#i have slept decent amounts and yet i feel no more rested
girlgroupshots · 2 years
The Producer - PART ONE
pairing: male oc x jessica jung word count: 3.3k summary: An unproven producer is tasked with creating a successful group. Shenanigans ensue.
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When you answered the phone in the middle of the night only a few hours ago the last thing you expected was to be standing in front of an office building. The call had come from your uncle saying he had an opportunity for you and that you needed to catch a train to Seoul in the morning. Now as you waited for him to arrive you could only guess at what kind of ideas had popped into his head. As far as successful businessmen went he was certainly on the – well, eccentric side. On the other hand, you had little to your name other than a business degree, a shitty office job and dreams of one day being a successful producer.
Before you could contemplate any further a familiar voice interrupted your thoughts. You turned to greet your uncle who you hadn't seen in some months only to be slapped on the shoulder and pulled into a hug before you could even extend your hand.
"How are you, my boy?"
Park Jongmin. A man in his sixties who could have retired in his forties if he wanted to. He made a fortune in the early years of the South Korean technology boom and hadn't looked back since. However, for all his wealth and success he was largely known as an enigma or just strange depending on who you asked. Adding to that image was the fact that he decided to create a music label a few years back despite having no expertise in the field. Truth be told he wouldn't be the first to do such a thing.
"I'm good, uncle" you responded once you had finally managed to free yourself from his grasp. "I was surprised to get your call, I thought something bad had happened."
He laughed off the concern, apparently not seeing the problem with receiving a vague call at 2 a.m. in the morning.
"You know me; once the wheels in my brain start turning I can't rest until I see it through to the end."
"Have you…slept yet Uncle Min?"
"Of course not! In fact, I'm only on my fourth cup of coffee."
You could only shake your head in response. This was who Uncle Min had always been so it shouldn't be surprising that old age hadn't changed his demeanor. If anything he seemed a bit more loose than he was back in the day. A man who said and did what he wanted with little care for the judging eyes of society. Though perhaps that was a luxury of wealth. It was an enviable disposition to have, especially these days. Not to mention it had always made for entertaining holidays with the family.
"So, uh, is this your label building?" you questioned, bringing the conversation back to the matter at hand.
"Why yes, yes it is. It's beautiful isn't it? I like to think it has a quaint, personal feeling."
You looked back to the building and you couldn't say you disagreed. By the same token though, it didn't seem to be anything too special. A three story building with a decent amount of width to it. It's key features were the tall glass windows that framed parts of the building. It was certainly quaint but not exactly holding a candle to the grand designs of some of the bigger companies.
"Not everything has to be grandiose" as if reading your thoughts your uncle interjected. "If there's forty-floors how are people going to connect? It's the interwoven relationships that build a good company."
As a business major and officer worker with far too many hours logged you were tempted to disagree with that notion. But then again who were you to disagree with someone who had made millions?
"Well, are we going to stand out here all day or shall we head in? I can give you the tour, you'll love it."
You nodded and led the way to the double door entrance. Your uncle was still being coy about why he had asked you to meet him hear of all places instead of his regular offices or his home; in fact he hadn't addressed it at all. Definitely not suspicious. For now you'd just have to go along with this ride and find out what was waiting for you at the end of the tunnel. Whatever it was he certainly seemed excited about it. Or maybe that was just the four cups of coffee coming through.
"...Our building is separated into three levels" you tuned back into your uncle's speech as he took the lead, "The first is where all the music production takes place. Recording booths, mixing rooms, anything a producer might need to get that perfect sound is available at your finger tips. I'm sure you'd find more than a few toys to your liking in there."
Producer? Recording booths?
"The second floor is where our artist spend a lot of their time. There's a lounge and kitchen for anyone to use and we have our practice room there as well. We also have two free rooms if anyone wants to use it for homework or whatever the kids get up to."
Way to sound your age, uncle.
"Lastly, the third floor is where we have all our offices for staff and management. That's where you'll be spending most of your time. Now I know – "
"Wait, what?"
"-- it mind sound a little weird being at the top but trust me it's a great space."
"Wait, Uncle, what do you mean where I'll be spending most of my time?"
"Please, nephew, save all your questions for the end of the tour."
You could see the mischievous glint out of the corner of his eyes and knew he was getting a kick out of this. He wasn't going to let you get a word in and even if you did it seemed he was intent on ignoring any questions you had. Meanwhile your anxiety was rising by the second. Just what had this old man done?!
Anxiety aside, the building was impressive. Everything was state of the art when it came to the technology and all of the furnishings were modern and neat. That said you did notice the building felt particularly...empty. If you remembered correctly from what your mother had told you, Uncle founded this label a few years back. One would think by now it'd be brimming with staff and artist coming in and out. Maybe he had given them day off so he could give the tour? As flattering as it was that seemed like a complete waste of a work day. And of course asking about it now would net you no answers.
The tour finally came to an end on the third floor, the management floor as he had put it; which was also void of any personnel.
Your uncle led you into a rather spacious office that you assumed to be his. He gestured for you to take a seat in one of the plush chairs against the wall and seated himself next to you. His eccentric demeanor seemed to fade a bit and It seemed like now was the time to finally get some answers.
"I know you have a number of questions for me" Uncle Min started, "But I also know you're a very smart young man. I'm sure you've begun to piece together why I asked you to come here today."
Not really, no, but I could take a swing in the dark.
"You want me to work here for you? Uncle, I appreciate the thought really, but honestly...I don't want to take any handouts."
You remembered when he was first starting the company your mother suggested asking for a position. Any reasonable individual would have jumped at the opportunity, hell there were a number of college graduates that would kill for such a connection. For you though, it had just left a weird taste in your mouth. You could call it pride or stupidity, it was likely a mix of both. Now, despite having questions as to whether that had been the right decision, you felt obligated to stick to your original sentiment.
"You're a stubborn man, just like your father was" he chuckled softly as he patted your hand, his tone wistful as if recalling an old memory, "But you should know I didn't make my fortune by taking no for an answer."
"I'll be honest with you, this hasn't been my most successful venture. In fact, everything thus far has been a net loss. Fortunately, I've funded everything myself, there's no board of directors or investors to answer to. But even I have to acknowledge when something is a lost cause."
Your jaw had loosened a bit, your ears not quite believing what they were hearing. You had always had a vision of your uncle as the supreme businessman, a genius who made no missteps. Yet here he was admitting that something he had poured who knows how much of his own money into possibly being a failure. In a way it was surreal.
"But the people that do work here, the trainees who have trusted us with their dream, they deserve a real shot. A chance to see it through before I call it quits" Uncle Min focused his gaze on you and you couldn’t remember ever seeing him quite so serious. More than that he seemed genuine, even vulnerable as though he were speaking from the heart. "I don't want you to simply work for me. In fact, in a way you won't be. I want you to run this company. Produce a successful group and help fulfill their dreams."
"I know what you're thinking. Why me? Why not someone more qualified? Now I could tell you it's because of your work ethic, I know you won't take this lightly. And your potential both as a businessman and a producer; both of which are true. However if you really want to know why I'm offering it to you it's because it's what my gut is telling me to do."
"Uncle, I'll be honest with you, I’m starting to think that might be why you lost so much money in this."
You both shared a laugh, the tension in the air easing slightly. Leave it to Park Jongmin to hand a company over to his nephew on a gut feeling.
"I know I'm asking a lot of you so you don't have to give me an answer now. But think about it. I'd like you to meet the staff and girls as well; they really are good people."
You could only nod your head in acceptance despite your apprehension. After all, this was my uncle and he was offering an incredible opportunity, even if misguided. If nothing else you owed it to him to give this your full consideration.
"Alright! That's enough of the serious stuff!" Uncle Min abruptly stood up, "Do you want a coffee? I could go for one myself."
You laughed, "Uncle, I don't think you should be drinking anymore coffee today. It can't be good for your health."
"Bah, you sound like your mother. If I only did what was good for my health I'd get nowhere in life!"
Now that was the uncle you were familiar with.
"Mister Park!"
You had just exited the building when you heard someone calling out. You turned my head to see a petite brunette, dressed in a blazer and cream skirt walking towards you with a couple of binders in her grasp. You were fairly certain you didn't know her. You’d definitely remember seeing a woman like that.
"Miss Jung! You have impeccable timing as always."
"Oh? And you're flattering me, you must have had your third cup of coffee."
"Fourth, actually."
"You know you really need to cut down on that."
As the two conversed you couldn’t help but feel like a ghost, or worse: an awkward third wheel between two good friends. At the risk of making things worse you cleared your throat to make your presence known. As if he had actually forgotten about you, your uncle's attention was jump started.
"Ah, right! Jessica I'd like you to meet my nephew. Nephew, this is Jessica Jung; she's been in charge of this project for me. No one knows our trainees better than her."
"Uh, it's a pleasure to meet you" you extended your hand to her.
"Likewise. You should know Mr. Park has talked you up quite a bit. I hope you decide to join us."
Oh, she was good.
Her tone and demeanor alone mixed just the right amount of professional and personable. Unlike yourself, you could see why uncle would hire someone like her.
"This is perfect. I was going to contact you later and ask if you could introduce him to our girls. He hasn't made a decision yet but I want to let him get a feeling for everything we have to offer."
A pearl smile was offered in response as Jessica nodded, "I'd love to. We can set something up tomorrow if you like. Or we can get started tonight if you’re free for drinks?"
It took you a second to realize that you had been brought into the conversation. Straightening your posture you nodded, “Uh, yeah. I’m free for sure. We can definitely do drinks.”
“It’s a date then.”
As you watched her pencil you into her calendar, you couldn’t help but wonder just what you were getting yourself into.
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“What I can’t figure out is why you don’t just throw your hat in the pile. You clearly have this down pat.”
You voice was raised as you spoke to your ‘date’. Partially to be heard over the music that was currently playing, partially because you were already two drinks in and feeling a slight buzz. Thus far you hadn’t actually learned much about the business. If anything, the two of you had spent more time getting to know each other. Which wasn’t the worst thing, especially if you were going to potentially be working alongside her.
“There’s a difference between managing people and producing a group. Or even running a company,” Jessica said, drink in her hand. “I’m good at what I do.”
“But you had to have thought about it? Doesn’t it piss you off my uncle just brining me in off the street.”
“Well it didn’t but now that you mention it…”
“Okay, wait, wait. I take it back,” you put your hands up in surrender. “But still, you’ve got to feel over-qualified for your job, no? From everything you told me it sounds like my uncle would be lost without you.”
Jessica gave a slight shrug of her shoulders and took a sip of her drink. “In his defense, he pays me my worth. Besides, it’s not all about power and status. I’ve got a soft spot for those girls as much as I hate to admit it.”
You wondered if the alcohol was making her sentimental or if it was making you dense. Maybe it was a bit of both because you still found yourself asking questions. “But –”
“Do you want to keep asking questions or do you want to get out of here?”
You stopped short, the question practically evaporating out of your mind. Jessica raised her eyebrow, looking at you expectantly.
Well then.
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Jessica had barely gotten the key out of her door before you were on her. You cupped her face, kissing her – or at least trying to kiss her. There were times when you kissed her nose or landed on her chin, eventually settling for attacking her neck as she kicked the door shut behind the two of you. Immediately, you pressed her up against it; her skirt riding up her slender thighs as they parted for you.
“This is…probably going to be bad…for our potential work relationship…”
“Stop talking about work and start fucking me.”
Her bluntness caught you off guard but you’d be damned if it wasn’t attractive. And she said she couldn’t be a boss? If she gave orders like that she’d have a whole office in line in no time. She certainly had you standing at full attention in more ways than one. Following her orders your hands moved, fumbling with your pants to get them out of the way as quickly as possible. The cab ride back to her place had been heated to say the least, to the point that your fingers had slipped inside her pussy and your cock was practically begging to be freed from its constraints.
As you finally obliged it, Jessica hooked a leg around your hip, drawing you closer so that your tip was pushing against her soaked entrance. Needing no further invitation you pushed forward, your mushroom head pushing past her folds. Immediately you felt her walls constricting around your cock deliciously.
“Fucking tight,” you panted.
“Did you expect otherwise?” Jessica taunted.
A taunt you knew better than to respond to, even after a few drinks. Instead you focused on stuffing her with the rest of your length. Her leg flexed tighter around you the more you pushed in until you were buried to the hilt inside of her. You wallowed in the sensation for a moment because, wow. It might’ve been a while since you had any action but you didn’t remember anything like this. Slowly you began pumping in rhythm, fucking her against her apartment door.
“That stretch…it’s so good…” Jessica’s arms clung to you, her head falling forward.
Any thought of maintaining a professional relationship to avoid problems in the future had gone out of your mind. All that remained was pleasure, or rather the pleasure you were getting from sliding in and out of your potential co-worker. A mindset that Jessica clearly shared. She lifted her other leg, locking it around your waist and giving you the freedom to fuck her harder and faster. Incoherent words began falling from her lips but you were too focused on your task to try to decipher them. You had one job and that was driving her over the edge before you inevitably blew your load.
Jessica’s nails dug into your bicep and if it weren’t for the fact that you hadn’t even taken off your jacket she’d undoubtedly be leaving red marks all over your skin. If this was how she relieved stress from her job then maybe you’d have to second guess your hesitation. Although, when you were balls deep inside of her, waking the neighbors each time her ass hit the door, it likely wasn’t the best time to be making such decisions.
“Cum…Going to cum…” Jessica managed to get out.
You increased your efforts, pounding into her to make sure she went well and truly over the edge. The way every limb clung to you as her body shuttered in orgasm told you that you had succeeded in your task. Her pussy clenched around your length as you fucked her through her orgasm; inviting you to join her in euphoria. It was an invitation you’d soon take her up on.
“Jess…where do you want me to…?”
“Inside…” she muttered, barely coming down from her high and still clinging to you.
That was all the okay you needed. You slammed your hips into hers, her back hitting the wall as your release surged through you. You were fairly certain you were seeing stars as you spilled your seed inside of her. In that moment you weren’t two professionals. You weren’t even two potential co-workers. You were just two well-fucked strangers who had unloaded a pound of stress.
When your cock finally stopped twitching your let go of the breath you were holding. Jessica was already breathing deeply, clinging to you for a moment longer before she finally unraveled herself from you, the mixture of juices seeping out of her.
“If that was an interview you would’ve gotten the job.”
“...Wait, that wasn’t an interview though, right?”
Jessica let out an airy laugh, running a hand through your hair. “No, that wasn’t an interview.”
author’s note: another series so this is a fic i never published from a while back. originally it was meant to be a more wholesome series but we’re putting that aside from now bc fck it. if it seems a bit wonky it’s because i’m editing it from being a first person POV to second person as well as doing updates to my old writing. WITH ALL THAT SAID if you’re just looking for smut there will be plenty.
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angiewrvting · 2 years
Unusual Circumstances. Part 1.
Summary  ── AU. Unusual Circumstances follows the story of Ellie Rhead, one of the best criminal profilers in the country. Steve, Bucky and Ellie have been best friends since high school, however, that all changed when Bucky vanished without a trace and now Ellie has dedicated her life to finding him. And what happens when Steve has to watch the woman he’s fallen in love with pine for another man.
Pairing  ── Steve Rogers x Fem!OC. Bucky Barnes x Fem!OC
Warnings  ── Jealous Steve, OC jealousy, Swearing, conversations topics of sex, masturbation, abduction murder and serial killers, angst, fluff, drinking, smoking weed.
Word Count  ── 2.909K
Author Note  ── This is NOT beta read so all the mistakes are my own. This is my first ever fic on this blog. Please like and leave comments on this to let me know if you’d like a part two. Future parts will feature flash backs to when they all met, how Bucky disappeared, the case as it proceeds, their lives at home, what happened to him and of course a juicy love story. 
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185 days. That’s how many it’d been and it still didn’t get any easier.
‘’When was the last time you slept?’’ Steve grumbled from the sofa, flicking through the channels with boredom etched into every movement. It was a good question, in all honestly she wasn’t sure when the last time she’d managed to get a decent amount of sleep was. 
How could she when he was out there still?
Ellie’s chartreuse orbs were fixated on the paper work that lay scattered across her old oak desk, each detailing news articles that she’d poured relentlessly over. It was all part of the evidence she’d been collecting since he went missing. Some days it still didn’t feel real, she felt like she was in mourning every time she breathed, resonating deep within her chest.
The day Bucky vanished both she and Steve had been frantic. And now six months later it had become truly real that they may never find him. That he may truly be gone and while Steve had seemed to some what accepted it, Ellie couldn’t.
‘‘Y’know if you keep reading that shit your heads gonna’ explode.’‘ Steve whispered deeply, pushing to stand before walking over and resting his shoulder against the door frame. She knew if she looked up she’d find his piercing blue orbs shining with concern. 
‘‘Maybe another coffee will help --- ‘‘ Ellie began.
‘‘No. You’ve had enough caffeine, you need sleep.’‘ He wasn’t being mean, she knew it came from a place of concern and love but she didn’t want to hear it. She couldn’t.
It came out before she could stop herself.
‘‘I need Bucky.’‘ She snapped, instantly regretting it when he recoiled his eyes fluttering shut while he did that thing he where breathed deeply through his nose. She never spoke to him like that, it wasn’t they way they worked. ‘‘Sorry Steve.’‘ She muttered instantly raking her hands through the locks that framed her face. ‘‘Sorry.’‘ She muttered once more before pushing her face into her hands with a sigh. 
For a moment he felt that hurt swirl in his sternum, it stung to know that he wasn’t enough. He missed Bucky more than anyone would ever realize, he’d just learnt to channel his pain into other things. He hadn’t given up but he wasn’t letting it control his life anymore. He couldn’t. It’d been eating him alive, tearing him apart piece by piece. Ellie just hadn’t yet learned that she needed to keep herself healthy if she wanted to survive this.
Steve knew that she was over tired, he could see it, so with a sad sigh he closed the space between them pulling her up and into his arms. She was tense, unable to let that grief stop consuming her as the sobs wracked her from her body. How could it have been over six months with no sign of him. They knew he wouldn’t have just left. 
They’d never been apart this long since they’d became friends. 
‘’I just don’t know how we haven’t found him.’’ She sobbed into his chest, winding her arms around his middle to cuddle herself closer. Steve in that moment felt his own lip tremble. He hated how in pain she was and he missed his friend dearly. 
‘’I don’t know, Ellie. I wish I did. But I can’t give you the answers I so badly want too.’’  
For a while they stood in each others embrace allowing themselves to live in the pain that had been consuming them since that night. Steve’s hand finding home on he back, rubbing his hands up and down to soothe her the best he could. Ellie hadn’t noticed the longing looks that had developed over the last three years, the want and need that lingered in Steve’s orbs. 
He’d wondered at night if it’d always been there but he knew that he could never act on them. The two had always remained platonic, the best of friends and part of the trio. Steve was also keenly aware of the relationship Ellie and Bucky had, they had fun always up to something, flirty banter something they both found humor in and he’d always had to watch. Steve and Ellie had their moments they’d just always related on a more deep and emotional level. He honestly felt like she was the only person he could truly open up and be himself around. 
‘‘God, I’m sorry. I’m such a mess.’‘ Ellie muttered, sniffling as she finally began to stop crying. He didn’t let go though, resting his chin on her head. He remembered her saying that she always felt safe when he hugged her, and so any chance he got, Steve made sure to do just that.
‘‘You never have to apologize, El, y’know that.’‘ Steve hummed which made her cling to him a little harder. Ellie had for the longest time felt so comfortable around Steve most people mistook them as a couple, she was quick to tell them that they weren’t that. She’d laugh and tell the people that they were crazy. 
Yet, in his arms she felt at home. But some much of her longed for Bucky. It felt like it was killing her, and nights had become restless. She missed talking to him for hours on her patio, laughing until the sun came up or the long nights at Roosters, their favorite dive bar in town. 
‘‘We’re meant to be going to Roosters tonight.’‘ Ellie sniffled pulling back to take a look at the towering male whose beard and hair had grown out, a long piece falling in front of his eyes as he took a look at her, letting his thumb swipe away the stray tears. 
‘‘I know you don’t want to, but I think it’ll be good for you to get outta’ the house.’‘ Steve spoke softly but it was still firm. He knew she needed to be somewhere that wasn’t her place or the office. ‘‘Plus when was the last time me and you actually did karaoke?’‘ Steve smirked.
He earned a giggle from Ellie and it was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. He wanted to capture it on a recording so he’d never forget it. ‘’There she is.’’ He chimed, looking down upon her sweetly. ‘’What d’ya say?’’ Steve probed wanting to at least attempt to get her to go out. 
‘‘Okay, fine. But you’re paying.’‘ Ellie cooed, slapping her hand on his chest finally pulling away from his embrace. In a matter of moments it went from sweet and tender back to their usual. And while Steve had longed to stay there longer, she was already turning and walking away.
Because she had no idea about the way she affected Steve Rogers. 
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The music boomed from the speakers that Ellie was pretty sure were on their way out, the smell of beer lingering like stench in the air and floors that her shoes would stick to when she walked across the room. The best way to describe this place was a dive bar, or some form of almost derelict establishment. Roosters was a bar they’d stumbled upon in college, it’d been cheap and Bucky had worked part time behind the bar in the summers before he got a job as a fancy lawyer for a firm just twenty minutes out of town. 
And even when they moved up in the world and could have afforded to drink in much nicer places they still always came here. It was like a second home to them, they were friends with pretty much most of the regulars and they served the best hot nuts. Ellie couldn’t help remember him in here with them, all of them here until closing when they were told they had to go. 
Or the last conversation she had with Bucky. One that she’d never tell Steve about.
‘‘That’s a whiskey for you.’‘ Steve said, placing the drink down, before dropping into his own seat. ‘‘And a Shir--’’ He didn’t even get to finish before Ellie jumped in.
‘‘You’re drinking red wine?’‘ She teased, running her tongue across her bottom lip to stop the laughter from tumbling from her lips. 
‘‘You always make fun of my drink choices.’‘ 
‘‘That’s because your drink choices are....questionable.’‘ She scrunched up her nose. She’d never been a fan of red, and no matter how many times Steve tried to convince her otherwise, it was utterly disgusting. 
‘‘Okay, Mrs fancy criminal profiler with her whiskey.’‘ Steve managed to get out before they both burst into laughter. For a moment he realized that this was the most fun they’d had in what felt like weeks and they’d only just got here. He was hopeful. Telling himself that she just needed to get out and have some fun. Remember what living felt like. 
‘‘What are you singing tonight, then?’‘ Ellie asked smirking into her drink. Instantly she felt his side gaze burning into her. 
‘‘We not duet-ing?’‘ Steve asked furrowing his brows. 
‘‘Yes, of course. I need to make sure we get our rendition of 500 Miles in before the nights over. But I remember last time we were in here I won a bet.’‘ And instantly realization dawned on him. 
‘‘Oh you’re good.’‘ He grumbled having completely forgotten. 
The last time they’d found themselves in this establishment they’d decided to see who could out drink the other. The loser had to get up on stage and sing something that made them think of the winner. And as the blush tinted Steve’s cheeks, he couldn’t help himself think of the many songs that he found himself thinking about Ellie as he listened. 
‘‘I’ll give you time to get a few more drinks in you.’‘ Ellie promised with a smile, earning herself a roll of Steve’s eyes as he took a large gulp of the red wine instead of the sips he usually took. 
‘‘I’m gonna end up trashed.’‘ Steve confirmed and all she did was nod. 
For a while they sang along, chatted about the evening, reliving memories from their many adventurous nights in here and at some point Ellie had managed to score some weed for after they got home. Everything was going well until she arrived. 
Natasha fucking Romanoff. 
And in an instant she watched Steve’s attention drift from her to the red head. She shouldn’t have disliked her, she was a nice woman but there was something about Steve and Natasha’s relationship that got under her skin. They’d dated for a while a couple years ago before they broke it off so she could pursue her career and for the life of her, Ellie couldn’t understand how anyone could have broken up with Steve Rogers. 
Ellie wasn’t blind. He was gorgeous. And on top of all that he was one of the good ones. 
And while they’d maintained a friendship there was something in the way she seemed to always find a way to him when they were in the same bar, always touching him as if she was marking a claim on something that wasn’t hers. Not anymore. Ellie hadn’t even realized her jaw had clenched when she watched Steve get up from his seat almost automatically. Great. 
Within a moment he was gone embracing her. She should have been used to it by now but she just wasn’t. Instead she began to drink her drink taking her gaze off Steve in hopes that it’d just go away, focusing on the woman singing Kate Bush horrendously. 
‘‘Ellie.’‘ Natasha smiled slipping into the seat on the other side of Steve, while the other woman that she knew as Wanda took the seat next to her. ‘‘You’re looking well.’‘ And straight away she could feel the pity in her eyes, most people looked at her like it. Everyone knew just how much Bucky had meant to her. It was one of the reasons she hated coming because everyone felt sorry for them, but she knew they thought it was time she moved on.
She would never. 
‘‘It’s good to see you Natasha.’‘ She offered a tight smile. ‘‘And you, Wanda.’‘ Ellie took another sip of her drink hoping that they could talk between themselves and she could get Steve back to herself. It was just meant to be them tonight, anyway. And unfortunately the three of them quickly delved into conversation, while Ellie just nodded along.
