#i have more ideas for this au than id like to admit
btheleaf · 2 months
More Suyin x tenzin? 🥺🫡
TW mentions of noncon/rape, mentions of violence against children
Another day of mandatory training.
Some of the children were old enough to practice on gliders now. Tenzin had been informed as he was pulled from his cell and thrown into a cold shower.
Having children of his own had always been a dream of his. Little airbenders to love and cherish and teach the culture to.
But all of these children wore the green garb of the Earth Kingdom.
They would never know their culture.
They didn't understand that he was their father.
The gliders were made of metal.
Strange, platinum gliders. Spring loaded wings.
So uneseccary.
There was nothing wrong with the wooden ones.
The feeling of the metal had been so odd that during his first flight, he fell and broke the blasted thing. Bataar himself had dragged him back to his cell and beat him for his failure. Suyin made him wait until the next day for someone to pop his shoulder back in. No healing was offered until it became evident that the prolonged injury would interfere with the training of her army.
The shoulder always ached just before it rained.
The cruelty never made sense to him. She knew he didn't do anything to deserve this, and yet, this was his sentence. A lifetime of imprisonment. A lifetime of beatings. A lifetime of his family and friends thinking he did unspeakable things.
Another day of mandatory training.
At least he was out of the cell and not in the bed that gave him nightmares.
The mothers watched, the Metal Clan officers assigned to him watched, and of course, she was always watching.
He did his best to smile at the children. None of this was their fault. They didn't know any better. He hoped that one day, they would understand that he was their father. He hoped that if he instilled loyalty in them, maybe one day he could escape and take them with him.
They were technically half his, each of them from a different woman, or at least he assumed so. He never remembered how they were conceived. The drugs took care of that, but apparently, they were starting to make him impotent. Suyin said that the next time, he would be fully aware.
Just like he was when she or Bataar wanted to have their fun.
She said he would act like he liked it. She said if he cried or spoke out of turn that she would beat him senseless. She said that if he begged for mercy or tried to lie to whichever girl she sent, that she would take the life of one of the children.
The threat wasn't empty. She had done it before.
Never again.
Tenzin smiled as young Raane climbed on his back, the small child ready for his first flight. He still wasn't sure which woman was Raane's mother. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know. Some of the women watching were far, far too young to be involved in this.
"Yes!" Raane burst out in laughter. "Fly!"
"Hold on very tightly."
Tenzin's smile broke as he turned away and lept off the platform. Raane laughed the whole way down and up again. He would make a skilled airbender in no time without the fear of falling holding him back. They did one lap around the inside of the domed city and Tenzin's heart ached for the open air, for the sun, for Oogi. The ache twisted into sickening knots as he thought of his mother's and sister's final words to him. The way Bumi looked at him. The fact that Lin hadn't even been at the sham of a trial.
Raane hopped off his back as they landed, still laughing fiercely. The wind had luckily dried his tears. Suyin couldn't stand it when he cried.
"Who's next?"
Dozens of little voices called for attention.
He had always wanted children.
But they would never know their culture.
The gliders were made of metal.
They wore green clothes.
Suyin made it clear they would never earn their tattoos.
Tenzin smiled and picked up the next child.
Maybe he could pretend, just for a little while, that this is what he wanted.
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inoreuct · 11 months
zosan with abba's super trouper.
is this essentially a pop star au? yes. bear with me anyway.
so the entire vinsmoke family are pop stars and they're perfect in the public eye but actually toxic as HELL, and sanji's sick and tired of it— so he breaks away from them and joins another agency, and zoro's assigned as his bodyguard.
they fight SO MUCH at first. i'm talking screaming and yelling and throwing things across the room (mostly sanji) and being stubborn and straight-up refusing to talk after a certain point (also mostly sanji) and then apologising with food and gifts and not words (mostly, well, both of them). they're like flint and steel; putting them together is just asking for trouble, but the years pass, and somehow through the endless bickering they end up best friends. who would've thought? their sharp edges have softened just enough and they're both too old and too tired and too busy to have cold wars anymore. they know more about each other than perhaps anyone else, and they care.
(they're also both in love and refuse to admit it. idiots.)
and then sanji goes on tour, and zoro has to leave for a training refresher course thing, and sanji's MISERABLE. luffy's with him as a bodyguard instead and it's fine, he's great, sanji loves him— just not the way he loves zoro. he feels fucking homesick in a way he never has because he's never really had a proper home and he knows, he knows it's because zoro isn't here with him. sanji turns around to tell him something and is met with empty air. he keeps trying to order double portions of food and booze before he catches himself and maybe he's being dramatic, but it feels like he's missing a fucking limb.
nami, his manager, has to yell at him to stop moping because all he's doing is eating chocolate and binging french soap operas in his hotel room and huddling up in the big leather jacket that zoro left behind. he just wants to get back to his tiny apartment and curl up on his shitty couch to eat pizza and watch Mean Girls for the hundredth time as zoro complains and gets invested in the drama all over again anyway.
he's nearly dead on his feet as finishes yet another exhausting show, trying to take comfort in the fact that it's his second last; his shoes are kicked off to the corner, his makeup barely removed, and just when he's about to turn in for the night his phone rings and when he sees the caller ID he SCRAMBLES to pick up.
"hey," zoro says, low and rumbly and so achingly familiar that sanji doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.
"you have no idea how good it is to hear your voice," he breathes, and he means it. he means it more than he even knew he did and it hits him all at once as soon as the words leave his mouth. he misses his best friend, no matter everything else that zoro is to him.
zoro's chuckle is a balm to his soul. "i'm coming to see you tomorrow."
sanji sits bolt upright from where he'd been laid back against the pillows, eyes going wide. "are you serious?" he can't help the hope and excitement that unspools in his gut, the warm rush in his blood as zoro laughs.
"yeah. i'm done with the course. speedran the fucking thing and scored so well they had no choice but to let me go. couldn't miss the last chance i had to see you on tour, could i?" sanji can hear his grin through the phone. "i'm flying in tomorrow morning."
"i'll come pick you up from the airport."
"like hell you will," zoro retorts immediately. "you have a press conference at ten."
shit, he'd forgotten about that. "how'd you know, huh?" sanji counters, faux-petty and reclining back against his plush bedding. god, if there was one good thing about being on tour, it was the fancy hotels.
"been talking to nami," comes the reply, amused and teasing, and sanji groans. "what's this i hear about you acting like a widowed husband?"
"you fucking wish, you moron," he snaps, curling up on his side and hugging a pillow to his chest. the bed is awfully big and awfully cold.
zoro sighs, and there's the sound of something zipping up briskly. "missed you too, curls. look, listen— i gotta get to the airport. see you tomorrow night?"
"...yeah," sanji says, because there's so much he wants to tell zoro and no idea how. he doesn't know where he'd start. he doesn't even know what he wants to say. "yeah, i'll see you. you'll be in the crowd, right?"
"mhm," zoro confirms, accompanied by what sounds like the chirp of an electronic lock. "you just sit tight, curly. i'm coming home."
they exchange a few more words before the line cuts off, but sanji's mind is stuck on three specific words and the possible space for three more after. i'm coming home. but he isn't home right now; he's in a foreign country, in a bed that isn't his, and zoro's flying to him. this isn't home to either of them. unless... and that silence afterwards, like zoro had wanted to say something that would have fit right in. something that would have been a natural end to that string of syllables.
sanji takes a deep breath and does his best to push all thoughts of i love you, spoken or not, to the back of his mind.
still, he can't help but let it all boost him up like a buoy bobbing merrily on the sea. one call from zoro, one short conversation, and he's fucking effervescent; he wakes up smiling and breezes through the press conference with effortless charm. he's bouncing on the toes of his heeled boots even before he steps onto the stage, thrilled by the thought of zoro being in the audience. thousands of eyes on him, thousands of people screaming his name, and he only cares about one. he takes a deep breath as the lights change and the platform he's on begins to rise, fingers tightening around his mic. it's his last night here. he's doing it all for zoro.
it turns out to be the best performance of his life, if he does say so himself. he powers through the entire two hours with ease and hits every note perfectly. he enjoys himself for the first time in a long time, soaks up the glitter and glamour and blinding lights, lets the atmosphere wrap him up and tousle his hair, and he wonders just how it's possible that one person's presence could change so much.
