#i haven’t seen any post on tumblr with the entirety of this letter
dreamsofg0ld · 2 months
The Beatrice Letters (LS to BB #5)
How I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way
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Dusk My dearest darling,
…Always. Continuously. With increasing apprehension, and decreasing hope.
I will love you with no regard to the actions of our enemies or the jealousies of actors. I will love you with no regard to the outrage of certain parents or the boredom of certain friends. I will love you no matter what is served in the world’s cafeterias or what game is played at each and every recess. I will love you no matter how many fire drills we are all forced to endure, and no matter what is drawn upon the blackboard in a blurring, boring chalk. I will love you no matter how many mistakes I make when trying to reduce fractions, and no matter how difficult it is to memorize the periodic table. I will love you no matter what your locker combination was, or how you decided to spend your time during study hall. I will love you no matter how your soccer team performed in the tournament or how many stains I received on my cheerleading uniform. I will love you if I never see you again, and I will love you if I see you every Tuesday.
I will love you if you cut your hair and I will love you if you cut the hair of others. I will love you if you abandon your baticeering, and I will love you if you retire from the theater to take up some other, less dangerous occupation. I will love you if you drop your raincoat on the floor instead of hanging it up and I will love you if you betray your father. I will love you even if you announce that the poetry of Edgar Guest is the best in the world and even if you announce that the work of Zilpha Keatley Snyder is unbearably tedious. I will love you if you abandon the theremin and take up the harmonica and I will love you if you donate your marmosets to the zoo and your tree frogs to M.
I will love you as the starfish loves a coral reef and as kudzu loves trees, even if the oceans turn to sawdust and the trees fall in the forest without anyone around to hear them. I will love you as the pesto loves the fetuccini and as the horseradish loves the miyagi, as the tempura loves the ikura and the pepperoni loves the pizza. I will love you as the manatee loves the head of lettuce and as the dark spot loves the leopard, as the leech loves the ankle of a wader and as a corpse loves the beak of the vulture. I will love you as the doctor loves his sickest patient and a lake loves its thirstiest swimmer. I will love you as the beard loves the chin, and the crumbs love the beard, and the damp napkin loves the crumbs, and the precious document loves the dampness in the napkin, and the squinting eye of the reader loves the smudged print of the document, and the tears of sadness love the squinting eye as it misreads what is written. I will love you as the iceberg loves the ship, and the passengers love the lifeboat, and the lifeboat loves the teeth of the sperm whale, and the sperm whale loves the flavor of naval uniforms. I will love you as a child loves to overhear the conversations of its parents, and the parents love the sound of their own arguing voices, and as the pen loves to write down the words these voices utter in a notebook for safekeeping.
I will love you as a shingle loves falling off a house on a windy day and striking a grumpy person across the chin, and as an oven loves malfunctioning in the middle of roasting a turkey. I will love you as an airplane loves to fall from a clear blue sky and as an escalator loves to entangle expensive scarves in its mechanisms. I will love you as a wet paper towel loves to be crumpled into a ball and thrown at a bathroom ceiling and an eraser loves to leave dust in the hairdos of the people who talk too much. I will love you as a cufflink loves to drop from its shirt and explore the party for itself and as a pair of white gloves loves to slip delicately into the punchbowl.
I will love you as a thief loves a gallery and as a crow loves a murder, as a cloud loves bats and as a range loves braes. I will love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence and as justice loves to sit and watch while everything goes wrong. I will love you as a battlefield loves young men and as peppermints love your allergies, and I will love you as the banana peel loves the shoe of a man who was just struck by a shingle falling off a house. I will love you as a volunteer fire department loves rushing into burning buildings and as burning buildings love to chase them back out, and as a parachute loves to leave a blimp and as a blimp operator loves to chase after it. I will love you as a dagger loves a certain person’s back, and as a certain person loves to wear daggerproof tunics, and as a daggerproof tunic loves to go to a certain dry cleaning facility, and how a certain employee of a dry cleaning facility loves to stay up late with a pair of binoculars, watching a dagger factory for hours in the hopes of catching a burglar, and as a burglar loves sneaking up behind people with binoculars, suddenly realizing that she has left her dagger at home.
I will love you as a drawer loves a secret compartment, and as a secret compartment loves a secret, and as a secret loves to make a person gasp, and as a gasping person loves a glass of brandy to calm their nerves, and as a glass of brandy loves to shatter on the floor, and as the noise of glass shattering loves to make someone else gasp, and as someone else gasping loves a nearby desk to lean against, even if leaning against it presses a lever that loves to open a drawer and reveal a secret compartment. I will love you until all such compartments are discovered and opened, and until all the secrets have gone gasping into the world. I will love you until all the codes and hearts have been broken and until every anagram and egg has been unscrambled.
I will love you until every fire is extinguished and until every home is rebuilt form the handsomest and most susceptible of woods, and until every criminal is handcuffed by the laziest of policemen. I will love you until M. hates snakes and J. hates grammar, and I will love you until C. realizes S. is not worthy of his love and N. realizes he is not worthy of the V. I will love you until the bird hates a nest and the worm hates an apple, and until the apple hates a tree and the tree hates a nest, and until a bird hates a tree and an apple hates a nest, although honestly I cannot imagine that last occurrence no matter how hard I try.
I will love you as we grow older, which has just happened, and has happened again, and happened several days ago, continuously, and then several years before that, and will continue to happen as the spinning hands of every clock and the flipping pages of every calendar mark the passage of time, except for the clocks that people have forgotten to wind and the calendars that people have forgotten to place in a highly visible area. I will love you as we find ourselves farther and farther from one another, where once we were so close that we could slip the curved straw, and the long, slender spoon, between our lips and fingers respectively. I will love you until the chances of us running into one another slip from skim to zero, and until your face is fogged by distant memory, and your memory faced by distant fog, and your fog memorized by a distant face, and your distance distanced by the memorized memory of a foggy fog.
