#i honestly cried writing this
dewdropdinosaur · 2 months
The Reason You Loved Me Before
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Summary: Lucifer had long forgotten you, at least that is what he told himself before he saw you again. Warnings: Lillith doesn't really exist in this Based on a few notes from @pixie-skull
Lucifer Morningstar, dressed in his signature tailored suit and with a swagger that announced his entrance before he even spoke, strolled through the grand lobby of the Hazbin Hotel. The less than opulent surroundings, though he meant no harm to the hand painted signs, were a sharp contrast to his dress.  He was here on a personal quest, driven by whispers of a past he hadn’t anticipated revisiting. Charlie, after the 456th hand scribbled invite, had just called her father and invited him to the Hotel; of which his depression quickly took note of and ceased to exist for those few moments. 
As he surveyed the hotel's decor with a mix of disdain and curiosity, his sharp eyes caught sight of a figure near the bar—a handsome man holding a child’s hand. Lucifer’s heart skipped a beat. The sight brought back memories of him and Charlie, but a twinge of something else. Approaching closer to the man, whose face was skewed from the way he was facing, Lucifer struggled to get a look he so desperately wanted. 
“Ahem. Hello there, my name is Lucifer. It’s a pleasure to meet another resident of my daughter’s hotel.” Lucifer extended his hand to the man who turned to face him. 
With wide eyes and jaw slack, Lucifer felt his knees almost buckle. It couldn’t be…no no…they ought still be in Heaven! 
“No need for the frilly introductions, Luci.” 
The years had not been kind to Y/N. His once-brilliant feathers were now a muted grey, and his celestial radiance had dimmed. Yet, his presence exuded a warmth that Lucifer recognized instantly. With a mix of trepidation and hope, Lucifer approached.
“Y/N” Lucifer said softly, his voice betraying a vulnerability he rarely allowed himself to show. “I never expected to see you here.”
The two old lovers stood in silence for a moment, the weight of their shared past hanging between them. It was Y/N who broke the silence, his voice trembling.
“Oh…I…how are—you?” Y/N ran a hand behind his head and chuckled awkwardly as Lucifer tried to regain his composure. 
“Well I—I am well. Just visited the gang you know! Umm..who’s this?”
“Hello mister Lucifer…my name is Matthew!”
Lucifer felt the earth shift beneath him. He approached the child, kneeling to meet the curious gaze of the small being eyes widened with recognition, a spark of something ancient and profound passing between them.
All Lucifer remembered was the fall, at least that's all he would choose to remember. The rest was too painful. The look of Y/N's tear-filled eyes as he descended down into the firey pit he had created, his hand stretched out as if he could hold their hand again. They had made love the night before, sweet and tender, a sinful bliss that neither had known till the other. All of it was over, at least Lucifer thought it was. His darling angel was still in heaven, not down here, and at least with a child.
“I didn’t know,” Lucifer said, his voice choked with emotion. “I never knew.”
Y/N’s  voice was barely a whisper. “After the Fall, I tried to hid Matthew from the celestial and infernal eyes that would have sought him out. I wanted him to have a chance to live in peace.”
Lucifer reached out and gently ruffled Matthew hair. The boy giggled, a sound that felt like a balm to Lucifer’s long-scarred heart.
“I thought you were lost to me,” Lucifer said, looking back at Y/Nl. “I thought that everything we had was gone.”
Y/N’s eyes filled with tears. “I never stopped loving you, Lucifer. Even as I fell, even as I tried to rebuild my life, my heart remained yours.”
The distance of time and pain melted away in that moment. Lucifer took Y/N’s hands in his own, his touch tender and careful.
“Let’s not waste another moment,” Lucifer said softly. “We have your…our son. We have a chance to be a family, to be together.”
Y/N nodded slowly, tears streaming down his face. “Yes. We can make up for the lost years. But that'll take time, Luci. A lot of time." Y/N grabbed Matthew's hand and walked out of the lobby.
The reunion was bittersweet, a promise of new beginnings intertwined with the echoes of a turbulent past. As Lucifer, Y/N, and Matthew shared their first evening together, curtsey of Charlie putting a surprise dinner together, the Hazbin Hotel—known for its chaos and redemption—witnessed a tender moment of rekindled love. The hotel’s flamboyant lights and bizarre ambiance seemed to fade into insignificance as the three of them embraced, united by the unbreakable bonds of love that had endured across realms and time.