(he doesn't need to wonder. he already knows.)
when he says his final goodbyes for the night he's breathless, heart pounding, anticipatory. the hands patting at his back in congratulation backstage are superficial compared to who he knows is here, and he spares nami a few seconds for a rare squeeze, pausing for a few more when she whispers i'm proud of you in his ear.
and then sanji sees him, and nothing, nothing else fucking matters.
he sprints forward and they crash together and something slams into place inside of him. zoro sweeps him off his feet, squeezing him tight enough that he laughs, bright and merry and real as they spin around and around and he's so dizzy when he's set back down, light-headed and his heart full. he doesn't care where he is, he's home.
zoro takes his weight as easily as anything, tucking sanji to his chest. "god, fuck, you were amazing up there," he says breathlessly, the words pressed into sanji's bejewelled hair. "you were incredible."
the words rumble through his chest and sanji clings tighter, holding zoro desperately around the waist and taking in deep lungfuls of laundry detergent and the fancy pine-and-sandalwood body wash he'd given zoro for christmas. "you're here."
"'course i am," zoro replies, matter-of-fact. "said i'd be here, so i'm here."
his earrings press against sanji's cheek. "can we go get pizza?" he asks meekly.
zoro's answering laugh pours into the horrible aching pit that's been gnawing away at him, fills it up with liquid sunlight as he answers, "we can do whatever the hell you want."
they get pizza. sanji lets zoro pull him around town swearing at the Google Maps on his phone before he finally takes pity and steers them towards the little pizzeria he'd found when he'd snuck out with luffy on their first night here. the tongue-lashing from nami had been worth it, but even so the experience back then had been dull. muted, at best.
now it's like he's seeing the whole world through a whole different lens; the fluorescent sign in the window beams charmingly as the bell above the door chimes, and sanji doesn't even care about the raised eyebrow zoro gives him when he wiggles into the booth seat with undisguised glee. between them they put away a large four-cheese pizza and a frankly massive slice of apple pie à la mode, and sanji's feeling pleasantly stuffed as he finishes up his vanilla milkshake and successfully fends zoro off from stealing sips when he isn't looking. he has plenty of experience with that, after all.
the walk back is filled with comfortable silence. sanji doesn't need anything else— zoro here with him is more than he could ask for. scary dog privilege aside, the man next to him is sanji's best friend, and he loves zoro more than he can, or will, ever say.
zoro drops him off at his room and hugs him goodnight. sanji strips down, blasts the shower as hot as it can go, and scrubs the gel out of his hair along with any of the remaining dregs of emptiness he resolutely tells himself are not there right down the drain.
it can't stop him from thinking, though. of zoro. of compression shirts and cargo pants and worn black boots. of the nights zoro had taught him self-defense and the time sanji nearly broken his jaw with a roundhouse kick neither of them had known he was capable of; the other had grinned up with him with blood all over his teeth, proud and raring to go, barking again! and sanji had glowed. his mind swims with it all even as he towels off and slips into his silk pyjamas— memories of late-night talks with wine and beer, sometimes tea, quips all around, beds shared back-to-back under unspoken agreements when neither of them wanted to sleep alone.
three knocks sound on his door.
sanji hates the way he rushes to the peephole and yanks it open as soon as he confirms who it is. zoro stands there, one hand on the back of his neck, looking bored yet unsettled in his baggy tee with his damp hair sticking up everywhere. "jetlag?" sanji asks, raising an eyebrow as zoro grunts.
"you could say that."
he steps aside in a silent invitation, and zoro looks around as he goes in. sanji topples onto the bed with a sigh of relief and crawls under the blankets, patting the space beside him as he switches on the television. "mean girls?"
"god, i fucking hate you," zoro groans, but he settles in anyways, and sanji grins triumphantly.
it's still not his apartment or his shitty couch— but zoro's here, so it's the next best thing.
they make it through the movie without incident. zoro parrots the dialogue and cheers when regina gets hit by the bus like he does without fail every time. sanji knees him in the thigh for it with a scowl like he always does and it starts a fierce kicking battle under the sheets that results in zoro dangling half off the mattress and sanji laughing so hard he can't breathe.
when they've mostly calmed down, sanji sighs out one final chuckle and sinks back into the pillows. "think you can fall asleep now?" he murmurs, turning to look at where zoro has his head propped in one hand.
"maybe," the other allows, and sanji swallows before he smiles.
"goodnight, marimo."
the flick of the light switch feels like finality. in regards to what, sanji doesn't know, but now that they're in the darkness and zoro begins to get comfortable behind him he cannot deny that he wants.
he wants those arms around him. wants to sleep even better than he does when they're back to back, wants to fit within the circle of zoro's embrace like he belongs there. wants to belong there. wants zoro as his best friend and everything more. it manifests as a tight ache in the centre of his chest, a knot around his heart that he knows he cannot untangle by himself. sanji curls up into a ball and hugs a pillow to his chest, biting his lip— because zoro is right next to him instead of thousands of miles away, and he's still untouchable all the same.
he's on the cusp of restless sleep when he feels zoro shift, and he prays that the hitch in his breath is unnoticeable. he forces the rise and fall of his chest to stay even as the blankets are smoothed securely around his shoulders, a callused palm brushing his hair away from his face; a soft kiss is pressed to his forehead, a hand cupping his face tenderly and trailing away with the brush of a thumb over his cheekbone. "sweet dreams, curls," zoro whispers, before light cracks in from the hallway as his room door opens and shuts.
the electronic lock beeps, and sanji's eyes fly open. the white ceiling swims as he stares at it, unseeing, and the sheets on the right side of the bed are still warm. there's an indent where zoro's body was and sanji gasps as he drags himself into it, huddling down and pulling the covers over his head until all he can smell is zoro.
his heart stutters, mind racing, fingers tightening in the plush duvet. he's confused, so confused. hopeful. a little mad, if he's being honest, and his next breath trembles out of his lungs. mostly still confused, though, because what the fuck did that mean?
he'll find out, he swears. he will. he'll storm his way to zoro's room and break the damn door down if he has to. but for now, if he hides for a little while until he stops feeling like he's about to cry—
well, that's a secret for his hotel room to keep.
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mohavegecko · 20 days
Yay thank you for responding to my bandit au ask! Follow up question. Does Nisha surviving change the inter-bandit clan politics at all, especially with the COV trying to get everyone to assimilate? I imagine she wouldn’t play nice, or go down without a fight.
and yes hello I see you on Angel + religious something or other with the bandit clans. If there’s anything more there please elaborate. Angel cults sound interesting as hell, moreso in light of her being alive in this AU. How does she feel about her position as a religious figure?
ty for your ask! another read more situation because this ones even longer than the first. somehow.
