#i have so many neutral looking blorbos-_-
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fighting for my life studying how 2 draw/stylize this man
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friedricebunny · 2 years
Blorbo endings
- Good ending: you can fondly remember blorbo even years after the obsession
- Bad ending: you can never read anything with this blorbo ever again
- Neutral ending: years later you have no idea why you even cared about them
- Infinity ending: ending what ending, it's blorbo thoughts 24/7 and we are never getting off this train
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teecupangel · 10 months
If Desmond ever ended up in the Persona 5 universe, I wonder what he would think of the Phantom Thieves? Would he be a confidant for Akira/Ren/Joker, be a neutral party? Become a Phantom Thief himself? I can't help but think that because of his Bleeds, he'd end up having his ancestors show up as Personas to help him fight in the Metaverse.
Ngl, I wanna make Desmond the Sun because of my penchant of giving Desmond something related to the very thing that killed him but based on his ‘situation’, these are the Arcanas that Desmond can be part of in my opinion:
Aeon (many of the Aeon Personas have an affinity to light and a common theme for Aeon representatives are that they are unfamiliar with the world they are in and are struggling to find their place in this world which describes Desmond’s current predicament and also… there’s no Aeon confidant in P5 so Desmond won’t be sharing this spot with anyone or, worse, won’t be removing an existing confidant)
Sun (A character in a lonely and most of the time terribly situation, signifying the hopelessness of them succeeding with the end results being them having to reflect on their situation and coming to peace with themselves and what is happening to them)
Moon (being attuned subconsciously to the world around someone, gaining the ability to sense things without being told about them, or without anyone else knowing, this arcana is also sometimes called the Arcana of Lies and Deceit which Desmond would be doing anyway because there’s no way he’ll tell the truth)
Death (metamorphosis and deep change, regeneration and cycles… which can also hint on Desmond’s origin as someone not from this world)
Personally, I do see Desmond as a Phantom Thief and acting like the cool older brother type to these teenagers. But being a neutral party seems more like his style, considering… everything.
So I would suggest we make Desmond a neutral party the Phantom Thieves meet up with in the Metaverse from time to time, mostly in Mementos because, in his own words ‘something calls to me here’.
The Phantom Thieves don’t know he’s the same bartender that works at Crossroads who would always give Joker a Shirley Temple whenever he’s on break. Lala told Joker that Desmond looked ‘lost’ so she helped him out (in more ways than one, Lala actually thinks Desmond is undocumented and helped him be an ‘upstanding citizen’…)
Desmond, for his part, is just happy that, for some reason, he knows Japanese? He has a feeling it’s one of his Bleed and many people tell him he speaks like he’s from a period drama so yeah, there’s that (it’s one of his Ibn-La'Ahad ancestors who knew Japanese because they chased the Mongols to Japan)
As for Desmond’s Persona…
It would be funny to give him Minerva or Juno as a Persona but we’re not that evil. Another idea would be to give him Dionysus for our usual ‘Desmond could totally be Dionysus’ Sage’ idea that pops in and out XD
So we’re going to make Desmond special because he’s our blorbo and we’ll use the Persona 1 and 2 plot of how the characters get their Persona.
He does the Persona game because he was bored one day XD
And that’s how he starts to hear Mementos’ call.
And while he journeys in Mementos by himself, that’s when he encounters the Shadows… of his Bleeds.
Confronting them (which always ends in a boss fight) ends with him receiving their Arcana and his Bleeds become his Personas.
His Bleeds’ Arcanas:
Altaïr: Hermit (wisdom, introspection, solitude, retreat and philosophical searches)
Ezio: Judgment (associated with realizing one's calling, gaining a deep understanding of life and a feeling of acceptance and absolution)
Ratonhnhaké:ton: Hanged Man (sometimes self-sacrificial or self-loathing, but are more often notable for being caught between two different extremes, parties or stages in life of which they have little to no control – always in the middle of two opposing forces and he’s doing his best to protect his people given what’s happening) or Strength (associated with the morality about the stronger power of self-control, gentleness, courage and virtue over brute force)
Haytham: Emperor (desire to control one's surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others; some elements in life are just not controllable)
Desmond’s real Arcana and his own Persona (which may or may not be some biblically accurate angel-like figure with all of his Bleeds around a small orb similar to the Apple of Eden in the same veins of the Norns design) will only awaken after Joker reaches max level with him.
Also, the Phantom Thieves don’t know it’s him because his form in the Metaverse is always hooded with the robes changing depending on which Persona he uses (at the start, they thought it was different dudes until Desmond changed Personas in midbattle)… and yes, that includes Haytham. Desmond gets a hood too even when he’s using Haytham but he also has Haytham’s tacohat. Them’s the rules.
Arcana symbolism from megamitensei.fandom.com
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Disability Swag Summit 2!!
The Swag Summit is back!
Now with some improvements.
I’ve added different categories to display and represent a wider array of characters and disabilities throughout the competition.
Also, since my goal is representation, you can submit any character with disabilities as major or “minor” as you want.
Also, head canons and coding are allowed, just mark them as such in the form.
The categories go as follows:
Here go characters with movement disabilities, like paralysis, missing a limb, or not being able to coordinate your body. Here go people with club foot, Parkinson’s, flat feet, dyspraxia, tic related disabilities, cerebral palsy, paraplegia, amputees, mobility aid users, etc.
Here go characters with disabilities related to their internal organs, endocrine system, immune system, amongst other systems inside of your body. Disabilities in this category may include asthma, autoimmune disorders, allergies, chronic pain, diabetes, PCOS, fibromyalgia, IBS, skin conditions, amongst others.
