#i haven't been to the club since halloween
starryeyedjanai · 9 months
bad boys do it better
rated: teen | @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: modern au tags: dating apps, innuendo, bad flirting read on ao3
Eddie finally opens Tinder after downloading it in a fit of desperation.
He's tried everything but these stupid apps—bars and clubs and pottery classes and rock climbing—trying to find someone he can connect with.
But he's mostly found guys that string him along with whispered sweet nothings and half-promises they don't intend to follow through on.
So he makes his profile and then promptly fumbles and drops his phone because— no fucking way.
There's no way this is real life.
There's no fucking way the first guy to pop up is Steve fucking Harrington, his unfortunate and longest lasting crush in high school.
He picks up his phone and sees Steve's face staring back at him, unassuming, a bright, cheery smile on his face.
Steve, 28 2 miles away "Hope you like bad boys because I have it on dvd and vhs" Interests: baseball, basketball, live music, movies
He taps to get to the next photo and lets out a shaky breath—the shorts of what can only be his Halloween costume are so short, exposing hairy thighs that Eddie wants to sink his teeth into.
The next photo is a snapchat picture of him grinning wide, cradling what might be the world's ugliest dog, the text across the screen reading my nephew is so handsome 🤩🤩🤩.
The last is an obligatory shirtless mirror pic, not showing off washboard abs, but the soft, toned skin of his stomach.
He closes the app, sets his phone down, and breathes through his nose.
This can't be real, right? In what world would Steve be the first person in a sea of profiles in San Francisco of all places?
Eddie expected him to chase after Nancy Wheeler when she went to Boston, but he didn't stick around long enough in Hawkins to find out if they ever rekindled their will-they-won't-they relationship.
Maybe he's just visiting. Maybe he found his match and just forgot to delete Tinder. Because there's just no way Eddie has this kind of luck.
He opens up Instagram and searches for Steve and finds him right away because they're probably still Facebook friends.
He scrolls through his profile and deflates a little, because all of the pictures on Tinder are from his Instagram. Which means it's probably much more likely that someone is catfishing using Steve's pictures.
Because the Steve from high school wasn't into men. And he's hot enough for someone to use his pictures to scam people or whatever.
He opens up Tinder again and his thumb is swiping right before he thinks about what he's doing.
It's a match!
Okay, now he knows it's a catfish. Or maybe it's a bot.
There's no world in which Steve Harrington would swipe right on him in the twenty minutes it's been since he created his account.
He types a message to "Steve" saying so are you a bot or just a catfish?
He doesn't get a response right away, so he clicks out of the messages, looking at profiles of what are hopefully actual people he can connect with.
His phone buzzes when the message from Steve comes in.
Hi3 Eddiems, cl!ck th3 linkin my proffile to . achat I am waitin9
He rolls his eyes and goes back to perusing profiles. It's not like he thought it was really Ste-
His phone pings with another message and he clicks back into the chat immediately.
That was a joke. There's not even a link in my profile
Eddie's heart beats a little faster, his fingers typing out a response.
So a catfish then?
Why do you think I'm a catfish?????
Because I know the guy in those pictures and there's no way hes into men. That guy was a jock extraordinaire in high school and very straight
You're awfully judgey for someone who was so anti-conformity in high school. Whos to say I haven't changed?
Or like, learned new things about myself?
Eddie's breath stutters in his throat.
Also you didn't really know me since we never talked.
Okay, I mean. It's pretty easy to guess that I was counterculture in high school by looking at me. So I'm still on the fence about the catfish thing
How about we meet up then? So you can see me in all my nearing-30 glory
And watch bad boys on dvd and vhs with you?
Dude, I am not inviting you to my house on the first date
That's a third date kind of thing
Oh yeah? Is it a back-to-back feature? We start with the vhs then move to dvd?
He can't believe he's entertaining this. A catfish wouldn't offer to meet up unless they thought Eddie wouldn't call their bluff. He kind of wants to see where this is going.
No see, we start with the dvd playing in the living room and then when we inevitably start being bad boys🥵 in the middle of the movie, we can pick it back up on vhs in my room later
To be clear, we stop the movie, right? I'm not sure bad boys has a soundtrack meant for the kind of activities we'd be doing
Oh for sure. I'd even put on my "let's get it on" playlist. As a treat.
Eddie can't help but grin. Even if this guy is a catfish, this is maybe the most fun he's had talking to someone in a long time.
Are you serious about meeting up?
Uh yeah, I can't have you thinking I'm a catfish forever
What's your favorite brewery?
Wanna do tomorrow afternoon at like 2 when it's not busy?
That sounds perfect
He isn't sure if it's really Steve or if he's going to be met with someone else or stood up, but at least he'll get to drown his sorrows if it doesn't work out.
Well—he's unsure until he gets the 'stharrington started following you' notification on Instagram a few minutes later.
He screams into his pillow so loud his neighbor thumps on the wall.
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shadeysprings · 11 months
So Good. So Bad.
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—Stalker!Ex-Boyfriend!Lloyd Hansen x F!Reader
Summary — The Halloween party you and your friends attend turns upside down all because of your jealous ex.
Warnings — noncon/dubcon, toxic relationship, mass murd3r, k!lling spree, somewhat public sex, cuckolding of some sort, almost drugging, Lloyd being toxic and psychotic. There may be more I haven't mentioned but please read with caution.
Word Count — 7.2K
A/N — I know I said Sunday but my muse said no. Story #2 for my FREAKtober Fest and my second time exploring Lloyd as a character. The writing process was tedious yet exciting. The title and inspiration of this fic was taken from the song ILYSB.
Gif by the amazing @steve-kemp
As always, your feedback is highly appreciated and your reblogs would be amazing. And of course, I hope y'all enjoy! ❤️
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Aside from having the same shift as your best friends, restocking is the only thing you like about your work. Although it’s physical, it’s mostly mindless tasks done repeatedly, and the black shirt you wear acts like a shield from annoying customers who pester the ones in blue.
Your shift starts like clockwork; time in, grab the products from the warehouse, and begin stocking the shelves until you have to clock out. Though today was a bit more taxing than you expected with the cable aisle once more in disarray and you being tasked to reorganize and set everything in its proper place. You don’t understand the need to put in so much effort into something that will just end up messy at the end of the day.
But you do it anyway. 
Upon arriving at the aisle, you begin sorting out the boxes and dismantling the hooks from the shelves. You’re happy enough to be doing this alone—the quicker you work, the faster you’ll be able to relax and waste the time away. That is, until Kate stands beside you, seemingly tensed as she starts helping you. 
“He’s here again. TV aisle.” You don’t need for her to say anything more to know who she’s referring to and it just makes you sigh as you grab a box of an HDMI cable and hang it on the hook. “Jensen’s trying to help him but he’s being pushy about talking to you. How does he always know when you’re here? Didn’t you already change shifts?” She asks.
How you wish you knew the answer to that. “I did.” You say in exasperation. “Did he say I was on break?”
“You know we can’t lie. Besides, we have no idea if he already saw you before he came in. He could have seen you while you were on your smoke break.” She expounds and you feel a sudden wave of exhaustion wash over you. “Just—talk to him. Tell him to leave. If he tries anything, we’ll call the cops.”
“Yeah. Like they’ll do anything about it. Vince wouldn’t even allow that—bad publicity and all.” The sigh that once more leaves your lips is despondent. You don’t know what else you can do to make him leave you alone. “Fine. I’ll deal with him.” The box in your hand ends up being crumpled from annoyance.
“We’ll be keeping watch.” She says, a measly attempt to comfort you. But you take it anyway with a smile and push away from your cart to hopefully turn away the pesky client.
It’s been almost two years since you broke up with Lloyd. The sweet air that he once had turned bitter when you saw just how jealous of a person he was. You thought it was cute at first, comforting him after a fit and telling him that he was the only man in your life—until it wasn’t and he threatened your friend, John, even challenging him to a fight at the back of the club when he placed his arm on your shoulder as he introduced you to his girlfriend. 
Since then, he changed and the relationship you thought was almost perfect, snowballed into endless fights and the revelation of the toxicity he kept hidden. You thought you could make him realize that there was truly nothing to worry about, that his jealousy was misplaced. But you were very wrong, especially after he demanded you quit your job and move in with him instead. You’d make a really good housewife, was what he said and you knew you had to draw the line.  
It wasn’t the life you wanted. And it pained you to leave because you did love him but with the way he acted, you questioned if he truly felt the same for you for even the simplest of things, he failed to trust you. And ever since, he hasn’t stopped following you. Everywhere you went, at work or home, he was there, simply watching, observing and you’ve done all you can to push him away. But no matter how hard you try, he can’t take the word no.
The first thing you notice when you see him is the twitch of his mustache when he smirks. He looks pristine as ever with his yellow polo shirt and white slacks that match his black loafers—a complete mismatch to your black shirt, jeans and sneakers uniform. And it has you thinking, what the hell did he see in you?
“The new models just came in yesterday,” You hear Jensen tell him but it’s obvious that Lloyd is not listening, certain that he’s staring at you even with his blue eyes covered by sunglasses. “I can show them—”
“Ah, just the girl I was looking for.” He says, cutting off Jensen and stepping past him to head over to you. 
“Sir, she’s one of our warehouse staff. I’d be happy to assist you in—”
“Beat it, nerd!” Lloyd snaps as he stops to face Jensen, rolling your eyes at his misplaced annoyance. “She’s the one I want to talk to.”
“It’s okay, Jen. I got this.” You tell your co-worker, gesturing for him to leave.
“You sure? I can stay if you need any he—”
“Are you fucking deaf?! She said she’s got it, loser!” Lloyd turns from where he stands and you’re suddenly alarmed to see him charge over at Jensen. “Beat it or I’ll make you.” He threatens and you immediately wedge yourself between both men when you see Jensen isn’t backing down.
You place your hands against Lloyd’s chest, stopping him from getting any closer. “Lloyd, stop it! Not here—Christ!” Your voice raises an octave when you scold him, facing Jensen right after and unintentionally glaring at him. “Just go, Jake! I said I got this!” It surprises you that you sound quite like Lloyd but it doesn’t deter you from pushing Lloyd back further.
You hear Jensen speak but don’t understand him as you grab Lloyd by the hand and pull him over to the other aisle, heat rising up your neck when you notice several of the shoppers looking in your direction. There’s never any peace with Lloyd—everywhere he goes, chaos follows.
Once you’ve pulled him away from prying eyes, you startle when he stops walking and tugs on your hand, his arm immediately wrapping around your waist as he holds you close. He gives you a sickeningly sweet grin, effectively trapping your hand against his chest.
“What the fuck do you want, Lloyd? Why are you here?” You bite.
“I’m looking for a TV.” He says smoothly, “Besides, I missed my little Kitten and I know that kitty of yours misses me too.”
You want to roll your eyes at his crass comment. “You know I work in the damn warehouse. I know nothing about them.” You reason, grunting as you try to get away from his hold. “We have a sales specialist who can help you with that.”
“Oh, but I want you to show me the options.” The hair on his lip twitches when he smirks, “Or I can complain to your manager that his employees aren’t helpful to their customers.”
“Seriously? You’re going to act like a fucking Karen?”
“Would you like to see me try?” He challenges.
That’s the last thing you needed from him and you don’t question that he would stay true to his word and make sure his complaint reached top management. Letting out a sigh, you nod at his request and show your best customer service smile before saying, “How can I help you?”
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Your shift finally ends and you can’t wait to go home to wash off the day. After Lloyd pestered you with all the TV selections you showed him, he left with nothing and you tried your best not to show your annoyance at him though he knows he’s riled you up—he always does. 
Bidding your goodbyes to Kate and the rest as you leave the store with Jensen in tow. He offered a ride to the station—something he always does and one you couldn’t refuse after the long day. You just want to go home and curl up in your room and hope that Lloyd doesn’t show himself again after that awful stint. 
“Tough day, huh?” Jensen asks as he brings the engine to life and drives off from the parking lot. 
“Yeah. I’m just glad it’s over.” You respond, leaning back against your seat while you hug your backpack against your chest.
“Yeah.” He echoes, hearing his fingers tap against the wheel. “The line at the tech depot was pretty long too. Seems like every computer within town is falling apart.” He jokes, and you think it’s an attempt to lighten the mood. You still feel tense with the altercation he had with Lloyd—you just wish for once one of them would listen to you. 
“Hey, sorry about earlier.” He says and you visibly cringe when he mentions it. “I know you could handle him but knowing that he’s bothering you, I couldn’t just step away from—”
“Look. Jensen.” You sigh as you turn to face him. “I appreciate your concern, really, I do. But no offense, it’s none of your business. I don’t need a knight in shining armor to come and rescue me each time that idiot shows up. The others stay away because of how reckless he can be and I just don’t want you to get caught in the line of fire. Just let me handle him.”
You know full well why Jensen couldn’t get past that. After admitting to you his feelings since he found out you were single, he’s been subtly dropping hints about asking you out. You’d probably have taken up the offer if you met him before Lloyd but the trauma your ex has imprinted on you just leaves you thinking that any man who would dare go near would be the same. 
Silence fills the small space, along with a flicker of tension. You think Jensen would disapprove of your words, that he would insist on giving his unwarranted help. But all you hear is a sigh and you see the nod of his head. 
“Okay.” He utters, the rubber covering the steering wheel squeaking when his hold on it tightens. “I won’t meddle any—”
“JENSEN!” You shout and grab onto the handle of your seat when a car suddenly turns and blocks your path, Jensen stepping hard onto the brakes. 
“What the fuck?!” He shouts as he rolls down his window but you, on the other hand, sit still when you see Conrad, one of Lloyd’s buddies, step out of the car and walk over to Jensen’s side. “What the hell is wrong with you, bro?!” Jensen growls as he unlocks his door, ready to step out.
But you’re too late to warn him—Conrad pulling open the door and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, trapping him against the side of his car. Lloyd then suddenly appears, with Chris in tow. He goes first to Jensen, the latter flinching when he raises his fist at him, threatening to lay a punch before leaning down and framing his arms over the edge of the window.
Your eyes dart to Jensen when he grunts against Conrad’s grip, glaring at Lloyd when he stares you down. “What the fuck are you doing here, Lloyd?!”
His eyes meet yours, darkness swirling around the blue and you can already tell that he’s angry. “What are you doing here, Kitten?” He says, a cocky grin on his face. “You couldn’t wait for me to pick you up so you got into this loser’s car?” He tuts, chin nodding over to your side and your door suddenly opens, Chris, pulling you out aggressively. 
You look around, hoping to call for help but you curse Jensen when you notice he went through the back roads. No one ever passes here, especially at this hour, and now the both of you are at the mercy of your ex who you see looming over your co-worker. 
You gasp when Lloyd sends him a punch, trying to pull away from Chris’ grasp to help Jensen, but it’s no use. You’re rendered helpless as you watch him send another blow, making the other bowl over to which Conrad pushes him further to the ground.
“Stay away from my girl, asshole!” Lloyd threatens before spitting at the other man, your eyes grow wide when Lloyd takes you from Chris and drags you to his car. 
You hear the sound of tires being slashed and several glass breaking along with Jensen’s pained grunts. You knew Lloyd could be reckless but you’ve never seen him this way before. He opens the passenger door and pushes you in, slamming the door harshly before getting inside himself. He doesn’t wait for his companions before driving off, your hand grabbing the side of the door with the speed he’s going. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” You shout. “Let me out of here!”
“You keep testing me, Kitten. Running off with other men like that.” He growls and you scream when he takes a sharp left, cars honking left and right at how careless he’s driving. 
“Are you that daft?! We’re over, Lloyd! We’ve been for years!” You shout amidst the panic that rolls through your veins, eventually getting the courage to hit him on the shoulder when he gets on the main road. 
But you soon realize your mistake when he stops at an alley and his hand immediately wraps around your neck, pulling you towards him. You grab on his wrist when he squeezes tight, your eyes wide as you fear that he would choke you, kill you on the spot. 
“Lloyd—” you gasp, slapping on his hand as tears fall from your eyes. “Y—you’re hurting me.”
“I will only say this once, Kitten, so you better listen.” His hot breath spreads across your cheek when he pulls you closer, the tick on his jaw setting you on edge. “You’re mine and no one, not even you, can change that fact. Got it?”
All you can do is nod, to agree with every word he says if it means you get to keep your life. 
“Good.” He huffs, the anger in him somewhat seeping away, loosening his hold around your neck. “Good girl.” The praise that used to send shivers of desire within you now has your stomach twisting in disgust. “And if I see that weirdo or any other man going near you again, you know what will happen.”
You nod once more and gasp when he completely releases you, leaning against your seat as you try to regulate your breathing.
He drives once more and you’re thankful he’s slower this time, doing your best to stay calm as you look out the window. “Where are you taking me?” You ask, although you already have an inkling of his answer when you recognize the area you’re in and the direction he’s driving to. You haven’t driven in and out of these roads for almost two years. After you and Lloyd broke up.
The smirk he gives you is enough of an answer.
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“Are we going to pre-game before the party?” Bucky asks as he plops down onto the couch in the employee lounge, shaking a tumbler of his protein shake in his hand. “Last year’s booze ran out so fast, I went home seeing straight. I don’t want to be sober on Halloween night.”
“You never want to be sober, Barnes,” Kate comments as she rolls her eyes, yet her interest seems to already be piqued. “But he’s right. Are we going to drink before the party or should we just hit the club after? I have a friend who can get us in at this club for free.”
“That could work but I’d rather enjoy the night drunk then get wasted at the club.” Bucky responds, taking a sip of his drink. “We could just meet up at someone’s place and pre-game there, then we can all go to the party together. Would save us gas too if we just take one car.”
“Who even lives near the venue?” 
You tune yourself out from their conversation and stab your fork into your lunch as the Halloween party is the last of your concerns. Besides, you don’t think Lloyd would be happy with you attending and you wouldn’t dare give him the opportunity to ruin the event for you and your friends or give him any reason to be mad again. 
Your friends exchange ideas, listing down people’s names of who they’ll be inviting for their plan of drinks and whose place they’ll be crashing when the door of the lounge opens and you freeze in your seat when Bucky calls out Jensen’s name.
“Hey buddy! You live downtown, right?” Bucky asks, patting the space beside him to which Jensen accepts. “We were thinking that—the fuck happened to your face?”
Your grip on your fork tightens when you chance a peek at both men, feeling your stomach drop when you see the bruise staining Jensen’s cheek. 
“Oh that?” Jensen chuckles, his fingers running against the side of his face. “I wasn’t looking where I was going and I slammed against my door frame.” You know he’s lying, though you’re somewhat thankful he didn’t expose what Lloyd and his friends did. Still, you feel the guilt nipping at the back of your neck. 
“You’re such a klutz, Jake.” Kate says with a laugh. 
Jensen makes a face in her direction and you look away when his eyes meet yours. “Why were you guys asking if I lived downtown?” He suddenly asks, shifting the topic. 
Bucky takes the lead again. “We were thinking of doing drinks before heading to the party. And since you live closer to the venue, maybe we could just meet at your place?”
“Depends. Do I have to provide the booze?”
“We can bring some and you prepare some.” Kate responds. “Sounds good?”
Jensen hums audibly as he thinks of his decision. You feel the tension circling around you as you sense his eyes on you while he speaks. You don’t dare to look up, keeping your focus trained on the lifeless pasta in your lunch container.
