#i have never used ms paint before
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Cringetober day 5: MS Paint
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spookberry · 8 days
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the first time I drew these two(when I was 12) they were functionally the Color Guardian's version of Jessie and James,,,
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beebfreeb · 2 months
What brush do I use? What brush do I use?
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Me? Me??? My brush? The artist who draws exclusively teeny tiny drawings with visible pixels at small resolutions?
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smoshkid · 5 months
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When you want a SwordAF wallpaper for your computer but you can't find any fanart with the correct aspect ratios
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stupid-newt · 1 year
Cringetober day 5
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Ghosts and Lucy nothing new
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backwzzds · 11 months
ೃ⁀➷ spoil you, plug!eren
eren hated when you spent your own money, but you don’t listen.
thinking about the way plug!eren would take you on his drops with him. you were so quiet and in your own world, he never minded the fact that you had your freshly white painted toes resting against the dash of his mercedes AMG coupe. the entire car was blacked out with expensive ceramic tints, protecting you both from your usual…late night activities.
your glasses rested on the cute bridge of your nose as your left leg was sat in eren’s lap while your right rested against the dashboard. eren was lucky that he fucked with most of his customers heavy…you two had been waiting for the dude to meet y’all for nearly thirty minutes now, and had it been someone else, eren would have sped away long time ago.
eren comfortingly rubbed your baby soft feet in the grasp of his tattooed hand, one with beautiful realism art of your own eye. with a turn of his head, he could see you practically nose deep in the bright screen of your phone illuminating through the car. “you growing bored mama?” his voice is concerned. “ian think we was gonna be waiting this long on dude…my bad baby.”
you hadn’t said much since you’d gotten in the car, just wanting to hurry and add all of your things to your shopping cart on the skims website. “nah, ‘m just…trying…to do somethin’ real quick,” you bite your lip as you tap away on your phone. you were trying to add as many things to your cart before it was gone. “before this shit sell out.”
eren being the nosy boy he is leans against your shoulder to see what you were doing. but the moment he’d seen you type in numbers that belonged to what he knew as your own debit card, he kissed his teeth in annoyance. “man how many times i gotta tell you to stop using your card to go shopping bae?” you roll your eyes at his words. “i’m serious, you got all three of my cards on ya phone for a reason. fuck is you typing in your info for?”
don’t get him wrong, eren loved the fact that you were independent and knew how to handle money almost perfectly now that you were in your twenties. but being together with you for so long, he continued to step up with his provider capabilities by always taking care of you. whether it was paying your bills, rent—everything in between.
but of course it was a struggle when ms. i can do it all by myself meets mr. i know you can but let me do it for you
“because i’m spending like 600 dollars,” you point out to his previous question with an obvious scoff. “i’m not asking you for that.” eren mirrors your actions and rolls his eyes again.
eren looks at you as if you’re insane and suffered memory loss for the past four years you’ve been together. “babe…i make that shit in one night. actually—fuck a night—i make that shit in two hours!”
it wasn’t like he was lying either, with the way that eren was one of the only trusted plugs in town, it was very easy that he’d bring at least a band a night on a consistent basis. selling for almost six years was finally paying off.
you two hardly ever fought, but if you did, it was always about money. eren knew how long you’ve had to do things on your own physically and financially. you couldn’t go to your mom for help, you didn’t have a dad to beg, so it was all on you since you’d been 16. but now that he had eren, he’d just wish you’d let him take the burden of money of your shoulders and take care of you the way you take care of him.
after a few minutes, your boyfriend holds his hand out. you give him crazy eyes, but eventually follow orders by putting your phone in his hand. “don’t know how many times i gotta tell yo stubborn ass, forreal,” he grunted. “‘s never a problem spoiling my baby. you don’t ever ask me for nothing. let me feel useful and get you stuff, mama.”
with a sigh, you nod your head, like you always did. there was no way eren was gonna take no for an answer when it came to spoiling his wife.
in response, eren uses his free hand to delete your information and instead place the correct numbers—the information to his amex black card. all the money he has, he sits and does nothing with it, so why not buy you all the things you’ve never had before?
when you hear the chime of your phone confirming your order, eren hands you the phone back and goes to look out his dark window.
with your acrylics, you grab eren by the neck and slowly turn him back to face you. “thanks papa,” you gave him genuine eyes.
eren leans forward and pecks your lips. with a serious face, he pecks you one more time before wrapping his tatted fingers around your neck erotically. with a look in your eyes he tells you, “always tell me what you want, no matter how much, mama. you know daddy gonna get that shit for you one way or another, regardless.”
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meraki-sunset · 6 months
It’s a loop!
Guys i have a wacky theory but, BUT, we know Dirk and Rose are creating 2 different new species to compete with each other on Deltritus, Terezi will judge them and the winner gets to play sburb.
We saw many discarded creatures before the big 3-year hiatus, and when it came back we could see one particular creature, a horroterror looking creature, obviously made by rose.
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So rose is most likely mixing abyssal creatures with her own DNA to make the ultimate Sburb player.
Acording to the MS Paint Adventures Wiki
“ Rose lalonde was never very involved with the show but purchased a shirt and re-purposed it to fit her tastes, which is quite fitting considering that the Squiddles are, in part, a subconscious reimagining of the Horroterrors and the other monsters in the Furthest Ring.”
NOW, Andrew Hussie once said jokingly that the session that created the A1 (the dancestors’s) universe was played by 48 Squiddles, but later deconfirming its canonicity in Book 4's commentary.
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What if they are using that idea again? It’s normal to create stuff, delete it and suddenly dig it out because it can be repurposed for a new idea.
And with the last update confirming Rose’s species to be aquatic I think we’re headed in that direction.
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I think Dirk and Rose will make their 2 species, and rose’s will be horroterror-like creatures. They will win the competition against Dirk’s species (idk probably something related to horse puppet ninjas) and a group of them will play the game.
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Another instance of the squidles real form being abyssal creatures is the very first creature Dirk creates, maybe foreshadowing the winner of the competition?
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Acording to dirk this will be a 4 player session. Which makes the staement of “a 48 squiddles session created Beforus’s universe” false, but still a posible foreshadowing to a more reduced number of the abisal conterpart of the squiddles being responsible for the creation of said universe.
So this Horroterror/squidle people play and win the game, create a universe, and this universe is where Beforus is born (Universe A1), which then gets scratched and creates Alternia (Universe A2), which creates EarthA, the beta kid's home (Universe B1), which also gets scratched and creates EarthB, the alpha kids’s apocaliptical home gobernated by the Condesce (Universe B2), which creates EarthC’s universe, where all the surviving players now live (Universe C), where the Horroterror/squidle people are created, who then win their game, create a universe, and this universe is where Beforus is born(Universe A1) etc, etc, etc.
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There’s only five universes, which feed from each other in a wheel that creates and is created by one another. The Alpha timeline, just like a juju, is a perfect cycle and doesn’t have a beginning or end.
There’s no escape, it’s a loop.
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hawkinsbnbg · 6 months
Steve was a ghost who haunted his best friend.
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Steve had died in that interrogation room under Starcourt and now, he was stuck haunting Robin Buckley who might as well be his shortest heartbreak and long-lost twin.
The problem was she couldn't see or touch him.
No, she could hear him just fine, but physical contact was just impossible.
Steve, however, didn't care much so long as he had someone there to listen to his daily monologues. It was fun.
They bickered most of the time and while Robin always seemed sad that she couldn't hug him whenever he told her about his parents or how lonely he used to be before her, Steve was just happy with what he got.
Because even in death, he wasn't alone, and that was enough of a gift to him.
Then, the day his funeral was held, Steve was thankful that he had convinced Robin to attend considering it was how he reunited with the kids.
They all saw him.
A thing that Steve would never take for granted.
Robin didn't know what to do when they flocked around her and bombarded her with question after question, demanding to know why she was the one who got the privilege of being haunted by Steve.
"A privilege?" Robin burst into a laugh, giving them a ridiculous look.
"Of course, to think you've been haunted and actually having real conversations with a ghost every day is a revolutionary step into the spiritual science field," Dustin narrowed his eyes. "And I am very disappointed in you, Ms. Robin Buckley, for not telling me right away!"
"Just say you're jealous that Steve doesn't haunt you." Max rolled her eyes.
"You say it as if you're not jealous yourself!" Mike scowled at her.
"No, I'm not, you delusional nerd!" Max scowled back.
"C'mon guys, don't fight," Lucas frowned and sighed in exasperation.
