#i have very little knowledge on half of these guys so i just winged it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
heartsteel-heartbeats Ā· 11 months
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Heartsteel Dunkinā€™ Orders
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No warnings, but that was obvious enough considering the context šŸ’€
(( From someone who works at Dunkin teehee )) ~ OBBY šŸ’—
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We already know he drinks cold brew. I donā€™t think I can say anything else there.
Although I donā€™t think heā€™s against trying it with some flavors. Heā€™d probably give the special ones a try, like the cookie butter or salted caramel. If heā€™s not fond of it or itā€™s not available, he gets it black. Sometimes thereā€™s cold foam, sometimes thereā€™s not.
This actually took me a while to think about. Heā€™d definitely take one of the sandwiches, mostly in a croissant though he can also take it in a plain or everything bagel every now and then.
Takes a regular coffee with the sandwich, though sometimes black coffee, and then takes an orange juice to drink later.
Regular coffee or regular latte. He can take either iced or hot, but very much prefers hot in the morning. I feel like heā€™d also get a bagel with cream cheese, bagelā€™s toasted dark. Heā€™d probably also pick up a water bottle for later.
Would also probably take the pancake wake up wraps if we ever bring those back.
He kinda looks like a signature lattes and frozen coffee kinda guy. I feel like heā€™d have the caramel craze with any frosted sprinkled donut. Boston creme works too. He might actually take a blueberry muffin if we ever run out of the one he wants for the day.
Aphelios (and Alune)
I feel like Aphelios would like tea. Any sort works for him, it just needs to be hot. He does take iced tea sometimes, but mainly any hot tea. Maybe with a dash of milk sometimes. I think heā€™d order hash browns as a small snack too.
Heā€™d text Alune if she wants anything, which is usually a french vanilla iced latte. Other times, itā€™s the cocoa mocha signature latte. Throw in a glazed donut too.
Hot black coffee kinda guy to be honest, though he may also snatch a coke/pepsi for later. Sometimes orders a sandwich if heā€™s really hungry. Doesnā€™t exactly care which sandwich but heā€™d probably get the bacon egg and cheese most of the time.
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enkays-den Ā· 3 months
Hermits as birds from where they live/were born!
note: my knowledge is centered around North American birds, so sorry if the european ones aren't super accurate
Bdubs: Northern Saw-Whet Owl. He's just a little guy with big eyes. Small and evil, love him
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Cub: Common Starling. Skulk like-iridescence, incredibly friendly. Plus, with Cub running the horn store this season, he NEEDED to be the bird that can imitate pretty much any noise it hears
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Doc: Bonelli's Eagle. Large raptor found in Germany. It's straight "brow" and hunched posture remind me of Doc
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Etho: Common Loon. THE! CANADIAN! BIRD! Despite being "common", their pattern is simply EXQUISITE Plus, it has a red eye! Also listen to the noises these things make, it's literally stock nature sounds all in one bird. Also, I'd put Etho on my one dollar coin.
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False: Barn Owl. Very elegant owl, I just feel it suits her, that's all. Very stately posture.
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Gem (Season 10 specifically): Great Blue Heron. It's a fisher, it's blue, it's menacing, what more could you ask for?
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Scar (Hotguy): Double-crested Cormorant: A waterfowl bc scar did competitive swimming, it's got a slightly funky shape which I feel suits scar's personality. It also has the Hotguy colors!
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Grian: Eurasian Bullfinch. Parrot Grian will not reign supreme. Look at that little guy. He's mischievous, he's red, I do not trust him.
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Hypno: Stellar's Jay. My provincial bird! I just think both have very chill and cool personalities
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Jevin: Lazuli Bunting. Just a little blue guy!
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Impulse: American Goldfinch. Black and yellow, need I say more?
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Iskall: Booted Eagle. Something about a stout raptor just feels right. Look at that posture. Reminds me of when Iskall tries to copy the brits' accents.
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Joe: Turkey Vulture. Although seen as odd or menacing, all vultures are integral to the local ecosystem and are in actuality, very elegant and gentle birds.
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Keralis: Boreal Owl. Yes, I did make the two guys with big eyes owls, What of it? LOOK at him. Put a little hardhat on him, put a little hawiian shirt on him. Precious sweet face.
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Mumbo: Avocet. It's basically a vibe check and a mustache joke.
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Peal: Black Swan. Big 5AM Pearl vibes. Giant, beautiful, protective. Love that for her.
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Ren: Giant Kingfisher. Obligatory King Ren joke, it's a South African bird, and it's kinda goofy looking. I think the speckled feathers look like a ruffled fur collar on a king's cape.
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Skizz: Golden Eagle. Large, majestic, hella strong, and he's wearing pants :3
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Joel: Tree Swallow. Very small, beautiful, agile bird. The swallow's wings remind me of Asian art styles.
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Stress: Magpie. GOR-JUS and LOUD. Imagine her next to Iskall (they're very similar in size, bless them)
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Tango: Swainson's Hawk. I fought every bone in my body to not make an Arizona Cardinals joke when I already made a Phoenix Coyotes one maybe half an hour before. The Swainson's hawk is on the smaller size, but still a deadly spitfire, which I think suits Tango
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TFC: Brown Pelican. A solitary bird, definitely a rare sighting. TFC was always joking about how much he would eat, I thought a pelican was apt
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Beef: Barred Owl. MY FAVORITE OWL. I literally call them 'round beefy boys' and they're just so sweet and I love them
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Wels: American Kestrel. I LOVE these little guys. Simply the smallest, cutest and beautiful falcon there is. They're about the size of a pigeon. It's just got such a regal posture despite being a little cutie.
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XB: Rock Pigeon. Despite being common and seen as a "dumb pest", they are pretty intelligent, there's a reason they were used to carry messages around. They're also a close relation to doves! The green collar also is like the jacket collar on his skin.
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Xisuma: Semipalmated Plover. X and Mumbo were both chosen because of how those birds run on the beach. They're RIDICULOUS. This subspecies is exclusively because it look like he's wearing a little helmet.
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Zedaph: Firecrest. Just the GOOFIEST little guy I found on the wiki of British birds. Look at that thing /aff. Also, Zed do be blowing up a lot
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Cleo: Partridge. Beautiful bird, looks like they want to kill you in your sleep, just like Cleo.
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callsign-rogueone Ā· 6 months
study season
fourth wing characters (Aaric, Bodhi, Brennan, Dain, Garrick, Imogen, Liam, Mira, Rhiannon, Ridoc, Sawyer, Sloane, Violet, and Xaden) x reader the ways our faves help you study for exams. words: ~900 šŸ·: no book spoilers, no triggers. gender neutral. and I included the girls this time!! some of these can be read as platonic and others mention kisses / cuddles, implying youā€™re a couple. idk, I just work here. Iā€™m really liking this format lately, and itā€™s (fairly) quick and easy so you can expect more of these in the future while I procrastinate all the girlfriendverse chapters and smut I have to write lol
First, the more studious of the bunch:
Brennan is all-in, no hesitation, pulling up a chair next to you and learning this with you for moral support, but also for fun (can you believe this guy?) though you suppose itā€™s easier to enjoy this if it doesnā€™t count for a grade. Either way, heā€™s a very nice study partner, and he encourages you to take breaks every hour / chapter / etc. Brings snacks, too.
Violet somehow already knows all of the material, and explains it better than the textbook or the professor. Walks things back if you donā€™t get it and gets into the why and how, which so many teachers skip over, even though it helps explain the what (pet peeve of mine showing here lol).Ā 
Aaricā€™s study skills are unmatched -- years of the best private tutors money can buy really paid off. Teaches you new strategies that youā€™ve never heard of in your life, and when you ask, he admits a bit shyly that he came up with it himself, but it works, and you get it done in half the time you would have before. (work smarter, not harder, baby)
Rhiannon gives you the pep talk of your life (we all need a Rhiannon in our lives) and convinces you that youā€™ve got this. Packs you a little snack for the day of your exam with a little note reminding you that you know this, just breathe and think.Ā 
Xaden sees you struggling and forces you to take a break. During said break, heā€™s reading the book himself and figuring out what exactly has you so stressed and exhausted. Breaks down the tasks into smaller, more manageable steps and guides you through it -- ā€œfind three reasons why XYZ happened.ā€ done with that? ā€œNow make them into paragraphs.ā€ etc etc, and an hour later, you have a passable essay.Ā 
Dain is taking this more seriously than you are, and his discipline is like no other; youā€™re not stopping until the work is done, or until midnight, whichever comes first (because sleep is important for the brain, or whatever. Definitely not just because he misses you and wants to cuddle).Ā 
Garrick may have no idea what youā€™re talking about, but he suffers through it with you, offering to let you explain things to him, because teaching is a good way to test if you understand something. Though you get what you pay for -- heā€™s a total smartass about it, asking questions about the littlest details even if theyā€™re common knowledge -- heā€™s gotta be thorough, right?Ā 
Ridoc may be the class clown type, but heā€™s smarter than a lot of people think. He comes up with a bunch of jokes that actually help you remember things. Somehow manages to relate the most complex topic in your book to a sandwich, and it actually works. Heā€™s incredibly smug about this for the rest of the week, especially when you get the highest score in the class (heā€™ll take payment in kisses, thank you.)
