#i heart g/t
im-a-heartstomper · 2 years
can u pls write something g/t + lumity? i don’t have any ideas but like… they would be sooo good w g/t. maybe giant luz and tiny amity but either works :) tysm!
Setting: After they got together, but before shit got real plot-wise
Tiny: Amity
"Giant": Luz (She's just normal sized)
"Oh my Titan." Amity muttered to herself as she looked at her girlfriend, who was now massive compared to her. Luz quickly got on the floor to meet her tiny girlfriend's eyes, trying to be as gentle as possible despite her panic. "OH MY-" Luz realized she was being too loud for Amity's now tiny ears too handle. "Sorry. Oh my gosh, Amity. I am so sorry. I didn't think testing out glyphs with you would go so wrong..." Luz covered her face in shame. Amity was taken aback by the current situation, but extremely ready to comfort her girlfriend. "No, Luz!" she ran toward Luz and hugged her thumb. "It's okay! We can figure this out." She let go of Luz's thumb, and their eyes met. Amity put a small hand on Luz's face. "We'll figure this out together, mi amor."
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Luz sniffled. "You're learning Spanish..." she smiled. "Um... I have something to ask you." she slowly got up so she didn't startle Amity, stayed on her knees, and offered Amity her hand. Slowly, Amity got onto her hand, and Luz escalated Amity close to her face. "What is it? I'm listening." Amity asked. "Um- Well, back in the Human Realm, I was really into this trope called g/t. It stands for giant / tiny. Um, I've always wanted to do things related to that trope, and well, this is the perfect opportunity. So, can we please wait to figure this out?" Luz looked ashamed, and stared at Amity hopefully. "Of course. What did you have in mind?" Amity said, happily. "Oh my gosh, thank you Amity!" Luz exclaimed. Without warning, Luz cupped her hand as to not knock her over, and gave Amity a kiss.
"Oh! Sorry, I'm just happy." Luz giggled. Amity's face became red, and she looked at Luz lovingly. "It's okay, I don't mind." she tucked her hair behind her ear. "Well... I was hoping we could cuddle for a little while?" Luz said, hopefully. Amity quickly nodded, and looked away bashfully.
A few hours later, there was a knock at Luz's door. Stirring, she opened her eyes and looked down at her chest, where she held her tiny girlfriend with one hand. She smiled, and felt an overwhelming wave of happiness. She was here with her girlfriend, and for a second, It was all that mattered.
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But then she remembered why she woke up. She carefully got up off of her sleeping bag, and put her girlfriend in her pocket extra carefully. She opened the door, and saw Eda. "Hey kid, you left your notebook downstairs. Also, a giant pile of glyphs." Eda explained. "What's that in your pocket?" she asked. "Oh, nothing! I'm kind of hungry, haha." Luz attempted (and failed) to get the focus off of her pocket. Eda gave her a look of concern. "Kid, what's in your pocket?" she insisted. "Um... well..." Luz anxiously tried to come up with a coverup. "It's..."
Yes. To be continued. It's now like 1:20 I'm tired and I've waited too long to post this. I need to post this. Part two soon <3
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so-very-small · 3 months
when. when the giantess has a tiny girlfriend. peace and love on planet earth.
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waldherz · 2 days
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Hope is the only thing stronger than fear …
( W A L D H E R Z ) ── A GUARDIAN in search of the TRUTH, her kind heart thirsting for REVENGE , entangled in the threads of FATE ... Is her DESTINY her DOWNFALL ?
(carrd) (board) (rules)
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── independent , low to semi - active potrayal of the original esteria silvershade, based & crafted for fakevz/ ger&eng. Please read the rules before interacting.