Here go characters with disabilities related to their senses, be it sight (blindness, colour blindness, cataracts, astigmatism, photosensitivity, etc), touch/pain (CIPA, Hyposthesia, Dysesthesia, etc.), hearing (deafness, being hard of hearing, etc), smell (anosmia, phantosmia, etc), taste (Ageusia, Hypogeusia, etc) or a combination of different senses (like synesthesia).
Pretty straight forward, disabilities related to speech, be it selective mutism, speech impediments, full on mutism or other speech related disabilities.
Physical differences
Catch all term for people who were born or developed some sort of physical difference. Idk if it counts as a disability, but we’re looking to represent as many people as possible here so. Here go people who are missing limbs, visible organs or pretty much any body part, people who use prosthetics, people with extra body parts (that are actually not normally supposed to be there, don’t fill this category with bug people and aliens) people with deformities, scars, conjoined twins, little people, people with gigantism, etc.
Since different types of Neurodivergencies overlap so much, I feel like separating them would make my job 10 times more difficult, so I decided to lump together Cognitive, Info-processing, Psycosocial, Learning, and other mental disabilities. Here go characters with Autism, Dementia, DID, Schizophrenia, brain damage, PTSD, OCD, Tourette’s, dyslexia, etc.
Those who do not fit under other categories, be it because I forgot, because it’s not really categorizable or because it’s a fantasy disability (if the fantasy disability is close enough to one of the other categories, put it there too for good measure).
And finally
1- No real people. Live action characters are fine, but I feel kinda uncomfortable putting actual real living (or historical) human beings here. Maybe you can submit a disabled real animal if you want, but no people.
2- Preferably positive or neutral representation, please. As in, I rather not see blatantly ableist media represented here, there’s better representation out there, but if you really have to, I guess do whatever you want.
3- Be civil. This is for fun and not to be taken seriously. If you manage to spark drama or harassment out of this silly and fun competition, you are going to the dungeon.
4- Don’t make submissions in the asks. The asks are for questions and propaganda, make your submissions in the form.
5- Propaganda is allowed and highly encouraged! Either share it in the asks, at @eddies-disability-swag-blog or tag it as #disability swag summit
6- Should go without saying, but, like, bigotry is cringe, so, like, don’t do it?
Anyways, here’s the form! Submit away!
The Form will close on December 25 (May be earlier or later depending on the number of submissions), so make sure to submit your blorbos by then!
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Every Character Ever
Have you ever wanted to see how popular your blorbo was? Or wished your special lil guy fit more polls' criteria? Maybe you just want to click buttons!
Well this is the blog for you!! You can submit any character, from any media, to be voted on by the greater tumblr audience. The only rule is no real people; this is Blorbo from your media, not Johnathan from the Actor's Guild. There is no limit to how many characters one person can submit, just please don’t do repeated submissions of the same character! It makes a mess of my spreadsheet.
The submission form IS CURRENTLY CLOSED. There is no winner, only a week-long voting time per entry. You will be able to pick between 6 options - I know this character (positive), I know this character (neutral/it's complicated), I know this character (negative), I have heard of this character, I would like to know this character, and I do not know this character. I will post, at the start of every week, the planned lineup for that week, and link that post here.
If you want to know what characters have already been sent in for submission, please look at my spreadsheet! It continuously updates with each new submission, so be sure to keep checking it if you want to know who's already in the lineup. Additionally, as I post 100 polls per 'week', this is a good metric of how far away your character of choice is away from getting their poll posted!
If you have a question, you can look at my FAQ page to find out if I've answered it already! I have a document there with every single already posted character, so you can take a look and make sure your blorbo has not already been submitted :]
Finally, please be kind to me (the mod) and to everyone participating in this silly little thing. This is a tumblr poll blog. If someone does not like your blorbo, or likes a character you don't, you can either have a polite conversation, or keep it to yourself.
Thank you!
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ceapa-mica · 9 months
A Relationship with Grand Admiral Thrawn 💖 - a headcanon
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I can't stop writing! 😄 Thrawn's my newest blorbo and it's so refreshing and a pleasure to write for him.
Reader is gender neutral.
🔞 This will be a bit NSFW 🔞
I dedicate this one to @thrawnsboots
May you never recover from this one hehehe
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So, you made a certain emotionally constipated blue Grand Admiral fall in love with you? Congratulations! 🎉 Good for you!
Now let's get into this headcanon of what you can expect in a relationship with Thrawn. 💙
Secrecy. As long as you're not engaged or something your relationship will remain behind closed doors. Thrawn values his privacy and wants to keep you safe from people who might want to harm him through you.
Keeping a secret like that aboard the Chimera is still impossible though. So eventually your relationship will become the biggest open secret on the ISD.
The crew is grateful since you impact Thrawn’s mood in a positive way.
Outside of his quarters you both will keep a professional distance.
Thrawn is a busy man, but he takes as much time as he can to spend with you, whether it’s having sex in his quarters or traveling to worlds in nearby star systems he's familiar with, showing you the Galaxy.
Every date with Thrawn is special. Visiting restaurants, hours spent in art galleries and museums, or a simple picnic in a beautiful landscape. He makes sure it never gets dull, is open for suggestions for the next date, and you will have so many meaningful in depth conversations together.
Those dates can become irregular at times given his busy schedule.
When it's just the two of you, he always shows you the love and appreciation you deserve.
As your relationship progresses he teaches you phrases in Cheunh and Sy Bisti.
