#i have seen some places say they have sandwiches with gluten free bread so maybe it wont be so hopeless
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tipsywench · 1 year ago
super excited for our Ireland trip next year (yay rammstein concert, yay museums, yay visiting glendalough)
but I am so damn worried about food with all my restrictions and allergies and sensitivities
like can a bitch survive for a week eating only salads and french fries
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imaginetonyandbucky · 6 years ago
Bucky's therapist tells him to set goals for himself, and after encountering a sleep deprived and injured Tony, he found it. Protecting and taking care of Tony Stark. Even if the genuis says he doesnt need help.
Crazy Random Happenstance
The plant was dead.
Not even maybe salvageable. Dead. Most of the leaves werelittering the potting soil and the few that remained were shriveled and brown.Even the plant’s main stem looked like someone had mummified it. There wasmildew in the soil. Well, at least that part of it was alive.
Bucky stared at the plant like he could possibly will it back tolife.
Nothing happened. Which was probably for the best really.
He heaved a sigh, turned the plant over and dumped all its brokenbits, useless, over-watered soil, and the little plant food stick that Tash hadrecommended, into the kitchen trash can. He considered throwing the pot inafter it, but he could hear someone in the communal living room, and while Tonywould have no qualms about disposing of a perfectly useful, not broken flowerpot, Steve would give Bucky that look. It was the same look he used whensnitching jelly packets at the deli, or ordering water with lemon when they ateout.
You could take Steve out of the Great Depression, but you couldn’ttake the Depression out of Steve, apparently.
Bucky slumped back into the chair at the table, now staring at theempty flower pot. He wasn’t doing such a great job taking the depression out ofhimself, either.
How was he supposed to tell his therapist that he’d killed theproject she assigned him. In less than a month, he’d killed a supposedlyunkillable plant.
Winter Soldier. Black thumb gardener.
(more below the cut)
Bucky’d lived most of his life, up until he died, taking care ofSteve. But Steve didn’t need to be looked after anymore.
Hydra had given him a purpose. It was twisted and warped, but itwas something.
He still wasn’t cleared to be an Avenger. His therapist had to dothat. She wasn’t going to do it if Bucky presented a dead succulent as evidencethat he knew how to take care of things.
“Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying,” came Tony’s voice, as hestrolled into the kitchen, phone held to his ear. He tucked it between hisshoulder and jaw and began trying to load the coffee machine. “The man is anidiot, I’m saying you should fire him and put that assistant of his in chargeof the project. She’s-- I know she’s never done it before, but sometime has tobe the first, right? ...Well, it worked great with you, Pep, so I don’t-- No.Yes, I know you’re the people person, but I’m telling you-- Just give it somethought, okay? The stockholders will only scream until they see what a greatidea it is. Yeah. No, that’s next week. Okay. See you then.” He unshrugged hisshoulder and let the phone clatter to the counter as he continued to makecoffee.
“Morning, Comrade Snowflake,” he said to Bucky. “Coffee?” Heflipped the switch on the coffee maker and turned around, facing Buckydirectly. His eyes landed on the empty flower pot, and his head cockedquizically. “Air plant?”
“Used t’be a fascinating hawthorne, or somethin’ like that,” Buckysaid. “But it’s so dead, I reckon its ancestors are goin’ extinct. Watchthat--” Bucky jumped out of his chair and grabbed the coffee pot off thecounter, jamming it in place under the drip before it overflowed watery groundseverywhere.
Tony blinked owlishly at Bucky’s sudden lunge, and then at thecoffee pot. “...Huh. Yeah, that. That probably would have been a better placeto put that.” He opened the cabinet over the coffee maker and stretched up ontiptoe, groping for a mug that was just out of his reach. He managed to hook afinger through the handle and drag it closer, just as what looked like a trulyepic yawn forced its way out of his mouth. The mug teetered on the rim of theshelf and then fell off, shattering into dozens of pieces.
Bucky stared at Tony. “When was th’ last time you got sleep thatdidn’t come out of a cup?” He grabbed another mug  -- someone reallyshould reorganize these, coffee mugs were the most commonly used item in thekitchen, they didn’t need to be on the top shelf -- and put it on the counter.
“Nyet, don’t do that,” he said, when Tony squatted down topick up the broken shards of pottery. “Get a broom, or better yet, you staythere, an’ I’ll get a broom, afore you bring the whole building down around ourears.”
“Chill, Elsa, it’s just a mug. I think the building can handle it.I mean, it handled some broken walls and floors and stuff after that robotinvasion, I’m pretty sure it can handle this. I built it, after all, and thingsI build tend to stay built.” He was rambling, which meant he was probablyrunning on less than three hours of sleep. “But if you want to be on cleanupdetail, far be it from me to get in your way.”
Bucky made a noncommittal sort of noise and went for the broom.Cleaning supplies -- which were barely touched, honestly -- hung in the sidecloset. Bucky did a quick check of the kitchen to make sure Tony wasn’t aboutto drop the stove on his head or something, then fetched a broom and dustpan. Seriously,he was out of Tony’s sight for less than thirty seconds when he heard a varietyof swear words and another crash from the kitchen.
He darted back into the kitchen to find Tony on the floor in apuddle of coffee and another broken mug. One of the kitchen chairs was lying onits side. The coffee pot was on the counter instead of on the coffee machine’shot plate, but at least it was still upright.
Tony lifted a hand and cursed again; there was a thumb-sized shardof mug embedded in his palm. Before Bucky could stop him, he pulled it out, andblood began pouring out of his hand. “Fuck.”
Bucky sighed, reconstructing the scene in his head. Apparently,being so offended at the idea that he might, Bucky didn’t know, accident himselfto death, Tony hadn’t noticed Bucky got a mug down for him, dragged the chairover, and was standing on it. How that ended up with Tony, chair and anothersmashed mug on the floor, Bucky wasn’t entirely sure. He pinched the bridge ofhis nose with the metal fingers.
He grabbed a clean dishtowel out of the rack. “Lemme see,” hesaid, squatting near Tony and holding out one hand.
“It’s just a cut,” Tony protested, but he held out his hand forBucky to take. “I do worse than that every time I rebuild one of the carengines, or overhaul DUM-E’s struts.”