For Lucifer and Y/N, the past was no longer a prison but a bridge leading them back to each other. And in the heart of Hell, they found a small, flickering spark of Heaven that promised a future filled with hope and rediscovered love.
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koszmarnybudyn · 10 months
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Here is the slut.
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aphel1on · 9 months
neuvillette's lore is actually insane. we all took one look at him and went "haha dragon🫵" but i significantly underestimated how big of a role he would play. he's the incarnation of the original hydro sovereign. he took back his rule right under the heavenly principles' nose. he's the one handing out hydro visions now (not even because he has to, he doesn't, he just grew so fond of humanity that he chooses to). he gave away the hydro gnosis bc he straight up doesn't need it. he's planning to DETHRONE ALL OF THE ARCHONS (in a few hundred years, when the traveler's not around to see it, so it won't be awkward for them). he's kind and soft-spoken. he's full of vengeful rage. he's a father to hundreds. he found his purpose after feeling lost for 500 years. skirk pulled him aside for a super-secret convo and when he saw us again he immediately spilled the tea. as far as i can tell, he spawned into existence fully formed. no other character can fucking compare
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seriousturd · 4 months
Whenever I feel stressed I doodle Nick in this genre
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demifiendcruithne · 22 days
today on digital devil saga 2 is criminally under-researched (aka crui is a nerd about a 20 year old game)
so i finally got the impulse/opportunity to test out something i've been suspecting for a while but have never seen any documentation on: dds2 has some form of STAB* mechanic with elemental spells for playable characters, based on their associated element (the one they resist + the one their unique gun combos use)
*for non-pokemon folk: STAB == same-type attack bonus. so for example, a chimecho (psychic type pokemon) using extrasensory (psychic type move) will deal more damage than a non-psychic-type pokemon with the same special attack against the same target
i have more tests i intend to make when i have spoons (i'm just grinding mantras for the superboss and noticed it while fighting wild narasimha because that hecker disables my berserker ring), but so far i've tested with my three active characters fulfilling the following:
are fighting the exact same narasimha who has no elemental weakness/resistance/etc (savestates were used and run multiple times; the rng is not fixed until a move is actually used, so i could get multiple data points quickly by making a new savestate every time i loaded it to advance the rng)
have 99 magic
are level 99
have no elemental boost or amp skills equipped
have no rings equipped that may affect damage, outside of boosting magic stat to 99 for consistency
use two different dynes; one of their associated element, and one not. the former consistently did more, and with repeated runs i cannot write it off as damage range.
under cut: many images; by virtue of being in endgame, these will have some spoilers for endgame in plain sight. if you're reading this and haven't gotten to the final dungeon, i highly recommend you go do that and come back later. once you've reached the final dungeon, you're safe to check it out.
(but seriously - i can't stop you, but i highly recommend actually. playing this game first. it's great)
if you're reading this, you've either gotten to the final dungeon or don't care about spoilers; in case of the latter, i'll do a quick explanation of our last party member momentarily. i have been a little misleading because they are. very much a BIG spoiler. but first - gale resists force, and does more damage with zandyne than bufudyne; likewise argilla with earth/teradyne/ziodyne.
(bufudyne was a random pick for gale because i had only five for omoikane reasons, but in hindsight it was a good one...)
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now - for those unaware, this last party member's name is seraph. they're a fusion of two other party members both of said party members were associated with/resisted ice, and i'm near-certain that they also got the boost to bufu spells (i can check this at some point, i have a backup save right before endgame) the same way gale and argilla do.
but what's seraph's elemental affinities? no weaknesses, no resistances. so what does this mean here?
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extra screenshots because the first agidyne was a high roll - literally the highest i've seen on a non-stab unboosted dyne against a narasimha. yet it's still clearly estranged from gale's zandyne and argilla's teradyne.
the other part? seraph's bufudyne does the same as gale's, and the same as argilla's ziodyne and their own agidyne, the same as expected without stab.
i'm not sure what else to say about this thus far besides putting a list of further tests to do eventually / get proper data for:
100s of attempts so it can be statistically analysed better. easy to code the data collection into seraph (my helper program, named after this seraph because. yeah), possibly more difficult to analyse but my partner got me into this game he can deal with the consequences (being asked to do data stuff) :v
including cielo and heat as well, probably after i beat satan and grind them up as a victory lap (in the mantras sense not the internment facility sense)
earlier save reloads for data for serph, sera, and roland - i doubt they'd be any different, but regardless
other elemental spells - both the basic and -la levels, the ma-s, the maxed out mantra ones, and the dances. is the boost approximately consistent?
