#i have something going on for my hunter and some vex minotaur but that's for another day
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kaiserouo · 5 months ago
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aww he's just a lost child
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thefirstknife · 3 years ago
Help, I ran Garden of Salvation with some clan mates and i'm Experiencing Great Sadness about the Kentarch 3 again.
I haven't been following you since shadowkeep, and was wondering if you had some theories about what happened, because a lot is left unexplained, specifically about Lisbon-13's motivations. The story from Yardarm-4's perspective shows that something is influencing them before they accept power (stasis teaser?) from the darkness. Do you think they really had a choice? Do you think he was influenced in his decision to kill them? If so, why? As a test just for him? Presumably he's still out there somewhere, and I can't tell from the lorebooks whether Rekkana let him kill her first or not. I just feel so bad for them, they all loved each other. Yardarm probably took the power in the first place to help get them out safely. Do you think it'll ever get concluded? The whole lore series seems interestingly close to what happens with Shayura, just sort of in reverse.
Kentarch 3 fireteam and the whole story on the Garden of Salvation armour and the associated weapons and equipment is amazing and very interesting, I agree. I haven't talked about it before but it's a good thing to revisit every so often! I think there's still a lot we don't really understand, mostly due to not fully understanding the power of the Black Garden.
In short for the general audience, Kentarch 3 was a fireteam that consisted of Yardarm-4 (Titan), Rekkana (Warlock) and Lisbon-13 (Hunter). They went to explore the Black Garden at the behest of the Warlock order called the Cryptochrons which Rekkana was a part of. This order got exiled some time after Osiris for dabbling in prophecies. Cryptochrons were formed around a Oneiromantic Circle and led by a Sibyl (or multiple sibyls; or Sibyl was just a name of one member, it's unclear). Oneiromancy is the practice of interpreting dreams to predict the future and sibyls were ancient Greek female prophets and oracles.
I didn't think this would get long but it did so the rest under the cut:
The Cryptochron order continued operating after its exile and Rekkana received a prophecy from them that revolved around a fireteam learning about the Black Garden and retrieving from it a Vex relic of some sort. The relic is the exotic weapon Divinity and the lore tab on it details the prophecy they were chasing:
"And after any other Cryptochrons they learn of. But your path is more dangerous than most. The Circle has foreseen many fireteams following in your footsteps. You can find the knowledge the order seeks at the Tree."
"Can? Not will?" For the first time, Rekkana sounded concerned.
"The Circle has had limited success in piercing the veil that surrounds the Black Garden, so the order offers no certainties. They say that a group of Guardians will discover secrets about the origin of the Black Garden at the Tree. The Oneiromantic Circle foresees no reason why it will not be the Kentarch 3."
"Nor can I. But…?"
"There is another thread in the tapestry, entwined with this one. The Vex, or some fractal faction of them, worship or honor a… divinity there."
"The Black Heart? It was destroyed."
"Yes, but this is something different. An object. Something like a sacred relic. It is important to the Vex for reasons that we have not yet fathomed. The Circle has determined that it is dangerous—"
"A Vex weapon?"
"Perhaps," the Sybil sounded annoyed at the interruption. "Rekkana, the Circle concluded that it is a danger to you."
"To me? But then, why send me on this mission?"
"When the Circle dreamed of the object, you were beside it."
They agreed that, should they find this object, Lisbon should be the one to carry it. They did find it and he was indeed the one to carry it, as is shown later in another lore tab detailed below.
We know that Lisbon-13 killed the rest of his fireteam because they got corrupted by the Black Garden, something happened to their Ghosts (they all just dropped down and started losing their Light) and then turned on him. He was being hunted and he really had no choice. But he couldn't live with it. In Beyond Light, he's shown trying to kill his Ghost in order to stay permanently dead because he couldn't bear the burden of what he did to his fireteam, even though his actions were justified and he acted in self-defence.
But before he managed to do that, he was faced with his own doppleganger, just like the YW at the end of Shadowkeep. In the end, Lisbon didn't kill his Ghost because the doppleganger offered him power and Lisbon (presumably) chose to take it: his wish was simply to make himself forget about his fireteam (and Rekkana specifically, whom he loved). It's implied that he accepted and after that, we have no formal information what happened.
The outcome of what happened to Kentarch 3 is somewhat known, as detailed in this ship lore. The Vanguard knows Lisbon killed the other two, they're not sure when they lost their Ghosts and they have not found anyone's body, not even Lisbon's. But we know from the lore that came out after that Lisbon accepted the deal with his doppleganger and we have no idea what that entailed. Is he still in the Black Garden? Was he killed? Replaced? Just memory-wiped and sent back? Something else entirely? We'll explore at the end.
I'm pretty sure the voices they heard talking to them were also their own dopplegangers. And it's somewhat implied that they made some sort of a bargain and accepted "new powers" that came "from the wrong side." There's only one description of it:
Her fist glimmered and quaked with an unfamiliar power. She only had to release her grip, and that energy would rip through him, burning without fire.
That's Rekkana attacking Lisbon. It's never fully explained what it is, but it could very well be some sort of prototype Stasis in my opinion. Or some other Darkness power. Not sure why the Black Garden would give them this, which is why I think they simply harnessed the power of their dopplegangers. This is something that's been mentioned a few times in regards to Darkness: duplication. Same is present with the Taken as well (Taken psions duplicate). I mentioned the duplication theme being discussed in Clovis' journal before too.
Honestly, I can't make any definitive conclusion, but Kentarch 3 definitely found something horrifying in the Black Garden and fell to its influence. They also reference doing the puzzles to get Divinity, which they got and Lisbon used it to kill the other two.
Garden of Salvation raid ends with a Pyramid scale opening up and leading us down into the area with the Darkness statue. I think this could've easily been some sort of a lead into the future of Destiny and the powers of Darkness. Kentarch 3 may have accidentally received this power early on or were perhaps some sort of a test the Darkness did on Guardians before offering them Stasis for real.
It's an interesting story and yep, it does mirror Shayura's fireteam and how the story is told! Each member of the fireteam tells the same story from their own POV on armour for that class. I'll link all of them in order, roughly how I think it's best to read each POV:
Rekkana: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Yardarm-4: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Lisbon-13: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
I like how the armour follows the same name pattern: Righteousness, Exaltation, Transcendence, Ascendancy and Temptation.
Associated Garden of Salvation weapons also have some tidbits of lore that might help, namely:
Ancient Gospel Hand Cannon:
"These forces have existed forever, but only one of them speaks to us." —Rekkana, Warlock of the Kentarch 3
Sacred Provenance Pulse Rifle:
"These gifts were not made for us, but we were meant to have them." —Rekkana, Warlock of the Kentarch 3
Zealot's Reward Fusion Rifle:
"Why not use these gifts we've been given?" —Yardarm-4, Titan of the Kentarch 3
I would really like to learn more about them, and specifically Lisbon because he might be able to actually tell us what happened. He or his Ghost, Piri, who managed to survive last we've seen her. I think the Ghost might be able to give the most accurate version of events. It's interesting that Lisbon was very much against whatever power they received and that was the reason he abandoned his fireteam, which made the other two consider him a traitor to their friendship.
Very intriguing lore story that could possibly be mentioned again in some form. Also as a brighter note, yes, Yardarm literally flew into the Black Garden with an entire ship and crash landed inside. On a less brighter note, we've never seen the remains of a ship in there (to be fair, Black Garden is huge) and it's somewhat implied that they entered through the Vex Gate on Mars which puts the timeline of when they got there into question. The Vex Gate on Mars that led into the Black Garden was destroyed in the Red War. The new gate showed up on the Moon in Shadowkeep (and you can't fly a ship into it because it's in a cave).
An additional note which answers certain things when it comes to Lisbon's fate that I hinted at before: in order to acquire the quest for Divinity, you have to go to the Moon to the Vex Gate for the first time. The gate will open up and a Vex mind will come out. This giant Vex minotaur is called Zeteon, Redemptive Mind. Upon killing this minotaur, you receive "Divine Fragmentation" quest. Details of the quest here. You pick up a Vex core that has strange readings coming from it and you have to decipher it by running it through various Vex technology. Once fully completed, you have to go into Garden of Salvation, do the Divinity puzzles and the weapon will drop from the extra chest at the end.
Why am I mentioning this? Well. Zeteon, Redemptive Mind drops a core that contains information about how to get Divinity. Lisbon was the member of the fireteam that held Divinity and used it to kill his fireteam. There's a quote from Lisbon on the weapon called Accrued Redemption:
"I should never have let it come to this. Now each arrow is a penance." —Lisbon-13, Hunter of the Kentarch 3
Divinity's perks are called Judgement and Penance.
Basically, I believe that whatever deal Lisbon accepted that made him forget his fireteam, free him from the suffering and redeem him ended with him being converted into Zeteon, Redemptive Mind. It's the reason why this Vex in particular had the pieces needed to construct Divinity again. Lisbon was the last person who had it. Becoming the bearer of parts needed for Divinity was both his Judgement and his Penance.
Final note because I love ancient languages being used for the names of things in Destiny: "Zeteon" most likely comes from Greek "zeteo" which means:
to seek, search after, look for
to inquire into, examine, consider
to strive for, desire, wish
Probably tied to Lisbon's search and desire for redemption for what he's done. I think that wraps up his fate quite nicely, although tragically.
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codenamesilas · 4 years ago
And a Destiny AU because reasons 👀
-silas is most certainly a titan. weapons and fists are equally engaging for combat, and he doesn't care which he gets the job done with.
-going well against the unwritten rule of guardians working together, silas would be quick to throw other guardians to the wolves if it means getting something good out of the deal.
-i have very little lore knowledge (it's been so long, and getting the second game was $$) but silas would definitely be intrigued by the resurrection process and the implications of immortality that comes with it.
drabbles time!
The two of them had gotten stuck together during a raid against the Vex. Sure, their ghosts had reassured them that they were supposed to be together ('you balance each other out; no, really, this is a good idea'), but the damn things had led them astray before.
The warlock had gotten the worst out of the deal. His current 'partner' (and for now, he used that word lightly), didn't seem to have much consideration for the other Guardians. After they'd picked off the few Goblins they could see in the clearing before them, the Titan had all but rushed down into it, not even bothering to scan for any more life signs first.
Two Guardian corpses were nearly seared in half by the heat of the Vex weaponry, slumped together against a stone pillar. The Titan gave a sharp whistle as he crouched down to inspect the damage. He was impressed, not only by the technology these creatures possessed, but how seamlessly they wielded it.
The warlock stayed above on his perch, not willing to join the other until he was certain it was safe. He wrinkled his nose at the mess of the two bodies below. There were already so few of them left compared to what the looming threat of the Darkness held. And with the speed it seemed to be branching out, there was so little time for them to prepare for the fight. Some of them just...weren't ready for any this.
