#i havent even seen season one šŸ˜­
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imadetheline Ā· 3 months ago
you guys gotta stop posting the doomed gays from arcane. I have 3 papers to write in the next week and a half I cannot start watching it right now, please stop showing them to me I'm begging
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gelarshiesprofruitboarder Ā· 4 months ago
the difference between the first and second bill and ted movies is so funny like. the first ones just like "oh they have to time travel to do their history report! isnt that wacky" and then the second ones like "youre in the future. here they are. theyre evil robots?? now theyre dead. hell is real. gods there for a bit??? also theres aliens. now theyre fighting and theres 6 of them. this guy wants to take over the world oh nevermind hes gone now. now theyre old and have kids i guess. world peace has been achieved through a single mideast(?) usa wyld stallyns tour. death is here too hi death." like what
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castiels-undercoat Ā· 8 months ago
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(Their faces here guys šŸ˜«šŸ˜­)
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This scene makes me so sad at like a core level. Not just for Cas but also for Dean. Like from Cas's perspective the person he loves most in the world basically hates him now, after Cas did everything for him. Dean and Sam were all he had and Dean couldnt let go of this anger he had towards him and it drove him away. UNDERSTANDABLY SO.
And while Dean was undeniably wrong you can also pinpoint exact traumas that led up to this, and that affected this. The thing that gets me the most is something I havent seen anyone else mention before though.
A good quote that resonates with Dean for me is the whole "everything ive ever let go of has claw marks on it" (David Foster Wallace) one. Dean has literally had to beg and fight and claw for people to stay. Since he was four years old he had to keep Sam safe and make sure Sam stayed in the shitty hotel rooms while all Sam wanted to do was run away (again, understandable! Not blaming Sam)
On top of that he had to deal with his dad leaving all the time, john was never around. Dean had to call and beg his own father to show up for them when he felt like they really needed him and john still wouldnt show up for him or sam. When sam died Dean couldnt just let it go, he fought and searched for anything to bring him back, even to the point of making demon deals. Whatever it took to not have to let go! Even when Mary came back it seemed like all she wanted to do was leave, Dean begged her to stay and she still wouldnt, then she died and he lost that possibility of that closer relationship with his mom that he was fighting so hard for.
Even Cas, he has begged Cas to stay more then once. In purgatory he fights through all the monsters there for a full YEAR just to find Cas and then Cas left him. He let go of Deans hand and the memory was SO PAINFUL that Dean had to fictionalize it to himself and make it his fault because he couldnt handle the fact that not even Cas would fight harder to stay with him. The only times he let go of people without a fight was when he had to, when he was a danger to them (lisa, ben, human Cas), or when they were gone forever with no shot of coming back (and even then he would fucking try.)
But i feel like we see a shift in Dean in season 15. He was always the fighter, never afraid to fight for who he loved or for what he thought was right. But here that fight is so drained out of him. Hes tired. Hes tired of fighting and portecting and pushing along even when he wanted to die, he doesnt want to have to survive all the time anymore.
Hes just tired of begging people to stay when it seems like all anybody ever wants to do is leave him. He doesnt feel good enough to be the one thing that keeps people around because he never HAS been good enough for them to stay. He didnt want Cas to leave (no matter how mad at him he was) but he didnt want to be the guy who digs his claws in only for someone to still leave him again.
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freakinator Ā· 3 months ago
@myrmica sorry your vitalazam (ship) ask got deleted cause i tried to save it as draft and thats just not allowed ig my bad
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so while i Have seen some stuff from s4 i havent seen all of it yet so i dont have the complete picture of how their relationship was but i do know enough to know that they did (and still do tbh) care for each other and tried their hardest to make compromises before The Great DivorceTM but well. we saw how it turned out. in another life they def couldve worked out but as you yourself said that would require them to be different ppl with different goals, mindsets, experiences, and circumstances so in the end it doesnt really matter anyway, whats done is done and all they can do is to try to reconcile and move past it -- and try to reconcile and move past it they did! with... variable results.
