#i have such a cackly laugh and now you do too
Snippet of Chapter Three of Bloodhound
Whoop! Whoop! We have made progress! Like I said before, I am super-duper busy trying to survive school and upcoming tests so this is going to be written at a snail's pace.
Nevertheless, I hope you all enjoy this little snippet of the next part of Bloodhound.
Warnings: Mentions of trauma and male violence! I'm using stuff from my old fic Baying Dogs as inspiration for this and we all know that Baying Dogs was headed in a very dark direction.
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“So,” you shyly began, still eyeing your surroundings, “how come you guys decided to do some yoga?”
“Felt like we needed it, I guess.” Gaz shrugged, setting a mat on the floor.
He dusted off his hands, looking up at you from across the courtyard.
“And it also makes me feel a little at home. I used to do this regularly, believe it or not.” He smiled, “But then we had… well, Shepherd and… the stolen missiles… But, you know, we have a moment to breathe now so I’m taking it.”
“As am I!” Rudy added, placing a CD into the player, setting the lid down with a click.
“I see.” 
Good on them, you thought to yourself, Good on them!
Perhaps you should make a hobby out of this once you’ve found somewhere to properly settle, eh? You couldn’t help but smile at the thought. 
It seemed you were enjoying it so far, relishing in the ‘downward dog’ stretch, feeling your body sing with gratitude as your muscles made a start in releasing some of the tension. 
Ghost recognised your voice as he walked down the corridor, catching a glimpse of you in the sunlight, laughing as Gaz tried to keep you steady in a paired ‘tree pose’. He had to admit, it was a strange scene before him, the contentment of Gaz, Rudy, you and the instructional tape’s soundtrack of tibetan bowls contrasting with the backdrop of armoured vehicles and heavy cargo. Ghost couldn’t help but pause and watch you, no real reason forming behind the action, other than it being most likely boredom. 
“Steady, Y/N! You’re going to-”
You and Gaz fell like dominoes, with you landing right on top of him, howling with laughter. Rudy was the only one who remained standing, perfectly balanced, not quivering one bit. A small grin made itself known on his face; even with his eyes closed, he could tell what was going on. Though you were clearly no good at this, paired poses most certainly being not your thing seeing how many times you had fallen and taken poor Gaz with you, you couldn’t help but have fun. There was no real weight here to your actions, no real consequence for misstepping, no one scolding you or threatening to cleave your head from your shoulders… errors were allowed to just be. You were allowed to just be. 
Ghost was still watching, hooded eyes narrowing in curiosity. He was still trying to see what you were all about. Yesterday didn’t really give much about you apart from politeness and an eager aim to make a good first impression. Last night and this morning had presented a much more skittish side to yourself. And here? Well, here he was seeing certainly a more relaxed Y/N. You were a cackler, he’d give you that, unafraid to conceal your true laugh. Hearty chortles and snickers left your mouth as Gaz made a comment which sent you and Rudy over the edge, your laughs only intensifying as you watched Rudy lose balance and fall down. This yoga session definitely wasn’t about peace and tranquillity, but it didn’t matter, you guys were having a good time. Ghost chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he moved on to go grab something from the mess hall. He guessed he just liked the way you smiled. 
As you were settling down, still wiping tears from your eyes, you spotted a figure in the doorway.  Your senses told you this was ‘Ghost’. You felt your heartbeat begin to quicken a little, only to then die down once you saw him turn and walk away. Like a deer watching a wolf turn back to the forest after a long chase, you completely slackened with relief. He walked on, not paying you much attention. You followed him with your eyes until he was out of view. 
Did he not care?
Should you not care?
Did you overthink that whole exchange? Did you need to run?
Maybe you should go apologise. It would be a selfish apology, coming from a need to wrap this whole thing up on your end, mark this situation as officially over, but… maybe he wouldn’t care for it and just take it. Not necessarily accept your ‘sorry’, but, the again, you didn’t need that from him. 
The way he had nonchalantly moved on, like you weren’t even there, though most likely recognising you along with Gaz and Rudy, was comforting. 
“Okay!” Rudy’s voice broke through your thoughts, “I’ve fast-forwarded it to the… I think it’s called the ‘Shavasana’ part?” 
“Yeah, that’s ‘corpse pose’.” Gaz explained, getting up from his cross-legged position to go listen and assess the instructions.
He turned his head so his ear was facing the speaker, paying close attention to the CD’s soothing voice. 
“Yep,” he nodded to himself, “That’s the ‘cool down’ part.”
Then, the sergeant turned to you. 
“I know we’ve been giggly, but I think this part’s going to be better for us if we’re real calm.”
You nodded, trying to get the last of your chuckles out through taking steady breaths as guided by Gaz. You smiled a little, doing your best to focus as Gaz talked you through the breaths.
“In for four.”
You breathed in, counting away in your head. 
“Out for six.”
You exhaled, counting again. 
“Try to breathe from the bottom of your belly,” Gaz placed a hand on his tummy to show you where he meant, “and then fill your chest with air.”
You did as he said, needing a few goes before you mastered it. 
And when you exhaled, breathing out from your chest first, then your belly, it was like a part of you had left with it, dissipating into the air around you. 
“How’s that? Feel relaxed?”
You nodded. 
All three of you lay side by side, getting comfortable on your backs, ready to enter ‘corpse pose’. 
“Now, close your eyes.” The CD instructed, “Place your hands either with your palms facing up to receive, or facing downwards on the ground to release.”
Hmm, you pondered to yourself, closing your eyes, Do I want to give or receive?
To let go or accept? 
It was a tough call. 
There was a lot, particularly a lot of pain, you wanted to give up but at the same time, you wanted to receive the privileges of freedom, or at least have the hope to receive them. 
However, if you wanted to receive the boons of your new life, you would first have to properly let go of the restraints of your old one. 
You placed your hands beside you, facing downwards. 
Soon, you were back with your old friend, your haunted mind. 
In the dark, you could see the formings of your pursuers. Teeth, eyes, claws. Guns, bullets, knives. Body armour tearing, nails rendering your skin. 
You had survived them all. 
In for four. 
They were trying to put you back in the chase, when you were afraid and running from the Red Room. 
Out for six. 
However, you weren’t afraid enough to picture the setting. The pale moonlight, the forest floor, the echoes of howls and the gnashing of jaws… they were all merely descriptions. Just words. No images, no scenes. You refused to make the sights and smells tangible. Words they were, and words they shall remain. You couldn’t be scared forever, so why not make start on quelling that fear?
As you lay in your mind, another memory came forth. 
An older lamia, the one you had escaped with… who unfortunately didn’t make it. She… you were both held down by those dogs. Unsupervised, they had decided to take punishment into their own hands. 
You had seen horrible things. People beaten and bloodied beyond repair. And yet, that lamia… she had said something to you that night.
“You will learn to love men again.”
It was strange, but it stuck with you for some reason. 
“You will learn to love men again.”
You had denied it for quite some time, but in this moment of solitude, with it being just you and your thoughts, you decided it was right to acknowledge the apprehension that had been plaguing you the most. You were afraid Laswell’s lot could do what those Arcadian Sons had done. You were afraid that they were the same. 
You had denied it. However, the only other company you had ever had before this were either Arcadian Sons, the whitecoats which studied them and your comrades from the Red Room. And, as for the Arcadian Sons, a lot weren’t kind. Not all. But a lot. 
As shown by that night. 
Unit 4, the ones which had hunted you and your band of escapees, they were monsters. Regardless of what shape they took.
Men like them deserved to be tortured for eternity, put in pits of fire and burned for centuries. Have unspeakable things done to them. You wanted each and every one of those sick fucks to feel your pain, feel the fear you felt. 
However, you had forgotten to note that fear often wore the dress of anger. Letting go would not be an easy task to begin.
But you were here now and you wouldn’t let anyone hurt you like that ever again. You were in control. 
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xolliwritez · 2 years
Cackly Cords || Ninjago Tk Fic
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A/N: aaaa thank the amazing @jettorii for collabing with me!! this is my first ever collab, and it was insanely fun!! hope you enjoy!!♡
collab right here
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"Zane, stay still, I need too make sure your circuits aren't fried!" Pixal said, sighing as she looked up to see her boyfriend near the ceiling like a cartoon cat, "Or you could do that also.." She huffed.
Zane was usually really laid back and really good when it came to examinations... as a human, but ever since he became a cyborg, the examinations got a little more hectic.
"I promise to make it quick, Zanny!" Pixal swore, only to frown as her now stubborn boyfriend refused too leave his hiding spot. She tried all the best solutions to bring him down, yet he continued to deny her any agreement to come down for his appointment.
"Fine then, I'll just go." She said, walking out the room, Zane thought he had been victorious, but little did he know the trick she had up her sleeve. As Pixal had walked out, she had gone up and asked if anyone could help her get Zane too take his appointment, and with that, she had back-up.
As Zane hopped down in his false victory, he didn't expect for Cole to have tackled him, this caught the ice ninja off guard completely, "Gotcha now buddy! You know it's not good to skip appointments!" Cole said with a slightly amused tone to his voice.
"Cole, let go! You don't understand!" Zane panicked as he tried to pry his fellow spinjitsu friend to release him, only to gasp as Pixal emerged infront of him, "It's okay, Zane, it'll be quick." She said as she plopped her gloves on, makingthe ice ninja squirm more.
"C-Cole! I think I would prefer if you'd let me go!" Zane said in a panic, his feet kicking around as he thrashed in his friend's hold to no avail, his face flushing as Cole grinned, "What? I can't hear you over your nonsense!" He smirked, chuckling as his friend whined.
Zane turned his attention back too Pixal as she inched closer, "S-Stay back you fiend!" He said, making her roll her eye's playfully, as she cleared her throat, "Work with me, love." As she went towards him, she smiled, "Now, for the first procedure I'll-"
"Oh right, you're really ticklish here, ahem, as I was saying." She held back a smirk as she had squeezed and prodded around at his side's for any loose wires or any signs of danger, as she then looked up and giggled as she saw Cole sneakily blow against his friend's ear. "Cole, stop messing with him, you know how sensitive he is." She chuckled, Cole playfully pouting, "Party pooper." He muffled, making Pixal roll her eye's again as she kept up at Zane's side's, before crawling up to his ribs, making him hitch and mix some static in with his laughter. "Gahahahah! P-Pixal, hurry uhuhup! I c-cahan't tahake this!" Zane whined out.
"Funny, you didn't ask me too stop tho-"
"Okay okay!" She laughed, as she quickly finished up with the area, gping down and checking his stomach, "You could've broken some gears by how hard you're laughing." She teased, placing a kiss on his neck, making him snort, as she then heard a raddle in his stomach, "PIHIHIXAL STOHOHOP!" He said, as he immediately fell too the ground as Pixal and Cole let go, the two high fiving, "See Zane? You had some loose gears, without your appointments you could get worse!" She scolded, flicking his forehead as he rubbed the area.
"I guess your right.." He said, smiling as he and Pixal exchanged kisses on the cheek. "Good boy." She praised, hopefully now Zane would know appointments weren't so bad.
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itslittlegiggle · 1 year
omg ,, u can ignore this if you want dw but do you have any bsd hcs :eyes emoji:
(i’ve been hoarding this for the past 2 days) DO I EVER BABE
i’m rewatching BSD right now bc it’s been so long that i knew i’d forget what was going on lol so season 4 characters aren’t here but here are some of my favsss
- BABY babybabybabyba
- squeaky. high-pitched giggles. big blush, BIG PINK BLUSHER
- his waist and tumby are his worst spots, Will Squeal
- but he’s ticklish everywhere and will be babbling and stuttering before he’s even touched lmao just wiggle ur fingers at him. a turtle-upper for sure
- dazai tickles him a lot bc he’s a Menace and atsushi is Cute and sometimes kunikida has to rescue him
- also akutagawa and their tickle fights are so cute bc they’re both just like uncoordinated when tickled and it’s so funny (i feel like i still don’t get aku’s character enough to have more for him ahhhh)
- idk man i feel like he’s a ticklish ribs kinda dude
- like just grab at his ribs and he shrieks and it’s hilarious
- also ticklish everywhere. toes are really good too!!