After getting to his feet, the Titan placed his foot against one of the corpses' chest, fingers prying underneath the helmet it wore. Hell, it wasn't damaged. Hadn't even taken a hit. And it's specs were more advanced than he would have thought for someone who was taken down so easily.
“Oh, for Christ's sake, would you stop that.”
“What?” he said innocently, “It's perfectly good, and it's not like they'll be needing it.” He moved to inspect one of the weapons laying on the ground. If the settlements on Mars had once been peaceful, you'd never know it now.
From his spot on top of the pillar, the warlock could see a group of Vex making their way towards their location from the other side of the pillar. “Silas-”
“I know, I know. Gimme a minute.”
“No, there's-” but the man waved off his warnings, continuing his assessment of the equipment. With the way the Vex moved, they'd be on top of the Titan before he even realized they were coming. The warlock raced along the pillar, cursing the idiot he'd been stuck with, and hurling off the energy he'd been gathering from the Traveller in a quick, well-aimed burst. It struck the entire group, and he only justpicked off the two surviving Minotaurs before they'd spotted him.
Now he had to get back before the bastard slipped away on him. Really, though, would it have been so bad if he just let the other go? With a sigh, he glided down from the pillar, back to ground level.
The Titan didn't appear to notice what had been happening, head down as he fastened the scavenged equipment to his belt. As soon as he looked up, his hand cannon was drawn, and the warlock heard the bullet whip past near his head, followed by the electronic screech of a Vex goblin in the throes of death. “Really, Doc, you need to watch your back a little more carefully,” the Titan said, walking back and giving the warlock a pat on the shoulder as he passed by. “Nothing to be ashamed of, you'll get the hang of it.”
The warlock glared daggers at his ghost unit hovering nearby, who spun it's shell defensively, “Don't look at me, he's your partner.”
There was a sudden silence where there should have been sound, but neither of them noticed until the tip of a knife was against Ralph's chest, and a hand cannon pressed against Silas' back.
“They're guardians.” The familiar, robotic tone of a ghost, though it was tinged with surprise.
“Huh.” The hands holding their weapons relaxed, falling at the man's side. He was a hunter; he knew better than to put them away in a place like this, and it had nothing to do with the two men he'd just held at gunpoint.
Once the tension dissipated, the newcomer bowed low. “Sorry about that, gentlemen. Can never be too careful. Honestly, I didn't expect to see any friendly faces out here. He straightened up, “Judas, at your service.” The hunter bounded around Silas, his lift kicking in a few times so he rarely touched the ground. “My, but you're a tall one. I suppose you have to live up to the title, after all.”
The titan tried to keep his eyes on the energetic guardian, only to get annoyed at having to constantly spin around. He reached out, snatched the hunter's cape in a fist and pulled, hard. The hunter hit the ground with a startled cry, all of his internal displays informing him he was under attack, while the titan loomed over him, resting a foot forcefully on his chest. “Where are the others?”
Judas coughed, slowly catching his breath, “Others?”
Judas shook his head, “There are none. Not with me, anyway.”
“Bull. We don't travel alone.”
“Correction; youdon't travel alone. Ido. I prefer keeping to the shadows. Get in, get out, quick and easy. Hard to do that with one of you,” he glared pointedly at the titan, “causing a disturbance everywhere you go.”
The warlock's ghost hovered upwards. It's finials spun in and out, “I'm not picking up any nearby sources of light. He's telling the truth.”
“There. See? Can I get up now?”
With a grumble of disapproval, Silas hefted the hunter up with one hand.
“Oh!” his feet kicked under him before they were placed on solid ground. The hunter stretched out, his back giving an irritated crack in the process. “This is exactly what I mean. You titans all play rough”
“Careful with him,” Ralph snapped. “We could use his help.”
“Hm?” Interest. Judas turned towards the warlock.
“Here,” his ghost displayed the scans of an underground armoury. “The Cabal have something we want. They've got it tucked away, and we need to get in.”
“Ah. Well, I'm no scout, and the tunnels aren't my forte.”
“We already have a layout of their network, and a way in. It's getting in and out that we're seeing a problem with.”
“Don't have speed on your side.” Judas nodded. There were certain unspoken rules amongst guardians. One of them was that all of this was everyone's fight. “Alright. But first, I have a little something you can help me with.”
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little-wintry · 5 years ago
GHOST REPORT - Shadowkeep Aftermath
((So apparently I can’t focus on one thing at a time, so I took valuable time out of my day to write a sad report pretty much recounting the events post-Shadowkeep. My Gaurdian...... has not been handling it well and uhhhh.... that final mission location had a big impact on my Guardian’s Light and overall well-being so be prepared for some sadness! Anyways I’m also going to a wedding this weekend so i’ll be off for quite a bit))
[Oct.2] Guardian (VIP #2014) has elevated heart rate following exit from the Pyramid. Increased adrenaline and cortisol levels. Guardian has, at this point, gone at least 10 hours without sleep. Guardian refuses to sleep.
[Oct.3] Guardian insists on talking to Ikora privately. Guardian has gone 27 hours without sleep. Guardian is easily startled and began talking to herself. Guardian has not talked to Ghost (ID: PIRUL) for 18 hours. Guardian refuses to talk to Ghost. Guardian died to a Fallen Captain and it took Ghost 5.4 seconds to revive, as opposed to the normal 5.0 seconds.
[Oct.4] Guardian returns to the Moon. Guardian has gone 45 hours without sleep. Guardian nearly falls into the Hellmouth. Guardian refuses to go below surface level. Guardian fights 86 Vex (2 Gate Lords, 48 Goblins, 23 Hobgoblins, 4 Hydras, 9 Minotaurs). Guardian refuses to talk to Ghost, has not talked to Ghost for 36 hours. Guardian died to a Hive Knight and it took 7.3 seconds to revive. Guardian appears to be paranoid and afraid at all times.
[Oct.5] Guardian enters Black Garden with a small fireteam for 32 minutes. Guardian has gone 66 hours without sleep, and 57 hours without talking to Ghost. Guardian was unable to summon her Golden Gun in time and died to a Hive Wizard. It took Ghost 8.4 seconds to revive. Guardian hunted down the Nightmare of Omnigul for the 3rd time. Guardian died twice, took Ghost 8.2 and 9.0 seconds to revive. Guardian ripped her cloak but seemingly didn’t care or notice. Guardian’s reaction time has decreased significantly.
[Oct.6] Guardian enters the Black Garden twice with a small fireteam, once for 28 minutes and once for 22 minutes. Guardian dies 11 times. Ghost took increasingly long time to revive, highest time for 10.2 seconds. Guardian has gone 83 hours without sleep and 74 hours without talking to Ghost. Guardian broke two guns. Guardian refuses to go to the Tower. Guardian seems unable to summon her Golden Gun. Guardian does not seem to care but died to a Thrall. Ghost took 9.2 seconds to revive.
[Oct.7] Guardian has gone 103 hours without sleep. Guardian has gone 94 hours without talking to Ghost. Guardian lays on the floor of her ship for 4 hours. Guardian mutters to herself for 62 minutes out of those 4 hours. Guardian goes into the Black Garden 3 times with a small fireteam, for a total of 95 minutes. Guardian fights the Nightmare of Omnigul again, dies 5 times. Ghost takes an average of 9.3 seconds to revive. Guardian seemingly talks to no one. Guardian seems unable to summon even grenades. 
[Oct.8] Guardian falls asleep in her ship for 43 minutes. Appears to have had a nightmare. Guardian yells at Ghost for letting her sleep for 12 minutes. Guardian starts crying for 3 minutes. Guardian appears to be suffering mood swings. Hormone levels are high. Guardian refuses to visit the Tower. Guardian’s hands are shaking and she is unable to hold a knife. Guardian claims she is cold at all times now, despite her body temperature being above average (101.5 degrees Fahrenheit). Ghost attempts to convince Guardian to rest but Guardian doesn’t listen. Guardian instead travels to the Moon. Guardian works with an Awoken Titan (NAME: VIVIAN) and fight the Nightmare of Ir Yut. Guardian travels to the Tangled Shore with the Titan and a Hunter. Guardian dies to a Vandal and Ghost takes her back to orbit to rest.
[Oct.9] Guardian shoots Ghost upon Ghost talking to her suddenly. Ghost is unharmed but his shell is dented. Guardian does not apologize. Guardian hunts the Nightmare of Phogoth. Dies 17 times. Ghost takes an average of 10.6 seconds to revive. Guardian claims to be feeling colder. Body temperature higher above average (103.2 degrees Farhenheit). Ghost finds himself unable to heal his Guardian for 27 minutes.
[Oct.10] Guardian returns to the Tower after approx. 93 hours of refusing to visit. Guardian passes out in the Courtyard. Guardian receives medical attention and is sent to the Infirmary. Guardian wakes up 2 hours later and appears terrified of Ghost. Ikora attempts to calm down Guardian and Ghost leaves the room. Guardian claims her Ghost is untrustworthy since the Pyramid. Upon being confronted, Ghost claims he does not remember any events upon entering the Pyramid. He fears something happened to his Light. Ikora convinces Guardian to stay in the Tower and rest. Ghost decides to stay away from his Guardian.
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changingourdestiny · 5 years ago
Fictober Day 5: As the Crow and Phoenix Fly
Prompt number: 5. “I might just kiss you.”
Fandom (AU if applicable): Destiny (Changing Our Destiny Fan-Series)
Rating: M (Destiny is rated PEGI 16)
Warnings/Tags: None
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Set before The Taken King. For old times sake, Blaze accompanies Uldren on a mission. But little do they know that they’re not alone...
“Do I want to know?”
Ikora raised an eyebrow as she entered the Hall of Guardians. Rae, who had brought a pile of books her Vanguard requested, was currently building a large book fortress on the table from the inside, “I…may have gotten a little bored…”
Ikora slowly reached over to the fortress and grasped one of the books near the bottom. “Nonono, Ikora, do-!”
Ikora yanked the book out and the whole fortress came toppling onto the young Warlock. Adam, who had walked in with more books for the fortress, saw the pile of books with Ikora standing by it and slowly backed out of the hall, passing by Cayde as he left. “Why did Adam just walk out with a pile of-?” Cayde cut himself off as he burst out laughing at the scene in front of him, “Well, Sunrae, I knew you were a bookworm, but this is a whole new level!”
“Ha ha ha.” Rae rolled her eyes as she emerged from the book pile. Cayde got over his laughing fit and cleared his throat, “Anyway, I was actually lookin’ for ya. Have you seen Blaze? Can’t find her anywhere.”
“Oh, she’s at the Reef.” Rae replied, hopping off the table.