She knew Steve was trying to include her and she wasn’t being rude, or at least, trying not to be. Natasha hadn’t done anything wrong but she just couldn’t seem to get over how she felt towards her. It was definitely because she’d hurt her best friend, she couldn’t shake the memory of seeing Steve in the state he was after she broke up with him. And when Nat lent forward to laugh, her hand falling to Steve’s thigh, Ellie felt every part of herself tense up.
She didn’t want Steve to get false hope, that’s what she was telling herself. This had nothing to do with the fact that Ellie for just a moment thought about what he’d think if she did that to him.
‘‘Nat was just telling me that she heard there’s a really good film at the movies coming out this week, maybe we should check it out soon.’‘ Steve said turning to Ellie with hopeful eyes, a sweet smile on his lips so much so that all she could do with nod with a soft smile. 
‘‘That’d be nice, Steve.’‘ Ellie knew it’d mean the world to him. She’d been neglecting him for some time and maybe he just needed her to be a little more present. She couldn’t guarantee she’d be able to keep it up all the time, but she could at least try and be a better friend. 
All it took a look over Steve’s shoulder to see Nat’s gaze burning into Ellie. Oh, she knew that look. She’d been telling Steve about the movie in hopes that they’d go with each other and he’d just out right invited his best friend along. Sometimes Steve could be a little bit clueless, but she was kind of glad in that moment that he was. 
‘‘Steve --- ‘‘ Nat began, pulling his attention back to her. (As usual) ‘‘I was kinda hoping...just me and you would go to that movie.’‘ And Ellie couldn’t say she wasn’t impressed, at least the girl said what she meant instead of just pretending it was what she’d always intended. ‘‘Like...old times.’‘ Nat and Ellie were both watching, waiting for the penny to drop.
And then it did.
Steve’s mouth formed into the ‘o’ shape, before he nodded. Ellie couldn’t watch so she took her gaze back to the stage that now had a man trying his luck singing Gold and he wasn’t half bad, so she tried to focus on that. What she missed in that moment was Steve trying to gauge Ellie’s reaction to what Natasha had said. Was she bothered? Did she hope that he’d say no? The one thing that bugged Steve to no ends was that he could read her like an open book pretty much all the time but when it came to him she was unreadable. A complex puzzle with a thousand individual pieces that never seemed to interlock.
‘‘Sorry Nat, I misread what you were saying.’‘ Steve said sheepishly, offering her that thousand watt grin that drew all the girls in. Just not the one he wanted. ‘‘I’d love that.’‘ The second the words left his mouth he regretted them because Ellie said nothing, her face didn’t move so he offered the best smile he could muster to Natasha and moved the conversation along.
Ellie could see that the red head was ecstatic. She was getting her claws back in him and the thought alone made her feel sick to her stomach. She just knew if she said anything to Steve he’d think she was being a paranoid best friend. Because that’s all she was to him. 
Her phone buzzing changed the conversation, and Steve turned from her instantly. She knew he was pissed off but she couldn’t quite place her finger on why. She’d never met someone who could go from being a ball of sunshine to a brooding poet in the space of seconds.
That was Steve fucking Rogers she mused to herself. 
‘‘Sorry --- I gotta’ take this’‘ Ellie muttered instantly answering as she made to stand. But she wouldn’t make it very far because the whole world seemed to freeze. That voice was one she’d thought she may never hear again. Bucky. It wasn’t him though, it was a recording. She could tell from the static and scratching in the sound. It was him begging for his life and in that was him crying out her name repeatedly. 
Bucky was being tortured and someone was using it to torture her. 
‘‘What...’‘ She breathed shaking like she was vibrating. ‘‘Stop. No. What ever you need, what ever it takes, please. Please, not him. Stop’‘ She screamed into her phone which instantly caught Steve, Natasha and Wanda’s attention. He made to stand instantly, calling out her name when his hand settled upon her arm, fear and concern written all over his mouth, tilting his head to the side. He had no idea what was going on.
But he feared the worst. 
‘‘They’re killing him.’‘ Was all Ellie sobbed before the world went black.
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crypt-tids · 2 years
A Gift Unto the King
Morning couldn’t come soon enough. At some point in the wee-hours, Lucas had managed to doze off, but it was hardly what he would call a restful sleep. Within the few, fleeting moments of slumber he was granted, he dreamt of horrible things. Everywhere he turned in his twisted dreamscape, he was met with gut-wrenching carnage. His village burned, and blood soaked the streets. Charred and dismembered corpses were strewn about everywhere he looked, and no matter how desperately he cried out, there were no survivors there to hear him. He’d try to run away, but each time he did, his dream would loop him right back to where he started. It was like existing in his own personal hell, and the sour taste of it all lingered heavily on his mind. In all his life, he hardly remembered ever suffering from such a severe night terror. It felt so real, he almost wondered if there was something more to it.
Having been startled awake, he now sat up in bed, wrapped in his blanket, attempting to forget about the rough night he’d had. His muscles were sore, but not as sore as usual, which he appreciated, and for the first time in weeks, he didn’t have morning sickness nagging him out of bed. Aside from being incredibly exhausted—and a bit traumatized from his vivid night terror—it was shaping up to be a moderately decent morning.
Unable to ignore the dryness in his mouth any longer, he slid out of bed, and fetched a cup of water. Once his thirst had been quenched, he decided to shuffle back to bed. Just before crawling in, he stopped himself. With a touch of curiosity, and an equal amount of nerves, he drew a deep breath, and slowly lifted his shirt. Pushing the waist of his pants down slightly, he inspected his lower belly. His heart skipped a beat as butterflies fluttered in his stomach. There, resting softly between his hips, was a tiny bump. Small and unassuming, but there nonetheless. Frantically, he ran his hands over it, unable to believe his eyes.
It can’t be! He thought to himself as he poked at the little swell. There’s no way…
Unconsciously, he sat down on the bed, his attention still fully focused on his belly. There it was, the confirmation he’d been waiting for on bated breath. No longer could he trick himself into believing it wasn’t true, because it was. Resting beneath his hand was the undeniable proof of that.
The emotions competing for dominance within him left him feeling overwhelmed and conflicted. He had received the answer he’d been dreading ever since Alistair’s diagnosis; and yet, it was also the answer that his heart was begging for. To have a family of his own had always been a silent dream of his, but as a knight, he’d accepted it wasn’t possible. But here he was, staring down at the impossible that had taken up residence within his womb. Eventually, the shock gave way, and his eyes welled with tears.
He’d never imagined he could ever be filled with so much joy and so much fear all at once. Growing within him was a gift more precious than diamonds and gold. A gift bestowed unto him by the man he loved, but a gift he could never share with him. The child would grow up never knowing their father, and Lucas would have to accept that; but as much as that fact weighed on him, he knew he wanted the baby, even if he had to go through it alone.
Stroking his small belly with his thumb, he smiled.
“Your life may not be easy, little one,” he whispered affectionately, “and I hope you’ll forgive me for that someday. But the world can be a wonderful place, too… sometimes.” He half laughed. “And I’d really like for you to see it.”
Aoife slept clear through the night in Vin’s bed, forcing him to catch what little rest he could in the solar. He didn’t sleep much, though, as every time he closed his eyes, he’d see her drained, weakened body in his arms. Even though he knew she was safely recovering in his chambers, the guilt of what he had done wasn’t fading, and likely never would.
As he listened to the birds chirping outside the window, his mind drifted to Lucas. He hated leaving him alone on the full moon, but Lucas had made himself clear, and he had to respect that. Even so, he couldn’t help but feel that there was more tension between them than there should have been. As if Lucas was forcefully distancing himself, and for what reason exactly Vin couldn’t quite grasp. Even if they were forbidden from being lovers, they were still friends long before that, and Vin hoped that on some base level, they’d be able to return to that if nothing else. However, he couldn’t help the sinking feeling in his chest that told him the foundation of their entire relationship had been upended, and he’d lost Lucas forever. No matter how many times he tried to convince himself that Lucas just needed time, he couldn’t bring himself to believe it. There was something more to it, just beyond the veil of his sight, and he wasn’t sure if he’d ever see it. Even still, the small glimmer of hope he’d forced on himself was the only thing holding him together.
As Vin got up from the chair, he smoothed out his hair, grabbed his cloak, and headed down the hall to the stairs. It was still early in the morning, so breakfast wasn’t ready yet, but he wasn’t hungry anyways. Instead, he decided to go for a morning stroll around the grounds. Just as he was about to don his cloak, his mother stopped him.
“Ah, my darling, up early I see.” She smiled softly, but her aura was uneasy.
“Yes, I thought some fresh air would do me good.” Vin said flatly, paying her fairly little mind.
“A wonderful idea! But first, there is someone I’d like you to meet.” Marion’s voice was laden with nerves. “Princess Carmilla!”
From around the corner emerged a young woman, close in height to Vin, wearing a deep burgundy gown, belted with gold casted leaves and vines. A matching circlet rested on her head, the vines converging on her forehead to frame a sizable opal. Her black hair fell just past her shoulders in tight ringlets, which had nearly swallowed the circlet completely.
“It’s an honor to meet you, Your Highness.” Carmilla bowed slightly.
“Likewise.” Vin responded, glaring at his mother.
“Elvenwood has done us the honor of aligning themselves with us in the coming war.” Marion said, clearing her throat.
“Then Elvenwood holds my deepest gratitude.” Vin nodded to Carmilla with a small smile, which she returned.
“Indeed.” Marion smiled, hands clasped tightly in front of her. “Well, don’t let me stand in the way of you two acquainting yourselves.” She directed her attention back to Carmilla. “I’ll have your things moved into your chambers, and someone will show you the way upon your return.” With that, Marion bowed slightly, and then scurried off.
Vin did his best to conceal his current discontent, however, that well ran deep.
“If you would rather, I can stay behind. I don’t wish to impose.” Carmilla spoke calmly.
“Of course not. I’d be honored if you’d accompany me.” Vin gestured to the large oak doors, currently being held open to allow the servants easy passage as they transported Carmilla’s personal effects.
Carmilla nodded, and the two of them walked side by side out of the castle. They strolled quietly for a while, taking in the fresh air, the morning dew glistening in the sunlight.
“It’s a lovely morning.” Carmilla broke the silence, smiling as a little brown bunny darted across the lawn.
“It is.” Vin replied, before the two fell back into silence.
There was an awkward tension between them, but Carmilla hid her feelings well. However, Vin quickly noticed her twiddling her thumbs nervously. He hadn’t spent much time thinking about it, but he supposed that she may not have been exactly comfortable being thrown into this arrangement either.
“So,” Vin tried to initiate some small talk, “do you have any siblings?”
“I do. All brothers. Two older, one younger.”
“Must’ve been hard growing up surrounded by boys all the time.”
“Growing up with them was the easy part.” Carmilla shook her head and gave a half-hearted smile. “It wasn’t until we became adults that we realized how fundamentally different we are.”
“How so?” Vin asked, and Carmilla adjusted her gaze to meet his. Her dark brown eyes studied his face for a moment.
“I’m here, aren’t I?” Any hint of a smile had faded from her deep cherry lips. The sunlight haloed around her coiled hair, her pointed ears poking out ever so slightly.
Vin wasn’t quite sure what to say. Instead he just stared at her. Long after she turned away, his gaze stayed fixed on her. Elves were always said to be incredibly beautiful, blessed by the gods themselves, but Vin hadn’t realized until now the ethereal beauty they possessed.
“My apologies, I didn’t mean to sound insulting to you or your kingdom.” She continued after a moment, afraid she had misspoke.
“Not at all.” Vin assured. “If I had it my way, you wouldn’t be here at all.”
Carmilla stopped and turned to Vin, her eyes inquisitive.
“And why is that? Is this alliance not important to you?”
“It’s not the alliance.” Vin stopped as well. “I’m grateful for that, please do not believe otherwise.” The two began walking again.
“Then what is it?”
Vin thought for a moment. He knew what he wanted to say, but not how to say it in a way that wouldn’t sound insulting. After a brief moment of contemplation, he formulated his answer.
“Respectfully, I have no desire to take a wife.”
“Nor I a husband.” Carmilla retorted. “But we all have our roles to play.” She gazed off towards a nearby tree, watching a squirrel scurry up the branches.
“Hm-” He half laughed. “I can see why my mother chose you.” Vin’s voice was low, more to himself than to her.
“She chose me only because Elvenwood had the most to offer.” She replied, matter of factly.
“And what exactly does Elvenwood gain from this arrangement?”
Carmilla briefly glanced at Vin, and drew a deep breath. Her full lips were slightly pursed as she focused her attention away from the king.
“Protection, of course. Free passage through Valkevilla for our merchants. A stronger trade relationship, and,” she paused for a moment, “the entirety of the fallen kingdom.”
“Honterra?” Vin’s gaze snapped to the princess. “Elvenwood wishes to claim Honterra, even though it rightfully belongs to Valkevilla?” His tone was sharp.
“The only reason Valkevilla exists at all is because the elves allow it. Perhaps you’ve forgotten that this entire continent once belonged to us.” Carmilla returned, clearly unamused by his claims. After a moment, she sighed, her voice softening into melancholy. “Two-thousand years have passed since the elves were cast from their lands, and I’d bet you anything that not a single text in your library bears any mention of it.” She stared at the ground, her brows furrowed over saddened eyes. “It seems the elves are the only ones left that haven’t rewritten the past.”
Vin’s body relaxed slightly. He could feel the pain radiating from her. To be so far from the only home she’s ever known, now a political accessory to a kingdom that had once belonged to her people; it was something he could never hope to understand. He watched as a gentle breeze tussled her coils, her dark skin shimmering in the sunlight. Carmilla drew a deep breath, and regained her composure, her face flat and soft, as if it had never displayed any emotion at all.
“You should understand that when I say the fallen kingdom will return to Elvenwood, I am also referring to Valkevilla.” Carmilla stated firmly.
Shocked, Vin’s eyes snapped to hers. A pit formed in his chest as his heart began to race. He was at a loss. The queen had drafted the agreement with Elvenwood and now there was nothing he could do. They needed the elves to win the war, but now there was a much greater risk on the line than he’d anticipated. It was beginning to feel like even if they won, the victory would be hollow and the alliance would quickly oxidize. If they craved the return of their lands so much, what would stop them from turning on Valkevilla? And if they did, where would his people go?
“Do you intend to take Valkevilla?” Vin asked.
“In a manner of speaking, we already have it.” Carmilla replied. “We are more than happy to reclaim this land through succession rather than war. But if Valkevilla does fall-”
“The elves will reclaim the rubble.” Vin finished.
“We would rebuild Valkevilla and return it to its former glory, just as it was centuries ago.”
“And what of my people?” Vin spat. “Where will my people go? This is the only home they’ve ever known, the only safe haven for curse-borns on the continent.”
“Please, do not fret.” Carmilla raised a hand to calm him. “Your people will be able to remain in Valkevilla should they so choose.”
Vin relaxed and he felt his shoulders untense. But he still felt uneasy. The implication of the agreement was that in order to avoid war with the elves entirely, he would have to produce an heir of elven blood. Eventually, Valkevilla would be ruled once again by the elves, and what guarantee would there really be in the coming centuries that the descendants of his people would be safe here.
“If I may speak plainly,” Carmilla started, “I know what I’ve said here may seem harsh, but it’s not intended to be so. This agreement is founded on the protection and preservation of Valkevilla. I have no desire to destroy what your family has built.” Carmilla stopped, as did Vin, and she gently took his hand. “In every sense of the word, we are allies, you and I. As of today, the people of Valkevilla are as much mine as they are yours, and I will defend them until my dying breath. But this only works if we play our roles.”
The weight of the elf’s words weren’t lost on him. As much as he wished to avoid the whole affair, he was running low on both time and options.
“Valkevilla will welcome you as queen, but I cannot take you as my wife.” Vin stated flatly, laying claim to the last bit of control he had in this arrangement.
“And as for an heir?” Carmilla inquired.
“I will give you a child, but once you conceive, never again will I share a bed with you.”
“Excellent.” Carmilla smiled softly. “I have no desire to share a bed with you either.” She stared into the vampire’s eyes, her face calm and gentle. “May the gods bless us with a quick conception.”
Vin couldn’t help but return a smile. She certainly was cute, and not exactly what he was expecting. In all honesty, he wasn’t quite sure what to make of her. He wasn’t used to women being disinterested in him, or speaking to him so boldly. It was refreshing. But even so, he was still on edge about it all. Having a child for political purposes never sat well with him, especially when they were destined to be raised by parents that could hardly stand each other. However, with any matter of luck, the two of them would at least reach a point where they could raise their child in a love-filled environment, even if they’d never share that love with each other.
“Cheers to only doing it once.” Vin grinned, causing Carmilla to giggle softly. Unable to hold it back, the king joined in, and the two of them had a good chuckle.
Perhaps it won’t be so bad, after all. Vin thought to himself, taking in Carmilla’s intoxicatingly gorgeous smile.
The two spent the rest of the walk in near silence, calm and mostly at peace. Neither one wanted to be in this situation, and they both took comfort in that. At the very least, if nothing else, they’d be able to rely on each other—to be each other’s allies—and just maybe they’d be able to get through it together.
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eastplays · 2 years
(what eldritchsona there is no eldritchsona nothing but regular old human female here.)
WHO NEEDS A GUN I HAVE SYRINGES WITH AIR IN THEM. (And a decent venous access average for a doctor don't at me)
(anyway here be spoilers for chapter two of Ink in the Vase and the rest of the story.)
The focus of the chapter once again opens on Jimmy. Unlike the previous brief descriptions of setting, the author dedicates time into describing the place, subtly hinting that in the future we will be spending a lot more time within his home.
Once again the language here conveys the sense of the mental and emotional state of the character, reflected in the description of the house, "too blank", "the simple area look abandoned, lifeless", "empty rooms", "uneasy emptiness" and "absolute loneliness". I. This way, the author uses the house as a metaphor for Jimmy. Given what the reader knows at this point (that a significant amount of time has passed and that Jimmy has not been in contact with his community for that entire time) gives rise to concern. Once again the theme of internal narrative versus the external reality is explored. However this time, Jimmy's house acts as a foil to his own character and he plays the part of an observer. Like the neglected house, Jimmy has practiced emotional neglect over the year that occurred off page.
The author then parallels the cleaning of the house with the beginning of the emotional cleansing Jimmy embarks on, culminating in - "It hurt less to never be thought of, than to be rejected outright." - Jimmy begins the confrontation process and finds the heart of the matter of his anxiety and acknowledges it. Even though we don't see further progress in the narrative this is a powerful moment. It's the turning point in the mental health journey which is then reinforced by Jimmy not abandoning his task at hand (chores - even though the arguement could be made that it shows unwillingness to continue the confrontation process via distraction) a reader could choose to look at the continued tidying of the house metaphorically - if prior to this the house had been neglected and described with empty, lonely imagery, the process of tidying brings to mind a renewal or preparation for company - whether this be by guests, pets or otherwise.
Looking back at Jimmy's house being a metaphor for himself this could be called foreshadowing for the future state of his emotional and mental well being. Even though he does not currently coincide with the completely tidied home, he has begun the process to doing so.
This idea is then reinforced by Jimmy's behaviour immediately post tidying home, "Then he was grabbing his communicator from the nightstand and unlocking it to face the intimidating HUD of the messenger client.", this provides a stark contrast to the beginning of the chapter and yet another step on his mental health journey.
There are several healthy steps that Jimmy takes during this chapter which is directly contrasted against the setting the relevant discussion takes place in (Bed Wars, a Minecraft minigame placed over a void there players fight with melee and explosions to the death or victory). This of course could be foreshadowing reiterating the concept of the non-linearity of recovery. Mental health can be a battle, and you may feel like you lose, but you might also have achieved victory in a different way.
A point raised again and again in this setting is communication and the importance of it during a fight, which again is more foreshadowing (alongside Jimmy being placed into spectator mode). The metaphor of being placed in spectator mode pays off further on in the story.
All of this forward momentum suddenly halts when the author transitions the focus to Scott. Once again the sense of unease is built. Red flags of abuse creep in insidiously and realistically. The line "So he was careful to eat less, and never when they could see." confirms the suspicion of malnutrition that was built in the previous chapter from Jimmy's point of view.
This is immediately followed with "Sometimes he would worry that he had counted wrong, and when he asked they said to throw it up just in case. He got used to the burn." - encouragement of self destructive behaviour. Keeping the antagonist formless and featureless enables the reader to project their own worst fears onto this entity, making the dreadful sense of unease we feel for Scott and the situation he was in all the more intense - this is compounded with how the author indicates it had been 2 months after Double life and yet Scott had used up weeks after the first entered the relationship adjusting his diet to the point of which "his silhouette had changed" noticeably. Here once again the author hints to us that more time has passed than what has been indicated to the audience.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
GerEng Week 2022: Day 6
Prompt: Domestic/Slice of Life || Sharing Clothes 
Pairing: GerEng
Rating: T
Word Count: 957
It was the early morning, Arthur could tell that much. The sun hadn’t, quite risen yet, leaving the sky a grayish blue. He had been shaking awake from his restless sleep when Ludwig carefully rose from the bed. Why Ludwig chose to get up so early in the morning was still lost on Arthur after decades of dating.
In his half-asleep state, Arthur felt Ludwig press a kiss to his forehead before hearing the door close softly, leaving Arthur alone.
He pulled the covers around him, feeling suddenly cold without Ludwig’s warmth beside him. Just as he was starting to nod off again, he felt something join him in bed. He turned towards the space Ludwig had left and found Aster laying next to him. He gave her a smile and a few scratches behind her ears. Cuddled up to her, Arthur finally nodded off again.
Arthur awoke several hours later at the smell of something cooking. He sighed and cuddled further into his pillow. His stomach growled, but he didn’t feel like getting up. The bed was warm and inviting compared to the outside world. Not to mention his body felt so heavy and tired despite having slept a decent amount of time. But, he couldn’t fall back asleep, so he pulled himself out of bed.
Shit, it was almost noon. He never slept that long. With a groan, he went over to the closet and threw on one of Ludwig’s hoodies to replace the warmth he lost by getting out of bed.
He trudged down to the kitchen and found Ludwig taking a plate of pancakes and bacon out of the oven. The kettle, his tea box, and sugar were out on the counter. Leave it to Ludwig to have everything prepared. Something warm fluttered in his chest.
“Guten Morgen,” Ludwig greeted.
“Morning, love.”
Arthur filled the kettle up and began preparing his tea. Ludwig opened the fridge and took out some milk, adding it to Arthur’s supplies. He wrapped his arms around the Brit’s waist and rested his head on his shoulder.
“I still don’t know where the last sweater you stole ended up,” Ludwig teased.
“Probably somewhere in my room back home,” came Arthur’s half-hearted reply.
Ludwig frowned slightly. He nuzzled into Arthur’s neck, placing a kiss there. “Are you ever going to give it back?”
With his tea now prepared, Arthur moved to the table to eat. Ludwig joined him, grabbing an apple from the fridge before sitting down. He knew how much Arthur hated eating when someone was sitting and watching without their own food.
They ate in silence, but Arthur wouldn’t have it any other way. For a moment, he could pretend that they were a normal, human couple enjoying breakfast together like any other morning. He could forget all about having to eventually go back to his empty bed back in England.
“So…I’ve taken the day off,” Ludwig finally said, “So we can do whatever we want today.”
All Arthur really wanted to do was stay at home and lounge around the house all day, but he knew Ludwig knew better and wouldn’t take such a suggestion, so he remained silent. He didn’t have the energy to complain or argue.
Ludwig’s hand came to rest on top of Arthur’s. “We don’t have to do anything too draining, but you need to get out of the house.” He gave it a squeeze. “How about we go to the park and walk the dogs then spend the rest of the day in?”
That was a fair compromise. Arthur nodded. It was fall, and the trees had turned from green to red, gold, and orange. Arthur had always admired the sudden pop of colour, but for whatever reason, he couldn’t bring himself to admire it like he used to. Aster nudged his hand as if she knew his thoughts were starting to spiral. He smiled at her and scratched behind her ears. She trotted up ahead, trying to catch up to Ludwig. Arthur joined her.
When he caught up to Ludwig, the German took hold of his hand and squeezed it. Arthur squeezed it back, that warm, fluttery feeling from breakfast capturing him once more. They arrived at a penned-in area where they could let the dogs run around off-leash. As the dogs began to run and play in the expansive pen, Ludwig led Arthur over to a nearby bench. Arthur cuddled close when Ludwig took his seat.
They watched the dogs for a little while before Ludwig spoke up. “Sometimes I wish I was a dog. Life would be so much easier.”
Arthur nodded along, only partially processing what his lover was saying. Though he caught the gist of wishing to be something else. Arthur had fantasized about that many times.
“I’m here for you if you want to talk,” Ludwig offered. He scratched the back of his neck. “I may not be the most experienced with this kind of thing. But I love you and want you to be happy.”
Pink blush dusted Arthur’s cheeks. “I know…I’m just…burnt out I guess.”
“And you say I work too much.”
A ghost of a smile spread on Arthur’s face. “We both have a problem with that.”
“But I have you to ground me.”
“And I have you.”
Arthur was no stranger to these kinds of funks where the days blurred into each other, and he couldn’t bring himself to do anything, but lay in bed and drown in the sorrows of the past. Where work became too overwhelming to his already fragile mind. But unlike all those funks before, Arthur wasn’t alone. Someone loved him, someone cared for him, and that was enough to make him keep going.