nisha surviving does cause some problems in BL2, though because of lynchwoods isolated nature those complications are more to do with the slabs and the crimson raiders than anyone else. the hodunks are also in uncomfortable proximity, living in the dust, and the zafords juusstt out of reach in the highlands. lucky them, because even though nisha is ‘technically’ on the crimson raider’s side for the remainder of their war with hyperion, her opinions on the other bandits clans do not change. there is a sense of lawfulness and control that separates her from them. something that simply makes her Better. her anger with hyperion is all-consuming, which is what helps her integrate so well with the crimson raiders for the brief time they work together. its the only thing that overpowers the general bloodlust she displays when facing the rest of pandora. shes on a warpath because she specifically feels spurned and that is what pushes her out of the BL2’s vault hunters way long enough for her to survive. some assholes shooting up her town and blowing her bank? thats funny. her grievances with handsome jack? thats personal. also worth adding in that wilhelm lives in this AU. orrrr…he lives up until the bunker fight, at least. its always been the dumbest thing in the world to me that he gets killed off so easily in BL2. hes the actual threat he deserves to be in my rewrite. mentioning this because nisha is also there. and nisha absolutely does not go down easy when it comes to the COV, which puts her between a rock and a hard place with them and the crimson raiders. lynchwood had dissolved, as much as she can try and hold onto power within the town, its purpose is gone. lynchwood was only ever made to profit off the eridium underneath it, she admits this herself, and it was gift wrapped to her on her anniversary to ensure the mines had their protector. so hyperion goes down, the mines lose their worth, and lynchwood enters a sort of limbo. she cant keep people in because theres no money coming in from hyperion. lynchwood isnt like other bandit clans, theyre not raiders, they dont go on the offensive for resources, and even if they did, nisha cannot provide for an entire town like a billion dollar corporation can. so people starve and people leave. nisha is furious, of course. she keeps a handful of her riders, those who are actually loyal to her, and she stays in the outskirts of COV territory for her own survival. but she’s not sitting on her hands, she did enough of that already as sheriff of lynchwood. thinking of her active role in BL3…hm. again, id have to play the game to refresh my memory. its been a while! she fights the COV parallel to the crimson raiders, but not necessarily alongside them. i have a few times in my head planned where they butt heads, though. specifically her skag riders chasing after carnivora alongside the crimson raiders. which is just fun to imagine. mad max style. and now angel! my idea isnt completely thought out, but! this starts at the end of BL1, angel heralds the death of baron flynt and commandant steele by leading the vault hunters and because there is that immediate power gap, the bandits who would become the bloodshots try to find anything they can cling onto, and they cling onto her. this unexplainable voice from the radio, watching from above. a very convenient idol to turn to in their time of need!
this is ENTIRELY based off of angels siren telepathy whatever sometimes having closeups of her eyes and the bloodshot clan symbol being eyes btw. thats it thats what kicked this off. if you give me long enough i can make Anything in borderlands circle back to angel she is my everything.
and good question! seeing as how angel is ~13 at the time of BL1, at first she buys into it for a sense of human connection because of how isolated she is. shes a child, she doesnt understand the consequences of indulging these people in their beliefs, because shes too busy indulging herself in playing pretend with these new "friends" of hers. we know that angel has had contact with pandora outside of vault hunters, so why not with the bandit populations? as she gets older that opinion changes. the bloodshots solidify, and they grow, and soon it isnt just a bunch of desperate people that she can play barbies with. and she changes too- with the opening of the vault, eridium floods the planet and it doesnt take very long at all for her to become reliant on it. nothing is “fun” anymore. (nothing was ever really fun, but now she is old enough to understand it. this is also my way of explaining her playful nature in 1 becoming more restrained in 2.)
so she disconnects. this happens maybe a year or so pre-BL2, so she’d be around 17. the bloodshots lose their idol, their god has gone silent, and theyre facing blow after blow from a war on three different sides. so they turn to someone else. enter marcus! professional war profiteer. he floods the bloodshots with guns, gives them a fighting chance, and angel becomes a memory as they refocus on the war. when they get their hands on roland and try to ransom him off, angel tries to intervene, but now that they have been promised something tangible, they reject her.
and then the fight at the dam happens, the bloodshots are swarmed by vault hunters and hyperion alike, and they lose a good portion of their number. angels first reaction is surprisingly apathetic, which immediately disgusts her. these are people she has known for years now who have been mowed down by her friends and her father’s death machines. people she, at some point, felt a strong sense of responsibility for. to at first feel nothing for their deaths shocks her and (in her mind) puts her too close to her father for comfort. its another crack in the wall of angel’s rebellion, she is terrified of the apathy and potential hatred she could foster for these people, and she wants to rip it out before it takes root.
her contact with the bloodshots has been lost, though, and its not long after 2 that their population starts to wane. angel post-BL2 is set on trying to help everyone on pandora, including the bandit clans, but she is just one person, one teenager at that, and her hold on the planet feels so small now that shes no longer connected to the control core.
so, for a year maybe, or however long it takes from the end of 2 to helios falling in tales, she feels very stuck. she’s sick, still not fully recovering from her eridium addiction, and her world has gone from being trapped in the control core with satellite access to the entire world to living in sanctuary and being unable to help in a way that she truly wants to.
and then helios does fall, and she finds a way. but thats not really bloodshot focused and this post is long enough as it is so. If youd like to hear more about that i can explain! just not on this post omg
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mla0 · 1 month
looks at you. i want to hear about your different iteration things au concept thing for shaun,. blinks eye.
so for the first iteration of the andersens i used the last name warren, so shaun and michael warren because i just like that surname lol. i'm not sure if they would have been in fairmount (probably would've), but either way they definitely knew the mining town four. the clock was ground zero for why they were both admitted, because the mental effects of it lingering around greatly hurt them both and made them act out in their own ways. i think shaun was close with vinny and steph, and michael was close with evan. shaun and jeff are frienemies in the kind of sibling-esque "id kill for you but id also bury you alive for a saltine cracker" way. also it's a personal headcanon of mine that shaun really, really does not like corenthal, and even across iterations that trait sticks even if she doesn't know why (in my personal headcanon, doc gave her preferential treatment over michael and it pissed her off so bad the anger stuck across all the iterations.)
throughout the iterations i think entities like habit would be more in the background, but would sometimes be there, oftentimes to force the two apart. so throughout the generations, you'll see them slowly becoming more and more distant, because habit, the man in the suit, whatever, all thrive off of isolating people as much as possible so they're easier to manipulate or kill later. the two figuring out how to rejoin and work together is paramount, but it gets harder every time.
the other main iteration i focus on would be in the princeton era, and in this one her iteration is named esther. the name means north star, and i think she'd possibly choose it because of vinny for obvious reasons. their last name is korbel, so michael and esther korbel are their names. anyways, in my interpretation she tried to outrun her responsibilities the moment she was old enough, by going off to work in remote and often dangerous places (think oil rigs, firetowers, things where you're far away from everyone else) because her hope is that she can outrun slenderman. she even leaves the country for long periods of time and doesn't really have anyone to lean on, which she did on purpose.
esther and michael in this era hadn't been forcefully separated and were actually really close as kids/younger teens, but they grew apart over time and they hadn't talked in years because esther grew more and more detached from other people. michael took this personally of course and is constantly trying to figure out where she is, but he eventually resigns that she was probably killed by the man in the suit. this isn't the case, though. esther also ended up transitioning when she was away, using the remote workplaces and fact that basically nobody knows her to her advantage. she doesn't care if people are shitty to her on an oil rig, they're too busy getting decompression sickness anyways. she tries to tough everything out but it wears her down more than she'd admit, and has a hard time keeping her resolve and not contacting michael.
it's not that esther dislikes him, quite the opposite actually. kind of like michael in mla0, she has this idea that it's mostly after her or is somehow her own fault, so staying far away from michael will keep him safer. it's self-centered, but michael didn't talk too much about the man in childhood (because he also thought it'd keep his sibling safe) so she wrongly assumes she's patient zero in the family and the two never communicated about this. eventually, something goes wrong at work and she finally starts accepting the situation and meets people like vinny (who i think would be a close friend, i love when shaun and vinny have a dynamic) her and michael see each other again... only for her to realize michael doesn't recognize her after she disappeared and transitioned so long ago. she's terrified of him finding out because this is like, the 1980s, and she doesn't know how michael would take her being trans. even though she's almost entirely certain he wouldn't mind, she still doesn't want to ruin the time they has left, because at this point she's realized they're probably doomed anyways.
