#i havent yet had another episode like i did on day two
tibli · 11 months
sorry to keep talking about this, but its so weird to me how i can like. FEEL when the vyvanse is starting to work. it always takes about an hour-and-a-half/two hours, but its REALLY noticeable when it finally does. like i suddenly feel really motivated and energized and can actually get shit done. its absolutely crazy
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okkos-ferrum · 10 months
gray's return in the show and how it defines gray as a truly morally gray character
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i just gotta ramble more abt this scene, with it being one of my favorite scenes in the show. but really i just wanna talk abt how this scene encapsulates gray's ... grayness... of the moral variety
especially since it is done so effectively since, like i mentioned in other posts, our screen time with actual gray and not graham or whatever is limited.
this scene sees the return of gray in the plot, picking up directly where we leave off from all the way back in episode 2
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Bye-bye, Black Sheep...
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I assume you prefer I continue to call you "Carmen"?
as i stated previously on other posts, because of the silly brainwashing plot, much of graham scenes can be thrown out. in a sense, it's the writers' way to put a big old pause on his character
and these are only one of the two conversations carmen and gray have in current day as themselves -- with no mind wiping or brainwashing (not including flashback cuz the actual issues of the relationship that need to be addressed havent been established yet)
so resuming directly right where we left off with gray trying to kill carmen, we return back to gray trying to kill carmen :D
but this time he did recongize carmen's name, alluding to his change ... even tho he is waving his electric stick around -- mirroring their last encounter in paris
side tangent: something i, additionally, love about this scene is just how it is blunt and honest. much of carmen sandiego's drama/conflict is built of misunderstanding and misdirection and mistrust of the characters. Which while, yes, i am eating up, but unfortuntely can cause many characters relationships to be burdened with a lot of things that can be easily cleared up with a talk. gray for once just bluntly takes a stance.
something that i do like is that in their only two scenes with each other as themselves, carmen (the pilot flashbacks) and gray (this scene) open up so fast with one another. there's never any miscommunication between them during these scenes .... well until vile barges into the conversation....
ANYWAY here we get revealed gray's full perception of himself and his goals very explicitly, especially since his memories and alliances was the biggest question over the viewers' head for most of the show
here gray explains that he believes that he is not a good person, someone incapable of change.
from his perspective, the only way he was able to be a "good" person was when he was brainwashed. and he had just had however long with his chats with maelstrom emphasizing that he has always been a bad person by nature. with the knowledge vile will forever have full control over him -- either as a vile operative or as a mindwiped civillian -- gray essentially accepts his fate as a bad person, because at the very least he is himself.
carmen may have gotten away from vile, but he is told by maelstrom it is due to her being a naturally good person. because his own perception of himself is as somebody who is incapable of good, he will never be able to leave vile now
and carmen is right there in front of him. it was his hesistance that landed him into this debacle, and with maelstrom and bellum both just past the door and carmen alone, gray has every chance to right his wrong.
but he doesnt. because he realizes that the very least he can make the choice of is never hurting carmen. as i stated in other posts, gray's main motive is to be free from any standard that could get in between him and his success. but his want for this freedom ironically got him trapped within following vile's orders. he had been so caught up in following vile that he had lost sight of himself and what he cares about.
so now he explains to carmen his absolute refusal to hurt her again, begging her to give up in stopping vile
selfish and selfless
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But I'm begging you, give up trying to stop us, because I don't ever want to be put in a position to hurt you again.
gray's plea to carmen here is so perfectly two-sided
he is acting out selflessly in not allowing his alliances against carmen blind him. i mean that is what he fucked up last time in the train, where it was clear gray wanted to spare carmen - with giving her time to share her side of the story and providing the offer - put unwilling to stand against his mission. like an actual human being, gray acknowledges his mistake and is trying to amend it by stating clearly that he cares abt carmen.
he, in essence, is apologizing for trying to harm carmen by expressing his major regret. moreover, he acknowledges their chat in the pilot, accepting carmen will not return to vile. it stems likely from the ink blot scene earlier, where maelstrom speaks about nature, making a distinction between vile, and by extension, gray's, and carmen's morals. he is finally reconciling that he and carmen will not be on the same side, no matter how much he wants it to be otherwise.
it can also be viewed as a sense of wanting to protect carmen. because he feels so small compared to vile, he barely can ponder how anyone can actually succeed in going against them. i mean they brainwashed him and easily gave and took away his civilian life. in his eyes, carmen staying far from vile is the only way she could be safe
however, viewing it from another perspective shows gray's selfishness in his plea. when he speaks about never wanting to be put in a position to hurt carmen again, he kinda places such a responsibility on carmen, not recongizing he himself is capable of changing that.
Essentially saying "hey quit while you're ahead so you don't gotta make me feel guilty when doing crime" while ignoring that he is making the choice join vile
It kinda stems from his lack of faith in carmen or his own cowardice against vile or a combination of both. What may just be the only way he can protect to protect carmen comes off in his own lack of faith in her ability. as i mentioned earlier, this practically is his own resignation to his fate that vile cannot be fought against. he took his own defeat as the only way to be safe, refusing to believe carmen can successfully fight them.
while he was able to get past the hurdle of accepting carmen changing and no longer standing alongside him, he cant seem to understand his own responsibilty in this.
he's being selfish by demanding a change in carmen's behavior while he continue along with his own desires. While yes, i did just detail the various factors that led to him to such a conclusion, the window was LITERALLY OPEN for him to leave
following carmen blowing up the facility and rejecting gray's demand -- SHE IS SO REAL FOR THAT I LOVE HER SM IN THIS EP -- the wall LITERALLY IS OPEN FOR TO LEAVE CARMEN WITH
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Goodbye, Gray
Idk how intentional this is, but the framing shows carmen literally, by her own will, forcing an opening for herself out of vile (both figuratively in the past and literally right now lol) while gray watches on idly, too scared to leave the grasp of vile but just watching on.
and his cowardice is followed through in the finale, with after months of idly watching carmen slip deeper into evil by the brainwashing, he actually takes actions against vile by actively choosing to work with acme, abandoning tigress, and being the one to land the memory recovery thing on her.
it is what makes gray such a stand out character in this show, admist his frustrating back-and-forth and selfishness and sometimes wasted writing. he keeps making a mistake but proceeds to fix it right after. his growth into a better person requires him to make these mistakes, because unlike carmen and most people in the show on the side of good, gray doesn't work on any moral compass. he is not actively evil and wishing to inflict harm and conflict like paper star or vile facilty, nor is he driven by morals such as team red and julia. he is driven by whatever he selfishly cares abt. and from what we see of him both in the pilot and this ep, he makes as many mistakes as he does have slivers of good actions
basically gray is an interesting character cuz he literally fucks up his personal goals, but he makes an earnest attempt to make it better lol
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favvn · 6 days
youre literally so so right about the naked time. once my sister asked me which tos episode was my favorite and i literally said "well excluding the obvious ones (meaning amok time and the naked time, because i felt they were on another tier of obsession entirely)" like i genuinely felt that theyre existence was so obviosuly unfair to every other episode that i had to ignore them. anyway i answered city on the edge of forever which i think does have its weird parts and issues but is still so good and iconic. there are many other good ones id have to rewatch to be certain though. havent ever been a fan of the tribble episodes though
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A fellow connoisseur! You're so right, The Naked Time and Amok Time do exist in their own tier, separate from the other episodes lest they outshine everything else (season three fails for not having an episode with "time" in the title. We could have had the Time Trio, the Time Trifecta, the Time Triumvirate but no).
For me, Mirror, Mirror exists in that same tier, but a lot of that is owing to going too deep into my own headcanons of, "What if Mirror Kirk was regular Kirk but minus the compassion and ethics? Hmm..." But that couldn't have happened because then the episode would've had to split between the two universes and Mirror Kirk is Evil and Not Our Good Guy, so lock him away to focus on Our Kirk. The City On the Edge of Forever might as well exist in that same tier for me owing to it being adapted from a Harlan Ellison screenplay (the cut scene between Spock and Kirk will haunt me... Spock: You could come with me for a rest... [gently] All the time in the world... Kirk: [hopelessly] And full of tomorrows...) and what the story introduces both for Kirk and Spock together as a pair (weeks of sharing a bedroom, possibly only one bed owing to where all the computer pieces are placed 👀 don't tell me Spock didn't sleep in that time when Kirk is spending their meager funds on vegetables for him) and the specific anguish that Kirk has to deal with by the end. Dare I call it the perfect example of how he is torn between the duty demanded of the captaincy and his desire for love and what rest it could bring him as The Naked Time reveals? (If only he could bring himself to actually choose love over duty, at least, within the series anyways.)
Aw, I do love The Trouble With Tribbles though. It's a beautiful Kirk and His No Good, Very Bad Day episode and cheers me up on my own bad work days (infestation of alien rodents, diplomacy woes, the Klingons are there and his crew got into a bar brawl with them, his chief engineer only cares about the ship so not even a confinement to quarters is a punishment for the bar fight, etc.). That one, I, Mudd, and A Piece of the Action are the episodes I put on for a guaranteed laugh owing to their humor (I'll overlook the sexism in I, Mudd because their plan to fry the androids is brilliant, amazing, showstopping, etc. and of course I am a sucker for a good Kirk speech)
I really should keep better track of which episodes I've really enjoyed beyond those, but I'm also still in the process of my first-time watch, so there's more to come that I've heard about but haven't seen yet, such as Plato's Stepchildren and The Empath. (Spectre of the Gun was last night's episode and I definitely enjoyed it for what it did. What a fun twist on the plot of Arena)
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thegeminisage · 6 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME quick fast. last night we watched tng's "gambit part ii" and ds9's "cardassians"
gambit part ii (tng):
well, this continued to be underwhelming and frustrating for reasons outlined in my previous post
i will cop to maybe not following the plot as closely as i could have been but i thought the artifact turning out to be a weapon was fucking stupid, especially considering it was a Mind Weapon. girl what on earth. we didn't even get to visit vulcan properly
i DID however call that vulcan racefaking as romulan which i was quite thrilled about
vulcan race purity extremists right as we're having bajoran race purity extremists in ds9...girl what is in the water out there. everybody calm down. globalization (galaxization?) is not the end of the world
i did perk up a little when riker was forced to play his literal charade with other people, such as worf and beverly, but it was so brief as to be nearly insulting
this is the only time i think i have not sided with data in an argument...i don't think there was any reason to take poor worf to the woodshed like that :( i'm glad they're still friends though
cardassians (ds9):
oh i had STARS in my eyes this entire episode. i have been COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS until we see garak again and he did NOT disappoint
from what i saw of gifs i never expected his and julian's relationship to be like this...i expected julian to be mister stammery and for garak to enjoy making him squirm. which would have been great and i would not object to it in future content but what we got was a welcome surprise in that it was way more complex!!
like, julian as the garak whisperer...sisko didn't summon garak to his office directly he told julian to have garak there at a certain time. "he never tells me what he's actually thinking i just sort of deduce it"etcetc. i also like julian instinctively knowing when to let garak come to him and when to be firm with him ie stop the whole fucking shuttlecraft until his ass gets some real answers. we havent seen much of his bedside manner yet so to speak but he actually CAN be good with people! or maybe just good with garak
i can't wait to find out more about garak. the worst part of a garak episode is knowing now you have to wait a long time until the next garak episode. i love that he deliberately keeps us out of the loop even though i am DYING to know everything about him. you get the idea that he's really been through something
side bar how and why is he able to get into julians room in the middle of the night???? did julian give him the door code jic 👀other side bar i love this mans little silk pajamas. actually everybodys pj game was on point
cardassian war orphans FUCKED UP. no one is coming to take them back to cardassia, except the one who doesn't want to go. i am SO relieved they didn't pull a tng here by the way. going in i was almost sure they wouldn't but still
bonus points for obrien being fantasy racist in front of his japanese wife. she used her teacher voice to set him straight and not another word of that came out of his mouth for the entire episode. one that man knows about happy wife happy life. two it's a good callback to him also having a card in the cardassian-hating game. pretty sure we said "that was a very ugly thing you just said i dont need to hear it twice" about 1000 times to each other during the rest of the episode
my only gripe with this episode is that i would have liked to hear where kira comes down on this...this episode was very full and not really About her, but the absence of her felt very weird, especially when most of the cardassian stuff involves her so heavily. you can sort of guess where she'd stand ("if they don't like the way we parent they shouldn't have left them here and also we're being way nicer to them than they ever were to bajoran children") but i'd still like to hear it FROM HER. a shame we just didn't seem to have room
of course, i cannot possibly end this post without a shoutout to my very best friend sisko. my favorite sisko moment in this episode was his increasing incredulity when bashir interrupted his MEETING WITH A CARDASSIAN POLITICIAN to interrogate him without warning and then said "it was the highlight of my day. don't do it again." and then bashir did it again. my second favorite part was when bashir woke him up at fuck o clock and said he needed a runabout and sisko was like girl why and julian was like im sorry i have no idea and sisko was like well by all means. will one runabout do. like. he's so wry and sarcastic and at the same time so chill with breaking the rules when it matters - he trusts julian enough to know he wouldn't ask for a shuttle without a good reason and julian trusts him enough not to get mad at the request even when it comes at fuck o clock in the morning. like, he's so GOOD with his people and they respect him so much. im anxiously waiting for more sisko-centric content almost as much as i am for more garak content!!!
TONIGHT: tng's "phantasms" and ds9's "melora."
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ickmick · 11 months
Inktober days 11-15!!
I PROMISE I DIDNT FORGET TO POST THIS, I HAD IT WRITTEN AND EVERYTHING BUT YET TUMBLR DIDNT POST IT??? So erm.... I scheduled it for 'today' at like... 2 pm i think? my time, that is... LOL (turned out the queue didnt work! so its 6pm!)
so anyways, I'll upload yet again on sunday (tomorrow!) since I also need to post on Halloween!! oh boy!! so theres my uploads for the rest of the month, if you want to check back :D
I've actually gotten further than I thought I would! very proud of myself! and you should be too, even if you've only done a few days!
heres week one and week twos posts!
this one actually has the doc drawing >:3c
plus some other fun ones! its all under the cut, enjoy!
heres the key as always, referring to my prompt lists!!
wh = welcome home
hc = hermitcraft (I have 2!)
ink = official inktober
gore = goretober
(actual gore will be triggerwarned! so far none has any blood or violence!)
Day 11
wh: butterfly
hc: mischief
ink: wander
life: lava
oh noooo... our local pesky bird!! he fellll... (attempted a new perspective!! a lil wonky but I tried lol)
and can I just say I LOVE how peaceful grian is in the last drawing? hes so pretty and soft looking!! i surprised myself!!
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Day 12
life: soulmate
I got that major life series brainrot... if you cant tell, haha... and dont even get me started on secret life!! more on that in the final notes >:D
also I didnt finish bigb im sorry BFMSVSSB
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Day 13
hc: fashion
life: safety
GRIAN IN CUTE CLOTHES !! feat mumbo in the corner to make up for the last few times of neglect rip
also, was low on spoons and unfortunately did not finish the potentially adorable moment between the buttercups in grians wings... smth... xD
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Day 14
hc: hermit with a background
gore: parasite
ay more like parasyte, am I right? *ba dum tiss*... ... yeah ok sorry LOL that was def more of a meme drawing ngl
AND THE FABLED DOC DRAWING!!! I posted it on its own already because im unbelievably proud of it!! listen... i know it meant to draw a bg... like a forest or smth... BUT!! i thought it was kinda funny... and I swear i was going to actually di the prompt right! but I ran out of spoons XD
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Day 15
ink: dagger
life: spyglass
gore: fungi
another low spoon day, alas! but hey, at least we have some AHAA shenanigans (simply grian giggling) and a not so scar safe object!! (a dagger!! who gave him that?? /silly)
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whew, there we go!! i think this weeks set was pretty good! (not that I actually drew any THIS WEEK, but thats not the point XD)
also, thank you for all the love so far!! you guys are very sweet :D
Im especially blown away from this post of tango, because it was rushed!! but im appreciative still because the post is sort of funny!! <3
*vauge talk of first secret life episodes!!*
its so good already omg... ive watched quite a few of the povs lol... i wont say anything specfic because I havent properly spoiler warned! so I will leave you simply with the wise words 'the fanfic writes itself' /silly (and oh my god scar giving grian the dang blocks ACK /pos /pos /pos)
heres week fours, 5.1s and the last post (5.2)!!
okay!! have a good week!! and remember to be easier on yourself!! I hope to see you next sunday for the next week of drawings!! 💜
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raveneira · 3 years
One major misunderstanding I dont think people understand when discussing Boruto ships, specifically BoruSara, is that nobody has an issue admitting they were wrong, atleast most of us dont.
The problem is we havent been proven wrong YET
If there was legitimate, canon, confirmed evidence that proved either one of them liked eachother, nobody would have a single problem with it because it is what it is.
