#i have theories about the rykard one and the ranni one
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toweringclam · 9 months ago
If the leaks turn out to be true (which I'm skeptical on), it would pretty much upend most lore theories about certain characters. However, it actually fits in pretty well with my own theories.
Spoilers below the break.
So Radahn was meant to be Miquella's consort. Probably.
This... actually works.
First off, my theory has always been that the Empyreans all had designated consorts. It's the best way to explain the connection between Malenia and Rykard, as shown by the Shaded Castle. Probably not a very good relationship, given all the abductor virgins he gave her are broken and stuck in a cave guarded by her soldiers, but a relationship nonetheless.
I had previously assumed that Miquella and Godwyn were betrothed, as they are the two favored children, but I realize that doesn't make much sense in hindsight. Ranni came about long before Miquella, so it only makes sense that the favored son of the Sun and the favored daughter of the Moon would be wed.
Ranni clearly took exception to this.
And that leaves Radahn x Miquella. Now, some people think that there was a conflict between Miquella and Radahn, but that's not the case. It's kind of a thing that Miquella got along with everybody. Why would Radahn be the one exception?
Instead, it's likely that Malenia found he was missing and her twin sense pinged in Caelid. She made some very reasonable conclusions about what had happened and demanded answers from Radahn. Radahn didn't know wtf she was talking about, but instead of sorting this out like a reasonable person, he felt insulted by the question and demanded an apology. One thing led to another, neither one could back down without losing face, and soon you have the last and most devastating battle of the Shattering.
It makes sense.
It's probably wrong because the leaks are pretty dubious.
But it makes sense.
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ceofcatgirls · 3 months ago
Thinking about it, it seems every child of Radagon and Marika has either parallels or thematic relations with a demigod from another marriage
Miquella - Ranni and Mohg
Malenia - Radahn and Morgott
Messmer - Rykard and Godwyn
I think the Empyrean twins and the Omen twins are most interesting.
In the case of Miquella and Mohg, they are both twins cursed from birth who wish to disavow Marika's legacy. They've witnessed what it's like to be born cursed, for Mohg he faced discrimination and for Miquella he witnessed what people shunned from the GO endured, and how that could've been him had he not been lucky to not be abandoned by Marika. As a consequence, they both want to make a new era where people like themselves no longer suffer.
It makes me wonder if Miquella was aware of what the Omen twins endured, and if it influenced his beliefs and his choice of picking Mohg's body for Radahn
As for Malenia and Morgott, they too are twins born with a cursed from an outer entity. They've grown to greatly detest this curse, as seen by Malenia not wanting to use her rot powers at all until the Aeonia battle, and this is even more obvious in the case of Morgott. They've also developed great loyalty towards a figurehead of an era, Marika in the case of Morgott and Miquella in the case of Malenia. Conveniently, Miquella and Marika also share thematic parallels. Malenia and Morgott are also great in battle, and Radahn has suffered under both of them. They are willing to fight for the era they believe in and put a lot of religious trust on the figureheads they follow.
The case of Messmer and Godwyn is also interesting, because of how different they are. Messmer has two curses; hid fire and the abyssal serpent, meanwhile Godwyn is born completely normal and only suffers when he half dies. They are also figureheads of the order of Marika, with Godwyn being a stand-in for the Golden Order and Messmer leading Marika's crusade. Their hair colours also show the two sides of Marika; blonde and red.
Though, I'll say the case for Messmer and Rykard is just as interesting. Messmer was born cursed from a serpent yet Rykard chooses to be eaten by the God devouring serpent. For Messmer, the curse was forced upon him. For Rykard, he chose it on his own free will. This dichotomy is one of the central bits to their characters, and how important the concept of free will is. Rykard would view Messmer in great awe, perhaps he wouldn't even see the abyssal serpent as a curse. Messmer on the other hand, would perhaps not understand why Rykard decided to ruin himself, and ofc detest him for going against his mother's likeness.
I won't speak on more obvious writing, like with Miquella/Ranni and Malenia/Radahn.
This isn't exclusive to the trio I mentioned above, btw. I think every child of Marika has some relations to each other in some way. The most obvious example being Ranni and Godwyn. I just think it's neat how the characters relate to each other whilst still being very unique
This goes for Melina too, btw. But my speculation on that feels more like a headcanon more than anything haha. But it seems Melina, like Marika, subtly wants us to go for Ranni. I think this is because Melina put great importance in fighting for a new world where life can flourish (as seen if you pursue the frenzied flame), and Ranni's ending is the best for this. She is also more than happy to destroy symbols of Marika's order, like the Erdtree.
Now this is real headcanon territory. But, if the theory that Melina was split in body and soul, and that who we travel with is the spirit whilst who we see in the frenzied flame ending is her body, it would seem Melina also has thematic correlations with Godwyn and Ranni. Specifically about the splitting of the soul and body. But ofc that's entirely speculation!
Ofc she also has similarities with Messmer, in the sense of them having the same closed eye, and both being related to fire (except Melina embraces that fiery nature, whilst Messmer detests it. That speaks about their characters, I think. Especially in relation to Marika), but overall Melina for me seems to be a more unique character, and if anything she takes after Marika the most. I have further thoughts about Melina pertaining to Millicent but I'll leave that be.
Anyways. This was a quick thought dump I needed to get out there into the world.
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blasphemousclaw · 1 year ago
hey, i was wondering if you had an opinion on why the carian children’s alliance fell apart during the shattering. between rykard having invented the abductor virgins that both ranni and radahn employ, and jerren stating that iji forged weapons for radahn’s army (if you talk to him about iji before the radahn festival while working for ranni), it seems the carians were helping each other out at the start. i have a few theories already, but i love your elden ring meta
first of all thank you!!
yeah I have a lot of thoughts about this. I think it ultimately comes down to the fact that their personal goals are entirely different and really don’t have anything to do with each other.
Radahn seems the most disconnected of the siblings in terms of his actions — judging by what we know, it doesn’t seem like a total upheaval of the current order was a priority for him as it was for his siblings. His specific motivations remain pretty opaque, but I believe, based on his obsession with Godfrey and all the references to honor and combat, that at his core he made the choices he did in order to prove his own strength and heroism.
I suspect this is why his halting of the stars hindered Ranni’s plans — he was never acting with her interests in mind. I doubt he was intentionally sabotaging her though, because there is no evidence of he and Ranni ever feuding. I’ve said this before, but the idea that Radahn’s halting of the stars is specifically holding Ranni back is a total afterthought to Iji… if Ranni were convinced Radahn bore her ill-will, killing him wouldve been her team’s objective years ago. Plus, Iji and Jerren are still amicable as you said. I think the situation is simply that, as Iji says, he and Jerren serve different masters with different priorities. The same goes for Radahn’s relationship with Rykard — I believe it’s implied Rykard tried to protect Radahn, but I don’t think this protection necessarily meant the two were working towards the same goals.
Rykard and Ranni are more complicated… I believe the Blasphemous Claw description implies that before the Night of the Black Knives, the two talked of a wider plan to “trespass” against the current world order: “Should the coming trespass one day transpire, they would serve as a last-resort foil, allowing Rykard to challenge Maliketh the Black Blade, the black beast of Destined Death.” Since there is evidence that these two did share plans with each other, it’s significant that they don’t really have anything to do with each other anymore.
I think this is due to the fact that though their goals were the same on paper — remove and usurp the current world order — their motivations and personalities are quite different.
Ranni is motivated by a desire to rid the world of godly influence because, as I believe, she owes her life’s misery to the gods’ meddling. She has no interest in ruling the Lands Between as a god-queen; rather, she intends for herself and her order to be “at great remove” from the goings on of the world. As god, she will be completely non-present.
Rykard very specifically does want to rule. He had great ambitions; his followers planned to serve him as their “worthy sovereign.” He despises being treated as a servant under the gods and having to fight for “miserly scraps” of power… he dedicated his life to destroying an order he believes is “suffocating,” asserting his own strength and authority in retaliation, operating under the philosophy of “the strong take.” At his core, Rykard’s goal was always the acquisition of power for his own benefit… and I believe this is why he ended up entangled with the Great Serpent, devouring and growing eternally, never satisfied… a caricature of greed and gluttony. Rykard’s personal goals essentially have nothing to do with Ranni’s far-reaching plans for a new order, and I think that’s why the two ended up on very different paths instead of working together.
I also think it’s interesting that Ranni and Rykard go about their plans in very different ways: Ranni prefers to work in the shadows and strike when the moment is right, keeping a cool head and a clear mind, trying to stay detached. She is said to have “cast aside” her great rune, probably because she distrusted its “mad taint.” Rykard on the other hand is rash and volatile, carrying out his treason in spectacularly public fashion. He is ruled by his ambition and hubris, clinging to the power afforded to him by his great rune.
In conclusion I don’t think there was ever a chance of the siblings all being on the same page — they’re each too different from one another with their own lofty goals and priorities, despite the love they might have for each other.
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dragon-communion · 5 months ago
The Godskins and their placement in the world:
Liurnia: The Divine Tower. This one is specifically guarding the path to Ranni's corpse. I've seen some people suggest they were there looking for Ranni's skin, but based on the setup of the other Divine Towers I'm pretty sure anything on the bridge is supposed to be a guard.
Volcano Manor: The Temple of Eiglay. This one is defending the skin of Eiglay and the access point to the more official sections of the manor, separate from the prison town. My first impression was that this noble might be the steward or even clergyman of the church, given the way he appears in front of the altar and then starts coming down the aisle. It's possible he's at Volcano Manor as a professional torturer, but the Godskins are more than sadists. If they're even sadistic at all. They are in the business of killing gods, and Rykard is also in the business of killing gods. This is more than mere employment, I think it's an ideological alliance. This would also mean that two out of three of the Carian siblings are allied to the Godskins.