- again, when dazai is feeling silly goofy mood he will tickle tanizaki and the poor boy just screamy screams and cackly cackles
- just goes kinda limp when tickled and like. twitches lmao
- SWEATER PAWS he covers his face with his sweater paws PLEASE 😭😭😭 he gets so shy
- rn i’m going through atsushi and tanizaki Brainrot so just think about them rolling around and squealing and shrieking when one of them gets the other in a good spot
- LOVES TICKLES!!! will unashamedly shout it to the rooftops
- just thinks it’s all great fun!!!!
- hmmmm i feel like he is a tumby and sides kind of guy
- super responsive when tickled and squirms and cackles so loud and people love tickling him bc it’s fun hahaha also bc he’s one of the youngest so he’s the Baby Brother everyone likes bugging
- will tickle anyone and everyone. will grab tanizaki’s ribs to make him yelp and poke atsushi to hear him giggle
- like swiping a finger down his back makes him shudder and yelp so obvs dazai uses it against him
- clawing at his back? SHRIEKS like he will literally scream-laugh and he gets mad embarrassed lol
- hips. and like the crease where his hips meet his thigh. squeeze there and he is goneeee lmao
- dazai loves to tickle him
- ummmm yeah that’s all i can think of right now sorry lol
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scp-tiggles · 6 months
Scp 076-1
50% ler | 50% lee
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As a ler
Surprisingly just as merciful as cain/073
Loves to use sheep for aid with lees! (Since he can summon them)
Absolutely has a favorite lee and its 073, when the two arent teaming up, they’re against each other
BIG on teasing.
“Aww, you’re laughing so much! Maybe i should just let the little ones get their fill of laughter and not help..”
Now, if hes the one tickling? Be warned, he runs FAST
Your best bet to try and avoid him is by hiding, he’s pretty much near sighted so you can easily get away
After wrecking someone will let the person chill with the sheepies :]
As a lee
Firstly, best spots are his back and his armpits
CANNOT STAND ROUGH TICKLES HE FOLDS IMMEDIATELY! (Its the cutest thing too, he curls up and clamps his arms down)
His laugh is soft mostly, but if he’s in a bubbly mood it’ll be a bit more cackly with some snorts here and there
Hes been wrecked more times by his sheep then he cant count smh, not even on purpose, they’re stupid and cuddly and end up accidentally tickling him!
Limbs DO flail when tickled, so be careful (hes never actually trying to hurt someone though)
Immediately sleepiness after being tickled, falls asleep in minutes (honestly hes just constantly tired lmao)
Scp 076-2
100% ler | 50% stoopid
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As lers
Okay so theres roughly about 30 of them in total, and a mix of actual sheep and the ones mentioned above.
These dudes are SUPER FLUFFY, and mainly tickle with their snoots or just trying to cuddle their victims
Abel is their favorite to target since hes basically their dad (plus its an excellent way to coax for treats!)
Real note though, if one approaches you, be warned. The rest will follow.
..as uh..lees-?
Cant tickle em
Okay so, if you happen to be faced with them, simply just throw a piece of food away from you.
Dont have food? Say your prayers cause these little dummies know no mercy.
Extra! (For both)
Abels flower crown was gifted to him by cain!
He has a reflection ability like his brother, any ACTUAL damage tickles him and the user who tried to afflict it.
Hes a big cuddlebug who loves naps, and falls asleep in random places.
Also follows budgie logic, throw a towel over his head and hes asleep in seconds.
His sheep all have names.
Except nobody ever remembers them so they just call them “1, 2, 3, 4,” etc
The sheep have, on multiple occasions, stolen from the cafeteria.
But they’re to cute to be mad at so everyone just lets it slide :]
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
HEADCANONS OPEN? I AM SO LUCKY! Howzit going, Squiggly? Long time no read😅. I just noticed that you have Spy x Family on your writing list. Can I be so bold as to request both lee and ler Franky and Loid? I love those two more than I should🤣
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Hey gang! I'm finally getting around to headcanon requests aekjrakjrekarkjaejrk I've gotcha covered! :D
Loid Forger/Twilight
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-Tickling's a bittersweet thing for Loid. Growing up, his mom would tickle him gently after a bad day and they both needed a laugh. His friends would also tickle him on occasion, but those memories are far gone now. He hadn't been tickled again until he became family with Yor and Anya.
-And holy GODS he forgot how ticklish he is! My guy could easily escape if desired, but for appearances (and because he might be having fun shhhh~) he lets it happen. His belly his by far his worst spot- anywhere else he can more or less guard against, but the second you start tickling him there all his spy training goes out the window and he's putty in your hands.
-His laugh is quite different from his stage laugh. Where that one is calm, deep- collected; his real laugh/tickle laugh is filled with shorts and chortles, lots of dorky sounds and wheezes! It's literally so nice to listen to holy-
-He can and will be quite the ler! It's rare, but he can wrestle down Yor and tickle her when she's too drunk or having worries about her role in their family. Sure, he risks getting knocked into next week, but it's worth hearing her laugh and seeing her pretty smile- whoops he has a crush on her lolololol~
-Anya and him have tickle fights alot; they're surprisingly evenly matched. Anya's small and nimble and fully aware of her father's ticklishness while Loid is skilled enough to gather her up and tickle her whenever. It's not uncommon to see them both passed out on the floor together after a particularly "grueling" battle of the tickles!
Franky Franklin
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-Scruffy Head! Unlike Loid, he's got zero defense to tickling and it SHOWS. He's way more ticklish- just the threat of them makes him double over and die. Anya found this out rather quickly and uses it to her advantage whenever Franky babysits.
-He's got a loud, cackly laugh that easily adds 10 years to your lifespan if you get the chance to listen to it! It's stupid contagious and really, really fun to listen to. Think like a car engine struggling to start but make it a laugh- that's what he sounds like.
-His worst spot I think is his neck- oh and his ears! Trying to get disguised with Loid is a pain cause he's so squirmy and giggly while things like masks and makeup are going on. He's also really ticklish on his ribs, poking him there will get you quite the reaction! Really- if you tickle him anywhere, he'll react; he's just that sensative!
-As a ler, it's rare for him to tickle people. He doesn't get many opportunities in his line of work, so the most he can do is give Loid a few jabs in the belly or sides whenever they're working together and have down time. He also tickles Anya alot when he babysits- she wins most of the time though.
-Sometimes Franky and Anya will create little ambushes for Yor or Loid when they come home. Anya will lead with Bond, taking down Loid while Franky assists! Yor usually either skedaddles away or joins the fray because "Agent Mama will save you, Loid!" (Spoiler alert- she usually helps Anya and Franky whoops). It takes awhile, but eventually he and Yor might have little tickle fights- sneaking pokes at one another or other things like that. He becomes a regular for tickle fights after awhile.
Thanks for reading!
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maestro04yayyy · 10 months
Antivillain au!
Cw: homophobia and violence(it's not much i think but there is)
Chloe entered the diner.
She has never been here before but chloe bourgeois couldn't be there, but chloe bourgeois couldn't like girls either.
That's why she prepared a "costum".
Free is still laughing at it, saying how it won't fool anyone.
He doesn't know how oblivious parisian can be.
By the way her costume is just what she wears when she wants to relax in her room, which is a chat noir themed hoodie and pantsuit, they are both black with green paws along the sleeves and cat-acalysm is written on the right side of the pants, along the leg and pun master is written on the front of the hoodie.
Oh and the hood has cat hears obviously.
She also has her glasses and her hair are loose.
"Welp now is time to flirt and see if my charm works on girl too"
Chloe now enter the diner and it's kinda empty, there is only a woman at a table and a-
Wait is that juleka!!!!!!
What is she doing here and why is she so pretty in that working uniform.
No chloe stay focused!! You are on a mission and your target is juleka, who she never noticed how tall she was or how red her eyes were like little rubies, shining and her pale-nononono chloe i said stay focused!!!! You have to make sure she doesn't recognize you and stay cool!!! You are going to make that purple haired goddess blush!!!!!
Oh no, she is looking at me!!!! Have i been staring?! I don't know!!! How much have i been in there? Oh god my face is probably all red!!!! And Free cacklying in my pocket isn't helping.
"What can i do for you?" Juleka asks and my god she can talk!!!!!! Chloe never heard her talking!!!! Why her voice has to be so so so chloe doesn't even know how to describe it but it's making her going crazy.
That's when juleka smirked.
She leaned on the counter to be at eye level with chloe, her copper red eyes boring into her soft blue.
"I would suggest a dessert for such a sweet girl like you"
"I-i-i.." chloe isn't blushing, nope absolutely isn't and she also isn't about to say something stupid or embarassing at all.
And nobody can say the opposite because right when she was about to say exactly what would have made juleka blush and cause HER a gay panic, the woman at the table decided to interrupt them.
(She will thank her later)
"You two should be ashamed of yourself!!!! Sinning so clearly in the kiddle of the day like some-some pervs!!!!"
(Or maybe not)
Chloe could see the woman red with anger still yelling at them but chloe honestly didn't care much about what she said.
She lives with audrey bourgeois after all, words can't do much to her anymore.
But she saw juleka freeze and lose all her confidence turning in the silent mumbling shadow she is in class, her eyes looking down and hugging herself.
And that hurt.
And that made chloe angry.
She smiled and apparently that was enoughy to make the woman shut the fuck up.
Free said to show when I get angry and point it to the source and destroy it.
Time to do it.
Chloe punched as hard as she could the woman in the face.
The sound of flesh being hit was so satisfying, almost as much as the sound of her nose breaking under her fist.
She could also she hear juleka saying something in surpsise but couldn't make out the words, her blood was pumping and her heart was too loud for that.
She woman had flew back hitting the table with her back.
She was still yelling something at her, so chloe took a step toward her to make her shut up again.
Chloe was still smiling.
Then she saw a black butterly and she stoppef smiling.
The akuma flew right at her victim who accepted the deal in a second.
(Who is the sinner now? Making deals with a super villain)
"Well...fuck" chloe ran toward juleka and scooped her up in her arms.
"Sorry princess but messed up and now is time to run" and so she did.
She opened the door with a kick(she always wanted to do that) and runned as fast as she could in the streets of paris, the akuma screaming behind her and juleka moving in her arms.
"Don't move or I am going to fall!!!!"
"Just put me down!!!!"
"Nope i am faster, this is saf-oh god ehat was this!!!!!"
Chloe just avoided a huge pillar of lightfalling from the sky
"Just my luck, she can attack from the distance" chloe grumpled.
Juleka mumbled something
"It's all my fault...."
Again, what????
"How the fuck is this your fault?" Chloe avoided another pillar, at least the akuma is slow, going is getting further and further away.
"If-if i didn't flirt with you she wouldn't have start yelling and she wouldn't have had to defend me...."
"Oh so it was you all along!! You are the one who taught people honophoby and that instilled in me the urge to kill useless idiota" chloe said with the outmost serioussnes.
That made juleka laugh, and god that was the best sound she ever heard.
It was so distracting that she almost hit a signal.....almost luckily.
"S-sorry you are right i am being stupid, i am juleka" she said
Chloe smiled, thank god she run a lot, but where the fuck are the heroes she can't go on for much longer.
"I am...Emelie, yes emelie also tonbe precise i didn't punch her to defend you, i did it just because I wanted to"
"Thank you anyway, it was amazing to see" wait is she blushing? Why? Chloe wasn't doing anything.
She wanted to say something amazing like she was about to do back at the diner but saw chat noir.
"Welp time to say goodbye" chloe winked and throw juleka, chat caught her surprised.
"Heyy what are you doing?!! Wait juleka? Chloe!! Chloe what are you doing!!!"
That might be a problem but chloe honestly didn't care much about it, she turned around, facing the akuma still a lottle behind.
And she started running toward her.
She could hear multiple yelling behind and above her, uhh ladybug was here too.