So it is not WRONG for people to DENY that theres anything romantic there because we have zero confirmation that there is.
We didnt have to look at hints, we didnt have to interpret, we didnt have to guess what the authors intent may or may not have been in regards to characters like Sakura, Hinata, Karin, Jiraiya, Naruto, Ino and so ons feelings, Kishimoto made it clear cut and dry without a single shadow of a doubt how these characters felt and did not beat around the bush about it or wait 60+ or more chapters to explicitly confirm it.
These characters romantic feelings were confirmed for majority of them the moment they were introduced, especially the main characters such as Sakura and Naruto.
However when it comes to Boruto, it seems like everyone has completely turned off their brain and put on their fantasy glasses where they only see what they wanna see rather than whats put right infront of their face.
You can ignore it all you want but the facts are the facts, name one ship besides BoruSumi that has officially confirmed romantic feelings from one or both sides? you absolutely can not do it because there ISNT ANY.
At best you could argue Chocho kinda confirmed she likes or at the very least is interested in Mitsuki based on what she said at the end of the Chocho arc, which is she only gives chips to the ppl she likes and then proceeded to give her chips to Mitsuki.
But thats it, thats literally all the ACTUAL hints of romance in the Boruto series at this point in time. This is just the facts, and we're not wrong for pointing that out.
Aint no way you dont see the glaring issue with this argument that theres 'So many hints' of romantic interest between them, yet not a single concrete confirmation of this from ANY official source.
They dont have to confirm what ship is canon right away, just reveal ONE characters feelings for the other and it'll still leave the question of will they wont they until the end of the series. I mean wtf was SS and NH for 15 years? completely one sided ships until their feelings were reciprocated in the end and they all lived happily ever after.
SO WHY TF would Boruto be any different? they had NO PROBLEM confirming a side characters one sided feelings for the MC why not the actual main heroine? why would they hide Sarada's feelings but not Sumire's? name one female character in Naruto who has EVER taken THIS danm long realizing/revealing their feelings to the audience, explicitly, not just your interpretation, but their feelings just being blatantly on display where theres no debate on how she feels for said male character, IT CANT BE DONE.
Know why it cant be done? because it never happened.
So when people say BoruSara isnt canon yet and BoruSumi is the only actually CONFIRMED semi-canon ship SO FAR its not because we dont wanna admit Sarada likes him, its because we've literally been given NOTHING that shows this is the case.
What official sources and staff say is, and so far NONE of them confirm any form of romantic interest between them, PERIOD.
If the day ever comes where its confirmed explicitly that Sarada likes him then Im pretty sure majority of the fandom will accept it and just continue shipping what they ship, thats what SS fans did when Karin was revealed to like Sasuke, thats what NS fans did when Hinata was shown to like Naruto, so why tf would BoruSumi and KawaSara fans have an issue acknowledging Sarada liking Boruto when that literally affects nothing? its never stopped anyone before so why tf would it now?
This isnt about opposing shippers not wanting to accept reality, its about yall not wanting to accept the TRUE reality which is nothing but BoruSumi is confirmed yet, its the only semi-canon ship SO FAR thats been officially confirmed by multiple official sources, NONE OF WHICH EXISTS FOR ANY OTHER SHIP.
So whos REALLY denying reality? cuz it danm sure aint us.
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celebritytgcaptions · 3 years
Requests (5/23/2021)
Hi lovelies! I’ve been getting so many requests & I’m working hard to get all of them in the queue. Thanks for sending them my way! I’m writing to let you know that the queue is now full until the end of June. I was able to get every requests from my May 8th post in there except for a few. Requests from May 8th for captions featuring Katy Perry, Jenna Fischer, Marisol Nichols, Addison Rae, Ariana Grande, Erin Kellyman, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Jhene Aiko, & Kirstin Maldonado will be posted in early July.
But there have been an absolute ton of requests since then too, yay! So I’m listing all the requests that I haven’t gotten to below. If you made a request but don’t see it below that might be for a few reasons. 1) I’ve written it already and it will be posted in June. 2) It’s one of the requests I posted on May 8th so I won’t talk about it here. 3) I considered it a demand not a request (for example, I received two that said “Anything with,” that wasn’t really a request just telling me to do it. Sorry if this bothers some of you but it is an issue with me so make sure you word your requests AS requests). Either way, thanks for the love, lovelies! :D
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Anonymous said:
Could you do one with either Kelley O’hara or Alex Morgan from the USWNT about a guy soccer player watching the US win the world cup and then want to be them or something like that?
I actually know who both those are (shockingly enough, I don’t really follow sports) so sure thing!
Anonymous said:
Could you do lorengrey captions? She’s so hot
Sorry sweetie, don’t know who that is. :(
Anonymous said:
Hi I just had an idea for a game you could do. It could be where someone has to say as a boy what they’re like physically in stages. So first stage is hair color for example, second stage could be height, third stage could be body type, etc. An example would be if I was a black hair, short height, thick body type, I would match up with someone like Nicki Minaj. Just an idea which you could extend on. Hopefully it makes sense. I appreciate you!
I actually have a game like this mapped out called “Build a Sissy” where you choose age, hair color, and bra size, but it would take a LOT of work to make so I haven’t written it yet. Maybe some day though. :)
Anonymous said:
I would love to see a Tori Kelly caption. Her hair and body are not typical but beautiful for a white girl. I say that last sentence respectfully. I think having a caption with her would be great
Sure thing! Tori Kelly is a cutie. :)
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Anonymous said:
Ok I'm not sure if u'll know these 2 cuz even I had to look them up for the names but anne dudek and maitland ward theyre the 2 blonde sisters from white chicks not sure if uve seen it but if u can could u make a caption for them please?
I DO know who they are! I’ve been thinking about doing a White Chicks caps because there’s a lot of cute looks in that movie (especially for Busy Phillips who I just love) so sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
Could u do Yvette nicole brown from community? Id like to see some big girl love
Sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
I already know that this request is probably gonna be a No but I still have to ask whats the ruling on GCI enhanced celebrities like Taylor swift from Cats?  Or is that too much like "Furry" stuff. Now I'm Feeling this will be a No for multiple reasons
So it is not an issue with CGI “enhanced” celebrities but for Cats it is because I do not have a Furry fetish and I get uncomfortable thinking about writing caps for it. But I write caps with “manips” all the time (photoshopped images of celebs) so I’m not ruling out CGI enhanced celebs all together.
Anonymous said:
Can you do one of Lindsey stirling? And for the story can it be a guy trying to learn Violin but he cant seem to focus he even tried hot female teachers but it didnt work then he gets a male teacher than he starts focusing and wanting to please the teacher he becomes a sissy sorry its a long request
Sounds fun, sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
Hi big fan and I think you’ve been doing amazing work. Is there anyway you could do a story about a guy who loses a bet to sorority girl and is forced to get his nails painted and turned into a girl? I love the idea of having a boys nails painted against his will. I’d love one with Selena Gomez but if you think another celeb would be better I leave that cumpletely to you.
Totally! This sounds fun. :D
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Anonymous said:
Can you do thelma and Louise?
I’m assuming you mean Geena Davis & Susan Sarandon from Thelma & Louise so yes. Yes I can. :)
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Anonymous said:
Can you do a caption from the movie bridesmaids? Like when theyre all trying on dressess or something?
I haven’t seen Bridesmaids (I know I know) but I can try something. :)
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Anonymous said:
it would be super cool if you could do some more games! They’re my fav
Glad you like them! As long as I’m not on hiatus, games will be posted every second Saturday. I’ve already got two set for June. :)
Anonymous said:
Hey huge fan of your recent work and super excited about new caps!! Do you think you could do one about a college guy who drops out in pursuit of being a stand up comedian, but the comedy club needs a female comic so they turn him into a girl? I was thinking maybe Nikki Glaser, she so funny and sexy. Thanks can’t wait to see all your new stuff!!
Oooo, Nikki Glaser is great. Sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
Can you make a caption about a guy who makes fun of curvy and thicc women, where the women get their revenge and turn the guy into Nia Jax?
You got it!
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Anonymous said:
Hi Me again on the topic of the assembly line worker caption sequel if you do it i just an idea for the story like before depicting the sissies "first time"  but you can have it be that the coworker doesnt know and is telling everyone about the chick he slept with last night and the sissy is just thinking "if only they knew"idk i thought it was good anyways thank u again
So this message is in reference to a sequel caption that was requested & that I did write and will be posted in June. I’m sharing it here to let the anon know that I wrote the cap BEFORE I got this second request so there will be a followup but the story will be different. I hope that’s ok.
Anonymous said:
Hi idk if u watch wrestling or not I see u have some captions of wwe womens wrestlers but im not sure have far ur knowledge of it is? Could u do a caption of Rhea Ripley if u know her?
I have never seen a single episode of WWE, I do not watch wrestling, and yet somehow every time someone requests a wrestler I know who she is. Don’t ask me how because I do not know. Anyways, yeah I can do a Rhea Ripley one. :)
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a caption about a janitor for sissy co. That finds out the strange goings on at work and tries to blow the whistle on the whole operation but is caught and turned into a sissy maid for the sissy co. Corporate office abit specific I know but ive been thinking on that awhile however u do it will be perfect thanks
You got it!
Anonymous said:
Could you do katheryn Hahn from wandavision specifically the 80s look with the Big hair and aerobics outfit
Oooo, sounds nice. I’ll type that up for sure. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi big fan of your caps!! Do you think you could do a cap where a football player wants to go to the NFL but gets hurt, so they turn him into a female commentator, maybe Lauren Rutledge? If you don’t know her, she’s been a college football reporter for awhile and was also a former Miss Florida. Anyways I just think any guy would be lucky to be turned into her and I love your caps keep up the great work!!
Me: *googles Lauren Rutledge to see if it’s who I’m thinking of* How do I know who this is? Anyways, yes I can write this. :)
...for some reason there are no GIFs of her though so I’m just gonna move on.
Anonymous said:
Hi I'm the one that requested the LONG list of celebs I'm still really sorry about that I didnt realize how many it actually was till I looked back so I wanna retract some for your sake tell ya what if you havent done any already just do the ones that are specifically marked (as in the ones detailed by movie or show theyre in) the ones that are just names you can leave out i knoe its still alot but hopefully that takes some weight off of ya sorry again
You don’t have to be sorry! Like I said, in the future I’d ask that folks limit requests to no more than 3 celebs at a time but you didn’t know that. I’d never said that before. I typed up every celebrity and they’re going to be sprinkled in during June. Hope you like them! :)
Anonymous said:
Hello ^^ I love your work. Can u make a caption with the name "jules" and Ariana Grande please? Thank you
Sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
Hey, not really an ask, but something I needed to share
I'm the one that asked for the Stephanie Beatriz caption from a whole back, and I absolutely loved how it turned out. Each time you roll out a new caption is like a small thrill to me and I read them right as they're released.
Now this wouldn't be an ask if I wasn't asking something, right? Well, next month sees the release of the "In the Heights" movie, and there's an opportunity there to do a series of captions using stephanie Beatriz from that same movie.
In conclusion, I love your captions so much, you're amazing!
Awww, this is such a sweet message. Thank you! And YAAASSSSS! Ever since the first trailer for In the Heights dropped I was like, “I must write a caption with her in this!” So you can imagine how fun it’s been waiting this entire time. *eye twitches*. We’ll have to wait until the movie comes out for me to be sure I can find a good image but this IS a caption I want to write. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi I just recently came across your blog and fell in love with it!! The caption with the football player being turned into Bella Thorne is one of my favorites!! I’d love so much if you could do a sequel or something to that cap it was so amazing and I need to know what else happens to “her”. I’m not sure if this is possible or if you even do sequels but this cap was great and I look forward to all the others!!!
Glad you like it! I’m always looking for sequel captions to write on Throwback Thursday so you’ll get this for sure. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hey big fan! Do you think you could do a caption where a short guy gets made fun of by all his girl friends for how short he is? Ariana Grande is fairly short and I think a caption of her (of age of course) would be awesome
You got it!
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Anonymous said:
Can you do one with the bella twins as two guys who fought over the same girl then the girl turns them both into look alikes of her but then they start fighting over the same guy
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Anonymous said:
Do you know suzy berhow? Or angie Griffin? If so would love a caption of either of them please
Sorry sweetie, I don’t know who those are. :(
Anonymous said:
Would appreciate more Sia captions please when u get the chance
I will remember that. :)
Anonymous said:
Can make some Winnie Harlow caption please? I adore her style
Sorry lovely, I don’t know who that is. :(
Anonymous said:
How about instead of removing the captions with Demi in them ,the images of Demi were just replaced with another celeb and if Demi is mentioned by name in the caption then that could be edited  to mention a different celeb. I respect Demi's decision I do but lets not lose some well made captions. Also if you could please make a caption where Amy Adams feminises a fan and raises them as her daughter and Kristen Stewart makes you her submissive wife that would be appreciated. I'm a fan of them.
So about the Demi Lovato captions: I understand your feelings but I’m still going to delete the original captions. Because of how my captions are made I can’t just go back in & swap out an image or edit the text, I have to remake it from the ground up. I am hoping to do that with some (maybe all) of the Demi Lovato captions & re-publish them, but I’m still going to delete the originals.
I can do the Kristen Stewart one for sure and I’ll TRY to do the Amy Adams one I just am not 100% sure I can find a pic for that but we’ll see. :)
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Anonymous said:
If it’s possible before your summer hiatus could you do a caption with Amanda Crew (silicon valley, sex drive)?
I will do one with Amanda Crew but I can’t commit to doing it before the hiatus.
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About the hiatus: I don’t know when it’s going to be. I want to TRY to make it to at least July 18th because I have a specific game in mind I want to post for 5 years of Celebrity TG Captions games, but after that I have no idea. I’ve been writing caps for a longer stretch of time since normal since I’ve switched to a part-time blog so I might burn out at any second but for right now I’ve still got some juice.
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latibulesims · 3 years
Hey Lati!
I’m so sorry to press you for more information, but I’m so fascinated by your filming process and I have some additional questions if that’s okay. Specifically around your sets that are just individual rooms, are these just multiple secular room sets on one lot, or do you use a different lot for each set? Like with the River’s house when any family member is coming downstairs, is Tresor or Raign’s room not on that lot? The living room and kitchen? Lol I’m just so fascinated by this if that’s the case, and if so it’s extremely impressive because they look like they all could actually be one complete set. Sorry if this makes zero sense, I’ve just never thought to try this and now I really want to! ☺️ Thanks so much!
Haha no you make total sense!! First of all thank you for watching my series, and don't worry at all about asking questions! I know filming with The Sims 2 can be difficult bc of how often it crashes and its loading time, so any tips I can give to help the game crash less, im happy to share 💖
The sets are actually on different lots entirely! So, when Tresor "comes downstairs", or the characters go from the living room to the kitchen, I load an entirely new lot! I think the only exception I make is with bathrooms because they're so tiny haha, but any time you see the characters going from one room to the other, it's usually a different lot all together. :')
It may sound exhausting to some, having to jump from one lot to another, but over the years (I've been doing this since 2017, at least!) I've managed some tips that help, for those that are interested:
1) I make multiple sims of the same character, so that every sim belongs to every lot! So, if Tresor for example needs to be in her bedroom, the living room and Simons bar within the same episode, I create 3 Tresors (TresorBED, TresorLIVING, TresorBAR), and that way I don't have to move her around.
I should also note that I change neighborhoods every episode (more on that in tip #3), so it might sound like a lot of sims over the episodes but really it's usually just 3 versions of the same character in one neighborhood at a time.
You might find it's easier to just move the sims from one lot to the other, but in my experience moving the sims around (or using the tombstone to extract them) always ends up crashing my game so this is a really good way to avoid it all together!
2) I don't film chronologically, but by sets! This is my #1 tip. I basically gather up all the scenes I have in 1 set and I film them. That way i dont have to go back and forth between lots, instead I just finish off all the scenes I need using a lot and move on to the next! Sometimes a set has so many scenes I end up filming in one set for weeks at a time (usually Simons bar, haha, that S2E1 Christmas episode needed like 3 sets (Simons bar, Simons living room, The Rivers living room), and I spent two months just filming in Simons bar).
The only time I won't recommend this, is when you havent yet found your own style. Then you might risk something like this happening: You're just starting to film, and you have the 1st and last scene in the episode in the same set. So, you film them both. Then you film a couple more scenes after that, and then you reach the final set and by then your filming skills have changed (if you haven't found your style and take months filming an episode - which is completely valid, BTW - this could mean a drastic change). Then, scene #1 (which you filmed at the very beginning) could have a completely different filming style than scene #2 (which you filmed at the very end), and so on. You wouldn't want that.