Altus: Dominula Windmill Village. This Godskin is here overseeing the festivities of Dominula, which are a pagan tradition not necessarily supported by the crown but clearly not discouraged either. I've seen suggestions that the apostle is there for the skins themselves, for clothing repairs or something, or maybe since the Godskins just like skinning people, but again I'd argue that's too shallow of a read. The festival at Dominula does not begin and end at skinning, it's driven by some kind of local belief, perhaps even religious belief, and whatever belief that is does not necessarily conflict with the Golden Order or else the royal family wouldn't have suffered it on their doorstep. Whatever ritual and purpose is central to Dominula, I think the Godskins have been a part of it for centuries in a religious function, rather than as butchers. Omenkillers are butchers. The Godskins are apostles and nobles.
Farum Azula. I have a crazy theory, but I don't think we're actually fighting a duo boss here. I think the implication is that there are a lot of Godskins here. They're not resurrecting partners, they're being summoned. My initial impression of them was that they're at Farum Azula to harvest dragon scales, smithing stones, and I think the evidence for this is that on defeat the boss actually drops a smithing stone bell bearing. When you fully upgrade a weapon for the first time, you get an achievement called God-Slaying Armament. That's the highest calling of the Godskins, their stated reason for existing in the first place. Of course they want smithing stones. And the creation of a God-Slaying Armament involves the scales of Placidusax himself, based on the description of the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone. I am not actually sure if the Godskins know Maliketh is there. I am not actually sure if Maliketh himself knows he's there. Maliketh's presence in Farum Azula confuses me in general, but the scales are a good motivation, and if they ARE aware of him then killing Maliketh for their queen/to release Death would also be a good reason.
Caelid: The Divine Tower. There are essentially three different enemies to defeat to get to the loot at the bottom of the tower: Radahn's Redmane soldiers, a couple of Blackflame Monks, and finally the Godskin Apostle boss fight. You do not need to fight the monks, the apostle, or several of the soldiers if you're just gunning for the rune at the top of the tower. Therefore, the soldiers you encounter inside the tower must be there to prevent you from reaching the bottom. It could be some form of containment on Radahn's part, but I think the simple answer is that the soldiers, monks, and Apostle are all allied. Which marks three out of three Carian siblings allied to the children of the GEQ.
To wrap this up, let's talk about the Godslayer's Greatsword, the Godslayer's Seal, and the Godskin's Prayerbook.
Why is the sword of the GEQ in Caelid? I'm not entirely sure, and the only supplementary information I have on the topic is Vargram the Raging Wolf. One of the first Tarnished called back by grace, and thus one of the first Tarnished called by Marika, we know he wanted to be an Empyrean's Shadow and he wielded the sword of the GEQ, who was an Empyrean. Logic follows that he wanted to be the GEQ's shadow, specifically. This does not clarify whether or not she was running around and able to be followed in any capacity- did he meet her? Did Vargram just have knightly devotion to a dead woman? It's hard to say.
I'm actually interested in the fact that Vargram wields the sword because it could mean the sword has been moved in the long interim between the Godskin Apostasy and the Shattering Wars. Maybe the GEQ had nothing to do with Caelid whatsoever, and Radahn just allowed the followers of the black flame to have sanctuary in Caelid. The interment of her personal sword would functionally make the basement of the Divine Tower of Caelid a kind of temple or surrogate tomb, which is a very strange honor for Radahn of all people to allow an enemy of the Golden Order. Maybe he hoped she'd return one day, like King Arthur for Excalibur, ready to fight.
The seal and prayerbook are in Godrick's basement, and I think the simplest answer is probably correct. Godrick is characterized as a coward who borrows power from everywhere he possibly can, be it using enchanted items like the Mimic Veil or outright stealing limbs from other people. Even his glory is borrowed- he hasn't really done anything heroic in his own right, but he throws around the name of the Golden Lineage. Therefore, despite the fact that the Godskins probably hunt demigods, any power is good power and something that can kill a demigod is EXACTLY the sort of thing he'd want to own. I wouldn't be surprised if he acquired the seal and book directly after Malenia marched through his backyard. Where did he get them? Hard to say at this point, so it's easier to analyze the other items.
It's very, very interesting to me that all three of the Carian siblings at least have a mutually beneficial relationship with the Godskins. Does this mean the GEQ was a Carian? Not necessarily. Does this mean they all knew her? Not necessarily either. The Godskins have been headless for awhile, and the Apostasy would have likely happened in the early years of Marika's empire when she was stamping out all opposition to her reign. It was the excision of Death from the Elden Ring that founded the Golden Order, after all, which at minimum would place the Apostasy before Radagon's ascension to Elden Lord.
That said, I have one final thought to leave you with. While not every mention of apostasy has to refer to the same instance of apostasy, it's a very striking and sparingly used word in the world of Elden Ring. We hear about blasphemy, acting in a way that offends the gods. We hear about heresy, beliefs that conflict with religious doctrine. But apostasy, the formal abandonment of a religion, is really only mentioned by name in one other instance:
The Apostate Derelict in the Consecrated Snowfield, where you can find one of the highest concentrations of Trina's Lilies in game.
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the-original-b · 13 days ago
Elden Ring's Ranni is somewhere in Bloodborne: a Theory and working Headcanon.
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Hey there, Tumblr. It's been a bit since my last long-form post and I hope you're all well.
Some time ago I came across an article that explained how Elden Ring can serve as a prequel to each of the other major Soulsborne titles. The details escape me, but it was a fun little thought somebody had, and it was nice to hear the thoughts of another person who adores the IPs so much.
I took an idea from said article further, and surmised a possible manner in which one of Elden Ring's endings can feed into the events of Bloodborne. It's a zany, outlandish headcanon that's got just enough concrete and circumstantial evidence to work, so naturally I thought I'd share.
Before we get into the nitty-and-or-gritty, I need to go over a few things: First, this analysis goes into great detail about plot points from both Elden Ring and Bloodborne, so spoiler warning there. Second: it also touches on potentially sensitive topics like homicide, suicide, and infanticide, so that's your content warning. And third: it's over 4,500 words long, so it's a long read. I'll try my best to break up the string of text with relevant images to give you something more interesting to look at, and I'll separate my analysis into three parts. If you don't care as much for the recap of the games you can scroll right down to Part Three.
Now that that's all out of the way, grab a snack and your favorite beverage, kiddos. It's story time.
Part 1: the Ring and the Heavenly Hand
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The first War for Liurnia was a clash of Blue against Gold, Reason against Faith, the Stars against the Erdtree. Champions clashed on either side, but none were as great as Queen Rennala of the Carian Royal Family, and Radagon of the Golden Order. Somehow, someway, they put their differences aside, and brought three children into the world: Radahn, Rykard, and Ranni. Of them, Ranni was most favored by her mother, and power would inevitably pass to her.
Under Rennala’s guidance she would inevitably follow in her footsteps and grow to revere the moon, but would be stifled Two Fingers who spoke for the Greater Will. They schemed to have the young demigod follow a path that was not her own, and to facilitate this they bound her to a shadow. A half-wolf warrior named Blaidd—a shadow who would protect Ranni for the benefit of the Greater Will.
Ranni was never alone—she and Blaidd grew very close, and Ranni grew older in the company of loyal allies, unlike her mother who would be abandoned by Radagon and left a broken husk of her former self.
Bereft of her parents, Ranni would venture out on her own and stumble upon an unlikely mentor—a snowy crone named Renna who, in the absence of her grief-stricken mother, would teach the young Ranni the art of sorcery. Ranni would scheme against the Greater Will and its Golden Order, while her brother Radahn would scheme against her—he would master gravity magic just to halt the movement of the stars and Ranni in her pursuit of her ends (her other brother Rykard would hatch his own plot against the establishment, but he’s not relevant to this essay). Ranni was clever, however, and devised another plot. She would steal the rune of Death, and slip into obscurity with Blaidd and her closest allies.
Not long after, Godwyn the Golden was slain, Queen Marika shattered the Elden Ring, and the surviving demigods—guided by the Erdtree’s grace—would unintentionally drag the Lands Between into a long, bitter war that ground to a stalemate. Eventually, the Greater Will would guide the tarnished back to the Lands Between, in hopes that one of them can gather the strength to re-forge the Elden Ring, break the stalemate, and bring order back.
This is right around the moment we come in.
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When we first meet Ranni the Witch at the Church of Elleh, she introduces herself as Renna, and gifts us with the ability to summon the spirits of fallen warriors to aid us in our quest. “Forgive mine intrusion, Tarnished,” she says. “I doubt we shall again meet. But all the same, learn well the Lands Between.” She pauses… “How long will it be, I wonder...” she muses, “before the tarnished tire of obeisance to the Two Fingers?” Maybe she saw something in the maidenless Tarnished. Not that she’d have told us—she doffs her oversized hat, and disappears never to be seen again.
That is unless you go looking for her.
A handful of bosses later, the Tarnished finds her again far off the paved path, tucked away in an obscure tower. She recognizes them immediately. “Oh, again we cross paths. I believe I said my name was Renna, when last we met[…] what business hast thou here? I have no memory of inking thee an invitation.” The Tarnished shrugs their shoulders. She finds it amusing, and remarks that maybe Fate brought the two of them together. “I am the witch Ranni,” she says. I stole Death long ago, and search now for the dark path. That I might one day upend the whole of it, and rid the world of all that came before.”
She offers the Tarnished a job, and sends them along with her loyal shadow Blaidd to the lost city of Nokron to find a treasure buried there. The two of them bond over a long, meandering quest—the details of which aren’t ultimately relevant here—that eventually brings the duo to a fight against Ranni’s estranged brother Radahn. After a grueling, magnificent battle, Radahn is felled, and with his death the stars are free from stasis. As is Ranni’s fate.
A fallen star tears through the earth, exposing a path to Nokron. The Tarnished descends and finds the hidden treasure: a finger-slayer blade. A fabled weapon said to be capable of harming the Greater Will itself, and its vassals the Two Fingers. With Blaidd sent away on some other unknown task, the Tarnished claims the treasure of Nokron, and delivers it to Ranni so that she may finally walk her path again.
“Ahh... it was thee, not Blaidd, it seemeth. Even in my slumber, I sensed it[…] My thanks. Finally, all the pieces are in place. Soon must I begin my journey. Upon the dark path only I may tread.”
