#i have no idea where they all are on the timeline
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aialsposts · 1 day ago
Absolutely LOVING the use of Mabel’s slang and Ford’s slight hesitation but willingness to adapt because like. Those kids talked like old timers in the show (likely just from being around one for a while)
so you KNOW they came back when in high school with Dipper saying stuff like “I’m about to absolutely crash out on Robbie this time. MABELLL?? WHERE’S YOUR GRAPPLING HOOK-“
And Mabel saying stuff like
“Slay the house down mama!!” And “you better WALK that DUCK” and even Dipper is like,,
“So from what I gather this is… a way of her saying essentially you’re doing really well and your outfit is so good it could…kill her??? I think??”
And it’s also a lot of Ford finally caving and begging for a presentation from Dipper about their generation’s Slang. Mabel has to be Dipper’s project partner; while he initially didn’t want to drag her into this, unfortunately he hit a wall in his research where he fully couldn’t see the connection, and Mabel was completely overexcited to oblige.
First half of the presentation:
Very well put together slides, including graphics here and there introducing a timeline for when said slang started taking off, Dipper’s theories as to *why* certain slang rose more popularly/had longer “staying power”, and even some older slang from Ford’s generation that roughly translates to something modern. “I’m gonna crash out on ___” roughly equals “you’re cruising for a bruising, pal”
While the other half was essentially:
*disorganized bright colors and really hard to read print over graphics that don’t really technically go with what’s being talked about?? From what Ford can gather??*
The first presentation is an absolute disaster, but after finally setting aside their differences to create a better, much more comprehensive presentation, it ends up with Dipper learning a lot more lingo, too (for better or worse, you decide lmao), and having Mabel do more of the sort of explaining to Dipper (he did the graphics and visuals this time, it hurt his SOUL to see his sister’s side of the presentation BDJSVDJ) and Mabel helped Dipper grapple with the connotations of lingo a little more. For some reason the worse it sounds it seems to mean?? Something better?? It confuses him just as much as it does Ford, and Ford really starts to see ‘tism signs in Dipper as he slowly realizes how much Dipper is just like him growing up (like. Dude’s REALLY trying to understand “slay” “yass” “queen” and he gets that down and Mabel’s like “alright, beginner level over, now, what does, “slay the house down boots mama!” Mean?”
Even adding her extravagant gestures to the slang, which, to his credit, surprised Dipper because normally body language helps but like. Mabel body language and “what the culture’s feeling” aren’t exactly the same thing. He couldn’t, for the LIFE of him, figure out whether or not the gestures were actually included— as in, used by anyone other than just Mabel— and he was in fact wrong because it turns out the gestures ARE important, but there’s also varying LEVELS of importance.
Like the more emphasis (more ‘cartoony’/fluid/exaggerated the movement, the more the person REALLY fucking means it, no matter how little or how much emphasis they put into their voice (kinda going against his autism’s way of learning because like. Tones are?? So important I thought??? Why does this not apply here??)
Genuinely once they’ve presented all the information, and Ford gets a better idea of it, they’re all ready to just end this information exchange,,, until Stan walks in and overhears Dipper say to Mabel, “I think we slayed this presentation”
To which the twins simultaneously face palm as they realize they have to do the presentation again,
and Ford gets The BIGGEST grin, because, you see, Ford’s ability to process information is largely dependent on setting, generally, the mystery shack is… not a place he’s overjoyed about being at, but with others around it can sort of quell that sick feeling he gets and such.
So while he *mostly* understood the presentation, he didn’t want to have the twins repeat themselves (especially after learning what “unc status” means) so when his brother, Stanley, has to endure the same chaos but WITHOUT the prior understanding Ford’s now working with, all he can do is pull the twins aside and whisper, “how about we add something to your presentation, I think it might help Stanley understand this one term better-“
After a few slides where Stanley hardly seems to be paying any attention, Mabel clears her throat, Dipper stifling his laughter as Mabel announces loud and clear that a “new term” “just dropped”. She points the clicker super professionally, and as the slides turn, it’s the most abhorrent neon slide to ever disgrace the earth. Glitter. Fairies. Graphics that actually DO work this time though, she made sure to give more accurate visuals.
Introducing: GRUNK STATUS!
“It’s like Unc status but even more archaic!” Mabel enthusiastically declares.
Dipper is giggling so hard he’s having a full out asthma attack on the floor, and Ford finally can’t contain his laughter either. Mabel starts to laugh along and Stanley looks absolutely miserable for a moment.
“Aw, c’mon they’re just kids,” Ford laughs.
“You put them up to this. I don’t know how to prove it but I KNOW you did this. That stupid fucking Pun has YOUR NAME written ALL OVER IT-“
*cough/mumbles something about it being Stanley’s name, legally, last he checked which IMMEDIATELY Started a fight, until Mabel slams her fist down.*
“Ahem. Gentlemen. The presentation isn’t OVER. Sheesh, talk about Crashing out,” Mabel says, SO calmly that both grunkles sink back in their seats a bit like kids in trouble for causing a ruckus at school. (Mabel and Dipper do a lil thumbs up bc hey, that was a great way to give an example of a Term, Mabel! Good job!)
“Ohh… I get it, Crashing Out means you’re cruising for a bruising!” Stanley declares (sort of under his breath). To which Ford replies, voice equally lowered, “wasn’t that a few slides back? They already said that,” as if he hadn’t had the EXACT same epiphany earlier on, and was merely able to contain it before sounding “even more unc” (he tries, but the grammar with the slang is slightly off sometimes).
This essentially causes another argument.
This third run of their presentation took them 2 hours to get through due to Stanley and Stanford’s arguing.
Their first two runs with only Ford took maybe 45 minutes max (not including their needing to fix said presentation).
The twins put up with Stan and Ford’s fighting because they realized it’s probably essentially exactly how they looked when they were bumping into each other the first time they were trying to create this presentation.
Some things never change.
Sibling Rivalry? Absolutely timeless.
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I was thinking about how he did not have to include this photo of himself in TBOB and how it really looks like it had to be taken by someone else.
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jinjeriffic · 23 hours ago
DCxDP Persephone 2.0
(Somehow, even when I come up with an angsty scenario it turns into zany comedy hijinks. Send help.)
Cassie, Tim, Kon and Bart are hanging out, just chilling, when a glowing green minotaur pops out of nowhere and yoinks Wonder Girl into another dimension.
Obviously, Cassie is so not down with the whole kidnapping thing, so she starts beating up all the Greek mythological monsters in sight. Soon enough, Pandora pops out of the woodwork and orders everyone to stand down.
Pandora: *sigh* I ordered you to escort her here, not drag her kicking and screaming. Ugh, it's impossible to hire competent help these days. Come child, we have much to discuss.
Cassie: Uh, it's an honor to meet you ma'am, but why am I here?
Pandora: It's quite complicated I'm afraid. To make a long story short, a few years ago the tyrannical ghost king was defeated by a young ghost hero, and by right of conquest the crown passed to him. However, since he has not yet reached the age of majority a regency council was put in place until he is old enough to be formally crowned.
Cassie: What does that have to do with me?
Pandora: You see, your father, Zeus, wishes to make an alliance with this new power...
Cassie: Oh no
Pandora: ...and so he has offered your hand in marriage to the young prince, as he once did Persephone's to Hades.
Cassie: That fucking asshole!
Pandora: And the regency council has accepted on the prince's behalf.
Cassie: *cracks knuckles* So, what's your opinion on patricide?
When Cassie meets Danny, she fully expects him to be some pompous asshole.
