#i have no idea how 12yo boy looks like
it seems like i once again kept you up late, will henry
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do you guys think warthrop ever tried to put will to bed after long night in lab but then got distracted and just stand there with will in his arms for god know how long thinking about something revolutionary because i do
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and will getting sleep of his life meanwhile
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mari-lair · 4 months
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Oh ryuuxwq, I have many thoughts. So much so this feels like less of an analysis and more like me embodying this gif:
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You have been warned, my thoughts will be below:
The theory Akane died and was rewinded back to life is one I really like, because Akane is the only character in the whole story that has two different bodies, which have been proven to be disconnected from each other (Being stabbed in his keeper form doesn't affect his human body, so it isn't a magical girl transformation. Is a brand new body)and he is arguably not alive in his clock keeper body, since he is not visible to people who aren't near death'
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Which is weird, considering we never see these two seemingly disconnected bodies together, there is no "your human body falls asleep when you're in supernatural form" with Akane, no attempt to do the usual "your spirit and your body are different things" which most supernatural mangas do.
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Even tbhk consider the soul and the body different things, otherwise Hanako wouldn't be able to possess Nene and 'borrow' her body.
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So is not like Akane's soul is forcefully separated from his body when he transforms or that his watch literally gives him a brand new magical body. It's more like Akane time jumps forward to his own death whenever he uses his clock(?) or something equally as suspicious. Time nonsense is involved, that's for sure.
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I have a theory that the clock keepers can mess with people's lifespan (said theory doesn't feel as wild as it used to now that we know they have enough power to recreate timelines, effectively changing MANY people's fate) considering Akane used to be a normal human who couldn't see supernaturals (so he wasn't near death) when the keepers were looking for recruits BUT the second Kako decided to form his contract Akane 'conveniently' started seeing them.
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It's heavily implied the keepers stopped time when making a contract with Akane and being able to share their power with a human is a power in itself, so their habilities are far vast than the basic "mirai move time forwards and Kako moves it backyards." they are op as hell. Who knows if the flashback ending with Kako's clock means they went back to a time where Aoi was safe or if there is more being done here?
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The thing that makes me the most confused is this:
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Cause it raises the question "Can Kako rewind Akane's time now that he is an honorary keeper?" I was tempted to say "no, he can't mess with Akane's time" cause why would Mirai sacrifice herself to protect Akane if Kako could heal him as easily as a flick of his watch? I am aware Mirai loves Akane but that seems extreme of Mirai for a staged trial🤨
But if Kako can't mess with Akane's time it would means whatever they did to Akane messed with how he interacts with time itself. Do you know how insane that sounds, especially since his supernatural body grows with his human body (since his supernatural body isn't the body of a 12yo boy, like when he made his contract) everything would become 10 times more confusing if Kako couldn't alter Akane's time (plus, the idea he 'revived' Akane would become impossible)
So I went to the moment you mentioned, the one where Teru talked about Akane's lifespam being affected.
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and Teru was wrong here. He had assumed Akane's human body would be badly affected by his wound, unaware both bodies are not connected.
However, both are under the assumption Kako can heal the stab wound.
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Which have been proven correct (?) off pages since once the severance was over and Akane got to see the keepers again, he was healed.
He no longer has his stab wound caused by Aoi.
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I now have the theory that Kako can rewind Akane's time but whenever he does it, it takes away some of his lifespan.
I think so for two main reasons, first it makes Mirai's sacrifice more serious and understandable.
I understand that Mirai loves Akane but unless there is a scene of Mirai feeling uneased by Akane's pierced and bloody stomach that we are missing, she should not save Akane? She is unbothered by dead or broken bodies, she know Kako for way longer than Akane and clearly love him lots but did not try to save Kako from his staged death, and she likes the idea of turning 'naughty kids' into sand (her rumors is about stealing people's time, and she literally lives with Kako, who can rewind time, so death isn't even relatively permanent to her)
She has always been like that, even Nene's dead didn't stick with her, she could be seen playing with Kako a few pages after the death reveal.
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BUT it is important that she isn't as stupid as she acts, she understand the gravity of Nene's situation. She understands humans have lifespans and that even she can't overpower a death set by fate.
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So her not wanting Tsukasa to pierce Akane's stomach, because she understands his lifespan would be reduced if Kako rewinded his time makes more sense to me: Even if the trial was a mockery, Akane's body isn't, his injury may be cured but he would have to deal with real consequences.
The second reason is because the theory that Kako's powers reduce people's lifespans would explain why Akane was able to see Kako when Kako needed him to form a contract, despite having enough lifespan to be oblivious to supernaturals before.
However, this paints Kako in a pretty dark light? It would recontextualize Kako's rewinding of the whole school and Akane's anger towards Kako during it all significantly.
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It seems extreme??? Especially for keepers that went out of their way to rewind the timeline to save the students and the balance of the world? It also leave many questions about how much control Kako has over people's lifespans, or how much Akane, as a temporary clock keeper, is affected by it compared to other people?
So I'm still firmly putting this on 'cool theory to play with' territory instead of 'prediction' territory.
Regardless, it's clear the keepers are very powerful, especially Kako.
This just makes them pick Akane weirder right? They are powerhouses with the power of time and life on their hands, why pick someone as unremarkable as Akane?
I don't think is a 'you're the chosen one/your blood was in the prophecy' kind of thing. He is genuinely a normal kid of some random family. I don't think he secretly lied, cause Akane was oblivious about supernaturals before his contract and the manga never shows any signs the Aoi family is relevant in any way: No supernatural beauty, no connection to the Akane sacrifices, no suspicious wealth, or tragedy. Even Teru, who is our exposition guys have nothing to say about his family
I will admit that his past is vague enough that Aidairo could potentially reveal something 'special' about it, but I personally hope he remains a normal guy.
The "You're not special, you're replaceable" energy to his contract makes Akane's obedience to the keepers and his uncharacteristically pessimistic stance on the situation way more impactful than if it was a "YOU'RE A DESCENDENT OF THE KEEPERS OLD FAMILY ALL ALONG! THAT'S WHY YOU WERE PICKED!" situation, or something just as dramatic, and 'unique' so to speak.
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I like to believe they picked Akane simply because he is a good pick. How do people always describe Akane? Responsible, dutiful, nice, wise, hard-working, stubborn. You need to have all these qualities to be trusted with a key that can change reality, someone too selfish, or too dumb, or too quick to give up regardless of their family name would be reckless with so much power.
Hell, most people would abuse the 15 minutes of stopping time that a keeper is given, but Akane always guards his power until the end of the day, and ONLY when no emergency happens did he use he pause Aoi's time to stare at her, something he always does without time being stoped anyways?? Something Aoi doesn't mind? Since she knows he is always keeping an eye on her??
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So he basically wasted his 15 times cause he didn't know what else to do with it????? He really settled for 'i like watching Aoi, i'll increase a little the time i have to do this' ?? What a guy.
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During his 3 years under a contract, Akane has never cheated on a test, tried to do anything he believes would make Aoi uncomfortable (like so much as poke her hand/hair/lips etc), or used to get revenge on teru. He was extremely responsible for the standard of a pre-teen who suddenly got powers (he was 12 when he first got the watch. he was a kid T-T)
He is a good babysitter to Mirai, no matter how much he feel some genuine resentment for what she did to him, he has a soft spot for kids and never want to hurt her. Just look at how gently he picks her up after he spend the whole chapter frustrated that she escaped. His hold was so loose and careful no wonder she easily escaped.
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He has been working hard and doing more jobs than he should since he was a kid! AND HE DID THOSE JOBS WELL HE WAS DUTIFUL.
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So he can work hard, he can do a ton of chores efficiently.
He must be one of the best interns the keepers ever got, cause they are way too happy to abuse their power and make Akane work like a dog.
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So I genuinely think they picked Akane because his family name may be unremarkable as hell, but Akane as a person is perfect to have as a maid/babysitter/keeper-of-the-key-that-can-reset-timelines in the school.
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starrypawu · 24 days
Hi!!!!!!!!!!!! I repeatedly saw your incredible artwork show up when I searched for AvA/AvM stuff, so I decided to check your acc and fell in LOVEE-
dudeee I wish I could do this
I can sorta draw but definitely not tHIS GOOD-
ahem anyway the question-
have you written anything on your vigilante AU? if so where can I find it?
I'm also writing a criminal AU and any ideas/general tips would be appreciated
(also if your writing is as good as your art I MUST SEE IT-)
HI TYSM!!!<33 and oh boy okay look i have MASSIVE amounts of respect for authors bc i myself suck at writing- like i genuinely wish i could be as good at writing as i am at drawing but they r very much different skillsets and i put all my skill points into the latter 😭 so i dont have like a fic or anything- currently im just trying to draw a comic!
though i do have like the general story of my au written down but its definetely nothing to show or marvel at jdkfkfkfkdn
umum and tips/ideas ummmm have like a skeleton of ur story before u start............... yeah ! JDKDKLDJS IM SORRY i am the wrong person to ask abt this- i barely know what im doing with my au and i write like a 12yo writing their first fanfic jskdldldks look the best tip i can give you is have fun !!!
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
I love the fact that in your story Jason tends to mythologize himself and everyone around him. The clock isnt just a clock it has a dramatic heartbreaking tragedy attached to it. Bruce and Batman arent just Bruce or Batman but also Odysseus. He himself isnt just a boy but pariyah who found someone like him, a soldier trying to stand his ground. I also love that he looked at Tim "cringefail loser conspiracy theorist who commits crimes just because he wants" Drake and decided he's the coolest guy ever, similarly he heard about Stephanie "literally Just Some Guy with social skills and adhd" Brown and decided she's perfect and he could never measure upto her
Jason is so incredibly baby I love him. Terminally twelve. Afflicted with tween disorder. It's terminal. Baby boy.
Jason was easy to write, because he's just meant to be the opposite of Steph in every way. But they are identically Mary Sues. He's such a heroic, perfect little baby. He has a drive for justice and heroism like Steph does not have at all. His voice is almost as sophisticated as an adults. I wrote him as over the top perfect and virtuous. And he's still here like PERFECT FREAKING STEPHANIE BROWN. HOW I HATE HER.
OK this story exists because my friend and I were joking about how fucking awful it has to be to follow up on Steph's act. The sheer level of favoritism has to be fucking insane. Bruce thinks Steph is the most perfect child ever, who on Earth is going to match up. Jason has no idea that he is the favorite baby. It's so funny to me to write Steph "Canonical Fuck-Up" "Internal Narration at 8th Grade Reading Lvl" Brown perceived as some stupid perfect genius princess who everyone is obsessed with. It's a meta-commentary.
I think he's a very, very thoughtful person, but he's one with a temper. He's dreamy and spends a lot of time in his own head, but he most frequently uses his daydreams and habits of fictionalizing his own life like oven mitts, as a way of protecting himself and processing his own world into something he can handle. Being homeless is stressful and boring so he just read a lot. I think Bruce did that too as a kid, and their mutually overactive imaginations and more quiet and reserved natures let them bond. But like Steph, he understands the big picture and the importance of Batman and Robin in the cultural landscape of Gotham - Jason knows the meaning of Odysseus. I think he understands his spot as the inheritor of Steph and Bruce's legacy before Steph does. They began it, but Jason has to figure out how to tell its story and make it a myth. He's well-suited for the task: it was never Steph he saw in that Robin costume.
Re: Tim: if I was a 12yo boy and my big brother was a domestic terrorist who infiltrated foreign governments and went to MIT I would think he was super cool. Of course Tim's a helpless dork but Jason doesn't see that. It was fun to write Tim "Pathetic-ass Nerd" Drake viewed as incredibly cool, for the same reasons it was fun to write Stephanie "Has Not Read A Book In Four Years" Brown seen as a genius. Jason thinks of himself as someone with a strong imagination who also has a strong grounding in reality, but I think his overactive imagination makes him lose touch with the people around him!
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Violetta Paper Girls AU!
Violetta, Ludmila, Francesca and Camila are 12 year old girls (it's important to the story that they specifically are 12) who work as paper girls. It's Violetta's first time on it, as her dad does not let her go out very much and she begged him to please do something - she has no friends or any social life, so she just wants to get out. But.. it does not go as planned, as suddenly some really strange people starts to chase her, Ludmila, Francesca and Camila. They take cover under a bridge and then there's a light - without knowing, that light made them travel in time to 2016.
Arriving in 2016, they strange people still are after them, so they take cover at Violetta's house. Only to find out that… it's different. There is other furniture, the TV is "SO BIG" compared to the one they had in 1988 and then… adult Violetta comes into the room and is like "INTRUDERS!!". After finding out it's herself as a 12yo she just is like "Uh. help. what the heck." Anyway 12yo Violetta finds out that adult her is just sad and lonely. She apparently "quit the paper girl job after a day and none of these girls even know your name" and she never broke out of her father's overprotectiveness so she just lived at home and now she just has some lousy job. 12yo Violetta is obviously all bummed about this and just like. What the heck is my life I don't wanna end up like this. So adult Violetta tries to help them and just. Tries googling for stuff yk as a 2016 person does. And the girls are just like ":0 YOU CAN SEARCH?? ON THE COMPUTER??????" and they wanna look up themselves bc ofc Francesca searches for herself and she's apparently a singer in the future so she's like :D Camila searches for herself next and is surprised she just… cannot find anything. However, Ludmila does not want to find herself. She goes "if my mom got what she wanted, I don't wanna see my future"
Anyway after this, the strange people starts chasing them again and they just. Run as fast as they can. And this is when they somehow end up time travelling to 1999. Now, in the Paper Girls show (I have not read the comics), there's some drama in 1999, one of the girls as an adult comes with them and she accidentally gets killed by a future robot. This does not happen here. It's just the four girls, no one dies. But in the show, during this time, one of the girls gets her period for the first time and they just steal tampons and have this really weird but funny conversation how tampons work. Like they talk about toxic shock syndrome and one girl just goes "yeah my mom's friend got it and she lost her leg! She's still alive though, she just… doesn't have a leg" - that line is a huge Camila energy. No idea who would be getting their period tho, it could literally be anyone tbh ANYWAY, they go to Ludmila's house because Ludmila is sure that no one is home rn. But they are wrong - there is a party at her house. They sneak inside. Ludmila sees herself as a young adult and notices she's putting on a smile and acting as her mom tries to introduce her to some boy. Ludmila is like "I hate that man, I hate him, why am I doing this, ugh mom got exactly what she wanted"
But then young adult Ludmila excuses herself and goes upstairs. 12yo Ludmila, curious, follows her up as the other girls stays downstairs. She checks out her room and notices how there's… posters. Posters of movies she has never heard of (because they have not come out yet in 1988). There's also a lot of astronomy stuff obviously, which makes Ludmila happy that she still has that. Anyway then she hears footsteps and hides in the closet. In comes young adult Ludmila with… Natalia. YA Ludmila: Now we're finally alone Naty: Does your mom still try to push boys on you? YA Ludmila: Ugh, you should have seen her tonight… Naty: You just hang in there. She doesn't have control of your life anymore. You're taking more and more control. Went to film school instead of business school like she wanted. You're not gonna be some lawyer, you're gonna be the next big director! YA Ludmila: What would I do without you? Naty: * smiles * And then they start making out as 12yo Ludmila stands there in the closet like 🧍‍♀️ So obviously she has a whole "???? W H A T" process, while the other girls kinda realize Ludmila is gone and just goes "where tf is she help" But Ludmila manages to sneak out and comes back downstairs like " 😀 so guys. Where are we going next"
They go away and then find out Francesca in 1999 is singing at some place, so they go there just because. Young adult Francesca sees them and just is like "holy shit that girl looks like me" so she slowly goes up to them like YA Fran: Excuse me, what's your name? 12yo Fran: Francesca! YA Fran: … YA Fran: What
Anyway she takes them to her apartment and 12yo Fran mentions something about how she's gonna be successful in 2016 to which YA Fran is like "omg!!" Then curiously, she asks the other girls. Violetta: I am apparently very sad and lonely. Camila: I have no idea! I seemed to have vanished from existence Ludmila: I am a… filmmaker…
YA Fran tells them that "she sometimes sees Violetta go grocery shopping and she has been afraid to say hi, but maybe she will" and 12yo Vilu is like "PLEASE. I NEED FRIENDS, I DON'T WANNA END UP IN THAT SAD LIFE" For Camila, YA Fran says that she has decided to "move out to a faraway place and start a hippie colony" to which Camila, too excitedly, is like "I'M GONNA START A CULT??? MY OWN KINGDOM?? :D" and the other ones just looks at her really concerned
The strange people show up again and the girls flee once again. But this time, one of the people turns out to be kinda nice and just tells them that the others are out to either wipe out their memories or kill them, but they will help them get back home. In desperation, the girls agree to go with them. So they travel to the very far future to get into time travel pods that gets them to the exact time period they live in. However, the other strange people find out and tries to run after them, which causes a fight to break loose This eventually leads to the girls being separated into two time travel pods - Camila and Ludmila in one and Violetta and Francesca in one
And they end up time travelling to different time periods completely… and none of these are 1988 Where the two different pairs time travel I have not come up with.