Dark Path is certainly an accurate description—she stole Death and cut her own soul out of her body to break the grip the Greater Will had on her. Not only that, but she arranged the assassination of Godwyn the Golden, dealing a crippling blow to the Golden Order and effectively setting the plot of the game in motion. But in her mind, all of this was justified. Such drastic action was necessary to upend the whole of it, and rid the world of all that came before.
“I am certain now,” she says. “Fate steered us to our reunion.”
As a parting gift, she sends the Tarnished to the location of her own slain body to claim the rune gifted to her at birth. And when they return to her tower, they find her gone. The Tarnished searches the neighboring towers and stumbles upon a portal. They suspect that Ranni, and her doll body, are busy on the other side of the gate, so they step through.
The Tarnished arrives at the River Ainsel, a great underground waterway that runs below the old manor of the Carian Royal Family to which Ranni was born. And at the landing, they find a tiny replica of Ranni’s familiar doll form. As clever as she is known to be, The Tarnished surmises that she probably devised this form to throw the agents of the Greater Will off her trail.
But the Tarnished is clever too—they see right through the disguise.
“I hadn't expected any soul to recognize me in this guise,” she confesses. “But now the cat is out the bag, I cannot allow thee thy freedoms. Perform for me a service as recompense,” she whispers. “Eliminate the Baleful Shadows which prowl these lands.”
The Tarnished happily embarks on this new task. On the way, Ranni recaps her entire life story:
“I was once an Empyrean. Of the demigods, only I, Miquella, and Malenia could claim that title.
Each of us was chosen by our own Two Fingers, as a candidate to succeed Queen Marika, to become the new god of the coming age. Which is when I received Blaidd, in the form of a vassal tailored for an Empyrean.”
“But I would not acquiesce to the Two Fingers. I stole the Rune of Death, slew mine own empyrean flesh, casting it away. I would not be controlled by that thing.”
“The Two Fingers and I have been cursing each other ever since... and the Baleful Shadows are their assassins.”
The Tarnished treads the path before them, and Ranni continues:
“Even when I turned my back upon the Two Fingers. Blaidd remained my loyal ally…” She chuckles at her next thought. “Though he was created a vassal for an Empyrean, he was a colossal failure on the part of the Two Fingers. Blaidd, and Iji both... art willing to give too much to me.”
“Yet they both understand what lieth beyond the dark path... That I must betray everything, and rid the world of what came before. Ah, should I add thee to the list? Another one, kind of heart.
As kind of heart as they...”
Finally, at the end of the path, the Tarnished encounters one such Baleful Shadow, and kills it.
Oddly enough, it bares a striking resemblance to our old half-wolf buddy Blaidd…
Maybe the Baleful Shadows are what the Two Fingers imagined Blaidd should have been, a vengeful agent in slavish service of the Greater Will…
“Beautifully fought. My thanks… 'twas more of a challenge than I envisioned. Now I can finally stand before them. This is farewell, my dear.”
“Tell Blaidd, and Iji... I love them.”
According to Carian tradition, the princess of Caria is supposed to give a ring and sword to her chosen consort. But Ranni locked her betrothal ring away and engraved it with a message. It instructs the reader not to take the ring from where it lies, warning that the solitude she faces is better left for her to face alone. Essentially, the order she envisions would be pretty much removed from the waking world, its chief deity unreachable. She wouldn’t accept their offerings, prayers, love, or worship. A necessary sacrifice to upend everything that came before, and allow the world to start again.
…but the Tarnished ignores her. They find her hidden ring, and make their way to the Church of Manus Celes atop a moonlit plateau, where they knew her Two Fingers were—and where she was no doubt heading. Manus Celes, the Church of the Heavenly Hand, where Two Fingers wait knowing no earthly weapon can harm them. No earthly weapon except the very thing designed to do so—the treasure of Nokron the Tarnished presented to Ranni not so long ago.
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They find her inert body covered in blood and resting at the base of the flayed remains of her Fingers. The Tarnished kneels before her, gingerly, lovingly, picks up her hand, and slides the ring of betrothal upon her third finger. They bow their head in silence.
“So,” she says. “It was thee, who would become my Lord. Perhaps I needn't have warned thee…
I am pleased, however, thou'rt a fitting choice.” Ranni rises before her Consort, and gifts them the great sword to honor long-standing tradition. “I go now, to the night sky. It is there I shall find mine order. I bid thee travel the path of the Lord. And once all is done, we shall see each other once more.”
Ranni disappears to find her path, and leaves the Tarnished to walk their own. They return to Ranni’s old tower to share the great news with Blaidd, who was loyal to her from the beginning and would doubtless be overjoyed at this development in Ranni’s story… Blaidd, who was bound to Ranni from birth to keep her on the path the Two Fingers set for her. Blaidd who, despite serving two distinct masters with opposing goals, remained fiercely loyal to Ranni. Blaidd, whom Iji kept away from Ranni so he wouldn’t harm her if forced to choose between his loyalty to the Two Fingers and his loyalty to Ranni.
But with the Two Fingers slain, something appears to have finally broken in our friend. And when the Tarnished encounters him, he’s surrounded by felled enemies while struggling to keep his senses and remain loyal to both his Lady Ranni, and his friend the Tarnished. He finally snaps, and relentlessly attacks the Tarnished. The Tarnished, armed with the great Carian sword of betrothal, has no choice but to defend themselves.
The fight was long and violent, but with a single decisive blow, the Tarnished finally cuts Blaidd down, falls to their knees, and weeps. When they finally stand again, they bid their loyal friend and brother-in-arms farewell, and embark upon the path of the one who would be Lord.
After the rest of the game’s events play out, and the Tarnished has won their final victory, Ranni appears once more before the kneeling Tarnished.
“The battle is over, I see,” she remarks. She takes slow, measured steps toward the remains of Queen Marika, kneels down, picks up Marika’s head, and raises it. “I do solemnly swear, to every living being, and every living soul. Now cometh the Age of the Stars,” she declares. “A thousand year voyage under the wisdom of the Moon. Here beginneth the chill night that encompasses all, reaching the great beyond.” Marika’s remains crumble away, leaving Ranni to gaze into a dark, cold moon that fills the sky with shadowy blue light. “Into fear, doubt, and loneliness... as the path stretcheth into darkness.”
In this ending, the Elden Ring is cast aside completely, to be eclipsed by the moon. Like it was back when fate was written in the sky, before the Golden Order commanded the stars. Ranni’s order will exist, but it will never again be seen, touched, or believed in by the living. To bring this about, her sacrifice is absolute. She has to leave the home she’s known all her life and never return.
But she won’t be alone.
Ranni turns around, looks down at her consort and smiles. “Well then… shall we?” She extends her ringed hand. The Tarnished reaches up for it.
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“My dear consort, eternal….”
The screen fades to black, and the credits roll.
While we don’t see what happens next, it’s implied that Ranni and her beloved Consort Eternal leave the lands between and travel the world and stars under the guidance of the moon. While many of us are thrilled to call it a happily-ever-after we have to remember: the world of Elden Ring is host to gods, monsters, and other-worldly beings. Could it not be possible that Ranni meant it literally when she said she’s traveling under the wisdom of the moon?
Or, at the very least, a spirit attached to it?
Part 2: the Blood and the Hellish Hunt
At this point, you’re probably expecting me to dive deep into the history of the next central figure in our analysis. But we can’t really do that, I’m afraid. The fact remains, so little is known about this entity that we have no choice but to speculate about anything beyond what little concrete facts are presented to us. I’ll save my theories for the next part, and instead I’ll review what we know from the source material, and share some insight based on analysis of the known information.
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The Moon Presence (月の魔物, lit. Demon of the Moon, Moon Monster): the Final, Final...Final Boss of Bloodborne.
Unlike our beloved Lunar Princess, the Moon Presence ranks among the most mysterious figures in all of the FromSoft catalogue. It has inspired a feeling of discomfort in many players, as if they came so close to the answers they struggled for so long to finally grasp, only for them to flit away.
The player encounters the Moon Presence if they refuse Gehrman’s offer and defeat him in combat. Upon Gehrman’s death, the player’s character is doused in an ominous red glow. They look past the camera at the source and turn to behold the Blood Moon in its splendor; descending from the Blood Moon is the eponymous Moon Presence. The player’s character, entranced, slowly approaches.
As we know, “when the red moon hangs low, the line between man and beast is blurred. The Great Ones descend, and a womb is blessed with child.” That is to say, the Blood Moon rises whenever the line between man and beast is blurred, and the Great Ones descend to bless a womb with child.
…but what if it’s the other way around? The infamous line doesn’t explicitly state the order of events after all. Maybe the Great Ones descend to reproduce, and in response the Blood Moon—the Moon Presence itself—rises, men succumb to their inner, terrible nature, and turn into monsters.
But why? Why turn humans into beasts? Why are hunters chosen to slay them?
What does the Moon Presence want?
Let’s boil the game down to a simple, linear path: The player’s Hunter awakens in a clinic and travels to the Healing Church, along the way they defeat Father Gascoigne—a fellow hunter who has fallen to the scourge. Once at the Church’s Grand Cathedral, the Hunter defeats the Cathedral’s head, the Vicar Amelia, and acquires the password that would allow them to leave the city walls and travel to Byrgenwerth Mansion, where the Great Ones and the Old Blood were first discovered. The Hunter fights through the Forbidden Woods, defeating the Shadows of Yharnam along the way, and makes it to the mansion to find it vacant, derelict, and abandoned. Abandoned except for a single living soul: the old headmaster Provost Willem, who wordlessly directs the player to a great moonlit lake. At the bottom of the lake, the Hunter encounters Rom, the Vacuous Spider, and kills her. Upon Rom’s death, the gate the Yahar’gul is thrown open, and a thought appears in the Hunter’s mind:
Ritual Secret broken. Seek the Nightmare Newborn.
What does the Moon Presence Want?
