” You interrupted, “Your arm needs to be bound for a few days. If you have bacta it might reduce the healing time a bit but honestly, I don’t think dislocations can be rushed despite recent studies. Rushing back to heavily lifting or activity for at least six weeks is a sure way to hurt yourself again.”
You were rambling now as you set a pile of disused yet clean cloth you found on your lap, sitting across from him as he just blinked at this enigma of a woman. Giving him orders in his own ship, were you daft?
Your eyes sharpened and shot to his and he was suddenly glad you couldn’t see behind his mask. His eyes had widened guiltily at the thought that you had read his mind.
“You will do what you’re told, understand Mando?” You warned as your fingers tied a loose sling from strips of cloth you’d pulled apart without even having to look at it, deft fingers looping the material and strengthening it with several more layers woven in for good measure.
“If you insist on getting injured so often, you live with the consequences. And the consequences are doing what you’re fucking told and being happy about it, got it? Sulk if you want, so long as you keep the arm bound and don’t take on any jobs for at least two months.”
He opened his mouth a few times at the audacity, did she have a death wish? He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had spoken to him as if he were no more than a child and it made his blood boil. But just as quickly as the anger arose, it simmered as she muttered while watching her fingers tie off the sling,
“You don’t actually seem like a bad guy, and the galaxy can’t afford to lose anymore… not bad guys.” She seemed unsure of giving out even this level of praise but then again, she only had their first encounter to go by.
He grunted; not sure how to respond. And when Din was uncomfortable, he resorted to silence.
You got to your feet once the sling was suitably strong enough to support the weight of his arm without unravelling or breaking and you indicated to him, “May I?”
He jerked his head up in affirmation and you maneuvered the sling to sit correctly under his elbow and forearm, coaxing him to lift it slightly with a tap before you looped the tied end over his helmet, adjusting the length slightly to fit against him.
“You left Klatooine.” the statement rose from the warrior, his tone quieter than you’d heard him all day. Was he... trying to make conversation? Din told himself that it was merely out of curiosity from seeing you by chance on two totally different planets.
Blinking in surprise, you sat back on the crate in front of him, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back on one of your hands, “New Republic stopped funding the clinic and I realized that they’re all the same when it comes to the Outer Rim.”
He snorted in agreement, honestly, he wasn’t surprised to hear the New Republic had cut their losses on charity. It wasn’t in their nature to funnel money away from the Core planets.
“But it’s not all bad,” you continued, “I work with a doctor here. He’s old now so he should be enjoying his retirement. I’m kept busy and…”
He watched you while he waited for you to finish, surely there was more? But when you just shrugged and sent him a tight smile, he felt an uncomfortable niggle at the back of his neck, a familiarity that made him almost want to smile back even if you couldn’t see it. Almost. But not quite. He was unnerved at the… empathy he had for your situation. He too just… kept busy. It wasn’t towards any end beyond supporting the covert and the foundlings there. But for himself, he just kept working towards some translucent, non-existent goal, one job ended, and another began.
Something in your eyes told him you were doing the exact same thing. It unnerved him to think about.
“Echoy’la…” the word left him without knowing and you blinked,
He shook his head and stood, grunting a bit at the ache in his shoulder when it jostled a bit, “Nothing. It seems I owe you my thanks again, demon medic.”
“I do have a name you know.” You snorted, letting the previous topic go as it seemed to just make him more awkward and grumpy than he already was. You packed away the medikit and replaced the unused cloth back where you found it.
“Somehow I don’t think it’ll be as fitting.”
“Whatever, sunshine.” You looked over your shoulder at him, the sling looking so out of place as he hooked a thumb in the utility belt he wore. It was amazing that he could still look as intimidating as he did. You gathered your things and started down the ramp leisurely. He followed you silently until he was standing at the entrance to the ship.
“Demon or not… thank you.” He called out as your feet hit the dusty ground of Mynock once again. You looked back over your shoulder and gave a single wave, calling something back to him that did make him smile behind his helmet this time.
As you disappeared into the streets of Mynock, he tested the name you had thrown back to him, rolling the syllables, and testing the vowels as he repeated it to himself.
Pity, he thought. He hated being wrong about anything, but somehow, your name was a much better fit than demon medic.
Not that he would ever admit that to you, of course.
@geannad @ayamenimthiriel​ @sarahjkl82-blog​
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august 8th 2021, 00:00 kst
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there are billions of stars in the night sky . . .
. . . yet your smile shines the brightest
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˗ˏˋ @chinchillateezboyz ´ˎ˗
[ ♡ ] happy birthday to the guy who can effortlessly make me smile whenever we're together and occupies all my thoughts whenever we're apart. the guy whose smile can singlehandedly brighten my day and whose laugh is so adorable it fills my stomach with a swarm of butterflies every single time. the guy who never fails to make my heart race, yet who also makes me feel safe and calm, as if everything will be okay as long as i have him. the guy who i wouldn't mind getting hurt for and by, even though he's assured me—and i wholeheartedly believe—that he never will hurt me.
talking about you and how much you mean to me, i can go on and on for forever, but then this post would be way too long and perhaps get sickeningly cheesy (not that you mind though, right?) so i'll try to keep this short and simple. it's mind-blowing, how much you've managed to change my life in so little time. but it's also almost scary, because it shows just how impactful you've been on me, especially how easily i started liking you. then again, you're so sweet and funny and charming in your own way, how could i ever resist? you told me before that you want to make me happy. rest assured that you have been doing exactly that and so much more, and i hope to be able to return the favor. especially today, on your day, a day that is all about you and appreciating you being here. i sure am glad that you're here, having you by my side, i wouldn't want it any other way. kim younghoon, you have my heart and i don't want it back. ever. once again, happy birthday my hoonie ♡
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a little surprise for my baby under the cut 💕
**the video above was edited by admin (who actually isn't very good at editing ahsjaj) but she does not claim to own the clips and the song used, which is the original/korean version of rose by d.o.. full credit goes to the original owners. however, as this is still admin's work, please do not repost/reupload.
lyrics translation :
up above the clear blue sky, like a cloud following the wind, don’t go too far away, just stay where you are, my baby every day in my heart. you’re like a spring day, pretty and i love it, thinking what can i do to make you come to me, even though i look shy, and cheesy, i can’t help it, i love you baby. you’re the one that i think of when i wake up, i wonder if you know that, don’t pretend as if you don’t know, you know everything, oh maybe baby. even though i see you every day you’re still pretty and i love it, thinking what can i do to make you come to me, even though i look shy, and cheesy, i can’t help it, be my love baby. i go to a local florist, no matter how hard i think about, which flower i want to give you, the only flower i know is a rose, with courage, carrying an arm full of flowers, i’m coming to you. you are prettier than a rose actually, i can’t really express my feelings in words, even though i look shy, and cheesy, i can’t help it, from today we are lover
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𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 @yanlee (og) @.chinchillateezboyz (my everything ♡, my lil buddy) @eunwoo-bot (best bro) @yanderetzuyuu (miss gotg) @wolfmina (1/2 of pack) @ahswitchescb @demigodyiren @lunaaofthemoon @loverboy-cb @realitystar-joy @stealerbots (close friendos)
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 @7deadlysins-chan @7dreamcafe-cb @androidxgirls @antiromantic-bin @antiromantic-jun @archangel-oc @ares-bc @aristocratae @babie-chungha @bloodlustbots @catboysbot @cb-boys @cb-museclub @cbcity @cbcrib @cbhousee @cbville @ceo-ryujin @chaseatlanticbot @cosmic-royalty @darkfaeskz @darklingjuyeon @demigodnct @diabolic-bot @dmonsan @drinkitwithtbz @elfjacob @enchantressjennie @eroshyunjae @esmeralda-oc @everglowcb @fairykingdom-bot @fate-bot @gahyeongasai @gleeyounghoon @goddess-azraelle @got7sinsbot @greekgodsbot @grishawitches @hb-hannie [ dm to +/- ]
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snarktheater · 3 years
Ready Player Two — Chapter 5
Last time, Wade teleported to the location of a woman who 1) is his unabashed groupie, 2) Wade has a crush on, 3) the book took effort pointing out there's something ambiguous about her gender and 4) might actually advance the plot.
So, I start this chapter both worried for what the addition of Lohengrin will mean, but also hoping I might at least get to talk about stuff that happens and not just summarizing one infodump after the other. For a change of pace if nothing else.
[Lohengrin] didn’t notice my arrival, because my avatar was invisible.
Thank you, truly, for this important tidbit of information.
She's currently busy in some other application, which is symbolized by her character's eyes being closed, though Wade assumes she can still monitor this place. Which mostly means Wade has an excuse to exposit and describe the place he's teleported to, and me an excuse to skim ahead a little. Yes, it turns out, the book is able to produce something that isn't completely insulting. All it had to do was describe a home from the 1980s, faithfully recreated.
Sadly, this doesn't last. Wade is about to reveal his presence to her, and just as I was about to commend the book for Wade not taking this opportunity to creep on her, guess what: he decides to spy on the chatroom she's currently in with his superuser privileges.
If L0hengrin really had found one of the shards, she might be in that private chatroom discussing it with her friends. Or, if she was bullshitting me, she might be in there discussing that instead.
You tell yourself that, honey. I'm just hoping I misread the whole situation and that Lohengrin doesn't turn out to be a love interest. Although I suppose it would be on brand for Wade to start a relationship with a blatant breach of privacy.
So we meet—in a manner of speaking—Lohengrin's friends, the Low Five. They are Kastagir (owner of the chatroom they're in, Cyberdelia), Rizzo, Lilith, and Wukong. And yes, two of them are straight-up from movies (Highlander and Grease) and the other two are from mythology. Does nobody in the OASIS have OCs?
The two men (going by avatar gender) of the group don't believe whatever Lohengrin is telling them, the two women believe her.
“Of course the ignorant males doubt you,” [Lilith] said. “But I believe you, sister!”
There's just something deeply unsettling about "males" used in this context, by this author. I'll just pin it for later. Maybe. Assuming I remember to address it.
And yes, even though the conversation goes on for a page before they confirm that they are talking about Lohengrin finding one of the shards, that is what they're talking about, the book isn't trying to mislead Wade or us. Which makes the structure of the scene a little odd, but whatever. I can excuse that.
So, Lohengrin doesn't want to give anyone evidence of her find until Wade has shown up and rewarded her for her tip.
“Hold on,” Lilith said. “What’s to stop Parzival from taking it and teleporting away, without paying you a dime?” “Parzival would never do that,” L0hengrin said. “He’s a righteous dude.”
Are we really spying on this conversation just for Lohengrin to flatter Wade's ego some more? I kind of figured she believed in his good character when Wade said she stuck by him through all the legal and PR issues, you know.
Lohgenrin's friends, by the way, do not, in fact, believe in Wade's good character. And rightfully so.
“He’s a rich nutjob who acts like a total douchebag on social media,” Lilith said. “He also likes to hunt and kill his detractors for sport, remember? You shouldn’t trust him.”
Lohengrin dismisses it as lack of faith, but like…we know for a fact that it's true, so really, it's her faith that's misplaced, if anything.
Moving on from that, Lohengrin says she'll spend the one billion reward to buy a house in Columbus and move all her friends there so they can live together as one big happy found family. And while that does make her an instantly more likable character than Wade, that's neither a high bar to cross nor unprecedented. I've repeatedly said the same thing of Samantha, after all.
I was smiling and tearing up, too, I realized. It was heartbreakingly fitting that these kids had nicknamed themselves the L0w Five, because the bond that L0hengrin shared with her friends reminded me of the one I’d shared with the other members of the High Five during the contest.
When? You guys teamed up for like, a few days? A month? The exact time frame eludes me, but for most of it you were rivals with all of them except Aech, and your relationship with Samantha was rocky at the best of times.
So Wade decides to…breach their privacy some more by pulling up the information on all their OASIS accounts so he can find out who they are and how they know each other. Which is to say: they're all nineteen or twenty, they were all high school friends, and all benefited from Wade's charity that gives free ONI to poor kids. Funny how all of that information is mostly about Wade, and making Wade feel good about that charity thing, and him relating to them because he and Aech also started out as high school friends. I mean, why build characters when they can just be extensions of your protagonist, right?
I suddenly felt like a jerk for eavesdropping on their conversation.
But not looking into private data? Okay.
This sudden appearance of Wade's conscience leads him to log off, and…never mind, actually, I take back the conscience thing.
I stood there for a few seconds, staring down at her avatar, pretending to wrestle with my conscience. Then I went ahead and pulled up L0hengrin’s private account profile to find out her real-world identity. […] I was curious about who L0hengrin was in the real world. And I had the ability to find out. So I did.
I swear I wrote that previous paragraph before I read that. But it's just too fitting, isn't it?
So, Lohengrin's true identity is Skylar Castillo Adkins, she's a white girl from Texas, and she's unmarried (thanks, I was totally wondering about that). But that's not all—oh no. See, the ONI has built-in cameras we were never informed of until now, because we couldn't just let this tech be the worst thing in the world as it already was, we just had to make it worse.
Yes, you can probably tell where this is going: Wade can access these cameras and spy on literally anyone who uses the OASIS. And like, I realize that Samantha and the others don't know about his superuser privileges, but like, they probably still know about those cameras, right? And that means someone other than the user might have access to the camera feeds? And that didn't come up earlier when discussing the ONI's merits? Really?
Again, Mr Cline: it's a good idea, once you finish writing a book, to go back over the whole thing and do big structural edits like that. And also maybe empathize with your characters and see if none of them might think this is extremely messed up.
So, Skylar/Lohengrin lives in an even worse neighborhood than Wade's hometown, and she also lives in a trailer alone, and Wade feels so sad about how miserable and poor she looks that he…decides to dig even deeper into private information about her.
Her school records included a scan of her birth certificate, which revealed another surprise. She’d been DMAB—designated male at birth.
So, Skylar is a trans girl. I hate being right sometimes. And like, I want to hold off on judging the book for this. Because on one hand, you know, it's pretty cool to add a trans main character, in what might be a love interest role. The problem is that we've just introduced the concept, and I already have a problem with it because of how Wade found out.
Like…really? This is the best you could come up with? Because as far as trans representation goes, "trans girl who is stalked by a straight man" raises so many red flags.
Discovering this minor detail didn’t send me spiraling into a sexual-identity crisis, the way it probably would have back when I was younger. Thanks to years of surfing the ONI-net, I now knew what it felt like to be all kinds of different people, having all different kinds of sex. I’d experienced sex with women while being another woman, and sex with men as both a woman and a man. I’d done playback of several different flavors of straight and gay and nonbinary sex, just out of pure curiosity, and I’d come away with the same realization that most ONI users came away with: Passion was passion and love was love, regardless of who the participants involved were, or what sort of body they were assigned at birth.
I'll be honest: this was the first paragraph of this book I ever read by virtue of how often it was shared on social media, so this part isn't a surprise. But even in context, it still feels like the book just trying to apologize for Wade's transphobic comments in the Ready Player One. But, okay, let's deconstruct this anyway. I chose this.
First problem here: you're framing Skylar's existence as a trans woman entirely around your attraction to her. Which is smack-dab at the intersection of misogyny (deriving a woman's validation from her attractiveness), homophobia (describing having to question your straightness as a "crisis") and transphobia (implying that it might be valid to say it's gay for a man to be attracted to a trans woman).
Second, in the continuation of the first: Wade at no point really seems to conclude that as a straight man, it's perfectly normal to be attracted to a woman (trans or otherwise). Which, it is. Porn websites have released a lot of statistics proving it (which relates to problem #1: straight men will often only value trans women for their own sexual gratification, and nothing else). If your thesis was, say, "sexuality and gender are ultimately fluid and labels don't ultimately matter", it would be one thing to have your conclusion boil down to a rephrasing of the old "love is love" adage, but this isn't what Wade is saying here. By saying he's grown to be tolerant of everyone by relating to other people's experiences, he is presenting attraction to a trans woman as fundamentally alien to him personally, even if he can still get off to it.
In short: it kind of sounds like misgendering with extra steps.
Which isn't help by my third problem here: that whole M/F/nonbinary divide is back. He divides sex into a few boxes of M/F (presumably his own experiences with Samantha), F/F, M/F, M/M, and an elusive "nonbinary", and I'm just over here like…what does any of that mean, Wade? Where do you sort sex as a man with a trans woman in those categories? Would bottom surgery alter that categorization? What does nonbinary even mean in this context? Do you think nonbinary and intersex are the same thing? And do you think intersex have fundamentally different sex?
If you want to go into the gritty details, which this paragraph definitely is, then at least own up to it and say penis and vagina. Actually, if you wanted to do this right, I'd advise going more granular and focusing more on acts than genitals! There are plenty of ways for, say, two people with a dick to have sex—at least according to the fanfiction I've both read and written. This would also work much better with your "passion is passion" message, because "the person is what matters, and whatever package they have, we can work with that" would actually be a much better way to show this tolerance and open-mindedness while also validating trans people.
Fourth: what does "the body they were assigned at birth" mean here? That's not the body you're having sex with, my dude. Generally speaking, the body they have right now is a lot more important. Which, it turns out, is going to differ a lot from person to person—both trans people, who may have undergone any number of changes as part of their transition, but even cis people, because human bodies, you know, have a lot of naturally-occurring variation to begin with.
And therein lies the crux of the problem: with that phrase, the book wants to say "biological sex", or something to that extent, but realizes that he can't, because the crux of his pro-trans argument centers sex acts and how they're all okay, and it turns out that "biological sex" doesn't really have that much of an influence on that.
Fifth: you are conflating sex and gender completely. This of course relates to point #1, but to a broader degree. There's even this:
Around the same time [as her legal transition], she’d changed her avatar’s sex classification to øgender, a brand-new option GSS had added due to popular demand. People who identified as øgender were individuals who chose to experience sex exclusively through their ONI headsets, and who also didn’t limit themselves to experiencing it as a specific gender or sexual orientation.
Like…what does that have to do with her gender?