Noticing the odd looks from other people at the cemetery, Robin herded the kids into Steve's car that he had given her as a keepsake.
Once they were safely away from prying eyes, Robin clapped her hands to gather everyone's attention.
"Children!" She then continued under their curious gazes. "Steve-o here said he really appreciates that you munchkins care so much about him. But sadly, he can't leave my side. Like literally can't so if any of you want to see him, you can always seek me out whenever you see fit."
"Why are you saying all of this?" Mike squinted at her.
"Because Steve can't talk to us, obviously." Dustin responded haughtily, earning an eye roll from the other boy.
"Bingo!" Robin did a fist bump with Dustin.
Then, she held up a finger at them. "And before you ask, I can't see him. Or touch him."
She watched the kids look at the passenger seat before nodding at her.
It must be Steve who confirmed the truth, she thought.
As they went back to discussing Steve's incorporeal state, Robin had a feeling that she had unknowingly adopted a gaggle of troublesome ducklings who were going to give her grey hair very very soon.
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"C'mon Robbie, it's a Halloween party," Steve begged. "Let's go have some fun! Don't your heart ache to watch your bestest friend rotting in sorrow while eating pumpkins?"
"First of all, I've never ever met anyone who uses 'heart' and 'ache' like that," Robin blew at her freshly painted nails.
"Well, now I'm your first. Didn't people always say special always come late?"
"I don't even want to correct you on all of that," Robin huffed quietly at Steve's goofy chuckle. "And no, Dingus, you don't eat pumpkins. Or if you do, I don't care."
"Please, Robbie, I just wanna have fun," Steve sighed dolefully. "It's been a long time ago since I went to a party." He sighed again and even sniffled a little.
When Robin groaned, a big grin stretched on his lips.
"Just this time." She narrowed her eyes at him, or precisely speaking, at the spot where she assumed he was sitting.
Sometimes, when she made a wrong guess, Steve would just move over to where her gaze stopped and continue talking her ears off.
"I promise you're gonna have so much fun, Robbie." Steve ruffled her hair even if his hand always passed right through her. It was still one of his hard-to-get-rid-of habits anyway.
By the time they arrived, the party was already full-blown and swarmed with people.
As Robin struggled her way through the crowd, Steve just walked beside her with barely any difficulties.
He bet she would curse him so much if she saw how comfortable he looked right now.
But then, his little moment of joy was cut short when he bumped into someone whose lips literally knocked against his.
As cliché as it might sound, he certainly felt the electricity running through his body from that single accidental kiss.
And belatedly, a realization dawned on him.
He had bumped right into someone.
He, a ghost, had bodily collided with a living human.
Shocked, Steve stepped back and was at a loss for what to do next.
Then, a shaky voice shook him out of his trance.
Staring into those scared Bambi's eyes, Steve clenched his jaw and forced himself to not panic.
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— i can’t stop!
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Dave slowly becomes a sex addict after you fuck him on the daily. Part 1
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Dave truly didn’t know what hit him the day he found you in the copy room humping his jacket. He certainly wasn’t prepared to actually be fucked daily, and to be honest, he couldn’t stop thinking about it anymore. He was now used to fucking you daily, more than once, being taken out of class by you posing as someone who helped the office to take him out and pull him to fuck somewhere in the school.
Today, though, was different. He had been squirming in his seat all day, desperately trying to calm down his raging boner. These past few days you both had been having sex, it was beautiful and amazing and passionate, it was something you both had basically become addicted to.
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Sex with you was different than what he would have ever expected to have loved so much. It was exhilarating with you, fueling him day and night with energy until it was replenished the next time he was able to fuck you, push his cock so deep inside of your perfect cunt he couldn't stop thinking about-
"Hi Ms. Grey, the office needs David Lizewski again. This time it's for early release." Your voice made him stand up immediately, grabbing his bag and walking toward the door.
“Make sure you finish the chapter, Dave!” She yelled, but he truly wasn’t listening when he pushed you into an empty classroom.
“David? What’s wrong?” Over the past few months, you had gotten more attached to him other than seeing him as just your sex partner, and you had never seen him like this before.
“I-I can’t stop!” He whined, bucking his hips against your cunt as you gasped. “I can’t stop thinking about fucking you, holy shit I was humping my desk before you came in there… I swear, I’ve cum like four times today, I need to fuck you.”
His words make you laugh, gasping as he tucked under your jaw to press kisses to your cheek and down your neck, desperate and needy as he rushed to unzip his pants as he started lifting up your skirt. "L-Let me fuck you, Y/N, please?"
"D-David, as much as I want to - fuck - have sex with you right now, there's supposed to be a class coming in here soon and we have to leave." You panted as he whined, pulling away as he pouted up at you. "But I pulled you out of class... for the entire day, and it's a Friday. So, we have all weekend to fuck and get high and just fuck."
Dave smiled as you zipped up his pants, gripping his cock with a giggle as you pushed him back. "Aren't you glad that my daddy bought us an apartment? No one will interrupt our seventy-two-hour sex spree."
And a spree it was. As soon as you both got home, Dave had you against the wall, pushing your chest to press against the soft grey painted wall and pulling up your skirt. He was quick to pull up your skirt and unzip his pants, quickly pushing into you with a loud exhale. "Fuck, you feel so good, Y/N."
"I better feel good if you've came four times- fuck!" You cursed as his hips snap forward, his large hands holding your hips as he pushed his fingers to rub against your clit. "D-David, baby, slow down-"
"I can't," he whispers, gasping as his hips start rutting automatically against your ass, your slick folds making the wet noises fill the home. The noises fueled him, his thrusts getting faster and rougher, loud moans falling from his mouth as you basically scratched against the walls. "Fucking hell, I can't stop thinking about you... I never want to stop fucking you."
And to be honest, he didn't. He held himself to that standard, never once pulling out of you as he maneuvered all throughout the house and fucked you literally against anything he could, resulting in you ultimately passing out as soon as he got you to the bed.
Dave sighed as he hovered over your body, smiling slightly when he saw your hickey littered form and cum caked thighs, you smelled perfect, a mix of your perfume and the cologne you bought him. He cleaned you up with your favorite towels, the special ones made of a special fabric that you loved the texture of.
He pulled away, not without a soft kiss to your temple. He walked away immediately, inhaling as he started to draw a bath for you after cleaning himself up. After walking out, he smiled when he saw you already curled up against his pillow, eyes opening and closing before he came behind you.
Your eyes snapped open as you giggled, reaching back to hold his hand and gasping as he started to push into you again. "You really know the meaning of a spree, don't you?"
"I just... I can't explain it. I love fucking you so much, I feel like I can't stop," he whispers, holding back tears as you softly stroked your cheek. He couldn't think about anything else other than fucking you anymore. "Fuck, it's bad."
"It can be," you whisper back, squeezing his wrist. "But not for us. I know... I know it's a lot, but I'll help you. I swear."
"Thank you, baby," Dave whispers, pressing soft kisses to your neck. "You wanna take a bath?"
You giggled. "Desperately so."
Your giggle makes him smile. "Then it's good that I drew you a bath with your favorite scent. Come on."
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© asterias-record-shop
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shegatsby · 2 years
Can i request a smut of obsessed hannibal x shy student reader ( im obsessed with him lately). He is obsessed with her while she has a small crush on him and then he invited her to her house and just cant get enough of her (if u know what i mean *wink wink*)
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A/N; Hi! Thank you for this request ;) I hope you like it.
Warnings; Smut! Sexual encounter, pussy eating etc.
Pairings; Hannibal x Y/N
Doctor Hannibal Lecter walked into his classroom with his leather bag, and his attitude. The dean of the university has been requesting, demanding to have him there and finally the dean put Will Graham on the job and Will convinced him to do it. Now Hannibal had three jobs; being a psychiatrist, helping the FBI and recently he has been teaching. Whenever he entered to give his lecture he would observe his students. Most of them were scared of him because he was a monster when he was grading papers, he never liked the way his students dressed, so informal and untidy. However, one of his students, Y/N, she always looked energetic, ready and put together. She had this type of feminine energy which made him navigate towards her, the perfume she wore filled his nostrils every time. The most attractive thing about her was that she would get so shy around him, red cheeks, always looking away whenever their eyes make contact. Hannibal was close to figuring her out, or so he thought. ‘’Hello.’’ He said with a dominant tone, he watched Y/N sitting straight, fixing her hair, ‘’Where did we left off last week?’’ he asked even though he knew where they were he was just checking to see if the students were interested, only Y/N replied. ‘’Thank you Ms. Y/L/N, shall we continue?’’