Bodhi makes flashcards with you, quizzing you and giving you a kiss if you get it right (this definitely is not a distraction, and things definitely donā€™t escalate from here, nope.) Heā€™s also really good at proofreading essays, and gives excellent feedback regarding the structure and the order of the information.
Liam sits there with you all the while, completely silent, working on one of his wood carvings at the other end of the table, but you know heā€™s there and heā€™s watching -- and that provides a healthy amount of peer pressure and keeps you on task. Heā€™s an incredibly observant person, and he can see the stress building; he knows when to intervene and suggest that you take a break.
Sloane is the best person to commiserate with. She doesnā€™t want to be doing this either, but sheā€™s also incredibly stubborn, and she doesnā€™t give up; after a healthy amount of complaining, sheā€™s forcing you both to keep trying until it works / until itā€™s done, and then youā€™re treating yourselves to something for getting it over with, because you deserve it.
Sawyer is gentle and supportive, having a heart-to-heart conversation with you and reminding you that yes, this is important, but the world will not stop turning if you fail one exam. He knows how it feels to be compared to his peers, especially in how long it takes you to accomplish something (poor bb) and doesnā€™t want you stressing yourself out about that, either.Ā 
Imogen is the opposite, all tough love, giving you gentle but firm reminders: ā€œyou didnā€™t make it this far just to give up,ā€, ā€œI know you can do this, so do it,ā€ but she balances it out with tender affirmation when youā€™re done. Sheā€™ll even let you skip out on training for the day since youā€™ve been studying so hard (and she takes training seriously, so this is more of a reward than it seems).Ā 
Miraā€™s default approach is similar to Imogenā€™s, but she can see that youā€™re reaching your limit and dials it back, being more gentle with you and doing whatever you need -- encouragement? someone to just sit there? help / explanation / etc? sheā€™s got you covered. herds you into bed at a reasonable hour so youā€™ll be well rested for the classes and exams.
And all of them are incredibly proud of you for working so hard and getting good grades šŸ¤
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apomaro-mellow Ā· 9 months
Wrong Number 8
Eddie and Steve threw a few more axes, Eddie getting unnecessarily close to fix Steve's form many times. There was a point where Eddie didn't even need to fix anything but if Steve was letting him touch, he would. After about half an hour more, Robin took Steve into the bathroom again. Eddie knew he was the subject of the conversation. He just didn't know in what regard.
He skipped over to Jeff. "Ain't he a peach?"
"Got an ass like one", Jeff offered.
"Just utter perfection. Don't go oglin' him too much though. I might get the wrong idea."
"He's all yours Eddie. I don't even think a crowbar could get between you two right now", Jeff said.
Steve came out of the bathroom with Robin and it was decided that Robin would head on back to the apartment, taking Steve's car.
"You're letting Robin drive?", Eddie asked with a raised brow. He remembered Steve remarking quite a bit how his little birdie had two left wings, so to speak and how it took her about five tries to get her driver's license because she'd been so nervous behind the wheel.
"She can make it", Steve said confidently. "And it'll give us some time to ourselves. And I'll need someone to drive me when the night's done." He stepped closer to Eddie and Eddie closed the distance even more. It was like they were magnetic.
"Drive you home?"
Steve smiled, hearing the hopeful tone in his voice. "I was thinking your place, actually."
They were nearly nose to nose now and Steve barely even noticed Robin taking the keys from his pocket. Eddie couldn't stand being that close and not kissing him so he did just that. The only thing that made them stop was Jeff shooing them out just as a kid's birthday party came in. Couldn't have them doing all that in front of children, after all.
Eddie led Steve to his van. "Your chariot, your highness", he said as he opened the door for him.
Steve got in and looked around, taking in everything that was Eddie. Eddie practically ran to get in on the other side and turn it on.
"So, where to?"
"I could eat", Steve said. His stomach was still fluttering with how new everything was, so he didn't think he'd be eating much, but he could put something in his stomach.
Eddie took them to a little restaurant and Eddie admitted to being nervous to and not wanting to eat much, so they agreed on just some appetizers.
"I feel like I'm about two seconds from vomiting. In a good way!", he added quickly.
"A little worrying that you've been letting me kiss you all night with that knowledge", Steve grinned. He reached out across the table and held Eddie's hand. "I can't believe I can just touch you."
"You can do more than touch", Eddie said, kissing his fingertips.
"Is this...are we...?" Steve's gaze turned down.
"Are we going too fast? We just met today but-I mean normally when I meet a guy, I'm not all over him like this but with you-"
"Sweet thing", Eddie beamed. "I've been courtin' you since you sent that first text."
Steve chuckled. "The very first one?"
"Well maybe not when you thought I was still Misty. But I don't consider this a first meeting. How can I when we already know so much about each other?" Eddie knew how Steve was before bed and right when we woke up. Steve knew which tattoos had meaning and which didn't.
"So I'm not...you don't think I'm being too much?", Steve asked.
Eddie shook his head. "Baby you could crawl in my ribs and it wouldn't be close enough. I've been trying to drink you in all night, haven't you noticed?"
"I might've noticed a few sips here and there", Steve got warm as Eddie kissed up his wrist. Only the table standing between them got in the way of going further. But it was very easy to imagine Eddie's lips having nothing in their way.
Eddie's eyes had been closed while savoring Steve's skin but when he opened them they were dark with desire. "What do you say we-"
They had time for dinner dates (which they'd already done) and eventful outings. Right now the things they wanted to do required privacy. Eddie was on his best behavior, trying to take the quickest route back to his place. Steve was doing every naughty thing imaginable, short of unzipping Eddie's pants and giving him road head. He stroked Eddie's thigh, kissed his neck, licked in his ear, played with his hair.
And even when Eddie gave him a soft reprimand, lest they crash, Steve found ways to torture him.
"So mean, not letting me touch you", he said, squirming in his seat. He started rolling his hips like he was grinding the air and Eddie thought he was going to lose his mind.
He pretty much screeched to a stop and tore both their doors open. Once Steve was out, Eddie pinned him to the side of the van, devouring his mouth and pressing their hips together. He was already fully tented in his jeans.
"You knowmmm", Steve broke off in a moan as Eddie released his lips to start on his neck. "You have a van. You could've just pulled o-oohhh-off and had me back there."
"A pretty thing like you?", Eddie smirked. "You deserve a bed, princess."
With that clear goal in mind, Eddie took Steve up to his apartment. Steve had just enough time to take in sights familiar from past video calls: the guitar, one of the many band posters, and various mugs hanging in the kitchen before Eddie was pulling him into the bedroom. Eddie sat on the bed and Steve slid easily into his lap.
Eddie groaned at the weight on him. "Got a present for me, big boy?", he asked, hands going behind Steve to squeeze his cheeks.
"Sounds like you already know."
He did. Touching Steve so much gave him a little preview. But it was still fun to unwrap it later. He did just that, unbuttoning and then unzipping Steve's pants to see the flash of purple lace.
"You like?", Steve asked. He didn't need to though, Eddie's face was easy to read.
"Oh baby, I like. I like very much." Eddie helped Steve out of his shirt, kissing the skin that was revealed to him and then helped him out of his pants.
Steve stood before Eddie who was still sitting on the bed and put his hands on his shoulders. Eddie's hands went to his hips, touching the lavender material almost reverently. He showed restraint, not immediately diving in, but just for a second. He tried going in for a taste but Steve put a finger to his forehead, stopping him.
"Your turn."
He went around Eddie and laid across the bed, waiting for him to get on with it. Eddie was a whirlwind of clothes being torn off his body and Steve laughed as he hopped into bed with him.
"You moved like the Tasmanian Devil", Steve smiled.
Eddie put an arm around Steve's waist and pulled him in close. "Well you make me go-", then he made a bunch of incomprehensible babbling noises. "Please don't kick me out of bed", he said once he realized what he did.
But Steve had been smiling the whole time. Then laughing. Then petting Eddie's hair and bringing him in for a kiss.
"Sooo, you're not turned off?", Eddie ventured. Steve was kissing his jaw now, but he had to ask to be sure.