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thefanciestborrower · 19 days
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This was supposed to be for vore day but I’m lazy so here it is nearly a month late lmao. Anyways Vulcan innards are so fun to draw help
@vore-scientist enjoy :)
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ravetillyoucry · 5 months
finally got around to doing that illustration I wanted to do from TAOLAW by @fireflywritesgt :D
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Theory: we know that in “dealing with intrusive thoughts” Remus showed everyone that he eats deodorant right? BUT BUT BUT it was confirmed that VIRGIL used to be a dark side too right? But Virgil acts sort of surprised when Remus said he ate deodorant meaning that it has to be a habit that Remus picked up AFTER Virgil left. Is it just me or does it sort of give off the vibe of someone drinking Alcohol when an ex or something leaves because they’re sad? It could imply that Remus felt bad when Virgil left so he began eating deodorant to cope with it. Like someone over eating or “smoking” to cope with something (But Remus does it with deodorant cuz he’s Remus Yk?)
Just something I noticed lol
Okay I see you and I hear you B U T what if Vee was pretending not to know due to making it seem like he was never close to Ree in front of Character!Thomas to not raise suspicion? Cause why would manz need to glance around in a way like "Yeah guys I don't know what the fuck he's on about normal people don't do that" y'know?
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tea-potato-gt · 2 months
The Biggest Heart Story: Stør’s Job (Part 1)
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Summary: A story of blossoming young love between a Giant and a Water Nymph. Mizu can’t explain it, but she feels like she needs to see her giant friend, Stør. Little does she know of the surprise that awaits her on the farm the giant teenager works on. (Very early stages of their relationship.)
Kæmpe Stør Giant (17yrs - 36ft) & Mizu Rivers Water Nymph (18yrs - 5’6)
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More on The Biggest Heart story here
Part 2 here
3k words
"Is Stør home?" Mizu asked nervously, clutching her blue hands to her chest.
"No I'm sorry, Mizu, he's at work right now." Stør's human father, Joseph, said.
"Work?" Mizu repeated. She didn't know Stør had a job. Or more accurately, she didn't know he COULD have a job. She couldn't imagine many grocery stores were looking to hire a 36 foot high schooler to man the check out lines.
"Yeah, Kæmpe works odd jobs for the local farmers. Right now he’s at Old Briar’s place down the road." Joseph read the confusion on the Water Nymph's face. "He should be done soon if you want to wait here---"
"I'll go to him!" Mizu interrupted. She realized how rude she must have sounded, her already blue face became a darker shade and she couldn't make eye contact with the human before her. "S-sorry... I don't want to intrude on you and your family... I-I just need to talk to Stør about our class project really quick."
Joseph smiled at the young girl's flustered face, "no worries, Mizu." He took out a pen and paper from a nearby drawer and wrote the address of Old Briar’s farm and handed it to a very stiff Mizu. "I'm sure he'll be very happy to see you." Joseph gave her a wink and closed the door.
Mizu stood on the doorstep for a few moments, holding the piece of paper, face turning a dark shade of blue.
Walking down the dirt road became increasingly nerve wracking with every shaky step Mizu took.
Mizu felt ridiculous. Why was she there? Appearing unannounced at Stør’s house no less! She had been there a few times before, but never alone. Strega (Stør and Mizu’s mutual friend) always dragged her along to hang out. When Strega's friend got together, there were very few places they could all go if Stør was involved. This usually meant they just watched movies in his room or swam in the sea by his house.
But Mizu had never invited herself over before. Why was she doing this to herself?? Maybe she should just go home. The questions she has about their project could be easily answered with an email. She'd worked with Stør before on projects using email and video chats as their main form of communicating. Why did it feel like she needed to see and talk to him in person right now?
“That’s it! This is stupid. I’m going home.” Mizu huffed out loud to herself. The anxiety was becoming too much for her to handle. “I’m so stupid!” She repeated as she turned around.
Little did she realize, she had already arrived at Old Briar’s farm.
She felt the ground tremble slightly. Mizu's eyes widened as the treeline started to shake. She heard a low strained grunt.
Curiosity got the best of her. Mizu walked further down the road, following the sound, attempting to figure out what it was.
Old Briar’s farm was quite large, and surrounded by trees of various kinds, sizes, and thicknesses. There was a stretching field of crops that bordered the trees and went up and over the hills nearby. The property was surrounded by a wooden fence that came about shoulder height on Mizu.
She walked parallel to the fence till she made it to the edge of the woods where she finally spotted it--- him.