she tries to use this to her advantage; she helps michael out a ton without getting too emotionally close. she becomes dangerously obsessed with trying to understand what the entities around her are and what they can do, which only makes her more distant and worries the hell out of vinny as she slips deeper into it. she practically self sabotages and gets more and more unhinged as she dives headfirst into danger with little regard for much else. in the end michael ends up being killed by habit (?) while she's trying to save him, and she makes one last ditch attempt to kill whatever this monster is that she can't comprehend. she puts up a good fight and gets closer than she ever has before thanks to what she's learned, but well, it's habit. she never really stood a chance, and she dies regretting all the things she never told her brother
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spidermanifested · 5 months
ive thought a little more about devils nest dungeon meshi au (demons nest?) and here is the idea i was bouncing around in my head. id love for some kind of lore compliance check because i havent really gone back over the manga since i finished it, or sought out any kind of supplemental material, and i like the challenge of fitting these kinds of things into the boundaries of the source (once again DUNGEON MESHI SPOILERS. for people who havent read the manga at all)
so you have this demon (in a dungeon) (granting desires and eating them) (getting stronger) (hoping someday he can get out of the dungeon). and hes been in there a while and boy does he love watching humans get their greatest wishes granted, but the part where they gradually go mad with power or get disenchanted with the results and also he has to eat their desires anyway eventually kind of blows. he wishes he could only have the good part where he gets to make people happy forever is that too much to ask. maybe when he gets out of the dungeon he can do something about that. love to get out of the dungeon
anyway fast forward a while and this guy comes in. some teenage prince from a tallman country thats wracked with internal conflict and what HE wants is to become immortal, because that way when he takes the throne his reign will be eternal and the different clans will stop fighting over the right of succession. thats so specific. the demon loves it. he can just give him a peaceful united empire here, in the dungeon, which he can rule eternally-- no he wants the one at home. well. the problem with that is that the demon is here, in the dungeon, and not out there.
HELP WANTED NOTICE: i dont remember what the exact plan was vis a vis the winged lion getting up to the surface in the manga and i know it Had to be simpler than "just walk out of there" because why would it have had to steal laios' body about it. WOULD a sufficiently dedicated dungeon lord be able to get back up to the surface with their respective demon in tow.
ADDITIONAL HELP WANTED NOTICE: if a demon WAS freed from the dungeon without being powerful enough to get out under its own strength, how much magic would it be able to perform out there? would it be able to make somebody immortal without the big magic-insulation box. i feel like this changes a lot if greed Can grant ling immortality vs if now that hes out of the dungeon he cant really do shit.
either way now that hes out he does not technically need to eat this kids desires specifically anymore. if the immortality thing is a bust, maybe hes shaken by the experience of not being able to fulfill somebodys wish for the first time. but HIS wish has been fulfilled instead? complicated! maybe ling drags him back to his kingdom to help him gain the throne, or maybe he gets mad and leaves and greed never finds out what happens to him, but whatever goes down it changes his worldview and hes starting to develop a sense of personhood separate from the rest of the Demon Conglomerate, and also desires that are unique to Him
but he still wants to help people realize their own desires and maybe thats even strengthened by the fact that now he personally knows how much it owns (funny) to want something so bad and finally get it. so im thinking eventually he goes back to his old dungeon, now way smaller, and he sets up shop, and just waits for people to come by so he can help them in a less exploitative way. like he graduates from Addiction Metaphor to Healthy Coping Mechanism Metaphor. and the chimeras all find their way there eventually and he wins their trust one at a time until they are forced to admit this weird overly genuine dungeon guy kind of rules. his personality is laios basically he has the exact same type of autistic swag
but. if the elves heard about a demon who was just fucking going up to people floor 1 like hi im a demon welcome to my dungeon. they would shit bricks. so the raid also has to happen at some point. and i Am putting ling in there albeit as backstory so im open to suggestions as to how the rest of the cast of fma can fit into this (father and the homunculi as other more typical demons obviously) (no clue about anybody else) (come and play toys with me)
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ultra-raging-ghost · 6 months
Idea for a little Cucuhalo fic/au. Ok hear me out:
Roommates/Office au
So, I haven't fully fleshed out the details yet, but Cucurucho as a rich boss that owns some kind of company and Bad is an employee that just moved from somewhere and started working in his company not too long ago. They try to get along... well enough in the office, albeit there's some tension and passive aggression between them.
Their co-workers love to gossip about them because it looks like there's something going on between the two, but it's all speculation for them. What they don't know is Bad and Cucurucho are actually secretly roommates, and they "hate" each other even more outside of the office.
Cucurucho has a cat that Bad wasn't initially fond of named Emotional Support (they're actually raising that cat like it's their baby lols) because Bad is more a dog person, but Cucurucho insisted on getting a cat as a pet. That's only one of their roommate quarrels. Most of the time they are extremely passive aggressive, and do things like, idk, not washing the other person's dishes lmao.
Despite how much they claim to hate each other, neither want to leave because "it's easier to share rent" or "no one would take care of Emotional Support when the other person is busy", some kind of excuse like that. But really, it's because they do enjoy having each other around, and sometimes, they have nice dinners and movie nights together. Then they fall asleep on their couch and wake up entangled, but neither wants to admit they were literally cuddling the night before. They are so attached to each other, but no one wants to say it out loud.
Basically this au is me wanting Cucuhalo office and roommate drama with a dash of sexual tension and long-term denial, romantic comedy sitcom style.
- alchemicaladarna
I love them living together and making up excuses to do so....
"Its expensive to live alone" "Emotional support is already so attached to him itd be mean to take her away from him" "We bought the furniture in a way that would make it weird for us to move out" (bad bought both the beds, or the one bed hayoooo, cucurucho bought like 20% of the spices and condiments, they dont feel like splitting up the furniture is what im getting at) "Theres no available housing in any areas id want to live in" etc. etc. any excuse to stay together even though to everyone else it seems like theyre at eachothers throats all the time!!
I think the way the workers would find out is a couple of them getting invited over. Like after a night out, one of them cant find a ride home so bad (resident guy who doesnt drink) offers to let them sleep on his couch for the night, and the next morning they wake up to arguing. They sit up on the couch and over the back of it who should they see in the kitchen together but CUCURUCHO and BADBOYHALO who are arguing because bad didnt ask before inviting said coworker over!! They kiss and make up (either metaphorically or literally) and cucurucho lets it go for now and sneaks off back to his (possibly their) room so he isnt caught and has bad send the coworker out as soon as they wake up. The coworker doesnt say anything about seeing cucurucho right then... but later on cucurucho and bad hear a lot of whispering that gets suddenly quiet when they walk by, and then it continues when they walk past.... more so than usual!!! And they dont think too much of it, but then someone comes up to bad's desk one day or approaches him in the hallway or by the water cooler and goes "so.. you and cucurucho, huh??"
(and then they realize bad's not the one to approach because hes very aloof and wouldnt pick up on the implications that the coworker would be dropping.. but theyre too afraid to go ask cucurucho about it for fear of getting chainsaw'd LMAO)
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kingcunny · 3 months
hold onnnnn i would eat up any thoughts you had about a defector!otto au…
-otto never really put any thought or stock into the things viserys said. truthfully, there was always a part of otto that despised viserys. he thought viserys was soft, weak, that he didnt fully appreciate or utilize his position in life
-and so, otto didnt expect to be affected so much by his death, but he is. he finds himself constantly thinking about viserys. the last time he saw him alive. his speech during the last supper.
-viserys hesitancy, his desire towards *peace*, might have used to anger or frustrate otto before, but now he gets it. now *hes* the one advocating for it.
-while he mightve even encouraged ruthlessness in his family and own daughter before, hes now finding himself realizing he doesnt want to see viserys family, HIS family, tear each other apart. it isnt what viserys wanted either.
-there were mistakes made in the hours following viserys death, HE made those mistakes and now HE must fix them
-but he has rapidly lost control. aegon doesnt respect him like his father did. alicent has had a taste of freedom and is never going to come back into his fold now.