I had something like that happen to me, where I discovered reshade mid-filming an episode, so the scenes I filmed at the beginning of the episode didnt have it, and then the scenes I filmed at the end did it. It made the epsiode look incosistent, which is something I don't really care about (and neither do my viewers, really), but you might so letting you know as a heads up! Some of these tips do compromise the "professionalism" of the episodes, but it's how i manage to film and pop out episodes with (relative) quickness :').
Thats why for many reasons, including should you want to film by set instead of chronologically, I suggest you find your style before filming an episode or starting a series all together. This can be done through creating small machinimas, filming tests, music videos, etc. Take it from someone who can't even handle sitting through the first 8 episodes of my own series because of how much my style back then. The way it drastically changed from one episode to another irks me so much! 😅
3) And this is my most controversial one, LOL, but I always build sets + new neighborhoods from scratch with every episode. As I mentioned above, I change neighborhoods with every episode because, in my experience, neighborhoods get corrupt with time so starting with a fresh neighborhood every episode helps avoid crashing. Previously, neighborhoods would get so corrupt, they'd stop loading at all mid-filming an episode, so im forced to interrupt my filming streak and build the sets and characters all together which absolutely wrecks any motivation I have to film afterwards. Once, this happened mid-filming a scene and so I had to rebuild, and let me tell you: Theres a difference between sets looking a bit different because I had to rebuild between episodes, and sets looking different within the same scene. At least when you rebuild the set with every new episode, you can blame minor changes on the fact that time passed from one episode to the other.
Also: I make sure to build all the sets I need for the episode before I start filming, because I dont want anything to interrupt my filming once I start it. If Im forced to build when I'm motivated to film, I end up losing that motivation in the time I spend building, if that makes sense. As u probably already know as a machinima maker, we do the work that is usually required of a team (writer, director, editor, and also stylist and set designers), so I like to do things one at a time so I can have a clear understanding of my schedule and timetable. So, I dedicate 2 days to style all the sims, a week or so to build all the sets, usually months to film the episode, then another week to edit and audio edit. I try my best not to have all of those parts overlapping, otherwise it gets too overwhelming.
The reason I rebuild from scratch, as opposed to just extracting the lot and installing it in a new neighborhood is because, again, I prefer a fresh start and have found that lots are less likely to get corrupt if they're "new". A lot of people think im crazy for it LOL, or that it's a colossal waste of time, and maybe it is! But it's the process that works best for me, and I end up filming really fast with much less crashing and hiccups because of it!
Hope that helps!!! :') Let me know if you have any other questions about my filming process or any other tips 💖💖💖 I'd love to help!
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Chronic Emptiness
Fred x reader
After the war
Summary: Y/N having a depressive episode & Fred trying to help her through it. Basically me living vicariously through her. Soft moment.
Warning: Mentions of depression & plainly feeling like shit
Y/N was exhausted. Not by her job or work, just mentally drained. This sort of thing happened sometimes. One moment she was okay, the next it all came crashing down on her & she’d feel pure hatred for the world she was living in. Fred had gotten used to it by now, he’d be the ever so caring boyfriend & try to help her through it however he could. Exept he really couldnt do much but reassure Y/N that he was there for her.
And of course Y/N appreciated him & all his efforts, she loved Fred more than life itself & everyone knew that. But sometimes she just needed space. Like today.
They were at a bar with George & Angelina and several other mates after their shifts had all ended from their various occupations. George & Fred at their joke shop, Angelia at the Ministry, Y/N at St Mungos.
Y/N never truly felt like she belonged, not growing up at home, not at Hogwarts, & certainly not in St Mungos where she was working as a nurse. Its not that she hated the job, more like it didn’t particularly cause her immediate joy. She just did it. She got on with it & did what she had to.
As her friends were dancing to the music Y/N leant into her boyfriends ear so he’d hear her say “Hey Fred I think I’m gonna head home early today, I’m tired.”
The man looked up at her, as if trying to read her thoughts “D’you want me to come with love?”
Y/N shook her head, declining the offer “No dont worry. I’ll go through the park, I need some fresh air anyway.” Fred nodded & bid her goodbye with a kiss, telling her to stay safe. “I’ll see you at home.”
It was already dark outside, the tall streetlamps being the main source of light for the woman, but she wasnt really paying attention to where she way going, not caring enough to look. Y/N got to the park near the flat where her & Fred lived, deciding to make a pitstop there she sat on one of the wooden benches that overlooked a small river.
Letting out a heavy sigh she put her head into the palms of her hands, it was feeling all too heavy lately. “Dear Merlin I’m so tired.” Mumbling, the woman rolled her head in her hands before sitting back up and gazing at the sky. Oh how beautiful it looked tonight.
Lighting up a cigarette, she put it to her lips & took a long inhale. She was supposed to be quitting smoking, Fred always got on her about continuing the habbit. In all honesty Y/N didnt care enough to stop, at this point she wasnt even sure if she still got the same boost of seratonin from smoking as she used to. But again, it didnt bother her.
“Fuck me why is life so draining?” She asked no one in particular, she knew why it was draining, the abundance of issues with her brain promptly being the answer. She just wished it were easier. Easier to deal with things.
Realistically Y/N had nothing to be unhappy about anymore, there was no war, she had a good life, an amazing boyfriend, a stable job, decent friends. But there was a permanent void in her heart that could never be filled. Ever since she was a child it stayed with her. Maybe her cold & harsh, unloving parents brought it on, or maybe how she didnt let herself feel love & would distance herself from anyone that ever got close to her. But it was there. Unmovable.
The woman let the smoke out from her mouth, sighing at why she was having another one of her episodes, feeling shitty about having said episode. Yet, there was nothing she could do to stop it from occuring. “Fuck off brain.” She mumbled to herself, cursing her biology & upbringing “Stop feeling so Shit.”
“I keep you alive you ungrateful idiot.” She huffed to herself “And I’m doing a pretty good job, so stop making me feel like its my fault.” It wasnt her fault. If it were, Y/N would know how to fix it & evidently stop feeing this way.
Some would say the war brought this Y/N on, but people knew that she was like this way before. However, before she was better at hiding it. Better at hiding the dark circles, the restlessness, the ‘I dont care what happens to me’ attitude. In all honesty it didnt bother Y/N that people knew she was like this, she didnt do it on purpose. And when she could- she’d be happy- the life of the party, in those instances she could hide her feelings. But sometimes they just got too overwhelming to bare.
“You’re being such a selfish prick.” She sighed and puffed on yet another cigarette “Go home Y/N. Go to the man who loves you.” Yet she made no motion to move. It’d probably been two hours since she left the bar, she wasnt keeping track of time, not feeling the need to.
Sometimes she thought that Fred didnt love her, not because he said something or did something, but because she thought that Fred puts up with her. Which wasn’t true, the man loved her to death, she made him feel alive. Y/N was a risk taker, an adventurer, someone that kept you on your toes- & he admired that about her. Y/N was smart & funny & the most gorgeous person Fred had ever seen, but he knew that behind her sarcasm & faux narcissistic comments, she didnt believe it. Oh what he’d give for the woman to see herself through his eyes.
A few more minutes passed & the woman got up with a sigh, throwing the butt of her cigarette down, she made her way home.
The door creaked open, a little too loudly for Y/N’s taste, she winced at the sound, hoping it wouldnt wake Fred.
“Where were you?” The light flicked on. Before her stood a dischevelled Fred, arms crossed “I got home and you werent here.”
“I was in the park.” She mumbled, taking her coat off “Lost track of time, sorry.”
Fred looked at the woman before him, he noticed the dark circles that she tried to cover prefousley with makeup, noticed the ash on her jacket and faint aroma of smoke mixed with sadness.
“Its fine.” He reassured her and went to hug her, pretending to not notice her cold body & how she stiffened when he touched her “Just let me know next time alright?”
The woman hummed in agreement and walked into the living room, as she sat on the couch she put the tv on to play some sort of muggle program but not really paying attention to it. She just didnt fancy Fred interrogating her about her feelings. She hated talking about them, normally just botteling them up. Maybe that was the cause of her unhappiness.
A few moments went by & she thought Fred had went to bed, but then she felt the couch sink next to her. “Here” he placed a blanket around her & handed her a hot mug of tea “You’re freezing.” Mumbling a thanks she sipped on her drink, not really feeling like talking she waited for him to say something, anything.
And he did “Is it getting bad again?” Oh. Was it? Probably. Most definitely.
“I’m fine.” She lied “I’ll be fine.” Y/N wasnt convincing anyone.
Fred watched her, not knowing what to say or do. He wished he could help, just magically cheer up the love of his life. But thats not how life worked. “You’re good enough.” He blurted out “You deserve to feel happy.”
Y/N didnt look up at him, she knew Fred was trying to help. But was he? I dont know.
“Do I though, do I really?” She finally asked with a sigh, those seemed to be coming from her a lot lately “Because I know I do, I just dont feel it coming to me and its so draining to get on with life when you feel worthless.”
Fred took in what she just said, pausing before trying to come up with a reasonable response “I know.” He sighed “I want to help you Y/N, what can I do?” What could he do though? Realistically?
“I dont know. Nothing. This’ll pass soon enough and I’ll be okay.”
Fred knew that, Y/N was always ‘okay’ or ‘fine’ or ‘just tired’ “But I want you to be better than okay. I want you to be happy, to enjoy life and all its moments.”
Y/N scoffed “And you think I dont want that?” There was a tense silence
“Why dont we take the day off tomorrow and go out somewhere? We havent done that in a while.” Fred suggested. It was true, with both of them being bombarded by work they hardly saw eachother in the last few months.
“Sure.” Y/N smiled sickly and set her tea down “Yeah alright I’ll just sack my job off to have a fun little date with you eh? Why not risk getting fired just because I’m feeling a little moody huh?”
Fred was taken aback by her words and immediately went back on what he said “If you dont want to thats fine I-“
“Im sorry” she cut him off “I’m sorry, that was a dick move I didnt mean it, just everythings gotten so much-“ she put her feet up on the couch to hug them “Im sorry.” A few stray tears fell onto her knees
Fred moved closer to her “Hey, its okay, its okay dont worry. I understand.” Oh sweet understanding Fred, Fred who gave you unconditional love and support. Fred who you keep snapping at.
Moments pass as he embraces you, your body leaning against his heavily. Not sure whether its the exhaustion or something else “I dont deserve you.” You mumble into his chest. He frowns cups your face in his hands, you lean in to his warm touch.
“Dont say that” you let out a quiet sob “Y/N you deserve the absolute world, and I wish I could give it to you & more. If I could take away your pain, I would. In an instant I would. You dont deserve to feel like this, to think like this. But I’m here for you okay. I love you, so fucking much you don’t understand.” He gazed into her eyes, wishing she could feel how much he meant it “You’re the best thing that happened to me & I’m going to prove it to you, whatever it takes Y/N.” He kissed your nose before letting you hug him tighter, relieved that you no longer shrunk away from his touch “Words cant express how much I love you.”
After a few more tears fall, Y/N laughs into his chest “Good because you’re stuck with me.”
Fred grins to himself “I wouldnt have it any other way.”
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rizahawkais · 4 years
I LOVED season 1 and 2 of the crown but found season 3 quite dull and difficult to get through. I'm enjoying season 4 (still havent finished bc I watch with my family and we're rarely all together) but I think that the earlier seasons were a lot better in my opinion
hi! i completely agree w you!
I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY! I replied to this the day you sent it but my laptop crashed and I lost everything I wrote so I put off till now!
All in all, the writing for the first two seasons were WAY better. My ranking is s2 > s1 > s4 >>>>> s3. In my opinion, season three was kind of terrible.
hahaha this is so so long.
In the first two seasons each episode’s mini story for the day was actually INTERESTING. Like, I loved where one episode was about the Mountbatten name and then the next was about the Great Smog! But, there was always an overarching plot and it always added up in the end. S1, S2 and S4 all had an overarching plot that worked! S1 was balancing family and the crown. S2 was balancing prime ministers and her husband. S4 was the downfall of Margaret Thatcher and Charles/Diana. S3 LITERALLY HAD NO PLOT! It was just a bunch of stories put together. The finale for season 3 was about the end of Margaret’s marriage! And although, it is an important event in the family’s history the fact that it was the finale episode????
Anyways, Season 3 genuinely just sucks. Season 4 is REALLY good. Yet, it still doesn’t leave as much of an affect on me like the earlier seasons. AND LIKE I KNOW BECAUSE I’VE REWATCHED THE FIRST THREE SEASONS SO MANY TIMES. I’ve only seen the fourth once because I’m too busy and it’s also too early for me to rewatch it. So, maybe my opinion of season 4 will change!
Now, because I am extra 😈😈 and crazy I will talk about every single episode IN ORDER. hehehehehehe. feel free to hate me
101 Wolferton Splash - 10/10 this episodes just sets everything up! we see how happy the marriage is and how loving king george is and we also see the FORSHADOWING!! we see lilibet and phillip making their life thinking they had time when we know they don’t and it’s just :( AN AMAZING PILOT EPISODE WITH AMAZING QUOTES!
102 Hyde Park Corner - 1000/10 this episode needs no explanation. the suspense and DRAMA right before lilibet finds out about her dad ALWAYS gets me!!
103 Windsor - 10/10 I hated this episode the first time I watched it! I didn’t understand the importance of her uncle and I didn’t understand the complexity behind the episode. I was 14 when I saw this episode for the first time! So, mind you I was quite ignorant. but, david basically represents the audience in the show for those who hate the monarchy and call them out on their hypocrisy. BUT DAVID IS A TERRIBLE PERSON! FUCK DAVID! i understand hating the monarchy and for him i know it was personal but the way he talks about his family in the letters UGHUGHGUHGUHGUHGUH this man is evil! there’s also the other story in the episode about the mountbatten name which is so brilliant!
104 Act of God - 15/10 this episode was boring on first watch but I WAS FOURTEEN! this episode took a break from the monarchy and concentrated on a british national horrific event THAT WAS IMPORTANT and i liked how it connected throughout the episode and all that and the CINEMATOGRAPHY OMGGGGG! anyways, something that pisses me off about this episode is that the crown kind of has the same kind of audience as euphoria! they only care about a hot actor or iconic character or the aesthetics AND THAT MAKES ME ANGRY! bc those are the ppl who call this episode the boring fog episode and the latest episode of euphoria a waste of time! they don’t understand the importance of what their watching. an event that killed hundreds by something that could have been avoided bc of science and for euphoria an ongoing pandemic of an ugly world and its affect on ppl not wanting to go on! IM SORRY THIS TURNED INTO A RANT but this episode is important in reminding audiences that disasters can be avoided but also once they happen anything can happen THIS WAS A SAD EPISODE OKAY AND I LOVED VENETIA SCOTT!
105 Smoke and Mirrors - 100/10 THE CORONATION EPISODE! Phillip tries to bring it to the common public and all the fighting between them just makes the coronation even more impactful when we watch it!
106 Gelignite - 8/10 I DESPISED MARGARET IN THE FIRST SEASON i saw her as a spoiled brat who wanted to marry her dad’s assistant! AND ALSO HOW DID SHE NOT REALIZE THERE WAS DEFINITE GROOMING INVOLVED! this episode is generally very good but margaret just pisses me off a lot! however, her not being able to marry peter boresend shouldn’t have been because of his divorcee status but bc he simply was a predator in anyone’s clear eyes IM SORRY IF YOU DISAGREE BUT SHE MET HIM SO YOUNG NO WAY THERE WAS NO GROOMING good episode but pissed off at margaret’s lack of critical thinking besides but I WANT HIMMMMM LIKE I WANT EVERYTHING
107 Scientia Potentia Est - 11/10 hated this when i first watched it! but now one of my favorites! lilibet feels dumb and needs a tutor! prime minister and wannabe prime minister have health problems and keep it from her! lilibet finds out by accident and they all get yelled at! I LOVE WHEN SHE YELLS AT MEN!
108 Pride & Joy - 10/10 this episode is just adds on to the overarching plot of the season: balancing the crown and family. margaret says disrespectful things to ppl who don’t deserve it in place of lilibet while she’s on the commonwealth tour fighting with her husband! then lilibet scorns margaret and we see an ugly papa loved me more argument! absolutely brilliant!
109 Assassins - 1000/10 hated it the first time but now I LOVE THIS EPISODE! it’s the painting and porchey episode and churchill leaving episode. It’s so so so good! i honestly have no words to describe the brilliance of this episode besides the acting done by almost the entire main cast CLAIRE WOW! MATT WOW! STEPHEN (THE PAINTER) WOW! JOHN WOW! HARRIET WOW! when we see the painting getting burned coincided w the downing st dinner GETS ME EVERYTIME I LOVE IT SO SO MUCH!
110 Gloriana - 100/10 the climactic fight between the crown and family! which will lilibet choose?? and the foreshadowing to suez MWAH!
