#gereng week 2022
redds-art828 · 2 years
Gereng Day 7!!Family
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This has to be my favorite one I’ve drawn so far, the Cardverse being second
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kayartstuff · 2 years
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Gereng week 2022
Day 3: Royal au
I based this one off of the Barbie as the Island Princess.
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gereng-week · 2 years
GerEng Week 2022 Prompts
Thank you everyone for your wonderful prompt suggestions and for voting! In the end these were our finalists:
October 23rd: Drunken Nights/Drinking Buddies || Oktoberfest
October 24: Sleep Deprived || Injury and Illness 
October 25: Knitting/Crafting || Royal/Cardverse AU 
October: 26th: Historical || Hurt/Comfort
October 27th: Flowers/Gardening ||  Office AU
October 28th: Domestic/Slice of Life || Sharing Clothes 
October 29th: Bakery/Baking || Family
October 30th: Amnesia/Remembrance || Dreams 
October 31st (BONUS DAY): Free Day
You don't have to do every day and you don't have to do both prompts for the day (Ex. on day 6 you can choose just to do Bakery/Baking and ignore the family prompt)
Make sure to tag sensitive and nsft content
You can interpret prompts how ever you wish!
Tag your work as #gereng week/ #gereng week 2022 and also tag the blog @gereng-week to make sure I see it
Do no submit work before the day of the prompt. However, late submissions are completely fine and will be accepted throughout the year
Additional Rules can be found here
@hetaliahappenings @nsfhetalia
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koolkat9 · 2 years
GerEng Week 2022: Day 5
Prompt: Flowers || Office AU
Pairing: GerEng + Sealand
Rating: T
Word Count: 1734
A Little bit of Colour
Friday had finally arrived, freeing Ludwig from his seemingly never-ending work week. All he wanted to do was get home, but a garden center had just opened on his street, and he had been wanting to check it out. Of course, work and overtime had made him push that plan back until now. 
When he entered, he was greeted by a young boy almost running into him. Luckily, Ludwig slid out of the way just as the boy rushed by him. 
“Sorry mister,” the boy called back, not stopping his sprint. 
Ludwig frowned at the boy. This was no way to behave, especially in a store. He looked around for a parent, finding a blond-haired man storming after the boy. Eventually, he caught up to him and gripped the boy's shoulder. “Sorry, there mate,” the blond man said, looking towards Ludwig, “He’s been cooped up all day in class and decided to take it out on my flowers.” That last part was directed at the boy. He guided the pouting boy to behind the cash area and told him sternly to stay there. 
The man turned back to Ludwig. “Now, what can I help you with?” he asked. 
Ludwig stared slack jaw. This man was the last person he expected to be running a flower shop. His spiky green hair, dark eyeliner, multiple piercings, and tattoos wrapping around his exposed forearms were nothing that came to Ludwig’s mind when he thought gardener, but it was definitely something that came to mind when Ludwig thought of his type. 
He shook himself out of his daze when he caught himself staring. “Uh…Well…I-I need…Um, I was looking to replace my watering can and spade.”
“No problem, right this way.”
The man–Arthur was his name according to his tag–showed him over to their tool section. He was well informed, pointing out the best brands and also adding his own two cents, explaining the items he used. The entire time, Ludwig kept stealing shy glances, quietly nodding along to Arthur’s words. 
Halfway through their discussion, Ludwig felt eyes on him. He turned his head to look at a potted plant. He caught a tuft of dirty blond hair before it disappeared behind the leaves. 
“Peter Kirkland,” Arthur snapped, “Stop bugging my customers.” He didn’t even have to turn around to know the boy was there. “Forgive me, he’s a nosy one.” 
Ludwig smiled slightly. He may have not had a lot of experience with children, but being curious and nosy seemed normal. “It’s okay,” he assured Arthur.
Peter came out from hiding. “But–”
“No buts,” Arthur stated, “Don’t you have homework?”
Peter smirked. “Nope. It’s the weekend.”
“Shit,” Arthur huffed under his breath. “Just…Just scram, or there won’t be any dessert tonight.”