“Why is she there? Aside from the oh-so obvious reason.”
Rae chuckled before answering, “Dunno, to be honest. All she said was ‘I have some business to take care of.’”
 “Watch out!”
Blaze and Uldren clambered up the cliff edge, trying to avoid incoming fire. Blaze had joined Uldren for a Crows mission on Venus to investigate the sudden Vex surge. However, the duo had gotten separated from the rest of the squadron. “Damn…how are there so many of them?” Uldren cursed under his breath. “They’ve been more aggressive than usual ever since we destroyed the Black Garden’s heart.” Blaze responded, “Numbers have surged both here and on Mars.”
Uldren peaked over the cliff edge. Vex Goblins, Hobgoblins, even a few Minotaurs, were currently making their way up the cliff. The cliff was actually a partially dried-up river – a large dam keeping the river water at bay. Uldren cursed under his breath as he pulled back, narrowly missing being shot by a Goblin, “There’s no way we can take them all down alone. And we can’t wait for reinforcements either.”
“Ugh…c’mon, Blaisel, think!” Blaze rubbed her temples as she tried to think of a plan. Planning wasn’t her strong point as she usually left that to Rae…despite not usually listening to them most of the time. Blaze felt her skin heating up in the frustration of the moment. ‘Ugh! Now’s not the time to lose my temper…wait a sec…’
Blaze turned her gaze to the dam which kept the river at bay. It was crumbling and looked like it was on the verge of collapsing. She then glanced at the river full of Vex. Uldren glanced at Blaze, “I know that look. You make that face when you’re planning something crazy.”
“That’s my secret, my crow. I’m always planning something crazy!” Blaze smirked as she stood up, standing a few feet from Uldren, and held her hand out – palm extended – towards the dam, “Catch me if I faint.”
“Wait, wh-?”
Before Uldren could finish, Blaze’s figure was engulfed in flames, her fiery wings appearing behind her, which grew bigger and bigger by the second. Blaze winced in pain as she tried to summon as much firepower as she could, feeling the flames begin to sting as she reached her limit. Unable to hold it in anymore, with an ear-splitting roar, Blaze let loose an enormous fireball which went hurtling towards the dam.
*B A – B O O M ! ! !*
The fireball hit the damn with a tremendous explosion that rocketed through the air around it as the river came shooting down. The Vex barely had any time to react. Some managed to teleport away in time, but the rest was swept away by the raging waters, mechanical screeches being carried off into the distance.
Blaze remained standing, arm still extended and breathing heavily, for a moment before collapsing to the ground, Uldren managing to catch her just in time. “Blaze? Blaisel?” Uldren gently shook the Hunter in his arms, a trace of worry in his voice. Blaze cracked one eye open and gave a smirk, “Guess things got a lil’ heated there, huh?”
Uldren let out what sounded like a sigh of relief mixed with a chuckle, “You’re insane…you know that? Absolutely crazy.”
“Well duh. I got it from you, after all.”
Uldren smirked, “You best watch that mouth of yours, little phoenix. I might just kiss you.”
Blaze smirked back, “Well I might just let you, your highness.”
Blaze’s face suddenly turned to one of confusion as she heard the sound of snickering…in her communicator…her Guardian communicator. “Firefly?” Blaze began. “Already on it. Tracking broadcast signal…” Firefly chirped, “It’s coming from…huh…that’s weird…it’s coming from over there?” Firefly motioned towards a large pile of rocks nearby. Blaze and Uldren shot each other confused glances before silently making their way towards the pile of rocks, Uldren with his knife in hand and Blaze with her hand cannon. The snickers were clearer now; a male and a female’s. Blaze heard the male voice speak, “Talk about love birds. Get it? Crow and phoenix!” followed by a female giggling, “I can’t tell if your jokes are getting better or worse.”
“Son of a Thrall…” Blaze growled, the voices all too familiar, as she put away her hand cannon and marched around the pile. Her hunch was confirmed. Behind the pile of rocks were a sniggering Rae and Cayde. The Warlock and Hunter Vanguard immediately stopped laughing upon noticing Blaze glaring at them. “Now I know this looks really bad, but…” Cayde began before suddenly grabbing Rae’s arm and running, “You’remyfavouriteHunterseeyoubackatthetowertakeyourtimebye!”
“I SWEAR TO LIGHT, I’M GOING TO BURN THE BOTH OF YOU TO A CRISP WHEN I GET BACK!!!” Blaze yelled after them. The Awoken Hunter let out a sigh as Uldren walked up beside her, “Well…that happened.”
“Ugh…usually I’m the one messing stuff up, not the other way ‘round.” Blaze grumbled. “Well, I hardly say it was ruined.” Uldren planted a brief kiss on Blaze’s head, causing her to look away with a blush and coy smile on her face. Uldren chuckled at Blaze’s reaction, “We best regroup with the rest of the Crows and report back to the Reef.”
“Lead the way, your highness.” Blaze smirked, attempting to regain her cocky, confident nature but the blush remained on her face. It always seemed that no matter how hard they would try, Blaze and Uldren were always each other’s weaknesses.
   “Incoming audio message from Rae Drakyx.”
‘A lil’ something to set the mood for the lovebirds~’
*’Can you the love tonight?’ starts playing out of Firefly*
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izzyovercoffee · 5 years ago
Prompt number: 19. “Yes, I admit it, you were right.” Fandom: Destiny / Destiny 2 Rating: PG? Warnings/Tags: mention of violence but nothing explicit or major, sudden violent seizures Summary: Jaq-29, Exo Hunter, gets pulled out of their jovian excursion to do recon on Earth’s moon, and has a good-bad time. Notes: So this is based off something that happened while I was playing earlier. Lets just say I beat up a giant scary Vex, picked up an exotic quest, and at that exact moment my game crashed, and then all the servers went down, and they stayed down for like 10-20 minutes and I was very much weirded out by it. Vex, man...
##. I’m gonna ask Ikora for a raise
  It’d been a long time since Jaq-29 set foot on the moon.
The hurt scarred the landscape---cut deep in long, glowing wounds that continued to bleed ichor and fester under the gaze of the Earth. It was a lot like the scars the guardians all carried, the kind that never quite healed right, that never really mended back together in the way normal people might.
Granted, they all were “extraordinary.”
Set foot on the moon, kicking up gray dust under xheir boots, and Jaq didn’t feel extraordinary.
Tired, maybe.
Hard to tell, after the long shut down.
Still 29, though. Two-nine. Not three-oh.
Not yet.
Probably soon though. Was hard for Jaq to keep track. Siggy got it.
“I don’t like this,” Siggy spun about Jaq’s head in the expressive turn he often did when anxious. His mashed shell---pieced together in the parts they’d found while wandering the wilds across the system caught the faint light of old ruins and mother earth and took a sickly pale sheen to his sides.
Jaq needed to find him a better shell.
“What’s not to like?” Jaq replied, cheerful. Mouth lit up inside xheir helmet with blue, and white, and xhey twitched as a rush of static sparked down xheir spine. “The young wolves got it covered. We’re here for recon. That’s our favorite thing to do, no?”
“Well…” Siggy sounded about as enthusiastic as Jaq sounded dreadful---which was just about never. “...I guess.”
“It’ll be just like old times,” Jaq said, and walked along. “Updated maps downloaded yet?”
“Yes…” Siggy sighed, and found his way into xheir hood. “We’ve landed in the Lunar Battlegrounds.”
“We’re just poking around the old battlegrounds.” Jaq tried for soothing, but xheir vocal box took so many beatings sometimes xhey wondered if tone ever came across right. Hard to tell, with the static seizures. Fewer recently, further out and away from everyone.
Jaq liked it when xhey were alone. Just Jaq and Siggy, and the big open jovian skies.
Still, had to come back. Hard to stay away, when Ikora Rey commanded Hidden to intervene elsewhere. Put Jaq’s leave on hold, jet off Io and see the moon.
“Huh,” Jaq said, one hand reached out to the wall of a particularly harsh scar that rended the landscape in harsh, broken ground. The deep grays of the lunar soil opened up, solidified, and the rockface gave way with a gentle push to a narrow passage.
Could be nothing. Could be something.
The messy lines of activity that led to the passageway said could be something. And, judging from the way the soil was most disturbed on the surface, pushing and breaking apart evidence of old steps, Jaq guessed recent.
Hard to tell how recent. Much like Jaq’s sense of the passage of time, hard to tell what exactly was “recent” on the moon.
“Let’s go this way.”
Siggy said nothing, just waited in the crook of Jaq’s neck and shoulder, in the dip of the cloak that held tight to the collar of their chest armor.
And when the pale light of the earth and the distant sun faded, Siggy brought to life a beam to light Jaq’s way.
Time. Time was a thing others could track easily. Seconds, minutes, days. Jaq had taken so many blows. The body they inhabited broken in a fundamental way, during The Red War. Maybe even before, and the most recent war only triggered the rapid spiral.
Or it was psychosomatic. Hard to tell. Ana Bray had tried a hand, at the request of Ikora Rey, to see if one could find the source of Jaq’s repeated seizures. Scans said… scans said the exo-unit should have functioned perfectly fine.
And yet static still gathered in Jaq’s joints, and if not let out periodically in bursts of arc light, would wreak havoc on Jaq’s system. Dysfunctional, but still functioning.
Good enough for Jaq.
“I don’t like this…” Siggy whispered along their internal communique.
The narrow passage turned, sharp, to the left and then to the right, and a glow not from any of Jaq’s exposed parts, or Siggy’s lamp, illuminated the passage ground.
Siggy’s lamp shut off as they made the final turn, and the passage widened abruptly to an enormous open cavern lit aglow from within. Sharp, rectangular pillars jutted out in uneven patterns from the ground, and the light fell in harsh lines across the cavern floor.
The distant wall appeared… to hold a perfect arc of metal.
Just like the Vex gates they’d both seen on Mercury, and Nessus, and Io.
“That’s interesting,” Jaq said, and looked down. The passage dropped off at a fairly steep incline, and Jaq opted to simply leap to one of the pillars that stood nearby.
Empty. The cavern looked to be empty for some time, with the gate itself inactive---lacking the telltale glow Jaq had become so accustomed to seeing, across their traversing of the jovian moons.
“We should go,” Siggy said. “I have a bad feeling---”
And then something sparked, sharp, down Jaq’s arm. Jaq stuttered, and fell to one knee.
The portal vibrated, and something in the air crackled, then popped---sending out a blast that scattered loose lunar dust in thick clouds to clog the air and break sight.
Jaq dove to the right. The place where they knelt exploded in red fire. An electronic, broken crackle of a roar shattered the silence.
Fuck, Jaq thought, and brought to bear their handcannon. Shots fired met their target, but the wild curve of golden metal and glowing white fluid barely ceased its marching towards them.