About 50 feet away from Mizu, there on the edge of the woods, stood Stør.
He was hunched over and gripping a large tree. It was tall enough to reach his mid torso. His large hands barely grasp fully around the trunk. It looked like the branches were scratching up his inner arms as he tried to get a better grip on the tree.
He wore a white tank top, covered in sweat from the hot afternoon sun, blue jeans, and thick work boots. (Once again, Mizu was amazed by the magic created to let a giant wear human clothes on a grand scale.)
Mizu could almost forget how tall Stør really was. From this far away, she could imagine her classmate as a normal sized teenager weeding in his backyard.
But the illusion quickly dissipated with a horrible wrenching sound coming from the tree as Stør used all his strength to uproot the plant and free its hold in the ground. Twigs and roots snapped and leaves scattered.
Mizu stared. She couldn't believe her eyes. As he exerted himself, she saw the muscles on his arms bulge. She never noticed how toned Stør was. In the three years Mizu had known him, she had only seen him wear baggy long sleeved shirts, even on the hottest summer days.
Rationally she knew Stør had to be strong. He was a 36 foot tall giant, of course he has to be strong compared to an average human. But watching him rip a massive tree out of the ground like it was nothing really cemented something Mizu had been thinking about since she met him…
Stør is holding himself back.
Mizu had heard Stør briefly mention his status of living on Noma. Being the only giant on the small Island nation led to a lot of red tape and trepidation when it came to his presence. Any mistake he makes could result in dire consequences for himself or others.
Stør’s life is constantly dictated by rules and harsh punishments.
After closely observing Stør for months, Mizu slowly realized he never lashed out. Even when faced with hatred or bullying or fear, he never retaliated or fought back. No negative words of others ever passed his lips. Stør kept a constant air of calm and control about his actions, features, and body. His movements were always slow and purposeful. He never raised his voice and he definitely never showed his full strength.
But here in this moment, uprooting a tree, when he thought he was alone… For once, Stør didn't need to hold back his strength. He didn't try to make himself smaller for other people's comfort. He didn't need to worry about hurting anyone. No one was running away screaming at the very sight of him.
In this brief moment, Stør was free.
After watching how the world treated Stør, this realization broke Mizu’s heart. Could Stør truly only be his true self in the absence of others? In the absence of his family, friends, or even Mizu herself?
Mizu thought she had experienced every curveball becoming friends with a giant could offer, from learning how to ride on his shoulder to how a giant navigated a world literally too small for his stature. But once again, Stør unknowingly turned her whole understanding of his life upside down.
In the past, Mizu has overheard other students call Stør a freak or a monster. Comments like these always made her see red. How could anyone think less of him? So what if he’s a LITTLE taller than most people? He’s still the sweetest guy Mizu has ever met. It infuriated her to no end.
But then she regrettably remembers the emotions she felt when she first laid eyes on the teenager (in the English class they shared three years ago). She felt nothing short of pure frozen terror. Worried he could at any moment decide to reach his hand through the classroom window and snatch her up from her desk, carrying her off to the gods mnow where, and hurt her.
She (unfortunately) can’t blame people for being afraid of her friend. And it seems Stør doesn’t blame them either.
Mizu watched as Stør regarded the large tree in his grasp. Something she could never hope to lift in her wildest dreams. He turned it from side to side as if admiring the poor tree he just forcefully evicted from the earth.
Then he turned and gently set the tree down in a large pile of other trees that too had been uprooted. A dozen massive trees lay on their sides, roots out for the world to see.
Stør wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked back to the tree line. He grabbed a hold of another tree with both hands. A slightly smaller one, but no less impressive. He looked like he was about to pull when suddenly, Stør looked up and locked eyes with Mizu.
Her body froze. Stør did the same. They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity.
Mizu was the first to find her voice, “Hi.” She called across the feild to him and waved.
This finally broke the spell, Stør quickly let go of the tree in his grasp. He curled in on himself in an attempt to look smaller.
Finally, his brain processed her presence in front of him to and allowed words to form.