The boy’s face paled before he dashed off to the cash area.
“Sorry again,” Arthur sighed.
“It’s no trouble. Kids will be kids.”
“Maybe, but they also need proper manners.”
“And I’m sure you’ve got it all under control.”
Arthur flushed slightly. 
“Ah! Sorry if I overstepped.”
“Not at all… I actually appreciate it.”
As Ludwig collected his things (he ended up getting more than he originally planned), the two moved into a more personal conversation. Ludwig had learned that Arthur was the owner of the garden center. It had been his dream, and thanks to his job as a tattoo artist and a little help from his mother, he was able to open it. But just as Ludwig was getting comfortable with Arthur, it was time to check out. 
“Your son is cute,” Ludwig noted as Arthur scanned him through.
“Thank you, but he’s not my son. He’s my menace of a little brother.”
“Oh.” There was a story there, Ludwig could tell, but he had already felt like he had pried too much. “Well, he’s quite energetic, but all kids have a point like that.”
Arthur nodded. “I suppose. That will be $15.40.” 
Ludwig paid and bid Arthur a good day before departing, feeling lighter than he had when he first went in.
- - - 
Ludwig began to frequent the garden center, going whenever he had a day off work. He was able to keep up the facade that he was coming for gardening supplies as it was still fairly early in spring. But really, Ludwig didn’t need any more than what he got on his first visit. He prided himself in taking care of his tools, so they lasted years, but he needed an excuse to come and see Arthur without being creepy. 
“Hiya Ludwig,” Peter greeted with a toothy grin.
Ludwig gave the boy a small smile. He was quite polite when he wasn’t bouncing off the walls “Hello Peter.”
“Are you here to see my brother?”
Peter blinked at him innocently, but Ludwig knew better. Arthur was right, he was a mischievous boy. Though perhaps, in this case, clever was a more appropriate word. 
Ludwig flushed slightly. “Wha–N-No. I want to…get some more…flowers. Yes, flowers. I was looking to expand my garden. 
Peter smirked, rocking back and forth on his feet, “I know you like him.” 
“Your cheeks are red, just like when you first saw him. And nobody needs this much gardening stuff.”
That clever boy. Ludwig tensed and looked away.
“You sure like to pester him, don’t you?” Arthur interjected. 
“But Arthur!” Peter whined.
“He’s okay,” Ludwig said.
Arthur quirked a brow, looking Ludwig over. “Your face says otherwise.”
Peter tugged on Arthur’s hand, jumping up and down. “Can I show Ludwig what he’s looking for?”
Arthur turned towards said man, brows knitted. 
“That would be lovely,” Ludwig replied, giving Arthur a nod. 
Ludwig could see Arthur’s hesitancy, but in the end, he let them go. 
“Am I that obvious?” he asked once they were far enough from Arthur.
“Well, not to Arthur. But I think he likes you too.”
“We just met.”
“So, is that a no to me helping you land a date with him?”
Ludwig froze. “Of course, that’s a no,” he replied sternly, “Anyway. Why would you help me when you barely know me?”
Peter’s smile fell. He looked back at his brother who had retreated to behind the cash desk. “You make him smile…He’s always been so grouchy, especially since mum died, but when you’re here, he’s grinning wildly and is always in a good mood. I just…I just want him to be happy.”
There was a softness in Peter’s eyes that Ludwig hadn’t seen before. For all his mischief, poking, and prodding, he really was a good kid. 
Ludwig crouched down to his level. “That’s very kind of you. Arthur’s lucky to have a brother like you looking out for him. But I think we need to do this on our own.”
Peter’s face fell. “Do you promise to ask him out soon?”
Ludwig could never stand puppy dog eyes. He blamed his dogs for it. So when Peter looked at him with wide, pleading blue eyes, Ludwig couldn’t say no. “I promise.”
- - -
It was another long day. Ludwig was really starting to consider a sudden career change as the days blurred together, and the only light in his bleak, sterile world was Arthur and his garden center. 