Bucky ignored the words, squeezing Tony’s wrist in one hand andblotting at the cut with the towel. It didn’t look deep enough, or long enough,to need stitches -- and Bucky had been, at one time, an expert on people whoneeded stitches. Steve had looked like Frankenstein’s monster most of theirchildhood. But, of course, Tony’s hands were filthy, fingers smeared withgrease and God only knew what else.
Bucky had an absolute horror of infections; Steve got laid lowwith them all the time when he was a kid. “I’mma help you up, and we’re gonnawash this out, yeah?”
Tony pouted at him. “I don’t need help, I’m a fully-functioningadult with two working legs.” But he didn’t try to shake Bucky off when Buckyslipped an arm around his waist and lifted him to his feet.
“Yeah, an’ like five minutes ago, you was a fully-functioningadult with an uncut hand and two unbroke teacups. I shudder t’ think what youmight do to your legs with th’ next five,” Bucky scolded. “World needs IronMan, not Tony Stark with a broken leg.”
“I could totally fight evil with a broken leg,” Tony saidindignantly, apparently not even noticing as Bucky turned on the water andmaneuvered Tony’s hand under it. “I actually might have, once. The armor makesa pretty decent cast, actually, if I lock up the joints.”
“Don’t even doubt it,” Bucky said. Because of course Tonyhad engaged with the enemy while already wounded. He checked the cut again,then wrapped the dishtowel around it, pulling it tight for a makeshift bandage.He kept pressure on it for a few minutes, despite Tony’s flailing about in anattempt to get back to the coffee pot and coffee. “No. You don’t need any morecaffeine. What you need’s sleep.”
“No, I’m fine,” Tony said, but another yawn rather ruined theeffect. He pouted some more. “I can’t, I’m right in the middle of a thing. Ijust need some coffee and I’m good to go.”
Bucky recognized stubborn; he’d seen that sort of chin on SteveRogers every damn day. “What sort of a thing?” he asked, hoping to distractTony for a few minutes. Just a few. Please God, could he not break something,trip over something, or run into something for five. Minutes. Please. “Putpressure on that.”
Coffee. Fuck, this was such a bad idea. He poured the remainder ofthe coffee into the perfectly unbroken mug, stuffed the pot back onto the hotplate with about an inch left in the bottom. Someone -- Clint probably -- wasgoing to be pissed about that, but oh well.
Tony started rambling about charge retention and outputwaveforms and all kinds of technical-sounding things that barely made anysense until Bucky managed to piece together that Tony was trying to create aphone battery that would last longer. The longer he talked, the more he wavedhis hands around, nearly smacking Bucky in the face with the end of thedishtowel several times.
Bucky managed to understand just enough of it to keep Tonytalking. He cleaned up the mess on the floor, rinsed the coffee pot, got it setup to brew a new batch, because that was just nice, and made two sandwiches,all the while prodding Tony along with questions “-- is there some reason youcan’t make the battery smaller? Fit more in th’ same space?” and “-- don’tthink I’d thought about it that way,” and “-- so, a good shut down feature’dhelp some, from all them memory loggers? People ain’t need their solitaire gamerunnin’ in the background when they’re checkin’ google maps.
“Hey, roast turkey an’ avocado on gluten-free bread?”
“Yeah, but that’s a software fix and I’ve-- What?” Tony lookedover at the counter where Bucky had spread out the sandwich supplies. “Nothun-- Well, maybe a little. Sure, that sounds great.”
“Well, it’s like a gas tank; can’t increase capacity, might aswell lower th’ weight of the car, right?” Bucky commented. “Jus’ saying.” Hefound himself almost humming as Tony continued to brainstorm, mouth full ofsandwich. There was something satisfying about getting Tony to slow down for afew minutes, eat, rest. Might be good to get him out of the coffee stainedclothes, a shower, and some damn sleep, but Bucky would take what he couldget-- except, just maybe…  For someone to claim not to be hungry, he wasputting a dent in that sandwich. Tony’s eyelashes fluttered a few times as hechewed another bite.
“...so the real trick is...” Tony paused to yawn and take anotherbite. “..is...” He drifted into silence, eyelids drooping. “Uh.” He put theremains of the sandwich down -- no more than two bites left. “Think I might gocatch a nap, actually,” he said, sleep-slurred. “Come back to it fresh.”
“Okay,” Bucky said, very softly, not wanting to draw attention tohimself. “Come on, then, I’ll walk you up.” He hooked his arm around Tony’swaist, slung the uninjured hand over Bucky’s shoulders. Very gently, he pulledTony to his feet and started toward the elevator. “I got ya, no worries.”
“You don’t gotta...” Tony waved his free hand around aimlessly,dishtowel flapping. “Could’a just fallen on th’ sofa.”
“Clint’ll be back from th’ range soon,” Bucky reasoned. “An’ he’llwant to watch Dog Cops. Come on, resident genius, bed.”
Tony literally fell asleep on his feet before the elevator made itdown to their floor. He barely stirred when Bucky scooped him up,princess-style and bridal carried him up the elevator, and onto his floor.JARVIS opened the door for him, and Bucky made his way cautiously through thelayout of Tony’s penthouse suite, where he’d never been before. Finally, a hugebed. He lay Tony down on it, removed shoes, stained tee, and belt, then rolledhim up in the quilt like an engineering burrito.
Bucky looked at him for a long moment, amazed at how relaxed Tonylooked when he was sleeping, all the worries dropping off his face. There was asmudge of motor oil on his cheek. Bucky rubbed it off with his thumb. “Get somesleep,” he said. “Everything’ll still be waiting for you in th’ morning.”
Tony woke up feeling warm and amazingly well-rested and the faintsmell of coffee.
All in all, it was a pretty great way to wake up.
He wriggled his arms out of the blankets and stretched, thenflinched when his hand hurt. He pried an eye open to look at it, and found asomewhat bloodstained dishtowel had been tied around it. He pried the towel offto look at the cut on his palm, clean and scabbed over.
He frowned at it. He didn’t remember cutting himself -- and thenhe did. He’d climbed up on the kitchen chair to get a mug, and then pouredcoffee into it without bothering to climb back down first, and as he’d startedto take a drink, he’d overbalanced and tipped the chair over, and himself withit.
Embarrassing. Why did they even keep the coffee mugs on the topshelf?