And the faded image of a hundred Vex glitched, like a broken projector shifted on and began to play an old, poorly-remembered film… except it wasn’t a film. It wasn’t a recording.
The portal had come back to life---and Jaq’s handcannon was useless. Useless.
Jaq turned, and ran.
Another burst of energy exploded from the portal. Jaq’s spine lit up white hot in their pain receptors and they tumbled to the lunar soil. Siggy flew from their hood and tumbled across the dirt.
Screaming. Siggy screamed something.
Jaq threw their body to the right. An enormous metal limb slammed the ground beside them.
Run, Siggy said.
Hide, Jaq replied.
Siggy hid.
A heavy weight came over Jaq’s heart as they rolled onto their back and left to their feet. The Minotaur---strangely glowing, strangely gold, or maybe silver?---roared in the broken way the machines always did.
Jaq tossed the handcannon, and felt static gather in their arm again. Concentrated. Felt the pull of the light inside their chassis, and hurled the static at the monstrous thing.
It exploded in a bright burst of arc light.
A sea of Vex eyes all glitched, frozen… and then turned their glowing red eyes on them. The portal shuddered, gathering energy to burst again---and Jaq reached down into the cold, into the silence, and found light waiting. Arc energy burst under the seams of their chassis, consuming their limbs in white static that stretched to that all-too familiar staff between their hands.
The portal burst alive, and a monstrous construct the like of which Jaq had never seen stepped through. Horned---or were they antlers?---scraped the underbelly of the cavern’s ceiling. The many weapons of the sea of red opened fire.
Jaq danced.
That was always Jaq’s favorite part.
The way the universe responded in melody to Jaq’s body alight in arc energy muted the pain in every other part of their life. The agony, the misery, the frustration. Confusion and horror in equal tempo pulling Jaq’s thrice-broken heart-analogue in stuttered and angry skips---all righted by the arc energy that hummed within them.
And they danced across the sea. Pure arc energy dancing off their fingertips, off the baton that deflected the heat and the fire shot at them as they moved to meet the construct that roared as an amp screeched with its wires pulled.
Concentrated on a single force, Jaq found the screeching bursts of energy threatening to tear them apart now singing in answer, and fear left them.
Just as surely as Jaq tore apart the constructs center, and white spilled out in every direction. Jaq danced out of the way, felt the exhaustion pulling sharply in every direction, and tumbled face-forward into the lunar soil as the excess light left them.
All the Vex screamed, shuddered under the weight of something unseen---and dissipated into the air. The portal hissed, screeched, and powered off. Pieces of gold scattered all around Jaq, around the fallen body of the construct, and shone within arm’s reach.
Like a mind. Or piece. A part. It called to Jaq, and so Jaq reached for it.
And when their gloved palm reached the strange cubed relic, it’s like all their pain receptors lit up in sudden fury. Static burst in their joints, jolted up and down their limbs. Threatened to tear them apart, from the inside out.
Jaq screamed.
And screamed.
Until their voicebox shorted out. Until their arms popped, and one blown off at the wrist, the other at the elbow. Body shaking, seizing over the ground.
Sig-g-g-g-g-g-ggy… h….elp m///// e.
   Okay, Siggy. Okay.
You were right. 
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sepiksredux · 6 years ago
The Lore of my Destiny OCs: The Masterpost
Lazarus: My warlock and main girl! Before she was a Guardian she was a corsair named Telanta Volaan stationed in the Dreaming City. She eventually decided to go to Earth to help humanity fight back against the Darkness. Before actually making it to Earth she stopped at Luna to get intel on the Hive, there she was corrupted by Darkness and to this day she hears strange whispers. When she finally made it to Earth she spent most of her time studying the Eliksni in hopes to learn more about their society. She met a Devil Vandal there named Reliks and as a scholar himself, he decided to teach her as much as he could. She learned their language among many other things and she made many friends in the House of Devils, mostly people who didn't actually want to be there and thought fighting humanity wasn't worth it. She was eventually killed by a Captian from House of Kings and mourned by Reliks and her friends.
After being resurrected by her ghost (who she compassionately named "Demon") she remembered next to nothing about her past life. She spent over a month looking for clues to her past, but came up empty handed. She found her way to the Tower, renamed herself Lazarus, and dedicated her life to learning the truth in any way she can. Nowadays she spends her time breaking the quarantine and visiting the Cosmodrome, wanting to learn more about SIVA. Lazarus doesn't care for Faction Rallies, but she'd side with anyone other than New Monarcy if she had to. She sided with the Drifter because she herself was a mix of Darkness and Light, also because he seems to know a lot more than he's letting on, and she wants to learn.
Ezres: My hunter and crime girl! Before she was a Guardian she was a scavenger and rowdy girl. She used to live with her sister Telanta, but later lived in the Reef stealing things and trying to find a way out of the Sol system. She was extremely superstitious and believed that this system wouldn't last much longer. She had no faith in her Queen, believing that hiding in secret cities would only protect them for so long. She eventually stole a ship, but it wasn't good enough to travel as far as she needed to go, so she decided she'd steal a ship from the Cabal on Mars. Her plan would have worked, but she hadn't factored in the Vex and she was struck down by a Minotaur.
When she was finally resurrected by her ghost Cogs (which is short for "Cog in the Machine") she was super pissed off to find that her new job was to protect humanity. She found the job impossible and believed humanity was doomed, but she took up the job because she might get some valuable resources out of it. She would go behind the Vanguard's back all the time, going back to her old habit of stealing that she didn't even remember having. When she first met Lazarus she knew who she was instantly. She would never pledge to any faction other that Dead Orbit and she sided with the Drifter in a heartbeat. Ezres is also my only OC that holds true to the Guardian's trait of never speaking unless to declare she's about to kick someone's ass.
Echo-14: My titan whom I never play. Before they were a Guardian they lived in the Dark Age. A broken machine, rebooted too many times to remember their first life. Despite everything, they held on to their honor and sense of morality. They spent most of their time in small villages, serving as a protector. They lost a lot from countless battles, they were falling apart and there was nothing they could do about it. Echo wanted to die in battle, but in the end, they were just too worn down and too broken to keep going. They were left alone to rust and decay.
When Echo was resurrected by their ghost Terra, they made their way to the City on foot. On their journey, they died a few times, but the promise of humanity united and protected kept them going. They took their job as a Guardian very seriously, protecting humanity was all that mattered. They didn't have time for Factions, they only cared about keeping the people safe. So siding with Aunor was an easy choice for them. To Echo, the Darkness had no place among humanity.
Luminitsa: Not any of my Guardians, she's just a girl I adore! She is from an exceptionally old time, a relic of humanity's Golden Age! At least, she grew up in it. She lived with her father on Venus, her mother having died when she was a baby. Her father was a scientist, who studied the Traveler and the ancient Vex ruins on Venus. She enjoyed spending time with her father, but he was always very busy. Luminitsa had strange visions growing up, mostly of the Traveler, but sometimes they were more of nightmares that showed her a Darkness that would come to destroy humanity. On the day before the Darkness arrived she had a horrible vision of it, she tried to convince her father to leave Venus, that something bad was coming, but her brushed it off as her childlike imagination. But the next day, the Darkness came, and when it did there was no time left to escape.
She was resurrected right after the Traveler woke. (Literally, seconds after) Her poor ghost, Lux, was having a horrible time after realizing that her Guardian was a freaking child. Luminitsa remembered everything about her past, when she learned that the Darkness had come and humanity had been almost completely destroyed, she was devastated. She was able to find a ship and Lux had to figure out how to pilot it herself, because she wasn't about to let a 12 year old pilot a spaceship! When they got back to the Tower, the entire Vanguard shared a mental breakdown because "why is there a CHILD WITH A GHOST?!" Eventually they managed to equip her with the best gear they could to keep her safe and decided she was never going to leave the City unless they were completely sure it was safe. Ikora helped Luminitsa get through her grief, Cayde was the one to keep her entertained and always full of Spicy Ramen, and Zavala made sure she was always kept out of trouble. Everyone else in the Tower helped out too, all the Guardians would bring her little trinkets and gifts from their journeys, Amanda would take her out flying to see the Traveler up close, Shaxx would sometimes let her commentate on Crucible matches (and as soon as the Guardians knew she was watching they'd stop firing at each other and result to non-lethal methods), and the Frames had to constantly deal with stolen brooms. She doesn't do politics, because she's a kid, and having never played Gambit (and never will) she's only met the Drifter like once. (When she met him he ran outside and chucked a bottle at the Traveler because "You don't turn kids into Guardians you giant hunk of trash!")
When Cayde died, Luminitsa was utterly heartbroken. He had come to be like a father to her. (In many ways, she'd reminded him of Ace) Of all people, Ezres was the one to step up and care for her in his place, becoming her new badass and silent older sister. Zavala grew more distant towards her, as every time he saw her, he felt guilty. On the other hand, Ikora was closer than ever, becoming extremely protective of her.
Thaleria Cosaj: She is a corsair in the Dreaming City and she's been there for quite a long time. She was engaged to Telanta Volaan, and the two of them were very close. Until Telanta decided to leave for Earth. Thaleria had begged to go with her, but Telanta insisted on going alone. Her fiancé had made her the promise that she would be home soon, a promise that would go unfulfilled. They kept in contact for a while, but one day all contact ceased and Thaleria had to assume the worst.
Then the Dreaming City as attacked, and the Queen allowed the Guardians in. Personally, Thaleria didn't like Guardians all that much, she wasn't a fan of how they operated, but she wasn't going to deny that having them around sure made things easier. One day she met a Guardian that had many people talking, she was a Hero of the Red War, she'd taken down several Hive Gods, a Guardian of legend. Something about this Guardian was so familiar to Thaleria, maybe her voice or her personality. One day this Guardian passed by where she was stationed to take a quick rest before going back to the fight. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, but her curiosity was too tempting, so she asked the Guardian if she could take her helmet off. Lazarus was confused at first, but she decided to comply, and that was how Thaleria found out her fiancé was alive.
Apoltris: She was once a Devil Splicer, maybe even one of the best. In fact, she was even one of the first Splicers to get her hands on SIVA. She had worked closely under Aksis for a short while, but later she went on to do her own experiments in private. She had helped design many weapons, but she didn't care for that, she was much more fascinated with how SIVA could be used for things far more useful than just weapons. Still, she was a target for many Guardians, but she always managed to slip through their fingers. After being attacked by one too many Guardians and coming much closer to death than she'd like, she went into hiding. Eventually Aksis was killed and the Guardians managed to quarantine the Plaguelands. With most of her fellow Splicers dead, Apoltris decided to leave SIVA behind, or at least as behind as it could be now that it was infused with her body.