-his family is not willing to listen to caution and reason because HE has raised them not too
-that idea weve kinda talked about before. moderation is key. both alicent and rhaenyra got too much of one thing and not the other. alicent needed freedom, rhaenyra needed structure
-ottos best hope now is that rhaenyra Still needs that structure
-if viserys was right about aegon maybe he was right about rhaenyra too
-maybe shes still willing to logic and reason despite the rumors *hes* spread about her
-if im being mean to otto ill say he has a desperate need to be *in control* and is going to the last place he Might have influence…
-otto told alicent hes leaving for oldtown to try and get daeron on their side. hes not. he has no intention of going to oldtown. daerons been raised by ottos family, who also dont like him! if he *is* willing to listen itll be to them, not otto.
-if im being nice ill say maybe he Did mean to go to oldtown. but a mixture of unexpected grief and regret. (he Might have influence over rhaenyra, because viserys Loved and trusted him. and look what he did with that-) and Also helplessness. rhaenyras the only one who could have any real outcome on the dance.
-either way i dont think hed go to dragonstone with the intention of declaring for rhaenyra or anything. hes just. Trying to find a path forward with the least amount of bloodshed
-he has to smuggle himself onto dragonstone but i dont think he would Really hide. his intention is to talk to rhaenyra so. he needs to get captured
-id like it if rhaenyra has him tortured a lil before she even speaks to him. partly ‘sharp questioning’ cause she doesnt trust him, and part revenge. not just for what he did to her, but hes also the first green that rhaenyras gotten her hands on so he has to pay for all of them. i dont think ottos necessarily suprised about this. he probably knew it was a possibility.
-but eventually curiosity wins over and she goes to talk to otto. see what he wants.
-and he makes his offer to her. as long as she promises not to hurt his family, hell bend the knee, hell help her get the throne.
-he admits to her its what viserys always wanted and he worked against him
-they maybe have a little back and forth about aemond. eventually otto concedes as long as rhaenyra doesnt Kill him… she can do as she likes (a mistake, from otto. there are worse things than death)
-theres a bit of irony in it but rhaenyra can almost trust otto more than daemon now. otto is honestly telling her everything that happened, the role he played in it. he doesnt like it, but hes willing to accept her as queen. theyre after the same thing now, in a way. neither of them want this to descend into a bloodbath. rhaenyra cant say the same about daemon.
-otto basically handled everything for viserys, and his reign was considered to be pretty good! theres stock in his advice and expertise
-rhaenyra accepts his offer. gives him a spot on her small council
-then she orders one of his hands cut off
-its not “meant” as torture, though obviously it is, a little, its Meant partly as a punishment. instead of executing him. for committing treason against her and her father. partly a reminder of his past sins. what he Owes rhaenyra. what he has to Fix
-(also really love the idea of her then immediately calling a small council meeting and forcing otto to attend while hes struggling with blood loss and painshock)
-(corlys is already her hand but i cant stop thinking about rhaenyra throwing the hand pin at otto after cutting his hand off. she thinks shes so funny. just like daddy.)
-rhaenyra *says* shes forgiven him, that shes giving him a chance to start over and do the right thing. but even IF that is true, otto knows she will not *forget*
-so ottos constantly trying to prove his worth to rhaenyra, to hold up his end of the bargin to ensure she holds up hers
-jumping at any opportunity. trying to impress her
-i dont think being maimed really bothers otto, i think he sorta takes it in stride a lot like davos. cause immediately after she more or less puts him in charge of things, asks his advice, takes his council. it wasnt *necessarily* a sadistic action… or so otto tells himself
-this all obviously can only go down if daemon has already left for the riverlands. if daemon had been around when otto showed up he wouldve killed him no hesitation. otto Somehow Returning and replacing him AGAIN. does add another layer to daemons whole riverlands campaign and spiral of self destruction.
-i dont really know how this would impact the wider politics or outcome of the dance cause im not good at politics. NOR do i know what the greens and especially alicent would think when they heard about ottos betrayal….
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
whats fpks relationship with herrah? I know canonically, white lady doesnt really feel any ill will towards her as she likes hornet, but how do you think fpk feels towards her? And, since I can't leave grimm out of this, how does he feel about herrah? Maybe he'd feel similarly to wl, since she's basically his daughter now
while typing this out i have another question, which of the dreamers are still alive in your AU, and what are their relationships with fpk, if any? since holly is alive id assume you branched off of the embrace the void ending, and i dont believe you need to kill any dreamers for that end (if I'm wrong, do correct me!), and quirrel in your AU doesn't have monomons mask, so i can only assume ghost at least got to her.
love your stuff, stay well!
it was... not the best, admittedly. granted, they weren't hostile towards each other, i actually think that herrah warmed up to him a little bit, mostly seeing how attached he got to hornet. they certainly had a common reason to bond over, the problem is that fpk was afraid of her. among his species, it's quite common for the larger female to kill and eat the male after mating, so it's coded in his brain to expect that possibility. with wl, it was a bit different - she's more plant-like, and so her behavior is very different to that of a wyrm, or any other carnivorous species, and that comforts his mind a little bit. but with herrah, he sadly couldn't have that assurance, so he was very stressed out about it and expecting the worst
their affair was part of a bargain, so he knew it was his obligation to fullfil his side, but he was terrified throughout all of it. on top of that, since he's gay in the au, he had another reason not to enjoy it very much, though he didn't realize at the time. so all in all, it was a very unpleasant experience, and it greatly impacted his perception of herrah. i do think he have liked for it to be different, after all, she was hornet's mother and i'm sure he would love to have a more pleasant relationship with her, if only for the sake of their daughter. but his fear was too strong and so he rarely visited deepnest aside from seeing hornet (probably for the better since deepnest wasn't particularly fond of him. too bright of a light, for one haha)
as for grimm, you said herrah, but judging by the rest of that sentence i'm assuming you meant hornet, so just in case i'll go over both. i don't think he interacted with herrah much, perhaps he knew her before the whole bargain deal, but nothing more than just being aware of her existence. and with hornet, like you said, she's basically his daughter now and he most certainly sees her as such. definitely more than wl did, but her being emotionally distant is basically a given - she didn't dislike hornet but to call their relationship a mother-daughter one would be an exaggeration. grimm, however, absolutely sees her as his own child. he did that even before him and fpk became a thing - he always liked to imagine himself and fpk raising her together, but since it wasn't meant to be at the time, he instead brought her gifts and entertained her with his powers whenever he visited. these days it's a tad more complicated with hornet's refusal to admit that she sees him as a father figure and her overall bitterness, but his attitude hasn't changed at all. of course, he doesn't pamper her with gifts anymore, but he enjoys spending time with her and bonding over shared interests. their relationship is fun, they have the generally laid back, joking type dynamic of close friends, but it's clear that grimm does thinks of her as his child, meanwhile hornet seems to get upset at that idea, but secretly really cares about him
the dreamers are something i thought about before and i'm considering leaving one of them alive, since i think they're interesting characters and i'd love to explore at least one of them post-ending. as you said, monomon is a goner, and so is herrah, as hornet in the au finds there to be no reason to visit deepnest unless she has to, so it's a natural assumption that her mother is dead. that leaves lurien, and with the city of tears slowly returning to its prime over the course of the au, he would be a pretty good fit for an important figure that watches over its development. but i haven't decided yet. if i choose to keep him dead, then i think it would be a fun idea for his butler to be "promoted" to lurien's previous role, since he was his most trusted bug. we'll see, i like both of those options, and i'll have to see what i decide on
thanks a lot for the ask! i really enjoyed these questions. hope you have a great day/night!