The rest of the class was as usual, he gave his presentation, executed swiftly, watched Y/N take notes, she looked adorable when she was focused on something. When he was finished he had a strange thought, his fox like mind was moving at a speed which he wasn’t used to, he waited for other students to leave the room so that he could be alone with her. ‘’Ms. Y/L/N,’’ she lifted her head to look, she was startled because a second ago he was at his desk, now he was right in front of her, ‘’Yes Doctor Lecter?’’ she said kindly. ‘’I’ve realized that you are quite interested in what I have to say about this lecture, would you like to come over to my home and discuss the upcoming topics? I want to feed your hunger for knowledge.’’ His hands were in his pockets, never loosing eye contact, he watched her go red with his last sentence.
‘’I- I would love that Doctor Lecter.’’
Y/N and also other students knew Doctor Lecter’s infamous dinner parties, she always imagined to be invited by him, just to see how he entertains his guests, also to be near him. Yes, she had a small crush but so did everyone. He was a brilliant man with great knowledge of his field and he was so polite to her all the time. Last week he brought coffee just for her, the other week she couldn’t make it to the lecture because she was extremely ill and Doctor Lecter sent her that weeks notes. She thought He does this to every student.. oh how wrong she was.
That evening she dressed to impress, black dress with a smooth make-up and high heels, when Hannibal opened the door in his expensive suit she realized she dressed right for the dinner.
Hannibal’s maroon eyes roamed over on her body, ‘’A work of art,’’ he thought ‘’all for me’’
‘’Please, come in. I must say, you look ravishing tonight.’’ Y/N tried to hide her face as she walked inside.
She knew he was rich but damn, his house was something else. He had a dark taste in colors and art, she found herself looking at the painting on the walls, as if she was at a museum. ‘’I assume you’re a fan of fine art?’’
He gave her a glass of red wine before dinner, ‘’Yes, I often visit art galleries and museums. I’m in awe of what people can do with their hands and imagination.’’ Hannibal lifted his eyebrow with a smirk look on his face, ‘’Shall we go to the dining room. Dinner awaits us.’’
He guided her by placing his large hand on the small of her back, she felt her heart at her throat.
The food was placed elegantly on the large table, the fireplace was lit, it gave a warm atmosphere to the place but she could feel the tension hanging in the air. Hannibal, as a gentleman, pulled her chair for her, she thanked him and sat. 
The dinner conversation was casual,  they talked about the university and classes, she was curious of his work with the FBI so Hannibal explained it generously. He usually had his dinner alone by the fireplace but having a company wasn’t so bad, he could feel the feeling of obsession rising from the back of his dark mind to the surface, it happened before and it didn’t end well. But maybe this time…
Y/n didn’t know exactly when and how she ended up in this position but she wasn’t complaining when Hannibal’s thick fingers found her wet clit and started to gently rub it. She was on top of the table, legs spread and Hannibal between them. His smug smile and his eyes will always be printed in her mind.
‘’Have you been wet like this during the dinner darling? If I knew… I wouldn’t have waited so long.’’ And she whined in pleasure because he started to finger her slowly, it was too slow for her liking. This pent up tension between them had to explode tonight, otherwise she felt like she was going to die.
He knelt to give her soft lips a kiss, which turned into a long make out session, she cupped his shaven cheeks with her hands, feeling his skin, his free hand went to squeeze her neck, he wasn’t rough but it wasn’t gentle either. They locked eyes, ‘’Let me taste you princess.’’ And with that he knelt on his knees and lifted her skirts. She had black lacy panties, he didn’t take them off just pushed them aside and started to give her small kisses, not there but her inner thighs. His slowness and the grip he had on her was driving her mad. ‘’Hannibal,’’ she said panting, ‘’please-‘’ he stopped and looked up, ‘’Please what princess?’’
He could see her cheeks, her parted lips and that expression her pretty face, she looked as if she was under a trance, a trance which Hannibal put on her. ‘’Use your words.’’ He demanded. He was certain that if she kept silent he wouldn’t move a muscle. ‘’Please eat me, use me.. I’m all yours.’’
A hungry smile planted on his dark face, ‘’As you wish princess.’’ And he dived into her treasure.
Hannibal had a taste for finer things in life, as soon as he got that intimate, warm taste of her he knew that he made no mistake in letting her into his space. She was so sweet and tasty, so soft and the sounds she made…
Even though she was wet Hannibal spit on her and also started to play with her with his fingers.
Y/N couldn’t believe her situation right now, her professor was eating her out at his home. Well, not like she didn’t have dream of it, but she never thought it would be this good. His tongue was skilled, his fingers hit the right spot.
Hannibal Lecter, even though he didn’t want to admit it, he too had dreams of her frequently. While he was treating a patient or giving his lectures he often thought of her, bent over on his table or on his kitchen counter. He pulled away from her, which made her whine in need. He pulled down his pants because he couldn’t wait anymore, he had to be buried in her sweet, juicy core.
He wrapped his dick and buried himself inside her fully, which made her freeze, ‘’Relax,’’ he knelt to give her a long kiss, ‘’I’m here.’’ They locked eyes as he started to move in and out.
''You like that princess? Look at you, legs spread for your professor. Such a whore.'' His shameless words and his pace made her legs shake in pleasure, Hannibal was rough with her hold on her this time, his hand chocked her throat and she saw stars.
Her body was moving with his fast speed, legs warpped around his waist, as she came undone she screamed his name over and over again.
''Now,'' his movements stopped slowly, ''You belong to me.''
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comic-book-jawns · 4 months
Kara knows the looks she would get if she were to say she feels protective of Lena Luthor.
On account of not only her boss’s last name but also her boss being a 23-year-old billionaire CEO and Kara a 26-year-old English major who failed to find a job in her field, clearly.
Not that Kara can scoff at what she makes as her assistant, more than enough to be called a corporate sell-out.
The point is Kara knows how it sounds. Alex’s eye rolls paint a more than sufficient picture. But she just… she doesn’t care.
And, yes, she knows that’s an easy claim to make without actually putting herself on the line. In her defense, she tried.
Her second week on the job when she heard two fellow assistants badmouthing her boss over coffee at the lobby cafe. And while she hadn’t been looking for brownie points, of course, she could only assume she’d earned them when Lena had called her into her office at the end of the day.
Boy, had she been wrong.
In fact, it was how she’d realized the curt tone her boss had been using up to that point had actually been her idea of friendly.
“Your duty is to L-Corp, not to me.”
“But I’m your assistant.”
“Yes, because I need assistance. Not a cheerleader.”
Kara’s face had burned as she murmured her apologies and assurances that it wouldn’t happen again, and she was already backing toward the door when Lena dismissed her.
She’d been fortunate enough to make it inside the elevator before the tears started, and that was where her luck had run out.
A tan hand caught the doors just as before they could close, and Kara had scrambled to wipe her face as she was met with a warm smile that promptly turned to a frown.
“Kara? What’s wrong?”
In her state, she hadn’t registered until later that it was remarkable the CFO she’d been introduced to along with the rest of the exec board on her first day remembered her name.
She’d also been unable to do more than mumble nonsense about getting her period early, which had sort of been an achievement actually given how terrible she is at lying on the spot — to her sister’s perpetual chagrin when they were teenagers.
Not that Sam bought her excuse. Kara wasn’t that naive. Though her sincerity as she wished Kara well had been unmistakable. And then, she’d abruptly let the elevator doors go without getting in.
The next morning, when Kara walked into Noonan’s to pick up Lena’s coffee, she’d been promptly steered off course, by a hand gripping her upper arm like she was misbehaving child, toward a table for two in the back.
“Can I get anything else for you, Ms. Luthor?”
Her boss had glanced up from her phone long enough to offer a polite hint of a smile to the barista.
“No, thank you, Nia.”
Kara remembered feeling like she could hear her friend vibrating as she bounced back to the counter.
“You know Nia?”
“I know how to read a name tag.”
In hindsight, Kara knows the dryness of Lena’s tone had been playful. But in the moment, it had just felt like salt on the wound of Lena jabbing at her phone again.
“Right. Of course.”
Kara was busy smoothing the non-existent pleats on her khakis when Lena had looked up.
“I’m sorry.”
And there was that nagging instinct again when she’d met Lena’s uncharacteristically troubled gaze as she placed her phone on the table, face down, and stiffly gestured to the drink, cinnamon sugar twist on a plate and chair opposite her.
“Please sit, Ms. Danvers.”