“I’m in. Though who’s coming? My apartment isn’t that big so I can’t really hold a huge crowd.” He finally says.
“I’m there.” Bucky says, mouth full of his protein shake. “Tell me what you guys want and I’ll bring it.”
“Me too. Though I’m bringing my boyfriend along—that cool with you guys?” No one seems to object and you look up to face your best friend when she nudges you. “You’re coming too, right? Amber’s dragging Nick along and we won’t be complete without you. I even planned this super cool costume for us.”
You feel your body shake at her question. The pressure of going to the event with your best friends growing in your chest, colliding with the added stress of meeting at Jensen’s place and the fear of Lloyd finding out about the plan. 
“I don’t know.” You say with a frown, closing up your container as your appetite has already turned sour from the anxiety crawling up your spine. “You know I don’t do well at parties. I’ll just stink up the mood.”
“Aww come on. Please?” She begs with those puppy eyes she always uses to convince you. “You’ll be with us and if it gets too much, we’ll leave. And if you’re worried about that psycho ex of yours showing up, I can just show Andy in his direction and he’ll show him a thing or two.” You want to latch onto the assurance she gives you but she doesn’t know Lloyd like you do. 
Still, you could probably think of a way to convince him—he’s never been apprehensive of you spending time with your friends. Except it’s not only them who would be with you; Bucky and Jensen would be there as well, and you’ve already witnessed what he’s done to the latter, the evidence staring you in the face. 
And that would mean you would have to lie. Though is it really lying if you’re just omitting out the information he doesn’t want to hear?
But the plan didn’t go as expected. 
Instead of heading over to the company party after drinks at Jensen’s apartment, like what was discussed, you find yourself nursing a red cup full of shitty alcohol in a dimly lit house while surrounded by your friend group and people you only assume to be Bucky’s college frat buddies. 
You tug on the skirt of your black dress that’s a little too short for your liking, the cat headband already irritating you with how long you’ve been wearing it. You don’t know why you’ve agreed to Kate’s idea for the three of you to imitate the costume from that movie—you’re just glad she didn’t push you to wear a bodysuit and that Amber was happy to trade with the mouse theme you were originally assigned to do. 
Speaking of your best friends, you walk around the living room as you try to look for them, no longer wanting to be alone amidst the foreign crowd. But you frown when you see Kate at the corner of the room, her boyfriend’s hand planted firmly on her ass while they make out. Amber, on the other hand, was just on the other side, with Nick barricading her against the wall like some prison guard. Though with the smile you see on her face, she doesn’t seem to mind being isolated by him.
Your eyes then dart towards the front door when the cheers of men grow louder than the music blasting in the house. Three people walk in, each one wearing a mask over some effortless casual clothes underneath. But the one wearing the iconic ghostface catches your attention, noticing him looking your way with the other two standing behind him following suit. There’s a somewhat eerie familiarity to their masked gaze that makes you look away and leave from where you stand.
“Not really what you’re expecting, huh?” You startle when someone says too close against your ear, making you look up and chuckle when you see Jensen smiling at you, an opened beer bottle in his hand. 
“It feels like I’m back in college attending a frat party.” You comment, making the both of you laugh and tapping your cup against his bottle when he raises it to you.
“You went to a lot of parties in college?”
You shake your head. “Not really. Wasn’t really a party type.”
“Same. But I had no choice with my roommate dragging me to every party.”
You have no idea why Jensen is speaking to you—after what he endured with Lloyd and his buddies, you’d think he’d steer clear of you, probably even fear you thinking that history would repeat itself. But deep down, you’re happy to be in his company, choosing it over being alone in a place you don’t even know half the people in. 
The both of you chat for a while, finding a less crowded spot in the kitchen and helping yourselves with the food and the drinks that are out and free for the taking. You still feel bad when the bruise on his cheek remains prominent, though with his purple button up and baggy gray slacks, you think it blends well with his cosplay of Bruce Banner when you asked him who he was supposed to be. 
“I’m sorry for what happened to you, Jen.” You tell him with a frown, leaning against the edge of the counter as you look down at your drink. “I didn’t think Lloyd would actually hurt anyone.”
“It’s fine. It’s just a bruise.” He assures, giving your arm a pat.
“What about your car? Didn’t they trash it?”
“They did. But good thing I have insurance.”
It surprises you how positive the air around him still is despite the misfortune he’s met because of you. You almost envy his happiness, and the happiness that your friends have and you find it almost unfair that Lloyd wasn’t like Andy and Nick, doting and loving towards their girls, when both those men are his friends. You wish he’d learn a thing or two from them about handling relationships the proper way. 
Sadness then swirls around you as you contemplate on what your life has become; always scared and cautious, that Lloyd would hurt another because of his jealousy, because of his unspoken obsession to completely possess you.
Your train of thought stops when you feel your cup being taken from your grasp, Jensen replacing it with a fresh one, fizz floating to the top of the amber liquid. “Jack and Coke.” He says. “Your drink looked a little stale.”
But before you could even take a sip, you hear spine tingling screams coming from the living room. You think it’s some scary prank someone has pulled on another, you and Jensen looking at each other and pushing away from your perch to investigate the commotion. But in just a flash of a second, the whole house is in chaos, people running, scrambling for their lives while the three masked men you saw earlier run amok, shooting and stabbing the party goers one by one and leaving them bloody and dead on the ground. 
No sound escapes your lips as you’re gripped by fear upon witnessing the bloodbath, your body refusing to move even when your brain tells it to. But the hand that grabs onto your arm has you shouting in shock, only to be muffled by another and your eyes wide with horror thinking that they’ve got you. But to your relief, it’s only Jensen and he places a finger against his lips, telling you to be quiet before pulling you amongst the havoc for a way out. 
You try the backdoor first but for some unknown reason it wouldn’t budge open no matter how hard he yanks it. He tries the window above the kitchen sink as well but just like the door, it’s screwed shut. He pulls on you once more, leading you down the hall this time, the rave music playing loudly in your ears pumping the adrenaline in your veins while the sound of the screams die out one by one. 
He makes it to the end of the hall, the staircase free from the killers but with bodies lying lifeless on the steps—a woman with her throat cut wide open and a man with a bullet right between his eyes. He looks back at you, telling you to be quiet once more as he gestures that you both will be heading up. But before he could even set foot on the first step, one of the masked men appears and kicks him forward, making him topple over the corpses. 
A scream is then wretched from your throat when you’re suddenly pulled back, the stranger trapping you against him while he positions his knife just under your chin, feeling the sharp edge of the blade kiss your skin. The man from the stairs kicks Jensen in the stomach then again, your co-worker writhing in pain as another joins his attacker, this time with a metal bar which he slams against his chest.
“Hello, nerd! Long time no see.” The one who kicked him greets, the timbre of his voice making your heart pound against your chest. No! “Whatcha doin’ with my girl, huh?” The stranger asks before pulling off his mask and you freeze when you see Lloyd’s face. He then turns to you, a cocky smirk playing on his lips and sending you a wink before he asks, “Whatcha doin’ here, Kitten? Thought you were at a company party?” The sly twist in his voice has you on edge.
The smirk on his face then fades, turning into a scowl when he nods at the man who’s got you trapped against him. You’re then released from his hold but not for long as Lloyd simply takes his place, grabbing you by your arm, wincing from his tight grip and dragging you into the living room where you see countless bodies lying lifeless on the ground and the walls of the house painted crimson.
He shoves you against the couch where you fall against something cold and sticky, only to realize too late, crying out to see that it’s Bucky you landed on; his blood staining your dress and your hands. But you’re then pushed away from him, falling back on the cushions as Lloyd kicks his body off the surface to take the space he once occupied. 
You feel like you’re about to convulse as you cry when Lloyd wraps an arm around you. You try to push away from him, not wanting to be near him but he shakes you like a rag doll, making you stop before gesturing over to someone you cannot see as your eyes are blurry from your tears and remain locked on your dead friend’s feet. 
“Gentlemen, thank you for all your help.” Lloyd says when the music finally dies and you look up, surprised to see Andy and Nick standing unscathed with only splatters of blood staining their costumes. But what has you more jarred is seeing Kate and Amber bound and gagged, sitting against the floor, they’re eyes wide in fear as they squirm to be free from their restraints. 
You’re suddenly off your seat and on your feet, determined to get to them, to help set them free and run away from this horrid place. But Lloyd is quick to yank you back, grunting when you fall onto his lap and his strong arm wrapping around your waist to hold you in place.
“Relax, Kitten. They’re safe.” Lloyd assures, his gloved finger grazing against your cheek. “Just had to go through some extra measures to keep them out of the way.”
“We did our part, Hansen.” Andy says, pulling Kate from the ground who forcefully tries to pull away from his grip while Nick does the same with Amber, who in turn quietly follows while tears keep running down her face. “Just don’t forget the deal.”
“Yeah yeah. Just make sure your bitches know what to say if they’re questioned.” Lloyd responds with disinterest. “Meet me by the end of this week for your payment.”
It’s all the words the men exchange before dragging away your friends, their wide and fearful eyes being the last you see before the door closes behind them. 
The sound of wood being dragged across the tiled floor then makes you look forward, seeing Chris and Conrad, now with their masks off, placing a chair in front of you and Lloyd while the latter drags Jensen’s beaten body and forces him to take a seat. Both men then go to work, effectively binding their captive’s wrists behind his back with tape and his ankles to the legs of the chair.
The sight of his damaged state breaks your heart as you helplessly feel guilty upon thinking that everything that has happened to him is all your fault. You never should have come here in the first place as soon as you found out about the change of plans. You should have just gone home or better yet, you should have just stayed at home where you know Lloyd would be.
Yet the universe could be so cruel.
“Look what we found on him.” Chris says in a serious tone before pulling out a small ziplock bag from Jensen’s shirt pocket and tossing it over your lap. You glance down at the clear packaging, seeing several small white tablets enclosed in it. What?
“Lover boy here was so desperate to get laid he brought roofies with him.” Conrad adds with a laugh, pushing on the back of Jensen’s head hard that his body jolts forward.
The bag is then taken from your lap, Lloyd holding it up close to his face as he inspects the white circles. You yelp when you’re suddenly shoved off his lap, falling over to the floor while Lloyd steps over to Jensen and grabs him by his hair, pulling his head back while he holds the baggie in front of him, breathing heavily like some wild animal through gritted teeth.
“You were gonna drug my girl, weren’t you?!” Lloyd spits out his words and on Jensen’s face, tossing the tablets in Conrad’s direction, your throat eliciting a gasp when he holds a knife to his neck this time. “Did you take any drink from him?!” He asks, but it takes a second for you to realize that he’s talking to you. He turns in your direction, eyes dark with anger. “Any fizzy shit this asshole gave you?!”
You don’t understand what he’s asking, why the sudden interrogation—then it hits you. In the kitchen while you were busy with your thoughts, Jensen took your stale drink, as he claimed, and replaced it with another. No—it can’t be. He said it had coke in it and sodas make a fizz. 
“I won’t ask again, Kitten.” Lloyd pushes and you nod out of fear, knowing that he would find out that you’re lying to him if you said otherwise.
The look on Lloyd’s face shifts into something that makes the hair on the back of your head stand. Like something sinister has possessed him with the way his lips curl in a playful manner. 
A groan leaves Jensen’s lips when Lloyd releases him and you push yourself back against the couch when he goes for you next.
“Lloyd, please—!” you beg as he tucks the knife in his pocket, yanking you from the ground and shoving you forward, planting you firmly in front of Jensen before forcing you to bend over. “Let’s just go home—you already beat him!” You cry, pushing against Jensen’s thighs when Lloyd doesn’t budge and keeps dipping you further.
You feel like you’re going to gag when the metallic stench fills your nose especially with how close you are to your bleeding co-worker and you attempt once more to push away from him, no longer wanting the both of you to suffer. But the world suddenly feels like it’s turning upside down when you feel Lloyd pushing up the skirt of your dress, a grunt leaving his chest when he roughly rips your panties off your thighs.
“Now, don’t be like that, Kitten.” He says in a syrupy tone. “Don’t you want to at least show him his sick fantasy of fucking you?” The tell tale sound of his zipper being undone fills your ears and you’re shocked frozen, scared to the wits end that Lloyd would take you here amongst the dead and in front of your friend who he’s beaten to a pulp.
You look away from Jensen when you feel Lloyd’s cock brush against your ass, his tip teasing your pussy lips. You then shout when Lloyd grabs you by the back of your neck, forcing you to look back at your friend who has one eye swollen shut, while the other is stained with blood and brimming with unshed tears.
In one swift move, Lloyd enters you, gasping for air at his sudden intrusion. Pain blooms at the pit of your stomach when he doesn’t allow your walls to adjust and begins fucking you at a brutal pace, your nails digging into Jensen’s thighs as you try to endure your abuser’s torment. 
Your body jolts against the chair, following Lloyd’s callous thrusts. You’re then washed in humiliation when you hear Chris and Conrad snickering at your sides, seeing them watch you with perverse eyes, sickened to the core as the thought that they enjoy what they are witnessing comes to your mind.
Both men then hold Jensen in place when he starts squirming in his seat that he almost topples over. Lloyd then abruptly pulls you up, pressing your back against his chest but only to grab on the straps of your dress and harshly pull them down from your shoulders, having your breasts spill into the open.
“She’s got perfect tits, doesn’t she, lover boy?” Lloyd taunts as he keeps up the pace of his hips, grabbing your breasts, kneading, squeezing, and pushing them together. “Why don’t you feel how soft they are?” And it’s as if things couldn’t get any worse, Lloyd moves you forward along with him, tipping forward when your knees hit the edge of the seat. His hands grab onto the back of the chair and you wail in horror when he forces your breasts to press against Jensen’s face, the sticky blood smearing all over your skin.
Lloyd laughs and so do his friends and all you feel is shame and disgust at what he’s doing to you—that the man you once loved would hurt you in the sickest way possible.
A gasp is once more wretched from your throat when Lloyd slams hard against your cunt, feeling his thick cock slide even deeper when your walls grow wet, the toe curling sensation from his tip repeatedly hitting that sweet spot of yours trying to take over. You feel like a woman possessed as you grit your teeth, pushing hard against the unwanted pleasure that slowly begins to crawl up your skin and seep into your bones, not wanting to give Lloyd the satisfaction that, despite such circumstances, he still manages to make you feel such a way.
Yet your attempts are deemed fruitless when you whimper and eventually turn into a moaning mess, your body responding to each of Lloyd’s touch; your pussy walls clenching around his throbbing cock with each thrust he makes and how your skin shivers, singing each note in sheer perfection as you climb higher and higher to your peak.
“You see that, nerd? You see how she turns into a fucking slut when you fuck her good?” He goads between heavy breaths, adjusting the position of his legs to have you lean more against his victim, his hands grabbing onto your tits once again only to rub it further against Jensen’s face, feeling the bristles of his goatee rub roughly against your skin. 
“Too bad you’ll never get to have this.”
Lloyd's hips begin moving more erratically, the sound of your skins slapping with one another filling the stolid air. You swallow thickly, refusing for any more moans to leave your lips as you’re slowly enveloped in ecstasy, Lloyd’s cock pulsing deep in your pussy.
A blinding white light suddenly fills your vision and you shake uncontrollably as you come hard around Lloyd’s shaft. Tears once again spring from your eyes and you’re confused about what causes it. Is it embarrassment from feeling the pleasure? Pain from Lloyd’s roughness? Or is it sadness of how the evening of fun turned into a nightmare? You can’t think as you’re dissolved into nothing, your body floating in orgasmic bliss. 
Lloyd follows soon, growling low and animalistic as he keeps his cock buried balls deep, painting your pussy walls with streaks of white as he spills his seed, filling you to the brim.
You think that it’s finally over, that Lloyd’s objective has finally been met. But a life draining gasp then fills your ears—not from you or from Lloyd but from Jensen. And it’s only then that you realize what has happened when you see Lloyd’s hand gripped on the hilt of the knife with the blade stuck deep into Jensen’s chest.
“No!” You cry out as Lloyd stabs him repeatedly, grunts of passionate anger escaping him each time he sinks the blade into the body before you. 
Tears of despair and horror are what fall from your eyes, closing them as you hope that this is all a bad dream. You ball your hands into fists as you try your hardest to close in on yourself, to leave this place of torment that Lloyd has condemned you into. 
Yet, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t. With the sound of metal hitting bone, along with the devious laugh of the men around you and the way your body shakes from Lloyd’s continuous blow, you’re repeatedly pulled back into the present, unwillingly witnessing the murder of your friend. 
You suddenly feel your body shake, your chest tightening that you think the room is losing air and the smell of blood getting stronger and stronger that it makes bile ride up your throat. With Lloyd’s final stab, he pulls you away with him, leaving the knife buried in Jensen’s throat. The world around you suddenly turns, your vision spinning uncontrollably that before you could even let out a scream, everything suddenly goes dark.
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You sit inside the employee lounge along with the others in somber idleness. The police came over just before the store opened and ordered that it remained closed for the rest of the day to make way for an investigation. Vince wasn’t happy with the commands of the law enforcers but there’s nothing he could do—there was nothing anybody could do.
A massacre, one of the officers said. A mass murder, another voices, declaring that some of the victims were employees of the store. You already knew who it was—Bucky and Jensen.
One by one, the employees were interrogated, some taking minutes while others taking hours. You glance at Kate who sits across from you on the lunch table, noting the small bruise on the side of her neck. You try not to imagine what Andy told her or did to her that night. You don’t even dare to ask as you refuse to relive the grim evening, nor want to feed her any memory of it.
You sit up once your name is called and you feel the eyes of your other co-workers land on you. The detective, stout and looking somewhat annoyed to be doing such a thing, looks your way and asks your name once more to confirm your identity.
He beckons you to follow him and you do, but not before looking down at your best friend when she grabs your hand, seeing the fear etched in her eyes. You give her a small smile and give her hand a reassuring squeeze before letting her go and following the detective into the other room. 
You do as you’re told when he tells you to sit, staring down at the round table that sits between the both of you as you wait for his first question.
“I’m Detective Bodecker.” He starts, his belly protruding as he leans back against his seat. “And I just want to ask you a few questions regarding your co-workers. Is that okay?”
You nod.
“Do you need some water? Anything to make you comfortable?”
You shake your head.
“Very well. Let’s begin.” He hums and grabs his notebook from the desk, flipping a page. “Where were you on the night of October 31st?”
Your mind suddenly begins reliving the night in question. Jensen’s bloody face and Lloyd’s devious smile playing in your head. You blink those thoughts away, not wanting to give out any information on your face.
Taking a breath, you begin your tale. 
“I was at a party—”
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yuurei20 · 3 months
Epel Facts Part 22: Epel and Vil (pt1)
Vil and Epel meet for the first time before the school’s opening ceremonies have even begun, with Epel deciding that he is going to leave an impression on his new schoolmates via violence in order to make sure that he doesn’t get bullied like he was back home. 
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Vil orders Epel to button up the collar of his robes immediately upon meeting him, while Epel’s first impression of Vil is of a feeble, girly person that he wants nothing to do with.
Vil compliments Epel’s physical beauty once he gets a closer look at him and Epel takes immediate offense, calling Vil weak and girly to his face (in a line that was rewritten for EN).
