#i have never loved something more than i love project sekai i think
mymarifae · 1 year
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pjsk-writin · 1 year
yayyyy requests are open I'm so happy :D!! could i pretty please ask for project sekai boys with a reader who forgets things a lot? like they're not good at remembering dates/names or if they're told something they'll forget it a few hours/a day later? tysm i love your writing <333
ouuu reader just like me fr,, TY IM GLAD U DO and I hope u like this!! <3
♡ FORGETFUL - Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Tsukasa Tenma and Rui Kamishiro x Reader
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Akito is simply bewildered by how forgetful you are. He can't comprehend how you manage to forget things so much-
He'd never make fun of you for it genuinely, although he might make a joke every now and then. He'll stop if you ever get upset by these jokes though!
He starts to carry your things around because he'll know you'll forget. He'll just hold your bag or something out to you before you leave
He also makes sure to remind you of events, dates or names whenever he needs to, simply nudging you and whispering them into your ear with a nod
If worse comes to worse, he'll tag along with you whenever he can, making mental notes of things that are probably important for you to remember <3
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Toya is also confused by how forgetful you are, but it's not like he hasn't had his moments, so who is he to judge?
He's always very gentle whenever he reminds you of things, he wouldn't dare to ever make fun of you or make you feel bad about it
He makes sure to repeat things to you often, knowing it's more than likely you already forgot so there's no reason he shouldn't remind you again
He has his own systems for remembering things like names and dates and tries to teach you it, but it probably won't work too well-
Whenever he can't be around you, he leaves you little notes. They're usually placed on your notebooks or your important items, always accompanied with a little note <3
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This is Tsukasa we're talking about. He literally forgot half of his childhood, but if we don't think about that, he probably has a pretty good memory!
Get ready to have your own personal reminder walking around with you, because he'll literally light up and go, "Oh!! Did you remember to?-"
This happens a lot. He'll get a nagging feeling at the back of his mind and then remind you of whatever it was that popped up in his mind-
He's remembered a lot of scripts over his time, so dates and names are no issue for him! He doesn't know how to explain his methods, but he'll try to help you!
It's very unlikely that he won't be by your side to remind you of things, but just in case he isn't, he'll send you a bunch of texts to make sure you remember things <3
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Rui has a scarily good memory. I mean he taught himself robotics, he probably has the ability to remember things from a first glance-
He would also be the type to tease you about how forgetful you are, but he would always stop if you ever get uncomfortable. Teasing is just in his nature though-
A very normal occurrence is him working through something and casually reminding you of something. He'll grin when your eyes just widen as you remember
He also remembers a ton of scripts, so his ability to remember names and dates is pretty good. When asked how he does it though, he'll shrug and give you a notepad-
Yes, he's making you a drone to remind you of things. That also includes reminding you to use the drone, but it does help once you get used to using it <3
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ssruis · 1 month
Recommending this again bc its got updates. & also because I’m obsessed. It’s so good… go read…
Leaving my full comment here as well bc ao3 called me out for my immensely wordy method of commenting so. Y’know. Spoilers. Go read first.
Nene tucks her bag and coat under one of the seats in the stalls, then tries to find a person who doesn’t look terrifying to speak to so she can ask what they need help with. She barely recognises most of them, having not properly met with any other tech crew since the first rehearsal. Well- maybe if she just…stands here, someone will ask-
HELP… I love her so much. Nene Kusanagi. the most girl of all time.
“It’s so interesting learning about how much there is going on backstage! I guess I never really thought about it before…” Minori leans back to grab more paint, leaving another handprint on her leggings as she does. Should Nene say something…? “I bet the cast work really hard too! Having to sing and dance whilst smiling and acting the whole time too…that’s something I really want to learn!”
yayyy minori she’s so cute :) meeting of the fail girls. I love how you’ve worked in so many of the other pjsk characters in a way that feels very organic (instead of just random roles) and gives them a little spotlight even if they’re not the focus. You can tell there’s so much love and care put into everyone’s characterization.
I…have to be proud of the person I am now, if I want to be proud of the person I’m going to be.”
Wait, what is she saying? That’s not- that’s not something she came up with-
Somewhere tsukasa just got a huge ego boost. Thank god he’s not here he would be so insufferable.
He always speaks to her like a worried parent…the message might as well read ‘did you make lots of friends at your first day of school?’.
So real… he’s so annoying… Rui acting like that despite being like one year older than nene will never not be funny.
“I am about to fall over!” Tsukasa yells back breathlessly, hunching over once the piano stops.
“If you have the air to complain, you have the air to hold that last note!”
Insert the “I’ve hired a tyrannical director” tsukasa quote.
“Right? You’ll be fine.” Rui watches as A bends down to check on Tsukasa, lightly patting his shoulder. “We’re almost there.”
Tsukasa has died (cheering) (end story)
“Maybe!” Rui shrugs. “Honestly, I wasn’t completely sure at first, but I’m glad my intuition was correct. Seems like the star quality runs in the family, after all.”
“...I think you’re right,” Nene says quietly.
Nene and tsukasa relationship progression… smiles…
“N-no…” No, don’t remember me from auditions. Actually, please just forget my entire existence-
“Hopefully you make it next time, if that’s what you wanna do!” An says. “A little bit of confidence goes a long way, y’know? And you can always fake it if you’re not sure!”
she’s so funny I loved this part. The nene & an dynamic of girl with horrible social anxiety and girl who is so so cool but also so so excited to get to know everyone will never not be funny.
“Nene, your outfit looks so cute!”
But apparently there’s always one person who manages to find her. Nene looks up from her phone, Emu already barreling over to her. So long as she keeps away from the very heavy, very expensive lighting equipment, they’re fine.
The return of the pink thing… (The crowd goes wild)
Probably because you never sit still, Nene thinks. Especially right now. If Nene is rattling from nerves, Emu looks about to burst with excitement. It must be nice to be immune to any and all fear.
“I hope everyone is gonna enjoy the show tonight!” she says, smile bright even in the dark. “I bet it’s gonna be super wow wow yay yay woo woo!”
1 so true getting that thing to sit still is a losing battle 2 I love how you write her dialogue so much… perfectly straddles the line between her very silly onomatopoeia laden moments and her more serious moments.
“Every time I see the light I’m gonna know it’s you and get super super smiley!”
:) I care them
Nene repositions the light towards the stage, casting the bright circle over Tsukasa. He instantly looks up then recoils at the light, squinting up at them.
“Oi, what’re you doing! That’s bright!”
“Hi Tsukasa!” Emu calls back, waving. “You look super shiny shiny sparkly bright!”
“Oh, really?” His angry face quickly swaps to flattery, and he poses accordingly. Nene turns the light off. “Hey, put it back on!”
I laughed he’s so funny. Anytime Tsukasa gets irritated or upset (or completely unreasonably hesitant about a perfectly safe sane and normal stunt that is definitely necessary for the show) you can just redirect him with flattery. Works every time.
“Are you curious about the hair ties?” she asks. “We’re wearing them in mutual support with Saki, since she can’t be here tonight. She has one too! It’s cute, isn’t it?”
“Y-yeah,” Nene says. “Is she, um…recovering okay…?”
“I believe so! According to Tsukasa, she should be out in a few days.” Honami laughs. “She really wants to attend closing night…she keeps talking about it non-stop.”
“I was worried talking about it would make her sad, but she seems more excited than anyone else,” Ichika adds. “It’s a really great thing we didn’t have to cancel the show. It would make her really happy to be able to catch our last performance.”
“She should focus on getting better first,” Shiho says, not taking her eyes off her bass. The other two just smile and shrug. 
"Let's hope Saki can join us soon," the tall pianist says. Crap, Nene can't remember his name- Aoyagi? Nene isn’t sure what their relationship is, though he has a scrunchie tucked into his shirt pocket too. "She cares about this performance very much."
THATS SO CUTE… I love how well the L/N interactions are written. Shiho & her concern that comes off as uncaring when it’s anything but… also toya with the scrunchie too awww…
Nene stares. “What part of this is fun…?” 
“You’re all part of the team, so you all have to join in,” Rui says, and Nene groans, trudging out the pit with the others. It’s fine, if she just hides at the back, maybe she can get away with half-effort… “Here, Nene. You can stand next to me!”
Bastard. Nene jogs alongside Rui, ignoring his pleased expression.
Making a gamer exercise. Rui truly is a bastard.
“So this is what the life of a stage actor is like…” Aoyagi muses from up in front, hands barely stretching past his knees.
I giggled. Truly built like a wet paper bag, that one.
“Something like this is easy for me!” Tsukasa says, still looking strong with his hands planted on his hips. If Nene had more energy, she would stab him right now. “I’m not tired at all!”
And so he lives another day. It’s ok nene. there will be other opportunities.