And that's the end of my pitch.
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fellow-traveller · 2 years
Okay, this is purely an expansion of my JoJo OC - Il Gatto - and his world as a thief. Expanding his backstory is gonna be the death of me hence why I held back from talking more about this idiot.
But wth. I guess it's better to share it now than let it gather cobwebs at the back of my head.
So, Il Gatto is part of a gang unrelated to Passione (I don't have a name for them yet). Their modus operandi ranged from petty thefts on unsuspecting tourists, to robbing stores and banks. There are 6 people in it, including Il Gatto.
Each of them are Stand users, obviously. I have a rough image of how they'd look like but that'll be for another post, I think. Neither had a name yet, not even a Stand name...except one I've already contemplated about.
First, there are these twins. One girl, one boy. Probably about 10-12yo. I was thinking the girl has a Stand ability that could change a human into any animals she wished, and vice versa. She can also select only a limb to change, like changing a human arm into a lobster's claw...you get the idea. Useful for misdirections. She's cheeky, playful, a bit clumsy and likes to toy with her victims. I personally made her solely to change Coco Jumbo into a human temporarily to include a Stand-less Polnareff into this version of HoHo's Bizarre Adventure.
As for her twin, he's more quiet, stoic and calculative. I was thinking that his powers would be something like Khnum and Matte Kudasai combined. The people and animals his Stand touches will change into something similar but not quite. However, the ability doesn't work on him. Useful for recon and also misdirections.
I also have another guy, about Il Gatto's age, who's more reserved and timid. I'm not sure yet if I want him as Il Gatto's childhood friend or not. His Stand is an obscure one. It manipulates a confined space he is in (like a room or a in a car) and changes everything according to his will. It's much like Tenore Sax, except that the small range and time window are compensated by how much it can manipulate the room. It can even manipulate the air, the temperature, the electricity and water that goes through it, almost anything, really. Great for deception when running a heist.
Then, I got one mommy older lady, probably in her late 30s, who's the second-in-command of the team. She takes care of the younger ones, basically. Now this is the character I sort of established a bit more. It might not be a great idea, but I gave her the von Stroheim surname. She's a huge, strong gal with a Stand called Feuer Frei, a Stand with the ability to take a piece of anything, living or not, and propel it like bullets. Bigger ones will work like bazookas. Great ability to have when in a shootout.
The last one is the leader. A man in his 40s, with years of experience in heists and robberies. He and the Stroheim lady go way back, in their own mafia organisation, but Passione came in and practically bulldozed their gang to the ground. I haven't establish what his Stand is yet, so I'm keeping him a mystery for now.
Sounds like I just wrote the plot of a new JoJo spin-off. Now you know why I don't wanna expand on Il Gatto's story before this...I'd get overboard...
But, yeah, if I have the time, I'll try to get a drawing of the team out.
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tripletreebirb · 3 years
Mask and Wind being in Hyrule Warriors
So like everybody has already acknowledged that Mask (Time) was in HW and helped with the war and such but here's the thing
Wind ALSO.
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Toon link, right there, in all of his glory. AKA WIND. Why does NOBODY mention this????
(I feel like people ignore Wind's adventures way too much. It's starting to really frustrate me *sad face*. Like, first of all lets remember he stabbed someone straight through the face when he was Twelve, also he shares Windfish with Legend, can see ghosts -I have seen that one a lot more recently- , IS A FRiggen Pirate, and fought a war. Can- can we not just wave him off as a childish traumatized 6yo or a stupid 12yo boy? I personally see him as the most terrifying member of the chain. Just like, I love him so much, but sometimes he scares me.
I got off topic.)
So in HW Toon Links Bio is: "With portals opened to other dimensions, another Link slipped through – the legendary Hero of Winds from the Era of the Great Sea. While trying to save his kidnapped sister, he challenged the ruler of evil. Helped by a red boat and a pirate crew, and controlling the wind, he traveled far and wide across the Great Sea. Quick on his feet and light in the air, Toon Link excels at speedy combos with his short sword and trusty Deku Leaf. He may be small, but he packs a punch!"
Even more proof right there, that he is actually wind and not another toon (like Leg or smthn).
I was talking with my sibling about this a couple days ago, and they actually had no idea Wind was there so I'm guessing that's how it is for all'yall. But while we were discussing, I started thinking about the rest of the chain and such. And how I makes no sense that Wars and Time wouldn't recognize him when they were such prominent parts of the war.
So, if you've ever played HW you know that you have to fight characters to be able to play them. That means the first time they (Mask and Wind) met Wars, it would be by fighting him.
(Brain thinks more angst when wars has to fight this kid and thinks it's probably the kid of a traitor he killed. But then like, very quickly realizes it's not bc they actually know how to Fight.)
But Like Think. Why would they fight first thing when they get there??? I would say like they're just freaked out but considering there's literally no other option to get the character, my brain goes to that idea that all the earned characters, upon first arriving in HW were possessed and compelled to attack all Hylians and their side alike. That makes even more sense to me because Why would Cia (the one who made the portals) bring in more warriors for the opposite side?
So how it went for Mask I think, is that he and Wars fought, and when Mask was defeated he was offered to help with the war (like all the other characters did). Wars and Mask are seriously heavy hitters (like if you've Ever Seen Wars Fight Like WOw), so they are both put on the front lines I say Mask is a heavy hitter not only because he's amazing with that friggen sword of his, but also because he has the Fierce Diety.
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(Speaking of FD, I can't help but think of what would cause Mask to get so low that he would use FD so often. Brain thinking goes to Mask fighting in the war, hope is fading, he's near death, and a s a last resort uses it. That's the first time there. But afterwards he realizes how useful he can be as FD, and while he doesn't want to do anything anymore because he's burned out and probably high-key suicidal at that point, he decides it's better if he just lets FD take over most of the time.)
But still it wouldn't make sense that Wars doesn't recognize Wind. SO solution:
Impa or someone else are the ones that first fought Wind, keeping him from meeting Wars them. Afterwards Wind joined the war and was put in a different faction of the war, further in the back, because he's more strategy than heavy hitter (ofc he obviously still fights really well) meanwhile Wars and Mask were in the front lines. This why they never knew Wind was there. Because they Never Met.
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Look at him. So majestic. SO epic.
So my conclusion is: Wars and Time didn't know Wind was there. Wind was there. And because he's a secretive little creep, doesn't tell anyone.
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birdkujapropaganda · 3 years
my completely biased and official rating of every keyblade ever:
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Kingdom Key: absolute classic. excellent design for the like, mascot keyblade. very simple, vaguely key shaped. i hate the mouse head though it's so stupid and makes no sense. and i hate mickey. 9/10 minus a point for the weird mickey keychain
Oathkeeper: wonderful. amazing. never boring. excellent design love the heart and wings and all the significance. and that the keychain is kairi's charm? terrific. 10/10
Oblivion: brilliant. awesome. phenomenal. again excellent design the wings and chains and purple crystal are absolutely perfect. love the crown keychain. 10/10
Ultima Weapon 1: literally just a sword with some filigree on it. nice. too much yellow and i don't like the weird cyan gradient on the guard. 7/10
Kingdom Key D: d for disgusting. i don't have any other comments i just hate it. 2/10
Keyblade of Hearts: yeah that sure is an anti-keyblade. love the simplicity and the heart in the negative space of the teeth. and that it doesn't have a keychain, that fueled a lot of theories for 12yo me 8/10
Lady Luck: i think i don't like this one bc to get it u need to use a white trinity but you can't do that until near the end and i have way cooler blades to use. the design is pretty ok, don't really get the card keychain tho. 5/10
Olympia: oh the sight of this one makes me irritated because the kh1 strategy guide uses this in one of the pictures for the fight against possessed riku. it did not help me win. and i hate short keyblades. love the clouds and columns though 7/10
Jungle King: kinda ugly but i appreciate that it looks kinda handmade. also like the butterfly keychain bc it doesn't look like it fits but it Does. also the first good alternate blade u get in the game so. 8/10
Three Wishes: not bad but it doesn't stick out to me either. also doesn't scream agrabah to me but also it does? 6/10
Pumpkinhead: NICE. very long and very cool. the teeth looks like bat wings and a pumpkin so very epic. 9/10
Wishing Star: so pointless i already have pumpkinhead. also short. cute design though i like the gears. 5/10
Crab Claw: i never used this one because it stuck out so ugly in Halloween Town </3 i love blue and crabs though so 8/10
Fairy Harp: I HATE YOU DIE. short and stupid. does NOT remind me of neverland at all. 1/10
Divine Rose: pretty nice but short and lategame. always thought its existence was kinda weird?? like thanks belle but why. i have oblivion. 7/10
Spellbinder: for some reason i really don't like it. i like blue and the circles are neat. the handle looks really painful though. 4/10
Metal Chocobo: kinda ugly lol. love the holes and chocobo keychain. 8/10
Lionheart: oh i am so biased by recoded. absolutely excellent keyblade. design's kind of weird tho where are those lions going. 9/10
Diamond Dust: so i was really confused because i thought this was khux-only or maybe bbs keyblade but apparently it's kh1 final mix only. you know what i got as a reward for fighting the ice titan? sephiroth. you know what i got for fighting sephiroth? NOTHING. it was my favorite khux blade though so grrrr 7/10
One-Winged Angel: grr bark bark final mix again fuck you. kinda weird design though like what is the teeth? a meteor? should've been a wing. nice guard though there's not enough hand room. excellent keychain obviously. 8/10
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Ultima Weapon 2: very similar to the first but blue and symmetrical. very good learn from your mistakes. 9/10
Destiny's Embrace: very cute!! my favorite part is the name. i wish it wasn't so like. stereotypically girly though. like you look at the destiny trio's keyblades and can immediately pick out which one is The Girl's. 9/10
Star Seeker: i wanna hate it because it's mickey's/yen sid's but honestly it's so nice. the stars and moons and comets and gradients and colors... wonderful 9/10
Rumbling Rose: oof. weird and ugly and gross. keychain looks like a ladybug from far away. 3/10
Hero's Crest: bring the clouds back. i don't really get the design but i like columns. 5/10
Monochrome: super cute!! i don't like Timeless River but this fits it so well and has cute hit effect. 8/10
Mysterious Abyss: i always get this one way late in the game so it's always pretty pointless oops lol. also the design doesn't really say atlantica?? 3/10
Follow the Wind: another weird miss but i like this one more. nice wheel shaped guard, and that the keychain is a cursed coin. 6/10
Wishing Lamp: now THIS is the agrabah keyblade. very nice and elegant. looks like the palace! 7/10
Decisive Pumpkin: THIS ONE 😭😭 it's so ugly but it's so strong so i have to use it but it's so ugly. it does look like jack's idea of christmas so points i guess 😭 4/10
Circle of Life: also pretty ugly. and short. sorry simba. 3/10
Sweet Memories: shrek voice it doesn't even have attack. i don't like winnie the pooh so that's definitely influencing me. makes cute noises iirc and looks pretty cute. 4/10
Photon Debugger: this one should look pretty cool but my brain is saying it's bad. i think the giant red ball by the teeth are throwing me off. love the neon blue tho 5/10
Gull Wing: why the weird space in the name. anyway. i really want to love this keyblade bc i love X2 but it's really bad. i'm so sorry YRP kh did you so wrong. excellent keychain choice though. 2/10
Guardian's Soul: MUCH better thank you. auron my beloved <3 the lines are very appealing and i like how simple it appears. also looks like auron's swords. 8/10
Sleeping Lion: wayyy better than lionheart. looks kinda like a gunblade! again though what are those lions doing. 8/10
Fenrir: my car key got in a fight. 1/10
Bond of Flame: looks like a bad first draft of axel's keyblade. either the teeth or the guard should look like a chakram, pick one. love it though. 7/10
Two Become One: MY BELOVED <3 excellent design, so so so roxas i think he should use it. very excellent i love the little twist at the top. checkered handle is a little weird. 10/10
Fatal Crest: lol i was so mad when i first saw this because it looked like one of my oc's keyblades. i like it now though, it's a dragon!! pretty neat bro 8/10
Winner's Proof: oh this one is so cute. if it wasn't a reward it would be really weird and bad. surprisingly elegant! and there's even 13 mushrooms on it! 9/10
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(shoutout to portadorx on deviantart for the 358 keyblade refs)
Missing Ache: YOU. interesting design, though it says roxas more than ventus to me. great first alt keyblade. 7/10
Ominous Blight: very edgy names in this game <3 looks like guardian's soul, which is interesting. i don't like yellow but it works bc blight 6/10
Abaddon Plasma: what a cool fucking name. so many yellow keyblades. but very cool looking i love roxas' aesthetic 8/10
Pain of Solitude: this is just pink missing ache. 8/10
Sign of Innocence: SO COOL. idk what's going on in most of these blades but i love it. 9/10
Crown of Guilt: come on. it doesn't look like a crown. big disappointment. very cool though 6/10
Abyssal Tide: so cool!! i love blue and fighting in midair <3 the teeth kinda looks like waves 8/10
Leviathan: weirdly furry looking. very cool guard 6/10
True Light's Flight: looks like two become one if it was only one. the top kinda looks like the nobody sigil 9/10
Rejection of Fate: SPEAR. epic name too, but i think it should swap names with true light's flight. very cool but i don't remember seeing it in name. kinda awkward bc it looks like it should be a spear 7/10
Midnight Roar: sooo cool. the orange handle pops without looking wrong... nice. also the teeth kinda look like a bat. 9/10
Glimpse of Darkness: ugly. weirdly bulky and hollow. short. 3/10
Total Eclipse: weirdly bumpy sword. i like how the orange looks like it glows. 5/10
Silent Dirge: GoD but purple. 2/10
Lunar Eclipse: TE but purple. 4/10
Darker than Dark: Hello 😳TLF but purple 10/10
Astral Blast: Abyssal Tide but yellow. interesting choice, but kinda clashes with the blue accents 7/10
Maverick Flare: Ominous Blight but red... excellent. very nice. 8/10
Twilight Blaze: Abaddon Plasma but red... also excellent. very epic. 9/10
Omega Weapon: props for not looking like any of the ultima weapons. very interesting and spiky but i kinda don't like it. 6/10
Aubade: kinda weird. "draws forth its wielder's personality"... ok. looks light elemented. 7/10
Wooden Stick: lol 10/10
Umbrella: not what i would've chosen but lol 10/10
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Zero/One: WONDERFUL, EXCELLENT, AMAZING. i can't really explain why i love this one so much it's just very good. 10/10
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Earthshaker: very solid design. not much to say it's just nice. love the colored guard. 7/10
Ends of the Earth: love that it is so clearly an earthshake upgrade. makes u realize how incomplete the first one is. 9/10
Dreadgnaw: kinda silly looking lol those are teeth. love the red bit in the center. looks very similar to earthshaker in a good way. 8/10
Chaos Ripper: looks like EotE but in a bad way. i don't like the weird teeth. it's also almost impractically long but i'm here for that. ALSO THE EYE. NICE. 7/10
Rainfell: oooo i love this it's so simple but so nice. very elegant 9/10
Stormfall: less nice. looks like a rainfell upgrade though. also kinda looks like master's defender which makes sense but i don't like it. 6/10