201 Misadventure - 100/10 LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS EPISODE the cutesy lilibet and phillip until it all goes down WOW! and the suez stuff i love it all
202 A Company of Men - 100/10 this is where i think mike’s wife starts snooping or it’s the next episode BUT THIS IS WHERE SOMETHING BEGINS FOR SURE first of all it foreshadows the episode later in the season about philip’s childhood AND MATT’S ACTING!! it’s too good for words!
203 Lisbon - 100/10 i like it when they fight lol that’s the only way i know how to describe why i love it LILIBET WAS EXCITED TO SEE HIM AND SO WAS HE but then mike ruined it by being a disgraceful and dishonest man RUINING EVERYTHING
204 Beryl - 10/10 i start to like margaret bc i feel bad for her! she’s suffering she’s sad that her lil predator boyfriend is no longer w her but look who it is MATTHEW GOODE! he not suspicious at all but the writers are like here take 20 minutes of perfect chemistry between the actors!
205 Marionettes - 100/10 I LOVE THIS EPISODE basically someone who loves the monarchy insults the monarchy and lilibet actually goes to listen to them! w resistance of course but she still took everything he said to fix the monarchy !
206 Vergangenheit - 1000/10 one of my favorites! i didn’t know about david’s nazi past so when i watched this episode for the first time i was completely baffled! another episode where she yells at a man!!!! i’m always annoyed in this episode tho by all the talk from the priest about forgiveness bc im like why would u want to forgive david for being a nazi?? but i think it was intentional by the writers to show the importance of understanding forgiveness and the grounds for it! THIS EPISODE IS JUST PERFECT IM ANNOYED BC I DON’T WANT TO FORGIVE HIM
207 Matrimonium - 9/10 this episode is amazing BEFORE you’ve seen season three bc you root for margaret and tony! but, also throughout the episode there’s all that tony and family and his gf and bf stuff that you think is going to lead somewhere but doesn’t??? like what was the point of introducing his mother and his relationships if it was going nowhere and not even mentioned in season 3??? LIKE WHAT WAS THE POINT WHAT WAS THE REASON? but, also there’s lilibet and phillip fluff in this episode I LOVE
208 Dear Mrs. Kennedy - 10/10 this episode is fun as an american bc i think jackie kennedy and jfk are so idolized here in america it was so interesting to see this other pov! BUT I ALSO REALLY LOVED LILIBET DANCING W NKRUMAH! I THOUGHT IT WAS SO CUTE AND THE MARTIN CHARTERIS STUFF LEADING UP TO IT WAS SO FUNNY!
209 Paterfamilias - 100000/10 no words. IT WAS SO SMART TO PARALLEL PHILIP AND CHARLES this has a lower rating than the previous episode which makes no sense but only goes to prove the idolization of jackie and jfk
every single episode of seasons two has a 9+ rating from me!
SEASON THREE (worst season)
301 Olding - 5/10 weak starter but good for introducing olivia as lilibet and harold wilson and departing churchill BUT THAT’S IT! like the whole spy thing just went bleh LIKE IT HAD POTENTIAL but it needed early seasons writing not third season writing techniques TOBIAS DID A GREAT JOB THO IN THIS EPISODE HE WAS A GREAT RECAST FOR PHILIP
302 Margaretology - 6/10 okay. just okay. margaret kind of bratty but you actually feel bad for her then she gets bratty again and then you feel bad for her again and the scenarios in the episode just didn’t feel real like the whole lyndon b johnson was so jealous of jfk that he was rude to the queen so they sent margaret JUST DIDN’T MAKE SENSE like i know this show is fictional but the fiction tends to be believable until i research the episode afterwards BUT FOR THIS it just didn’t make sense
303 Aberfan - 1000/10 ONE OF THE GOOD EPISODES OF THE SEASON! those first fifteenish minutes??? TEARS! i never knew about aberfan until this episode and seeing this episode made me cry!
304 Bubbikins - 10000/10 THIS EPISODE IS TECHNICALLY NOT AS GOOD AS THE ABERFAN EPISODE BUT THIS IS A PERSONAL PREFERENCE we meet anne and alice in this episode AND I LOVE BOTH OF THEM (erinsdoherty is my current url!) this episode is so sad and sweet at the same time and loving bc i’m a sucker for philip’s back story!
305 Coup - 8/10 this had potential I FEEL LIKE IF THEY WROTE THIS EPISODE DIFFERENTLY LIKE HOW THEY WROTE ONE OF THE SUEZ EPISODE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH BETTER the fact that it all went to nothing and nothing basically happened WHAT WAS THE POINT
306 Tywysog Cymru - 1000/10 this episode made me like charles! what a horrendous statement! but, like i thought his relationship w his tutor was so heartwarming and he actually seemed to care and all that and it just all in all MADE ME HAPPY like this episode isn’t sad it’s a happy episode until the last scene w lilibet BUT YEA they gave us this one good episode until we hate him which i appreciate makes the story telling better
308 Dangling Man - -1000/10 HATE THIS ONE TOO this episode convinced me that the writers for the first two seasons to this season has changed all of a sudden we forget that david was basically a nazi and the charles we met two episodes ago sees him as exactly like this uncle who he swore he would be nothing like to the people of wales??? LIKE WHO WROTE THIS THEY WERE DOING CRACK WHILE WRITING THIS EPISODE and i felt NOTHING during the lilibet and david goodbye WHACK EPISODE TERRIBLE JUST BAD TERRIBLE
309 Imbroglio - 5/10 episode started off good but then just went a lil too crazy by making it seem like a whole secret spy mission going behind lilibet’s back
once again i hate season three
401 Gold Stick- 8/10 written weirdly but had GOOD SCENES such as meeting thatcher and diana! BUT THE SCENE STEALER WAS OBVIOUSLY MOUNTBATTEN’S DEATH AND PHILIP TELLING CHARLES THAT HE BECAME DICKIE’S SON INSTEAD OF HIM SAD STUFF so like the death was sad and dramatic and I FELT BAD but like i shouldn’t bc im south asian and mountbatten did bad stuff to us BUT IT DOESN’T CHANGE THE RIPPLE WE FELT
402 The Balmoral Test - 9/10 funny episode but needed early seasons’ writing
403 Fairytale - 9/10 good episode but needed early seasons’ writing BUT ALSO THAT SCENE BETWEEN CAMILA AND DIANA MWAH CHEF’S KISS THEY BOTH DESERVE ALL THE AWARDS but needed early seasons’ writing
404 Favourites - 7/10 this episode is good but frustrating bc u finally realize how terrible of a mother lilibet is BUT THE ANDREW STUFF WAS GOOD I AM GLAD THEY PUT THAT IN! i liked seeing thatcher’s non-existent relationship w her daughter NEEDED EARLY SEASONS’ WRITING
406 Terra Nullius - 100/10 GOOD EPISODE CLOSEST TO EARLY SEASONS WRITING THAT’S WHAT MADE IT GOOD seeing them not get along and then get along and then not get along again through a series of montages made the episode brilliant!
407 The Hereditary Principle - 6/10 this episode. how do i explain? the material for this episode was absolutely perfect for the writers of the early seasons! POOR EXECUTION
408 48:1 - 100/10 i like the political episodes more than the family episodes SO THIS EPISODE IS SO BRILLIANT BC OF THE BACK AND FORTH AND I GOT TO SEE CLAIRE!!
409 Avalanche - 7/10 early season writers would have shown the arguing before the avalanche and diana’s reaction JUST SAYING
ALAS, what i would like to say is that i feel that season 4 shouldn’t have been so diana centric! it was diana from the beginning of the season to the end! not, that i don’t love the whole diana story but it was dragged and i think she should have been introduced around the third/fourth episode of this season the same way tony was in season two! camilla should have arrived at the beginning of season 4 so that the intensity between camilla, charles and diana was more believable! if we season three wasn’t so spread out they could have had more brilliant episode.
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songofseraphine · 4 years
A Betrothal of Destiny
Part Five of The Song of Seraphine
A/N: Hello there and thank you for the likes and follows.  Just wanted to give a heads up and a WARNING.  This is the ONLY chapter I plan on having to do with the show so if you havent seen the banquet episode I would stop now!
Warnings: Spoilery and there will be violence!
Part One        Part Two      Part Three      Part Four
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Two weeks had passed and Sera could honestly say she was enjoying life Cintra’s court.  She had spent the days in the castle library, reading about anything she could get her hands on.  Then, the evenings she would spend with Pavetta, usually over supper.  She had grown to like the princess in a short time and found that they never ran out of things to talk about.  
              “I just don’t understand all these royal traditions, Pavetta.  But then again, look at me,” she said gesturing to herself.  While she was dressed as a true lady from head to toe, her skirts were well wrinkled from sitting comfortably in a chair to read a book and her hair, just a few inches past her collar bone now, was a mess of untamable waves and curls.  “But I just do not understand why you cannot choose a husband.  You are the princess after all… not to mention the future queen.  And if your mother is so against the rules set by men why does she not make her own?  She claims to be this headstrong queen that is feared yet respected,” Sera said as the two sat on a sofa near the hearth in Pavetta’s room.  It was late in the evening and both women were three glasses of wine into the night.
              Pavetta laughed at Sera’s words then shushed her.  “You should watch what you say, Sera, someone could take your words as treason,” she said and this time they both laughed.
              Sera rolled her eyes then finished off her wine.  She set the cup on the ground at her feet and looked to Pavetta.  “You deserve to be happy, Pavetta.  You do not deserve to be forced into a marriage with a man that will only love you as long as it takes to have an heir,” she said, the word rolling off her tongue before she could stop them.  Pavetta’s gaze locked onto her own and Sera cursed herself from the sight of tears welling in her eyes.  “Fuck,” she said then reached out for her friend’s hand.  “Pavetta, I am sorry.  I would blame my lack of filter on the wine but I am unfortunately always this bold,” she said as if trying to lighten the mood.
              Pavetta smiled just enough to make Sera feel less horrible about what she had said.  “I only wish to be with Duny,” she said, wiping the tears from her eyes with her free hand.  Sera squeezed the one she held in her own grasp and rubbed her thumb along the back of her hand as if to sooth her.  Pavetta had told her all about the love affair she had with a man named Duny one of her first nights in court.  At first she was caught off guard, thinking the princess was more of a rule follower. The story she told Sera of the cursed man and a child surprise was enough to open her heart to Pavetta and consider her a friend.  Sera looked at Pavetta and she regained herself, wiping the tears away and fixing her posture just as a princess should.  “Look at me.  My mother would be disgusted with these waterworks,” she said then took a long last drink of her wine.  “Have you thought about what you want from her by the way?  You can have anything you know, she wasn’t jesting about that. Land… a title… money?”
              Sera shook her head and grinned.  “No, those things are just means to an end,” she said while looking into the flames in the hearth.
              “Then what is it you want?” she asked.
              Sera’s shoulders tensed and she ran her now sweating palms over her skirts. She took a deep breath and glanced over to see Pavetta’s concerned features.  “Justice.  I want justice for me and my sister,” she said.  Her voice was so low she wasn’t completely sure Pavetta had heard her. But when Sera looked at her again and saw her brows were knitted together and her eyes were filled with so many questions, she knew she had indeed heard her.  So Sera took a deep breath and told her everything from the moment the mayor was introduced to her sister to the events that brought her to Cintra.  And when she was done telling her story she was met with complete silence other than the crackling of the fire.  That sound made her think of Geralt and how he had the same reaction when she told him everything.  
              “You want to strike him down from his position, in tern freeing your sister’s name,” she said in realization.  Sera was almost surprised by the lack of questioning why she hadn’t told the truth sooner.  “And then what will you do?  Return home?” she asked but Sera quickly shook her head.  
              “No, I can’t do back.  I don’t belong there anymore,” she said as she thought about the connection her sister and Will now had.  “It would be too much,” she admitted while looking at her friend.
              Pavetta nodded.  “I will talk to my mother about getting Mayor Ferdand stripped of his title and position and restore the good name of your sister, Faline,” she said.  She spoke like a queen then and Sera knew that one day Pavetta would make an excellent and just ruler.  Her vision blurred making her realize that she was now the one with the water works, as Calanthe would call it, and she didn’t care.  
 The day of the banquet was upon them and Seraphine was ready for it to be over before it began.  To see her friend’s future be bartered off after the peacocking of men was not something she would take joy in as tradition expected her to.  Instead she would go as a sign of moral support for the young princess, in hopes to make the situation a little more endurable. As the maids, assigned to her by Queen Calanthe, dressed her in a gown that cost more than anything she had ever worn, Seraphine began to wonder if this was the place for her.  Tight dresses and the expectation of a woman to have a silent tongue did not suite her but luckily the court was a little more lax thanks to the Queen.  After the ladies braided back half of Sera’s hair she was permitted to take a look in the mirror.  She was taken back by the woman that looked back at her.  She had never seen herself this nicely dressed and for a moment she thought that she herself looked passible for a princess.
              “Queen Calanthe had to ride out yesterday to solve some quarrels by the docks. We are sure she will return for the betrothal ceremony of Pavetta,” said one of the maids.  Sera nodded and followed them out of her chambers and down the long halls of the castle.  They led her to the banquet hall that was already filled with lords and ladies of the kingdom along with many suitors for Pavetta.  Sera did not hesitate with making her way to Pavetta’s side at the long table.
              Her friends feature softened almost instantly and she seemed to relax quite a bit once Sera took her seat beside her.  “It will be over before you know it, Pavetta,” she said while reaching her hand under the table to grasp her friend’s.  “And I will be at your side.”  
              Pavetta gave a hint of a smile through the despair she was feeling.  “Sera, I have been meaning to ask you… will you stay here in Cintra?  You will always have a place at my table and my side in court. You could come and go as you please…” she said making Sera turn to her friend.
             “Pavetta…” she began but stopped when the shouting of a man interrupted her.
             “Geralt of Rivia, the Mighty Witcher!” said the man Sera recognized as Mousesack the mage whom she had yet had the pleasure of meeting. She stilled in her chair and her eyes caught the sight of the silver haired man standing at the opposite end of the banquet hall.  
              “Sera… Sera are you alright?” she heard Pavetta ask, pulling her attention from Geralt.  “Do you know that witcher?”
               Sera took the closest chalice of wine and gulped down a bit as she nodded.  She cleared her throat.  “Geralt is the man that lied to those bounty hunters and saved my life twice now.  We have a theme of running into one another it seems,” she said, allowing herself to take another look in his direction. This time she was met with his honey-gold orbs staring back at her and even though Sera had never considered herself the blushing type, she felt her cheeks grow warm under his gaze.
               Pavetta witnessed this reaction and smiled.  “Is that so?” she grinned when Sera turned back to her.  Her eyes flickered in the direction of Geralt and back to the princess.  “Go and talk to him, I will be fine right here,” she said, knowing that was what Sera wanted.  
               Sera thanked her with a nod and stood from her chair. She made sure to still walk with grace as she approached the witcher and the mage, whom both had their eyes on her. As she approached the mage spoke again. “Josanna?” he said, the name stopping Sera in her tracks.  
               She still managed to shake her head despite feeling a wave of emotions.  “No, I am Seraphine.  Josanna was my mother,” she said.  She knew her mother had lived in the kingdom of Cintra as a young woman so there was a possibility that was how the mage knew her.  
                He studied her a moment longer then shook his head. “Look at me, where are my manners? I am Mousesack, the mage.  The Queen mentioned you had stayed in court after saving the princess.  I supposed we just never had the opportunity to meet,” he said with a laugh, attempting to brush off the tension from the moment before.  Her eyes travelled to Geralt, who still was watching her under his intense stare.  “Let me introduce the witcher, Geralt of Rivia, an old friend of mine.  From what Calanthe has told me of you, Seraphine, I would imagine you two would get along rather well,” he said as he put a hand on Geralt’s shoulder, in a friendly manner.
                 Sera grinned while her eyes were still cast on the silver-haired man in front of her.  “We have already had the pleasure of being acquainted, Mousesack, but thank you,” she said.  As Mousesack began to realize his presence was being forgotten about by the pair, he excused himself and made his way to table of men.  Sera looked Geralt up and down, noting his common attire and his kept hair, an appearance she was not familiar with since the last two times she had seen him.  “You look… different.  I have to say I think the leather armor suites you best, though it is nice to see you all cleaned up,” she said, earning a fraction of a smile from the man.
              “You look different as well.  Seems like life at court is treating you well, I almost didn’t recognize you,” he said, his voice the same gruffness as she remembered. His eyes moved from hers and across the room to the bard he had arrived with whom was being yelled at by a man. “Excuse me,” he said as he left her side to aid the situation.  She watched as Geralt went to them and smoothed over whatever situation the bard had already gotten himself in.  She then watched as he took two mugs of ale from the nearest table before making his way back to her side.
                “What was that about?” she asked as he handed one of the mugs to her.  She took it and let herself take a sip of the ale.
                “Just settling a debt,” he said before drinking from his own glass.