I will love you no matter where you go and who you see, no matter where you avoid and who you don’t see, and no matter who sees you avoiding where you go. I will love you no matter what happens to you, and no matter how I discover what happens to you, and no matter what happens to me as I discover this, and no matter how I am discovered after what happens to me happens to me as I am discovering this.
I will love you if you don’t marry me. I will love you if you marry someone else — your co-star, perhaps, or Y., or even O., or anyone Z. through A., even R. — although sadly I believe it will be quite some time before two women can be allowed to marry — and I will love you if you have a child, and I will love you if you have two children, or three children, or even more, although I personally think three is plenty, and I will love you if you never marry at all, and never have children, and spend your years wishing you had married me after all, and I must say that on late, cold nights I prefer this scenario out of all the scenarios I have mentioned.
That, Beatrice, is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way.
…I miss you. Who knows when I will see you?
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softceleste · 8 months
i don’t know how to deal with the fact that one of my favorite actors is completely ignoring the ongoing genocide. the implication of their silence and them not even deigning to share a call for a ceasefire is something I genuinely can’t get past. they haven’t even cleared the bar of doing the bare minimum and i’m finding it hard to imagine engaging with any media they’re a part of at this point.
i’m sorry to bother you with this message but the person i’m talking about is someone you also like and i didn’t know who else i could talk to about this. i deliberately left out any identifying information so as not to invite any weirdos to your blog should you choose to answer this. i can send their name in a separate ask if you wish. once again, sorry to bother you
Hey love! So from the get go, I just want to say you are absolutely not bothering me whatsoever, okay? I’m glad that you feel safe / comfortable enough to come talk to me about how you’re feeling, and honestly like... if people are weird in my anons, I’ll block them. You’re good!
I’ll also be honest that I’m still trying to navigate my feelings with this specific thing happening with a couple of my favorites too. Like on the one hand, I obviously prefer that they’re not actively calling for the deaths of Palestinians given how many horrible posts I've seen from celebs doing that, but on the other hand, being silent is frankly just enabling genocide at this point and I fail to see how anyone doesn’t see that. It’s part of why I’m frustrated with people who were posting daily at the beginning and hasn’t posted the entirety of 2024 about it as well currently, because like... right now it’s extremely important to keep posting.  So I’m taking this case by case currently, and keeping an eye on the letters and stuff (because a lot of celebs are not posting zionist on IG to avoid being canceled rn and signing shit like the Biden letter, but on the flip side there’s been celebs I personally haven’t seen post yet, but I’ve seen photos of in the streets protesting for a ceasefire) right now, and in a lot of cases I’m leaning towards drop so you may see me drop more and more people as time goes on, but I’m gonna keep my eyes on stuff and see how it continues to go.
That being said, I got your anon about who we’re discussing and... yeah, so I kinda already have dropped her and decided to only post her when my friends tag me in stuff of hers for a variety of reasons (including realizing the sheer amount of vocal transphobes she follows and engages with, and not being able to think of a single time she has positively discussed the trans community) until I 100% decide how I feel about her - it may even end up being a 100% no reblog situation, we'll see after I sort out my feelings. But she did post in October, and I’ll put that post that IG story under the read more. I’ll be completely honest though, I wouldn’t expect any future posts from her, and between her closest friends politics / posts on the matter and what I know about the area she grew up in (because I have family who lives in the same town), I’m not sure we’d like any posts she’d make if she did decide to post about Palestine. Like it sucked dropping someone I was following/loved like a decade, but I'm trusting my gut on this one you know? Would rather listen to it and get proven wrong, than not and be proven right in this situation, personally 💕
Image Link (because I can't readmore it ??? yikes tumblr)
0 notes
askaceattorney · 3 years
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Dear 91teivos,
Mod Vera: Thanks! Everyone in the world is going through some kind of existential crisis, so it made sense for the AA characters to join the party! (And since it was another follower who gave us the idea, we might just keep that idea in the think that after all...)
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Dear dawsongfg,
Mod Vera: No need to apologize! We like to space out letters from specific people a little, but we’ll answer as many as we can!
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Bluedragoncody,
Co-Mod: Don’t worry.  I doubt they’ll have much luck against the Ace Attorney crew, even without the Proto Badger.  They have the ultimate weapon against despair in their arsenal, after all.
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...They’re doomed, aren’t they?
I can’t make any promises, but if I ever gain enough skill in the art of animation (which has been a dream of mine for a long time, it turns out), I’ll keep that idea in mind.
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Dear skibot99,
Mod Vera: Probably Tumblr bein’ weird. (What else is new?)
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Dear sheeeesh,
Mod Vera: Mods get brought on as needed, as you can see with the arrival of Mod Edgeworth! Also, DGS2 is one of the few AA titles I’ve never played, but rest assured. Where there’s a letter, there’s a Mod who can answer it!
Mod Edgeworth: To add to Mod Vera, even if you weren’t accepted during any mod applications, that doesn’t mean you have lost all chances. I applied early January and lost to Mod Vera. Regardless, Co-Mod informed me that, even though I was rejected, he saw my potential and kept me in mind for if I was ever needed. Now, here I am.
Just because you get rejected, that doesn’t mean it’s game over. Show that you have potential and make yourself known by sending letters to us. That is what I did, after being rejected. I made myself known to the mods by sending letters. We do read them and they tell us how much you know the characters and games of AA more than any application. Of course, you must also follow the guidelines. That just goes without saying.
Co-Mod: I think my actual words were something like “Don’t tell anyone, but you were my second choice.”  But yeah, what they said is true -- becoming a Mod here, like many things, may or may not happen to you, but you can definitely increase your chances by waiting patiently and demonstrating your potential.