They’d proceed to sit in silence for probably 20 seconds at most. But Kara had never been known for her patience... especially when there was food in front to her.
“Ms. Luthor, you don’t—”
“I do. I need to apologize for how I behaved last night.”
And, yeah, Kara had known her boss wasn’t exactly wrong. That she would have said the same in her place. But Kara was — well, frankly she wasn’t used to being apologized to.
Alex’s go-to apology is also a cinnamon sugar twist — in lieu of the actual apology.
“I don’t need to explain.”
There was a sheepish twist to her lips, a blink-and-you-miss-it slip of youth.
“But I am truly sorry.”
Kara had thought of her sister’s words from the night before: this is what you signed up for working for a Luthor.
And she’d smiled.
“Thank you, Ms. Luthor.”
“Lena, please.”
That had gotten Kara to blink. Even with their age difference, she hadn’t thought anything of the formality. After all, she hadn’t heard anyone address the CEO any other way. Not to her face.
“To you. It’s Lena to you.”
But Kara isn’t one for formalities for the sake of them, either. So she’d eagerly stuck out her hand.
That was the first time she had made Lena smile, bemused as she’d returned the handshake.
It was also the first time she’d eaten breakfast on the L-Corp dime. But it wouldn’t be the last.
“Coffee and a donut is not embezzlement, Kara.”
Lena had gleaned from Nia that Kara always put her own order on her personal card, and was quite on set on it not happening again, apparently having assumed Kara understood that Lena didn’t expect her to fend for herself while she was doing her a favor.
“What about two donuts?”
That was the first time she had made Lena laugh. But also not the last.
And looking out for Lena? That’s not gonna be a one-time thing either.
“Lena, you’re needed in the lab. I’m afraid it’s urgent.”
If Kara’s face wasn’t enough, the heat that instantly pools in her stomach at her assistant confidently interrupting a board meeting and calling her by her first name in front of a room of old men who don’t is quite the parry to the anxiety threatening to tear her at the seams.
Not much more than it usually is in these necessary evils. But usually she has Sam at her side, ready and more than willing to jump in when Lena asks.
“So what’s the fire?” In fact, Lena’s breathing is nearing her baseline semblance of normal as the elevator doors close. “It’s not an actual fire, is it?”
She’s only half-joking. They have a containment system, of course. But that would really be the last thing she needs right now.
Kara’s smile has her unclenching her hands, even as her breathing stutters a little.
“No. It’s nothing, actually. It just looked like you needed a breather.”
And then they’re clenching with a vengeance as she ironically exhales harshly through her nose.
She may not have gotten to where she is two weeks out from 24 without her brother going insane. But she didn’t get here by being coddled either.
Which is what she’s about to explain, Luthor genes overriding the fact that it’s Kara she’s talking to.
Until movement catches her eye. A hand. Kara’s hand rubbing in a circle over her buttoned-up chest.
“Please, right?”
Lena stops breathing altogether.
“I’ve noticed the only times Sam speaks up in board meetings are when she’s spoken to… or when you do that.”
It’s true. If by that, Kara means Lena’s purposefully poor imitation of the sign. Hell, half the time she doesn’t even do it over her chest. Brushing exposed cleavage would rather counteract the subtlety.
“And I, umm - I had a speech delay when I - after my parents died.”
Lena breathes in sharply, like she had when Sam called her out over lunch yesterday for not knowing when Kara’s birthday is.
“I used Sign exclusively until I was four.”
Kara’s voice is quiet but steady. Her cheeks are rosier than usual, though, when the elevator chimes and she faces forward.
Lena doesn’t.
“Sometimes I still do when it gets too…”
Kara glances back at her, eyebrows raised slightly. As if she’s surprised by the admission. Despite how they got on the topic in the first place.
And then the doors start to open, and Kara darts forward, fingers hovering over the close button.
“Do you want to go back up?”
Lena shakes her head.
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disneyprincemuke · 11 months
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midnights, 8 * mv1
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rumours on the paddock have it that max is out and about with another girl on his arm
pairings: max verstappen x fem!reader
warnings: -
notes: only 2 more parts after this,, making me kinda sad ;( i’ve used this as an outlet not to trauma dump irl anymore so what have i gOT AFTER THISSSS
(series masterlist)
(prev) // (next)
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the car slowly comes to a stop, turning your head to stare at the apartment building you used to have memorised. it’s in the louder part of town, a more convenient location for your now ex-lover for when he needs to get around.
you hadn’t expected to cave so soon, but you were lying about in your apartment with nothing to do when you felt a sharp pang of pain in your chest. fueled by the sudden cat shaped hole in your heart, you called victoria up for a request to spend some time with the felines you’ve deemed as your kids.
a soft tap on your window makes you turn your head, a small smile from the younger woman startling you before winding the window down. “hey!”
“hey,” you greet her solemnly, putting the car in park before you climb out slowly. “have you gotten dinner yet?”
“i’ve got food upstairs,” victoria assures you. she turns to the man in uniform, hands behind his back at the entrance of the apartment building. “extra for you as well.”
he sends you a grin. “ms. (y/n)! welcome back.”
you return his gesture with a courteous nod. “hello,” you smile as he makes his way to your car.
valet is something you never asked for, but max had insisted following the incident of you chipping the paint off your car on a wall in the cramp basement parking.
if victoria hadn’t told you that your car was still under the list, you would have taken a taxi.
“sorry for calling you so abruptly,” you chuckle sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck as you follow the younger woman into the elevator. “i just missed jimmy and sassy. so much. i’ve tried staying away, but those two have got my heart in their tiny little paws.”
victoria smiles warmly at you, a friendly hand on your shoulder with a tight squeeze. “i’ve always got your back,” she giggles, shaking you slightly. “you’re my favourite.”
you shake your head. “have they been eating fine?”
“they have! but i get an inkling that they’ve been missing you,” victoria frowns, now leading the way in the empty hallway. “they sleep on your side of the bed when i’m around and start meowing like crazy when i come in. probably hoping it was you.”
that was the conflict you had coming back from the singapore gp to clear the apartment of your things.
you had concluded yourself that packing them up to bring them with you would be too stressful for the cats, which is why you made the difficult decision to leave them in max’s apartment.
on your last night, you gathered them up with you for cuddles while you slept. in the morning, they meowed for you as you walked out, leaving your heart heavier than it initially was.
when you step into the apartment, you try to push away the lingering feeling of breaking out into a sobbing mess. you call for the cats as you usually do, things shuffling and falling over in different parts of the apartment before you see two figures running over to you.
“i’ll prepare you a plate,” victoria grins, closing the door behind her. “i made carbonara.”
she disappears into the apartment, leaving you with the two cats rubbing their heads and bodies on your calves while you take off your shoes. it’s not very like them to be clingy like this, so it makes you grin though they do make it harder to finish your task.
“yes, yes,” you mutter, grabbing jimmy by the torso to briefly move him away. “i will carry you in a bit, baby. i just want to take off my shoes.”
you trudge further into the apartment, trying to make sense of the half empty place you used to call home. you should’ve been here; you should still be here.
if only you can get yourself to call him instead of moping around and falling asleep with his name on your lips like a prayer.
you try to get comfortable by the coffee table in the living room, both cats wrestling one another as they try to fit in your lap. you put your bag on the table. “i’ve got treats for you guys!” you squeal. “but, i’ve got to send a text first. give me a second, okay?”
you turn on your phone, answering your friends with a simple text message. you then get distracted from there, swiping to your home page and opening instagram for a quick look.
suddenly, you wish you never had.
there’s a picture of max, in the paddocks during the race weekend… with her. the bane of your existence then, and still the bane of your existence now even when he’s not yours anymore.
not that there's anything suggestive in the picture that would confirm a relationship. but it is enough to raise speculation now that news has broken that you are no longer together.
they're simply walking side by side in conversation. surely there's nothing going on between them. right?
you feel your heart sink in your chest and your throat closing in. even the presence of either cat isn’t enough to make you want to stay. but you know you have to power through — they’re just cats. they don’t know what’s going on.
you breathe out shakily, tears filling your eyes to the brim as you take out the liquid treats for the cats.
victoria walks out of the kitchen, alarmed by your sniffling and the tears falling out of your eyes. “oh, hey! what’s wrong?”
you shake your head, promptly putting the packet of treat down while jimmy and sassy flock to the familiar scent. you wipe your tears away and laugh dryly. “oh, it’s nothing! i just really missed the cats.”