Essentially: he's starting with a fundamentally transphobic framework, and is then trying to argue it's okay anyway without first rejecting the framework, which should have to be step one.
And thankfully this is where the chapter ends, with a cliffhanger of Lohengrin logging off from the chatroom, and Wade revealing himself to her right before she leaves Middletown. So I can at least take a break and go scream into the void or something in raw frustration because Cline probably thinks he nailed it.
Oh, and you know what? The word "trans" wasn't even used once in this chapter. Nor, if the search function is working properly, is it used anywhere else in the book.
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wovenstarlight · 4 years
YWBK update: chapter 25 + liner notes
yesterday will be kinder has updated! you can read chapter 25 here, or start from the beginning here
okay, on to notes and commentary! first time i’m doing these, let’s hope this works out. commentary under the cut to save people’s dashes
Hamin laughs. “Given how bad you are at not being suspicious, that’s understandable.” “Oh, come on, I’m not that bad.” Hamin screws up his whole face in a squint. “Okay, so maybe I’m a little bad.”
this part was really funny to me when i wrote it because i was like “hmm reasons for DHM to understand why HHJ wouldn’t work in the guild” and then i was like Wait. Their Whole First Meeting, Dude. DHM was lowkey convinced for the longest time that HHJ was like, on the run from the KR version of the mafia, and got plastic surgery to look like his little brothers, and is possibly in some sort of witness protection program??? or something??? how else does he not have cops on his ass this man is so suspicious all the time
“I don’t think… They said the dungeons were, like, different worlds? Did they find people there?”
mafia theory second place. dungeon theory first place
“Like, humans? Um. No, no humans.” “So then you can’t be from there. Okay.”
dungeon theory shot down. mafia theory back in the running
“Hey,” he says cautiously. “I’m— I’m gonna go get us some water, okay? Why don’t you… take a minute.” “Okay.” “The bathroom is over there, if you need it.” “Okay. Thank you.”
after four years working alongside a guy you start to notice when he’s feeling a little out of it and needs a bit of a break... but as JHW mentions later you also learn to be a little subtle about giving him one
jung heewon What’s with your typing? It reads like Jihye’s [HYJ]’s fine. Very energetic Too energetic? He’s going to burn out. How do I make him calm down
Epic Burnout Man makes a reappearance! when translating sclass one of the things that makes me want to shake HYJ most is his habit of constantly adding things to his to-do list while he already has 1 billion things on his plate. and all the time he’s whining about “UGH there’s SO MUCH WORK to do” No One Asked You To Do It
Anyway. the point is. HYJ isn’t about to be beat by HHJ at Developing Issues 😔
jung heewon I haven’t spoken to him directly about this because if he’s anything like you he’ll take it as an insult You wtf whts tht supposed 2 mean quit typing jung heewon Better not say shit, mr “No, I can’t take days off and cater to my interests or go out with friends or on a date, I’m too busy taking care of the kids and making sure their needs are met, no I don’t care that there are thousands of people out there balancing personal enjoyment and romance and work AND kids at the same time, are you suggesting I be a BAD GUARDIAN to MY KIDS?”
see above re: not being too direct with pointing out when HHJ’s having Issues because he doesn’t react well
You wht but our eyes r fine jung heewon Even if having glasses doesn’t run in the family, you should still get him checked, just in case
top 10 funny time travel moments: referring to you and your past self as “us” (our = my eyes are fine), but other people think you mean “our family” (our eyes are fine = no family history of long/shortsightedness)
Also. Sooyoung-ie says hi [Attachment: 20XX1213_144516.jpg] 
ok no lie this was one of the parts that pissed me off the most, even though it’s Literally One Line, because. i love chat exchanges. i really do. when done right they’re a lot of fun to read. But Do You Know How Long It Took Me To Figure Out A Calendar For The Events In This Fic. now everything’s TIMED i have to count HOW MANY DAYS IT’S BEEN since XY event so i can CORRECTLY NUMBER the FILE ATTACHMENTS!!! this sucks!!! it took me fucking forever to pin down a timeline just so i could write this chapter plus the few before and after it!!!!
anyway i gave up when i reached year. i just put 20XX. fuck it. we are running on fairy tail time now. (actually i think that’s XXnumber number? XX76? or was it X796. something like that. Who cares i stopped watching fairy tail forever ago)
Fuck it! Hamin will understand!! “If you Awaken you should come work with me,” Han Hyunjae says all in a rush. 
“HAMIN WILL UNDERSTAND” => he literally was cool with me giving zero context for half a dozen absolute balls to the wall nonsense bullshit things i’ve done before. he’ll be fine with this too. dog_in_burning_house_this_is_fine.png
“You already know about the guilds, those are going to be for dungeon Hunters, but I was thinking of forming something like an independent group of contractors. Awakened people with skills that aren’t useful for combat, but that might… that will be generally useful. It’d be you and me, and maybe one other guy I met recently. Probably more in the future.”
given that HHJ has no idea currently that peace exists (i’m so sorry baby i’ll find a way to shoehorn you in soon i miss you so much) he’s got no intentions to start a kiseungsu business yet! he mostly wants to live quietly while just acting as a manager for other Awakening-related services, like YMW’s forge and DHM’s tracking service, along with the information exchange/lowkey spy ring that he’s planning on setting up with JHW and the bar. since HYH is fine associating with him in this timeline, HHJ’s thinking he can get a foot in the door that way, then eventually spread out into dealings with most major guild leaders
RIP to this plan. you were well-made but you will not last long.
“Please, I can’t tell you how I know that, I really can’t, it’d put me and my brothers in danger if it got out. But—” “No need.” Hamin looks slightly alarmed, and Han Hyunjae feels himself settle at the obvious concern in his eyes.
“I spoke to the Task Force Head and she said that there’s been discussion about hosting a meeting for the nearby high-rankers, where they’ll announce the guild proposal and see who else is interested in trying it out.”
“they’ll announce” i’m sorry king 💔 you deserved a nap
(OH ALSO FUN FACT choi eunyoung is a canon character, not an OC of mine! she appears in uhhh i think late 140s? 150s? something like that)
“I think there’s… probably only one other S-rank who’s Awakened right now?”
Hamin beams. “No, they’re doing great! Spookie’s taken really well to the new housing situation, but I think Spots might miss the store…”
shoutout to @daemonic-dawn​ for letting me borrow a pet name, love u king. i had a much longer ramble about pet names here but i finished typing and realized it was all entirely off topic so i removed it for convenience
Hyunjae makes an annoyed noise in the back of his throat. “Don’t— I mean.” He huffs, visibly taking a deep breath, and Yoojin frowns reflexively. [...] “Is everything alright?” Yoojin kind of wants to be annoyed at his tone on principle, but he forces his shoulders to relax, matching Hyunjae’s posture. Though he can’t stop himself from being a little short when he answers.
things the brothers have learned in four years living together: getting confrontational often leads to arguments that just fizzle out anyway, so it’s way fucking easier to consciously tone down their combativeness in advance when talking to each other about things they have problems with, instead of screaming their heads off and then having to calm yoohyun down afterwards to boot
“I guess. Whatever.” Yoojin slumps. “Can I…” “Hm?” Hyunjae blinks at Yoojin as he gestures to the spot on the bed beside him, then jolts. “Oh! Yeah, sure, c’mere.” He opens his arms, and Yoojin goes over and flumps on the bed, head in Hyunjae’s lap. Almost immediately, Hyunjae starts stroking fingers through his hair, and Yoojin relaxes into the touch, listening as Hyunjae continues speaking.
cuddles 🥺🥺🥺 sorry i don’t have any other commentary here just. cuddles. extremely and overwhelmingly comforting for a man who spent the better part of 8 years(?) with no major positive relationships, and a kid who spent 12 years of early life basically abandoned by his parents. you had best bet they gave up on not hugging each other 1 year into this whole mess
Yoojin hums in acknowledgement. It’s not like he’d ever let himself get hurt; he has too many responsibilities to his family and friends. If he wants to be good enough to keep up, he can’t afford to fuck up like that. But… hyung will worry if he keeps working so hard. He can slow down a little for him. 
Problems disorder man when will you stop. the way he sees “getting hurt” as an inconvenience and an obstacle to his duties rather than a danger to himself. the way he doesn’t really care if he himself gets hurt, but if it’ll worry his family, then it’s a no-no. it’s just. wow. i know i wrote this but i hate him
“Not really. I talk to Myeongwoo about it sometimes.” “Ah, right, Myeongwoo.”
haha gays
“Don’t be weird about him,” Yoojin warns[...]. “I won’t, promise.”
if the “i won’t” line had a dialogue tag it’d be “Han Hyunjae lied”
“Is Eunwoo still in his relationship?” “Mhm, happy as ever. Apparently they’re trying long-distance, now that Eunwoo’s gone off to university abroad.”
three guesses for who eunwoo’s dating and you won’t need the first two
Hyunjae raises his hands like he’s going to deny the accusations levelled against him, so Yoojin seizes him by the collar and shakes him until he cries for mercy
oh my o/rv ass struggled so bad with not writing “shakes him like a man betrayed” here. it killed me not to. but in the end i prevailed (against, uh, myself. don’t think about it too hard.)
“Jeez, okay, he’s an F-rank!” “Eh?! Then why—” “He’s also got an SS-rank potential skill,” Hyunjae admits[...].
play-by-play of this scene because god if i draw any scene in this fic it would be this one just for the sheer hysterical nature of HYJ’s reaction:
HYUNJAE: he’s also got an SS-rank skill,
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trashcatsnark · 4 years
Questions For An Author
Tagged by the always lovely @shallow-gravy
Tagging: @enchantedbythebidders @tender-wounds @rosyibby
Name: Mariah
Top 5 Fandoms Written: Far Cry 5, Kissed By The Baddest Bidder, Cyberpunk 2077, Boyfriend To Death, uhhhh Mystic Messenger? That feels like a cheat.
Top 5 Fandoms You Want To Write For/More: Mystic Messenger, I really loved that otome, and wrote for it but never finished anyting for some reason. Fallout 4, I fell in love with Danse but struggled to fall in love with the lore (i hate the 50’s aesthetic shit ngl, but thats just me) so nothing ever took off. Supernatural, ironically most popular fic on AO3 is for Supernatural but I never sunk my teeth into writing for it like I thought I would. Boyfriend to Death, I actually have like lots of my one shots and some series ideas for BtD, but never really have found the time or energy to write them. Stardew Valley is a big one too, I adore Shane, but for some reason that fic has yet to catch it’s vibe.
Stories You Wish More People Knew About: Granted, Can You Feel The Sun? My cyberpunk 2077 fic is still very much in it’s infancy, so it’s understandable but I still sometimes am like wahhh i wish it was doing better. But, I know its just a time thing, i mean, it took about a year for This Is Love to do as well as it is rn.
Ship(s) Written The Most: Dahlia x Polyseed, Tsuneko x hinted with all bidders, Aidan x Johnny. Im an oc simp, what do you want from me.
Character(s) Written The Most: Dahlia at this point. As far as canon characters, maybe Pratt since he’s her shit head sidekick.
How Many OCs Do You Have: An amount. Dahlia for FC5, Tsuneko for KBTBB, Aidan or CP2077, Regan for SPN, Scout for FO4, Haejin for Mystic Messenger, Jude for SDV. Unnamed ocs for BtD and Monster Prom. And if you go far enough back i had like a billion shitty ocs for OHSHC, Fruits Basket, Naruto, YYH, One Piece, Digimon, Pokemon, etc etc.
How Many Series Do You Have: Publicly; I have 3. This Is Love (FC5), Black Market Wonderland (KBTBB), and Can You Feel The Sun? (CP2077). Though, unfinished, I did have Blossoming which was gonna be my Mystic Messenger fic and Mad To Live which was gonna be my supernatural fic. And I never named them but I was gonna do one for SDV and FO4, maybe someday, or not at all.
What Do You Do With Fics You’re No Longer Interested In?: I don’t really like to like abandon fics, but like it is a struggle especially when I lose interest in the fandom it’s for. Black Market Wonderland has been on a very long hiatus, but I definitely do wanna come back to it whenever my love for KBTBB is back and Im less frustrated with Voltage as well as some shit that went down in the fandom. I know drama and personal shit shoudn’t impact feelings on a game, but its hard for it not to for me.And what happened in voltage stuff was like, the most personal I’ve ever been involved in stuff so, its hard. But i still love the characters, so hopefully I’ll rekindle that flame. So, i guess I just wait and pray for my energy to return.
Coming Soon: The next update I do, that I have planned for next month is chapter 11 for This Is Love.
Line From A WIP: From Can You Feel The Sun? Chapter 2. (accidentally wrote can you feel the love, smashing fic titles together omg) Also, spoilers for Jackie's backstory in Cyberpunk 2077, so skip over if you don't want.
“I meant what I said before, Night City ain’t the kind of place to let you get by without family, but…” He trails off and chews his lip as he considers his next words. Then they seem to die in his throat.
“But…?” She prompts, trying to encourage him to finish his thought. Jackie then grabs a belt from his nightstand table, stretching worn leather over his fingers.
“Do you know what this is?”
It’s clear it has some significant value to him, but she has no way of knowing what, to her it’s just a belt. So, she merely shakes her head no, deciding not to be a smartass and allow him the chance to get the weight off his chest.
“This belt belonged to my dad, if you can call him that, Raul Welles. He, uh, use it to beat on us.. Go to school overed in welts, have to watch like a coward when he’d go after my ma.”
“You weren’t a coward,” V signs and gets up from her chair, sitting next to him, touching his shoulders, “you were a child.”
“Yeah…well, one day I ripped the belt right out of his hand and showed him what it felt like, turns out he couldn’t take his own medicine. Haven’t seen him since, but keep it on hand, just in case.”
V squeezes his shoulder, not sure what to say or do, how to comfort someone after that. The pains of a shitty dad is one she knows all too well, even when her own wasn’t trying to kill her, he was fixated on making her and her sister strong; training them. She knows all too well that you can’t take away the memories or the pain, but she hopes, being here can be enough. That the comfort of touch can act as a temporary salve for the heart, even if it’s all she can offer.
“Look, chica,” he takes a deep breath, “I don’t know your story, when and if you tell it is up to you. But, my point is. You need a family to get along in Night City, but family don’t end or start with blood. My old man will never be family to me. But, I got…people… who don’t share a drop of blood of with me and I’d take a bullet for ‘em”
“I think…I get what you mean, family you choose is what matters most.”
She agrees, but choosing her family is it’s own beast. Letting people in, breaking down walls, finding a family that chooses her as much as she chooses them. It’s all a terrifying prospect, being alone is easier, more convenient, less effort… Though it has a cost too, of course.
“So, make a choice.”
“Work with me, V.”
Do You Accept Prompts?: I accept questions and ideas; I’m always open to talking about my oc’s and their bullsit. But as far as prompts go, if I'm in a mood which is rare and don’t really take requests. I just personally have always found that if I accept requests or prompts; writing because a duty/obligation and not a hobby which drains a lot of the fun for me.
How Do You Feel About Kudos?: They’re nice and I really appreciate them. Comments and bookmarks will make me the happiest!~ That being said I’m really bad about doing that myself so I get it.
Do You Read Fic As Well?: Not that much actually, I’m very particular with what I read regularly and even then, maybe once a week I go on a reading binge. I love fanfic, greatly, but I’m someone who’s like I need to write
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Avengers Infinity War-First Time Watching Reaction Play-by-Play (Pt. 2)
Part 1
I wonder how many people Gamora has killed? What made her finally snap to not serve Thanos anymore?
How DID Gamora find it? Like, who told her?
How did Thanos capture nebula?
Poor nebula. She’s literally been through hell and back.
Ohhhh she snuck on board...
Thanos you suck so much. You favor one daughter over another.
Oh. Where was said map to the soul stone?
Gosh I feel so damn bad for nebula. She was raised as his daughter too but he tortured her and tore her apart. Nebula never had the chance to be her equal. She deserves so much.
Taught groot as an elective? What about all speak?
Buckle up rocket. It’s gonna get emotional.
Thor is literally all alone. He needs a time to sit alone and cry and break a whole building.
Rocket and Thor friends? Please
1500 years old? Jane, honey, you escaped.
Gotta give it up to Hemsworth’s acting chops here. Especially talking to nobody in reality. Just a bunch of cgi
Ew ew ew eye socket
Should have washed that yikes
Snuck it out by hiding it up your? Huh? You watch too many movies rocket.
Huge title card. Thank you. I wouldn’t have known where we were despite them saying their location many times.
How is that video game battery not dead?
Perceptive rabbit
I LOVE that they used a dwarf to play a giant character!!! This is brilliant! (And that dwarves are giant for some reason lol.)
Soooo again Thanos killed everyone EXCEPT Eitri despite his “morality” supposedly being balance
Poor hands
Poor nebula
Smart nebula
Maybe should have waited to be fixed fully first
Love how Stark asks for peters help in steering and not Stephen lmao
Nice parking job
Peter, stop popping pop culture refs
Blanket of Death. Capey has a new nickname.
Where’s Gamora
Who’s Gamora
Why is Gamora
What master do you serve?
I mean, yea I do. So does Pratt lmaoo.
Storm breaker time baby
“In theory it could summon the bifrost” who theorized this? How do you only theorize and not know?
Oh my gosh mantis is just bouncing around
Mr. Clean lmao
Kick names, take ass
Hey now, these guys saved the galaxy and universe from Ego so lmao
Oh no I know the scene coming up
Poor quill lmao
“I’m half human. So the 50% of me that’s stupid, that’s 100% of you.” “Your math is, blowing my mind.” What’s funny is that Quill’s math was actually completely accurate lol
Stephen having a stroke or a seizure? You good homie?
Soooo if Strange looked to the future and so possible outcomes, what does that mean for the TVA? According to them, there’s ONE sacred timeline, so all other branches are erased (which again messes up what smart hulk eventually says in end game. See kids, this is why you don’t mess with time travel in stories. There’s no way to go back in time without creating a time loop). Ehhhhh I’ll let it slide. Just ignore it... sigh... I can’t help it if I’ve studied paradoxes
Hmmmm not good odds I’ve gotta say...