As for DGS2 letters, I’m afraid those are still off-limits unless you know of a way to play or watch the game in its entirety, translated into English.  I guess I could check to see if the Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 channel finished translating...
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(Translation: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!  ...D-Don’t tell me?!)
...Okay, looks like I have some watching to do.  Don’t know how I missed that.
So, uh...  That part in bold was what I was going to say.  Now that both games are finally getting an official English version, all I can say is, hang tight!
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(Previous Post)
Dear Inferno again,
Co-Mod: Yeah, I agree.  I was just joking around.  For anyone who didn’t catch it, that was a reference to Sbemail #108.
The event’s technically over, but we’ll answer the rest of the April Fools’ Day letters when they reach the bottom of the queue.  I’m as eager to see Trucy’s reaction to the news (after the stunned silence) as anyone else, after all.
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(Video in Letter -- Strong Language Warning)
Dear Ella,
Mod Edgeworth: 
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I can’t see the first link and....
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How did you find this masterpiece and where can I play this game?
Co-Mod: We don’t check for direct messages on Tumblr, if that’s what you’re referring to, so it wouldn’t have made any difference anyway.  You can always send links in your letters, of course.
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(Previous Post)
Dear Inferno,
Mod Edgeworth: That mad lad would be me and thank you. 
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I like to put my heart and effort when answering these letters. With this one, I figured you wanted to see Trucy in costume, so I just searched up an image on Google for the Ancient One’s costume, a sprite of Trucy and a bald head to put on her. The rest I photoshopped on GIMP. 
We’re still going through letters from January. Hopefully we will get the rest of yours soon enough.
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Mod Edgeworth: Thank you very much. Your support and the others’ support that have liked, commented and reblogged it mean a lot. As you have stated, a majority of the fandom seem to consider him the worst. I’d like to think it’s because how AA had created this villain of a character to be universally hated was pure genius. Not even the Phantom gets this much hate… and that’s saying something.
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Unfortunately, I’d like to keep my real identity outside this blog a secret. I write a lot of letters here and I don’t want to break the spell for anyone. Think of it like a Disney theme park. The cast that play the characters will never admit their true identities, outside of family and close friends, to prevent the experience from being ruined. I want to do the same as a Mod. I don’t want to break the spell of writing to your favorite AA characters. This blog had helped me through my tough times and I want to help everyone else as a mod.
However, I will answer your letters and, if you post anything on your account, a mysterious friend I know may linger and give you a like ;)
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Ali S. Fakenamington,
Co-Mod: Beautifully so.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Sinyove,
Mod Edgeworth: That letter was made in 2012 before AA5 and AA6, which was WAY before I became a part of the AA fandom. I’m certain a lot of us were not here when this letter was made, except maybe Co-Mod, but you’ll have to speak with him about this. I will say that the mod that answered this is no longer working here... I think. At the very least, I haven’t heard from him.
That being said, AA4 or Apollo Justice was the first AA game I’ve ever played. Despite all of the hate I saw towards that game, I still loved it regardless. Though, having not played the trilogy, playing the tutorial of AJ was a pain in the ass. I remember going to YouTube to find out how to beat it, because it was so hard. I also played it on PC.
I do see where The Mod was coming from. Had the two sequel games never existed, Apollo Justice would have more holes than my brothers’ socks. My only critique is that Phoenix wasn’t any better either with having Mia babysitting him during almost every trial AND investigations. Hell, Phoenix needed Mia to know how to talk to a kid, talk to a perverted old man, almost gave up in most of his trials in the first game and never conducted a trial without Mia until Turnabout Goodbyes when Maya literally couldn’t summon her. For the most part, Apollo was doing fine on his own without Phoenix, with only Trucy assisting him for the two middle trials, only almost giving up once and Phoenix having assisted him during times when Apollo was not in a normal situation (like when the criminal turned out to be his own co-council/mentor or when he had to lead a trial that included the Jury System). That’s more than Phoenix ever did on his own in the first two games and I think Apollo deserves more credit than he got in that letter in my opinion.
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For me, Apollo Justice is one of those games you either like or you hate. I love it for what it is. My least favorite AA game would have to be Ace Attorney Investigations, the first game. The second one is my absolute favorite.
Co-Mod: Sadly, I haven’t seen or heard from the Mod in a while, so it may be time for us to declare him MIA again.
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Erm...  Sorry, poor choice of words.
I’m fairly certain I wasn’t around 5 years long ago, but I have to say, Capcom did a great job of making Apollo and his story more interesting over time.  He may not be Phoenix, but he certainly carried his legacy forward pretty well, both as an attorney and as an Ace Attorney protagonist.
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Dear BDC,
Co-Mod: It fits like a glove, if you ask me...although it also kind of reminds me of 101 Dalmatians.  And thanks for that bit of info!  I never get tired of watching people enjoying the fun dialogue and plot twists of Ace Attorney, so I might have to look him up.
I’m not sure I feel the same about watching Dahlia’s voice actress, though.  I’m sure she’s a nice person and all, but the thought of hearing that voice for so long...  *shudder*
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(Previous Letter)
Dear dawsongfg again,
Co-Mod: I wasn’t trying to say that natural deaths can’t happen in the Ace Attorney universe, just that most deaths aren’t what they seem.  I knew right away that Archie Buff’s death was no accident, for one thing.  Waaaaay too much of a coincidence, know what I mean?
-The Mods
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lnfinitc · 5 years
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Welcome to MISSION BINGO in appreciation for all of YOU. Thank you for allowing me to reach this follower milestone and an additional thank you to everyone who has continued to support and keep me company. It means so much to me, more than I can ever express, so please allow me to show my appreciation to you. Complete missions, get loot, it’s that simple! More information below.