It seems that in the world of Twst Epel’s beauty may rival Vil’s: during Halloween, campus visitors see him and talk about having discovered the next top model.
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Vil tells Epel, “The way you dress, the way you act…even the way you think is utterly devoid of any sensibility” and Epel challenges him to a fight, which Epel promptly loses.
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Vil explains, “in this school, the rule is that the weak obey the strong…since you lost, you will do as I say.” Epel fears that Vil is going to take his money or make him into an errand boy, but instead Vil orders him to button up his robes, righten his belt, comb his hair and speak more politely (in a line that was rewritten on EN, but goes much deeper than simply a change in accent.)
Epel explains that he has never beaten Vil once despite challenging him every day, and has been stuck doing what he says since, as Vil has said Epel can only act as he wishes once he is capable of taking him in a fight.
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Vil’s orders include but are not limited to table manners, speech patterns, participating in Film Club activities, wiping down windows, wearing a frilly shirt with his school uniform and tying his necktie in a bow, not getting into fights, fixing his posture, reading a book a week, becoming strong, and stretching properly.
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When he learns about Vargas Camp Epel responds, “No matter how bad Coach Vargas gets, he can’t be more demanding than Vil.”
Vil also has Epel carve an apple for him so that he can “try one at its most beautiful.”
Vil does not seem to be above corporal punishment, tugging on Epel’s ear, pulling at his hair, smacking him in the back and gripping onto his head to emphasize his points.
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bvtbxtch · 1 year
Live from the Upside Down | Eddie Munson
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Day Ten of Kinktober
Summary: There is a special Corroded Coffin show in Hawkins to celebrate Halloween. You've been a devoted fan since Eddie started becoming a part of your family, but you haven't seen him in what has felt like forever. Seeing the metalhead again stirs up feelings you forgot you had.
wc: ~3.9k
Pairings: Rockstar!Older!Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader (Older Eddie is 30, reader is 23. Feelings had been secretly mutual for a while, but Eddie did not groom reader and they did not explore any of their feelings until reader was of age and able to make informed consent.)
Warnings: smut smut smut, so this is obviously 18+ MDNI!!! cheating (reader had a boyfriend but was not serious, but don't cheat on your partners, y'all), oral (m receiving), facefucking, swallowing cum, fingering, reference to Eddie being overstimulated, public sex, power and control kink if you squint, Eddie and Reader join the mile high club but is not included in the story.
in collaboration with the amazing @darknesseddiem! stay tuned for their posts later in October!
a/n: thank you for your patience yall. I had a really fucky wucky night and I just could not get this thing done. There will be two posts today, and the potential for there to be two posts on Friday because its my birthday Thursday!! I love you all and thank you for the continued support.
It had been almost 10 years to the day that Eddie Munson had left town. Five years since Eddie had stuck his middle finger up to Hawkins and left everyone and everything behind. It had been 8 years since Corroded Coffin took off and started touring the world. You were 13 when Eddie left, your brother - arguably Eddie’s biggest fan - was 15. The rockstar came back to visit often, opting to stay with your family rather than an empty hotel. Your mom cooked elaborate dinners when he was in town and Eddie would always bring you and Dustin souvenirs from his travels around the world. Eddie was an honorary member of the Henderson clan, but the looks you gave him were always more longing than that of the ‘annoying little sister’. Dustin figured you had a little crush, and that's all you chalked it up to be as well. But even once Eddie would inevitably leave again, you felt your heart shatter. As you got older, you let your fleeting feelings take a back burner as you had casual boyfriends. You hated to admit it, but even when they were around, your mind would wander to Eddie and what he would feel like between your thighs instead of your boy toy for the month.
Eddie hadn’t been shy in sharing his admiration for you, especially when you graduated and even more so when you started going to the bars with Dustin and his friends. Last time he was in town, the three of you had blundered home drunk from the Hideout. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you slapped a kiss onto his cheek.
“I’m happy you’re here, Eddie.” He looked into your glassy eyes with admiration. He kissed you back on your cheek. He smelt of weed and whiskey, but it was home. You felt like you belonged in his arms and the way he held you made you believe he felt the same way. You wanted to kiss him so badly, but your moment was interrupted when Dustin clammored back to the two of you, beers clanging in his hands. There had been stolen glances since then, but never the same moment. That was two whole years ago, and you hadn’t seen him since your last goodbye a few short weeks after.
You stared at your reflection in the mirror, a haze of hairspray clouding your vision. You ran your finger across your bottom lip, smudging away any rogue pink stain from your lip liner. Your lashes were fanned out and your eyes had the perfect dusting of glitter for them to pop. Your heart was beating out of your chest with excitement. Dustin’s old Corroded Coffin shirt hung across your shoulders and your legs were showcased effortlessly with a pair of ripped shorts. You were unnaturally excited, not having seen one of your favorite people in the world for unnaturally too long. When Eddie hadn’t been calling as often, but your heart skipped a beat when you saw 5 tickets for Eddie’s Hideout Halloween concert and a note from the rockstar, you couldn’t help but squeal in excitement. Your smile faltered when you looked at the names on the guestlist details in the letter: Dustin Henderson +1, Robin Buckley, and lastly your name scribbled with a +1 beside it. Eddie thought you would have a boyfriend or at least a date that would accompany you. You opted to invite your friend Chrissy, instead of your new boyfriend in hopes to send a message. 
Dustin, Suzy, Chrissy and Robin filed into your family station wagon and you made the short trek across town. Dustin and Suzy had gone as some interpretations of Labyrinth characters. Robin wore her Camp Crystal Lake T-shirt she had gotten from the Goodwill and Chrissy had slipped into her old cheerleading uniform. You opted not to wear any halloween costumes, instead choosing to put on an outfit to highlight your best assets. You crowded into the bustling bar, feeling a warm fuzz in your chest from the shots you had taken with Suzy and Robin. You pushed your way to the front of the busy stage. The lights from the stage filled you with more anticipation. The boys had done their sound check before you arrived - you normally were invited to sound check and to hang out with the band, but apparently they wanted to keep their new sets a secret - so you bounced on your feet, waiting for the empty space to be filled with cheering, buzzing of amps and the thrash of guitar. 
The music ran through you like electricity. You danced and jumped and sang along to every song. Eddie’s eyes pierced through yours as he sang the band’s idea of a slower love song, your wide grin made Eddie smirk and blush. In a sea of people, you were the only set of eyes he could connect to; your presence was magnetic and he had forgotten how much he had truly missed you. You had lost the plumpness in your cheeks and your hips swayed gracefully. You were no longer Dustin’s cute little sister, and Eddie finally felt like he could finally act on his most suppressed desires, and he could tell that you were encouraging him to. He poured this desire into his music. Your cohort of friends whooped and screamed at the end of the show, showing Eddie, Gareth, Jeff and Drew the love and appreciation louder than anyone else in the swelling crowd. 
The five of you waited by the front of the stage until a burly man in a tight black T-shirt approached you from the stage. He had his sunglasses on and a mean snarl fastened to his face.
“Eddie wants to see all of you in the green room. Follow me.” The man gave you no time to ask questions, but you all hauled yourselves onto the stage and followed him backstage and down a dimly lit hallway. You giggled. Even Eddie’s wildly successful band couldn’t mask the Hideout for what it really was: a dump. The security guard stopped in the middle of the hallway and gestured to the door on your left. One by one, all of your friends filed in, but you felt a meaty grip on your shoulder. 
“Not you, you follow me.” the guard ordered. None of your people had noticed your swift exit. You were led into the room across the hall. The guard opened the door up for you and you were hurried into the open door. It was closed the second you breached the doorway and you were met with a stark smell of weed and leather couches dimly lit with assorted lamps (that had undoubtedly been retrieved from the Hawkins dump). A familiar head of damp curls and a shit eating grin greeted you, standing from one of the leather couches. 
“Hey, sweetheart.” His voice was low, but the excitement on his face was palpable. Your heart somersaulted as you lunged into his arms. 
“Missed you, Ed.” you muffled into his shirt. 
“Likewise, sweets.” His hands migrated to your waist and he had to restrain himself from grabbing lower or harder. His cool was rapidly slipping. You looked up at him with your big doe eyes. He couldn’t deny that he had fucked his own fist thinking about your eyes looking up at him like that between his own thighs. You pulled away from him like you could sense the burning hot need inside of him. Eddie’s face fell into a frown of want. You were wrapped around his finger already.
“Where is every-” You couldn’t finish your sentence and Eddie had you up against the wall, his lips crashed onto yours. You let out a surprised moan as your lips frantically tried to keep up with Eddie’s assault. You craned your neck up to let Eddie deepen the kiss. With matching moans, you opened your mouth to let Eddie’s tongue explore you. What you wouldn’t give to feel his tongue explore elsewhere…
Eddie pulled away from you with a smack and studied your face, searching for any kind of hesitation. What he found instead was your normally bright eyes dark with lust, your lips were swollen and you bit down hard on your lip. Eddie moaned at the sight of you. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” Eddie cooed into your neck as he began another assault on your clavicle. He sucked hard onto you and when you hissed out in pain, he ran his tongue across the throbbing bruise to soothe it. 
“Eddie…” you huffed. “I-I’ve wanted you since I could remember.”
“Oh yeah?” Eddie sneered as he took off his own merch from your body. “That why you brought Chrissy and not some boy, huh? You got a boyfriend I should be worried about?” He spoke into your skin, kissing and licking around the edge of your bra. The contact of your bare back onto the brick wall, along with Eddie’s mouth on you sent goosebumps all over your body. You reached down to his belt buckle to free him from the layer that keeps you from him. 
“So what if I do?” you shoot back. “You gonna stop this and not fuck me?” Eddie let out a dark chuckle as you finally freed him from the confines of his jeans. His head tilted back and you got a glimpse of the rockstar’s delicious neck. It was your turn to begin a barrage of hickies from his pulse point down to his Adam's apple. He hissed as your hands traced over his hardening cock in his boxers. He pushed himself against you, pressing you further into the wall.
“Nah sweets. Just wanna know if I’m gonna steal you away from some poor fuck or not.” Eddie whispered in your ear. “I heard that once you fuck a rockstar, nothing else is the same. So I’m gonna make you so cockdrunk that you’re only going to want me. That sound good, babe? You wanna fuck a rockstar?” You violently shook your head as Eddie grabbed your wrist and sat himself down on the couch behind you. You slotted yourself between his legs on the floor, your arms caging his body onto the couch. 
“Show me how bad you want it, doll. How bad have you wanted me to fuck you, huh?” The man snided. The lines of friendship and the days of being friends had vanished before the two of you, there was no going back and you couldn’t wait to show Eddie how ‘all or nothing’ you could be. 
Eddie’s cock now stood at full attention, making a hard tent in his boxers. He pulled his jeans off of his slender hips and lifted his shirt over his head. You hooked your fingers under the band of his boxers and pulled down, revealing the most beautiful cock you had ever seen. 
Maybe it was because it was Eddie’s or maybe it really was that impressively big, but your mouth watered as soon as he exposed himself. His cock was exceptionally long and girthy, a vein led you from his heavy balls all the way to his pink leaking tip. You licked your lips as you lined your mouth up with Eddie’s cock. You tease him with small kitten licks to his tip, tasting his salty precum and humming in satisfaction. Eddie let out a guttural moan as you sink your mouth all the way to the hilt, breathing out your nose to prevent yourself from gagging. Eddie’s big brown eyes rolled to the back of his head.
“Yeah, doll. That’s a good girl. You’re my good girl.” You hummed into him and you felt his legs shake at the vibrations. 
“Fuck with a mouth like yours, I’ll make you famous. You can have anything you fucking want” Eddie blabbed. “Anything for my girl - fuuuuuck you look so good with my cock in your mouth. I knew you would. Fuck, I got myself off to thinking about your lips around my cock.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes back at the thought of you being Eddie’s girl that he could have any girl in the world and he had still chosen you. You wanted to show him how much you appreciate him choosing you - boring old you from Hawkins, Indiana when he could have models, actresses, other musicians. You wanted to pinch yourself. You guided Eddie’s hands into your hair and he pulled hard. 
“Fuck, my baby like being used as a little fuck toy? Let me fuck that pretty face of yours and ruin that makeup you got on” Eddie chuckled. He pulled your mouth all the way off of his dick, you unintentionally drooled all over him at the loss of contact; but it wasn’t for long, because Eddie slammed back into you, your throat screaming at him for stretching you out. Your eyes stung with tears and Eddie pulled you all the way off and thrust back into your mouth. Eddie gripped you tightly and thrust into your face, probing the back of your throat until you gagged. 
“Jesus fuck, you’re the best little plaything I’ve had. You’re gonna make me cum” the rockstar cooed. His chest was heaving violently and you could feel his cock twitching inside of you. He grabbed your cheeks and pounded into your mouth at an unrelenting pace. You felt as if you were going to pass out from the lack of oxygen but suddenly he paused, his cock twitching and you felt hot and salty ropes of cum coat the back of your throat. You gagged on him, hitting Eddie with another wave of intense pleasure. He pulled himself out of your mouth and stood you up with him. He grabbed at your waist and lunged in to kiss you. Your kisses had minimal feeling but lust. You felt like you were going to combust if you didn’t feel his dick twitch around your soaked pussy. Eddie pushed you into the wall yet again and expertly removed your shorts. His hand went straight to your core and you wrapped your leg around his waist to give him better access. He cupped and rubbed at you, pulling whimper after moan and gasp out of you. The friction was delicious but you needed more, you needed all of him. You needed to give him all of you.
“You’re a needy girl, huh doll? You’ve been waiting for this haven’t you. Tell me how long,” You were putty in his hands. His husky voice sent shivers down your spine and tightened the forming knot in your abdomen.
“I’ve been waiting for longer than I’d like to admit, Eddie.” Your desperate eyes bored into his. You needed to show him how serious you were about it. Eddie stuck his fingers into you, a shit eating grin spreading on his face. He chuckled as you writhed beneath him, his fingers stretching you out expertly.
“Yeah, baby had a crush on me since you were a girl huh? Wanted me since you couldn’t have me?” You screwed your eyes shut as Eddie curled his fingers inside of you. You mouthed a silent ‘yes’, afraid that if you spoke you would disintegrate into nothing. You were so hot, the friction too much. You wanted to cry and beg Eddie to take you and make you feel good, but you knew that your pleas would fall on deaf ears. The man was ready to toy with you. You knew that you would be disposable to you, he could have anyone he wanted, but he was here with you.
“Well doll… I’ll tell you something” he added another finger into your throbbing hole and you clenched down on him. He leaned in so his stubble was brushing against your cheek and his breath fanned down your neck. “I’ve wanted you for a fucking long time.” Your breath hitched in your throat as Eddie pulled back to lock eyes with you. His chocolate irises were still dark with lust, but there was a glint of something more, something you found familiar in your own stare: longing. 
Eddie pulled his fingers out of you and popped them in his mouth with a humm. He pushed you harder up against the wall by your hips, attaching his mouth to yours again. You wrapped both of your legs around his lithe waist. He grabbed his still-hard cock and ran it through your wet folds. You both hiss at the contact, matching desperation to feel the other fully. Eddie slowly sheathed himself in you, letting you get used to the stretch of him. You’ve navigated your way through many sexual encounters, but Eddie most definitely was the biggest, and quickly proved to be the most skilled. A twang of jealousy panged your heart as you pondered how he got so good at making you feel good…
All thoughts were muddled when Eddie pulled out of you and thrust back in. His thick tip hit your G-spot and your legs shook. You knew you weren’t going to last long. Eddie began his relenting pace, his eyes fixed to where your two bodies met. 
“Fuck, this pussy was made for me baby. You’re so tight.”
“F-fuck Eddie you feel so good.” Eddie thrusted harder at your praise. 
“Gonna wreck this pussy for that little boyfriend of yours. Make you so drunk on my cock that you’re gonna leave and dump him. You gonna leave that boy so you can be my plaything, doll?” You nodded your head in agreement. You couldn’t go back to Andy after this. Every other guy was now ruined thanks to Eddie. The man’s hips snapped at an unrelenting pace.
“Gonna fuck all those thoughts out of that pretty head. All you’re gonna think is me.” Eddie gritted his teeth. He wanted to screw his eyes shut to ground himself, but he couldn’t risk not watching you fall apart on him. He was screwing into you so fast you had to bite on your lip to prevent yourself from screaming out in ecstacy. 
Eddie knew you were close. You were clenching down on him like a vice, your breath hitched and your chest heaved so hard he thought your ribs were going to bust out of your chest. Your chant of pleas and praises began. Eddie. Eddie. Eddie.
“Yeah baby, tell me who this pussy belongs to. Say my name.” 
They came out as muffled screams as you tried to contain the waves of pleasure wracking your body. Your beautiful face twisted at the power of your climax. Eddie suckled small hickies onto your shoulders to ease you out of your trance. When your chest ceased heaving and your eyes fluttered open, Eddie pulled himself completely out of you - too overstimulated to cum again. He just wanted to wrap his arms around you. He bent down and grabbed your shorts and shirt as you placed your panties back in the proper position. Eddie felt that if he looked at your doe eyes he would fall apart in front of you, so he handed you your shorts, turned his body away from yours and offered a quiet ‘you should go back to the other dressing room and I’ll follow behind you in a couple minutes’. Your face contorted from satisfaction and adoration to confusion and hurt. You scoffed and began to walk to the door. 
“Nice, Eddie. Nice to know that this was just a quick fuck for you.” You spat, your venom piercing Eddie in the heart. He didn’t want to hurt you, far from it. But you were dangerous, uncharted territory - he didn’t know how to navigate his feelings for you. He lunged at your arm that was holding the handle of the old metal door. You both stared at each other - him with eyes full of sorrow, and yours full of anger. He cautiously pulled his hands up to cup your face and even though you flinched, you let him touch you and pull you into him.
When it was the only sensation to focus on, you concluded that Eddie had the softest lips. They moved expertly against you because he was gentle and doting and wanted to pour every bit of adoration he had for you into it. With his kiss he told you that what he said wasn’t a lie, that he was scared of how much he liked you, how he felt like he could fall in love with you someday. You pulled away with tears in your eyes and your lower lip trembled. Eddie ran his thumb across it.
“Go, and let’s talk about this later. Right now the last thing we need is your brother worrying about you.” Eddie sighed. You nodded your head slowly in understanding. You opened the door and stepped into the fluorescent hallway. With one last longing look at the rockstar, you retreated across the hallway and were gone with the closing of Eddie’s door. The metalhead leaned against the door and took a pull at his curly locks. You really were going to be the death of him… either you or Dustin for fucking his sister - fuck! For being in love with his sister.
“Where the fuck were you?” Dustin snapped when you entered the stuffy room. 
“Bathroom” you dismissed as you skipped over to Eddie’s bandmates to give them hugs and congratulate on the show. Dustin eyed you suspiciously. Something seemed off. You were gone for 10 minutes. He decided to try to push the thought to the back of his mind, but anger bubbled to the surface when Eddie walked in shortly after you, sporting new hickies that definitely weren’t there during the show. His eyes flicked between the two of you and he noticed your own marks threatening to peek out of the shoulder of your t-shirt.
“Eddie!” Dustin boomed. Eddie looked like a deer in headlights as his eyes flash from Dustin’s to yours. 