“no, really. what is it?” victoria asks in a soothing tone, putting down the plates on the dining table before she runs over to you. “what’s wrong? talk to me about it.”
but you can’t. victoria will always be on max’s side — through and through. they’re siblings, after all. it doesn’t matter what happened between you both. no matter how much victoria says that you’re her favourite.
you grin through your tears and force a smile. “it’s just the apartment. i haven’t been here in so long.”
the suppressed emotions from earlier are finally surfacing. it’s even worse now that the universe made you look at the picture of max with kelly.
it all feels too fresh. sure, you were doing fine months after the breakup. but it’s different now seeing him in the first steps of moving on; you were still hoping for that slight glimmer of spark to eventually rekindle and reconnect you with him.
with kelly now in the picture, the possibility to having max back are looking bleak.
victoria holds you in a side hug. “i’m sorry you guys broke up,” she rubs your arm, head resting on top of yours. “i’m here if you need to talk about it.”
you give her a nod with a small smile. you wipe your tears away and try your best to stop crying - you'll just cry on your drive back home. "of course. thank you, vic," you smile, patting her knee. "but i will be okay. as always."
"i'm on nobody's side, if that helps."
you're not sure why victoria felt the need to clarify that. the only possible reason would be that max has not spoken of you and it only makes the tightening in your chest worse.
you let out one final sob, hand on your chest as jimmy and sassy wrestle one another for the liquid treat in your hand. you laugh breathily as you look up at victoria. "if max hasn't talked about it, maybe it's best that i don't as well."
and it left a bitter taste in your mouth saying that. it feels like it's over. you've now completely lost max without any signs of life. there are no signs of max ever coming back.
if max can move forward, so can you.
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taglist: @merchelsea @leclercdream @labelledejourr @laneyspaulding19 @lpab @graciewrote @hollie911 @thatsojasminesworld @mycenterfold @princessria127 @ironmaiden1313 @dl-yum @crlsummer @brekkers-whore @minkyungseokie @honethatty12 @barelytolerabled @vellicora @lokigoeschoki @avg-golden-retriever @lokigoeschoki @cherry-piee
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singmyaubade · 2 years
we are sorry
warning : mentions of cursing
sypnosis: a prank gone wrong
poly!marauders x upset!y/n
you were deeply upset at your boyfriends, they were sincerely pissing you off. it all started with them talking to other girls, making them laugh even.
then it was the fact that they were forgetting your entire relationship with them, i mean you knew that sometimes they could tend to get busy or distracted but it was getting to you.
and your period was making it worse.
you weren't even smiling anymore.
your emotions were off the radar and you just couldn't deal with anything without getting aggravated and what made it worse was that your birthday was today.
they hadn't even said happy birthday or anything, not even a card or flowers.
you didn't even think they would attempt to do anything for it.
little did you know, they planned a grand birthday party that they knew you would love and ignoring you was just adding to how busy they were because of the planning.
but they knew that they couldn't ignore you forever so they decided to have a good old prank to make you laugh, just to add to your birthday.
they of course knew it would make you laugh because that stuff always did and you didn't mind them as long as they were justified and not cruel.
and they had everything planned out for severus snape as soon as he would walk into the classroom.
a bucket of yellow paint would fall with a bunch of feathers that was impossible to get out and then he would trip on some rope, humiliating him.
it was perfect.
snape was always late to class and everyone else stayed consistent so there was no chance of this prank going wrong.
they even knew that slughorn wouldn't notice anything because he liked the boys so much.
but it turns out, you were gonna be a little late to class. you had accidentally misplaced your button up and had only found it five minutes after class started.
the marauders were wondering where you were but they figured you weren't attending and they would check on you after class.
you were running to slughorns classroom in a panic, hoping he would let you off with a warning.
you noticed snape was behind you as you started running but you ran ahead of him, trying to get to class fast. your backpack was hanging on your arm as you didn't feel the need to re-adjust it.
as you were in front of the classroom you opened the door to step in but before you could even take at least three steps in, a bucket of yellow paint and feathers dropped on your hair and all over your clothes and shoes, even your backpack.
the marauders looked horrified as the entire class gasped including slughorn.
it was in your eyes and you could barely see anything but yellow as you stepped forward and tripped on the rope, completely on the floor.
"ms l/n!" slughorn yelled but not coming over to where you were but instead trying to calm down the class.
some slytherins in the class started laughing and even a few from other houses as you started crying.
your skirt was completely flopped up which showed your panties.
the marauders ran over to you as remus and james tried to helping you stand and sirius tried getting your backpack but you knew they were up to it, "get the fuck off of me!" you yelled at them as you left your backpack on the ground, trying to stand but slipping on the paint and landing on your knee.
you were in extreme pain but that didn't even matter in the slightest.
"y/n, we are so sorry." remus apologized as if he was on the brink of tears.
you were mortified but honestly just so upset that you couldn't breathe.
"please let us help you." james said, grabbing on your arm.
you snatched it away, "just please fuck off of my life." you snatched your hand back.
you were uncontrollably sobbing and you couldn't see a single thing as you stood up to run out of the classroom.
you ran to the nearest bathrooms and looked in the mirror to see your hair completely soaked with paint and it was very pigmented.
you had never felt so humiliated in your life.
paint was all over you and you couldn't even get it out with water or a paper towel.
you were silently crying, just trying to get it out of your hair but it wasn't coming out.
the marauders had no idea where you had ran and they had never felt so guilty in their life and they had no idea what to say to you.
this was extremely bad.
you didn't even come out of the bathroom.
you just sat on one of the toilets and cried your eyes out.
this was the worst day of your life.
and it certainly wasn't a birthday you would forget.
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alottiegoingon · 5 months
art fair
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jackie taylor x fem!reader
summary: jackie taylor is the elementary school's art teacher.
warnings: too much fluff, jackie and reader being adorable, not proofread
you weren't expecting to stay for any longer than five days this time. that was the initial plan and the words you had said to your parents on the phone before you arrived to wiskayok, new jersey.
the second high school was over, you took the first bus to new york and never looked back. okay, never was a strong word. despite the strong feeling you had to free yourself from the place where you had an awful time in high school, sometimes you would come back to visit your family and your sister, in special.
not wanting to miss her growing up, you had to work extra shifts on the bookstore to pay for a decent looking car, capable of going back and forth from new jersey to new york twice in a month.
now, it was an special occasion. for her 8th birthday, you promised her that you would spend the week in your family home and spend time doing fun things. and by fun things, she meant fun things for her.
the first thing you were asked as soon as you put your feet inside was "what did you get me?"
after wishing your sister a happy birthday and watching her open her present, you sink into the couch with drowsy eyes after some good two hours driving, feeling exhausted. you were so tired that you weren't even paying attention to what the small human full of energy was chattering around you.
"what do you think we should do first? we can go roller skating!"
"bug, i hate roller skating. you know that." god, you remember the last time you fell on your face. you wore a purple eyes for weeks.
"...or we could go get me new books! mom promised me you would go out with me." she keeps talking, not paying attention to you. that was going to be a very long week.
the very next day, you could barely open your eyes when your sister forced you to wake up early and drive her to school, affirming that it was part of the birthday package you promised her even though you didn't actually recall that
you had the brilliant idea to go straight home after dropping the kid at school and sleep for the rest of the day. or until she got home with quick loud steps and a vibrant high-pitched voice.
your great idea fell apart when you were effectively blackmailed by a tiny human dragging you to her classroom, excited to show you everything. you weren’t even sure if you were allowed in there but you followed her anyway.
"that's cool, bug! you did that?" you encouraged her regardless of the many screams of the other kids hurting your ears, right after seeing the paint strokes in a small canvas forming the figure of a person. for a eight year old, the kid had some actual talent. it was better than what you could do.
she nods, extremely proud of herself. "ms. taylor is teaching us how to paint for next week's art fair. you’re coming, right?"
five days. five days was all you could do. it was a pain in the ass to convince your boss to let you skip work for a week and you only managed to do it cause she was a friend of the family. more than that and you would turn into a jobless woman.
“i’ll see what i can do, alright?” you get on your knees to match her height. “now i’m gonna go home and later we can watch…” your voice trails off when your attention is stolen by a woman entering the classroom.
wearing baggy and colorful clothes with glasses that made her look even more attractive, she had a few books threatening to fall from her hands and loose paper sheets. nothing like the old women you used to have for a teacher when you were young.