Brightcrest: GORGEOUS. PERFECT AND WONDERFUL. SO PRETTY. i wish it was kairi's. kinda looks to ornamental for aqua? but good for her. 10/10
Wayward Wind: none of ventus' blades look very ventusy to me. this one looks like an extra training one they had sitting around. cool shape though 5/10
Frolic Flame: NICE. looks like lea's frisbees! i like fire and fire designs so but it's a little awkward looking 8/10
Lost Memory: ok so first off WINGS. EXCELLENT. love that the only color is the heart. very cool and epic but i don't understand why it doesn't have a reverse grip handle. or the pointy bit at the tip. but still 10/10
Void Gear: hiii vanitas :) so anyway in my totally unbiased opinion this is the best keyblade ever obviously. love the gears and red accents and it's just super cool. the eyes and chains... vanitas character development keyblade when <3 10/10
Void Gear (White?): still very cool, love the simple contrast going on. 10/10
No Name: i didn't know this one was also called no name which is kinda lame. but i love the keyblade it's very cool. super glowy and i love the time design. 9/10
Crown Unlimit: I almost really like this one. very neat design, love the crowns and twists and glow. 7/10
Master's Defender: literally so plain and boring. i don't care if that's the point give it some frills. nice design though :/ 7/10
Broken Xblade: love the broken bits and the weird rust color. wish one of the kingdom keys was more broken and i think the top bit should be broken too. 7/10
Wooden Keyblade: sobbing and crying and tears. this is literally so cute and good and i love that it looks like Ends of the earth. or the kingdom key i guess. 10/10
Treasure Trove: i never expect to like this one but it's actually pretty nice :) wish the gems looked like they were spilling from the top and not leaking from the bottom. 8/10
Stroke of Midnight: also surprisingly nice! the guard kinda looks like a pumpkin which is cute. just a very cute design. 8/10
Fairy Stars: rad as hell. absolutely love this design very appealing. like how point the stars are. 9/10
Victory Line: i hate this one. maybe bc i don't like the world. kinda ugly and the teeth look awkward. 3/10
Mark of a Hero: ok we brought the clouds back but the weirdly buff trophy arm fucks this up. the blade is also just kind of a column, nothing going on there. 4/10
Hyperdrive: super cute!! love how the blade looks like laser fire and engine streams. the teeth are weird again though, and the handle looks like a bee 8/10
Pixie Petal: SO much better than fairy harp. this one is very cute and these teeth actually fit with the rest of the design. kinda short though >:/ 7/10
Sweetstack: oh this is so cute. a bunch of ice cream scoops!! why are the teeth oranges and what are some of those flavors. why are cones on the guard soft serve. 8/10
Ultima Weapon bbs: NICE. A SWORD WITH SOME FILIGREE BUT ALL IN BLUE. LOVE the wayfinders on it, very good for them. wish it wasn't just blue since it seems so aqua-centric but it looks nice soo 10/10
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Skull Noise: LITERALLY SO PERFECT. THAT'S SO TWEWY. INCREDIBLE. the headphones and mr mew keychain... wonderful. only thing is that the name is kinda weird. like it makes sense but sounds weird. 10/10
Guardian Bell: i like it more than i think i would. elegant looking, and i love the gargoyles on it. hate the sentient gargoyles tho. 8/10
Dual Disk: VERY cool! looks like it has a reverse grip. the teeth are really cool and i love the bright blue. 9/10
Ferris Gear: eh. pretty cute but i think my pinocchio bias is acting up. the gears are nice, reminds me of wishing star. 5/10
Knockout Punch: SO COOL. really love the spikiness and colors and that the guard looks like the monkey. unfortunately for it, i don't like monkey. 8/10
All for One: the design's nice and it matches the world... but eh. 5/10
Counterpoint: so fun!! the violin guard is great, and the blade looks so cool. the teeth are a little awkward looking, it goes up too much. 9/10
Divewing: RAD!. just a sword with a heart on it and i love it. just so fucking cool. and the guard looks like a wing so 10/10
Sweet Dreams: so cute :) in love with the meow wow on top, but the teeth go up too much again. and i think there should be some komory wings on it. 7/10
Ultima Weapon DDD: NICE. almost identical to the kh1 blade, but blue and BETTER. the wings above the guard and the crown coming out of dream eater sigil... brilliant. 10/10
Unbound: not a hit 💔 just kinda weird and unfinished looking? and the lime green bit is off-putting. the hear at the top is nice. 2/10
End of Pain: ok mood shift hello. looks like it should be one of terra's evil blades. at first i was thrown off but looking closer it's so cool. the wings and eye at the top... the horns above the guard... the butterfly and gazing eye (buttereye) keychain... magnificent. the blade reminds me of x2 dark knight paine's sword. 10/10
Ocean Rage: looks pretty cool at first but the monstro mouth guard is literally horrifying i don't want to look at it anymore 1/10
YMX's keyblade: apparently has no name and is different than the one in bbs. nothing new really to say since it looks pretty similar but the goat head on top is super interesting. how much did No Name (luxu) influence young xehanort... 9/10
Mirage Split: absolutely perfect. i can't think of anything that isn't positive to say. the stained glass, the heart by the teeth, the thin lines, the gradient, wings, pointy, the keychain, literally all perfect. 10/10
Nightmare's End: also utterly perfect. i don't like yellow but it works here and looks great. the cyan gradient is startling but matches MS so i love it. all the colors in the stained glass are wonderful. 10/10
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Starlight+: a little guady. but i love how the stars look like comets. the twisted blade looks neat too, but what's the point of the pointy bit on top. 7/10
Treasure Trove+: love that it looks golden and gem encrusted. very rich looking, but the cart is still leaking gems. 8/10
Lady Luck+: NOW the card thing makes more sense, i love how its incorporated throughout the design. more more interesting than the original. 9/10
Three Wishes+: looks like fire?? which is way cooler but why??? i like it more but where's the agrabah. 8/10
Olympia+: CLOUDS. like that zeus is in the clouds, but they took my columns. and the cyan handles are really weird. 7/10
Divine Rose+: excellent. what it should've been all along. the iridescenty guard is suuuper pretty and all the leaves and vines are great. 10/10
Moogle o' Glory: a lot happening here but i love smacking shit with a moogle head. there's so much happening and i don't really get it. 7/10
Fairy Stars+: i didn't know it could get better, the teeth is super cool looking but i wish the twisty blade was more visible. 9/10
Sleeping Lion+: love that it turns that metallic light blue color, very pretty. and the handle looks more like the gunblade! very nice looking and i used it a lot but the top is very weird. 9/10
Counterpoint+: let's take all the fun and exciting bits from the original and crANK IT UP TO ELEVEN. wait. stop. go back it's too much. very pretty still i love colors. 8/10
Fenrir+: my car key recovered from that fight. looks wayyy cooler and looks like ff7. hate the cyan glow though it feels weird. 6/10
Darkgnaw+: took me forever to find an image bc i keep calling it dreadgnaw. much cooler than the original, it looks like it's gonna bite you. the purple is also very nice. 9/10
Missing Ache+: POINTY. super cool but how does ventus twirl it around without poking himself. the colors are fun and it looks rad. 10/10
Diamond Dust+: i used this one the most <3 very pretty i love shades of blue and purple :) looks kinda icy but the top is weirdly flat. 9/10
Bad Guy Breaker: there's so much happening calm down 😭kinda nice but there's a lot to look at. also this world irritated me. 4/10
Gula's Keyblade: #leopardus4ever. as you can see, this keyblade is perfection. fun and spiky and lightningy. i think the whole blade should be lightning tho. 10/10
Aced's Keyblade: do any of these have names. anyway what a dreadgnaw ripoff 🙄 it suits him but guess what. i don't like him. 5/10
Ira's Keyblade: i don't like ira either but his blade is fucking great. love the teeth so much, and the colors. very pretty and cool 8/10
Invi's Keyblade: absolutely gorgeous. i love the flowing lines and little vines. love the colors and also it's super long. 9/10
Ava's Keyblade: girl this hurts to look at on a white background. very pretty though, i love how wispy and cloud-like it is. looks delicate which is great considering she'll kick anyone's ass. 8/10
No Name: unfortunately, this is absolutely wicked. look at it. it's wonderful. the goat head looks so much cooler than the other animal heads somehow, and i love the hollow center of the blade. and the teeth look like a claw, a little. just so fucking cool but i hate everyone who uses this. 10/10
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Shooting Star: super pretty, i love how this one flows. i wish the blade went down to wrap around the guard though, instead of cutting off. 8/10
Hero's Origin: they took away my clouds again. i like that half of it is just. zeus. the lightning bolts are cool, but the handle and guard don't really match. 6/10
Favorite Deputy: you are not my favorite deputy fuck you. i don't like toy story but i do like cactuses. 3/10
Ever After: this one's nice :) the guard is super pretty, but i wish there was more going on with the blade. 7/10
Happy Gear: this one's kinda ugly but i like it soo. the energy canister guard is cute. 7/10
Crystal Snow: i hate it so much. it's boring and the keychain is olaf and i don't like frozen. 1/10
Hunny Spout: pretty cute :) the honey jars remind me of sweetstack. i like the wooden handle. 7/10
Wheel of Fate: cool as hell that's my boat. love that the blade looks like a mast that's so cool. wish it wasn't so gray though. 8/10
Nano Gear: ah, here's the color. i like everything except how the nanobots look at the top. it's just kinda gross. 7/10
Grand Chef: oh this is so cute. but why is remy the teeth. poor rat :( but it looks very nice i like how the Tower goes into the guard 8/10
Classic Tone: fuckyoufuckyoufuc. i hate this one. pretty ugly and i don't like it. 2/10
Starlight: SO GOOD. very simple but i like that. looks mysteriously similar to the kingdom key? i love it but it needs a little more going on. 9/10
Ultima Weapon 3: LOOK AT IT. ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE THEY CAN'T MAKE A BETTER ULTIMA WEAPON. the silver and red look so good and it's spiky and cool. and the red is glittery!!! why? i don't care it's phenomenal. the spiky heart teeth. that it looks like it's moving. i wish i could break my rating scale. 10/10
Braveheart: riku kingdomhearts stole my fucking car key. we've all heard the complaints i'm not repeating them 1/10
Star Cluster: it's really nice >:( mickey switch with riku pleaase. the star theme is really cute and the colors are nice but why does it look so similar to the kingdom key. 8/10
Flame Liberator: i don't like the name but ok i guess. the keyblade is so fucking cool though. it's what bond of flame wanted to be. i love fire and it looks like it moves so hell yeah. 9/10
Xblade: still can't decide if i like this or not. How do you hold it comfortably. Love the glistening spiky bits. 8/10
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Getting whiplash going through your feed lmfaoo
People learn new words and suddenly try applying it to themselves and other situations, and usually they’re lying or have no idea what it really means. Happened with feminist, then misogyny, now grooming and gaslighting. I hate assuming they’re lying but how can’t I when a bunch of others have proven to lie on these serious topics?
Whoever that random, idia obsessed 12yo is sounds like an attention-craving child, I said what I said 🤷‍♀️ making an account to “call out” nsfw writers for…writing? Clearly someone is bored bc not only did they take the time to read the works, but also to comment on it. NOT TO MENTION! The kid oh so clearly stated in main that they’re in 8th grade… Oh I see how it is? It’s a big no-no for adults to write nsfw for “minors” but it’s a-okay for the fetuses to read nsfw and telling all how they want to be railed by…the very same characters that wouldn’t even want anything to do with them because the babies are, say it with me now, MINORS?! Seems like we’ve come full circle in this stupidity and madness.
Tell your napping anon to relax, I’m still thinking about that Leona post 😭 now Jack?!
AND EPEL?! WITH CHUBBY MC?! Stop it, my brain can’t take this anymoreee. Epel is such a mystery to me still but now I gotta search through his fic tags
That random kid actually annoyed me. How dare they try silencing works of the very writers who they probably get off on, screaming and kicking the air as they read under their blankets?? Praying they don’t wake up dear mommy or daddy 🙄 I was in 8th grade, I know what tf goes on. Y’all not innocent nor slick!! And 100% not better than adults. Y’all still have to ask to eat at McDonald’s, don’t play. Hell most of y’all just stopped having snack time and recess!!
(…I am the oldest and constantly have to assert my dominance over the lil minions, don’t judge me lol. “Why can’t we have subway” “do you..have the money?” “…” “no? Cuz l do, hah! Remember that next time you wanna be disrespectful <3”)
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the robot problem: a critical look at tobecky, 5 years late
hello wordgirl fandom i am back :) and i have a lot of thoughts that i never got around to expressing before i moved on from the show. so be aware that everything i'm saying is based on my experiences during the 2012-2016 era of the fandom & state of tumblr in general, and i am not familiar with more recent fan content.
it's been over five years since the show ended, and @ifbrd​ reminded me (along with some great analysis) that while tobecky was super popular since before the show technically started (thanks to the play date shorts), it's pretty unhealthy in a lot of ways that tend to be excused or flat out ignored in fanworks. i'd like to reflect on that a bit (a lot); specifically, how both the show and the fandom approached this enemies-to-lovers ship, and how easily this ship can slip into uncomfortable territory if we're careless about how we interpret the ship and create fan content of it.
i will admit, i'm mostly writing this as a response to past me and my old creations - though i moved on from the show as a whole years ago, i do like taking the time to reflect on old interests once in a while, and reevaluating my thoughts on them. and this ship is probably the biggest one that still lurks in the corners of my mind once in a while, so let's go.
cherish is the word: a short positive note before a much longer negative one
i wanted to start this essay off with some positivity, because i am going to be very negative after this. tobecky was, in some ways, cute. it's obvious from the very beginning that these two characters are on pretty equal ground, even if one of them isn't aware of it. and that's part of the fun - the irony of how unaware tobey is that his nemesis/crush/person that pretty much always wins against him is someone that he completely dismisses as incompetent. i want to point this out because honestly, in general i don't like enemies-to-lovers because a lot of them use a power imbalance within the dynamic, and i hate power imbalances, especially when it comes to actual life-or-death scenarios (at least, as much as cartoons can do that). in most episodes, becky is never actually forced to go along with his wishes. she's not held in a 'date' against her will, nor is she ever really outwitted by him. i bring this up because there is one huge, uncomfortable exception, which i will get to later.
another big plus to the ship is the fact that they just... get along? even when fighting? of course we get brief moments where they just hang out and talk about paintings or whatever, but i'm talking about how much they get each other, even if they don't realize it. like the word banter, for example. been there since day one. becky loves words, and while most other people in her life don't really care (ranging from 'eh, that's cool i guess' to her brother calling it annoying), tobey gives her a chance to show off and thus treats her as a worthy adversary as herself, not because of her more generic superpowers - something that we've seen in canon that she feels self-conscious about (see: her motivation in patch game). one of the less noticed examples, to me, is "it's your party and i'll cry if I want to", because it's just - okay. they both are excluded from a social event, and while it's obvious that tobey deals with it by destroying the city, it's also pretty obvious that becky also deals with her frustration by fighting in that battle. like, yes, realistically it's just objectively bad that he's destroying buildings. but they're also providing each other with a way to work through their frustrations, first by fighting and then by talking things out, and finally by hanging out together instead of dwelling on being excluded from the party.