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legaciestold · 10 months
@myersbprd continued from x
young eyes peer up at him, waiting on a response a part of her fears the answer of. rose doesn't want to believe the vampire in front of her wouldn't want to be her father officially. his actions certainly wouldn't speak to such a direction considering the amount of time he remained at her and her mother's side before the zombies came and after. they might be a small group on the base but john still had many responsibilities. nick had told her that someone had told him john was the only one with real crisis training aside from her mom. and even rose knew john was the only actual agent from the base that had survived. the rest of the personnel that were there hadn't been field agents, not that there was many to count. and the others were teenagers like anna and nick and steph or the few people that had come back with them from supply runs. she remembered there being some debate with raised voices about the newcomers. more people meant more supplies needed but rose didn't think john could leave kids to the undead anymore than her mother could or even anna and it had been nice to have another kid to talk to.
all of this was to say that john spent a decent amount of time working to keep them all safe yet always made time for her even if it was just hugging her when she had a bad dream or taking the time to explain what he was doing instead of telling her to not bother him. and he loved her mother didn't he? that's what it meant that her mom and him slept in the same bed, didn't it? (how often had it turned out that rose too would wake up from a nightmare and end up sleeping between the two adults because it made her feel safe?) so he was her father. in every way that counted. and even if she didn't want to believe it, even rose knew john myers would likely be the only father she would ever know.
and then he speaks, making a bright smile cross the child's features. there's no hesitation or warning for her next action, rose practically leaping toward him as she encases him in a tight hug. "i want you to be forever." she states happily. "does that mean anna's my aunt? or is she like your daughter too?" she questions with genuine curiosity. rose wasn't entirely sure what the connection was between john and anna other than that they were close and seemed very protective of each other. she'd seen john appear distressed about anna that time they'd come back from that one mission and he'd seemed to be the only one she'd been willing to talk to. that hadn't seemed to make nick very happy, nick muttering something about some other john which had confused rose. but anna had also been someone she'd met before the zombies had come because john had brought her with that one time they'd all had ice cream at the shop. her features scrunch up slightly as she thinks, confusion encasing her.
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
Bella! i did get about three hours of sleep and then drove to work but I'm home again and read your response, thanks for indulging my rambeling and answering with an even longer block of text ^^
you did some damage with your idea of 5sos being discovered by atl. much to think about.  not that I mind them being a pop band, but it's the same with a few other bands such as fall out boy that I just miss the pop punk. It's my favorite genre for a reason and I'm tired of them all going pop. (not every band of course, just too many)
I do still like asthon, but as you said, he makes it hard sometimes. Him dreaming of becoming a spiritual leader??? Asthon, honey, that sounds like a cult, are you sure you want to lead one?
Anyway I finally had some coffee and now I'm going to go grocery shopping and am probably going to fall asleep in the store, wish me luck -the sleep deprived anon
you drove on three hours of sleep oh christ well i’m glad you’re safe and home, or at least yesterday you were, thanks for rambling to me sfdhlkfgdfmj
i don’t think that’s my idea originally to be honest but i can’t remember who brought it up to me it was probably a lot of people i think most recently peyton? but yeah i definitely understand what you mean. that’s part of the reason why i love all time low so much to be honest like theyve been a band for SO long and yet they’re still so loyal to the pop punk sound like they’ve absolutely nailed it in the sense of maturing their sound and the music they make without losing the integrity of the genre. like. they’re EXPANDING the genre without leaving it which i think is fantastic. anyway point being that i feel you and i also wish 5sos would come back to their roots a little bit but i guess there’s not much to be done for it except decide to love all time low more like i do <3
RIGHT that’s what WE said like..........klaus hargreeves ??? is that you?????
i hope you have gotten a decent amount of sleep between yesterday and today dude omg please REST
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
Man, why does it feel like the threshold for success has a time limit? I always feel like if I'm not an insanely popular artist or powerful influencer by the time I turn eighteen, then I am an utter failure and a waste of my teenage years. I think one of the biggest pitfalls of how the generation of kids today has been raised is that we've basically been socialized to think that our best achievements have to come in our youth or else they become virtually worthless.
Like... Oh? you're a talented pianist and played in front of an auditorium of hundreds at an opera house? how old were you when that happened?
A forty-seven-year-old would be met with a few impressed nods, maybe, and people congratulating them for all their hard work and experience.
A fourteen-year-old would get news articles. they'd go viral on the internet and thousands of people would be clambering over each other to sing praises of how they were blessed with such innate talent.
I get it. It's impressive, right? Because they're young and haven't had plenty of years of experience. These kids, by all means, deserve all the praise and attention for working hard to get where they were!
But that's not the case, is it? And the culture of people putting more credit for young people's achievements doesn't even fuckin end there.
Because not only does this exact same pattern happen with literally every single thing ever, even totally non-competitive hobbies like painting, it happens with such frequency that it's considered normal. Articles use age markers about successes to serve as clickbait for their articles. Cable companies start shows purely about young prodigies and how they've beaten their adult competitors. Because who wouldn't wanna hear about a ten-year-old chess champion, right?
And what's even worse is that it then becomes a competition even among young people themselves! You scroll down on a video of a pre-teen playing Winter Wind and I promise you there will be at least one asshole saying shit like "This kid is not impressive. I saw a nine year old do the same thing the other day!"
It eats away at you! It really fucking does! because we go down this stupid rabbit-hole wherein younger and younger kids get paraded around and raised to be prodigies and meanwhile here you are, sixteen, and having a panic attack because you can't go back in time and force your eight-year-old self to keep playing the violin. It's stressful. It aches. Instead of bringing up younger people around us, we're stuck in this miserable zone where we constantly get compared and pitted against each other because we couldn't "maximize our childhood".
Isn't it enough to just... exist?
There have already been many conversations on the nature of college. How it's utter BS that people have to choose what career they want for the rest of their lives as early as junior year in HS. But what a lot of people don't talk about is just how early people are forced to decide what hobbies they want to do for the rest of their lives. People who start learning how to play an instrument at 28 can't do so without constantly being questioned why they started so late. A drawing with decent coloring garners more credit and attention for the average tween than the struggling middle-aged woman, despite both having an equal amount of experience with visual arts.
Parents constantly tell their children to study harder, to practice more--to just keep on work, work, working until their children become the perfect model dolls they use flex to one another over brunch. It's constantly having your name be followed up by your latest achievement and not anything about who you are as a person.
"This is Codi. She is a straight-A student and got invited to compete at Harvard."
"This is Codi. She is on her school's math team and knows how to play the piano."
"This is Codi. She is--"
I am a human being, thank you.
It's never "This is Codi, and he loves fashion and losing at video games." or "This is Codi, and he likes listening to annoying pop songs from the early 2010s and laying down in the rain."
Why? because none of that matters! None of that is worth listening to because anything less than what I can do to represent my family, my school, my team, my country will never be anything more than a waste of time. It's toxic, how today's generation of teenagers have to be celebrities or important figures or champions or prodigies before they are people.
It gets worse, though.
People start counting your talents like tally marks for points. You can't "just be an artist" anymore. If you draw, then you also have to be good at writing. And poetry. And graphic design. And a sport. Oh, you only know one language? Oh, you've only learned the basics of the guitar? It's like a fucking marker, ticking off boxes to determine the worth of these teenagers on the marketability of their achievements.
And, okay, it's a misrepresentation to only blame parents, right? Because it's a systematic thing. A new societal expectation for kids to be the next fucking Renaissance--with peer pressure for things like relationship experience and wild stories too. We kids now worry about not being special enough, not phenomenal enough, or beautiful enough, or talented enough, or smart enough, or experienced enough. And it's weird!
It's weird how teens now flex how tired and burnt out they are! It's weird how I've had conversations that turned into competitions of how many bullshit responsibilities we have on our plate. It's weird how I've met kids on the honor roll that are so adamant to prove to people that they've gone to parties, had alcohol, and slept around.
It's a goddamn tragedy, watching so many of my peers turning into burnouts before they've even graduated high school.
We are expected to be the most. If that one singer could do it, if that one global warming activist could do it, if that one Olympic athlete could do it--then why can't you? Why can't you have over 20.7k followers on Twitter? Why can't you have started your own band and release a popular album? Why can't you have published your own book by now? Why can't you be good enough?
I sit here, typing away at this stupid post and being unhappy and feeling like I am not good enough. I am an artist. I am a writer. I speak more than one language and play more than one instrument. I used to be a straight-A student and nationally competed in maths and sciences competitions. I am an international finalist for my sport and have multiple gold medals from foreign countries.
Yet still, I feel like my timer is running short.
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wizkiddx · 4 years
a father and daughter
I don't normally hop on the whole dad!tom thing, but this idea kinda popped up and wouldn't leave me alone. Hope everyone is having a lovely festive period and wish you all well in the new year x x x
Summary: Tom really struggles to get into the parenting thing, and finds it tricky balancing work and his relationship with baby daughter
Tom loved being a Dad. It had only been a couple of months, meaning your baby girl was still very much a baby - yet still he had no doubt, this was the best job one could ever ever do. To be honest he was quite regretting agree to the few work commitments he had started to ease back into too. It wasn’t like he couldn’t afford to go these months without work, which not many had the luxury of saying - but in this industry work agreements were lined up years before and he was never one to disappoint. 
Of course, as soon as you both had found out you were expecting, he’d withdrawn from the big filming project across the world but that didn’t mean he avoided the odd week of press, or a couple days flying abroad for fittings and meetings. By absolutely no means would you ever class him as a slightly ‘absent’ dad, you completely understood and when he was home did way more than his fair share with Amelie.
But Tom felt guilty and he felt like he was inferior to you in parenting ability. And you knew that was for one reason and one reason only. He did not have boobs. 
You were well aware that as much as you loved Amelie needing you so much and so often - sometimes being the only person able to soother her - was because all she wanted was to drain you of milk. She was clearly going to be a Daddy’s girl, and who could blame her when her Dad was Tom. But for right now, a mere 5 months old - she loved you because she loved your tit. 
The first time you had noticed Tom’s growing frustration was right after his first evening work commitment since her arrivel, he’d been on a UK chat show earlier in the evening and as encouraged by you, had taken the opportunity to have a few drinks after with his brothers and friends. By no means did he return late, barely midnight, but he did return just a little tipsy. You were still up choosing to have a little movie night to yourself, whilst Amelie slept in the Moses basket next to the couch. Just before Tom got back though, she had woken up and for no reason was the smiliest little girl. So when Tom let himself into the front door, he was greeted with the sound of Amelie’s little bubbles of laughter, while you spoke in baby language - pulling ridiculous faces and laughing with her. 
“Someones smiley” Tom laughed as he plopped down on the sofa next to you, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head and wrapping his arm round your shoulder as he smiled at Amelie. 
“Aren’t you Meelie? How was the show love?” You asked, as you held Amelie in a sitting position on your thighs so she was staring at you both. 
“Hmm it was nice, couldn’t make myself stay for too long though… just missed my girls.” His voice was a little rough, something that happens after talk show and then almost shouting over the obnoxiously loud music in the pub after. Amelie, laughed again at his words, almost taunting her Dad’s attachment to her, making both of you burst out laughing. She already had you both wrapped round her very little finger. 
Shaking your head, you passed her over to Tom muttering needing a wee and made a quick escape. Ever since you had her, you couldn’t bring yourself to leave her unattended - meaning you had almost made your kidneys explode holding in a wee waiting for Tom to get back. Yet as soon as you made it out the door, the bubbling innocent laughter turned into screams - but at that point you’d already made it out the doorframe - marking that as Tom’s issue to handle. Unfortunately the wails continued, very very loud and proud, and when you returned Tom was pacing slowly around the lounge with a grimace on his face as Amelie screamed into his shoulder. 
“I’ll stay up with her if you want.” You offered, knowing Tom without sleep and having to listen to her racket all night would have an impressively worse hangover tomorrow. 
“No I got it, think she needs a change.” Tom countered, even though you were pretty sure she wanted a feed, since it had been a good couple of hours from the last. He noticed your hesitance and shooed you out the room “I got it love, you’ve had her all evening.” 
“You know where I’ll be” You smiled lightly, leaving them downstairs as you got ready for bed.
It was after about 10 minutes of thrashing about guiltily in your otherwise empty bed, you gave in to the still continuous screaming. Amelie clearly was just hungry, even if Tom refused to admit it and bring her to you. So with a deep sigh you gave in, swinging your legs over the side of the bed and trudged downstairs. Tom was still stood up, taking gentle bouncing steps as Amelie apparently tried to deafen him. Once he saw you, with a defeated look, Tom offered her to you. Instantly, as if you just had the ability to turn the crying switch on her off- Amelie stopped crying and blinked away the tears in her eyes, whilst waiting patiently for you to offer her your nipple. While you were busy trying to get her to latch on, you just caught Tom muttering something as he trudged up to bed without so much as a good night. 
Then a couple months later a similar thing occurred. Tom had been away in New York for 5 days, a little press stint that he had under no circumstances been able to get off. At first all had been well but two days since he returned, Tom insisted you finally had an evening out with the girls - to be honest, after spending the best part of a week alone with Meelie you graciously took it. Oh, and also of importance for context, Amelie spoke her first word while he was away… Mama. 
You’d left that morning, your best friend taking you on a spa day before - so by the time Tom called you at 11 in the evening, he’d spent a good portion of the day with Amelie vehemently denying to do anything at all apart from yell- yelling “NO MAMA.” So fair to say he was pissed. You answered the phone with a soft smile, honestly finding spending this much time apart from Amelie really hard and guilt-inducing. 
“Hey Tom everything okay?”
“Um when do you think you’ll be back?” He spoke straight and to the point, clearly not in the mood for small talk. 
“I don’t think too long, is everything alright?” His tone made you so much more concerned,  now worrying that something had happened. 
“No no everything’s fine. Just… just been a long day.”
“Okay well I’ll be back soon I promise. I love you.”
“Yeh yeh um you too” He didn’t mean to be short. Nor to make you worried. He didn’t hate you - far the opposite, he hated how much Amelie loved you. 
If he was being honest, he just felt like a bit of a failure of a father. As a child himself, Tom had always been incredibly close to his mum and thought the typical rule was mummy’s boys and daddy’s girls stood. So why then, did his child appear to absolutely detest him with every look. Especially because, given the nature of his job, once Tom went back to actually shooting films again he’d be around much less - and that the relationship between him and Amelie would at least be geographically strained. Unrequited love is always the worst and ultimately most painful, especially when it involves your own child. 
This underlying and unspoken tension fizzled away for a decent amount of months and Tom went on his first job. At this point you were no longer breastfeeding, but still you knew that purely instinctively if Amelie was ever scared, upset or unhappy she would seek you first. It was bloody obvious to you that she did love Tom, she chuckled away like no tommorrow when he played with her and spun her round the room. And yet, you could still tell Tom wasn’t completely convinced and still seemed , just a bit aware and hesitant. 
In there ever needed to be any proof though, it must’ve been how stroppy Amelie got once Tom left. In short, for you, it was hell. You ended up constantly wearing Tom’s t-shirts, not for you but because the mild but lingering scent of him seemed to soothe Amelie when she was fussing. She would never giggle like she did when her silly Daddy was here to be her personal comedian. She had, however, finally learnt how to say Dada - which now she was shouting impressively at every point apart from when you tried to film it. She was a little devil, its like she knew exactly what to do to make you life as hard as possible - keeping you dealing with an unhappy Tom. You tried to tell him, when you were on FaceTime each evening - but no matter how many times you promised, it seemed that Tom had a hard time believing you. 
He was filming in Germany, which meant it wasn’t actually ‘that’ far from your London home and after two weeks he flew back for a weekend. You were incredibly excited- not just to seeing Tom, which of course you where; but also ,hopefully, for him to feel some sort of assurance in his ability as a parent. He needed to see her, Amelie needed her Daddy and you… you needed a rest. 
That evening, you had had her balanced on your hip as you rushed to make the house look somewhat presentable (because single parenting was not easy) but Amelie had thrown a fit so with a slightly immature passive aggressive comment to your 11 month old daughter you put her on her play mat and carried on. It was a bit of a risk if you were quite honest, she was more than just a crawler - she perfected the art of bum shuffling and was starting to on occasion try to stand up. But you were in the same room so surely little harm could come to her in the ‘over-the-top-ly’ baby proofed living room - Tom’s doing of course. 
So keeping one eye on Amelie and the other on the almost terrifyingly big stack of discarded toys you set about tidying up. It was all going swimmingly until your thoughts about how on earth you were going to hide all the crap were abruptly interrupted with a garbled screech of “DADA!”
You instantly whipped your head round to watch Amelie stumble and basically throw herself the couple of steps to the doorway where Tom stood. You had absolutely no clue how long he’d been standing there but that was all insignificant watching him sweep you little girl into his arms, before she could career to the floor (headfirst of course). His eyes were bugging out of his head, as she giggled and laughed in his strong grasp before astutely throwing her head into the crook of his neck, demanding to be cuddled by him. 
It was almost hilarious, how utterly shocked Tom looked at the real life proof that his baby girl had missed him. Once he met your eyes he used the hand supporting Amelies back to point at her in a questioning manner, making you roll your eyes at just how oblivious and stubborn he is. 
“She’s missed her Dad!” You smiled, as you walked toward him and pecked his lips. “You got this down here if I finally get some peace upstairs?” 
Because yes, you’d missed your husband and wanted to spend all night wrapped in his arms. But really? There was a more important way the evening should pass, finally Tom getting his moment with Amelie. So without so much as even a ‘how was your flight’ you left the two in the living room - you making a beeline to the bath, for just a moment to yourself. 
It was perhaps even a little shocking to yourself that you were so confident you could leave them alone for the evening. Because really, if Amelie started acting up suddenly again, this could be where Tom’s confidence as a dad goes from ‘ropey at best’ to ‘non-existent’. Except you were so certain in the fact that just wouldn’t happen. If she was hungry she’d take the bottle from Tom (which she never did from you without arguement ). 
And so you had possible the most relaxing time in the bath - actually alone for the first time in two weeks. 
It wasn’t until you quietly walked down the stairs two hours later that you got a bit suspicious of the silence downstairs. Cautiously you peered your head round the doorframe and you didn’t even try to stifle the beaming smile spread across your face. Because there was your husband, lying semi-reclined on the arm of the sofa, his arms wrapped protectively round Amelie who looked incredibly content snuggled up to her dad at last. They were both fast asleep and the sight was just so sweet it actually hurt your  heart, meaning only naturally you had sneak a picture of them both. It was infuriating how you knew you had to wake him up - it is a little irresponsible to leave her lying on top of him on the couch and you kinda wanted to cuddle up to Tom this evening too. 
So with a gentle touch rubbing and down his right arm it only took a moment or two till he suddenly blinked his eyes open, eyes looking quickly between your eyes and Amelie - his grasp on her had instinctively tightened a little.
“Hey” You whispered softly, watching him notice how calm Amelie looked on his chest.
“Mhmm hey.” His voice was slightly croaky, probably from the exhaustion of two weeks of hard work. 
“You guys friends then?” You whispered while combing your ginger nails though Amelies little curls at the base of her neck - she was most deifnetly a Holland. 
“She did really miss me?” Tom asked, still half not believing as he shuffled up on the sofa so he was sitting more upright. 
“To the point she had me wrapping the pillows in your unwashed t-shirts.” You giggled as his bottom lip pouted into a visible ‘awh’. 
“Come on lets get you both to bed.” 
Without much complaint, but keeping her in his arms, Tom nodded and followed you up to bed. But that night instead of getting your way and having Tom cuddling you, he pouted until you let him lie Amelie down in the middle of the bed between you two . 
But seeing the way he grinned at her in the dark, almost fighting to stay awake as he looked at her, the prospect seemed a lot more attractive. 
And that was more than fine by you.  
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local-ground-apple · 4 years
Headcanons for diasomnia with reader who has insomnia/has troubles with falling asleep?
living for the concept
half of diasomnia doesn’t even sleep, change my mind
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,,I haven’t slept for three days and my body will soon collapse. Could you perhaps put me under sleeping curse?” “Absolutely not”
🐲 Malleus is extremely worried about your lack of sleeping schedule and he’s even more worried and concerned that you actually bombard him with questions to put you under a sleeping curse. He politely refuses each of them,
🐲 Malleus doesn’t really sleep, but he is aware of the importance of it to humans. He tells you to come to his room, whenever you are having troubles falling asleep. So you often accidentally scare Sebek when you appear out of nowhere on Diasomnia corridor in the middle of the night, waking up half of the dorm, 
🐲 sometimes just Malleus’ presence helps you fall asleep faster. He lays down beside you, as you wrap your arms around his chest, pulling yourself closer. His fingers gently trace circles on your skin, alleviating any tension from your muscles. His body temperature is lower than yours and you often find it comforting,
🐲 yet sometimes his presence alone isn’t enough,
,,How about sle-“ “iM nOt pUtTiNg yOu uNdEr a sLeePiNg cUrSe” “gee, chill”
🐲 at first he was reluctant to use any sort of temporary spell to make you fall asleep. Malleus don’t really want to use any kind of magic on you, yet you’re pestering him about this spinning wheel. All the time, 
🐲 and that’s when self-proclaimed father of Diasomnia also known as Lilia enters into action,
🐲 whenever Malleus’ presence doesn’t make you fall asleep, this old man will do it in the span of maximum three minutes (never fails, Lilia’s services are top notch). His magical lullaby is guaranteed to help you fall into slumber in Malleus’ arms
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🦇 you can’t fall asleep? Don’t worry, that ancient bat has your back. He probably doesn’t sleep himself, but he is more than willing to help you out,
🦇 Lilia has four strategies and depending on how you’re feeling or how hard it is for you to fall asleep, he will use one of them, 
🦇 sometimes you fall asleep just with his soothing presence alone. He will tuck you in the bed, laying beside you, as his arms wraps around you. Lilia may bury his head in the crook of your neck, leaving small kisses on your skin, 
🦇 if that doesn’t work, he will lull you to sleep with various stories from Malleus’ and Silver’s childhood, whispering them softly in your ear, while his fingers gently run through your hair,
🦇 if you still can’t get a decent rest, Lilia will sing you a lullaby (normal at first), a good one, which may I add, should make you slowly drift away to dreamland. His voice is soothing and calming, instantly calming down your whole body. Lilia also knows a magical lullaby, as Silver often calls it. It never fails, since magic is involved, but he will use it on you, only if you really can’t fall asleep,
🦇 Lilia actually likes watching your sleeping form, his hands gently brusing your hair or tracing your jawline. He finds you absolutely ethereal and stunning,
🦇 and yes, you will never catch him watching you sleep. He’s way too sneaki,
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 ⚔️ what an irony. How he wishes he was the one who can’t fall asleep, while you would give up almost everything to finally get a decent rest. Truly ironic,
⚔️ Lilia is always teasing you, saying what a perfect match the two of you are. You are laying on the bed with wide open eyes, staring blankly at the ceiling, while Silver is peacefully sleeping beside you. Truly, an exquisite sight
“Ufufufu~~~~what a perfect yet ironic match, don’t you think so Little One?”
⚔️ you and Silver tried a lot of things. A lot. Starting with lowering the temperature in the room, practicing yoga or meditation, blankets, exercising before going to bed to tire you out and even trying aromatherapy. Yet, any of the attempts proved to be successful,
⚔️ at this point you were on brink of insanity and were heavily debating whether to politely ask Malleus to let you prick your finger on his spinning wheel, yet Silver absolutely forbade you,
⚔️ you decided to try one more thing, before going to Lilia for help,
⚔️ Silver laid on the bed beside you, as you gave him the questioning look. Soon you felt his arms wrap around you waist, pulling you closer. You buried your head in his chest, listening to his even heart beat which was soothing you. His hand gently run through your hair, as his warm breath gently tickled your skin,
⚔️ yes, you finally managed to fall asleep, 
⚔️ for one night, then you two went to Lilia, 
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,,Could you at least try to stop screaming? Like, maybe that’s why I can’t fall asleep” “I’m pretty sure not, cause according to this book….”
⚡ you were surprised he didn’t yell at you. No, he listened to your frustrated rant about not getting decent amount of sleep, giving you his full attention. Sebek was going to take any necessary steps to grant your wish, 
⚡ Sebek may not show it, yet he’s worried. Extremely worried. He may not put it in the words, yet his actions will tell you everything, 
⚡ after your umpteenth sleepless night and another day of you dragging your exhausted body around the school, he is more than determined to solve your problem,
⚡ Sebek head straight to the library (after his daily duty is finished of course) and begins his research, scanning through multiple books. Honestly, your heart warms and melts at the mere sight of Sebek deeply engrossed in reading one, ancient volume, while hundred of other books are scattered over his bedroom, 
⚡ Lilia finds it extremely cute and won’t shut up about this, 
⚡ Sebek will try literally every method with you. Literally every. Strating with natural ones, ending on magical spells and asking Lilia, you both will spend few days experimenting, 
⚡ you’re both very fond of aromatherapy. You absolutely adore slowly falling asleep to the faint scent of damask rose diffusing in your room, encouraging you to sleep. Sebek always pulls you closer to his chest, while you both inhale gentle fragrances, putting you to sleep, 
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
Danger Days - Chapter fourteen: "Love, hate, love"
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Word count: 8,8K
Summary: The band is decided to take care of Joey, and for once, she is ok with that. Gerard is trying to find a way to get closer to her while Matthew... gets drunk again.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, cursing, cheating, angst, a lot of crying.