Watch like, outside of the millions of realities that strange saw, there were like a million or billion more he missed where they won with no casualties lol
Hey Red Skull. Long time no see. How did he get here anyways and why?
Yea you’re prepared all right...
Gotta say, Lord Elrond has seen better days
I’m not ready to say good bye to this Gamora. Gamora and Loki and Nat go down as my favorite characters, gotta say. I know that Tony does and it’s sad, but his feels more satisfying because his sacrifice directly results in them winning. Loki is murdered. Gamora is murdered. Nat died just for a stepping stone for the avengers. She has no idea whether or not they will actually win in the end.
I’m hopeful they may bring Nat back like in the comics, red room clone style.
We got back vision, Loki (kinda), variant Gamora, a new captain America, why not Nat? Yea we have a prequel, but gosh I love her so much.
“You must lose that which you love.” Couldn’t that apply to like an object or something? Could I not throw my Nintendo switch over the cliff? Or my dog? (I would hate that just as much as a person, don’t get me wrong, I’m just curious about the rules)
Yea boohoo sad for Thanos... loses his favorite daughter. I don’t care about him. He deserves suffering.
Poor Gamora doesn’t think he’s willing to do it.. GIRL RUN!!!
Thanos deserves all the suffering.
He does love you Gamora... but that love... it’s selfish. It’s blind... Thanos seems to be a chaotic vigilante who is narrowminded, tunnel vision on his goal with no regards of the cost. But he is evil. If there is ever an alternate route to an end that doesn’t result in the loss of innocent lives, and you know that but you willingly choose the once that costs innocent lives, that is an evil decision. Maybe Thanos isn’t evil, but he’s not good. Far from it. He’s obsessed with this idyllic Utopia but he rushes to one method of getting there. Yes, people suffer. It sucks... it’s unfair... it’s horrible. But it is never the right of someone else to dictate whether or not said person would be better off dead. Who lives, who dies. If Thanos truly was neutral and not selfish, he would have thrown his own life into the mix of the potential 50/50 snap. Thanos is not good. He’s not misunderstood. He’s a murderer. A genocidal cult leader. I have no tears for him. Only for those who suffered more at his hands.
Rant over, time to try not to cry about Gamora...
Her face of realization
Gamora run please
Thanos, I hate you. (Great character her, but not a good person)
Poor Gamora
Oh my gosh the emotion here is great but I’ve heard this sound used as a meme on TikTok too many times aghhhh
What a way to die
I’m crying again. I miss her already...
Who the hell designed this place and put the stone here???? Who did this?
Cry Thanos. Suffer. My only comfort here is that you are sad. You deserve suffering. You really do...
The TVA is laughing here and I’m not okay..
Poor Peter Quill... he’s also lost a lot like Thor, but has had the “luck” of not knowing his family too close.
Wakanda babyyyy
No, you don’t want Starbucks, you want Dutch bros
Lmao I love rhodey. Poor Bruce.
Yea Shuri show em up.
Okay quick pause, I love love LOVE how Shuri is smarter. It’s a powerful moment for females BUT it’s not done in a way that’s condescending to males! It’s not saying women power because men bad, she’s just good! (And she has had access to technology they never could have but I digress). More of this please Hollywood. Don’t let being a female be the power. I don’t want strong female characters, I want strong characters who happen to be female. Ones who hold their own, have faults like anyone else, struggle, have weaknesses and strengths, but are strong without putting down others. Just a comment, just because a woman character may not be as strong as a man character, that is not saying she’s weak. If you’re the second strongest human in the world, you are NOT weak. You’re just not as strong as the strongest human ever, but that’s nothing against you. LET WOMEN STAND ON THEIR OWN MERITS WITHOUT SEX AFFECTING THEM!
I love Shuri
I wish they had more time. She definitely could have done it. But stupid Thanos
I know what many scenes are upcoming... with quill and peter and vision and everyone else
Thank you Nat!!! I love that Nat is so protective and selfless.
Bucky needs love please. He’s my stand in, manipulated, greasy, long haired, dark and mysterious, stabby boy. (Also I need Bucky and Loki to meet. But let Loki finish his show (and come out of it alive because if he doesn’t I will sue) and be the antihero hero we need. Please. If he doesn’t get reintroduced into the mcu as a hero I will sue.
Thor, sweetie, are you a masochist?
Back to wakanda
Oh no, bad CGI, floating head Bruce banner. I’ll let it slide... sigh....
Can’t like, you just rain bombs on them forever?
Sorry Proxima Midnight, you look like a frog and your name sounds like a middle schooler’s OC.
How nice. Diplomatic meeting.
“Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood.” Reeeeeeally wish you didn’t say that, T’Challa...
Yay big CGI battle commence! It’s like a really expensive animated cartoon at this point
Poor Bucky. Forgot this dude doesn’t know much about the modern world.
Ahhhh Kamikazi aliens
I just wanna say that I love that Wakanda still has the artistic culture in their clothing and tradition all the while having badass, super advanced technology.
Why can’t they just rain bombs down the whole fight lol. Rhodey has those super nice bombs, like, do that they he whole time? Please? Why do you not have a barrier around the entire king.
No M’Baku, it’s not the end of wakanda. But half of all life, yea
They should honesty all have nano tech suits like black panther lol. Or iron man suits. Fine maybe the most powerful one with the best quality material for the king, but besides that, yknow.
Wow Steve is hot with a beard.
So much happening at once. Thor, Wakanda, Vormir, Knowhere, am I missing anything?
Okay, but what IS the full force of a star? Like in Newton’s or something? Juls? Is it heat?
What’s this metal? How does it fare with vibranium?
Get off your wooden butt, groot.
“He needs the axe” are you Thor, the god of axes?
Soooo, I thought Thor didn’t NEED the hammer, it just helped him concentrate his powers or act as a conduit. Is that retconned already?
Cmon groot, put down your game. Soooo, is Groot worthy? He technically lifted it. Or is it a technicality because it wasn’t fully finished yet?
Cmon bucky, use that fancy arm of yours.
Wow they’re getting destroyed.
They need wanda to help.
How did Thor know to come to wakanda?
Floaty head Bruce
Ahhhhhahahaha yeaaaaaa
Cry Thanos. Do it. I hate you.
Much more of a purple grape nutsack.
Oh gosh... I know what Peter Quill is going to do. I still don’t hate him.
“With all six stone I would simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist.” Orrrr, now hear me out, I know I sound like a broken record now but... MAYBE DOUBLE THE RESOURCES INSTEAD?? That’s not mercy. That’s not up to you to decide whether or not someone’s better off dead.
Yea quill has experience with the power stone
Cmon it’s basic zombie tactics
I love peter quill lmao
Go capey!!!
Magic with a kick!
Poor Peter
Wow he’s OP
Ouch quill just got majorly clotheslined
“Where’s Gamora?” 😭😭😭 SHE CARES AGHHHH
Restrain him! Work it mantis!!!
Why even remove the gauntlet, just slit his throat... kill him....
Quill no... stop being cocky...
Oh no
Quill please don’t
Quill please....
Poor quill. Just lost the person who really really loved him
Okay, I still love star lord. Idc what others think. He reacted realistically. If you hate peter quill for how he reacted, you better also hate Tony Stark for how he reacted to bucky when he learned bucky killed his parents despite knowing for a fact that bucky was brainwashed. Yes it was annoying... yes they were so close, but quill is so human here. I don’t hate him. He gets too much hate for acting like any normal person would have. Distraught, grief filled, he lost his love. Someone who helped him open up and finally move on from his mother’s death and fathers villainy.
Spider man saving mantis gives me life
How did that power stone blast not kill them?
Clearly Thanos has played Majora’s Mask. At least he has good taste.
So close vision.... but I know... I know what happens.
Lmao give rocket Bucky’s old arm.
“I am Groot.” “I am Steve Rogers.” Comedy gold
Cmon Thor, go after the big one first.
Cmon wanda, save them. We need some scarlet witch magic up here to stop these
Okay that was so cool. AND THEN SHE USED THE BLADES
Oh no but now Shuri is alone
So close yet so far.... Dangit... vision was almost good
Ouch. Bonk to the head
Ouch poor vision
Cmon Thor back up vision
Hulk is in his feels
Cmon hulk grow up
Ooooh smart move banner
Aaaaand he’s gone
Giant blade look oit
Corvus, screw off.
Oh dang. Nice one wanda. But also, sheesh. Helluva way to go. But no big.
Yea vision. Stabby time.
Now vision and Steve, kiss.
Spider man saving everyone’s lives.
Where was this in New York???
Oh no
Well then... ouch. Soooo where’s the real stone???
Hey look Tony, you have a fan.
Okay I’m just pissed odd they didn’t just kill Thanos when they had him subdued. Like, worry about the glove AFTER he’s not longer a threat
Tony is taking a beating
I don’t want your respect Thanos. That’s an insult.
They will remember him. They will remember him Thanos. When he kills you.
You really doing this??? I guess he knows what needs to unfold for them to win... dang. I wouldn’t trust him tho.
Peter Quill in berserker mode
Where’d he go?
Name dropping the second movie
Strange knows everything about to go down. Who dies, who lives, what Thanos is about to do... he’s accepting his soon dusted demise because Stark needs to live...
Stop teleporting. That’s Loki’s gimmick.
Homie way too OP
Poor wanda and Vis...
Poor wanda. To have to kill her love... this.. this is a sacrifice Thanos... not your murder....
Wow Steve is holding back Thanos with pure brute
And I know what happens next...
Poor wanda
Piss off thanos you understand nothing
You lost more than she could know? Bull crap. You are causing everyone to lose...
Cruel reality. Wanda has to see him die twice. RIP Vision
RIP half of all life...
How did that not kill Thanos tho. It may not have been a head shot but still.
Lil Gamora
What is this place?
Is this the soul realm?
Thanos, I hope you suffer forever. You deserve all the pain...
Rest In Peace: Vision, Loki, Bucky, T’Challa, Groot, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Mantis, Drax, Peter Quill, Dr. Strange, Peter Parker (I don’t feel so good), and everyone else...
Thank you Nebula.
Thanos, you do NOT deserve to retire peacefully—wipe that smile off of your face
Oop, Rest In Peace Maria Hill and Nick Fury too... Motherfu— (so close Sammy boy...)
Yea Thanos you didn’t really think that through. Much more than half will died since other people rely on other peoples lives
Good thing he hit that button last minute huh? I wonder how captain marvel would fare in the TVA? are her powers considered magic? I mean, she clearly doesn’t know everything since she only just learned about Thanos (which is funny because she was supposedly traversing the universe to protect people)
Welp... onto movie two!
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Falling in Temptation
Previous chapters • Sequel to Stars Dance •  Fairy Tale Memoirs (Companion story)
Ch. 25: The Girl Who Waited 
Fandom: Doctor Who // Pairing: 11th Doctor x OFC
Chapter summary: Amy gets separated from each other and when the Doctor finally finds a way back, they find a much older Amy Pond waiting for them. Now he has to watch as the little cluster of Ponds (including Avalon herself) decide which version of Amy they should bring back home. It makes the Doctor ask himself if his own relationship with Avalon will one day end up as broken as Amy's and Rory's nearly was.
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel​ @stareyedplanet @perfectlystiles
[If you’d like to be added to this specific OC’s stories/edits, send me a message!]
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Can we please meet her? I promise I won't cause trouble?" Avalon was asking, or rather trying to ask calmly. She was trying her best not to look as annoyed as she was. She was currently at the bottom of the console stairs against the rail with the Doctor in front of her, pressing a trail of soft kisses down her neck. She'd succumbed to him quite easily since he'd chosen to keep wearing that dark brown coat she seemed to love so much. He'd figured it out very fast. Now Avalon wasn't complaining one bit about that but she was hoping to use this current moment of pleasure for both to get something she'd been wanting for some time now.
"Jane Austen was and is one of the most renowned writers. And for someone like me, it would be amazing to meet her," Avalon explained with her best soft tone, "I think it's good to get some perspective outside of Zelda. Please, won't you take me?"
The Doctor finally lifted his head to look at her. "That depends..."
"We get to make it a date," the Doctor smirked.
"Done and done!" Avalon quickly took the deal, "So we're going, then!?"
"Sure, why not? Haven't seen Janie in a long time."
Suddenly, Avalon's joy faltered and she put a hand on her hip, "No, hold on, you call her...Janie?" she tilted her head, "So you know her then...? And you even gave her a little nickname."
"...so...?" the Doctor did not like where this conversation was headed to.
"So?" Avalon blinked and nearly pouted, "Doctor!"
"This is going bad very fast," the Doctor frowned, mightily confused, "Let's get back to the kissing, I liked the kissing, kissing was fun and peaceful."
"How long have you known this 'Janie'?" Avalon did air quotation marks, "Does she know about me now?"
The Doctor sighed. While it was a bit, or a lot, of fun to see Avalon getting so worked up over a woman he could hardly care less about, he had to stop her before she truly became angry. Last time she stopped talking to him for a week. He pulled Avalon against him and put a finger over her lips, "Ava, I happen to give nearly everyone I know nicknames," he pointed out, "I call Amy 'Pond 1', Rory 'Pond 2', and then I call Lena 'baby sister'. It just so happens that I met Jane Austen and call her 'Janie'. I appreciate Janie, and I love all our friends but it's all friendly I promise."
"But do you know if the writer likes you more than a friend?" Avalon raised an eyebrow, "Cos, she may, you know...and then when we get there...she'll take you away...and then try to kiss you or something."
The Doctor let out a small laughter, "We're friends, that's all!"
"That's never stopped anyone before!"
"Okay, but I have a you now. The only lips I will be kissing are these," he tapped Avalon's lips with a smile, "Now, can we please get over this jealousy scene and return to kissing?"
Avalon playfully rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah...but we're going to see Jane Austen, right?"
"What ever you want, love," the Doctor promised as he leaned over to kiss her again. In no time he had Avalon kiss back and resume their moment alone.
"Can you please stop snogging my best friend in front of my wife and I?" came Rory's plead as he and Amy walked in from the downstairs corridor.
The Doctor lightly sighed as he pulled away from Avalon, "Maybe we should go on that date right now..." he offered to Avalon who chuckled.
"Oh no, you're not," Amy shook her head, making the pair look at them, "You two have been blowing us off for your dates for weeks now. We-" she pointed between her and Rory, "-were promised time and space, not 'chuck us out to the nearest planet while you two have dates'."
"We just wanted to be alone," Avalon tried to excuse.
"And do what? Snog all the time? Those are not dates," Rory wagged a finger at them both.
"Don't know they sound like dates to me," Avalon bit her lip and looked up at the Doctor who snickered.
"C'mon guys, I'm happy that you're both doing well in this relationship, but don't you think it's time you co-live with us?" Rory asked and gestured to himself and Amy, "And you know, move away from stage 1?"
"Stage one? What's stage one?" the Doctor made a face and looked at Avalon.
"It's this silly human idea about relationships," the ginger sighed and draped her arms around his neck, "See, stage one is the one where we can't keep our hands off each other. We kiss and kiss, and you know...sometimes...go beyond that."
Rory cleared his throat and gave them sharp looks, "It doesn't always go beyond that."
Amy chuckled at his over-protection and stepped in to continue the explanation, "And stage two is the part where you finally settle down and start co-existing with other people. So, for example, you two could stop this stage one thing and try to coexist with us."
"Is there a stage three?" the Doctor curiously asked.
"That's marriage and you are not getting there yet," Rory answered mightily fast and with a pointed finger at the Time Lord, "Stage 2, stage 2 is perfectly fine."
"Guys, thanks for your input but we're okay," Avalon cut in and leaned on the Doctor for a reciprocated hug.
"We're not trying to push your or anything," Amy clarified their intentions, "It's just...there's a lot more to relationships than kisses."
"Believe us, we know," the Doctor wrapped his arm around Avalon's waist.
Of course he loved the kissing and all but he and Avalon were both on the same page when it came to the point of their relationship. It wasn't fooling around, they loved each other. He had no doubt in his mind that he would give anything to make her happy. Avalon felt the same. It just seemed like Amy and Rory had to be clued in.
"I've got a compromise," the Doctor spoke up, "How about we go to one place altogether and then afterwards, we go have our date?" He ended up looking at Avalon for the answer.
"That sounds good," she nodded, "Anywhere in mind?"
"Has to be amazing," Amy pointed.
"And fun," Rory added.
"Apalapucia!" The Doctor happily declared when the TARDIS stopped. He was really excited to show the Ponds, including his Pond, the gorgeous planet. It would be a leisure trip for them and hopefully a little fun date with Avalon too.
"Say that again?" Amy tilted her head, confused like the others.
"Apalapu...?" Avalon tried to repeat the word but found it was harder than it seemed. "Are you just making up words now? Because we've talked about this."
"Cia," the Doctor tapped her nose, amused at her effort. "Apalapucia!"
"Apalapucia," Rory tried last and got it on the first try. He grinned proudly.
"Apalapucia. What a beautiful word," Amy considered it with a small shrug.
"Beautiful word, beautiful world," the Doctor assured, "Apalapucia, voted number two planet in the top ten greatest destinations for the discerning intergalactic traveller."
Avalon made a face at that, "So then how come we're not going to number one?"
"It's hideous," the Doctor declared, "Everyone goes to number one. Planet of the coffee shops. Apalapucia! I give you sunsets, spires, soaring silver colonnades!" he grabbed her hand and led her and the Ponds towards the doors, "I give you..." he threw open the doors to show them an empty white space with a double-set, grey doors across.
"Doors," Avalon finished with him, her head tilted and arms crossed as she studied the new environment.
"Doors," the Doctor was disappointed his little moment hadn't turned out how he planned, "Yes...I give you doors..."
"Oh yeah, definitely better than number one," Avalon remarked as they stepped out.
"Well on the other side of those doors I give you sunsets, spires, soaring silver colonnades," the Doctor said as he walked over to the doors with her and Rory.