               “Ah yes, he must be the one responsible for those lovely tunes about you,” she said with a smile, this earned her a glare from the man beside her.  Her eyes scanned over the room and she couldn’t help but notice the number of people the caught taking glances over at the pair.
                She opened her mouth to speak again but was cut off by the sound of trumpets, announcing the arrival of the queen.  “All rise for Her Majesty, the Lioness, Queen Calanthe of Cintra!”
                 The pair turned to watch as Calanthe walked into the banquet hall, fully dressed in her armor, splattered in blood.  Sera’s eyes skimmed over to Pavetta who looked mortified at her mother’s appearance.  She then looked to Geralt, who looked rather amused at the queen’s appearance. “Believe it or not, this is quite normal,” she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.  His gaze fell on hers again and this time she had gotten a smile from him.
               “How did you find yourself in this court?  Mousesack said you saved the princess’ life,” he said while glancing over at where Pavetta sat.  
               “Yes, well, I killed some wild dogs that were after her. I was wounded in the process,” she said raising her left arm.  The sleeves of her grey gown covered the bandage she had.  The wound itself was almost healed but the healer insisted on dousing it in a special oil and covering with the bandage to get rid of the scarring.  He smirked and shook his head as if her getting hurt trying to save the day was no surprise.  “I am now a guest of honor, and Pavetta has just offered me a permanent position here in court, at her side, if I do choose to accept it.”
               Geralt looked down at her with raised brows. “No more monsters for you then?” he asked with a smirk then gulped down more ale.
              “No more monsters… if that’s what I want,” she said as her eyes caught his.
              “And why wouldn’t you?  No more sleeping on a hard ground, real food, warm baths… what is there that is missing?” he asked.  The mention of a warm bath made her think back to their last meeting.  The morning after that day she was woken alone, getting no word of goodbye from Geralt.  It hadn’t bothered her then but ever since he had been flitting through her dreams it was beginning to.
                Just as she was about to speak a group of men at one of the tables began arguing about manticores and what they truly looked like. In truth, Sera was thankful for the distraction, not wanting to talk about what they had been discussing before they interrupted.  One man was calling out the lie, a claim of the other man killing one which resulted in a fight. “Enough!” Calanthe yelled above them and they immediately stopped what they were doing.  She began walking down the steps from where she had been standing in front of the long table.  “We have a renowned guest here tonight,” she said.  Sera caught Geralt rolling his eyes.  “Perhaps her can declare which esteemed lord is telling the truth,” she said and all eyes were on Geralt.
              “Neither,” he said, causing another uproar from the men.
              “The Butcher of Blaviken bleats utter nonsense,” one man said.  This, Sera could tell, hit a soft spot on Geralt.  He looked over to his bard who just shook his head in plea of Geralt not making a scene.
              Geralt sighed and looked as if what he was about to say was physically paining him to do so.  “Perhaps the lords encountered rare subspecies of manticore,” he said, receiving a corner-eyed glance from Sera.  
               Queen Calanthe laughed.  “Perhaps our esteemed guest would like to entertain us with how he slayed the elves at the edge of the world?” she said.  Sera wished the woman would let it rest.  She had seen this happen on many occasions, taking a man’s words as the next line of her jests, and she was getting tired of it.
                 Her hand naturally, and without thought, rested on the back of Geralt’s arm and he remained collected.  “There was no slaying.  I had my ass kicked by a ragged band of elves,” he said earning an eruption of laugher.  “I was about to have my throat cut when Filavandrel let me go,” he said which begged questions of the songs that bragged about him slaying the elves.  “At least when Filivandrel’s blade kissed my throat I didn’t shit myself.  Which is all I can hope for you, good lords.  At your final breath, a shitless death,” he said as he raised his mug of ale in a false respect. “But I doubt it,” he said which earned more laughter. He began to turn back to Sera in hopes that the conversation was over and he would get back to talking to someone he actually tolerated.
               “Any man willing to paint himself in the shadow of his failures will make for far more interesting conversation this night,” said Calanthe with a smile.  She walked over to where Geralt and Sera stood and Sera removed her hand from Geralt’s arm as she did, not wanting to draw more attention to him.  “It seems I will have two guests of honor tonight. Please witcher, join me at my table as I go and change,” she said then turned to walk away but stopped.  “I also expect the tale of how you two know one another,” she said with a grin then left them standing there.
               Sera let out a sigh, regretting being here in the first place.  “Is it too late for us to leave?” Geralt asked getting a pitiful excuse for a laugh from Sera.
               “Unfortunately I cannot.  I promised Pavetta I would be at her side until this was over, otherwise I would have left with you the moment you walked into this hall,” she said whole taking a glance over at where Pavetta still sat then directing her gaze back to Geralt.
               “Shame, I could think of better things to occupy my time with,” he said, his eyes travelling to her own.
                Sera felt her jaw drop but quickly collected herself, brushing off the fact that Geralt of Rivia was being forward with her.  She cleared her throat and grinned.  “You should try talking to one of these ladies, I am sure they are the type to be easily wooed by stories of monsters and words like those,” she said, standing tall with pride on her reply.
                 Geralt smiled and opened his mouth to speak, to tell her he didn’t care for any of the ladies in this court, just as the bard approached.  “Geralt, are you trying to ruin both of our reputations in one night,” he said then turned to Sera.  “I do apologize, milady, for the intrusion but his behavior is just unacceptable.”
                “I am no lady, you may call me Seraphine,” she said with a smile and stuck her hand out to shake.  
                Instead the bard took her hand and pressed the back of it to his lips making Geralt role his eyes.  “Seraphine, the one and only!  Geralt has told me about you, the woman that bested the griffin.  I am Jaskier!  The one responsible for this man’s fame, but he never shows me thanks for that.  I would love to write a song about you,” he said. He was a talker she could tell just in the few seconds of knowing him and she also knew it took every ounce of control Geralt had to put up with him.
                “It would be an honor to be in one of your songs, Jaskier, but I fear my life is all too boring compared to that of Geralt’s. Besides… that tune, the one that is so catchy, I would hate for that to be overshadowed by a new song about a farm girl,” she said then looked to Geralt who was shaking his head.
                “Oooh, see Geralt, she likes the song,” he said and began to strum the first few chords of it on his lute.  Geralt lightly backhanded his arm to stop him even though Sera was fully prepared to sing along.  Jaskier was asked to play a song and he walked away to the other musicians.
                 She looked back to Geralt with an amused grin.  “So, you told the bard of me?” she asked making him role his eyes once again.  “Now I am intrigued, Geralt.  Why would you tell a bard about a random woman you have had the luck of stumbling upon twice?”
                 “Three times now,” he said, his eyes landing on hers. “The idiot wanted to know more details from the past year to have relevant information.  You happened to be part of that time,” he told her.
                   She nodded, he was right after all.  This was their third time meeting as if it was pure coincidence.  “So what is it then, that’s bringing us together?  Is it fate?  Destiny?” she was jesting but she could see him grow tense.  
                  “Fuck destiny,” he said, his voice even rougher than usual.
                  Sera smirked and took a step closer to him so that they were only a few inches apart.  “Then what other excuse so we have, Geralt?” she asked, her voice was soft and quiet. He would admit, only to himself, that she had a point.  The world was large but despite that they had a habit of running into one another. What Seraphine hadn’t realized was that he was also questioning it and it was something he thought about often since the last time he had seen her.   “What are you going to do after this?” she asked, pulling him from his thoughts.  
                He shrugged his shoulders and let out a signature hum. “Another contract, I suppose,” he said and she nodded.  “You really plan on staying here, in court, with a bunch of backstabbing rich people?” he asked.
                Sera shrugged her shoulders and looked over to the table of the rich people he had been referring to.  “I would stay if it meant Pavetta’s happiness.  She is being forced into a marriage to a man she will not know.  She shouldn’t have to be alone,” she said as he kept his eyes on her.  “But… I have grown so used to the ways of life out there, beyond these walls, that I don’t think I could ever truly be satisfied here,” she said and for a moment she thought about how she probably would never be truly satisfied no matter what she did.  She shook those thoughts from her mind looked to him.  “We should take our seats, Queen Calanthe will be returning soon.”
                “Hmm, if we must,” he said and they walked together to the long table.
                “Don’t say anything about the bounty hunters, I beg you. Pavetta knows but not the Queen,” she whispered.  Geralt glanced at her and nodded.  They took their seats that were quite a distance from one another as they waited for the Queen.
                 Pavetta welcomed her back with a smile.  “Well that was entertaining, at least this entire night wasn’t awful,” she said with a grin.  Sera rolled her eyes then glanced over to where Geralt sat.  “Do you not think it strange that you keep running into one another?” she asked.
                   “Keep your voice down, Pavetta, he has excellent hearing,” said Sera as she glanced over to see Geralt not looking at her but she would swear he was grinning.  She then turned back to Pavetta.  “I do find it odd,” she whispered.
                  “But…” Pavetta began with a large grin, “… you like it,” she said making Sera’s eyes widen.  She gently swatted at Pavetta despite knowing that what her friend said was true.  Sera did indeed like running into Geralt when she least expected to.  She enjoyed seeing a familiar face in her life and she enjoyed hearing his views on things.  She found it all very refreshing.  Queen Calanthe returned and the banquet could officially begin and the men that had attended to pursue Pavetta’s hand in marriage could begin their boasting on themselves.  It went on with them bragging about their money, land, and even their potent seed, which was enough to make Sera gag.  They were nearly halfway done with the event and due to Calanthe declining each proposal it wasn’t going anywhere.  Thankfully, for Sera’s sanity, there was a break so the crowd could enjoy a few songs.
                    “Seraphine,” said Calanthe, pulling Sera out of her thought of the suitors before them.
                    “Yes, Your Majesty,” Sera said while leaning over a bit so she could look at the queen.
                   “You and the Witcher appear to have been previously acquainted.  You never mentioned you had friends of the sort,” she said while raising a brow.
                   Sera’s eyes went to Geralt for a fraction of a second then returned to the queen’s.  “In truth, my Queen, Geralt and I just have the luck of unintentionally running into one another.  This will be the third time in the last year or so,” she said.
                  “You say unintentional?  How is it that you first met?” she asked.  More people than Sera cared for were listening in on the conversation.  Again she paused and looked at Geralt.
                   “She was after the same griffin as I was,” he said.
                   Calanthe’s brows raised, a sign that she was both amazed and intrigued. “A griffin?  You are much more modest than I, Seraphine.  Had it been me defeating a griffin, everyone would have known about it,” she said and Sera shrugged her shoulders.  She then turned to Geralt.  “I recall hearing the story of another woman fighting a griffin, though that woman didn’t survive,” she said.  Sera nearly choked on the ale she was drinking, making the others look at her.
                   Luckily they were interrupted by another suitor and Sera gulped down all of her ale.  “I will speak with her when this is all over.  Out of everyone here my mother is the most likely one to be on your side,” said Pavetta while squeezing Sera’s hand under the table.  Sera nodded and turned her attention to the floor.  Just then the sound of metal clashing against metal could be heard in the hall and a knight, fully dressed in armor, came rushing into the banquet hall.
                  “Forgive my late intrusion, Your Majesty, and for the misunderstanding with your guards,” said the man as he made his wat to the center of the floor.  “Please! I come in peace,” he said as guards grew more alert at the situation.  “I need but one moment of your time.  I am Lord Urcheon of Erlenwald, and I have come to claim your daughter’s hand in marriage.”
                 Pavetta and Sera grew tense and the hold Pavetta had on her hand tightened.  “A knight, with no renown, from a backwater hamlet… who dares enter my court without revealing his face?” said Calanthe.
              “I apologize, Your Majesty.  A knight’s oath prevents me from revealing my face until the twelfth bell,” said the knight.  Sera knew better.  She knew that it was none other than Duny under that helmet.  Eist of Skellige, a friend to the Queen, didn’t care for the excuse he gave and walked right up to Duny then knocked off his helmet.
                Several gasps could be heard along with the sound of swords being unsheathed.  “Witcher… kill it,” said Calanthe.  Both Sera and Pavetta quickly looked to her in shock.
                 “No,” said Geralt.  “This is no monster,” he said and he was right.  It was only a cursed man that was also unfortunately in love with the princess.
                 Sera watched Geralt to see what he was going to do as Calanthe ordered her men to slay Duny.  Several of the guards went at him and he quickly dispatched them.  “Lioness of Cintra, I have come to claim what is rightfully mine, Pavetta by the law of surprise!” he said then looked to Pavetta.
                   But the queen had nothing to say to him.  Instead she ordered more men to attack him and Sera watched as he fought them off one by one.  She sat on the edge of her seat, not wanting to see the love of Pavetta’s life slain in front of them.  She wanted to stand up for Duny and Pavetta but feared the queen.  But as Duny was knocked to the ground and as she looked to see the queen’s reaction she noticed Geralt was missing from his chair and she suddenly didn’t care for the rule of a queen.  Sera turned back to the action in the center of the floor and watched as Geralt blocked one of Duny’s attackers by cutting his weapon in half. The queen’s response was to have them both killed.
                      Sera moved without having to think about it.  She stood from her chair and ran to the center of the hall, taking a sword from a fallen guard.  She then made her way to Geralt and Duny, putting her back to them as she began to help fight off any man that approached them.  The room was a collection of metal clashing and shouts. Sera swung her borrowed sword at an attacker and instead of killing him she hit his chest armor which knocked him off of his feet.  She stumbled backwards and her back pressed to another form.  When she turned to see if it was friend or foe she was met with the familiar face of Geralt.  He gave her a nod then gripped her arm, pulling her out of the way of another guard just before his sword would have come in contact with her.  
                     Through all of the chaos Sera hadn’t realized Calanthe had gotten up from her chair and come to the floor.  “Stop!” she said and everyone stilled, including Geralt who had his own sword crossed with hers.
                    Pavetta came down from her chair and ran into Duny’s arms. “Duny, I told you to stay away,” she said with tears streaming down her face.  Geralt glanced from Pavetta then to Sera who was still clutching her sword.
                   Duny backed away from her embrace and after putting his arms out as a sign he was no longer going to be a threat, he knelt down in front of Calanthe. “Your Majesty, I was cursed as a young boy.  My whole life, a living misery until the day I saved your husband, King Roegner, from a certain death.  By tradition, I chose the law of surprise as payment,” he said.
                 “That stupid bastard.  Better you had let him die,” said Calanthe then she turned to her daughter. “And you, carousing with the beast that swindled your stupid father!” she said.  Sera approached Pavetta and took hold of her hand, standing tall in front of the queen.
                 “Tis not swindle.  Claiming payment by the law of surprise is as old as mankind itself,” Eist said, taking Calanthe’s attention away from her daughter and Sera.  “It’s an honest gamble.  As likely to be rewarded with a bumper crop as a newborn pup… or a child of surprise.  He could not know.  Destiny has determined the prize be Pavetta.”  Duny nodded and explained how he tried to keep away from Pavetta after realizing she was the payment of law of surprise.  He explained that it was destiny that brought them together and there was nothing anyone could have done to prevent it.  Pavetta herself, after separating from Sera, supported everything Duny said.
                 “Honor destiny’s wish or unleash its wrath upon us,” said Mousesack.
                 The Queen didn’t like that answer though.  She shook her head and looked to the people in the room.  “Is there not a man amongst you who does not cower before destiny?” she asked then turned to Geralt.  “You, Witcher, who has known monsters of every fang and claw, are you afraid?”
                 “No,” he said, his voice deep.  “I’ve seen mothers lash themselves raw over the death of a child, believing they crossed destiny, ignoring the stench of the fifty other children in the plague cart outside. Destiny helps people believe there’s an order to this horseshit.  There isn’t,” he said.  Calanthe was looking rather pleased with his answer and Sera was growing more tense by the second.  “But a promise made much be honored.  As true for a commoner as it is for a queen.”
                  Sera let out a sigh of relief as she looked at him. “I love Duny mother, I will marry him. I will finally be free,” said Pavetta while taking Duny’s hands in her own.  To Sera’s, and everyone else in the hall, relief Calanthe handed her sword off the Eist and approached the pair.  She whispered something to Duny that Sera couldn’t hear but what she did hear was the unsheathing of a blade and Pavetta’s scream.
                  An invisible force knocked Sera back into a pillar and she fell to the ground with sore limbs and all.  She felt a hand on her arm, pulling her up despite the gushing wind that continued coming from the center of the room.  “Get behind the pillar,” said Geralt as she looked up at him, shielding her face from the wind.  She nodded and crawled to the other side of the pillar as debris began flying through the air.  She laid down in the fetal position with her hands over her face and jumped when glass shattered all around the hall.  When everything stilled she peaked out from underneath her hands to see the destruction around her.  Her hands stung from small cuts caused by the shattered glass and she could feel blood running down from her hairline.  She stood and shuffled to the other side of the pillar to see Pavetta and Duny untouched by what had just happened.  The queen, after picking herself up off the ground, approached her daughter and took her into her arms.  