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wizisbored · 5 months
fuckit bj/nimona mostly kingdom background lore dump because i have spent days thinking about international politics for my silly little crossover
the kingdom is a microstate in the middle of nowhere, i havent decided where. might make up a continent for it to be in i dunno.
the rest of the world knew it existed prior to the wall coming down but it was generally seen as an agressive state that refused contact from other nations
they only ever referred to themself as 'the kingdom' because they didnt know of any other kingdoms or nations. after making contact with the rest of the world the government/monarchy decided to give the state a more distinct name. undecided if this is still in deliberation during the timeframe of the au or if im going to come up with a headcanon name
this one is a big maybe, but i might have the kingdom be latin-speaking. its dialect has evolved since the language died out elsewhere, and its known as kingdom latin (unless i do decide to give the kingdom its own name). nimona, ballister and ambrosius started learning english not long after the idea of moving to america was first brought up, and nimona being adaptable as she is picked it up best. lydia does non-kingdom latin in school so its fairly easy for nimona to teach her some conversational kingdom latin once they become friends. but again, big maybe
i want to narrow the gap between nimona's sci-fi elements and beetlejuice's modern-day setting. the kingdom is a bit ahead of the curve, but not massively so. not sure yet if i will be dialing back the kingdom or dialing up the rest of the world, though
kingdom passports didnt exist prior to the wall coming down. ambrosius' family were some of the first to get them, given their status. it was him cashing in on family ties and wading through beurocratic nonsense that got nimona first an accurate government ID (family name n/a, DOB prior to 1023, appearance subject to immediate and complete chage, etc) and then later a human-passing ID, passport, and fabricated birth certificate amongst other things that ambrosius told his uncle in the registry office were 'for travel'. the intention was always to use those documents to take her out of the country permentantly, but they kept that quiet.
according to those human-passing documents, her name is nimona boldheart, she's 17, and shes under the gaurdianship of her uncle
ballister and ambrosius have a sort of lingering sense of patriotism to the kingdom that nimona insists is all brainwashing. she doesnt like to admit that she misses home far more than she thought she would. she doesnt like to admit that she still thinks of it as home
to end it on a lighter note - nimona loves convincing people that random stupid shit is a deeply important kingdom custom. she finds that the maitlands are particularly suscepticle to this, not because they neccesarily believe her, but because they try to stay respectful every time just in case shes actually telling the truth this time. she did have them convinced that the shark dance was the traditional dance of her people for at least a week tho
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mthofferings · 1 year
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See Sayah1112’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Discord: selip Email: [email protected] Tumblr: sayahs-corner
Preferred organizations: - Assistance Dogs International - Center for Reproductive Rights - Médecins San Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) - National Disaster Search Dog Foundation - Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: Alternate Universe, Enemies to Lovers, Dubious Consent, ID porn, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Omegaverse, Powerdynamics are all my jam. I will do those all day, every day. As far as AUs go, I've dabbled in Werewolf, Shifter, A/B/O centric, BDSM, Aliens, Fantasy, College, etc I'm open to most AUs, and I do enjoy a challenge.
Will not create works that contain: I really don't write gore, main character death, or angst without a happy ending (or at least a happy for now). I don't do bodily fluids (scat, watersports, unclean themes/play). For the t-shirt auction, I'm fine with having anything on it as long as it's not racist or inflammatory.
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1044
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - 616, MCU Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - 616, MCU Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - 616, MCU
Work Description: I'm auctioning off a 5k word one-shot for a minimum bid of $15. For every additional $5 I will add another 1k words, maxing out at 15k words. I write mainly Stony romance/smut, but have been known to dabble in Stuckony, and WinterIron. I've also written a Bucky/Steve/Clint one-shot in the past. Basically, if it has Tony in there, I can probably write it. I don't write canon compliant fic, I'm strictly an AU writer. If you have a pairing or AU that you'd like me to write, please feel free to reach out to me. I suck at filling these things out and I'm pretty open to most things. I swear I don't bite. Anymore. :)
Ratings: Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Beta Service --
Auction ID: 2030
Will create works for the following relationships: Tony Stark/Any - Any Universe Steve Rogers/Any - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Any - Any Universe Tony Stark-centric - Any Universe Steve Rogers-centric - Any Universe James "Bucky" Barnes-centric - Any Universe Peter Parker-centric - Any Universe Wade Wilson-centric - Any Universe Clint Barton-centric - Any Universe Bruce Banner-centric - Any Universe
Work Description: I am offering 6 months of Cheer Reading or Alpha Reading for a minimum bid of $10. Let's talk fic! Whether you need someone to keep you motivated, tell you all the juiciest parts of your fic and what makes it great, or you're looking for someone to help you plot and bounce ideas off of, I'm your girl Friday. There's absolutely nothing more I like doing than reading good fic, and plotting. My favorite part is that I don't have to write it! That's your job, my talented author friend. I love me some Stony, Stuckony, or WinterIron BUT HONESTLY - it doesnt matter. I'm happy to read whatever you've written. I'm pretty much down to read everything though I'm mostly familiar with 616, MCU, and the Deadpool movies. I have very little triggers and read mainly M or E rated fics. But again, if you want me to read a nice, fluffy, genfic I have literally no probelm with that. I can be just a cheer reader (no plotting or brain storming sessions needed) or an Alpha reader, or a mix of both. Let me help you in whatever capacity you need for the low, low, price of a $10 donation to a good cause. For the sake of transparency I will admit that what I can't do is grammar. I'm terrible at it (shame, shame) which you may have picked up from this rambling description!
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? No - I'd rather not be bid on by pods
-- Craft or Merchandise --
Auction ID: 3011
Will create works for the following relationships: Avengers fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe X-Men fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Iron Man fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Spider-Man fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Deadpool fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Captain America fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Doctor Strange fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Thor fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Ant-Man fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Venom fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe
Work Description: I am auctioning off a custom t-shirt for a minimum bid of $15. Vinyl Colors Available: Black, White, Royal Blue, Grass Green, Cranberry Red, Gold, Glitter Turquoise, Rainbow Shimmer T-shirts: sizes XS - 5XL available. Reach out with your size to discuss color/type of t-shirt. (color and material vary depending on size) >Tier One at $15: You get a custom t-shirt in the size and color of your choice. >Tier Two at $50: You get a custom t-shirt in the size and color of your choice. You will also receive a custom drink coozie with your favorite character's hero logo/catchphrase. >Tier Three at $75: You get TWO custom t-shirt in the size and colors of your choice. You will also receive a custom drink coozie with your favorite character's logo/catchphrase. Things You Should Know Before You Bid: -I will cover up to $10 in shipping, anything after that the winning bidder is responsible for. -I ship from the US -I will be using a cricut to cut heat transfer vinyl and applying it to the shirt of your choice. -Follow the care instructions to get the most life out of your shirt. -I will be washing the t-shirt first using the laundry detergent dujour (usually gain). -This is a cat and dog friendly house. I will try my hardest to keep the dander away from my workspace, but if you have severe allergies this is something to consider before bidding. -Turn around time is dependent upon availability of materials. Some shirt sizes are online order only and will delay production. I will keep you updated every step of the way. Feel free to reach out to me with any design questions BEFORE you bid. I don't do layered vinyl. I also won't make political t-shirts. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me! I don't bite :)
Ratings: Gen
Can pods bid on this auction? No - I'd rather not be bid on by pods
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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findroleplay · 2 months
Heyo everybody 💉✨
I'm a 20 year old trans guy, looking for somebody 18+ who's up for a The Boys rp together. Id like to keep it MxM, since that's what I'm more comfortable rping. Smut is more than welcome, as well as dead dove and other dark subjects, since it is The Boys, where it's pretty much impossible to avoid these things.
I gotta admit I haven't finished the series completely, but I'm hoping we'd do something a little au/fanon anyways. I don't have a specific plot in mind, and though I prefer canon characters, OCs are also welcome. I also am open to a large majority of AUs, though I'm a little tired of omegaverse, unless we do something fun or interesting with it.