A/N: I want a friend like Mikey in my life. Do you guys think Joey will forgive Matthew? Would you do it? also, I love how honest Frank is with Joey. Gerard really hates him at this point hehehe.
Not my gif, and all this shit is fiction.
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen | Chapter sixteen | Chapter seventeen | Chapter eighteen | Chapter nineteen | Chapter twenty | Chapter twenty one | Chapter twenty-two | Chapter twenty-three | Chapter twenty-four |
::: Valencia, March 11th, 2011 :::
Joey's eyes were wide opened as she laid on her bed. She hadn't slept at all. Mikey was snoring next to her. He had stayed over to take care of her after everybody left. But he fell asleep, and the girl stayed up the whole night, not able to move or to do anything but to stare at the heart locket on her bedside table. It felt like bullshit to her now. What seemed to be so romantic was now nothing but a pile of lies.
Memories kept coming to her head. All of the times together with Matthew, their whole happiness. All the days they spent working on the house he had bought for them, and all the nights they sat in their new back yard to look at the stars, drink some wine and sleep in an inflatable mattress they had put in their bedroom. But what she remembered the most was the day they met. The day their whole story together had started, and how now Joey wished to go back in time and change it all. Ignore him, never talking to him, not even being in that studio that day. Anything that might keep her from the pain she was feeling now.
She had reached the studio early that morning. She had a meeting with a band at ten to record a demo. They needed a studio drummer, and Billy, the producer, contacted her. She had learned the songs; there were just three on the setlist. That shouldn't take more than three days in the whole process, including production.
Joey went through her warm-up and stretching before Billy walked in with two cups of coffee.
- "Thank you."
- "You are gonna need it,"- he said and cut her a short smile- "As far as I can tell, these guys are hyper"- the girl smiled and nodded.
- "Noted, hyper kids."
The drummer already had a lot of practice recording with random bands and some pretty known bands too. Yet, she wasn't ready for the tornado of energy that was about to go through the door that day.
The band was pretty funny and easy-going. Their music wasn't really in Joey's favorite playlist, but she was professional enough to give her best no matter what. Their friend, though, that guy was driving her insane. This very tall thin guy with light brown hair kept jumping with every song they played. He was sugar rushed or in coke. There was no way anyone would be that energetic on his own. And he had an opinion for every part of every song. Their friends loved him, it was clear, that's why they brought him along, but Joey was trying to do her work.
- "Hey,"- he said to her at the end of the session. He hadn't talked to her in the whole day- "That was pretty cool what you did back there."
- "Thanks"- she simply answered and looked for her backpack.
- "I mean, you played amazing, but the way you managed not to kill me through the whole day, though it was clear I was driving you insane, that was outstanding"- and the girl chuckled, she hated it 'cos she didn't want to, but that had been funny indeed.
- "It took a lot of will and mental strength, I must confess, you were pretty annoying,"- she answered with a snarky smile.
- "I'm sorry in advance for the next three or four days then"- the girl sighed and nodded.
- "Thanks, I guess."
- "Hey, can I try to make it up to you?"
- "By not to eat anything with sugar or take any coffee before coming tomorrow? Because that would be awesome"- and Matthew laughed. An honest big, and sincere laugher.
- "No, I was going to ask you if you wanted to get a coffee now with me..."
- "How much coffee do you have during the day?"- the drummer asked, raising an eyebrow.
- "A lot"- he simply answered- "So, what do you say? I promise I won't be annoying, or at least just the decent amount of annoying to be tolerable."
Joey didn't know what to reply. It had been ages since anyone had asked her out, and that guy was breathtakingly hot. Was it a prank? Why would he want to go out with her?
- "How are you planning not to be annoying?"- she asked and narrowed her eyes.
- "You can pinch me every time I get annoying,"- Gubler grinned, looking pretty excited to go out with her- "I know you want to pinch me."
Joey smiled and kept her eyes on his. He gave her the most adorable puppy eyes, and not even thinking about it, she accepted.
And that was the first of a thousand coffees they shared in almost a year together. They had even talked about getting married around the same date they had started dating. But now, none of that mattered anymore.
- "Mother fucker"- she whispered and slowly got out of bed. Mikey was still asleep. She wondered around the room, not knowing what to do. She went through all the things the guys had left upon a dresser: chocolate bars, filled chocolate, M&M, fun-size Snickers, all of her favorites candies. Frank's whiskey bottle, even a Pride and Prejudice Bluray.
- "You guys are awesome,"- she whispered and grabbed a bunch of candy. She looked through her things as she ate. It felt nothing was hers anymore. It felt that wasn't her life or her clothing. Not even her mind. She was out of herself. Her phone was nowhere to be seen. Probably Mikey had it hidden, just like she had done for him when he broke up with his wife. Now the tables had turned. And it felt weird. Wrong. Bad.
Joey had a knot in her stomach as she kept eating Snicker after Snicker. Still, she couldn't stop. She didn't want to stop. She found Matthew's shirts among her clothes, and her body shivered at the smell of his perfume still in the fabric. She could almost see his face, hear his voice, feel his hands on her skin. The same hands that had cheated.
Tears started falling right away. Still, she couldn't stop smelling the shirt. She couldn't stop thinking about him, about his face, his kisses, everything. But yet, she was so mad, so sad, so confused. Her stomach started aching, and the girl started retching. She ran to the bathroom and puked the few candies she had eaten. That was all that was left in her stomach.
- "Bug, hey..."- Mikey appeared running and kneeled next to her.
- "I'm ok, I just... I'm still..."- the girl sighed and wiped off the tears from her face, flushing. Mikey reached the mouthwash for her- "Thank you"- Joey clumsy stood up and spat in the sink.
- "Did you get any sleep?"
- "Not really"- the honesty of her answer surprised him. He was ready to deal with a girl in denial of her state. Instead, somehow, she just answered the truth. He decided to take another shot.
- "Are you hungry?"
- "Of course not. I just puked."
- "What do you wanna do today?"
- "Stay in here, in my pajamas, and watch shitty tv. How is your schedule for today? What do you have to do?"
- "Stay here in my pajama watching shitty tv with you,"- she cut him a sweet smile as she crawled into bed again.
- "You don't have to do that, Mikey. You have to work."
- "I know I don't have to, I want to do it for you"- he made a pause, grabbed the phone, and called room service.
- "Thank you,"- she whispered and heard him asking for two breakfasts.
- "Besides,"- Mikey added, after hanging up and getting into bed with her- "It's not like I have to show up and answer questions I've answered a million times before. That's why Gerard's the lead singer. He loves the attention."
Joey smiled and hugged Mikey, resting her head on his chest as he surfed channels.
- "Yeah, he is a little diva sometimes."
- "A little? Sometimes?"- Mikey chuckled- "Oh Bug, you have no idea..."
Gerard was walking on his own after the first interview. He asked for a few minutes to get something, and Worm came along to make sure he made it alive.
- "Dude, help, what can I give Joey?"
- "Is her birthday again or something?"
- "No, she broke up with Gubler, and I need something that might cheer her up."
- "Fuck! How is she?"
- "Locked in her room... what can I give her?"
- "Chocolates."- Worm answered right away.
- "Mikey got her a million of her favorites."
- "Booze."
- "Frank got her favorite whiskey."
- "Shit... movies to kill time?"- the man looked at Gerard and nodded- "So Ray got her movies?"
- "They had like a "break up kit" in their fucking bags or something. They know what to do, what to say to her, how to comfort her. And I ended up looking at her from a distance like... awkward and out of place."- Gerard was opening himself up at his friend.
- "Well, think of something that might help her use her time and mind to refocus her into something other than the breakup. Maybe a book"- Gerard nodded and kept looking at the window glazes. Instinctively he stood outside a stationery shop. He thought about it as he looked inside. To draw was an excellent way to kill time. Would she like that?
- "Why not?"- he said and walked in. After a few minutes, he stepped out with not two but three bags filled with art supplies.
- "Did you leave anything left in the store?"- Frank asked when he saw his friend carrying so many notebooks and pencils, you could think he was starting a store of his own. The two of them, plus Ray, got into the van to go to their following interview.
- "Funny. I just got Joey a few things to help her think of something else."
- "Cool man, good idea"- Ray smiled and took a look inside- "I just checked with Mikey. They were watching a movie."
- "How is she?"- Gerard asked as the van traveled through Valencia.
- "She didn't sleep, she hasn't eaten, Mikey was fighting to get her to eat some cereal... she was crying and puking when he woke up."
Gerard's heart ached in his chest as he heard Ray's words. He needed to find a way to make her feel better. But how? How if he never got to talk to her?
- "Any news from the asshole?"- Gerard asked, and Frank nodded.
- "Mikey has her phone off, so no one knows anything about him."
- "Do you think he is gonna show up?"- the singer asked, and both Ray and Frank looked at each other.
- "I think so,"- Toro said- "He is in love with her after all."
- "After all?"- Iero turned to him and frowned- "The fucker broke her heart! I don't want him near my little Bug in a thousand years."
Gerard wanted to hit Frank after calling her "his little Bug."
- "What the fuck is his problem? She ain't his. She is mine."
- "Frank, we are her friends, and we have to support her, but if she ever decides to get back with him again, even when we both know that's nearly impossible, we have to respect her. Ok?"- Ray was very rational about it, mostly 'cos he had lived it with other friends before- "So if he gets here, we can't do anything."
- "What do you mean "we can't do anything"?"- Frank frowned right away, frustrated- "I'm not gonna let that asshole near her."
- "Me neither, man"- Gerard adds- "And I can't believe you are saying this amount of shit after how she was yesterday."
- "It's called experience, Gerard. So remember, this whole shit ain't about how mad we are with Gubler, but about how much we want our friend to be happy, no matter what!"
Ray used his "dad" voice, and his friends couldn't argue with that. That was Raymond Toro's superpower: Super Dad.
Matthew looked at his mom and sighed. He still had three more days of shooting, and he was about to quit. Gubler barely had the strength to get out of bed that morning. He hadn't eaten. He looked like shit. He didn't want to be in the movie anymore. He gave a fuck about everything. So his mother came along to work with him and sat closely, reading a book, trying to comfort him in any way. Yes, that's how much Matthew loved his mother. And he cared shit if anyone made fun of him.
- "I can't do this, mom,"- he said as he walked to her by the end of a scene, he had some time to wait for things to be ready at the following location- "I mean, what the fuck am I doing here? I have to go to her! I have to tell her that I'm sorry"- he grabbed his phone and dialed- "Still off... Yami, please listen to me. I need to talk to you. This can't be it. I need you to listen to me."
- "Voicemail full"- a computer voice warned and finished the call.
- "Shit! Shit! Shit!"- the young man hit the wall next to him a couple of times as his face turned red in anger and desperation.
- "Matthew, please calm down, you are gonna go, but you need to be calm when you meet her. You have to put yourself together first. What are you going to tell her? How are you going to approach her?"- he sighed and walked around in front of his mother.
- "I just need to talk to her now!"- he whispered, pouting. He had never needed anyone as much as he needed Joey at that moment.
- "She has to make her process too. If you run to her now, you are both going to be still hyperventilated with what happened, you are going to be irrational, you know you will, and she is going to be still so hurt and mad she won't think straight"- Matthew sighed and looked at the ground- "Let the things cool down for a few days."
- "I still need to talk to her. I have to call her."
- "Just make sure you don't sound like a madman when you get to talk to her, ok?"
- "Do I sound like a madman now?"- his mother smiled at held his chin for a second
- "As I had never heard you before... you are in love, baby, it's ok to be a madman... just... try to keep a mind straight when it comes to talking to her, don't scare her away."
Matthew nodded and sighed. His mother's words made sense, but how to calm himself down when he felt he was dying inside? He grabbed his phone and dialed. Still off.
- "Can you come over tonight?"- he wrote and sent the text to Paget, his best friend.
- "Sure, is everything ok?"
- "Tell you tonight."
The band reached Joey's room at lunchtime. They brought pizza and beer, but she didn't want either. They talked to her about their day, the interviews, and Gerard gave her his present. That was the one thing Joey was excited about. She loved drawing and coloring, though she sucked at it.
- "Thank you, Gerard!"- she said and cut him a shy smile- "I wanted to get some of these things for a while and never did"- and the singer smiled proudly. He had finally done one thing right.
- "Hey, if you want, I can teach you a few things so you can start your comic,"- he said and sat next to her.
- "Thanks..."- she nodded but didn't look into the idea. Gerard was probably pushing too hard. But he had gotten so excited with her reaction he thought it was the solution to the whole situation. Nothing was farther from the truth.
- "Come on, Bug, we brought your favorite pizza,"- Frank said and sat next to her- "It has all the bacon in Spain."
- "I'm not hungry,"- she whispered and didn't take her eyes from the art supplies.
- "You've barely eaten,"- Mikey said and held her hand, looking at her so worried, it made Joey feel guilty for having her friend like that. It wasn't fair.
- "Bróðir, I am ok. I ate that cereal you gave me."
- "You threw it up twenty minutes later"- she closed her eyes and sighed- "Do you always throw up when you are upset?"- and she nodded. She didn't want to say a word about it. When Joey was a kid, she had many anxiety problems; she always threw up when she felt stressed. It was the way her body worked to cope with whatever it was that she was feeling.
- "Just a slice, I don't care if you vomit it,"- Frank insisted. She held it and took the tiniest bite possible in a poor attempt to make her friend happy. He just kept looking at her, forcing her to take another bite.
- "Do you have to go to work after lunch?"- she whispered and looked at her fingers playing with the bacon on her pizza.
- "Yeah, Bug. Mikey should probably go shower, but I'm gonna stay with you."
- "I'm not a baby, Ray"- the girl frowned- "I can be alone."
- "I know you can, I just feel like staying here, watch a bunch of movies... maybe sleep a little, I don't wanna go to work,"- Ray simply replied.
- "Guys, I know you are being too cute and adorable right now, and from the bottom of my heart, I am forever grateful for it, but I can stay alone. Nothing is gonna happen."
Mikey moved closer to Joey in the bed and wrapped an arm around her.
- "Sure, you are gonna be ok, but right now, we just wanna be with you... just today, ok? Tomorrow you are on your own,"- she turned and raised an eyebrow at him- "I promise."
- "Fine..."
- "Now eat"- he commanded and moved her pizza closer to her.
- "When are you going to give me my phone back?"- she asked after a while.
- "Tomorrow"- Mikey simply replied.
- "What's the plan for tomorrow, by the way?"- Joey asked and looked at her friends- "Do we have to be at the festival the whole day?"
- "No, but we have to be there early,"- Gerard said and chewed his food- "We have to do some press there, and you should come along."
- "I'm good, thanks."
- "No, really, it was great when we did that radio with you, and you've been great all along this tour, so... it would be great if you were there with us... how many times did I just say "great"?"- Joey smiled at Gerard and looked back at her pizza.
- "Like a million times, dude,"- Frank answered- "Hey, where's the veggie pizza?"
It was very heartwarming and, at the very same time, very overwhelming for Joey to feel that amount of love from her friends. She didn't see it coming. That afternoon, she and Ray watched Pride and Prejudice together, and she even allowed herself to share a few tears during those 90 minutes. Ray pretended he never noticed, and that made her happy.
She picked a bunch of other chick flicks she liked, and her friend watched them all, sleeping a little bit from time to time. Joey wasn't able to close an eye. Every time she took her mind off the movie, she thought of Matthew and started crying again.
By the time the rest of the band arrived again, with more booze, more food, and a whole bag of candies, Ray had watched Clueless, 10 things I hate about you and Ever After. He was pretty surprised to know Joey could recite from memory most of the dialogues in those movies. He never thought she could be so... girly.
- "Hey Bug!"- Mikey practically ran to her- "What are you doing?"
- "Coloring this mandala book Gerard got me"- it felt like she was a little kid and Ray was her nanny- "I don't know why people say this is relaxing; I find it pretty stressful"- Mikey looked at it and smiled.
- "Looks pretty cool to me."
- "Let me see"- Gerard said and walked to her, sitting for the very first time, next to her- "Yeah, that looks stressful"- he whispered, and she smiled- "But there was another coloring book in the bag."
- "I feel like I'm five years old,"- she whispered and looked at the singer in the eyes. He cut her a big smile and grabbed a notebook from his bag.
- "I stopped to buy ten comic books today, so that would make two of us."
- "What did you get?"- that conversation kept going. Gerard couldn't believe it.
- "I saw a few X-Men issues in Spanish, and I thought it would be a nice addition to my collection."
- "Nice..."- Frank moved closer and messed with the girl's hair.
- "I brought you a Dr. Pepper,"- he whispered and kissed her cheek.
- "Thank you, Jersey."
- "I also got you fries"- he smiled and raised an eyebrow- "You can't say no to fries..."- and damn it, Frank was right- "Cheesy fries"- he added with a low sexy voice.
- "I hate you, Frank."
- "It's time for you to face it, Iceland, you love me, you can't live without my pretty face making you laugh"- he teased her and chuckled. She kept her eyes in his and cut him a short smile.
- "Fuck you, Jersey"- she whispered but smiled and snuggled closer to him- "I love you. You are a psycho brother with the ability to make me want to punch you."
- "You are that hot second cousin I would nail,"- Frank answered with a chuckle and a low voice. Joey giggled and hit him simultaneously. Gerard froze, thinking there was no way Iero could be so honest with her about his thoughts, not making her mad.
- "Shut up. Why do you always ruin every single moment we've got together?"
- "'Cos... you laugh when I do, and I love to hear you laugh"- the girl chuckled and blushed.
- "Just give me the damn fries."
Gerard looked at his friend in shock. He had flirted, and she smiled. What the fuck was that? It was so clear everybody was closer to her than him... and she told him she loved him.
- "Damn it! You are not going anywhere tonight until you get fucking closer to this girl."
Around midnight, Ray and Frank stood up. Joey was still laid on her bed, wide awake, watching Lethal Weapon with Mikey.
- "Kids, you should go to bed"- Ray announced and put on his shoes- "We've got a big day tomorrow, and you should all rest, especially you, Bug. The dark rings under your eyes will not be covered with makeup, and we will be on tv tomorrow."
- "I'll sleep, I promise"- she whispered and nodded.
- "Are you going to be ok with these two?"- Frank asked after kissing the top of her head.
- "These two are leaving soon, so I'll be ok"- she made a pause and held Frank's hand- "Thank you, Jersey."
- "There is nothing to thank, Iceland. You are my friend, and I'll protect you no matter what."
- "Yeah... what you did yesterday when you yelled at... at him"- Joey couldn't even really say his name- "Well... thank you-" he smiled and winked.
- "Anytime"
- "I love you, dad,"- the girl said as Ray walked over. She wrapped her arms around him and felt him kiss her forehead.
- "Please, try to sleep."
- "I will ... and thank you for watching chick flicks with me."
- "Anytime you want."
- "Really? You won't get sick of the clichés?"- she smiled and wrinkled her nose.
- "No, maybe next time I'll pick a couple when we are on the bus."
- "Dad, it's a date."
- "Sleep tight."
Joey nodded and watched her friends walking out. Mikey kept his eyes on the tv as he ate a bag of M&Ms. Gerard was sitting at the other side of the bed, drawing in silence. The girl sighed and watched tv for a while, but her mind was somewhere else.
- "You should take a bath,"- Gerard whispered suddenly- "If you are going to try to sleep, maybe a hot shower can help you."
- "I thought I smelled so bad you were gonna force me"- Joey answered, not even looking at him.
- "Joey, I've lived with you for a lot of months so far, and I've been locked with you after playing shows covered in sweat"- Gee made a pause and smiled- "You've never smelled bad"- she rolled her eyes, but a slight smile appeared on her lips.
- "You've never been close enough to smell me."
- "She is right, she gets nasty"- and Mikey got smacked by a pillow after those words.
- "Fine, I'll shower..."- but before moving an inch, the girl looked at her friend and asked- "Can you give me my phone back?"
- "Tomorrow."
- "I want to call my parents"- Mikey took his phone from his pocket and gave it to her.
- "Use mine"- she huffed and dialed.
Gerard watched her walk around the room, speaking half in Spanish, half in English with her mother, and then half in Icelandic, half in English with her dad. It was a funny scene to see; he had never seen it. He had never seen a lot of her habits, and yet he had fallen in love with her. Why? How?
- "Dude, I'm talking to you"- Mikey said and threw him an empty bag of candy.
- "Sorry, what?"
- "Can you stay with her for a while? I have to go to my room and take the biggest dump on earth"- Gerard frowned, disgusted, and nodded.
- "Using the bathroom would have been enough, dude."
- "No, it wouldn't, you need to know the disgusting details of my organism..."- Mikey started gathering his things, and Joey frowned as she watched him.
- "Where are you going?"
- "To take a shit"
- "Please don't use my bathroom. You are gross. It's like there's a corpse coming out of you every time"- Joey simply says, and Gerard burst out laughing.
- "Best description ever!"
- "Here's your phone, bróðir."
- "Thank you, Bug"- he grabbed it, put on his shoes, his backpack, and hugged his friend tight- "I love you."
- "I know. I love you too."
- "I'll leave you with Gerard. Are you gonna be ok?"
- "I'll be fine,"- his older brother answered and never took his eyes from the paper, scared of looking at Joey under the circumstances. He was finally going to be alone with her. What was going to happen?
- "I was talking to her, dumbass"- Gerard flipped the bird to Mikey as Joey stayed hugged to his younger brother. He wished she could hug him like that one day. That night maybe...
- "You are the best brother on earth"- she whispered- "Now please go to your room and sleep."
- "Eat some chocolates, take a bath and fall asleep, ok?"- Joey nodded, and Mikey left the room.
Suddenly she realized it was just her and Gerard. For the first time in weeks. But her mind didn't have room to think about anything else but the pain she was feeling. She missed Matthew so much; watching Lethal Weapon was the best idea at the moment.
Gerard kept drawing in silence, and Joey watched the movie until it was over. She ate a few more Snickers and went through the pages of one of the mandala coloring books Gerard had given her.
- "Are you going to take that bath?"- he asked her. But she didn't answer. She had spaced out, staring at her hands in front of her- "Joey? Are you ok?"
- "Yes,"- she murmured and took a deep breath- "Yeah, I'm gonna shower."
- "Do you need me to run the shower for you?"- the singer asked, standing up, but the girl excused herself, moved out of the bed quickly, grabbed a clean pajama from her bag, and locked herself in the room.
Gee looked around and sighed. He knew she wasn't ok at all, so he cleaned the room a little, threw all of the empty bags of chocolates into the paper bin, called room service to take their dinner dishes away, and made the bed.
- "Hey babe"- he whispered as Lynz picked up the phone- "How are you?"
- "Good baby, you?"
- "So fucking tired"- he might have exaggerated that a little bit- "We had an eternal day today, doing a lot of press for the festival tomorrow."
- "My sweet baby, are you in the hotel?"
- "Yeah, already in bed "In Joey's bed, asshole."
- "And how's everybody?"
- "We are all exhausted. It's been forever since we've been home."
- "I know, honey, I miss you so."
- "I miss you more, baby."
Joey sat under the hot water of the shower, crying her eyes out. She held those tears for so long that day. She needed to get them out of her system when no one could see or hear her. Under the shower was good, with water running down her whole aching body.
She felt so much pain inside it seemed to be endless. She was never going to overcome it. Joey knew it. She actually thought she could die of sorrow. And her friends had been so nice to her. She felt she had to be better, so they were calmer. She didn't want to make them sick worry about her.
- "You to put out a show from the next day and start acting like you are getting over this whole deal"- she whispered to herself and whipped off her tears- "They deserve better than a broken drummer. You have to be professional, you are here to work, and you have to fucking do your best work."
But still, she looked at the ring that was still on her finger, and the tears came back. She didn't want to take it off. She wanted to hold onto the memory of the days she was happy. But it was so hard. She had been broken-hearted before, but not like that. It had never been like this. It felt like the end of her world, and she was sure she was never going to recover from it. She wouldn't be the same woman that she was before. She just didn't know how much of the old Joey was going to survive.
- "Joey, are you ok in there?"- Gerard asked from the other side of the door- "You've been in the shower for a long while."
- "Yeah, I'm coming out in a minute,"- she answered and cleared her throat- "You can go to your room if you want to, I'm ok."
- "I'm not leaving until you are tucked and asleep into that bed, Joey."
Gerard sighed and closed his eyes. He had brought this to her. She deserved him to be nice to her. Nice, he could do nice. He just had to turn his dick off, and everything was going to be ok.
Easier said than done, clearly.
Joey walked out of the shower in her pajamas, hair already dried, and night cream on her face, 'cos she had done nothing for herself in the whole day, and a part of her needed to feel a little human again.
- "You didn't have to stay,"- the girl said as soon as she saw Gerard sitting on her bed, his back resting on the headboard.
- "I didn't want to leave"- he simply answered and tapped the bed beside him- "Come here... "- she sighed and thought a few months ago she would have been shaking as jelly under those circumstances. Now it seemed Joey couldn't even think of Gerard in any way that wasn't a friend.
She crawled into the bed and looked at what he was doing. He had been working on a sketch for a long while now.
- "What are you doing?"
- "Not much, just trying to ease my mind, I think"- he answered and showed Joey his drawings- "I've been working on characters for the stories I wanna write, so I keep making sketches of random thoughts and ideas I've got for them"- Gerard opened another folder and showed Joey some more of his work- "These I've developed for a long while, but I still don't feel they are ready."