Following this imperative, the Hunter travels to the Unseen Village, destroys the One Reborn and discovers the corpse of Micolash—the head of the now defunct School of Mensis. The Hunter uses his body as a conduit to travel to the Nightmare, and make their way to Mergo’s Loft. The Hunter ascends the Loft, defeats Micolash’s consciousness along the way, and arrives at their final obstacle: Mergo’s Wet Nurse. The Wet Nurse is a foe unlike any the Hunter has yet encountered—a fully-fledged Great One—a vicious, ruthless, and tenacious monster that governs the Loft and protects the infant Mergo. Upon defeating the Wet Nurse, thus silencing the Nightmare Newborn’s harrowing cry, a haunting message blankets the screen:
With the defeat of the Wet Nurse, the Hunter returns to the Dream, only to find the workshop burning to the ground. The Doll instructs the Hunter to meet Gehrman underneath an ancient tree. There, Gehrman congratulates the Hunter on a successful hunt, and offers to set them free from the Dream once and for all. The Hunter accepts, turns, kneels, and is executed by Gehrman. The Hunter awakens from their horrible dream of blood and beasts, weary and weakened, and walks slowly into the rising Yharnam sun. The screen fades to black, and credits roll.
What does the Moon Presence Want?
Gehrman tasks the Hunter with killing Mergo—in order to do this, they need to get to the Nightmare. In order to get to the Nightmare, they have to travel to Yahar’gul. In order to get to Yahar’gul, they have to get to Byrgenwerth. In order to get to Byrgenwerth, they have to make it to the Healing Church. Getting to the Healing Church is the first major objective of the game.
What. Does. The Moon. Presence. Want?
It wants to kill Mergo. And it uses Gehrman to guide the Hunter into doing so.
Well, that’s messed up, you’re probably thinking. It’s already hard enough for Great Ones to be born: Mergo was stillborn (what we encounter in the Nightmare is Mergo’s consciousness), the Brain of Mensis was malformed and rotten, and the Orphan of Kos died in its mother’s womb. Yes, reader, you are correct. It’s screwed up.
But not uncommon. In fact something always seems to go wrong. It is written that “every Great One loses its child, and then yearns for a surrogate.” Every Great One loses its child. Every. Single. One.
The Great Ones descend, a womb is blessed with child. The Blood Moon rises, men turn into monsters. A Hunter is chosen, and guided by the Moon Presence to slay an infant Great One.
Why turn humans into beasts? Why are hunters chosen to slay them?
What does the Moon Presence want?
…well, it’s obvious now, isn’t it?
The Moon Presence wants the death of infant Great Ones.
But why?
This is where we begin to speculate.
Part 3: Ranni’s Return
The first thing we need to do is place Ranni into the world of Bloodborne, so let’s double back to her for a bit. When we last left her and her dear Consort Eternal, they had left the Lands Between to embark on a thousand-year journey under the wisdom of the moon. A thousand years is a long time—more than enough to reasonably cover the span between the Medieval esthetic of the world she left and the Victorian cityscape of the one in which we would eventually see her again. Over this thousand-year span, she and her Consort traveled all over the world, perhaps even to other worlds. They had nothing but time, what else would they do? Perhaps, at some point over that thousand-year road trip across dimensions, through means unknown, they raised a child together. A child they loved with all their hearts and souls.
A child that was taken from Ranni by a malevolent Great One, the very moment that same Great One murdered her dear Consort Eternal.
At this point, there’s a fork in the road. If we walk one path, we see Ranni grow cold in her isolation. Hostile, even. She resolves to enact vengeance on the Great Ones by taking the same thing from them that they took from her: a future. She casts aside her corporeal body again, and takes on a new form. She binds herself to the moon and spills the blood of a Great One over what would eventually become the city of Yharnam. Humanity discovers this slain god and consumes its blood, and revels in the healing benefits of this apparent miracle. She bides her time, and when other Great Ones descend to bless a human woman with a child, Ranni emerges to set her plan in motion. The humans, after chronic exposure to the Old Blood, begin to transform into monsters that terrorize the city, and she chooses a champion to kill these human beasts, imbibe in their spilled blood, become stronger, seek the newborn Great One, and end its life.
The cycle repeats itself thousands and thousands of times over the centuries, and Ranni’s name is lost to History’s endless void. She exists as a nameless moon demon that haunts both the humans she left behind, and the Great Ones who took everything from her. It is only after countless iterations of this sick cycle, after mountains of corpses bleed seas of blood, that a chosen Hunter—guided, nurtured, and emboldened by a faithful companion—rises against this mysterious Moon Presence and strikes it down, allowing both mankind and the Great Ones to know peace again.
This is just one possibility that I came up with—that our beloved Lunar Princess Ranni would later evolve into the malevolent Moon Presence. But before we examine the other possibility, let’s take a look at that faithful companion who strengthens the Hunter enough to fell this ultimate evil.
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Let’s talk about the Doll.
It’s funny, really. When we first encounter the Doll and speak with her, we don’t ask questions. Or, at least I didn’t. “Okay, there’s a talking doll here to level me up,” I thought. “Sweet.” But—and again, I’ll speak for myself—we didn’t give it much thought beyond that. We didn’t actually stop to think about what, or who, the Doll is.
There is no magic in Bloodborne. There are no sorcerers, wizards, or battle mages. What exists is a collection of scholars, madmen, and old fools who can channel the other-worldly abilities of the Great Ones and perform feats that we who are out of the know perceive as magic.
In English: Gehrman can’t bring a doll to life. So… how did it come to be so alive?
What we know is that Gehrman had an obsession with his star pupil Maria, based on the painstaking love and care he took in crafting the doll in her image. But in the end, he was still terribly alone. The Great Ones who inhabit the dream lands, they say, are sympathetic to us humans. And when one offered to bring the doll to life, poor old Gehrman couldn’t sell his soul fast enough to be with his beloved Maria again…
Only, it wasn’t Maria.
It was—is—an intelligent, thinking, feeling creature inhabiting an artificial body.
…remind you of anybody you know?
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This is the other path in the fork: the Great One that took everything from our beloved Ranni is the Moon Presence. It killed both Ranni’s child and consort, then tore her from her corporeal form only to later imprison her in another, binding her to the Dream and its horrible cycle forever.
But Ranni quietly plotted her vengeance. She dutifully aided the countless hunters that entered her care over the years, and when one finally arrived who had what it took to resist the allure of the Old Blood and the influence of the Moon Presence, she nurtured, comforted, and strengthened them to strike the final decisive blow that would avenge her lost family and future. And when she found them among the burnt-down remains of the workshop after the battle, she would pick them up, cradle them, and nurture them all over again.
So, B, one of you is thinking, what do you think happened? Which of the two paths did Ranni take?
Well, hypothetical reader, I don’t think the answer is that simple.
If we’re talking about which outcome I think is more likely, I have to go with the Moon Presence route since we have more tangible evidence that supports it. Her entire family has an obsession with the moon that borders unhealthy, and her motive for upending the entire world was to rebuild it after all. Besides, we know her to be wrathful: Elden Ring veterans recall her words during the fight against her mother:
“Upon my name as Ranni the Witch—mother's rich slumber shall not be disturbed by thee. Foul trespasser, send word far and wide. Of the last Queen of Caria: Rennala of the Full Moon. And the majesty of the night she conjureth.”
Recall them again in the fight against the Baleful Shadow:
“O Shadow, thou'rt the last. Tell the Two Fingers, that Ranni the Witch cometh to rend thy flesh.
With a fateful wound, ne'er to heal.”
I think it’s pretty easy to see Ranni walk a dark path after having been dealt such injustice, and then live as a curse to everyone and everything who wronged her.
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However, since I’m a sucker for character growth and happy endings, I would prefer it if Ranni turned out to be the Doll.
I would think, and hope, that living over centuries in the company of one or more people she loved softened her. After all, we know those emotions are buried someplace in her:
“This is farewell, my dear. Tell Blaidd, and Iji... I love them.”
I would hope that she outgrew her wrathful side, and grew into a more caring person like her mother. I would hope she avenged her lost family, and found another among the ashes of the world that tried and failed to destroy her.
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I would hope that not every Great One loses its child after all….
This essay was made possible in large part due VaatiVidya’s Prepare to Cry series on YouTube, the Elden Ring Wiki hosted by fextralife.com, and The Paleblood Hunt audio book narrated by Jay Britton. Thanks to them for their fantastic work. Thanks to Hidetaka Miyazaki, George R.R Martin, and the incredible talent behind these amazing stories.
And thank you, dear reader, for listening to me rant about these characters for 5,000 words. I hope the rest of your evening is wonderful.
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gaysnorlax · 9 months ago
the more i think about it, the more the dlc actually made me care MORE about miquella and malenia.
i had no feelings towards miquella except "ur sus as fuck" in the basegame, i thought malenia was cool as a boss but i didnt really care for her as a character. but the recontextualising of the dlc made me think they r pretty interesting. (big spoilers and thoughts under the cut)
if there is an item/dialogue that disproves me then i guess i am wrong, but from my interpretation miquella started with hopeful, uncomplicated motivations. but theres only so long you can keep that up in your not-erdtree before you realise your reach is only so much, and the good you do to these individuals is essentially Not Enough when you cant help everyone and your family is out there running a kingdom built on hatred. it makes sense for me to go from that to "i hate gods, i hate what they have done, but if this is the system in play then i will game the system". it even makes sense to me to abandon a sister who (imo) he loved dearly, because she is one person, and your new system will help Everyone. it makes sense in this mindset to manipulate and use her to go get your new consort, because once you have your new "perfect" world, there will be no need for manipulation- but youre not there yet, youre still living in the hateful world of your mother. it makes sense to abandon your soul-dead brother, because he is one person and in your new world, you can help everyone.
imo the consort stuff doesnt completely track with my theory, in that my theory is that radhan was chosen to give carian legitimacy and minimise outside threat to a world that you hope will no longer have to go to war. (ranni was "dead", and rykard is a Snake so. radahn is all there is lmfao, and even then its suspect whether radahn actually agreed), but the game seems to add a lot of personal feelings there which im not sure were always there. maybe miquella realised he had spurned everyone else who cared for him in his pursuit of a better world and held onto the only person he still had. idk. theres probably lore but i didnt catch every item or dialogue.
i do not think miquella is evil manipulative 100% no feelings scheming evil griffith, i think he had a dangerous set of tools (ability to completely charm people) and a dire situation that was not getting any better while he kept to the moral high road. i also have some thoughts that the st trina split happened as he started contemplating doing Bad Stuff, where she wanted to keep to their original morals.
anyway thats mY OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i might be totally wrong, but this is just how the story and characters read to me
still dont care much about radahn tho lol x
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catcas22 · 1 year ago
I'm curious, you said that your views on Marika as a character had changed since you started writing Prince of Death. How do you view her now?