Ludwig stared blankly at the coffee maker, trying to come up with a way to confess. He had been brainstorming for a week on how to finally reveal his feelings to Arthur, but he had scraped every single one. Either it was too cheesy, too anxiety-inducing, or both.
With five minutes left to his break, Ludwig returned to his desk to find a lovely bouquet had been left there. Ludwig looked around for any inkling of who had left it, but he was met with a sea of cubicles, everyone focused on their computer screens. He noticed a small card. 
‘Love, Arthur,’ it read. 
Ludwig was taken aback. Though he was planning on confessing, he wasn’t too hopeful that Arthur returned his feelings (despite Peter claiming otherwise). He didn’t have time to dwell on it however as Arthur came bursting through the doors.
“Don’t say anything,” Arthur growled through gritted teeth. He snatched up the bouquet before heading to the door. “Just forget it ever happened.”
Ludwig felt his heart crack. He reached out to Arthur, gripping his wrist. “But what if–”
“I’m sorry Ludwig. They weren’t…I mean…I was teaching Peter about flower arrangements, and he…” Arthur shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. It was a mistake.”
He swallowed the lump in his throat. Of course, how could he have actually hoped he had a chance with a man he just met when he was so stiff and could barely carry a conversation? But with Arthur in his grip, he couldn’t hold back. “But what if I don’t want it to be a mistake,” Ludwig blurted out.
Arthur froze, muscles tensing. 
“Red roses, jasmine, yellow acacia. They all mean love do they not?”
Arthur nodded before slowly turning around. “What if I told you it wasn’t a mistake? How would you feel?”
Ludwig smiled slightly. “It would make things easier for me.”
Arthur’s cheeks flushed slightly. “Well then…” He thrusted the bouquet towards Ludwig. “Join me for dinner this evening?”
“I’d love to.” 
When Ludwig took the bouquet back, applause from the cubicles nearby erupted. Right, they weren’t alone. Ludwig felt his face burn. 
Luckily Arthur seemed to catch onto his discomfort and led him out of the office.
Once they were in the safety of the elevator, they relaxed. “Sorry,” they said at the same time. 
Arthur snickered, and Ludwig smiled bashfully. 
“It really was Peter who set this whole thing up,” Arthur admitted.
“He deserves a reward then.”
“Or a massive grounding for sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong.”
Ludwig leaned against the railing. “Fair. But don’t be too hard on him. Who knows how long we would have been pinning if it weren’t for him.”
Arthur nodded half-heartedly. “Fine…He’ll get off with a lecture.” 
Ludwig walked Arthur to the door. He was sad to see him go after all the excitement. If only they could relish in this moment a bit longer. “I’ll pick you up after work?” Ludwig asked. 
“Yes. If it’s not too much trouble.”
“You could never.”
And so, Ludwig returned to work far lighter than he was before. Perhaps that was the colour he had been missing for so long. 
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multifandomfern · 2 years
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October 25: Knitting/Crafting
Some gereng art that I finally found the time to finish.
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the-heaminator · 2 years
October 28th: Domestic/Slice of Life || Sharing Clothes (again very short, more of a ficlet than anything)
It was their morning to sleep in, one of a very few selection of mornings in which they allowed themselves to do so, Arthur was comfortably nestled up not only in the blanket but in both a shirt and jumper pilfered from Ludwig’s cupboard, it was soft and smelt of him and he felt comfortable in it. 
Ludwig would have tried to wear Arthurs clothes if he was built any less like a brick wall, but Arthurs clothes looked comically small comparative to him, and Arthur was absolutely drowning in his clothes, it was adorable to see him shuffle around the house, still half asleep, the shirts covering him quite like a dress as he mooched around the house.
It was quite late now, near to eleven in the morning, both still asleep, the cats piled up at the foot of the bed, on top of Berlitz who seemed to like being sat on by the felines, they were warm and they didn’t move very much. They all knew that usually by this time both would be wake and most likely out of the house, and they would unceremoniously be shooed off the bed, and all the warm things would be taken off it, but they were both still sleeping. Arthurs blanket hoarding was a problem so much that they had separate blankets, which only ended up in Arthur stealing both and becoming a veritable cocoon of warmth (the cats loved this and got in the blanket with him, which was absolutely terrifying when they woke up, and on the occasion a blanket cocoon would form around both; which was what happened today. 