- "How do you know they are ready?"- he hesitated for a second before answering.
- "I guess they never really are. You are constantly changing little things about them with time."
- "Like songs?"
- "Yeah"- the girl looked at the drawings in silence for a few minutes. Gerard looked at her as she stared at each sheet with detention. He analyzed her eyes, her lips, and her cheeks. She was still very pale, black rings under her eyes. But yet, for him, she was gorgeous. He was dying to hold her.
- "They are pretty cool,"- she said and handed them back.
- "Hey, did you ever finish the song you were writing the other day?"
- "The other day, you mean five months ago?"- he nodded, thinking it felt it was just a few weeks ago- "Yeah, I did."
- "Can I hear it?"
- "Sure, one day you'll hear it, not today, dude. Today, I don't want anything"- he nodded and watched her sighing.
- "Another movie?"- and she nodded- "Do you wanna pick it?"
- "No... I don't care what's on the screen as long as I don't think"- Gerard grabbed the remote control as Joey kept playing with the ring on her finger- "Are you going to..."
- "I'm not talking about it,"- she answered right away.
- "Sorry..."- he muted and surfed through the pay-per-view options until he picked up "The Goonies." Joey didn't say a word. That was one of Matthew's favorite movies. But she wanted to watch it. She wanted to feel he was close. She was so mad and so in love that she didn't know what to do.
Gerard put all his art supplies in his bag and cuddled next to Joey. He did it just like Frank had done the night before: like it wasn't a big deal at all. He wrapped an arm around her neck and moved closer. She didn't do anything against that. Instead, she rested her head on his chest and sighed. Gerard felt triumphant. She was in his arms, finally. But Joey had cuddled for one reason only: it was the best position to hide the tears that started falling slowly as the movie began. She remembered clearly the first time Matthew "forced her" to watch "The Goonies." It was a Saturday. It was raining outside. They spent the whole day in bed, watching movies, making love, eating chocolate chip hotcakes, and s'mores. It was the perfect day. Now it was just a hurtful memory.
Meanwhile, back in Los Angeles, Gubler could feel the anger coming from Paget's eyes as he came clean and told her the whole story. They were at his house drinking beer and talking. Mostly Matthew was doing all the talking, while his best friend decided which was the best moment to hit him.
- "You are fucked"- Paget simply said as he kept talking. He stopped and frowned. But nothing came from his mouth- "I can't believe you did that! You are disgusting, Matthew!!"
Paget lost it for a second. She never, in all the years she had known her best friend, ever thought he could do such a thing.
- "I know"
- "I just... why did you do it?"
- "I was drunk!"
- "That's not an excuse!! You've been drunk before! And your cock hadn't ended up in your ex-girlfriend's mouth, so be honest with me and tell me what the fuck happened?"
- "I don't know! When I noticed it wasn't Joey, I stopped it all!"
- "You thought your girlfriend was sucking your cock?"
- "Yes!"
- "And why did you make out with those girls at the dancefloor?! Everybody saw you!"
- "I lost it for a second, 'cos I was scared Joey might cheat!"- Matthew murmured and looked at the floor, so ashamed of his own words.
- "And you did it 'cos you were scared she would?!"- Paget yelled and smacked his head- "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
- "I don't know!"- the boy rubbed his hands against his face feeling the anger filling his whole body- "Don't you think I regret it?! I hate myself! I was stupid!"
- "Yes! You were fucking stupid! Do you know what it takes to get someone to love you the way she does?! Do you know how hard it is to find someone as weird as you?!"
- "I know it's hard! I know it's fucking impossible, and I know I fucked it up! But I need you to help me fix this!"
- "You could start by going to see her and beg for forgiveness!"
- "That's what I want to do, but mom said I have to give her a few days to calm down."
- "She is right, and you have to calm down too."
- "She said I sound like a mad man."
- "Madder than usual, yes"- Paget nodded, still serious- "And where is she now?"
- "Spain, she has a huge festival show tomorrow, it's gonna be televised..."
- "So you get to see her live?"- he nodded- "And after that?"
- "Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, she is only staying one day at those places, she is traveling by bus, so she is going to be stuck with the band all the time. And those guys hate me."
- "Right now, I hate you too."
- "Please stop hating me and help me find a way to get to her 'cos I know they are not gonna let me."
- "They have nothing to do with this whole situation! What are you talking about?"
- "Well, they've always been very protective of her, which used to bother me a lot, until I realized they loved her like a little sister, and she is happy with that 'cos she doesn't have many friends."- Matthew was talking very fast, as the words kept coming nonstop- "Eventually, we got closer, especially with Mikey. He is like her older brother on the road, and he is so fucking nice to her for a moment, I thought he was in love with her. But it turns out he loves her as a sister, which made me happy 'cos it meant she wasn't alone in that tour."
- "To the point, Matthew."- Paget sighed, annoyed.
- "Yeah, sorry. What happened was I called her after our fight, and Frank picked up the phone and told me he is going to kill me if he ever sees me again, and threaten me to beat the shit out of me if I ever try to get near her."
- "What at asshole!"
- "I know!"
- "You completely deserved that!"
- "Paget!!"
- "You would do that for me if someone breaks my heart, so deal with it"- Gubler nodded and for a second, then chuckled.
- "A few months ago, Joey told me the same thing..."- he sighed and stayed in silence- "I miss her so much it hurts."
- "I know"
- "I need to get her back..."- his friend didn't say a word, just rubbed his arm gently and cut him a short smile.
Paget couldn't promise him he was going to get her back 'cos she knew how much it hurt being cheated on, and she had never forgiven a guy for that. And by everything Matthew had told her about Joey so far, she knew she wasn't going to do that either. But she couldn't tell him to give up either. She knew he wasn't going to.
Joey sighed. The movie was over, and she was starting to feel tired. She was afraid to sleep though, she knew she would dream with Matthew Gray, and it hurt to even think about it.
- "Ready to get some rest?"- Gerard whispered. She didn't move- "I know you are awake."
- "Are you a psychic?"- she whispered, and he just smiled.
- "I can see your reflex on the screen"- he caressed her hair softly- "Do you need anything?"
- "No... thanks."
- "Do you want me to stay over tonight?"- Gerard simply asked, making sure it sounded like no big deal, though he could hyperventilate if she ever said yes- "I wouldn't mind."
- "I think I could use some time on my own"- Joey answered and moved on the bed, sitting next to him
- "I get it..."
- "Thank you, though. Thank you for taking care of me today and for bringing me so many things."
- "Hey, don't thank me for it. I'm glad I could make you smile even a little bit"- Gerard murmured and tuck some hair behind Joey's ear softly- "I just want you to be happy. You deserve to be so happy."
She didn't move, mostly 'cos she had spaced out thinking about Matthew again. She didn't seem to have room in her head for any other thought but him.
Gerard saw this as a chance to move a little further. He kept his hand in her hair and moved it slowly down to the backside of her neck. The girl chilled and looked into his eyes. That look, it wasn't a friendly one, and she just noticed it.
- "Joey, you deserve so much better than what he did to you, and if it were for me, I would give you everything, my whole life."
- "Thank you, Gerard"- she whispered and smiled- "You are a good friend."
- "I wasn't saying that as a friend."
Way smiled and moved closer to her, his nose touching hers. She didn't move. She didn't know what to do, actually. She had always thought he was incredibly hot, but she never wanted to cheat on Matthew. But now, that didn't matter anymore.
Gerard moved a few centimeters closer, and his lips touched Joey's. Electricity ran down his back as he kissed her slowly, just to make sure she wasn't going to move away. She didn't. And slowly, she kissed him back.
His hands cupped her face carefully as Gerard increased the kiss, slipping his tongue between her lips. They tasted like chocolate, and they felt warm against his. It was blissful. It was like all the months he had to wait to feel that kiss had been completely worthy. That was the best kiss he had ever given, and his heart was rising so much, he thought it was going to escape from his chest.
Joey wasn't thinking. She wasn't at all. She just went along with the kiss 'cos it felt nice. And it also felt like payback. Like if by kissing Gerard, she was getting sweet revenge for what Matthew had done to her.
Gerard increased the kiss a little more, biting her lower lip and moving her closer to him. He wrapped an arm tight around her and kept a hand playing from her cheek to her neck slowly. Joey was enjoying this, Way was a pretty good kisser, and it was honestly a kiss she had thought about a million times. But it felt empty, like the kind of kiss you give to a random guy when you are drunk at a party. And this wasn't a random guy. This was her colleague, her married colleague.
- "Stop"- she whispered and broke the kiss.
- "What is it?"- she landed her hands on Gerard's chest and pushed him away softly.
- "This is wrong."
- "Why?"- Joey frowned as he held her hands and looked confused.
- "Well, apart from the obvious"- she said and pointed at his wedding right- "I'm at the lowest point of my life, and we work together. I can't afford to lose my job right now, so kissing one of my colleagues seems like a pretty shitty idea to me."
- "Not to me."
- "Gerard... that's your cock talking,"- Joey stood up and looked at him.
- "I've longed to kiss you for a long while"- he confessed following her and standing right in front of her- "And I've got the feeling so did you."
- "That's not the point. This it's wrong."
- "But it felt good, and you know it."
Gerard leaned to her, held her face, and pressed his lips against her, this time in a passionate kiss that made Joey feel weak on her knees. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around his neck and felt his hands on her waist, moving her closer. So close that she could feel his erection, rubbing against her body.
- "You should go"- Joey whispered, gasping for air as she moved from his lips.
- "But I wanna stay"- she shook her head immediately.
- "You have to go, Gerard."
- "But, Sugar"- he murmured and rubbed his lips against her. She let him go slowly and looked at him, shaking her head again- "Ok..."- he grabbed his jacket and his shoes and landed a soft kiss on Joey's cheek- "Good night, sugar."
- "Bye, Gerard."
The singer walked out of that room and sighed. That had been the best kiss of his life. But Joey was right; it had been a mistake. However, it was a mistake he wanted to make ever since he first saw her. Still, he had just cheated on his wife. But that was a thought he needed to ignore at the moment. He had kissed the girl he loved. And he was in heaven.
Joey was in hell. She hated herself so much she wanted to die. She brushed her teeth over and over again, tears falling from her eyes. Her head hurt after so many days of crying. She had kissed another guy. And though Matthew had done the same to her, she still felt guilty and dirty. She was so sorry for what she had done; she knew it had been a terrible mistake. She didn't even want to face Gerard after that.
He was so eager for her, he had been holding that kiss for a long time, and he simply confessed it, like it wasn't a big deal. But it was. It meant Matthew had been right all along; Gerard had a thing on her, something that had ended up being a hot kiss. A very hot kiss. And if she hadn't stopped him, it was clear where Gerard wanted to go.
- "He had a boner for Christ Sakes!"- the girl argued, walking back to bed- "A fucking boner!"- she got under the covers, wrapping her arms around her legs, biting her lips so hard she nearly drawn blood.
Kissing someone else while still in love with Matthew didn't feel right. She didn't want to do it again. No matter how hot Gerard was. She missed her boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend. How was she ever going to get over him? She knew it was impossible. You don't love someone that much and successfully take him from your heart.
It was a good thing that Mikey had her phone, 'cos she felt the urge to call Matthew at the moment. That would have been stupid, and she knew it. But still, it physically hurt to miss him so much. She needed to talk to him. But Mikey had her phone... he didn't have her computer, though.
She looked for it in her backpack and started it on right away.
- "What the fuck are you doing?"- she asked herself out loud as she stared at the screen- "You can't talk to him... you are going to cave in."
Joey brushed her hands against her face and closed the computer. But after a few minutes, she poured herself a glass of whiskey and opened it again. She had decided to check her mail, and maybe Twitter, nothing related to her boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend.
But her inbox was filled with emails from Matthew. At least twenty. Her stomach tightened as soon as she saw them. She took a sip of whiskey and opened the first one. It was sent the night before, probably after Frank had yelled at him and turned off her phone.
"I'm so sorry Yami, I know I was stupid and drunk, and I'll regret it for the rest of my life. But I need you to know you are the only woman I wanna spend the rest of my life with. I love you so much it hurts to think of a day without even hearing your voice."
Joey was already crying. This wasn't healthy. Why was she doing it? She needed to sleep. She needed to get her mind from Matthew. But the memory of Gerard's kisses was right there hunting her too. She poured herself another whiskey and walked around the room. Maybe she could drink herself to sleep. But, she had a huge gig the next day, and she had to be professional.
- "Fuck! I wanna die..."- she sobbed and opened the next mail.
"I know you don't want to talk to me, and I get it. I just need you to understand how much I love you and that I'm willing to do anything to fix this, anything you want, everything you ask; I'll do it, but please, please don't leave me."
- "I have to stop this..."- she took another sip of her whiskey and whipped off her tears. She walked to the phone and talked to the front desk.
- "Hello, sorry to bother you, but can you please connect me with room 1201? Thank you"- the girl waited in line for what felt like ages until she heard Mikey's half-asleep.
- "Joey, are you ok?"
- "No, I'm not ok. Can you come and sleep with me, please?"
- "I'll be right there"- Joey stayed still, eyes glued on the screen, reading over and over again the last mail she had opened.
Mikey didn't even knock. He still had her key, so he just walked into the room in boxers and shirt, shoeless and with his hair made a huge mess. Mikey didn't say a word either; he just took the computer away from her and closed it, grabbed the glass, drank what was left of her whiskey, and got Joey under the covers of the bed. She was shaking and crying quietly.
- "You are gonna be ok Bug, I swear, please try to get some sleep"- he said and held her tight, spooning her- "I'm right here, I'm going to take care of you, ok?"- she nodded and sighed- "Now close your eyes and sleep, I've got you, ok? I've got you."
Joey sniffed and sobbed a little, feeling how her brother's arms tightened around her.
- "Thank you, Mikey."
- "You did the same for me. I owe you my life at this point. I'm never going to leave you."
Back in Los Angeles, Matthew was drunk, calling and calling Joey without any result. Her phone was off, her voicemail was full. So he continued writing emails. At least he could put his heart out in a way, though he had no idea if she was ever going to read them.
Paget, next to him, tried to stop him. But it was useless. The boy wanted to write and ignored everything else.
- "Matthew, Matthew"- she said and shook her arm- "Buy the fucking plane ticket to see her!"
- "Yes!!"- he kind of shouted and took a paper from his pocket- "This is Yami's tour schedule... the movie ends in two days, I can go take a plane straight from the set... so I have to go to Oslo if I wanna catch her."
- "Nice! Bring souvenirs"- his friend smiled, trying to cheer him up
- "Deal"- the boy grabbed his credit card and booked the first flight he found to Norway- "You know it is our anniversary next 17th, if everything goes right, we could actually celebrate our first year together."
- "Please, Matthew, and I need you to listen to me"- Paget said seriously and looked into her best friend's eyes, making sure he would understand her, though he was wasted- "Please, whatever you do, don't fuck it up! ok?"
- "Yes."
- "'Cos this is going to be the only chance you'll get to talk to her and fix everything. Trust me."
Gubler nodded with widened eyes. He was drunk, tired, and devastated, but still, he got how serious and honest Paget was with him. He knew he wasn't going to get many chances to get Joey back. And maybe that was going to be the only one.
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thedevillionaire · 3 years
The Twentieth
Okay. ~5,000 words of Underworldian stuff that happens. Well, primarily one thing, really, but not all at the same time. Sort of. Ask me anything, thank you so very much for reading, and...well, here we go.
--- This was not at all how he’d planned for the day of their anniversary to unfold.
In the back of his mind, in corners he’d quite deliberately not lingered for a moment longer than absolutely necessary, he’d known that trouble was possibly oncoming as early as the night before last, the descending fog of nascent illness as recognisable as it was unwelcome. But it had been…at least a year, perhaps close to two, since he’d last felt this way, and he was hoping that he was wrong, and that what were seeming like potential signs of bad news weren’t actually signs at all.
They were.
Cerberus sniffled.
It wasn’t supposed to go like this. He’d tried, he really had. Discounting those signs as unimportant even as he took precautions because of them, he’d risked nothing, pushed his luck with nothing. He’d even gone to bed several hours earlier than usual last night, and fallen asleep almost immediately on top of that. Unlike his bonded, who’d had a late night and come home at some uncertain hour from one of those social catch-up things she so enjoyed that he was…less inclined towards, even in times when he was feeling entirely well – not that he’d given that as the reason for his disinclination to participate, of course.
Hardly relevant, anyway.
And he’d slept soundly enough that he’d not woken to notice her join him – in fact, he’d been so sapped of energy that from the moment the warmth of the hearth and bedcovers enveloped him, he was out – which just made it all the more ominous that he’d woken feeling like he’d got no rest at all, bone-tired as if no respite had been granted, with a constant, dull headache that so far had refused to resolve, and yesterday’s mild discomfort at the back of his throat sharpening significantly into an active and intrusive concern.
Getting caught in that ridiculous downpour on the way here wouldn’t have helped matters either, he thought bitterly. Although brief, it had been intense, and sudden, and heavy, and though the mercy of Teleport could not have been a more welcome escape, the short time spent in headblurry indecision about whether or not he should utilise it had nonetheless been long enough that his coat had been soaked through. The refuge of the radiant heat of his Office was helping somewhat, at least, and most of his clothing had dried by now – though his hair, which he’d tied back with a loose bow of slender black velvet ribbon to keep errant strands from his face, was still noticeably and uncomfortably damp against his neck. Less so than had he left it unbound, but still…
If he’d ever regretted choosing to walk rather than taking the lazy option before – gods, the damn irony of thinking that the walk would possibly benefit him tonight, of all things – he was sure he’d not regretted it as much as he did right now.
He sniffled again.
Closing the folder of Requiem’s surprisingly competently done assignment, he sighed and added it to the small stack of completed works, vaguely wondering if he’d been too generous with the grading. Although he knew the content backwards and could in fact get away with paying very little serious attention, his mind was nevertheless, for the most part, almost entirely on other things.
This was supposed to be the night where, once respective regular mundanities and commitments were out of the way, he would take his beloved to indulge in whichever of the things she most loved to indulge in while on a Visit, utterly at her behest, and completely guilt-free for her with no mandated set goal to achieve, no limitations on immersion, no regulations at all; just an unscheduled and spontaneous trip to the mortal plane, a high-end cocktail bar all dress codes and decadence, and a veritable array of delicious, oblivious Takings there for her pleasure – ahh, darkling, a smorgasbord! – all eyes upon her because nobody, not in the Underworld and certainly no mortal, can compare, and despite his usual personal antipathy towards bothering with the mortal realm, he knew of certain excellences all the same, and he’d put his own preferences aside and simply present her with the glories and spoils she deserved, watch her dance from the shadows and delight in it.
Darkling, I will give you the world.
He’d had every intention of doing precisely that.
And it was also really starting to feel like he was definitely not going to…not going to let this happen, damn it. You’ll be fine, stop putting unnecessary emphasis on transient discomfort, it’s nothing, you know these things pass, just…
He sniffled again, more sharply this time, claimed another tissue and blew his nose, trying to disregard how doing so did nothing much to stop the continuing drip and irritation.
Just get on with it. Honestly. Vaporising the tissue, he took another sip of the honeyed tea that wasn’t doing nearly as much to counteract the sting in his throat as he’d hoped it would, and returned his attention to the job at hand. He noted with distaste as he opened the new folder that yet again it seemed that Hellion hadn’t bothered to proofread the simplest of…
Oh gods.
His breath caught, thoughts ceased, focus helplessly crumbling.
He rolled his eyes at the inevitability of it, and grabbed another tissue, and another, as the insistent need made itself unstoppably and urgently known.
“Hh-TSCHH-uu! *snff!* Huh-TSSCHH-uu!”
Therion, across the room and in the midst of cataloguing a stupidly confusing array of recently rediscovered and yet unsorted secondgen scrolls, glanced back over his shoulder at Cerberus briefly. “Gesundheit,” he commented offhand, not remotely surprised by this development. Given the constant sniffling that had been going on for the last couple of hours or so, he’d pretty much been expecting that to happen sooner or later. No matter how infrequently the Demon king may catch cold, symptoms were symptoms. Sounding like shit there, boss, he thought, but decided against voicing it.
Cerberus managed a quick thankyou before the demanding urge once again overtook him, and he inhaled deeply, desperately, the force of the sneeze almost doubling him over.
Therion glanced over again. “You okay, man?”
Cerberus, with a strong sniffle, cleared his throat and made an incidental sound of dismissal. “Mm, fine,” he murmured, which he knew at this point was a complete lie, his head pounding. “Pardon me.” He blew his nose, sniffling again immediately. Ugh. “It’s, um…it’s nothing.”
He returned his attention to Hellion’s paper.
It was, however, no matter his assurance, becoming undeniably something.
The hours had somehow simultaneously dragged and flown by, some goals achieved, others – and, to be honest, the ones he’d most been counting on – unfortunately not so.
Cerberus sighed heavily, put aside the last of the assignments he’d reviewed, and, having had quite enough of honeyed tea for one day, poured himself a substantial glass of cognac from the decanter on his desk.
On the plus side, he’d got through a decent amount of the papers, all things considered. On the minus, though, his oncoming cold, rather than resolving into the insignificance he’d hoped for, had instead settled in undeniably, pouring into his head like cement, and he pressed the back of his hand firmly against his nose with enough force for pain to overtake irritation. He vaporised yet another bunch of used tissues, sniffling again, and tried to take his mind off Kia and what she might be thinking, expecting, dreaming, anticipating…
..and what he feared he was not going be able to deliver.
Acceptance of such, however, was still not something he was willing to entertain quite yet.
Damn it, it’s one night. Surely you can at least delay this ridiculousness for one more night. With a lengthy, determined sniffle and heavy exhalation, Cerberus, elbow on desk and hand against forehead, lost himself in a mix of annoyance and self-pity for a moment before an intense rising fury at the situation overtook it, and he frowned, sat up straighter, and drained the glass of cognac entirely.
Do. Better.
With a brief shake of his head, he rubbed his nose and opened the next assignment in the pile, read the name. Ah, Cenotaph, he noted with a slight satisfaction. Shouldn’t be dreadful. Although he nearly always…
His thoughts were jarringly interrupted by the intrusive ring of the telephone, and despite him dearly wishing he could palm this off to Therion, the phone was on the desk, and proximity demanded he be the one to answer. And to make matters worse – apparently that’s possible, and of course it is – he could feel the rising, inexorable need to sneeze again.
No. This is not happening. Just… The idea of being defeated by such a simple, base physical weakness infuriating, he sniffled with sharp determination, crushing a hand clutching a tissue against his nose, and answered the call.
Aera took a moment. “Cerbie? Okay, wow. What are you doing in Office?”
I…work here? Cerberus couldn’t quite parse what her intention was, what sort of answer she was expecting. Was that rhetorical, or…? “I don’t… What do you…” He sniffled again, his breath catching momentarily, but he fought the urge back once more, and tried to concentrate on the matter at hand. “What?”
“‘Debodics’,” Aera said in mimicry of the congestion destroying his consonants, her tone flippant and biting at the same time.
Frowning in annoyance, his patience worn thin enough as it was, and in no mood to engage, Cerberus snarled a curt, “I’m fine,” and wiped his nose.
Aera scoffed. “You’re seriously going the denial route? Hate to break it to you, but you sure don’t sound fine.”
“Do you have a point?” Cerberus asked tersely, internally cursing his inability to comprehensively prove her wrong – not that she was necessarily wrong, but that was hardly the issue.
“Godssake, Cerbie, you’re such a…” Aera began, but recognised she was probably wasting her time and decided to just let it go. She knew his pattern with this sort of thing, and so she backed off a little – though by no means completely. “Okay, fine, alright, I could be wrong, maybe you’re not sick after all. So, you know, if you’ve been crying or punched in the face or something, go right ahead and clear that up for me.”
Cerberus, exasperated and increasingly distracted, just wanted an end to it all. “Damn it, Aera, can you please try to tear yourself away from the apparently fascinating state of my health for a moment and just tell me what the hell it is you want? *snf!* And you could be a bit more pleasant to me, you know,” he added pointedly. “It is my anniversary, after all.”
Aera gasped lightly in realisation, the date having escaped her notice completely. “Oh, shit, it is too! Ah, fuck, sorry, happy anniversary. But, no, anyway, this call does actually have a point. I think I might have left a scarf in your Office yesterday. Do you have it? It’s blue.”
You couldn’t have just asked that immediately? Cerberus glanced around the Office perfunctorily, not seeing anything of the kind. “N…” His breath caught again and he scrubbed his hand roughly under his nose, sniffling sharply, and took a moment before trusting himself enough to answer her. “No.”
“Really? What the hell have I done with it, then?” Aera wondered, partially to Cerberus but mostly to herself, before returning her attention to the conversation at hand. “Oh, and bless you.”
“What?” Cerberus frowned in confusion, his head clouded enough that he wasn’t entirely certain that he hadn’t missed or forgotten something that surely he ought not to have been able to miss or forget. “I…I didn’t sneeze.” It was…inescapably true that he needed to, but he’d not…
Aera chuckled briefly, quietly. “You will.”
She hung up.
The freedom afforded him by that disconnection, one staggered, desperate inhale was all it took. And in the moment, he didn’t even care that she’d been right. At this point he just wanted relief.
“hh-HH… Ahh-HEHTSSHhuu!”