Hi, thanks for the ask!
This is going to be a bit unfocused, just warning you up front. I suppose it would be best to start with my initial impression of Marika.
On my first file I was going for the Ranni ending, so I spent a lot of time in Liurnia and got most of my lore from Ranni and Turtle Pope. My initial sympathies were very much with Ranni and Rennala -- so my initial takeaway was that Marika was a tyrant and Radagon was a zealot who chose his religion over his family.
As I gathered more information, I softened on Radagon a bit. He seemed to be an okay father, when he was around. His Liurnian family was clearly devastated to lose him, and Radahn and Rykard still held at least a modicum of respect for him. He was also apparently quite close with Miquella, so he can't have been all bad. As my perception of Radagon shifted from "heartless" to "spineless," Marika slotted neatly into a sort of "Lady Macbeth" role. At this point I assumed that the aims of the Greater Will were synonymous with Marika's aims, so I had the vague idea that Marika had called Radagon home because he was more easily controlled and less of a potential threat than Godfrey.
As I progressed into Altus, I learned about Morgott's childhood and heard Marika's "amounting only to sacrifices" quote from Melina. This solidified my view of Marika as a ruthless queen who saw her children as expendable pawns. While her shattering of the Elden Ring implies that she did feel a degree of attachment to Godwyn, abusive parents do typically have a favorite/golden child. At some point I also absorbed the theory that in calling the Tarnished, her aim was for Godfrey to kill the other shardbearers (or kill their killer) and then free her.
By the time I learned that Marika had been actively working to subvert the Greater Will, I "knew" based on the sacrifices quote that she must be doing it for selfish reasons -- someone who views her own children as expendable surely would never take such a risk for altruistic reasons. That's more or less where I was when I developed the premise for Prince of Death -- i.e., Marika seeking to free herself from the control of the Greater Will, and willing to throw anyone under the bus to ensure her own freedom.
Some time later I was talking lore with @maranull, and she pointed out that the sacrifices quote could be interpreted as a warning, not a threat. In other words, Marika isn't necessarily saying "Remain useful to me or I'll cut you off." She could also saying "Don't mess around with Outer Gods like I did, they'll throw you away as soon as you stop being useful."
This ambiguity opens up a myriad of new interpretations of my Marika data-points.
Was she working against the Greater Will out of pure self-preservation? Genuine remorse? Fear of her children getting chewed up by the cycle she had perpetuated?
Was she the one pulling Radagon's puppet strings? Seems less likely the more I learn. Was Radagon the heartless extremist I originally saw him as? Was he a weak-willed follower, but under the thumb of the Greater Will rather than Marika? Was he a handler meant by the GW to curb the increasingly rebellious Marika, or were they both forced into it?
Did Marika banish her omen sons willingly when the Crucible fell out of favor? Did the Greater Will order the purging of omen, and the best Marika could do was negotiate banishment instead of death for her sons? Did Marika purge the followers of the Crucible for strategic reasons, but couldn't quite bring herself to kill Mohg and Morgott?
Did she banish Godfrey because he was a threat, or because she wanted to preserve a potential weapon far beyond the reach of the GW? Was she already plotting to overthrow her own Order that early in the timeline? Did she know that potentially using Godfrey to slay the Elden Beast would necessitate the deaths of the other shardbearers, her children? Was that her plan all along, or a desperate last resort?
I'm still not sure where I land. She's certainly more complex than I originally gave her credit for. I think there's still a valid reading where Marika is working against the GW for her own sake, seeking to free herself before the cycle turns once more and she goes the way of the Fire Giants and the Ancient Dragons. I think there's still a valid reading where she played favorites with her children, discarding some and loving others only conditionally.
But there's also a valid reading where Marika cares deeply for her children despite her flaws, where she's trying with every means available to her to atone for her misdeeds. There's a valid reading where Marika wants to free the Lands from the GW for the sake of her children, even if that means sacrificing herself.
Honestly, I think both are compelling, and I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Marika was not a perfect mother, and she surely made some ruthless decisions where her family was concerned. But you have to stretch pretty hard to say that she didn't love her children, as flawed as that love might have been. Whether you choose to see her as an antihero or a tragic villain, it's the nuance and ambiguity that makes her character so compelling.
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void-king-of-swingttv · 2 years ago
A Note on Elden Ring’s Flower Placement, and implications therein.
So Miquella, right?
Generally, we can assume that, wherever there are Miquella’s or St. Trina’s Lilies, they’re, 95% of the time, in places that are associated with the character or their stories.
There’s Miquella’s Lilies in the Village of the Albinaurics, Church of The Plague, the Haligtree, and a handful of places on the Altus Plateau.
But there’s one place where you an find some that doesn’t fit very well.
The Three Sisters area, just past Caria Manor. Specifically, on the path leading to Renna’s Rise.
Why would one of Miquella’s items, something that means he is likely associated with the area be doing there?
Looking elsewhere, there’s another flower, as well as a number of other items and statements the like Miquella to Castle Sol, where it’s heavily implied there was a ritual there that failed to bring a soulless demigod back to life, which is clearly Godwyn the Golden, the demigod slain in The Night of Black Knives.
No specifically, Miquella’s Lilies are found near RENNA’S Rise, which is where Ranni travels through on her quest to slay her Two Fingers, and banish the Greater Will. This is, oddly, VERY similar to what Miquella was trying to do with his Haligtree.
The Haligtree was meant to compete with the Erdtree, to be a place for those who were cast out by the Golden Order. Not quite as hands on as Ranni’s plan, but the spirit is the same. 
A New Order, free from the old.
Cut dialogue from Miquella himself states that he wants “All things to flourish, whether peaceful or malign.” The oppression and destruction by the Golden Order is antithetical to what Miquella wants.
Miquella’s got ties to Ranni, and her quest to banish the Greater Will, Godwyn, and the attempts to revive him, and there is a bit of a snag that I think I figured out, and that’s if he knew about Ranni’s plan to have Godwyn killed.
I think he did. I think he HELPED.
And he wasn’t the only one that did, and I’m not talking about Rykard and the Blasphemous Claw.
Now, Elden Ring is where Fromsoft has been trying to tie the lore in with mechanics and all that jazz together the tightest, and one thing that always threw me off if the NoBK. Godwyn, who dman near single-handedly ended the war with the Ancient Dragons, fought Fortisax and beat him so soundly the dragon became friends with him, so closely he dove into his death-dreams to try and salvage his soul from death (there’s no hetero way to explain that, Godwyn was plowing that dragon ass), and he was jumped, in his own home, by like 6 people with knives and they had to kill him at EXACTLY the same time as Ranni killed herself with the stolen Rune of Death all the way over in Liurnia.
Godwyn was the mightiest of the demigods. He was also the firstborn to Marika and Godfrey. He saw what the Greater Will ordered through his mother. He saw his twin brothers thrown into the sewers because they didn’t fit the mold the GW wanted, he saw the battle against Liurnia because the Golden Order demanded expansion, he saw his mother banish his father because she didn’t need him anymore after they’d won the last war before The Shattering.
For a man like Godwyn, who all the lore states was a kind man, who loved all and was loved in kind, who ended a war with mercy rather than bloodshed, to see all of that must have done more than broken his heart.
It must have shattered it.
So, after so many words, here is the big theory I’ve been building to:
That Ranni was not the only one behind the Night of Black Knives. That Godwyn worked with er to allow his soul to be broken by the ritual that night so Ranni could be free of The Fingers grasp on her destiny. That Miquella was the one tasked with bringing his soul back through the Eclipse afterwards.
And there’s more, stating the Black Knives would only follow the orders of Queen Marika, who, in exchange for immortality and eternal godhood, gave up all her control, gave up her autonomy, her twin sons so innocent and young, her husband, who fought his wars in her name and grafted the King of Beasts to himself so his bloodlust could be tempered. She who gave up everything for power that was not hers. She who Shattered the Elden Ring out of grief and anger at all she lost and all she gave up.
And so, one night, many, many years ago, a god, and three of her children met, and planned, and schemed.
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thirtiethelement · 2 years ago
asking you about your in-depth trans ranni theory
Oh, THANK you, I'm always happy to infodump about that blue nerd.
Okay, so, before getting into the core of why I think trans Ranni is textually supported, let's go over some of the in-universe history with her:
In the setting, there's a force called Destined Death. It is the natural law of mortality, dictating that everything must eventually come to an end. However, when Queen Marika and her Golden Order came into power, she managed to somehow pluck that law out of the Elden Ring (a massive rune outlining how the world functions at a basic level), hiding it away and effectively banishing death. This allowed for people to live indefinitely by being reborn from the Erdtree when they otherwise would have died.
Marika, along with three of the demigod children of her Golden Lineage (Miquella, Malenia, and Ranni) was an Empyrean - an individual with the potential to channel the power of an Outer God, like Marika and the Greater Will. When Ranni was young, her mother, Rennala, took her to a cloistered spot in Liurnia where she had some sort of communion with another Outer God: the Dark Moon. And she was vibing with it! Whatever ideology it expressed to her, and whatever power it provided, she ended up wanting to work with it. Only one issue: The Outer Will had a vested interest in not being displaced from its position of power.
The Outer Will made its power known not only through deifying Marika and maintaining the Golden Order, but also by sending a number of creatures in service to act as its enforcers: The Two Fingers. Despite how ridiculous they look, they're apparently incredibly dangerous and just about immortal, which makes the fact that each Empyrean is shackled to one to force them to toe the line all the more difficult. Somehow, the presence of one of these linked Two Fingers influences the destiny of an Empyrean, preventing them from supplanting the Golden Order. But Ranni, being clever, figured out a loophole.
Ranni, through some means, found out that the Two Fingers' power over her actions was somehow bound to her body. To sever that link, she chose to do the unthinkable: Working with a group of co-conspirators that included at least her brother Rykard, Ranni arranged for the thievery of Destined Death, and committed ritual suicide in a fashion that managed to kill her body without killing her soul - which, incidentally, did kick off the entire horrific state the world of Elden Ring is currently in, but she was being a girlboss, so it's okay.
