Eddie’s Disability Swag Blog
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Just disability positivity, pride, awareness and representation (Also body positivity, mental health, human rights and other adjacent topics!)| Blog Formerly Known As Disability Swag Summit | Main blog @eddie-roo | Bigots DNI
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A crab boil recipe that doesn’t involve knives, fire, cracking open shellfish or standing!
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hey y'all I hate to ask for help like this, but food's been running a bit tight lately and it's hard for me to keep drawing consistently since I don't eat that much for financial purposes
any help towards my Kofi is appropriated, thank u for supporting me throughout all of 2024 and I hope to continue bringing art to you all!!!
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The idea that "The only real/valid trans people are the intersex ones" held by some cis transphobes, is in fact, not pro-intersex.
This idea is simply another expression of the belief that we are unacceptable as we are and must be fixed. It is not voicing support for intersex transgender people; it is voicing support for intersex people being made to 'look normal' via medical intervention.
Whether it is consensual gender-affirming care, or forced mutilation, treatments which physically binarize us are seen as an improvement over visible intersexuality.
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Why is it referred to as coming out of the closet? 
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i love london
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reading progressive sex ed caricatures with accurate and detailed and realistic diagrams of sexual organs + shows their variation, but all i can think about is how there is no discussion of what srs is besides the fact that it exists
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it’s crazy how often people refuse to acknowledge that saying “transwomen” without a space is transmisogynistic & a terf dogwhistle. like first of all it would be pretty obviously horrendously offensive & othering to call people “Blackwomen” or “Fatwomen” just as a starter, but even literally the Wikipedia page acknowledges the connection between terfs and the phrase “transwomen”. If wikipedia can, so can you.
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but seriously i think learning about nature is Hard for many people, especially adults, because you have to rationalize the symbiotic experience youre having next to the contemptuous and abusive way we treat the land. I think USAmericans fear nature as a way of making sense of the fact that we're waging war against nature, with our lawns and our suburbs and our landscaping and our cosmetic use of pesticides.
There was a post on facebook my mom was showing me where someone found a salamander and was asking what it was. thankfully half the comments were like "that's a SALAMANDER they are SPECIAL and a BLESSING and you must PROTECT it"
but the other half were things like..."I don't know, but I think it's time to move" "Burn the house down" "Kill it with fire" "I would scream if i saw that"
this is why i have such specific preferences in horror fiction that nothing seems to really hit: for me, horror is not about bad things happening, horror is about fear. So occasionally I find these really satisfying stories that are about fear of the unknown thing and the experience of fear, but the unknown thing being harmless is generally seen as a "twist" rather than a perfectly sensible and satisfying outcome.
on the face of it: why would you be afraid of a tiny creature weighing only grams, whose body is so delicate and frail? it's heartbreaking, but it's not unexplainable. What kind of a childhood makes someone an adult who is totally unprepared to comprehend the idea of something both unexpected and good?
a bizarre universe to try and place myself in, where a salamander is more likely to be...what? a mutated fetus of a brain-sucking alien? rather than one among the thousands of gentle creatures that you can marvel at, forever, for free.
It's the same way with bugs: people argue with the simple fact that nearly all insects cannot harm you, and I think it's because it's so difficult to reconcile with how liberally and carelessly we use insecticides with proven harms to humans and pets, and how we treat and speak about these creatures in general. If that weird bug almost certainly would not have harmed you, that means you killed a living thing because you didn't understand it, and that's a troubling thought.
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Este día de la mujer me gustaría conmemorar a las mujeres mexicanas que hicieron y están haciendo historia.
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I agree to publish this image under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence.
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dont @ me about dandelions not being native to north america either cause like man, you are NOT going to like how i feel about kudzu these days
but yea after studying it a lot and observing plants in their environments, ive become less and less enthusiastic about "invasive plants hate die kill auughauhghgua" messages, because with most invasive plants the problem is like 10% the plant itself and 90% landscape level problems with how we manage land
treating natural spaces as "leftover" scraps surrounding built things and abandoning/not interacting with them except for occasional violent episodes of "management" with chainsaws and roundup
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thinking about what is and what isn't allowed in frame with reference ecosystems in prairie restoration
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fun prank idea for service workers: if someone comes into your job asking for a veteran discount, surreptitiously toss a handful of these down behind the counter and act confused when they ask what that sound was
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"ai is making it so everyone can make art" Everyone can make art dipshit it came free with your fucking humanity
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New whale dropped.
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I just found out two local gay artists were found murdered in their home. fuck. jesus. I knew these guys. I own their art. I've attended so many gallery openings at their shop. they've meant so much to the community here. and they're just fucking gone? just like that?
and of course the cops are claiming it's not a hate crime.
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As the Ides of March approaches, let us all remember it not as the day Caesar was stabbed a whole bunch, but for what it truly was: the day a group of organized elected representatives killed a sitting unelected dictator.
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