"Have you seen my phone?" Amy finished putting on her jacket and remained at the doorway of the TARDIS.
The Doctor stopped and turned around, even more so disappointed no one was really seeing the grandness of the planet. "Your phone phone?"
"Your mobile telephone? I bring you to a paradise planet, two billion light years away, and you want to update Twitter?"
"Sunsets. Spires. Soaring silver colonnades. It's a camera phone," Amy sighed as he failed to realize the reason for her phone. She wanted to capture it all and he didn't see that? Total clueless alien, that's what he was.
"On the counter, by the DVDs," the Doctor gestured.
"Thank you," she waved and headed inside the TARDIS.
"How do we get in?" Rory was in front of the doors that were locked.
"I don't know, push a button," the Doctor shrugged and pointed to the panel beside the doors which had two buttons, one green and another red.
Rory pressed the green button and opened the doors, revealing another white room with a table in the center and a large, magnifying glass on top.
"OK, so, rain check on the soaring silver colonnades," the Doctor gave up.
"No kidding," Avalon chuckled, "Is this like Sherlock Holmes or something?" she walked to the table and looked at the magnifying glass.
"Hey?" they heard Amy from the other side, the doors had closed after they'd walked into the room, "Hey, it's locked."
"Yeah, push the button," Rory called out. They waited a couple seconds but Amy never came inside, "Where is she?" Rory sighed as he headed for the doors and opened them up. He peered out and still saw no Amy, "Where on wherever we are is my wife?"
"What are you doing?" Avalon asked as the Doctor took a seat at the table, beside her.
"Playing Sherlock Holmes," the Doctor shrugged and pressed a button on the magnifying glass. Immediately, they both saw a blurry picture of Amy through the glass.
"Oh..." Avalon blinked, "...Rory, I think we found her..."
"What do you mean you've found her?" Rory returned to the room and stopped beside them to see his wife through the glass, "Whoa! No, but, she's not... she's not here! I can see her, but she's not here."
"Where am I? In fact, where are you?" Amy seemed to be looking around the glass, also confused.
Suddenly, the door at the other end of the room opened up to reveal a white handbot on the other side. Both Avalon and Rory stood straight and looked at the robot that had no face but did have real hands.
"Its hands..." Avalon pointed, already creeped out. That just wasn't right.
"Hands! Hello. Hands. Handbot with hands, Ava," the Doctor seemed less than concerned with their new guest.
"Welcome to the Twostreams Facility. Will you be visiting long?"
"Er, Doctor. Something's happening," Amy tapped the glass and made the Doctor look down to see the image was fading.
"Amy! Stay calm! Stay still!" the Doctor tried to get the image back.
"I don't think she has much of a choice," Avalon remarked to him, "Where is she?"
"Will you be visiting long?" the handbot asked again and reached for the trio.
" Good question, bit sinister," Rory panicked as the handbot started backing only him, "What's the answer to not get us killed?"
"Because that always works?" Avalon called.
"How about some help, then, Ava?"
"I'd love to...but I have no idea how to stop that," Avalon went after the handbot while the Doctor continued working on the glass, "Plus, have you seen those hands?" She stared at the rubbery-looking hands on the robot.
"Will you be visiting long?"
"And where have you been?" Amy's voice drifted over, sounding a bit irritated, "I've been here a week!"
"A week!?" the Doctor was appalled to hear, "A week?! I'm so sorry! Aha! Same room, different times. Two timestreams running parallel but at different speeds. Amy, you're in a faster timestream."
"Doctor, it's going again!" the ginger cried as the image flickered.
"Will you be visiting long?"
Avalon stepped in between Rory and the robot and kicked it back, "We don't know!" she yelled at it, "Now stay back."
"Come on. Gotcha! There. Stabilized, settled, shh!" the Doctor exclaimed once the image started appearing back on the glass.
"Thank you boyfriend for your help," Avalon called and made the Doctor look up to see her and Rory with the handbot.
"I told you I was coming up with a better label!" He said with a frown.
"Well, next time come help us and I'll remember that!"
"Sorry," he quickly stood up and hurried over to them.
"Why has this got hands?" she hoped she would finally get an answer on those hands. The more she looked at them, the creepier they were.
"Organic skin," the Doctor explained, "Ultimate universal interface, grown and grafted, not born. It's actually seeing with its fingers, scanning the room. But why not just give it eyes?"
"Will you be visiting long?"
"I just answered that stupid question," Avalon rolled her eyes.
"As long as it takes," the Doctor answered then returned to the magnifying glass, "Amy, what exactly did you do?"
"I just, I came in, and I pressed the door button."
"Ah... Amy, there are two buttons," Rory called, "Green anchor, red waterfall. Which one did you push?"
"I pushed the red waterfall," Amy quietly responded.
"Great," Rory rolled his eyes and opened the doors to go retrieve his wife.
"All because you wanted to update Twitter," Avalon joked as she joined the Doctor at the table.
"No, I didn't!" Amy frowned.
The doors reopened and in came Rory, looking confused and a bit irritated, "I pressed Red Waterfall, and she wasn't there!"
"So you can't follow her directly. You know, it's never simple!" the Doctor groaned, "Hear that, Handbot? She just pressed the wrong button. We're aliens, we didn't know," he turned for the robot.
"Statement... rejected," the handbot's two blinking lights on its chest stopped at a red light, "Apalapucia is under planet-wide quarantine. This is a kindness facility for those infected with Chen7."
The Doctor quickly covered his mouth and nose with his jacket's collar, "What?" At the action, Avalon and Rory did the same.
"What's Chen7?" Avalon asked, her voice slightly muffled with her cardigan's sleeve.
"The one day plague."
"What, you get it for a day?" Rory raised an eyebrow.
"No, you get it, and you die in a day."
"We should've gone to number one," Avalon mumbled.
"There are 40,000 residents in the Twostreams Facility. Please remain in the sterile areas. Visiting hours are now," the handbot lowered its hands and put them together, transporting away and leaving trio in the room
Slowly, everyone lowered their jackets, the Doctor being the first to heave a heavy sigh, "Sterile area, I'm safe."
Amy smacked the glass from her side and made everyone look back, "What about me!"
"Chen7 only affects two-hearted races like Apalapucians," the Doctor explained and calmed her nerves.
"And Time Lords, apparently," Avalon added.
"Yeah, like me. In that facility, I'm dead in a day," the Doctor didn't want to think about that and instead focused on their friend, "Time moves faster on Amy's side of the glass. Amy, you said you'd been here a week. What did you eat?"
Amy shrugged, "Nothing. I wasn't hungry."
"No, because Red Waterfall time is compressed. That's the point. The Time Glass syncs up the timestreams for visits. You could be here for a day, watch them live out their entire lives."
"And watch them grow old in front of your eyes? That's horrible," Rory made a face and shook his head.
"No, Rory, it's kind. You've got a choice. Sit by their bedside for 24 hours and watch them die, or sit in here for 24 hours and watch them live. Which would you choose?" the Doctor didn't wait for an answer as he picked up the glass.
"Doctor!?" they heard Amy shout in distress, "Doctor, don't leave me!"
"We're here, Amy," the Doctor was holding the glass where they could all see the frantic ginger, "We're right here."
"Where are you?" she looked around, "Am I looking at you?"
"Turn left, just a fraction," he instructed, "Bit more, stop. That's it."
"Eye to eye?"
"Eye to eye to eye."
"Hello," Rory waved once Amy was looking straight at them.
"Amy, I'm taking the Time Glass back to the TARDIS. Like satnav, I'll use it to get a lock, then smash through, using the TARDIS to get you out," the Doctor explained while using the sonic on the glass, "Until then, you're on your own."
"What are you doing?" Avalon asked him.
"Locking onto Amy. Small act of vandalism, no-one'll mind."
"Mm, yes, and how many times has that actually been the truth?" Avalon made the question only a mere second before an alarm went off, "Oh, look at that..."
The Doctor knew there was no time to waste and so explained to Amy what she needed to do, "Amy, I need you to go into the facility just for a bit. Find somewhere safe and leave me a sign. Remember, you're immune to Chen7, but don't let them give you anything. They don't know you're alien. Their kindness will kill you. Now go!"
Amy hurried to the door of her room and pressed the button, looking back at the glass just as they opened for her, "Rory, I love you. Now, save me. Go on."
As soon as Amy was gone, the trio ran back into the TARDIS to go and save her. The Doctor put the time glass into the console, "This is locked onto Amy permanently. Play the signal into the console, the TARDIS'll follow it," he explained to the others while attaching a cable to the glass. Unfortunately, as soon as he did that, smoke spewed from the console. The Doctor ignored it and pulled out a tool chest from underneath, "Now then, I know you're in here. Um... erm.. Haha!" he pulled out black-rimmed glasses and put them on, "How do I look?"
"Ridiculous," Avalon and Rory answered simultaneously.
At that point, the Doctor felt like the remark 'they are so family' would've been good, if only Avalon knew.
"Glasses are cool," he said instead and put the glasses on Rory, "Oh, yes. Hello, handsome man."
"Oh, hello," Rory gave a small wave.
"Uh, Rory..." Avalon pointed to the large monitor behind them where the Doctor was visible, clearly the glasses being the camera filming it.
"Rorycam!" the Doctor cheered.
"Conceited," Avalon spat, "You think you're so handsome..."
"Funny cos about an hour ago you weren't telling me otherwise," the Doctor sent her a smug smile. Avalon straightened up, clearly no words in mind to respond back which only made the Doctor's smug smile widen with triumph, "So, we're breaking into the Twostreams," he turned for Rory, "Now, I can't go in, the Chen7'll kill me on the spot. You will be my eyes and ears."
"Rory-cam," Rory nodded, "Rescue Amy. Got it."
"We'll be in and out, no problem," Avalon added.
"N-n-n-n-n-no," the Doctor promptly turned to her, "I specifically left your name out. You won't be going either."
She raised an eyebrow, "And why not?"
"My name," she pointed at herself with a smile.
"Ah, no your name is Avalon Harm-"
"Don't finish that," Avalon pointed at Rory, "You know I despise that name. Now I'm going and that's that."
"But-" the Doctor went to argue but Rory cut in and pointed for the console. They could figure out what they were going to do after they set into Amy's timestream place.
It was no surprise that the TARDIS would put up some kind of fight as they tried crossing timestreams. But in the end, the box finally allowed them to land in the correct timestream.
Rory stepped out of the TARDIS with the glasses on and the time glass on a belt worn across his body, "Red Waterfall! We made it," he cheered and looked around the gallery room.
Inside the TARDIS, Avalon was trying to get herself out there to help Rory but the Doctor was refusing to let her arm go. No matter how strong she was, she just wasn't stronger than him.
"I can go help," Avalon argued with him, "C'mon!"
"Ava, I would feel much better if you stayed here with me," the Doctor pleaded to her to rethink this, "Stay here, yeah?" he tugged her closer to him and wrapped an arm around her waist.
Avalon heaved a big sigh and looked at him, "Hey, we've spent an awful lot of time together lately. This is serious and my friend's out there, on her own. Let me go help."
"Rory's going to help and we can help from here," the Doctor gestured to the console.
"Okay, look," Avalon decided to try something else, perhaps the one thing that could make him understand, "Last time we went on a trip, all of us, Amy took the bullet for me and saved me from becoming a wooden doll. She's in trouble now and it's my turn to save her. You understand that, right?"
The Doctor of course understood that. Amy had told him about the reason why she'd become a doll in the first place; it would've been Avalon if Amy hadn't intervened and she was not going to let her granddaughter suffer.
"I'll be sure to make up for this later, okay,?" Avalon assured and leaned up, "With lots of kisses here and there," she smirked as she made her promise, even giving him a previous of her kisses to make her point.
"I hate that you have this power over me," the Doctor sighed with resignation. No, actually, he did not hate it. Who would hate to be kissed by her? Not him!
Avalon smiled in triumph, trying not to seem as smug as she really was, "Don't know what you're talking about," she kissed him a second time, "Gotta run," and she planted a third kiss which became a bit deeper than the last two, "Woah," Avalon blinked with a partial daze, "Gotta run...ish..." she shook her head and recollected herself, "Rory!" she called as she ran out.
Rory had been busy looking at the different collections the planet had in the gallery room, "Managed to convince him, huh?"
"Uh, yes," Avalon flashed a smile and closed the TARDIS doors.
"Dare I ask how?"
"Um...I don't think you want to know," Avalon fixed part of her hair and walked up to him.
Rory sighed, "This is just too weird sometimes."
Avalon rolled her eyes, "So then, Doctor, how do we find Amy?" She looked at the glasses.
"Rory, switch the Time Glass on and sonic it," came the Doctor's voice, "I'll send a command to the screwdriver. Amy's here somewhere. If I can just get a lock on her. I wonder what happens if we mix the filters?" Rory pulled out the Doctor's sonic and held the time glass in front of him and Avalon. As soon as the sonic finished on the glass, they all saw dozens of people in a blurred image, all milling about.
"And there they are. 40,000 time streams overlapping. Red Waterfall isn't one time stream. It's thousands," the Doctor informed as the two companions stared in awe.
"Are they happy?" Avalon frowned, wondering if being locked in a facility could be better than dying.
"Oh my Ava," the Doctor sighed, "Trust you to think of that. I think they're happy to be alive. Better than the alternative."
Rory lowered the glass in time for he and Avalon to catch a person running towards them, dressed in armor and with a katana aimed at them. They barely had time to process when the person knocked them both down.
"We come in peace!" Rory found no other words coming to mind, "Peace, peace, peace, peace!"
"Yeah Rory, cos that's gonna work!" Avalon rolled her eyes and sat up, flicking the katana at his throat, "Nice sword..." she had to remark.
"Ava!" Rory scolded. Leave it to her to praise a weapon being used against them. River Song was definitely her mother.
"I waited," the person finally spoke.
"Sorry, what?" Avalon looked up, half irritated with the scold.
"I waited for you," the person repeated and pulled the katana away. "I waited!" she pulled off her helmet to show herself. It left both Rory and Avalon quite stunned.
"Oh my..." Avalon's eyes widened at the sight of a much older Amy.
Rory's mouth had fallen open and while he tried to put his thoughts into a coherent sentence, all that came out were stammers. "A-Amy..wh-what's..."
"Doctor, what the hell is going on?" Avalon found it easier to ask the question.
Unfortunately, all that came out of the Time Lord was, 'Er..." He had no idea how he could've messed this up.
"Amy," Rory stood to his feet and helped Avalon, both still staring at the older ginger.
"I think the time stream lock might be a bit wobbly," the Doctor finally said something coherent.
"You think?" Avalon snapped.
Amy drew her sword to strike and scared the two. "No, please!" Rory pulled Avalon behind him, "Please!"
"Duck," Amy ordered and immediately the two did, allowing her to sink her sword through a handbot's head behind them. She put away her sword and moved over to the handbot, bending down beside it and pulling out a small, black box, "Handbots carry a black box in case they go offline. I've changed the cause of termination from hostile to accidental. Easy to re-program. Using my sonic probe."
"Amy," Rory called again, his voice quiet.
"Rory," Amy didn't spare even a glance as she worked.
"Oh for goodness sake, why are you doing that?" Avalon pointed to the box Amy held.
"I've survived this long by making the Handbots think I don't exist. Don't touch the hands. Anaesthetic transfer - if they touch you, you go to sleep."
"But you're still here?" Rory asked.
Amy stood up, staring at them both, "You didn't save me," she bluntly said and strode off.
"But this is us doing the saving," Avalon called as she and Rory hurried after her, "The Doctor just got the timing a bit out!"
"I've been on my own here a long, long time. I've had decades to think nice thoughts about him. Got a bit harder to stay charitable once I entered decade four."
"40 years alone?" Rory asked in horror.
"36 years," Amy made a face, "Thanks..."
Avalon elbowed Rory and gave him a look, making him realize his error, "No. Right, I mean... you look great. Really. Really."
"Eyes front, soldier."
"Still can't win then, eh?" Avalon tried to humor them but it didn't work.
"In fact, I think I can now definitely say I hate him. I hate The Doctor," Amy declared with certainty, "I hate him more than I've ever hated anyone in my life." She leaned closer to Rory, but not for him. She was looking directly into his glasses. "You can hear every word of this through those ridiculous glasses, can't you, Raggedy Man? You told me to wait. And I did. A lifetime."
"Amy..." the Doctor began but he didn't get to finish. Lately, he seemed to be getting everything wrong with the Ponds. He tried his best to keep them out of harm's way and yet something always happened to them. Last time, all three of them had been captured inside a fake dollhouse with killer dolls. Before that, they'd been chased around by the Scream. It was beginning to take a toll on him.
"You've got nothing to say to me!"
"Behind you!"
Amy turned to see two handbots closing in on them. She tossed her staff to Rory, ducked and put the handbots hands together, deactivating them. "Feedback. Knocks them out. Learned that trick on my first day," and once again, she made to leave.
They went out to an outer corridor and tried catching up with Amy who didn't even look back at them, "OK, so we just take the TARDIS back to the right time stream, yeah? We can stop any of this happening," Rory tried to reason, Avalon giving a small nod though she wasn't very sure about anything now.
"We locked on to a time stream, Rory. This is it," the Doctor regretted informing him.
"But this is wrong," Avalon frowned at the situation.
"Incredibly wrong," Rory added.
"I got old, Rory, what did you think was going to happen?" Amy rolled her eyes, assuming the worst from them.
"Hey!" Rory was not about to have that and so grabbed Amy's arm and forced her to stop and look back, "I don't care that you got old! I care that we didn't grow old together. Amy, come on, please."
"Don't touch me. Don't do that," she gave the order but didn't sound so sure of it as she left.
"This isn't you," Avalon made a face and went after her, "This isn't our Amy!"
"36 years, three months, four days of solitary confinement, Avalon," Amy stopped in front of some doors and turned to them, "This facility was built to give people the chance to live. I walked in here and I died. Do you have anything to say? Anything, Doctor?"