I've had a cracky thought of something involving Hughie (or whoever you play) against multiple other characters I'd play, think like a reverse harem situation. It would be even funnier if your character was like teleported to a different universe during a fight or similar, and they end up in this world that's gotta be somebody's fanfic. Of course this is just a crack idea, if we wanna do multiship with less extremes and a lot of smut. But I'm go for most things, just let me know what ideas you have.
For characters id like to play i have a couple, and for some i have preferences for different things. I'm also happy to play characters either cis or ftm.
-Homelander (i like submissive Homelander, it waters my crops)
-A-train (he's really grown on me)
-The Deep (I also have an AU version of him where he isn't a horrible person, if interested)
-Black Noir (the first)
-Billy Butcher (but only if I play more than one character)
-Frenchie (like Butcher, I'd need to play more than one character to stay inspired)
-and multiple other characters if we need them
-i also have multiple OCs if you are interested.
I rp on discord, and tend to write 2-4 or more paragraphs, i also only rp in third person. We can always do planning here on Tumblr though. I like talking OOC and sharing headcanons, art, memes and everything else. I am on Holiday right now, meaning i have a lot of free time, but I'll hopefully be going back to classes after the break is over, but I'm always pretty active.
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prpfz · 2 months
Heyo everybody 💉✨
I'm a 20 year old trans guy, looking for somebody 18+ who's up for a The Boys rp together. Id like to keep it MxM, since that's what I'm more comfortable rping. Smut is more than welcome, as well as dead dove and other dark subjects, since it is The Boys, where it's pretty much impossible to avoid these things.
I gotta admit I haven't finished the series completely, but I'm hoping we'd do something a little au/fanon anyways. I don't have a specific plot in mind, and though I prefer canon characters, OCs are also welcome. I also am open to a large majority of AUs, though I'm a little tired of omegaverse, unless we do something fun or interesting with it.
I've had a cracky thought of something involving Hughie (or whoever you play) against multiple other characters I'd play, think like a reverse harem situation. It would be even funnier if your character was like teleported to a different universe during a fight or similar, and they end up in this world that's gotta be somebody's fanfic. Of course this is just a crack idea, if we wanna do multiship with less extremes and a lot of smut. But I'm go for most things, just let me know what ideas you have.
For characters id like to play i have a couple, and for some i have preferences for different things. I'm also happy to play characters either cis or ftm.
-Homelander (i like submissive Homelander, it waters my crops)
-A-train (he's really grown on me)
-The Deep (I also have an AU version of him where he isn't a horrible person, if interested)
-Black Noir (the first)
-Billy Butcher (but only if I play more than one character)
-Frenchie (like Butcher, I'd need to play more than one character to stay inspired)
-and multiple other characters if we need them
-i also have multiple OCs if you are interested.
I rp on discord, and tend to write 2-4 or more paragraphs, i also only rp in third person. We can always do planning here on Tumblr though. I like talking OOC and sharing headcanons, art, memes and everything else. I am on Holiday right now, meaning i have a lot of free time, but I'll hopefully be going back to classes after the break is over, but I'm always pretty active.
give a like and anon will get back to you
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calkale · 1 year
Hey, i was wondering how your slimav mw2 au was going, if you lost interest no worries!
Omgomgomg i was thinking about this earlier today!!! ill admit i did lose interest for a little bit but i do really wanna do more with it. Ill post what i have of the fic here cause knowing me itll be months before i finish it since i havent worked on it in months and im still working on the character designs i like giving them scars and giving those scars meaning and I wanna make up little backstories for them too
ill post what I have under the cut and if you have any ideas id love to hear them too
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this is like the outline I made while playing the mission so I wouldn't forget lmao plus some little details about them
this is all I have of the fic so far:
“Its kinda beautiful isnt it?”
Slider turned away from the view of the snowy, Russian mountains to look at Maverick. They had been sent here to this russian air base to retrieve **idk think of something** and decided to stop for a break just before reaching the base.
“Yeah, but theres a prettier view right next to me.” Slider winked at Mav.
“Oh shut up!” Mav playfully slapped him on the shoulder. “Come on lets get going before another MiG takes off and knocks us off this cliff.”
They both stood up from where they had been crouched down and Mav made his way towards the ice wall they were about to climb. They both had their ice climbing gear attached to their boots and wrists, they were bundled up in white winter gear to blend in with the snow storm that was rapidly approaching. Mav had a M24 sniper rifle and his ACR, both white in colour, strapped to his back along with a pistol and a few knives attached to his thighs. Slider had the same but with a pistol on each thigh and a heartbeat sensor attached to his ACR. They both carried small backpacks, in Sliders he had a few packs of C4 which they planned on using as a distraction if needed, and it would most likely be needed knowing them.
They were an efficient team, they worked together more often than not and got along really well. Thats part of what lead them to their relationship.
Maverick swung his icepick into the ice and jabbed his left foot into the ice.
“Watch my six.” He winked at Slider.
“Yeah im watchin it alright.” Slider said, mostly to himself while staring at Mav’s ass, which still looked amazing even under a layer of snow pants.
Mav laughed and started to climb up the wall, swinging his icepicks into the ice and digging his feet in with every step. He was almost at the top when they heard the roar of a jet engine overhead.
The only way up this part of the mountain was near the runway, they had tried to time it so they could get up in between take offs but apparently there had been a change in the schedule.
The snow started blowing off the edge of the mountain, right above Mav, and the ledge slider was standing on started to shake.
“SHIT!” Mav yelled as the jet passed right above their heads.
Slider looked back up and Mav was only holding on by one icepick, both his feet had come off the wall along with the other pick in the seconds Slider was looking down.
“Shit, Mav, dont fall!”
“I dont really have much of a say in that Slider!”
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evilgoosegoose · 5 months
Swap Au
Heads up, Tumblr Nerfed the picture quality, so click the photo to actually read the notes.
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Full explanation under the cut
Obvi Danny is swapped with Vlad here, so of course Sam is swapped with Maddie, and Tucker is swapped with Jack (he's still smart with tech, he's just stupid with what he does with it) Vlad here is the hero, and has an outfit similar to phantom's in this, gonna draw up his design soon, so now for the actual explanation of what happened to our boy here.
So we got the typical backstory for Danny, only Sam here spray painted (eco friendly and recycled) the portal black, Danny was just trying to get a closer look and wasn't actually skeptical, Danny got ecto vomited on by every ghost at once (bro was too ugly for them), and got deaged down to about 10 years old, only physically though, and of course the ecto acne and all that stuff, he has his Ice core still.
His ghost form causes a sense of longing, for the person he'll likely never be able to grow into, as the portal stunted his growth and he'll become a full ghost before he ever looks anywhere close to his true age, not that he'll admit this.
he becomes known as world's youngest billionaire (he got tired of explaining to people he was in fact in his early 40's and just said, if it makes me more famous why not)
Rather than being obsessed with the Packers and trying to buy them, he tries to buy the St. Louis Blues (idk a lot of ice hockey teams, I just thought he would like ice hockey)
he's still totally cringefail and creepy, but he gets away with it cause he barely looks a day over 18 (the amount of times he's gotten kicked out of bars for having a "fake" id is in the hundreds)
He adopts a black German shepherd puppy from the pound and names her Sam (when confronted about this by Vlad he says he only adopted her for defense and not because he was lonely af)
Yes, he did fall many, many, many times before he finally got the hang of running, walking, etc in platform boots
After he was made aware he got deaged back to ten years old physically he immediately checked under his hospital gown to see if he still had the balls he literally paid for and didn't have the doinkers he got with his free X chromosome (top and bottom surgery), and thankfully both are still just as he left them, scars and all (though his top scars changed from just the usual lines to something similar to crowns)
Thanks for listening to me yap about my dumb idea I got from drawing a particularly sassy Danny in a suit at school.
Still trying to decide on a different name or a nickname for Vlad so he actually sounds like a teen and not some weird vampire. any suggestions?
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versegm · 1 year
Also gimme the deets on Theatre AU!!
Oh BOY this is gonna be a long one. I am incapable of making a normal modern au i NEED these bitches to be freaks in some way I literally can't help it.