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                   Public BINGO Document | Main Art Blog | ENDS 8/19
Interested in playing MISSION BINGO?? It’s less bingo, more mission (But you didnt hear that from me!) There are 9 available missions to take, and you will earn 1 RED CUBE per mission that you complete. These missions must be completed in their entirety in order to obtain this item, but really, thats up to you to decide as you will be keeping your own score on a public document. You can take as many or as few missions as you would like. That means, if you complete all missions, you can obtain a total of 9 RED CUBES. 
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These cubes can be used in the shop below. You can turn them in and redeem specific prizes, or you can directly open them. Directly opening them has a good chance to fail, but there is also a chance that you will obtain more prizes than you can buy from the store in this way. 
PURPLE CUBES are given away randomly ONCE A DAY to people who have LIKED AND/OR REBLOGGED this post. You are entered into the raffle once, for a maximum of two times, for each time you like and reblog this post. These purple cubes give better quality, guaranteed prizes when you open them.
RED CUBES (when opened)- ~ 60% NOTHING ~ 20% Mono-colored 2 Headshot Sheet ~ 15% Fully-colored 3 Headshot Sheet ~ 5% Fullcolor Headshot
PURPLE CUBES (when opened)- ~ 50% Mono-color, detailed binary-line bust ~ 25% Mono-colored 3 Headshot Icon Sheet ~ 15% Fully-colored 4 Headshot Icon Sheet ~ 10% Fullbody, Full-character (1 GUARANTEED)
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Grand prize is a full-color, full-body of one of your characters or muses in my “official” style! All other art will be done in my quick-binary brush style, which can be seen in all of the work I do on this blog. I can do animals, anthros, humans, mechs, ect. No explicit NSFW, but things like mild blood is alright with me! 
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                                                   HOW TO PLAY
You can start playing by LIKING and REBLOGGING to enter yourself in for the daily PURPLE CUBE raffle! From there, you can start working on completing the missions shown below. They are mainly writing, drawing, and mundane tumblr activities-with an honorable mention to the last one, where you can opt to play SONIC FORCES instead if you own the game. You can read more about the MISSIONS in the following section below.
The missions must be posted onto your blog with the tag ||MISSION or with my name tagged directly so I can see it! Please be mindful of your followers and put your missions under READ MORE if your post seems too long. You can put multiple, or all, or your missions in a single post. Some are done in a honor system-there’s no real way to prove that you have done some of these missions, only you will know that you did. I trust that you will, and if you don’t...SHAME. SHAME ON YOU :C 
After the game ends on the deadline posted at the top of this post, all players can start redeeming their cubes in the shops and/or opening what they have earned. You can message me directly with your decisions, and I will make a post that reads everyone’s results generated from random.org ‘s random thing generator.
The document is freely editable, all I ask is that you only mess with your own area. Please do not mess with anyone else’s inventory. You are free to trade things with other players, but only if they agree on it. Please be sure to make a note of this agreed trade somewhere in your part of the document, as I will go back at the end of the game and count everything that I was PINGED and was tagged accordingly.  
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FEAR -  You know dang well there is one person’s blog you have been eyeing for awhile now but have yet to interact yet. Stop waiting, go message them! Send a tumblr you have not spoken to, but would like to, a casual message! Alternatively, you can open up another starter call, just be sure to use the ||MISSION tag!
SUIT UP - It’s wartime and you need to get ready to battle the empire! What does your muse look like when suiting up for battle? Do they take any precautions or plan their tactics in advance? Draw an image of what you think they will look like. If you cannot draw, or are not in the mood to, you can also describe what they look like.
WISHFUL THINKING - Write or explain some thing or some scenario you have always wanted to write, give details as to why you haven’t written it yet or have plans to in the future. 
REFLECTION - Is there anything about your muse you have changed from canon? How well do you think your interpretation of the character is? Are you happy with it, and if not, how would you like to continue to grow as a roleplayer of this muse? If you are not playing a canon character, how has your character grown since you first started your blog? Have they changed, or stayed more-or-less the same?
SPEECH - What are some of your favorite words to use in writing? How does this effect the tone? Think about the answers to these questions, now think of the opposite. Try writing in a different way than you normally do with those things in mind. Alternatively, if you typically write in paragraph form, try writing something about your muse in prose.
COURAGE - Say one thing that you really like about yourself! In addition, say one thing you really like about your muse and something that your muse likes about themselves. 
ADMIRE - Send an ASK to someone you really like to see on your dashboard or interact with. Tell them how much you appreciate seeing their beautiful face! 
RALLY - Write a small blurb of no less than two sentences of you, or someone else’s, favorite alternate universe! If not a blurb, talk about why you enjoy the AU. 
VICTORY ! - The battle is won, the resistance is victorious! The world has been under Doctor Eggman’s rule for a long while, ruining entire cities as well as mentally/physically scarring many of the populace. Write about your thoughts on the aftermath of this world-changing event, or as an outsider looking-in, what your muse sees. If your muse is not from the sonic verse, write about about something life-changing your muse has gone through. You have one final alternative, and that is to play the game itself. Screenshot a S RANK you earned on Sonic Forces of STAGE 27. Infinite is defeated, all missions are cleared!
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                                      STORE (CUBE EXCHANGE)
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  Turn in your RED CUBES here for goodies! These are sorted LEFT to RIGHT.