"Where did you get a sonic screwdriver?" the Doctor decided to question, only irritating her more.
"I made it. And it's a sonic probe!"
"You made a sonic screwdriver?" Rory blinked.
"Give it up, Amy, you're not winning that one," Avalon had to advise as they entered the temporal engines room.
They followed Amy through a curtain she clearly made and found a small, isolated room where a Handbot stood at the corner. Rory stopped and forced Avalon as well when he saw the robot, "Oh!"
The handbot turned to them and allowed them to see a makeshift smiley face drawn where its face should be. Amy went across the small room, "Don't worry about him. Sit down, Rory."
Avalon giggled as both Rory and the handbot sat down, "You named the handbot after Rory?" she asked.
"Needed a bit of company."
"So, he's like your..."
"Somehow that's not making it better."
Amy pulled out a tube of lipstick and opened it up, meanwhile the other two studied the handbot, "Is it safe?" Rory asked.
"Yep. I disarmed it."
"How?" Avalon wondered just as they both saw the hands of the handbot chopped off.
"Oh, you...disarmed it," Rory slowly said, feeling a bit off about that.
Amy changed her mind on the lipstick and put it away, "Oh, don't get sentimental, it's just a robot. You'd have done the same."
"I don't know that I would have," the Doctor spoke up again, making Amy spin around and look at the glasses.
"And there he is - the voice of God. Survive. Cos no-one's going to come for you. Number one lesson. You taught me that."
"Is that really all I taught you?"
"Don't you lecture me, blue-box man flying through time and space on whimsy. All I've got - all I've had for 36 years - is cold, hard reality. So, no, I don't have a sonic screwdriver because I'm not off on a romp. I call it what it is - a probe. And I call my life what it is... Hell."
"Amy Pond, I am going to put this right," the Doctor assured, "You said you learned from an Interface. Can I speak with it?"
"Doesn't work in here," Amy informed then checked her watch, "2:23, the garden'll be clear now," she looked at Avalon and Rory, "Stay or go?"
"We're coming with you," Rory stood up and looked at Avalon for her opinion.
"Definitely," the ginger agreed with a nod.
"Then try not to get killed. Or do. Whatever," Amy tried to seem casual as she left, "When I first came here, I had to trick the Interface into giving me the information, but I've reprogrammed it now. It'll tell me anything except how to escape."
"You hacked it?" Rory raised an eyebrow, "That's genius!"
"Sorry to interrupt that beautiful moment," the Doctor cleared his throat, "But temporal engines have a regulator valve, which has to be kept from the main reactor or there's feedback. Interface, where's the regulator?"
"The regulator valve is held within."
"Ah! Oh, very, very "ah!" Interface, I need to run through some technical specifications. Rory, give me to Amy a minute."
"Here you go," Rory pulled off the glasses and moved to put them on Amy but the ginger refused.
"Amy just do it," Avalon sharply looked at her.
With a huff, Amy took the glasses and put them on, "They look ridiculous," she frowned.
"That's what we told him," Rory sighed, "Still, anything beats a fez, eh?" Everyone laughed but once Amy abruptly stopped, so did Avalon and Rory, "What is it?" he asked.
"I think that's the first time I've laughed in 36 years," Amy quietly acknowledged.
Avalon sadly looked between her friends, knowing they must have been thinking about the time they had lost. She sighed and touched Rory, ending their moment, "We should leave them...you know, to let them work?"
"Yeah, yeah," Rory nodded and walked out with her.
They wandered through the garden Amy had led them in through and took a look around, both wondering if this was where Amy had spent some time in...on her own.
"You don't...you don't blame the Doctor for this, do you?" Avalon felt the need to ask Rory as they walked.
Rory felt the concern in Avalon's tone and didn't want her to worry, "No...no," he sighed and put an arm around her shoulders, "He is never on time."
"Hm, 14 years," Avalon smiled lightly.
"Mhm," Rory nodded and they both chuckled.
"I just...don't want to have problems between the people I really care about," Avalon sighed. "And right now, Amy is really mad at the Doctor. I don't know who to defend first."
"Avalon…" Rory suddenly stiffened when he spotted a handbot coming towards them.
"Do not be alarmed, this is a kindness," the handbot said just like the others had.
Rory pulled Avalon behind him and backtracked together.
"Do not be alarmed, this is a kindness," the handbot said just as it touched Rory's face with its hand.
"Rory!" Avalon cried as he fell to the ground. "Oh great!" She looked up to see the handbot that would surely be going after her now.
Amy arrived in time to stop the handbot. She cut its head off with her sword and looked between the two, "Rory?" she knelt beside him.
"Glasses," Rory pointed.
Amy stood up and turned away, "You stupid..."
"You saved us," Avalon smiled at her.
"Don't get used to it," Amy muttered.
Rory stood up and studied Amy for a moment, specifically her eyes, "Have you been crying? A little bit?"
"Shut up, Rory," Amy tried to order but her voice was far too weak for that.
"You have, haven't you?"
"Woman with a sword. Don't push it."
"OK, so here's the plan," the Doctor spoke up, "Time is always a bit wibbly-wobbly, but in two streams it's extra wobbly," in the meantime he spoke, Amy handed the glasses back to Rory, "I've worked out how to hijack the temporal engines and then fold two points of Amy's timeline together. We're bringing her out of the then and into the now! Amy, I just need to borrow your brain a minute, it won't hurt, probably - almost probably...and then, Amy Pond, I'm going to save you."
Amy stared into the glasses, her eyes narrowing, confusing Rory and Avalon. One would think she'd be ecstatic that they'd found a way to truly save her. "No," she took out her probe, "Time's up, Handbots coming!" And she hurried out, leaving Avalon and Rory to follow.
~ 0 ~
Amy was striding back towards her secret hiding place in the engine rooms, doing her best to ignore the pleas of everyone who wanted to 'help' her.
"Amy, you've got to help us help you. I need you to think back 36 years ago. Amy? Amy!?" the Doctor was the primary insistent one to talk to her.
Without a word, Amy went inside the engine rooms and left Avalon and Rory outside. Avalon noticed several smudges on the doors and walked up to them, "Funny...if I didn't know any better I would say this is...lipstick," she glanced back at Rory questioningly.
Rory moved over and lifted the time glass to the doors, allowing them to see a message in red lipstick Amy had left for them. Rory sighed, "You told her to leave us a sign. And she did. And she waited. Oh, Amy."
Avalon opened the doors and went inside, marching straight to Amy, "Okay, why won't you help yourself? You wanted us to save you but look at you?"
Amy shook her head, still refusing, "He wants to rescue Past Me from 36 years back, which means I'll cease to exist. Everything I've seen and done dissolves, time is rewritten."
"But that's...that's good, isn't it?" Even Rory was confused about her attitude. Being rescued meant that she wouldn't have to go through the solidarity she'd been forced into.
"I will die," Amy enunciated slowly for them, "Another Amy will take my place, an Amy who never got trapped at Twostreams, who grew old with you, and she, in 36 years, won't be me."
"But you'll die in here," Avalon scratched her head. "Isn't that...isn't that better?"
"Not if you take me with you. You came to rescue me, so rescue me."
"Leave her and take you?"
"We could take this Amy with us, easy, but if we do, our Amy has to wait 36 years to be rescued," the Doctor warned in case they actually decided to go with that.
"So I have to choose - which wife do I want?" Rory took a small breath, already knowing that couldn't and wouldn't end well.
"She is me," Amy pointed to herself, "We're both me."
"You being here is wrong. For a single day, an hour, let alone a lifetime. I swore to protect you...I promised."
Amy didn't say a word and instead went inside her small room, leaving the two to think about it.
"Rory..." the Doctor began.
"This is your fault!" the human spat.
"Rory!" Avalon was disappointed he went back on his word, "You promised..."
"I'm sorry Ava but it is," Rory huffed and spoke to the Doctor, "You should look in a history book once in a while, see if there's an outbreak of plague or not."
"That is not how I travel," the Doctor snapped.
"Then I do not want to travel with you!" Rory pulled off the glasses and threw them to the ground.
Avalon was torn between the two sides but even more so angry with Rory. "You said you wouldn't blame him! How…" She shook her head. "If you haven't noticed, it's a pretty big universe with millions of different problems. It is impossible to know what the current state of a planet is all the time."
"36 years, Avalon, 36!" Rory pointed to the closed curtains. "She spent 36 years on her own!"
"And you think I'm not as upset as you are? I love Amy! But this wasn't anyone's fault! It's like when you blamed yourself for accidentally shooting Amy after the Pandorica opened."
"That's different," Rory sighed, really not in the mood to argue with her as well. He was too confused and angry, a horrible combination that he was aware of.
"Yeah, cos it was you. You didn't mean to do it, you didn't know who you were, it was impossible. What's happened here was also impossible."
"Ava, Rory," the Doctor called again, sounding like he was giving a test, "Is the time glass still on?" he asked them, "If the link's still active, I think I can hear Amy. Our Amy."
Rory slowly lifted the time glass in front of the small room of Amy and saw none other than the young Amy through the glass, sobbing quietly to herself, "Oh, Amy," Rory entered the room still holding the time glass. He went straight to the present Amy and knelt down to where she sat, "Look me in the face and say you won't help her."
Amy did as told and looked him in the eye, "I will not help her."
"Oh yeah?" Avalon couldn't believe that was her friend and was not going to stand for it, "Alright, then," she gently pushed the time glass up in front of Rory's face where the young Amy was sobbing to herself, "Look us in the face and say that again," she challenged Amy.
"Rory? Rory is that you?" the young Amy turned from the wall, "Rory, where are you?"
Rory used the sonic on the time glass and allowed the young Amy to see them through the glass, "Same place as you - and a bit ahead."
The present Amy peered into the glass, "I remember this," she mumbled.
"But who's she?" the past Amy studied herself, "There's no-one else here, but... me."
Rory handed the glass to the present Amy and took Avalon out with him, hoping the two Amy's could get on the same page to allow for some type of plan.
"You realize what's gonna happen in there, right?" Avalon quietly asked him.
"What?" Rory looked at her with concern.
"Two Amy's, in one place, well sort of...there is going to be some shouts and colorful words."
Rory shared a smile with her, "She's not you."
"Hey, River's her daughter and she's got some colorful vocabulary, she had to have gotten it from somewhere," Avalon pointed out, "And let's face it, you don't have that."
"Shush, Ava," Rory mockingly-scolded her.
"Ha, in other words, I win the argument," Avalon said with pride, making him (and managing) chuckle.
Suddenly, Amy stepped out of the room, "I'm going to pull time apart for you," she looked at Rory. Avalon stepped away as the two couples hugged and kissed, "OK, Doctor, Twostreams is back on air. Right, OK, so this is big news, this is temporal earthquake time. I am now officially changing my own future. Hold on to your spectacles. In my past, I saw my future self refuse to help you. I'm now changing that future and agreeing. Every law of time says that shouldn't be possible."
"Yes, except sometimes knowing your own future is what enables you to change it, especially if you're bloody minded, contradictory and completely unpredictable," the Doctor nearly had a chuckle.
"Oh so you meant Amy," Avalon laughed.
"Well actually my mind drifted to you," the Doctor said and ended her laugh right there and then.
Avalon crossed her arms and glared at the glasses, "Terrible danger you're getting yourself into, Fairy Tale Man."
"Anyways, back to crossing time streams?" Amy cleared her throat and ended the ensuing argument. She led them out to the outside corridors, "I'm trusting you to watch my back, Rory."
"Always. You and me, always," Rory nodded with assurance.
"Hey, and me," Avalon waved a hand, making them chuckle.
"Cos here's the deal... you take me too in the TARDIS. Me too," Amy turned to them, ending the amusing moment.
"But that means that there'll be two of you, permanently, forever," Rory realized.
"And that way we both get to live."
"But two Amy's together..." Avalon couldn't quite wrap her mind around that. By all logic, that couldn't very well work.
"Can that work?" Rory asked the Doctor.
"I don't know, it's your marriage."
"Perhaps, maybe, if I shunted the reality compensators on the TARDIS, re-calibrated the doomsday bumpers and jettisoned the karaoke bar, yes, maybe, yes. It could do it. The TARDIS could sustain the paradox."
Avalon remained quiet at that, he was lying. He had to be. She may not be some Time Lord or that big of a genius but she wasn't stupid either. Paradoxes could not be sustained unless you had a paradox machine, and she wasn't aware the Doctor had one.
"Right. Amy..." Rory put on the glasses and saw the young Amy, "And Amy. The wife and the wife, right."
"That won't get confusing," Avalon remarked quietly.
"OK, Amy - Past Amy – stand by the door. Future Amy, you too," the Doctor ordered, "Future Amy, can I borrow your sonic scr... probe?"
Amy sighed, "It's a screwdriver," she handed it over to Rory then went to the doors.
Rory used the sonic on both Amy's then returned it to her.
"Rory, sonic it, double our power. Amy Now, you're our link to Amy Then," the Doctor continued on with the instructions, "We need to get a signal through. That signal will be a thought. Amy Now and Amy Then, share a thought. Something so powerful that it can rip through time. Rory, sonic the plinth front. Inside you'll find three levers and a jumble of wiring. That's the regulator valve. After we've rebooted, you have ten minutes to get back to the TARDIS. Pull out the red and green receptors, re-route blue into red and green into blue. Leave red loose and on no account touch anything yellow. Come on, Rory. It's hardly rocket science. It's just quantum physics."
"Does he ever stop for air?" Rory made a face to Avalon.
"Eventually," Avalon mumbled with a smirk.
"Eugh," Rory pretended to shiver and continued with his work. No grandfather should ever have to hear that.
"Now the lever," the Doctor called, "Throw them in order! Amys, start thinking the most important thought you've ever had. Hold it in your head and do not let it go! Lever one."
Rory pulled the lever and immediately the two Amy's started to think of one common thought.
"She's doing the Macerena," Rory blinked.
"Aww..." Avalon smiled, knowing exactly the importance of that dance.
"Our first kiss," Rory whispered.
"Lever two, Rory," the Doctor ordered, "Lever three."
Rory pulled the levers and made the time glass shattered. Little by little, the young Amy appeared across them.
"Oh, Amy!" Rory exclaimed.
Amy glanced to her older self and blinked, "Oh, my God."
Rory ran over and hugged Amy, both incredibly happy. Avalon watched and smiled with true joy, though she became a bit sad for the older Amy, and soon it was the same story for the young couple.
"Sorry..." Rory quietly said.
"Hello," the older Amy greeted.
"Hello," the young Amy waved.
"I don't know what to..." they both began but stopped when they realized both of them were talking at the same time.
"Weird," Avalon and Rory whispered.
"OK, this is weird. Right, just stop doing that," the two ginger became defensive, and irritated.
"How about Amy One speaks first?" Rory suggested.
Both gingers turned on him, "Which one's Amy One?"
"Oh, wrong move," Avalon made a face.
"I am," both gingers argued, "No, I am! Rory! Rory, just stop doing that!"
"Both of you shut the hell up!" Avalon yelled and succeeded in quieting them down.
"Ah!" Rory hissed as the glasses started sparking.
"Oh. Rory, Rory, take the glasses off. You're getting temporal feedback," the Doctor called to him as Rory threw the glasses to the floor, "Whoa! Calm down, dear! Ava, Rory, Amy, we've created a massive paradox and the TARDIS hates it. She's self-phasing, trying to get out of here. What's nasty Amy done to you? Just calm down, dear. Hang on in there. Ava, Rory, you've got eight minutes left. I'm sorry, you're on your own now."
"We're not on our own," Avalon tried to look at the positive side, "There's Rory and me and...two Amy's," she made a face, "Yeah, maybe this is bad."
"We're not on our own," Avalon looked around, "There's Rory, and...two Amys," she made a face, "Okay yeah, this can go bad real soon."
"Do not be alarmed," handbots appeared.
"Incoming!" Rory exclaimed as several more robots appeared for them.
'With me," the present Amy handed her younger self the staff.
"I don't get one?" Avalon frowned with disappointment.
"Absolutely not!" Both Amys immediately declared, flinching Avalon.
"Okay, freaky how you both do that," she mumbled as Rory took her to their positions.
"Amy, Kate Hayler, year ten hockey," called present Amy.
Young Amy immediately got the idea, "Go for the shins!" she smashed the handbot's shins and flipped the robot over on its back.
"Rory!" Avalon cried as a Handbot appeared in front of her, "We need weapons!" she kicked the handbot back.
"They're cutting off the Departure Gate. We can't get back to the TARDIS," Rory had glanced back the way they'd come in as he tried battling out his own handbot.
"Side door!" present Amy offered, "We'll go behind them!"
~ 0 ~
As they made their way down the staircase, the two Amys had started a conversation that didn't end so well...
"Think you're coming with us, just like that?" younger Amy was demanding an answer, and fast, from her older self.
"Yeah, just like that."
"Rory, talk to her!" young Amy looked at Rory who was ahead of them, with Avalon.
"Now, ladies..." the man began but Avalon cut through, heavily annoyed with the argument.
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Avalon shouted, "You sound like snobbish children!"
"Oi!" both Amys frowned at her, 'Don't talk to me that way, I'm your-"
"Amy," Rory had caught where the sentence was ending and stopped running, giving each of his wives sharp looks.
Avalon noticed the little looks shared between all three, and it surprised her more that the disagreement had vanished and a common agreement had appeared, "What? What is it?"
She received no such answer and was instead pulled away, continuing their route for the TARDIS. Soon again, the disagreements had risen up between the two Amys.
"Where are you going to live?" young Amy was asking her older self.
"Not with you, don't worry. I'll go travelling. Pop back for Christmas, maybe Easter."
"Amy, you always say, cooking Christmas dinner, you wish there were two of you," Rory tried to humor but it seemed not to be working.
They followed the older Amy up to a room with shut doors. She used the sonic on the doors to get it open.
"Why can't we just teleport inside?" Avalon curiously wondered.
"It's not a teleport, it's a time jump."
"They can't shunt within the same timestream," young Amy said.