There was some quiet mumbling that mainly translated to “stop stealing the blanket you fucking frost gremlin” in German by Ludwig whose feet were cold, and for good reason too.
The day was cold, and floor, the floor would freeze a person's bare foot off if they even as much as stepped on it for a moment, even managing to get through the thick fur of Berlitz, which was another reason the pets decided to stay on the bed despite it getting dangerously close to midday; the house nearly silent except for the soft breathing as the sun hung low in the crystal blue sky, children rushing out for their break wearing gloves and hats that doting parents put on them and teens stubbornly refusing to wear coats while playing football on muddy grounds, hoping to god that they don’t get streaks of mud all over their clothes that they could be reprimanded when they get home about. The world moving oh so fast, but sometimes it was best to just live in the moment
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kostantina · 2 years
GerEng Week 2022: Day 7
Title: As the Sea Kissed the Shore, the Sky Dawned Upon Them
Prompt: Bakery/Baking || Family
Rating: Explicit
Genres: Fluff and Smut
Category: F/M
Pairing: Fem!HRE!Germany x England
“Oh?" He stopped. No. Slowed down was the proper term because his touches had become provocative, frustrating her, and leading her to drive herself against him impetuously.
Her pregnancy, as well as the long days her child's father was away from her, made her more reliant.
He laughed deeply, much to her embarrassment, and kissed her on the lips after removing his head from her marked neck. Looking at her darkly, he responded huskily, "Just tell me about it during our intimacy, all right?"
He then smirked. “But then you will be unable to express yourself more eloquently in words. You always end up—”
"I may be with child!" she blurted out, unable to stand his indecent talk and piercing stare any further.
She speedily pressed her face against his chest to hide, her cheeks and ears burning up owing to her candour and the awkwardness that ensued.
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helltalia-inc · 4 years
Event Calendar
For 2021!
Please, let me know if there is a mistake or if I missed something. And of course, don't forget to check @heta-on-the-books, @hetaliahappenings and @helltalia-inc ✨ If you are planning on hosting an event, then please reach to us to help spreading the word. Here on this blog, I tend to reblog the event' announcement/ prompt list in each 4-7 days.
➡️ @spainromanoevents (still accepting submissions on their last event)
➡️ @spring-has-come (the latest day to post is January 14th)
⭐ Monaco' Birthday (08/01)
➡️ @prumano-week (Signups: 10-20)
➡️ @germanbrosweek (17-23)
⭐ Prussia' Birthday (18/01) ⭐
➡️ @heta-oc-week (24-30)
⭐ Australia' Birthday (26/01) ⭐
⭐ Holy Roman Empire' Birthday (02/02) ⭐
➡️ @hetaliancupid-hetaliaevent (08-14)
⭐ Japan' Birthday (11/02) ⭐
⭐ Spain's Birthday (12/02) ⭐
➡️ @prukweek (15-22)
⭐ Lithuania' Birthday (16/02) ⭐
➡️ @cucan-week (21-27)
➡️ @historical-hetalia-week (22-28)
➡️ @fuckyeahaphestonia (22-28)
⭐ Estonia' Birthday (24/02) ⭐
⭐ Egypt' Birthday (28/02) ⭐
➡️ @nedtai-week (01-07)
⭐ Bulgaria' Birthday (03/03) ⭐
⭐ Eyebrow day (03/03)
⭐ South Italy and North Italy' Birthday (17/03) ⭐
➡️ @ruscanweek (14-20)
➡️ @hwsredraw2021 (15-21)
⭐ Greece' Birthday (25/03) ⭐
⭐ FrUk Day (08/04) ⭐
➡️ @amelietweek (11-17)
⭐ Hutt River' Birthday (21/04)
⭐ England' Birthday (23/04) ⭐
➡️ @highwaytohelltalia (01-31 with #Mermay)
➡️ @engportevents (08-15)
⭐ Norway' Birthday (17/05) ⭐
⭐ Cuba' Birthday (20/05) ⭐
➡️ @ruspruweek (30-05 of June)
⭐ Denmark' Birthday (05/06)
⭐ Sweden' Birthday (06/06) ⭐
➡️ @aushun-week (07-13)
⭐ Hungary' Birthday (08/06 or 20/08?)