despite zams resilience when it comes to external troubles its rather typical of him to succumb to his internal ones which generally leads to one or both results: repression/avoidance or a desire for action to an unhealthy degree and in s5 he managed to do both! hey girl why are you vehemently trying to repress your past while relentlessly tormenting your ex under the guise of "cause you felt like it" which gets worse the more he tries to bring up your past together with you only to finally let it all go when he gives you a book addressed to your real life self?? gay as fuck if you ask me
when it comes to zam it really feels like vi is endlessly trying to reach towards someone who burns at even his slightest of touches and reacts accordingly. while most probably give up especially with how frustrated and agrieved he is he cant help but keep trying to reach out anyway cause despite everything he doesnt wanna cut off that connection. what really gets me tho is the fact that he entrusted jumper to abyss despite the fact that their relationship has been nothing but antagonistic til that point like girl why did you think that a team made up of some of the main proponents of your suffering both that season and the season before that which btw includes your ex who was the main source of said suffering both times who keeps trying to deny what you had and either avoids you or tries to kill you, were the most fitting and reliable candidates to be with your best friend and neglected teammate?? gay as fuck if you ask me
idk vitalazam is just one missed opportunities after another i think, always so close but never enough, always something to regret, always something to grieve and this season was no exception. icb vi logged on for a whole 24 hours unsure when he can log back on again and zam decided to prioritize building the mapicc castle instead of spend as much time as possible with him šŸ˜­ and now zams living in vis basement and keeps ruminating over the past and what vis been through and wants to revive him even if he never logs back on again like. bro.
overall i think theyre ill and they make me feel ill and they should be studied in a lab i think
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ducks-and-teapots Ā· 17 days ago
The Great Wave Chapter 15 Review!
This is my review of the new chapter(i've never done a review before so dont expect much lol)
Spoilers under the cut!
Well, this chapter was great! from the art and all of the little details in each panel to the suspense that had me in the edge of my seat, truly amazing
I'm not really familiar with the Dofus lore(I havent finished Aux Tresors or seen the movie yet) but i have a general idea of what happens
So when i tell you that I ALMOST EXPLODED WHEN LILOTTE APPEARED I mean it
If you haven't read the chapter and/or dont know who Lilotte is, allow me to explain;
This chapter beggins in the city of Bonta, showing the crowded streets, until Kerubim's Bazaar(i wonder if its still called that?) appears, showing Kerubim and Atcham napping in the front.
I think its something curious how these two ended up being a rather lazy version of their former selves(again, i havent finished Aux Tresors so what im saying probably doesnt make sense but idk), in fact even Joris points it out in season 4 and in this chapter, which takes me back to the baazar.
A costumer appears and asks Kerubim if they are opened, and he responds that yes, she can enter and his "little salesman" will assist her, before he can finish, Joris can be heard(he actually can't be heard because its a webtoon, but for the purposes of this little review he can) shouting, calling both Atcham and Kerub.
Inside of the bazaar, Joris can be seen hilariously, although not unjustifiably, panicking over the many clients and questions he's being asked at the same time.
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Which leads him to calling his "sons", and seeing that they didn't come, having to go outside and suggesting them(or rather yelling) that they come to help him(their dinamic is so funny
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kind of doomed tho)
Atcham and Kerubim, instead, tell him that its the rheumatism, which, quoting Atcham, "hurts a lot". Joris, unbothered(or amused??? idk you tell me what this expression is
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At least he wasnt possesed lmao) asks them the rheumatism??? yesterday it was the gout, the day before yesterday arthritis and when it isnt digestion problems, its the motivation(damn, they rlly dont want to help šŸ˜­)
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BUT THAT CANT BE BECAUSE SHE DIED??????? WHAT IS HAPPENING????(btw, Lilotte is Joris' childhood friend, she was there when all the stuff with Julith happened, but i haven't seen the movie so thats what i know[feel free to put info about her in the comments/reblogs!], and the reason bc she's dead is because all of this happened in the Dofus era, meaning before Ogrest flooded the world and CENTURIES AGO)
SO OBVIOUSLY HE IS CONFUSED AND SHE TAKES THE OPPORTUNITY AND TAKES THE RING-THING AND RUNS AWAY[Though, now that im thinking abt it, Louis(the house/bazaar which is a shushu) must have recognized her too :( ]
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Sorry for writing most of it in all-caps but i wanted to convey the suspense lol
Here are the theories I made so far!
1- Lilotte is not Lilotte(obviously) its actually Julith or
2- She is that ecaflip/ouginak from the thumbnail of chapter 17, who apparently can change form???
3- Or maybe she is just a random ouginak who looks a lot like Lilotte(a descendant?)