“M-Mizu!?” Stør stuttered her name, he blinked rapidly as if hoping she wasn’t standing right there. “I didn’t see you,” Stør quickly grabbed his crumpled up plaid shirt from the ground, threw his arms into it, and immediately began buttoning up his baggy shirt.
Once again, here he was trying to hide himself. Hide his muscular arms in favor of a more round and soft outward appearance. Something more palpable to the average onlooker.
Mizu watched his personality change in real time, from a confident young giant to a scared timid child wishing to be anything other than what he was. Her heart ached at the fact he felt he needed to do this for someone he considered a friend.
“Don’t let me get in the way,” Mizu said as she climbed over the top of the wooden fence and sat on top. “You can keep on working.”
“No, no I was j-just about done anyway,” Stør rubbed the back of his neck, refusing to look at her. “I just need to take these– these to the other side of the property.” He vaguely gestured at the pile of large trees at his feet.
She usually found it cute when Stør stuttered with nerves, but in this moment, it felt like a knife slowly cut through her heart. He wouldn’t even look at her anymore. Stealing herself, she said, “Okay, I’ll go with you.”
Stør did a double take, “Wha— Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Mizu climbed down the rest of the fence and confidently walked across the field towards him.
“Y-you really don’t have to.” Stør sunk further into himself as he kneeled down. “It might-might take a while.”
Mizu shrugged, “I don’t have any plans.” She was now within reaching distance of the giant teenager. She had to look up at him to catch his eye. Mizu had to admit, his slouching and lowering of his body did help with neck pain when it came to keeping eye contact with a giant.
“But still… A-Are you sure, Mizu?”
Mizu rolled her eyes, “Yes I’m sure, Stør.” She was getting impatient.
“Okay…” his voice was unsteady.
Quickly changing topics before he could change his mind, Mizu clapped her hands together excitedly, “So how are we gonna transport these big-ass trees?”
Stør snorted at her abrasive language, he often forgets how foul mouthed this Water Nymph could be. “WE aren’t going to do anything. I just have to– to walk them over the hill to the other side of the farm house.”
“Fine then, since I can’t help you do all the heavy lifting, how about I keep you cool?” Mizu giggled. She held out her hand, and using her hydrokinesis, she pulled water from the surrounding air, “Can’t have you passing out from heat stroke while you do all the heavy lifting.”
Once the sphere of water was about the size of a bowling ball, she flung it straight at Stør’s face. It splashed harmlessly on his cheek, but he still reeled back expecting it to hurt. He slammed his eyes closed, but immediately felt the coolness of the water on his face, it was wonderful. He opened his eyes to find Mizu laughing, “You should have seen your face!”
Stør wiped the (to him) drop of water from his cheek, “Yeah, Yeah.” He rolled his eyes, but as he looked back down at Mizu he became serious. “I’m going to stand now. Is that alright?” He watched her closely for her reaction.
Mizu gave a quick nod. That was all he needed. Placing a hand on his knee as he slowly stood to his full height. He looked down to make sure Mizu hadn’t moved. She did not. Then he went to work.
He reached past the pile of uprooted trees and grabbed a long silver wire. It was huge and thick, she watched as he wrapped the trees in steel rope, which is usually used by giant cranes. He carefully tried the rope around the trees and fastened them in place. Then he lifted the pile of trees up, and using another long steel rope, attached them to his back.
Stør looked back down at his friend with trepidation at her reaction. Would she be frightened? But the look in her eye dispelled that worry. Her eyes were wide, sure, but not from fear. Awe and admiration danced on her face.
Slowly bending down, Stør lowered his free hand in front of Mizu, silently asking for her to climb aboard. Something she has done plenty of times in the past, and had said yes every time, but he made it a point to never grab anyone no matter how well they knew each other.
With his right hand entering her space, Mizu finally blinked and realized she had been staring for too long. She quickly looked away, blushing harder, and got to work.
Concentrating, she conjured up the moisture out of the ground and air. It was relatively easy with the high humidity and it had rained earlier that day. By the time she was done, Mizu had collected about as much water as a jacuzzi could hold. Hoping this would be enough, Mizu stepped onto his hand and began her ascent to Stør’s shoulder.