Bucky had washed out the cut for him and wrapped it in the towel,and then... made him a sandwich? Was he remembering that right? And then...Tony couldn’t remember what had happened after that. He couldn’t even rememberfinishing the sandwich. And he’d meant to just take the coffee down to theworkshop so he could finish that battery overhaul. Why was he in bed?
He struggled free of the blankets -- they were wrapped all the wayaround him -- and found that he was still wearing his pants, but had beendivested of his shirt and shoes.
Which meant he hadn’t come back to his room on his own. If he’dbeen running on autopilot he would have just fallen face-first on top of thebed and passed out, not gotten half undressed and rolled up into the blankets.
“JARVIS? Did... Did the goddamn Winter goddamn Soldier put me tobed?”
“Indeed, sir,” JARVIS agreed.
“Show me.”
JARVIS obligingly popped up a holoscreen showing the slightlyfisheye-distorted view from one of the security cameras of Bucky carrying apassed-out Tony into the penthouse like a goddamn princess.
“I must’ve been more tired than I thought. How long was I out?”
“Just over ten hours,” JARVIS said, sounding warmly approving.
Well, it was Avengers Tower. Weird things happened.
“Hey, Tony,” Bucky greeted him over the Tower’s comm system, “ifyou've got a minute, I'm havin’ a joint issue in the thumb? Can I come downwhen you're free?”
It wasn't entirely a lie. The thumb was sticking just a bit, butnothing really worth a full maintenance. Bucky could open the same thinghimself and blow it out with a little compressed air. He personally hated doingit -- compressed air was cold -- but he could.
Not the point.
The point was he'd gotten street tacos from one of Tony's favoritefood trucks and he was curious to see if Sam's trick worked on Tony as well asit worked on Steve.
“Watch this,” Sam had said, unwrapping a candy bar and setting itnext to Steve's elbow during movie night.
Sure enough, about ten minutes later, Steve had absently picked itup and ate it without even noticing.
“Milky Way principle,” Sam had called it. “Sooner or later,everyone eats the Milky Way.”
“Sure thing, Red Menace,” Tony agreed. “Whenever it suits, come ondown. I’ll leave the door unlocked and the lights on.”
Bucky made his way down to Tony's shop, bag of tacos under onearm, drink holder in the other hand. JARVIS opened the door for him when he gotdown there. “I appreciate this,” Bucky said, putting the bag down. He unloadedthe tacos onto Tony’s workbench, pushing the rare flank steak and lime cilantroones toward Tony, chicken and black bean on his end. “Just a little sticky,here.” He rolled the joint, which made a dry, clicking sound as it moved, likedirt in gears. Probably exactly what it was, really.
“Sounds like you got some dirt in the gears,” Tony said. He kickedout a lab stool toward Bucky and turned on a desk lamp. “Bring it over here andlet’s have a look.”
He took his time, carefully disabling the nerve-conduit receptorsbefore prying open the small plates and starting to examine all the fine motorsand servos. He pulled a magnifying glass over to look at the tiniest parts, andabsently picked up one of the tacos, taking a bite and chewing as he reachedfor the can of compressed air.
At least it wasn’t as bad, when Tony did it. For reasons thatprobably made sense if you were Hydra and therefore, a fucking sadist, Buckycouldn’t disable the nerve-conduits himself. It still felt fucking weird,having air rushing inside part of his body. Psychosomatic, he told himself. Allin your fucking head. “How’s the battery project goin’?” It bothered him,sometimes, that nobody else really seemed to listen to Tony. They cared thattheir gear worked, but not why, or how, or the amount of work that Tony putinto it.
Bucky was the guy, when he discovered he was in the future, readthe manual for the microwave. And then he’d taken it apart, to see how it allfit together. He had not, mind, been able to reassemble it into workingcondition. Thankfully, Tony hadn’t asked questions when Bucky told him it wasbroken, and could he expense a second one. Bucky’d mostly not taken that one apart.
“Oh, I finished that,” Tony said easily. “I was able to come upwith a new alloy for the conductive sheets that maintains signal integrity 143%better than the standard stuff, and the bump in cost is only about eightpercent, so hopefully that will translate when we start production.” He glancedup with a grin, and there was a little bit of cilantro stuck to his frontteeth. “Turns out you can make the gas tank bigger, if you know whatyou’re doing.”
“Sounds good,” Bucky said. “So what are you working on today?” Hetook the drinks out of the carrier and sat one next to Tony. Italian soda, ofthe non-caffeinated variety. Tony probably wouldn’t notice, and the man ran onstraight high octane way too often. “You’re always poking around down here,what do you do for fun?”
Tony jerked his thumb toward the cars at the back of the workshop.“That’s my fun project,” he said. “Soup those babies up and take them for adrive -- not that you can really open up in New York, but I’ve found some goodback roads upstate.” He dug out a little whisk-looking brush and startedcleaning out Bucky’s joint. “Not that I have much time for it, with everything.Today’s project is an armor upgrade for the team.”
Bucky hadn’t really looked at the cars, they had just been part ofthe background clutter, but wow, they were nice. “Huh,” Bucky said. “I ‘memberyour dad, tryin’ to build one that could fly. Didn’t, but for a few minutes ithovered and that was pretty nifty. You’ll hafta show me what all’s changed, butI used to work in a garage, back before the war. Used to have a ‘38 top-downStudebaker that I won off a punk, didn’t run worth a damn, but I was alwaystinkerin’ with it, thinking I could get it going, and have me a really sweetride for dates, and that stuff. Don’t know whatever happened to it.”
“Yeah? I have a few older cars, but that was mostly my dad’sobsession. I tend toward the newer ones. Engines have changed a lot since then,but come down sometime and I’ll give you a tour.” He finished up the last ofhis tacos and picked up the soda without looking away from Bucky’s thumb.
Bucky smiled down at Tony, the dark head so intent on themechanical arm. “Yeah, okay, it’s a date. How ‘bout I’ll bring lunch tomorrowan’ you can take a break then?”
‘Hm? Yeah, sure,” Tony said. He closed up the plates andreconnected the nerve conduits. “There, that should do the trick. Let me knowif it starts acting up again.”
Bucky flexed his hand a few times, everything was in working orderagain. Nice. “Thanks, ‘preciate that,” he said, then, “oh, you got something onyour cheek there.” He rubbed the metal along Tony’s face, catching a dollop ofthat lime aioli sauce.