4- The guy that likes shiny stuff is a dragon(bonus points if its one of the primordials)
They are all BAD theories but oh well
Overall, this is the chapter that enjoyed the most(though last chapter was really pretty visually, and it showed the relationship between Dathura and Amalia greatly)
And i think thats all! I hope that you liked it, and maybe i will write another one for the next chapter :)
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aejiee Ā· 2 months ago
I finished watching season 1 of Yellowjackets- here are my thoughts (also spoilers in case you havent seen it!)
Jackies death just made me so pissed off. And their whole fight?? How are none of the girls defending Jackie after they found out that shaunas been fucking her best friends boyfriend. Like cmonnn even if they dont like jackie, i feel like its reasonable to be upset after something like that
I love adult misty but teenager misty is so frustrating to watch. I just cant with the second hand embarassment šŸ˜­ and why are they so pissed off that she ā€œgaveā€ them shrooms? She wasnt the one that added it!
Lowkey upset about that guys death, i forgot his name, Shaunas sidepiece?? All bro did was be goofy šŸ˜” but i think i also feel bad bcuz i used to scream at the screen that he was the blackmailer oops
It also makes me upset that no one listens to the coach! Everytime he says not to do something, the girls do it and someone ends up dead.
I hate travis.
I also dislike shauna sorry. Sheā€™s more fun to watch in her adult version but honestly the stuff she does just pisses me off. How come no one in the show cares that shes a chronic cheater šŸ’€
Also taissa pisses me off as well when she doesnt believe all the strange stuff thats been happening. Youre seriously gonna watch your friend get possessed by some murderous french spirit and think that everythings still okay?!?
Also this doesnt really matter but i feel like the casting was so spot on for the rest of the adults except for Natā€™s character where i dont feel like they look alike or act alike at all. I feel like i have to remind myself that theyre the same person constantly while watching the show.
I saw someone talking about this on here and I agree that I thought Jackieā€™s death was going to be more meaningful. I mean I guess its more interesting and realistic that it isnt, but she just seemed like she was gonna be more of an important character than she was.
Ok anyways thats it for my thoughts. If anyone knows where to watch season 2, lmk šŸ™ k thanks byeeee
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sammoose22 Ā· 11 months ago
Hello, this is my first time posting so be nice to me.šŸ˜‚
So Iā€™m a big 911 fan and an even bigger Buddie fan.
Bi Buck happened, and Iā€™m ngl I cried when it did, both cuz Iā€™m so happy for him and what this means, and cuz I wanted it to be EddiešŸ˜­, but for a good story line to happen it canā€™t be Eddie rn.
So Iā€™m just gonna use this to rant abt my theories,
Iā€™m kinda sure Buddie might happen, or at least has a much bigger chance now, especially with all the positive reactions. I have opinions on everything but the main thing I think is that if Buddie happens it wonā€™t be this season, I think it might start with Eddie realizing smthn, which will let us know itā€™s happening by the end of the season, but I donā€™t think 5 episodes is enough for Buck to get comfortable with himself and Eddie to realize, accept and do smthn abt being in love with Buck. But def season 8, which is confirmed and I think in September?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜Š so we donā€™t have to wait to long atleast
So yeah thatā€™s my main theory, I have so much more but I wonā€™t put it all in one postšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
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snowyaika Ā· 9 months ago
hope youve been doing okay <333 also hope you got to watch rvb: restoration and that it Wasnt a terrible experience for you <3333
hey anon!!! iā€™ve been doing sooo good, my semester is over so i can finally 100% focus on finishing the requests that have been piling up šŸ˜­ (so sorry for the wait guys HAHA, i bit off more than i could chew and started like 5 requests at once, i hate myself !!! but donā€™t let that stop you from submitting anything ā€¦. )
as for watching rvb, im SOOOO mad they hid it behind a paywall on youtube, so i havent had any chance to rewatch any of the seasons, not even the new one :ā€™)
iā€™ve seen so many of my moots repost about it and im sooooo excited to watch it (and also terrified), so if any of you have any recommendations on where to watch it now,,,, please help,,,, i beg,,,,
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hope youā€™re doing amazing anon! šŸ«€
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mira-rachel Ā· 4 months ago
I really REALLY love hazbin hotel, truly! But i have many criticism, and i havent watched them yet.
No hate, but the concept of heaven and hell in this uh, universe is a bit... flawed, in a sense. I do enjoy the character design, and oh God does Helluva Boss scratch that itch in my mind- idk, it brings me happiness.