The evidence I can point to for her being transgender starts here. To still interact with the world after killing her own body, Ranni chose to let her soul inhabit a finely-made doll instead. It seems as though this may be why she kept Preceptor Seluvis around despite how utterly untrustworthy he is; for better or worse, he's a brilliant magician when it comes to the magic and maintenance behind the doll constructs Liurnia is known for. However, Ranni DIDN'T choose to have the doll made in her own former image, which was presumably well within her capabilities given the in-depth planning that went into her stealing and using Destined Death in the first place. Instead, she had it made to resemble a witch, Renna, who had taught her at some point in the past. In fact, during her first meeting with the player, she outright INTRODUCES herself as Renna, keeping her true identity close to her chest in the face of an unknown variable.
So, that explains it, right? She chose not to look like her old body because she wished to live in hiding, open and shut. But this is where small details start to get interesting. Ranni the Witch is called out by name by Morgott during his pre-fight cutscene, in which he looks across the various thrones in Leyndell abandoned by the other demigods. Radahn and Rykard's thrones are both much, much smaller than the forms we find them in during the course of the game - but oddly enough, RANNI'S is sized for the Renna doll she inhabits, a body that's outright shorter than the player character. We can find her original corpse at the top of Liurnia's divine tower, and she's just as huge as one might expect of a demigod.
This implies that, between the Night of the Black Knives when she performed her ritual and the Shattering, when the demigods went to war with one another over who got to take control of the Elden Ring, Ranni showed up to court with her fellow demigods in her doll body. This would completely defeat the purpose of trying to hide her identity from those who could pose a threat to her. In addition, Ranni shows that she can either extend her consciousness to other bodies, or inhabit other dolls entirely; during the latter part of her questline, you find her inhabiting a miniature version of her doll body, suggesting that she may be fully capable of switching to a different form if she was so inclined.
As a result, my suggestion is that Ranni wasn't just abandoning her original flesh because it was linked to the Two Fingers. If that was the case, she likely would have just stuck to that original body's form when choosing a replacement body to inhabit. It's not like there's some sort of overriding tactical, strategic, or even just physical benefit to the Renna doll, either; Ranni clearly LIKES to feel tall, judging by the stack of books she sits on in her tower to stay above eye level with the player character when they visit. In addition, while there's plenty of portraits and statues of the other demigods how they appeared pre-Shattering (save for the Omen brothers, for obvious reasons), Ranni's image is conspicuous for its absence throughout the entire game.
Ranni has enough incidental bits and pieces scattered around the game to suggest that she had deep personal reasons to inhabit her current form, reasons which go well beyond practicality. And honestly, the fact that signs point to the rest of her family being outright supportive of her (Rykard, who has portraits of the rest of his family, conspicuously leaving her out despite the implication that they were close, the fact that her throne is sized for the doll, etc.) is really heartwarming in an otherwise bleak setting if you choose to make this sort of reading.
Anyway thank you for allowing me to infodump about my blue nerdy-ass wife
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goji-pilled · 9 months ago
MK-S: Interesting, I hadn’t considered that as a sign of Rykard being blond; honestly, I thought the painting was actually made of stone, a sort of carving made of metal.
As for the other aspect, there’s something interesting I learned a while ago, and this was before the DLC: Apparently, the Fire Giant hair whip has a description that mentions both Radagon, him hating his red hair, and something about a curse from the Fire Giant. I had been watching a video that mentioned that some of the nuance may have been lost in translation, but I took away a possible meaning that his red hair was a curse from the Fire Giants. (Take this with a grain of salt/skepticism, but it is the foundation for a fun theory).
Something that had always bothered me about that was “What does Radagon have to do with the fire giants? It was Godfrey that was tasked with taking them out.” Then it hit me: We have Marika’s husband Godfrey, with his army, killing the fire giants. She is the top of the totem pole, and thus target of one last act of spite. And a curse of fiery red hair. What I’m getting at is that this may have been the moment where the fire giants, or their Fell God, split Marika in two, one Marika, and one Radagon. With Radagon containing all the parts of her dedicated to the Golden Order.
This may explain why she banished Godfrey and the Tarnished: They were the closest to her, and would notice any change in herself, so she banished them after this fight to keep anyone from learning this had happened. And Radagon was still powerful, plus Marika was now lacking a general, so she sent him to deal with Rennala while she tried to figure this out. Radagon was noted as trying to combine sorceries and incantations, seeking to become “complete” or “whole”.
It’s possible that Marika thought nothing of this, or his kids, until (And I’m just now considering this) Ranni was named an Empyerian. That draws the attention of the Two Fingers, who may want an explanation for how Marika split in two; Oh Yeah, and the fingers can take centuries to commune/talk to the Greater Will, so it’s a case of “I turn my back for one century, and you split yourself in two and one half makes an Empyrean child!”
So Radagon leaves. (I’m not sure how the Amber egg fits in here, especially since it seems like this Great Rune was removed before Marika smashed the Elden Ring.) Possibly in an attempt to be one being again, they end up conceiving the Twins; but the fact that they’re the same person split in two, their curses could be the demigod equivalent of birth defects.
Maybe when smashing the Elden Ring, the world itself broke apart, and when trying to reforge it, Radagon made them the same physical being, but the crack from their split remained.
Hope that was a fun theory. Have a good day.
trust me i was in shambles over finding out rykard was blonde too...
that aside, the whole radagon-fire giants connection thing is another whole can of worms id almost forgotten. i find your thought really interessting though. to punish marika for the war waged against the giants by splitting her apart, taking all the parts of her loyal to the golden order and giving it the image of the keepers of the flame capable of burning the erdtree, the very symbol of the order, sounds incredibly interessting. like we already know the greater will's influence on the world, it wouldnt be surprising if the fell god was capable of something like this.
and it does explain why radagon hates his hair so much and wants to be whole again so bad. not to mention it also works with something melina says marika said to him. something like "you have yet to become a god, you have yet to become me"
now my question is the timeline of events... maybe i have forgotten or not found it yet but the whole thing in the land of shadow shouldve happened like. before the erdtree was even a thing, while the war with the giants shouldve happened during the early stages of the erdtree.
which would not match up with the original point: messmer. since its clear he was marika's first born.
but again maybe i forgot or missed something in the timeline... there is so much information that can be so confusing in this game, im trying to keep up though!
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eldritchtouched · 1 year ago
Theory Time: Ranni either originally targeted and failed to kill Miquella on the Night of Black Knives, or he was a second target for Ranni's plan if Godwyn proved too powerful
How wonderfully absurd that sounds, no? There's implications in the background that they shared information with each other prior to the Shattering. Ranni knows Torrent's name and that he's a 'spectral' steed, and gives the spirit calling bell (which was implied to originally be Miquella's) to the Tarnished player character. Ranni uses sleep magic on Kale and his horse when they meet. Miquella was Torrent's former master, and invented sleep magic as St. Trina.
Spirit summons seems to be something found with the mages, since Rennala's "prime"/second phase includes the use of them as part of the fight and various mage towers have ghostly summons as part of their puzzles. But sleep magic seems to have been a recent invention (and Miquella is a notable creator, between the needles, Malenia's prosthetics, bewitching branches, sacramental buds, the pulley bow and pulley crossbow...).
Likewise, there's other connections, like how the Miquellan Knight Sword is modeled after the Carian blade (and noted in the description as such), but with amber instead of glintstone. This also becomes curious when you keep in mind the normal starlight shards are blue, but the amber starlight draught results in Ranni's leaving, should you follow Seluvis's request. (The amber starlight which makes it is found in St. Trina's hideaway, a location with a statue of Malenia and Miquella embracing and covered in sacramental buds.) The projection/illusion of Loretta guards Carian manor, but Loretta herself changed factions to join the Haligtree. There's also Carian battlemages guarding the Haligtree near Loretta.
Yet a lot of things are very odd about Ranni's course of actions. She does not side with Malenia to fight against Radahn, despite how Radahn is holding back the stars and, thus, preventing someone from accessing the Fingerslayer Blade she needs. So, why not? Why wait for an interminable amount of time until the Tarnished start coming back to the Lands Between? It is not as though she's an "honorable" kind of character, so making an alliance to kill Radahn and then leaving to do her own thing isn't unheard of. She was quite willing to kill one of her brothers already for her plan to shed her own body, and was willing to put Rykard's life on the line to steal from Maliketh. She also has no problems working with Seluvis, despite the man being a walking red flag, until he actively betrays her.
It makes a lot more sense if... she couldn't do that. If that was already an option closed off to her entirely.
While Miquella and Ranni have different motives, they are also not necessarily opposed in the long term. Miquella seeks to actually make a functional society outside of the whims of the Golden Order's plan, while Ranni is planning to fuck off to space on her own (or with the PC). The Age of Stars isn't actually tied to the Elden Ring or Elden Lord on its own, only if the PC both finishes her questline and summons her to deal with the Elden Ring.
So, why would I say that, that she would target Miquella?
Well, the Black Knives in Ordina are bizarre. Evergaols up until Ordina are established as being places which trap an individual for their crimes. Indeed, the ringleader, Alecto, is trapped in one. There's four Black Knives in the Ordina Evergaol, which is near the entrance to the Haligtree. Four Black Knives in one spot is a deeply strange thing. The Black Knives separated after the event to avoid detection and several died during the night they killed Godwyn (such as Tiche). These four were caught together.
There's also a corpse of a Black Knife outside of it. It's where you get their armor. And floating above that body are nascent butterflies (which are connected to Miquella).
And the Golden Epitaph, the weapon Miquella made after Godwyn's death with the prayer inscribed to it, has the seal of the Haligtree when you do its weapon art, meaning the Haligtree was already a thing when Godwyn was killed.
On top of that, from a pragmatic perspective, it would be much easier to kill a demigod cursed to be in a frail child's body than a demigod who fought and bested dragons. Especially since the former is in a very isolated location, while the latter is in the capital city.