“good morning, party people! sorry i’m late today.” she doesn’t seem to notice you, too busy and overwhelmed while organizing her desk. she was probably used to be surrounded by loud gremlins all the time, you thought.
she was about to say something but her lips closed after not even a second, knitted brows and an uncertain but polite grin painted on her face. “oh, and i think we have a visitor today.”
and your world fully stops when she looks at you. flushed cheeks as you were practically drooling.
“that’s my sister, she's visiting for my birthday!” the little one fills the awkward silence, not looking like she cares about your unexpected loss of words.
“aw, this is so sweet.” she frowns for a second and all of sudden, her eyes are on you “and are you having a good time down there?” she chuckles, causing your heart to skip a beat, and only then you notice your knees hurting. you were still on the floor, looking like a full time idiot. you hear the other kids the room laughing as well.
“yeah, i was just… tying her shoes.” you stand on your feet as quickly as possible, nearly losing balance.
“no, you weren’t. my shoes don’t have-.” your hand flies over your sister direction to cover her mouth.
your legs were feeling like thin sticks as you walked towards the light haired woman, extending your hand to her. “hi, sorry.” you said falteringly.
“it’s all good. i like to stay on the floor sometimes too.” she offers you an empathetic smile. “i’m jackie.” she finally shakes your hand.
“jackie.” you echo her, subtly shaking your head. it felt like you were absorbing her name into your soul. even her name sounded like something that could be in a movie. “hi. i’m-“
“i know. your sister talks a lot about you. but i guess i wasn’t expecting you to be like this.” you freeze again.
“like what?" your voice trembles as you ask.
she didn’t say anything but you feel her eyes wandering around you while she smiles.
jackie gave you an excuse, apologizing for interrupting the conversation but emphasizing how she desperately needed to start the class. she was already late and you felt bad for taking so much of her time.
“it was nice to finally meet you.” is all she says and you made sure to say it back. before walking through the door, you quickly wave at your sister, not wanting to disrupt them anymore.
you immediately gave up on the idea of sleeping for the entire day. how could you when you had just met jackie taylor?
overthinking everything was like a piece of cake for you, as easy as blinking. but it wasn't hard to overthink things when jackie's first impression of you was probably a terrible one, knees on the floor and making a fool of yourself.
you were happy to welcome your sister back home from school, disregarding the fact that she told your parents that you were drooling over her art teacher on your damn knees. how can kids remember so much?
wanting to know more about her very interesting teacher, with ice cream for dinner, you succeeded in finding out that jackie taylor wasn't a married woman.
"why do you wanna know that?" you struggle to understand the few mumbles thanks to her stuffing her mouth with ice cream.
"okay, i think you had enough." you whisper, slowly moving the bowl away and ignoring her question.
for the next two days, between a bookstore visit or going out for ice cream, you would give jackie taylor a thought. not because you cared or was interested, of course, you were just curious. and you wanted to fix the impression you made on her.
"are you driving me today?" was the question you were asked every morning.
too tired, too sleepy, too early, bad headache, terrible cramps. were all the excuses you gave her so you could have a few more hours of sleep. until the third day.
"school is starting soon!"
"hmm, i don't know if i'm taking you... i'm feeling so-"
"ms. taylor's class is the first one today." you notice her playful tone. she knew you too well.
"good. i'm actually feeling so good today." fast as the wind, you shoot out of the bed.
"you don't have to walk me there anymore. i'm not a baby." the eight year old complains as she notices you following her inside.
"sure, i know. i just wanna make sure you're safe." that wasn't a full lie. yes, you were looking forward to talk to jackie again, but you still cared about your sister.
you were fifteen minutes earlier that the actual class time and by the time you walk into the room, jackie was already there. with your sister going straight to talk to her friends, that was your chance.
"good morning." you timidly knock on the halfway open door, not wanting to scare her.
"hello there!" jackie closes the book that was laying on her big desk in front of her, fixing her gaze on you. lips curving upward. "not tying any shoes this morning?" standing up, she adjusts her slightly crooked glasses as she watches you get closer.
"not today, no. too hard to find any customers." you join her tease, feeling like you have been blessed as she laughs.
"you should try the art exhibition next week. lots of shoes to tie in there." you caught yourself thinking that she may be flirting with you but maybe you were just going crazy for drinking so much coffee lately.
"i would love to tie some stranger's shoes on a school event." playing along, all you could think was that you urgently had to stay for more than just five days. time to beg your boss twice.
"nice! i'll see you there, then." about to end the conversation, jackie's smile widens and the simple act almost makes you fall on your knees again.
"actually..." you fight to not stumble over your words as you create the fastest excuse ever to see her again. "my sister and i are going out for roller skating tomorrow. you should join us."
jackie's gaze lifts back at you, eyebrows raising in curiosity.
"why should i?" she had the casual smirk adorning her face, probably enjoying this entire situation much more than you.
"because... we're going to a park nearby and there's a few tables in there. what's greater to an art teacher than a pretty view to paint?" you were quite proud of how quick your mind worked.
jackie seems to take a brief moment to think about your words, even though she had already made her mind minutes ago.
"it's a deal."
"what? you hate skating. remember when you had a purple eye? that was funny." you turn around to find your sister standing by the door, giggling at the memory of your swollen face. jesus, for how long she was in there?
you met jackie at the park after spending the entire day double-checking your helmet and all of your safety equipment. you couldn't afford to fall again. not this time.
with a huge bag and many art supplies, jackie carefully placed everything on the picnic table while being squeezed in a hug by your sister. the first thing you noticed was how jackie dressed the exact same way out of school. free of any boring clothes and with no glasses this once.
"you actually came." you shyly mirror her grin.
"of course i did. i need to paint something for the fair and i thought that the good old blue sky and pretty trees would do the job."
"so an empty canvas is what made you come?" nervously, your eyes dart back and forth at the brushes on the pine table and her eyes.
"not just that. i think the companny is pretty rad too."
after feeding the ducks with your sibling, you joined jackie by sitting in front of her. she appeared to be so relaxed even when being so gentle and cautious with the paint. you couldn't help but feeling at ease as well.
"found something worthy of being painted by you?"
jackie looks at you over the canvas with rosy cheeks and a contented smirk, affirming with her head. "i think i did."
"it's nice of you to stay longer." her narrowed focused eyes are back on her work, sometimes meeting yours.
you didn't remember telling jackie that it wasn't on your initial plan to stay that long and as if she was capable of reading minds, she snorts before explaining herself.
"she told me you wouldn't be here for the art exhibition." her head points at your sister, skating around the small lake.
"she really does talk a lot about me." you joke, referring to what jackie said when you first met her.
"why did you?" eyes locked on the piece of work, jackie tries to sound unbothered.
"stay longer?" she agrees silently.
"i figured that i really like art. and i couldn't miss such an important event for her."
"so your love for art was what made you stay?" jackie questioned and, once or twice, you would catch her more concerned glance at you.
"not just that. i think the art teacher is pretty rad too."
in the middle of longing stares and jackie blushing for the first time, you hear a childish voice calling you.
"aren't you coming? you're so boring!"
snapping out of the jackie taylor effect, you realized that you still haven't fulfilled your promise to skating with your sister.
jackie, not worried about the painting anymore, quickly put on her rollers with a huge beaming expression. without a single effort to stay still on those things, you became aware of how experienced she was.
"come on, i'll help you out." standing in front of you, she offers you a hand and you don't wait much to accept it.
you were a nervous wreck when the big day came and it wasn't even your works that were going to be exposed to people. in honor of jackie, you tried to wear something formal like a nice looking suit and elegant shoes. a bit too much for a simple school event but it was much more than that to you.
at school, you were surrounded by an impressive quantity of paintings already framed on walls. some of them were adorable, made by younger students.
being pulled by your sleeves, you spend a few minutes in the area where your sibling's works were hanging in and seeing her so happy made you pleased to your decision to stay.
with a single poppy in hands, you find jackie talking to someone, probably a parent. at the exact moment your eyes met, she quickly excuse herself from the conversation to walk towards you with energetic steps.
"all of this looks amazing. you look amazing." is all you can say, not caring about the ear to ear grin on your lips.
"hi! you look great too. i like the suit. so fancy." her hand tenderly brushes over your shoulder, feeling the soft fabric of your clothes.
"it's a special occasion, right? and, here, i got you something."
jackie's face radiates happiness at the second she sees her favorite flower being handled to her, eyes sparkling at you.
"thank you! how did you know i like them?" she tucks the flower into her hair, prettier than ever.
"you know, she talks a lot." you two share a laugh. "aren't you gonna show me your work?"
as her silky hands covered your eyes from behind you, she guides you to the wall with all of her artworks.