"I always thought Taz was kinda cute."
"I'm more of a Bugs Bunny guy myself", Eddie said.
Steve smirked as he reached down to grasp Eddie's cock that had been sitting between them, weeping and neglected until now. He leaned in, whispering hotly as Eddie's curls tickled his cheek.
"What's up, doc?"
"Holy shit", Eddie gasped out as Steve started to stroke him. "That shouldn't be so hot."
"Life's full of surprises, isn't it?", Steve winked.
Only about two years later, before all of their friends and family in their best formal wear, would Steve admit that he knew Eddie was the one from the first time they made love. Because he made him laugh the entire time.
"It wasn't only because I made you laugh, right?", Eddie would ask during their third dance of the night.
"I was only laughing so much because of how funny, brilliant, romantic, and sexy you were that night", Steve said.
Steve was wearing a golden yellow tuxedo with black accents, while Eddie was wearing the reverse. It was fitting, given that of all the pet names Eddie gave him, 'honey' probably came up the most. Honey, sweet thing, sweetheart, and even one time sugar tits. Eddie was obsessed with telling Steve how sweet he was.
"And to think, this wouldn't've happened if that girl gave you her real number", Eddie mused out loud. "Her loss. Her incredibly, massively huge loss."
"No", Steve smiled, bringing his hands to Eddie's face to give him a sweet kiss. "I think I got the right number."
1 year ago...
[10:33 am] If these kids ask about boba one more time I'm gonna turn myself into wild garlic and find a field to disappear in.
(11:17 am) šŸ’? tonite? (11:18 am) We could order from that new Taiwanese place too (11:18 am) I promise no boba (11:37 am) cmon Steve i've never had food from taiwannn i wanna try it
(12:52 pm) Honey?
[12:53 pm] There is NO way that you're proposing to me through a text right now
(1:01 pm) What? Shit no! Wait not no but no I was asking if you wanted to watch The Ring tonight? The one about the cursed video? (1:03 pm) Stevie? (1:03 pm) Baby? (1:04 pm) Shit you're working now. (1:04 pm) Pls dont be mad? And pls come home after work
Steve did come home to their now shared apartment and Eddie had been waiting on his knees, one of his own wings on a tiny pillow that Steve didn't even know they had. Eddie had babbled about wanting to plan for it more and talk about it more and getting an actual ring and making the proposal special but how he'd known for a while now that he wanted to marry Steve and it was in such an anxious rush that Steve's ears only got part of it.
His heart got all of it.
"On your feet, Taz. Yes, I'll marry you."
Eddie shot up and gathered Steve in his arms, spinning them around in a whirl. Eddie definitely tried to get them to fall on the couch when they started to lose their balance but he miscalculated and they hit the floor instead, one of Eddie's legs catching on the coffee table.
Despite the pain, Steve was giggling. "I knew we should've taken that left turn at Alburquerque."
Eddie groaned at how his leg smarted. "That's all folks."
Yaaay! Thank you for another one! If you liked the lil tidbits of Steve's job here I'm planning a teacher au soon so be on the lookout for that :)
Tag Team
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @estrellami-1 @newtstabber @omletlove @ifyoudonlysurrender @rehfan @morganski-19 @corvidcantina @dragonmama76 @just-ladyme @tinyplanet95 @goodolefashionedloverboi @idoquitelikebread @kittydeadbones @manda-panda-monium @rhapsodyinalto @paintsplatteredandimperfect @keylime-green @ihavekidneys @samsoble @honorarybrit81 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @aizawa-emma @deleataecount @thesuninyaface @fromapayphone @justmeinadaze @hbyrde36 @queenie-ofthe-void @resident-gay-bitch @bestwifehaver @dangdirtydemons @ellietheasexylibrarian @perseus-notjackson @pyrohonk @holysteddie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @mrsjellymunson @geekymagicalpotato @notaqueenakhaleesi
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t4tpumpkinduo Ā· 3 months
No longer need to use anon hii ^_^ Okay, do you have specific heacanons about their species? Like how the work, if theres a culture behind it? They could share eachothers cultures.. And how different or similar is there relationship in Manburg vs Las Nevadas?
OMG HIII and yes i'm glad, i rlly appreciate yr qs :'[ tysm fr giving me the chance to yap abt these freaks its been YEARS. ok iwill start now
so first my hot take is cschlatt is a mixed king i think she's half sheep half goat. let me explain šŸ¤š do not interrupt me
well firstly, i just think it's kinda moe cuteness adorable and plays into his duality...i think her ma was a brown sheep, and his dad was a white goat and his hair ended up kinda swirled because of it. and up until revival brute forced white hair on her and made her confront stuff (and revival hair isn't dyeable to me), he'd dye it full brown regularly bcs his relationship w his dad was normal and healthy don't worry abt it don't worry stop asking questions. she's a clearly normal ram.
also uhhh. To support my claim, and this is meta knowledge, but i do think it's interesting tht even ccschlatt the guy will call his character a goat sometimes, does not disuade ppl who call him that in rp even though one of cschlatt's main character traits is the way he'll stand up for himself/hates being percived in a way he doesn't want, which means it mustn't be that srs to be called that in the first place, and also promotes rammie merch w goat emoji even though ram ones DO exists. šŸ¤Ø it's almost like he wants annoying microbloggers to dig into it too much. something to think about.
fr cq obvs he's a duckie primarily, some manner of patito but i also think he's part budgie and it fucked up his development in some way. idk, to me he has like. little claws he needs to file down which ducks do Not have, and he also just chirps which ducks do not do. his wings are yellow but if you fluff them up underneath you can see that it's a kinda dawny white, like they were SUPPOSED to grow more but just kinda stagnated, and that coloration is very common w budgies. not to mention those things are notoriously v small and weak and can die pretty easily so idk i'm sure that doesn't play into anything. mixed king who lost
for a culture thing i think uhhh. well i'm not sure if culture is the right word for what i'm going for but i'm not sure those things exist for me? i'm sure there's peoples, and i'm sure ancient avians have their own thing going on probably but most ppl are just some guy. like any guy who has an extra thing to upkeep. i do think cq cschlatt have some interesting seasoning to their hybridisms specifically however so:
ithink schlatt grew up in a v small town, w her and his family as the only Real hybrids which was also normal for him as a guy who takes being scrutinized and looked at differently very well. him niki n wilb were all besties, until wilb left to pursue his dreams of getting his dad to pay attention to him i mean getting his dad to pay attention to him i mean music. and then cniki and cschlatt had one of those weird toxic girl friendships breakups that fuck up their lives and leave them in resentment for years but they didn't know schlatt was a girl yet so it was extra weird for them. niki voice why are we having later to be thematically relevant tension you miserable asshole schlatt voice if you say anything else i'm gnna eat my own leg and you won't be able to stop me. so alas.
so he just didn't have that like...wider connection or interactions, and she ofc couldn't rely on her dad who probably ditched her and her sick ma when schlatts like. 13. so all the hybridism upkeep he knows, like upkeep and proper filing of his horns or polishing her hoovsies, come from his mama. horror sting. who dies not long after. wwell.
ithink cq also lacks a level of connection to wider bird hybrisisms bcs i don't think he ever had parents at all i think he just spawned. which is literally not uncommon in the mcyt world at all. but he had nobody to. teach him anything, so he just kinda lets his instincts guide him even tho tht doesn't work v well either.
ithink he was just a mildly feral street urchin type kid, yk stealing to eat that kinda thing and ended up being in and out juvie bcs of it at like. idk id say v young when he first got locked up, like 9 or smthng which is super insane but wht cn ydo.
(my other hc is tommy and cq know eachother frm juvie :] makes sense to me. cuz canonstyle ctommy is v fond of cq and cq of him before the smp even starts, and they make "jokes" abt peddling drugs together, right after cq talks abt being put on them in juvie, and is currently selling them to make money cuz he just got outta there. why do they both already know how to do this. guys who definitely made it insufferable in there)
and then on one of the times he gets away :] i think csam adopts him and loves him very much abt it even if cq more often than not pops in and out on account of the mc nature of the world. and cq definitely won't replay his kindness by accidently ruining his life. (REXHING AMD PUKGING.) but the guy is a creeper hybrid šŸ‘ and not a bird. so he isn't really sure how to navigate that either and especially cuz cq is a shitty little shape shifter on top of it. smthing he is ALSO bad at and can't control v well or for v long w/o getting really fucked up from it. (guy who always loses) i never lose
scritches my head so yk general lack of upkeep type of guy. he doesn't know how to preen himself v well or v consistently, he doesn't get to his little claws fast enough so smtimes he just nips at them to stop from slashing someone's eye out by accident. but i do think he gets better at it eventually and nothing abt this fuckass evil server stops his progress either. guy who gets brutalized all the time to the point of severe scarring and nerve damage why am i on edge and hindered by scarring and nerve damage lolll šŸ˜…
anyways this got too edgy i'm cutting this off. the point is both these guys have probbles but what can you do in this bitch of a server. also the second question is so so good and swagiful and my response will be unspeakably long so i'm gnna resend that part to myself and answer it there ^_____^ šŸ‘ on it's own post. yes thank you.