Danny: I am so fucking sorry!
Cassie: Huh?
Danny: *wrings hands* I'm sorry you got dragged into this mess! This was not my idea! But the council are a bunch of stuck-up jerks who think this is for the good of the realm and...
Cassie: So the wedding is off?
Danny: Well... unfortunately Clockwork is the one who floated the idea? And he only gets directly involved if it's like, end of the world kind of stuff...
Cassie: Who's Clockwork?
Danny: The Master of Time. He uh, helped me prevent a potential future where my soul got merged with that of my arch-nemesis and I miiiight have wiped out all life on Earth. But uh, that timeline is gone and you don't have to worry about it!
Cassie, muttering: Chronos?
Danny: So I think we might be stuck with each other, unless you have an idea on how to get out of this?
Cassie: Well my friends are bound to come rescue me, so...
Danny: Stall?
Cassie: Stall.
Queen Dora, popping in with a dozen handmaidens, a measuring tape and hundreds of dress and fabric samples: ~ Who's ready for a makeover? ~
Cassie: Oh gods just kill me now
Cassie and Danny both go full Bridezilla in an effort to delay the wedding, nitpicking everything from the clothes to the flower arrangements.
Cassie: I am not wearing some poofy monstrosity to my wedding. I want a tux! If anyone's gonna wear a dress it's gonna be him.
Danny, posing in front of a mirror: What do you think, can I pull off a mermaid cut?
Eventually, they can stall no more and the day of the wedding arrives. Zeus is there to give her away as the father of the bride. Cassie tries to stab him with the cake topper.
The wedding proceeds, they are standing in front of the Observant who is officiating. Cassie is glaring murderously at Zeus. Danny just looks resigned. Suddenly, there's a loud screech and a bang. The team has arrived to crash the party...!
...by literally crash landing the stolen Specter Speeder on top of Zeus.
*smash cut to a flashback of Tim reading the Drs Fentons' research and breaking into Fentonworks*
Tim, Kon and Bart pop out of the smoking wreckage.
Tim: We object!
Observant, outraged: On what grounds?!
Kon: Wonder Girl can't marry the ghost prince, because... because I'm marrying her!
Tim and Bart: Wait what?
Danny: Oh thank fuck *rips off his veil and dress and chucks it at the Observant* Cassie, do you want to marry Superboy?
Cassie: I do!
Danny: Then by the power vested in me by the Crown and Ring, I now pronounce you Super and Wonder. You may kiss the bride or whatever.
Cassie dip kisses Kon in front of the assembled ghost citizenry. Tim and Danny disappear into a broom closet during the wedding reception. Bart demolishes like 90% of the buffet by himself.
In a dark room, Clockwork is repeatedly watching Zeus get pancaked in slow motion and chuckles to himself.
Roll Credits
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cookies-after-dark · 16 hours ago
I got an idea...imagine if reader walks in on shadow milk and pure vanilla banging to release the pent up frustration...you would expect reader to freak out...but nope, they see it and go "wait, you guys already reached that base without me? 🥺" cue it turning out to be a misunderstanding where y/n was down for it...all they had to do was speak up about it...cue comfort...and then they both give y/n apology oral lol!
Or if you don't want sweet and want spicy...
Y/n sees them banging...and instead of being sad or walking away, they immediately start stripping like "hey, don't leave me out of a good time~" and cue threesome..threescore...
Or...if ya want even more hilarity-
Y/n sees them fucking and just goes "oh fuck yeah! I've been waiting for this moment" and just strips before throwing themselves on the bed so hard and fast, pure vanilla and shadow milk insist on checking y/n to make sure they didn't break any bones before letting them join in...or something where y/n is just WAY too eager and does something that causes shadow milk and pure vanilla to let out a scream! XD
BTW to let ya know I am 23 so we good!
Or write whichever one or ones you think would be...entertaining! Lol I hope you like them!
Listen these scenarios are so based because of all the different flavors I enjoy PV x Shmilk, every single dynamic you can think of between them has SOME sort of wack factor to it, now all of a sudden just throw the Reader into the already unstable mix and everything immediately explodes.
I would be here for hours if I just. listed every single dynamic I thought was super cool for this ship but this ask (where the Reader is willing and raring to go) is absolutely one of them...... Shadow Milk has been SAAAYIIINNGGGG literally just go talk to them about us, you big yellow idiot!!!!!!
You have three extremely horny cookies who have wanted nothing but to jump each other's bones for such a long while and one of them has razor sharp fangs. Despite PV's best efforts the Reader will be bruised and marked by the time their 8 hour session ends.
For reeeeeal though I'm just thinking about how stunned Pure Vanilla Cookie would be to see that the Reader... wants him? And his partner? Both? At the same time???? Romantically AND sexually?????????????????
That old man is going to have a seizure with how quickly and spontaneously this all happened. Shadow Milk Cookie of course, does not kind one itty bit. But Pure Vanilla Cookie needs some time to adjust to his wildly fluctuating romantic and lustful emotions and also you're just standing there while he still has his dick in his hand. This is the worst best timeline.
(sighs and writes down like 3 more ideas from this. sex goofs headcanons starring PV x Shmilk x Reader will be lots of fun to explore)
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melishade · 2 days ago
What if there's a timeline where Terminus was in AOP. All Survey corp (including Optimus prime) would be confused of who this Cybertronian is. But when when Megatron sees him...bro, Megatron would be shocked to see him. And when terminus sees Megatron, Calling his name (who he still call him d-16). I think would Megatron would have a mental breakdown. Like kid who see his dad again (idk if Megatron would straight up hug him or make distance away from him) And the Survey corp (including Optimus) notice Megatron breakdown.
Terminus: ....D-16.....what...happened to you..?
Megatron having a Mental Breakdown.
Optimus: ....Megatron-
The rest of the survey corp: who tf is D-16?!
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In the words of @justawannabearchaeologist: this is if Season 4 Eren saw his mom after everything that happened.
Like this would seriously mess Megatron up in such a profound way that he wouldn't be able to properly function for weeks. Finding out that your mentor/father figure survived after all this time, but having to explain how you're not the same person and that you've done cruel and unfathomable things worse than what the caste system did.
But if I were to somehow make this life altering situation happen, I want to do it when Megatron is at his most vulnerable. AKA: Around the Monster chapter and the Regrets and Amends chapter. Maybe a little after that so Armin and Mikasa have an idea of who D-16 before the ball drops.
But lets try to set a scene:
So the idea for me when it came to Terminus was that he's killed by a guard in the mines, forcing Megatron into a fight response and he kills the guard that kills Terminus. Megatron, D-16 then, tries to run away, but gets captured and is thrown in the the gladiator pits as punishment.
But lets just say that one of the guards that survived the chaos saw that Terminus was still barely alive and decides to imprison him as punishment for causing so much trouble. Terminus wakes up on a prison ship far from home, having been in stasis for a really long time, missing the start of the war and Cybertron dying, and tries to muster the strength to escape the guards and turn the ship back around to Cybertron. One thing led to another, the ship is damaged, and the vessel crash lands into the volcano where Wheeljack find the ship in the Heal chapter.
Listen I am going through hoops to make this scenario work for a character that doesn't even exist in TFP! OKAY?!
But long story short, Terminus is stranded on the AOT world. Terminus wakes up again from stasis to see his situation. The ship is damaged, and even if the ship wasn't damaged, he wouldn't know how to fly it because he's a miner. He doesn't have that type of education and he has to figure out how to survive on his own. He has to mine for energon. Thankfully the volcano he's on does have an energon stockpile that lasts him a while. He has to find ways to repair himself and poorly. Somethings don't heal properly and he ends up having a limp.