When the Eliksni united under one house, Apoltris decided she wouldn't join them. She figured she'd be safer on her own. One day she had a run in with the Red Legion that she just barely was able to walk away from. She holed herself up in an abandoned building in the EDZ. At that point, her wounds we at such an unstable condition that she figured this was it. Apoltris laid down and hoped to drift off in her sleep.
Later she woke up to see a human woman arched over her. She had reached for her gun when she realized she was still wounded, but when she looked to the stomach to examine her wounds, she found that they had been patched up. Apoltris didn't speak very much of the human tongue, but she was able to make out that this woman meant no harm. She owed this woman her life and in return she promised to keep her safe. They survived the Red War together and learned more about each other, including their languages. Apoltris found that she had grown to love this human and Apoltris would find that she felt the same.
Janelle: When the Red Legion attacked the City, Janelle was one of the lucky ones. She knew someone who knew a way out of the City. Her and a small group of other people made it to the Farm. However they hardly had any supplies when she got there, so she volunteered to go out with a small group to search for supplies in the EDZ. Her group was overrun by the Eliksni and they got split up. She got lost and had no means to contact anyone for help. Days later she saw a wounded Captian stumble into a building near where she was hiding. She felt so bad for the poor thing, she knew they probably wouldn't make it. Janelle tried to convince herself that it wasn't worth it, that there was probably nothing she could do to help, but she was a medic and if anyone could help it was her. She went into the building to find that the Captian was unconscious. She got to work right away, she didn't know how well she would do tending to an alien who's anatomy she knew next to nothing about, but she made it work.
When the Captian woke up, they reached for their gun, but they hesitated. Janelle didn't know if the Captian would understand her, but she tried to explain that she only wanted to help. The Captian, Apoltris, decided to protect Janelle. Long story short, the gals are dating now.
Janelle decided to decorate Apoltris' armor and it inspired Apoltris to make a new house called the House of Roses.
Reliks: He was a Vandal in the House of Devils and a scholar. He valued knowledge above all else and he desired to educate, but he hardly ever got the chance. Until he met Telanta, an Awoken woman from the Reef. He was going to kill her, but when he first found her she was unarmed, he didn't find it honorable to kill someone who was unarmed. He found himself entranced by the Awoken technology and he wanted to know more. Telanta offered to teach him more, if he promised to do the same in return... and also not kill her. Reliks was more than happy to agree to her terms, he learned plenty of things about her ship, her weapons, and her culture. In return, he taught her to speak his language fluently.
The more time he spent with her, the more curious his brethren became. One day he decided to bring her back to the Devils' hideout in the Cosmodrome allowing her to meet his companions. She held no ill intention to the Eliksni, thinking the war could be ended through better means. Reliks definitely agreed with this, he wanted a better life for his people, but he didn't think they needed the Traveler to achieve that.
When Telanta was killed, Reliks was enraged. He rallied his companions to kill the Kings responsible. During their mission, many of his friends were killed, but in the end, they got their revenge.
Reliks managed to live through many events, but lost many more friends, he saw his brethren killed and Taken, until he was alone. During the SIVA crisis, he worked under a Splicer named Apoltris. He didn't see her as much of a friend, but he respected her ideals. At the beginning of the Red War he stuck with his people, hoping that together they would endure. During this time, he had a run in with a Guardian who had managed to get her Light back. He and his companions managed to shoot her down, but he knew she would be back soon. While his allies fled, Reliks decided to stay behind and wait for the Guardian to revive. He was curious how she had managed to get what almost every Guardian had seem to have lost. When she came back to find Reliks waiting for her, she didn't kill him and when she spoke, Reliks knew who she was. It was good to see an old friend in a time so lonely.
House of Roses: Led by their Kell, Apoltris, the House of Roses searches for a way that Humanity and the Eliksni can find peace. At first it was just an idea that was held by Janelle and Apoltris, but when they met Reliks, they learned that many desired peace. The house consists of Apoltris, Janelle, Reliks, Lazarus, and Ezres. They plan on expanding.
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typewriterbot · 7 years ago
Ira held Asher's hand in a vice grip. His flesh and blood hand with its prominent joints and dried out palm because Asher refused to let him touch the arm he "received" from Brakion. It had been several months since he had last seen the older Warlock, and he wasn't about to let Asher out of his sights any time soon, even if it meant holding his damn hand.
Asher wasn't too happy about it either, and he had tried on several occasions since Ira locked their fingers together to shake him off. He had said something about Ira getting in the way of his oh so important work and that he was being a pest, but Ira held firm.
"You left me, Asher," Ira said after the third time Asher tried to pry himself out of his grasp. "You left me, and I had no idea if you were alive or not, especially when the Traveler was captured. According to the laws of exchange holding your fucking hand is the least you could do for me."
"The least I could do," Asher snapped back, "is to allow you to be anywhere near me and my work!" He mouth curled into a scowl when Ira's fingers tightened around his, nails biting into skin. Ira had taken off his gloves and helmet when he made the trek up to the small radiolarion pool Asher had set up his main surveyor computers, his Assistant pointing at the path before scurrying along to collect more data for him, their cape flapping behind them. The helmet had come off first, and Asher didn't need to look twice at the white hair or yellow lines on his cheeks to know that it was Ira marching his way towards him.
He braced himself for whatever litany Ira was going to spew at him.
There had been none, much to his surprise, just Ira whispering his name followed by grabbing his hand that he won't let go of.
It was infuriating. Ira could be infuriating. Always following along after him, despite always letting him go.
Ira snorted in disbelief. "You're in the middle of Io with the Pyramidion in sight, your work is this entire sector. And you have Guardians coming up to you left and right. A lot of them don't like you."
"I do not care if they like me." He didn't. He didn't give a damn if another Titan who charged into things head first like they always did liked them or not. He could talk circles around most of the Warlocks that came his way without saying a word. At least the Hunters didn't try and hide their disdain for him.
Except for his Assistant, they were cordial with him. He had no idea why and they weren't going to tell him, so why bother? It wasn't important.
"It's a personal thing, then. I care if they like you, or at least respect you."
Asher scoffed and jabbed at a key on his computer. Readings were coming in from the survey his Assistant ran off to do. Vex signatures darted around the map that was being sent in, but nothing more than a Minotaur or a group of Goblins. Data he already knew, but was important nonetheless because there were Taken signatures creeping around the edges in a way that had the Vex adapting.
He almost missed the days he didn't have the Taken breathing down Io's neck, agitating the Vex terribly. His arm didn't twitch half as much then.
"I'm serious, Asher." Ira's hand had loosened only slightly, though a tug let Asher know that he still wasn't letting go. "Despite how prickly you are, you've done a lot. The others should respect you."
Only Ira thought that about him. Well, Ira and Eris. But Eris had vanished from the City in a way only a Hunter could manage, and Ira had let him go off on his own despite his worry.
Unnecessary worry, Asher had told him, but he let Ira keep him in bed for half an hour longer than when he had left.
Asher had no qualms about letting Ira go, he never calculated for him coming back. He didn't have the courage, or desire perhaps, to ask why Ira let him go if he was always going to follow after him like some lost dog.
He jolted when the hold on his hand changed, from having Ira’s palm against his to having it against the top of his hand, and arms wrapped around his waist. The empty space just behind him was suddenly filled with Ira standing with his chest to his back, his chin dropping to the softened leather of Asher's robes. Fingers squeezed his hand as a slow exhale of warm breath went past the upturned collar. Asher grumbled, saving the data from the survey as his Assistant's Ghost assured the completion of the patrol and let him know they were off for more.
A cold nose pressed against his neck and it took all of Asher's self restraint to keep from elbowing Ira in the gut. "Stop that," he hissed instead. "You are not a child."
Ira laughed softly. Though Asher could not see his face, he could imagine his eyes closed and dimples showing on cheeks. "But you're warm," Ira said. Asher rolled his eyes, tapping away at his computer one handed, and sighed.
“Insufferable,” Asher muttered to himself.
“Only for you.”
“You’re an annoyance.”
“The same could be said about you, dear,” Ira shot back.
Asher sighed and rolled his shoulders. Might as well get comfortable because Ira was not going to let go of him.
He drew the line at the Assistant walking back up and looking at the pair of them like some sad dog though. He wasn’t in the mood to share.
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saltineofswing · 8 years ago
The Garden
This was done for @destinyweek day 1: Ghosts! In which, a little more about Euclid's relationship with Constant is given a little more attention than usual- it has a little more turbulence than most might assume at first glance.
“Constant. Constant? Constant!”
The Ghost glanced up from the console it had been flitting back and forth in front of to see its Guardian standing amidst a significant collection of dead Vex. Euclid-319’s gloves were smoking with the discharge of so much Solar light, and the molten embers of his Radiance were still glowing enough to provide an additional layer of lighting to the long-abandoned lab complex. Constant’s aftsegments contracted slightly and its eye flitted back and forth between Euclid and the console as Euclid spoke again. “Are you finished downloading the files?”
“Yes. I got distracted.”
That drew a tinny chuckle out of its Guardian as Euclid moved to take a step over a fallen Minotaur, and floated across the small pool of machine corpses to land silently at Constant’s side. “That is ordinarily my line.” Euclid tapped a few command lines into the console and then fried it, ensuring no Vex would acquire the same data they just had. “Are you alright? Your processing core has displayed an unusual amount of lag time in the past seven hours and twenty minutes. And you have out-and-out become distracted for the first time in…” Euclid paused to calculate, and Constant felt a grating irritation that prompted it to roll its eye and vanish with a hushed hiss of particles disassembling. “… Approximately eighty-three years, if I remember correctly.”
“The ever-looming possibility that you don’t remember correctly is nothing but a comfort to me,” Constant muttered. It was true, though; the Ghost was distracted, distracted by the data they had harvested from the console in the lab. They’d been trying to track it down for months; admittedly they had probably put it on the Vex’s radar purely by virtue of searching for it so hard, but ultimately the search was worth it. “I got the location. It’s in the building, just as we suspected. I’ll transmit it to you.”
“Excellent! It is possible that-” Euclid was a gusher even on his worse days, and Constant used the sudden exposition spilling like an especially ornate word fountain from his vocoder to zone out again. It felt… peculiar to be back here on Venus. There was a certain tug, somewhere in Constant; something deeper and brighter than his crimson shell, something that stretched all the way back to Earth. Something that made it feel tense all the time now. As if something was… coming. Euclid had sensed Oryx’s arrival; Constant couldn’t help but feel as if something… similar was happening.
It wished it had some guidance. That deep unknowable Something inside of it was quiet. At times maddeningly so. Constant found itself tangled in the strings of an indiscernible everything, feeling the trembling vibrations of something it could not see or understand. It supposed Euclid felt similarly at times… but the difference was, Euclid had Constant to guide him. To refocus him, to remind him, to stabilize him. Constant? Constant didn’t have anyone to look to for guidance. Constant was alone.