She avoided pillar after pillar of light, getting closer and closer.
She was still mad at her, she made juleka sad, she chased them around paris and now chloe was hot and sweaty when she just wanted to relax and flirt with a cute gir.
She was destroying that bitch.
She rolled her way out of a pillar of light but it still managed to burn a little her clothes and her hair.
Somewhere her glasses had fallen too and now everything was blurry and unclear but chloe continued to step forward until she was near enought to see the fear in the akuma's features.
Chloe smiled widely, showing her all her theets.
And punched her, she akuma fell to the ground with a scream of pain.
But chloe wasn't done yet, she sat over the akuma and punched and punched and punched, again again and again. Without rest, without mercy, she would have punched until her fists would turn to dust.
Sadly a familiar yoyo wrapped around her right wrist stopping her.
"Chloe, that's enought! She already turned back" ladybug said.
Chloe looked down at her and she was right, a normal woman, face destoried and bloody was on the ground under her.
Chloe stood up, she felt good, her hands hurted but in a good way.
That's when she was tacked in a hug.
It was warm and calming and safe and a lot of other things chloe isn't familiar with but loved anyway.
"You are an idiot chloe, that was dangerous" juleka whispered in her ears.
"Yeah for the akuma" chat joked than looked at chloe.
"also I love your outfit, it's purrfect"
Chloe smirked," it's a dress worth of her meow-jesty"
She could hear juleka's groan so close to her, that made her blush but she probably is already red with all the exercise.
Ladybug casted the cure and was surprised to see the woman still had her nose broken.
The woman immediatelly started to tell the geroes how they should punish and juleka for sinning and god she has never seen them so angry, chloe wanted to laugh.
"Do you need a passage on the chloe express to go back to work: she asks.
"I think I will walk but I could use some company if that's ok"
Chloe nodded and they started walking before the heroes stopped them.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
All Aboard the Pizzaplex!
It's closing night of the opening day at Pizzaplex. Vanessa had been hired to keep guard over the place to make sure no thieves get in and rob them. But Vanessa would wind up getting quite distracted on her first night...And the deep voice in her head (who's lurking in hopes of doing crime) is only adding to the distractions.
{Words written in this format} represent Glitchtrap. This fanfic was suggested by an anonymous user. So, I hope you enjoy the fanfic! Sorry it took a bit.
Vanessa was keeping guard over Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex. It was such a large building...It’s strange that they only hired one security guard for the entire restaurant. And inconvenient for her. Vanessa had to be on the run as much as possible to make sure she was thoroughly checking the entire side of the building. It wasn’t easy, and it didn’t pay much. But it is a pretty place to look at and it did get her out of the house.
Vanessa walked herself towards Roxanne’s Raceway and checked around there to make sure no one was hiding in the dark. The neon lights looked pretty cool on the surface, but it also distracted from what could be hiding in the darkness. That was one thing Vanessa found difficult. Everything is covered in bright, neon lights but none of the lights actually revealed anything hidden within the dark. Hence why she had her flashlight.
Vanessa had started to walk closer to the race track, when an animatronic with deep, red eyes showed up behind her. Vanessa immediately noticed the red eye lights reflecting off the metal. She widened her eyes and turned right around. The animatronic let out an ear-bleeding robotic scream and grabbed her!
Terrified and filled with adrenaline, Vanessa dropped her flashlight and screamed as well!
The robotic screaming quickly stopped and was replaced by autotuned laughter. Vanessa had placed her hand on her chest as she breathed heavily, and let out a sigh of relief. They’re not going rogue...They’re just being evil.
Vanessa growled. “What was that for?! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Vanessa reacted, hitting the animatronic in the shoulder. “Which one are you anyway?” She asked, waving her now-injured hand.
“You don’t recognize me?!” The animatronic asked, before moving their face into the bright pink light. The light revealed it to be Roxanne Wolf. Her flowy grey hair rested itself onto her back as she knelt down to put Vanessa down. “Can’t handle a little scare once in a while?” Roxanne asked, showing off her claws.
Vanessa crossed her arms. “Not when it’s a robot doing it.” Vanessa replied bluntly.
“Aren’t you supposed to be keeping an eye on thieves?” Roxanne asked. “Huuuman thieves?” She over-exaggerated the word ‘human’ to emphasize that not just robots will go rogue.
Vanessa softened her expression. “Fine...humans can give people heart attacks too.” Vanessa replied.
{Damn right.} a deep voice inside of Vanessa’s brain, told her.
“That’s right!” Roxanne pushed Vanessa’s security hat down. “It’s been decades since robots were predicted to take over the human race. So stop being such a traditionalist!” Roxanne declared. “We’re not that hard to live with, are we?”
Vanessa fixed her hat. Then, she made a ‘well…’ kind of face and rocked her head side to side, meaning ‘you kinda are but you’re kinda not’.
Roxanne hummed. “Well, Monty’s pretty hard to live with. But the rest of us are nice! We were made for children, after all!” Roxanne told her.
{Yeah, made for killing children...} the deep voice added.
Those words didn’t exactly help her…
“So: was it fun seeing me scream and freak out?” Vanessa asked.
“Well, yeah! Very fun, in fact! Even the simplest things can scare people.” Roxanne admitted, curling and wiggling her fingers.
Vanessa’s eyes widened as an uncontrollable and childish smile grew onto her lips. The wiggling fingers took her right back to when her Mom would tickle and tease her. It surprised her, and always kept her in a giddy mood. Even the wiggling fingers would completely change her mood into adrenaline-filled excitement.
“Oh! So you DO like being scared!” Roxanne teased. “A bit of an adrenaline junkie?” She asked.
Vanessa nodded. “Yeah.”
Roxanne giggled and turned her eyes red for a moment. “Peek-a-boo.” She said in a monotone voice.
Vanessa widened her eyes and stared at Roxanne, growing nervous. “C-Come on Roxanne...You-you can’t get someone t-twice.” She tried to say.
Roxanne turned her neck slowly, and purposefully twitched her neck to the right. She scraped her foot on the ground, making a loud metal sound as she stared into Vanessa’s soul. “Play with me Vanny.”
Vanessa widened her eyes. DID SHE JUST SAY VANNY?!
{SHIT- SHE KNOWS. RUN!} The deep voice shouted to her.
Vanessa shrieked and immediately took off running. Vanessa yelped as the sounds of clanging metal and moving artificial joints filled the echoey kids mall. How did she figure out?! She hasn’t even been suspected, let alone caught! She continued sprinting around the mall and skidded to a halt in front of the ball pit.
“Come play with me Vanny! Let’s PLAY!” Roxanne suggested.
Feeling cornered and unable to do anything else, Vanessa took a headstart and jumped to try and get over the ballpit. But the ball pit was just so wide, that she wasn’t even close to making it to the other side. Vanessa fell feet first into the ballpit. When her feet touched, she got herself up and started ‘running’ through the endless plastic balls in the pit pool. Roxanne ran up to the ball pit next and grabbed a rope. With unbelievable percision that only robots possessed, Roxanne threw the life buey right around her body.
“NO!” She shouted, trying to remove the buey. But Roxanne pulled more and picked her up under the arms. “Gotcha!” She yelled. “I scaaaared you again!” Roxanne declared with a laugh.
“Put me down! That was so uncalled for!” Vanessa yelled. “And why Vanny as a nickname?” She asked, growing slightly nervous.
“Oh!” Roxanne looked at her own fingernails and flipped her own hair. “I took the name Danny, and used the 1st letter of your name! Vanny!” Roxanne explained.
Suddenly, Roxanne widened her eyes and looked at Vanessa closer with suspicious eyes. “Also, did you just say ‘uncalled for’?” Roxanne asked, placing her hand on her chin. “You were practically begging for it! You got very excited when I wiggled my fingers.” Roxanne said out loud.
Vanessa bit her lip and finally gave Roxanne an awkward, rough smile.
“Saaaay...Have you heard of the tickle monster? Maybe even met them?” Roxanne asked with a smirk.
{...You’ve got to be kidding me…} The deep reacted.
Vanessa giggled a little nervously. “Yehehehes, I hahave.” Vanessa replied.
“How about Roxanne the tickle monster?” She asked curiously with a raised eyebrow.
Oh no...Oh NO! PLEASE NO!
...Actually, please yes. It’s been years.
{What even is my life…} The deep voice muttered. {Out of all the people- You?!}
Vanessa yelped and kicked her feet as Roxanne’s pointy green fingertips dug into her upper ribs and armpits. She threw her head back with a big smile and let out a fit of laughter. “aAAAHAHAHAHA! WAHAHAIT, WHAHAHAHAT?!” She yelled.
“Now fear the mighty power of Roxanne the tickle monster!”
{........Oh...} The deep voice muttered.
“But yes! Don’t you know that Roxanne Wolf has nails built right into her fingers?” Roxanne showed off her thin, green fingernails proudly. “And they’re perfect for turning into the tickle monster!” Roxanne teased as she started up tickling with both hands again.
Vanessa twisted and turned around to try and get out of her grip. But the tickling was weakening her muscles. She was losing control of her body parts the longer she was tickled, thanks to the wolf-shaped robot that is Roxanne Wolf.
“Now now, there’s no need to be so loud and fussy.” She reassured her. “Just sit back, relax, and enjoy your first of many tickle attacks.” Roxanne suggested.
Vanessa didn’t know what to do! On one hand, she wanted to be put down and go back to her job. But on the other hand…
Tickles didn’t seem like that bad of an idea right now…
Roxanne wrapped her one arm under Vanessa’s armpits and started lifting up her shirt a bit. Vanessa squeaked and giggled, shaking her head. “Nahahat thehere! Ihit’s vehery tihihicklihish thehere!” Vanessa begged.
“Really? Well I have some sad news for you:” Roxanne poked her belly button, making Vanessa squeak and kick. “I’m a rebel wolf~”
Roxanne shoved her hand under Vanessa’s belly and tickled around and in her belly button. Vanessa hung her head and kicked her legs outwards while she cackled up a storm.
Another pair of footsteps soon could be heard. “I hear laughter! Where’s it coming from?”
{Great...now you’re luring more animatronics over…} The voice muttered in her head.
“It’s Cackly Becky over here! She’s the source of the cutest laughter we’ve heard from any adult!” Roxanne replied.
WOW! Hey Freddy! Look at this chick!” Monty yelled.
“Monty, I’ve seen Chica before!” Freddy yelled back.
“No! Not Chica the chick, a security guard chick!” Monty grabbed the nametag and read it. “Vanessa!”
Freddy walked over with his microphone in his hand. “Oh! Pony girl! I see her all the time!” Freddy told them.
“I’ve never seen this bad babe around at all.” Monty admitted.
Roxanne frowned as she gave Vanessa a break and flipped her upside down. “She’s not bad. I’m bad.” Roxanne corrected as Vanessa’s slip-on shoe clapped against the ground. “This lady here in my claws, is a goody-two toes.” Roxanne teased as she gave Vanessa’s toes a little tickle.
Vanessa squeaked and giggled. “NOHOHOhohoho! Nahahahat myhyhyhy feheheheeheheheeeeet!” she pleaded.
“Ey lookie here! A senstive babe~” Monty teased, leaning over on his knees to get a better look at Vanessa.
{And people complained I was disgusting…} the deep voice muttered in Vanessa’s head.
Roxanne stopped tickling Vanessa for a moment and pushed Monty a few feet backwards with her foot. “You’re disgusting. You’re gonna be turned into gator soup if you treat any lady like that.” Roxanne spat.
Freddy looked over at Roxanne with a smirk. “You missed the pit.” Freddy mentioned. With a simple push, Monty stumbled backwards and fell right into the ballpit. Vanessa widened her eyes and dropped her jaw. She was SO gonna lose her job…
Monty popped out of the ballpit pool, gagging. He coughed up about 5 plastic balls. “That almost made me malfunction!”
“Nohow wahahait-”
“Your existance almost made me malfunction!” Roxanne shot back.