Im not even gonna touch on how some of it doesnt make sense in a religious perspective, this rant is solely on hell
Warning, i havent seen the show. But have seen the pilot and fanfics and headcannons lmao, feel free to correct me if im wrong!
Idk if this is true, but I heard that Angel Dust was a mafia before he died? And idk if he feels bad for all the poor souls he fluffed up, bcs i havent read or seen anything adressing it.
Truly, truly I love Angel Dust, like honey, I will str**gle Val for you, but do you actually want to repent šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
And, if, IF he does go to heaven- will the residents even welcomed him? If redemption exist, then heaven needs to be on board with this. Not just the people in charge, but the citizens as well. If you just, thrust a sinner thats been 'redeemed' into heaven, and heaven didnt take notice until the redeemed appears at their doostep- how would the angels react?
Will that redeemed survive? Hell no. Well, depends. Whats their rules up in heaven? I hope season 2 showcase heaven's reactions, and maybe Emily will be fed up and join the demons down bellow??? That would be cool!!!
Ehm,back to the disscussion.
Keep in mind that I havent seen the show, but I have A LOT of qustions about redemption- bcs its so much complicated if you think about it, plus, redemptiom in hell??? Boy we gotta set up some rules.
First, what is redemption actually???
Redemption is-
an act of atoning for guilt, a fault, or a mistake, or the state of having atoned. an act or the state of being rescued.Ā 
According to this
Im just going to use this meaning, bcs theres different meanings and i want to save the headache.
Basing off of this, you could argue that someone is redeemed by being rescued- which is uhm, unsual if your rescuer is the daughter of Lucifer, the next queen of hell. Hello?? I mean, in some swap aus, Adam being the one to 'rescue' the sinners make sense bcs he was a human too, like those sinners, he must've know(I assumed) the pain sinners go through. And, if we make the plot like 'oh heaven can make mistakes' then actually find a sinner thaat has little to no criminal background and is very 'angelike' and is someone who wants to change for the better, AND ACTUALLY GIVE THAT CHARACTER A MONOLOGUE ABOUT THEIR PAST AND THEM ACTUALLY WANTING TO FIX THEIR MISTAKES-
And question, if someone wants to be redeemed, and they are in hell, do whatever crimes and sins they did in hell will be hold accountable???
As I said, if you want to make redemption make sense, it has many complex layers...
Okay okay, im being sidetracked-
Charlie, the daughter of Lucifer being a 'rescuer' doesnt really make sense in Hazbin Hotel, UNLESS, she once had a sinner friend who goes through so much in the real world, but end up getting fluffed and end up in hell, where they met Charlie and still go so much, but was killed(either by angels or other demons). AFTER THAT, then the idea that Charlie, a hellborn who never felt what humans/sinners felt make sense to want to make sinners repent so that they dont feel what her sinner friend feel.
THAT, would be an amazing concept to explore. A hellborn whose sheltered all her life, met a sinner who goes through the toughness of life, then they bond over... anything, something, and learned about eachother. The sinner has hope that there is a better future, while the hellborn realizes theres more than meets the eye and that they're perception of reality has been scewed.
If Charlie advocats for hellborn's rights, then it still make sense bcs she IS an hellborn, and knows a bit of what her people suffered. Hell, Vaggie being her right hand man would only make it make sense, since Vaggie was a former angel, then she can give Charlie insights of heaven.
Thats all for my rent, bcs am very tired rn and i have so much to do and eheosjksskdnsk
See yall next time, bye~ā˜†
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crazylittlejester Ā· 21 days ago
Hi Jes hereā€™s a Head Canon I have for a modern au Wild (not yours specifically though)
So I head canon that at some point in the modern au Wild will lose his left arm which is as traumatic as losing oneā€™s arm is but Wild being Wild will laugh to try and deal with it. So here are some examples of things he would do.
1) in a TikTok to the sound of ā€˜Shut up and dance with meā€™
Flora standing to the right of Wild (both in frame): grabbing his prosthetic arm
Wild (mouthing ā€œshe took me arm. Idk how it happenedā€: šŸ§
Flora: pulling his prosthetic arm off
Clips to them laughing
2) in a TikTok
Legend monologging: ā€œSo how do you know, know that you have a crazy (brother/friend) I know that I have when this Mf( camera moves to show Wild playing just dance four with out his right arm.) starts doing shit like this. Cause mf doesnā€™t even have a right arm.