“Um, no, I think you need to stay with the rest of the cast…” Nene says, aware that the company is mostly split into their separate groups. Surely she’s not supposed to stand alongside the actual important people, like the director, the lead, the important actors…even if it seems like they…want her there?
OUUGH you get it… You Get It… nene is so so loved but her anxiety ridden saw trap of a mind makes that so difficult for her to see.
“Huh?” That’s not what she’d…
“Not!” Tsukasa finishes, holding his head up high. Nene quickly hides any and all concern.
“Makes sense an idiot like you would be stupid to get nervous. I didn’t care anyway.”
HELP…. ‘I didn’t care anyway. Idiot.’ I love how you write them so much.
It’s too soon…she needs Emu to cling to her arm and say stupid stuff so that it doesn’t feel so real-
Obsessed. I know what you are nene.
nene & tsukasa scene
I’m so happy this fic exists all the time but esp during the nene & tsukasa interactions they are so fascinating to me and you write them so well… nene telling tsukasa he’s overthinking it is so funny. I liked the little moment of him having a moment abt whether or not to send saki the pictures it reflects their whole dynamic so well. And him getting the text from saki and going SAKIII 🥺😭 was so cute.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you down here, Nene,” Rui says, and the way his eyes glint with just a little pride make her want to curl up and avoid everyone ever for the next ten hours. She settles for just crossing her arms.
Hes so annoying… I love how you’ve written their dynamic…
“But wow, the others really did a good job with you, Tsukasa,” Rui says, studying Tsukasa appreciatively. “You really look professional. And the hairstyle is very cute.”
“Cute?” Tsukasa narrows his eyes. “I’m not cute! I’m cool! Cool!”
“Yes, yes. Very cool!”
“Hm, that’s right.” Tsukasa flicks a strand of hair back, grinning to himself. “I’m so cool.”
Yuck (said fondly)
“Yes, I think you’ll do well tonight,” Rui says, taking a seat on the table at the side. Can’t he sit on a chair like a normal person?
I grinned at that. I love all the little details you put in your writing like Rui’s passion for sitting like A Weirdo… it’s like putting treats in an enrichment toy for people who are insane about these characters (me) to giggle at.
“You really know the script inside out by this point.”
“Of course I do,” Tsukasa says. “Especially after last night when you made me recite lines whilst throwing goldfish crackers at me…”
“What the hell was that for?” Nene asks Rui. 
“It was just really fun!” he says.
“Seriously, what’s wrong with you…”
“Don’t worry, we didn’t study too hard last night,” Rui says. “We even watched the original movie to help keep the atmosphere. It’s important to have fun sometimes.”
“Fun for you! You were still throwing stuff at me even then!”
“Well, a good actor needs to be prepared for the unexpected…”
they’re so funny. I can’t keep saying “I love how you write x dynamic” because it’s true for literally every dynamic in this fic…
Emu gasps, jumping back. “Oh, sorry, I mean, um- break your legs, Nene and Rui!”
“No, it sounds kind of terrifying when you say it like that…” Tsukasa mutters.
Emu and inventing entirely new sayings. She’s doing her best <3
Kind of amazing that any guy can sound so sincere singing about love whilst wearing knee-high boots and beaded booty shorts, but.
HELP MEEEE… He really will do anything for a show won’t he.
Nene wishes she could be down there too. More than ever before. To be part of something. To be alongside others. The way Tsukasa gives it his all and shines…Nene wants to try that too. There's a fire down there burning so strong that its sparks are lighting her too. 
YESS I loved this part I love the acknowledgement of her competitiveness & “I want to do better I want to be on stage” attitude, and how that drives and motivates her
“I thought so too! They didn’t seem to think it was weird at all. Even my mom said she liked it, but I think she just likes the idea of two guys dating…”
new favorite side character: Fujoshi mom
“O-oh, um, I’m…um…” Nene fumbles for the words. Well, obviously, she took off her tech stuff so they don’t recognise her…and, actually, thinking about it, it’s not like they would let her sit at the table full of cast members anyway. They’re the important ones. Not Nene. Heat rises to her face as she takes a step back, because, seriously, what had she even been thinking, deciding to sit with everyone else like this-
“Nene’s a part of our team!” Tsukasa’s voice thunders out from behind her, and Nene jumps, turning to them. “Of course she can sit here!”
“Yeah, Nene is super important!” Emu adds, jumping up to grab Nene’s arm. “Wiithout Nene we would all be completely in the dark and the audience would just be looking at nothing for two hours!”
WxS is actually a theatre troupe second and a nene hype squad first.
“Wait, Emu!” Tsukasa holds up a hand. “Next time, can you try not kicking me whilst we’re in the Irish dance line?”
“Huh, I kicked you?”
“Oh, I thought I saw that,” Rui says.
“And you’re still telling her to do things the same tomorrow!?”
“Sorry, Tsukasa!” Emu bows. “Next time I’ll try not to kick you so hard.”
“Don’t kick me at all!” Tsukasa sighs, recollecting himself.
Writing group dialogue - esp for a visual novel that relies solely on dialogue and can rely on visuals instead of writing “x said” “y said” - is such a challenge and you do it so well… you can always tell who’s speaking and it flows so nicely…
“I’ll tell Ena and Mizuki not to be too rough tomorrow,” Rui says, then his face turns coy. “I do think that bunny suit looked good on you, Tsukasa.”
(Spraying Rui with water) inside thoughts! Inside thoughts!!!
“That’s my dream role,” Emu says, almost shyly.
“Hm? You want to be Cinderella?”
“I wanna be the cow,” Emu says dreamily.
“The cow-?” Tsukasa chokes. “That’s not even a human role!”
Emu’s face falls. “But I wanna be the cow…” 
“Don’t crush Emu’s dreams, Tsukasa,” Nene says.
“It’s not even a speaking role! It’s just a model of a cow on wheels!”
“Tsukasa, we have to be kind to our fellow company members,” Rui says. “I believe in you, Emu!”
Everyone ganging up on tsukasa… you love to see it. My experience with theatre is rather limited, (in that I attended the shows my sister was in, and took photos during their dress rehearsals), but I will say that when my high school put on into the woods we actually had a girl (not my sister, she was the bakers wife) be the cow. The girl actually requested it… she wanted to be the cow... That costume was terrifying. All that to say: I believe in you emu.
“Yeah, after the past two weeks I can see that…” Tsukasa says. Nene is sure she can almost see the trauma in his eyes. Rui tilts his head, suddenly forlorn.
“How can you say that, Tsukasa…? I’ve always been so considerate to your needs. When have I ever done something mean to you?”
“You made me stand on one leg for an entire rehearsal once!”
“To improve your balance and muscle strength-”
They are so irritating.
“Maybe we should consider that for a future show?” Rui says, and Nene suddenly realises something momentous. They’re talking to her because they want to. They’re talking to her because they see her as a friend. And they’re all here because they love theatre and they love putting on shows, and Nene is the same. She loves it too. She belongs here. They’re her friends, too. 
I love this part so so much… nene realizing she belongs… I feel like her own hang ups about having friends goes unnoticed by a lot of people in favor of rui’s (which, to be fair, his are a little more blatant). it’s so nice to see a fic that examines nene & her realizing she’s a part of the group and that they all love her.
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shibology · 3 months
hiii i saw you're hosting an event so i wanna request project sekai's niigo (all of the members) x reader going a beach day together?
- it's possible, can you make reader someone who has a rather quiet and calm personality? if it isn't, then please ignore this!!
beach day w/ niigo + calm/reserved reader (gn!reader)
type : hcs/platonic
cw(s) : none
a/n : listened to cellphone love story while writing this 😭 also, you're all at the beach together! this is just more of your separate interactions w the girls!! i hope i did fuyu justice cause when i was heavy into pjsk i never read any of the group stories LMFAO
learn about the event here~
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your personalities clash perfectly, it's funny, mizuki had to stop you both from bringing your devices along with you because you both would be so obsessed with doing things on them. but you both understood, taking the time to spend a beach day with your favorite people. kanade invites you to her tent. she doesn't have much in mind regarding activities, but she prefers to talk to you anyways, so it's okay.
kanade won't go near the water unless she's dragged. not because she doesn't like it, but because she just does not have the energy to swim. she'll make small drawings in the sand with you, though! little stars, music notes, maybe even everybody else there!
but if you want to swim, she'll walk up to the shore with you. she'll let the water hit her feet, but she won't swim. you're okay with it though, you understand. you eventually come up with her and stand next to her, watching whatever shenanigans the others get up to.
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she's so excited you decided to join them! but you couldn't help but sigh when she immediately booked it for the water, tiredly trying to keep up with her. she wouldn't admit it, but she was proud of herself for convincing you to come with them. convincing kanade was hard enough, but you? seemed completely uninterested. it wasn't that you didn't want to, you just didn't have the energy for it. but you still wanted to see your friends, but nonetheless, you came.
mizuki loves to splash water on you and watch the way you look at her in disapproval but amusement, quickly planning your next attack on her. she smiles, once again thinking about how proud she was about herself for getting you outside of the house.
she totally sneaks up on you. you head back to shore to sit down, your head in a book, and all of a sudden she's come up to the shore with a water gun in hands, spraying you right in the face. you sigh and grin in amusement, you may be on the more shy side, but around the right people, you loosen right up.