Roxanne and Monty looked down to where the new bout of laughter was coming from: Freddy was kneeling down in front of Roxanne, poking and scratching Vanessa’s belly button. Vanessa was giggling and pushing his hand away with no success.
“Kitchy kitchy koo!” He poked the belly button. “You click, then she laughs! Click, and laugh! Boop and gaggle! Beep, wiggle and cackle!” Freddy teased.
“Too ticklish? Is there such thing as too ticklish? If so, how can I know?” Freddy asked.
“Your laughter?” Freddy clarified. He thought for a moment. “But...your laughter doesn’t change. How do I find out it’s too much based on something that doesn’t change?” Freddy asked.
Vanessa grabbed Freddy’s hand and tried to move it to her side. “HEHEHEHERE. TRYHYHYHYHY!” She told him.
Freddy looked at where his hand was located now and smiled. “Okay! If you say so!” Freddy started tickling her sides next. Vanessa squeaked and fell into a fit of high-pitched giggles. “Ooooooh! It DOES change! How interesting!”
“Ihihihi knohohohow!” Vanessa reacted with him.
Freddy moved to squeezing her hips next. “eeEEEEHEHEHEHEHE!” Vanessa’s laughter grew squeaky and moved up and down quite a bit.
{Your ticklishness is gonna be a problem in the future...I hope you know that.} The deep voice mentioned.
“Wow! Your laughter changes a lot like emotions do!” Freddy reacted, making the connection.
{Wow...In the 2060’s, animatronics can make connections. Who would’ve thought?}
“SHUHUHUHUT UHUHUHUHUP!” Vanessa yelled to the stupid criminal voice in her head.
Freddy’s smile dropped. “I...But why?” Freddy asked, sounding almost hurt.
{Don’t fall for it. He’s a robot. He can’t actually feel emotions. He’s just imitating human emotions and getting real reactions from you through fake-}
“Don’t stop.” Vanessa blurted out. Freddy blinked and tilted his head. “I...Sorry, I don’t want you to shut up. And I don’t want you to stop either.” Vanessa admitted.
Freddy smiled and went back to tickling her sides. “Okay. Thank you for telling me.” Freddy replied.
“Now THAT’S bravery!” Roxanne declared as she started tickling her toes again.
Vanessa giggled and danced her arms around upside down. She was loving it! The toes were such an evil spot to go for too! Roxanne had to tickle the middle of her foot sometimes to open up the toes. For whatever reason, that actually worked. Why? Who knows!
{Woooow...Look at you! Being all honest, and showing your vulnerable side to the animatronics that express fake emotions! Fan-frickin-tastic.}
Vanessa snickered to herself. The guy can’t even properly swear. What a fucking coward.
{...I can swear...Ass.}
Vanessa just about guffawed out loud at that. That’s it?! This man’s gotten SUPER soft. Must be all that programming turning his broken brain into mush.
{...If it weren’t for me using your body to continue doing the thing I crave so much...You would be my first.}
Vanessa giggled at both the foot tickles and at the deep voice. He’s all talk and no action. He’ll claim he’s ‘waiting for the perfect moment to strike’, but he’s really just not doing anything besides haunting her mind. Hence why he’s attempting to tolerate the one-sided tickle fight that was happening between Freddy, Roxanne and Vanessa.
...If he was so smart, maybe he wouldn’t have considered Vanessa as an option back in the VR game...
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wolfling06 · 3 years
Hella late but here
Fnf Tickle hcs everyone! (pt. 1)
Week 1-5;
Daddy Dearest-
He's seems the one to kill anyone who dare try to tickle him.
except for his wife.
man im willing to bet she could wreck his shit and get away with it.... for the most part >:)
she is the onnly one who could tell if he’s in a lee mood, which isnt entirely often to be honest. but when it happens she picks it up ASAP He comes off to me as a maliciously teasy ler and intends to wreck anyone to a breathless mess. only Mommy gets a say lol
as a lee i feel he has really huffy laughter, but, with just the right touch (namely with Mommy) he has really free and bellowing but endearing laughter. maybe some squeaky giggles as well? 👀
speaking of, lets do Mommy Mearest next!
she is a teasy but motherly sort of tease.
knows every tease in the book from the little piggies to counting/eating ribs to compliments and baby talk.
“aww you have such an adorable laugh! i cant wait to see what other noises are made when i do this~” *proceeds to give a shit ton of raspberries*
as a lee she has a very angelic and melodious laugh, spots include her stomach, back, and neck. these spots are some that Dad’ll take advantage of quickly. she gets lee moods much more often than Mr. Dearest. but as a lee she would either ask or just be very giggly and jumpy to touch. though she wont let many tickle her, save for her husband.
Now, on to the mercenary.
Pico would most likely LOVE wrecking Bf’s shit every chance he gets. he would be a tad rough as a ler, not so much teasing as there absolute wreckage and some rough tickles (though not painful, he knows when it would be getting painful) as a lee, he’s more of a bratty lee that provokes and pokes and prods, maybe even will tickle others for a few seconds in hopes of them getting revenge. but not many are able to pick up in this given that they might not be all too different from his usual tough guy and almost jerk like behavior. 
however, as a lee his laugh would be uncharacteristically high pitched and shrill. maybe even squeaky as well. if you have an opening to do so, give hims so raspberries behind the ears to get some snorts as well <3
Bf found this out when they were still dating. they had been nuzzling and getting a much more docile response until he decided to take it a step further and..well, he’s never forgotten >:)
Skid and Pump time, Yeah!!
Ah the Spookeez, 2 of the most renowned lers of the whole group. they are both very energetic and teasy lers that compliemnt everything about their lee
S: “aww was that a snort?? thats so cute! do it again!” or “was that a squeak? which rib did i tickle to get that sound? i wanna do it again!”
meanwhile pump is one to always keep a close eye on the others vitals, to be sure they weren’t being pushed too far. 
“hey, you ok?” “is it ok if we keep going?” “do you need a breather?”
both are BIG on aftercare. giving and receiving tickles, both are big on it. skid would go and get a drink or something to help their lee calm down and recover while pump would cuddle them and as if they had fun. 
As lees they are ADORABLE
skid has very squeaky and bouncy laughter that just goes EVERYWHERE. from squeals to snorts to little ‘heheeee’ giggles to just the whole shabang in under ten seconds. some death spots include his feet and tummy. when he’s in a lee mood, he might say something like “im kinda hungry, can i have some raspberries please?” with a flustered look. seriously, give this boy some raspberries, he loves ‘em
as for pump, his laugh is more cackly and wheezy almost. reaching only shrill points when reaching a sweet spot. his worst spots consist of his ribs, palms, knees, hips, and arm pits. both the spookeez are equally sensitive for the most part and enjoy tickling the crap out of the other. but hey, thats what friends do, right? lol
(expect Senpai/Spirit and Tankman on another post because yes)
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happyandticklish · 3 years
Okay, lastly, I'd to request headcanons for Dolph, Nerris, Gwen, David, Jasper (in his ghost form, or past living form if you feel that's easier, but I'd really like to see what your ideas are for his ghost form), and... uh... Honestly I am pretty hesitant about asking if you would have a headcanon for Cameron Campbell, or if you'd even want to make one considering how most of us in the fandom feel about him.😅 It's totally fine if you don't want to, I was just putting it out there.
Honestly, I don’t have much feelings for Cameron Campbell either way, but I shall decline making headcannons for him, just because I don’t feel like I know enough about his character anyway:
. This fucking boy, my child, my baby, is very ticklish and no one can convince me otherwise.
. Has these soft pure giggles that make everyone around him melt when they hear it. Every once in a while he’ll snort, and it is the purest thing.
. Loves being tickled, and will often openly ask for it. It makes him feel loved and close with the others around him. There are very few who rival him in his blatant love for it, excepting maybe Space Kid.
. Squirms a lot, but tries his best not to accidentally hurt the ler.
. His worst spots are his stomach and underarms, his stomach also being one of his favorite spots to be tickled.
. Can be a teasy ler, but is usually pretty gentle when it comes down to it.
. Enjoys tickling others and getting to see his friends smile. He likes tickling Max, because the other doesn’t often show off the side of himself to people, and Dolph enjoys making the other happy.
. Very fierce, will insist she’s not ticklish but becomes a squirmy mess the second anyone attempts to test that theory.
. Her laugh is mostly squeaks and giggles, and she blushes a lot when tickled.
. Very squirmy, and will attempt to fight the ler, but this is mostly an act, as she doesn’t actually mind it all that much.
. Her worst spots are her neck, stomach, and feet. Harrison likes to trace the freckles contained on her stomach, which always leaves her a wreck afterwards.
. As a ler, she is incredibly teasy, pointing out how vulnerable and helpless the lee is. Her favorite lee is Harrison, because he’s so easy to turn into an incoherent mess.
. You will get punched if you attempt to tickle her. Does not enjoy it, at all, and finds it highly embarrassing. 
. If you do manage to tickle her, though, she has a very cackly laugh, often interspersed with snorts here and there. 
. Flails a lot when tickled and fights back as well. 
. Her worst spots are her knees, underarms, and ribs. 
. The only person she ever lets tickle her is David on occasion. 
. The scariest ler, omg... 
. Will go for the lee’s death spot instantly and leave them a wheezing mess on the ground. 
. Loves to tease the ler for being as sensitive as they are. 
. She’s surprisingly gentle with David though. He’s her main lee as she loves to surprise him with tickle attacks throughout the day because she loves his surprised yelp and dorky smile. 
. The switchiest switch to ever switch. 
. Loves tickle fights, and will initiate them often. He’s far too ticklish for his own good however, so he has yet to win any of the aforementioned tickle fights. 
. Shrieks at the slightest poke, before breaking into these high-pitched giggles and backing away with a nervous smile. 
. His worst spots are his legs. Just, like, all of them. His calves, knees, and thighs will all kill him if pursued in earnest. Gwen likes to take advantage of this fact and squeeze his knees innocently while they’re eating, David yelping in surprise and accidentally slamming his leg into the table. 
. Enjoys being tickled, and though he can’t ask for it without turning into a blushing mess, he will put himself through the effort because he loves it so much.
. As a ler, he is extraordinarily teasy. Uses baby talk all the fucking time, and will often coo things like, “Aw, I didn’t realize you were so ticklish! You should have told me so I could have heard that cute giggle sooner.”
. He tends to be a gentle ler, not wanting to push past the other’s limits. He’s a fan of softer tickles and teasing pokes. He employs raspberries often, however, much to the luck misfortune of most of his lee’s. 
. Very ticklish, very much in denial about the fact. 
. David would tease him with it back when they were little, coming up behind him and grabbing his sides to hear him splutter over strangled giggles. 
. His worst spots are his sides and the backs of his knees. Lightly crawling your fingers up the outsides of his sides will fucking demolish him. 
. Actually really enjoys being tickled, but will not admit it for the world. 
. The others pointed out once that since he’s a ghost he could just stop projecting so they couldn’t tickle him, and he blushed and stammered out some excuse about forgetting it in the moment. 
. As a ler, he’s very devious. Especially now that he’s a ghost. Occasionally he’ll manifest behind people and scribble fingers over the back of their neck, only to have them yelp and whirl around in confusion to face empty air. 
. Used to tickle David a lot when they were younger, because he loved to see his normally grumpy face flushed with adorable giggles. 
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rachi-roo · 3 years
Hi! Out of pure curiosity have you ever wrote any tickle HCs for Noragami? Specifically for Yato? 👉👈
I haven't yet... BUT NOW I'M GONNA! 💙💙
Thanks for the ask!!! 😚👌
Noragami: Yato tickle Head Canons!
Oh, Yato. Sweet, sweet, silly Yato. What a joy he is to be around. Happy, funny, good at listening. Is there anything this stray God can't do?
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Apparently handling a few tickles is one of the few things Yato is incapable of.
'God's aren't ticklish'
That is always his starting point when he knows he's in for a wrecking. And the result never changes. Yato is indeed very ticklish.
Always tries to escape but never teleports. Maybe he's too flustered and forgets he can actually do that? Silly boi.