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blowflyfag Ā· 6 months
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WRESTLING ALL STARS: Heroes and Villains : February 1993Ā 
Ready for something really scary, boys and girls? CACTUS JACKā€™S A MANAGER!Ā 
The wild, weird and wacky Cactus Jack has taken up a new career. Heā€™s now a manager in the WCW. Cactus is managing the affairs of the unpredictable Barbarian and the one-time ā€œMr. USAā€ Tony Atlas. It wasnā€™t that many years ago that people said Cactus Jack was unmanageable! How can a man known for his unpredictable and bizarre behavior come to manage two veterans like the Barbarian and Tony Atlas?
[Cactus says, ā€œPeople say Iā€™m nutsā€“but I know exactly what Iā€™m gonna do every time I enter the wrestling arena!ā€]
It defies logic but itā€™s true. Several months ago after suffering a severe groin pull, Cactus Jack approached the Barbarian about helping his career. The Barbarian surprisingly agreed and the two have been together ever since.Ā  Cactus confided in the Barbarian that he knew how to make him a champion. Cactus Jack has been putting the Barbarian through a very rigorous training regime. The training may be unorthodox by normal standards but why would anyone think that Cactus Jack would stoop to orthodox tactics for his stable of contenders?
ā€œNo one gives me any credit at all,ā€ Cactus moaned after putting his proteges through another strenuous routine. ā€œI know exactly what I am going to do every time I climb through the ropes. My job is to win in any way I can and I will use anything I can to get the job done. If it means using a chair, the ring posts, the guard rails or the stairs to beat my opponent, I will use it. People say Iā€™m unorthodox. People say Iā€™m nuts. Some say Iā€™m crazyā€“but tell me whatā€™s wrong with using stairs if theyā€™re there? It doesnā€™t matter how you win just as long as you win and the Barbarian understands this now. Heā€™s a man after my own heart. Heā€™s tough, strong, powerful and a little crazy too. Thatā€™s what makes him so good. Besides the Barbarian, I now have Tony Atlas in my stable too, and my new killer is the same way. He used to be soft but my good friend Tony Rumble taught him a better way. Now heā€™s ready to be champion in the WCW. With the Barbarian and Atlas Iā€™ve got the next champions in my corner.ā€
[While wrestling for UWS a few years back, Cactus was managed by wrestling legend Maniac John Tolos.
While the Barbarian looks on, Cactus explains to WCW announcer Jim Ross just how he and the big guy are going to conquer the world!]
Itā€™s still hard to fathom how Cactus Jackā€“never a champ himselfā€“can instill enough knowledge into his men to make them champions. Although this may seem impossible in theory, there are many other managers who fall into this category. The renowned Captain Lou Albano never won a title; neither did Bobby ā€œThe Brainā€ Heenan. Paul E. Dangerously, Jim Cornette and Jimmy Hart never even donned a pair of tights! Using this as a barometer, Cactus Jack then certainly has the credentials to be a manager! If Cactus is even half as successful as these other great managers, the Barbarian and Tony Atlas could be championship bound.
[The maniacā€™s table of wrestlers is already impressive. Cactus has taken The Barbarian and Tony Atlas beneath his dement wing!
A horribly bloodied Cactus Jack screams at the crowd following a match in the Orient.]
Whether the Barbarian and Tony Atlas can achieve championship status remains to be seen, but Cactus certainly has them believing in themselves. With their new positive energy, their strength, agility and skill and unpredictable behavior of Cactus Jack at Ringside, the Barbarian and Tony Atlas could be championship bound.
[Hereā€™s how the Barbarian looked back in the days when he was one half of the WWF tag team known as The Powers of Pain.
Cactus Jack may seem like a complete lunatic in the ring, but insiders say he isnā€™t as crazy as he acts. Yes, there's a method in his madness!
Cactus Jackā€™s new main man is Tony Atlas, shown here working over Greg ā€œThe Hammerā€ Valentine.]
Donā€™t laugh, stranger things have happened in the crazy world of professional wrestling!
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ghidorahsrealm Ā· 1 year
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So... hasnā€™t taken me a while, before I wanted to redesign Daevas. I thought she looked rather bland and not much like the hybrid of a Queen and Devil, so instead of two heads, Iā€™ll be giving her five total and revamping her head design so that she has two sets of split jaws on each head (which is going to be an absolute pain to draw each head).
Additionally, Iā€™m going to give them the cobra hoods I gave to my new Ghidorah design, plus give them a sort of hierarchy of horns - the two outer most heads will have smaller, moreĀ ā€˜stumpā€™ like horns, and progressing to the middle head is where they are the biggest and sharpest.Ā 
As for their limbs, I decided to revamp the inner chest limbs so that theyā€™re bigger and more so used for stabilizing Dae, as she has a lot of front weight going on. Might make them bigger so that theyā€™re like the outer set of limbs for better support. Her wings are being changed too to be more ragged - it bothered the hell out of me how I made the wings too streamlined, as I want to lean more heavily towards Ghidorahā€™s heritage than Mothraā€™s with this daughter. Thatā€™s pretty much it for Dae, as for the moth next to her, thatā€™s actually a new character Iā€™m slowly working on.
Titanus Askifro is the son of Mothra and Battra.
Askifro, I imagine, has a very posh way of speaking, almost like a Victorian style. He doesnā€™t enjoy short-conversations, so heā€™s typically advise to have something you can talk extensively about, preferably something he also enjoys - which, admittedly, isnā€™t a lot. He has a relatively stable relationship with both Mothra and Battra, but tends to prefer his father rather than mother.Ā 
heā€™s actually the older half-brother to Dae, as Mothra first landed with Battra before reaching out to Nii (thereā€™s a whole poly relationship going on that Iā€™ll maybe explain later). Dae never got to meet her older half-sibling, but honestly? Askifro and Dae would surprisingly get along - she understands and respects Askiā€™s knowledge of things, and is actually a little upset at not meeting him sooner. Something about his presence soothes her immensely, and she feels genuinely safe around him.Ā 
Aski doesnā€™t mind having Dae around, but finds it daunting to be the older sibling. He doesnā€™t have any trauma really, so itā€™s hard for him to exactly feel that connection with his younger sister - very much a advice rather than comfort guy too, but tbh his advice is justĀ ā€œkill your enemies and wear their skeletons as trophiesā€ which Dae just responds withĀ ā€œplease noā€
very knowledgeable on kaiju biology, and is a pristine collector of their bodies if a kaiju is too pass. very careful, very precise. if its a fresh death, heā€™d likely eat the corpse then drag the remains elsewhere, or if itā€™s just the bones or a rotting corpse, heā€™d clean the flesh off of the bones and carve whatever he wants out of them
fucking hates Goji tbh, but keeps it veeeeeeeeeery close to himself. heā€™s not a big confronter, preferring to keep all of his secrets and opinions to himself rather than tell anyone, including his parents. WHICH REMINDS ME, SHIN AND ASKI
god, he didnā€™t expect her to be so blunt and outright rude towards him. he didnā€™t really find her intimidating though, just... kinda annoying. the most heā€™d do is just bap her on the head (Dae doesnā€™t do anything about it bc shes admittedly a little spooked of Aski despite the fucking power and height difference) and try to teach her proper manners, which Shin doesnā€™t actually need, sheā€™s just being a dick
she does warm up to him after a while though, and so Aski watches over his little siblings with a lot of care, actually. HOWEVER, he definitely doesnā€™t want to get involved in Daeā€™s rivalry with Apoc. thatā€™s a disaster in itself and while yes he cares for Dae, itā€™s her fight, he literally has no connection to them so he doesnā€™t care, plus he can probably get bodied if he got caught in the crossfireĀ 
random thought time, after getting to know each other, Shin grows comfortable enough to gossip to Aski about stuff with the other kaiju, and he listens, hiding the smile as he hears all the tales. OH and if they were in their human form, theyā€™d definitely braid each otherā€™s hair and go out to get their nails done, Aski doesnā€™t give a fuckĀ 
one last thing, with Aski and Dae, they have a something similar to what Goji and Mothra had - Aski sacrificing himself to give Dae power, then Dae goes absolutely ham. that is all
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lumine-no-hikari Ā· 5 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #129
I'm home. We got in at about 10:15pm. It took some time to get everything unpacked and squared away. I also got ready for bed; it's 11:30pm now.