➡️ @aphrarepairweek2021 (14-20)
⭐ Iceland' Birthday (17/06) ⭐
➡️ @frukusweek (21-28)
⭐ Seychelles' Birthday (29/06) ⭐
⭐ Canada and Hong Kong' Birthday (01/07) ⭐
⭐ America' Birthday (04/07) ⭐
➡️ @usukweek (04-10)
➡️ @welovefrukmerunning (Romerica and Itapan event, from 11-17)
⭐ Liechtenstein' Birthday (12/07) ⭐
⭐ France' Birthday (14/07) ⭐
➡️ @hwsmicronationweek (18-24)
➡️ @hwsocshipweek (19-25)
⭐ Belgium' Birthday (21/07)
⭐ Poland' Birthday (22/07) ⭐
⭐ Netherlands' Birthday (26/07)
➡️ @femtalia-hetaliaevent (26-02 of August)
➡️ @rmch-week (26-01 of August) CANCELED
➡️ @ask-the-world (26-08 of August, Hetalia Germany Ship Week)
⭐ Switzerland' Birthday (01/08) ⭐
➡️ @amechucorner (02-09)
➡️ @prumano-week (09-15)
➡️ @portvene-week (16-22)
➡️ @aphasiaweek (11-20)
⭐ South Korea' Birthday (15/08) ⭐
➡️ @spainromanoevents (15-21)
➡️ @aph-norway-week-2021 (17-23)
➡️ @hetaliashipsweek (22-28, with Fruk week)
➡️ @estfin-week (22-29)
⭐ Ukraine' Birthday (24/08) ⭐
⭐ Belarus' Birthday (25/08) ⭐
⭐ Moldova' Birthday (27/08)
➡️ @hetafamilyweek (29-04 of September)
⭐ Vietnam and Sealand' Birthday (02/09) ⭐
➡️ @hws-germano-week (05-11)
➡️ @hetalia-polyship-week (10-17)
➡️ @hetaliaplatonicshipsweek (12-18)
⭐ Nedport Day (September 25)
➡️ @dennorweek (25-03 of October)
⭐ China' Birthday (01/10)
➡️ @germanbrosweek (01-07)
➡️ @pruktober (01-31)
⭐ Germany' Birthday (03/10) ⭐
➡️ @prucanweek (3-9)
➡️ @gereng-week (4-10)
⭐ Portugal' Birthday (05/10) ⭐
➡️ @welovefrukmerunning (8-14, with 2ptalia event)
➡️ @aph-spain-week (10-15)
➡️ @rusprutober (10-16)
➡️ @hetaween-hetaliaevent (18-31)
➡️ @ecuperweek (21-27)
❤️ Hetalia Day (24/10) ❤️
⭐ Taiwan' Birthday (25/10) ⭐
⭐ Austria' Birthday (26/10) ⭐
⭐ Turkey' Birthday (29/10) ⭐
➡️ @ask-hws-chuiggy (01-07)
⭐ Wy' Birthday (15/11) ⭐
➡️ @aph-mirror-week (15-21) CANCELED
⭐ Latvia' Birthday (18/11) ⭐
➡️ @brargweek (24-30)
⭐ Romania' Birthday (01/12)
⭐ Thailand' Birthday (05/12)
⭐ Finland' Birthday (06/12) ⭐
➡️ @welovefrukmerunning (with Ancient Hetalia event week, from 12-18)
➡️ @lubewig-bottomschmidt (RusGer event from 19-25)
⭐ Macau' Birthday (21/12)
➡️ @geritapan-christmas-week (25- 2022 January 01)
⭐ Russia' Birthday (30/12) ⭐
➡️ @spaceracedates (Rusame Secret Santa)
➡️ @medieval-fantasy-hetalia-exgift (Medieval Fantasy Gift Exchange)
➡️ @lietpolsecretsanta (LietPol Secret Santa)
✨Monthly Prompts✨
➡️ @hetalia-writers-monthly
💭 On Holding 👀
NOTE: I have no idea if the birthday' dates there are correct, so please correct me if they are wrong.