“Missed you buddy?”
Two months later:
You packed your two small duffel bags and hugged your brother and your friends goodbye. Since Eddie’s show, he has called to talk to you almost every night. He came back for Christmas and New Years. You both told your mother about your budding relationship and although she was concerned about the 7 years between the two of you, she ultimately was relieved that you weren’t hanging out with the loser boys you used to bring home. On New Years Eddie had asked you to go on tour with the band after you shared your midnight kiss. You excitedly agreed, and two weeks later, you were packing your bags to head to the private hangar of the Indianapolis International Airport. The burly security guard picked you up in a sleek black cadillac and dropped you to the biggest private jet you had ever seen. Security man grabbed your bags for you and you trotted up the stairs to the jet. Your metalhead met you at the cockpit with a wide smile and a kiss. You both got comfortable on one of the leather couches behind rows of leather plane seats. There was champagne waiting for you. Eddie handed you a flute and you cheersed.
“Ready to join the mile high club?”
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nixie-deangel · 2 days
I've got permission to be greedy! ♥️ So that's exactly what I'm gonna be!
🦇🦇🦇 - I love dynamics between Jake and Bradley in this one. With Jake being a vampire and still somehow a step behind Bradley 😂.
🍼🍼🍼- non-navy Bradley ( or really either of them, when it's only one) is my cryptonite.
💔💔💔💔- it's my biggest problem with established icemav in fics! Couldn't help I was always thinking ' Ice would NEVER let that happened !'
🐺🐺🐺🐺- Protective husband Jake! I remember reading that fic and thinking I want more!!!
🔥🔥🔥🔥- Jake in this situation is just 🤌
🥹🥹🥹- abo has been my guilty pleasure for years! And there's never enough hangster in it! ( Plus I love when it's obvious that alphas are just humans as well )
😎😎😎- ach Bradley 🤣🤣🤣🤣
✍️✍️✍️- can I wrap Bradley with my blanket into the little burrito in this one? Please? Or better, can Jake do it?
😭- I'm not in right headspace for a lot of sadness but I still wanna know a bit more about this Jake. He deserves someone who will read his story and share his pain.
💐💐💐- their relationship is so soft in this one. I'm afraid to think what's gonna happened when Bradley finds out 🫣
🤯🤯🤯- I'm curious! Maybe I'll get new fandom from this 🤯
🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷- it's for your new idea 😅 ( feel totally free to change emoji to whatever, I hope I haven't overstepped). Jake's family causing their breakup. This is me asking for sneak peak ♥️
Of course you don't have to write everything today ( or at all) ! It's so impressive how much you already written this weekend! But they are all amazing and I just couldn't help myself 😅
This got long lol so it's all under the cut! Absolutely stealing the wine glass emoji for that one though! XD it fits so well!!
🦇 vampire jake/human bradley - hangster
“You truly have come to make a deal with the devil, haven’t you?” Jake asks teasingly, watching as the teen before him doesn’t cow or duck his head to avoid Jake’s gaze. No, the boy stands his ground, staring directly into his gaze like he isn’t afraid in the least. “All the options in the world, and you come askin’ for this without any idea of the things that could be asked of you in return.” Though Jake knows that isn’t true, considering he can smell the fear wafting off the boy. Can still smell it really, even though he’d gotten them out of the club and into the alleyway before anyone else had been able to truly lay eyes on him. “I’m doing what I have to to save my mom,” the boy blusters with more bravado than Jake is sure he truly feels. Humming, he gives a single nod as he lets his eyes rake over him before stepping closer, letting his voice drop down so no human or baby fledgling would be able to hear. “Then, darlin’, I do believe we can strike an accord between us.” It’s only the centuries of experience he has that keeps Jake from taking what is not on offer as he watches the young man, the teenager, the boy before him, flush such a lovely pink Jake’s words.
🍼 non navy bradley/fighter pilot jake as parents - hangster
“So how’s my favorite girl in the world doing?” Bradley snorts, leaning his head back against the couch as he listens to his husband, “Throwing a tantrum because she can’t be both a navy pilot and a firefighter for Halloween, like she wants to.” He can feel some of the tension he’d been carrying around leech from his shoulders at the sound of Jake’s laughter echoing down the line of their phone call. It’d been far too long since he’d been able to hear it. To hear him. “Yeah, well your sisters are trying to convince me to let her be both and that they’ll take her around dressed as both in different neighborhoods, so she can score twice as much.” “Junie and Jenna I assume?” “Surprisingly, Jane and Joyce are the biggest supporters of the scheme.” “That is surprising,” Jake agrees. “Figured those two hardasses would be the most against it, considering what stickler for the rules they are.” “Pretty sure it’s just ‘cause they both bought her a costume each and are refusing to back down unless they come out the winner.”
💔 icemav break up / icedad
“Then get out of my house!” Carole screamed, face flushed with anger and disappointment, with hurt and fear. “Out! If you won’t do what I want, then get out! I won’t do it again! I will not go through it again!” Ice sees the way Mav flinches back at Carole’s words. But he freezes at the way Bradley’s face has gone slack in surprise, in hurt. Sees the way the teenager’s eyes go big and round, the way they water at his mother’s words, at her anger that’s never been directed at him in such a visceral, harsh way before. He watches the way Bradley swallows, once and then again before he gives a singular sharp nod, spinning on his heel and walking out of the living room. It’s only a moment later he hears him thundering up the steps and slamming into his bedroom. “Carole,” Mav whispers her name brokenly. “No,” she snaps, head whipping around, so her glares now directed at him. “No. No, I won’t do it again. If he wants to throw his life away, then I’m done, Mav. I’m done.”
🐺 shifter au - hangster
this continues directly from this snippet!
“You always this big of an asshole?” Bradley bit back, face flushed in anger as he glared at the other man. “Or are you just being extra because I’m special? “Course it’s ‘cause you’re special, honey,” Jake grinned, big and bright as he took a step closer to Bradley. “Darlin’, ain’t anyone ever tell you that? Cause if not, shame on every person who’s ever had the pleasure o’ meetin’ ya.” Though Jake felt his lips curl down into a frown as his brow furrowed at the way Bradley flinched from his words. At the way his shoulders hunched and he seemed to curl in on himself. Head tilting to the side, he raked his gaze along the tall, lean but surprisingly broad shouldered form of Bradley Bradshaw. “Well that won’t do. No, no, that won’t do at all, honey.” “What won’t do?” “You think you’re anything but special,” Jake answered, voice firm and serious as he stared into Bradley’s big old cow eyes. “Don’t worry none now, darlin’, I’ll make sure you don’t ever forget how special I know you truly are.”
🔥 virgin jake - hangster
“And this,” his guardian and private tutor, an elderly man whom Jake knows to have a bit of bite to him, calls as another steps into his private rooms, “will be your personal guard until your lord takes you.” Rolling his eyes as he turns, Jake readies a snide, biting remark for the unfortunate soul destined to keep himself until his patron takes him, claiming him, only to find the words dying on his tongue as he truly takes in the man before him.  He’s tall, maybe even taller than Jake himself is. Though he is lean but broad in the shoulders. Long dark honey curls sit atop his head, falling into his face as he moves a large hand to brush them aside. A mattering of scars could be seen on his left cheek and along his throat—Jake wondered what sort of monstrous creature could leave such scars on a vampire because surely the man before him could only be such a creature. Jake wanted to let out a whine, a whimper as he took the other man in but held it back. Instead, he let his lips twist into a haughty sneer as he eyed the other. “One would think my patron would have insisted on something better to guard me.” The man let out a low, raspy chuckle as he raked his gaze along Jake’s silk covered body—it was only decorum that kept him from shivering as if he could truly feel the man’s touch through his dark eyes—and answered softly after a moment with an incline of his head. “I can assure you, little human, your Lord insisted on only the best for his coveted courtesan.”
🥺 chap2 of helper - a/b/o hangster
“You don’t need to stay,” Jake mumbles, eyes barely flickering up to Bradley’s face before they quickly dart down to stare at his hands, where they were curled into fists laying limping in his lap. He can’t bear to let his gaze linger. Couldn’t take it if he saw anything that resembled hatred or anger or fear. If he saw that on Bradley’s face, or in his eyes, or heard it in his voice, Jake was positive he’d actually shatter into thousands of pieces. “Yeah, well, I don’t think you get a say in if I stay or not right now, Jake,” Bradley answers tersely. Though he sighs almost immediately before taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. “I never took you off my papers,” he says after a beat of silence. “I’m sure you wanted me too, with how shit ended between us but you were and still are the only alpha I want touching me when I’m like that.” “You should have,” Jake whispers brokenly. “You should have taken me off, cause all I seem to do is hurt you.” “Baby,” Bradley breathes out, dropping to his knees to kneel in front of Jake. “The only way you hurt me was by driving me away. By acting like you didn’t love me.”
😎 win a date with jake - hangster
continuing from this ask!
“I’m glad I caught you though,” Jake flashed him a grin. “Ran outta there so fast before we could exchange numbers to plan our next date.” Blinking, Bradley couldn’t help but stare dumbfounded at Jake before he blurted out, “You want a second date?!” Only to pale at the way Jake suddenly jerked back at his question.  “Do you not want to go on one with me?” Jake asks, face falling as he moves to take a step back.  “Of course,” Bradley rushed to reassure him, his hand shooting out to stall Jake's movements. “I just. Well I just didn’t think you’d ever want to go out. With me. With me again that is,” he babbled, floundering as he tried to get his thoughts in order at the unexpected boon of getting another date with Jake. Another chance to make up for what a complete and total asshole he’d spent the night being. “Why wouldn’t I?” Jake asked, head tilting to the side as he stared at Bradley in confusion. “You were absolutely adorable the entire night. And you were unexpectedly sexy on top of that. Why wouldn’t I want to see more of you? To see if this is just a blip on the radar or something more?”
✍🏻 insecure bradley - hangster
“How can you think that?” Jake asks, voice cracking halfway through. “Honey, how can you possibly believe that?” “I’m sorry,” Bradley whispers wetly. “I’m sorry. I-I-I-I know, okay? I know this isn’t what you want from me,” he rushes to explain. To let Jake know Bradley understands what's going on between them. That Bradley doesn’t have any delusions about what they are, what Bradley truly is to him. What he meant to him. “Br-Bradley,” Jake starts, breaking halfway around a sob that he just barely stops in time. It takes him a moment of clearing his throat, of getting himself back under control before he can continue on. “Honey, what do you think is going on here? Between us?”
😭 jake doesn't deal with bradley's death - hangster
“No,” Jake shakes his head, eyes frantically flickering between Javy and Natasha. “No. No there is. There has to be some mistake. No. No he is, he is not gone. Do you hear me? He is not gone!”
💐 serial killer Jake - hangster
Bradley can’t help but turn slowly, entirely stunned as he sees the open spacious apartment Jake had insisted they view. “You. I. What?” “Do you like it?” Jake asks, eyeing the space with a harsh glare, as if he was ready to agree with whatever little thing found he didn’t like about it. “Jake. Jake, this is an entire floor. This apartment is an entire floor. To live in. I. What?” “But do you like it?” he asks again. “Do you think we’d like it here? For it to be ours.”
🤯 Random inbox prompt (1 through 26) - various ships/fandoms
This is a coldflash inbox prompt I'm working on and a continuation from this ask!
“I’m certain, Scarlet, I could sex my way out of anything with you,” Len teases back in a sultry drawl. “‘sides, this,” he pauses to wave his hand around the cheery Christmas decorations around their apartment, “is far more yours and your besides thing, than mine. We don’t celebrate much, beyond lighting the menorah Lisa got me a few years ago.” Though his lips curved into a frown as he watched the way Barry seemed to deflate slightly at his comment. “What?” “Nothing,” Barry answers around a forced grin before he goes back to fiddling with the stand of garland he’d just put up. “If…if it’s too much. Or a bother. We don’t have to host the party here? I can. I mean, we can hold it at the labs instead. So that, that we don’t need all of this up and bothering you in our home.”
🍷 Jake's family causes the hangster break up
directly follows from this ask!
“Oh,” Bradley breathed out slowly as stared at nothing before seeming to come back to himself. He knew this day would come. Had honestly expected it to come sooner. Though maybe it had, and he’d just missed it being stationed out in Japan while Jake was more often deployed to the Middle East or the carriers that did go as far as he was stationed. That was probably it. He’d probably actually missed the first man Jake had rebounded with after Bradley had left him.  He’d probably gotten all his angry feelings out about Bradley with a string of idiots only good enough to make Jake forget the name Bradley Bradshaw. Had probably fucked around enough he couldn’t remember Bradley’s touch or the way he’d once made Jake feel when they were in bed together. He was probably glad for it. For not having to remember Bradley, not his touch or his love. Swallowing around the tightness of his throat, he finally gave the tiniest nod to show he’d heard Javy. That he understood and didn’t need any further explanation about it. “N-no worries, Coyote,” Bradley croaks out before pausing to clear his throat. “Read you. No problems from me, man,” he breathes out, desperate to reassure Jake’s best friend that he wouldn’t cause any problems for him. For his future.
Make Nixie Write This Weekend!
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Summer is almost over. I'm writing this in the middle of the month, so we'll call this the State of the Thatcher Address for September and October. This post would have happened earlier, but I've been traveling, so there have been some delays.
With fall just about here, I'm wearing long sleeves more often and I keep having to check when sunset is to prevent getting caught out doing daylight activities in the dark.
I've got big plans for the next six weeks, not all of them bimbo related, but most of them writing related. Some projects I can talk about, others I can't. That's just how it is, but I'll share what I can.
A quick reminder that you can find my books on Amazon, Smashwords, Google Play Books, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Everand. You can also read everything I’ve published under my Sadie Thatcher name since last May 2023 on Ream, which is a subscription platform built specifically for authors. You can check out my Ream page below.
Ream: https://reamstories.com/sadiethatcher
And speaking of Ream, I have a Ream exclusive novel called The Muse (extreme dollification) that is now complete. I’ve made the first three chapters available for free. All you have to do is sign up as a follower at the link above to get a taste of my first real story that is too extreme for Amazon. I'm thinking about writing another Ream exclusive, but I haven't had any ideas for it yet.
I also post the occasional bit of flash fiction for followers on Ream. I have one up already and plan to post another one this week. As soon as I’m inspired, I’ll add a new mini-story to Ream.
On the Libby Feron front, my fantasy writing has stalled. I have shiny object syndrome. I keep getting new ideas that distract me before I can finish anything. I'm back to wanting to write a series of novellas. I also am committed to writing Astra's first book this fall. Hopefully it all comes together soon. Since I don’t talk about my fantasy writing often, checking out https://libbyferon.com/ and signing up for the email newsletter is the best way to stay informed. At some point, there will be a free novella offered.
Now it’s time to talk about what to expect in the near future. I've finished two series already this month with The Stranger and Gullible. The omnibus of the latter was just submitted for publishing. And I've released the first book in the Country Club Series about an exclusive country club that wants a certain type of member and will brainwash people to fit the club culture rather than change to be more acceptable.
There are also several series that I haven't started yet, but will appear in the next six weeks or so. There's a series about a woman who gets turned on by being bullied and she lets the bully turn her into a bimbo as she gets off on it all. Then there is the yearly set of Halloween themed stories. None of these are fully thought out yet.
In addition to bullies and Halloween, it's also football season, and I have a football player TG story planned. Again, no details set in stone, but the football player will likely become a cheerleader. Or maybe there will be some sort of powderpuff game. I'm not quite sure yet. And finally, the end of October will feature the beginning of a breastaurant bimbo series.
So it's going to be an exciting and full few weeks. The season is changing.
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thegayhimbo · 1 year
Stranger Things Erica The Great Review
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Warning: The following review contains MAJOR SPOILERS from this graphic novel, as well as from Season 4 of Stranger Things!
If you haven't yet, be sure to check out my other Stranger Things reviews, and let me know what your thoughts/theories are about the show or the upcoming season! :)
Stranger Things Six
Stranger Things Halloween Special
Stranger Things The Other Side
Stranger Things Zombie Boys
Stranger Things The Bully
Stranger Things Winter Special
Stranger Things Tomb of Ybwen
Stranger Things Into The Fire
Stranger Things Science Camp
Stranger Things "The Game Master" and "Erica's Quest"
Stranger Things and Dungeons and Dragons
Stranger Things Kamchatka
Synopsis: Following the events of season 3, Erica has embraced her love for Dungeons & Dragons and begins organizing campaigns centered around her new D&D character: Erica The Great. At the suggestion of her mom, she enlists her friends to play the game with her. However, Erica's attempts to control D&D cause her friends to turn on her with disastrous results. Now it's up to Erica to fix things before everyone ends up in trouble.
This is the third graphic novel since Zombie Boys and The Bully, and it's once again penned by Greg Pak, this time alongside Danny Lore. Released on January 26, 2022 (four months before season 4 premiered), it serves as an interquel between when Erica was first given the D&D books by Dustin and Lucas at the end of season 3, and when she substitutes for Lucas at Hellfire Club in the season 4 premiere. The graphic novel chronicles one of her D&D campaigns with her friends (Kelly, Tanya, and April). Compared to comics/graphic novels like Kamchatka or Into the Fire which were dark and intense, this one is light-hearted, which is welcoming. This story focuses on Erica's personal development, both in how she plays D&D, and as a person.
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When it comes to discussing character development in the series, most of the fan discourse usually centers around Steve's growth and how he's evolved since the show began. While I 100% agree that he has, and that it's one of the best aspects of the show, there are times fans tend to overlook other characters who have changed as well. Two examples that come to mind are Lucas and Erica. I will cover Lucas's development when I review Lucas on the Line, but for this discussion, I'm focusing exclusively on Erica.
Erica's growth has been interesting, and as she's evolved as a character, so has my perception of her. When she was introduced in season 2, I didn't care much for her. IMO, she came off as little more than a bratty younger sister who made disdainful remarks about Lucas and his friends, and at one point (unintentionally) acted as a hindrance when Dustin was trying to get in contact with Lucas. I know there are fans who loved her snark, but I found it mean-spirited and off-putting. I get she was 9-10 years old at the time, and I know some kids tend to act like this at that age, but it doesn't make it any more pleasant to deal with. It also doesn't help she didn't have much to do with the main plot, so I didn't see a reason at the time to get invested in her.
Season 3 was different. I know fan opinions about Erica were mixed at the time, but in spite of that, I liked her better in season 3 for two reasons: 1.) From a narrative perspective, she actually had a point for being there, namely in helping Steve, Robin, and Dustin infiltrate the Russian base underneath Starcourt Mall, and later aiding Dustin in rescuing a drugged Robin and Steve. 2.) This was the season Erica's character development started to kick in. Her reasons for getting involved were initially about "Free Ice Cream for Life," but once things go horribly wrong and she's informed about what's really going on, she finally realizes the danger everyone is in and starts taking the situation a lot more seriously. On top of that, after her talk with Dustin about how she's secretly a nerd, she begins embracing that aspect of herself rather than snidely putting it down like she's done in the past.