For comforting video I usually binge Zelda theory videos, FNAF theory videos, watch livestreams/vods of my favorite creators (pointcrow, Quinbobin( generally if you want really funny Zelda game play watch Quinbobin on YouTube mans a mad lad) and small ant) some character analysis by schnee on YouTube although itā€™s arcane so heavy caution given season two and the emotional hell that was. But if Iā€™m really feeling it Iā€™ll watching fucking math videos of math I havenā€™t even reached yet because something about knowledge is power and number are pretty ( probably the undiagnosed ā€˜tisums) ļæ¼
Iā€™ll jump into and character analysis of a show/book/movie I havenā€™t even seen before just for something new for me brain to focus on something else.
If I need an energy boost listening to movie sound tracts like interstellar and Oppenheimer while pacing helps with mental productivity. Like if your needing a mental break and have the physical energy go take a walk somewhere, even around your house/apartment/dorm/building/city especially if itā€™s cold, that helps me but given what youā€™ve said about your life idk if the best help for you. But sometimes movement like stretching can help and you can stay on the floor and not move far if not needed.
Anyways I hope that you get better. Please prioritize your mental health and wellness because thatā€™s really fucking important. and if you feel safe doing so maybe talk to some irl friends who can listen and help you out on the daily, cause in reality we on tumblr, we can only go so far. But I truly believe that itā€™s going to be ok eventually, but donā€™t beat yourself up if it isnā€™t right now. Some things can wait, some things canā€™t, your mental and physical wellbeing is high on the listen of ā€˜things that canā€™t waitā€™. So take a day easy if you need to and beat yourself up and over something you canā€™t control.
Also if you want I can share some ideas I have for Lu at a music contest. You saying that Wind would play an instrument and compete has given me ideas, so Iā€™ll post them and if you want Iā€™ll tag you in them!
Anyways remember TAKE CARE OF YOU SELF PLEASE FOR. THE.LOVE.OF.GOD DO IT. If what Iā€™ve said youā€™ve already tried and you know that it doesnā€™t help then ignore it please. ļæ¼
watching math videos of math you havent reached yet is an INSANE power move, i am not math smart so i cant imagine a world in which thats NOT stressful but the idea is honestly so funny to me and it never occurred to me that that was ever an option šŸ˜­ im genuinely just obsessed with that idea
i did walk around quite a bit today and i went for a drive so im feeling a bit better now :)
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mo-ok Ā· 10 months ago
Top 5 WORST sentais youā€™ve watched. or simply least favorite bc I know youā€™re more of a lover than a hater
OK SO these are simply the ones i think about the least since finishing them (i've enjoyed every season i've seen so far, but some just have less staying power in my brain than others)
OR the ones with the most "little annoyances"/characters i cared the least about/etc etc
So this is less of a "worst" list and simply more of a "i liked other things more" list šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­
5. Liveman - worst ending in the whole franchise. Absolute downer of a show. Two completely wasted rangers who really didnt need to be there/could have easily been made so much better. I would not recommend this show to someone unless i knew them very well and knew they'd get it. 10/10 i fucking love liveman but oh my god OH MY GOD.
4. Dairanger - very enjoyable episode to episode but really fumbled the bag in the second half imo. I love lots of aspects of this season, i love the characters (probably one of the only people in the whole world who doesnt hate Koh lmao), the suits and intro theme are some of my favourites in the whole franchise. But like... what actually happened in dairanger??? Daigo got a bird gf for a minute? Kemp hurt comfort episode???? We played baseball??????
3. King Ohger - i think i would have enjoyed kingoh a whole lot more if i was able to watch it at a faster pace. The general lack of longer fight scenes and robot fights started to weigh on me lmao, i didnt quite realise how important the robots were to me until kingoh took them away šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ again, i enjoyed the show, but i havent thought about it much since it ended
2. Gaoranger - it was great fun and full on and i enjoyed it a lot, but boy howdy did it make me feel TIRED lmao. I watched this directly after watching Gingaman and was still very much in the Hyuuga trenches, which i dont think helped with Gao not sticking around in my mind. Also, didnt like the ending song (the theme song goes hard though, and Gaku remains a special boy in my special boy jar)
1. Kyoryuger - I remember really enjoying it and its characters, the bad guys were fun and the music goes hard. But there are a few factors that work together to sadly have it end up at the bottom of my sentai pile
- i find myself not really thinking about it AT ALL unless its right in front of me lmao.