Now it was Stør’s turn to stare. The water danced alongside Mizu as she marched her way up his arm with a practice stride. Her steps tickled as she made the last stretch and slumped down on his shoulder with a huff. He tried to look at her, but she was too close to his neck that he could only see the top of her head. “Ready?” Stør said in a quiet voice due to her being so close.
Stør felt her grab his earlobe for balance. “Always.” Mizu said. The sphere of water flowed and changed at her whim beside his head, he could hear it splashing and gurgling by his ear like a stream.
With Mizu secured, Stør slowly stood up with a little more trouble than usual. He had to get up from a crouched position with heavy trees on his back weighing him down.
Sitting on Stør’s shoulder gave a view Mizu could never grow tired of. She was astonished to think Stør saw the world like this every day. What would be large rocks to step over, became unnoticeable pebbles in their path. She could see over the treeline and even a little bit of the ocean in the distance.
Stør was about to take his first step towards the farm house, when his breath hitched. A sudden cold sensation wrapped around his neck. Whatever it was it constantly moved like a soft stream around him.
Mizu had held up her end of the deal and created a water based neck wrap to help with the heat. It felt so wonderful on this hot day, that Stør briefly considered asking Mizu to join him every time he was out working. Her company and powers would definitely make the hours he spent in the sun much more enjoyable.
“Damn that feels good, thanks.” Was all Stør said as he started walking. Mizu just hummed pleasantly as she tried to focus on balancing on an ever moving giant shoulder and keeping her water powers stable.
“You can drink some if you want. It’s clean.” She raised a ball of water to his lips. To him it was just a sip, but to her the sphere of water was about the size of her head.
“Not— not right now.” Stør stammered. “Maybe later?” He always felt too awkward drinking her magic, it felt like taking a bite out of her. When he had tasted her enchanted water in the past, it continued to move as if it were alive in his mouth. He knew from his magical species class, any water she touches gets imbued with her essence as long as her magic is linked. To drink water while still activated by her hydrokinesis made him feel icky.
There was a long stint of silence between them. Neither knew what to say, as they passed over the hill. Mizu could tell Stør felt off. “What’s wrong?” Mizu glanced at his worried expression. He continued to stare at the ground, watching his step.
“I-it’s nothing.” Stør said not looking at her.
“Stør, please?” Mizu’s voice was soft in his ear.
He hesitated, several things were wrong right now, but he settled on one. “It’s just… I-I’m sorry if I smell,” Stør dreaded her being so close to him normally, but now the anxiety was unbearable. He had been working in the hot sun for hours resulting in him certainly smelling like body odor and sweat.
Once again she giggled in his ear, a sound that set his soul aflame. “Stør, did you forget what I am?” She splashed his cheek once again with a ball of water to remind him. Water Nymphs’s bodies were made entirely out of water. They have no need to breathe or smell like normal creatures, because they take in oxygen through their skin. They live in dark underground caves filled with water. Their senses are dedicated to their large eyes and ears or to their hydrokinetic powers. “You could jump in raw sewage and I wouldn’t know the difference.”
Stør chuckled to himself, relieved at her reminder of her species. He liked that Mizu was a Water Nymph. He liked a lot of things about Mizu. Her passion and kindness. Her blue hair was made of water and it flowed like a stream through a single drop would never fall to the floor. Her laugh was contagious and sweet as honey. And her smile… Oh Gods, it was a rare treat indeed, if only he could find ways to make that smile never fade… A-And he guessed her being unable to smell his body odor was a bonus too…
The rest of the trip didn’t last more than a few minutes. The pair chatted about nothing in particular, but neither minded, comforted by the other’s presence.
Part 2 here! 🫣
This is my first (published) short story. I usually don’t write stories, I like drawing comics, so any critiques and suggestions are welcome! Thanks!