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HERO’S SCROLL - 9 REDs Fully colored, 6 icon set. ARTIFACT CHEST - 6 REDs Mono-colored, 4 icon set FAREWELL LETTER -  3 REDs Fully-colored, 2 icon set LUCKY DICE - 2 REDs Simple headshot
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nataliesewell · 7 years
the arcana masterlist
Stop reblogging this post. The masterlist is no longer being updated. Dana Rune, the artist, is an incest shipper and the devs are just generally horrible. DON’T SUPPORT THE ARCANA.
i’m dreadfully curious and hopelessly lost when it comes to the arcana’s twisting, complex plot, which we still don’t know much about, so i figured it’d be best to compile what i know about the characters and the plot intertwining them so far.
of course, different options / combos in the game reveal different things. as i haven’t gotten them all, and i’m forgetful af, there’ll be information missing. this is where you lovely people come in. feel free to message me stuff i’ve missed, or ask me for proof of something i’ve mentioned that you haven’t seen before! this way this masterlist will remain canonical and truthful.
just to be clear, there aren’t meant to be any assumptions or theories here; this post contains only what we know to be fact, whether it be confirmed in-game or by the devs on tumblr.
there are major spoilers abound under the cut, for future discoveries in the game even: read at your own discretion.
AUG 29: added more information, including that from the devs’ tumblr, and made some fixes as pointed out by some lovely tumblr users
SEP 24: removed and added information on asra’s memory wipe
SEP 28: made a heading for book vi + future books and added new information
the apprentice and other characters reside in a seaside city-state named vesuvia
count lucio hosted the masquerade, a festival held every year on his birthday, where all the cityfolk are invited, rich or poor (people were only turned away when the palace was at capacity)
at some point, the red plague sweeps vesuvia, killing countless people
if affected by the plague, a person’s sclera (the outer part / layer of their eyeball) will noticeably turn from white to red
in the hopes of finding a cure, various physicians, scientists, alchemists, witches, and even fortune tellers were invited by the count and countess to the palace, where they offered them resources for their research
during the last masquerade, three years ago, someone killed the count when he retired to his chambers
julian devorak is believed to be the killer, and is being hunted by countess nadia, however there aren’t any leads on his whereabouts
the palace has been barred from cityfolk since julian’s escape, and no more masquerades have been hosted... Until Now
“provocative count whose presence still lingers over the city”
before becoming a count, he was a mercenary
was feared yet loved by his subjects / the cityfolk
had the red plague, as in his sprite lucio has red sclera
commissioned a painting in which he appears as the central figure, a goat, surrounded by other animals; it was a favourite painting of his, and so it still hangs in the dining room
killed in his chambers during the last masquerade, at midnight, by manner of burning / fire; the entire wing has been closed down and abandoned since
portia mentions there are many people who had motive to kill lucio, as he had a lot of enemies
has two dogs, melchior and mercedes, who guard the staircase leading to the abandoned wing; they might later lead the apprentice to the wing
depending on the player’s choices, the apprentice may explore the abandoned palace wing / lucio’s chambers and come into contact with an apparition of a goat with red eyes
“wandering magician with a wealth of secrets”
grew up in the streets of vesuvia alongside muriel, as confirmed by the devs on tumblr
has a familiar, a snake named faust
the devs disclosed that faust was given to asra when she was an egg by another, unknown magician
operated from a fortune teller’s booth in the city for an unknown amount of time before he met the apprentice
well known by cityfolk, and appears to be feared by some as well (namely the fortune teller whose booth is close to the palace)
later came to live with the apprentice in their shop-slash-home
went to the palace to find a cure for the red plague; the apprentice had no knowledge of this
left on a journey during the start of the game, though where he went is unknown to the player and apprentice
when telling his fortune, the apprentice picks the high priestess card, and says to asra, “you’ve forsaken her. you’ve pushed her away, and buried her voice. she calls out to you, but you won’t listen. if you don’t listen to her...”
was in a relationship with julian for an unknown amount of time; it also isn’t known when the relationship started or ended
in his grimoire preview, julian says that asra is a “witch that fears commitment”
gave julian a key to the apprentice’s shop during their relationship; julian reveals he made various house calls, namely to asra’s bedroom (the apprentice had no knowledge of this, nor of their relationship)
left faust behind with the apprentice, stating his instincts told him to after having his fortune read
when glimpsed from the fountain at the palace, as well as in the apprentice’s dreams, asra is in a vast desert atop a “strange beast”
if the player asks where he is, asra answers, “a place inside of me. who would have thought you’d be able to reach me here?”
if asked about his relation to julian, asra admits he was his friend and later became “more. and then something else... something that i had to get away from”
if asked about his relation to nadia, asra says that she was “a dear friend, once. we could talk about anything, everything, all night long. we trusted each other. for a time... but we’re strangers now”
if asked who the apprentice is to them, asra confesses his romantic feelings for them, and then erases the apprentice’s memory of it; the devs have explained this is not a continuous thing
“fugitive doctor who hungers for revenge”
while he is a doctor, he’s an unlicensed one
brother of portia (who refers to him as ilya); the two of them haven’t seen each other in years
went to the palace in order to find a cure for the red plague; nadia  says that julian was lucio’s “trusted physician” before his death
at the last masquerade, julian was implicated in lucio’s murder; the apprentice mentions he was captured (or surrendered) “on the spot”, but before he could be executed, he escaped
wrote a letter to portia while at the palace, which the player / apprentice doesn’t know the entirety of; as it was found among his things at the palace, he might not have sent it to portia
what we know was in the letter: “dear sister, i have... much to share since last i wrote. winter has come to the palace... these marble floors are so cold... each morning...”