“What?” Tony looked startled, but didn’t flinch away from thetouch. “Oh, right, thanks.” He picked up the soda and took another long drinkfrom it before looking at it with a slightly confused frown. “Did you bringthis, is this yours?”
“No, this one’s mine,” Bucky said, pointing to the other drink.“That one’s yours. Don’t forget to wrap up early tonight, it’s movie night, an’we’re s’posed to be watching some Alien? Aliens? Something like that. Thoughtyou might wanna watch it with us. I ain’t never seen it.”
Tony’s face lit in a grin. “You’re in for a treat, Barnes,” hepromised. “I won’t miss it. Save me some popcorn.”
Bucky left the shop, grinning like a fool. Two days of lunches,movie night, and maybe, maybe he’d be able to talk Tony into going outside andgetting some damn sun on his skin so he didn’t turn into a mushroom. It wasgoing well. He already looked better rested. Happier, too.
Mission, success.
Tony woke with a start. The last thing he remembered, Ripley hadbeen warning the Alien queen away from Newt like the true badass that she was.He must have fallen asleep watching the movie.
His surroundings bore out that hypothesis: he was still in theliving room, though it was dark and quiet now. There was a scatter of popcornon the floor, a couple of beer bottles abandoned on the coffee table thatsuggested the marathon had continued after Cap had gone to bed, because Stevewould’ve pestered everyone to clean up if he’d still been up.
Tony could already tell he had a crick in his neck; he was too oldto be falling asleep sitting up and then slumping over in his sleep. He huffedout a sigh over not having been woken when everyone else packed it in (whichwas patently unfair; none of the Avengers woke each other up for anything otherthan an emergency, because all of them were toting around enough trauma that itwas not only possible but likely that anyone rudely awakened would come out ofit swinging).
Well, maybe he’d have to find an hour in his schedule -- somewhere-- to hire a masseuse to take care of his neck for him. He started to sit up--
--and that was when he realized that he’d had his head pillowed onBucky’s thigh.
Bucky was sitting in the corner of the couch, head tipped back inapparent sleep. His hand was loosely curled on the cushion next to Tony’s head,as if he’d fallen asleep in the middle of petting Tony’s hair or something.
He probably wouldn’t wakeup with a crick in his neck.
Tony sat the rest of the way up and tried, fruitlessly, to stretchout his shoulder muscles to relieve the tension.
“Oh,” Bucky said, softly, although why he was bothering to whisperwhen there was no one else in the room, Tony wasn’t sure. “Here, let me--” Heflexed the metal hand a few times, ostentatiously, and Tony wasn’t sure why hewas doing that either, except when his hand came down on Tony’s aching neck, itwas pleasantly warm, and the smooth pad of the thumb pushed in right on thesore spot, encouraging the muscle to relax.
“Oh, Jesus,” Tony half-moaned, feeling his muscles quiver and thenmelt under the steady pressure. “That’s good.”
“Huh, it’s a wonder you can walk straight,” Bucky murmured,prodding the muscle in Tony’s shoulder, working out a knot just to one side ofhis spine. “My Christ, your tension has tension.” He worked his thumbs downTony’s shoulders, just shy of too hard, enough so that Tony went all limp,pushing back into it shameless as a cat while Bucky petted and prodded thestiff, aching muscles. “Oughta get you t’ lay down sometime.”
Normally, Tony would’ve answered that with a quip about Buckytrying to get him into bed, or even just a salacious grin and a waggle of theeyebrows, but Bucky was turning the hot steel rods in Tony’s back intoputty-like muscle, and all Tony could do was moan in something like agreement.“Christ, that’s good. We should get you a massage therapy license and put youon staff.”
Bucky flexed his metal hand again. “Yeah, I don’t think that’llwork out so good. Normal people don’t really like me touchin’ em.” He hitchedin a breath. “You don’t… seem to mind.”
“Why the hell would I mind?” Tony wondered. “That arm’s amiracle.”
Bucky probably shrugged, based on the way his hands moved onTony’s back. “People don’t like it,” he said. “It’s, like, creepy or somethin’.Oh, wait, wait, there it is.” His fingers started easing another knot loose,like a kid untying their shoes. “Deep breath, let it out slow. This might stinga mite--” As Tony let the air out of his lungs, Bucky wrapped his flesh armaround Tony’s chest and pushed at his back with the heel of his hand. There wasa popping sound like the last few kernels of corn in a microwavable bag, andeverything seemed to unravel.
“Oh, god.” It hurt for a moment, a sharp flare of burn, andthen he sagged in sudden relief, not even caring that he was making Bucky holdhim up. “I think I’ll keep you,” he said, only half joking. He couldn’t rememberever feeling this limp.
“Yeah, okay, sugar daddy,” Bucky said. “C’mon, let’s get you tobed.”
“I don’t think I can move,” Tony said. “You melted me.”
“Well, we can’t have that, can we? Iron Man’s not so impressivewhen he’s a puddle,” Bucky said. He stood up, stretched magnificently, back andshoulder crackling. “You need me to carry you again, princess?”
Tony snorted. “No, just... Help me up, would you?” He held up hishand. “I’m too old for this.”
“Pfft, you’re like half my age,” Bucky said. He linked his handwith Tony’s and hauled him off the sofa, gripping Tony’s shoulder with theother hand to keep him steady, which-- Tony looked right up into those darkgrey eyes, and they were almost kissing close, Bucky’s breath puffed warmagainst Tony’s cheek. “Oh.” And Bucky didn’t move in, but he didn’t back off,either, just stood there, like a wild animal trapped by a set of high beams.
Huh. “Is, uh. Is this why you’ve been... I dunno, sort of takingcare of me lately?” Tony wondered.
Sergeant Barnes, hero of the Howling Commandos, the WinterSoldier, feared assassin, made a tiny little squeaking noise, sounding for allthe world like a kitten that had pounced on a bug. “Um… no? I mean, not… kinda…yeah, it’s… no. No. I been lookin’ after you ‘cause it seemed like you neededlookin’ after, an’... I need it. I mean, I’m just all at loose ends, ain’tnobody around here really needs me for anything, and I… need to be needed.Can’t take care of a damn houseplant to save my life, an’ I didn’t wanna get a cat,you know, I don’t even know if you let people have pets in this building, and…it just happened. And I was feelin’ better about me, and seemed like it washelping you, and…” He waved his hand briefly in the very narrow space betweentheir bodies. “This just happened.”