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another one who's happy about the beach trip, not about getting you out though. she sees it as the perfect opportunity to make some memories with you in moments she never thought she would see you in. it's perfect! her phone is out constantly, trying to get good photos, but also trying to get some exclusive 'never been seen before' photos of you.
she mostly prefers to get PHOTOS of the water rather than actually going in it, so it's common to see mizuki extending her hand out begging for her to try the water, and for her to refuse and talk about how she's "admiring it from afar" (it's a beach, shinonome 😭)
also the type to make cute sand drawings with you, they just make the cutest photos! she just draws random sea creatures, but i see her as the type that would add unnecessary detail. comparing you to hers it's obvious who's the artist.....
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mafuyu would spend most of her time at the shore, she'll sit down and let the water hit her person, and she definitely wouldn't mind if you'd also prefer that. mafuyu doesn't necessarily talk your ear off as much as mizuki or ena, but you two have more of a comforting silence type of thing, occasionally breaking the silence to mention something about the scenery, or how pretty something is.
but she may get up to go a little deeper in the water, much to mizuki's delight. she finds the cold feeling of the water nice in her, especially with how hot it's been lately. she doesn't go too far though, just enough to where she can see shore clearly.
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Ok hear me out... Yandere project sekai boys (like generally how they would be as a yandere) I have seen a yandere Rui or two but never the others and I would like to see peoples opinion on how they would be like and if you could write that I would be more than happy (don't forget to stay hydrated and take care of yourself)
I'm hearing you!! And I very much enjoyed writing it. Also thank you so much, I'm doing my best to take care of myself ^^ but anyway, I hope you enjoy <3
Yandere!Akito, Toya, Tsukasa, Rui headcanons
Tag List: @alicewinterway18 - come get your future star!
How will they act if they would be your yandere? How will they try to make you love them and how will they keep you by their side?
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⊱ your first meeting with Akito was definitely a coincidence, if you go to the same class, it just so happened that you have project together, but if you go to different classes then it just so happenes he goes the same way home you do
⊱ whatever it is that makes your attention go to someone or something else, it magically disappears so you have nothing else to focus on but him
⊱ whenever you go to him, he'll act like he doesn't care at all and just spends time with you because he had nothing better to you, but if one time you won't come to him, he'll do everything to make you do it
⊱ Akito got into relationship with you by making you feel like you have nobody else, he won't kill anyone who's close to you, instead he will make them hate you or act like that
⊱ after the two of you got into relationship, he started to be more protective than before, still no one talked to you, besides him
⊱ and whenever you tried to talk to someone else, somehow he always knew that and confronted you about it
"Hey, what do you think you're doing with them?! You know they want nothing else but to use your, right?!"
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⊱ you and Toya met thanks to one of his friends, you might think that it was your friend idea to introduce you to each other but the truth was that he asked them himself to introduce you to him
⊱ he was a little quiet but he still had some charm... but it wasn't anything new that you spend time with other people than him and he really wasn't found of it so he decided to manipulate you a bit
⊱ he started slowly telling you that they don't really like you and talk with you out of pity, but he doesn't, he talks with you because he's the only person that likes you for being you
⊱ it took some time but you believed him, and when Toya told you should just accept and be his, you agreed to that
⊱ you didn't really talked to others or tried to meet anyone new, because if you would, he was there to make you think that they don't really like you and only want to use you to their own needs, and made you come back to him thinking that he's the only person that likes you in this cruel world
"YN, don't worry. They were clearly trying to use you, it was obvious from the day they approached you. But luckily you have me, the only one who adores you."
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⊱ you and Tsukasa probably met at one of his shows, maybe you just came there for fun and bumped into him when you wanted to go back and he just started a conversation with you
⊱ he was really sweet and funny to you so of course you have him your number when he asked you for it, and that's when he started texting and talking to you every day
⊱ he'll always give up everything and do anything for you, and always was so understanding for you
⊱ it wasn't a surprise that you falled for Tsukasa, and he falled for you as well, so of course the two of you started dating and he was even more sweet to you
⊱ but when you got into relationship he did act a little bit more protective of you, but he never had anything against when you wanted to go with your friends, he just usually tagged along!
⊱ but when one time you asked him to go without him, he got furious
⊱ at first he was just arguing with you how you cannot leave his side and if you won't go with him, you're not going at all. But uf you're really stubborn then he might just lock you in room for day or couple of hours untill you realize what you did wrong
"YN, why do you want to go without me? I won't let you go without me, I don't trust those your 'friends'!"
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⊱ Rui approached you one day when you were walking home and said that he approached you because he goes the same way you do and only wanted to get to know you better
⊱ but the truth was he already knew every little thing about you, he knew you favorite food, favorite place, time you usually fall asleep and wake up, on which side of bed you prefer to sleep and every single other thing, but of course you didn't knew that
⊱ Rui was really nice to you and always was spoiling you, and created inventions that were made just for you and your personal needs
⊱ he knew you won't like him back but he couldn't just let you go so as classic as it sounds, he kidnapped tied you to the bed in his house and wouldn't let you leave
⊱ he knows he cannot be always next to you so he builds inventions that won't let you leave room without his approval, and even if you somehow did, he always have cameras
⊱ but he's not mean to you, he just wants you to love him back and if you at least pretend to do so, he'll let you go to different rooms, but no matter what you do, he'll never let you go
"Darling, don't be scared... You just have to learn not to abuse my trust and I will never hurt you..."
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asexualbookbird · 5 months
were there any other anime that you enjoyed?
I was big into Haruhi Suzumiya (God Knows... almost made it onto that list of fave songs not in english lol) and Toradora for the LONGEST time! One of my high school teachers actually gave me half the manga volumes I own because he knew I loved it so much. I wore my hair like Haruhi every day for. A year? Maybe?? At least???? TRULY I WAS IN DEEP. Someone ruined them for me though lol still trying to win them back in my heart.
Naruto was like. 60% of my personality in middle school and high school. I think I've cosplayed every iteration of Itachi and some Sasuke too. Met some of my favorite people through cosplaying loser Uchihas. The music kicks ass. Kishimoto doesn't know how to write women. Fanfic authors always came to his rescue.
Yakitate! Japan. I don't have much more to say about that. Except it's VERY good and VERY fun and I never got into Food Wars because YAKITATE! JAPAN IS RIGHT THERE!!!!!!! I should probably get into Food Wars though.
Tokyo Mew Mew was FORMATIVE!!!! It's the series I read my first fanfic from! I made my own mewmew sona a while back (like. a few years ago. not in middle school LOL) it will ALWAYS hold a place in my heart.
MADOKA! Listen. I respect why people don't like the series. Girls deserve more than suffering. BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH LMAO HOMURA MY GIRL, and the visuals UGH THE VISUALS!!!! IT'S SO PRETTY!!!!
Also pretty was Made in Abyss, but again, I fully recognize why people stay away from it. But it's SO GOOD AND SO PRETTY AND OUCHIE. Perhaps there is a theme here,
I didn't get into Love Live! when it was still airing, and never really watched the anime until I got VERY into the rhythm game a couple year ago (I'd been playing way back in 2014, but stopped when I got a new phone and lost my old account but downloaded it around 2020 as something to do) and im kind of kicking myself because now all the merch of the OG girls is GONE! GIVE ME MY MAKI MERCH!!!!! I'm still very salty about the mobile game fiasco lmao but its okay because Project Sekai will save me :)
I feel like I could go on, but then it'd just turn into "what anime have you watched?" because im very bad at watching anime so I've only ever finished shows I truly like (or if a friend has sat me down and said 'we're watching this now :3' ) Full Metal Alchemist was also Formative, but I never actually sat down and watched Brotherhood all the way through lol I've seen Death Note a half dozen times I think which is weird because I would NOT consider it a fave yet it's probably the one I've seen most other than Haruhi (endless eight DNI)
I have not watched anything recently, but I love the Dungeon Meshi manga, and I think I might watch..fri....frieren? The little elf girl. That looks cute. It will probably destroy me.