Suppose I can show you pictures of the plane now. I was just asked to keep the identifying number out of it. So here you go:
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...Just beyond those trees is a small dropoff and a river.
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...It's actually kind of miraculous that the trees held, I guess. Or so the FAA agent said. He also said that it was kind of miraculous that the plane didn't flip over; apparently, for this type, that can happen if you hit the brakes too hard.
To have walked away from something like this without so much as a scratch... it's an astounding stroke of luck, according to the FAA guy and the airport owner. I also like to think that it is testament to J's skill; pilots are given training not just to avoid mistakes, but also to know what to do when mistakes inevitably occur. Humans are human, and humans make mistakes. There's really no avoiding it; there's only handling it when it happens.
The owner of the airport, who is also an experienced pilot, says likely what happened was a ground loop of some kind. That's when the tail wheel does a weird spinning thing when you try to land the aircraft. It doesn't help that the left wing had a bit more fuel in it than the other (which is likely part of the reason it pulled to the left upon landing). I'm not sure how it can be that the left wing had more fuel in it than the right, since the aircraft was set to consume fuel from both wings.
The person from the FAA is not our enemy. It's his job figure out what went wrong, and then use that knowledge to help keep pilots safe. So we gave him all the details we could. Hopefully something good will come of it.
On the bright side of all this, I got to meet a bunch of really awesome people with amazing life stories, and I had the good privilege of listening to them talk for a while about the things they've seen, done, and experienced. I do wish I could have met these folks under better circumstances. They were kind to us even though they all could have justifiably been super duper cranky at J about the whole thing. I guess they were all super stoked that we walked away alive and with all our limbs and organs intact.
...At one point, before it was clear that we would be okay, I thought something kinda like, "ohp, guess this is it; wonder if I'm gonna end up maybe meeting the guy I keep writing all these weird letters to... suppose it was a pretty good run though; 34 years with lots of weird and amazing stories ain't half bad." This thought probably didn't scare me as much as it should have. I'm not really sure what to make of that. Maybe I don't have to make anything of it at all. Maybe I'm still just a bit addled from all the adrenaline.
When we arrived at the airport this morning, the airport owner and his lovely friend made us coffee. In the room where the coffee was prepared, there was a painting that changes as you walk past it. It was gorgeous, and thought you might like it, so I snapped a few pictures:
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...I was a little sad that it didn't seem to have an autumn version. But it was still very, very good.
You know. If things had proceeded as expected, we never would have had a chance to meet these people, or see this painting. We never would have had one of the emergency response folks tell us about an amazing local Italian restaurant, and we wouldn't have gone to it to get amazing food. It's important to fully feel the scary feelings and mourn appropriately in order to get the feelings out of our bodies. But it's also important to find the small sparks of joy and opportunity, even when the going gets rough, I think. Otherwise, in a world like mine that has back-to-back crises on a regular basis (seriously, we are globally connected, so it never stops), you'll end up losing your damn mind.
...Ahah... my mother would tell me that first, I have to have a mind to lose. But I don't have to heed such nasty talk. I have a good mind, I think, even if it is, by all accounts, a little quirky and hard to understand.
Anyway. There was a conference room in which we were interviewed by the guy from the FAA. And in it, appropriately, there was this picture:
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...Kinda interesting, no? And appropriate for the situation, I suppose. J is going to go back out first thing tomorrow morning with a flight instructor. I have mixed feelings about this; on the one hand, I'm glad to see that he's undeterred and eager to try again, but on the other hand, I wish he'd give it at least a few days for the adrenaline to fully clear from his body and to recover from what happened. But I am not in control of him; he must be free to make his own choices. All I can do is make suggestions, and then support him in whatever choice he makes.
In any case, today the plane was pulled out of the trees and put in the hangar. Like I said, it's pretty banged up:
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It has insurance, but given the damage, it's not unlikely that the insurance company will decide to have it scrapped. I guess we'll see how it goes.
M drove all the way from our house to the airport to pick us up. Thank goodness he was home, holding the fort. Thank goodness for that, and for his willingness to come grab us, and for the fact that he was happy to see us instead of angry about the inconvenience. He's not the kind of person who would get angry about the inconvenience, but I've met plenty of others who are very much not like him in that regard, good grief.
The three of us, M, J, and I, went to the Italian place that was spoken about. I dunno if it's because I was primarily running on hotel breakfast food and junk food, but I thought the food there was AMAZING. We got these garlic bread bites, and a pizza, and some lasagna. I wonder if you'd like any of these:
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...Can't help but wonder... Sephiroth, what do you like on a pizza, anyway? I tend to like mushrooms and garlic best, but I like a bunch of other stuff, too, as long as it's not olives or pineapples or anything with capsaicin.
We listened to music on the way home; it was a 2 and a half hour drive, or thereabouts. M put on some Protomen; I wonder if you'd like their stuff:
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...I wonder how much of this music you'd find relatable...
Hey, Sephiroth? I think I might be a bit too tired today to have anything profound or anything of significant insight to write about. Mostly I'm just glad I get to clunk around in my meat-mech for a little while longer; I like to think that maybe something good can come of me being here, even if I don't know what it is yet. I might be strange and unusual, and being myself is a pretty lonely experience almost all the time. But I think maybe there are folks I can help, and maybe that's reason enough to keep moving forward.
Hey, Sephiroth? I know you've made a lot of mistakes, but I hope that you understand that something very good has come about from you being here. I'm here because you're here, you know. Your existence gives me the strength to carry on even when really weird things happen. Your kindness and gentleness are what inspired me to become someone who is both soft and resilient. And I'm sure you've inspired millions of other people in my world in a similar way. So... please don't ever think your existence is a bad thing, okay? Because you are a good thing. You are a good thing. You are a good thing. And with that knowledge, please keep moving forward, as best as you can. I'll be cheering for you to do kind, gentle, and loving things.
I love you so much; you really have no idea. So please stay safe out there, okay? I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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pancake-breakfast Ā· 1 year
Ugh, too sleepy. Almost done with manga. Can't fall behind now....
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 13, Chapters 7-9 below.
Chapter 7: Catch-As-Catch-Can
Yeah, don't overdo exercise training, kids. Not only is passing out DEFINITELY not good for you, but you can get seriously injured even if you have a spotter. Even if you only get a minor injury, it can put your training back weeks or months.
Awww, Livio looks so young here! Look at his short, floofy hair! I hope he grows it out a bit again. Maybe not quite like he had it before, but yeah.
Do people actually do finger push-ups, or is that just something for badasses in animation and comics?
Training montage!
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Aw, man! He got to wear a Wolfwood outfit? I feel robbed.
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Ok, Satosugu.
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Ah, she's doing that thing again. I think.
Oh, what? Elendira's finishing move is a really big nail? Lame.
She's really putting lot into all this, though, isn't she? She looks a bit rough.
Oh, shoot. It's the nuke.
She senses something. I WONDER WHAT.
Yeah, it was Livio.
I like his simple mentality here. Very straightforward.
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NO! No one's allowed to drink vials anymore! NO MORE VIALS!!!
Him? Wolfwood??
Chapter 8: Tipped Wings
CW: Gore
TBH I don't know how the hell Livio won this fight. Assuming he technically won at this point.
Heh. Yeah. "Him" was Wolfwood. But of course Livio knows him as Nicholas.
Aaaaand we're back to my favorite wet cat, Legato Bluesummers.
How does he know Elendira has been defeated? Did he have a little feeler in her? Was he skimming her brain kinda like when he had a little mind convo with Vash?
Dude. I thought you wanted to win this. You guys can't both die to each other in this fight. I will genuinely be annoyed if that happens.
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Guernica? You mean the flail thing? That thing had a name???
Heh. I appreciate Legato calling Vash a force of nature here. After all, he is the Humanoid Typhoon.
Awww, look at baby Legato raiding the leftovers from July. Also, hasn't it been like 25 years since July? Just how old is Legato??
Ohhhhh, this is where Stampede got his character design. Like, yeah, they straightened his hair, but I recognize that short little jacket.
Welp, Knives has seen better days. Actually, this is a lovely turn on the way Rem is often paneled with Vash. Instead of a small Vash and a dominating, hopeful figure of Rem, we have a small Legato with a very, very broken Knives dominating the upper third of the panel.
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Yes, because the thing Legato needs is another reason to have a psychotic break.
Geez, he's just... scooping up Knives' guts to try and... what, shove them back in? Carry them with them?
He's soooo sad, too.