"Yes," her older self agreed.
"The TARDIS is in the Gallery," Rory reminded as they finally entered the room.
"Gallery closed."
The older Amy ran up to a table in the center and pressed the buttons, "Controls are stuck. They've locked them from outside."
"Well can't you unlock them?" Rory raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, give me a minute and your cutest smile," she winked just as Rory smiled, "That's the one."
"Can you stop flirting with me?" he cleared his throat, "You're old enough to be..."
"I've known you my whole life. How many games of Doctors and Nurses?"
"Eugh," Avalon shivered as she went up to them, "Now I get why you do that with the Doctor and I. Totally, completely, unnecessary."
Suddenly, all the doors of the room opened up to reveal handbots, "Do not be alarmed. This is a kindness."
Older Amy chucked her staff to young Amy while Rory tried using the sonic on the controls, eventually pressing the correct button and opening the doors to the room the TARDIS was in. Older Amy took lead with her sword and staff to use on the handbots they came across with. Everyone else made a run across the room while pushing several more handbots out of their way.
"Go! I've got your back!" Older Amy shouted to them as she took care of more handbots.
Young Amy was touched by a handbot on the face and gave a shout as she fell to the floor. Upon seeing that, Rory ran over to her, with the Mona Lisa portrait, and rammed it on the handbot's head, successfully shutting it down. He then picked up Amy and started running again.
"Is she okay!?" Avalon followed after him as they headed for the TARDIS.
"Hopefully!" Rory kicked the TARDIS doors open and rushed inside. He set her down on the floor just as the Doctor came over to check on her.
"It's just an anaesthetic. She'll be fine," he quickly stood up and ran for the doors, making eye contact with present Amy. She knew what he was going to do and so dropped her weapons and charged across the room for the TARDIS. The Doctor willed himself to shut the doors, "I'm sorry," he breathed as he locked it.
"What are you doing?" Rory stood up angrily.
"I lied to her, Rory," the Doctor confessed, looking at the door where present Amy had arrived and was pounding on it to be let inside, "There can't be two Amys in the TARDIS. The paradox is too massive."
"She'll die!" Rory shouted.
"Technically, she wouldn't," Avalon slowly stood up, quietly rubbing her arm, "I mean, if time is rewritten then technically she'll never have existed."
"But she happened!" Rory couldn't stop shouting, "She's there!" he violently pointed at the door.
"No, she's not real," the Doctor brought himself to say it.
"She is real, let her in!"
"Look, we take this Amy, we leave ours. There can only be one Amy in the TARDIS. Which one do you want?" the Doctor grabbed Rory and put him in front of the doors, his hand over the latch, "It's your choice."
"This isn't fair," Rory spat, "You're turning me into you."
"Your choice, Rory..."
"I, er.." Rory faced the doors, his mind going blank for a second.
The Doctor returned to young Amy and Avalon, checking the unconscious ginger a final time before heading for the console. Avalon tried touching him but he shook her off, not wanting to face her after what he'd done.
"Rory? Please," present Amy put a hand on the window of the door, making Rory do the same, "The look on your face when you carried her. Me. Her. When you carried her away, you used to look at me like that. I'd forgotten how much you loved me. I'd forgotten how much I loved being her. Amy Pond, in the TARDIS. With Rory Williams."
"I'm sorry, I can't do this," Rory declared and moved to turn the latch open.
"If you love me, don't let me in," Present Amy surprised him with the request, "Open that door, I will, I'll come in. I don't want to die. I won't bow out bravely. I'll be kicking and screaming, fighting. To the end."
"Oh, Amy. Amy, I love you," Rory took a long sigh, knowing he would have to listen t her request.
"I love you too. Don't let me in," present Amy pleaded, "Tell Amy, your Amy, I'm giving her the days. The days with you. The days to come. The days I can't have. Take them, please. I'm giving you my days."
Rory let go of the latch and stepped away from the door, "I'm so, so sorry..."
With that, the Doctor de-materialized the TARDIS from the planet. They had moved Amy to one of the chairs by the console and checked to make sure there was nothing wrong with her. She would just be sleeping for a bit more.
"Did you always know it would never work? Saving both Amys?" Rory asked the Doctor, the two sitting on the staircase looking after Amy.
"I promised you I'd save her and there she is. Safe," the Doctor patted the man's shoulder.
"Yeah, there she is," Rory had to agree on it.
As they stood up, Amy began waking up. The Doctor headed for the corridors to give them some time. Avalon was coming out from the corridor with a blanket for Amy.
"Hey," she tried to greet him in an attempt to start a conversation with him since he was seemingly trying to avoid her.
The Doctor mumbled a 'hey' back but moved around her and continued his way to the corridors. She looked down for a moment then walked towards Rory, getting the surprise to see Amy awake...and questioning for her older self.
~ 0 ~
Later in the night, Avalon crawled out of her bed and grabbed a white blanket to drape over her shoulders. She hadn't slept very well, mostly because she didn't really feel tired, but it was more to the day they had. She hoped that perhaps something to drink could do the job. Of course a normal person would go for a tea...Avalon went with a strawberry milkshake. She had a nice pink milkshake in front of her, topped with whip cream but absolutely no cherry on top. Just as she was about to take a sip, the Doctor entered, unaware she was in there.
"Hey," she decided to greet him again and managed to surprise him.
"You're...not supposed to be awake," the Doctor eyed her suspiciously, seeing the blanket still over her yet a brand new milkshake in her hands.
"I wasn't tired," she shrugged, "Insomnia, remember?"
"Right..." the Doctor looked to the side. She would still think it was insomnia and not that tonight was one of those nights she didn't need the rest.
"You want some?" Avalon slid her glass to him, "It's strawberry."
"What? No cherry?" he eyed the glass.
"Eugh, I don't like them," she crinkled her nose at the thought of a cherry on her drink. "It just ruins the milkshake."
He smiled at her, making a mental note for future references. It would go under the same list that involved never giving her anything with fish.
"Fairy Tale Man, are you mad with me?"
"What? Never!"
"Then why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not-"
"Please don't waste time in denying what is so clearly true," Avalon sighed again and looked down, "I know perfectly well when people are avoiding me and you, sir, are doing it."
The Doctor knew she was thinking of the people in Leadworth who tried their best to avoid her at all costs and on no account did he ever want her to think he was one of them. "Okay, so maybe I didn't want to talk...but it wasn't because you did something," He took a seat next to her. "It was because of what I did."
"What you YOU did?" Avalon raised an eyebrow and straightened up, "And what exactly was that? Cos I think I missed it."
"What happened today...I...it's a bit complicated to forget," the Doctor sighed, "Especially when it's my fault."
"No," Avalon reached for his hand, "It's so not your fault. You didn't mean for any of this to happen."
"Well my little accident caused Amy to live 36 years in solitary, nearly made you and Rory die and-"
"What is the point in thinking of what happened and could've happened when it's all over?" Avalon raised an eyebrow, "We're okay now, don't bother yourself with that stuff."
"That 'stuff' is important to me," the Doctor frowned, "One little error and bam, Amy's dead. Or one little slip and oh look, Rory just got squashed. Lena did good in leaving, honestly."
"And me? What, you think I should've left too, then?" Avalon urged him to answer then groaned when he just looked away from her. "This is not happening," she mumbled to herself as she stood up and promptly moved over to sit on his lap, her arms around his neck. "I thought you never wanted me to leave..." she forced him to look at him with a hand under his chin.
"I don't," the Doctor quickly clarified, "But I can't help worrying what could happen to you." His mind kept flashing him bits and pieces of his profile he had from the Teselecta. Each day brought him closer to his supposed death day and because he still had all the Ponds with him, it meant he would be dragging them to that day as well. He couldn't do that to Avalon. If the Silence and Kovarian did manage to kill him then he would at least make sure she was okay. If he was dead, then they would finally let her and the rest of her family live in peace. That was the only bit of peace he could find in all that mess, but right now he still had Avalon and he didn't want to lose her. So what was he supposed to do? He brushed his hand against her cheek. "Ava, I love you. I would never want to leave you." Want being the operative word. He would never want to leave her, but if it ever came down to her safety and their relationship...he would choose her safety in a heartbeat. It was what he promised Rory, after all.
"Doctor, I know that you feel guilty about what happened but...it wasn't your fault. You can't go around blaming yourself for everything bad that happens. That's unfair."
"I can't help it," the Doctor admitted. "You are my responsibility-"
"No, we're not. We choose to travel with you. We choose to explore and whatever consequences there are. It's about time you start realizing that and I'm gonna make sure that you do."
"Yeah, what are you going to do?" The Doctor looked at her with a small, amused, smile.
"Well, for starters," she reached for her milkshake on the table and took a sip. She then offered him some. "It's therapeutic."
The Doctor laughed. "Right." He moved the straw over to his side and drank from it. "It really needs a cherry though."
Avalon crinkled her nose. "Absolutely not! Unless you want to be single again. Go on, take another drink. I'll make more but you have to stay around so I can keep reminding you that nothing was your fault."
The Doctor wouldn't argue against having that type of night with her. He just knew that it wouldn't matter what she said to him because he would always want to keep her and her grandparents safe.
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alanncs · 5 years
hi my angels ! my name’s dani , i’m from toronto ontario aka best city in the worldt , & i’m 20  !  i’m the kelsey m on the main  &  i can’t tell u how excited i am to have wealthy up n running again !  i literally can’t wait to plot with all you beautiful peoples , so pls like this  &  i’ll slide in the dms , otherwise u can also hit me up on discord 𝒎𝒈𝒌'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 .#1958  !!  i’m gonna put all you need  2 know about alanna below aaand i hope y’all like her ! <3
Tumblr media
new york’s very own alanna d'alessio was spotted on broadway street in gucci bee sneakers . your resemblance to hailey baldwin is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty first birthday bash . while living in nyc ,  you’ve been labeled as being reticent , but also gracious . i guess being a scorpio explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be anything pink , the lingering smell of weed , and a cigarette between her fingers . &  ( cisfemale & she/her  )  +  ( dani , 20 , she/her , est . )
                    *  /   𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠 .
full  name  :  alanna  marie  d’alessio  .
age :  twenty  -  one  .
hometown  :  new  york  city  .
zodiac  chart  :  scorpio  sun  ,  aquarius  moon  ,  libra  rising  .
character  inspo  :  alyssa  (  the  end  of  the  f*cking  world  )  ,  marissa  cooper  (  the  o.c  )  ,  hanna  marin  (  pretty  little  liars  )  .
                   *  /   𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚   !!  tw  : kidnapping , ransom , drugs
alanna was born heir to the d'alessio family which came with the billion dollar dynasty that her parents created . 
her dad is an italian government official  but they grew up in ny basically bc her dad is an ambassador/representative for italy  &  her mother is a super model who also wanted to raise her kids here having lived here her whole life , and so they did . 
she had everything handed to her on a silver platter and her parents expected nothing but success from her because of how wealthy they were, they knew they would never have to worry about providing for her and her siblings , and so they spoiled her with whatever she asked for and more
but that came with a price, she was expected to do everything they wanted of her, go to an ivy league college, follow in one of her parent’s career footsteps
alanna did just that, she got amazing grades in high school and was head of many student clubs, organized prom, got almost perfect on sat’s and exams, and busted her ass to get into a good college despite the fact that her parents could’ve easily gotten her a spot if she didn’t do as well as she did
her life was going so well, she had the perfect boyfriend, perfect group of friends, was on her way to brown university in a couple of months, her parents and her couldn’t have been in a better spot with their daughter
the last thing they expected was for someone, a stranger, to get their hands on their daughter . a week after her 18th birthday , she’s walking to school on a monday morning and before she knows what’s happening , there’s something over her head and she’s being dragged into a van and taken from her life
the one thing that was expected, was the $10 million ransom she was held for
basically her dad had some shady dealings with the italian mob & didn’t pay his debts to them for some time - so they kidnapped alanna in retaliation for that
they kept her for 3 days before her parents were able to work with the authorities to get her returned and pay the people in full
surprisingly, she was returned alive but she had to spend two weeks in the hospital afterwards with injuries
once alanna was returned, she wasn’t the same
she told the police what happened to her , but only barely . she didn’t tell her parents or anyone else about what they did to her when she was gone .
she didn’t speak , eat or sleep for two months after she got home
she spent the last few months of her high school in bed, she didn’t attend her graduation, deferred from going to brown in the fall, she didn’t see her friends anymore and she broke up with her boyfriend
the people who took her were never caught & she is still to this day completely terrified of going anywhere alone
she never walks anywhere alone  
it took her months to be able to get back to doing normal things again and being who she was before
to this day ,  alanna still struggles with the memories and the ptsd from what happened to her , but she doesn’t speak to anyone about it and she refuses to bring it up in any scenario
she also has a horrible relationship with her father now , having trouble forgiving him for what happened to her
some people know about it as obviously, being as famous as her family is, it was on the news at the time, and everyone she went to high school with knew what happened so sometimes it can be hard to avoid it
she wants to forget - here comes her secret - she got into drugs after the kidnapping and it quickly spiraled out of control , now she can’t seem to function without them because they’re the only thing that make her feel normal and make the memories fade
anything she can get her hands on rly
but the media think she’s an angel , her reputation has been kept p much pristine her whole life . and her parents have no clue how much she’s struggling or how much she’s changed . so if this were to come out , it would tarnish not only alanna’s reputation but her family’s  as well
                                         *  /   𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  !!
after deferring from brown ,  alanna knew she had to find some way to keep herself occupied and make money , even though she could live off her parents for however long she wanted
alanna wants to be . miss independent .
so she started getting into modelling , bc of her mom it was easy for her to book gigs
she was able to book gigs like adidas , guess , calvin klein  etc  !
so  that was super exciting for her bc she got really into it and  enjoyed doing it sm
she started acting about a year ago - started off in a few movies , & now she’s currently starring in a netflix series - smth similiar to elite or on my block !
oko so in high school alanna was super bubbly , and just like the really overly nice girl that would talk to literally every 1
but it worked for her bc she was  voted prom queen  and valedictorian ! even tho she missed graduation . yike
Anyway now ! she is not v much like that anymore , except  when she’s super high .
since her kidnapping alanna has been closed off and aloof . in general , she’s not as talkative
she says what she thinks but it usually comes in one word mumbles
can sometimes b very entertaining  . she’s kinda like paris hilton a little bit
also think Marissa from the oc !!
call her a  spoiled brat she’s gonna be like “ yah… and ?”
she  can be very selfish to a fault  in certain situations
and very defensive if she feels attacked, judged , put into a corner , physically cornered , etc
she’s a hopeless romantic at heart and dreams of having an epic love story
but she  has Hella trust issues which easily lead to commitment issues for her so … she will cheat “by accident” lol
that’s why she tries to steer clear of relationships but she also has such a big heart she  falls in love 5 times a day sffsdkj
also w  how much this girl  can sleep around it’s not happening any Time soon 4 her ! she enjoys being single a lot
Bc she likes to get wild
shes like nicole richie on the simple life when she’s partying  lmao
like she likes 2 fuck with ppl sometimes lol , like she will flirt w anyone and everyone just cus she’s bored
umm she lives  in sweatpants n crop tops !
her hair is either in a  bun or just down , she’s rly lazy when it comes to hair and makeup   . like if her makeups done someone else did it lol
Unless she’s like fully in the mood
ooverall she’s a rly sweet lil bean whos just scared of humans ! :’(
um ya idk im always developing  her but IF U read  all this  ilysm !
here’s her pinterest board for more of an idea !
                                  *  /  𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔  !!
EVERYTHING   !  here is a link to my wc page & a link to my wc TAG which are both full of ideas so  msg me  & i’ll throw tons of ideas at u <333 let’s do it i luv plotting sm okay
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fantroll-purgatory · 4 years
Xanatl Cambre, or whatever!
I read homestuck the first time when I was 13 and now that I’m rereading it I realized I processed almost 0 things in it the first time. So this is BASICALLY my first homestuck oc as someone who understands what the hell is happening in homestuck. I’m only about 3000 pages in, so I might have some misunderstandings still, sorry! Please go crazy telling me what I could fix or change, and I also have 0 clue for his appearance soooo. 
Okay! I’ll do my best to tighten this character up a bit!
Name: Xanatl Cambre 
Pronounced “Shan-uh-teal Cam-bray” (for the Aztec god Xolotl, and the coloration of darker axolotl’s- axanthic + the Spanish words for walk and fire/light)
Camnar is a seven-sweep-old violet-blooded troll who failed to fully complete his metamorphosis, for some reason or another- it happens! He possesses an extra set of fully functioning arms, a small flippy-flappy finny-tail-nub, and big bright purple shiny eyes. Everything else seems like it’s grown in okay, probably. Though he was fully capable of surviving his grub trials, his defects are admittedly uncomfortable enough to maybe have earned culling when he was only a few sweeps old, if not for [name here], a jade-blood with a penchant for healthy freaks and everything there is to learn about them (ESPECIALLY messed-up metamorphisizers) assisting in chopping off the extra bits every once in a while when drones come around. And definitely NOT keeping them in a walk in freezer to study. He’s not crippled or weakened by any of them, anyways, they’re just weird to look at- his eyesight might not be great, but he wouldn’t admit it. 
Fire, salamanders in general, the Aztec god Xolotl, and all around childish imbecility are all pretty big parts of and inspiration for his character. 
Hmmm. I feel like this passage comes off as fairly ableist, so watch your language here (i.e. “freaks,” “crippled,” “childish imbecility,” etc.). There is nothing wrong with a jadeblood being interested in mutants who remain healthy or in Xanatl not being weakened by losing body parts or even in him being childishly careless but language matters and I don’t feel comfortable letting it slide.
Interests: Penchant for outdoor land activities, especially camping. Loves using the time on those camp-outs to start fires, make star-maps, and attempt to commune with the dead through rituals found on old forums (with little success).
I like this bit as an emphasis on the fire theme, and I actually really like that you made a seadweller with that fire theme!