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origami-boat · 9 months
(this review is going to be shorter than i would've liked because of the character limit, if you want my actual unfiltered thoughts on this magazine you can find them in this mega folder.)
let's start with the review:
i don't know how this is being sold in bookstores so casually. it should be banned. it shouldn't have gotten greenlit in the first place. i don't understand what horrible people agreed on publishing this horrible magazine made by horrible creators.
don't pick up this magazine ever. it was the worst mistake i've ever made. my biggest regret, probably. i'm going to try and explain my reasoning here, even though it should be obvious.
concept (3/10):
so...i don't really understand the themes. the first volume is supposed to celebrate the creators getting married 100 times? which is...really disturbing and distressing. why would they share it with other people? shouldn't they be embarrassed? but i guess it is something...why did the theme shift from "marriage" to "god" in the second volume? what happened during these 101-200 marriages? actually, looking at the reviews of the first volume, i don't get why they released a second one. clearly there is no demand. i'm hearing rumors that a third volume's in the making, too...do they never learn? literally everyone is telling them to stop. nobody is asking for this. it's just annoying. but that just goes to show how self centered and selfish the creators are, i guess. and indecisive. because what will the theme even be? what even is the point? why not just quit...?
design: (4/10)
pretty simple. i don't have any notes on this one. it is misleading, though. it's so average, like they're trying to trick you into thinking this is an average zine. a normal zine. it really isn't.
memes: (6/10)
cute kitten pictures are the only tolerable thing about this whole magazine. the four points are for the project sekai meme and the chainsaw man meme. those were not funny. the rest is fine, i guess.
writing: (1/10)
i'm giving it one point because i'm generous, it doesn't actually have any redeeming qualities. from the very first pieces you could tell that the author has gathered up all the love they have ever felt before and put it in each and every word. imagine this: you're drinking tea, and you accidently put two spoons of sugar instead of one. disgusting, right? too hopeful. too full of love. too raw. just thinking about it makes me shake. what the fuck is wrong with the author. in an ideal world, i would've wished for them to find a better therapist, but i don't think any therapist deserves to go through that. they should just die, maybe...?
art: (1/10)
no redeeming qualities again. yes, i know, i'm too generous. in this case it's actually so vile i threw up several times. too joyful. too intimate. again, too much love. what is with this magazine and love? aren't there other, better things to celebrate? not to mention, i've seen the artist say some pretty weird stuff before. like how they enjoy...yaoi...i know, that's so fucked up...they're really fucking evil and unsalvageable. death is the only solution for what's wrong with them, whatever that is.
final rating: (2/10)
i can't bring myself to rate it any lower. i feel kind of bad. even after all i've said, i understand that the creators didn't choose to be born this way, you know? of course, i don't think they can get any better, so...i just wish they would disappear as soon as possible. make the world a better place.
hope this review helped. don't waste your time and money on this thing, it does more harm than good (it does not do any good, really). go enjoy something else.
for those unaware this is for vol 3 of yurimag!! it’s a zine i make with public enemy number one @impastopesto it’s the worlds top magazine that celebrates yuri of all kinds. part one and part two are available for free on my itch.io account: haunted-oyster
this is the general vibe of the zine btw
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thrilling-oneway · 1 year
I made a post about a year ago now probably saying I didn't have any ideas for prsk mixed events anyway i do have ideas now.
I still want an animal event. SIF is dead now and there’s no more animal costume sets in the world. Plot doesn’t have to be deep it can just be hanging out at a zoo or something. Anyway: cat Airi, platypus Rui, hamster Kohane, penguin Haruka. Bunny Mafuyu if you want as well. Could work with MinoKoha as well because they’re in the animal caretaker club.
TANABATA EVENT. Please be the June->July lim event. Why has prsk not done one of these yet?? Anyway these cards are always so pretty in other games so project sekai should do one. Idc who’s on the banner they just need to do a tanabata event. Thank you.
Rooftop event. I want an event that just studies Mizuki and Rui’s time in middle school vs now under a microscope. Neither of them have second mixed banners yet so there is hope. Throw in Ena and Tsukasa as well because I love parallels a normal amount.
MafuHona event. Listen, they are so similar I need them to have an event about it. They both would do anything anyone wanted and it destroyed Mafuyu’s identity and caused Honami to leave her friends. You ever think about how Mafuyu wanted to be a nurse and Honami wants to be a caregiver. Yeah. Also you can put Kanade and Saki in if you want (this was my wedding event prediction but then Mafuyu got a lim)
Cat Cafe. Okay honestly this probably works better as a mmj event but then again they had the penguin cafe event so mixed could work actually. Not to say cat Airi again but I’m going to say cat Airi again. Or you could do this with MinoSaki since they work at the cafe.
Gardening club event. Is Rui the only known member of the gardening club? Yes. Do i care? No. Give us a set with dungarees and cute wellies please it’d be worth it colopale. Also I want a Rui and Saki event (i did have an explanation for this but then I forgot what it was) and I think Saki would suit this kind of costume.
MizuAn event. I think something to do with fashion could be fun. Street style Mizuki and lolita style An do you see my vision? Shinonome sibs could go here as well since they both like fashion.
Continuing the trend of “double date” events, I think ShizuAiri + Shiho & a Leo/need could be funny. Yeah that’s all I have to say about this one.
Wait project sekai has never had an ice cream parlour event before has it? Ohoho this could be a great one. Mmm… I think Saki would be a good fit on the note that this is interchangeable with diner theme and have you seen her new birthday card it is so retro diner coded. Actually this would be cute as a Tenma sibs event.
Steampunk event. This is just because I like steampunk and need something better than 3/5 of the Revival cards. I still think it fits with Rui though.
Phantom Thief. I am still salty that they put Phantom Thief in the title for the first White Day event and then made a knights set. Tbf this would probably work better as a WxS set but it could be a fun mixed event. I don’t really know who would go on this banner.
Holy shit this got long so I’m just gonna end it here. Anyway none of these are ever going to happen but if you read all that then have a cookie 🍪
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lotus-lamps · 3 months
yippee intro post (ALSO COMMISSIONS ARE OPEN!!!)
okay last one was a PAIN to read so im rewriting it lmao
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heyyyy its me lotuslamps, but you can also just call me lotus or cozm. dont worry about pronouns, i dont care. i do happen to be a minor though, so id rather not interact with nsfw blogs, thanks.
reposts are allowed (on other sites) WITH CREDIT. you can also use my art for non commercial purposes, like pfps.
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this blog will mostly be my art, but i might occasionally drop a shitpost, textpost or reblog here and there.
#lotus drawdles is my art tag. ...not sure if all my art actually shows up when you click the link though. oh well.
sigh. you can have #cozm textpost too i guess. lmao
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im a multifandom (+ my ocs) artist with no schedule at all, so its not unusual for me to not post for months. what i draw for varies often, so if you wanna follow me, i recommend you do it for my art style rather than the specific fandom i drew for. your call though.
jujutsu kaisen (current)
bungo stray dogs
project sekai
sky cotl
madoka magica
kill la kill
hollow knight
animation vs animator
cult of the lamb
the lower it is on the list, the less likely you'll see art of it here, more or less.
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my askbox is always open, send whatever shit you want lol. i'll try to answer them all if theyre not too personal, and if they are ill just give you a meme or something instead lmao.
art requests are open right now too, you can ask for whatever as well. it might take a while though. i'll draw whatever I'm interested in. no oc stuff, sorry. thats reserved for my commissions.
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discord user: cozmiccupcakes
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/LotusLamps
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lotuslamps
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lotus.lamps/ <- less used than tumblr
X/twitter: https://x.com/Lotus_Lamps <- honestly never thought i'd get this but alas.
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thats all. i think. okay random fact time lets goooo
i like birds, eating food, sleeping, listening to music, doodling, and daydreaming. i dont like procrastinating (lie. kinda) but unfortunately im a professional and have a degree in it lmao.
speaking of music. my favorite artists are maretu, jack stauber, kikuo, AURORA, karikibear, ghost and pals, and wotaku.
also debussy goes hard lowkey. please dont take that out of context it sounds weird LMAO. yeah i play piano. sometimes i make my own music too.
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hm. thats really all, this time. i think. wow this is longer and probably just as hard to read as the last one lmao.
okay then. have a good day/night/whenever. take breaks, drink water, live your best life. you're loved. see you :)
right. hope you like my blog or something. lol
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zylophie · 11 months
Ive never done a matchup before so this should be interesting
o the preferred gender i want to be matched with is a boy
I am ambiverted, so im naturally more introverted around strangers(especially boys) and more extrovetted arohnd friends or people i know. I can also be VERY sarcastic, snarky, or witty
My dream job is to be a voiceactor, but my hobbies are drawing, gaming, watching anime(thats not a hobby but who cares), writing, and editing
My love language is quality time
Idrk what to put in fun facts..... Im clumsy(?) Like not super clumsy or anything, but i randomly hurt myself a lot cuz i bump into things
I dont really have an ideal type.....someone who knows how to cook? Maybe someone who knows another language? Id want someone that isnt from where i am(whoch is america) so we can share eachothers cultures together
Besides anything obvious, i cant rlly think of something i dont want in a person..
al matchup plz
Okay thats it tyy, i lookforward to seeing le results ❤
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"૮₍ •⤙•˶|💌 ᴮᵉᵉᵖ..! ᵒⁿᵉ ᵐᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉˎˊ˗
✉! .•°⟡˚ ༘ ʸᵒᵘ ʳᵉᶜᵉⁱᵛᵉᵈ ᵃ ᵐᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ʸᵘᵉ!
⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ...yue is typing... ♡
 ↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ !
꒰ʜɪɪ ʜɪɪ, ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ?꒱ 🎐~*
     ❛❛,,𝐎ᵖᵉⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵃⁱˡ ᵗᵒ ˢᵉᵉ ʷʰᵒ ⁱˢ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᶠᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ!,,❜❜1
╴╴╴╴╴⊹ꮺ˚ ╴╴╴╴╴⊹˚ ╴╴╴╴˚ೃ ╴╴╴╴ꕤ₊˚╴╴╴
▶• ılıılılılılıılılılılı. 0 ⁿᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸⁱⁿᵍ... Project Sekai!
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡ɴᴏʀᴍᴀʟ ᴍᴀᴛᴄʜᴜᴘ♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵖᵃⁱʳ ⁱˢ... Shinonome Akito! ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Akito doesn't want to admit it but he really enjoys those little bickering moment with you, not many people can talk back to him since most people find him scary...so he really adore your sarcasm, it's oddly endearing! 
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ He really like surprising you whenever he can especially when you're so focused in your own little world , mostly because you have the cutest reactions so it's not his fault for wanting to see them often...
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Akito would often try to join you whenever you want to do something that day even if he might be bad at it... like you want to try a new recipe today? He will try his best even though he might mess up midway but the poor boy just wants to spend more time with you whenever you are free! 
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ He doesn't really mind that you're pretty tall for your age...well it's easier for him to sneak a few kisses whenever you're distracted, right? 
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╴╴╴╴╴⊹ꮺ˚ ╴╴╴╴╴⊹˚ ╴╴╴╴˚ೃ ╴╴╴╴ꕤ₊˚╴╴╴
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴍᴀᴛᴄʜᴜᴘ♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵖᵃⁱʳ ⁱˢ...Tenma Tsukasa! ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Tsukasa like watching your reactions to certain things, your energetic side whenever you guys hang out together with friends, he find it endearing that such a quiet person is full of life when you are alone with those you trust but sometimes he like it more if you show that side of you to him alone more...
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Whenever you're in your own little world, he doesn't bother you and try to be quiet as possible so not scare you, he will leave some cookies and a drink next to your desk with a note to remind you that you need a break sometimes from working so hard! 
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ He is very protective of you, he is afraid of you getting hurt since you're so clumsy and actually get a bruise on your knee one time...so don't mind him being a worrywart and keep pestering you for safety measures!! 
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ He doesn't mind you being tall for your age...heck he won't even mind if you're taller than him, though you seem to tease him a lot especially when he is being extra in certain moments...so friendly bantering with him is very often, guaranteed! 
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╴╴╴╴╴⊹ꮺ˚ ╴╴╴╴╴⊹˚ ╴╴╴╴˚ೃ ╴╴╴╴ꕤ₊˚╴╴╴
💬 note from modmizuki (yue) : I hope the results are to your liking! This is my very first attempt at matchup so hopefully it's not too bad??
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kalicocoa · 2 years
An Announcement on the State of Night Rule
So I’ve been struggling with how to say these things and I finally just need to get it off my chest. I think I’ll feel better after finally speaking about things, so here we go!
After today, I will not be participating in the Project SEKAI fanbase outside of finishing my fanfiction, Night Rule!
I’ve had a lot of unsavory experiences with people in this fanbase that were behind closed doors in a way. (Discord Servers, Private Messages, etc.) Making a big stink out of things will only reflect poorly on me as past experience has proven to me, so I’d rather just let sleeping dogs lie and remove myself from the equation without making an enormous post about those things.
I don’t feel very safe when interacting with people anymore and more often than not I’m hurt by unnecessary hostile behavior toward me. Hostility that ranged from disagreeing on meaningless headcanons to straight up bigotry at my expense. (I quite literally watched as some passionate readers of my fic turned on me immediately upon learning I was a person of color. I don’t feel good about this and I never will either.)
However, Night Rule will be completed. I plan to finish it, even if my motivation is practically abysmal lately. I have love for my story and the completed outline I worked so hard on, but I do not feel well writing this story for people that ultimately think little of me as the creator.
That being said, updates will be extremely scarce from this point onward. Hopefully at least once a month, but I can’t promise this due to my current mental health state. You’re getting this fanfiction for free and it’s a work that has brought a lot of aggression toward me as a person, so you can be reasonable and accept that it will update as much as it will on my terms. Hope that’s understood, because if it isn’t, that’s something you’ll have to deal with on your own I’m afraid.
Night Rule was a creation of my own personal passion for Proseka and its cast, fit with my favorite fantasy tropes and ideas I had been dying to use in a story for years. For this reason, it’s much too special to me to abandon and I plan to keep this as a thing for me before I worry about how much people love or hate it.
I recommend that if you only follow me for Project SEKAI, you should probably unfollow me now! I will not be sharing posts of it anymore and the only things related to Proseka that will be posted will be updates on this fic and reblogged fanworks of Night Rule if people continue to make those. I’ll still be playing the game on occasion, but I will not be talking about it on here casually from here on out.
Where I plan to go from here, I’m not really sure. I still have things that I enjoy, so I plan to keep writing and reblogging things that I like. Maybe I’ll move on to the next big interest. Maybe I’ll disappear someday. Who knows. We’ll figure it out when we get there.
But the point remains, this chapter of my life is coming to a close, and the end of Night Rule will be the end of my involvement in this fanbase for good.
Thank you for understanding! See you on the flip side. (❁´◡`❁)
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mymarifae · 1 year
1,10, 34, 16,17 and 40
I'm so so sorry if that's too much I just really like hearing you talk/reading your stuff
it's not too much at all omg!! feel free to ask all the questions you'd like ^^ 💗
1. What got you into project sekai?
my friend jewel :) he got into it like... around global release, i think. and had been posting about it and drawing art and i was like "i'm interested" but never got around to downloading it until one night after a sudden ER trip. because that sucked and i wanted game on my phone as a reward
10. What's a feature (or several) you want?
i'd kind of like a mode where you can practice specific parts of songs... i don't think this is necessarily practical or realistic but i still want it. playing through all of a song when the part i need practice on is like at the very end sucks so bad. also i want to be able to use stamps on the loading screen for co-op shows
... that's all i can think of agjdbfjd
16 done!
17. First 3* you pulled?
well idk what the actual first 3* i ever pulled was because i restarted both my en and jp accounts but
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these 2 <3
already did 34!
40. A hot take?
cracks knuckles
kanada tenma is a bad headcanon and i need people to drop it
harumichi does not belong in the shitty parents squad with mafuyu's mom and shinei. hell i'd argue that shinei doesn't necessarily belong there either but i really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really do not like shinei so i'm not going to defend him. like agkdjgbf prsk fans are so bad at handling nuance like yes harumichi abused toya - but toya has chosen to forgive him and wants him in his life. despite it all he loves his dad and he knows that his dad loves him too. and this is a relationship he wants to keep and that's OKAY!!!! harumichi has seen the error of his ways and is making an effort to be a better, more accepting, open-minded father. parent-child relationships get fucking COMPLICATED and harumichi and toya's is a really realistic, really nicely written example of that complexity. i see a lot of myself and my mom in them - it's nice to have that represented. but it sucks to see the fandom just like refuse to understand it 😐
95% of the "siblings" headcanons in this fandom feel like a way to preserve mlm ships and make them seem like the only viable option. like you guys are taking every girl in the boys' lives and going "they're siblings!!!!!" so the only "reasonable" thing left to ship is akitoya and ruikasa. like i Swear To God people only get so so so defensive and forceful with headcanoning akito and an, akito and kohane, rui and nene, rui and emu, and emu and tsukasa as siblings because they feel threatened by the fact that these duos do have realistic, healthy romantic chemistry and they need to reinterpret it as something else lest their yaoi ship be tarnished. idk. the damage yaoi brain has done to our society is fascinating
on that note. from an objective standpoint. emurui and ruinene and emukasa have more canonical chemistry than ruikasa does it's just everyone gravitates to that because it's BoyxBoy. there i said it.
emu parallels mafuyu more than tsukasa ever will people just project emu's problems onto tsukasa because they'd rather think about a boy
an exists beyond liking kohane a lot like she has other friends and personality traits. and she's the farthest thing from a "mean lesbian" she's one of the sweetest characters in the game. she and akito are not wlw/mlm hostility. i'm tired of that joke being toted around because people are taking it as canon and they don't bother to understand their friendship as it actually is
ena is not a bad sister. if you're going to say that you have to say akito is a bad brother. like go on. do it. say it 😐 yeah no one wants to say That. "but she scratches him that makes her abusive" 1. not anymore 2. i don't think you have siblings. sometimes siblings fight and hurt each other it's not... god i hate it here. "she yells at him" he yells at her that's how siblings are sometimes. especially in Difficult Households. "she's mean to him" he's mean to her too bitch 😭 look back at what i just said. and while they're jerks to each other SOMETIMES they make a point to take care of each other and go out of their way to do nice things and they actively spend time together (if akito really did not want to go to cafes and the mall with her, he wouldn't go. he's bigger than her. she can't pick him up and drag him there. he whines about it but he does like to spend time with her. and she doesn't have to ask him either like. like. i think only children need to not speak on the dynamics of ena and akito's relationship.)
wxs has the worst music in the game. both covers and commissions wise. i'm so serious i'm tired of people saying that it's amazing just because they like the characters like come on stop lying to me and yourself. it's okay to say emu and tsukasa's vocal direction is FUCKED
the best music in the game is either more more jump or leo/need
mizuki isn't your agender neutral androgynous nonbinary icon. she's explicitly transfem. she's a trans girl.