Thrawn’s love language consists of acts of service, gift giving and words of affirmation.
Seriously, this man spoils you, he treats you just like you deserve.
Keep in mind he treats you like everyone else at your workplace though! Safe for glancing your way every so often when no one else is looking.
I hope you don't mind a partner who's super enthusiastic about art, because oh boy, Thrawn could talk about art for hours!
He has never been in a relationship before. When he joined the Empire, falling in love wasn't in the cards for him. He didn't expect it would happen…until you came into his life.
Your long time compatibility with Thrawn depends on what your own personal goals are.
Let's say you want to be at this man’s side for the rest of your life, I see engagement and marriage in your future, if you're up to it.
As a Chiss, Thrawn is a man of tradition. He won't share you with anyone. That's unheard of where he comes from.
Being in the Imperial Navy during a Galaxy wide war complicates things, but he's determined to keep Imperial affairs away from his private life, that includes your relationship as well.
Thrawn can become a bit jealous in situations where another man gets flirty with you, but never in a toxic way. He trusts you to make the right decision and remain faithful.
He will remind you in the bedroom what you would lose if you weren’t. In other words, he ruins you for any other man.
Tbh I picture a relationship with him as healthy, he doesn't seem to be a man who disrespects his partner y’know.
From a partner, Thrawn needs someone who's competent and just… gets him. He's different, not due to being an alien, I’m talking about his mind. (He's autistically coded)
If you put a serious effort in understanding him, show genuine interest in who he really is, not just as a Grand Admiral or because of his abilities, but as a person, with all his flaws, and you still love and accept him the way he is, this man is yours for life!
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Stay tuned for the engagement headcanon coming soon!
Feel free to add to this headcanon! 💙
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Jes would you like to yap about anything?
I LOVE YAPPING!! I always wanna yap about things, but sometimes it’s hard to wrote my thoughts coherently
Anyways today’s yap subject is Time because I have such THOUGHTS about him (and a lot of headcanons!!) (disclaimer: again these are just my THOUGHTS and HEADCANONS)
To me, Time is a character who often struggles with social cues and his own tone. It’s hard for him to pick up on dry sarcasm (sometimes Four, mostly Legend) and actually realize it’s sarcasm. Sometimes people think HE’S being sarcastic because he speaks so flatly and he’s incredibly direct.
“What’s the biggest thing you’ve ever fought?”
“The moon.”
He’s direct and to the point, and he doesn’t use a whole lot of words. Sometimes that’s seen as sarcasm, and I have a feeling when he was a kid a lot of adults accused him of being rude because they thought he was being sarcastic when he wasn’t.
Joy/Excitement/Happiness are the easiest expressions to read FROM him. He smiles a lot and he’ll talk more quickly about things he’s excited about, and also use a lot of hand gestures. Worry/Concern is also an easier emotion to read from him because he’ll very awkwardly hover or frown. For people who don’t know him it might just look like he’s upset or mad about something, but for people who do they know what the frown means
Anger, or Sadness, or even Fear are a lot harder to read from him unless it’s someone who’s known him for quite a while. He has little signs and tells, but the average person might assume he’s indifferent or isn’t reacting strongly enough for the severity of the situation. He feels very deeply but he doesn’t express it in the way the average person would. He might have a straight neutral looking expression but be having the time of his life, or he might be sitting in a corner frowning while watching over someone who is incredibly hurt. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, he just struggles to show exactly how much
He does cry, especially when he’s really stressed or frustrated with himself because sometimes he feels like he CAN’T properly express himself and people just won’t understand, or when he reaches a point where everything gets to be too much, but that’s not always sobbing. Sometimes that’s just tears running down his face while he sits there
He’s a bit awkward when it comes to physical affection, but by GOD has he mastered the shoulder pat. A shoulder pat from Time is the equivalent of a bear hug from Sky. Hugs from Time are less frequent, and he’s better with giving them to certain than he is others (like his wife, Tune/Wind and Warriors, and eventually Twilight, because he’s used to that with them), but sometimes he’s just stiff and awkward about it. He does his best
I’ve said this a LOT but I don’t think he does anything fatherly on purpose. He cares about the boys and looks after them, but in his mind he is not a dad. The others just have daddy issues /hj
This one is DEFINITELY just a headcanon I have that’s based on absolutely nothing I’ve seen from him in game or in LU, but i believe in my heart he kept his hair short as a kid because he hated the feeling of it growing out on his neck, and if he were to cut it now, he’d never get it this long again because the growing out stage was miserable for him. I think sometimes he still gets overwhelmed by hair on his neck, but he can just tie it back because it’s long enough
i’ve been thinkin a lot about Time recently, he’s the character who’s pov i’ve written the most words in, which is odd to think about since a few people have dubbed me the wars guy, but yeah Time is a special blorbo to me too and i love him 🫶
hopefully this was coherent and doesn’t have TOO many spelling mistakes 😭
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dirtyoldmanhole · 1 month
in defense of revelation
most of y'all know me as a pre-tumblr tellius fan who recently got suckered into fates/(especially revelation) in the past year and how often i've repeatedly stated how very fucking glad i was not around for peak fates fan/hatedom. even living afar from the field in other fandoms for that brief 2015-2021 time period, fates discourse was... special, to say the least.
me being me, i do want to take a step back and consider in good faith... why?
why the outsized hatedom for rev especially?