- I have a lot of love and nostalgia tied to PR Dino Charge which kinda clouds most of my kyoryu memories
- tyler/shelby >>>>>> king/amy
- fav thing about kyoryu is Utchy and he wasnt even in the kingoh crossover eps wtf
- i think i have simply watched too much since watching Kyoryuger. I definitly am glad i watched it early on, cause i genuinly feel like i'd probably enjoy it less if i watched it now (i did however recently rewatch the Souji parents episode for the dynaman brain rot 10/10 junichi haruta my beloved)
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spiritingawaytoanime Ā· 11 months ago
itā€™s criminal how long itā€™s been since weā€™ve spoken when i saw you on the dash i was likeā€¦ā€¦..nova you idiot go say something so here i am
pre uni grind šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thereā€™s been SO many changes and iā€™m honestly just studying for a test rn but itā€™s soā€¦.exciting!?? to see where im gonna end up
howā€™s you !!?? i still listen to your cover of slow dancing in the dark itā€™s my fav
bro omg šŸ˜­ I need to redo that one day I got a bunch of new music junk so I can do more things that I couldnā€™t before woo
anyway yea itā€™s almost ap test season im going crazyyyy writing an essay for one rn lmao. Im ngl tho I had no idea you were even on tumblr still havent seen you on the dash in ages
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bomikalover Ā· 1 year ago
Whatā€™s your favorite American Housewife episode? I canā€™t pick a favorite but I have a few fav episodes from every season.
Iā€™ll do one a season because I love so many. And they might be less my favorite but more memorable to me (if you get what Iā€™m saying)
Season 1, is Episode 12 ā€œSurprise!ā€ Because it was Oliverā€™s bday which is already special but it was also the first episode where we actually see and meet cooper for the first time. Baby Cooliver really makes my heart warm and seeing Oliver and his dad share a moment was super sweet.
Season 2, is between episodes 17 ā€œAll Coupled Upā€ and episode 19 ā€œItā€™s Hard To Say Goodbye.ā€ Ep 17 showed more cooliver but also showed Gina (Oliverā€™s gf at the time) and how Gina was making Oliver someone he isnā€™t. It gave us some lovely Cooper and Katie moments and it was when Anna-Kat made it ā€œofficialā€ with Franklin. Plus we got some Trip and Taylor too so all together a jam packed episode. Ep 19 was when Spencer passed on and we got to see a more emotional Oliver and a more caring Katie. Katie and Oliverā€™s relationship is very complex as they have the most distant relationship out of all the Otto kids imo and this really showcased how much she truly cares about Oliver and his emotions.
Season 3, is also between 2 episodes. Ep 13 ā€œMo Money, Mo Problemsā€ and Ep 23 ā€œA Momā€™s Parade.ā€ Ep 13, was a fav for me since we saw Katie and Greg get some alone time but we also saw Cooliver and got some Taylor being a great big sis to Oliver so all in all a good episode. Ep 23 is good because I love music and musicals lol. I literally have all the songs on my Spotify playlist, ā€œYou Can Do Youā€ is a certified bop. Katieā€™s voice was amazing and i honestly wished for a 2 hour musical special after that šŸ˜‚
Season 4, is between 4 episodes (I literally canā€™t pick one šŸ˜­) Ep 6 ā€œ Girls night outā€, Ep 14 ā€œA very English scandalā€, Episode 19 ā€œVacation!ā€, and Episode 20 ā€œProm.ā€ I liked ep 6 since we saw Cooper and Trip basically become permanent members of the family and the adorable scene of them recreating the picture will also be in the back of my mind. Ep 14 was when Oliver ā€œcame outā€ lol and we got see to see Oliver be who he truly wants to be (he just doesnā€™t realize it yet) and I loved how everyone thought it made sense and that Cooper was his boyfriend šŸ˜‚. Plus the love story between Greg and Viv made my heart happy. Ep 19 was a breath of fresh air as it was actually shot outside and in LA which was nice. We got a Cooliver side storyline which ended in them agreeing that with Oliverā€™s family and Cooperā€™s money that they work perfectly together which made me so happy. Anna-Kat and Taylor had some bonding going on and I love to see it. Episode 20 was great, Iā€™ll always love a prom/dance episode. I was sad that Oliver went to prom with the teen help line girl and not Cooper (especially since the teen help line girl ignores him next season šŸ™„.) but the little dance scene at the end was cut and that was the last episode with OG Anna-Kat šŸ˜­.