Knives. What. The. Fuck. Just let the boy cry, idiot. He adores you. Also, talking while you're half corpsified is creepy. Cut it out.
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Aww, Vash is still trying to save him. Gods, I wish Vash had found him instead.
Goodbye, weird machine gun doll flail thing. We barely knew thee.
Oh, dang. Legato got the jump on Vash.
Chapter 9: VS
I have no idea what's going on here. At least it led to weird, dramatic Legato pose?
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Legato, no. This is not how it should be. This is not how anything should be.
Mmm, Wolfwood memories.
Vash is right. This isn't a fight anymore. But I think Legato knows that.
Oh, would you look at that. Thanks, literally the first panel on the next page.
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Ok, but did Nightow have to draw his fingers this sexy here??
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Legato's trying, but he's not getting through Vash's defenses.
Huh. Interesting that the Earth Fleet guy with his vastly broader knowledge of Plants would state Vash is a rarity. I like that all his sisters seem very fond of him, though.
Chronica is bitter about Domina. It might have been a bit of a mistake for Knives to off her.
Knives says this, but Chronica knows this, so... I wonder what she's actually planning here.
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Wait, just who are they attaching a cable to??
Of course Milly and Meryl would have Vash's back.
Hahahaha, this really highlights the contrast between the two characters.
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Love and peace, yo.
Gods, Legato just keeps coming at Vash. He's getting ripped apart by Vash's defenses, but he just keeps at it.
What? Vash? What are you doing?? You... you need that box, don't you???
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Ohhh, they're doing shonen battle showdown pose. It's on now.
Aw, dammit. I guess it's on in the next (and final!) volume.
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8 || Vol. 11: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 12: Covers + 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 || Vol. 13: Covers + 1-3, 4-6
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel) || Vol. 11: New Hair, New Outlook
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banbrotsu Ā· 4 months
Thinking about how sorcerers work in the west, specifically the USA, and I think I'd probably use Hellboy, the BPRD and the Bureau of Control from the Remedy Studios games as a rough template. For one thing they're probably not called sorcerers but instead exorcists and vessels like Yuji would be called "sin eaters" going off an old tradition from the British Isles, mainly Wales, where a cake/biscuit would be made and placed upon the dead to soak up their sins and then a poor person was paid to eat the soul cake and absorb the dead person's sins so they can go to heaven. So the consumption of cursed objects is seen as an extension of that old tradition and vessels are treated both kinda like pariahs and also like they're doing a very selfless service to society.
The sorcerer community in America is probably one of the most diverse and disjointed since the country is so heavily populated by immigrants with no real incentive to seek each other out or tbh knowledge the others are even there half the time. But the two most organized factions would be the government's Department of Paranormal Investigation (name likely to change) and ofc, the Catholic Fucking Church. overall the Catholic Church has likely been the largest and most well organized group that employs sorcerers outside of Japan for like, centuries given their real world historical reach and power.
The set up in the USA doesn't really have anything like Jujutsu High and instead exorcists are usually just brought right under the wing of the government and removed from society to live at HQ/branch facilities or are being trained, managed and monitored by handlers as they live semi-normal lives. Generally whether they live on base or out in the world is decided by how inhuman they look (ex. panda or abe sapien ass lookin' guys) and how difficult they are to control (read: they were too strong to muscle into compliance so we had to let them stay in their own home). The Dept and Church have a fairly strained alliance since they have common goals but also a lot of differences and conflicting ones as well. This can get Very Interesting.
Financial compensation of exorcists is also very uh, iffy lol. The gov has very little interest in compensating exorcists, preferring to give them a small stipend and then cover their basic needs like room and board which makes the exorcists very dependent on them and unlikely to quit/defect. The dept is also very interested in experimentation. While the USA is pulling from many millennia old sorcerer traditions the Dept itself is actually very new and is thus very interested expanding their knowledge base and trying to increase the weaponization of cursed energy and curses. They've 100% tried to make like, cursed spirit super soldiers or whatever or like, cursed energy guns lol. These experiments have mixed success and have at times made things that will make life objectively worse for like, the whole world in the long run lol.
I'm still deciding on like, who are the "names to run away from" like Sukuna in the western sorcerer canon but I know one of them is definitely Faust who, while he was never known to be as powerful a fighter as Sukuna, was is regarded as one of the most knowledgeable jujutsu scholars to have ever lived, having made a deal with a cursed spirit and via this learned all kinds of mystical secrets. People will go to war to get their hands on the cursed artifacts he made but are even more covetous of his various tomes of arcane knowledge.
The Dept was only formally founded during WW2, mainly to combat Nazi use of the occult and curses but was a very scrappy and disorganized thing until they came into contact with the jujutsu sorcerers of Japan during the US occupation of the country after the war. A very tentative alliance was made between the two, mainly because Tengen was like "these guys are batshit and not in a good way" and wanted to keep an eye on them (this turned out to be a Very Wise Move later on).
In the same generation as Gojo and Co. the US gets their own special grade exorcist either like Ever or in Ages and are keen to try and make them stronger than Gojo because like... ofc that's how the US would handle this shit. Ofc they make it into an arms race lol. I'll get more into this when I write about that OC but this goes about as well as you'd think and hilariously eventually ends with that exorcist defecting to live in Japan.
RE: This shit and the whole thing to kidnap sorcerers in the manga ā€” the reality is that even in real life the president is not 100% aware of all covert ops and what they do. The Dept is highly secretive and runs on a skeleton budget so they tend not to raise any alarms. They also likely gave up a few presidents ago about trying to get them to believe the whole "demons are real" thing and instead just pretend to be boring government agency #35348546583 to get all their shit thru. People like the president literally didn't know about curses until Kenjaku cropped up and the Dept didn't learn about Kenjaku's scheme until it was already getting underway. Bureaucracy at its finest.
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heehoothefool Ā· 2 years
3 am funny thoughts again so here we go.
Hermits as DnD Classes and Races
Unlike the empires cast, I'll be doing this one based off of generalized knowledge or my favorite version of them, depends on the Hermit. Not restricted by particular seasons.
To be kind to myself, I am only doing Hermits that are active or busy with some other series like Vault Hunters (Mumbo is included here). I won't be doing former Hermits because this list is already crazy long.
Let's go
Bdubs: Light domain cleric gnome. He is a little man of the moss, and have you seen his affinity for animals? He has to be a gnome. And the whole sun thing? Yeah, dude's a light cleric.
Cubfan: This man is a wizard, illusion focus. No other class has enough hubris to build that kind of pyramid just because, and to me, what would a member of ConVex/ConCorp want more out of magic than to trick the eyes of those around them? As for race, I'd pin Cub for the Unearthed Arcana changeling, the one with Unsettling Visage. Seems like he'd get good use out of it.
Doc: Artificer, Maverick subclass. He is constantly working on new reality breaking projects that only someone like himself could pull off. As for race, I think you could do some kind of earth genasi/warforged homebrew combination that would work wonderfully for him. He would be a wild character to play for sure.
Etho: Half elf assassin rogue. Great at pvp, and very pretty, but still very down to earth.
False: Unlike her Empires counterpart, Hermit False to me reads as more of a Monster Hunter Fighter. Protecting her friends from whatever monsters may be nearby, or evil individuals with bad intentions, this class would work for her quite well. Still human for the race though.
Gem: She's only been around for 2 seasons and season 8 was very short, but she definitely seems to have a very Natural theme to her stuff, so I want to call her a circle of the moon druid. And also a faun for the race, probably forest. She is absolutely a fae of some kind and forest just fits her aesthetic so nicely.
Scar: Okay. This man is a college of glamor bard that rolled triple 6s and put that straight into charisma. He will talk you out of the clothes on your back in excahnge for a cactus. He's also 100% a changeling to match Cub, but also because it's the only way I can possibly explain the Many Faces And Forms Of Scar. However, I would say he probably also multiclasses into the Sharpshooter Fighter for his HotGuy persona.
Grian: Aaracokra for the whole avian thing with wings and all, but for his class I'm a little unsure. I'm considering Trickery domain cleric, but I think, all things considered, Great Old One Pact of the Blade warlock might be the best fit, allowing us to incorporate the Watchers as the patron, while also giving him good combat versatility. The charisma focus will be good for his shenanigans too.
Jevin: Seeing as Jevin appears to be very skilled all around, it's hard for me to place his class. With his evident skill in making highly efficient mob farms, and overall mob knowledge, I'm going to place him as a Ranger, monster hunter subclass. As for race, the Slimefolk race on the 5e Wiki seems like it would do just fine for our favorite goopy guy.