It would also explain why the Haligtree, despite being a refuge for the outcast, is sealed off entirely and how he split the medallion. Castle Sol involved the Lord there trying to bring about some way to fix Godwyn's soulless state with a magic eclipse and the village of the Albinaurics is out of the way and requires going through a poison swamp to get there.
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blasphemousclaw · 2 years ago
One personal theory of mine is that prior to the shattering Radahn and the redmanes lived with Rykard at the volcano manor, from the redmane knight armor description:
"When they were driven to defeat by Malenia's scarlet rot, the Redmane Knights burned the crest on the left breast of their armor to indicate their resolve.
"Alas, dear home, I shan't see you again! For our duty is to remain here, a bulwark against the blight.""
And if Caelid wasn't their original home, than the volcano manor seems like the most likely candidate considering the fire themes, it would also explain the prominently displayed painting of Radahn.
Thinking about Radahn, people tend to assume Radahn is loyal to the golden order and at odds with his carian siblings, mostly because of him stopping the stars and by extension stopping Ranni's fate.
But I think that's missing the very important reason as to why he stopped the stars in the first place, according to a sword monument:
"The Starscourge Conflict
Radahn alone holds Sellia secure
And stands tall, to shatter the stars"
So we know it was done to save Sellia, and if we analyze Sellia a bit, from the eternal darkness spell description:
"Forbidden sorcery of Sellia, Town of Sorcery.
Creates a space of darkness that draws in sorceries and incantations.
This sorcery can be cast while in motion.
Originally a lost sorcery of the Eternal City; the despair that brought about its ruin made manifest. "
And from the fingerslayer blade description:
"The hidden treasure of the Eternal City of Nokron; a blade said to have been born of a corpse.
This blood-drenched fetish is proof of the high treason committed by the Eternal City and symbolizes its downfall."
So Sellia was composed of the survivors of Nokron, a culture that was adamantly opposed to the greater will, and for their "high treason", was destroyed by Astel, a creature from the stars. Possibly sent or lured to them by the greater will, with that part about their proof of treason being a symbol for their downfall
And if the hidden night maiden we fight in Sellia was any indication, then Sellians were not just the descendants of heretics, but descendants that still secretly had ties to their roots.
Now consider that Radahn defended these heretical escapees against another threat from the stars.
It wouldn't even be a stretch to think this new threat was another one set up by the greater will, to finish what it started with the eternal city.
As for this action sealing off Ranni's fate, he might have simply not known that sealing the stars would prevent her fate being fulfilled? Even Ranni herself didn't know killing Radahn was the key until you tell her about it.
And when you're looking for hidden paths to an underground city, it's understandable that "slam a hole into it with a meteor" wouldn't be their first instinct.
The opening of the game also makes it pretty clear that Radahn was on the side besieging Lyendell during the shattering, fighting Morgott.
It's funny to consider that Radahn's tower was the most suspicious and heavily guarded divine tower in the game, even Mohg only sent the omen twins for his tower.
But blackflame monks shared his divine tower alongside redmane knights, with a godskin apostle guarding the old sword of their infamous godslaying queen.
For someone so clearly interested in godslaying, It would be weirder if he wasn't involved in the night of the black knives with his siblings.
It's no wonder that Morgott would lump Radahn as a traitor, all these suspicious or outright hostile activities aside, the only argument I've seen for him being loyal to the golden order is him sealing the stars.
But like I discussed above, his starscourge feat only seems loyal if you ignore all the context that surrounds it, when you take into account everything about Sellia, it's more an act of loyalty to the carians than anything.
Adding to that, one personal theory of mine is that prior to the shattering, Radahn and the redmanes lived with Rykard at the volcano manor, from the redmane knight armor description:
"When they were driven to defeat by Malenia's scarlet rot, the Redmane Knights burned the crest on the left breast of their armor to indicate their resolve.
"Alas, dear home, I shan't see you again! For our duty is to remain here, a bulwark against the blight.""
And if Caelid wasn't their original home, then the volcano manor seem like the most likely candidate considering the fire themes, it would also explain the prominently displayed painting of Radahn there.
I completely agree that people are too quick to assume that Radahn is loyal to the Golden Order (and by extension, that he was acting in opposition to his siblings)! You’ve provided a really great summary of a lot of Radahn’s anti-Golden Order connections, and I think your summary of Sellia is especially spot on.
A crucial point you brought up that I didn’t even realize myself is that Iji does not even consider that Radahn is the obstacle in Ranni’s way until he has to think about it… here is his full dialogue:
“Oh, no, wait... How did I not see it before? I ought to retire as war counsellor for such a gross oversight! Let me explain. The fate of the Carian royal family is guided by the stars. As is the fate of Lady Ranni, first heir in the Carian royal line. But General Radahn is the conqueror of the stars. Who stood up to the swirling constellations, halting their movement in a smashing victory. And so, if General Radahn were defeated, the stars would once again resume their movement. As would Lady Ranni's destiny. Perhaps, even, revealing the elusive path. That leads to Nokron.”
The fact that Iji is just now coming to this realization suggests that there was never any significant feud between the siblings, and that Radahn had other reasons for challenging the stars. If Radahn had acted against Ranni and was a major obstacle in her plans, wouldn’t that problem be more than an afterthought to them?
Regarding Radahn halting the stars, the telescope item description is the main piece of evidence that people cite as evidence for his loyalty to the Golden Order:
“During the age of the Erdtree, Carian astrology withered on the vine. The fate once writ in the night skies had been fettered by the Golden Order.”
Though the logic makes sense, that interpretation always felt a little off to me, since the description doesn’t even mention Radahn and it feels like such a nonspecific statement… as if what it means is to make a generalized observation of how the Erdtree’s/Golden Order’s prominence has diminished Caria’s power (which is demonstrably true!). Furthermore, as you say, there aren’t really any other significant pieces of evidence that indicate that Radahn halted the stars out of Golden Order fanaticism. And as I’ve explored in previous asks, Radahn is not so much an Erdtree fanatic as he is a Godfrey fanatic (no tree images anywhere… just lions!).
As you have alluded to, the biggest piece of evidence that Radahn is A) not loyal to the Golden Order, and B) not working against his siblings is that the presence of Abductor Virgins in Caelid and at Redmane Castle means Radahn was almost certainly working with Rykard — the Golden Order’s most prominent traitor and blasphemer, who explicitly intended to destroy the Erdtree! Rykard in turn owns a portrait of his brother above his fireplace, indicating that he loves and respects him and probably has a close relationship with him — if Radahn was a defender of the Erdtree and stood in opposition to Rykard, then one would not expect Rykard to hold his brother’s image in such high regard. The fact that Rykard displays these two paintings in his manor simultaneously is speaking to me…
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This brings me to my personal theory: that Radahn didn’t give a shit about the Erdtree being destroyed, and perhaps even encouraged his siblings’ plans to do so, because he wanted to be able to LARP as Godfrey in the ensuing power vacuum… similar to Godfrey’s string of conquests during the Crucible era. Radahn doesn’t need the Erdtree to play out his Godfrey power fantasies! This would explain why at least he and Rykard seemed to be on good terms during the Shattering.
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blondie090 · 7 months ago
Great post i agree with evrything thats being said here,so i wanted to a few nore rhings to this theory:-
I refuse to belive morgott learned all the shit he knows without any external help,like the dude is a master of 4 weapons,knows holy incants,unlike other omens he and his brother can actually speak and that too fluently,can create projections of himself and his father,can seal things away like leyndell's entrance and 3 fingers access point,knows 2 fingers language,smart enough to create sentry torch,strategic genius and the shattering only ended in stalemate because he took control of leyndell,knows about all his siblings despite never interacting with any of them and the list goes..so he probably learned these things and skills from marika and godfrey(this also follows the pattern of demigods having a mentor like radahn has alabasterlord,malenia has blind swords man,ranni has renna,godwyn has fortissax,rykards possibly inspired by messmer etc.. so morgott having a secret mentor like marika and godfrey makes sense here)
Also to point out marika probably couldn't visit her omen son's after her merger with radagon because of radagon despises everything related to crucible and he became dominant half later in the story and kept on actively supressing marika so radagon probably stopped marika from ever visiting her sons which could explain why mohg started to resent marika later on and found solice with formlessmother because marika stopped visiting him but he didn't know the actual reasoning behind his mother's absence and morgott of course finds solice with erdtree(a symbol that's created by marika and godfrey unlike radagon's fundamentalism which is exclusively his thing)the one thing I think youre getting wrong is margott ruled as a veiled monarch and people didn't know their new king of leyndell was a omen,the only omen that public knows is his margit projection(even gideon is surprised to find out that morgott is king of leyndell and there's a entire cut questline about a leyndell citizen trying to find the identity of veiled monarch only to be disgusted after finding out that leyndell is being ruled by a omen)
Anyway thanks for making this post because I thought I was the only one to argue that marika loved her omen sons and to argue marika is not that evil of a character that the community makes her out to be,so I'm glad someone outthere that shares the same perspective on the lore as me.
I think to make sense of how Marika feels about her Omen twins, you need to follow a string of:
1/ how bad is Marika’s PTSD?
2/ how bad are people in the Lands Between in general feel about the Hornsent? The Hornsent is very much leading a whole empire that is hunting down anyone they deem inferior, even their own brethren. the fanbase tend to forget that people of Land of Shadow and Lands Between have every reason to already feel grievance towards the Hornsent royalty, even without Marika’s influence.
They were the Golden Order before Golder Order was even a thing (and they want that, btw, the Greatsword of Damnation skill description very much pointed out that the Hornsent royalty wanted to build their own Golden Order under the banner of the Spiraltree, they are just pissed as hell Marika wrenched that divinity from them and made it under the Erdtree instead).
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And Marika, even as a God, was still just one person, with an ailing son at the beginning. If she wanted to consolidate power, she had to unite other people under a common cause. And I do think she promised them a world abundance of healing blessing and no death, and no one will suffer under the Hornsent anymore (sounds awfully familiar, isn't it. except that Marika was always gunning for revenge as well). Omens being shunned that badly can’t be just because of Golden Order propaganda, it’s also because people in fact did suffer under the Hornsent and still remember it too.