Find out more about Stør & Mizu in The Biggest Heart master post 😉
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somescrap-paper · 5 months
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I don’t really know how to introduce my Oc’s properly but here you go! This is Wally, my “Entostellian” Oc. An entostellian is the name of the fairy-like species I have. Idk I’m still trying to figure out how my story/world is gonna work 🤷‍♀️, but get ready to see more of my Oc’s coming up •~•
*throws art at you and scurries away*
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gt-jar · 4 months
Not ready to let go
Here's a little something I really wanna include in one of my storys some day.
We all know the "giant finds a sick/hurt tiny and nurses them back to health" trope. It's a classic and I love it.
It usually goes like this:
Tiny is afraid at first, but the giant slowly gains their trust and they become friends.
The perfect combination of angst and fluff.
But that's not what I wanna talk about. I wanna talk about what happens after that:
Eventually the tiny recovers.
Pretty much all of us expect them to stay together, right?
But what if the giant isn't as hopeful?
The giant fully expects the tiny to leave when they are better.
The tiny has no reason to stay with them any longer, they have their own life after all.
The giant knows this and they respect that, but....
....what if they aren't ready to let go?
When the time comes they will let them leave, of course. It's the only right thing to do.
But that doesn't mean it will hurt any less.
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heartthumpnovel · 6 months
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It's just a prank bro!
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im-a-heartstomper · 2 years
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g/t ship dynamics <3
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so-very-small · 6 months
borrower me celebrating after managing to steal an entire bottle of antidepressants from the giant
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cyncerity · 8 months
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mskenway97 · 7 months
Can you do a one-shot, Bayverse Optimus, with an adopted human reader. Based on the song 'More than Anything' from Hazbin Hotel?
anon, I am very happy to make this request, I recently finished watching Hazbin Hotel. I have to say I fell in love with Charlie and Lucifer's father/daughter relationship. So I have approached it this way, Optimus and GN!reader!human know each other from one of the NEST raids at the beginning of the second movie. Let's say you were 8 or 9 years old, no Reader hadn't seen it from age of extinction to the last knight. Reader had 22 years (more or less)
You are part of who I am
Bayverse Optimus Prime x GN!human!reader (adopted)
Words : 2,056
Summary: You had created a proposal for an alliance of humans and cybertronians but not many agreed. You didn't have much means until you had no choice but to call your father. Based in 'More than anything' of hazbin hotel
Warning: g/t fluff and angst, confort, mentions of death, happy ending and surprise
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Y/N was so close to being able to make a dream come true, peace between the two species…. It could be done, it was done once it could be done again. Those days when Y/N missed meeting with the Cybertronians but despite having saved the world. Earth and Cybertron would be side by side.
There was quite a bit of disagreement about forming an alliance again, there was a lot of chaos and destruction in Optimus' absence when he went to find the creators. Trusts had fallen but at least a few could help Y/N…. Cade, Shane, Tessa… Some former allies returned Simmons and Lennox. Diplomacy was in the doldrums… Cogman gave you some advice.
-Miss Y/N you must not give up, you are close to being able to have an audience with your leaders.
-But the proposal is no good to them… They need more proof - said Y/N preparing more photos and documents.
Cade was watching more documents while he sighed - Y/N, I think it's about time you ask for help to… him
Y/N folded its arms, it sighed, it hadn't seen its father for a while, he was busy with the reconstruction of Cybertron. He hadn't had time to talk to you, nor had you had time to talk to him. You didn't want to bother him, since you wanted to accomplish this on your own.
-I will find a way…
Cogman was already on the phone - Lord Prime, we need your… - Cogman said as Y/N took the phone from him.
-Hey dad, how's it going? - Y/N said trying to be calm.
Y/N could note her father's deep baritone with some joy.
-It's been a long time since you called me, what's wrong?
Y/N sighed again as he sat up seeing that Cogman and Cade were looking at him to move forward talking.
-You see… We have a proposal for an alliance like we did with NEST. I would need your help
-No… - Optimus said seriously.
Y/N felt his heart break a little, he thought at least his father would be there to support the idea but he didn't give up.
-But Dad you did it with NEST once. Don't you remember those times? Wouldn't it be best for both worlds if we joined together?
Y/N heard Optimus growl on the other end of the phone.