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bruisingviolets · 2 years
god, i have my father’s eyes
3.4k words
Project SEKAI
Aoyagi Harumichi & Aoyagi Touya, Aoyagi Touya/Shinonome Akito
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Manipulation, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Confrontations, Not Canon Compliant, Relationship Study, Character Study, Family Issues, Aoyagi Harumichi’s A+ Parenting + more
There’s a voice yelling, screaming, in his head, so desperately wanting to be heard.
It’s not true, it bellows. There is no universe out there where I will ever want to be anything like you.
(Toya confronts his father.)
read on ao3 or click ‘Keep reading’
Blinking so rapidly that black dots begin to flicker, pressing the tip of his tongue to the roof of his mouth, holding his breath with eyes glued to the ceiling—he thinks he’s mastered the art of holding his tears back, especially when it comes to the man of the house he wishes he didn’t have to call his father.
  “I thought we’d come to a compromise.” His voice is so painfully small, so frail and delicate that it might crumble into itself and fall apart if his father were to aim his words where he knew it hurt, something he manages to do every single time without fail. Still, he puts up as big of a front that he can muster, setting his foot down as firmly as it’ll let him. He feels his stance wavering but pushes on nevertheless.
  “I’ve changed my mind.”
  “That’s not fair,” he bites back. 
  “What’s not fair is you telling me you’d continue taking up classical music, then turning your back against me and frolicking off with some street rat!”
  “I never said I—” He cuts himself off before the words he’s about to let loose spill out of him regrettably. He knows the consequences of uttering those words are far worse than anything he’s about to face right now. “He’s not a street rat. He has a name.” And please don’t bring him into this.
  “I don’t care for it. He’s a horrible influence on you, can’t you see?”
  The room is so much more eerily silent than usual, no longer just blanketed by an imminent slab of tension that he’s grown so familiar with, a presence he’s almost labelled as family, but now enveloped in something much more suffocating, like the twitch of a finger or a breath released on the wrong beat could send him back to the corners of his past, the remnants of it threatening to break loose. A fleeting image of a grand piano flashes through his mind, to which he shakes off to the best of his ability. He feels his blood run cold.
  “You don’t listen to me anymore.”
  Familiar words. The sentence hangs in the air exactly the way it always did in the past, repeated over and over again, never failing to bring out the same effect on him. He feels that same pang of guilt residing in his chest, despite himself. He decides to stay quiet anyways, in fear of dragging Akito down with him—he’d never forgive himself if he let that happen.
  “You used to love classical music. You used to care for it as much as I did. You used to want to be just like me.”
  He’s partially thankful he’s dropped the topic of Akito, but the territory he was entering wasn’t particularly as pleasant either. His fist tightens into itself on its own, his nails digging crescents into his palm. There’s a voice yelling, screaming, in his head, so desperately wanting to be heard.
  It’s not true, it bellows. There is no universe out there where I will ever want to be anything like you.
  “I know you’re a teenager, I know you’re experiencing all kinds of emotions. I understand.”
  You don’t.
  “But can’t you look at it from my point of view? Can’t you understand where I’m coming from the same way I do for you?”
  “I’m your father, Toya.”
  As unequivocal as ever, his words were, yet so incredibly, excruciatingly wrong.
  I haven’t looked at you as someone I would call my father for a very long time, the voice continues to ring. A voice so monotonous but so urgent, contradicting and going against itself and clashing with the other voice that inhabits his mind that’s telling him to Snap out of it, you’re going to get yourself killed. You will always be under his control. The inner commotion taking place inside of him only grows louder and louder, and he thinks the room is beginning to spin. His palms are drawing blood.
  “Talk to me, please.”
  Feigned tenderness—he sees through it all, clear as day. He presses his lips shut, ignoring the sting that’s starting to feel more present in his right hand. His throat is starting to burn hoarse. The noise in his head contrasts his current environment so sharply he thinks he might lose it right there and then, but he holds himself together.
  “I…” His voice rasps. “I have never…”
  Don’t say it. What are you doing? You’re going to get yourself killed.
  He knows he’s different from other kids he’s grown up with, he knows that on top of the kind of family he was brought up in, his father was also a well-known musician, one held to soaringly high expectations, one with millions of pairs of eyes on him at all times. 
  One who’d pushed his own children under the scrutiny of those same pairs of eyes, letting them nitpick their every every move the same way they do for him, as if they weren’t just children. As if they could handle it at the blossoming ages of five to ten. 
  …You need to tell him, don’t you? Silence would only kill you more.
  The voices seem to ease into a quieter discussion—an agreement, almost. He inhales sharply.
  “I have never enjoyed classical music.”
  He feels the impenetrable wall of glass that’s been caging his heart shut all this time shattering into unrecognisable pieces, baring his soul open to the one person he will never let back in. He feels all too divested, too raw and open and seen and all in front of the wrong person and he hates whatever he’s just done to himself. He wishes he could go back, he shouldn’t have done this, he shouldn’t have said anything, he should’ve just nodded and kept mum and went to his room and cried under the protection of his blankets in the quiet solitude of the night just like he’s always done. He shouldn’t have done this.
  But it was too late now. No amount of remorse could turn back the hands of time.
  The exchanging of words comes to a halt. The stifling phantom in the atmosphere only gets louder, heavier, pressing down on his lungs hard. He’s forgotten what it feels like to breathe—every breath only gets more ragged. There is nothing but ice in his veins.
  “You—” The man standing across from him raises an aggravated finger to his face, almost at a loss for words. “You have some nerve…”
  He takes several steps towards him, each step more daunting than the next, until he’s looking over Toya’s figure with his broad build and suddenly Toya feels like he’s five years old again, like he’s never fully outgrown the age, like he’s always been that same young boy who would never dare go against his father or say anything remotely challenging or reject anything he suggested. He feels like he’s never truly been able to escape that never-ending nightmare that he knows he’d never have to experience if his father had just given it to himself to at least try.
  The memories are a little foggy, but the pain only ever comes back in everlasting waves.
  His heart aches for himself. It’s a distinct kind of hurt, one so tender and sharp he doesn’t think words could ever do it justice.
  Am I not worth the trouble?
  I’m sorry I’m not worth the trouble.
  I just wish you would treat me as your son.
  He braces for an impact that never comes. He doesn’t even realise his eyes have been shut tight on instinct, but when he opens them, he only sees that the man has distanced himself from him, a fist clenched similarly to his, rooted by his side.
  He’s crying.
  Toya blinks back tears of his own that were beginning to brim, not wanting to reveal any more of himself. He recognises this tactic, this strategy that the man was trying to implement. He knows what he’s trying to do, and yet…
  He mourns for him. The loss of his youngest son, if he could even call him his in the first place. A small part of him wishes he could’ve just learned to love classical music the way the man and his other sons did, maybe then he would’ve turned out to be someone worth trying for. He mourns for himself, the loss of what he could’ve been, in turn.
  “I’m sorry,” is all Toya can bring himself to say. The words come out weak and brittle, holding little to no substance whatsoever. But he is sorry—sorry for the person that he’ll never be, the things he’ll never achieve. In another life, I could’ve been your son.
  “You don’t listen to me anymore.” The man repeats, the rasp in his voice mirroring his own. He’s trying to get to you, Toya echoes internally. You know what he’s doing.
  You have never listened to him. Not on your own volition, anyways.
  He exhales quietly, attempting to drive the burdening weight resting on his shoulders away along with his jagged breath.
  “I’m sorry.” He repeats. Such weightless words and such wordless apologies. With so many things left unsaid, he wonders how this will all come back to haunt him in the near future. 
  What else was there left for him to say? He thinks he’s made himself clear enough.
  “All I’ve ever done was for your own good, son. You’re good at music. You have potential. You have skill. I’ve seen it all for myself. You have the capability to become so much more than you are right now if you’d just—”
  “I don’t care for it.” He snaps, his words ice cold, not a hint of regret in sight. “I never have.”