 A very keen interest in the occult and black magyks generally, but too lazy to go all the way with it, and too scared to perform it in his underwater home. A notable interest in weather-tracking, especially large storms and how they grow, change, and die. Mild inclinations to cannibalize other trolls- luckily, most don’t fit in his mouth.
Finds great joy in training his lusus to do tricks and assist in hunting for dinner. A great cook! Especially loves spicy food (mustard flowers grow around his hive, and he uses their seeds/”eye of newt” for a kick a lot of the time). General propensity to put whatever he can fit into his mouth in his mouth that caused a lot of sickness as a young troll. One of his favorite non-food things to eat that isn’t necessarily dangerous are agave americana plants, which he grows and keeps all over the top floor of hive (he probably could not keep any other plants alive). Spends a lot of time with [insert jadeblood’s name], but mostly out of the obligation of their friendship, because he’s kind of tired of her cutting his fingers off to study their regrowth. He’s also mildly obsessed with siren stories and myths, but he doesn’t really know why. 
He lives in a two-story hive. The lower story sits below the water in a somewhat shallow muddy canal, and the top half hugs the shoreline. He spends most of his time in the bottom half, though.
Ooooh I really like that setup!
Personality: He’s kind of a coward. Very averse to change, but not fully content in his quiet life. He doesn’t particularly like company and when other trolls are around he feels urges to hurt them until they go away/are digested. Those urges don’t make him uncomfortable or guilty. It’s natural! Despite enjoying his outside time, most things he indulges in are sedentary- he’s very lazy and drowsy most hours of the night. He’s very defensive of his interests and his home, a little insecure in general. His high caste boosts his self esteem and his mutations knock it down- though he’s very removed from his society as a whole, self isolating with abandon, he dreams of mingling with the upper class in the deep ocean. Every troll and lusus around would probably kill him if he tried though, haha! He doesn’t like to talk about his emotions, or his future.
Wow unfortunate mood.
Special Abilities: None! Not notably strong, compared to any of his peers. A pretty normal kid/fish. Well, his extra arms and tail have some regenerative properties- he’s not sure if this extends to the rest of his body, and he refuses to test it. 
Strife Specibus: Mandible-kind. Xanatl’s teeth are fairly small and underdeveloped, sharp but tiny. He has a set of big dentures he fits over his own teeth, fixed from a few native canal beasts lost teef. 
Ooooh I really like that! You could also maybe have him fashion Greek-fire like molotov cocktails that he is verrrry reticent to use since it would burn his house down possibly.
Fetch Modus: Not sure! Maybe something to do with those lame circular life-cycle charts. Or a call to lotl’s regenerative abilities, like it breaks a piece off the item and it has to regrow so he can use it.
Hmmmm. What about a MITOSIS MODUS, which accepts an item and begins the process of cell division. For the next 24 hours, the item is inaccessible, but after those 24 hours he has two of the item!
Symbol and Meaning: Oh, no idea.
I’ll explain a little more down under title assignation, but I think Aquamini, Sign of the Idiosyncratic works exceptionally well.
Handle: neotenticSalamancer OR neotenicNecramander ? I wasn’t sure if it HAD to follow the GCAT thing, and if it did, what to use. 
You don’t have to follow GCAT! Those trolltags were specific to Hussie’s narrative and you don’t have to adopt that convention. I actually really like neotenicNecromander it’s cute.
Quirk: So I have two ideas for this:
replaces “sh” sounds with “x”, misspells often, not one to xout or use capital letters in general, and ends sentences with his tail =>
u232 3 to r3plac3 “e” and 2 to r3plac3 “s”, 32 billion b3ing th3 numb3r of ba23 pair2 in th3 axolotl2 g3nom3… 2till u232 th3 cut3 tail too tho =>
Ooooh I like the first one for readability! Like yes leetspeak is a valid quirk but also I like when people break from that.
Lusus: Giant salamander-sized two-faced Xoloitzcuintli-type amphibious woofbeast. Not sure what to call this guy! Maybe “Mudpapi”, like mudpuppy. 
I love that nickname :D
Land: Land of Tilapia and Lightning, LOTaL (haha). Big beasts and big storms both threatening to swallow him. 
I super appreciate the acronym so I wanna keep that, but the first word of the Land usually related to its feel and the second to its quest. I can kiiiinda see how you could build a quest around lightning but the Vibe being tilapia doesn’t quite track for me. What about Land of Torches and Lightning, so it’s a bright planet but with two light sources trying to extinguish one another?
Title: I’m not sure I want him to ever god-tier because of his crippling fear of death and change. Like he would probably just blatantly refuse to, and stay content with being at the top of the echeladder pre-god tiers. I don’t know what his title would be, it’s a tough one! It’d be funny to make him a seer (for axolotl’s terrible eyesight, and the myth of xolotl crying his literal eyes out), but he’s probably a page. Of what? I’unno. 
:) I think he is for SURE a Page of Doom then. He has so much to do with death and rot and a lack of embracing that, and I can see potential for the character to really grow into that.
Lunar Sway: Derse? I’m inclined to want to give him both, because of the minor twin theming, but not sure what the rules are there. 
Ehhhh his personality is a lot more Derse with the desire for control over his circumstances. There are certainly cases where characters can have two moons but I don’t think this is it.
Thank you!!
No problem! I hope this helped!
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angelteyam · 5 years
Rewrite the Stars, Part 2 (p.p.)
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Super!OC
Summary: Charlie starts to get the butterflies for a certain teenage spider-boy, but when a series of events rocks her world, Peter has to do everything he can to try and save her. 
Word Count: 3,050
Warnings:  Major character death, mentions of human remains, Endgame spoilers (derp), panic attacks/anxiety, mentions of depression, nightmares, blood/cuts, bruising, vomit, and just a whole lot of angst
A/N: Wheeeeee behold the beginnings of a budding romance mixed with a whole gosh darn pile of angst courtesy of me!! Thank you again a bajillion times to @parrkerspeters for helping me with this story - you’ve made it a thousand billion times better already (and thank you for helping me out with a certain scene hehe). I love you all, and I hope you are starting to enjoy Charlie as much as I am!! 
Peter never stopped getting on Charlie’s every last nerve.
He was constantly crashing into things wherever he went, leaving what looked like a tornado behind. Pepper stopped decorating the compound with her beloved house plants, because she would always find them in a broken mess on the floor, Peter stumbling an apology above them. When Charlie tried to go up to the roof and read in peace, she would sigh as she heard the tell-tale shwip of Peter’s web shooters. Wherever she went, it wasn’t long before she heard Peter chattering away in her ear.
But anything was better than being alone.
Most of the time, Charlie didn’t even know what the hell he was talking about. And he had awful timing. Eventually, she would pause whenever she got to the good part in one of her books. Like clockwork, Peter would appear beside her, muttering on about something she didn’t understand, and ruining the best part of the story.
But every time, he’d stop for just a moment and peek his head over, his eyes squinting at the words on the pages in Charlie’s lap. And every time, the same phrase would leave his lips.
“What are you reading?”
Charlie would pause, looking up into his eyes, scanning them to see if he actually wanted to know. And every time her bright blue eyes met with his, the answer was always the same.
Tell me.
Somehow, and despite her initial resistance, Charlie and Peter became attached at the hip.
It was nice to have someone the exact same age to wander around the compound with, someone who understood what it was like to be a young human with superpowers and not much family around to help them comprehend what was going on. Wherever one of them went, the other wasn’t far behind. Charlie could say what she wanted about how annoying he was, but she never stopped admiring how Peter was always up for an adventure.
They even discovered they shared the same taste in movies. Especially Star Wars. Peter could jabber on for hours about how it was total bullshit that Han Solo died at the hands of his only son, and that it didn’t make sense that no one knew who the hell Rey’s parents were. Though Peter definitely had his theories.
He was perpetually frustrating. Whenever they had a “nerd movie night” (as Peter had so rightly dubbed it), he would always wolf down and finish the entire bowl of popcorn before they were even 15 minutes into the movie. Charlie had to start making a bowl just for herself. On one particular evening, Peter tried to reach his hand in and steal some of the kernels from her bowl. Small sparks flew from Charlie’s fingers, shocking him in the offending hand.
“OW – Hey!” Peter practically squealed, clutching his hand to his chest. “What was that for?”
Charlie scowled, pointing at the bowl perched in her lap. “Mine.”
Peter narrowed his eyes at her, the corners of his lips twitching as if he was trying not to smile.
“Alright fine, jeez.”
But despite his constant yammering on about who-knows-what, Charlie found him unbearably endearing. He asked very little questions, and had not once asked about why she lived with Tony and Pepper instead of with her family. He was perfectly content to just be with her, off on their next adventure. And whenever they broke something (which was a lot), even if Charlie had done it, Peter was always the one to take the blame.
Even Pepper and Tony had started to notice – it was impossible not to. Charlie and Peter were damn near always together, him watching her read, or laying on the grass to stare up at the clouds and pick out the shapes. Most of the time, they’d be sharing Charlie’s headphones, her phone tucked away in her pocket with her favorite playlist going softly in the background. Softly enough, of course, where she could still hear Peter’s voice over her music.
For Charlie, it was nice to have someone who was willing to do all the talking.
Things suddenly shifted one night, when Charlie had her worst nightmare yet.
Peter was jolted out of his deep sleep to the sound of sharp wailing coming from somewhere, or something. He bolted out of bed towards the sound, only to realize it was coming from down the hall, from Charlie’s room.
“Charlie,” he gasped, hurtling down the hallway towards her room. He busted through the door, breathing heavily, and his eyes widened at what he saw.
Charlie was thrashing wildly, her sheets tangled in a disheveled mess around her legs. Her hair was soaked, and her skin glistened with sweat. Her hands were clenched tightly into fists, her knuckles turning white. Her face was masked with pain, and the shrill scream tearing from her throat was enough to break Peter’s heart in two.
“Charlie,” he tried softly, “Charlie, wake up.”
He tried again, and again, but it didn’t seem to be working.
Finally, Peter clambered over her, sitting onto her hips and pinning her down to the bed. He placed his hands on her shoulders and began to gently shake her, trying to rouse her from her nightmare.
“Charlie,” He cried, louder this time. “Charlie, please wake up!”
Charlie’s eyes flew open, wide and frozen with terror. She put her hands in front of her face, still in the midst of her dream, and sparks began to fly from her fingers.
But Peter remained steady. “Charlie, it’s okay. It’s me, it’s Peter.”
The sparks ebbed, and Charlie’s hands came away from her face, which was now streaked with tears.
“Peter?” she croaked, and Peter felt his throat clench and his stomach turn into knots.
Before Charlie knew it, Peter pulled her up and pressed her to his chest. He wound his arms around her, pulling her impossibly close. He began to gently stroke her hair, pressing his cheek to the top of her head.
“It’s alright. It’s alright – it was just a dream.” He whispered. “I’m here.”
Charlie hadn’t even realized she was crying until he said something. But then Charlie began to shake with tears, harsh sobs ripping through her as she gave way into Peter’s shirt. Her hands clenched the fabric into her fists, holding him tightly to her and keeping him there.
Not that Peter had any intention of letting go.
“I’m sorry,” she sobbed, “I’m so, so sorry. I make a mess of everything.”
Peter hardened. “Look at me.”
When Charlie refused, he wrapped his palm gently under her chin and pulled her face to his.
“Look at me. Don’t you ever – ever ­– apologize for something that isn’t even close to your fault. Understand? You are my friend, and I will always be here no matter what, do you hear me?”
Charlie felt dry as a bone, like she shouldn’t be able to cry anymore, but more tears found their way down her cheeks. She nodded, crumbling back into him like a pile of bricks. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her and willing the crumbling pieces to come back together.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“Always,” Peter replied.
To be honest, he didn’t even know what was going on.
Tony hadn’t told him much about Charlie, he always said it wasn’t his story to tell. But what he had said was that Charlie’s story wasn’t that far off from Peter’s. Peter had his fair share of nightmares, and he too felt the crushing weight of blaming himself for not doing enough, for feeling like he caused everything. And it broke him to see another person feel that way. Every fiber in his body was screaming at him to make sure that Charlie would never have to feel that way again, like she wasn’t enough, when he was positive she was the glue holding what was left of the Avengers together. Hell, sometimes it felt like she was holding Peter together, too. If no one else was there for her to pick her up when she was falling, then Peter would be there to catch her.
Peter stayed with her that night. He had no intentions of going anywhere after what he’d witnessed. When Tony and Pepper came rushing down after FRIDAY’s alert that something was wrong, they pushed the door open slightly to find Peter cradling Charlie in his arms, rocking her back and forth gently. He was talking softly, as if he’d ever stop, about the time that he and May had gone to Coney Island on the Fourth of July to watch the fireworks. He’d gotten mustard all over his shirt from his hotdog, and Charlie giggled at the idea of little Peter with a big yellow smudge of mustard down his front, still beaming with a hotdog in one hand and a wad of blue and pink cotton candy in the other.  
“Let’s leave them,” Pepper whispered silently to Tony, pulling him away and back up the stairs. “Charlie’s well-tended to.”
The next morning, Charlie awoke to find her head resting against Peter’s bare chest. Her arm was thrown across his torso, his own strong arms wrapped securely around her.
No amount of fluffy blankets or fuzzy socks could’ve compared to the warmth Peter was providing her. He was practically a space heater. But as warm as he was, it didn’t seem to be affecting him at all. His skin wasn’t glistening with sweat, and his legs were wrapped up in Charlie’s comforter.
Charlie looked up at him, drinking in his features as the sun slowly began to peek through her curtains. His brown curls were wild, a few draping over his forehead and falling into his eyes. The rest saw fit to stick out in about a million different directions, and Charlie wished in that moment that she could reach up and smooth them down.
She had never seen anything more peaceful.
His pretty pink lips were parted just slightly, and she smiled a little at the slight stubble along his jawline. As her eyes drew downwards along his body, across his broad shoulders and his toned arms, not to mention his chest, Charlie felt herself swallow.
So this was what it felt like.
Charlie had been a shut-in for as long as she could remember. Always home-schooled, usually by Tony or Happy. Always looking to her books for an escape to the outside world. She hadn’t even gone on her first real mission yet, and the ones she did go on were quick escapes to New York, where she sat on the sidelines with Peter and acted purely for surveillance.
She knew they did it to keep her safe.
But that didn’t make her feel any less trapped.
In other words, the only love Charlie ever felt was towards Steve, or Tony, or Pepper, or Happy, or Clint. Her surrogate parents. And they loved her right back as a daughter, so she’d never felt the sting of a love unrequited.
But she’d never felt this kind of love.
Was it even love at all? Charlie couldn’t be sure. But she felt butterflies start to prick at the lining of her stomach, and her heart beat faster in her chest. If it wasn’t love, it was definitely something.
Looking at Peter now, her heart hurt. She didn’t know what she would do if he didn’t feel the same, or if his Spider-Man duties pulled him away. But she did know if life had taught her anything at all, she needed to cherish this sunny morning before it dipped below the horizon and back into the darkness of night.
After all, night seemed to be the only thing Charlie was feeling these days.
So Charlie snuggled back into Peter, pressing herself firmly against his soft skin and taking a big, deep breath in. His smell alone was enough to calm her, and she started to feel herself drifting off to sleep once more.
So, so peaceful.
Later that same morning, Charlie shuffled awake as the sun finally rose fully over the horizon, shimmering through the window and illuminating her face. The bright morning light welcomed her as her eyes blinked open, and she found herself pressed against Peter, her back up against his chest, his arms wrapped protectively around her. Their legs were a tangled mess, his soft snores tickling the skin on the back of her neck, goosebumps rising up each time he exhaled.
His lips were so close to her skin.
So, so close.
She ached to press back just a little, if only to feel the soft press of his lips against her shoulder blade. But instead, she settled for curling into him a little further, nuzzling his forearm with her nose.
It took a moment for her to realize she had awoken with a smile stretched across her lips. 
And one thing was for sure: Charlie really didn’t want to move. 
But her chapped lips and sore throat ached for water from crying so much the night before. She wriggled out of Peter’s grasp and made her way out of her room and into the hallway, ignoring the sound of Peter shifting awake behind her. 
The sound of the TV playing softly greeted her as she padded into the living room, quiet as a mouse in case Tony was asleep on the couch again. Her feet made no sound against the hardwood floors as she slipped down the hallway and out into the wide expanse of the living room, the kitchen (and hydration) just a few feet away. 
Tony’s dark hair was poking out against the back of the couch, Pepper’s blonde hair resting against his shoulder. They sat in front of the TV, still half asleep, and neither of them heard Charlie sneak into the living room. Neither of them heard her intake of breath at what was on the TV, either. 
But still, as Charlie caught sight of the news footage struggling to keep up with the now war criminal Steve Rogers, she froze.
She’d recognize him anywhere. 
And she thought her throat was dry before. 
But now as she watched him flit across the screen in front of her, Natasha on his flank, she felt a whole new kind of parched. Her heart ripped clean out of her chest and fell to the ground beneath her, her soul right along with it, and she no longer had any power to move.
He looked so different. 
His hair was longer. It was still the same shade of dirty blonde, but it almost reached the nape of his neck. She could just make out the beginnings of a beard streaking across his jawline, ruining his perfect skin with harsh lines of stubble. Charlie crumbled seeing him in front of her, and it took all of her strength not to fall to the floor beneath her. 
He’d really let himself go. 
If there was one thing she knew about Steve, he was as clean cut as could be. Always well shaven, always with trimmed hair. Always perfect. She knew deep down he kept himself that way so others around him could feel like they wouldn’t have to. Seeing him now, haggard and far too rough around the edges for her liking, felt like a swift kick to her ribs. 
He was alive, thank god, and as real as the daylight pouring into the room around her. 
And she hadn’t been enough to convince him to stay. 
This is your fault. 
You made him like this. 
You ruined everything.
Peter trailed into the living room then, pulling his shirt over his head to cover his bare torso. He was still rubbing the sleep from his eyes when he nearly stumbled into Charlie. He caught himself as he nearly smacked into her, and his mouth opened as he caught sight of her. He was so close to asking her what was wrong. But as he looked from her tear-streaked face to the TV still lighting up with Steve’s face, he didn’t have to. 
