yuurei20 · 3 months
Epel Facts Part 22: Epel and Vil (pt1)
Vil and Epel meet for the first time before the school’s opening ceremonies have even begun, with Epel deciding that he is going to leave an impression on his new schoolmates via violence in order to make sure that he doesn’t get bullied like he was back home. 
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Vil orders Epel to button up the collar of his robes immediately upon meeting him, while Epel’s first impression of Vil is of a feeble, girly person that he wants nothing to do with.
Vil compliments Epel’s physical beauty once he gets a closer look at him and Epel takes immediate offense, calling Vil weak and girly to his face (in a line that was rewritten for EN).
It seems that in the world of Twst Epel’s beauty may rival Vil’s: during Halloween, campus visitors see him and talk about having discovered the next top model.
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Vil tells Epel, “The way you dress, the way you act…even the way you think is utterly devoid of any sensibility” and Epel challenges him to a fight, which Epel promptly loses.
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Vil explains, “in this school, the rule is that the weak obey the strong…since you lost, you will do as I say.” Epel fears that Vil is going to take his money or make him into an errand boy, but instead Vil orders him to button up his robes, righten his belt, comb his hair and speak more politely (in a line that was rewritten on EN, but goes much deeper than simply a change in accent.)
Epel explains that he has never beaten Vil once despite challenging him every day, and has been stuck doing what he says since, as Vil has said Epel can only act as he wishes once he is capable of taking him in a fight.
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Vil’s orders include but are not limited to table manners, speech patterns, participating in Film Club activities, wiping down windows, wearing a frilly shirt with his school uniform and tying his necktie in a bow, not getting into fights, fixing his posture, reading a book a week, becoming strong, and stretching properly.
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When he learns about Vargas Camp Epel responds, “No matter how bad Coach Vargas gets, he can’t be more demanding than Vil.”
Vil also has Epel carve an apple for him so that he can “try one at its most beautiful.”
Vil does not seem to be above corporal punishment, tugging on Epel’s ear, pulling at his hair, smacking him in the back and gripping onto his head to emphasize his points.
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