does it affect combos? i believe it doesn't, same as amp skills and the like (and because i feel like i would have noticed by now), but will get data for both participants initiating
does it affect items? i feel like that's unlikely, but worth trying
is there a 'reverse-stab' for someone's weakness? i don't think so, but i'll get the data for free and if there's a trend i just got to test the ailment damagers for cielo
likewise, is the elemental boost innate like the gun combo elements? almost certainly. but it would be funny if equipping x resist made your x do more damage. and also not really that helpful?
does seraph get a boost on almighty? my first instinct would be yes, purely because of seraph's gun combo doing almighty damage; it's near-useless if you got reincarnate but still worth checking. and if so, does ragnarok behave differently from megido+/last word?
on that note, does seraph resist almighty? i... wouldn't be surprised - status only says no weakness, not no resistance, but almighty resistance tends to be invisible anyway (looking at you, devil survivor 2 that shows everything else) (you're fine just using as an example)
that would be a lot harder to test but if i get a party of seraph / someone with dragon ring / someone else with all maxed stats and just find something with megido+
anything else i might have forgotten
if you hack pyriphlegethon onto heat does it do more damage. i don't think i can test this one but i would. honestly be curious
but yeah. this is pretty cool, maybe i'll check for it in dds1 as well. if anyone else checks any of this out and makes a writeup or anything please ping me i have autistic hyperfocused on jrpg mechanics for over two decades :v
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pers3phone399 · 1 month
sorry babe can't talk rn i'm letting another fanfic completely overtake all of my waking thoughts
(it's "Methyl Nitrate Pineapples" and its sequel "Cherry Bomb Alchemy" by @fablecore (razbliuto on ao3) if you like One Piece OC stories and one (1) emo Surgeon of Death you should go read it too)
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solomiracle · 23 days
something i really hope to see more of in the main story is proper development between barbatos and mc. even by the end of season four, there's still a notable distance between them. i would wanna have more scenes like their conversation when alone during the tail thieves arc in season three, and/or lucifer style where as you get closer with his loved ones (diavolo), he allows himself to be more casual with you
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danidoesathing · 4 months
i keep thnking about like. the parallels between buck and the ghosts in the movie. Johnnie and Buck have the whole "opposites attract" while being eerily similar. A dead man in love with life and a living man in love with death. Coming across each other by complete chance (stars align type chance, pun not intended) and it's so brief but so important to the both of them. They've both already experienced their fair share of the unnatural and the undead so the situation is almost casual to them. Both are lost in these naive ideas of how the world works and are so headstrong they don't stop until it literally kills them. both end up getting blackbrained because of those ideas. Even if buck survived and Johnnie didn't, they're dead men walking.
and then there's Frankie and Buck's love for a person that doesn't love them back. being devoted to the point of self-destruction, even if they're aware of it and know it's going to end badly they still keep going. Frankie's already been down this path and she tries to get Buck off of it but she already knows its pointless. Frankie's constant use of ghost metaphors in her songs with Buck's ability(?) to speak to the dead. the night we met being Frankie's song but the MV is about Buck. they're both doomed by the narrative and doomed themselves, and knowing this changes nothing. god.
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eddie-spielman · 4 months
(i just finished the magnus archives)
(this show has obliterated me)
(thank you all for having me while i go jump off a fucking cliff)
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abysswalkersknight · 10 months
Found this one in my drafts so added it into my list.
Fair warning this really made me sad and I'm the damn author. But this was inspired by the death of the hydro archon in genshin impact and some amazing theories I saw about the knight of dawn. So either way enjoy and tell me what you think!
The castle was quiet.
Everyone had been evacuated due to the coming battle. 
Everyone except a few loyal servants and the royal couple.
The knight of dawn sits upon the steps before the empty throne, it has been empty for some time, neglected by the dragon princess regrettably slain by his own two hands. In his arms lay a sleeping newborn babe just barely a few days old, with silken golden hair like his own and boisterous lungs to match his mother’s. His son rests peacefully, oblivious to the heavy stillness that plagues this dark castle, absent of life and light as the torches had been left cold, the knight draws a soft finger across his son’s cheek.
I wonder how he’ll look in ten years. His beloved, Leia jokingly believed that their baby shall grow to be the spitting image of his father, he dearly hoped not; call him vain but he was well aware of his fine features. And the troubles that came with it. The infatuation of others are not something he’d wish upon anyone.   