Once you've got him he doesn't stop yapping.
'I'll never grant a wish for you again!'
'A plague of mildly irritating events will befall you!'
'Wait! Wait! Wait! I'll pay you!'
Blah, blah, blah. And he just won't stop squirming the entire time. His hands are all over the shop, trying to block and grab his attackers.
His weak spots are his neck, ribs, underarms and knees. The fluffy-fluff scarf is meant to be some form of protection. It offers no such thing.
Tickle bites work wonders on his neck, and raspberries. Lots and lots of raspberries on his neck, his laughter goes so squeaky and hiccuppy.
For his underarms, you can try pinning him yourself or getting some assistance. I'm sure there's a young blonde haired regalia around who would just love to assist you.
Once you have those arms up and out of the way Yatos chit chat becomes so fast, panicked and swamped with nervous laughter that you can't really understand what he's saying.
Yatos laughter is loud and cackly. Lots of screaming 'no'. His entire vocabulary becomes exclusively limited to 'no'. Short 'no', long 'no', giggly 'no', repeated out-of-breath 'nonononono'.
And he's a fighter. He will never just lay still and take it.
Tickling is a punishment for Yato if he spends money on stupid stuff or misuses Yukine. But it can also be to cheer him up if he's having a grump.
When he's had a few to drink, it becomes more of a game, more enjoyable for him and it ensures that he gets a good night's rest. He might even ask for it too if you're lucky. What an adorable sight it is to have a giddy Yato grinning at you as he asked very politely for some 'Pokeys~' as he calls them.
'*hic* Hey, y'know, I've had a pretty busy day a-nd *hic* I could r'lly go for s'me pokeeeys~'
Oh boy. You've annoyed Yato. I'd say run but, you won't get far.
Tickles from Yato usually mean he wants to get you back for something.
You eat his cheese melt buns? Tickles. You tell him not to spend money? Tickles. You confiscate his booze? Double tickles.
He's not the meanest ler out there, but he'll definitely have you begging him to stop. He's just far to skilled at tickling.
Usually he won't pin his victim, because he's so good at bringing the victim to their knees, he doesn't have to pin them. They have no choice but to lay there and laugh.
Rough and random tickles are his specially. Mercilessly attacking a bad spot, then a couple cruel pokes and scribbles elsewhere to distract you, before suddenly switching back.
And he's just so casual and sassy with his teasing! Like, damn it shut up!
'Thought you could worship another God without me finding out, huh? Nothing gets past me~'
'Weeellll... I guess I could stop if you buy me a little something to apologise~'
'I'm a God, so obviously I'm doing this for a good reason. You're just full of sins, you know?'
And then comes drunk ler Yato. He gets playful sometimes instead of emotional. Drunk tickles from Yato are far more fair. It's more like a tickle fight between him and whomever is unlucky enough to be sat beside him.
Drunken tickle fights, same as when he's in a Lee mood, will usually end up with him falling asleep (or rather passing out in his drunken state) as the tickles sap whatevers left of his energy. Leaving him a tired giggly ball on the floor.
Yato is a good boy and deserves all the love, adoration and followers in the world! All hail the mighty Yato God! 💙💙💙💙💙
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45% Lee - 55% Ler!
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turtletimewriting · 4 years
TickleTober Day 12: Hard Tickles
Summary: Remus is in a particular mood, thankfully him and Janus have a failproof routine! 
Note: Not written to be overly shippy so feel free to read it either way! Woop woop, tickle fic alert! I kinda had a hard time with this one so I don’t think it’s that strong. Ler Janus and Lee Remus.
Remus was in a mood. It wasn’t necessarily a good mood but it wasn't like the worse thing in existence. A deep restlessness that seemed to settle into his very bones. His brain didn't do well with restlessness. It needed something to focus on, completely lose himself in, so he didn’t have to focus on the ideas that flooded his head. He tried reading, he tried cooking, he tried listening to music but it all failed. 
Thankfully, he knew exactly what he wanted to do. Janus started doing it as a joke to get him to stop hovering around but Remus made sure he knew just how well it worked. It completely captured his entire focus and left him feeling absolutely satisfied afterwards. Plus, it was always fun to see that side of Janus. A light hearted teasy version of him. 
Remus needed to have hard relentless tickles all over his most ticklish spots.
Finally giving in, he paused the film he was trying to watch and started to make his way to Janus’ room. He could practically picture it now. Maybe Janus would whip out the hair brushes? Ooh or maybe he finally try out those metal claws he bought him for occasions like these. Remus just thought he was being paranoid about those, he always insisted that they would probably actually scratch him since they were kinda sharp. 
Knocking his typical knock, he waited a few seconds before flinging the door open anyway. 
Janus was waiting for him. All six of his arms crossed over his chest like he was dealing with a bratty child. Well... close enough! 
“Uh Hey!” Remus greeted with a wide smile as if he had no idea what was about to happen. Janus didn’t bother though. Two arms lurched forward and attached themselves to Remus’ sides before he even had a chance. He squealed but tried not to squirm too hard. Janus kept squeezing up and down, up and down, as he guided Remus to sit down on his bed. 
Then he used two more arms to push him down so he was laying down. 
“Yes, Remus? How may I help you?” Janus hissed but kept those squeezing hands going. His calm refined façade remaining in place flawlessly in the face of Remus squealing and blushing adorably. 
“TIHIHICKLES TICKLES JAHA JANUS!” Remus was exaggerating his laugh, hoping that it would encourage Janus to go for it! His sides were a pretty decent spot but nothing mind meltingly bad! 
“But I am tickling you? Is there a parti-”
Janus smirked. Of course he knew from lots and lots of experience that Remus would want him to go for the kill. But he also knew from that experience that Remus could be teased a little. It was always a balancing act between riling him up further and frustrating him to the point he would rather not be tickled anymore. He was never shy around wanting tickles, makes sense as he dealt with any thoughts or wants that were seen as weird or taboo. Of course he would totally miss that some people would feel shy or embarrassed around wanting to be absolutely wrecked with tickles. 
“Oh armpits? Hm... I’ll give you an option...” 
“Ohokay!” Remus then perked up. Everything about him now tensed ready for whatever torture he was about to happily agree to. All those same thoughts came rushing back. Just what would he destroy him with! Brushes? Restraints? 
“You have two choices,” Janus deliberately paused, taking an immense delight in seeing Remus squirm in excitement, “Two of each of my arms will tickle a different spot. Or... all six of them get your armpits?”
Remus paused carefully before slowing creeping out his answer, “Hmm... if I find that six in the armpits is too much or doesn’t tickle much after awhile, can I-” 
“Then I’ll swap to the other choice,” Janus smiled, he wasn’t stupid enough to think that he was in charge during these moments. This was all about what Remus wanted, and if he took some enjoyment from seeing the cocky side desperate with laughter, then that was only for him to know. 
“Okay!” Remus cheered and now fully relaxed against the bed all over again. 
This time, Janus didn’t wait. It was becoming obvious that Remus was getting impatient and needed his dose of tickles now. So he launched into his attack. 
Three hands per pit scribbling away. But he made sure to kept each pit experiencing different tickles. On his right, his three hands merely tickled different parts of the pit. One in the middle, another tracing down his arm and the last practically tweaking away at his highest ribs. But the other... it was a free for all with all three hands clamouring for the sweet spot of Remus’ death spot. 
Not that any of that mattered to Remus. All he was aware of was that he was being tickled. Lots. Like a LOT. 
“AAAAAAH AAAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA AAAAAAAAH!” Remus shrill shrieks sounded like music to Janus’ ears. Joyful squeaks and a waterfall of cackly laughter. He wouldn’t last long. Not that he ever did. Tears were now prickling at his eyes. 
And the restlessness and thoughts remained completely silenced. 
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lia-the-potato05 · 4 years
Reader (Ler) x Jungkook (Lee)
Description: Jungkook loves scaring the crap out of you and you just had enough of it. After an interesting information you heard from Jimin you decided to take revenge
Author: Eyyy I'm back...with another fic. I feel like this is a mess because I didnt even bother to proofread this (Im hella lazy sorry mate). Uhm anyways let's get on with the fic
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧✦ ✧
"Boo!" You turned back and screamed, falling to the ground scared as hell after you saw a scary clown infront of you.
"Haha got you!" The clown then removed his mask revealing your best friend Jungkook "Oh my gosh have you seen your face? That was Hilarious" He started laughing his ass off
"Ugh!" You grunted as you stood up fixing yourself "Jungkook!" You screamed at him
Jungkook ignored you and continued laughing as he turned around, walking away from you.
"That f*cking prick" You said through gritted teeth.
Jungkook just recently knew how easily scared you get. And because he is known as the Evil Maknae he has been scaring you every now and then. He was a fond of your reaction when you get scared. You were extremely annoyed of his doings and worst of all he manages to get away from it aswell
Up until now you were still upset with what Jungkook has been doing to you. Your arms were crossed and frustration was written all over your face. "Y/N are you ok?" You turned your head to owner of the Voice which was Jimin's.
"I'm good" You said. Knowing it was a lie Jimin sat himself next to you
"C'mon Y/N I'm your friend, I know you better than that. Now tell me what's wrong"
You sighed "It's nothing, really...Just so f*cking annoyed with that muscle bunny!" you slammed your fist against the table in front of you startling Jimin
"Chill" Jimin said
"How can I?! Ugh! He does it all the damn time! and gets away with it aswell" You pouted with your arms crossed
"Since we're friends I might have something that can surely help you" You tilted your head in confusion. Jimin then gestured you to come closer for him to whisper something into you ear.
After hearing what Jimin has said a smirk formed on your face as began mentally planning your revenge on Jungkook
Oh Jeon Jungkook you are so gonna get what's coming for you
It was a Saturday morning. Jimin has given you an extra key to Jungkook's apartment. You entered his place and found him asleep like you expected him to be. You were lucky he was the type of person who wakes up late aswell. Perfect for you to continue your plan
You cleared out his bed making sure only Jungkook was on top if it. You then positioned him into an X position (which was hard by the way because he had an odd sleeping position and he was hella heavy). You then took out the straps tying his wrists and ankles to the bed post making sure he wouldn't be able to move once he woke up.
Once that was done. You took out items from your bag such as Feathers, Baby Oil and an electric toothbrush. After everything was all set all you have to do now is to wait for the muscle bunny to wake up. I mean you can start right now if you wanted too but where's the fun in that? You wanted to see his reaction first.
After what felt like years (it was only an hour actually) Jungkook finally woke up. The boy tried pulling his arms down only to find them stuck above his head "What the f*ck?" He tugged on both his arms and ankles only to find out that he was strapped
Jungkook turned to his side to see you sleeping on his study table. "Y/N!"
His yelling suddenly woke you "Huh what?" You said, you wiped the drool off your mouth, letting out a yawn then stretched a little. "Oh your finally awake" You looked at Jungkook with a smile
"What the hell is this Y/N?!" Jungkook asked glaring at you
"Why that's my revenge dear friend" You stood up walking towards him
"You know if you wanted to f*ck me you could have just asked" You looked at the smirking bunny in disbelief after hearing his snarky remark.
"Eww no, What I had in mind for you is something different" You smirk back at him "Just you wait"
Without further a do you then sat on stomach. "You sure you don't plan on f*cking me?"
"You pervert!" You slapped him, not too hard though and he just laughed at your reaction "Oh laugh all you want, I'm gonna make sure of it"
You took out the baby oil and started rubbing it against his exposed stomach (He was shirtless). "Nice revenge there" You rolled your eyes at him, you ignored what he said and continued on
Once you finished you took out a feather. Jungkook looked at you now aware what this little revenge you planned is all about. But he is Jungkook the Golden Maknae he does not show fear well...that failed today
"What's wrong Kook? Afraid of a feather?" You smirked at him. It didn't start but I know this will be so much fun
"What? No! It's just a feather what's there to be afraid of?" The maknae said with confidence laced in his voice but oh how nervous he felt inside. I am so gonna regret this later on
You raised your eyebrows at him expecting that kind of attitude "Ok, then you won't mind me doing this then" You then slowly dragged the feather around his toned stomach drawing random patterns
Jungkook started biting his lip trying to hide his laughter. But it was so damn hard, it felt too ticklish.