every FE game has its warts with its strengths. and i feel like i'm in a unique position of seeing from a more macro/neutral standpoint having abruptly fallen in love with fates/rev when it's left in the dust for shinier games, and whose viewpoint was never really colored either which way while also living the historical context of the series. (shoot at one point i was a by-default fates hater/"pre-DS fe" snob; I freely admit to eating my own words).
the odd bit of it all is that revelation is by far my favorite of the routes. yes, gunter's outsized impact on the plot is a large part of it, but I actually think I would still like it over conquest/(certinally over birthright and a good 90% of FE games) even if another character had taken that role, as long as it was handled in a similarly complex way (anankos' cosmic horror shtick was fuckin' rad).
let's start with the common criticisms (a few picked from this halfway reasonable reddit thread that attempts something similar) and others gleaned elsewhere from the interwebs over the year.
the unit balancing
IMO this is the fairest criticism of the list; i can see why a bunch of underleveled units handed out slowly before the cast rolls into valla would be a legitimate annoyance to old hats and newcomers alike.
that said: something about gameplay with Fates that i think was brilliant is there's a massive intentional difference between royals and every other character. royals get special weapons, they're a class unto themselves literally and also in being able to solo entire swaths of levels. (birthright being a literal name of one of the routes, for pete's sake.) i've attempted both a rev run with royals and a rev run without royals (using gunter too lol) back to back and honestly the sheer difficulty spike is genuinely fascinating from a story perspective.
you feel how utterly powerless non-royals feel.
(also given people mostly emotionally got attached to the royals.... in the other two routes they were probably willing to wait a little longer for their blorbo to appear and assuaged by many cutscenes of them.)
also tangent, but gameplay wise: i also kind of want to push back at the redditor in the thread above who mentioned rev as a sandbox experience of Fates; I can see why they would say that as it's perceived as the neutral route, when personally it's better framed as the valla-specific route with a very tight cast focus (ie the characters that actually impact the plot); having almost the whole cast being playable was just a type of newgame+ bonus. like i wouldn't expect a nohrian character to get much limelight in birthright in favor of the hoshidans, so too would I not expect a non valla-related character to get as much focus and decent treatment in rev.
very petty add on: if i can make mister zero stats grandpa OHKO ryoma in rev on my second run, git gud shrub
the story
so here's the thing.
i'm objectively biased by being head over heels for gunter as a character and his outsized impact on lategame rev - but i don't think i'm wrong with saying that people were looking for the wrong thematic beats regarding revelation's story with how it was framed beyond itself.
if you focus on the adults - mikoto, arete, gunter, garon, and the unaffiliated characters that didn't get a chance to shine in the other two nation-specific routes (azura, lilith, anankos, corrin's backstory in the northern fortress) - revelation will blow your socks off with how nuanced and interwoven between the characters mentioned above the story is.
you just need to give it a fair chance.
gimmick maps
this is honestly where i laugh a little and simply gesture to three houses' objectively terrible same-y maps. TH had other strengths; its maps are not one of them. i'd rather take a memorable gimmick in a heartbeat than 4/5ths of a game i straight up do not remember the levels (a criticism that could also go for FE11/12/most of the series pre FE7).
the snow shoveling map in particular draws the most ire (fair lol), but let's take that map out, and.... honestly none of the others feel egregarious? FE's done 'only three characters deployed" before (the cave chapter which is pretty short and not too unbalanced). the moving platforms have been done in FE7. the traps in anankos' lair were honestly pretty fun for instilling more of the horror/claustrophobic vibe and didn't have total buzzkills like powerful ranged magic bosses to ruin your day (FE6/7/16 lookin' at you).
of fates' routes, conquest's maps age a little bit better by being generally emotionally married to the story beats more, but personally i find they're a little overtuned at times. honestly the worst i can say is that conquest's maps overshine the other two routes when the other two routes had pretty decent-to-good map design that age well by their own right.
the babyrealms
sure, and.............? honestly i feel like every FE game has its completely anime whack-ass mechanic from space.
the best part is the children mechanic in fates is completely optional and segregated from the story - if you hate it that much it doesn't even have to exist. god knows i wish the My Unit/time travel of Awakening onwards didn't exist, or the kids of FE13 didn't exist, or the whole "secret space technology" of FE16 didn't exist, or the toothpaste hair of Engage, or the fucking gameplay of FE4/6, and frankly the laguz can be a bit tough to swallow as an idea if you didn't grow up with the anime tropes of cat girls or shapeshifters at the time (and the anvilicious anti-racism themes) -- all of which are way more plot relevant to their respective games.
'just fighting zombies for the latter half'
ironically i'm usually the first person to absolutely despise the 'fighting non-characters/nameless zombies' trope. so i do sympathize.
one: honestly that critique isn't that much different than the FE-bog-standard 'fight twenty maps packed with samey soldiers of the Bad Evil Country' (FE9 with daein alas) - if anything, like FE8, zombies are a nice change of pace and rev even one-ups sacred stones by giving the possessed vallites an extra bit of fridge horror if you give one temporary shit about the vallites.
a better defense though, is much like how i think viewing Final Fantasy 7 as anything but a massive homage to sci-fi horror would be a miss to its story, visual, and emotional beats - i also think it'd be a miss to not recognize that revelation is the cosmic horror of fire emblem.
the slowly-revealed possession of someone very precious to corrin. the needless deaths of named cast members. anankos' entire freaking design. the last four-five chapters of fighting your own parents/parental figures who both plead with you to kill them while also trying to convince you to let them kill you, holy fuck. peak psychological horror here too, and i feel like fates is in a uniquely better position with its focus on incestual family dynamics to drive home the emotional impact to the player (if you've married some specific characters like azura and gunter) as well as pull from classic gothic horror - especially brilliant with the nohrian's constant linkage to vampires, another staple of gothic horror.
oh gunter, gunter gunter.