“Don’t you agree?”
The question shook Constant out of its reverie and it re-materialized without bothering to look at Euclid as he walked. “Mm hmm.”
“It should work, right?”
“Yes, Euclid.” The Exo stopped walking and Constant turned. “What are you doing?”
“Just trying to confirm,” Euclid said slowly, “That you think it’s a good idea.”
“Okay then.” Euclid kept moving, mouthlights strobing an innocent smile. “When we get back I’ll paint your shell bright, neon purple.”
Constant froze for a moment, the lights in its eye shrinking to a pinprick as it realized what had just happened; then it let out a blustery sigh and spun its foresegments in irritation, following after Euclid. “Alright. I wasn’t paying attention,” It admitted, tart and snide and bristling at the idea of such a brazen coloration. The crimson Frontier Shell it wore served both form and function. It took paramount pride in its appearance, unlike the disheveled robes and oft-forgotten helmet of its Guardian. “You caught me. Let’s just get this done, alright? I’d like to get back.”
“Do you want to talk about what’s wrong?”
“You left your helmet on the ship again.”
“That is a deflection.”
Constant buzzed in irritation and started to dart out ahead of Euclid, but the Guardian slipped around in front of it and put his body in Constant’s way. “Wait,” He said, holding his hands up. “P-please. Talk to me. We’ve been together for… for how long now?”
“One hundred and seven years,” Constant responded; it lifted its gaze to Euclid’s face.
“A very long time,” Euclid murmured. “I remember when Andal Brask was the Hunter’s Vanguard.” He turned and glanced back down the hall. “And I remember, ahh, how, how much you were hoping for a Titan. Or a H-hunter. Someone sturdy, someone s-strong. A front line warrior, someone to wage direct war on the Darkness.”
Constant was silent, following its Guardian down the hall as they progressed deeper into the forgotten laboratory. This had been a point of contention between the two of them, to a certain extent, for a hundred years. Constant did not regret much, but Euclid had been so unstable when he’d resurrected the Exo, when he’d chosen his Guardian; and then he’d become so flighty and anxious, so reluctant to socialize and be a part of the Traveller’s world. So far from what it had wanted to find.
Constant regretted every moment he’d spent treating Euclid like a chore, and not a partner.
“The garden,” Constant finally admitted. “I’ve been thinking about the garden.”
“Ah! Me too. I believe that we’ll make it something great. I know it is somewhat smaller than our garden here on Venus- no rock garden on the Tower- but the herbs are coming along nicely, aren’t they?”
“Hmm. You’ve done well at regulating the temperature and humidity.”
“I think so. I am quite glad Ikora afforded us the spare room for it; some of the other Warlocks enjoy meditating around the smell of the Venusian Blackgrass.” Euclid pressed his palm against the keypad of the door they’d been traveling towards, their ultimate destination. There was a flash, a gout of smoke, and the sizzle of fried electronics as he cooked the entire panel with a burst of Solar light, and the seams of the door sizzled and pried apart at Euclid’s whim.
Inside, Euclid took a small, excited breath; walls and walls of seed packets and hanging flora from before the Collapse. The room was severely overgrown, vines choking the directory and every table.
“It’s still here,” Constant said, unable to hide its incredulity. “I can’t believe it. The Fallen, the Vex… untouched. Euclid, we found it.”
“Th-the lost greenhouse of Doctor Arkand Breunner,” Euclid whispered, voice bubbling with glee and awe. “Records and seeds of pre-collapse flora dating back to the earliest days of the Golden Age.” Euclid turned to look at Constant, beaming in lights. “Good job, my friend.”
For a second Constant found those feelings of incumbent harm- that tug, somewhere deep in a fathomless place much bigger than the red shell it resided inside- fading into nothing. Euclid gently cupped the bell of a bright orange flower, humming and leaning in to give his olfactory detectors a chance to analyze the smell. “I would love to live in a garden,” Euclid murmured. “I find them so soothing. There’s something about a garden that is endlessly invigorating. So much life.”
“Do you think that’s what the Traveler sees us all as?” Constant asked before it could stop itself. “As a garden?”
Euclid hummed. “I don’t know. I suppose I wouldn’t be all that surprised.” He sighed fondly and let go of the flower, then began packing up seed packets. “Come, let’s get these stored away. I suspect we won’t have an abundance of privacy.”
“Of course,” Constant said. Before long the two of them had completely cleared the room, and Constant was initiating the process to dematerialize the both of them back to orbit.
“Euclid.” The Guardian looked up from his notebook at his Ghost. “I’m sorry I don’t talk to you more often. I mean, just casually.”
Euclid paused, the lights at the very back of his throat flickering faint, uncomfortable, unsure. “O-oh. Er, it’s alright.” He was silent for a moment, scribbling out one last note. “… You know… I-I am grateful.”
Constant’s primary foresegment dipped in confusion, its entire shell quirking quizzically at the sudden statement. “What? Why?”
“For everything you do for me. For everything you have done for me.” He gave the orange flower-bulb a final, gentle brush with his fingertips before he strode over to where Constant was floating. “You have helped me so much. I know I’m not exactly what you wanted but… you are the reason I am as stable as I am today. Bringing me back to life in the first place notwithstanding.” He chuckled.
Constant let his gaze linger on the Exo, but before he could say anything else, the countdown finished. Both Guardian and Ghost were gone, whisked away into the vast immateria that connected the two of them together and to the Traveler, and to every other Ghost and Guardian in existence; Constant supposed, in a way, it was its own type of garden. Cultivated and maintained in a self-sustained system. A greenhouse in its own right. Being there, if only for a few moments, made Constant feel at ease.
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wolfe-in-wonderland · 8 years ago
Dear lord, this was harder than I thought. It took me like all day to do this and it's not even good. I'm sorry, so so sorry. For @destinyweek Fireteam Knight is, just like any other fireteam, a group of friends who have been broken and forged in light together. They have faced many tribulations with one another, but in the end they always come out on top. Like other squads, this one consists of a warlock, a titan, and a hunter. The team's warlock is a human, and a tall one at that. 6’5” to be exact, and he likes to be exact. His name name is Connor Strauss, and he is a hard core perfectionist as well as a sass master. He likes everything pristine and in its place, and if it's not it'll urk him until he fixes it. He was awoken in a collapsed building on Venus, and from the little evidence he was able to gleen, it had been some sort or research facility. Maybe it was something from his past? Why was he here when he died? He'll probably never know, and that thought of not knowing something slowly eats away at him. His accent is that of a proper and highly educated Englishman, and his hair is short, dark brown, and well kept. He's often clean shaven, except when he gets too into research and studying that he forgets to take care of himself. As much as he hates to admit it, he does that often, leaving dark circles under his chocolaty brown eyes. His ghost is called Dirson and the two differ, quite a bit. Whereas Connor is quiet and keeps to himself, Dirson is a social butterfly and tends to get loud often. “He's a pain and I wonder how I put up with him, but I don't think I'd make it long without him.” “Awe that's so sweet… wait…” - Next up is the dear titan of the group. Oh, my heart goes out to this poor soul. He is an Exo and his name is Louis-77. Yeah, seventy-seven. He has lived a long life, and not a happy one at that. Well, that's if he remembers any of it. He's been around as long as anyone can remember and he's become somewhat of a curse among the Guardians. Louis-77, having his noggin scrambled so many times, can't really form words anymore and take a minute for him to process things. That's why, until Connor and Aryia-1 came and accepted him, the others avoided him like the plague. Due to his impairment, he's liable to snap in battle and hurt and ally, and because of this no one wanted to deal with him or try to teach him. He tries his hardest though; he's even trying to learn sign language to talk easier, although it's going to take him awhile to memorize the hand signs if he's capable of it. For now, though he'll rely on simple gestures and on his ghost, Freight. Freight, much like how his name suggests, has a very… forceful personality. He's not one to stay quiet for long. “Lou says, ‘Defend. Friends. Death.’ He means to say, ‘I'll defend my friends until death.’ Right, Lou? You can't see but he's nodding.” - Last but not least, is the hunter of the squad. She happens to be an Exo as well. She… well, she's what you'd expect from a hunter. She's reckless, hard headed, and likes to be on her own from time to time. She really likes cloaks and knives, like really likes them. She has about ten knives on her at all times. Don't ask where they are though. She also tends to try and be the groups titan when she's obviously not meant for it. She sometimes forgets that she's squishy compared to Louis-77 and will charge into battle with him, only to end up dead or in the process of retreating. She also has a habit of being selfless. There were times where her teammates were supposed to die but she took their place instead, seeing as she's not detrimental to the team. That's what she thinks anyway, and boy would she be wrong. The others love her shenanigans and they all care for each other deeply. As you can tell she has some darker views on her worth but that's what her ghost, Ember, is for. Ember is sort of a mother figure, as odd as it sounds. She looks after and cares for not only her Guardian but the rest of the team and even their ghosts as well. “It's all in a day's work, looking out for these kinderguardians. Sometimes- wait, no! Aryi! Lou! Leave Connor alone! No-stop! Look, I have to deal with this. Have a lovely day, my Guardians and make sure to eat three meals a day and get at least eight hours of rest!” ~~~A little scenario that I don't know if I like but here it is anyway, to heck with it.~~~ A hail of projectiles rained from the weapons of the goblins, and powerful bolts streaked from the rifles of the hobgoblins. The sky above is darkened with the forever storm that looms over the planet, and vibrant blue lava slowly seeps from the volcano in the distance with the ground rumbling and shaking with the seismic activity. Ancient, gravity defying ruins from before the collapse are overgrown with vegetation, seeing as mother nature is reclaiming her land once more. It is here that we meet fireteam Knight on a mission to destroy a navigation pylon commonly used by the Vex. “Louis, take the aggro. Aryia, disrupt them. Keep them confused. On my mark.” Connor Strauss is crouched behind a broken down and rusted car, giving orders to his fellow Guardians. He pulls a sniper from the holster on his back and begins to take aim. “Mark.” With a burst of speed, Aryia-1, darted from whatever safety the rusted car provided, and threw a poison gas grenade into the horde of enemies. Although the Vex did not need to breathe, the gas from the grenades were special. It has corrosive properties to it as well as the good ole fashioned poison. The Vex goblins shuddered with dismay. The cries of the dying pierce the air as they fall to the ground in a heap of lifeless metal. Aryia-1, using her double jump, gained even more altitude and let loose another grenade. This time the grenade detonated on impact with the ground and produced a wall of void flame, effectively cutting the hoard in half. As she descended to the ground, a bolt from an unknown Hobgoblin nailed her in the chest, putting her off balance. The bolt took over 75% of her over shield and her hard and unpleasant connection with the ground took half of the remaining shields. Without a word, Connor turned his sights to where the bolt had come from and eliminated the assaulting Hobgoblin. “Can't stay on your feet for five minutes, huh? Psh, hunters.” “Those are some fighting words, sir!” Louis-77 burst forth from the cover, shotgun in hand, and charged toward his fallen comrade. The distant sound of a hammer striking an Anvil rang throughout the battlefield as Louis-77 activated his fully charged super. His heavily armored body was bathed in flames as he summoned the hammer of Sol to his left hand. There, it did not stay, for Louis-77 let loose his fury. Fiery hammers flew from his hand like there was no tomorrow. By the time his energy was depleted, there were no more Goblins left to speak of. “Thanks, Lou.” Aryia-1 began to stand up with the help of Louis-77. She let out a grunt of pain and rubbed her chest. “I owe you one.” Louis-77 moved Aryia-1's small hand and placed his larger one on her chest. He was quiet and tilted his head towards her chest, where his hand lay, before looking back up to her face. “Yeah, I'm good.” Aryia-1 gives a nod of thanks and places her hand over his, pulling it off her chest. “Guys, incoming Vex. I’d take cover, if I were you. I mean, unless you want to catch a minor case of death.” The ever calm and level headed Connor spoke over the linked helmet communication system. Without a moment to lose, Louis-77 picked up Aryia-1 and threw her over his shoulder as he sprinted out of the area in which the Vex were teleporting to. Gray fog laced with vibrant blue arcs of electricity began to form where they once stood and soon more Vex replaced the ones Louis-77 had destroyed earlier. However, this time it's wasn't goblins and hobgoblins. This time it was a flock of harpies and pair minotaurs. “This is all they have? Guys, let me handle this.” Connor holstered his sniper and stood from behind cover. Aryia-1, knowing her friend's plan, jumped into action as well. Using the rusted car in front of him, he jumped up and pushed off of its roof to gain more height. Seeing this, Aryia-1 immediately called upon her connection to the Void and summoned her void bow. She focused her energy into one powerful shot that tethered and disabled the Vex caught within its range. Once over head, Connor harnessed the raging storm within him and used his landfall perk to his advantage. The Vex stood no chance when the two supers combined into such an effective pair. Skillfully channeling his powerful connection with the Stormcaller subclass, Connor easily overloaded and fried his enemies where they stood. His enemies lay dead at his feet as his charge ended and his feet touched the ground once more. He used his foot to nudge a dead Vex corpse. “Hmph. Good riddance, I suppose.” “Not gonna lie, I want lightning hands… Think I could win it off you with a bet?” “...” “What? Don't look at me like that.” “I worry for you sometimes.”