Also, also... Since we have already an event for 2022, another calendar will be made! And it's linked here.
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kayartstuff · 2 years
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Gereng Week 2022
Day 1: Drinking Buddies
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kayartstuff · 2 years
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Gereng Week
Day 2: Injury and Illness
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redds-art828 · 2 years
Gereng Week Day 4!! Hurt/Comfort.
A rough night for both of them :(
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I’m behind/late still but I got school and other stuff so 😭😭 also coloring was very rushed as I did not care at that point :,((
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redds-art828 · 2 years
GerEng Week Day 3! Royal/Cardverse
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This is a little late but it’s done!! And somewhat rushed
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redds-art828 · 2 years
GerEng Week 2022! Drunken Nights/Drinking Buddies
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This shouldn’t have taken me 7 hours but it did :’) but hey I got it done.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
GerEng Week 2022: Day 4
Prompt: Historical || Hurt/Comfort
Paring: Gereng
Rating: T
Word Count: 1030
Author's Note: After almost 3 years of writing gereng I finally wrote the obligatory Christmas Truce fic. 
Christmas with the "Enemy"
It was a quiet evening, but Arthur knew it wasn’t to last. Not even Christmas Eve seemed to bring any peace.
Sure enough, as soon as Arthur had thought it was too quiet, he heard something across the way. But it wasn’t gunfire, it almost sounded like singing. The words were foreign, but the notes were of a familiar carol. They only grew in volume as they went through song after song, all of which Arthur and his fellow soldiers knew.
Arthur dared to peek over the top of the trench. In the German trenches, lights were shining out with their voices.
Confused murmurs among the soldiers as they tried to figure out what was happening. Arthur looked at all his men, tired, miserable cold. He took a deep breath and joined in with his enemies across the way.
“Silent night, holy night.
All is calm, all is bright.
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild.
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.”
Though they were shocked by Arthur’s sudden burst of song, the soldiers cautiously joined in. The Germans across the way seemed to take note, but they kept on singing. Soon German and English were intermingling along the wind in No Man’s land.
“Come over here,” a thickly accented voice called as the song came to an end.
Arthur’s troops looked to him with concern, but there was also a glint in almost every man’s eye; hope. Arthur took a deep breath. “You come halfway, I come halfway.”
There was silence for a moment before the other man replied: “Okay.”
Arthur peeked out of the trench once again. He saw none other than Ludwig walking towards him, unarmed. He scrambled out of the trench to meet him.
It was stupid, utterly idiotic to meet an enemy with no sort of protection. He expected this from Alfred, even Matthew with his pesky belief in people’s inherent goodness, but logical, well-prepared Ludwig? Then again…Ludwig was fairly young so maybe that played a part.
He was planning to lecture the young nation, but when he finally met him halfway, he couldn’t bring himself to. Instead, he took the hand Ludwig offered him and gave it a shake.
“A truce for the holiday,” Ludwig proposed.
Arthur went slack-jaw. “You’re…You’re just full of surprises aren’t you?”
Ludwig frowned, almost looking disappointed “Is that a no?”
“Not at all. We could all use a break I think.”
A small smile spread across Ludwig’s face as he eagerly shook Arthur’s hand, sealing the deal.
Arthur watched in amazement. Men who were enemies just an hour ago were chatting and laughing as if they were old friends. Pictures, drinks, and stories were exchanged, and even small gifts were shared between the soldiers. Arthur never thought he’d see the day.
Currently, Arthur was watching a football match between some of his men and some of Ludwig’s. It was neck and neck, and Arthur was on the edge of his seat. Or…he would be if he wasn't sitting on the frozen ground (at least it was better than mud).