                    The blast of energy had come from the princess, this was obvious. “Destiny has spoken and I have listened,” Calanthe said.  “The law of surprise will be honored and Pavetta will marry Lord Urcheon,” she said and the hall was filled with the whispers of those still standing.
                   “React poorly and you won’t just face the Lioness, you will be facing the sea hounds of Skellige.  Because Queen Calanthe has agreed to my proposal of marriage,” Eist said while approaching Calanthe.  He took her hand in his and Calanthe held onto Pavetta with her free hand.
                    “There will be two vows here tonight, I hope that is agreeable,” said the Queen.  No one said a word.  Sera looked over to Geralt whom looked rather confused and as if he wanted to leave right then and there.
                    She walked over to him and stood at his side as others picked themselves up.  “You’re bleeding,” he said and she shrugged her shoulders.
                    “I will be alright,” she said while glancing up at him. “Thank you for standing up for them,” she said while motioning to where Pavetta and Duny stood.
                  “You knew,” he said, it wasn’t a question.  
                  “I did, Pavetta confided in me as I have with her,” she said while rubbing her hands together.  Geralt had picked up on this nervous habit of hers and had to stop himself from grinning.
                    “You are worried she will no longer need you to stay,” he said.
                   Sera’s eyes landed on his and she furrowed her brows wondering how he knew that.  She then looked back at the pair and shrugged her shoulders, pretending her feelings didn’t matter once again.  “If that is the case then I shall move on, I suppose,” she said then let out a bitter laugh. “She is the most consistent relationship I have had since first leaving my home… other than you.  It is sad to think I can consider seeing someone only three times in a year to be consistent,” she said.  Geralt wasn’t given the chance to say anything to her before she walked away from him and over to Pavetta.  He watched as she embraced Pavetta then stood back so the ceremony could begin.  
                    Everyone circled around the pair and many of them held candles in their hands.  Calanthe performed the hand tying portion of the ceremony and Pavetta and Duny said their vows, promising themselves to one another.  Seraphine was smiling due to the happiness she had for her friend until, after their kiss, Duny fell to his knees in pain.  Before all the eyes in the room, Duny transformed from his mutated cursed self into a normal man.  
                  “The twelfth bell has not yet rung,” said Pavetta while embracing Duny.
                  “What has happened?” Calanthe asked while looking to Mousesack.  
                    “I think your blessing of this marriage had fulfilled a destiny.  The curse has been lifted,” he said.
                   Sera looked across the room to see Geralt turning away from the spectacle and began heading for the door only to be stopped by Duny. “Wait!  You saved my life and I must repay you,” he said and Geralt turned back to look at him.
                     “You have proven yourself to be the kind of man to do the same, I want nothing,” he said while once again turning to leave.  
                    “No, please,” he said and Geralt stopped despite wanting to continue his leave.  “Please, Geralt of Rivia, do not feel like you’re doing me a service.  I cannot start a new life in the shadow of a life debt,” he said, pleading.
                      “Fine,” said Geralt, looking slightly defeated.  “I… claim the tradition as you have, the law of surprise.  Give me that which you already have but do not know,” he said.
                      Sera froze, knowing that wasn’t the brightest idea. “No!  What have you done, Witcher?” asked Calanthe as the room began to fill with whispers.  
                       “Fear not, Your Majesty, if I am seen in your kingdom again, it’ll be to kill a real monster, not lay claim to a crop or a new pup. Destiny can go fu…” he said but just as he was finishing is last word Pavetta released all of the meal she had just eaten onto the floor in front of her.  
                        Sera looked to Geralt and could see his discomfort in what had just occurred.  It was obvious now that Pavetta was indeed with child and now said child would be promised to him due to the law of surprise.  “Fuck,” he said then without saying another word, began to leave the banquet with Mousesack hot on his trail.  Sera looked to Pavetta who only gave her a nod as permission to follow him out.
                         “I will be back,” she said then shuffled around the crowds of people and the broken glass and debris then made her way to the halls. Mousesack was trying to convince Geralt to stay due to destiny but he wasn’t having any of it.  They finished their conversation and Geralt started walking down the hall disappearing around a corner towards the quickest exit while a defeated Mousesack turned around to see Sera.  “He is a stubborn one,” he said while shaking his head.  He walked past her and she hurriedly went after Geralt.
                          When she rounded the corner she almost ran right into him making her take a sharp breath.  “You’re staying,” he said.  It wasn’t a question, it was an observation.  
                         She nodded and looked back toward the banquet hall. “She could use a friend right now,” she said then turned back to him.  He nodded in return and glanced in the direction of his exit.  “But… umm… if you ever want to stop unintentionally crossing paths with one another, you do know where to find me,” she said and he looked back at her with a grin and nodded.
                        “I can’t promise that I’ll come back here… but maybe we will have the off chance of seeing each other again,” he said.
                        She nodded, leaving many things she wanted to say left unsaid.  “Well, goodbye, Geralt of Rivia.  I hope our paths continue to cross,” she said and bowed her head at him before turning and quickly walking away.  She couldn’t help but feel torn between the choice of staying with Pavetta and going off with Geralt.  She wanted to follow him out of the kingdom and return to life on the road, but she also wanted to care for her friend.  She wanted answers from Mousesack of how he knew her mother and mostly she wanted justice for herself and her sister.  None of that would be accomplished out on the road killing monsters. She would stay in Cintra, despite the pull she felt for Geralt.  In truth, Geralt had no need for her out there, not the way that Pavetta would need her at Cintra.  
                           Sera turned back into the banquet hall and was immediately met with the voice of Pavetta’s new groom, Duny.  “Lady Seraphine, come, join us,” he said while motioning to where he stood with Pavetta, Calanthe, and Eist.  Sera nodded, not arguing about the formality he had called her and joined them in the center of the hall, all eyes on her.  “Do not think I was blind to the aid you provided me and Geralt earlier this night.  Pavetta has told me of your struggles and of the false accusations that taint not only your sister but your family’s name entirely,” he said and her eyes widened. She suddenly thought that she made the wrong choice and now she would never be able to escape but his words were not what she had expected.  “I swear to you that justice will be done and that all of Cintra will stand at your side,” he vowed.  Sera’s eyes went to Pavetta then to Calanthe whom both looked back at her not with hate and offense but with admiration and she couldn’t help but smile, knowing that she would finally get what she wanted.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
Art Resources
Check out this plethora of art-related resources archived from Comic Tea Party’s Art Resources Channel!
starting this channel off with @Kabocha 's site http://www.shooting-stars.org/ lots of fantastic brushes and materials to use for both photoshop and clip studio(edited)
https://inkarnate.com/ - a nifty site for creating maps. while there is a pro version, the free version still has a lot of features if you just need a map for personal use to reference for your stories.(edited)
https://bodykunposeoftheday.tumblr.com/ - lots of pose photos of the SH Figuarts Body-Kun figures. really great if you want to get some anatomy and pose practice in!(edited)
http://blog.studiominiboss.com/pixelart - if you're a fan of pixel art, this is a hugely great collection of tutorials by Pedro Medeiros. it's got everything from process explanations, animation tips, shading, and more.(edited)
http://terawell.net/terawell/ - Design Doll, a great 3d program solely focused on doll posing. learning to pose the dolls can be a bit of a learning curve, but it can be fantastic if you really need a specific pose reference.(edited)
http://www.yeoldemapmaker.com/ - another map making website. this one is a lot better for interiors, especially if what you want is to just understand the base layout of a room for reference.(edited)
https://www.textures.com/ - a good site for textures. you have to make an account to download them, unfortunately. however, theres tons upon tons of them. for comics they should be safe, but would recommend checking terms for other things.(edited)
Free Software: I have not personally tested all of these programs. Download at your own risk. indicates that I have used it. Pixia: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/mighty/knight/index.html Artweaver: https://www.artweaver.de/en (has paid version) Medibang Paint: https://medibangpaint.com/en/ Krita: https://krita.org/en/ MyPaint: http://mypaint.org/ (Pressure does not work properly on Surface devices newer than the Surface 3) SmoothDraw: http://www.smoothdraw.com/sd Paint.Net: https://www.getpaint.net/ GIMP: https://www.gimp.org/ Pinta: https://pinta-project.com/pintaproject/pinta/ Inkscape: https://inkscape.org/en/
https://nattosoup.blogspot.com/ - If you aren't familiar with Becca's blog yet, it's really great. while there is an emphasis on watercolor and traditional art supplies, theres honestly just great information all around. processes, supply reviews, and so on!
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
http://leifandthorn.com/2018/07/resources-for-making-webcomics/ - resources I've collected over the years. Mostly art stuff (fonts, color harmony, body types, etc), plus some help with website accessibility and some general webcomic podcasts.
This is not a free resource so I hope it's okay, but in just a couple of days poring over the first two pages of this book, I'm really feeling a difference in the elasticity of my character's poses. It doesn't get bogged down by medical terminology and sorts parts of the body by 'landmark' instead: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23580472-anatomy-for-sculptors-understanding-the-human-figure
this is speaking as someone who has multiple years of figure drawing practice from life...I wish this book had been out much earlier, it's just amazing
https://www.calligraphr.com/en/ Here’s a free to use website that turns your handwriting into a legit text font, and it works too!
speaking of fonts i've actually made a few that are free to use. there's a couple of webcomics i know of that use them. should can i post them?
they're free, no license or credit necessary
this is a pretty basic level "how I do comics" but i like to reference these how-to's from Mad Rupert sometimes as a refresh on comics: http://mynameismad.tumblr.com/post/163801383099/hello-in-case-you-havent-heard-the-sakana
for any fellow photoshop users who wanna get better at perspective, this video's been really helpful for me! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upxBGNcryRs
Really helpful Twitter thread about effective paneling! https://twitter.com/h0lysarthole/status/1117464886123089921
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Install old versions of Adobe products for free: https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs2-product-downloads.html?promoid=19SCDRQK There are terms & conditions, but the programs don't actually check if you fulfill them. It's up to you to know how much money you've given them, and what you're ethically clear to download in return.
If we're talking about Image Editors, a not-free alternative is Affinity Photo, which is reasonably priced. (I'd look for it to go on sale, but $50 for a perpetual license isn't bad at all!) https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/photo/ Their indesign competitor is in free Beta right now, too: https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/publisher/
Paint.net also still exists: https://www.getpaint.net/
https://www.patreon.com/posts/26834357 In the meantime, here's a post for alternatives to adobe.
https://blog.reimenayee.com/graphic-novel-outline-onion-method/ neat
Hey, I'm sure everyone already knows, but clip studio is on sale for $25 right now! It is (imo) one of the best programs out there for making comics! https://twitter.com/clipstudiopaint/status/1169159411304210432?s=19
MJ Massey
if you're looking for a new display tablet, I found this useful site with tons of tablet reviews! They're organized by size and look at several different brands http://brad.site/reviews/wacom-cintiq-alternatives.html
Attila Polyák
How to draw good looking lightning/electricity! https://www.facebook.com/leesartandmore/photos/a.1370091679712083/2411389295582311/?type=3&theater
Free to use comic font http://purastik.net/ames/e.html
MJ Massey
If you haven't watched Jake Parker's videos, I highly recommend them. They are very informative AND relaxing and encouraging https://www.youtube.com/user/jakeparker44
MJ Massey
GESTURE DRAWINGS! They're important for art practice, especially if you are looking to improve your forms! https://www.quickposes.com/en is my favorite. It has a feature where you can set it to show you different photos every 30-300 seconds to practice gesture drawing!
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Just saw this on Twitter. Haven't actually gotten a chance to look at it closely, but I thought other people might also want to take a look https://twitter.com/Worstwizard/status/1183475129084329984?s=09
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
Attila Polyák
Loads of useful facebbok stuff I meant to post a long time ago, but never got around doing it: https://www.facebook.com/AikaLockheart/photos/a.413147142066258/2235198713194416/?type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=472362883489284&set=a.130547804337462&type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/geektower/photos/pcb.1089341477902964/1089341267902985/?type=3&theater
MJ Massey
picking pens! From Jake Parker himself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNgYvTI09XE
MJ Massey
for anyone who likes podcasts, I enjoy 3 Point Perspective, particularly their most recent episode on building an online store and making sales https://open.spotify.com/episode/2twCBBjRWZlmzbvWkRoARG?si=N7PiY3UoTJCzq0zZovXsdg
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Here's a good reference generator: https://line-of-action.com/
Hope this counts as a resource, here's a list of Best Comic Covers in a given month by Paste magazine, it goes up to June 2019. It was really helping me get ideas for covers! https://www.pastemagazine.com/search?t=Best+Comic+Book+Covers&m=Galleries
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
This is great!
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Ooh, yeah, those are great.
I did a redraw where I added another 7, for shots that aren't in the original that I also get a ton of use out of: https://www.deviantart.com/erinptah/art/29-Panels-That-Always-Work-748887838
ooooh https://twitter.com/cathygjohn/status/1216093817734139904?s=20
This may have been shared before but i am a HUGE fan of SenshiStock. Their references are so good and ive used their stock photos for a ton of studies and practice too https://twitter.com/SenshiStock
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
@Feather J. Fern This is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEvMHRgPdyk
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
@Javi An oldie I still find useful for learning how to draw people: https://archive.org/details/andrew-loomis-drawing-the-head-hands/mode/2up
Nutty (Court of Roses)
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
video that looks into this current humble bundle pack
looks kind of interesting
I'm not sure if Borodante's Over-Paint series has been posted here (I didn't see it, but I don't have my glasses so I can't promise a thorough search), but his digital painting tips have been incredibly helpful and inspiring to me, so I hope it helps someone else here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDKgohjbwY8&list=PL26-CxnLWOfD_h42yjpO44dPAo3-pijgb&index=23
Feather J. Fern
Found something that explains Bleed for comics. https://makingcomics.spiltink.org/pgtemplates/
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
A soft-shading demo I made for@Feather J. Fern & @Artem Ficta (Ring Spell) Sorry this took so long to complete! https://youtu.be/Cyc9EVissw0
For people like me who mess up their bleeds and have to fix them in post, I had this lying in my bookmarks! https://twitter.com/TheDamnThinGuy/status/1190321427314032646?s=20
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
There are lots of guides to tangents, and here is one I like a lot! http://curiousoldlibrary.blogspot.com/2011/10/schweizer-guide-to-spotting-tangents.html
https://twitter.com/Sasquatchiix/status/1236987090874667008 This is a visual novel zine but section 2 on resources actually has a lot of cross-over in terms of usability for comic creators, check it out if you feel like testing out some new tools! Update - I read through the articles now and I actually really recommend checking them out too for advice when it comes to story-writing and how to lay it all out(edited)
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
Want to share this with you all! https://creatureartteacher.com/product/fundamentals-of-animation/?fbclid=IwAR0ahSOtdTBPmi0cHQlBpyMK7RveLZXptqcLrFX559KQMOkp-oLjGG9JA_0 Fundamentals of Animation Course Aron Blaise a big disney animator, has an animation Course that take you through the princibles of animation. This course is free for a limited time if you want to learn about animation!
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Really cool video I found about pricing your commissions: https://youtu.be/pN4P82Y_3k0
a handy tool for those who work in clip https://twitter.com/2TooToo2/status/1243101802435727360
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I'm not sure if this is the right channel, but I'm going around shouting about how Adobe users can get two months free because of the pandemic this morning. Here's an article about how to do it! https://www.creativebloq.com/news/adobe-payment-holiday?fbclid=IwAR108UH-2fQfvQzyc2STIHZh9H7LOzr1xvOoLPM_7pylHNoQ9isvMDT4wRw
I also made a tweet for easy sharing if you don't want to type your own. https://twitter.com/RainyDayMariah/status/1243573425697742848?s=20
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
https://twitter.com/metalsorcery/status/1247930202073829377?s=19 This is a survey to answer for webcomic creators to get their work featured in this newsletter! Open to every one!