"you ready?" your nod in response and she let go of your eyes.
as soon as you open them, one specific framed canvas catches your attention. it was jackie's first view from when she was sitting at the picnic table the other day. you and your sister feeding the ducks on the lake, with the exact same clothes you were wearing. there was no doubt.
"jackie..." you gasp, stunned, jaw almost hitting the floor.
"you like it? i thought it would be something worthy to paint." she's nervous. you can hear her shaky voice as she speaks.
instead of saying something, you spin around to face jackie behind you. with trembling hands, you trace her jawline before pulling her in for a kiss.
you were a big fan of art now.
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obxthornton · 2 months
You Arent Him.
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Summary: Logan was dead, he had been for some time now. So who was this man in his suit in need of help?
Warnings: Light plot point spoilers for Deadpool and Wolverine (not really), Guns, angst, grief, talks of a miscarriage, and talks of death.
It had been a normal Friday. 
I woke up at 6 am, went into the woods to chop some wood for the stove, and cooked breakfast. My dog, Buck, stood next to me, waiting for his scraps of my breakfast. I ate a few bites before I put the plate on the ground and let him have the rest of the bacon and eggs. At 7:30 I took a shower before clothing my body in some jeans, tank top, and flannel. I made a cup of tea and I sat on the back porch, working on the painting I had started a few days ago. This piece was one of the mountain ranges that surrounded my house. I sat on my stool, using my pocket knife to open up a can of paint, and dipped my brush into it, working on the forefront of the painting. I had lived in this cabin for around 7 years now, alone, only with Bucks company. However, he wasnt much of a talker. Buck was around 11 now, an old companion who spent most of his time lying by my feet and barking at passing wildlife. 
I drank my tea, looking past the canvas to the area in front of me, and then painting it into the picture. I added the forefront trees, painting over the large less detailed ones I had painted in the back.  I looked up again, this time the image had changed. A large orange rectangle appeared causing me to drop my mug causing it to shatter. I stood up quickly as two figures started walking out. Reaching behind me I grabbed my rifle, cocking the gun, before standing on the edge of the porch, aiming it at the figures. My breath hitched and my eyes pulled away from the scope as one of the figures was in his suit, his. I shook the feeling away and put my face back up to the scope, shooting at the familiar figure first. I cocked the gun again and put a bullet in the red man next to him as well. "Woah Woah Woah!" The red man said holding up his arms, the orange portal closed behind the two, "We come in peace, lower your gun." I looked over the scope, blinking hard, trying to blink away the scene in front of me. I raised the gun again, staring at the familiar man in yellow in the scope, looking over his face. It couldn't be him. I shot the man again earning a groan from him. I squeezed my eyes shut at his voice, "Get the hell off my property!" I yelled shakily. Buck was barking and I opened my eyes to see the dog run towards the men. "Buck, get back here." I huffed, lowering my gun to not accidentally shoot him. Buck's barks were excited, he ran towards the man in yellow. He jumped up, squealing in excitement, barking and clawing at the man.  The man looked confused, kneeling down lightly so he could pet the dog. Buck licked his face and barked, rolling his body against the man's chest. I let out a shaky breath as I put the gun on safety and laid it back against the wall. "You got a bathroom out here? Traveling always messes me up." The red man him now right behind me, and Buck was in the arms of the yellow man. "Get the hell away from me." I huffed holding out my finger to the man, "I don't know what you think you are doing by looking like that but it's not going to work. Leave and never come back." He was so close to me now. My eyes settled on his face, racking him over to see if it was really him, it was. His face, is all the same, just alittle older. His eyes connected with mine, the eyes I fell in love with. He set down Buck and grabbed the red man's arm, "let's get out of here," he muttered. "What! we need her to save the timeline." He turned towards me, "Please ms, we have traveled across space and time to get to you. We are from a different timeline, and we need your help to save my timeline. You know logan right? This timeline's Logan, not Wolvie right here." The man spoke fast and I looked over at Logan, my eyes raking his face. His face showed he didn't know who I was, "we were told to come to talk to you."
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "We can talk inside. I'll make tea," I stated grabbing my riffle and motioning my head for Buck to follow me inside. "oo yay, I love tea." the red man said following close behind. "I wasnt expecting guests so ignore the mess," I stated, walking in. The floor was littered with old paintings I had completed. I watched as Logan froze in the doorway, his eyes landing on one picture on the wall, a large image framed from my wedding day. 
The two men sat on the couch, Buck in between them. The red man, Wade I learned, was sipping a cup of tea I had made for him.  I prepared Logan's tea, steeping a bag of peppermint tea with one sugar cube and no milk, the way he had liked it 7 years ago.  I walked over, holding the mug in hand, and setting it on the coffee table in front of him. His eyes were wide and he looked alittle bit uncomfortable, looking around at the photos on the wall of the cabin. "Thank you for the tea, you have a lovely cabin here!" Wade exclaimed, his legs crossed, "I love these photos, the only proof I have that Wolvie here could smile if he wanted to." I gave the man a small smile, pulling my legs underneath me in the chair across from them. Logan gave Wade an annoyed look before he picked up the tea. He took a sniff and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, he took a sip and his face looked even more confused. "peppermint with one sugar." I said lightly causing him to look up at me, "My husband's favorite. I hope it's okay." He nodded and took another sip, cradling the warm cup in his hands, and staring down at it.
"Can you tell us alittle about him?" Wade said pointing to one of the pictures on the wall.  I hesitated, feeling the weight of my grief pressing down on me. But something in Logan's voice, the earnestness, made me want to share. "He was... brave," I began, my voice breaking slightly. "He was a fighter, in every sense of the word. But he was also kind, in his own rough way. He loved this cabin, our life together. He would spend hours tinkering with things, always trying to fix or improve something, even if it was already perfect." I played with the sleeves of my flannel, "He had this way of making everything feel... right. When things were bad, when everything was falling apart, he'd just pull me close and remind me that we were in it together. No matter what happened, he was there. He was my rock."
"Me and Logan met at a grocery store, I accidentally hit him with my cart and he was pissed. But then, he wasnt. I was probably 23, I don't know how old he was, he wasnt too fond of his old age." I stated, "We were together it felt like forever, he was the love of my life." Logan's face in the picture was happy, it was me, him, and Buck as a puppy, standing in front of the cabin. "This year we would have been married for 11 years," I sighed, "but he died 7 years ago." Logan's eyes were large as he listened.
Wade waved his hands, "wait wait wait, how? Arent you like immortal." His question was voiced at Logan, not necessarily at me. "Logan was sick, he had been sick for alittle. The adamantium was poisoning him and he wasnt doing the best." I shook my head thinking about him, "I had a bad accident that sent me into a coma about a year into Logan being really sick.” My voice caught in my throat for a second and I tried to regain my composure, “we had just found out I was pregnant too. Logan was so excited to be a father, he always wanted kids.” I shook my head trying to get the thoughts out, “we lost the baby in the accident. I would have died too, I should have died." I stared down at the messy coffee table, "But Logan is dumb, he's smart, but he was so incredibly dumb. God I hate him. I hate him for dying and I hate him even more for making it so I couldn't." I dugg around in my shirt pocket, grabbing out my pocket knife. I flicked it open, making a large slit in the palm of my hand. I held up my hand and watched as the cut slowly healed. "Dont even know how he was able to do that. I woke up in my bed, Logan's hand in mine, but he was gone." I looked at the two men, "I hate him." I turned and looked at Logan, "I hate you." Sighing I stood up, "You both should leave. I'm not going to be any help to you two."
"Wait, can we at least talk about this? Please we really need you to come back with us. Pretty please?" Wade hand praying hands, as he begged. I shook my head, "I'm sorry I'll be of no use." I turned away and walked into my bedroom, falling to my knees on the side of the bed. With my head in my hands, I cried, mourning the loss of him for what felt like another time. As if I was letting him die again. The presence of someone else filled the space and I sat up, rubbing my face. "You look just like him," I stated, smelling his familiar scent, "I have prayed every night that one day I would be reunited with my love. Yet I can't die and you aren't him."