so it makes a lot of sense to me that many tobecky fans gravitated towards writing far-in-the-future fic, usually by implying that some growth had taken place before starting to write the ship. (there are, as far as i'm aware, 2... maybe 3 exceptions, that take the time to attempt a real redemption for him, at least when i left the fandom.) because if you take away his worst moments, either by reasoning out that he was 10 years old and a mess, or that he was a cartoon character in a cartoon world where everyone's actions are over-the-top, or by just flat-out pretending that certain episodes never happened, there's some pretty solid ground to start a ship on.
go gadget go: we all do not see it, we simply close our eyes (review of canon)
when the show began, i was the same age as the characters. a lot of other people were, too - at least in my cohort of the fandom. i think it's pretty safe to say that many of us have fond memories of the show's earlier seasons, and held on to that interest as we got older, for whatever reasons. so like, not to be all 'as an OG fan...', but i remember seeing the shorts air for the first time in 2006. i have a diary entry in july of 2009 about how i, a 12yo with no concept of the idea of 'shipping', was disappointed in the new tobey episode because i wanted more tobecky interactions. (that was robo-camping, btw, lol.) and so i remember how exciting their rivalry felt, watching them as someone literally their exact same age, and then watching that again as a nostalgic 17yo, and then uh... growing up, to put it frankly, and realizing just how unhealthy most of their interactions were.
okay what i meant to say was, this section is an overview of the relationship's canon portrayal throughout the years.
first, we have early tobecky: this includes the shorts and the first few seasons. this is their classic relationship: he likes her and takes robots on rampages to get her attention, she majorly disapproves and has fun taking him down. we've all seen the show, you know what i'm talking about. his backhanded ways of trying to find out her identity often feature prominently in the episodes, which - sigh, i've mentioned this whole issue before, but it's kind of a grey area in the whole uncomfortable-factor thing, because while trying to find out her identity is VERY invasive, it's something that like... everyone in the show tries to do, even her canon crush (scoops). on the one hand, it's really not a great look, but on the other hand, this is a cartoon meant to parody a genre in which this trope is extremely common. so i just wanna say that i have Issues and Thoughts on this aspect of their relationship, but there are other things i find more important to discuss here.
second, we have late tobecky: this is seasons 7-8. this is... a very strange and huge shift from the previous dynamic, though it's not necessarily obvious. what i mean by that is that for some reason, the show writers made it so that half of tobey’s rampages have nothing to do with his crush on wordgirl, even though that used to be the sole reason for his villainy. seriously. we have the birthday episode, where he's upset because he feels left out; wg vs tobey vs the dentist, where he's mad that he has a cavity; and trustworthy tobey, where his robot goes on a rampage... after becky accidentally makes it malfunction. the two outliers are ‘guess who’s coming to thanksgiving dinner’ and ‘patch game’, but they still differ from previous seasons because 1) his destruction is isolated to a forest far away from the city, and 2) his motive is still to impress wordgirl, but his methods are relatively tame. also he completely gives up on the secret identity thing??? i may have missed some things but i think he straight up tells her 'yeah there's no way you're wordgirl, lol' and the subject is just dropped for the rest of the show.
i also want to include 'the robot problem' here, because it's one of two season 6 tobey episodes, and follows the 'doesn't destroy buildings to get her attention' pattern: in fact, he teams up with her to try and stop someone else from going on a rampage (even if his reasons are selfish, lol).
and finally. the other season 6 episode. we have go gadget go, the bane of my time spent in the fandom. because GGG is the single episode where tobey truly manages to take away her autonomy, and proceeds to abuse that power for an extended period of time, for his own amusement. it's bad. it's Very Bad. put in the context that it's a white boy doing this to an (ambiguously) brown girl, it's REALLY REALLY BAD. and the more i look back on it, tbh, the more weirded out i am that the show not only made it seem like she wasn't affected at all within the episode, it just... forgot about it (which is not unusual for shows and especially children’s shows, but WG does make some efforts to either retain continuity or create canon reasons for why things are forgotten about). it's the kind of thing that you can't excuse and honestly you can't redeem (like at this point, you gotta ask yourself why you're spending so much effort trying to redeem this guy when becky has several other possible ships that are nowhere near this unhealthy - violet, scoops, honestly even victoria if you want another hero/villain ship, my absolute fave rarepair rose, etc).
so if you want to still ship it you have to just pretend that it never happened. (i remember trying for weeks to write something exploring the aftermath of this episode, to try and make myself feel better about it, but the more i wrote the more i realized just how traumatic this event should've been, so i eventually just dropped it.) and i brought up my own timeline of experiences earlier to point out that this episode aired eight whole years after the show started. which means that when i saw it, even though i was a huge stickler for canon at the time, i'd built up my own idea of the show and characters strongly enough to go 'yeah, no, this episode sucks and i am going to pretend that it doesn't exist'. and i think a lot of other people did too, because i really saw like... no one mention it, ever, except for some rogue fanfics over on ff dot net that already liked dynamics like that.
because here's the thing, and i don't know if people nowadays are aware of it? but i'm 80% sure (cannot find a source, so the other 20% is that it was just a rumor) that the show was originally supposed to end after season 6. and even if it's a rumor, it makes a ton of sense, because we get 1) an 'ending' to tobecky, which is a bad one, 2) a permanent wordgirl identity reveal that significantly changes one of the major dynamics in the show, 3) an episode where TJ gets to work with wordgirl and get a nice potential ending for their sibling dynamic, 4) an episode where we see Two-Brains explore life without his henchmen... the list goes on, and idk how many of these are just major stretches. but the point is. if the show had ended there, that would've been a pretty solid ending for many things, including their relationship: aka, it would prove that it was only ever heading somewhere bad, and when tobey finally has his moment of triumph, he is truly evil about it. and this provides us fans who HATE go gadget go with an easy reason to dismiss it - we can say that it was an attempt to conclude things in a way that wouldn't have happened if the writers had known they'd get more time. but despite that... it is still a canon episode.
it is odd to me how dramatically the dynamic shifts after that, though, because we seriously go from 'worst case ever, tobecky is toxic, your ship is dead' to 'no actually they get along and hang out and get ice cream together and tobey isn't even pressuring her into it, she's happy to go along with it :)' like, immediately. i never knew much about the show writers, so i don't know if the writers changed in between these seasons, but i would absolutely not be surprised if they did.
the earlier episodes are definitely problematic as well (though they pale in comparison to GGG) but i think everyone who ships it is aware considering that tobey is, yknow, a villain. from memory, he destroys buildings to get her attention, lies to her about the level of danger that people are in to trick her into spending more time with him, blackmails her into reading his poetry, and he creates a robot based on her that’s supposed to be devoted to him (but of course, all of these things backfire). not great stuff of course, but like... he’s a villain, that’s the point of his character. and considering that he’s a child these are things that can be redeemed, if done thoughtfully.
anyway, to sum up this section, the show starts off with a pretty standard 'enemies with an unrequited crush' setup, takes a really dark turn for a single episode, and then for the rest of the show takes their dynamic in a direction that makes it much, much easier to ship. as long as you ignore a lot of previous content.
wordbot: where's becky's autonomy in all of this? (misogyny)
we've finally gotten to the fandom. i recognize that a lot of this is going to come across as hypocritical considering how active i used to be re: this ship, but like... i'm a very different person now. anyway. disclaimer i guess - i don't write this to accuse all tobecky shippers of being like this - i know a lot of us aren't/weren't! but boy do i have things to point out, so without further ado:
it is very hard to ship this without allowing some bit of misogyny to slip into it. very, very hard. the entire premise of the ship involves a girl falling in love with a boy that repeatedly pressures her to date him via threats to the safety of herself and people she cares about, which... it's 2020, i shouldn't have to explain why that's terrible & a terrible example to set for children (which is why i am glad they never made it canon, tbh). best-case fan content has tobey stop pressuring her and start working to redeem himself out of an actual change of heart, which leads to becky seeing him in a new light. worst-case fan content treats his incessant pressuring and sometimes outright threats as something romantic - and even worse, romantic to the point where he deserves her attention and love as a reward for not giving up or whatever. i did see this pretty frequently for a while, especially in the earlier 2010s (didn't read much, Not My Thing At All), but i don't feel like going into detail here because of how obviously problematic it is. one medium (but still bad) case is where the fan content makes him start his redemption, but treats her liking him back as a reward for not knocking buildings over anymore. another not great case is where she tries to fix him with her love, which is a very common and very dangerous romantic trope. both are just... so incredibly unfair to her.
in content where she tries to 'fix him'... yeah i feel like it's really obvious how misogynistic that is. girls and women should not feel responsible for the evil actions of men, plain and simple. idk what else to say here i just really hate that trope and hated it back then and it just sucks! so can we not do that anymore, thanks.
in content that treats her like a reward for good behavior, there really isn't much of an explanation for what she sees in him. if she just goes 'oh wow, you're good now, i am going to fall in love with you for it' the whole thing falls flat because it makes NO sense whatsoever. we get to hear so much about tobey and his feelings and why he likes her and how he feels about it, but where is that energy for becky? why does she choose to trust him, to spend time around him, what does she enjoy about his presence? where is her getting over scoops in the process of falling for tobey? where is her telling her friends about this, confiding in them, asking them for advice? where is her choice in the matter?
win a day with wordgirl: do you guys even like becky or do you just like the idea of her (misogyny... 2!)
it was pretty standard for all fandoms the early-mid 2010s, but that's still not a good excuse for why so many tobecky fanfictions centered specifically around tobey's feelings while refusing to give becky the same level of empathy and nuance. it is true that to ship them comfortably you have to redeem him to some degree, which means spending time figuring him out and trying to find ways to pull him to the light without feeling super OOC. but ships take two people??? and there was so much potential for fanfics to explore becky's complex feelings on the matter - because she is! complex! she's heroic and kind but she's petty and has a competitive streak, she easily befriends villains but also doesn't trust them and doesn't believe they can ever really change, she's the savior of an entire planet but has feelings of inadequacy as her civilian identity and struggles with feeling like she can be successful without superpowers, she's great at the straightforward meanings and uses of words and loves reading but struggles to write passages that aren't dry as hell, it can be easily headcannoned that she's neurodivergent (special interests, issues with fitting in with her peers, taking things very literally, etc)... seriously there is SO MUCH to explore about her character, and a lot of it comes into play when you add tobey into the mix (literally ALL of the things i mentioned are explored at some point using tobey as a parallel or foil), but i rarely saw fanfiction that explored her thoughts on things further than 'he's evil but... maybe good?' or 'he's evil but... i kind of like him anyway?'.
if you want her to fall for him while being a villain, explore it!! why does she go against her morals? does she lie to herself about it to feel better? does she feel like she has to 'fix him' as part of her superhero duties to the city, and if so, how does that affect her as she tries and fails to help him? does she fall for him when she believes that he's turning good, only to feel betrayed when he starts acting worse because he feels like he can get away with it? it's such a shame that fanworks spend so little time even considering these questions, and it is absolutely a product of how deeply misogyny is/was baked into how we approach media (especially back then).
tobey goes good: but wait, i thought this show was progressive (a conclusion, i guess)
ifbrd wrote a great meta recently about how the show is a bit misogynist, despite being progressive in several ways. honestly i don't have much to add, but i'd really recommend reading through this; it makes a lot of great observations about the ways that male and female characters are presented differently through the show
i have little to add, so i'd just like to conclude with a reflection on the ship from my current viewpoint. i do think part of the reason so many of us latched onto the ship, despite how obviously problematic it was, is that the show treats a lot of things that would be serious in real life as normal or even comedic - which is fine lol, i'm not going to pretend that it's not a show for little kids, so they have to keep the tone light.
but if we, as teens/adults, decide to engage with this content in a more realistic manner, we have to be prepared to confront how messed up so many of the things going on really are. and if you still want to ship it, there's nothing inherently wrong with that! there's a lot of interesting things to explore in this ship, no matter what stage of enemies-to-friends-to-lovers you write them at, and it can be really helpful to have a space where you can explore a dynamic such as this in fiction. (speaking from experience here tbh, writing some fic for them helped me deal with complicated feelings about some ex-longtime friends.)
so to write this ship at all means that there are canon issues that you need to deal with if you want to have them end up in a healthy relationship in any manner that makes sense (unless you create an AU where none of that is applicable, which, power to you then). and i’m not saying ‘write them with a healthy endgame or you’re Bad’, not at all lol. but at least please, please take a step back once in a while to examine the dynamic that you’re writing, and please be careful about whether you mean to be romanticizing whatever behaviors you end up portraying as good.
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mangaycompany · 4 years
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Summer Troupe headcanons for @timeskip​
This one isn’t really a headcanon, but I really like the idea of Summer Troupe going camping, sitting around a bonfire and all singing “Orange Heart” while Kazu plays the guitar!
I really like the idea that Yuki’s weak point is painting nails. He won’t admit it, but there’s a reason he never paints them himself, and the reason isn’t “It’s too much of a bother.”
But on the contrary, Kazunari is great at it! His hands are super stable thanks to years of art experience so he can do high quality work in very short time! He finds it fun too, so he often does others’ nails too if anyone wants him to. Misumi always asks for triangular patterns and Kazu is more than happy to oblige!
Muku has a growth spurt somewhere after year 3! Nobody notices it, since they see him everyday, until one day Yuki, while taking measurements, is like “Huh... Muku really is 183 cm tall, isn’t he..?” and everyone freaks out.
Tenma and Kazunari are the most procrastinating duo you will meet. They kind of bond over it; there are night where you will find them in the living room at 3AM desperately trying to finish assignments that were due last week, both just barely holding back tears
Misumi once proposed to Kazunari with a traffic cone, stating that he really needed to be Misumi Miyoshi to fully express his love for triangles (”Miyoshi” is written as 三好, with 三 (み or さん) meaning “three” and 好 (よし or す) meaning “to be fond of / to love”). Kazunari had to explain to him, while holding back laughter, that it’s not how it works.
Misumi loves wearing skirts (especially A-line and long flowy ones) because they’re triangular!
Kumon can’t play any instruments, but he actually has perfect pitch! He’s very good at singing just like his brother too! (Would most likely beat Banri if they went to karaoke together)
Kumon also has very bad memory when it comes to school stuff (his worst subject is history because of all the dates, which he feels bad about, because Juza is good at it) but he easily remembers stuff he’s passionate about
Everyone in the Summer Troupe loves games! They hold a game night at least once a month when they have time.
Tenma is terrible at Mahjong and tabletops, but surprisingly good at various card games
Yuki excels at Poker; always has everyone wrapped around his finger, but he has bad luck when it comes to board games with dice
Muku is, to everyone’s surprise, great (and absolutely ruthless) at Uno, but terrible at Monopoly; he always breaks under peer pressure and accepts all the deals, even if they’re bad on his end
Misumi somehow always wins at Ludo; he has some insane luck and always rolls the exact number he needs. Terrible at Scrabble though
Kazunari is great at Monopoly, Mahjong and Scrabble (everyone is surprised at his vast vocabulary, since he always talks in slang). Bad at Uno; never wants to +4 anyone so he keeps drawing
Kumon is a beast at Monopoly (who would have known he’s that good at playing people into his deals?) and surprisingly good at Hanafuda. Terrible at Poker; he’s too expressive for his own good
I am well aware how unlikely it is for such a large group of random people to all be LGBT+, but try and tell me any theater kid would ever be straight, I’ll wait.