looking for asra at the start of the game, which is why he breaks into the shop and meets the apprentice
when telling his fortune, the apprentice picks the death card, but the card doesn’t speak to them; whether it be because of how nervous they are or something else, we don’t know
julian reacts to the card by laughing  and saying “death cast her gaze on this wretch and turned away. she has no interest in an abomination like me”
was given a key to the apprentice’s shop by asra during their relationship; it appears julian didn’t know anything about the apprentice prior to meeting them at the start of the game
isn’t afraid to be seen, as evidenced by his appearance at the marketplace as well as at the rowdy raven tavern
if the player asks about this, julian explains the tavern goers won’t turn him in as they don’t like the palace guards (the apprentice is surprised, as where they live, the cityfolk treat the guards with reverence)
should the player have seen him at the marketplace, they will comment on his presence there, to which julian vaguely answers he “just has one of those faces”
of julian, asra says he’s “a hack physician with a lot to learn” and continues with “who is julian to me... who is he to anyone? whoever he needs to be, to get what he wants”
“widowed countess whose word is law”
a foreigner to vesuvia, she lived in prakra (“a vast empire in the north”) before marrying lucio; she misses it deeply, and speaks on length about the sea there
doesn’t feel she can trust most people at the palace, as mentioned by portia
not a magician, however can see visions of the future in her dreams; she dreamt of the apprentice before the start of the game, which is why she sought them out
nadia comments the apprentice was “...different” in her dream
in the same dream, she saw a vision of a future she “will not allow to pass”
when telling her fortune, the apprentice picks the magician card, and says nadia has “a plan. one that’s long in the making. years upon years” that she hopes to put into motion
the devs have revealed that nadia doesn’t love lucio, and might not even harbour any friendly / kind feelings towards him either
regardless, she calls lucio’s death a “vicious injustice upon this house”
when revealing her plan to host another masquerade, she says it will be “more fanatical than ever. fantastical, excuse me”
the cityfolk believe her to be a tyrant, and fear her, much like they did lucio; however they do not love her as they loved lucio
is known to despise magicians and fortune tellers; nadia later explains she doesn’t hate them but is wary of them (as they may be pretending to have magical abilities)
has frequent, recurring headaches, which portia says are getting worse since nadia decided to host another masquerade and find julian
announces (through portia) to the cityfolk that another masquerade will be hosted soon, in honour of lucio --- none of the courtiers were aware of this until the announcement
she hopes the masquerade will lure julian, whom she believes to be lucio’s killer; she wishes to execute him publicly for the crime
wants help from the apprentice in catching julian, through magical means
gifts the apprentice an emerald necklace, which has asra’s magic tied to it; how she came to possess it is not explained
used to be friends with asra, though they are strangers now
of nadia, asra comments, “precious friends, precious experiences... you’d be amazed what people can forget. when they don’t want to remember...”
“fearsome outsider who owes an onerous debt”
muriel and asra are childhood friends, as confirmed by the devs on tumblr
also confirmed is the fact that muriel used to be a gladiator
muriel owes someone - currently unknown - an enormous monetary debt
if the player moves past him in the alley, he warns the apprentice of someone who “will return, uninvited. he will offer you a gift, when you need it most... turn it away. or you will fall into his hand... just like the rest of us” --- it is unknown who he’s referring to
if the player tells him to move in the alley, his warning changes slightly; he says “he will offer you an escape” instead
smells strongly of myrrh; the small leather pouch left on the stoop of the apprentice’s shop smelled of myrrh as well, which the apprentice notes, so it was likely left there by muriel
if the player seeks muriel out before portia’s announcement, asking him where he’s going, muriel answers, “blindly to the slaughter. just like the rest of you”
he later adds: “it doesn’t matter what i say. my words won’t last. they never do”
“trusted handmaiden with a penchant for snooping”
sister of julian (who refers to her as pasha); the two of them haven’t seen each other in years
handmaiden to nadia, and is faithful to her, however her loyalties are skewed due to her relation to julian, which is a secret none know
she is presumably known to be the countess’ favourite servant by the cityfolk
no one apart from her had known of nadia’s plan of hosting another masquerade prior to nadia announcing it during dinner, however she didn’t know nadia plans to capture and kill julian as well
had a tearful reunion with julian at the apprentice’s shop, as well as a conversation with him the apprentice isn’t privy to
snoops on the apprentice’s second meeting with asra at the fountain; depending on the player’s choice, she learns asra and the apprentice are secretly seeing each other via magic and there may be something romantic between them, or that they have feelings for each other and that asra has removed the apprentice’s memories (and has done so before as well)
for now, portia has decided to keep the above information to herself
as explained by asra, anyone can do magic, for it is the will to make what you desire reality
the apprentice is believed by asra to be powerful and gifted; nadia comments on this as well, however the apprentice thinks she has mistaken them for asra
the apprentice can hear faust and recalls that “limited communication is possible” between a magician and their familiar; however faust isn’t their familiar, making their sudden communication implausible
the apprentice notices their name having been carved into the tree by the fountain, made by asra; they express confusion, as they have only known each other for a few years, yet the carving looks to be years old
faust shows flashbacks of asra’s time at the palace to the apprentice
in the first flashback, asra mentions julian (whom he refers to as ilya) has begun to think he likes him, although his true affections lie with the apprentice; when faust asks where they are, he answers “a place i can’t follow, yet”
faust leads them to the library, where various books seem to have asra’s magic on them
if the apprentice touches the big tattered tome, they experience a flashback between asra and muriel; muriel pleads asra not to go to the palace, however asra argues the palace has resources he needs
muriel says “and when he rips your heart out?” to which asra replies “he’ll have to get me, first. he’s weak and dying. what could he do? throw his medicine at me? he was dangerous once, i know, but i can handle him”
if the apprentice touches the elegant purple codex, they experience a flashback between asra and nadia; she’s finishing explaining the properties of a fern to asra, and warns him that it’s poisonous before he can try to eat it
if the apprentice touches the gilded monstrosity, they experience another flashback; this time, lucio is heard yelling at julian before julian exits his room; he had attempted to get rid of his plague by using leeches, which didn’t work
if the apprentice touches the alluring volume, they experience another flashback, this one between asra and the apprentice; asra is helping them pick what to wear for the upcoming masquerade
the apprentice expresses confusion over this; they don’t remember ever going to the masquerade with asra, as they didn’t know each other at the time
after touching an oversized red tome, named composium on the stupendencies of the fabric of the human form, the apprentice experiences a flashback between asra and julian
in it, julian’s feelings for asra are clear, however asra is not interested
julian warns asra he shouldn’t keep slacking off and try to actively search for a cure to the red plague, as the count will die without it, and julian is worried “he’ll take you with him"
asra ignores his warnings and leaves, with julian resolving to “make him see reason”
the apprentice is confused about the nature of their relationship and, depending on the player’s choice, can attempt to find out more about them
if the player chooses “i need to see it”, they see a vision of the past wherein julian goes to the shop to speak to asra
when julian asks about what he’s doing in the backroom, asra says it’s “just a magic trick” that is “something from one of those ridiculous tomes”
asra asks if he wants to help, to which julian agrees eagerly; asra draws blood from julian’s hand and, when asked what he used the blood for, says “i’m not sure. i won’t know until it happens. perhaps nothing, perhaps...”