It was nice out here, in the blissful silence. For once the knight was free from all worries and troubles, free from all the heavy expectations, free from the thought of what’s to come. Here, it was just him and his child.
The calm before the storm. His mind supplies unhelpfully, the knight’s content smile falls and he sighs through his nose. Yes, it all floods back to him why exactly the castle is as it is, their enemy comes at the ready to rid them off the map, and he’s to hold them off as best he can so that everyone else can run to safety. Thus that thankfully includes his wife and son.
Personally he was worried that Henrik would deny them sanctuary, with the birth of the knight’s son there was a new heir that could challenge him for the throne, and the knight  knew full well how greedy for power Henrik was, knew that he now saw the knight as a broken tool the day he married his beloved.
He knew that this night would also be his last, the odds were too high in their enemy's favour and he was too weak from the endless battles prior, perhaps this was simply another reason why Henrik thought to have him lead the charge, what better way to be rid of a brittle blade than to use it up until it shatters to smithereens?
All he could do was fight long enough so that his family was safe, and by the seven he will fight till his sword can no longer stay in his grasp. Fighting’s all you're good for anyways.
He’s heard what the three great fairies plan to do to keep his son safe, and he is thankful for their help, but a selfish part of him only wishes for another way, to keep his son from a long, unbearably lonely slumber. He’s only agreed for the promise of his boy living a happy, peaceful life with someone who will truly love the child as he surely does, one devoid of the pain and sorrows of war. 
A world in a time of peace, what a pleasant thought. He’d only wish that he’d get to experience it with his family, but if his son gets to live through such a life then he shall be content with that. I wonder what you’ll do when you're older, will he carry a sword like his father? Or perhaps have a more quiet hobby? Will he make any friends? Someone who he can compete with, to help each other reach new heights? What will his favourite food be? Will he have an affinity for animals as well? The knight wasn’t sure about blessings being inherited but he'd love to see what becomes of it. He lifts his child up to his cheek, one of the only places deprived of glistening cold silver, breathing in the milky scent that all infants had, and felt his heart twist painfully as eyes beautiful as the rising dawn slowly blink up at him.
He’d love to see who this tiny little babe becomes, even if only for a moment…
Oh! Birds and other wildlife seem to have flocked down to one of the windows, as silent as possible as to not startle the infant, just watching them. The knight knew why they were there, they were there to say farewell, among them were the families of various animal friends he’s made in the past, of the ones who helped care for him when he was young. He stands up with his baby in his arms and goes to greet his old friends, the smallest of the birds gather round the babe’s blanket while a deer sniffed at his golden hair. Sweet giggles fill the room and as the knight smiles fondly at the scene he almost fails to notice a strange new arrival.
Time seemed to slow, for squeaking pleasantly to the child from above on the window sill, was a tiny bat. It was so peculiar, normally they preferred to keep to themselves. Usually the knight was not one who typically believed in signs or omens, but something about this bat stirred something in his chest, and he suddenly recalled that day when he was thrown into the waterways, of that fae who held the princess’s egg with such tenderness, the bat is now nuzzling his babe with a similar softness and he too reaches out a finger to stroke it’s fur, which it didn’t take too kindly to, snapping at his hand with such an insulted look upon its face that the knight nearly laughed, somehow the look reminded him of the tales told of the general of the right, its with this thought that he wonders if the general had made it to safety that day. If my guess is right he may as well have, he thought once the bat finally let him scritch under its chin, he knew deep in his heart that if it was to be fated then he could think of no one better to take care of his child despite their being enemies. 
I wonder what name he’ll give you.
Beyond the horizon the knight could faintly see the first rays of dawn stretching across the pinkening sky. 
Ah, it appears our time together is coming to a close. 
While he knew what was to come, faced with death he still found himself a little afraid. Was this what the Princess felt when she had to leave her egg? He thinks feeling his breath stutter and fingers curl tighter around his bundle.
He presses one final gentle kiss to the babe’s forehead. I apologise for leaving you like this my son, he tucks his treasured ring around the boy’s neck, please forgive your fool of a father.
The hour of his execution is almost here.
In a way this felt deserving, it was just like that day, leaving slashed bodies in his wake, the glare of dawn beating down upon rivers of red and iron. Only this time he knew full well what he was fighting for.
I pray that he won’t become what I was.
His strength wanes, his helmet laid cracked and caved in on the floor like scrap metal, leaving his determination visible to all.
My dearest little one.
Should you ever raise a sword like I.