I turned to look at the man who was looking around at the room Logan and I had called our own. More pictures scattered the walls, our closet open, filled with Logan's clothes that no longer smelt like him. "I'm not him," Logan stated. He kneeled next to me, his arms resting on his knee, the same way my husband would do when I was upset, "but I'm not leaving until I know eveyrthing is alright." My lip quivered as I stared into his eyes, "Can I have a hug?" I whispered, biting my lip to keep the tears from flowing. Logan hesitated for a second but slowly opened his arms. I latched myself around his neck, burry my face into his shoulder and his large arms wrapped around me tightly. He felt so familiar, he smelled so familiar. I cried. I cried while Logan hugged me, his arms getting alittle tighter as a sob escaped my lips. It was closer, it felt like closer. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry lo." I cried, gripping him as if he would disappear if I didn't hold on. He wasn’t the Logan I had lost, and he would never replace him. But there was a part of him, a reflection of the man I had loved, in the way he held me. It was enough to bring a glimmer of peace, and comfort I hadn’t felt in seven years. Though I knew I could never bring Logan back, or replace him, I could offer this man something. It was what my Logan would have wanted—to help, to support, to save the world. That's always what he wanted, to be a hero. He would have never turned down a way to help, to save people. I wasnt going to let his memory get tainted by my own grief. I obliged in helping the two men. And in that act of compassion, I found a small measure of solace, a piece of closure that I had been searching for. 
He had made everything alright. 
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delacoursshp · 1 year
"3…2..1.. DIVE!"
cedric diggory x fem mermaid reader
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- use of y/n, reader is in slytherin AND IS A MERMAIDDD, reader is independent, cedric is your cheesy lover, triwizard cup (2nd task) drama, you almost being caught as a mermaid
warnings: nothing
i write quick stories, but dis one felt a tiny lil longer than usual so enjoy😋
the bell rang. you were so glad to be out of ms trelawneys lesson. she was such an oaf, with her ''ooohh i see potentional murder ahead!" or her 'aahh i see much death in your future!'. like, honestly!
not that trelawneys sayings would've been a surprise; half-blood mermaids were very rare and often seen as demons. and funny enough, you were one of them.
you made your way down the stairs to study in the library.you avoided pansy parkinson and her little group, as they always put themselves in drama and you were never up for that.
once arrived, you yanked about 5 books from a shelf and then seated yourself at a table next to a big window.
you began reading. first book, second book, third book-
you closed the books quickly, put them back and then rushed so fast out of the library, making people turn their heads.you went upstairs, third floor, to the prefects bathroom, then muttered something that sounded like 'pine-fresh' and the painting swept forwards and you quickly stepped in.
there was nobody, as expected, except for the mermaid on the painting onto the wall. you waved politely and she waved back excitedly, looking as if she had missed you really much. you undressed, leaving yourself completely naked, then stepped into the pool.
after what felt like 10 minutes you felt your body heat up, your toes clench really hard, and your breathing quickened. the double eyelids formed onto your face.
what used to be your legs had now shaped into a long dark green, grey-ish shiny tail. your skin turned a little grey too, and your nails extended in length. your iris had become bloodred of colour, and your black pupils dilated until there was just a thin red line around the black dot. you sighed as all the changes finished, and relaxed.
about 50 seconds later, you heard the prefects bathroom opening open. it was him.
you looked up, hoping it was him and not someone else. the painting creaked and there you saw the tall, fit, brunette figure walk through.
"cedric." you whispered in happiness. he smiled at you before sprinting and hastily jumping into the pool.
you squeaked. "cedric!" he laughed, shaking the water off his hair and swam towards you. "well, hello beautiful." he smirked, eyeing your sea creature body. your breasts were practically naked, except for the shell symbols spread around your areola.
"ced. your clothes are wet." you said sarcastically, staring up into his eyes while his arm rests around your shoulder.
"doesn't matter, love. how've you been? mind helping me with the triwizard cup? i think it has something to do with, you know, your kind. i heard sirens when i opened that egg. anyways, i hope they wo-"
you admired him as he kept talking about the upcoming triwizard task. you were so lucky to have him, he never judged you on being a mermaid. of course, he's also the only one that knows about it.
your deadly- (but oddly attractive to cedric) -eyes were caught by cedric as he finished the topic. he stared at you, and if looks could kill, you'd definitely been dead. you leaned your body onto him, resting your head on his shoulder.
"i don't know what i would do without you, cedric." you spoke softly. cedric chuckled.
"well, luckily that's something you don't ever have to worry about."
"promise?" you whispered, stroking his arm with your dainty hands.
the mermaid in the painting clasped her hands onto her mouth, and her watery eyes blinked dramatically. she wiped them with a piece of seaweed.
cedrics hand that wasn't at your shoulder, trailed down your tail and felt at the texture.
he was mesmerized. he'd seen your mermaid self once before, from afar. now that he sees it up close, it's so much prettier.
you smiled softly, exhausted from reading so long before. you glanced at the mermaid, who winked back at you.
"i love you." cedric suddenly said, what made you turn your head immediately.
"i love you, cedric" you said back, not breaking eyecontact.
"good. fish babies!" he joked.
you giggled and sat yourself sideways onto his lap. your tail flicked up and down in excitement, making the water splash. cedric grinned at your actions. then you locked lips with him, drowning in his taste.
if only this moment would never end.
it was the day of the second task. i was really nervous, but i prepared my bubble charm so everything should be fine.
bagman went on and on about this and that. to be fair, i wasn't listening. i was watching the lake before me, swinging my arms unpatiently.
"okay, enough chit-chatting! now, are we ready, best contestants?"
bloody right i was ready.
"3...2..1.. DIVE!"
an enormous splash erupted from the lake, onto the murmuring crowd. i swam and swam all the way down, trying to find what i was searching for. i didn't know exactly what. i just knew it would be guarded by mermen.
many minutes passed, and i saw 4 vague figures. i swam a little closer, and saw the four figures clearer. they were all tied up, cornered by merpeople.
one of them was a girl with rather bushy hair, next to her a boy with hair so red it looked like fire was burning in the lake, and next to him was a little girl, and right next to her was-
oh no. this couldn't be.
i frowned my eyebrows and my mouth dropped in fear. y/n.
the fact that it was y/n tied up, wasn't the worst thing. it was that her tail showed. a mermaid transformation took about 10 minutes, right? so whoever put her here must have done it quick! or else she would've been killed by them already.. if anyone up there sees she is a mermaid, things could get disgusting.
i examined her unconscious face, searching for any wounds. it was rather hard, curse the bubble charm for blurring my view.
i grabbed a knife i brought just in case from my pocket, and cut the ropes around her wrists. i carried her heavy figure up the water fast, as i felt like time was running out. our heads popped out, and y/ns eyes opened slowly. the first thing she saw was my face. then she looked around, very confused. she saw the water floating around her, and it looked like she was about to faint.
what? what is going on? you felt fear, anger, and confusion rise up within you. please let this be a nightmare, you thought.
a soaked cedric with a bubble around his head was looking at you, worryingly. when you wanted to say something, but it came out as a whimper, he shushed you. "shh, it's okay, leave everything up to me right now, okay?" he whispered.
"and we have our first contestant up! cedric diggory!". the gryffindors, hufflepuffs, ravenclaws and a few beauxbatons cheered loudly. some looked confused at your slightly new appearance; your grey skin & red eyes weren't hidden. cedric tried to hide you from the crowd.
he grinned at them so nobody would find it off, and then swam to dumbledore with you, both of your bodies underwater, except for your heads.
"sir, she- she's.." cedric tried to make up an excuse to make sure your body stayed beneath the surface. you looked at him, terrified.
dumbledore smiled. "it's okay, boy. i'm not stupid, you know. show her to me."
cedric hesitated, but you nodded, after all, he was the headmaster. what choice did cedric or you have?
you shyly turned around, horrified to see his reaction, but dumbledore kept his same expression. "ah. and so i was right." he said, his eyes twinkling.
you frowned your eyebrows in surprise, looked at cedric, and saw that he was doing the same. "your bubble still functions well, i'm assuming? 2 hours they work, yes?"dumbledore said.
"uuh, yes, sir." cedric said. "turn around, dive, go north, then west, you'll find a cave, go through there and leave the rest up to me."
you and cedric looked at eachother in both relief and confusion, then cedric nodded.-you swam forward, cedric holding onto your hand. a smile crept up your face, as he struggled to keep up with you.
"keep up, tough boy." you mouthed, feeling a little less worried then before.he just chuckled nervously at you. the moment of it was almost romantic, if to ignore the context. you felt a sense of joy, being in your other home, together with someone you wanna spend your entire life with.
hopefully, the next task would be a lot less terrifying.
idk idk idkk. i don't rlly like this ☹️ but!! i felt like i wrote the task scene okay, right? 😝 anyways, hope u enjoyed!
- @delacoursshp
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