Season 5, is Ep 1 ā€œGraduationā€, Ep 3 ā€œCouplingā€, and Ep 4 ā€œHomeschool Sweet Homeschool.ā€ Ep 1 was great as we say Taylor graduated but we also saw that Cooper was moving away. Oliver was so sad and lost that entire episode at the thought of loosing his Cooper. But it made me so happy that Oliver had a heart to heart with Katie and in the end Cooper moved in with Oliver and the family. Ep 3, was so full of Cooper and Oliver acting like an old married couple and I loved it. Katie and Greg even joked about making them a sex basket like they gave Trip and Taylor. (Side note: I love how supportive Greg and Katie are of Oliverā€™s sexuality. LGBTQ+ or not, they love their son and just want him happy šŸ«¶šŸ¾.) Ep 4, once again full of Cooliver moving in together and having those married couple vibes.
Basically anything with Cooliver I loved which was a lot of episodes lol. Trip and Anna-Katā€™s relationship was so precious to me as he was a second older brother to her and it warmed my heart. But anyway tysmmmm for asking me stuff and donā€™t be shy to ask more. šŸ«¶šŸ¾šŸ«¶šŸ¾šŸ«¶šŸ¾
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m1ckeyb3rry Ā· 6 months ago
Miraaaa! Hope youā€™re well! šŸ«¶šŸ¼ so sorry I havent been dropping by the ask box lately. iā€™ve been touching grass loooool
TabiEitaKen has been animated šŸ˜† and my bf thinks that Karasu looks good and approves of him on thr surface HAHAHAHA i cannot wait for him to react more on who this assassin is šŸ˜†
HIII NO WORRIES TOUCHING GRASS IS GOOD!! i hope you have been enjoying your break from tumblr mania šŸ¤©
YES THEY HAVE honestly i thought the trailer was really pretty good?? it was 99% still frames idk why people are hating on the animation we havenā€™t even seen much of it yet šŸ˜­ short clips will typically look awkward especially if theyā€™re not coming from one of the fancier studios but iā€™m fairly certain itā€™ll be fine in actual episodes!! all of the characters look so cuteeee karasu and nagi especially (<- NOT biased šŸ˜œ) lowkey otoya did look a little funny but itā€™s okay!! YUKI ALSO SLAYEDD iā€™m really excited for the second season šŸ¤© ik this is a hot take but i didnā€™t mind season oneā€™s animation so iā€™m not too scared šŸ¤” like most of the ugly moments for characters like barou are because thatā€™s deadass how theyā€™re drawn in the manga at first!! and ik second selection running animation gets a lot of hate especially when the field zooms out but personally for some reason i thought it was meant to display the field and players as a video game (like fifa) to show isagiā€™s spatial awareness so it didnā€™t bother me because i thought it was intentional šŸ˜­ i think if people go into it expecting like kyoani level quality people will be disappointed but if you just watch for fun itā€™ll be great!! the budget is higher for s2 than s1 so it wonā€™t be WORSE than s1 most likely and if itā€™s around that quality iā€™ll be quite pleased (also third selection could be a little crunchier because theyā€™re really saving everything for bllk vs u20s ā˜šŸ» given how beautiful the aiku animation was compared to the rest of the trailer especially i wouldnā€™t be surprised if thatā€™s the case!! and if so no complaints for meā€¦as long as they put their souls into nagiā€™s goal and barouā€™s celebration iā€™m happy šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©)
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pearlzier Ā· 7 months ago
i talk a lot........... but talking to you on here is very fun šŸ™šŸ™ but more funfacts i have memorised on dark angel i can finally tell someone who also enjoys it but DID YOU KNOW jensen did his own piano playing in the episode in season 2 which you havent watched yet but if you do the episode 'the berrisford agenda', and he learned it in the course of a couple days, making him close to the Instant expert his character was. dark angel actually hired a hand double but never had to use him !!! and more to michaels pettiness: michael weatherly apparently engaged in some pettiness behind the scenes like literally counting how many lines he and Jensen had in their scenes together and having the writers change it if Jensen had more, and another scene swap which i wont mention due to spoilers i dont wanna give you you wouldn't know it from Jensen's professional demeanor in his interviews about the show.. though. ( there are a couple i cant tell you but ill try to add the ones i can ) the pulse in the show's backstory was inspired by Y2K panic. part of the reason for the sudden change in the show's thematic elements between the first and second seasons, supposedly an attempt to tone down the show's dystopian atmosphere in the wake of 9/11 ( which youll notice when you watch the 2nd season !!! ) also originally, jensen was just supposed to be in one episode in season one but ended up being so good they casted him in season 2 aswell as alec šŸ™šŸ™
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what CANT jensen do oh my god this man <3 bye the hand double just be looking around like 'hi im here too' LMFAOOO
MICHAEL šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ this man was petty PETTY he was threatened asf bro why was he like that šŸ˜­ needed to get a grip i swear
OH MY GOSH I KNEW IT i felt the pulse was similar to Y2K and i was like wait... things r clicking dark angel is so good bro i cant....