But the thing he's most worried about is D-16. That poor innocent child facing the cruelty of the world. He had seen in his weakened state that he had killed a guard before running. Was D-16 able to escape? Was he killed? Was he going through something worse? The two had kept each other alive ever since Terminus had taken pity on D-16 after he suffered a beating. They kept each other safe. But Terminus miscalculated and now....
Terminus had the sinking feeling that he was going to die on this organic world. That he was going to slowly rot. But...if there was a small chance that D-16 was still alive, then he was going to keep himself alive until he saw him again. Hope, no matter how small, was the only thing that had kept him going all this time.
Terminus stayed on the AOT world, and he stayed for 2,000+ years. He turned on the beacon in the hopes that someone finds him. He had witnessed moments of the cruelty of the Eldian Empire, but he's always done his best to avoid the humans, keep his head low, keep himself alive. But he does admire humanity, despite the many faults that he's witnessed over the past 2,000 years. He's seen the cruelty of mankind, especially with the power of the titans, but he's seen their bravery and ingenuity. He start's picking up hobbies from them. How to grow plants, how to keep warm during the winter. He's learned about the world's history, collecting knowledge that would have been lost over time or burned due to the changing world. He's just trying to keep his own sanity during these 2,000 years. He wants to live, not just survive. He experiences rain, sunlight, snowstorms, nothing he would have ever experienced while he was in the mines. He sees animals and people, sorrow and joy, festivals and funerals. Wars and celebrations. He watched it all from the shadows. He hoped, if D-16 was still alive, he would get to show him these things someday.
But, would D-16 remember him even after all this time? He was getting older, his metal was rusted from poor treatment. It's a miracle he survived this long. Thankfully, technological advancements came at a good time, so he was able to steal metals to try and fix his own parts. He did take from the dead Cybertronians from the ship, using them as spare donors. He just...he prayed to Primus. Hoping he would listen. Hoping that...he could see D-16 again.
But then a miracle came, in the form of Wheeljack.
See Wheeljack decided to keep searching for energon after the whole blow up between Arcee and Megatron and Megatron having his meltdown. When he does, he finds the volcano a lot sooner than anticipated because Terminus had the signal on. So Wheeljack arrives and as he steps off the Jackhammer, he nearly gets his helm blown off by Terminus shooting a rifle at him. Terminus demands to know who he is, and Wheeljack is thinking this guy is a refugee from the war and he says that he's an Autobot. Terminus spits out that he doesn't know what that is. He demands to know if he's with the guard to come and collect him.
Wheeljack being of a lower middle class in the caste system, puts two and two together and realizes this old geezer was from the caste system and he managed to somehow dodge the whole fragging war. Wheeljack slowly explains who he is, and is able to talk Terminus down, convincing the miner that he was safe. Terminus is finally convinced and collapses in Wheeljack's arms. Wheeljack contacts the island and tells them he's bringing someone over, and he states that he's factionless, taking Arcee and Optimus by surprise.
The Survey Corps can't help but ask, and Optimus has to explain that there were a few during the war that refused to take a side, designating themselves as neutrals or factionless. Autobots and/or Decepticons that deserted and refused to join another side were simply called rogues. But to find someone who was factionless that survived the war was unheard of. Majority of them were killed off or forced to join a side. Optimus informs Megatron of the situation and Megatron is forced to come back.
Wheeljack arrives back on the island and helps Terminus off of the ship, and the Survey Corps are stunned to see that Terminus looks physically old. Sure, he was worn down from a lack of repair, but there was just something that screamed old age to them.
Terminus can't help but feel nervous as he has made an effort to avoid the humans, but Wheeljack reassures him that they're safe. Wheeljack sets him down on the berth to help and try to repair some of his other wounds to ease his pain. Optimus introduces himself, and Terminus is immediately put on edge, stating he's not exactly trusting of Primes. Arcee demands to know if he's a Decepticon then, but Terminus asks what the frag is a Decepticon, and Wheeljack explains that he's from the caste system and he somehow managed to dodge the whole war. Everyone in the room is completely shocked at this information. How did he manage to dodge the war?!
Terminus explains his story and how he was taken by the guards before being locked in stasis. When he woke up, he ended up crashing the ship into the volcano and he's been staying on the AOT world for years. Hanji realizes that meant that Terminus had knowledge from eons ago! He's a walking library! Optimus states that Terminus needs his rest and that he needed to give his consent before participating in anything.
Terminus: Awfully kind of you, Prime.
Optimus: I can assure you; I am not Sentinel.
Terminus: So you say.
The Survey Corps hate that they are missing some context.
But...Terminus knows it's a long shot, but he has to try anyway. He turns his attention to Wheeljack, thinking that he would be the one who would have some idea about it, and asks Wheeljack if he knew a miner under the name of D-16. Before Wheeljack could even respond, they hear a startled gasp, and everyone turns their attention to Armin and Mikasa. Mikasa was covering her mouth while Armin stared in shock.
Terminus is surprised by this and kneels down to them, persisting, asking if they knew who he was talking about. And where he might possibly be. Armin stumbles, and confesses that Terminus wasn't going to be ready for the answer. But before Terminus can prod some more-!
Everyone jolted when they heard something hit the floor. They turn their gaze to see Megatron standing at the doorway. His servo and claws trembled and his optics were wide. By his pedes was the busted cube of liquified energon.
Terminus stared at the newcomer in confusion, but his optics widened with recognition. His frame was different, his optics were different, but he'd recognized that face from anywhere. "D...D-16?"
Terminus got his confirmation when he saw Megatron flinch at the name. "It's you." A smile formed on Terminus' lips and lubricant was beginning to form. "By the Allspark, it is you!"
"What the hell?" Connie swore.
"I don't know," Sasha admitted in a panic.
Levi didn't like how Megatron was reacting to the sight of this new Cybertronian. He wasn't moving. Wasn't saying anything. And his eyes....looked so panicked. Like he was seeing a ghost from the past. "Oh no."
"You survived!" Terminus continued as he stood up, "I thought you had perished! I-I thought the guard had killed you!"
"Sir, I do not think it is wise to approach," Optimus warned, noticing the way that Megatron's servos were twitching erratically.
"Look at you." Terminus extended a servo out, "You've gotten so-!"
Terminus didn't have time to react as Megatron grabbed the sword on his side and swung at him, causing everyone to panic.
"NO!" Armin screamed.
"Megatron, stop!" Optimus ordered.
Terminus didn't move as the blade stopped mere centimeters away from his neck cables. Terminus' gaze fell to the blade, and he could see glimmers of his reflection inside of it. He turned his gaze back to Megatron, and he finally registered...just how different he was. He was taller. Taller than him. His armor was modified, more monstrous, more intimidating. His optics were no longer that sullen blue, but a guarded and panicked red. He held a weapon in his servo, a sword. And his name...the Prime had called him Megatron.
"16...what..." Terminus began as he slowly reached his servo out. Megatron's breathing grew more ragged, taking two steps back to try and get away from him. Megatron's whole body froze when Terminus' digits graze his servo that was holding the sword.
"What in the Allspark happened to you?" Terminus asked.
Everyone watched in disbelief as Megatron's sword fell from his grasp and clattered against the ground. Megatron didn't say anything. He didn't utter a single word. Megatron simply turned and bolted down the halls of the ship.