The morning sun gazes down upon the knight, upon the gleaming sword painted a lustrous crimson in his chest, his failing vision fixed on the beautiful briar crawling along the castle, he gives one last smile for his sleeping son.
I pray that you will carry it with pride and for a life you truly strive for.
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puppyeared · 5 months
i think the reason why im so drawn to spirit tracks and pkmn scarvi is that having the legendary/princess as a companion rather than a goal that marks the games completion makes me feel satisfied the way i would after helping a friend
my brother always teases me about how I still havent finished botw after almost 7 years bc "id rather be out picking flowers" which i wont say is untrue. and yes i know Zeldas been holding off ganon for 100 years, yes i can get some sort of idea what her relationship with link was like by recalling memories and going through her diary. ive always loved botw for its unique storytelling and setting which makes it stand out, because it lets you get to know who you're saving.
but because theyre memories, it only works if theres something for the player to investigate that already happened. its retroactive (but effective nonetheless)
on the other hand, spirit tracks does something similar but instead of having the player try to piece together memories and interpret them as a spectator, you actually have an opportunity to get to know zelda yourself by talking to her and working together. besides making it a gameplay mechanic, giving the player control over how they interact with zelda makes it so much more personable.
and I find that making the goal feel personal instead of an obligation gives me more of a reason to work towards it. I know what kind of person botw zelda was but as the player, shes still very much a stranger to me. but spirit tracks zelda? thats my friend!!!! she invited me to go to the beach after we get her body back!!! i dont want to whip her to make her move faster thats mean :(
you know how hostage negotiators are trained to introduce themselves and get to know the person theyre negotiating with because its harder to hurt someone when you know what their favorite food is? its kinda like that, because it feels like im helping a friend than being told or led to do smth
and although i havent played scarvi myself, i feel an attachment to koraidon and miraidon even just watching playthrough clips because its like!! thats my weird scaly dog!! it loves sandwiches and we're friends!!! you know!!!!!!
#i dont normally write long posts like this but i think ive been trying to put this into words for a long time and it finally happened#my cloth mother spirit tracks zelda and my wire mother lttp zelda#ACTUALLY ANOTHER THING when i was a kid i always felt guilty when i had to catch the legendary at the end of the game#because to me it was like 'i know none of this is real but if i capture you and have you under my thumb am i robbing the world of something#normal thoughts for a 10 year old to have#when i talked to my brother abt this he was like 'i mean yeah the point is to dunk on the NPCs what were you expecting' and i mean i think#i get that its supposed to feel rewarding because the legendary is THE reward. but it doesnt feel right and i dislike he feeling of pushing#others down to get ahead. i guess u can argue sun/moon does smth similar where you have nebby with lillie#but lillie still ends up handing nebby over to the player and i STILL feel bad because im like shit man you raised that little guy#and koraidon/miraidon feels less like a reward but more like overpowered motorcycle lizard that is just so oupydog. and i love him#and in spirit tracks i went out of my way doing some of the side quests bc zelda asked nicely and honestly that was enough for me#i think all of this boils down to.. i feel very protective abt things i care abt so stories that give me a reason to care hits harder#this can also go the other way bc i CRIED when i finished links awakening because i KNEW every person and im responsible for#literally the end of their world. like. there was a family with 5 kids. marin loved singing and cared about me. she was my FRIEND#i just. ugh. i have too many feelings rn. i kinda wanna draw more spirit tracks link and zelda i think that wld make me feel better#yapping#diary#loz#pokemon
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daydadahlias · 24 days
If I have to see another post making fun of Ashton’s grammar with that Sabrina Carpenter lyric I’m probably going to lose it tbh. Like, I know it’s “all in good fun” or whatever but I can’t shake the feeling of distaste and disappointment it fills me with because Ashton can’t even come online to share something sweet and exciting without people making fun of him or calling him stupid.
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kingaegond · 1 year
Modern! Aegon x Reader
Warnings: Toxic relationship, alcohol consumption, angst, comfort, fluff
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Since she had move in with Aegon, things had improved so much. Aegon was no longer spending late nights partying and getting drunk to the point of not being conscious, instead loving her and laying next to her, sleeping softly until the morning came.
Due to the Targaryens being as powerful and rich as they were, its was very easy for Aegon to ask for an apartment of his own to share it with her and she had never been happier. Despite both of them still being in university, their little home life made them truly happy.
They never thought arriving home could bring them such a feeling of joy, but it did. Everytime Aegon came home and encountered her beautiful brown eyes looking at him and her smile, he felt loved, something he hadn't ever felt before. Everytime she came back and found him there, with his beautiful sad blue eyes, she just wanted to cross the space inmediately and let her soft touch melt any sadness away.