Tony nodded thoughtfully. “I can work with that.” He swayedcloser, watching as Bucky’s eyes widened and flicked down to Tony’s mouth.“Yeah?”
“Yes,” Bucky agreed, a breathless whisper. He nudged in, nuzzledlightly at Tony’s mouth with lips that were full and plush, the upper liptwitched as he encountered Tony’s facial hair. Tenderly, Bucky slid his handinto Tony’s hair, metal fingers slipping through the locks and very lightlytugged at the short hairs at the back of Tony’s scalp. “Yes, Tony.”
Tony smirked a little, then leaned in to kiss Bucky more fully,licking past those sweet lips to tease at the corner of Bucky’s mouth, to trythe taste of him. “Well, come on, then,” he said. “Let’s go tuck me into bed.”
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haworthiopsis_fasciata ← this is the plant. Tisfan has murdered at least four of thesedamn things.
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lenaglittleus · 7 years ago
Healthy San Francisco Guide
I’ll be honest, a year ago I didn’t think it would be possible to amass a list this long. We had just moved to San Francisco and everything felt very unfamiliar to me. I couldn’t find my way around, drank many cups of bad coffee and spent most of my time looking down at my phone to see where google maps was taking me. But I was determined to figure it out. Everyone kept telling me San Francisco was small and I would find my way around in no time, but I can truly say that I didn’t believe anyone until I sat down today to write this post.
Disclaimer: Thank you to Zappos for sponsoring this post. I was compensated for my time, however all opinions are 100% my own. It was so fun getting to explore my own city and finally share this Healthy San Francisco Guide with you!
San Francisco is in fact very small. It’s less than a million people and only 7 x 7 miles across in each direction. Coming from a city of 8 million that spans 3x the size of San Francisco, Toronto feels insane by comparison. But the good news is that if you’re new here or visiting, it is far easier to explore than most people realize.
When we first moved here, I walked A LOT. I still walk a lot and even though I’ve found myself caught walking up some crazy hills, walking has allowed me to find my way around my new home and in the process put together this Healthy San Francisco Guide for you.
San Francisco may be small, but it’s mighty. Its weather is extreme, its hills a challenge and its tech moving at a pace that even this blogger can’t keep up with, but I can safely say that it is my favorite city in the entire world and I have zero regrets moving here.
It is super important that you be prepared before coming to SF (never San Fran – read here to learn why!). The first piece of advice? Bring layers. San Francisco can swing from 50-80+ in a day. Though it tends to hang around a cool 65 degrees F throughout the year, anything is possible so bring pants, sweaters and a light jacket.
My second piece of advice? Wear comfortable shoes. As I said, exploring by foot is one of the best ways to get to know a city. Though Lyft/Uber and public transit is available, I find I really get a sense of a city by walking, but don’t fool yourself by thinking those cute sandals will cut it. That’s why I’m super excited to be teaming up with Zappos and Merrell to bring you this Healthy San Francisco Guide. There is nothing that I love more than athletic-wear companies who move into the athleisure space. It just means that not only are their shoes cute, but they’re also durable and comfortable. Merrells are my go-to hiking boot, so naturally I loved their everyday line of shoes for any adventure. I ordered mine off Zappos, which offers free shipping and returns and my shoes were on my doorstep within 2 days. Seriously, fastest.shipping.ever!
I’ve also gotten a bajillion questions from you guys about them on Instagram. I honestly can’t recommend them enough for navigating your way around San Francisco. Side note – Merrells fit true to size! I always like knowing this stuff before ordering and I went for my usual 8.5 and they fit perfectly.
1.Merrell Around Town Mid Lace | 2.Merrell Around Town Moc | 3. Merrell Chateau Mid-Pull Waterproof
Back to the guide! I’ve broken it down in two ways, by activity and by neighborhood. You guys asked for both in the THM Tribe so that’s what I did. I covered a lot of ground in the city so they’re should be a place in almost every neighborhood, with the exception of some that I haven’t explored a whole lot of (namely: North Beach, Nob Hill, SoMa and Dogpatch). I hope this guide can be helpful to those of you who are visiting San Francisco or live here and are looking to explore more of their own city. Enjoy!