THANK GOD alec mcdowell my beloved i havent even seen him yet but i <3 him know it
YES PLEASE KEEP TALKIN TO ME i will listen ALWAYS whenever i see an ask from u i get so happy šŸ™
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luzswonderland Ā· 2 years ago
Thoughts onĀ ā€œWatching and Dreamingā€ Part 1
Since this maybe the last time I might actually do one of these, I want to make it count and make it special. I really am going to miss this show. These past few weeks have been difficult.
I loved the cold open of hearingĀ ā€œKing Titanā€™sā€ voice before the title card showed for the last time. It makes this episode feel more finalšŸ„¹
Even though it was creepy, I did like Luz in Emperor Belosā€™ attire. It lowkey fits her.
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Seeing Luz, Eda and King all have dreams of their greatest fears is really symbolic of the show centering around them and I appreciate that.
Luzā€™s fear of losing her new friends and home
Edaā€™s fear of being rejected by her family
Kingā€™s fear of his heritage
Luzā€™s light glyph always comes in handy šŸ˜‰
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This reunion means so much to me. Itā€™s probably been months since they last saw each otheršŸ„¹
Eda giving Luz and King kisses was icing on the cake
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Raine being possessed by Belos is so jarringšŸ˜£
ā€œSo, toys break all the time. You just fix them.ā€ -YikesšŸ˜¬
As traumatizing as they might have been, the scenarios that the Collector put Luz, Eda and King through were kinda funny lol
The maze, the marble game and Jenga lmao šŸ˜­
What the archivists did to the Collector and the Titan race was so messed up
Wish we found out more about this event and lore šŸ˜¢ It would have been a fire episode and plotline imo
The abandonment issues that the Collector has šŸ˜­
The imagery of Emperor Belos taking over the Collectorā€™s heart was cool
Amity came in clutch with the light spell. So sweet šŸ¤—
I appreciate the trip down memory lane with the Collector. So many events occurred in just three seasons šŸ„²
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ā€œDid you know Lilith was her captain?ā€ ā€œReally, now thatā€™s a spin-off Iā€™d watch.ā€
Thatā€™s so crazy! Me too! šŸ™ƒ
Tinella Nosa cameo. Havent seen her in a minute ā˜ŗļø
ā€œI get it. You just need kindness and forgiveness, huh?ā€
I donā€™t know about that Collector lmao
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My heart stopped when this happened. OMG!šŸ˜­
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Eda and King going berserk for Luz is everything to me!
Meeting Kingā€™s Dad was a treat. He has such a warm personality šŸ˜Š Wish King could have met him.
Love the glyph detail on the pants
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ā€œHe fears what he canā€™t control.ā€-FACTS šŸ‘šŸ¾
ā€œLuz is a Noceda. You know what that means. It means sheā€™s way to stubborn to let any of this get her down. Sheā€™ll be okay.ā€
Love how Camila believes in Luz and cheers everyone up. They have a really healthy relationship. šŸ¤—
ā€œWhat is this stuff? Why wonā€™t it stop?
Oh, Collector šŸ˜­
I wish Amity got to see her in this formšŸ˜©
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ā€œI still canā€™t think of anything to say!ā€
Donā€™t ever change Luz šŸ„¹
Luz, King and Eda doing their thing again for the final time šŸ˜©
The animation went insane during their fight scene. I have so many iconic moments but my favorite has to be this one
Their expressions and their happiness really does a good job of displaying their prior connection as a realistic family unit. I love it šŸ™ŒšŸ¾
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ā€œWowā€ Indeed
A sight to behold šŸ‘€
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