I can't get around this point since I have heard him specifically mentioned (lol) as a failing of revelation. oh zero stats granpda. what are we going to do with you.
(keep in mind i'm not going to be able to tackle all of these sub-points since this would literally be a 20k essay by itself which this blog kinda frankly covers in various degrees; this is a summary).
but let's start with the more objective bits.
ultimately, i ... think a lot of people were really skeeved the fuck out by gunter's possession plotline in the sense it was a huge bet that the series had never done. there were a handful of gunter fans from conquest who would normally be all over his expanded spotlight that fall into this bucket, in addition to the folks that just did not jive with his type of arc/character and who were never gonna like rev. (that's fine, y'all got two whole other games to play in).
giving its jeigan character actual teeth, actual cold-blooded motivations and hatreds and a betrayal that worked entirely at odds with the royal-simping game (and series) didn't help. he never apologized for it either.
giving its jeigan a spotlight role when youth is valorized, and old age demonized to a questionable degree didn't help. (ya notice the ages of all the heroes and villains? the really squicky visual character consistency of beauty equals goodness in anime / that FE is no better at?) his story almost lowkey requires a little maturity to get, higher than the average age of a fates player.
giving its jeigan a nuanced personality that could be caring and protective as much as deeply manipulative (even and especially to corrin) didn't help. locking behind half of their relationship to CQ supports and half his backstory/chats with the rest of the cast being unlocalized likewise didn't help.
giving its jeigan actual sexual menace didn't help. ( in an already sexually-charged game, there are a few very specific lategame possession scenes where that also bleeds over to his role, nevermind his CQ S-support. and crucially, when that slipping mask jarred directly against the father role that people project on him with corrin).
.... and all of those points is exactly why i think his arc is some of the most brilliant writing in the series.
Fates was especially good with taking tired tropes and twisting them just enough in a fucky/power-tilt-y way that it left the player off kilter while giving the games, ultimately, a bittersweet resolution.
some folks don't like that feeling; but i think it was an injection of real charisma and balls in a series that always draws from its specific time-period in history.
thank you for reading ~
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powdermelonkeg · 7 months
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First drawing of Crowdsourced Durge, aka Daggerroot. It's been AWHILE since I last picked up a tablet in proper, but I think this is a decent drawing to start with (also thank you to @too-many-blorbos for helping me with posing)
Details below the cut:
In-game appearance
Crowd-decided details:
I am romancing Gale
This is a Resisting Dark Urge playthrough
They're a middle-aged, nonbinary, deep gnome Way of Shadows monk
On top of their Durge skills (Intimidation/Medicine), they're also proficient in Insight and Stealth
Chaotic Neutral-Good Alignment: Impulsive, acts in the interest of friends only, can be easily persuaded to do the right thing by said friends, but seldom ever the wrong thing. Doesn't care what friends get up to unless it negatively impacts other friends. Strong sense of wanting to rectify past mistakes, but refuses to be told the "correct" way to do so. Thinks stealing from/killing/spiting evil characters is justified because "they deserved it."
Flaws: Blunt/has no filter, contrary for the sake of being contrary, weirdly prejudiced against elves (due to repressed Ketheric spite)
Good Qualities: Loves animals, unfailingly loyal, good at bartering and haggling
Quirks: Takes a trophy from each memorable kill, incredibly horny, will try anything (potions, strange food, licking the spider, Loviatar's blessing) at least once
Memory Loss Side Effects: Thinks everyone else has the Urge but Durge is just bad at controlling it, doesn't know cannibalism isn't normal, doesn't know what sex is
STR 9/DEX 17/CON 12/INT 10/WIS 12/CHA 15
Imposed rule: Short rest after every fight, and long rest when out of short rests
Additional fun facts:
Their name is Daggerroot. They picked their name as they were combing the beach for supplies, recognized a single sprig of it, and the lore around it came to mind: "Known as 'the executioner's garnish', this herb flourishes in blood-fed soil and has flavoured countless final meals." For some reason, the description brought them amusement. Both "Dagger" and "Root" are acceptable nicknames, though most people tend towards the former.
They're the group medic. This is why they're in charge. Because they have such a good medical knowledge due to struck out Dark Urge memories, they've assumed "surgeon" was their profession before being tadpoled. And, I mean, they're not wrong...
There's something just not-quite-right about them, visually. They LOOK a lot like a deep gnome, and to someone who doesn't know deep gnomes well, they are one. But to deep gnomes, they have a very uncanny valley effect to them.
Their dream guardian is identical to them. This is going to do LEAGUES for their trust in this person, with a fair share of existential crises on top of it. "If you're not what's causing the urges...that means I am. I'll listen to whatever you say, because you're clearly my better half."
Monk class backstory:
They killed their foster family as a young child before Sceleritas found them. Because they were out of control then, and now had the eyes of everyone in the Bhaal temple on them, they adopted monastic tendencies (gifted kid + fear)
That deep-seated fear of loss of control still persists in current form Durge (based on the canon origin monologue: "Injured beyond repair, I know nothing besides this: I must resist the Dark Urge, lest is consume my mind.") and leads to sticking with Monk as their class at the start of BG3
Bonus points, they gained admiration from peers in the temple for killing people bare-handed
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bright-and-burning · 5 months
thank you k @mecachrome i LOVE to yap and i love to see other ppl yapping!!! f1 tag game time!!!