Because we all need to know where to find the nearest avocado toast…
Jane on Fillmore –I’ve confessed my love for this place many many times. Their menu is extensive with everything from avocado toast, to salads to smoothies and it’s a great spot to have a meeting or bunk up and get some work done. (Lower Pacific Heights)
Seed and Salt – Admittedly excessively pricey but the turmeric lattes sucker me in everytime! I also love their toasts, chocolate chip cookies and pre-made salads. (Marina)
Blue Barn Gourmet – Can’t go wrong with a salad the size of your head! Their salads are enormous and even better is their large menu selection. If you just need some vegetables, Blue Barn is your place. (Marina/Russian Hill – couple locations)
Al’s Place –If I could eat at Al’s Place everyday I would. But I’d be broke. This vegetable-forward, upscale menu should be your splurge night or date night whenever you get the chance. Get the little butter lettuces and the fermented french fries! (Mission)
RT Rotisserie – this is a relatively new place (it’s the takeout service of their fancier restaurant, Rich Table) but the chicken salad here is amazing. (Hayes Valley)
Souvla – Okay, I’ll be honest and tell you that I like RT Rotisserie better than Souvla, but just about everyone disagrees with me. They now have a couple locations in the city, but get the chicken salad or sweet potato veggie salad. C recommends the lamb gyro (several locations)
NoPa/Nopalito – NoPa is California cuisine and Nopalito is California-Mexican. Both are tremendous and insanely fresh. Expect a weight but if you can get a reservation at NoPa, GO! (NoPa + Inner Sunset)
Zuni Cafe – get their famous chicken salad and find at least 5 people to help you eat it! It’s huge but totally worth it. (Hayes Valley)
Media Noche – a delicious latin spot in the mission serving up interesting and filling salads and sandwiches. (Mission)
Plow – the best brunch spot! Seriously. I still dream about their eggs and sourdough and just all around V San Francisco vibes. Prepare to wait! (Dogpatch)
Others: Sweet Green, Urban Remedy, Project Juice, Earth Bar, Nourish Cafe, Bi-Rite, Mixt, Lemonade
Maybe not the healthiest food, but man is it good for your soul…
The Mill – their bread is everything. Particularly “the everything” sourdough loaf. I could eat this like candy. (NoPa)
Marla Bakery – one of our most frequently visited bakeries in the city. Their seeded bagel with the farmer’s cheese and trout gives an east coast bagel and cream cheese a run for its money. (Outer Richmond)
Tartine Bakery – you cannot go to SF and not stop at Tartine. Grab a baked good or their famous bread or sandwiches and head to Dolores Park for the perfect SF afternoon! (Mission)
Devil’s Teeth Bakery-we love this Outer Sunset spot. Be prepared to wait but their breakfast sandwiches are truly out of this world. (Outer Sunset)
Arizmendi Bakery – yes we’ve eaten at our fair share of bakeries in the city! Arizmendi is a favorite, but especially their selection of vegan and gluten-free goods but also their sourdough pizza dough, which I buy in bulk and freeze to use for pizza day. (Inner Sunset + Mission)
Smitten Ice Cream – my personal favorite ice cream in SF. They do single-batch servings and the cookie dough is perfectly mixed with added salty pretzels. It’s divine! (Several locations in the city)
4505 Meats – We love this casual outdoor BBQ joint. The meats are all done perfectly but definitely go hungry since you get a lot of food! (NoPa)
Outerlands – It’s hard to say if this spot falls under healthy food or soul food because there’s a little bit of both. There is always a wait on weekends but it’s a total crowd pleaser and perfect distance from the beach. (Outer Sunset)
El Techo – a rooftop bar in the Mission with amazing views of the city. The margaritas are strong and amazing! (Mission)
Fiorella – be still my pizza-loving heart! Out of this world pizza’s and delicious weekend brunch. Go here – and then hike it off at Land’s End! (Outer Richmond)
Horsefeather Bar – a bar with amazing cocktails in NoPa. Perfect nightcap to an awesome day in the city or a fun place to meet-up with friends. (NoPa)
Burma Superstar/B Star/Burma Love – If you can get into the original Burma Superstar, GO but if not their sister restaurants come in a close second. Don’t miss out on the tea leaf salad, which is truly a party in your mouth! (Inner Richmond/SoMa)
Wearing the Merrell Chateau Mid-Pull Waterproof
The most important meal of the day…
Wrecking Ball Coffee – tiny coffee shop in the Marina that is probably best known for its pineapple wallpaper. It always helps when the coffee tastes as great as the Insta picture looks. (Marina)
Reveille Coffee – GREAT coffee and cool atmosphere. Their food is very good as well and a great place to hunker down and get some work done (Castro, North Beach + Mission Bay)
Jane on Fillmore – Always a good take on matcha or a solid almond milk latte. I’m usually there for the food but I totally support their libations as well! (Lower Pacific Heights)
Hollow Cafe – I have to thank my friend Lara for introducing me to this place. They hands-down make the best matcha latte in the city. There is simply no comparison! (Inner Sunset)
The Richfield – a close second, I love the matcha latte here but their coffee is pretty solid too. (Inner Richmond)
Blue Bottle Coffee – a San Francisco staple. It’s very good coffee and has built a reputation for a reason. I wouldn’t say I flock here frequently but I definitely stop by if I see one in the neighborhood (throughout the city)
Wearing the Merrell Around Town Moc (in Turbulence)
Take it all in with these epic views of the city…
Baker Beach – It really doesn’t get more San Francisco than this. As I’m sure you’ve seen in the millions of pictures we’ve taken there, we LOVE Baker Beach. It offers unreal views of the Golden Gate Bridge, and on sunny days can be a nice wind-free protection at the beach. (Inner Richmond)
Corona Heights – An easily accessible urban hike and 360 views of the city. No one has visited Corona Heights and not loved it! (Corona Heights/Upper Castro)
Twin Peaks –I’ll be honest, the last time I was here was kind of traumatic as our car was broken into and my bag was stolen, but prior to this, the views were absolutely stunning. Don’t forget to take in the houses on your way up to the top! They’re super cool (Twin Peaks)
Dolores Park – Epic views meets human zoo, an afternoon in Dolores Park gives you the true San Francisco experience. (Mission)
Bernal Heights – I love this westward facing view of the city. It’s a bit of a hike, but worth it. Follow it up with some shopping down on the main strip for the full Bernal experience. (Bernal Heights)
Alamo Square – I love hanging out in Alamo Square (though admittedly don’t do it nearly enough!). This is where the famous Painted Ladies/Full House houses are located and after being under construction for years it finally reopened in the Spring. A really nice alternative to Dolores Park that is slightly quieter and less trafficked.  (Alamo Square)
Ocean Beach – One of our favorite activities is to have a bonfire on Ocean Beach and watch the sunset. There is no better sunset than one on Ocean Beach. (Outer Richmond + Outer Sunset)
Marriott Marquis Rooftop View Lounge – a non-traditional suggestion, but I highly recommend going up to the top floor of the Marriott Marquis off Union Square for a drink and to soak in the views. (Union Square)
Wearing the Merrell Around Town Mid Lace (In Brown Sugar)
San Francisco is one of those unique places where you can actually hike without ever leaving city limits! Of course, there are thousands of hikes outside the city, but if you don’t want to or cannot get out here are some hikes you can do without ever having to leave the city.