Tenma never got to explore much of his identity prior to meeting everyone at Mankai. He always thought of himself as a straight dude and didn’t even consider a possibility of being anything else. He starts questioning himself when he sees how different people can be even though they all have similar passion. He doesn’t label himself anything; he’s still learning about what he really feels, but he also deals with a lot of internalized homophobia, which others help him learn to get over.
Yuki is nonbinary! Doesn’t care for gender; thought he might be trans until he learnt binary isn’t the only option. He knows there’s no possibility for him to actually “pass” in society, so he’s accepted he’s gonna be misgendered a lot everyday; he’s fine with being seen as a guy, but when people assume he’s a girl it actually makes him uncomfortable. He’s only out to a handful of people at Mankai (namely: Muku, Izumi, and Azuma) but he doesn’t hide it, he just doesn’t tell anyone.
Muku is transgender! He knew since late childhood (10-12yo); his family was extremely supportive of him (which is still quite rare in Japan) and thus he was able to go on blockers and later start HRT! He passes very well, but is still insecure because of dysphoria; he looks up to Yuki who can still be very manly and masculine despite dressing in a feminine fashion. He comes out to the rest of Summer Troupe around Act 6 and everyone is accepting (Tenma doesn’t quite get it at first but educates himself later on)!
Misumi doesn’t use labels but he’s queer! Sees no difference between different genders; he feels the same way about all of them! Doesn’t have any strong connection to his gender identity either!
Kazunari is pansexual! He knew he was LGBT since around middle school but also dealt with a lot of internalized homophobia at first (likes of “Oh, I’m gay but I’m not like those gays”) but worked hard to figure it out and by high school he grew to be much more accepting; meeting many different people and talking to them definitely helped a lot.
Kumon is homosexual! Never showed any attraction for anyone for entirety of his childhood and early teens, but nobody thought much of it and certainly he didn’t notice it either; he just had the most important things on his mind and finding a girlfriend sure wasn’t one of them. He first learns of his orientation when he suddenly develops a crush on a boy on his first year of high school! To say he panics about it would be an understatement; he doesn’t know what to do, he feels like he should tell someone but he knows it’s foolish to assume anyone would be accepting of him. He goes to the only LGBT person he can think of: Muku! Muku of course reassures him it’s okay and helps him muster up enough courage to come out to at least his brother; something he’d been dreading the most. But of course, after at least an hour of going around the topic in circles, he finally comes out to Juza, who’s, although awkward, very supportive. You know my boy ends up crying for at least another hour.
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marciego · 3 years
But what confuses me is that Alba said that Nati was 17-18 and Lodo said Fran was 17 in season 1... about Leon's birth year, a lot of pages and people said it's 1995 also German act like he's still a kid just like Violetta. He didn't acted the same way with Diego for example. Also...why tf Ludmilla had to live with the Castillo's when her mom married German if she's over 18
if i'm being honest i have so little faith in the writers it wouldn't surprise me at all they never even told the cast how old their characters were 😭 maybe lodo and alba assumed that because they were a bit older than that and...well, this is a show targeted towards 6 to 12yo little girls, the characters' reactions often look like what you could expect from middle schoolers, so maybe that's why their interpretations of their characters are a bit younger than what some of us may think?
maybe that's truly their age tho! i don't follow the cast at all so i had no idea they talked about that, and i think since we'll never have any actual confirmation we'll all free to interpret that as we want, to some they'll be highschoolers, to others they'll be college students, i think it's fine both ways!
also this show is so full of plot holes we'll sadly never have one answer that makes sense everywhere. because you're right, if she's over 18 a lot of what happens with ludmila in s3 doesn't make sense, but since it is said that violetta is 17 in s1, even if we consider that everyone is 17 at the time, she'd still be over 18 in s3 so.. no matter what we choose to believe not everything will make sense so i think we should all go for the version that seems right to us! for me, the cast being college students makes way more sense so i'll go with that, but that doesn't necessarily mean i'm right either!
and as for german, considering he treats vilu like a 5yo little girl i don't really take his actions as an indication about their age. tho you're right, he acts a bit differently with diego, but i think it's mostly because 1. despite everything he ever said he's kinda ok with leon, obviously he likes it better when violetta is single but compared to tomas or diego he likes leon way better 2. he sees leon as a princely rich kid while diego's bad boy attitude makes him more of a threat in his eyes (and while i hate german for what he did to vilu in s2 i think if i saw a guy kiss my daughter without her consent i'd also be pretty not ok with him being near her lmao) (but now that i think about it he put the blame on vilu too sooo he doesn't even have that excuse)
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selfcareparker · 3 years
(lovely anon) i'm so happy to finally be answering this oh my goodness hi gorgeous human being i feel that it has been too long 🥲 SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED SINCE THE LAST TIME I'VE WRITTEN ONE OF THESE HOW HAVE YOU BEEN
to answer the things you have said most recently- i'm so mad that spring break is over bc now i have to go back to life??? like dancing and school and shit that feels so unnessacry 😭 and like i can't just do nothing anymore? i was so used to it and now...... ugh. i STILL haven't played sims (i think it's because ✨depression✨ be hitting sometimes) lol but MWAHAH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR!AU AND THAT THEY HAD LITTLE BABY LEO!! i feel the name thing.. i just come up with something that sounds nice? i think leo is a nice name, it makes me think about lea michele and the fact that her son's name is Ever Leo but anyway. i don't name my sims after what i want to name my children irl either... idk why though. (i don't know why i'm telling you this but for boy names i love Liam🥰 and if i had twin boys i think i would do Liam and Peter though i am not married to the name Peter.... anywho)
LMAOOO the therpaist coming made me laugh thank you :)) i hope it's helpful? this may be tmi but i've only really had negative thoughts recently and not many healthy outlets so i'm hoping crossing one thing off this sad list will make me feel better :') i think during spring break my anxiety and my depression really spiked? idk, it comes in episodes but yeah THIS GOT REALLY SAD
i think a lot of things when i read your posts but i never say them hahaha so imma say it now: i googled what bon appetit meant ( i also just had to google how to spell it ) but ur right, i feel like bone apple tea makes more sense than bone apple teeth.. the "th" is throwing me off bc how i say it bone appa (like app-a) teet (like you're saying tit but teet lol) so bone apple tea makes more sense to me lol
i never know really know the time difference for anything lmao but est to germany (that's not gmt is it?) is like 6 hours wOAH so it's like 9pm while it’s 3pm here? wowee
i feel mega weird after watching this show called hollywood (darren criss is in it, so is laura harrier and a bunch of other people) but i don't like it💀 i feel really icky rn and idk why but reading your last response to my ask (?) always makes me feel better :')
i am doing what you said btw, i'm typing this on my computer first then gonna transfer it to my phone's tumblr lol but when you said a digital detox, it's interesting cuz i feel like i've been having one since tom's new project was announced? gOD i don't wanna get into it bc i get so triggered but i've been off of instagram since then bc instagram stans literally stand by tom through whatever even when something ain't right- i’m just gonna leave it there bc i’ll continue the rant, but yeah so i took a break lol
also heard abt your driving lesson thing (?) was it that bad? i can't find the old post but someone asked if you hooked up with your lesson person and i was sOOO CONFUSED LMAOO LIKE OK ARIA GET SOME BUT UHH HUH?
now to address the actual response HAHA the way you touch my heart :') by :') bringing :') up :') halle :') being ariel :') (i honest to God don't remember if i brought this up first, forgive me if i did, it's been a minute lmao) i'm always talking about it and i'm pretty sure my family is so tired of me talking about it lmao, but YEAH when i found out they weren't twins i was so surprised but idk why i always thought they were twins? but YOU ARE SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE WITH THE DISNEY TALK- everyone is always like "tiana is my favorite princess" and yea she's strong and stuff but...... she was a frog. for almost the whole time. it's about time we got another one!! i do agree with some people on the fact that disney should just make another black princess but halle is adorable and i was ariel on stage so it's already really special to me :')
yeah lol there are good times with my brothers but they make me mad for a good portion of the time (there's the 12yo vincent and the 7yo daniel but vincent??? psshhh he is a piece of work and i'm not sure how much longer i can put up with him HAJAH AND YES VINCENT IS THE ONE WHO WAS 👁👄👁WHEN I CRIED AND THE ONE WHO DOESN'T LISTEN TO MUSIC- writing this now makes it sound like vincent is awful. which he isn't... we're working on him ig. not to add to the awfulness but no, he listens to obnoxious loud VIDEO GAME MUSIC and won't stop when we ask him to stop... he gets beat up a lot) anyway i imagine being an only child is really calming.. like you have time to yourself and its just you and your parents 😌
yeah let me know if you end up watching it (wandavision)! i think it's great but if you like it lmk!! tfatws is sooo good like PHEW i am honestly loving it. sidenote: j*hn w*lker makes me wanna jump through the screen and choke him to the ground. i was thinking right, and the falcon and the winter soldier (THATS SO MUCH EASIER FAJHKDAH) would techinally be like a 10 hour movie right? because every episode is an hour long and there'll be 10 episodes? like wow. i get what you mean though, abt the racism in the show etc, like looking forward to it but not like..... no i get what you mean i will not try and give another example lol but you make me wanna learn more languages like really badly (bc of what you said about the german to american translation) & if you end up watching hamilton PLEASE LMK ABT THAT TOO HAHAHA i love it so much, same thing with lion king lmaoo
speaking of germany, i was at lunch on saturday with my mom and her friend and we were talking about my schooling and like-- she planted this idea in my head lol like what if i just got my GED and went around the world (to england probably) to get a theatre experience??? and i think it sounds so cool but no where near practical lol, it's just..... the dream haha and i would then try and learn a language 😉
uh yes we absolutely should order basically a resturant meal at a cinema, how about burgers, chips (fries), and a large drink? any time next week works for me, should i pick you up?
also about cherry (which i still haven't watched yet lol) i got the timestamps from tumblr😌 i couldn't find them anywhere else, but i agree, i probably wouldn't even look twice at cherry if tom wasn't in it? like i liked tdatt a lot, but it's not a movie i would be itching to see ya know?
HAHAHAHA THE 24 HOUR NOTIFICATION- i think i have around 1030 hours on sims? but i've had it since 2019 lmao (reading the screenshots, yes u are 100% a genuis, i take screenshots too but on anon you can't upload them so i just read them and retype what i wrote lmao) i think the university experience in the game is fun, but time consuming and it's all work imo. idk why i do it so often tho 😭😭😭
and agreed!! when you're making good money in the game you have to find other ways to make it interesting. my cousins who play it just continously do "motherlode" and i'm like.... then what do you do in your game?? it just sounds boring to me... my current sims household, i had a famous comedian sim, her name was dylan, aND SORRY IM LAUGHING SO HARD WHILE WRITING THIS BC ITS A GREAT EXAMPLE OF THE UNI THING UNLESS IM JUST DUMB, she went to college for communications when i wanted her to be a comedian and when she graduated i realized that degree did nothing for the career 🥲 so yeah, i think i'm just dumb. but she had a kid in college, guy didn't stick around and she was pretty broke HA but then she got married to this (great) guy named steve, made good bank, had 5 more kids (two sets of twins and one more lol) but then she passed. uhm... yeah that's still an open wound . lol i'm kidding, but when you get rich like that, you have to find a way to make the game interesting and i chose a million kids.
(this was one giant paragraph until i broke it up uhh yeah) i seriously don't pay attention to the sims prices and just end up spending way too much money and not being able to finish the rest of the house😭 but then again, i'm so used to having sims live in apartments... if i end up building a house FIRST OF ALL it'll look like what you explained before lmao but i'll tell you if i actually end up building a house HAHA & planning out your sims game is so fun to me lol, did enisa and michael take in his daughter yet? i may be thinking too far ahead lol and i love that they fucked woohooed (i say woo woo lol) in celebration HAHA but when i was playing with this one couple i had them woo woo every night hoping the dude would have horrible pull out game and they would concieve, but one night they were too tired and i was like why? get back in there man. if i was in college and lived with my partner we would be fucking every night homie. be grateful. i have been talking a lot about sims, and like you said: enough 💀 i just love this game a lot 😭😭
SORRY LAST THING i think the sims romantic and sexual stuff is so nice bc its what i want?? LMAO IDK like the whole hot tub thing you're talking about- puh lease ITS JUST NICE TO SEE OKAY
i'm reading the german section over again and i said aloud "my german friend is so cool" lol (i was saying that to my brothers & i know they don't care LMAO) (& i'm glad the uni zoom call went well!!) so on a form, in german, it could possibily say Einführungsveranstaltungsteilnehmer because you would be a participant to an introductory event? i swear german sounds so cool 😌 but i love reading your german lessons!! it's really interesting, most of the time my brain can't comprehend it tho?? like that word makes sense to you, but i need a translation. like to be able to look at that and know what it says.... its just appealing and seems so cool lol i kinda wanna write something out in german but i feel that google translate will fail me. während googeln "google übersetzen" mein Computer war so verdammt langsam und es fühlte sich einfach wie etwas Gutes auf Deutsch zu sagen. ich bin nicht sicher, welches Wort ist "fucking", aber ich mag es lmao (did it fail me like i thought it would??)
LMAOOO THANK YOU FOR BRINGING UP JUSTIN BC WHILE AT THE RESTURANT THEY PLAYED A JUSTIN SONG AND I IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT OF YOU AND THIS STORY😭 lol i was thinking it's depending on your age but not even that either... i really don't know.... but tom's fans are hollanders💀 i would consider myself one? he's the only person i'm really into like that (like a lot lol) so idk lmao (directioners 💔💔the pain is real)
LMAOOO (both of these paragraphs started off with “lmaooo” smh) "i like my men when they look like they are on the brink of death" PLEASE, i don't like pete's blonde hair... i just don't. i'm not sure if i wasn't watching the most recent snls but yea. my mom thinks he looks like trash, but i think he's okay? like he said staten island people just look like trash LMAO and I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN KING OF STATEN ISLAND GIRL I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT THAT!! now i'm gonna make plans to watch it lmao, & yes agreed i find pete hot, don't ask why i really couldn't explain it to someone he's just .
my favorite songs from rex are from pony oh my goodness 🥺 anywho i'm gonna go eat cereal (i ended up eating bun and cheese instead) and listen to the Stormzy songs you recommended... aria. aria aria aria. i would like to thank you for introducing me to stormzy i- i don't have any words or any emojis to express HOW GOOD STORMZY IS. i hope he's popular in germany/the uk because i haven't heard of him but GURLLLL
one second - delicious i love it. it's really good. it’s not my favorite from the album, but its great.