  “And you’re telling me you care for street music instead?” The man scoffs back. “Are you forgetting you only took it up to spite me?”
  There it is. He’s expected this from the start, of course, the words that would strike where it hurt most. The man’s hidden superpower, the one he concealed until the very climax of the argument and only set free when he knew the blow would be enough to crush the boy standing before him.
  “You have no passion for this genre, Toya. None. You have always lacked drive and ambition in everything that you do. What makes you think street music is any different?”
  Nails digging into skin once again, blood running cold, vision beginning to blur—the cycle repeats. He’s losing himself. He’s giving in.
  You were so close…
  “I raised you, son. I watched you grow, I know you. I know what’s best for you. I’m your father.”
  He’s never heard a more dreadful sequence of words said so confidently wrong that he’s not sure if he should laugh or cry. How could someone possibly be so ignorant? So incredibly dense and tone-deaf, as ironic as it is… It baffled Toya completely.
  “But… But I love street music.”
  The words fall out of him before he even has the time to run them through his mind. You’re going to regret this, one of the voices warns. He doesn’t pay it any mind. There’s a bitter aftertaste lingering on his tongue and the back of his throat, but he presses on.
  “I really, really do. It’s— It’s the only thing that reminded me how much I do love music. I love singing, I love dancing, and maybe for a fraction of a second I did love playing the piano and the violin.” His face crumbles, and before he knows it he’s sobbing. He’s sobbing so hard he struggles for pockets of air and his voice is torn completely apart. Gray eyes meet grayer ones and it truly disgusts him to say that it feels exactly like looking into a mirror.
  “I love the friends I’ve made through it, I love the excitement it brings me when I perform.” He wipes his tears away, and a passing image of a five-year-old Toya stifling quiet sobs in the music room by his father’s side replays in his mind.
  “Stop crying.”
  “But I’m tired, Father.”
  “You can take a break when you’ve perfected this piece. You shouldn’t be facing any difficulty at all considering the level you’re at.”
  But my fingers aren’t long enough, he remembers thinking. It hurt to reach the right notes at the right tempo. He was still so small.
  Nevertheless, he pressed the heels of his palms onto his eyes, wiping his tears away begrudgingly, swallowing the lump in his throat, begging himself to stop crying or he’d never hear the end of it. He positioned his fingers at their rightful places once more, telling himself the strain in his hands weren’t as bad as he’d made them out to be, and prepared to play the same apprehensive piece over and over again into the late hours of the night.
  He pulls himself back to reality.
  “It makes me happy. Sh— Shouldn’t that count for something?”
  There’s a brief pause. Toya takes the opportunity to ground himself.
  It pained him more than he’d like to admit, calling him that. He vows never to do that again—only then will he finally be free.
  The man twists away from him abruptly, visible frustration beginning to build up. Toya instinctively takes a step back.
  “But you’re my son.” His voice comes out gentler than anticipated. Toya blinks.
  “I’m… I’m not you.”
  The dreadful stillness in the air takes its place again, and all of a sudden he begins to wonder if he’ll even be able to sleep in his own bed tonight, or ever. Where would he even go? His mind was travelling to dark places, a flurry of senseless thoughts overtaking everything else. He urges himself to calm down.
  “…I know.”
  He blinks again, his tightened fist slowly releasing its grip on itself. He awaits his response with bated breath, too afraid to even release the breath he’s holding.
  “I’m—” The man sighs, stepping further away and pinching the bridge of his nose. “I just— wanted to protect you.”
  The thought sneaks its way in before he can do anything about it, but he decides he’ll let it stay.
  “From what?”
  “You… You’re my son. My son. People know me, they know my work, they know my family. I just didn’t want them to get to you the way they did for… me.” The man’s voice trails off a little towards the end, and if Toya didn’t know any better he’d think his tone was laced with genuine remorse. 
  “That’s not an excuse.”
  He’s not sure where this conviction is coming from, neither is he sure if he can keep up this pretentious demeanour of confidence, and even if he does, how long? Is he going to take the risk? He feels the words continue to slip out of him anyway.
  “There’s just— There’s just no excuse for the excruciating hours that you put me through when I could barely even reach an octave on the piano with one hand. I was a kid. I’d just turned five the day you bought me a piano and told me you’d wanted me to take up classical music.”
  The man only stares blankly in response, equally as dumbfounded at what he was hearing.
  “You never even asked.” Toya continues in a whisper.
  “I… know. And I know it’s hard to believe but… it really was for your own good. People talk, Toya. You would’ve been next.”
  “There were better ways.” His voice cracks again, and he thinks he might break into another round of sobs if not for the determination to convey his message overruling every other emotion. “There were better ways to protect me, but you chose to put me through all of that, knowing what it felt like.”
  The man doesn’t respond.
  “You knew what it felt like as a grown adult, and with that knowledge you put your own toddler through the exact same thing.”
  Every word shoots out of his mouth like an aimed dagger, weapons with a target so clear it never once wavers.
  “That is fucking unbelievable.”
  The swear leaves his lips sour—not only had he always held his elders to incredibly high levels of formality and respect, most especially the man before him, he was also never one to turn to vulgarities even in the heat of the moment or at the peak of upset. This time is different, he supposes. It’s far, far different.
  “You… You have to understand, son. It helped me grow. I’m stronger now. Braver. Much, much more than I was in the past. I thought it’d… help you too. I just wanted you to be strong. Stronger than I ever was.”
  “…I was a kid.”
  “Do you know what kids my age were doing back then, Father?” A broken vow, the name he’s addressed the man by. He promises himself it’s the last time— saying it now was crucial for the point he was about to make. “They were outside, playing with their friends, laughing, drawing, doing things because it was fun and not because they had to…”
  He swallows in hopes of repressing the tears that are about to escape. “…Spending time with their families.”
  He doesn’t remember the last time his family had a ‘family outing’, if they’d ever even had one in the first place. He doesn’t remember the last time he saw his brothers, or the last time they even interacted with him ever since they went abroad for college—not that they’d talked much when they were still at home, anyways. He wishes he saw his parents more often, in spite of everything. 
  “I— I know you were a busy man… You still are. But the hours you spent teaching me classical music every week… Would it have hurt so much to spare some of that time to spend time with me? Do something together? Even just staying at home would’ve been enough. Anything. Was— Was that so difficult?”
  He’s stammering, tripping over his words, but his tone stays constant and surprisingly stable. He wants to make sure the man hears him loud and clear, not a word to be overlooked.
  “I… I know. And I’m…”
  There’s a word stubbornly lingering on the tip of the man’s tongue, five letters Toya doesn’t think he’ll ever let loose. He’s learned that even the most affluent figures could never afford the cost of pride.
  “I know,” the man echoes. Toya can only sigh.
  In a way, he thinks his relationship with the man has come to a permanent standstill. This was the furthest they were ever going to get, and he’d be lying to himself if he said he was content with it. They were far from perfect, far from even satisfactory, and Toya isn’t about to settle for a relationship this strained and call it a day.
  At the same time, words can only do so much, and he can only hope that time will aid in their journey together. Maybe the man will learn to understand Toya more as time passes on, or maybe he’ll forever be stuck at this checkpoint in their relationship until he’s willing to let go of his dignity. 
  Despite this particularly displeasing outcome, Toya thinks he’s made his point crystal clear, and if the man hadn’t understood, then that was on him. Toya’s decided he’s done talking for now, and it’ll probably be the last time in a while that he talks to the man in such a manner ever again.
  He takes one last breath and makes his way to his room, turning in for the night, not once throwing a glance back at the man he once called ‘Father’. He’s gripping onto his phone unnecessarily tight, knuckles turning white as an uncontrollable wave of emotions overtakes his body. His finger hovers over Akito’s contact, hesitating for a second or two before he hits the ‘Call’ button.
  “Toya?” Akito’s voice hums under the muffle of the speaker pressed to Toya’s ear, and that alone manages to soothe most of the nerves in Toya’s system.
  “Hello, Akito.” His own voice constricts in turn, a failed attempt at trying to sound apathetic.
  “Hey… Is everything okay?”
  Toya bites down on his lip. He feels a hot tear running down his cheek.
  “Can I talk to you? Please?”
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echidnana · 11 months
1-4, 13, and 14 for Minori and Haruka!!!! sorry if this is to much btw 😭 -finny 🩷 + asher ❤️‍🔥
HUGS YOU. DONT EVEN WORRY we are in such a mmj mood this is awesome.
under a cut because it got pretty long!!
1. Gender/sexuality headcanon!
🧡 Minori: aspec cis lesbian! she literally never really had a realization, she's just never been interested in boys.