Ludwig took a seat beside him and joined in watching. “What’s the score?” he asked. “2-2,” Arthur replied, not taking his eyes off the game.
“Nice, Nice.”
They watched in silence for a few minutes before Arthur spoke up again. “Nice tree,” Arthur commented, gesturing to the tiny collection of branches and lanterns a little ways from them.
“Thank you. It was Han’s idea.”
Arthur nodded. “Clever lad.”
“I heard you singing earlier,” Ludwig noted, leaning back on his hands.
“Did you now?”
“Mhm…It was quite nice.” “
You don’t sound too bad yourself mate.”
They were quiet for another moment. “Is this what being an empire is like?” Ludwig suddenly asked.
Arthur froze. “What do you mean?”
“All this…suffering. They said war was glory but…I see the light in men’s eyes disappear every day. Young boys become old in a blink of an eye, long before they are ready as they watch a bullet go clean through their friend’s head. It has to be the same for you too, right?”
Arthur turned towards Ludwig and found him staring at him, wide-eyed. At that moment, Arthur was reminded of just how young Ludwig was. He wasn’t even a century old yet, and now he was one of the driving forces behind the worst war known to man.
Arthur sighed. “Unfortunately, this isn’t just the life of an empire, but of a nation in general. Though I’ll admit, this was one of the worst I’ve seen. No rules, no clear goal for us men stuck in the trenches other than to survive, no constant action to keep your mind off how miserable the whole damn thing is.”
“If you asked me two decades ago, I would have had a very different answer for you. But I don’t have any comforting words, Ludwig.”
“I’m sorry…” Arthur shook his head, giving Ludwig a lopsided grin.
“Don’t be. You’ve got a far better head on your shoulders than I did at your age. I was always itching for a fight, and I didn’t care who I hurt, but you…You’re…You’re full of surprises. It’s a good sign. It gives me hope. As does this.” He gestured to the football game in front of him.
“Humans are something,” Ludwig hummed.
“That they are.” Arthur smiled genuinely. “It’s beautiful.”
Ludwig didn’t seem as comforted. Perhaps they needed a change of subject. Arthur looked up at the sky, finding it clear and full of stars. “Ever star gazed mate?” he asked.
“Not for a few decades.”
“Well now would work.” Arthur layed down on the snow to get a better look at the sky. “I am very knowledgeable in constellations, I'll have you know.”
Ludwig joined him in laying down as Arthur began to point out all the constellations they could see. The Brit broke off into stories of times long ago--hundreds of years before Ludwig was born--about a time at sea. Arthur couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so warm and content as he did at that moment, exchanging stories with an enemy.
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redds-art828 · 2 years
Gereng week Day 2!! Sleep Deprived
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The quality dropped from the first to the second but oh well. Also it’s supposed to be like he’s infront of a computer screen.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
GerEng Week 2022: Day 7
Prompt: Baking/Bakery || Family
Pairing: GerEng
Rating: T
Word Count: 1020
Something Sweet
Ludwig never thought he’d see Arthur again. The two had gone to high school together, but Arthur had been two years older. Though age separated them, that hadn’t stopped Ludwig from falling for him in his second year while Arthur was in his final.
Ludwig had written it off as a childhood crush. Arthur was older, cooler, could sing, and was quite the charmer when he wanted to be. It was only natural Ludwig’s young heart fell for him. But after Arthur graduated, Ludwig never saw him again. He thought about him from time to time, but by the time Ludwig was graduating, Arthur was but a memory.
But here he was, behind the counter of a bakery of all places. His hair had long lost its green colour, showing the natural blond that had been underneath, but his eyes were still as bright and striking as the day Ludwig last saw him. His features had become sharp since then, and, in a moment, Ludwig fell hard for him again.
“Ludwig? Is that you?” Arthur asked when he spotted him.
A smile grew on Arthur's face. “How the hell are ya? You out of high school yet?”
“I just graduated last year.”
Arthur shook his head. “Good lord, time sure flies.”
Ludwig nodded along. His throat was dry, and he didn’t trust his voice right now.”
“So what can I get for you?”
“J-Just a coffee,” Ludwig stuttered out.