Who is your favorite driver?: lando's grip on my brain should be studied in a lab tbh
Do you have other favorite drivers?: i am fond of many many drivers... oscar obviously is #2 to me. just the tiniest bit below lando, sorry oscar <3 and then there's a medium sized gap to anyone else but i am extremely fond of the williams guys. and i am studying alpine and aston martin like bugs. and i have a lot of blorbo-in-laws that i feel very fond of...
Who is your least favorite driver?: it depends on the day whether i even dislike anyone or not. today i feel neutral and up about everyone!! sometimes i distinctly do Not feel neutral... (usually during races)
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?: i am very driver oriented but obviously my like . internal ideas about drivers are heavily influenced by who their teammate is/what team they're on. and since i've been into f1 the driver lineups have. not changed. so in my head the teams n the driver pairings are pretty immutable (obviously that will Change djfldsakjfa)
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?: i am so deeply attached to the orange bitches 😔 i just watched the season 6 mclaren dts episode and when claire williams went “the likelihood of a team being able to turn around their performance to any kind of significant degree during a season? i can’t tell you how difficult it is. it’s pretty much unheard of” i just smiled SOOOO evil. sooooo evil. i believe in andrea stella's hot nerd vibes bless that man
How long have you been into F1?: since uhhhh approximately one week after qatar 2023. made this account right around cota 2023
What got you into F1?: twitter algorithm put some tweets about the shitshow that was qatar on my timeline (literally one of them was just. a little of names and like . blank threw up. blank was hospitalized. blank couldnt get off the ground.) and i was like:
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(why is that picture SOOO large) and also i had been admiring the f1 web weaves for a while bc i would look at the 'web weave' tag and half of them would be f1 and i was like wow. these guys have a collective shit ton of daddy issues. fascinating... tbf!!! i have always been sports brain lol. just never quite rpf sports brained? so the stars aligned for this fr (recommended tweets, f1 web weaves, and me being unemployed, geographically isolated from all my friends, and severely depressed)
Do you enjoy Fanfic/RPF?: yes . i am constantly cooking . everyone here is soooo smart and cool and the writing is genuinely so incredible. and 8104 specifically has just like. a really dope bunch of ppl ive become friends with that i am constantly like. wow i cant believe these ppl want to talk to me!!! (k you are included in that <3)
How do you view new fans?: by looking in the mirror... djfladsj jk. i am a new fan! i am not a ""dts fan"" (have literally watched two episodes Ever and one of them was today) but none of it matters and i don't really find those kind of lines to be helpful. i have disagreed with ""dts fans"" and i have disagreed w ppl who started watching before i was born and i'd do it all again (this probably says more abt how opinionated i am than anything else)
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: personally i am delusionally confident enough to believe i could run that bitch like the MARINES. at the very least i would not be running my mouth like toto lol. vibes wise idk if i could do it at Any Team (like. imagine mercedes being run by a punchy american woman. LMFAO. imagine FERRARI) (i'd say mclaren for papaya reasons but a) andrea stella i could never replace you and b) i think i would set zak brown's fuckin sports car on fire day 1.) but based on location only alpine!!
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?: uhhhh no. my dad went to exactly one motorsports event when he was like my age maybe a year or two younger and saw a really horrific deadly crash so that ended any family interest. my friends are mega sports ppl but they're into like. american popular sports. and running. i do have a tifosi coworker and a couple friends from high school who are into it but that's it
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?: yes!!!!! i am so horrifically extroverted i love to chat i love to make friends!!! i am in so many ppl's dms on the Daily just sayin shit to the point where im like maybe i should cool it. lol.
tagginggggg @monacotrophywife @freeuselandonorris @liamlawsonlesbian andddd @red-flagging if you want !!!! this was fun n i love hearing how ppl got into f1 bc i feel like i might've taken an odd route
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the-heartlines · 11 months
This Helaemonds are mostly team black folks who ship it only to make the greens look bad is simply BS made up by antis lmao. In my fandom experience most TB stans hate Aemond and don't like this ship either??? In fact they dislike most Aemond ships for that matter except for maybe Lucemond. So why would they spend most of their time pushing Helaemond 24/7, coming up with theories about them and content for the ship? IDK but thinking shippers only ship it for team color wars purposes and not because they simply like the pairing itself and its dynamics is insane. Do they think people wrote Helaemond fanfics and made fan art of them to piss off others too? If they truly bothered to interact with most shippers and the content they produced instead of lashing out they would've probably realized most of them aren't team black (not that it should matter if they are but most simply aren't!!) but either team green fans, greencest enjoyers or people who simply love characters from both teams and don't necessarily care about this teams stuff
"most tb stans hate aemond" !!! exactly !!! the majority of helaemonds i know are neutral and don't give a fuck about the color wars (just the female characters fr)
it's completely FINE to "hate" (lol i can't imagine actually hating one fkljalsdkj because i'm such a mulitshipper LMAO) a ship, but don't be an asshole, dumb, or hypocrite about it! it's just baffling how helaemond is like the TAMEST ship ever and so many have an issue with it??? like idgaf if aemond didn't canonically bone his sister in f&b. i want him to in hotd the SHOW!!!
anyways helaemond is sexy. helaegon is sexy. alysmond is sexy. and any combo of these 3 is VERY SEXY. let's have fun with our blorbos and barbie dolls and make them fuck each other!
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skaruresonic · 4 months
Eggman and Starline for the bingo?