💙 Haruka: aspec agender transfem lesbian! she's also intersex and came out as transfem pretty young, it's not a secret but it's also something most people don't know about her
2. Disability headcanon!
🧡 Minori: hypermobility + autistic! she has joint pain frequently and spends a lot of time warming up to minimize pain and make dancing easier
💙 Haruka: autistic + dissociative + (canon) ED! growing up in the public eye she sort of developed a necessary detachment from herself in order to cope with it. even though she absolutely loves being an idol, it did leave negative impacts on her.
3. Any appearance headcanons (piercings, hair, style, skintone, etc.)!
🧡 Minori: we hc Minori as mixed! she's darker skinned and has freckles + curly hair. we also like her hair being slightly more orange than brown!
💙 Haruka: she has a few piercings! not a ton, but maybe lobes and a cartilage one. also she likes having shorter hair + sometimes an undercut in the summer! we also hc her as Chinese <3
4. Favorite focus event song!
🧡 Minori: DREAM PLACE by EasyPop. this is so hard because all Minori songs are absolute bangers, but dear me as I was back then is our favorite Minori event and the song is so funky
💙 Haruka: If by Yurrycanon. we feel like it fits her vibe the best! but ai no material is a close second, it's so graceful
13. A (non-PRSK) song you associate with the character or would like to see them cover!
🧡 Minori: Heart Attack by LOONA/Chuu. idk it has Minori vibes!!! and she'd sound so cute singing it!!
💙 Haruka: Can't Be Right by ZUTOMAYO. ok this is based on vibes because we don't know what the lyrics are about but we think Haruka would sound AMAZING singing it. another good one is freely tomorrow by mitchie m!
14. Random headcanon!
🧡 Minori: likes law/attorney dramas! we like to think she played ace attorney- maya fey is her favorite character :)
💙 Haruka: isn't bothered by insects at all! she finds them cute and interesting- she's usually the one to take bugs out of the house in her family + friend group
project sekai character ask game
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daemonwritesstuff · 1 year
hello hello!! if its alright, could i request a matchup for project sekai and/or twisted wonderland? (o´▽`o)
my name is clockwork, or just clock works too!! im transmasc (16) and i go by he/they pronouns. im a leo, infp, and hufflepuff though i dont know what most of that means, haha! i think i have undiagnosed autism but its something i still have to talk to my doctor about. ive been on t for a year at this point and im hoping to get top surgery the second i turn eighteen. i mostly have an attraction to dudes, but i also like girls!
i’m pretty short (5’3”) and i have black hair that i like to bleach/dye as well as dark brown eyes. i still look pretty feminine, but i have a deeper voice (thank you testosterone) and i dress masculine though im not against dressing somewhat femininely in my freetime.
my main interests as of current are reading and watching different animanga series, playing video games, and watching vtubers!! my hope is that one day i’ll be able to audition to a talent agency one day and start streaming as a vtuber! i also want to expand myself musically, so i’m currently trying to learn the violin and want to pick up the piano one day! i also love band and i want to learn guitar or the drums. i also love drawing, though i dont do it much and im not very good at it, haha! its more of a hobby than something i want to perfect and become a professional in.
personality wise, i’ve been told i can actually look pretty intimidating but i’d like to think im a pretty nice person! i can be a little bit shy when first meeting someone, but once i know i have something in common with someone, i never shut up, haha!! i’m a really passionate person when it comes to the things im interested in and i do my best to make sure the people around me are happy. i can be super spontaneous and i’m not good at thinking before i act so i’ve done quite a lot of stupid stuff before. i’m super loud and i never know how to control my volume, but its mostly because im having fun. i have tendencies to overthink and my thoughts spiral way more often than i’d ever want to admit, but that’s just how it goes sometimes. i also get pretty irritated/frustrated easily, but i’m learning to get better at controlling that.
i guess my type would be someone who can both match my energy, as well as be patient with me. like, someone who can understand whenever i get too overstimulated or whenever i want to be affectionate even when i dont say it out loud, you know?
thank you for listening to my request, or if anything comes up and you can’t do it or have questions for me, then you can message me!! remember to stay hydrated and get enough sleep!! mwah mwah (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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A/N: Hi there mootie! I apologize for taking a while 🥹 but I really hope you enjoy this. Anyways, here I go!
Your soulmate for Project Sekai is…
Akito Shinonome
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Honestly, I was gonna go for Toya but I truly feel like akito is a best match for you, honestly people say that akito can be intimidating and so can you and there’s so much more that I’m gonna explain on why akito is perfect.
He loves hearing you talk, usually about whatever like your interests that your passionate about, he also loves hearing your voice all the time too, he finds it attractive.
He also supports all your dreams and goals in life! Whatever you wanna do or wanna be he’ll always be there for you, cheering you on.
Since your learning violin and you wanna learn piano, his friend Toya will teach you how to to play them anytime, and since you draw as well I’m sure Ena would love that!
Potentially, if you wanted too, You, Akito and Toya could be in a poly relationship together, but that’s all up to you.
No matter what y’all just compliment each other so well.
Now, for your Twisted Wonderland Soulmate you’ll be with…
Idia Shroud!
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So, since your shy and he’s shy he would definitely become friends with you at first.
You guys share a lot or interests with each other such as animanga, video games, etc, you guys would have weekly gaming nights with just you and him and you guys would also watch anime together as well.
You would be the one talking a lot and he would be the one always listening, he enjoys you taking about your passions and he’ll ask questions and do small reaction noises.
He is very patient with you, and he definitely understands when you get over stimulated as well and will try his best to help you even when he’s freaking out on the inside.
He supports you when you say you wanna become a vtuber! He will definitely help you out with that stuff!
Also if you want affection from him you may have to speak up some points.
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sakiyaki-sashimi · 1 year
My project sekai ships!
Haruka/Minori! - The moment I saw the opening cutscene it felt like watching a child’s first cartoon crush except fast forward and Minor and Haruka actually become friends and work together and are equals and huh???? Minori just gets so blush around Haruka and like remembers everything about her, and Haruka opening up again just because of Minoris dreams is the gayest fuckin thing. It’s just pining lol, so wholesome :3
Shizuku/Airi! - Your honor they satisfy my opposites attract trope. Beautiful and mature meets cute and fireball-like! I love their dynamic and how Airi is like an angry chihuahua that Shizuku just gracefully restraints her and gives her kisses lol luv em
Akito/Toya - They’re just so iconic, all of their interactions are amazing and Toya is just so SO very gay. It’s just something the fandom has completely accepted and I’m all here for it! XD
An/Kohane - Again, a staple of Proseka at this point, something about these girls is just “YOUR TOGETHER. NOW. ITS HAPPENING” and I LOVE it lol. I love the confidence and shy girl mixture, and it plays off of AkiToya well!
Aight are probably gonna hate me for this one but I have 2 opinions:
1) I like RuiEmu and TsuNene more than RuiNene and TsuEmu, I just think they’re dynamics are really cute together. I also love them switch around though, I just have a preference!
2) RuiKasa is really good but people are underselling the fun dynamic that is EmuNene
3) With that being said I have basically admitted to liking every possible pairing between these four so I must admit…
I fucking ADORE polyshow to death!!
They’re just so funny and sweet to them, and out of every group I this WxS has the best overall dynamic! Everything is just so fluid and it feels so right to just have them all together. When have they ever been normal anyway lol
Anyway, luv em <3
Ichika/Saki - The one ship I will NEVER get over!! No matter what other people ship this one is mine and I will die on this hill XD I just love how it’s these 2 that were there for each other when even the other group members weren’t, and I just really like em hehe
Shiho/Honami - Not actually a fav of mine, but they’re pretty cute together and I like the fanart/events of them lol. Also I don’t ship these 2 with anyone else so with a completion it’s mind set I kinda just put these 2 together in my head and it stuck lol
Alright here’s where my multishipper brain goes BRRRR
Ena/Mizuki - This one has ALWAYS been a fav of mine! I just love both of their designs and characters and singing voices together and they’re just so cute imo, I don’t have much do a reason further XD
Mizuki/Mafuyu - I just find their dynamic interesting tbh. I think romantically it’s a bit iffy but I kinda like how toxic it is somehow? It’s all just very intriguing between them lol
Ena/Mafuyu - Same reason as above, but ina different way. Where it’s intriguing between Mizuki and Mafuyu because of the Dassin was mixed with the apathy, I like how Ena and Mafuyu are both apathetic in some way and just show that very differently. Just really interesting stuff lol
Now before you ask why Kanade isn’t here it’s because I frankly don’t like her enough to give her a ship?? Like Shiho and Mafuyu have grown on me, and even if Kohane isn’t my fav character either the staple of her and An is just so big that I ship it, and since Kanade is the only character I don’t like that’s left I haven’t had it in my heart to ship her with anybody. Lol sorry.
Now I just wait for the hate to rolllll in :3
If y’all like this I’ll make a second post of the ships I like that are between/mixing groups. Till then, byeeee!
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