"What's with the face Jungkook? You seem rather ticklish" You smirked
"I am not ticklish!" He yelled
"Oh I see" You then stood up
Jungkook thought it was over but boy was he wrong. He suddenly felt you rubbing oil over his foot. "I wonder what will happen if I do this?" You said wiggling your fingers on his bare sole.
"S-stop that!" Jungkook said a small giggle escaping his mouth. His eyes widened after realising it
"What's that? Is that a giggle I heard?"
"Nope, you heard nothing! You're just crazy!" He spat out making you gasp
"Well that wasn't nice, we can't let that slip now can we" You started using your nails scratching his bare two feet fastly.
Jungkook balled up his hands into fist, eyes tightly shut trying his best to bare it "C'mon Kook laugh for me" You teased
And just like that he realized he couldn't take it any longer so he decided to let it out "Oohohohohokaaayyy I'm tihihihihihicckliiisshhh nohohohoww pleheheheheaaseee stopppp!" He laughed loudly wiggling around the bed like a mad man. He tried tugging on his ankles to escape your wiggling fingers but sadly it stayed in place
"I know you are sweetie, look at how well you are reacting. But this is just the beginning" You finally stopped tickling his feet as you then went to get the electric toothbrush, two electric toothbrushes
"Now Y/N let's not have any of that please! I'm sorry! I won't mess with you again" Jungkook pleaded
"Hm let me think for a second" You said looking up, tapping your chin as if your thinking "Nahhh I'm having so much fun I don't think I wanna stop" You then turned on the two electric toothbrush with an evil smile as you went to his feet again using the electric toothbrush on them.
"NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO" He let out a cackly laugh as he began wiggling once again wanting to escape.
Already having enough with his feet you then positioned yourself back to sitting on his stomach and roaming the electric brushes around his upper body, from his sides to his tummy then to his ribs. At this point Jungkook's face was red as a tomato and warm tears were streaming down his cheeks.
Because you are so kind you turned the two electric toothbrushes off and set them at the side. Allowing Jungkook to have a quick break.
You watch Jungkook catch his breath heavily panting "My my Jungkook you are the most ticklish person I have ever met, Even Jimin can't beat your level of ticklishness (it's not a real word but eh😂)"
"I've never been tickled this much before" He said
"Yeah? I bet you enjoyed it"
"Did not!" Jungkook lied. He unexpectedly enjoyed it. He didn't know why but he just did. Of course there is no way his gonna admit that.
"You know there's this one spot I haven't tried yet" You smirked, you decided to use your fingers this time. To tease him you started wiggling your fingers  above his face then slowly you bring it down to a specific area
Jungkook realised where your fingers were going. He looked at you in horror "No Y/N! Don't you dare!"
"Oh I do"
"Y/N no no no no no n-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" You were now tickling Jungkook's armpits. And so far you received the best reaction out of the other areas you tickled
Jungkook was harshly tugging on the straps and head shaking side to side "IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUHUCCHHH" Jungkook screamed through laughter
You giggled "I can see that"
It's been 20 since you were torturing his armpits, poking them, scratching them, using the tickle tools on them."I cahahahahan't tahahahake it aanymohohohore"
"Almost done!" You blew raspberry on his left armpit
"Stohohohohop" Then u blew again on his right armpit "Pleheheheheaaseee"
"Last but not least" You said then did a final blow to his tummy. Jungkook's laughed has now turned silent.
After that was over you then untied hus wrists and ankles.
Jungkook was extremely exhausted. His hair was messy, he was sweating, his tummy was hurting from laughing, his cheeks were hurting from smiling a lot. but nonetheless he still he enjoyed.
"Hey Look Listen..." He looked at you scratching his nape "I'm sorry for scaring you the past few days, I have totally learned my lesson and I wont do it again"
"Don't worry I already forgive you" You smiled at him
"I-I don't like like admitting this but you're right...I did enjoyed it" You looked at him surprised.
"Really now?" You grinned at him with your eyebrows raised "Guess I have to do it more often then"
Maybe you should
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lizzienaut · 4 years
All 31 tword questions! 😊
this is gonna be super duper frickin long so im gonna put it under a read more as per usual i hope it works ahhh-
thank you for the ask anon!! <33
1. do you personally identify as a lee, ler or switch? what about tickling makes you feel one or the other?
switch all the way baybeyyyyy!!! not even leaning one way or another, just straight-up pure switch energy exudes from my pores something about the power exchange really gets me giddy man having a lee all helpless beneath you and all adorably giggly and blushy and whiny makes me just 💕💖❤💗💘💝💓💞 and in return being the one who gets teased and chased and pinned down and absolutely wrecked is just!! ahhhHHHhhh
2. have you ever been tickled irl? was it by accident or on purpose?
oh dude bro i used to be tickled all the time by people specifically one of my irl friends who i told about this thing last year this mans straight up pinned me down and tickled me for six hours straight while we watched youtube when i spent the night at his place it wasn't like!! super rough or anything- very light and playful most of the time, but occasionally it got intense and i  fucking died dude i was so happy now i don't really wanna be tickled by anyone other than iven though ahaaaaa- i mean i've been like that for a while but pshHhHh
3. would you prefer punishment or reward tickles?
4. what kind of teasing gets to you most/what kind of teasing is your favorite to dish out?
i LOVE verbal teases so much sosososo much omg “tickle tickle tickle” or “kitchy kitchy coo” or “im gonna tickle you!” all of it makes me melt and die literally just saying tickle repeatedly makes me all squeaky and squirmy and lee in an instant frickin i cant take what i dish out bro ;v;
5. what does it take to make you flustered about tickling?
everything how helpless being tickled makes me feel and how EMBARRASSING it is that i like it so much more than any other people normally do dkfjgnkdfj
6. are you easily able to admit you like it?
when im ler?? absolutely i fuckin love tickling when im lee is a different story
7. have you ever told someone outside of this community about tickling?
yes!! quite a few people actually- most of them arent even my friends anymore BUT one of my current friends knows about it and yeah!
8. what’s your favorite thing about being tickled/tickling someone?
power exchange the cute giggles the blushy face the feeling of helplessness  etc
9. what’s your laugh like?
ive been told that its very childish and bubbly and loud, but it can rlly easily become cackly and witchy sounding and embarrassing dfkjgkdfj i SNORT A LOT MUCH TO MY DISMAY
10. favorite spot to be tickled/to tickle?
all of them
11. lees, would you prefer to be tied up or free in a session? lers, would you prefer a lee tied up or free in a session?
in a session? tied up!! but just for fun id say free <33
12. if you could be tickled by/tickle anyone (real or a fictional character!) who would you chose?
iven iven iven iven iven iven iven iven iven iven iven iven iven iven iven iven iven iven iv
13. wake up or before bed tickles?
14. do you like being teased? do you like dishing out teasing?
15. who’s someone in this community that you would love to meet or get to know better?
id love to get to know so many people better!! literally all of my mutuals omfg @ all my mutuals pls message me id love to be friends w yall <33
16. do you have any uncommon spots/have you ever discovered any on someone else? where was it?
my palms are SO ticklish its not even funny wtf ive never been full on tickled there but every time someone tries to write things on my palms or run their nails down them i just. squeak as loud as humanly possible jkdfgkdf
17. do you remember how old you were when you first realized you liked tickling?
i think!! i was 8 or so- lil liz discovered tickle videos back then and didn't know what incognito was either
18. how comfortable are you with talking about tickling? why do you feel that way?
irl? no too embarrassing fjdgnfk online? yes please lets talk abt tickles its so FUN
19. what’s your personal worst spot? what’s your favorite “death spot” you’d wreck someone with?
mine are my feet, underarms and neck!! fav to wreck are probably feet dkjfgkdjf
20. are there any spots you personally find underrated? where are they?
NECK for personal reasons >w>
21. what’s one of your personal favorite tickle scenarios?
scary movies and a visit from the tickle monster
22. soft cuddly tickles or rough more intense tickles?
23. are there any tickle scenes you’ve seen that have stuck with you? what were they from?
24. upper or lower body tickles?
25. is there’s a specific position you’d like to be tickled in/tickle someone in? why that position in particular?
tied in an x position on the bed 👀👀👀 because EASY ACCESS TO ALL SPOTS YO
26. do you have any “unpopular opinions” about tickling that you’d like to share?
tickling isn't inherently a kink or sexual :)
27. lees, do you enjoy being tickled on your worst spot(s)? lers, how do you go about tickling a lees worst spot(s)?
YES tease them with gentle touches, then dive in when they least expect it B)
28. is it difficult for you to be put in a lee/ler/switch mood? what can make you feel that way?
absolutely not iven can easily put me in either moods just by being cute or even slightly teasy ;w;
29. do you ever have tickle dreams? do you remember any that you’ve had if so?
yes i have tickle dreams quite often actually!! he last one that ive had kinda really stuck with me-- iven and i were on separate islands and id often sneak onto his to steal his supplies and one day he set up a trap and tied me up with vines n shit and just. absolutely wrecked me maN i snuck onto it quite a few more times after that pff
30. are you a fan of the idea of tools? which ones would you be up to trying if you are?
31. AND FINALLY. do you believe in the tickle monster? what do you think they look like/appear as?
i am the tickle monster
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franklyshipping · 5 years
Day 4 ~ Christmas 2019 Ego Fanfics
Alright people, Day number 4! Now, I personally think we're lacking a cute little zombie right now....LET'S DO THIS!
TAGGING: @robbie-lee-zombie and @jack-leeboyman
I don’t know about you guys, but I for one like eating foods at times when society says you’re not meant to eat them. I think you all know what I’m about to talk about, but I’ll elaborate anyway. Advent calendars. Chocolate for breakfast that is not only socially acceptable, but it is in fact expected! I have to say that it is one of the most wonderful, delicious inventions to grace the mess that is humanity, and on this here day it is what we shall be focusing on. Needless to say….every single ego had their own personal advent calendar, but I think Robbie the Zombie’s was the absolute cutest.
The art depicted on the front of his had been designed by all the Septics and printed by the Googles, and it depicted stunning artwork of Robbie being cuddled by all the Septics, plus some purple pugs because why the heck not. Robbie was wiggling with excitement as he stroked his fingers over the three empty days, he was excited to have chocolate number four. However, as we all know, getting those little perforated cardboard flaps open can be darn fiddly, so someone always gave Robbie a little help with his; this morning it was Jackie-Boy Man.
‘Alright, I got one of the corners there, ya think you can do the rest?’
Robbie nodded with a determined grin as he narrowed his eyes at the little cardboard square.
‘Uh huh, I open it!’
Jackie laughed softly as he watched Robbie scrutinise everything, before delicately opening the little cardboard door. Robbie squeaked with delight when he achieved it, and looked at Jackie giddily.
‘I did it!’
Robbie purred when Jackie affectionately ruffled his hair, before the hero replied jovially.
‘Good job! Make sure you don’t miss any of that chocolate!’
Robbie nodded with a giggle, making Jackie smile fondly. The hero had never anticipated the prospect of having a child-like zombie for a little brother, but here and now he just couldn’t imagine his life without Robbie. He was so pure and special and perfect and Jackie loved him so damn much. Jackie sighed softly, wiggling in his lying-down position on the carpet so he could get comfy, when suddenly he felt something seemingly bump into his butt.
‘What the-? Oho, do you need some help too bud?’
Jackie shifted with a grin when he saw that it was none other than Gooper who had bonked his booty with a whiny gurgle, whilst dragging his own special advent calendar in tow. Everyone had made it especially for him, and instead of it being filled with chocolates it was filled with Gooper’s favourite thing in the entire world. Paperclips. Jackie eased up the corner of the little cardboard door with his fingernail, before grinning and nodding at Gooper.
‘Have at it!’