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
@Miranda (Into the Swell) This one's pretty good: https://www.deviantart.com/theinkyway/art/Manga-Studio-5-Clip-Studio-Paint-Brush-Pack-619455926
@Miranda (Into the Swell) this is my ultimate fave http://fav.me/d7s799d
this is handy reference image account that only posts pictures of suits and mundane things https://twitter.com/madarameBK
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Follow Art of Webcomics (on Twitter) which help independent creators host a site and share your page updates: https://series.artofwebcomics.com/(edited)
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1725189 a handy sfx brush for clip studio paint that can help save some time with your process (it's got various effects built in the brush itself so you don't have to have several stroke layers to achieve the effect) it costs 2 dollars
I made an SFX (sound effect) booklet for comic artists who are having difficulty visualizing sounds for their comics. It's free to download on Gumroad! https://gumroad.com/SaltySalmonella#VOZQM
I'm not sure if this goes in writing or art resources because it's art based, but the focus is on using colors to aid the story, but I thought this was a pretty neat video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXgFcNUWqX0&feature=emb_logo
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I was looking up some moonlight tutorials for an illustration last night. Figured I'd share~ https://tips.clip-studio.com/en-us/articles/1684
https://youtu.be/LokpJy7KHpE Shilin talks about her thought processes when laying out her comic panels
some free flower assets for clip https://assets.clip-studio.com/ko-kr/search?user=miyage3&order=new
Reimena Yee did an interesting thread on the visual language used in comics https://twitter.com/reimenayee/status/1263755464853995521(edited)
sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead)
yess I was hoping someone would put that up here!!! such a good resource
that reminded me of the 22 panels that always work, something I've been trying to utilize more when I get stuck working: https://cloudfour.com/thinks/22-panels-that-always-work-wally-woods-legendary-productivity-hack/
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
It's so reliable, last year I was able to recreate the whole thing using only pre-existing panels from Leif & Thorn. (Then added another row because there were a few other shots I keep coming back to...) https://leifandthorn.com/comic/erin-ptahs-29-panels-that-always-work/
(Note, there's a horizontal scrollbar under the image, since I uploaded the big version.)
found this tutorial/tips on drawing scars that I found useful https://jetfeather.tumblr.com/post/163383759536/i-have-a-hard-time-drawing-scars-how-do-you-do
For those who suffer from pain while drawing: https://twitter.com/lost_paw/status/1271540123688210433
Evil_Chippy (My Hero!)
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
@Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§ Here's the brush pack. The one I used is called "Pensona": https://www.deviantart.com/theinkyway/art/Manga-Studio-5-Clip-Studio-Paint-Brush-Pack-619455926
How to draw a lot of books https://twitter.com/yoshida_seiji/status/1200432951671939073
Mentorship directory for this interested in that kind of thing https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vfcr_F0utixw7D-rsbUoId1kwU2Ee_c_jXy2r5df-Jc/edit?usp=sharing
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
https://www.lackadaisy.com/exhibit.php?exhibitid=333 A fun tutorial on drawing expressions
A really comprehensive look into the panel border tool in clip https://professorfaf.tumblr.com/post/178927411355/comic-paneling-tools-in-clip-studio-paint Great for beginners but even if you're already acquainted with them it's helpful for finding out things you may not have even realized
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED289uthfNQ&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR1ka0j6gwtFcj5aXS8wIj-zpgwaYiI2ncP-g4Tn6hL0h4VFa-rKn6MM_1Q this is my old illustration instructor who did a tutorial on watercolour if anyone was interested in the medium! her stuff is so vibrant and solid, and i was so happy to have her as my old prof!
Light bounce! https://twitter.com/KikiDoodleTweet/status/1276565894051753984?s=19
https://twitter.com/Ghadaaax/status/1277158331761807360 helpful tips!
cAPSLOCK (Tailslide)
Colorist K Michael Russell has been streaming nightly as he colors pages from comics he's working on, while giving tips and insight into his thought process: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCps08eOJfFRm00TE5LStIIg
Advice on how to utilize speedlines https://youtu.be/Y_3Rbjn_0r0
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I just have to plug this amazing program here: https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/publisher/ It's basically a replacement program for Adobe inDesign, but waaay cheaper. If you're like me and have sworn off Adobe, I highly recommend it. I've been messing with it all day to begin setting up my first volume for print, and I love it so far, especially after trying other budget publishing softwares. Can't recommend it enough.
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
hii! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m8yv10gevqv2x5s/AACVoWTvK-B7qB1yRGUZadB5a?dl=0 Here is a little gallery of fat bodies!
world building tool thing https://www.worldanvil.com/artist i haven't tried it out yet but it looks interesting!
https://twitter.com/soteikat/status/1285036231592558592 takie made some free to use comic resources!
it is a website that shares dimensions for things. Helpful for referencing proportions https://www.dimensions.com/(edited)
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I don't necessarily agreed with everything they said, but it's still a good video, and I definitely agree with many of the points they brought up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZQKeHnKK90
Especically the "stop drawing _" advice
I dealt with that a lot in school
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
This might be a super dark question, but if beating up Low-Tiers is so acceptable in unORDINARY's world/society, then are more severe crimes performed by High-Tiers excused as well? (Rape, Armed-Robbery, ETC.) so long as a Low-Tier/Cripple is the victim? (Or does the law step in at that point regardless of the Attacker's rank?......). Sorry if this is somehow an problematic topic, It's just been a question that's been eating at me ever sense I read the story and got to start analyzing it! ^^
Sorry its like months late lol
But this prompt is actually an interesting one. In the UnOdinary world, the limits of what is acceptable by society and what is not is difficult to comprehend purely based on the complete difference in natures of the UnO universe and our own. Because people have abilities in the UnOrdinary world, laws and government obviously have to be amended to include limitations and restrictions regarding these items, which leaves us readers to wonder exactly what those rules are.
So far, we havent outright gotten a layout of what is socially acceptable or legally acceptable for our UnOrdinary characters, but we’ve gotten many hints or references. I think I can piece together what the laws regarding tier, ability, and power are.
I want to first address what can be understood and easily comprehended from even the most limited look into UnOrdinary: the obvious bias and favor of those with power. The whole premise for the UnOrdinary hierarchy and societal structure is that those with power are on top. They’re the ones running the game. Those with power are in charge. They make the rules. At least in day to day matters. For instance, we have no idea if politicians and world leaders have to be the most powerful, but at schools and remember that bomb lady from the mall from the beginning of the comic?? That kind of stuff. And also likely government too, don’t count that out.
Obviously, if someone with lot of power (ability-wise) is in charge, the rules, or maybe a better word is expectations, are going to be somehow biased upon that. Maybe not all, but total fairness is completely impossible to expect. A rule in the UnOrdinary universe that demonstrates this bias is that those with more power are expected to repeatedly establish themselves as dominant over anyone below them in the hierarchy. I’m not actually sure if this rule is the best example of hierarchical bias because I mean it isn’t some far fetched idea. it makes sense for this to be implemented into the UnOrdinary universe, not only from high-tiers, because establishing hierarchy reaffirms who should lead, it exposes the strongest. It prevents situations like Wellston students under Rei’s reign (I struggled with wording that :/). But for that very reason, it could also fit under a power bias so yeah.
So basically, there’s this definite bias towards those with power, even if everyone agrees that that’s the way it should be. Is that still a bias? I’m not sure. note: Rei is an outlier here, and, to be honest, almost everywhere. It’s natural for people to look to those more powerful for leadership and guidance.
Anyway. Those with power are encouraged to show it by publicly defeating those weaker than them. That’s probably the easiest thing to understand if you’ve read the story. Hell, the main sport in the UnOrdinary world is trying to defeat someone in combat (Which I’m actually getting more and more intrigued by... is this sport just something in schools? Is there a professional league? Is there any Olympics? Then the winner would just be the most powerful person in the world, right? Anyway. That’s off topic for this post lol).
Something that I’ve noticed, though, is that the higher tiers don’t always act like they think what they’re doing is right. Let me explain. In episode 2, John approaches Gavin, a kid who is bullying someone that obviously has a lower ability than he does. Because of UnOrdinary’s structure, by the rules of the universe, if what I’ve said previously is correct, Gavin shouldn’t feel like what he is doing is wrong. He should just think what he is doing is regular and actually encouraged. However, after John approaches him and tells him to back off of the other boy, Gavin asks: “Trying to play hero, huh?”
Now, personally, that threw me off. The use of the word hero by Gavin in reference to John completely contradicts what core knowledge I thought we’d establishished already (excuse my dramatic ass lol). If high-tiers are allowed to prey on anybody weaker then themselves, why would Gavin use the word hero, indirectly calling himself a villain, during the scene. If what he is doing is acceptable in UnOrdinary society, why would he be the villain?
Obviously: it means that what Gavin was doing was not acceptable by common social standards. I think this means that there is some sort of line between what is allowed and what is not. Maybe to what extent showing dominance is tolerated. Because there is a line. But so far, I’ve gotten nowhere. This is where the question started, where I started.
I do think, however, that this example I’ve brought up is a very good demonstration of the answer we’re trying to find, even though it comes from the very first chapters, maybe from a period where uru-Chan had not yet decided the laws of the world she’d created. There’s also loads of other examples of the hierarchy forming through domination (after note: not sure what this means lol i forgot what i was trying to say but it looks cool so I’ll keep it kjdbsfksjb) such as when Arlo lured John out into that clearing, or when The mid-tiers captured Seraphina. There’s a lot more, but I’m not about to list every single example lol. Also, however, there is a lot of evidence of authorities or other people stepping in to break apart fights or stop someone from getting beaten up. Darren did this for John before in the scene where his nightmare power was first introduced to us. Darren also stopped Blyke and Isen from fighting at the very beginning, when Blyke broke Isen’s pen.
But I haven’t found any scene that disagrees with that initial Gavin scene, so I’m going to be using that for my main evidence even though by looking at all of the examples for everything I’ve used above, whenever someone fought someone else, it was students, and whenever tried to break it up, it was a teacher or an authority. I’ve decided to rule out the possibility that as a general rule students aren’t supposed to be harming each other because of pure base knowledge about the UnOrdinary world. There’s too much evidence to cite and put in here. I- I don’t think I have to, honestly. if you’re this far down in the post, it’s like a fact that you’ve read the comic and understand enough about it to know what I’m talking about. More likely, battles between two people are okay, as long as it is established that it is a fight for a place in hierarchy. In episode 125, when John, as Tuesday, approaches Isen looking pretty, well, pretty scary, Isen waves him off and says, “I don’t have time for a rank-match right now.” A rank-match. The word implies that a fight would be one purely for the purpose of seeing who is stronger, seeing who outranks the other. This is what I believe the acceptable form of fighting in the UnOrdinary world. As long as the battle is clearly to establish authority, it’s okay. We see this in Turf Wars, and even when Arlo first becomes king and absolutely annihilates everyone. Then, Arlo was just trying to prove his dominance over them, showing them that they had to listen to him because they were not above him. The excessive amounts of bullying and assault behind closed doors obviously evolved as a bit of a bad side effect of the concept.
The bullying concept is one I’m saying is similar to the situation in our world. The real world lol. It’s not allowed. But it’s everywhere and most students have accepted it. You know how some of the high-tiers shrug it off whenever they see something happening to a low-tier? It’s because it’s expected. The accepted societal rule that higher-tiers are meant to establish their ranks by fighting their way up the chain feeds as the core idea for higher-tiers shitting on lower-tiers, so it’s not like bullying is some random thing happening, it has, like i said, evolved from that basic fact of the UnO universe.
So: bullying is not allowed, but is common (like our own world)
Basically: fighting is only acceptable (by everyone) when the fight establishes rank.
More specific to your question, however, is other crimes such as rape and robbery as done by high-tiers to lower-tiers. There are little to no examples of such things happening in the UnOrdinary universe that we’ve been shown so it’s a very good question and yet a very difficult topic to discuss. I did not spend all this time talking about limits that high-tiers can go to when opposing lower-tiers for no reason, though.
Because of what I’ve already said, I think it’s pretty safe to rule out the possibility that it is legal to rob or rape in any circumstance, if even some fighting is off limits. Y’all, if teachers step in sometimes when someone was getting bullied, do you think that if they knew someone was being raped, they would shrug and accept it? No.
There are already examples of people stepping into situations that aren’t allowed. A better example of this, though, is when the superhero posse, a.k.a. Remi, Blyke, and Isen, a.k.a. I’m pretty sure I have another name for them that is like detective themed but I can’t remember it right now, yeah them, when they go to the mall that one time and the whole incident with the ability gauge happens. The cops bust them for setting of a smoke bomb (later cleared, but that’s what they thought at the time.) I would also bring up Levani, and how John stepped up to her, but that was basically just the whole bullying thing I explained earlier, just on a bigger scale. And we all know that John has been kind of an outlier when it comes to accepting bullying like the rest of the student community has.
So, I believe I’ve answered this question well. I know my answer might be a bit basic and obvious but the other answer isn’t exactly one people would like to see, is it? Lol. Anyway, feel free to put your opinion on this too. Debunk me, please that would be fun lol.
As an extra thought to this post as a whole: the whole suspicious situation with the authorities doesn’t really interfere with this, I just want to clear this up. There’s been this background plot going on, we all know, and one of the factors is that it is likely that the authorities keep the hierarchy and enforce it so that the high-tiers will stay under their control. Either the hierarchy a. Distracts high-tiers by giving them responsibility (Remi, episode 50) or b. Gives them power so that they don’t fight for it. Maybe both. Probably both. Anyway, I already said that we don’t know exactly the situation with governmental positions and politicians, or those head authorities (or whoever’s on top of that). But this post doesn’t really rely on why the hierarchy exists as much as the fact that it does.
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funeralbelle · 5 years
gillian jacobs, joel mchale, and any other community cast of interest + 👥
gillian jacobs
I rly love the idea of her in a Pagliacci role!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like her vibes during her depressive episodes in Love really radiate that suicidal clown energy and I would def play her as a small time comedian who tells herself that she’s constantly chasing near-death situations in search for material and not in search for oblivion.
also she’s been in so many raunchy movies that i feel like she could definitely play a nymphomaniac. and this is maybe an unrelated tangent but,,,  you see a lot of promiscuous female characters in the rpc, but i’ve never seen one who’s actually interested in sex..? usually the trend is female characters who feel unloved and use sex as a fill-in or gateway to a sense of intimacy. and this isn’t any shade at, like, nina’s character zelda or yam’s character nikki (especially because i use the same trope with my character genie), but when you combine all of the muses with this characterization together, i feel like we as a community accidentally enforce the idea that women don’t get titillated and just use romance as a bargaining chip for love?? 🤪 
idk maybe it’s just my experience but i always see the love-starved harlot more than any legit horny girls so lets get more of those and lets use gillian jacobs for the roles because thinking about it now i’m pretty sure that even her character on Love has that same characterization. damn
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joel mchale
I’m determined!!!!!! to use him for something!!!!! 
my first priority is gwen’s rp americana; originally i thought he would be good for The Professor bt i haven’t had any rly novel ideas to bring to the table for that skeleton yet and i wanna avoid using him in the same career as his Community character. plus i think i’d want to play him in a skeleton that compliments him being like 6′5″ and jacked. hes also rly.. aryan looking… so he could make a perfect Detective if i can get over my hang-ups and play a cop in remotely good faith. but failing that i might end up applying for The Suspect w/ him.
on the flipside, I feel like he’d be rly good for a p.i. character that’s been floating around my head for a long time but whom I haven’t rly had the chance to develop bc I’ve pretty much just been in college rps for the last half a decade. woulda considered this muse for MW if i wasn’t already planning to bring in tom/sal.
that character is a Hunter S Thompson type— tragically optimistic and repeatedly outraged every time mankind disappoints him; constantly trying to believe in the best of people in an industry where he’s dealing with the most depraved individuals. tried to unionize his private investigation firm (love the futility of trying to organize behind the back of the boss of a band of snoops) and wound up getting underhandedly fired so he had to go independent. hardened more in demeanor than heart; numbs the hell of being repeatedly let down with a rock & roll lifestyle that he should’ve outgrown in his thirties. still clinging onto a Gen X obsession with authenticity that obnoxiously makes him roll his eyes at any cashier who smiles and tells him to have a great day. comes across as crass and tactless, desensitized to vulgarity and clumsy when it comes to tenderness despite perpetually yearning for it. compulsively anti-authority to the point of impairing his judgment at times; easily manipulated by anyone who portrays themselves as an underdog. probably comes from a family without a nurturing female presence; could definitely picture him with a businessman younger sibling whom he resents because they’ve “sold out” (read: they’re flourishing financially) while he’s 48 years old and has no sheets on his bed because it’s been a week and he still hasn’t taken them out of the dryer and he keeps passing out on the couch anyway so he’s not really thinking about it.