superheroes - at first i played the non-explicit one (on accident) and wondered why the words weren't playing but i was reading them in the lyrics??? THIS ONE THOUGH??? IS THE BEST SONG I THINK I'VE EVER HEARD. i am so SO SO into black people empowering songs (like brown skin girl by beyonce) and this song???? PHEW I CRYYYYY ITS SO GOOD.... i was gonna quote some lyrics BUT THERS TOO MANY I LOVE, "i am young, black, beautiful, and brave" "black queen, you're immaculate, it's coming at the world, they ain't ready for your magic yet, and that was never your fault" THAT WAS NEVER YOUR FAULT- I ALMOST CRIED THIS SONG IS SO BEAUTIFUL (i played it twice lol)
lessons is another beautiful one, like its slow and it feels intimate and nurturing and just OO chefs kiss, beautiful . like you can feel the apology and the regret... it’s so good
own it - OWN IT OWN IT OWN IT IS AMAZING!! swear you would catch me dancing to this song, this song is so fucking good i cannot comprehend like this one might be my favorite for real... "it's the way you wind up your waist, i'm so in awe, you never have to worry abt nothing, you know its yours, you know you own it" 🥲 i played it two or three times honestly
rachael's little brother - YES I DID LISTEN TO IT LMAO AND YES I LIKE IT, its a very complex song and it's very layered in terms of emotions i think and i really like that about it. i probably won't listen to it that often, but its really good. i would recommend this song to my "older brother" bc he would just absolutely love this
shut up - i was taking this song seriously (also very good) until i heard him say shu-T up LMAO, this one is good, i probably wouldn't listen to it 24/7 like rachael's little brother but honestly its still fire
before listening to blinded by your grace and vossi bop, i know you brought up the religion bit, i definitely don't mind that, especially because i'm Christian lol and i actually liked that he brought up God in some of his songs like idk i just like it🥰🥰
(i then went to bed after that lol but first thing in the morning i listened to superheroes and... that song is probably my favorite tbh, i was gonna write MORE quotes that i loved from it but, yeah no there's too many. if you want i'll tell you lmao but this is already so long i would just be quoting the whole friggin song)
VOSSI BOP IS A BOP (lol) I CANT EVEN LIE, i love a song that hypes up a dude's girl so the line- i love that my phone decided to fail to load the lyrics, lemme google it, okay the lyric "looking at my girl like what a goddess" i was like AYEEE its honestly just really good. and no one in america says "sauce" like "i've got the sauce" but now i do (thanks to love island and Nas from last season) and now stormzy so (also im gonna watch the music video for superheroes bc it looks great so 😛)
(because this is already so long i feel like i shouldn't finish the rest but . no i'm gonna do it)
now for blinded by your grace pt2 idk why i’m nervous lmaoo PAUSE I'M NOT EVEN DONE WITH THE SONG GIRL THIS SONG IS *chefs kiss* no words, speechless PHEW y'all gon make me start jumping around. why did i not know about stormzy before, he is amazing i- ok yeah i finished the song, all i have to say is that Stormzy is immaclucate. period. i am literally sending his music to all my friends he is..... amazing
you want my song recommendations 🥺🥺 hmm uh okay lol i listen to a lot of old music, whitney houston, marvin gaye, queen, celine dion, i love "more than words" by extreme uhmm okay, but for actual music i listen to on the daily? (this is a lot of different music like.... they do not go together lmao so be prepared) a song about being sad by rex orange county, betty by taylor swift and lover by taylor swift and... most of that album lol, treasure by bruno mars lmao, OOOO and versace on the floor by bruno as well, lazybaby by dove cameron, creep by tlc has been on repeat lol, deja vu by olivia rodrigo (i saw what you said about drivers license and AGREED LMAO but i like deja vu a lot more haha) and two albums that i listen to in general, rare by selena gomez and ungodly hour by chloe x halle 🥰 you don't have to listen to all of them or any of them lol but that's a sense of what i'm into :) so basically everything haha, i'm into literally every single kind of music really so i wasn't too surprised that i enjoyed stormzy :’)
HAHASBSJHAHA your h20 story cracked me up,, like "wow these actors are so dedicated, learning german just for us" 😭 the beauty of overdubbing
once again, math and maths, in my mind maths makes sense because its mathmatics, but saying maths doesn't feel right to me lol, like if i said maths i feel like everyone would look at me like ??? and yea i was taught it as math so its just more natural for me. but yes math/maths is disgusting, easily one of my least favorite subjects so .
mkay. i- the first time i read this i could not contain my laughter when you said the only pollen you know is sex pollen LMAOKOOSHBABJFAJF STOPPP I'M EVEN LAUGHING WRITING THIS,, anyway. wow! that's interesting, my dad (<<< mostly anything else) gets migraines from the sun and the heat and stuff, yesterday (sunday, i was outside for like hours watching my brothers play football, the american kind lol) i was in the sun for like ever and i got a headache😔
summer clothes🥲 i need to go shopping fr fr. for my birthday my mom and dad got me a giftcard like dedicated to a shopping spree and we've yet to go so..... i should bring it up to my mom lol, but!! i went bra shopping (ended up returning literally all of them cuz they honestly didn't work for day to day work? its a long story) and if i could i would walk around in this new "summer bra" i got, i would. it's so fricking cute and its really light fabric (which isn't perfect for my nipples but still) so i don't get hot in it, but that bra and some shorts would be perfect. its the closest thing to being naked so
IS THE BIRD STILL BOTHERING U ARIA, TELL ME NOW ISTG, i laughed really hard that the bird isn't stupid and is really trying to torture you LMAOO like i was rolling, it wants you to suffer, badly
when you said "mensus" it was still close to mens!!! latin speaking queen 😌😌
okay STORYTIME i was reading back your response and started (fake) crying bc i love you lol and my youngest brother (daniel) gon say "oh man, catherine's crying about something we don't care about, again" I--- i swear when i tell you about them they sound awful, but they aren't that bad, just the stuff i say about them is sounds really mean LMAO
but the thing you said about being kind, same, what i always say is: don't be the person that makes people say "i hate people" ya know? like there's no reason to be a jerk or anything.... but its true 🥺🥺🥺🥺 you are really kind and every time i talk to you i would like to personally fly to germany and give you a hug 💖💕💞💗💓💝💖💘
& i'm gonna show my stretch marks some love bc of you 🥺😭 i really hate how men have basically everyone conditioned that you can't love your own body </3 fuck them, y'all beautiful :')
also thanks for what you said :')) you literally are the kindest, sweetest person i think i've ever spoken to and i love you 🥰🥺🥲💓💗
READING YOUR TAGS HAHAHHAHA the spelling errors makes everything so much funnier. once again, i like your german lessons & yea!! i'm gonna play sims after writing this hahah
#catherine's tags are back #i don't think i've told you my name before?? #anyway it's catherine🥰🥰🥰 #i'm typing this on my computer (without emojis) and if i didn't edit this you would be reading shit shite like #heartface and pout and cry LMAO #yeah abt the tattoos #some stuff with my parents i'm like deal with it??? lol #my mom tells me "if there's something you enjoy or you like but i don't have the same opinion on it... why would my (my mom's) opinion matter? #and i love that #like i'm not gonna go and do whatever i want #but if my mom doesn't like that i swear (which isn't true just an example) #its like okay.... #but whatever #and your tattoo ideas sound really cute!! #and yeah @ your parents, i mean you aren't getting something wild #and the tattoo album>>> #i'm gonna look up ariana's butterfly tattoos just so i know what you mean lol #but i'm guessing you don't want something so incredibily simple, but not super like over the top? #correct me if i'm wrong lol #LMAO the tags were in order don't worry ! #and yeah lol ily2 <33 #and once again, again, sorry for this post JSHJS ITS A MESS AND LONG AS HELL #and you don't need to go in order of my post its literally longer than your german compound words #u're fine #also !!! while writing this the birds were chirping outside and i was like 😳 #and one of your fics (i’ve read all of them, i don’t remember lol) that valentine’s day one where y/n had lingerie on (the pancake one lol) #inspired me to buy lingerie #like when i look back on me “growing up” #that fic & basically you lol really helped with that #that made no sense and i don’t know how to make it make sense... but... yeah. like ily
hiiiiiiiiiii <3333
Dear catherine, 😌
(you have said your name before, but it wasn‘t like an introduction or anything i think you were talking about .... was it possibly the incident at the cinema??? And you said something like ‘calm down catherine‘ like you were telling yourself to calm down idkd dkdkkdkd anyway i didn‘t mention it cause i wasn‘t sure if it was an accident or not dkdjd but now i know 😌❤️ Catherine is such a cute and lovely name btw omg and so are your brothers‘s names 🥰
Sorry that I‘m answering this so late, it‘s been an emotional rollercoaster for me since last week but i‘ll get to that in a second lol
Sksklssk girl i haven‘t played sims in like 2 weeks now ekejdkdlldld ok that‘s not that long at all actually but i keep wanting to play but then i end up not playing for whatever reason, so no news about my sims game 😔 but i love the names Liam and Peter and for twins!!! That sounds really nice actually
okay i‘m trying to answer your ask in chronological answer even though i wanted to wait for the depressing stuff and write it at the end or something OKAY so. i thought that i‘d feel so good when i start uni and that i‘ll like... have a purpose in life again and just be happy (cause in the last year i didn‘t do much and i was depressed like half of the time lol).... anyway i kind of feel even worse now? 😭 i think it‘s because in my brain it‘s like: university!!! that means your life will change and it‘ll all be so exciting. and don‘t get me wrong it is exciting butttt..... idk the online thing is so weird cause you‘re not meeting any new people (i‘m introverted anyway but still lol) and it doesn‘t feel like you‘re listening to/talking to actual people cause it feels the same as just watching a video?
also i thought i‘d be busy again but i only have one lecture (90mins) a day and theres one day where i dont have any lectures at all and just one day where i have 3 hours but.... idk i mean i shouldn‘t complain about having so much free time but i just don‘t know what to do all day and in a pandemic there really is nothing to do but i also can‘t relax bc it‘s like during the week and i know i have uni the next day and .... yeah.
There‘s also this one assignment i had to do that took me AT LEAST SIX HOURS AND IM NOT EVEN EXAGGERATING????? so that was the only thing i‘ve been doing besides “going to“ lectures. for this one course we have to read two (really really long) texts (like it literally took me 3 hours to read them) and we‘re supposed to post it on this website that all the professors in our uni use. So after 5 days of anxiety (✌🏼) i posted mine this morning bc last night i realised that i didn‘t even know why i was having anxiety so i just posted mine today. The deadline is tomorrow at 12 and no one except me has posted theirs yet........ so i have anxiety again 🥰 cause idk if i‘m the only one who did it or if i even did it correctly
Edit while i‘m rereading this: my anxiety about uni is a lot better and i‘m not as d*pressed anymore maybe it was just hormones? idk but i‘m better so that‘s good
(I started writing this like 5 hours ago and then i randomly completely forgot lol)
I‘m in a better mood now though so let‘s move on from that (oh wait also, i think i‘m gonna see if i can find a psychiatrist bc with my anxiety symptoms (long story) i need to go to a psychiatrist, and so far i‘ve only gone to like psycholgists and it didn‘t help but i think that‘s just bc i was meant to go to a psychiatrist and not a psychologist so dldjdjsj
n e ways but yes you‘re not alone, ily, things will get better and yes i love you (i‘m not good at this type of thing🥲 but i‘d hug you right now if i could <3)
Yess i think the time difference between est and me is 6hours but gmt is uk time i believe? i think mine is called.... cet? For central european time? I could be completely wrong though lmao
Oof i completely forgot about hollywood, i remember when laura kept posting about it on instagram but i never actually watched it and i definitely won‘t now lmaodkdksjsn
Okay my driving lesson LEBDJDKDK I DID NOT HOOK UP WITH ANYONE AKSJSKSMMLM especially not my 40 or 50 year old driving instructor lol i like her but NOT LIKE THAT, the lesson was really really really good actually and i think i‘ll have my driving test soon, but i don‘t even remember why the anon would have thought that??? Oh wait now i remember okay KEKSKDLDL so during the lesson my instructor was like do you mind if i turn on some music? AND THIS WOMAN TURNED ON ONE DIRECTION I LOVE HER so i made a post about it and i said something about the song up all night and i guess i phrased it in a .... idk in a dumb way 💀 so the anon made a joke that i stayed up with my driving instructor all night and NO. No.
Wait did i read that right? YOU WERE ARIEL ON STAGE? SIALDBDJDKSLMSBDKDMDMDKDJSLSMDJFJJEDMBFEKLEFBJDLDVSIDLESKSKWKDKDJDOWNYUEKWNDUWLNSUFLWVSUDLEHDOENSIDBEISBEHENJELBSIEMWUDNRIW KB WOBE JO ON SBEUU HIII S HWS LV W ICH US KB okay this keyboard smash is getting out of hand but uh please do elaborate on that 💘😌???? Like you can‘t just drop that information and not say more??? I forgot if you‘re in like your school‘s drama group (is that a thing? lol idk anything about acting) or in an independent group? Either way - ARIEL that is so fucking cool
Your brothers loooooool, no i get it though obviously you love them and stuff but esp at their age children are so annoying so good luck with them 😭😭😭lmao
Yeah “anyway i imagine being an only child is really calming.. like you have time to yourself and its just you and your parents 😌“ yeah just me and my parents who constantly fight 🥰 lmao no i like being an only child, like i cannot imagine having siblings but i feel like if i had siblings i would be saying that i can‘t imagine being an only child so? but i do think it‘s quite different like i‘m trying to imagine having siblings and WHAT that‘s just so different omg i‘ve never really thought about it like properly ???
I saw a tik tok the other day that was like “sometimes i forget that my siblings have a life of their own. like i see them as side characters in my life“ and even though i can‘t relate obviously i felt that. lol, like i can really imagine how it feels idk what i‘m talking about like shut the fuck up, daria
(also my actual name is daria not aria but i dont like it, and also i wanted to be more anonymous on tumblr so now i‘m aria lmao. pls don‘t mention it though cause no one knows except for you and mel (peterbenjiparker) dkdkdkdnkdnd. but i‘m starting to identify with the name cause everyone keeps calling me that looool😭😭😭 (but i like the name, more than daria anyway? well it also depends on the accent, cause the way germans say daria is okay. the was Americans say it is also okay, but some of my family in England are from the north of england and i don‘t like how they say my name 💀 no offence to them(?) but yeah pls don‘t mention the name in your ask cause the chance of people seeing it is higher then (or if you want to say something about it just send a separate ask and i just won‘t post it (IDK what you‘d want to say about my name but yeah just in case slsldlldmsndnsns)
I‘m loving falcon and winter soldier so much but when i was watching an episode the week before last week (?) my laptop broke😭😭😭😭 during the scene where the dora milaje came at the end my laptop just shut down? And it had these lines all over the screen and i had to bring it to the shop where i bought it and they said it‘ll take 6-8 weeks to repair 💔💔💔 but at least it‘ll be for free, cause if i brought it back to apple it would cost like 400€ (i think that‘s nearly 500$) so yeah. but it sucks cause now i‘m “going to uni“ on a really old rusty laptop and on my phone which kinda sucks. oh yeah and also i can‘t watch anything on there 😭 i definitely want to watch wandavision but it‘ll have to wait🤧
Yessss you should def get your GED! I googled and I‘m still not entirely sure what it is dldks but from how you described it- YES!!!!!!