asra warns he can’t give julian what he wants, however julian assures him he’s fine with that; the two then first engage in what appears to be a purely sexual relationship
the apprentice thinks about their memory loss; their first memory is of meeting asra and beyond that there is nothing, any attempt to remember results in headaches
asra has always told them not to try and remember the past, and they have apparently not spoken much about it afterwards
when the apprentice seeks out to asra, he says “i think you’re ready now” and encourages them to reach into the fountain and take his hand
he then pulls them to where he is, which he refers to as an oasis, “a gateway, from one world into the next”
if the player has the apprentice ask why he didn’t tell them about their missing past before, he admits he tried to trigger their memories, but the apprentice would always go catatonic and would only “go back to normal” if he took the memories away again; he kept trying, in a variety of different ways
later, a shadow in the oasis calls to the apprentice, only for asra to stop them from listening to the call; when they turn back, the growing darkness and the shadow are gone
portia admits that julian is her brother, and if asked, reveals she didn’t know he was back in vesuvia and has no idea why
the apprentice notices red in the banks and stream near a small, isolated part of the palace; the trees nearby are dying as a result
they follow the stream, which leads to one of many aqueducts that provide water for vesuvia’s citizens; “crimson poison” is in the city’s water supply, unbeknownst to anyone
when the apprentice brings this up to julian, he dismisses it and calls it “harmless” as the red plague is over
julian explains that asra cursed julian as a “parting gift”: he can now heal a person’s injuries, however he experiences their injury for a short time as a consequence
julian and the apprentice hide in the house of a person named mazelinka; we learn he often hides there when evading the palace guards
if the player asks julian why he came back, he explains he needs answers and wants to find out the truth; he adds he’d like to ask asra some questions
if the player asks julian if he killed the count, he replies that he asks himself the same thing, before admitting that he doesn’t remember if he did
nadia reveals to the apprentice that her constant headaches are because she has memory loss; whenever she tries to remember something, a headache stops her
she doesn’t remember the count whatsoever, though does know she was married to him for a long time, and the last thing she remembers is moving to vesuvia (which was years ago)
the apprentice informs her of their own memory loss, and that they had dealt with headaches themself before; they realize their shared loss of memories can’t be a coincidence
what nadia has learned so far: julian was seen escaping from count lucio’s room while it was on fire by multiple eyewitnesses; he later confessed to killing the count, only to escape from the dungeon the night before he was to be executed for the crime
nadia’s currently keeping her missing memories a secret; only portia---and now the apprentice---knows the truth
nadia and the apprentice learn from consul valerius, who was in the count’s wing on the night of lucio’s murder, that the courtiers (praetor vlastomil, pontifex vulgora, procurator volta, and quaestor valdemar) were there before him
he recounts that julian was inside the bedroom, and the courtiers were “shrieking things as they gathered around the door. at first [he] assumed they were after the doctor. some of the things they said... [he] remember[s] one. ‘he won’t get away with this.’ [he] assumed...”
the reason behind the courtiers’ presence in the wing is unknown, apart from valdemar’s as he was head physician; they were attempting to enter the count’s room when julian came outside, however the courtiers didn’t try to arrest him until valerius revealed himself
valerius confirms the count was one of the last victims of the red plague, however this was kept secret; the count invited experts to the palace as he wanted the cure for himself
if asked why he went to the count’s rooms, valerius becomes visibly uncomfortable and does not answer the question
portia informs the apprentice how some time after count lucio’s death, nadia “entered a deep sleep”; when portia began working at the palace, nadia had been asleep for almost a year
three months ago, nadia suddenly and inexplicably woke up, which coincides with her memory loss
as said earlier, if you find / know anything integral to the plot that’s not mentioned before, or if you believe i may have made a mistake somewhere, do contact me and let me know! :)
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Harry Potter: 10 Hysterical Dursley Logic Memes | ScreenRant
The Dursleys are hardly anyone's favorite characters in the Harry Potter universe. Why would they be? They treated Harry terribly throughout his entire childhood and well into his teenage years. Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley have proven time and time again they care little for Harry's wellbeing.
In spite of all this, Harry still makes a concerted effort to keep them safe when the need arises. But the mutual dislike for the Dursleys in the Harry Potter fandom has created many jokes and memes designed at their expense. Here is a collection of ten hilarious Dursley logic memes to put a smile on your face.
10 Harry Potter walks into a bar
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As if you needed further proof of how terrible the Dursley's are, remember when Uncle Vernon fixed bars on Harry's window?