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The cape Castoria finds is meant to be Saber's cape! The relationship between Castoria & anime girl king arthur would be way too long to explain in thsi post, but they're connected so I figured it would make a cute easter egg.
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I considered having Castoria freeload below the deck instead, because I've personally never played in a theater that had storage rooms above deck, but I really wanted to keep the Phantom Of The Opera vibe so I just went fuck it.
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Love my girl Castoria who is a paranoid little rat constantly looking for the closest escape route <3
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I have no idea how to write Oberon I just imitated Herlock's speech pattern and crossed my fingers
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Gray is in fact a different Fate character! the tl;dr of Gray is that she's a regular-ass human, but unfortunately she was born in a weird arthuriana cult, which lead to her body slowly turning into that of king arthur. She has issues with her face a lot because like, if your face shifted to become that of a perfect stranger wouldn't that be fucked up. Coincidentally, Castoria also has king arthur's face, though for arguably less angsty reasons.
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The Night of Wallachia is another nasuverse character (technically from Melty Blood rather than any fate work tho.) I will redirect you to Lance's post as to whomst this man is though because I have yet to play Melty Blood myself.
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Moly is a plant from Homer's Odysseus btw
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Deep fucking sigh I fucking wish. I fucking wish we had more stories about the aftermath of isekai adventures, my man. I want to know what's it like to see someone with medieval wartime reflexes who just refuses to talk about shit. Anyways the entire Guda subplot is just me not being normal about isekais, as per usual.
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So this scene was originally a lot longer, with Guda tricking Castoria into giving a lot more personal information (exact date of birth, last name) and ending with them taking a group selfie- all info they can use later on to forge her ID. But it was kinda boring so I just went the "Guda forges papers by winging it and she can't call them out on it without admitting that her own living situation is garbage" route.
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Didn't put nearly as much foreshadowing as I would have liked, but it's meant to be a hint of "hey maybe Castoria straight-up created Oberon, cuz how else would he know so much about her?"
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Castoria is so fucking gender.
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You probably saw me posting about it, but Guda's canon age in fgo is kinda nebulous. At the beginning of the game they are definitely "below the drinking age," but it's mentioned/implied a couple times later on that no one knows how old they are now (I think Vritra? Has a voice line along the lines of "oh you don't drink because you don't know how old you are so you're just being safe by assuming it's below 21? ok") What time travel and time loops and being locked outside of time does to a mf.
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The Guda-Castoria-Oberon banter is a fucking joy to write. Bitches who keep teaming up to dunk on the third one.
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This bit was inspired by my sister, who has collected all six of her chairs on the streets.
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SO FUNNY STORY. I didn't actually ship Castoria/Oberon going in. But like. There was no reason for me not to include them having weird sexual tension, especially considering I was gonna do that with GudaCas and ObeGuda. So I was like whatever I'll keep it ambiguous but I'm not closing any doors. And then like a fool I tricked myself into liking it. I literally never fucking learn.
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Ultra mega shout out to my cosplayer friend for their extensive knowledge of how to make fantasy armor.
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The Luik festival is in fact a real-life music festival.
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Lance was the one to point out that in a way the theater au is a role reversal from canon. In canon, Castoria and Oberon are both painfully aware of what they are and what they need to do, while Guda is increasingly unsure as to what they want and why they want it. Meanwhile here Oberon and Castoria are desperately grasping at any hint as to what is wrong with them, while Guda is crystal-clear on their singular goal of "I need to get the fuck out of here."
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I keep forgetting that sexual attraction is a thing so I tried to pay attention to it for once. Hope I didn't overdo it.
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Something something you have to let go of your past or you will only end up hurting the people who are in your life now.
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When you learn that your friend has been on a path of self-destruction and you are directly to blame bottom text.
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I think I already said it, but my original outline was for the three of them to have incredibly violent sex post fight, and then an extra chapter of "mh. Perhaps we should talk about things actually." I remember I wanted the dialogue to go along those lines:
Guda: ok so maybe we should talk about things actually
Oberon: not talking about things worked just fine for us until now
Castoria: it literally did not
Oberon: cranky because hatesex is so much better than regular sex aren't you
Castoria: I wouldn't know, only ever had one of those two
Guda: wait, shit, was that your first time? Oh my fucking god. what the fuck. let me give you an actual proper kiss instead of whatever the fuck this was. Oberon, you kiss her too.
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I rewatched a bit of lb6 for unrelated reasons recently and I'd. Completely forgotten that when they reunite with Mash at the end of part one they do in fact act like that.
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Quote from the lesson of the moth!
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Wanted to make it reminiscent of their first meetings, with Guda also dragging them through a door.
So yeah, that's my self indulgence! I had a lot of fun writing it :) I love... isekais.
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mwebber · 1 year
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (sebi please?)
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
ty for sending this, anon!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
ahhh the only actual wip i have is girl!seb because the others are incoherent scribbles that i've marked down as In Progress... F. so far i think i've finally completed the story from 2005-2010, but from there things kinda fall apart--i'm trying to build up enough of the damage from 2011/2012 so that 2013 will hit harder, but atm those years are kinda falling through, mostly bc i don't know how to write jenson. i might have to re-do 2011 depending on how the rest of writing 2012 goes.
i feel like i keep talking about this project but haven't got anything to show for it so 💀 here's a snippet!
Indianapolis, USA - June 17, 2007In her Grand Prix weekend debut, Seb goes fourth fastest in her first practice session, qualifies seventh, and nabs eighth place, even after a messy start. She rises out of the car as the second woman in history to score points in Formula One—and the first to score a full point.  BMW is ecstatic with the achievement, immediately attaching their brand to her moment. Red Bull is right on their heels. To that end, Lewis’ win might as well be overshadowed by the media attention that flocks her way, but he doesn’t seem the least bit bothered, pulling her into a friendly handshake and half-hug in congratulations before being swept elsewhere. It feels just as good as a win. Seb is practically soaring, with nothing to kill her mood from the end of the race to the end of the day, even when Scott Speed almost dislocates her shoulder as he struts by, even when the boys try to take her out bar hopping and don’t succeed.  “I’ll head back to the hotel, you stay and have fun,” she says, waving them off as she tucks her ID back into her wallet. An idea is forming in her head on how she can celebrate, anyway. “Are you okay to get back on your own?” Beat looks torn, like he knows the responsible thing to do is accompany her, especially when she’s dolled up in a thin white shirt and short little tennis skirt, her legs bared to keep cool from the mid-June humidity. But the party is in full swing at the Slippery Noodle. “I’m going to get a ride,” she assures him, and fishes out her phone.  . ⋅ ˚̣- :  Twenty minutes later, Mark shows up in a taxi.
(she gives him a lap dance. they fuck nasty.)
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (sebi please?)
loathe as i am to call seb a character that i have headcanons for--i do very much find myself enjoying the idea that he can be more calculated (and cold?) than he lets on. similarly i don't know if i really like the whole, yknow, bratty-subby-tearful-cute thing that's popular in fanon? which, sure, it has its own basis, but i personally find it more interesting to see his more deliberate side and dissect him from that angle, kind of like an autopsy of Red Bull Seb, The Frat Bro Who Wasn't. i think charlie @sebrrari nails this in the whole "whether the medicine is enough" series! and though it was very much a reactionary fic, i think i get at the idea in and an and, and an and, and the end.
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
LOVE CONFESSIONS. i can't do them well but in my head they are sooo emotive. like in the nayq prequel when mark finally says it and the words absolutely destroy seb. or in wrestling in dirt pits when seb and mark admit they're still in love with each other in a moment of weakness. and i'll just spoil a bit of this girl!seb au, they say it after fuji 2007 and it's like the Crux of their entire relationship and not to toot my own horn but it works in the overarching story and i need to bash my head against a wall whenever i think about it. anyway
writer emoji ask game!
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