Lands End – Probably our favorite trail in the city. It’s always a crowd pleaser because of its stunning views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Marin Headlands. It can be busy so prepare for tourists but nonetheless it’s a beautiful hike. (Outer Richmond)
Mt Sutro Forest – this is like Fern’s Gully in the middle of San Francisco! It’s a steep climb to get up there, but once there it’s like being in another world full of redwoods and eucalyptus trees. (Inner Sunset/Forest Knolls)
Golden Gate Park – it’s 20% bigger than NYC’s Central Park, which allows for hours of exploring. Go on a run, a walk or just take in the views from pretty much every corner of the park! (spans Inner and Outer Richmond and Sunset)
The Presidio– there are tons of hiking trails throughout the Presidio some of which make you forget you’re still in the city. There are all kinds of trails throughout so do a little research and pick one that suits your needs. (Presidio)
Bernal Heights Park – Hike up to the top of Bernal Heights and take in the views. Not a super long hike, but a nice active uphill with a beautiful westward view of the city. (Bernal Heights)
Fort Funston – this is literally a dog’s version of heaven. Totally dog-friendly, this stretch of beach (I’m calling it a hike but it’s more of a long beach walk) offers endless fun and exploring for dogs and dog-watching for crazy dog people like me. (Lake Merced)
For when you just need to sweat it out…
BodyRok – Probably my favorite workout in SF when it comes to pilates reformer. I love this challenging piece of equipment and when I’m really looking to feel strong I visit BodyRok (Marina and Mission)
Soulcycle – Sometimes you just gotta sweat it out on the bike and while I’m certainly not a dedicated soulcycler, I do love a fun, music-oriented spin every now and then. (throughout the city)
The Pad Yoga – Probably my favorite yoga studio in SF. The vibes here are just amazing and every class I’ve done here is so soul soothing and strength-inducing. I just love it (Marina).
Love Story Yoga – wonderful yoga class and absolutely beautiful location. Very insta-worthy if you know what I mean! (Mission)
Core40 – My back-up reformer class if I can’t get in to BodyRok or Soulcycle. Not my go-to but a great workout none-the-less. (throughout the city)
Yoga Tree – I call it the “Starbucks” of yoga. It’s always consistent and good. Not the most amazing yoga class, but you are guaranteed to leave feeling better. I also love that it isn’t stuffy at all like some studios in SF. (throughout the city but I like the one in the Inner Richmond)
I’ll be honest, I don’t do a ton of shopping but if I’m opening up my wallet it’s likely for one of these stores…
Credo Beauty – Oh how my poor wallet has suffered because of Credo. If you’ve ever wondered where I buy my green beauty products, it’s always from Credo Beauty. (Lower Pacific Heights)
Saje Wellness – I think you all know my obsession with Saje at this point. Them opening up a store in San Francisco was basically my highlight of 2017. (Lower Pacific Heights)
Marmalade – I do 90% of my clothing shopping online but I still love this little store in the Marina with “boho-chic” clothing. (Marina)
Paxton Gate – it’s a little strange that a taxidermy store made the list, but I swear I’m not going for the stuffed animals. They have awesome books, home trinkets, crystals and plants that make serious #goals for your home. (Mission)
Ferry Building at the Embarcadero – I love the Ferry Building. I know it’s so touristy, but I honestly just really love the experience (esp on Wednesdays and Saturdays when they have the Farmer’s Markets). Stop at Heath Ceramics for beautiful pottery and Cowgirl Creamery for the best.cheese.ever! (Embarcadero). 
Succulence – One of my favorite plant stores in the city. It’s also a deep dark hole to all things succulents (duh), crystals and random chachkis for your home. Beware…(Bernal Heights)
Ritual Skincare – okay not really a store, but if you’re in town or live here you MUST go see my girl Katie at Ritual for the best facial of your life. Her products are all 100% natural and she is a true saint when it comes to skincare. She’s also my unofficial therapist. Seriously – go see Katie and thank me later. (Hayes Valley)
I think that’s it for now! I want this list to be ever-evolving so I’ll be adding in more places as I experience more of the city. And now when you guys send me 10 messages a day about where to go in San Francisco, I can just send you this
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*Images courtesy of Rae Surbaugh (follow her on Instagram) and Bettina Bogar
Where are you most excited to check out? SF locals – did I miss anywhere?
The post Healthy San Francisco Guide appeared first on The Healthy Maven.
from News About Health https://www.thehealthymaven.com/2017/10/healthy-san-francisco-guide.html
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syrephine · 7 years ago
So, many of you have probably looked at this title and said “WTF?! Who the hell is
Well, to be honest I had no clue who they were until the wonderful lady at Celiac and the Beast mentioned them and did a giveaway through them. Schär is a Gluten Free bread company that I am seriously blessed to know.  I had one day entered their summer time giveaway where you could win some backyard bbq  bread.  I was like okay why not try for it. 
I was pleasently surprised when I saw that I was just one of the people chosen. The awesome people at Schär sent me a box of great smelling and looking breads from hamburger buns, hotdog buns, bagels, regular bread and even crackers like graham crackers and saltines.  I was in bread heaven and of course with my daughter being gluten intolerant she was happy too because the hamburger buns were just the right size of my thick and juicy sliders I would make her.
Everything I had been craving to eat since being diagnosed with Celiac, I was able to make, eat and ENJOY!  Now, I don’t have a picture of my grilled cheese sandwich I had made with their bread but it was great! I am very…. let me stress VERY VERY pickyy when it comes to bread and food because if it doesn’t preform or taste like it’s gluten filled counter parts I will not eat it and I will never ever lie to someone and say its good.  I have never been paid for my opinions on food and such like a lot of food reviewers are but probably because I am to honest and will not sugar coat the truth is why none of them have ever asked me, plus I am not anyone special….. why would companies care about a commoner like me right?
Now with that being said…….. I was not paid to write this or offered anything what so ever to write this but I believe in giving credit where it is due. BUT……. to Schär company there is one thing I will talk about at the end and that is the dessert. So, understand this is coming from me a person who loves to bake and cook, plus I am very picky even on my own cooking. 
Schar Company is dedicated to bring yummy, tasteful and great food to those who have Celiac or Celiac intolerance.
Schär has complete control of grain cultivation.
Gluten free eating is also based on trust. Our reliability in terms of security and sustainability is guaranteed by our direct involvement in cultivation. Schär cultivates the grains for the most important raw materials, calling upon the help of trusted and expert farmers. This means that we have complete control of all the production phases, from sowing to harvest and the end product and we can guarantee the exceptional quality of our gluten free products. All our raw materials are subject to strict testing at our quality labs, before they are used in production.
This is the only way that we can be sure that all Schär products are gluten free and:
do not contain chemical sweeteners
do not contain flavour enhancers
do not contain colorants
do not contain GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)
You can find out more about all their products and where to find them here ——>  Schaer Gluten Free   
They are also on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.