In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Dobby the house-elf got Harry into a world of trouble. He sent Petunia's famous pudding crashing to the floor and ruined Vernon's business proposition. On top of all that, an owl burst through the window rebuking Harry for using underage magic.
Related: Harry Potter: 10 Slytherin Memes That Prove It's The Sneakiest House
All of this caused Vernon to go off the deep end. He forbid Harry from ever returning to Hogwarts and cemented bars to his window! Luckily for Harry, he had Fred and George Weasley on his side.
9 No post on Sundays
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Remember the early days when all the Dursleys had to worry about was keeping a rogue letter away from Harry's hands? Unfortunately for Vernon, Dumbledore is much too clever (and petty) to let the Muggle mail system dupe him. After Vernon refuses to give Harry any of his letters from Hogwarts, Dumbledore simply ups the number of letters sent.
Eventually, the letters begin coming in stuffed inside the milk jugs, egg cartons, underneath door cracks and window crevices, with no end in sight. Vernon starts to lose his mind a little bit. Thankfully, Sunday is a day of refuge because "there's no post on Sundays!" Or so he thinks.
8 Harry Potter and the Time He Had to Stop a Family of Nine Wizards
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We can assume that Harry, at one point in time, told Ron and Hermione about some of the many horrors he faced while living at the Dursleys. Perhaps the most inhumane was when they forced him to sleep in a cramped cupboard under the stairs when we know they had at least two extra bedrooms to spare the entire time (Dudley's extra room and the guest room Marge stayed in).
RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Hysterical Ron Weasley Logic Memes
The scenario suggested by this Tumblr users would certainly have played out. Except, as mollymaukderollo points out, there is no way that the entirety of the Weasley family wouldn't have joined Ron in getting revenge. They are, essentially, Harry's real family.
7 Post Challenge Accepted
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We already mentioned above the impressive efforts made by Dumbledore to ensure Harry would get his official acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Dursley's only reprieve from the constant onslaught of letters was the fact there is no post on Sundays.
But wizards don't adhere to Muggle customs, as we all know. Dumbledore takes Vernon's suggestion as a challenge and fills the house with the most letters yet through magical dispersal means. Finally, Vernon is forced to uproot his family and Harry to go to an isolated cabin in the middle of the sea. But even there, he is not safe.
6 I'm Not Harry
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Going off of the above meme, in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the Dursleys and Harry wind up in a run-down shack on a rock in the sea. While there, Dumbledore sends Hagrid, the Keeper of the Keys at Hogwarts, to fetch Harry and finally give him his acceptance letter to Hogwarts.
RELATED: Harry Potter: The Worst Teacher From Every Movie
Hagrid hasn't seen Harry since he was an infant, so he initially mistakes Dudley for Harry. Dudley says, nervously, "I'm not Harry." The irony is, Dudley's actor is actually named Harry! Harry Melling played Dudley Dursley in the Harry Potter films.
5 Who would want to be friends with you?
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At one point, Dudley is mocking Harry, as per usual, and he questions "who would want to be friends with you?" Maybe Dudley doesn't see how special Harry is, but plenty of other people do. Aside from the fact he is considered famous in the wizarding world and consistently receiving plenty of attention for the scar on his forehead, he has two genuine best friends.
Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger waste no time in trying to infiltrate Harry's life from the moment they first meet at the Hogwarts Express. Even Draco Malfoy, who eventually becomes Harry's enemy at school, tries to befriend him on day one.
4 Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy!
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Looking back on the Harry Potter series, it's easy to question many of the actions Dumbledore took across all seven books. When he first discovered Harry Potter had been left behind by Voldemort in the wake of his parents' deaths, his first thought was to give him to his Muggle aunt and uncle.
This meme is a hilarious depiction of what might have occurred that night when Dumbledore handed over an infant Harry to Aunt Petunia. Somehow, Carly Rae Jepsen's song, Call Me Maybe, provides the perfect song to meme for this integral moment.
3 Maybe the Dursleys weren't so bad after all
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This meme presents a theory that has circulated in the Harry Potter fandom for a while now. We find out in the seventh book that Harry himself is one of Voldemort's Horcruxes. He was never intended to become one, Voldemort did it by mistake. But we know that wearing or being near one of Voldemort's Horcruxes can cause you to become bitter and cruel, as evidenced by what happened to the golden trio while wearing the locket.
Related: Harry Potter: 10 Things About The Relationships That Haven't Aged Well
Could Harry have caused the Dursley's terrible behavior? It seems far-fetched. Remember, in the opening chapter of the first book, Vernon and Petunia are already shown to be judgmental and rude well before Harry comes into the picture. Plus, why wouldn't he have affected Ron, Hermione, the Weasleys or anyone else he stayed with for long periods?
2 The rules about magic in front of Muggles
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Someone at Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic needs to sit down and seriously reconsider all the rules about magic in front of Muggles and when you're underage. For starters, when your students are Muggle-born, there is only so much that can be done about accidental magical mishaps.
Secondly, as the person who made this meme points out, how can you warn Harry about using a Patronus in front of Muggles while sending a magical envelope TO MUGGLES? It doesn't make sense. You would think they would have the magical means to ensure the envelope is written normally (which it is in the books) or make sure Harry reads it in private.
1 Dudley asks Harry for help
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Out of everyone in the Dursley family, Dudley is the only one to show any growth. By the end of the series, he shows that he doesn't hate Harry, nor does he want him to die. It's a surprising moment from a character who has otherwise always been cruel, but it opens up the possibility of Harry and Dudley staying in touch years later.
Many fans like to think the two could have become friends down the line. They also like to headcanon that Dudley would have a magical child and need to call Harry on occasion for help.
NEXT: Harry Potter: 10 Things About Ron Weasley That Haven't Aged Well
source https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-hysterical-dursley-logic-memes/
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