Season 4 is where I liked Erica the most. The sequence of her helping to win Eddie's D&D campaign was fun, and it's noteworthy she didn't have to be bribed by Mike and Dustin either. She aided them because she loves the game and she see herself as Dustin's friend. As she tells Jason later when he's asking about Dustin: "Know him? I've bled with him." She still retains her snark, but it's more directed towards people who actually deserve it: Like when Eddie acts condescending towards her initially when she shows up at Hellfire Club, or even some of the barbs she throws Jason's way. This exchange especially is golden:
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I love how a.) Erica clearly likes Max and approves of her relationship with Lucas, and b.) Even if she is being snarky here, she's not disapproving of the idea of Lucas going out with guys, but thinks Lucas could do so much better than Jason. 😂
Jokes aside though, I also appreciate how, in an entire room full of adults who were silent and complicit during Jason's speech at the town hall, she is the only one who wasn't afraid to stand up to Jason and call bullshit at his attempts to paint the Hellfire Club as a Satanic cult responsible for every bad thing happening in Hawkins. She knew this was going to turn into a lynch mob that would target her brother and his friends, and she was having none of it.
Initially, she does throw shade at Lucas and Dustin when they're caught by the police and lie about what they're doing, but when she's informed about what's actually going on, she willingly drops everything to help them escape (and judging by her unsurprised look at Lucas's explanation, she probably already figured out the recent deaths, combined with Lucas and Dustin's suspicious behavior, had something to do with the Upside Down). She later does everything she can to stop Vecna along with the rest of the group, and helped save Max's life (following El restarting her heart) by getting emergency respondents there to stabilize Max's condition before it got worse.
Adding on to this, I love how season 4 subtly shows Erica caring about Lucas without the constant snide jabs. Like Erica coming to all of Lucas's basketball games on her own accord (minus the one she missed for Hellfire Club). Or staying in the hospital with Lucas while Max recovers. Or even rushing to Lucas's aid after overpowering Andy. Lucas on the Line also expands on her protective side towards Lucas, such as getting angry when Lucas gets called a racist slur by someone on the basketball team, or even being worried for Lucas when he's made the target of a bomb threat at school.
In Stranger Things tradition, Erica is someone who appears one way on the surface, but has a lot more hidden depths to her character.
This brings me to the interquel Erica The Great: Much like the short story "Erica's Quest," Erica is still developing her skills as a D&D player at this time, and is looking for people to play with her. The story kicks off when her mom suggests inviting her friends to do a campaign despite their unfamiliarity with D&D.
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Her friends eventually agree, but problems arise when they have a hard time understanding how the game is played. Erica doesn't help by being impatient and dismissive when they question things. There's also the fact Erica is more interested initially in getting the glory and credit for herself rather than genuinely wanting to work with her friends, resulting in them feeling inconvenienced.
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Naturally, this pisses Tanya off, and she leaves to get her mom's bird (a parakeet) to show off to April and Kelly as a way of one-upping Erica. A fight breaks out between them over this, resulting in the parakeet getting loose and flying next door to the house of Erica's neighbor, Miss Dorothy.
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Because she knows Tanya will get in trouble with her mother for losing the bird, Erica agrees to get it back for her, all the while dealing with Miss Dorothy's dog and a bunch of other obstacles.
If you've followed along to this point, you can already guess what kind of story this is, and how it plays out: Main character starts out selfish and self-centered. Catastrophe occurs, forcing them to work with others to solve the problem. Through trial and error, they eventually learn the value of teamwork, acknowledge their faults, and grow as a person.
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While the plot itself is formulaic, it works here for Erica in bridging parts of her character development. Not only is she learning to be a better player and Dungeon Master, but she's also learning to be a better friend to those around her. She was already beginning to show signs of this towards the end of season 3, and season 4 acts as the culmination of that. This graphic novel shows the big leap forward for her. She's starting to shed her "It's All About Me" attitude while also taking responsibility and learning that it's okay to rely on others for assistance instead of doing everything on your own.
On top of that, regardless of whether or not this was intentional from the writers, I like how the graphic novel serves as a nice deconstruction of the "Mary Sue/Author's Self-Insert" archetypes and how obnoxious they are. The character Erica creates and uses in D&D initially resembles that: She's presented as perfect in the game with no meaningful flaws she has to work through. She's naturally great at everything she does, and both the game's narration and her "companions" are just there to prop her up. Rather than making her look awesome, it just makes her character an uninteresting scene-stealer. This contrasts hard with Erica outside of the game where she's called out for her flaws, works through them, strengthens her friendship with the other girls as a result, and likely takes what she's learned and applies it to the game to make "Erica The Great" a better written and more compelling character. By the end, she's even giving her friends the chance to add their own spin to their D&D campaign because she recognizes it's important for them to try out their fun ideas.
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And I get that through all of this, Erica's still a kid who's around 10-11 years old at this time, and that certain levels of being self-centered are expected. I even get creating fantasy worlds at that age where you're the main character of your story, who does everything perfectly and is constantly hailed for your amazing accomplishments. I did the same thing myself when I was growing up, so I recognize I'm not in a position to judge others on that account. However, in the context of this story, it's still nice seeing that growth from Erica.
Something else that's fun is how the quest to get the parakeet back is viewed through Erica's imagination as a D&D adventure. From Erica's perspective, the parakeet is a fiery Phoenix, Miss Dorothy is a mysterious witch, and her dog is a Cerberus. You can tell the artists had a lot of fun with these scenes:
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I also love the small detail of Erica starting her D&D Campaign at "Starcourt Tavern," which is fittingly symbolic for the place where her story and first encounter with elements from the Upside Down began:
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One tiny question I have though: Where is Tina in all of this? She's been repeatedly name-dropped by Erica and Lucas in seasons 3 and 4, and yet she hasn't made any appearance on the show or in this graphic novel. We get Kelly, Tanya, and April, but we don't get Tina.
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Oh well! 🤷
On a final note, in regards to where they take Erica's story in season 5, I'm wondering if she and Lucas will spend most of their time together for the last season as they deal with Vecna's impending invasion. The ominous ending for season 4 certainly suggests that:
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Since Erica's also in the hospital with Max at this time, I wonder if she might even have a role in resuscitating Max from her current coma.
Additionally, I also believe that since the comics and season 4 placed a heavy emphasis on Erica's skills and knowledge as a D&D player, she may end up employing them in a way that brings Vecna's downfall in the final season. There's even an argument to be had that the scene of Erica in "The Hellfire Club" rolling a 20 for the team and defeating the D&D version of Vecna is foreshadowing that she'll have an important role to play in the Party's fight against Vecna.
Overall, a fun graphic novel that does a great job enhancing Erica's continuing character development. Check it out when (and if) you get the chance!
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🎃  Close Your Eyes, Dying flower🎃 
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🎃 this is a Halloween story (18+)🎃 
🎃 dark!Eddie Munson x F!Reader🎃
🎃 A/N: This is my first story in years, it's a long read and feels a bit rushed but I'm pretty proud of it. I spend months working on this story I hope you all like it. Was Supposed to be a one-part story but part 2 coming soon
Summary: You and Eddie have been friends since childhood, but ends when he shuts you out and starts dating Chrissy cunningham. you believe there's a deeper meaning.
word count: 8k
TW: 18+ Angst dark theme, Language, blood, fluff (at the end), someone being attacked, flashbacks, toxic father. the theme gets darker as it goes on. mention of deaths of un-named characters (Let me know if I missed anything) a little unedited
First, it started off with the small things “sorry y/n I can’t hang out tonight Chrissy and I have plans.” you Breathe deeply this was the 2nd time this week that Eddie canceled on you. “Oh okay, I guess I’ll catch you tomorrow?” you asked with hope.
“Yeah we can do that.” a small smile formed on your face there was still hope. “okay” there was an awkward pause. “Um, I'll see you then.” Eddie said nothing else just a simple “bye.” 
“By-“ the line went dead before the words came out, you cleared your throat trying to rid the knot that was in it. Moments went by sitting on the couch watching the news about another missing person, and you realized you didn't ask what time.
When Saturday rolled around you made your way to his trailer knowing it was okay to show up unannounced. friends since 8 his home was your 2nd and the same with yours
he spends more time at your home than his own not wanting to be alone because his uncle worked late sometimes. You too unseparated conjoined at the hip as your mom would say 
 At this point, you were able to read each other's minds so you thought. 
you give a light knock hearing chatter, giggling and thuds coming from the inside, you stood there for 5 minutes before knocking again this time harder. you instantly hear silence the thudding come closer to the door as you watch the nob jiggle a few times before it swings open, you couldn't help it to jump back scared a bit only calming down when you see the shaggy hair man opening the door. he was out of breath sweaty and shirtless. “hey, w-” he cut himself off trying to catch his breath, swallowing hard before finishing “what are you doing here?” he asked looking confused. 
You were a bit hurt at the fact that he forgot about today's plans with you but quickly pushed it to the side. “Oh I just came to pick up the book I left here a few weeks ago” you lied through your teeth, Eddie looked perplexed not remembering seeing any school books laying around but his own.
“oh, ill look.” he closed the door back hearing bits of talking coming from the open window on the side where his room was. you only realized later that someone was in there. you waited patiently wishing he would let you in like he always does, it made you feel like a stranger.  He came back with a shirt on this time “emptying handed “ sorry, Y/n/n, don't see it “ “wha-” you cut him off. “that's fine” you backed away trying to find a fast exit “I probably have it home and just misplaced it.” That didn't make sense but you jumped on your bike anyway speeding down the road. Eddie closed the door only to realize that he made plans with you today. he swung open the door to call after you but you were nowhere in sight. 
Then it all hit at once, he stop talking to you and stopped answering you all together “Hey, Eddie.” you said cheerfully with a small wave as he walk past hand and hand with Chrissy, But he didn’t see you at least that’s what you hoped. You haven't seen spoke or him in 3 weeks since that day at the trailer park, you started eating alone at lunch, there was never any room at your usual seat since Eddie introduced Chrissy to everyone from hellfire club. 
Your mom started to ask where Eddie was. “Oh, he got a job so he's been busy.” You lied for some reason, you told her.
 she didn't have to make extra food for dinner. after a while she stopped asking, making it all too real for you.
The day he told you he asked Chrissy out you were confused, he never expressed he was into the girl before. He always thought the popular kids were all self-centered assholes and you couldn’t agree more, so what changed?
“Since when you're into Chrissy Cummings?” He looked at you for a minute, which made you feel bad for even asking, it wasn’t really your business. “The same reason you were into Eric Scott,” He said, stuffing more food into his mouth. You didn’t know where that came from but you made it into a joke “ Okay you got me there.” You laughed but he didn’t join in. He got up to put his dishes into the sink.
You didn’t know why he was being so secretive about his relationship with Chrissy he wasn’t with his short-term ones, he told you everything from the sex to the non-stop fighting, every little detail he told you. 
You didn't find out about Chrissy until about a month into the relationship. 
When DnD night rolled around  Dustin took the courtesy to inform you “Hey, y/n you're coming tonight right?” He asked you you frowned. “coming. to. what. tonight?” inch out each word hoping he would fill in the blank, You smiled but still frowned “To play DnD… duh” he cut his eye at Mike. “Since you missed the last few games.’’ 
 “What?” You looked between the two boys confused “Yeah, it’s tonight” Dustin didn’t catch the hurt and confusion in your voice, racing thoughts going across your mind and face “the last few games Chrissy has taken your place.” Panic ran to your core making you feel sick when you heard that. Did he replace you? That can't be true not your best friend he wouldn’t do that.
You didn't hear a word Dustin said only catching the end “ She's not a bad player, she’s pretty fun.” He smiled thinking about the soft blond. “Dude.” Mike finally intervenes.
“I’ll catch you guys tonight.” You quickly said speed walking away from the pair. 
He wouldn’t do that right? you're his best friend, conjoint at the hip your mom would always say since forever you thought. Maybe he thought you were busy? no, you thought he was cutting you off does he realize his doing it? You had this battle with yourself for weeks now unable to have a real clear thought without Eddie clouding it. he was eating at your brain nonstop and he doesn't even know it, the love of your life lives carefree fuck free without the thought of you in his mind while he plagued yours.
you hesitated to open the door hearing shouts coming from the other end, you had this battle all day and it all added up to this moment you couldn't help this feeling of not being wanted there was a few time you felt like this when your dad left, 
You couldn't help to think about those things when Eric Scott lost a bet and had to ask you out and humiliated you when going for the first kiss on a date “Ew, I can't keep this up” he push himself back rolling away from you. “what?” You were confused “did you really fucking think I was into you?” Dread washed over you, you knew it was all too good to be true. stupid stupid stupid you repeated to yourself. Snickering made you come back to reality, people were watching you. You turn to leave the ring but bummed into something hard, looking up it was Eddie “Are you okay?” he asked, holding both sides of your face blocking you from the world, you allowed yourself to break, tears quickly growing in your eyes almost falling to your knees. Eddie grabbed you, helping you sit down. “I wanna go home, I wanna go home.” you repeated people walked by haggling you, making kiss faces you cried harder “fuck off!” Eddie shouted.
he looked up watching Eric laughing with his friend's hand and hand with his girlfriend before walking away. “FUCK THIS” Eddie grunted through his teeth jumping up and making his way to the unaware boy his feet hit the floor hard enough to sound like bass of the music itself. you cleaned your eyes barely calming down, glimpsing around for your best friend into you heard a shout “GET OFF OF HIM.” GET OFF OF HIM YOU FUCKING PSYCOPATH.” You looked up seeing people were no longer Snickering and pointing at you but looking behind you, you whipped your head to the sound. You searched into your eyes and landed on Eddie punching Eric. 
His head flew back hitting it the floor below him. he tried to push him off, putting his hand in Eddie’s face. But regretted it when he bit him, Eric hollered in pain. Eric's girlfriend screamed hitting Eddie on the back. You kick the skates off and started running into the forming crowd pushing past people trying to get to your best friend. 
You looked back seeing Justin and the rest of Eric's friends re-entering the building. 
Panicked rushed over you, and started moving faster to get to him. You drop to the floor crawling finding gaps to get to Eddie faster making some people fall along the way “Sorry.” not sure if it rushed any ears finally getting to reaching him.
You grabbed him trying to pull him off the boy but failing and falling on your ass, you hear shouting coming from the other side of the crowd knowing Justin and the others are getting closer and are coming to not fight fair. You jumped on Eddie’s back “Eddie.” You whined out, tears slowly speeding back up, you wouldn’t know what to do if he got hurt defending you.“We have to go.” You cried out but still went unnoticed Eddies face was red and hot when you touched it. “Eddie, please stop.” You sobbed lips hitting the shell of his ear, you watched the boy below him bloody. That’s when Eddie stopped mid-punch. You wrapped your arms around his torso, finally feeling him breathe for the first time. “We have to go,” you said again pulling him by his vast but that barely did anything. Eddie stood full height slowly backing away with your pulls watching Eric cough up blood. Justin made it to his friend, his eyes widened at the harm, and his wilded eyes met Eddies.  “COME ON.” You pulled, Eddie saluted Justin and smiled he stumbled a bit from your pulling. 
“Your fucking dead Munson!” Justin was hot on his tail but got closed off by the people to see the damage and to see what was going on. You and Eddie slipped past with ease running to the van and jumping in. speeding off hearing shouting and glass hitting and breaking against the van.
Neither of you said anything you relaxed a bit but the fear soon rolled in when you got back to eddies place.
When you both made it to the safety of Eddie’s home it all sits and you begin to freak out 
You started to breathe heavily, tears blurred your vision. You were so focused on trying to hide your fear you didn’t know Eddie noticed.
 “Hey,” Eddie said softly, coming near you and resting his hands on your shoulders bending a bit. looking into your eyes “no one is coming to hurt me or lock me up, okay?” he already knows what was running through your mind.  “but you don't know that.” you cried out, finally letting your tears fall. 
“They, won't I promise,” he said sitting next to you pulling you into his side. You cried silently to yourself, Eddie rested his head on yours bringing a hand up to rest on your head playing with a few stands, “are you okay?” you asked barely in a whisper. Eddie chuckled a bit. “I should be asking you that.” he put his hand on your forehead. You hmmed a bit but didn't answer him at first “I'm okay” you finally said he signed  “ I know your not, tell me babe” He whispered. You didn't miss the way your heart jumped at the pet name. “I don't know, it's stupid I should have known better. You played with your fingers. “It's not stupid, what he did was wrong.” he swallowed hard feeling the anger coming back and putting his head back. 
You lay back as well resting your head on Eddie’s lap looking at the demi light hitting the ceiling.  “But I should have known better.” That Eddie could agree with, you should have known better not because he’s a popular guy but because he is the popular guy that makes fun of people like you and him endless teasing. And the way that eric treats other women he didn't want that for you, especially the ones that he sees below him.
You laughed a little, making Eddie look down at you. “Why would anyone like me?” you asked yourself, not knowing you said it out loud. Into Eddie spoke up “I like you.” he smiled to himself. “Not like that Eddie.” You whispered sadly, “No one is going to like the town freak, I'm not a cheerleader, I’m, not Chrissy Cunningham,” you said in a humorless laugh. “She has it all” you finished “I wonder what her dad is like.” you thought out loud again. “Is he a bastard like mine or does he love her.” this was the first time you said anything about your dad in years he was surprised.
“The imagination really, sets you up for failure.” your breath was shaky “ God I can't believe I thought he was different.” How so? Eddie asked already knowing the answer.
  “I don't know.” you didn't want to talk about it anymore, unable to find the words to explain the feeling of being loved to only learn it wasn't real you knew that all too well. Because right now all you were feeling was false hope “I just thought everything would be perfect. Like what the fast kiss would feel like” you said so low Eddie barely heard it.  He knew what you were getting at.
Eddie watched the tears build with the reflection of the light, hating the fact that someone has called you so much hurt he felt that when you cried for days about your dad. He knew it himself about his own parents…. rejected.
 “Don’t let him make you feel that way.” He said feeling his cold rings rest on the side of your face and turning your head to meet his big doe eyes. He lightly stroked your cheek. Tear finally falling from your eyes, he whipped them. “So what you've never been asked out or never been kissed.” he said studying your face, he opened and closed his mouth as if he was going to say something but stopped. 
“That's why you don’t go out with people that have two first names.” he joked earring a genuine laugh from you and wiping your tears. “There she is” He smiled leaning down and kissing your forehead.
You and Eddie fail a sleep like that.
Days went on you waited anxiously for the cops to come for Eddie but no one came. 
turns out that Eric had bought drugs from Eddie and didn't want to ruin his ‘good boy’ image if Eddie got locked up and the truth somehow came out, “see I told you.” Eddie gives you a shit-eating grin. You chewed Eddie out after you learn what he was doing in the woods after school.
Times are different now you thought now it felt like you didn't know him anymore and he never knew you, you kind of wish it was true it would save you from this feeling. 
you heard loud shouts coming from the inside that made you decide altogether. unlocked your bike getting ready to jump on and ride away 
“Y/N, hey. You turn to see Lucas and Max approaching you “Hey,” you smiled warmly “You finally made it.” pain pinged in your chest everyone thought you just didn't want to come anymore. “Wait are you leaving?” Max asked looking at the bike in your hand. You followed her eye to the bike “No.” you lied, cursing yourself. “My.” you stop to get your story straight  “The bike lock isn't working and I was trying to figure out what was wrong with it.” 
“Aw, don’t worry about it just bring it in,” Lucas suggested max agreed you nodded giving a tight smile. 