"D-16, wait!" Terminus called out for him, but he didn't turn around to come back. The former warlord just kept running until he got out of the neutral ship. He transformed before taking off to god knows where, refusing to look back.
"What the hell was that?" Eren demanded.
"What happened?" Terminus spoke in a low voice. The miner snapped his helm to Optimus, and everyone could see a flurry of emotions in his optics. Fear, anger, sorrow,...and heartbreak.
"What in the Allspark happened to D-16?" Terminus demanded.
-Optimus has to be the one to explain what happened to Megatron to Terminus. No one else can really do it. That also means discussing a bunch of Megatron's war crimes. Levi tried to do it once and failed miserably.
Levi: It’s like telling my mom about the fucked up shit I’ve done in the past.
-The Survey Corps are hounding Armin and Mikasa on how they knew that Megatron's previous name was D-16 and the two have to spill that they've been talking to Megatron in private. This...definitely doesn't make Eren feel good.
-Once Terminus learns of Megatron's war crimes, he is depressed. His pseudo son did all of these terrible and unforgivable things! Worse than the guards and the caste system has ever done! He knows why Megatron did what he did. He was a product of every cruel thing that the system enacted. He understands, but he can't help but blame himself. Maybe if he had been there, things would have been different.
-Terminus is really talking to Wheeljack the most because of Wheeljack's previous standing in the system. Optimus is a Prime and Arcee seems to be trusting of the Prime.
-Terminus is curious about the humans, specifically Armin and Mikasa. They seemed to be the closest to Megatron and he wants to know how he's been. Megatron's refusing to talk to him. Terminus still hasn't heard his voice.
-Speaking of Megatron, Megatron's been avoiding Terminus like the plague, he cannot FACE HIM! Not for his war crimes, what he's become, and the fact that he held Terminus at knife point! Optimus is the one that tries to convince him to talk to him! This is a golden opportunity he wishes he could have with Alpha Trion! But Megatron refuses. Hanji decides to distract him by telling him to focus on the mission at hand, which does do the job. But when Hanji tries to bring up Terminus, he cuts the line.
-Terminus actually does direct Wheeljack and Co to the energon deposits that he's found over the years, and he lets Wheeljack use parts of his ship to contact Cybertron like in the original AOP timeline. But everyone is surprised at how productive Terminus had been over the past 2,000 years. He created a whole ecosystem in the extinct volcano and collected knowledge from cultures lost to time.
-Terminus keeps calling Megatron D-16 out of habit.
That's all I have for now. I don't really know what to call this bonkers timeline.
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lotties-ashwagandha · 5 hours ago
(headcanons) dating lottie matthews includes…
written for @cassioo and everyone else in a rage after episode four! adult timeline in mind.
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⬦ going to the farmers market together!!! even when she doesn’t have the wellness center. she just wants to walk around and maybe take everything home with her, and when everyone asks where her wellness center is she tells them that it’s temporarily shut down (she WILL be rebuilding it somehow in some way).
⬦ if you’re into it she’ll also take you on morning dates where you grab coffee somewhere and then go into little crystal stores. she will buy a new tarot deck and ask you to help her pick it out, and she will spend an insane amount of money on crystals (because they’re EXPENSIVE nowadays) both for herself and for you if you see anything you want to pick up. i can see her being really into the jewelry pieces those places sell too, she likes being able to have crystals on her but in a way that she can wear to be aesthetic. she mixes and matches different crystals for whatever energy she wants to bring into each day and has a few different pieces of jewelry for each of her favorite crystals so she can accessorize however she wants.
⬦ sorry I’m obsessed with lottie and tarot bc i’ve been getting back into tarot lately and also @chaithetics put the lottie tarot idea in my head in her comments on this post SO i have to say. lottie teaching you tarot AARGHH or if you already know how to read tarot you give each other readings. discussing how you read certain cards and the differences in card interpretations between you (because tarot is SO specific to the individual when it comes to card interpretations). pulling the lovers card! and on that note I think lottie would be into doing readings about your relationship with you as well, both of you sitting down and asking the cards about strong and weak points in your relationship. it’s a good way to open up communication together.
also. I need someone to make a yellowjackets tarot card deck. PLEASE. hear me out: lottie as the high priestess, natalie as the moon, akilah as temperance, mari as strength, taissa and van as the lovers, the wilderness as judgement, misty as the magician, and so on.
⬦ double dates with taissa and van!!! you go and do some gay shit like wine tastings or museum visits and van gets you all kicked out of the art museum because she starts touching paintings.
⬦ binge watching lottie’s reality tv shows! she gives you everyone’s backstories and lore if you’re watching something that you haven’t seen yet but she has. you make it into a whole event, you have the dates marked on the calendar for when new seasons drop of your favorite reality shows. i suspect when lottie had the cult she still had a tv in her cabin so she could watch them. anyway it makes for fun at home dates together, think season three episode two with misty and callie except neither of you get drugged out like misty or throw up on the kitchen counter!
⬦ shopping dates! shoplifting perhaps. you’re going into the mall and coming out with beautiful clothes and home decor, whether you pay for it all or not is for you to decide. im looking the other way. lottie would love to spend her money on you though as she does have quite a lot of it, she loves for everything in her life to be elegant and taken care of very nicely and that’s something that would extend to you as well.
⬦ that would also mean spa dates, or going to get your nails done together. if you don’t typically get your nails done she still takes you with her because she wants you to pick her nail polish.
⬦ she explains all of her herbs and supplements and such to you, her ashwagandha and her maca root, and teaches you what each is used for and why. she wants to be able to share that with you, especially if she doesn’t have her wellness center anymore and people with similar knowledge aren’t as easily found. i think in general she would love being with someone willing to learn about her practices, she wants to show you what she believes in because it is so special to her and she wants to share that love of it with you.
⬦ mornings with her! i feel like lottie leans toward being a morning person, most of her energy comes in the morning, but she does appreciate the luxury of having lazy mornings now and then. being able to wake up with you and having the luxury of holding each other in the morning. it grounds her to be able to wake up and be centered in a routine as well — i can see her having a scheduled morning meditation or journaling routine or something else to help keep her centered starting off the day. sometimes she lets you help her braid her hair, too.
⬦ nights with her would be tranquil, too, but in a different way. in the morning the peace comes in preparation for the energy of the day, but at night there’s a new relaxation to being together. you cook dinner together, new recipes you find. and random thought but when you go to bed she is the little spoon. fight me.
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that’s it :) LOVE YOU SEE YOU NEXT TIME! season three episode four isn’t real. and I did not kill lottie matthews :( all of you and your dirty accusations. bah! no taglist btw this time I’m insecure about my headcanon quality.