Impulse: The scale to which this man makes anything is impeccable. After his soup gang shenanigans, I wanna call this man an Oath of Vengeance Paladin, and I'm so attached to him as a dwarf I'm keeping to it. It's very him, stout little guy sticking up for everyone else.
Joe Hills: With Joe's very chaotic nature and ability to just kinda convince people to go along, I wanna call them a college of glamor bard. I have never been so confused and intrigued by an individual's goals. Also, Joe gives me just straight up fae vibes, the race you can find on the 5e Wiki.
Keralis: Look into those big eyes of his and tell me that's not a wild magic sorcerer. Brimming with charisma, that stuff is running through his veins. He would be the type to get startled and accidentally polymorph into a potted plant for a few seconds. As for race, I think human works just fine. Kinda just some guy (affectionate).
Pearl: Ah yes, the cleaning lady and epitome of go big or go home. With her penchant for keeping objects orderly and the server in a state of upside down chaos, I want to pin her as an Arcane Trickster Rogue. As for race, I think mothkin could be fun.
Rendog: That's a college of glamor bard that multiclassed into lycan order blood hunter. Keeps the whole werewolf thing around, and acknowledges the Red King, while still acknowledging that no other class than a glamor bard is going to commit that hard to a bit. Racewise his base race is probably human.
Tango: Artificer, archivist subclass to play into his role as the Decked Out Dungeon Master while still being very, very aware of his Redstone tomfoolery. As for race, Fire Genasi acknowledges the fire motifs we as a fan base often use for him while respecting his wishes to not be represented with horns by not making him a tiefling. And also fire hair is fun.
Beef: I don't know a lot about Beef but I do know that this is a very dedicated artist of a man. He gives me half elf vibes, and as for his class I wanna say some sort of charisma caster, I'm gonna go bard, College of Creation. Have you seen those maps? Those bases? This man is an artist.
XB: This guy and his underwater thing, I'm calling him a triton for fun. He seems to be very big on games and builds with story, so for this I think I want to actually make him an Illusion Wizard. Give him the stuff he needs to make things look wonderful and tell the story he wants to tell. And also to prank. I think he would enjoy it.
Xisuma: If there was ever a man more suited to play a Wild Magic Sorcerer it has to be him. The Admin with an evil doppelganger? Brother? Whatever Evil X is. X himself is your best, charismatic friend who just happened to also have the Sage Background to explain his very deep knowledge of "the world around him" (Minecraft). A changeling to explain away all of his various looks and also the fact that nobody knows what he actually looks like. Also Wild Magic funny and a good origin for a guy who is as powerful as he is for "no real reason" in lore.
Zedaph: Alchemist Artificer. Satyr. Need I say more? This is a chaotic little goat fey man who makes wacky ass contraptions. And I never stop thinking about that auto-brewer. It lives in my mind rent free at all times.
ZombieCleo: Despite the name, I donā€™t know that the Zombie race fits. Rather, I think Cleo could be better suited to the Wight race created by u/callmepartario over on r/UnearthedArcana. It plays into her little rivalry with Jevin, I think, that it's the need for vengeance keeping her "alive." As for her class, with her armor stand skills and penchant for head collecting, I think it would be very funny to pin her as a Necromancy Wizard. Why else would she need so many skulls? Why else would she raise so many "bodies?"
Hypno: Another Hermit I don't know much about, but I like his vibes. He gives me Assassin Rogue feelings so I'm gonna go with that, and say his race is blue dragonborn because again. Vibes.
Iskall: Oh look at them. Look at them and tell me that is not a Mastermaker Artificer wood elf. Look at the fun mix of nature and science and tell me I am incorrect I dare you. I love Iskall.
Mumbo: This, my friends, is really quite simple. Mumbo is a Maverick Artificer without a doubt, very skilled in just about all manner of Redstone contraptions. Mumbo is also a man of many projects (some of which get pushed off to the side for a while) so I think this suits him. As for race, this man strikes me as a tuxedo cat tabaxi. Idk I just like it, I think it'd be funny if Grian's bestie was a cat.
Stress: Circle of the Moon Druid she is so friend shaped oh my god. Incredibly friend shaped, incredible flower vibes, what kind of wood elf do you take her for?
Wels: Oath of Devotion Paladin. Stays true to his morals and does his best to do good, what more is there to say on that? He is incredibly human to me, love this man.
And that's all! If you have any alternative ideas go ahead and tack them on! I would love to get further input about the Hermits I'm not super familiar with, so if you disagree with something feel free to put it in the reblogs or tags or even pester my inbox! Oh my god this post took so long.
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meili-sheep Ā· 2 years
So I'm reading a Fatui!Heizou fanfic and I wonder...
So in this fanfic, Kujou Takayuki sets up a meeting with Heizou, as Heizou ate the drugged food (Make him sleepy slowly) because Heizou might ruin everything he build for with his investigation skills.
Heizou is also having doubts about the Vision Hunt Decree and reach a conclusion that Takayuki is behind this, asking Yae to tell Sayu grab the documents and deliver them to Sara if he doesn't come back after 2 days. Because if he reject the invitation, it would be arrogant since it was made known to the public back at HQ.
So before he could run away, La Signora froze him and he was eventually brainwashed to work under the Fatui.
But I'm thinking like, sure he prefers doing things his way so he's always absent but after manage to escape barely from the Fatui and Takayuki, he's living on thin ice. Of course he'll always be absent.
Even after the decree was lifted, he could feel eyes following him. And after catch a glimpse of Dottore (Idk, I think Dottore would need a lab rat and since Heizou was on the run, he'll hunt Heizou, I guess?), it gave him nightmares.
Idk how he would handle the situation but what would the club do when they discover this information?
And fatui be damned because his lover or bestie (Kazuha or Kaeya, up to you) is going batshit insane. Ain't no way they'll let the Fatui take their precious person again.
So here is that thing about the Club.
It's Diluc being a big brother again, pretty much (don't worry that the actual birth order is Yanfei Cyno Diluc Heizou). And him learning those bastards have yet again hurt someone he cares about. It would take both everything the other three have to keep him back from another world murder tour.
But Diluc alone would make sure Heizou felt safe and protected. Yanfei and Cyno would do the same, but they would just have to focus a little on keeping Diluc under control. Which is a task. And they would also protect anyone Heizou wanted to protect.
Now let's just look at the power scaling for a second and what the fatui would be up against here.
Diluc, the guy in his early 20s who is already banned from their country. Has had a vision since he was a kid. Can just shoot fire out of his hand. Is on the abyss order hit list. And oh yeah Alice, the Alice said she'd take him under her wing.
Cyno, The General Mahamatra, possed by the power of Hermanubis a guy know as the "Greatest of sages" Ā 
Yanfei, a half Adeptus. WHO HAS NO CONTRACT WITH REX LAPIS. Thus! She has no heed to him and any contract he might have made. And she might not be the strongest among them. But she makes up for in pure knowledge of the law. And you can't tell me she could find loop hoops and arguments to get the Fatui in legal trouble with their own law.
And finally, Heizou. The number one detective in the Tenryou Commission. The guy who went weaponless in a martial arts contest and won. And he impresses Kujio Sara with his abilities.
And the only thing that keeps these 4 in line is their strong sense of justice. And oh boy.
It's not looking good for the Fatui, who are at the very least, morally dubious. And I don't think that would fly.
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raviosprovidence Ā· 1 year
aaaaa please tell me about your projects
Sure thing!
As of right now I have 4 *Big Main Projects*. Some of them are connected, have spin offs, whatever. A lot have also changed, especially the older ones, from what they once were. I'll give the basic rundown of each.
Welcome to Wintercrest: In the sleepy town of Wintercrest, all sorts of mythical creatures live together in a sort of harmony. However, monsters, animal-like beasts from other dimensions have gotten lose and invaded the peace. Monster hunters, people with extreme skill and a knowledge of monsters, either kill or otherwise apprehend these beasts.
Aubrey, an 18 year old fire elemental, is the newest recruit for the monster hunters. She finds herself as an outsider, with nothing but her own wit and sometimes uncontrollable powers keeping her safe. But when monster hunters start turning up dead, fingers start getting pointed at everyone. Will she be able to solve the mystery with her new friends? Or will she just end up another dead hunter?
Heirs of Disaster: The dragon realm is in turmoil. With no Dragon Knight in the past 100 years, there hasn't been anyone to keep the peace. In the orila kingdom, Princess Amavirla is plotting out her plan for realm wide domination, and she'll achieve it by having the dragon knight themselves on her side.
Enter: Bri. A half dragon half lightning elemental high school student who has just moved to the town of Mirstone, which is only populated by dragons. All she wants to do is finish off the year and go off to college. But adventure seems to find her wherever she goes, and she can't shake the feeling that the voices she hears her head aren't just a random occurrence. Will she heed the call to adventure? or will she keep her head down and try to be a "normal teenager?"