Idk if you know this? Like no idea if I‘ve told you this already (hmmm wait i feel like we talked about it actually?) anyway i was originally gonna go study in England, but for loads of reasons I ended up staying in Germany and I‘m def happy with my decision, but I definitely want to go to England sometime even if it‘s just for six months or maybe for my masters or something? And (obviously everyone is different) but i think everyone should go abroad and live in a different country once in their life, no matter if it‘s for school or what, and even if it‘s just for a few weeks. But i think that‘s something that you‘d never ever forget! And combining that with your acting/theatre??? You really would be living the dream 💘💘😌
how about burgers, chips (fries), and a large drink? any time next week works for me, should i pick you up?— sounds good see you soon 🥰🥰🥰
i used to be one of the people who‘d just do motherlode motherlode motherlode and just... what did i do? Why did i do that??? But not anymore lol. Like I said i haven‘t played sims in a few weeks but i‘ve been watching a few legacy challenge let‘s plays and usually i play with the aging off. So my sims just don‘t age 💀 but i could (should) turn aging on so that it stays exciting and i have limited time and everything. and once i get bored with my current sims i can just make them have kids and continue playing as their children when they get older- like recently i remembered that i haven‘t played the acting career in ages? and i haven‘t had a shop in ages? and i think you can even become a vet right??? like those are definitely some things i want to do in the next weeks!!! Also yes sksksjs i have a few hundred hours on sims as well (if not thousands 😭) it was just that one household that i‘d been playing with for 24hrs
AND GIRL SSKSKJD THE UNIVERSITY THING HAPPENED TO ME TOO, it was a while ago so i don‘t remember what degree and what job it was about but i made my sim study something for aaaaaages so she‘d get a better job from the beginning (you know what i mean like get in at a higher level)...... and i apparently studied the wrong thing cause i didn‘t get any benefits from studying and still had to start at level 1 and shit 🥴🥲
Oh also (this was like 2 weeks ago) Enisa and Michael did take in Michael‘s daughter and i think Enisa currently even has a higher/better relationship with the daughter than Michael but um💀💀💀 also i was hoping (since michael and enisa married (in their back yard i think lol) that the daughter (i forget what her name is😭) would have enisa as her step mom? Like you know how you can see the relationship and it says daughter or son or sister.. and i was hoping that it would say step mom but it doesn‘t say anything 🥲 but in my mind (and if the sims had proper family relations) she is her step mom😌 also Leo is a teenager now???? I mean I aged him up lol dkdk he was being too annoying as a toddler but i don‘t like children so i aged him up twice in one day and now he‘s a teen, but that means he can look after his half sister when she becomes a toddler which is good (the game recognises them as siblings tho even if they‘re just half siblings? why can‘t they have step family members in the sims🥲) okay i‘ve annoyed you enough with sims ✋🏼
I‘ve been a bit sick these past few days and now i‘m getting a headache so i have to finish this response tomorrow 😭😭😭 </3
It‘s not tomorrow, it‘s 3 hours later but i‘m better lol
oooff when sims are ungrateful and won‘t woo woo (lol i like that) cause they‘re too tired like?? Be grateful that you‘re not living with your parents anymore 🙄 no okay dkdkdkdl idk if you play with mods (i don‘t) but i know there is a mod (or it‘s part of a mod idk maybe wicked whims?) where you can adjust the percentage of how risky a normal woo woo is, like you still click woo woo (3dksksks okay i‘ll say woohoo again— wait is that what’s it called? 😭) but there‘s like a 25% chance that your sim can still get pregnant just like in real life there‘s always a chance of getting pregnant even if you‘re using protection (just not 25% lmao) but yeah i personally don‘t play with mods sksk and you can always just click try for baby but it would be cool if you could add stuff like risky woohoo to the game without mods (i have no idea how to download mods and i play sims on a really really old laptop and sims is literally tje only thing that works on it anyway so—) i repeat my words from earlier: okay i‘ve annoyed you enough with sims ✋🏼
okay i‘m so sorry i‘m gonna watch fast & furious 1 now cause i need to watch f&f 1-5 until the 30th of april cause they‘re only on netflix til then (i mean i could watch them somewhere else but the quality is never as good) so i will finish this tomorrow after all😭
it is now 1 am, i finished the film, can feel a new obsession coming up again (i always have these f&f obsessions for six months before and after a new film comes out)
THE GOOGLE TRANSLATE wkekdjdj tbh it sounds like someone is speaking with some kind of foreign accent i guess that‘s probably because it just is a direct translation and so anyway slsjsj i don‘t know if you asked me what the word fucking is in german? like idk cause the translation is a bit weird but in case you asked lol sidjsjs theres not really a good translation like we just say fuck for fuck lmao, i don‘t know if you typed in fucking in google translate and it came out as verdammt? cause that means damn (or damned sksjjs) ummm yeah idek if/what you asked so imma move on🤧
I‘m not gonna comment on what you said about every stormzy song cause you already said all the important things but SKSKSJSJSKNSNDBDUDOENWBSLSKKHSULSLSKSBSJSKSK I WAS SMILING SO HARD WHEN I READ YOUR RESPONSE FOR THE FIRST TIME BECAUSE AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH finally i know someone who loves him as much as i do 💘💘💘 also since you brought it up, i‘m pretty sure he‘s considered the most successful UK rapper or if not then at least top 3 so he‘s defffffffffinitely big in the uk, in germany more and more people are listening to uk rap too but not as much stormzy cause theyre dumb apparently 🙄 but anywY i‘m sooooo sooo happy that you like him. i think hith came out end of 2019 (i could be wrong but i think it came out on the 13th of december so (in a european way) you‘d write the date: 13.12 and obviously i don‘t KNOW this but i can definitely imagine that he chose that date because ACAB and yes, Michael. Yes. But he hasn‘t made too much music since then so i hope he‘s working on some new stuff 🤞🏼
Also i ordered the stormzy poster😌 also a nicki minaj one bc i decided i‘m gonna have one wall with red-ish posters (i already have two kinda red ones) and one with blue/green-ish posters (already have two) and i can add stormzy to the blue one and nicki to the red one, but i think that‘s it cause if my walls are tooo full it could look cluttered? I‘m not sure how that type of thing works lmao but my room is generally untidy so i don‘t want the walls to look unorganised too so i think that‘s it for now
I really want to finish this now but my brain is getting kinda slow and i need to sleep soon so this will have to wait till later after all 🥺🥴 (not that it makes and difference to you bc you‘ll see this whenever i post it buttttt i wanted you to know that i want to talk to you again but with my slow brain i‘m just taking too long to do it in one day😭😭😭 and i‘m so busy tomorrow hmm but i‘m sure i‘ll have 30 minutes to finish this then <3)
Okay wait I‘m so dumb I didn‘t realise I‘d nearly answered everything i could have posted this yesterday 😭😭
Oooohh that summer bra sounds so nice like if i was confident enough i literally would just wear a top that resembles a bra (or really is a bra lol) cause my tiddies always be looking amazing i‘m just insecure about my stomach sometimes 🙄🙄🙄 but recently i‘ve been loving myself more and more tbh 😌
also i hope you can go shopping for some nice clothes soon ✨😌
I‘ll be honest I haven‘t listened to your song recs YET but only because i wanna take my time with them and i‘ve been so busy and slso AJ tracey‘s album came out last week and I haven‘t listened to that one yet either so ekdkdj (he‘s also a uk rapper like quite popular and successful as well, but i feel like i‘m not gonna like his album cause whenever i‘m looking forward to an album it ends up being really bad and the albums where you weren‘t expecting it turn out to be bangers.... so yeah but i‘ll let you know when i listen to your songs!!!! :)
Omg i keep having to scroll up all the way to see the next thing you said so sorry if I completely miss some of the things you said😭😭
So when you sent this the bird was still bothering me oh my FUCK DKDLDMMDMDMD but now i‘ve been going to bed at like 1-2am so the bird is probably still asleep lool
Okay and for the rest of your ask my response is: 💘💖❣️💚❣️💛❣️💛💕💞❤️💓💟💞💕💕💖💘💝💟💟🧡❤️🧡💞💛💚💓💚💚💚❣️🧡💖💘🧡💝🧡💕💘🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥰🥺🥺💘💘💘💘💘 (okay that looked cuter in my head i don‘t really like the green hearts dldkkdksndnd)
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etherati · 5 years
The unreliability of memory
Hi okay I want to talk about this gorgeous freaking credit sequence 
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Okay, all done looking at the pretty gifs?
What I specifically want to talk about is what this sequence says about memory and how symbolic it is and how terrible we are at it, and also some things about unreliable narration and so on. Because I have seen so many people say things like WHY DIDN’T ALUCARD JUST SAVE HIS MOM and WHY DID TREVOR SAY HE WAS 12 IF HE LOOKS LIKE AN ADULT IN THE CREDITS and I just. yeah. memory vs factual reporting of events. we’re gonna talk about this.
Trevor first:
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Yeah, I gotcha. He doesn’t look remotely 12. He is also not, imo, reacting like I’d expect a 12yo to react, even a badass one raised by hunters. He was a KID. I would expect anger, sure, but also fear, and shock. Shocked horror, I guess. This, though? This is pure, unadulterated rage, and the bitterness of years of ruminating on the fact that there’s nothing at all you can do to stop something terrible. This is almost like he’s stuck in a nightmare replaying of that night, however many years later, because both nightmares and memories have this tendency to insert us into them as we currently perceive ourselves. Right now, in the show’s timeline, he is older and angrier and the shock has pretty much worn off, so that’s what we see in this memory--even though the moment could never have really looked like this. Do you think two random priests or townspeople could have held back a fully-grown Belmont with that much rage in his heart? Probably not without, say, breaking both his legs, and even then maybe not. The memory exists because the moment happened, but with a shocked, terrified boy hanging there between those two assholes, not a strangely helpless version of the powerhouse we know grown!Trevor to be. 
He is remembering it as if he had been then as he is now. This is a really, really common memory distortion! Let’s call it Memory Error #1: I’ve always been like this.
Now, Sypha:
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Sorry, couldn’t find a good shot of what I actually want to talk about, which is the silhouette of a man stopping in the mouth of the alley, looking ominously down into it at the Speakers as the rest of the crowd moves on obliviously. Specifically the fact that he is just a shadow, he has no face, no defining characteristics. This isn’t one specific memory of a particular event where her family group was targeted for harassment in this way--it’s an amalgamation of dozens, if not hundreds of similar situations and events that have imprinted on her as ‘the way things have always been’. Someone stops and stares; she has to hide herself before the stare lingers too long. This exact alley probably didn’t exist. It was just a setting her memory invented to remember ALL of these incidents against, smashed together into one memory that feels formative and important.
She is remembering a large number of similar situations, none of which were that incredibly significant on their own, pressed together into one that, taken with that weight, IS significant. Also a super common memory distortion. Memory Error #2: Many become one.
Now, Alucard:
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So, up to this point, the idea that these are not in fact literal representations of the events they’re describing has been something I’ve just asked you to take my word on. But no longer. Look at this. LOOK AT THIS. HE ALREADY HAS HIS INJURY. That is just, plain and simple, not what freaking happened. He also was never alone in front of Lisa’s pyre in this way; there were never not hundreds of people gathered around. See, I can buy that he was there, hidden away somewhere, trying desperately (and failing) to come up with a way to save her that didn’t involve hurting anyone. But this dramatic moment, with the wound and the completely deserted town square? This is not a thing that happened. This is Alucard, in his head, compressing everything that happened in those few days down to a single moment that he can actually try to process--because at this moment, Lisa died, and from that point onward, everything else was inevitable. Dracula had to react the way he did, and Alucard had to challenge him on it, and Dracula had to injure him, and a year later, had to die at his son’s hand. All of that happened in this moment, basically, because there was no altering course from this point on. It’s no surprise he would remember it as if he already had that wound, because in temporally deterministic terms, he DID. 
He’s compressing an entire sequence of horrible events into a single moment in which they all ‘occurred’, in order to simplify the memory and make it easier to bear. Also common! Memory Error #3: You died when my mother died.
So, yeah. Basically, these are not meant to be the showrunners telling you exactly what happened. They’re showing you the memories the characters have of these formative events, and like all memory, they’re fragmented, imperfect, and subject to revision, even unintentionally. It’s not that Trevor, Sypha, and Alucard are inherently unreliable narrators, or at least, no more so than anyone is. But brains in general ARE unreliable narrators, and that’s just something we have to accept and learn to deal with.
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How I would rewrite Violetta
TL;DR: Less lies, still a lot of drama. Also everyone is bisexual, because I say so.
~Season 1~
Okay the biggest thing here is that Germán knows she goes to the studio already from the beginning
He also knows Angie is her aunt - however, Violetta doesn’t know.
When Angie appears, Germán recognizes her. Of course he does, he should’ve known his dead wife’s family?
Angie BEGS him not to take Vilu away from her again. Germán agrees, but tells her not to tell Vilu about it. Instead, she should just be her governess until Violetta “is ready” (or, really when Germán is ready)
Angie says she still works at the studio and so when Vilu hears about it, she really wants to apply. Germán is hesitant, but he also wants her to be happy. His one condition though, is for her to not participate in any large events (oop)
Not much changes for Jade and Matias - except that they desperately try to find out whatever Angie is hiding (Ramallo and Olga tries to find out, too)
Okay, now for the love!! 
Honestly? The love triangle with Leon and Tomas stays mostly the same. I’ll deal a bit more with the love stuff in further seasons
Also, it’s the first season, too. If they are acting a little immature and don’t trust each other, they’ll just grow and learn.
Ok I recently rewatched the episode where Violetta like... writes “amiga” in her diary as she looks dreamingly at Francesca? Like girl did you get a crush on her?? I know you wrote “friend” but your look says more.
Ok probably not but IT’S MY REWRITE and now I decide Vilu and Fran have a small crush on each other. It doesn’t lead to anything (yet), but it’s there and the only one who really seems to notice is Camila
Or, well. She knows her friends have crushes on others but she’s also like “Heh, i’m gonna go, you two can continue to talk if you like”
The big DRAMA is of course, when Violetta joins the youmix competition
Her dad already had a grudge for her singing in the theatre, but now she just has to really hide this
Which is harder when she like. Shares a house with Federico, who’s getting a lot of fans that wants to follow him home. So when they see her, they be like “OH MY GOD THEY ARE ROOMATES” and so Vilu’s fans are there too and she panicks because her dad cannot know
Vilu’s biggest comfort object is her diary, she carries it everywhere in canon (like, even in later seasons when she’s famous she always has it around). In my rewrite, not much changes, except for the fact that Ludmila constantly tries to steal it to destroy her. So anyway, Violetta decides to get a lock with a number combination to open it (as she figures if she has a key she can lose it). Her combination changes a lot. It’s most often two or three letters of a person she likes. Examples are 12-22 (LV, Leon Vargas), or 6-18-1 (FRA, Francesca). One time she even put 12-21 (LU, Ludmila) just to trick Ludmila, as Ludmi never would think Vilu would put her name there.
Violetta finds out Angie is her aunt by overhearing a conversation between her and Pablo. Though, they solve it rather quickly and then get even closer, just like in canon.
In the end, they don’t move away, but Germán does not let her participate in the final show as she’s kind of grounded after he found out she was in youmix and all that
But then he lets her. All is good. Tomas goes to Spain, Violetta is like “I don’t wanna date anyone”
BUT as Tomas goes to Spain she gives Leon a little smirk as if to say “we’ll see what I say about that though, after the break ;)”
The last thing I wanna say about season 1 is that we all know Andrés is canonically a disaster bisexual (come on, think about it) and I just want to embrace that more
~Season 2~
I know how it’s gonna go for Fran and Diego, so i’ll let them have some little nice scenes in a buildup for s3 (as most of their scenes this season was just “I don’t trust you, Diego”, “Francesca, let me explain”, “No fuck you”)
Honestly I want Ludmila to be a LITTLE nicer this season so she has no pact with Diego
Instead, Ludmila just talks shit about Violetta to him and he’s like “but she’s cute?”
So Diego literally flirts with Vilu to show Ludmila she’s not bad and Ludmila is like “wtf why are you embarrasing yourself”
There’s not a lot of that “Leon you have to trust me” bullshit that Leonetta has. They DO trust each other and honestly they just bond over their shared annoyance with Diego
(But secretly, BOTH of them kinda feel attracted to him)
(Very fun fact one of the first edits I ever saw was one where they shipped Diego and Leon and 12yo me was like “oh wow this kinda makes sense??” and rewatching the show I realised the TENSION™ they had)
Ok. 2x20. The scene I think y’all know i’m reffering to actually caused a series of events to happen later in the season in canon. If Diego had not kissed Violetta, she and Leon wouldn’t have broken up (atleast not that time), German wouldn’t have started to spy on Violetta after feeling like he had to protect her, which would’ve caused Angie to find out and feeling like she couldn’t take it any longer and move to Paris and Violetta and German to start arguing for like 15 episodes because of lies. ALL THAT HAPPENED, originally because of Diego kissing Violetta. I’m not saying it was entirely his fault, but. I’m just- hdsoksyhufshua okay I think it’s just my inner 11yo still bitter about what happened
The show goes as planned. They fake kiss as they planned to. Everyone is happy for a while. Though, on cameras it looks like a real kiss, so the fans are like. Asking if Violetta and Diego are dating. Diego does not deny this.