“Gesundheit,” said Therion again, smiling grimly to himself. He usually minded his own business about this sort of thing – not that it came up much – and indeed still considered staying out of it altogether now. But he hadn’t known about the anniversary factor before, and playing substitute Leader for a few days was hardly the worst fate in the world, and if not tonight it was almost certainly going to come to that fate soon enough anyway, so…
He put the scrolls aside, walking over to stand opposite where Cerberus was seated at the desk. “Hey, man…”
“Huh-AHSSCHuu! *snf!*” Cerberus groaned. “Gods. Excuse me,” he murmured with a heavy sigh, his head and sinuses throbbing. He sniffled wetly, blew his nose, excused himself again, and looked up at Therion somewhat hazily. “Mm?”
Therion half-smiled, casual, non-committal. “Happy anniversary, dude. Didn’t mean to listen in or anything, just…you know. Overheard.”
A small smile of appreciative thanks crossing his face, Cerberus sniffled again and nodded in otherwise silent acknowledgement.
“Just a thought, though,” Therion continued. “If I had a choice between going home to my mad-hot bonded… How many years now, man?”
A heartbeat. An eternity.
“Fucking what?!” Therion stared at Cerberus as if he was out of his mind. “Fuck, man! Congrats and shit, but for real? If I had a choice between going home, like, immediately or staying in Office for a few more hours marking shit I could pretty easily get my Understudy to do, actually? I’d be out of here in a fucking microsecond. But, you know, you’re the boss, man. Do whatever. Just saying.” Reaching across the desk, he picked up Cenotaph’s paper and scanned its contents quickly. “I mean, this looks pretty good, I guess, but, you know, Kia probably looks better.” He grinned as Cerberus gave a dark smile in response, and paused only for a short time, but enough that the pause be noted. “Seriously. You know she’d spoil the fuck out of you.”
Cerberus sighed again, regret, bitterness and castigating self-reproach evident in his eyes beneath a haze of sickness he really could no longer deny. Yes, I know, of course I know, but... “The spoiling really was suppo… hh-HH…” He hastily took another few tissues from the box, burying his face in them just in time to catch another fierce sneeze he had no chance of stopping. “AHHTSCHUU! Goddamnit. Pardon me.” He wiped his nose, sniffling again immediately – disturbingly liquid, entirely ineffectual, and with a weariness behind it that he could not disguise. Looking back up at Therion, he returned to his point. “I’d really intended the providing of spoils to be my job tonight. And this…utter ridiculousness—” He made a vague gesture towards his face. “—was supposed to have improved, not worsened, damn it.”
With another heavy sigh, disappointment palpable, he capitulated. “I don’t suppose you keep any cold medication in Office, do you?”
“Sorry.” Therion shook his head. “Go the fuck home, man. I got this.”
Standing, Cerberus nodded briefly in reply, giving Therion a firm pat on the shoulder as he passed by. “Thank you,” he said quietly, and vanished.
And naturally half the damn Underworld seems to be here.
Well, he most certainly was not going to queue.
Ignoring the mixture of hushed mutterings and soft gasps from the others in the Healing centre – none of whom he recognised but it was evident from the expressions on the faces of the…many people staring at him that the reverse was not the case – Cerberus walked to the front of the line with only the most cursory of glances at those who he had no intention of waiting either for or behind, greeted Riviera at the front desk perfunctorily and, abruptly beyond caring to hear any more of the continuing intrusive sussurance, froze the entirety of the waiting room’s occupants under Stasis with a crisp wave of his hand.
Dear gods, shut up. I will set you all on fire and I won’t regret it for a second.
He sniffled strongly. “Aldiss, please,” he said to Riviera, who had already Mindsent the Healing Leader in anticipation of precisely that directive.
“On her way,” Riviera replied. She indicated the Stasis-held others. “Um, is that…are they…?”
“Entirely temporary, just expedient. I’ll undo it soon enough.”
Aldiss appeared beside Riviera at the desk, Mindsending her :Cover me for a bit. Room 5, burns, not serious, mostly dealt with already,: and Riviera duly vanished.
At a loss and clearly awaiting clarification, Aldiss turned her attention to Cerberus. “Alright, what are you doing here?”
Cerberus frowned. Why is everywhere I am apparently a surprise tonight? “I’m ill, obviously. Why else would I be here? I need cold medication.” He sniffled again, as if in emphasis, though not intentionally so, and wiped his nose.
“Again? Already?”
Again? There IS no again. I literally just got here. What the hell is going on? Cerberus briefly wondered if he could be hallucinating this entire sequence of events, so little of it seemed to make any coherent sense. “What do you mean ‘already’?” He winced as his voice cracked, and he cleared his throat, which did little more than cause him a different kind of discomfort, a convulsive cough following in short order, his nose running again as a result. He sniffled sharply, repeatedly. Gods. For fuck’s sake. “Excuse me.”
“I’m not giving you anything more if you’ve taken the other lot already.”
“Damn it, Aldiss, do I sound like I’ve taken anything?!”
Aldiss did have to concede that point.
Thoroughly exasperated, Cerberus exhaled heavily in annoyance. “Why is everything always such an ordeal in this place?” And suddenly another strangeness occurred to him. “Wait – what other lot?
“The meds Kia picked up, obviously.”
“What?!” Cerberus, a fresh fear striking him – one he was entirely unprepared for, one that actually managed to distract him from his own discomforts for a moment – stared at Aldiss in unconcealed horror. “Kia’s unwell?!”
With a wry smile, Aldiss shook her head. “I swear I never personally get to experience it, but rumour has it you’re actually quite a clever man, Cerberus, so try and stay with me here, alright?” She looked at him with a certain sardonic encouragement. “The meds Kia picked up for you.”
Unfortunately, this didn’t make much more sense to him, if at all. “But what reason would…” He sniffled again. “Why would she do that?” He rubbed and wrinkled his nose against a building itch, took a tissue from the box on the desk, then another, and tried to stay focused.
Aldiss, in mildly amused bafflement that he could actually be this oblivious, stared at the Demon king as if he was a complete imbecile. “Because you’ve got a cold?”
Annoyance clearly evident despite the hitch in his breath, Cerberus frowned at her. “Yes, Aldiss, we’ve established that, but Ki…Kia doesn’t…” Ah, fuck. Bringing the tissues to his face as the itch became sharply definite, he turned away hurriedly. “Huh-ATSSCHH-uu!” He groaned, sniffling immediately, the force of the sneeze bringing to the fore anew the pulsing headache he’d almost, almostbeen able to forget, his breath still a little shaky as he excused himself. He claimed another tissue and wiped his nose, sniffling again, and took a moment before returning to his earlier point. “Kia doesn’t know about *snf!* this yet.”
“Yes, she most certainly does,” Aldiss countered. “What, you didn’t think she’d notice?”
“Well, of course she’d notice now, damn it, Aldiss,” said Cerberus in open irritation, “but I wasn’t nearly this…”
“Oh, for god’s sake, Cerberus. How long have you been together?”
“As it happens, it’s our twentieth anniversary tonight,” Cerberus replied, a bitter and rueful undertone unmissable despite increasing congestion, “which I am attempting not to completely ruin.” Another sharp sniffle. “Apparently a futile pursuit,” he muttered resentfully, and pressed the back of his hand against his nose in an attempt to see off a newly threatening, vibrantly insistent itch.
“Twenty years and you think she’d miss a thing? She knows you. She knows you really well. How do you not…”
Aldiss sighed as Cerberus, thoroughly losing the battle, sneezed again, wetly and powerfully, and she passed him a handful of tissues as he murmured both an apology and a thankyou. Looking out at the significant number of people yet to be seen, she allowed him some necessary moments of recovery, then made her point. “Listen, I’m sorry you’ve managed to catch cold for your anniversary but you do have both medication and a devoted bonded waiting at home. Please go there. Kia’s probably wondering where the hell you are anyway, since – if I can I remind you – she knows you’re sick. Oh, and you can undo your…stopping people in time thing or whatever it is now, too, thank you very much.”
“As always, Aldiss, it’s been a delight.” Releasing his Stasis hold with a short wave, the murmurs and mutterings picking up precisely where they’d been cut off as if there had never been a break, Cerberus turned his gaze briefly upon his unbidden rapt audience, disregarded them all equally, internally cursed himself for having even bothered to come to this ridiculous place, inclined his head in crisp farewell, and promptly vanished.
Leaning back against the loungeroom wall in weary resignation upon his Teleported arrival home, Cerberus stopped still, his attentions resolutely redirected in an instant at the entirely unexpected sight of his beautiful lifebonded reclining languorously across the couch, dressed – or almost dressed, it could technically be said – in diaphanous babydoll chemise and finest lace lingerie, soft brunette darkestness falling silkenwild around her shoulders, a vision of breathtaking boudoir fantasy he was quite thoroughly unprepared for, and he paused for a moment to simply gaze at her, enchanted.
:Darkling, you are perfection.:
Kia looked up slowly, and with a sultry, indulgent smile, dropped her book onto the coffee table and stretched before sitting up just a little, beckoning him to join her with crooked finger and open invitation.
“Took your time, sweetheart,” she said, gently teasing, and opened the bottle of cognac, pouring a glass for them both. “I’d almost decided to start without you.”
“Love, I…” Cerberus began but was torn from his words unstoppably, unable to do anything about the sudden, desperate need overtaking him, and, expression crumpling and focus destroyed, he had no choice but to give in to it. “Huh-TSCHH-uu! Ah-HEHTSCHuu!” He pardoned himself with haste, groaning quietly.
“Aw, bless you, hon. Come here.” Kia repeated her beckoning motion. She regarded him a moment, frowning in puzzlement. “Where’s your coat?” She’d not seen him leave the house this morning, but she was entirely certain he’d have worn one.
“Hmm? Oh, um…” Cerberus sniffled, wiped his nose and glanced down at himself, not having given any particular thought to his outfit – his standard fine linen shirt, brocade waistcoat, tailored black pants – since leaving Office.
Which was, of course, where he’d left his coat.
“Got rained on. Earlier, that is, not… A while ago, anyhow.” He sniffled again and tried to focus. “In Office. The coat, I mean, not where the…rain was.” He sighed in exasperation as anger at the situation overtook tiredness again. “Honestly, it would be nice if I could at least form a damn sentence!” Gods, what the hell is wrong with you. Get your damn shit together. “Sorry, love. I, um…used Teleport after that, though, so I’ve not really been outside since.”
“Well, coat or not, you were supposed to have given up and come home ages ago.” Kia laughed gently. “You know, like a normal person. Why are you always so stubborn about this stuff?” She caressed his face affectionately as he sat beside her, curled an arm around the back of his neck, and kissed him with warm promise. :And don’t you even dare say a word about not wanting to give your cold to me,: she Mindsent preemptively. :Yes, I know, no, I don’t care, and there is no way I’m not kissing you on our twentieth anniversary.:
“Anyway,” she continued in satin murmur, tracing a finger along the angular contours of his jawline and kissing him again, “you know I’ll spoil you.” She looked at him directly then, sapphire eyes narrowing in challenge. “You do know that, right?”
“I…” He did, but between the desire not to need her to – at least not tonight – and rather for him to be, as he’d so very much intended, the one fulfilling any fantasies, and the desire to just try and forget failed plans and expectations and immerse in her…frankly stunning sanctuary, and his head was far too clouded to explain himself right now, and technically he had left Office early anyway so he wasn’t that late really, especially considering he hadn’t realised that he’d been expected, but what did any of this even matter when this goddess before him was so…very… He sniffled again, claiming a tissue and wiping his nose firmly, and wished he was at least a little more functional because she was so incredibly breathtaking, and that was all he could think about in the moment, really, aside from feeling like he was fairly sure he was going to sneeze again – which, when combined with the first and…infinitely preferable reason that he couldn’t think straight, provided a particularly strange contradiction in where his attentions were directed, and now he couldn’t with certainty remember exactly what she’d asked him anymore, and she was just…gods, she was everything, and his head was a mess and he…definitely had to…
He blinked rapidly, his breath hitching in escalating intensity, and turned from Kia to bury his face in crooked elbow. Gods, fuck, just…
“Huh-TSSCHH-uu! Ahh-HUHTSSHhuu!”
The force of the sneezes combined with the pounding throb of sinus-heavy headache to set the room spinning, but despite that had done very little to quiet the insistent irritation he just could not seem to escape tonight. Another staccato breath and fuck ano… hh-HH ..another and a Mindsent apology because he was entirely unable to voice one, doubling over in thrall to desperate demand, powerful, possessing. “Hhuh-AHTSCHUU! Huh…hh-TSSCHH-uu!”
“Oh, sweetheart, bless you.” Kia indicated the medications she’d collected on the table, though she wasn’t sure there was much point, his ability to focus entirely and…mesmerisingly hijacked. “You should probably…”
Cerberus, with a brief shake of his head, held up a finger in a gesture indicating that she had to wait a moment, the relentless need not done with him yet, and he inhaled deeply, unable to do a thing about it other than succumb once more, and he sneezed again – undeniable, absolute, violently ferocious. “Hh-hhAAAHTSSCHHUU! ..uhh…” A quiet groan and he pressed the back of his hand against his nose, sniffling fiercely, more than a little breathless. “Damn. Sorry.”
“Wow, bless you!” Kia said with softriveted, emphatic appraisal, and flashed him a wickedwarm grin. “Impressive. You should get a prize for that kind of effort.”
“Gods, love.” Smiling wryly despite himself, Cerberus managed a brief disbelieving laugh before having no choice but to give in to sharpburning sensation, his breath catching abrupt, deep, jagged, pleading. “hh-h-huh-TSCHH-uu! Huh-TSSCHH-uu! *snf!* Huh… huhhTSSCHHUU! For fuck’s sake! *SNFF!* Ugh, sorry.” Sniffling repeatedly, he excused himself again with clear irritation even as Kia offered him a tender blessing. He took a fresh multitude of tissues from the box and blew his nose, muttering under his breath that in any reasonable world he’d get to kill at least one person over this, and if…
“Oh, look!” announced Kia with cheery brightness, breaking into his thoughts and picking up one of the medication vials. “You win drugs.” She handed the vial to Cerberus with a kiss to his cheek, effectively short-circuiting his rising fury at the situation, and trailed a languid hand down the length of his arm, dropped her voice to a sultry purr. “I’ll even throw in the glamorous assistant.” She semi-curtseyed, winked in play.
With a soft laugh and a sigh both appreciative and self-effacing, Cerberus accepted and took the meds as proffered, curling an arm across Kia’s shoulders, drawing them closer together, and leant his head against hers, Mindsending a heartfelt, sincere :I adore you.:
“I’m so sorry, darkling.” He ran an index finger under his nose, sniffled quietly, exhaled with dismayed heaviness at the thought of having let his beloved down, in any way. “I really did mean to give you everything you desire tonight.” He sat back again; smiled at her, a little sadly. “And I truly do wish to bring you the world you deserve. All the worlds, come to that.”
“Oh, sweetheart, I know. And I know that you’re, like…literally able to do it, which still just amazes me and will forever, I swear, you’re incredible, but…really, you don’t need to be disappointed. See, I want you—” Shifting her position smoothly, Kia moved to sit on his lap, her legs astride his, and caressed his face in her hands, kissing him with passion burning. “Mmm. I want you—” Another kiss. “—to think for just a minute—” And another. “—from a different view.” Reaching behind his head, she untied the velvet ribbon constraining his hair, allowing it in release to cascade over his shoulders. She wove a gentle hand through freed midnight, tucked a few stray strands behind his ear. “If things were reversed, if I was the one who’d come home sick tonight, what would you have done?”
Cerberus chuckled wryly, softly, as he recognised her viewpoint. He didn’t pretend otherwise. “Anything you wanted, love, as always.”
Kia gave him a knowing smile. “Mm-hm.”
Wrapping her arms around him, she kissed him again, slower, deeper. “So, then, babe,” she purred, tracing a trail of kisses down his neck, shoulders, chest, “you should know that you are everything I desire, everything I dream of, and the only way you could ever let me down is to not be with me tonight, and now I am going to order you into the bedroom and you are going to do exactly what I say and that is pretty much what would have happened even with you in perfect health with your perfect plan, because you should know—” She broke off again, kissing him with a craving undeniable, abandoning speech for silksultry Mindsend.
:that all I want:
One hand now twining through his hair, the other first toying with then smoothly untying the topmost bows on her chemise, allowing it to fall away, and she pulled him closer to her again, deepening the kiss at his involuntary resulting moan.
Another kiss and her hand reaching down, loosening clothing and caressing him to urgency, and he moaned again, curling one arm around her waist and another behind her head, holding her around him and returning her kiss with a fire straight from his soul, feeling her breath quickening, demanding, as she pushed back against him, heat rising. A soft growl, a gasp, a sharp inhalation as they joined together, and she met her beloved’s famed emerald gaze eye to eye, consummate, profligate, incendiary.
“Oh, and sweetheart? Tonight I am going to make you wish you caught cold more often.”
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insfiringyou · 3 years
BTS - Going Solo (Part Two) - Jimin x Ara
Contains: Angst. *Potential trigger warning for mentions of depression/mental illness*
Set a week following ‘Going Solo Part One’, Ara returns home and has to face the reality of how she has been feeling lately.
You can find out more about our headcanon universe and ongoing storyline here and more about our headcanon girlfriends here.
To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin /   Suga /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook & our full masterlist of fanart and fanfictions can be found here
If you wish to follow all member’s storylines in chronological order from the beginning, you can find them listed here.
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Content below the cut
Dawn was breaking outside of the window as Ara flew through the clouds; eyeing clusters of towns and cities below as the plane changed altitude. She held her phone loosely in her hands, glimpsing down at the single word typed out in the notes app, knowing she wouldn’t be able to finish the sentence. 
Her ears were popping and her head hurt; a mixture of dehydration, lack of sleep and the changing pressure inside the cabin and she lowered her device with a sigh, tucking it neatly in her handbag as she shifted in the chair. She doubted she would be able to get any sleep before the plane landed, but it was worth a try. Her manager had reminded her to pack her padded pillow and she slipped it around her neck before reaching for her lavender-scented eye mask, blocking out the dim light and closing her eyes.
His name rang around her head and she fought the urge to take out her phone again. She knew what the unfinished message said; she hadn’t been able to get any further than that one word, despite the hours she had tried typing it out. The duvet was soft beneath her backside and she eyed her unpacked suitcase on the floor. One wheel was coming off and she would have to get a new one soon. She wondered if the suitcase was a metaphor for her life and stifled back a laugh, clutching her hands to her face when she realised it sounded more like a sob. She couldn’t cry though...she had already tried. Staring at the plain, white wall in her bedroom, she had spent the past half hour urging the tears to come; wanting to feel something, but the most she could manage was a half-strangled moan; the catharsis she so desperately needed never coming. Her eyes were bone dry and a little sore. 
She twisted to glance at the clock above the bed and realised she wouldn’t be able to keep herself awake long enough to wait for him to come home. He was at the studio with Jungkook, working on a duet for the younger member’s new album and was bound to lose track of the time; it was inevitable. Ara remembered early in their relationship one time she had spent an afternoon cooking for him, reading the recipe carefully from an old book she had picked up second hand and measuring the ingredients in meticulously accurate amounts. It had come out a little burnt, but she felt proud for having made something for someone else. He had been late home that night and the dinner had gone cold. She hadn’t blamed him; he was still making music with the group back then and the younger members had invited him back to their shared apartment to play video games after dance practice. She had told him her intentions that morning but, it turned out he had either forgotten or didn’t quite believe her when she said she would cook for them both. He had always underestimated her back then but who could blame him? She underestimated herself too. 
Ara realised she had laid down at some point during the past ten minutes but couldn’t remember doing it. The bed suddenly felt very big and very warm, the blankets thick and cosy and she allowed herself to close her eyes, just for a moment or two…
Ara grunted at the sound of the door opening on its hinges and opened her eyes. The room took a few moments to come into focus and, with some effort, she rolled onto her side towards the sound. Jimin’s head was poking around the side of the doorframe and she gave another tired grunt. 
“I didn’t want to wake you.” He whispered, a shy grin fixed on his face. 
She rubbed her eyes, watching as he creeped towards her, trying to be quiet despite her having already woken. He was holding a shoebox; a pink ribbon tied across the centre, and he placed it on the floor carefully. “What time is it?” She yawned. 
“Just gone eight. I’m sorry it took me so long.” When he reached the edge of the bed, he kneeled onto the sheets, crawling across to where she was laying and joining her side. He smiled sweetly, running his fingers through the tips of her hair. “I like the purple.”
She gave another grunt in response, clearing her throat. “I thought you liked the pink?” Her voice was still gruff from sleep and she suspected her hair was just as messy, but he kissed her anyway, pecking her cheek gently. 
“I like both.” He pulled away to look at her, tucking a stray strand behind her ear. “I like you.”
“You too.” She murmured. 
 “Did you have a long journey?” He asked, running a hand along her back until he reached her hip which he held steady. 
She nodded against the sheets. “I had to be up at four.”
“In the morning?”
“Yeah.” She confirmed. “We had a lot of luggage to check in.”
He shifted a little against the duvet until his knees touched hers. “Are you hungry?”
“Not really.” She mumbled, still feeling tired and achy from the journey. 
“Do you want to see what I bought you?” He asked hopefully. She looked past his shoulders towards the edge of the bedroom where she could just make out the box. 
“Shoes?” She guessed, eyes following as he turned around and slid gracefully off the bed, picking up the package and bringing it to her. She made an effort to sit up a little as he handed it to her.
Jimin grinned widely, his excitement obvious. “Open it.”
She hesitated before tugging on the ribbon. It came apart easily and she lifted the white lid carefully off the box, lightly fingering through the tissue paper to reveal the present. The shoes matched the ribbon and were just as delicate looking; the satin fabric shimmered in the light. She stared at them, as though transfixed. 
“Do you like them?” 
She looked up at him, head still groggy from her extended nap. Her headache hadn’t yet subsided completely and it took a moment to realise he had asked a question. “Why?” She frowned, not fully understanding what he had asked.
He shrugged easily. “I thought they’d look nice on you.”
She folded the tissue back over the heels, covering them once more before she put on the lid. “Thank you.” She belatedly replied. “I didn’t bring you anything.” 
Jimin took the box from her and gently lowered it to the foot of the bed before joining her when she leaned back against the pillow. “That’s not true…” He shook his head, reaching forward to hold her body against him. He was silent for a few moments, stroking her hip, before he whispered. “Did you miss me?”
“Yes.” She replied, equally quiet.
“Were you lonely?” He kept his voice low as he appreciated her features; eyes drifting across her nose and lips and cheeks. 
She nodded. “It was hard.”
Jimin’s heart seemed to sink at her words and he stroked her arm lovingly, moving along her soft, pale skin until he reached her shoulder where the edge of her white camisole shielded the rest from view. “I missed you a lot.” He admitted, moving forward to kiss her forehead. Her skin was warm to the touch and he wondered if she might be getting a fever. He pulled away lightly, observing the way her eyelids seemed too heavy for their sockets. 
“I know.” She mumbled understandably, closing her eyes. 
He gave a soft chuckle, rubbing her shoulder with his fingertips. “You really need some sleep don’t you?”
She nodded against the pillow. “Sleep would be nice.”
He spoke no more, watching her expression as she fell deeper and deeper into sleep, her chest rising and falling gently until it was barely moving at all. Jimin held her carefully, not wanting to leave her side but knowing it was too early for him to join her. Still, he remained, listening to the calming sounds of her gentle breathing along with the steady, lulling tick of the clock above the bed. 
Jimin had finally fallen asleep some time after ten and judging by the deep, red grooves which lined his forearms, he must have slept deeply. The blinds had been left open a little and a stark, white early morning light filled the room, indicating he had managed a decent few hours. He wondered if the good night was thanks to Ara’s presence. The past few weeks he had found himself tossing and turning incessantly, having to get up once or twice to grab himself a snack or watch a little T.V while he wondered what she was doing; whether the time zones matched up or if she was just getting up, ready to make her daily appearance on a foreign talk show or driving to some arena for rehearsals. It took him a moment to realise she was not beside him, though an indent remained on the pillow. He looked around the room, noticing a few of the drawers on the far side had been left open; a few of his sweatshirts sticking out from the edge. Slowly, he sat up, blinking a few times as he observed the wardrobe at the foot of the bed was likewise opened wide. He couldn’t be sure, but he thought it had been fuller the last time he had checked. A few of her dresses remained, suspended on coat hangers, but there were a good few missing. Quickly, and with a fair amount of panic, he shuffled out of bed, pulling open the bedroom door and walking down the small hallway into the kitchen. 
“Ara?” He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her seated at the kitchen table, a steaming mug of tea clutched between her hands. She was staring straight ahead, though looked up at the sound of his voice. He only just noticed the dark bags beneath her eyes, now she was bare faced. His eyes flickered towards the sink where her suitcase was tucked, flush against the cupboards. He frowned. “Where are you going?”
Ara looked away, voice empty. “Back on tour.”
He opened his mouth to respond before closing it, his chest sinking heavily at the realisation she wasn’t making any sense. He took a step closer to the table, dread coursing through his veins. She had been tired the night before, unusually so, but had seemed herself at least. He wondered what new medication the doctors had put her on and whether it was somehow messing with her head. “Are you okay?” He slowly asked, bending down to face her.  
She sighed. “Not really.”
His forehead wrinkled heavily. “Have I done something wrong?”