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I am so normal about them - Eggman is fucking awesome, what else do you want me to say?
I have so many headcanons - don't ask me about the Cousin AU because you will get a novel's worth of headcanons
A Beast Unleashed - he scawy :3c
My friend's favorite, the blorbo by proxy - technically Eggman is in my top 3 favorites now, but I was originally neutral on him until blogs like Crusher's and Julian's showed me how awesome he really was :D
Everyone else is wrong about him - (slams fist on desk) he says 3 TIMES IN SA2 THAT HIS MOTIVE IS WORLD DOMINATION, WHERE ARE YOU GETTING "AVENGE GERALD" FROM
Canon isn't real - I'd rather believe NANANA is just a fever dream, as well as some other Egg Memos. (also finding it difficult to wrap my head around the fact that Ivo and Maria are related via two sons rather than a son, Ivo's father, and a daughter, Maria's mother. idk man that just doesn't seem right)
That's a solid design right there - and yet, drawing the goggles trips me up every time ;A;
They are So Silly - he funny and scawy :3c
Bastard - Eggmanland is so traumatizing that it gives players 'nam flashbacks. And that's just a taste of what he wants to turn the world into. Noice.
I fuck with this aesthetic so hard -
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I am so normal about them - if my recent posts have been any indication, it's that Simpline lives on in my heart. also the fact that he's still my AO3 avatar :B I want their gender - I wish my fashion sense was as immaculate as Starline's
Everyone else is wrong about them - he was better as an eggsimp. he needs someone more dominant to play off of. he's not a strong enough character to run the show by himself. not to mention, "Toothpaste Snively" is funny xP
Fandom is so mean smh - is it just me, or did fandom collectively decide to dunk him in the trash when Flynn did? Saying he "deserved it" and everything? Yes, he was a scumbag, but did even he deserve a gruesome death following a mental breakdown and for his life to be summed up as "big oof"? It just feels... meanspirited.
Canon isn't real if I don't look at it - Starline didn't die after breaking up with Eggman. He just went cray-cray for a while after Eggman betrayed him and he wound up crawling back to his ex, Bordeaux :)
That's a solid design right there - probably the only one that's halfway decent out of the IDW-exclusive cast lol
They are So Silly - gets caught up in an avalanche and fusses that they ruined his "perm" xP
They didn't get bullied enough - he needs to be ground under Bordeaux's stiletto :D
Squeak - his windpipe certainly squeaks when Eggman uses him as a stress ball it's fun putting him through humiliating situations. Starline degradation kink is 100000% canon. I bet the director's cut of IDW had a deleted scene where he served as Eggman's footstool
Bastard - not nearly enough to surpass Eggman's villainy, mind you - does he even have a body count? lol. lmao, even. rofl, if you will - but I have to admit kidnapping kids and brainwashing them is prooooobably not all that ethical xP
If anything happens to them I will cry - yeah I was sad when he bit the dust. what about it
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🔥+ Marius (as someone already asked for Armand)
🔥Ashley's Hot Takes🔥
Marius is like my weird uncle LMAO I love him because he’s a part of the family but the only time I ever see him is at family functions (fanfic featuring my other blorbos)
I think my hottest take, honestly, is actually that I’m pretty neutral on the subject of Marius, and I think it’s baffling that people bully other real life people over some centuries old fictional dead roman guy. Like, people’s opinions on Marius are so incredibly hot and cold!!!! I guess that shouldn’t come as a surprise here on the internet where everyone has Super Strong Opinions on Everything but it’s really kind of insane how loving or hating Marius has morphed into some sort of virtue signaling.
I think Marius is a fascinating study of what righteous hubris looks like. I pity him, for all the time he spent with Akasha and Enkil. I understand why Lestat looked up to him, and why Armand loved him, and why Daniel found comfort in him. I also think Marius is capable of being a completely ignorant, arrogant dickhead at best, and a manipulative and selfish coward at worst.
But mostly I just think, in a book series that's constantly grappling with concepts like free will and immortality, it's easy to hate Marius simply because he's really one of the only ones trying to make decisions and find order out of the chaos. He'll always be a philosopher-king figure, and yes, many of his decisions have been bad ones, but I mean...at the end of the day, he's just stumbling around in the dark like all the other VC vamps, so I don't think I can give him too much grief.
He's just another fucked up guy. This may come as a surprise, but this book series is full of them.
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fantomette22 · 6 months
1, 2, 7, 16, 22 and 29 for Gehrman?
AH the man himself! Our dear first hunter Gehrman! Thanks for asking Katy! Alright let's get to it!
Ask game here
1.Do you project onto this character?
Hm I’m not very sure because we have A LOT of differences obliviously but I do project a couple of issues I have into him lmao. (poor lad. But really I project more into Maria for exemple. I think.) So I guess it depend yeah
Oh wait I am dumb I do project lot of interest I have into him cough cough but it’s pure headcanons territory. Maybe his good sides too.
2. Did you always like this character?
At the beginning I was very neutral towards Gehrman. Neither good or bad opinion on him. I guess I just wait to see more. I knew some people like or hate him but I wasn’t sure why exactly. 
7. Does the character’s age matter to you?
Matter like, do I care about how old he is? Or matter like, is his age important?
I guess it is very important in context! He lived for a while but at what cost! Look all the shit he’s been through! And he’s on the verge of death. Or at least being in the dream made him live even longer than he should supposed too. That’s a lot of background but he’s the first hunter so that’s impactful. He’s from another time many in current Yharnam can’t recall. He was there, at the begging of it all!