They both walk to the door opening it for you “Hey, Look who we found outside” Max yelled in everyone looked at you walking in “oh my god, you came.” Jeff yelled jumping up and meeting you halfway, you couldn't help to smile and laugh as he pick you up making you drop your bike and spinning you around. “ I missed you too.” You giggled he put you down picking up your bike “where have you been?” Gareth asked 
You were about to answer when you locked eyes with Eddie's in that moment it felt like you were the only two in the room. He smiled a little and it felt like your heart bloomed making you feel alive again all your pain, hurt and anger seem to disappear you felt relief for the first time in weeks it felt like hope, and you smiled back.
He broke contact when the blonde grabbed his arm and wrapped herself around him. He smiled big at her as if she was the only thing in the world to him, with that the feeling in your chest disappeared you looked away taking your stuff off and talking to the others 
Once everyone settled you had nowhere to sit your spot was next to Eddie in past games but was occupied by Chrissy. “Any more chairs?” you asked looking around 
Eddie frowned “your staying?” he asked you stopped in your track “Yeah.” you laughed out 
“Were too far in Vecna’s cures to introduce new characters,” Eddie said, his face was unreadable. “that's fine I can play my usual role.” you want back looking for a chair behind the pile. “No,” he said with demand “What?” you were confused at his coldness to you “ I gave Chrissy your role.” everyone's heads shot to Eddie. “You what?” You asked feeling your body warm with heat
“You didn't show up for the past few games.” He said with a blank stare, Who was this you were talking to this wasn't your best friend you were looking at  “ that's because you didn't tell me about those games.” you stood your ground
“I shouldn't have to tell you about schedules .��� he leaned on the table he wasn't making any sense but was trying to make a point
“Which You didn't bother to give me.” You talked over him. “Y/n,” He sighed. “Eddie,” you said folding your arms.
The other watched as if you and Eddie were in a heated tennis match
He stood back to his full height chuckling to himself he knew you weren't giving up that easy. “like I said we are too far into the storyline to add a new character,” 
“What is your problem?” you ask finally at your breaking point with him. “Nothing.” He said with a blank stare.
“Did I do something to you?” You tried to hide the hurt in your voice. You know you didn't do anything to Eddie you just want to see if that would push him over the edge, and he’ll tell you the truth you continue before he can answer “ first it the barely answering my calls, to not don't hanging out, to ignoring me completely in public, now this.” your breath was shaky
Your word vomiting was getting to him his face turned red and started to breath heavy “maybe it's because I can’t stand fucking being around you.” he said with anger and hate. That shut you up, that feeling again, that feeling you felt so many times before but this one was worse. Tears blurred your vision. You waited for him to take it back but he never did. It felt like you were stabbed in the heart, and heat rose to your ears. “Oh wow.” You couldn't hide your shaky voice as tears rolled down your face, he really meant that you thought. 
The room was quiet, everyone was shocked at his Outburst. in all your years of knowing Eddie he has never gotten angry to the point of yelling at you. You may fight and debate but never to the point of never hurting each other's feelings. 
You were blinded by emotions not thinking straight, you want to grab your stuff making your way to your bike, and out the door, “You’re an ass you know that.” Erica said once you made your way outside Before you heard the others shouting from the other side.
You stood there for a minute not knowing what to do. You felt lost just as you did when your father left, but this felt different this was pain.
The feeling of rain brought you back to Reality. You put your stuff on trying your best to not end up sick. Tears blind your vision, clumsy wrapping the scarf around your neck. 
The light rain fell a bit heavier when you made your way down the road, leaving Eddie once again this time it felt like for good. 
Once you made it home, you were freezing but too far away to care you wet the floors as you made your way to your bedroom. Luckily your mom wasn't home to scold you about it and about being out late with a possible killer being on the loses, But only wishing she was. hoping it will be dry when she got home. 
 you got straight into bed wanting the day to end, passing out soaking the sheet as you fall harder. Lightly hearing the phone ring in the distance, too exhausted to answer it you let go letting another tear roll down your cheek before shutting the world out the ring finally stopped.
The sun peck through the curtains waking you, still in the same position as the night before. You lay there pleased with the peace of first waking up, into last night's events filled your mind again. Your vision blurred your heart sank further. This feeling you dread, you fight back tears but the pain only grows worse A knock snapped you back to reality “hey, kid.” Your mom enter, and you dragged your face across the bed wiping the unfalling tears from your eyes. “You're going to be late for school” She reminded you. You only nodded, she turned to leave closing the door behind her. But to only re-enter “Did you fall asleep with your clothes on?” She asked. “Yeah I was tired after I got in late from hanging out with Eddie last night.” you half lied, setting up. you wouldn't necessarily call it hanging out. You didnt know what hell to call it, you didnt know a lot these days you thought. 
“M'kay, but try not to do that it'll probably be a while before I can get you some more.” She reminded you. “Sorry, mom I forgot.” She gives you a reassuring smile before walking out. Your biggest supporter, only wanting the best for you sacrificing so much for you. Held you when you cried over your father, she held it together. But yet you shut her out, lying to her for weeks about what's going on between you and Eddie. You couldn’t bring yourself to tell her the truth, feeling if you do it be true no longer in your head. The guilt set in, and your tears rolled down your cheeks. Too much was hitting you at once. You finally made your way into the bathroom ready to get this day over with. 
When you made it to school you made sure to avoid everyone as best you could skipping lunch, and trading sits so you could sit at the back of the class so you wouldn’t sit in the middle of Gareth and Jeff. 
Weeks want by you come home later and later not wanting to be alone with your thoughts. Taking on Small tutoring jobs to keep your mind off things when you weren’t doing your own studies, spending hours on them it semi kept you grounded 
Packing your things up and ready to head home, you looked around one last time making sure your mess is clean so Mr. Quinn won't have more work to do. “You heading out?” “This early” you turned When you heard Mr. Quinn. You looked at your watch striking “10:49 this was early for these days “Yeah, I have an exam in the morning” you smiled, putting your backpack on. “all right.” “be safe out there kid, I’ll see you tomorrow” “see you tomorrow” You walked backward before turning around heading out. The cold air hit you as it did every night making sure you buddle up well so you won't get sick again. 
You hopped on your bike like you did every day and made your way down the road. Light rain softly hit you “Fuck.” You swear. Nowhere near home, you knew you were going to get sick again. You push harder to try to make it home faster speeding down the road something knocks the wind out of you calling you to fall to the ground hard. You were dazed blinking a few times from the ground meeting your head, slowly getting up stumbling a bit to grab your bike from the other side of the road. Your body burned with body aches as you bind down.
Stopping in your tracks when you heard noise from the woods balls ring in your head that something knocked you off and not you just falling. Not wanting to stay around you tried to jump back on your bike to only see big long deep cuts on your leg, blood poured out making you feel faint. The same sounds made you look back into the woods this time growling. You tried to get back on your bike wincing in pain and falling off again. You looked towards the woods, seeing glowing eyes in the leaves. Your heart race getting up a final time looking back at the woods hopping on the bike shakenly making your way down the road, looking back you see a dark mask making its way to you. You screamed as you were knocked back off feeling cold but hot on your arm looking down and seeing more long deep cuts in it. 
The rain fell harder as your world went dark.
Bright lights blind you through your lids. you heard voices all around but couldn’t make them out “I’m sorry, we don't know what's going you with your daughter” you heard. A loud sob broke out, who is that you thought? “What attacked her?” “what kind of animal could do this?” they asked again. You recognize the voice it was your mom, you tried to call out to her but nothing come out your throat was dried and hurting. “We don't know.” was all the man could say “So what now,” She asked through her tears “Just spend the little time she has left with her.” She cried harder tears ran down your face why is she crying? You tried to speak again but you were stopped again in pain. “Oh, baby.” You felt soft hands grab yours. She kissed them. Her voice sound faded you blinked out. You don't know how long but when you come back she was still talking.
“Who did this to you?” “What happened?” I don't know mom you thought you could feel your throat getting tight preparing to cry. Into last night events ran through your mind again making you panic and making you jerk hard, you felt a pain on your side. “Dr. Drew!” your mom got up yelling.
 You couldn't stop your body from moving  You heard footsteps enter the room “WHAT'S HAPPING.” your mom screamed, “WHY IS SHE BLEEDING FROM THE EYES.” Your mom shrieked. “ GET HER THE HELL OUT OF HERE!” The doctor said You felt small, far away, everyone sound like they were at a distance. You could hear your mother crying, you tried to talk again but still nothing, making you panic even more. You scream but nothing, you could feel yourself fade in and out. Am I dying you thought, is this what you heard? They were talking about you. You could hear your hollow breath, heartbeat reaching your ears. You faded out one last time. 
Feeling coldness on your face, you could hear a voice getting closer. “I’m so sorry.” someone whispered “I don't know if you can hear me.” you heard a sniff. “But I want you to know.” the words were breaking up as the tears grow thicker. “I. Love. you.” They broke down. Feeling dried lips on the side of your face, Eddie? you thought. He rubbed your face kissing you again. Eddie, I’m here. I can hear you, I love you too you cried out. You tried to move but nothing you felt trapped. 
He looked over your sickly body, he watch as your veins swell and pulsate unnaturally under your skin your eyes looked sunken. he watches sweat and black blood pour off your body tubes down your throat, you breathe fast as if you were panting.
You don't know how long you were like that, but you listen. He talked from your childhood to know. “God.” He sighs. He stopped for a bit.“ This all my fault.” He broke the silence. This is not your fault you said to him, this is no one's fault.
 He continued, but he started to sound far away. Not again, he fades in and out. You started to panic, pain rose up in your body and you jerked again. Making him stop, he got up. 
The monitors want off, your mom ran back into the room. “SHE’S HAVING ANOTHER ATTACK” she yelled back in the hall the nurses ran in the doctors close behind. “What's going on?” Eddie asked in a panic. Your mom pulled him to the side and explain to him in tears about the violent attacks that's been happening every few hours, and whatever attacked you poison you and its been slowly killing you. He drown out whatever else your mom said, his heart raced his blood ran cold. You were dying, he slowly back out of the room running down the hall, hearing your mom call after him, he knew what was going on.
Later that night he made his way back to the hospital, leaving in a hurry he couldn't control himself this time, holding so much in he didnt want to hurt anyone. He lightly touches your mom's arm, making her look up. She smiled a little. happy to see him back, she looks back at you. “I've been so scared to leave her.” She whispered, catching a tear and wiping it away.  Eddie didnt want her to leave the room but she had to it was the only way for him to save you. He took the spot next to your mom, he didn't know how long he sat like that. 
just watching you. 
He knew he fucked up, and if this work you’ll probably wake up hating him for how he treated you. A sound coming from your mother's stomach dragged him from his thoughts. He chuckled looking her way she did the same. “You should probably get some food.” He told her. She shooked her head.” I can’t leave her.” she shifted back, resting her head on her hand. “It will probably do you some good to get out of the room for a bit.” He suggested, she smiled not letting it reach her eyes. “It's okay, I'll be with her,” he added. “You're not going to let up are you?” She asked He shook his head, she sighed letting her legs fall to the floor. “Okay.” She got up hooking her purse over her shoulder. Looking over her at you before walking out.  Eddie watches as she went down the hall disappearing. He got up closed the blinds and shut the door.
 As another attack was coming.
He walked to the side of your bed, taking the heart monitor off your finger and putting it on his own. resting his hand on your cheek has you jerked. “Hey can you hear me?” he asked in another low whisper feeling like he was redoing from hours before, he rubbed your face. Wiping the blood coming from your eyes. “It's okay, I'm here, calm down.” he kissed your cheek  “I'm going to fix this.” “I promise.” he finished. 
There was a pause, there was nothing. Only end when you felt pain ring through your body again but this was different. Your world slowed down, it felt like you were floating, and you couldn't help but laugh.  '' What's so funny?”  Eddie asked, smiling, taking the blunt from you. “Nothing.” you giggled “God your high as a kite.” he laughed, “Told you it wasn’t so bad.” he continued. “And here you were losing your shit about me smoking. Now look at you.” he pats your arm. “Hey, I wasn’t talking about you smoking it I was talking about you selling it.” You closed your eyes lying back. “At least you can get weed for free now.” He laughed. “Tell me how dilated are my pupils?” you asked scooting closer to him. He laughed harder this time. “What?” you asked “I can't  see them if you don't open your eyes dummy.” He said trying to catch his breath. “Stop” You whine, smacking his leg. “Okay, okay.” he giggled. “Open them.” He leaned in.
When you did there was nothing you were met with darkness. You started to panic  “Eddie!” you screamed out. “Where are you!” He sound far away, you looked around. Water at your feet. You started running, You could hear him but he was still far away. You kept going it felt like hours but you can hear he was getting closer. “I’m here.” it sounds like you were right on him when pain took over and you fell to the hollow wet floor. “It will be over soon,” He said. You cried and screamed this was worst then before you closed your eyes. 
Brightness took over and you reopen them you blinked a few times trying to adjust to the bright light. The room was white, you closed them again. “ Hey, don’t close them on me, dummy.” You heard someone say. You looked to your right seeing Eddie looking right at you. He smiled “There go those big eyes.” He breathed out in relief. You tried to speck but was stopped only realizing that there was a tube in your throat. You reach up weakly trying to pull it out but Eddie stopped you, calming you before slipping the monitor back onto your finger. Your mom walked back in the room specking “hey did Dr. Drew come bac-” She stopped dropping her food   “Oh My God” “Oh My God” she repeated “ Shes awake” she yelled out of the room before rushing to your side. 
Nurses rushed into the room shocked at the fact you were a wake Dr.Drew not too long after “Holy shit” he breathe out. Just as shocked, just hours before you were at death's door. He rushed to your side as well. In all the chaos you couldn't take your eyes off of Eddie, confused you didnt know why he was here.  As a matter of fact, you couldn’t remember anything 
You spend days trying to piece together what happened, you remembered leaving the library but that’s it. You even asked your mom but she was just as confused, only saying that could have been the next victim to the killer that’s been hunting Hawkins for months now but no one was sure since no one was found dead or alive.
Given your wounds and odd sickness the doctor thinks you were actually attacked by a sick wolf, but for some reason that didn’t sit right with you. 
You asked Eddie, but he brushed it off not knowing himself, and was just as lost. You couldn’t help the fact that Eddied's behavior was unreadable. He seemed like his normal self but something was off like he knew more than what he was leading on, but you chalked it up to the fight that you two had and he just didn't know how to talk about it with you. You couldn’t blame him you felt the same way, (it was your first ever real fight), or was it something else…. 
Eddie knew more than what he was saying, He saw what attacked you he knew all too well. he saw it when your blood hit his tongue that night you woke up, it rush through him like wind it almost knocked him off his feet. It’s what he craved for every given day it's all he thought about the taste of you on his tongue. He couldn’t tell you that he couldn’t show you his true self he couldn’t hurt you… right? 
He prayed that you won't remember, you didn’t need to. You needed a normal life he struggle with the thought for days. But it needed to be without him.
He watched your smile slowly disappear. “ What’s wrong?”  You asked watching him closely, he could see fear and panic take over, he looked away he hates seeing you like this he had seen it come and go many times before and too many times these past few months. “I-” He stopped himself, and he breathe. He looked nervous, you smiled a little, this was the Eddie you knew. Open willing to tell you everything, but you were still in the dark about his acts. It's still like you know a stranger. For the first few days, it was strange waking up to him by your side. You couldn't stop looking at him, a feared he’ll disappear. You watched him carefully afraid if you made the wrong move he’ll run away. It's only been a few hours since you been back home and he barely said anything to you, you felt guilty that he was stuck watching you while your mom ran errands. 
He could be with her.  
“Do you remember anything from that night?” He asked looking back at you from the tv that showed more people have been going missing. 
For the umpteen time “No.” You mumbled, feeling your blood boil, Annoyed with yourself for not remembering. “Why do you keep asking me that?” You frowned trying to hide being upset. “No reason at all.” He rubbed his hands together giving a quick fake smile looking around the room not looking at you. You knew he was lying. “ What, are you a cop or something?” You joked he smiled looking back at the tv leaning on his hand. You both set like that for a while, he couldn’t find the words to tell you how much he felt. “ Do you remember anything from the Hospital Before waking up?” He broke the silence 
You thought for a bit “I remember.” You stopped, thinking again “I remember some things, I know everything sounded far away,” You said in a small voice trying not to cry you didn’t wait the trapped feeling to come back, you thought you were going to be trapped there forever.
He got up from his spot sitting next to you pulling you into a gentle hug “There was so much pain.” You sobbed. “And I heard you and my, my mom’ and I was screaming out for you both but I couldn’t.” This was the first time in years he has seen you cry, he wish he never asked he didnt want to make you upset but that's all he was doing these days making you upset. Eddie held you tightly kissing your head “I’m sorry.” He said in between each kiss, he wish he could take your pain away. You didn’t ask why was he saying sorry, you didn’t want to. You didn’t want this to end “You know I love you right?” He sniffed “Yah,” you gave a weak smile “You're my best friend.” Just in the blank of an eye, you forgot the last few months right there looking into Eddie’s eyes. 
He sighed. you shift uncomfortably in your sit. not because of pain but because you didnt want to read the room wrong and make him uncomfortable and run off again ” Not like that.” You didnt know what he was on about. He pulled away looking at you. You watched him anxious fearing that you messed up. You hesitantly wiped his tears, he did the same to you. You couldn’t help to smile. he slowly dragged his thumb down your cheek, looking at every line ever mark on your face he didn’t want to forget them. He had to tell you how he felt he couldn't drag this out anymore he was running out of time.
He slowly leaned in. he could feel you tensing up, his lips hovered over yours before connecting. his lips were soft on yours, Eddie could do this forever, this is where he belonged.  
It hit you, you pulled away you avoided his reaction not wanting to see him hurt. “What is this?” you didn’t know what you were asking. “What are we doing?” You mat his eyes   “I never wanted to hurt you, I just wanted to protect you.” He let out. “ Protected me?” You ask bewildered at his words “Protected me from what Eddie?” You asked worried now, you searched in his eyes for answers. “I.” He stopped himself “I can't tell you” He sound defected. He reached for your face before you could say anything, You pulled away.
“Please.” tears filled your eyes. “ Just tell me what's going on.” you asked again “you’ve Been acting weird for months now.” you finished. Again Eddie didn't say anything, he didn’t want your last time together to end like this “Please, I just Want you to know I love you.” He whispered more to himself. He stretched for your face again but you pulled away. His hand closes into a fist, knuckles turning white. “Don't.” He breathes out, “Don’t what Eddie?” You were pissed now. “Don’t you have a girlfriend,” you asked coldly, you didn't know where this was coming from but your heart was crying out. “Don't.” He said repeated “Don't bring up the fact you have a girlfriend? Or at the fact that  it had to take me to almost die for you to talk to me.” You tried to calm yourself, the anger was making you vibrate calling you pain. 
“But your barley doing that are you?” You tried to catch the sob that come out. You tired to move away from him but hurting your leg in the process. “She's not my girlfriend.” He boomed making you jump calling you to hurt your whole body you winced. 