She turned to look at him, their faces at equal heights and now he could see how much older she suddenly looked. When she didn’t reply, he continued, failing to hide his confusion. 
“You just got back. Your contract is over.”
She shook her head solemnly. “No it isn’t.”
His heart sank. “What do you mean?” He whispered. 
“I signed a new one.” 
Her voice was calm and Jimin realised she was telling the truth, though he couldn’t quite process what was happening. “When?” He asked, a little higher than expected. 
“Last week.” She murmured. “When I was in Tokyo.”
He looked her in the eye, forcing himself to meet her gaze despite the unsteadiness he felt in his limbs as he crouched beside her. “For how long?”
“Seven years.”
He shook his head in disbelief, hardly able to comprehend what he was hearing. There was no emotion in her voice; no sense of joy or excitement that would signal what she was telling him was good news. He found himself reaching for her hand, desperate to hold onto something that would keep him steady. Her fingers were cold against his; thin and delicate in his loose grasp. “I didn’t think that was what you wanted.” He eventually said, only just managing to get the words out. 
She was looking at their hands, eyes fixed on the space where they connected, but she turned away, gazing out of the window at the blank, grey sky. “I don’t know what I want…” She admitted, turning back when he let go of her to stand back up; her eyes followed him and he saw them glisten in the stark light. “It’s easier this way.”
“What about moving house?” He asked, the hurt in his voice obvious. “You’ll hardly be at home.”
She frowned below her blonde bangs. “I’m not sure I want to move house.”
He shook his head, trying to stay calm. “You could have just said.” He shrugged, keeping his voice low. “Instead of signing a new contract.”
She was silent for a moment, taking a few deep breaths while Jimin waited for her to respond. 
“I’m not sure I want to move house…” She spoke slowly, only realising as she said it that it was true. “Because I’m not sure if I want to be with you anymore.” Her own admission shocked her into silence though she felt no sense of relief as Jimin stared at her, silent for a long time before his lip trembled. 
“Are you serious?”
Ara nodded slowly. “I’ve felt like this for a while…” She confessed. “But I couldn’t do it before.”
His eyes dropped to the floor, though his voice came out high-pitched and squeaky. “What have I done?”
The sight of him filled her with sadness and for the first time that morning she felt her emotions with clarity. It took her a moment to work out how to respond and when she did, he looked at her with tears in his eyes. 
“It wouldn’t be fair on you...” She murmured, her own voice breaking. “When I’m not sure how I feel.” 
His eyes darted back to the suitcase, a low whimper escaping his lips. “So you’re leaving me?”
She nodded, her emotions bubbling to the surface. She held back a sob, needing to say it clearly. “I think I have to.” Once the words left her lips, she finally let go. It was like a dam had broken inside her; one which had been in place for so long, and she cried openly, unable to hold it back any longer. Jimin moved forward, wrapping her in his arms as she clung to him, standing up to press herself against his body and hooking her arms around his neck.
“I love you…” He mouthed against her hair and she let out a sob, her tears dampening the crook of his neck as he pleaded with her. “You don’t have to leave.”
She shook her head against him, words thick with tears. “I do…I do!”
“I don’t want you to go.” His voice broke and she held him closer, squeezing his body. 
“Don’t cry Jimin.” She whispered. “Please…”
He held her steady by the waist as he moved away, trying to look at her. “When will you be back?”
She shook her head again, looking away. “I’m not sure.” Her hands moved to her face, trying to cover it from view but he took them gently in his own.
“I can wait for you…” He moved with her as she wriggled in his grasp and held her face steady, thumb brushing her cheekbones, trying to get her to look at him. “I can wait for you!” He repeated, locking eyes with her. Her own were impossibly wide, glistening with tears, but she nodded against his palms. “Don’t give up on us Ara.” He whispered. 
Her mouth quivered, opening and closing. “I need to think about this.” She muttered.
“I don’t care how long it takes.” He caressed her cheekbones again, wiping her tears. They were both trembling and she held him tighter, hands clasping behind his neck. 
“And if I meet someone else?” She asked, voice wobbling at the thought.
He shook his head, continuing to hold her steady. “Do what you feel is right…” His lips moved to her wet cheek and he kissed it lovingly, lingering there while her body shook against him. Slowly, he moved to the corner of her mouth and she tilted her head, pressing her lips to his. Their mouths opened softly, tears merging as they held each other for a few moments, their noses brushing as they kissed. Slowly, they moved away in unison and she ran her lips across his smooth cheek before touching them to his helix, mouthing against his skin.
“Don’t be mad at me.” She pleaded.
“How could I be mad at you?” He murmured against her, slowly pulling away. When she looked at him, he was smiling, though his cheeks glistened with tears; both his and her own. He gave a soft, breathy laugh. “You’re the love of my life Ara.” He admitted. 
Ara nodded dumbly, mouth open, feeling her eyes sting. “There’s never been anyone else…” She agreed, realising she was crying again when she tasted the hot, salty liquid on her tongue, though she didn’t try to hide it this time. 
He let out a long sigh, allowing her a bit of space as he took a step back. “If I call you, will you answer?”
She hesitated, before nodding. “I’ll try.”
He looked up from across the small space, speaking steadily, needing her to understand what he was saying. “I want to know you’re safe.” He held her gaze. “Promise me you’ll talk to someone.”
“I have a meeting every month.” She explained.
“Sooner!” He pleaded, reaching out and taking both her hands in his, the urgency in his voice obvious. “Promise me you’ll see them sooner if you’re feeling blue again.”
Her eyebrows were knitted together but she nodded in agreement. “I will…” She gave his hands a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “Do you have anyone too?”
“Don’t worry about me.” He dismissed, looking at the space where they were still connected; her small, fragile-looking hands knitted through his. “Please get better…” He whispered, squeezing her lightly in response. 
“I’ll try.” She replied quietly, allowing him to let go as she bent down to collect her suitcase from the floor. 
“You can always come home.” His voice came from behind her and she looked back at him. “If it gets too much for you…” He said. “I’ll be here.”
She nodded, understanding and knowing it was true. 
“Where will you go?” He asked gently. 
Ara wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand, collecting herself. “To see my dad. I have meetings later this week...about my contract and the tour.”
“Does he know you’re travelling to Ulsan? Is he expecting you?” Jimin asked, wanting to make sure she had a plan. 
She shook her head lightly. “No.” She admitted. “But he’ll want to see me. My brother too…it’s been two years.”
Jimin nodded, gesturing towards the red case. “Let me drive you to the station.” He offered. 
She thought for a moment before nodding. “Okay.”
He walked around the edge of the table before she could protest and scooped down to pull up the extendable handle of the case. She followed his lead into the hallway, where he left the luggage on the welcome mat by the front door. The thick rug was pink and decorated with daisies; Ara had chosen it during a trip to a shopping mall shortly before her audition and it had sat there ever since, a reminder of the life she had led before. She glanced at it as Jimin edged past her, into the bedroom at the end of the hall. He came out a moment later, the shoe box he had gifted her tucked under his arm. Ara remained silent, watching as he placed it on top of the suitcase, balanced steadily between his body and the handle, before he opened the front door. 
Thank you for reading. To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin /   Suga  /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook
& Our full masterlist of fics and original art can be found here
& Our masterlist of preferences/most likely to/quizzes and fun stuff is here
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kookiesjoonies · 4 years
where you belong | myg.
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main pairing: idol!yoongi x wife!reader
fic type: one shot
word count: 3.3k
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: the beginnings of oral sex/shower sex, mentions of spitting, nipple play
summary: five vignettes of what being married to yoongi for over three years looks like.
a/n: me: i have the bladder of a squirrel, i’m always getting up to pee. lindy: write a fic like that. and so, i did. enjoy! let me know which vignette was your favorite! also i’ve tried to upload this fic eight million times but it never tags, so. i’m trying again and leaving it up whether it tags or not LOL.
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April 12th, 2020. 3:04am.
It seemed like more often than not, you were waking up in the middle of the night with the desperate need to pee. You’d always had the bladder the size of a squirrel, making it difficult for you to get a full night of rest. Every two or four hours, you were awake and trudging your way to the bathroom.
You’d been laying in bed tossing and turning for an hour, trying to get comfortable but finding it more difficult than usual. Lying on your back wasn’t working, so you’d decided to try rolling over and onto your stomach. Which would have worked, except for the fact that you were now pressing on your bladder. With a heavy sigh and a groan, you shoved the covers off of your body and stood up from the bed.
Yoongi, your husband of nearly four years, had been trying his hardest to sleep all night long. But every time you moved or got up, you woke him up too. It was his turn to groan, a loud and frustrated sound that came up from his throat as he dragged the palms of his hands over his face.
“Y/n, please, for the love of God and my sanity, don’t get out of bed again.”
You considered hitting him over the head with a pillow, because did he really think you’d be constantly getting up like this if you could help it?
Your arms crossed over your chest as you peered down at the black haired man below you, “If I didn’t have to get up I wouldn’t, Yoongi.”
“Just squeeze the pee out, Christ.” He rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes.
He didn’t mean to sound hateful, but he was always such a grump when he was woken up. And you couldn’t really blame him, because you were the same exact way.
Still, it was the middle of the night, and you’d slept poorly so far. His attitude wasn’t helping, and you wanted nothing more than to be away from him.
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes, albeit dramatically, and made your way out of your master bedroom and down the stairs.
You’d decided to use the powder room off the living room, and sleep on the couch afterwards. If Yoongi wanted peace that badly, you’d give it to him.
Yoongi hadn’t even realized he’d dozed off again. And when he woke up, feeling slightly more rested than usual, he immediately grew suspicious. His eyes fell on the digital alarm clock on the nightstand that read 7:14 a.m.
He sighed, relieved. It was his day off, and he was glad he could stay at home and sleep in. And spend the morning with you wrapped up in his arms. He rolled over to pull your body closer to his, cocking an eyebrow when he realized your side of the bed was empty and he’d just been greeted with cold sheets.
Maybe you’d gotten up to go to the bathroom, he thought. He’d given you a few moments to return, and when you didn’t, he huffed and tossed the blankets covering the lower half of his body aside.
He decided to go searching for you, starting in your en-suite bathroom. His eyes scanned the decently sized room, frowning when there was no sign of you. It was still too early for you to willingly be awake, and he knew that, so his next plan of action was to search the kitchen. You were terrible for drinking sodas all throughout the night, which might’ve explained why you were always making trips to the bathroom.
Yoongi didn’t even make it into the kitchen before he saw you sleeping peacefully on the couch, curled up into a fetal position and emitting tiny snores every few seconds.
He cracked a smile at the sight, but then went to roll his eyes at you.
“Baby,” he whispered, crouching down beside of you to gently shake you awake, “come on, come back to bed.”
The sound of your husband’s sleepy voice pulled you out of your state of unconsciousness, “What time is it?”
“A little past seven.” His hand reached forward to lightly stroke at your frizzed up hair, and you couldn’t help but to lean into his sweet touch.
“But you said you didn’t want me up there.”
“Uhm, no I did not.” Yoongi was quick to be defensive, “I said for you not to get out of bed again, were my exact words. I didn’t mean for you to come down here to sleep.”
“Well, as long as I’m here, you won’t have to worry about it. Just go back to sleep.” Even in your half asleep state, you couldn’t help but to argue.
If he didn’t love you so much, he probably would’ve let you have your way. Let you sulk and pout on the couch while he slept soundly upstairs, but he couldn’t do that.
“Dude, you’re so dramatic.” He sighed, scooping your limp body up and into his arms.
You shrieked as he did so, your eyes springing open immediately.
“Yoongs! What are you doing?”
“Taking your ass back to bed where you belong.” He began his ascend with you up the staircase, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
“Can you take me to the bathroom first? I have to pee.”
“Of course you do.”
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April 18th, 2020. 2:53pm.
Lazy Saturdays with Yoongi were few and far between, but when they did happen, they were your favorite.  
There were plenty of chores that needed to be done, plenty of projects outside that needed to be started, and yet the two of you had been planted on the sofa since you’d woken up.
You were lying down with your legs in Yoongi’s lap, watching the cooking channel. And he had his feet propped up on the glass coffee table thumbing through a nonfiction novel. The sunshine poured through the narrow window panes, the scent of the coffee you’d brewed earlier still lingering. Holly was lounging on his bed beside of the fireplace on his back, snoozing with his paws in the air.
“He looks comfortable.” You nodded your head in Holly’s direction, causing Yoongi to look up from his book.
He chuckled lowly, “He’s got it made. He lives in this big house with no responsibilities. All he does is eat and sleep.”
“I mean,” you started, “that’s all I do too, really.”
Yoongi nodded, tapping his fingertips against your kneecap.
“And as long as I can help it, that’s all you’ll have to do. You took care of me for so long, it’s my turn.”  
“You spoil me, Min Yoongi.” You couldn’t stop the smile that cracked its way onto your face.
At the minute, you were enrolled in university and only had another year or so before you’d be graduating. You had every intention of working once you were out of school, but you couldn’t lie, it was nice to know that if you didn’t want to, you didn’t have to. You’d been with Yoongi for so long— since before his debut with BTS.
He’d always promised you that one day he’d be able to provide for you fully, and now, he was doing that tenfold. The two of you were well off now, but in the end, that didn’t really matter. He could be a billionaire, or have one penny to call his own, and you’d still love him all the same.
“Yes, I do spoil you. And I intend to keep doing so, Min Y/n.” He’d abandoned his book, letting it lie on the armrest beside of him.
He lifted one of your legs, pressing tiny pecks against the skin of your calf muscle. You giggled at the tickling feeling, your laughter coming to a quick halt as insecurity suddenly took over. Jerking your leg from his grasp, Yoongi cocked a dark brow at the action.
“I haven’t shaved in like, a month, Yoongs.”
“Are you kidding me?” his eyes rolled and he reached for your leg again, “you know I don’t care about that shit.”
“Yeah, I know. But I do.” You frowned.
“Too bad.” He changed his position so that he was lying in between your legs now, his lips trailing from your knee to the top of your thigh.
“What are you doing?” You bit down on your lower lip to take it in between your teeth, your fingers instinctively curling into your husband’s dark strands of hair.
“Showing you how much I don’t give a shit about some damn leg hair.”
He sucked a purple bruise into your skin, and you couldn’t fight back the moan that left your lips.
Yoongi was quick to push your shorts to the side, his tongue dragging along the folds of your cunt over your cotton panties. The feeling of his teasing had you whimpering, and you were begging for him to give you more— to which he happily complied.
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April 30th, 2020. 10:19am.
In theory, Yoongi having a week off from work should be amazing. Your time spent together should be filled with romance, sex, home cooked meals and stereotypical couple shit. Most importantly, the two of you should be over the moon that you were getting such quality time together. And you were... mostly.
But he’d been home for five days already, and you were silently wishing he’d visit the studio at least once— and he was silently wishing you’d take a night to go out with friends. You weren’t used to being in each other’s company for long, thanks to what your husband did for a living, so whenever he had more than a few days home at a time it was always an adjustment.
Yoongi had only been awake for a total of five minutes and you’d already found a way to annoy him, without him having to even lay eyes on you.
He was at the sink, about to brush his teeth when he noticed the cap sitting beside of the toothpaste. He was sure that one day, he would roll his eyes at you so hard that they’d get stuck in the back of his head.
With a huff, he deposited a decent amount of the toothpaste onto his toothbrush and ran water over it before putting it into his mouth. You walked into the bathroom then, your eyes half open as you made your way over to the toilet to pee. Ah, romance at its finest.
“Dude,” Yoongi said, spitting into the sink after he was finished brushing, “why don’t you put the cap back onto the tube of toothpaste?”
You scowled, thinking that he should know damn well you didn’t like to be spoken to before you’d had your caffeine.
“I’ll do that when you start rinsing the sink out and quit leaving your nasty spit in it!”
“My nasty spit?” he scoffed, “I’m sorry who was the one begging me to, and I quote, spit in your mouth, two days ago?”
“Bite me, Min Yoongi.”
You flushed the toilet and bumped his hip with your own to push him out of the way, rubbing soap onto your hands and washing them. It was going to be a long day.
By noon, you were ready to fully divorce him and kick him out of the house.
“Yoongi!” You yelled, standing by the laundry basket in your bedroom with your arms crossed over your chest.
His feet carried him swiftly up the stairs as he feared something was wrong, stopping abruptly in his tracks when he saw the way you were staring daggers through him.
“Jesus,” he sighed, “what did I do now?”
You pointed harshly at the pile of dirty clothes next to the hamper, causing the taller man to internally groan at the lecture he knew was coming.
“Two more inches and the clothes would be in the basket. What is so hard about that? Do you live to piss me off? Is that what it is?” You scolded, barely taking a breath between your sentences.
“Mhm,” he nodded, “my only goal in life.”
You were fuming. How could he be such an ass? Throwing your hands up, you moved past him and out of the bedroom.
“Pick them up, or we’re getting a divorce.”
He chuckled, “Whatever you say.”
“Ever heard the term ‘happy wife, happy life?’”
He took short strides forward over to the clothes he’d previously discarded and picked them up, “Nope.”
“Well then,” you watched as he tossed the clothes into their rightful place of the laundry hamper, “I suggest you get familiar with it.”
By the time dinner was over, you’d made promises to take him to divorce court the very next day. He’d placed a single dirty spoon into a sink empty of dishes, and you suddenly understood why so many wives offed their husbands.
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May 9th, 2020. 11:05am.
You were late— so fucking late, and you prayed that your mother wouldn’t completely disown you. The two of you’d made plans to meet up for breakfast at 10:30, but you’d just now gotten into the shower. She would never let you live this down. You were always late for everything though, so really, what did she expect?
Washing your hair would’ve taken up too much time, so you’d opted for a quick, ten minute shower and decided that a messy bun would do for the day. You were in the middle of washing your face when you heard the glass door of the shower rattle, alerting you to your husbands newfound presence.
“Morning.” His arms wrapped tightly around your waist from behind, and he began to press light kisses to the side of your neck.
You smiled at the feeling, tilting your head to the side to give him a bit more access.
“Good morning.” You rinsed off your face wash, carefully avoiding your hair and trying your hardest not to get it wet.
Yoongi’s hands found your hips as he pressed his half hardened length against your ass, causing you to moan at the feeling.
“Yoongs, I have to go soon. No funny business. I’m already late.” You tried to protest, but the feeling of his hand traveling down to spread your legs made you whine.
“So? You’re always late. Let me give you a good reason to be, at least.”
His teeth nibbled on your earlobe, all the while his pointer and middle finger had begun to circle over your clit.
Your head dropped back into the crook of his neck at the feeling, and you groaned.
“Fine, fine. But no foreplay, as much as it pains me to say that. Make me cum, then I gotta go.”
“Damn,” he laughed, “you really know how to seduce a guy, you know that?”
“Shut up.” You couldn’t help but to giggle in response, your lips finding his for just a quick second before he had you bent over in front of him.
“If your mom asks, just tell her we were practicing to give her grandchildren.”
The loud smack of his hand coming down against the bare skin of your ass echoed in the room, and you groaned— both because of the stinging sensation his hand caused, and because of his words. Leave it to your husband to say stupid shit like that before he was about to rail you.
Your breakfast date with your mom turned into brunch, and a very uncomfortable one at that. Yoongi had been ruthless with spanking you, and you were now sporting sore spots and welts that made it difficult to sit.
Even though your mom kept asking why you couldn’t seem to sit still and was constantly scolding you for being late, you decided that it was so fucking worth it.
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May 20th, 2020. 8:45pm.
It wasn’t even nine and you and Yoongi were already in bed. He was scrolling on his phone beside of you, and you were watching makeup tutorials on the television hung in front of your bed.
You yawned, shifting your attention to your husband and knocking his phone out of his hand, just for the hell of it.
“What the fuck was that for?!” He sounded surprised, and you couldn’t help but to laugh.
“I dunno.” You shrugged, gently kicking his leg with your foot.
“Oh, so that’s the game we’re playing now?” He stared over at you, his lips curving into a wry smirk.
“Don’t even think about it.”
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, baby doll.”
He was on top of you in an instant, straddling your legs as he tickled you. You erupted into an immediate series of giggles, your body squirming underneath him.
“Yoongi!” You squealed, attempting to push his hands away, but it was no use— he had you pinned and completely at his mercy.
“Bet you regret annoying me now, huh?” He asked, his own laughter bellowing out.
“Yes! Yes! Okay, okay! You can stop!” You were nearly out of breath from how hard you were laughing, and Yoongi was sure you’d never looked more stunning.
Your hair was wet from the shower you’d just taken, no makeup on, and you were wearing that damn tattered, worn out T-shirt that you loved so much. You were the very definition of beauty to him, the sight of your toothy smile and sound of your loud laughter only making that fact more and more evident to him.
His tickle assault on your body ceased, and the two of you attempted to catch your breath.
“I’m in love with you, you know that?” Yoongi’s position had changed, and he was now hovering over you and pressing his lips to your jawline.
“I know. And I love you.” You reveled in the feeling, enjoying the familiar comforting weight of his body on top of yours.
“Let me show you how much.”
Before you could protest (not that you actually would), he was making his way down south. He’d bunched your shirt up, letting it rest just above your breasts. He was practically salivating at the sight of your bare chest. You’d been married for so long, and he’d seen you naked more times than he could count, and the sight of your body still amazed him every time.
He pulled a hardened nipple into his mouth, sucking on it gently. Your fingers carded into his hair, your back arching up and off of the mattress as you pressed into him.
“Yoongs,” you sighed, marveling in the feeling of him palming your other tit with his hand.
He always took his time when it came to your chest, and he always made sure they were bruised and reddened by the time he was done with them. And you had zero complaints with that fact.
After he’d abused your pebbled buds to his satisfaction, he moved to leave a line of wet kisses down your stomach.
When his lips came into contact with cotton fabric just above your belly button, he pulled back with a confused expression adorning his features.
“Granny panties? Really?” He chuckled, pulling at the hem of them and letting it snap against your skin.
You yelped, batting his hand away.
“Shut up, they’re comfortable.”
“I never thought granny panties could look so sexy.” He wiggled his brows, and you rolled your eyes.
“Gotta say, though,” he said, pulling them down your legs, “I think they’d look sexier on the floor.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You laughed, kicking your underwear off of your feet.
“Maybe,” he grinned, his lips quickly finding their way to the insides of your thighs, “but you love me.”
“More than you could ever know, Yoongs,” you smiled, suddenly very aware that the most amazing man in the world was yours, and yours alone, “‘more than you could ever know.”
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© kookiesjoonies 2020.
*do NOT reupload/repost on any site, translate without my permission, or claim as your own.
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Could I request a headcanon of the brothers reacting to finding MC sleeping in their bed?
Sure thing anon! Thanks for asking. No gender specified so it’s a GN!MC. ✨💘💗 thank you for requesting. I appreciate it.
I have three more requests after this one!! Don’t worry other anons I’ll get to you three asap. Two nsfw fics and one hc!
Brothers reacting to finding GN!MC in their bed sleeping
You wanted to make sure Lucifer wasn’t overworking himself, so you made him some tea and brought it to his office a bit after dinner.
After knocking and entering, you ask him how he was, how much work he had, and made a bit of casual conversation. He insisted it wasn’t much, but you could tell from the mountainous stack on his desk, it was going to take quite a few hours so you were going to do something nice for him.
Kissing his forehead, you left your boyfriend to his work and went to his bedroom. You were going to clean and organise it! That way he won’t have to worry about dust, and you’ll even wash his bedsheets and pillowcases tomorrow, because you’re the best lover ever.
You figured it would just take an hour or an hour and a half. What you didn’t expect was you forgetting where everything in the drawers go after cleaning them, and had to figure out where you even put them in the first place when cleaning. You also didn’t expect to see hidden photographs of you two in his drawers, but because you saw them you couldn’t not reminiscence and gush!!
It was already near midnight by the time you were done, so you decided to rest your head on his big comfy bed for a bit, relax your muscles, and then leave. You didn’t want him to find it was you, even if it were obvious. You just wanted him to have one less thing to stress about.
But your own exhaustion betrayed you, as you fell asleep and passed out for a few hours.
Sighing, Lucifer finally finished his paperwork. It had to be around three am about now. If Mammon didn’t annoy the witches again, for who knows what, probably existing, he would of been done hours ago.
He made his way to his room, gently massaging his stiff shoulders on the way. As he entered, he could immediately tell you were there, and noticed just how out of place certain things were.
This could only be your doing. You were the only one who would come into his room, clean it, and accidentally disorganise it.
He made his way to his bed, and smiled softly seeing your chest slowly rise up and down while you snuggled into his pillow.
He took off his coat, and climbed into bed cuddling you without changing, he just wanted to embrace you. You’re just a human but you’ve affected him, a great and prideful demon, so so much over the course of a single year.
He’s going to kill Mammon for taking away his precious free time with paperwork instead of spending it with you, but that can wait until the morning.
It was breakfast time and you figured you should wake Mammon up, since he surprisingly was still asleep in his room. Normally you were the last up.
You walked into his room and made way to his bed, gentling shaking him. He wasn’t budging at all, so you decided to go a different path.
If he was going to sleep, so were you! You crawled into his bed and snuggled between his arms, your back against his chest, and your head under his for maximum warmth. Afterwards, you pull the sheets high enough to nearly cover your face.
When Mammon wakes up in an hour, though, he can tell he’s immediately touching something. Is he being punished in his sleep again?