But something had suddenly changed, Aegon would come home late, founding her already slept. She would wake up in the middle of the night, but he seemed to be so far away, perhaps drunk?, she didn't want to know the answer.
A week passed and her worries only worsen. Aegon would come in the middle of night, wouldn't talk to her, wouldn't touch her, and given their appetite for eachother, she started to think he didn't love her or like her or want her anymore... It was unbearable, so she decided she needed an explanation, before leaving.
She made her things and waited awake in the living room until Aegon came back. It was the middle of the night as Aegon walked through the door and saw her, her back was turned to him as she was sitting in the couch and her luggage was next to her in the Living room.
All these nights, some nights he drank, some nights, he didn't, but even then he just pretended to be drunk. As he saw her luggage, he knew what was coming, he already expected it, he wanted to cry right then and there, but he just pretended to be drunk and walked up to her.
-So you are leaving?- Aegon said with all the indiference he could muster. But his indiference was melting away as he saw her eyes, she had been crying.
He wanted to comfort her inmediately, but then he reminded himself that that was all he was good for, he thought he would never make her happy, not as happy as she deserved to be.
-Yes, Aeg... I'm sorry...- She tried to avoid the tears that were spilling out of her eyes- I'm sorry I couldn't help you... I just want to know why?- She couldn't avoid the tears anymore, as they were making their way trough her cheeks- I get that you... don't love me anymore... but please don't do this Aeg... you've improved so much, please don't lose yourself again...
Aegon just stood against the wall, silent, he wouldn't look her in the eye.
She couldn't believe that after all they had been trough, Aegon wouldn't even spare her a glance. She grabbed her things and make her way towards the door, but then she felt his embrace. His arms were crossed under her breast so tightly, she could barely breath, his breath grazing her neck. He wasn't drunk.
She was ready to ask him to let her go, but then she felt his tears in her neck.
-Please... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Please don't leave me... - All the pain he had been holding within came to the surface as his tears started falling.
Part of her wanted to leave, but she couldn't. She loved Aegon too much, she had seen him, her Aegon and the love he had for her in his beautiful blue eyes.
-Aeg, please talk to me...
Aegon loosen his grip and she turned to face him, his beautiful blue eyes were so sad...
-I... I saw you that day, when I went to pick you up on my bike. You were smiling... you were talking to Jace and...
-Aeg, Jace is just friend... nothing ever happened between us, is that why you've been acting like this?... why?...- She felt her blood boiling and her eyes tearing up, did he truly distrust her that much?
-I... it's not that. I know you, love. It's just, I... You looked so happy smiling next to Jace and he could... he would... make you happy. He's everything i'm not... and you deserve better... It's just a matter of time before you leave... me...-His voice turning into a whisper.
She touch his cheeks and caressed the tears away.
-I love you Aegon, I love you... I just thought you didn't want me anymore...
Aegon looked her in the eyes, her broen eyed gaze melting him inside.
-I love you Y/N. I'm sorry I did all of this... I thought I could let you go, find someone better... you deserve someone better...but I can't...I love you... I need you.
-Aeg, listen to me, I love you and I won't leave you. Please don't do this ever again, just talk to me, please?
Aegon nodded and layed his head on her chest, she hugged him tightly and caressed his white blonde hair softly. His tears were spilling freely, as were hers.
-Do I make you... Happy?
-Aegon, you have made me the happiest, when you make me pancakes on sunday's mornings and you always remember to buy me honey on tuesdays on your way home or when you make sure my shoelaces are tied so i won't trip... -She wanted to stopped them but the tears kept flowing out of her eyes.
-I love you Y/N and I'll do anything to make you happy, I love you.
Aegon caressed her cheeks as he swept away her tears. He kissed her eyes and then her lips. Its was soft, tender, loving, his touch soothing her, promising her all the tenderness, love and happiness he could with each touch.
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Studying biology is so fun. Like, no sarcasm, it’s just fun because Zoology includes anatomy and medicine and now I have to study bones and the nervous system and just the whole human body.
And like…this knowledge is so good for writing whump -.-
Also having a mom who’s a doctor is good for writing whump.
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the---hermit · 8 months
me: i'm too tired to review my notes for tomorrow's philosophy exam again
also me: *spends one hour and a half studying Irish vocab and grammar*
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gemkun · 3 months
gem actually writing for once ? insane
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