Leon and Violetta do break up, because we need drama. Though, it’s more like a mutual agreement rather than an argument. It just became too much for them to handle when Violetta got a contract with youmix, Leon and his motorcross and Diego hovering over them all the time. They needed a break.
Diego and Violetta do get together, but they kinda do like in canon: She is annoyed with him until she finally just gives up and accepts his love.
Germán does not spy on Violetta, but he does consider reading her diary (he doesn’t)
Jade and Matias are no longer relevant. They do make cameos sometimes, but Esmeralda doesn’t know them. Even the viewer believes she’s nice. We only get some small hints of something being off - like Ambar saying “be nice to them” and Esmeralda sometimes giving people strange looks. But then comes the wedding day - that’s when SUDDENLY, the cops arrive! They explain everything - they have been after her for a long time and they recently found out she was gonna marry German for his money and then take it all and flee the country. Drama on top and it’ll be a real classic soap opera betrayal
Angie leaves to France as she just... got an opportunity to work there and she says yes
Camila spends this season dating a bunch of different boys, right? I think this is the perfect place to be a little inclusive and let her be the bi flower queen she is and let her date some girls too. Like switch Seba’s gender or something, not much will change.
Fran and Vilu already had something going on after the whole ”Francesca almost going back to Italy” storyline and they get even closer as they get lost in Madrid. They were already close, but as they argue for being lost, something just... happens.
Actually the same thing happens with Leon and Diego.
What exactly happens? They almost kiss. They do not kiss, but it’s like it almost happens. They just... get very close and stare at each other before realising. They react differently to this
Francesca and Violetta at first get awkward. They are like “oh- okay.” and then become silent for the rest of the day. It’s not until they are alone in their hotel room that Vilu is like “...what happened today?” and Francesca is like “What are you talking about? I don’t know? Goodnight!!”
Leon and Diego refuse to mention it. They are annoyed as it is. But they do think about it
Yes, I did get this idea after I rewatched ep75 and Leon was like “we were late because this dude didn’t stop fixing his hair” and I was like “DRHSKEHJYU I’M-”
The most heartfelt scene in canon is when Violetta finds out about Diego and Ludmila’s pact, goes out on stage crying and Leon saves her. Like, Leonetta wasn’t the most stable couple but him saving her when she was so distressed... that’s love, dammit!! And I would love to include it somehow.
But: I can’t really find a reason for her to be so upset she can’t sing. So she does sing, that goes well. But as she does, Diego, Fran and Leon argue. Leon is convinced Diego isn’t actually in love with Vilu, Diego is just out for fights and Francesca is like “i’m on Leons side but stop arguing also I think I like Vilu too but that’s beside the point right now I guess?”
She sings “Te Creo” as she was going to, and they like. Do the opposite of what she sings. Or, the complete right thing to what she sings. It’s unclear.
Anyways as she finishes, all of them has to go out on stage to thank the audience and Violetta is like “dafuq is wrong with all of you”
As she tries to help them, Diego says something out of anger that hurts her. Maybe a “I don’t think I really love you” or something maybe a little more hurtful than that. She gets teared up, breaks up with him and run away
Francesca says “You know, I was actually beginning to like you, and now this”, which makes him feel oddly hurt. He doesn’t really know why, yet.
Fran and Leon run after Vilu. There’s the leonetta comfort hug scene ™ there, but also a comfort scene with Fran when they are in their room and she just takes Vilu’s hand while they stare at each other.
Marco is here. Uh. Tbh I don’t know what to do with him?? Because he like. Vanishes to London in s3 canon so Fran can be with Diego so idk man. 
He doesn’t send her like a million flowers in Madrid or visits, but he does call and miss her. Marco was a sweet boyfriend for her, really. Though, he kinda was just. Nice. Nothing more. Their relationship didn’t evolve a lot? 
Though after the random almost-kissing Vilu incident that Francesca doesn’t want to talk about, she kinda grows closer to Marco again.
Back in Buenos Aires, Violetta doesn’t really have an argument with German as he didn’t spy on her in this, so she simply has trouble writing Soy mi mejor momento until German is like “Violetta that’s your mothers poem-” and they have a little father-daughter bonding over finishing it
She is however not really ready to just go back to Leon after recently breaking up with Diego and so she has that “why does no one ask me what I want” scene like she did in ep76.
But then Leon sings Nuestro Camino and she’s like “I DREAMED THAT WE SANG THAT TOGETHER WTF” and he’s like “OMG SAME??” and they bond over the fact that they are soulmates who share dreams or smth, and so they get back together
Diego and Leon do not speak of Madrid, but they do this very manly but also tension filled handshake as if they “accept” each other.
Francesca and Vilu also doesn’t really speak of the fact that they had a little moment in Madrid either, but they do share some smiles and Camila is like “did something happen??”
Leonetta is a couple again. The New Years show is a hit and that means youmix will let them do a world tour (I literally realised NOW, that the reason they are on tour in season 3 is because of the last show in s2, they mentioned in some passing scene some episodes before about it being a world tour)
Oh also Ludmila and Federico have basically the same kind of romance they had in canon, same with Naty and Maxi (Naty and Maxi’s kiss where Maxi had to switch his cap around was so cute uWu)
Oh and also Gregorio and Diego? Same as canon. That shit was emotional.
Lara, I forgot about Lara... uuuh. She’s just a mechanic. She disappears after s2 anyway so
 ~Season 3~
Honestly s3 was kind of a fanfiction already when you think about it??? So in this rewrite I guess I could just GO OFF with everything :D
Hmmm yeah Priscilla is still a fucking psychopath but she will suffer even more god I hate that woman HOW CAN YOU PUSH A CHILD DOWN SOME STAIRS AND FORCE YOUR DAUGHTER TO HURT PEOPLE-
Everything is well with all couples but being on tour and hanging out so much all the time, they get a little... cramped. So they easily get grumpy and yell at each other
Leon and Violetta knows this, and so they don’t get mad at each other when the other one is upset. They understand. So as Violetta gets her birthday wish, she doesn’t really complain at all. Sure, she does get a little scared when they fly off, but she’s honestly just happy to spend some ✨alone time ✨with her soulmate and lowkey wishes no one would find them 
All the couples break up and Leonetta is like “nah it will not happen to us UwU” and then it just. Gets to them too. They just simply have to be apart before they hate each other. Their breakup happens around the same time as canon.
It felt kind of ooc for Violetta to dress up as another person to spy on Leon but it was still kinda funny. So Roxy will stay, we’ll just change it a bit
She doesn’t create Roxy to spy on Leon, but because of Francesca. Fran is getting confused with Marco leaving and now she’s starting to get feelings for Diego... a part of her just wants to disappear and think about something else. So Violetta is like “What if we dress up and go out” and they do, and fool everyone
And so... when boys they know start to flirt with them, they just panic and say they’re not single. But they can’t make up fake boyfriends so they say they are dating each other.
Which makes Andrés interested - he’s like “wow two girls can date that’s cool”. Camila is also interested, she’s like “WOW ALL MY FRIENDS ARE STRAIGHT I CAN BOND WITH YOU OVER BEING NOT STRAIGHT”
Anyway it’s hard to keep it together when Camila is talking about Vilu and Fran - to Vilu and Fran, in disguise.
Hmmmm ok I literally almost forgot about Gery and Clement lol?? Tbh, of all the “lover rivals” they are the weakest this far. Leon and Vilu didn’t even feel that attracted to them anyway. 
Gery is not straight in the slightest? Like girl that haircut and the HALF SHAVED EYEBROW like please. She’s pansexual, i’ve decided. She has a crush on both Leon and Violetta, but she does not really know how to handle that. So she never does. She talks about it with Clement, though and the two of them bond over being nervous messes who can’t talk to their crushes
There’s no Alex, tbh. Clement is just Clement. His dad lets him attend the studio but he’s also like “ugh I wanna support your dreams but you could take economy classes on the side??”
They are not out for breaking Leonetta apart because I for once just want ONE season when there’s no one else Leonetta wants to be with. They just want to be with each other and the whole season is them just kinda... figuring stuff out before getting back together.
Also Fran and Vilu have this thing going on now when they pretend to be a couple as they are dressed up as other people and they have to handle that
The plan was for them to only really dress up once but now their friends wants to get to know Roxy and Fausta and they just have to continue it
Camila is the first one to find out and her reaction is “I always knew you two had a thing for each other but this is just strange, why can’t you date as yourselves?”
To which Vilu and Fran as a response just shut down, not knowing at all how they feel about anything anymore.
Camila notices they seem to not wanting to talk about it, so she decides to make up a plan to make them talk. Though, it solves itself when Vilu and Fran get locked inside a closet at the studio (because of course they do)
In there they talk about what happened in Madrid last year, when they almost kissed. They are unsure what that meant. They admit that it was thrilling to pretend to be a couple, when they were Roxy and Fausta. But the thought of dating as Vilu and Fran... it feels strange. Especially because of all the stuff with Diego and Leon.
But they do decide to try to kiss, just to see - and as soon as their lips touch, someone opens the closet. It’s Diego and Leon. They are kinda shocked.
The girls explain the situation and Leon is like “You know what we almost kissed in Madrid too wtf”
They also reveal they are Roxy and Fausta and Leon is kinda embarrased because he got a crush on Roxy
The girls discussed how it was kissing - they liked it, but... they don’t know. Because they also feel kind of a strong connection to Diego and Leon respectively
So they like... make a promise. If it doesn’t work out with the boys, they’ll date each other.
But they end up with the boys... atleast for now, heh.
The whole “Leonetta will only be friends” plot is still here just because I love it so damn much they are such dorks they literally think they can stay friends lol
So yeah Gery and Clement start dating and they are basically as cute as Naxi. Honestly since I removed the whole “ruin leonetta” plot they have little purpose - so that’s why I made them crush on Leonetta on a distance and never do anything. We need some people to relate to, some people just never confesses and just go around crushing on people without telling lol
German proposes to Angie and Leon kinda plans to propose to Violetta. Not yet, since they’re like 19 (they aren’t finchel lol), but he has plans. 
“Ok thanks future father in law” was a top 10 iconic Leon moment and I just wanted to include it
It ends kind of like canon.
Ok! I just wrote most of this spontaneously. Maybe it wouldn’t be that good, really i’m just brainstorming. This show was everything to me when I was a preteen even though I realise it was probably not good (I lost a bit of interest in season 3, idk that season was a little more off to me)
I probably forgot a lot, since there were like a million plots, but this was just for fun so yeah don’t take it super seriously. Also thank you if you made it this far. 
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Avatar: The Last Airbender, s1 eps.10-14 (2005)
Date watched: 09/September/2020
Previous episodes: 01-05, 06-09
The liveblog:
Jet is a teenager's idea of "cool". The asshole walks around with a twig in his mouth and of course the 12yo and the teenage girl think he's awesome
Sokka keeps showing he has braincells and being kicked by the plot for it
I look forward to Jet's terrifying future in politics
Aang: *tells the story that fixes everything in "The Great Divide"*
Me: "There's no fucking way that's true."
Me, a minute later: 😎
Zuko is Trying very fucking hard and he's really emo but I appreciate him and I'm sad I can't kick Ozai's ass
Also: baby Azula wtf
Iroh is a good man and he's also Trying very fucking hard
Iroh's trying very hard to keep the crew from mutinying
Aang: *gets captured*
Random person in a mask: *shows up to rescue him*
Me, deadpan: "Ah yes, I wonder who this could be.
Random person in a mask: *is Zuko*
Tumblr media
The fight scenes in "blue spirit" had me going, "I know it has to be Zuko, but I also don't remember if we ever saw him being this cool" 
Zuko's arms have made me feel very guilty for not working out since March. I should try yoga again
“Blue spirit” feels like the payoff to the previous episode
Because ep. 12 gives us the flashbacks and works with them in the episode, but you don't get any actual in-story, not-just-thematic connection between Aang and Zuko. And then comes ep.13
I think the fortune teller episode could be considered as kataang foreshadowing, but it only makes me feel like there's too much "weight of prophecy" thrown on top of the relationship now
Anything: *happens*
Katara: "Aang's the Avatar! He can solve this!"
Me: "He's twelve."
[Friend A.: i love all the moments where moody teenager zuko's like. really caring? he's never considerate? but he Cares A Lotand it shows from the very start]
Yes! He got into this mess for caring, really
[Friend A.: exactly!!!! and that's why anyone who writes zuko as this ruthless and/or cruel character has no rights]
...people do that? This guy who was all "I'm leaving without you if you aren't back in time" *proceeds to go on a solo rescue mission for his uncle*
[Friend A.: people take that one pirate scene and extrapolate zuko's whole character from there]
Which one?
[Friend A.: the one where he ties katara to the tree]
Where he was all "I need to restore my honor! Please don't be mad at me!"? That scene? Because that's the vibe I got from the scene
"I swear I'm not bad! I just have to restore my honor! It's important! Don't hate me, please!"
[Friend A.: exactly]
[Friend A.: Zuko's Dumb Boy Who Cares. that and he's trying to play a character he's so not suited for]
[Friend A.: "lookit me i'm all suave and cool and sinister"]
[Friend A.: but you can hear the clown music in the background]
He tried to be Ruthless and 20 seconds later he was all "My honor! Don't get angry!"
Yeah. It was kinda embarrassing
Points for effort, but he blew it by trying to make excuses
We can't even say that he committed to the role
He probably has a sad entry in his diary about how this water tribe girl thinks he's mean because she doesn't understand his motives
[Friend A.: jfklgjfkgkjg]
[Friend A.: he most definitely writes abt himself as if he's a hero in a play]
He probably mentally narrates what he does
Like... before going to sleep, he does a mental recap of the day
It's not remembering things, it's literally narrating in his mind
[Friend A.: god. the blue spirit adventure was him having the time of his life]
[Friend A.: he gets to be mysterious!!! sneaking around in a mask!!!]
That bit at the end of the episode where he was lying in bed brooding? He was definitely putting together the mental recap
Zuko, internally: "He lied there, wondering why the Avatar boy with the arrow on his forehead had waited for him to wake up before leaving."
He's sixteen, he definitely uses epithets
[Friend A.: don't drag him like that!!!]
I love him, I'm allowed to drag him 
He's a sad loser that Tries. That automatically gives him an advantage over the others in my heart
I didn't expect to care about Sokka. So far, that's been the biggest surprise for me
Okay, I was actually a bit surprised by how much Zuko already cares? Everyone makes it look like he suddenly became likable when he stopped having this terrible hairstyle, but like... everything he needs to be likable is already here
Like... you know they want you to care about him because the story wastes no time to start ridiculing him on the first three episodes
"This is your antagonist. He's a fucking loser." - Episodes 1 and 2
"Hi, this is an actually mean bad guy. The fucking loser you've been seeing so far? He's gotta fight him." - Episode 3
Episodes 1 and 2 try very hard to show how extremely pathetic Zuko is so we'll root for him when he fights Zhao on ep.3. Not so we won't care who wins, but so we'll actively root for him to win
And like... to top it off, you get him deciding not to hurt Zhao and allowing Iroh to lead him away instead of trying to fight Zhao when he tries to attack him from the back
Like... even Iroh's role in the first two episodes is to make it clear how fucking sad Zuko's position is He has to deal with this old uncle that doesn't seem to care much what happens, even though Zuko treats his quest like it's Serious Business
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