-Not a very good idea, Y/N, I know what you want to do, but… You shouldn't get involved in something you can't control…
-But Dad…
-No, it's my last word, if you'll excuse me, I have to…
-NO! If we talk about this in person, you will see what we have accomplished here. Please - Y/N said a bit desperately.
If Optimus Prime denied this alliance then there would be no hope and TRF or a group like Cementery Wind would be back again. It didn't understand why Optimus didn't agree with the idea or that it was in charge of the agreement. It also knew that her father wasn't the same since Quintessa brainwashed him. He had been self-conscious as well…
Y/N knew that Optimus always overprotected her but Y/N was no longer a child in fact she is an adult. If she was going to argue her point she was going to do it any way she could.
-All right, I'll come talk to you this afternoon," said Optimus as the call was cut off.
-That was a good development, Miss Y/N," said Cogman as Y/N leaned her head on the table.
Cade walked over to her - You just need to reason with him. Understand that as a father he also wants to protect you
-Cade, no I'm a child…. I want this world to live in harmony both species we have a lot to give. You know that as well as I do - Y/N said as Cade stroked your head.
Cade was with father to Y/N too, he had helped Y/N since Optimus left almost raising you as if it was also his child as well as Tessa and Izzy the new addition to the family.
-You still hold your optimism well, but you both have been through a lot. You will still be his child in his eyes
-Optics - said Cogman correcting him - Miss Y/N, surely if you see all the progress we've made…. Accepting some bots with humans.
-I don't know if Crosshairs along with Shane is a good idea…. I've had to keep the officers at bay - said Y/N.
-Don't think about it they are still trying to improve…. Look for example: Hot Rod and Vivian were getting along very well since the incident - said Cade trying to cheer her up.
-After kidnapping her at first, sir - said Cogman as Cade slapped his hand to his forehead.
Y/N stood up as Cogman and Cade got into a debate. Y/N went to communicate the news to the rest of the bots and humans.
Y/N was starting to have a lot of doubts about it, besides how were going to handle it, she looked at the autobot pendant he gave her. It couldn't give up now.
Hours later…
Y/N had prepared every bot and every human above all that Hound, Crosshairs would not approach the weaponry or try to disturb Cogman, last time there were several problems in this regard.
Cade saw that Y/N was pacing around as Izzy approached excitedly.
-She looks very nervous, she should be excited," said Izzy as she approached Y/N.
Cade took the papers away from Y/N to concentrate on the people around her.
-It would be all right, little bell…. You just have to be calm…
-Lord Prime is already entering the place," said Cogman.
The unmistakable entrance of Optimus with all the bots and humans watching him talking to him. It reminded Y/N of the old days in NEST talking to Ironhide, Ratchet… But now… he was more apathetic, more subdued.
-Lord Prime we are honored to have you in our little haven. It has been in collaboration of some bots….
-Mostly my workmanship - said Hound proudly.
Y/N approached as he watched Optimus kneel down -Welcome to Omega One shelter, we give shelter to both humans and any type of Bot that wants to establish communication with humans.
-Mostly Autobots… If you bring Decepti here….
-Crosshairs, kid, the official visit better be made by the daughter," said Hound, pushing him away.
Y/N nodded to Hound as Crosshairs being around could spoil the occasion so he would do whatever it took to make sure it didn't go wrong.
Y/N showed the facilities showing all the collaboration… The energon supply, food, the electrical system with energon created between Cade and Brains. The houses although of enormous size adapted to the different sizes of the autobots and humans. Which seemed curious once you got to look at it.
-We want all this to have more zones… The alliance would not only help humans, it would also help cybertronians who need to stay on Earth," Y/N said as he sat in a sitting area with Optimus and Cade.
-We have considered all possible measures with the Autobots….
-Have you considered the remaining Decepticons? Several of them are in Human Security cells, plus we can't ignore the fact that Megatron is still at large… There are Autobots who after the treatment of the humans over the years do not want to agree to this deal - Optimus said seriously.
-We have considered having a trial conducted by you and some Autobots… Dad, some Decepticons may change… Brains and Wheelie are the example. I know it will cost to change the minds of people and Cybertronians - said Y/N with all the feeling in his voice.