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miffysoo · 1 day ago
super long rant incoming for lads (if you read this i love you to pieces, if not i still love you to pieces): im not always the biggest fan of the reincarnation/past lover trope (which is ironic bc that’s literally the entire foundation of lads lore LMAO) because sometimes it feels like the LI’s are in love with the idea of us seeing as mc in the storyline is the past version of their beloved. i just can’t help but think, like are they actually in love with MC? or are they in love with some other version of her and that’s the only reason they’re drawn to her? it almost feels like they’re projecting who they THINK she is when she’s no longer the same person at all in this current timeline & lifetime.
it almost makes it feel like current mc is “the other woman” in some sense, even though that’s a bit illogical because the past version of her is literally her but so much time has passed, things change, people change, and mc is a completely different person than who she was in their past lives. bc truly, the only one who i feel like truly loves her present day for who she is, is caleb. i would argue zayne to an extent too because he technically doesn’t have any memories whatsoever of his past lives so him and MC falling in love feels like it’s happening for the first time again, it’s a blank slate.
and not to say that the boys can’t grow to love who she is without painting her as her past version, but a part of it feels ingenuine sometimes to me. bc although she shares the same face, the same body, arguably the same soul as her past self, seeing as it’s again, literally her SELF, at the core of it, she’s not actually HER anymore. she’s someone completely different. so sometimes it feels super bittersweet & the lines get blurred. i have a love hate relationship w some of the lads lore for these reasons.
so sorry for the fatass post, but the lore & past life concept in the game always makes me feel hesitant to truly immerse myself into the game (i don’t even actually play the game, everything ik and have seen are from youtube clips that people have uploaded for all the myths, memories, and the overall storyline). this isn’t to say i don’t look forward to new updates and such, i love love lads. but like whenever i indulge in fanfic, especially as a chronic reader of ‘x reader’ fics, i have to separate reader from being MC, which is why i always stray towards non!mc reader bc there’s no tangible lore and past lives/reincarnations attached to a nonmc! reader. at least not to the same extent as the og MC depending on how much the author diverges from canon and just basic background context for reader. but overall imo, non!mc reader just doesn’t carry the same heavy implications of the boys’ true feelings when it’s the actual MC vs a non!mc reader if any of that connected 😔
similarly why i also love iseki/transmigration fics as well; basically any concept where the reader is NOT the mc. bc just like in iseki fics, the boys don’t have the same attachments & feelings towards reader as they do MC. it just feels more sincere imo, idk.
i wonder if im just crazy and have too much time to think & talk to myself about this, or if other players/readers feel the same way. bc ik the whole point of an otome game is that WE are the MC. but ive just never been able to fully immerse myself like that, i see MC as a completely separate character, almost like an OC sometimes. like i just can’t connect or fully enjoy any fanfic with MC being the “reader”. i view MC and reader to be two different people if that makes sense.
and again, im completely aware that as the storyline continues, the boys have obviously shown to care and have deep affectionate feelings (love is a bit too ambiguous imo to truly label that as what they feel for mc) for current mc and its probably only going to strengthen as the story moves forth. but my mind still spirals and thinks about all the “what-ifs” and semantics of reincarnation and past lives. i wish i didn’t think this way, the game and concept of it would probably be more enjoyable all around for me, but i apparently hate myself to think too light heartedly, even for a fictional game/story 😭
truly tho, it’s never that serious, i just had to get that off my chest bc i really don’t know if any other (not sane) person felt this ardent & torn about this as i do, which is a little silly honestly but here we are LMAO 🧍��♀️ but in the end, there’s something for everyone here in the world of fanfic & delusions! 🫶🏼🫧
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alexanderwales · 1 day ago
Pitchposting: The Yearbook
I just finished the expanded section of The Roottrees are Dead, and it reminded me of an idea that I've had kicking around forever. This will not spoil either of those games, but it'll spoil some of what it feels like to play those games.
In Obra Dinn you're an insurance agent attempting to figure out what happened on the titular ship, filling in a logbook with names and fates based on what you see in the past. It's a lot of fun, I highly recommend it.
In The Roottrees are Dead, you're an inspector or a genealogist or something, filling in the Roottree family tree, using your 1990s internet connection to comb through periodicals and books from the library and half-finished websites. It's a lot of fun, I highly recommend it.
Anyway, the idea came after I'd first played Obra Dinn, and thought to myself "wow, they should make like a million more of these" and then started thinking about what the low-hanging fruit was.
Here, you're trying to fill out a yearbook.
There are a bunch of names and pictures, and yes, there's a full grid, but there are also pages with the various clubs, and other pictures of life at school, and it's your job to complete basically full dossiers on at least the most interesting of the kids, with some of the less interesting ones reduced to "easy" puzzles.
And the mechanism of doing this? Teenaged text messages, poorly composed cell phone shots, a handful of websites, all the digital ephemera. This absolutely works best in the early 2000s, when our social media was fractured and you would naturally get a lot of variety, but the idea is to have a lot of variety and texture to what the player gets to sift through, whether it's AOL Instant Messenger, the robotics team's amateurish website, or a bunch of text messages.
Who are these people, how do they relate to each other? All the answers are out there for you to find and record, and you get to know these people in the process of unraveling everything.
One of the things to consider, in this sort of detective game, is how you open up new information to the player, because at least some of the information is going to be just sitting there, waiting to be entering, with the journey to get to the data source the thing that was most interesting about it.
And I think in this case, maybe the thing that you're slowly gaining access to is phones.
Early 2000s is a transitional era, so maybe you have iPhone equivalents living alongside Blackberry equivalents and Nokia bricks and flip phones and all those sorts of things, and you gain access to them one by one, for those who have one, or maybe their computers. I'm a little on the fence about the best way to do this, but having a picture of a phone/computer would at least be funny way to do it, so you're combing through pictures not just for the people and information contained in them, but for someone whose phone you've never seen before, since that will magically/technologically allow you to read all their messages.
And if you're looking through someone's phone, there are mysteries to solve there, cryptic conversations to unravel. There are aliases. You get a conversation that you know must be important, but the name is saved as just "T-Dog", and that could be anyone! And you have to wander through solving all these little issues, trying to decrypt the local dialect of emoji use, figuring out the timeline for when this guy was dating three girls to see whether he cheated or not. You can realize that someone was being catfished!
The thing that I like most about these games is that you have such great opportunities for organic storytelling, having a guy who you get to know from having seen him in a few places, forming a picture of people from the scraps you can see. And here, there's a high school's worth of personalities to unfold, to get your stereotypes corrected, to have thundering revelation after revelation, and all the ambiguity that crops up where the digital realm doesn't allow you to see the full truth.
I'm picturing 50 or so students, a graduating class that's small, maybe a tiny college town in the Midwest where there's a mix of the students of professors and farmers and lots of variety in terms of class, a place with homecoming and prom and sports teams and all that kind of thing. And somewhere in the early 2000s seems good in terms of what it brings to the table. Am I exactly describing my own small Midwestern hometown and the time period when I was going to high school? I mean, yeah. But I do think that's the best for gameplay purposes.
This is one of those things that I really would like to just throw a few years of my life at making. It calls to me. But while I have the programming skills necessary to figure out that end of things, and I'm a good writer, it would also call for a lot of art and UI design that would be extremely unfun and detail-oriented in a way that does not suit me. Why must we have finite lifespans?
(I think the very first time I noodled this idea, it was with supernatural elements, a single giant party that you would spend your time unpacking, one with cultists and sadists and things from the deep, all kinds of calamities killing these teenagers off, with the player being a supernatural inspector coming in after the fact. And this would ape Obra Dinn more closely, but calls to me a bit less.)
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splinterofpandora · 2 days ago
Batman is dead.
I know it sounds vulgar.
Oh, you didn't like one comic book and now the character doesn't exist for you. Come on, we go through this every day! Stop clowning, you're not Joker!
But they actually did it in 2023. A year later, I realized exactly what happened. And I think I know how to change it. Hold on, because I'm going to tell you who Bruce Wayne was, and why death was good for him.
Chapter one. This is where the story begins.
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Ok, we all know that. The alley. The boy next to his parents' bodies. No one hears his tears. A promise by the bedside. The training. Criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot. The Bat.
We rarely talk about Thomas and Martha because it was never their story. It was the story of a boy who found the meaning of life...no, at this stage, of existence...in fighting Evil. It was 1940s. The early years of The Dark Knight, in terms of plot, emphasized the common person's ability to overcome challenges and help those who cannot defend themselves. At first, the reader saw a “cool and intimidating” costume. The vigilante in action.