3/ Messmer, who is fanatical to the point of even though he admits the Tarnished has Marika’s sanction, he will still hunt them down because he considers them lightless / unworthy, who was very much around when the Omen twins were born, why did he do nothing about it?
I’m pretty sure he has no qualm about killing babies, he doesn’t gaf about his siblings chasing something doomed to fail, he very much goes extra miles to torture any Hornsent on his way. So who protected the twins from him? Who hid them from him?
1 + 2 + 3 = you have a Marika who still very much suffered PTSD from what her people went through, she thought she had escaped, she thought she had managed to build a world where everyone was free from Hornsent’s cruelty and always bathed in gentle ray of healing - something the minor erdtree in her village could never do, because there was no one there to heal. But now she gave birth to … Omens?
It’s a sign that whatever the Hornsent once did to her, it’s left a taint forever inside her (yes i very much believed she was under the Hornsent capture before she managed to run away, either via the Mimic Veil or other means). That she never really escaped that cold dark gaol. And for all of his belief in her sanctity, I think Messmer knew that too, that it’s a wound he could never heal, and now all he could do was to make sure she wouldn’t be tainted further.
And after distress, came fear. Fear for the Omen twins, even though she should hate them, she still loved them, she couldn’t help it. She carried them for months and had loved them all that time. That wouldn’t stop even when they triggered all of her trauma at once.
I think it should be noted that in the DLC there is an item that is the same as Omen Bairn item in the base game, which points out that Omen (or in their case, Hornsent) babies with overgrown horns meet a frightfully early demise. Morgott and Mogh both have overgrown horns. But they are alive! They are ! Very much alive! And grow into adulthood!
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Who healed them? Who kept them alive? Who else but the woman who used to make several blessing flasks for her cursed firstborn, whose innate power is healing, right?
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Before the Omen twins, Omen babies had their horns excised, causing them to perish, but once there are ones born into royal linage, exile is on the table? and again, they have overgrown horns, and still live to adulthood. if they were left to rot in prison, they would have already died.
Marika built a world with a promise that the cruel shadow the Hornsent cast would never befall there, but now… she gave birth for two of them. Her position as a God Queen was of no use if her people clamored for the twins’ death, her duty to them will always outweigh her personal feelings. But she sure as hell would not let her sons die, either.
They weren't exiled to faraway land, they were kept under the capital, presumably so Marika could visit and heal them if their horns caused them pain, the shackles were made so they wouldn't wander up above and ran into civilians that pretty much would call on the Omenkillers to go after them. it was a cruel existence, yes, but it's all she could do for them. she tried her best out of love.
That is why Godfrey never held it against her, even when it's apparent he loves Morgott (as he cradles his son's body gently in the boss cutscene). Godfrey knew she had done everything she could.
All of that above answers this 4th question: why Morgott was accepted as Lord of Leyndell, even went so far as having command over a whole army of the Night's Cavalry?
In the time of unrest, Omens were welcomed in the army, but they were distrusted, even their weapons have an enchantment on it so it could be taken back if they tried something funny.
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But Morgott was trusted to command a whole army and held the walls of Leyndell for that long?
The only way I could rationalize that is after she was forced to separate from Messmer, Marika brought both Morgott and Mohg back to live with other demigods. A big part of the Erdtree's power force was in Messmer's hand, now that he was not there anymore, I imagine people would become more accepting of letting Omens join their rank. And because Messmer was not there, the twins would actually not have to deal with him. In a twisted way, when Marika lost her beloved firstborn, she gained the other two back.
Even though they weren't officially recognized as her child, but more as warriors serving in Leyndell army, Morgott proved himself with his tactical mind and combat prowess (while Mogh used the resources brought by his new position to secretly started funding his blood cult, and this is how I think he met Miquella and all the stuffs in that part of the lore happened. Like you can't convince me he built that whole palace and had all that fancy clothes without money or resources taken from somewhere else).
Then Godwyn died, and Morgott witnessed everything thereafter. and the rest of the story, we knew how it played out.
So yeah, that's my take on the timeline and story of the Omen twins. I know it doesn't have a strong official description backup as my theory on Messmer, but I feel like this makes sense with all of my other interpretation, and if you agree with those, they are what actually back up this one.
If I draw Morgott in the future, it'll also be based on this premise.
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dragon-communion · 8 months ago
This might be a tricky one lmao, but do you have any opinions or theories on why defeating/killing (like I know he's not actually dead till we unleash Death, but the game won't let us interact with him so...) Morgott... just completely transforms him?
There's only like the tiniest crumb in the DLC about the Omen issue, and it's completely unrelated to this aspect so I keep going "What does this MEAN?" like a madman at it.
We actually see another instance of this with Godrick! His body is also left after the fight, I forget if we can further damage him though.
With Godrick, I think every modification he made to himself was winnowed away in death. Specifically, I think we took it from him, by taking all of his runes.
What would that mean for Morgott, and by extension Mohg? Mohg leaves no body, and apparently there's a reason for that in the DLC. But when we "kill" Morgott and wrench his rune from him, I think we're also taking the essence of his life experience and compiled strength. That's what runes are for us, after all. Strength. Conviction. Our abilities and skills. What is Morgott without the horrible strength that supports him being a "monster"? Maybe just a man.
I think Omens are one of the things that can happen if someone is born with too much life in them, too many runes twisting the strength and shape of their body from birth. Weird horns are not unique to human babies, we can harvest them from animals too, so there's something there. Omens just grow, kind of like Godwyn does, but they get dragon-adjacent deformities instead of aquatic ones.
I'm determined to back up the idea that the Crucible just rewires everything into a discount dragon. I mean look at the extra limb options. And the Misbegotten.
If it was natural or easy to just strip all of those runes from an Omen, I think it would've seen more success with others, but Morgott is also built different thanks to Marika and can probably hover there half-dead for longer than anyone has a right to because demigod privileges.
I've got a headcanon that when he finally dusts in Godfrey's arms, that's him transferring his ashes to his father to continue serving the Erdtree after death.
To be honest, most of the demigods barring Radahn and Mohg seem to leave weird corpses- Malenia's flower, Rykard's head, Ranni's vaguely Pompeii-statue-esque remains, so I think there's some footing there for the "built different" argument.
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violetsystems · 1 year ago
I made it to Malenia which it's worth it to note that she's an optional boss even though everyone talks about her. She's the one who let loose the Scarlet Rot on Caelid in terms of lore. Scarlet Rot is a damage over time effect that does just that. The first phase is hard if you don't know that every hit she lands heals including your shield. It's best to stagger her with Theodorix's Magma which is a Dragon Incantation after icing her down with Borealis's Mist. You'd have to kill a few dragons for those. Fighting with a mimic seems best if you don't have the appropriate +10 spirit ashes. I suppose you could summon someone but I've been less reliant on that this play through. The blasphemous blade you get from Rykard in Volcano Manner is probably best suited for her because the first phase is pure melee. I messed up some quest lines beating him first but that's what new game plus is for. Malenia's second phase is pure Elden Ring shitshow. She turns into an orange flower and AOE's rot everywhere dropping you down 80% hit points which gives you only a couple of seconds to flask back up and remove rot. I've only gotten her down halfway in the second phase after maybe five tries. But I'm now level 180 or something. The fact that it's optional points to the fact that if you rushed the game you'd miss a ton of quest lines. I just finished the Ranni quest which was bittersweet. You unintentionally betray someone you fought side by side with by becoming her consort but it's hinted that you were a better fit for her anyway. Seeing as how Iji locks Blaidd up in an evergol. You have the choice to let him out. And that can come back to haunt you if you get sentimental revisiting Ranni's crib. Back to Malenia's quest line, there's a bunch of Radagon lore tied to her as she is both the daughter of him and Marika and the twin sister of Miquella. The bloom of the second phase has something to do with her being reborn which hints that there is a third phase which you do not see. A guess is that you fight her again in the DLC and it has something to do with the Milicent quest line. All of this happens before you decide to burn the Erdtree which also means it's optional. It's mammoth and the lore behind it is crazy enough to be pure George R.R. Martin even if I haven't really gotten into Game of Thrones. I'm sure they probably would have cut the entire Haligtree out of the game if it were a different publishing company. But considering I still have to beat Mohg and clean up a few loose ends with Malenia before I start the end of the game, it's taken me forever. Insult to injury, if you down Malenia it apparently doesn't mention you felled a god. Which brings more credibility to the third bloom theory. As far as spoilers go? You would have to literally get to Malenia to even think about half of this shit. And that is a mess and a half. Thirty levels and a few somber ancient smithing dragon stones are worth it. But it definitely keeps my mind off how slow and alienating the process has been trying to move forward from my previous life. I hope my third bloom is as batshit as that boss fight.
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space-blue · 3 years ago
a post of the textures of eyes in game, is interesing that a lot of character had, at least a little of gold particles at same time godfrey had none.
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Oh that's interesting! Notice how many of the eyes with gold have it as a form of "eclipse"?
Putting my ramblings under the cut to spare the hundreds of people who didn't follow me for my silly Elden Ring meta
Man, Morgott got (1) consolation prize : the most golden eyes of them all. It's great to see how the corrupted brothers Radahn and Rykard have their gold corrupted inward, one by red rot and the other... whatever that's supposed to be. Merging with a snake can't be good for your health.
IDK what it means for Godfrey though, as he is tarnished, like us. And if you check out this video about unmasking NPCs, you'll notice the Tarnished don't have any gold in their eyes! D has blue eyes, Roderika teal, Fia blue as well, Gieon that old bastard is milky brown, and handsome Rogier is green.
I guess we all lost grace fully.
That chart really raises questions regarding Blaidd. He's the only one with purple eyes besides Melina?? And people noted how Melina's face matches perfectly with Ranni's doll.... Oh god.
Also interesting how Red Wolf of Radagon has half red half gold eyes.
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Like red hair on a golden boy... Or like a red curse seeping through... This is fueling my Radagon curse theory aaaaahahaha thank you anon!!
Also, Astel has such a pretty eye... Fromsoft really stomping on our dicks there giving such a HORRIBLE looking monster such a PRETTY fight and colour theme. Like, reskin him as anything but a skull faced nightmare bug and he's the prettiest boss in the game.
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