Gooper squealed and eagerly started poking and prodding and pulling at the little cardboard door, before it popped open to reveal a light green coloured paperclip. Gooper hopped up and down giddily before he absorbed the little piece of stationary into his body, for safe-keeping until he could add it to his stash later. Jackie giggled when the creature proceeded to nuzzle against his kneecap, and he scratched his underbelly gently.
‘You’re too frickin cute ya lil globbins!’
Gooper squealed and gurgled in delight from the underbelly attention, before he gurgled cutely in farewell and went about returning his advent calendar to its proper place. Jackie sighed happily as he absently looked back to Robbie….but then his eyes widened; the zombie was trying to open up next day’s door!
‘Ah, ah, ah buddy you know it’s only one choc per day!’
Jackie reached to get the advent calendar from Robbie, so he wouldn’t be tempted, but to the hero’s surprise Robbie gripped it to his chest and stuck his bottom lip out. Frankly, Robbie had come to the conclusion that these chocolates were very tasty and there was no reason why he shouldn’t have them all now.
‘Nuh! Robbie want chocs!’
Jackie raised an eyebrow at him, lowering his voice into his more reprimanding tone.
‘Robbie, give me the advent calendar.’
Robbie shook his head, and a little growl came from the back of his throat.
Jackie let out a surprised laugh….wow, Robbie must really have wanted these chocolates, and Jackie couldn’t really blame him. There’s always something about advent calendar chocolates that makes them so much more irresistible. However, Jackie knew he had to exercise discipline with his little brother. He stood, and easily snatched the advent calendar from Robbie’s weak hold, making the zombie whine and growl as Jackie pointed a finger down at him.
‘Sorry Robbie, I don’t make the advent calendar rules.’
Jackie went to go and put the calendar back on the mantle….not realising for one second….that he had awakened a beast. Robbie wanted those chocolates, and he wanted them badly, they just made him so fricking hungry! However, if Jackie was going to keep them from him, then Robbie figured that he’d have to find a substitute snack to satiate his hunger. He narrowed his eyes at Jackie as he crawled towards him deftly and silently. Then, he grasped Jackie’s shins.
‘I’m huuungryyy!’
Jackie jumped at the sudden grip on his shins, and his eyes widened when he saw Robbie snarling up at him; then, before the hero could even react, Robbie had grasped him and pulled him down to the floor.
‘W-Woah hey-HEY! L-Look we can f-find you another snack okay bud, w-we have other chocolates!’
Jackie gulped and shivered as Robbie crawled on top of him; as sweet as his little brother was, Jackie had to admit to himself that sometimes Robbie’s growls and snarls sent little chills down his spine. Especially now, when he was pinned down. Jackie hoped that Robbie would remember that the house was full of delicious snacks and thus let him go….but that was not to be the case.
‘Nuh uh….I want a waaarm snack. Waaarm and wriiiiiggly…'
Jackie gulped as Robbie pinned his arms above his head, leaning over him with a wide, toothy grin. The zombie was going to make his big brother sorry for taking away his chocolates, he was going to play a game with him….he was going to pretend he was his snack.
‘Wr-Wriggly? What k-kind of s-snack is wriggly?’
Jackie squeaked out, sounding a lot more nervous than he’d intended, which made Robbie giggle….and coo in happy delight.
Jackie’s eyes went wide, and he let out quite the high-pitched squeal as Robbie dove down to attack the crook of his neck with sloppy nuzzles and nibbles. Of course, Jackie’s whole body wriggled in response to the tickling; it was the hero’s number one weakness.
‘N-Nohoho n-noho I-I-I’m nahahat aha snahahack!’
Jackie cried out amidst his giggles, flustered as all hell as he prayed to whatever power existed that no-one would walk in on this, he’d never live it down! Oh god he could imagine Anti now, cooing about how he’d been bested by their littlest brother by just a few tickles, it didn’t bear thinking about! Robbie meanwhile, was already excited to gush about this to everyone else later.
‘Are toooo! So taaasty and soooft! Taaasty taasty taaaaasty!'
Jackie shook his head desperately, his cheeks turning a bright, flustered pink as he replied with flustered splutters.
‘N-N-Nohohoho b-behe quihihiet oho god be quihihihieeet!’
Robbie giggled into Jackie’s neck, making obnoxious slurpy noises at his skin teasingly as he cooed in response.
‘Robbie will be quiet if Jaaackie can be quiet!’
Jackie flushed almost as red as his crimson pyjamas as he writhed and snorted at Robbie’s eating noises, his giggling was non-stop now as Robbie absolutely gorged on every sensitive inch of Jackie’s neck.
‘Buhuhuhut Ihihi cahahahan’t! R-Rohohobbihie plehehehease!’
Robbie giggled and reared up and away from Jackie’s neck, letting out a giggly squeak when he saw how blushy and smiley his big hero brother was, he was so cute! Robbie figured that Jackie probably had other nummy tickle spots, so he cast his gaze over Jackie’s torso, humming to himself.
‘Hmmm….wheeeere should Robbie snack neeext?’
Jackie gulped at the sight of Robbie’s predatory gaze, and tried to struggle as he shook his head VERY adorably.
‘N-Nohowhere nowhere!’
Robbie giggled down at Jackie fondly, before setting his sights on where Jackie’s pyjama top had started to ride up. The grinning zombie slowly used his nose to push up the rest of the top, thus leaving Jackie’s lean belly exposed and on display. Robbie let out a soft, teasy purr as he brushed his lips over Jackie’s tummy, all while the hero tried and failed to suck it in.
‘But Rooobbie still huuuungry…sooo veeery huuungry….’
Jackie had goose-bumps all over and was trembling like a leaf….no-one, not even Anti, had made him feel so flustered with tickles until now, it was like it was Robbie’s superpower or something! Jackie had a shaky smile on his face as he looked at Robbie imploringly, his soft blue eyes were wide with nervousness.
‘P-Plehease R-Rohobbie, p-plehease nohot there!’
Robbie giggled at Jackie’s whimpers, before he grinned a frankly feral grin.
‘But Jackie tumtum looks so taaasty!’
Jackie’s eyes widened, and he let out a yelp and a snort, which soon became a plethora of snorts and cackly laughter as Robbie eagerly dined upon Jackie’s belly. Jackie was kicking his legs haphazardly, his feet hitting the carpet frantically as one of Jackie’s prime tickle spots was just absolutely tortured.
Robbie happily ignored his brother’s pleas, nipping the sides of his tummy eagerly as he crooned lovingly.
‘So sooft and nuuuummy, and so preeetty tooo…’
Jackie desperately hid in his forearm out of embarrassment, that kind of comment on his tummy flustered him so damn much; the hero wasn’t used to compliments like that, so the sweet guy just didn’t know how on earth to react aside from rejecting them.
Jackie cried out, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to block it all out. Robbie meanwhile, was absolutely flabbergasted! How could Jackie not know how pretty his belly was? Robbie thought it was one of the prettiest bellies he had ever seen! It was so smooth and warm and ticklish AND it had lots of cute little freckles dotted everywhere, like pretty stars in the night’s sky! Robbie couldn’t have Jackie denying his prettiness.
‘Is too! Say it!’
Robbie growled into Jackie’s belly, nibbling harder and sloppier which made Jackie arch his back desperately. The poor guy couldn’t harness his brain cells long enough to answer properly.
Robbie growled even more, which made the poor hero wail amidst his mirth; Robbie wasn’t going to let up on Jackie’s belly until Jackie admitted how pretty it was!
‘Say you have pretty belly! Saaaay iiit!’
Jackie was a mess of laughter, and he could feel himself sweating from all the energy he’d spent struggling; fun fact, Robbie’s strength outmatched all the Septic’s, even Jackie’s superhuman strength. Jackie knew he couldn’t escape, so agreeing was his only way to mercy.
Robbie hummed….then nibbled under Jackie’s navel. He knew his hero brother could do better than that.
Jackie shrieked, and complied pretty damn fast.
Robbie giggle, nuzzling Jackie’s belly one last time before leaning up with a fond giggle to his, now panting, brother.
‘Good Jackie-Booooy…’
Robbie cooed, whilst Jackie whined. His neck and tummy felt so tingly, and his face was so hot you could probably fry two darned eggs on it! He tentatively looked up at Robbie, speaking oh so preciously and meekly.
‘P-Plehease lehet me goho, I-I-I’m sohorry Rohobbie!’
Robbie cocked his head at Jackie fondly, Robbie just couldn’t get over how absolutely precious and adorable he was! Robbie decided then and there that he was definitely going to tickle Jackie more often, he was so ticklish and soft and precious; plus, Robbie loved being the evil tickler, he loved the feeling of making Jackie laugh and beg (this was totally not Anti’s influence). Robbie grinned, bringing Jackie’s arms down to pin them under his knees as he wiggled his fingers in the air over Jackie’s body.
‘But Jaaackie! Yooou’re so fuun to tickle! So so so so so fun!’
Robbie had seen his brothers do this sometimes, they’d hover their wiggly fingers in the air to make the tickles more teasy and the trapped person more giggly! Robbie giggled as he watched Jackie smile and squeak nervously beneath him, constantly watching his moving fingers as he stammered.
‘Thihis i-ihisn’t fahaaaair! I-I sahaid I wahas sorry!’
Jackie squirmed about, giggling despite his efforts to compose himself; the hero was definitely going to somehow have words with Anti regarding the influences Robbie was picking up.
‘Mmmm….yooou stiiill took my choooocs!’
Jackie gasped and squealed, but rather than descending into some climactic form of hysteria, he was encompassed by fit of squeaky giggles as Robbie used his blunt nails to lightly scratch at his hipbones. Robbie loved to see Jackie giggling, Jackie’s giggles were Robbie’s favourite giggles.
‘Ihihihi’ll gehehet yohohou mohore! Ihihihi’ll doho ahahanything!’
Literally, at this point Jackie was ready to do just about anything to get mercy, all this tickling was really tuckering the poor guy out, and they hadn’t even reached lunchtime yet! Robbie hummed curiously at Jackie’s words, wondering if he really would do anything to stop the tickles.
Jackie nodded frantically, gazing up at Robbie red-cheeked with the giddiest, most flustered grin known to man in place. His hips were tingling from Robbie’s scratches and his energy was waning.
‘Yehehes yehehehes!’
Jackie’s eyes were starting to water as Robbie thought for a few moments….before having mercy and humming. Jackie caught his breath and looked up at Robbie, nervously wondering if the cheeky guy was going to get him to do something silly or embarrassing…but what Robbie asked was not what the hero had been expecting.
‘….build fort with Robbie?’
Robbie was slumped on Jackie as he looked down at him nervously. Robbie had always wanted to build the biggest, best blanket fort ever with Jackie…but Jackie was nearly always out on mission, or training in the gym, or training with Silver, Dark or Anti. Robbie knew Jackie was an important busy hero, but he was Robbie’s special inspiring hero too, and Robbie always wanted to spend more time with him.
‘You….you just wanna build a fort?’
Jackie asked curiously, to which Robbie nodded softly, and Jackie softly smiled. Jackie knew he wasn’t there for Robbie as much as he should be, he was a busy guy…but one thing Jackie was going to take from this year was that time with his brothers, time with Robbie, was more important than anything else. Jackie smiled and sat up, spurring Robbie to shift, and when he did so, Jackie cupped Robbie’s face in his hands lovingly.
‘Oh Robbie, we’re not just gonna build a fort….we’re gonna build a super hero headquarters! A special base just for me and you, with password protection, fairy lights, cushions, blankets….and tons of snacks. Does that sound good?’
Robbie’s eyes had been getting wider and wider the more Jackie talked about what he wanted to build with him, and when he’d finished all Robbie could do was squeal and eagerly hug Jackie, before they set about building the most amazing heroic base that anyone has ever seen. And you can bet that they ate all the damn chocolate that they could lay their hands on too.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
If there’s free requests could you maybe do dr stone with lee gen and ler senku?