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tarkussenpai · 8 years ago
The New Recruit.  Destiny The Game Fan-Fic
Zuko- "Hey Katie, do you think Captain Bek will actually let us finally go to the Vault of Glass?!  Do you think it's like the stories we've heard?!" I was so excited, "I don't see why not, he said we we're ready, and you know we're running low on loot to sell." She was probably just trying to cheer me up, but hopefully Bek wasn't just joking with us.  Suddenly the ship shifted and I knew this feeling, the shaking of the ship, a warm feel inside the ship, we were entering and atmosphere.  I ran to the window on the bridge, Captain Bek was bringing us down to Venus, he wasn't joking!  I stopped mid excitement from what I saw, Bek saw it too.  There was someone outside the Vault curled up hiding away from some Vex, "GET EVERYONE READY TO JUMP!" Bek barked out, I wasted no time, I grabbed Katie, Geoff, and Grunt; and made my way to the drop port.  The door opened, and Bek came charging past, you've never seen something scarier than a Titan of his size charging, we all followed in behind, and jumped, it must have been 30 feet, but for Guardians, that didn't matter.. Alari- I could feel the heaviness of my breathing weighing on my chest, the open wound on my leg, still bleeding.  My heart was racing and sweat was beading down my face. Why did I come here, I knew it wasn't safe, but I wanted to prove that I was strong enough.  The captain will never accept me back in the crew..  I tried to stand, but the sharp pain in my leg forced me back down, I laid on the grass and began to cry.  Suddenly explosions, and gun fire, I could hear the screams of the Vex Minotaurs crying out in pain before their cores exploded. It got quiet for a bit, then two men, a large and bulky Titan, and next to him, a Toned hunter with a pure black cloak covering him. My mind faded and everything went black. Alari- I woke up on a ship, my leg was fixed up and that pounding headache was gone.  I scanned the room and saw a female Titan starring at me.  "She's awake!" She called out.  I jumped a bit when she screamed, then stared at her. "W-who are you?"  She stood up and crossed her arms at me, "The names Katie, and don't worry, none of them laid their hands on you, I took care of you." She spoke, I looked down and realized i was out of my suit and was in a robe, that I noticed felt so comfortable..  With a loud bang, the door opened, hard clanks against the metal floor, a hulking Titan entered, obviously male.  He looked about 6'1, this man looked like he's never skipped gym.  He approached me slowly, I shook with each step he took, I've never seen a Titan so big.  He stopped in front of me and took the same stance as Katie, arms crossed towards me.  I pulled back a bit, the flat of my back against the wall.  He reached up and removed his helmet, showing a clean face, except for a scar going across with light brown eyes, and pitch black hair.  He had a hard expression on his face, he was kinda cute..  "Are you feeling any better?" he spoke in a caring voice, which was surprising from a man his size.  I nodded and glanced at Katie who winked at me.  He then bowed his head slightly, turned towards Katie and spoke again, "Make sure we didn't miss any injuries.  Get her scanned one more time, I'll be in my quarters, send her when she's green lit." with that, he turned and walked out, another loud bang of the door shutting..  I was scared, and Katie decided to try and comfort me. She sat next to me, "Don't worry, the boss is just trying to scare you, he loves this crew, and he takes care of us.  Just wait til you meet Zuko." she winked at me, then began the scans. Zuko- I was pacing on the bridge, Geoff and Grunt were watching monitors at the front of the bridge, probably just slacking off knowing those two.  I can't help but worry about the girl, I want to know what happened to her, why was she there alone..  The boss came stomping by, "Hey Jaden, how is she?" I asked, "Go see for yourself, Send her to my Cabin."  And so I did, I started making my way towards the medical ward, I could hear the sound of my boots echoing down the hall, oh I hope I don't fuck this up.  I stopped out side the door, took a deep breath, and walked in.  Katie was sitting on the bed with her, laughing about something. I coughed and stiffened, probably cause I was nervous, but I like to believe it was because I was being professional. "Captain Bek needs the girl in his Cabin." I spoke quickly. "Loosen up, she's not a prisoner, she's a friend.  Jaden can wait til we're done talking." Katie told me, the girl snickered a bit.  I relaxed and walked forward, suddenly more confident.  I flashed a prideful smirk, "As you say Katie, just don't keep Captain Bek waiting." I shook the new girls hand, then walked out. Jaden- I was walking through the corridors of the ship, on my way to the my Captain's Cabin, I saw Zuko come waking out of the girls room in the Medical ward. "Everything alright Zuko?" He pause for a moment then nodded down the hallway, and started walking, I followed him all the way to my Cabin and shut the door behind us.  "I think she would make a great asset to the group."  I raised an eyebrow at Collin after he said that, "Uh, huh..  A great 'asset.'"  He shook a bit, then steadied himself. "Yeah, we'll see just how good an asset she is." As I said that, I heard the door open, it was the girl, she was wearing one of Katie's suit, since her hunter armor was too torn up for use.  She had on a black tank top, and black leggings, Katie was edgy.  I uh- never told you guys my name, I'm-" I cut her off, "Alari? Katie let me know over com, after you told her."  She pouted a bit, "Yes, I'm Alari, and I want to thank you both for saving me.. I- I don't have much to repay you with, but if there is anything you need, I'd be glad to help.."  I wonder how far she'll go. "You'll do anything, Alari?"He asked her with intent. "Um.. Yes, I'll try my best.."  She replied with a kind of scared tone. Glad he and I had the same Idea.
Alari- The Titan walked passed me, a gust of wind as his large frame brushed passed me, he gently shut the door, and I heard the click of him locking it.. My heart started speeding up, my arms and legs got goosebumps..  Zuko and Jaden approached me at the same time, each one resting a hand on my one of my shoulders, the heat of their strong hands warming me.  I shuddered as that heat creeped it's way down my spine, and down my legs, enveloping me. Jaden slid his hand to my throat as Zuko spoke to me "Anything then~ You will refer to us as Sir or Master, and there will be no stopping until we are satisfied.." I lost the strength in my arms and legs as he said, almost collapsing, his words reaching the my deepest parts~ After he said that, Jaden began running  his hands down my sides, to my hips and lower, gripping my thighs and squeezing them.  I could feel that same heat enveloping me all over again as his hands ran down me..  Zuko pushed my arms behind my back, pinning them and kissing my neck, each touch of his lips sent tremors down my body, electrifying my senses.  I felt like putty in their arms, as if the heat from them that was covering me, was melting me~  I didn't think after two days with these guys, we'd already be doing such things, but I couldn't will myself to stop them, I was enjoying it too much..  Jaden and Zuko, began stripping me, "Wait, guy's ca-" I shrieked, Jaden had smacked my ass hard, which hurt at first, but I loved the sting.. "What did he say to refer to us as?" Jaden Spoke quietly with a stern voice, "Sorry Sir." I quietly replied, "Good Girl" Zuko said with lust in his voice.  They continued stripping me, first with my tank top and bra, then pulling my leggings and panties off of me.  "Let's go through some rules, Rule one, Never tell us no, you're our toy for the night, and toys don't tell you how to play with them;  Rule two, If you call us anything but Sir or Master, you'll be swiftly punished; and Rule three, have fun, quiet down, we don't want everyone knowing how much of a slut you are." Zuko was serious with every word, and every word of each sentence was burned into my mind..  Jaden reached up to my neck, and put a collar on me, and pulled on it by a leash, leading me to the black leather couch, and forced me to my knees.  I knew what he wanted, and with a silent nod, I undid his belt, removed his Titan mark, and lifted his greaved off of him, I could see the outline of his large cock, I unzipped his under armor, and pulled it out. Atleast seven inches, not only was his frame large, so was his cock~  I ran my hand up and down it a few times, savoring the feel of his member. After awhile of pumping it to get it bigger, I leaned down and slowly took it in to my mouth having trouble to get my lifs around it, then slowly bobbing up and down on it, swirling my tongue with every descend, the heat from his cocked was warm inside my mouth.  I felt his hand on the back of my head, pushing me further down it, I was half way down his shaft, before I broke free and pulled off, gasping to catch my breath.  After a moment to relax I started working on his shaft again. Suddenly I felt a sting from behind, Zuko had his cock out and was forcing it inside of my pussy from behind, I wanted to scream, but they told me to be quiet, I just clenched my fist and kept going, his cock also felt huge, probably the same size as Jaden's.. There was no word for all the ecstasy I was feeling, Zuko railing me from behind, with each thrust sending shocks up my spine and stopping at the tip of my tongue, my pussy was extremely wet by this point, I felt like I was about to break.. We continued for about 10 minutes, I had to pull off Jaden's cock a few times for breath, but this time I willed myself to the bottom of his shaft til his entire cock had disappeared inside of my throat. Tears started to well up in my eyes.  He grabbed my head and held me still, then I felt all of his warm and sticky goo filling up my mouth, I pulled off his cock, shuddering every-time Zuko pounded my pussy, swirling my tongue around, getting every last drop and with a hard swallow taking it all in.  I tried catching my breath after words, but Zuko knocked them out of me every-time, til finally, I came as he pulled out, squirting all over his cock, then he pulled me around and forced his cock in my mouth just for him to do that same, and fill my mouth to the brim with his sticky mess, I swallowed it down, then slumped against Jaden's legs. The sting of his cold armor against my back felt nice I was completely exhausted, my whole body felt weak..  After a moment of us all laying together, Katie walked in and helped me stand, "Oh come on guys, you could've at least brought me with.." She grabbed my wrist and led me to the bathroom to get cleaned up, I was all hot and sweaty, it'd be awhile before we were done.  I can't help but wonder why Katie acted so casual about this, were those two always like this...