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However, diving into the text we find that this Frightening Guardian is very...soft. He stays and tends to the victims of crime. Doesn't let people get discouraged. He is feared by criminals. He doesn't mind much that the police can do it either. But he's not an enemy of the society.
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Later, Robin shows up. Alfred. Batwoman. Batgirl. The League...
But Batman remains their friend too. And so does Bruce Wayne, who...started life in the 1950s.
Chapter Two. Creating Identity.
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Until about the early 70's(I'm using decades for simplicity, the actual timeline is a bit different) Batman's adventures explored the big issues people care about - corruption, war, crime. The wrapping of this was removed from reality. Took the form of evil clowns, spies in funny costumes, even aliens. Comics didn't want to pour complex things over our heads in their purest form.
But the important thoughts, the problems themselves and their possible solutions, along with the dreams of Mankind (flying cars, new discoveries in medicine, exploring the world), have always been the theme of the issue. For this reason, most of the dialog was directed at external things. The characters showed themselves through their actions.
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We saw that Bruce can truly doubt, worry, and do crazy things. But he always cares about his young partner and wants to give him the best of what he himself has. Often in his interactions with Dick, Wayne shows pride in his son, his support. Many times he even risked Batman's life to save Grayson. And yes, the idea of separating man and suit, outside of formalities, didn't exist back then.
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The idea of a billionaire wasn't a big deal yet, and 99% of the problems were solved by the masked vigilante, while the rich guy was a good cover for gathering information, which he did in the first issues.
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Comics and media(audio, animated series, books) that recall this period especially emphasize the moment of complete father-son trust. As the point of supreme discovery of Bruce Wayne's mind. He wants to see a world where people are friends with each other. Openness. Sincerity. Idealism without drifting into absurdity. This is the Bruce Wayne of DC's first 30 years.
Chapter Three. Flowers are better than batarangs.
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It's ironic, but with the visual darkness (relative to earlier works), 1970's Knight was the perfect middle ground between Bruce and Batman. The conflict of concepts was not yet seen from the angle of falling into darkness, but made many, not always consciously, afraid of their own protector.
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My words should not be taken too literally. Gotham loved him. He openly cooperated with the police. Easily walked through the door of people's homes if invited. However, he could also be tough on crime and move like a shadow. That was troubling. But Batman doesn't cross the line. He's too kind. Everyone knows that.
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Bruce is finally the man we know. Playful and frivolous, but the rich who loves beneficial initiatives for the city and its residents by day. And caped crusader by night.
He adores his children, starts many foundations and even a detective agency to help those in need and make police work easier. At the same time, Bruce's personal life is also going well. The authors are constantly looking for the man to be the love of his life, and the idea of retirement with the possibility of helping the world in some other way, without the cape, is increasingly glimpsed in stories about a possible future.
Unfortunately, the picture limit does not allow the narrator to continue his never ending battle, and so he will continue in the next post!
P.S. That and other themed post can be found under BrightKnightUpcoming tag.
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the-ghost-of-jason-todd · 20 hours ago
hey DC/batfam/teen titans/rhato fandoms, i need some audience participation to figure out a fic
gimme a moment, this needs some context
so the AU: basically canon divergence, where the divergence happened before bruce's parents were killed. instead of getting murdered, they were instead bankrupt, and thomas, martha, bruce, and alfred all fled gotham to bludhaven when bruce was about four.
the resulting consequences: because he left gotham, and his parents weren't murdered, bruce never became batman. he instead became a cozy mystery/thriller writer--not all that famous, but enough to get by. because he didn't become batman, though, any gotham rogues whose origins are tied to batman never became rogues. also, none of the batfamily became heroes, though somehow bruce did manage to find and adopt most of the robins (dick, jason, tim, and cass, in this case). cass and damian's origins are technically unchanged, but dami was sent to bruce as a baby with the cover of anonymity, and both of them became civilians. cass is still a trained assassin, however she uses her skills mostly for chaos and also bypassing rules she thinks are dumb (like when stores close for the night) (she'll still pay, though). dick and jason's origins are only tweaked for timeline purposes: so dick's parents still died, jason was on the streets for a bit, etc. tim... i haven't particularly decided yet, but i'm leaning toward something about the wayne's situation having made it so tim was taken out of his home because of neglect.
that's not important. the QUESTION is this: i want dick to still be friends with the teen titans somehow, especially roy and kori, even though dick never became a vigilante/hero. roy and kori's origins are unchanged, so kori is still an alien and roy was a sidekick/had an addiction/got clean/was a vigilante/etc. by the point of the AU where this fic is, roy has now quit vigilante work and is going to college for engineering, and he ends up rooming with jason because he learns from dick that jason will be going to the same school as him (we're going red hood/arsenal vibes lol). so.... HOW DO DICK AND ROY (and kori) BECOME FRIENDS?
.................wait hang on. just had a thought. what if dick was friends with WALLY first??? like maybe he got saved by the flash/kid flash at some point, and managed to make friends? and then wally introduced him to more of the younger superheroes? that dick grayson charm......... i could work with that.
if y'all have any better ideas or want to help me with more comic-realistic meet-cutes uhhhh friendship-building lemme know
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lynelsscareme · 2 days ago
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Two Hero of Legend's walk into a restaurant, and neither is ever, ever going to tell their respective group what they just saw.
Swift: ... Never talk about this?
Legend: deal.
Gates of Courage and Linked Universe are entirely different trees in the garden of time. They can see each other, and entangle their branches, but they can only ever grow and drop their own leaves. Legend is from a universe where he will - maybe - retire and have a life. Swift did... not do that. Did not do that at all. Legend dreamed and woke up, faith in happy endings shattered. Swift's nightmare kept going when he left Koholint, and that quest isn't the only one with nothing to show for it except bad memories and poor sleep.
(There is only one Ravio per timeline, after all, and Swift dreamt his away by accident. Much like many other quests he only barely remembers completing across time and reality itself... He's not really sure what number he's up to, and he's not sure quests in realms that may no longer exist after his timeline converges in the War of Eras matter in the count.
In the end, between the two, only one of them carved an Ocarina out of a time stone, and of all his regrets at least Legend doesn't have to lose sleep over that.)
Because of how massive the fandom base is for LU, I might as well state the differences up front so people don't get confused by changed characters and circumstances for each link. No, they aren't part of the same timeline (tree, I've decided to consider it) but they have a lot of shared patterns. The most glaring differences is both the number of Links (Gates has... an unholy amount) and the sequence of events. (The True OG timeline is the Downfall in Gates. Deal with that information how you will. Just know that Swift will be coming to terms with both saving untold numbers of people of the absolute destruction that originally awaited them when the Heroes Spirit broke, and condemning possibly hundreds of thousands of people to witnessing the same cycle of chaos that had plagued the world since the First Hero. You know that scene in Sinbad, where Eres shows the Sand Ocean? Yeah... close shave, mate.)
I can't not acknowledge the importance of LU in how I've made and altered certain characters - I've had to completely rejigg certain ones entirely whenever I notice I'm unintentionally mimicking or running alone the same ideas as Jojo - but that goes without saying, as does the influence all the other 'Link Group Quest' fics and comics have had over the years. There are so many that I, personally, have read and liked that it'd be impossible to list them. Regardless of that, I will happily tag my fanart of other people's pretty dam awesome depictions, and my own as vastly separate entities, and will do my best to extend that curtesy to all the others making their own Mega Works.