-The trial would see it as fair, but some Decepticons can try humans and vice versa. With the battle of Chicago - said Optimus seriously while clenching his fist.
The Battle of Chicago was the decline of the alliance leading to runaway situations of all… Of the loss of many autobots among them… Ratchet and human casualties with that of… Sam. Y/N hadn't commented much on the subject with him or Bumblebee who keeps remembering his friend with brother.
-But we can't fall into those mistakes, we can do better," Y/N said as Optimus frowned while Y/N folded his arms.
Cade was seeing that the situation was getting too complicated for them to talk to each other. Besides, it was something more serious that they needed to talk to each other, so he walked away, leaving them some space and taking Cogman with him who was watching in the distance.
-I'm sorry, Y/N, but this idea is not going to work," Optimus said, standing up and dropping his commanding tone.
Y/n saw what he was doing closing in again, creating a wall as he had done before.
-I can't abandon them… If we don't make that deal the chases will come up again," said Y/N as Optimus turned his back on him.
-I made a mistake in creating that alliance…. - Optimus said as he left.
-Meaning finding me was a mistake? - said Y/N making Optimus stop in his tracks - You remember that moment…. My family died because of a Decepticon… I had no one else. And you decided to take care of me, even though we are not of the same blood.
Optimus turned around and knelt down in front of Y/N looking her in the eyes.
-I couldn't just leave you there, you were such a pure and sensitive soul…. I tried, little one… I don't want them to destroy you like they did me. You're the only thing that makes me stay…. - Optimus said with a broken voice as Y/N touched his cheek.
-Dad… I always admired how you did things, being strong yet kind enough to both humans and autobots and even the Decepticons. You were my source of inspiration for this alliance. When you left to search for the creators I tried my best to find a way to help…. I thought I would never see you again, unless your legacy lived on among us," Y/N said as tears welled up in his eyes.
Optimus went to wipe her tears with his digit - Y/N… I… my little one - said Optimus as he lifted her up and brought her closer to her chassis - I have had a hard time, the brainwashing made me think several things among them what would happen if I fell again and hurt you… I could not forgive myself. You are the best thing that has ever happened in my long life, I can't lose that innocence of yours…. Though you have become a warrior.
Y/N I look at the optics - We'll make it work this time, you won't lose me so quickly…. You see I'm not alone. I just need your support is all I ask - Y/N said as Optimus squeezed him closer.
-I missed you in my arms and your little smile," said Optimus smiling.
Y/N saw a sincere smile, something it haven't seen in a long time in its presence -…. Thank you for adopting me that day…
-Thank you for changing my life that day," Optimus said as he held you in his arms for a while longer.
Y/N stayed closer to him despite all the difficulties they had, Optimus will continue to be a part of her life as she is in his.
While not too far from where they were….
Most bots and humans with tissues in hand watching and hearing what they were talking about thanks Cogman.
-Just beautiful, they have opened their hearts," said Cogman as Izzy grabbed a handkerchief.
-You know that if they both find out they're going to kill us, right? said Hound as Cade nodded.
-Yes, we'd better not say a word, otherwise we don't want anger from both of them," said Cade with a smile, looking at the picture and remembering his daughter.
It didn't matter if she was human or cybertronian, this was the proof of a coexistence of cybertronians and humans.
Caring for each other.
More than anything.
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tinyascanbe · 6 months
“Wow! Who does your nails? The details are soooo pretty!!”
A tiny in the chest pocket of their giant smirking
( they spent hours the night before holding a toothpick and dancing between their giants fingers painting with nailpolish) 🥹
(Maybe the giant requested some cute pattern and pulled up a ref pic on their phone for the tiny, or they just told the tiny to make them whatever looks good)
(Imagine the tiny covered in splotches of nailpolish cursing at how hard it is to get off their skin)
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doodle17 · 4 months
Nikki Rapp did a phenomenal job as Lili OBVIOUSLY but let's not forget that she absolutely ATE the role of the Happy Flower girl as well
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