Zuko- Alari and I were laying in the Captains room after what just happened, he let us sit in here, while he went to handle business on the bridge.  "We call him Grunt cause when we met him, it's the only sound he made, he refused to talk until he was sure that we were friends.  He's one of the most trustworthy ship mates- friends, I've ever had." I just finished telling Alari, how we all met, she loved the story of how we met Captain Bek and First Mate Geoff, originally it was just Katie and I. "Thank you so much for the stories, hopefully, I'll be able to make some of my own with you guys." I nodded and starred up at the sky light roof, out at the stars as we flew, I really hope Alari gets to stay a member of our team, the Moon Lit could always use more help around here.  But that would be up to Jaden, we'll hear from him later, until then, we'll stay and wait for the good news, together.  Katie came barging ing with drinks, Grunt and Geoff following closely behind. "Drinks for all" Katie said with excitement, now everyone's gonna get drunk, yep same old Moon Lit crew I loved..
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namgwen · 7 years ago
Some Ideas
The new crossover that I’ve been thinking of is, as you probably have figured out, Destiny and Touhou. While I wouldn’t claim to be an expert in the lore of either setting, I am drastically more familiar with Destiny’s setting. So, should I make a mistake feel free to correct me.
It does get a bit long and doesn’t go into as much detail as I wanted.
Part 1: Set Up
The first and biggest obstacle for combining these settings is getting them to interact. For reference, Touhou takes place in a pocket reality in Japan during modern times and Destiny takes place across the solar system in the distant future. 
The first question to consider is whether or not the Earth for Touhou is the same as the one in Destiny. Depending on the answer the setting would change and how the crossover is explained will change, for the sake of future details it will be assumed that Destiny would be Touhou’s future.
Next, you have to consider what event would cause the crossover to occur. I personally would go with someone messing with Vex or Golden Age tech (explanations on what they are later).
Then you have to consider when and where Gensokyo would appear. There’s no shortage of potentially interesting times, but I’d go for shortly before the events of the base game. As for where, Gensokyo staying in Japan wouldn’t actually do much to isolate them but would make them less immediately interesting to The Last City. Conversely, if Gensokyo was suddenly in Russia then it would be quickly noticed that something is wrong and they’d have the attention of The Last City and The House of Devils.
Lastly, the Hakurei Barrier. For those unfamiliar with Touhou, the Hakurei barrier separates Gensokyo from the outside world. While the location would make little difference for the ability for the major players to find them, the barrier would make it more difficult for interaction to occur. Keeping it around would probably help with focusing on singular characters. Conversely, if you wanted the Touhou characters to interact with Destiny’s characters sooner/on a larger scale you’ll have to get rid of it.
Part 2: Magic
This would probably be where the combination of the settings would start to have major effects. Magic within Touhou is, to my understanding, flexible in its origins and how it functions. For example, enough belief and worship can turn anything into a deity or how fairies are personifications of aspects of nature. There’s also how the study of magic is relatively uncommon.
Comparatively, magic for Destiny tends to originate directly or indirectly from either the Light or the Darkness. Additionally, the Darkness is fully sapient and actively malicious making use of it potentially dangerous. The most alarming aspect of both is the fact that with enough strength (intensity? quantity?) individuals and objects can start being outright paracausal. For example, the Traveler managed to turn Mercury into a garden world (yes, really). It stayed like that until the Vex showed up.
Light also has three forms; Solar, Arc, and Void. Solar is exactly what it sounds like. Arc is lightning. Void is... hard to describe, it’s more dangerous than other forms of light.
As the scenario would inherently mean that considering how these systems would interact is vital. In Touhou scientific development drove magic into obscurity necessitating the creation of Gensokyo to survive. Conversely, Light and Darkness aid scientific development.
Part 3: The Last City
The most immediate group to deal with is the Last City. They, as the name implies, the last city left. They are comprised of three species in the games however, due to the nature of the crossover introducing a fourth species would be necessary. These species would be:
Humans: I’ll take the liberty of assuming that the readers of this are human and do not require an explanation about the nature of humanity.
Awoken: easily differentiated from humans by their blue skin. Their origin is unclear beyond that involves colonists attempting to flee the solar system during the Collapse.
Exo: humanoid and sapient robots, at least some of these (potentially all) are human minds uploaded into machines. They have numbers in their name that demonstrates how many times they’ve been rebooted, they typically lose all memories when this happens.
Lunarians: in Touhou Lunarians are (if I recall correctly) a race of moon rabbits that are immortal because of the absence of life and thus “pure” (no I don’t understand how this works). In terms of appearance, they look like humans and some have rabbit ears. Their presence would definitely raise a few eyebrows among Gensokyo’s inhabitants. 
The City’s reaction to the sudden appearance of Gensokyo would undoubtedly be to investigate it. However, the subject of Yokai and some of the groups present would be a significantly more divisive subject. They would certainly be opposed to any yokai eating any humans, however some individuals are somewhat xenophobic. For example, the Guardian Saint-14 believed that the Darkness was actually a collection of alien species rejected by the Traveler. Rumia alone would probably cause some worry, being the yokai of darkness in a universe where the Darkness is a sapient and hostile force.
Part 4: The Fallen/Eliksni
What makes the Fallen so dangerous isn’t the unending numbers and dark magic like the Hive, sheer size or military might like the Cabal, or incomprehensibly advanced technology of the Vex. What makes them dangerous is savagery, fanaticism, and sheer desperation. They were the previous species that benefited from the Traveler’s presence. They had a peaceful, prosperous, and advanced civilization. At the height of their power, they were beyond even Golden Age humanity, and that was when they were snuffed out.
An event known as the Whirlwind occurred that destroyed many noble houses and scarred the rest. Sheer desperation forced them to perform increasingly ruthless actions and fall further from grace. The houses left becoming little more than pirates. As a whole, they wouldn’t care about the presence of Gensokyo, with the potential exception of the aforementioned House of Devils.
The House of Devils would probably investigate and raid Gensokyo (probably to little success) but wouldn’t care unless Gensokyo/it’s inhabitants encroached on their territory or gained advanced technology.
Part 5: The Hive
At one point the Hive was a small short-lived species known as the Krill living as the weakest species on the gas giant Fundament. When they encountered the Darkness they went from such a frail species into one of the most powerful species in the setting.
Their ultimate goal is simply to kill everything until only one thing is left.
While they probably wouldn’t have any particular interest in Gensokyo they would undoubtedly be interesting to Gensokyo. Why? Their main base in the solar system is Earth’s moon. Which they hollowed out.
Part 6: The Cabal
Short story: giant, highly advanced, militaristic space turtles.
Long story: as a society, they’re split between following Emporer Calus or Dominus Ghaul. Calus’ followers desire to conquer to ensure that their people have a safe place to live, while Ghaul’s forces want to conquer so that they can conquer more.
While they demonstrate less supernatural (less not none) than the other factions they should not be underestimated. Their main strength is the sheer brute force that they can bring to bear.
Until the events of Destiny 2, they mostly were located on and around Mars and thus have little interaction with Gensokyo. 
Part 7: The Vex
The Vex are, paradoxically, both the most dangerous and least dangerous faction present. They managed to turn Mercury into a machine world in a matter of days and almost rewrote the fabric of reality to ensure their dominance. At the same time, they typically stick to their own territory.
Even before they worshiped the darkness they had access to complex simulations, teleportation, and interdimensional travel. They’ve only grown more powerful since then. The kicker? All of their units have combat as a secondary role. Goblins are meant to build, Hobgoblins communicate, and Minotaurs plan.
They probably would figure out Gensokyo’s presence whether or not the Hakurei Barrier is up. Admittedly there’s little chance of them actually charging off to Earth because of Gensokyo. Still, the mental image of Patchouli complaining about Marisa stealing some of her books only for the Vex to steal the entire library is amusing.
Part 8: Guardians
Guardians are people chosen by Ghosts. Typically this means reviving them (usually they’re skeletons at this point) but living individuals can be recruited. Their use of Light tends to cause them to act oddly (dancing in odd places or being obsessed with loot for example). There are three classes and each has four subclasses.
Titan: focused on sheer strength and combat capability. They tend to focus on either defending the city or destroying its enemies
-subclasses: Sunbreaker (solar), Striker (arc), Defender (void), and Sentinel (void)
Hunter: more eccentric than the other classes. They typically are loners and somewhat obsess over capes.
-subclasses: Gunslinger (solar), Bladedancer (arc), Arcstrider (arc), and Nightstalker (void).
Warlock: the mage of the three classes. They usually obsess over knowledge and ways to obtain it.
-subclasses: Sunsinger (solar), Dawnbringer (solar), Stormcaller (arc) and Voidwalker (Void)
Additionally, Guardians revived from the dead tend to be missing most of their memories.
Part 9: Story Ideas
Honestly, any ideas I come up with would probably pale in comparison to what others would come up with. Still...
-a slice of life of the Touhou cast trying to deal with Destiny’s weirdness (ex: Reimu finding a crucible match going on outside of the shrine)
-A tragedy/horror where Marisa goes to the moon to try to get her hands on Hive magic and ends up corrupted like Dredgen Yor.
-A story based on Osana Reimu where a ghost revives Reimu’s mother
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