((i never send in asks so idk what context to give when asking 😭😭😭))
Ooo, the boys! I love these two so much! I've gotcha anon! (( and no worries you did great! Thank you for sending this in!))
“*Hic!* Oh no…*Hic!* *Hic!*”
Senku looked up from his notes, amusement in his eyes as he turned to his boyfriend. “You alright there, Mentalist?”
It was no secret to the residents of Ishigami Village Gen had quite the distinctive set of hiccups. They came out of nowhere, lasted most of the day, and were strong enough to put a little bounce in his step whenever they came on. For the most part, Gen could usually suppress them, avoiding foods that he knew would set them off and whatnot.
That didn’t mean he was perfect; especially when it came to cola.
Now he was struggling to compose himself, an empty bottle of said drink sitting by as he pressed a hand over his mouth, body twitching with each little sound. “I’m- *Hic* I’m fine! Just *hic* drank too fast *hic*! *hic!*” He groaned, turning away and covering his face with his hands. “It’s happening again! *Hic!*”
Senku pressed his lips together, the urge to laugh building in his chest as he crossed the distance between them. “I tried to warn you not to drink so fast, but nope, you had to chug it.” He boxed the other in, resting his hands against the counter behind him with a cheshire grin. “Want some help? I know a method that can clear those up! It’s a ten billion percent chance of success.”
At this, Gen peeked through his hands, cheeks burning red at how close the scientist was now. “Wh-*hic* What do you have in mind? *hic!*”
Senku’s eyes danced. He began to lean in. Immediately Gen closed his eyes.
“Gah! Ahehahahahahhahhaha! *hic* Sheheheheehhheenku! *hic*” Gen squeaked, yelping as ten fingers found his ribs, pressing in gently. “Whahahahhahait a mihiihiihihinute! *hic* *hic*”
“What? I’m helping!” Senku teased, easily trapping the squirming mentalist against the table and himself. “The best way to get rid of hiccups is to stimulate the vagus nerve- the part of our body that controls a variety of things. While there’s tons of home remedies out there, I find tickling to be the most entertaining. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“Shehehehhehehhehehenku! Ahehahahhahahhahaha *hic* Nohohohohoohhohot thehehehhehhere!” He cried out when Senku reached behind, pinching along his spine and shoulders. At this point his cheeks were ablaze, eyes squeezed shut with mirth as he buried his face into the other’s shoulder, clinging to his arms. “Iihihihihihihihiit tihiihihihihckles toohohohohooho muuhuuhuuhuhuhuch!”
“Does it really?” Senku cooed, moving his hands up to Gen’s armpits and pinching gently, making him arch with a squeal. “Does it tickle when I do this? What about this?” He scratched, increasing the cackly laughter pouring out. “Is this a bad spot?”
“Yoohohohohoohu ahahahahahhahalreaahahahahdy knohohohohohoohow thahhahhahahhat!” Gen squealed, feeling himself begin to grow lightheaded. “Ohoohohohokay ohohoohohhokay enohohohohough!”
Senku stopped, dropping his hands to the other’s waist supportively as Gen more or less collapsed against him. Residue giggles escaped his lips, and his eyes were blinded by mirthful tears. “Ehehehe…ahhehehehe…yohooohhure tohoohoo muuhuhuhch!”
“Heh, maybe. But it worked right?” Senku pointed out, humming with satisfaction when no new hiccups resurfaced. Gen grumbled something not so nice against his neck, making him laugh. “You're welcome, and I love you too.”
Gen looked up at him, his glare dissolving into a soft pout as he looked at Senku. “I was tricked. I thought you were gonna kiss me…”
Senku blinked, cheeks redding nearly as much as Gen’s. Then he laughed, shaking his head with warm eyes. “Sorry about that…can I?”
Gen nodded, closing his eyes as Senku’s lips finally found his.
The moment was perfect. Everything went right until-
Gen blinked. Senku’s eyes widened, a hand coming to his own lips.
“Mental-*hic*-ist…” Senku tried to warn, soft hiccups rising up as Gen grinned, raising a hand. “I have just the remedy.”
I hope this was good!
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tickleraptorss · 5 years
Alright ya DORK. Tell us abt your Sword Game headcannons
easily the most ticklish of the entire party. also easily the most lee of the party.
he has a really squeaky laugh when you get to his super bad spots!! also just a very generally happy-sounding laugh. it’s so pure
he curls up and blushes so much when u tickle him. he crinkles his nose nd stuff nd it’s just v pure
his worst spots are his tummy, under his arms and his feets!! he’s also particularly ticklish on his lower ribs.... 
he is ticklish literally everywhere. you could tickle his like. elbows. and he’d be laughing
reyn LOVES tickling shulk. he loves shulk’s laugh so much that he’ll take almost every opportunity to tickle him. 
in fact, the entire party likes tickling him. shulk’s sad a lot so the other party members like to cheer him up with tickles :)
or they just tickle him bc. they can.
shulk doesn’t ler very often. he can only tickle reyn bc if he tried to go for anyone else he’d regret it immediately
he does more of that. observational teasing. stuff like “oh, you’re really ticklish here, huh?” 
although with reyn he uses teases like “c’mon, i know you wanna laugh! where’s that bright smile of yours, hm?~”
he once tried to get revenge on fiora. that went  horribly
sometimes he’ll get visions of tickle attacks from the party and he. can’t really do anything about it. thanks for nothing, monado
just. a very tickly boy
he’s very ticklish, especially on his belly. but don’t tell anyone or he’ll kill you
he’s mostly a ler, well, he prefers being a ler anyway
anyone who isn’t shulk can challenge him and win pretty easily bc he’s so damn ticklish
his laugh is so cackly and it’s also full of snorts!! a lot of protesting and blushing too bc he’s big embarrassed 
he just kinda collapses when you tickle him. his instinct is to curl in on himself and try to keep himself from laughing but he’s. very bad at that. 
also. he wears a crop top. you are Asking for tickles young man
yes you show off your cool six pack but is it worth it (its not)
he’s very weak to cutesy/childish teasing,, it makes him v embarrassed bc he’s supposed to be a tough man but he’s just Dying at shulk whispering “tickle tickle~” in his ear ghdjkfg
raspberries are his ultimate weakness he can’t stand them. shulk uses that to his advantage. 
as a ler, reyn is very silly!!! he loves playful wrestling and pinning his lee down nd just. going to town
he also loves tickl games. like he’ll have the lee try to keep their arms up while he tickls them nd stuff like that. or see how long they can last without laughing. Bro we are Tickle Games
he tickles shulk the most often, obviously. he’ll try and sneak up on the others sometimes, but that backfires on him 90% of the time.
while he’s cuddling with shulk sometimes he’ll just softly tickle him to see him curl up and giggle nd he thinks it’s super adorable (bc it is) 
the ultimate ler of the party. she’s an unstoppable force. 
you cannot tickle her and get away with it. hell, even if you try within about 10 seconds you will be on the receiving end
she’s teasy as hell, and she’s got the perfect voice for it too. if you’ve heard her voice you’ll know what i mean
she adores using those childish teases. the stuff like ‘kitchy kitchy koo~’ and she calls herself the tickle monster nd stuff and A
she tickles e v e r y o n e. no one is safe. she is a literal tickle monster
you can’t run from her bc she’ll chase you. you can’t hide bc she’ll find you. she’s a very determined ler and if she decides you deserve to be tickled, she’s not stopping until it happens
if she sees one of the party members sulking she’ll just waltz right up behind them, poke them in the sides and give them a lil warning
sometimes there’s no warning at all and she just straight up starts tickling them out of seemingly nowhere
“i heard someone could use a visit from the tickle monster~” fIORA STOP YOU’RE GOING TO KILL ALL OF THEM
she probably tickles melia the most often bc she wuvs making her birb gf smile!!
she’s rarely a lee. if she ever does get tickled it’s bc she let you do it
melia’s rly the only one who gets to tickle fiora.
lmao one time reyn and shulk teamed up to get revenge on fiora and despite it being 2v1 uh. Fiora easily won that battle
this is longer than i wanted but listen i fuckign love one (1) gal
def more of a ler and the least ticklish out of everyone in the party. 
she has Big Sister energy 
she’s rly playful like reyn!! she doesn’t do games like reyn does but she just has a v playful energy when she tickles
she has tons of experience from tickling juju (her lil bro!) so she Knowes how to deal w squirmy lees
she’s also very strong, so she can pin her lee down pretty easily
she’s rly close to fiora and melia. she’s like their cool adoptive big sister. squad goals.
sometimes she nd fiora team up to cheer up melia when she’s feeling sad!!!
she also likes tickling reyn bc the way he reacts to tickling is just super funny to her.
she doesn’t tease all that much tbh, but she’ll laugh along with her lee!! 
she’ll comment on the lee’s laugh sometimes too, especially if it’s squeaky (bye shulk)
it’s hard to challenge her bc she isn’t all that ticklish, but she’s got a select few bad spots.
her legs are mostly p bad, with w her knees being the worst spot.
she cannot handle knee squeezes she will probably die and then kill you with her..... gun that heals people
her laugh is surprisingly loud for how Not Ticklish she is. maybe it’s bc she’s not rly used to it? it’s a mystery!
she  might kick you so maybe don’t... tickle her for too long.
despite being fiora’s older brother he falls victim to her attacks very often.
he’s a true switch probably, mainly bc fiora tickles him so often. 
he likes to tickl reyn nd shulk a lot bc he’s like their SUPER RAD OLDER BROTHER
he used to be a very good ler, but now that he can only use one arm, he’s lost a bit of his skill
he has no problem with taking shulk and reyn down a few notches, however he cannot defeat his sister anymore
he constantly tries to get back at fiora for all the times she’s tickled him but he’s just in denial that she’s become a more threatening tickle monster than him :(
but he’s proud of fiora for being Feared for that
he’s like “i taught her well :)”
he’s a lot more ticklish than he seems
his worst spots are his ribs and leggies!! he’s not too good at fighting his attacker off though because he. can only use one arm
he has a more gruffy laugh. doesn’t really squeak all that much unless you manage to catch him off guard
dunban is cool and also he looks like alucard from castlevania lol
is it birb time? i think it’s birb time
didn’t really know what tickling rly was before she met shulk and co. like, she knew of it but that was the extent of her knowledge.
it wasn’t until she met fiora that she found out that she was, indeed, very ticklish.
her worst spots are her neck and ears, and probably around her shoulders too!
going for her neck makes her scrunch her shoulders up nd hide her face behind her wings its so cute
speaking of which, her wings are also very ticklish!! gently stroking them will make her giggle
she has a like. musical laugh. it’s v melodical?? idk how to describe it it’s just Very Pretty and fiora adores it
melia would be more of a ler if she wasn’t dating the world’s greatest tickle monster
she tickles shulk quite often, actually! fiora usually watches from the sidelines and tells her which spots are the most effective.
melly’s an observational teaser. she usually doesn’t mean to be teasy, but her tone makes it come across as such
over time she eventually learned how to be good at teasing from fiora and she’s almost as unstoppable as fiora.
keyword: almost
she’s still pretty weak
she just tends to curl up when tickled. she doesn’t rly fight back all that much bc she thinks its kinda fun!!
local party dad and is canonically covered in feathers
he’s v ler!! but like,, in a cool dad way. he tickles the others when they’re down so that they can feel a lil better
he’s just a big ol fluffball who loves seeing his adopted children happy and smiling!
he technically has two pairs of hands - his lil stubby ones and his big ol ear hands!! he can tickle with both at the same time
when the other party members are holding him if he notices that they’re sad he’ll go “>:3c its time for tickles!”
he just kinda pounces on the others when he tickles them. they can’t really fight him bc he’s so small and agile
riki is also ticklish!! he has a v ticklish tummy
tickling him will make him let out these lil purr-like giggles and its v pure. 
riki doesn’t mind being tickled! if it makes the others happy, then he’s happy too!!!
psst... his ears are also mega ticklish
when he teases he’ll mostly go for the Cursed phrases bc he’s so used to using those on his kids!! it’s only natural he’d do the same for his new Adopted children
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