“Could I interest you in a pastry or cookie?” Arthur gestured to the array of baked goods on display.
Ludwig grimaced. Arthur was notorious for his poor cooking skills, burning everything he ever tried to make. But the baked goods looked edible. Good even. “Uh…I-I guess.”
“Okay.” Arthur threw him a grin. “And don’t worry about paying, it’s on the house.”
“Arthur I couldn’t–”
“For an old friend.”
Ludwig’s heart skipped a beat. Friend. He’d hardly call them that, but it was touching. “O-Okay.”
With his coffee and pastry in hand, he took a seat near the window. Arthur kept stealing glances at him but looked away whenever Ludwig met his eyes. It made Ludwig’s face heat up.
He cut off a piece of what looked like an apple crumble. Arthur was staring at him again, eyes shining. Cautiously, Ludwig took a bite. His eyes shot open. It was delicious. Warm, just the right amount of cinnamon, it was the closest crumble he’d called perfect. He turned back to Arthur and gave him a thumbs up.
Arthur quickly looked away, blushing and scowling. One of Arthur’s brothers had joined him. The youngest, if his stature and unruly red curls were anything to go by. He must have said something since Arthur shoved him back into the kitchen.
Ludwig snickered before going back to enjoy his coffee and crumble.
It wasn’t long before Ludwig became a regular at Arthur’s bakery and cafe. It wasn’t far from his university, so it was the perfect place to hang out between classes and get something to eat. And the company was even better.
Arthur and Ludwig were never friends, but the way Arthur always seemed to stop and chat made it seem like they had always been close. It was…nice actually. Arthur was just as awkward as him so they clicked. It also helped that they shared a lot of interests such as music and baking. Arthur had even invited him to come in one evening and he’d teach him a few recipes.
Everything was going well. Except for one thing. Whenever he and Arthur would be chatting, someone was always watching.
Dylan, the eldest of the Kirkland siblings and the only one Arthur seemed to get along with. He was also the cheeriest and kindest, not having the rough edges like the rest. But something just as troubling seemed to be lurking underneath that soft smile.
Whenever Ludwig caught him staring, a chill went up his spine as soon as their eyes met. It came to a head one day when Arthur had to excuse himself to receive a delivery. Dylan had come to join him at the table.
“You like him, don’t you?” Dylan asked, voice cool and low. Nothing like the warm gentleness he was known for.
“You like Arthur.” Ludwig felt his face burn.
“S-So what if I do?”
“He likes you too.”
“Yeah right.”
Dylan smiled, though something was clearly bubbling behind it. “He does. I’ve never seen him smile that much with anyone. Or eagerly talk like he does. He won’t shut up about you, but he doesn’t want to lose you.” He leaned in closer. “So…If you choose to pursue him, don’t you even think about hurting him because if you do–”
“Shut your trap Dylan,” Arthur hissed, smacking his brother on the back of the head. “Stop scaring my potential boyfriends.”
Dylan pouted up at his brother. But when Arthur glared at him, he trudged into the back, head hung low in shame.
Arthur turned back to Ludwig. “Don’t mind him. He likes to baby me.” Ludwig gave him a strained smile.
“It’s fine. My brother is the same way. Still…It’s a bit of a shock, I always saw him as the nicest out of you.”
“Rude,” Arthur scoffed.
“Ah…I-I’m sor–”
“I’m just teasing. I know Dylan is the nicest out of us, but he’s also the most overprotective, not just because he’s the eldest, but also because he’s not afraid to show how much he cares for us.”
“I see.” Honestly, the more Ludwig thought about the whole ordeal, the more this sounded like Gilbert whenever they discussed Ludwig’s romantic life.
“But I feel terrible,” Arthur went on, “How about I treat you to dinner for putting up with him?”
“I’d like that.”
Arthur smirked. “Then it’s a date.”
Ludwig swore he was going to die with the way his heart seized up. Luckily he was able to excuse himself for class before he combusted. But as he walked back to campus, he felt lighter, giddy and was looking forward to their date. But first, there was some planning to do.
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