So, first thing that cam to my mind when I opened my box of goodies was I saw the table crackers.  I was like YES! I get to have my all time favorite thing to eat as a kid and that is Honey, crackers and butter. Can I get a YAY?  Ummmm…probably not since many people probably never did the crackers, butter and honey like I did as a child or even another staple that I loved eating as a kid was a piece of bread with soften butter spread on it and about a tablespoon of honey slathered on it! YUM!!!!
Hmmmmm…… I think I will go make one of those right now since I have the bread to do it with. I will show you all here ……………. MY Childhood Joy……………….
  Pink Panther Helping me out!
As, you can tell I love my honey and butter. Now I usually use Vegan butter called Earth Balance but because I am out of it and can’t afford any more of it from being broke and no job I had to make due with what I was given which was regualr butter. Now, don’t hate on me its not like I don’t like cream butter its just that I can tell a diference in the way I feel when I had regular butter now compared to the vegan butter.  With the vegan butter I don’t feel sick to my stomach and not as groggy. I like the lightness of it and it tastes amazing. But with that being said there is one Vegan company I have been following for a good while now that is based out of California called Miyoko’s Kitchen here is a link to their shop ———->> Miyoko’s Kitchen  from what I have read, seen on their site and watched from the live feeds they will have on their Facebook page I dream of trying their VeganButter, cheeses and dips……….Especially the Mozzarella and the Double Cream Garlic OMG!!!!! It sounds so DIVINE! But alas I have to hang my head down because one I can’t afford to order it and two they are not available even within a 50 mile radius of me. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!Okay, enough of crying about what I can’t get right?  So, going along with the butter and bread I also like to have butter and crackers. No! I don’t put butter on graham crackers but if I had Ice cream I so would be crushing them up and making Fried Ice cream with honey, chocolate and marshmallow!  ***Sighing***
The table crackers are great and you can’t even tell they don’t have gluten in them! They come in a good size package but the great surprise is that the are individually wrapped smaller packages of 6-8 (can’t remember) with 6 long crackers in each package. Well…….. unfortunately with my love for crackers and butter they didn’t last long but only being 160 cal. per package it so was worth eating as lunch every other day.
Then yesterday for lunch was always a good standby which is Peanut butter and Jelly! This bread was great, it wasn’t dry it was soft and moist and didn’t tear when spreading either the jelly or peanut butter which is always a plus in my book especially if I wanted to have a fried PB&J! 
Now, on to the last thing……….. and like I said earlier this is  just my opinion but I figured if Schar Company see’s this they can take note to what I say, because I am so picky.
Hello its dessert TIME!! Now, if I would of had Ice cream to go with this little cake it might have made it a bit more moist.
These little babies are called Schar Gluten Free Sch’nacks. Yes, that is exactly what it says on the package!
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These little snacks are only 160 calories a cake so its great for on the go, with coffee and like I said probably great with ice cream. But the one I am showing you was my last one I was saving just for this blog. *crying on the inside*
This little cake has a thin white cream layer in the middle surrounded by a flaky cake, now with that being said this is why it is good with coffee and maybe Ice cream because it is actually a bit on the dry side. The chocolate on top makes you think that with the smooth creaminess of it that the cake will be very moist like a soft sponge cake. But unfortunately its not the case here. With coffee you can dip it in and it will soak up some of that moisture with gives the cake a great flavor added to it but without having that moisture already there the cake is dry and a bit bland. I personally would like a bit more of the cram in the middle, more moisture to the cake and maybe a bit more vanilla flavor or shoot make it a coffee type snack cake aka *Mocha Snack Cake* but either way it lacks the moisture. It is still good and I do recommend it to anyone who wants something to put in their kiddos lunch pack or even in your own lunch bag or purse for a quick bite, Just make sure you have something to drink with it.
Unwrapped Snack cake
Insidce the snack cake
 As you can see it has a Soft light texture to it with the creamy milk chocolate on the outside, but its lacking the moisture on the inside. And that is the only down side of the whole thing is the dryness and lack of flavor of the cake itself. Like I said I love to bake and I miss baking since I don’t have an oven anymore, but I am again picky on my breads and cakes and one thing that always turns me off of food is lack of flavor and moisture. This can most definitely be remedied but I will take it as I can and just improve on it here at home by adding coffee to it or a bit of milk to the cake.
So, there you have it my review for Schär Gluten Free products that I have tried so far… I haven’t had the chance to try the hotdog buns or hamburger buns myself but I will soon I hope, I just need money to buy meat, I really like vegan hotdogs which is mentioned Here ——>> Vegan Hotdogs & Fast easy filling meal!  but I just can’t afford anything right now even my internet will be shut off soon. So that is why I decided to get this written up as soon as I possibly could.
Thanks so much for reading my blog, there are links to my YouTube Channel which I try to update with all randomness along with my dreams of living and teaching in Japan. But again have to get money for plane ticket, place to live and money to eat on until my first check there……. So, me loving and dreaming of Japan will have to wait a bit longer! *CRYING ON THE INSIDE*
People that have talked to me whether it be in private message or comments on my videos or other social media have said that they have never seen or talked to someone who has such passion and love for their home country that they live in or are from. (they say this to me because of my passion for Japan, it’s culture, people, food, traditions, arts and laws.) My dream is to one day also as I would live and work in Japan, is to show the world through my eyes why I am so passionate about the beautiful and mesmerizing country of Japan.  Now, some others ask me what about other Asian countries such as China, Korea, Philippines, Thailand and many others?  All I can say is this I would love to visit all these places and discover their cultures and food etc. But so far Japan has captured my heart, welcomed me there with open arms and made me feel at home…..at peace.
Again, thank you so much for visiting my blog page. If you have anything you would like me to review or just have a question or comment leave it below or shoot me a message. 
Please don’t forget me, I am right here beside you. I feel like a ghost at times screaming at the top of my lungs, “Hello!”. Do you see me? Do you know I am here? Can you here me? Do you care? Maybe I try to hard you tell me, because maybe I am just in between. I need you to see me, hear me and touch me. Please what is it you need from me, so I can be seen in your eyes, your life, your future.-by ME
Your true identity is not in the hands of other people. Your identity can never be what some other person may think about you.
Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts. – Charles Dickens
Thankful for Schär Company! So, many of you have probably looked at this title and said "WTF?! Who the hell is…
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