Realms: Someone's gotta keep the realms safe from threats, and that's where these guys come in! The realm hopper society lives in their own little pocket dimension where they can travel to almost any realm possible. They keep multi-realm threats safe, and sometimes do other stuff to help out if things are too dangerous for citizens
During a routine adventure stopping a mad scientist, Willow, a cat shifter from Earth, gets her memory completely erased in a freak accident. All she remembers is her name, her species, and where she's from. Her closest co workers have of course taken her under their wing, helping her regain her memories and integrate back into her job. but as time goes on, and more memories return, things they are telling her aren't adding up. Will she seek out the truth? Or will she comfortably settle back into the routine she's learned?
Divine Rangers: this is my newest one so it's still very much in development, but I am very happy with it.
Thousands of years ago un the world of Agia, the gods roamed the earth. However, their petty squabbles and constant in fighting caused untold destruction unto the land. Thus, in order to let humanity thrive, they sealed themselves off in the godly realms. However, monsters from the godly realms seek to destroy humanity, as they are not powerful enough to destroy the gods. In retaliation, the gods grant one human each a portion of their power to become Divine rangers. They fight to protect humanity, and understand that with great power comes great responsibility.
Aster is a completely normal adult. She lives her life quietly in her small town of Saker Keep at her parent's mechanic shop, along with her group of friends. However, she has reached a rough patch with her relationships, finding it hard to maintain them and at the precipice of losing everyone she cares about. But one night, a goddess comes to her in a dream. The goddess claims to be Zoranaea, an unknown goddess who has been trapped in Chronun (a darker godly realm) for hundreds of years. She has finally learned how to access humanity, and wants to help the mortal world in any way she can. Aster accepts her offer, and becomes the flora ranger. Will she fully rise to the challenge and learn how to take control of her life? Or will Aster falter yet again and ruin what little she has left?
Feel free to ask about more! I don't have a ton of concept art but i should be getting some soon from a good friend.
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reactivedog Ā· 2 years
i still have a little daydream scenario where my partner whose kin w/ the doctor is Still the doctor like currently and i become hir companion but i also bring our entire extended friend group along on hir tardis and shi deals with everyone on it. carmine is calling big hot alien women who are trying to kill us MAHMMY, ev will probably give people advanced knowledge about horse blood types several decades early without thinking, max will befriend Every Dog even if it isnt a dog, huggy can be there and tbh him just being huggybot would fit the vibe, jame will probably get eggs laid in it in the tardis and birth a horrible hybrid creature that we have to live with and its a river song 2.0 situatione except i guess we have a son/pet now, i feel like ilja would just ask for really sweet things like "can we go to 1891 and see this specific train when it was new" but we will hype his ass up bc why not. and then it turns out there are like alien parasites in the train tracks that are derailing the trains and ruining the course of history so there is never an industrial revolution or something that we have to fix and we're like, damn ilja, sorry bro. and bc half of my friends are nonhuman little weirdos everyone gets to be like. different species. carmine is absolutely some strange dog werewolf while jame can be an elf cat creature and max is Also a big dog wolf thing and ev can be a very strange bipedal dragon that is oddly fox shaped. i dont know much abt iljas kintypes it would be funny if he was just a Guy though who just has an alien cat elf husband for fun. also imagining the scenario where i need to put a spacesuit on bc of planet atomsphere or something is funny because in this daydream i am Also quadrepedal like i am in headspace and wings being used in place of hands only goes so far so. i guess shi will have to put on my little space suit for me ....... ^u_u^.... only having paws will be my biggest obstacle .... but at least i can fly .....
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dragonymango Ā· 1 year
What are your favourite fun animal facts
oh oh oh what fun! thanks for the question
the thing is many of these facts may be common knowledge to tumblr animal freaks, but to my friends that once were surprised horses and cows are actually very distant animals evolutionary-wise, they seem cool. Since most of us are from the same faculty - soil science, we are more proficient in chem and minerology then bio, im just a freak
Camels are surprisingly scary animals, they have formidable fangs able to easily kill a person if they so choose
Elephants, orcas and hyenas have matriarchies, hyenas have especially gnarly ones
talking about cetaceans, i only recently found out that they and ungulates are now in one order! - Cetartiodactyla, and their closest terrestrial mammal is the Hippo
also a way to research how cetacean populations interact is a whale mite!! which is so cool, there are many species that are unique to each specie of a whale
Hippos, did you know that they are actually runners and not swimmers? their body is mostly muscle, with makes their dense enough to both not sink and not float up. So instead of swimming they basically run on the bottom.
Okapi is actually not the only close relative of the giraffe - see: pronghorns - they may be more distant then okapi's but giraffids are still their closest relatives
Just, everything about Hoatzins - very curious birds if you dont know about them, their diet is mostly comprised of leaves and green plants! they are able to digest it in their enlarged crops that have bacteria cultures similar to ruminants, which also makes them smell like manure - oops! they are called "stinkbirds" bc of that. Additionally, their chicks have claws on their wings (this isnt an entirely uncommon trait in birds but i still think its cool) also they er beautiful
There are two common groups of pinnipeds - seals and sea lions or other names for them - earless and eared seals. Seals are generally more even tempered then sea lions with a notable exception that is seen quite often in documentaries - leopard seal, preying on penguins
this is a fact for YOU ( and not an animal one) bc we had a whole course of soil bio and algology but oomfs you should look up diatoms they are SUCH pretty little guys i love them, there is so much i could say about them but i will direct you to the Octopus Lady on youtube - they have many good videos on water (mainly saltwater but still) organisms,
but one thing she doesn't talk about that i was sad about is how diatoms reproduce. The thing is (watch the video for context) they are build like a petri dish - out of a larger lid (epitheca) and a smaller base (hypotheca), the thing is, when they divide for asexual reproduction, each half get one lid - and BOTH news cells complete the SMALLER lid,
bc of that when diatoms divide one line of the offsprings gets progressively smaller and smaller and smaller, after that sexual reproduction occours so that the cells can restore their size
and i find that really funny
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olivieraa Ā· 16 days
actually I'll talk about Joey before I hit the sack. and this is confirmation to me that Joey really does have to be my ultimate fave character bc I am still learning more and more about him.
when I used to write him, I................... honestly had like... very little knowledge on him. I was winging it for the most part, and I didn't care, bc he was like, my 5th fave character so I wasn't bothered.
it took about 6-8 months before I was like, maybe I should start watching some subbed eps?? I was shocked to see my headcanons be played out in the show. shook me to my core that there was actual evidence for my headcanons, making them canon. insane.
and so as I learned more and more about him, I fell in love with his character.
I then only read the manga, fully, for the first time, in 2022, right before Kazuki died. literally days before.
I am always learning little speckles of new things about Joey. I watch both the sub and dub randomly and interchangeably quite often. but there's some eps I still haven't seen in Japanese, and yesterday was the first time I saw ep 89 subbd, where Joey gets knocked unconscious by lightening
I know 4kids had a fetish for dialogue changing, but I never knew how different these two scenes would be. I know it well in the dub.
in Joey's dream sequence, the first part happens the same, in which Joey clumsily falls over and scatters his cards everywhere and then he pulls out a list that has all of his card names on it. but then tristan pulls him aside and this happens
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in the sub, the paper Tristan holds isn't the list of card names, its a separate piece of paper that was sent to Joey. so in this scene, in the sub, there are two pieces of paper
did I learn anything new here? no.
but I used to write this kind of Joey all the time. and again, never read the manga, and had only seen snippets of the sub. I was going by the dub, and how I imagine dub Joey would be if he was uncensored. so basically, Japanese Joey but with an accent lmao
so I never got to see this side of Joey. I didn't know a scene like this existed in the DM anime. it was kind of only in my head.
in the fucking dub scene, the piece of paper Tristan pulls out is a blank piece of paper (aka the one Joey handed to them seconds before and says its his list of cards) and he says "look, there's no card names" and Joey's like "wow, this dream just keeps getting weirder and weirder. its almost as nuts as that nightmare I had about the monkey and that bowl of vanilla pudding. thank god you guys are here or I'd be clueless. you guys are the best"
like...................... to me that's such a drastic change in dialogue. Joey's gang past is important to his character. why erase it? it's not like they take that out entirely. in ep 1 he says to Kaiba, "let's settle this with fists instead of cards", in another ep, again to Kaiba, he says "get ready to say hi to the business end of my fist"
they also actually show him attempting to punch Bandit Keith
like 4kids... why were they so selective with what should or shouldn't be censored. half of their decisions didn't make sense
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