Taking the covers off, he immediately looks down at what he was holding, only to notice it was you?? His favorite human’
Realization doesn’t really kick in that you’re sleeping in his bed snuggling in his arms because he goes to your room for cuddles. But then it hits him like a truck.
You crawled into his bed something when he was sleeping, made yourself comfy, and went to sleep yourself?
You’re putting way too much trust in him, aren’t you!! He’s a man, he is a demon, yet you just went to sleep in his arms for who knows how long.
He stopped working for awhile before coming to the conclusion that of course you wanted to sleep with the GREAT Mammon he’s the best there ever is, who wouldn’t?
He goes back to sleeping, but now it’s back to back. Although he came to that conclusion it’s different than normal cuddling okay! He has to respect your personal space.
You were feeling slightly sick with a stomachache, and really just wanted to disappear off the planet to make it stop.
You were trying to think of a way to go to sleep and feel good at the same time. That’s when you remembered sleeping in bathtubs is good when you’re sick. At least that’s what your dad told you, and made you do as a child.
The coldness of the tub pressed against your skin should soothe it, so trusting your dad’s nonexistent medical degree, you went to test it out. My dad told me to do this once.
You didn’t want to bother Asmo asking for his bathtub when it’s probably covered in roses, so you went for someone who literally slept in a bathtub, Levi.
You knocked but there was no response. However your stomach hurt and you were not leaving for anyone. You entered the room, surprisingly unlocked. Levi was nowhere to be found, but you would explain it later.
Climbing into the bathtub, you lied stomach down while exposing your stomach. You brought one of pillows under your face and just planted yourself into it.
A half hour later, Levi returns to his room. He went to pickup a new limited addition Ruri Chan figurine. When he walked by his bathtub he thought he saw something or someone in it, but went to put the figure away first.
If there was something in his tub, one of his brothers must of did it. He purposely left the door unlocked because he already set up a curse, so they’ll get what’s coming to them.
But then he notices it’s you and freaks out;; he set up the saying Ruri at the end of every sentence curse again.
Okay maybe it’s not too bad it was be adorable. He missed hearing you say ruri at the end of your sentences. But why were you in his tub?!
Realization kicks in and he’s so conflicted does he moves you, does he wake you, does he question every single decision in the entirety of his life right now?
He went for the latter. He’s slowly freaking out that he ends up just watching you from above sort of creepily for the next two hours.
When you wake up you just roll onto your back and see Levi staring down at you with an I’m not sure what to do striken face on. You burst out laughing and explain.
Now Levi thinks he overthought, but you assure him it’s fine and it’s sort of your fault for just breaking into his bed. But he’s concerned about your stomachache.
Your dad’s nonexistent medical degree saved you this time, and you hate to admit it. So you change the subject by offering him cuddles while still in his bed.
Congrats, you’ve broken your Levi.
You were only going to return a book you borrowed from Satan then go back to your room, you swore, but your desires betrayed you.
You greatly missed your boyfriend who has been busy studying up new curses, and practising magic with Solomon. You were happy he was socialising and learning, but you couldn’t help but feel lonely without him around so much lately.
You ended up returning his book, but reached towards his bed. Surely, he wouldn’t mind, right?
You crawled on top and snuggled into his blankets, trying to get the smell of him. It felt so incredibly comfy to be laying in his scent, that you closed your eyes for just a few minutes...
Click! The door began to open, and in came Satan. He was out for nearly half the day and it was nearly midnight, he just really wanted to rest. Lucifer did not deserve the amount of time Satan was using trying to learn to curse him.
He took off his blazer and set it on his chair before walking to his bed. He could see that something was underneath his blanket, a decently large shape.
He cautiously walked towards it. Was one of his brothers playing a prank and decided to put something under his blankets?
Peeling off the covers, he sees you, sleeping soundless, trying to snuggle into the blanket to get more warmth.
His heart melted and he could feel his exhaustion fading away from just seeing this. He changes into his night clothes and climbs into bed, hugging you from behind.
In the morning you wake up in his arms, engulfed by his warmth. You realised that you never actually woke up and left after you closed your eyes for “few minutes”. But this was actually very nice.
Peeling his arms up for a bit, without waking him, you turned around and snuggled into his chest after giving him a quick kiss.
If you two could always wake up like this, then this is your new bed.
You and Asmo had spent the whole day shopping. You liked to shop, but shopping with Asmo was a whole other sport. Trying on fifteen outfits per store is a little bit too much for you.
When you two returned, Asmo immediately brought you to his room and told you to wait on his bed, while he goes to the bathroom and open up a few products.
It was pretty late in the afternoon, and you two weren’t going anywhere else, so it was nothing major, maybe a bit of makeup and a fashion show just small Asmo stuff.
While he left, you were sitting on the bed, but your back was really hurting, so were your feet. Everything just hurt. Way too much pushing, changing, walking, ah how you suffer.
You lay down backwards not intending to do anything but rest, your legs hanging off, and close your eyes. His bed was so soft and comfy it’s a crime that your bed isn’t this comfy.
When Asmo returns he sees you passed out on his bed, and is automatically gushing. He should be pissed you fell asleep during your shopping-makeup date but you were very special.
You’re absolutely adorable and even Asmo would say you’re pretty close to him in looks, because he loves you so much. He automatically forgives you.
You look so comfortable that he just picks you up, he may look delicate but the boy could easily throw you, and he fixes your position.
Not to anyone in particular, he says that it’s bad for your position to be like that while you sleep. He brings his covers over you, and goes to take off his makeup.
He won’t join you in bed because you deserve personal space, and he needs to spend two hours preparing his beautiful skin for dinner, but he will watch over you and continue to smile.
All the brothers had an important meeting that lasted all afternoon until evening. With you not being a student council member, you weren’t going to wait out in the hall until evening, so Solomon walked you back to your dorms.
After getting back you thanked Solomon and just did stuff Lucifer usually told you not to do. Jump on the bed, eating extremely sweet snacks, go into everyone’s closest and take something and just wear it for a bit before returning it.
It was finally Beel’s closet’s turn to be ransacked by you. You started with his shots and they were all just extremely large. You saved his for last since it would take the least amount of time. One of his shirts could just be used as a nightgown.
You looked through a bunch of his shirts and decided on his regular black triangular one, because that smelled most like Beel, which you really loved.
After putting it on, you took off your pants/skirt to really see just how much of a dress it looks like on you. This man is absolutely giant.
You sigh to yourself in content as you jump backwards onto his bed, resting. You spent all evening breaking Lucifer’s rules and damn did it feel GOOD.
But now you were tired, so a small rest is needed. They probably wouldn’t come back till very late in the evening, so you’ll leave before then.
You were wrong. The meeting was finished earlier than expected, because everything with the witches got cleared up pretty quickly. All the brothers went their seperat ways to probably change, Belphie going straight to the attic, Lucifer’s face pissed him off.
Going to his room, Beel walks over to his closet, but before that he just sees you in his bed?? In his shirt, that’s obviously way too large for you.
His face goes from the surprise devildom sticker one to blushing. He had no clue why you were in his bed, and why you were wearing his shirt. But it was extremely cute and looked good on you!
He repositions you so that you’re comfy and pulls the blankets up more. You should really sleep with pants on do it doesn’t make him feel immoral please.
Beel watches over you while you sleep and even brings snacks up to his room to share with you when you wake up, but he eats like half of them. I’m sure you’ll still appreciate the sentiment when you’re awake, though.
It had been a very rough day for you. You procrastinated on all your assignments so you had to get them done in a few hours, you fell down the stairs, and you even forgot to bring your lunch to school. You were dead tired and couldn’t bring yourself to face reality anymore.
You had no idea where Belphie was and he wasn’t answering any calls, so you decided to go into his room and sleep so when he came back, he could snuggle with you.
You walked into his room and casually greeted Beel who was on his side eating cake.
Crawling into Belphie’s bed, you made yourself comfortable and snuggled into the blankets, trying to find even a little bit of his smell on it to comfort you.
You ended up falling asleep fairly quickly, and Beel eventually left the room to invade the kitchen again. During that time, Belphie returned home from rad.
He was sort of annoyed that his phone died and no he had to charge it, because he didn’t do overnight, and his sleep schedule is already abnormal.
He goes over to his bed to reach for the charger when he suddenly notices you!! Absolutely adorable, brightens his mood.
Normally he has to find you for naps, and cuddles into you, but this time you were just defencelessly sleeping in his bed, your shirt slightly pushed up and you were hugging his cow pillow.
The sight was adorable and he ends up forgetting to charge his phone again, because he’s already in that bed cuddling you, going to sleep.
He slept a whole lot at rad that he even came home late, but damn did he feel so tired and comfy with his arms wrapped around you.
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melzula · 4 years
Life Changing Field Trip
*part of the Fire Lililes series
pairing: Zuko x Princess!reader
warnings: heavy angst, lots of tears, fluff, 3.6k words in length so it’s a doozy
notes: it’s finally here! I’ve had so much fun writing this piece and I hope you enjoy
summary: “You cannot bend something that is broken, but you can heal something that is hurt.”
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“You can’t just show up like that, give me a location, and then not tell me why or where I’m going,” you grumble to the moon as you load your bags onto Appa’s saddle. You’re not sure how long you’ll be gone or how far you’ll be traveling, but’s it better to be prepared.
Your bending had dwindled ever since Zuko’s arrival, and no amount of training or meditation ever seemed to help you get back on track. Zuko was a part of your team now, and you hadn’t forgiven him yet, not by a long shot, but you had been good about keeping your rage and your fury locked away inside of you. Scaring Zuko off and creating unnecessary tension wouldn’t help Aang with his fire bending, and so you kept to yourself and avoided the boy at all costs. When he entered a room you exited, if he tried to start a conversation you gifted him your silence as a response, and when he tried to apologize or chase after you you’d freeze his feet to the floor. It was simple and effective and, unlike your water bending, it worked.
But Zuko wasn’t the only obstacle in your life, and you knew you had to figure out your bending issue soon before the comet arrived. Your struggle must have been great enough to draw attention from the spiritual realm, because sure enough that night you were visited by the Moon Spirit in your sleep.
Even in your dream-like state your first instinct upon seeing her was to fetch Sokka, but she made it clear that she didn’t have much time. She gave you a location and stressed the urgency of your arrival to the coordinates. She gave no real explanation and no real direction, just some weird proverb like piece of advice that you were too tired and too dense to understand.
“You cannot bend something that is broken, but you can heal something that is hurt.”
You weren’t sure what exactly Princess Yue meant by that or how it would help you, and for a fleeting moment you wished Iroh were there to help you understand; all you really knew was that there was no time to waste. Whatever this location was and whatever importance it held, you were going, and nothing was going to stop you.
“What are you doing?”
Okay, maybe someone was going to stop you.
“It’s none of your business,” you retort harshly, glaring at Zuko who stands before you with bead head and drowsiness present upon his features. “Go back to sleep.”
“Y/n, come on,” Zuko begs earnestly. “You really expect me to just go back to bed when you’re about to sneak off with Appa in the middle of the night?”
“Yes, I do. Now go,” you scowl whilst settling yourself in the saddle and taking hold of the reigns. Your gaze is fixed straight ahead, but you make no move to go. It’s almost as if something is holding you back from leaving Zuko behind, anchoring you to him in a way that makes you nervous.
“Let me come with you.”
“I have to do this by myself. You wouldn’t understand, you never have,” you argue.
“Then let me try to,” Zuko pleads. “Princess, you’re the only one who hasn’t forgiven me yet. Neither of us can be happy until we at least try to fix it.”
A tense silence washes over the two of you as you mull over Zuko’s words. Princess Yue’s voice echoes in the back of your mind: You cannot bend something that is broken. Your resistance to mend your broken bond only seemed to make things worse for the both of you. You couldn’t sleep, you couldn’t eat, you couldn’t bend, you couldn’t feel at peace with yourself knowing that each day you pushed him away only led to more heartache. Your stubbornness and your pride kept you from accepting his apologies, but your heart cried out to you every time you found yourself missing him, and that was often.
It seemed your decision was made up for you before you were even able to decide it yourself.
“Fine. But I’m in charge, and just because I’m letting you come doesn’t mean we’re friends now,” you answer sternly, your tough exterior crumbling slightly at the sight of Zuko’s hopeful smile. Curse him and his stupid charm.
“Thank you,” he breathes in relief before climbing onto Appa’s back and settling down amongst the many bags of food you packed. A gentle utterance of the words yip yip and you’re off into the skies, truly alone with Zuko for the first time since Ba Sing Se before everything fell apart.
The stars twinkle brilliantly as they watch over your little group in the sky, the night breeze gently flowing through your loose locks and sending your sweet scent straight to Zuko’s senses. Despite being Princess of the Southern Water Tribe, you always smelled of fire lilies. You were sweet and warm and familiar, and being close enough to smell the scent of lilies reminded the prince of your nights together in Ba Sing Se. He had been a fool to throw it all away.
“So where are we going?” He asks finally to break the silence. Without turning to face him you toss your map over your shoulder for him to see. ”The Earth Kingdom? This spot isn’t even marked on a regular map. Why?”
“The Moon Spirit came to me in a dream and gave me those coordinates so that’s where I’m going.”
“The Moon Spirit? Wasn’t she a Princess?” Zuko asks, recalling the story Sokka had told him on their way to the Boiling Rock.
“Of the Northern Water Tribe,” you nod, and before you can stop yourself an admission tumbles past your lips. “You know, I almost left you during the Siege of the North.”
“I was homesick and lonely, and you were always occupied with hunting the Avatar. When I saw what the Princess did to save her people I soon felt guilty too. Yue sacrificed her own life, her own happiness, to help her people, and what did I do? I ran away with the boy who was trying to destroy the world’s only hope for peace among Nations. But my love for you overcame my guilt, and so I stayed.”
“Wow...” Zuko murmurs in astonishment. “I didn’t know...”
“Yeah, well, there’s a lot of things you don’t know,” you grumble, immediately closing yourself off again. Zuko sighs sinking further into the saddle, and the scent of fire lilies consumes him.
After three tense hours of flying Appa begins to tire, and you’re left with no choice but to stop for the night and rest. There’s probably only four hours of darkness remaining until sunrise, so you’ll be able to get a decent amount of sleep before you have to resume your travels. You say nothing to Zuko as you roll out your sleeping bag and immediately tuck yourself in for the night. However, due to the cool and frigid air, you find that you’re much to cold to be comfortable, and so you toss and turn for a good ten minutes.
“Cold?” Zuko asks gently.
“No, I just like to shiver in my sleeping bag for fun,” you retort sarcastically, and Zuko rolls his eyes. A small huff of air falls past your lips and it takes you a minute to muster up the will to apologize. “Sorry,” you grumble. “I’m very cold and tired.”
“Would you like me to help?” He offers carefully. A beat passes before he hears the sound of you shuffling around and pulling back the covers of your sleeping bag.
“This doesn’t mean anything,” you point out firmly, and the Prince bites back a smile as he crawls in beside you. Already you can feel the warmth that radiates off of his body, and you can’t stop the little sigh of contentment that escapes you when Zuko wraps his arms around your trembling figure and brings you into his chest.
“Much,” you hum softly, face nuzzling into the crook of his neck as you try to soak up as much heat as you can.
You hate to admit it, but you really missed being in Zuko’s embrace. He was warm and safe, and it reminded you of the times before when you had still been together. During the first few weeks of your separation you had struggled to fall asleep, not used to being on your own and definitely not used to the absence of warmth that often slept beside you. Sometimes you’d wonder if Zuko also lied awake at night seeking your comfort, but your anger was quick to remind you that he was the one who had left you in the first place. It was Zuko who made you second priority to the Avatar, and it was Zuko who chose to turn against you in Ba Sing Se. Shivers tingle down your spine, and this time it isn’t the cold that has you trembling. He betrayed you once, and he could betray you again.
Zuko falls fast asleep with you in his embrace, but you find that you can’t sleep at all.
The snowfall is light outside as you anxiously sit through your healing class, constantly glancing towards the doorway in hopes of spotting a Fire Nation ship. The Fire Lord was due for another visit today, and that meant you’d get to spend the day with Prince Zuko.
“Princess, pay attention,” the healer chides, and you sheepishly turn your gaze back to the old woman before you.
“Water is a powerful tool for benders, used to hurt and to heal,” she explains. “Water benders fight to protect themselves and those around them. Soldiers with this gift learn how to use their power to defend our home. But these same soldiers cannot use the bending they would use in a fight to heal a wound.“
The little girls around her watch in awe as the water in her palms glows a gentle hue. She smiles, gracefully swirling the water through the air.
“A rough hand will only bring more pain and heartache. But a gentle hand? A gentle hand can mend even the deepest of wounds. As healers you must remember this: You cannot bend something that is broken, but you can heal something that is hurt.”
You wake slowly, eyes gradually adjusting to the sunlight that shines against your fatigued face. The ground underneath you has been replaced by the leather of Appa’s saddle, and you find yourself warmly wrapped in Zuko’s cloak. The boy in question is seated at the reigns, navigating his way through the clouds and towards the abandoned colony.
“Zuko?” You yawn, catching the prince’s attention. He smiles faintly at the sight of you sleepily wrapping his cloak tighter around your form.
“Good morning,” he says. “I didn’t want to wake you but I know how important it is that we get to the Earth Kingdom as soon as possible. I hope you don’t mind.”
“I... I guess I don’t,” you mumble as you rub the sleep from your eyes before digging into your bag for some breakfast.
“We should be there in about an hour.”
You only nod, looking down at the peach in your hand contemplatively. What awaits you at the abandoned colony? Will it help you regain your bending? Will you like what you find?
The journey goes by quickly when you’re lost in your thoughts, and before you even realize it Appa has landed on the ground and Zuko is helping you off the saddle.
“Good boy, Appa,” you murmur affectionately, gently combing your fingers through his fur as you feed him an entire bag of fruit. “You can stay here for now.”
Leaving the flying bison behind Zuko and yourself walk the rest of the way, finally stumbling upon the exact location the Moon Spirit had given you: a cave entrance.
“Spirits, not another cave,” you groan, and from beside you Zuko blushes in uncomfortable embarrassment. With a heavy sigh you grab Zuko’s wrist and give it a shake until he gets the message, a small flame igniting in the palm of his hand. Holding onto his arm as if he’s your personal torch, you begin your descent through the cave. This better be good.
Unlike your secret tunnel, there’s nothing seemingly special about this cave. It’s dark and dirty not romantic whatsoever, which you figure is good because this isn’t a romantic trip anyway. You’re here per Princess Yue’s instructions only and nothing else, and if Zuko doesn’t like it you have no problem freezing his feet to the floor for what will probably be the thousandth time.
“What do you think you’ll find?”
“I’m not sure, but I’m hoping that whatever it is, it‘ll help my bending,” you murmur thoughtfully.
“Maybe we’ll find another secret tunnel,” Zuko jokes with a quiet laugh that immediately fizzles out at your unamused glare. “Sorry.”
“I doubt that stupid tunnel is even there anymore,” you grumble.
“It is... I checked,” the boy murmurs thoughtfully, causing you to halt in your tracks.
“When I returned home from Ba Sing Se I went to Elza’s end of the tunnel and found it still intact. I knew there was no way you’d be there, but I traveled to our meeting point and stayed there,” he confesses quietly, eyes soft and apologetic as they turn to face you. You shift uncomfortably under his gaze and look forward, continuing your pace through the tunnel. “I’m really sorry for how much I’ve hurt you, y/n.”
“Why did you do it?” You question. Your voice is weak and frail and your eyes glisten with tears, and Zuko doesn’t think his heart can hurt any more than it does now. “After everything we’d been through and everything we’d accomplished together, why would you betray me like that? I loved you Zuko.”
“And then to betray Iroh? Your own flesh and blood?”
“I know it was wrong, and I wish I could take everything back. I never stopped thinking about you y/n. Even when I was with Mai, all I could see was your face in the cave looking at me with disappointment and-“
“Wait a minute, who’s Mai?” You retort, pulling away from the fire bender to look up at him with furrowed brows. Zuko’s face flushes and immediate regret fills him at having mentioned the girl.
“I umm.. After we broke up, I kind of started seeing someone else,” he admits sheepishly whilst nervously grasping at the back of his neck. The sight of your complete rage and fury makes him wish he was being swallowed whole by an unagi instead of having to face an angry Princess.
“I can’t believe you!” You cry in outrage. “I spent weeks crying over you and you just moved on to another girl like nothing!”
“She didn’t mean anything, I promise-“
“I don’t want to hear it, get away from me!” You demand, picking up your pace to try and get away from him as quickly as you can, but Zuko is hot on your heels.
“Princess, please!” You try to freeze his feet to the floor and let out a frustrated growl as your bending fails you yet again. “Just let me explain!”
“No! I’m going to talk and you’re going to listen!” You command, angrily jabbing a finger at his chest. “I left my people, my family, for you. When you pushed me aside on your hunt for the Avatar, I stayed even though I was unhappy. I stood by you despite all the mean and cruel things you did because I knew deep in my heart that you were still the same Prince I fell in love with. And when we got to Ba Sing Se I thought we could finally have the life we had planned together. Working in your uncle’s tea shop, taking walks through the upper ring at night, being able to enjoy myself without having to worry about what terrible thing you’d do next made me the happiest I’d ever been.”
“And then you threw it all away. For what? Honor? Approval from the man who abused you? Using my bending against you was the hardest thing I’d ever done in my entire life, yet you seemed to have no problem with fighting me the minute Azula asked you to. I knew then that you weren’t Zuko, not the Zuko I fell in love with.”
Tears steadily stream down both of your faces, your throat is raw and sore from yelling but you don’t care. You’re angry, you’re upset, you’re hurt, and you’re afraid of the emotions festering inside of you. But you also feel good, like a weight is slowly being lifted off of you.
“And then to hear you moved on to someone else so quick as if I meant nothing to you?!”
“I’m sorry,” Zuko offers weakly.
“You betrayed me, you broke my trust, you broke my heart, but no matter how hard I try I can’t bring myself to hate you because I love you Zuko! Despite it all I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything or anyone, and when I think about where we came from and where we are now I-I just...”
You burst into a fit of tears and welcome Zuko’s comforting arms that wrap around your figure and squeeze you so tightly to his chest. Your shoulders shake with each sob that falls past your lips, your hands clutch tightly at the fabric of his robes, and you bury your face into his chest to muffle your sobs. The boy says nothing for a long time, only holding you and soothing you to the best of his abilities as you let out all of your hurt, anger, and sorrow.
“I’m sorry I never realized how special you were and how much I truly needed you. Nothing I say can ever undo the hurt I’ve caused you, but I’ll do anything to show you just how much you mean to me. I love you y/n, you’re my other half. Uncle always said our love was a balance of yin and yang, and he was right.” You watch through your tears as Zuko takes both of your hands in his own and gives them a gentle squeeze. “Please, Princess.”
You sniffle, blinking away the tears as you gaze up at Zuko’a pleading gaze. The tricky proverb comes to mind again, only this time it isn’t as tricky. Ever since Zuko joined the Gaang you’d done everything in your power to keep him away to protect yourself, but it only made your heartbreak worse. Defensive maneuvers wouldn’t ease your pain, but offensive would. You cannot bend something that is broken, but you can heal something that is hurt. The water bender in you wanted to push him out, but the healer inside of you knew that this moment in the cave was exactly what you needed to finally feel okay again.
Without responding, you simply lean up and press your lips against Zuko’s in a loving kiss. His hands come to rest upon your tear stained cheeks as he bring you closer, kissing you so desperately it’s almost as if he’ll die if he doesn’t have his lips upon yours. The tunnel around you begins to glow, but you don’t realize this until after you’ve pulled away from each other. A tearful smile graces your lips and Zuko finds himself swooping in for another quick kiss.
“I know why the Moon Spirit sent us here,” you sniffle. “I know where we are now.”
“You do?”
“When I was younger my mother would threaten to send me to the cave of truths whenever I told a lie. It was a magical cave said to not only pull out the most personal truths of anyone who set foot inside but also grant them a lesson in exchange for their truth. My truth was my love for you, Zuko, and I learned that shutting you out is never going to fix things. Only by letting you in again, by allowing you the chance to redeem yourself, will we be able to fix our broken hearts.”
With a gentle smile, you pull the droplets of water from the air that surrounds you and swirl them gently in the palm of your hand until they freeze into snowflakes. Zuko watches in awe as the snow takes the shape of a butterfly, its wings flapping elegantly as it lands on the tip of his nose.
“My bending is back.” Zuko smiles.
“And so are you.”
The Gaang is waiting for you when you return, astonished at the sight of your intertwined hands and happy smiles on your features.
“What happened to you two?” Suki asks.
“Life changing field trip,” you reply with a simple shrug, smiling as Zuko wraps an arm around your waist and presses a kiss to the top of your head.
“Aw man, you guys are giving me the oogies,” Sokka groans only for Katara to elbow his side.
“What changed?” Aang asks, prompting you and Zuko to exchange glances.
“Our relationship has a really good track record with secret tunnels,” you giggle.
“We’re both ready to start over,” Zuko says. “It’s going to take some time for things to be normal again, but we’ll get there.”
“I’m really happy for you guys,” Katara smiles gently.
“Yeah, I was getting kind of sick of the two of you moping around,” Toph grins, and you can’t help but return the smile.
You’ve got a long journey of healing ahead of you, but with Zuko finally back by your side you know you can accomplish anything.
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