The most enjoyable part is, thanks to the Magic Systems and Major Divine Plot Bunny that makes my AU what it is, crossovers can be whatever you or I wish it. This is our sand pit, and we all have been given our buckets!
[In other words, don't let the size and complexity of LU scare you out of making your own variations of the idea. Nor the idea that others like me have been making ours for a while, or have seen the idea before. There is no crime punishable in playing with barbie dolls, go absolutely bonkers.]
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seventeenmisaki · 3 days ago
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word count : 2,061
timeline : march/april 2023
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“step aside! move out of the way!” a bodyguard shouts while other guards try to make a path for seventeen to get through. misaki is bombarded with questions and hears cameras constantly clicking from reporters.
they leave the venue after finishing the press conference for “fml.” misaki swallows hard and looks at the ground while walking. there are so many people present, and the crowd intimidates her.
misaki follows seungkwan, who holds her hand as they get through the crowd. then, jun wraps his arm around misaki’s shoulders. “just a few more seconds. we’re almost to the vans,” he says to her.
like jun said, they reach the vans within seconds. misaki climbs into the back, sitting next to woozi. seungkwan and jun climb in to sit in the row in front of them while a guard slides the door to the van closed.
“you okay?” woozi asks once misaki’s settled into her seat.
she huffs out a breath. “yea, i’m okay,” she answers while putting her seatbelt on. woozi pats her shoulder, and they smile at each other.
“that crowd was a bit worst than usual,” jun comments, “more reporters for sure.”
“you guys handled it well though. i don’t think anyone expected that today,” your manager compliments from the driver’s seat. “okay, let’s get you guys where you need to go.”
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“today was stressful,” misaki says before sighing. she lays on the floor in the practice room.
“because everyone was focused on you again?” dino asks her, also laying on the floor next to her.
misaki had been practicing alone after the press conference until dino showed up after his schedule. the two of them practiced for the comeback for awhile.
the girl is still on edge after the press conference. the entire event overwhelmed her. reporters had more questions for her, and it felt like the press conference was for her again instead of the mini album.
“yea. i guess the idea of a new person joining is too bazaar. it’s not like i’m an alien or anything,” misaki replies. she sits up, “do you think everyone will like me?” she asks dino, looking over at him.
“who wouldn’t? you’re so cool and amazing,” dino answers and sits up. he scoots over to face her. “there will be times that suck, but no matter what, we’re happy that you’re with us. those six months of discussion didn’t happen for no reason,” he reminds her.
she smiles, “thanks.”
“no problem,” he says before getting up. “come on, let’s practice before we get scolded tomorrow at the shoot.”
all of the performance team members have been helping misaki with learning the choreography for the comeback. lots of hours have been put aside, but she’s enjoying every second in the studios. normally, misaki is good at memorizing different routines, but she has a lot on her plate since her debut is more than just appearing on stage.
“watch your feet. don’t cheat the steps,” dino says to her as he watches her go through the choreography by herself. “do it again,” he instructs. she starts dancing again, fixing her steps and trying to be as clear as possible with her movements. dino smiles, “good. keep going. good. watch your arms. oh, wait. stop.”
dino gets up and turns around to face the mirror. he starts showing the correct move to misaki, and she realizes her mistake.
“oh, like this then?” she asks and dances to the section of choreography.
“it’s your arms that look weird,” dino says and grabs her arm to straighten it so it’s parallel to the floor. “don’t let it flop down so much.”
"but what if i wanted to flop around like a fish?" she asks him.
dino and misaki stare at each other before they start laughing together.
"you're ridiculous."
the two practice together for a few hours before heading home for the night. a staff member brings them home with misaki being dropped off first.
once misaki makes it to the dorm, she goes inside and locks the door behind her. she turns the lights on and checks her phone to see if anyone has contacted her.
she notices a few texts from the guys and staff members. most of them are reminders and some random things, but she replies to all of them.
afterwards, she takes a shower and eats a quick snack since she isn’t too hungry yet. with nothing to do, she lays on the couch, thinking about the music video shoot.
we film the music video tomorrow. that's crazy.
it’s finally happening…
misaki picks her phone up and calls the entire seventeen group chat. she’s unsure of who would pick up but patiently waits for someone to answer.
“hello?” jeonghan answers.
“who called? misaki?” wonwoo asks.
“hi!” hoshi greets.
“yea?” dino speaks.
“that’s how you greet us?” jeonghan asks dino.
“well, misaki was the one who called, and i did see her like forty minutes ago,” dino replies. “anyways, what’s up?”
“are you okay hyunjin?” jeonghan asks her.
“i’m fine,” she says. “i just…i just need some advice,” she claims.
“advice?” hoshi questions.
“for tomorrow?” wonwoo asks.
“tomorrow, and honestly, everyday moving forward,” she answers. “you guys have been doing this for a long time. i’ve never been in the spotlight before.”
hoshi seems to finally get what misaki is talking about. he sits up from laying on the floor at his house. “well, you’ve already experienced performance things since you were a backup dancer. you’ve been going to schedules and interviews, and you’ve handled them well,” hoshi says to her. “you’re in a different position than we were when we debuted, but you’re probably feeling the same way we did. nervous? anxious?”
“i don’t know how i feel. i guess…it just feels surreal,” she says while sitting up. she moves to sit on the floor and leans back against the front of the couch. “yea, i’m not sure how i feel,” she says with a laugh.
jeonghan chuckles, “you’ll be fine. you won’t know what to expect until you’re in the moment, right? so just take everything in as you go.”
“and don’t overthink and freak yourself out. you don’t want to stress yourself out,” dino adds. “you have all of us, so you’ll do just fine. the scheduling manager made sure that someone’s always with you too,” he reminds her.
“misaki, do you want someone to spend the night with you? maybe hanging out with someone will ease everything. it’s not that late right now. one of us could come over,” wonwoo suggests.
“no, it’s okay,” she replies. “i’m just going to eat dinner and watch a show or something. i have to get up really early to get my hair dyed and pictures taken.”
“well, don’t stay up too late tonight then,” hoshi says to her.
“yea, if your status is online, i’ll tell s.coups,” wonwoo adds.
"hey...that's just mean..."
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after the call ends, misaki makes dinner for herself and meal preps since she has a lot of things going on during the week. on the kitchen counter, empty containers are lined up and each of them are packed with food.
“maybe i should eat this instead…it looks really good,” she speaks to herself while putting a pan into the sink, intending to wash it later. “that one looks good too. should i start a youtube channel?” she ponders and looks the the containers again.
misaki jumps when she hears someone call her name. she turns around and sees hoshi standing at the kitchen island, laughing his heart out at misaki’s reaction.
“don’t scare me like that!” she yells at him. “what are you doing here?” she asks while putting down a pair of chopsticks.
he shrugs, “i wanted to hang out with you. i brought some drinks,” he mentions, holding up a plastic bag. he has a duffel bag slung around his body. “i’m gonna spend the night here too,” he adds, “i need to wake up early so it’ll be easier to leave from here.”
misaki realizes that hoshi is here because of the phone call. “you didn’t have too…” she says to him.
the tiger shrugs, “i was bored too,” he says nonchalantly and takes his duffel bag off, placing it on the floor against the wall in the hallway.
“did you eat yet?” misaki asks him as he walks into the kitchen.
“i ordered food,” he answers and places the plastic bag on the counter. “what’d you make?” he asks, peeking at the containers that misaki had set up.
“nothing special,” she says and starts putting the lids onto the containers.