So in that context that would be very different and create a very different impact if he was younger. Still most of the stuff I write for him is when I imagined him younger but yeah I like the character like this too.
16. Have you ever cried when thinking about this character? Genuinely? 
Hm… I guess? Well I do imagined make him cry more hehe (love making the poor blorbo suffer 😭 sorry not sorry) but I personally don’t really cry my eyes out for it I guess? Ok the day the manage to write the fic when Maria died ok I might cry.
Back to the subject when I first finish bloodborne I listen to his theme non stop and cried at 3am XD so a little yeah
22 . Do you think you will always love this character? 
Well yeah I think? Except if Fromsoftware/Miyazaki come tell me to my face he’s actually the biggest asshole ever uhhh. But I think it should be ok. I hope
29. Do you affectionately bully this character? 
Well I wanna say no but actually I think I accidentally do?? Like all the time. In all the lil scenarios I created he either suffer or get affectionally bullied by his friends or other people in the best case 😂 (By Laurence especially what a coincidence.)
I am so mean to him it’s unreal. I can’t share it here but damn he get so much roast at time lmao almost feel bad for him. Ok I do feel bad a bit but like…. That wouldn’t be funny XD
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 7 months
i cannot express how much i missed seeing your bryce/jensen posts- so a question for the blorbos:
setting the scene for when these two are finally settled at their shared apt/house. pick any room- describe the vibes (furniture, decor, paint colors/wallpaper; is it messy/clean? how's the lighting? etc.)
ah ty!!! ive missed thinking and posting ab them lol
okay im gonna pick their living room bc im obsessed, specifically when they move to chicago together
so it's a very open layout between the living room, kitchen, and dining room. the living room (and the rest of the place) is dark hardwood floor, and they painted one of the walls like a rich dark blue. they have all dark blue curtains, a dark blue couch, and then they have this funky tete a tete in a cream color. their center/coffee table is also dark wood (vintage, as is the rest of it bc they are Not about a modern look) on top of a cream colored carpet (the not blue walls are also cream). also bryces 900000 plants
they have So many prints and art pieces. a lot of them were commissions, but they've thrifted quite a few. lighting is mostly natural bc they have big windows, but at night they have lots of lamps (the big light is Never on trust n believe), all warm-neutral light. they have plenty of side tables and shelves for the lamps, as well as a floor one
it's usually pretty clean. bryce is def messier than jensen so his shit tends to be everywhere (especially for a night out dear lord bryce has to try on 1000 outfits ans they end up Everywhere). jensen is jensen though so it's always dusted, sanitized, generally very clean, but also VERY cozy. like you don't walk into their house and feel like you can't touch anything, it's obviously lived in but not a huge mess
some pics for The Vibes ⬇️
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
Hornet (for the character ask thing)
oooh hornet my beloved <3 i'll do this with my au hornet in mind, though i suppose most of it still applies to how i see her in general
Sexuality Headcanon: lebanese. in all seriousness, she's definitely not straight in my eyes. i see her as a lesbian, although with how angsty she is and how she pushes away the idea of close relationships out of fear of losing them, it would be easy to assume that she's not interested in anyone
Gender Headcanon: she's canonically female, but i personally see her as quite gender non-conforming. she holds no attachment to gender, though at times she seems to reject femininity (for example, she would react negatively to others calling her old cloak "a dress", which is why in my au design she has a much more gender neutral outfit). i wouldn't go as far as to say she's enby though, just that she prefers to present herself in a more neutral way. i like to think that this could be one of the results of pk raising her on his own. throughout her childhood, she would mostly look up to him and grimm, whenever he visited the palace (i love the idea of baby hornet seeing him as a role model). that, and she hated all the royal dresses that the white lady forced her to wear, so that certainly had an impact on how her dressing preferences now hahah
A ship I have with said character: at this moment? none. lacenet seems tempting, but i want to wait for silksong to release first. there is a very good possibility that they continue their rivalry with no possibility of anything else, but if by any chance they're on good terms by the time the game ends? yeah i'd be very open to exploring their relationship further, since i do think there's good chemistry there
A BROTP I have with said character: ah, my hornet is a bit of a shadow the hedgehog kin and doesn't really have many friends. she's afraid of becoming close with anyone since she fears that they'll leave her or die, so it's difficult for her to open up to anyone. as of now, i actually see grimm as the closest thing to a best friend. now, before you ask "but doesn't she find him annoying?": she does. he can really get on her nerves, but it's all banter. whenever he's not teasing her, he can be incredibly fun to talk to if you share interests, and i love the idea of both of them being fans of reading. that, and there's still some attachment she holds for him from her childhood. so their relationship is a mix between "good friends that like to annoy each other" and "dad and daughter but they won't admit it". outside of that? i could see her becoming friends with bretta, mostly because holly spends a lot of time with her, so hornet tends to hang out with them. though i'm very tempted to have bretta develop a crush on her, so that could be very interesting. other than her, maybe myla? that could be a fun friendship, if hornet decided to cheer up and stop being so moody, that is
A NOTP I have with said character: for reasons stated above, and because i see them as having a dad and daughter kind of relationship: hornet x grimm. grimmnet or whatever that ship is called. it's always had weird vibes to me so i was never a fan, but now i actively avoid it as it makes me uncomfortable
A random headcanon: she would be really good at bowling i think
General Opinion over said character: my beloved shadow the hedgehog core blorbo. pretends she doesnt like anyone but she desperately wishes to be loved. 10/10 would take a bullet for her. would also take a bullet from her if she decided i'm too annoying
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