Peter could feel she was on the edge of full-blown panic just from watching her face suddenly blanch. Her jaw was hanging open slightly, but she wasn’t able to speak. Only small, barely audible squeaks left her lips. 
So Peter pulled her away, before Tony and Pepper could even notice. He hauled her back into the safety of her room, closing the door silently behind him. When he turned back around, she was facing away from him, her head hung slightly and her shoulders slumped over. 
All she could do was just...stand there. The tears streaming down her cheeks didn’t even register with her, and at this point, she couldn’t even tell if she was breathing or not. 
But that was because she wasn’t. 
Peter stepped forward until his chest was mere inches from her back, his hands coming up to gently press against her shoulders. He stroked her there, his fingers grazing against the skin of her upper arms. 
Suddenly, she collapsed into him, a weak whimper escaping her lips as she finally breathed out, and he had to catch her in his arms before she crumbled to the ground. He sank down with her, clutching her to his chest, one hand coming up to press against her head. 
“I know,” he whispered, trying to keep the tears at bay. Charlie wracked with sobs, her throat aching from being so dry. Barely any tears were there anymore, but that did nothing to lessen her cries. 
“I know. I’m here - it’s alright. You’re gonna be alright.” 
As she sat there clutching at Peter’s shirt, Charlie felt his palms press against her back so she was flush against him, his warmth radiating through her. And she thought, maybe for a second, that as long as Peter was there, she would be alright. But then her heart sagged in her chest, and she crumbled further into darkness. It felt like Peter’s chest wasn’t even there anymore. He was trying as hard as he could to hold her together, and she knew that. 
But to Charlie, it seemed that even Peter couldn’t stop the never-ending darkness from trying to swallow her whole.
Taglist: @parrkerspeters @starksparker @madmadmilk @gottaletgopete @hollandroos @parkerpuffwrites @dontmindthefangirling @sunshinehollandd @hollandsosterfield @thewinterslut @aestheticgaybish @eeyore101247 @underoossss @bringmethehorizonandpizza @robbmestarklord @tomthwips @noswagswag @-thatgirloverthere- @thefallenbibliophilequote @marvellousparkerpeter @rosywaifu @maybemona @eridanuswave @deansbbysblog @nellyjan-th
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Kari’s Marvelous 2k Writing Challenge
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Thank you so much, guys. I honestly didn’t expect this blog to grow the way it has when I started it. I love this fandom and I love reading for these characters as much as I love writing for them, so let’s celebrate with a challenge, shall we?
Since I reached the milestone before my 1 year anniversary I will as open up drabble requests using a prompts list - I’ll make a post about that as soon as I can.
Also, check out and please participate in my Spread the Love event for my 1 year anniversary.
This challenge is for you guys to have fun with. I set the due date a few months in the future to make sure you got plenty of time to complete it.
The prompts for this challenge are all dialogue prompts. They are all a little odd and a little sassy. Cause well I am a little odd and sassy ;) On to the rules and have fun Y'all!
Due Date: June 1st, 2019
Word min: 500 words
Word Max: 6k words
Style: It can be a drabble, one shot or beginning of a series. Do not put in in the middle of an ongoing series since I plan on reading them and don’t want to read 10 parts of something to understand the entry.
Fandom: MCU - mostly
Will you read and reblog my fic?
You betcha :D I am behind on reading for previous challenges so patience is a virtue here
When Do I Post?
Right now. Sign Ups start now and end when there are no more prompts or when the due date rolls around
Genre: Anything you want. You have to be over 18 if you write smut and you always have to warn accordingly! Fluff, angst, AUs, and crack are all welcome.
Limits on what you can write: No Mommy/daddy kinks, no non/dub con, no A/B/O, no merpeople. No half animal anything, please. No mobster aus. No monster porn (this counts Venom and Hulk) No glorification on cheating (it’s okay as a plot device but use it with thought), no wife, s/o (even exes) or actor hate in rpfs! - if you got any questions at any time feel free to send me an ask,
Format: State in your A/N that it is for my (until-theend-oftheline) Kari’s Marvelous 2K Challenge. And use the # Kari’s Marvelous 2K Challenge in the first 5 tags.
Pairing and word count also have to be easy to spot in your header!
Submit: After you posted on Tumblr you have to add yourself and your fic to this doc.  If you don’t do this you will not be added to the masterlist I create when the challenge is over. If you got questions - just ask :D
Doc link it case Tumblr is an ass: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16FmPbXuA6oF23M5qiR5jRCSiUpaW_RiDIPUHG_LziBk/edit?usp=sharing
How do I join?
You pick a prompt and a pairing off the list. Send me the prompt number along with a backup just in case and your pairing of choice. ASKS ONLY!! REPLIES, REBLOGS AND IMS WILL BE IGNORED!
There are no limits on the pairings but I only allow 2 people per prompt so think before you sign up. If you don’t think you will be doing it then don’t take the spot from someone else. For now, 1 person can sign up 3 times (one prompt per story). 
Prompts and people are under the cut.
No male readers - gender neutral are fine otherwise female.
General Fics - character or rpf are both fine.
All genders, skin tones etc. OCs are welcome as well.
Sister/daughter/romantic/friendship reader pairings for following are all fine - just let me know which (I prefer romantic or friendship but no pressure):
Sebastian Stan
Chris Evans
Bradley Cooper
Chris Hemsworth
Robert Downey Jr.
Tom Hiddleston
Elizabeth Olsen
Tom Hardy
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Wanda Maximoff
Sam Wilson
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton*
Wade Wilson
Eddie Brock (no monster porn please!)*
Ships (all are allowed as poly with reader too):
Sam x Clint (I don’t know their ship name)
Thor x Valkyrie (also forgot the ship name)
1 “I’ve never been so insulted!” - “You don’t listen much do you?” @jewelswrites-ish (Chris Evans x Reader) / @avengerscompound (Winterhawk)
2 “On a scale of one to Australia. How dangerous are we talking?” @avengerscompound (clintasha) /
3 “When did you become so smart, oh wise one?” - “Since I stopped listening to you.” @writing-mermaid (Tony x sister!reader) /
4 “Seven billion people in the world and you are overreacting because we killed one man.” - “But…” - “Seven billion people! Now shut up and drink your smoothie!” @queen-of-the-avengers (Tony x Reader) /
5 “Oh God. I think I am in love” - “For your sake, I wouldn’t tell her/him that” @docharleythegeekqueen (Winterhawk x Reader) /
6 “Don’t trust him” - “Funny that’s exactly what he said about you” @readitandweepfics (Steve x Reader) /
7 “Children shouldn’t play with guns” - “Who said I was playing”
8 “On a scale of one to ten how bad do you think it would be if….” - “At least twenty” @fangirlfiction (Stucky x Reader) / @queen-of-the-avengers (Tony x Reader)
9 “What’s our exit strategy?” - “Our what?” - “Ohmygod we’re going to die” @acreativelydifferentlove (Steve Rogers x Reader) /
10 “I taught you how to pick locks and this is how you are using that skill?” @messy-random-bitch (Clint Barton) /
11 “What’s the little blinking light mean?” - “It means…. Wait? Blinking?!”
12 “Right now I don’t know if I want to kiss you or push you off the cliff!” - “Can I pick?”  @sweeetmonstrosity  (Sam Wilson x Reader) / @averyrogers83  (winterfalcon x reader)
13 “This is what the third time I crashed my own funeral” - “Fifth” - “Really? That many?”
14 “Bring them home. All of them.” - “But…” - “All. Of. Them.” - “Fine!”
15 “I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you!” - “And I am subtly trying to avoid it.”
16 “What’s with the face?” - “Small fire! I said to set a small fire. Small was important!” @queen-of-the-avengers (Natascha Romanoff x Reader) /
17 “What the hell kinda noise was that?” - “I sneezed.” - “That was NOT a sneeze!” @jewels2876 (Chris Evans x Reader) /
18 “You got blood on your knees. No one goes nowhere and gets blood on their knees.”
19 “Is that blood?” - “No?” - “That’s not a question you’re supposed to answer with another question!” @nekoannie-chan (Steve Rogers x Reader) / @becs-bunker (Stucky x Reader)
20 “Obviously I’ve been gone for way too long. You managed to kill all the houseplants” @awkwardfangirl2014 (Bucky Barnes x Reader) / @queen-of-the-avengers (Tom Hiddleston x Reader)
21 “Don’t you know who I am?” - “Yup. I just don’t care.” @queen-of-the-avengers (Elizabeth Olsen x Reader) /
22 “You’re going to break his heart if you pull a stunt like this” - “He has a heart?”  @keepgrindingwaywardsoul (Bucky Barnes x Reader) /  @yougetkilled-walkitoff (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
23 “Sorry I got a cold and feverish assassin on my lap. I’ll call you back when I convinced him a cold doesn’t mean he is dying.” @keepgrindingwaywardsoul (Bucky Barnes x Reader) /  @acreativelydifferentlove (Steve Rogers x Reader) 
24 “I hate you” - “Why? I’m lovely” @barnesrogersvstheworld (Bucky Barnes x Reader) / @queen-of-the-avengers (Natascha Romanoff x Reader)
25 “You’re one insult away from starting a war” - “That’s presumptuous of you. It already started”
26 “What are you doing in the chandelier?” - “You know. Just hanging out”
27 “Can we please try not to kill anyone today?” - “Well you are no fun”  @kentuckybarnes (Bucky Barnes x Reader) /
28 “You missed!” - “I never m… FUCK!”
29 “You nearly took my head off!” - “I told you to dug didn’t I?!” @raqnorok (Bucky Barnes x Reader) / 
30 “If you weren’t so goddamn annoying I would kiss you right now” - “Well if you weren’t such a pain in the ass…. Wait what?”  @tranquil—heart (Steve Rogers x Reader) / @awkwardfangirl2014  (Chris Evans x Reader)
@ifyougetkilled-walk-it-off @captain-rogers-beard @dolphinpink310 @grace-for-sale @docharleythegeekqueen @rebelslicious @thorne93 @hillywooddestiel @peterman-parker @queen-of-deans-booty @acreativelydifferentlove @emilyevanston @blacktithe7 @becs-bunker @roxyspearing @blacktithe7 @cassiefanfic @readitandweepfics @kayla-of-shield @fangirlextraordinaire @thatfanficstuff @danijimenezv @hopes-archer @marvel_madam08 @averyrogers83 @thelookingglassalice @slowlywithfreedom @awkwardfangirl2014
And a few others cause I love their writing
@jewels2876 @becs-bunker @roxyspearing @barnesrogersvstheworld @sebs-potato @moonbeambucky @tropicalcap @softlybarnes @bucky-at-bedtime @evanstarff @fangirlfiction @i-dont-do-rpfs @avengerscompound 
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tvehyungs-gf · 6 years
waste it on me    -
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☍ Genre: Angst, i am in love w/ this song n i have it on repeat jdhnjaf, also sorry that it’s short as hell ☍ Pairings: Jungkook x Reader (oc: female) ☍ Requested: no! ☍ Word Count: 1.5K ➝ ask box ➝ bts writings masterlist ➝ w.i.p.s
“Through all of the billions of people in the world, Y/N, we found each other. We both found each other tonight and I don’t want to let you go off into the crowd because if I do... I may not be able to see you again.”
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Jungkook is an average college student, with average grades, and an average family. But what made him stand out was his indescribable beauty. Jungkook was sculpted by Michaelangelo himself and he sure as hell knew that. And that’s what made the average college student a target of heartbreak. 
Jungkook is a romantic, a total lovers boy. He loves watching cheesy romance films and he loves treating his significant other with absolute care by giving them all the love and attention that they deserved. Jungkook was basically someone that you would want to bring home to your mother, and he was also someone that got his heart broken too many times.  
Girls loved breaking his heart... by using him. He is gorgeous, kind, and an overall a sweetheart but girls would use him to get their parents off their back or to get their ex boyfriend jealous. But with Jungkook seeming like he was the perfect yet average boy, why did so many girls break his heart? Well, because he always met up with the wrong ones... Until he met you.
But the thing is, you weren’t the everyday average girl living an average college life. You were a pretty girl who carried a lot of baggage and had a lot of fucking hatred towards love. However, the one thing that you and Jungkook had in common was the broken heart that you both carried. 
And Jungkook knew that from the beginning you didn’t care for love, yet, he couldn’t stop himself from liking you. Even through the many times you helplessly told him that love was absolute shit and just trash, he just didn’t care. He wanted to change your corrupted views on love. Despite the many times Jungkook had his heart broken, Jungkook was still optimistic and hopeful.
Yet, for you, you were pessimistic and hopeless. 
So the question that still remains unanswered was why does Jungkook like your pessimistic self?
Well because besides all your hatred towards love, you were quite the beauty. You're fucking gorgeous and just so right for him. You loved playing games and going on wild adventures. You also didn’t mind waking up at the ass crack of dawn to just go listen to music in his car. You were carefree and outgoing and did I mention absolutely fucking gorgeous?
So besides the fact that you hated everything about love, Jungkook decided to look past that and focus on the real you. The Y/N that Jungkook came to love was the witty, adventurous, intelligent, and independent Y/N who was crazy at the right times. All in all, you were perfect to him and that’s all that mattered.
And tonight was like no other. It was around midnight and the both of you were relaxing by Han River eating snacks. 
“Jungkook, love is such a waste of time. I don’t see how people can just... do that.” You noted looking at a couple that walked pass the two of you. Your face filled with disgust as the couple kissed happily before you. 
Jungkook laughed, “I think they’re cute.”
You raised your brow at the boy, “Yeah it’s all fun and games until he cheats on her and leaves her stranded with a 2 month old baby and doesn’t pay child support.” 
“Y/N...” Jungkook looked at you with wide eyes. “Jesus...”
You shrugged your shoulders, “It’s true. I mean, we see it happen all the time. So what’s the point of being in a relationship if it’s just going to go down to shit?” You rolled your eyes before looking away. 
“I don’t think that quite true, to be honest.” 
You raised a brow. “And why not?”
“Because,” He sat up straight. “Not everything will go to crap like you think it will. Not everyone has bad intentions.
You shook your head, “I just think that love is a waste of time.”
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“Love is a waste of time.” You said to the boy before you. Jungkook rolled his eyes as he gripped on your cold hand. “Love doesn’t exist. It’s all just a fragment of our imagination.”
Jungkook let out a small laugh of amusement. “You’re really something, Y/N.” He shook his head ever so slightly as he laughed. “I want to change your views about love.”
You laughed, “Well, good luck.”
Jungkook shook his head again before pulling you with him towards the park. “You keep saying love a waste of time but have you even gave it chance?”
As the both of you sat down a set of swings, you faced each other. “Yeah.” You said not really wanting to talk too much about your past love affair. “And I regret it. It’s just too painful so why bother.”
Jungkook stood up abruptly before pulling you up with him, his hands holding onto yours. “Can I tell you something?”
“I like you Y/N.” He confessed. 
Your heart ached. “Jungkook...”
“No Y/N, listen. I keep hearing you say this and that about love, but you only ever experienced it once and it wasn’t a good one from what I can tell. And I want to see you give it another chance. You experienced one bad relationship and now you’re all grumpy about love and it starting to make me a little bit annoyed. I really like you Y/N, and I also want to see you move past that damn relationship and move on.”
I shook my head. “I- I can’t.”
“No.” Jungkook shook his head. “You can. I know you can Y/N. Don’t you feel the same way about me? You can’t possibly say that not once have your heart began to race in excitement.”
“No.” You lied. You can’t let him know - you couldn’t. Because every time your heart began to beat for him, you would suppress all your feelings and emotions back down into the dark pits of your heart. Why? Because you keep thinking of your past relationship and how to you, how it seemed so likely for Jungkook to follow in the steps of your ex and break your fragile heart.
“Not for anyone?”
You shook your head. “No...”
“Then tell me why you’re shaking... Tell me why your eyes are tearing up.”
“Because I can’t let my emotions get the best of me, Jungkook.” You breathed out and closed your eyes for a second. “Love is a waste of time.”
“If love is more than a waste of your time,” He began. His voice was now quiet and low, yet it resonated through you. It pierced through your body easily as if it has done it before. His eyes that bored into yours held such emotion that you couldn’t decipher which one it was. Was it eagerness? Determination? Sadness? All of them mixed together? You couldn’t tell.
Your heart began to beat fast and it made you anxious. 
“Why not waste it on me?”
You scoffed as you pulled away from the 21 year old man. You couldn’t help but laugh as your head fell back as you closed your eyes. “Honestly,” you looked at the distraught boy in shame. “I wish I could but you know where I stand.”
Jungkook shook his head as you let go of his warm hands. “I’m no stranger to the heartbreak and the pain of always letting go, Y/N. I more than understand what you’ve been through. But I’m not going to let that pain and heartbreak stop me from moving on and loving someone else.”
“You make it sound so easy to move on but in reality it more than that.” You shook your head. “And you don’t know about anything I’ve been through, Jungkook. You don’t know how hurt I got or how much trauma I’ve been through.”
“Then let me be the one to pick up the pieces. I may not know your secrets, but I want to be the one to help you, to be able to guide you into the light of righteousness and love.”
You rolled your eyes, “I want to see you try.”
Jungkook sighed, his hands reached out for yours again. You made no efforts to move them away. “Let me try, Y/N. I know... that it’ll be hard to change your mind, and there’s possibly no way to make this right, but let me the one who at least tried.”
With his hands gripping onto yours, Jungkook pulled you closer to him. “Through all of the billions of people in the world, Y/N, we found each other. We both found each other tonight and I don’t want to let you go off into the crowd because if I do... I may not be able to see you again.”
You looked away. 
“Please?” One of his hands slipped away from your left hand before he placed his hand on your chin, putting your attention back onto him. “Waste your time on me...”
Biting onto your lower lip, your mind wavered into multiple thoughts until you found the answer to his awaiting question.
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