“well, i’m going to have a bunch of food, so save whatever you were planning to eat tonight for another day,” hoshi says to her.
“are you sure?” she asks and he nods with a hum. “oh, okay.”
“bring a few containers with you tomorrow. i’ll eat one during our break. can’t let your hard work go to waste,” he says and pats her head before opening the fridge. he puts the containers away in the fridge for misaki while she starts washing the dishes. “need me to do anything?” he asks her.
“no, i got it,” she answers, “you can watch tv if you want. i use vernon’s accounts.”
then, both of them hear the doorbell ring. “oh, my food is here. perfect timing,” he says and leaves the kitchen. hoshi unlocks and opens the front door, “thank you for being my food.”
"why did you order so much food?"
hey, that sounds like—
"hey, don't judge me now. i ordered a lot for all of us," hoshi replies.
"my little angel~"
misaki turns her head and sees jeonghan and seungkwan standing in the hallway.
“what are you guys doing here?” she asks in disbelief.
"last time i checked, someone called an hour ago asking for some comfort," jeonghan says with a grin.
"the others are on their way," seungkwan mentions.
"the others? you mean everyone?" she asks.
suddenly, wonwoo pops his head into your view, "didn't you look at the group chat? everyone said they would come over,” he mentions.
"yea, the8 hyung even said he wished he could get on a flight right now to come over too," seungkwan adds.
”really?” misaki looks around the kitchen but doesn’t see her phone, “i’ve been cooking. i don’t even know where my phone is.” she turns the sink off and dries her hand with a towel.
"do you need anymore help in here?" seungkwan asks after he puts his stuff down.
misaki shakes her head, “i just need to put some things away.”
mingyu walks in with bags of takeout, “hey, i thought someone was gonna help me,” he says and huffs out a sigh.
"bring it over here. i’ll set up the food," hoshi says while some of the guys bring the food into the living room. “misaki, do you have a table?” he asks.
“there might be two of them here, but i’m not sure,” misaki answers.
“i’ll look for it. you go over there,” seungkwan says to her.
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after everyone arrives, they hang out in the living room and most of them eat dinner. some of the guys sit on the couch while everyone else sits on the floor. there’s a bunch of takeaway containers along with utensils from the kitchen because there weren’t enough disposable ones.
“alright,” mingyu says, putting his arm over her shoulders, “let’s talk.”
“talk about what?” misaki asks.
"did you forget that you called us?" jeonghan asks again.
"how are you feeling about everything?" s.coups asks her.
"oh...better now. jeonghan's right, i won't know how i feel until i'm in the moment," she replies. "i just really don't know how to feel. the anticipation is getting to me.”
"you're a great performer, just like us. you know that you'll be able to do this, and we'll be there every step of the way," s.coups says to her. "we got your back," he adds with a smile, putting his hand on her head to ruffle her hair a bit.
she nods. “thank you all for coming over. it really makes me feel better.”
"of course, it's been awhile since we've hung out here," joshua says.
"we'll do anything for our makane after all," dokyeom says with a grin.
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next : “super” mv filming
return to masterlist
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novembermorgon · 2 days ago
Can we hear more about Daenys the Myrielle daughter? I love hearing your oc thoughts so much
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daenys ... she kind of exists in a bit of a vaccum where idk if i want to throw her in the main timeline of events in my mind but it doesnt matter i like to think about her anyways .
in the situation that shes around shes kind of like a baby made out of spite . which is really funny but i imagine it’s right after aerion gets back from lys with aerea and myrielle is really really upset and he keeps climbing on her which only makes it worse so she decides that the best course of action is of course to craft her own bastard . not that she’d ever tell him or admit it to anyone but well
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i haven’t completely settled a year for her to be born but i imagine shes about 4 years younger than aenys/maegor and one year younger than aerea . shes born and shes really big and looks like that so everyone is kind of looking around like are you guys seeing this .
but aerion doesnt respect daeron nearly enough to seriously consider the idea that his wife is cheating on him with this guy so it’s in the back of everyone’s mind but nobody has cause or proof enough to make a fuss over it . maekar probably runs summerhall like the navy i wouldn’t say anything either . someone coughs a bit and is like well she looks just like dyanna and everyone just goes with it . makes sense i guess .
i imagine shes very similar to myrielle both appearance-wise (well . her features etc…) and takes on a lot of her spoiled only daughter-personality points . shes sweeter than mom but also very stubborn and needy and a bit headstrong . most people probably struggle to deal with her and can’t wrangle her into going to sleep on time and eating her veggies or whatever but shes very close to myrielle and just like with her other kids theyre kind of attached at the hip . her only daughter of course shes going to dress her up every morning and make sure shes never hurt or inconvenienced or troubled by anything ever .
shes really into astronomy and stargazing and reading and sitting up late at night to ponder life as if she’s not like 6 years old . myrielle doesn’t get it but she’ll still sit around with her and uncle (cough) daeron and listen half-heartedly while they talk about the stars until she decides that’s enough and insists that daenys should go get some sleep instead of sitting up all night staring at the sky .
hermmmm… she lives the longest out of myrielle’s kids and goes with her to casterly rock after aerion and daeron die . probably struggles to really live her own life because myrielle is so dependent on her when everyone else is dead that she can’t really do much on her own . maybe marries one of gerold’s sons but it’s more of a formality because she’s at an age where she should be having a life and an identity of her own. spends much of her adulthood making sure mom doesn’t kill herself or crash out over everything going wrong all the time in her life . sorry everything always just kind of ends miserably ….
as always an unorganized braindump but i think shes fun and cuteee i like her very much
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eri-pl · 2 days ago
Yes. I ship them romantically in AUs where Melkor gets better early and doesn't wreck the Trees. No, I don't know why this changes it, but in my head it does. I firend-ship them in AUs where he gets better later. But yea, in my head if he didn't do many of his bad choices, they'd be happily married. They are probably the most shipping I do to any couple. (There is post-reembodiment Finduilas x Maeglin, but it's more "it rhymes thematically so it's a thing" and not emotional investment. anso Morwen x Eol but again it's "their names and aesthetics fit + he doesn't marry Aredhel in this AU and based on vibes he wouldn't be awful to Morwen, idk why, the vibes told me so + we combo Maeglin and Turin into a one disaster half-elf". OK I think I generally like Turin-Maeglin parallels a lot.) I'm bored by romantic plots, ok?
To me, "according to the early writings" ≠ "we know" (iirc it's not in the Silm) but yes, I can see that working. Not my HC really; I have more than one HC about what happens late in the timeline and they all are at the same time strange, vague, complex, probably not very well thought out…. and some other things. I can see them growing weary, yes, even grief over Melkor being a part of it but I have no idea how to satisfyingly tie that AUline to any variant of DD or generally "what do we do with Melkor in particular"
Do you think that since Melkor is trapped in the void, Manwë misses his brother? The King of Arda, on top of Valinor, staring into the Void, but without a glimpse of his brothers... 😭
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bartholomew-junior · 1 year ago
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woe six (five actually) human souls designs be upon you. very fresh designs that will probably be more fleshed out in the future once i’m less busy
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bluerosefox · 9 months ago
That Good Ol' Fenton Charm
Single dad Danny (to deaged Ellie and Dan) meets his neighbor Selina Kyle after one of her cats get into their apartment and he finds his kids playing with it.
Cue meet cute where Selina at first is just flirting like always but Danny charms her (aka being a bit dense but somehow adorkable, its charming)
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cowardlykrow · 11 months ago
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"Hah, dude doesn't even know he's in my tamagotchi."
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