Eddied jumped to your side again looking you over making sure you didnt make any wounds open up. “What do you mean she, 's not your girlfriend?” You tired to easy the pain running though your body, attempting to look into his eyes. He looked away he couldn’t lie to you looking into your eyes. He can feel himself drifting away he was losing control. He stood up, he didnt what it to end like this. He couldn't let it, but he was running out of time. He thought about all the things he wasn’t able to find words for. 
He quickly kneed down taking in your lips again putting his all in, he wasn't able to find the words but he could show you, right? You melted far this time, this kiss was different than the last one. Eddie longed for this kiss for years and he never notice it but this was what he wanted if only he could turn back time and do things differently.
This is what you wanted for the longest, you and Eddie. You wanted to be the one by his side, not the one watching. You want him to be your everything. “Just tell me what your thinking.” You said lowly against his lips. He landed another light kiss and started to back away, his mind was feeling clouded this was wrong he shouldn't be doing this to you. His leading you on, hes leaving you forever so why was he doing this? He needed to end this right here right now so you could move on, so why wasn't he doing it? his mind was saying another but his body was doing another. He wishes he could take back the kiss but he was being greedy and it will only end up hurting you more. He's famous for only thinking about himself not caring for you, taking your first kiss, and running away after. He spends so much time running lovers off from you, what gives him the right to move on and not you? End this now he was screaming at himself, he was so deep in thought that he didnt know you were talking to him.
“It was a good bye kiss.” He said looking down, why was he saying this? This is not what he wanted to say. “What?” You were confused by all of this. “I'm sorry,” he said, running his hands through his hair and face, getting impatient with himself. “This will be the last time you'll see me.” He got up from his spot on the floor, you tried to do the same from the couch but failed and fell back down. “Eddie what's happing to you?” you askerd looking him over, you didnt know this person in front of you. This wasn't your Eddie, he wasn't making any sense, and he was aware of that. This time getting up grabbing a better hold of the walker. “Where are you going?” you questioned. He didnt say anything “God Eddie why are you being like this?” you cried out. He still wasn't saying, it was like he was in a trance. “Eddie?” You called out, you called out once again “just know, everything I have done was to protect you.” He whispered. 
“From what?” you cried out harder, he looked at you, and you gazed harder into his eye seeing something strange in them, you moved to look closer  but he moved away fast, reaching for his things “Don't run away from me.” You begged “you've been doing this for months ever since you got with her, it's like I don't know you anymore.” your voice cracked, and he stopped in his place he knows this, and that hurts him but he has his reasons. Pain ran through his body, he needed to go he had to get his thoughts together, he wasn't thinking straight. If he stays longer it might end bad, he can not live with himself if something happens to you or if he calls it himself.  
You waited for him to say something before you continued “Every since you started dating Chrissy Cunningham you've been acting beyond weird. you went over this so many time in your head but still couldn't pieces together what was going on. Before he could stop himself he was on you kissing you again, making you fall back on the couch. She winced in pain but it was long forgotten. Eddie didnt know what to do, what was he doing? He was leaving so how did he end up back attached to you, He tried to pull away but the more he tried the more he hugged you. It's like he was stuck to you. He was gentle and slow like he was saving every moment, he touched you softly as if you would break. His hands gradually move along your body, his every move had you in a trance. 
Eddie started to move faster and became rough in a blink of an eye. It was like a switch turned off, he grabbed at you hard you could feel your stitches pulling and wound pull apart you cried out, but that didnt stop him “Your. hurting. me” You tried to breathe through the pain.  “Stop” you pushed at him, an unhuman growl rattled you. You panicked pushing him harder with the little strength you had. He was grabbing a bitting at your skin. “Stop!”  you shrieked. He jumped back looking around confused and crazed look on his face out of breath. “What's wrong with you?” you asked. He was still baffled “Eddie?” he looked back at you, eyes slowly looking down seeing your top slowly turn red. “Please talk to me.” you haven't noticed it yourself only foucseing on him. 
He jump up from his spot whispering to himself, you were lost in his actions you didn’t say a word you just watch him scared. 
This wasn't the Eddie you knew. 
You slowly got up making your way attending to do so, moving slowly to him lightly touching him. “Eddied .” you called out as if he was a scared bird, Eddie you called out one last time before he whipped around at you “ DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!” he screamed at you. once again sounding inhuman like a beast, proving that it wasn't in your head earlier. His face was veiny his eyes were hollow black. you jumped back almost falling,  he quickly moved from you before making a b-line to the door opening it taking off his favorite ring putting it down. Looking over his shoulder. “ Goodbye. y/n” his face slowly turned back to normal before walking out.
You were hot on his heels not caring about the pain that run through your body, limping out into the darkness the moonlight pouring down on you. you winced in pain. “Eddie,” you called, 
You watch him make his way to his van, trying to move faster but only falling. “Eddie, please don't leave me.” you cried, he stopped at the door before looking back he looked as if he wanted to say something but he never did with that he jumped in the van leaving you there crying. “Eddie! please!” you drugged yourself across the grass.
“Eddie!” you watch him go further into the distance. “Eddie, please don't leave me.” You sobbed out.
 just like that, he was gone. 
rain began to pour. 
You let out another blood-curdling scream in pain before everything went black. 
You were alone again. 
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griefabyss69 · 1 year
Bit of a NSFW drabble idea for the LARP Steddie: they could do a scene at a club?
Hey anon! I took some liberties with the idea of a club, mostly because there's like three ways I could interpret that. Also I don't think this is like, LARP AU canon (unless I decide later on to expand it), but it's definitely that version of those characters!
I hope this is what you wanted! I really had fun with this one, thank you so much for the request <3
[Drabble request series on ao3]
2.9K words - Steddie - Rated: E
Contains: Public humiliation, riding crops, pain play, ball torture (with the crop only), spitting, Eddie IN LOVE, Roleplaying (cowboys!), Bondage, handcuffs, and a fade to black kind of ending otherwise I would've been writing a novel about it LMAO
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Of all of the ways that Steve's pushed him before, the crazy shit he's gotten up to since the first time Steve got him on his knees, this has to be the one that he should be tapping out of before it even begins.
It's so. Public.
Safe, Steve assured him, detailing exactly how he went about it, making sure that the bar they were going to was so far underground that it's never been raided before, that it's so illegal that nobody's going to even ask him for a fake, community minded in a way that means bad actors are thrown out so people can get up to their freaky shit in peace.
Yeah, because peaceful is totally the word Eddie would use for this.
Hard metal cuffs digging into his wrists – he'd asked Steve to leave a mark on him and meant it – as he struggles against the wood column he's strung up against, the chain of the cuffs hooked up high behind the pole and over one of the low wooden beams that spans the ceiling.
He has to hold onto it, to acquiesce to his position – in life, in this bar, in Steve's hands – otherwise the handcuffs are gonna really hurt him. His feet are tied together too, boots bound behind the pole with rope around the ankles, those and his socks the only fucking stitch of clothing he's got on.
He doesn't know it makes him feel more naked or not, but his dick is way ahead of him, physically sticking out like a red beacon and also way more on board with all of this than the part of himself that houses his common sense.
The cowboy hat on Steve's head tips back as he looks up at him, surveying the outlaw he'd captured, riding crop steady in his hand as he walks around him.
Their audience – because this place of Eddie-style freaks draws people who love watching helpless men get trussed up like a fucking Halloween decoration – is watching, eager to see what he does with it.
Eddie's… scared.
In his planning Steve had practiced with the riding crop, gave Eddie all of the details on how he tested it out on his own skin as Eddie's hand had crept into his shorts to get a hand around himself, and that kind of worries him. Because Steve knows how to wield it, he's not going to hold back. He promised he wouldn't.
Steve caught him, Eddie The Bad, the outlaw cowboy who'd been causing trouble in town, and Steve The Protector was giving him his very public punishment.
The light brush of leather over his thigh makes Eddie jump, eyes flying from where they were locked onto Steve's to watch him tease the crop up to where his balls are hanging – tight and ready despite the fact that they haven't gotten to the best part yet – ghosting over them just to drive home the fact of his vulnerability.
They'd set limits, but that doesn't change the fact that Steve could do whatever he wanted. He'd never, which is why Eddie even agreed to this, but with so many eyes on him he feels like he's truly at everyone's mercy.
Meeting the staff earlier had been interesting. They'd been fully dressed, normal, themselves, as they went over things with the bouncer and security and the bartenders. Steve had apparently been planning this for like three weeks, a lot of secret phone calls, letting the staff in on things that Eddie has no idea about.
The smirk the bouncer had given him, the "good luck!" he'd called as they headed in to set the scene, had not made him feel very confident.
But despite what he's cultivated his whole life, tonight isn't about being confident, about impressing anyone. It's about obeying, about fictional atonement, about mutual gratification through breaking him so far out of his comfort zone he thinks he's landed on mars.
His dick gives a heavy throb as he struggles again, trying to stay in character so he doesn't just attempt to get some friction from the crop.
Steve laughs, deep and beautiful, mocking him. His usually sweet smile is twisted into something that lights up further every time Eddie shows a sign of distress, and he wonders if the audience can tell that he's so fucking in love with him.
"Alright tough guy," Steve says, not bothering with a shitty western accent. "Can you count to one hundred?"
No fucking way is he hitting him with that thing a hundred times.
Eddie swallows hard, ice water fear trickling into his veins, and he widens his eyes at Steve, forgetting to look defiant for a moment. He's sure he just looks like a panicking loser, but a riding crop hurts, he's never even been had his ass slapped that much with a soft hand before.
"What? You can't? You can rob people of a thousand coins but you can't even count them?"
Steve brings the crop back up to his balls, toying with him, all cat-and-mouse about it as he gives them a light tap. It doesn't hurt, but Eddie still flinches.
"And you're not even gonna answer me? That's pretty rude, tough guy."
Eddie screws his face up into the evil villain frown he usually employs in way more G rated situations, gathering spit in his mouth. He has to aim carefully, doesn't want to get the borrowed cowboy hat dirty, but he's good enough with it, spits on Steve's flannel shirt, right over where his heart is.
How romantic.
Steve slowly looks down at it, his hat almost covering how he's fighting the twitch at the corner of his mouth, Jesus. Eddie really didn't think that would make him have to fight against laughter.
"You son of a bitch," he says like a threat, head whipping back up to glare at him. "Screw counting, I'm gonna have you here until the sun comes up, and then I'm gonna leave you for the folk you stole from, and they're gonna have you until I get back at sunset."
He twirls the crop in his hands like it's not long and unwieldy, and then whips the head of it smartly into Eddie's thigh.
He didn't really expect to be broken into a moan so fucking quickly, but the intention to curse at him drowns under the way his whole body tries to roll into the pain.
There's a few whispers in the crowd, most likely talking about how he’s a slut for the pain, how they either expected that or not, and Steve smirks, nailing him in the exact same spot as the first time.
That fucking hurts and he hisses, fingers clenching into the wood of the beam above him, bracing himself through the initial pain of it.
"Fuck. You!" He yells, knowing that all Steve will hear is a beg for more.
"As if I'd ever let you inside of me," Steve says, bringing the crop down on the inside of his other thigh, eyes sparkling in the incandescent lighting as Eddie gasps.
He's not sure he'd be able to describe the feeling he has now, a mountain made up of so many different layers of things that should be their own mountains, as big as they are.
Love and humiliation are locked in a fierce battle, while pain and pleasure have linked arms to mess with his head. Then of course there's the feeling of joy he gets whenever he gets to take something like this seriously, the drama and creativity of it forming summits of fun. A sprinkle of the little pride he has left feebly dusts the tops of it all, quickly melting away with each new smack of the crop.
Later he'll feel even more, when Steve rescues him from Evil Steve, Steve Who Wields This Fucking Weapon and Also Undressed Him In Front of Like Thirty People. Appreciation and exhaustion and the soreness that tells him he's going to wake up feeling both super well rested and hard as nails.
But for now he has to endure the way that he overhears someone pointing out how much his dick is leaking, pre-cum dripping in humiliating rivulets down the big vein in his cock to get his balls all wet, has to endure Steve reaching up to whip him right in the nipple, hard enough he's going to feel it against his shirt all day tomorrow.
He has to endure how loudly he moans, how he almost cums even though Steve's usually the one with the sensitive nipples, how if he doesn't try to keep his attention focused on Steve or on the ceiling, everyone's eyes feel like they're seeing deeply into him, and it's bad enough his skin is bared for everyone, but for them to read how much he loves it too?
The crop caresses his face before there's a quick-soft-glance of a whip over the head of his dick.
"No!" He yells, gasping as his hips buck forward, chasing after the pain. "Fuck!"
Steve laughs, as mean and beautiful as always, his cheeks a little flushed under the shadow of the hat. Getting to see him like this, all put together in a proper costume, having so much fun with roleplaying in public, it makes him fall even harder than ever.
They haven't even broached the topic of a date, or making this something between partners and not friends who do freaky shit together, but Eddie's been finding himself daydreaming about illegal backyard weddings for a while now.
The riding crop rips his attention away from the curve of Steve's mouth when it slaps up into his balls, hard.
There's a sound that must come out of him, broken like the craggy rocks of Mount Humiliation, the pain causing lights to sparkle in his eyes as he looks across the expanse of his reality and finds that his existence really fucking hurts.
"Are you going to comply with me now?" Steve asks, leaning back against a table, hip cocked all pliant and easy.
This is just another day of tormenting bad guys, for him.
Eddie shakes his head no, can't trust he'll open his mouth and anything better than drool will come out, though once he has control of his muscles again he might use it.
"Guess I'll do it some more," Steve says, twirling the crop again.
The head of it shines dimly in the light, Eddie's pre-cum on it.
It's a stark reminder of his aching dick, pulsing so hard that it defeats the entire scientific concept of gravity.
Steve straightens up slowly, and Eddie sees people watching him, interested in the tilt of his hips as he walks back up to him, and. He's not possessive, and maybe it's a relief to have less of the sharp gazes assessing every inch of him and how horny he’s gotten, but he knows that he'd hate it if Steve paid them any attention.
They just don't know him like Eddie does, their mouths wouldn't fit over him like his does, their hands are all wrong. He knows that without seeing them.
Steve doesn't even notice them, though. Eddie's getting all weird about it for no reason, wedding bells chiming in the back of his mind even as he sees the crop – practically in slow motion – headed towards his balls again and all he can do is tighten up and brace himself.
Steve pulls back at the last second, the only thing touching him is the air, and Eddie thinks he might cum too early just from the sheer relief.
He sags, blowing out a breath, letting the handcuffs hold him up for a second to give his hands a break.
"I'm not that predictable," Steve says, and smacks the crop into his one of his sore thighs.
It still hurts, but after the rolling tsunami of pain from his balls, visceral enough to wind him, it's practically a loving caress. He groans, lets his legs shake as he rolls his body forward, seeking out the sensation of it.
"I'm also not that kind, either," Steve says and -
There it is.
It hurts so badly this time that he blacks out for a moment, teeth clenched so hard that spit drips out of the corners of his mouth, his abs clenched in a too-late brace against the pain that has his brain tricked for a moment, made him think he's cumming.
He's not, there's no orgasm, it's all just the agony of his throbbing balls, of the tears welling up in his eyes and spilling out, no chance to try to blink them away to save whatever minuscule amount of pride he has left. There it is, melted right off the mountain by the hot rays of Steve, rivers of it trickling down to drip off of the end of his jaw.
Steve's eyes look black under the shadow of his hat, big and beautiful but wicked, the sadism Eddie never thought he'd love seeing anywhere but in the mirror spearing him right through the heart.
He'd give it over in his own heartbeat, still pumping on a leather platter, tied up with his handcuffs and rope, if that's what Steve wanted. If he planned carefully for three weeks and broached the subject only after clearing the idea with a literal team of people staffing the venue where he wanted to sink his teeth into it.
"Yeah, you thought you could take it, huh tough guy?" Steve asks, tapping the crop firmly against one of his cheeks, mixing pre-cum and tears together. "Give up yet?"
Eddie shakes his head, feeling a bit dizzy but not weak, still good to go if he wants.
And fuck, he hates himself for it, but he wants it so badly at the same time. He's been knocked down several pegs in the past few months, what's another one?
So, of fucking course, he wants it.
"Never met someone who had to rely on torturing someone's ball sack to scrape out a victory," he says, and spits on him again, getting it right on his mouth.
Steve goes still, and quiet. The twitch of laughter isn't there like before, this time he slowly wipes the spit off, every inch of movement broadcasting the danger of a snake about to strike. Eddie's dick throbs hard, greedy.
"There's going to be nothing left to torture when I'm done with you," Steve hisses, prodding his chin with the end of the crop. "You're going to regret ever stepping foot in this town."
Eddie thinks that if he's not careful he'll start to melt right out of his skin, letting the hard nudge of the braided leather guide his head upwards, baring his throat for everyone.
"Can't wait," he says, his voice strained and dry.
Steve watches him for a minute, taking him in, maybe giving him another moment to rest before he starts again, kicking it off with a hard flick to the tip of his dick.
He groans, his eyes squeezing shut against the sharp pain even though he's trying to find Steve's hand again, wanting to press up against him.
"It's like you want me to do this to you," Steve says, flicking him again.
His eyes roll back, his hips roll forward, he's… yeah. He does.
"Maybe you should shut up or make good on your threats, Pretty Boy," he says, dredging up a smirk through the haze of intensity that grips at him.
Steve laughs, smacks the crop against the same nipple as before, and flicks his dick again. It's a heady combination, has him writhing against the ropes holding his ankles together, his calves squeezing around the wooden column.
"Maybe I should punish you by leaving you here," Steve says, stepping back a few paces, twirling the crop in his hands again. "Do you think anybody would take pity on you? Cut you loose? Maybe smack your cock around, since you love it so much?"
Eddie catches himself before he begs him to stay, just stares for a minute as he tries to think of something to say that isn't so incriminating. He knows he was technically defeated before they even walked in here, that's how they planned this would go, but he's been fighting against it the whole time. It doesn't make sense to give in yet, especially not if it reinforces the idea of Steve threatening to leave him in order to get what he wants. Even if it's just acting.
"It would be a soothing balm to my sorry eyes if you walked on out of here," he says, making it obvious that he's starting to gather more spit.
Steve's eyes flick to his mouth, sharp like the whip they'd vetoed last month, and in one fluid movement so graceful it has Eddie impressed in the split second of brainpower he gets to have, he takes two prowling steps forward and hammers the crop against his balls again.
Eddie goes somewhere for a moment, brain stuttering on the image of Steve's arm, crop in hand, flying through the air, blackened pain shot through with exploding lights, his bones maybe starting to disintegrate with the feeling, and he thinks this must be what all of those romantic comedies are about. The kiss so good it sets off fireworks in your skull, rattles love deep into your spinal cord until you'd do anything to get more of it.
His eyelids struggle when he opens them, but he's glad he does, catching the worried furrow of Steve's brow, the alert way he stands tall and strong, waiting on him.
"Harder," he croaks out, and spits on Steve's shoe.
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Gear up, kids, because this will be a long one.
It's been a while since I posted a new comic. Pretty soon there'll be a bunch, because I've been sitting on a mountain of scripts and just started making progress on actually making them into comics. I wanna build up a nice little backlog that I can queue up and not worry about for a long while. In the meantime though, I have something I hope will tide you guys over.