The biggest struggle in using McHale for this character is that he’s a little too fratty and it’s hard to picture him as this chainsmoking gonzo. but i try to play fcs against type and i feel like he always gets cast as characters who are wealthy/charming/two-faced/detached/nihilistic, and this is definitely as far away from that as i can get. maybe ill do a deep dive into his filmography and find something where he wasnt playing a white collar hunk or douchebag. idk…,,we’ll see. maybe ill use a completely different fc for that character and use mchale for one of the americana skeletons instead?? idk i havent gotten that far yet but i cant stop making gifs of him i’m having so much fun i want to use him so bad idk
one last option is like… ever since those reddit stories got popular, ive always wanted to play a search-and-rescue officer for a national park? and i feel like he almost has forest ranger vibes in the later seasons of community when he has the beard. i dont know where i would play this character but to be fair i have literally no clue where i would play a private investigator either so it’s. yeah
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donald glover
i played him back when i used to write in rly wild and campy/comedic supernatural/genre plots!! the original conceit of that character was a law school dropout who swindled an eldritch demon out of his almighty powers, but had such low motivation in life and such a one-track mind that he never thought to use it for any kind of world domination, and instead tried to use it to win back and impress her by giving himself a promotion to manager of the bowling alley he worked at, or make her life without him seem subconsciously bleaker by doing innocuous bullshit like making her breakfast cereal have less marshmallows in it than usual. i don’t know if i would revisit him, but if i did it might be fun to have him have a jackass genie type of relationship with another character in a 1x1, or drop the supernatural aspect entirely and reimagine him as a burnout who suddenly inherited a huge amount of money, only for it to gradually be revealed that it came from some shady means, or something. i don’t know. fucking love his tag on my blog though
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alison brie
I think one of the reasons I resent Annie Edison so much is because you can tell Dan Harmon was too obsessed with her to let her be the butt of any jokes or make her look bad in any way, and so even though Alison Brie is an extremely charming and funny actress, she never got to portray any really human or interesting flaws, because all of Annie’s negative traits were just the kind of corny weaknesses you list in a job interview (she’s just too driven!!! a perfectionist to a fault!!~~) and I think that by season 3 she became the thing every viewer was worried Britta would be in the pilot (boring moral compass of a carrot dangling in front of the male protagonist to motivate his character growth). And it just feels like a waste of an actress who could easily find humor in an uglier character and make them sympathetic. So I genuinely want to do something like that with her, like make her a former activist who completely sold out her morals for a gig as a commentator on a corporate news outlet or working on softening PR for some Raytheon or Lockheed Martin type of company. I also love villains with her mousy-petite-big-blue-eyed disney-faced look who are more perniciously manipulative and unsuspecting, so I’d love to do that. 
on an unrelated note: she looks sm like natalia dyer and especially after she got really skinny circa 2016, she would be a rly good timeskip cast for the older, strung-out version of my character max? 
wld definitely gif brie in Sleeping With Other People & How to Be Single & Community s5 + s6 if sage and i ever went through with that timekip plot or if i ever found a place to play a conniving daffodil.
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bnhastan-uwu · 4 years
My first ever fanficfion!
This is a Hawks x Reader fanfic
I love our bird boi Hawks ❤️
Please be kind and let me know if there is anything I can improve on! Constructive criticism is appreciated and hate comments will be blocked and reported.
Since this is my first ever fanfic, I am just testing the waters. Depending on how this goes I may make this into one or two more parts to finish it up.
The past couple of months living in your one bedroom apartment have gradually become more unbearable, with each day passing slowly. The seasons seemed to be changing so quickly, it’s already summer for pete’s sake! Yet each day you felt as though there was nothing to do but wallow in the stubborn flow of time.
Not to mention the loneliness that had taken its hold on you, which grew with each passing hour. Being single didnt help your situation either. It had been quite some time since your last relationship, and you had been ready to start seeking a new boyfriend, but your line of work didnt really allow you to meet new, pleasant people. You could try going out to hopefully meet someone or try using a dating app, but neither of those things felt natural or comfortable to you.
You sighed as you threw yourself onto your sofa and searched for a show or a movie to watch, hoping for something to entertain you. Something that might possibly help to fill the void that you felt was swallowing you whole. Nothing. Of course. You decided to just give up and put on an episode of your favorite show to listen to while you scrolled through your phone. Everything felt so... dull. Until it wasn’t.
All within a few seconds two figures had crashed through the window to your left on the wall opposite of you. Frenzies of glass had flown onto your hardwood floor. You ducked down to steer clear of what was happening. The two individuals were now moving around your apartment at such a speed that you all you make out was practically just flashes of colors: specifically a very fiery and bright red hue. Both parties had eventually slowed down enough for you to distinguish what situation you were really in.
There was a man who appeared to be a villain, and then there was the other guy. In your own apartment was none other than Hawks, the number two hero himself, using your living room as a battlefield. You were torn as to what you should do. You had no idea if you should flee from your apartment and call for help, or if you should stay in the event that you might be able to aid Hawks if worst came to worst. He was of course the number two hero, and you doubted he would need help from someone like you. However with your experience as a healer you felt that you and your quirk might be of use in this situation, though you hoped that wouldn’t have to be the case.
Suddenly a third party decided to jump through your window into your already cramped apartment. Now you had not only the number two, but the number one hero, Endeavour, fighting within the confines of your apartment.
“HAWKS! WHY HAVENT YOU EVACUATED THIS CIVILIAN YET?!” You heard Endeavour shout towards said hero.
“As much as I would’ve loved to have that done by now, my feathers were being occupied on Mr. Villain over there while waiting for a little backup!” Hawks replied.
Endeavor didn’t respond, he simply shot Hawks a look that appeared to be a mix of anger, yet understanding.
Quickly, several feathers flew towards you to remove you from the battle. You understood why, but you couldn’t help but feel something... longing? For some reason, deep down, you wanted to stay. Was it your desire to watch two pro heroes in action? Did you want to help in case something happened? Or maybe you were drawn to that certain hero who’s quirk was now escorting you away.
Before Hawks’ feathers had been able to reach you however, the villain had managed to use his quirk to teleport behind Hawks and knock him unconscious. Blood was now spilling from the number two hero’s head. You gasped in shock. The number two hero injured and knocked unconscious? A teleportation quirk? Those were extremely rare! Yet the villain’s unique quirk explained why he hadn’t been captured yet, and how he and Hawks had been zipping around your apartment only moments prior.
“You need to get out of here!” You turned toward the direction from which the voice came to see Endeavour, now eyeing the villain down ready to strike at any second. You didn’t want to go against the number one hero’s orders, but you just couldn’t leave Hawks like that in the middle of a dangerous scene! But what were you supposed to do?
“GO! He’ll be fine! I’ll take care of this.” Endeavor reassured you. Your gaze fell on Hawks’ unconscious body, then back towards Endeavor, then back to Hawks. No. Against all of your better judgment you just couldn’t leave: you had to help. In the heat of the moment, you had a quick idea of what you might be able to do.
You jumped over your sofa and ran towards Hawks as fast as you could. If you could just drag him out of your living room and into your bedroom, you would be able to gain some cover from the fight between the villain and Endeavor and have some time to use your quirk and heal Hawks.
In the slow process of trying to drag Hawks away from danger, you could hear Endeavor yelling at you, “What do you think you’re doing! Didn’t I tell you to get out of here?” What were you doing? You were a licensed healer sure, but not a hero!
Before you had time to answer your own question, you had made it through the short hall and into your bedroom with Hawks in tow. You shut the door behind you, rolled up your sleeves, and put on your headphones. Hopefully your body would be able to handle the backlash of your quirk long enough for you to heal Hawks. You laid Hawks’ head in your lap, and you gained access to the spot on his head where he had been injured.
*(Y/N). Quirk: Healing pulse. When listening to music, the user can heal another individual by tapping along to the beat of the selected song over the injured area. The quirk however, has adverse side effects. With each beat tapped, the injury is healed, but the pain from the injured party is transferred to the quirk user. This causes the user to undergo the pain felt from injuries; the more severe the wound the more severe the pain. The pain itself will not harm the user, but long term usage of the quirk is very draining and painful. If used for too long, the user will simply pass out from the pain.
You selected a song with a faster beat. You knew that this would be harder on yourself, as the pain would be rapidly transferred to your own head, but in your current situation, you didn’t have time to lose. Already you could see Hawks’ wound start to heal. But that also meant that you started to develop an excruciating throbbing pain in your head, in the same spot that Hawks had been hit. Despite the pain, you knew you had to keep using your quirk to heal Hawks, at least until he was conscious, and possibly able to fight again.
With each passing beat of the song you were listening to, your head only ached more. You opened your mouth to let out a gasp of pain, but nothing came out. You hadn’t even been listening to the song for a minute, yet the pain was starting to become unbearable. Just a little longer you told yourself. He’ll be awake any second now...
Just as you could begin to see Hawks’ eyes flutter open, your own vision began to blur. “You’re finally awake”, you mumbled, “Thank god...” Hawks quickly sat up and took your headphones off of your head, unknowingly preventing you from using your quirk any further. It didn’t matter though, he had pretty much been healed completely. He began to ask you a question, probably to ask you what was happening, or if you were okay. But his voice fell deaf on your ears. You couldn’t see, hear, or think clearly with all of the pain you were in. And soon enough, what little vision you had left had begun to fade to black. You had passed out from the pain, but you had managed to save the number two hero...
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thebestplltheories · 6 years
PLL The Perfectionists - 1x01 Pilot LIVE REACTION
Ok I’m gonna do what I was doing for PLL where I react as I watch. But before I copy and paste the live reaction, I want to give my quick overview. That was by far a 10/10. That achieved everything a pilot should achieve. It introduced us to the characters, each of their stories, and the relationships each character has with one another. It set the overall tone, that this is a murder mystery with twists and turns to come. It established what the show is about. And it had occasional small shocks (I say small because there’s only so much that can be shocking in a pilot when everything is brand new). This was exponentially darker than the PLL pilot and for that I’m so grateful. We are cutting the high school airy-fairy (is that word used outside of Australia?) drama and going straight to scandals and a murder. I’m scared to see the ratings tomorrow because I want it to do well but hey it was trending worldwide on Twitter so that’s a good sign!? The show looks SO promising. I think I’m already in love with the cast. I just want to know more about everything and everyone and omg we are back!
Love this intro! It sets the scene very well about the whole theme of perfectionism.
Okay sorry but that song ain’t it (“two can keep a secret if one of them is dead”). Why does it sound like an auto tuned choir? I’m happy for change. I actually don’t want the exact same version as the original series. But this one ain’t it. Is it too late to change it???
Wait, why is Alison walking around her new apartment like she’s walking around Jenna’s school for the blind in 710? If she lived 2 years of happiness and freedom of A, there’s no need to be so sceptical of danger every time you walk into a room. Anyway, doesn’t really matter.
Just the backing music throughout the scene is very PLL-esque! Yes, there is such thing as PLL backing music. And this is it.
Mona making a grand entrance!
I feel like Ali’s reaction to seeing Mona was a bit... underwhelming? If they haven’t seen each other in 2 years I expected a bit more of an “OMG”, and a “how did you get in my apartment”, etc. But they go straight to the point and cut the fluff so I don’t mind overall.
Mona recruited Ali. I knew it. And she works at BHU, we already knew that.
Emison is having trust issues. But she wants to do this for the kids. Ok I expected more detail there to satisfy the Emison shippers but whatever, I won’t cry at night.
Ok so Mary and Alex escaped Mona’s “dungeon”. That’s fine by me. Maybe that’ll be the storyline for a PLL movie later, who knows. It’s quite a vague answer but what did we expect... Mona to ADMIT to Ali that she captured her aunt? No. Mona could never explicitly say to Ali what she did. Hence the subtle pause before “... escaped me”. Only us the audience know the true meaning of that and I love how subtle yet meaningful it is.
Why do I feel like this security system is gonna play a massive toll throughout the entire series?
Loved the little Easter egg of seeing Mona, and Mona in the mirror (2 Mona’s). A subtle symbol/reference to her split personality in PLL.
I LOVED the scene of Ali teaching in the classroom! I got How To Get Away With Murder vibes...
Remember when we all thought Taylor’s death would be the main death of the show because of that memorial with her name on it... lol. Okay I’m calling it now... come back to this in the apparently mind blowing season 1 finale... Taylor isn’t really dead WE HAVENT TECHNICALLY SEEN A BODY
Love the complicated friendships going on between Dylan, Nolan, Ava, Caitlin! There’s a lot going on about faking being friends and faking tasks to uphold the image of being perfect. I love this theme and I feel like it’s super relevant to today’s world. Like especially social media. Everyone’s instagrams are always filled of their highs. And they’re mostly edited. No one ever posts/shares their low moments.
So no one knows of Ali’s past. Hmmm. We’ve had this discussion before, I don’t think it’s realistic that no one knows the name Alison DiLaurentis - surely that was on national news when “dead girl isn’t dead anymore” made headlines. But anyway. If they wanna pretend no one watches the news, it wouldn’t be the most unrealistic thing PLL has done.
Is Dylan the gay male character Marlene said she was going to introduce in PLL season 5B? Lmao about time.
WOW that flashback of Caitlin and Nolan just gave me PLL season 1 Alison flashback vibes! Nolan plays the bad manipulative guy so well just like Ali played the bully so well in flashbacks!
Two moms don’t make a right hahahaha who wrote that
Sofia looks FLAWLESS in the pool scene OH MY GODDD. AND her voice is so soothing what the hell
Love how the first scene of Nolan’s mother shows her standing on top of the staircase and the camera panning up. Great directing there. Showing she’ll be like a supreme leader. And then the camera being over her shoulders looking down on Nolan. Again great camera work which conveys the message that she is the boss of this town. I think she’ll be our new Jessica DiLaurentis lol
“I’d like some time for myself” ... “to do what?” OUCH why is that so iconic
Eli is... doing great. He comes across very confident. A star in the making?
Love the cinematography period. And Portland is beautiful!! Better than the Warner Bros lot.
Omg Nolan’s mother gathering “attractive” people for her photo op. Lol, they really are big on presenting a perfect image.
“You saw somebody else” NO CAITLIN, ALISON SAW YOU wow these kids will adamantly lie to uphold perfectionism. I keep saying that but I just love this theme!!!
“I know a little bit about manipulation” hahahahaha Ali
Omg Ali is so good at learning their lies. Of course she is, she’s had years of practice
The woods, Nolan? Nothing good ever happens in the woods.
Lol when Nolan tells Dylan to “kiss me” and Dylan actually contemplates it (and does it). That’s the type of power Nolan has over people.
I love how Ali is trying to help them! I can see a bond eventually forming here.
This scene where Nolan cheats on Ava isn’t shocking since they unfortunately shared it in the promos but hey a douche is a douche.
Well it wasn’t really a theory I was just joking that she’s not really dead because we didn’t see a body but still do I get a point? Lmao
Nonetheless that shocked me! I love that they’re trying to take down their own family, that’s so dark and it’s only episode 1!
Yes Alison is already getting suspicious. Solve this one please Ali
Sorry I put my phone down during that scene in the woods. I just knew it would be juicy and I wanted to immerse in it properly. I frickin adore this scene. It’s creepy in tone, set in the woods like classic PLL, they’re referring to Ali like a friend and my PLL heart is content, and this is the first time they’re all bonding over one thing: wanting Nolan dead. This is probably my favourite scene in the whole episode.
So I’m guessing the vibes are that they were being recorded in the woods about how they want Nolan to be killed? But didn’t Nolan turn off the security?
Mona gets in her car and chucks a big bag in the back seat. Where was she and what was in the baggggg
Ok that was a bit dramatic Ali (“why am I really here”)
Lol I had to rewatch that for a sec. I thought Ali said “and his dead sister who I just saw pick him up” and I was like wait what Ali knows Taylor’s alive??? No, “dead sister who I just saw a picture of”.
OH MY GOD WHAT A MISSED OPPORTUNITY!!!! THAT SCENE WHERE THE 3 OF THEM ARE WALKING AWAY FROM EACH OTHER... NOLAN’S BODY SHOULD’VE FALLEN TO THE GROUND IN THE MIDDLE OF THEM RIGHT THERE! That would’ve been iconic. Like “oh well we were just kidding about all that, good night xx” then nope bam dead body. But I guess he had to die with poles through his chest as Caitlin said.
Oh Marlene. That’s a LOT of dialogue for a death scene. I hope you can back up and explain what Nolan is talking about before he died. Don’t you dare tell me that was an interpretative dream. Again that’s a lot of dialogue for a death scene. You better know who that killer is Marlene! Don’t make it up the day you write the finale!
I don’t like how we didn’t see Nolan ACTUALLY be killed. They play it safe because they don’t want to show us the killer in action. they basically copied the format of Mona’s “death”. Just change the scene to a flashing ambulance with a lame transition lol.
Another missed opportunity. Mona should’ve said to Ali “they found a body”! That would’ve been iconic in every way possible. First it was Ali’s body now Ali is finding a body and hearing the news and ugh oh well
My god that’s a violent death. And pretty early in the series for a Noel-Khan-level death. Too bad the photos leaked online and we knew that Nolan would not only die, but die like THAT. Those extras/fillers on set really should get charged for having their phones on them and leaking shit. Isn’t there copyright laws or something???? idk
Ummmmmm what? What kind of sci-fi, dollhouse level bullshit is that? That’s kinda over the top. Ehhhh. We’ll see where that goes.
My brain right now instantly got to thinking if Nolan’s murderer will be the “A” of the series or if the killer will just be the main mystery for season 1? Is “who killed Nolan” going to be the overarching story of the entire show or will they answer that sooner rather than later and then start a new mystery? I wonder what the format of this show will be. That’s where my mind is right now as the credits play.
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