There's been a problem with my comic from the very beginning I've never really thought to address for years, and until now, I never found a good place for it. That problem is "worldbuilding." Originally when this comic started out, it was just a Psychonauts comic. Then I got into Mystery Kids, and the MKs just showed up out of nowhere.
If you're still interested, click under the cut. If you already find this post boring and kind of long, just skip it.
We never got any information on how the Mystery Kids club started or how they all met. For the longest time, I kind of just defered to the collective fandom's various disorganized headcanons and ideas and stuff. But I think enough time has passed that those ideas have all changed, been forgotten about, or branched off into their own individual works.
So, it's finally time for me to fix that by giving this comic its own set of lore and backstory. In this post I'm going to explain how everything happened, how the kids came together and what order everything happened in. This is kind of written for my own personal amusement, but also as a guide to keep in mind when I'm writing new stories in this setting, to keep things consistent.
The first step for this little exercise is to figure out when all the stuff in the original "canon" happened. This is where things get a little messy, because we have to figure out a proper order for everything so all the pieces can fit into place.
First, we have to come up with a system for naming the different eras and phases where things happen, so we can more easily compartmentalize the different events. So we'll call the first year the Mystery Kids are together "Year One." Anything before that we'll call Year -1 or -2.
Year -2 is where we'll put the events of Paranorman. They happen in Fall, around Halloween probably. Nearly the end of the year. It's important to set this part the furthest back for reasons we'll get into later.
Year -1 is where we'll put Coraline and Psychonauts. Dipper and Mabel are still in Pidemont. There are a few references in the comic to Raz still having a water problem due to "the curse." But in PN2 he conquers the curse. We'll chock that up to lingering after-effects and him trying to get past the mental block.
Near the end of Year -1, Aggie returns and reunites with Norman in events identical to how they played out in Ask-Norgatha. A lot of things that happen are very similar to that old blog, with the exception being Norman and Aggie don't get together. That comes later.
Year 1 is when Gravity Falls happens. Coraline and Norman are family friends (or cousins? I haven't decided, maybe not. Maybe 'honoary cousins'?) Anyway, so: things play out pretty much how they did in that fan episode people made. Doctor Loboto (during a villainous relapse, or a manic episode) comes to Gravity Falls, Raz and Lili chase after him, Coraline and Wybie come with Norman's family on a vacation to Gravity Falls. Aggie stays behind because Norman doesn't want her to get lost. At this point, her Poltergeist powers haven't kicked in yet and other people can't see her, meaning she'd have no way to get home.
So, during Loboto's shennanigans, the kids all come together to stop him. That's when we move into…
Note: in this period, my comic has a lot of Holiday specials. We're operating on Peanuts rules here, where the time-scaling slides around to keep the characters from aging. But we'll say in the "real" canon, the stuff that happens on Holidays actually happen on regular days, for the most part. If things "have to" happen on a Holiday, they'll all happen on the same one, just at different times. We'll try not to think too hard about this, because it's just a cartoon. We're out to make a consistent world, but not to arbitrarily restrict ourselves. None of this stuff happened in the "real" world anyway.
Anyway, moving right along to the rest of "Year 1." This is for the comics I made while the show was still airing, so things all kind of click together.
This is where the first Mystery Kids Adventure happens. The kids are all united and save the day. All of this happens right in the middle of the events of Gravity Falls. From then on out, the kids have adventures together on and off, but its a little hard because they have to travel a pretty great distance to hang out together. They keep in touch on social media and stuff, occasionally finding ways to fake excuses to go out and travel together. But mostly, the group is pretty disorganized.
Dib is also a mindless fanboy of the group and wants to join, but everybody thinks he's weird and annoying, so they try their best to politely blow him off. Then he builds a teleporter that lets the kids get together easier, but the thing just barely works. Dib is made a "junior member" and just sort of hangs around.
The kids have a "clubhouse", but it's just a shanty shack built by Soos, half a mile away from the Mystery Shack.
At some point during this period, the Bedlam returns and the kids have to team up to stop her. Aggie helps somehow with her newly-emerging poltergiest powers. The Bedlam is defeated, and that's the last "real" adventure they have for a little while. They don't have a reliable way to meet up anymore, so they only get together for parties and stuff. This is where the Season 3 Finale happens, if you've read my archives.
From Season 4 and onwards, everything that happens to the Mystery Kids happens in Year 2. That's where we are now.
It starts with Dib on one of his own little adventures. Somehow, he ends up stumbling on an abandoned treehouse that used to belong to the Kids Next Door. It hasn't been populated in years, but its full of still-functional tech that just got left behind. With it, Dib's able to power-up the teleporter technology and now the Mystery Kids can come together whenever they want. You need to stand perfectly still for like five minutes for the teleporter to work, so it isn't a "get out of danger free" plot device.
Seems like a REALLY important development to happen offscreen and go totally unmentioned, right? Well… I thought of it retroactively, so, whoops! But it's fine. We'll just have to make a flashback comic later where the kids find it.
So, from now on, everything that happens in the comic happens here, in Year 2.
If you've read this far, I'd like to thank you for humoring my nonsensical fanfiction ramblings for my silly mspaint webcomic. I hope you had fun and got as much out of that as I did. I'm really happy I was finally able to put it all together in one coherent place.
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Oh, it's already that time of the year.
Hello, there!
Yeah, it's been a while since I posted something, but the thing is, I was just crawling out of the shitty pit I'm in when very suddenly my father fell seriously ill. Now I'm once again spiralling into my anxious pit.
But I'm a bit cheered up by the spooky season (even tho we don't have those around here). So, I decided to share some playlists, (a couple of creepy characters playlists and MORE), I've collected over the years and I hope they make your spooky season a bit more spooky.
Well, let's get started!
First of all, we have the playlist I made for my darling Jerry Dandridge, I shared it a while ago, but tbh it's one of my all-time favourites. It has the vibes of the film and fits the vibes of the character, I just love it.
I'm still mad that Spotify doesn't have the Fright Night music theme by 'the J. geils band' nor the INCREDIBLE theme 'come to me' (both the singing and instrumental version) by brad fiedel. So if I had to say something is missing in this one, I would say these three songs.
Now, this man has taken over my life for almost THREE WHOLE YEARS, and I gotta thank Mike Flanagan for this. I know you already know of whom I'm talking about. Our beloved poor lil meow meow and vampire priest Father Paul.
He lives in my head rent-free ever since he screamed “HOW DOES IT MAKE YOU FEEL?!” into Riley's face. I honestly think I could fix him, or at least fuck him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The next is a trash can of a man and has made me question my sanity and my moral compass, and I think that's full Hamish acting skills fault. Well, our favourite unhinged wolf man, John Tyler.
You know, I had two stalkers during my school years, and I think that definitely affected me, anyway I like to believe it's the look of those puppy eyes that had me.
Talking about stalking psychopaths, I think I have a historic, bc David Dastmachian's performance as MacGyver nemesis on the remake of the series changed me on a molecular level. That's right, I'm talking about everybody's favourite hitman, Murdoc!
Yeah, that leather trench coat and black high neck has me on my knees. Also, unironically, mama bear Murdoc it's actually very sexy.
Now my dearest, we get to the new stuff, this I haven't posted yet for some unknown reason, but it's time to let them see the moonlight!
Ngl, Lily Rabe has so may Iconic roles on AHS that I HAD to make her something. So, to my AHS lovers, we have a playlist full of eerie and sacrilegious songs to our favourite possessed nun!
Nobody can convince me that AHS: Asylum isn't the best season from the series, honestly, I always re-watch during the spooky season and always slays.
I'm a fan of themed/pov playlists, I find them very immersive, so I'm always doing them when I have the chance, so, in one of these opportunities, I did a 80s slasher pov playlist, that has such a cool vibe! I hope you guys feel the same!
This one is dedicated to the nostalgia boost that the 80s slashers are to me.
And for the last, but not leat, my Ultimate Halloween Playlist™, it has some of my favourite songs from each one of those playlists, and I'm always adding more. Which are your ultimate spooky season playlist? I'll love to know!
Well, I think that's all for now, have fun everyone and be safe!! Lots of love!!
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oxtofmydcpth · 11 months
The aftermath:
character updates following the Halloween Event and the earthquake.
Cardelle has been busy helping with the relief efforts. Knowing he's not the smartest but can take direction well, he's helping mostly with the construction side of things, putting those stupidly large muscles to good use.
Dodger has been at home looking after Jay, not leaving her side while Phoenix is working. In terms of her memory issues, he's following Phoenix's lead, letting him explain things in his own time and acting as the moral support as he always does.
Falco has been homebound, metal piercing his shoulder during the quake after he pushed Vincent out of the way of falling debris, keeping him pinned there until rescue. Vincent stayed with him until then and has come to visit him most days to check his recovery. They also may have kissed because Falco was convinced he was gonna die, but they've yet to talk about it.
Floyd has been taking care of the residents at Sunnyside as normal, but is making moves behind the scenes to get his plan for complete mayoral leadership over Huntsville in action. He's also not completely happy with how the Commune has these random newbies taking up important positions, and he's voicing these complaints, but his focus remains the town. If he can get the Town, he can get the Commune after.
Hunter to no one's surprise has been sulking since the earthquake. His friendship with Mo is pretty much on the rocks (thread incoming) and his relationship with Val now feels non-existent, so he doesn't really have anyone he can go to. So if people feel like they haven't seen the little bleach blond bastard for a while, they haven't. But he's thinking he may pursue one of the other storylines the town has to offer and hopefully have some fun along the way.
Kane I think is pissed right now. Given the state of the town and how many injured folk there are, people don't care about the Fight Club at the moment, and people aren't coming to train with him as much while they focus on fixing their homes and healing their wounds. So he's helping out with some of the fixing where he can, but he's probably falling back on some old vices just to keep himself sane in the meantime.
Ric my poor boy, after spending a lot of the time with Peyton he's now back at his place, but she comes to visit him often. The leg he twisted a few week prior to Halloween is the one that got injured the most and it's strapped up in a makeshift leg brace. He's supposed to be resting but is adamant he should help with rebuilding the town, so if you see him out and about, no you didn't. He's also experiencing bad headaches but he's not telling anyone about that.
Sycamore remains as miserable than ever, has yet to check on how Spencer is doing and is more interested in getting sympathy for her own minor injuries. She seems more and more interested in the crack that was formed by the quake, hearing the stories of ghosts coming up from within it. Lots of thinking going on in this corner of the Commune.
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noahhawthorneauthor · 11 months
I am so excited for the readalong! I've got my pencil and playlist ready, going to do all the annotating. I can't believe it's nearly been a while year since this beauty released, and I'm so proud of it.
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Are you reading with us? The readalong starts on Halloween and will be very laid back, there's a Storygraph challenge and a Fable Book Club for those who like that sort of thing. I'll also be talking about my annotations and the book here on Tumblr. There is a playlist for the book here.
The ebook is still free for a couple more days, so head on over to my bookfunnel and pickup a copy if you haven't already ❤️🏳️‍🌈🍁
Cover art by @crossroadart-seabear
Arlo Rook has decided it’s time to move out of Garren Castle, home for orphans of all races, magical or not, at 100 years old.
It’s not the first time he’s left home, but after a setback that landed the Hedge Witch in the hospital a year ago, he ended up right back at square one. But now he’s ready to strike out on his own, despite his friend’s worries that he’s not ready for the ‘real world.’
Then, he crashes into a mess of copper curls and bright eyes, sending apothecary goods and his life into a chaotic mess. Thatch is a mysterious and incredibly wealthy benefactor of Levena, only spoken of but never seen. He requests a night of Arlo’s company and a tour of the city, which Arlo immediately declines.
But that’s not the last time they see each other, and it certainly wasn’t the first. Arlo doesn’t remember him, no one remembers Thatch after he visits, but Thatch never forgot the Witch with a familiar mark on his face.
Thatch Phantom is an immortal, the last of his kind and perpetually bored. When he’s not closing inter-dimensional rifts and corralling demons, he’s visiting his favorite city of all, Levena. Centuries ago, when life was particularly dull, he set up a scavenger hunt for a starving village, providing them with a year’s worth of supplies.
He anonymously returned year after year, upping the ante and providing less practical things, as the village had become a city and was wealthy beyond belief. Festivals were thrown in his honor, and have continued every year since. Hundreds of years later, The Game is still put on by the fabled ‘Scarlet Illusionist’, but no one has figured out who blesses them with the puzzles.
Once again, Thatch is listless and has decided to throw a wild card into this year’s Game. Whoever discovers him will win one wish of their choice, no restrictions. Aside from the obvious, such as no falling in love, murder or resurrection.
What he didn’t anticipate was crashing into the one person whose soul mark flares like a beacon when Thatch is around, teasing the immortal with the one thing he wants most.
Someone to call home.
What follows is a wild chain of events filled with magical coffee shops, villains with vendettas against cheese makers, moving tattoos, grand puzzles, and second chances at love, and life.
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princessaurorasdiary · 7 months
Diary 2/26: life update cause it's been 6 months at least
Hi 👋🏼, It's been a long time, about 6 months about. I'm 23 now
I have a lot of up and downs and haven't felt like writing, and my main creative outlet has been TikTok because to be honest, I feel less alone when I can see that people saw my video, and maybe ever gave it a like or comment
I guess I'll talk a bit about the last 6 months, I work at a craft store now, quit my old horrible job that mistreated me constantly, got COVID soon after quitting the old job, went and saw a medium sized artist I like in concert, second ever concert, her name is Tessa Violet, dragged my bff with me cause we planned it for her to come down and visit me during Spring Break.
I also confessed to my crush, they said they like me too and have just as long as I have but she thought me flirting was pitty compliments cause ADHD runs through both of us lol, it's been moving really slowly cause things keep happening to her, the universe is just slapping her weekly bro.
I don't hate my job at the craft store, but I miss doing a version of my chosen career as a baker/cake decorator, really wish that place wasn't so toxic and that I had a car already.
I'm still trying to get a car, it took me 3 months to get a new job after quitting my old one, the COVID thing was a month of that but also just this job market sucks, origami current job was seasonal, but I have really good numbers on the register and I'm good at the other parts like stalking and sorting and fixing things on the shelfs so I got kept on. I make sure not to give a ADHD 100% anymore, it killed me at my old job and whenever I only had a normal person's 100% they acted like I was failing when I was just doing a normal amount instead of a crazy amount, so I learned not to grind myself to the bone.
I can't remember if I've mentioned this, probably not tho, I go to a weekly crochet club for months now, it's all older ladies and me but it's better than nothing with how I don't really have friends other than my best friend. They care about me and I care about them and it's nice to talk to others once a week.
I kinda ran outta steam for finding friends the last 2 months, I was trying and trying and I'm just tired after months and months or trying 🤷
I think about making a post all the time, but also feel like I'm writing into the void, which has been terrifying me lately, the void that is, long story short, I was stressed AF and couldn't sleep for days the day before Halloween and tried to smoke to fall asleep, but before I'd just taken a hit or two of my brothers sleep type vape, but actually smoked it that night for the first time and instead tripped horribly and it's still affecting me mentally, the memory of the horror that was that night.
Editing a note: I was basically trying to test for a bit if a sleep strain of weed would help with my at the time rampid insomnia since sleep meds either don't work on me or give me bad side effects, but after that night I'm probably never touching it again so ✌🏼
I also am just not feeling great medically, I just got my broken tooth pulled through and did my wisdoms at the same time and already feel better even with the jaw pain, so hopefully some of the not feeling well was because of my teeth, I've been working on trying to finally fix my teeth as well and I think it might actually happen now
Anyways, it's after 3:20am so I'm gonna go lay down even if I don't sleep till 4 cause laying down is better than nothing
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eyrieofsynapses · 11 months
tagged by @falderaletcetera, tysm!!! <3 been a while since I've done one of these. I am So Fucking Tired rn and this is actually a good thing bc I won't overthink this (...as much as I usually do), y'all get off-the-cuff Synapse for once.
Favorite color: blue! Blue blue blue, doesn't really matter the shade, but particularly the color of the sky (ik it's tempting but don't go there I'm too tired rn) just after sunset, the deep rich blue.
Currently reading: Stars, Hide Your Fires by Jessica Mary Best (aka the fabulous creator and writer of the podcast The Strange Case of Starship Iris). I'm adoring it! Queer lesbian sci-fi murder mystery heist, hell yeah. Also the PRETTIEST cover art.
Last song: "Far East Suite" from the first album of the original soundtrack for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, because the show has a gorgeous soundtrack and several songs are on my instrumental wind-down playlist.
Last series: The X-Files. No I haven't finished it, probably won't because holy shit it's so long. I enjoyed the first season and am feeling meh midway through the second one; it's a bit dark for my tastes, but I love Scully and Mulder's dynamic. I've put it down for the moment because of a lack of time and some of the episodes were getting to me (which is just a generalized problem for me, not the fault of the show).
(...I just realized I actually last rewatched an FMAB episode for brain cooldown. whatever, X-Files is the new one)
Last movie: oh boy. Rocky Horror Picture Show, because it's the Halloween season and thus a queer club tradition; I've seen most of it before but this was my first full watch. Friends described it as a fever dream, which is frankly a wild understatement. Wouldn't dream of watching it on my own, definitely fun to watch it in a room full of other queer people who are whispering jokes, especially when some of them haven't seen it.
Currently working on: uhhh soooo many things. Minecraft house? (I play single player peaceful/easy to unwind.) I just finished oxidizing a bunch of copper for my ceiling (I am a perpetual hobbit hole/hobbit-hole-adjacent person bc fuck exteriors) and it looks lovely. Oh, actually, bubble elevator to get up the massive cliff side I'm stuck next to. Tis the season for experimenting whether or not I can get a mule up and down it.
ok I needed to be in bed ages ago and I got things to do. off to Be An Adult (The Horrors) but first:
taggin some peeps ik and some random peeps from my activity: @mahpotatoequeen @glassfullofsass @jadenebula @hepalien @eater-of-hopes-and-dreams @spill-that-anxietea @snowglyphss (and @magiclynx I see you have already been tagged but I am poking you anyway <3)
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herbrokenmelodies · 11 months
feeling a little bit spontaneous
who: Himiko & Charlie @ofpantheons where: Sleight of Hand
Things were busy, busy, busy when it came to staying on top of the events with the club. Halloween season just ended and it meant that Thanksgiving, Holiday Season and New Years was right around the corner. The next two months were going to be her biggest money makers, especially with her the upstairs seem to be booking up too as many wanted to make sure they finished "business " in time for the holidays. There was quite no rest for the wicked, she was either up most nights making sure everything was running smoothly with little sleep, self care mornings and back to schedules, orders and deliveries with another fun night in between. Sometimes mid week could be her busier times over over the weekend. And some way, Himiko always found a way through.
And today retail therapy was going to be her best friend! Since becoming unlikely friends with the best tarot reader, Dolly, she had been expanding her normal areas to show. Especially as a lady of business, she was all for supporting smaller business as they all had a personal touch, like the way she tried to with Abyss. Suddenly her eyes caught sight of a little place called Sleight of Hand . "I tots love that name!" her interested was peaked and before she knew it, Himiko was walking in.
It was a tattoo studio. Brilliant! She had been debating one for a while. She waves to get anyone's attention, whilst looking at the art around already stifled for choice.
"Wait...I've seen your face before...haven't I?" Himiko questions before even dropping an hello.
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